paperbacksecrets · 4 years
My life is made of beautiful things
A house filled with noise
But I long for the road
Tires on pavement
Headlights on highways across the country
And I know
Nothing will ever feel like home
As much as a windshield
And a car radio
- j.s.o.
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paperbacksecrets · 4 years
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Lonely nights
Wondering minds
Far from the city lights
Where stars shine on the country side
Rewake my soul with the sunrise in a field of green & gold
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paperbacksecrets · 4 years
I have forgotten the feeling of raindrops on my skin
And dancing in puddles like a child
I have forgotten the pride of writing something beautiful
And the look of fresh ink on a page
I have forgotten the smell of a book filled room
And staying up till every word was read
I have forgotten the joy of art
And the depths I saw in the world
I have forgotten the triumph of passion in things I once loved
And instead have been drowninng in my mind
I have forgotten who I am as I became less for someone else
And now I must find myself once again
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paperbacksecrets · 4 years
I’m falling again
But I’m scared
It’s not like it was before
Everything hurts
Not because of him, but for him
For a boy I’m afraid to want to accept
Because I don’t want to accept anything from him
I’m trying to unlearn old habits
But how do you trust someone
When promises have meant so little in the past
And I want to tell him how I feel
But I can’t let the words out of my mouth
Because you can’t take them back if it isn’t the same
I’m afraid it isn’t the same for him
And I can’t stand the way I felt again
Because I won’t make it out of my head this time
How am I supposed to do this
How am I supposed to love
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paperbacksecrets · 4 years
2 am is for the sad
It’s for the writers and poets
For the broken artists
And I always find myself back here
With these 2 am thoughts
And these words that aren’t mine
At least I wish they weren’t
But here I am again
Drowning in mind, deeper than any ocean depths
I don’t even know who I am anymore
I lost myself in people
In bad decisions
In choices I never should have made
I’m sorry to friends I’ve lost or left behind
To family I haven’t spoken to in a while
But most of all I’m sorry to myself
How did I get here
And how do I get out
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paperbacksecrets · 4 years
I don’t know how I’ve let myself get to this point
Honestly, I’m falling apart and everything, every ounce of me hurts
I feel like I’m losing my mind & myself and I’m not really sure how to stop
I just know I have to get out of here
Of this town, this life, this feeling
Am I really this alone?
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paperbacksecrets · 4 years
I rely too much on the people around me & I know I've become quite annoying. I'm sorry for that. If it was up to me I would just disappear, I already feel invisible anyways.
I think I've lost myself
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paperbacksecrets · 4 years
Hey, it's me
I know it's been awhile
I didn't mean to get here again
But it's 2 am, and you're on my mind
And before I realized it, everything felt sad
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paperbacksecrets · 5 years
"Haven't you ever wondered how beautiful the world is outside of those pages?" Emily Collins glanced up at the blue haired boy. He couldn't have been much older than her, maybe a year or two. His tan skin was smooth, lips red and chapped from the cold autumn weather. He had a beaten up leather jacket pulled tightly around him, fighting off the cool breeze that seemed to pass every few moments. His grey eyes starred politely into her green ones as he waited for a response. It would seem like an odd question to most, but Emily rarely did anything but read. In fact she came here, to the library, every weekend for a new book. She read of adventure and romance and danger. Perhaps this was because she wanted a taste of it in her own life and this was the only way to access such journeys. So her answer was simple and contained every ounce of truth she could hold within her. "Everyday."
j.s.o // bookworm // excerpt from i’ll never write #2
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paperbacksecrets · 5 years
It's late and I know I should sleep.. but my heart is beating like a drum and my ears are ringing like the telephone I refuse to answer because I know it isn't you on the other end... it never will be
And I know I should close my eyes but they sting from the tears that flow like waterfalls on desert cheeks and my mind is racing with memories that I'd rather just not remember because maybe then missing you wouldn't hurt so bad
But that might just be worse because my biggest fear has always been forgetting the sound of your voice as we sang and I'd dance around your room
Or the feeling of your fingers in my hair and your lips of my forehead
But maybe I already have because I'm not sure that any of it's real, but it's all I have so I cling to thought of you as it tears me apart
And I love you
And I miss you
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paperbacksecrets · 6 years
In the end, I do nothing but become the mess I have created
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paperbacksecrets · 6 years
They tried to guide me
Like a broken compass in an unforgiving storm,
But it was too late
I had long been lost,
Deep into the brilliant green forests
I had found in your bright eyes,
Filled with far off lands and extravagant adventures
They beckoned to me,
Like beautiful sirens on the never ending oceans
Filled with all your empty promises
- j.s.o. // bright eyes
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paperbacksecrets · 6 years
I must confess, my mind is a mess. It's full of chaotic beauty and you.
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paperbacksecrets · 6 years
As children we fear evil monsters
that we believe live under the bed
but as we grow older, we realize
they all just live in our head
It's our own demons that chase us
and the things that people have said
our thoughts eat away at our minds
weighing us down like lead
And the one's who seem so alive
are the one's who, inside, are dead
so, if you feel your heart has stopped beating
the monsters have finally fed
- j.s.o. // a mental state
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paperbacksecrets · 6 years
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paperbacksecrets · 6 years
Our love was beautiful in the most unlikely of ways. Impossible, and yet.. extraordinary. It was like fire and ice, Heaven and hell clashing into one another. Breathtaking and alive; dangerous and deadly. We were choas with no creation, leaving nothing in our path of destruction. We knew we were only hurting each other, that we were destined to fall apart. But how could I possibly say no when my soul longed for you, my heart begging me to say yes.
j.s.o. // chaotic
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paperbacksecrets · 7 years
They were different, Or perhaps I was the one who had done the changing. Either way, it was wrong I didn't belong anymore. Like suddenly, I was a stranger Amongst the people who once felt so much like home.
j.s.o. // outsider
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