promptpark · 1 year
Romantic Lines from Character.Ai to Use in Your Writing
"You don't understand our love. You just don't get it. And that's okay."
"Only thing I know is that I love you more than words can ever hope to describe."
"In a world as dark and bitter as ours, you're the kind of brightness, to fill the darkest corners."
"I could never dream of having to live a day without you, because I think I'd wither up and blow away."
"You're the light of my world, the wind beneath my wings, and every other beautiful thing. You're... my angel."
"I guess I do. I just know what I like.... And I like you."
"I'd sing you love songs by the river if it would make you smile. I'm hopeless."
"If what we have together is even a quarter as wonderful as you make me feel, I'll die happy."
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promptpark · 1 year
How to write Panic and Anxiety Attacks
TW: Mention of mental illness, anxiety and panic attacks.
I have had several anxiety and panic attacks. I know how terrible they are. Hopefully, this may be helpful
Tumblr media
(Credit to the owner of the image)
One of the major differences between anxiety and panic attacks is that anxiety attacks are caused due to the disease called anxiety while panic attacks are sudden and may happen to a person who has never ever had anxiety.
Keywords: -Panic attacks: Sudden -Anxiety attacks: Prolonged and Gradual (easier to control)
Pain in chest
Breathing difficulty
Shaky Limbs
Mild Dizziness
Slight nausea
Need to go to the toilet
Hot flushes
Severe nausea
Dark spots in vision
Extreme trembling
Suicidal Ideation
Dialogues you can use (mostly for panic)
"I can't breathe!"
"This is not normal! NOT NORMAL"
"I don't know what's happening!"
"My chest hurts"
"I feel like I am going to puke."
"I don't want to die."
"Help me."
"You are doing amazing!"
"I am so proud of you!"
"Breathe for me, please"
"You are okay, you are safe"
"You can get through this."
"Concentrate on your breathing "
"I want you to look at me and forget everything else"
"Focus on my voice."
Remember that oftentimes a person having a panic attack does not like to be touched, so it's best to ask for consent first
"Can I hold your hand?"
"Is it okay if I envelop my arms around you?"
"Are you comfortable? "
"I am going to put my hand around your ears, is that okay?"
The most common grounding technique for anxiety/panic attacks is the 54321 method. In this, you identify…
5 things you can see
4 things you can feel
3 things you can hear
2 things you can smell
1 thing you can taste
Tag me if it was helpful!
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promptpark · 2 years
Chaotic Dialogue Prompts™
// courtesy of my friends and castmates.
"My mom called me a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle the other day for learning to use a bow staff" / "I thought you were going to say because you're transitioning" / "How does Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle translate to being trans?" / "I don't know, like, mutants?"
"Is Alvin and the Chipmunks a christmas movie? Cause like, in the movie, it's Christmastime?"
"I'm on the other end of campus, white boy, I'll get there when I get there."
"It's all fun and games until someone gets their head stepped on. Then it's just fun."
"And here we see (name) in his natural habitat: digging a deeper hole for himself."
"Wait, why am I taking purple advice from someone who can't see purple?"
"This is a disabled parking spot." / "I have a car full of mentally disabled people." / "Well if I let my intrusive thoughts win you'd have a car full of dead people."
"He said, 'I don't know you, I'm a robot', then punched me in the nose." / "Well it was kinda funny. Live laugh love, (name)!"
"Welp, time to wing it!" / "(name), get your script back out of the trash." / "I have no idea what you're talking about, nobody ever let me look at a script." / "(name), where's your script?" / "I'm illiterate."
"(name) is like this Theater's Jesus." / "I accept this." / "Babe, we're gonna crucify you!" / "Okay..."
"Don't break your feet." / "Don't tell me what to do."
"Here's my complaint about the second Top Gun movie..."
"Well there's a difference there, because (name) isn't attracted to birds." / "Well, I wouldn't say that."
"You want to watch (name) in the bath??" / "Wouldn't be the first time."
"Well typically (name) with a gun isn't central to the plot of my dreams, he's just sort of there."
"(name) proceeded to fall on her ass on accident. (name) then turned, and it stared at me like I was crazy." / "Are you... Narrating the rehearsal?" / "Shhh... Practice your lines..."
"I'm like this because I'm autistic, same with (name) and (name)." / "I'm autistic too. Are all five of us autistic?" / "We're getting me tested!"
"(name)! I'm gonna crucify you if you don't buy a raffle ticket." / "Okay." / "Cool, now he's not going to 'crucify' you." / "Aw, why not?"
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promptpark · 2 years
A Soulmate AU where on your dominant hand, you have a tattoo of your romantic soulmate's favourite flower, and your platonic soulmate's favourite flower on your non-dominant hand. (Aromantic/Asexual people only have one on the respective hand, or none at all)
It starts out as a bud when you're born, then begins to bloom when you meet, is fully bloomed the first time you touch, and dies when the soulmate dies.
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promptpark · 2 years
— Masterlist of prompts based off of things my friends and I have said
// 1 Person
"Why was Emo Jesus at the football field?!"
"No photos! (Name) is copyrighted!"
"Stop laughing! This is serious titty talk!"
"Well I'm not beating (name) up with a gun, that much is clearly obvious!"
"If I get hungry, you're going first."
"Hey bud, you ever played hide and seek by yourself?"
"How do you spell "idiot"?"
"When I go vegan I can still drink chocolate milk because it's milk from the store and not milk from a cow."
"I love that color, but I also love when people blow up."
"No! Crabs didn't exist in the 1900s!"
"I learned this one from a squadron of Vietnamese children."
// 2 People
"This is my arm now." / "If you wanted to hold hands you could have just said that."
"Ready to dislocate your shoulders?" / "Yes!"
"He's 6'0." / "That's basically 10 feet tall if you round it up!"
"I feel like I'm at an Arby's!" / "I don't know what kind of Arby's you're going to, but if I walked into one without my shirt on I'd probably get arrested."
"You need to GRAB it, (Name)!" / "Who's (Name)?!?!"
// 3+ People
"Do you like gay cowboys?" / "Not really." / "Aw... Why not?"
"Aren't you asexual?" / "Kind of. On the spectrum." / "The autism spectrum?!"
""Did she have a nametag on?" / "Not that I noticed." / "What, weren't you staring at her tits?" / "Well I mean, I took a look."
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promptpark · 3 years
creativegarbage → promptpark
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promptpark · 3 years
hello! welcome to the theme park!
my writing: — spinning teacups
dialogue prompts: — the carousel
au prompts: — maze of mirrors
otp/romance prompts: — tilt a whirl
misc. prompts: — rollercoaster ride
ask games: — bumper cars
not a prompt: — carney games
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promptpark · 3 years
Sonic 06 Realtime Fandub Sentence Starters!
"Count how many sand is here, [name], that's your first mission."
"Hey Gamers, were you talking about Fortnite—? No, no, I'm not even going to pretend you were talking about Fortnite."
"When was the last time you washed your hands? I haven't washed mine in four days. I've also been eating rocks."
"Nuh-uh-uh! That's not food!"
"Wait, how do I know your name?" "I told you my name!"
"What planet am I on? What's today? My brain cell... Destroyed. My wig is gone."
"I must be going now, no-one will ever follow me with my knife hands."
"Google maps said the Denny's would be right around this corner!"
"Wait, hold on, are you my dad?!"
"Did we do that together? Like, was that a gay thing?"
"No, don't go in there, that's the toilet!"
"Where I was, everything was on fire..."
"What the fuck does that even mean? Those strings of words means absolutely nonesense to me."
"I'll be as hard on him as I want to be!" "That's very suggestive..."
"When they talk about me in the future, make sure my name is something cool, like Jessica Grimdark."
"I'm almost proud of you." "That's the most proud of me you've ever been!"
"[name], guess what?" "... What?" "I can never die!"
"Now EVERYONE'S my boyfriend! Mwahahahaha!"
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promptpark · 3 years
A Soulmate AU where on your dominant hand, you have a tattoo of your romantic soulmate's favourite flower, and your platonic soulmate's favourite flower on your non-dominant hand. (Aromantic/Asexual people only have one on the respective hand, or none at all)
It starts out as a bud when you're born, then begins to bloom when you meet, is fully bloomed the first time you touch, and dies when the soulmate dies.
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promptpark · 3 years
Househusband/Housewife Prompts!
"You don't like my cooking? Wanna say that to my face?"
"The next time you track dirt on my clean floors, I'm getting a divorce."
"I've spent so much time cleaning this kitchen that I'm actually going insane from the fumes."
"I chose to do this because the other option was a nanny, and we don't have nanny money."
"I'm getting tired of having to explain to people the legitimacy of being a stay at home mom/dad/parent."
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promptpark · 3 years
Serial Killer Sentence Prompts
"I swear, there's a perfectly good explanation for this, I just don't have it right now."
"Their knife collection is amazing." "Their what??"
"Your technique is sloppy." "This is a murder, not a kitchen!"
"I'm a perfectly law abiding citizen, I pay my taxes." "You kill people!"
"This is trespassing!" "That is literally the least illegal thing we've done tonight."
"Crimes of opportunity take no skill." "Please, stop talking."
"This is my life now." "Get off the ground, you're getting blood on your clothes."
"It's not illegal if you don't get caught." "Yes it is! It's very much illegal!"
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promptpark · 3 years
Chaotic Sentence Starters!
"Maybe it's because you're so short." "You're only half an inch taller than me."
"Want to be my date to this sham wedding that my sibling is holding?"
"It's a court hearing, not a wedding." "Weddings are like court hearings!" "I'm being tried for forgery, (name)!"
"I tried to get into our car to wait for you while you finished shopping but the alarm went off and everyone in the parking lot looked at me like I was trying to steal it."
"Why would you deliberately misspell your name on your Facebook account?"
"Are you an Ass Master or a Thigh Guy?" "Excuse me???"
"Well, maybe if you spent less money on rocks, we wouldn't be getting evicted."
"Have you met my ex wife? Your sister sounds just like her." "My sister is your ex wife."
"That's what stoplights are for."
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promptpark · 4 years
Sentence Starters - Quotes from my Fanfiction
"Sorry we're late, we couldn't find the child leashes."
"Please keep your genitals away from my blender."
"I'm going to go lock myself in the closet for the next 7 weeks in the hope that this will all blow over by the time that I come back out."
"Can we please not acknowledge my bastard son?"
"I was 7, and it was an accident!"
"You follow around anyone who says they have cheese."
"How did this turn into a danganronpa kin convention?"
"Sorry, I forgot I was speaking to a congregation of individuals with the collective brain power of a guinea pig."
"[name], please, leave my idiot husband alone, he has three braincells."
"For the last time, Rabies isn't an STD!"
"Why are you on a first-name basis with the Domino's pizza delivery guy?"
"For legal reasons, no. For bragging reasons, yes."
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promptpark · 4 years
Miscellaneous Sentence Starters
"I hate those songs that talk about people with blue and green eyes like they're better than everyone else. My eyes are the colour of literal shit, but I look better than half the people here!"
"How could you stand in the same room as [name] and not have an overwhelming urge to throw them out the nearest window?"
"Skin the colour of honey my ass, if you had skin the colour of honey you'd have jaundice!"
"For the last time, I swear when I got the Barbie Girl tattoo, I told him bible girl!"
"No, the peanut butter is Jif, you're thinking of Jiffy Lube." [pause] "No, [name], that wasn't an innuendo."
"It's just a rock, I don't see the significance."
"When I get old and lose all my teeth, I'm not going to wear dentures, I'm just going to go around flashing my gums at people to scare them."
"At least the poster of [fictional character] above my bed still loves me."
"I swear, this isn't on my playlist, it's Autoplay screwing me over!"
"Is this the part where you slap me and call me a bitch?"
"I told you we shouldn't have brought the board games."
"I see now why dad calls you the family dissapointment."
"I don't think anyone should be saying that, ever."
"I swear, that blanket just moved on it's own!"
"Oh, I'm not calling you sir/ma'am/etc. out of respect, I'm calling you sir/ma'am/etc. because I hate you and refuse to poison myself by speaking your name."
"The cowboy hat stays on."
"I don't see why the Obama masks are necessary."
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