rizonthedrolf · 13 hours
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Started painting miniatures recently. I started off with Warhammer, and I recently just painted this Batman model! I might post some of the warhammer models as well. I know the painting isn't great, but I'm still practising!
Haven't posted recently due to being ill. I have had one of the worst summers ever. I will not get into it. But I should be posting more often soon
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rizonthedrolf · 1 month
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Going to Uni soon, and I was given a task to draw things I have done over the summer.
So I decided to draw myself playing the game FAITH! I used alcohol markers and ink to do this. The ink got everywhere but I had fun!
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rizonthedrolf · 2 months
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Wanted to draw a monster/ zombie version of plastic man for fun. I was inspired by DCeased Dead Planet and AI mistakes
I did mess up blending some of the colours, but it was my first time trying, and it turned out better than I expected. I thought I'd add the outline because I thought it looked cool
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rizonthedrolf · 2 months
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Don't have anything to post today, so here is a test I did a month or 2 ago. This inspired me to draw the previous drawing.
I wanted to try different colour shading. And I had recently read the hellblazer comic where John tricks a guy into believing there's people after a clock. And I thought, why not draw that version of him.
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rizonthedrolf · 2 months
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I wanted to draw a young Constantine so I did.
I mostly drew this to practice lighting
Have a nice day or night!
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rizonthedrolf · 2 months
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Saw the new Deadpool film. And I was very surprised to see a Welsh variant of Deadpool!!
I don't talk about it much, but I'm Welsh! Seeing a Welsh variant of Deadpool made me really happy because there's not many Welsh characters in media. My favourite Welsh character is Edward Kenway
I kinda wanted to draw my own version of Welshpool for fun! I did look at some old Welsh fashion images for the design. I wanted to hide some elements of the flag in the design.
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rizonthedrolf · 2 months
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I drew Iron Man based on someone else's drawing I found on Twitter. I thought the design looked cool, and I wanted to practice light and metal. Though I think I made it too shiny.
My scanner broke, so sorry the lighting isn't good in the picture. I had to use my phone.
Below is a screenshot with the original drawing and the user of the person I saw posting it
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rizonthedrolf · 2 months
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This is a new drawing I'm working on! It is on A3 paper, which I don’t usually use. I decided to draw Arkham Knight Riddler, and this is the first time I have drawn a mech!
I actually used an Arkham Knight Riddler Mech miniature I have for reference! It's not finished, but that's because I haven't had time to build it, and the back piece is bent, I also don't know how to build miniatures... If anyone has any tips for building miniatures, metal, or plastic, add them in the comments!
OK, so I said I would try and post something once every 2 days, and obviously, I haven't done that (some stuff happened, not going over it), I am going to trying get back into that either this week or next. I'm also currently preparing for my next cosplay for a comic con and planning on the next character I'm cosplaying as well (can't decide between 3 Captains right now)
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rizonthedrolf · 3 months
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Random OC doodles
I decided to draw Blake and Gwyn. I only started doodling like this this year! Previously, I wouldn't doodle unless it was in a notebook because I was afraid of wasting paper on 'bad art', but from doing comics this year, it actually helped with my confidence.
Also, this is my first post including Blake Cassidy. A vampire inspired by Cassidy from Preacher and Will Wood!
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rizonthedrolf · 3 months
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I hadn't drawn in a while, and I wanted to experiment with a style, and I drew John Constantine again.
So, a lot of my previous drawings were from a few weeks ago..
Recently, I have been going through art block and a bit of a lack of motivation to do anything, which is why I started posting on here because I thought it would try and motivate me to draw again. So, from now on, I am going to try and post a creative based thing every 2 days if I can!
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rizonthedrolf · 3 months
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This is kinda a repost of something I made last year but I wanted to post it on here because I still think it's really cool!
So I started cosplaying at comic cons since 2022 and what I do is cosplay as the same character twice but on the second time I try to improve the cosplay some way or another. And the first character I cosplayed as was Riddler! (I only went to one comic con in 2022)
So for my second time cosplaying I wanted to improve my costume, during this I decided to work with my grandpa to make a replica of Arkham City/ Knight Riddler's cane. I created the design schematics (I don't have them anymore, my grandpa kept them) and I also painted it. My Grandpa did the woodworking.
Below is a full view, sorry for the poor quality
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Some interesting facts about this prop, only the question mark is made of wood the rest of the cane was made out of metal and plastic, which made me afraid to actually take it to comic con because I wasn't sure if it counted as a weapon (I did check the cosplay rules and I was still confused.) Another fact about this prop, I can make it shorter or taller if I wanted to so it can be an Riddler themed staff or wand. The metal pole was originally from a broomstick where you can screw on the brush. This was my first time using spray paint as well (I used silver acrylic).
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rizonthedrolf · 3 months
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This is another Gwyn drawing. I usually use traditional ways of drawing, this drawing is a test using digital software.
I don't think the drawing is too good (I should have removed the circle in the back), but this was mostly just to test out different styles. I also used a ref for the hand. I used an art tablet for this as well (XP-Pen 12 I think)
Below is just a quick review of the software
I am very used to using Adobe photoshop (PS) from college but I wanted to look for a different software that was cheaper to use than Adobe and had a non subscription option. One of the apps I found was Clip Studio (CS) and I found it really fun to use, it was also quite easy to get used to as well!
I did draw this out first on paper which is what I usually do with digital art, but this time I could separate the lines from the paper instead of drawing over them. (Ik I can use multiple layers on PS but I didn't like how it made the lines darker when I coloured over them)
Also the navigator window really helped on CS, they have one on PS but for some reason it lags my PC (I have a gaming PC), it doesn't lag on the macs I use in college though.
I really like the different brushes as well they were really useful, and I like how there is a recording option as well! I originally was going to start recording speed paints for a YT channel last year but decided against it for personal reasons and the next reason. I decided to get OBS and oddly it works on Roblox (Yes, I do draw on Roblox sometimes, the banner is from Spray Paint) but not PS.
Overall, I might get CS when it's on offer one day because I really like it!
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This was the scan I used, if you are curious. This was originally going to be another alcohol marker drawing.
I'm going to give some little facts here about Gwyn for those curious as well.
Gwyn is 104 years-old, he looks young because time moves differently in Hell. He is about 15% demon. He is Pan romantic and under the Asexual umbrella.
Below is a 30s speed paint from the drawing. Thank you for reading I was not expecting to go on a rant tbh but here we are.
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rizonthedrolf · 3 months
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This is another test I did for alcohol markers. I had been watching a lot of Caddicarus and I felt the need to draw Professor Neo Cortex so I did.
During this test I found out some of my alcohol markers are dried out. (The grey ones specifically.. I use grey markers a lot in my drawings) I recently found out you can use rubbing alcohol to fix them but I accidently used it wrong because I saw a tutorial on one tip markers and not two tip markers. I think I found the right way to do it but apparently I'm going to need a pipit to do it.
As mentioned in some of my previous posts, I am open to feedback, I also appreciate tips on using Alcohol markers. Thank you for reading, have a nice day or night!
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rizonthedrolf · 3 months
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This is a bit different from drawing characters from other media. This is one of my own characters.
This is Gwyn Kenway, a Welshman who got unwantedly mixed up with Hell. I have lots of drawings of Gwyn, he was heavily inspired by John Constantine. I have created 2 comics about this character for college projects. And I am currently trying to write a new comic for this character.
Anyways there will be more posts on this character, I might even release some lore info (I have a whole timeline created for this character's past) in later posts.
I'm mostly going to focus on drawing and posting comic characters on here.
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rizonthedrolf · 3 months
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Another character I have drawn is Gambit!
I don't really read or watch many marvel things (even though my favourite hero is Hawkeye). If you can't tell I'm more of a DC person but I had created a spin wheel with random characters on and Gambit was one of them. I usually use the wheel when I can't think of what to draw.
I can't say I'm a massive fan of this drawing but it was a fun exercise!
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rizonthedrolf · 3 months
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This year I watched and read Sandman for the first time and I wanted to experiment with my style so I drew the Corinthian from Sandman show.
I was actually inspired by one of Glen Fabry's Hellblazer covers to draw this. The image isn't great but it was from Vol 8 of Hellblazer (Rake at the gates of Hell)
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rizonthedrolf · 3 months
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Hello, I was originally going to start posting weekly on here but when I started posting, I had do tons of college work. But Now that I've finished college I can start posting again!
First drawing I'm going to post is John Constantine!
During my time in college I started learning how to use Alcohol markers which I now prefer over using than coloured pencils so expect more Alcohol marker creations from me!
Also if you follow my twitter, you may notice I'm a 'film' student and not an art student. The course I did is technically not film but it mostly focuses on it, but this year for my two major projects I did comics! I will be posting drawings I have done for the main character on here! I might even post the second comic (I do not like the first one). The second comic is supposed to be a preview so it's technically not finished but it's not meant to be.
Anyway I'm done rambling. I hope you like my Constantine drawing if you don't give me some feedback! Have a good day or night random being reading this!
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