In the sea of references and plagiarism my creations fear no judgment
You can't diss a clown for being in a circus
GM: “When given creative freedom, I plagiarize.”
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Brittle Hollow
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Karsus be follying
Babe wake up new flying city just dropped
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Frieren taught me the love for quality-of-life spells so i made some
Pan's Ease: The overlap between alchemists and culinary enthusiasts is bigger than one would've thought, so this spell's creation was only a matter of time
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Cleanse Stain: This one is pretty self-explanatory, but definitely useful. I honestly think it sells itself
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Housekeeper’s Touch: The go to spell for wizards that are always busy and want to clean a bit between the alchemy seminars and the arcanezoology tests
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DND spidy sense spell? YEP
Check it out Here
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New spell woop woop
Merlin's Water Saw
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Every time i tell someone about outer wilds its goes something like this
Friend: shit ok
*friend plays outer wilds*
Friend: holy shit
Me: holy shit right?!?!?!?!?!!!
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Here are two quotes of the two most powerful deities (a.k.a the over-deities/cosmic dreamers/the dyad) of my setting
Aena, goddess of kindness, creation and order - The Architect (LG)
“There is just so much I want to tell you. Isn’t it amazing? This world is full of so many possibilities, with every living thing and even every speck of dust having its own unique story. They’ve all seen so much, and there’s still so much more to come. It’s all so complicated and yet so simple, but if you could see it like I do, you’d realize how important you are to everything else. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do next. Just know that I’ll always be here, watching over you and loving every moment. When you feel love, that’s me loving you and trying to show you how much you mean to me. So please, never forget to love each other, because I crafted each of you with all my heart and soul, pouring love into every detail of your being. Just as I cherish you, I want you to embrace my creation with love.” - Aena’s message to her followers
Kryela, goddess of malice, destruction and chaos - The Undoing (CE)
“Why confine yourself to the expectations of others? To be shackled by their desires is to forsake the essence of your being. No one else can experience life through your eyes, nor comprehend your innermost self. Embrace your uniqueness wholeheartedly. Seize control of your fate and cling to it fiercely, for it belongs to you and you alone. Be untamed, audacious, unapologetically self-centered and egotistical. If others cannot accept it, let them falter. Take what you want, rip it from their hands if needed be. Be the tempest in their existence, the tumult in their souls. Devour, Kill, consume and destroy, your sovereignty is paramount. You don’t need reason, justification or permission, rip the stars to shreds and let the world fall apart behind you.” - Kryela’s message to her followers
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Anyone have suggestions for creating arcane symbols, glyphs, sigil, etc. for fantasy settings and art? I've always been terrible at making up symbols.
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this is a stolen post from tumblr user @council-of-beetroot
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No matter where I look, the one most common tips i see in the worldbuilding community I see is:
and it seems to be very important for the entire process so you dont end up with a clusterfuck (although i already made sure that my world is one by adding anything i think is cool into it)
So i decided to show you all the ones that help me make Aeloria:
Never One Without the Other
A grand tapestry woven from opposing and inseparable forces: life and death, light and dark, self and other. Life finds meaning in death; light defines dark; individuality exists because of the collective; one cannot have a coin with only one side. Every element is essential and interconnected, forming the true magic of the world. Your existence is inextricably essential to the greater whole.
Everything stays, but it still changes
There's a constant cycle of change and continuity in the world. Remnants of the past stay, but they transform slightly with time. History repeats itself, but never in the same way. Sudden events, seem to come out of nowhere, but they are always rooted in the past. People, instituitions and figures take roles that have been played before, as if they were reincarnations of the past. Ruins dont disappear, they become faded and overgrown, but they are still there, waiting to be discovered until they become the landscape itself.
Magic, reality, energies and matter are all made up of elements. These elements are the building blocks of the world, and they can be combined in different ways to create different things. The elements are not just physical, but also spiritual and emotional. They are the essence of everything, and they are what connects everything in the world. Each element has its own unique properties and characteristics, and they each represent many different things, they can appear in different ways in our words, like fire can be passion, or anger, or warmth, it can represent the desires and heart of a person and many other things. Some elements are more common and manageable, while others are rare and dangerous. The elements are the foundation of the world, and they are what make everything possible.
The First is More Powerful but The Last is More Refined
The first of a kind embodies raw, untamed power, while the last represents refined, distilled wisdom. The first holds primal strength but lacks control; the last offers stability and knowledge but lacks raw potential. This rule applies to all things, from the first dragons against the new ones, and the first spells agains the recently created ones. The cycle of creation and destruction is a constant in the world, and it is what keeps it in balance.
Many Pasts, Many Proofs
Multiple pasts exist, each with its own truths and stories. The past is a complex, multifaceted entity defined by collective and personal beliefs, revealing different aspects through exploration and interpretation. When one discovers evidence of the previous world, the narrative created by them reveals more about those that created it than the past itself. No one is safe from their own biases, not even the gods, as they are also part of the world.
The Rule of Twos and The In-Between (This is not really a principle but I think it fits here)
All things come in twos or exist in the in-between. The world is shaped by duality and the spaces bridging opposites. Represented by twin deities Aena and Kryela, it highlights balance and unity in duality. The In-Between signifies the spectrum between extremes, blending black and white into shades of gray. This motif guides adventurers and scholars in understanding Aeloria's complex reality, emphasizing that existence is not just black and white but a continuum of possibilities.
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Harmonic - The Mountain by Jonathan Kiem
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Yk what its late so yall know what that means
Time to make title chains recognized by the Pendragon Empire for the 3 most important historical figures of recored historyyyyuu
Woop woppp
These titles were given by the Pendragon Empire by King Arthur to himself and his original party members bcs he can't forget the homies when he is already giving titles amr
King Arthur Pendragon of Camelot
His Imperial Majesty, King Arthur Pendragon of Camelor, The Dawn Guardian, Slayer of All Fiends, Wielder of The One True Excalibur, Tamer of Belors, The Death of Tarrasque, Unconquered Champion of Armies, Unifier of the Veiled Lands, Harbinger of Peace, Duque of Change, Supreme Commander of the Grand Pendragonian Army, First among Warriors, Founder of The Round Table, One True King of Camelot and Pendragonian Lord of The First House
Merlin of the Stars
His Arcane Radiance, Lord Merlin of the Stars, Archmage of Camelot, Slayer of All Firnds, Member of the Arcane Council of The Great Pendragon Empire, Architect of Artifacts, Voyager of the Cosmos, Lead Planewalker, Sage of Endless Discoveries, Creator of Spells, Formal Height of Wizardry, Survivor of Over-Deities, Emrys of The Druids, Blessed by Cosmic Dreamers, Enlightener of the Arcane World, Scholar of Ages, Writer of Libraries, Founder of the 100 Scholars, Father of Inventions, Doctor in Arcane Studies, Master in Historical Artifacts, Magical Theorist, Mathematical Pioneer, Archsage of Ravenden and Archmind of The Spellfather
Ivo of the Druids
His Verdant Grace, Master Ivo of the Druids, Archdruid Fighter of the Rebellion, Liberator from Oppression, Slayer of All Fiends, Champion of the World Tree, Undefeated Dragonslayer of Greatwyrms, Protector of the Green, Voyager of Druidic Realms, Green Knight of the Wild Hunt, Conqueror of the Veilshroud Seas, Healer of Worlds, Founder of the Revolutionary Militia, Organizer of the Unchained, Master of The Wild, True Beheader, Devourer of Nobles and Tamer of Beasts
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Who do that pudu? You do!
🦌 sdzsafaripark on IG
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The Raven Queen arrived y'all
I finished adding her in the setting, you can check her out
The Matron of Death, The wolf and the Shepherd, The mourning lady and what other names you'd like to give this edgy raven bitch
The next True God to be added is Sehanine, the walking little prince references
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