scriptfeature · 5 years
Hey scripfam! So I've got questions about writing poc, is there a relevant blog I can direct these questions to? I didnt see one that overtly deals with that topic in the last master post I saw.
Oof! I missed this somehow! Sorry, things have been a little nuts.And yeah, ScriptFam last I checked did not have one, but your best bet for advice on writing “racial and ethnic diversity” in your stories is @writingwithcolor ! WWC is a blog run by POC from various backgrounds; as they can tell you, those are not going to be interchangeable experiences, so my advice on where to start there is:- please THOROUGHLY read all of their FAQ materials. This ensures you’re definitely not asking something that’s been asked before, or that is disrespectful, both of which are categories that can get your Ask or Submission ignored/deleted- this includes many links from their FAQ to general advice posts (such as their guide to respectfully describing skin colors, and posts discussing the pros and cons of certain approaches such as the “make more” solution to representation), which again, may answer a lot of your questions off the bat and are in many cases just straight up awesome advice!- also do give a read through to any potentially-relevant categories via their navigation links on Stereotypes of given groups, as those will answer hopefully a lot of your “easier” questions! I know it did for me! It also might give you some interesting ideas of non-hurtfully subverting stereotypes, which I’ve found useful sometimes for fleshing out characters, especially since some of them would seem non-intuitive to people not from those same backgrounds.-if you still have questions at that point, please check the mod and part-time mod lists to see if they currently have someone who shares background elements with the character(s) you wish to depict, because if they don’t, they may have to bounce it to their followers (for instance, last I checked, they had no mods of Japanese or Japanese-American background), and if you show recognition of that fact, it’ll be appreciated :)Good luck with your story!
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scriptfeature · 5 years
I’ve seen mention that this seems to at last check only apply to the mobile app, but still. As we see from the...issues with changing things like background colors, often changes to one version of tumblr get transferred to the other eventually (even if they are...not good). Also, it’s worth noting that AO3 does allow for non-fiction work if it counts as “fannish” enough, including meta essays about character analysis and the like.  This includes things that are “writing research guides”, which is a pretty broad category; see that link I just dropped for an outline of the kinds of things you could put to AO3 that aren’t “fanfic”! :) Just keep in mind that, with Archive of Our Own, it is 100% nonprofit and importantly, NON MONETIZED...meaning, according to the TOS, you absolutely cannot ask for personal donations, cross-promote your business or patreon account, etc. You CAN link to another blog or social media account (e.g. on tumblr, dreamwidth, pillowfort, facebook, twitter etc) that happens to include things for sale or requests for money/donations, but you cannot use AO3 postings or profiles to directly ask for money, basically, or any similar such personal gain. E.g. you can link to a tumblr that has a Ko-Fi or Patreon link or lists of things you’re selling, with a note that “here’s my tumblr”; but, you cannot link to it while encouraging donations nor link to such services to gain purchases or donations.
This is frustrating for some people, but it’s not arbitrary: it’s important to note that it was part of a deliberate decision to keep the site non-commercial, which provides added legal safety for Fair Use claims. I.e. helps protect the users of the site from being sued.
But, you know, it’s easy to not know that prohibition is there and goof up, especially since most sites, or at least most social media, don’t have such restrictions, so I wanted to point it out so nobody gets tripped up! :) 
@staff are you fucking kidding me right now?! You’re limiting text posts to 100 text blocks (aka paragraphs). What the absolute fuck.
Since you couldn’t take out fanfic writers with the purge so you’re just fucking up formatting for text posts until they leave? Is that your plan?
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scriptfeature · 5 years
Hey, can anyone start a Script Blog? And are there any guidelines in doing so?
I’m always happy to see people who want to help others, so even though I’m nominally not “active” this week (due to holidays and family stuff), I’m replying anyway. First off...
https://scriptfeature.tumblr.com/newscriptblog Here you go! Our page “So You Wanna Start a ScriptX Blog?” It should answer at least those two questions ;)Now. A further thing to consider, if you’re strongly considering doing one yourself?Keep in mind that tumblr’s new policy changes regarding...content... let alone the way it’s been implemented, means 2 issues do arise that are not yet addressed on that page (which was written ages before said shifts happened)Please note that this is NOT an “official Scriptfam announcement”, it’s not even something I’ve had a chance to bring up with any of the Scriptfam in general; this is just my personal thoughts on things you may want to consider?: 1.) Topic matters in terms of hosting a blog on tumblr now, in a way it previously did not. ANY topic that is related to non-worksafe stuff (at least in regards to sexuality or anything that could involve nudity or anything mistakable as such) is probably sadly inadvisable to try start a blog on even information-wise anymore. Yes, I know tumblr SAYS it only applies to visuals and also that “educational” content is supposedly exempt from the policy, but. Not only does automatic filtering not really allow for nuanced decisions like that (meaning any images of nudity or anything that can be mistaken for it, are likely to be flagged even if they “should” be exempt under the policy), but: purely text-based posts have been known to get erroneously flagged by the automated filters before.  And anything that relates to content that is even remotely adjacent to things that’re themselves kinda-sorta adjacent to, non-worksafe content, has been especially prone to this, especially on tumblr, just based on tags and possibly the keywords contained in the posts (many LGBTQ+ folks have been raising a LOUD complaint over noticing this fact, as have classicists and other people focusing on ancient or antique art and objects, and certain fashion subcultures, for instance, all of which I have seen happen, but am hesitant to even be more specific about for fear of accidentally getting this post flagged. This...says a lot.). So I’d suggest to keep this in mind when choosing a topic of expertise for your blog - basically, consider “how often would this topic veer into subtopics/posts that tumblr might ‘flag’ as non-worksafe, and how willing am I to put up with the hassle that could create?”and 2.) The new policy change has impacted many people’s perception of tumblr’s current and future stability. I am not saying this is all definite, and I am not saying this HAS to discourage you, but it is a thing that is being said more often these days: tumblr might not be a particularly stable platform anymore. So, keep that in mind and, for instance, consider that you’ll want to maybe back up your content elsewhere even if you keep it on tumblr as the “primary” version of your blog. (Which, you know, means a lot more work)Finally,  In addition to pointing you to that page and suggesting you consider those two complicating elements... my advice? Running a ScriptX type blog is WAY more work than you’d expect. Before making the plunge “officially” in any way, it’s probably best to start a writing advice blog on your chosen Topic of Expertise under a non-”ScriptX” name first, and see how well you can take that basic level of activity/stress/etc. (Which, in terms of URL swaps, on tumblr and a few other places, is pretty easy to do)If you can stand the anywhere from slight to heavy traffic that may develop (depending on your topic), and you feel you’re managing pretty well for a few months or so? You could always “convert” the blog to/join the Scriptfam later - this happened at least once that I know of previously, so there’s precedent, and it’s an excellent way to test the waters with less pressure. :) - Vorpalgirl
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scriptfeature · 6 years
I’ve noticed a lot of silence from most of the scriptfam (not a complaint! I appreciate that you’re all living your lives ❤️) and I wondered if you had any updates in regards to who is on hiatus, or who is straight up gone? Thanks so much for all your help over the years!
I’ll be honest, things have been crazy IRL for me, including spending most of December nursing a sinus infection (don’t worry, I’m getting better lol), so I’m going to have to get back to you. ^^;; I’ll try to do a full update of whose active vs archived or etc, in the next few weeks.
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scriptfeature · 6 years
Where can I ask questions about writing deaf characters?
We don’t have a current ScriptFam blog like that, so my best suggestion for specific questions is to maybe try finding communities of Deaf people online and/or ask in a thread over in the Reference Desk forum on NaNoWriMo’s website (though you’ll need a NaNo account for that, keep in mind). You may also want to check out any tags on places like Twitter and Tumblr for things like Deaf Culture, ASL, etc.I have been told or learned over the years some things you may want to keep in mind while doing your research though - particularly these three things:- In written English at least, there is a difference in meaning between “deaf” and “Deaf”; “deaf” might just refer to the disability itself, whereas “Deaf”, with a capital D, refers to someone part of the Deaf culture, which is something quite different, though I would ask someone from within that culture who identifies as such, for the exact definition or distinctions between the two, as I’m not part of that culture and don’t want to give you wrong information. I just know it’s a thing and I’ve seen people corrected on it before, so keep it in mind!- Places like the USA that have lots of regions and some form of Sign Language spoken in their borders, may have lots of different subcultures within their Deaf culture, which have for example, regional variants in Sign Language dialect (these variants can make HUGE differences in translation for specific words, particularly slang, trust me. Especially with any sign near the mouth in ASL dialects...). - Not every country necessarily has a Deaf culture though; I’ve been told by a friend of mine whose family is Haitian for instance, that there doesn’t seem to be one in Haiti because of severe ableism there, where most people treat deaf people like they’re intellectually inferior just because they can’t hear, and don’t really try to communicate with people who can’t hear, thus isolating them and not giving them a social network or very many ways of communicating. In contrast, cultures which have developed or adopted at least one Sign Language (NOT just the West; I know China for instance has its own Sign Language...?) seem, from what I’ve heard, to tend to develop a Deaf culture of some sort. (My friend, who was losing her hearing in one ear as it was, was...not happy about this element of Haitian culture, as you can imagine, and was happy to have been born in the USA if only for that reason)These elements combine to make it VERY important that you distinguish exactly what you mean when you talk about writing a character who is “deaf”; namely, do you just mean: “what’s it like not to be able to hear sound?”, or, do you mean: “what is it socially etc like, to be Deaf and speak Sign Language and be a part of that culture?” And, which Deaf culture would you be needing information on, is an important factor, because there’s probably some important differences in regional Deaf culture just with in the USA, or UK, or France (all of which have their own Sign Languages),  let alone between Europe’s and America’s Deaf cultures, and any Deaf culture that may be found in places like China. For instance, you will probably find a lot of little differences even just in the US between people who speak ASL (American Sign Language), who are usually born in Deaf families, and people who become deaf later in life and may learn something called PSE (Pidgin Signed English), as mentioned here (you don’t have to watch this video with sound btw; she has it automatically captioned): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp4-m8Ih6QQtldr: From what I know, there’s a difference between just not being able to hear, and being Deaf, and what it’s like to be either deaf or Deaf is additionally very different depending on the surrounding culture you have to or can choose to live in, and you will want to specify that VERY carefully when doing your research on this/these character(s)!
Some additional things I learned or noticed from speaking to a handful of Deaf people over the years, that you might find useful for some perspective or inspiration in your writing:- In ASL, at least, it’s not unheard of for some Signs to be a little too close to a lot of contextually uh, awkward ones, which makes sometimes for some amusing misunderstandings and mistranslations, particularly when the person using it isn’t fluent yet. Can I provide at least one hilarious example? ABSOLUTELY: my friend mentioned above was trying to learn how to Sign “Fireflies” by Owl City, and was talking to a Deaf woman, and mentioned that, and... it was only after the woman burst out laughing and said “Sounds fun!!”, that said friend realized she had failed to fully close her hand movement on the word for “bug” (which is a component of the ASL for “firefly”), and uh...accidentally renamed the song to “Fiery Orgasm”, apparently.  (Seriously, I’m not kidding. Just ask ASL speakers about the difference between “hungry” and “horny”, either, and you’ll realize there’s some hilariously appropriate wordplay opportunities in translating the song “Hungry Like The Wolf”...)- Skype and other video chat formats are popular with Deaf people in modern settings, for the obvious reason that it gives them the option to converse in their native languages. (This was something that was and still is a concern in Net Neutrality debates, actually, since having access to services like that allows many Deaf people to have normal conversations with other Deaf people even when separated geographically, so losing that access could socially isolate a lot of Deaf people)- Thinking that one can’t possibly function very well without being able to hear sound, or just overlooking obvious solutions to that, or just never considering it as a possibility etc, is something I’ve heard referred to as “audism” or “audist bias” (NOT to be confused with “autism”, which is a neurodivergence, of course; “audism” comes from the same root word as “auditory”). Audist bias is a form of ableism, and comes into play when people for example, can’t imagine how people would get each other’s attention if the other can’t hear them (to which the Deaf response I heard was the amusingly blunt: “try stomping the floor”), or just...fail to recognize or recall that deaf or Deaf people exist and assume automatically that people can hear (sadly, this has happened with police before in the USA, and resulted in sometimes-fatal misunderstandings, e.g. when a man tried to approach closer in order to read the cops’ lips, and was shot because he could not tell what he was being told and the cops failed to consider he couldn’t hear them, and it didn’t even occur to them for some reason that the gestures he was making were Sign Language >_>); or, even it’s there when we folks who aren’t Deaf, just assume that there’s things that Deaf people have no access to or experience with, when they do (music, for an obvious example). Audist bias is something you will want to ask around a little about, trust me.- One major aspect of audist bias type ableism you might need to keep in mind depending on the needs of your story? Communication-related stuff. People might not realize your character can read lips (which is a common skill many Deaf people pick up out of necessity) and talk a little too freely in front of them for example; or they might conversely assume they can read lips when they can’t (and blame them for not having a skill that most people frankly don’t have); or, they might assume the person speaks a form of Sign Language that they don’t, or that they’re more fluent than they are (many people who become deaf later in life aren’t as fluent, or may not speak a Sign Language at all, because it’s still a language and language acquisition as an adult is more difficult and takes longer); and if they do rely on Sign Language, their communication might become hindered - sometimes intentionally, sometimes not - if they don’t have one or both hands free (for instance, if they’re handcuffed, they cannot easily form most Signs). If you’re not Deaf, you WILL have some audist biases, and you will have to accept that fact and work from the understanding that you will have this bias whether you intended to or not. It doesn’t make you a bad person or anything; it just reflects the fact that being Deaf isn’t part of your experience, and that because of that, there’s things you’ve never considered from the correct angles before. When you do this research, absolutely keep this mind, it’ll save you a lot of confusion, frustration, and mistakes, trust me! :)  Also, I don’t know if this will be remotely helpful for your story but I love that it’s a thing and it’s part of Deaf culture, so here you go:There’s a whole genre of performance and translation, Sign Language translation of songs, that is frankly a lot of fun to watch when done well (which is hard to do!), since it combines a (time-constricted) poetic translation, with acting and dance. For example, I can’t vouch for the fluency of the translation since I’m not an ASL speaker, but this ASL translation I found recently of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” is a delight to watch (especially with the “gloss” for the translation turned on!) even if you don’t speak a lick of ASL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjln9OMOw-0I will tag  this post with some relevant tags right at the front end, ‘Nonny; keep an eye on any of the reblogs in case Deaf people respond with any corrections, addenda, etc! :)
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scriptfeature · 6 years
As @scriptaussie is now gone, do you have any other Aussie resource blogs I could follow? It’s pretty significant knowledge to my stories
I do not, but you could try the NaNoWriMo forums? They seem to have quite an international contingent of users, so you could probably find one or two Aussies to chat with about anything relevant to your story (just keep in mind that the site does an annual clear out of posts on the forums, so back up any information you need to keep! Private messages on the system though are not deleted unless you do so yourself, so it may pay to make friends through a thread or two and do a lot of PMing)Also, I think @asynca is a user who’s from that region and may be able to help? She’s pretty good about responding messages - so long as tumblr doesn’t eat the ask, which it has a tendency to do lately. (Not sure how work-safe or not that blog is though, so keep that in mind before clicking through!)
In the meantime, keep an eye on the notes of this post in case anybody reblogs it with a recommendation! :)
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scriptfeature · 6 years
I know the ScriptBrit blog has been archived, but do you know of any similar blogs that aren’t part of the Script family?
For British/UK culture? Sorry, I don’t :( I’m guessing your best bet on tumblr would be to poke around tags and such to try and find actual people who live or lived in the UK to ask things of. E.g. I know @thebibliosphere is Scottish, and lived in the UK including London her whole life before moving to the USA (though be warned that a.) I don’t know if her blog will always be SFW, and and b.) her blog is very popular and she gets a lot of messages so even notwithstanding tumblr’s tendency to eat Asks, I’m not certain how easy it would be to get an answer through the noise).Another suggestion though: if you have a nanowrimo.org account (for the website that promotes National Novel Writing Month), April’s Camp NaNoWriMo event is about to start up, so their forums are likely to be active right now. If you have a specific question in mind, such as geography or Brit-specific lingo, you might be able to get some useful responses in their Reference Desk forum (which is for research questions) - if you need it to be Brit-specific or UK-specific though, make sure to put that in the title of the post so that the right people will be drawn to look at your question :) I know there’s some British/UK-based “Wrimos” so you might have some luck depending on your questions, and you might meet people to private message back and forth about it, too. Just keep in mind that any responses you want to keep for later reference, you should archive for yourself, as nanowrimo.org has annual clear-outs of its forums’ posts; this doesn’t apply to PMs in their system (though it doesn’t hurt to back those up either, of course, in case something happens to their servers), but it does apply to posts in places like Reference Desk, which will only be around for a few months. :)Hope this helps!
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scriptfeature · 6 years
Is there a script blog for writing about warfare and weaponry? Bonus if they can also give advice on both modern and ancient weapons.
Hmm. I would wager it depends on the specifics, in terms of Ancient Weapons and such.As far as warfare goes though, and some weaponry at least in modern times, I would would think your best bet is @scriptsailor whose experience is within the US Navy and who I know has posted at least once or twice about historical battles. :)Also, reminder people: there are lists for current scriptblogs! Mine isn’t as up to date as @scriptautistic has I think because they updated theirs right before I had my move (and a bout of illness) so I haven’t had time to adjust mine to match I think? But mine is available in the navigation of this blog and I believe I’ve reblogged theirs. I bring this up because while I don’t mind helping redirect people to appropriate blogs, some questions, like this one, you could probably have found at least one suitable blog for just by poking around the lists. ^^
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scriptfeature · 6 years
MOD note: Pardon my IRL dust
So, if you’ve been wondering why this blog’s been fairly quiet (despite at least several blogs on the ScriptFam having had some cool posts to share lately), it’s because I’ve been prepping for a move from one house to another IRL and it’s been...distracting, to say the least.  (And by “prepping for a move” I mean the move is LITERALLY happening this week. Like, as I post this, it happens pretty much tomorrow.  So this past month in particular has been...busy, yeah).    Also, due to Reasons that are thoroughly annoying but I don’t have time or energy to get into, I might not have internet hooked up for several days either. So please do not send any asks to ScriptFeature until at least next week, as I might not even be able to read them, depending on how things go ^^;  Apologies for any inconvenience! Hopefully things will settle down in February and I can get back to normal activity levels here. Thank you for your patience!
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scriptfeature · 6 years
@scriptstructure ‘s ask box is open again! :) 
The ask box is empty, and all answers have been queued.
Please send in any writing questions you have!
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scriptfeature · 6 years
Art Contest: Make Us An Icon
As you might have read, this week marks our one year anniversary! That also means one full year without a proper icon. This one was initially supposed to be a placeholder until we found something else, but none of the mods are very good at art.
This is why we have decided to open this contest. Of course, we have some cool prizes for your trouble ;)
The icon
It should look good at the standard tumblr size, which is 64x64 pixels, and be 128x128 pixels minimum. It should be an original creation. It should have something to do with autism and neurodiversity, and/or include the name of the blog. Bonus points if it also has something to do with writing. We would like to avoid the puzzle piece symbol. Apart from that, everything is free! You can make digital art, traditional art, or even craft something and photography it.
Who can participate?
Everyone can participate as long as you’re willing to provide an e-mail address for contact and to receive your prize if you win.
How do I enter?
You can send us a submission with the icon and your contact info; or tag us in a post (in that case make sure to have either asks or instant messaging enabled so we can contact you if you win!). You have until the 31st of January, 2018 to submit your entry!
How will the winner be elected?
If we get a lot of entries, we’ll make a pre-selection of our favorite icons. We’ll then put then in a google survey and let our followers vote!
What are the prizes?
The winner will get to choose between:
Up to 10,000 words free sensitivity reading by the ScriptAutistic mods
A review of a piece of media of your choice by the ScriptAutistic mods. We’ll watch and review one movie OR two (standard-length) episodes of a TV show, as long as they are available with English or French subtitles OR one book of your choice, as long as it is available as an e-book in English or in French. Please note that, depending on the length of the book, the review of a book is likely to be less thorough than that of a movie. The review will be posted to the blog.
A Kindle E-Book edition of Loud Hands: Autistic People, Speaking
If the winner has chosen the sensitivity reading or review, the runner-up will get an e-book. If the winner has chosen the e-book, the runner-up will get to choose between sensitivity reading and a review.
That’s it! Our inbox is open if you have any question. In the event that it is closed, you are allowed to submit questions about the contest non-anonymously and we’ll get back to you!
-The ScriptAutistic Mods
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scriptfeature · 6 years
How does one CREATE an official script blog? I haven’t noticed one for people who are trying to write witches/pagans/polytheists, and as a writer who IS one, I get a lot of questions about it in terms of writing. Plus I really look up to you all in terms of helping other writers (as myself, I have countlessly relied on all of the Scripty fam). Thanks so much!
So, first: thanks for the compliment! Hopefully @scriptmedic and the others see this and know you appreciate them this much Second - I can answer both halves of this, actually - with two links:
1.)  @scriptwitchcraft is an Official ScriptFam blog you may want to check out :)
2.) https://scriptmedic.tumblr.com/soyouwanna - Aunt Scripty’s official “So You Wanna Start [An Official] ScriptX Blog” page :) Should answer all of your questions in that regard - including the emotional labor you can expect if you ever did join or start a ScriptX blog. Hope this helps, Anon! :)
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scriptfeature · 7 years
Can you provide us an example on what a separation summary (from a psych ward) might look like?
If by “separation summary” you mean “discharge summary” (the report written up when someone is being discharged from the hospital), yes, I can help! I actually see them a lot at my internship site. 
The discharge summary that the psych ward I work at uses at includes the following:
Patient identifying info (Name, gender, age, etc)
Name of doctor treating them
Dates of admission and discharge
Chief complaints / reason for admission
Lab studies (most notably TSH and drug screens, but any results related to medical problems goes here too)
I’d say you don’t need to go into too much detail in this section when you’re writing fiction. I’d just mention “TSH is within normal limits” and if they test positive for any drugs.
Hospital course - ie. how the patient improved (or didn’t improve) while in the hospital
Note - if there are specific notable incidents (ie patient attacking a staff member), the details of that are noted here along with the date and time of the incident
Condition at discharge (ie, are they no longer suicidal / psychotic / manic/ etc.)
Mental status exam (which I can go into more detail if there’s interest)
Discharge diagnosis
Discharge instructions
What treatment is recommended (ie outpatient, transfer to a different facility, etc)
Discharge medications
The exact formatting and such will vary between hospitals. The following links use similar terminology and style as the ones I see at my internship site, but aren’t as detailed:
One example
Another example
A brief one
Five short examples
(Also, yes, my internship site still uses DSM-IV diagnoses. It really pisses me off.)
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scriptfeature · 7 years
I'm writing about a character suffering from Major Depressive Disorder and I had a question about medication combinations. In the story her psychiatrist and her therapist by proxy become worried that the combination of medications she's on might be causing an increase to her anxiety or desire to self harm and want to change what she's taking. Is this a realistic situation? What medications could she be on? Thank you!!
CW: self-harm, suicide
Yes, totally possible. While antidepressants are often used to treat anxiety disorders, they can also cause symptoms related to anxiety too. It’s most frequently described as jitteriness, but there are more symptoms associated with it as well (scroll down to table one here).
 Two drugs are especially associated with causing anxiety: imipramine (Tofranil) and fluoxetine (Prozac). Of those two, I would lean towards Prozac, as it’s considered a first-line treatment and is extremely common. Tofranil is a bit outdated and rarely used anymore.
Note - Typically the anxiety occurs within the first few weeks of treatment, and it actually does go away fairly quickly. A psychiatrist may try to see if the anxiety symptoms go away before switching to a different drug. 
Now, the self-harm is a bit of a different story. All antidepressants may potentially increase the risk of suicidal tendencies in children, adolescents, and young adults (ie under the age of 25 or so). 
Because this question was sent off anon, the Shrink asked how old this character is, and she’s 17. A psychiatrist could easily see an increased desire to self-harm as a warning sign that this specific antidepressant may be making your character suicidal. That’s definitely enough to merit changing what medication she’s on!
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scriptfeature · 7 years
I’m sorry if this isn’t the right place to ask this, but is there a script fashion blog? Or, alternatively, a script spy blog or trans blog maybe?
Hmm.Well, for some spy stuff (specifically, hacking/tech related?) you can try @scripthacker If by trans you mean transgender (which is the usual context for the term), then that’s definitely covered by @scriptlgbt​
As for fashion, there isn’t one in the Official ScriptFam yet, but Google had some cool stuff on fashion around the world and through the ages, that might help a little?There’s an article on the latter here, complete with link to the actual project: https://qz.com/1002651/google-has-built-a-stunning-searchable-archive-of-3000-years-of-world-fashion/ 
(Thanks to having looked it up prior for a different blog, I also MIGHT have a couple of refs for historical, feudal-era Japanese fashion if you need them? But that’s pretty specific and I doubt it’d be that that you’re looking for lol)-Mod Vorpalgirl
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scriptfeature · 7 years
Hi there! Do you know anyone who has a script account for futuristic technology? Thank you!
Not specifically, but there may be some blogs that could help depending on what you want the tech to actually do. My best suggestion is to pick the one(s) closest to the topic your tech would otherwise fall under, if it weren’t “futuristic”, but in today’s times.For example: If wondering about hypothetical future medical tech, it’s possible @scriptmedic could be a good reference; future computing tech? Try @scripthacker . Etc.If you’re just looking for “general future society’s tech stuff” though, it’s possible this is a question generally more appropriate for @script-a-world , who help with SF/fantasy worldbuilding in general. :)Sorry I didn’t have a specific one, but I hope this gives you a good direction to get what you need, anon!- Mod Vorpalgirl
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scriptfeature · 7 years
What's the difference between panic disorder and anxiety disorder? Can you have one without the other? It's probably a dumb question, sorry.
“Anxiety disorder” refers to a broad category of disorders related to anxiety. The following disorders are all classed as “anxiety disorders”:
Generalized anxiety disorder
Social anxiety disorder
Panic disorder
Separation anxiety disorder
Specific phobia
All of those link to my demystifying the DSM-5 articles that help explain the different symptoms!
As you can see, “panic disorder” is one of the disorders that falls under the umbrella of anxiety disorders.
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