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Glacier National Park, October 2017
By Kelly Smith
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Begin Level 2020! It’s a Leap Year, which is why there are 366 stars (days). : ) Get ready for a brand new adventure everyone! Not to worry, I’ll be adventuring alongside you all.
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Late rant abt Titans s2
I can't stand Dawn. Bish, instead of sipping on "I told u so" juice every time Dick and Donna done fuck up, why don't you contribute to making the team better? I mean srsly! And your wig is still wack.
Then there's Dick who keeps saying he's done things he did not actually do and taking the blame for shit others were encouraging him to do (looking at u Donna). I know that Jericho kid didn't deserve to die but every single one of them approved the plan before it was put in motion (even if Dawn and Hank kinda wanted out after a while) meaning each and every one of them played a part in the kid's death. So don't come at Dick with that "u done fucked up" shit when he was the only one owning up to his actions.
And then, Donna. Mtfking Donna. Bish, why u leaving when you played just as big a part in this plan as the others did. Bish this whole thing started because u were an indecisive mess and u were in the wrong place atthe wrong time. If anything, the titans wouldn't have even met Deathstroke if it weren't for you. So why is Dick the only one apologising for something you more than any other OG titans wanted : revenge on Deathstroke? They should be blaming you too hoe.
Finally, I think the writers ended up in the same situation as the Twilight writers did. All the characters are just standing around watching the main cast (which strangely enough this season ended up being the OG titans, I'm mad about that too) deliver their lines. Gar got as much character development this season as Jasper Cullen did in his entire book and film series. Kory is on a side quest (bet u they aren't going to address it next season, if there even is a next season). Like, I'm not asking for an Avengers Endgame level of writing but still, have you forgotten that the main cast's the one that was introduced in the first season? (with the exception of Hawk and Dove, these two stall the plot so much, I feel like pieces of my soul are being ripped away every time they're on screen, it's excruciating.) What's the point of introducing new characters if you can barely fit enough screen time for the ones we are supposed to care about? Not only that but what was the point of this season's first episode? Rachel was the ugly duckling of the first season but you decided to make her the driving force behind the whole titans reunion so why does she have as much screen time as Gar does? She is what drove Dick to care for them as Bruce once did for him and she's supposedly like a little sister to him : that's a fantastic source of drama, character development and whtv else you need to make the story better. I know the actress isn't that good but paired with the dude who plays Dick, it would've worked just fine.
Rant over.
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Holy shit, I think I'm gonna cry. Idk what's going on but my boi is home and that's all I need.
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We just out here asking for some original content.
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Steve Harrington - a single mother
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Dustin is a Dad.
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Omfg, Steve just put his ass in danger for the sakes of Roast Beef and My Little Pony. What is life?
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Damn, El became a material girl and dumped Mike. Damn girl.
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Steve Harrington is canon Dad now.
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Hopper loosing his shit over his daughter's relationship with Mike is the funniest thing
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Bright? I get a Bright kinda vibe from this.
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Bron trying to keep it together is the funniest thing in the world.
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When Edmure Tully stood up, got shut down in front of the whole council and mocked by his peers.
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