ssavaart · 1 day
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My wife LOVES the BBC Pride and Prejudice series, so I painted Mr. Darcy for her for her birthday about 10 years ago and she got it framed and hung it up on her side of the bed.
While I never got into Pride and Prejudice... there's something very comforting about waking up to Mr. Darcy glaring at me in his haughty, reserved, and fastidious way.
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ssavaart · 2 days
Animal Crackers
4 years ago today… Animal Crackers came out! It opened up at number 2 on Netflix and remained there for nearly 2 weeks.
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Becoming the summer’s number 1 animated movie in the world.What an amazing adventure it was to make this film with my wife Donna and all of my friends.
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Thank you to the millions of you who have watched my little movie that came from eating a box of animal crackers with my kids in the back yard.
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Sending Big Hugs from the Hobbit Hole. ♥♥♥
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ssavaart · 5 days
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Found this collection of Harry Potter paintings from 2021 when I was going live on TikTok.
I still think it's the best practice you can do.
Picking a fandom and doing a bunch of tiny 30-60 minute paintings.
You won't love them all (you're not supposed to), but you get to experience a beginning, middle, and end to a painting and learn to "walk away" when your time is up.
Also, no worry about "what to draw" as you just select any character from the fandom.
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ssavaart · 7 days
Hey Scott! I was watching Daredevil (the recent show) the other day, and I saw the Punisher. I recognized him, but I couldn’t remember from where. Then, as I’m trying to fall asleep, I realize it was from that one acryla-gouache painting of him that you did! It stuck with me (probably because of the wonderful colors) and I literally opened my eyes wide and said “ohhhh” when I realized why I recognized him :)
(Ignore the fact that this probably is a bit ramble-y, I was, as I said, about to fall asleep before writing this)
Oh. That was actually me trying out Acrylics for the first time (Soft Body) and it was really fun (but not fun enough for me to try it again).
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Sending Big Hugs from the Hobbit Hole. ♥♥♥
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ssavaart · 9 days
Hi, Scott!! I’ve always been a fan of yours ever since I found your YouTube channel 2 years ago! I was so stoked when I found your tumblr blog! As a man of the people, I would like to ask if you’ve ever painted/sketched any David Tennant characters? Im not asking for you to take time out of your day to make a piece with him as the focal point, but I’m just wondering if you have a work that you have lying around to share with us.
Thank you for inspiring me and many others to create❤️
Hi. Thank you for asking. I have. Mostly as the Doctor.
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I need to paint him as Crowley next.
Sending Big Hugs from the Hobbit Hole. ♥♥♥
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ssavaart · 10 days
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A little doodle of Levar Burton on a Monday Morning Live.
I had fun listening to some of his interviews to find the right one for the video. Such an inspirational person.
Sending Big Hugs from the Hobbit Hole. ♥♥♥
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ssavaart · 15 days
A little Friday Morning doodle of Robin Williams and Shelley Duvall as Popeye and Olive Oil.
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ssavaart · 16 days
Do you have a cara account?
I do!
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ssavaart · 17 days
Scott vs Kim
The first sunday of every month, my friend Kim Diaz Holm and I do a live together and we paint and talk and laugh.
These are the adorable Youtube Thumbnail images he's made over the last few months.
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You can see the lives on his channel here...
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ssavaart · 19 days
Hello 👋 I’ve been a huge fan of your content for a while and recently have been feeling really discouraged seeing other people who are so much better than me, it makes me feel so bad about my abilities thinking I’ll never be as good as the people I compare my work to. Do or did you ever deal with that growing up? Do all artists do this and why is it so hard to get out of your own head? Thank you and again love your art and it really is comforting to see someone positive I’ve like you in the art community lifting people up and embracing the flaws! :D
Absolutely we all feel the same way. I promise you.
I've spoken about this a LOT. I compare my work to my idols ALL THE TIME.
You just need to remember that your idols feel the exact same way. They compare their art to their idol's art.
You're human. This is totally normal.
That said... I've made some shorts about it over the years (because I go through it too) and hopefully they help.
I hope this helps and please don't let your self doubt stop you.
Make art because you love it.
Make art for you.
Sending Big Hugs from the Hobbit Hole. ♥♥♥
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ssavaart · 20 days
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Happy Sunday All!
I finished painting my Conan Gray piece.
Took me about 3 hours total.
It's watercolors and inks on 6x12 inch Arches Cold Press paper.
Haven't decided if I'm selling it yet. I kind of like it... but don't really know who Conan Gray is... so... not sure why I would keep it.
Sending Big Hugs from the Hobbit Hole. ♥♥♥
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ssavaart · 23 days
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I was asked to do a portrait of Conan Gray this morning during our live and I only got to finish the inks because I was having so much fun with their hair.
So, I'm uploading the inks for anyone who wants to color along with me.
Feel free to download and have fun.
Sending Big Hugs from the Hobbit Hole. ♥♥♥
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ssavaart · 24 days
Happy Wednesday All!
I just wanted to give you a little update on the BUY ONE/GET ONE FREE sale that started on Monday.
The posters are selling fast and we are maybe a week away from SELLING OUT of the '80s Music Alphabet Poster.
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The Transgender and the Medusa Posters are getting low as well.
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The shop is here...
As I mentioned in the video... I am going to be working on my next film (Yay) and can't make more posters.
So, this sale is a way for me to both give you a chance to buy them cheap AND allow me to clear out the inventory before I go make movies.
I'm signing every one of them and I will still be posting here. My content will most likely be more about the movies and the art I make along the way.
I'll update you all when I have more info.
Sending Big Hugs from the Hobbit Hole. ♥♥♥
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ssavaart · 26 days
I'm doing my first ever BUY ONE GET ONE FREE Poster sale!
We have Gothic Vampires, Dragons and Centaurs, The Guild, Lesbians, Transgender, Hijabi, Medusa, and Elves.
We also have the '80s and '90s Music Alphabet Posters.
This is the only time I'm doing a poster sale as I'll (hopefully) be back to making movies in a month or two.
So, once we sell out... there's no more.
Thank you all for your support and I hope you enjoy the free posters.
Sending Big Hugs from the Hobbit Hole. ♥♥♥
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ssavaart · 26 days
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I was asked to take part in the "Biggest Art Youtube Collaboration Ever" where we each filled a page of Moriah Elizabeth's "Create This Book 3" and one of the prompts I got was this one.
And I kind of like it.
Also... sorry my handwriting is so bad.
Sending Big Hugs from the Hobbit Hole. ♥♥♥
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ssavaart · 28 days
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Sometimes I forget I've painted something until I find it online.
Apparently I painted Arwen during a live with my friend Justin Donaldson back in 2022 and shipped it off to him and just... forgot it existed.
Sending Big Hugs from the Hobbit Hole. ♥♥♥
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ssavaart · 1 month
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Juneteenth I had a really long piece of scrap paper (20 x 3 inches) that I was too cheap to throw away. So… I doodled this with some watercolors and ink… on Juneteenth.
Sending Big Hugs from the Hobbit Hole. ♥♥♥ Scott
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