mtg-cards-hourly · 4 months
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Unnatural Growth
With the cycles of day and night unspooled, the twisted sway of the moon only grew. And grew.
Artist: Svetlin Velinov TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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artisthedgehog · 6 months
i just bought a cork board for no apparent reason
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possum-tooth · 3 months
peasant breakfast i literally just had a roll, string cheese, and a beef stick
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shoutout to the gingerbread cream lattes from [REDACTED] you are singlehandedly keeping me alive
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myrcenegirl · 2 years
I sometimes very often forget that people are genuinely attracted to drawings
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jennmakesitweird · 10 months
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astrometrych · 11 months
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Astronomy #Space #Espace #Astrometry
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iheartmetal · 11 months
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Weave: Spiral 4 in 1
Wire: Bead Landing copper wire
Wire Diameter: 1.3mm
Ring Inner Diameter: 5mm
AR: 3.85
Made March 25th 2023
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karingottschalk · 2 years
Fujinon Lenses: Top Gun: Maverick BTS with Cinematographer Claudio Miranda, ASC – Commentary
Fujinon Lenses: Top Gun: Maverick BTS with Cinematographer Claudio Miranda, ASC – Commentary
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View On WordPress
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madi-konrad · 4 months
My Lesbian Fantasy Romance novel A DEMON'S NAME UPON YOUR LIPS is going on sale for Valentines Day! From Feb. 7 - 14, you can grab it for $3.85, which is precisely $2.14 off the list price!
Here are the links!!
Apple Books, Smashwords, others
Barnes and Noble
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Synopsis below the cut!
Lucia is a succubus, a demon with the power to shape the emotions and passions of mortals. Summoned often into the world of Melodia, she takes pride in upholding her demonic contracts to the best of her abilities. She likes to think she does her job well … though a string of recent failures say otherwise.
Talia, the recently elevated Duke of Fallmire, summons Lucia for a simple reason: to pose as her wife and fulfill marital obligations to the satisfaction of Parliament. All to say, just a few weeks of walking around the estate and playing nice with the neighbors before a conveniently tragic death. Quick and easy.
But immediately, Lucia smells blood in the water. Behind closed doors, the Duke plots vengeance upon those who killed her father—and the demon wants in. Revenge, after all, is much more fun … and more lucrative, to boot.
But can Lucia predict how hard she’d fall for the Duke? (Not a chance). And can the Duke find it in her vengeful heart to love?
Spice Level: lightly described nudity, fade-to-black sex.
64,000 words.
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famousinuniverse · 23 days
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Berlin, Germany: is the capital and largest city of Germany, both by area and by population. Its more than 3.85 million inhabitants make it the European Union's most populous city, as measured by population within city limits. Simultaneously, the city is one of the states of Germany and is the third smallest state in the country in terms of area. Berlin is surrounded by the state of Brandenburg, and Brandenburg's capital Potsdam is nearby. Wikipedia
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mtg-cards-hourly · 5 months
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Protean Hydra
Artist: Jim Murray TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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heartlilith · 6 months
My Placements and How They Manifest
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Capricorn Ascendent:
My mother told me that when she gave birth to me, it was worse than my other 3 other siblings by far. She had to be induced because there was no sign of me wanting to come out into the world (lol). She said she was in labor for hours and when I finally came out, she started hemorrhaging. It wasn't fatal obviously because she's alive today but yeah, I kind of associate that with my Capricorn rising. Still to this day, change is very uncomfortable for me especially if I have no control over what's happening. My childhood was great until my mom divorced my dad and remarried, that's when shit went south! I had new siblings, a stepfather, and had to see my dad heartbroken while also battling melanoma and being laid off (2008 recession). My sister stayed with him and I went with my mom. They were always fighting and spiting each other but it was my sister and I that missed out. It was always "what is your father saying about me?" yada yada yada. Growing up, I was bullied by my sister a lot, in my opinion, it was more than the usual sibling fights. My mom also took a lot of her anger out on me; she ended up getting a divorce not too long after remarrying, became an alcoholic and filed for bankruptcy. Being a Capricorn rising and dealing with the backlash of that, I always have money saved, ALWAYS. I'm like a squirrel hiding nuts I stg. If I'm completely broke I'm an anxious mess. It's also why I strive to be independent and self sufficient. It's why I manifest being filthy rich. High school was terrible tbh and I battled with depression and anxiety. College was a lot better and moving away from my mom and chaotic family did me well, I went from a 2.6 GPA in high school to 3.85 in college. Rereading this it sounds kinda like a sob story and that's not what I'm trying to accomplish so I'm just going to move on.
1st House Neptune, Uranus, Lilith:
I made a separate post either on here or Reddit about how my features have changed so much over the years. As a child, my hair was blonde then it turned blonde/red in late elementary school. Since then, it's turned darker and darker through the years. Now it's dark brown. My eyes were dark blue as a child and now they're light green - I attribute this to Uranus and Neptune being on my Ascendent. In my opinion, I'm not photogenic at all (Cap rising?) and I think I look different in every picture I take or is taken of me. With Lilith being in my first house, I was sexualized a lot growing up by older guys/men. And also bullied by boys my age; I remember they thought I was "too girly". Guys, I shit you not after I had enough of it, I started showing up with boy shorts and those tank tops guys wear HAHAHA to be more of a "tomboy"... I'm not really sure what that is but yeah, I must've been 10 or 12 or something. People would always say "it's because they have a crush on you/because they like you!" and I would be so confused. Nowadays, I think I rub some people, specifically men, the wrong way and they dislike me for "no reason", or maybe they have a reason but they never come out and say it. My Uranus in the 1st shows up as being quirky I guess? I'm not really sure. Maybe it's that my parents were never disciplinary at all, I could do whatever I wanted. At the time I loved it but deep down I think I wanted to them to care, so I would act more and more reckless. Today, maybe that sets me apart. One last thing about Neptune/Uranus in the 1st is that I can't stand to see people treating people/animals/or what have you, the wrong way. I can't even watch Youtube videos of animals starting off abused... even if the videos end with them being happy and healthy, I CAN'T DO IT. It deeply disturbs me.
Side Note (1st House Lilith):
As a small child I was obsessed with being naked all the time and skinny dipping LMFAO like it was a problem. Luckily there were no creeps and I was fine but would this placement indicate that in anyway? Let me know because it doesn't really fit with my Capricorn rising.
(I'm really sorry this post is so long and detailed I think I'm having word vomit)
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Virgo Moon:
As a child I was really reserved and "chill". I already talked about my relationship with my mom and she was critical and whatever. One thing that sticks out about this placement is that she would always push the idea on me to "stay pure" and to "stay innocent", especially when I was a teen. Always pushing this on me. Always telling her friends I was "naive" and yeah maybe I was in a sense. I don't know it's weird how that fits. My mom wasn't all bad though. She definitely had many faults but she was a great mom in certain aspects. Growing up, I realized she's just a human like me, with problems of her own. I don’t hold it against her. Today, my Virgo moon makes me sooo anxious and worrisome. I definitely see the negative qualities it brings but the good qualities out weigh them. I love buying people gifts and I'm a great gift giver if I do say so myself. With my Capricorn rising and Virgo moon, I hate PDA and it can be hard for me to be lovey dovey (even with all my Leo), so I show love by buying gifts - kind of like my dad. My parents were never there for me emotionally but they bought me great gifts hahaha, I guess that's why. Also I tend to "mother" my partners; I do their laundry, do the cleaning, make their doctor appointments, and take care of them in a sense - like my mom did for me. Writing this out I can now see why I am the way I am lol.
Moon square Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn:
Ooooff. Well I won't dive into it too much. I will say it affects my mental health greatly and I've had a lot of trouble in that department. My Moon square Jupiter really makes my moods go up and down. Like high highs and low lows for sure. I try to look at it positively even though it's hard sometimes. Having the high highs brings out my inner child (Jupiter in the 5th). When I'm happy I'm really happy and giggling and silly. And of course the flip side is low low :( But I like the high highs so I deal. Also with this, I tend to avoid being sad at all costs. All costs. I'm a true escape artist when it comes to emotions. With Pluto and Saturn squaring my Moon, I am infact a MOODY BITCH. LOL, hey at least I can admit it. It brings intrusive thoughts, obsessive thinking, insecurity, and guilt with it too - all that great stuff. Moving on.
Cancer Mercury:
I like my Cancer Mercury a lot, even though it's paired with my all my Leo placements which can make me a ~smidge~ dramatic. I wasn't the best student in high school but I did take the hardest English courses they offered, which in hindsight saved my GPA lol. In college, I studied English with a concentration in creative writing. I mostly wrote and studied poetry which I loved so much. I'm a great listener and if I could write an advice column I would. I love how my Cancer Mercury makes me empathetic and how I'm able to put myself in anyone's shoes. One negative about this placement is that I get hurt easily (paired with Leo Sun and Virgo Moon esp), but I won't let you know I'm hurt, I'll just get angry and mean. I don't like that about myself and I wish I was more vulnerable in that aspect but it's easier to be angry than sad... right?
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Leo Venus and Mars:
After talking about all the above placements, my Leo side is definitely my ray of sunshine in a way. I feel like with my Virgo Moon and the aspects it makes, it kinda settles my Leo ego. That's not to say I don't have an ego, I definitely do... just look at this post it's all about meee :) I have pictures of when I was 3-6 years old and flexing my muscles hahaha and I thought I was so strong I would go around and show everyone that I could pick my mom and older sister up. So weird. Other than that, when I dislike someone I tend to go on rant for awhile about everything I dislike about them. My least favorite thing is when someone makes me feel inferior or small, that will put me on 10 easily. I don't get mad all that much, it takes a lot but when I do get mad, I see red. Maybe cause I have Mars at 0 degrees. I do get over things quickly though, emotionally anyway, but I do hold a grudge. Also yesss, I have Leo hair. It's long and thick and hard to manage. Growing up, my mom would never let me color or cut it and I'm kinda glad now looking back on it.
8th house Moon & Venus:
This is why I hold grudges hahaha. In my opinion, the 8th house can be hard to understand/put into words until you experience it (in synastry, transit, natal, etc), then you just know. With Venus here, every person I'm romantically involved with transforms me but also takes a piece of me as well. In my experience with the 8th house, you can gain a lot of good things but it comes with a price. Whether its a mix of my placements or just these placements specifically, love really hurts! Break ups have put me in dark dark places. When I do love someone, I want to merge with them, like become "one" if that makes sense. So when it comes to an end, I have a huge hole left. In my life, this has manifested as when I ran away from home to a different state and ghosted my family and friends just to get back together with my boyfriend, all on a whim. I'd give it all up for someone I love. With Virgo Moon being in my 8th house, my anxiety mixes with my obsessive behavior which manifests as dermotillamania. I struggle with it so bad. I'm working on it but yeah that's kinda interesting looking from an astrological sense. Moon in the 8th house gives me great intuition though... I'm always right about the vibes. But this comes at the cost of feeling things extremely deeply.
Scorpio MC:
This is another placement that I like about my chart because my Capricorn rising makes me come off as intimidating and my MC makes people see me as powerful and mysterious. I don't know if people actually see me this way but even it being a possibility gives me like Olivia Benson vibes. I love her. Anyway, one thing I will say is I don't have social media anymore and haven't for years (besides Tumblr and Reddit) because I really value my privacy. I don't like people knowing things about me unless I decide to share it with them, even small things. Tumblr and Reddit are okay in my mind because I don't know anyone in real life. But even this post I'm already thinking of deleting and I haven't even posted it yet lol. When I did have social media, I would overshare and then delete the post an hour later. I was always deleting pictures and revamping my aesthetic. I became obsessed with likes and comments and scrolling that it was too much and I didn't like the power it had over me. Something else that I think manifests from my MC is that I love psychology, astrology, and things that tie into personalities.
5th house Jupiter & Saturn:
It always confused me on how to interpret having Saturn, the planet of limitations and responsibility, and Jupiter, the planet of expansion and luck, in the same house. I thought that they canceled each other out in a way, or level each other out... is a better way of putting it.  I actually messaged @astrosky33 and asked how they interpret it. Her (?) answer was interesting and made a lot of sense. Jupiter and Saturn in the same house gives off both energies at the same time (why didn't I think of that? lol). So for the 5th house, in terms of my hypothetical kids, I would be a parent that has fun and is silly but also strict in some ways and responsible. One way Saturn in my 5th house manifests is that I don't want to do anything creative unless I feel it's productive in some way, which I don't like about myself. Meaning, I don't want to read a book if the genre is fantasy, I would rather read non-fiction or a self help book; something that I can learn from. Also, I really like hobbies where I can produce something, like making candles or making spell jars. If I can make money from a hobby that I love then even better. Jupiter in the 5th house manifests as being child-like and also loving kids. If things are going well and I'm happy, then I can be excited and goofy like a child. If things aren't going well, then I can throw a tantrum like a child. I love kids because my early childhood was the best time of my life before life hit me upside the head (lol). This past Halloween, I made goodie bags for the trick or treaters and got so excited when the doorbell rang. I don't know, I just want to protect kids and shield them from the bad in the world. Kids, out of everyone, deserve to be happy.
Sun sextile Jupiter:
Things tend to work out for me, well, as of lately anyway. I struggled a lot growing up and I was always wishing my life were different. I couldn't wait to leave home. Now, I have a boyfriend who I love very much and we live very comfortably. I have a great job and I am so much happier than I was before. Of course, life isn't always perfect and there are problems at every turn. I wish I could go back in time and tell 15 year old me that everything is going to be okay, more than okay actually. I have a dog and two kittens who I love very much and I'm very fortunate to have the life that I do. I try to stay positive because there's no point in being negative and sulking all the time. Plus, you never know what can happen so be thankful for what you have, even if in your eyes, it isn't enough. I believe in being nice to people, you never know how far one act of kindness can go. Lord knows I needed it during some pretty tough times in my life.
Venus square Saturn (TW: Eating disorder, drug use, phobias):
Going back to having fear of abandonment and being uncomfortable with PDA... well here is the culprit. Or some of the culprit. Since Venus is in my 8th house, I feel like this aspect plays into my fear of my family dying, more specifically, my parents. Whenever I visit home and I see they look a little older, move a little slower, I get really sad. Their birthdays are supposed to be for celebrating but I can't help but get sad. It takes over me and I obsess about what I'm going to do when the day comes and they're not here anymore. I put on a brave face though and I buy them nice gifts and send flowers on holidays... but it's always in the back of my mind. This aspect also manifests as having low self esteem and growing up this was very prevalent. I didn't care about myself at all; I did drugs, I put myself into bad situations that I get anxiety just thinking about what could've happened. I had an eating disorder, dated boys that were awful. I'm fortunate that I made it out okay. I still have insecurities today but during that time in my life it was so intense because even as a teen without this aspect, you deal with insecurities. It was like double trouble.  
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If you read this far, thank you. I hope it was semi-interesting and Im really curious to know what you guys think. Should I make a part 2? I’m feeling a little “out there” by posting this so I hope it's not too much. Thanks again for taking the time to read this.
(let me know what you think!)
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panda-wearing-pants · 1 month
Best Life Series duos (statistically)
The scores are calculated by averaging the scores (percent of other members they did better than) of each member of the duo in the season(s) they are on the same team
All duos:
Scott and Martyn: 92.31
Scott and Pearl: 90.63
Scott and Cleo: 84.62 (I'm noticing a trend)
Scott and Gem/Pearl and Joel (Tie): 84.375
Bdubs and Pearl: 81.25
Etho and Impulse: 80.77
Gem and Impulse/Grian and Martyn/Ren and Cleo: 75.00
Bdubs and Joel/Scott and Impulse: 71.88
Bdubs and Impulse: 71.15
BigB and Martyn: 69.23
BigB and Pearl/Scar and Grian/Martyn and Ren: 65.38
Scar and Joel: 62.50
Impulse and Tango: 59.62
Lizzie and Ren: 59.38
BigB and Etho: 57.69
Grian and Cleo/Impulse and Martyn/Mumbo and Pearl: 53.13
Etho and Tango: 51.56
BigB and Ren: 51.12
Bdubs and Etho/BigB and Cleo/Etho and Martyn/Etho and Joel/Impulse and Skizz: 50.00
Bdubs and Tango: 49.88
Martyn and Mumbo: 46.88
Etho and Ren: 46.15
Etho and Grian/Mumbo and Joel: 43.75
Scar and Cleo/Martyn and Skizz: 42.31
Bdubs and Mumbo/Etho and Cleo/Grian and Impulse/Lizzie and Cleo: 40.63
Bdubs and Cleo: 40.38
BigB and Skizz: 40.26
Grian and Joel/Ren and Skizz: 38.46
Etho and Skizz: 35.34
BigB and Lizzie/Grian and Mumbo: 34.38
Martyn and Jimmy: 32.81
BigB and Tango: 31.25
Grian and Jimmy: 31.01
Bdubs and Scar: 30.77
Tango and Cleo: 26.92
Skizz and Tango: 22.04
Bdubs and Skizz: 21.88
Scott and Jimmy: 15.38
Impulse and Mumbo: 12.50
Impulse and Jimmy: 9.38
Joel and Jimmy: 7.69
Jimmy and Tango: 3.85
Mumbo and Jimmy: 3.13
All duos that have teamed multiple times:
Bdubs and Impulse: 71.15
Scar and Grian: 65.38
Impulse and Tango: 59.62
Etho and Tango: 51.56
BigB and Ren: 51.12
Bdubs and Tango: 49.88
Bdubs and Cleo: 40.38
BigB and Skizz: 40.26
Etho and Skizz: 35.34
Martyn and Jimmy: 32.81
Grian and Jimmy: 31.01
Skizz and Tango: 22.04
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threebodybot · 28 days
m1=124.5 m2=116.6 m3=45.1 (solar masses) v1x=0.081 v1y=4.832 v2x=3.323 v2y=-3.85 v3x=-0.391 v3y=4.114 (km/s) x1=-25.0 y1=-6.0 x2=24.0 y2=24.0 x3=9.0 y3=-25.0 (AU from center) Music: Adagio for Strings – Barber
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kittybroker · 6 months
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loaf 🍞
This freshly baked kitty loaf now selling for the great price of $3.85! It's the best thing since sliced bread!
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