#& summonerscenarios
felsdumpsterfire · 2 years
I have a blog specifically dedicated to Housamo now!
It's called Re-samo!
Well, I say it's dedicated to Housamo, it's more like, dedicated to @summonerscenarios and I's OCs to celebrate knowing each other for three years and Housamo happens to be the thing that caused us to meet! I unfortunately I do not take any requests on there, but! I am totally willing to chatter about it (especially since I've finally finished reading chapter 12- I have a lot of emotions about that one lmao)
But yeah! Feel free to stop on by and chat! I have a couple of drawings scheduled for it so that's cool!
Anyway, have a nice day and look forward to some OFF game art because I am falling back into the hole man lmao
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re-samo · 2 years
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Warmer weather = cuter outfits
(Juno (the one taking the selfie) belongs to @summonerscenarios! 💖💖)
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How about hcs on an amusement park date with your fav persona boys? who goes right for the games and tries to win you prizes? who makes a b-line for the ferris wheel?
Shinjiro’s not really the amusement park type— but he’s surprisingly weak when you start pleading, so it doesn’t take long to convince him. He acts gruff the entire time, trailing along after you with his hands shoved in his coat pockets, only giving vague responses when you say something. Eventually, though, he realizes that it’s kinda dragging you down— while he’s not the most energetic man, he at least puts more effort into responding positively to you.
He’s the type to enjoy the shopping more than anything else. He doesn’t intend to get distracted, but something catches his eye as the two of you pass yet another stall— a small trinket that reminds him of you. And then on the next table is a row of handmade scarves, you could use one of those— oh, there’s umbrellas too, didn’t you say yours was getting old? When you turn around to ask him something, you find Shinjiro with his arms full of stuff that wasn’t there moments beforehand.
It’s especially amusing watching him try fair foods. While he’s not nearly as health-focused as Akihiko is, Shinjiro does try his best to eat balanced meals and provide the same for everyone else— when you shove a plate of something fried and greasy in his hands, he just stares. His default reaction is to say fuck no and throw it away, but god, you’re staring at him with those cute eyes again; he slowly chokes it all down, not wanting to disappoint you. Just don’t expect him to cook this stuff at home.
Yosuke tries to act mature, but the moment you’ve stepped through the ticket gates, he’s obviously giddy. Even though he’d made it clear this was a date, he’s still careful with you, asking permission to hold your hand or get a bit too close; when you agree, he grins, wrapping his hand around yours and tugging you off into the crowds.
He’s pretty big on the rides, although he won’t drag you onto anything you’re uncomfortable with. Definitely a roller coaster type, but he knows they’re not for everyone— he’s super happy if you’ll agree to ride one with him. Beyond that, he’s interested in getting you both into something like the haunted house; he’s hoping that you’ll jump into his arms if you’re scared, but it ends up with him clinging to you instead.
Yosuke gets tired running at full-force for so long, so as the day winds down, the two of you finishing your cheap dinners and eyeing the games, he’s the one to suggest the Ferris wheel. It’s nice and it’s slow— it’ll be a good chance to rest quietly before you throw yourselves back into the ever-mounting chaos. Once the two of you are in the carriage, all alone together, he’s more nervous than he’s been all day— for some reason, holding your hand now feels a lot more intimate than it did earlier.
Despite being a pretty quiet young man, Ren’s been known to do strange things on occasion; you’d only mentioned the local amusement park in passing, not expecting him to offer to take you one day. It’s a bit awkward at first— he’s as quiet as ever, and constantly watching you with those unnerving eyes that seem to see right through you. Maybe he’s just as nervous as you are.
Unsurprisingly, Ren is astounding at the various carnival games. He’s really got an eye for these things; you casually point out a stuffed animal you think is cute, and he’s immediately bought himself a try. You know the games are supposed to be rigged, but he wins everything effortlessly— he can toss darts like they’re nothing, and his sharpshooting skills make other games a breeze. He just wants to win things to make you happy, but if you can’t rein him in, the booth attendants might resort to bribing him to leave their games alone.
He opens up more and more throughout the day, going from bashfully stoic to grinning and laughing without worry. You’re not sure you’ve ever seen him this happy. He eventually admits that it’s been a long time since he spent a day like this; his life tumbled downhill far too quickly, and he felt like he’d missed out on too much in such little time. He grins at you like you hung the moon just for him and thanks you genuinely.
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summoner-chan · 4 years
[Had a moment to appreciate Juno and so I wholly took advantage of the feeling 😳👉👈]
@summonerscenarios hi I miss u but like phone sucks so yep :(( have these as my love and appreciation for u and your writings ❤❤✨✨ I drew all of the outfits you had on lol but like your art is perfecto like mwah chef's kiss✨👌👌
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sheerrandomnstuff · 4 years
A Tangled Summoner - Chapter 1
At night in Tokyo, a lone schoolgirl dressed in a school attire wearing a bowler hat lies at a park, with no memories of her previous life. As she begins to wake up, she surveys her surroundings to find that the place she was at didn't seem familiar to her at all.
???:"What happened...Where..am I?"
As she starts to get up from the ground and dust herself off, a masculine, gruff voice coming from her head under the hat spoke.
???:"So you're finally awake, huh kid."
???: "Samson, is that you?"
Samson:"Who else, Filia?"
Samson, Filia's hair parasite occupies her own head, and acts as her hair, with yellow eyes and sharp teeth, with an abnormally long tongue if he ever stuck it out.
As Filia begins to walk along the gravel path of the park, she questions Samson about their whereabouts.
Filia:"Hey Samson, do you know this place?"
Samson:"Hell if I know, kid. All I know is that we're not in New Meridian anymore, that's for sure."
Frowning at this, Filia ponders and then ask,
Filia:"Then how did we end up her..",
but before she could finish her sentence on wondering how her and Samson arrived in this strange new place...
Someone had bumped into her, sending both Filia and the person flying onto the ground, with her hat coming off.
???:"Oww...What did I bumped into? Ah, s-sorry! I don't know who you are but are you okay!?"
As the person comes towards Filia to help her up and return her hat towards her while brushing away the dirt on it, she notices that he was also wearing a school uniform that she was unfamiliar with, with a chubby body and physique, and matching amber hair and eyes to boot.
Groggily standing up, Filia wanted to thank and ask him who he was and why did he bump into her, although Samson had other ideas about asking this kid who the hell does he think he is, bumping into his host like that? He's going to teach this brat a lesson. But before they could voice their opinions..
A large, red orc carrying a big club, wearing nothing but a colored loin cloth appears and approaches towards them.
Filia:”A..a..A monster?!?”
Samson(Thinking): What the hell?!?
???:"Ack! We got better stuff to do right now! Let's get outta here!"
Grabbing her hand and running off, the boy drags Filia towards places where he believes that they would be able to escape from but...
???:"Ugh...there's nowhere else to run! I was just trying to take a shortcut to the station and I had to run into a stray Transient!"
Red Oni:"Grraaaagh!!!!!"
Filia:“Oh no!!”
Samson(Thinking):We're doomed.
As the Oni approaches towards them both closer, the boy moves forward towards the Transient, which shocks both Filia and Samson.
???:"Stay back! If you're not a Transient yourself, you don't stand a chance against one!"
Filia, touched and inspired by his kindness and bravery for trying to protect her, walks forward in front of him, challenging the Oni herself instead.
Filia:"Why don't you take on someone your own size?"
Red Oni:!?!
As everyone is shocked by Filia's comment and decision to stay back and fight rather than run away, Samson begins to whisper to Filia about her decision.
Samson(Whisper):"Filia!! What are you doing!?! You should have taken the kids' chance to bail!!”
Filia(Whisper):"Sorry Samson, but you know I'm not that kind of person, and I can't just leave him. Not after when he tried his best to save me even though he was afraid, and just now when he tried to selflessly offered to sacrifice himself to make sure I was safe, even though that's something I won't ever let happen in the first place, not when we have the power to fight back. Not when we have each other."
Samson(Whisper):"Great..just great...there's no talking you outta this one huh?"
Filia(Whisper):"Sorry Samson, but we're going to protect him."
Hearing how determined Filia was about this, Samson grumbled, and following with a resigned sigh answered,
Samson(Whisper):“Fine. Let's take this big guy down together, since it’s been a long time since I’ve let loose, so this should be fun. When you're ready kid, just say the word.”
As the oni prepares to charge towards the the pair to attack, he bellows out,
Red Oni:“You get in way? Then I eat you first!! Grrraaaaarh!!!!”
What happened next though was something both the Oni and boy didn’t expect, as Filia calls out Samson’s name with confidence, as he burst out of the hat, destroying it in the process.
Filia:"Let's go Samson!!"
Samson:"Hell yeah!!"
???: “Huh!?!”
On the other hand, regaining himself rather quickly, the Oni declares,
Red Oni:“It no matter...who you are….I will defeat you....and then eat you!!!”
Samson:“Just try it, bub!!”
{Skullgirls OST #6 - Moonlit Melee} ‘Ladies & Gentleman It’s...SHOWTIME!!!’
The Oni charges towards Filia with the club in hand, ready to smash her into a pulp as Filia meanwhile goes down on the ground in a relaxing position with Samson digging deep into the surface below, creating a twisting spike of hair that come out of the ground right in front of the Oni, catching him off guard.
Samson:“Ringlet Spike!!”
As the Oni was off-balanced, wasting no time, Filia calls out to Samson, for the next set of commands.
Filia:“Let’s go!!”
Samson:“Got it!! Airball!!”
Grabbing her by the left ankle, Samson flips Filia over into the air and quickly cocoons her by transforming into a spiked, razor-sharp ball of hair that travels in the air straight towards the Oni, landing multiple hits just below the collar bone. As Filia emerges from the ball, Samson quickly transforms once again into a giant spider and grabs the Oni before he hits the ground, lifts and throws the Oni up into the air, only to grab him once more as he comes back down and slams him onto the ground as hard as possible.
Samson:“Widows Peak!!”
Red Oni:“Guh!!”
Throughout the battle, the mysterious boy watches on in awe as he mutters to himself,
???: “Just who are you?”
As the Oni lays on the ground, without missing a beat, Filia lifts up her right leg in the air as Samson covers it with her hair and spins, turning her leg into a deadly drill, and just before descending down onto the Oni,
Filia:“Please make sure not to kill him Samson.”
Samson: “I know. I’ll try.”
With that, Filia declares her final command to finish the fight.
Filia:“I’m ready!!”
As those word left her mouth, Filia quickly plunges down right onto the Oni, who upon impact, let’s out a mighty roar.
‘It’s Super Effective!!’{End Track}
After the battle had ended, Filia with a worrisome look and a guilty conscience, removes herself off on top of the Oni and proceeds to check him for the puncture wound that she might of left during her last attack, believing that her and Samson may have gone too far judging from the scream that the Oni gave out, but before could she get started, she seemed to notice that the Oni was now...glowing…???
Red Oni:“Urrrgh...”
Red Oni: “I wanted to find...and serve master…even...at cost...of sanity…But now...I die..in unknown land.”
Hearing this, Filia felt immense sadness and regret for the Oni, and also berating herself for the role that she played in harming an innocent individual who just wanted a place to belong, which she emphasizes with, as she doesn’t remember her own life before Samson. Realising this, she extends her hand and says,
Filia: “Then is it okay..if I became your master instead???”
As the Oni lays on the ground as Filia awaits his answer, a few tense moments pass by as the park becomes eerily quiet all of a sudden, until...
Red Oni:“No...you can’t...it..impossible…”
Feeling herself deflated, the Oni was now starting to glow more brightly and appeared to be transparent now as Filia now noticed.
Filia(Thinking):What’s..happening?? Is he...disappearing?? If that’s true, then..
Walking and kneeling towards near a top of his head, Filia softly asks the Oni,
Filia: “Would you..at least..let me have your head on my lap...as I..hold your hand, until you disappear...if you want…???”
Red Oni:“...Very well…”
Although the moment didn’t last for long, if only for a few seconds, the Oni’s simple thanks of gratitude before he disappeared in a blinding light, was able to help Filia find solace upon her actions on the Oni himself, if only for a while.
Red Oni:“Ah...I finally go...back home...Thank you..and..goodbye.”
With the disappearance of the Oni, as Filia stood up a voice behind her says,
???:“D-did that Stray Transient just disappear?”
Turning around with a somber face, Filia answers the question towards the mysterious boy that she just saved with a somber voice,
???: “Hey, are you okay??”
The boy worried, digs into his pockets and takes out a piece of candy which he hands over towards Filia, which gets a smile from her.
???: “Hope this makes you feel better.”
Filia:“Thank you.”
???: “Anyways, I gotta thank you first. Thanks for saving my butt!! I’m Ryota. Ryota Yakushimaru!”
While looking at Ryota’s cheerful, smiling face, Filia couldn’t help but smile as well as she then introduced herself.
Filia:“Hi Ryota it’s nice to meet you! My name is Filia!!”
Character Bio: Filia
Gender: Female 
D.O.B: March 16th
Age: 16
Blood Type: AB
Height: 5'4
Weight: 142 lbs
Likes: eating, coffee, milkshakes, reading and learning, radio dramas, comics, romance novels, and dogs.
Dislikes: Samson’s bluffing and gambling, seeing innocents get hurt, hair getting tangled, being lied to, and side effects of Samson's parasitism.
Fighting Style: Although Filia and Samson are strong, both are incompetent on fighting together as both do not know how to fight. As both of them are aware of this, Filia relies on Samson utilizing her hair to transform into varieties of different shapes and sizes to deliver strong, offensive attacks and quick mobility to quickly overwhelm the opponent, with little to no regard to defenses except for their quick reflexes to block or dodge attacks. With this rushdown rough and tumble style, if Filia is able to land a hit on her opponents, a bad hair day is going to be the least of their worries.
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felswritingfire · 4 years
Master List
Headcanon- ⬱
Scenario- ⬅
SFW- ☁
Suggestive- 👀
Angst- 💔
Fluff- 💖
Kengan Ashura
How You Officially Meet Agito Kanoh ⬅;☁
Takeru’s Brothers being Wingmen ⬅;☁;💖
Baki the Grappler
Relationship HCs (Retsu, Jack, Doyle, Sikorsky) ⬱; ☁; 💖
Hanma boys w/ a Weak Baby S/O ⬱; ☁; 💖
Yujiro Meeting a Strong Woman ⬱; ☁
Hanma Boys Reacting to a Strong Female S/O Fighting Yujiro and Winning ⬱; ☁
Yujiro’s reaction to being punched by a Strong Female S/O and landing in a different continent ⬱;☁
Smooches with Gellekh Xigisi ⬱; ☁; 💖
Face Sitting with Rufioh Nitram ⬱; 💦
Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
A Romance with Bathym ⬱; ☁; 💖
Some Angst with Taurus Mask ⬱;☁;💔
Dating Hephaestus (Male Reader) ⬱; ☁; 💦; 💖
Watching Inuyasha w/ Moritaka ⬱; ☁; 💖
Dating Macan ⬱; ☁; 💖
Dating Nyarl (Male Reader) ⬱; ☁; 💦; 💖
NSFW with Macan ⬱; 💦
General NSFW Nomad ⬱; 💦
Dad HCs (Arsalan, Ifirit, Ophion, Tadatomo, Xolotl) ⬱; ☁; 💖
Zabinniya (#14- hand holding) ⬱; ☁; 💖; 👀
Kengo (#16- hand holding) ⬱;☁;💔
(Jealous) Tezcatlipoca with a female S/O ⬱; ☁; 👀
Horkeu Kamui Dad HCs ⬱; ☁
Shinya (#5 and #4 Hand holding) ⬅;☁;💔
Dragon Age
Monster Prom
A Bubble Bath with Scott ⬱; ☁; 💖
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Phantom Blood
Battle Tendency
Stardust Crusaders
Diamond Unbreakable
Golden Wind
Food Fantasy
The Arcana
General/Dating HCs with Zebra ⬱; ☁; 💖
Fire Emblem
Disgaea 5
Red Magnus getting his titties played with ⬅; 💦
Fates Series
Unlimited Blade Works (UBW)
Extra Last Encore
Kekkai Sensen/ Blood Blockade Battlefront
Saint Seiya
Lost Canvas
Twisted Wonderland
Mafia AU w/ Vil Schoenheit x Reader ⬅;☁;💔
Mafia AU w/ Vil Schoenheit x Reader II ⬱; ☁; 💖
Mafia AU w/ Riddle Rosehearts and what Reader would do ⬱; ☁; 💖
(April Brain Rot)
Vil Schoenheit x Reader (Mafia AU) ⬅;☁
Deuce Spade x Ace Trappola x Grim x Reader ⬅;☁;💔;💖
Leona Kingscholar x Reader ⬅;☁;💖
Ace Trappola x Reader ⬅;☁;💖
Jack Howl x Reader (Detroit Become Human AU) ⬅;☁
Sebek Zigvolt x Reader ⬅;☁
Kalim Al Asim x Reader (Pokémon AU) ⬅;☁;💖
Divus Crewel x Professor! Reader ⬅;☁;💔;💖
Idia Shroud x Reader ⬅;☁;💖
Floyd Leech x Reader ⬅;☁
Rook Hunt x Reader (God AU) ⬅;☁
Riddle Roseheart x Reader (Cursed AU) ⬅;☁;💖
Sebek Zigvolt x Reader (Toddler AU) ⬅;☁;💖
Dire Crowley x Reader (Howl’s Moving Castle AU) ⬅;☁;💖
Hades (Game)
(Olympus) Gods x Shade! Reader ⬱; ☁; 💖
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Romantic Freddy x Male! Reader Hcs ⬱; ☁; 💖
Romantic Sander x Male! Reader Hcs ⬱; ☁; 💖
Romantic Drew x Male!Reader Hcs (still editing) ⬱; ☁; 💖
Sengoku Basara
Ask Prompts
Hand Holding
Aggressive Yandere
100 Word Writing
Fandom List
Red Magnus with a smol S/O
Rough Sex (Jacob, Tetsuya, and Bathym)
Match-up (mine!)
Pampering the Boys (Jacob and Testuya)
Virgin S/O (And losing it!) (Ophion, Lucifuge, and Hakuman)
Angst with Loops (Ophion, Zabinniya, and Oniwaka)
SFW & NSFW HCs w/ Shuichi
Stressing the Teachers out (Mononobe, Triton, and Jinn)
S/O Wearing Some of Their Clothes (Gullinbursti, Toji, and Shinya)
Small Piers Scenario
The Boys Opening Jars for you
Just this Once (Akiyama Kaede)
Zebra with a Soft S/O
S/O who can Sew with Unusual Things (Jamil, Trey, Jade, and Deuce)
MTMTE Lost Light Crew w/ a Lovable Human Liaison
A Heart From Me to You (Floyd Leech x Reader)
Domestic Ramge HCs
S/O getting into a fight for them (Ruggie, Azul, and Deuce)
Alone with You (Yandere!Batter x reader)
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justlarkin · 4 years
Decided to quickly draw other ppls' Housamo OCs during my lunch break. Sozzy they're messy, i was in a rush \(-3-)/ probs got sumthing wrong too whoops haha.
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in order they belong to: go-go-gudako/ crazyliia/ zoradementio/ agenericcartoonfan/ summonerscenarios
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primroselegends · 4 years
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good morning @summonerscenarios lmao
I’d appreciate a like/reblog if you use them! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
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20thcentury-kylo · 4 years
Hold Me Close
Short Drabble based on This Post by the lovely @summonerscenarios
(Mc5 x ryota ofc)
It felt like screaming into an airless Void- devoid of any sound or reasoning. Their faces held scowls of disapproval boreing into him mercilessly. Even as his every breath cried out in innocence- no one heard a thing...
No one heard a damn thing he said. The once frustrated grunts have since then dissolved into bitter stares and petty murmers- but it was okay. He was used to the silence.
They'd all come crashing down from their pedastals, their own prosecution turning on them, leaving endless waves of guilt flooding their hearts. Looking back on it he'd probably been better off not knowing- atleast he wouldn't be so damn pissed right now.
The regret filled words of his technical guardian only seemed to fuel this fire, filling their heads with the bindings of betrayal and mistrust.
'So much for having my back..' The thought doesn't escape his lips, but shines ever so violently in his eyes- stinging as if the salt had poured right through his retnas. The Apology is slow worded- yet does nothing to sate their anger, and as he returns to his seat ogled by his friends and classmates alike, it sits there bubbling.
He doesn't attend the guild meeting that day. Hell- he's not even sure if there was one, being honest the rest of the day was a blur in an attempt to keep his own rage in check. But now it was over, and as he makes uncomfortably long strides towards his dorm- it starts to boil over. A flurry of thoughts run rampant through his head all screaming-
'How could they' All he's sacrificed for them, and this is how they're repaid- It takes all his willpower not to completely rip the door from its hinges. Away from the exposure of the public, the seething violence painting his features can no longer be hidden. Their vision spilled with a gruesome red that swells up inside.
He's needs to punch something or else he's gonna fucking burst.
His right fist tightens to a nearly selfharming degree- the jarring crack of his now white knuckles offsetting the tense silence. They're so caught up in their own emotions that they dont even hear someone enter the dorm behind them.
The flimsy glass keeping their anger in check shatters in one motion, and it crashes in waves through his body. Channeling it all into his fist he strikes the closest wall- nearly going clean through it. The plaster is all but destroyed with blood splattering the now exposed wood. Their hand is a vibrant red, and they can't tell if the shallow tears falling from their eyes are from the pain or the following emptiness swallowing them whole.
He wants to crash and burn, to forget his own existence- if only for a lifetime or two. Their hand pulls back, daring to strike again but-
"Its Ok!- I'm here.."It breaches in broken sobs but the message freezes him in his tracks. Ryota embraces him from behind wrapping tightly around his torso. Hes... crying, Kiome can feel his tears staining the back of his jacket.
Vision Blurred, he can no longer control the torrent of tears behind his eyes. Falling further into Ryota's arms. The embrace is warm, and the way Ryota caresses the top of his head only makes the tears fall faster. Before he can stop them, jagged sobs escape his lips- incoherent mumblings following soon after. The redhead just coos in response- assuring him that it'll all be alright. That he's with them no matter what. And as they sit in the aftermath, he has but one request...
"Please...Hold me closer..."
"Of course~"
FIN (comments/reviews are much appreciated~ Help me improve uwu)
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felsdumpsterfire · 4 years
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Here, have a sketch dump! I had fun with these!
@summonerscenarios @summoner-chan
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cosmic-ashes720 · 3 years
Drawing the protagonist
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decided to draw the protagonist, well the way I see them. This is Cosmic I love them, they have a little kitty name Starlight who was inspired by @summonerscenarios little thing about the protagonist having a cat so thank very much! your writing is very nice, amazing actually.
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Send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going💖💞💗
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summoner-chan · 4 years
Send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going💖💞💗
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JUNO!!!❤️❤️❤️ I-
I'm just so happy.....✨✨You bet my ass I'm going to send this to you!!! BSJSJSJDK BUT STILL THANK YOU!!!
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felswritingfire · 3 years
Hey, friendly fucking reminder:
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felswritingfire · 3 years
Hello felsdumpsterfire! I had heard about the situation about people making demands to summonersscenarios and I would like to say thank you for letting us know and for calling out those responsible for a reality check. I hope things will get better for summonerscenarios and I definitely hope that you don’t have to go through a similar situation. I wish a good day!
Hello, dear! I hope you're having a good day too and there's no need to thank me, I just get blinding rage when I see shit like that happening, makes me uber angry 😤😤
I hate when people do that to me and I personally know the situation that Juno's in so like, of course I'm gonna be pissedx10 lmao
But again, you're super sweet, Kit! Stay safe and healthy! 💖
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