#& we were just. sitting there. utterly horrified.
ozlices · 9 months
doctor apt was shit but the ladies at the desk were cool and set us up for a better, nicer doctor next month so. we'll see how that goes but i can say i've never been so fucking flabbergasted in my life at the bullshit coming from a doctor's mouth and with the amount of medical trauma we have that is seriously saying something.
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planariaareneat · 4 months
How The Nocturnal Bottleneck and Nipples Make Us Human
Almost every post here considers what humans do have, really. It’s a little tiring; realistically every world has its harsh environments and vicious species and a sophont to match. We probably wouldn’t be unique for our adaptability or our persistence or even adrenaline
But our evolution is fucked up as hell, to put it lightly.
Mammals went through what’s been dubbed the nocturnal bottleneck essentially since the start of the mesozoic right up until the Cretaceous ended the archosaur’s exclusive hold over the daylight. We lost a lot of things from every mammal spending most of its time in either a cramped, suffocating burrow or scrounging around in the faint hours of nighttime. Our blood cells lost their nuclei to hold more oxygen while we spent time deep underground, we lost protections against ultraviolet rays in our skin and eyes, we can’t even repair our own DNA using the light of the sun. Most aliens probably wouldn’t have such traits unless their evolution followed a very similar path to ours. They’d be able to see ultraviolet and wouldn’t have to worry about sunburn and all the wonderful privileges essentially all fish, birds, amphibians, and reptiles enjoy as we speak. 
There’s also what we gained from spending so much time in the dark.
Brown fat is only found in mammals, it’s a special type of fat which bear cells with several oil droplets and are utterly jammed with mitochondria. This lets it make heat, a lot of it, fast. We don’t even need to shiver to induce this heat generation from brown adipose tissue - factor in our downright hyperactive mitochondria, and we can warm up quickly. Sure, it doesn’t have too much use in adult humans, but it keeps our infants warm and still provides a little boost the whole run we have in this universe.
Unless aliens also went through a time where their small ancestors had to face cold nights, they’d have to produce heat the old fashioned way when chilled. Aliens might have to shiver the whole time they’re in a cold room while the human watches in confusion, quite literally unshaken, and wonders if the room is a lot colder than the thermostat set to 60 says. The aliens stare at their companion in confusion, it’s just a normal temperature to shiver at after all, how is the human sitting so still?
Our small ancestors spending all their time out foraging at night is also why we have such a good sense of touch, smell, and hearing. They were more important senses than vision (we’re lucky to have even redeveloped basic color vision, frankly) at the time and place and simply ended up continuing to serve us well. Birds and reptiles rarely have acute senses of smell and the latter especially are lucky to have acute hearing, and birds rarely have impeccable hearing themselves either. Our skin is free of scales and honed to sensitivity, and our external ears and complicated ear bones provide an immense range of hearing (from 20 all the way to 17,000 hertz!).
Aliens might not be able to pin down the chirp of a cricket or the light click of a lock being picked. The human might be the only one on board a ship that can pick out the finer sounds of the engine’s constant thrum and know the critical difference between when everything is fine and when something is wrong. The human could probably pick out the sounds of an approaching enemy’s careless footsteps - they’re only as light enough for *them* to stop hearing them, after all - and be the one to see the horrified expression (well, more on that later) on their face when we get the drop on them in spite of their perceived stealth. 
But perhaps the most versatile, convoluted, amazing, and utterly unique trait we have is right on your face this instant. Lips.
Lips in most animals are a simple seal to hold in the mouth’s moisture and protect the teeth, even if they’re supple they’re NEVER muscular except in mammals, and we have only one thing to thank for it; milk and nipples. Lips evolved exclusively to allow babies to suckle, it required a vacuum to be created in the mouth, and with no other animal having anything like a nipple it never happened in other animals. Many animals make milk, to be frank, but no other animal has nipples.
Your cheeks and lips are a marvel among tetrapods, no other animal can suck like mammals can. Aliens wouldn’t have straws or even be able to sip from the edge of a glass, they’d have to have a proboscis or simply tilt the whole thing back. Aliens likely won’t have woodwind instruments or balloons you can blow into. We take so much about our lips for granted. Hell, our muscular faces are vital for expressions, we’re probably absolute facial contortionists among a cast of creatures with mandibles and beaks and expressionless scaly maws. Aliens might find us ridiculously easy to read, if anything, compared to their own kind (all the better to deceive them) - or perhaps they’d find us hard to decipher anyways, with our lack of color-changing skin or erectable crests of bright feathers. Baring teeth might not be seen as a sign of aggression in most of the universe, smiling would be all too distinctly human. 
Perhaps with how infectious we are sometimes, that’s what we’d contribute to the universe; others might have to make do with opening their mouths just enough to show their teeth or splaying their innumerable mouthparts with just the right curve, but perhaps we’d teach the galaxy to smile, one ally at a time. 
Wouldn’t that be amazing?
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
(Set right before season 4)
Steve rushes over to the Henderson house after an ominous call from Dustin saying, "Come over as soon as you can, it's an emergency," before hanging up dramatically.
He can hear his nail bat rolling around in his trunk every turn he takes as he gets there in record time. He grabs the bat out of the trunk and rushes to the door, not bothering to knock before he barges in.
He's met with the sight of Eddie Munson staring at him with wide eyes as Dustin yells, "No! No! Don't swing! Not a code red!"
Steve sets down the bat and lets out a deep breath. "What the hell, Henderson?! I could've seriously taken you out with this thing!" He hears Dustin give him a half-assed apology as he tries to get his heartbeat to slow down. "Next time, don't leave such a cryptic message, okay?"
"Okay," Dustin says, holding his hands up.
"What the fuck is that?" Munson asks, staring at the bat.
Steve points at him and says, "Language," before turning to Dustin and asking, "What's he doing here?"
Dustin sighs and gestures them toward his couch. Steve shoots Eddie a look before taking a seat right against the arm of the couch. It's not that he hates him, hell, he's pretty sure he's gotten weed from him before. It's just that he doesn't like sharing this older brother role with another guy - especially one who likes to make dramatic speeches on top of lunch tables.
Based on the way Eddie is similarly leaning away from him and uncomfortably fidgeting with his rings, he can tell there's a mutual tension between them. Dustin doesn't pick up on it as he sits across from them, acting like he's about to deliver the worst news ever.
Steve leans forward a little trying to get Dustin to finally spill and tries not to lean back immediately when he sees that Eddie is doing the same thing.
"Okay, Suzie and I were talking, and her family is considering visiting Hawkins."
Steve smiles. "That's great, but why-"
"Why are you acting like that's bad news?" Eddie asks, finishing Steve's sentence. The two glance at each other, and Steve tries not to size him up.
Dustin groans, "Because I need to take her on a proper date! We weren't able to go on dates during science camp, so I want this to be special. Of course, this is all contingent on whether she can convince her dad to give us alone time..."
"I could be your chaperone, but I'd ditch you once you got to the movie theater," Steve offers.
Eddie scoffs, "Yeah, a date with Suzie will not be at a movie theater."
Steve crosses his legs and turns toward Eddie. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you knew something about dating. Wait a minute." He directs his attention back to Dustin, utterly horrified. "You asked me and Munson for girl help?"
"Don't sound so shocked," Eddie says, but Steve ignores him.
"Yes," Dustin states simply. He sighs and gestures between the two of them. "Steve, you're a lady's man and you know exactly what to say and where the best date spots are, but you pick up the worst girls. Except Robin who you refuse to date." Steve doesn't have time to argue before Dustin points at Eddie, "And Eddie understands all the cool nerd stuff that Suzie and I like, and he's super charismatic. So, I thought we could combine your abilities to create the most epic date in the history of dates."
"No," Steve and Eddie both say at once.
Steve turns to Eddie and raises an eyebrow. "Why are you protesting my help?"
"Because try as he might, Dustin can't convince me that you aren't an asshole that has never actually wooed a girl. You get by with your pretty looks and think that's enough."
Steve's mind lingers a bit on the "pretty looks" for some reason, but he pushes past it to say, "Please, you're telling me you know a single thing about wooing a girl?"
Eddie leans in with a bright smile. "You heard it from Henderson, I'm charming."
"Charismatic," Steve corrects him, "But I haven't seen a shred of that yet."
Eddie tosses an arm over the back of the couch and scoots in until Steve is trapped against the arm of the couch. Steve tries not to show Eddie how much the sudden closeness is affecting him.
"I could easily charm your pants off, big boy," Eddie says with a wink.
Steve's eyes betray him and flicker down to Eddie's lips. "Please, I'd easily beat you to it."
Eddie tilts his head and looks at him through his lashes. "Are you saying you want to charm my pants off, Harrington? I'm flattered, but I'm not that kind of girl."
Steve raises his eyebrows. "Is that a bet?"
"Do you want it to be? Because it kind of sounds like it."
Steve blames his series of bad dates, the meaningless sex with girls with no substance, and the weird tension between them for his response. "It's a date, Munson."
"So, I'm going to assume that was the weirdest way of you two agreeing to help me," Dustin says, startling Steve away from Eddie who he was definitely not just about to kiss.
"Jesus H. Christ," Eddie mumbles under his breath as he moves away, seeming to have also forgotten where they were.
"Sure, we'll create a date for you two and trial-run it for issues," Steve says.
Dustin smiles wide and giggles, "See, I knew you two would help if you just put your dumb differences aside!"
"Something like that," Eddie mutters. "But hey, what does your gut say? Where do you want to take her?"
Dustin shrugs. "I like the idea of the movies."
Steve slowly looks over at Eddie and gives him a cocky smile. Eddie's mouth twitches momentarily into a frown, but he ignores him. "I'll think of something special to do after, but Harrington can fill you in on a movie date."
"I thought you were the expert on wooing," Steve snarkily replies.
Eddie huffs, "Movie dates just aren't my thing."
If they're actually trial-running this, Steve will make it a point to make movie dates Eddie's thing.
"That sounds great. Thank you both!" Dustin says, still ignoring the obvious tension.
"Well, I've got to head out, but it was good seeing you," Eddie says with a genuine smile that Steve thinks he would like to see more often.
"I do, too. Hey, I'm glad I could help. Next time maybe don't make it sound like a nail-bat emergency though," Steve says lowering his voice before grabbing the bat.
He follows Eddie toward the front, but they both stop and turn to mess up Dustin's hair simultaneously. Steve pulls his hand back when Eddie's hand runs on top of his. He looks at him with his eyebrows furrowed.
"I told you you guys are similar."
Steve thinks that Dustin's right, but maybe they're only similar in the way they both obviously care for him.
They finish their goodbyes and head out into the cold January weather. Steve clutches his jacket tighter around himself - he had forgotten to grab a heavier coat in his rush over. He turns to Eddie and says, "Hey."
Eddie turns to him and raises his eyebrows.
"Want to trial-run that date tonight?"
Eddie frowns at him. "I thought you were joking."
With that, Steve should take the clear out given to him and agree. Yes, it was just a joke. Instead, he says, "It doesn't have to be."
It's a long few seconds of Eddie staring at him before he gets a quiet response of, "Yeah, sure. Uh, let's go to my place though. I don't want your reputation to be tainted if you're seen in public with me."
"I wouldn't mind," Steve says sincerely. He's not sure why he's so adamant about this date, but maybe he just wants to see where that moment on the couch could truly lead. "But hey, your reputation would also be tainted if you're associating with me."
"And we wouldn't want that," Eddie says with a small smile. "The freak and the king. What would people say?"
This surprises a laugh out of Steve before he says, "I think your place would probably be a little more intimate than a movie theater."
He can't tell if Eddie's cheeks suddenly flush a little pinker from the cold or a blush. "I told you, I'm not that kind of guy."
"More intimate doesn't always mean sex. You know this."
Eddie laughs and shakes his head. "Why don't we continue this conversation at my place so you don't freeze to death?"
"I like the sound of that," Steve says, making his way to his car and trying to hide the huge smile that's trying to split across his face all because of Eddie Munson.
He rushes to shove his bat into the trunk, hoping that he won't have to further explain that to Eddie. But based on the way his eyes linger on it, he's thinking he won't get away from questioning too easily.
Luckily, he has prepared his Harrington charm for this moment. And boy, he's going to be using it as often as he can to prove Eddie wrong.
Part Two (aka the final part)
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thatfreshi · 1 year
Could I request an Astarion/GN!reader(Tav) where reader has trauma around their throat being touched and stuff but bears through the panic attacks just so Astarion can feed and Astarion only finds out after they make camp and confronts reader/Tav about their mental breakdown after a battle they had prior in the day?(reader got grabbed forcefully by the neck?) Essentially a bit of angst and comfort?
Set in act 2!!
TW - choking, panic attack, disordered eating behaviors
Recommended Song: Don't Invest In Me - Adam Melchor
Battle is horrifying, something Astarion never truly quite realized until he fell in love you with. He's talented, especially at killing people. He's never had to worry in a fight, because it was always just him. Now he has to worry about you, and it's painful, not being able to be by your side constantly, watching you in perilous situations, looking death right in the eye. When your group ran into a few violent adventurers yesterday, you weren't expecting any trouble. Suddenly, metal clashing, magic moving through the trees. Astarion moved quickly, offing one of the offenders almost immediately. When he turned to see who was next, bloodlust in his eyes, he saw you being held by the throat. You were frozen, running out of oxygen, tears welling at your eyes. He ran through the trees, running his blade through your captor's back.
"Tav? My dear, are you alright?"
You can't speak, utterly shocked. No one had ever tried to choke you in the throes of battle, and it reminded you of awful things, things that were better left unsaid. He checks you for any other wounds as you're trapped in your own mind. The fighting continues, but he doesn't care. All that matters is you, the others can handle themselves just fine. And if not, that's their loss, not his.
After thoroughly checking you over, he can't find anything else of concern. The bruising on your neck though, it's black and blue already. Racing thoughts, wondering if there's been any lasting damage. He can't decide if he should be more concerned about the fact that you're practically frozen in place or if your windpipe is destroyed.
"The fuck are you doing? We have shit to deal with!"
Karlach silences her complaints when she sees you lying on the ground. Astarion doesn't even look up at her, afraid. He's only ever truly had one thing, one thing that was his, and that's you. Everything else feels so impermanent, but you? You're constant.
"Astarion! Astarion!"
She yells out his name until he finally snaps back to look at your tiefling friend.
"Take Tav back to camp, we've got it covered."
Karlach then runs off, back to assist Wyll with a shadow-covered half-elf. You groan in pain, your neck on fire. As you start to come back to reality, you realize you're in the vampire's arms, a vampire currently moving through the dark as quickly as possible. Neither of you have lights on you, but he knows there are still torches lit at camp, he just has to get there before the shadow curse starts to take hold. You're light-headed, both from lack of oxygen and the panic attack.
"Hush darling, it's alright. We're almost there, almost to camp."
Through a couple more feet of trees, the two of you make it, bathing in the warm light of the torches posted behind the brush. He takes you back to your tent, where your bedrolls lie side by side. He silently curses himself for not knowing any healing magic, promising himself he'll finally learn after this.
You call out groggily.
"Yes my love, I'm right here."
Ceasing the nervous pacing, he sits by your side.
"What... what happened?"
He almost doesn't want to say, worried about how you reacted while it was happening.
"One of the shadow-cursed, they... they had you in a nasty chokehold, and I killed them."
You shift, wishing he didn't have to know about all of this.
"About what darling? You've done nothing wrong."
"About not telling you- not telling you about it."
You're gasping to get your words out, your throat clearly damaged. He furrows his brow in concerned confusion.
"I- I really don't like people touching my neck, doing anything to it to be honest. Wasn't expecting one of them to grab me like that."
Coughing at the end of your sentence, you don't see Astarion's eyes travel through his thoughts, realizing what that means.
"Darling... you let me feed off of you almost every evening."
You smile a little.
"I know."
He grabs one of your hands, clasping it in both of his.
"I'll never do it again. I'm so sorry, I had no idea."
Frantic, worried he's done something irreversibly wrong.
"No, no Aster it's okay. Does it suck sometimes? Yeah, but I need you to be healthy. Besides, what's a better way to work through your trauma than exposure therapy?"
"That's not fair. I can find something else, some other way."
"And what, go back to forest animals? You know there's nothing for you out here, in the darkness."
"Then I'll simply starve! Done it before, I'll do it again."
Gods, he's stubborn. You don't blame him, he would never want to cross anyone's boundaries after his have been trampled a million times.
"My love, come here."
You reach out, beckoning to pull him down beside you.
"If I didn't want to do it, I wouldn't. You need to feed, and I can provide that. You do plenty for me, let me do this one thing for you."
"But, but you hate it."
"Yeah. Those two things can coexist, my hate for people touching my neck, and my love for you. I can put up with the anxiety if it means you're okay."
"I would be okay though."
You cup his face in your hand, making sure he's looking at you.
"I'm telling you I'm okay, and that you deserve more than rats. Okay?"
You've been around him long enough, you know his logic. If he survived for two hundred years living off of flies and rats, he certainly doesn't need blood like yours. If he had starved for an entire year, he could take a few months before getting to Baldur's Gate. Sometimes you have to remind him that survival mode isn't living, that he's allowed to have nice things. Tears fall from his eyes.
"Are you sure my sweet? Absolutely certain?"
"Of course, and if I ever needed you to stop I would tell you, promise."
You put your pinky out, and he stares at it.
"What... what are you doing? Is this you offering me to feed off a singular finger? Because if so, that's uh-"
"No, gods! It's a pinky promise."
"A... a what?"
You start laughing, so hard that you start coughing again, tears falling down your face.
"You've never heard of a pinky promise?"
It pulls at your heart a little, realizing he probably never had anyone teach him.
"I guess I haven't."
You put your pinky out, and he does the same, and then you hook yours, interlacing the small finger with his.
"There, I pinky promise that I'll tell you if you need to stop feeding on me."
As you pull your hand away, he looks confused.
"And that's what, some non-verbal contract?"
"I guess so Mr. Magistrate."
You start laughing again.
"Okay, you have thoroughly scared me, and made me cry, and teased me, in one night! I'm not sure how much more I can take."
There's a hint of humor in his tone. Honestly, he also thinks it's ridiculous that he was a magistrate, considering he was terrible at it, at least from the small things he remembers.
"Well, it's over now. I'm okay, and we're safe."
He narrows his eyes.
"I'm still going to have Shadowheart look over you when the rest return."
"Well, that's your fault for not learning healing magic."
"Okay, you don't know any magic, so I don't want to hear it!"
The two of you stay up for hours, laughing at stupid jokes, hysterical from the tragedy that evening. Sometimes after something horrible, you just need a good laugh, especially with your easily provoked lover.
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nahoney22 · 1 year
Hey! Hope you’re doing alright and hydrated ❤️ I have a request if possible…I’m a sucker for angst so was thinking how would any of the batch (your choice) would react dying in the way Aunt May died in Spider-Man NWH…like she was right for a second and then it just happened.
It’s ok if you don’t feel comfortable about it, Ty!
No Way Home - Readers Death
All Bad Batch Boys X GN!Reader
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As the request says, boys reacting to your death like Aunt May’s in NWH
warnings: mentions of death of reader, swearing, blood, denial, major injury but not in detail, suuuuper angsty. ALL ABOARD THE ANGST TRAIN 🚂
authors note: very sorry for the delay nonny 💜
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"That was a close call, too close," Echo breathes out, his voice laced with relief as he finds himself amidst the wreckage. You had just rescued him, albeit recklessly, but the danger had finally passed, and it was time to return back to the Marauder. What a mess.
"Tell me about it," you reply, forcing a short laugh despite the heaviness in your chest. As you approach Echo, you grow confused as his widened eyes catch your attention, as if he had witnessed something utterly horrifying. "Are you alright, Echo?"
He hesitates for a brief moment before rushing over to you, swiftly offering support as you suddenly collapse onto your knees. "Take it easy, cyare," he urges, his concern palpable. Confusion washes over you at the intensity of his worry.
"I'm fine, really. Just... need a moment to catch my breath, that's all."
Echo’s hand that was on your back comes forward and both of your hearts thunder at his crimson stained blood. “Is that yours?” You whisper, looking at his hand and tune up at him. But, his face said everything.
“We need to get you back to the Havoc. Now.” He had lost so much already, he couldn’t lose you.
“I’m fine Echo. I just need a second.” But your words were slow, laced with tiredness as your body starts to shut down. “Just a second.”
How many more seconds were you willing to give?
“I’m fine…. Aren’t I?” Your head tilts to the side as you look up at him, his eyes flooding with tears.
“Yes,” he rasps but his voice didn’t carry the strength of truth. “You’re going to be fine.”
“Just a few more seconds.”
And that’s all you could give him. He wanted a forever.
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Hunter caught a whiff of it before he saw it. At first glance, you appeared relatively unscathed, just a bit battered from the recent attack. As always, you mustered the strength to stand up and push forward. But the scent of blood hung in the air.
However, the moment you took a step forward, you stumbled, only to be caught by Hunter. "Tech, I need an immediate extraction. Track my location. Now," he urgently commanded, his words filled with anguish, leaving you perplexed.
"Why the extraction? I simply tripped, silly," you chuckled softly, your nose nuzzling against his—a familiar gesture between the two of you. But as you attempted to sit up, your body betrayed you, and you remained rooted to the ground. His gentle pressure on your side triggered a wave of panic. "Hunter, am I injured?"
"Yes," he replied softly, "but don't worry. Tech and the others will be here soon, okay? Just hold on."
"Why are you telling me to hold on? I'm fine. I feel fine!" you protested, emotions rushing over you, followed by a fit of coughing that caused you to cry out in a pained sob.
"Take it easy, my love, take it easy. You're going to be alright. I won't let you slip away. Never," he assured, his words filled with desperation.
Sadly, even his words couldn't save you.
He cradled you in his arms for what felt like hours, feeling helpless, lost, and consumed by anger. "Please, wake up," he whispered, gently stroking your cheek, his tears falling onto your skin. "Wake up."
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"Are you alright, babe?" Wrecker rushes over to your side, forcefully kicking away the heavy debris that had engulfed both of you during the chaotic mission. It was just the two of you, both bewildered about what went wrong when the onslaught of rubble descended upon you.
Coughing, you nod while dusting off your eyes. "Y-yeah, I'm okay," you groan, joining Wrecker in removing the rubble that trapped your body. He assists you in standing, his arm wrapped around your waist as the two of you make your way towards the exit. But he abruptly halts as something warm trickles onto his glove.
Slowly, he withdraws his hand from you, desperately hoping it isn't what he fears. Unfortunately, it confirms his dread. "You, uh, you're bleeding quite a bit," he immediately informs you, flustered, as you stop and look at him, noticing the blood staining his glove.
"Oh," you manage to utter, but in that split second, you collapse to the ground. You believed you were fine, or at least you thought so, but witnessing the consequences of the mission on your own body triggers sudden pain.
"Fuck, are you okay?" Wrecker drops to his knees beside you, but it's too late. Just like that, you're gone.
"Baby?" he whispers, gently nudging your shoulder and placing his large hand over your cheek. "Hey, come on now. We have to keep going."
He's in denial. You can't be gone. It's simply inconceivable. The others hear him when he comms them, begging and crying and screaming your name. You left his life just as quickly as you fell into it.
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With adrenaline still coursing through your veins after the attack, you and Tech find yourselves surrounded by rubble and debris. Despite the chaos, you can't help but chuckle at the mess when you meet up beside Tech. "Well, that was quite an eventful ride, huh?"
"Yes, but it shouldn't have happened. I'm uncertain about what went wrong," Tech muses, resting his chin on his hand in deep contemplation. However, you reassure him with a kiss on the cheek, conveying that worrying about it can wait and that it's best for both of you to make a quick exit.
But as you continue walking, a sudden surge of pain radiates from your stomach, causing you to clutch it tightly before collapsing to your knees with a thud. "Tech, I don't feel well," you manage to utter through the discomfort.
His face instantly fills with concern as he swiftly approaches you, crouching down to your level. "Let me quickly check your vital signs and see if we missed any injuries."
Tech retrieves his scanner and begins assessing you, but his heart feels like it's about to burst out of his chest, as if it's being stomped upon, when he sees the results. Your minds are hazy, too clouded to fully comprehend the situation, as he urgently speaks into his comm, likely calling for assistance.
His hands gently grasp your shoulders, guiding your head to face him, even though you struggle to rely on reading his lips. Yet, there's an undeniable sense of concern in his eyes.
"Tech, what's happening?" you whisper, your voice filled with both pain and confusion. Your eyelids grow heavy as an overwhelming wave of drowsiness begins to wash over you.
"You're injured. Quite severely, I'm afraid," he responds candidly, wrapping his arms around you as you nestle into his side. He does everything within his power to prevent any further damage from occurring.
"It's not that bad," you mutter, your head lolling against his shoulder. "I'm just a little sleepy. I need a moment or two."
"No," he shakes his head adamantly, his voice filled with urgency. "No, you must stay awake, my love. Okay?"
As your eyes close, you release a deep exhale. "Just a few minutes, okay? You can wake me up soon."
Tech's heartache intensifies as he witnesses the person he loves slipping away right in front of him. His lower lip quivers, his mind desperately searching for solutions, for any brilliant ideas that might help, but nothing seems to work. "Stay awake, my love. List all the stars, moons, and planets for me, like I taught you. You have to stay awake," he implores, his voice filled with desperation.
"I can't," you sigh dismissively, leaning into his chest. "I'm so tired."
"Please... please, don't leave me.”
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"Why are you looking at me like that? Stop looking at me like that!" you exclaim, feeling uneasy under Crosshair's intense gaze. The mission had concluded, and you were both making your way out when he abruptly halted, fixated on your movements, as if witnessing a lifetime's worth of memories in an instant.
Confusion etches your face as you turn to him, repeating his name, but he remains motionless. It takes a shout from you to finally elicit a response.
"You're bleeding," he states firmly, dropping his rifle and stepping closer to you, causing your brows to furrow. You instinctively touch your head, finding a small trickle of blood.
"Well, of course I'm bleeding. A building just collapsed on us. It's just a scratch-" you begin, but he cuts you off.
"No," he interrupts, his tone resolute as he positions himself directly in front of you. He raises his wrist and speaks into his comm, urgently requesting an emergency evacuation.
"Crosshair, baby, I'm fine!" you protest, tugging on his wrist, urging him to keep moving. However, he remains steadfast, unmoving. Instead, a sudden wave of excruciating pain seizes you, causing you to cry out and clutch your side.
As you pull your hand back, your eyes widen in shock at the sight of crimson staining your palm. "W-what?"
Before you have a chance to collapse, Crosshair catches you in his arms. "Shh, it's okay. I've got you. The others are on their way."
"Crosshair, w-what happened? What's going on?" you panic, squirming in his grasp, only intensifying the pain.
The Marksman rarely experienced panic, but watching you in this state was unbearable. He felt utterly helpless, unable to do much except apply pressure to the bleeding wound. "Stay calm. It... it will be okay," he says, his voice wavering as he tries to reassure both you and himself.
"When can we go home?" you whisper, breaking the long, painful silence that had settled between you. He can't find the right words to say, so he simply holds you tightly, knowing that you're in shock and asking questions that may not make complete sense.
"Soon," he replies, his voice stiff, his lips lightly brushing against your forehead as he closes his eyes, feeling his heart shatter within him. "We'll go home soon."
Crosshair was never quite the same after you left for home.
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tags: @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @megafrost4 @theroguesully @mustluvecho @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @kixs-husband @pb-jellybeans @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory y @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @agenteliix @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @imalovernotahater @s1st3r @by-the-primes @the-bad-batch-baroness @crystal076 @blustalker @the-good-shittt
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scekrex · 7 months
Crack fic, I choose you!
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Adam and reader sitting in a park, enjoying the nice day, some other angels on the benches next to them starting up a conversation about kids, not really recognizing Adam without his mask and just some normal clothes instead of his robe, how they adore their kiddos, watching them run around and play and Adma just going "Well, if you're a parent with children, don't leave them around me... PAUSE!! *nervous loud laugh* STOP!! I meant like, I'm going to teach them bad words!". The two angels looking horrified at Adam before chuckling nervously, standing up, getting their kids and flying away, reader absolutely face-palming and wondering why the hell did he marry this dumbass before turning to Adam, smacking the back of his head and going "Absolute idiot. Wait. DID YOU TEACH OUR KID BAD WORDS??? SHE'S FOUR" and Adam just replying with "I DON'T KNOW WHAT, WAS WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH HER???"
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Luv, luv, luv, luv, luv ya 🤌💞
Luv ya even more babes also where did the Adam pics go u used to send w ur asks???? anyway, here ya go, xoxo
Chaotically chaotic
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Your little daughter was running around the park, she was a cheerful little girl, full of energy and an extrovert through and through. She made it seem so easy whenever she came up to you with another kid by her side, telling you and Adam about her newest friend.
Adam had decided to leave the house without his mask, a thing he had started doing more often since the two of you had adopted your adorable little daughter. When he had first put it on in front of her, she had started to cry and scream her lungs out and only stopped when Adam took it off again and assured her it was still him. She really didn't like that thing, she'd always trace her hands over Adam's stubbled chin and tell him that he's pretty and he doesn't need to cover his face.
And because that and the fact that the mask scared her, he decided to leave it at home today. That, and because there were other kids around too, other grown ups as well, he just thought it would be a more relaxed environment to let his daughter play in. So he not only ditched the mask but also his robe, instead he was wearing a black T-shirt with an red ‘A’ painted on the front of it, he had done it himself and it certainly did look that way but Adam had simply said it gave the rock vibe he wanted it to have so it didn't really matter.
A couple sat down next to you as they watched their children play with your daughter and had a light hearted conversation. “They grow up so fast, I remember that it was just yesterday when we taught them how to walk properly,” the woman said as she seemed to be reminiscing. “It’s truly amazing how quick they caught onto things,” her husband agreed with a proud nod.
Adam was eager to jump into that conversation, due to the fact that he wasn't dressed like usual and people barely saw him without his mask the couple didn't recognize him. Well, he sure as fuck didn't mind that. “Well, if you're a parent with kids, don't fucking leave them around me,” his words were met with silence and it was just then that he realized what he had said. “Pause, no wait, stop,” he was quick to add, panic was audible in his voice as a nervous laughter escaped him and he avoided looking at the couple, “By that I mean I'm gonna teach ‘em bad words n shit.”
The couple looked at each other, then they looked over to Adam and you, they both seemed absolutely and utterly horrified by what Adam had just said and while the brunette kept assuring them that he had really just been talking about slurs and cuss words, the couple got up with a nervous chuckle and called out for their kids. They were leaving.
You hid your face in your hands in embarrassment and sighed. Once the couple was gone you turned to Adam, “Absolute idiot,” you mumbled as you smacked the back of head lightly, that didn't shake the stupid grin from his lips that had appeared once the angelic couple had left the park. “Remind me why I married your stupid ass again?” you mumbled as you watched your daughter find someone else to play with. “Because my ass is fucking good when it comes to fucking you and,” he gripped your chin and tilted your head his way, “Because I'm irresistible and you love me with every single bit of your shitty little heart.” As if to prove a point he poked your chest playfully.
It was then that realization hit you, “Wait, you taught our daughter bad words?” you asked out of the blue and Adam's confident grin was replaced by a shy smile that gave you enough of an answer. “She’s four!” you exclaimed only to get a “I don't know what I'm supposed to do with her!” back.
You shook your head with a small grin on your lips, typical Adam. “Don’t fucking know, teach her how to play guitar or something.” Adam seemed to actually consider your advice, then gave you a nod in agreement. That wouldn't change anything about how he was going to continue to teach her bad words though, you didn't have to know, at least not now.
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iamjucie · 6 months
A History in Lessons
Chapter 2: Light Reading
He grabs the book from your hand.
He slaps you across the face. The stinging shoots right to the sinking feeling in your gut.
"What in the HELLS do you think you’re doing?!" He hisses.
Tav learns the lesson of not touching things that don't belong to her.
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3.6k CW: Domestic Abuse, Emotional Manipulation, Physical Abuse AO3 link(it is chapters 2 and 3 on there)
Tags: Overstimulation, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual orgasm
(thank you @itsthatpearl for beta reading and my friend mert on twitter for inspo)
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@velvolktra photo credit
After a short but successful hunt out in Lower City, you strut down the streets making your way back toward the Crimson Palace. You feel so suave and confident, as you tend to do when you have a fix of blood. Your vampiric powers are so fueled, so enhanced. You feel so- happy. 
And it’s still early! You have even more time to spend with your love before going to sleep for the night. 
You’re antsy to see Astarion and tell him about the time you had. You did so well, he will be so proud of you. He loves to hear about your excursions, sometimes he even tags along with you. Even though he doesn’t necessarily need to feed anymore, he still finds he enjoys the sport of it. Especially being though it’s for him and you alone. You have no master to answer to. 
But tonight, he decided to stay back at the house. He said he has business to attend to. 
You walk up the stairs and go through the entrance to the grand palace you get to call home. Skipping down the hallway, you make your way to the office.
Astarion tends to spend most of the time you’re not in the palace in there reading books, writing letters, signing documents; whatever an all powerful Vampire lord would need to be sitting at a stationary desk for. 
You don’t tend to spend time with him there, though. He usually will have made his way to the bedroom or the den awaiting your arrival. But, being though you had finished your hunt so early you expect him to be there.
The door is open a crack, leaving just enough room for you to catch a glimpse of him intently reading a book. 
You should surprise him. He’ll be so glad to see you home so early.
Based on the spine of the book, it appears to be one of the research journals Cazador had within the confines of his massive library. His eyebrows are furrowed, his hand is on his chin, and his posture is relaxed in his chair with his legs spread apart. 
He only has a face like that when he’s trying hard to retain and understand something. You find that in his new role as the Vampire Ascendent, he is more intrigued to learn about his and your kind. To know the secrets his vicious master knew and kept from him. He must be reading one of the vampirism studies Cazador had in his archives.
Perfect- he is totally distracted.
You sneak your way in, tapping into the adventurer you once were. Tip toeing slowly, being sure to remain in the shadows of the room as to not alert him. Eventually, you manage to stand directly in front of him without him noticing. 
Wow- he must really be concentrating.
You quickly snatch the book from his hands.
“What are we reading?” you ask cheekily. 
Your mood shifts dramatically as you begin to read from the middle of the page it is open to.
“-essentially a meat puppet for its creator to take full control and advantage of. Over time, its mind shall diminish. A spawn will learn be to be utterly devo-”
He grabs the book from your hand.
He slaps you across the face. The stinging shoots right to the sinking feeling in your gut.
“What in the HELLS do you think you’re doing?!” He hisses.
You stand with your mouth slightly agape and your hand resting on the point of impact. Your eyes dart from the furious look in his eyes to the cover of the book he was reading.
“The Uses of a Spawn for its Maker: A Vampiric Study”
You look into his eyes, horrified. Still in shock, you dart out of the room. 
“Darling, wait! I-”
You barely hear him calling after you. His voice trails away with the increased distance away from the office. 
You run into your chambers and dive onto the bed and begin to sob. You’ve never seen that side of him. He has a temper, sure, but he had never taken it out on you like that.
He is eloquent enough to talk through his emotions instead of being so reactionary. At least, he was.
You know him, that’s not him. At least, you thought you knew him.
You’re not sure you’d ever seen that look in his eyes. If you had, it surely wasn’t directed at you. He was… scary. He made you feel afraid. You’ve never felt so small. Even the hundreds- no, thousands of challenges you faced in your adventures leading up to taking down the Netherbrain, you never felt so helpless. 
How could he do this? He’s meant to be your protector. Your lover. He is supposed to keep you from harm. He promised he would.
Oh gods- was this all a mistake? Should you run? What if everything you know is a lie? What if you never knew him at all? What was in that journal? What is he capable of? What if it-
Your spiral is interrupted by a light knock accompanying an opening door. 
He’s here. You can’t bring yourself to look at him. You feel so many emotions that you can’t even begin to try to express them to him. Not now. Right now, all you feel is anger. Rage. Disgust. Fear.
He slowly makes his way in, approaching where you remain motionless laying on your side facing away from him. When he gets to the bed, he sits on the edge close to your back gently, as if to not disturb a scared animal. As if any sudden movement would cause it to bite or run. 
He’s not entirely wrong to assume that to be the case. 
Slowly and softly he places a hand on your back, rubbing it in a soothing circle motion. You don’t move. You lay stiff as a board, other than a slight tense at his touch.
“I know there’s nothing that I can say to make it better. To make it so it didn’t happen…” he begins talking to you without looking at you. 
“I am so sorry for hurting you dear. I didn’t mean it. I-I don’t know what came over me.” he gulps. “The rage I felt in the moment- it seemed so… unbearable. I don’t know what came over me… I-I’m… “ his hand leaves your back and goes to his face as he begins to sob into his hands. “…I’m a monster.”
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion and you whip your head toward him and see him slouching forward crying. Instantly, like a switch was flipped, you feel guilt rush over you. How could you make him cry like this? You were so dramatic. He needs you to be understanding, not the silent treatment. You sit up and wrap your arms around him and lean your head onto his shoulder.
“Shh, it's okay love.” You begin to run your fingers through his silver curls the way you know soothes him. “You didn’t mean it.” you stop petting his hair. “See! Look at me.” You put your hands on his wet cheeks and pull his face so it’s facing your’s. “It didn’t even hurt!” You turn your head side to side to show him your blemish-less skin. No sign of injury to be seen.
Despite your effort, the sadness in his eyes remains. He turns away from you and looks down.
He closes his eyes and tears continue to slowly run down his cheeks. “I’m no better than him. I will only end up hurting you.”
Him. The reminder of him and what he did to your lover is enough to send you into a rampage.
Your posture becomes straightened and serious, and your voice becomes stern. “You will never be like him. I will never let you be like him. You know that.” his head remains low but he turns toward you, eyes looking into yours. Like he wants to believe you, but something inside is stopping him.
You take his hands in yours and continue gazing into his eyes. “Besides, I shouldn’t have taken something from you like that without knowing what it is. That was foolish of me, I know that now. Lesson learned!”
He looks away from you again and sighs. “No, you deserve to know. We are partners, yes. But, our relationship has a power dynamic that is very imbalanced.” He turns back toward you and places his hands on his lap. “As soon as you’re capable and strong enough, you will be able to be a full vampire yourself. But until then, I will have the ability to have complete power over you. To connect our minds. Insert myself into your consciousness like the tadpole had never been removed.” His lips quiver slightly. He takes your hands into his. “You can trust me though love, I would never do that to you. I understand it can feel… violating.”
“I know that.” You caress his face. “I trust you. I’ve trusted you so far when it’s been objectively the foolish thing to do. Why would I stop now?”
He smiles gently and pulls you in for a kiss. 
“I’m surprised you even stayed.” your foreheads are pressed against each other. “I half expected you to bolt out the door and never look back.”
“Never, Astarion. You said it yourself, aetherna amantis. Remember? I’ll always be here for you. Besides-” you chuckle “couldn’t you just command me back?”
He rolls his eyes at you and with a light laugh, pulls you into an embrace.
“I don’t deserve you.” he says quietly into your shoulder.
“And I you.” you pull away and place your hand on his cheek, admiring his beauty. “But how lucky are we to have each other anyway?”
After a few seconds of getting lost in his scarlet eyes, your mouth is drawn to his like a magnetic pull. You begin kissing gently, but gradually the connection of your lips becomes more intimate. 
The hand on the back of your head begins to lightly grip your hair, stirring the heat in your core exponentially. The weight of him increases as he begins to shift from a sitting position to being entirely on the bed, your lips never disconnecting. You both lay down and continue exploring each other's mouths, his body on top of yours. The closeness of your bodies fuels your desire tenfold. 
Your tongue penetrates his lips and licks the roof of his mouth. Grazing the back of his teeth, you knick your tongue on his fang. He ferociously licks the slight injury, trying to get any taste of your blood. Once he’s sure there’s no more to taste, his tongue returns the favor by exploring the inside of your cheek. Your kisses grow to be feverish, leaving you both craving more of each other's body.  
He pulls his mouth from yours and looks at you with sinful intent. “Darling, let me make it up to you.” he purrs as his hand slyly grazes your cunt through your clothing. “Anything you want, we can do.” 
Fuck- you can barely think, your lust is flowing from his hand directly to your brain. You remember something that had sparked your interest in the dirtiest way while he was confiding in you before.
“Well I- There was something you said earlier…” you begin “...about how you can enter my mind? Like the tadpole?”
He leans down and starts kissing your neck, unable to resist touching you. “Mmhmm…”
“Well I was actually thinking recently…” he licks your collarbone. You groan, trying to ignore the way he is making you feel in order to continue your thought. “-That I regret not utilizing that connection more. Sexually I mean…” you gulp.
He lifts his head up from his advances and looks at you with a gaze drenched in seduction. “Are you saying you want to feel what I feel when filling you up with my cock?”
You shudder at the image in your mind. Fuck, it’s too much. You need to relax your vivid imagination to remain composed.
“Y-yes. And I want you to feel what it’s like to be full of your cock. At the same time. I want to combine our pleasure…”
He looks at you for a moment, squinting. Thinking about what you’re suggesting. Thinking of the logistics. When suddenly, it clicks- it’s possible. A grin spans his face and he latches his mouth to yours playfully.
He pulls away for just a moment. “I love the way your mind works, pet.”
With unnatural speed, he pulls his shirt over his head and dives into kissing you again while untying your corset top. As if purposefully prolonging the process, he slowly unbuttons your undershirt. 
You can’t handle it anymore, you need him. Your pussy is aching with desire. You push him off you and rip your shirt and the buttons fly in all directions. He kneels where he landed after your recently-fed-strength fueled shove and looks at you adoringly.
“I positively love when you’re feral for me darling.” he growls. 
You lean forward and stalk your way to the bottom of the bed where he resides. You press your newly exposed skin against his, kneeling so that your tits are in his face. “Let me feel how much you love it-” you lean down and your hand drags down the bulge in his pants “...and you can feel how feral I really am.”
The giddiness he feels at your words is palpable, no matter how composed he pretends to be. This must have been a shared fantasy between the two of you, because based on how he is acting you’re sure he has thought of this before. With a smile spread across his face he concentrates on establishing a connection between your minds and bodies, interlinking your senses.
Like a bolt of electricity strikes you, your entire body feels a jolt of- sensation. Pure sensation. Every nerve ending from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet are feeling so much. Twice as much. Double the lust. Double the desire- No. Double the need to be touched. You sit in shock, taking a minute to adjust to the new feeling. Judging by Astarion’s face, he is feeling the same. From this moment forward, you are only feeling the same. You’re both so utterly overstimulated in the most beautiful way possible.
He looks at your body up and down. You can feel what his gaze upon you does to him, you feel what he wants to do to you. You reach your hand to touch his face. His mouth is open slightly in shock, still trying to adjust to the foreign doubled sensations. Once your hand reaches his skin, you feel a wave of heat shoot through your own cheek.
A grin spans across your face. Oh, this will be fun.
He can feel your excitement and lust. And like an infinite undying echo between both your minds, it grows until neither of you can contain it anymore. You reach your hand to begin to undo his pants and he does the same to yours. A wave of pleasure rushes through you as you graze your hand over the throbbing member through the fabric of his pants, making you both moan simultaneously.
Once you’ve finally managed to take both your pants off, you can’t keep your hands off one another. He’s laying on top of you and both of your hands are touching every part of each other; everywhere but the sources of your carnal lust. Eventually, your hands go from his hair to rubbing down his back. You can feel the sensitivity of his scars piercing into your own back like they’re your own.
He brings his hand to your dripping cunt and languidly strokes the outside of your folds making his way to gently rub your clit. He shivers and lets out an airy laugh with delight, you love knowing it’s your pleasure he’s feeling. There’s something so intimate about having the exact same experience.
As he continues to play with your pussy, you bring your hand to his cock. You can feel the pressure he is feeling and you need to see it relieved. Your fingers slowly rub his length, starting at his head and making your way down the bottom of his shaft and stopping at his balls.
You are so utterly overstimulated, you can barely think. No- you can’t think. This is too much. Knowing he is feeling the exact same way enhances the pleasure tenfold. Your hand grasps around his cock and you begin to slowly pump. At the exact same time his fingers enter your cunt, rubbing your inside walls in a way that makes you scream. And you do.
You’re both moaning and riving in pleasure, you’ve never felt so connected to one another. This is more than the tadpole could ever have done, you’re connected by blood. Every nerve, every cell in your body is synced with one another. Every action is synchronized as if you had rehearsed it a million times before. Every desire is shared. You feel his want to dominate you, he feels your want to be dominated. You feel his want to have you full of his cock, and he feels your need to be filled with it.
You share a knowing glance. Nothing needs to be expressed verbally, any need for dirty talk is gone. No need for words when you can feel. He puts a hand around your throat and you position his cock at your entrance. He slowly pushes into you. He needs to adjust to the alien feeling, but quickly gets used to it. Once you’ve both become accustomed to the feeling, you both smile gently at one another. He pumps in and out of you, hitting the spot that fills your mind with light..
This is the single most beautiful sensation you have ever experienced. You can feel the pleasure of your tight walls wrapping around your- his cock. You clench slightly, and you feel the increased grip around him and you both moan. If this continues to feel this breathtaking, this won’t last very much longer.
You feel the pressure building in your- and his core. 
You look like virgins having sex for the first time. Just looking at one another with your mouths agape, him pumping in and out of you. But with the increased sensation, it’s all you’re able to do. It’s hard to concentrate on doing anything special when you’re so overwhelmed with double sensations, the infinite echo of your lust and desires. It doesn’t matter, though- you don’t need anything more than this.
He breaks the silence that has been maintained since your connection was established. “I-we are going to come. Ready?” He manages through pants and hisses of pleasure. All you can manage is a nod.
And like he was awaiting your acknowledgement, he explodes in you. You simultaneously come, your mind and body is filled with otherworldly light. It’s as if you see colors that don’t exist. You’re both screaming and moaning through your shared orgasms. The feeling of his cock spurting inside you, the feeling of your walls pulsing around his cock, it’s too much. 
You’re starting to think you’ll never stop coming. You’re both holding one another, shaking and moaning. He’s still inside you, any movement required to pull out would be way too overwhelming. After a few beautiful minutes, the feeling fizzles out. He’s laying on top of you and you’re both basking in the afterglow of the most incredible orgasm of your lives.
Astarion severs the connection of your minds before pulling out of you and laying beside you. You’re both staring at the ceiling.
“That was…” you say after prolonged silence. “A lot.” 
“Yes it was. I would ask if you enjoyed yourself, but I already know the answer.” he says cheekily.
You chuckle, “You’re right. I can’t even lie to you, you can be inside my head at any time.”
“That’s right love.” he says in a facetious patronizing voice. “You can never lie to me, I will always know.”
You both laugh. 
You roll over onto your side and prop your head on your hand. “So what else can you do to me as my ‘maker’?”
“What ever do you mean, darling?” 
“Like, what other powers do you have over me? You must have learned something in that journal.”
“Well…” he says “I am able to be granted control of you. Command your every movement while you sit in the passenger seat.”
 A pregnant silence follows. You recollect when you grabbed the book from him. 
‘-a meat puppet for its creator to take full control and advantage of.’
He breaks the silence and continues, “I would never do that though, of course.”
You sit in another moment of silence until you ask, “Even if I asked you to?” 
His brows furrow. “I- I’m not sure I understand.” he stammers. “Would you… Like that?”
“I don’t know, it could be hot.” You lay your head back on the pillow. “Giving up complete control to you, you know?”
It’s like a fire was lit inside of him, the soul behind his eyes fueled with desire for power over you. He attempts to act unfazed by your confession, but it does something to him. He looks at you differently. Not negatively, just… differently.
“If you’re sure-” he purrs, “...how could I say no? Of course that experiment will need to wait.” He rolls over to wrap himself around you, cuddling you as you both fall asleep. “I am positively exhausted from tonight's experiment.”
“Next time, then.” you say, eyes closed and drifting to sleep.
He kisses the top of your head. “Next time.”
You both drift to sleep in the warmth of each other’s grasp.
Next chapter: "Your Most Prized Spawn" pt. 1
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Gale discovers his wild lady having an intimate moment which then turns into them having A Moment. NSFW.
This fic is very personal to me as someone who is plus size irl and has been working through my own body image issues the past couple of years. It's okay to love yourself even when society doesn't. <3
As depressing as our current surroundings are, it is nice to finally be able to have a bloody bath. I feel cleaner than I have in weeks! Gale thought as he walked back to his tent (every three nights we switch) after having a long-needed bath at the Last Light Inn.
What he expected to see was his lover relaxing or perhaps having one of Bex’s cookies. Those smell amazing.
What he actually saw was Lily sitting on her bedroll topless, a large breast in each hand.
Is it my nameday and no one told me?
Her eyes were closed, tail slowly going back and forth behind her.
Fucking hells, I’m standing here with the flaps open!!!! CLOSE THEM NOW, YOU FOOL! As he hastily closed the flaps, he heard her gasp and shift on the bedroll. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. “I’m so sorry, darling—”
“Oh gods!”
“Please forgive me, I didn’t know you were…erm, indisposed.” Occupied also works, Dekarios. She was occupied with fondling her breasts, and you ruined it!
Lily stared at him, completely and utterly horrified. Her long, muscular yet incredibly soft arms were covering her breasts. She looks like she wants to run and never see me again. Fix this, man! Fix this! “I…I…I’m so sorry…I…” She stammered, her demonic purple eyes darting from him to the tent flaps. “I…I should…go…”
Turning off his glamour, he moved to sit next to her slowly. “Darling, I will ask next time if you’re decent when I return, and I’m so very sorry that I’ve made you upset.” Making eye contact with her, an arm gently wrapped around her waist with his other hand rubbing the ridges on her upper arm. “What can I do to make it right? Ask for anything, and you shall have it.”
After a minute or two, she said softly, “I shouldn’t have been doing that.”
What? What does she mean by that? She surely can’t mean…no. She can’t. “My love, forgive me, but what exactly shouldn’t you have been doing?”
She squeezed her eyes shut. “Touching my tits.”
I must have heard that wrong. That…can’t be what she just said.
“Lily sweetness, please bear with me, but you think you shouldn’t be touching your luscious breasts?”
Nodding meekly, her eyes were still closed.
Whoever told her that…has made her believe that…will be fireball’d. Not sure that’s an actual verb, but I’m so fucking pissed that it will be damnit. “Why?!” He blurted out, causing her to open her eyes and glance at him.
His beloved looked defeated. “Gale, look at me.”
For fuck’s sake. “I am looking, Lily.” he said, desperately trying to maintain his composure. “I see the woman I love who is beautiful inside and out. More beautiful than any other.”
She shook her head, eyes closed again as tears leaked out. My love, please. Please, don’t cry. Please. I can’t bear it. “I shouldn’t like to touch my thighs either.”
For the second time in as many minutes, Gale was struck dumb.
This must be the strangest dream or alchemy-related hallucination I’ve ever had. She cannot have said that she shouldn’t like to touch the thighs that I wish would crush my skull every night…right?!
“I beg your pardon, but I still don’t understand why you shouldn’t. I…I am so very confused.” He chuckled, hoping to add at least some levity. A little humor never hurts, as Mother says.
“Whispers. Comments. ‘Friendly’ advice. Proof that I’m not wanted or desired as I am, and I shouldn’t like…I shouldn’t!” Choking back a sob, she shook her head. “I shouldn’t like how I look.”
For a third time this evening, Gale was stunned. “I…I-I think you absolutely should like how you look, my sweet, because you are,” now it is not the time for humor. Romance her, man! “Lovelier than the most perfect sunset in Waterdeep. Which I hope, gods willing, we can see after our little adventure is over.” If it is her wish, then I will marry her the second we are free from the tadpoles. He pressed a kiss to her freckled, flushed cheek. “Oh my love, it isn’t shameful to desire oneself.”
“Gale, you called yourself a fat, middle-aged—”
Alright, she has me there. BUT!!! “Did I also not say that I’m a handsome devil?” he teased. “I lack confidence in some areas of my appearance, but I do take considerable pride in others. For example,” he let go of her waist and lifted his paunch with both his hands. “Lacking in confidence about this at the moment, but…” his hands then drifted to his face. “As perfectly groomed as I’ll be on the road, and still looking marvelous. A very handsome devil.” That’s it, Dekarios. Give her romance and charm and everything she deserves.
To his relief, she chuckled softly, a faint smile remaining on her face. “One might even say the most handsome devil.” The smile, much to Gale’s disappointment, quickly went away as she frowned. “I…” She took a deep breath. “I like this.” Good gods woman, you can’t just go touching those delicious tits like that. “But I also like this.” Don’t moan. Don’t moan. Don’t moan. Don’t moan. BUT SHE’S CARESSING HER THIGHS! “And…umm…this.”
Oh goodness me.
She just keeps naming parts of her body I adore!
Her clawed fingers hovered over her belly. “But I shouldn’t—”
In a decidedly ungentlemanly move, he said, “Sod it” then kissed her passionately. He felt his increasingly hard manhood twitching in his pants when he heard her squeak. My goddess of passion---she who rules my heart with a flaming sword. My sweet, pretty flower squeaks like an adorable mouse when I surprise her with kisses and touches. I must marry her. I must.
Lily’s hands went up to his face as she pulled away. “Gale!” She was breathless and blushing, making me only love her more.
His lips danced over hers. “Let us both promise that we will take pleasure in not just each other but in ourselves.”
She looked unconvinced. “I suppose I’m wondering that means…practically.”
Kissing her for the briefest of moments, his eyes found hers. “It means that you may touch yourself however you wish in front of me without any fear or shame.” He swallowed nervously and grinned. “And that goes for me while I’m in your presence. I mean, not all the time. Obviously! I just mean, say if you were in our bedroom and I happened to come in to see you doing something like touching those pillowy, perfect breasts in your beautiful hands, I would be quite…pleased.”
She blinked. Once. Twice. A third time. “O-okay. Yeah, I…I think I understand what you’re saying.” The blush grew darker. “You won’t judge me. In fact, I think I say you even like it.” She bit her lip, clearly weighing her next words carefully. “Am I correct?”
“You couldn’t be more correct if you tried, sweetness. To see you take pleasure in the body that arouses me like nothing else would be most welcome.” His hands traveled down her bare back and sides and very much took a lot of pleasure in how perfect she felt. “Tell me, darling---what do you do when you touch yourself? I wish to study, so I may please you too…” He pressed several kisses on her plump lips as his fingers brushed over ridges and stretchmarks. “Or perhaps, if you’re feeling too embarrassed to speak the words, then show me.”
When Gale said “show me” he assumed Lily would touch herself and he would watch like a gentleman and scholar.
What she actually did was use their tadpoles to send him a fantasy.
Gale did not recognize the room they were in but assumed it was her bedroom at home in Baldur’s Gate. It is as she described to me---large windows, pale blue walls, and a dog bed for Horace in the corner. It’s her. It’s so her. He was straddling her, his chest against hers, and he had a perfect breast in his mouth while the other perfect breast was overflowing through his fingers. She reached behind him to take a chocolate truffle and fed it to him.
Goodness gracious!
It’s not over yet…
Oh. Sorry, darling. Please go on.
The fantasy continued with him also reaching for a truffle that he fed to her, and then they shared a kiss as she rolled her hips and moaned his name.
Then it was gone, and Gale was left panting and flushed. “Dearest, that was so beautiful. Why would you ever, ever think that’s embarrassing or shameful?” He cupped one of her cheeks in his hand and leaned his head against hers. “On its own it’s wonderful and so very sweet, but I love it because it’s so very you, my love. My wild lady,” He pressed several kisses to her lips. “My goddess of passion, object of my deepest affection, my…mine…”
Her eyes met his.
“I’m yours.”
Her tone, Gale noted immediately, was sweet but teasing.
“I’m all yours.”
What is she…
Her lips touched his, and she grinned.
“And just what are you going to do about it, magic man?”
Something snapped inside the wizard.
With a low growl, his lips collided into hers and his hands landed on her shoulders, pushing her down. Well, “pushing” is one word. She’s built like a brick outhouse, so it’s more of a “gentle nudge.” “Mine…my Lily…my pretty flower—”
Lily began to giggle as she laid down on the bedroll. “I’m not a bloody flower! I’m not delicate or pretty—OH!”
Gale had magicked off their clothes into two neat piles, leaving them both bare. Within moments, he was on top of her and kissing her neck and collarbones. “You are my pretty flower. Mine.” His hands were seemingly all over her, not able to keep himself from touching every ridge, every freckle, and every inch of softness. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. “Lily darling, I need you.”
She reached and undid the tie on his hair, running her clawed fingers through it lovingly. “Have me then. I’m all yours.” She let out a breathless chuckle. “For as long as you’ll have me.”
I will have you forever.
At my side.
In my bed.
On my cock.
Lining himself at her entrance, he gasped when the fat head of his cock slipped inside. “My gods, is all this for me?”
Lily cupped his face as she released the shortest and sweetest little pants as she always does. “Always. You’re the only one who drives me wild, love—ah! Oh Gale please more…”
He began to thrust and admired the way her tits and belly are quaking. Fucking hells. Gods save me. I must marry her as soon as this is all over. “Your magic man will give you everything you want and more, my dear. Everything you could ever desire it will be yours.” He ran his lips and beard (which she loves, by the way) over the ridges on her chest and breasts, making her writhe more. And growl. Fucking hells. She’s going to be the death of me. “Tell me what you want, darling. Tell me.”
Rolling her hips below him, she panted, “You. Just you. Only you.” Ah, that’s her tail circling my waist. “Fill me. Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”
Despite feeling incredibly turned on, he wanted to maintain a slower pace at least for the moment. I want this to last. I need this to last. “As you wish, my wild lady. My pretty flower. My sun, moon, and stars. My heart and soul. My everything.” He panted, unable to resist his need for her, thrusting faster.
My love. My darling Lily. Am I yours?
Yes! Of course! All mine. I love you so much.
I love you…my dearest lady…Come for me, my love…
She did so with a gasp and cupped the back of his head with a hand.
Tell me…I’m yours…
“You’re mine, love…” Lily whispered, her breathing evening out slowly.
Gale felt his hips stutter and came inside her never not inside her or else she will not be a happy barbarian. Attempting to keep most of his weight on his forehands, he failed miserably when his lover’s embrace pulled him to her completely. “Lily—”
“No, I want to feel you. Please Gale.” She said softly, her tail never leaving his waist. “I like me, but I love how you look, love. I love it.” He could hear the smile in her voice. “You’re so sexy, but more than that, you feel amazing and so cuddly. I never want to let you go.”
He exhaled slowly and absolutely, definitely felt tears in his eyes. “I’ve never been told that. So, um…” He lifted his head and smiled ruefully. “Thank you. It is more appreciated than you will ever know, my love.” Gale rolled off her and muttered spells to clean them both. Now on his back, he motioned for her to curl up against him. Which she did. Because apparently it’s one of her favorite things to do.
One of Lily’s hands rested on his hairy, soft belly. The tips of her claws teasing the thick hair. “I like this, you know.”
Wait a second. I must have misheard her. Yes! That must be it!
Her tail began to thrash, and she could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. “You said you’re not confident about this,” she gently caressed him. “But I wanted you to know that I like it.”
Oh gods, I do not want to cry again tonight.
“Why?!” He blurted out and silently cursed himself for not being more eloquent. She happens to love my loquaciousness!
To his surprise, she laughed. “I don’t fucking know! I just think it’s cute and sexy like you.” I’m cute and sexy?! “My cute and sexy wizard.” Her tail then wrapped itself around a leg. “Bet no one’s ever called you that, huh?”
With a groan, he shook his head. “No, and frankly, there are very few wizards who would be proud of being called someone’s ‘cute and sexy wizard.’ However,” he chuckled and pressed a kiss to her red hair. “You happen to be in a relationship with one who takes not only great pride in being called that but also in being that for you.” Anything for you. Everything for you. How could I give you less than that when you’ve given me so much already?
She lifted her head to catch his gaze, raising an eyebrow. “Be you then. You’re all I want.” Resting her head against his shoulder once more, she smiled. “When we get to the city, I want us to have a night where we can be alone together. Maybe…my house? I’ll make sure Nadia isn’t home, of course but then again, she’s usually out until two or three in the morning anyways.” She’s so cute when she rambles. “Anyways, yeah so we could have a date night at home, and I could cook for us, if that’s something you’d be interested in. We also have a roof deck! It’s so pretty at sunset and when the stars come out. It’d be so romantic.” Lily felt herself blushing. “I can finally show off for you.”
Am I the luckiest man in all the realms? Why yes, I think I am!
“I would love that, sweetness. Truly, I would. But please don’t feel as if you must show off for me. You are perfect as you are—”
She snorted and rubbed his belly. Goodness me, she really does like it. “Gale love, I’m naked.”
He laughed heartily. “Exactly! Perfect. Stunning. Beautiful.”
“Wearing approximately no clothes.”
“In fact, one might even argue that you look your best bare in my equally naked embrace.” Gale teased, tracing the ridges on her upper arm.
“Gale, you are so naughty!” she giggled into his chest. “I love you.”
Suddenly feeling more tired by the second, he kissed her head, murmuring, “I love you, sweetness. I think I may…close my eyes…”
Go to sleep, love. I’m right behind you honestly.
I shall dream of you, my love. Always of you.
Naked or…?
Any way my subconscious dictates. I certainly wouldn’t object to you being naked in my dreams. What dreams they would be, darling!
Gale, oh my gods GO TO SLEEP.
Yes. Of course, my love. Sweet dreams.
You too, my cute and sexy magic man.
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ellamikaelson · 2 months
The more I think about it, the more the hunger games is utterly disturbing.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, we’ve all established that it’s messed up. You put kids into an arena to play death match. How more messed up can it get?
But sitting here and thinking about it. Well, it can.
By the time Katniss and peeta had emerged from the games as traumatised 16 year olds, they thought it would be over. Going into the games anyway, is quite frankly horrifying. There’s not a word that can describe just how awful it is. But to “win” (survive as well all know it), and have to live under the capitols thumb with a huge amount of survivors guilt, trauma, and in some cases lasting physical injury (Peeta for example). That’s bad enough.
To then be reaped into the death match a year again later. After trying so hard and surviving. The worst part of the quarter quell? It being a match of seventeen year olds against twenty-eighty year old victors.
Now obviously, we know that the much older victors, like Mags, were at a severe disadvantage. But the ones like: Gloss, Cashmere, Brutus, Enobaria, even Blight, Wiress and Beetee had major advantages.
For one, these victors had an insane amount of experience. They had been through their games respectively, but been around enough time to witness other games, learn the ropes and even pick up more tactics. They had learnt the weaknesses and advantages in the arena. They had time to better themselves in combat. Years of training. Thus making themselves incredibly stronger and more powerful and more cunning than these teenagers who they were up against.
Secondly, these victors had years of wealth and food at their disposal. Meaning they had time to gain weight and strength and muscles. Which, in a fight against an underfed teenage girl (Katniss) they clearly have the upper hand.
And finally, the seventy-fifth quarter quell was so rigged. We knew that from the beginning. But the odds were incredibly in favour of Finnick (if you would want me to go into this let me know!!). Personally I think that was a tactic on behalf of Snow. He wanted power back and he thought Finnick would be the perfect pawn for that.
But yeah, rant over. I appreciate a lot of this is already acknowledged by the community but I just got back in my hunger games phase lol.
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melrosing · 1 year
sparknotes for ep 2 of my made up Robert's Rebellion adaptation because I don't trust HBO :) this part is more detailed because the introductions are over and I am having fun. once again, some changes: Rhaegar and Joncon canonically meet when squiring together, but I want to introduce him slightly earlier so now they'll first meet with Joncon as a page at the Red Keep (so he's maybe a little younger than Rhaegar). also, spot bonifer hasty - this is just before he finds jesus Prev Part - Episode 1
Next Part - Episode 3
Episode 2: The Boys Are Fightinggg
It’s been five/six years since ep 1. We open in the library of the Red Keep, where a fourteen year old Rhaegar Targaryen sits reading a heavy tome, brow pinched. After a moment, he shuts it carefully and rises to walk to a window overlooking the training grounds. A maester asks if he’s alright, and Rhaegar answers “it seems I must learn to fight” (cryptic lil fuck)
Opening credits roll. They’re the same as GOT except the music is caramelldansen
Joanna Lannister at Casterly Rock, sat in her solar with Genna; she’s visibly pregnant. A maid enters the solar looked panicked, and insists she speak to Joanna alone. Joanna allows this, and the maid confides something (guess what) concerning the twins. After ascertaining the maid won’t speak (and maybe issuing a tiny little threat), Joanna dismisses her with a bag of gold
Joanna confronts her children one at a time. Cersei is belligerent, insisting it was only a game. Jaime is distressed, unable to comprehend why what they were doing was wrong. Joanna states she will be placing their rooms apart, with a guard on Cersei’s etc - and don’t make her tell their dad. Both children look utterly horrified by that prospect, and Joanna seems uneasy threatening it
Aerys and Tywin at the King’s council. Lots of matters on the table etc. Some guy called Denys Darklyn is asking for a charter for Duskendale (it's clearly not the first time), which Tywin dismisses. Some Kingsguard has died, and they need a replacement. Tywin makes some suggestions of his own, and asks Aerys which he would prefer. Aerys is not really listening, only waving his hand over the flame of a candle. Tywin interrupts his musings, and Aerys burns himself in surprise. Asking the King his input on some matter, Aerys has little to offer. Tywin says something faintly facetious regarding the King’s attention span, and Aerys thinks he sees Pycelle smile
Rhaella, also pregnant, is in the gardens at the Red Keep, sat beneath a memorial statue of her parents. She grasps a bunch of flowers that she presumably means to lay at their feet, touches her bump and looks uneasy. Watching on is a castle guard who stands at the garden gate; Rhaella meets his eyes, pleading him closer, and they hold one another’s gaze for a long moment. Ultimately the guard breaks it, and looks down to his feet. Rhaella, looking away in despair, stiffly but violently shreds her flowers, and drops the remains beneath the statue before rising and leaving the garden
Anime boy Rhaegar learning to fight in the training yard. He seems a little surprised if reassured by his own skill, overpowering the master at arms at one point. Young page Jon Connington watches on, looking like he’s about to burst into applause. Aerys himself looks on from a high window, and looks Intensely Bothered
Aerys walking through the halls past a small crowd of men. He hears one say that Tywin truly rules the Seven Kingdoms, and turns abruptly to see the speaker - one Ilyn Payne, who looks shocked to see Aerys there. Aerys looks violent, like he might do something for a moment, but is ushered onwards by Barristan Selmy
Rhaella and Rhaegar at the dinner table in the royal… chambers??? whatever lol. Rhaella says she’s heard Rhaegar is fighting: that is good. Rhaegar is not super responsive to this praise. Rhaella then asks her son if she thinks the baby will be a boy or a girl. Rhaegar looks at her sadly
Aerys arrives belatedly to ruin dinner, decides he dislikes how quiet and miserable his family looks. Cracks a shit joke, doesn’t like the way his son looks at him, reads judgement in the kid’s eyes. Aerys is about to escalate in this sudden disagreement with his son, when Rhaella begins panicking - there’s blood pooling beneath the table. As Aerys realises what’s happening his anger abruptly turns to Rhaella, and he looks like he might strike her - then Rhaegar stands between them, and silently warns him off. Aerys is furious, but it works, and he storms out
Now Aerys is storming into the throne room, where Tywin sits his throne, listening to the grievances of some visiting lord. Aerys identifies Ilyn Payne at the sidelines, calls him over, and orders his tongue ripped out. This is appropriately grim :) Tywin looks on, displeased but unable to say anything. Aerys orders him off of his throne then takes it himself, and announces that as king he is ordering a tourney: the winner will join his Kingsguard
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jpitha · 2 years
The starship Unreliable Narrator sat in line to enter docking around the Human/K'laxi starbase. It was the beginning of staff rotation, so there were a lot of ships coming and going as people of all kinds came and left the starbase. Onboard, in addition to their regular crew was the K'laxi archivist Tirenian who was transferring to the station. The Narrator picked her up from K'lax when they were dropping off a load of Chamomile tea to the planet - its popularity was a recent fad among the K'laxi and humans scrambled to fill the need.
As they sat in line, waiting for their turn to dock, the Narrator came over the speakers. "Captain! I think I see the Timewinder! It looks like they just linked in-system. Permission to 'say hello'?"
Tirenian heard the quotes over "say hello" and was curious what they meant. Before she could ask, the Captain said "Permission granted, brace for shock!"
Alarm klaxons sounded all over the ship and everyone braced themselves. The belts around Tirenian's seat tightened, then backed off just a little so she could still breathe. There was a thunderous double boom as juke charges were fired and the ship spun 180 degrees in place and they linked out of line, right where they were.
Luckily, Tirenian didn't suffer the major side effect of the human's wormhole generators - she didn't die and come back when they went through - so she was able to watch, horrified with what she thought was happening.
The moment they reappeared in space, they were directly over the Timewinder. She heard the doors slam open and the rhythmic thumps of a slug gun firing! After 10 shots or so they linked again, this time under the Timewinder. They let off another volley of 10 shots, but this time the Timewinder was ready for them. The Narrator's hull rang like a gong with the shells striking them.
The Narrator shrugged it off, slammed the weapon bays shut and linked back to their place in line. The total time that had elapsed was less than a few minutes.
Once they were back in the line, everyone relaxed. The belts were loosened and the captain came over the intercom. "Attention everyone. We were able to score..." he looked at a screen at his station. "11 hits out of 20. That's good, but we can do better. I want everyone on double drills until the end of the week." He turned off the intercom as everyone groaned.
"Captain....what happened?" was all Tirenian could muster. She was shaking slightly in her seat and utterly confused.
"Oh! Tirenian! I forgot you were aboard, I apologize. We uh...were playing tag with the Timewinder. They started it last year, and now whenever we see the other, it's a race to see who can score the most hits in a blitz attack. It's good practice in addition to being fun."
"Hits? I heard the slug launchers fire...didn't you..."
"Oh no! no no no, it's paint! We're shooting paint shells. We agreed that for the year that neither would wash the paint off and at the end of the year the person with the most hits scored buys the other dinner for the whole crew."
While everyone was relaxing and calming down after the excitement, the Starbase came over the intercom. "Unreliable Narrator, Unreliable Narrator, this is Starbase, how many hits did you get??"
"We only got 11 out of 20 that time, we were sloppy." the Narrator replied.
"Oh, well, you still go the jump on them, I'm sure you'll do better next time. You're 3rd in line, estimated time to docking is twenty minutes."
Tirenian could only sit back and sigh. This was going to be a long rotation.
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rosemaidenvixen · 11 months
Master Carver
A few more cuts and Hunter set the knife aside, spinning the pumpkin around with a grin “So, what do you think?”
Clover buzzed with approval, hovering around the pumpkin with their image carved into it.
“I think she likes it,” Willow said with a giggle, lifting the pumpkin from the table and moving it to sit beside the other carved pumpkins on the bench. Clover followed, joining the other palismen, Emmeline and Ghost and Stringbean and Owlbert, flying and crawling around their portraits.
Hunter beamed back at her, then grabbed another pumpkin, picked up his knife, and got to work.
“Hey how’s it– whoa!” Luz stopped short as soon as she came into the room, Gus and Amity right on her heels “Dang, your pumpkin carving game is strong!”
Amity leaned down close to the pumpkin with an image of Ghost carved into it, Ghost herself curled up around it “Yeah Hunter these are really good,”
“Of course they are,” Willow folded her arms across her chest, satisfied smile on her face “Hunter is the best up and coming palismen carver in the Boiling Isles,”
Hunter met her eyes and smiled back, a red flush spreading across his face all the way to the tips of his ears, then ducked back behind the pumpkin he was working on.
“A palismen carver carving pumpkins with pictures of palismen, that is so meta…”
“These are cool,” Gus stepped up to join Amity and Luz “But I thought human jack o lanterns are supposed to be scary,”
“Oh don’t worry,” Hunter carved out a sliver of orange flesh from the pumpkin in front of him “This next one is going to be utterly horrifying,”
That got their attention, four heads swiveling towards him.
“What is it?” Amity asked.
Another twist of the knife and more flesh fell away “Only the most grotesque, terrifying creature in all the Boiling Isles and the human realm combined,”
The others were all gathered around the other side of the work table now, craning their necks to try and get a look.
Luz was practically hanging over the table to try and catch a peek “Ok but what is it specifically,”
One more cut and Hunter set his knife aside, grinning up at them “Are you sure? This creature is said to be so unspeakably hideous that even looking upon its image can drive you to madness,”
“I was Grom Queen! I can handle this,”
“Yeah come on dude, you gotta show us now,”
“I feel confident that we can handle it,”
Willow giggled again “Well even if it melts my eyeballs out I still want to see it,”
Hunter smirked up at them and set his hand on top of the pumpkin “Well then, prepare to be…” he spun the pumpkin around in one fluid motion “Horrified!”
For a few seconds the four of them just stared at the pumpkin in silence. Then Amity’s cheeks puffed out, snorting a giggle that turned into uproarious laughter. Less than a second later Luz, Willow, and Gus were laughing right along with her. The four of them laughing and laughing with all their might.
The merriment was contagious as Hunter felt the beginnings of laughter bubbling in his own chest.
“I– I– I– gotta hand it to you Hunter,” Luz managed to get out between laughs “That is the most terrifying jack o lantern I’ve ever seen,”
“Yep,” Hunter patted the pumpkin, sporting an image of Kikimora carved into the side “With this I’m sure our house is going to be the scariest one on the block,”
Another wave of laughter surged through the group, this time Hunter didn’t stop himself and laughed right along with them. All five of them laughing uncontrollably, sides in stitches and tears leaking rolling down their cheeks.
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
FSR Rambles 13 reasons why Dark is the best character
I need to make a follow up to that "Blue's 13th reason comic" lmfao.
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Dark is just a master at obliterating people I love him.
Vaati still has a lingering piece of Zelda's soul from Minish Cap...Makes his seemingly infinite life make more sense. Also why he survived a blast from our current Zelda.
And again: Dark isn't saying this from a place of "This is what Dark Link thinks of Vaati"
He's just saying what Vaati FEELS about himself already. X'D
Vaati is insecure as HELL.
What Dark ACTUALLY feels: He finds Vaati sporadically interesting but overwelmingly boring as hell.
"I wonder what Vio's up too..." Dark you simping freak
and as if on que his hair gets more purple as he ponders if he should make it such. XDDDD
Vaati's gotta come to terms with the idea he made a huge mistake with this curse.
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Vaati, please stop physically abusing Dark.
Dark might have ACTUALLY gotten angry at Vaati with that 2nd panel.
Dark can just...poof. Assumably into the headspace.
Vaati reveals a horrifying truth about Dark: He's not SUPOSED to be able to read HIS OWN emotions. But can.
Mistakes were made. UwU
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...Uh Dark...Having a moment of self reflection?
Like it's pretty obvious he's speaking how he feels about himself to some degree through Vio's emotions.
Dark also casually forgets he has all the context he could ever want via everyone's emotions he can read's memories...
He's talking to Vio here without directly speaking to him which is...funny.
It's funny he continues to label Vio as "Smart" and wishes Vio would give him answers to things.
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Dark cuts himself off before he expresses how he feels about Vaati's behavior. Most of what you glen about Dark's feelings on stuff is through context clues.
On some level he WANTS Vaati to be happy but he just can't achieve it and it's making Dark feel...a certain type of way, considering he calls Vaati "Annoying" it seems Dark is feeling annoyed and exasperated with Vaati at this point.
He even compares Vaati to Blue but justifies Blue's anger with "At least he can't control it".
And then he ponders on who's having those thoughts about Blue. XD
It must be very confusing to be an entity constantly scanning and feeling other's emotions to fully understand your own.
His reaction to Green is very funny because he's 100% copying how Blue responded to Green's behavior towards him...Also we know Vio and Green are CLOSE so his response to blush at the deeper thinking about Green isn't surprising. XD
Him whining and kicking that he "Wants to get hugs in bed too" is a direct reference to Green comforting Vio after the Shadow Link debacle while in bed together lmfao. Who's position he wants to be in exactly, Green or Vio's is left open.
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I swear the further we got into this comic the more people got utterly confused by Dark's character.
He's complicated.
I think a question to ask: Why is Dark eating flowers?
For a few reasons: Him eating the flower here is meant to be funny, it's such a bad choice that results in him coughing up pollen and crying.
Alt answer: Flowers are beautiful symbols of innocence, purity.
And our villain for the evening is EATING them. literally consuming, destroying and in general just not caring about them. XD
Him eating something he's not supposed to also just shows he doesn't have the understanding some of the other characters do.
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He remembers he has smth to do.
He mildly wonders if Shadow and Vio are gonna kiss and then gets...angry...at the hug that's happening.
Sitting back down and sighing.
Which, his breath is still got pollen in it. XD
Our boy got jealousy DLC.
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The cloak Shadow is wearing to shield himself from the sun has a Greudo pattern on it.
You can either take this as a flashback to him looking around the area he dropped Green in or a Gannon memory take your pick.
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"Shadow, your Gannon is showing." sums up this entire page.
Dark's also sitting over there, seething. Lmfao. You can tell he's pissed.
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Okay reason the flashback was shown to Vio not saying sorry:
Makes his apology mean way more here with context.
Rewriting Shadow's death meant a few things:
I could make it feel more "unfinished" because...The sequel is right here lmfao.
It wraps up in a nice pretty bow because: Holy shit we have two volumes and we can't make the audience feel TOO bad lmfao. We got Gannon to fight still.
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Lol Vio's so emotionally constipated.
Fun note about Vio: he hasn't cried at all in this comic despite getting very close. XD
in OG FS He only cried when he got his foot almost broke. I just like to think it's hard to get him to cry.
Shadow was not expecting an apology.
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Hah. He was mad at the fire temple...OBVIOUSLY after the attempted murder lmao. But he's over it Vio. Totally. It doesn't bother him at allllllll-
Shadow's question's a fair one to ask lol.
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Things to note: Vio's method of "I can only rely on myself" lined up with Link's original ideals at the start of the manga TILL he literally couldn't do it by himself anymore.
Which...Was interrupted because of stupid reasons lol.
I really wish Vio's plan of working alone and how that ultimately FAILED was centered on Vio's fucking up. But he was messed up by TINGLE. And Vio's response to him being ANGER. Impatience isn't exactly a character trait Vio needed to grapple with before that point, and ironically: Someone ELSE fucked up Vio's plan.
Which still feeds back into "Other people fuck up what I'm doing"
Which had nothing to do with Vio's arc of learning he can't work alone. Vio would have killed Vaati and Shadow if TINGLE hasn't shown up. Like...Idk I wish somehow Vio would have messed up revealing he needs the other 3.
Idk how to describe Tingle being the thing that fucks up Vio's plan feeling cheap to me. Like I can't quite articulate why that annoys me to the degree I'd like to. It feels so "Comedic" and out of place for what the tone and vibe we were going for, doesn't feed back into his arc of learning to work with others, (Vio is the MOST stubborn in this area story wise.)
Anyway back to FSR and the dialogue in it:
Vio just vents his frustrations working with the other 3.
Vio's "I'll give us a 50/50 chance" is a sign of his pessimism (At least in the translation lol.)
He just wanted to save Zelda, which is a goal they all inherently shared and was the thing that brought all four together.
...Zelda's fine...so they don't HAVE THAT anymore as a motivator lol. Like in general they don't have a REASON to be the four heroes and not just Link right now. So their unifying goal doesn't exist at present.
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Haha okay we as humans who DON'T split into four people wouldn't understand this struggle...But
"Who the hell is Vio actually" is a reasonable question.
I stand by he's a character you gotta make a LOT of assumtions about.
He lies most of the manga or just doesn't state how he feels.
The four being so removed from Link after their journey as people is smth else I like the idea of.
Like at what point do they stop being Link and their new personalities begin? How much of Link is in all of them?
For Vio I surmise: Not much.
Art wise: Vio's bug eyes were a request to keep in from @james-p-sullivan who reads these in advanced often. XD
In the 3rd panel: You can actually see Dark's hand on Vio's shoulder hehehe.
Freakin' the goopy ass face is representivie of a few things:
Vio's identity is literally suphocating and non existent at the same time.
But also, the identity of Link weighs so heavily on him and he cannot escape that he doesn't line up with it.
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...This panel lines up REALLY WELL with what Shadow saw Vio as in the mirror.
They reflect on this moment in a very similar way considering all the context they BOTH have.
Vio would have KILLED HIM there.
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Anyways, Shadow laughing his ass of at Vio being genuine was smth I was gonna implement way earlier in the conversation.
I don't see it as Shadow being mean on purpose. Their entire situation is ludicrous and insane.
They're both stressed out and emotional.
Shadow cracked in the way of laughing.
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Lol Shadow could never be sure Vio just wasn't being cruel to him. Ouch.
Tho considering his relationships with Vaati and Gannon: He's used to being treated this way.
Hehehehe. Song quote go BRRRR.
It's from:
Because I defy you to listen to that and not hear Shadow singing to Vio.
If you're curious:
Band wise I associate FSR with songs from Artic Monkeys, IDKHOW, The Hoosiers, Conan Gray, Gorllaz, and Hozier just to name a few.
Dark Link specifically here's some recommendations:
Christmas Kids, Haunted House, and Digital silence.
Anyway, Shadow's promise. It's nice.
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Shadow's comment about hurling them both in lava is so awful but it gets Vio to make THAT FACE.
That face is hilarious.
Shadow just wants to move on, to his detriment lol.
Buddy there's a lot you guys still need to work on.
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Vio you're gonna get kisses.
His response here to just vigorously pat Shadow's face is hilarious.
Vio...gasps...Acknowledges his mistakes.
Not so subtly admits he was running from his issues by being Link for so long...which just caused MORE issues...
Shadow comforting him is just nice. I like them.
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Hah. He still wants to be Link...
Smth to consider: It's not like Shadow could TELL Link there was no Gannon in that sword lol.
The Master sword being brought up is just funny. Because the CHANCE they had to pull a different sword and not free Vaati was an option...Lol.
Shadow's obvious nervous face at the idea of the Master Sword is pretty telling imo.
Shadow asking what Link/Vio would do after they're whole again just to conform:
Yes Vio 100% still wants to be Link rn. He just accepts putting off splitting was a bad idea.
Hey he's learning.
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Vio acknowledges trying to just shove the sword back at this point is stupid as hell, also that he needs to apologize to the other 3.
Shadow being in Vio's court for his emotional turmoil is just nice. Vio can actually rely on him, and as we've pointed out they have similarities.
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Hehehe...He's BOTHERED.
Vio hasn't been alone, like TRUELY ALONE in 7 years so his hesitance to let Shadow leave for a sec makes sense.
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Huh so he DOES remember he has the triforce of power and just isn't saying anything...Alright.
He's got a friend waiting for him outside.
Idk what he EXPECTED this night to be like but, considering how fucked everything has been who really knew how this would all go.
I just wanna point out how fun dialogue wise Dark can be.
Bro just starts this conversation in a way that makes no sense.
Like, no introduction no sense of them not knowing each other is given cause HE knows who Shadow Link is.
Shadow Link has no fucking clue who Dark is and has never seen him before but Dark knows Shadow pretty well at this point so doesn't really act like they've never met.
Also: Dark sat outside picking flowers because Vaati's vague instructions of "Go away" wasn't very specific.
Dark continuing to eat flowers despite choking on pollen shows he really just does not care about his own safetey lmfao.
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Reasonably: Shadow's fucking flabbergasted by this weirdo.
One of my favorite visual details is how Dark put a flower in his hair which I'll get more into in a moment.
Dark continues to let his actual personality slip a little through his dialogue: he says Shadow Link "has so much" but "So much" in comparason to who?
Reasonable answer: It's Dark.
Showing Dark's jealous of what Shadow's obtained in terms of life/character development.
Dark's already becoming unsatisfied with his life and situation it seems seeing what Shadow and the Links have.
Dialogue wise: Dark says a LOT here that he REASONABLY shouldn't know if he were normal so from Shadow's perspective here's things Dark shouldn't know but does:
He states he knows Shadow Link is "The Demon King" and considers Shadow a liar for not saying anything about it.
He seems to have further knowledge on the dynamics between everyone with how he describes Shadow "Taking" Vio from everyone.
Shadow instantly recognizes this guy as a demon, which is all he knows about this dude at the moment. The imbalance of information is staggering.
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Okay visual motif to keep in mind: Dark's physically mimicking Shadow Link in these pages.
His hair turns a diffrent shade of Purple, one matching Shadow's way more than Vio's.
Vio's being more blue undertoned and Shadow's being red undertoned respectively.
Smth I've stated about Dark before: His teeth are flat typically but they are sharp in panels 1-2 here.
Talk about the flower time:
Dark looked very cute and sweet with the flower in his hair, but it drops off his head the second he states with full certainty Shadow Link is NOT fine.
Dark's childish mocking of Shadow's insistence everything's fine really cements the dude as seeing through everyone.
Dark's creepypasta expressions seem to jar Shadow cause he takes a step back from him lmao.
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Smth I've seen people bring up "Is Dark making creepy faces on purpose or is that just his face"
Is a hilarious question to me to think about.
Personally: I just think it makes him more visually distinct from the others. In a comic where everyone's a Link and therefor have very similar faces having a character who has no bounds to how "unattractive" their face can look is really fun. Shadow gets to do this as well but to a lesser degree I feel.
Design notes for Dark's creepy expressions:
Mouth needs to be waaaaay to wide if he smiles. Teeth typically need to be human with too much detail. Human teeth are uncanny and uncomfortable to most. A similar creepy vibe can be used if his teeth are just, not there. Pitch black mouth looks creepy depending on how you use it. Pupils: Blown the fuck out. The white being in the center gives a "Camera" look that personally creeps me out lmao.
His features in general can just contort in a way that are unnatural. His eyes going way to large, squinting like in panel 4 here being weirdly squished.
My personal brand of Dark Link face horror: Uncanny valley.
Back to the comic itself:
Dark laughing at Shadow questioning who he is is pretty funny since you can almost assume Dark assumes Shadow knows who he is already since he doesn't answer the question.
Dark often talks like the person he's talking too isn't even responding or their responses don't matter.
Since he doesn't bother letting Shadow respond to HIS question "Why'd you lie"
instead making up his own idea why Shadow isn't telling the truth which...isn't fully off. XD
Dark's assumption Shadow wants people to like him is pretty on the money.
Visual wise:
Dark hugs himself here and then makes a face very reminiscent of the one Shadow made after he flung that sword at Blue.
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Dark lets his jealousy slip once again. He says "other people" but you know he's talking about himself when he says "Other people want to hang out with Vio too"
Shadow takes great offence to him stating very plainly "I like him too you know..."
Shadow tries to stay focused but considering this entire nonsensical interaction it's hard to pick what to focus on XDDD
Dark not so subtly eats a flower while staring directly at Shadow Link while blushing.
What I intended from these two panels is that Dark is gauging Shadow's response to him eating the flower since Vaati responded very poorly to him doing that lmfao.
Shadow doesn't respond at all to him eating the flower (Likely not knowing what the fuck you do with those either X'D)
Smth to note: Dark Link doesn't look QUITE like Link. He's different enough for Shadow to just say he "Kind of" looks like Link. This is a comic with same face syndrome everywhere so if you're thinking from an IRL situation:
If they were live actors Dark would be played by a completely different actor than Link if you catch my drift. Vaguely look alike but not quite.
Since Shadow's not responding to his crap, Dark switches to focusing on his hands. Which he changes his nails to match Shadow Link's.
Shadow's figured Dark out at this point, asking point blank if Dark was the entity Vio spoke too.
At the time Shadow assumed Vio wasn't talking to anyone/anything in particular but since Dark's made his presence known the ability to assume is there.
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Okay I don't remember if I've gone into this on tumblr at all:
Dark tends to use honorifics to fuck with people.
If you've ever wondered why he sometimes calls Vaati "Master" it's because that's what Vaati called Elzo.
Here, he's calling Shadow Link "Your highness" and "King" because he knows it bothers the absolute fuck out of him.
Because despite being mostly blank slate: Dark has a personality and it shines through in how he has no TRUE respect for ANYONE.
Sticking his tongue out while making THAT FACE at Shadows prodding about Vio.
Dark continues to let his true personality show: HE LAZY.
Okay not really, but he doesn't WANT to be doing work right now and chastises Shadow for not doing his job while Dark has to work. Showing he's jealous of Shadow's ability just to do fuck all.
Dark visually circling Shadow Link like an orca matches with how he's the meanest most sadistic behavioral wise fucker in the comic at the moment. He even matches orcas in color scheme sooo-
Motifs motifs: Dark touches people way to much lmao. He has no personal space boundaries.
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This whole interaction makes me laugh because it's so silly.
Dark just, hugs Shadow Link no warning and Shadow has no idea how to begin responding to that shit.
He always initiated hugs and physical touch in the flashbacks with Vio, to an extent, that's STILL how it is. So Dark initiating hugs while saying incredibly mind fuck shit is just the kind of dichotomy between Dark's words and actions that make him a fun character.
Smth to note: The "ineffectual" line Dark's referring too is smth the ORIGINAL PIG GANNON said. Not Shadow Link. Dark seems to think they are 100% the same person with no separation.
Which either implies Dark would act this way around Gannon, or just knows he can mostly get away with this behavior around Shadow Link due to what he's seen of him.
His line about Shadow "Wearing the skin of Link" really pisses Shadow off since: This is just Shadow's identity lmfao.
Dark is objectively wrong in his assumptions as Shadow lived his whole life assuming he WAS just Link's shadow.
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More mimic fuckery:
Shadow's pissed off so Dark mimics his pissed off nature.
The punch was so ineffective that Shadow's not even sure if it hurt by the "?!?" after his "OW!" XD
He threw that punch by the way BECAUSE Shadow pushed him. Dark just made him hurt the same way he hurt him.
Dark throws a temper tantrum and the aftermath of said temper tantrum is one of my favorite shows of his character so stay tuned for that.
Freakin' reached the image limit on this post.
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
Just the way I imagine the ending to an episode if Shirou Orihara, Izaya's dad came to town.
A man who knows nothing about his kids, has been gone for years working and suddenly drops in.
We enter in on Russia Sushi. Izaya is, sat at a table with some fatty tuna.
No one else is inside, not even Simon.
It is completely empty and Izaya's coat is laid beside him.
His dad walks in, confused before smiling lightly at his son. Izaya smiles back, and immediately we know something is off.
Well we can already tell somethings off this all screams sus but, ssshh.
Izaya is smiling. It's not his usual smirk, it's not antagonistic or cruel.
It looks warm, inviting as he gestures to the seat in front of him. Which his dad sits down in, a plate of fatty tuna infront of him.
Izaya sees the confusion on his face and apologises, saying he didn't know what his dad would want.
Says he can take it back but his dad smiles sheepishly. And says its fine.
There's a silence before Izaya asks him if he wants to know everything that's been going on.
There's none of his usual mannerisms, no snark no smirk. It's almost like this is an imposter, and not the Izaya we know.
But it is.
It's Izaya with his mask off, his walls dropped. It's like the show ended but the cameras still rolling.
It's unnerving to us but Shirou Orihara does not know his son. And so he is not afraid, nor even a little creeped out.
Izaya asks him, seriously if he wants to know everything that's been going on.
And of course he says yes, eagerly too.
The sound cuts off, we only hear phrases like "and than this", "but than this" stuff like that from Izaya.
We see Izaya and he looks like the picture of ease. He's just sat normally, eating his fatty tuna looking the most casual we've ever seen him.
It's almost like he's discussing the weather.
You could almost think this is a sweet conversation with his father.
And than we cut to Shirou, who looks absolutely horrified. His food is untouched while Izaya happily eats his.
Shirou's eyes get wider with every minute. He is completely pale, almost looks sickly. He is staring at his son with nothing but terror in his eyes.
When Izaya said everything, he meant it.
Some of its stuff we know about it, but most of it we and every other character, unless they were personally involved don't know about.
He tells his father, everything.
Izaya is just in his element looking as calm as ever while his dad looks seconds away from throwing up.
And than Izaya stops.
Takes his final bite of fatty tuna and smiles "yeah that's about it."
Shirou gets up on shaking legs, his whole body is shaking. He points to his son and yells "monster, you're a monster!"
Before running out of Russia Sushi. He doesn't look back and just keeps running.
Izaya watches from the window and something hits the table.
It's a tear.
Because this is Izaya without his mask, without his walls. And for all he wants to pretend he's above all others and holds himself so highly.
Izaya is still completely and utterly human.
He takes his father's uneaten plate and helps himself. We hear the hustle and bustle of Ikebukuro out the windows but it's muffled.
As Izaya eats alone.
He finishes, standing up and putting on his coat. With it we watch the mask fall back into place.
The smirk is back, a devious look on his face. He pulls a switchblade out of nowhere and walks out of Russia Sushi.
Not looking back.
The screen fades to black as we hear "Oh Shizu-chan!", Shizuo's angered yell and the sound of a very familiar fight.
We never hear from or about Shirou Orihara again.
Izaya doesn't mention him, Mairu and Kururi don't mention him. Neither does anyone else, it's almost like he never existed at all.
But he did.
The one and only person other than Shinra, who will see Izaya for as human as he is.
Who saw under the mask.
And the last person who ever will.
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cantpickafandomtbh · 1 year
no cuz i feel so bad for the collector
like that poor child was manipulated by their siblings and had the first real friends that he felt accepted and loved and welcomed by completely snatched away from them and didn’t understand what had happened to the other Titans and before they could understand, confront or try to save his first real friends, they got trapped
obviously the Titan didn’t know the full story either so no hate to the Titan or anything
but then the Collector spent probably thousands of years trapped alone in the world in between worlds, a place where they couldn’t actually do anything except sit with his own thoughts and be bored out of their mind with vast emptiness to speak to
and then, in order to break themselves out of the prison and enjoy freedom again, they are lucky enough to be found by the “titan hunters” who the Collector tries to use to free himself, but when that chance came, instead of freeing them, the leader of the Huntsmen decides to try to kill the one chance the Collector has at freedom to gain more honor respect and power for himself
and imagine, Belos finds them, asks for his help and promises to play a game and set them free if the Collector just helps Belos kill everyone and with the very little knowledge of what death means to mortals, the Collector agrees because “toys break all the time, you just fix them” and that is just the price of their own freedom and the price they have to pay to have a friend to play with after so long alone, being lied to and manipulated
then Belos betrays him, drops them off a bridge in the hopes of smashing the plate that allows the Collector to communicate with the mortal world
imagine the amount of betrayal and manipulation the poor kid has been through, the very little understanding of life for people who aren’t immortal or semi-immortal because no one has given them a chance to understand
until Luz
when Luz shows up, teaches them about death and then dies in front of him i can’t imagine the amount of confusion and panic they felt. The first person to have been genuinely nice to him in a very, very long time is dead because everyone else was too busy trying to manipulate the Collector into doing something for them to care about teaching them the basics of life
i mean obviously King was probably the Collectors first real friend that we see, but King was also trying to get something from them. Of course King didn’t mean any harm and was actually really nice, but the fact that King was trying desperately not to upset them while also trying to get his friends de-pupitised for a while until he realised that the Collector was just really confused and knew practically nothing about reality probably meant the kindness wasn’t totally genuine
anyways, the more i think about the Collector, the more i understand how utterly horrifying their life experiences have been up until Luz, King and Eda
the Collector is growing as a person they wanted to show Luz and the Boiling isles how much he cared and how sorry they were for the events that caused so much damage to their world, (because it was the first birthday Luz had that wasn’t just cleaning up the boiling isles) and that was the Collectors farewell gift, thank you gift and i’m sorry gift all at once
this is why i love the owl house
all the characters are much more complex the more you look at them and it’s brilliant
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moon-spirit-yue · 11 months
Once Upon a Time, In a Land Far Away...
(So remember when I said I wouldn’t make an OUAT au? I was a liar. However, I am ending this fic after the first season or perhaps season two because ya girl can’t be writing all that. TW SMALL FIGHT SCENE IN THE BEGINNING ILL MAKE THE TW OBVIOUS!
READ THE NEW NAMES BECAUSE YOU WILL BE VERY CONFUSED IF YOU SKIP THIS! Raya’s Storybrooke name is Rose, Namaari’s is Natasha, Virana’s is Vanessa, Benja’s is just Ben, Sisu’s is Suki, Boun’s is Brian, Noi’s is Naomi, and Tong’s is Thomas. Please enjoy!)
“What the hell happened? I thought you managed to get lost or something,” Namaari hissed the second Raya came back into the room.
“It’s so much worse than we were hoping. Snow went into labor before they could finish the portal. The baby is being sent to this other world by herself,” Raya told her in a frenzied manner.
“Oh my god,” Namaari whispered, absolutely horrified.
“I just, I need to sit down,” Raya stated warily as she all but collapsed on the couch near the door.
Namaari shot up from the bed and rushed to Raya’s side. Just like she always does. Raya can always count on her.
“What does this mean?” Namaari asked worriedly.
“It means that Emma’s going to need to find a way to break the curse all on her own,” Raya sighed as she buried her face in her hands.
Namaari wrapped her arms around Raya and pulled her close. Immediately, Raya returned the embrace and squeezed tightly. 
The Heart woman never wants to let go of her. Namaari. Her wife. But now she doesn’t have a choice.
When the Evil Queen threatened Snow White and Prince Charming on their wedding day, everyone was on edge. The Evil Queen does many things, but make empty threats are not one of them.
Snow knew the only way to guarantee the safety of the kingdom and her unborn child was to consult with Rumplestiltskin. Then they discovered that Snow White and Prince David’s daughter would be some magical curse breaker for them all. The original goal was to put Snow in the tree trunk so that she could raise the little princess curse free due, to the fact that there’s only enough magic to send one person. They just couldn’t make the tree fast enough. 
“I can’t believe this. I run from Druun for six years, and now it’s all ruined because some bitch who’s in an eternal battle with her step daughter wants to even the score,” Raya spat.
She had to be angry. If she wasn’t enveloped in rage, she’d breakdown in tears, which wasn’t very appealing at the moment.
“Look, we’ve been through a hell of a lot in our lifetime, and we will get through this too,” Namaari assured her.
“I don’t understand how you could possibly be so confident about that. We’re putting our hopes, our lives, in the tiny hands of a baby that hasn’t even been alive for a full day. That’s too much of a burden for anyone to bear,” Raya huffed. She speaks from personal experience, after all. 
“I know it is, but Rumplestiltskin already prophesied this all from the beginning. Which means that as long as Emma can escape, we've all got a chance," Namaari assured her.
Raya sighed and took a glance at the window. She has no idea where this curse is going to take them. Nobody does. They're at an utter disadvantage. The most information Raya's gotten from it is that everyone's memory is going to be wiped.
“I’m sorry I’m being so negative about this. You’re going to be cursed too, I should at least be attempting to comfort you,” Raya sighed, feeling so utterly defeated. “I just have no idea how we can make it past this.”
“Hey, you’re the most hopeful woman I’ve ever met. I mean, you hoped for six years that a dragon could bring your father back, and you were right. You hoped for all of a Kumandra. I can hope for us both right now. That’s what marriage is. Helping each other when the other is struggling,” Namaari told her. 
Toi, Raya is so in love. She didn’t know it was possible to feel so much adoration for one person until Namaari. The Heart princess simply gave her wife a kiss. One that Namaari immediately returned.
“I’m going to miss this. Something tells me that in this cursed land, we won’t be newly weds,” Raya sighed, pulling Namaari in for a hug.
“You might be right about our marital status, but I’ll still be in love with you. I always have been, and I always will be. There are some things not even magic can change,” the Fang princess said in a soft, comforting voice. 
“Yeah? Well if someone as lame as you can manage to love me in a cursed land, I bet I can love you so much more. Because, you know, I’m a lot cooler than you are,” Raya mumbled, trying not to cry her eyes out. 
“As if. I’ll love you so much in this cursed land, you’ll be embarrassed at how lacking you were when the curse gets lifted,” she heard Namaari huff out.
“You know what? If you can somehow manage to get Rumplestiltskin off my back in the cursed land, I just might agree,” Raya snorted.
“Please. That guy’s like three feet tall. I can totally get him to back off from you in the new world. If I have to keep Rumplestiltskin away, then you have to help me deal with my mother. I bet she’s going to be especially difficult in the cursed land,” Namaari scoffed. 
“I think we have ourselves a deal, binturi,” Raya giggled.
At that moment, David rushed into the room and quickly closed the door behind her. He was holding Emma in one arm and his sword in the other.
"My god, what the hell's happening out there?" Raya blurted as she and Namaari both stood up from the couch.
"The queen's guards. They infiltrated the castle. They're...there's so much more than just me. I don't know how I'll get past them all," the prince rambled while trying to catch his breathe.
"In and out David, in and out. Look, we've got your back. Raya and I will have gladly go out there to offer some backup," Namaari assured him.
"I can't ask you to do that," David said, trying to shoot the idea down.
"Hey, your fate isn't the only one that depends on getting her to this other world before the curse does. Besides, it's been a while since I've had a good fight," Raya smirked, trying to not panic at whatever was beyond those two doors.
"Hey, we sparred four days ago," Namaari reminded her with a frown.
"I know what I said," Raya grinned, feeling her nerves ease little bit more. It's like just looking at her wife is good for her health.
"Okay, less flirting, more preparing for battle," David reminded them.
"That's fair," Raya conceded as she grabbed her sword.
Namaari did the same. They never did go anywhere without a sword. That probably says something about themselves.
"Alright. We're good," Namaari nodded.
"Pause. I want a kiss for good luck," Raya told her.
Though no one was willing to say it outloud, they all knew that it was very possible this could be the last time any of them see each other. That's probably why David had no objection when Namaari used her free hand to cradle Raya's face and give her a deep kiss. Raya decided she liked that kiss so much that there was no way it'd be their last.
"I love you," Raya smiled as her wife pulled away.
"I love you too," Namaari whispered fondly.
Then a loud crash resounded from the outside, causing the trio to face the door with a deathly grip on their swords. When they decided no one would be breaking in, Raya and Namaari stepped out in front of David to take on whatever battle awaited them.
There were six guards at the end of the hall. They didn't look like they had a clue where they were going. Raya's pretty damn sure she could take these guys, especially with her badass wife beside her.
"Go ahead David, we'll hold them off," Namaari told him.
"Dep la, I was going to say that! Can you read my mind?" Raya grinned.
"I just know you too well, my love," Namaari responded with a small smile of her own.
"Thank you, I'm eternally in debt to the both of you. And for god's sake, focus on the fight instead of flirting!" the prince exclaimed before rushing off to send Emma into the wardrobe.
"Tell Emma Auntie Raya and Auntie Namaari love her!" Raya yelled as David sprinted away.
Okay, the Queen's armed forces were now right in front of them. No biggie. The first guy that came up to her was a cinch to beat. A solid kick in the chest made him slam against the wall and knock the guy out cold. Poor bastard must have been new.
Namaari was dealing with her own trio of guards as the remaining two ganged up on the Heart woman. They were fast, but clumsy. One guard managed to nick Raya's eyebrow and nose bridge. While it wasn't going to do any lasting damage, it'd certainly leave a mark. The force of their hits meeting air kept them off balance enough to give Raya a chance to swipe back.
She checked the corner of her eye to make sure Namaar was doing well and of course, she's beating their asses. After a couple good stabs through skin, Namaari knocked the other three off thier feet.
Raya had managed to stab the last guy in the leg when his guard was down. Hah. These guys are really bad fighters. Then she heard Namaari groan.
"Hey, do you think that," Namaari began, before she lunged herself at Raya.
A Queen's guard jumped out of the shadows and came hurtling to Raya when her back was turned. Namaari was able to interfere, but the guard just moved the blade the side and sliced Namaari's arm clean off. Raya's wife collapsed to the floor, crying from pure agony.
With absolutely zero hesitation, Raya raised her sword and pummeled it straight through the guard's heart. He was dead before he hit the floor.
Then left nothing for Raya to focus on except for her wife. She quickly took off her waist band and firmly tied it around the edge of the spot where the arm was cut off to prevent further blood loss. She's honestly not sure how she did it with her tears blurring her vision.
Once the band was tight enough, Raya moved Namaari so that her head was resting on Raya's lap. The screaming had stopped, there was only a pained whimper was coming from her now.
"Hey, hey, hey, look at me. Namaari, you have to stay awake, do you understand me? If I have to live through this stupid curse, then so do you!" Raya sobbed.
This can't be happened. They've been married for what, a month? It didn't matter that there was a curse or everyone would be miserable, Raya wanted to be cursed and miserable with Namaari. For the rest of their lives. One month is not enough.
"You're...so bossy. Even now," Namaari mustered out.
Raya couldn't hold back the extra tears seeing Namaari in so much pain from such a simple sentence. She's trying so hard to stay awake.
"Thanks for the defense back there. That guy totally would have sliced right through my heart if you hadn't done anything," Raya whispered, tears still stubbornly streaming down her face.
"I know. I'd rather lose an arm than lose you," Namaari said.
"I wish you didn't have to lose one at all," Raya told her honestly.
"Will you still love me even if I only have one arm?" Namaari blurted.
God, how stupid is this woman?
"That may have been the most ridiculous shit you've ever said in your entire life, Namaari. Of course I'll love you without the arm. Besides, you've seen what dragon magic can do with those metal arms. Once this curse business is settled, you can get a magical metal arm and you're gonna look so badass," Raya choked out with a small smile on her lips.
"You think I'd look hot with a metal arm?" Namaari grinned.
Even though the reason why is so painfully stupid, Raya's just happy to see that smile.
"Duh. I think you'd look hot with anything. Do you think I'll look hot with the eyebrow and nose scar? The wounds are kind of deep," Raya sniffled.
"You're always hot. The scars will add to it. I wanna kiss them when they're healed," Namaari mumbled, seeming to drift off.
"Aye! Stay with me, One Armed Wonder!" Raya snapped.
"Did you just call me One Armed Wonder?" Namaari mumbled incredulously.
"Too soon?" Raya sheepishly asked.
"I want that engraved on my metal arm," Namaari decided with a giggle.
Raya laughed a bit too. It's so hard to laugh knowing that the love of her life is in so much pain and there's nothing she can do about it.
The ground began to shake. Raya looked out the window to see the black and green fog slowly take over the whole kingdom.
"It's coming," was all Raya managed to say.
"Kiss me," Namaari said.
And how can Raya say no to that?
Raya leaned down and pressed a soft but firm kiss on Namaari's lips. She's feels so safe in the kiss. Even when the world is ending. No one's ever made Raya feel the way Namaari does. No one else ever will.
Raya gently broke away and gasped as the shaking grew more intense. Raya leaned over Namaari in order to protect her body from any more potential injury.
"I love you," Raya yelled as the fog approached.
"Love...," Namaari trailed off.
She was way too weak. It was a miracle the Fang warrior lasted this long. But that's okay, Raya doesn't need her to say it out load to know she means it.
All she could do was hold her wife tightly as they were swept into a land where they were never married in the first place.
(27 years later)
Roseline Heart woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Literally. There’s a spot on the mattress that has the spring sticking out because of how old it is and it ended up cutting Rose’s cheek. Now there’s a thin trail of blood coming from her face. Fantastic.
Groggily, Rose helplessly grabbed around for her glasses and shuffled to the bathroom. She’s pretty sure this is where the bandaids are. After actually putting on the glasses, success was Rose’s as she managed to get her hands the hello kitty band aid box. After cleaning up the cut as best as she could, she put her bright pink band aid on and headed out to the kitchen.
“Morning Sunshine! How’s-” Suki began before noticing bright ass bandaid on Rose’s face. “Okay, seriously, you gotta replace that mattress. Someone’s gonna call the sheriff on me for domestic violence if you keep this up!”
“Someone’s dramatic. I just forgot to put a thick pillow over it like usual. No big deal,” Rose said with a dismissive flick of the wrist.
“It feels like you never remember the pillow. Besides, you've already got a couple scars on your face. No reason to add on another,” Suki huffs while handing her an apple.
“Aye, don’t sass the hand that’s gonna be dying your hair blue tonight,” Rose warned. 
Suki simply stuck her tongue out at her and began rummaging through the cabinets to find some of her cereal. 
Suddenly a loud, obnoxious knocking at their door caused both girls to groan.
“You get the door, I’ll get the checkbook,” Rose said in defeat.
“You got it, bestie,” Suki huffed while headed to the door. 
Rose heard the door open as Suki made idle chit chat with their intrud- guest. Beloved landlord. She found the checkbook resting on her living room couch. Rose grabbed a pen, wrote out her check, and tore it off the booklet. 
“Mr. Gold. What a joy it is to see your wrinkly face so early in the morning,” Rose deadpanned.
“You’ve always known how to charm a man, haven’t you?” Gold mocked.
“Considering the fact that I’m a lesbian, I really hope not,” Rose grumbled while handing him the check. 
Mr. Gold examined it, front and back, before deciding it was sufficient.
“Well, everything seems to be in order. As per usual,” Mr. Gold spat. “I’ll leave you girls to your morning, then. Ms. Datu, I’ll be expecting your half of the rent on the first,” Mr Gold told her.
“And that is when you will receive, sir,” Suki said with an uncomfortable polite smile.
“Wonderful. I’ll be off then. Have an excellent day, Dearie,” Mr. Gold smirked. 
With that, he walked right of their apartment without bothering to close the door. Rose scowled and slammed the door shut. God, she wanted to take that cane from his hand and bash his face in with it. 
Will Rose ever understand what Gold’s problem is with her? No. No she will not. Rose just doesn’t get it! She’s an excellent tenant. She’s never been late for a payment. Not once. Hell, sometimes she gives Sisu extra cash in case she falls short with her rent money.
Yet somehow, Mr. Gold is never satisfied with her stellar reputation. In fact, he seems to be quite irritated whenever Rose manages to deliver the rent. Which is every time he asks for it. In simpler words, Mr. Gold is always pissed at Rose and there is nothing she can do about it. Rose wins none and loses all.
It used to make woman want to rip her hair out from pure frustration. Here she is, always giving rent when she needs to and she smells like flowers all the time! What more could a landlord want?! 
It wouldn’t be such an issue if he treated everyone else like this. But he doesn’t. Of course, just like any other landlord, he expects his tenants to pay rent on time and he tends to be a no nonsense kind of guy. But Mr. Gold’s willing to negotiate with others. He’s fine with coming to a compromise of some sort. But if Rose were to have issues?
She’d be on the streets faster than you can say ‘what a jackass’.
It’s not like there’s anything Rose can do about it, either. The only person that could match up to Mr. Gold in the realm of power in this town is Regina Mills, the mayor. Unfortunately, Mr. Gold has some sort of in with Mayor Mills, so Rose is totally screwed. 
But, well, Rose has accepted her status as Gold Enemy Number One. Nothing she can do about it now.
“God, I hate that guy. Why the hell can’t he just lay off your back?” Suki scowled. 
“Question of the century, truly. Think you can pick up some fruit while after work? Seems like we’re running low,” Rose asked her roommate.
“Got it. You better get dressed girl, aren’t you opening the store today?” Suki asked.
“Yeah, I need to move it,” Rose sighed while rushing into her room to get ready. 
Rose hastily put on a green long sleeve shirt and blue jeans that were way too big for her, held up by a dark brown belt. She flew in and out of the bathroom in record time. Once she grabbed her satchel like bag, she was ready for work. 
“Have fun, don’t hurt yourself!” Suki yelled as Rose put on her beat up sneakers. 
“If anyone’s gonna hurt themselves today, it’s you. See you later!” Rose yelled as she exited the apartment. 
Speed walking out of the building, Rose was so lost in her own world that she almost didn’t comprehend the fact that she nearly torpedoed into Mary Margaret. 
“Crap, sorry! I had a late start today,” Rose apologetically stated.
“Oh it’s no problem, Rose. You know, I was actually hoping I would run into you today. I’ll be super quick, I promise,” Mary Margaret said. 
“Yeah, for sure. What’s up?” Rose asked.
“Would you be able to tutor a kid in my class? His name is Henry, same age as Naomi, and he’s a really great kid. He’s just going through a bit of a hard time. He’s also a very quick study, the only reason why his grades have been slipping is because he lacks focus. His mother insisted on him getting a tutor and she has every intention of paying you. I only ask because of how great you are with Naomi and how much her grades improved after your tutoring,” Mary Margaret pleaded.
Huh. Rose really can't remember much of Namoi's progress. Well, Mary Margaret is her friend and a little extra cash couldn’t hurt. Besides, if she can help a kid out what’s the harm?
“That can work. I’m free after 4:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays, does that work out?” Rose asked. 
“Oh that’ll be perfect! I can not thank you enough! Think it can start today?” Mary Margaret asked with hopeful eyes.
Rose frowned and checked her phone to come to the discovery that today is, in fact, Wednesday. Shit, all the days blend together.
“I can do that, I just need to text Suki that I’ll be home late,” Rose responded. 
“You are seriously saving my life, thank you. Okay, meet me at Granny’s Diner at about 4:45 so that you two can get started,” Mary Margaret informed her.
“Granny’s at 4:45, on it. Alright, I gotta scatter before Moe has my head. See you later, Mary!” Rose yelled as she began a light jog to her car.
“Bye Rose! Thanks again!” Mary Margaret yelled.
Rose smiled and waved as she continued her jogging pace. The moment she got into her car, the pedal was to metal. Though she may have broke a couple speeding laws, Rose made it to work a whole two minutes early. 
Once she hopped out of her car that should have been thrown the in the dump years ago, Rose opened the door to her beloved place of work. 
Game of Thorns is her happy place. Surrounded by the soothing aromas of tulips and lilies, arranging the flowers to compliment each, and just staring at all the plants gives Rose a sense of peace. Besides, since the owner Moe French hates Mr. Gold, the old snake can’t set foot in this place. Here, Rose has solace. 
There is, of course, the fact that Natasha Fang is one of the shop’s biggest customers. 
The name Natasha is very fitting. Similarly to a gnat, Natasha does everything in her power to be as big of a nuisance to Rose as possible. The name quite literally speaks for itself.
Unfortunately, that would be very bad for business. The shop could just get rid of every single customer except for Natasha and they would still be kept afloat. She always orders in bulk and tips well, which is the only good thing Rose can say about her. 
Natasha is just so.....awful! Rose will never forgive how that woman betrayed her. Natasha and her stupid undercut can take a long walk off a short pier. 
“Rose, how are you on this fine morning?” Moe French asked as he walked through the door. That’s one way to snap Rose out of her thoughts.
“Morning Moe. I’m okay. I got my daily dose of Gold today, which was super fun for me,” Rose huffed as she set up the register.
“Ugh, that old bastard has no business harassing you! So what if he’s your landlord? He still has a job to treat his tenants with basic respect!” Moe rambled as he began to reorganize the flowers. 
“You are preaching to the choir, my friend,” Rose sighed. 
The two worked quietly together in order to set up the space for opening. Only a couple of customers came in the shop before Rose saw an unnecessarily flashy sports car parked right in front of the shop.
“The gnat is flying in!” Moe hissed when he also noticed this specific car.
Rose quickly retreated to the back room. It’s their fun little code word for saying that Natasha, the worst person ever, was entering the shop. Moe and the rest of Rose’s coworkers all understood the complicated dynamic between the two girls. Said dynamic being Natasha tries aggravating Rose at every possible opportunity while Rose does everything in her power to avoid her.
Rose is very grateful that her colleagues had her back and were willing to talk to Natasha instead. Does Rose realize that it's petty and childish to run from her problem? Yeah. But it works and gives Rose a better peace of mind.
"Mr. French, good to see you today," Rose heard Natasha say as she walked into the shop.
"Ms. Fang! And you as well. What can I do for you?" her boss asked.
"I'll need the usual, please. Carnations instead of peonies this time, though. One of our clients is obsessed with peonies so I'm trying to play to my audience. If you guys can help deliver them this Friday, that would be great," Natasha informed him. (Probably with her stupid fake smile.)
"Of course we can! Come on, I'll ring you up!" Moe excitedly stated as the footsteps got closer.
Ugh, Rose wishes Moe could be as anti Natasha as he was anti Gold. The girl does drop a lot of cash for this store at his core, Moe French is a business man. Rose knew this business would not be half as good without Natasha's participation. Doesn't mean she had to like it, though.
"Thank you for your business!" Moe said. Rose could practically hear the smile in his voice.
"Of course, Mr. French. I'll see you on Friday, Heart," Natasha said with way too much glee.
Though no one could see it, Rose scowled. She worked full time. When the shop is open, Rose is working. Of course Natasha knows that.
The young florist waited until she heard the door close before reentering the main part of the shop.
"I wanna punch her in her stupid face," Rose blatantly stated when she excited the room.
"All she'd need to is grab you with her prosthetic arm and it'd be over for you," Moe reminded her.
"Well I would have made the experience very stressful for her," Rose grumbled as she got back to work.
"I'm sure you would have, Rose," Moe nodded.
Rose internally groaned and mentally prepared herself for this Friday. Even it's only two days away, she needs all the help she can get. Rose is positive she doesn't work at the only flower shop in the world, so why can't Natasha go to literally any other?
It doesn't even matter. Rose is just going to do what she always does. Talk to Thomas exclusively, hide behind the flowers whenever Natasha's in eyesight, and teleport out there before any interaction can occur. It's in everyone's best interest.
The day droned on as usual. Moe decided to close up shop today, so Rose was able to get to Granny's Diner a tad earlier than expected. She saw Mary Margaret already at the diner, which was very convenient.
Rose walked up to the table where she was sitting and saw the kid also sitting with Mary Margaret. Huh, so the whole gang is here.
She was about to introduce herself when she caught sight of the woman sitting next to Henry. Can anyone explain why the ever loving fuck the mayor is sitting next to this little boy?
Rose gave the teacher a look and jutted her head to the side which is the nonverbal cue of 'get the hell over here right now'.
Mary Margaret, being used to Rose, knew what she was getting at walked over to greet her.
“Mary,” Rose said in an eerily calm tone.
“Yes, Rose?” Mary Margaret asked in a meek voice.
“Please do not tell me that Henry’s last name is Mills,” Rose hissed.
“Look, I’m sorry I wasn’t honest before, but he really needs the help and I was worried you’d judge him before meeting him!” the teacher exclaimed.
“I’m not judging him, I’m judging whether or not I’ll be able to even live in Storybrooke!” Rose snapped. “I can not afford to make this kid upset, Mary. I’ve already got Gold on my back for, I don’t know, breathing! If I manage to get on Mayor Mills’ bad side, I will quite literally have no choice but to leave town!”
“Rose, please, he’s not that kind of kid. Besides, one of the things he’s been struggling with is the relationship with his mother. Just give it a shot. One day trial. If you really think you can’t do it, then fine. But please, just try,” Mary Margaret begged.
Rose sighed at the kid that seemed absolutely miserable sitting next to his own mother. Just looking at him, Rose does feel bad for the little guy. And it’s not like Rose has anything better to do on a Wednesday afternoon...
“Fine. One day,” Rose agreed. 
“You are a god send! Okay, get ready to meet the family!” Mary Margaret whispered as she tugged on Rose’s arm. “Mayor Mills! Henry! Here’s this fantastic tutor I was telling you guys about.”
Madame Mayor looked Rose up and down, examining her like she’s trying to decide whether she’s worthy of being in her and her son’s presence. 
“Regina Mills. This is my son, Henry. Thank you for taking time out of your day to help him,” the mayor said in a drawled sort of voice. Then, Mayor Mills stuck her hand out to shake. 
“Roseline Heart. Everyone calls me Rose. It’s a pleasure to make both of your acquaintances,” Rose said with a polite smile. 
Rose then stuck her own arm out to shake. When she made contact with the mayor’s hand, Rose felt a vice like grip in the handshake. But she would not be the one to back down. As previously stated, she really can’t afford to. 
“Firm handshake. Wonderful,” the mayor said as she let go with smile. 
Rose isn’t sure exactly what kind of smile the mayor’s flashing, but she knows for a fact it’s not a genuine one. 
“Well, with that I will be off. The job of Mayor never stops. Behave Henry. I love you. And for heaven’s sake, actually pay attention to what she says please,” the Mayor told her son. 
After planting a quick kiss on her son’s forehead, the mayor was off. Probably to make an innocent man cry. 
Rose stared at Henry. Henry stared right back. 
“So. You wanna play go fish and every time you lose, we have to actually focus on your school work?”
At the prospect of a game, the boy’s eyes lit up with excitement. 
“Uh, yeah!” he grinned as Rose brought out a deck of cards to shuffle.
It may seem stupid, but it works. Rose challenges Naomi to a battle of go fish all the time when she needs to get work done. The ability to make homework fun tends to make kids more inclined to comply. 
Rose decided that she likes Henry after his mother picked him up. Mary Maragaret’s probably right. Just a good kid with a rough relationship with his mom, likely due to her job. 
There’s just one more stop to Rose’s journey before heading home.
Rose took slow steps to Storybrooke’s general hospital where she briefly passed by Dr. Whale. After a quick greeting to the physician, she entered the hallway where the patients reside.
Calmly, Rose sat at the chair right at her father’s bedside. Without saying a word, Rose held his hand stared at his expressionless face.
God, what she wouldn’t give for just one expression to overcome her father’s face. Rose’s father has been comatose for who even knows how long. Dr. Whale insists there’s hope, but that may just be his way of sustaining his paycheck. 
She wants her father back. More than anything, Rose wants her father to open his eyes. 
But just like every single day before, Ben Heart does not open his eyes. He lays on the bed, still as a statue as he always does. Nothing has changed.
Rose mustered up the courage to tell her father about her day because maybe, just maybe, he’s listening. Once there was nothing more to say, she got up to drive back home.
As she left her father’s room, she looked to the side and saw yet another face that has yet to move. John Doe, he’s been in a comatose state for about as long as her father as, and no one’s ever claimed him. Talk about a bad break. 
Rose figured it’d be best to leave before she gets too wrapped up in all the depressing thoughts. She managed to get home in one piece where Suki is waiting for her.
“Hey bestie! How’s your day?” Suki asked.
“The Henry kid is nice. I’ll continue tutoring him. Other than that, you know how my day went. Same as every other day.”
(one year later)
Rose was scrolling through instagram on her phone, waiting for Henry to show up at Granny’s like usual. The kid was running late, which really isn’t like him. Rose contemplated calling him before the young boy burst through the doors.
“Hey Rose!” Henry exclaimed, practically vibrating with excitement.
Rose had to say, she’s surprised. She’s never seen Henry so....happy? Vibrant? Not utterly depressed?
“Hi Henry! What’s got you looking so positively gleeful after a long day of school?” Rose smiled.
“I’m not sure you can handle it,” Henry shrugged.
“Uh, I absolutely can,” Rose interjected. 
“Whatever you say. Just know I won’t be offended when you won’t believe a word I say,” Henry sighed.
With that, the little nine year old boy plopped a thick leather book on the table. It was definitely old and had beautiful golden lettering with the words ‘once upon a time’ written on it.
“Oooo, fairytales? I loved this stuff as a kid. What about this is unbelievable?” Rose asked.
“I know this going to be a lot to digest and like I said, you won’t have to believe me. Have you ever wondered why the clock never moves? Why you can’t seem to remember just about anything from their past? Why no one ever leaves this town?” Henry inquired mysteriously. 
“Uh, one is that your mother never hires anyone to fix the clock, two is just an age issue, and three is because we’re all too lazy or like this town,” Rose explained.
“All of your answers are incorrect! It’s actually because this whole town is cursed!” the young boy whispered.
Rose blinked once. Twice. Three times.
“Okay, I realize I’m not exactly in the height of my life right now, but I wouldn’t say I’m cursed,” Rose laughed.
“It’s not just you, it’s everyone in this town! They’re all characters in this book. You all just can’t remember anything and time doesn’t move,” Henry explained.
Now Rose wasn’t entirely sure to handle this. What Henry was saying is clearly some fantasy to cope with whatever issues he’s dealing with at home. 
“Look, Henry,” Rose began. 
“Just wait. Let me ask you something. Do you remember why exactly you hate Natasha? Do you remember who gave you that dragon pendant? Or the ring on your right hand? Can you remember how you met Suki? Or Ms. Blanchard?” Henry asked, quickly following one question after another.
“Well, Natasha betrayed me. When were kids. Yeah we were young, but she clearly lacks remorse,” Rose said.
Though she didn’t want to admit it, Rose only addressed the first question because it was the only question where she was certain of her answer.
“But what actually happened? What did Natasha do to betray you?” Henry pressed.
Now Rose had to admit, the details are.....fuzzy. Rose can say beyond the shadow of a doubt that Natasha is a traitorous snake that should be avoided at all costs.
But honestly? She doesn’t remember exactly what occurred during this awful betrayal. The person who gave her the ring and pendant were important to Rose. She’s kind of sure of that. Rose is also pretty sure whoever gifted her those items were from the same person. However, Rose isn't entirely sure who this person is. She thinks they were gifts from a relative.
The gold dragon pendant with a bright blue gem in the middle went matched well with gold band of the ring that also has a bright blue circular gem in the center. Little diamonds run along the band making it the most beautiful and valuable thing Rose owns.
“I have a terrible memory, Henry. Anyone that knows me can attest to that. So what if I can’t remember the exact bits of what Natasha did? Or who gave me jewelry? Or how I met my friends? Having the memory of a goldfish don’t mean there’s a curse,” Rose tried to remind him.
“I get why you don’t believe me. After all, you got wronged by a lot of people which made you very cautious and untrusting,” Henry sighed, looking incredibly disappointed.
Rose frowned at seeing the boy so dejected. She tried to think of a way to cheer him up without lying and saying she believed him.
“If you’re so intent on the idea everyone in this town is a story book character, who am I?” Rose asked just to humor him.
At this, Henry’s eyes lightened up. He opened the book and flipped to a page in big, fancy letters that read out to be ‘Raya and the Last Dragon’. 
“This is your story. You’re Raya, untrusting heroine that has to learn to have faith in order to get her happy ending. In the book, after Namaari betrays you, you have to find the almighty dragon Sisu in order to return everyone from stone. Then Namaari proves herself by risking her life to save you and everyone else in Kumandra. After that, you two spent a lot of time together reuniting the five lands and eventually you two fall in love and get married! You were only married for a few weeks before the curse hit,” Henry informed her.
“Huh. Well, at least my story book life has a happily ever after before this supposed curse,” Rose huffed. “Wait, so who do you think Suki is? And Mary Margaret? Oh, you have to tell me who you think your mom is!”
“Suki is Sisu, the dragon that helped you save the world. Mary Margaret’s Snow White and my mom, well...,” Henry sighed, clearly hesitant to speak. “She’s the Evil Queen.”
Well this theory is most certainly going to drive an even bigger wedge between Henry and his mom than before. Though Rose has to admit, she finds the concept of Suki being a dragon very amusing.
“Wow. That...is a lot of information you dropped on me,” was all Rose could say after that.
“Yeah, I know,” Henry nodded. 
“Alright, I’m still not quite convinced that everyone in this town is a cursed fairytale character and you’re fine with that. So I just have one last question for you,” Rose told him.
“Lay it on me,” Henry nodded.
“Who’s my wife? You know, the girl that’s really Namaari but got cursed and is now not my wife. According to you, because I am doubtful,” Rose grinned.
“You’re not gonna like my answer,” Henry admitted sheepishly.
“Oh no. Who is it?” Rose asked, weirdly afraid of who he was going to say. 
“It’s Natasha Fang. She’s your wife before the curse,” Henry informed her. 
“I want a new one,” Rose demanded. 
“What,” Henry deadpanned. 
“I said I want a new one. Natasha Fang can’t to be my wife, she sucks! So pick a different one,” Rose told him. 
“I can’t just pick a different one, it’s who you married! You chose Natasha! She chose you! It already happened, there’s no take backsies!” Henry glared.
“Um, excuse you, if you get to tell me my entire life is one big curse, then I get to have a better wife! What about that girl who works at the electric company? She’s cute and she always gives me a discount whenever she needs to fix up my apartment! Make her my wife instead,” Rose whined childishly.
“That’s not- you know what? There’s no point in arguing with you. If there’s any hope of saving you and everyone else in this town, I need cold hard proof,” Henry sighed. 
“.............................are you sure cute electrician girl can’t be my wife?”
“Yes, Rose. I am sure. Cute electrician girl is not and will never be your wife. Deal with it.”
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