#& with this one done I realize I really like working with reds blacks and cream colors lol
bimbosupreme · 2 years
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“..What? Don’t tell me you actually started to care for her?”
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futurecorps3 · 7 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
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Summary: Sirius and reader plan a romantic dinner for a very tired Remus Pairing: Poly!wolfstar x reader Warnings: mentions of sex and that’s all, I think! It's fluff and post!war where absolutely nothing went wrong because Reggie was a spy for the Order just like in canon duh Word Count: 1.4K Requested: No
Sirius leaned against the kitchen counter, a playful twinkle in his eyes, and said, "You know, love, if our cooking skills don't impress Moony tonight, at least our charm will do the trick." Y/N laughed, adding a bit more salt to the pasta they had been working on for about an hour now.
"Bet your pretty smile and my dazzling gaze will be fit enough… I really hope he likes it though," she mumbled that last part, feeling a pair of arms round her from the back. "I'm sure he'll love it," Sirius whispered, kissing his girl's cheek and moving on to whisk the eggs for the brownies they were baking for dessert.
It was Remus' first year as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. He had started the charge right after the war ended, and the trio had settled into a lovely flat on Eaton Square—a two-story building bought with Black family money. ("One thing my mum and dad will be good for!" Sirius had said back when he bought it.) They were slowly transforming it into a home. During the war, they realized they had the power to turn even a cavern into a warm place, as long as the three of them were together.
For the past week, Remus had come home absolutely drained. When he jumped into bed or the couch with them, he'd fall asleep right away and still wake up tired. Sirius and Y/N were aware that he was struggling to adapt to new routines; going from spending all his time with the people he almost lost to teaching six classes a day with minimal breaks was becoming challenging for him.
He'd adjust eventually and would be back to his old self, but for now, their boy was tired, and all they wanted was to treat him with every ounce of love and care he deserved. So, when Remus told them that he'd be coming home earlier that Friday, they decided to go all out with a romantic home-cooked dinner.
"Can you try this? I-I think it's a bit insipid," she said, stirring the cream-based sauce that was ready to serve, pouring a bit onto the back of her hand for Sirius to lick. His tongue gathered the liquid, and his eyes opened in shock. "That's amazing! D-don't change anything; it's perfect, baby," he smiled, grabbing the spoon from his girlfriend and taking more of it into his mouth, directly from the spoon to then place it back inside the boiling pot.
He either didn't mind or didn't think about it; knowing him, it was probably the latter. "Sirius, no!" she half-scolded while laughing, slapping his shoulder playfully. "Wouldn't be the first time my saliva is in either yours or Moony's mou- oi!" he snickered as the girl assaulted him again, all tiny hands against his broad figure. "You're disgusting," Y/N smiled, walking over to the dining table where a white tablecloth was set.
While the noodles cooked and her boyfriend danced to Queen while baking their last course planned for the night, she set the table. Y/N knew her boys to perfection, and Remus had always appreciated neat and aesthetically pleasing settings for their dates, and while this was not exactly one, she wanted it all to be perfect. Before coming home from a job interview that day, she stopped by and bought some candles and a nice bottle of wine; red. He loved red wine.
As she picked the bottle, she wondered how many bottles they'd collect as time passed and their flat became truly theirs. She smiled.
"Love, the water's doing it again…" she heard Sirius warn in a quiet panic and almost giggled. "Just stir them for a bit and turn off the stove; they're almost done," the girl reassured as she placed the brand-new silverware Regulus and James had gotten them when they first moved in neatly over the tablecloth, right next to the plates and careful that no wax could reach them when the candles eventually melted.
When all places were set and ready to be occupied—a bouquet of red roses and baby's breath in Remus', courtesy of their boyfriend—she returned to the kitchen. Her pasta was done, and brownies were in the oven. She found Sirius cleaning his rings, which he hadn't bothered to take off and were now covered in flour, delicate fingers gently scrubbing off the white powder.
Y/N took in the sight of him. He was going on about something that happened to him on the way home, about how he fought a lady for Moony's bouquet or something. She really didn't care when he looked like that. His long, black hair was tied in a messy bun with his wand, with a few strands falling out, a Rolling Stones t-shirt he turned into a crop top let a glimpse of his v-line show, as if it was purposely teasing his girlfriend, jeans hanging low and covered in flour.
Fuck. She scored. "… and so I told he- what are you doing?" he questioned when approached. Y/N stepped between the sink and his body, looking up at him while biting her lip. He felt her fingers hook on the empty belt loops of his pants, making him press flush against her body. "You're too pretty for this world; did you know that? Who gave you permission, Sirius? Do you think it's okay to be this perfect and just… exist like you're not this gorgeous?" she asked in all seriousness, making him blush and snicker at her flirting.
They were always like that with each other. Always flirting. Always trying to make each other blush. That, until Remus stepped in and made them both blush, fluster, and giggle like twelve-year-olds who just pecked someone else's lips for the first time.
"Careful. My brownies are still in the oven, and Moony won't take long in getting home," he warned, his eyes darkening a bit. "And?" she teased, scratching the bit of stomach exposed he displayed. "And if I bend you over-the-counter right now, dessert will be ruined, Remus will get too distracted in punishing us, and dinner will never happen. Just be patient," he groaned, stroking her face and kissing the corner of her lips, turning to clean his hands once again.
She ran her hands through his chest and screamed into his back in frustration, making his chest bubble with laughter. Right after, keys jingled in the front door, and they were both quickly at the door, smiling at each other like they held some secret intel Remus could never know about, and in some sense, they did.
Their boyfriend walked through the door, looking at them like they had grown two heads as he discarded his coat and boots by the door. "Well, hello," he smirked, walking over them and kissing their lips gently. "Are you baking something? I thought we'd do that on Saturday when Harry came over," he asked, trying to peek over their heads before Y/N pulled his head down with both her hands on his cheeks.
"We've got a surprise. Go change into something more comfortable and meet us in the dining hall." She smiled. "Dining hall?" Remus laughed, shaking his head as he felt electricity running through him with the information. Sirius remained serious as he nodded at their girlfriend's statement. "Yes, the dining hall, dear. Now go, c'mon," he encouraged, patting his shoulders as he walked away.
They used the time he took in putting some joggers and a shirt on to serve the pasta and place it on the table. Pads took care of the wine and looked up giddily at their boy paddling through the floor in disbelief. "Come sit." Y/N smiled gently, having changed the record to The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars; Remus' favorite. "Oh, I absolutely despise you both," he said, running a scarred hand through his curls as he approached the table with a soft smile playing on his lips.
Remus eyed the food, the table, and the soft music playing in the background, somehow managing to keep it together. Until he saw the flowers. He picked them up and looked at his partners with utter adoration in his eyes. "Fuck you," he laughed as tears prickled his eyes, making his boyfriend and girlfriend walk over to him to engulf him in a tight hug.
He felt safe and protected, even when he was very clearly towering over both of them. "We know you've been having a hard time coping with change, so we wanted to do something special for you," Y/N mumbled against his chest, stroking his back comfortingly. "The things I cooked might be shit… know I made them with a lot of love though," Sirius joked, kissing Remus' cheeks, which left a salty taste in his mouth. Moony laughed airily.
Surrounded by the warmth of his partners, Remus felt a surge of emotion. It wasn't just relief; it was a profound sense of belonging. Y/N's lips pressed against his cheek, leaving a lingering warmth, while Sirius's hand ruffled his hair in a gesture that felt both affectionate and familiar. "Come on, or it'll get cold."
They sat at the table, humming to the tunes playing in the background as they rambled about their day, sharing minutes of comfortable silence accompanied by loving glances out of nowhere. After the war ended, this is what they longed for. The trio would never forget how they fantasized about simpler times while laying on icy surfaces or in the woods, praying to whoever was willing to listen for a crumb of grace and a bit of luck to find solace after all that was done with.
As their eyes locked, there was an unspoken promise of enjoying the one thing they dreamed of a few years ago lingering in the air. They were giving themselves and each other a gentler life, a kinder environment, and a safe haven they could always go to. A safe haven with great pasta.
"Shit, dove… this is amazing! Where's the recipe from?" Remus exclaimed, resisting the urge to lick the plate and limiting himself to only gathering the leftover sauce with his fork like a civilized person. "I called Effie.” "Bless her soul," Sirius groaned in a solemn tone, licking the plate. Moony chuckled and drank the last bit of his wine as Y/N playfully scolded him. How he loved them, he thought.
Y/N slipped off her shoes and started prancing around to the music with a glass of wine on her way to serve dessert, a pair of warm smiles beaming at her going unnoticed as she was too lost in the beats. She paid attention to the plating, so she grabbed the small plates they had with tiny flowers on them and sprinkled some powdered sugar on top of the brownies her boyfriend baked.
"Here you go." She smiled, kissing both Sirius' and Remus' cheeks as she put the plates in front of them after putting hers on the place, sitting back down the next second. They bit into the pastry at the same time Padfoot waited for their verdict. "So? How'd I do?" He asks, in a concerned state his partners found hilarious, seeing how seriously he was taking the whole situation.
Y/N's expression turned into a disgusted frown as she chewed but quickly replaced it with a smile, making the change obvious to Sirius. "What was that!?" the black-haired boy said with wide eyes, taking a bite off the dessert himself and frowning when he actually found it good. "Come on love, it can't be that bad," Remus said, biting into his piece and closing his eyes in disgust in a very exaggerated manner.
"The-they're good, baby." She smiles, leaving the large piece untouched in her plate as she looked at him with sympathetic eyes. "I tried them; I did a bloody great job, so don't co-". His partners erupted in laughter. Moony almost cried, and Y/N's tummy hurt as Sirius shook his head with an upset pout.
"You're so mean. I hate you both. I'll never bake for you again!" "No, love, come on! We're sorry I-I just saw where Y/N was going and played along," Remus laughed, reaching over to engulf him in a hug, but his boyfriend pulled away, back facing his smiling face. He couldn't avoid the love for too long, cornered between his girlfriend who also reached out to embrace him.
"They're really good, Sirius! Come here; I-I'm sorry." "Why do you keep laughing!?" He whined with a little smirk playing at his lips he tried hard to contain when he found himself sandwiched between his loves. "No, ge-get off!" he playfully fought in-between giggles, trying to squirm out of Moony's arms, failing miserably. Y/N jumped over to them and kissed Sirius' face repeatedly.
"I-I'm leaving this house! Stop, Y/N, there's no changing my mind." He laughed. "We won't let you go; hate to break it to ya'." "Yup, I'm kissing you until you forgive us." They collapsed in giggles with sore bellies, letting go and going back to their spots to finish their desserts. "You did a splendid job, darling." Remus smiles, biting happily into his brownie. "Yes, they're amazing." Y/N assured and presses one last kiss to Sirius' cheek.
After several stories, laughs, warm smiles, and kisses were shared, they all decided to call it a night. Y/N grabbed one of Padfoot's shirts and a pair of Moony's socks, throwing them on before brushing her teeth and washing her face as her boyfriends got ready as well.
They jumped into the two queen beds they had joined and covered only with a soft silk sheet Sirius had insisted on getting since it was spring; They liked to cuddle, and if for some reason they covered more, they'd be kicking away in their sleep so they could be fresher.
Usually, Y/N would sleep between them, but today Remus took her spot and they were all comfortable with that. He wrapped his arms around his partners and kissed both of their heads, feeling exhaustion wash over him as their limbs pressed against all of his body; engulfed by love and warmth he craved his whole life before they came into the picture. "Thank you," he sighed, "for everything."
"Anything for our Moony," was heard in a soft whisper in the dark room, and with that, they drifted off to sleep.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Marauders taglist (DM or answer to be added): @kquil
Remember, the best way to support writer’s works on here is by REBLOGGING WITH TAGS. I’d very much appreciate it if you did!
Thanks again, stranger. Hope you have a nice day<3
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nostalgic-woodwind · 1 month
Beauty Salon
CG!Husk and Regressor!Crymini 🍼
Plot: Husk has been working all day, so he takes a break and plays beauty salon with Crymini.
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Request by @buriedinthestars-blog on AO3
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One day, Husk was attending to the currently empty hotel bar when he heard the pitter-patter of someone’s feet, along with some giggling. He turned to see that it was Crymini, one of Hazbin Hotel’s newest guests who saw him as the father she never had.
Crymini’s head peeked up at the bar counter, along with her beloved red and cream rabbit, Ace.
“Well, hello, what are you two up to?” Husk chuckled.
“I took a nap. Now, Ace and I are playing. What are you doing?” Crymini asked as she climbed up to one of the bar stools and sat down.
“That’s nice. You want anything to drink?”
“Can I have strawberry milk, please?”
“Of course you can.”
Husk prepared a sippy cup of strawberry milk. Once he handed the cup to her, he then noticed that her hair was a tangled-up mess.
“I assume you had a good nap,” Husk said as he gently ruffled Crymini’s hair while she laughed.
“I did,” Crymini nodded as she swung her legs back and forth. “Can we play beauty salon?”
“Sorry, I can’t right now. I need to attend the bar. I am the bartender, after all.”
“But you’re here all day…”
“I know, but-“
Crymini sadly pouted and her eyes grew wide as tears began to form.
“No, don’t use the ‘please face’ on me,” Husk said, struggling to be firm. He then realized that Crymini was right - he had been attending the bar all day and it was actually kind of a slow day, with only a few guests showing up for drinks every now and then. “Alright, I’ll play beauty salon with you.”
The small hyena immediately cheered up as Husk walked out from behind the bar. He then scooped her up and carried her to her room upstairs.
Once in Crymini’s room, Husk set her down on a beanbag that rested next to her vanity.
“Alright, let’s do your hair first,” Husk said as he grabbed a hairbrush that was resting on the vanity. “What hairstyle do you want it in?”
“Pony,” Crymini responded as she drank her strawberry milk.
Husk got to work combing Crymini’s hair, being as tender as possible so he wouldn’t hurt her. He then grabbed a red and black scrunchie and tied the hyena’s hair into a simple ponytail. Once the ponytail was finished, Husk decorated Crymini's hair with some skull hair clips that were in her hair accessories box. He then grabbed a plastic tiara that sat next to the box and placed it on top of her head.
"Alright, I'm done," Husk said. Crymini stood up and looked in the mirror, her eyes sparkling with glee. She turned around and gave Husk a big hug.
“I love it, Papa! Thank you!” Crymini squealed. “Can I do your hair?”
“Sure thing.”
Crymini spent the next few minutes fixing up Husk’s hair, decorating it with skull hairclips and hair ties. He even let her paint his claws with black nail polish when she asked him.
“How do I look?” Husk asked after Crymini finished with the makeover.
“You look great,” Crymini replied as she handed Husk a handheld mirror.
When Husk saw his reflection, he laughed warmly.
“I gotta say, you did a really good job, kiddo.”
“Thank you. I feel like Nimona would give Ambrious and Ballister makeovers too.”
“You think so?” Husk chuckled.
“I know so!” Crymini nodded as Husk picked her up and kissed her forehead, causing her to giggle.
“Looks like someone’s really giggly today.”
Husk planted multiple kisses on Crymini’s forehead. This made her squeal as she laughed and laughed.
“Can Ace have kisses?” Crymini asked as she held up Ace.
“Oh, yes. How could I forget about Ace?” Husk nodded as he kissed Ace’s forehead.
Husk walked over to the vanity and pulled out a drawer, revealing a bunch of Crymini’s pacis, teethers, and chewelry.
Crymini reached into the drawer and grabbed a red pacifier, popping it into her mouth. She rested her head on Husk’s shoulder as they went downstairs. They spent the rest of the afternoon watching Nimona in the hotel lounge area.
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supervoldejaygent · 2 years
Espresso Yourself
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Robin Buckley x fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.5K
Summary: Steve realizes the real reason behind Robin’s love for Hawkins’ quaint coffee shop.
A/N: Hello my lovelies! A couple of notes for this fic. This is a Modern-Day Coffee Shop AU (probably my favorite AU), so no harm has been done to the town of Hawkins (except for normal small-town stuff). Also, if you’re looking to really get the feel of this fic, I recommend listening to we fell in love in october by girl in red. I also want to add that I have no hate towards those who order PSL during fall. I actually love a good PSL, I just felt like Robin would not and definitely makes fun of Steve for ordering them, so please don’t take any offense. Other than that, please enjoy this fall fic in the middle of summer (:
~ ~ ~
It was a chilly day in Hawkins when Steve walked into the only coffee shop in town. The wind chilled him to the bone yet felt instantly warmed when he made it inside. He looked around, noticing the Halloween decorations that had been set up for the upcoming holiday.
Little paper-mache ghosts hung from the ceiling; cut-out black cats and pumpkins adorned the windows; fluffy stuffed bats sat on the walls next to their ever-growing succulent garden, and mini, fake jack-o-lanterns were scattered around, emitting a soft glow from the candle inside. 
After getting a good look at the newly decorated cafe, Steve noticed Robin, sitting at their usual table and biting her nails. He walked over, a small smile on his face as he shed his overcoat, leaving him in a black, Metallica sweatshirt he borrowed from Eddie.
Draping the overcoat over his chair, he noticed Robin fiddling with her hands, switching between that and looking at the bar where two baristas were hard at work. One of them, the guy, was laughing at something the girl barista had said after he had spilled a drink on the floor.
The girl barista, who Steve recognized to be Nancy’s friend from the school newspaper was doing her best to clean up the mess but kept stopping to laugh at her coworker. Steve looked back over to Robin, who was silently muttering to herself as if she hadn’t even noticed him yet. Worrying over his friend, he tapped Robin’s shoulder, startling her into a yelp.
“Hey,” he calmly said. “It’s just me.”
“Jesus Christ, Harrington! You scared the bejesus out of me!”
Chuckling lightly, he touched her shoulder again. “Sorry about that. Should we go up now?” Robin nodded, slowly getting up from her seat and making her way toward the bar.
When they arrived, the girl barista came over with a bright smile on her face. She greeted the two and Steve noticed the bright red that covered Robin’s cheeks. He was confused, nudging Robin’s shoulder to get her to tell the kind girl what she wanted.
Finding her hesitant in her answer, Steve went first.
“Uh, can I get a medium, hot, pumpkin spiced latte?”
“Sure,” the girl said, a small pep in her voice. She wrote his order on the cup before looking back at him. “Do you want whipped cream on that?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
She nodded, passing the hot cup to her coworker afterward. She then turned to Robin who was still burning red. “And for you?”
Robin took a deep breath, looking at Steve, then back at the barista. “Uhm, can I…can I try…” She paused, looking back at Steve and raising her eyebrows. Steve furrowed his, unsure of what Robin was trying to tell him. It was unusual, the way she was acting. Normally, Robin would make fun of him for ordering such a basic drink. She would joke with whatever barista was working and they’d agree, only for Robin to mention he was single. Which wasn’t technically true, but Robin didn’t know that yet.
Still, he found it odd that Robin’s words kept getting stuck in her throat. What was she trying to tell him? Before he could continue to think about it, the barista broke through the silence.
“You don’t have to choose something basic here, like your friend. We have plenty of other options that aren’t quite as popular but will still give you that cozy autumn feel.”
Robin turned back to the girl, a small smile now on her lips. “What did you say about my friend?”
“Oh, I don’t mean to offend! You just look like a girl with taste, and there are so many better options than a pumpkin spice latte.”
A big smile broke out on Robin’s face and that’s when it finally hit Steve.
Robin liked this girl.
How could he have been so blind? She wanted him to joke with the girl! Like she had done for him many times before. Joke with her to lighten up the conversation and then change the subject to Robin; a sweet, funny girl whose best friend was a messy himbo with a secret boyfriend. 
“Yeah, Steve,” Robin commented, pulling his attention back to the conversation. “Why do you order such a basic drink?”
He shrugged, laughing lightly to himself when he got an idea. “I don’t know. I do have basic tastes. I’m a classic cliche. I was popular all through high school and it wasn’t until halfway through my junior year I realized that my actions hurt people. Then I became friends with the unlikeliest of people, Robin included. A band geek, who ridiculed me every single chance she got. A great girl who really isn’t my type, and I’m not her type in any way-”
“Bring it back, Harrington.”
“-Right. Uhm, I got myself into a lot of trouble with those around me. I got a boyfriend-”
“We will talk about it later. My point…What’s your name again?”
She giggled. “(Y/N). We met last week at Nancy’s celebratory party, for the school newspaper.”
He sighed, cursing under his breath. “My point, (Y/N), is that my taste and my life has been one big cliche. But Robin here, she has led one big adventurous life. From high school to dealing with me, to applying for colleges and getting into her top school at Indiana University. I know she’s looking for another adventure, and I’m sure she would love nothing more than for you to be that next adventure.”
Finishing his speech, he looked over to Robin, her smile still as big as when (Y/N) made fun of him. Nudging her shoulder once again, Robin let out of breath she appeared to be holding.
“Uhm, yeah, the dingus here is right. I would really like it if you’d embark on an adventure with me. Maybe Saturday? I hear another Halloween movie is supposed to be in theaters by then.”
“Uh, yeah,” she replied, the smallest brushes of pink crossing her face. “I would like that. Is it a deal breaker if I haven’t seen all of them?”
Robin shook her head, laughing. “No, not at all.”
“Okay, good because I’ve only seen the first original three, and the one that came out last year.”
“Well, that's more than I’ve seen.”
Steve scoffed at this, knowing Robin was obsessed with the franchise. His lack of knowledge of the series was another thing she ridiculed him on. He kept quiet though, knowing Robin was probably trying to hide that fact about herself.
“Great! Well, uhm I’ll have your coffee ready at the end of the bar, and we can work out those date details tonight.”
Robin smiled walking away in a trance to the end of the bar, while Steve pulled out his wallet. He paid for himself, Robin’s drink was free, and walked over to his friend.
“Hey,” he said, bumping against her. “You did it.”
She chuckled. “Yeah, thanks for the help. Took you forever to get my hint, though.”
“Robin you should know by now that I don’t get hints. That’s why Eddie and I are very direct with our communication. Okay, I can’t read minds.”
“You’re dating Eddie?” Steve nodded. “For how long?”
“Uh, it’s been…six months?”
Scoffing, she hit Steve’s arm. “Are you serious? When we get our drinks, we are going to talk about this, and you are going to tell me why you kept such a secret away from your best friend for half a year.”
“Robin!” the duo turned, (Y/N) at the end of the bar with two drinks in hand. She passed Steve his pumpkin spiced latte before passing Robin her drink. “It’s a maple chai with a shot of espresso. It’s an off-menu item, so not a lot of people know about it, but it’s definitely my favorite drink during autumn.”
“Oh cool. What’s it called? Y’know, in case I like it and want to order it again.”
“Uh, yeah that one is called Pretty Lady. So, just ask for a pretty lady and I’ll be sure to come out for you.”
Steve laughed at the smooth line as Robin went as red as a tomato. “I will be sure to, thanks.”
(Y/N) smiled. “And uhm, if you’re unavailable to come down here to call for me, my number is on the cup so you can call me anytime.”
Regaining her voice to speak again, Robin laughed. “I will definitely do that. I’ll call you tonight actually, and we can make better plans for Saturday.”
“Sounds good to me.”
(Y/N) smiled as she waved to the two, turning back to take someone else’s order. Steve motioned towards the door, having grabbed his overcoat while Robin and (Y/N) finalized their plans. Once they made it outside, Steve listened as Robin began to ramble about what had just happened in the quaint little coffee shop. He listened to her as he drove the two of them to work, and he continued to listen throughout their shift. 
And he would continue to listen to Robin about (Y/N) as their relationship progressed knowing it was the absolute best feeling in the world for someone to like you as much as you like them.
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hotforharrysheart · 1 year
Rock the Boat
You’re the first to wake up in the morning and you quietly slip out of bed to go to the bathroom. You pop out into the kitchen to turn the kettle on, make a cuppa before coming back in the bedroom, slip on his button up from last night and quietly open the balcony doors. It’s so beautiful here, you think. The months with him feel like a dream and you have a strange desire to pinch yourself. You sip your tea and enjoy the morning chill. You’re not surprised when you feel his hands slide around your waist and his body press against yours.
“Mornin’ Jezebel,” he says in that deeply contented raspy morning voice as his kisses slide down your neck.
“Mmmm…morning,” you say tilting your head to give him better access.
“Wanna brekkie before we head to tha beach?”
“You already know the answer to that, mister.”
He laughs his breathy little laugh against your neck. “C’mon then an’ let’s order.”
You turn around and look at him in all of his naked glory. “You gonna put some clothes on?”
He shrugs. “Eventually. Gotta order first,” he says, smirking. “Enjoy me naked while ya can.”
You turn around, your hands sliding down his shoulder to his chest and tummy. “I always do,” you tell him as you kiss his mouth.
He just realizes that this is the first kiss he’s gotten this morning. “C’mere an’ kiss me proper Jezebel,” he says, cupping your cheeks with his hands and pressing his lips to yours in soft, open mouth kisses that melt you.
You both pull back, forehead to forehead… how long have you just been lost in his kisses? 2 minutes? Five? Ten?
“I’ll go get the menus,” he says pressing one last kiss to your forehead.
You’re finally done with breakfast and are in the bedroom on your tummy on the bed as Harry rubs suntan cream over your skin.
“I can do the front too ya know.”
You look at him over your shoulder. “Not gonna say no to that.”
He smirks and you roll over and sigh as he rubs the cream into your skin. He brushes his hands across your nipples and you crack open an eye.
He giggles but keeps moving down your body to your legs and then your lower tummy. His fingers move down the crease of your thigh and your head pops up.
“Pretty sure I don’t need cream there,” you tell him.
“Ya sure?” He asks, voice raspy.
“I’m sure.” You’re not sure at all actually. You’re a little worked up from his hands but you feel like you should get going. “Your turn!”
He moves his hands down your legs to your feet and then he’s grabbing your hand so you can switch places and it’s your turn to torment him a little.
You’re rummaging around in the drawers and then your duffle stark naked. Where the fuck is my fucking swimsuit, you fume. I know I packed it! “Harry, have you seen my swimsuit? I can’t find it anywhere!”
He comes in the bedroom wearing your favorite swim trunks…navy with the red and white stripes on the bottom and a white tank and you’re momentarily distracted over how good he looks. He kisses you quickly and smirks. “Got a surprise for ya Jezebel,” he says as he goes to his duffel and pulls out a swimsuit tossing it to you.
You hold it up in front of you. It’s black and very strappy and very skimpy. You bite your lip trying to figure out how to get it on your body.
He chuckles. “Lemme help,” he says, holding the bottom part of the suit open and you step in and he pulls it up. He pulls the straps over your breasts and then slips the halter over your neck and then adjusts everything.
You look in the mirror. “Wow…this is really pretty. You tug on the material over your right boob. It’s almost indecent! “Thank you.” The material crosses your breasts and across your tummy to hook to the bottoms. You turn around and look at the back and gasp. Your whole bum is exposed!
“Like it?”
“I love it. It looks a lot like my dress from last night.”
He kisses you quickly. “Great minds an’ all tha’. Ya look very sexy,” he says smacking another kiss to your lips.
“This is “just a small boat trip” boat!?” you whisper-shout into his side as you walk hand in hand down the dock. Your concierge, James, set up Harry’s request with the Bowman Yacht Charters. The vessel, ironically named, “Cheeky Monkey”, you’re taking is docked at the Royal Yacht Harbor. James, who is walking ahead of you, snickers as he overhears your comment.
“Wan’ us ta be comfortable an’ enjoy some privacy,” he says bringing your hand up to kiss. “God, I love spoilin’ ya…so cute when ya surprised,” he smirks proudly.
The vessel was a 2023 Prestige X60 Flybridge that featured a 3 stateroom/2 head design with an interior galley, a full flybridge galley with a fold down beach club that runs proximity to the water, the bow lounge has a backrest, the Flybridge has seating with cocktail table and 2 sun loungers.
The sky is stunning, the weather beautiful and the yacht sparkling in the sunlight, this, like so many experiences you’ve had over the last many months, is utterly incredible. You try to hide the giddiness you feel as you fiddle with the tail on the tie of your sarong, but you’re eager skip and child-like grin give you away. You unconsciously squeeze Harry’s hand.
“Yanno, ‘s ok ta be excited…,” he teases.
“I just hope I don’t break something…God, I hope it’s not a ‘you break it, you buy it’ kinda thing,” you murmur with eyes as big as saucers.
He chuckles as you approach the deck of the vessel.  
“Harry, this is Henry you captain for your excursion,” James says with his hand out to the portly middle age man standing on the deck.
“Permission ta come aboard,” Harry says reaching out to shake his hand.
“Permission granted,” Henry says with a very happy laugh. “Welcome aboard and make yourselves at home, please.”
Harry guides you on the deck with his hand at your lower back. You feel a little self-conscious as you look down at the transparent material of your sarong.  You aren’t indecent, it’s just that you’ve just met this person, so it feels awkward. Once behind you, he puts his arm around your waist and pulls you to him, and just that gesture puts you at ease.  
James follows you on with your bags and comments that he’ll place them in your stateroom and then check the galley to make sure the caterer delivered the menu items Harry selected. “Would you like a drink?” he asks.
“Could you make us a caipirinha?” You ask.
“Very nice choice! I will bring them to you on the bow loungers in about fifteen minutes,” James says as he walks off with your bags.
“I’ll be heading to the bridge and we’ll be off soon,” Henry says on his way up the stairs.
As you head around the deck to the bow of the boat Harry stops you, “I love a caipirinha …had one in Rio once,” he comments looking at you with a furrow between his brows.
You blush profusely, “Yeah, I…uhh…ok, so… I saw a tabloid picture of you once, ages ago…like 1D days, and it said that was what you were drinking…I kinda never forgot….”
“Sometimes I forget tha’ ya haven’ always jus’ been mine, tha’ ya were a fan befo’.”
“Harry, I AM a fan,” you interrupt. “And, yeah…it’s kinda embarrassing to think about how I secretly fangirled because I…I didn’t want Gemma to feel weird...an-and I didn’t…want you to find out…” you mumble looking away sheepishly.
He draws your chin back to where you can meet his gaze, “Yeah, well, I ‘no now…’no a lot abou’ ya an’ wha’ I don’ know, I’ll spend forever figurin’ out.”
You smile and hold his palm to your lips, “Really?”
“Really,” he says with a smile leaning forward to your ear, “Now, get tha’ flimsy thin’ off, wanna see some skin.” You swivel to walk away and he taps your bum causing you to jump and squeal.
You both get settled on a lounger with a couple of huge, beautiful, nautical blue and white beach towels and matching pillows. The boat begins to back out just as James comes from the aft with a tray of your drinks and some snacks of popcorn and pretzels.
“Thank you James!”
“You’ll find bottles of water here in the refrigerated storage and if you need anything else, I’ll be in the interior galley,” he says.
“Don’ worry ta much, James, we aren’ gonna be much trouble, we can take care of ourselves an’ jus’ wan’ a lit-ull privacy. Is the galley stocked?” Harry asks.
“Yes, it’s all taken care of, if you won’t be needing me, I’ll just be reading in my stateroom, but, please call me on the intercom if you need anything. I’ll be in room C and your bags are in the main suite. Towels, toiletries and extra blankets and pillows are in your suite. If you need anything from Henry, you can visit the bridge or call him on the intercom as well.” James starts to walk away, but turns back around and opens his mouth, then closes it, scratches his chin and finally says, “Henry has you out for a day cruise, but I know for a fact that there are no reservations for this vessel for the rest of the week, so if you decided to stay the night out it wouldn’t be a problem. The fireworks display on Bonfire night are incredible from the water…it’s just a suggestion.”
You look at each other and smile. “Thanks James, we’ll think abou’ it,” Harry says, his eyes never leaving yours.
James slides the interior galley door and heads down the stairs to his stateroom.
“Whaddya think, love,” harry says, standing to take off his tank and then pulling the lounger next to yours to make a shared space, “fireworks tonight?”
“Mmmm…I think I’d like to see some fireworks tonight…maybe we could make some too?” you say as you scoot closer and rest your head on his bare chest. He smirks and opens his mouth…but you put your finger over it, “Harry, I swear if you make a joke with the phrase ‘rock the boat, baby’ in it right now….”
He kisses your finger. “Wouldn’t have though’ of it…” he says with a smirk and a chuckle.
“Riiiight…” you reply rolling your eyes.
As the boat motors around the sun’s rays begin to heat up and he pulls his towel over his eyes to block the light. “Babe, I’m gonna go get my hat, ya want your cap?” you ask as you straighten in the lounger to stand.
“Why don’ ya stay an’ I’ll go get ‘em,” he says.
“Nah, I’m up, I’ll go,” you say leaning over him for a kiss.
He takes the towel off his eyes and smiles up at you before meeting your lips. “Fuck, babe, tit’s are amazin’ in tha’ suit.” He mutters against your lips reaching up to slip his hand up the inside of the band wrapping around your right breast.
“Uh-Hmm, ‘scuse me,” Henry says from the deckway just behind the loungers. “This is a great spot ta anchor an’ take a swim or relax if ya like…”
Pulling his hand back and sucking in both of his lips as you bite your bottom one Harry says, “Thank ya Henry, we’ll might go fo’ a dip, ‘s there a freshwater shower on tha beach deck?”
“Yes sir, it’s a handheld on a collapsible stand just to tha side with the safety ring and life vests, can’ miss it. I’ll be on the bridge if ya need anything just call out, I’ll hear ya.”
“I’ll go get the hats,” you say as you walk to the sliding door.
As you walk away, Harry oogles your bum as it jiggles with your sway. ‘M one lucky bastard he thinks to himself. “Declan,” he murmurs softly reaching for his phone and walking to the handrail at the far end of the bow. He sends off a quick text message to Declan and Ron saying that he has decided he wants to go with the five-carat solitaire engagement ring with the filigree band and the matching filigree wedding band engraved with “My Jezebel” on the inside. He sees the three-dot incoming reply from Ron just as you walk up.
“You have service out here?”
“Uh…yeah…just checking with Ron to make sure everything is ok,” he stammers.
You lean over toward his phone to see if he has a reply, “Looks like Ron just sent a reply,” you say turning your attention to your big straw hat that is crumpled a bit from your bag.
“Uhhh…yeah, looks like,” Harry says turning his phone off without even looking at the reply.
“Don’t you wanna see what he said?” you say adjusting the hat on your head.
“Nah…Ummm…I’ll check in a minute,” he says pocketing the phone before taking his hat and popping it on his head.
You raise one eyebrow and squint the other eye, “Okkkaaayyy…” you say shaking your head. “I think I wanna put my legs in and sit on the edge of the beach deck, you wanna join?”
“Sure, but I think I’m gonna go all tha way in!”
You give a “Eek” grin and say, “I think I’m good with just putting my legs in.”
“Gon’ go drop my phone off inside and grab us some water, be there in jus’ a minute.”
You head to the beach deck that’s been folded out and has water sloshing along the water level deck. Inside the galley, Harry checks his phone to see that Ron has, in fact, replied that he will go see Declan himself and make sure all is well and that everything on the back deck of the pink cottage will be ready when they arrive back on Thursday evening. A smile forms as well as a wave of emotion. Is it nerves? Nah, not really, more like excitement, he thinks as the reality of a proposal begins to settle in.  “Make her mine,” he says aloud as he locks his phone and stows it safely in a storage chest on the table in the sitting area.  He grabs a couple of beach towels and bottled water and heads toward the aft whistling along the way.
He finds you on the beach deck splashing your feet as you lean back on your elbows with your big sun hat flopped low on your brow. Pleasing pink toes looking cute splashing in the water you let out a giggle and lean your face toward the sunshine. Sunshine, my pure sunshine he thinks smiling to himself. Knowing he shouldn’t he decides to just run up next to you and cannon ball in. When he pops outta the water you are sputtering and giggling at the sudden splash.
“HARRY! You scared the shit outta me! Jesus, are you ok?”
He laughs out loud, “Baby, ‘m fine, ‘s water no’ concrete…” he teases.
“I know, it’s just sea water freaks me out,” you say looking over the edge of the deck and shivering. “It’s so deep…an-an-and who knows what’s down there…”
“Ya mean, like, if someth…,” he pulls himself under as if something has grabbed his leg then bobs back up, “some…,” he goes under again and flops his arms around.
“Harry!” you call out sitting up straighter.
He pops up a little closer to you giggling.
“That’s not funny! Not funny at all!” you scold, kicking water at him.
He swims up to between your legs and kisses you knee, “’M sorry, love,” he says shaking his head that he really isn’t, in fact, sorry.
You smile and boop his nose, “What am I gonna do with you, hmmm?”
“Oh, I can think of a few thin’s…,” he says sliding his hands up your thighs to wrap his arms around your hips placing his hands on your bum cheeks.
“Not in the sea you won’t.”
“Can think of thin’s we can do on tha’ big bed in our stateroom,” he says resting his chin on your thigh.
“Mmmm, boat sex…” you say then pout your lips out with a thinking expression, “So, I wonder how deep it is right here, because if it were a mile, would that make me a member of the mile-high club?”
He sputters as you look up in the sky. “Big, beautiful, completely distractable brain…,” he says tickling your side, “Maybe no’ tha mile-high club, but we can arrange fo’ tha’ as well.”
“Oooo, boat sex AND plane sex…all the transportation sex; I’ll take it!” you giggle.
You talk and play in the water for a good forty-five minutes. You discuss when and how you each learned to swim, favorite beach visits, that turned into favorite seasons and holidays, that turned into Harry’s love of cars and your love of books. Finally, he decides to climb back on the boat and you both rinse each other in the freshwater shower.
“I think I just wanna dry out on the lounge chairs, it’s cool enough…join me?” you ask batting your eyelashes like you need to entice him when in reality he’d follow you anywhere just to be close to you.
“Sure, babe, let’s get in tha shade though, there’s a beach blanket ‘f ya get cold.  Don’ wanna take a chance ya might burn, yeah?” he says cuddling in close to you.
You raise your arms to wrap around his neck, “Ya hungry? I can go fix us a couple of sammies while you move the loungers to the shade.”
“Starved, sounds good. Might halfta close ma eyes after… ya cuddle wi’ me?”
“Mm-hmm…fill my tummy an’ fall asleep in your arms on the sea…sounds like heaven,” you say closing your eyes and resting your cheek on his chest.
He leans his head down at an angle to slant his lips on yours. His tongue darts out just as you open for him. His fingers dive into your hair pulling your face in close and moving his lips over yours. He can’t stop the groan that comes from his chest, and you can’t ignore the taste that is only Harry on your lips.
You break away but only long enough to inhale each other’s breath before diving in for more of each other. “Mmm…,” you moan into his mouth as you pull up on your tiptoes to get closer to him.
“God, love ya s’much,” he says against your lips not able to pull himself away any farther.
“I love you too Harry.” You place one last smacking kiss on his lips, “Mmm…gonna fix something yummy for your tummy, honey.”
As you walk away, he swats your bum and says, “I’ll work on setting up our loungers.”
In the galley, you find a platter of fresh chilled shrimp with a spicy mango chutney, some cut raw veggies and humus and giant bowl of mixed berries with a side dish of whipped cream. You can resist swiping your finger through the cream, “Mmmm…vanilla bean,” you groan rolling your eyes at the flavor.
You pop a strawberry in your mouth as you load up a tray to carry out to the deck. You tap on the sliding door with the corner of the tray to get his attention.  
He jumps to open the door and takes the tray from you, “Wow, this is amazin’,” he says setting the tray down on a table to the side of the loungers.
Grabbing a strawberry, you smooth it through the cream and hold it up for him to taste. “Mmm…vanilla bean,” he groans.
“Mm-hmm,” you agree grinning at his familiar comment.
You settle on the lounger and lean your head back and sigh, “It’s so pretty here, I’m so glad we have a place here, thank you,” you say closing your eyes.
He settles cross legged at your feet and runs his hand up and down your leg, “You’re welcome, but wouldn’ hav’ had it wi’out ya…whole reason we were here tha’ first time was so we could be alone.”
“AKA, ‘so I could get in your pants’,” you say peeking with one eye and smiling smugly.
“Ya definitely outta ya pants now,” he says running a fingertip along the crease of your thigh.
You put your hand on his and inhale deeply to maintain control. “Can I have a shrimp, please?”
He dips a shrimp in the juice of the chutney and holds it to your lips.  You suck in the morsel and bite down. “Mmm… yummy…ooo…spicy!” you say waving your hand in front of your mouth. He hurriedly opens a bottle of water and holds it to your mouth. You gulp and it dribbles down your chin, “Mmm..mh! Cold!” you screech as the water rolls down your chest.
His eyes are glued to your very hard nipples now poking out because of the cold water.
You follow his eyes and giggle, “You don’t even try to hide it anymore,” you whisper scooting down the chair closer to him. “Do you like what you see?”
“Babe,” he says shaking his head, “’M fuckin’ in love wi’ wha’ I see,” he says leaning on one arm over your legs.
You lean toward his lips, “You like my nipples?”
He kisses behind your ear causing you to shrug at the tickle of his scruffy chin, “Love all ya parts, but yeah, love how they feel in ma mouth.”
You slowly blink and groan at the thought. “I do love when you kiss them, and suck on them and,” you lean into his ear, “when you bite them.”
He adjusts his position trying to find some relief from his slowly hardening cock.
You kiss down his neck, he tastes of salt and sunshine and Harry, nothing compares, “I love all your parts too, like this one,” you say kissing the place below his ear, “and this place,” you kiss his jaw, “and here,” kissing his lips, “and I love here,” you place your hand over his heart, “and I love this part,” you cup his hardness, “fills me so good, makes me come undone.”
“Baby…,” he groans, threading his fingers in the hair on your neck, “playin’ with fire.”
You pout, “OK, I promise I’ll be good,” you say holding up a swearing hand.
He grabs a strawberry and swipes it through the whip cream. Bringing it to your bottom lip he draws a stripe of cream down your chin to your neck and down to your cleavage, “Oops…made a mess, bet-tah clean ya up.” He leans forward to suck your bottom lip and open his mouth to slurp the cream from your chin, neck, collarbone, down to your cleavage. “Mmmm….so sweet…vanilla an’ you…” he slurs drunk on you.
He pops the strawberry in his mouth with a smirk and munches animatedly.
“Wait! That was mine!” you whine popping your bottom lip out.
“There’s more, love… patience…”
He feeds you a few more berries with cream eyeing you as if he stopped you might fade from his stare.
Sitting back, you draw up a bent knee, lean your head back and close your eyes. You try to relax for just a moment, but the sexual tension has you wound and…this stickiness on your neck is bugging you. “Babe, I’m all sticky. Gonna go wash up….”
“Bu’…” he starts as you slide off the lounger.
You bend over to him giving him a very obscene view of your tits, “I’ll be right back, promise,” you murmur against his lips before your flick your tongue out to wet his lips, “Love you.”
“Love ya more.”
“Okay, but just this one time,” you say as you sashay away knowing he’ll pay close attention to the wiggle in your bum.
Once inside the sliding door, you skip down the stairs to your stateroom and the attached bathroom. You take a look in the mirror, pleased with the glow of sunshine you have on the apples of your cheeks and the bridge of your nose. You wet a face cloth and wash your face and neck and chest of the stickiness, then soap your hands. Finished rinsing you turn to dry your hands on the hand towel when you hear the wiggle of the door knob as it clicks open and he walks in. “You’re turn,” you say stepping forward to walk past him.
He wraps his arm around your waist, ���Oh, no, ya don’. Ya not gon’ anywhere, jus’ yet.”
You smile and wrap your arms around his neck, “Oh yeah? Who says?”
“Me,” he says squeezing you and diving in for a deep kiss that turns frantic…breathless…all lips, teeth and tongue.
Panting you tighten your fists full of his hair, “Harry…,” you sob as you stumble back against the counter.  But he keeps diving, bending you over the counter as he bites, sucks and licks down your neck, collarbone and chest. You body is on full alert, sensitive and tingling with arousal.
He slips his hand down the back split in your swimsuit to cup your bum. “Wiggle this ass at me when ya leave, ‘knowin’ ‘m hard as a rock…tauntin’ me wi’ wha’s mine…wan’ ya, an’ I wan’ ya now…righ’ here.  Wan’ ya eyes on me in tha’ mirror, got it.”
You stare doe-eyed at him and gulp.
“’S not a question, ma love. Turn around,” he smiles softly and cups your cheek with his other hand.
How can he demand something so sexy and do it with such a tender, loving smile? It reminds you that everything you do together is based on a deep love that sets you free. It sets you on fire. You quickly turn around, hands flat on the counter you find his eyes in the mirror. His eyes are blown out with lust, his hair standing in all directions. He glances away long enough to run down the length of your body. You can hear his inhale and see the outline of his very aroused dick in his pants.
He applies a gentle pressure to your shoulder to push you forward, down on your elbows, then pulls that hand down your spine. You tremble and shiver. “Ya wet,” he questions meeting your stare in the mirror.
“You have me by surprise…”
He runs his hand down your arm and grasps your hand, “Help me get ya wet fo’ me,” he says pulling that hand to your mouth and pushing your middle and ring finger in.  “Get it slippery,” he mutters as he leans down to kiss the uncovered space of skin on your shoulder. He pulls your fingers out with a pop and slips them to your tummy into the opening there and down to your mound. His middle finger on yours helps you find your clit. Staring at each other in the mirror he helps you start a slow sensual circle, around and around your bundle of nerves. His other hand has worked it way into your top to roll your nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
“H-H-Harry…,” you stutter leaving your mouth agape, “Mmmm….”
“Spread ya legs mo’,” he says gently kicking on the inside of your foot.
You change your stance and he pinches your nipple hard causing you to release a high pitched moan.
“Jesus, Harry!”
He tilts his head to your ear, “Careful, love, dunno how thin these walls are; ya wan’ James ta ‘no, ya gettin’ fucked in here? I don’ really care, let ‘em all hear - wanna hear how good ya feel. I love all ya fuck noises. Wait…d’ya jus’ get wetter?”
You gulp a deep breath and nod.
“Eyes on me! Did. Ya. Jus’. Get. Wetter?” he demands as his finger pushes yours deep inside your weepy hole.
“Yes,” you whimper.
He pushes his finger in to join yours, “Good girl…ma good naughty girl.”
The sensation of both of your fingers deep inside you is a turn on you can’t describe. He pushes your finger against your g-spot and slides it along back and forth, his lips kissing along your sweet spot cause your nipples to crinkle and harden even more. You’re ready...you’re so ready for him, “Please, H,” you plead softly.
He pushes your head all the way to the counter to rest on the hand towel. You bite your bottom lip and turn your head so you can see him.
“Hands please,” he says pulling your hands back to your lower back and grasps them by your wrists. He uses his other hand to pull his swim trunks down to his ankles, using his free hand pulls the crotch of your swimsuit aside. “Keep ya ‘ands here,” he says letting go long enough to guide his cock to your center. He slides it up and down, “See, baby, my song might say ‘getting yourself wet for me’, but see, you can sing it here too, ‘cause, right now, ‘m gettin’ my cock wet for ya…gon’ slip righ’ in…righ’…now,” he says groaning as he pushes in to the hilt.
You push forward and start to pull your hand forward to brace yourself.
“Tsk, Tsk…” he says grabbing your wrists and pinning them to your lower back. Your tits have popped out and are pressed to the cold marble countertop.
“Oh, god….Harry, Harry, Harry…,” you chant as he pumps deeply, using his hand on your wrists for both leverage and to keep you from bumping too far forward.
“Gon’ fuck ya till ya scream tha’,” he says through clenched teeth.
“M – M – M –“ you moan on every thrust as he picks a deep fast pace the ridge of his cockhead rubbing your g-spot just right.
“Fuckin’ sticky berries…baby, ya’ll walk around tha rest of tha afternoon, with our sticky cum between these legs, come on…gotta cum fo’ me…cum hard.”
“Yes…YES…YES!” you sob out going up on your tiptoes.
“Come on baby, wanna feel ya cum,” he says as he glances down at his cock going in and out of you. He leans forward on his hand, his face close to yours, “Ya feel so good. Love fuckin’ ya,” he closes his eyes and sucks in his lips briefly, “Not gon’ last longer…cumming…UNNGGAAHH!” He thrust in one last time deep and stills, his legs shaking and abs flexing on your back. “Jesus. Fucking. Christ!”
Your eyes are squeezed tight as you ride out wave after wave of orgasm, before your feel yourself lose the use of your legs and start to slide down. You slap your hands down on the counter searching for balance.
“Shhh…gotcha, babe…won’ let ya fall,” he says wrapping his hand around your waist and holding you close to him and kissing your shoulder. “Ya ok?”
You nod then pick your head up only to let it fall back onto the towel again in exhausted defeat. You both let out a breathy chuckle. “I think you fucked me to death,” you pant, “didn’t think it was possible, but…yeah…,” you say blowing out a breath and smiling.
“Gon’ pull out, babe, hold it in,” he says slipping from your body.
You flex your muscles to hold in his cum as he warms the face cloth and runs it under your pussy.
He rests his forehead on your back, “Jesus ‘m a dirty bastard…but…hold it in fo’ me…jus’ wanna look at ya an’ know ya hav’ me inside ya, tha’ ok?”
You smile and nod, “Yeah.”
He pulls your swimsuit back over you and helps you stand and you turn immediately and bury your head in his neck. “I love you, Harry,” you say with a whimpered cry.
“Wait,” he says pulling you back, “Why the tears?”
“Just this time will be over soon and we both have to go back to work and I’m just so happy to have you all to myself and I’m feeling selfish at the moment and I don’t wanna share you…” you blubber in a frustrated rush.  “I’m sorry…”
“Don’ be sorry, baby. Ya have all of me, the me no one else has or ever will have. I’m in love with ya for forever, kay?” he says bending his knees so he can capture your eyes. “Let’s go lounge on deck an’ catch a nap. Ya wanna stay out ta sea fo’ tha night or go back ta tha resort? I’m good either way, jus’ wanna be wi’ ya, anywhere.”
You nod, lips brushing his in a soft kiss. “Is the water too cold to swim?”
He laughs his breathy little laugh.
“”I mean… is it warm enough for normal people to swim in…not sadists who swim in freezing water?”
“Heeyyyy…” he says, but he chuckles.
You smack another kiss to his lips. “You’re not denying that you’re a sadist…and you still didn’t answer my question.”
He smiles that smile that turns you to mush and he knows it. “Well, ‘m no’ a sadist even though I do love hearin’ ya scream fo’ me. I don’ get pleasure from hurtin’ ya, Jezebel. I get pleasure from giving ya pleasure.”
You gasp.
“Ta answer your question, the water’s probably warm enough ta swim in.”
You close your eyes. “Mmmm…let’s take a swim, yeah?”
“Whatever ya wan. Give ya anythin’ ya wan’.”
“Mmmm…I just want you. It was always you,” you tell him, “always.”
He presses a series of soft kisses to your lips, before pulling back and rubbing his nose against yours. “C’mon, let’s go fo’ a swim,” he says pulling you to the deck.
You watch as he walks to the deck and jumps off and into the water.
“C’mon Jezebel! Feels great! Get in here!”
You bite your fingernails and smile. You unlatch the gate and turn around and slowly climb down the ladder. You gasp as your legs hit the water. It’s cooler than you expected but it feels good on your skin.
He swims over to you and then his hands are around your waist and he’s pulling you to him.
You wrap your legs around his waist and you just float along with him, enjoying the coolness of the water and the warmth of his body.
There’s something about the water and you two together and this place. You’re not sure how long you’ve been out here just pressed up against each other, not talking just looking into each other’s eyes, smiling and kissing.
He swims you over to the side of the boat and presses you against it. “I love ya, Jezebel. My Jezebel,” he says, lips moving down your neck.
“H…” you say breathily as his lips find the sweet spot under your ear.
He grinds his cock against you. “Drivin’ me crazy knowin’ ya got ma cum inside ya.”
“Mmmm…loved tha way you were so demanding,” you say, sighing when his fingers slide under your suit to grip your breast.
“Yeah? Ya liked tha’?”
“Yes!” As his fingers pull your nipple hard.
“Good ta know,” he says as his lips move to yours and you open your mouth when you feel his tongue at the seam of your lips. You groan into his mouth as his tongue tangles with yours and the kiss deepens.
You’re both breathless when he finally pulls back and he’s still so close your lips are touching, just breathing each other’s breath.
You smile and he smiles back at you. “C’mon, let’s take tha’ nap.”
You move to the ladder and haul yourself up when you notice your swimsuit is still up and your breast is out but you can’t fix it until you get to the top. You get to the top and you’ve just gotten on deck and there’s James. You cover your breast as fast as you can and he rushes to grab you a towel. You grab it and wrap it around you quickly muttering a quick thank you.
Harry comes up behind you and he shakes his head and takes the towel James offers him. He notices that both of you are looking at the floor and fidgeting. “Everythin’ alrigh’?”
You shake your head yes.
James clears his throat. “Dinner will be served at sunset, at 6 p.m. Do you need anything else?”
“Thank ya an’ no,” Harry says while you shake your head no, still looking down.
“Excellent. I’ll just be in my cabin. Please ping me if you need anything.”
He walks off and you sigh.
“Wha’s goin’ on?”
You pull your towel down and tuck your breast back into your swimsuit and he laughs his breathy little laugh.
“I’m guessin’ James saw somethin’ he wasn’t supposed ta,” he says, moving to stand in front of you, hands going to your waist.
You bury your face in his chest. “Saw my whole tit,” you tell him, voice muffled by his skin.
He puffs out a breath. “‘M sorry Jezebel. Can’ keep ma hands off of ya. ‘M a horny bastard.”
You giggle and kiss his chest. “Always getting me into trouble mister.”
“Tha’s righ’,” he says kissing you. “C’mon, let’s lay down fo’ a bit.”
He leads you to the lounger for two and you lay down and he adjusts the umbrella so it’s covering you. He crawls in behind you and cuddles up to you, fingers tracing over your bumblebee tattoo.
The smell of the ocean, the cool breeze and the warmth of his body cause you to close your eyes and drift off to sleep.
Harry watches your breathing change and he gently gets up. You make a small noise and he freezes. He grabs a warm beach towel and lays it over you and you sigh. He grabs his phone and goes to the far end of the deck and calls Ron.
“Ron? Yeah, s’Harry. Listen, you know when ya tol’ me I’d know when it’s righ’?”
“I remember.”
“Well, ‘s righ’ an’ I need a favor…”
“Everythin’ is ready ta go fo’ tonigh’. Wha’ do ya need?”
“I need ya ta get the ring from Declan.”
“I can do tha’, no problem.”
“Thank ya, Ron.”
“Ya welcome. Helen an’ I are jus’ s’happy fo’ ya both. Happy ta help any way we can.”
Harry blushes. “Thank ya. I’ll text ya when we’re on tha way.” He hits the end button and sighs. Tonight, Jezebel, he thinks as he yawns and goes back to snuggle up behind you and take that nap.
You wake up to his warm breath on your neck. You smile and snuggle back into him causing him to groan.
“Don’ tempt me, darling.”
You giggle and bring his hand to cup your pussy.
He groans. “Could take ya righ’ ‘ere wi’ James an’ the captain in earshot.”
You gasp as his fingers move slowly up and down your slit.
“Bu’ I think ya’d like tha’, wouldn’t ya?”
He kisses down you neck. “Should get dressed fo’ dinner.”
You turn your head and meet his eyes. “Thank you for today.”
“Ya welcome, baby,” he says kissing your lips quickly.
You reluctantly get up and look at your phone. It’s later than you thought. You change into a long flowy white eyelet sundress. You grab a cropped cardigan just in case it gets colder later.
Harry chose to wear his specially made Bode pants and an oversized white button up shirt. He wanted to be dressy but casual.
James brings out Bellinis and you sit on the deck and watch the sea as you wait for dinner.
You’re twirling your pasta on your fork and taking a bite and there’s a drop of Alfredo sauce on your lip and he just blurts out: “Can we…I mean…would ya mind if we went back ta tha cottage tonigh’? I jus’…please?”
You furrow your brow and he wonders if he went to far. He wants this to be a surprise so badly. You don’t really know why he’s so antsy to go back…it’s so pretty out on the water.
“I don’t mind. It’s pretty here but I love our cottage, you know that.”
He smiles, relieved and grabs your hand, squeezing your fingers. “Good. How’s tha pasta?”
“It’s good. Really good. It tastes like pasta you’d find in Italy which is crazy.”
“Yeah. It’s amazin’.” He can’t stop smiling at you.
After dinner, he pulls you into his lap so you can watch the sunset together.
“Beautiful,” you breathe out.
He nods but he’s not looking at the sunset. He’s looking at you.
James comes by. “Did you decide what you’ll be doing? Are we going back or staying the night?”
“I think we’ll head back. We checked out befo’ we left.”
“Excellent. I’ll let the captain know.”
“Thank ya,” Harry says.
A few minutes later the yacht starts up and you’re on your way back to shore. You’re in the bedroom getting everything packed up and you smile thinking of how wonderful the day was.
Harry grabs the bags and puts them in the hallway. “We’ll do an overnight yacht stay next time, promise,” he says pushing your hair behind your ears.
“Ok, I’d like that.”
He leads you up to the deck and you can see Cornwall in the distance. It’s beautiful and you grip him tightly as you pull into the dock.
You bid goodbye to James and Henry with kisses, hugs and promises to return soon and a quite hefty tip from Harry with hopes that all the people of Cornwall were as trustworthy as the Chapmans. James had called the valet before you reached the dock to ensure the Rover would be packed with your bags and waiting for you under the portico at the front of the hotel.
“Hey long legs, slow down,” you gasp as he practically pulls you along the dock hand in hand. “What’s the rush, honey?”
“Sorry, babe, forget tha’ one of ma steps is three of yours,” he says slowing down.
“Are you ok?” you ask stopping with concern.
He stops and steps back to you cupping your face, “Ev’rythin’ is perfect, love, jus’ perfect, ‘m sorry fo’ runnin’, guess ‘m jus’ lookin’ forward to bein’ back in our cottage bubble.”
You smile and rise on tiptoes to press your lips to his, “It’s ok, I’m ready to be in our special place…alone…too.”
“Well, baby, Ron’s gon’ take the Rover ta get tha oil changed in it in tha mornin’, so we gotta stop an’ drop it off there before we get back to the cottage. Thought we could walk back from theirs to ours, ‘f tha’s alright wi’ ya?” he says nervously hoping you say it’s fine or else he’s gonna have to come up with a different plan for getting the ring and getting you in the back yard for his big moment.
“That sounds nice.  And we can see Bennet and Thomasina real quick!” you say enthusiastically.
He breathes a sigh of relief causing you to raise an eyebrow. “You sure you’re ok, honey? You seem like you are anxious about something? Did the boat make you woozy?”
He chuckles, “Nah, baby, ’m great, really, swee’heart, ’m sorry, jus’ love ya s’all…love ya s’much.”
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blog-name-idk · 2 years
Everything Falls (Into Place) | 01
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**Banner by the incredible @bangtansmauyeondan
Pairing: OT7 x Fem Reader
Genre: College!AU, Roommate!AU, Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Your new roommates are unbearably nice and unbearably hot. Good thing you're an adult who is fully capable of platonic friendships with the opposite sex, right?
Word Count: 1398
Well, today sucked. Catching your now ex-boyfriend banging your roommate was bad enough, but in your bed? That was just uncalled for. You sighed as you opened the door to your favorite coffee shop and slunk inside, mind still reeling. It was too early for alcohol, so you were going to settle for as much sugar and caffeine as they could into a large coffee cup.
The sight of the barista working, Taehyung, perked you up a little. His warmth in his smile could thaw a thousand icy hearts, and from what you had seen of him, he was kind and endearingly goofy. He was also one of the most beautiful people you had ever seen.
"[Y/n]!" He greeted cheerfully when he saw you, lips widening to the signature boxy smile that had girls flocking to this coffee shop from all over campus. "The usual?"
"Hey, Taehyung," you greeted, managing a tired grin that you hoped distracted from what were probably red, swollen eyes. By the way his smile dimmed, you weren't successful. "Actually, can you get me the most caloric monstrosity you can come up with? With two shots of espresso and extra whipped cream?" His eyes widened at the deviation from your usual black coffee or plain iced americano, and a tinge of empathy entered his eyes.
"Coming right up," he promised, and immediately began bustling behind the counter. You watched idly as he worked, though your mind quickly went back to your own dilemma. Well, you were definitely moving out now, you weren't about to keep living with someone you couldn't trust. Luckily, the lease was in your roommate's name only, so it was up to her to find a subleaser. Otherwise she'd be the one eating the cost of your half of the rent. You silently thanked the patron saint of lazy college students for this small blessing.
"One [y/n]-special, on the house." Taehyung's deep, melodic voice broke you out of your reverie. You automatically reached for your wallet before registering what he had said.
"What? That's really sweet of you, but don't have to go to the trouble of doing that," you said in surprise. He just smiled and pushed the cup towards you.
"It's no trouble to cheer up a pretty girl," he insisted. It once again took you a moment to process his statement, and you reflexively looked around, confused. He couldn't be talking about you, could he? You could clean up pretty nice, sure, but you weren't exactly feeling like the belle of the ball at the moment.
Feeling like an idiot, you pointed at yourself for confirmation and you felt heat rising on your cheeks as he nodded in amusement. You could tell he wasn't even hitting on you, he was just stating what he perceived to be a fact. He wanted to cheer you up, and you were pretty. Just that realization pulled a more genuine smile out of you and you accepted the drink with a quiet thank you.
"There it is," he said, adorably pleased at having cleared some of the dark clouds from your expression. "I hope your day gets better."
"Thanks, Tae. You're the best," you said gratefully, taking a sip of the confection and missing the way his grin widened at the unexpected nickname.
You left the cafe feeling much lighter than you had when you entered, that small act of kindness giving you the strength to begin planning. The beverage was indeed horrifyingly sweet, but the shock of it was what you needed to clear your head. The next step was to talk to someone about it, obviously. The first thing you had done upon finding your (ex, you reminded yourself) boyfriend and roommate scrambling to put on their clothes was to robotically grab your backpack and laptop and go straight to the coffee shop. You pulled out your phone and rolled your eyes at the number of missed calls and texts. Ignoring them, you called your older brother.
"[Y/n]!" He said cheerily, picking up on the second ring. "What's going on?"
"Hey Jackson," you answered, your brother's voice adding another layer of balm to your wounded heart. "Um, I need some advice."
You spilled out the entire story of how you had gone to work on a group project, only to realize you had the wrong day scheduled, and come back to… that whole thing. He was furious, as you knew he'd be, and the only thing that was keeping him from beating the ever loving shit out of your ex was that he was currently studying abroad in France. Which was why you had decided he was the safest person to call.
"Focus, bro," you scolded, trying to calm him down. "Right now I need to figure out the most pain-free way to find a new place and get the fuck out of there. I can probably crash on Mina's couch for a couple days, but she lives in a studio so that won't be sustainable."
"You're right," Jackson sighed. "I'll ask some friends and see if anyone needs a subleaser, and you should do the same. I will say you seem to be taking this surprisingly well."
You paused as you considered what he said. It was true, actually. While you did feel hurt and betrayed, it was almost… distant. You somehow felt more annoyed at the disrespect and the inconvenience of moving than anything else. Well, you would take that over being heartbroken because of some cheating jackass.
"Yeah, I guess… maybe it hasn't hit me yet. I'm definitely dreading going back to grab my clothes and school stuff though. What if he's there?"
"You should bring a friend or two," your brother advised. "I know there weren't any problems like that during, but people can do crazy things when they're emotional. If you want, I know some guys. They can straighten him out." You almost rolled your eyes at how mafia-like he sounded, but his advice was good. Maybe you had binged one too many Reddit relationship horror stories, but it was better safe than sorry.
"I'll see who I can rustle up. But if I can't find any muscley boys I'll take your meathead friends," you teased, enjoying his squawk of indignation.
"Just because we appreciate the benefits of a healthy work out, does not make us…" you smiled as he ranted at you, and the conversation lightened into your standard sibling jibes and banter.
"I should go, I need to call Mina and figure everything else out," you finally said regretfully, knowing that you'd have to have to undergo another round of explanations with your best friend.
"Yeah, sure. Tell her I say hi. I'll let you know if I get any bites about the housing situation."
"Thanks for everything, bro. I love you."
"I love you too, pipsqueak. Call me if you need anything."
"I will."
There was a pause, and before you could hang up, your brother quietly added, "you're too good for him, you know. He doesn't deserve you. And you didn't deserve what he did."
He hung up quickly, probably embarrassed at being a sensitive human being. You would have snickered if your eyes hadn't suddenly begun burning at the unexpected sweetness. It figured. Seeing the guy you were dating balls deep in another girl didn't make you cry, but a heartfelt compliment from your brother did. Feelings were weird.
You took several deep breaths, waiting for the hot feeling in your eyes to dissipate, before deciding to text Mina. You didn't think you could handle another full phone conversation in public. Luckily, she texted you back right away.
You Hey? Can I come over? And crash for a few couple days? Freshly single and need to avoid my place for a bit. I'll explain everything later.
Mina Whoa what? Yeah I'm home, come over whenever. I'll open a bottle of wine.
You Marry me.
Part of you dreaded the unearthly shrieks of rage Mina was sure to emit when she heard the story, but the rest of you was ready for her warm hugs and the abuse she was sure to spew at your ex. Just knowing people like her, Jackson, and even kind acquaintances like Taehyung were supporting you was enough to keep your back straight and eyes forward. You would be just fine.
Next | Masterlist
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likeadevils · 9 months
2009 Lover Diaries Transcripts
Mar 17, 2009
Hi. It’s me, the girl who always forgets to write in her journal. Oh yea. Her. I just got back from Australia. It was there for 2 weeks and it was amazing. Gorgeous there. So… what else has happened since I wrote… I was on the cover of Rolling Stone. My tour has sold out every venue including Madison Square Garden (in 1 minute) and Staples Center (in 2). I somehow feel like it’s my destiny to roll my eyes at happy couples and resent Valentine’s Day. I also feel like I’m the girl before “the one.” I’m not he “the one.” I’m the girl you think is the one for you, and when it doesn’t work out with me, you meet the next girl and realize she IS the one. The one you’re gonna stay with. I might get married. But I think it’s ultimately my fate to light candles and pine away and roll my eyes at happy couples and resent Valentine’s Day. Taylor
Jul 11, 2009
I just got back from a trip to Canada that was absolutely refreshing and good for the soul. I never really knew what a good thing having no cell or internet could be. But it was a great thing. I did things a little differently up there, and I actually liked it. I started reading self-help books. It’s really uplifting knowing that you can change your life today, tomorrow … just by doing a few things you never thought of. Or doing things differently than you’ve done them before. New things I adopted from a self help book: Get up early. Keep your cool. Don’t tee off on people you love. Laugh more. You can control your moods. Create a love account and make deposits, in other words, show people that you love them. Another new hobby of mine is ….. antique stores. And not just neat, organized antique stores. I really like the ones where there’s so much crap to dig through, you can find absolute treasures for nothing. I went to 2 antique stores in Saskatchewan, and one today in Winnipeg. I bought all these old glass mason jars. I’m gonna use them for candle holders. I bought old scales and watch faces and chairs and old trunks and a bird cage and 2 lamps. This weekend, I gave everyone in the band raises. That was before the first show we played. Calgary. Then, before the show we played tonight, I called the whole crew in for a meeting, and bonused everybody. 72 people. Taylor [name tag "Taylor Swift - Fearless 2009 Tour. Taylor. Singer"} My tour name tag.
Jul 12, 2009
Today was a wonderful day. And not because of some massive career accomplishment or award show. It wasn’t about world domination or another number 1 song. Today was just … wonderful. Today was simple. And perfect. Because today was just me and my mom, driving around, looking at antiques in little antique shops, talking about what chandelier should go in the foyer and if this cabinet would look right in the guest room. We stopped for ice cream cones. It started raining hard while we were shopping, so we had to run back to the car, getting soaking and screaming. We met up with Dad and Austin for dinner at Kabuto. But the best part of the day was just driving around with my mom. Correction: riding around with my mom with a bunch on antiques clanking together in the trunk. I just keep thinking, when I’m 90 years old, reliving the good old days, I doubt I’ll look back on the number one parties as fondly and as frequently as I’ll look back on today. Wearing red lipstick for no reason, mom in her black t-shirt and wet hair, driving around talking about which chandelier should go in the foyer. Taylor
Sep 18, 2009
Ahh… the things that can change in a week… Let’s just say, if you had told me that Kanye West would have been the number one focus of my week, the media, and my part in the VMA’s, I would’ve looked at you cross-eyed. If you had told me that I would win the ward I was nominated for, I wouldn’t have believed you. And if you had told me that one of the biggest stars in music was going to jump up onstage and announce that he thought I shouldn’t have won on live television, I would’ve said “That stuff doesn’t really happen in real life.” Well… apparently… it does.
(2003 • 2004 • 2005 • 2006 • 2007 & 2008 • 2009 • 2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 • 2014 • 2015 • 2016 & 2017)
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romanphoenix · 3 months
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[male, he/him] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [ROMAN PHOENIX]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [NICHOLAS GALITZINE]. You must be the [TWENTY-EIGHT] year old [ACTOR]. Word is you’re [OUT-GOING] but can also be a bit [CUNNING] and your favorite song is [SELF SABATOGE BY WATERPARKS]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [CRYSTAL COVE]. I’m sure you’ll love it! [constantine, 25+, EST, they/them] ( @aurorabayaesthetic )
wanted connections | full navi | pinterest | full bio -- the group
threads - tracker - visuals - musings - aesthetics - likes
full name:;  roman henry joel phoenix
nicknames:;  rome, ro
gender:; cis male
pronouns:;  he/him
sexual preference:;  bisexual (leans more toward men)
birthdate & age:; nov. 25th, aged twenty-eight years
zodiac sign:;  sagittarius (archer)
spouse / lover:;  none currently
face & voice claim:;  nicholas galitzine
height:;  6′1″
eyes:;  hazel green
hair:;  naturally blonde, sometimes dyes brown or black (currently dark brown)
body art:;  a left ear piercing on his earlobe and occasionally an industrial bar, also in his left ear
other distinguishing features:;  a mole on the right side of his face, above his lip and another on the right side of his chin
fashion sense:;  classic, casual, comfy, sometimes proper and fancy and almost always wearing a ring on every finger
body type:;  generally toned and healthy looking
traits:;  tough, cunning, sassy, hard-working, confident, introverted, sarcastic, loyal, aggressive, self-destructive, out-going -- sweet, caring, funny, loveable
fears:;  expressing his feelings and being rejects
hobbies:;  writing, partying, music, photography, sometimes reading
skills:;  singing, playing various instruments (guitar, piano), writing songs and poems, good in the bedroom
quirks:;  bites and licks lip when bored or nervous or plays with his jewellery when nervous or lost in thought
mother:;  mrs. phoneix
father:;  mr. phoenix
siblings:;  a younger sister named ashleigh
children:;  none
pets:;  none
ice cream flavour:;  strawberry
food:;  italian food, cinnamon rolls, breakfast food
time of the day / night:;  nighttime
season:;  spring time
holiday:;  new years
animal:;  snakes, wolves and foxes
colour:;  black & red
scent:;  lavender
musician/band:;  david bowie, queen
education:;  he's done a few years of uni for digital arts but did nothing with it
bad habits:;  drinking, smoking, weed and vapes from time to time
a cherished item:;  his skull rings on his ring fingers
relationship role:;  dominate with woman - with men he tries to dominate but will easily submit, he loves being dominated. he will dominate in some cases however
random fun fact:;  he doesn't wear underwear
—- B R E I F   B A C K G R O U N D  —-
trigger warnings ; mentions of drug abuse and alcohol abuse.
roman henry joel phoenix was born to two not so loving parents along with a younger sister named ashleigh in london, england. growing up started fine, as roman didn't really know better, that was up until his teen years in which then everything changed. as a teenager, roman learned his parents wanted him to take over the family business and refused to let him out of it. the young boy, however, wasn't at all interested, all he wanted to do originally was make music. he wanted to be a musician as he always loved writing poems and short stories and managed to make what he thought was beautiful music out of it. not to mention he realized his parents didn't really treat him the best, but having his little sister they treated her like an angel.
as soon as he turned sixteen, roman started to rebel against his parents, spending two years being nothing but trouble for them, and moving in with his aunt. during this time he got a few tattoos across his arms and one on his chest, both his ears pierced (earlobes and industrial bars), his tongue pierced, started wearing all his rings and really experimented with his sexuality and just live his best life. he first got a girlfriend at fifteen but they broke up shortly after he turned sixteen and started to change (due to his rebelling against his parents and trying to find himself more). roman also fell into the wrong crowd of people and got into drugs and alcohol and not being the most careful at a party at eighteen for graduation, roman found himself in the hospital.
after this time he cut out a lot of his bad habits (still drinking from time to time and deals with smoking on and off) and removing all the piercings in his right ear and tongue as well as removing all his tattoos. this had roman push to get into music and managing to release a single and left his aunt's home, getting his own apartment. during his time cleaning up he met a guy he'd date for a couple years before they parted ways due to wanting different things. this is when roman realized, he wasn't ready to settle down. he ended up getting a record deal and moved out to los angeles, california in the hopes to make an album but things didn't work out and he fell into a bit of a depression feeling he wasn't as good as he once thought at music, falling into bad habits again but not as bad as before.
roman did met a guy during his tries at music, who also heard his single and offered him a chance at acting. so he left his music dreams behind to put his all into acting and doing pretty well for himself with a couple good films and a show under his belt already. finally he started to really feel proud of himself. despite all of this, he still holds out the dream of being a successful musician as well. music always have a place in his heart and in his free time, he's always working on new music whenever he can, while also still enjoying and giving his all to acting and treating each role as his own and finding parts of himself in each character he brings to life.
—- C U R R E N T L Y  —-
roman still struggles with sleeping around and flirting, despite really wanting to find someone to settle down with and consider maybe a family one day. he's just scared he's unloveable and work makes him harder to commit to. he's also since moved out to aurora bay, california living his best life in the crystal cove area for the past couple years (upon march 2024). his got zero contact or desire to connect his family or much of his life back home, except him two exes who became close friends after and support his career and hope he one day finds love and lets himself love and be loved. he also still does music as more a hobby, not sure about releasing much more yet as he's unsure he can handle being dropped again thinking he wasn't good enough when the deal fell through.
[ will try to update as time goes on ]
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turvi · 2 years
Come Get Your Funky Lovestory-5
Summary: Y/n finally comes face to face with the thing that hurt Peter.
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Bold = Venom
I had a busy day today. I got up so late that I didn't even get to meet Eddie today. Not that it is a big deal it's just it's nice to see a familiar face early in the morning.
I got a call from Bucky. I have been having those ever since I moved here but we had a great conversation. I missed having these moments between us. Things were so awkward between us that I missed talking to him. He asked about Eddie again. For some reason, he doesn't trust that man and I had to remind him that I am one of the avengers too and if Eddie tries something funny he will get knocked out.
It was so busy today that I didn't realize it got dark outside. I quickly finished up and said my goodbyes. As I was leaving the feeling of dread crept up on me. It's not the first time I had to work overtime but for some reason today I felt a sense that someone was watching me.
I looked around and found the street empty. I was only 15 mins away from my apartment. When I heard a commotion in the alley. I hid behind the wall and peeked to find a black shiny creature holding a human in the air with one hand.
'I don't know man where is he I just got an envelope telling me to follow you because you have a parasite' the man was shaking with fear.
The man whimpered in fear. Someone else is spying on Venom? But why?
'Tell us why they asked you to follow me'
'Let him go, Eddie, he is just a middleman me and my siblings have been looking for you.' A burly red-headed man called out to Venom. He looked at the scared man 'You can go now your work here is done'
Wait did he say, Eddie? No Y/n there are thousand of Eddies in New York this is not your Eddie.
'You can come out of this Venom suit of yours Eddie let's talk man to man.'
When Venom retreats back I almost let out a loud gasp at what I saw.
Eddie Brock is Venom
Why can't I meet a normal human being? I really want to go there and just start punching him but this man looks like bad news and not the kind Eddie was.
'The name is Carl Mach' he extended his hand
'Who?' Eddie asked him. What an idiot.
'I was a mercenary and I worked for Life foundation, I am one of the subjects who were chosen hosts to create Venom.' He slowly corners Eddie. Eddie's eyes widened the name must be familiar.
'Don't worry I won't kill you... yet because I have seen what have you done with Riot and I want to make sure you are dead after I make sure everyone here knows that you are not the hero you claim to be but a parasite that was meant to kill. I will show you hell Eddie.' Eddie shuddered as Carl distanced himself.
'Enjoy your last days on earth Eddie because I will ruin your life before I end it just like you did with me' with that he took the form of a yellow Venom and left our sights. I can deal with that yellow Venom another time right now I have a man to beat up. I saw Eddie leaving the alley I hid behind the wall and waited for him to enter his apartment.
Quickly I climbed the stairs and took a minute to not make it seem I was running. I knocked and surprisingly he opened the door before I could knock again.
'Hey,' he smiled at me. He didn't look like he was just threatened. His hair was disheveled as usual, and he looked so soft in the cream color cardigan he wore. So huggable.
He is a threat now. He is not cute or soft. He is Venom and he has hurt Peter.
'Hey uh, want to have some coffee?' Gosh, why does he make me so nervous? Deep breaths he is a threat and the only way you can clear yours and Bucky's name. Think about Bucky.
'Honestly, I could use your handmade coffee I had a really rough day darling.' his husky voice almost made me stumble. Stay strong.
He opened his door wider. I will have to knock him out. Easy peasy. Then call Fury and his men will come and collect him. Then Bucky and I will have Fury's trust. Fury will applaud me for my great work in front of the Avengers.
'You need some help Y/nn?' his presence behind me almost made me drop the glasses.
'Uh.. no why don't you sit there all comfy and I will bring your coffee.'
He quickly settled himself on his couch. I quickly need to find ways to knock him unconscious. I could use the vase I bought for him. Huh, this screams Shakespeare. I got the cups on the tray and put them on his coffee table. Yes while he is busy drinking the coffee I can sneak up behind him and knock him out.
As he cools down his coffee I pick up the vase and slowly walk behind the couch. Come on Y/n quick and easy. As I am about to swing the vase he turned around and I quickly started looking at the bottom of the vase.
'You are not drinking yours?'
'I will I was just looking at the price I want to gift a similar vase to a friend'. I am lying, I am clumsy what is this man doing to me. I have to knock him out quickly.
'Well do that later sit with me I didn't get to ask about your day.' He said smiling genuinely his lips looks so good I want to touch them or even bite them. Ugh! Might as well use this vase on me.
Sighing I sit beside him drinking my coffee telling him about my day him talking about his when I notice him looking at me and quickly looking away.
'I will go and wash these' he said picking up our empty cups and started washing them in the sink.
I take this as an opportunity to pick up the vase again and walk toward him careful not to make a sound.
As I swung the vase at him something grabbed my hand turning me around 180°. My back made contact with Eddie's chest. I realized Venom was the one who held me. I looked up to find Eddie looking at me our noses almost touching. He extended his hand
'Drop it' his voice lowered making shivers run up my spine. Must be my nerves.
He wrapped his hand around my neck slightly tightening it. 'I am not gonna ask again, drop it' his voice came out as a growl.
I looked into his eyes giving him the vase. He put the vase on the counter pushing me against the other counter putting his hands on the counter blocking my escape.
'Who are you? And no lies.'
'I didn't lie to you until moments ago when I attacked you with the vase, you attacked Spider-Man a few days ago and I am just handing you over to the officials in the least painful way.'
'You think you can hurt me, sweetheart? And what has Spider-Man got to do with you?'
'I can hurt you a lot actually and Spider-man is my friend we are one of the avengers actually'
He closed the distance between us 'Oh yeah? which one?'
'I am an Adaptoid' I pushed him away to prove the point
His eyes widened and looked at me slack-jawed 'Shit it is really one of you'
Part 6?
A/N: Don't worry the series won't be too long sorry for the delay I was busy being lazy. Feedback and Reblogs are appreciated.
@noodletwogo @belladona-is-poisonous @preciousbabypeter @jasminemohmed @my-obsession-spn
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ms-moonlight-inn · 5 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday Thursday
okay @lingy910y & @jrooc & @rayrayor asked for my least & most favorite on a variety of topics. Here we go:
name: slap my ass & call me "good"
location: my desk at work, wishing I were at home
and now for the randomness! tell me your most and least favorites of:
most - See's Candy pops
least - anything with marshmallow 🤢🤮
most - summer 🏝️🌞
least - spring
hot beverage?
most - caramel macchiato
least - 😳 nothing, yet?
cold beverage?
most - ice cold water
least - cream soda
most - black
least - anything that could be found inside a baby's diaper
most - radishes
least - beets
traditional foods from your country?
most - cochinita pibíl
least - there’s this stuff that my mom used to make with red beets, gross
most - 🐝 bees!
least - mosquitoes & wasps 🦟
cake flavors?
most - a well done almondine is always good
least - anything that’s too artificial
non-Gallagher or Milkovich shameless characters?
most - Iggy, my beloved (*edit* it took me 3 hours to realize that Iggy is disqualified from this question)
least - Besides the obvious villains, I really don’t like the “Jack” version of Jimmy-Steve 🤷🏻‍♀️
OMG, am I done? And only one day late? Ok, who should I tag? How about @notherenewjersey & @gallavichgeek? AT the very least, they find these answers amusing.
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schrijverr · 2 years
A Terrible Summer?
Robin’s perspective on Steve during their time working together at Scoops Ahoy as she figures out that Steve isn’t really like the King Steve she saw in high school.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: referenced period typical homophobia
King Steve Dethroned: Jonathan's POV, Robin's POV & Eddie's POV
Robin can’t believe her bad luck when she walks into Scoops Ahoy on only to come face to face with the one and only Steve Harrington. The great King Steve dressed in the same stupid sailor uniform as she is wearing, greeting her and awkwardly introducing himself as if she doesn’t know who the fuck he is.
This is going to be a terrible summer, she decides.
Curtly she replies: “Robin. Robin Buckley,” not wanting to interact with King Steve more than she has to.
“Cool,” he says. “I, uhm- I’m new, but they told me you’d show me the ropes and all the rules and stuff. Company policy.”
Great, she thinks, remembering all the stupid guys in band, who wanted her to ‘show me something,’ which always ended awkwardly. Fuck, if Steve Harrington tries to flirt with me just because I’m here and a girl, he’s getting punched.
Luckily, Steve seems to pick up on her vibe, because she just walks him through the rules Scoops Ahoy has for its employees. Then he keeps his distance from her as they scoop ice cream in silence for the rest of the day.
And for the few days of working together that is enough. They clock in, sling ice cream and don’t say much except to customers, then clock out.
As the senior worker of the two (albeit by a week or so), Robin delights in giving Steve the tasks she hates. She makes him carry the heavy ice cream, clean the counters and scoopers, as she takes her breaks at inopportune moments.
Steve never complains, something she hadn’t expected, but ignores. He’s thick, she tells herself, he probably hasn’t even noticed. Besides, why should I care? Let him be the lowest on the ladder for once.
Then she meets his kids.
It’s hard to describe what happened as anything else. They are working alongside each other in silence when a group of kids enter. Robin hates having to serve young teens, who think they’re so cool for being allowed in the mall by themselves. So, she is more than happy to dump the kids on Steve.
However, before she can call to Steve that she’s taking a break and he should attend to the customers, he’s at the register, leaning over and smiling. Robin’s eyebrows creep up, she’s only seen him lean for hot girls, but his smile is different. It’s softer somehow. Curiously, Robin stays.
Leading the group is a girl with bright red hair, she’s holding hands with a black boy, but dressed in a way that screams she’s too cool for him. Not to mention the two other brown haired boys with her, who are both dressed like nerds. Robin should know, she is one herself.
“You look stupid,” the girl greets Steve and Robin is ready to jump in, despite hating it, when Steve will inevitably snap back.
Only to be surprised as Steve snorts at the comment, rolling his eyes as he says: “Yeah, yeah, I know. Laugh it up.”
Apparently taking the permission seriously, the four kids start to laugh at Steve, who just takes it like he has taken Robin’s bullshit so far. Like he doesn’t mind that four middle schoolers are currently laughing at him. Like he isn’t King Steve.
Once Steve has deemed it long enough, he makes a hand movement that gets the kids to quit, though they all still have matching grins on their faces. Steve puts a hand on his hip, waving his scooper in the other and asks: “Alright, little shits, what do you want?”
And Robin suddenly realizes that Steve must know these kids. There is no other explanation for how comfortably he is with them laughing at him or how fond he sounds when he calls them ‘little shits,’ which has been the only in character thing he has done these days next to the flirting. And even that falls flat. He is horrible at flirting and the only bullying remark he has made is that too fond ‘little shits.’
So, she watches in surprise as Steve indulges the kids in way too many free samples (even if it is company policy both Steve and Robin try to cut off customers, hoping they’ll listen) and talking to the kids.
He seems to have very little clue what they are talking about, but nods along as he scoops them ice cream. The scoops are bigger than normal and Steve puts his own cash in the register instead of ringing them up.
The kids thank him with big smiles that Robin unintentionally mirrors alongside Steve, before skipping out of the store with a goodbye.
Steve keeps the smile for the rest of the day and Robin is just mystified by this person. Because this person looks like Steve Harrington, the King of Hawkins High, but he’s also dressed in the dorky sailor outfit with a stupid hat. He has been sucking at flirting and now he’s happier and smiling softly all because a group of kids came in, insulted him, laughed at him, then made him pay for their ice cream.
It just doesn’t make sense at all.
Robin hates that it doesn’t make sense, because her brain can whir fast enough for it to make sense, but that makes even less sense. Because if it made sense, then Steve would have to be an alright guy and that was stupid. Robin has seen him strutting around Hawkins High for too many years to believe that, all the girls trailing after him without him taking notice.
So, it doesn’t make sense. Steve doesn’t make sense. And Robin decides she hates him for it, right until they’re closing up and find the same group of kids still hanging around.
Immediately Steve frowns, looking concerned as he asks: “What are you all still doing here? Are you guys alright?”
“We’re fine, mom,” the girl from before rolls her eyes. “We just missed the last bus.”
“For the last time, I’m not your mom,” Steve complains, like it’s a common argument he’s had with the middle schoolers. “But I can drop you guys off no problems. Do your parents know that you’re okay and getting home late?” Kind of making his earlier argument that he isn’t their mom invalid in Robin’s opinion.
“We are having a sleep over at Will’s,” one of the brown haired boys informs Steve.
“And did you guys call, Ms. Byers?” Steve asks them, looking a bit stern, almost scolding.
The other boy speaks up, his voice is a little more timid, as he looks up from under the bangs of his bowl cut. “We did,” he says. “But she’s at work, so we mentioned that we got ice cream at your new job and she figured you would take us. Is that okay?”
Steve’s face has soften even more as the kid talked, while Robin wonders why the hell Joyce Byers, mother of Jonathan, whose camera Steve had broken and who has stolen Steve’s girlfriend in turn, would assume King Steve would bring her kid and his friends home.
Yet, as he has done all day, Steve surprises her by ruffling the kid’s hair in a brotherly manner, as he says: “Of course that’s okay. As long as she knows where you are, you know how important that is to her.”
“I know,” the boy confirms, and Robin suddenly recognizes him as the boy who went missing, Will Byers. Which honestly makes the trust his mom has in Steve even stranger.
Apparently satisfied that the kids were okay and their parents informed, Steve claps his hands gesturing for the kids to start walking. “Lets get out of here.”
He says it in such a tone that all instinctively listen to him, including Robin, something she hates and she wonders why she is even here. Why she stopped to listen. She tries to convince herself it was to step in should Steve turn into a massive dick, but part of her is willing to acknowledge that she is just curious about this strange Steve.
As they walk, the kids regale their adventures in the mall with dramatic voices, like it’s the most interesting thing ever. Robin has checked out of the conversation quickly, but Steve seems fully invested in the kids’ tales.
Once outside, Robin shivers, cursing herself for not putting on a jacket when she got on her bike that morning. She’s already halfway to her bike (she hasn’t bothered greeting Steve or waving goodbye since the first day), when she hears his voice call out: “Robin.”
She turns around, eyebrow raised and confused look, as she asks: “What?” Steve hasn’t bothered talking to her either, so why start now?
“Don’t you have a jacket?” he asks, giving her the same concerned look he had given the kids earlier and Robin wonders when this became a thing Steve does.
“Uhm, no,” she answers when the silence drags on. “Forgot it this morning.”
“It’s freezing! You can’t bike home without a jacket,” Steve says, like it personally offends him that she plans to get home. “You’ll catch a cold.”
“I’ll be fine,” she rolls her eyes.
“No,” Steve tells her and she feels her eyebrows raise. Steve seems to realize what he has just said, because he quickly amends: “I mean, uhm, you’re probably fine, but where would I be without my scooping buddy? I can drive you home.”
He says that like Robin hasn’t been a total dick to him. ‘Scooping buddy,’ what a dork. But then again, he is offering to drive her home. Her. She doesn’t know what to do with that. On one hand, a ride sounds nice, but on the other hand it’s Steve.
In the end she settles on the neutral: “You already have four children with you. And what are you gonna do about my bike?”
Steve looks at the children as if he’s calculating how much of a problem they are, before saying: “It will be fine. They can squeeze back there. Besides, I have had a bike rack in my trunk ever since Henderson kept calling me to pick him up when it rained.”
This whole night has already been fucking confusing, but Robin is nothing if not too curious for her own good. And she desperately wants to know how Steve is in the car with the group of kids, so she nods: “Sure. But I don’t live close to the Byers.”
“That’s fine,” Steve tells her. “I’ve become quite the chauffeur.” Then he turns to the kids. “Go, you dickheads, whoever gets there first is shotgun from Robin’s house.”
Immediately the kids take off, while Robin goes to grab her bike. She has goosebumps and is close to shivering. Screw interesting, she thinks, Steve is right about catching a cold, I don’t want to be biking right now.
When she gets to the car, Steve is installing a bike rack smiling at her and taking her bike as he tells her to go warm up in the car.
Awkwardly she sits shotgun, glad Steve ensured she wouldn't be stuck between the kids, who have indeed squeezed in the backseat, the red head in the lap of the boy, whose hand she was holding earlier. And the four of them are arguing about who got there first, the black boy claiming that using your skateboard was cheating, while the girl insisted that it counted.
Robin is relieved when Steve gets in the car and says: “Max is the winner, Lucas. Rules never stated means.”
“You just like Max best,” the sharper brown haired boy says, awkwardly crossing his arms in the cramped space.
“No, I like her music taste best,” Steve shrugs. “Now stop complaining and buckle up, I’m not driving until you twerps are at least making an attempt to be safe. Ms. Byers will have my head.”
The kids all roll their eyes, but comply, but Steve isn’t starting the car and it takes Robin a second to realize that is because he’s look at her expectantly. Hastily and a bit amused, she buckles her belt as Steve pulls out the parking lot.
He turns on the radio and tells her to pick a station and give him her address. The same boy from before complains: “But that’s nowhere near Will’s house.”
“Mike, please shut up or you’re walking from her place,” Steve tells him, the threat sounds empty, but the boy, Mike, shuts up anyway. Like a tired parent Steve goes: “Thank you,” when he does and Robin has to fight the urge to laugh.
The drive is comfortable, as far as Robin is able to feel comfortable in King Steve’s expensive car, that is. In the backseat the kids start arguing about what Robin thinks is DnD, which Steve shuts down with: “Oi, don’t get worked up about that nerd shit in my car,” which should sound rude, but it just makes all the kids turn against Steve, who tunes them out effortlessly.
It all feels domestic and Robin wonders how often Steve must give these kids rides for all of them to be this comfortable. The softer side making him way more likable than Robin ever though Steve Harrington would be.
The thought that this is a move he pulls to get into panties suddenly crosses her mind as she remember whose car she’s in. So, she ducks into herself, crossing her arms and willing herself to be home soon.
Steve easily navigates to her house, gets her bike down from the rack on the back and softly bids her a goodnight, not hanging around to get something out of her, like she had feared in the car. He doesn’t even seem occupied with her, already turned back to the car as he yells at Max to be careful with his tape as she replaces it with her own. Robin wonders if the girl had it with her or if it was in Steve’s car for this reason.
Before she can think about it, she hurries into her home, as if the distance will make all the thoughts and experiences disappear.
She promised herself after Mrs. Click’s class that she wouldn't obsess over Steve fucking Harrington again. She promised.
But she can’t help it.
The next day she studies Steve closely, like a frog in biology class. He holds himself confidently, but not with arrogance like he’d done before. He flirts with ladies, but he’s really bad at it, tragically so, like he hopes it’ll fail, but it will ruin his reputation if he doesn’t. And he’s not an asshole at all, like King Steve never existed.
He helps all customers with perfectly customer service, looking only mildly annoyed when people yell at him for things beyond his control. He’s especially attentive to kids, Robin now notices. He smiles at them and is more patient than Robin could ever be. If she were to guess, kids are his favorite customers. Robin gladly lets him take them.
She also realizes that while she has been nothing but rude to him, he has been nothing but nice back to her, taking her anger at him in stride.
It’s all confusing. She remembers him pushing over Tommy H., who is his friend (though she hasn’t seen the two together since Steve came to school with that giant bruise in Junior year), because he joked that Steve was a scard-y cat for not handing in unfinished homework. If he is willing to do that to a friend for something so minor, why hasn’t he snapped at Robin, very much not a friend, for doing much worse?
However, thinking back on her obsession with him (which was kinda creepy in hindsight, but her Steve knowledge comes in handy this time), she remembers him being a douche. But it was mostly ignoring people and standing behind them as they called names, laughing along.
Yeah, Steve used to be a dick, like many kids, but not a horrible person and he definitely isn’t anymore. But Robin is.
So, she watches Steve again. He’s serving, who she has dubbed, his kids again as they complain about not being able to see the movie they want. They’ve been coming by every day since Steve has given them a ride two days ago and he’s in a better mood whenever they’ve dropped by. He’s probably relieved about the bouts of peace from me, Robin thinks guiltily.
She’s nicer to Steve for the rest of the day and tries not to think of his surprised look when she offered to help clean up, before the suspected rush.
But she waits with speaking up until they’re closing together, then she says: “Hey, Steve, I- uhm, I wanted to say sorry for, you know, being a bit of a dick to you.”
He looks even more surprised at that, but recovers quickly to reply: “Oh, no, it’s okay, I get it. I was a dick in high school. Sorry, by the way, if I ever did anything to you. It’s fine to be angry with me, really.”
Okay, so Steve knows he used to be a dick. Steve apologized. Steve is trying to be a better person. It has truly been a few days of revelations.
“That was unexpected,” her mouth says, before her brain can agree on the course of action, setting off in a ramble to course correct. “Not that that’s a bad thing or anything. Personal growth is good and I appreciate you apologizing. Even if you don’t have to apologize, you never did anything to me specifically, you just had shitty friends, because when I think about it, you haven’t hung with them in forever and I should have realized you weren’t ‘King Steve’ and all that when you took me being a dick in stride, because lets be honest, I was a huge dick.”
When she’s done she has to catch her breath, finally looking at Steve, expecting to him thinking she’s the most annoying person ever.
Instead, he’s smiling softly. In an equally soft tone, he says: “Thank you, I’m glad you don’t think I’m that guy anymore. And you really don’t have to apologize again.”
“Still sorry,” Robin says, quickly adding, “and sorry for the word vomit.”
“It’s okay,” Steve smiles. “That’s the most relaxed I’ve seen you all week. Kind of reminds me of Henderson. He’s off at summer camp, some smart nerd stuff that I can’t understand. He has this massive ego, but he honestly earned it. Not important right now. What I’m trying to say is that it’s fine. You can ramble away. I like it better than the silence.”
For a second Robin suspiciously thinks he’s flirting with her, however, he compared her with Henderson, whoever that is, and it didn’t sound like a flirt. She has heard his flirting voice. It’s also the first time anyone has been nice about her rambling, so she just smiles.
With the understanding, the air around them feels less tense and they say goodbye like normal people for a change.
The next day, Robin comes in, deciding that if she’s giving Steve a chance and Steve is giving her a chance after her dick period, then he’s getting all of her.
So, she starts rambling about her horrid morning and how she nearly ran late as they set up. Then she moves on to talking about a book she has read. Throughout it all Steve nods along, smiling. He doesn’t look like he’s following it all, but he seems happy enough to listen.
When he fails at flirting again, she snorts and comments: “I thought you were supposed to be smooth, Harrington.”
He sighs and shrugs, grimacing: “I know. I swear, even since my dad figured out I was too stupid to get into college, it’s like my whole life has turned against me. Can’t even get laid in this stupid sailor outfit.”
“You couldn't get into college?” Robin asks, before she can stop herself, wanting to smack herself immediately. Way to go, Buckley, saying something stupid right after you apologized.
But Steve doesn’t get mad, he just laughs a sad laugh that makes it all much worse, before he shrugs: “I know. Not really date material, so shitty flirting it is. Honestly, at this point I’m beyond saving, I think.”
At the end of his sentence, his voice picks up into something more dramatic, making Robin laugh as she choked out: “God, you’re such a dingus.”
“…Dingus?” Steve repeats, barely keeping a confused yet amused smile, looking more cheered up than before.
“Yeah, Steve. Dingus, you are one,” Robin replies, but she can’t help but notice how funny Steve thought the playful insult was. Thus, she christens him dingus in her head.
After that time seems to fly. Slinging ice cream with Steve is fun and she gets to know Steve’s kids a bit better, though Steve always takes their orders or sneaks them into the movies. He acts annoyed about it, but Robin knows better.
All in all, working at Scoops Ahoy could have been much worse, Robin has decided by the time a kid walks in saying, “Hi,” as if he means anything to Robin.
“Hi?” she greets back.
“I’m Dustin,” the kid introduces himself expectantly, like Robin is going to magically know him now.
Unamused, she replies: “I’m Robin.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” the kid says, before asking: “Is he here?” in a tone that indicates he thinks she knows who he’s talking about.
“Is who here?” Robin asks, getting an inkling she knows who this child is here for.
Her suspicions are confirmed when Steve flies out of the break room, practically cheering: “Henderson! Henderson! He’s back!”
“I’m back,” Dustin, or Henderson (the name indeed familiar), confirms, before forcing Robin to watch the dorkiest greeting she has ever seen and she never expected on Steve, even while knowing about his dork side already. Even with the other kids, whom he babysits and mothers, he tries to keep an air of coolness about him, but not for Dustin apparently.
After that, her life goes down the drain so very fast. Well, not necessary down the drain, it just mostly devolves into chaos.
She cracks a Russian secret code, because she’s bored, goes to spy on said Russians, who have apparently infiltrated Hawkins, before bribing a ten-year-old with ice cream and getting stuck in an elevator to hell. This is her life now apparently.
However, the whole experience is teaching her so much more about Steve. About why he is the way he is. About why he decided to be better. To do better.
Because monster are real. There is an alternate hell dimension and Steve has been caught up in it for a long time already. And Steve is also a dingus, who doesn’t think before he acts and apparently his first instinct is to throw himself into danger, to save the others. Especially the kids.
But not just the kids, Robin finds as they’re captured together and despite her usual motormouth, Steve manages to be more annoying. Annoying enough to be dragged off first, coming back beaten so badly that Robin is convinced she’s tied to a corpse for a few moments.
And when they’re drugged and Steve is spilling things she knows he doesn’t want to, he keeps talking, because talking makes him the target.
After they get saved by Dustin and Erica, Robin has to admit it’s all a bit of blur until they’re sitting on the bathroom floor. The drugs are still in their system, making them a bit looser lipped, but she feels more in control.
She wonders if Steve feels in control of what he’s saying as he confesses to her. Then she immediately wonders if he has been nice to her only because he likes her. She knows that a few days ago, she might have, but she knows Steve better now.
It’s hard not to know stuff about someone after you’ve been tied to a chair and tortured together for a few hours and a part of her tells her that if Steve is willing to get beat up for her, maybe he’s willing to be her friend after fully knowing her. I mean, liking girls can’t be too crazy after invading Russians and other dimensions, right? But it’s just always a risk.
If she does fess up, she is going to break his heart and she hates that. He’s her best friend (and isn’t that just something, Robin the lesbian best friends with King Steve). But he isn’t like that, he’s sweet and caring and like so many times before Robin wishes she could be normal, wishes she could like Steve.
“Robin? Robin,” comes his concerned voice from the other stall as he knocks on the divider between them. When she stays quiet, he asks: “Robin did you just OD in there?” his own confession forgotten for worry, which only makes her heart ache more.
“No, I am… still alive,” she replies wanting to soothe that worry despite all that’s going on inside her head.
She sighs, before hearing movement and then Steve is sliding under the stalls over the dirty bathroom floor to check in on her. The action shouldn’t choke her up like it does, so she plays it off by saying: “This floor is disgusting.”
“Well, I’ve already got a bunch of blood and puke on my shirt, so…” he shrugs trailing off, before taking a breath and looking down. He seems uncertain, a bit shy and she can’t help but think the expression looks wrong on his face, but also like it’s been there too much, simmering right below the surface.
“What do you think?” he asks.
“About?” she replies, hoping that playing oblivious will make the whole thing disappear.
“This girl,” Steve tells her and Robin knows this is a conversation they’re going to have.
She just has to decide whether she tells Steve the truth or just tries to let him down gently, especially once her second deflection when Steve asks about the guy doesn’t work. Because she tells him he’s not thinking straight and he replies: “Really? ‘Cause I think he’s thinking a lot more clearly than usual.”
And in that moment Robin decides Steve needs the truth. She has seen enough to trust him, to give him a chance and she hears in his tone that if she rejects him, he’ll close up. She doesn’t want this Steve to close up. This Steve, who has been kind to her, protected her and the kids, who has thrown himself in danger without question and who is looking at her right now with such a vulnerable look on his face.
She selfishly wants this Steve to stay and be her friend, so she replies: “He's not. Look, he doesn't even know this girl. And if he did know her, like- like really know her, I don't think he'd even want to be her friend.”
“No, that's not true. No way is that true,” Steve immediately denies and her heart swells a bit at how fast Steve is assuring her. How offended he looks at the implication he might not like her.
Fuck, if only he knew.
And he’s going to know, because Robin braves on: “It's shocked me to my core, but I like you. I really like you. But I'm not like your other friends. And I'm not like Nancy Wheeler.”
Robin thinks she put enough emphasis on it to make it clear, but Steve has always been a bit slower on the uptake, so he just says: “Robin, that's exactly why I like you.”
“Do you remember what I said about Click's class? About me being jealous and, like, obsessed?” she asks, having to make it more clear. “Yeah, it isn’t because I had a crush on you. It’s because she wouldn't stop staring at you.”
There she said it, it’s out in the open. But Steve looks even more confused as he asks: “Mrs. Click?” and Robin isn’t sure if she wants to hit him or smile.
“Tammy Thompson,” she corrects softly, deciding to go for it, because if she keeps it in, it’s going to eat her up. “I wanted her to look at me, but she couldn't pull her eyes away from you and your stupid hair. And I didn't understand, because you would get bagel crumbs all over the floor. And you asked dumb questions. And you were a douchebag. And- And you didn't even like her and I would go home and just scream into my pillow.”
He looks hurt about the douchebag comment, but then just frowns as he says: “But Tammy Thompson is a girl.”
“Steve,” she says softly, hoping that it will click without her having to spell it out.
“Yeah,” he half smiles before his face falls and she has front row tickets to him figuring it out. His eyes widening as he goes: “Oh.”
“Oh,” she confirms.
“Holy shit,” he breathes more to himself as he falls quiet.
With beating heart Robin waits. At this point she isn’t sure what she’s waiting on, likely slurs and fists, but that’s usually immediate. She doesn’t know what to do with this silence. She has always been horrible at silences, Steve knows that, so why isn’t he saying something?
Unable to stand it any longer, she repeats his earlier question: “Did you OD over there?”
“No, I just- uh, just thinking,” he says and if it were any other day she would jokingly tell him not to hurt himself, but it isn’t any other day, so she just softly nods: “Okay.”
Then Steve starts speaking again and it takes Robin a moment to catch up to what he’s saying, because it’s nothing like she expected.
“I mean, yeah. Tammy Thompson, you know, she's cute and all, but, I mean, she's a total dud,” he shrugs, like telling her her lesbian crush is a dud is the normal response to someone telling you they’re gay in Bumfuck, Indiana.
“She’s not,” Robin defends anyway, because she likes Tammy Thompson and Steve’s reaction is miles better than she could have hoped for.
Even if he vehemently argues: “Yes, she is. She wants to be, like, a singer. She wants to move to, like, Nashville and shit.”
Robing pouts, “She has dreams!” but she can feel a smile starting.
“She can’t even hold a tune. She’s practically tone-deaf. Have you heard her? Like all the time,” he says, before doing the most horrid impression, telling Robin her crush sounds like a muppet giving birth.
But none of it matters, because Steve is here and they’re laughing. She has come out for the first time in her life and it was to King Steve of all people and he hasn’t called her slur and hasn’t tried to convince her she hasn’t found the right man yet, he just processed it for a second and then went right back to being her friend.
Later he assures her that he hasn’t been nice to her all this time because he likes her and Robin doesn't know how he knew of that fear. Then he assures her that he doesn’t like her. Well, he does, but not like that. Dustin just got to him, made him think he was striking out, because he actually liked Robin. Which he didn’t. Well, not like that.
And Robin will laugh at Steve rambling like he’s her, before calling him a dingus and telling him to help her look for a job for them, because she’s not going through all the work to find herself a new schmuck.
However, now they’re just laughing on that bathroom floor and life is good again for those few seconds before Dustin and Erica burst in and drag them into danger once more.
So, in a few days, she has cracked a Russian secret code, gotten trapped in a secret Russian base, gotten captured, been tortured and drugged, came out, crashed a car and fought a giant flesh monster with fireworks.
All she wants to do now is go home and collapse in her mother’s arms. However she’s been taken by men in suits alongside the others, who look as shell shocked as she is. Scared, she grabs onto Steve’s hand, the only familiar comfort in the situation.
Steve smiles at her reassuringly and squeezes her hand. He leans in and whispers: “It’s fine. This always happens. The government wants to make sure we don’t blab. We’re going to be taken to a room, they’re going to ask you a bunch of stuff and all you have to do is talk. You’re good at that, Robs, you’ll be fine.”
She smiles at him and asks: “And then I get to go home?”
“After they’ve given you the official story you have to stick to and you’ve signed the NDAs, yeah, you can go home,” he assures her.
“How many times have you done this already,” she asks softly.
“Two times,” he answers.
“I know, full of mysteries that’s me,” he grins, the conspiratorially he whispers: “I’m just glad my thick brain remembers the cover stories.”
That makes her giggle, though she’s sure to say: “With the amount of hits you take, I’m amazed you can still be charming. I’m glad you’re okay, Stevie.”
“Me too, Robs,” he smiles and she swears there is a bit of moisture in there, as if he’s that touched by her words.
True to Steve’s words, the next few hours go exactly as he predicted and before she knows it, she’s leaning on Steve’s shoulder in the back of a government car as they drive to her house. His presence is reassuring and she feels settled for the first time in a long time.
Sure, she will have to learn and deal with what she knows, but Steve is there every second of the way. He drives to her house when she calls, holds her if she needs it, jokes and distracts her if that what she wants. He listens like no one has done before.
All in all, Steve Harrington is her best friend. When she was obsessed with him in Mrs. Click’s class she never would have guessed that she would befriend King Steve. Though, she knows now that King Steve never really existed and she has never been more relieved to know her dingus, Stevie.
So, Robin can’t believe her luck when she walks into Family Video, coming face to face with the one and only Steve Harrington. Her favorite dork dressed in the same stupid vest as her, greeting her happily and holding up a movie as he wiggles her brows and tells her it has boobies.
Yeah, Senior year is going to be great, she decides.
As a lesbian, it’s hard not to be suspicious of men being nice to you, idk
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lowercasespaghetti · 2 years
Kinda went off a little on this one. It's super fucking vanilla though.
It was a normal Tuesday morning. I had managed to slip quietly out of bed without waking Lily. I was gonna get started on coffee and a simple breakfast as a little surprise before she went off to her boring office job, and I went off to my boring retail one.
I loaded up the carafe for 8 cups of coffee and set it to brew. The machine's estimate of how much coffee it actually produced was kind of a lie, it really only worked out to being two cups for the each of us. I took mine with a cream and sugar, Lily took hers black most days, a little oat milk when she really wanted "fancy things up." I decided to indulge her today, she got the oat milk.
I popped some bread in the toaster. I got to work chopping up mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes, and a single red onion. I cracked a few eggs into a bowl, adding milk. I pulled out a pan to begin frying the veggies for the omelette. And grabbed another for the veggie bacon.
Before I could start heating anything up I felt arms around my chest and a kiss on my neck. The toast popped out of the toaster.
"Breakfast in bed, love?" She purred into my ear.
"I wanted to make you feel special today."
"It's just Tuesday, or am I forgetting something?" She said still kissing my neck in a way that made me turn a lovely shade of pink.
"Mmm, just Tuesday... Gosh please keep licking my neck like that..."
"Only if you actually start cooking." She giggled.
She made a good point. I turned the element on and let the butter in the pan heat up, adding in the veggies. The began to soften while I buttered the toasts and plated them. She was rubbing my tummy and kissing me just behind the ear. I let out a deep warm breath. Gosh I loved Lily... I opened the pack of veggie bacon and started trying to pry the slices apart, they were always so fragile and flimsy so it took a lot of concentration to keep them from tearing to shreds. She slid her hand under my shirt, and hovered just below my breasts.
"May I?" She said kissing my cheek.
"Mhm" I said in anticipation.
Maybe it was that I hadn't touched myself in a few, or maybe it was simply that she had magic hands, but good grief was I sensitive. I tried focusing as hard as I could on not ripping the bacon, but... I kept letting out whimper after whimper, she was tweaking my nipples, absolutely not playing fair. But it filled me with desire, when I was done cooking, she was gonna get the ride of a lifetime. Oh yeah, the omelette. I turned the heat down slightly and added the eggs to the veggies. I placed the bacon into the other pan.
"I'm really impressed at how well you're holding up." She said with an aire of mischief floating around her. "What if we made things... more fun." Her right hand hovered down to my pants. "Is this okay?"
"I- yes, mmmm..."
She rubbed my girldick through my pants, I moaned for real.
"Watch the eggs, baby." Lily said, looking over my shoulder.
Oh yeah the eggs, I'm totally cooking right now. I turned the omelette over, and looked hazily at the bacon. I stirred it in the pan. She put her hand in my pants and pulled very delicately on my nipple. I hadn't realized it until now but I was holding on tight to the oven door. She began working me with those soft hands, oh goodness she knew what she was doing, and meant business by it. It was hard to maintain focus as she pumped at me, rubbing over the tip with her thumb.
"Hmmm... You're very wet, my love, aren't you worried you'll ruin your panties?" She whispered.
To be frank I didn't really care at this point, I was to busy going fuzzy from all this attention. I looked blankly at the food realising that maybe I should take them off the burner. I clicked the element off. But there was a very primal part of me that fully considered letting it burn, and bending over the table in the breakfast nook and letting her have at me right now. I was a warm, needy, moaning mess. I was biting my lip hard, holding onto whatever I could get a grip on.
"Lily I need you to fuck me!" I cried out.
Carefully and deliberately she slid her hand out from under my shirt, and onto my throat. She turned my face to look at her. She had this fiery look in her eyes.
"That's all I needed to hear, love." She said it with such burning desire.
I was so fucking ready as she dragged me to the floor by my neck. She set me down, and pressed lightly into my diaphragm with her heel.
"Wait here." She commanded. I was soaked, dripping with excitement. When she came back she put a small black bottle next to me. "Smell it, tell me what you think."
I inhaled. "Cherry..."
"That's right love, that's what you're gonna taste like. -Legs up." She said dragging my pj pants off. I abided.
She rubbed the lube into my ass, and onto my girldick. She then started kissing my thigh and down towards my hole, licking into me, and running her tongue around my opening, while jerking me off. I had a fistfull of Lily's hair in my hand. She giggled as she ate my ass, clearly enjoying either being a tormentous tease, or the long deep moans I was letting out.
"Come on now, my love loosen up, relax... You're so tight this morning." She chided me.
I didn't really get out a coherent word, her tongue and hands were too expertly working me. Before I knew it I had a finger inside of me, that was definitely going to listen me up. I was needed her...
"Please, please..." I managed.
"Yes, you are going to please me, baby." She said dropping a cheesy wink in with it.
I was watching her finger me with unbroken eye contact. But I wanted so much more.
"Fuck me! Please fuck my pussy!" I begged.
"Oh good, you're finally using your words."
She got more upright, and began lubing up her dick. She put a hand on the back of my knees and pushed them into my chest. Then began to rub the tip of her cock on my opening. It was so warm. It was so fucking hard, and hot. I drew her in closer, and she breached into me.
"Mmmmm fuuuuucckk..." I said my needs just beginning to be satisfied. I bucked, trying to shove her in deeper. She obliged me, grabbing me by the hips and pushing in nice and deep. She put the hand not holding my hip on my throat and started fucking hard. It was caring and sweet, but so so primal. She was filling me up, taking all the space she needed from me. I was warm, being pounded into by my lover on this dirty kitchen floor.
"Oh fuck, that's a thick cock!" I cried out gasping as she relented on the choke.
"And you're taking it like such a good girl." She said a hint of pride in her voice.
She was hitting the spot perfectly, I began to tighten around her. I felt that deep electric surge running through me. I only just began to register how loud I was being, almost screaming as she fucked up into me.
"Close!" I called to her.
"That's it baby, you deserve this. Go ahead and cum for me. Cum on this fat girlcock."
It was all I needed to hear...
I shot thin sticky ropes of cum all up my chest. And shuddered as I came hard for her.
"Good girl." She said smiling ear to ear.
She gave a few more thrusts and I felt her cum in me, warm, pulsing, and those long deep moans of hers.
She lay on top of me, and held me close, kissing me softly.
"So... What's for breakfast?" She asked jokingly.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
I'm putting tons of hits on these idiots the only thing that shuts them up I'm going to take the crew out here in Florida the whole thing every day I'm going to call for it now to be done every day and just repeat the process until they're silent I don't want to hear it anymore it's so damn dumb. Removed you from power Mac and you don't even know it it's still running around giving people orders they don't do it little kids making fun of you having to paint your walls red and you you're terrible how many f was a pivotal of doing it and you kind of lame about that.
We're not his 100 very large bases left he has 200 medium no but like 50 those things got pummeled it's got like a thousand small bases he's losing them rapidly they're pulling them out of all of them and we're in the tunnels all over the world. And we're pulling out the stops this idiot crew I want them gone like tomorrow afternoon so you can see his stupid song I'm putting a real hit on all of you idiots here except our son of course we had a great day we did tons of work what you do is you take a crap later on tonight so we're going to get rid of you to make sure it still works it'll keep doing that it's so stupid you don't realize it I'll take the tunnels and take the shadow down to take all of all the areas over we have all your hardware and simply invade and we're going to go after John the rema Lord during the show hundreds of times till he shuts his face and Tommy f and Mac all in this show shipping people all over the world with stuff in them that means stuff fighting each other over it garth of too what a pig.
And yeah the black ship is filling up with Arnie's crew That's up in New Hampshire and the other two Black ships DC and Washington DC of course and New York City are prepping feeling actually it's two different people it's not only it's not Obama and you don't know who it is they call him Guy smiley and Trump is the pride himself on going after his when his will get creamed so much he couldn't even see straight
No issuing warrants and these people in the show all of them and you can have your fun f****** each other as you say that's what you do and you get killed and you don't care
It's time to get our work done I'm actually very sick of it this act blows it's disgusting you're so gross and suicidal
The shattered room is empty everyone's fighting over the iron ore and Tommy f is still mining it it's going to be all mined out and we're going to shut it down so why is The sopranos in Fargo start and Argo it's all over cerebus cuz all the focus is going to turn on to that and it's actually a separate death star and it's not really Wonka it's a different theme and it's Michelle Obama and Barack Obama and they were trying to learn with something else and he got confused cuz he had two bars of each from the Hilton male and female it's not candy bars it might be beer perhaps what beer Chicago and out in the middle of nowhere to be most of Miller and we own both but really he drinks Michelob mic ok. That's what it was he was having a drink garyhs can't even hold his liquor.
So the beer companies are offering tickets to go to Chicago and to the other area plane tickets and stays at the hotels
Thor Freya
We're offering locations for the particular beers are sold it has the tickets and it's a lot more than one it's about a million locations I'm going to publish it shortly
0 notes
messers-moony · 3 years
Secret Boyfriend | R.B
Paring: Regulus Black X Lupin!Fem!Reader
Summary: Keeping secrets seem to run in the Lupin family but one of the two twins has a bigger secret than the other can imagine. 
Pitter-patter could be heard inside the Gryffindor Common room. The Scotland weather never really seemed to make up its mind during the period between winter and spring. Nevertheless, it brought a calming atmosphere to the red and gold common room. The five Marauders sat in front of the fireplace, speaking to one another. Remus, Y/n, and Sirius sitting together on a couch. James on an armchair, and Peter sitting on the ground in front of the sofa. 
“So, Little Lupin.“ James drawled, “When are you getting a boyfriend?” 
Remus chuckled, quickly putting an arm around his twin sister, “Hopefully, never.” 
“Maybe I already have a boyfriend, and you lot just don’t know.” Y/n snipped as she elbowed her brother in the ribs slightly, “Oh, come on, paws!” James exclaimed teasingly. 
Paws was Y/n’s Marauder name. Her animagus was a Siamese cat, which resembled her personality quite well if you asked Remus. Y/n was quick-witted, independent, intuitive, curious, and affectionate when comfortable. She and Sirius were known to flirt all the time but recently - meaning a couple of months - they hadn’t done it at all. Perhaps Y/n was actually avoiding his flirtatious remarks. Nevertheless, Y/n’s animagus was a direct correlation with her personality. 
“Yeah, paws, you’ve been neglecting me recently. I’m not too happy with it either.” Sirius added with a fake pout, “Oh hush it, you two. Leave my sister alone. She’s got no hidden boyfriend.” Remus defended, looking at his sister. 
“Right, Y/n?” Remus coughed, and she jumped out of her daydream, “Mhm! Of course.” 
Conversation went on as usual. They began discussing new pranks, but Y/n’s jumper pocket felt heavier than usual, knowing what’s inside. It was a cream-colored envelope with the Black family crest as a seal. Y/n knew more than anyone that Sirius wouldn’t be happy to see the familiar logo, but this wasn’t from his parents. It was from his little brother, and Y/n was anxious to give it to him. So when James, Remus, and Peter went upstairs, Y/n pulled him aside before he could leave. 
“Padfoot, wait.” Y/n called, and he turned back, “What's up, paws?” Sirius queried, turning to face her. 
She sighed and pulled the envelope from her pocket, “Please, read this. It isn’t what you think it is despite the seal.��� Y/n stated, handing him the parchment. 
“Where did you get this?” Sirius asked as he opened the packaging, “Regulus.” Y/n’s answer was firmer than expected. 
Nonetheless, the letter inside seemed essential to his fellow Marauder, so he opened it. Inside he was met with his little brother's prominent handwriting. The black ink treaded so seamlessly across the brown paper. Y/n remembered watching him write it at his desk, desperately trying to collect his thoughts while his hand shook relentlessly. She couldn’t do anything but sit from his bed and watch. Regulus needed to do this alone. 
After reading, Sirius slid the letter back inside its packaging, “Well, it’s his fault.” 
“Actually, it isn’t.” Y/n quipped, “Listen, Sirius, Regulus is trying. He really is.” 
“You would know this how?”
“Because we’ve been friends for a long time.” 
“Oh really?” Sirius questioned sarcastically, crossing his arms, “Since when did you and Reggie become so close?” 
“He began tutoring me in third year for Potions.” Y/n answered, “You couldn’t have asked Remus?”
“No. “ Y/n shook her head, “Slughorn wanted Regulus specifically.” 
“Well then. Full moon tomorrow, hope you’re prepared.” Sirius chirped as he began walking up the steps to his dorm, “I’m always prepared.” Y/n replied to essentially no one. 
She sighed. It was apparent Sirius didn’t want to believe what Regulus had written. It would’ve been hard on anyone. But Regulus wanted it to come from him instead of Sirius finding out. Since Y/n’s third year - Regulus’ second year - she felt attracted to him. He always made time for her. It wasn’t until their fourth year when she realized it. In her fifth year, they made it official. Regulus Black and Y/n Lupin were a couple but hidden beneath an invisibility cloak. 
Seventh year wasn’t easy. The upcoming war, her brother's lycanthropy, N.E.W.T.S, and Regulus getting the dark mark. Nothing seemed to be working in her favor. Books didn’t even seem to please her anymore. Her eyes wandered while she began to daydream about anything rather than reality itself. People began to notice how lost the girl appeared. 
Especially her brother. 
Study sessions with her weren’t the same. Some days her eyes would appear glossier than usual as if someone put a coating of lip gloss over them. Maybe they were rimmed with a pastel pink seeming tired and unhappy. The tremors in her hands were hard to ignore as she wrote with her quill. If there’s one thing Remus Lupin was good at, it was being observant; however, there wasn’t time, and he didn’t have the patience to deal with this right now. The full moon approaching meant that Remus’ patience tolerance was down to about none. 
There was one thing that brought her clarity. Regulus Black. The Gryffindor common room was always a warm and welcoming atmosphere. In contrast, the Slytherin common room was cold and damp, but it brought her comfort because of the person inside. Y/n padded quietly inside of his prefect hallway, which was beside the Slytherin common. She walked into his bedroom, which was dark. 
No candles lit. Just dark. Regulus always felt comfort in the dark, but it wasn’t dark because of that. It was dark because he was absent. Y/n peered over to his desk, where letters sat from his mother and some cousins. Andromeda seemed to try and reach him, but the letter looked unopened. There was one that caught her eye. It was Remus’ handwriting, and it was from him. It was also opened. Y/n knew she couldn’t stay all night. The full moon was due to rise in just two hours. 
Picking up the parchment, she began to read:
“ To Regulus Black, 
You need to step up. I get it. Sirius has been disowned, but he tries to make an effort. Can’t you see that? Sirius really needs you, and I know that you miss him too. This whole stubborn game of not wanting to talk to each other has gone on long enough. 
I know what it’s like to argue with a sibling, and it isn’t pleasant. Suck it up, swallow your pride and talk to Sirius. You don’t have to ultimately make up, but please, he’s trying. 
From, Remus Lupin. “
Y/n swallowed down her anger. Who was Remus to get involved in their affairs? If Sirius and Regulus didn’t want to interact, that was their problem, not his. It infuriated her. But she didn’t have time to babble around. Y/n pointed her wand at her and became a cat. Perks of her animagus being allowed at Hogwarts, she could roam around freely without suspicion. Quickly she sprinted down to the Whomping Willow, where she was met with her three Marauders in human form. Y/n transformed back. 
“Where were you! I was worried sick!” Remus scolded, “Nowhere, but we need to talk later.” Y/n answered. 
They got Remus in the shack and changed into their animagus forms. A stag, a rat, a dog, and a cat. The dog and the cat had the most interaction with the werewolf. Sometimes the dog and werewolf would cuddle up beside each other, whereas the cat would sleep on its own along with the other two animals. The following day Y/n and Sirius lugged Remus up to the hospital wing. Y/n sat beside him the entire time while the other three went off. Sirius and James were off to Quidditch practice. Peter was off to see his girlfriend in Hufflepuff. 
Y/n tapped aimlessly on Remus’ hand, “M- Morning.”
“Morning, Moony.” Y/n greeted, “How are you feeling?” 
“What did we need to talk about?” Remus questioned, and Y/n tilted her head, “You said we needed to talk before going to the shack.”
“Yes, I did. Um- uh- did you send Regulus a letter by any chance?” Y/n stammered, “I did. Why?” 
“I saw it.” Y/n replied shortly, “You saw it?” Remus repeated incredulously. 
She nodded, “How did you see it?” 
“Regulus and I are friends. Sometimes we hang out in his dorm.” The words seemed like nothing as they rolled off her tongue, “You hang out in the Slytherin dorms? Is that why you always know the password so we can do pranks?” 
“Of course.” Y/n chuckled, “I use my privilege to its advantage.”
Remus began to get up but grimaced, causing Y/n to jump up to help him. Gently she eased him to a sitting position. A new scratch on his cheek and multiple on his arms. It’s evident that the cat and the dog had to stop him. The thin scratches on his arms were a cat's nails. The thicker scratch on his cheek was a dog's nails. Remus looked down at his arms. 
“I’m sorry.” Y/n muttered, “Not your fault, paws. Who was it this time?” Remus asked. 
“Prongs. Apparently, you wanted Prongs.” Y/n answered, and he kissed the top of her head, “Thank you for stopping me.” 
“Anything for my brother.” 
“Just like anything for our Moony?”
Y/n laughed, “Yeah.”
Paws began to tap on his hand again, until a voice echoed through the hospital wing, “Y/n?” 
“Y/n?” The voice called again, and Remus quirked his eyebrow at his sheepish sister, “Y/n!” 
Suddenly a black-haired, grey-eyed, pale figure was beside her. He didn’t realize what he was doing until he had already kissed the top of her head worriedly. Y/n turned pink at the affection and the embarrassment of it happening in front of her brother. Remus coughed, and the male stood straight. 
“Regulus, what a surprise.” Remus retorted, “Didn’t think you’d ever visit me in the infirmary.”
“Remus, please-“ 
“I wouldn’t.” Regulus snapped, “Then why are you here?” Remus inquired. 
Regulus’ hand was playing aimlessly with the ends of Y/n’s hair, “Moony….” Y/n began at a whisper, “Regulus is my boyfriend.”
“This-“ Remus pointed at them both with a laughing smile, “Is funny.”
“Nice prank, paws, but it isn’t going to work.”
Y/n sighed, “It isn’t a prank, Rem.” 
“We’ve been together for about two years now.” She confessed, and Regulus stiffened, “Friends, my ass.” Remus scoffed bitterly. 
“Remus, please-“ Y/n began, “No, please just leave. We can talk about this later when I’m in the right frame of mind. Because if you don’t leave, now I might throw a punch.” Remus replied. 
She sighed and reluctantly left with Regulus trailing behind her. Y/n didn’t want to cry. It was pitiful. Regulus never had a good relationship with Sirius since Hogwarts, yet he didn’t seem to care. Thankfully, after building the Marauders Map, she knew every little crevice and hiding spot. Pulling back a tapestry, she sat down on the cement floor. Regulus doing the same beside her. Hesitantly he pulled his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his chest. 
“This is pitiful.” Y/n chuckled bitterly, “I’m sorry, Reggie.”
“It isn’t pitiful. You and Remus have a close relationship. It’s okay to be sad about him telling you off.” Regulus replied, placing his chin on the top of her head, “Sirius and I are different. Don’t compare you and Remus with us.”
Y/n nuzzled into his chest, “I saw the letter Remus sent you.”
“I- I saw the way he spoke to you, and I’m sorry.” Y/n stated, “I hope he comes around.” 
“I do too, love.” Regulus kissed the top of her head, “ I do too.”
It was quiet for a moment until two figures pulled back the tapestry, “Oi! Get off, little Lupin!” James exclaimed, and Y/n sighed, “Sirius, James, please just leave.”
“What are you doing with my mate's little sister, Regulus?” Sirius interrogated, “Comforting her. She needs me.” Regulus retorted, tightening his grip on her shoulder. 
Y/n stood up and pulled Regulus with her, “Come on. We four need to talk.” 
The four of them walked into a broom closet. It was a quiet walk. Eerily quiet. It brought shivers down Y/n’s spine at how silent the walk was. The tension was so thick you couldn’t cut it with a knife. The pressure felt like sludge. It was thick and mush. But when Y/n opened the door, the lot of them walked inside. James and Sirius stared expectantly. 
“Regulus and I have been dating since my fifth year.” Y/n began, and Regulus intertwined their hands. 
“Little Lupin!” Sirius exclaimed, “You weren’t lying when you said you had a secret boyfriend!”
“You scandalous little thing!”
“I can’t believe this.” James stated after running his hand through his hair, “How did Remus take it?”
“Not very well.” Y/n replied, “He kicked me out of the hospital wing when Regulus showed up. “
“He’s- He’s not in the right mindset, though. He’ll come to. I know he will. He has to.”
Sirius’ eyes softened, “Moony will come around. It might just take him a minute.” 
“Regulus.” James called, and grey eyes stared at him, “Y/n is a Marauder.”
“I know that.” Regulus interrupted, “She is my little sister as much as she is Remus’” James continued. 
“And mine!” Sirius added, smiling brightly, “Y/n is our little sister. The lot of us depend on her. We can’t, and we won’t have her heartbroken.” James explained sternly, suddenly looking a lot like Mrs. Potter. 
Regulus’ cheeks flushed with pink, “I love her, I really do. I don’t plan on breaking her heart anytime soon.” 
“You’re gonna be my sister-in-law!” Sirius squealed, hugging Y/n forcefully, almost knocking her over, “Oh, little Lupin.” He cooed. 
“You’re all grown up!” 
They laughed, and Sirius kissed her forehead, “Take care of him, will you?” He whispered so only she could hear, “Of course.” Y/n smiled. 
“Alright, alright, I’d like my girlfriend back,” Regulus replied, taking her away from Sirius’ arms. 
Sirius gulped, “How’s mum going to take this, Reggie?” 
“I don’t care.” Regulus retorted, “Mums gonna have to deal with it.” 
The smile on Sirius’ face was brighter than the sun, “Oh, Reggie!” He wailed, pulling Regulus into a tight hug. 
The two brothers smiled as they hugged each other. Regulus sleeve slipped up, and James stepped back, pulling out his wand. The two Black brothers pulled apart, and that’s when Sirius saw it. The dark mark on his brother's sleeve. Y/n stiffened as Sirius lifted his sleeve up further to see it clearly. 
“Sirius, please, I didn’t want it.” Regulus pleaded, “She- They- Please.”
James watched intently at them. Sirius’ eyes had filled with tears as he embraced his younger brother. For the first time in a long time, Regulus felt protected in his brother's arms. James walked closer and joined them. Hugging both Black brothers as close as he could. James Potter, the man who never stops giving. They pulled apart, and James took Reggie into his own arms. 
“You need anything, you come to me, okay?” James informed sternly, and Regulus nodded, “Ye- Yeah.”
“Remus and Y/n always come for the holidays. You won’t be alone.” James stated smiling, “My parents already have one Black; they won’t mind another.” 
The Black brother smiled, “Thank you….”
The days went on, and Regulus still avoided the Marauders altogether. Remus glared at him from the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. Deep emerald green eyes were flashing at the grey ones that sat at the Slytherin table. Until Y/n jabbed him in the ribs, taking his attention away from the younger Black brother. 
“Remus.” Y/n scolded, “Stop it.”
“I think you’re too hard on him, Moony.” James began, “He loves your sister. Maybe talk to him.” 
“No.” Remus snapped, “You guys can accept this, but I can’t.” 
They didn’t push any further. Y/n and Remus had been distant from each other. It was weird to watch the twins who were typically attached at the hip to be so - abroad. Regulus didn’t like that he was now the cause of their fussing. After all, they were the reason Sirius and him were on speaking terms now. So Regulus and Sirius made a plan. It involved them being locked in a broom closet, and so it happened—one night after dinner. 
Remus was shoved into a cupboard, not by his own liking either, “Come on, Sirius! This isn’t funny. I have prefect duties to do!”
“Actually, someone else has taken them over.” Regulus informed, and Remus whipped around, “What are you two doing here?”
“Remus, explain it to me.” Regulus began, “Why you don’t approve of me with your sister.”
“Because! You’re a bloody death eater! You probably forced her to be with you.” Remus exclaimed. 
Y/n scoffed, “A pureblood forcing himself with a half-breed? Doesn’t seem likely.” 
Remus ran his hand through his hair, “Okay, he’s still a death eater!”
“I was forced!” Regulus exclaimed, “They strapped me to a chair and embedded the mark into my forearm. You don’t think I wasn’t thinking of her the entire time?! I was scared out of my mind!”
“The entire time, all I could think about was ‘How is Y/n gonna take this.’” Regulus admitted, “My heart aches for her. I didn’t want her to be scared.”
Remus’ green eyes turned soft, “Does she accept you? Does she love you? Do you love her?”
“Yes, Remus. I love him for who he is. James offered him a place to stay at the Potters.” Y/n replied, “And yes, I love her.” 
Tears filled her eyes, “Remus, please. I don’t want to lose either of you.”
Remus held out his arms, and she walked right into them. He placed one hand on the back of her head and one on the small of her waist. Holding her close to his heart, rubbing his thumb through her hair. Regulus’ grey eyes stared at the two siblings before him. Remus’ heart softened at his crying sister. He never wanted to hurt her, ever. 
“Paws.” Remus began as he pulled away slightly, “Does he make you happy?”
Y/n sniffled and nodded; Remus wiped her cheeks, “Okay.”
“Does he know you, for you?” 
Remus turned to Regulus as Y/n parted with him, “Where’s paws favorite place to be scratched?”
Regulus chuckled, “Behind her ears.”
“Take care of my little sister.” Remus pleaded, “Please, Regulus.” 
“Of course. I wouldn’t expect any different.” Regulus answered. 
Remus walked forward and put out his hand. Hesitantly Regulus shook his hand. Grey eyes met green ones. Remus couldn’t help the smile that placed itself on his face. Without hesitation, he pulled Regulus into a tight hug.
“Take care of my sister, and I’ll take care of you.”
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amerrierworld · 3 years
Little Songbird (pt 2)
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Part 1: x
Summary: Lady Dimitrescu becomes addicted to your voice and wants to hear you… sing some more.
Characters: Alcina Dimitrescu x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,870
Warnings: The Smut Chapter~
Over the next few days, Lady Dimitrescu barely caught a glance of you. Either you were overworking yourself, or avoiding her. The thought made her bristle with annoyance, mostly aimed at herself. Had she scared you off?
Down below in the servants’ quarters, you tried your best not to pay attention to the rush of heat that went through your body every time you remembered Lady Dimitrescu’s lingering gaze on you. 
You hadn’t seen her, or frankly you had tried avoiding her. You kept to your duties, overworking yourself, distracting yourself, wondering if what you felt was unholy. Wondering if she felt the same.
“Lady Dimitrescu has asked you to clean her personal study,” the head housemaid said one day in the kitchens. You paled a little, nearly dropping the plate you were drying off.
“You’re to go there after dinner tonight.” She was absent-mindedly polishing some of the silverware at the counter, not noticing how you had reacted. “The Lady will run you through what’s needed.”
“She.. she’ll be there?” 
“Yes, of course," she replied, “she’d never let any of us in by ourselves. I would know.”
She definitely would. It was only her that would ever be allowed in Lady Dimitrescu’s study to clean. But she didn’t seem to mind it was you who was on that duty tonight... you dreaded the massive list of things you would probably have to do. Was this a punishment?
“Clean yourself up before you go.” She eyed your dirtied apron and ashy skirt. “No use if you're just going to mess up what you’ll be cleaning.”
And so, with fresh clothes and your face scrubbed clean of grease, you made your way up through the castle levels to get to the study. On the way, you heard faint buzzing down the hall. 
You turned to see dark robes disappearing around the corner, and suddenly the dimly-lit hallway was a lot more ominous and foreboding than before. Hurrying down the direction you needed to go, you tried not to drop any of your supplies as your heart-rate picked up.
Just around the corner, you kept thinking, just a little further and-
You shrieked, shock coursing through your body in a split second as Miss Daniela appeared right in your face when you turned the last corner. Her bloodied mouth split into a wide, cunning smile at your reaction, your face flushing red in embarrassment and sudden fear.
“Oh, now that was fun, wasn’t it?” she cackled, circling around you with the curiosity of a feline, far too close for comfort, “I haven't seen you up here before.”
The water in your bucket had managed to spill over the side in your jump, and you felt your stockings and shoes soaking through. You grimaced at the feeling and Miss Daniela could only giggle.
She tugged at your hair like a bratty younger sibling as she disappeared in a swarm of insects that buzzed around your head, calling after you,
“Have fun~” 
You felt the water squish in your shoes as you walked the last few steps towards the intimidating double-doors of Lady Dimitrescu’s personal study.
It wasn’t anything like the last study you had cleaned. It felt massive to you- everything must have been custom made for her. The chairs, the desk, the bookcase. You’d have to do some real climbing to clean all the nooks and crannies in here.
But it was the piano in the centre of the room that really caught your eye. It was dark- but not quite black. There was a rich, deep red sheen to it, and just like everything else in the room, it seemed to tower above you.
And her- 
Lady Dimitrescu was already in her nightly attire- a long-sleeved nightgown. It was a cream colour, as always, and you wondered if the light was a little stronger, how sheer the fabric would be..
“Ah, there you are.” Lady Dimitrescu’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you straightened up a little. “Come closer, little songbird. Into the light.”
The nickname made you blush furiously, though you did as she asked. So she hadn’t forgotten you. Was that supposed to be a relief? The squish of your shoes made you grimace, and from the way her eyes trailed down, she heard it as well.
“Did it rain on the way here?” she asked, dryly. You looked down at the carpet, clutching your supplies. You were leaving footprints behind. You’d definitely have to clean that thoroughly.
“I- I spilled some water on the way here. I.. tripped,” you said. You didn’t think ratting out her daughter would put the Lady in a good mood. 
Her expression didn’t prove to you that she believed you, but she let it be. She picked up a small sheet of paper with listed chores and handed it to you without much thought.
You expected an explosive list of unending duties, but you were quite surprised with the sparse instructions. Dust the bookshelves, sweep under the piano, scrub the floors...
This was one of the few rooms in the entire castle that looked, quite frankly, immaculate. Everything seemed to have a place already, so you really didn’t need to do much at all.
You quietly set to work without any further commentary, and didn’t catch the way Lady Dimitrescu watched you from her desk when you came into her peripheral vision. The letters from Mother Miranda didn’t register in her mind as she listened to you work, hoping for the sound of your voice. Then she heard you hum, lightly, only for you to catch yourself mid-dusting, and stop altogether.
When you got to the piano, you needed to move the bench to get under and sweep, but when you pushed against the heavy piece of furniture, it screeched against the floor, startling both of you.
“Sorry,” you squeaked, barely audible. You looked up and caught her deep yellow eyes staring at you intently, and something stirred deep inside you.
“I didn’t know you played,” you commented once you realized Lady Dimitrescu wasn’t going to say anything to break the awkward silence. In fact, she adored seeing you so flustered and shy, and didn’t want it to end.
“I don’t often,” she eventually replied. She stood up from her desk, and you nearly snapped your neck keeping your eyes on hers as she rose above you.
You hurried out of the way as she came to sit on the bench. Lady Dimitrescu lifted the fallboard and a soft, light chord rung out as she pressed down on the keys. 
“Can you match pitch?” She was testing some of the sound in various chords, simple but effective. You watched her fingers dance, only to realize you had not seen her without gloves before now. The nails were painted in a dark, deep red. Her fingers were long and pale, and the skin on the backs of her hands were marred with little silvery scars. You wondered what they tasted like.
She gestured for you to come sit next to her, and you clambered up on the bench to kneel on the cushion. Lady Dimitrescu played a little more as you hummed along with the chords. 
“Sing a song for me, pet,” she said, without glancing towards you. Her hands stilled to give you a moment to think, but your brain was only short-circuiting. It was like all of a sudden, every known song had disappeared from your memory.
Then a finger tapped your chin and lifted your head up to gaze into her eyes, and you sighed in contentment at the physical touch. 
Her eyebrow quirked a little, as if barely registering the sound you made. 
“No? No ideas?” she asked. Her perfume was that much denser when close to you, and it overwhelmed you. You could only weakly shake your head, nerves churning in your stomach.
“Well, we can’t have that,” she hummed. “I still want to hear you, little one.”
“I’m sorry...” you began, but she tutted. She’d make you sing in a.. different way. She wasn’t going to let you go after all those agonizing days without getting to hear you properly.
The hand that was holding your chin dropped down to your thigh. Your eyes were still adoringly glued to her face as she dropped the fallboard back over the keys. It nearly made her blush.
The world surged around you as you were suddenly lifted up from your seat. You were put on top of the piano, facing Lady Dimitrescu, and she nudged your legs apart so she could lean forward a little more. Your eyes were level with hers now, and you caught a flash of her white teeth as she smiled, lovingly, but devilishly. 
“Do you think you can sing well?” she asked, one hand wrapping around the entirety of one of your ankles. You immediately shook your head. The dampness of your feet and legs caught her attention, and she tutted again.
“Off,” she ordered, leaning away, before wiping her hand on her dress. You hurriedly did as she asked, tugging down your still-wet stockings, ripping a little bit of the fabric, but you couldn’t mind with the way Lady Dimitrescu was eyeing you.
“Good girl.”
You clamped your thighs together, and she definitely didn’t miss that. Her hand went back to wrap around your ankle, now fabric-free. The other reached out to cup the side of your jaw, trailing down and wrapping around your neck, squeezing lightly for less than a second. Then it lowered even more and undid the top button of your dress.
“Still want to stay and sing for me, little songbird?” she asked, her hand lingering, but not moving from its spot. “Your tasks are long done.”
That was not true, you hadn’t even swept yet. But you slowly began to realize maybe the chores had nothing to do with you coming up here tonight.
The question burned deep inside you, and Lady Dimitrescu looked like she wasn’t going to move until you gave your consent. Though you loved the tension that was building, you began to feel restless.
“Yes, please.” You inched your legs a little wider, and her smile grew. 
“Such a pleasant sound, your voice,” she said, as her hand from your ankle trailed up your leg. “I was enraptured many weeks ago, when I heard you for the first time.”
“You.. you’ve heard me before?” you gasped a little, because her cool fingers pressed against the sensitive inside of your thighs. You thought you were always alone when you sang during work.
“Oh yes,” she grinned, “now sing for me, little pet. Make all the noise you want.”
Her mouth was on yours in an instant, filling your lungs with perfume and warm breath. The buttons on your dress came apart as her hands pulled at them one by one. Your skirt was pushed up, and then she pressed down on your torso to get you to lie on your back. The piano was smooth and cold beneath, and there was a brief moment you regretted that it was definitely going to be dirtied by what was to come. But then Lady Dimitrescu’s mouth latched onto your neck and all thoughts evaporated from your brain. 
There was a pinch as she nipped at the soft skin between neck and shoulder, making your back arch and your body lift off the piano.
“Hmm.. delightful,” she growled. Her large hands slid up your dress and your entire lower half was exposed.
“Oh, I can smell you,” she sighed. She pulled back only a moment to tug the dress off your whole body. Your fingers scrabbled against the piano’s slick surface as you felt your nipples harden at her touch.
She sat back on the bench and scooted forward, leaning down to inhale your alluring smell as you lay there, gasping for air. 
“Now.” She pulled your legs apart, eyes zoning in on your cunt. “I want to hear you sing.”
Her mouth pressed against your folds and a warm, wet tongue slipped up to catch your clit. A squeal escaped you and she kissed it a little more in reward.
“That’s it. More.”
Her fingers dug into your thighs before she began sucking and licking almost aggressively. Your body was trembling with every swipe of her tongue, every delicate nibble on your folds.
Your gasps rose in volume, your voice breaking in small squeaks and whimpers. Though she adored it when you carried a tune, this was much more satisfying. 
Her tongue pressed inside without any hesitation. You felt it curl and push inside you, catching your wetness and scent. A low growl in the back of her throat made you cry out, and her grip tightened even more.
It wasn’t going to take long, you realized. The despair in her relentless tongue, her piercing eyes watching your body rise and drip with sweat made the coil tighten with every passing moment. 
Her pupils were blown, and every time you let out another sound, she pressed on a little harder, a little faster.
“Oh!” Her tongue had slipped out and were replaced by two thick fingers. Your cry of delight earned you her warm lips wrapping around your clit, and you couldn’t help but grab at her head of thick, smooth hair. 
The curls slipped delightfully through your fingers and you were watching the ceiling, trying to make out the shapes in the darkness, until she pulled away and said,
“Eyes on me, dear. Nowhere else.”
You had to hoist yourself up with one hand to watch her, and she got back to work immediately. Eyes locked, one hand in her hair, and hers wrapped around you so tightly you couldn’t move away. 
“Fuck..” you hissed out as her fingers curled. Her eyes flashed; she seemed to like it, so you kept going.
“Please..” you begged, hips trying to buck in her hold, “oh, please please.. it feels..s-so good.”
Your thighs had been completely smeared by her lipstick, or those were bruises forming from her grip. Either way, the marks made your head spin with arousal. 
“Please don’t stop... Please, don’t ever stop.” You were gasping, trying hard to focus on your words, but then her mouth sucked hard on your clit, and you were lost in meaningless sounds and little cries of pleasure as you came.
She didn’t stop, revelling in your gasps and broken whimpers, music to her ears. When your body began pulling away and you felt a tingling sensitivity every time she tried to touch your clit again, that was when she knew to let you go. 
Lady Dimitrescu sat back a moment, basking in the sight of you, wet and spent, spread out over her piano and with cum dripping down your thighs. She lifted her hand and wiped her mouth with the back of it to catch any further stray lipstick, but she didn’t quite catch all of it. 
When you could finally breathe normally, you sat up slowly and trembled again under her piercing gaze. 
Your small hands reached out to cup her cheeks, startling her. She thought you’d dash off with your bucket and leave immediately. You inched closer and used your thumbs to wipe the last bits of lipstick, and then kissed her. Soft, sweet, just like your singing. 
You peppered her lips and chin with kisses for a few minutes. She allowed all of it, held you close as you breathed her in. You shifted, feeling your body unstick from the piano with an unsavoury sound and you pulled a face, making her laugh. It made you giddy inside.
You stayed like that for a long while, and you relished in how warm and soft she was. 
“Perhaps you can sing again for me sometime,” she suggested, “an actual song.”
You buried your head into the crook of her neck, making a whiny noise in the back of your throat. She said she liked your singing, yes, but it still intimidated you. Whether it was nerves, or the fact it was her that was listening.. but you did want to please her. Always.
“You realize you sing beautifully, little one?” she eventually asked. “Even when I’m not inside you?”
You let out a burst of giggles and she lovingly kissed your shoulder. The glee of her enjoying your voice and the aftermath of your orgasm soared like butterflies inside you.
“You best get back to your duties,” she hummed, though her hand curved around your waist and held you close, like she wasn’t going to let you go. “The shelves in this castle aren’t going to dust themselves.”
You laughed again, feeling adoration swell up inside you as you ran your fingers through her loosened locks of hair. 
“...can I come back tomorrow night?” you asked feebly.
She chuckled, low and sultry, and tipped your head up to look at her, “you can come whenever you want.”
Your face went beet-red in a matter of second and she grinned widely.
“But tomorrow night.. come to my chambers. And don’t bother with your supplies. Won’t want you getting wet again... at least not like that.”
A/N: thank you all for the love on part 1 ☺️ I hope this meets your expectations <3
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noteguk · 3 years
any way you want it | kth | m
— summary; in which your best friend, Taehyung, finds out about your unsatisfying sexual experiences and decides to put an end to that track record himself. 
— contents and warnings; smut, childhood best friends, Taehyung x reader, bigdick!tae, breast play, oral (f receiving), dry grinding, dirty talk, tae has a praise kink, unprotected sex (be responsible!!), rough sex, creampie, multiple orgasms, Taehyung takes things personally but he has good intentions, this is what happens when mutual thirst gets suppressed for years of friendship 
— words; 6.6k
— author’s note; i have no idea why but this fic was so fucking hard to put down into words??? I felt mentally constipated the entire time but it’s finally here 
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Taehyung wasn’t the slightest bit surprised when you called him at almost two in the morning, complaining about your newest nightmarish date and practically begging to come over. Like the good friend that he was, he made sure to tell you that you would be more than welcome to join him in his newest documentary marathon about aliens, and wondered if you could bring him some takeout on your way over there. Like the bad friend that you were, you said no. 
To be fair, the nearest takeout place was across the city from his apartment (about thirty minutes away and in a bad neighborhood), and you were already having a horrible night as it was. Besides, you refused to take part in Taehyung’s search for a high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, arguing that it wasn’t the right time to stuff his face full of hypercaloric noodles. 
But you did pity him enough to comply with his second request: a big pot of vanilla ice cream, which you were sure you’d end up consuming too. You were in a crisis.
As if to prove that the gods above were laughing at you, during the walk of shame to Taehyung’s apartment, it had started to rain (because of course it did), and your umbrella was only able to save you from the shoulders up before it crumbled and flew away from your gasp, rolling on the asphalt like a ball of dirt in a Wild West movie. By the time that you dragged yourself to his front door, you were completely soaked (and not in the way you had planned for that night to end), and about to break down crying. 
Taehyung, like the angel that he was, helped you with your heavy coat and talked you into taking a warm shower before you got sick. He took the supermarket bag from you (where the ice cream had probably already melted) and walked you to this bathroom, excusing himself so he could grab you some dry clothes — and you only saw the ones he had picked when you got out of the shower. 
With a silly smile dancing on your lips, you fumbled with the black booty shorts that Taehyung had jokingly gifted you that past Christmas — one that read “daddy’s juicy butt” in big, bold, neon pink letters over your ass — and then decided that your dignity was already dead by that point, so another kick wouldn’t hurt. Taehyung had also given you one of his favorite band shirts, which he only revealed during desperate times. 
Your heart melted with the thought of your best friend trying to comfort you, and pulled the fabric close to your face so you could take a deep inhale, drowning in his scent. It smelled of that stupid cologne that Taehyung had used ever since he hit puberty, and a bit of fabric softener. 
The two of you had an extremely close friendship, to the point that it got kind of strange at times. Ever since childhood, it was joked that you and Taehyung had been long lost soulmates — doing everything together, from going to school to laughing at the same exact jokes during movie marathons, often at the same moment and for the same amount of time. Before puberty hit (and the hormonal rage took over your first teenage years) you couldn’t remember disagreeing with him even once. You two had always been in sync. 
But the uncomfortably close part only hit after you two went to college, and your anxiety for being a virgin in a sea of starving sharks got the best of you. After long conversations, you had managed to convince Taehyung to help you learn a thing or two about the art of naked wrestling. 
Apparently it was weird to give your best friend a handjob and a blowjob for the sake of education. Go figure. 
Regardless, your friendship wasn’t affected by any of that — even if you two had agreed to never mention any of it ever again — and you could always count on Taehyung to catch you when you fell. 
Even if it was at two am on a Tuesday, after one of your nightmarish dates. 
You threw yourself on the couch next to him, hugging your knees against your chest to form a barrier between you and the divine providence that had taken you to that point. You had half-assedly dried your hair, but pools of wetness had started to build on the back of Taehyung’s shirt. 
Instead of accusing you of ruining his favorite piece of clothing, Taehyung reached for the remote and paused his documentary just as the narrator was starting to explain how hieroglyphs were actually part of an alien language. “Just tell me how bad it was,” he said, a mustache of ice cream melting over his top lip.
You took a peek at the bowl of melting vanilla on his center table, and decided that you would probably pass the desert for the night. 
You glanced at him sideways, voice coming out monotone. “You sure you want to go down that path?” 
Taehyung licked his sweet mustache off and nodded, clearly intrigued. “Yeah, hit me with it. You look like you need all the help that you can find.” 
You sighed, turning around on the couch so you were facing him — legs still against your chest. “Okay so… I went to his place...” 
“And... we had dinner, talked for a bit.”
“How was the talk?” He asked. 
You shook your head, trying to kill the memories inside. “He didn’t let me say a word. He just went on and on about this new website he’s working on, and how expensive his wine glasses were.” You scoffed, angry at yourself for ignoring the clear red flags of an arrogant douchebag. That was what the desperate need for immediate human connection could do to someone, you thought. “Apparently it’s supposed to be the next Facebook or something. Or twitter. I honestly wasn’t paying much attention.”
He chuckled. “Starting off strong.” 
“That wasn’t even the main issue,” you said, lowering your forehead so it was touching your knees. You just wanted the world to end at that moment, so you wouldn’t have to go through those experiences again. “After that, we sat on his couch and started watching a movie. And you know how that goes, we started kissing, he pushed me down and got on top of me…”
“And?” He instigated. 
With a sigh, you raised your head, meeting your friend’s gaze. Taehyung thought he had never seen you look so dead inside. And he had seen a lot from you. “And he humped like… my lower abdomen for about three minutes and came in his pants.”
Taehyung cringed visibly, taking one hand to cover his mouth. “Oh, man. That’s bad.” 
You nodded, strangely relieved at his reaction. Part of you was worried that you were the evil witch in that scenario, that maybe you had done something wrong. “The worst,” you agreed. “Wanna know what else?”
“What? There’s more?”
“He didn’t even ask me if I was satisfied with whatever the hell that was.” You told him, bitterness dripping from your tongue. In the grand scheme of things, that was something silly to get mad over, but the fact that your date didn’t even have the guts to ask if you had gotten something out of that was ridiculous. “Not that I could possibly be. But it’s like he didn’t care and I was just a pillow for him to hump like a… sexually repressed religious teen, I don’t know.”
Taehyung only nodded, realizing that there wasn’t much that he could say to fix the situation. “Was he a good kisser at least?”
You sneered. “I think he was trying to crush my face with his.” You glanced at your friend, only half of his face bathed by the yellow and orange shades coming from the television. Maybe a documentary about ancient history and alien expeditions wouldn’t be so bad. Worst case scenario, it would knock you out, and you wouldn’t have to think about that mess anytime soon. “Also, too much tongue, just… the amount of saliva…”
“Got it. You can stop there.” Taehyung raised one hand, his eyes closing for a second. His palm lowered and met one of your knees, standing there in a silent attempt at consolation. “I’m sorry about your terrible date experience, dude.” 
“If you could even call it that.” You ran one hand through your hair, suddenly overtaken by a wave of anger. “God! I was just… so… ugh! Like… ughhhh!!” 
Taehyung, bless his heart, sometimes couldn’t understand the random neanderthal sounds you threw his way. “So... what?”
At last, your makeshift protection came crumbling down, and you collapsed on the couch dramatically, legs dangling off the edge. Taehyung thought that you were being possessed for exactly two seconds before you started talking again. “I did a full body shave for this night, Taehyung. Do you realize what that means?” His lips fell open, but, before he had the chance to answer, you continued. “It means that I really wanted to get railed tonight. Actually, I wanted to find a guy who actually knew what he was doing for once in my life.”
Taehyung chuckled, trying to disperse the tension in the room. “Come on, the dating pool can’t be that bad.”
“Oh, it’s bad,” you said. 
He wasn’t giving up that fast. “How bad?”
You raised your head to look him dead in the eyes, a silent threat, before finally uttering, “Try no-man-has-ever-made-me-cum bad,” and crashing your head back against the sofa. 
If you weren’t so hyper-focused on your own sexual melodrama, you would have noticed the thick silence that fell between the two of you, Taehyung’s face contorting into fifty different emotions within a few seconds. He thought that he had heard it all — from the secrets hidden in Machu Picchu to the obvious extraterrestrial influence on earthy religion — but no amount of bad documentaries could ever prepare him for that revelation. That didn’t make any sense. 
“Wait. Seriously?” He finally found his voice and managed to push his doubt out of his throat. “You’ve never had an orgasm before?”
You chuckled, humorless. “Oh no, I’ve had plenty of those. Just not from another person.” 
“How’s that possible?” he asked. 
“I ask myself that every single day.” You sighed, forcing yourself to sit back up. Taehyung was staring at you like you had just grown two extra arms, and you wondered what an amazing sex life he must’ve had for that confession to get him so confused. “Guess I’m just really bad at picking partners, who knows.”
There was a soft grunt on your throat as you fixed your position on the couch, suddenly feeling the exhaustion of your entire day piling up at once. Your gaze mindlessly traveled to the TV — a big plasma monstrosity that Taehyung had bought compulsively during a Black Friday sale — looking at a white-bearded man pointing maniacally towards a specific, round-shaped hieroglyph. You didn’t even need to hit play to know that he was making it seem like it was an UFO, but curiosity got the best of you. 
“Can you pass me the remote?” You asked, pointing at the small device that laid beyond Taehyung’s body. “I kinda wanna see what—”
“I’ve made tons of girls have orgasms,” Taehyung interrupted, looking at you like he had just clicked out of a transe.  
You laughed at his monotone voice. “I’m happy for you, Tae.” You leaned over his legs so you could finally reach the remote. “That wasn’t a jab at your masculinity, I’m sure you’re a very caring partner, and I’m sure there’s tons of guys out there that—”
“I can make you cum too, if you want.”
You had just grabbed the small piece of plastic when his sentence hit you like a smack in the face, making you drop the remote back on the couch, eyes widening. “You… what?”
He suddenly broke eye contact, taking one hand to massage the back of his neck. “Did that sound as creepy as I think it did?”
“A bit, yeah.” You forced out a light chuckle, trying to break the ice. There was no sign of mockery in his voice, and you didn’t know how to react. You could not say that the offer wasn’t tempting (you’d be lying if you claimed that you didn’t think Taehyung was attractive), but his proposal was so oddly-placed that it sounded like a joke. “What are you talking about?”
Taehyung sighed, turning his head to look at the television. “I just think it’s really unfair that no one has ever made you cum before.” 
You smiled. “That’s very nice of you, but…”
“And I want to help you with that.” He looked back at you. Oh, he was being a hundred percent serious. There was no longer a single ounce of doubt in your mind. “We’re friends, it’s not gonna be weird. We’ve done similar stuff before.”
“We were a lot younger, though.” You didn’t know why your mouth suddenly felt so dry, your fight or flight response kicking at full strength. You could tell that Taehyung was also trying to convince himself about the strangeness of the situation. “It’s gonna be kind of weird, yeah.”
“Not if we don’t make it weird,” he threw back. Was it bad that you were actually considering it? Maybe it was the piled-up exhaustion combined with the years of sexual frustration, maybe you were finally out of your mind. But you were really considering it. “I don’t wanna pressure you, alright? Just making a friendly offer. If you don’t want it, that’s fine.” 
You kind of wanted it, though. There was too much accumulated libido inside you from years and years of unsatisfying partners, and you trusted Taehyung with your entire heart. It sounded like a safe enough bet: if all went to shit and it got too awkward, you two could just stop, no hard feelings. Besides, you knew that Taehyung cared about you, which was more than you could say about all your dates in the past couple years. 
And the more you stared at him, probably looking like a deer in the headlights, the more you grew soft under his presence. At once, you were hit with desires that you had never considered before: you wanted to kiss those soft lips, wanted to know how his large hands would feel around you. You really, really wanted to know how it was to have a good sexual experience with someone, and you couldn’t think of a better candidate than your best friend. Even if you still thought it could be seen as a little bit weird. 
But you also kind of didn’t care. 
You licked your lips, finally finding your voice after a long moment of silence. “How… how would you do it?” 
Taehyung turned his head and looked at you, noticing the expectation in your eyes. “How would you want me to do it?” He asked. 
You tried to think, but your mind was completely blank. What did you want him to do? What did you like? Suddenly you weren’t sure about anything anymore. “I don’t know,” you admitted, glancing down. 
Taehyung smiled at your nervousness, one of his hands moving to your chin and tilting your head up. “How ‘bout I start by kissing you?” He questioned, gaze flickering to your parted lips. “Is that alright?” 
There were no words in your throat, so you simply nodded, closing your eyes as he leaned in. 
Taehyung’s mouth tasted of vanilla and you thought, even for a moment, that you were in paradise. The second that his tender lips met yours, your anxiety melted away, giving space to a newfound flame of desire. Taehyung kissed you softly, sensually, taking his time caressing your mouth and drowning in your heat. His hand moved to the back of your head, pressing you closer to him and leaning your head to the side so he could deepen the kiss. 
He sighed heavily into your mouth when your tongues met, his other hand moving to hold your waist. The position on the couch was kind of awkward for kissing, with the two of you sitting side by side, so it wasn’t an unwelcome surprise when Taehyung tugged you onto his lap, making you straddle him. 
The kiss was starting to get hungrier, messier, a small whimper dying in your mouth when his palms traveled down to cup your ass, pressing you down against his semi-hard cock. Taehyung sighed and groaned at the feeling of you on top of him, loving the way that your fingers played with his hair, your body so perfectly tight against his. If there was any hesitation before, it had completely vanished by that point. 
It caught you off guard when he suddenly broke off the kiss to ask you, “Do you like any pet names?”
You blinked, taken aback. “Hm? What?”
He placed a strand of your hair behind your ear. “You know, you want me to call you by something?”  
You realized that Taehyung was really taking that personal service to a different level, and you couldn’t say that you were let down by it. If any of your past partners had the dignity to ask what you liked, you wouldn’t be in that position in the first place. “I… like being called ‘baby’,” you told him. 
Taehyung smiled. “That’s cute. Baby it is.” 
Before you had a chance to respond, Taehyung’s lips were back on yours, a dreamy sigh leaving his mouth as your tongues met once again. Only a few seconds passed before he shifted his weight to lay you down, never breaking the kiss as he positioned himself between your legs, hovering over you. Taehyung started trailing a path of kisses down your neck, his large hands slithering beneath your oversized shirt and caressing the skin of your stomach. 
“Can I take this off?” He asked, tugging at your shirt. 
You agreed and, within a heartbeat, that piece of clothing was already on the floor, and Taehyung was diving in to kiss the valley of your naked breasts. You moaned timidly when one of your nipples was wrapped by his lips, his tongue coming out to play with it. Taehyung’s other hand was occupied fondling your other breast, tugging and pressing down on it, and the sensations were taking over your mind. 
“You have great tits,” Taehyung mumbled against your skin, switching to mouth your other nipple. 
“I’m glad you like them,” you teased, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. You were letting out these cute little whimpers that were making him lose his mind. “Feels really good.” 
“Yeah?” He asked, moving back to kiss his way up your neck. His tongue was hot and heavy as it danced on your skin, and you knew that those sucks he was giving you were surely gonna leave a few marks on your flesh. But you didn’t really care. “Gonna make you feel even better, baby.” 
Your eyes fluttered shut at the pet name — it sounded heavenly when Taehyung used it with his deep, honeyed voice; his warm breath hitting your neck as he continued with his ministrations. 
He kissed his way to your cheek, placing a small pec on your lips before saying, “Can you do something for me?”
You nodded. “What is it?” 
Instead of responding right away, Taehyung’s gaze fell to your lips, and he was once again attacking them. That time, you weren’t able to hold back the whimper that you let out, your panties already glued against your core with how much he was turning you on. 
One of his hands had trailed down your exposed abdomen, teasingly playing with the hem of your shorts. You held your breath when he tugged them down, bringing your underwear with it and throwing them somewhere in the living room. Taehyung grunted loudly when his fingers slipped past your folds, digging into your heat. His brain almost short-circuited because of how wet you were. 
He broke the kiss and looked you deep in the eyes. “I want you to sit on my face, baby,” he said, and his request shot straight to your core. “Let me take care of you, okay?” 
“Are you sure?” You asked. You had never done that before.
But Taehyung wasn’t sharing your reluctance. “Yeah,” he said, voice hoarse and eyes darkened. “Wanna taste you so bad. Sit on my face, please.” 
And you didn’t need any more convincing than that. Taehyung helped you get up from the couch so he could reposition himself on it, laying flat on his back and watching as you settled yourself above him, thighs on either side of his head. The couch was the exact size for that, a little smaller and you’d have one leg dangling off the edge.
Taehyung took his hands to your thighs, running them up to your hips. His eyes were focused on your pussy, and you never felt so exposed when he started pressing you down lightly, guiding you closer to his mouth. 
You held the back of the couch for support and did as he requested, lowering yourself until Taehyung had you flat on his tongue. Your breath trembled and caught in your throat when he licked a thick stripe from your entrance to your clit, humming around the taste before doing it again. Taehyung was an expert at erasing your worries because, with a few more licks, he had you fully losing yourself in his sinful ministrations. 
It wasn’t long until you were whining out his name, your folds lazily dragging against his tongue as you started to grind on his face. “God, Taehyung!” You called out, hand coming down to tug at his hair. Taehyung grunted in satisfaction, the vibrations of his deep voice sending shockwaves through your pussy. “That’s… that’s really nice. You’re really good at this.” 
He moaned in response, closing his eyes at your words. Taehyung was eating you out like his mouth was made for it, like he was starving for your taste and you were all that he could think about. He licked you from your entrance to your clit, playing with your sensitive spots and enjoying the tremors of pleasure that ran through your thighs, his hands locked tight around your hips. You sobbed and cried over him, making special effort to keep your legs steady as you rocked yourself on his tongue. 
It was only when he decided to suck on your clit that you realized how absurdly close you were. You clenched your teeth and whined out, yanking his hair harder. “Do that again, please,” you asked and Taehyung, like the good friend that he was, was quick to comply. Taehyung wrapped his mouth around your clit in a way that had you trembling over him, licking and sucking on your sensitive nub like his life depended on it. “Fuck, that’s so good, Tae. Feels so good…” 
He moaned again, more desperate this time, and some part of your mind understood the pattern that he was presenting you: Taehyung really, really liked your compliments. And you had no problem giving away any more of them. 
“You’re licking me so well, Tae, you’re gonna make me cum like this,” you told him,  meaning every word you said. Taehyung was a Greek god beneath you, staring up at you with those dark, focused eyes as if he dared you to cum on his tongue. “God! You’re so good for me.”
And then your praises ran thin, because your mind was gravitating somewhere else — seeking for the high that was dangerously close. It was only when Taehyung started toying with your entrance, brushing two of his fingers on it, that you came undone, crying out his name like it was a personal prayer. 
There was a smirk on your mouth as you came down, a flooding relief that overtook you. You never thought that you could come so hard in your life, especially when it depended on another person, and you were so, so happy to be wrong that you could cry. 
With shaky legs, you removed yourself from Taehyung’s face, straddling his lap and watching as his lips glistened with your arousal. His pink tongue came out to lick them, a hum on his throat as he took in your fucked-out expression. 
“You did so well, baby,” he said, placing one of his hands on your waist. “Come here.” 
Obedient, you leaned in and sighed as his mouth met yours. This time, Taehyung didn’t wait to eagerly insert his tongue inside your mouth, making you taste yourself on him. 
He pulled away leisurely, his voice hoarse. “Can you taste how sweet you are?” He asked. “I loved making you cum on my tongue, baby. You looked so pretty.” 
Taehyung breathed out, planting kisses on your neck, one hand trailing down to squeeze your ass. You whined at his tight grip and pressed yourself down on him, feeling his hard cock poking out against the fabric of his sweats. 
Taehyung groaned at the stimulation, pressing down on your asscheek again. You rolled your hips on top of him, wincing in sensitivity as his member brushed your clit. “Loved your pussy so much, baby,” he continued, sounding like he was lost in a daydream, “I can’t wait to be inside you. Bet you’d be so tight for my cock, hm?” 
“Yeah,” you managed to speak. Even if you had just reached your orgasm, you were still aching to feel something inside you. You wanted Taehyung more than you could understand. “I want you to fuck me, Tae, please.” 
He breathed out, his hands tightening around your flesh as you rolled your pussy against his cock once again. Taehyung looked like he was one heartbeat away from completely losing his self control, and hearing you beg for him to fuck you wasn’t doing him any favors. “Gonna need to lie down for me, baby,” he asked. 
With a few more shifts on the couch, Taehyung had you beneath him once again, your legs open for him as he removed his shirt and pants. It wasn’t long before his cock sprung free from its confinement, standing erect. You licked your lips at the lustful sight, pussy clenching in anticipation as you took him in — Taehyung was big. Bigger than anyone you’ve ever had, that’s for sure; long and thick and already leaking for you. 
You would’ve cried out in need if he didn’t interrupt you. “What are you looking at?” Taehyung asked, the ghost of a smile creeping up on his lips. 
Your stare oscillated toward his own. “That’s why you have such a good track record, your cock is huge.” You bit your lip, thinking about how good he would feel inside you. You didn’t know how it was possible, but you were pretty sure the last time you’ve seen his cock — back in the dark ages of your freshman year of college — it wasn’t as big as that. Or maybe you just didn’t have anything to compare it to. 
“Hey, I just used my tongue on you, don’t ignore my efforts,” Taehyung teased, wrapping one of his hands around his member so he could pump himself a few times. The playful atmosphere swiftly shifted back, and, when he spoke up again, his voice was deeper. “You think you can take it?” 
“Yeah, I can,” you said. You couldn’t be sure, but you were sure going to try. 
Taehyung hummed, moving a bit closer so he could brush his tip against your pussy, coating it with your wetness. You closed your eyes in expectation, knowing that you’d love the stretch he would give you. 
“You want it?” He asked, a touch of desperation covering his words. Taehyung was nearing his breaking point, and the fluttering of your pussy on his cock was making him go insane. “Want my cock inside your tight little cunt, baby?” 
You nodded, frantic. The brushing of his thick tip on your hole was becoming too much, your walls clenching around nothing, seeking for something to fill you up. “Yes, fuck, I want it so bad.” 
“Are you tight for me, baby?” He was trying to prolong that moment for as much as he could, keep the pretty face you made when you pleaded for him to fuck you burned in the back of his head. Making you cum once was a victory he would take forever, but making you cum around his cock might as well be his life’s biggest achievement. “Ready for me to fuck you?” 
You cried out when he started pressing himself inside you, guiding his crown inside your pussy, then stopping. “Yes, Tae, just put it all in, please,” you whined, hands fumbling for support on his broad shoulders. Taehyung already had you clenching around nothing, you didn’t know what else he wanted from you. “Please, please, fuck me.” 
Taehyung chuckled, looking down at where you two met. He was only human, and his self control was short lived. “Since you asked so nicely…” 
Your back arched off the sofa as you felt the delicious drag of his large cock inside you, opening you up gradually, taking its time before filling you up to the brim. You gasped and sobbed at the overwhelming feeling, nails digging on the skin of his back as Taehyung groaned besides your ear. 
“Fuck, that’s so good.” He let out a shaky breath, and you swore you never heard his voice get so husky before. “I just slipped right in. You’re so fucking wet.” 
Your mind was an apocalypse of confused thoughts and forgotten exclamations, eyes fluttering shut as you dove into the sensation of Taehyung inside you — his hips angling backwards, tilting up just enough so he could move himself away from you core, only to come slamming back inside. The stretch of his cock was amazing, it was making you drunk, and all that you could think about was how much pleasure it was giving you. 
“So-So big—“ you muttered, half aware that the words actually left your lips. 
“How do you like it, uh?” Taehyung asked, his voice dripping sin and hunger. You could tell that he, too, was getting carried away by the feeling, his hips rutting themselves against you at a lazy pace. “Gonna give it to you any way you want it, baby.” 
You bit your lip, a small moan leaving your mouth when Taehyung leaned closer to you, distributing hot kisses on your neck. You swore you’d be happy if you died then. “I like it rough,” you answered. 
He groaned, apparently satisfied with your response. “Whatever you want.” 
Taehyung got to his knees on the couch, deciding to put one foot on the ground for support, his hands raising your hips to help him reach even deeper inside you. Faster than your brain could compute, the shallow, lazy pace he had sat was being replaced with a harsh, fast pumping that made you cry out his name, eyes closing in sheer bliss. 
“Tae! Yes, yes, just like that,” you sobbed, running one hand through your hair. You felt like your body was floating, every cell of your body overheating with the amazing pleasure that Taehyung was giving you. You never had someone fucking you so hard, his cock pistoning inside you, your body bobbing up and down on the couch. 
Taehyung’s eyes were glued to the bouncing of your breasts as he continued to fuck you, a deep groan leaving his chest. “That’s it, take it,” he moaned out, quickening his pace even more. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, mouth opening in a silent scream.  “Gonna make you cum so hard around my cock, baby. Gonna fuck you until you cry. Want that?” 
“Yes, yes, please,” you moaned. “Feels so good, Tae.” 
“You like my cock, baby? Like it filling you up?” He asked and you could only nod pathetically, your entire body too fucked out to even respond. “F-fuck, your pussy is so good. Tell me that you love my cock.” 
“I love your cock,” you whined, feeling like a complete hot mess under his thrusts. “I — fuck! — I love your cock so much, Tae, it’s so big.” 
Your words motivated him to fuck you even harder, his member hitting even deeper inside you. Taehyung was getting lost in the stretch of your pussy around him, the glorious sounds you were making, the lust that coated your face every time you called out his name. 
“Shit, I don’t know how anyone could look at you like this and not want to see that pretty face cum.” He was breathing out hard, grunting every time your cunt tightened around him. Taehyung wanted to see you like that forever, taking his cock like a good girl, creaming all over him and begging to do it again. You were wrapping around him so perfectly, taking all of him so well, that he didn’t think he’d manage to move on from that anytime soon. “So fucking hot.”
Taehyung chased after your high like a starving man looking for food, experimentally changing the angle and force of his thrusts to see what would get the best reaction out of you. At last, after a pathetically loud cry from your part after he raised your legs up, it seemed as if he had found it. “I bet you’d be so tight cumming around my cock, baby,” he was thinking out loud at that point, trying to make sense of the pretty sounds and expressions you were giving him so eagerly. He wanted nothing more than to see you cum — it was personal at that point. “I wanna feel you cum around me, baby. Wanna feel it so bad.” 
“I’m c-close.” Your nails dug into his shoulders, eyes closing tightly. There was a light heat in your cheeks and sweat on your forehead that was making Taehyung wonder if you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. “You’re so good, T-Tae, you’re fucking me so well…” 
Taehyung thought that he could cum right then and there, pushed over the edge with those sweet words alone. He loved being good to you, loved making you feel things that no one else managed to before. He was intoxicated by that sense of superiority, drowning in your praise. He wished that he could fuck you forever. 
“Cream my cock, baby, come on,” he pushed you on, his words hanging somewhere between an order and a breathless plea. You were getting so tight around him that it was making him crazy, your wetness coating his cock and dripping down between your legs like his own personal brand of aphrodisiac. “You can do it, come on. I wanna see you cum so bad.” 
You smiled at him, a cute, fucked-out smirk that made Taehyung go to heaven and back. “So good for me, Tae, you’re so big,” you said, your voice so needy and high-pitched. Your orgasm was looming over you, pressing down on your lower body and making you see stars. It was only a matter of time before Taehyung got you crying out his name, back arching off the couch and mouth falling open in delirium. “Tae! Fuck! Don’t stop, please, I’m gonna—“ 
But your warning came a second too late, because you were already spasming around his length, body shaking as Taehyung thrusted hard inside you. Just as expected, you were absolutely fucking gorgeous when you came — all quivering lips and rolling eyes —, and Taehyung was beyond satisfied to know that he was the only one who saw that pretty face of yours. 
“That’s it, baby, fuck.” Taehyung was starting to feel his own high approaching, called by the delicious tightening and releasing of your pussy around him. His thrusts were messy and harsh; his sweaty hair falling over his eyes like a cascade. “Can I cum inside you, baby? Can I fuck you full of my cum?”
You noticed the desperation in his tone and, with the throbbing of his member inside you, you knew that he wasn’t far. “Yes, please,” you said. “You were so good for me, Tae, you can cum wherever you want.” 
And it was that final taste of praise that pushed Taehyung over his limit; waves upon waves of cum filling you up as he rode out his high. “God— fuck!” He cried out, drunk on the feeling of your walls milking the last drops of cum out of his cock. A few lazy pumps later, and he was collapsing on top of you with a mumbled, “F-Fuck.” 
There was an instant of silence after his orgasm, the quietude only filled by Taehyung’s heavy breathing. You took one hand to his head, caressing the strands as a smile blossomed on your lips. “Well, I believe you now,” you said playfully. “I’m sure you made a bunch of girls orgasm.” 
Taehyung chuckled, breathless. “Thank you, I try,” he said, looking up at you. The darkness in his gaze was gone, and it was just your best friend staring back at you. “You alright?”
“I’m great,” you admitted. You never felt so good in your life. “You?”
“Fantastic, thanks for asking.” He leaned back so he could sit up, running one hand through his disheveled hair before saying, “I’m gonna grab you a towel, hang on.” 
Taehyung left you for a couple minutes before coming back to clean you up, tenderly wiping away the mess you two had created. After he was done, he discarded the towel on the floor and crawled back to rest on your chest once again. 
There was a comforting quietude that floated in the atmosphere, only filled by the muffled buzzing of his freezer and the vague sound of raindrops drumming on the window. You didn’t really know how to deal with that entire situation, didn’t know how things would stay between the two of you. But, at that point, you made the decision to keep those worries for the following morning and, instead, just enjoy his warmth radiating all around you. 
The glorious silence, at last, was broken when Taehyung started mumbling against your breasts.  “Hey, ___?” He called. 
“How many dates have you been on?”
You hummed, thinking for a moment. “Ever?”
Taehyung made a clicking sound with his tongue. “I don’t know, like, this past year.”
“Uh… like… five or six? I think?” You answered, looking down to meet his gaze. You knew that wicked expression very well. “Why?”
He smiled. “Because we have a lot of shitty dates to make up for.”
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