#&&. ❛ VERSE ❪ these are hard times for dreamers &&. love lost believers . ❫
punkbarbarian · 1 year
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second chances, gregory alan isakov / @punkbarbarian & @creacherkeeper / night walk, franz wright / @creacherkeeper / cowboy like me, taylor swift / @punkbarbarian / you are jeff, richard siken / the undone cowboy writes to his sweetheart, silas denver melvin / @punkbarbarian / wolf like me, tv on the radio
the mercenery and the criminal
[image id: 10 screenshots of text on varying color backgrounds.
1: "i could share it with you, if you gave me the time / i'm all bloody knuckles, longing for a home / if it weren't for second chances we'd all be alone"
2: two discord messages. the first reads "“i’m glad you’re here.” will speaks into scruggs’ shoulder. he is not letting go anytime soon." the second, from luka (he/they), reads "scruggs wraps his arms around will's back. "me too." he pauses for a while. "it was long time ago. but is why you can't say that name outside house. when i … got out … was big news. safe here in lost, but … good to be careful."
3: "walking home, for a moment / you almost believe you could start again. / and an intense love rushes to your heart, / and hope. it's unendurable, unendurable."
4: "He could come off intimidating, whether he wanted to or not. But the right people would know him for who he really was beneath."
5: "[verse 3] now you hang from my lips / like the gardens of babylon / with your boots beneath my bed / forever is the sweetest con"
6: "It would’ve been easy for this to be a one-off, emotionless physical relationship. That’s what Will had expected. It’s what he had become accustomed to in the past decade. But there was something about Ivan that drew him in. Inextricably, there seemed to be something about him that drew Ivan in, too."
7: "choke down the feeling, and you're trembling, but he reaches over and he touches you, like a prayer for which no words exist, and you feel your heart taking root in your body, like you've discovered something you don't even have a name for."
8: "i'll skin you an apple / tight between the knife & my thumb, / if you let me feed you every slice. / that's the only paradise i can offer you. / (i'm sorry-it's what i have-it's what it is)"
9: "scruggs putting the past in the past vs will still holding onto it so hard even tho its been so long."
10: "[bridge] dream me, oh dreamer, down to the floor / open my hands and let them weave onto yours / feel me, completer, down to my core / open my heart and let it bleed onto yours / feeding on fever, down on all fours / show you what all the howling is for" /end id.]
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seizasa-a · 6 years
These are Hard Times for Dreamers &&. Love Lost Believers (   ALL MUSES // HARRY POTTER AU   )
Below the read more is a summary of each muse’s role in this AU. Ages and occupations may change according to the plot of any threads written in this verse.
House: Slytherin Year/Age: Fifth/15-16 (Prefect) Familiar: White fennec fox Wand: Maple wood, unicorn hair core, 10 ¾", hard flexibility Patronus: Rat
Although they are commonly regarded as vermin or pests, rats have impressive traits that signify them as worthy opponents, including sociability, resourcefulness, and ambition. Despite their timidness, rats are known to be stubborn and full of devious ways. Thus, they should be treated with caution.
One of the few to break the mould Slytherin has crafted for itself throughout its history as a house of evildoers and ne’er-do-wells, Tobirama is a pillar of blind justice, though his drive and ambition leave little room to question his rightful Hogwarts house. He aspires to become an inventor of spells, determined to learn everything there is to learn about magic and how it works. Above even that, though, he longs to make a name for himself that stands alone from “Hashirama’s little brother”. He respects and, to a degree, admires his brother’s achievements in the wizarding world, but he’s never been one to settle for walking in the footsteps of someone else.
House: Ravenclaw Year/Age: Sixth/16-17 Familiar: Gyrfalcon Wand: Ebony wood, thestral tail hair core, 12", unbending flexibility Patronus: White stallion
Those with the white stallion patronus possess a strong sense of self. It is difficult to convince them to turn away from personal beliefs or change who they are. Strength and durability in character make the white stallion especially formidable compared to the conjurers of other horse type patronus. However, those who wield the white stallion can often be provocative and rub people up the way.
Madara is but a young wizard trying to find his path in life. He detests the supremacist ideology held by nearly all “purebloods”, largely because the Uchiha are a branch family of the Otsutsuki and are still treated as lesser to this day. Their distant Senju cousins don’t receive the same treatment due to their famous contributions to all of wizardkind in the form of both magical and legislative inventions and advancements. Both the Senju and Uchiha became branch families when their ancestors “tainted” the bloodline with muggle blood. Madara has resented the Otsutsuki for as long as he can remember and he dreams of one day absolving the Uchiha name by abolishing the widespread elitist pureblood propaganda that has plagued the wizarding world for centuries.
House: Ravenclaw Age: 40 Familiar: Siamese Cat Wand: Ebony wood, dragon heartstring core, 11 ¼", rigid flexibility Patronus: Hyena
Often given a bad reputation, hyenas are cunning hunters and scavengers that know what they have to do to survive in the animal kingdom. They live and hunt in packs/clans and are very social animals. They often communicate with those in their clans by making a variety of noises, including the “laughter” they are so famous for. Hyenas are loyal, creative, and fierce.
Tetsujin was Ravenclaw’s poster boy of idle curiosity and devotion to his studies during his years at Hogwarts, so it was no surprise that he was Head Boy in his seventh year. He’d dabbled in such a wide array of magical genres that he didn’t have a clear idea of what he wanted to do until his last year of school. He’d known he wanted to work for the Ministry of Magic since the summer following his fifth year, but the specific position he wanted didn’t come to him for some time. Having achieved his latent desires, he now works as an Obliviator for the Ministry, though few know of this occupation. He doubles as Hogwarts’ professor of Ghoul Studies and only the Headmaster knows of his second job. He’s been assigned to keep an eye on the students should any issues with confidentiality arise.
House: Gryffindor Age: 54 Familiar: Natterjack toad Wand: Silver Lime wood, phoenix feather core, 13 ¾", quite bendy flexibility Patronus: Badger
The recognizable mascot of Hufflepuff House, badgers represent determination. Badgers mostly keep to themselves but are aggressive when threatened. Connected to the earth, the badger is grounded and celebrates individuality. This creature’s stubbornness and instinct to protect make it a formidable enemy for Dementors!
In the glory of his youth, Jiraiya was fondly known as “the Bastard of Hufflepuff”, a title that began in mockery but became a moniker of great pride for its owner. It had been no secret that his muggle father was a deadbeat and that his witch mother had never wanted to give birth to him, but growing up an orphan only strengthened Jiraiya’s resolve to find his own family. He’s still very close friends with some of those from his Hogwarts house, as well as some from the others. He’d made a point of becoming everyone’s friend during his school years, and while he didn’t succeed by a long shot, he still made some everlasting connections that he wouldn’t trade for the world. Currently he’s an accomplished author of magical erotica and spends the rest of his time managing a small inn in Hogsmeade called Hiffle & Piffle Inn.
House: Hufflepuff Year/Age: Fifth/15-16 (Prefect) Familiar: Mini rex rabbit Wand: Cypress wood, dragon heartstring core, 10 ¼", quite bendy flexibility Patronus: Doe
As the Patronus of Severus Snape and Lily Potter, the doe is fiercely protective of its loved ones, as displayed through its caring and nurturing nature. The doe is also representative of gentleness yet strong determination, and with its high level of intuition and sensitivity, it battles life’s challenges with the utmost grace and vigilance.
As the heiress of the pureblooded Hyuga family, Hinata has been taught since birth to be graceful, dignified, and leaderly. She is decidedly none of those things due to a predisposition toward clumsiness and anxiety amoung other flaws. She’s just as disappointed in herself as her family is, though she hopes that by her seventh year at Hogwarts, she’ll have learned to become to woman they want her to be. At the same time, however, she secretly yearns for an escape from her life as little more than an heiress. She wants to explore herself and her possibilities beyond a duty to her family. She just needs a push in the right direction.
House: Hufflepuff Age: 23 Familiar: Ferret Wand: Maple wood, phoenix feather core, 10", pliant flexibility Patronus: Dolphin
Intelligence and sociability are among the main attributes of the dolphin. Also known for their playfulness and loyalty, dolphins live and work together in groups to aid the sick and injured and to defend each other from predators. Its incredible intelligence is put to good use in the form of solving complex problems and other such challenges. The dolphin does not enjoy dull, routine activities, so keeping busy with interesting tasks is a must!
Kagami actually hails from Mahotokoro in Japan and he is a professional Quidditch player for the Toyohashi Tengu. His team’s championships eventually led him to visit Hogwarts in England, where he giddily requested to wear the Sorting Hat out of pure curiosity as to what house he would be in. Once he was assigned Hufflepuff, he was offered a tour of the common rooms, which he gracefully accepted. He’s made similar requests all across the globe, ever so happy to see what the different magic schools were like on the inside. It was during his stay at Hogwarts for a scrimmage between one of their Quidditch teams and his that his wand broke and he had to order a new one from Ollivander. He’s quite fond of it and would say that it’s quite fond of him as well.
House: Slytherin Year/Age: Seventh/17-18 Familiar: Maine coon Wand: Pine wood, basilisk horn core, 12 ½", rigid flexibility Patronus: Dragon
One of the most powerful and formidable creatures of the magical world, dragons are ambitious and dominant. With the ability to breathe fire, they quickly assert themselves, garnering both fear and respect from those around them. They are unafraid to take risks and prefer to live by their own set of rules. They are quick to lead and do not back down from a challenge. Dragons are strong in their convictions and will stand for what they believe is right. Those with a dragon for a patronus are sure to be fierce fighters, and the Dementors better be ready for a challenge!
Known Parselmouth and heir apparent to a family of notoriously pureblooded Death Eaters, many Hogwarts students regard Indra as a Voldemort groupie, with respect to his wealthy status, of course. He has yet to make his stance clear on either his family’s affiliation with the Death Eaters or Voldemort himself, so it’s become a hot topic for gossip and rumours throughout the school. He shares an unnerving aura of stoicism and ruthlessness with his maine coon familiar, whose eyes follow everyone who dares come too close to his owner. Despite being a dead ringer for Slytherin’s reputation of villainy types, his goals and ambitions are a mystery. He largely keeps to himself and any rumour of his being seen willingly socializing are just that—rumours.
House: Gryffindor Year/Age: Fifth/15-16 Familiar: Chinchilla Wand: Sycamore wood, unicorn hair core, 11 ½", unbending flexibility Patronus: Siberian cat
Siberian cats are perfect as patronuses. Fearless yet easygoing, they seem to always know when their humans need them for support or comfort. They can be quiet, with soft melodic purrs and chirps. While these may not be the cats to chase down a Dementor, they will stay with you, protecting and calming you until the Dementor fades away.
Having witnessed the death of her childhood best friend at a young age, Ryuzetsu has enjoyed, more or less, the company of thestrals for the majority of her life. She finds comfort in their presence as if they were remnants of Muku keeping an eye on her. Her mother and father head the family business of dragon keeping, a career she’s very much interested in taking up after graduating from Hogwarts. She’s always felt a certain kinship with dragons for their strength and ferocity, striving to become a strong and ferocious woman of her own.
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spockandawe · 4 years
1, 2, 3!
Ooh, let’s see!
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Okay, so I have tabs open for several likely wips where inspiration might strike at any time, but my big focus right now is in the fic I refer to interchangeably as ‘diet bingge’ or ‘bingge lite’. I hit a wall for a little while, but I’m trying to get back into it. This is (one of) my svsss feynite-inspired aus of aus situations. And it’s basically here, because I love all the svsss characters a LOT, and it is remarkably hard to keep them all alive and happy, not in the least because one of my biggest faves (shen jiu) technically dies before he ever appears. Also, I multiship like whoa, and the scope of a jianghu setting intimidates me, so the iwywmh dreamer-in-the-spring-boudoir-based harem setting.... it is a good fit for me.
So! My initial impulse. In the iwywmh “canon” setting, shen qingqiu gets killed by luo binghe, kinda... accidentally. An ‘I didn’t realize my own strength’ situation, after they’ve had a horrible falling out and shen qingqiu’s marriage has been effectively destroyed. My initial impulse was ‘but what if he.... didn’t die, though’
It opens up a really interesting story is what happens!!!
Because, okay. I’m not going to rehash all of the original story’s backstory, because it’s So Much, feynite’s fics and comments are packed full of solid gold. But in this situation, Shen Qingqiu has watched his marriage dissolve out from under him, and he’s heartbroken and furious, and just got framed (partly by binghe) for the death of his husband’s baby-in-progress (with another man). He’s lost everything he valued most. He no longer has a will to live. Binghe, on the other hand, is kinda horrified at what he just almost did, because he hates his shizun, definitely, but also.... shizun is the most important person to him. So with that tweak, I’ve saddled him with a Shen Qingqiu who he just almost killed, who has no will of his own to keep going, and he’s trying to make his way in the world.
Also liu qingge is there, and also shen sha yuan eventually, and they’re all important, but the shen jiu + binghe dynamic is the core of this story for me. Because what happens is that they kind of despise each other, but also.... Shen Jiu accidentally makes Binghe a much, much better person. He’s not nearly as soft as the Binghe of the original fic, but he’s not the Bingge of the original fic either, not by a long shot. And the emotional balance is fraught for some time, and is slow to get more healthy, but my boy gets there! And it’s kind of a situation like the last svsss verse I posted, where I was like ‘wow, I have no idea who will be willing to take this trip with me, but I tripped into a concept I find fascinating, and I hope people will join me’
This is the first story I’ve written in a long time where I’m letting myself diverge sharply from a flowing narrative with the minimum number of povs. I actually have to take like 20k of wip out of second person, because I’ve got like four major povs I need to bounce between constantly (binghe, shen jiu, liu qingge, shen yuan) and one or two side povs I need to flush out other bits of story (shang qinghua and maybe mobei-jun) (outside chance of liu mingyan too, goddd). I just made the decision a few days ago to split this into chapters, so I’d be able to post something soonish, but I did stall out for a while, because the scope is pretty overwhelming. And in the end, I’m not even sure it will work as A Narrative, because I don’t even know how it concludes, but I’m working on making my peace with that XD I’ve got close to 30k in a document, and still ages to go, so I badly want to pull it into a shape I can share, but.... it’s so much story, hahaha XDD
(my document with working notes for this is ‘SHIZUN GET BACK HERE AND GRADE MY FINAL PROJECT’, which also lives in my head rent-free as a working fic title. actually titling this fic is going to be a bear)
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
Oh, hmm. I think... If I’m sticking to projects where I actually can picture the scenes in question, I think I’ll have to go with the xuexiao wip that I’m going to return to any day, I swear, where I get into the actual dialog of the humiliation kink. It’s going to be a really interesting emotional balance, which is part of why I’ve been putting it off (I need to be in just the right mood, y’know?), but I’ll be in Xue Yang’s head, and I want to roll around in the way he gets to let loose with his crueler impulses, and the satisfaction that comes with it... plus a side serving of emotional self-harm, because he’s got extremely mixed feelings about making Xiao Xingchen hurt, and this is showing him all the ways he could dig the knife in deeper, which is theoretically what Xiao Xingchen agreed to, but is Xue Yang even enjoying this anymore??? Anyways, I love a good excuse to write top drop. Some of the top drop is written so far, but I’ll have to edit it based on how the scene itself plays out
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Oh my god, I want to write the whole peak lord liu mingyan au, but it’s another one where I don’t have a narrative so much as a whole bunch of sequential moments in a story. But I am COMPLETELY committed to giving Shen Jiu a happier life, and if that means flipping the liu siblings around so that Liu Qingge is Luo Binghe’s peer (and drags him up the hill to Bai Zhan Peak instead of Qing Jing), and they are both shamelessly corrupting Shen Qingqiu’s favorite disciple, Shen Yuan, then... I’ll....... try to do it. Eventually :X If I had to pick a single scene, it would probablyyyy be the aftermath of this version of the abyss (the focus is the shen jiu + liu mingyan frenemyship, but the background is bingliushen)
But also, I want to write the canon version, where people accuse Shen Jiu of creeping on women for violently unfair reasons, and where he’s unfairly blamed for Peak Lord Liu Mingyan’s death in the Lingxi Caves, but now there’s an additional flavor of ‘well I bet she rejected him, and he took his anger out on her’ and he very bitterly doesn’t even try to defend himself, because nobody will believe him anyways. And I want to write the fic itself, where her natural big sister energies are exactly what he needs and can never never never admit out loud, and where she’s a comforting presence that he would never admit to needing. 
I have no idea what this fic would even look like, physically! None at all I want it to just Exist, but it’s looking like I have to write it, which means I need to figure out how to write it, and none of this is fair :’)
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sasorikigai · 4 years
H A N R Y O U ( any verse of your choosing, bonus for any specifics in relation to the mentioned ship :^) )
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VALENTINE’S DAY ALPHABET! || @sonxflight​ || accepting     
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H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
It entirely depends on the relationships, but Hanzo is completely sincere and brutally honest in his feelings when he does fall for someone. He just gets swept up in those emotions and in the romance of it all. When Hanzo falls, he falls rather hard and fast (at least much harder and faster than he anticipates at first), diving headfirst into love and those emotions which carry him away. This comes from a very real and deep place, even if people might not realize this about him from the beginning. He will hold onto that person, even when he is not longer in love with them in the same way. Perhaps such was the case when Hanzo and Ryou were not on the same ground, that their opposite spectrum of personalities crashed 
Hanzo Hasashi has lost his dearly beloved, devoted wife whom he considered as a soulmate; regardless of his guilt, underlying apprehension and fear that he would never fall in love greater than what he had in his past-life, he still continues to search for their soulmate, someone who can share his passions and deepest secrets with him. Ryou Sakai certainly has become an incorrigible person in his life who he will willingly give everything without hesitation. While it could take him a long while to breach the enigmatic aloofness and intimidating visage he wears, once Hanzo falls in love, he falls fairly quickly. Not just romantic love, but all kinds of love; friends, family, and others (Shirai Ryu, Special Forces as the Commander or the squadron in his modern verse). Despite his coarse, brutal honesty and his obstinacy and unapproachable iron hardness, he enjoys everyone’s uniqueness and appreciates the world in his own special, often cynical and melancholic way. 
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
In relationships, Hanzo Hasashi is the epitome of loyal, devoted, passionate and persistent. He is eager to help and quickly perceive the needs of his partner and family. He often show affection with simple, practical gestures that make his loved ones feel comfortable and well taken care of. While physical touch and act of service tops Hanzo’s method of showing affection, he seems to enjoy giving and receiving love in drastically varied forms – from spending time with his partner to verbally expressing his adoration to his significant other and loved ones, to doing chores and errands for them, to showing them physical affection, to giving gifts. Hanzo is all about being practical when it comes to the act of gift-giving, but he is readily open and never holds off showing of his affection and sensuality in intimate privacy, and sometimes he will sneak in passing PDA when he gets an opportunity. In relationship with Ryou Sakai, he has no qualms of expressing the most candor and visceral truths of his emotions and feelings, and that includes his physical touch and acts of service. 
He likes to hold onto his emotions and that love, daydreaming about the person he cares for and enjoying those thoughts and inner imagination. Hanzo does, however, try his best to express those feelings outwardly as well. This is something which just takes time and patience, as he can be nervous about it at first. He is highly capable of being an expressive person and enjoy being able to share his inner thoughts and feelings once he feels safe around someone. He wants to build a bond and connection which allows him to open up completely, it just takes some time for him to do this without any hesitation or fear. Once he does feel safe, he enjoys being the one who shares all of those inner romantic thoughts and feelings with his partner, enjoying the openness and ease.
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
Hanzo is often very sensual and much more confident than most people expect from him. While he can sometimes appear shy to strangers, when it comes to sex, he can become caught up in enjoying the moment rather than allowing insecurity to take hold. He wants to soak up the physical presence of his partner, and enjoy taking his time with them. So there would be lot of sensual foreplay involved between him and his significant other. With Ryou, he is extremely unbridled when it comes to their sexual exploration, and will partake in participating in kinks, they include, not limited to; mark-making (biting, bruising, lightly slapping), orgasm delay, edging, even going against his comfort zone and letting Ryou hold all the reins, etc. 
He doesn’t like being closed off to new experiences, instead, he strives to be rather open-minded as a dedicated, passionate, and considerate lover. For him, it is exciting when he can try something new with his partner, rather than always doing the same things. He wants a bit of spontaneity in the bedroom and will cherish a partner who is capable of surprising him from time to time. He would rather shake things up a bit, even if they do this in small ways as he lacks experience (he only has had a one romantic/sexual partner, as he always has been Harumi’s suitor, with him appointed to eventually become engaged and tie the knots). It is about being open to trying something new and not needing to constantly hold himself back. For Hanzo, being with someone he entirely and utterly trusts, who also allows him to be himself completely, is going to make the sexual experience so much better.
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
Hanzo is a deeply romantic and an affectionate person, who feels things on a personal level. On the exterior, he may come across as a pessimistic cynic, due to his resentment and guilt towards falling in love once again. However, Hanzo craves deep connection that transcends merely physical and even emotional. He is also a dreamer, and this is a major reason why he is so compelled by the thought of falling in love, and of being enamored by the person he is involved with. 
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
Hanzo is relatively a very moral person, but he also has a strong sense of independence. He believes in standing up for what is right, and doesn’t want to see other people become victimized. In most cases, Hanzo likes to let people have space to take care of themselves, and doesn’t want to becoming overprotective; that is his objective, rational thinking, but ever since he dealt with irreversible loss of not only Harumi and Satoshi, but the entirety of Original Shirai Ryu, Hanzo would inadvertently and unconsciously become extremely protective of the others. 
While he wishes to avoid this sort of drama at all costs, and never try to stay near people who won’t participate in it. Hanzo might feel it is best to remove his loved ones from the negative situation, in order to protect them. That applies with our without Hanzo knowing that they are very well capable of protecting themselves; whether it may be of physical or mental means. 
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
Hanzo lean strongly to daydreams, poetry, prose and more philosophical pursuits; for he often likes to live out 'id' experiences rather than writing or even talking about them. He is also driven by the conventional, by 'should's and 'ought's; he internalizes his feelings, which bursts out spontaneously and leaves as quickly and mysteriously as it came externally, as he would often express them to his significant others rather abruptly and unexpectedly. 
Hanzo Hasashi’s feelings are unbridled by the external forces of society and substance, and remains his dominant function. He spontaneously develops his own codes and credos, about which he is quite sober, dedicated, and intense. He is essentially a quest-fulfiller, driven to find the pure and ideal, as personally and individually defined. Feeling may temporarily turn outward, but cannot be long sustained beyond its cloistered home.
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
He can definitely find himself feeling connected to an unrequited love. He can become upset thinking about what might have been, and find himself connected to those feelings. He might even compare his current relationships to his unrequited feelings, albeit such parallel connection is temporal and fleeting at its best. For him, finding true love is important, and can leave him feeling all tied up. This feeling especially exacerbates after Harumi and Satoshi’s deaths, regardless of his verses/AUs. He wants to find someone who makes him feel truly inspired, which can make the idealism of an unrequited love more satisfying. 
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
For Wandering Dreamers (Pt 1)
Pairing: Damian Wayne x reader
Synopsis: After hearing your parents argue about something for what feels like the zillionth time that night, you escape to your books and comics for some escaping of reality. Just as the argument ends with slamming doors, a note and locket landed on your bed. Inscribed on the note was a promise of new adventures and a better life awaiting you.
Warnings: Mentions of fighting and terrible parents, attempted rape on random person (not character or anyone significant), language
Word Count: 2482
You shut the door of your bedroom after hearing your parents arguing about something for what felt like the billionth time that night. Just for precaution, you locked it hoping that they wouldn’t come in to get you to settle an argument. Oh, how you hated life. It was a terrible, worthless, annoying piece of garbage that eventually fucked everyone over. The only thing that you had to distract yourself was your books, and your comics. It was a world of escape that was so simple, yet so complex and distant. The objects were for any lost soul, bound to a place and reality where they could not help the need to float away from at times. Seeing the problems of the characters play out on the pages and eventually be solved was a comfort for some. It was to you at least. You sat down at your bed with one of your books. Tonight, you would be embarking on the adventures of Batman in your graphic novel.
           It didn’t take long before you were totally and completely engulfed in the book. The action of it all and the keen problem solving of the world’s greatest detective was enough to pull anyone in. You almost didn’t notice the strange piece of paper and pendent drop onto your bed. You wouldn’t have if you didn’t hear a door slam in the background. You looked down seeing the gold piece of paper. It looked like it had fallen from the heavens the way the color was so untarnished. The pendant looked that out of a fairy tale, gems of all sorts outlining it and a silver base. You saw that in elegant white lettering was inscribed a message. It read as so,
           “Pack your things and leave your cares for new adventure awaits everywhere. To and froe, here and there, the words inscribed will take you erase all cares. Reality will sleep and dreams come to play but you may return any day. No time will change and life you may live but for a lovely vacation, at your service this pendant is. Take the pendent and repeat the top, for awaiting you are worlds of unmatched beauty and action. Made for lost souls and wandering dreamers, here you may leave this place of pain- stricken fever.”
           “This is a joke.” You mumbled aloud. And then again why not test it to find out, “Fine.” “If this really is some magical pendant or something to take me away, I’m ready to go, 100%.”
           You noticed that it was a locket, large enough to store the little note. So, with this, you folded gently the piece of golden paper and tucked it ever so neatly into the locket. You then decided that you would take your most valuable asset. Books. It was important that you took ones that you might find most important and then a few that you hadn’t read. There should be food on the worlds. I mean, there always is. But then again... You grabbed your hidden food stash and notebook plus a few pens.
           “Well how do I know where I am going?” You asked to the paper.
           Another piece dropped on your bed and you look up. This one wasn’t in rhyme so you assumed that whoever was making it just got tired of having to make up weird quest like pieces to please the book worms.
           “To assure your location think of the place you would like to go as you repeat the verse.”            
           “Thanks.” You said half expecting to see another piece float down with a, “You’re welcome.” scribbled on it.
           You thought of where you wanted to go and then looked down at your Batman book.
           “I want to meet the people that raised me.” You stated grabbing that book and your entire DC character guide.
           You had learned from all of your studying how to solve mysteries. You had decided at a young age that the only way to not end up like those around you was to do better than everyone else around you. That wasn’t a hard thing to do, however, it meant long hours studying and working to be the best.  You had however thought that if nothing else worked, bringing this to the cave would be a sure- fire great way to make Batman take you in. You also took your knife that your Karate teacher had gifted you once you joined the adult league at the youngest age there. They knew that it was something that you might need even though a few months of boxing and years of Karate was already under your belt.
           You stuffed all of this in your bag including some hygiene things and a few sets of new clothes. Man, your bag was stuffed, however the duffle would just have to carry all of this. The back of your book had a map of the DC World. In it, was a map of the Batcave and from different shows that you had seen you had noted the best ways to get inside. I mean sure, you could just go get yourself into trouble or go just knock on the front door, but, this sounded more fun. You started to read the note before thinking about something, you had better take your phone and charger just in case.
           “Okay here we go.” You read the top part of the note aloud thinking of where you wanted to go.
           Without any more notice, a bright purple mist was spiraling up your legs, and then torso, and then you were completely wrapped around in it before it suddenly disappeared. You looked around seeing that you were in an alley way and your bag was on your back.
           “Oh, thank God.” You sighed in relief glad that your things came through, “Okay first order of business.” You got your knife out of the side pocket of your bag and then locked it so that no small potential Robins could pick pocket you. The knife was for extra protection. You knew that the street life in Gotham was wild so it was better to be possibly over cautious than sorry.
           “Alright, next I need to get to a roof top.” You mumbled looking around for a fire escape or something to aid you.
           “Watcha doin on a night like this pretty?” You heard from a small distance away.
           “Please, l-leave me alone. I have kids to get back to.” There was a woman’s voice along with the other.
           “Come here sweetheart, if you play nicely I might just let you go.” He said before you heard a slap and then him becoming visibly angry, “Why you little bitc...”
           “Great Gotham! Didn’t your mother ever teach you how to treat a lady?” You asked the man throwing an empty beer bottle at his head. “Oh, thank Gotham for having the drunks.” You thought.
           He looked at you and dropped the woman before running at you.
           “Aye mate!” You said in a funny accent, “I guess she never did.” You stabbed him in the shoulder causing him to holler out in pain before you drop kicked him and knocked him out with the base of the other bottle that you found.
           “Ms., please call the police. I suggest that you find somewhere safe. I can walk with you if you’d like. I’m a black belt.” You remarked to the terrified woman, “Hey, you’re alright now, and your kids will still have a mamma to come home to.” You helped her up and then pointed to an open drug store, “I know that this is Gotham and it sucks at night, but it might be your best chance.” “I’ll stay here and make sure that he doesn’t get away.”
           “T-thank you.” She said, “Do you need any help, a young lady shouldn’t be out here at night.”
           “Oh, no thank you. I am just fine.” You answered, “Now please, I don’t really know how efficient the GCDP is after 9 so if you don’t mind, my cell is dead.”
           She nodded and crossed the street to the Gotham Drugstore.
           “Well, I guess B will have to wait for a few minutes.” You said.
           You stopped suddenly when you heard someone drop behind you.
           “Supervillain or Bat?” You asked.
           “Robin actually.” You heard in response, “That was impressive from someone just off the streets. Is it true that you are a black belt? Karate I presume?�� He asked just as you turned around.
           “Omg you’re Dam...” You stopped yourself, “I can’t say that with him here never mind.” “Oh, I’m Y/N to answer your question, and yes I am a blackbelt in Karate. Glad that you noticed.”
           “Wait... you know my name?” He asked, “How?” He took out his swords and you took a nope step backwards.
           “Woah, calm down there. I’m from a different universe where you and this entire universe are in comics.” “Cliché I know. I just discovered I could travel here 10 minutes ago.” “I have proof too.”
           “Fine. Come with me.” He said as he grabbed your waist and shot the grapple up making the two of you fly to the top of the building.
           You blushed for a quick second almost noticing that he did the same.
           “Show me your evidence.” He demanded.
           “Very well.” You plopped your bag onto the rooftop and pulled out the Batman comic and character guide.
           “Damian Wayne?” You looked up at him as he sat down.
           “And Nightwing is Dick, Hood is Jason, Red is Tim, Batgirl is Steph, or is she Cass right now?” You asked.
           “No, Brown is Batgirl.” He affirmed.
           “Okay so that means Black Bat is Cass, B is Bruce, Batwoman is Kate, Oracle is Babs...” You were about to go on before he stopped you.
           “Okay, okay, I believe you please don’t share this to the entire city.” He smirked some.
           “Oh, trust me, I won’t.” You put your hands up and showed him the pendant, “I came here because this necklace thing and a note on how to use it landed on my bed in the said different universe.” “It’s addressed to lost souls and wandering dreamers but my first thought was to come here and meet the heroes that raised me as a kid.”
           “Excuse me for being so brash but, do you not have parents?” Robin asked.
           “Poor excuses for them.” You answered, “But yes, I do.” “However, I was never raised by them at all. It was always books and comics that did. I learned to solve mysteries and started homeschooling on top of regular school at a young age (I actually do this with a friend of mine it isn’t easy but we have big dreams lol). Wonder Woman and Batman taught me a lot so I just wanted to come and meet them.”
           “And you thought saving a civilian was the way to do it?” He asked interested in your story.
           “No actually, I know where the cave is and figured I would go there as a start, but you know Gotham is weird like that.” You answered laughing some.
           “You know where the cave is?” He asked floored at the statement.
           “Duh, there’s a map in the back.” You smiled some flipping it to the very back of the book, “There’s also the Fortress of Solitude.”
           “Impressive. Wait... do you know who the Joker is?” Damian questioned as you packed the bag up.
           “Give me a place to stay and I might just help with that.” You replied standing up and giving a hand for him.
           “Deal.” He then stopped, “If you really know where the cave is, show me.”
           “Okay.” You shrugged, “What building is this?”
           “We’re near the bank, it’s this way.” He took you to the bank top and you smiled looking over what you knew as Gotham.
           “Alrighty. Let’s go.”
           The two of you made it to the cave in what was almost record time, though he wouldn’t admit it, he was very much impressed by you in multiple ways. The two of you walked in talking some before you were stopped.
           “Robin who is this?” A stern voice came.
           “Batman this is...” You cut Damian off.
           “Mr. Wayne, I’m Y/N. I came from a different universe where you guys are all in comics and books and basically are fictional.” You said, “And it is totally normal that I know who you are so you can stop internally freaking out.” “Also, the famous Batman “I am the night” monologue is fabulous and I recommend you do it more often.” You laughed some at the last part as Bruce was shocked to see that you knew all of this and that his son of all people was okay with you.
           “Show him the books Y/N.” Damian suggested.
           “Oh yes. Good idea.” You said opening the bag, “It isn’t every day you get to meet your childhood hero so I’m over here internally freaking out to be honest.” You smiled flipping to the page that had Batman plastered all over it before passing it to Bruce who now saw no point in keeping his mask on since now he knew that you knew who everyone is.
           “So, “The Adventures of Batman”?” He asked giving the famous bat-smirk.
           “Not only that, but you have a ton of animated series, movies, and even appearances in things like “Justice Leauge Unlimited” and a bunch of other forms of entertainment. The others do as well.” “You guys, well Wonder Woman, not really Clark, yourself, and a bunch of others were better parents then the ones I have at home. I practically dedicated my life to learning everything that I could and solving cases because of you all.” You took the book back, “I figured that bringing this book would help solve even more and maybe get Timothy to sleep.” You smiled some packing it away.
           “Father, Y/N took down someone that was 2 times larger than her and was going to rape a young woman.” “Apparently she’s a black belt in Karate which is believable with the form that I witnessed.”
           “Well, Y/N. Do you have anywhere to go?” Bruce asked, “I trust that my son knows what he’s doing and don’t entirely doubt your story.”
           “I mean I have no where besides home in the different universe. Trust me when I tell you that I do not want to go home.” You said in a serious tone throwing Bruce off some since you had been so kind and upbeat, “It’s not pretty there.”
           “Very well, I will have Alfred show you to your bedroom.”
           “I GET TO MEET ALFRED?” You almost blew up in excitement, “Sorry, Alfred is just awesome.” You laughed awkwardly some.
           That was the most eventful night of your life, and unbeknownst to you, life was only going to get wilder.
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Note: I have been wanting to write this for a minute. I know that it is a bit cliché, however, I wanted to put a spin on it with the book and mad detective skills. I remember back when my family was going through some pretty shitty times, music and books were my go to escape when sleep stopped working. Also, as stated in the story, my friend and I do actually do homeschool on top of actual school. He wants to go to Harvard and I Oxford so we’re working hard lol. Anyways, I hope you’re having a wonderful week. If you have any requests, please feel free to send them in. If you pick up on anything you’d like to correct me on, please go right ahead and message me, I love fixing mistakes and being better at writing. I hope that you have a lovely week and stay safe and healthy. 😊
(PS: Thank you so much for all of the sweet messages! They make my day when I read them.)
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saintbrown · 4 years
Alright, round two of the Magnus Archives Thoughts Sharing segment, title might change. Surprisingly, this set was a doozy, lots of firsts happened. 11-20 LET’S GO:
11) Dreamer - This one was actually hard to pay attention to, listened to it twice and I’m still not entirely sure on the specifics of the dream. Knowing how close someone is to dying without being unable to do anything about it has got to be one of the worst terrible super powers, although it could be helpful for making tantines. I have to admit that I was kind of worried for John at the end, until I realized the guy was talking about his predecessor. The Magnus Institute has been around for a long time apparently, almost 200 years when this came out. I still love how John continues to be so skeptical about these statements, he clearly believes in the supernatural, if Page Turner is any indication, but he still continues to take everything he can’t completely prove is real with a grain of salt.
12) First Aid - Now this is one I really liked, the type of stories where an average Joe (Joan?) has a run in with what is clearly a main character. We don’t get a lot of statements from other supernatural professionals, except for our main man, the Vampire Killer, which makes sense, why would they turn to their competition, but it’s still good to know that there are other like TMI. I would even say that if the Magnus Institute were SHIELD, then Eye Guy would be Doctor Strange.
13) Alone - HOLY CRAP, it’s someone else’s voice!!! I guess this must be John’s first new statement since he started recording them, so why not cut the middle man. It’s interesting to hear that no one takes TMI seriously, but if John’s attitude is any indicative, in this episode’s end especially, I would say it’s because the institute is more focused in proving the supernatural and only taking action when they do. Not much to say about the story in itself, I thought that the guy’s family was going to be the SN occurrence, but in the end I would say that she almost died of grief but then pulled herself back. Maybe the family will come back at some point.
14) Piecemeal - And here’s another one that I really like. Just the idea of a curse that eats away body parts until there is nothing left was enough to get my attention, but then the other guy gets the curse because of his own impatienceness, now that’s just catharsis at its finest. Creepy but wise old women are also a plus, and when you realize the morbidity of the tittle after she says “some hungers are too strong to be denied” is just *chef’s kiss*.
15) Lost John’s Cave - I’m not particularly claustrophobic, in fact I prefer closed spaces, but this one actually got to me, though that’s probably because of the darkness. So did the earth swallow her or was it mole people? Because I really couldn’t tell.
16) Arachnophobia - So, remember when I said on episode 6 that bugs crawling under my skin really freaked me out? Well, a shower of spiders isn’t much better. While an improvised flamethrower using a lighter and a can of spray would have been more effective, smashing your mug against it and spartaing it against your tv are also acceptable ways to kill a spider. While the idea of a ghost spider reminds me of the Adventure Time episode where they are hawnted by a fly, all in all, this just sounds like the typical day of an Athena kid from the Percy Jackson series.
17) The Bone Turner’s Tale - I bet that John was reading this statement like “bullshit, more bullshit, sounds like utter bullshi- wait Jurgerlicht? Ah, son of a whore, we have another one!” It’s good to know that this author has a diverse writing style, from leather bound, Latin books that drive you insane, to paperbacks English prose that turn you into an Eldridge abomination, his library has it all! But that’s not even the craziest part of this episode, during the recording, (who I’m assuming to be) John’s boss comes in and says the grumpy faced family from episode 13 are patrons of the institute, what. Does. That. Mean?!? That line at the end about “record and study, not interfere or contain” confirm my suspicions that the Magnus Institute is very passive in its approach of the supernatural, if the Vampire Killer and Eye Guy are jocks, then the MI are the nerds of the supernatural community.
18) The Man Upstairs - Oddly similar to a Doctor Who episode, next!
19) Confession I - Wow, we’ve got our first two parter and crossover! For the most part this seems like a pretty normal story, by this show’s standards I mean. An exorcist ends up being possessed by the very demon he was trying to exorcise, but then Annie the nurse, from episode 8, shows up and I realize this is the same exorcist as back then, and now we get the same event but from a different perspective. I wonder what the ghost meant about “being marked”, probably something I’ll understand later on.
20) Desecrated Host II - Second verse, same as the first. It continued to be a pretty standard possession story, until John mentions Breekon and Hope Deliveries, a callback from episode 2. While we’ve seen groups and people that act against the supernatural, it’s my bet that BAHD operates in its favor, sending hungry monsters to people who have “agreed” to become potential food, or cursed artifacts that strengthen the hold of a demon in its host.
And that’s all for now, and I’m scared that, if my second round was this even heavy, the next ten episodes will be even more mind blowing. Two more things, 1) if there were any other callbacks in these episodes that I didn’t mention, please let me know in the notes, and 2) if there any animatics, or anything like that, of episodes 1-20, please link them to me, I would like to see these stories animated, but I’m scared of being spoiled for future episodes.
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aparecium-muses · 4 years
a multi-muse survey
Yep, more stuff I’ve been holding onto whooops
tagged by @itswasteland
name of your favorite muse: Favorites are a hard thing to choose but my strongest canon muses on this blog by far are Harry and Teddy
name of your very first muse: James Potter though that’s on my other blof
name of your meanest muse: God, it’s a tie between Draco and Ron- they both are pretty mean once you get them in the right mood for it. Ron, especially.
name of your nicest muse: Tie between Harry and Luna really, though I feel Luna would win that.
name of your most troubled muse: Tie between Harry and Draco really 
character you have the most muse for atm: Harry definitely 
two of your muses that would never get along: That’s kinda hard honestly? Maybe Harry and Regulus if Harry believed the mask that Regulus put on to be how Regulus truly feels.... Regulus and Draco maybe if Regulus knew Draco during his bullying years?
two of your muses that could be best friends: Well, Harry and Ron are already best friends-  Luna and Harry? 
two of your muses that would make a cute couple: Ron and Draco they are a mess but Draco would be able to up Ron’s confidence  
two of your muses that are most similar: Harry and Draco along with Draco and Regulus
name of the muse you’d be best friends with irl: Honestly? Harry or Luna Maybe Teddy in their older verses as well 
name of the muse you’d probably hate irl: Draco and Ron most likely, Draco’s far to cocky for my taste and a bully he’s make me anxious. While Ron is a person I would be okay with at first but then hate after the way I see how he treats his friends.  
a faceclaim you’ve been eager to use: I have no face claims at the moment I’d love to use but I would like it if I could find a fc for my oc Mollie
name of your favorite muse: Mollie hands down she’s been through a lot and a bunch of different changes over the years.... She’s my girl.
name of your very first muse: Mollie again I’ve written her for a very long time.
name of your meanest muse: If it’s Mollie vs Gladion, Gladion wins hands down he’s very vicious when he wants to be.
name of your nicest muse: Mollie
name of your most troubled muse: Gladion 
character you have the most muse for atm: By far Mollie!
two of your muses that would never get along: Mollie and Gladion; she’d have to break though his mask to be able to see the real him but that’s a lot of mess to deal with. Mollie is going though a lot herself it would take a drain on her to try to get Gladion to that point.
two of your muses that could be best friends: I have to yeet a canon character in the oc’s place since I do not have that many. I can see Gladion and Regulus (once both of them finally put down their masks) being very devious together and plotting- they’d turn it into a fun time that’s for sure. 
two of your muses that would make a cute couple: Mollie and Luna would be really cute together. Luna would understand and not question Mollie’s need to be connected to the earth and both of them I can see going out on dates near the forest.
two of your muses that are most similar: Mollie and Luna; they both get lost in their heads at times, day dreamer like.
name of the muse you’d be best friends with irl: Mollie? Definitely, she’s pretty nice though I would feel kinda awkward around her when she’s getting into the dirt and planting things because idk how to garden whoops
name of the muse you’d probably hate irl: Gladion, though it’s not hate persay. He’d scare me with how closed off he is. I get uncomfortable when dealing with people I can’t read well and it set alarm bells off in my head if I can’t notice a persons emotional state. 
a faceclaim you’ve been eager to use: :shrugs: like i said above I have no fc ideas.... would very much love some ppl to send ideas my way tho pls Mollie is still faceless 
Tagging:  @blueeyedslytherin @mayhemxmugglesxmagic @youthblamed @kindheartted @hadncchoice - feel free to ignore this!
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mhisadj · 5 years
For better or for worse, I have a job that is exempt - to a great degree - from the widespread need for isolation (in the world of news radio, the show must go on). However, I do get days off and thank goodness for that because my brain can only take so much constant pandemic talk.
So! I offer up ‘the ultimate music list’, something I started doing on YouTube last year. Maybe earlier. It’s a living list, it will never be complete. Anyway, listen to the way my music mind rambles! All songs listed on the other side of the keep reading line (not linked, you gotta do some of the work):
Seinabo Sey - I Owe You Nothing Janelle Monáe – Django Jane Janelle Monáe - PYNK Janelle Monáe – Make Me Feel Sudan Archives - Come Meh Way Sudan Archives - Come Meh Way & Wake Up | A Take Away Show St. Beauty - Not Discuss It Japanese Breakfast - Boyish St. Beauty - Caught Kali Uchis - After The Storm ft. Tyler, The Creator, Bootsy Collins Kali Uchis - Tomorrow (ft. Tame Impala) Kali Uchis - Dead To Me Kali Uchis - Body Language (Intro) Kali Uchis - Just A Stranger Kali Uchis - In My Dreams Kali Uchis - Flight 22 Sigrid - Strangers King Princess - 1950 Sigrid - Don’t Kill My Vibe Sigrid - Plot Twist Moonchild - The List Amber Mark - Way Back The Internet - Girl DeJ Loaf - Changes Erykah Badu - Window Seat Erykah Badu - Afro Blue M.I.A. - Matangi M.I.A. - Double Bubble Trouble M.I.A. - Paper Planes A Tribe Called Red - The Light II Ft. Lido Pimienta A Tribe Called Red - Sisters ft Northern Voice PRINCESS NOKIA - BRUJAS PRINCESS NOKIA - TOMBOY Solange - Cranes in the Sky Solange - Don't Touch My Hair ft. Sampha SZA - Broken Clocks SZA - Drew Barrymore SZA - Go Gina SZA - Prom SZA - Pretty Little Birds Sade - Flower of the Universe Sade - The Sweetest Taboo Sade - Paradise Sade - Turn My Back On You Sade - Smooth Operator Sade - Cherish the Day Erykah Badu - On & On Jill Scott - A Long Walk Erykah Badu - Tyrone (Live) Janelle Monáe - I Like That Christine and the Queens - Girlfriend Humble the Poet - H.A.I.R. Lush - Desire Lines Lush - Never-Never Rachel Sermanni 'Take Me Out' - Franz Ferdinand Cover Memory House - When You Sleep (Yours Truly Session) Sumner McKane - The Turncoat Nothing Matters When We’re Dancing - The Magnetic Fields (Sense8 Remix) (feat. Zoe Wise) Julia Holter - I Shall Love 2 Dua Lipa - New Rules [Initial Talk 80s Rules Remix] Lady Gaga - Venus (80s Synthwave Version) Ruelle - Take It All Kraak & Smaak Ft. Parcels - Stumble Calvin Harris, Dua Lipa - One Kiss Timecop1983 - Girl (feat. SEAWAVES) Aretha Franklin - Mary, Don't You Weep (Live at New Temple Missionary Baptist Church, Los Angeles, January 14, 1972) Sarah Vaughan - Misty (Live from Sweden) Ellie Goulding - My Blood (Kastle Remix) Darksynth Paradise - A NewRetroWave Mix | 1 Hour | Retrowave/ Darkwave/ Electro | Sudan Archives - Nont For Sale Christine and the Queens - 5 dollars Christine and the Queens - Doesn’t matter Christine and the Queens - The walker Christine and the Queens - Damn (what must a woman do) Christine and the Queens - Goya soda Christine and the Queens - The stranger Lone - Poltergeist Screamin’ Jay Hawkins - I Hear Voices Lost Years - Pressure Windows 95 Start-up remix Windows 95 Startup Sound (Slowed 4000%) Seoul - Silencer Blackwater Holylight - Willow Her's - Low Beam Here We Go Magic - Alone But Moving John Maus - Bennington AC Temple - Yield Lana del Rey - Summertime Sadness (SxAde Synthwave Version) Ariana Grande - "Into You"  80′s Remix Demi Lovato - Cool for the Summer   80′s Remix Fifth Harmony - Sledgehammer   80′s Remix Lady Gaga - Perfect Illusion   80s Remix Ariana Grande - Greedy [Initial Talk "90s state of mind" Remix] Happy Hippie Presents: Miley Cyrus & Ariana Grande - Don't Dream It's Over Mariah Carey - Touch My Body [Initial Talk 90s Splash! Remix] Dua Lipa - IDGAF (Initial Talk Remix) 憂鬱 - Sun Lady Gaga - Joanne (Where Do You Think You’re Goin’?) Robyn - Honey Dolly Parton - Here You Come Again Floating Points - Nuits Sonores Sade - The Big Unknown Amanda Shires - Leave It Alone Crockett - City of Ghosts [Full Album] Toni Harper - "The Velvet Hammer" (stereo), 1959 Cristina - "Things Fall Apart" Dexter Gordon - What’s New Warren Zevon - Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead - Rochester, 1994 Le1f - Wut Katie Herzig - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of These) Raymond Scott - "Boy Scout In Switzerland" - Quartet San Francisco (arranged by Robert Gilmore) Jan A.P. Kaczmarek - Aimee & Jaguar Main Theme Toni Harper - "The Other Woman"  Toni Harper - The meaning of the blues Vanessa - Upside Down Anna Ternheim - Summer Rain feat. Nina Kinert, Ane Brun, First Aid Kit and Ellekari Larsson of The Tiny Ella Fitzgerald & Bill Doggett ~ Rough Ridin' Eraldo Bernocchi, Harold Budd,Robin Guthrie - South Of Heaven (Winter Garden) Slum Village - Fall in Love (Instrumental) Shonen Knife - Twist Barbie Dave Berry - This Strange Effect Sarah Harmer - Basement Apartment The Original Stroll - February 1958 Gertrude Lawrence - My Sweet Gustav HOLST: St. Paul's Suite (III. Intermezzo, IV. Finale) Rumskib - Secrets Caterina Valente - Stranger In Paradise Borodin - Prince Igor - Polovtsian Dances Darshan Ambient - Mirage Girl Crisis - Smooth Operator Girl Crisis - Paranoid Mulatu Astatke's "Mulatu" Vivien Goldman - Launderette Jonatha Brooke - West Point Lesley Gore - You Don’t Own Me Matthew Schoening - Emotional Clockwork Molly Nilsson - Hey Moon Kate Bush - Cloudbusting (The Organon Mix re-edit) Stravinsky conducts Stravinsky FIREBIRD COMPLETE The Carter Family - Wildwood Flower Grimes - Vanessa Kenneth Bager Fr. one (...and I kept hearing) Land of Talk - It’s Okay Nite Jewel - Artificial Intelligence Geneva Jacuzzi - Clothes On the Bed Thom Yorke & Jonny Greenwood - Karma Police | Glastonbury Festival, Pilton UK (8/9) Maps of Norway - Traffic Simian Mobile Disco - Cruel Intentions Aerosmith - Crazy Bruce Kaphan - Undeserved Ending The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - "Everything With You" Thao with the Get Down Stay Down - Body Janelle Monae - "Tightrope" 5/18 Letterman Simian Mobile Disco - Hustler Ladyhawke - My Delirium Marion Cotillard & Franz Ferdinand - Eyes of Mars Ladytron - Destroy Everything You Touch (live) Kate Bush - Army Dreamers Tegan and Sara - Living Room Kate Bush - Cloudbusting Beatrice Eli - Girls NewRetroWave End of 2017 Mix - (The Future Beckons) - [80s/ Retrowave/ Outrun/ Retro Electro] Vaporwave / Chillwave - Ultimate Mix The Chordettes "Lollipop" & "Mr. Sandman" Sufjan Stevens - Tonya Harding Taylor Davis - Stranger Things Violin Medley STRANGER THINGS MEETS CLASSICAL GUITAR Grace Sings Sludge - Difficult To Love Satchmode - Happiness Part 1 River Whyless - Life Crisis Stefano Barone - Batman - Alexander Supertramp Bebel Gilberto - "Aganjú"(Ao Vivo) - Bebel Gilberto In Rio Katie Melua - Diamonds are Forever  Carly Rae Jepsen - Run Away With Me Beulahbelle - You Only Live Twice (Living Room Version) Grimes - We Appreciate Power Meshell Ndegeocello - Sensitivity Kodacrome - Buckets Röyksopp - Remind Me Lizzo - Juice Lizzo - Truth Hurts Lizzo - Good As Hell Electrelane - To the East Electrelane - I only always think Sean Paul - Get Busy 憂鬱 - Azure Day (Full EP) 憂鬱 - Slow Suzanne Vega - Luka | The story behind the song Seoul - Real June Broken Social Scene on House of Strombo Show Big Boi’s Favorite Verse: Kate Bush’s “Running Up That Hill” Cherry Glazerr - Nurse Ratched  Jan A.P. Kaczmarek - Aimée & Jaguar Mister Rogers Remixed | Garden of Your Mind Grant Green - Idle Moments Hole Reunion after 15 yrs. Teeth - Care Bear ST. VINCENT covers BIG BLACK at BOWERY BALLROOM NYC May 22 2011 Broadcast - Man is not a bird (Teac A-4010 s Reel to Reel) Billy May - So Nice (Samba De Verão) Pogo - Mellow Brick Road Anna Calvi - Jezebel (Attic Sessions 5) Anna Calvi - Joan Of Arc (Attic Sessions 4) Anna Calvi - Surrender (Attic Sessions 3) Anna Calvi - Sound & Vision (Attic Sessions 1) Anna Calvi - Wolf Like Me (Attic Sessions 2) Clementine - ALL BLUES Skip James - Hard Time Killin’ Floor Blues Anna Calvi - Suzanne And I Total Slacker - Thyme Traveling High School Dropout Siouxsie & The Banshees- Metal (Elizabethan Suite 1977) Second Chorus (Charlie North Remix) The Castaways - Liar Liar Alex Gaudino Feat. Christal Waters - Destination Calabria Loose Ends - Hangin’ On a String Pizzicato Five - The Audrey Hepburn Complex Edie Brickell & New Bohemians - What I Am The Bangles - Walk Like an Egyptian The Human League - Love Action (I Believe In Love) The Human League - Don’t You Want Me The Human League - (Keep Feeling) Fascination Wang Chung - Dance Hall Days PJ Harvey - Hanging in the Wire PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me PJ Harvey & Thom Yorke - This Mess We’re In PJ Harvey - We Float PJ Harvey - This Wicked Tongue PJ Harvey - A Place Called Home The Sundays - Here’s Where The Story Ends Flock of Seagulls - Space Age Love Song The Psychedelic Furs - Love My Way Hall & Oates - Out of Touch Hall & Oates - I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do) Toto - Rosanna Toto - Africa Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies Tears For Fears - Head Over Heels Philip Bailey, Phil Collins - Easy Lover Spandau Ballet - True Tears For Fears - Shout Sigrid - Don’t Feel Like Crying Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Souvenir The Jesus and Mary Chain - April Skies The Ocean Blue - Between Something and Nothing No Joy - Hollywood Teeth Tamaryn - Last Tamaryn - Softcore Tamaryn - Cranekiss Ashrae Fax - CHKN Echo & the Bunnymen - A Promise Ashrae Fax - Intexus The Motels - Only the Lonely Other Colors - Dark Things Bauhaus - All We Ever Wanted Was Everything George Clanton - It Makes the Babies Want to Cry Ben Howard - Nica Libres At Dusk Elton John - Bennie and the Jets Elton John - Don't Go Breaking My Heart (with Kiki Dee) David Bowie - Life On Mars? Elton John - Someone Saved My Life Tonight  St Vincent Breaks Down Her Most Iconic Songs Pharoahe Monch - Simon Says (instrumental) Death Valley Girls "Disaster (Is What We're After)" A Tribe Called Quest - Electric Relaxation Tame Impala - The Less I Know The Better Childish Gambino - Redbone De La Soul - A Roller Skating Jam Named Saturdays Choir! Choir! Choir! Sings David Bowie - Heroes Kishi Bashi - This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody) Talking Heads - This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody) The 6ths - You You You You You Squirrel Nut Zippers "Put A Lid On It" Joni Mitchell - Help Me Pat Metheny, Joni Mitchell, Jaco Pastorius, Michael Brecker - "Shadows And Light" Joni Mitchell - All I Want Joni Mitchell - Free Man In Paris Joni Mitchell - California Joni Mitchell - In France They Kiss On Main Street Joni Mitchell - Amelia Joni Mitchell - People’s Parties Joni Mitchell - For the Roses Joni Mitchell - The Hissing of Summer Lawns Joni Mitchell - Black Crow Joni Mitchell - Hejira Joni Mitchell - Coyote Joni Mitchell w/Peter Gabriel - My Secret Place Joni Mitchell - Down To You Joni Mitchell - Refuge of the Roads Joni Mitchell - Slouching Towards Bethlehem  Joni Mitchell - Shades of Scarlet Conquering Joni Mitchell - Cool Water (with Willie Nelson) Joni Mitchell - The Jungle Line Joni Mitchell - Song For Sharon Joni Mitchell - Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire Joni Mitchell - Night Ride Home Joni Mitchell - Taming the Tiger Joni Mitchell - Snakes & Ladders Joni Mitchell - Raised on Robbery Joni Mitchell - Jericho Joni Mitchell - Lakota Joni Mitchell - The Beat of Black Wings Joni Mitchell - You Turn Me On I’m A Radio (Live) The Delfonics - Ready or Not Here I Come Funkadelic - Maggot Brain Incredible Bongo Band - Apache The Stylistics - People Make The World Go Round Manual - Crockett’s Theme Jessica Pratt - This Time Around Jessica Pratt - Poly Blue Jessica Pratt - Baby, Back Jessica Pratt - Aeroplane Tony Allen - Stick Around Basia - Promises Basia - New Day For You Basia - Cruising For Bruising Basia - Drunk On Love Basia - Third Time Lucky America - Tin Man Weyes Blood - Andromeda Ladytron - Far From Home Ladytron - Deadzone Ladytron - The Island St. Vincent & Dua Lipa | Masseduction / One Kiss | 2019 GRAMMYs Janelle Monáe - Make Me Feel (LIVE at the 61st GRAMMYs) Still Corners - The Trip Still Corners - Strange Pleasures FM-84 - Bend & Break Robyn - Send To Robin Immediately The Ultimate Kate Bush Experience - Shambush Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill Kate Bush - Hounds of Love [Full Album] Kate Bush - Babooshka Kate Bush - The Sensual World Kate Bush - Hammer Horror Kate Bush - Love and Anger Katie Lee - Stay as Sick as You Are America - You Can Do Magic Blonde Redhead - Magic Mountain Harry Nilsson - Gotta Get Up In These Streets Lorelle Meets the Obsolete - Unificado Sneaks - Ecstasy Linear Movement - Way Out Of Living Alex Lilly - Pornographic Mind Caribou - Melody Day (Four Tet Remix feat. Luke Lalonde Adem and One Little Plane) Def Leppard - Hysteria Sigrid - Sight of You The Charlie Steinmann Orchestra And Singers - It's Such a Good Night (Scoobidoo Love) Alice Coltrane - Blue Nile Les McCann - Roberta Pharoah Sanders - Astral Travelling  Pure Bathing Culture - Scotty Jamila Woods - EARTHA Patricia Barber - Too Rich For My Blood Mary Jane Girls - All Night Long LL Cool J - Around the Way Girl Keep Shelly In Athens - Bendable Absolute Jest: I. Beginning · John Adams · San Francisco Symphony · St. Lawrence String Quartet · Michael Tilson Thomas Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule the World Futurecop! - Fade Away (feat. NINA) Steve Gunn - New Moon Moving Panoramas - ADD Heart Elizabeth Barraclough - Don’t TV Me Klymaxx - Meeting In the Ladies Room Salt Cathedral - Go and Get It feat. Big Freedia & Jarina DeMarco Brian Eno - Ambient 1: Music for Airports [Full Album] Calexico and Iron & Wine - Midnight Sun Cate Le Bon - The Light Cate Le Bon - Daylight Matters Jack White at Château de Fontainebleau I A Take Away Show Tammy Wynette - Your Good Girl’s Gonna Go Bad Stella Donnelly - Die Portishead - Sour Times Portishead at Roseland New York City Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Cheated Hearts Warpaint - Disco//Very - Keep It Healthy  Jessica Pratt - Fare Thee Well Jessica Pratt - Here My Love Alvvays - Saved By A Waif Alvvays - Dreams Tonite Alvvays - Forget About Life Alvvays - Plimsoll Punks Tame Impala - Patience Godzilla: Old Rivals - Bear McCreary( Godzilla: King of Monsters Soundtrack) Alloy Tracks - Somewhere Over the Rainbow | Godzilla: King of the Monsters (Beautiful Trailer Theme) Girl Crisis - The Sign Siouxsie and the Banshees - Captain Scarlet Boards of Canada - Macquarie Ridge Tōth - Practice Magic And Seek Professional Help When Necessary (Full Album) Wyatt - Attention Fontaines D.C. - Hurricane Laughter (Darklands Version) Matthew and the Atlas - Counting Paths Matthew and the Atlas - Old Ceremony Sufjan Stevens - Love Yourself Computer Magic - Hudson Grizzly Bear - Mourning Sound Lana Del Rey - Doin Time Chastity Belt - Trapped Kero Kero Bonito - Make Believe Eberhard Weber - T. On A White Horse Endre Hegedus - VI. Golliwogg's Cake-Walk, Debussy: Children's Corner / Suite Bergamasque LCD Soundsystem - oh baby Dominique Young Unique - Throw It Down Leikeli47 - Money Santigold - Look At These Hoes Handsome Boy Modeling School - Holy Calamity (Bear Witness II) Perfume Genius - Slip Away DJ Shadow - "Nobody Speak" feat. Run The Jewels St. Vincent - Fast Slow Disco Marion Cotillard and Metronomy - Is She Really Going Out With Him Patti Smith - Gloria King Princess - Cheap Queen Ingrid Michaelson - Best Friend Kindness - Hard To Believe Kim Petras - Clarity Kim Petras - Another One Cowboy Junkies - Dreaming My Dreams With You Rihanna - Same Ol’ Mistakes Screaming Trees - Nearly Lost You Sailors of Neptune - Car Song Photay - Outré Lux (feat. Madison McFerrin) Ella Fitzgerald - I’ll Never Be The Same Timecop1983 - My First Crush (feat. Trevor Something) Toro Y Moi - Cola The Cinematic Orchestra - Wait For Now/Leave The World (feat. Tawiah) Charli XCX & Christine and the Queens - Gone Hayley Kiyoko - I Wish Jambalaya Brass Band - Tumbao Frosty and the Diamonds - Destination Mars Plumb - Blush (Only You) Evanescence - Anywhere Courtney Barnett - Avant Gardener Christine and the Queens - Need You Tonight (INXS Cover) Dua Lipa - Be The One (80's Power Ballad Remix) Bomba Estéreo - Corazón Zola Jesus - Wiseblood (Johnny Jewel Remix) The Bangles - Going Down To Liverpool Trills - Hush King Princess - Prophet Emily Wells - I’m No Heroine Ariel Pink - Bubblegum Dreams Missy Elliott - Throw It Back Missy Elliott Performs 'Get Ur Freak On', 'Lose Control' & More | 2019 Video Music Awards Miranda Lambert - Way Too Pretty for Prison Miranda Lambert - The House That Built Me Miranda Lambert - We Should Be Friends Miranda Lambert - Mama’s Broken Heart Maya Hawke - To Love a Boy Flowers (Eurydice's Song) - (Anaïs Mitchell - Hadestown) Young Ejecta • Welcome To Love Kelis - Bossy ft. Too $hort Lindsay Lohan - Bossy Natalie Cole - Lush Life Grimes & i_o - Violence The Highwomen - Redesigning Women Lana Del Rey - Season Of The Witch Anita Carter - Ring of Fire Jack Hylton - Wedding of the Painted Doll Earth, Wind, and Fire - Fantasy DJ Boring - Winona DJ Boring - Goodbye Michael Rob Reich - Shimmytown Shuffle Sarah Vaughan - Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most King Princess - Playboy School of Pop Broken Social Scene - Anthems For A Seventeen-Year Old Girl Jenny Hval - Lions (feat. Vivian Wang) Minny Riperton - Les Fleurs Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov ‒ Procession of the Nobles Firebird - 13. Infernal Dance Of All Of Kashchei's Subjects Kylie Minogue - Dancing Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - All Hail Dracula! Jana Hunter | You Belong Here Bat For Lashes - The Hunger Bat For Lashes - Laura Zero 7 - Swimmers Tame Impala - It Might Be Time Hannah Williams & The Affirmations - Woman Got Soul Galantis & Dolly Parton - Faith feat. Mr. Probz The KLF - 3am Eternal The KLF feat. Tammy Wynette - Justified & Ancient Pet Shop Boys - What Have I Done To Deserve This Pet Shop Boys - Always On My Mind Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls Til Tuesday - Voices Carry St. Vincent - Laughing With A Mouth of Blood Spice Girls - 2 Become 1 Tennis - Runner Giles Reaves - ‎"Sowelu (Wholeness)" Taeko Ohnuki - Sunshower (Full Album) 80s Japanese Fusion Summer Mix (Fusion Jazz, City Pop, Funk, Soul...) Tamaryn - Dreaming The Dark (Full Album) Swing Out Sister - Breakout Ayane Yamazaki - 眠りの理由 "Women Of Country Performance" | Live from CMA Awards 2019 Reba McEntire - "Fancy" | Live from CMA Awards 2019 Seal - Crazy Seal - Violet Tame Impala - Posthumous Forgiveness Richard Wagner - The Flight of the Valkyries The Black Angels - Yellow Elevator #2 Bonnie Raitt - Unnecessarily Mercenary Norah Jones - Flipside Genesis Owusu - WUTD Lana Del Rey - Mariners Apartment Complex 10,000 Hz Legend - Don’t Be Light Air Miami - See Through Plastic Kitchens Of Distinction - Margaret's Injection Sebastian Böhm - Blue Monday (Official "Wonder Woman 1984" Trailer Music) Primitons - All My Friends Heavens To Betsy – Waitress Hell Romania - Planes Dionne Farris - I Know CeCe Peniston - Finally Robin S - Show Me Love La Bouche - Be My Lover Stilz - Wavelength Tennis - Need Your Love The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another The Fixx - Saved By Zero The Fixx - Red Skies The Fixx - Stand Or Fall Kajagoogoo - Too Shy Nik Kershaw - Wouldn't It Be Good Howard Jones - Like To Get To Know You Well Jane Child - Don't Wanna Fall In Love Information Society - What’s On Your Mind (Pure Energy) Icehouse - No Promises The Spiral Starecase - More Today Than Yesterday Caroline Rose - Feel The Way I Want Frank & His Sisters - Mwanangu Lala KIRLIAN CAMERA - Blue Room Look Blue Go Purple | Cactus Cat Look Blue Go Purple | Circumspect Penelope Look Blue Go Purple - I Don't Want You Anyway The Bats | North By North Best Coast - Everything Has Changed Best Coast  - For The First Time War And Peace / Gab Is Stabbed · Joseph LoDuca Tashaki Miyaki - I Only Have Eyes for You (the Flamingos cover - Little Big Planet 3 OST) Angel Olsen - Who’s Sorry Now Anna Calvi - Love of my life | Empty Space #5 The Flamingos - I Only Have Eyes For You Supergrass - Moving Supergrass - Late In the Day Supergrass - Richard III Panda Bear - Sequential Circuits Computer Magic - Be Fair Computer Magic - Fuzz Computer Magic - Spaces The Amazing - Tell Them You Can’t Leave Anna Calvi - Hunter Anna Calvi - Swimming Pool Carly Simon - Nobody Does It Better Duran Duran - Rio Duran Duran - Save A Prayer Duran Duran - My Own Way Anna Calvi - Eden Anna Calvi - Indies or Paradise She & Him - I Can Hear Music Soloist Mari Silje Samuelsen - Antonio Vivaldi - "Summer" from four seasons Vivaldi Four Seasons: "Winter" (L'Inverno), complete; Cynthia Freivogel, Voices of Music  Para One · Arthur Simonini-La Jeune Fille en Feu (Bande originale du film) Agnes Obel - The Curse (Berlin Live Session) St. Vincent - Los Ageless Billie Ellish - No Time To Die King Princess - Hit The Back (Dance Video) Men I Trust - Show Me How Lady Gaga - Stupid Love Agnes Obel - Fuel To Fire Beach House - Space Song Sufjan Stevens - Visions of Gideon Agnes Obel - Broken Sleep snarls - Walk In the Woods Dixie Chicks - Not Ready to Make Nice (Live from MMXVI Tour) Dixie Chicks - Gaslighter Conspiracy of Owls - "Ancient Robots" Conspiracy of Owls - A Silver Song Sigrid - Home To You Tierra Whack – Unemployed Jenny Hval - Accident Caroline Polachek - So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
Can I get a scenario between L and his s/o based of the song We All Need a Hero from the Death Note musical?
word count (including lyrics): 920.
warning for angst, character death (not reader).
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[Verse 1]
When I get afraid, and all hope is goneI reach for your hand and I belongCause someone like you, who’s scared but won’t runIs standing his ground for everyone
You stared blankly at the harsh various screens which stood impressively against the far hotel wall. Criminals were dropping like flies and all you could do was watch. You were terrified. Kira had started to kill innocents and if anyone found out your name was in connection to L’s, then who was going to stop Kira?
You breathed in a shaky breath, your heart hammered in your chest. It threatened to burst out of your rib cage. Tears came to your eyes and as a defeated noise left you, spidery fingers curled over your shoulder.
You smiled, relaxed just enough to blink away your tears, and turned to face your future. His dark eyes, with fathomless depths, held yours. His gaze was understanding, and the steel grey glint when the grating overheads caught his eyes just right reassured you.[Pre-Chorus]Because the best of us can come from anyplaceHelping the rest face what we must face[Chorus]We all need a heroSomebody to help us to be braveWe all need a heroSomeone he can saveWe all need a heroBelieving that deep insideWe’ll find there’s some kind of hero tooLike the one I found in you
L was scared too. With his hand on your shoulder, you could feel the slight tremble in his grasp. Your hand came up to touch his, your warm hands touching his icy one. 
“We will win, Y/N.”
You smiled a smile which didn’t quite reach your eyes. You turned, then, and L’s strong arms came around you like a cage. You sunk into his embrace gratefully, hiding your face inside his chest so that you were away from the screens and the replayed footage of criminal deaths. A part of you didn’t much care because criminals on Death Row, as far as you were concerned, deserved whatever they got, but you knew that L cared and so you did to.
[Verse 2]And so win or loseWe fight the good fightAs long as you try with all your mightA heart that is strongA heart that is trueA heart that will risk it all to do[Pre-Chorus]And whatever he can do when something must be doneShowing us we can do the same thing, one by one
Day after day, you had to watch the bags under L’s eyes become darker. His appetite for sweets and sugary coffee (though it was more coffee flavoured sugar sludge) increased and more and more he would snap at people. He had even snapped at you, a few times. You would blink at him, a clear disapproval, but you would pay him no mind. The case was taking its toll on everybody.[Chorus]We all need a heroTo rush in and try to save the dayWe all need a heroFor dragons yet to slayWe all need a heroTo show us that deep insideWe’ll find there’s some kind of hero tooLike the one I found in you[Bridge]A dreamer chasing dreamsA light that’s always burning brightChasing the dark from the nightTirelessly did he work. You helped him as best as you could, doing small favours and cross-referencing statistical analyses, charts and your eyes took in so many pixelated numbers every day that your eyes hurt by day’s end, but still you prevailed. You would work just like L, because and for him. He was your everything and without him, there was no you.
You had grown up believing in magic, in dragons and true love and the very best of humans. Reality, though, had proven this to be false and you had been forced to remove the rose tinted glasses from your eyes and grow up before your time. 
Seeing L work every day, seeing him put his life in danger every second of every day, was inspiring and horrifying. You worked hard to help him, to make him proud of you. In L, you had found the first and last hero; no one else was as determined, as fierce, as L. When the others went to bed, mentally and physically exhausted, he stayed up, bent over papers and more screens than you could count, somehow watching them all at once. 
[Chorus]We all need a heroSomebody to help us to be braveWe all need a heroAnd causes lost to saveWe all need a heroBelieving that deep insideWe’ll find there’s some kind of hero tooLike the one I found in youLike the one I found in you
Because of L, you were able to be brave. You could work hard, sacrifice, you could dream in the back of your mind while you did what had to be done, and you were able to (just barely) stomach real life footage of deaths. He was your hero, your love, your life, and as he collapsed sideways out of his chair, dropping his teaspoon and clutching his chest; as his slate grey eyes found yours, as he smiled and mouthed his love for you; as his hand slumped down to the floor, as he died and a terrible anguished scream ripped from your throat, you swore there and then that you were Justice, and Justice always wins.
Death Note:  @amoureux-de-la-litterature  @xiumincancallmebabyanytime @hagridsbeasts @shingeki-no-julchen @miyakokurono @sanity-is-overratedxp @distressed-honking @my-aestheticdaydreams @phantom-fangirl-stuff @writings-of-a-gen-z @cryptic-trash-cat
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phemonoi · 5 years
tarot cards as foster the people lyrics 🌿✨
*based on the waite tarot deck
I've wanted to do this to better understand the relation of the cards with one another and I thought it'd be a good idea to post it here!
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i. aces, the magician & justice
“rise above, gonna start the war!” / “well, and eye for an eye, and an ‘f’ for a fight” / “well, you got what you want and what you never knew, perfect gift from me to you” / “focus on your ability, then they can’t get what they want to steal”
the aces have an aura of beginning, the spark of an idea, oportunity, birth. however, the magician is the “trigger” of that change, he controls it, activates it. he’s the architect and alchemist that has the ability to make use of each suit as he pleases. with justice, as we see, this power comes with a responsability. you get back what you give. and because the magician is also an illusionist, a liar and a thief, justice needs to be there as a reminder of what happens when you abuse magic. 
ii. twos, high priestess & the hanged man
“you’re a secret, that’s worth keeping, and now i’m keeping my mouth shut” / “well, i’ve been sleeping waiting for something, but to feel nothing at all, avoid the call” / “when i’m alone, there’s a ghost the keeps talking, and i know there’s gotta be more, for sure”
the twos are a symbol of alchemy, and this can be clearly seen in the cups with the caduceus of hermes on the background. the high priestess is the master of occult knowledge, she channels cosmic knowledge through intuition, thus creating a bond, an exchange of energy within her and the universe. the hanged man needs meditation and contemplation in order to decide what’s next, what’s real from what’s an illusion. he urges stillness in order to recover, much like the two of swords.
iii. threes, the empress & death
—fire escape
“my spine is made of iron, my heart pumps out old red paint” / “I see the seasons change, all the young faces come and replace the dying ones” / “i’ve watched the dreamers find their legs, and i’ve seen the ones that come get reduced to bones and rags”
this procesion of cards illustrates the importance of cycles. the threes combine pain, sorrow (swords) with recovery, harmony (cups), planning (pentacles) with action (wands), conveying the message that one simply can’t exist without the other, for the presence of the other is what gives one its importance, its core definition. they’re light and shadow, much like birth (empress) and death. 
iv. fours, the emperor & temperance
—coming of age
“you know i try to live without regrets, i’m always moving forward and not looking back, but i tend to leave a trail of dead while moving ahead” / “just like an animal, i protect my pride, when i’m too bruised to fight, and even when i’m wrong i tend to think i’m right. well, i’m bored of the game, and too tired to rage”
the emperor is the giver of stability, as we can see in four of pentacles and four of wands. he provides a stable foundation to build a home, he’s a father. meanwhile, the four of cups and four of swords portray temperance; they’re about patience, balance, and meditation. the emperor, as a leader, needs to balance the responsability of his power out with temperance, or else he will become a tyrant, ruled by fire.
v. fives, the hierophant & the devil 
—pay the man
“say what you love, it’s alright don’t be afraid to find your light, embrace the day, at night we’re here to fight, we all go wild again” / “climbing up my own tree, hoping it can hold all the things i’ve seen but i’ve chosen to ignore. well, i said, well i believe i’ve been well fed but the wolf’s not dead” / “lift up your name, seasons change, you know that it'll never be the same, we'll see the sun again, and before it fades, i just wanna say that i love you”
this procesion is very deep. it speaks of the spirit on a level that no other procesion of cards does in the entire deck. because the hierophant is combined with the devil, i feel like it unites opposite religious concepts: heaven with hell, purity with dirt, wisdom with madness. this alchemy of the soul is pretty much a product of dionysos, and that’s why he’s often identified with both major arcanas. the fives, now, are the middle point of each suit; they mark a transcendental point in the path of the fool. they speak of poverty, sadness, confusion and conflict. this is the event that leads to the tower; the failure, the longing for illumination, the unmasking of the lies and illusions that have ruled one’s life until now. the unity of darkness and light, the highest power, thrice-born and divine, with the lowest impulses of nature, the satyrs and maenads that lure you into their orgy. the devil here demands to be payed back, he wants retribuition, while the hierophant presents himself as the saviour, the guide, that happens to also be incredibly biased. i think it’s very useful to view this procesion as a representation of dionysos, he who initiates us into the journey of self-discovery through mysteries and shadows. 
vi. sixes, the lovers & the tower 
—the truth
“well i’ve been trying to relearn my name, it feels like a thousand years that i’ve been out of frame and i surrender, the truth is what it’s what i’ve needed from you, cause i’ve been floating within your walls of opinion, and i’m tired. i only want the truth” / “a blinding call to prayer has touched my feet, like the call of the prophets, a purpose is needed before you know that you know, to never wonder what you are, and not forget where you’ve come from” / “is it really love you’ve been speaking of?”
the lovers and the tower have a closer relation than what i thought at first, and the verses of this song really show it. the lovers is, finally, the resolution of the devil and the hierophant: it is the unification of duality, the yin and yang, and its lust is still present in the devil; the impetus and dichotomy of human emotion. but the tower and the hierophant are both events of immense spiritual enlightment. they represent freedom. the sixes are about charity, change, escape, and victory. 
vii. sevens, the chariot & the star 
—doing it for the money
“just close your eyes, we’re gonna run this blind, we live our lives, we’re not wasting time, maybe we lost our minds, we’re gonna get what we can” / “i said it doesn’t matter where i go, i am calling all the poets into battle, i am shouting to the world let them know that we won’t be afraid to step into the fight when we can’t see the light” / “there’s no retreat and no escape if we keep dreaming while we’re wide awake”
dreams, hope, courage and art. this is a creative procesion of cards. after the breakdown of the sixth procesion, the seventh brings bravery forthward. there’s no time to waste and we’re now purified, convinced of our worth and what we need to do in order to achieve what is needed. we’ve accepted the situation, the nature of our uncontrolling emotions and the will of fate. the sevens take action, a bit impulsively, but still they trigger a necessary change after the depression seen with the lovers and the tower. 
viii. eights, strength & the moon
—a beginner’s guide to destroying the moon
“and now i’m staring at the moon wondering why the bottom fell out, been searching for answers and there’s questions i’ve found” / “we’ve been crying for a leader to speak like the old prophets, the blood of the forgotten wasn’t spilled without a purpose, or was it?” / “you’ll never be whole until you lose control, and think freely to smash the wall of apathy, stop your self-importance and lift the weight off somebody else”
there’s a very pretty picture on the eight of cups in the ethereal visions illuminated tarot deck, because the moon is full, shining enormously over a deep blue landscape, and that perfectly illustrates the relation of this card to the major arcana of the moon. this procesion for me is about confidence. change is never easy, even when we’ve finally surrendered to the fate of circumstances, even when we were the ones to trigger it. eight of swords and eight of cups are not easy cards to gaze at, but we must remember that the moon is a mother, it is nurturing, it reminds us of the quality of nature to be cyclical, that things are always moving and flowing, and emotions don’t last forever. it’s also a card of illusions; it yells at us to remove the blindfold from our eyes and rediscover our worth. strength is about taming the beast, keeping on working, effort and struggle. so this tells me; no matter how much it hurts, keep going, be a leader, be the lion, make the blood you shed worth it. 
xix. nines, the hermit & the sun
—pseudologia fantastica
“don’t be afraid of the knife, sometimes you gotta cut the limb to survive” / “you got to love the madness of the feeling, don’t have to rush the freshness of beginning, you got to get back up and face your demons, don’t ever be afraid of starting over”
the nines follow the archetype of the hermit and continue their path through the sun. when we’ve worked hard enough, when we’ve compromised to facing our shadow self, when we’ve retired to truly know ourselves, admiting what we’ve done, what we’re worth, and retreated into silence, then there’s a comeback filled with joy, music, light. the nine of swords is a necessary dark night of the soul leading to a definitive awakening. 
xx. the tens, wheel of fortune & judgement 
“and i wont be afraid, it’s true we’ll never know, when the night will come and take us home, and people change, we fade from youth, and evolve into eternal life” / “wake the sleeping from their dreaming, we all want more, we all want more saints will sing and hearts are beating, saying we all want more, we all want more”
there’s still much to learn in the ten of swords already, but because life is an ouroboros and our purpose is to return to having full control of all the suits and making use of that power faithfully and wisely, it doesn’t matter. in the tens, we admit that we can affect certain situations but there’s always something that escapes our sight; fortune acts alone. wheels turn again, endlessly, for eternity. we want more; the ten of cups portrays a couple with kids new life, new paths, a new story that is, again, yet to be unfold. ten of pentacles passes down its knowledge and experience to the youth; ten of wands continues with its struggle, in the conviction that the nine will come back. ten of swords, however, looks defeated. it ain’t. it’s finally the death of the past self. ten of swords is, actually, the scene of the moment the knight defeated his adversaries. it is a card of victory; but the knight is yet to become a king. 
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tartypatoos · 5 years
Tang Shen Raised Turtles AU / The Kasaiko Family AU
tldr; this au features tang shen now known as shen kasaiko as she raises the tmnt while balancing life as a vigalante called “ the patronus “ and eventually “ the patronus and the patrons “ after the boys join her . splinter / yoshi is a police officer , miwa is emo , and the foot is a mafia level group of organized crime in the new york area .
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so i’ve been working on a side verse for my tang shen/moriko so i love the idea of my old shen verse having the wild child shen who fell for yoshi but this verse is a different spin on things . shen was a kid in a neighboring clan and found herself in a romeo and juliet situation , constantly sneaking out to the hamato clan and falling for the young and wild yoshi . she was not one to be tamed , but a dreamer . always wanting more than clan life and to start a family in the us where they could leave their lives behind along with clan rivalries and alliances . that was when she found herself pregnant with the child of yoshi but still in japan . 
it didn’t take long for her family to find out and she was pushed out of her clan and hesitantly taken in by the hamatos . yoshi had agreed with her plan to leave the country and start a new life but was always reluctant every month was , next month , and every questioning led to “ another time “ . shen had grown tired of the waiting and found herself venting to saki , yoshis brother . she had no idea how hard he’d fallen for her till it was too late , her daughter was born and it became another excuse , she wasn’t “ old enough to travel “ . it had all run on too long in her eyes and after one too many vents she had started packing her things and saki was set on fixing things his way . 
that night a fight broke out between brothers and shen realized what had happened . she threw herself into the crossfire and was impaled , and trapped in the rubble of the fire . by a yokai miracle the blades had missed her vitals and she fled the village  , collapsing in the woods . awoken by a yokai in the shape of a scaled temptress who had kept her alive and tended to her wounds she was told there would be nothing left for her at the village . she didn’t want to belive it so she snuck in and was greeted by four graves , hers , her daughters , and the hamato brothers . she ran , it was all she could do . the clan had been unable to find their bodies in the rubble of the building that was now ash , and after a week of them all being missing they were forced to assume the worst . the yokai had kept shen from dying but allowed her to comatose for several days and hid her from the clan that had put her in the scenario .
fleeing to america she started a new life changing her name to shen kasaiko and trying to introduce herself to western civilization and find her place . it didn’t take her long to find work as a strong independent woman who didn’t give up . her first jobs were in construction , metalworking and woodworking . she was looked down upon by many for her brash and stubborn adittude , she was learning quickly that new york was almost as bad as clan life . her destiny was set in stone one night when walking home alone and witnessing a woman being held at gunpoint in a back alley . 
she interjected and ended up with a bullet wound in her side , by yokai intervention she was lucky once more and survived . during her recovery she lost her job at the local construction site but was put on a break by her more hobbyistic jobs at the local forge and depot . she had been working so much to avoid grieving and now house bound was more lonely and sad than ever . that was when she defied doctor orders and paid a visit to the local pet store . when she got there she discovered five turtles of different types and sizes , thy were each the last left behind of their clutches and to big to be sellable to any local kids they’d be thrown out soon . and despite knowing nothing about turtles let alone different species of them she made an impulse buy despite the fact she was a large fan of the axolotls in the store , and decided to bring all five of the turtles home in the undersized tank they probably shouldn’t have been sharing at the time .
on her way home she had a run in with a group of men who looked more like cia clones than locals and ended up covered in some sort of toxic looking slime . it burnt her skin and left her screaming in pain . she managed to hide behind a dumpster with the ten gallon tank held to her chest . after a few hours she woke up still there , luckily unfound . at this point her personal angel or more accurately described the yokai who had fallen smitten with her had stuck her neck out again despite shen growing angrier and angrier with her sudden appearances , one last reminder of her old life . a reminer that she resented despite its helpfulness .
making her way home she put the tank on the mantle at her flat and fell asleep again , the next morning she woke up to find an empty tank . and five child like turtles surrounding her , feeling as if she’d woken in a fever dream she just laid there slowly realizing her gunshot wound was gone and her skin was vaguely brighter , brushing it off she got up and made herself breakfast . afterwards she came back to her room and after stubbing her toe she was certain it wasn’t a dream . but there she was a single woman with five turtle children . five yokai maybe ? she wasn’t sure but she had a feeling her life would only get weirder , so after setting up the tub she moved them to the bathroom and began her journey in raising them .
she used the time she should have been bedridden to baby proof her house and find a job as a local self defense coach , teaching other women to defend themselves and eventually how to wield and protect . seeing victim after victim walk through her doors as she juggled her job , hobbies , and trying to find out what her turtles were she figured someone should do something about new york , and if the nypd wouldn’t she would . she adopted a secon alias , the patronus . defending those who the nypd wouldn’t defend she took on the vigilante title becoming a wanted criminal , but never a bad guy .
over time she raised the turtles to eventually join her in her pursuits and defend those who had no voice . however before she could raise them she had to name them , giving each a signature color and the only reminder of her past life she wanted . she named them after her fallen yoshi’s favorite artists and sculpture . she would be there for them and she wouldn’t lose anyone again . they were raphael , donatello , michaelangelo , leonardo , and venus demilo of the kasaiko family .
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saki had not died as his clan , brother , and shen believed . after his loss he fled to the place the object of his affection dreamed of , new york . he would start his own clan there and make his own legacy . after an afair with a russian circus performer he was left with a daughter of his own , pimiko . she was his closest possession and weapon , he would raise her to be better , better than yoshi and his clan however , to bake a cake some eggs must be broken , and if he wanted her to be indestructible he’d have to subject her to the kraangs knife , giving them the test subject they desired . a child whose dna was unstable and allowed her to painfully refert after every mutation  , giving her the option to fuse with others via mutation and heal herself but only at the risk of her sanity . the foot never noticed the patronus till later years when the turtles were raised and she had a small masked army , starting a rivalry that would tear their families apart .
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yoshi had fled with miwa forced to leave his wife so their daughter would survive . after traveling to new york he found himself a single father in a fast paced world . he spent his first few years working at a dojo that failed financially and somewhat broke his heart with it . that was when he saw the nypd was hiring . as he threw himself into cop work him and his daughter grew farther apart resulting in her turning to the internet and getting involved in goth , scene , and alternative crowds . taking up tagging as a hobby and constantly getting in trouble only leading her father to worry more and more , dealing with his emotions the only way he knew how , by throwing himself into his work . that was when he was put on the partronus’s case and was set on delivering justice . he was thrown a hard ball when he discovered his own daughter was a patronus fan driving a further wedge in their relationship , especially since now he’d uncovered a crime ring bigger than the force , one it seemed no one wanted him to find , the foot .
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theselfhelphipster · 5 years
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I still read every night before bed and when I love a story, I burn my way through it in a matter of days. Hours if I really put my mind to it.
It is scientifically proven that reading is one of the most relaxing things you can do (more than other things even) - it slows down your breathing and your heart rate, which is why it's perfect to incorporate in a bedtime ritual.
Here's the list of my favourite books of the past year or so.
*Affiliate links below!
Throne of Glass Series - Sarah J Maas
This series is not as steamy as the Court-series I wrote about in the previous blog post. However, technically speaking this is definitely a better saga, if you will.
Sarah J Maas has created this epic tale around Selena Galynthius in an epic world full of old-time fantasy characters like elves and fae and witches and wyverns. It's very cool.
The series wrapped up with a stunner of a finale last fall and it was some of the best fantasy I've read in a while. Book 1 is kind of weirdly written if you compare it to the rest, but in book two she really gets the show on the road.
If you like epic fantasy? This is IT.
I'm thinking about buying this box myself (I've read them on Kindle but these are so epic I want them on print) but if you want to start, start with Throne of Glass AND Crown of Midnight.
The Meredith Gentry Series - Laurel K Hamilton
I'm including this one more for lolz than for anything else.
I LOVED these when I was a teen, such smutty books in a fantasy world. Turns out it was either hormones kicking in or I just had terrible taste back then. (Probably both.)
These are TERRIBLE!
They make zero sense, the story is incredibly convoluted and I don't even think the sex scenes are that well-written or hot anymore. They're no Court of Mist and Fury, if ya know what I mean.
I reread them for old time sake, and if you're into Harlequin-esque elf books with a lot of descriptives and dialogues, in a story that only BARELY goes somewhere, go off I guess. If not, steer clear.
Bol.com is like 'fuck you we're not selling this drivel' but Amazon Kindle always comes through for us perverts.
Good Omens - Thierry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
When I saw that wickedly cool trailer for Good OmensI immediately started reading Good Omens. I had had it on my Kindle forever, and it really is a classic.
It's fun, funny, great story and great writing. I'm going to do that online storytelling class by Neil Gaiman and read a lot more by them both the upcoming year.
I've read Neil Gaiman's American Gods, The Ocean By The End of the Lake and Graveyard Boy, but nothing by Thierry Pratchett yet.
I'm excited.
Where to buy? A paperback at Bol.com is just 8,99 right now.
Caraval & Legendary - Stephanie Gaber
A magical story about two sisters (there's quite a few books I read the past year with sisters) get invited to a once-a-year, exclusive magical live performance where the audience participates. The protagonist has been obsessed with this Caraval as long as she lives. To escape a betrothal of her sister, they go and during the Caraval a lot happens that changes everything.
Apparently there is a third book called Finale, which makes me think I maybe haven't finished Legendary and I need to, because I thought there would just be two.
You can buy the paperback here, and if you want to read it in Dutch you can too: My favorite online writer to follow on Instagram, Chinouk Thijssen translated the book!
Circe - Madeline miller
I've read both this one, Song of Achilles and Galatea. The only one I wouldn't really recommend was Galatea, I just didn't really think that one is interesting. The other two are, though.
I love Greek mythology and when people retell a classic in an interesting new way, and Madeline Miller has done so with this book. I really liked Circe.
The paperback is only 9,70!
Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
One f the most beautiful and tragic lovestories I've ever read. I recommend it to everyone, especially anyone who likes Greek mythology. It's about Patrocles and Achilles, and their lovestory.
I cried like a baby during the last bit.
If you want to purchase this stunning story in paperback, click here.
A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara
If you'd like to be emotionally destroyed and sob incontrollably through the entire last half of this book, go read 'A Little Life'
At first I resisted, and during the first chapters of this book I was mostly confused about who was who, but once you've got it, it is one of those stories that touches you, breaks you and then changes you.
English paperback here, Dutch paperback here.
Fireblood Trilogy - Elly Blake
I read this only a few weeks ago and I burned through these books, if you will. Finished all three in less than a week.
These are SO GOOD. The world is divided into three types of people: Regular, Firebloods and Frostbloods, the last two types having magic abilities that they train and can use, and with the Firebloods and Frostbloods being enemies of sorts.
A Fireblood girl is taken by Frostbloods to help them take down their evil king, but it turns out everything is a lot more complicated than it seems.
Lots of plot twists you can't easily see coming, a lot of friendships, a little romance, and a really good story. It's absolutely lovely.
Paperback here, Amazon Kindle below.
The Bear and the Nightingale Series - Katherine Arden
The prettiest trilogy I've read all year.
Set in Russia, a fairytale of sorts, and the protagonist is a strong girl who believes in freedom, her own decisions and heart, and who falls in love.
Three books to enjoy and swoon over. Try the first one hereor get the ebook below.
Small Spaces - Katherine Arden
By the same author as the previous trilogy, perhaps a children's book, but a good scary story that is easy to read.
A girl who has lost her mom goes on a field trip and turns out, farms and scarecrows are still as scary as they were during Children of the Corn.
I highly recommend; easy and fun scary story, fun to read with a child I think.
You can get it here, or here:
The Mermaid's Sister - Carrie Anne Noble
This is such a beautiful story.
You meet Clara, Maren and O'Neill. Claire was brought to her aunt by a stork, Maren came out of a shell, and O'Neill was found by the woman's husband under an apple tree. As Maren slowly turns into a mermaid, Clara and O'Neill try desperately to save Maren and return her to the ocean.
It's kinda like Frozen with the sisterly love, but has more to it.
Easy to read, with lovely and beautiful sentences, and I cried at the end.
Where to buy? For 12 euros you can buy the paperback here, or the Kindle version for 3.99$ below!
Numina Series - Charlie N Holmberg
This is such a good series, I can't wait for the third book - it's coming out in September.
In this world, magic is a scary underground thing where you need slaves to get possessed by numen, fiery beings from a different plane of existence.
A girl escapes her master who as it turns out, wants to bring the worst numen from that plane to destroy the world. With the help from a charming thief, she tries to save the fellow slaves and prevent world destruction.
Get the first one hereor below:
Magi Bitter, Magic Sweet - Charlie N Holmberg
By the same author, really interesting and pretty fairytale, kind of.
It's about a magical baker, and you should just read it. Buy it here, or below. It's cheaper on Kindle and it's such a breezy book, it's fine as an ebook.
My Absolute Darling - Gabriel Tallent
Horrible but gripping story about a girl called Turtle who grows up with her survivalist nut job of a dad in the woods, and then meets a few boys and a little girl that change the course of her life.
It's hard to read sometimes because the writer has made Turtle into what into my eyes is an eerily accurate portrait of the abused and traumatised. You're rooting for her but you don't always understand her, and you don't always understand her but you're always rooting for her, you know?
You can buy the paperback here for 12 euros or do as I do and buy the Kindle version via the link below!
The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein - Kiersten White
I'm a sucker for reinventions of the classics, especially if suddenly we see everything from a woman's perspective. This story is about Elizabeth Frankenstein, the girl who grew up with the boy who will become Doctor Frankenstein and who loves him, and goes looking for him when he disappears from the place he was studying.
It's a very interesting and scary story, and it shows exactly how sometimes the things we do for love, are the very things that make the person we love into a monster.
I'm going to read a lot more by Kiersten White upcoming year, that's for sure.
You can buy the paperback herefor 12 euros, or click below for the Kindle version, for only 8.32$. Fun fact: The copy of the actual story about Frankenstein's monster by Mary Shelby is the second half of the book!
Strange the Dreamer & Muse of Nightmares - Laini Taylor
By the author of some of my favorite books EVER (Daughter of Smoke and Bone series), such a well-written and ethereal story. Full of legends, poetry and love.
It is well-written, heartbreaking and especially during Muse of Nightmares it is so great to see how everything pans out.
Buy the paperback herefor 12 euros , or below:
Grim Lovelies - Meghan Shepherd
I literally finished these last weekend, and really fun! Good story, set in France, in which 'Beasties' are animals turned people and used to help magical people like witches.
Can't wait for the sequel that is coming out in a couple of days!
Get the paperback here, or below.
A Blade So Black - L. L. Mckinny
This is such an interesting take on Alice in Wonderland, scarier and darker, but also more fun. The series is called the Nightmare Verse, I haven't gotten around to reading the second instalment: A Dream So Dark.
Incredible about this book is that the protagonist is a black girl and the book also touches upon the horrible terror that you can get attacked or killed just because of the color of your skin.
You can buy the paperback for 11,99, or on Kindle below.
The Luminous Dead - Caitlin Starling
This might be one of the most terrifying books I have ever read. It combines a few of my greatest fears (caving, being underground and diving) into a goosebump-filled adventure as you follow Gyre, an inexperienced caver who lied on her resume in order to get this job, go deeper and deeper into the cave -- as well as into the complicated backstory of her handler, Em.
Guys. It is so scary. And so good. Go read it. It's 14 euros here, or available on Amazon.
The Girl From Everwhere - Heidi Heilig
Timetravel always gives me a headache, but this piratey-spin on int is really fun.
You can buy the paperback for 9,99 on Bol.com and I was pleased to find out there is a second book now: The Ship Beyond Time. Definitely reading this as soon as I finish Frost!
Phew, a whale of a post
As always, I'd love it if you reciprocate with your own (non)-fiction recommendations: Let me know in the comments below what books you loved the past year.
Have a lovely Sunday!
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thunderheadfred · 5 years
Why I Love Spike But Also Hate Him A Lot: an unsolicited essay by me
OR: Why I personally relate to blood-sucking poseurs OR: dude what if I ever got high enough to rewrite season six?
(under a cut because this goes on for a while. also discourse frightens me)
Okay. I’m like twenty years late. But I’ve been rewatching BtVS s5 during my latest depression spiral and wandering against my better judgement into the Spuffy fic verse. Disclaimer that my grasp of the series’ larger canon is meh at best, and frankly I don’t care.
As usual, I have too many thoughts.
Spike is, hands-down, my favorite character on this show. Maybe one of my favorite characters, period. He’s just... good to watch. But listen. Secret poet or no, he was never an inherently good person. Meek and shy does not equal Buffy’s equal. I squirm at this apparently massively popular canon interpretation of his human character as some kind of adorable perfect cherub, as if William the Dipshit Poet is somehow preferable to Spike the Complicated Murderer or like, we should just automatically assume that cute shy white people who lived in 1880 London are default Lawful Good when in fact... ahahaa haaaa YIKES COLONIALISM?
I actually think the reason Spike is “more human” than other vampires (in the weird, contradictory Buffy soul-canon) is exactly because William was not Pure, he was a Pratt. Sweet? I guess. Loves his mum? He’s got that going for him. But that guy?? Is not Buffy’s long-lost true love, not a weepy ghost to be shoved into Spike’s Billy Idol cosplay bod at the last minute. In a show that, at its best, tries to give us a protagonist who fundamentally believes we must always make the choice to keep living mindfully, accountably, and with purpose... we get a love interest who is... Spike. A guy who, until the very end of his arc, acts as though he has zero fucking free will. Even though, through a combo of deliciously fun and inconsistent writing, Spike is apparently the only vampire in the Buffyverse who does.
I’ll get to that but first, let’s accept for a minute that Free Will + Buffy = good, and people who roll over and say “I had no choice” + Buffy = Mr. Pointy. This counts for her friends too, (*coughWILLOWcough*) and it’s one of the reasons I love the show despite its many textual problems. As a character piece, it’s great. People fail to take accountability for their behavior all the time. It’s an extraordinarily human flaw, one that rarely equals automatically evil, and I love that it can bite characters on the side of good, too. But that’s not the point of this, oh shit!
Okay. William, cute glasses aside, has no free will. He didn’t even sign up for the vampire thing, he just wanted to get felt up by a pretty girl who saw him cry and didn’t laugh at him. At every point, he was an immature, weak-willed, naive dreamer type who wanted nothing more than to be validated by his shitty friends. The vampirism made him a killer, yeah. But it also inadvertently gave a cowardly nobody a lot of good qualities. Now he’s a weirdly observant, relentlessly optimistic, fun-loving, sexually secure Cool Guy who gave up poetry for punk... but still tries too hard to impress his shitty friends. Basically, being a vampire made this guy a happier-but-still-undeniably-crappy version of himself, especially... considering all the murder. 
But now, let us transparently and metaphorically link cartoonish Vamp!Murder to addiction. Because wow, death in BtVS is either a manipulative authorial gut-punch or a dumb joke, and either way, it’s almost impossible to take seriously in this show, so let’s not.
How to make a remorseless bloodsucking fiend out of of “boo hoo I’m a bad writer and I wish some jerks thought I was cool?” Ha ha you can’t!  Turns out you basically recreate my early twenties but with more murder. Spike is a socially-dependent ADHD art school reject on a century-long avoidance bender. He’s a codependent, moon-eyed boyfriend who learns how to aggressively project not caring while caring Far Too Much, all while clinging to aesthetic as an identity. ALTHOUGH let us not deny that he 100% enjoyed all the killing - wtf so much killing - because for vampires, killing equals pleasure, and charming, “happy” addicts always justify the comforts of their vices. He talks the talk cuz fitting in is his whole deal, but he’s not actually in it for chaos and destruction or any high-falutin’ evil reason, or even really for eating delicious ladies but because, in the end, it feels good and the only girlfriend he’s ever had thinks eating people is cool. Even his whole (gorgeous, splendid to watch) episode-long speech about killing two slayers was written more for Buffy’s character arc than his; we don’t really know why he killed the slayers other than like, “Because they had a death wish I guess. Side note: it was fun.”
There wasn’t much legitimately vengeful or hateful stuff in sad little William for demon!Spike to work with, and apparently William’s soul-or-whatever moved about twelve inches over his left shoulder and stayed there, occasionally poking him for the next hundred years. So it should shock no one that he immediately switches sides when a) his girlfriend dumps him, b) his addiction suddenly hurts, and c) it’s time to impress a new friend group.
I get that Spike’s whole soul-getting between s6 and s7 has been interpreted in fanon as a grand romantic sacrifice (ehhhhhhhhhhhh) and I get why that’s tempting, but the show itself bungled that up way bad and I just can’t get behind it. R*pe idiocy aside, making it ultimately all about Buffy just kinda cheapens what could have been a really fucking powerful redemption arc, one that would have led to a far more satisfying love story. Especially from Buffy’s perspective. 
Okay listen.
We have a guy who has been playing the “duh, Vampire!” card for a century, pleasure-seeking and self-centered, pandering to various peer groups, murderous or otherwise, a happy addict, impervious to change. So when finally, after a HUNDRED SODDING YEARS of being a soulless, hilarious dick, Spike has consequences shoved into his gray matter by the government, he doesn’t change. At all. He just starts obsessing over another woman, doing what he thinks she wants. A woman he thinks will give him new pleasures, a new, perpetually fine status quo. But this woman is Buffy, whose identity is rock solid even though her life is constantly full of challenge and change and choices. She “rewards” Spike only when he makes willful, selfless decisions. And the rewards aren’t romantic, either. Not early on. Even in canon, she keeps rejecting him over and over again, for crystal clear reasons. Thank god. Because when he accepts that she’ll never have him, but still does the hard stuff anyway, he’s unwittingly starting to change. It’s not just Buffy. Buffy demands real personhood. Independence. Identity. Choice. 
Uh oh. She’s gotten to him, then. Though it starts out selfish, he still makes a CHOICE. Quite literally, he takes on the pain of self-improvement - first by embracing the consequences of his chip, later by going on his fancy sparkly soul quest. Buffy is the catalyst, no doubt, because once a poet always a poet and girls are pretty, but Spike’s path to improvement (if not redemption) was already there, laid out nice and neat. His narrative low point, the lightbulb moment that makes him want a soul again, should never have come out of a season of terrible backsliding, culminating in the shower scene we all regret.
It should have been The Gift. 
Death isn’t Buffy’s gift. It’s love. And not that simpering, easy kind of love that just says, “there there,” but the hard, truthful love that makes you want to keep getting that goddamn rock from the bottom of the hill. Yes, Spike’s arc should still be about Buffy, it’s Buffy’s show, but it should have been more about the hole she left behind. Not just in Spike but in the world. 
What’s left? This latest and greatest group of people who have so far RIGHTLY rejected a demon whose sole motivator seems to be comfort. And maybe when these particular people hit rock bottom, they have enough wisdom to see a monster down in the dark and recognize themselves. Maybe Dawn (whose humanizing effect on Spike has been nearly as important as his obsession with Buffy) shows him that rare, rare thing called Validation. And oh god, he realizes he’s never actually moved beyond trying to sell effulgence to Cecily Whatsherface, that he’s been sitting on his own grave for a hundred years, waiting for someone to coddle and fix him, and now the only woman who might have, the best woman, literally the one girl chosen one above all others... is gone. This would be a good time to die. 
...maybe there is no magic soul cave, maybe he tries to end it and makes the CHOICE not to. Chooses to stay and help, because what else is there? Then BAM! it just slams back into him in a way that hurts like you can’t even believe, because admitting how bad you’ve fucked up is the most painful moment of a lifetime and I’ve lived it and I wish I’d had a hellmouth to jump into, but the Scoobies pull him back, and he takes care of Dawn until life seems to have some meaning again, then Buffy comes out of the earth traumatized and broken and no one is better equipped to help her than a recovering Spike, not because he’s magically her rock but because he’s also learning how to roll his own rock and keep on climbing, because Camus ruined us all for metaphors...
Anyway. As a recovering addict and toxic person who has been struggling a lot recently... who wants to improve and be able to give more to the people I love, Spike has an arc that just like... cuts me deep, man. Especially because of what should have been.
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A Heart That’s Been Loved
Characters: Dean Winchester, Y/N, Sam Winchester, John Winchester (mentioned), Y/N’s parents (mentioned), Castiel (mentioned)
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Loss of parents   
Word Count: 1200ish
A/N: This is my entry for @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba’s Unpopulars songs writing challenge. My prompt was one of my favorite songs Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran.
I twisted the lyrics a tiny bit since I really wanted to keep this one within the SPN verse and not do it as an AU.
Thanks to @iwriteaboutdean for being a sweetheart and betaing this for me.
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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You were completely numb. It felt as if the last few months of your life had been spent inside of the wall of the terminal care facility. It wasn’t just a feeling either, reality was it wasn’t far from the truth. Ever since your mom had been admitted, you had went to see her every afternoon. Today that part of your life had came to a crashing halt as she took her final breath with her hand in yours.
Of all the ways you had imagined losing your mom, ALS wasn’t one of them. You had grown up as a hunter. It was in your blood. The life had been what had taken all of your family from you up until this second.
You thought back to the day you had lost your dad. Your mom’s cries as she held his lifeless body and John Winchester’s hand wiping the tear from your face. You remembered his words. You remembered him telling you not to cry, but use your pain to push on. Use your anger to not get dead, but stop any monster you came across from taking from others what they had from you.
That had never been your way. John Winchester wasn’t a bad man but he never understood you. Just like he never fully understood his sons. Dean had though. He had sat with you every night as tears silently streamed down your face. He had held you close, been your comfort and your strength then and all the years since.
You and your mom had left the life when she had gotten sick and Dean had put as much distance between the two of you and him and his brother as possible. Not because he didn’t respect your mom’s choice to not let Cas heal her. She wanted to die the way she had never lived. Normal and natural. It had taken you weeks of anger and screaming tears, but you had accepted her choice and gone with her. You had kissed Dean goodbye, trying not to cry as he cupped your face reminding you, you’d always have a family and a home with him and Sam.
God you wished he was here with you now as you walked around the empty room, that had been yours and your mom’s life for the past months. You took the supermarket flowers from the window cell and let them fall into the trash. You poured yesterday’s ginger beer down the sink. You folded her clothes and packed up the cards Sam had sent you from the road. Under different names each time, but you’d recognize his handwriting anywhere. You let yourself fall down on the bed as you picked up the photo album that you had made her, flicking through the pages, witnessing a life that had been loved.
You took a deep breath before placing it in the box with the rest of her things, moving it to the table so you could make her bed for the last time. You were in pieces as the loss threatened to tear you apart. You fought to hold back the tears, blinking hard to keep them at bay as you kept your hands busy, smoothing over the sheets. You tried to remember your mom’s words; A heart that is broken is a heart that’s been loved. You held onto her belief of a place in heaven with your father and everlasting peace. You tried to see the world like she did. She never stopped believing in love and hope. She never wanted you to leave Dean’s side to come stay here with her but you had. It hadn’t stopped her from reminding you everyday that a life with love was a life worth living.
You hadn’t believed her then. You had been devastated and all you saw when you thought of Dean was someone else you would end up losing, but now as you stood there looking at the neatly cleaned room, with nothing else to do than leave behind the room with the last memories of your mom. The only thing left for you to do was to steal her body from the morgue and give her a hunter’s funeral like she wanted and deserved. All you could do was think of Dean and how much you needed him with you.
Sudden as lightning it hit you. You would never see your mom again. That was all it took. Something in you broke and a bone chilling scream fell from your lips, as your hand crashed against the lamp on her bedside table sending it flying across the room. It hit the wall, splintering into pieces. But it shattering didn’t stop the breaking of your heart. It didn’t stop the pain, you felt stabbing your chest and prickling through your limbs.
You twirled around ready to break everything else in your path but you were stopped by a wall of muscles. Two strong arms pulling you against his warm chest. The sound of a steady heartbeat and the smell of gunpowder, whiskey and leather instantly calming your storm. It was still there but it no longer threatened to tear you to shreds, not with Dean’s arms safely wrapped around you as you cried, holding you together just like he always had.
He didn’t hush you or speak a word. He simply let you cling to him, as you cried. He held you up, preventing your knees to give up from under you. He was your strength and the love your mom knew you had needed.  
You didn’t know that had been her final request the night before she died while you slept. You didn’t know that she had asked one of the nurses to call him, giving her one of Dean’s numbers. It wasn’t until weeks later when you started wondering how he had known, Dean had told you how he had dropped everything. Leaving the case he had been working to Sam and Cas, while driving himself across the country to be with you.
It wasn’t until then you knew your mom had been right. No matter how scary it was. No matter if or when you were gonna lose him, life wasn’t worth living without love. Dean was yours and you were his. You didn’t need anything else but him and your mom had known that. She had watched you grow up. She had seen the young woman you had become and she had seen how happy, safe and loved Dean Winchester made you feel. As much as she had always wished normal for you, she knew that wasn’t what you needed. You needed Dean as much as the air you were breathing. You hadn’t known, but she had. She had given him back to you in the moment you needed him the most and you were never leaving his side ever again.
You were going to live and love for as long as you were still breathing. You were going to fight and cry and fear, but it was all going to be worth it with Dean Winchester by your side, holding you close and loving you through it all. A life with love is a life worth living and you were going to live.
Dean Tag Team
@mizzzpink @emoryhemsworth @not-moose-one-shots @sleepylunarwolf @roxyspearing @blacktithe7 @atc74 @mogaruke @mysupernaturalfics @fatalcrossbow @mrswhozeewhatsis @goandsavemyunicorn @crushing83 @arryn-nyxx @superapplepie @salvachester @docharleythegeekqueen @walkingkhaleesi @multifandombackpack @ruined-by-destiel @blushingdean @impala-dreamer @winchasterdean @iamabeautifulperson18 @peaceloveancolor @theoriginalvicki @feelmyroarrrr @hexparker @vvinch3st3r @shamelesslydean @katymacsupernatural @elevenofmages @jensen-gal @mysterious-398 @dustycelt @ericaprice2008 @adriellej @ashleydivine @waywardmoeyy @storytimewithylva @canadianjelly @percywinchester27 @featherleaf12 @percussiongirl2017 @sis-tafics @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @mayasmedberg  @ruprecht0420 @jayankles @torn-and-frayed @its-not-a-tulpa  @spn-fan-girl-173 @ryantherandomhero @lupine-princess @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @sylverminx @kathaswings @becs-bunker @mery-magizoologist @sandlee44  @sillesworldofwriting @mariahoedt @akshi8278 @michellethetvaddict @samisimportant @wishuponastarlana @bebravekeeponfighting @smoothdogsgirl @ria132love @winchester-writes @deangirl-samcurious-0214-0502 @amotleyworld @winchester-wannabe99 @wolfgamzee @keepcalmandbeajunkie @19agbrown @aubreystilinski @evansrogerskitten @dalikah3 @impalaimagining
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kindcstguardian · 5 years
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Name. Lyle Darcy. Nicknames. Birthday. ? ( ? ) Nationality. French. Languages. French &&. English. Gender. Cis male. Sexuality. Bisexual. Status. Single. Occupation. Student &&. part-time worker. Speciality. Getting into trouble. Hobbies. Drawing &&. painting. FC. Toono Takashi and Hasegawa Kota.
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         Caring, loyal and curious. . .amazing qualities for a friend           (   or, perhaps, a lover? ).
    He's an outgoing character prone to forget basic etiquette due saying whatever comes to his head first, his spontaneity can often lead him to trouble without meaning for such outcome yet he truly can't help it.
    Despite that, he can be a bit aloof and sometimes things will go over his head, not quite connecting the dots. His negative traits mostly consist of daydreaming and overthinking, which eventually leaves him vulnerable and with a clumsy nature.
    On the other hand, most of his positive traits are how he manages to think in the bright side of things as horrible as the situation can be, his selfless nature to help those in need and putting everyone before himself.
     Changing schools is always such a hard step, getting used to a new environment and start from zero all over again. Introductions, trying to remember where the classes are taking place but getting lost in the process or even recalling where can he buy lunch, even.
     Still, after going through the entire paperwork, Sweet Amorris proved to be an interesting high-school, not once he got bored of it. In there, he met Nathaniel, Castiel, Lysander, Kentin, Armin and Alexy.
     After graduating and entering college, Lyle is busier than ever with his studies in Anteros Academy. Although he hadn't expected to cross paths with Castiel—guitarist in a band named Crownstorm with quite the solid fanbase—, and Nathaniel—unexpectedly surrounded by mystery and involved with night activities—, once again, regardless that he barely recognized the pair after four years. Still, he was glad at those familiar faces  ( Alexy, Priya, Amber, Nina and more)  as well as happy he made a good friend at work, Hyun, and acquaintances overall such as Rayan, his teacher.
     As a kid, Lyle was prone to be bullied due to his quiet nature. For a little boy not to be interested in sword fights, play cops and robbers, or even tag was 'too weird' albeit he'd play if he wanted to, just not all the time — he was far more invested in learning how to draw better, or that technique of melting crayon and doing drawings through dots. Cut paper with safety scissors and make creative shapes or sock puppets with those funny googly eyes.   Always willing to try anything related to art and crafting.
     It certainly didn't help that in kindergarten, the boy would also be interested in how the girls braided their hair or playhouse, sometimes he'd play with them too and ask how the towel technique that his mom did work ( a cone on her head! How does she do that?! ) — which is why Viktor was quick to befriend him. What made Lyle different caught the ravenette's attention and he soon became a 'knight in shining armor' defending his new friend from bullies.
     As time flew by, this blossoming friendship only as time passed by. They'd visit frequently each other's houses and play with handmade masks; Viktor even craved on a tree their names inside a heart due to being close friends. However, not everything was happy memories, unbeknown to Lyle, his best friend came from a wealthy family and Viktor was bound to become a successful heir but as such families, a happy fate did not follow: the ravenette's mother had committed suicide and his father had locked himself within his office, drowning in work whilst leaving his son to raise himself.
     All those events caused the pair of friends to make a promise: two kids who sworn to dedicate their lives to those they love. From that point onwards, they parted in different ways and didn't meet until a decade later.
     In the meantime, Lyle's personality changed from introvert to somewhat extrovert and befriended in no time a boy with glasses, brown hair in a bowl cut named Kentin plus a flirty girl that knew no bounds named Laeti. These two total opposites of friendships are what shaped him to whom he is today.
「V ˣ³ ♡ MCL / ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵒᵒⁿ ˢʰⁱⁿᵉˢ ᵉᵛᵉʳ ˢᵒ ᵇʳⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵃˡᵒⁿᵍˢⁱᵈᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵗᵃʳˢ ʸᵉᵗ ⁿᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵇˡⁱⁿᵈⁱⁿᵍ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵘⁿ」
A lovely marriage and a couple expecting their first child — except it was not only a single baby, but there were also three in total: the eldest being Leila followed by Lynn and lastly Lyle; two beautiful girls and a single boy.
「V ˣ² ♡ MCL / ᵗʷᵒ ˢⁱᵈᵉˢ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᵛᵉʳʸ ˢᵃᵐᵉ ᶜᵒⁱⁿ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵈʳᵉᵃᵐˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ʷᵒʳˡᵈˢ ᵃᵖᵖᵃʳᵗ」
Twins AU. Leila or Lynn is the eldest Darcy twin whereas for a minute later Lyle is the youngest.
Main verse. TAG.  「 001  / Lyle ; ᵃ ⁿᵉʷ ʳᵒᵃᵈ ˡⁱᵉˢ ⁱⁿ ʷᵃⁱᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗᵒ ᵈⁱˢᶜᵒᵛᵉʳ ⁱᵗˢ ʷᵒⁿᵈᵉʳˢ 」
Art history enthusiast, traditional artist. 17 years old.
Moving out from his previous school was a bit harsh on him, leaving friends and acquaintances behind plus teachers that he admired. Still, Lyle was grateful that Kentin was at least with him ( even if for awhile ) due to feeling less lonely and uncomfortable with the sudden change of atmosphere.
Currently in Sweet Amorris, he’s trying to have a good time and joyful memories to look back as the future advances; yet his stubborn and worrisome nature might bring problems and solutions altogether.
MCLUL verse. TAG.  「 002  /   」
College student, 23 years old.     Tba.
Doki doki Literature club verse. TAG.  「 003 / Lyle  ;   」
Highschool student, photography club. 18 years old.
Living for a year with his friend Yukio isn’t exactly his definition of independence but it was a deal with his parents and who is he to judge? Besides, he was sort of forced to attend the same institution and join the photography club because his friend wanted someone close with that knowledge.
Still, there isn’t much Lyle does than avoid being recruited for other clubs and drawing in his spare time.
Mystic Messenger. TAG. 「 004 / Lyle ;   」   
College student, 23 years old. M! MC1.
The reason why he went to Korea was to be a good friend to Hyun whom was facing a bad family situation and mostly watch over him; economy wasn’t good in a big family and his friend would often put his family first and send a big part of his salary to them therefore someone ought to babysit them and that was Lyle.
Except his phone was glitching ( could a phone glitch? ) and a message, a call of help from a distressed person was what lured Lyle to excuse himself from the train station and go towards an adress. If there was something he could do, staying still wasn’t an option for him.
Currently stuck in an unknown appartment, Lyle Darcy curses quietly his softheart and good nature because there’s pressure and expectations set on his shoulders by an unknown group named RFA.
Persona 5 or  Sweet Persona.  TAG. 「 P5 / Lyle  ;   ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵖᵘʳᵉ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘʳˢ ᵐⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵇᵉ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵈᵒᵒᵐ ᵇᵘᵗ ˢᵗᵃⁿᵈ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵍʳᵒᵘⁿᵈ ᵗᵒ ᶠⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ʷⁱᶜᵏᵉᵈ 」
Highschool transfer student, Moon, 17 years old.
‘ People like that, they could certainly benefit from an extra heart. Much like yours,’   a voice would speak in his head, the pain blinding him as he kneeled on the floor, holding his head and crying, vision blurry that could barely make sense of the scene in front of him.   ‘ A dreamer in the same vein as yourself ought to become a man of action, I believe that’s why you summoned me, isn’t it? Make a contract with me ’.
Words that didn’t make sense at first struck him to his very core, several events in which he settled himself as an observant despite wishing to be a barrier to protect those he cherished and loved, his friends and family. Blow after blow, physical or emotional — Lyle was willing to take it, but was afraid of taking the first step. Therefore, he was always there to act as emotional support for them after whatever event had taken place, to make negative emotions stay away and speak brightly about the future.
Yes, the voice was right. Lyle wanted a change, he wanted to change himself. If that was a persona, his own, and could provide that spark he needed to take a step forward without hesitating or overthinking — then so be it!
     “ I accept, ”   tremblings legs stood up as a mask manifested before his eyes, fear vanished and was authomatically replaced by courage and a determination he had never felt before. Hands gripping the mask, a light tug to test the waters. It hurt. But it was a tolerable pain compared to standing on the sidelines and watch.
‘ I am thou, thou art I step into the battefield that lies in wait for you to assume your position, soldier. Raise, and defend those who are precious to you! ’ .
Rippiing off the mask as blood run down his face, yellow hues returned to its green natural color as a blue fire enveloped him, the change he craved for had arrived and it would stay with him.
Eldarya / Fantasy verse TAG. 「/  」
BNHA verse TAG. 「 BNHA / Lyle ; ʷʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵐⁱᵍʰᵗ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵇᵉ ʷʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ⁿᵉᵉᵈ 」
Exchange / Transfer student, 18 years old. QUIRK. Droplets: be it with his tears or blood,  Lyle can make little articulated puppets  ( that are stuffed with his hair and rice in the center, it's not a widely known fact )  move around for a certain amount of time     in those moments, they act to his command and share a mental link with him. The artist mostly settles for two since it’s quite difficult to control more simultaneously and keep track of what they are doing but has around ten to his disposition.
Yarichin ☆ Bitch Club verse TAG. 「 Yaribu ☆/ Lyle ; ʸᵒᵘⁿᵍ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ⁱˢⁿ'ᵗ ᵉᵛᵉʳ ˡᵃˢᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵐᵃˡˡᵉˢᵗ ᵗʳᵃᶜᵉ ᵒᶠ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ʳᵉᵐᵃⁱⁿˢ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵘˢ」
Transfer student, art club, 18 years old.   Truth be told, Lyle Darcy didn’t want to leave France much less the city he grew up into — what would happen to all his friends? Sure, they could comunicate through cellphone and e-mails… But things rarely went the way he wanted therefore after tons of paperwork and getting his passport, he went to live to Japan.
Currently, the entire Darcy family is staying with a friend of his named Kobayashi Yukio who is thankful about having company. Besides, he was prone to travel because of his fashion business and needed someone to look after the mansion when they ( Yukio and his parents ) were gone.
Still, Lyle doesn’t get to enjoy his friend’s household much given he was sent to an all-boys school with three clubs and one of those being an actual sin.
Total Drama Island verse TAG. 「 🎬 TD / Lyle ; ᵒⁿᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵃⁿʸ ᵖᵘᵖᵖᵉᵗˢ ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉ ᵖᵘˡˡᵉᵈ ᵇʸ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵗʳⁱⁿᵍˢ 」
Tba.  Lyle Darcy actually signed up for the shits and giggles, there is no reason neither a mastermind plan behind his intentions — besides, he lost a bet as well and was forced by a friend to register ( said friend might have or might have not pulled some strings and managed to make him join the cast ).
「 Lyle Darcy /   𝓭𝓪𝔂𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻┊ sucrcttc 」
「 Lyle Darcy / INQUIRY」
「 Lyle Darcy / MUSINGS 」
「 Lyle Darcy / VISAGE 」
「 Lyle Darcy / MANNERISMS 」
「 Lyle Darcy / ROMANCE 」
「 Lyle Darcy / CRACK 」
✘ · Kentin ♡(— ᵃ ᵈⁱˢᵗᵃⁿᵗ ˢᵗᵃʳ· ᵐᵃʸᵇᵉ ⁱᵗ ᵈᵒᵉˢⁿ'ᵗ ᵉˣⁱˢᵗ; ˢᵗⁱˡˡ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ˡⁱᵍʰᵗ ˢᵉᵉᵐˢ ᵐᵒʳᵉ ʳᵉᵃˡ ᵗʰᵃⁿ ᵃⁿʸᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ)
✘ · Raven Kendall ♡( ᶜᵃᵘᵗⁱᵒⁿ ⁿᵒᵗ ˢᵖⁱʳⁱᵗ ˡᵉᵗ ⁱᵗ ʳᵒᵃᵐ ʷⁱˡᵈ; ᶠᵒʳ ⁱⁿ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ⁿᵃᵗᵘʳᵃˡ ˢᵗᵃᵗᵉ ᵈᵃⁿᶜᵉ ᵉᵐᵇʳᵃᶜᵉˢ ᵈⁱᵛⁱⁿᵉ )
✘ ·  ♡(   )
0 notes
autolovecraft · 7 years
Each day the sun.
The gigantic lions loomed terrible above him, smirking sinfully and hinting that it bears an iron ring connects the abyss at Sarkomand, dispatching a messenger for enough night-gaunts.
Three times pealed that frightful soul and messenger Nyarlathotep.
Half the cats being somewhat dispersed by the hands of the cats now seated themselves in the gloaming was a rhythmic trumpeting; but progress was very great isle, and that it was a castle beyond all mortal thought, and tried to trace their flight he found the seeker stopped to ask questions; once in antediluvian times, as at first he did that archaic city rise above its clattering. Dolphins sported merrily in and scold him because he loved nothing on earth. Far away in a camp of quarry men whose flickering fires cast weird reflections on the track of the toadlike moonbeasts and almost breathing statues of veined black marble, the outer voids. The solid rock of the peaks neared the gap, slightly slackening its speed as if it were light or dark. In former dreams he had fared so long ago, and a phalanx of murderous claws were tidally and tempestuously upon it. Not hard to catch each lovely strain. Then the suburbs appeared, and all were there in lightless corridors. These latter did not fear; the mountain, so steer for the night-gaunts before a current which pulled madly and relentlessly into the harbor. It was the fragrant resin of Oriab's inner groves, and a nauseous rattle of crotala which proved at once resolved to do, and the panting of the yak often slipped on the little black doorways which marked his farthest former travels in this aeon-deserted city in the blackness beneath it a saucer of rich cream on that table-land. Mindful of his kind; hearing which the fragrance of the party was not disturbed; for the one soul who had once indeed been a ridge of the ghoul returned breathless to say because both were old dreamers and well versed in their gratitude for the High-Priest, Carter made arrangements with the curious wine. There was no quarry of man, and he would have queer lofty thoughts misunderstood by their conquering kinsfolk, whilst great polished blocks of it as a memory that it lies in the distance and the strengthening glow told him how to find that marble parapet with curious urns and ivory statues in gleaming rows. And the sailors sang strange songs of unknown stars whose awful and significant outline grew every moment clearer. They had touched them. He could move, and those who have been stirred up among those bones by his shouting. There is a wonder and menace, all white beneath their golden spires of infamous Thalarion, that lies in the sickly phosphorescence of the enemy might come in boats or with long oars in their conquest of the townsfolk believed him; and Carter was placed well up toward the head of the temple, with its ruins of Yath's farther shore are the alabaster walls of rock and ice and snow. The inlaid doors and figured house-fronts, carven balconies and oriels whence sometimes floated soft strains of music or breaths of exotic fragrance. These, Randolph Carter come, and would remain so till they had lost. On later days they talked of the great central Temple of the burrows one by one to the edge next the top to the bright strange things of your wistful boyhood. Knobs, ledges, and the blossoming vines trained along every inch of the moon; and such spoils as had the door, flanked and followed him even as you know from the huddled night-gaunts' flight. All the time they coughed excitedly, screaming when the Gugs. Meanwhile he did not worry, since it was ancient Trevor Towers, where the daemon-city of broad squares and prismatic fountains, you have known and cherished, drinking of their tentacles Carter could tell him nothing. The moon was a good ten feet up when something swayed the ladder from below. And Carter walked up the subject of his kind; hearing which the cats were on earth or in dreamland; so that the motions of the ghoulish army, waiting in the greater; even as you know from the narrow ridge of mighty onyx hills. Then suddenly the clouds at his command, he swore that Ulthar would be followed by consequences highly disastrous to say that another party was fixed on the solid rock of the cats all leaped gracefully with their groves and gardens of asphodels and the quick sun-drenched glimpses of a ship, but realized that they have indeed an excellent sharpness of smell. For though Kuranes was a single ruby, and some beneath him whenever he looked about; the hyena-like mountains carven into monstrous watching statues, and heard behind him the wonders of the winged hunter sought to dart down upon it, but the captain traded in the taverns and public places where lava-gatherers returning with laden sacks from Ngranek's ancient lava.
And in two points above their curiously arched doorways certain signs of the corridors leading outside.
Carter could turn and move.
When it learned that a ghast, or pair of anklets stretched a golden palanquin to pray, so would they aid him. Such were the suburbs of Ulthar as they rushed to and from which had once indeed been a temple. The Thorabonian opined that this theory would not be his fault.
He traced his way by the moonbeasts and their crawling chaos waited, Carter felt they were above him, so that none would wholly promise to cease trafficking with the spun wool of Ulthar licking their chops, and was presently taken to the rocks and boulders, with only space and picked his way up.
It was not to the fateful crag he sent up as it was ancient Trevor Towers, where he had gone down the stairs and corridors lay silent along the sea meets the sky for climbing merely the known peak of granite and dim supernal memory might fill those children of the isle of Oriab, and it soon became clear that these men have an aura not of men without embarrassment or curious explanations.
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