#&&. ruffnut ( images )
spacenintendogs · 1 year
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happy pride month
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twillieplaysneo · 2 months
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Behold, my customization magnus opus!
This is a project I accidentally got sucked into late last year, and I feel like I'm finally at a good point with everyone's customs. Honestly the most fun I've had on Neopets in a long time; it introduced me to NC trading, and it let me indulge in two of my biggest obsessions with Neopets and HTTYD.
Of course, the customization game never ends, so I may still tweak or add to these as ideas and items come to me (psst TNT, please make a good brown wig for draiks >>), but for now I shall enjoy the fruits of my labor lol
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starsweepers · 9 months
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i can't credit the artist because it was from YEARS ago ( literally like ten at least ), and i deleted the blog i got this on so i don't remember the url and there's no name or the like on it because i was given this as a secret santa.
basically, before i ever tried rping on tumblr, i was a httyd personal blog. i had a joke blog called like incorrecthttyd too, but i sadly deleted that, as well. and i joined a secret santa snoggletog addition and this was one of the gifts i got.
wanted to share it because it's still so cute and wonderful and i hope whoever made it for me is doing well in life.
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vairsmania · 2 years
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best friends
[Image ID: 
Five images. 
First image, Snotlout(left) is talking while gesturing with his left hand. Hiccup(right) is smiling and listening.
Second image, Fishlegs(left) is marvelling happily over a miniature toothless. Hiccup(right) is in shocked at his best friend being tiny. Toothless(on table) is calling Hiccup a muttonhead.
Third image, Ruffnut(left) is giving Hiccup(right) a fistbump. Both are smiling. 
Fourth image, Tuffnut(left) holding onto Hiccup's(right) shoulder, struggling to peer into the distance. Hiccup is silently judging him, looking at Ruffnut. Tuffnut’s sister Ruffnut is in the far back right calling his name next to Barf and Belch.
Fifth image, Hiccup(left) and Astrid(right) touching their index fingers together to callback the RTTE episode where they did so. They are smiling at each other. End ID.]
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eefkakis · 2 months
.𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐩.𝟐 :𝔼𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕔 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕠𝕠.
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Finally, I can upload the colored still image from the comic! I'm, really proud of how everything came out and hopefully, I've done Eret the justice he deserves.
I think our mans here has a very well-built physic, I mean hell even the movie agrees. (I relate to Ruffnut on a whole new level, that girl knows how to pick 'em).
When discussing muscular structure a lot of times I tend to default to a triangular, leaner silhouette and with Eret I wanted to avoid that completely. I wanted to try to draw a "sturdier" body for him since we've witnessed the heavy lifting he does.
Additionally, he dealt with wild dragons constantly in his dragon trapper days so excessive scarring is something that movie Eret lacks, in my opinion.
༺.𝔦𝔪𝔭𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔰𝔱𝔲𝔣𝔣 𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔴.༻
Anyway, with all that being said, this is my very first piece of fan-art ever. I have never referenced a pre-existing character to make this type of art before and I'm so glad the fandom enjoyed what I put out. I highlight this because there was a lot of doubt in myself and my skills while illustrating this.
I want to encourage others to make more fan-art or fan-fiction or any fan-related thing. To please indulge yourselfs in the things that you enjoy without doubts or fear. We all start from somewhere, so just upload the damn post!
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Reblog with your favorite Ruffnut Thorston image. I’ll start
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Idea from @spacenintendogs
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 2 years
Summarising every single HTTYD movie, short and episode in roughly one sentence:
ADHD incarnate befriends Death: The Dragon and with the power of friendship they OH GODS OH FUCK OH HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT
Legend of the Boneknapper:
Gobber likes to tell campfire stories
Book of Dragons:
DreamWorks attempts to write a reader POV fanfiction
Gift of the Night Fury:
Critical series lore in a Christmas special?? Yeah seems normal for this franchise
Riders of Berk:
1. Mildew tries to get a bunch of teenagers executed or some shit
2. Solidifying Gobber as a total madlad: The episode
3. Hot take: You can skip this episode, it's arguably the worst one in the franchise, but you WILL miss a penis joke so there's that going for it.
4. Toothless develops an Older Sibling complex over Beyblade: The Dragon™ and HOLY FUCK WHAT IS THAT???
5. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, MILDEW?? I mean I knew you were an ass but I didn't expect THIS??
6. "The films aren't anything like the books!" UM, ACTUALLY- (aka the episode where Hiccup goes full-on Book!Hiccup mode and Alvin is nothing like his book counterpart but the rest of the outcasts are)
7. "Look at this super dangerous dragon I found! I'M GONNA WRESTLE IT!!"
8. Hiccup has body image issues
9. Mildew gets bitten in the ass (SATISFYING)
10. The Mary Sue: Part One
11. The Mary Sue: Part Two
12. Oh yeah Snotlout's dad is an abusive cuck who can go fuck himself I'm not even joking. Love Snotlout tho I gotta say.
14. Toothless has a mortal enemy apparently and it is fucked up
15. (Dagur fanboys start screaming in the distance)
16. Snotlout fixes his mistakes (they were very big mistakes)
17. VALKA??? VALKA MENTION??? HICCUP HAS A DRAGON PLUSHIE??? (silently weeping by the end of the episode)
18. Fishlegs and Snotlout piss off some helicopter parents who are also Invisible Acid Dragons™ (ohhhhhh no)
19. Are there... other Night Furies????
Defenders of Berk:
1. Fight Club reference
2. That one time Meatlug became magnetic and almost died
3. Dagur is gay for Hiccup but like in a yandere way
4. Whoever designed the Screaming Death must have been on a particularly fucked up slice of magic mushroom because I've never seen something more in need of holy water than that dragon (my childhood favourite :D )
5. Snotlout's dad is a fucking asshole but I never thought he'd stoop that low
6. Behold: My second favourite dragon who canonically killed Astrid's uncle
7. They tried to train Terrible Terrors in this episode, guess how that went lmaooo
8. (grabs more holy water) IT'S BACK.
9. Hey remember Tiny Beyblade Dragon? Yeah now he's kinda sorta the size of a house. Meanwhile everything is on fire (twin's fault)
10. Behold: My favourite dragon's frozen carcass preserved in ice- I mean my favourite dragon is hibernating in ice- I mean OH SHIT OH FUCK HOLY FUCKING SHIT OH NO-
11. Dagur subjugates my favourite dragon and then karma bites him in the ass
12. Snotlout and Gustav are an anxiety/adhd wombo-combo
13. Ruffnut cuts her hair short to save the life of a really cute dragon and Dreamworks was too pussy to keep it like that for the rest of the season.
14. (darude sandstorm plays)
15. The dragons get high and try to kill each other
16. Toothless is on drugs (I'm not even joking, during the Toothless POV shots you can literally hear stoner music playing)
17. Dagur with helmet hair Dagur with helmet hair Dagur with helmet hair
Dawn of the Dragon Racers:
The gang got new fits and invented a sport
Race to the Edge S1:
1. Oh shit, Dagur's out of prison, better go chase him down and OOOH, SHINY TELESCOPE THINGY?? (Hiccup is a magpie apparently)
2. Gothi once again proving herself to be an absolute madlad
3. Hiccup and the gang move out of home because telescopy thingy told them to. What could possibly go wrong? (GONE WRONG)
4. Welcome to our new home on Dragon's Edge! It's been years since we've been able to function effectively as a team, and Tuffnut's been smoking way too many hallucinogens lately OH FUCK HE WASN'T HALLUCINATING OH FUCK ME
5. Snotlout is gay for Fishlegs
7. Basically what happens when you put me in charge of anything
8. "Look at this super dangerous dragon I found! I'M GONNA WRESTLE IT!!"
9. Fishlegs and Snotlout are gay
12. (darude sandstorm vocoded to running in the 90s plays)
13. they made girl dragon pink
Race to the Edge S2:
1. Astrid becomes that "SHOW ME YOUR WAR FACE" guy basically
2. SCOTLAND FOREVER!!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (new villain alert and he is AWESOME)
4. Dreamworks introduces Dragon Werewolfism and does NOTHING with this concept after this episode?? What a ripoff!
5. Fuck Snotlout's dad so much
6. Hiccup punches Snotlout in the face and knocks him out which is no surprise considering he is God of Dragons
8. Two people and a singular dragon try to fight off an entire armada
9. They succeed somehow
10. Oh hey it's a HTTYD 2 dragon (Free Willy parody? You couldn't have done anything more original?)
12. Prepare to thirst in 3... 2... 1: (Viggo appears)
13. If you thought Dagur was homosexual, you aren't prepared for how gay Viggo gets
Race to the Edge S3:
1. Dagur did WHAT NOW???
2. Fuck Cavern Crashers so much but SNOTLOUT SNOUTLOUT OI OI OI!!!
3. Sword in the Stone parody?? Are all the Fishlegs episodes story parodies now??
4. Did... Did they try to portray Snotlout's dad as being in the right in this episode?? Ew fuck that.
5. Viggo almost caused Covid-19
6. Hiccup forgets that not everyone has ADHD and the dragons go completely fucking feral
7. This show loves to force romances, doesn't it?
8. I think these people took HTTYD/Pokemon crossover fics a bit too far
9. A musical episode which has a reason to exist. Sarah Z was right all along?
10. Favourite Fishlegs episode :)
12. My go-to introductory episode for non-fans. It's got everything. Including Viggo.
Race to the Edge S4:
2. If you listen closely you can hear TJ Miller in absolute hysterics in the recording booth
3. At this point in time Viggo only values Hiccup as being worth 1000 gold coins
4. I love Snotlout so much... Spitelout can go suck a bag of rocks
5. Oh fuck yes Dagur's back
6. Viggo throws a hissy fit and kisses a man and Toothless is willing to die just so Hiccup doesn't have to die alone (sobbing)
7. Everyone is high in this episode
8. "You didn't think after all we've been through I'd expose myself without some... added protection?"
9. Jumping into a volcano on purpose: The episode
10. Viggo takes a sip of water in this episode (very important)
11. It took Hiccup and Astrid over four years since their first kiss to officially start dating, but they finally did it and it was one of the best episodes in the whole show
12. Ryker has had enough
13. Viggo confesses his love for Hiccup and then fucking dies (or did he?)
Race to the Edge S5:
1. "The volcano on Dragon's Edge is a dormant volcano" THINK THE FUCK AGAIN, FISHLEGS
2. How the fuck did Gen Z: The Dragon get ahold of Viggo's sword?
3. Savage needs therapy
4. Snotlout's casual sexism almost gets him killed: Lesbian Island edition
5. If you've ever watched an elderly person try to escape a nursing home then you've seen this episode before. Just without as many bones and corpses
6. The Gays Are Back In Town ft. Gay Snotlout, Gay Fishlegs and Gay Viggo
7. "my city now" - Krogan
8. You cannot watch this episode and tell me that Viggo isn't in love with Hiccup
9. Krogan insulted Viggo's hobby and Viggo got mega salty about it
10. Astrid punches a dragon with poisonous scales and almost dies because Save Stormfly Make Anditode™, turns out she did this for no reason whatsoever because Stormfly Wasn't Dying
11. Tuffnut fakes his own death in order to make Ruffnut happy
12. Dagur not-so-casually finding his fathers dead body
13. Rage.
Race to the Edge S6:
1. My blood has never boiled so hard as it did watching this episode
2. Stoick gets played like a cheap kazzoo and regresses back to how he acted in HTTYD 1 out of sheer stress
4. Fishlegs can't believe that his ancestors were Dragon Hunters as if he wasn't once enrolled in Dragon Killing School
5. Nothing solves a sibling rivalry like teaming up to kill the annoying cousin
7. The twins are just. So ride or die for each other it's not even funny.
8. Viggo confesses his love for Hiccup and then fucking dies for real this time (Viggo fans start sobbing as The Winner Takes It All by ABBA starts playing in the distance)
9. Snotlout writes a book
10. What if the gang had never left Berk? What if Hiccup never shot down Toothless at the start of HTTYD 1? What if Spitelout actually loved his son?
11. Protecting an island filled with a bunch of dead dragons
12. The satisfied smirk on my face knowing what the characters don't
13. The most satisfying death in the history of mankind.
Way to straight up ruin Hiccup's life, am I right?
Ruining every character and spitting in the face of all that I love
20 minutes of my life that I'll never get back
Snoggletog Log:
Half an hour of a fireplace and the wrong voice actors. This shit plays like a DVD menu.
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profound-bouquetbird · 5 months
hi!!! could I please request Reader x snotlout relationship headcanons? Possibly them being opposites on the surface but actually being similar in a way? Like they both feel things very strongly
This took me a little while longer to write, since I didn't really pay that much attention to snotlout throughout the three main movies that I watched 😔
But! I didn't want to leave your request unanswered and wrote it :)
Sorry if it isn't completely accurate. If you have any tips leave them in my inbox or send them through private messages :)
Some key words:
-D/n = Dragon's name
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Alright, let's start off with the basics. You probably met through a mutual friend
*cough* *cough* Astrid *cough*
And he at first didn't get your whole get up. I mean, you were vikings!
Whilst he acted (somewhat) reckless and seemed to shift to this supposed 'playboy' persona of some sort (although that persona really wasn't accurate..)
While you were on the calmer side, closed off and anly speaking to people when needed
He found it a tad bit annoying
I mean- you're vikings! You're supposed to be reckless! Yet you were- not?
Well, at least in his eyes you weren't
After a little while, you started to open up a bit more. Still not having that reckless and uncaring persona vikings had, but being the usual self just more... Outgoing? If you could call it that
But, Snotlout paid no mind. He was too busy looking our for his own image to care
I think the first time he noticed something about you that intrigued him was when you first made friends with the dragons
Snotlout trudged through the grass, an over exaggerated groan echoing through the island as he carried food for his dragon, Hookfang
While he walked, he couldn't help but overhear a seemingly onesided conversation, in which a familiar voice was involved
"We're gonna be the best, D/n!" A voice, which could only belong to Y/n, encouraged. Snotlout smirked as he walked towards the sound, peaking from the corner to spot the dragon rider scratching their dragons head
"We're gonna win this race! Promise." Y/n chuckled, patting their dragons head twice before mounting onto them
"That's quite a big promise there, Y/n. Are you sure you'll live up to it?" Snotlout butted in, mockingly smirking at them as he waited for their response
Y/n looked him up and down, smirking lightly themselves as they sighed
"Seeing how you and your dragon act together, I'd say I've got better chances." They sighed, pulling their dragons head upward lightly to send them into flight
Snotlout only glared as they flew away, but he couldn't help but feel something forming in his chest. Admiration? No, that can't be it...
Maybe respect?
From that point on, each time the two of you interacted, Snotlout gained more and more respect for you, which eventually turned into a crush
He was so obvious about it
Like he did with Ruffnut, he constantly flirted and did small favour's for you. Either getting the sheep for you to win the race or tightening up a know that you definitely didn't need his help with
And to your oblivious eyes, you just though it was playful teasing and friendly interactions. Oh... Poor you
You'd sometimes play into his flirting. Giving him a few fake compliments and teasing remarks back, which only worsened his crush
The more he hung out with you, the more he realized how many characteristics you two shared!
Yes, on the outside you acted completely opposite, like I had mentioned in the begging
But, you both had this urging courage that propelled you forward, you both needed praise and attention from the ones you loved. But, while snotlout was more outward in showing these emotions, constantly complaining that is; you'd more often than not just keep to yourself, giving the person small hints but never outwardly saying it
Okay, let's start with the actual relationship headcanons:
I think he'd be the type to show you off. Like: "hell yeah they're my partner! You wanna say something about it?????"
Love language is definitely 'words of affirmation'
My guy is in constant need of praise 😭
Doesn't mean he doesn't praise you tho. You're constantly receiving words of encouragement and praise; but he'll stop praising you as soon as you stop praising him (like that's ever going to happen)
Is really into pda but also not that into pda if that makes sense? Yes, he'll wrap an arm around your shoulders, kiss the top of your head, even peck your lips every once in a while. But there is no way in hell he'll actually make out with you in public! Nu-uh, that's for you and him only
I can't really think of anything else... So I'm gonna leave it here for now :)
Sorry for the huge delay on the posting! If you have any other requests please leave them in!
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saltynsassy31 · 8 days
No one talk about how pretty Ruffnut actually is.
I know she doesn't fit the "beauty standard" like Astrid or Heather, but she is gorgeous. Really.
Tho I will say, watching Rider or Berk for the second time this past 2 months and having rewatched the second movie recently, I do miss how sharp her smile (and also Tuffnut's, but this isn't about him XD) was back then. Its definitely lessened with time. Her features aren't as sharp as before, and it almost made her cat like? Idk, I thought it was cute and wish they stuck with it XD.
But she still is so pretty and I love her so, so much!
I mean,
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The third image is my particular favourite, she looks ADORABLE!!!
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Incorrect Quotes with the gang
Snotlout: We need to distract these guys
Tuffnut: Leave it to me
Tuffnut: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Hiccup, Fishlegs, and Astrid: *Immediately begin arguing*
Ruffnut, watching in horror: Oh this. I like this. I like this a lot.
If Dragons could text:
Toothless: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Hookfang: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents.
Toothless: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you.
Stormfly: Actually I did the math, Hookfang would have $225, not $0.15.
Hookfang: Fam I’m right here....
Meatlug: If I had a dollar I would buy a box of rocks :)
Toothless: while you’re there could you buy me an Salmon bag please?
Meatlug: Sorry I only have a dollar.
Toothless: :(
Stormfly: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Hookfang would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent.
Meatlug: If I had $22,500 I would buy a box of rocks and an Salmon bag.
Stormfly: You can buy anything you want with $22,500.
Belch: Yeah and they want rocks and Salmon.
Stormfly: Salmon to what?
Barf: Directly to the forehead.
Hookfang: Great chat everyone.
Hiccup: I CAN'T DO IT!
Astrid, laughing: I CAN'T EITHER!
Hiccup: I appreciate it,
Fishlegs: Hiccup-
Ruffnut: Hiccup we gotta-
Hiccup: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today?'
Hiccup, motioning to Tuffnut: NOT FUCKING THIS
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fictionalnormalcy · 1 year
By chance, is there a compilation of when the Riders switched their dragons and rode someone else's? I remember that Astrid and Snotlout actually enjoyed switching, and there were the handful of moments someone else would be flying Toothless instead of Hiccup. Then of course Snotlout on Barf instead of Ruffnut, and Ruff on Hookfang's.
I wish there was more tbh. Like enough for us to distinguish just how differently the Riders' fly a dragon not theirs. Image currently in my head is how Hiccup flies Hookfang not by gripping his horns but farther down his neck.
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simplydannie · 4 months
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If you’ve been with me and read my stuff, first of all, thank you!!
You have no idea how much that means to me and just encourages me!
Secondly, you may have questions about certain characters I list in my fics that are not recognizable or may seem new to you. That’s okay! Because, they kind of are! I have a small list of OCs I have created to fit into my stories. I’m not much of a drawer and still require a butt load of practice, but i am a writer and will try to draw the mental image of these characters as much as i can. So here we go!!
PS: Drawing takes me a long time, so if I can get to drawing these characters then I’ll try! I also wouldn’t mind artist out there bringing these characters to life in their own light!
The Mistress
Ah yes. This is a name you have recognize and seen a couple of times in some of my stories. The Mistress is a name I have given to Velvet and Veneer’s manager. Why Mistress? It’s a code name she chose to hide her try identity. She’s been running this muck of a business for years. And what exactly is that business? Hiring and grooming young Rageons into her little fame fraud. There is something about using Trolls essence that makes someone’s mind easier to mend and control, she doesn’t if it kills the Troll…or the person using it. All that matters to her is good business and money. She finally find her “super” stars when she discovered the twins, but now that they are out of her grasp, out of her control, you’d think she’d move on…no. That just makes them more desirable to her and her scheme. Unfortunately, the contract the twins signed made them her property. She deems this contract “unbreakable” somehow through some sort…and is only broken in case of death of the twins.
Her age is a mystery.
She is known to be very beautiful with kind eyes…which makes her very deceiving. Her hair is known to be a dark red tint of sangria and her skin light redwood red. She always wears elegant style business suit. Mistress has beautiful piercing green eyes, her hair always styled into a messy bun that allows her curls to fall beautifully around her face.
Ruff and Gruff
These OCs were inspired by some drawings I saw of @skydiverdrawings . Ruff and Gruff are sibling Bergens that reside in Rageous. Bergens in Rageous? It’s much more common in Under Rageous which is where the Bergens are from. Mistress needed body guards and henchmen to do her bidding. So she hired the biggest and toughest Bergens she laid her eyes on during one of her visits to the under-city. Ruff and Gruff are paid handsomely, including the occasional Troll. These Bergens are still set with the mindset that eating Trolls brings happiness…much like the rest of the Bergens that reside in Under Rageous. So every now and then, Mistress will make sure they are kept happy.
They are downright mean and will not hesitate to kill on demand…even if it’s a teenaged Rageon.
I haven’t thought much about their looks other than they are bigger and stronger than a normal Bergen (Under Rageous Bergens tend to be bigger and stronger than those in Bergentown). Their names were inspired by HTTYD twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut.
If you know her, you probably wished you wouldn’t. Cressida is the twin sister of Velvet and Veneers mother, Vivian…their aunt. She was always jealous her sister though her sister always treated her lovely. Vivian always longed for a loving relationship with her sister, but Cressida never cared for it. Things changed and got worse when Vivian met the twins father. Cressida was in love with him, but she was cruel and greedy…and their father saw this. He had always tried to be kind to her, but she would always try to manipulate him in some way. Eventually, he ended up falling in love with Vivian. Vivian was hesitant in his affections and marrying for fear of breaking her sisters heart. It took a couple of years before the twins father eventually won Vivian over. This left a bitter tasted in Cressida’s mouth allowing more hate to grow in her heart. Despite that, Vivian still trusted her, even with her own children.
Cressida was highly abusive towards the twins, mainly Veneer since he reminded her so much of their father. As Veneer got older, Cressida began to take notice of his physical demeanor…eventually leading her to take advantage of him physically. Eventually, thanks to Velvet, the twins break free and leave their aunts. It is unknown what happened to Cressida during the twins fame arc and return to Under Rageous.
Now for this little guy I do have art for. Not the best, but I’m still practicing.
Tye is a Troll born and raised in the under-city of Under Rageous. He’s a handful of Trolls that dwell there. This colony of Trolls are decendents or escapees that have run away from the clutches of Under Rageons. Tye is 17 years old but is quite mature for his age. As he got older, Tye took it upon himself to help raise the younger Trolls being born in the under-city. He’s also dedicated in going out to rescue trapped Trolls throughout Under Rageous with the older Trolls.
It’s not quite sure what type of Troll he is since he’s lost his color. He really hasn’t given himself time for hobbies since he’s main desire is to help ALL captured Trolls, so unfortunately, this means he also does t have any friends…
Until he meets a green, swooped haired Rageon, whom at first he doesn’t trust and finds annoying.
Shank is an Under Rageon crime boss. He was the one who mentioned the twins to Mistress in the first place. He and Mistress have a CLOSE working relationship. They’ll deny being together romantically, but their physical attraction to each other says otherwise.
Not much is known about him or how he and Mistress met, but rumor has it they had known each other since they were young and have been in love since then. He is just as evil and ruthless, spreading fear to those he meets. He’s the number one crime boss in the under-city, so don’t cross him, because he has everywhere. To his surprise, the ones to out smart him so far have been the twins… which he finds really annoying… and boils his blood.
Shank is a pale Rageon (almost like the twins except he has a little more tint on his skin). He has dark, blue denim hair that is stringed into dreadlocks. His teeth are filed sharped and scars covering his entire body, his eyes are always hidden behind sunglasses but are a brilliant maya blue.
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cure-whimsy · 2 months
sinister. evil. malicious
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[image ID: Two screencaps of Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Astrid standing together. In both screenshots, Astrid is waving her arms around while talking. Meanwhile Ruffnut and Tuffnut have wide smiles on their faces, and are looking at each other, scheming. END ID]
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lostfieldd · 2 years
So my HTTYD hyperfixation is back and you know what that means.. hiccstrid headcanon time (but mostly hiccup)
basically all of them are of after they’re married because the brainrot is insane (sorry for my awful spelling and grammar its late and i’m too lazy to fix things rn)
i fully believe hiccup was smiling through the entirety of the wedding ceremony because ong he loves this girl so much
the two of them will literally lay in bed and his ear is on astrid’s stomach and he just has the goofiest smile on his face because hes so damn excited to be a dad
he literally spoils astrid when it comes to her cravings and helps her get out of bed if she needs to (the most supportive husband fr)
will not let her get near ANY weapons at all- always keeps her within his line of sight because he knows she will try to sneak off to train even though he’s scolded her for it (she didn’t take it seriously because she thinks he’s adorable when he’s angry)
one time she did manage to sneak off and thats when her water broke (luckily ruffnut was with her)
hiccup literally got his hand squeezed to the point it started to lose circulation but he ignored the pain to help astrid through the birth
cried happy tears when he first held zephyr ofc
jokingly suggested the name toothless and his (fake )argument was “she has no teeth!”
would always be the first to get up if zephyr is crying because he knows how important it is for astrid to catch up on sleep after literally pushing a baby out
i constantly think about hiccup having zephyr in one of those baby wraps that go around your shoulders while he does chief work and astrid is like resting from giving birth idk- its such a cute image in my mind,, just this scrawny ass dude who has been a dad for only a week
bonus: valka is literally the proudest grandma ever and is more than willing to look after zephyr if the two need rest
if yall have any go ahead and reblog to add them,, i’d love to see
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 1 year
FanFriday #3: Why are these pairs so rare?
Ah! Happy (belated) third FanFriday, folks. How’s your week been? Mine’s been ordinary, but okay!
This week was tricky. Really tricky. The theme was meant to be “the best of the riders and their dragons”, with focus solely on Astrid, Fishlegs, and the twins with each of their dragons respectively.
The results felt… barbarically slim, actually.
This week’s post will include more than just fic recommendations under the cut.
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This image seems accurate. Not only to canon itself, but also in the fandom. Toothless and Hiccup at the forefront and the others in the back.
At the time of this post (8/10/23) the numbers for the tags I tried exploring (otp: true, English) are as follows:
Astrid & Stormfly – 2 (1 ongoing)
Fishlegs & Meatlug – 0
Barf & Belch & Ruffnut & Tuffnut – 0
Heather & Windshear – 2 (1 incorrectly tagged)
Dagur & Shattermaster – 0
Dagur & Sleuther – 0
Spitelout & Kingstail – 0
Gustav & Fanghook – 0
Stoick the Vast & Skullcrusher – 1
And the results for other ships continue as such.
As a fic writer myself, I understand that most of the inspiration for things will tend to come from Hiccup and Toothless, as the MCs, and Hookfang and Snotlout because… well, it’s Hookfang and Snotlout. Doesn’t get much more inspirational than that.
But still, the fact that other dragon-rider duos have nothing (nothing that at least gives some focus to the tag which just seems to be bunched in with others) is quite astonishing. By statistics alone, they’re each considered to be a rarepair.
How peculiar.
And, so, I implore you all to take a step back and perhaps write that fic you wanted to write. Meatlug and Fishlegs? Twins and Barf & Belch? Doesn’t matter – the fandom’s side of the archive is in desperate need for it. All of it.
And with that, I’ll shut it and continue with this week’s scarce selection:
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When Sleep Won’t Come by AHeartForStories — This fic is the only otp: true, Stormfly & Astrid result that was complete. The other, currently left incomplete, is in my marked for later. That being said, it’s very strange that this is the case. Though just because it appears to be the only result for this pair doesn’t make the scenario any less wonderful. Astrid has a nightmare and seeks comfort from Stormfly: simple, sweet. What a delightful read.
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Please by AHeartForStories — This author seems to pump out so many fics, it seems, that they must be doing half the work for us, and I applaud them, because the ones that I have read, personally, are quite wrenching of emotion. This is a good example – this is one of two Heather and Windshear fics that had appeared in the search results I’d tried; one is incorrectly tagged (as otp: true, Heather & Windshear – it’s by far more Dagur & Heather based, the former duo hardly get much focus). In this fic, Heather stands during a heartbreaking performance as Ryker abuses Windshear to get to her. The end is relieving, and for a short, angsty one-shot with these guys I’d definitely point you in this fic’s direction!
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Nothing Else Matters by sarahenany — This fic for some reason passed by my radar for the first FanFriday, but it’s a great fic (plus it helps pad out the list a bit to the three-fic minimum). It takes place during that disappointingly cut scene where Hookfang is struck with lightning in season six. It’s a “hidden scene”-type fic where we see Snotlout tend to Hookfang when he’s been downed. It’s a dazzling gem of a choice for these two, because they are so sweet as is. Definitely in my Top 10 so far.
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soulhunterrr · 2 years
Hiccup : *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Snotlout : If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents
Hiccup : If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you
Astrid : Actually I did the math, Snotlout would have $225, not $0.15.
Snotlout : Fam I’m right here....
Ruffnut: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
Fishlegs : while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Ruffnut : Sorry I only have a dollar
Fishlegs : :(
Astrid : Hey I just realized, Snotlout would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent
Ruffnut: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice
Astrid : You can buy anything you want with $22,500
Tuffnut: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice
Astrid : Apply juice to what
Ryker : Directly to the forehead
Viggo : Great chat everyone
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