#"Road to Majority"
professionalintrovert · 5 months
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The beautiful thing about going alone is that every triumph is yours, every consequence of every mistake is yours, everything that you have to figure out is on you. That’s a really powerful experience. And sometimes it is beautiful and positive and exciting, and sometimes it's negative and hard and lonely. I wanted that. I welcomed that.
Cheryl Strayed 🏔️📚
📍Catskill Mountains, NY
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New beat books!! So hyped to get some critical aspects as well as more woman works :3
Peep the coffee table books in the back lol
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
"In a major win for the traditional owners of Australia, the federal government has ordered the end of the land leasing program for the Jabiluka uranium deposit, ensuring that mining will never occur on the land owned by the Mirarr people.
At the same time, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his coalition added it to the nearby Kakadu National Park, a UNESCO Natural Heritage Site twice the size of Yellowstone.
Various parties to the disagreement over the destiny of Jabiluka described the decision as “a great day for the Mirarr people, for Kakadu, the Northern Territory, and for Australia,” “a genuine and welcome surprise,” and “a reminder of the extraordinary privilege all of us have, to share this continent with the world’s oldest continuous culture.”
The dispute over Jabiluka dates back to 1991, when traditional owners, environmental groups, peace activists, and others protested the granting of a lease for Jabiluka to Energy Resources Australia (ERA) majority-owned by the Australian mining giant Rio Tinto Group.
Located in the Northern Territories, activism by Indigenous owners like the Mirarr and Djot has forced successive administrations to defer or avoid the actual development of the potential mine. This included a road blockade in 1998 during which 500 people were arrested.
The Jabiluka Long-Term Care and Maintenance Agreement signed in February 2005 gave the traditional owners veto rights over the future development of Jabiluka.
Key details about the history of Jabiluka to understand are that the land has been under mining leases for over 30 years, but they’ve never been developed. ERA was not seeking to renew the 10-year lease to try and push forward with uranium mining, as they acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land have the ultimate say as per the 2005 agreement.
ERA stated they sought renewal of the lease in order to secure the asset should the traditional owners ever change their minds. Jabiluka is one of the world’s richest and most extensive uranium deposits ever located.
In 1991, PM Bob Hawke declined to exploit the mine’s riches, as did the Gillard Administration in 2013, but with Rio Tinto and ERA never forsaking the mine as a lost cause, and the Albanese government planning to move forward with nuclear power expansion, the Mirarr and others felt that another, hopefully final push was necessary.
As a result, the federal government provided recommendations to the state government of NT that the will of the people should be respected, and that the lease should not be renewed.
“[It] means there will never be mining at Jabiluka,” Mr. Albanese was quoted as saying last Saturday. “This beautiful part of Australia is home to some of the oldest rock art in the world, a reminder of the extraordinary privilege all of us have, to share this continent with the world’s oldest continuous culture.” ...
Officials from the NT government said the decision was made based on the recommendations from the Coalition government in Sydney, saying that Federal Resources Minister Madeleine King advised that the most important position to respect was that of the Mirarr."
-via Good News Network, July 31, 2024
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horseimagebarn · 2 months
are you a furry
no but every single disparate friend group i have been a part of in the last five years of my life makes a joke that i am a furry so i guess i have that energy or something i just hyperfixated so hard on warrior cats for the majority of my formative years i guess it gives me a similar energy and result in the draw a dog litmus test but it is not at all the same my girlfriend however is genuinely terrified of furries so i couldnt be one anyway i thought this fear was more of an ick until one day when i was working at the comic con at our local mall we were walking around and there was a furry by the door so i tried to get her to go take a picture with them as a jest however as we neared them she started to tense up and seemed to go into genuine fight or flight and begged me very seriously to go hide until the furry left as they were by the exit so she couldnt escape it was then i realized this ran deeper than the simple mans quote fear of furries unquote and we went and hid in the bath and bodyworks until the coast was clear
i asked her why she fears furries so much and they said it was partially that the suits just freak them out and partially the psychological concept of a fursona so i dont really know what to do with that information at all
i am fine with furries though i think their suits are cool and their community is incredibly creative and innovative and that they are a fine example of a group of bad apples spoiling the whole bunch to the general public most seem like they just want to have a good time and i respect that especially when they have to deal with so much fervent hatred or in my girlfriends case true mortal fear directed towards them a few weeks ago two of my roommates almost ran over two therians that were crossing the road on all fours though
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myfictionaldreams · 1 year
Don’t Fall Asleep // Mafia!Stucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: It was supposed to be a normal day, but not in fate's eyes as you and Sam are hit by a drunk driver. How will Steve and Bucky react when they hear their girls been hurt?
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, angst (LOTS), Fluff, car crash, blood and injury, crying, anxiety, hurt/comfort, recovery, domestic bliss, teasing, praise kink, daddy kink, fingering, multiple orgasms, nipple play
Words: 5.1k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link 
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Life is precious, something that many take for granted. On occasions, phrases such as ‘live life to the fullest or ‘you could die tomorrow, take the opportunities as they come’ are often quoted but then disregarded. Every person who is living, has ever lived and will ever live; will experience the positives to living, the happiness that swells in their chest but then the balance to this, that makes living so tumultuous was the sadness and darkness that could destroy lives in a blink of an eye.
You, for one, were thankful for all of the time that you’d been able to share with Steve and Bucky. They’d changed your life to an unimaginable level, having never experienced true love, protection and simplicity until being in their areas. But of course, happiness can only last for so long, too many opportunities for near misses within the mafia that your luck was bound to run out at some point.
The real kick in the teeth was that this darkened day in your life was even centred around the gang and its criminal activities. In fact, it had been a rather plain day for you, starting the same as any other, Steve and Bucky attending the office to make sure everything was running smoothly and you’d planned to run some errands with Sam Wilson, your friend and bodyguard.
So far, you’d been food shopping, collected a couple of parcels and now were on your way to the art shop to pick up a few supplies for Steve who liked to draw in his spare time.
Sam was driving the two of you, rolling his eyes playfully as you flicked through the radio channels, not finding any satisfaction with what was being played and being too lazy to connect your phone to the bluetooth.
“Oh, I love that song!” Sam gasped, brushing your hand out of the way and switching to the channel you’d just casually skipped past. You laughed at his excitement, happy to also listen to the song if it made Sam happy which by his exaggerated singing, he was definitely enjoying it.
The roads around you weren’t excessively busy, thankfully the football was on so the majority of people were inside a bar and watching that. It was just a perfectly mundane, normal day but life always liked to test your limits when you least expected it.
The initial impact was something you wouldn’t ever remember, as a drunk driver smashed into your side of the car, causing it to flip several times before landing upside down. You’d been knocked out for a couple of minutes, only just waking up as Sam’s urgent shouts made it through the buzzing in your ears, your entire body felt lifeless and drained as he was able to undo your buckle and pull you a safe distance away. The drunk driver who had crashed into you had died on impact.
It was as the sirens blared in the distance, did you begin to feel the wetness and warmth starting from your head and moving down various parts of your body but you were completely dazed to understand that you’d sustained a head injury, your right wrist and leg broken and pointing in the wrong angles and a multitude of cuts and gashes covering your exposed skin due to the glass.
Sam was holding a section of his ripped shirt against the area of your head that was thumping along with your racing heartbeat, and in his other hand, he held his phone plastered to his ear. You couldn’t tell who he was on the phone too, but the desperation in his eyes, as he looked down at you, it wasn’t good. As you had taken the direct hit of the car and Sam was on the other side, he had the pain and aches from the whiplash, a deep gash through his eyebrow that was steadily leaking blood and then a scattering of cuts from the glass, otherwise was mostly unscathed.
“That’s it, sweetheart, keep looking at me, the medics aren’t far away”, Sam’s voice sounded as if he was underwater, completely drowned out by the high-pitched, excessive buzzing that still consumed your consciousness. “Yeah, she’s awake-” Sam continued on the phone, unbeknown to you, to your boyfriends who were already in the car and driving to the area.
Oh course, he had already called the medics, as well as a couple of people from the growing crowd around the accident and soon after called his bosses, Steve and Bucky who sounded like they were both going to throw up and kill someone at the same time.
“Sam?” you managed to ask, not for anything in particular, in all honesty, you were just trying to reach for some kind of comfort and seeing him above you as just that.
“It’s ok, the boys are nearly here, you’re doing so well, just keep your eyes on me, please sweetheart, NO- don’t close your eyes”, Sam tried to keep you awake, dropping his phone onto the pavement below to give you his fullest attention but you were already unconscious again.
The next time you’re awake again, the paramedics had arrived and neck support had been attached to keep you stationary. “Hey y/n, can you hear us? Can you squeeze my finger for me?”, the closest medic was asking but you didn’t respond, mostly still out of it, dazed and confused.
Then across the commotion, the deafening screech of ties breaking across the tarmac was heard and the frantic shouts of your name as Steve and Bucky had arrived. This was something you would never remember, your eyes closed before they even reached you and it was probably for the best that you couldn’t remember it, possibly only adding more trauma to the situation.
Sam stepped back and watched the scene unfold before him, giving both of your boyfriend's room to be next to you as the medics continued to look after you. The bodyguard wiped a hand over his face, ignoring the painful injuries as tears welled in his eyes at seeing his bosses and also life-long friends completely break down.
They seemed lost between wanting to still be possessive, demanding to know everything that the medics were doing, and then the heartbreak of seeing you so injured and unresponsive, they didn’t know whether to shout or cry. At one point Bucky had to step away to vomit, it was complete chaos.
It took a couple of days for you to be fully conscious again and even this wasn’t a relief, even though it was something that Steve and Bucky had begged to anyone that would listen to occur. The confusion of the accident was still evident, unsure of where you were, why you couldn’t move properly, and why there were so many things attached to your body. You became quickly hysteric, ignoring the pleas from Steve and Bucky to try and calm down but your response was enough that the doctors deemed it appropriate to try and sedate you back into a peaceful sleep.
This was definitely for the best as you weren’t able to comprehend the state of which your boyfriends were even in, something that definitely would have upset you further. They both hadn’t changed their clothes the entire time, malnourished of food and drink as they obsessively sat next to your bed, day and night, unshaven, the whites of their eyes red from lack of sleep and crying. Both would take it in turns to go to the toilet before coming so you always had someone next to your bed, it was obsessive and no matter how many times the Doctors tried to escort the men to get some real sleep, they would simply shoot daggers at the professionals with their eyes before being left to it.
 Thankfully after every scan and test that was done, it was determined that there would be no lasting damage, the wound on your temple was sutured with dissolvable stitches and your wrist and arm were placed into casts, with physiotherapy planned in the future and of course, your body was deeply bruised along with whiplash strain. Now, they just needed you to wake up to assess the memory loss and if there was any other damage from the impact to your brain.
They were lucky that the gang were able to continue as usual with the remaining members who had all been ordered to not disturb you all, no distractions necessary. Natasha was the only person to have the courage to visit and thankfully didn’t back down from the fight as she gave both of her bosses a stern talking too.
“When she wakes up, which SHE WILL, do you think she’d want to see you both looking like this? She’s injured and will be for some time, she shouldn’t be waking up with you both in this state, it’s probably make her more distressed. You need to get your shit together, go and shower, shave, eat a proper meal, and put on some new clothes so that when she wakes up, she has some stability and you’re actually prepared to look after her rather than moping around feeling sorry for yourselves!”.
In any other situation, Steve and Bucky would have been ready for a fight but Natasha’s brutal honesty was what they needed to hear, not as their employee but as their friend so they did exactly that.
Another 24 hours passed and you were finally beginning to stir, eyes fluttering open and head turning in the direction of the welcoming voices of your boyfriends and for the first time in days, they saw a hint of a smile on your beautiful face. You had no recognition of the last few days or anything from the accident but after a few further tests, they were happy to discharge you home to rest which you needed as it was complete agony to try and move with the ache in your muscles.
The two men didn’t seem to want to let go of you the entire time, if they were holding your hand, they were rubbing small circles against your uninjured leg, or stroking their thumb against your cheek, it was almost as if they were scared that once they let go of you, something bad would happen.
This only aided with the fact that you couldn’t walk was just another excuse for Steve and Bucky to carry you everywhere which was difficult at first with the discomfort in your body but it was better than any other option and it meant that you could properly embrace them, even for those short moments.
Then at long last, you were home, and you couldn’t deny crying happy tears as you saw the decorations that had been left in surprise by the Rogers gang, banners reading “welcome home!” and balloons covering nearly every surface of the living room. Everything was perfect, even the natural smell of your home was enough to have you crumbling into a mess.
It was hard to try and get accustomed to living at home after surviving such a traumatic experience, the physical and emotional toll was something no one could have prepared you for. As the three of you settled into your bed that evening, you had to find the right way to lie with the casts on your limbs still making it difficult to move and the ache still throbbing throughout your neck and spine, it wasn’t particularly comfortable. But finally, with you lying in the middle, your leg propped up on a couple of pillows, Steve to your right and Bucky to your left, you began to comprehend everything that had happened.
You sobbed harder than you thought possible, even becoming breathless as you verged on hyperventilating at thinking about your life nearly ending. Steve and Bucky tried to soothe you but their own emotional trauma came to a head as they too revealed their devastation at nearly losing you, both men crying as you all held one another.
But as the saying goes: ‘time heals all wounds’.
It wasn’t easy, not that you’d expected it to but as each day passed and your body ached less and less and the scratches began to heal, it lessened the pain in your heart. There would always be struggles but they were made easier with your devoted boyfriends.
With the broken wrist, it was difficult to cut your food and eat so Steve and Bucky insisted on feeding you, even if you could use your one hand to lift a fork to your mouth, they were going to make sure you rested in any way, smiling as they fed you every bite of every year. The worst change was going to the toilet, the boys offering to wipe but this was one step too far, you could do that but it was getting up again off of the toilet or waking them in the middle of the night that had your cheeks burning with embarrassment but they were more than happy to help you
“I’m here to look after you, no matter what it is that you’d like, I WANT to do it Doll. Ii know you want some dependency but this isn’t forever, it’s just for now so please let me look after you”, Bucky sweetly said after you frustratedly dropped your shirt to the floor, having been struggling to put it on for a while.
After a week of being home, Sam finally came to visit and once again you found yourself crying as he dropped to the couch and you both held onto each other. He’d been given some much-needed time off to recover and had been visiting his sister and nephews but now, he wanted to come and visit, really see that you were healing.
Finally gathering your emotions, you pulled back and wiped your face of tears, a genuine smile replacing your sad features as you saw the scratches over his face had most healed, only leaving the healing cut over his eyebrow.
“Everyone is going to love this new rugged look”, you commented, glancing at his injury. “The ladies will come running with the bad boy look”.
“Ah I know, who could deny such a handsome face, it’s a curse believe me”, he joked back, relief also settling over his body at hearing you relaxing. “Even better now we’re matching, bet we look like a right pair of hooligans”, he joked, looking up at the plaster still attached to your head covering the healing stitches.
“I think it just adds character”, you grinned back at him before your smile slowly faded as your tone became more serious. “Sam… I can’t even begin to thank you for looking after me”.
Sam’s eyes dropped to look into his lap, losing the strength to hide his emotions, “I didn’t do much-”.
“Yes, you did! You pulled me out of the vehicle and looked after me before the medics arrived, but it’s not just during this accident, you’ve always looked after me. I’m so grateful to have you in my life and I’m so glad you’re ok”.
Sam’s eyes twinkled as he looked up, his throat bobbing as he couldn’t muster up the words to talk, instead just pulling you into a hug that conveyed more emotions than words could have. Steve and Bucky also pulled Sam into crushing hugs, “Thank you for looking after our girl”, whispered between friends.
“Please go and put your feet up Sam, you deserve the time off!” you shouted after Sam as he moved towards the exit.
“I’ll try my best Boss Lady, you rest up too”, he replied with his beaming smile returning to his handsome face.
Another day passes as you sat at the edge of your bed with Bucky on his knees between your legs, his expression stern and unblinking as he concentrated on his job at hand.
“How does it look, is it horrible? Is it long? Do I look ugly?” you asked, looking up at his face as he leaned in closer to your face, his fingers gently easing the plaster away from your face as he inspected the stitches on your head.
“You could never be beautiful”, he mumbled under his breath, easing the last corner of your plaster off and then sitting back to assess the sight before him. Bucky’s face dropped causing your heartbeat to increase frantically in your chest.
“What? Is it bad? Bucky what is it?!” you asked desperately. Racing across the bed, you tried to pick up the hand mirror to have a look yourself but Bucky snatched it up before you could grab it, holding it at arm's length so that you couldn’t reach it.
“I’m not sure that you’ll want to see this Doll”, his voice was low and thick with concern.
“Oh my god Bucky please tell me, has it healed wrong?” You were really beginning to panic now, about to call for Steve to come and help when Bucky’s hard exterior broke and a taunting grin spread across his face making his eyes crinkle in the corners.
“You look just as beautiful mama”, he affectionately whispered, kissing your cheek and handing the mirror to you to show that the injury was nearly completely healed, only a different toned colour lay on your forehead, the stitches mostly invisible.
You rolled your eyes dramatically realising that he had been teasing you, “That wasn’t nice Barnes”.
“Ah, but you love me”, he mocked, lips brushing against yours softly, only enough to feel the slightest pressure of his soft lips.
“Yes I do”, you gave in instantly, using your uninjured hand to cup his jaw tenderly, stroking against his slightly stubbled skin, holding him there to kiss more deeply.
Before anything became too heated, Bucky was pulling back, pecking the tip of your nose before helping you into his arms to carry down for some dinner.
This was how it had been since returning from the hospital. It wasn’t that you were rushing to be intimate with them but they were both so adamant about your healing that there had been a very strict: no-touching rule. At first, when it even hurt to move you were more than happy to comply with the instruction but as your mobility improved and their kisses began to linger for longer or hands would wash over your body with more intent than to clean your skin, it was becoming more difficult to resist the urges that you were experiencing.
Downstairs, Steve was preparing a stew for you all, chopping the vegetables on the counter and smiling over his shoulder as he saw you and Bucky approaching. As Bucky placed you at the dinner table that was in the sizeable kitchen, Steve wiped his hand on the kitchen towel and sauntered over, leaning his arms on either side of your chair, his eyes level with your revealed head injury.
“It’s looking good isn’t it?” Bucky commented as he took over Steve’s job of chopping up the vegetables.
“It does, and it’ll keep looking better with each day, the Doctor did a good job of fixing up my baby”, Steve responded, his finger under your chin to tilt your head back so he could leave a searing kiss against your mouth. Your body leaned into a kiss and then he was moving away far too prematurely, leaving you wanting more but you didn’t verbalise this, not having the heart to complain after they’d been looking after you so much.
“Could I… Could I help in some way please?” you asked, looking hopefully between Steve and Bucky as they continued with prepping dinner. The two glanced at each other before Steve walked over with a chopping board, knife and carrot that had already been peeled. “Thank you!” you beamed up at him, happy that even though there were so many things that they were willing to help you with, they did try and give you some independence.
Not that it was easy to try and chop up a carrot with one hand still in a solid cast so after far too many attempts at sawing into the carrot, you decided instead to slam the knife down in sharp chops, leaving the carrot in three large chunks.
“Um… done!” you nervously announced to the boys.
Steve returned to pick up the chopping board, “good job, baby”, he praised, kissed the top of your head and you grinned as he placed the carrots in with the rest of the mixture, even though it was extremely obvious which carrot you had chopped compared to Bucky’s thinly sliced carrots. You loved the way they handled you, there was no hint of condescension from either of them when you tried to help and it was all to help you get back into a routine of normality.
Even if they did still continue to feed you which you secretly enjoyed now as it meant you get to sit in either of their laps and feel close to them.
That evening, you asked if you could have a bath which they were happy to help you into, Bucky was in charge of keeping your arm and leg outside of the tub to not get the cast wet and wrapping them both in cling film took entirely too long. Whereas Steve was in charge of washing your body with a sponge slathered in shower gel, another insistence from them both, even though you were more than capable of washing your body with your other hand.
You couldn’t wait for these damn casts to be off, “I can’t wait to have a shower”, you vocalised to them both, watching as Steve washed across your shoulders from where he sat on the edge of the bathtub.
“Hmm. I am going to miss this though”, Steve observed, not hiding that he loved being able to look after you. Closing your eyes, you enjoyed the little pamper session but as the sponge grazed over your perked nippled, you couldn’t help but lean into the touch, a moan forming in the back of your throat.
Steve’s chuckle had you looking up at him through half-lidded eyes as he asked, “Did you like that, baby girl?”
“Yes”, you admitted, watching as he did it again, paying particular attention to the very peaks of your nipples and then rubbing over the rest of your breasts in circular movements.
There was nothing you wanted more than to feel their bodies pressed against yours but with your limited use and weakness throughout your entire body, even with your good hand, you knew you’d tire quickly and not be able to satisfy them so you still refrained from asking them to fully pleasure you.
“You’re so beautiful, Mama”, Bucky watched with dark eyes, licking his lips almost hungrily and you whined at the sight, back arching more into Steve’s movements.
As the sponge moved over your body, through the water that lapped against the edges of the porcelain tub, you noticed the way that Steve was pressing more firmly on certain areas, especially in between your legs that had you grinding to feel more.
But like all of the other times, he never made a move to go any further and you were feeling more sexually frustrated than you had before, even after they both helped to dry you with a towel, in between your legs remained damp as your juices still trickled out.
Bucky carried you to the bed, placing you in the middle, the same as every night and you were completely naked, something that you had quickly decided was the comfiest, it always takes far too long to put on your pyjamas when Steve and Bucky always wrapped around you and kept you warm.
As you settled into the bed, leg again propped up on multiple pillows, you waited patiently for the boys to both join you as they cleaned the bathroom. However today, it was taking far too long and if you concentrated hard enough, you could hear them both talking quietly to one another.
As you opened your mouth to ask what was taking them so long, they joined back in the bedroom, removing their clothes, save for their boxers, switched the lights off and clambered into bed. As their overtly warm skin smoothed against yours, your questions slipped into the back of your mind, finding their comfort already distracting.
With a kiss on each of your cheeks, you closed your eyes to try and go to sleep and ignore the agonising ache in your core. But it seemed Bucky had other ideas as his hand rested on your abdomen, over your belly button, his thumb stroking the skin in slow circles as his hand dripped lower and lower.
You didn’t stop him, chest rising and falling with increasing speed as his fingers teased over your mound, the lowest that they’d been since between the accident. Your breath caught in your throat, screaming in your mind for him to keep going, to dip that little bit lower.
Steve’s hand cupped your jaw, the touch distracting you from the one teasing to push between your legs as he forced your head to turn in the direction of where he lay. Opening your eyes, even in the dark you could see his intense stare, as he began to speak, his minty breath coated your face, “Do you want us to keep touching you, baby?”
“Yes”, you sounded more desperate than you’d hoped to, his question feeling like some sort of light in the darkness, now realising this must have been what they had spoken about in the bathroom.
“You sure you’re feeling up to it?”, he continued to ask, his fingers moving over your jaw and down your throat, grazing over your collarbone and still lower until hovering over your left nipple.
“Yes, fuck yes”, you groaned, arching up to feel his hand but he kept it far enough away that you didn’t get the touch you wanted.
“If you get too tired and overwhelmed, will you tell us?”
“I promise!”, you pleaded, moving your unbroken leg to the side slightly, giving Bucky more room. “But…But I also want to touch you, I want you both to feel good!”
It was Bucky who spoke next, his mouth moving to graze the shell of your ear as he tutted, “Not tonight Doll, let us make you feel good, wanna hear your sweet moans, you deserve this, you’ve done so well”.
You were moaning before his fingers even slipped lower but as the tip of his middle finger grazed between your folds and touched against your throbbing clit, your whole body seemed to come alight.
Steve's fingers then lowered as well, in time with Bucky, pressing against your nipples and he groaned at just how hard they were, gently pinching and tweaking them before grasping the entire breast and massaging the tissue.
“You’re so wet for me Honey, is this what you wanted? Did you want us to touch you here?” Bucky teased before nipping the lobe of your ear.
“Wanted it so bad!”, you gasped as Bucky moved lower, finding your hole and circling it a few times, feeling just how soaked for him that you were before pushing in a single digit, not stopping until it was all the way in. “Bucky!”
Your walls fluttered around him, having not been penetrated for what felt like so long now and he was careful to start slow, really building up the pressure which matched with Steve’s hands on your chest, was already driving you insane with arousal.
In and out his finger slowly moved, his thumb skillfully brushing over your clit to match his pace. Then he was adding another finger and your leg widened further, thighs shaking slightly as you had to refrain from reaching out for them both, knowing that you’d end up knocking your broken wrist so kept them at your sides.
“That feels so good Bucky,” you praised, turning your head towards him.
“Yeah? Want me to make you cum, Mama?” he asked, his lips now hovering over yours.
“Yes, please!”.
As his lips met yours, hastily moving against each other, Bucky’s fingers began to curl and his thumb applied more pressure. Every nerve in your body seemed to come alive as they were being pleasured and you were experiencing the ultimate thrill. Your core was tightening with each tug against your g-spot, chest rising and falling harshly into Steve’s grasp as he moved between each breast, each sending sparks straight to your cunt.
You were a wet, babbling mess when the overwhelming sensation to cum took over, not even having time to tell your boyfriends but they already knew you were close and began touching you with more urgency.
Your pussy began clenching in quick succession as your orgasm destroyed you, pulling away from Bucky so you had space to scream out his name, hips bucking widely at the touch until it became too sensitive.
Bucky eased his wet fingers out of you, bringing them up to his lips and humming at your exquisite taste that he’d been desperate to taste for so long.
Steve gave you another moment to gather yourself before his fingers began to fill you up, replacing where Bucky was, two fingers rocking in and out as his thumb rolled your clit in a circle. Bucky’s metal fingers then teased your pebbled nipples, the cool feeling making you gasp more.
“Let’s see just how many more we can get from you, baby” Steve growled into your neck, sucking the sensitive skin.
“Yes, Daddy”, you moaned whilst lost in your ecstasy.
Steve and Bucky worked well together, knowing exactly when to slow down their movements, letting you get used to the sensations before ramping up the speed and pressures, bringing you to the peak of orgasm before starting again. They took it in turns until your breasts were sore and puffy and your hole ached and your juices soaked the sheets below.
You were a mumbling mess when they determined that you had enough, your entire body feeling like it was floating and light as Steve licked his fingers clean one more time before tucking you in close to his side.
“You feeling ok, Doll?” Bucky asked, sliding in close as well, his arm wrapping around your middle.
“Mmm so so good”, you muttered, eyes drooping close with exhaustion. “I can’t wait to take these casts off so I can repay the favour”.
Steve’s checked vibrated against your ear as he chuckled, kissing the top of your head, “Get some rest, my love”.
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randomshyperson · 9 months
One For The Road - Heart Shaped Series
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Chapter Summary: Wanda's first mission as an Avenger was also marked by the first time she met you.
Warnings: typical canon violence, fluff and Avengers working together but nothing major | Words: 2.501k
A/N-> This is an extra chapter (can be read separately and doesn't impact the current plot of the fic). It's just about delving a little deeper into what happened before the main story and I plan three of them in total (the other two will be their first kiss and their first time). Good reading!
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They were there to observe. After all, what criminal in their right mind would let the Avengers attend an event where half the guests were wanted by Shield?
But even on the outside, and accompanied by Barton, Steve and Natasha who were basically the most protective members over her, Wanda was nervous.
It was her first official Avengers mission. Not only that, but she had what they called a perfect disguise consisting of an old American football team cap and sunglasses, and Wanda was having a hard time thinking that it would work. Maybe so, because she had only appeared a few times on television, and wasn't exactly the most popular Avenger among them. 
But there was also Captain America in all of his glory of an enchanted big body wearing the same outfit. So ignoring Steve's warning about keeping it on the down low, she was forced to use her skills when she noticed that the waitresses were whispering about him - One peek and Wanda could read their suspicion. The blonde among them was sure of who he was, but a little influence from the witch and that certainty vanished. She could go back to serving coffee without further doubts.
Steve could thank her later for that.
Wanda's first mission was simple. To observe, to provide support. It was more about seeing Steve in action than anything else. Learning how the more experienced ones acted or something. She knew that Clint was somewhere high up, perhaps in one of the buildings away from the main square. 
In any case, they were all surrounding the large Italian-style mansion on the edge of the island. And Tony in his iron armor was taking care of the offshore area, in case the targets escaped by water.
Everything was going well, and almost tedious to be honest, for hours on end. The gala party was happening loud and clear into the night, but Wanda and the others had the excuse of dinner time to stay at the tables in the cheap corner restaurant. 
"We have our first celebrity guest, Captain." Clint's warning over the communicator almost took her by surprise - but Wanda was paying attention to the mansion's large iron door, where she could see the movement in and out of the party. The equally bored security guards finally got something to do - Opening the door to the visually drunk man heading towards the limo waiting for him.
Steve left some cash on the table, standing up before the drunk man had even finished insulting the staff for taking so long to open the door for him. She knew the captain was heading towards the parked motorcycle to follow the car since that was the plan. But she noticed - felt - something different.
The target was an Italian mobster who had attracted Shield's attention by being quoted in a human experimentation scheme. All those involved in the Hydra project, which created people like her and Pietro, were being hunted down one by one. It was an Avengers-level operation because little was known about how far Hydra had managed to go. How many superhumans they manage to create? It wouldn't be smart to send ordinary agents who would probably be up against people as powerful as Wanda.
And well, there was another detail about the target; he had two daughters. According to the files, the girls didn't take part in their father's work. They just enjoyed the money from a crime like two foolish socialites.
Although the two figures were identical to the photographs in the files, something in Wanda clicked when she looked at what was supposed to be the mobster's youngest daughter.
"Steve, there's something wrong." She gasped into the communicator. The waiter looked surprised - he thought she was talking to him.
"Mi dispiace, signorina, cosa ha detto? (Excuse me, what did you say, miss?)" But Wanda muttered excuse me in a very bad accent and got up. At her warning, Steve hesitated and instead of going to the motorcycle, he stopped at the bar. 
The mobster didn't leave the scene either, confirming Wanda's suspicions that things were very wrong. 
From inside the mansion, two security guards ran out - they shouted that something had been stolen from the sale. And the gate was closed again.
The man, drunk and confused, was searched. The presence of a pearl necklace hidden in his jacket was enough for him to be dragged back by the thugs, who ignored the foaming protests of him and his eldest daughter, who ran inside after her father.
"What's the saying again, thief who steals thief...?" Clint joked over the communicator, clearly from wherever he was, he had witnessed the whole scene.
Although he laughed, Steve began to move forward. "Change of plans, guys. Let's break up the party." He announced, and it was no surprise that the positions of the remaining team members quickly began to reveal themselves.
Everyone left their hiding place to invade the party - Tony's armor was the first to act to hack open the iron gates. Most of the security corps surrendered on seeing the Avengers there, but there was still conflict. Steve just wanted to act quickly before the mobster they had come to capture was executed for stealing a pearl necklace.
And Wanda, well, she followed her instincts.
The mobster's daughter fled the scene - She was supposed to go after her father, but she snuck into the parking lot. Wanda had to run a little to avoid losing sight of her.
The confusion of the party invaded by the Avengers was loud enough to drown out her footsteps, and Wanda managed to hide behind some pillars when the figure reached a parked car. She thought she was about to discover that the mobster's daughter was actually more aware of her father's business than she let on when something much more shocking happened.
Before her eyes, Wanda watched the figure change completely. From the original appearance, only the coat and expensive dress remained.
A shapeshifter? What an incredible thing to witness, Wanda thought. She had only heard stories about Loki and had never seen anything other than Natasha's tools of disguise. This here was truly remarkable.
You hummed low, pulling out a closed suitcase from your coat. The Italian mafia symbol made Wanda understand the whole thing quickly - The necklace was just a distraction. The real theft was what you were carrying.
The coat was discarded on the pavement in the parking lot, but before you could stow it in the trunk, you froze. Wanda had half a second to hide behind the pillar, holding her breath and hoping you hadn't seen her.
Well, worst case scenario, she'd use magic on you.
She risked a peek, but you were no longer near the car. Gone, like the suitcase.
Wanda sighed in defeat, feeling pathetic. Her first mission would be marked with the escape of an enemy. How embarrassing.
But then she was suddenly grabbed and restrained. Wanda gasped in shock, imagining that it was one of the building's security guards. Her magic acted faster than the panic in her system - it went through her body and hit the attacker in the chest, who was thrown to the ground.
"Wow, how did you do that?" The voice that came out was definitely not that of a brute like the party security guards. Wanda turned around panting, ready for another attack, but you were sitting on the floor, back to your original appearance, looking at her as if you had just seen the most incredible creature in the world.
Wanda opened her mouth, but couldn't think of anything to say. She was sure she had been grabbed by a security guard, but then she understood: You had changed to look like one. But her magic forced you to return to your real appearance, and Wanda had to convince herself that the way her heart raced and her stomach did two flips was because of the fright, and nothing more.
Her lack of reaction didn't intimidate you. You tilted your head gently. "You're the new one."
You started to get up, Wanda swallowed dryly, taking another step away.  Her hands glowed as red as her eyes. "Stay back."
But you looked at her carefully, as if you were studying her. And you didn't seem afraid of your powers, even though a minute ago you'd been thrown to the ground for it.
"Oh, I remember you from television." You suddenly declare, a glint of recognition in your eyes. "The girl from the country who fell from the sky."
Wanda tried to steady her trembling hands. "I'll take you into custody. I know you stole something."
But you didn't pay any attention to the statement - You advanced against her and she backed away instinctively until Wanda was pressed to the pillar again. One hand against your stomach and the other on your shoulder, keeping you at a safe distance.
She could have just hit you with the magic, but she didn't. Just like you, she didn't attack.
"What... are you doing?" She gasped in a mixture of curiosity and fear, both hands controlling your distance were expelling her power. One of your hands moved up and grabbed her face gently - Wanda had to bite the inside of her cheek at the way her skin burned at your touch. Was it attraction she was feeling? No, it couldn't be. You were a complete stranger. She had to convince herself that this was fear.
You turned her face to one side and then the other, your eyes so focused that you seemed to be trying to memorize every aspect of her appearance.
"I've never met another one of us before." You say, and Wanda frowns in confusion. Your hand remains on her chin, and she swallows dryly before taking a chance:
"Us? Like... another Baron Strucker experiment?" She deduces, and you nod softly before letting go of her face.
You move your hand down and hold the one she has against your stomach. "It's so warm. What is it?" You ask tenderly about her magic. 
Wanda can feel her cheeks burning but she managed to stammer: "Hm... it’s a form of energy, I think." Jesus, Wanda pull yourself together. Well, who could really blame her for feeling out of place about the whole thing? She was literally on her first mission, being pinned against a pillar in the parking lot of a mafia party by some random thief, blushing under the worshipful gaze of that same shape-shifter while her team blew stuff up in the background. It was too much for anyone. 
She tries to gain a little control when she evades your touch, slipping to the side and putting distance between your bodies again. She also ignores how her hand is tingling, as if she was missing your touch from seconds ago.
"How did the Baron manage to give you energy?" You asked curiously but frowned in a worried way.
Wanda sighed. She really was having a conversation with a jewelry thief.
"It was a stone... um, a special kind. It may sound ridiculous, but it was a magic one. It came from outer space, the Avengers actually have a lot of work protecting them. And well, it now sits on the head of one of us and-"
But you suddenly moved - You lifted the hem of your dress just above your thigh, and pulled out a small, hidden pistol. Wanda's heart leaped to her throat. She barely had time to think about reacting, and you had already pulled the trigger.
There was still an arc of magic protecting her when she risked opening her eyes again. You were both out of breath, staring at each other before you lowered the gun.
The shot wasn't aimed at her, as Wanda realized the next second. But behind her, to one of the party guests who was trying to escape the Avengers by running into the parking lot. And well, catching one of them, off guard was quite an opportunity. The man now was writhing in pain on the ground, bleeding from the shot to the neck that you had hit him with. His own gun, loaded to shoot Wanda, rolled off his hand to the grass next to his body. 
Wanda should move. Criminal or not, trying to murder her or not, he needed help.
You raised an eyebrow at the magical protection disappearing around her. "You’re full of tricks aren’t, you?” You teased while hiding your gun again, now on your belt. “This was fun, Wanda Maximoff. Unfortunately, I must leave."
She shallows, knowing she really should move her feet. "You can't go... I have- I should arrest you."
You glance towards the man on the ground, practically unconscious now before looking at the girl again. "But he needs your help, and what kind of superhero doesn't help a bleeding victim?"
Her body reacts to your sarcastic words; she rushes to reach the assaulter and stop the bleeding. You don’t miss the opportunity to walk away to your motorcycle.
Wanda is too busy with the guest to notice you are escaping - Her magic do the hard part to patch up the bleeding and she’s stuck there with this man, at least for the necessary time for you to escape.
Wanda bites her tongue when she sees your motorcycle flee out the back exit, hoping none of her colleagues saw her letting you escape.
It doesn't even take five minutes for Natasha to find her, worried about where she was hiding during the shooting.
“What the hell happened here?” Asked the widow but as soon as she saw the gun on the floor, she assumed that Wanda was defending herself. She sighs before the witch can come up with an explanation. “Fuck, I’m just glad you’re okay, Maximoff. Pretty hardcore for your first mission, huh?” Nat jokes, and somehow, she manages a little chuckle from Wanda. The redhead gives her shoulder a soft tug. "Come on, witchy, i’ll take care of this one. Go find the others."
Natasha offered her a hand to help her up, but Wanda didn't want to take it. Her own were stained with blood.
"I think I'll go back to the quinjet." Said the brunette with a sour stomach. A lot had happened in a very short period of time. Natasha nodded quickly.
"Yeah, sure, go ahead." Said the widow, forcing a smile when she noticed the way the witch was shaking with adrenaline. "And Wanda. You did alright, okay? More than that, to be honest. You caught the hint that something was wrong very quickly. I’m proud of you.”
Wanda just nodded, taking the opposite path from all the confusion.  Completely unaware that a few kilometers away, at high speed, a shapeshifter left the motorcycle's handlebars to press against their own chest. Trying to understand why their heart was racing so much and the feeling of doing something wrong if the robbery had been a success.
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tacroyy · 1 year
losing my shit about the two times vimes gets slapped by a woman in the guards books (night watch and snuff; spoilers for both below). terry pratchett is completely goddamn brilliant.
both times, it's near enough to the beginning of the plot that vimes is partially convinced he doesn't know what's going on and is still information gathering (so, working a little on autopilot, although thoughts are starting to coalesce). the women he encounters show up after a watershed moment—major transformative plot points on both occasions—and both help him and help move the narrative along with the information they provide. and this is my favorite detail—he's tired both times, too, and just needs to think, because of the amount of new information he's processing.
from night watch:
"I think perhaps I lost my memory when I was attacked," he said. That sounded good, he thought. What he really needed now was somewhere quiet, to think.
"Really? Perhaps I'm the Queen of Hersheba," said Rosie [Palm]. "Just remember, kind sir. I'm not doing this because I'm interested in you, although I'd admit to a macabre fascination about how long you're going to survive. If it hadn't been a cold wet night I'd have left you in the road. I'm a working girl, and I don't need trouble. But you look like a man who can lay his hands on a few dollars, and there will be a bill."
"I'll leave the money on the dressing table," said Vimes.
The slap in the face knocked him against the wall. /end quote
and from snuff:
She [Felicity Beedle] turned to Vimes. "It would seem, commander, that providence has brought you here in time to solve the murder of the goblin girl, who was an excellent pupil. I came up here as soon as I heard, but the goblins are used to undeserved and casual death. I"ll walk with you to the entrance, and then I've got a class to teach."
Vimes tugged at Feeny to make him keep up as they followed Miss Beedle and her charge toward the surface and blessed fresh air. He wondered what had become of the corpse. What did they do with their dead? Bury them, eat them, throw them on the midden? Or was he just not thinking right, a thought which itself had been knocking at his brain for some time. Without thinking, he said, "What else do you teach them, Miss Beedle? To be better citizens?"
The slap caught him on the chin, probably because even in her anger Miss Beedle realized that he still had his steel helmet on. /end quote
vimes makes mistakes. he makes mistakes all the time, and he knows this, and pays attention to them. vimes spends a lot of time thinking about thinking (engaging in productive, internally motivated metacognition well within his zone of proximal development, my master's in teaching insists i say). he thinks about his thinking, and he thinks about other people's thinking through the lens of his own.
in both instances, vimes is coming to realizations about the true nature of things.
in night watch, this would initially seem to be more surface than deep: he's getting to physical grips with exactly when and where (and who) in the past he is; he's learning the ground, mapping, figuring things out—but vimes is also trying to settle himself back in to what he knows, and what society is in these different times, to see if that fits. plotwise, in vimes's present, the seamstresses have a guild, rights, safety, standards, rules, regulations, and even societal respect—although certainly not close to what they deserve, it's much more than what they had before vetinari made their guild a reality. but in the past, where vimes is now, the seamstresses don't have this level of security, and are subject to violence (although it is shown to be societal and legal violence [being arrested for working during their profession's peak, etc] rather than interpersonal or sexual violence [the agony aunts exist and, it is clearly stated, dispense the same justice that they do in the future, specifically to individual clients rather than to larger institutional structures]).
so, when vimes puts down rosie by making a disparaging joke about her profession—oh, you're actually not important to me or to men or to society at all; your labor is not to be respected; i got what i needed from you and will of course pay you, but in the most insulting way possible—he's not only communicating what society thinks, but a moral issue of the novel as well. night watch, after all, is about revolution: who gets to be in power, and who gets to control who gets to be in power? it's frankly revolutionary for pratchett, a mainstream english author, to treat sex workers and sex work as positively as he does (of course, his depictions are not without flaws). he makes it clear that, after all, shouldn't we view sex work as physical labor? isn't it true that anyone who is employed is engaging in physical labor? how is a seamstress really different from a "seamstress"? (it's the power dynamics and misogyny standard to western/european/american/christian society: women and sex must be controlled by the patriarchial majority, kept small and afraid and in chains.) pratchett legitimizes the seamstresses in vimes's present. in vetinari's ankh-morpork, the seamstresses have just as much power as the merchants, the armorers, the assassins—and vimes knows this, but he did grow up in the past he's in now.
in snuff, vimes's approaching anagnorisis is more obviously manifested. brilliantly, pratchett begins vimes's encounter with the goblins by talking about vimes's childhood teacher, mistress slightly, who "taught [him] how not to be afraid" and made him blackboard monitor, "the first time anyone had entrusted him with anything;" vimes thinks he'll put a bag of peppermints on her grave if he gets out of this alive. all positive, and in fact clearly transformative, praise from our hero. but vimes is in a goblin cave, and pratchett has brought up mistress slightly because vimes is remembering his first (educational, not physical) encounter with goblins. this paragraph is worth quoting in full:
"[Mistress Slightly] had one book in her tiny sitting room, and the first time she had given it to young Sam Vimes to read he had got as far as page seven when he froze. The page showed a goblin: the jolly goblin, according to the text. Was it laughing, was it scowling, was it hungry, was it about to bite your head off? Young Sam Vimes hadn't waited to find out and had spent the rest of the morning under a chair. These days he excused himself by remembering that most of the other kids felt the same way. When it came to the innocence of childhood, adults often got it wrong. In any case, she had sat him on her always slightly damp knee after class and made him really look at the goblin. It was made of lots of dots! Tiny dots, if you looked closely. The closer you looked at the goblin the more it wasn't there. Stare it down and it lost all its power to frighten. 'I hear that they are wretched, badly made mortals,' the dame had said sadly. 'Half-finished folk, or so I hear. It's only a blessing this one had something to be jolly about.'"
a near-perfect depiction, unfortunately, of the educational experience. encounter something that scares you and makes you uncomfortable, examine it with the help of a pedagogist, examine it on your own, take it apart so that you are not afraid anymore, and instead understand what it is and how it is made: that's the experience from the first word of the quote all the way until "Stare it down and lost all its power to frighten." and then, a heel-turn: your teacher shows that they completely misunderstood the lesson they were teaching—and that you, the child, understood both parts of the lesson perfectly: you absorbed the critical thinking skills and that this existing societal prejudice is, in fact, totally correct and should not be examined using the skills you just learned.
thus, pratchett has vimes, our hero, our moral center, spout the violent, ingrained, dehumanizing, incitement-to-genocide nonsense of the society in which he has been formed. vimes does this tiredly, without thinking, without making the connection between how things are and how they ought to be, missing the direct relationship of that required moral reevaluation to the case and situation at hand. and pratchett throws that directly back in vimes's face, physically. both times, pratchett says: even if you're tired, even if there's shit going down, even if your worldview is being turned upside down, even if you're in the dead middle of processing everything you've so recently learned, you cannot make the mistake of dehumanization/depersonalization. and you, of all people, have to know that, vimes. not one drop of alcohol passes your lips, not one minute after six goes by without you reading to your son, not one arrestee is subjected to even small or casual police brutality. and not one person—seamstress or goblin—is to be insulted and discriminated against and excluded from deserving to live. to do so, to make that mistake even once, is to face the immediate physical consequences of it from someone deeply and fundamentally in the know. you need the sense smacked into you.
from night watch:
"Consider that a sign of my complete lack of a sense of humor, will you?" said Rosie, shaking some life back into her hand.
"I'm... sorry," said Vimes. "I didn't mean to... I mean... look, thak you for everything. I mean it. But this is not being a good night."
"Yes, I can see that."
"It's worse than you think. Believe me."
"We all have our troubles. Believe me," said Rosie. /end quote.
from snuff:
It was a corker, nonetheless, and out of the corner of his stinging gaze he saw Feeny take a step back. At least the boy had some sense.
"You are the gods' own fool, Commander Vimes! No, I'm not teaching them to be fake humans, I'm teaching them how to be goblins, clever goblins! Do you know that they have only five names for colors? Even trolls have around sixty, and a lot more than that if they find a paint salesman! Does this mean goblins are stupid? No, they have a vast number of names for things that even poets haven't come up with, for things like the colors shift and change, the melting of one hue into another. They have single words for the most complicated of feelings; I know about two hundred of them, I think, and I'm sure there are a lot more! What you may think are grunts and growls and snarls are in fact carrying vast amounts of information! They're like an iceberg, commander: most of them is where you can't see or understand, and I'm teaching Tears of the Mushroom and some of her friends so that they may be able to speak to people like you, who think they are dumb. And do you know what, commander? There isn't much time! They're being slaughtered! It's not called that, of course, but slaughter is how it ends, because they're just dumb nuisances, you see. Why don't you ask Mr. Upshot what happened to the rest of the goblins three years ago, Commander Vimes?"
And with that, Miss Beedle turned on her heel and disappeared down into the darkness of the cave with Tears of the Mushroom bobbing along behind her, leaving Vimes to walk the last few yards out into the glorious light. /end quote.
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radioactivewisdom · 2 months
How would you debunk that quote below then?
Men creating conflict and then “protecting” women and children isn’t a sacrifice. Especially when they end up victimizing those same groups while “saving” their own. Hence the prevalence of rape during war. Men go and “fight” for their country, creed, or religion, only to destroy someone else’s. I don’t give a shit about Pyramids when those same societies were hiding female corpses because men were defiling them. Only XY’s and their worshippers could look at tall buildings while ignoring the suffering that led to them, and see it as an accomplishment. The few useful men aren’t representative of the majority. There’s been more criminals, pedophiles, and rapist than there have been geniuses. More girls have been molested than roads paved, or any other “amazing” accomplishments by men. It’s all insignificant compared to the piles of bodies left behind. Most of society’s feats have either been unnecessary, or “fixing” an issue of their own making.
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pinguwrites · 1 year
Kinktober 2023 | Day Three — Raymond Leon + car sex
Pairing -> sub!raymond leon x reader
Warnings -> smut (minors dni), maybe kinda sorta dub-con just to be careful (but not anything big, it can be looked over), road head (don't do this irl be smart),
Disclaimer: In Time characters, plots, quotes, etc. do not belong to me and belong to the rightful owner(s). This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
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Sometimes Raymond was a little boring. Not in any insulting way, only that he tended to be more stern and strict, and he always had to have things in control. It was probably something about being a timekeeper. That’s how they all were, at least the one’s you’ve met. But with Ray it was a little different, more . . . old. You didn’t know how to describe it. He wasn’t out of touch with anything, but he just had that sense of dullness in his personality that he carried around with him like a raincloud.
It wasn’t physical or anything — sex was great, and the stunts he did when he was out policing the timezones proved he was in great shape. He was twenty-five, after all, everyone nowadays was. But he was fifty or something mentally (what age exactly, you didn’t know, and didn’t dare ask). 
You loved him, so it wasn’t a major problem, but you did have to admit, sometimes you wished he would so something unprovoked, unpredictable, hot.
Deciding to take matters into your own hands (literally), your reached over and placed your hand on his thigh. Raymond noticed, but focused his attention on driving, not making any move to push you away. It wasn’t until you crept closer to his crotch did he say something about your behavior. 
“What are you doing?” he asked sternly. He glared at you, something you learned not to take personally. 
“Nothing.” You shrugged innocently. “Just tryna have some fun.”
Your fingers brushed over his crotch.
Keeping one hand on the steering wheel he took off the other and grabbed your wrist.
“Stop that,” he growled. “Can’t you see I’m driving?”
“Yeah. That’s why it’s fun.”
You gave Ray’s cock a little squeeze through the fabric and he let out a little gasp, one you wouldn't be able to hear unless you were listening for it.
To your surprise, he didn’t say anything after that. He just stared dead ahead at the road, not giving you any indication he wanted you to stop.
So you didn’t. You continued to tease him thrugh the fabric, waiting for him to get hard, and when he finally did, you unzipped the zipper and pulled his hard length out.
You caught your boyfriend glancing at the side of the roads, looking out for other cars. But it was night and no one was there, like they could see anything in the darkness even if they were. 
“Relax. No one’s gonna see us,” you reassured him.
“I know that,” Ray breathed out as you rubbed his precum all over the tip of his cock. He shuffled a little in his seat. “Are you really going to do this? Now?”
“Do you want me to stop?” you asked, halting your hand movements.
“. . . No.”
“Say the magic word,” you teased with a grin.
He sighed, not wanting to prolonge the foreplay. “Please?”
“Please what?”
“Touch me,” he said, exasperated. 
“Good boy,” you said, giving him a long stroke.
He threw his head back, in annoyance or pleasure, you could not tell. He always denied it, but you knew he liked it when you called him your ‘good boy’.
“Go slow,” he pleaded, when you picked up the pace.
You chuckled. “Loosen up, Ray.”
You and Ray tightened your grips, yours on his cock, pumping with precision, and his on the steering wheel, desperately tyring to stay in control. 
You took your hand off for a brief moment, prompting Ray to glance over at you, only for his breathing to hitch in his throat when he saw you lean over spit on his cock, resuming your pumping.
“Fuck,” he moaned. “Yeah, that’s good.”
You fondled his balls, giving them a little pinch. He squirmed in his seat.
“Don’t move,” you demanded, taking off your seatbelt to fit his entire length in your mouth. 
The car swerved a little, but it immediately got back on track.
You gagged, but kept yourself down for a bit, before getting up for some air.
Ray groaned loudly. “Oh, don’t do that, I can’t focus.”
You both knew that he could easily push you away. He was stronger than you, but his desire was getting in the way of reason, and all he wanted to do was relax in the car seat, you here to give him a blow job like there wasn’t anything else the mattered.
You ignored his words, continuing to suck of his cock, hollowing your cheeks out and timing your breaths so you didn’t choke as much. You bobbed your head up and down, revelling in the way he wriggled away from you. 
Ray had enough, and pulled the car over to the side of the road, parking it on some grass. He stopped the engine and spread his legs, relaxing his arm on your back.
He came soon after with a whine. You swallowed his seed, making a disgusting gulping sound. 
You took the paper wipes from the backseat and wiped his cum off your face, leaving his now soft cock out of his pants. He tried to put it back in but you stopped him, wanting a nice view of his length. You put on your seatbelt and playfully slapped his thigh.
“Well? I wanna get home. Start driving.”
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Israeli president Isaac Herzog insisted that “an entire nation” was to blame for Hamas’s actions, and that the idea of “civilians not being aware, not involved” was “absolutely not true”. While Rageh Omar reported on this for ITV News, it did not make the BBC or the New York Times or Sky News. Nor did it make most anglophone outlets. Ariel Kallner, in a now-deleted tweet, called for another Nakba on the Palestinians, repeating the crime of 1948 in which 700,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed. “Right now, one goal: Nakba!” He exhorted. “A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 48.” This was picked up by Associated Press but missed by most anglophone broadcasters and press. When Tally Gotliv, a Knesset member for Likud, called for a nuclear strike on Gaza – “Jericho Missile! … Doomsday weapon!” ­– and for “crushing and flattening Gaza … Without mercy! Without mercy!”, this also went curiously unnoticed. Again, when an anonymous Israeli defence official briefed Israeli broadcasters that Gaza would become “a city of tents” where “there will be no buildings”, it was largely ignored. When Sara Netanyahu’s advisor, Tzipi Navon, said that it would not be enough to “flatten Gaza”, and that Palestinians suspected of involvement in the Hamas attack should have their nails pulled out, their genitals removed and their tongues and eyes saved for last “so we can enjoy his screams”, “so he can see us smiling”, that too was curiously overlooked. The studied obtuseness of Western media includes carefully ignoring the most severe warnings about what is about to be done by Israel to Gaza. On Friday 13th, Israel ordered residents in the north of Gaza to “evacuate” to the south within 24 hours on pain of being bombed. Former Israeli ambassador Danny Ayalon suggested with a cynical smirk that they could go to the Sinai desert and live in “tent cities”. The Biden administration appears determined to enable this to happen, lobbying Egypt to take the refugee population. The language of evacuation, widely used by newspapers, was euphemistic. Over a million Gazans had just been given a death threat. They were being told at gunpoint to flee in an unrealistic amount of time, on just two roads that they were assured were safe from bombardment, only for a convoy fleeing south to be bombed, killing seventy people. They had no reason to believe they could ever return to their homes or that their homes would even exist. Here was the second Nakba that Ariel Kallner shouted for. A UN press release warned of “mass ethnic cleansing”, that would repeat the Nakba of 1948 “yet on a larger scale”. Two days after that warning, only the Independent among British newspapers had covered it. One honourable exception to the general omerta on explaining what the “expulsion” order means is the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire who, interviewing former Israeli ambassador Mark Regev, quoted former UN head of humanitarian affairs Jan Egeland, saying: “The Israeli order for civilians to move from north to south is impossible and illegal. It amounts to forcible transfers and a war crime.” No anglophone newspaper, of course, mentions the word “genocide” in this context, though that is the term used by both Palestinians and Jewish groups opposed to Israel’s war, and is clearly what is implied by Israeli statements and actions. As Mustafa Bhargouti told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, Israel is inflicting the triumvirate of “siege and collective punishment”, “genocide” through bombardment, and “ethnic cleansing”. The Israeli historian of the Holocaust, Raz Segal, describes Israel’s indiscriminate war on Gazan civilians and its assault on the conditions for life for the whole community, as “a textbook case of genocide” unfolding in front of us. For the press and the majority of pundits, the problem cannot be named. At most, liberal dissent attains to the insight that vengeance is not justice, as though what Israel is now threatening is merely reactive rather than programmatic.
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workersolidarity · 11 months
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[I originally wrote this article using my own translation of the statement, however I have since downloaded the official translation, so my quotes may not be exact]
According to a statement by the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, the al-Quds Hospital located in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood of Gaza City will be reducing the healthcare services being provided at one of the largest and most important hospitals in the Gaza Strip, due to a lack of food, fuel, and medical supplies at the healthcare center.
According to the statement, the reduction of healthcare services will be implemented Wednesday, November 8th, 2024 with the aim of rationing fuel consumption and to continue providing medical services for the next few days.
The report emphasizes the need to conserve fuel, and declares the following measures for extending the life of services being provided to civilians in Gaza City.
1. To stop the hospital's large generator and to use smaller ones instead.
2. Closing the surgical department
3. Stopping the usage of the oxygen generation station, and instead rely on canisters of oxygen.
4. Closing of the MRI and X-Ray Departments.
5. Creating a schedule for the distribution of electricity, whereby each of the three hospital buildings receive 2 hours of electricity per building per day, beginning at 5pm to ensure displaced civilians can access basic services such as charging devices.
The statement goes on to slam the Israeli authorities for refusing to allow fuel into the Gaza Strip, saying it was only able to obtain limited quantities of fuel from gas stations, however, such options expired about two weeks ago as gas sources inside Gaza dried up rapidly under sustained bombardment by Israeli Occupation Forces.
The statement points out that as a result of these actions being taken, the hospital hopes that they will not exhaust their supplies and be forced to close their doors for at least the next few days. The statement also points to the scarcity of food and clean water as a major problem as well, with nearly 14'000 displaced Palestinians sheltering inside the hospital compound.
The Palestinian Red Crescent also highlighted the fact that it has been isolated from the larger Gaza City area due to road closures for the third day in a row from Israeli bombing and shelling, making it that much less likely the healthcare center will be able to acquire further resources.
Lastly, the Palestinian Red Crescent statement accuses Israeli Occupation Forces of targeting Humanitarian Aid convoys bringing aid to the various health centers in Gaza.
"Yesterday, the Israeli Occupation Authorities targeted the humanitarian aid convoy of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Gaza City which was carrying life-saving medical supplies to health facilities, including the association's Jerusalem Hospital, as the expected aid did not arrive until this moment," the statement reads near its end.
"Accordingly, the Palestine Red Crescent Society appeals to international bodies and organizations working in the health and healthcare sectors to bring in aid urgent humanitarian, essential needs, medical supplies and fuel for Al-Quds Hospital and the Gaza and North governorates."
According to Gaza's Ministry of Health, 10'305 Palestinians have been killed since October 7th, with another 25'000 injured, including 4'237 children killed in Israeli air strikes, and another 2'719 women and 631 elderly people. Another 2'350 civilians are missing, likely buried under the rubble that was the Gaza Strip.
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People have scars in all sorts of unexpected places. Like secret roadmaps of their personal histories, diagrams of all of their old wounds. Most of our old wounds heal, leaving nothing behind but a scar. But some of them, don’t. Some wounds, we carry with us everywhere… and though the cut is long gone, the pain still lingers. What’s worse? New wounds, which are so horribly painful, or old wounds, which should have healed years ago, and never did? Maybe our old wounds teach us something. They remind us where we’ve been, and what we’ve overcome. They teach us lessons about what to avoid in the future. That’s what we like to think. But that’s not the way it is, is it? Some things we just have to learn over and over and over… again.
Meredith Grey 🚗🌊📚
IG: jeffreyreads
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lil-shiro · 9 months
Highlights from a recent New York Times article on Aston Martin
Don't know why, but the New York Times published a whole article about AM's season, here are some key points.
Words from Fernando about his season:
“It has been a historical season for Aston Martin, and for myself, eight finishes on the podium, more than 200 points, nearly 300 for the team."
“Twelve months ago, this was unthinkable. An incredible year to remember.”
“For me, 2012 and this season are the best in my career,” he said, referring to his third season with Ferrari, when he missed out on a third title by 4 points. This year resulted in “a position I couldn’t have imagined at the beginning of the year with the car performance we had,” he said.
Dan Fallows about the development of the car in the second half of the season:
The reason for Aston Martin’s slide was “a very aggressive development philosophy in-season,” Fallows said. “We decided to try to be quite brave, quite risky, in some instances, in terms of the speed of delivery of these parts.”
Looking back, Fallows said, the team would probably choose not to make some of the decisions it did, but it valued the learning experience.
“Towards the end of the season, we used some races essentially as glorified test sessions in many ways,” he said, adding, “We felt that was necessary to understand the car and to understand what we want to do for next year.”
Mention of the new factory:
There was disruption along the way as Aston Martin moved into a new $250 million factory in May. It was the first phase of a three-part project that includes the team building its own wind tunnel and simulator, going online in the third quarter of 2024. The team currently uses the Mercedes facility.
“We moved into a new technology campus, which is only a third complete,” Fallows said. “We have had several upheavals during the year, with that being one of them."
“But we don’t have the level of facilities, the stability of structure, that some of our main competitors enjoy, and yet we’ve still been able to compete at that level.”
Lawrence Stroll addressing the minor share he sold:
Last month, he sold a minority share in the team to Arctos Partners, a private equity firm in Dallas.
“You don’t go spending hundreds of millions of pounds, building the greatest new Formula 1 campus and hiring 400 of the greatest employees if you’re about to leave the business,” Stroll said.
He added: “It could not be any further from the truth that I have any interest in ever not being the majority shareholder of this team for a very long time, and it is the same with the road car company. I’m not going anywhere. I plan to run these businesses for many years. I’m at the beginning of the journey on both.”
Quote from Lance about his season:
“It was a really strong start to the season, a really difficult middle and then strong again at the end,” Lance Stroll said. “There is some stuff I can chip away at for next year. Overall, it’s been a season full of emotion.”
Tom McCullough (Aston Martin performance director) shares praise to Lance for overcoming a difficult period:
“Lance, as far as how he works, is in and out of the factory between every event,” McCullough said. “He’s simulator running, he’s sitting with his engineers.”
He added: “He works so hard, and he’s so motivated to learn from one of the best drivers this sport has ever seen. And that’s what Fernando is.”
Overall Aston Martin are happy with the steps forward they took as a whole this year, and will work towards developing the car for next season and avoid making any repeated mistakes.
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purpleheartskies · 1 month
The Road Back in Robby's Hero's Journey
The "Need" to "Find Balance"
Mr. Miyagi told Daniel in kk1:
“You remember lesson about balance? Lesson not just karate only. Lesson for whole life. Whole life have a balance. Everything be better. Understand?”
Robby's second place trauma isn't just from karate...
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"Second place. Second place. Second place."
... it's from his whole life
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Johnny chose alcohol over Robby. Johnny chose Miguel over Robby. Johnny chose Carmen over Robby. Johnny chose the plot device baby over Robby. Johnny chose his rivalry with Daniel over Robby. Johnny chose his own ego and himself over Robby, always. 
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Shannon chose herself over Robby too. She still did in s5. Shannon also chose alcohol and drugs over Robby too for a long time.
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Daniel chose his rivalry with Johnny over Robby. Daniel chose Miguel over Robby after the school fight (now recognizing Miguel as the avt champ, dismissing all of his wrongs against Robby, and participating in scapegoating Robby for the school fight). Daniel chose his war with Cobra Kai over Robby.
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Sam chose trying to make Miyagi-Do look good over trying to do right by Robby. Sam chose Miguel over Robby. The Miyagi-Dos also chose standing by Miguel over standing by Robby. Robby was scapegoated by all for the school fight. "There's nothing complicated about it. You had a choice and you chose."
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"It's still better than always coming in second."
As I talked about in my "Finding Balance" - Part 1 post, a major theme of the series is "finding balance":
Finding balance is about coping with trauma, especially with your emotions and responses due to trauma. This is a major theme that is explored throughout the series. Through the characters' stories, we're shown that trauma isn't permanently gone by "finding balance" momentarily. "Finding balance in your life" is a constant struggle that you have to consciously work on.
In my post about Robby's Hero's Journey, I talked about how Robby's "need" in his character journey is to find balance.
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"You may know the moves, but none of that matters unless you have balance.... I didn't mean balancing your body. I mean balancing your life. Look, Robby. I know it's hard growing up without a dad, believe me. Mine died when I was young, so I know."
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"But when those bad feelings all weigh you down, you gotta... you gotta search inside for the good stuff, you know, and just... Because then you can find some balance in your life. Understand. It's not easy, but you'll do it."
In s5e5, when Robby started people-pleasing, he gave up on his "need" to find balance. He gave up believing in himself and trying to figure out who he is. He stopped believing in a future for himself; a future in which he will not end up like Johnny. He had said in s4e4 that he won't end up like Johnny because he is better than Johnny. In s4e10, he didn't want to give up his compassion to become a champion using Cobra Kai. He left Cobra Kai and tried to work on his relationship with Johnny, his "want". Robby ended up giving up who he is completely to achieve his "want", but Robby understanding who he is and believing in himself is important to achieving his "need".
The Road Back
Part 1 overlapped with "The Road Back" stage of Robby's Hero's Journey. In the Hero's Journey post, I wrote:
10. The Road Back - The hero returns to the original world and sees the light at the end of the tunnel, but they are about to face even more tests and challenges. "One version of step ten sees the hero returning to their ordinary world, believing that the adventure is over. It seems like the hero has defeated the Shadow because the Reward has been claimed. This false sense of security creates the massive fake-out you're setting up! This scene often shows the hero and the remaining cast of characters at peace, feeling safe and secure." (quoted text) Robby has also seemingly defeated his Shadow---Johnny---and obtained his "want"---a relationship with Johnny. However, Robby gave up his "need"---finding balance---, falsely believing that he has achieved it. Given that he hasn't achieved his "need", his journey isn't over yet. And, this stage includes the "fake ending". The Shadow can be the part within the hero that they don't like or that is deep repressed feelings or trauma. The antagonist or villain to the hero usually is the physical version of this Shadow.
Robby's actual Shadow is his traumas, mostly due to Johnny, that Robby calls his "hate". Johnny is the physical version of this. Robby's overall goal is to break the cycle of generational trauma from Kreese and Johnny due to Cobra Kai by finding balance using Miyagi-Do. Robby's main antagonist/rival throughout the series is his traumas/"hate", which Johnny represents.
Since s5e5, Robby seems "fine" on the outside, but Robby's inner turmoil is still there. Robby obtaining his "want" at this stage was never going to satisfy his "need".
"It is here that the hero receives the object of desire they have been pursuing in the story thus far. But it cannot be enough to fulfill the central conflict in the story. That's because your hero must have an internal need that the object doesn't satisfy." "The hero can also be too easily satisfied with the Reward, leaving unresolved conflict. This sets up an even more shocking twist later when the Shadow rears its head again, shattering the false comfort provided by the physical Reward."
Robby indeed has a lot of unresolved conflicts. All of his reconciliations in s5 were one-sided, and those have yet to be resolved. s6e5 showed that Robby hasn't found balance yet.
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His suppressed rage is so palpable in this scene.
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"When those bad feelings all weigh you down, you gotta search inside for the good stuff, and just... Because then you can find some balance in your life." After his conversation with Tory about winning the Sekai Taikai and being on the podium together, Robby started believing in himself again, for the first time since s5e5, because of Tory's belief in him. But Robby couldn't get in touch with Tory the day before the match and she wasn't there at the start of the match, so Robby was off-balance in the beginning of the match. After Tory arrived, Robby was able to "reach inside for the good stuff" and "find some balance".
It's interesting that the first time Robby's flashback is shown since s1 is in s6e5 (during The Road Back). The last time his flashbacks were shown were in s1e8 (Meeting the Mentor) and in s1e10 (Crossing the Threshold).
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s1e8 - The first time Daniel, the Mentor in Robby's Hero's Journey, told Robby the "need" for his character journey---to find balance---Robby's flashback was of the Inciting Incident in his journey which lead to his Call to Adventure.
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s1e10 - The first time Robby faced his Shadow (traumas/"hate" and Johnny) during a karate match, Daniel reminded Robby to find balance. Robby's flashback was to the lesson in the woods about his "need" to find balance.
These flashbacks in s1 were before Robby officially crossed the threshold in the special world at the end of the Hero's Journey stage Crossing the Threshold. In s6 part 1, Robby returned to the ordinary world in The Road Back, and his flashback is shown again for the first time since before he entered the special world at the end of s1. That is, while Robby was in the special world from s2 to s5, no flashbacks were shown for Robby.
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Per the 3-act story structure, the s1 avt is the 1st plot point, the school fight is the 1st pinch point, the s2 avt is the 2nd plot point, the apartment fight is the 2nd pinch point, and the captaincy match is the 3rd plot point.
Robby's flashbacks in s6e5 showed his karate tournament losses, but the chanting in his head, "Second place, second place, second place, second, second place", of course alludes to so much more than karate; it alludes to the traumas he's experienced in his whole life.
In the s1 avt, Robby lost his balance while focusing on Johnny during the match with Hawk, so Daniel told Robby to remember what he learned. Johnny is the physical version of Robby's Shadow, which is his trauma/"hate". Robby was able to "reach inside for the good stuff" and "find some balance". However, he was physically injured by Hawk and Miguel. Robby lost because Miguel pulled on Robby's injured arm between rounds to secure the win for himself. Miguel's win wasn't focused on. Robby's loss was. Robby had an important moment with Johnny (Shadow) and a important conversation with Daniel (Mentor). Robby's loss was part of the Hero's Journey stage Crossing the Threshold into the special world. After this loss, Daniel and Robby reopened Miyagi-Do.
In the s4 avt, Robby's balance was already a little off because of his match with Kenny. Robby fully adopted Cobra Kai in the match, and later found out that Kenny had fully adopted Cobra Kai despite Robby's efforts to stop him. Then, during his final match, Robby looked at Kenny, and Robby said that he was looking in a "mirror" and saw his own "hate". This threw Robby off-balance. (Though, I still wonder if he was even trying his hardest after he looked at Kenny.) He lost again, and once again the win wasn't focused on. Robby's loss was focused on, and Robby had an important conversation with Johnny (Shadow). This loss after looking in the "mirror" was the start of the stage The Ordeal, which is a major turning point for the Hero and leads to a false victory of getting his want but losing his need, "even if you win, you lose" (Daniel's words to Robby in s4e9).
In the captaincy match during The Road Back, Robby didn't have balance but at one point was able to "search inside for the good stuff" and "find some balance". The s1 avt and the captaincy match, in which Robby was able to find balance successfully in his match, both happened at important stages in the Hero's Journey that overlapped with opposing "plot points" in the 3-act story structure in his story. The school fight and apartment fight are opposing "pinch points" in his story. Robby's four main matches in this points all take place versus Miguel, his "rival"/bully amongst the teens. Robby's win in the captaincy match was also focused on. He had an important scene with Johnny (Shadow) as Johnny put the captain headband on Robby's head. This is symbolic, as Robby had successfully overcome his trauma/"hate" momentarily to win the match so that he could take part in his final battle/tournament championship.
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Robby overcame his actual Shadow, his trauma/"hate", in his mental match and found balance momentarily. Johnny, the physical version of his Shadow, acknowledged Robby's win in his physical match.
In the two tournaments and the captaincy match, Robby encountered his Shadow (his trauma/"hate") and it threw him off balance. Now, Robby is heading into his final tournament with his Shadow, looming and ever present. Robby's balance is the worst it's been, now with Tory being back in Cobra Kai. Robby's journey has been leading up to this final battle against his Shadow and this next stage in his Hero's Journey---The Resurrection.
The Remaining Journey
The Sekai Taikai is Part 2 and that overlaps with the next stage in the Hero's Journey:
11. The Resurrection - The climax. Also known as the "dark night of the soul". The hero faces a final test, using everything they have learned to take on the conflict once and for all.
This stage overlaps with the Sekai Taikai. Robby will have to find balance in order to win. He can't keep suppressing how he really feels, that rage he keeps bottled up inside. Robby has to confront those feelings and his traumas, the root of his traumas. Robby has to face his Shadow, Johnny, again and this time Robby needs to embrace his "need" to find balance. He needs a real resolution that involves believing in himself and his future: "Well, you are the tree, Robby. You've got strong roots. You know who you are, right? So now all you've gotta do is visualize what you want your future to look like, and then you make it happen." Of course, Robby needs real resolutions in all of his relationships, especially with Daniel and Sam. (Shannon too, of course.)
In s6e2, Robby expressed that he's not going to Stanford or anywhere. This shows that Robby wants to go to college and to build a better future for himself. He just doesn't know how, especially with his lack of belief in himself and his lack of a proper support system. Coming out of The Resurrection, Robby should be on the right path for his future after embracing his "need" to "find balance", with or without anyone's help.
Hand in hand with Robby's Hero's Journey is Johnny's Hero's Journey, as I've mentioned in that post about Robby's journey. Johnny's Hero's Journey is centered around his own trauma, and coming to terms with his past both with Kreese and with Robby. Johnny also has to find balance is his own life. Since s3e10, Johnny has been avoiding facing his past, especially his past failures with Robby. Johnny can't keep shutting down any mentions of those.
In s6e3, Johnny got the lesson about "finding balance in life" from Chozen, and Johnny was successful in applying it one time soon after. Chozen told Johnny that Miyagi-Do isn't just for dojo, Miyagi-Do is "a way of life" and that it comes from the heart ("search inside for the good stuff" as Daniel had told Robby). Daniel later told Johnny that Miyagi-Do isn't a quick fix and can help him become a more centered person but it doesn't mean his problems go away overnight. That is, "Finding balance in your life" is a constant struggle that you have to consciously work on.
I've mentioned before (in this post and this one) that Johnny has been slowly transforming from Cobra Kai to Miyagi-Do throughout the series. In S6 Part 1, Johnny finally joined Miyagi-Do officially (s6e1) and learned about finding balance from Chozen (s6e2). Johnny of course reverted to some of his Cobra Kai ways, like trying to get Sam and Tory to fight (s6e3) and fighting Barnes for essentially no reason (s6e4). When it came to Sam and Tory, they ended up resolving things a Miyagi-Do way, though Johnny kept saying that girls are easy, as in they resolved things this way because they're girls. Johnny of course has a lot of his Cobra Kai (toxic masculine) traits still, which affects his views and behaviors. He also kept passing comments about Miyagi-Do that show that he doesn't view it as tough or as badass as Cobra Kai. Maybe he stopped trying to find balance because Daniel gave him a job, and that's what he was really seeking instead of finding balance. In s6e5, while his second place trauma from Kreese was being portrayed alongside Robby's second place trauma, Johnny learned about Miyagi's secret past. During their argument about Tory, Johnny insulted Miyagi. Daniel punched Johnny, and Johnny told Daniel that after the tournament, Johnny's done with Daniel. That is, Johnny claimed to be done with Miyagi-Do and taking over its legacy.
However, this is just the usual drama and conflict. Johnny's The Resurrection stage is coming too. Johnny will adopt Miyagi-Do permanently, as in he won't renege, if he is to achieve his own "need" to find balance and have a positive growth arc overall:
"It's a moment of rebirth and transformation, where the hero accepts and commits to their new identity. The hero is reborn with the attributes of their ordinary self, plus the lessons and insights they've gained from their journey. They've changed and grown, and are now ready to take on the villain and defeat them." 
Both Johnny and Robby will experience this as they go through this stage of their Hero's Journeys. After this is the final stage:
12. The Return - The hero brings their knowledge or the "elixir" back to the ordinary world.
This "elixir" is Miyagi-Do---"the way of life" that involves finding balance. Johnny and Robby will make their legacy Miyagi-Do. It's possible that Johnny finally truly adopts Miyagi-Do because he realizes that he needs to do so for Robby and for himself. Given the setup, Johnny's demons related to his mom's death (when he abandoned Robby) have resurfaced and Kreese has now returned to Johnny's life too. Johnny's can't keep running from his past. He must face his own Shadow---Kreese---once again, and this time Johnny must become serious about finding balance.
s5 and s6 part 1 made it clear that the dysfunctional blended "family", including the plot device baby, were never going to cause true growth in Johnny. The main purpose of the "family" has been to worsen Johnny's behavior towards Robby to add to Robby's traumas. Johnny said in s5e9 that he stopped focusing on his past and started focusing on his present. Johnny's behavior is a major source of Robby's traumas and negatively affects Robby's ability to find balance. This "family" situation needs to be resolved, but Johnny and Robby are the only ones in the "family" with Hero's Journeys leading to true character growth. As I've been pointing out for some time, the "family" storyline doesn't fit with the overarching story. The storyline is a misdirect, and I'm curious to see how all of this plays out.
This post is also titled Robby is the underdog - Part 5, "Finding balance" - Part 3, and Robby has a Hero's Journey - Part 2.
This is a follow-up post to Robby has a Hero's Journey ("Finding balance" - Part 2)
(As always, please don't comment or reblog with dismissive comments about the nuance in the story. The nuance is part of the story, and the story is exploring important topics like trauma, bullying, neglect, and dysfunctional relationships.)
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screemnch · 9 months
Heterotopias, Pathologic, and what they have in common.
In the introductions of these I tend to put completely unrelated life anecdotes, because this isn't an academic paper. With that being said - I do hope to put together the next instalment of the bilingual madness project that I've started, but not right now. I'm in the part of my life where I'm majoring in a subject and a few months of study have granted me the delusion that I actually know things, and I'm taking that and running with it. This little unhinged essay will include the following:
A brief recap of who Foucault is (really brief. Just for the context)
A little less brief recap of his concept of the "heterotopia", an explanation of some necessary concepts and essays on the subject
The examination of heterotopias in game - how they exist within the fictional town on Gorkhon and what that means
Finally, a pretentious talk about video games and specifically Pathologic as a heterotopia, where I might go completely off the rails and lose all my trains of thought at once.
So let's get started.
Who is Michel Foucault?
Michel Foucault (1926-1984) was a French philosopher, critic, activist and damn near everything. There are few topics in my current major where his name doesn't come up. He's had a say in theories of language, gender, sexuality, identity, space, politics, power and so on and so forth. There have also been multitudes of people criticising his ideas, and not without good reason. In this discussion I'm not putting this dude on a pedestal and I don't encourage anyone to base their whole understanding of philosophy on one French guy's opinion. That being said, let's go look at some of his ideas in terms of language and space.
What is a "heterotopia"?
Wikipedia kindly tells me that the word was first used in the preface of an essay called "the Order of Things". In the preface, Foucault compared it directly to the concept of a utopia (which is where the alarm bells go off for any and all pathologic fans). This was preceded by an important discussion of language in terms of relations - the idea that many concepts and things are described and perceived through the lens of comparison and juxtaposition. Think about how one would perceive light by comparing it to darkness. In Foucault's opinion, these relations make up a grid that shapes our perception. These relations are, by definition, also mutually exclusive. That which is a dog cannot also be a cat. That which the language defines as close cannot be far.
Which is why, immediately after that, Foucault says "lol, syke" there ARE things that can encompass these contradictory sites within themselves; a fantastical conceptual instance in which something like that is possible - he calls those things "utopias". In the preface he even calls the road to such a utopia "chimerical". The more common view of a utopia is "a perfect place with no flaws". But in Foucault's writing, utopias are something that rises above our perception of relations and embodies multiple contradictory things at once - which is what makes it perfect. Most importantly, however - utopias have no physical space. They cannot. Our language doesn't allow for something that exists outside of comparisons, especially not when it physically manifests in our world.
This is why, for example, in pathologic, Aglaya Lilich so vehemently insists that the Polyhedron cannot stand. She calls it a utopia, and those things cannot exist, must not exist. They cannot take up physical space. Which is when our good friend Foucault comes back for a surprise round.
See, we were lead to believe that utopias cannot exist, and it's meant to be a comfort - there isn't anything in our perception of the world that shatters our grid of comparisons and juxtapositions and that's wonderful. But we were, all of us, deceived. And we should be scared, because, to quote him directly - "Heterotopias are disturbing, probably because they secretly undermine language, because they make it impossible to name this and that, because they shatter or tangle common names, because they destroy 'syntax' in advance, and not only the syntax with which we construct sentences but also that less apparent syntax which causes words and things (next to and also opposite of one another) to 'hold together'" (this is still from the preface, yeah). In saying this he does not make clear what exactly a heterotopia is, which is why we'll turn to his other works. Namely "Heterotopias" (the introduction to which, written by Anthony Vidler helped me a ton in understanding what the hell this overly verbose dude is talking about) and its later iteration called "Of Other Spaces." I think those were both originally speeches, but I've found them transcribed, and I'm more focused on their meaning anyway. Those two texts are almost the exact same thing, with a few select differences, which aren't exactly relevant.
We get our proper explanation in these essays that I'll sum up to my best ability. A heterotopia is something that takes up physical space, yet has properties similar to a utopia. A physical space that embodies contradictory qualities. One of his early examples of something that is a heterotopia (but also a utopia at the same time, go figure) is the mirror; the false reality in which you are portrayed in a physical space where you are not, because you are quite clearly not standing in front of yourself, makes it a utopia. Yet the fact that by existing it creates a space in which you are technically standing in front of yourself makes it a heterotopia. He also points out a children's playground as a heterotopia. In "Heterotopias" the essay he likens it to children playing on their parents bed, but we could compare it to, say... A sandbox. Children playing in a sandbox is a heterotopia. The sandbox is a physical space, and yet it's also an unreal "other" space that exists in the children's perception. This space, say, a town, is both existent and non-existent. Contradictory.
Foucault goes to say more about the kinds of heterotopias that can exist, and as he mentions them, it becomes clear as to why architects took to the concept so readily. Many of these heterotopias are not just physical spaces, but buildings - theatres, museums, prisons, etc. There are other types of heterotopias - cemeteries, or "heterotopias of festival", but that's beside the point. A prominent example Foucault brings up is the brothel (a place both public and private at the same time) but he states the "perfect" heterotopia to be the boat/ship. Seriously, he calls them the "greatest reservoir for our imaginations" ("Heterotopias") and waxes poetic about how if we didn't have boats we'd be deprived of dreams. But hey, I'm here talking about a video game, who am I to judge.
Architecture, Space, and the Town on Gorkhon
Good old Wikipedia defines heterotopias as spaces that are somehow "other." Which is a good explanation for people who already know what a heterotopia is. As I've explained above, it's a little bit more complicated than that. However when I first heard the definition, my brain went "That's the Polyhedron! That's the stupid tower from that one game I'm obsessed with!" And indeed, it'd be easy to look at Wikipedia's definition of a heterotopia and compare it to the Polyhedron - it's most definitely "other." Even by what we've established here - it's a utopian contradiction that exists in physical space. So is Aglaya Lilich wrong for calling it a "utopia"? Is it actually a "heterotopia"? Would that change anything at all about the events of the game?
Real answer is: I dunno. Out of context of the game's story, it very much would count as a heterotopia (if we treat it as something existing within a real space, not in game space). It would be an architectural wonder, but it would also be a physical space that encompasses multiple things at once. It's made of paper and mirrors at the same time. It's precarious and safe at the same time. You could even bring in a specific type of heterotopia it could be - namely a "crisis heterotopia" (as outlined by Foucault in both "Heterotopias" and "Of other spaces") - a kind that is supposedly phasing out of existence. A place where people go when they are in a state of crisis. This is where debate would no doubt arise, because there are a bunch of types of heterotopias it could be (heterotopia of deviation, for example) and I love that. It's contradictory. It cannot be juxtaposed to other types of heterotopias. It shatters the liguistic definitions we cling to. Meta as fuck and I love that for her.
But also, raining on the parade of "the Polyhedron is totes a heterotopia, y'all" is the existence of context within and without the game. The town on Gorkhon is not a real space, and isn't in a real time. And that is both as a "game space" (a game played by kids in a sandbox) and as a ""game space"" (a game played by us, the players). In this way, concepts can manifest themselves without manifesting, things can exist without existing. The Polyhedron only takes up physical space within the eyes of the dolls, but to the kids it is no more real than the town itself. Within the laws of the game - the Polyhedron never became a heterotopia. It's a concept that the children spoke into existence, a contradictory thing, that also remains within a fantastical "game space". It's only rational that Aglaya would call it a utopia - her meta awareness allows her to see the tower, the whole town, for what it is. And as a utopia, it should not have a physical manifestation within the world that Aglaya can perceive. She is still just a doll, after all, and the world she perceives is physical to her, even if she knows it's just "game space".
I'm not posing either one of these ideas as "the correct one". You can choose to believe that the Polyhedron is a heterotopia, or you can believe that it's a utopia because it's all a game. You can even say that all of this is bs, and all the developers at IPL were trying to say is that perfection is impossible. But I'm gonna keep playing around and talk about another fun thing: the heterotopias are everywhere.
Go back to treating the town on Gorkhon as a physical space again. You may recall in the examples of heterotopias I cited some buildings and spaces that might sounds particularly interesting. A theatre. A cemetery. There's also the idea that heterotopias have a unique relationship with time, in terms of either constantly accumulating time (museums) or emphasising its transience (fairgrounds). This temporal quality may remind you of the Catherdal in marble nest, where it warps time and changes the way it's perceived. In all honesty, when considering heterotopias besides the Polyhedron, my first thought went to the Abbatoir - it's a place where only select few are allowed, where a collective exists both privately and within the eye of society (which is also themselves), that accumulates time from way back in the history of the town. In short, just like the real world, the town on Gorkhon is full of heterotopias. And it's not surprising - Foucault's first principle of heterotopias established in both of the aforementioned essays is that "there is probably not a single culture in the world that fails to constitute heterotopias". Similarly, no longer thinking of the town on Gorkhon as a physical space, the town becomes a heterotopia as well. That is - it's a town within a sandbox during some kids' playtime. Delightfully meta. Let's all get delightfully meta, shall we?
Are video games heterotopias?
I was unable to find if Foucault has ever said anything about video games throughout his life. Technically he has existed at the same as them, but maybe at this point he had lost interest in talking about these spaces. There are multiple articles out there talking about games and Foucault's theories, and the sole reason why I haven't read them for this essay is because I didn't want to go down a goddamn rabbit hole and waste the next 8 hours reading about... Idk, tadpoles or smth. Let's work from the start, shall we?
Foucault clearly states that children playing pretend in a physical space is heterotopic. The place where they play becomes a heterotopia. Jumping off of that we can assume that things such as LARP (which takes place in a select location) is also a heterotopia, with an addition of some rules that the players adhere to. This leads us to considering things such as live dnd sessions heterotopic as well - players are gathered around a table. Their combat map, the physical space the DM uses to create the imagined space - all becomes a heterotopia (yes I made it about dnd, I'm a nerd of many talents). Once we take a step further, towards things like online dnd sessions and eventually video games - an important question emerges: can digital space house heterotopias? I'm sure Foucault would have considered cyberspace itself a heterotopia, if I've understood him correctly so far (and if I haven't... That sucks, cuz we're almost at the end of the essay). Can a heterotopia exist within another heterotopia? Would it be possible to peel away a layer by claiming that the digital screen - our window to the cyberspace, to the "game space" - constitutes as physical space? Is a video game, in that case, a heterotopia as well? And does that mean that by playing Pathologic we are experiencing a heterotopia, within a heterotopia, within a heterotopia? Are you tired of the "h" word yet?
Truth is, once again: I dunno. I like to believe that it is, cuz it allows me to think of Pathologic as something even cooler than I originally thought. Something even more meta. It's interesting thinking about how something that came from linguistics then went into architecture and eventually came to media entertainment. I also really like the implications that come with the significance of this concept in regards to the architect characters present within Pathologic. I wonder if they knew (given how patho is set in a dubious time, so it'd be difficult to establish if them knowing about Foucault's theories would even be possible). In part I just also felt fascinated by many people linking Pathologic to concepts within theatre (like Codex Entry, or that one post on here about Edward Gordon Craig by tumblr user erriga) and got really excited about bringing something similar to the table. I hope it sparks some discussion and brings forth some ideas from other passionate fans. Anyways.
Go read the actual stuff:
(sorry about the links if they don't work. I'm not technologically advanced enough to figure out if smth is wrong before I post it)
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iznsfw · 2 years
Slumber Party Games: 18+ Edition
IZ Days of Christmas : Day 8 and 9 - Yabuki Nako and Honda Hitomi
IZ*ONE's Yabuki Nako x Honda Hitomi x Male Reader Smut
9871 words
Categories: teaching sex, blowjob, thighjob, riding, face-sitting, cumswap, size kink, masturbation, truth-or-dare gone sexual
Now you know why I didn't post for Nako's day.
For a special someone who requested a HiiNako threesome, and I quote, "NAOW" (it's @kaedespicelatte if that weren't clear)
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You're leaping across lands as if you were walking on clouds. That's a pretty close thing to what you are doing; the wisy blue cotton wafts around you like snow. Touch them for a moment, giggling with genuine happiness, before leaping up another step. You're only going upwards from here, only towards the destination of perfection.
The whole place is flawless. Small islands are individual homes for dreamers like you. The sky never pours unless you want it to. Everything in this world can be controlled with just a word from you. But you were told that there are bigger things up ahead, in that bright golden cloud, where a castle sits grandly and a woman leans down to give you an inviting smile—
"Hey, heeeey! "
Two thin fingers snap you awake from the world you created for when the boredom takes you. You go to it quite often—during lectures, lonely nights when sleep just refuses to visit you, and road trips to nowhere. You've unknowingly dozed off to your wonderland again in the campus quadrangle, right where you're supposed to be wide awake. It's already thirty minutes past your mathematics class; you're the only one in the quadrangle.
Well, not the only one. Blink twice, then thrice for good measure. Turn your head away from the streaming sunlight and force a reintroduction to reality. Here, on Earth, there are no happy utopian cities floating in midair, easily accessible through a few measured jumps. There aren't any bright clouds in arm's reach to navigate through the various world. Here, it's just... your university. It's an extremely boring place that only pique your appreciation with their well-kept gardens and satisfactory air-conditioning.
There's no air-conditioning out here in the quadrangle though. Nor is there a smile on Honda Hitomi's cute face. What a pity. What an utter waste.
"Hey there yourself, Hiichan," say brightly, as if you weren't just caught cutting classes. Cutting classes... but isn't—oh right! It's two in the afternoon, and you just sat through majority of your class in the quadrangle. It was an accident, you swear, but your strict little Japanese friend won't agree with you on that sometimes. "How you doing?"
"Not fine," she says grumpily, "because I was called to drag a certain boy who was lounging outside of the classroom he's supposed to be attending a lecture in."
Direct your gaze to the left. Through the rectangular window of the wide room, all of your classmates and one unamused teacher stare at you. They exchange glances of disbelief, accompanied with words that consist of nothing but spicy gossip.
Your face burns. Now that's a situation you can't joke yourself out of. Why did you have to cut Bae Yoonjung's class out of all the classes you could have skipped? Life in the real world remains just as troublesome as your last return here.
"Miss Bae says you either get your ass inside," Hitomi continues, hands set on her hips, "and answer all the questions we're going over, or you get a failing grade."
A failing grade? "What? No, I'm not flunking her class!" you say. Flustered emotions burst and take your formerly-relaxed body from the comfort of the quadrangle bench. They bring your hands into the air, make your eyes seal a firm glare into Hitomi's tired ones. "Have you seen what her students look like after a remedial? They look like they came back from fucking World War Two or something!"
"Then get inside," says Hitomi. She's gathering the last of her patience now to give you a comforting smile. Give her props for trying to deal with you; you can barely do it yourself. "Believe me, I'm just as humiliated as you are."
"I can't get in because I can't do math, Hitomi!"
"Then get Hyewon to help you out, for fuck's sake, if she's not wrapped up trying to answer them herself. Come on, Haram. Get in."
Hyewon? Oh, come on, you aren't asking her for help! She barely talks to anyone except when she's answering in recitations. She may be pretty, but she has that kind of prettiness that makes her unapproachable. You're intimidated by her, and sometimes you feel a little guilty for it; she hasn't been unkind to anyone or bullied people to clean up dorms. She's just... scary. Scary because she simply exists.
Why do you always have to be scared of pretty girls? You're in college already and your fear of them still hasn't ceased.
But you have no choice. Get up on heavy feet and trudge the walk of shame to Bae's classroom. You're sure you look like a complete idiot. Anyone who has an IQ above room temperature knows that the number one rule of skipping classes means that you can't make yourself seen. You're supposed to hide in the dorms and make up an excuse letter, not sit outside of the classroom you're supposed to be in with the oblivion of a mouse. You can already spot Eunbi giggling at you. Throw her a glare, and she reciprocates, an eye for an eye. High school habits die hard.
"Welcome to class, mister Jo," says your professor, wearing the fakest of smiles. It's that signature Bae Yoonjung smile, a smile that any campus troublemaker knows. It spells out four clear words: You're in deep shit.
From far away in the classroom, your sister Yuri cringes. She's the better student out of the two of you: most well-behaved, most diligent, most high grades. It's been going on ever since she was in kindergarten. But you... it's like you were born into the Jo family to make an imbalance in the matrix of the inherited intelligence and discipline your parents and sibling are known for.
"Good afternoon, professor Bae," you say quietly. At least you're still polite.
"How was the little sit-down you had outside?"
"Quite good. I mean—I mean—uh..."
Politeness fails you. It's too late. Laughter scatters then takes the classroom by full force. Professor Bae isn't as pleased as they are, though. Not at all, not in the slightest.
"Silence, class," she barks. Immediately, the noise dies as if it were a fire extinguished by icy water. You're amazed sometimes at the power the professor has gathered over her years of teaching, which are considerably shorter compared to the other teachers.
"Now, mister Jo, there are strict rules on tardy here in this school. If a student is caught cutting classes or coming in five to ten minutes late, they're given a punishment. Are you aware of these rules?"
Nod. You read the student handbook a couple of times. It's the only book you've ever finished. In your defense, it has pictures. It's easier to visualize the message when there's pictures. You discovered that when your English professor made you read fucking Shakespeare and provide an explanation to three plays slash sonnets slash headache-inducing rhymes.
"I've given you enough time to dilly-dally by yourself," continues your unrelenting professor, "but it's mandatory that you learn the consequences of your own actions." Her hand knocks the whiteboard. "What is the value of x in x squared in the equation of x squared plus six equals zero?"
Stupid flowery math words and their stupid complicated meanings. You can never get a grasp of them.
"Um... b?" you say.
The whole class erupts into a chorus of snickers. Everyone is laughing at you now. All of their eyes are on you in half-crescents as your unintentional comedian flare takes them by storm. Chaeyeon is cackling with glee. She's the class comedian, but even she can't fashion a joke as ridiculous as that. Yujin's smiling dimples have never been more visible. Even your sister, once embarrassed that you were shaming the family name again, is laughing along with them. The whole world's laughingstock is you.
Just everyday things, you guess.
Look around. Well, not the whole world, maybe, for in the corner of the room on the farthest right-hand side of the first row, two wide eyes gaze at you with sympathy.
It's a small girl whose name you don't know, but face you are quite familiar with. She's usually seen giggling around her friends, but you've never talked to her. Not yet, at least.
Funny how just one person makes a whole difference. If she had laughed along with them, you'd be devastated. Crushed. Over. But she had chosen to look at you kindly, mouthing some soft words to you of reassurance. You feel like you owe everything to her: your sanity, your dignity, your battered pride.
If only you knew her name.
Needless to say, the rest of the class sucked. You were scolded plentily enough, and the humiliation from not getting any of the questions correct still makes you want to roll up into a ball and hide somewhere. Yuri would surely call your mother again and give an exaggerated retelling of how her brother—her pathetic, underachiever good-for-nothing brother—got into trouble again. You'd be the talk of the campus, too, and to be honest, you couldn't blame them. If one were going to cut classes, they could at least do it properly. That was the unspoken rule of troublemaking for dummies.
How do you always get into this kind of mess? Wonder over that as your hands clasp your phone, with your form now lounging atop your level of the bunk bed in the dorms. At least you're safe here. If you manage to fuck up again, nobody would see but your roommate. But she's already had a good show from earlier; she's Kwon fucking Eunbi, the girl you always somehow get into the same class with and bump into in the lockers. The world just strings your threads together without prior knowledge that you both have the scissors to snip the knots away. You're honestly getting a little sick of it.
"Haram, it's your turn to do the laundry," she reminds you. She says it without looking up from the book she is reading under your mattress, using the flickering lightbulb for proper vision. Neither you or Eunbi have the money or the guts to replace the bulb, so it remains as it is: shutting and flickering on like it belongs to the set of a low-budget horror movie.
"I'm not doing shit," reply seamlessly. Your eyes are focused onto the incoming messages of your KakaoTalk app. Everyone's forwarding various texts of group chats making fun of you. Whole group chats throwing tomatoes at a poor semi-senior. Fucking pathetic.
You can't say it wasn't unexpected, though. What were you doing out in the quadrangle? Had you lost yourself in such a daydream you forgot about everything?
You possess a chronic tendency to daydream. You like worldbuilding, but never had the penmanship nor writing skills to plot it all down. You like visualizing better worlds—worlds where everything is pleasing to the eye, nothing out of place nor out of line—but were never the artist to illustrate them. Any potential you have in something, all rooted in daydreaming, is always ruined by another unavoidable trait you have. It fucking sucks sometimes, how you're always at a dead end once you think you've got the hang of it all.
"Come on, Haram," says Eunbi. She's tired, too. Finals are taking a toll on her emotions. She throws the book aside and punches you in the shin. "I'm not your housewife, and you aren't getting one either if you can't wash up for once."
"Yeah, well, it would help if the stuff I had to wash didn't have your cumstained panties, Eunbi." Continue to scroll and mark several messages read, although you never really went through several of them. "Seriously, how big are the guys going down on you for your undies to have cum everyday? What macho gymbro are you sleeping with?"
"Your mom," she spits.
"Oh yeah, real mature, Eunbi. Want a medal for that? A trophy?"
"Says the guy who can't even skip classes properly. Who the fuck hangs out—"
" I know. God, I've heard that so many times today. Please give me a break."
They're the same rehashed words entering and exiting your nearly-deaf ears. It's tiring you out, these looped arguments with Eunbi. She may be undeniably pretty, but she fucks so many guys on a daily basis that you'd wake up with the false alarm of an earthquake, only for it to be a cacophony of whimpers and moans over a creaking bed frame. Sometimes she'd call the guys she fucked daddy, more than often she'd be the one being called titles. And sometimes—only sometimes—you secretly get off to it. But after that, when you're sticky with your own ejaculation, the irritation sets back in.
Add all that to the equation of the same hurtful words aimed at you all day and flashbacks of the humiliation you endured in a martyr-like fashion back in Bae Yoonjung's class. Now who's the one who can't solve math?
"Let's make a deal," Eunbi proposes. She's punching you in the shin again to catch your attention. This time, her fist purges so much strength into its tiny knuckles that it does make your head jerk up in surprise. You look back into the pretty face of Kwon Eunbi with a "what now?" expression.
"And what might that be?" you ask uninterestedly.
Eunbi sets her arms onto the soft landscape of your mattress. Her eyes level with your impatient stare. "You do the laundry tonight, and I'll ask Yabuki Nako to invite you to her mini slumber party."
"Who's Yabuki Nako?"
"The girl who kept defending you from everyone. Seriously, do you ever notice what's going on?"
"I—I don't—" Stutter out mangled words, but the pieces are coming together for you to form any more. Yabuki Nako... could she be that girl from earlier who didn't laugh when everyone else was? That girl with the freshly-dyed blonde hair and cute eyes?
Yeah, it must be her. It can't be anyone but her, to be honest. The only one who'd defend you even when your back is turned is the one who doesn't laugh at you even when you see them. You're pretty sure that Nako is the girl you saw earlier, the girl whose name you wanted to know.
You barely know her. She's a small cheerful girl, but she doesn't usually interact with you. Sometimes she'd send long, lingering stares your way, but that's about it. Why would Eunbi make her your prize in this deal?
Eunbi grins. "You remember her now?" she asks.
"A little, yeah."
"Good. Don't you want to have some fun with her tonight?" Eunbi trails teasing fingers along your thigh. "Probably some bang-bang action? Huh?"
You move away from her hand. Eunbi's been acting sluttier these days, and you have no idea what to make of it. "What the fuck, Eun? I barely know the girl!"
"Well, you're about to find out more about her," she says with the proudest grin known to man. Eunbi flips her phone up out of nowhere and shoves an image of her and Hitomi in your face. They're both wearing cute pajamas, hair done into various curls and braids, obviously having a good time. God, you wish that were you. Well, not in that way, of course, but—
"Their sleepover just started," Eunbi explains. "She sent me a few pics. There's little laundry to be done. But the question is.... are you willing to exchange fifteen minutes doing chores for a night of potential sex?"
You didn't know Hitomi was sleeping over at Nako's dorm. Then you remember that Hitomi doesn't have a roommate; it can be pretty lonely at times. Maybe she invited Nako over for a good night of girly fun.
Your mind toys with the thought longer than you expected. But in the end, you give in. You aren't thinking of lewd stuff with them like Eunbi is suggesting you are. You just want to visit them—Hitomi, your best friend, and Nako, the girl who seemingly defended your name while everyone was dragging it through the mud. You owe the two of them a lot. What can go wrong?
Hiijjang❤ | 6:59 PM: what the fuck did you just do
You | 6:59 PM: huh
Hiijang❤ | 7:00 PM: you asked Nako to be included in our slumber party!!
what was that all about?
You | 7:00 PM: i didnt do anything
eunbi wanted me to do the laundry
and said that shed ask nako to invite me if i did
Hiijjang❤ | 7:01 PM: perv
You | 7:02 PM: hey its not about that
i had a bad day
and eunbis getting on my nerves right now.
i need a getaway
Hiijjang❤ | 7:04 PM: sure you do
but fine
i respect the efforts you make just to fuck nako
You | 7:04 PM: why does everyone keep saying that?
Your messages with Hitomi are wild. Screenshots, memes, and insults... it's an archive of your youth. You've been friends with her since high school, so they all date back to that time you crushed on Shitao Miu in tenth grade and the chaotic field trip your inexperienced gym teacher had to lead. They link to events that make up major historic occurences in your life. When you read back at them, you cringe sometimes, but there remains a smile on your face; you and Hitomi were so young and happy.
You're both in college now. You wonder what to make of it all. You aren't kids anymore, but you still play around with her as if time weren't a thing. In the world you like to create, it isn't; it's a social construct, used to profit off things like work and... all that economic stuff you never bothered to listen to in third year. You wonder if that's also true for the real world.
Probably, but the problem at hand is that you're running late to the slumber party. You finished the laundry early, yet you spent all your time deciding what to wear. Should you go steal Eunbi's bunny onesie and look cute like Nako and Hitomi? Or just wear whatever you like? You could not decide for the life of you. You decided to just wear your normal pajamas though. It's a slumber party, for Pete's sake, what else are you supposed to wear?
You look a little stupid as you walk out of the dorms in it. Thank God for the lights-out-at-seven rule! No one can lay their eyes on your embarrassing pajamas this way. But you'll have to make it quick; there's a long night ahead of you, and a long swindling staircase to go through. Curse your college for not having good engineers or architectures when they constructed this place. That's another reason why you hate this place and its horrid teachers and staff generals with a burning passion.
It takes you less than a minute to get to Hitomi's dorm, but only because you're rushing. You have to at least have the sense to show up early to a party you asked to be in. No carousel can give you the dizzying sensation the twirling staircases give you. You almost throw up by the time you get to the AKB48 building.
Give brash knocks on the first door to the right. You can hear giggles from the inside. They must be having a lot of fun. You have to knock louder for the laughing to die out and for a hand to unscrew the door knob.
"Oh, didn't think you'd make it!"
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Hitomi grins up at you, wearing a pair of brown checkered pajamas and a ponytail. Seems like her high school sleepclothes still fit her; they hang around her tiny body like a curtain.
"I didn't think so either," you reply with a smile of your own. "Gonna let me in?"
She pushes you square in the chest. "Perv." But she lets you in anyway.
Hitomi's room is usually tidy and empty, occupied by no one other than her. But now, a makeshift blanket tent stands, hanging from her bed. A few soju bottles are out. Bracelets and necklaces created from bands and beads scatter on the floor.
And... there she is.
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Nako waves at you timidly. Now that she's standing in front of you, you realize that she's smaller than you thought. She's barely a few centimeters above five feet. You don't mention that to her, though. You already owe Nako a lot of appreciation for having your back.
"Hey," you say awkwardly.
She giggles. "Hi. I'm—"
"Yabuki Nako, right?" Take her small hand and shake it firmly. "Thanks for defending me after my screw-up earlier."
Nako laughs again. Her pigtails swing in the air as she does, and her head lowers just enough for you to see the cute rabbit ear headband seated atop her hair. "It's no problem, really," she says humbly. "Everyone has 'that' embarrassing moment sometimes. Speaking from experience, by the way."
"Yeah," you say, shifting from foot to foot. After that, Nako says nothing, and you reply with nothing either. There isn't much to talk about, but the redness in both of your cheeks and in Nako's small, round face show flustered emotions.
"Ooookay." Hitomi cuts into the silence and breaks the ice. "It's getting late, you two. Want to get this party started?"
Take a look at the soju and nod immediately. You're in for a wild night.
You never thought you would have so much fun at a traditional girls' sleepover. It's much better than being with guys, but you'll only admit that to yourself. Through the course of an hour or so, you learned to make loomband bracelets and name all the characters in the Legally Blonde movie. You baked cookies and feasted over them, although majority are burned pretty badly. Not your fault; they should've left you to do the taste testing.
You've learned a lot about Nako tonight than you did the whole school year. She's only shy when she first meets someone, but when she eases up, she's hilarious. Her laugh is infectious, and one of her cute little habits is to jump around when she gets happy. Everytime she does her little leap, you fall in love with her even more. Sometimes Hitomi throws the two of you suspicious looks, but they're surreptitious enough for you to be able to ignore them.
But now, suspense increases in the dorm room. There's no friendships nor biases here. In this game, all the likings you've taken to Nako and Hitomi are deemed invalid. What matters the most is winning this. You have to play your cards right.
The top of the deck shows a yellow seven card, dropped by Hitomi. She wields at least fourteen cards, courtesy of the repeated plus four attacks you and Nako have administrated. Nako holds one card, just like you.
A proud smile on her face, Nako slaps a red seven card. In turn, you unleash your last card, which just so happens to be a red, too. You and Nako have just won the game.
"God-fuckin-dammit!" Hitomi frustratedly throws her UNO cards into the deck. It creates a flurry of rainbows and numbers on the floor. She has lost yet another game, much to you and Nako's satisfaction. You've won three games and Nako has won her fair share. Hitomi, however, is on a fine losing streak tonight.
"You're gonna clean that up, Tomi-ya," Nako tells her, pointing to the messy cards with a smug grin on her face. God, she's so cute when she smiles. It's like having a crush all over again.
Well, not like, because you're sure you developed a crush on Nako already. It's the real thing now. But who can blame you? Nako is a walking ball of sunshine. She could be the sun itself if the sun weren't the biggest star in the planet, but weirdly, you still prefer her.
"I swear, it's like you guys're teaming up on me," states an upset Hitomi. "What sort of black magic are you doing here, Haram, because who the fuck loses seven games in a row?"
"You, clearly," you and Nako say in unison. Great minds think alike, or whatever Aristotle said. Or did you get it wrong and he's the guy who said the thing about respecting?
Nako's eyes are wide with excitement as she looks at you. Meanwhile, you're too caught up on trying to say the word first.
"Jinx—" you shout.
Nako says it, too: "—jinx!—"
" Double jinx! "
"Ahhh, come on." Now it's Nako's turn to be upset. She downs a few drops of soju, the punishment you guys set for the little jinx game you have going on. Simple and cliché as it is, you like playing it. So, when you're pretty sure Nako's gonna say the same thing, you butt in at the same time. That's where it all started.
"Looks like I'm thirdwheeling, too," Hitomi says, rolling her eyes. "Might as well throw me out, you know? Call me a dirty single bitch?"
"We're not a thing!" Nako contradicts. She looks at you for backup, but you only offer a nod of partial agreement. "We just met, Hiichan!"
"You know what they say~" Hitomi pokes Nako at her taut belly. "Love at first sight exists, Nako-san."
"Don't m-make this weird! Owww!"
Sudden, Nako and Hitomi are having a pillow fight. Hitomi whacks Nako in the hip with a car pillow and Nako hits her on her cheek with a Mickey Mouse plushie. You make no move to stop them. Rather than that, you join in.
The first hit you deliver is done with a blanket.
Then, it's two against one. Hitomi and Nako are surprised at your audacity. They forget about their 1v1 pillow fight and start attacking you. Soft plush hits your body over and over. You yell out loudly, scampering away like a rabbit, but they catch up to you. The two girls are small, but surprisingly nimble.
"Take that!"—
—Hitomi hits you in the head, ignoring your loud cry—
—"and that!" Nako nearly lifts the top of your pajamas with how strong she hits your stomach—
—" and these! "
The two high-pitched voices unite. And so do their pillows going down on your helpless body.
Whack after whack after whack. Everywhere you turn, there's a pillow blocking your way. They've cornered you and made you their personal punching-bag in the art of pillow fighting. Is it fun? Is it rather humiliating? You have no idea what to think, but you're laughing, so it must be good.
"Alright, alright!" Hold your arms up in defeat. "You made your point!"
"Good!" harrumphs Nako. She flashes you an adorable pout. "Let's calm down."
"Oh yeah?"
You all laugh at how ridiculous that exchange sounds. So immature, so childish... college students were truly just overgrown kids.
Look at Nako's small frame. Maybe not all.
"So, oppa."
That's weird. Hitomi never calls you oppa. You're barely older than her anyway, and too close with her for there to be any formalities between the two of you. So you're a little stunned when you look up from the game and see her completely innocent smile.
She and Nako are huddled close. Their heads lean into the other as they flash you pretty smiles. Hitomi's fluffly cheek presses against Nako's round one. They're a pretty combination, to be honest. They're the two cutest girls you've ever seen.
"Yeah?" you ask. There's an edge to your voice you don't know the origins of. But inside, you feel that something is about to happen. Something... big? You just have no idea how to deal with it.
"Want to play truth or dare?" asks Nako, taking her turn in speaking. It's like they rehearsed this beforehand or something.
Shrug. It's only nearly ten; there's a lot of time to toy with. A classic game of truth-or-dare won't hurt. "Sure, why not?"
"Okay. Truth or dare?"
"Truth, I guess."
Nako and Hitomi giggle wildly. They sound like a flock of foxes when they laugh together. It's pretty cute.
"Have you ever... had sex before?" Nako's pigtails catch your attention as she sets her chin on her knee, right above her intertwined fingers with Hitomi. Glance again at their hands together and their over-display of affection. There's Hitomi's arm twirled around Nako's wide hips, and Nako's hand caressing Hitomi's hair. You still don't know what to conclude from that.
The question doesn't catch you off guard. When around friends, you're asked that all the time, especially in high school. "Once," you confess.
Hitomi gasps girlishly. "Who did you do it with?"
"Hey, my turn is done!" You aren't about to reveal the girl you had your first time with to them. It ended pretty badly, and besides, it's private business. "It's your turn already."
"Hmph, fine!" Hitomi feigns reluctance as she gazes at Nako. "Nako-san, I want to do a dare!"
"Okay! I dare you to show oppa"—Nako leans over to give Hitomi a barely-contained whisper—"that you can suck his cock better than the last girl he fucked."
Well, that quickly took a sexual turn. Once again, you are struck by surprise. What the hell is she making your best friend do? Why is this girl, whom you never came across before nor talked to much, suddenly becoming so bold?
Well, Hitomi's cheeks do look good for when—
No, you can't think—
Yes, you can—
Hitomi is the bigger daredevil between the two of you. She doesn't hesitate to topple you over so you land on the mattress, and pull down your shorts. You watch on, stunned, as Hitomi rubs your shaft repeatedly with seemingly experienced hands. Heat quickly accumulates and forms your erection. A success!
"Ooh, do it, Hiichan!" Nako cheers on. Already, her fingers find their way between her legs. If this were a movie, she'd binge it all the way.
Similarly, your hand takes hold of Hitomi's ponytail and pushes her down before she's even ready. And you're thinking about what kind of mess you've gotten yourself into now, and if you'll regret it.
You're still unsure of the answer, but it's hard to think that there will be any regrets when your cock pokes Hitomi's soft cheek. Oh, how you'd love to glaze the insides of it with your cum. How good it would feel.
Hitomi makes sure to show you. While Nako rubs the wet spot on the Japanese girl's panties and her own, Hitomi bobs her head with amazing finesse. Her lips latch around your base and effortlessly drag themselves up to your tip, pleasuring the veins that stick out. It doesn't help at all how strong the suction of her lips are. Oh, it doesn't help one bit.
"You okay, Hiichan~?" Nako asks sweetly.
"Yerghh, I ermm!" Hitomi answers through a muffled mouth. She's more than okay, she's in bliss. Or rather, you are. You were once overwhelmed with doubt and hesitation. Now, the only thing taking over you is the sheer pleasure.
Your bottoms are pulled down to your thighs. Hitomi's head and hands are all over your crotch. She plays with your balls and lets her lips kiss your pubic patch area when she goes down. She massages your thighs with expert hands, loosening the tense muscles but still making sure that your cock is tense and rock hard in her mouth.
"Okay, let me just rub your little clit a bit more~" Nako swipes over the visible damp spot on Hitomi's pajamas, quickly finding her button. "So you can... hnghh, suck oppa off better, is that okay~?"
Hitomi squeals into your cock; Nako's rubbing her sensitive nub too well. She moves her fingers fast and briskly, providing pleasure to her core that matches the one she's giving to you. Her hands grab onto your thighs again to get a hold of herself. But your hand already grabs more of her ponytail and yanks it to the back, causing your cock to now hit the back of her throat and slide down its tight entrance.
"Ohh, fffuck." The F-bomb drops with stress. Hitomi's gag reflex awakens and makes the experience much more fulfilling. You never thought that you'd be fucking your girl best friend's throat. The thought has not once touched on your mind, but here you are, doing exactly that. The world is funny sometimes.
"Hnghhh..." Hitomi whimpers quietly. She laps her tongue upwards to rub slick saliva on the underside of your shaft. You can feel the sharp breaths she takes through her nose to keep some air in her lungs on your skin. Yeah, she definitely did this before. Nako has probably not done it yet. The hands clumsily groping Hitomi's crotch and her eyes stretched wide in surprise at what's happening are all indicative of that. But that's not a problem that can't be solved by teaching.
She's enthusiastic, though. She's excited as she watches Hitomi take your cock so well. Slow thrusts fire into the taller Japanese girl's lips, sometimes having your tip rub the roof of her mouth rather than meet the tight tunnel up ahead. You're trying to remind yourself not to get too carried away. Hitomi is still your best friend, and you can't hurt her too much, not even when she and Nako begin to finger each other's delicate pussies.
Not even when their pace in their mutual masturbation increases.
Not when their combined moans sound like something straight out of an R-rated anime.
Not when—
"Ohhh, ohhh, Hiichan! " Nako moans out. See the clamp of her puffy pussy lips on Hitomi's three digits and your thrusts gain strength. "You—you—you finger me so well! It's too good!"
Hitomi's tearful eyes start to lose the shared contact they have with your lust-dazed pupils. She looked cute as she gazed up at you, like an innocent girl who's only learned from books to do this, but she's past all that pretense. She's past all that fake good-girlness. She can't hold up that front anymore. Nako's fingers diligently pumping her make sure of that. The girl's beautiful moans work her up more than she'd like to admit.
Whining a little, Hitomi bobs her head stronger. Your sounds of pleasure mirror each other. Your groans are deeper, though, while Hitomi's are more high-pitched. They come from different origins as well. She's moaning like that because Nako's fingers dig into her pussy as if its purpose was to seek out her G-spot. Seems like Nako found it; the dance of Hitomi's hips go crazy. Your moans come from the ones she lets out, and the more-than-satisfactory closeness of her narrow throat.
She lets out the screams she is forced to muffle in the form of a full-blown blowjob. She doesn't have the time or patience to induce any more foreplay. She fucks your cock into her throat and lets saliva freely coat it with lubrication. Her whines reach maximum volume, both due to the difficulty it takes to force your size down her throat and the most obvious factor: Nako's continuous pleasuring of her core.
They masturbate each other. Squelching sounds increase, just like the speed of the swiftly entering fingers. Now, the sweet chorus of their moans sound straight out of a JAV, rather than a simple anime. It's too lewd, although their expressions are so wonderfully animated. And soon, you've risen to your feet to put all the force in fucking Hitomi's cute face. Nako scrambles into a better sitting position to be able to continue fucking Hitomi's vagina. She's playing with her nipples above her white top, eyes closed as she mutters incoherent words.
Hitomi's eyes are as large as those of a prowling cat catching sight of its prey—
Nako's screams are unusually high—
Your cock barely slips out of Hitomi's mouth except to fuck the rest of it in—
A natural disaster it was, yet it's man-made. Nako's legs tense when her climax takes her. Hitomi's is messier, but yours is probably the least tidy. Though Hitomi's cheeks become fuller with your cum, some still inevitably slide down her chin. There's no stopping though until you've fucked every drop of your cum into her mouth. And you mean every drop.
"Ohh—ohhh, Hiichan! Your fingers—I can't—!"
"Nako-san! Oppa!"
It's done. Pull out and fall back into the mattress. Hitomi's mouth is a fountain of cum. There's a puddle on the floor from her orgasm. But what makes a bigger mess is the fluid you've excreted in her mouth.
They both sit across you innocently. For a while, the mood of the whole room is sweet and youthful. But then, Nako gets an idea to ruin it all.
She looks at Hitomi. "Let me help," she offers timidly. One look between them and Hitomi understands what exactly she's offering to help her out with. You're the one left behind in not understanding it, but it all makes sense when Nako's lips connect with Hitomi's mouth.
You're stunned; Hitomi spits the rest of your cum down Nako's mouth, and the girl gladly accepts, swallowing with a sensual hum. Their hands run over each other's bodies, touching the perfect places for the other to let out a moan of gratification. Nako sucks on Hitomi's tongue, clearing it of any excess cum. Your best friend giggles, and lets Nako circle her open rounded mouth, invitingly relaxing her jaw.
Now you're the one third-wheeling. But this time, you don't complain. Who would, when two cute Japanese girls are making out hotly and touching each other in front of them? Their kisses are a mere ploy to get you worked up, you know that, but there's the occasional slip of true admiration in Nako's kisses down Hitomi's neck. The latter's hand rubbing Nako's thighs gently and lovingly doesn't seem to be artificial.
Their kissing stops momentarily. Hitomi's peachy smile is back. "Was that good, Nako-san?" she inquires.
"Y-yes," says the breathless small girl, nodding. "Thanks for helping me swallow oppa's cum. You still want to play?"
"Of course."
"What about you, oppa?"
"I'm up for it," you say. Point down to your dick, which remains erect, but none get the pun. You sigh; that's another L for Jo Haram, you guess.
Their cute smiles make up for your disappointment. They're happy you still want to play. The whole thing is moving too fast, and they didn't expect for you to actually be okay with the pace.
"Whose turn is it?"
"Nako," responds Hitomi.
"Okay, uh... truth or dare?"
Nako's eyes sparkle. "Dare."
"I dare you to sit on oppa's face," announces Hitomi loudly.
You're once again surprised. You haven't even talked over what dare to give Nako! But you welcome it; you've been eyeing her round thighs for the whole sleepover.
Nako looks nervous. She's afraid that her weight might crush you, but you doubt that it would actually happen. She's too small to hurt anyone, unless she did a wrestle squat on your face. But she's not even going to do that; all she has to do is sit on your face and let you do the work.
Nako stands over you. Here, you're given a better view of her pussy. Her lips are fat and slick, while the hole is so tiny that even your pinky finger inside it would hurt her. But the tongue is less solid, isn't it? It won't hurt that much.
Nako shyly spreads her legs. And talk about beautiful; her toned yet thick thighs frame the slick little cunt perfectly. Every beauty of her flawless body fits aesthetically together. Her round bottom is another thing you wouldn't mind having on your face, but that can go for another time.
She descends. Your mouth slacks.
"Hnnn... ohhh..." The softest moans fight past Yabuki Nako's lips. Your tongue is a sensation she never expected to feel this good. The pornstars in those websites looked utterly in bliss, rocking against the mouth of the one they are seated upon as if possessed, and she now sees why.
There's still fresh cum from Nako's last orgasm. Of course, you lap it all up, the gentleman you are. Her legs quiver at the new feeling. She's so unprepared for each lick, although the frequency of their occurences increase. It's one thing her small body can't adapt to.
However, it feels good. Really, really good.
"Nako-san!" Hitomi calls sweetly. She takes the nervous girl's hands and rubs them comfortingly. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, y- yes! " Nako's thighs tense around your head. Slap them twice as if they were pillows. "I just don't want to hurt him!"
"You're not gonna hurt him. Just relax. Sit on his face properly. I bet he'd like that, wouldn't you, Haram?"
Oh, you would. She tastes so damn delicious. But aiming to lick at her hole is difficult when her crotch still hovers over your face.
She whines. "You have to help me, Hiichan!"
"I will, don't worry!"
Hitomi clasps Nako's wide baby-making hips and pushes her down on your face. At the same time, your tongue slips wholly into Nako's slit. The gasp she lets out makes you and Hitomi worked up. She squirms a little as your tongue begins to work into her hole languidly. Her walls nervously squeeze and relax on your tongue, not sure if they should fully grasp it or let it wiggle around on its own.
"Good!" Hitomi praises, kissing her on the lips. "Now you have to ride his tongue. Don't be afraid to move around."
"Hmm, hmph, ahhh!"
A moan accompanies her bounces. Nako's blinded by the pleasure from Hitomi quickly guiding her hips to and fro. Your tongue slides across all the right places: her sensitive labia, glistening clit, and contracting hole. Your tongue is working too fast inside her, as if all it ever wanted is to clean every drop of juice there is inside her. But no matter how much you lick to tidy her up, she gets even more turned on, thus making more juices gush into your lips.
You barely have any time to breathe. When Hitomi pulls Nako forward, there's barely an interval since she is pushed right back onto your tongue. She must have learned from Bae Yoonjung to be this strict of a teacher. It's only good that Nako's such an enthusiastic student.
Hitomi pulls Nako's white top over her curvy back. The piece of clothing ends up on the floor. "Can I suck on these big titties, Nako-san?" Her voice loses not her cheerful, announcer-like tone.
"Yes, please!" Now Nako's hips move on their own accord. She's finding her pace now, thanks to your best friend's patient and friendly instruction. It's fuelled more by the latch of Hitomi's mouth on her breasts. From there, the force matches a hurricane. Now, you can't breathe at all.
"Mmm!" Hitomi enjoys her feast on Nako's breasts. Their nipples are just so pretty, especially when they're erect. Their size is just barely noticeable since they're stacked on a small body. Even you only notice their beauty now that they bounce in front of Hitomi. "You alright there, Haram?"
Give her a thumbs-up. Yes, you're smothered by Nako's pussy and ass gyrating on your face. Yes, you can't breathe at all, and yes, you're completely fine. You even grab onto Nako's waist to guarantee a taste of her asshole as well. The taste test is only momentarily done, but Nako's back arcs beautifully, and her moans start to become deafening. Thank God for her thighs!
But you aren't sure if you're fine anymore when Hitomi mounts you. Fuck, she's a tight fit! She's light enough for her to not be that much of a burden on your waist, but the power in her tiny body shows in the way she bounces on your cock. What's even more hot is that she's so tiny, your dick bulges on her stomach.
"Oh, fuck, Haram!" she cries out. She's not as small as Nako, but she already feels too tiny for your cock. The size is wrecking her insides.
"Mmm, is it good? Please tell me, Hiichan!"
Hitomi starts off slow yet strong. She slams herself on your cock, but doesn't go too fast. All her sexual experience proves to be too little for her cunt to take your cock. Her eyes flicker. "It—it feels so big inside me," she says in between breaths. "I can feel it on my stomach, see?"
The curious student looks down, and discovers what Hitomi is speaking of herself. Your erection pokes her stomach over and over. You always manage to reach her womb. "F-fuck," Nako whispers. "That's so hot... I want to try, too, please? After he finishes?"
"Sure thing. Just enjoy his mouth first, okay?"
Nako heeds her advice. She is still a bit hesitant, but she has to admit that your mouth feels really good. The muscle just fucks her cunt so perfectly. It's the ideal "introduction" to sex for a first-timer like her, because it's not too big for it to be too much, nor is it too hard for it to hurt. No, it's as fluid as the juices she releases. It plays with her clit and suckles it sometimes, but also makes sure to pleasure the inner spots her fingers can't even reach themselves.
And then there's Hitomi. She's another blissful factor in this experience. Her breasts are admittedly not that big, but the unbuttoned bottom of her pajama shirt shows her toned, tiny stomach. Sometimes, the fabric also bounces to signal the strength of her riding. Her labored pants are beautiful, making her clit twitch whenever there's just the perfect cry in her breath. Oh, and her reactions to the pleasure: head thrown back, eyes in pleasured crescent-moons... Nako can just cum watching Hitomi ride you.
Their hands tangle together and their need grows stronger. Nako's ass ripples on your face. Hitomi's pussy gets even tighter. Watching each other's blissful reactions just pushes them to kiss.
Pleasured moans start to come out from their colliding lips. Nako's hand slaps her friend's ass, and in turn, Hitomi rubs Nako's clit. Both of their sexes spasm wildly, wrapping around your two appendages with the intention to make you cum.
And of course, to get themselves off.
It's not hard to do that. Your tongue already found a rhythm in Nako's cunt. Your cock has shaped Hitomi's tightness to your girth. So when you start to put in some of your own force, the two girls gasp loudly. They like it. They love the way you're handling them. Hitomi leans over to spread Nako's cheeks so you can have more than a taste of her asshole. Nako's already content with you eating out her cunt, but that's a completely new sensation, one she had no idea she would like that much.
"So good, so good, fuck! " She buries her face in Hitomi's neck. To return the favor, she works on Hitomi's clit. A few upwards and sidewards thumbs, and the girl's mumbling senselessly already. Both of their voices share a cute pitch that blend orgasmically together. If only you could hear their pretty moans more.
Remember that you can. Begin to fuck Hitomi's hole from below, driving your hips to bounce her little figure on top of you. You're bigger than any toy she's put inside of herself. Hitomi wails, grabbing onto Nako again to engage in a deep kiss. Their hands slide over their breasts, curves, and sides, adding little stimulants to get them closer to their high. It's a good thing you're already high enough; with the way Hitomi's tight body is riding you, you can cum anytime now.
So you go all out. Eat Nako's cunt and ass as if she were a feast set only for you, even though Hitomi likes to get a few licks sometimes. Grab the other woman's hips while she seizes your torso to ride, too. It's all tongue and cock and fingers—you're merely three bodies seeking carnal pleasure, something that's about to come very soon.
Very, very soon.
"Fuck, yes, kiss me..." Nako tilts her neck so more of Hitomi's delicious lips pepper her skin. Each one makes her feel so hot, in addition to your tongue pleasuring her. "He's eating me out so well! I think I'm gonna—I'm gonna cum, Hiichan!"
"I am, too," cries out Hitomi. The tandem of the bounces become too much for even a girl like her to handle. She kneads Nako's round breasts and pinches their nipples to cope with it. The girl's breath hitches and rises. "Cum for me, oppa-ya! Cum for me, Nako! "
There's another eruption. Nako mewls and cries, Hitomi screams and writhes. Their cute faces make such perfect ahegaos as you burst inside the wet little hole. Nako's pussy quivers on your mouth, and you forget to breathe for a while. It's like you learned not to through the course of her riding your face.
The pressure is gone. Nako has slowly and weakly fallen to the side. Hitomi slumps over your body. Just like you, they're quite tired. And you think you dozed off for a second, but maybe that's just because of the heavy pressure of the lips on your chest humming a lullaby to sleep.
Hitomi rises first. The irrational earliness of college schedules have molded her into a quick and quiet sleeper. Fortunately for her, the whole day is free. There are no classes today. Not even extracurricular activities on the side.
She's too tired to get up. Besides, she's too comfortable sleeping on your toned body. She can see that you're half-awake, but just keeping your eyes closed for the sake of it. She doesn't blame you at all; those hours of the slumber party were wild.
She looks to the side. Nako is still semi-passed put on the floor. Even in her sleep, her bare breasts look beautiful. Her thighs are still accented with saliva and juices. She slightly reaches over to kiss her on the lips. For the first time, Nako's eyes open fully. Their gazes connect. They giggle softly.
"Good morning," says Nako softly.
Hitomi smiles. "It's only eleven PM, Nako-san. Were you so fucked out of your mind that you couldn't remember anything?"
Nako sits up slowly. Regarding Hitomi's question, it's actually the contrary. The nap has fully reenergized her body. She can even feel her legs now. But it's still fun to play around with Hitomi.
"If I am," she asks, levelling the girl with raised eyebrows, "what are you gonna do about it?"
"Dare you to fuck oppa in front of me," says Hitomi evilly, bright eyes shining with malice.
Nako is a little flustered. She hasn't done that before! This whole sex thing is completely new to her. She doesn't even put her fingers on herself besides rubbing her clit!
She nervously shrugs, trying to play off her fear as nonchalance. "I didn't even choose dare yet! I thought the game was over!"
"Look," says Hitomi tiredly. She just wants a good show right now, something to get off to. "If you want, you can just fuck him with your thighs. He loves them."
Nako looks down at her legs. "H-he does?" she asks innocently.
Hitomi nods. "Did you see the way he looked at them earlier? If you can't fuck him, at least pleasure his dick with your thighs."
Nako considers this briefly, but then shakes her head. "Nope, I want to fuck him."
"You sure? You can—"
"No, I do! If—if he consents, of course," she adds.
"Go crazy," you say, holding up a thumb. You heard all of their conversation, and would love to go crazy on their bodies again, but you're too tired to get up. "Ride me. Fuck me. Do whatever you want with me."
"Of course we will, Haram," says Hitomi. "But we need to get you hard again first."
She initiates, of course, knowing Nako is mostly inexperienced. She leans down to dribble copious amounts of saliva on your cock. Nako watches a little, then follows shortly after.
You hum happily. While Hitomi licks all sides of your cock, Nako gives your balls the pleasure they deserve. She sucks them gently, inhaling your musky scent, and sometimes dares to lick their circular shapes. Hitomi giggles when you lose control; it's too fun to watch, too fun to dwell on.
But they're much more entertaining. Two cute, innocent faces, meeting together to give your cock the best fuck in its short sex life. It's hard not to notice how Nako's lips are fuller, as they work their way on your base, and how she has a more mature face than Hitomi. Hitomi has cuter features, but she can be pretty seductive at times. She proves that with her lowered eyelids, the bite of her lower lip, and her tongue sensually doing its rounds about your cock.
Nako kisses your cock up to the tip. Hitomi goes south. Their tongues do a choreography as they pleasure your cock. Every pink inch is performed on, even the base. Nako licked and gave open-mouthed kisses on that part earlier, making you leak more than you like, but of course she sucks it all up. Despite her inexperience, she's still a good girl.
"Shit, I'm getting close—"
"Calm down," says Hitomi, laughing, as she immediately stops. "You're already hard enough. Nako's gonna ride you now."
Look at Nako for confirmation. But she's already straddling you. That's pretty much your go signal.
But you have to be sure. You don't want anything here to be forced. "Nako?" you ask. "Are you sure you want to do this?"
She pulls your hands and puts them on her hips. She takes in a deep breath, then smiles serenely. "Yes," the small woman says. "Yes. I've wanted to do it ever since I first saw you."
There's an emotion in her voice that you can't place. You're sure it has something to do with the thing about seeing you for the first time. But then again, you can't remember the exact time she saw you when her cunt sees your cock enter its winking entrance. It's for the first time, too, but hopefully not the last.
You're sure the first time is more blissful on Nako's side again. She's so tense; her pussy hugs your cock anxiously, whether afraid to let go or afraid to let more of it in is unknown. She's slowly sinking down into the waters, and Hitomi's a careless passer-by. A sick passer-by, to be more exact, because who the fuck gets off to a drowning girl?
But those are all metaphors, (thankfully). Those are all silly little poems you make in your head. Your muse is Nako, her tight form, and her beautiful face. You take inspiration from the way she moves, moans, and sings out happy little pants, now that you're inside her.
She's a tighter fit than Hitomi, that's for sure. It's more difficult to move inside her, but you make do. Or rather, she does. You're lying down on the ground, just watching her bounce.
"You're doing good, Nako-san," Hitomi remarks. She's off to the side, slowly rubbing herself in hot, tight circles. She can't wait to see Nako's next move. "How does it feel?"
"It, it's so big," Nako whines. She does an experimental bounce and winces deliciously. Her walls are being parted by your staff so well.
Wet noises become louder. Hitomi sighs heavily. "Yes... yes, yes, what else?"
"It's fucking me so deep..."
Your cock plunges into the depths of Nako's vagina. Her puffy lips wrap around your head, yet it easily slips by. Nako watches it all with fascination. She learns that when she squeezez extra tight, she gets a blissful little grunt from you. She's a quick learner; she learns to squeeze down at the perfect times to get your precum leaking inside her. Turns out that Nako is as considerate as she is kind.
She lifts her ass high in the air and sits back down. You groan loudly. She does, too, but you're too wrapped up in seeing her tits bounce to hear her.
Nako places her hands on your sides and does another leap. Jesus fucking Christ, she's tight. You reach up to squeeze one of her tits. She hums appreciatively.
"...and it's like I, I can't prepare myself for it," continues the whimpering Nako. Her blissful expression drives on Hitomi's self-pleasuring. She pushes her breasts into your eager hands, watching you enter and exit her cavern. "He twitches inside me a lot. And it hits all the right places and... and..."
Nako fails to find her words. She does find the sweet pulsing of your cock inside her good, though, which is why she never stops bouncing. There's something so arousing about it all besides the immediate sex itself.
Is it because Nako is so small, she barely makes waves on your body when she descends down to your base?
Is it the way her voice is cute and whiny during the much appreciated seconds of her moaning?
Or perhaps it's in her face itself, for it's the face of a girl who stood up for you, defended you, and spoke not a bad word about the incident earlier?
You've always had a thing for innocently kind girls. Femme fatales are off-limits to you; they'd be your ideal type if you didn't act like a complete fool around them. Her mature yet adorable beauty is what you like, and that goes for both her body and heart.
But for tonight, it's physical. You squeeze the round flesh of her heart. Jerk your hips upwards to meet her leaps. Take in her beautiful expressions of sexual pleasure. You let her use your body as a hands-on visual aid for her first time, and pray that you're good enough for her to want a second session.
Several hours later, dawn breaks through the windows. The night has turned into day, yet the three of you have chosen to beat the sun in waking up. Since then, you've fucked Nako's tits and thighs, and took Hitomi from behind. All of you are sore and need a bit of rest.
But these are the days of your remaining youth. You don't want to miss a single second of it, not even for a much-needed sleep. What makes these days better is the fact that you have both girls in your arms. They huddle together with you as if you were their teddy bear.
"So, oppa." Nako kisses you again, tiredly. "Who was the last girl you fucked?"
"Didn't know we were still playing truth or dare." Laugh and kiss her, too. Do so as well to Hitomi's forehead. You're confident enough to tell the two of them now. "Miyawaki Sakura."
"Huh?" Nako asks as she looks at you with disbelief. "Same!"
"Me too!" Hitomi laughs. She and Nako high-five before they realize something.
"What?" you ask, suddenly sitting up.
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