#/ int: nathaniel.
gldnhour · 2 months
♡ closed starter for @angelsdvsts
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"i wasn't planning on telling you like this, but now is better than never."
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celalyilmaz · 4 months
FOR: @nathaniel-donovan WHEN: 6th of June, 2024. WHERE: The Raven's Gentlemen's Club.
Celal, newly stationed in Tonopah, originally thought the move would give him and Afet some much-needed time apart. All that 'distance makes the heart grow fonder' but it was in that separation that he realised she was never coming back, and he was pretty sure he didn't want her to. He found it difficult to accept that his marriage had fallen apart because of him, but he had lost the love a long time ago. Yet, even though he knew all of this — it still pained him.
It was this particular night, late at work in the office pouring over endless files, that a conversation between him and his colleagues had begun: next thing he knew, he was here. And my god, he wanted to be elsewhere, right now. Instead, he was in the Raven's Gentlemen bar. Sultry dancers were a stark contrast to the office he'd left not even forty minutes before, eyes finding his watch. He should have never agreed, but alas, here he was. Watching his colleagues slide into the corner booth, arguing over who sat where, and who got the best view, he quickly excused himself.
A drink, he'd said, but the man barely ever drank.
By the time he reached the bar, which hadn't been far at all, Celal found himself ready to pack up and go. Slumping onto the stool the second he found it. His feet hurt, his eyes wanted to close for a millennium, and that ache in his back? He wasn't old enough, not yet.
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"Ten of your strongest shots, please." The words left his mouth, but he hadn't altered his voice, monotone, drained.
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devilstaste · 2 years
𝔬𝔭𝔢𝔫 𝔱𝔬:  f. 𝔭𝔩𝔬𝔱:  in the source. nate is a werewolf but we can make him something else if you prefer. feel free to send a message to plot this out between us. 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫:  literally anything welcome. can be someone he once knew ( maybe he lived in the village at one point ) or can be a total stranger. also up to you whether your muse is human or another supernatural/fantasy creature.
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sharp senses warned him someone had left the safety of the village and was lingering near the only entrance to the wary community within. brave, nate had thought, to be roaming around at this late hour when there was a known beast prowling the outskirts and looking for trouble. but the closer the male got to the scene, the sooner the realisation hit him. not a courageous soul looking for a fight — a sacrifice, left waiting and garbed prettily in front of the large wooden gate locked up tight behind them. ❝ what the f*ck do they want me to do with you? ❞ scratched dark curls as he surveyed every inch of them from a distance, not wanting to march forth into any traps the villagers may have set in anticipation of his arrival. ❝ oh, ❞ a roll of his deep brown eyes before disappointed sigh escaped, ❝ they really expect me to eat you and then leave them alone, huh? ❞
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jaspermorgan · 1 month
Jasper William Morgan (born 12 June 1970) is a British-American hotelier, businessman, and former actor. He is best known for his portrayals of Liam in the 1997 film Dark Skies, of Sebastian Harewood in the 1995 television miniseries The Outcast, and of Daniel Austin in the critically acclaimed 2009 detective noir film A Conflict of Shadows, for which he earned an Academy Award. He also received a Tony for his role in The Lights of Love (2003).
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▲ Early Life and Family
Morgan was born in Mayfair, London to parents Alexander Morgan, the UK's financial secretary to the treasury, and Jillian Morgan (née Spencer), who was the Dean of the University of Central London. He is an only child.
Morgan's paternal grandfather, Sir Ambrose Collins Morgan, was a decorated Royal Navy Admiral, and his great-grandfather, Professor Nathaniel Morgan, was an acclaimed neurosurgeon and neurosurgery researcher who taught at Oxford University. His maternal grandfather, Phillip Spencer, was an investment banker and his wife, Augusta Spencer (née Clairmont), was an oil painter and sculptor.
He spent the majority of his childhood in the care of his maternal grandparents and it was his grandfather, who Morgan cites as being a major influence in pursuing acting as a career as they often watched classics together. His favourite films growing up were The General (1926), Casablanca (1942), and One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961), and To Kill a Mockingbird (1962). His parents wanted him to follow their footsteps into government or education or even to become a doctor, but Morgan was always adamant about wanting to be an actor. Eventually he was allowed to enrol in a local drama club where he built up his confidence and started to gain some experience in amateur dramatics.
His education was spent in private London schools, which Morgan doesn't credit as having any significant impact on him at all. He has said that there was always more of a focus on mathematics, science, and competitive sports rather than any of the arts and often felt very much an outsider from the rest of his classmates. However, he managed to encourage his secondary school headmaster to put on a rendition of Macbeth for pupils and parents, which was met with praise.
At the age of 18, Morgan attended the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. His parents helped to pay for the majority of his tuition, but only agreed to do so if Morgan got himself a part-time job to pay for the rest. He ended up at the at the Mornington Hotel near Regent's Park where he first worked the reception nightshift before transferring to waiting tables and later becoming the restaurant manager. He gave up the job once he signed on to The Outcast.
▲ Career
After appearing as an extra in several British television shows throughout 1993, Morgan portrayed Sam Woodbury in the short-lived London West End play One More Night, and then as the younger version of Eric Radcliffe Reid’s character Wilson in the short film Whirlwind, Morgan landed his breakthrough role in the 1995 miniseries The Outcast, playing the lead character Sebastian Harewood: a young upper class gentleman who is disowned by his wealthy father and is forced to make his own way in the world. The show’s director Kathryn Liu states that she ‘took a risk when casting Morgan, not knowing if an inexperienced actor would be able to handle a complicated filming schedule’, but later admitted that "he was perfect for the role and absolutely smashed it’ and ‘his inexperience as an actor even benefited him greatly in that his naivety transferred well into Sebastian’s own". Morgan and Liu later went on to work together on the 2013 action film Highwire.
Morgan was then quickly cast in the 1997 psychological thriller Dark Skies, which was filmed in his hometown of London. His role as the protagonist Liam, a recluse with a vendetta against the world who is also trying to maintain an equilibrium within the relationship he has with his overbearing girlfriend, gained him international recognition. Variety praised Morgan’s performance, writing: “it’s hard to tell that he has very little professional acting experience when watching him portray Liam. Morgan perfectly encapsulates his character’s life of hatred and from his very first moment on screen you’re simultaneously sympathetic and agitated, wanting him to improve his situation and yet also completely understanding why he is the way he is”. He was nominated for a BAFTA for this role and was the catalyst to his career.
When the filming of Dark Skies concluded, Morgan went to work in New York City after landing an off-Broadway role in Impolite Society (1998), which ran between 15 January and 12 March. Whilst his role was small, he was popular with audiences and it gave him the confidence to continue pursuing his career on the stage. Morgan told the American Theatre Magazine: "Theatre was always the most formidable area of acting for me. Doing a play at school was immensely different to doing one on a stage in front of almost 500 people in New York City. Whilst my first show in London played to more people than Impolite Society did, it felt far more daunting this time, strangely enough, and to be performing in front of an American audience was certainly surreal and incredibly special. I'd dreamed of that as a young boy and to have that dream come true is a huge ego boost". It was following this success that Morgan permanently moved to Manhattan.
Between 1999 and 2004, Morgan played Dr Reginald 'Reggie' Keller, a paediatrician and the younger brother of Dr Carolyn Keller (Erin Hardy) in the long-running medical drama series Heartlines, filming the majority of his later episodes in blocks so he could star in other projects (namely the 2002 film Unity and the 2003 theatre production The Lights of Love). During an interview for The Hollywood Reporter in 2012, Morgan said: "this period of my career was easily the most challenging I had done up to that point. Simultaneously acting in 27 episodes of a TV show and a film whilst also preparing to take on a Broadway role wasn't the smartest decision I had ever made, but it was one that allowed me to push myself to my limits and see what I could do under such immense pressure. My hard work certainly paid off; the honour of receiving a Tony award at the end of it all came as a wonderful surprise. However, I wouldn't recommend that kind of schedule for any actor, no matter their age or prowess."
In 2006, Morgan took on his only voice role in animated adventure Nightwalker, alongside Ricky Santos and Florence Martin-May, in which he played a crow named Merrick. He stated that he “wished to have taken on more voice acting in [his] career, but it was, unfortunately, never meant to be”. Directors Julia McGregor and Imaan Bashar had bronze statues made of the animal characters to give to their respective voice actors once filming commenced and Morgan is known to keep his in the office of his hotel.
Morgan spent most of 2007 on hiatus. He spent time out from acting in London as well as in Scotland, Tuscany, Munich, and Hawaii. During his time in London, he returned to his alma mater to give talks and acting classes to drama students; he was almost persuaded into becoming an acting coach, but turned it down to the fact he didn't believe he "had enough viable experience" at the time. It was in August 2007 that Morgan began to partake in philanthropic work, which he said he wished he could have began sooner, and was introduced to the Brave Youth Theatre Charity by friend and fellow actor Cecilia Crane, of which he is still a patron.
In 2008, he took a small role in the miniseries Small Mercies, appearing in three of the five episodes, in which he played Louis Graves, the father of the main character Serena Graves (Lily Richardson-Gill). Filming took place in Seattle, Washington, between April and September, with the show airing on New Years Day 2009. A second series had been proposed, but was ultimately scrapped.
His next appearance was in A Conflict of Shadows (2009), noted internationally for being his greatest performance. Morgan portrayed Daniel Austin- a corrupt police detective working for the NYPD in 1917- who slowly loses his sanity over the course of the film. On his role, Morgan commented: "Playing Daniel was like playing several different people. Each scene he was in was slightly different in terms of his speech and body language and to maintain those distinctions consistently was tough, but he was an incredibly entertaining character to play. I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to play him again if a sequel ever came into fruition." Audiences and critics raved about the film as a whole and of Morgan's performance, Edward Quartermain wrote: "he can express so much by one simple glance and it can be such a powerful gesture, especially to reflect the torment and gradual change in Daniel's internal world as he actively shuts out reality. The range that Morgan presents, from subtle finger switches to full-blown fiery rage, proves he is a formidable actor and one that will continue to both impress and surprise audiences around the world". The film eventually earned more than $1 billion worldwide and went on to win five Academy Awards (Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Costume Design) as well as numerous other awards (see here) and several other nominations (see here).
Morgan appeared in his fourth and final stage production, Heart of Steel, in 2011, in which he played Charlie Steel: a down-on-his-luck English man in New York City whose cold heart slowly starts to melt when he inadvertently befriends a lost, yet perpetually optimistic 12 year old boy named Ben (Samuel DeWitt). He was highly praised, with critic Laura Pryce saying: “his performance is captivating and deeply moving, a real intriguing insight into how a troubled man's life is a constant battle and can be suddenly transformed into a different kind of battle with something now worth fighting for. His chemistry with DeWitt is also exceptionally joyful to watch- a real bond was formed between both characters and actors”.
In 2012, Morgan starred as the lead in the critically acclaimed miniseries Snowfall. He played Archer Ellison- the mayor of a small Alaskan town that, blanketed by the perpetual darkness of winter, is being haunted by a supernatural force that brought despair and destruction to the residents. Talking to Variety, he said: "Snowfall was one of my more interesting and fun projects, even with the harsh filming conditions when on location. From the moment I read the script I knew I had to be a part of the show. The only disappointing thing for me was that it was only six episodes!" Morgan was also a producer for the show, the opportunity coming from the fact that original producers couldn't afford the full desired funding and Morgan offered to pay the remainder out of his own pocket. "They had a crystal clear vision for what they wanted out of the story," Morgan added, "and without the extra funding the show would have had to have been filmed on a soundstage in hot Los Angeles instead of in Alaska itself. The aesthetic of the setting is paramount to Snowfall; it wouldn't have had anywhere near the kind of chilling impact on audiences if they could clearly see the snow and backdrops were fake and digitally added in. Nobody can fully immerse themselves in a story when the details aren't all there. I was passionate about the story and knew that audiences would be just as enthusiastic as the creators were, so being able to help in adding to the budget was the least I could do. It was a high honour to be starring in the show, let alone being able to produce it".
In 2013, Morgan starred in Highwire, alongside Nina Fischer, who he previously worked with in Unity. The film was almost never made, however. Writers Dashiell McCormack and Kyle Draper wanted Kathryn Liu to direct after the first director, Jeri Schulz, dropped out last minute for personal reasons, but she initially turned down the opportunity. Despite the producers pushing to begin filming, McCormack and Draper refused to go ahead without Liu. It was Morgan, who was in the final stages of negotiations to star in the film and is a close friend of Liu's, that persuaded her to direct. After almost 8 months of filming, Highwire was released on became a success, both commercially and with audiences, earning more than $130 million worldwide, making it the biggest success of Liu's career. After the success of the opening weekend, Fischer claimed that Morgan had the rejection letter that Liu sent to McCormack and Draper framed and gifted it back to her. Liu herself later confirmed this and stated that along with the letter Morgan included a handwritten note that read: 'Dear Kat, I'm glad you took a chance on yourself and the film, like you did with me in 1995. Be brave and never doubt yourself. Love, J'.
Morgan’s final film role was in the 2015 fantasy epic Tyrant, in which he played the eponymous tyrannical ruler Lord Reynard. Filming began in early 2014 and was split between Scotland, Ireland, and Canada. He has cited that the film was his ‘most taxing’ and that ‘the villains are always the most entertaining to portray and wished I had the chance to take on that role more’. Tyrant's director Simon Leyland has often been cited to be difficult to work with due to his perfectionist directing style and long shooting periods and in an interview Morgan told The Hollywood Reporter that: "Even though Simon was determined to make a perfect fantasy film- and, in my opinion, he came rather close- the filming schedule and conditions were harsh and his criticisms only made things worse. I had a few squabbles with him on set, nothing more than minor creative differences that were eventually resolved, but sometimes had to play mediator between him and some of the crew members and actors. I was surprised I wasn't fired and replaced". He then went on to add: "Despite everything, the concept of the film was fun to play along with and being an unhinged ruler of a kingdom, shouting orders and laughing maniacally, was quite cathartic. It's an experience I'll never forget and I'm glad my acting career could end on a high". Morgan's performance also earned him a Critics’ Choice Award.
▲ Personal Life
Morgan is a trained pianist and has been playing for 45 years. It was his mother's idea to enlist him for lessons and did so from the age of 7. Morgan’s skills can be seen in the films Unity, A Conflict of Shadows, and Highwire. He has also played the piano at many charity galas, mainly focusing on charities that helped children and young adults with their literacy and that encouraged them to join in with the youth theatre. He was known for playing classical pieces as well as popular songs from film and television. Despite no longer attending these events, having stopped in 2016, just after he retired, Morgan still donates to the same charities.
Morgan is also talented in close-up magic, a skill that was introduced to him by RADA classmate Marcus Creaghan, and he would later perform these tricks for interviewers at award shows and at charity galas he attended. Morgan is also a self-professed impressionist, having learned by repeatedly watching specific film scenes and mimicking tone and inflections from a young age. He is known to do uncanny impressions of actors such as Al Pacino, Jeremy Irons, James Stewart, Liam Neeson, and Christopher Walken, amongst many others, having shown them off on the first season of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and The Graham Norton Show.
From January to July 1997, Morgan was in a relationship with actress Natalia Sinclair. Their relationship was initially private for the first two months as they began to film Dark Skies together, but soon became public after they were seen together outside of filming in Hyde Park. Although Morgan has always refused to talk about the subject, several reports were made that their time together was ‘heated, passionate at first’ but then ‘rapidly developed into something toxic’. He has also refused to comment on Sinclair's untimely death, too, only stating in an Instagram post in April 2024: “…I still respect her greatly, as a person and as an actor, and that she deserved better, both from her short life and from myself”.
After selling his home in London, he moved to an apartment in Manhattan, New York City, which he bought from an undisclosed NBL player in 1998 and stayed there until his retirement. It is a well known fact that Morgan loves parties and over the years, his apartment has been the setting of many personal social events and charity events, even hosting an array of celebrities, including Lillian Grace Bower, David Solis, and Ethel Ajibola.
In 2004, Morgan officially became an American citizen whilst also retaining his British nationality. He has stated that ‘even though I have lived in the United States longer than I have lived in London, I will always consider myself British first and foremost’.
He has never married, but dated English actress Hattie Radford-Lowell between 2001 and 2004, American actress and singer Twyla Blake between 2006 and 2010, and briefly dated American author Summer Aston during 2013. He also dated English actress Arabella Woods whilst they were both studying at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. He remains friends with Blake and is also close friends with A Conflict of Shadows director Colton Hensley, whose youngest son Morgan is godfather to.
Just weeks after the release of Morgan's final film, Tyrant, he hosted the 87th Academy Awards where he announced his retirement from acting. The announcement was met with a mixture of high praise of a prosperous career and disappointment from both fans and critics, many noting that they had been looking forward to seeing more of Morgan in theatre productions and speculating that he would even progress onto directing. In July 2015, he moved to Aurora Bay, California, where Of Fire and Stars was partly filmed and where he bought the Seascape Hotel from a local resident. He spent almost 2 years renovating and restoring it, with the funds coming from his own pocket, before reopening it as a luxury hotel that draws in guests from all over the world. Morgan still performs acting and music often on the stage of the hotel’s lounge & bar and takes a very active role in the day-to-day running of the Seascape.
▲ Filmography
► Film
• Whirlwind (1994) as young Wilson (short film)
• Dark Skies (1997) as Liam
• Of Fire and Stars (1998) as Ashford Roy
• Unity (2002) as Dr Quentin Horrocks
• Nightwalker (2006) as Merrick (voice role)
• A Conflict of Shadows (2009) as Daniel Austin
• Highwire (2013) as Ethan Maythorn
• Tyrant (2015) as Lord Reynard
► Television
• The Outcast (1995) as Sebastian Harewood (8 episodes)
• Heartlines (1999-2004) as Dr Reginald 'Reggie' Keller (27 episodes)
• Small Mercies (2008) as Louis Graves (3 episodes)
• The Graham Norton Show (2009) as Himself/Guest
• 82nd Academy Awards (2010) as Himself/Host
• Snowfall (2012) as Archer Ellison (6 episodes) ; also producer
• The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon (2014) as Himself/Guest
• 87th Academy Awards (2015) as Himself/Host
► Theatre
• One More Night (1994) as Sam Woodbury (Ambassadors Theatre)
• Impolite Society (1998) as Nik (Astor Place Theatre)
• The Lights of Love (2003) as Elliott Bird (Broadway Theatre)
• Heart of Steel (2011) as Charlie Steel (Gershwin Theatre)
▲ List of Awards and Nominations received by Jasper Morgan
• British Academy Television Award for Best Actor: Sebastian Harewood in The Outcast (1995) – won
• British Academy Television Award for Best Actor: Liam in Dark Skies (1997) – nominated
• Critics’ Choice Award for Best Supporting Actor: Dr Quentin Horrocks in Unity (2002) – nominated
• Tony Award for Best Leading Actor in a Play: Elliott Bird in The Lights of Love (2003) – won
• Academy Award for Best Actor: Daniel Austin in A Conflict of Shadows (2009) – won
• Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role in a Motion Picture: Daniel Austin in A Conflict of Shadows (2009) – won
• Critics’ Choice Award for Best Supporting Actor: Archer Ellison in Snowfall (2012) – nominated
• Tony Award for Best Leading Actor in a Play: Charlie Steel in Heart of Steel (2011) – nominated
• Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role in a Motion Picture: Ethan Maythorn in Highwire (2013) – nominated
• Critics’ Choice Award for Best Actor: Lord Reynard in Tyrant (2015) – won
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What would have happened after Nouda if both Nathaniel and Bartimaeus had survived? What would their relationship be like? Would Bartimaeus forgive Nathaniel for literally enslaving him for years, torturing him and nearly killing him multiple times? Would Nathaniel attempt to make amends to Bartimaeus for his treatment of him? Would he acknowledge the crimes he's committed to others via willingly and enthusiastically participating in an evil system of slavery and oppression? Is it possible to really make amends for such serious crimes?
I imagine they wouldn't have had one.
Nathaniel had reached a point in his character progression where he was questioning everything about himself: especially the foundations of the privileged life he'd led and the fact that it was built upon the backs of slaves as Kitty pointed out to him. In the aftermath, I could see him purposefully stepping out of central decision making both because he doesn't quite trust himself with power (after the years long power trip he had and the fact that it made him miserable) and because he trusts Kitty far more with that kind of task. Not to mention, of course, that he was too high up in the ranks originally and it'd have caused a great kerfuffle to leave him in charge. It was very pointed that it was minor and retired magicians placed on the council (in part because everyone else died, but also as a kind of purge). Nathaniel might have saved the city and been regarded as a hero, but he's the kind of hero people would want to look at from a distance and not up close.
(Not to mention, if Nathaniel did survive, he might not be in great condition. We don't know what being possessed, even if you're a willing host and the spirit doesn't go nuts inside you, does to you in the long term. More, while Nathaniel was crushed by glass and steel, he suffered catastrophic injuries before that point and the way he, Kitty, and Bartimaeus were acting... he didn't have long to live after that. If he did survive, he'd likely be in very bad shape.)
But to sum things up, basically, I don't know if Nathaniel would engage in summoning again (especially as Britain was moving in the direction of restricting it/if not banning it outright in the aftermath of the clusterfuck) and even if he was...
I don't think he would.
The entire third book is Nathaniel slowly realizing he's using Bartimaeus as a coping mechanism. Nathaniel hates the inauthenticity of himself and the world around him, so he keeps Bartimaeus constantly on hand to be a dick to his face/say something honest. He does this at great peril to Bartimaeus himself even though he knows, intellectually, it's stupid. He's now in the aftermath of that and I think he'd view it both with a) guilt (because of everything that happened) b) as slipping back into a very dangerous habit where he uses Bartimaeus as emotional support.
Better to just let things... lie...
I imagine Nathaniel wouldn't summon Bartimaeus again in his lifetime.
As for Bartimaeus forgiving him, were they to meet again, I imagine he would not (or at the very least would be pissed at hell for Nathaniel having learned nothing). However, from what we see of the end of the novel, Bartimaeus essentially already had. Certainly, when Nathaniel sacrifices himself but spares Bartimaeus, Bartimaeus takes that very seriously and at least comes to terms with everything that happened if not forgives Nathaniel for it.
(Not to mention that Bartimaeus I don't think ever really hated Nathaniel. I always got the impression that he viewed Nathaniel as a product of society and someone who had once had the potential to be different but was too near sighted and threw it away on a quest for power and acceptance of society. At Nathaniel's worst, I'd say he pitied him and viewed him with contempt more than he hated him.)
As for whether it's possible to make amends for all that happened int he books... that's on you to decide, anon, I can't tell you what to think.
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baenyth · 1 month
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Character Rundown: The Other Four
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Alright, I'm still psyching myself up to go back to reviews, but first, I wanted to do a character rundown of the four characters that got a Miraculous in Penalteam, as they all share the fact that of the Miracukids they're barely utilized. So let's go!
Ivan Bruel
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Alright, starting off with the Big Guy. Honestly of the four it's honestly the strangest he didn't get his own episode, considering that the other half of the auxiliary duo he's in, Mylene, got her own episode all about her and making her a Miraculous hero. Like, he'd work well in Optigami against Style Queen as well! Maybe Optigami takes place far earlier in Season 4 so we can get that sweet sweet Lukanette and Adrigami content before it all falls apart and Marinette's parents learn about the whole 'Ladybug and Guardian' thing so they can save her bacon and possibly become Miraculous wielders themselves, and Ivan is one of the few survivors of Style Queen's murderous rampage! There's parallels to him being the first akuma as well! But I guess his character is just going to be "Mylene's girlfriend" instead. As for my interpretations on his character, I read two fanfics that both had a segment that interpreted his silent giant character as very perceptive. In one he figured out the identities of both Ladybug and Chat Noir without seeing them transform, and in another he realized Lila was lying in Chameleon almost immediately and was crucial in taking her down. I really like this interpretation, to the point where I headcanon that he knows the identities of most Miraculous heroes and knew Lila was capping. Also I felt like he was too soft in Penalteam. He doesn't normally want to hurt anyone but if it's for the greater good he'll do it is my interpretation. Other stuff, other stuff... he likes death metal. That combined with him being in Kitty Section makes me believe he's a Jojo fan, because the rest of Kitty Section are definitely Jojo fans. Except maybe Adrien. Maybe not. Also I don't like his voice but that's no biggie to me. Like, if his voice is supposed to deep-yet-crack-y, then I'm chill. Representation for the kids watching this show.
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
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Honestly, of all the Miracukids, Nathaniel is the least interesting to me. Like I feel like I know all I need to about him through canon and headcanon. He was bullied for being shy, meek, and Jewish, and that resulted in him becoming mistrustful, vengeful, and at points grouchy. His interests are drawing superhero comics and watching superhero media. Before Marc came along they didn't have too much of a complex ongoing story. He wants to be a comic artist when he grows up, specifically of Ladybug. He's boned if people realize how weird it is to make merch and other stuff of real live superheroes without their permission or even giving them cash. He's bi. He knows the identities of the Miraculous heroes. He has two first cousins once removed. One of his parents is a doctor, while the other can stay at home. Like, that's it. Even moreso is that he keeps on getting forgotten in the Miracuclass. Apparently he just vanished in Zombizou.
Marc Aniel
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Honestly Marc feels like he has even less personality and time in-show yet I can headcanon more stuff about him than Nathaniel. Why is he friends with Marinette despite us never seeing him before? In the first year of middle school, he and Marinette were seatmates in the same class, and said class had no Chloe, so they had time to be safe and bond over being victims of bullying and the joy of creation. They're transmasc and nonbinary, using they/he pronouns. They have two moms and zero dads in sight. They got into soccer from soccer yaoi. In general they're a big yaoi consumer, mostly of twink yaoi. They're a wolf furry. They're a weeb, too. Actually maybe he just has more varied interests than Nathaniel. I guess when given the chance they can passionately ramble on about the stories they're writing is my interpretation,
Sabrina Raincomprix
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Sabrina's a fun one, as she wasn't always shoved to the side. She was a main character in season 1, arguably more than Nino was! And honestly, I got a lot of character from her. My interpretation of her is that as a baby child, she imprinted heavily on Roger's ideals and her philosophy is a person's worth is dependent on what they contribute to the lives of others. That, combined with the mommy issues she has from never knowing her mom (I don't know what happened to her,) is the reason why she's so servile to Chloe and at one point Marinette. She loves Chloe and thinks that deep down, Chloe loves her back. Morally, she's true neutral, which is why she's fine with breaking into Marinette's house to steal her diary or locking Juleka in the bathroom. She doesn't necessarily hate them, though. She's just doing her job. She's both an accomplished and a disaster lesbian, and I love her for that. I feel like you could make a damn good long story about her. In general while Julerose is amazing sweet wholesome yuri, Chlobrina is amazing toxic yuri. Why is this show so good with side character yuri?
Also, here's what I think wholesome adult Chlobrina where they both developed as characters and came back together would look like if they were cats:
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celestiall0tus · 11 months
Miraculous Salvation - Chapter 16 - Found
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Marc ran down the street through the afternoon foot traffic. He kept his head down as his vision blurred with tears. Adrien still chased after him, calling out his name all the while. He kept running int the hopes that Adrien would give up the chase. He took a sharp turn around a corner and collided with a stranger. The stranger lost their footing and fell back. Marc squeaked as he landed on top of them.
            “I’m so sorry! I-!”
            Marc stopped midsentence when he pushed himself up. He looked down at the stranger and saw a guy his age. His jaw dropped as he stared at the guy.
            The guy was gorgeous. Long fiery scarlet hair that covered the left side of his face. Brilliant, bright turquoise eyes that shone with such a passion Marc only ever saw in other artists. His fair skin had fresh paint splatters that he either forgot were there or didn’t care about. That carried to the rest of clothes that were old, worn, and stained with paint.
            Nathaniel removed an earbud. “Are you ok?”
            Marc attempted to speak, but only managed a squeak.
            “Right. Want some help?”
            Another squeak.
            Nathaniel raised a brow. He wriggled out from under Marc and helped him up.
            “There we go. Be a little more careful next time, ok?”
            Marc nodded.
            Nathaniel smiled and put his earbud back in. Marc watched Nathaniel leave when shocked yells and gasped rippled through the air. Adrien turned the corner and sweat beading down his face. Marc’s eyes widened seeing that Adrien wasn’t the homely brunette, but the breathtaking blonde from before.
            Adrien caught his breath and approached Marc. He held up Marc’s hands, intertwining their fingers. Marc’s face reddened at the gesture and the thousands of eyes he felt on them.
            “Are you ok? You ran out without a word. I know what that bitch said was awful, but she was just being cruel. You didn’t need to listen to any of her poisonous words.”
            Marc gulped as he saw the crowd with their phones out on them. “Which one? The blonde one?”
            Adrien scrunched up his face in confusion. Marc’s eyes darted all around them. Adrien looked around and saw the gawking crowd accompanied by the click of cameras. He forced a smile as his grip tightened on Marc. He took off running and dragged Marc behind him.
            Chloe scrolled through her social media while she sat in Colt’s office. Colt worked on paperwork while he had Felix clean up the mess made earlier. She mindlessly scrolled through her feed until she saw one with Adrien with a boy with black hair. Her eyes widened as compulsion washed over her. She felt the need to keep the phone open on the photo. She gritted her teeth and fought the sensation, closing the app and turning off her phone.
            Colt stood before Chloe and grabbed her chin. She met his cold eyes and sadistic smile. “You are quite the disobedient little girl, aren’t you?”
            Chloe’s eyelids fluttered as the desire to curse Colt consumed her, but she was forced to keep her mouth shut. Her breathing came in harsh, short bursts and she gritted her teeth as she attempted to fight his control.
            Colt laughed. “Your persistence is charming, but very annoying. I’ll have to work on curbing that after dinner. For now, why don’t you join your betrothed in cleaning? I’m sure he’d appreciate all the help and the company.”
            Chloe longed to tell him off, but her body moved on its own. She headed down to the parlor where Felix was. He had managed to clean up most of the blood. Her body moved again to grab cleaning supplies when Audrey’s hyena cackle split the silence. Gabriel, Colt, and Tomoe rushed out as Audrey stumbled out of the sitting room, clutching her side.
            “What is the meaning of this noise, Audrey?” Tomoe demanded.
            Audrey took a deep breath, grinned, and pointed to Gabriel. She attempted to speak but broke down in a fit of hysteria.
            “Dammit, woman! What is it?” Gabriel demanded.
            Audrey composed herself as she held up her phone. “Why don’t you ask your daughter?”
            Chloe stiffened at the remark. She managed to turn her head as the adults gathered around Audrey. Colt roared with laughter while Gabriel stared at the image of Adrien and the boy. Tomoe transformed and looked at the photo.
            Tomoe scoffed. “What is this, Gabriel?”
            “How the fuck am I supposed to know? Adrien never told me another about being queer,” Gabriel shot back.
            “You should have known. It’s not difficult to tell when a kid is like that,” Tomoe barked.
            “Should have… excuse you! Sure, Adrien had his feminine moments, but so do I. Every other time he acted like any other teen his age would. I would not have known unless he told me,” Gabriel roared.
            “Alright, let’s take a breath. On the bright side, we know where Adrien is. Why don’t I retrieve him?” Colt offered.
            “Why don’t we-?” Gabriel started.
            Colt snapped his fingers. Felix stopped cleaning as his outfit changed. Felix made for the exit, accompanied by a dozen butterflies.
            “Doesn’t that seem a bit excessive?” Gabriel questioned.
            “Leave nothing to chance. Now, Audrey, have your husband send over some cooks and perhaps some maids. Everyone, return to whatever you were doing. Oh, and Gabriel?” Colt added.
            Colt smacked Chloe over the head, knocking her out cold.
            “Take the heathen to Felix’s room.”
            Gabriel gulped and nodded. Audrey rolled her eyes and went back to the sitting room. Tomoe headed back upstairs to Kagami’s side. Colt smiled and returned to his office.
            Adrien ran until his legs turned to jelly and he collapsed. Marc squeaked and knelt beside Adrien.
            “What’s wrong? Is everything ok?” Marc asked.
            Adrien gasped for breath. “I’m… not used to… this much… exercise.”
            “Well, that, but why did you run? Why did you drag me along?”
            “They… they found me. That crowd… they took photos… uploaded them. I… I just know it. Father will see them… Uncle will see them. They’ll see me… and you.”
            Marc paled. “We… we need to keep running.”
            Adrien nodded. Marc helped Adrien to his feet. He took Adrien’s hand and ran, but someone grabbed their shoulders. He winced at the tight grip. He looked back and saw a man that looked like Adrien, but muscular, his blond hair slicked back, and sickly pale skin.
            Adrien struggled to free himself. “Let go! Dammit, let go!”
            “You look ridiculous, Adrien. Have you no pride as a man?” Felix asked.
            Adrien seethed. “More than you ever will! Can you say the same?”
            Felix sneered. He tightened his grip on Adrien. Adrien cried out and buckled under the intense pain. Marc gasped and reached out to Adrien, but Felix restrained Marc against him. Marc saw a group of people rush towards them but were intercepted as a massive abomination broke through the building and brought it down.
            Marc’s eyes widened as he stared at the monster. It was the size of a building with a massive, hulking figure. Its face was distorted into a gaping maw filled with sharp teeth. Its flesh stretched across its body, revealing massive patches of muscle and bone. Its hands morphed into steel bludgeoning weapons it swung wildly around. It screeched a horrific, unearthly scream that made Marc’s every nerve prickle and stand on end.
            Marc’s heart dropped. He screamed and griped onto Felix’s suit for dear life. He buried his face in Felix’s chest, not wanting to see the carnage that followed the screams of everyone else. His entire body trembled as he prayed desperately for the nightmare to end. To be back in his room, ready to start a day of humiliation.
            Sharp, slow pain brought Marc back. He peeked at his shoulder to see Felix’s nails grow into razor-sharp daggers. He looked up at Felix’s face that was twisted in pain. Adrien gritted his teeth as Felix dragged a clawed hand across Adrien’s back. He covered his mouth as bile rose seeing and smelling the fresh blood.
            “Stop! You’re hurting him!” Marc begged.
            Felix hissed and pushed Adrien away. Adrien collided with the concrete. He fought to stand but collapsed. The abomination stood over it, now accompanied by a pair of winged creatures made of bone with flesh falling off their bodies. One swooped down and scooped up Adrien.
            “No!” Marc yelled.
            Marc squirmed in Felix’s grip to wriggle free, but Felix’s grip tightened. Marc gasped and struggled for breath as Felix crushed him.
            Felix snarled and hissed as pain tore through his body with each beat of his heart. He fell to his knees with Marc in his arms. He cried out as his body cracked and shifted. He curled around Marc as he grew a couple feet, and his muscular frame grew. He screamed as razor sharp teeth lined his mouth with a pair of terrifying fangs. His ears grew out several inches and ended in a point. His eyes filled with blood, consuming everything within. His suit morphed into a gray, red, and black Victorian ensemble with a black cape around him.
            Terror and dread consumed Marc. His eyes rolled back, and he passed out.
            Felix loosened his grip on Marc but held onto him. He tilted his head and gently touched Marc’s face. His eyes caught on the wound he inflicted on Marc. Regret stabbed his heart as he hovered his hand over the injury.
            “What’s this? Have you found yourself a new toy? Would you like me to have him brought over?” Colt’s voice echoed in Felix’s head.
            Felix managed a nod.
            “Very well. Hand him over,” Colt ordered.
            The remaining skeletal creature swooped down. Felix looked at it, then handed Marc over. He watched it fly off with Marc towards the Agreste manor.
            “Good boy. Now, burn off that energy. Teach the heroes to fear and I promise a reward.”
            Hope sparked in Felix as he turned and headed off in search of the heroes.
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paintedgrilledcheese · 7 months
(Part two of "Please let this be a normal rainy day.")
It's been a day since the whole bird fiasco incident. New backpack rules had to be put into place because of it. Poor Nikolai has been upset since then. Not only has he gotten in trouble for bringing a bird to school, but now his once best friend Fyodor is no longer friends with him.
Coming into the preschool was rough for Nikolai. He didn't want to go today. He didn't want to see Fyodor still mad at him. But Nikolai had to go to school. There was no use in arguing with his mom.
Dragging himself into the classroom and throwing his backpack into his cubby, Nikolai spotted Fyodor across the room. Fyodor was reading to himself again since it's another rainy day. Nikolai started to feel awkward. Part of him wants to come up to Fyodor and apologize but the other part of him fears that Fyodor will snap at him.
Upon looking around the classroom, trying to figure out how to spend his free time, Nikolai couldn't spot Ivan, causing him to worry a little. Nikolai finds Sigma playing over by the kitchen play set, so he goes to him.
"Sigma? Where's Mr. G?" Nikolai asked, sounding a little bummed out.
"I dunno. He said he had to go pick up something." Sigma answered, unaware that Nikolai was feeling down. Just then, Mushitaro came walking over with a mischievous smile.
"Hehe, if we have no teacher you know what that means?" Mushitaro then snapped his fingers. "It means we have UNLIMITED free time." He shouted with excitement and mischief.
Nikolai's eyes brightened, and his mood went up a little. Sigma had the same sparkly eyes upon this news. The other children overheard and came over to where the three were standing. They all seemed excited. Who wouldn't? No teacher? No adults? That's basically freedom to children.
No adults equal no rules. No rules equals they can do whatever they want. And with this newfound knowledge that their teacher isn't in the classroom, they go wild with it. Sigma and Fyodor start taking the chairs from the activity table to build a blanket fort. It's time for Fyodor's favorite pretend game, "Kingdom." Basically a game that the kids pretend that they are kings ruling a kingdom or more.
There are two kingdoms, "The Rats" (Fyodor's kingdom) and "The Mosquitos" (Bram's kingdom). Fyodor's fort is made of chairs, multiple blankets, a tipped over table as a defense wall, and bean bags as his throne. Fyodor's kingdom population consist of Nathaniel (his bishop), Sigma (Fyodor timid soldier), and Mushitaro (his right hand man, even though that was Nikolai's role before).
On Bram's side, their castle is built of couch cushions, the naptime mats as their wall of defense, and lots and lots of pillows for their "grand dining table." Nikolai's was Bram's right-hand man, and Pushkin was a messenger for Bram. With both kingdoms set up, the kids began to play in this imaginative world.
Inside Bram's castle sat Bram on his couch cushion throne, Nikolai next to him while Pushkin came in with a few small bags of Goldfish as a snack.
"Your majesty, I got the finest type of Goldfish for you from the snack cave." Pushkin presented the three bags of Goldfish to Bram. Bram was pleased, nodding his head with his plastic crown on his head.
"Good job. Now we shall feast upon our glorious meal." Bram said. He got up and brought out three cherry flavored Kool-aid jammers. The three have a toast to the fact they have unlimited free time and no adult to stop them. But as they enjoyed their snacks, Sigma was laying right outside the entrance to their castle.
He was spying on them with a pair of binoculars. Documenting everything onto a Christmas themed notepad, all in purple crayon. He took lots of notes. Though his "notes" were more of scribbles and gibberish. After spying for two minutes, Sigma ran across the classroom, where The Rat's kingdom was located.
"King Fyodor! My king. The enemy king took all the snacks." Sigma informed loudly, crawling into the fort. Fyodor, sitting on his beanbag throne, narrowed his eyes and threw his empty grape flavored Kool-aid to the ground in a fit.
"What do you mean they took all the snacks?! Isn't there more in the snack cave?" Fyodor shouted, snapping already. Sigma flinched, Nathaniel hid his face behind his "Holy Bible for kids", and Mushitaro ducked his head under a bean bag. They all knew about the unfortunate news before Fyodor. Sigma had to deliver the unfortunate news.
"W-well....y-y-you see my king.... we're out of snacks. The goldfish bags was all we had left. There's no more in the snack cave." Sigma informed. Mushitaro came out under his bean bag and nodded.
"The Mosquitos took the last bags of Goldfish. Even though they rightfully belong to us." Mushitaro added, sounding just upset as Fyodor.
Fyodor huffed and stomped his little foot. "That's not fair! They don't deserve the snacks. Nikolai is a stupid face for hogging all the snacks." Most of Fyodor's anger was directed towards Nikolai since yesterday's incident still left the two upset. A broken friendship all because of a ruined drawing. Fyodor then snapped his fingers. "Mushitaro, I want you to help create a battle plan. We're going to war." Fyodor commanded.
Mushitaro nodded and grabbed some paper and crayons, scribble out the classroom, and their kingdoms. They start to build strategies on where and when to attack. Meanwhile, over at Bram's castle, the three were playing Jenga. It was peaceful over there.
"Bram, do you think Fyodor hates me?" Nikolai asked out of the blue, sighing a little to himself. Despite their little kingdom game and no adults, Nikolai can't help but still feel a little down.
Bram stacked a Jenga block on top of the tower. "I don't know. He's probably mad, but I don't think he hates you. You're his best friend. Why do you think he hates you?"
Nikolai sighs. "Well for one, Fyodor is loud, and I can hear him call me a stupid face across the classroom. And two, he's not wearing his friendship bracelet today. He told me he was going to wear it every day. I think he hates me now because of the bird yesterday." Nikolai sniffled. His feelings were hurt, and not wearing the friendship bracelet did mean a lot to Nikolai. To Nikolai, this was a serious situation.
Nikolai was about to start crying while Bram and Pushkin comforted him. "Well, we can be your new friends. I want a friendship bracelet as well." Bram said with a smile, trying his best to cheer up Nikolai.
Nikolai sniffled and wiped his eye. "Really? You guys want to be my friends?" He asked. Both of them nod. Nikolai smiled a little. New friends? That seemed to cheer him up a little.
"To prove it, I'll go fetch the Rainbow Loom kit, and we can make the bracelets now." Pushkin volunteered , crawling out of the cushion castle. Nikolai felt excited to make friendship bracelets with his new friends. Everything seemed to be looking up for Nikolai, until a loud screeching sound of a cheap recorder on a high f was heard across the room. It was torturing to hear.
Nikolai and Bram covered their ears from inside of the castle as they heard the sound of Pushkin screaming from being attacked by a sea Nerf darts aimed at him. A second after the loud recorder, Fyodor yells out from across the room. "Attack!"
Nikolai poked his head out from the castle entrance to see what all the fuss was about. He was met with a horrid sight of Fyodor's kingdom charging at them with foam swords and shields. They're being ambushed! Fyodor just declared war, and they're not prepared! Whatever shall they do?!
Part 3 coming soon
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Quick rundown of each and every one of my ocs. fair warning, there's...a lot.
starting with the protagonists
Alex Miller: vault dweller/fallout 1. librarian, poet/storyteller, singer. gets through the game with a silver tongue and the combat skills of other people.
Alexandria Miller: chosen one/fallout 2. almost identical in appearance to Alex, was raised on the belief that she was his reincarnation (she isn't). still kind, but slightly more prone to combat. fiercely loyal to her village.
Samael Rafferty: lone wanderer/fallout 3. rude and sarcastic but a good person. High INT/END, low CHA. has attracted the attention of multiple divine entities and does not want any of it.
Courier Six/Omen: courier/fallout new vegas. God of warnings, messengers, luck, death, rebirth, the desert, games, travelers.
Nathaniel Sol: fallout 4, mechanic, sweetheart, high agility.
Nora Sol: fallout 4, lawyer, distant but kind, good head for logistics.
Valory Hargrave: fallout 4, Nora's sister, hedonist, intense.
Roadkill: the prisoner/fallout van buren. former leader of the Bluecopper Bandits, neutral leaning evil karma, good with horses.
Viktor Darling: fallout 76; not a vault dweller, part of a scientist group that arrived in west virginia to study the wildlife.
and now everyone else:
Captain Deadlight: glowing one captain of the whaling ship Incessant
Marie: technically a canon character - baby from the Pitt. adopted by sam. psychic abilities allow her to inflict her emotions on nearby people.
Devilpunks/Hellpunks: a group of mostly teenagers inspired by Sam who posit themselves against basically everyone else in the wasteland. Members include: Dagger (their unofficial leader), Muerte (their radio DJ), Gabriel, Saint, Beel, Hare-trigger, Chitin, Hellhound, and Rowan.
Summer Tardigrade Choir: a gen12 synth anachorite (faction by @/calder) with the psychic ability to intuit an object's physical properties and 'memories'. has plants growing out of her and jokingly calls herself a dryad
Melissa Miller: Alex's great-grandmother, a pre-war actress who starred in schlocky sci-fi movies
Martin Miller: Melissa's husband, ran an auto shop
Jacob & Gwen Miller: Alex's parents
Lady Luck/Miss Fortune: Courier's mother, the previous god of the Mojave region, luck goddess (obviously). died when the bombs dropped but echoes of her remain.
Death of a Hero: Courier's 'father', runs the cafe of broken dreams.
Kaga: technically a cut fo2 character. Alexandria's younger brother who was sick of living in her shadow. Also Feargus's father.
Raziel Rafferty: Samael's adopted daughter. Most successful of the Enclave psyker experiments; has technokinesis.
Nihil: god of mass death (ex. you could see her in Nipton). more of a force of nature than a person.
Maul: raider, member of the Pack
Killjoy: the Pack's resident veterinarian/medic/animal wrangler. was a parahunter until a jetpack crash left him severely injured and his squad kinda abandoned him. bitter and cynical, usually hides away in his (heavily fortified) shack.
Transceiver: the first successful Enclave psyker experiment; heavily mutated; his powers basically act as a psychic beacon he can't turn off. leader of the capital wasteland super mutants.
Jeremiah: architect
Moses C Sharpe: gunsmith. made Courier's signature gun, Snakebite
Professor Paradox: purposely leans into the mad scientist aesthetic; Viktor's mentor
Dallian: parahunter
Scion-3: Shaun in my fo4 rewrite. third in a line of artificially created humans made with nate and nora's dna, set to take over the Institute when Scion-2 retires.
Revelation: god of the future and visions. Responsible for the gift of Sight. Associated with dogs, water, and the moon.
God of Capitalism: a rotting, parasitic thing, lashing out and dragging down those consumed by greed in a desperate attempt to save itself. toying with the idea of it taking the form of vaultboy.
Rusty: ex-forged raider who joins sanctuary with her dog Tetanus
Joy & Daisy: Alexandria's twin daughters
Canis, aka Caine: Daisy's son, Alexandria's grandson; head of the Arroyo wolf scouts, who ride repaired motorcycles.
Deer Crossing: con artist operating in the PNW with his border collie Lady
Crossbuck: gunslinger bounty hunter, childhood friend of Deer Crossing
Beau: Deer's kinda-sorta-maybe boyfriend who he definitely shouldn't be interacting with (Beau is the son of a wine baron)
Mars: god of war of the Legion, dies when they collapse. not the actual Mars from Rome, not really
Andraw Lovelock: technically not a fallout oc; ranger from Wasteland
Hellion (Perihelion/Aphelion): also not a fallout oc. character for Fallen Earth, a game i have not successfully played because my laptop hates it. determined to use her functional immortality to learn and experience as much as possible
Other potential couriers I haven't fleshed out: Augustus (Legion), Acetone (NCR), Lance (House)
Moose: super mutant in the PNW, manages a trading post out of a junkyard
L.K: member of a group descended from girl scouts with similar practices (modified for the wasteland, of course)
Topaz: flower child from a hippie commune type place
Sal: fur trapper/trader
Deadnettle and Henbit: ghoul wives who run a radio station in virginia, they're from the same group as Viktor (Reverent scientists)
Theodore Bones: god of whimsy and chaos. he's the guy who's posing all the mannequins and teddy bears
Cherry: Roadkill's girlfriend, lesbian cowboy explosives expert from Ontario
Purgatory: explosives dealer. has a bomb-sniffing dog who helps her recover mines
Karma: tattoo artist in Rivet City
Romeo: head of the guards in the Gomorrah after the change in management
Niko Avery: Viktor's husband, a surgeon
Jonas & Marten: other member's of Roadkill's gang. Grew up together in Reno.
Maisy Brewitt: prewar seamstress, self-assured and friendly, from the fan project fallout caldera
Daisy Belle: android, distant and protective, Maisy's partner; also from fallout caldera
Minerva aka Minnie: an intelligent deathclaw living in Arroyo
Horses: Biscuit & Strudel (Courier's), Marrow (Roadkill), Cider (Nate), Scotch (Val), Brandy (Nora), Belle (Preston), Bourbon (Nora & Val's childhood horse), Harbinger (Sam)
Other animals: Fishbone the Raycat (Sam), Maraca the Nightstalker (Courier), Spoodle the Rat (Alex), Vision the Borzoi (Viktor), Domino the Raycat (Easy Pete)
Final total: 83 (ish. i mighta miscounted)
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About this blog
This blog was created by @phantom-of-the-ruckus for her/their AU inspired by the Nancy Drew books. This would mostly contain lore drops and perhaps some stuff Phantom makes when she/they have time to do stuff (as university is a thing.)
This is surely but fun. Characters are not related (Phantom doesn't believe they're actually related, but will not do cannon x cannon content) and there won't be any romance whatsoever. Perhaps implications of a one-sided crush, but it would be like a mention (up to change)
So here are some basics of this universe! (Feel free to ask in the chat box)
This is inspired by the Nancy Drew mystery books, however this contains some touches of supernatural elements and horror.
If Phantom/MrsWatermelon writes about this, it would be divided by individual mysteries but with something connected to "Meadmalfort Valley" (place of the AU)
Riley would be the protagonist and will partake the role of Nancy in her books. Her name in the Au is "Riley Drew Ruckus" with Drew being her middle name
This AU takes some inspiration from the Nancy Drew movie from 2007 (I believe) so there might be a few references to that.
Most of the characters would be adaptations of Nancy's friends int he books.
I might do some entries that Riley made during her first day after moving to her new home
Confirmed ages:
Riley Drew Ruckus - Age 22 (College student)
Mortimer Damien Handee - Age 47 (English Professor/not related to Riley's education)
Manfred Ruckus - Age 45 (Nutrient Scientist)
Owen Gubberson - Age 57 (Business Owner and former show runner)
Nicholas Nathaniel Nack - Age 23 (Ship merchant/university student)
The widower - Age 54 (Ghost)
Ages to be confirmed
Daisy Bess Danger - Age 20 -23 (Prob. graduated/baker)
Angelise "Angel" Georgia Analyze - Age 18 - 23 (Prop College student/ confirmed to be policemen daughter)
Some trivia-
Riley usually goes by Riley or Riley Drew (Nancy Drew books exist in this AU)
Riley is not as popular or goes quite well with everyone like the OG Nancy did.
The first portion of his AU would be known as "Riley Drew and the twisted mirror clue"
Riley and Mortimer are good friends and have a sort of mentor and mentee relationship.
Nick and Riley would be just frenemies in a Platonic relationship. (This might get to the cannon unrequited crush, but I don't feel like adding it tbh)
Era is around the early 2000s and the recent 2000s (TBH)
I will add to this when new lore is out.
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starrahcoolership · 2 months
avalos mom check inte the bahamas hospital July 27, 2024 in the Bahamas and this has Nathaniel J hW on tiger beach.
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gldnhour · 2 months
♡ closed starter for @coquetties
Tumblr media
"you're sure you didn't say anything to her?" nate asked for what seemed like the tenth time, doubt coloring his tone as he stared at penny with a skeptical look on his face. "because things seemed fine until your little one-on-one outing the other day." pen had insisted that she and cass have a girls day and not even a week later, cass had dumped him over voicemail, no less. it couldn't have came out of nowhere when he had done nothing to instigate this.
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kincalling · 8 months
hiya! i'm a fictive of um...Nathaniel Kurtzberg from Miraculous Ladybug :3
I'm mainly looking for Marc Anciel, whether fictive or kin. I remember I was dating him but our relationship can be /p and lead up to /r if they so wish :D anyone else is also welcome to int, I'm just mainly looking for him.. I'm a minor both bodily and in headspace, but I don't care who interacts as long as they're polite {if you're looking for /r though please be -18 :3}
Interact w/ this post and I'll get to you! We also have Discord if anyone wants to talk there :D
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niiicedave · 2 years
Beastie Boys - "Funky Boss" (1992)
Funky boss, funky boss Funky boss, funky boss Funky boss, funky boss Get off my back, forget it
Funky boss, funky boss Funky boss, funky boss Funky boss, funky boss Get off my back
Funky boss, funky boss Funky boss, funky boss Funky boss, funky boss Get off my back
Funky boss, funky boss Funky boss, funky boss Funky boss, funky boss Funky bald-ass boss
Yeah, that's right Funky bald motherfuckers!
Songwriters: Adam Nathaniel Yauch / Adam Keefe Horovitz / Mark Nishita / Mike Diamond Funky Boss lyrics © Brooklyn Dust Music, Polygram Int. Publishing, Inc.
0 notes
nijjhar · 2 years
Punjabi -This planet earth is for the tribal people and not for the Hind... Punjabi -This planet earth is for the tribal people and not for the Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, etc. - 1. https://youtu.be/O1bwR0_TWSQ This planet earth belongs to Adam and his tribal sons and not to the Jews, Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims. https://youtu.be/LhzGqhuCrAU Holy Gospel of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., delivered by the First Anointed Christ, which in Punjabi we call Satguru Jesus of the highest living God Elohim that dwells within His Temple of God created by the demiurge Potter, the Lord of the Nature Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc., the Greatest Artist of all and it is called Harmandir or “Emmanuel” according to Christ Rajinder Hi Brethren, Have you ever thought of the Promised Land, the Garden of Eden becoming barren when Salt of the earth faithful son of Abraham and Yahweh Joseph was maltreated by his 11 brethren - John 8v44 and sold as a slave to the Egyptians, the faithful sons of Abraham and Yahweh, the elder brother of Isaac, the Prodigal son but not as blessed as the real son Isaac and his people were? The Chosen People are a demonstration nation of Priests that teach us the moral laws made in the image of the creator, demiurge Yahweh, who created the First Noble Adam. If you are faithful to Yahweh, then Elohim would accept you as His spiritual son again demonstrated by Joseph through his wisdom and forecast. Now, just ponder over the present situation of destruction by floods and hurricanes. All these calamities are brought by the demiurge creator Yahweh, Brahma, Khuda, etc. as a punishment for being unfaithful to him through your tribal fathers. Wherever the people are faithful to Yahweh as in the Brazillian and African Jungles, who have the tribal marks as Abraham gave to Isaac circumcision as the tribal mark but the greedy Temple Priests gave this tribal mark to people not born of the seed of Isaac the Gentiles and foreigners to make them their Disciples for fleecing and Angel Stephen exposed their hypocrisy in his long speech urging them not to do so as our Forefather Abraham was a Noble Man = Adam, Sarah = Eve and Yahweh gave them the Promised Land  = Garden of Eden of honey and milk so that they can live peacefully fully protected in the company of their creator Yahweh but they killed him for exposing their hypocrisy. Today, all those fake circumcised sons of Isaac especially in Iran are going to destroy them in the ensuing ATOMIC WAR EXPECTED SOON AFTER 14/05/2023 when Israel is 75 years old. Before this Atomic War, there would be six months of intensive war and in the Seventh Month of Elohim, the Middle Candle of the Menorah will give the FINISHING TOUCH TO THIS DARK AGE OF CHRIST, THE ROYAL HIGH PRIEST CHRIST JESUS, through the ATOMIC WAR. At Present:- PUTIN = NATHANIEL; WHAT IS INSIDE IS OUTSIDE = NO DUPLICITY VS THE USA AND THE WEST BLASPHEMER HYPOCRITES = TEMPLE HIGH PRIESTS, THE KILLERS OF JESUS AND HUMANITY. Putin, the man of God = Nathaniel, what is inside that is outside or no Blasphemy or hypocrisy. https://youtu.be/DP6Tt6tZN-8 Today, Matt 13v24-30 is getting fulfilled and the Tares, Jews outwardly of appearances like the Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, etc., the Tares are getting bundled up in Israel for the Final Burning through the Atomic Bombs especially of Iran, the fake sons of Abraham through circumcision, the tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac and his seed but the temple Priests were making people Jews outwardly and dishing out the circumcision making them the sons of Isaac. Angel Stephen exposed their dirty business for money and they killed him. Today, these Tares will repay what they have sown for the sake of greed. In this Dark Age of Christ within your own heart, you get paid for the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit as Peter killed two blasphemers Ananias and Sapphira on the spot that no Blasphemers are allowed into the Church of God headed by Christ Jesus; One Fold One Shepherd. Much more if you are interested in my over 8200 Youtube Videos; channel One God One Faith. I will produce a Youtube Video on this topic soon. Tony Blair and Bush, the greatest “Saltless” Blasphemers like their Masters the USA and Europe Jews versus Putin of the Udege tribe, a righteous man of God helping the weak nations. Greatest Blasphemers and Killers Blair and Bush https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qHdTpTXHvE&list=PL0C8AFaJhsWz7HtQEhV91eAKugUw73PW1 Blair and Bush blasphemies https://youtu.be/0WBYOmpDuCs American Jews, the Tares – Matt 13v24-30 are today destroying one country after the other, in order that the scripture might be fulfilled.– http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/GrimReaper.htm It is worth making posters of this Cartoon to highlight the atrocities of these “Saltless” Tares. My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Full description www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm My Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf In Punjabi www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf John's baptism www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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ferihas · 2 years
closed to : @ofwhatsleft​​ location : the library time : sometime in the evening
“Wherefore art thou—” begins Feriha dramatically, hand outstretched, a drunken giggle escaping her lips. “No, wait, that's Romeo. How does Puck's role go again?” she asks Nathan, face scrunching. Perhaps she might’ve been meant for the stage—she certainly has the flair for it—but her inability to remember lines cut that dream short. Still, when she’d been told the trio was reenacting Shakespeare in the library, she simply had to join. What is she if not good at improvising? 
“Do you think the play’s here somewhere?” She drops into an armchair as she answers her own question, gesturing to the seemingly endless rows of shelves. “It has to be. Look at this place. There can’t be a book in the world Mr. Ashton doesn’t own.”
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