#// but it has been a while since we wrote together mhmm
fakesimp · 2 years
Stealing your Heart ! , With Alban Knox
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Warning !
Fluff ; Alban keeps on Teasing you ; Friends to Lovers ; Established Relationship at the end ; Accidental confession
A/n : Oh finally, I wrote for my 2nd Oshi in Noctyx. Oop.
"Hey hey, (Y/n). Look at this."
How long has he keep on pranking you today? You don't know, but you couldn't stay mad at him. Your sneaky Phantom Thief friend, always make you laugh with him. He have his own way to make you not stay mad at him for long, and right now you know very well he's gonna prank you again.
But you followed him anyway, you're both currently playing Minecraft together. Alban currently on a goofy mood, and you just oblige on doing whatever he wants. Since you, also in a goofy mood too.
And a few minutes after, as you guessed, following Alban in Minecraft leading you to your character dying. And then the call is filled with you and his laughter, "HAHAHA, I GOT YOU, OH- look what do we have here.." he said. As he moved his Minecraft character to your stuff, letting him grab your valuables.
"Don't you dare, Alban." You threatened jokingly, making the thief snickered. "Wanna Bet?" He asked as you saw his character holding, a familiar item in his hand. "Oh no you don't." You said as you immediately rush your character to Alban's, "HAHAH, GOOD LUCK CATCHING ME-"
. . .
After a good 2 hours, of pranking each other and laughing at each other's stupidity. You both finally decided to have a chill in Minecraft, or so you thought,
"(Y/n)," The Phantom Thief called, you hummed in response. "Look at me," he said as he constantly spamming crouch button, "Mhmmm, whaaat?" You said as you look at him.
There's a moment of silence of you both staring at each other, "Okay now what?" You asked making Alban cracked. "I know you like me" he said jokingly, making you sat there speechless. Staring at the screen where Alban's character stood in front of you, jumping around you.
A minute have goes on, and you still haven't said anything. "Hello? Anyone there?" Alban asked as he hits your character, "Ow- hey don't hit me-!" You said as you move your character away. "Then why are you so silentttt" he asked as he followed you, "Oh, is it because you-
. . .
Wait, you.. actually like me?" Alban clicked from the way you went silent after he joked about you liking him, "No! I don't." You lied. But of course he's not convinced, "Are you sure about that." He asked, you hummed. Trying to sound convincing enough for him to stop asking you about it, him noticing that you sounds like you don't want to talk about it he decided to let it go.
. . .
After playing with him for awhile, you both stopped playing and decided to have a little chat before going off. Everything was okay and fun until you remember about what happened in the game you both played, Minecraft.
"I know you like me"
Does he really? But it sounded like a joke when he said that. Maybe you shouldn't think too much about it, but how? When it's the truth. You like him, you do. You want to be his partner, his lover. If that's possible.
And now here you are listening to him talking, while you are also busy thinking about how to confess to him.
"And then- .. (Y/n)? You're silent again, you okay there? Helloooo?" He tried to get your attention, "Mhmm.." you replied unconsciously.
"Are you okay? You've been spacing out quite often these last few minutes even when we played, you know you can go take a rest if you're tired right? Don't force yourself.." Alban said, and at that exact moment you are silent again. Making him more worried, until you spat out three words—
"I like you."
You didn't even realize you said that out loud, while the man himself is literally calling with you. "You what-" Alban asked in shock. "That's not suppose to happen--" you said as you bury your face in your palms, "Wait wait wait---" he said cutting you off.
"You, like me..?" Alban repeated, making you softly groaned at your own stupidity for saying that three words out loud. "(Y/nnnn)" he called you, "Hmm..." You replied with a hum. "You really, really, like me? Romantically? More than a friend??" Alban repeated his question again. You took a deep breath, and bit your lower lips.
"Y-Yeah.. I, Like you.., Alban. More than e friend.." You hesitantly repeated your confession, Alban went quiet for a moment. The next second you heard shuffling from his side, and then the next second you heard a scream or is it a squeal? You can't tell. It made you jumped a little, this made you question is the confession you did is a good thing or not.
"Alban?" You softly called out to your Phantom Thief friend, "Yeah! I'm okay! Totally fine!" He replied a little bit screaming since he's a bit far from the mic. And the next moment you heard another shuffling from Alban's side, "Are, you okay, I shouldn't have said it yet aren't I-" "NO! NONONO- No, I was, just shocked that's all.." Alban cuts you off again. "I kinda want to see you now.." he whispered, making your face grew hot.
"I- I mean, we can plan on a off collab..! If, you want of course.." You replied, "Yeah! Let's plan one, I want to see your face as I express my feelings too." He said oh-so-casually like it's nothing. "Huh? Wait-" "OH WAIT NO, THAT'S NOT SOMETHING I SHOULD SAY YET-" Alban panicked, "GAAAHH- Ahem-! Uhhh, So-" He tried to change the topic. "Wait no, I can't escape this..." He whispered to himself, and then he cleared his throat.
"(Y/n).. I Like you too, do you, want to be my partner in crime?" He asked you, making your heart flutters at his confession. "Y-yeah.. I want to be your partner in crime." You accepted him, if only you're there by his side.
You could see he is smiling so brightly, face a bit flushed. "Thank you for accepting me.., I can't wait to see you!! Can't wait to hug you too.." he said making you chuckle, "Yeah me too.. so should we plan it next week or?"
"Yep, definitely next week. I want to see my partner in crime. Pepper them with affection!"
Your Phantom Thief friend is now Your Partner in crime, Your beloved Phantom Thief who stole your heart.
He is yours,
And you are his.
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A/n : Alban gonna take 2 weeks off, I hope he takes a good rest, honestly gonna miss him (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)
I already miss him, dang.
I suppose to post this when my previous writings reached 100 notes, but i don't wanna leave this hanging out in my draft so.. (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
Using Luxiem tags again, incase none of y'all followed Noctyx tags (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
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Serenade (Daniela Dimitrescu/Reader) Pt. 11
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T for language Warnings: Nope! Notes: Here we are, a breath away from the end. This features not one, but FOUR songs written by myself. If you only choose to listen to one of them, listen to the final one (Cradle of Heaven), as it is a duet I wrote specifically for this fanfiction, as something that the reader wrote to play together with Daniela. The links to these songs will be within the fanfiction itself, at relevant times. Past Chapters: Pt. 1: Nocturne, Pt. 2: Overture, Pt. 3: Accelerando, Pt. 4: Toccata, Pt. 5: Poco a Poco, Pt. 6: Elegy, Pt. 7: Harmony, Pt. 8: Obbligato, Pt. 9: Berceuse, Pt. 10b: Hymn AMAB
Chapter 11: Cadence
(Cadence: Two chords that mark the end of a song)
The stage is set, the lights are dimmed, your heart pounds within your chest, and the world is yours. Soon, it will be Daniela’s. She is right by your side, as ever, hand gently taking hold of your own. There’s a silent reassurance in her grip, a reminder that the two of you have overcome a plethora of challenges. A promise that this will be no different. Both of you take a deep breath, in sync, before exchanging a quick kiss. All of your hard work has been leading up to the coming moments. Although you are beyond confident in your lover’s abilities, there is a shadow of doubt in the back of your mind. Not for her sake, but surrounding the expectations held by her mother, the standard against which you would be measured.
“Come hell or high water, Songbird, I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise,” Daniela whispers, squeezing your hand again, eyes unblinking as they stare into yours. “You’ve made every right choice, worked harder than anyone I know, and there is nothing more I can ask of you… except another kiss to celebrate afterwards, that is.” Giggling in response gives you the moment you need to relax, nerves fading into the background of your mind. “Now let’s put on a show the likes of which my mother has never seen, mhmm?”
“Here, you can borrow my brooch. It’s been in the family for generations, since before we even came to the village, passed down starting with an ancestor who crafted it himself, from materials he scavenged while fleeing his home country,” Daphne rambles, helping you attach the jewelry to your shirt. Thankfully, her hands do not tremble nearly as much as yours have been for the past hour. “I’m more than sure that Lady Daniela will tell you this much, but I feel the need to repeat just how good you look right now. I don’t know where the hell they’ve been hiding this version of our uniform, but damn do I wish I could get one for my next date with Ygritte. Seriously, if you can get one in my size, please do me that favor.”
“Anything for my best friend. Especially after all the times you’ve saved my ass these past few months,” you reply, pausing to give her shoulder an affectionate pat. If not for her constant interference running, someone would have certainly found out about your relationship with Daniela. “Speaking of that… of my life being on the line, I mean… no matter what happens today, no matter what Lady Dimitrescu decides, take care of yourself. You’ve gambled with your own blood to keep me safe, but what I’ve done, what I’ve risked, those were my choices. My consequences. The last thing I’d ever want is for you to pay for them, somehow.”
Rolling her eyes, Daphne gives you a playful shove to the chest, before smoothing out the fabric of your dress uniform. Now she refuses to meet your gaze, a familiar mistiness taking over her brown eyes.
“Nobody around here is stupid enough to think you’ll die today. You managed to get Lady Daniela, of all people, to stay focused long enough to learn some absolutely beautiful pieces of music. You have proved, time and time again, that you are a talented musician, teacher, and ‘servant’. So get out there and kick some metaphorical ass, my friend, because you are ready,” she finally says, offering you what seems to be a handshake. But as soon as your hand meets hers, she’s pulling you in for a hug, holding you tight for a solid minute. When at last you part, you give her what may very well be the last smile she’d ever see gracing your lips.
A hand’s edge against xer forehead, parallel to the ground, kept perfectly flat. From anyone else, it would be mockery. From xer? Honest salute, solidarity in a traditional form, accompanied by a sharp-toothed grin. Mimicking the expression, you wave at Ava, glad to see that xe would be awake for your concert. After your first night with your girlfriend, Daphne had helped arrange for someone to be your “cover story” for sleeping outside of your usual quarters. With Daniela’s input (and jealousy), only one candidate had revealed themselves, in the form of a (conveniently) mute butler with an inconsistent schedule, love of mischief, and somehow the respect of the Dimitrescu family. Now, xe appeared ready to escort you to the location of your trial by fire.
“Are you sure our mutual friend won’t be upset to see the two of us together?” You teased, knowing full well that Ava was one of the only people that Daniela trusted 100% around you. In response, xe gives an exaggerated shrug, then quickly links xer arm with your own. Together you march onwards to your destiny, amused by the way xe practically skipped down the hallway. Maybe there was a certain wisdom to xer shenanigans, a carefree philosophy that encouraged laughter in the face of death, and you embraced the thought with a smile.
Before long, however, the two of you encounter another unlikely pair headed towards the same destination: Lady Cassandra, looking somewhat embarrassed, with an unfamiliar maiden at her side. Their hands are clutching each other desperately, although neither of them dares to look at the other. Instead they both watch you closely from where they’ve paused in the corridor. Oddly unfazed, Ava gives them a short bow of acknowledgement, earning xer a brief nod from Cassandra. Seeming eager to move on, she addresses you quickly before gesturing for you to keep walking.
“Good luck. Don’t fuck this up for Daniela, or I’ll never hear the end of it,” she growls, doing her best to downplay her obvious concern. Wanting to let her keep up with her facade, you merely give a nod as you resume walking towards the concert stage. Soft footsteps behind you let you know that the strange pair are accompanying you. Still walking alongside you, Ava repeatedly glances behind you, putting out xer hands in the shape of a heart, giggling all the while. If you didn’t know any better, you would almost assume that xe wanted to get hit by Cassandra.
“Ava, please calm down. If you’re not careful, she’ll throw something at you. If she does that, you’ll probably dodge, and then I’ll probably end up getting hit, and then I’ll miss the concert, Lady Dimitrescu will kill me as punishment, Daniela will be sad and whiny about it, and none of you will have any peace for, like, a month. Three weeks, bare mims,” you tease, nudging xer in the ribs. Emphasizing a pout, xe sends one last look at Cassandra and her ‘friend’ (whose hand she was still holding onto like a lifeline), mouthing words you couldn’t parse. Based on the way Cassandra groans, it was something ridiculously cheesy. Regardless, xe behaves the rest of the way there…
“I love you, Firefly, and I know that you’re going to do absolutely amazing out there. I’m so proud of you,” you murmur, pressing a feather-light kiss to Daniela’s cheek. As dearly as you wish to stay behind the curtain, in her arms, you know that the show was inevitable. With one last nod to your beloved, you part the fabric shielding you, stepping into the spotlight. Imaginary crowds grow hushed at your appearance, a sea of faces greeting you warmly. In truth, there are but five members in this audience, each gazing upon you with veiled interest. Donning you best presentation persona, you set this final act in motion. “Lady Dimitrescu, Lady Cassandra, Lady Bela, and Mx. Caldwell, it brings me great pleasure to present to you, on this day, a concert performed by your own Lady Daniela. For three months now I have acted as her instructor, and these three months have been, perhaps, the most rewarding of my entire life. I could not possibly be any more proud of her than I already am. Now, without further ado… let us begin!”
Stepping to the side, a tug of a rope has the curtains parting entirely, revealing your beloved, waiting ready at the piano. All at once your audience (including Cassandra’s partner, acting as a mere servant in the background) sits up with wide smiles. They look Daniela over, taking in the sight of her fanciest dress, and the way her eyes light up with joy. By the time her fingers begin dancing away at the keys, there is not a single ounce of anxiety in your entire soul. This first song is a relic from your past, a representation of an abandoned idea, yet she plays it like a celebration. It’s fast, hits hard, a bold take right out of the gate. Admittedly, it is also somewhat short. Nonetheless, it serves its purpose, igniting a spark of excitement in those present. Once the song ends, Daniela is surprised by the intensity of her family’s applause. In the back of her mind, she trembles with excitement, knowing that the best was yet to come.
Riding this wave of pride, she immediately settles into the next song, something slower but far grander. Affection thrums inside your chest as you watch your pupil perfectly execute another piece. You can only imagine what her mother must be feeling, to see just how far her daughter has come in such a short amount of time. A quick glance in Alcina’s direction reveals the barest hints towards her being impressed. For now that was enough to satisfy you. Soon enough her face would twist in surprise, as the second song ended, and a new face steps up onto the stage: Lady Bela. Wordlessly she retrieves her violin from the back of the stage, then turns to the front with a mischievous smile.
“Now, a duet! Presenting the ever-talented Lady Bela, to join Lady Daniela for a rendition of an original song, dubbed ‘Northern Lights’. Enjoy!” You call out, before once more taking your place at the side. While Daniela did not need you to count her in for her solo performances, this feels ever so slightly more important, and as such you do your best to conduct for the duration of the song. If either of the performers need it, they hide it well. Honestly, you weren’t sure if your girlfriend had looked your way even a single time so far. ‘Twas incredible to witness her. Akin to a siren, near glowing, taking to the stage as if born to grace its center. Even with Bela working her own magic, Daniela is ever the star. Together they weave a lovely song, notes rising high into the air, swirling around an enchanted audience.
When it ends, both performers give a bow, as if the entire affair had come to a close. Without hinting at what was to come, you switch places with the eldest Dimitrescu daughter. A deep breath rattles your ribcage as you find your center, reaching out to take Daniela’s hand, the two of you raising your arms upward in a display of union. For the first time this evening, Lady Alcina narrows her eyes in what feels like disapproval. But you pay her no mind. Instead you sit alongside your beloved, quietly settling into your practiced position.
There is no introduction for this song. No announcement, no showmanship, nor even a countdown into the symphony. Simply, like exhaling a breath, the two of you start to play. Your phrases echo hers, and vice versa, calling and answering, accompanying all the while, natural as anything holy in the wild. ‘Tis the second shortest song of the night, only long enough to showcase the degree of your partnership with Daniela. As the song crescendos into an ending, you manage to meet the gaze of your employer. Perhaps it is merely an illusion of hope, or a reflection of lights above, but you swear you see tears in her eyes.
“Outstanding, incredible,” she praises, rising to her feet alongside her other daughters, clapping all the while. Once again you rise to your feet, hand clasped with Daniela’s, bowing as deeply as you can manage. Before you can even process what’s happening, your girlfriend is being pulled away from you, swept up into the arms of her mother. Desperation digs like a knife into your heart, as you ache to celebrate with her, but you remain ever in the guise of a professional. “You did amazing, my dear. I cannot begin to describe how proud I am.” The family gathers around each other, buzzing with affection fit to make the hardest of hearts melt. You are left on the outside, awkwardly waiting, without a hint of acknowledgment.
Even if this concert was a measure of your skill as a teacher, Lady Dimitrescu had never bothered to consider you more than another servant. This night was about Daniela. About your secret girlfriend, the brightest star in all the skies. That is not something that bothers you, nor does it surprise you. All that makes you wish to weep is the desire to kiss her. To sweep her into your arms, with celebratory kisses, singing her name as a praise to higher powers. In the end, it takes several minutes for Daniela to pull away enough to move back to you, and even then she cannot give you the reaction she yearns for.
“I’ll come by to talk to you tonight, I promise,” she whispers, as she gives you the weakest hug you have ever felt. Then she is returning to her family, clinging to her mother with a massive grin. Soon enough you are left alone on stage, quiet surrounding you, mixed feelings gnawing at the pit of your stomach. Something feels… wrong. You cannot put a name to it. No one has hinted to you what your beloved has planned, for none but her even have a clue. As soon as she is alone with her mother, as soon as she has the smallest sliver of an opportunity, she knows what she must do. “Mother… we need to talk. I... I have a confession to make.”
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Drummer Boy
(Connie Springer x Female Reader | NSFW)
A/N: So i was using the bathroom and then BOOM Connie fic idea. In conclusion, using the bathroom=best ideas.
Also I wrote this awhile back and since it’s Connie’s bday today, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to post it.
Warnings: Connie with eyeliner, Smut: Fingering, rough sex, and Connie grabbing the headboard
Summary: Y/N and her childhood best friend, Connie grew apart when once they began college. Three years later, Connie sees Y/N practicing and his feelings return for her.
*2,785 words*
Songs I listened to while writing:
Bubblegum Bitch by Marina and the Diamonds
Bad Romance (Lady Gaga) by Halestorm [Cover]
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You and Connie used to be close friends since you were three all the way up to college.
Even though you two were best friends, you were polar opposites. He was an extrovert and you enjoyed quiet time by yourself. You had straight As, and Connie on the other hand, struggled in school. A D was an A to him. And although Connie was more popular than you, there was always one thing that brought you two together. Music.
Music has always been something you two can bond over. You played the violin and he played the drums. Even though you two enjoyed different genres of music, you understood each other's passion. Connie always wanted to play in a band and you always wanted to travel with a big orchestra and be first chair. You two understood each other's motives and worked hard everyday.
When you two started to grow up, you guys made a promise to never forget about each other when you two become famous. But that promise was broken, when you went to college. You and Connie both attended the same university, but became distant as you two joined different groups. You guys didn't realize the relationship died, it just gradually happened.
You both were caught up in different careers and lost time for each other.
You two met again, while you were practicing your solo, for an upcoming concert. You didn't realize anyone walked in until you heard the sound of clapping and a voice. "Wow!"
Your eyes adjusted to the figure below and you realized it was Connie. "That was amazing Y/n, you really have grown." He flashed a smile and you gave him a small one in return.
"Thanks Connie." You started to place your instrument in the case.
"How you've been?" He asked softly.
"Fine. And you?" You turned around to make eye contact with him.
"Good." You two stood in awkward silence. It's been so long since you two interacted with each other. You didn't know what to say. You guys haven't talked since freshman year of college, you're a senior now.
"Well, I'll go now." You gave him another small smile and proceeded. As you were heading out, you heard him call out your name.
"Wait Y/N!" You turned around and saw him jogging towards you. "Come to my gig tomorrow night."
"I don't know, I think I have practice tomorrow."
"Well if you don't." He pulled out a folded piece of paper out his pocket and handed it to you. "You're always welcomed." You studied the flyer and saw at the top, "10 pm: Riot of the Red Heart will be performing, 'There's a Hole in My Stomach.'"
"I'll see." You smiled and left the building.
You plopped on the bed and studied the flyer. "Riot of the Red Heart," you said to yourself. You decided to look them up and was amazed how popular they were on campus. You noticed they had an Instagram and clicked on their page. There were three members: Connie, a girl and a guy. The guy hair was pretty long and he had a beard, and also played guitar. The girl, you assumed was the main singer, had light brown hair and in her right hand was a potato.
As you continued to scroll through their page, you took note how happy Connie looked. Something in your heart twisted as memories came back, but you suppressed them and told yourself that you were happy that he was happy.
Unlike Connie, you didn't make any close friends during your four years of college. You had one friend named Mikasa and that was because she was your stand partner in orchestra, but outside of practice, you two never talked and if you did, it was only about what time practice was.
You put your phone on the charger and placed the flyer on the nightstand next to you, heading off to bed.
The next day you found out you didn't have practice and a part of you was happy that you could have a break. You decided to head back to your dorm and take a nap. It was rare for you to go a day without practicing, but you deserved it. You've practiced so much that your shoulders hurt more than usual. You would always forget to do stretches before and after practicing and would have to suffer the consequences because of that. As you drifted off to sleep you thought about Connie and wondered what he was doing right now.
"You guys excited for the night?!" Connie said wrapping his arms around Jean and Sasha's shoulders.
"Yep!" Sasha exclaimed, "Also after our performance can we go out to eat? I was thinking about that steak house down the street."
"Do you wanna go there because you've been crushing on that waiter?" Jean teased.
"What's his name?" Connie scratched his head and then smirked, "Niccolo?"
Sasha elbowed Connie in the side and walked off, " That's not true, I just liked the food there." Sasha crossed her arms while staring at the pavement trying to hide her embarrassment. "
"Mhmm, whatever you say." Jean remarked.
"Oh guys I invited someone." Connie spoke up.
"OOO who??" Sasha said.
"Her name's Y/n, she's a childhood friend." Connie rubbed the top of his head. "I want you guys to meet her."
"Oh she must be really special," Jean teased Connie.
"Yeah she is actually."
"Well I cant wait to meet her." Sasha said while throwing her arm around Connie's shoulders. Ever since Connie saw you yesterday, he couldn't get you out of his head. Connie used to have crush on you from middle school all the way to high school, but it left as you two grew apart. But those feeling returned when he saw you playing.
He didn't say anything that day when he entered the building and saw you practicing. He just stared in awe as you engrossed yourself in the music. Although you music was placed in front of you, your eyes were closed. It made him think how hard you have been working that you didn't even need to look at the music. He hoped you come tonight because he really missed you, and wanted to start over with you and possible relationship.
When you woke up , you saw that it was 9:00 pm. Your eyes then traveled to the flyer next to your clock. Connie's performance started in an hour. "I guess I could go." You said to yourself as you got ready.
You threw on a sweatshirt and jeans and fixed your hair before grabbing your purse.
Connie's band was performing at a small place called, The Corps Club.
When you entered the club, there were a lot of people, but it was pretty calm. Everyone was genuinely having a good time and you cursed yourself for not bringing Mikasa with you. You felt awkward as you sat at the bar fiddling with your purse, hoping to see Connie.
"Can I get you something?" A bartender said while cleaning a cup.
"Just a lemonade please, thank you." You were so focused on watching the bartender pour your drink you didn't even notice the presence beside you.
"Y/N Hey!" It was Connie. You took in his appearance and noticed he had on black eyeliner and wore a gray shirt that no sleeves along, a sliver necklace around his neck, and a chain that hooked to his pants. "I wasn't expecting you to come." He leaned on the table, "Hey Levi I'll pay for it."
"Oh no Connie that's okay." You protested but the man already took the money. "Thank you." You said softly while taking a sip of your drink.
"Thanks for coming y/n, I really appreciate it."
"Of course."
Connie then grabbed your arm and pulled you through the crowds of people. "I want you to meet my friends." He shouted and lead you through a door. "Guys I want you to meet y/n."
You seen them before, but it was different seeing them in person. "Y/N this is Sasha and Jean."
"It's so nice to meet you!" Sasha said and then pulled you into a hug. "Any special friend of Connie's is ours too. You want some chips?"
"No thanks," You said, your face heating up slightly at the thought of Connie talking about you to his friends.
"I'm Jean." He said as he held out his hand. You didn't imagine him to be so tall you thought as you shook his hand. "Connie you didn't tell us your friend was hot." Your eyes widened at his words.
"Jean please shut up you're making her uncomfortable." Connie said while hitting the back of his head.
"Anyways y/n, we're performing a song called There's a Hole in My Stomach. It's about a guy and girl who are twin flames, but the girl gets shot in her stomach and the boy basically loses another piece of himself." Your mouth opens slightly at the sad, but oddly specific, story behind the song. "I know right depressing, but it was Connie's idea." Sasha continued.
"We have five minutes 'till we perform...Y/N I'll show you a good spot to watch us." Connie said while grabbing your arm. He led you to the front row, "This seems like a good spot." He then pulled you into a hug and you felt your heart beat quicken. "Thank you y/n," he whispered into your ear. He pulled away and ran off, leaving you stunned.
You were blown away how good Connie's band was. Although the topic of their song was depressing, they played as if it wasn't. The three complemented each other so well. Sasha's voice was also beautiful and powerful. Jean played the guitar with a smirk plastered on his face as he rocked his head back and forth (let me stop before i turn this into a jean fic).
You then looked over to Connie and saw how intense he was as he hit the drums. It was like he was different person. You seen him play the drums before in high school, but that was nothing compared to now. His muscles flexed as he drummed. You thought he looked sexy, especially with the sweat gliding down his face and his eye liner starting to smudge. As if he heard your thoughts, Connie made eye contact with you and winked and quickly looked away.
After the performance you met up with the three and congratulated them. "You guys did amazing and Sasha your voice is so beautiful."
"Thank you." She said while wiping the sweat off her forehead. They all were sweating and you saw how Connie's eyeliner was now smeared across his eyes. "Are you coming with us to eat?"
"Oh no, it's late, I need to get back to my dorm."
'Are you sure Y/N?" Connie said while patting his neck with a towel.
"Yeah..Thank you."
"Well let me walk you back since it's late." He said while throwing his towel on the couch.
"Bye y/n!" Jean and Sasha said as you and Connie headed out.
The walk back to your dorm was silent until Connie said, "Thank you for coming. I'm so happy to see you again."
You smiled, "Of course Connie."
"It's been a long time since we seen each other." You hummed in agreement. "I missed you so much y/n" Connie stopped walking and stared into your eyes.
"I missed you too." There was tension between you two and you didn't know why, but you continued walking anyway.
You two were now in front of your dorm's door. "Thank you for inviting me Connie. Good night." As you were going to open your door Connie then said, "Y/n wait." You turned around in confusion.
"I want to start over."
"I really missed you. Like a lot." You nodded your head, confused to where he was going with this. "Fuck it." He then pulled you by your waist and pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes widened at his sudden actions. You knew you should've pulled away but you couldn't.
You two were now in your dorm and you made out with each other as you straddled his waist at the edge of your bed. His tongue explored your mouth as he rubbed and squeezed your thighs.
Wanting more friction, you decided to rock against him and he groaned in your mouth. "Keep doing that." He said against your lips as he slid his hands under your sweatshirt to unstrap your bra. You were still in shock that you were making out with your old best friend, but that thought left when you felt his big hands cup your breasts and his thumbs circle your nipples.
He pinched and twisted your nipples as his mouth traveled from your cheek to your neck to suck on the skin.
You ran your hands through his hair and noticed that it was longer than last time you remembered. You giggled as a memory of you calling Connie a bald penguin popped up in your mind.
He then took your sweatshirt off and stared at your breast and then he squeezed your hips, urging you to keep grinding on him. "Stop staring."You whispered in embarrassment. He then attached his mouth to your nipple and you gasped at the wet feeling. His hands traveled your body up and down, his hands rubbing your curves and then cupping your ass as you continued rocking against him.
Your panties were wet and you wanted nothing more than for him to touch you where you most needed it. He didn't notice you unbuttoned your pants until you grabbed his hand and slid it down to cupped you down there. He felt how warm and wet you were and began caressing you gently through your underwear.
He then pulled your panties to the side and rubbed a finger up and down your folds before placing his middle finger inside of you. You hid your face in his neck as you rocked against him while he placed another finger inside of you. He rubbed his other hand up and down your back to ease you. "You're so beautiful," he said softly before placing a third finger inside of you.
"Connie" You moaned his name and that's when he lost it. He pulled his fingers out of you and laid you on your back. He shoved your pants and underwear down while he peppered kisses on your neck. You kicked the remaining clothing off your legs and pulled his shirt off while you wrapped your legs around his waist.
You two were now fully naked as Connie teased your folds with his penis. You bit your lip in anticipation. "Connie pl-" before you could finish he pushed himself inside of you and you clawed at his back as he stretched you out. He moved slowly first and you watched as his chain dangled in front of your face. You took that opportunity to grabbed him by his chain and pull him into a kiss.
He started to pick up his pace and you had to hold onto his shoulders for support. "So fucking tight." He said as he watched how you took him so well. When he felt you loosen up, he took the opportunity to lift your legs over his shoulder and pound into you. This new angle had you gasping for air as his hips snap against the back of your thighs.
His hand was gripping the headboard to go faster and his other hand also had a death hold grip on your waist, you knew there will be a bruise there tomorrow but you didn't mind. The more you said his name, the faster he would go.
He slowed down a bit when he felt your walls clench around him. You were close and he had to control himself because he wanted to make you cum first before him.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you came intensely and then a few moments later, Connie also came.
Connie then pulled out and collapsed on top of your body, then proceeded to give you small kisses between your breast. You both were breathing hard and you felt a small smile slowly form on your face. "I know this wasn't the proper way to build our relationship back up." He said against your skin. "Let me make it up to you and take you out tomorrow." He looked up at you through his long eyelashes.
You smiled and brought his head up to kiss him again, "I would love that."
Follow me on Instagram @//jungjaehoe127
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braindeadmaggot · 2 years
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
I love them. They're so precious~ sweet gentle first kisses, accidental first kisses, "shut up or I'll kill you" first kisses, "hey what's that over there?" surprise first kisses. I love them all. You can never go wrong with them
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
I have met people through fanfic. I became a beta reader for TokiCham and by coincidence we had moved to a city near her work and I got to hang out with a few times (we did a valentine's day marathon, watched The Good Dinosaur in cinemas, when to Cosplay Mania 2017 for her birthday. The last thing we did together before I moved back to my old city was go to Enchanted Kingdom. She went with her workmates and I showed up like a creepy stalker lol. Cham I know you don't use tumblr anymore but know I miss you a lot~ We still chat on FB every once in a while. Mostly just to check-in on each other when there's a holiday or an earthquake.)
The only other fanfic writer I'm close with is Cyriusli. We've been close ever since I discovered her work and we video chat constantly. Even after 8 years of friendship, I haven't been able to meet her yet, even when I do go back to the states. The closest I ever got to seeing her was when we went to Montreal for my sister's husband's birthday and it was only a 2 hour drive away from Cyriusli's city but I wasn't able to go back down nor could she have drown up across the border.
there was a whole group of us that chatted, sent videos and played games on Kik. it's all thanks to Roro-XP but sadly she was the first to disappear from the group then everyone else just slowly dwindle out. no one has been around since 2017-2018. sadness~
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
oh yes. I stopped writing. That's the meanest thing you can do. Also I promised fics and never wrote them mhmm mhmm. Very mean indeed. I also have an angst ZoSan fic with a HORRIBLE plot twist at the end. I also have one where it started super cute then instantly became heart wrenching and painful in a blink of an eye and ended with a cliff hanger.
don't get me wrong I love my fics and I want them all to be complete but........ can't they just write themselves??? I just want to lay in bed hugging my Chopper plushie daydreaming about my fics. I don't want to sit at a desk for hours and hours writing about them. I want to dreeeeeeeam~~~~
Yeah, I'm horrible. sorry~
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vilevampire · 4 years
“Crushing” (One Shot)
Thank you @louyd​ and @the-writer-nerd-ro​ for helping me beta read this <3 This is actually the first fic I wrote for ducktales, so if anything’s kinda weird, that’s probably why.
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Trigger Warnings: Minor injury, hospital
Pairing: Louie Duck x B.O.Y.D
Summary: When Louie first met Boyd, he thought the boy was just an emotionless, cold-hearted machine... ...and then he fell in love with him.
9.833 words
Ao3 Link
"Hi, I'm Boyd, a definitely real boy!"
"Uh... sure you are…"
That exchange was the most of Louie's memories from the first time he had met Boyd. After Doofus Drake's birthday party, the two of them had left off on their own separate ways. And Louie hadn't given the weird robot any second thought... that was, until he met it again. "Louie, meet my friend Boyd!" Huey exclaimed rather enthusiastically. It was clear for anyone to see that he cared a lot about Boyd and wanted him and his brother to get along. Dewey and Webby were currently unavailable, and so Huey thought that Louie was the best remaining candidate for meeting him. "Hi, I'm Boyd, a definitely real boy! We've met each other before!" The child held his hand out, smiling, his voice and movements reproduced identically to the first time they had met. "...I'm Louie, but I think you already know that." Different from last time, however, Louie at least accepted the boy's handshake, just to be polite. Huey stared at their interaction in shock. He thought he had listed all the possible ways this meeting could go, and yet clearly, he had overlooked the possibility that his brother and his new best friend would somehow already know each other. "WAIT, you guys have met each other before?! When? How? Why is this the first time that I'm hearing about this?!" Boyd, his cheerful smile unwavering, promptly answered his friend's question. "We—" "We just happened to bump into each other before, that's all." …Or he would have, if Louie hadn't interrupted him with a shrug. Louie knew his brother well enough to know that he would demand a lengthy explanation of his prior meeting with Boyd and, as it turns out, he really didn't feel like explaining everything that went down at Doofus' birthday party (or talk about the scam that he tried to pull). Knowing enough about Boyd's backstory, Huey didn't buy his brother's explanation, but decided to forget about it for now. As long as they both got along well, he could get all the answers to his questions later on. With a sigh, Huey gave in: "Alright, if you say so…" he said lightly, staring pointedly at Louie with a look that he hoped conveyed a different message:"We'll talk about this later." Louie looked away from his brother's glare to play with his phone. Boyd was still smiling, seemingly oblivious to the wordless exchange happening between the two brothers. Huey cleared up his throat to speak again. "In any case, are you possibly free today, Louie? Me and Boyd were actually planning to hang out together and, if you wanted to, you could come join us! Right, Boyd?" "Yeah! We would love to have you with us, Louie!" Boyd smiled at him, looking brighter than the sun itself. Louie looked up from his phone to stare at his brother and his robot friend absent-mindedly while he contemplated the invitation. It had already been quite a while since Louie had been able to hang out with his family without getting involved in magical hijinks, and, as much as Louie would never admit it out loud, he kind of missed spending quality time with his family every now and then. Subconsciously, the young duck's gaze lingered slightly longer on Boyd. He thought that, at the very least, there would be no way he would get bored if he was going to be hanging out with a robot. Louie plastered on his signature lazy smile before replying, "Yeah sure, why not? I'm bored anyway." Both Huey and Boyd were visibly excited by this response and soon the three of them revised their plans for the day to include Louie. Before this, Louie hadn't actually realized robots even could become visibly excited. He thought maybe the thing was programmed to match the emotions displayed by the people closest to it? Either way, it was fine by him, as long as he didn't end up bored out of his skull hanging with Huey and his new friend. Huey and Boyd's plans for the day ended up consisting of a picnic in the park. Louie wasn't one to turn down free food, so he was alright with these plans, if only for the opportunity to kill some time. "Try not to eat all the food when we get there." His brother lightly teased while packing things up. Louie's only response was to nod with a serious expression. As he watched Huey and Boyd work efficiently together to pack up everything they would need, he noticed how alike the two of them were. They worked perfectly in sync to get everything in order. The duck frowned slightly at the thought. He didn't like that his brother's new best friend was some cold-hearted machine. Sure, he might joke around saying that Huey was robot-like, but he didn't mean it like that. He decided to keep an eye on it to make sure nothing would happen to his older brother. Soon enough, the three of them left off for their picnic.
Boyd set up their picnic in a nice spot by a tree's shadow while Huey babbled on about the things they had seen during their trip to Japan. Louie seemed to be only half-listening while playing on his phone.
"...You should have seen the Sakura trees! The food was great too. I think you would have really liked it there. You should come with us next time." "Mhm." Louie nodded inattentively. Huey was satisfied enough with that answer.
He knew that despite his brother's laid-back demeanor, he was still paying attention to his story. Louie was much smarter than he acted and he would never pass up the opportunity to learn about something he could possibly use to his advantage later on.
"The picnic is ready!" Boyd called them over once he finished laying down the food over the picnic towel. Louie put his phone down for the first time since they left home.
Sandwiches, pastries, pies, and desserts laid neatly arranged on plates next to a jar of orange juice, plastic cups, and a can of Pep that they brought just for Louie. They sat together in a triangle around the food and beverages and they each picked up something to eat… including Boyd.
Louie gawked as the android took a bite out of his sandwich in delight.
"Robots can EAT?! " He exclaimed, completely taken aback.
Boyd quickly swallowed up his food to reply: "Yeah! I even asked my dad to add a taste buds function, so I can even taste the food, just like you guys!" He said, looking like the happiest kid in the world.
Louie quickly glanced from Boyd to Huey, silently asking: "Dad?"
"He means Dr. Gearloose." Huey explained.
"But… do robots even need to eat?" Louie questioned again, looking over at Boyd.
"We do not, but I still enjoy it!" The boy cheerfully clarified.
"But then… isn't that just a waste of food?"
Just for a moment, Louie thought he had seen Boyd's smile falter. As soon as he blinked again, however, the other boy's expression had already returned to his usual one.
"Louie! " Huey snapped, ready to give him a scolding.
"No, Huey, it's okay." Boyd put his hand on Huey's shoulder. "He has a point."
"But…!" Huey looked over to Boyd, putting his hand over his friend's. He was hurt and upset over Louie's remark.
"See Hue? He said it himself that I have a point. He agrees with me." Louie casually gestured towards Boyd, right before taking a bite out of a flaky pastry.
"Louie! I can't believe you…" Huey looked ready to get up from his spot, but Boyd held him down.
"It's okay Huey, I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it." Boyd comforted his friend with a few pats on the back.
Huey scoffed. "I'm not so sure about that." He shot Louie one last glance before sighing and moving his attention back to the food.
With no more words, Louie quickly finished his meal, suddenly feeling annoyed. He grabbed the nearest can of Pep and got up. "I'm going home." he turned around and walked away.
By the time he got back to the manor, Dewey and Webby had just returned from whatever adventure they had gone off to earlier.
The two of them had their clothes dirty and torn in a few places, and it looked like the top of Dewey's hair was a little charred.
"Louie! Oh my gosh, you'll never believe what we just went through. We—" Dewey started talking excitedly, gesticulating all the while.
"Wait." Webby quickly interrupted him, putting her hand over his beak. "Louie, what's wrong?"
Once she said that, Dewey gave a better look at his brother and noticed his expression.
Normally, Louie would have no problem keeping up a good poker face. He could even brag and say he was much better at lying than other people twice his age. But it seemed like he wasn't expecting to find his siblings here, for his face wore an annoyed expression instead of his usual lazy one.
He quickly fixed his expression, however, lying through his teeth: "Oh, it's nothing. Just that my Pep got warm, that's all," he said smoothly, holding up the opened can.
"Mhmm… right…" Webby eyed him suspiciously. The girl might be naive at times, but she certainly wasn't stupid. After spending so much time with her brothers, she had learned to recognize when something was bothering them. "And where's Huey?"
"He's busy having lunch with his new robot." Louie rolled his eyes.
"Huey's got a robot?  Like, just for him?! Dude!" Dewey exclaimed in disbelief, right before running off to beg Uncle Scrooge and Dr. Gearloose to give him his own robot.
As for Webby, while her eyes sparkled at the mention of a robot, she was still suspicious. She felt like something was off with Louie, but he wasn't willing to share what it was. That certainly didn't surprise her, as Louie was always like this, but it was still frustrating not knowing who or what might have hurt her brother.
Eventually, though, she decided to let it go. Another thing Webby had learned after spending more time with her newest family was to not pry into other people's privacy. Her loved ones were more than competent enough to take care of their own problems most of the time. Not every single situation needed her help.
Besides, Louie was very good at keeping his secrets to himself when he really wanted to.
"Alright, if you say so… but you should know that if you ever need anything, I'm here to help you out!" Webby said, wearing a gentle smile.
Louie let his poker face fall, looking at his sister with a warm gaze.
"...Thanks, Webs." He meant it.
"No problem! That's what family is for!" She beamed, inching closer to grab him into a hug, before quickly realizing she still looked like a mess. "Oops. Guess I should go wash myself first."
"...Yeah, you should probably go do that." Louie smiled, taking a step back to make sure none of the dirt touched his immaculate green hoodie.
"Alright, we'll talk more later! YOU OWE ME A HUG!" And with that, the girl ran off.
As soon as Webby left the room, Louie's face fell, a broody expression appearing once again. With low shoulders, he stalked directly to his room for an afternoon nap.
While browsing on his phone trying his best to fall asleep, he couldn't stop wondering why his chest suddenly felt so heavy.
Over the course of the next day, Huey made a real effort to avoid Louie, who was all too happy to pretend that nothing ever happened. 
Of course, the rest of the family immediately realized something was up, but Huey refused to talk about it, simply stating "He knows what he did" when asked. Louie denied anything ever happened in the first place.
Eventually, enough was enough though and Louie figured it might not be the end of the world to apologize.
The next day, Louie woke up earlier than usual to greet Huey in the kitchen.
"Good morning, Hue." Louie said with a yawn.
Huey looked at him suspiciously while Louie sat down nearby. His brother was normally the last to wake in the family.
Louie sighed before he spoke. "Listen, I'm sorry for the way I treated your friend at the park. I didn't mean it, okay?"
Huey blinked at him, processing his brother's words.
"Are you being honest?"
"Of course I am! I swear on all my money that I'm telling you the truth." Louie put one hand by his chest and held the other up in the air.
Huey visibly relaxed upon hearing that. Before saying anything else, he finished cooking breakfast, handing Louie a plate with eggs, bacon, a fork and a knife.
"Okay then. If you're really sorry, you should apologize to Boyd too." Huey stated while taking his seat with his own breakfast in hands.
Louie froze grabbing his fork. "Is that really necessary?"
Huey looked at him in disbelief. "What do you mean? He was the one whose feelings you hurt in the first place. Of course you should apologize to him!"
"Of course, of course, it's just… what I meant to say is just that, uhm… can robots even feel anything?"
If Huey already looked surprised before, he certainly looked shocked now, with a little bit of anger seeping through.
"Boyd is not just a machine. He's a person, just like you and me."
Louie stared at him in confusion. "Is he, though? I thought I heard you say just the other day that he can fly and shoot laser beams from his eyes? I'm not sure about you Huey, but I certainly can't do that."
As much as it hurt to hear that, Huey tried to muster the willpower to not get mad at his brother. Louie simply didn't understand that despite not being human, Boyd was still his own person with his own thoughts and feelings.
He was ignorant, and ignorance was no sin, as long as one was willing to learn.
Huey stayed quiet for a while, focusing only on his food, long enough to make Louie start feeling anxious, until he finally replied:
"Alright Lou, I get where you're coming from." "You do? " "I do." He nodded. "And that's why I want you to spend more time with Boyd." Louie looked at him, confused. Why would he want him to spend more time with the robot?
Huey sighed once he saw the look on his brother's face. "I think the easiest way to make you understand how much more Boyd is than ‘just a robot' would be if you spent some more time with him." Huey put his fork down once he had finished eating. "Until then, I'm not willing to fully forgive you yet."
Louie thought about this. This… Wasn't this situation perfect, actually? By spending time alone with Boyd, he could get the robot's help in pulling one of his schemes without his brothers getting involved!
Louie smiled sweetly at his brother.
"I'll do it." "Really? I mean... of course you will. I'll call Boyd over some other time so you two can hang out together, alright?" "Fine by me, dear Hubert."
"Boyd, have you ever gone to Funso's?" "Nope! Huey told me about it though. He said it's an amazing, magical place!" "Well, let's go there then."
Boyd gasped. "Really?! You'll take me there? Yay!" The parrot started hopping around while moving his arms up and down. He seemed very excited.
Watching this, an abnormal thought crossed Louie's mind. This thing… wasn't it kind of cute?  Especially when it looked at him with such a joyous expression like that...
Louie shook his head, shooing away those thoughts. In the end, Boyd was still a robot. A cold-hearted machine incapable of thinking and feeling like normal people. He shouldn't let himself get carried away.
"Yeah, I'll take you to Funso's. Let's go." He said while walking away.
"Yeah! Okay!" Boyd gladly followed suit.
At Funso's, Louie wasn't interested in ordering the usual or trying to teach Boyd the many uses of flattery. Instead, he chose Funso's because, with a literal machine by his side, they could easily beat all of the top scores in the games and get tons of tickets!
It was a rather simple "scheme" considering the things Boyd was capable of accomplishing, but he thought it might be best to test the waters first before jumping right into an elaborate scheme that might backfire on him.
At his side, Boyd wouldn't stop gasping and pointing at different things, seemingly entranced by everything he could see. "Oh, is that…?! What is that, Louie?!" Boyd shook Louie's shoulders.
"That's the ball pit." "Is it dangerous? Is it okay to touch it?" Louie shrugged: "Probably not dangerous. And yeah, you can touch it." "Really?! Thank you!" Boyd was all smiles as he made his way over to the ball pit.
Time went by like that, with Boyd asking Louie about each thing before trying it out. At some point, he realized Boyd started pulling on his sleeves while walking around together. He found that curious, but since it didn't bother him, he chose to stay quiet about it.
Eventually, Louie directed Boyd's attention to the Skee Ball table, encouraging him to try it out, only to be disappointed by his performance.
"This is so much fun!" Boyd said happily while grabbing the tickets that were ejected from the machine. "Mhm…" Louie grunted, not looking nearly as happy as Boyd.
How could he word this… the robot's aim and reflexes weren't bad by any means, but… well, he was average. Not too bad, but not outstanding either. He was as good as any other person around their age.
"Are you having fun too, Louie?" "Huh? Oh, yeah. Totally. I'm having lots of fun." Louie snapped back to reality at the sudden question. "Are you sure? You don't look like you're having fun. You haven't even played any of the games. So far you've only been letting me try them." Boyd looked at him with what looked like genuine concern, handing over all the tickets he got. "Yeah yeah, it's all good as long as you're having fun." Louie grabbed the tickets, sticking them in his pockets.
Boyd suddenly stopped what he was doing to look at the duck standing right in front of him. "Louie…" His voice trembled with emotion. It sounded extremely real. "Thank you." Boyd offered him a sweet smile.
Louie suddenly felt a sting in his heart. He made a sour face.
"Uhmm… Louie? Did I say something wrong?" Boyd asked apprehensively. "Huh? It's nothing." "Hmm… okay then." Boyd breathed out in relief.
Before they left Funso's, Louie made sure to make Boyd try out the video games as well, to see if he might fare off better.
Alas, he obtained no substantial results.
With a disappointed sigh, he let Boyd have all the tickets for himself and choose whatever he wanted from the ticket shop.
Upon hearing that, Boyd looked happy enough to cry. While jumping up and down, he chose his souvenirs from the shop.
"...?" Louie was surprised when his phone screen suddenly became obstructed by the sight of a gray parrot plushie.
"Here, for you! I bought one for myself too." Boyd excitedly showed him the plushie of a white duck while handing over the parrot plush.
 "Oh… thanks." Louie picked up the plushie and put it in his pockets. Boyd giggled happily. "No problem!"
Boyd bought a few other souvenirs that were handed over to him in a plastic bag before turning to Louie. "Where do you want to go next, Louie?" "Uhh... actually, I think I'm gonna go home."
Louie expected Boyd to become disappointed after he said that, but instead the boy simply nodded. "Alright! I'll walk you home."
 "So... how did it go?" Huey paced back and forth in their room. "How did what go?" Louie tried playing dumb.
Huey decided to ignore that.
"Did you apologize to him?"
Right as he was about to place his new plushie on top of his bed, Louie stopped. Suddenly, he dropped the plushie and brought both of his hands to his face.
"I didn't." He said quietly. "What was that?" "I FORGOT TO APOLOGIZE TO HI— OW! " Louie cursed out loud, right before getting hit by an incoming pillow thrown by Dewey from the top of his bed.
"Keep it quiet down there! Some of us are trying to fall asleep over here. And by some of us, I mean me." He huffed.
"...Sorry." Louie said.
More quietly this time, Louie told Huey everything that happened.
Huey simply shook his head in disappointment. "Let me guess, you brought him to Funso's thinking he would break all the records and top scores?" "Weellll… maybe I DID, maybe I DIDN'T, y'know? Who's to say what I did or didn't think about at the time?" "So you did." Huey sighed. "Louie, I told you, he's not—" "Yeah, yeah, whatever." Louie quickly cut him off with a huff, much to Huey's annoyance.
Huey gave a long sigh. "At the very least, please apologize to him."
In response, Louie just mumbled something quietly as he crawled onto his bed.
He didn't really want to see the robot again, but it seemed like he would have no other choice.
 The next time he would see Boyd be one week later.
Apparently, there were two Junior Woodchuck badges that Huey was going to help Boyd with, one for camping for a whole week and another one for teaching others how to camp.
Although his siblings already knew the basics of camping, he still invited them, if not just to introduce them to Boyd.
Louie hated doing any sort of work though so he was mostly just there to apologize to Boyd.
"Hello again Louie!" Boyd waved at him as he walked closer to the duck. They were already at their planned camping spot and the sky was only beginning to turn dark. "How are you?"
"...Hey." Louie didn't spare him a single glance from his phone. "I'm good." He didn't ask how Boyd was doing either, but the other didn't seem to mind. "That's good!" Boyd simply smiled at him before going off to meet Webby and Dewey.
The three of them immediately got along and Boyd soon saw himself being flooded with inquiries about robotics and mechas, to which he answered each and every single one.
"Can you fly? Can you shoot laser beams from your eyes? Do you have super strength? What about super speed? Can you teleport? Do you have icy cold breath? Are your hands and feet detachable? Can you read my mind? What number am I thinking of right now?" Dewey babbled on. "Dewey! Can't you see Boyd is a kid just like us? Why would he be able to do all that?" Webby scolded him.
Boyd chuckled. "Actually, yes to the first three questions, no to the rest, and I'm going to guess that the number you are thinking of right now is a four." "AHA! So you CAN read my mind!" Dewey exclaimed.
Their conversation continued peacefully like that, with Boyd even giving a short display of his flying abilities, until Huey finally called out to them.
"Hey guys! I finished writing my daily journal entry, so let's get started with some camping!"
They all cheered excitedly, except for Louie, who was only half-listening.
"Now, first we're going to set up our tents, so let's get started! Dewey, Webby, please come over here. Boyd, why don't you go help Louie out?"
Louie raised his head at the mention of his name only to see a delighted Boyd walking over to him. He didn't even have to look at his brother's face to realize that he was trying to set up a situation where he could apologize to Boyd privately.
Louie, instead, pretended not to see him and simply continued scrolling through his phone. 
"Hey Louie!" Boyd quickly caught up to him. Huey asked me to help teach you how to set up your tent!" "Mhm." Louie still didn't look up from his phone.
It's not like he didn't know to set up a tent, okay? It's just that, why would he spend the time and energy doing all the work when he could convince others to do it for him?
Noticing the duck's absent mind, Boyd became interested in what could possibly be distracting him. "What are you looking at?" Boyd moved closer until his face was almost touching Louie's and he could clearly see the contents on the phone screen.
Startled, Louie quickly turned off his phone. He was very uncomfortable when people he didn't know well enough invaded his personal space, and his siblings certainly knew about that, but Boyd did not.
In his panic, he started falling backwards from the log he was sitting on.
Boyd quickly noticed it and grabbed him by the waist, holding his back upright.
"Are you alright, Louie?" He asked with a guilty expression. "I'm sorry if I startled you." "That's not the problem." Louie glared at him, clearly upset. "You're in my personal space!"
Boyd quietly gasped. He hadn't realized it before, but it was obvious to him now how rude he had been. "I'm so sorry! I—" He quickly let go of Louie's waist, only for the duck to completely fall backwards with a thud.
"Ow…" Louie mumbled. "Louie! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to—" "Just leave me alone." He cut him off.
It had technically been Louie's fault for not adjusting back to his previous position once Boyd caught him, but he wasn't willing to admit it, and he would continue to be unreasonably upset at the robot over it.
Boyd gulped. He thought he had seriously messed up. "I'm… sorry. I'll leave you alone now."
 "Boyd, have you seen Louie anywhere?"
After their conflict, Boyd decided to focus on setting up his own tent and gathering the materials necessary for the campfire. Huey, Dewey and Webby had already finished setting up their own tents as well, so the only tent left in their campsite that was still on the ground was Louie's.
Once Huey said that, Boyd started to look around.
Louie was nowhere to be seen.
He noticed a trail leaving their campsite going deep into the forest.
"I think he went into the forest." Boyd told Huey his findings.
Huey frowned. Louie wasn't the type to go on random walks without telling anybody beforehand unless he was upset. "Do you know if anything happened to Louie while he was here? Did he seem like there was something bothering him?" Boyd's expression immediately became guilty as he lowered his shoulders. "I… I think I made him mad."
He told his friend about what happened between them, to which Huey's reaction was only to click his tongue. He couldn't believe his brother could be so selfish.
Louie might be lazy, stubborn and far too scheming for his own good, but he wasn't heartless by any means.
"First of all, we should go look for him before he puts himself in trouble." Huey shook his head. "And then, he urgently needs to apologize to you."
 After a brief discussion, they decided to leave Dewey and Huey taking care of the campsite while Webby, who had night vision goggles, and Boyd, who had natural night  AND  heat vision, would go looking for Louie.
They had to walk quite a bit before Boyd's sensors started picking up on something. Suddenly, he stopped walking, turning his head abruptly in one direction. The boy's expression became visibly uneasy.
Webby noticed the boy's unrest and asked: "What's wrong, Boyd? Did you hear anything?" "I think Louie is in danger! Please, try to follow me." Sensing something was up, Boyd fastened his pace to an inhuman speed.
Only someone as capable as Webby would be able to keep up with Boyd's movements. She jumped over rocks, logs and bushes as fast as she could, but the distance between them still grew wider and wider.
They soon started to notice the tracks of a large wild animal, along with small droplets of blood scattered around. Boyd quickened his pace even further.
Eventually, they reached their destination. It was the top of a relatively small cliff, with only rocks, trees and foliage near the bottom.
Webby looked around, puffing from exhaustion. "Where's Louie...?"
Boyd looked behind him, feeling even more guilty. He would have had no trouble carrying Webby on their way to the cliff, but he hadn't thought of doing so at the time.
"I think he's at the bottom of the cliff. He's still alive, but…" The usually cheerful boy made a serious expression that did not fit him in the slightest. "I'm going to have to go there alone. If I carried you down, I wouldn't be able to bring both of you back up at once."
‘Plus, I think he might be injured…' is the part Boyd avoided saying. He didn't want to worry Webby any further.
The girl nodded. She had already deduced that the tracks they had seen earlier had likely been made by an adult grizzly bear and, although they were able to climb trees, she had the means to keep herself safe from it as long as she stayed on higher ground.
"Please… take care of my brother." "Don't worry." He nodded. "I'll bring him back safe and sound."
Boyd walked over to the edge of the cliff before taking flight.
 Louie Duck was known to be the lazy Duck brother.
The evil triplet.
People thought he was greedy, money-loving, manipulative and egotistical.
He was fine with that.
In fact, he embraced it.
It was convenient for him.
People expected less of him because of it.
Yep. He was fine with that.
Louie hugged himself tightly.
He kept repeating those words in his mind, desperately trying to convince himself.
He currently looked dirty and disheveled, his green hoodie was full of tatters, his phone was broken and blood oozed out from several cuts.
But worst of all, he had broken one of his legs in the fall.
He rested his head on the knee of his other leg as he sobbed quietly. So quietly that no one would be able to hear him, unless they were sitting right next to him.
Or unless they were a robot, of course.
"Louie?" Boyd called out to him hesitantly. He found Louie hidden in a small, humid cave that he seemingly crawled himself into.
Louie's shoulders shook. He tried to wipe up the tears from his face, but failed. No matter what, they wouldn't stop flowing.
Boyd slowly walked closer to him.
"Louie, are you—" He stopped himself. What was he supposed to ask? 'Are you okay?' 'Are you crying?' Either way, the answer was obvious just from a glance.
Boyd silently cursed himself for not bringing a first aid kit. In the first place, it was his fault Louie had gotten injured. He was the one who made him mad, he was supposed to keep an eye on him, he should have been there to protect him, it was all his fault, he—
"I'm sorry," Louie said with a hiccup. "I'm sorry". "What are you sorry for? It's my fault, I—" "No. You're wrong. It's my fault." He hugged himself even tighter, grabbing at his sleeves. "I had no reason to be mad at you, I just… I'm a horrible person, I—" He paused for a while, before whispering almost inaudibly: "I always mess up…"
Boyd watched the boy sob in front of him without knowing what to do. They weren't that close, he didn't know what to say to make him feel better.
But still, he was going to try.
He walked up to Louie and sat down by his side.
Slowly, he grabbed one of Louie's hands. When the duck didn't react, Boyd opened his mouth to speak:
"You're not a horrible person." He squeezed the other's hand slightly. "Louie, you're just a kid. It's okay to make mistakes sometimes. Everyone does."
He paused for a moment before continuing: "And, y'know, realizing your mistakes is the first step to becoming a better person."
Gently, Boyd pulled Louie into a hug.
"You're not a horrible person. I like you, Louie. I think you're fine the way you are."
At first, Louie didn't show any reaction. Gradually, he started to sob louder, until his weeping echoed all throughout the cave. He hugged Boyd back, tightly enough to make any other person run out of breath.
Boyd pat his back reassuringly. "It's okay. You're not a bad person. I like you very much, Louie. There's nothing wrong with you."
Boyd kept on incessantly tranquilizing Louie until the boy's crying eventually died down.
While carrying Louie in his arms, Boyd flew back up to the top of the cliff. Along with Webby, they returned to their campsite with no other major incidents happening.
Unfortunately, their camping plans had to be cancelled due to Louie's injury.
 "Good morning, Louie!" Louie turned off his phone to look up at Boyd, who was joyfully walking inside his hospital room. "How are you feeling today?"
Louie smiled back at him.
"I'm doing better, actually. They said they're going to let me off soon."
"Really?! That's great."
Boyd had been visiting him daily ever since he had been admitted to the hospital, sometimes along with his family, sometimes on his own. The boy would bring a different gift with each visit, usually flowers or candy bars. Today, it seemed like he had brought something different for him, however.
"Look! I brought you a friend." Boyd handed over to him a white duck plushie, the very same one Boyd acquired at Funso's. "Do you still have the other one I gave you?" "Ah… yeah, I think so. It should be somewhere in my room."
Boyd became even happier upon hearing that. "Really? You didn't lose it or throw it away?" He said while taking his seat right by Louie's side. "Huey told me that you lose your things all the time."
Louie made a bitter face as he mumbled: "Huey …"
Boyd chuckled softly. The innocent sound made Louie turn his head.
How could a machine look so... genuine?
He stared at the robot in front of him, taking in every detail, but he still wasn't able to spot a single expression or mannerism that looked faked, robotic or out of place.
He noticed the way Boyd breathed in and out, how he blinked sporadically, his soft-looking plumage, the wrinkles that were naturally a result of his smile, the slight redness spread across his cheeks… At some point, when does it stop being 'just a machine', and start to become a real person?
"Hello? Louie?" Boyd waved his hands right in front of him. "Hm? Oh." He just realized he had been staring at Boyd for quite a while now. His face quickly became tinted with red. "Sorry. I spaced out." Boyd smiled at him reassuringly. "It's okay, no need to worry about it."
Louie's only response was a small nod. He started to wonder if Boyd was even capable of becoming angry at someone.
"Hey, Boyd?" "Yes?"
Louie avoided eye contact as he began saying: "I'm sorry about earlier... I mean like, way earlier. Back at the park I… was really insensitive to you." He sighed before continuing, this time staring right at Boyd. "Back when we first met I thought you didn't have any feelings, that you were just a heartless machine… now I realize that wasn't true. I'm really sorry."
At the end of his speech, he looked downwards, quietly playing with his hands. Boyd stared at him for a while, before slowly placing his hands over Louie's and giving it a gentle squeeze.
"It's okay." He smiled at him, this time not dazzling like the sun, but instead softly and gently, much like a blossoming flower. "I know you're not a bad person. I forgive you."
Louie bit his lip to stop himself from shedding any tears. Instead, he only grabbed Boyd's hands and squeezed them back, continuing to look downwards.
For a while, they stayed just like that, stuck in a silence that was not at all awkward.
"Hey," Louie suddenly spoke up, retracting his hands. "You should give me your phone number."
In the spur of the moment, he had decided there would be no disadvantages in trying to get closer to Boyd.
Or at least, that's how Louie liked to think about it. The truth was that he simply wanted to grow closer to Boyd.
"Okay!" Much to his relief, the other readily agreed. "Cool. I'll message you once I get out of the hospital." "Okay. I'll be waiting."
 handsome_duck: hey. is this boyds number? louie here B.O.Y.D: Hello Louie!! This is Boyd! ヾ(☆▽☆) How are you? Have you been discharged from the hospital yet? handsome_duck: yeah. im doing fine now B.O.Y.D: That's great! ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆ I'm glad you're feeling better. (o˘◡˘o) handsome_duck: yea handsome_duck: thx for coming to visit handsome_duck: ur rlly nice handsome_duck: and it was way less lonely B.O.Y.D: No problem! I simply worried about your well-being. And you're very nice too! (^▽^)
Louie sighed as he put his phone away. His heart started feeling much lighter after he had properly apologized to Boyd.
His phone buzzed when he got sent another message.
B.O.Y.D: By the way, I love your username! ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
Louie chuckled before he replied:
handsome_duck: thx handsome_duck: urs too B.O.Y.D: o(≧▽≦)o Thank you!
Louie quickly pondered before adding:
handsome_duck: hey handsome_duck: do u want 2 hang out again next week? handsome_duck: i wanna make it up to u handsome_duck: yk.. for being rude to u n stuff..  B.O.Y.D: w(°o°)w  B.O.Y.D: (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ I'd love to, Louie! (*´▽`*) handsome_duck: cool handsome_duck: how do u feel abt watching a movie? B.O.Y.D: Fine by me! (@^◡^) What movie are we going to watch? handsome_duck: idk yet handsome_duck: i'll figure it out handsome_duck: and i'll msg u l8r B.O.Y.D: Okay. ( ´ ω ` )
 A few days later, Louie put on his best-looking green hoodie (they're all identical) and went to the manor's entrance hall to meet Boyd… but not before getting pulled back by Huey.
"Here, I made you a list of all the possible activities you two could do together!" He said, handing Louie a list that looked like it contained over 200+ items.
"...Thanks." Louie put the paper in his pocket without thinking too much about it.
"You got this!" Huey said supportingly, patting his brother's shoulder. Even Dewey and Webby seemingly popped out of nowhere to give him a thumbs up and words of encouragement.
...Why were his siblings acting strangely around him? Well, whatever. Louie just rolled his eyes and walked away.
Right before he left the room, Webby exclaimed: "GOOD LUCK ON YOUR DATE!!! " And his two brothers burst out into giggles.
Louie mustered all of the willpower he had to not look back and simply continued on walking, trying to ignore the heat now going up through his face.
At the entrance hall, Boyd was already waiting for him, sitting on a couch while looking around, seemingly captivated by everything he could see. As soon as he noticed Louie had entered the room, the boy jumped out of the couch and waved with a bright smile.
"Hello again Louie! How are you?" Boyd moved closer to the duck. "Hey. I'm doing fine… and I'm assuming you're doing good as well?" Louie gave the robot a good look-over.
"Yep! But…" Boyd moved even closer to him, reaching out his hand to touch the other's forehead. "Are you sure you're fine? You seem a little red, and my heat sensors are detecting slightly unusual levels of heat coming from you."
Louie quickly stepped away from Boyd's hand and insisted: "I'm fine, seriously." "Hm… if you say so."
Louie brushed it off with a wave of his hand. "Nevermind that, are you ready to go?" "Yeah! Let's go!" Boyd nodded.
They started walking side by side, away from the mansion. Louie couldn't help but notice that Boyd's walking rhythm matched his perfectly. Did he do it on purpose?
"What movie did you choose for us to watch, Louie?" Boyd hopped around cheerfully. "You'll see." Louie smiled at him.
Over the past week, Louie had been occasionally exchanging messages with Boyd and he had found out much about the robot's day-to-day life. He learned about how much he loves his father and creator, Dr. Gearloose, as well as his other parents and caretakers, the Drakes. He heard about Doofus' many struggles since he lost half of his inheritance to Boyd, as well as Boyd's incessant efforts to comfort him. Doofus would make the utmost effort to push him away most of the time, but recently he's been letting himself show more of his vulnerable side around his family, much to Boyd's delight.
In return, Louie would tell Boyd about all the exciting adventures he and his family went off to (many of which Huey had already shared before), as well as his brother's embarrassing secrets.
They had even FaceTime'd once. Louie found out that it was surprisingly easy to make Boyd laugh. In response to every single one of Louie's jokes, the robot would put his hands over his face and giggle happily.
Louie thought it was adorable, though he would rather die than admit that out loud.
That's why today Louie had picked a movie he thought Boyd would like, instead of one he would enjoy. The movie was a dramatic coming-of-age story that questioned things such as humanity, love and the meaning of life. He even managed to get front-row seats for both of them.
They bought a big bowl of popcorn to share with one another (Louie also sneaked in candy bars and two cans of Pep for them), took their seats and waited for the movie to begin.
Louie picked this movie already knowing he wouldn't like it, so it wasn't like he was disappointed or anything, but still, it was extremely boring. He usually preferred comedy films with smart plots and snarky writing. This melodrama stuff… just wasn't his cup of tea.
Looking forward to distracting himself from the movie, Louie moved his attention over to Boyd. Thankfully, he seemed to be enjoying the film much more than himself.
Boyd could be seen constantly jumping up from his seat, gasping at every revelation, be it big or small, laughing and sometimes even crying along to the movie's plot. He always with his eyes wide open and completely glued to the movie screen, only stopping occasionally to throw some popcorn in his mouth. He became so entranced by the movie that, at first, he didn't even notice Louie staring directly at him… until he decided to look over to the side.
For how long had Louie been staring at Boyd now? 15 minutes? 30 minutes? a whole hour maybe? He didn't know, but he still flushed furiously once he noticed Boyd looking back at him.
"Umm… I didn't know you... uh... I didn't know you had a crying function." Louie coughed awkwardly.
Boyd blinked, and then chuckled softly. At this point, Louie felt so flustered now that he pulled up his hoodie in an attempt to hide his face.
"Dad only added this function recently, actually." "Ahh… is that so?" "It is!" Boyd smiled sweetly at him before quickly turning his attention back to the movie while bouncing his legs back and forth.
...Why did Louie suddenly feel like there was a knot in his stomach?
 Once the movie was over, Boyd dragged Louie out of the movie theater by holding on to his sleeves.
"Oh my gosh, that was so good! So many parts had me at the edge of my seat, and the ending was so heartwarming." Boyd sighed happily while hopping around. "How did you like the movie, Louie?" "It was good." He lied without a single ounce of shame. "Hehe." Boyd giggled. "I'm glad you thought so too."
Before either of them realized it, Boyd's hand slid off Louie's sleeve to grab the duck's hand instead.
For Boyd, this wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Not only had he held Louie's hands before, he also held other people's hands all the time. He held Dr. Gearloose's hands, he held hands with Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera, with Ms. and Mr. Drake, with his brothers Doofus and Lil' Bulb, and even with Huey sometimes.
Boyd holding hands with Louie simply meant that he considered their relationship to already be close enough for him to do so.
For Louie, however, it was a different story. Just because he was okay with holding hands privately during his rare displays of vulnerability, that didn't necessarily mean that he was okay with doing it in public. He remembered holding hands publicly with his Uncle Donald very often growing up, but less so nowadays. He was fine with holding hands with his siblings sometimes as well, but they would always do so privately.
So when Louie suddenly felt Boyd's hand reach for his, he stopped dead in his tracks, unsure of how to react.
Boyd was quick to notice Louie's unrest and he immediately retracted his hand.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I should have asked first." Boyd bit down on his beak anxiously. "I'll just..." He swiftly tried to move his hand away, but found that he couldn't. He looked down to see Louie silently tugging on his wrist.
For a while, neither of them said anything. Boyd was waiting for Louie to speak, and Louie, for the first time in forever, was at a loss for words.
What was he feeling right now? What did those warm, bubbling sensations in his chest mean?
He didn't know.
He had no experience with such things.
He tried to think about it rationally.
Did holding hands with Boyd feel bad? No, not really…
Did holding hands with Boyd feel good?
He didn't know.
He really didn't know, but…
Subconsciously, he squeezed Boyd's wrist slightly, which didn't go unnoticed by the android.
Very quietly, as if he were forcing the words out, he whispered: "It's okay."
Boyd's face visibly brightened as he inched back closer to his friend. "Really?" He asked with a spirited look.
Louie gave a weak nod and that was more than enough confirmation for Boyd, who went back to being all smiles. He intertwined his hand with Louie's, who squeezed Boyd's hand in response.
Strangely, Boyd felt happier than he usually felt when he held hands with other people. He didn't quite get it, but it was fine by him as long as he could keep holding Louie's hand like this.
As for Louie… he decided that he was okay with it, under only one condition: "Please keep this a secret from my family." He mumbled. "No problem Lou!" Boyd gave him a thumbs up. Louie spared him a glance at the mention of the nickname, but didn't say anything.
He actually felt quite comfortable like this.
Boyd walked Louie home.
By the time the two of them reached the outside of the mansion, the sky was already starting to turn dark. It seemed like Louie had lost track of time while hanging out with Boyd.
"Louie." Boyd called his name shyly. "Hm?" Louie looked over from his phone to look at the robot by his side.
Boyd walked up to his front before saying: "Thank you for hanging out with me today. I always have fun spending time with you."
Before Louie could respond with "Yeah, sure, no problem.", he was astonished.
Boyd pulled him in for a tight hug.
 However, after only a second, Boyd had already moved away.
"Bye now!" And, just like that, without giving Louie the time to process anything, the android flew away.
"...What in the world just happened?" he murmured to himself.
For the rest of the day, three specific thoughts plagued his mind: 1. He had forgotten Boyd could fly. 2. The robot's body was much warmer than he expected when snuggled up against his own. 3. Before Boyd flew away, he could have sworn that he saw Boyd's face turn red.
 A few days later, very early in the morning, Louie felt someone gently shake him awake. "Psst, Louie." The duck rolled around in his bed. "Louie, wake up you sleepy head." Boyd gently whispered to him. "Unhgnh… only five more minutes please…" Boyd chuckled softly. "We don't have five more minutes, silly. Wake up!"
Slowly, Louie eventually opened his eyes. "Boyd...? How did you…?" Boyd put one hand over Louie's bill while he used his free hand to point at Huey and Dewey who were still asleep in their own beds.
Gently, Boyd turned Louie's head to face directly at the room's window, which was currently opened.
Louie did not feel very safe knowing that his room had apparently no extra magical security against break-ins, but this wasn't the time to think about that.
Tugging Louie along, Boyd held Louie close to him with one of his arms while he took flight.
The android was obviously much stronger than he looked, for he could take care of stabilizing himself mid-air even with Louie's weight easily.
The two of them did not share many words between them. Louie because he was still sleepy and honestly a little afraid of heights, and Boyd because he thought the view he was about to show him would speak for itself.
Soon enough, they reached a tall, grassy place with a perfect view of the city below and the sea to another side.
The calm ocean waves licked the sand beach, glimmering in shades of pink and yellow as the sun peeked from over the corner. Duckburg looked grand and imposing, with individual colored lights shining brightly all the way across the city.
"Oh, wow." Louie mumbled. Boyd seemed happy to hear that. "I discovered this place recently while trying out these new silent rockets my dad installed for me." He explained. "You're the first person with whom I'm sharing this."
Louie stared at him in disbelief. "Why me? Why not Huey?"
Boyd pondered for a moment before shrugging. "I don't know. Why Huey? Why not you? There's nothing wrong with you. I like you."
Louie knew that Boyd probably didn't mean anything special with that statement, but it still made him feel full of butterflies.
"Thanks." He wanted to say more, but he didn't know what else to say.
Boyd did not seem to mind it, however, as he simply smiled, sat down with Louie by his side and intertwined their hands together, bouncing his legs around.
Out of sleepiness, Louie allowed himself to rest his head against Boyd's shoulder. Boyd only looked at him without saying anything.
At that moment, Louie suddenly realized that, at some point, he had started to trust Boyd.
He gave it some thought, before quickly deciding that it wasn't a bad thing.
So he let himself stay in that comfortable position for a little while longer.
Before the sun finished rising, Boyd brought Louie back over to his room. Huey seemed to have already woken up, but hopefully, he would think Louie had just gotten up for a short bathroom break.
Boyd gave his friend a quick hug before flying off again.
 ...Things were quickly starting to get out of hand.
Every time Boyd would come over, send him a message or call him, Louie would feel a knot swell up in his stomach.
He started daydreaming much more often and he caught himself thinking about Boyd countless times.
Louie already wasn't a very productive person to begin with, but now he was having trouble focusing on other things and he had no idea why this was happening to him.
"...And that's why I called you over today." Louie finished explaining with a serious expression. Currently, he found himself in his room sitting in a circle along with Huey, Dewey and Webby. "I fear that I might have been put into a mind-controlling spell of some sort."
His siblings all stared at him before bursting into laughter among themselves, with the only exception being Dewey.
"What are you guys laughing about? What's so funny?! This is no laughing matter!" A warm blush started to spread across Louie's face. "I don't get it either." Dewey scratched his head.
"Are you kidding? Louie, you're in love!" Webby exclaimed. "Oh... Ohhhh… Well, I'm outta here then. Good luck with that." Dewey got up and left.
Louie's face was now burning with a strong tint of red. If he were to be completely honest, he would admit that he had already considered the possibility of him being in love with Boyd.
Alas, Louie Duck had no experience with being completely honest.
"Don't be ridiculous, what makes you think that?" "Um, like literally everything you just told us?" Huey giggled in amusement. "Though if I'm being honest here, I don't think either me or Webby would be of very good help to you in this case."
Webby suddenly became offended. "Wait, why not?! I know all about love! I can give Louie all the love advice he needs!" She flared up.
Huey rolled his eyes. "Yeah right. Speaking of which, how's your relationship with Lena coming around?"
Now it was Webby's turn to blush profusely. "Okay, maybe I'm not the best person to talk about this" She agreed. "But who else is Louie supposed to reach out to then if not for us?"
"I dunno." Huey shrugged. "Maybe uncle Donald? He's dating uncle Panchito, José AND aunt Daisy, right?" "You want me to ask Uncle Donald? No way. He's totally clueless." Louie cut in.
After giving it some thought, Huey agreed with him. "Uncle Scrooge maybe? I'm not really the best person to give you love advice either." Huey shook his head. "Now, if you need any help with your math homework, however…"
"Thanks but no thanks." Louie blew some hair strands away from his face. "I guess I'm gonna have to figure this out on my own."
 Boyd bounced his legs back and forth while sitting on the couch right next to Louie.
With the help of his siblings behind the scenes, he managed to get some time alone with Boyd at the manor.
"Thank you for inviting me over Louie! This 'Ottoman Empire' show is very interesting." Boyd beamed at him. Their hands were slightly touching on the couch.
In response, Louie just mumbled something incomprehensibly while pulling his hoodie over his head so Boyd couldn't see how flustered he was.
Just a few weeks ago he was completely fine with touching hands with Boyd, but now? He couldn't even think straight because of it, he was overly aware of the android sitting right beside him and the little bodily contact they were sharing.
Boyd picked up on Louie's unrest. He looked straight at him with a worried expression and asked: "Are you okay, Lou? You seem… upset." 
Louie tensed up. He didn't want Boyd to be worried. He wanted to keep things the way they were right now. But… he also wanted to say something. He wanted to tell Boyd about his feelings. He wanted to be honest, to open up to him.
He knew that Boyd would probably support him no matter what, but he still feared confessing for some reason.
He felt like he wasn't good enough for him.
Louie bit down on his beak as he struggled to speak. "Hey… Boyd?" He paused, looking straight at him. "I can talk to you about anything, right..? Like… it's okay for me to do that? And... talk about stuff…" Louie's voice trailed off as he looked downwards.
"Of course you can. I'll always be here to listen to you. You can trust me." Boyd held Louie's hand gently.
Louie retracted his hand shyly before speaking up. "Uh… okay, so, you see, the thing is… I think... I think I like you? Like, like like you? Like… love… you?" Louie pulled his hoodie way over his head, avoiding any and all chance of eye contact with Boyd.
Meanwhile, Boyd had turned awfully quiet. Louie had no idea what kind of face the boy was making, but with each silent passing second, he became more and more sure that it must be a scornful one.
There was no way such a bright, lovely boy would ever like someone like him.
Louie started to hug himself tightly. He wasn't good enough for Boyd, he was inadequate for him, he wasn't a good person, he didn't deserve to be loved, he—
Slowly but surely, Boyd lift up Louie's hoodie away from his face.
What Louie saw was an incredulous-looking Boyd, with his face bright red and his eyes sparkling like he was about to cry.
"Really?" Boyd's voice sounded desperate but gentle, tingling pleasantly in his ears. "You mean it?"
Louie nodded.
Quietly, Boyd began to sob.
And then he laughed.
He put his hands to his face with a dumb-looking smile.
"Sorry, I'm probably not making a lot of sense right now. I like you too, Louie. I love you."
Louie's brain started melting at the mention of those words. After a while, he managed to squeeze the words out: "So… does that mean we're dating now?"
Boyd giggled happily and Louie thought that his heart might stop. "I think that's what this means, yes."
"Okay. Cool."
Louie was completely devoid of things to say, but Boyd didn't mind it. Carefully, he snuggled up to Louie and held him close.
"I like you, Louie. I like you. You're the person that I like. I like you." Boyd kept repeating. Not because he was broken, but because he knew that Louie would appreciate it.
Louie reciprocated the hug. "I like you too."
They spent the rest of their day sitting close together while watching the rest of Ottoman Empire… until Louie's family suddenly walked in on the scene and proceeded to tease him endlessly.
Boyd laughed along with them.
"You're supposed to be on my side!" Louie whined. "I'm sorry Lou, I just… really like it when your face gets all flushed like that." Boyd smiled gently at him. "It's pretty."
Louie hid himself even further inside his hoodie upon hearing that.
He would rather die than admit this to anybody, but he was actually very happy at that moment.
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starlightxsvt · 4 years
Tumblr media
pairing: Jeonghan x female reader
genre: fluff, suggestive, idk what this is
warnings: cursing
word count: around 1.5k
A/N: Firstly, happy birthday to the Jeonghan, our con man. I know I'm a day late so forgive me for that. Secondly, I've no idea what the hell I wrote. I've cancelled two other drafts I wrote for his birthday cause none of them were coming together and in the end I've decided to post this shit. Anyway, your feedback would be really appreciated in this mess of a story :').
"What's Jeonghan doing here?" You hiss to Mingyu who has a hard time prying his eyes off of Chaeyeon. "I invited him. I never thought he'd actually come. I'm surprised too." He replies.
"Wha- why would you invite Jeonghan to my birthday party!" You glare at him to which he rolls his eyes, "Come on now, he's in our friend group. And college is almost over. You don't know when you'll see him again. Ogle him while he's still here." He smirks.
"What did you just s-"
"Oh come on, don't act like I don't know that he's your secret crush. Maybe make up with him and if you're lucky you'll get some good dick as a birthday present." Mingyu chuckles at your open mouth before scurrying away to avoid your wrath. You glare at his retreating figure before inhaling sharply. And before you can stop yourself, you start to look for him.
You spot Jeonghan at the large porch in the back of Mingyu's house, sitting in one of the porch seats while sipping beer. He looks dashing as always, his black hair messy, his pale skin glowing in the moonlight, his cheekbones getting a prominent shine. You sigh.
Jeonghan was an exhausting person to be around and maybe, he'd say the same for you. You've known him since highschool and after a particular incident of him spilling his banana milk all over your brand new scarf, you decided to call it war. To this day you believe that he did it on purpose because you told your homeroom teacher that he slept during his class.
After that it was like an unspoken rule- you two would bicker whenever you were in the same space. It only infuriated you that he was so good looking, smart, famous and the fact that you had some feelings developing for him. Each time you saw him with a girl you'd feel a bitter feeling all over and you could only hope that those feelings would pass over time. But no they didn't, they only grew- the small branches had formed a tree now, the roots planted deep in your heart.
"How long are you going to stand there and stare at me?" Jeonghan calls, without turning behind. You clear your throat before walking to him, "Didn't expect to see you here, fuck face."
"Can you not call me names for a day please? You're just jealous I'm good looking." He remarks drowning the can of beer.
You snort, "Haha. You wish, loser." You plop down beside him. "I see you've finished quite a few cans. What's up? Got ditched?" You poke him.
"What do you care?"
"You're ruining the mood here with all these sad aura around you. Go drink your sorrows away somewhere else, this is my party."
"Yet you are sitting with me and my sad auras."
"I came to tell you that," you scoff, crossing your arms over.
"Parties are not your thing, I know. And Mingyu wasn't shy on inviting people. It feels more like his birthday than yours." Jeonghan comments, still staring ahead. His words are true and they infuriate you. You can't help but get defensive, "What do you know, sad boy? I'm enjoying myself just fine."
"And yet you are sitting with me and-"
"Stop saying that, will you!" You snap. Jeonghan chuckles before looking at you. He unabashedly eyes you up and down, heating your cheeks up in the process.
"Nice dress," he murmurs. His words catch you off guard and you glare at him, "Stop staring at me, pervert."
"You were staring at me earlier."
"Seriously? Can you stop for one goddamn second?"
"You're the one who started it."
"That's it. I shouldn't have come here," you stand up to leave but to your utter surprise Jeonghan grabs your hand, sending your heart to a frenzy. "Wait."
You swallow nervously, heart thudding loudly in your chest as Jeonghan lets go of your hand and meets your eyes, "Sit down, I've a gift for you."
You frown, "You have a gift for me?" Jeonghan nods before sitting straight, setting down his can. "Before that, I need you to know something."
"I really didn't spill my milk all over you intentionally that day." He meets your eyes.
You can't help but laugh out loud partially because he's still concerned about that and partially because you believe he's lying.
"Listen here, sad boy, I've put that well past me. And I know for a fact you did it on purpose so don't-"
"You didn't, ___. We've been fighting over that for our whole goddamn lives. And no, I'm not lying. I've no reason to. I never cared if you told our teacher shit or not." His chocolate orbs bore into yours and you swallow. The air surrounding you suddenly becomes thick and you start to feel jittery and maybe a slight amount of guilt. Is he really speaking the truth?
"W-whatever, I don't care anymore." You say, sitting down gently beside him.
"And yet you still hold a grudge against me," Jeonghan sighs. "Besides you're not even fun to fight with."
"What did you say?"
He laughs, his eyes forming crescents and the sweet melody echoing in the air. You quickly look away before he catches you staring, "I don't have all day. Where's my gift?"
"Yeah, right." From beside him he produces a bag that you didn't notice before. He hands it to you and you tentatively peek in, half expecting a bug to jump out.
To your utter surprise, a scarf that looks identical to the one he ruined lies there. A small gasp leaves your mouth.
"I bought it that day after I stained yours. I was going to give this to you as an apology but dear lord, you were on my ass the second I got to class next day." Jeonghan speaks and a blush coats your cheek leaving you feel vulnerable all of a sudden.
"I don't know what to say," You whisper more to yourself. Jeonghan chuckles, "I know, you're touched. It's okay, we're even finally."
You bite your lip and exhale loudly before meeting his eyes, "Thanks." Jeonghan moves his hand in a dismissive wave. "I thought I'd finally give it you, call it a truce. We'll probably never see each other again after this month and I wanted to depart on good terms."
Your throat constricts, an overwhelming sadness enveloping you. He's right, you two would probably never see each other again. His dad owns a huge business and he'd probably go abroad to manage it.
"You're right, let's call it a truce," you whisper staring at the scarf in your lap.
"Come on now, don't look so sad, sad girl," Jeonghan teases you and you roll your eyes. He's still the same.
He hands you a beer, "Have a drink with me to sign the truce." You quietly laugh, taking the can from him. You two share a comfortable silence, staring at the night sky, the music from the party fading into the background until Jeonghan decides to break it.
"I know you like me, ___." The words slip past his lips like it's the most casual thing ever. You choke on your beer before looking at him eyes wide like saucers, "W-what!"
Jeonghan slightly turns to face you, his features calm, "You don't have to act. I've known all along."
Oh. My. God.
Heat spreads all over your face like wildfire. Your first thought is that Mingyu told him. You chew your lip as you see no way out. "W-who told you?" You squeak.
"I've figured it out myself," He says nonchalantly, resting his head on his hand as you stares at you.
"You-you did?"
You fumble with the hem of your dress before murmuring out, "I-I should get going." You need to escape him. Forever.
But Jeonghan isn't done. He casually goes on, "I've always thought you were pretty. Even when you get red after losing an argument." You blush furiously as your palms sweat.
"You know I really had no intention of picking a fight with you but you...you were so desperate to bring me down. You always speak too much and I often think about the many ways I could shut your loud mouth. Such a shame, we would've made a great couple."
Your face feels like it's on fire by now. You swallow before nervously laughing, "I s-see what you're doing here...You're trying to p-prank me, asshole."
Jeonghan runs a hand through his hair, sighing, "See? There you go again, running that damn mouth." Your lips press together as you clench your fists, thinking of a way out. In the blink of an eye Jeonghan scoots closer to you and leans in to capture your lips in a kiss.
A squeak leaves your mouth as Jeonghan tilts your head, cupping your cheek. You want to pull back, smack him, call him names but you can only moan as his mouth slots against yours perfectly. Your tongues clash as you grab a fistful of Jeonghan's shirt, moaning.
When you pull back for air, you're mortified, wanting to be swallowed up by the ground. Jeonghan is totally calm as he takes in your messy state licking his lips.
"Do you want to continue?"
"I said do you want to continue this? If you don't want to I'll leave. If you do then you're coming home with me. Which one is it gonna be, ___?"
You bite your lip. Oh my God. This can't be happening.
You grit your teeth as every ounce of your resolve disappears, "I...I want you."
The smile on Jeonghan's face is victorious, a smile you've seen million times before, a smile that makes you week in the knees. "Good girl." He says encasing your lips in another kiss before standing up holding out his hand. "Come along, sweetheart. I'm gonna ruin you for any other man. Even when it's morning you'll only be thinking about me," he whispers in your ear before tugging you out of the porch- your heart hammering in your chest as you squeeze the scarf on your hand.
Fuck, you owe Mingyu a fruit basket or some shit now.
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A/N 2: Also, that video of Jeonghan exercising made me 🥵🥵 this man is so infurating. I was literally dehydrated from watching that video.
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missimpyua · 4 years
Aizawa one shot (Fluff)💖 *the next one will be a smut/lemon whatever you wanna call it*
I never was a morning person. I hated mornings. Morning for me was just a mug of dark coffee and a bunch of brats to tame.
Morning was my own living hell, until i saw you.
Yes you. I never got your name. I saw you for the first time, five months ago, at the coffee shop, where i buy my daily morning coffee.
You walked in, and i saw an angel blessing the earth, by walking on it.
You were what i described, elegance and grace. Since then i felt my heart alive, and beating whenever i saw you walking, through that door.
Every morning you would buy your coffee and always something, sweet like pancakes or cupcakes. 
Every single day you sat in the same spot, the wokers already knew it. They had that table always reserved, for the cute and sweet lady, they said. Every single morning on the same seat, with the same coffee, you would bring your what i supposed it was a journal. And you wrote down, maybe thoughts and i saw the gleam in your eyes, and your slight pure smile. I wanted to make you smile like that.
I wanted to be the one to make your eyes gleaming like that.
But i couldn't. I couldn't have you, and i knew it. You weren't mine. Because you were already taken. A beautiful wedding ring on your finger, made my heart crumble but i couldn't help it either. I just did the same thing, for the last five months. Just taking glaces at you. 
Until today. 
Today you were not here. Panic overtook my heart. You were here every morning. Even weekend. 
What happened to you?
Yesterday. Must be because of yesterday. You didn't bring your journal. Your eyes weren't gleaming. Even if your face was as beautiful as ever, your eyes were sad, red and puffy. Your smile was missing, instead you had, trembling lips. 
What happened to you? Was he abusive with you? He did something to you?
"Shotaaa! Earth to Shotaa! Are you here, my friend?"
"Huh? Oh, sorry Hizashi, i was just thinking. "
"Thinking about that lady? By the way, where is she? She's here everyday at this hour isn't she?"
"Mhmm. I have a bad feeling about this."
"Who knows."
"You saw her yesterday Hizashi. She wasn't like that never. In five months since i've seen her for the first time, she was never like that. What if..."
"She has an abusive husband? Well it's better for you in a way. You can make a move and don't feel bad about it. I'm telling you Shota, go get the girl."
"You know i can't do that. Is not right."
"Yeah i know. Well i tried. "
"Let's go. It's obvious she won't be here today."
No, you weren't going to be here today. I am worried. Even Hizashi said it's odd. You were here for the past five months, everyday, and now, you were missing for already four days. Even the wokers, from the coffee shop asked about you. You disappeared.
 And my heart broke. I fell in love with you. And i don't even know your name. And now, you vanished. How can i cope, with this? You gave me the dose of life, that i needed to go through with my miserable days, and now, you left me without it. 
How cruel can life be, taking away the only thing i truly loved? An angel.
Y/N's P.O.V
I am a horrible person. How can i live like that? How can i betray him like that?
I was looking at my wedding ring, my eyes red. I wanted to cry, so bad.
I am shameless. I can't do it. I can't see that man again. So i stopped going there.
I cheated on my husband. I cheated on him by falling in love with another. Another that i don't even know his name. 
Five months ago. When i went to that coffee shop. First time when i saw him. He looked so careless and sleep deprived. I thought he is just a wierd guy.
Then with days passing, i found myself there everyday, with my journal, writing for my husband. He was there too. Everyday, every morning. 
Sometimes alone with his coffee mug, sometimes with his loud blonde friend.
And everyday, i stared and found him, more and more interesting. 
Occasionally our eyes would meet, but i looked away quickly. His mysterious behavior, just attracted me to get to know him. 
But how could i?
How could i...when in my heart was supposed to have place for the man i married. 
Why did i let myself, fall in love with another man?
"Y/N! Darling what happened to you? You are not yourself, these days."
"Nothing mom. I am just thinking. "
"Well, you are here to visit me, and you are thinking?"
"I apologize, mom. I didn't mean to be rude."
"Tell me what happened Y/N. You look like you've been crying, for days. I am worried. Your sister is worried. "
"I know, and i am sorry. But i can't help it."
"Is that man? The mysterious one, that you've met?"
My face is in pure shock, not to say beet red. 
"How? How do you know about him?"
"It's a mother thing, sweetheart. "
"Alright, alright your sister told me. Don't tell her, she will be mad."
"She, should learn to keep her mouth shut."
"Now, now Y/N, you can't blame her. She is worried sick, for you."
"I know and i am grateful for that, but sometimes, she is worst than you, mom."
"Alright then, miss, tell your mother, why are you so sad over this man?"
"I am not sad because of him. I am sad because, i am a shameless woman."
"H-how is that? Y/N, i've raised you myself. Both you and your sister. If anything, you are the least shameless woman i know. Look at you in the mirror sweetheart. You are such a beautiful and an amazing woman. Inside and out. I am proud of you Y/N. But seeing you like that, just breaks my heart."
"I am supposed to be faithful to him, mom. I am still wearing the wedding ring mom. I still love him. I will always love him, and i miss him. But that man, that man, gets under my skin every time i see him. I don't even know his name."
"It's been three years Y/N. He passed away, three years ago. Do you think Haru would be happy, seeing you like that? Look. I know it still hurts. It will always hurt. But you are young and beautiful and so amazing and smart. I think that Haru, wouldn't want you to spend your life alone. Loneliness is rough, sweetheart and when you'll grow old, you'll realize i was right."
"It hurts so much mom. So damn much."
My tears came out like a river, i couldn't stop for a while. My mother was right, i know it. But it hurt so bad. I am afraid, that once i gave in, and accept my feelings, i will forget about Haru. And my love for him.
"I know, darling, i know. But we want you, to be happy. Smile Y/N. You have a beautiful smile. Smile and make someone happy. Move on."
"What if i forget about Haru?"
"You won't. He was your first love. It just wasn't meant to be. But give yourself, a second chance and let yourself love again. You deserve it."
"I guess you're right mom. Thank you."
"Go. Don't make him wait another day."
"But wait a second. How do i know if he likes me too? What if i embarrass myself?"
"Oh trust me, you won't. Look at yourself darling. I am at least hundred percent sure, that man, feels the same."
"How do you know that?"
"Mother thing. And your sister told me she saw him taking deep glaces at you, that one time when you both had coffee there. And she said his eyes, would soften at you. So i am sure he feels the same. Go, take him."
"Alright. I hope you are not wrong, otherwise i'll die out of embarrassment."
Narrator's P.O.V
Just as second day came, you were on your way to the cafe, nervous. Would you say something to him? You had to. You promised to. It was your second chance. 
Not that Shota wasn't already there. He was there as always, waiting for your return. He had a good feeling today. So he changed a bit. Instead of his usual attire, today he was dressed in a button up grey shirt, and black trousers. His beard is gone, and his hair in a messy half bun. He had this feeling, that today he would see you. And even if you are married, he should tell his feelings towards you. He thought that it was the right thing for both you, and him.
And so you entered the coffee shop. He was already there. You didn't recognized him at first. He looked more handsome, then ever. You looked at him and he, at you. And you knew it. Your mom was right.
He looked at you, from head to toe, you were dressed as elegant as ever. A knee length dark green coat, underneath a beautiful knee length black dress. So graceful. But he saw something different today. No journal, and no...wedding ring.
You smiled at him, and for the first time, Shota knew, that smile was for him. That smile he yearned for months, that smile was now, for him.
A sudden boldness, got you and finally said something after minutes of starring at one another.
"L/N Y/N. Nice to finally meet you!"
"Aizawa Shota. And you won't believe, how happy i am to finally know your name."
"Likewise. "
You went to purchase your coffee and pancakes but your head turned around, at the handsome man.
"Love the new look. Show your face more, it's handsome."
Blushing at your compliment, he made way towards you, as he wanted to treat you today with coffee and pancakes. 
"I'll pay, for the lovely lady's coffee and treat."
You grabbed his hand and went to your usual seat. Face to face, for the first time. 
"It's a pleasure to finally be able, talk to you L/N."
" The pleasure is all mine, Aizawa!"
'I've been waiting so long to finally hear your voice, talking to me. It was fate that brought us together.' 
You both thought the same thing. It was true, fate brought you together, in that coffee shop. Fate, or maybe, a guardian angel.
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srhlsx · 4 years
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master | chapter 2 | CHAPTER 3 | chapter 4
warnings: none
Waking up in a bed that was not familiar to you, you had to take a few moments to stretch your back and neck and work out the kinks that had formed over night. A loud groan erupted from your chest, the pleasure of stretching making your eyes roll in the back of your head as you let your body wake up more. Sitting up, the soft covers slipped down your body and bunched in your lap revealing your typical nightgown.
The sound of a throat clearing across the room made your eyes blink open, your gaze shifting to see a tall figure seated lazily on a couch. His hair looked disheveled but he was dressed neatly in a pair of cropped black dress pants with a white button up tucked into the waistband. He was handsome, no one could deny that, but he averted his gaze away from your figure as he covered his mouth with a fist as he coughed.
“Well, good morning.” You greeted, a slight smirk forming on your face from the surprise of seeing him there. You took note of the folded blanket and pillow resting on the opposite end of the couch from him, your thoughts connecting. “You didn’t seriously sleep there last night, did you?”
“I didn’t think you’d appreciate a stranger crawling into bed with you,” He seemed to finally find his nerve and turned to face you as he spoke. “Especially in the middle of the night.”
“When you hadn’t come up by midnight I kind of gave up on you coming to bed at all,” You said. “Your mother made it seem like you knew I’d be staying in your room with you.”
“She’s not my mother.” He was quick to correct. “And I did know, I just got caught up with a few things.”
“Mhmm,” You hummed, lips pursing together in thought. There was something deeper going on there but you definitely didn’t think it was your place to explore - yet. “Anyways, I’m (Y/n).”
You crawled forward to the edge of the bed, extending your hand out in his direction. He hesitated a moment, face contorting into an expression of almost amusement as he lifted himself up to his feet and took a few large steps towards you. His hand completely enveloped yours as he took it in his grasp, long fingers wrapping around your own and giving it a shake. “Kuroo,” He said, then continuing with a shrug. “Or Tetsurō, whatever you want since we’re getting married.”
“That we are,” You nodded, giving him a small smile and raising an eyebrow. After a moment you sat back on the bed, Kuroo tucking his hands into the pockets of his pants casually as he looked down at you. The muscles in his arms strained against the fabric of his shirt as Kuroo shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “So, what now?”
“Have you toured the grounds yet?” Kuroo asked. You shook your head no and he nodded in response. “Your new guard can show you around. He’s waiting outside, I’ll introduce you whenever you are ready.”
“You won’t be the one to show me around?” You asked, the tone of your voice having a blunt edge to it. You narrowed your eyes slightly, shoulders slumping as you realized he was probably trying to get away as soon as possible. 
“I have a few other obligations already,” He said, eyes shifting away from your gaze. “But I’ve arranged for our dinner to be served here tonight so I’ll meet back up with you then.”
You nodded your head and Kuroo noted the sour look forming on your face, but it wasn’t like there was much he could do to change it now. “Right. Dinner.” You said, getting out of bed to pad over to the bathroom to start getting ready - not bothering to adjust how your nightgown had become skewed. “Well, you can go. I can take care of myself.”
Kuroo didn’t doubt that. He had heard plenty about the princess from Chubu and as you shut the door to the bathroom behind you he knew he hadn’t made the greatest of first impressions. Kuroo cursed to himself under his breath, hesitating for a moment, wondering if he should apologize to you but thinking better of it as he heard the shower start.
“She’s getting ready,” He mumbled to the guard standing outside the bedroom door. The wide-eyed guard nodded in understanding, his silent demeanor no surprise to the prince. “Just show her around, make sure no one bothers her too much.”
“Yes, your highness.”
You had gotten word halfway through your tour of the castle that the Queen had requested your presence. You were just about to sit down for lunch when a messenger came into the dining area, making you pause and glance over at your guard - Fukunaga - who you had introduced yourself to earlier that morning. He didn’t react other than blinking slowly, which in your mind was all you needed to know about the ‘spur of the moment’ timing of the Queen.
You followed the messenger to the far end of the west wing of the castle, Fukunaga following a few steps behind. He told you he would wait for you outside the double doors you were being ushered through, revealing not only the Queen but Alisa and a gaggle of other women as well.
“(Y/n),” You were greeted by the soft smile of the Queen as she motioned with her hands for you to step forward. “I’m sorry this is so sudden, but I thought we would want to get preparations started as soon as possible.”
You followed her gaze to a small pedestal where a woman with measuring tape was waiting. Chewing at the inside of your cheek, you ignored the growling of your stomach and nodded your head. You were sure it was no coincidence that the Queen had wanted to interrupt your meal for you to get measured.
“It’s tradition for the groom to pick the bride’s dress in Kanto weddings,” She smiled as you stepped up to the platform, letting your limbs be pulled in all directions as the women around you helped you undress. The Queen gave you a not-so-subtle glance from top to bottom, eyeing the light and colorful clothing you had chosen to wear that day. “Although for us it might be for the best, since you don’t quite dress the way we do here.”
“Dark clothes aren’t typically in fashion back home, your majesty.” You responded, sucking in a breath as the cold hands of the seamstress began taking your measurements. “It’ll take some time to get used to the change.”
“Yes, yes.” She waved off your concern, motioning for one of the women in her group waiting off to the side to step forward and begin taking notes. “Now that we have your measurements, we can start adjusting your wardrobe as well.”
“I’d like to keep some color,” You spoke to the girl taking notes, her eyes shifting between you and the Queen a few times, like she was making sure what you were saying was okay. “I’m still going to be queen of Chubu, I’d like to keep that identity.”
“Of course.” The queen refrained from clipping her words too much, opting instead to flash a closed-eye smile at you with her hands clasped in front of her. “Well, I must get going, I just wanted to make sure you were taken care of here.”
“Thank you, your majesty.” You bowed as best you could while still being pulled and pinched by the seamstress.
You watched as the Queen and her group of followers left the room, waiting until you were sure the doors were shut before turning to Alisa with wide eyes. You grabbed at her arm, making her stutter back in surprise and turn to you with concern. 
“Your highness?”
“Food,” You practically gasped. “Please, ask Fukunaga to get me some food.”
Alisa let out a loud sigh of relief, surely thinking you were going to snap at her about something else. She was glad to see that you were just hungry and unafraid to ask for food. “Right away, your highness.”
“Also,” You stopped her right as she had turned away. She turned around quickly, eyes wide wondering what else you might need. “(Y/n) is fine.”
Her smile lit up her face as she nodded, turning back around to the door and leaving you to the mercy of the seamstress once again.
“Tell me about your mother.”
Kuroo paused his chewing and looked at you sideways without quite turning his head. After a beat, his mouth started moving again and he swallowed before speaking up. “What do you mean?”
You gestured vaguely in the air to encourage him to talk. “Your mother, the first queen.” You said. “This morning you told me the queen is not your mother, but she’s been married to your father for, what? About fifteen years now. She’s really the only queen the country knows much about.”
Kuroo nodded thoughtfully, thinking to himself how he wanted to answer your questions. It wasn’t often that people asked about his birth mother since she had died some twenty-plus years ago when he was just a child. While his father’s second wife certainly helped raise Kuroo, there was always that underlying feeling of a connection never being made.
“I don’t remember much,” Kuroo said. “But I know I look like her.”
You sat back and studied the man before you, his features and the way he moved. The two of you were sitting on opposite couches in your living quarters, the low table with an exquisite spread of food before you serving almost as a barrier between the two of you. He seemed to not want to make much eye contact with you, which was a little surprising. The confident persona he created towards the general public had disappeared behind closed doors.
 “I’m sure it’s been hard,” You said as you continued to watch him. “My mother has been sick my entire life, so I guess in a sense I can understand.”
“I’m not looking for pity.” He said, glancing towards you from the corner of his sharp eyes. “I barely knew her.”
“Ah yes, there he is.” You nodded with a knowing smirk, leaning back against the plush cushion of the couch. “The strong prince, hardened by the tragedy of his past.”
“Talk about hardened by tragedy,” Kuroo gave you a look, nodding in your direction before taking a sip of his drink. “I believe you wrote the book.”
You continued to smirk at him, appreciating the way he finally seemed to drop the proper act and talk to you. “Just one chapter,” You replied smartly, making the corner of his lips twitch ever so slightly upwards. “Well anyways, I suppose it’s for the best that two people like us get married.”
“Why do you say that?” Kuroo looked at you, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees, hands folded together as he eyed you.
“We’re both obviously miserable, no thanks to our families of course.” You shrugged. “And as they say, misery loves company.”
A pause, breath hanging in the air between the two of you, before Kuroo spoke up - his eyes narrowed and studied you closely. “Are you really so miserable, Princess?” He asked.
“Are you offering to fix that, Prince?” You shot back, maybe a little more hotly than what was necessary. Kuroo quirked an eyebrow at your snippy response. You looked away from him quickly, sucking at your front teeth before responding. “Sorry. I’m still working on that.”
“The attitude or the mindset?” Kuroo snorted, a breathy chuckle leaving his nose as he settled against the back of his own couch. “Because both could use a little work.”
“You really do like poking at people, don’t you?” 
“It’s fun to push buttons and get a rise out of someone,” He shrugged casually. “People usually show their true colors when they are annoyed or angry.”
“True colors, huh? Are you trying to discover the real me?” Kuroo half smirked at your question, raising a shoulder lazily as he slung and arm across the back to the couch. You eyed him warily. “You may not like it.”
“We’ll see about that, Princess.”
TAGS: @turquoiselace @akasuns @edensxgarden @iguessimastannow @carbs-need-more-love @ack-aashi @weebartistinc @semiathleticnerdykid @foryearsnyears @kuxredere @yatoatyourservice @rirk-ke @weebintheinternet  @hajartemis @kiyobbie @aegeanblues @guardianangelswings @lukaseu @aj--honey​ @shiningstar-byulxx​
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mosh-4 · 4 years
watermelon sugar
in honor of the watermelon sugar video, here is an imagine i thought of. 
(i think we all know what watermelon sugar is about...) (;
harry styles imagine:
watermelon sugar - you listen to watermelon sugar for the first time, and it reminds you of the night that inspired it. 
warnings: slight smut?
(y/c/n) = your cousin’s name
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NOV. 16, 2019
 you and your cousin were out shopping for last minute items for your family’s thanksgiving dinner. parked in the lot of your local grocery story, you received a text from him.
 you had been waiting to listen to the song until he had time to call you. he wanted to see your reaction since he refused to let you listen to it until he could release it. Harold could be sneaky sometimes. that was one of the things that bugged you the most about him. he loved to surprise you, and with you being a fan of his work, he wanted you to listen to it when everyone else was able to.
 Harry was in LA doing promotional work for the song, and he had been busy all morning with performances and interviews. it was finally 12:35 when he was able to call you. thankfully, you weren’t in public.
 your relationship is extremely private. none of the fans currently know that you exist, but you and harry had been dating since you worked as his backstage manager for his first world tour. your job on tour was to make sure all of the musicians had what they wanted in their dressing rooms, and you met every one of their requests for their dressing room. like Harry, for example, always wanted a green juice in his dressing room before each show, and every night, you had to make sure he had a green juice. after each show, you cleaned and packed up the dressing rooms. you and harry had become close after he decided to stay at the arena later than he usually did and helped you pack up the dressing rooms, getting to know you while you worked together. 
you were the behind the scenes gal, and he was the star of the show. you loved each other nonetheless.
 at 12:35, you received your long awaited call. your cousin started her car after she loaded all of the groceries. you answered his facetime call. 
               “hey lovie,” you said as he appeared on your phone.
             “hello love,” he smiled. “how are you?”
             “I’m good.” you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “(y/c/n) and I just finished our grocery shopping. you’re still coming to thanksgiving, right?”
             “i wouldn’t miss it.”
             “sup Harold,” your cousin yelled obnoxiously at your boyfriend.
             “sup (y/c/n).” he tried at least. your cousin enjoyed any opportunity to make fun of your popstar boyfriend so she and harry constantly teased one another. she treated him as if he was already a part of the family, and it made you happy that the two could get along.
             “have you listened yet?” Harry broke you out of your thoughts.
             “nope, we waited until you could call,” you set your phone in the phone holder on the dashboard.
             “can we listen now, popstar?” you cousin sassed at him. he laughed at her name for him. she had many names for him.
             “yes, please listen.” he brushed a hand threw his hair and adjusted his phone.
 as your cousin connect her phone to the bluetooth in her car, you and harry locked eyes. he pulled a goofy grin and winked at you, causing you to laugh.
               tastes like strawberries, on a summer evening, and it sounds just like a storm…
 you and your cousin began to vibe with the song. you smiled at Harry as he watched you both intently. you listened to the lyrics closely and swayed along to the melody until you hear it. you gasp and stare at your boyfriend with wide eyes. oh, he did not.
               i don’t know if i could ever go without, watermelon sugar high.
 you’re brought back to a certain night on tour with you and harry in your hotel room. your go to tour snack was sour patch kids. he didn’t understand the obsession until that night.
               “it’s like a watermelon sugar high,” you laugh covering your mouth after just shoving an entire handful of watermelon sour patch kids into it.
           “hmm really, let me see.” he climbed onto the bed next to you and reached into your bag. he grab a measly two and put them in his mouth. you locked eyes as he chewed.
           he laughed and nodded his head. “good?” he continued to nodded his head covering his mouth as he laughed. “good, right?” you laughed as he nodded his head in agreement. “see i told you.”
           “you did. you did. now, come here.” he pulled your body flush with his. he stared at you deeply, and before he could kiss you, you shoved another bag in his face giving him a doe-eyed look.
           “they also have strawberry.”
 your face turned bright red, and you covered it with your hands. your cousin had yet to notice your reaction while she kept on bopping to the song. while you looked up and gave your boyfriend a look of “you did not” causing him to laugh. As you continued to listen to the song, you are brought back to the events that occurred that night.
               he kissed you deeply as your bodies were intertwined on the bed. the sour patch kids were long abandoned as they were thrown to one of the nightstands.
           Harry removed his shirt, and yours soon followed. one hand was in his hair while the other roamed from his hip to his ribs then around to his back. his lips moved from yours to your jaw to your neck as he began to go lower. he finally got to your chest. his hands reached around to your back, and they landed on the clasps of your bra. your eyes opened and peered toward him as he rested his head on your stomach. his eyes met yours, and his hand held onto the clasps.
           “may i?” he asked.
           you breathlessly nodded before you can register what he’s really asking. “yes, yes, you can,” you breathe out. this is the first time you would be doing this with him.
           he moves back up to the top of your chest while his hand unhook your bra. his lips move back up your neck to your mouth capturing you in a watermelon sugary kiss, and his hands move to slide down your bra straps. you move to allow him to fully remove your bra while you kiss him back running your hands through his hair.
           he began to make his way back down to your chest. his lips captured one of your breasts while one of his hands massaged the other. you let out a moan while your hands wrap themselves into his hair. he then switches to the other before moving further down to your stomach. his hands gripped your waist while he peppered kisses down your belly.
           he reached the waistband of your cotton pajama shorts. “can i?”
           his hands are holding the waistband of your shorts. he wants to take them off. you hadn’t done that yet, but you felt ready. “yeah,” you choke out. your voice was caught in your throat. you clear your throat to regain your voice. looking him intently in the eyes, you nod your head. “yeah, you can take them off.” you lift your hips as he slides your shorts off. you lean your head back as you feel his hands move down your legs.
           “i wanna go down on you.” he balls up you shorts and tosses them over his shoulder.
           “what?” you say slightly sitting up. “you want to do what?”
           “can i go down on you?” you both lock eyes. his expression was calm, as it always was. you tended to be a bit more dramatic. you had a mix of shock and apprehension on your face. “mm, what? i don’t have to if it makes you uncomfortable.” he removes his hands from your inner thighs and places them back on your waist. he begins to move up from your legs.
           you throw a hand to his shoulder stopping him. “no. it’s okay.” you advert your eyes. honestly, you don’t know why your embarrassed to admit this to him. “it’s just that no one has ever done that before.”
           “that’s okay.” he’s now kneeling in between your legs on the bed, and he leans over your body to hold your face. “we don’t have to.”
           yours eyes meet his. “we can. i want you to do it if you still want to. i want it to be you.”
           he gives you a peck on the nose. “okay, then. i will.”
           just like before, he leaves a trail of kisses down to your stomach before taking his spot in between your legs. he gently removes your underwear before grabbing your hips. you spread your legs further apart for him. he places his hands under your hips and wraps one arm around your thigh while the other lays gently on your belly. then, he placed his lips to your center bringing you to ecstasy.
 your face is a pinkish color from the blush caused by the memory of that night. the night you both had sex together for the first time. your boyfriend smirks at you as if he is remembering with you.
             “nicely done,” your cousin notes after the song ends. “loved the vibes. very fun. definitely a hit.” you stayed silent. you might have been in shock. she noticed your quiet and pink faced state. “right, (y/n/n)?”
             your eyes raised to meet your boyfriend’s again. he was on the verge of bursting into laughter. you were too. “mhmm. i agree. great vibes, haz.” you said trying to keep a straight face.
             “thank you. that is exactly what i was going for.” he said still holding eye contact with you. you all stay silent for another beat. the tension between you both was intense. neither one of you had cracked yet still maintaining your stare. he wanted you to say something. you knew what he wanted you to say.
             “i feel like i’m missing something here.” your cousin finally breaks the silence.
             you turn to her with straight face; some would say it’s your rbf (resting bitch face). “you are.” you state before turning back to the screen that encased your boyfriend. “is this about what i think it’s about?”
             “i dunno. what to you think it’s about?” he smirked.
             you finally broke. you broke down into laughter. “oh, i’m not saying it out loud.” he laughed with you. he threw his head back with his laughter and clapped his hands together.
             your cousin confused grabbed on to you lightly shaking you. “what is it? tell me? what is it?”
             you shake your head as you continue to laugh. ignoring her, you laughed looking back up to him. “you wrote a song-“ you giggled. “you wrote a song about trying watermelon sour patch kids for the first time.” you lost it again. you couldn’t tell if it was because of the tension of the whole situation or if it was because you actually found it hilarious, but you couldn’t stop laughing.
             he leaned forward back to the screen. his chin rested in his hand while his finger tapped on his lips. “hmm,” he thought out loud. “that, among other things.”
             you laugh got caught in your throat. “what?” your cousin asked confused. she began to replay the song.
             “i’m gonna go. I am heading back to the house so i can pack for this week. okay?”
             “mmhm. call me later?” you respond. you and (y/c/n) had to head home too. you had milk and ice cream that needed to be refrigerated.
             “will do. enjoy the song.”
             “will do.” you nod. “haz, it’s a great song. it’s gonna be huge.”
             “thank you, love. i love you.” he blew you a kiss.
             “love you too, popstar.” your cousin shouted.
             “bye (y/c/n). love you too.” you laughed at the two.
             “bye, be safe. i love you,” you tell him.
             “you too.” he blew you one last kiss before the call ended.
 you took your phone off the dashboard as the song played for the fourth time.
             “sooooo,” your cousin said watching you while you sat staring blankly out the windshield.
             “i can’t believe he wrote a song about us having sex.” you mutter in a monotone voice.
             your cousin burst into laughter cackling like a mad scientist. “oh my god, what even?” she laughed even louder while you gave her the evil eye.
             “it’s not funny.” you crossed your arms and glared.
             “it is,” she laughed wiping tears from her eyes. “oh it definitely is. that’s what you get for dating a popstar.”
             “whatever,” you turned toward the passenger window shaking your head. you smiled to yourself as you listened to the song for the fifth time.
hope you enjoyed  (; - mosh
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demisexualemmaswan · 4 years
till the summer comes again
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Summary:  “I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, "Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.”- Lewis Carroll Emma has been dating Killian for two years, and since then their family unit has only gotten closer. But that could change with the arrival of Eloise Gardner, Killian’s ex. Oh, and has Emma mentioned she’s pregnant? Not exactly. A sequel to six impossible things before breakfast. 
[Read on Ao3] A/N: It is 10:40pmEST on my posting date for @csjanuaryjoy​ and here I am getting this right under the wire. I did not intend to be posting this late, nor did I necessarily intend to write a sequel for a fic that I wrote two years ago and quite frankly had no intention of continuing. But here we are.  At any rate: enjoy this CS January Joy fic!  --
Emma stared at it for what felt like a minute, and then looked at the other one just to be sure.
And then she picked up the third one just to be safe.
A veritable tempest of very conflicting emotions all swirled within her. Joy. Excitement. Nervousness. Dread. Fear.
She nearly grabbed her phone to text Killian to tell him right away, but a wave of nausea was stronger than all of it and she put her head in the toilet. “Seriously?” she complained, her hand curling protectively over her stomach. “Your brother Henry wasn’t like this, you know,” she admonished softly.
“Emma?” A hesitant knock sounded at the door, and the timid voice of Alice, Killian’s daughter, wafted in gently. “Emma, are you sure you’re okay? I’m sure Papa wouldn’t mind just bringing some Granny’s home if you wanted to stay in. I could make you some tea while we wait.”
Emma closed her eyes and considered her options as she kept her head pressed against the cool porcelain. On the one hand, staying at home sounded nice. On the other, Henry and Alice cherished family dinner night at Granny’s. They would certainly be flexible if Alice’s concern was anything to go by. But Emma knew that with the teen years on the horizon, they would only get so many more of these together.
“Emma?” Alice repeated.
“Mom?” Henry’s voice joined Alice’s.
“There is no need to get the Spanish inquisition together,” she told them, sitting up. “Something’s not sitting right with me, but I’ll get some soup at the diner and it’ll be fine.”
“Why don’t we go to the diner, make the order to go and then bring it back?” Henry suggested. “That way Mom doesn’t have to sit so long but we can still go!”
“I’ll text Papa!” Alice said excitedly, and Emma heard the thump of her footsteps as she sprinted away from the bathroom door.
Emma just smiled affectionately, even though neither of her kids could see her. She had to stop that thought for a moment, reflecting on how much had changed in the past two years. Ever since that fateful incident with the bullies, she and Killian had worked and built a relationship and a life together.
They’d bought a bigger apartment together, although with two almost teenagers and now a baby on the way she’d have to reconsider her whole living situation and maybe they’d have to buy a house.
She loved the life that she and Killian built so far. He was attentive, caring, and so good with Henry. And she’d come to love Alice’s tender heart, her creativity, and her sweet tooth. Though she hadn’t articulated this to Alice or Killian yet, admittedly too afraid to break the contentment she finally experienced for the first time in her life.
Emma knew, logically, that both Alice and Killian’s hearts were big enough that this would only strengthen things and not break them, but the little lost girl that lived in Emma’s brain loved to remind her of Neal at every opportune moment and stop her from feeling secure in her relationship.
She was working on this. With Archie every week. Sometimes Killian was there and sometimes she was alone. But she was working on it every day. And she wasn’t alone and her relationship baggage. Killian had told her about Milah, who was not Alice’s mom but had been sleeping with him while she was married and that ended poorly. She could see it in the way Killian’s jaw clenched whenever Alice’s mom came up in conversation.
Alice had stopped asking after a while, but the weight of her mother and the unanswered questions sometimes hung in her interactions with Emma.
 “Emma?” Alice had returned to the door.
“Mom, are you dead?” Henry asked worriedly, jiggling the doorknob.
“I’m okay,” Emma called back. “I just…needed a minute.” She quickly cleaned up the mess up so the kids wouldn’t stumble upon the pregnancy tests by accident. She opened the door and soon had her arms full of two twelve-year olds, who she squeezed close to her. “Hey, it’s okay. We’ll still have family dinner, just like always,” she hummed. She leaned over and kissed the top of their heads. “Now go get your shoes.”
Henry dashed away to go get his shoes, but Alice stayed curled in close to Emma for a moment longer.
“You okay, star?” Emma asked softly. Alice smiled a little bit against Emma’s side. The one time Emma had called her “starfish”, Alice had made it abundantly clear that she was only her father’s starfish. So Emma had compromised and asked how she felt about star. So Emma’s star she became.
“Mhmm. Just glad you are too,” Alice said softly, gently squeezing her.
Emma’s nausea greatly protested at the action, but she wouldn’t dare let it show on her face. Alice clearly needed reassurance, which Emma was more than happy to give. “C’mon, let’s go get see your Dad, hmm?”
Alice beamed up at her and raced off into the other room. Emma couldn’t help but smile, knowing that in her heart of hearts that Henry and Alice would be incredible older siblings.
But first she had to tell them.
As per their usual tradition, Alice and Henry went scampering off to the jukebox to play some songs, but Killian said that since they were only picking up food to go that they needed to compromise on the song choice rather than switching the two.
Over her shoulder, she could see the two kids having like a good natured argument as they flipped through the song choices. Warmed in thought, she swiveled on the counter stool to look at Killian.
“Are you sure you’re feeling all right, love?” Killian asked worriedly, his hand gently cupping her face.
Two years ago, she certainly would have no idea how integral Killian would become to her well-being. And it wasn’t bad before when she lived alone. She could take care of herself fairly easily and her son.
But to have a true and equal partner, who she could depend on and support, fall back on and push up when they needed meant more than she could say. For the first time in a long time, with Killian,  nothing ever truly felt like that much of a struggle. Sure there were arguments and tension sometimes, but with Killian…she didn’t feel like she was white knuckling her grip through life.
Except for the fact that she was white knuckling a napkin in her hand right now, but that was more from nerves because she wanted to keep things the way they were. They’d never talked about kids, though they were both fairly young parents.
Another child wouldn’t be completely unreasonable.
“Love?” Killian’s voice brought her back out of her head. “Is everything okay?”
Looking into his eyes, Emma was warmed by the love and support she saw there. “Yeah, uh…” she started shyly. Her heart began to pick up faster and faster in her chest. “There’s just…something I need to tell you?”
“You know you can tell me anything,” he murmured, kissing her forehead. She smiled and dropped her head, smiling at her lap.
“Yeah, I know,” Emma laughed softly. “It’s just…” She picked her head back up, only for her smile to fade. Killian’s jaw was clenched tightly and his eyes blazed as he looked beyond her. “Killian?”
“What the hell are you doing here?” Killian snarled, jumping off his stool and striding toward a woman who was now standing near Henry and Alice.
“Hello, Killian.” The woman’s voice seemed pleasant enough, but it struck a chord with Emma in a way she did not enjoy. She leaped off her chair and ushered the children in close to her. The woman narrowed her eyes at Emma. “Who is this? And why is she near my daughter?”
“Your daughter?” Emma repeated, dumbfounded.
“You lost every right to call her that over a decade ago, Eloise,” Killian growled, effectively putting himself between Eloise and Emma. “She’s my daughter. How did you even find us?”
“I was interested in getting to know my daughter a little bit better,” Eloise replied, that too pleasant voice still grating on Emma’s last nerve. “I’ll certainly be seeing you all very soon.”
Emma felt Alice’s quivering against her side, and she held the girl a little bit closer. “It’s okay,” she whispered, watching Eloise’s retreating form. “You’re okay…”
“Papa?” Alice asked gently, gingerly peeking her head around Emma. “Papa, is she really my mother?”
Killian sighed, running a hand through his hair, clearly taking in the confused and devastated look from his daughter. His gaze met Emma’s, looking for a courage or absolution, she wasn’t sure quite which. But she was more than happy to grant it to him.
She certainly was no stranger to shitty exes.
So she nodded and gave him a small smile, doing her best to communicate with him that it was okay, that they would work through this new trial together.
Killian exhaled calmly, and a little smile crossed his face as well.
When they got home, Alice and Killian went to Alice’s room to talk privately.
“Shouldn’t this be a family conversation?” Henry asked worriedly. “What if she comes back when Alice and I are at school or something?”
“It is not our place to demand to be a part of that conversation,” Emma said patiently. “If Neal came back, do you think you’d want Alice to know right away or would you rather talk to me first?”
“I’d definitely want to talk just us first,” Henry admitted. “But I’d still want to tell Alice.”
“I think she will,” Emma laughed softly, kissing his head. “Just give her some time. It’s…it’s hard for her.”
“So what can I do, Mom?” Henry asked, his gaze flickering to Alice’s closed door. “Alice is my best friend, she’s practically my sister. I don’t want her to feel like she has to do this by yourself.”
She proudly smiled at her son, her heart near fit to burst. Henry’s acceptance of Killian only reaffirmed that he would make a fantastic older brother to his new brother or sister when the time came. “They really are our family, aren’t they?” she asked softly.
Henry nodded, grinning from ear to ear. “Nice of you to catch up,” he teased, his hazel eyes sparkling with mirth. The joy faded for a moment when he added, “But seriously, Mom? How am I supposed to help her?”
Emma reached across the table to hold her son’s hand. “I think you just ask her how you can best support her and follow her lead. She’ll tell you whatever she’s ready to tell. And if she doesn’t want to talk about it and not want to think about it, then you can distract her and make her feel better.”
Henry thought over this advice before hugging her again. “I love you, Mom.”
“Love you too, kid,” Emma said softly, kissing his head as she cupped the back of it. “You know you’ll always be number one in my life?” she asked him.
“Yeah,” Henry said. “But I can make room for some other people if need be.”
“Good,” Killian replied softly. “The Jones are quite so lucky to be loved by the Swans.”
She was so focused in giving Henry advice that she didn’t even see Killian enter the room until Henry got up to hug him tightly. Killian squeezed him before adding roughly, “Alice is playing Smash Brothers if you want to go play with her.”
Henry dashed off, leaving the two adults in the room alone.
Killian was quiet for a moment before he gently pulled Emma into his arms. “I don’t think I tell you what a good job you’ve done with him on your own,” he told her softly against her hair. “He’s an incredible young lad and his heart is so big…he’s really become such an incredible man without the presence of Neal…”
“He’s so lucky to have men like David and you in his life,” Emma murmured, wrapping her arms around him to give him all the comfort he could want. She held him for a moment longer before asking, “So, how can I best support you, Killian?” He took in a shuddering breath and she squeezed him.
“Whatever your history with that woman is, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” Emma promised softly against his skin. “You know I��m always going to see the best in you.”
“And I you,” Killian promised, kissing the top of her hair. “Can we…can we go to the couch?” he asked and she nodded, gently pulling him along to the living room. She sat, and looked back at Killian and tilted her head as he watched her appraisingly. “Are you feeling better? The kids were saying you were poorly.”
“If we’re gonna do some sharing, I can share after,” Emma said, her heartbeat picking up again as she thought about telling him about her pregnancy.
Killian sat across the couch from her and gently took his hand in hers. “I…I was young. Just broken up with Milah and just…not wanting to deal with the pain of losing her. So I was a bit…promiscuous, thinking it would just make it stop hurting.”
“I’m sure you never ran in short supply,” Emma teased lightly, just wanting to see the smile back in his eyes.
He huffed a laugh and gave her a small but cheeky smile. “Aye, my partners certainly never complained except if they were telling me not to stop.” She smiled and gently squeezed his hand again. “And one night I met Eloise at the bar.”
He stopped, looking down again. Her thumb gently dragged across his knuckles and she waited for him to speak again. She didn’t say anything, just kept the drag of her thumb across his knuckles consistent.
“I didn’t…I wasn’t…” Killian sighed. “I thought I’d made it clear that I didn’t want anything beyond a one night stand. But she kept coming to the bar. Or my coffee shop and…and she was a distraction. We didn’t do much talking. And it felt good…”
“But she kept pushing your boundaries and you were so hurt, and she made you forget that you hurt that it didn’t seem important to reinforce them,” Emma blurted out, guessing the story. His eyebrow raised a little and he pulled her into his lap with a strained laugh. “Trust me, babe,” she replied. “How do you think I ended up with Neal?”
Killian nuzzled her shoulder for a moment, as if to soothe the sting of the past. “It gets worse,” he admitted quietly. “She…she kept seeking me out to get pregnant on purpose. So she could trap me with her.”
“Oh my god,” Emma breathed in deeply, looking over her shoulder quickly to make sure Alice didn’t hear that part. “How did you get out with Alice?”
“A few weeks after Alice was born, I came home and she was just…gone. She left a note saying she wouldn’t be bound any longer and good luck,” Killian said wryly. “Little did she know that she gave me the greatest blessing of my life and it led me to the second greatest blessing of my life.”
“Granny’s?” Emma teased weakly, resting her head against his.
“Aye,” he laughed, kissing her shoulder. “Granny’s.” He closed his eyes for a moment, and her entire body seemed to relax in his hold. Even her nausea seemed to settle, knowing that he was here and holding her. “Is there something you wanted to tell me, love?”
Suddenly Emma’s whole world crashed down her ears, and her old wounds came kicking and screaming to the surface. She couldn’t possibly tell him right on the heels of that. What if he really wouldn’t be happy about having another baby? What if he thought she was trapping him just like Eloise did with him?
“Just that, um, I might take a personal day tomorrow so if you wanted to take Alice out of school, she and I can have a girl’s day,” Emma said softly, curling into him, hating how her nausea had returned full force.
Killian stilled, eying her again. After a moment, he seemed satisfied with what she’s said and relaxed as he held her close to his chest. “I love you, Emma,” he murmured softly. “So much.”
“Yeah,” Emma replied hollowly. “I love you too.”
Emma made sure to make Alice’s favorite breakfast—sunny side up eggs with a side of scrambled toast and orange marmalade—before the girl woke. She even made a plate for herself, delighted that her future child would give her something to eat.
When Alice walked into the room, her eyes lit up at the breakfast. “Is this for me?” she asked excitedly.
Emma laughed. “Of course. I figured you’d like your favorite breakfast on your day off,” she said, pushing the plate toward Alice.
“Your stomach seems to enjoy the marmalade,” Alice giggled. “I told you marmalade is great!”
“When you’re right, you’re right,” Emma said fondly. “Well, today is your day and we can do whatever you want?”
“Whatever?” Alice asked hopefully, her blue eyes sparkling with joy. “Anything I want?”
“Yeah, it’s a self-care day!” Emma laughed. “So you tell me what you want to do today and we’ll do it!”
“Can we go to the library?” Alice seemed to get more excited by the minute. “And then the bakery?”
“You got it, star,” Emma said softly, grinning fondly. “And if you wanna talk, that’s okay. And if you don’t want to talk, we don’t have to do that either.”
The use of her nickname made Alice pause, picking nervously at her crust. “Emma?” she asked softly. “If…if Eloise becomes part of my life…am I still your star?”
“Of course,” Emma replied without any hesitation. “You’re my star, and yo—I mean Eloise can’t take that away from us. And just because she gave birth to you doesn’t mean she has to be part of your life if you don’t want her to be.”
“Will you get jealous if I do?” Alice asked quietly, still picking at the crust of her toast.
“I mean, I’ll miss you if you choose to spend more time with her,” Emma said honestly. “I like hanging out with you. Video game nights with you and Henry are my favorite. But also…if this is what’s going to make you happy, then of course I’m going to support you.” She leaned over and tapped Alice’s nose. “Besides…you have your father’s heart. I know you have plenty of love in your heart.”
Alice looked at her, the same way Killian had the night before. And then she gently leaned over to hug Emma tightly. “I love you, Emma,” the girl promised.
Emma would definitely blame the pregnancy hormones for the way she teared up and held Alice even closer to her. “I love you too,” she whispered. “And I can’t wait to spend the day with you, star. Should we go to the library first?”
“Yeah!” Alice said excitedly and bounded out of the room with unbridled enthusiasm.
Emma worked on getting dressed, pausing only once to run her hand over her bump, before heading out with Alice. She was relieved to see Alice’s viviacious spirit returned as Alice talked about all the books she wanted to read, what books she’d been waiting for, and what books the girls in her class were reading.
They were only a few blocks away when Emma had the strangest feeling something was wrong. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Eloise following them, but Emma made sure that she kept Alice close.
She wasn’t entirely sure why Eloise was so close, and she hoped it was a coincidence. The lack of formal channels or communications made her nervous and Emma was worried about making a wrong move.
“Emma, can we go to the second floor first?” Alice asked, gently tugging on her hand. “That’s where are the old books are!”
“Lead the way,” Emma chuckled warmly. She made sure to duck around some shelves when they entered to see if Eloise was still following them. When Emma didn’t see her on the second floor, she let out quick sigh of relief, and watched Alice scamper down the aisle.
And then something collided with the back of her head and everything went black.
Emma had the faintest memory of weakly calling for Alice, for her daughter, faces swimming around her while her hand stayed firmly around Alice’s and then everything went dark again.
But she knew she was in a hospital bed now, she recognized the beep of the machines anywhere.
“Of course I want to bloody press charges!” Killian’s voice was a little too loud, but she was thankful that he was there. If he was with her, it meant Alice and Henry were safe. “She hurt Emma! She was going to kidnap Alice!”
He sighed, deflating a little bit at whatever response David gave him. “Yes, I can bring her down tomorrow to be interviewed. Emma is gonna need some rest…your detectives will have to come here, as Emma’s under observation for another day or too…”
Emma forced her eyes open and gently squeezed his hand. Killian’s head snapped toward her and his eyes filled with tears. “She’s waking up. Tell Alice and Henry that we love them so much and it’s all going to be just fine. Yeah. I’ll speak to your later Dave.” Emma couldn’t even get a breath in edgewise before Killian frantically pressed his lips to hers. “Hey,” she rasped softly. “I’m okay.”
“Aye, I know,” Killian choked out. “Eloise is my…but I still…and then the doctor told me that you…” His eyes searched hers and he realized. “That’s what you wanted to tell me yesterday, wasn’t it? That’s why you were ill…”
“I’m sorry,” Emma said quietly. “I was so scared that after seeing Eloise you’d think I was trying to trap you in a life with me.”
“Emma,” Killian whispered softly, crushing his forehead against hers. “How could you possibly think that I’d be trapped in any kind of life with you? I love you more than anything besides our children.”
“Old wounds,” she replied softly. “Between the first time I did this alone and Eloise making an untimely reappearance I just…my fear got the best of me. I figured I could wait until things settled down before telling you…I’m sorry if I hurt you.”
He laughed wetly, gently pebbling her face with kisses. “Emma…you are such an extraordinary woman. My ex attacks you, and you’re still apologizing to me.”
“You do deserve an apology,” Emma said tiredly. “I hurt you but in a different way…”
“You didn’t hurt me,” Killian promised. “You were trying to protect yourself from being hurt, and I’ll be honest…if you told me last night, I would’ve had a meltdown.” He nudged his nose gently to hers before kissing her cheek. “But if it means that much…you’re forgiven, love. I’m just so happy you and the babe are safe.”
“How are the kids?” Emma asked weakly. “How did Alice get away?”
“She started screaming bloody murder when she saw it happen,” he explained, his fingers dancing gently across Emma’s skin with the utmost love and reverence, and maybe to reassure himself she was still there. “And the librarian knew you were her mother, rather than Eloise who tried to tell the police that her daughter was having a psychotic break.”
Emma sat up abruptly, torn between the desire to find her daughter and comfort her and find Eloise and just start swinging. Killian seemed to read her mind and gently placed his hand on her shoulder so she’d rest again.
 “So just to make sure…you’re okay with having a baby with me?” Emma asked.
“As if flowers mind the summer sun,” Killian replied tenderly.
“Well, technically too much sun tries up the flowers and—” He silenced her with a kiss that had her smiling against his lips. “Point taken.”
“Should we start thinking of names?”
But it was Alice and Henry who had named their little sister when she came into the world seven months later. They named her after the thing that they always got from being with one another: Hope.
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calypsoff · 3 years
Ninety One. Part 2
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Rylee is really giving the most snuggles, my whole heart is filled with so much love. She hasn’t moved her head back at all, I feel choked up. Lightly touching her bare back, she just wants some love, and I don’t blame her. My daughter is just growing up right before my eyes and those weeks I missed I feel like I have missed a lot, like with my daughter just making these little noises now, this is her communicating with us. Her strength to hold her own; I missed these precious moments and that’s on me, I am glad I haven’t missed her crawling because that is something major to miss. Rylee lifted her head up, her hair is everywhere like all over “boo” I said, Rylee’ smile grew and then looked away from me at the window, she is just so happy. To see my child happy makes me happy and I am honestly emotional about this, all I want is my daughter to be ok. I made a big mistake in life, I made the mistake of being away from her and missing it, I stressed her out, Robyn out too with no help. I could have at least took Rylee for a few days, staring at the side of her face. She is just staring outside “you can’t wait to see outside huh? Is it interesting” she turned her head to me and then attacked me again, resting her head on my shoulder “aww” twirling around with her in my arms “I love you so much” her giggles just went straight to my heart, imagine if I couldn’t have hear that again. Her giggle “I love you so much” I said in a whisper again “she is so happy isn’t she, I can’t wait for her to be able to go home. Just so she can be in her own bed too, just be a family again” nodding my head “I can’t wait for that also, it’s been a while since. Also the bedroom is clean” Robyn’ smile grew “oh yeah?” Nodding my head “mhmmm, you can sleep on the couch” I scoffed “I am pleased to hear” she walked off, Mel is just looking laughing “you’re just trying so hard” Mel can see it “exactly, I am trying” I laughed, I will get there with Robyn “baby number 2 might be on the way with you two” Robyn scoffed “no way, I am not having no more babies, not with him anyways. Have you seen the size of the babies I have with that” she pointed at me “Rylee baby she doesn’t mean it at all, she’s trying to get some attention” Robyn just wants me to bite, I ain’t taking the bait.
I just went out for a cigarette, with Mel of course she is here with me but she’s going now so I am waiting for the Uber for her “I wanted to say, can you like do the house all nice for me. Like a welcome home thing for Robyn and Rylee, mostly Rylee but I want it to be like a little get together for them both, welcome them both back and also that Rylee is ok, the main thing was that my daughter got out of this but if you can? Please” Mel cooed out “I will, I will get people together. I will be more than happy to do this, to see how much of a shit time my sister has had I would love to do that for her, I mean no offence” nodding my head laughing “none taken, I know I am to blame with most of it but thank you. I really need to make Robyn like me again, you know?” Mel shook her head, the Uber pulled up in front of us “like you? She loves you; she is teasing you so much, she just wants you to keep biting and just give her that attention, trust me. She loves you, just don’t do it again. It’s not worth it Chris, what you have with my sister you are so lucky, you both are. The love is so pure, and I just want you to use your brain, nobody out there is happy for you, I promise you this Chris, they aren’t, they rather you fuck up. A lot of men wanted the woman you have, remember that, just be good” Mel pulled me into a hug “have a nice night, I hope to see my niece at home” nodding my head smiling “I hope so too, I want that” I like Mel, I always have because she rides for Robyn a lot, that’s real ass loyalty and I want that myself.
Rylee is getting too used Robyn singing to her to sleep, every night Robyn is doing it but I don’t think she minds “I wanted to ask” my head propped up laid out on the bed “what song would you sing to me, if you was singing me to sleep?” I have to ask “I like the short shorts” I pointed, Robyn let out an oh and untucked the tee, but she knew she had it tucked “mhmm, what song would I sing to you” she said to herself, watching her pass by the bed. She got me hooked “But baby, don't get it twisted. You were just another nigga on the hit list, tryna fix your inner issues with a bad bitch” she sang with the biggest smile on her face “uhhh?” I said confused “didn't they tell you that I was a savage” she sat on the bed to lay down “fuck your white horse and a carriage” she turned to me, propping her head up also facing me “nice?” She smirked “new song” I questioned, she shrugged looking around my face and then down to my neck “I guess” she hooked her finger onto my chain around my neck “you took this?” Nodding my head “I can tell it’s mine, it looks sex around your neck” she let the chain go and the dragged her nail up my neck, oh my god I want her so bad, licking my lips bringing my head close to hers. I was going to kiss her but instead I nuzzled my nose against her forehead “I want you so bad” I admitted, I do “I can tell” I just obey her rules, moving away from her and off the bed “I’m going to pee” we are at the hospital still, so I need to be good.
Fixing my dick in my sweatpants as I made my way back to the bed “was it good?” Robyn asked, pulling a face laughing “what was good?” I don’t know what she is on about “show me your dick?” I froze midway of grabbing my pillow, is she crazy “be quiet” throwing my pillow at her head “ass” she moved it back “you just jerked off, I can tell; you’re flustered. All time low you know, jerking off in hospital” sitting on the bed laughing “you’re nasty” fixing the pillow behind me before laying down “anyways, you know I have been quiet with social media and everyone” Robyn moved closer to me, her shoulder just on mine, her head merely touching mine “so I took this picture when Rylee and you was looking out of the window, and I wrote. This” Robyn didn’t even let me finish looking at the picture “Hardest part of my life was to see my child in pain, to see her smiling and showing so much love has warmed my heart. I am happy to have my family back together, thank you for all the love and concern” Robyn read out, I cooed out “can I see the picture please” Robyn’ head is all against mine “here” looking at the picture, it’s Rylee and me. She is looking out of the window, looks like Robyn is taking picture from behind now “I like it” I really do “thank you, I am happy she is back with us Chris, my whole heart” nodding my head “same, tomorrow will bring us more joy” she knows it, I can’t wait for us to go home.
Rylee is very happy this morning, I think in my heart she can go home so we are just waiting for the doctor to say yes she can go. All I want is for my daughter to be home with us, it’s time for us to rebuild us and to rebuild our little family home but it won’t be anything without my daughter “she has a personality on her” Myriam stepped back from Rylee, licking my top lip smiling “yeah, she gets it from me” Robyn said, looking at side of me at the blatant lies “she is so sweet, but on that note I am happy to discharge her. Slight chestiness but it’s not disrupting Rylee from breathing at all, she will be ok so yes she can go home” Robyn and I gasped “yes!” I spat, it was like it was nothing as Robyn and I hugged each other “so yes it’s good news, I think I will do a follow up a week later but she is ok to go home and make all the noises she wants at home” I am so happy “this is the best news, it really is” I think the excitement got the better of us, moving back from the hug laughing “thank you” shaking Myriam hand “no problem, she is precious and as I said before. This is not just Rylee, don’t ever feel like it was your fault, parents can only do their best. I say this to all my patients, good luck with her” Rylee wants to grab everything “thank you” I said to the nurse with her “pookie! You’re going home” picking her up.
It’s wild that anyone would want to wait outside a hospital for a child, like it’s weird to me “I find it so weird to be out of the hospital” Robyn said in the backseat “I have been living and breathing, eating, sleeping in there so it’s weird” I can imagine, putting my window down “the SUV will drive out first, then you. I will meet you out there, I will then get in your car. The SUV behind will then pick up the rest of the bodyguard and then we are good to go” Rich said, rubbing the side of my face “cool, is it bad out there?” seems it, Rich gave me a look of annoyance “how did anyone know about Rylee leaving, I don’t get it” putting my window up “the nurses, I just know it. It will be one of them, sold it for a couple of bucks but they will need it when I am done” my hands gripping the steering wheel, the barrier went up, I mean it’s private entry but it’s out there. The SUV ahead of me drove off first and then I of course drive off “be careful Robyn said” I mean I will be as careful as I can with this, the SUV abruptly stopped and then honking went off, seeing the gang of paparazzi rush over. Bodyguards just moving them away “drive! Go” Rich said to the SUV ahead of me, but I think the SUV ahead has people there blocking “fuck” I said under my breath, we are just stuck here “thank god” I revved my engine, they are all on my car “move!” I spat waving my hand, shit is annoying. Rich finally cleared people so I drove off and then stopped, watching the rear-view mirror to check for Rich and he caught up and got in so I can drive off “fucking hell” I said shaking my head “they want those first picture, worth a lot, that was a lot” shaking my head.
Parking my car outside the home with the biggest smile on my face, I am arriving home with my family. Robyn is home, this is what I want in life, and I am not ever going to do that again. If Robyn says shit is not good then shit is not good and that is how we are moving from now on, I don’t care anymore “home sweet home rabbit” looking up in the rear view mirror, Robyn smiled lightly and I caught that, but she didn’t look up, she just smiled to herself “you hear that Rylee, you are home now” unbuckling the belt and getting out of the car “how bad was it in front?” I asked Rich, it seemed pretty bad “awful, they were hovering and asking where is Rihanna, how is her daughter. They all wanted the first picture of her, I was like not on my watch. I am just so happy that little princess is well, that is what we wanted. Y’all get some rest though, need it. Family time and stuff” opening my car door laughing “I will, promise. Take care” dapping him as I got out, I just want to have a peaceful life now, well I mean not too much peaceful, but I want my family and that is it, that is all I want, and I am so happy to have her back home.
Walking behind Robyn to the home “welcome the fuck home” Mel would be the first one to open the door and say that “you moved back here?” Robyn said “and you ain’t tell me” Robyn looked to me, I shrugged laughing “awww it is so good to see Rylee home, hey baby” walking into the house and stepping to the side of Robyn smiling at Rylee, Robyn held the pacifier to Rylee’ mouth, she is really just staring all wide eyed, it’s been a while since she has been home so it’s new to her “come, I need to show you girls something” Robyn looked at me “oh my god, my staircase. I love it, all clean huh” she grinned at me, I can’t believe she even noticed such a small detail about the stairs. Robyn walked off “I feel such a mess, I can’t wait to have a bath in my own home. I cannot wait for that” I will be watching her having a bath anyways, I will be doing that “oh my god!” Robyn spat in shock “welcome home!!” hearing everyone shout but Rylee didn’t like it at all, she ended up crying her eyes out, the room all cooed out.
Mel really outdid herself; I am super proud of her of what she did for me when she didn’t need to go all out, she got a party going on too. And the food, she got Debbie here feeding my stomach just right, I am happy about the food, but I am happy for the vibe anyways “I can always rely on you to keep me company” Debbie said smiling at me, I sniggered licking my fingers “I can’t help it, you make the best food” feeling a hand on my shoulder, turning around midway licking my fingers “oh, you good?” I asked “yeah, I just want to say thank you. Mel said that this is your idea, that this whole set up was you. You wanted to welcome us home, thank you” I grinned as we hugged “it’s ok, I am just happy to have you back home, I want my family back Robyn that is all” Robyn placed her hand on the back of my head “I know, trust I do. I just want my family back too, it ain’t going to stop me teasing you though” I chuckled, feeling Robyn’ nails just slowly raking the back of my head, I closed my eyes because that feels good, “but” she stopped “thank you” moving back from the hug “it’s ok, where is Rylee?” looking around “oh my mother, she is keeping her close in case someone looks at her wrong” I laughed shaking my head “why do the grandparents look like they are guarding her, that’s funny” Rylee is very lucky though.
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gra-sonas · 4 years
I'm seeing all those post about malex interrupted dance and can I just say I'd love if it was alex who interrupts, perhaps michael is dancing with isobel or maria (just as friends) and alex waltzes in loking hot as hell in a suit and makes a move. I dunno, but after this season I kinda want to see alex stake his claim since he wasn't allowed to really show his feeling for Michael.
Mhmm, I’d like that.
Imagine this:
Alex has been single for a while. The breakup with Forrest was amicable, they’re still on good terms. Alex seems to be doing really well, too. Whenever Michael sees him, he has to remind himself that now is not their time and that he still has so much work to do before he can be good for Alex.
Alex, who looks like a goddamn snack whenever they meet. Isobel’s told Michael that Alex is going to the gym now, and it shows. He’s started wearing figure hugging henleys that cling to his muscular torso like they’re painted on.
And Alex’s ass in those black jeans? SHOULD COME WITH A WARNING! They’re at a garden party Isobel’s hosting, and all Michael wants is to touch Alex and check whether his ass is as firm as it looks. He wants to taste, wants to bite. Not now, though, now’s not their time.Michael forces himself to look away and slowly counts to hundred before he allows himself another glance at Alex.
He’s talking to a guy Michael’s seen at Planet 7 a couple of times, and recently at open mic night when Alex performed. A good looking dude (one of Noah’s former associates if he remembers correctly) with piercing blue eyes. And he’s tall. Does Alex like tall men? Michael wonders.
When Alex laughs about something Hightower says, Michael’s heart hurts. He’d always thought he’d be ready should Alex be single again one day, and now it looks like he’s missed yet another opportunity where he could’ve made a move.
He’s been working on himself. With Kyle‘s help, he’s signed up for online counseling (talking to a therapist via Zoom makes him feel like he can be more open, without worrying too hard about revealing the one big secret he can’t talk about. It works for him, and he thinks he’s made progress).
He’s far from being done or “healed”, but he feels less angry these days, less bitter, less inclined to get drunk. He works steady hours at the junkyard, spends time with Max and Isobel, he joins Liz at her lab sometimes, and he’s been helping Kyle to fix his father’s old motorbike on weekends.
He’s also spent time with Alex since the breakup with Forrest. He’d been reluctant at first, worried he'd accidentally overstep boundaries, but Alex had been quick to assure him that he wants Michael in his life.
So they’ve been hanging out. Meeting for coffee at the Crashdown during Michael’s lunch break a couple of times, last week he’d accompanied Alex when he drove up to the reservation to visit Greg, they even went hiking once.
They’ve avoided touching some of the heavier topics, but it’s okay, slowly becoming friends with Alex has been amazing, and Michael‘s fallen in love with him all over again.
He allows himself another glance at Alex, and when he sees that the tall guy’s put his hand on Alex’s shoulder, his face falls and he turns around. He walks up to the house in long strides and hides in Isobel’s guest bathroom for ten minutes before he feels like he can face the outside world and seeing Alex with another man again.
He splashes his face with cold water and walks back outside. There’s music playing from invisible speakers, and people have started dancing. It’s a real effort for Michael to stop himself from searching for Alex (or rather his tall new boyfriend), and he sighs in relief when he spots Isobel.
“I would like to dance with my favorite sister, I hope Gregory hasn’t blocked every slot on your dance card yet.”
Isobel laughs.
“No matter how full my dance card is, MIchael, I’ll always take the time to dance with you. Lead the way, brother dearest.”
He takes her hand and leads her over to the designated dance area. Michael twirls Isobel around and starts dancing with her. She’s wearing flat sandals tonight (”high heels and a garden party don’t mix well”), which means she’s only slightly taller than him. It’s fun dancing with her.
Out of the corner of his eyes, MIchael spots a familiar face over by the DJ’s table. Alex is leaning over to say something to the DJ who nods and starts clicking around on his laptop. When he’s found what he’s looking for, he nods and gives Alex a thumbs up.
Once the song is over, a new song starts playing. Michael’s not familiar with it. So far no one’s singing and he wonders if it’s an instrumental piece, but he keeps dancing with Isobel.
When the singer starts singing, Michael freezes mid dance. That’s Alex’s voice! That’s Alex singing, a song about being happy and in love and-- Michael feels tears well up in his eyes. He does his best to lead Isobel amid the chaos in his head, when he feels a strong hand drop on his shoulder.
He doesn’t need to turn around to know who it is.
“Isobel, I’m so sorry, but may I?”
Michael is confused when Isobel let’s go of his hands, kisses him on the cheek and whispers “I love you, Michael.” Then he feels Alex step into her place, pulling him close and leading him to the sound of his song.
There’s too much chaos in Michael’s head, but instead of fighting for clarity, he just gives in and listens to the music. It’s a beautiful song about love and being happy, about building a home and being a family, and MIchael can’t believe he’s dancing with Alex, the man of his dreams.
When the song ends, people start clapping and they try to approach Alex, but Alex has other plans. He takes Michael’s hand and leads him over to a darker, quiet corner of the garden. They sit down on a wooden bench, the clear New Mexico night sky above them.
“I really like your new song, Alex,” Michael says, not sure what else to say or do.
“Thanks, Michael, I’m glad you like it. I wrote it for someone very special.”
“Hightower is a very lucky man, I hope you’ll be happy together.” How he’s been able to force this sentence out without bursting into tears is beyond Michael.
Alex looks at him, confusion written all over his face.
“Who is Hightower, and what makes you think I’d be happy with them?”
Michael makes a gesture to implicate a tall person. “You know, tall, blond, blue eyes? I‘ve seen you together a couple of times. I hope he treats you well.”
Alex looks at him like he’s gone mad.
“You mean Sven? Lawyer Sven, who is married to the DJ and has helped me to arrange for my song being played tonight, that Sven?”
Michael is confused.
“You’re dating a married man, and his husband is okay with that?”
Alex bursts out laughing.
“Oh my god, Michael, what are you even talking about? I’m not dating Sven - or anyone else for that matter. And I wrote this song for you. Us! To ask you whether you feel ready to meet somewhere in the middle and take it from there?”
Michael swallows around the lump in his throat and all he can do is nod. When he feels Alex’s hands cupping his face he closes his eyes and lets Alex lead the way. Alex pulls his face closer until their foreheads touch. Then he hears Alex whisper: “I know we need to talk but I really miss kissing you, can I kiss you?”
“Yes,” is all manages to croak out, then he feels Alex’s mouth on his and suddenly the chaos in his head quiets, all the stars in the universe align, and Michael is finally home.
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mlovesstories · 4 years
His Thoughts on Therapy Part 1
Summary: Dean is forced to go to therapy.  He doesn’t want to, but he ends up meeting a friend.  
Warnings: Dean being emotional because of the fire, therapy, car issues, cussing
Words: 2600
Dean x reader!platonic
Sam x reader!platonic 
Dean x therapist!Dr. Sky
Masterlist of Masterlists
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“Go.” Sam growled. “Or I’ll take you there myself!” 
Dean has made a bet of sorts with Sam. If his drinking became more frequent, Sam was going to be in charge of buying the beer and Dean would have to go to a therapist. They had experienced a lot, and they both knew that. Sam could see Dean fading, so he laid down the law, and Dean was not cooperating. 
“I’ll pour all the beer down the drain right now if you don’t go to your appointment. It’s in twenty minutes.” He was toward the fridge. 
“OKAY!” Dean stood up quickly and grabbed his keys. “Don’t touch what beer I have left.” He groaned. 
“Bye!” Sam sighed, happy he won the argument.
Dean went to his therapist for a few sessions.  He was very saddened when he saw that she was older than him and not his type.  Dean did not want to be there, and it showed.  He liked her, but he was not the ‘spill his guts’ type of person.  His therapist made an off comment about her mom passing, and Dean’s heart dropped.  
“My mom is gone too,” he said sadly. 
“I’m so sorry for your loss, Dean.” She frowned. 
“Yeah, it was a while ago.  It’s fine.” 
“You’re really good at not really dealing with anything, are you?” The doctor said seriously. 
“What gave it away? My sarcasm, deflection, or self-preservation?” He grinned. “Look, doc,” Dean sighed. “My mom died when I was four.  My dad told me to get Sam, so I got my brother out before the fire engulfed the stairs.  Dad was fine, but my mom didn’t come out of the house with him.” 
“Wow,” the doctor said, almost judgingly.  
“What? My story not good enough for you? I got more if you-” Dean raised his voice in defense.  
“No, Dean,” she put a hand up asking him to calm down.  “What I meant was that just from that one story you’ve told me, it tells me a lot about you.” 
He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. 
“Like what?” 
“You grew up a lot that night.  I’d put my money on you as the protector and preserver of the family.  You probably blame your dad for your mom’s death in a way.” 
“Woah, my dad-” 
“I’m sorry.  That was very forward of me.” She frowned again.  
“I was in charge of Sammy, and he was supposed to get Mom.  He didn’t.  End of story.” 
“Mhmm.” Doctor Sky eyed him.  
“Okay, I’m done,” Dean stood and put the pillows back where they were placed at the beginning of the session.  “I’m done with you psychoanalyzing me.” He stormed out.  She didn’t chase after him.  The oldest Winchester walked down the steps to the parking lot.  Sitting in the Impala, Dean froze, not understanding his emotions.  All of a sudden, he realized he had hiccups.  
Why am I crying? I don’t cry!
But there was nothing he could do to stop it. Dean covered his face with his hands and sobbed. 
YN was late for her appointment.  She quickly walked from her car and ran up the stairs to the door she needed to enter.  An hour later, she noticed a car in the same spot that it was in when she had arrived.  Dean sat blankly in Baby, not seeing YN approaching.  She saw tear stains on his face and his eyes puffy.  
“Here,” she said, her hand extended with tissues, offering them to him.  Dean jumped. “Sorry.  Thought you could use them is all. Have a good day.” YN walked toward her car when he heard him call for her.  “Yeah?” 
Dean was surprised by the interaction.  No questions about why he was acting the way he was.  He appreciated it since he was, once again, not a ‘spill-the beans’ type of a person.  
The next time he saw his therapist, he apologized for his actions.  Dean himself was surprised he even went back, but he knew he needed to or Sam would not buy him any drinks.  
“Let’s talk about something else today. Other than your mom, how was it growing up? Are you and your little brother still close?” 
“Sammy and I live together.  He’s a lawyer, I’m a mechanic.  I can’t afford a house, so he lets me rent a room.  He’s taller, but I’m cooler,” Dean laughed, and so did the doctor.  “Growing up, my dad was gone a lot.  He had to run the shop pretty much by himself.  I had to take care of Sammy.” 
“You’re still very connected with him, that’s very nice to hear.  A lot of clients don’t have healthy family relationships if I’m being honest.” 
“We’re all we got, I guess.” 
“Do you get along with your father? Does he still run the shop?” 
Dean winced.  
“Am I missing something?” She asked, sincere. 
“He passed away a few years ago.  A car was on the lift, one of the arms broke.  He pushed me out of the way.  He didn’t make it.” 
“Wow, Dean.  That’s a lot.” 
“Yeah.  My brother has dealt with it better than I have.  He exercises regularly, I... “ he stopped himself.  “I don’t make healthy choices.” Dean laughed.  “I drink sometimes. Sammy said if I continued, I needed to see a therapist.  So, here I am.” Dean looked up from his fingers nervously running over a couch pillow placed on his lap.  
“Good for you.”
“Huh?” He was confused. 
“For seeking help.  You’ve been through a lot, Dean.  I have something I want you to try.  Can you draw?” 
“I used to draw my own comics as a kid.” 
“Perfect.  Here,” his therapist reached in her drawer and pulled out a sketch pad.  “Use this.  In two weeks, I want you have completed a scenario from your own life where you were hurt.  But remember that you’re the comic book hero in this.” 
Dean’s face dropped.  
“If you want me to read it, I will.  If not, that’s okay too.” 
 Dean relaxed.  
“Okay,” he followed her lead as she stood and led him to the door.  
“Great.  You did wonderful today, and I’m so happy to have you as a client, Dean.  Have a wonderful day.” 
Dean passed someone on the steps as he walked down to his car.  He heard sniffles.  Dean turned and found the girl he had seen previously.  
“Hey, tissues.” he smirked at his nickname for her.  She startled and looked at him.  “You okay, kid?” He saw bruises on her arm.  When she realized they were noticeable, she adjusted her sleeve.  
“Yeah, just got robbed.  I’m okay,” she shrugged, trying to keep the tears away.  
“Shit, kid.  Let me see,” Dean walked toward her, but she recoiled.  Forgetting how large he was compared to her, he didn’t realize how he came across.  He put his hands up.  “Just trying to repay the favor from the other day.  Promise I’m not here to hurt you.” Dean slowly sat down on the steps next to her.  He was surprised at her openness and trust level.  YN pulled her sleeves up to her elbows.  She had a few scrapes, but she looked to be okay.  “Looks like you need some tissues this time,” Dean grinned.  She smiled.  “I’m Dean.” 
“Are you here with your parents or someone who can help you?” 
“I don’t have anybody in this town.  Going to college here for the first semester.”
“Twenty.  Transferred from a junior college.” She looked at her phone.  “Shit.  I”m late for my session.  Thanks, Dean.  See you around.” 
“Bye, Tissues.” Dean grinned. 
“Whatever, asshole,” she retorted, returning his expression.  
Dean kept thinking about his interactions with YN.  He felt bad for her that she was so young and on her own.  Obviously smart and cared for her mental health, but he somehow felt protective of her.  
“Kid?” Dean saw her in the grocery store. She turned.  
“Hi Dean.  How are you?” 
“I’m good.  Uh.  This is my brother, Sam.” 
“Hi,” Sam extended his hand and shook hers. 
“Damn, they make you guys big.” YN giggled.  “You from Texas or something?” 
“Nah, right here,” Dean laughed.  “Hey, you doing better today?” He leaned in closer so that others wouldn’t hear. 
“Much, thanks.” 
“Here, take my number, and you can call us if you need anything.” He ripped off part of his grocery list and wrote his cell phone number on it.
“Are you sure?” YN gasped at his sweetness. 
“Sure,” he shrugged. 
“Thank you,” she whispered.  “I need to go, but thanks, boys.  I appreciate it, really.” 
“Not a problem,” Sam said.  “I’m hungry, let’s go, dude.” 
“So what was that about? You don’t just hand your number out to people these days.” Sam looked up at his brother that evening at dinner.  
“Nothing.  She’s a kid and she needs help sometimes just like we all do.  She told me outside the therapy office that she doesn’t have anyone here because she’s going to KU, not from here.  YN is down on her luck, that’s all.” 
“You’re not asking her-” 
“Eww! No.  Gross.” 
“Okay, okay,” Sam leaned back.  “Just trying to understand.  
“She was black and blue the other day, Sammy.  You would have done the same thing.” 
“Whatever, dude.”
A few days later, Dean heard his phone go off in the middle of the night. 
“What?” He groaned, sleepy. 
“Dean, it’s YN… from therapy.” 
His eyes widened and his senses were alert.
“What’s wrong?” Dean immediately sat up in bed, concerned.  
“I got stuck in the road.  I heard you were a mechanic? Do you happen to have a tow truck? My starter is shot because of the storm and mud or whatever.  I’ll pay you for it, but can you help me?” 
Dean heard the waver in her voice.
“Where are you?” 
She told him the cross streets, and he told her he would be there in fifteen minutes.  
“You’re on the side of the road, right?” 
“Stay in your car, you don’t need to be stranded AND wet from the storm.  You’ll be okay.  I’ll be right there.” 
“Thanks, Dean.” 
When she saw a large truck getting closer, she flashed her head lights and tail lights at him.  Dean pulled in front of her car.  Getting out, he motioned for her to get into his vehicle. 
“The heat is on, stay warm! There are blankets in the back.  I’m going to put your front tires on the back of my truck and then we can go.  Just give me a few!” Dean shouted over the rain pouring.
“Okay!” YN ran to get into the warm vehicle.  She looked over her shoulder and saw flannel blankets on the floorboard.  
Ten minutes later, Dean came inside.  Soaked from the storm, he tried to warm up by putting his sleeves next to the vents.  
“Here,” YN grabbed an extra blanket.  She motioned for him to lean his head toward her.  YN ran the blanket through his hair to get the excess water off.  “Take your shirt off, it’s sopping wet.” 
“I’m okay.” He smiled, thanking her for thinking of him.  
“You’ll catch a cold, it’s fine.” She waited until he complied.  “Wrap this around you,” YN offered him the blanket.  
“Thanks,” he sighed.  “Let’s get you home.” 
After agreeing that he would take her car to the shop in the morning, he told her good night.  
“Tissues!” He yelled through the noise of the storm.  She turned. “I’ll give you an update tomorrow.  Don’t worry about it, okay? Go dry off!” 
“Okay!” YN hurried into her apartment before stripping off her clothes and blow drying her hair.  Retrieving her pajamas from the dryer, she settled in for the night.  
Thank God for that Winchester guy. 
“Hi Dean,” YN answered the phone the next evening.  
“Hey Tissues!  Your car is at the shop.  We’ve got a starter for you.  You’ll have it back tomorrow.” 
“Oh, that’s awesome.  How much do I owe you?”
“It’s usually one hundred, but it was an easy job, so don’t worry about it.” 
“You came and got me at 2am, brought me home, and then fixed my car.  AND YOU DON’T WANT ANYTHING FOR IT?” 
“How about you buy me and the guys two pizzas? ‘That fair?” 
“Oh my gosh.  Dean, yes.  Thank you!” YN squealed into the phone.  
“I’ll call you when it’s done, okay?” 
“Thanks, Dean!” 
Dean checked on her every few weeks after that.  Dean tried harder in therapy, realizing the value of it as he attended more sessions.  
“YN told me what you did for her.  How did that make you feel?”
“Good, I guess.  She needed some help, and I could help her.  She doesn’t think I’m a creep or something, right? I could be her dad, I was just trying to be nice.” Dean sputtered out.  
“I think it’s fine, Dean.” The doctor laughed.  “What I mean is that you gave of yourself when you didn’t have to.” 
“I guess.” 
Dean texted YN that night and asked if she needed anything.  
YN: Nope, thanks, Winchester. 
Dean: No problem, T. 
YN: When are you going to stop with the ‘Tissues’ thing?
Dean: You don’t like it?
YN: Dork. 
Dean: Whatever.  
“I’m not going! I don’t feel good!” 
“You’re not sick. So help me, I will dump that whole six pack down the drain if you don’t go to therapy today!” Sam chased after his brother. 
“I’m- she makes me think, and I don’t like it!”
Sam chuckled. 
“That’s her job, asshole.” 
“Shut up. Fine. I’m going. You better not touch my beer.” 
“Hi, Dean.” YN passed him after her session with their therapist.  “How are you?” 
“Not today, kid.” He ran past her and let the door slam as he entered the suite.  
“Damn.  Whatever, Winchester.” 
“What’s going on today, Dean?” His therapist got comfortable in her chair.  
“I’m fine,” he shrugged.  
“Is that why everything you’ve done while in my office has included sudden movements? And maybe the reason you sound like an elephant stomping around?” She raised a brow.  
“Doc, I don’t want to be here, okay?” 
“You’re only here because of Sam, yeah, I got that. What’s going on? No therapy talk, just a conversation.”
I don’t know.  Okay?  I’ve been a mess since I’ve been coming to see you, and I don’t know why.  I also don’t like it.” 
“Ah. So then why are you still here? Other than your brother making you? There has to be something else.” Doctor Sky at him squarely.  
“I’ve never felt like this before.  I’m an emotional mess and yet it feels good…? Is that weird?” Dean readjusted his sitting position on the office couch.  
“That makes perfect sense.  You’re exploring parts of your life that you haven’t in a long time, Dean.  It feels good to get it out, doesn’t it?” 
“Odd, I think is a better word for it.” Dean huffed.  “I hate being here, but I feel better about everything too.” 
“That’s not at all a surprise to me, Dean.” She pulled out a pen and wrote a note to herself.  :THat shows growth.  I think you’ve grown.”
“I guess.” 
“Did you write in your comic book?” 
“Oh.  Yeah.” Dean pulled it out from his large back pocket.  He tried to hand it to her. Before reaching for it, she tilted her head. 
“I gave you the option of not sharing it with me. Are you sure you want to?” 
He extended it further.  
“Did you enjoy putting your comic together?” His therapist flipped through a few pages and then looked up at him.  
“I mean, I wouldn’t say it was fun, but I would rather do that than write it out.” Dean shrugged.  
“Noted.  So I see in here you depicted the fire.”
“And the time I had to take Sammy to the emergency room on my bike because he broke his arm,” he grinned at the memory.  
“Oh my.” Dr. Sky smiled.  “Sounds like a story for another time.  Please keep using this, I think it will be beneficial to you.  When you need a new one, let me know.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
“I’m very proud of you for sticking this out.  I think we should talk about some coping skills for you.” 
“Come on, doc.” Dean adjusted his jacket on his shoulders, showing his uncomfortableness.  
“You’re showing new emotions, you need to know what to do with them, don’t you think?” His therapist put her notebook to the side.  
“Do you enjoy physical activity, sports, watching TV?” 
“All of the above.” 
“When you start to feel out of control, use one of those.  It’s good to feel emotions, and it’s healthy, but don’t let your mind stay there.” 
“Makes sense.” 
“You’re doing great, Dean.  Keep up the good work.”
Forever Friends (Everything):
@katymacsupernatural  @unicornblood4ever  @supernatural-crazed-girl
@fangirl-moment-x  @empirialwolf @winchesters-favorite-girl  @super100012  
 @percywinchester27  @waywardsuns  @supernatural-jackles  
@mcallmestiles @sdavid09  @kingandrear  @bellero @skylarraker
@seality​​​​​ @jaycc7983​​​ @luci-in-trenchcoats​​​ 
@cherryblossomflowers​​ @because-you-never-know-when​ 
@sleepylunarwolf​ @choosemyname​ 
@internationalmusicteacher​ @mersuperwholocked-lowlife​ 
@encounterthepast​  @torn-and-frayed​ 
@giggles1026​ @xiumin-girl99​ 
@idksupernatural​  @silverstripe101a​
@thevelvetseries​ @jennawinchester152a​ * @samsgirl93​   @supernatural3002​ *
* @breereadsthings​ * 
@a-magey​ @vicmc624​ @hookedinto-fictionalworlds​   @beatifuldisaster018​
@miraclesoflove​ @myopiamystical​ @fallen-wolf22​
@marvelouslysherlockedhunter @miss-nerd95​  @akshi8278​  
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ariddletobesolved · 4 years
Home, At Last
Rating: T
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
I wrote this drabble after I had a conversation with some friends on Discord about Hans and Elsa having a bath time together. It was sort of random, but I still hope it's a satisfactory. Enjoy! ❤
Takes place long after Days We Spend Under the Sun.
"You're beautiful."
It came in a gentle murmur to her ear, in which she grinned in return. His breath was tickling behind her ear, making her squirm.
"Why, thank you, Admiral."
With her eyes closed, Elsa let out a sigh, feeling a slight pressure on the nape of her neck. Moving her damp hair to one side, she allowed him to rub her back. Shivers ran through her when he kissed down her left shoulder, the feeling of his lips lingering for a while.
"Elsa." He murmured against her skin, his nose nuzzling the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent. "My Elsa, min Kaere."
The way her name rolled out of his tongue—oh, how she longed to hear it, especially during their most intimate moments behind the closed doors, which were reserved for only the both of them. Memory of their love making from earlier came flooding back. His touches, the way he dived deep into her, how good he made her feel—those thoughts sometimes kept her preoccupied during those lonely nights, when she yearned for him.
Good thing, now that he is here with me.
His hands moved down her shoulders, rubbing the wet cloth gently over her skin. Once in a while, he pressed one kiss—or two, the gesture was enough to spread warmth all over. She would close her eyes, inhaling and savouring the close proximity. It was a reality check for the former queen, a reassurance that she finally had her Admiral home, safe and sound.
Moments like these are rare, she thought. Just the two of them, sitting in the bathtub in their humble cottage by the sea, away from the busy capital of Arendelle. It had been a while since the last time they spent some time together. Being Arendelle's Admiral of the Fleet, it was Hans' job to go on a monthly patrol, leaving his wife home as the consequence. It was nothing like when they were at war, but still, most of the time she couldn't help but worry for his well-being.
After all, the sea is still a dangerous place, and Elsa knows that very well.
The chance of danger was still there, lurking somewhere. Things might go wrong along the journey, the possibilities are endless. She shuddered at that thought.
"Are you alright?"
Her eyebrows knitted, noticing the worry in her husband's question. She couldn't possibly ruin this moment, no. Hans has only been home for less than a day, the last thing she should do is to make him worry.
"I am." She nodded briefly.
Even if he knew that something was probably off with her, Hans didn't say anything in return. In silence, his hands began to rinse off the soap from her chest. His fingertips travelled downwards, caressing the swell of her left breast, then grazing over the scarred skin on her side. When he was about to move, her hand rested on top of his, stopping him. The feeling when the symbols of their union pressed against each other was still a little foreign, but she liked it nonetheless. He complied, pressing slow and languid open mouthed kisses over her spine. With every breath against her cold skin, her heart beats a little faster. I love you, she could feel it in her skin.
He was taking his time with her, and she gladly let him.
Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked back. There was a hint of confusion in his green eyes.
"Yes, love?" He answered anyway, wrapping up the question with a kiss on her temple.
Elsa smiled, big blue eyes were staring at him with adoration.
"May I have my turn now?"
She watched as his gaze softened, before he said, "Of course."
The bathtub was large enough to give her a room to move around. She was on her knees behind him, dripping fingers gently combing through his auburn locks. Lathering his torso with soap, Elsa could feel him grow relaxed under her touch. His eyes fluttered close, and at the sight, she couldn't help but smile.
"You're enjoying yourself, aren't you?" She pressed her body against his back to whisper close to his ear, before kissing his jaw.
"Mhmm..." he sighed. "I've missed you, Kaere."
"I've missed you too," she grinned, rinsing off his upper arms. "How often did you think about me?"
"Every single time."
"Liar!" She splashed him with some water, and he gasped in surprise.
Hans turned to face her, trying to look hurt but failing miserably, for he couldn't help his smirk.
"I'm not a liar!"
"Of course you didn't think about your wife every single time, or else you wouldn't have time to captain the ship and make it through the storm safely."
Her gaze softened, as she cradled his head. Her face fell upon the realisation of what she had just said. It only reminded her of those nights full of worry, when Gale came with a letter from Anna, telling her that there would be a delay because they were trapped in a storm, and of those nights she kneeled and prayed to the higher power for her husband's safety. Blinking furiously, she then turned away, pretending to grab a new washcloth.
"Elsa, hey."
But before she could react, Hans already scooped her up and settled her in his lap. Having his arms wrapped around her naked body, the former queen allowed herself to relax, resting her cheek against his bare chest. He was warm and comfortable, and the slow thumping sound in her ear was enough to make her feel slightly better.
Trying to distract herself, the blonde drew frosty patterns over his exposed skin. Cold meets warm and the ice begins to evaporate, creating some steam. She repeated it for some time, and when her husband began to pant, she stopped. The corner of her eye caught a certain mark on his collarbone, and her heart swelled with pride.
"Elsa?" Came the deep baritone voice, forcing her to look up and meet his eyes.
She blurted out, "I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologise." He squeezed her arm gently. "I know you're worried, Elsa, and I understand." His green eyes bore comfort and sincerity, two things Elsa needed to hold onto. He cupped her face, rubbing her cheek with his thumb as an attempt to make her at ease. "But I'm here now, love. I'm home."
She nodded.
"I love you." Elsa breathed out, her lips curved into a small smile. "I'm glad to have you home."
"I love you, Elsa." Returning her smile, Hans then kissed her forehead fondly, before resting his chin on the top of her head. His arms pulled her even closer. "So, very much."
It was enough a reassurance.
He is home, at last, she repeated the words, and that's what matters.
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to-star-lake · 4 years
ether [ pt. 3 ]
pairing | pjm/jjk x reader genre | angst, love triangle word count | 6.6k rating | M, 18+
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You placed the large garment box gently on the floor of your apartment beside the couch and looked at it, wondering what to do.
You thought back to how pleasantly Jimin reacted to your telling him about Jungkook. The way he simply smiled and candidly admitted to you how he thought it was sweet that Jungkook finally confessed his feelings for you. How there was not a single ounce of judgement or anger to be found in his eyes, smiling sweetly.
But you thought of Jungkook, about how terribly he reacted to the possibility of you being with Jimin, at how he wanted to take things slow with you, to get it right. You bent down, carefully sliding the box under the couch, putting it out of your thoughts, deciding that you wouldn’t attend the event with Jimin. You wanted things to work out too, you wanted to do this right. And it would not be a good idea to antagonize Jungkook with something like this.
You walked into your bedroom, sliding your clothes off before deciding to take a bath. And when you were done, you slipped into your pajamas, and sat down at the edge of your bed, and saw the screen of your phone light up with an incoming text.
Taehyung: Yo, wanna get lunch tomorrow?
You thought about it for a moment, and returned to your text history and opened your messages with Jungkook.
Hey, Tae just invited me for lunch tomorrow. Would you wanna go?
You stared down at the words you wrote and wondered why you were nervous to ask this. You hit the back button a few times and made some edits.
Hey! Tae invited me for lunch tomorrow, you should come with!
Ugh, too peppy. You deleted everything and rewrote it again.
Hey, Tae just invited me for lunch tomorrow, do you wanna come with?
You held your breath and hit the little blue button to send, berating yourself in your head for obsessing over how to word a simple text. To your surprise, you saw three little dots pop up on the left hand side almost immediately.
Your phone buzzed in your hand and with a little whooshing sound, a reply came.
Jungkook: What time?
You smiled, quickly typing a response. Probably around 12-12:30?
Jungkook: I have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow, but I’ll let you know ok?
You felt your heart sink at this response and your hands dropped in your lap, but quickly felt silly for reacting this way. It’s not as though he’s saying no, he just has stuff he needs to do, probably errands or laundry, you rationalized in your head. You decided to try to not let it get to you and flipped over to Taehyung’s message, typing a response. Yep, sounds good. JK might come too.
Taehyung: Sweet. Yoongi’s coming too.
The restaurant Taehyung picked for lunch was absolutely packed when you arrived. You looked around at the bustling tables, waiters carrying large plates of food through the aisles, playing human dodgeball with the guests getting up and or sitting down.
“Y/N! Over here!”
You followed the sound of the voice, and saw Taehyung seated with Yoongi at a table in the back corner and you made your way over.
“Hey guys,” you greeted them as you took a seat in the booth beside Taehyung. “Yoongi, I haven’t seen you in so long, how have you been? I heard just got back from Spain, how was it?”
“It was lovely,” he responded simply. You smiled at this, Yoongi was always so straightforward. Not curt, but he always only said exactly what was necessary and not a word more. He was always a nice contrast to Taehyung, who’s constantly talking about some kind of nonsense or another.
“Where’s JK? I thought you said he was coming,” Taehyung asked as the waitress walked away with your menus after taking your orders.
“Oh, uh” you glanced down at your phone which you’d been clutching in your hand the whole morning, expecting a text from him. “He said he might, but he’s pretty busy today.”
“Sooo what’s going on there?”
You looked up and saw Taehyung staring at you, face resting against his hand, elbow propped up on the table, eyebrow raised.
“What do you mean what?” he rolled his eyes. “You and JK? You and that guy you left with at the bar on Friday? Spill.”
You took a sip of one of the bloody marys the waitress brought over for the table and told Taehyung and Yoongi everything from the past two days.
“So then he gives me this giant Chanel box, I haven’t opened it yet, but I guess since Jungkook and I talked, I don’t think I’m gonna go with Jimin to that event. But I thought things would be great since JK and I talked about us, you know? So I asked him to come out to lunch today, but he’s doing that thing again, where he’s being distant. He hasn’t said anything to me at all today...what?” you looked up to see Taehyung’s brows wrinkled in a frown at you.
“Y/N, babe,” he reached out and patted your hand condescendingly. “What’s wrong with playing the field?” he lifted his hands up, shrugging his shoulders. “On the one hand, you’ve got JK, who you finally found out that after years of you liking him, he likes you too. On the other hand, you have this guy who is rich as fuck, who’s driving you around in a McLaren P1, buying you expensive things, and asking you out to fancy dates? What the hell’s wrong with you, what’s that depressed look on your face for? Just enjoy it! Yoongi, back me up here!” he gestured at a quiet Yoongi, who sat across from the two of you, listening while taking sips of black coffee, saying nothing.
“Tae, that doesn’t help. Look, I want to commit to something with JK since we talked, but it’s just- I don’t know, I still feel like something’s off, like he’s saying all the right things, but he’s still being distant-”
“Why do you like JK?” you heard Yoongi say.
You looked at him, astonished that he’s actually participating in this conversation, the type of conversation he would normally prefer to stay out of because it was ‘shenanigans.’
“Well, I mean, I’ve liked him since college..”
“That’s not why you like him.”
“I know,” you pursed your lips, thinking. “He’s gets me. He’s a perfect complement to me. I’m a bit messy, and he’s super neat. I work off my gut, and he’s deliberate and methodical. And he always seems to know exactly what I need - a chill night in, just sitting on the couch eating junk food, or watching a sad movie just to cry it out.”
“Mhmm, and do you like this Jimin?” Yoongi asked, taking another sip of his coffee.
“I mean..I do..I did,” you quickly corrected, staring down at your plate of food, pushing a french fry around.
“And why do you like him?”
You thought about this for a moment. Yoongi’s question brought to mind images of Jimin’s eyes, smiling sweetly at you from behind strands of his silver hair being blown by the breeze, shimmering in the afternoon sun, holding onto your hand, laughing his infectious laugh.
“He’s so...light..” you began. “I feel..everything’s just so easy with him, he’s so light, he’s always smiling, always laughing. Even when something is serious, he has such a childlike and bright-eyed disposition towards it…he makes me want to run around in the grass with him and just laugh all day..” You looked up to see Yoongi looking down at the cup of coffee in front of him, his hand lingering on the handle.
“Y/N, I’m gonna say something, but I don’t want you to take it the wrong way,” he prefaced before continuing. “I mean, listen to the way you just described the two of them. Are you sure you really like JK? Or do you just like that after years of wanting him, you’ve finally got your prize, and the fact that he makes you feel like you’re always on the verge of losing him is just keeping you tethered to him for no good reason?”
You frowned at this. “No, that’s not true, I love JK.” You said the words and you heard the way you said it, placing that emphasis on the word love, as though you were trying to convince them of it. You sighed, looking down at your hands in your lap. “I’ve loved him for years..”
You turned and looked up at Taehyung, who exchanged a nervous glance with Yoongi.
He leaned over to look at you. “Yoongi’s right, Y/N, like, your eyes literally lit up when you started talking about Jimin.”
You scooted back in your seat, shaking your head. “No, he’s just a distraction, the only reason I even left with him on Friday night was because I was jealous of the way Yuri was all over JK,” you muttered, tightening your grip around the fork in your hand. “You guys just don’t understand.”
You threw your purse onto the table when you walked into the apartment, plopping down onto the couch, huffing at the whole conversation you just had with Yoongi and Taehyung.
They just don’t get it, you thought. They weren’t there when Jungkook comforted you over your breakup with your ex. They weren’t there every time he would show up at your door, the way he would take care of you, making you food, knowing exactly how you like your coffee made, letting you hog the blanket whenever the two of you were snuggled together on the couch watching a movie because he knew you were always cold. He got you.
Then you heard Taehyung’s voice in your head - Your eyes literally lit up when you started talking about Jimin.
Looking down, you saw the corner of the garment box sticking out from under your couch. You reached down and picked it up, setting it down on the coffee table. You stared at the top for a few moments before reaching down, tugging the giant satin bow loose. You brushed the excess ribbon away and lifted the top open.
You gently flipped through the layers of tissue paper and heard yourself gasp when you saw the dress. As gently as possible, you lifted the delicate silk material up by two thin gossamer strings that held up a bodice of lace, silk, and tiny crystals, sewn into the lining. You set the dress down into its little tissue paper bed and stood up, pacing through your living room.
Are you sure you really like JK? You heard Yoongi’s voice in your head say.
You stopped in front of the coffee table, looking down at the dress, and decided you would go to Jimin’s event tonight. It’ll prove once and for all that you don’t actually have any feelings for him, you only loved Jungkook. And maybe as a fringe benefit, you’d still be able to have Jimin as a friend going forward.
It was 7:55 and you were standing in the courtyard of your apartment complex, pacing, moving about stiffly because you had no idea how to move in such a delicate dress, afraid you might step on the hem or accidentally tear one of the straps if your range of motion was too big.
You turned at the sound of a familiar voice, and saw Jimin standing in the stone entryway, hands in his pockets, eyes wide, staring at you as you turned around, his lips parting slightly.
He was wearing a black sweater, tucked neatly into a pair of black pants, under a long gray coat, a silver chain hanging around his neck, matching the silver of his hair blowing easily in the wind.
“H-Hey..” you brushed at the gown nervously. “Um..I didn’t hear your car come up.”
He took a few steps toward you. “I took the limo,” he reached his hands out and took you by the hands, spinning you around. “It comes with a driver,” he looked at you, eyes soft and slightly tired. “This is unbelievable..”
You felt your cheeks become hot. “Oh no, am I wearing this dress wrong? It’s just, I’ve never seen a dress so fancy it doesn’t even come with a tag, I couldn’t tell which was the front and which was the back,” you looked down at the dress, embarrassed. “Or is it the hair, is it too much?” you reached a hand up, tugging at your wavy strands.
He reached out and took your hands in his, waiting til you settled enough to look him in his eyes. “You’re stunning,” he said, his voice soft.
He led you out to the limousine where the driver stood, holding the door open for you. You got in, and Jimin slid into the seat adjacent from you, beside the window.
He sat quietly in his seat the entire drive to the venue.
You watched him nervously, looking up occasionally at his profile as he rested his elbow on the edge of the window, his fingers brushing at his lips as he looked out the window. You’d never seen him like this, you thought. He didn’t look upset or anything, but he wasn’t his usual cheery, smiling self. You wondered if something was wrong.
When the limousine came to a stop and the driver came around the open the door, Jimin stepped out first, holding a hand out to help you step out onto the sidewalk to an imposing glass and marble entrance, lined with lights, a row of black town cars and limousines along the sidewalk, backed up into the street, full of people who must’ve also been attending this event.  
He led you into the venue, to an elevator that rose 60 stories above the city, opening up to a rooftop terrace.
“Wow..” you gasped when the elevator doors opened, and you stepped out onto the stone terrace. There were men and women dressed in evening gowns and suits, some standing in clusters, engaged in conversation, others seated in sofas and chairs that looked like they were made of vintage upholstery, sipping drinks from crystal glasses, as an amber sun rose below a purple horizon in the distance.
“What..kind of work event is this?” you asked, eyes wide.
Jimin finally laughed, taking your hand and leading you to the bar.
“Y/N?” you heard someone call your name as Jimin picked up two glasses of champagne and handed one to you.
You turned and saw Namjoon walk up, eyes squinted in disbelief at the sight of you in that gown.
“Hey, Namjoon, what are you doing here?” you reached an arm up around his neck, giving him a hug, surprised to see him at such an event.
“One of my investors invited me here tonight. The better question is what are you doing here, looking like that?” his jaw dropped, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, staring at you.
You laughed, “Um, I’m here with a friend, this is Jimin..”
Jimin held out his hand to Namjoon, “Hi man, how do you do?”
“Holy shit, Park Jimin? Oh shit, I mean, oh crap, sorry please excuse me, I just,” Namjoon stuttered, shaking his hand, utter shock on his face. “I didn’t know you were Park Jimin.”
“Jimin,” you turned and saw an older gentleman walk up to the bar, arm in arm with a woman in a black evening gown who you assumed must’ve been his wife based on the giant art deco ring on her left hand. “Happy birthday, my boy,” he said, reaching a hand out.
Jimin stood back, shaking his hand. “Thank you, sir. Thank you for coming.”
“What a lovely event as always, dear, we look forward to this all year,” his wife smiled, picking up a glass of champagne from the bar.
“Is your father around?” the older gentleman asked.
You saw Jimin’s jaw clench at the question.
“No, I haven’t seen him yet. I’ll be sure to tell him to find you when I see him,” he said, and you felt goosebumps rise on your skin, shuddering slightly upon seeing his eyes suddenly go dark at the question, his tone coming out with a cold and stern edge, a severe departure from the sunny and cheery disposition you were used to seeing him with.
“Be sure to have him give us the name of his event planner too, will you dear? This is absolutely marvelous, I must have them plan my next party,” his wife asked as they both turned to walk away.
“Certainly,” Jimin answered, and as soon as they turned their backs, you watched as he raised the champagne chute to his lips, downing the entire drink in one gulp. “Whiskey neat,” he said to one of the bartenders, setting the empty glass down.
“Yo, Jimin!”
You opened your mouth to say something but the voice of someone calling Jimin’s name stopped you before you could. Across a few clusters of people gathered in conversation, you saw a young man about Jimin’s height, with black hair slicked back, in a sharp suit and tie, bearing a remarkable resemblance to Jimin, motioning for him to go over.
The bartender set the whiskey glass on the counter in front of him and he lifted it to his lips, downing it before turning to you, and obviously forcing a smile, said, “Please wait here a moment, I’ll be right back.”
“Dude, so that guy from the bar on Friday was Park Jimin? Holy shit, you are here with Park Jimin?” Namjoon gushed, punching you in the arm jokingly. “Duuude, nice pull, Y/N!”
“He didn’t tell me it was his birthday..” you said softly to yourself, staring after him as he approached the young man with the black hair, who held his arms out for a hug while Jimin hesitated for a moment, before returning his hug.
“Huh? What was that?” Namjoon asked, taking a sip of champagne.
“Namjoon, who’s that guy Jimin’s talking to?” you asked, gesturing over toward the two of them.
“Oh, that’s Park Jihyun. Oooh he must be Jimin’s younger brother. Oh man, I guess I should’ve known that when I saw Jimin, it all makes sense now, they look so much alike, he’s basically an older version of Jihyun.”
He has a little brother? You thought to yourself, looking at the two of them, Jihyun smiling, holding onto Jimin’s shoulder and walking him around to various guests to greet them, and Jimin obliged, forcing a smile.
The evening dragged on and you sat on a sofa with Namjoon, chatting with a few of his colleagues that were also at the party and losing count of how many glasses of champagne you’ve had.  You couldn’t tear your gaze from Jimin, who was pulled from group to group. He would occasionally look around for you, and when his eyes met yours, he would mouth the words “I’m sorry” and you’d muster a smile, shaking your head, mouthing “it’s okay” back to him.
“Hey, Namjoon, I’m gonna go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back,” you stood, heading back into the building, tipsy and struggling to find your balance in your heels.  
At the end of the hall, you saw a sign for the ladies room and pushed the door open to a dimly lit powder room, with a large vintage mirror above bronze sinks, a velvet sofa in the corner, and a group of girls who turned and stared at you as you entered, halting all conversation.
You smiled nervously, and walked over to one of the sinks, running cold water over your hands and patting your warm cheeks. You looked at your reflection, wondering what the heck you were doing here.
“Excuse me,” you said softly, ducking behind one of the girls and picked up a cloth towel from a marble vanity plate and dried your hands before turning and walking out.
“Oh my god, is that her?” you heard one of them say as the bathroom door closed behind you.
“I’ve never seen her around before,” another chimed in.
“She’s obviously not a society girl, I mean, did you see her hair? She probably did it herself. What’s Jimin thinking?” the third one said and the three of them burst into laughter.
You scoffed, turning and walking back down the hallway, saw Jimin and Jihyun walk across the open space down the other corridor. You turned the corner and saw them enter a room at the end of the hall, and you followed behind them, stopping beside the slightly ajar double mahogany doors.
“Happy birthday, son,” you heard a voice say.
Through the crack in the door you saw Jimin seated in a leather armchair, leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. Across from him sat an older man in a dark navy suit, his grey hair expertly groomed, wisps of white at his temples, and Jihyun stood beside his chair.
You quickly turned, leaning back against the wall, knowing that this was a private conversation, but still wanting to know what’s happening.
“I didn’t think you’d come back from your trip for this,” you heard Jimin say.
“Don’t be absurd, of course I’m going to attend my son’s birthday celebration,” you heard the man say.
Jimin sighed, “You’re not actually here for my birthday, so why don’t we just cut to the chase and you tell me what’s going on?”
Peeking through the crack in the door, you saw Jihyun hand a stack of papers to Jimin.
“What’s this?” he asked, flipping through the pages.
“I’m taking over Park Industries,” Jihyun announced, standing up tall, sliding his hands into his pockets.
Jimin looked up at him for a moment, and then looked at his father. He scoffed, nodding and tossing the stack of papers aside onto a table, standing up. “That’s great, Jihyun, I’m really proud of you. Now, if there’s nothing else, I’m going to go back outside-”
“Sit down, son,” his father said. “There’s no reason for you to take this tone, you’ve known for a while now that this would be happening.”
“And it’s not like we’re cutting you out. You’re still on the board, you still own 16% of the enterprise,” Jihyun added.
You saw Jimin nod again, and turn to walk towards the door, and you quickly backed away.
“Jimin, Jimin, wait,” you heard Jihyun call out as Jimin threw the door open, walking out, and you had already turned the corner down the hall. “Jimin, he asked me to take over the company officially two weeks ago, what was I supposed to do, say no? I’ve already been helping him with everything for a couple of years, and you haven’t even been around-”
“Jihyun, what are you doing?” you heard Jimin say. “I mean, all your life, you’ve done exactly what he said. Boarding school, Stanford, Wharton, and now this? Don’t you wanna live your life? You wanna be his slave your whole life?”
“That’s not fair..”
You heard Jimin’s steps moving closer and Jihyun’s voice stopped him. “Jimin, dad also wants to know when he can officially announce your engagement with Miya.”
You felt all air escape your lungs.
“Who’s that girl you brought here tonight? All the other girls were talking about it. You shouldn’t be so unscrupulous, you’re lucky Miya is in France with her family this month.”
“Jihyun, I’m not getting engaged to Miya.”
You heard Jihyun let out an exasperated sigh. “Brother, can you please for once in your life just do the right thing?”
A few moments of silence passed before you heard Jimin respond. “Can you for once in your life just do something for yourself?”
You turned quickly, running towards the elevators in the opposite corridor. You’d heard enough. You hit the button to call the elevator and the door opened and you stepped inside, hitting the lobby button repeatedly, hoping the door would close before Jimin emerged from the hallway and saw you.
When the elevator reached the lobby and the doors opened, you flew threw them, across the marble reception, and outside onto the sidewalk. You could feel your heart thumping in your chest, and you clutched onto your stomach, wondering why there was such a painful knot in your gut. You thought you had to get out of there.
Reaching into your purse, you took out your phone, scrolling to Jungkook’s name and hitting the ‘call’ button. It rang and rang and rang, and finally it went to voicemail. You held the phone in your hand, anxiously opening a text message to him.
You looked up and saw Jimin walking down the steps from the entrance toward you.
“Are you alright?” he reached a hand out to take your hand but you turned away. “Y/N, what’s happened,” he asked sternly, putting his hands in his pockets.
You took a deep breath before turning to face him. “I heard your conversation just now,” you began, as steadily as you could manage in this moment with your adrenaline pumping and your heart racing a mile a minute. “I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, I was just coming out of the bathroom and saw you and your brother..”
He listened to you calmly, an unreadable expression on his face.
“All of this, Jimin?” you looked around at the black limousines lined up along the sidewalk, the groups of men and women in designer clothes, at the tall glass and steel building where his birthday party was being held. “It’s not me, like I couldn’t be further removed from this whole other world you live in.”
You looked back at him and froze, seeing him looking back at you, the corners of his mouth dropped, his jaw tight, and his eyes glassy under the light of the street lamps.
He looked away, laughing softly, sniffing. “It’s not me either,” he turned back to face you, a dejected smile on his face.
“Jimin..” you regretted how harshly your words came out.
“Are you leaving?” he asked, looking at the phone in your hand and you looked down at the half composed message you were writing to Jungkook. You looked up and saw Jimin still smiling back at you and you felt a heavy weight on your chest. “Don’t leave,” he said quietly. “Please.”
“When my mother passed away six years ago,” he continued, refilling the empty glasses in front of you with a cold bottle of tequila. “I took it really hard.”
You sat on the soft cushions of the bench in a large bay window of Jimin’s penthouse apartment, wrapped in a chenille blanket. He had changed into a white t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants and sat across from you, one leg propped up, the other hanging over the edge of the bench, taking a shot from the glass. The large open space of his apartment was completely quiet except for his soft voice and yours, and the light pitter patter of rain hitting the window.
“That’s completely understandable, it was your mom..” you said quietly, also drinking the shot he poured you.
He let out a wry laugh. “Not for my father,” he poured another shot. “I quit Penn for a few years and kinda went on a bender. In retrospect, it’s my fault that my brother’s getting locked into my dad’s plans. If I hadn’t left, maybe my dad would’ve gone easier on him, I could’ve taken some of the hit.” He tossed another shot back and you did the same.
“But you know, sometimes I look at Jihyun and..I mean sometimes I think he actually really wants this. He actually wants to take over the company. It’s not some kind of obligation for him, he really wants it. And not for the prestige, he just...he just really wants to do the right thing for our father.” He sighed, shaking his head. “How’d he get this kind of discipline? I certainly didn’t set the example for him. All I did was run around doing whatever I wanted, I had no sense of responsibility.” He sighed, catching your gaze. “Please don’t look at me like that.”
You looked back at him, confused. “Look at you like what?”
“Like you empathize with me,” he said, looking down. “Like you understand.”
You were taken aback by this, frowning, “You don’t want me to understand you? You want me to look at you coldly and say some generic shit like don’t worry, it’s all gonna work out? I’m trying to be supportive-”
He leaned forward, cupping your face in his hand, and pressed his lips to yours.
“Mm, Jimin, stop..” you mumbled against him, pushing him away gently.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that,” he pulled away, his hand lingering at your jaw. “I’ve been so good all night, keeping my distance, but you looking at me like that, like I know that you understand and hear me, it makes me crazy..”
You felt his hand slide to the base of your neck, his thumb gliding across your skin, taking ahold of you. He leaned forward, molding his lips against yours once again, and you felt your eyelids fall shut, like an involuntary response to the feeling of his lips on yours, like you couldn’t help it.
He scooted closer to you, reaching his arms down around your waist, pulling you into him and felt your muscles relax against him, but quickly caught yourself.
“Mm, no, Jimin, wait,” you stood up, backing away clumsily, shaking your head. “I can’t, I can’t do this,” you turned and moved towards the front door, putting all the energy you could control in your drunken haze into defying the magnetic pull you felt towards him that was keeping you from walking away.
“Y/N…” you looked up, hearing Jimin call out your name and saw him walk towards you, his shoulders slumped down, a shadow over his eyes.
You sat down onto the floor, wrangling with the straps on your heels in agitation, your mind foggy and clouded with frustration and confusion, unsure what to do. You heard him take in a deep breath, before kneeling down in front of you, touching your hands gently. He reached for the straps of your heels, tying them with ease. He took your hands and helped you stand, and refused to let go.
He stepped forward, making you take a step back, and you felt the cold of the concrete door hitting your back. You felt him grab ahold of your wrists, pinning them behind you and holding them there with one hand. With his free hand he grabbed your jaw, lifting your face up to his, and pushed his lips into yours.
You looked at him, wide-eyed, fighting every urge to close your eyes, the sensation of his lips against yours, his hand sliding down to the base of your neck, pushing you against the door behind you, his body pressing against yours firmly, making it difficult to turn away.
He let your hands go, but you felt the palm of his hand against your hip, his fingers digging into your skin, holding you against him, not allowing you the space to move.
“Jimin-” you managed to get out through the movements of his lips against yours. His lips are so warm, you thought, and so soft against yours. The warmth of his body against you, the smell of his cologne thinning the air around you made you dizzy and you felt your eyes fluttering closed as your ability to fight waned, you felt as though you were melting against his body.
You were barely able to lift your arms up, your hands forming tiny, ineffectual fists against his chest as his lips slid to the corner of your mouth, tracing your jaw, finding your neck. The feeling of his lips, the heat of his breath on the skin of your neck sent a shiver down your spine.
“Jimin..” you panted through his movements, feeling his hand slide down the side of your thigh. He pulled your leg up and wrapped it around his hips, and you felt a moan escape your throat as he pushed his pelvis against you and you could feel how hard he was through the thin material of your dress now bunched up at your waist.
You made a feeble attempt to push his chest away, “Jimin, we can’t do this-”
At your words, you felt his lips open against the base of your neck, and you felt his tongue sliding over your skin. “So tell me to stop,” he whispered against your skin, the low and resonating sound of his voice sending waves through your body. But you were unable to say anything, the words refused to come out.
He slid his hands over your shoulders, brushing the straps of your dress loose and he tugged at the material forcefully and you heard the sound of the fabric tearing. He pulled the dress from your body, letting it drop to the floor. Reaching around you, he unhooked your lace bralette with ease, tossing it aside before reaching down and looping his fingers around the satin ties of your panties, untying them and letting them fall to the floor.
He stood, looking at your naked body before him for a moment, his chest rising and falling, out of breath and in an instant, his lips found yours again, this time with more force, pushing your mouth open and his tongue fell on yours, completely overpowering you. Your head fell back languidly, as though your limbs had succumbed entirely to him, turning to jello. You felt his hands reaching around you, tracing the dimples in your back before sliding down, taking your ass in his hands, squeezing roughly.
“Fuck..Jimin-” You moaned against his lips.
“Tell me to stop,” he hissed, as though he was challenging you not to give into him, his low voice gravelly as he reached down and pulled his shirt over his head. He pushed forwards, and the feeling of the warmth and softness of the skin of his chest against you made you shake.
His tongue continued to roll over yours, pressing his face against yours hard, making it difficult to breathe. He moved his lips to your collarbone, biting and sucking, creating a little trail of blood clots in your skin as he moved down your chest, your stomach until he was kneeling in front of you. He looked up at you, his eyes gleaming with need. Jimin slid a hand to your inner thigh, the warmth of his palm burned against your sensitive skin. He pushed your leg up, draping it over his shoulder.
You were about to open your mouth to say something when you saw him lean down, and felt his tongue press into you, making you gasp. You could feel every bump and ridge of his tongue moving against you, his lips closing onto you, sucking at you, and you reached your arm over your head, your nails scratched against the door, grasping at anything you could hold onto to brace yourself.
Jimin looped his arm around your leg over his shoulder, reaching his fingers down to massage your clit, making your body squirm against him. You felt your breathing become ragged, your heart pounding against your chest and he pulled away suddenly. He stood, reaching down, sliding the edge of his sweatpants below his hips. You moaned in anticipation as he leaned forward, his mouth finding yours and you could taste yourself on his lips, his tongue, and you could feel your wetness gliding down your thigh. Jimin slid his sweatpants and briefs from his legs, and reached out, pulling your leg over his waist and pressed against you.
A small gasp escaped your lips when you felt his tip press against you, gliding against your clit, coated in your wetness.
He continued pressing his tip lazily against you, teasing you, making you whine into his lips, yearning for him. “Jimin..please..”
A grin formed on his lips as he positioned himself at your entrance, “Yes?” he teased, tormenting you.
You pushed your hips against him, wanting him, begging to have him inside you, feeling yourself dripping around him.
“What do you want?” he whispered into your mouth, sucking on your lower lip, and you groaned in frustration against him.
“Jimin..please...I want you inside me..” you begged.
“Yeah?” you felt him reach his hand down, rubbing the tip of his cock against you before pushing into you just slightly, making you gasp at the sensation of him opening you up. “Like this?” his hot breath against your skin felt like electric pulses rushing through your body. He looked down at you, a fiery need in his eyes as you tried to push your hips against him. “More?” he asked, his lips finding your neck, latching on and sucking at your skin, making you throw your head back at the sensation of him taking complete control of your body. He pushed in deeper with an agonizing slowness and all you could think about was wanting to feel him pushing in and out of you.
He pulled out slightly, slowly, before pushing his full length back inside you, the sensation of him filling you completely, stretching you made you shake, completely overwhelming you. Jimin moved his hips against you slowly, his pelvic bone pushing against your clit each time he pushed back into you, and you completely melted around him, the pleasure building in your core, your breathing growing more and more ragged as he bit into the skin of your neck.
Jimin could tell he had you at the very edge. He pulled his head back, giving you soft kisses as he slowed his pace, not allowing you to have all of him. You moaned into his lips, wanting him back, wanting more.
“Do you want me to make you cum?” he grinned, his lips forcing your mouth open, his tongue rolling over yours. You nodded, kissing him back in desperation, your head dizzy and vision blurry, unable to think of anything except the aching need within you.
“Yes..Jimin...please..” you choked out between panting breaths. He pushed himself deep inside you, quickening his pace, feeling your climax build.
“Do I feel that good Y/N?” his grin grew, the feeling of his warm breath against your skin, his cock pushing deeper and deeper into you drove you to the edge. “Do you like having me so deep inside you?” he pressed on, his voice a low growl. You felt your eyes roll back as you tightened around him. “Fuck..Y/N….fuck..I’m coming..”
He drove his mouth into yours, covering the scream that would’ve escaped your lungs as your whole body shook underneath his, his fingers digging into your skin, holding your body flush against his as you both rode out your orgasm.
You suddenly felt for the first time how cold the air was in his apartment as the sensitivity slowly wore off and you felt him pull himself from you. You leaned your head back against the door, eyes still closed, world still spinning and felt his soft lips planting gentle kisses on your cheek, his arms sliding lazily around your waist.
You opened your eyes and found him looking back at you, his eyes sleepy, his skin glowing in the dim light.
“Are you alright?” he whispered, planting feather-soft kisses on your lips, smiling.
“Um..I’m fine,” you pulled away, leaning down to pull the dress back up to your shoulders, finding that he ripped the strap and bodice when he tore the dress from your body earlier.
“Here, let me get you something to wear,” he took you by the hand, leading you past the kitchen to the closet and you held your arm across your chest in an attempt to hold the dress up.
He pulled a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt down from the shelf, and told you to drop the dress as he slid the shirt over your head. You stepped out of the silk and lace puddle and slid your legs into the sweatpants before leaning over and picking up the dress, bundling it in your arms. He slid on a new pair of briefs and put on a long sleeve shirt and a pair of sweatpants as well.
“Um, I’ll get this to a seamstress and return it to you once it’s fixed,” You said frigidly, brushing a lock of hair behind your ear.
He reached a hand out for your waist but you turned, backing out of the closet.
“Y/N..” he followed behind you.
You grabbed your purse from the counter and moved towards the front door. “Jimin..look I...I have to go,” you turned the knob and he stopped you, grabbing ahold of your arm.
“Y/N, it’s 2 in the morning and there’s a thunderstorm outside,” he sighed, looking at you with a concerned expression. “Stay the night, I’ll take you home in the morning.”
You shook your head. “No Jimin, I can’t stay I-” you turned to look at him. “This was a mistake. I have to go, ok?”
His brows knit together and he reached his arms out, sliding them around your waist and pulling you in. “How can you say that, Y/N..look at me,” he reached a hand up and took ahold of your jaw, forcing you to look at him. “Are you still thinking about Jungkook? After everything? Look me in the eye and tell me you still want him.”
You felt your cheeks grow hot as a rush of liquid came to your tear ducts.
“Jimin, let me go,” you breathed, grabbing onto his forearms and tearing his hands from you.
“Y/N..” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Let me at least drive you, it’s pouring outside.”
You sat in the passenger side of his car as close to the door as possible, wanting as much distance between your body and his as you could manage. You stared out the window, heart pounding, fingers nervously picking at your cuticles, and Jimin noticed.
He drove swiftly through the thunderstorm, pulling up to the outside of your complex. You had your hand already on the door handle, sliding it up before the car even came to a full stop, running out into the rain.
“Y/N!” he called after you, running up behind you, throwing open an umbrella.
You looked up, brushing the hair that’s been stuck to your forehead from the rain and froze, seeing Jungkook stand up from the bench under the awning by the security desk. He looked at you, eyes widening as they saw the little marks on your neck, that you were wearing Jimin’s clothes, the dress in your arms.
You saw his teeth clench as he lunged forwards toward Jimin, winding his arm back and you stepped in front of him. “JK! JK, don’t!” You raised your hands up, pushing his chest, but fell backward a little yourself. You ran your hands along his arms, “Hey, hey, don’t do this ok? Hey, JK-”
He threw his arms up, flinging your hands aside, “What the fuck did you do Y/N?” he yelled, turning and raising his hands to his ears. “What the fuck did you do?!” He took a step toward you, making you jump, and Jimin stepped in front of you, pushing him back.
“Y/N, get back in the car.”
“What did you do,” over Jimin’s shoulder you could see Jungkook slam his back against the stone wall, sliding down to the ground, his head in his hands.
“No, Jimin, you should leave,” you pushed past him, kneeling in front of Jungkook, trying to pry his hands from his face.
“Y/N..” Jimin moved toward you.
“Just go!”
You turned to face Jungkook, still huddled against the wall and in your periphery you saw Jimin lean down to pick up his umbrella, his hair and clothes drenched, and you could tell he stood looking at you for a moment before turning and walking out. You heard the engine of his car turnover, and its echo as it roared down the street, leaving nothing but the sound of raindrops hitting the pavement and water splashing from the rain gutter above.
229 notes · View notes
Running Mate - Part 12
Okay, so....here’s part 12....please don’t hate me! I know I promised I’d keep the angst to a minimum, but the story kind of just wrote itself and....well....I can tell you that I’ve already started Part 13 so you won’t have to wait long for an answer....I love you, please don’t hate me! 😂
Adult Content, 18+, NSFW
Word Count: 3,844
CW: confrontation, mention of cheating, un-protected sex, penetration, oral sex
@maeleeme @andyrazzledazzle @oddsnendsfanfics @fanfictionaddiction99 @jhenno2002 @mitzwinchester @xceafh @henrycavillluv32 @severuined @queenslandlover-93 @thummbelina @chamomilebottom @deep-in-my-thoughts13 @henryslilprincess @constip8merm8 
After your conversation with Kyle, you made the decision to listen to him - and your gut. It was the right decision because Henry turned out to be the man you wanted and needed. More than once, outsiders attempted to tear apart your relationship with Henry, but the two of you stood strong.
Less than a month after your return from Peru, there were multiple stories stating that Henry was back with Lucy. Several fan sites shared “sources” that proved the two were back together. Many had cellphone footage of the two of them sharing scenes while filming in Arizona. Thanks to your family and friends, you were able to let all of this roll off of your back. It also helped that Henry made a point to video chat with you once a week.
“You do realize we didn’t even do this when you were filming The Witcher?” you state one Sunday morning a few weeks after he’d left. It was after 10 in the morning for you, which meant it was after 6 in the evening where Henry was.  
“I know and I’m trying to change, y/n,” Henry replied. “It’s this crazy thing people do when they love someone and they want them to feel comfortable in their relationship,” he states, giving you a smug smile. You squint at him.
“Is it though?” you ask, in a high-pitched, squeaky voice. Henry squints back, his mouth twitching with all the sarcastic things you want to say. You giggle at his attempts to remain composed.
“You are such a little minx,” Henry mutters through clenched teeth, chuckling as you continue to giggle. “God, I miss your smile,” he groans so you smile broadly at him through the camera. Even through Henry’s laptop microphone, you can hear Kal growling at something outside the trailer. Henry shushes him and the little moment pulls at your heart strings.
“I miss you as well,” you sigh. Henry turns his attention back to the camera, his features softened a little after your statement. “It’s too quiet around here,” you state. As you say that, the washing machine dings loudly in the other room. “Actually, give me one second sugar. I need to move my laundry,” you stand up and dart over to the washing machine. Quickly, you move your clothes then saunter back to the dining room table where your computer is set up.
“Y/n?” Henry questions as you are sitting back down. “What are you wearing?” he ask. You glance down at the teal hoodie that Henry left behind, then smile back up at him.
“A hoodie,” you say brightly with another broad smile. Henry chuckles.
“And?” he pushes.
“A hoodie,” you repeat, smiling devilishly. Henry’s lips are pursed and they twitch ever so slightly.
“You mean to tell me, we’ve been having a video chat for the last twenty minutes and I am only just now finding out you are partially naked?” he asks. You bite down on your bottom lip. “Not only that, you are wearing my hoodie,” he adds, taking a closer inspection. You grin goofily at him.
“Yes, but, there is a reason,” you say and Henry heartily chuckles.
“Oh, please tell me, because I’d love to hear this,” he says with a sly smile. You cock your head to the side and squint at him.
“Okay, going to ignore the ‘tude for a moment,” you say, clicking your tongue. Henry laughs and his shoulders shake. “So the reason is, really, I’m just trying to help you,” you say quickly. Henry raises his eyebrows and laughs short and quickly.
“You’re helping me?”
“As a matter of fact, I am,” you assert. “See, I remember you saying that when you’re away, the AC is off at your place. Since I’m here now, it means it won’t be off all the time, costing you money,” Henry chuckles and a soft smile lingers on his lips. “So I’m keeping it off for the most part, despite the fact that it’s been incredibly hot here in London,” you stop and watch Henry. He’s got his chin resting in the palm of one hand, watching you.
“Please go on, I’m absolutely riveted,” he says dryly.
“Again, ignoring the ‘tude,” you continue. “Long story short, the AC has been off in the house and I have been wearing a limited wardrobe,” you tell him. Henry’s eyebrows raise.
“Limited wardrobe?” he repeats. Your mouth twitches with a smile you are trying hard to hide. “Let me get this straight. While I’ve been away, you’ve been walking around the house in my hoodies and shorts,” he declares. You suck in your bottom lip.
“My friend, you are greatly overstating what I meant by limited wardrobe,” you reply. Then you sit back and watch as his expression changes from confusion to understanding. His mouth opens and closes a few times before he speaks.
“So why are you wearing my hoodie then?” he asks desperately.
“I got cold,” you explain slowly and quietly. Henry stares at you for a brief moment before a wide grin breaks out across his face and loud, hearty laughter fills the air. You watch as his whole body shakes from laughter. You join him, feeling the tears fall down your face as you attempt to wipe them away while you giggle. After a moment, Henry calms down, smiling wide and goofy and wiping the tears away from his eyes.
“Oh my god, I’m never turning the AC on ever again,” he mutters as another fit of giggles takes over him.
“Between your body hair and Kal’s, you’ll barely make it a day,” you reply and Henry rolls his eyes at you.
“You think I don’t know how to handle extreme temperatures?”
“Oh, don’t play the Mission Impossible card! It’s old and tired,” you retort. Henry scoffs and proceeds to talk over you so it ends up just being the two of you talking loudly at each other through your cameras. It all ends in another fit of giggles while Henry watches you with a loving look.
“Fuck, I miss being able to kiss you whenever I want,” he says suddenly, having calmed down. You smile sweetly at him.
“I miss you too, sugar,” you say to him. He smiles back, sighing. “How much longer will you be in Arizona?”
“A few more weeks,” he replies, sighing. The two of you talk a little while longer before you tell him you have to get back to work. The next several weeks, you fall into a routine. You spend as much time as possible working on research and development for your documentary with Callie, Peter and the rest of the team at National Geographic. James sends you extra work for his new project, so that keeps you busy as well.
Eventually, the weeks do pass and Henry is on the return trip from the states. The morning of he and Kal are supposed to be back, you wake up early and clean the place up. Half way through, you get a text from Henry saying there was a delay with the flight and he’ll be back later than expected. Though it saddens you, you tell him no worries and continue cleaning. Since you have extra time, you head into the office to help Callie with some technical issues. She called you in hysterics because her research files went missing. Turns out, they got saved in the wrong folder, which then got deleted.
Back at the house, you are at your desk working on edits when the front door bursts open. Henry and Kal come clamoring in. He doesn’t see you at first, but when he turns around, he stops in his tracks.
“Hey sugar,” you croon, standing up from the table. Henry drops the bag he’s hold and makes a beeline for you. Your grunt is muffled as he wraps you up in his beefy arms. He squeezes you gently when your hands snake around his waist. After a moment, he loosens his hold on you so he can look down at you with those baby blues. His hands drop down to your hips and he sighs, taking you in.
“Hi,” he murmurs. A wide, goofy grin that you can’t stop breaks out across your face. Henry mirrors you and you can’t help from laughing as he leans down and kisses you. The kiss is obviously hungry as his tongue pushes past your lips, searching for yours. He moans softly into you as your hands slide up to his shoulders. A knock at the door breaks your concentration. You sigh and lean into him.
“Don’t answer it” you whisper.
“It’s probably my assistant, I have to,” he groans, though he doesn’t let go of you immediately. Only when there is another round of knocking does he reluctantly detangle himself from your embrace. You watch as he strides to the door, pauses, then opens it with a smile. As predicted, Leah was there with some forms that needed to be signed. You chatted with her about her relaxation plans now that Henry was back from the states. She tells you about her stay-cation ideas among other things. Once everything is signed and dated, Henry gently escorts her to the front door. You wave and call out goodbye to her as he closes to door, then he turns to face you. Quietly, you close the gap between you and him, placing your hands on his hips, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
“I have to walk Kal,” he whispers. Your fingers skillfully tug open his belt.
“Then go walk him,”
“I will,”
“Mhmm,” you murmur. You look up at him and see him swallow hard. With one movement, Henry’s hands are on your hips, lifting you up. You wrap your legs around his thick waist and your hands snake through his hair. Your lips collide with his for an intense kiss that sends shivers down your spine. Holding you tightly against his body, Henry walks up the stairs to the bedroom. You kiss and nibble at his jaw line, smiling with every grunt and labored breath he pushes out of his nose. He lays you on the bed and immediately begins to tear at your jeans. He’s forceful and clumsy as his fingers rip apart the button and yank at the zipper. You laugh heartily as he grunts, pulling down hard from the top of your jeans.
Once they are off, his hands caress your hips and thighs. Then he leans down and begins kissing the warm skin just above your panty line. Your breath comes in shuddering waves as you sigh, realizing just how much you missed this man. Your fingers move through his hair. A loud gasp escapes from you when Henry nibbles ever so slightly on your inner thigh. The heat radiating from between your legs drives you forward. You push him up, sitting up as well and begin pulling at his pants. With a little more dexterity, you unhook the button, pull the zipper and help him as Henry begins to push his pants down. You can see him bulging through his boxer briefs. You bite your lip and glance up at his blue eyes. They are staring down at you intently. Suddenly, his large hands are on your small shoulders, pushing you down, pressing his lips firmly into yours. Together, you move away from the edge of the bed to the middle, with Henry’s weight on top of you. His hips rock into yours and a deep moan vibrates through your body. Henry’s fingers dig into the flesh of your hips, searching frantically for the line of your underwear. Once he has it, he yanks with determination, pulling them clean off on one side. Your hands haven’t been idle though. Sliding down his back, you push your hands up under his shirt. With his help, you pull it off of him, revealing his hard and chiseled body underneath.
Wasting no time, Henry pulls your shirt off as well. His briefs follow suit quickly with your underwear coming off immediately afterward. Without a word, Henry uses his knee to open your legs a little wider, then holding onto your hips, slowly he slides himself inside of you and sighs.
“Henry,” you gasp. Your toes curl into the mattress and your hips press up into his as you arch your back to allow him in further. You tip your head back, moaning, and Henry takes advantage of the moment. He leans down, kissing the exposed skin of your neck, causing you to moan louder. “Oh god, Henry,” you moan. You can feel every inch of him inside of you, opening you up and pushing against your walls. “Henry,” you whisper, pressing your lips into his ear. He groans, pushing deeper into you.
“I missed you,” Henry says breathlessly. “God, I missed you,” he grunts, thrusting his hips faster. You dig your nails into his shoulders, pulling them down his back. You can feel his tight muscles, coiled and shifting with every movement.
“Oh Henry,” you murmur. You nibble on his earlobe which causes Henry to groan deeply. His hips convulse and thrust into you with fervor. The two of you moan together as your hips slow his and find a rhythm with him. You rock with him for a moment, clutching the nape of his neck with one hand and his broad shoulder with the other. His lips are pressed firmly against the warm skin of your neck where his face is buried. The sensation of his breath in your ear makes your skin break out in goosebumps.
“I love you,” Henry murmurs low. He grunts as his hips rock into yours. You can feel him bulging inside of you with every thrust, but those three words bring you to the height of pleasure. “I love you, y/n,” he says. You gasp as he pushes deeper into you, his hips moving faster and more desperate. Your legs wrap around his waist as you hang on to him.
“I love you, Henry,” you gasp, breathlessly. “Say it again, please,” you beg. Your fingers dig into his shoulders and Henry grunts.
“I love you. I love you, baby,” he grunts. His hips slam into yours as he pushes further, harder, and deeper into you. You barely announce that you are coming, when Henry pushes himself up. He takes a firm hold of your hips and begins pounding into you. Your body reacts at the sensation as it every thrust sends waves of pure, unadulterated pleasure throughout your body.
“Fuck!” you scream, your back arching and your hands clawing at his. Henry’s grunts get louder and more desperate as he moves faster in and out of you. He groans as he feels your walls and your legs tighten around him. He watches with complete satisfaction as you climax under him. With a few final thrusts, he finishes as well and collapses half on and half off of you, breathing heavy and laboriously. You peer at him out of the corner of your eye. He’s looking at you through half closed eyes, smiling sleepily.
“You are,” he starts, pausing to suck in deep breaths.
“Beautiful, amazing, incredible,” you say for him, glancing at him sideways.
“Dangerous,” he states. You close your eyes and laugh heartily.
“Oh whatever,” you yell, playfully batting at his shoulder. He laughs, rolling onto his side and scooting closer to your body.
“Completely and utterly dangerous,” he leans down and begins leaving feather light kisses along your collarbone. You close your eyes and sigh.
“Mm, you’re one to talk,” you say, sucking in a breath as the stubble on Henry’s chin grazes your breast. “I’d say you’re the mayor of Danger City right about now,” Henry smiles and glances up at you. He keeps his eyes on yours as he leans down and places his lips gently on your nipple. Your eyes close involuntarily and you gasp.
“And I’m the dangerous one?” you question him. “There is no way you are ready to go again,” you add, opening your eyes and look down at his smiling face.
“I have not had your body within reach for four and a half months,” he murmurs, running his lips across your other nipple sending shivers throughout your body. “Yes, little minx, I am ready to go again,” then he takes your nipple in his mouth, circling the sensitive and tender skin with his tongue. You moan, pushing your chest up toward his mouth; a silent beg for him to continue. But his actions are interrupted by Kal’s sudden and frantic barking downstairs. You can hear him scrambling around on the hardwood floors down stairs.
“Damn,” Henry groans and you giggle. He gives you his trademarked raised eyebrow look. “Oh, you’re not getting out of this that easily, little minx,” he says, pushing himself up and off the bed. Then he grabs your wrist and pulls you up with him. The two of you get dressed and proceed to take Kal for a walk. He holds your hand firmly the whole time, keeping you close to him when you have to stop for Kal. Since you hadn’t planned for dinner, the three of you walk to a corner store nearby to pick up supplies. Henry requested that you make the lasagna again. That night, he takes his time running his lips over every inch of your body. The next morning you wake up to a flurry of kisses across your bare shoulders. When he realizes you’re awake, his hands begin to gently trace along your backside. Feeling feisty after the night before, you push him back down on to the mattress.
Tossing your leg over, you straddle his waist. With sleepy and a sleepy smile, you bend down and kiss him, feeling his arms wrap around you. You suck on that bottom lip that you love so much and watch as it sends him into a frenzy. Riding this wave, you let go of his lip and shimmy down his body. The satisfied sigh that shudders out of him when you take his whole length in your mouth makes you happy and you take your time. Henry tangles his fingers throughout your hair, moaning and gasping at the things your tongue does. You smile, content that you are able to make the man easily three times your size squirm with pleasure.
For the next week and a half, you’re never far from Henry’s touch. He finds any and every opportunity to run his fingers across any exposed skin he sees and you love it. Every morning you wake up in his arms and every night you fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. Every morning you sip coffee with him in the backyard and every night the two of you rediscover each other in every sense of the word. When you have to go into the office, he comes to take you out to lunch, even bringing Callie and Peter along as well. Two weeks after Henry was back, you made plans to see Callie.
“I’m heading out, sugar,” you say to him, throwing your bag over your shoulder.
“Where are you off to?” he asks.
“I told you yesterday. I’m heading to Callie’s for a movie night,” you tell him. He looks up at you with soft puppy dog eyes.
“Oh? What are you going to watch?”
“Some scary movie,” you tell him. “Either The Devil’s Rejects or House of A Thousand Corpses,” his eyebrows raise.
“I didn’t realize you were a Rob Zombie fan,” he says and you shrug.
“Eh, not really. I like psychological thrillers, but Callie’s obsessed and I picked the movie last time,” you explain. He smiles with understanding, then stands up to embrace you. He gives you a sweet kiss goodbye and watches you climb into an Uber and take off. At Callie’s you settle into her couch with a bowl of popcorn and your second glass of wine. She saunters in with her own bowl and glass explaining that she has changed her mind on what to watch. Pulling up Amazon Prime, she starts the one film film you truly weren’t expecting - Mission Impossible: Fallout. Quickly, you dive for your phone almost spilling the popcorn and text Henry. He replies with a laughing emoji and you send the wink and kiss emoji. Later, when the theme song begins to play, Callie films the two of you humming along and generally acting like idiots. You ask her to share the video with you. After you get it, you also send it to Henry, hoping it will make him smile. You and Callie spend the evening drinking and making silly commentary about the film. You talk about the cinematography while Callie discusses the importance of Henry’s mustache.
“It’s really quite critical for the role,” she says, clearly tipsy after her 3rd glass of wine. You giggle the whole time you listen to her, agreeing with most of her points. When the night is over, you make the trek back to your house. You are buzzed with joy and wine and smartly took an Uber there. So now you were in the back of another Uber, smiling to yourself as you remembered the hilarious commentary the two of you had throughout the film. Your phone buzzes with a message from Kyle.
Y/n, Marshall found this article a few days ago. He just showed me and I decided it should be someone you love that breaks this to you. Talk to Henry before you click the link.
You scrunch your face up as you read the text. Not fully understanding, you click the link to the article and immediately feel yourself growing cold. Your thumb scrolls through the words so they flash by without any context or meaning. You scroll to the bottom where the author claims they have pictures and that’s where you see it. Your mouth drops open and your heart stops beating for a moment.
“Ma’am,” a voice says. You’re brought back to reality; back to the back of the Uber. You realize the car is stopped because you have arrived back home.
“Thanks,” you mumble, stumbling out of the car. Buzzed and confused, you slowly make your way back inside. Henry is walking around the corner when you walk in.
“Hey, how was it?” he asks, smiling wide at you. You look up at him and immediately he knows something is wrong. “Y/n, what’s the matter?” he steps toward you, but you throw your hands up. He stops.
“Henry,” you start, your voice small. There are tears ready to fall, but you hold them back. “Did something happen between you and Lucy?” you ask. Henry’s face instantly contorts.
"Did something happen while you were filming. With her - with Lucy?" You repeat, tripping over your words. You can't tell if it's the alcohol or the fear.
"No. What? No."
“Then why are there pictures of her kissing you online?”
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