#// dude who actually still has grace in his eyes
fishermcn · 1 month
Knight-Captain Renauld was a veteran of the Shattering and one of the few Redmanes to have survived the Bloom of Aeonia, where Malenia the Severed unleashed the Scarlet Rot upon Starscourge Radahn and all the Caelid Wilds. In the days following the fallout it was his leadership that rallied the broken forces of Radahn's army, organizing the Redmanes and leading the first of many fiery purges as countless wriggling horrors began pulling themselves from the now befouled earth.
It wasn't until the lashing winds in the Bloom's wake no longer raged and the miasma of rot finally settled down to fester Caelid properly that a proper record could be taken of their losses... and of their enemies. When Renauld realized that only Radahn remained upon that accursed battlefield, his rage was immense, and upon his oath and that of a dozen other knights they launched a crusade to hunt down Malenia and finish what their now stricken and broken lord could not.
So it was that these knights thirteen scorched their crests in the manner that all other Redmanes would follow, and with their castle left in old Jerren's hands they hunted the wayward demigod. Across pillaged Limgrave and forsaken Liurnia they followed the wake of hated Finlay, loyal to the last, and through war-bitten Atlus Plateau did their march tread upon, and the horrors and terrors they confronted with bared steel and fiery resolve in the wake of the war to end all wars, who could say? For their tales have been lost to the waning of that most broken age, and of those vengeful thirteen only one of their number ever returned to blighted Caelid.
Rumors say that Renauld had dared to tread a measure in blasphemy itself, to scale those bitter peaks where the fire giants once echoed their own fiery fury across the mountaintops in Finlay's wake. Amongst the men-at-arms and knights is claimed that in those furious snowfields Renauld met his match, a duel at long last with Finlay staining the powdery white crimson with his blood and an eye taken for the cost of his oath unavenged... and some would whisper that he survived only from the intervention of a spirit, and the gracelessness in the eyes of the boy that returned home with him is proof of it.
In the days since his return, Renauld Whist has taken command of the remaining Redmane forces scattered across all of Caelid, and even now leads sorties against the corruption that has choked the heart of his homeland.
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loveinhawkins · 29 days
was this written to solve my own inconsistencies because i keep forgetting Eddie literally hotwired the RV, they don’t need keys, why do you keep mentioning keys, you fool? maybe. do i also think they’d be this stupid? yes. ❤️
“Oh, son of a bitch,” Dustin says, midway to The War Zone.
Steve, who is used to this sort of outburst for things as mild as Dustin forgetting just one out of the eight pens on his person, does not react.
However Eddie—Hellfire rants aside—is not quite as familiar yet. He jumps practically a foot in the air.
“Jesus Christ, what now?”
All Dustin offers by way of explanation is an accusatory, “You,” pointing his finger right in Eddie’s face.
And then Eddie sees what’s dangling from said finger.
“… Oh.”
“What?” Steve says, glancing at the rearview mirror; Eddie quickly blocks Dustin from view, goes right up on his tiptoes and spreads his arms wide, curses when Dustin throws the keys—
—to Max, who catches them one-handed, who gives Eddie a grin that’s not so much pitying as it is evil, and then she—
—throws them to Lucas, and he somehow gets the metal ring to land on his finger, like he’s in a movie, and he twirls them round and round until Max snorts, and he grins like that had been his aim all along.
“Sinclair,” Eddie says, “I am begging you.”
“I’m not hearing much about what’s in it for him,” Erica says.
Aha! Eddie zeroes in on Erica and blocks her from Lucas, like a very unjust game of Keep Away.
“Dude,” Lucas says, affronted, “that’s not fair.”
Eddie has the decency to look a bit ashamed. Not too ashamed to stop because he is a pathetic man, but at least Steve still hasn’t noticed the—
“Lucas,” Erica says, in the aggrieved tones of a sister who’s despaired at him many, many times. “You’re on the basketball team. Just do a pass fake, nerd.”
Lucas feigns to the left, and Eddie falls for it—but, in what he’s sure is a completely unsportsmanlike move, he uses his height to his advantage, jumps…
And drops the keys with a clatter.
Steve must instantly recognise the sound for what it is, because he starts to cackle.
Eddie’s only saving grace is that Steve is driving, so at least he can’t see—
“Eddie’s going, like, super red in the face right now,” Dustin narrates helpfully.
“Scarlet,” Lucas says.
“Vermillion,” Robin pipes up from the floor.
“Ooh,” Dustin, Lucas, and Max chorus, impressed. Jesus Christ, they almost harmonize.
“Yeah, Eddie,” Steve says dryly, “you fucking moron. How did you miss those, it’s not like you had literally anything else on your mind.”
“You’re a real gentleman, Harrington, anyone ever told you that?” Eddie says weakly.
“Maybe once or twice,” Steve says, drawing it out teasingly, as if he means not often enough.
“Well, at least we got on the road,” Nancy says. Her voice quivers like she’s trying not to laugh—perched on the table, eyes shining with amusement. “And it did look pretty cool, Eddie.”
Eddie thinks this is an incredibly generous assessment, considering his main thought while breaking into the RV had been don’t get stuck in the window, Jesus Christ.
And then… like, he didn’t expect Steve to actually come up and watch him hotwire the damn thing, like, with rapt attention, so close that Eddie was kinda concerned he’d electrocute himself instead. Honestly, it was a miracle he got the engine started.
“That’s sweet of you, Wheeler, but I’m self-aware.”
“Since when?” Erica says.
Underneath everyone’s laughter, Steve grins and says, “Hey, don’t worry, man.” He catches Eddie’s eye in the rearview mirror, winks. “It was an educational experience.”
“Oh, wow, your face is even redder.”
“Henderson, I’m gonna put those goddamn keys so far up your ass.”
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mindstriker · 9 months
so many thoughts about the wizard today. one of the first things gale ever says to you when you rescue him initially is that he's sure he'll be able to repay you many times over- immediately trying to appeal to you and your group by promising that he's useful. essentially, that he's worth bringing along. where most of the others you pick up early game- like shadowheart and lae'zel- automatically assume that working together is advantageous for both parties, he's already concerned that he'll be left behind- deemed dead weight instead of a companion. he's also undoubtedly already trying to get into everyone's good graces as much as possible to soften the inevitable blow of admitting to being a fucking nuclear bomb, but I don't think that's the sole reason he tries to appeal. he also wants to be liked just for the sake of it. we're talking about a dude who has like -2 friends and spent a year locked in his house with only Tara for company (love her, but still. point stands.), he's fucking lonely as hell.
so, he starts cooking for everyone- offhandedly mentioning that the "hand that feeds is the hand that's loved". if you romance him, or hell- even just become his friend, he does his best to impress you with magic and illusion. eventually he convinces himself he should try to become a god- not only to satisfy his own need to become powerful enough to finally make him feel sufficient- but because it's the ultimate way to become appreciated, to be *useful* to the world in a way he never was before. he could be a god that actually answers when you call, he swears- a god that would never use and discard people the way he was discarded. (it's a horrible idea, but he's still hellbent on it for the sake of being someone worth appreciation in his eyes)
his entire sense of self revolves around being good at something, and using that skill to serve others to "earn" their affections, and it shows the whole way through.
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sku-nk · 1 month
I've been inspired Skunk. Do you lnow that TikTok trend where it's like "When they're all up on my girl in public but she thinks they're just being friendly" and it's that audio that's like COME HERE.
Can I request that.
Come Here.
Synopsis: Some guy's getting a little too close for comfort. Unfortunately for Sam, you're oblivious to it.
Warnings: Language, jealous Sam, Not really controlling but bossy Sam, Just funny shit
A/n: i got your other ask clarifying who u wanted :))
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Nothing is ever simple. Never.
Actually, there are a few things that are simple. A lot even. Things that are exactly as they're supposed to be, things that never have any extra complications.
With you nothing is ever simple. there has to be at least billion things that actually prove themselves to be what they should be, yet anything regarding you just can't be one of those things.
Like shopping.
It was supposed to be a boring little shopping trip. It was supposed to be quick. Pick up some things you need around the house, stuff you've ran out of and stuff you've suddenly realized you need. Maybe convince Sam to take you to Victoria's Secret and leave a dent in her wallet.
Honestly, Sam would prefer that to what's going on instead. She'd prefer anything over this. Like sleeping in, or watching a movie, or maybe punching that dude who's got his hand on your back.
What's worse is that you don't even seem to realize what he's doing. You've clearly been standing there for a while now, speaking to some stupid guy with a stupid chain and an even stupider fake deep voice.
At first Sam didn't even know where you were, you'd just wandered off. She'd assumed you were going to get something else on the list. When she caught up to you, finding you at the other end of the baking isle, she wished she'd followed you.
"Just need to start looking right, you know?" This guy says, standing much too close for comfort. "Pull a ten, maybe."
You nod, smiling. "I'm sure you will, Ryan," you say politely.
Sam can see the way his eyes rake over you, the look on his face so clearly filled with want it's actually ridiculous you're oblivious to it. Then again, you always have been. That's how you were with her.
"Shit, if I was like you, I wouldn't need to do all this. But you're just mad pretty," Ryan says, laughing for whatever reason. You're smiling kindly but Sam's got what's probably the dirtiest of looks on her face.
"Oh, thank you," you smile. Sam rolls her eyes. This dude's not your friend.
"Y/n," she says, making her presence known. Your eyes widen and an even bigger smile graces your face, head whipping in the direction you heard the voice. Ryan looks too, though his face is more curious than anything.
"Sammy," you say, as Ryan's hand drops from your back. Sam feels herself let out a breath despite the fact that you're still a little too close to this guy.
"Come here," she says, arms crossing.
"Hold on, this is Ry-" you begin, pointing at the guy who's now a good two and a half feet away, though you don't get the chance to finish.
"Come here." Sam points at the ground in front of her.
You tilt your head, glancing between Ryan and Sam, but you don't protest. You make a face, something between confusion and annoyance. Sam doesn't notice, or else she doesn't care.
"Now," she says, something in her voice possessing an odd sort of finality. You let out an exaggerated sigh and glance at Ryan, who seems to be just as confused as you.
"Sorry, Ryan," you say as you speed up. For some reason, this causes Sam to sigh and roll her eyes again.
She's irritable all of a sudden, you think. She shoots the not so poor guy a look, a look that has him stepping back even further.
"Let's go," she says impatiently as her eyes land on you, urging you to hurry up. You give her a look of your own.
"Why'd you do that?" you ask, despite the fact that you're doing exactly as she's told you to, glancing back like that dude's actually stupid enough to still be standing there. Sam grabs your sleeve and pulls you little closer even though it really doesn't benefit her in the slightest (besides making her feel better) and leans onto the cart.
" 'Cause I did. When you're shopping, you're shopping with me," she tells you, tone suggesting that you doing otherwise is an insult or something alike. "Not some weird ass dude."
"Ryan's not weird-"
"He's weird!" Sam cuts in, throwing a hand up. "Weird and wants you. You're with me, you're shopping with me."
You almost laugh. It's funny. What is she even talking about? Ryan wants you? That guy you just met? Sam notices your little smile out of the corner of her eye and scoffs.
"It's funny 'till he wants a smooch," she says, dead serious.
That does it.
You can't hold it any longer. You burst into a fit of giggles, smacking Sam on the arm. "He was being nice, relax," you laugh, as Sam rolls her eyes for the millionth time.
"He doesn't need to, he's being a little too nice."
"It's not that deep, I promise!" you tell her, grin unwavering.
"It's always that deep! Everybody wants you! All the time! I do!" Sam shoots back, instinctively straightening up as you grab the cart, shaking your head and beginning to push it down the isle. She nearly pulls her hair out when you start fully laughing at her again.
"Made me forget what I was over here for," you say to yourself as Sam follows behind you, saying something about the elderly crossing guard across the street checking you out.
I dunno how to end this guys
"So you need to stay with me all the time!"
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We can have Andrew and Ashley (separately) dating reader who is a singer/guitarist in a Punk rock band, who has a somewhat cynical, indifferent personality but is quite kind when you get to know her.
But there is a problem, she is possessed by a demon and needs to kill or drink human blood to survive (just like that movie Jennifer Body feat. Megan Fox)
Friggin love Jennifer’s Body- hell yeah anon!
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Ashley and Andrew Graves x Possessed Punk Rock!Reader
Andrew Graves
You met Andrew after he went to watch your band play. He came up to you after the show and started up a conversation with you.
You were the best part of the band in his personal opinion
You’d heard this all before, and like always you went along to get on his good graces
Honestly- you had full intention of eating him until he started some playful banter with you
You both just bounced off of each other so well
“Alright, so- it’s the zombie apocalypse and you have to team up with 2 other people at this bar.” Andrew was leaning against the bar, he phrased it like such a serious question, “Who you picking?”
“Hmmmm…” you hummed, turning your attention to the cluster of people, “Probably that guy-“ you nod towards one muscly frat dude chatting with his equally muscular friends, “He looks like he could punch some zombies. Dumb and fearless, ya know?”
Andrew chuckled, “Ahhh, so you’re into beefy dudes, huh?”
You gave him a deadpan stare before rolling your eyes and smirking a little, “Nah, if anything he’d be a sacrifice to the undead horde. I’m more into sickly looking emo dudes.”
A small blush painted Andrew’s cheeks, he turned to look at the crowd, “Soooo- does that mean I’m on your apocalypse team?”
“Not in the slightest,” you leant back on the bar stool, “It’s about survival, and no offense hun- but you’re usually the first to die in those kinds of movies.”
Andrew dramatically clutched his chest, giving a faux harmed expression. You playfully shove him to wipe the look off his face. He laughed a little as he sat back up in his stool.
“Alright, alright-“ you wave your hand towards him, “You can join my apocalypse team. We’ll team up to sacrifice the big dude.”
“You’re too kind.”
He was fun to talk to, what can ya say?
You ended up feasting on that frat bro after Andrew left- but not without giving you his number
You two hung out a bit after that- and Andrew became a regular at your shows
You even started inviting him to rehearsals to sit and watch
You make him a shirt with the band’s name on it as a joke- but he wears it constantly.
He’s a dork, but soon enough…he becomes your dork <3
Which is why you were nervous to tell him the truth about you
“….I’m sorry you’re what?”
You winced at his words. There- was no easy way of telling him this, but- you don’t know. It feels like the right thing to inform your partner you’re actually possessed by a demon and crave human flesh and blood.
“I’m possessed by a demon,” You turn away from his, rubbing your arm anxiously, “It- happened when I was 17. Some fucks tried to offer me as a sacrifice to a demon to make them famous and- well, now we know the reason virgins are sacrificed for demon deals.”
Andrew blinked, and a silence fell between you two. He turned away from you, his eyes fixed on the ground,
“….you know my sister is friends with a demon.”
You scrunched up your nose in confusion, turning to give him a look of “What the fuck?”
He held his hands up defensively, “Hey I don’t know! What else was I supposed to say?!”
“I don’t know!” You threw a throw pillow at him, “You’re the first person I’ve told!”
Andrew caught the pillow, placing it gingerly on his lap, “Well- I’m not a stranger to this whole…demon stuff. Can’t say I’ve dated one though…”
Your eyes widened. You looked at him in disbelief, “You- still want to date me?”
“Well- yeah.” He shrugged as if it wasn’t obvious, “You’re not gonna eat me- I’d assume at least.”
“Nah,” you gave him a small smirk, “Not enough meat on ya.”
You received a pillow to the face in response to that. You broke out into soft laughter, Andrew shortly joining in. This…went better than you thought it would.
From then on Andrew helped you with finding food. He’d scan for potential meals at your shows and direct you to them after.
He seems way too experienced in this sort of thing
Ashley Graves
That relatable moment when you’re about to feast on this guy, but this cute goth chick was about to sacrifice him to a whole other demon <3
After a show you had planned on following this couple and devouring them both- you were really hungry
Low and behold- the girl led her date into the woods and summoned a whole ass demon to take his soul
She noticed your presence as she was getting ready to move the body and-
She said that as if trying to move the soulless body of a grown ass man in the middle of the woods was the most normal thing in the world. You were- dumbfounded honestly. Apparently you were staring for too long, as the woman dropped the corpse’s arms and crossed her own,
“You gonna scream- or are we going to be chill about this?” She tapped her foot as she glared at you, “Don’t make me offer another soul to my friend.”
“Ha! Good luck with that-“ you stepped out of the bushes, shaking off any leaves that stuck to your pants, “Your friend would just be confused why you’re offering them their own kind.”
She looked you up and down, her eyes narrowed with suspicion.
“Yeah- look. I’m possessed- and I was following you and that boy toy of yours to have some dinner.” You pointed to the corpse between you two, “So I’ll do you a favor and get rid of this body for you.”
The woman rubbed her chin, looking down at the body. She then grinned deviously, “Hmmm…you mind if I join you?”
Your eyes widened. Was- she being serious? Did she want to chow down on this guy with you?
Apparently she could notice your confusion and shrugged, “Well I was going to eat him anyway. Was thinking of grilling him- some salt, oregano, paprika as seasoning. Help me carry him and you’ve got yourself a 5 star meal.”
This has to be the most insane woman you’ve ever met. Is this what love feels like?
“Sure thing-“ you reach down, hoisting the man’s arm around your shoulder, “Names Y/N.”
“Ashley Graves.” Ashley made no effort to help you carry the body, just leading you along as your struggled.
And thus started a beautiful friendship!
Ashley sacrifices a soul, you two eat the soulless body. Win-Win!
As you hang out more outside of your hunts, Ashley learns about your band
She’s not happy that you have friends outside of her, but she goes to your show anyway
She claimed that everyone sucked except for you
“We should just eat them,” Ashley suggested, her chin rested on your shoulder.
You glance at her before speaking, “No can do- I’m not eating my band mates.”
“Fine-“ she huffed, shoving you away from her, “Then I will!”
“Ashley- No-“ you groan, turning around to look at the currently pouting woman, “Look, I have a life outside of you ya know- don’t like it, don’t come to the shows. Nothing wrong with keeping things professional between us.”
Ashley went quiet at that. She hugged herself, turning away from you.
“…what if I don’t want to be professional?” She muttered, just loud enough for you to catch.
You blinked down at her, “You- what?”
“We get each other! I want to keep doing this, and I don’t want those ‘bandmates’ getting in the way.” She glared up at you, “You…You like me too, right?”
You did. You’d be lying if you didn’t find her general unhinged-ness hot, but you couldn’t kill your band.
“Hey, look-“ your voice went soft as you took Ashley’s hands into your own, “I…like you too Ashley, but we’re not eating my band. If I’ve been ignoring you for them, I’ll- cancel rehearsal tomorrow so we can go do something. Just us. Sound good?”
A small smile formed on Ashley’s face as she nodded, “Yeah…that’d be great.”
You may be the possessed one here, but Ashley Graves is a whole other level
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jointherebellion215 · 3 months
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John "Bucky" Egan x female!reader
Summary: You're swept off your feet by one Major John C. Egan, and you love every second of it. Sequel to Birdie.
Word Count: 3.0k
Tags: female!reader, mechanic!reader, women™, period typical sexism & misogyny, fun date night, dude w/ a small dick gets rightfully called out, mostly just fun date stuff, tons of fluff
A/N: Hello all! Thank you so much for the kind words on Birdie. I really appreciate everyone's comments, they warm my heart right up. I almost didn't write this, but the thought of having these two smooch it up was too good to pass up. I also completely headcanon that Bucky has the biggest sweet tooth, oops. As always, I'd be most gracious if you were to leave a like, comment, and/or reblog :)
Read the OC Version of this story on AO3!
Disclaimer: I own nothing. This story and any recognizably named characters are based solely on dramatic portrayals of the characters from the series, not the real individuals they represent. All the respect to the actual service people who fought and died in the Second World War. Also, please don't copy, repost, or translate my writing without explicit prior permission. Don't even think about it, AI!
A knock at the door brings butterflies to your stomach.
“Oh, he’s here!” Irene shouts, which is immediately met with your shushing, as well as Teresa’s.
You nervously pat your hair and check over your outfit for the evening. You’re spending your second day’s leave on a date with Bucky Egan. He had approached you last night at the pub, asking if you wanted to grab dinner. Alone. 
You, of course, said yes.
Teresa and Irene go to answer the door while you gather your purse, stuffing it with your essentials. Your friends greet him at the same time, sounding like twins.
“Good evening, Major!”
“Good evening, Major!”
You hear his deep voice reply, only a small bit of surprise leaking into his voice.
“Good evening, ladies. Is Birdie around? We have dinner plans.”
“I’m here! Hi.” You step around the wall that hides you from the front door, taking a look at the man you’d been crushing on for months. He stands tall and confident in his neatly pressed uniform, hat covering most of his dark curls. His mouth gapes, giving you a once over and attempting to speak up.
“I- You-…Uh, wow. Y-you look…” But any sweet words he attempts to say are interrupted by Irene, who comes in hot with a manic smile.
“Did you know that my daddy taught me how to shoot when I was just a little girl? I’m real good at it. They call me Oakley, back home, cause of how great a marksman I am. Y’know, like Annie Oakley?” She stepped forward, puffing up her chest and giving a frightening grin to Major Egan. You and Teresa exchanged confused looks, not knowing quite where she was going with this.
“I’m not allowed a sidearm or a rifle over here, but I’m sure I could easily borrow one from any of the fellas on base should you break my best friend’s hea—”
“OKAY! We don’t wanna be late, all the tables might be taken soon. Gotta go. Love you. Bye!” You quickly shove past the blonde, stepping over the threshold. You take Bucky’s hand and practically drag his tall form down the hallway, away from your best friend’s attempt at a shovel talk.
You faintly hear Teresa’s well wishes to you amid the aggressively whispered conversation she has with Irene. The last words you hear before the elevator door closes in front of you are a heavily accented protest from Irene.
“What? I was just trying to..!”
The pair of you stand in the elevator in silence. A slight rocking indicates the starting motion of it, which snaps you back to reality. Looking down, you realize that you’re still holding hands with Bucky. You quickly separate your hand from his, heat rising to your cheeks.
“Your friends seem nice.”
Your head snaps to glance at Bucky, who is already looking at you. A sincere smile graces his face, not a hint of mocking in his eyes. 
“I’m glad you have them looking out for you.” 
You feel your face start to cool down, making you comfortable enough to respond. 
“They drive me nuts sometimes. But they’re the best friends I could ever ask for.” You mean every word. 
You see John nod, so you turn back to look to the elevator doors in front of you. An awkward pause.
“You look beautiful.”
Another pause. “What?”
“It’s what I meant to say earlier. That you look beautiful. Because you do.”
Heat quickly returns to your cheeks, spreading throughout your whole upper body. You give a bashful smile, peeking up at him through your lashes. You gaze into his eyes for a moment.
“Thank you, Johnny. You look quite handsome yourself.” The Major adjusts his hat, covering just the tips of his ears. He returns your gaze with an uncharacteristically nervous grin. The floor gives a slight rattle, elevator door and gate opening to reveal the lobby.
John straightens up, holding out his arm for you to take. You tentatively weave your hand within the crook of his elbow. He gently presses his arm in, bringing your body closer to his. 
You meet your other hand in its position and let Bucky lead you out of the hotel and into the evening air.
“That was so delicious! I never knew that a roast could be so tender…”
The pair of you were walking arm-in-arm down a cobblestone street, just having finished dinner. It was a wonderful time. Bucky had been the perfect gentleman, but made his interest in you clear without being sleezy.
He was entirely focused on you the whole time. He asked questions and was genuinely invested in your answers. Conversation came to the two of you like a duck to water. After a shared glass of wine, his hand had slowly inched towards yours. Soon he had cradled it in his, like you were a precious commodity, until your meals arrived. You could hardly keep your eyes off of each other long enough to even promptly acknowledge the wait staff, which you were sure annoyed some and amused others.
Safe to say, John Egan was doing his best to sweep you off your feet.
You hadn’t discussed any other plans for after dinner, but the walk you’re on now is nice enough to give you reason to stick close together.
Bucky nods along, “And that fruit tart? Incredible.”
You laugh, leaning into your date, “I knew that would be your favorite part. You’ve got a bit of a sweet tooth, don’t you?” 
Bucky holds his hands up with a mischievous smirk on his face, “Hey, I plead the fifth.” 
“I’ll admit, I’ve never seen someone so adamant on having some coffee with his sugar.” You continue to tease him. He nudges you playfully, giving a smooth grin in return.
“Hey, we’re in a war! If you see something sweet,” Bucky surprises you by picking you up and twirling you around, getting a full belly laugh from you as he sets you back on the ground.
“You gotta snatch it up and enjoy it while you can.”
You have a feeling that he wasn’t just talking about food. 
By that point, you’re leaning against his front, hands on both of his shoulders. The moment has shifted into something else. Something different. His eyes roam your face, eventually stopping on your lips. Just as he starts to lean in, the moment is shattered by the sound of instruments starting up nearby. Bucky flinches, cursing the ill-timed disruption. 
Oblivious to his turmoil, you gasp in delight and look around for the source of the music.
“Do you hear that? I think there’s a band playing!” 
You spot a few people walk into what looks like a club. It barely a stone’s throw from where you’re both currently standing. 
Bucky quickly recovers, “Should we grab a drink? Have a dance or two?”
You beam at him, and his heart stutters in his chest once more. After you give a nod, you place your hand in his arm and let him lead you into the club.
The two of you step into the establishment, and the energy is almost electric. There are mills of people walking about, drinking, talking, laughing. There’s a great score more on the dance floor, hopping and jiving along to the band you now knew you’d heard earlier. There weren’t a lot of uniforms present, but the ones that were were RAF.
Bucky guides you to the bar, hand on your back until you're both sat on a pair of stools. Your drinks are quickly ordered and served, so your night continues. You both allow yourselves to talk shop for a moment, so your conversation turns towards what you were working on before your leave. As you get to discussing the more intricate parts of your project, you hear a scoff from behind you.
John quickly looks over your shoulder, spotting the culprit.
“Excuse me, is there a problem here?”
You turn around to find a uniformed man taking a sip of his whiskey, RAF logo plastered on the lapel. He mockingly shakes his head, placing the glass down on the bar.
“No, no problem at all.”
Bucky, ever the confrontationist, persists. “It seems like there’s a problem here.”
You gesture towards the man, silently indicating that he was welcome to speak his mind. 
“It’s not enough that you Yanks come over to our country, destroy our pubs and disrespect our women with your recklessness. But you can’t even keep your own women in check! She should be at home, away from the war, for God’s sake. Taking care of the house and the children. You know, doing feminine duties.”
You had heard all of this before, so it was no skin off your back to hear it again. You roll your eyes and decided to just ignore him. Then the man started to laugh, as if he was in on a private joke.
“I mean, a female mechanic? Between that and your daytime missions, it’s no wonder you’re all dropping like flies.”
You let out an exhale, letting the air stream out through your nose. In your periphery, you see Bucky start to stand— to, no doubt, escalate the situation. You stop him with a hand on his chest. He sits back down, looking between you and the man who had just insulted you. You set your glass down, hopping off the stool and giving a slow clap. 
“I’m so glad to know that some people still live in the Stone Age, where apparently all a woman is good for is cooking and giving birth! Thank you so much for showing us exactly what a lack of education and individual thought looks like! See where we are—over in modern times— women can do whatever the hell they want. That includes fixing your planes and jeeps, operating your radios, driving your trucks, and even training your allies to use machine artillery!”
The RAF soldier realizes what he’s gotten himself into but is backed into a corner of the bar as you pace forward with each scathing word that leaves your mouth.
“Never mind all the bullshit you just spouted about what a woman is fit to do. I think that women can decide for ourselves exactly what we can and cannot do. As for my countrymen, I’m proud to serve alongside them. They go up every day willing to sacrifice themselves so that the rest of us don’t have to. They’re gonna be remembered for their bravery and grit. They’re not cowardly enough to hem and haw and stick up their noses at the thought of a woman doing something other than popping out a kid and ironing their pleats.”
The music has dulled down, but you don’t have the complete attention of the club. That gives you the courage to say your final piece.
“Never you mind. I'm confident that the men I serve with, including the man I have with me tonight, aren’t anything like you. Thank God for that! They're not so…” You take an exaggerated glance towards the man’s crotch, scrunching up your nose. “…small-minded.”
Leaving the gaping man behind, you turn to Bucky and ask if he wants to go get some air. He picks his jaw up off the floor quick enough to nod and lead you back outside into the street.
Hey, hanging around Irene pays off sometimes.
As you step out into the night air, you close your eyes and take a deep breath. You feel John step up behind you, voice carefully asking,
“Hey, are you okay? Birdie?”
You continue to stand with your eyes closed. You just needed a moment.
“I’ve come too far to let anyone’s opinion of me, or my career choices, effect me.”
You open your eyes and look over your shoulder at your date. He gives an understanding nod, stepping closer to you. He places his hands on your arms, rubbing up and down in a soothing motion. You lean back into him, closing your eyes once more, letting him comfort you for the time being.
“Sorry if I ruined the night.”
You can feel a rumble from Bucky’s chest as he chuckles. “Oh, this night’s far from ruined. In fact, that was probably the best thing I’ve ever seen.”
One of your eyes pops open. You crane your neck to peek at him, “Even better than the time you told me about Curt knocking out an RAF officer in one punch?”
“Winning that bet to get your bicycle?”
“Oh, for sure.”
“Better than your fruit tart from dinner?”
His smile widens, “Okay, let’s not get crazy here. Maybe it was top ten.”
“Top ten?!” You playfully gasp, turning around to face him again. You rest your hands on your hips, “What’s a girl gotta do to rank above a fruit tart around here?”
“Well…” You scoff and shove Bucky at the cheeky smirk he gives you. You’re quickly distracted by the sound of the band inside starting up again. This time with a familiar tune.
“Oh, your song’s on, Johnny!”
Bucky tosses his hat to the side, steps back and gives a very unserious bow. He then sneers with a hyper-nasal impression of the RAF officer you’d just affronted.
“My lady.”
You roll your eyes and give a joking curtsy in return, taking his offered hand. He pulls you into a proper stance for a waltz, which is a complete offset to the jive song that reaches your ears. You both jokingly hop along in the awkward squared formation for a moment, giggling to yourselves. 
He gently pushes on your hip while outstretching his hand, so you take the cue and twirl until you’re both standing at each other’s fingertips. A quick grasp of your hand and a pull twirls you right back into his arms, bumping into his chest. The moment made you burst into laughter, leaning into your dance partner until the song ends. 
The next song is a much slower tune, giving Bucky the chance to pull you in close. You hum along to the band playing, sidling up to the Major’s chest. He places a hand in yours and loops the other around your waist. Your free arm gently drapes under his and over his shoulder, encouraging a lean into his firm body. You both give a slow sway, leading each other back and forth in the quiet echoes of the street. Closer than before.
“You know, I’ve been plucking up the courage to ask you to dinner for a while now.” 
You lay your head on the knuckles of your hand that rest on his shoulder, responding lowly. 
You continue to sway.
You’re curious, so you ask, “What made you finally do it?”
He thinks on the answer for a moment, almost chewing on his thoughts. John is not the kind of person to typically contemplate over an answer, so you gift him all the time in the world to respond. You recognize how important that is to him.
“I… I think that it was a lot of little things.” He pulls you in closer. “Your smile, your eyes, the way you talk about the things you love. Birdie, you are so personable with everyone you come into contact with and it’s so magnetic.” 
The flow of compliments shocks you, not expecting this barrage of details to come from the man in front of you. But you dance on anyways.
“But I really think what did me in was yesterday, at the pub. When you looked at me during your song.”
You remember. You know exactly what he was talking about. Whatever he must have felt, you know that you felt it too.
He continues to speak in an intimate tone as you sway along in the street.
“I felt my entire life click into place. It was like everything suddenly made sense. I didn’t have to wonder about what my life was going to be like in five, ten, fifteen years. Because I knew.”
He pulls back to look you in the eye, and the amount of vulnerability in his eyes floors you. 
“I’ll be honest, it scared the shit outta me. It terrified me.”
You understand what he meant. This is all new to him, as it is to you. You pull his forehead to touch yours, noses gently brushing one another, as you offer your best words of comfort in that moment.
“Sometimes, you have to do what scares you the most to find out what’s worth doing.” 
He cups your face, letting his lips ghost against yours. He made his intentions clear, but it was up to you to decide how you move forward.
So, you close your eyes and take the leap.
Your lips press into his, hands stroking the arms that were framing your face. He immediately responds in kind, lips moving in tandem with yours. You melt into him at the reciprocated motion. His arms soon move to your waist, pulling you impossibly close. Your arms reach around his neck, hands resting at the nape of his neck. As he deepens the kiss, you run your hands up, down, and through the dark curls on the back of his head, earning a groan from your partner.
A burst of warmth sparks from within your very being, traveling further and further through your body until you’re consumed by flames. Half of your mind is scrambling to make sense of reality, and the other half is completely consumed by passion.
After a moment, you reluctantly separate from one another, panting to catch your breath. It’s as if the world stopped spinning when you connected, and then started up again when you parted. 
Giving a nervous look to the man you just kissed, you’re elated when he gives you an ear-to-ear grin. He grasps one of your hands in his, intertwining your fingers. His other hand comes up to cup your face again, thumb gently stroking your cheekbone.
You stay silent for the time being, letting the moment marinate. He brings up your joined hands to kiss the back of your palm. Your heart jumps with joy at the sight.
Bucky gives an exhale before breaking the silence.
“You are most definitely worth it.”
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 4 months
Hey dude. It's me - anon with that SAGAU!kid!reader idea. Well, I was thinking about Liyue or Sumeru men (I'm that kind of person, that's into guys LOL). If there is a relationship, then only platonic one (or maybe father-child in Zhongli's case).
So I will try to go with Zhongli, Baizhu, Alhaitham and Cyno (probably Gaming, cuz he's like a son to me) That's it for now Hope I didn't ask for much tho 😅
Aye aye, Anon! God!Child! Reader Platonic Meets Ups It is!
Also plz note that I might not be able to list every Sumeru/Liyue man there is in Genshin bc Im doing this at the top of my head—
Sumeru And Liyuen Men (And Gaming) With The God Child.
(Warning: Might be OOC!)
The General Mahamatra may not exactly be well-versed when it comes to comforting words (except his puns—and even then, many people would say otherwise), but Cyno is a sincere man. You can trust that he will stick to his word.
And he does, when he promised to look after the Almighty Creator who is a child (not unlike Nahida, but they certainly have more of a mindset of a child—). But was he expecting your chaotic behavior (explosives Klee Style)? Yeah...No.
Bro nearly thought you were held at gunpoint or tricked/manipulated into doing it until he realized you did on your own.
"...Your Grace...Please don't blow up the store again." So instead of protecting you from harm by others, Cyno is more focused on protecting others from harm by you. As much as he doesn't like to think of it that way, you were a lot more dangerous than any eremite or sand monster there was out there.
At least he's still doing his job, being the General Mahamatra! You gift him a flower crown, and he has to take it or else. :)
Since he works with many young forest rangers, and tutors Collei, Tighnari is probably used to dealing with children. Dealing with the Almighty Creator certainly wasn't going to be an issue under this Forest Watcher's eyes.
That was...until you blew up a rishboland tiger. By yourself. On your own. Without getting hurt.
He was not the only freaking out, mind you. Collei was losing it, and Tighnari? He's internally screaming and getting metaphorical heart attacks.
"Your Grace, what were you thinking, running off like that? I know you're strong and you want to protect everyone, but you can really hurt the environment and—" He tries his best to hold back his sassiness while he scolds you, considering some children are much more emotional than others.
He sets up some basic rules for you to follow to make sure that you respect the Avidya Rainforest grounds, but also protect yourself from any form of harm.
Bro becomes a helicopter parent while you're under his care. Have fun, and I hope you enjoy mushrooms. Collei will cook you something else if you don't like what Tighnari cooks, though. :)
This man. He will BUILD you toys. He will DRAW you stories. He may even tell you stories himself.
Mehrak is your best friend when you're around Kaveh. And that man tries his best to make sure your time with him is good. He also refrains from drinking, which is nice! He's improving a little! :D
Absolutely gets worried if you run off without him knowing or if you're hiding from him for too long while playing hide and seek. He goes into an utter MELTDOWN.
And if you blow something up? Boy, if you thought Tighnari getting metaphorical heart attacks was bad, think again—Kaveh might actually get a heart attack.
"Your Grace! What—What were you thinking? Where were you? What did you do? Why did I hear an explosion?!" He's trying to keep himself as calm as possible, but Kaveh is an emotional man. He's kind of failing—
Luckily, with your go-lucky attitude, you pull Kaveh around and take his mind off of work and your explosions! Win-win! :D
The moment Nahida assigned him the task of taking care of the Almighty Creator, who is a child, bro is planning his things carefully. He is safe-keeping his books, he's renovating Kaveh's bedroom (bc yes), he's buying a few colouring books and crayons.
What he caught him by surprise was not how trusting you were to new strangers you barely knew. It was how you had fun with explosions and exploding everything in your path.
You can imagine as you're being carried away by the Scribe, he's giving you a one-sentence scolding.
"Your Grace, don't ever do that again, it's not nice." He would go into further detail, but he's sure you wouldn't care all that much about data and analysis and stuff like that, so he just ends it as it is.
You're still gonna do it, there's no doubt. It's just now Al-haitham is preparing for your next incoming attack as well.
Grandpa gramps is here woohoo! He's probably the most calmest out of everyone on this request list LOL. You can imagine he's following you calmly, apologizing and paying (through Childe's money cough) for the damages you caused.
Believe it or not, but it was Hu Tao who found you first and decided to take you to Mr. Zhongli for babysitting. He contemplates how the Director found you and brought you back.
The first time you explode something, he is definitely surprised. And concerned of the people who got hurt. You can't fault him for being worried for the mortals that were involved—Liyue Harbor is basically his child. Bro's been governing it for thousands of years.
"Your Grace, Little One, let's try not to put strain in the efforts of an adult's day-to-day life." He scolds you, and will definitely be more keen on your whereabouts, but he does this in a gentle tone. At the very least, you give him something to do that doesn't require him to present himself as the supposedly "deceased" Geo Archon.
With the guy's health issues...it's hard to say if he'll be able to keep up with you and your constant outings all around Liyue Harbor. Changsheng is definitely worried about Baizhu's stress levels as he has to figure out what you did this time and make sure no one was harmed.
He constantly has to ask Qiqi to go find you since he literally cannot keep up with your speed, lest he actually faints or something. You were that quick.
Luckily, if he hears of your whereabouts, he will definitely arrive just in time to apologize and give free check-ups to everyone involved in your explosion party.
"Now, Your Grace, please refrain from hurting others. It's not good to hurt someone's health." You can certainly expect Baizhu to give you a scolding—as well as a basic understanding of medical care in case either you or someone else will need it, and he can't make it there in time.
Like Kaeya (And Tighnari in this post), Baizhu will definitely write you some rules in a notebook and makes you recite them at least twice a day so that you remember not to hurt other people or damage your own health.
He is a doctor for a reason. It's his job to look out for others—even chaotic children with explosives.
Bro is basically your Big Brother who does cool dances and gives you snacks and protects you. Since he's a real foody, you'll definitely know which places are the best to buy snacks!
You find his Wushou Dancing cool as well. He takes pride in it tbh. I mean, who wouldn't be ecstatic if the Almighty Creator loves it?
He does get a bit panic-y when he sees you blow things up, though. As much as he wants to pursue Wushou Dancing as his daily career, he still needs his job as a Shipment Guard.
"Y/N! No! Don't blow that up—!" Yes, he took you out once to travel with the shipment goods for one time, and he's never taken you with him again unless you promise not to blow anything that are near the goods.
He usually leaves you in Liyue Harbor when he's making these Shipment trips, but once he returns, you can certainly count on him to give you some tasty snack or a fulfilling dinner, as well as a free small Wushou Dance.
Big Brother Gaming does not disappoint!
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: I AM VERY DEAD. I AM SO SORRY SOBBING. Life hits you hard and fast sometimes sigh. I've been so busy I haven't been posting much—but rest assured, I have quite a lot of posts for you guys very soon!
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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assembletheimagines · 2 years
If ur still taking requests, hear me out 👀
Bucky x reader smut, were the reader is insecure about her looks, weight, appearence. Whatever, shes just not happy with how she looks, shes insecure. But!! 👀 hear me out. Shes got a praise kink, she loves it. But she also has a hard time accepting compliments cause, u know its hard XD so! Bucky finds out and essentially worships her relentlesly in bed, absolute best dude super sweet but isnt afraid to man handle. Like, oh u think ur too heavy? Bam im picking u up and fucking u against the wall, try me.
Im going insane. The THOTS im having 🥴 uhhhhhh ya anyway. Hed be so good and caring but relentless at the same time hed be so good i just know it broskee
Show You | Bucky x Reader
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lmao broskee
warning: slight exhibitionism, praise, pet names, cream pie, 18+ to interact, smut
tag list: @potatothots @elle14-blog1 @getwellsoontana @avengetheunnatural @littlelightnings @alternativeprincess
summary: Bucky decides to show you how beautiful he thinks you are
You did try your best to be positive, truly, you did. But when you were walking past a mirror? Or when you caught your reflection in the shopping windows? Your mind couldn’t help but whisper.
Whispering negativity in your heart and twist your confidence until the smile that was gracing your lips only moments ago was replaced with a frown. It caused you to tug your shirt down to hide and move your hair to cover anything you couldn’t stand to look at.
And Bucky just couldn’t understand it.
His eyes catching the small moments that you thought no one noticed.
So, he started off slow.
When walking by you as he headed to the training room to meet with Sam. He directed his smile at you and greeted you with a, “Hello, Beautiful.” He enjoyed the way your cheeks darkened red from his compliment but you were quick to dismiss him with a wave of your hand.
And you see, Bucky was a man who had been touch starved for a long time and he wasn’t used to reaching out. But meeting you, it had changed him. And to simply put it, he couldn’t get enough. Wanting to be around you, to hold you, to tell you how beautiful he really thought you were.
He didn’t understand how you couldn’t see it yourself?
So he tried again, when he saw you in the kitchen struggling to grab a snack from the pantry; he didn’t hesitate to slide over. His height towering over you as he held onto your hip with his metal hand and grabbed the snack you wanted.
“Thank you,” you mumbled softly and Bucky smiled, squeezing your hip in response as he nodded his head.
“Anything for you, Beautiful.” But like before, you shook your head in denial and left him with a frown as you went back to your room.
So, that’s when he decided, maybe you needed a different approach.
On a quiet Sunday, you were surprised to find yourself in a store with Bucky.
The handsome super hero following behind you diligently as you browsed the store slowly. You weren’t sure why he invited himself to join you but you did enjoy his company so you didn’t object.
Your fingers brushed along the clothesline, eyes roaming over various patterns and colors of dresses as you walked.
And you did your best not to pay attention to the other women who gaped and fawned over the handsome brunette behind you.
“That one looks nice,” he hummed as you lifted one dress up to look at it closer. You could feel his warmth as he stood close behind you and it burned a heat through your body. “You should try it on.”
You’re not sure if it was because of how close he was too you or because you actually agreed but you found yourself in a dressing room with Bucky right outside.
The dress was beautiful. Perfect for the summer and actually didn’t look half bad on you. You turned every which way to get different angles but we’re distracted by the shuffling outside.
“You have it on?” Bucky’s voice filtered through the door and you instantly felt nervous as you remembered the handsome man right outside. “Can I see?” Was his next question and you second guessed yourself as you stared further into the mirror.
“Uhm,” your voice went up in pitch from your anxiety and you tugged the bottom of the dress that fell just above your knees.
Your hesitation was enough for Bucky and he shocked you as he popped into the dressing room, quickly shutting the door behind him so no one else got a free show.
“Bucky!” Your alarm had him turning around and finally getting a look at you.
His eyes slowly raked over your body, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip. Fuck, you looked good. And with his lack of response, you shuffled from one foot to the other more nervous now you were trapped in a small space with the handsome man. “Absolutely gorgeous,” he whistled and your blush darkened as you pushed on his chest lightly.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” you huffed and Bucky’s hands found your waist as he tilted his head down at you. “We could get kicked out!”
“You’re definitely buying it, right?” He completely ignored your chides and turned you around so you faced the mirror. He hugged you from behind and met your eyes in the mirror. “I’m definitely buying it for you.”
His hands ran down your sides and played with the hem at the bottom, ghosting over your thighs. You held your breath. “But you might be too irresistible wearing this around the tower.” He whispered right into your ear and your eyes widened, his words bringing a warmth between your thighs.
You tried again, weakly calling his name, “Bucky.” And his hands disappeared under your dress. His blue eyes darkening as he kept your gaze in the mirror.
“If you can’t accept my compliments, then I guess I’ll have to show you.” He murmured and your lips parted in shock, your back now pressed firmly against his chest. “But you gotta be quiet, Bunny.” He mused, a smirk dancing on his lips now. “Don’t wanna get kicked out.”
Your body froze as Bucky’s fingers danced up your leg, his eyes staring intently into yours through the mirror. “Don’t stop watching,” he whispered and you gasped as the pads of his fingers dipped and brushed along your clothed pussy.
You and him both groaned as he felt just how wet you were and he immediately used his free hand to cover your mouth as his fingers slipped under your panties and into your slicked heat. “Are you this wet for me?” He hummed lowly and your eyes clenched shut as he pumped two fingers in and out of you slowly, your moans muffled by his hand that was still over your mouth.
A jolt of pain stung through your shoulder suddenly and caused your eyes to fly open. You watched through the mirror as Bucky’s tongue swept over the bite he had placed on your shoulder as he continued to fill you with his fingers over and over. “I told you too watch,” he said and the soft noise of his digits working inside you filled the room softly. You blushed harder.
“I knew you’d be good for me,” Bucky hummed and added another finger. “You’re taking me so well, baby.” His praised enticed a whine from you and he felt your pretty pussy clench around his fingers. He smirked.
“You like it when I tell you how good you are?” He mused and his thumb connected to your clit. Your body jerked and he made sure your legs wouldn’t give as he rubbed your sensitive bundle of nerves as he curled his fingers just right.
Your eyes rolled back in pleasure as his fingers brushed the gummy spot inside of you and you were thankful that his hand was over your mouth. The moan you let out was beyond sinful and had Bucky pressing his hard-on against your ass in response.
“Stay quiet,” he warned and then let go off your mouth as he slipped his fingers from between your thighs.
Bucky could see through the mirror how hazy your eyes were as you caught your breath. He gave you a wink as he licked his fingers clean, groaning softly at your taste. “C’mere,” he ordered and you instantly obeyed.
Bucky sat down on the small bench in the dressing room. He had unbuckled his belt and freed himself from his boxers. His length curving up to his abdomen as he pumped his fist over his girth, your eyes couldn’t stop watching the bit of pre-cum that leaked from his red tip. Your mouth watered at the sight.
Once you were close enough, Bucky pulled your panties down your legs and brought onto his lap. Your knees on either side of his hips as he lined his cock to your entrance.
He teased his tip up and down your folds, using your slick to coat his shaft as he pulled you into a loving kiss. “You’re going to be a good girl and stay quiet, yeah?” He hummed and you nodded your head dumbly your mind only on Bucky’s cock.
With one hand on your waist, Bucky slowly pulled you down and entered you. He eyes clenching shut as his head tipped back, he had to bite his lip from groaning loudly because you felt like heaven.
You on the other hand, clutched onto his shoulders as you felt every inch fill you slowly. He had to be the biggest you’ve ever taken and the stretch brought both pleasure and pain as you tried to contain your moans.
And once he was entirely in, his hand found the back of your head, pulling you into another kiss as you adjusted to his size. “Ride me,” he ordered and his hands grabbed your ass squeezing and earning a moan from you.
You followed his instructions and held onto his shoulder with one hand as your other hand rested on the wall behind him.
You lifted up on your knees, feeling his veiny shaft slide along your walls perfectly before going down again and stuffing yourself full once more. Your wall clenched around his girth and you began your pace. Bouncing yourself faster on his lap as each time brought you more and more pleasure.
“Looking so pretty, fucking yourself on my cock, Bunny.” He whispered the words and you felt more slick gather around his base. Bucky held onto your waist, helping your movements as he watched you. “Making a mess, you like it when I praise you, huh?” He cooed and the coil in your abdomen burned as your bounces sped up, chasing your release.
“S’big,” your eyes watered as the pleasure overwhelmed you. Your thighs began to shake as your movement grew sporadic. “Feels so good, Bucky.” You whined and Bucky could have come just from that.
Your slick smeared down his balls as you continued to ride him and Bucky could hear the creaking from the bench underneath him. Fuck it.
Without hesitating, Bucky’s arms wrapped around you as he stood up, still inside you. The new angle had him sliding deeper and hitting your soft spot perfectly.
And when he moved you gasped, surprised and turned on by his strength as he fucked into you harder. “Watch,” he hummed and your eyes flickered to the mirror.
You could see your face over Bucky’s shoulder as he pressed you against the wall, bullying his cock deeper into your pussy as he brought you closer to your orgasm. “Bucky, I’m close,” you whimpered, nails digging into his back as he buried his cock into you faster.
“Cum on my cock, Baby.” He grunted and your pussy throbbed around his shaft at the thought. “Show me how good I make you feel,” his lips attached to the curve of your neck and your head tilted back, granting him more access.
It was too much, the drag of his cock hitting your gummy spot with each roll of his hips as he kissed your neck and whispered praise. It pushed you over the edge, your lips parting in a silent sob as you saw white.
You gushed around Bucky’s cock, squeezing him as he continued to rut into you, helping you through your orgasm. “That’s my girl,” he praised watching as your eyes screwed shut and your back arched in pleasure. “Fuck you look so perfect.” He cooed and his hips stuttered as you continued to clench around his shaft. “You gonna be a good girl and take my cum?” He asked you felt your head nod as you babbled a yes.
That was all Bucky needed before his cock twitched inside of you, his cum filling you up as he kept you pinned against the wall.
Once you felt your breath regulate, you felt Bucky slowly slip out of you. His head dipping down to kiss you as you felt him tug on your dress. When he pulled away, the tag for the dress was ripped and now in his hand as he fixed his slacks. He gave you another wink.
To say you hid behind Bucky as he handed the ripped tag to the cashier ten minutes later was an understatement. The cashier was probably blushing as hard as you as she rang you up, noting Bucky’s messy hair and both of your disheveled looks.
You probably won’t be able to step a foot inside that store for a while. But you can’t pay attention to that, not when Bucky leans over to you when you get in the car to head home and he tells you that if he ever catches you feeling bad about yourself again he would show you otherwise again and again and again if need be.
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wren-kitchens · 6 months
oh if you didn’t stay (I would wait anyway)
it does make him think though, that maybe, if he was still so determined to ignore it all, he could have blamed the warmth in his face and chest on the fires that had been surrounding him and ren for the past half hour rather than the man accompanying him for a pretty lengthy improv session. honestly, he isn’t quite sure when he decided to stop lying to himself, but he didn’t realise how.. freeing it was until this moment—to be able to feel and feel- and to let himself feel. a smile has been unmoving from his face since he first started talking, and his cheeks hurt, and martyn doesn’t care. void. he really missed ren, huh?
this is a secret santa gift for @loveroped!! I haven’t written treebark before, so I hope I did them justice hkfhd
can you tell i’m messing around with the way I format things here
martyn might have just had the best day. like- ever.
of course, he’s not sure if anything could top a reunion with ren, regardless of the circumstances. not to discredit decked out, of course- it’s an amazing game! a wonderful game! it’s extremely clever and fun and interesting and he loves it very much.
(martyn is pretty sure that the game can both hear and understand his thoughts. after his experiences with thought-reading things, he is not about to take any chances.)
it does make him think though, that maybe, if he was still so determined to ignore it all, he could have blamed the warmth in his face and chest on the fires that had been surrounding him and ren for the past half hour rather than the man accompanying him for a pretty lengthy improv session. honestly, he isn’t quite sure when he decided to stop lying to himself, but he didn’t realise how.. freeing it was until this moment—to be able to feel and feel- and to let himself feel. a smile has been unmoving from his face since he first started talking, and his cheeks hurt, and martyn doesn’t care.
void. he really missed ren, huh?
“man, they need to make more rifts.” martyn says, leaning against the blessedly cold wall of the citadel, eyes closed. “this has been so fun.”
ren chuckles, and martyn’s heart jolts as he realises that they are much closer than he thought they were. “you’ve been in the actual game like- once, dude.”
martyn hums, cracking an eye open. “who said I was talking about the game?”
“I-“ ren’s breath audibly stutters, and martyn finds his own has been swept from his lungs. when did he start holding it? “you mean the- pictionary, and stuff?”
“kinda.” martyn looks down, realising that his newfound confidence has left him entirely. oh good, that’s exactlywhat he needs right now. “y’know and the- the people who I don’t.. see as much.”
martyn can feel ren’s eyes on him, burning into his skin. “it’s been amazing to see you again, dude.” ren says with just enough honesty to make martyn feel as if he could be floating.
when martyn looks back up at ren, he’s smiling the smallest, softest smile martyn has ever seen grace his face. in truth, martyn thinks that may just be the best thing he has ever seen in his life; he wants to put that smile in a locket and keep it around his neck forever.
“you as well.” martyn says, maybe too genuinely.
ren’s face flushes in pleasure, and he squishes down a very obvious smile. martyn might just be in love. “well, i’m- i’m glad.”
martyn grins, nudging ren with his shoulder. “what, you didn’t think I missed you?”
there’s a quiet thumping noise that martyn thinks is coming from behind ren. probably just all the machinery behind decked out making itself known. “well, I- y’know. I found myself.. hoping that you would but.. I was never sure.”
“aw, c’mon,” martyn says, voice far more casual than the reaction to that statement should be- than it is. because- man, is it a weird feeling to be the cause of nervousness, to be the cause of that ‘does-he doesn’t-he?’ feeling. “I was practically lamenting over you. just ask jimmy; i’ve been so annoying.”
ren snorts a little, and some of the tension that martyn didn’t notice was between them dissipates. “I have to admit that i’ve already had a complaint from jimmy.” he says it like a joke, but there’s a distinct undertone of fondness that sends martyn’s mind reeling.
“well, there you go.” martyn grins. “i’m nothing without my king.”
“no.” ren says softly. so softly, in fact, that martyn suspects ren never meant him to hear it in the first place, but he just- he can’t stop listening; not when ren sounds so sure, so honest. “you’re everything.”
before he can stop it, a gasp escapes martyn’s lips, and ren’s eyes widen as he seems to realise that he was not as quiet as he meant to be. martyn wants to respond, to let ren know he feels the same as—well, whatever ren is feeling right now, it sounds pretty fucking close to what martyn is feeling—but his voice is stuck in his throat. 
“i’m sorry- I shouldn’t-“ ren looks almost scared, and martyn silently begs his voice to return. he can’t let ren sit there and not know-
“I love you.” martyn blurts, breathless and a little too loud, but ren is looking at him as if he’s the only person in the world, so he doesn’t stop. “I think- for several years now, and i can’t keep doing the- the skirting around our feelings thing, because all i’ve been doing this whole time is pining over you and- i’ve had enough of waiting, okay. so i’m- i’m telling you now, and you can do whatever you want with this information. but i just- I love you. always have.”
“I- martyn.” ren half whispers, looking for all the world as if martyn had just given him bedrock or a block of void or- or something very good. he’s running out of metaphors, okay, leave him be. martyn vaguely notices the quiet thumping returning. what part of the game could that be?
“that’s- that’s me.” martyn says, unsure whether to be reassured or terrified by ren’s response.
“I can’t- I don’t even-“ ren stammers, running a hand through his hair. martyn is leaning towards terrified when ren finally lands on- “I love you. this whole time, i’ve loved you, and I thought- oh my goodness.” he gives a huff of laughter. “you’re serious?”
“am I ser- of course i’m serious!” martyn grabs ren’s hand, who is smiling more than martyn thinks he’s ever seen ren smile. “you thought i’d pour my heart out for it to be a bit?” he laughs.
“well I- you’re very committed sometimes y’know.” ren grins, intertwining his fingers with martyn’s. 
“it has been- what, three years now?” martyn leans into him. “I am extremely committed to you. i’m probably too committed, honestly.”
“asking someone to kill you is a great way to flirt—who knew?” ren says, mock-solemn, and martyn cackles.
“i’ll have to try it some day.” martyn teases, looking up and finding himself much closer to ren’s face than he expected to be. 
and- okay, martyn won’t pretend that he’s never watched ren just a little too closely from across a room, or that his gaze has never lingered for a few seconds too long after ren left, or even that he hadn’t found himself lost in his eyes—cheesy as it is. 
but this- this is different. because martyn has never admitted his love before, and ren has never reciprocated those feelings before, and so there’s never been a moment where he could just look and look and look until right now. and you’d be kidding yourself if you don’t think that martyn is sure as shit going to take advantage of that.
“you know,” martyn murmurs, reaching a hand up to brush the stubble on ren’s jaw, watching with the utmost interest as ren melts ever so slightly into the touch. “I don’t think i’ve been able to do this before.”
“do, uh- do what?” ren’s voice comes out just a little too high for it to be entirely natural. martyn suppresses a smile and the thumping grows faster.
“look at you while you’re looking back.” martyn says simply, and oh, that shy little grin that slips onto ren’s face is perhaps the most gorgeous thing martyn has ever seen.
ren rubs a thumb against martyn’s hand that he still holds, and- okay, maybe martyn’s insides have gone all mushy because of it, but who are you to judge? “then I think we must have kept missing each other.”
it takes a moment for martyn to process the words. when he has, he pouts jokingly—even as his mind reels. “what, you’re telling me I could have been doing this years ago?”
“that is absolutely what i’m telling you.” ren grins. is he getting closer? martyn thinks he might be getting closer.
“well then,” martyn says, and the smoothness of his voice sounds entirely ludicrous when his brain is so frantic, it’s probably on fire. ren is leaning forward, and martyn thinks he might be too, and they’re getting so close to each other that martyn can feel ren’s breath ghosting his lips. “I guess we’ll have to make up for lost time.”
“I suppose we shall.” ren’s voice is low and soft, and martyn thinks he might just die.
that is until their lips meet and martyn decides- no, he knows he’s going to die. because ren’s hand is in his hair, and martyn’s is still cupping ren’s cheek, and it turns out that ren’s lips are exactly as soft as martyn always imagined them to be and he’s going a little crazy over it.
the kiss is fairly short, but martyn feels like his brain has entirely short-circuited by the time they part—in the best possible way. 
“we- that happened.” martyn stammers. “oh my god. I didn’t think i’d ever-“
“I thought i’d chicken out.” ren sounds equally astonished at his own confidence. “I- dude, you are a great kisser.” martyn’s face burns and ren puts a hand in front of his mouth in an obvious attempt to keep from laughing. “well you are!”
“I- thank you, I-“ martyn can’t see himself, but he’s fairly certain that he is beet-red right now. 
the thumping returned the moment they kissed and has not left, and martyn realises it is far too close to be part of the machinery. regardless, it sounds familiar somehow; the weight behind it, the rhythm of the thuds, the softness of it. martyn knows he doesn’t have the best memory on the server, but he’s pretty sure he should be able to remember what-
wait a second.
“ren,” martyn says, a grin creeping slowly onto his face. “are you wagging your tail?”
it’s kind of cute how fast ren goes from cocky to deeply flustered within a matter of seconds. it’s also very funny, especially as ren’s ears—which were resting casually—are now stuck straight up into the air.
“I- I don’t know what you mean!” ren says in a failed attempt at his usual suaveness. martyn stifles a laugh. “i’d- that’s a preposterous thing to suggest, you-“
martyn, deciding to test a theory, leans forward and presses a chaste kiss to ren’s lips (he is never gonna get over the fact he can just do that now) and watches with glee as ren’s tail wags even harder.
“I.. might be wagging my tail, yes.” ren mumbles, thoroughly embarrassed.
martyn fails to stifle another laugh, and ren honest-to-void pouts. “oh my- ren.” 
“yep?” ren practically squeaks. he clears his throat, blushing pink. “um- just pretend you don’t see that.”
“why would I do that?” martyn teases. “it’s cute.”
“you say cute, I say embarrassing.” ren says, but he’s grinning shyly, and man if that isn’t the best thing martyn has seen all day.
“ren, trust me when i say that if I had a tail, it’d be entirely a blur by now.” martyn half laughs. “I love seeing you happy.”
“then you’re in a great amount of luck,” ren says, and his gaze drifts to martyn’s lips. martyn would make fun of him, if he weren’t so flustered by it that he’d forgotten the english language. “because seeing you has never failed to bring me joy.”
martyn feels all the air leave his lungs. “you- i haven’t-“ he stammers a few more failed attempts at a sentence before landing on, “oh- just kiss me.”
ren grins, and his canines push ever so slightly against his lower lip, and martyn is going to die. “gladly.”
and- okay, it’s a little embarrassing to admit, but.. well. they may have gotten a tad carried away, and before they knew it, jimmy’s turn was over and tango was looking for martyn. it’s not his fault, okay! when you’ve been wanting someone for as long as martyn has wanted ren (and vice versa apparently, which- no, martyn is never gonna get over that), time starts to fly a little.
so when tango stumbled upon them both, accompanied by half the guests and half the hermits, that was entirely not martyn’s fault! in fact, it was theirs for being so damn quiet. if they were louder, ren would have heard them, and then they would have time to- stop making out.
yeah. martyn is never gonna live this down.
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Hi!!! I saw in your description that requests were open and I was wondering if it would be possible to request some headcanons or something of Kol with an autistic reader (if not really anything fluffy with Kol would be awesome!) Your fics are always amazing and have honestly become a part of my happy and cozy routine (along with a nice cup of hot chocolate and some cookies!) Thank you so much for being such an amazing author and for sharing your writing with us, this fandom is super lucky to have you!
Forever On My Mind
Kol Mikaelson x autistic!reader headcanons || Here lies my Masterlist
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A/N: Okay, Annon? Whoever you are, I want you to know that you are the sweetest little bean alive and I adore you. What am I even supposed to do when I get an ask like this? Not cry from sheer overwhelming feels? I don't think so! I adore you, keep being your amazing self and I hope this makes you happy.
First of all, can I just say couple goals?
Seriously, you two are the epitome of love and understanding in a relationship.
You first saw Kol in a coffee shop where you confused him by purchasing hot chocolate. You noticed him but you were way too shy to actually start a conversation. (I mean, come on. The dude is so pretty. How are the rest of us even supposed to approach?)
So, it was a little odd when you started seeing him every day. 
He would always sit in the corner opposite to your spot. Sometimes you would catch him watching you and you were a little creeped out by that at first but then he smiled and waved and that put you at ease a little bit. Besides, he never followed you so it was fine. 
One day, though you were still too shy to actually talk to the guy, you walked right up to him and wordlessly held out a handful of bunny-shaped marshmallows. See, the boy never had any marshmallows in his drink and you thought that was a shame. You always brought some with you so you figured it would be nice to share. 
That was the moment Kol fell for you. 
In his eyes, you are the most adorable human being on the planet. 
All your quirks and habits never annoy him and he's always there to help you with anything you may need. 
He always makes sure you take your medication. Always. 
Cuddles? YES. 
If touch is kinda a big thing for you then even though he'll probably deny just how much he loves it at first, Kol is 100% living for your hugs.
Also, he trusts your judgment which is HUGE for him. Whether it's what movie you should watch or what is or is not a good idea, Kol actually trusts that you know what you're talking about because you're usually right.
You may have two left feet, but he loves dancing with you. Dancing has never been your strength, but Kol always makes you feel like you're walking on air. He makes you feel pretty and graceful.
Like this guy is seriously so soft.
People often get annoyed with you, but not him.
"Do you maybe want to watch a movie? It's okay if you're busy. I can go, it's no problem."
"Darling, I am one thousand years old and immortal. You are physically incapable of wasting my time. A movie sounds brilliant. I'll grab some popcorn. What do you want to watch?"
When you stim, Kol finds it absolutely adorable. Most of the time, when he sees you wringing your hands or jumping in place, he has to resist the urge to rush over to you and kiss you senseless. Seriously, it's so bloody cute! What's he supposed to do??
Hyperfixations may come and go, but Kol is always more than happy to join along for the ride. Anything that catches your interest is sure to be fun. 
He understands that you have a schedule and even though he is the most spontaneous person probably ever, he always does his best to ensure your days remain somewhat consistent. If that's not possible, then rest assured he'll notify you of any changes. Consider yourself lucky because nobody else will ever get a warning from him.
Kol delights in anyone who can make him feel just a little bit stupid. So your ability to pick up on patterns no one else seems to notice never fails to blow him away. He's fascinated by your lateral form of thinking. 
You catch things no one else does and he's more than grateful for your thorough approach to just about everything. Whereas he would probably just rush in, you're there to point out that: "No sweetheart, that's a trap."
Sometimes you repeat things, usually random facts, when nervous or excited but he never gets upset over it. Kol will tell you if you've already said something but he's never demeaning about it. Honestly, he's kind of amazed you can fit so much knowledge in your pretty little head when all those facts do not pertain to one another in the slightest. 
Now, it does take him a while to get over his passive-aggressive attitude because… well he's Kol.
When he talks, you're often left trying to figure out whether or not he was being rude. It's common for you to overthink his words.
He's always quick to reassure you though.
"Hey, with what you said earlier, did you mean-"
"Nope. Still love you."
Yeah, "I love you" gets passed around a lot. Not vocally, however. Usually, it's three taps. A little signal for when you forget to say it. Three taps on his arm to remind him that you care. He always returns the gesture. Even in his sleep.
Even though both of you often forget to actually say it out loud, those three simple words are pretty evident in everything you do.
Tagging: @yn-ymn-yln@r13mar@rootbeerfaygo @iiskittles16ii @fandomrulesall-blog @dark-night-sky-99 @railingsofsorrow @apolloroid @thatweirdoleigh @misswe03 @eat-cake @felinegrate @cute-freak27 @fayeatheart @archangelslollipop @aonungs-tsahik @sleepneverheardofher @heartbreakgrill @whatsupb18 @enchantedlandcoffee @trikigirl271 @dreamingwithrafe @her-violent-delights @witchcraftandgeekness
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youremyheaven · 2 months
I will say that Saturnian men are only “alphas” to themselves and those easily fooled by them if they go down that path. They are so easily seen through when they are not actually what they pretend to be, you have to be “lower” than them (perhaps a child, or a man child; someone who hasn’t learned beyond that) to actually be fooled. I wonder if elon musk has saturn because his whole brand is literally scamming and the illusion of expertise and competence—the man’s car company literally funds his failed vanity projects that only sustain themselves off of the backs of others. His cars literally DON’T WORK 😭, he just has a cult of simps that will pour money into the dream of elon musk.
I will say also that negative saturn people NEVER get away with it. Saturn always punishes. The brutal fall from grace for Shane Dawson and Colleen Ballinger is a perfect example. Sometimes Saturn will allow wealth but never respect because it has not been earned and pretty much everyone sees through them (DJ Khaled is a breathing joke and i mean cmon Sam Levinson and Andrew Tate are just messes. Andrew Tate is also a breathing joke now, Sam Levinson has embarrassed himself after that dogshit Idol show.) Saturn will come and even the score and keep things clear. These men and women can fool themselves, sure, that’s allowed, but they lose their unearned bounties without a doubt if they are not honest, do not change or do some kind of penance for it. Saturn is cruel but is a teacher above all imo, and if you do not follow his lessons? Yeah, get ready. You never get away with anything under Saturn’s eye.
Interestingly enough, Colleen Ballinger is also a walking joke now—the ukulele shit. They tend to be lowered to nothing but scum we all laugh and point at while they live in their pocket of delusional “glory” after they have fallen. I find this very interesting personally since they are trying to be respected—the first thing and the permanent thing they always lose is that respect! Perhaps they never get it in the first place either, despite getting money and success (Sam Levinson, Dj Khaled). They are also not even clever enough most of the time to try and hide their obvious subpar quality, like you said with saturn men being crass troglodytes.
Sam Levinson made Malcom and Marie, which was just SO embarrassing for him and already showed the red flags of not being a competent artist. Dj Khaled literally can’t form grammatically correct sentences. Andrew Tate is so exaggerated and ridiculous many people thought he was joking. Colleen was never funny or talented, she just focused on kids. These guys never get away or get one up on Saturn. You can’t. Either you follow the instructions or not. They aren’t as lucky as mercurials or other planetary folks on fuckshit, haha!
Even when dark, Saturnians are still serving Saturn’s purpose because we can see what NOT to do and how NOT to act through these people. They are simply examples instead of teachers. Even Epstein, who I believe was Uttara Bhadrapada, had a brtual fall from grace before dying. Saturn keeps a tally and will return what you have given. ESPECIALLY SATURNIANS, like you think you’re getting away with that dude in YOUR PRIMARY PLACEMENTS??? 💀 Mama please, you are only fooling yourself and playing the fool as well. I suspect they can sense it too, which is why they act so stupid and gross. Can’t even keep the bullshit contained, loll.
Very interesting. The way karma comes for them is very interesting. I feel like most unruly Saturnians have a fall from grace
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callmearcturus · 11 months
sup i'm watching rogue nation and just analyzing physicality
i did this with fallout before, time for my fave
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sue me but i do really like the IMF plant that ethan immediately imprints on at the start of Rogue Nation, the very slow way he approaches as they poke each other about music history, it's measured and its not direct, he's moving at angles. "Do you know why they called him Shadow?" "Because he had a very light touch." That feels like the call-and-answer to confirm he's IMF, but they immediately are vibing so strongly that it could just be a conversation. It's cute! it's also just fun for me to compare Oldthan versus Twinkthan, bc younger Ethan never felt approachable, he felt like an intruder to be handled. Older Ethan either knows how to turn that default intimidation off or it's not his default anymore.
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When Lane makes Ethan watch, there is a completely unmasked rawness in Ethan's face as he realizes this plant he could have probably lingered around the shop to talk music with is about to die and it's a staged act specifically for him. She didn't do anything except be someone to hurt Ethan with. It's kind of an interesting play with the idea of fridging? That is explicitly what is happening here, it's a manipulation on Ethan, and he knows it, and yet it's going to work, it's a hook Lane makes him swallow.
ZOOM IN ON ETHAN'S EYES. like goddamn. McQ. /whistles
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i am O B S E S S E D with the omnidirectional horniness of the Bone Doctor. there is an almost effete weirdness to him, he has super odd gestures. given how few lines he has, he still has a ton of interesting lil moments, like the putting his finger in his mouth to remove his ring, and the wink when he steals benji and the very off little judgy face when he unmasks benji later. dude is doing a lot, i see why TC and McQ were like "actually he's not gonna die in this scene, we changed our minds, we love the bone doctor"
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ethan sees the omnidirectional horniness and sluts it up in response obvsly
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Punct pointed out that, like, presumably this was Ethan's escape plan the whole time, he doesn't do it until Ilsa is in danger, ergo he could have done it at any time, he was just hanging out to get some info from his torturers first. why the fuck is he like this. also that arm strength is truly 100% batshit
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the fucking barefoot combat is so funny to me. yes obvsly both of them are barefoot for this, its a Shared Intimacy. we now know that in the original plan, Ilsa was in those fucking heels for this sequence until TC was like "take em off" so my question is was ethan in shoes before that? because if I was a weirdly astute actor-producer who understood the inherent symbolism of that motif, i would also make sure my character was barefoot to establish that thread of vulnerable connection to one of my two love interests.
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lmao behind ethan in the phone booth is an ad for "unhurried massage and domination" its an ad for my fic actually
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its small but the way ethan does not know where the fuck to go for a solid moment after everything's gone tits-up is nice. he has no plan, he doesn't know what his next step is. and he's been shot.
also Benji's interrogation scene is delightful
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There is that moment of eye contact across the room that's like "well, here we are again" with these two, who have been covering for Ethan this whole time
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and RIGHT before Benji starts lying out his ass with grace and poise, there's just this tiny smile of acknowledgement on Brandt's face, it's like two frames before the cut happens, but it just speaks to how Brandt is fully aware that Benji is going to pull this off like he does every fucking week
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Rogue Nation really is Benji's movie, full stop
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also he is so genuinely happy to be going to the opera. like, he's an IMF ghost, he should be ultra suspicious of winning a sweepstakes to get tickets in the mail, but he doesn't care, his job is miserable and he loves theatre so much he'll take the win
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thirstnotes · 1 year
| Rivals to Lovers with Clark Kent |
Summary: Just mindless jabbering about mild “Enemies to Lovers” with Clark Kent for @ramp-it-up . It’s not a story, per se, but this one’s for you, homie. Merry New Year lol
Warnings: Ramblings, opinions, jokes, attempts at humor, morally gray Clark, smut, NSFW eventually (not this part tho) so per usual, minors DNI, typos probably, poor writing (but if you don’t like it, don’t read it)
Pairings: Clark Kent x BlackAFABReader
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You’ve been at the Daily Planet a little bit longer than Clark, so you knew the ropes before Golden Boy graced you all with his presence
You were a bad bitch, able to cover some of the toughest exclusives. From Bruce Wayne to Static Shock himself
But he started scooping you left and right and it was tap-dancing on your last nerve. But you respected how he was able to somehow get the story
You secretly thought he had to be Superman
Bc frfr the man was swole
“Scooped again,” you huffed quietly, packing your bag for the day, eyes flickering to the team congratulating Clark Probably-Superman-Because-What-Reporter-Has-A-Body-Like-That-Kent. You spotted him approaching from the corner of your eye and looked up with an enthusiastic smile.
“Well well. Congrats again, Clark.”
His dashing smirk grew a bit and he dipped his head with a laugh. “Thanks. You almost sounded like you meant it this time. The smile? Nice touch.”
“It was, wasn’t it?” you sassily agreed, a little proud of your own performance and he laughed. You looked out at the office. “Well anyway. Your adoring public awaits.”
“C’mon, YN, we’re going out to celebrate. Have a drink on me.”
He was always really sweet. That was one of the things that kinda bothered you. He was perfect. Funny, gorgeous, smart and a hell of a journalist. You couldn’t even have a serious rivalry with him because he was just genuinely a nice dude.
It was a rivalry you both enjoyed, because you could sass each other on a professional level and still have lunch and debate topics civilly (most of the time) with a mutual respect
Loathe as you were to admit it, you had a lot in common
“Can’t. I have things to do.”
“I promise not to brag much,” he joked, his arms folding expectantly. You rolled your eyes and mimicked his pose, shifting the weight in your hips.
“Clark, as much as I’d love to pour-have a drink on you, I actually have a life outside of The Daily Planet Crew-Heeeey, Luke!”
Clark’s eyes followed yours to the man perched in the doorway. You lit up so much at seeing him, Clark looked back at you with a judgy smirk but you ignored him.
“Hey, you need a ride to class?” Luke asked, looking between you and Clark, who perked up.
“Yeah, no, we do a cooking class together. International Cuisines over on West and Central. You should check it out,” Luke explained and Clark looked moderately impressed.
“Oh! I didn’t know you two were. Are you datin-“
“Oh, um,” you started.
“No, no, no,” he gargled out at the same time and Clark looked between you slowly.
“I mean, it is a couple’s only class, but, like, between us, we kinda fudged the details a little bit when we signed up,” you admitted, your embarrassment growing. It was enough that your secret alone time with the hot photographer was being revealed to Mr. Perfect, but to hear Luke so vehemently refute the implication that you were his girlfriend. In front of him. Of all people. It was too much. You swallowed your feelings and kept it together. “Anyway, yeah, I’ll ride over with you.”
With that Luke continued down the hall to the darkroom. You exhaled and and pulled your bag onto your shoulder.
“Not a word.”
“I didn’t say anything,” Clark smirked, rolling his lips, to keep from laughing at the juicy interaction he just witnessed. He watched you lock up and leave, that annoying shit-eating smirk on his ridiculously handsome face ever present. You knew he was judging you. Like Damn woman, I knew you were thirsty, but this is next level.
Not like he had room to judge. Lois Lane could wear his balls as a necklace and he’d thank her for her time and energy. You had to respect the hustle, however, because he was just as shameless as you were to get next to his boo. You weren’t mad at that. The struggle was real. Today, however, was a major blow to your pride and progress and honestly you didn’t even know why you even bothered getting into the car, let alone slog through another class next to a man who clearly didn’t see you as anything but a fwb. The benefit being that you were a woman he could finesse a cooking class with.
You were way too fine to be used like that
You knew that
But in a way you were using him to be in the class too. It had limited seats and if word got out that you two weren’t a couple, you’d be put out for sure, so, annoyed and lukewarm (I said what I said) as you were on him now, you were trapped in this one-sided arrangement for now
But damn. Pretending was hard. When that man smiled at you over a perfectly cooked plate of crullers that you both worked hard to make…Hoooo. You were goo. It was pitiful. You hated it, but there you were. Laughing at his corny ass jokes. Joking back. Completely ignoring how he threw your potential relationship under the bus earlier that day. The laughter died down and eventually it was just you two in the car. Him driving you home.
“Hey, you remember when Clark thought we were dating?” you asked, hoping to work around to a genuine conversation about the two of you.
“Woah right? That was close. I mean, not that you aren’t attractive. You’re gorgeous, of course.”
“Of course,” you smirked saucily, chest fluttering at the blatant compliment he was giving. But the other half of you was waiting for the other shoe to drop.
There it was.
He hesitated, as if trying to find the words. He hazarded a glance your way. “Between us, Lois and I have been dating for a little bit.”
You then throat chopped him, causing him to swerve sharply, sending the car into a spin-out off the nearest bridge, thus killing you both and sparing you the humiliating dread of realizing you wasted your time simping over some dude that Lois Fuckin Lane had already secured between her legs ages ago
Just kidding. That didn’t happen, but you were damn sure thinking about it right then
You were truly at a loss. You were a top flight journalist, you should’ve picked up on it. Something. Anything. Sure, they hung out a bit between meetings, but you all did. Then again, they did spend more than a little time at each other’s desks, smiling and talking. Grabbing lunch or coffee for each other. But you thought it was business. You and Clark did that for each other all the time. Maybe you just ignored the signs.
“Oh. Shit. That’s-That’s great! Is it getting serious?” you asked, kicking yourself for the filler question. He took a deep breath.
“I think so. I mean, it’s going pretty well. I wish I knew what was going on in her mind.”
“Well I’m not gonna spy for you, if that’s what you’re working around to,” you joked hollowly, the sinking pain in your chest making you feel sick and stupid. He laughed and you forced yourself to as well.
“Man, that’s cold,” he chortled and it gave you a petty bit of satisfaction.
“That’s life.*”
“That’s what people say,” he joked back, quoting the song. Though while he was riding high in April, it was you that was shot down in May. You were relieved when you saw home, nearly opening the door while the car was still in motion. You couldn’t wait to get inside and have a nice hot bath and a stiff drink.
Usually that was your time to unwind and read in the warm candlelight, or even touch yourself, if you felt so inclined to do so, but tonight, you weren’t feeling anything. Much less yourself.
You couldn’t help but think about how Clark was coping with all this. Provided he even knew. You could see him, the absolute Labrador of a man, reduced to nothing me than a kicked puppy at the news of his beloved Lois dating anybody that wasn’t him
Part of you was hoping he was Superman, so he could freak out and smack the shit out of Luke for doing this to you. Well. The petty part of you was kinda hoping
It wasn’t anybody’s fault, you knew that, but you just wanted to feel less like a fool and more like the confident woman you woke up as that morning
The next time you saw Clark, you debated not telling him anything, but you weren’t willing to let anybody go out the way you did. So eventually, over coffee, you broke it to him casually
“I know.”
“S’cuse me?”
“That they’re dating? I already know that,” he said, adding more coffee to his mug to make it less sweet. He was either taking this remarkably well, or he was playing it off like he was totally fine. Which would add amazing acting to his already impressive list of things he could do well.
“Then why are you still fawning all over Lois like it’s Single’s Weekend?”
He laughed with a shrug. “They’re dating, not married. She could change her mind.”
Part of you felt a small spark jolt through you. You always imagined Clark the traditional type. But there he was literally—openly—declaring war on your crush. Threatening to steal his bae.
“Oh. Okay. My bad.”
Part of you was cheering for him to.
(Part 2)
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the-gentleman-pining · 9 months
Decided to rewatch OFMD S2 eps 1-3 and actually jot down my thoughts as I go! Oh what fun! Ngl this is mostly for me babes but if you enjoy it that's neat ❤️
Episode 1: Impossible Birds
Stede bearded in his dream could just be playing to swashbuckling archetypes for funsies, but is it some lingering wish that he was more masculine?
Con O'Neil truly graceful about it with the sword huh
"WHERE IS HE. WHERE'S ED?" Stede seeing Izzy as the thing that is keeping Ed from him when he's the one that left lol ok
His idealised version of Ed doesn't hold him accountable either. My mans doesn't want to face what he did at all!!
His first words to Ed in his letter are reassuring him that the crew are safe, as if he doesn't remember that Ed marooned them and left them for dead on purpose??
I know it's meant to be funny but Jackie was a bit of a sex pest toward Swede at first and the power dynamic was a bit 🫤 Glad he was into it in the end!
Stede truly is unphased by people being assholes to him and I just,,, respect it.
Ricky your vibes are strange and unsettling
Who in their right mind would have an ocean wedding in the golden age of piracy?? I know they probs didn't know it was the golden age of piracy while they were in it but STILL
Ed looks so dead behind the eyes 😭 Just going through the motions eh buddy?
Dressed up like the book Blackbeard I see. God he's trying so hard to inhabit this character.
I would die for Archie. Truly the himbo we need in these depressing angst riddled times.
Jim asking someone else how they're bottling things up?? Hello?? Who are you and what have you done with Jim?? Aren't you the bottling up Master? Olu bewitched you too good and now you've unlocked Feelings 😔
"He's actually a good guy" Stede babygirl did we actually forget the marooning???
I have so much I could say about how Izzy and Blackbeard's relationship has deteriorated hhhhh,,,, Izzy is a problem child but I'm so glad the story is crashing towards his character actually growing and changing. In season 1 he at least got the crumbs Ed would throw him like "I need you here", now he's only getting abuse and maybe he's throwing himself at it because he recognises he had a part to play in reaching this point and believes he deserves it.
Fang's delivery on "how you doing Izzy" will keep me warm and fed all winter. Masterclass in approaching someone, truly tender and genuine but not too pressuring. God.
That second "unhand me" hhh the panic of realising you're going to start crying if the situation continues
Con is gonna rip my heart out and eat it this season if I'm not careful
Labour exploitation Jackie what a girlboss x
Why does "you'll be having a lot of breakfastseses together" sound so ominous though 😭 Smeagol Jackie my worstie...
Stede doing Blackbeard Voice is adorable but damn he really doesn't believe that he made Ed's life better. Like how??? Why doesn't Stede equate happiness with better? Ed was explicitly happier around you ya dingus!
Swede deserves his married bliss so much. The crew can be so mean to him!!
"What am I to you" and "I have... love for you" are said so softly I'm gonna be sick,, Izzy you fucked it by wrestling this man into this particular coping mechanism and your tenderness is coming wayyyy too late. Heartbreaking tbh cause the guy didn't know how else to help Ed and now he's realising it could have been different. Sick and twisted little dynamic I'm eating it like good soup.
Definitely supposed to be taken that Izzy didn't realise "talk it through" was a Stedeism as he said it but godddd you idiot dude
Once again god bless you Archie I'd die for you
Fang I want to rescue you hhhhhh my hot topic fashionista must be so dehydrated from all these tears!!!
No way in hell Ed expected anything else out of Izzy's mouth than something about Stede, but god I wish the guy had just payed attention to Frenchie shaking his head. The catharsis of saying the quiet part out loud wasn't worth your leg, man.
"Start by cleaning up that mess"... yeah we def see Ed is killing people himself again but outsourcing the Big Job on Izzy makes sense. He's also exactly the kind of self sabotager atm that would know Frenchie won't do it, and he's looking for reasons to Be Worse.
Indigo heist my beloved. Fuck those hammies up!! I love how loud Black Pete was omg 😂
Oh fuck off Ricky I know you're a S1 Stede mirror but you're doing it detestably
Roach why is your instinct to immediately put the blue dirt on your face darling
Zheng Yi Sao completely unphased by Jackie is giving me so much delight
Sexy Dutchman 😭😂 Jackie never change
I love that Zheng Yi Sao is taking the whole crew on just to have her lil Olu moment, get it girl
TENDER JIM IM SO HAPPY FOR THEM THEY'VE COME SO FAR. I LOVE THEIR BIG SMILE 😭 (also Archie is so wholesome what is she DOING here???)
Ed oh my god you're not alright at ALL
Frenchie's quiet "sounds like a plan" is just so... painful. The acting this season is off the charts.
When Roach asked if they were in soup now I thought he was referring to the ocean as soup I'm an idiot 😭
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jrwis-most-pathetic · 10 months
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"Have you seen that guy? He is the definition of the most pathetic man. His hair gets all stringy and damp when he gets out of the rain like a stray cat. His eyes get really big and wet when he cries. He literally spent probably weeks without a shirt on because he wanted to show off his cool tattoos. Mans never understands what’s happening around him and it shows." "just fucking look at the man. he is haunted. he has so much rizz yet he has no bitches and only fishes. he would be bisexual if bizly wasn't a fucking coward and accepted he's gay for that fish. he's so pathetic and sad people leap to help him and also find him offputting. he literally got a curse for petting a kitty" "look at him. just look at him. gaze apon ye wet cat and despair he's the pinnacle of pathetic and if he doesn't sweep the entire competition without contest im going to pull an episode 15 with all of jrwiblr i swear to god" "Gets no bitches" "he is literally chip."
"he is autism personified. look at him. his special intrest is rocks and he has a pet lizard named lizard and he was told him whole life that he was weird for being different and unique and that he would never amount to anything and yet he STILL fucks canonically. he gets married and runs away with rumi after become god killers together if he isn't the most pathetic pc to ever grace this podcast i don't know who is" "Legit this man’s whole character is being a wet cat man. A sopping rag if you will. A cringe fail guy who would so much as cry if you said anything remotely positive towards him and would agree with you if you said anything negative about him. He has the nerd boy loser swag with his lizard named Lizard and his rock knowledge and his multiple attempts at painting one blue mug. Peter Sqloint is THE pathetic boy of all time /pos" "Dude idk how to word things but im an expert on noticing how pathetic a character is and i dont actually have the patreon so idk how much he looses his patheticness as time goes on but did this guy not literally apologize for talking to some kid. Hes got a lizard and tried to get a singualr bit of food for that lizard and fuckin dropped it and idfk th whole first scene the way he acts the way he carries himself the way he speaks hes just too pathetic idfk how else to say it man" "He is THE pathetic jrwi character" "I mean. Duh."
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atty-goldstein · 1 year
Just finished watching NPMD and here are my observations:
Oh starting right away with Richie's death
OHHHH It's the first time we actually hear Lauren and Jon sing together, even for just a lil bit
The Watcher World callback with the hammer and the phone
Every Mariah character: MY PICTURES ON MY PHONE, Me: gurl back it up on Cloud
Awwww Ruth
That one person who cheered louder than anyone else when Pete stood up for himself
Everyone collectively going "awww" when Pete shows up with the black eye
The Chasitys have such a cute color scheme. Would wear. But like. Mark's outfit has such gay vibes tho. Like. Stereotypical gay outfit.
Pfft that one person who cackled the Loudest during the dinner scene
Max, climbing in the tub with his jeans on: *vine voice* He's washing him and his jeans. He's washing him and his jeans.
Oh Mark showing up after Dirty Girl is literally like that scene with Hanschen during My Junk in Spring Awakening.
LISTEN. About two years ago, I was watching SAF and my dad looked over my shoulder AND HE THOUGHT JOEY WAS LIN MANUEL MIRANDA
Max: I'm gonna kick your ass!, Me: *Ted voice* Not his head
Wait. But his reaction to the prank is so wholesome and precious actually.
Gurl. Just let it stay an accident and destroy the footage instead. Don't be stupid.
I remember saying Bryce as Brenda. Glad that it happened.
Hatchet Town is basically just "Your Fault" from Into the Woods huh
Pete and Ruth sound a lot like Scrags and Esther ngl
I love Kyle. Himbo dude.
The shift when Clivesdale is introduced.
The way everyone also awwed when Richie got appreciated. I don't think a show goes by without Jon's character being loved
It's interesting that the hs kids don't want to be mean and aren't inherently mean, they were just pressured into being mean
Ohhh. He got bedazzled. Like Edward Cullen.
I want the cast recording so I can hear Jon and Will sing at each other more clearly
Boy Jerry's a reporter? I mean sure, I assumed they have jobs when it's off-season for camp, but I didn't expect journalism
What does Bryce's character know about Boy Jerry's murder spree tho?
Everyone's talking about Boy Jerry throwing Girl Jeri under the bus, but not Dan agreeing with Boy Jerry in accusing Donna
Hatchet Town is just Your Fault from Into the Woods huh
Steph protecting Ruth parallels Steph looking after Hannah
hc that Joey's character in the bbq monologues is whoever played Joey's roles in the Hatchetfield production of TTO
Jon's delivery ohmygod lmaoooo
Oh and Mariah's character, Caitlyn/Kaitlin, feels like a mini Zoey
Ruth sweetieeee you are so brilliant
Ruth having a mushroom on her shirt like the "I'm a failure" meme
The way they pull off Max's teleportation is so so good
Kim is the queen of horrified screams now
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YESSSS HE SAID THE MIRANDA RIGHTS he ain't got a warrant tho
Considering tgwdlm was 2018, and it's 2023 now, then it HAS been FIVE YEARS since Peter asked for his hot chocolate from Emma
GARY PUPPY PAID ATTENTION WHEN HE HEARD PAUL. Because of he still recognizes Jon.
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Pfft Paul having more balls than Pete
Okay it's vague enough that it can be interpreted that Paul doesn't die. I didn't think Emma would do the Linda screech tho. It's always enough to startle and disorient tho.
Oh I have a theory behind what Tinky says. But it's going in a separate post
In Once Upon a Time, it is customary to give up "the thing you love most" in exchange for extremely powerful magic.
Ahahaha as a Catholic I can confirm that Grace's opinion on Catholicism is mostly correct
I feel like if Pete did die, it would prevent him from turning into a horny bastard like Ted tho. Which may potentially save him from Tinky
And Pete letting himself get shot to save the woman he loves, would parallel Ted's sacrifice in Ape Man
That one person who very audibly goes "WHAT THE FUCK" when Max takes the bullet for Pete
Grace saying her type is dudes who come back from the dead. And I'm like. "AND THEY'RE BOTH RIPPED AS FUCK"
Annnd now the tables have turned on Joey after eating Sally out in the choir room.
Aaaat least she can't get knocked up?
Where'd she get that cigarette tho
The hair flip that accompanied the spin
Kim's teacher character is so cute
The "awwww" when Pete and Steph came to homecoming together. Also Pete's bow tie will always match whatever Steph's wearing
Are we all in agreement that Jon and Will's homecoming characters are dating?
Hmm. A soul-sucking spell especially targeting guys? Sounds like what Sheila had.
"Guys who came before"? Who else did she hook up with between the ghost's death and homecoming?
It's the return of Angela's iconic witch laugh
But Grace how long is that gonna work out for you. You gonna eventually use contraception? Have magic contraception? Or eventually get knocked up? Just sayin'
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