#// i'm not saying this EXCUSES eddie's actions
⚙️ Steddie Big Bang 2024: Project Reveal ⚙️
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I am stoked to reveal my project for the @steddiebang2024 - an action-filled, steampunk-inspired Steddie adventure. I'll be collaborating with the amazingly talented @cuips-not-cute on this one, and I can't wait to see what they'll create! 😍✨️
Summary and snippet under the cut
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⚙️ Excerpt
“Look,” he finally says. “We've been over this. The doctors said it's perfectly normal. ‘s called phantom limb or whatever the fuck. Can take years to go away, sometimes never does. It's fine.”
Gareth shuffles unhappily. “Yeah, but-”
“No buts,” Eddie insists. “I appreciate your concern, Gare, I really do. But to be perfectly honest with you, I’d rather hack off another limb than go anywhere near those shallow, sanctimonious, rich assholes ever again, so they can take that money and shove it right up their-”
“Eddie, shut up, for fuck’s sake!”
Gareth's voice cracks around the last syllable and Eddie trails off with an irritated groan.
“What? Why?”
“Just-” Now that he thinks about it, Gareth is sounding weirdly nervous. Eddie frowns at the wrench in his hand. “There’s, um …”
“No, by all means,” says a new voice. “Let him continue. He hasn’t said exactly where to shove that money yet.”
Eddie shoots out from under the transporter and nearly crashes into a pair of legs.
“What the fuck?” he blurts, slamming his feet down in a desperate attempt to brake. His right leg creaks and the metal foot scrapes over the floor with a harsh, grating sound. Eddie thinks he sees sparks, briefly. “Hey, look where you’re-”
There’s a guy staring down at him. A guy in an embroidered waistcoat with tails so long they nearly brush the shafts of his shiny leather boots. He's leaning on a carved walking stick, raising an elegant eyebrow from under a swoop of shiny, chestnut hair. Eddie decides then and there that he hates that douchebag.
“Where I’m going?” Douchebag finishes his sentence. “I was just standing here. Maybe you should-”
“Yeah, well,” Eddie sneers, finally remembering to sit up and push his goggles back. The movement leaves a black smudge of oil on his forehead, wet and sticky. “It’s still my damn shop, good sir, so excuse the fuck outta me if I don’t go out of my way to kiss your-”
“You’re Edward Munson then?” another voice pipes in. “Of Munson’s Machinery? You own this place?”
Eddie blinks. A girl is peering over Douchebag’s shoulder. She reminds him a bit of one of those tall monster birds with the long necks he saw at the zoo once - all gangly limbs and jerky movements and nervous eyes. Ostriches? Yeah, he thinks that's what they're called.
“Eddie is fine,” he says automatically, then remembers he's still mad at the both of them. “I mean … what's it to you?”
Douchebag huffs a sound that might pass as a laugh, if only his face matched the noise.
“Nevermind,” he murmurs and turns to go, making to put his preposterous top hat back on. “This was a stupid idea anyhow.”
“Steve?” The girl latches on to his arm and yanks him back. Douchebag makes an annoyed, whiny sound and Eddie can feel his own mouth twitching into a grin. “Be nice?”
While Douchebag pouts and grumbles something unintelligible under his breath, she turns to Eddie with a strained smile.
“Sorry about him,” she says, fingers awkwardly tugging on the dispensers of her billowy pants. “We talked about this before coming here, or at least I thought we did, only right now I'm honestly wondering if we had the same discussion, because you're sort of our last chance, so it would really befit us to treat you with some basic-”
“For fuck’s sake, Robin,” Douchebag blurts. His hand flies up like he’s trying to scrub it down his face, or pinch his nose maybe - one of those theatrical, overdone gestures of long-suffering exasperation - just that he’s still holding the stupid hat and almost whacks himself in the forehead with it. “Just go ahead and tell him everything, why don't you? That'll do wonders for our negotiation position, I'm sure.”
“Excuse me, what position?” asks the girl. She throws up her hands, so suddenly that her dispensers twang with it, and Douchebag flinches. Eddie’s starting to like her more and more. “And I'm asking that in all honesty, dingus. This place is the only option we have left. Our position isn't just shitty, it's literally non-existent. There is no position, Steve. So you can either try again and behave like a decent human being or we can just go home and forget about the whole-”
“Ugh, alright,” Douchebag snaps. “I'll do it, I'll do it.”
He shoves himself past the girl and her shit-eating grin so that he can glare down his nose at Eddie. Eddie, who is still crouched on the ground, glares right back, head tipped into his neck.
“I, um-” mutters Gareth, shuffling off the workbench and gathering his half-finished breakfast. “I'll just … I’ll come back later, I guess. See ya, Eddie.”
Eddie makes a vague sound of acknowledgement as he bustles out, but doesn’t bother breaking his staring contest.
“So, Mr. Munson,” Douchebag drawls after a second or two. “Would you be interested in a job offer? I heard you’re one of the best mechanics on this side of town.”
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brokentoys · 11 months
OK. one last ooc post before attempting replies. but i wanna say that ed. is not a perfect person. he may not be a horrible person - but he isn't exactly a "good" or "perfect" person either. i KNOW i've had ppl unfollow me bc he was rude, and even cruel to their muses. or even insistent on his beliefs and thoughts when they make no sense. eddie is mean sometimes. random things will set him off. but it's also important to know that eddie is mentally ill as well. not only just mentally ill, but usually not even medicated. he has very strong delusions that he firmly believes. anything your muse says can make him believe stronger in his delusions, or upset him. he may go on random rambles that make little sense or is barely coherrent. this is because eddie is very mentally ill. he literally cannot help it nor does he realize what he's doing. that's LITERALLY why he ended up in a mental institution instead of prison. because eddie is often not in control of his actions or words.
just keep in mind of this when anyone writes with me.
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kriffingstars · 2 years
eddie munson; tiddies
next : 2
pairings : eddie munson x female!reader summary : after a drunken evening eddie's name ends up written on your tits. he catches a glimpse in the cafeteria warnings : soft smut (minors dni), underage drinking (reader is a senior), mild swearing i’d just like to thank a wild night out for the inspiration on this one. i’m a slut for eddie munson. part 3 of tutor is coming and I've got two requests i'm writing plus another eddie headcannon series in the works.
masterlist and taglist
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okay hear me out, getting drunk with eddie and somehow he ends up signing your tit with a sharpie. it doesn’t click that the pen is sharpie until you wake up the next morning and it’s not coming off in the shower.
do not ask how it ended up happening, neither of you know it just did
sods fucking law you’ve not done your washing recently and the top you’re wearing has a pretty low v-neck. one wrong move and the whole of the student body is going to see eddie (or at least the start of it because it’s so big the first few letters aren’t even covered by your bra).
it’s kinda hot. knowing that you’ve got his name, written by him, somewhere that people only ever really see unless you’re getting intimate.
or you’re drunk with your best friend who you’re only a little bit in love with
eddie doesn’t remember straight away, but when you sit down at the lunch table and lean over to give gareth some english notes he sees it
this boy chokes, he’s beet red and that part of the evening is coming back to him, it’s not that he blacked out or anything but he was definitely thinking it was just something his drunk brain imagined
now he’s got a hard on in the cafeteria and whilst the jeans look cool there’s nothing left to the imagination
the rest of the hellfire club have no clue what’s going on, but your eyes widen slightly as you realise what’s got him so worked up
he’s turned on, you’re turned on. and this is where the tension finally snaps
‘meet me in the van’ he murmurs as he quite abruptly grabs his stuff and stalks off
you’re excusing yourself not long after he left, telling the hellfire club you’ve got to go and see mr mundy about some extra credit
when you get to his van the first thing he does is grip your hips and pull you closer into a needy kiss
this is new but you’re not complaining
neither of you have to say anything about your feelings for each other, your actions are saying it for you
eddie is so needy
you would think that he’d be all dominant, and maybe if he’d written his name and then gotten off with you at the same time he would be
but this caught him unaware and he’s just so weak
his favourite girl with his name, written haphazardly in sharpie claiming what’s his
he’s a puddle
before you know it you’re making out straddling him in the back of his van
your hands are in his hair, pulling gently on it
and his hands are palming your tits through your shirt
‘let’s take this off,’ he murmurs into your skin, whilst tugging at the bottom of the fabric
‘wanna see my name on my tits,’
as soon as your shirt is off eddie’s kissing, and sucking on the top of your breasts, leaving hickies on the unmarked one
he’s starting to unravel and this is all too much for him so when you decide to start palming him through his trousers
it’s all over
putty in your goddamn hands
moaning into your tits, pushing his face so far into them he’s basically suffocating
‘eddie…eddie baby,’ your voice breaks him out of his trance, pulling him back into the moment letting out an absolutly pathetic whine when he realises the movement of your hand has stopped
‘i’m not sleeping with you for the first time in the high school parking lot,’
he just kind of short circuits because you said first time. and that’s implying it’s going to be more than once and he just can’t quite believe how someone so beautiful actually wants him
you lean in nice and close to his ear, your voice low and sensual with the promise that, if he can drive you back to his trailer you’ll let him fuck your tits
he’s never moved so fast in his life
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apomaro-mellow · 9 months
Matchmaking Harringtons 2
Diane wanted to ask more about Steve's interaction with the cashier, but she remembered being a youngin. The more questions she asked, the more Steve would close up. She didn't know what her husband had said to get things started, but clearly they needed a different angle.
She said as much that evening as she and Jonas got ready for bed. He protested, as she knew he would, but it was her turn now.
So right away the next day, she returned to the mall, hoping Steve's intended would be there. And to her luck, he was.
"Hello, hi", she waved as she approached the counter.
"Hi. Did you need help finding anything?"
"Oh no, not really", Diane said. "You see...", she looked to his name tag. "Eddie, I don't know if you remember but yesterday my husband and I were here with our son, Steve?"
Eddie's cheeks got red and his mouth turned to a straight line. Diane would take that as a good sign.
"We really want Steve to find someone special", Diane said in a low voice, leaning in a bit. "Now I don't know what my husband told you, but I'm here to give you a bit of advice."
"Advice....on getting a date...with your son?", Eddie said slowly as if speaking to an alien.
"Yes. Now here's our number. Call today, we'll make sure he answers. And ask him out."
"Your son? On a date?"
"You've got to be assertive, really make use of this...", Diane gestured to his whole being, "alternative look you've got going. Steve's never dated anyone like you so I'm sure he'll get a thrill having a taste of rebellion."
Eddie smirked as he took the paper with the number written on it. "Getting permission to be rebellious kind of takes the fun out of it. Uh, where should I take him?"
"Some place where he'll get a real rush of danger", Diane suggested.
"A dive bar?"
"He's not of drinking age yet and I am still his mother. I've got to act the part." Diane had definitely drunk underage, but her parents didn't know about it. She was pretty certain Steve had partaken while hanging with his friends. But as long as she didn't see it, she could play dumb. "Where do you and your friends normally hang around?"
"Dive bars", Eddie answered.
Diane pursed her lips as she thought of the best course of action. "I've got it. You're going to say you're taking him out to dinner. But when you pick him up, you'll actually be taking him out to a movie."
Eddie was silent as he did the mental math. Tell the parents one thing, but do another, thus the rush of rebellion. Dinner was public and respectable. But two young folks could fool around in a dark theater. It was honestly something he might try to do.
"Okay, I asked your hubbie yesterday if this is entrapment and I just need to ask again."
"Our Steve is a good boy. He...just has trouble holding onto someone. We don't know if it's him or the girls. We just want him to find someone special."
"...How special? Like, should I be making room on my hand?", he asked, wiggling his ring covered fingers.
"Not that special. Just enough to get him on the right track."
Eddie looked down to the number, then this strange woman again. He braced his hands against the counter and took in a deep breath. "Alright. I'm a gambling man. My break's at noon. I'll call him then."
"Wonderful. And whatever you do, don't tell him that we came to you."
"I don't even know how to begin that conversation", Eddie admitted.
Diane was staring at the phone like she was the one waiting for a date to call. Jonas and Steve were watching a game on the tv and she was practically guarding the phone, using dirty dishes as an excuse. When it started to ring, she bit her lip to keep from smiling too much.
"Steve, sweetie, can you get that? My hands are wet."
"Got it", Steve said, picking up the phone on the third ring. "Hello, Harrington residence."
Diane was pretty much just pretending to do the dishes at this point, eavesdropping on Steve's side of the conversation the best she could without looking obvious. She fought the urge to jump for joy when she heard Steve confirm that he would be seeing the caller this Friday at 7.
"Alright. See you then", Steve said, the cord twirled around his finger. "Bye."
He hung up the phone, a dreamy smile on his face and Diane knew that look for sure but she reigned in her own expression. She was about to ask but Jonas beat her to it.
"Who was on the phone?", he called out.
"Oh, um, it was...", Steve was clearly debating how much to tell them, if anything. He took a breath as he decided to trust them. "It was that guy from the music place. He wants to grab a bite this weekend."
"Grab a bite, huh?", Jonas sat up a bit in his chair.
"Yes. Just a little something, we'll probably go to Benny's or whatever", Steve crossed his arms like he always did when he was trying to downplay something.
He then quickly excused himself to go up to his room and Diane dried her hands off for real. She went over to Jonas and nudged him, then nodded to the stairs.
"What woman? I'm not psychic."
"Go and listen. I bet you anything he's calling a friend right now to tell about the date."
"Are we really dropping eaves on our son now?"
"Go and listen!", she whispered urgently.
Taking his sweet time, Jonas got up and crept up the stairs. Steve's door was closed of course, but when he put an ear to the door, he could hear him walking about the room and talking to someone on the line in his room.
When he figured he'd heard enough, he came back downstairs to report to his wife.
"He's talking to that one girl he never dated, Robin?"
"About Eddie?"
Jonas nodded. Apparently the other day, Steve thought he didn't make the best impression on him when buying the music. He thought he came off as boring compared to Eddie. So he was surprised to get his call.
Diane couldn't help but be a little smug. Now the ball was rolling.
Saturday night was here and at 7 o'clock sharp, the Harringtons heard a loud engine enter their driveway. Steve came downstairs but instead of going to the door, went to the bathroom and did a final check in the mirror as the bell rang.
Jonas opened the door and got a load of date night Eddie. The ripped jeans were still there. But now instead of the uniform shirt and name tag, he was wearing a t-shirt that Jonas was just guessing had album art on it and a ratty denim vest.
"Evening Mr. Harrington. Is Steve ready yet?"
"I am", Steve said, appearing behind his dad.
"You two have fun at the diner. Have him back by 11", Diane said as she saw them off.
Jonas was oddly quiet the whole time. Diane just waited him out, knowing he'd announce any opinions he had once they were alone. In fact the moment he closed the door, he turned to her.
"How sure are we about Eddie?"
"Oh here we go. Were we so sure about Chloe? Or Mary Lee?"
"I just thought he might clean up a little more for a date, that's all."
"The important thing is that Steve likes him."
They spent their evening, drinking some wine and watching a movie. But they made sure to be up in their room before it got too late. They wanted the boys to have just a smidge of privacy when they returned.
All the lights were off when they heard that roaring engine come back at 11:15.
"They're late", Jonas said. "That's a good sign."
Diane smiled. They were both listening hard for any sort of sound that might tell them how the night went. They heard the front door open. It was about two minutes before it actually closed. Another good sign. Steve tiptoed up the stairs but in the quiet of the night and them holding their breath, he was easily heard.
The door to his room closed and Diane gripped Jonas' arm tight. "Do you think it went well?"
"Are you gonna go knock on his door and ask? Or should we tap his phone line this time?" Jonas chuckled at his wife's pout. "We'll hear about it in due time. Good night, Di."
"Good night."
They both settled in, officially this time. If things kept going well like this, they'd be inviting Eddie over to dinner soon.
Part 4
Don't worry, we're gonna get some actual steddie focus soon. And Jonas still needs to warm up to Eddie all the way.
Tag Team
@tartarusknight @swimmingbirdrunningrock @estrellami-1 @potato-of-the-lord @dragonmama76 @m-owo-n @sticknpokelightningbolt @somegirlsomewhere @tinyplanet95 @samsoble @runniem
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rogueddie · 3 months
Thinkin Bout You T | 1,061 words Prompt for @steddielovemonth: Love is going out of your way to do something you know will make them happy
Even though he can admit that it's a selfish desire, Eddie still wants to use Steve's pool. He'd thought that, after finally defeating Vecna and saving Max, they could use it as an excuse to have some sort of party.
He's always wanted to go to one of Steves infamous, exclusive pool parties.
"No," Steve immediately snapped, when Eddie brought it up. It was the first time Eddie had ever really heard him angry. "No one goes in the pool. No one- just, stay away from it. It's off limits. That's it."
He'd been confused, but accepted his answer. It didn't matter what he wanted, it clearly made Steve uncomfortable. It wasn't his place to challenge those boundaries.
... but it did make him curious.
At first, he tried to figure it out on his own. Or, more accurately, tried to gauge how Steve fully and truly felt about the pool.
Steve avoided the thing like it would bite him if he looked at it too long. He always steered conversations away from it, or swimming in general, too.
"I'm worried," Eddie admitted, when he finally gave in and turned to Robin. "He can't keep avoiding pools forever."
"It's not pools," Robin says, reluctantly. "It's his pool, specifically. You'll have to ask him, but... you'd get it. If you knew why."
But the only answer he got from Steve was vague, something about Nancy and bad memories.
"I don't want to know what happened," Eddie starts, worming past Nancy as soon as she opens the door. "I only need to know if redecorating the pool might help. Like, if it's bad memories tied to it then spicing it up so it looks different... that'll help, right?"
Nancy stares at him for a moment, needing a moment to catch up.
"We are talking about Steve?" She finally asks.
"Right... um... redecorating..." She looks off to the side, frowning in thought. "It might help. He probably won't want to get in himself, no matter what, but... yeah, changing it up might make him more comfortable with it in general."
"Great! I don't know how to redecorate a pool."
Nancy rolls her eyes.
But she jumps into action. She calls Robin, Jonathan and Argyle, gathering them together so they can brainstorm ideas.
It's Jonathan who suggests they try and make it more kid friendly. Argyle is the one who collects pool decals, agreeing on placing them too. Robin insists on being the one to chose the colors with Nancy's help.
Eddie gets stuck with collecting floats and toys, making a mental list of what they could get.
With their hush money, they're able to put aside a decent amount of money for the budget. They're definitely going to be able to completely change that pool.
Getting the kids to agree to distract Steve for the entire day is too easy. They don't even ask why.
Steve calls Robins less than half an hour after they call the kids, pleading and whining about the kids plan. He tries to get her to come up with some excuse to get him out of it.
"Sorry," Robin says, wincing. "Need to stay home with mom. Sounds serious."
It takes another half an hour until Lucas is able to radio them, giving them the all clear.
Sneaking round to Steve's pool feels strange. Mostly thanks to how casual it is, how calm the others look despite the fact that they're technically breaking in.
"We're not breaking in," Nancy points out. "We have keys. He said we can come over whenever we want. We're welcome."
"Hey," Jonathan says, snapping his fingers to get their attention. "Come on, we have a lot to do."
And it is a lot.
Working together, they're able to get through the worst of it pretty fast. It's impossible to rush it all though, having to wait for paint to dry or glue to stick.
They've barely sat down, finally finishing everything, when Steve gets back with the kids.
"Woah, this is amazing!" Dustin says, grinning wide, the first to burst out the back doors.
"Holy shit," Mike says, next out. "How did you do all this in that time?"
"What are you guys yelling about?" Steve asks, voice distant.
The kids scramble out of the way, watching the door for Steve, excited.
"Where have you- oh."
He freezes in the doorway, eyes darting around the garden.
"Surprise!" Robin yells, jumping over to him. "You like it?"
"How did you..."
"It was easy," Nancy says, reassuring.
"Eddie noticed that you hate the pool," Robin adds. "He suggested we redecorate. Change it up. Make it something new."
Steve looks between them all, face blank.
"Steve?" Eddie says, shifting nervously.
"Thank you," Steve says. "It's... thank you."
"Does this mean we can use your pool now?" Mike asks.
Steve laughs, though it sounds slightly choked. "Yeah," he says, shaking his head. "Sure, whatever, let's have a pool party."
The kids cheer, rushing off to get changed. The others follow after them slower, leaving Steve and Eddie alone.
"This was your idea?" Steve asks.
"Kinda? We all worked together to actually... do it. I only suggested we do something. Nancy's the brains behind it all, really. And Argyle."
"Still, you thought to do all... this."
"I guess."
"Thank you, Ed."
"Oh, nah, don't. It was motivated entirely by, like... greed."
Steve snorts, disbelieving.
"It was! You never let us use the pool."
"You wouldn't need to redecorate this much to do that."
"That... yeah, I would," Eddie winces at how his voice cracks. "You're overprotective."
"Eds," Steve grabs his hand, finally drawing his attention to how they've drifted to each other. "Just accept the thank you, alright?"
Eddie glances at their hands, half expecting Steve to pull away. But, despite the flush in his cheeks, he keeps a tight hold.
"Alright," Eddie finally says. "You're welcome?"
"Great," Steve tugs at his hand, keeping ahold of him as he drags them to the house. "I have spare swim shorts that you can borrow."
"You sure they won't be too big?"
Steve glances back, just in time to catch Eddie's eyes drifting down. He laughs bumping his shoulder into Eddie's.
"You love it," Eddie teases, expecting Steve to take it ask a joke.
But he smiles, soft and genuine, squeezing Eddie's hand as he says, "I really do."
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justhellabifandom · 10 days
I'm so sick and tired of the toxicity going on currently in the 9-1-1 fandom. Like don't get me wrong every fandom has it's toxic side but this bs has just grown since Buck came out and Tommy and him started dating.
Like TommyxBuck shippers have been sending people de*th threats to people who have different opinions,or buddie shippers. If your reaction to anyone talking negative about your favorite ship is to send them de*th threats there's something really wrong with you.
Then there's all the biphobia going on. Saying shit like "I hope Buck gets HIV after breaking up with Tommy." Or "Buck isn't bi if he wasn't with Tommy." I'm begging you look up the definition of bisexual,Buck could date another woman or date another dude after Tommy and still be bisexual!! He could date a non-binary person and still be bisexual. Just because hes dating Tommy doesn't mean he's any less bisexual,and if theres ever a break up it doesn't make him any less bisexual. His journey doesn't depend around Tommy,it's his and no one's else. Also saying your hoping a character gets HIV is fucked up for a few reasons,it's stereotyping bisexuals/queer people and it's harmful. Like do people not know what that is?? How people used to use it a excuse to hate queer people in the 1980s and 1990s?? And the people we lost to it??
Now let's get to people wanting Eddie to be killed off. People generally want a cannon Latino to be killed off just so Tommy and Buck raise Chris??? Once again tf. And the fact people now want Eddie to be killed off after his actor opened up about a su*c*de attempt?? This generally hurts people who have delt with this stuff and for people to want this to happen,when we had both Maddie and Bobby struggle with it. Don't get me wrong mental health needs to be talked about more and I'm thankful for 9-1-1 for talking about it,but it's the fact people want this to parallel what the actor went through blows my mind.
Then people trying to justify Lou ferrgnio racist and grows past. I'm sorry if your using Ryans and Olivers past to validate the stuff he's done,is so messed up. What Ryan did cost him his relationship with the rest of the cast for a few years,and he got cancelled and attacked online back in 2020. It's only now Ryan and the rest of the cast have made addends,but it doesn't change the fact he was held accountable for his actions which he should be. He's apologized,showed he wanted to and made sure he would do better. Nothing will change the fact he said it. For Lou he literally kept shit up on his Instagram and never took it down,and tried to justify his characters actions. He never apologized,never took down the post,he just kept it up even though it's harmful. If someone does something they should be held accountable for there actions,even if it's from the past since it could still hurt people now. Also charging 200 dollars for cameros just to make up head cannons about his character.
Also ignoring cannon,like big plots like Buck literally hating his name,gets pissed off at his parents for calling him it. And now people are calling him Evan?
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buddiebeginz · 13 days
Just to be clear since I ranted a lot after last nights ep. I love Eddie I'll always love him he's one of my fav characters. But loving a character doesn't mean you have to excuse everything they do.
Kim showing up at the house dressed as Shannon was in large part on Kim. She didn't tell Eddie she was going to do that nor even ask to come over. I also get that in the state of mind Edde's been in lately and the fact that he wasn't expecting to see what was ostensibly Shannon on his doorstep he really didn't know what to do let alone kick her out or something.
Still Kim wouldn't have even known where Eddie lived had he not been cheating with her and not taken her to his house in the first place. I've seen a lot of people say Chris seeing Kim was all on Kim and it's not Eddie's fault but for me some of the blame does fall onto Eddie for the actions he took that led up to that.
I'm not saying that Eddie is a bad person or that I don't see he's in a bad place mentally. I just haven't liked some of the choices he's made this season. I also don't think Eddie ever intentionally wanted to hurt Chris. I know he'd never want to do that and it's going to hurt him greatly knowing he has.
Also I talked in my post about how I thought Buck should have been angry during the kitchen scene. This was just my first reaction after watching the ep. When I rewatched that scene I was glad Buck was as loving and gentle with Eddie as he was. It was clearly what Eddie needed in that moment because it was what motivated him to come clean to Kim about Shannon.
I guess I also get tired of the show never allowing the characters to deal with the consequences of their actions. We just saw this in 704 after Buck hurt Eddie (and I don't think he truly meant to) but I still think we needed to see them talk about what happened on the court. We've seen similar things like when Chim and Buck fought they never talked about it. Or when Buck cheated on Taylor, she just forgave him and stayed. I think sometimes it's harder to see the growth of a character if you don't get to see them dealing with their mistakes.
I'm also angry about this on Chris' behalf especially since we just saw Chris talking about his mom in 701. So part of me does want to see Buck getting angry at Eddie for the role he played in what happened. And for as much as the fandom talks about how Buck is like Chris' other dad it would make sense for Buck to be upset that his son was hurt.
At the end of the day though I love my Buddie family and I do want to see Buck being there for Eddie and Chris like I know he will be eventually after whatever craziness happens in the finale.
Also me talking about Eddie facing consequences for his part in this does not mean I was trying to insinuate that he's an unfit father or that Chris should be removed or anything like that. Like I said I don't think Eddie would ever want to do anything to intentionally hurt Chris. The best case scenario would actually be for Buck to come and stay with Eddie and Chris but given that Ryan said Eddie is going to be isolated I don't think we're going to see that. I'm not sure what's going to happen with Eddie's parent's coming to visit but Chris is way better off with Eddie than he'd ever be with his grandparents.
Anyway I just wanted to put this out there because I feel like my rant from last night came off the wrong way because I was venting about the ep. Even if I disagree with some of Eddie's choices I will still always defend Eddie and Buck and Buddie and I'm never closing on any of them.
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jimraisedmeup · 1 month
TICK // 11.1 - against all odds
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Rating: mature (angst, language)
Word Count: 1500
How can I just let you walk away? Just let you leave without a trace When I stand here taking every breath, with you You're the only one who really knew me at all
February 14, 1984 - junior year
"Your room smells nice."
"Did you expect it to smell bad? Jesus."
Eddie stared at you, standing in his bedroom. You were looking around, your piercing gaze taking in every little detail, which suddenly made Eddie self-conscious.
"Do you have, like, multiple personalities or something, Buckley? I'm getting whiplash from your mood swings," he muttered, dropping the keys to his van on the dresser.
You scoffed, removing your jacket and scarf before laying them out on his bed. You sat on your jacket like it was some kind of protective barrier between yourself and his bedsheets. 
The strange action made Eddie roll his eyes.
Taking time to look at you, Eddie was sure now that you were going through some shit. Your hair was still pristine as always, but the bags under your eyes made you look like a goddamn ghoul.
"Hot chocolate?" you reminded him, running your hands over the tops of your thighs.
Eddie shifted awkwardly. "Uh, yeah, about that. I don't have any hot chocolate, I just said that to lure you in here."
"Again with the homicidal implications, huh, Munson?"
"I do love implications, sunshine," he snapped back with a quick wink. "Woah, woah!"
Standing up suddenly, you grabbed your jacket and made for the door. On your way out, you stopped in front of Eddie.
"Stop calling me sunshine. I don’t like pet names. I’m not your pet," you spat.
Ignoring the jab at his bruised heart, Eddie sneered at you, second-guessing why he even bothered to bring you there to talk. 
"At this point, I think the only thing I know about you is that you're a total asshole."
You paused in the hallway outside of his bedroom. You seemed defeated, like a car that ran out of gas, like a bird giving up after trying to fly with a broken wing.
"Look, I can tell you're not having a great time lately. Obviously," he said, gesturing towards you as a whole, "you're a little off your rocker."
When you didn't respond, Eddie continued. "Let me help you get back on your rocker. Talk to me, tell me things, anything. Tell me about your shitty parents, tell me about your dirty dreams. I care, you know. I'm not about to judge you."
He worried that his pleading would chase you out the door faster, which honestly could be the last straw for Eddie. There was a fine line between trying to help the girl who was hell bent on pushing everyone away and maintaining his own self-respect.
And then you nearly crumpled to the floor, rubbing your eyes with your fingertips.
"I'm sorry, Eddie. I'm sorry about ghosting you again, for leaving after what happened on New Years."
He hadn't expected an apology from you. Sure, he wanted one - but he sure as hell didn’t expect one. 
And then the very last thing he expected from you was the amount of emotion on your face. A mixture of confusion, exhaustion, just a sprinkle of anger.
Unsure of what to say, Eddie scooted towards you, taking a knee on the floor near where you leaned against the dingy wall.
"It's… it's okay. I can't be mad at you. We're both going through our own shit."
"That's no excuse for me to abandon you. Twice."
Eddie chuckled grimly. "Huh, yeah. You did ditch me twice, didn't you?"
"I'm so sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me."
"You mean, besides being a typical teenage girl?" He tried to joke, but immediately felt bad. "Is it about your parents?"
And finally, after months of wondering what the hell you were hiding, the wall you were desperately holding up… fell down.
How can you just walk away from me? When all I can do is watch you leave 'Cos we've shared the laughter and the pain and even shared the tears You're the only one who really knew me at all
You told him about your family. You told him about your religion, or ex-religion at this point, and how much it affected the dynamic of you and your parent's relationship.
You had been so used to maintaining your stoic appearance even before you changed your mind about religion. Since you were a small girl, your parents scolded you for crying. If you even laughed too loudly in public, your mother would pinch your arm. You're embarrassing yourself, child.
Your parent's recent divorce was the talk of housewives all over Hawkins, but not necessarily as big as Eddie's father's arrest. More like the hottest gossip amongst adults since back when Hopper went off the rails and banged nearly every woman in town.
You felt responsible for the entire thing. You told Robin about your father's affair, who in turn told your mother. The whole situation was a complete cluster fuck, ending up with your mother moving to Indianapolis and now the Buckley sisters only had your shitty dad. Not that either of you really needed him, though.
Confiding in Eddie about Robin's sexuality and your parent's ridicule was the hardest part, a lone tear crawling down your cheek for the first time in years. You had never said the words out loud before, even to Robin herself. It had always been an unspoken thing between you two.
You were a girl with a lot of feelings built up inside of you, anger bubbling at the surface of your impassive image. 
After growing up in a vicious, judgemental household, Eddie could see exactly why you were so distrusting of others.
Especially new, unpredictable people. Like himself.
And Eddie sat in silence, sitting across the narrow hallway from you. He absorbed every word you spoke. He felt like he was receiving a precious gift, a priceless artifact, deserving of being protected inside of his heart forever. 
In your close proximity, the Munson boy wrapped his outstretched legs loosely around your own legs. You didn't seem to mind.
"Thank you for telling me. Thank you for telling me about your life, Buckley," he mumbled, after a long stretch of silence between them. 
"Are you okay?"
"What?" he questioned, puzzled. 
"About your dad…"
Your eyes lifted to meet his, and Eddie felt like he saw a new clarity there. Your fixed stare was lucid, like a dirty window that was cleaned after years of neglect. And hell, Eddie would cut off one of his limbs to become the worn out rag that cleaned that window forever.
It seemed like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders. He admired you, not only for overcoming obstacles in life, but as a physical being. Sour conversation aside, Eddie wanted to hold you. He was still afraid you would run away, disappear for a third time.
He coughed, distracted, looking down the hallway. "Oh, um, well… my dad got locked up for dealing drugs. Now I live here. Not much to say about that."
"But are you okay?"
Thinking for a moment, he tapped his boot against your hip. "I'll be okay. I was planning to move here anyways, remember? No more drunken screaming fights, no more locking me out of the house on a weekly basis. No more broken guitars, either," he laughed. "I've actually been keeping my favorite guitar here at my uncle's for years because of that old angry bastard."
"Unfortunately, Buckley, you aren't the only one with dysfunctional parents. Hate to break it to you." He had one more question for you. "But, on a more personal note. Did I do something wrong?"
You fidgeted in your seat on the floor. "What do you mean, exactly?"
"I guess I know better by now than to take these last few months too personally. We're human, life has its ups and downs. But are we still friends? Why did our friendship, or whatever the hell it was, become collateral damage in all of this?"
No answer from you.
"Are you going to stick around this time? I'm developing abandonment issues over here," he smirked.
His grin grew wider as you actually smiled back at him. Your eyes seemed to glow at him from across the hallway.
"I don't know, you tell me. Can I stay?"
"I'll keep you forever if you let me."
The blush on your cheeks was displayed to him in an almost shameless way, like an offering. And then your next question would have knocked him off his feet if he hadn't already been seated on the floor.
"No, I mean can I stay here tonight?"
Take a good look at me now, 'cos I'll still be standin' here And you coming back to me is against all odds It's the chance I've gotta take
(song lyrics credit: "Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)" by Phil Collins)
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speckle-meow-meow · 10 months
Idk if you're up for angst but I'm bored ✋🏻😭
But a part two to Eddie and Frank being parents to an emotionless teen
But Reader and Eddie get into an argument and suddenly reader flinched and starts crying apologizing to Eddie saying they didn't mean to.
Anyways have a good day/night!
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Warnings: Angst but comfort after, past signs of abuse, a wee bit of yelling, Eddie being stern and him grabbing your arm, you running away
Lil background: Your past parents weren't the kindest they would yell and scream at you and each other. They were troubled, very troubled. You were scared of loud noises, fast movements, yelling, etc. After years of neglect and abuse you began to lose every sense of feelings, you wouldn't cry if someone insulted you or gave you a gift, you wouldn't laugh whenever someone told a joke or a child fell. And all that has left you in this situation.
Present time:
You were doing the chores you were assigned to by your new parents, Frank and Eddie, they adopted you a while ago and showed you lots of love and security. Even though you were getting better at expressing your feelings you were still having trouble, anytime they asked you to do something you responded with a nonchalant answer.
Frank and Eddie appreciated your progress they really did and they really didn't care how you responded to them because they knew you didn't mean any hostility, but when it came to the neighbors they hoped that you would show some emotion.
You were with poppy helping her bake, she knew your situation to an extent but didn't know that you were well emotionless, she just thought that you were being a teen. While baking poppy was trying to make conversation but when you responded you only made short blank answers. Poppy thought you didn't like her or was just being rude so she brought this up to Eddie and Frank when she took you home, before Frank could explain your attitude Eddie stepped in and said he'd deal with it.
Mean while you were up in your room making a sorry card to poppy, you saw that you were making her uncomfortable with your short answered and decide to apologize with a card and flowers.
you were heading down stairs, with the card in your back pocket but Eddie stopped you before you reached the door.
"And where do you think you're going young Mx?" he stepped into the hallway with his arms crossed, "I'm going to pick some flowers." you said then you opened the door stepping out until Eddie grabbed your arm trying to pull you back in, you screamed and hit his arm causing him to let you go, you looked back at his face with tears and you ran.
~Time skip~
It has been a couple of hours since the incident and Eddie and Frank were worried sick, Frank scolded Eddie on his behavior they both knew your situation yet one of them seemed to have forgotten. Everyone even you knew that the Mail man was forgetful but it still didn't excuse what he did.
Eddie felt incredibly terrible for what he did, so he grabbed a blanket and went to look for you. Eventually he found you in a flower field picking flowers like you said you would, he cautiously approached you and alerted you of his presence. You understandably were still on edge but you let him approach, he put the blanket on you and apologized for his actions. You both stayed there for a little while and you fell asleep. Eddie had to carry you back.
The next day you finished the card and gave it to poppy.
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cassandraevans · 1 month
I'm much calmer now that I've got all the grievances out of my system with my rant in the previous post.
So I'm on S7 Ep2 right now but I somehow missed S5 Ep17 and 18 so I went back and watched it.
In season 5 ep 17, Eddie mad at his father for his absence from his childhood and him having had to step up and literally being told by his father to be the man of the house, arguing and lecturing his father for his absence, how a family needs more than just providing money for, how a family deserves a present father, how a son, meaning himself deserved a present father and this is all very true, Eddie is absolutely correct in his argument and has every right to be mad at his father for not being around. But I literally had to pause and laugh cause he's just one step away to being self-aware but no. Even after that when he sits down with his father, he actually says that he was acting like his father but referring only to the passed down habit of not wanting to seem weak so hiding their ailment thing, Eddie says that he doesn't want to be like that anymore as they reconcile, and I'm happy for him in that moment as it is a well delayed conversation, and a well earned decision, Eddie should have had his father too but every hope I had that he will realise he had been imitating his father on more than on way were dashed and we go back to square one, Eddie's self-awareness stops just short of reaching anything related to his behavior with Shannon. And I have another bone to pick with the writers on this one, why is it always the woman's duty to stay and care for her child and household, same thing happened with both Eddie's mom with his father being away and with Shannon with Eddie being away, the first time he enlisted, he might have been doing it from his heart for wanting to serve his country, wanting to provide for his family etc etc but when he reenlisted, he did it entirely for himself as an escape, and when Shannon got rightfully mad at him for it he somehow found a way to yell at her and guilt her and I will never forget the look he had on his face even Shannon told him to console a crying Christopher, he looked so offended, like it was someone else's baby she was shoving into his arms, he looked so mad that she asked him to do that instead of doing it herself as if it was her duty alone, while they were literally arguing that he was a literal stranger to his own son, I get it he was overwhelmed, scared, inexperienced, confused and possibly in pain from the diagnosis but wasn't Shannon? Why was it okay to not only expect her but for him to demand that she only take care of THEIR child but when she asked him to, he was apalled? Did she have the baby with the wall? why is it that the men always get excused when they leave for whichever reason, there are legions of fans eager to justify the reasons behind these actions but when a woman needs a break, no not even a break, needs help, no, needs her husband, who is her life partner to pull his own weight in the relationship when he doesn't want to, other than just providing money, why is that so scandalous? Why is she looked at as is she's committing a murder?
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luciusgerard · 2 years
How to tell if someone is going to have the absolute worst Stranger Things takes:
If any of the things on this list apply to a user on any social media site (particularly Tumblr, Twitter, or TikTok) or a person IRL, chances are they're not worth engaging with because their opinions and theories regarding the show will be hot garbage.
This is just my opinion by the way, if you disagree you may continue on your merry way and continue having crappy opinions. That said, let's begin.
1. They stan this bitch.
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Now, don't get me wrong. When I say this, I don't mean people who like Billy as a character because of what he adds to the show. I'm talking about people who have allowed themselves to become so obsessed that they make excuses for his abusive and racist actions. A place of understanding is not a place of justification. I'm also talking about the people who ship him with Steve (or anyone), believe he and Eddie would be friends, hate Max because she "insulted" their "baby," and the people who shit on Eddie and the Steddie ship as a whole because they view Eddie as some kind of carbon copy of Billy. You know who you are, and you suck.
2. They hate Robin or Lucas.
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Neither of these characters have done anything wrong. I've never seen anyone justify their dislike of Robin for a non-ableist or non-homophobic reason (because they don't exist), and Lucas, one of two Black main characters in the show, gets criticised so harshly and so often compared to White characters who have done inarguably worse things. Y'all don't realise how damn quick you are to antagonise a Black boy in situations where he's behaving in entirely reasonable and rational manners, like when he was "mean to El" in season one when he's doing what the majority of people in his situation would do, meanwhile I hardly ever see people calling Mike out for being so needlessly rude to Max in season two. Case in point: If you hate on Robin or Lucas, your opinion is trash.
3. They're strongly against Byler and its shippers.
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I honestly don't care whether you personally ship Byler or not, you can't deny that people who are 100% against even the idea of Byler are at least a little homophobic (well, technically you could, but you'd be wrong).
"Mike is straight!"
Has that been confirmed? Did Mike tell you that? Did the Duffer Brothers tell you that? No? Exactly. Besides, even if it were outright confirmed that Mike is only into girls, why is it so difficult for you to let people enjoy things that aren't causing you or anyone else any direct or indirect harm? God, please just make some friends.
"But Mike has only ever shown interest in girls!"
Tell me you have little to no media literacy skills without telling me you have little to no media literacy skills. Seriously, babe, that's not even remotely true. I can guarantee that if Will and/or Eddie were women, people like you would be all over the Byler ship and the Mike-having-a-crush-on-Eddie headcanon.
"Mike and El are in love, didn't you hear his monologue?"
See the first sentence of my last point and shut up.
4. They unironically refer to Will as "the gay one" or a variation of it.
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This one is more specifically talking to the allocishets: Why is it that for three seasons Will Byers got to be referred to by his name like every other character, but season four comes out (no pun intended) and all of a sudden he's being reduced to his sexual orientation? Answer quickly.
Anyway, I'm done ranting. If you have anything to add, comment or reblog. Have a good day, people these points don't apply to.
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venuslvv · 2 years
not the same anymore | eddie munson x reader
summary: it's three am, you and Eddie are under the substance and a deep conversation begin.
warnings: fluff, eddie munson being cute (as always) friends to lovers, existential crisis, mention of drugs, i think i described the reader very gender neutral so!
"I can't believe childhood is over" you murmured, the smoke coming out of your mouth.
"You turned eighteen not eighty grandma" you heard Eddie scream from the bathroom, the water from the sink as a soundtrack.
Your naked feet meet the coldness of the floor as you walk from Eddie's room to the bathroom. A faint, warm light bathing your body, giving it a yellowish hue.
"But it's, legally, over. Im an adult now"
"Not here" he says grabbing the pink soap "You have to be twenty one"
"Yeah but i'm an adult in a lot of places!" You sit in the toilet, watching Eddie's face though the mirror.
He puts his hands under the water, the bubbles of the soap dying under the warm liquid. That sequence, in your head, was most entertaining at the time. Your thoughts sailed slowly inside your head.
"Are you having an existential crisis?" He dried his hands with the towel "I shouldn't gave you that joint"
You chuckle under your breath and kissed the joint.
It's was three am in Hawkins, but in Eddie's trailer time didn't seems to exist. The only sound that proved that life existed outside of there was the dog barking across the street. The Maxfield girl didn't feed him today, you supposed.
The tiny bathroom was filled with the smoke from the joint that Eddie magically made appear around two in the morning, when sleep didn't make an appearance. The grey air dancing through his curls.
"I'm not!" you protested "I'm just thinking"
"That's even worse!" Eddie said, laying on the frame of the door.
He stole the joint from your fingers to put it in his lips, his cheekbones marked as he inhaled. All you could think about was that seconds ago your lips were in the same place that his lips are now.
"You are not going to die because you turned eighteen darling" he said "Look at me, i'm still here!"
You rolled your eyes, suddenly very aware of how cold your ass was from the porcelain of the toilet "I know, it's just that i can't believe that i'm not going to be able to say that i have seventeen again, or fifteen, or thirteen! Like, ever again.
I have this kind of feeling where i miss the earlier years, how could i blame all my selfishness and silly actions by saying that i was young and i didn't know. People don't allow that type of excuse when you are more grown"
"I mean it's kind of logical, don't you think?" Eddie murmurs "You cannot excuse your shit when you have, like, ninety years"
"Why not?" The warm light was making your eyes look shiny "Is forgiveness and mistakes only allowed until you turn the majority of age?"
Eddie's eyes and yours make contact for a couple of seconds and your heart jumped inside of you.
"Sometimes" he says, passing you the joint and you try to place your lips right where his were seconds ago. "I kinda miss the earlier years too tho"
"I would sell my soul to see younger Eddie Munson"
He laughed out loud, his neck caught your attention for a second.
"I was a metal mess! Wayne used to tell me all the time to go back to my room and change my clothes because they were too much for school" His eyes reflected a glimpse of nostalgia "But i was very cool"
"You were always cool" your lips pronounced before your brain allowed to speak. The weed was hitting.
A shy smile appear on Eddie's face, hiden behind his hair.
"I remember that i was counting the days on a little calendar that i had to turn eighteen and get the hell out of here"
"You still here tho"
"Well, eventually i lost that shitty calendar before i turned eighteen" He was playing with his rings, the devil one specifically "And i kinda found a reason to stay here. A person"
The emotions were your second skin, and the effects of the weed didn't help to calm down your thoughts.
"Well i don't want to be the reason that you don't get out of here" you teased with a funny tone, but in the deep of your brain you were praying for be that person that he was talking about.
It was kind of a double side commentary, if you weren't that person then it was a simple, friendly joke.
"What makes you think you are that person?" he said, moving closer until our legs were finally touching.
"I'm the best person that you have here obviously"
He laughed. "C'mon, let's go to the bedroom, it's getting cold here"
His hand grabbed yours before you knew, fingers shyly exploring the feeling of your cold hands and pulling you out of the bathroom.
You two walked down the dark hallway, hands clasped and feelings overflowing. It was a five-second walk, the path to Eddie's room was short, but it felt very intimate and new to both of you.
Your hands were kissing each others palms for a couple of seconds more before they split, instantly missing the heat of the skin.
"I think that being a child it's kinda sad sometimes" your body crashed in the bed as you speak, looking at the roof
"Being a child fucking sucks sometimes" you felt Eddie's body next to yours "Even tho i was a very cool kid, like i said, i used to have my emo moments. You can't ran away from the sadness"
The joint was starting to hit Eddie too, his eyes were closed and his mind was speaking by herself. His mouth felt dry.
"Sadly, no" you murmured "But you learn things from it"
"Bullshit!" He shouted, furrowing his eyebrows "I hate when people said that optimistic shit"
"But it's true!" you protested, looking at him shake his head in disagree "You learn things from the good as well. From everything"
"You sound like a fucking tv show for depressed people"
You laughed until your stomach were asking to stop, being a cruel victim of an ache of laugh. Under the effect everything seemed ten thousand times funnier.
You though that Eddie fell sleep after a few minutes where the silence was the king of the room, but he opened his eyes after a while.
"Why do i have to suffer to earn some kind of a knowledge?"
His voice sounded so calm, so honest that made your heart stop for a moment. His body language reflected how calm he was, how vulnerable he was being and you felt overwhelmed with the sudden change.
"I don't know" You whispered, thinking that any loud noise could break the intimacy "I guess you don't, it's just a consequence of it, the knowledge"
The joint was still in your hand, but you didn't wanted anymore. You wanted to throw it down the toilet, like if that was the reason of how flooded with emotions you were.
"I don't like it. It's not fair" he whispered too.
The air felt dense in the room, a unknown feeling crowded your body as you felt Eddie's hand caressing yours.
"You learn from the good things too, i think it's fair" you managed to say as he sighed.
"But the sad moments, the sad feelings and the suffer are bigger that the good things that we learn, are heavier"
He opened his eyes, and you looked at him, not quite understanding. Still feeling his finger carefully explore your hand.
"Like, the sadness always came with something else, right? With a reason or with lots of sadness from the past" He explained, his face in a concentrated expression "There are ghosts of sadness, but there are no ghosts of happiness, and even if they exist, they come in a form of nostalgia, which is even sadder"
You nodded slowly "I get it, but the nostalgia doesn't always have to be with the past tho" you murmured, looking at his lips "Sometimes nostalgia came from a lot of futures that didn't happen, and that you wish they did"
Even you two were next to each others body's, that didn't seemed enough. Always it's not enough when you were not kissing him.
He took the joint of your hand and threw it to the ashtray that was in his bed. The dog stopped barking but you just noticed that, when the whole world was under the silence.
It was as if neither Eddie nor you had anything to say, but rather your bodies were acting, replacing words with actions.
Eddie's body heat crashed against yours the moment he leaned on his elbow and leaned over you. His brown eyes looked to your mouth, and he finally did it.
Suddenly the sensation of floating was due to how warm Eddie's lips felt on yours and not because of the joint. You felt when his hand cupped your cheek making the kiss more intense and you also felt his skin under your touch.
His tongue caressed your lips in a way that you felt like you were made of jelly, making you open your mouth and breathing hard.
Eddie was over you, touching the skin that your shirt revealed, trying to memorize every inch of you. His rings making you shiver everytime they entered in contact with your already hot skin.
After seconds, you leave his lips to catch a breath, your hands still at his neck.
"Now you don't have to feel nostalgia for the future anymore" he murmured and kissed you again.
n/a: not me projecting myself in the childhood dialogue.
hope you like it.
reblogs and notes are appreciated <3
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edddimun · 2 years
Eddie Munson x gn! reader
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(not my gif)
Description: Eddie's sudden change of heart in the upside down results in you trying to save him from the demobats.
Warnings: BLOOD!, mentions of death, near-death experience (but NO DEATH), wounds, swearing, demobats, being in the upside down, ST4 plot (kinda?), MAINLY ANGST!
WC: 2040
A/N: I'm probably (?) going to make a pt.2 but idk how soon though. also excuse the mistakes in this bc I have barely proof read it 💔(I will fix them up soon)
PART 2 - 'Unconfessed yet reciprocated'
Your eyes meet Eddie's, but there was something off as you notice a change in his demeanour as he was attempting to lift himself back through the portal. He halts his ascent and looks at you with loving yet sorry eyes. It hit you like a brick, you knew what he was going to do.
"Don't you fucking do it,"You shout tearfully at Eddie, tears welling up in your eyes knowing he won’t listen to you.
Dustin realises Eddie’s intentions and starts shouting at him to come back. Eddie stays silent, looking back and forth between you and Dustin. But all Eddie could hear were the screeches of the bats and the banging of his trailer doors.
“Please. Eddie. Do it for me, please. Don't do it!" You sob as your tears quickly fall. Eddie's eyes glisten as he watches you cry hysterically. You were unsure of the cause of his sudden shift in heart and intentions. All you wanted was for him to listen and cross the portal.
“I’m sorry.”
He leaps off the rope and uses his homemade spear to cleanly slice it; pushing the mattress to stop you both from plunging back in.
“NO!” You and Dustin scream.
As you see his figure quickly leave your field of vision, you wail in despair and anguish. You knew Eddie was going to die. With tears streaming from his eyes, Dustin cries in desperation. The last thing he wanted was for any of his friends to die, especially Eddie. He recently got closer to him and enjoyed his comfort.
Your thoughts are already occupied with anxiety, to keep Eddie safe, you had to take action. You were aware that Eddie lacked the stamina and strength necessary to defeat the demobats. Eddie was only skilled at playing D&D and the guitar.
You didn’t have much experience with the guitar but Eddie’s taught you the ‘only’ metal song you like, ‘Iron Man’ by Black Sabbath.
“Stay here Dustin.”
“WHAT?” He shouts in response. He holds your wrist to stop you from doing whatever you’re thinking of doing.
“I have to do this for Eddie. Please,” you say trying to hold back your sob. Dustin's eyes crinkle as he starts crying. He's never been more terrified; he doesn't want to lose Eddie or you or both. However, he was aware that you wouldn't abandon Eddie, and Dustin would do the same if he were in your shoes. As he wipes his tears, Dustin releases his grip on your wrist.
“Just stay here okay?” You softly tell Dustin. He nods in response.
You look down into the portal and jump straight in, luckily not injuring yourself but only getting the air knocked out of your lungs. You quickly exit the trailer in an effort to find Eddie. Your eyes catch a glimpse of Eddie riding a bike as forcefully as he could away from the bats. You and Eddie were both in life-or-death situations, but you were willing to accept death if it meant saving Eddie.
You find the ladder on the side of the trailer and hurriedly climb on it. As your feet make it to the top, you find Eddie still biking but you see the struggle in the way his body is moving from side to side, that was until he got knocked off by the bats.
“No. No. No,” you whisper to yourself, you quickly find Eddie’s guitar that was laying down from when he played not too long ago. Putting the guitar strap over your shoulder, you see the bats starting to swarm around Eddie.
Your shoulders tense in fear. Your fingers fiddle against the strings before quickly shutting your eyes and strumming the first power chord as hard as you could.
"Come for me, assholes!" You shout with your whole chest as a few tears slip from your eyes. Eddie's head quickly turns to look in your direction. When he saw you standing on top of the trailer, his blood ran cold. The bats began to slow down around him as their focus shifted to you. Eddie's fear turned into rage. He put his life in danger so you wouldn't die, but now you're about to be demolished by bats.
You continue to painfully and powerfully strum the main riff of ‘Iron Man’ as you see the swarm of bats heading towards your way. Their screeches grow louder and louder. You were prepared to die at this point. There was no one who could save you, and there was no way out. You were doing this to save your friends and, more importantly, your love Eddie. You blissfully reminisce the unforgettable moments you shared with Eddie. Getting high, braiding his hair, cuddling him to sleep, and listening to him ramble on about D&D and Ozzy Osbourne. Though, these thoughts lasted less than two seconds before you were struck by a bat.
“NO!” Eddie's terrifying screams can be heard. You squeal in agonising pain, clutching your arm and letting the guitar dangle from your shoulder. You grab the guitar and hold it by the neck with all your strength, and despite the pain, you manage to hit a few bats with it before one wraps its tail around your neck.
You fall back and gasp for air. Your arm tries to rip the tail off your neck, but a sharp pain on your side stops you, then another in your calf. Your mind begins to blur as you watch a bat fly toward your face. You close your eyes waiting for the pain, but instead, you hear loud simultaneous wails and a thud. No longer feeling pressure around your neck, you start heavily gasping for air.  You open your eyes to see the bodies of the bats, presumed dead on the trailer's roof and on the grass. Pain immediately distracts your thoughts. You slowly raise your head and look down. You notice blood slowly oozing out of you and large patches of blood. Not as bad as you expected. Though you were still in bad shape, you observe a hole in your shirt and flesh ripped from your side. Looking down at your calve, all you see is a deep bite mark. At least, they didn't rip your flesh off. You touch your neck and don't feel any blood, but you do feel tenderness; thank goodness. You sit up and observe the dead bats.
“Y/n! Y/n!” Eddie desperately calls your name. He expected a pool of blood given the number of bats surrounding you, however, it wasn't as much as he expected, but it was still bad. He rushes up to you and notices the gaping gash on your torso and the bite on your calve. He breathes a sigh of relief. Although you were terribly injured, you were not going to die as a result of it. You stare at his eyes, which dart back and forth between your wounds before meeting yours. You were expecting at least some reassurance from Eddie but instead, you were met with his bitter words.
“What the fuck was that for?” He clenches his jaw and looks at you with rage in his eyes. Although you expected his rage, you did not expect it so soon.
His abrupt attitude surprised you. "I should be the one asking you that!" you scoff in the same enraged tone and look away for a second before returning your gaze to him. Your outburst tensed your stomach, triggering your wound. You grunt in pain, pressing your hand against the gash. Eddie notices your distress and unties the bandana from his head, wrapping it around your calve first. He then rips a piece of his shirt and wraps it around your torso, leaving him in an almost cropped hellfire shirt.
“Thanks,” you mutter as he finishes wrapping up your torso. Once he finishes his hands drop to his sides and then rub his face.
“You could’ve died,” he plainly states staring off into the distance. Your eyes then gaze down at your feet.
“You too.”
“Okay, but I needed to y/n. We needed to distract them from the othe-“
“I understand that but I don’t get why you had to do it alone when I could’v-“
“Stop!” Eddie harshly interrupts, now staring at you. You both sit in silence as anger starts bubbling in you.
“Stop what Eddie?! Stop telling you the truth that could have saved your life? You-you could’ve- no you WERE going to die if I didn’t help!” Tears are already falling from your eyes, the sob in your throat being released as you recall the moment of him leaving you and Dustin.
You continue through your cries, “I was about to w-watch your death!”
“Don’t act like I wasn’t going to watch yours!” Eddie shouts at you. He'd never shouted at you, but tears were already streaming down his cheeks.
His mouth quivers, “I thought I watched you die! I watched you fall and I couldn’t see your figure anymore by the number of bats circling your body on top of that trailer!”
You avoid his gaze and stay silent.
“You’re lucky you’re alive,” he whispers as his voice trembles. He grabs your arm and puts it around his shoulder, lifting you up.
Somehow he was able to get you down the ladder and through the portal after comforting Dustin who was weeping to himself rocking back and forth.
As you and Eddie made it through the portal, there was a silence between all of you. Dustin felt this tension but didn’t question it, instead, he tended to you and Eddie’s wounds.
“This is going to hurt okay?” Dustin cautions you as he holds the antiseptic wipe in his hand. You take a deep breath in and nod. Dustin starts wiping your wound, you throw your head against the couch and squeeze your eyes shut. You groan in pain as the stinging continues to grow. Dustin finishes you up and applies a new bandage on you.
“Okay you’re up next,” Dustin turns around and faces Eddie.
“I’ll do it myself,” he replies annoyed.
“Um I don’t think tha-“
“I said I’ll do it myself,” Eddie’s voice rises as he interrupts Dustin.
“Just let the boy do it, Eddie. He knows what he’s doing,” you reply in a vicious tone, annoyed at Eddie’s attitude. You don’t get why he kept denying Dustin’s help when he literally needed it. This was the first time you and Eddie talked to each other since on top of the trailer.
“Who are you to say that?” Eddie questions you.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Did you know what you were doing back there?”
Oh, he got on your last nerve. He took all of your patience away. You both were glaring intensely at each other. After everything that happened, he did not show any sympathy or grace after saving his life but instead he’s mad at you for it?
“What the fuck are you on Munson?” You bitterly ask as your back lifts off the couch.
You continue, “Actually, I did know what I was doing. I was saving your fucking life. But now you’re getting mad at me when you’re the one who left us?” You were so red from the anger you had within you.
You let out a small chuckle, “I-I didn’t want you to die but you’re making me feel like I’m the one at fault here. Don’t get me wrong Eddie, I will never regret saving your life, but it’s like you want me to.”
“So go fuck yourself, Munson.”
You stand up and storm off limping into his room and shutting his door with a loud bang. You sit on a stool beside his bed frame letting all the tears out, just wondering why he wasn’t grateful for you saving his life.
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buckyhad · 2 years
She's so nice.
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x reader x Eddie Munson.
Tw: cheating, mention of sex, some cursing, Billy being a shit, reader being a shit, Eddie kind of being a shit.
Note: this was inspired by the song "she's so nice" by pink guy, I love that song even its the most disgusting song, well enjoy and yall now, if yall see some error let me know. Song by the end of the shot.
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Billy didn't care about anything else than him, and of course, his dick, so when Eddie "the freak" Munson got on his nerves, saying how bad he was at playing basketball and praising and feeding Steve Harrington's ego, he was done with him.
Eddie has a pretty girlfriend, you, a girl way out of his league, Billy thought.
He always wondered how someone like you, ended up with someone like Eddie, and not him.
And what he meant by "ending with him" was letting him fuck your brain out.
So Eddie bothering him, was just the perfect excuse to finally get to fuck his girlfriend, and maybe, even beat Munson out.
You loved going out, Eddie didn't, he often dropped you in some stupid party, and went back to his house.
Billy, who also loved going out, knew that a party was the perfect escenario to finally commit his plan.
It was friday, so that mean, party on Tina's house.
Billy got ready, smiling to himself in the mirror, grab his key and drive to the house.
When Billy arrived, you were already there.
He waited a little, getting himself kinda drunk, while watching you.
When he felt that it was time, he walked towards you, smiling with confidence.
"Hey pretty."
"Oh, hi Billy, how are you?." You were so fucking nice and pretty that Billy thought he was going to cum in his pants.
That was another reason why he was mad at the freak, he got the nicest and prettiest girl to be his girlfriend.
"I was good, better now that I see you." He flirted.
You rolled your eyes playfully. "Yeah? Why?." You asked smiling, the thing was, you always has a thing for Billy, and now being kind of tipsy, wasn't helping your flirtatious nature.
"If you come with me, I'll tell you." He whispered in your ear, making goosebumps appear on your skin.
"Okay." You giggled.
Billy took you to some secret spot in a lake, where of course he fucked the hell out of you in the back of his Camaro.
You didn't feel bad about Eddie, you liked him, but you didn't love him, he was weird, didn't know how to have a girlfriend, and you two were always fighting.
So when Eddie decided to talk shit to Billy again, he just laughed with the most malicious laugh ever.
"Hey Munson, when you go down on your girl tonight, tell me how my motherfucking dick taste." He yelled.
"What did you say?." Eddie got closer to Billy, gritting his teeth.
"You heard me, but you know, she's so fucking nice, and sweet, she even let me fuck her tits." Billy pretended to clean some dust on Eddie's shirt.
"That's bullshit. Don't talk about my girl like that, or I would kill you." Eddie pushed Billy, making the last laugh.
"Come one freak, this is just showing how none of this hoes its worth a dime."
And that was when Eddie landed the first hit on Billy's jaw. This one was taken back by the action, landing on the floor laughing. By this point there was a public watching.
"You know what it's the best about all this." Billy talked "that she is really so nice, that im gonna keep her by my side, and threat her right, not like you, freak." Eddie got on top of billy to keep beating him.
"Bullshit, she would never do that."
"She knows about you little meeting with Chrissy." Billy whispered in a mocking manner "So now, she comes to me every night, so I fuck her and comfort her."
"Eddie, get off him." They both turned around when they heard you.
"You didn't fuck him, did you?."
"Yes I did, get off, now." You were mad at this point.
"Why?." Eddie whispered looking at your eyes.
"Ask the cheerleader." You say turning to Billy.
"Next time you call me a hoe, im the one beating you." You say while he wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
"I'm sorry." Billy laughed.
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dimepdf · 2 years
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? summary. Eddie, your boyfriend, is sitting beside you, waiting for the right moment to take action or at least prepare to defend himself. as you curl up into a ball, wrapping your arms around yourself in search of comfort author's note. okay i tried my best, i don't really know how to write about periods that well sorry :( trying to get more comfortable writing for fem readers so this is a good practice. (reupload)
[ ❥ ] pairing. eddie munson x reader
[ ❥ ] word count. 862
[ ❥ ] genre. fluff
[ ❥ ] warnings. fem reader, not show canon, established relationship, just tooth rotting fluff, Eddie being a caring boyfriend, periods, excuse the grammar mistakes or you're homophobic.
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The guy wasn't known to express much of his emotions, even to the closest of people that he knew, which included you, but just because he wanted to be open with them doesn't mean that he doesn't have emotions in general.
He's still worried about you and made sure to show affection for you in his own personal way.
That included the times you were on your period. Eddie would proceed with the greatest amount of caution at the end of the month.
He had flinched with each step you took towards his bedroom, almost jumping out of his skin as you opened his bedroom door, like the door had done something to you. Stomping toward his mattress before falling face-first into his bedsheets. Crawling to lie in the fetal position.
He had been watching you all day since the moment he picked you up from school in the morning. He didn't really know how to comfort you.
You had already snapped at him the moment he wanted to do something nice for you, simply opening the car door to let you out, only for you to snap back at him for invading your personal space. He was beyond fucking confused.
He was fidgeting with the rings on his fingers when you snapped your head in his direction. Eddie shivered under your gaze, straightened up, and nervously smiled at your peering eyes.
"What?" His eyebrow raised, not expecting your hostile tone as you spat the question at him.
"Uh…what…" looking around his room before glancing at you.
"You're the one staring at me like I'm some freak." You glared, your eyes piercing into his soul as your skin was flushed and your bloated face had fallen into a permanent scowl.
"I–I didn't say that," he quickly defended himself, "you look, you know, okay? Did you want something?"
Your boyfriend, Eddie Munson, was what other people would refer to as a "helicopter boyfriend".
"Yeah, I want you to leave me the hell alone." Eddie’s eyes widened from how quickly you went from glaring at him to curling up in his blankets sobbing.
You could hear his hesitant fidgeting, humming to himself in confusion, wanting to do anything but a mess at that moment.
He knew one thing that would at least sweeten the mood just a bit, something that you would never refuse, your favorite snacks. He practically ran to his kitchen cabinet, his face flushed with sadness.
His pace was only picking up more every time your sobs would split just enough time for you to have a coughing fit, practically choking on your tears, your crying echoing through his trailer.
"Hey, bub?" He would return to his bedroom with his arms full of anything he could remember. He could even suggest eating while at his place. "I've got a few things for you if that's cool." Your tears do not subside as your shoulder raises and falls with every hiccup.
You were weirdly silent as you accepted the spread of food from your boyfriend's arms, a content exhale leaving your mouth the moment you heard the crinkle of your favorite bag of chips opening between your fingers.
Eddie is hovering over beside you, not wanting to be much of a bother himself.
His knee was sunken into the mattress, waiting for the right moment to jump into action or at least get ready to defend himself, whichever way you were feeling, just wanting to be prepared.
Taking only a handful of bites from everything, nothing could distract you from the pummeling pain of cramps that stabbed at your lower stomach.
Your lips pout once more like a whine backed with pain curls from your throat. Curling back up into a ball, wrapping your arms around yourself, seeking some type of comfort.
Eddie’s eyes follow you as he sits on the other side of the mattress, comfortably reaching a hand out to rub your back in comforting circles, his touch actually doing the opposite of irritating you, crying harder as you're rolled over, wrapping your arms around his lower torso, hugging your face into his back.
The gesture continues to calm you down just a bit. You loved the warmth and natural scent he gave off as you nuzzled your cheek against the back of his shirt, sighing with a shaky breath.
"You need anything else, angel?" asks Eddie in a concerned tone, his hands reaching to unclasp your fingers from his torso, holding them in his own as he reaches his hand up and pecks the back of your hand. 
Your muffled voice answered, "Just hurts." Eddie hums in agreement, his head ducking low and brows furrowing. 
"It’ll be okay, angel," he starts, your groan in protest interrupting him. 
"Stop saying it’ll be okay, everything hurts so bad," you whine, as all Eddie could do was admit to comfort you, walking on eggshells with every word he spoke from his lips.
Only meeting your sudden outbursts with nervous smiles and embraces that held temporary warm comfort. He didn't pretend to understand your pain, nor had he ever downplayed it.
He just wanted to be there for you as much as possible.
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[ ❥ ] taglist. @prettyeyedmaureen @torynicholsgf @bucky-daddy-barnes @eldriidd @ycarlii @guitarromantic @sh3lov3dyou @lafresamilk @loveshineslikethesky @haechaniebom @vxid42 @biggestslutever-1stnamegrea-blog @spenglerslime @slvdsjjk @stitched-mouth @misaamaneswifey @kiszkathecook @imahoforthings @kyyellaxi @eichenhouseproperty @hotgirlsshareaccounts @ran-rap @avasjunkpile @first-edition-dumpster-fire @batmetallady @woahhhfidget @ireadstoriesnotmakethem @notsoshynomore @the-night-owl-blr @1efleur @todoroki-slut @mjauqeen @scarlet-kazuha @lattayhottay16 @astralwaifu @prettyplant0
@imliterallygonnagetviolent @strangerthanfanfiction713 @graktung @sughcashsaiki @fzzybrain @caseket @spiritualwhore444 @lluvin
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theneighborhoodwatch · 5 months
Found this welcome theory video that i found interesting: https://youtu.be/9Lz6OcILeSc?si=tcPnCX3QC4JmAyC-
Thoughts :3?
(functional link to video)
i tend to avoid youtube coverage of welcome home because i'm petty, but fuck it, it's a new year and i've never actually heard of this youtuber before. i'll give it a shake. liveblog under the cut:
"y'know if it wasn't for the unsettling mysteries, the feeling that somebody is always watching you, and the mold.... i'd wanna live in the neighborhood" that's exactly why the mold and paranoia's so scary babeyyyy
"update number two" Tch.
i'm less inclined to call the writing in this update character development so much as it is just character establishment. especially since before the july 22nd update (bc that's what this video is about) all we knew about the other neighbors was what the WHRP was willing to tell us. i feel like i'm preaching to the choir though.
ok i laughed at the grindset alpha male howdy joke
"now i wanna move onto eddie bc i wanna make a connection between [eddie and howdy]" :D OH DO YOU NOW.
i do love the energy in this video, very infectious. i too have recommended people welcome home solely on the basis that they would have the hots for eddie and y'know what i haven't been wrong yet.
I WAS GONNA SAY SOMETHING ABOUT HOW LIKE. almost all of the characters have that backstory element of having coming from somewhere else before settling down in home, but i see the point about howdy and eddie specifically dealing with stuff that comes from someplace else as like, an actual job. putting a pin in it.
i'm not Sure how i feel about the idea that the world of home/the world in which home exists is Within our world? pretty much from the beginning i assumed it was running on re:creators/deltarune dark world rules (i.e. it is a world that was born from human thought and its existence is dependent on/influenced by our world, but at the end of the day it does exist on like a separate plane of reality) and i still stand by that. barbieland in barbie 2023 is a more apt comparison though.
"possession route" Tch.
ok actually i can't tch at that because i have talked about it in my own posts. TL;DR: i think possession/haunting theory could work but only if it's anything other than actual literal ghosts. as soon as you try to make it FNAF 2 i sleep.
don't have much to say about Real Poppy Lover Hours except emphatic smiling and nodding. although i will say i have seen people use "oh she's more like a mom/aunt/etc.!" as an excuse to sideline her in fanwork bc for some reason some folks think that her having a motherly personality means that she can't be shipped with anyone? even though all of home's residents are adults who aren't even related to each other? that's a gripe for another post, though.
...actually now i want big sally. note to self to draw that later.
i do like the examination of whether or not sally referring to the audience is meant to mean anything. personally i think it's just a bit of wordplay/red herring action but You Never Know!
i misheard "girlboss bossgirl slay" as "girlboss boygirl slay" for like a split second. still fits tbh.
IT'S FUNNY THAT THEY MENTION THINKING THAT THE WHRP IS A SINGLE PERSON bc i do have an ask about that right after this. i'll save my thoughts for that response though.
it's funny that "was the majority of the gang being some form of queer/disabled/nd/etc. planned in-universe" is a question at all bc at the risk of sounding like an asshole it feels so obvious to me that it very much was not. the interview is definitely playing into those themes though.
"them <3" yeah
again. extremely refreshing to see a welcome home video from someone who actually likes welcome home instead of the clicks that covering it will give them.
he always knows when to show up, huh.... huh.... i've been trying to break away from being so self-referential ever since welcome home and consequently this blog blew up but. huh...
do i think he's a service dog? i think to answer that question we would first have to answer the question of whether or not he's even a Dog or just Shaped Like A Dog. the laws of his reality say he is a dog, but we can at least guess that even even those can't be trusted. i think it's possible that he may see himself as in service to wally, that he worries about what will happen if he doesn't butt in, but i don't know if this is an objective truth.
"[wally] being so mysterious i don't think is like, him wanting to be mysterious. [...] there just may not be that much about him." and then relating that to how typically protagonists in puppet shows have more subdued personalities than their co-stars so they can be more relatable to the audience. Teehee. (this is positive)
oh there's something kind of poetic about the idea that each bug video ends bc wally's snapped out of his dissociation by one of his friends calling his name when paired with the idea that he's disassociating in part due to his connection with the audience isn't there. being reminded of one's own personhood through your connections with others, and how that has the potential to become more bittersweet the more wally continues to risk it in the process of regaining a sense of purpose as The Audience Surrogate. oogh. that's just me waxing poetic though.
oooh that whole passage about the idea of remembrance and the pursuit of a "correct" story and tying that back into how welcome home in-universe has been almost universally forgotten and the themes of living as a disabled or mentally ill or queer person. beautiful connection.
"hmmm, how much agency do you have in your life actually" AHEHEHE. HEHEHEHE. HEHE.
conclusion: Good Video. thank you for sending it.
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