#// if you meant rating ships I will not do that Anon I'm sorry
fcllederage · 5 months
Anonymous asked: if you had to rate your lovers best to worst, who would make the top 3? who would make the bottom tier? You get to choose what best to worst means
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"I haven't had a lot of proper lovers in my life. Most of them were just one night stands. I'll go from worst human being to best. The worst was by far the ex who promised the Moon to me and then left and ghosted me the second I told him about my past. Then, the second is this ex I broke up with back in Paris. He cheated on me and I didn't want to tolerate that. He wasn't so bad, to be honest, just a cheater. And then the best is my current boyfriend. I'd rather keep his name a secret because he's not under the spotlight but he makes me really happy."
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I’m back with my Hunter brainrot, thanks to your kinktober post 😅 I hope this is ok to ask:
Can you write a Hunter x f reader where the prompts "I can't risk losing you again." and "Don't you see that I'm hurting?" Are used?
And can it be fluffy with feelings? It would also be cool if it’s NSFW or steamy but that’s honestly up to you. I love your work sm <3 take care
Thank you so much, anon! Sorry for the delay; I was trying to work out how to get the line prompts in while keeping it fluffy/sweet/steamy. There’s a tiny bit of angst, too.
I hope this is okay! <3
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Safe with You
After you were snatched by locals on a recent mission, buried feelings bubble up to the surface, and neither of you can fight them back any longer.
Pairing: Hunter x f!reader
Word count: 2.6k
Rating: 18+ MINORS DNI!
Warnings: canon typical violence, hurt and comfort, light angst, feelings and softness, friends to lovers (this trope with this man 🤌), squint for possessiveness, fingering, praise/encouragement.
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Rain pelted against the large barracks window, the grey skies a common sight on Kamino. But Hunter’s attention wasn’t on the brewing storm outside. Dark eyes watched as you moved around the room with a slight limp to decant the contents of your pack onto your cot.
Six months you’d been with them. Six months as their civilian handler. You were supposed to report to the Kaminoans on their missions and provide them with whatever they needed to ensure they returned safely each time. The long necks couldn’t have anything happening to their ‘experimental assets’ after all. You weren’t meant to be in the field with them, yet you’d insisted.
And now you were hurt.
Jaw clenching, Hunter tries to forget the panic that had consumed him when you'd sent a distress signal during the middle of the last mission. They’d left you on the Marauder at a safe distance and able to assist if needed, but the locals had found you and weren’t too happy. Your scream of his name over the comms as you’d been dragged out of the ship had turned his blood to ice and would haunt him for the rest of his life.
Before he could stop himself, Hunter was up on his feet and across the room, reaching out for you, selfishly needing to triple-check that you were okay.
You startle as warm hands grasp your wrist, your heart rate spiking as fear simmers in your veins for only a second until you look up at a familiarly handsome face. Try as you might, you were still a little shaken. The locals hadn’t hurt you – your injury was self-inflicted, having smacked your hip on the bunk racks as you’d tried to kick yourself free of their grasp – and that had been their only saving grace when Hunter had stormed their small village with a blaster in one hand and his vibroknife in the other, demanding to know where you were. The relief that had crumpled his face as you’d been yanked out of a nearby building would forever be etched into your memory.
For a moment, you can only stare into his eyes, watching a mired of emotions flicker across his face before his hand shifts to your chin to tilt your head from side to side, double-checking for any marks. “I’m okay, Hunter.” You tell him softly, shifting your weight onto your good leg. “I don’t blame them.” You’re touched by his concern, warmth seeping through your body.
Hunter shakes his head a little, a hard glint in his endless brown eyes. “I do. You’re hurt.”
“Like I said on the way back here, this is self-inflicted.” You repeat, gently taking his wrist to pry his hand from your face. He didn’t need to worry so much – you’d been through a lot worse.
Hunter isn’t backing down that easily, not when something is clawing at his chest and demanding that he be sure you’re okay. “Let me see.”
You pause, blinking a few times at the commanding tone he’d slipped into so effortlessly. It was easy to forget at times that he was in charge. “Hunter…”
“Please.” He remembers his manners, softening his tone a little. He hadn’t meant to come across as harsh or rude, but that strange feeling in his chest wasn’t easing.
“There’s nothing to see. I’ve probably just pulled a muscle. It’ll be fine in a few days.” You point out.
Hunter takes a deep, shaky breath. “You don’t know what it was like hearing you scream out for me.” He pauses, swallowing, the memory replaying on an endless loop in his mind. “Nothing mattered other than getting to you. And I was too slow. You were gone when I got back. But your scent…” His jaw clenched, brows drawn down into a pained frown. One of his hands moved to cup your face, the light drag of his thumb across your cheekbone tugging at your heart. “So sweet but tainted with fear…” He trails off, remembering how relentlessly he’d tracked you down, pushing his senses further than ever before, searching for every little trace of you, desperate to have you back. “Don’t you see that I’m hurting? Please. I need to see that you’re okay.”
You couldn’t deny the worry you saw in Hunter’s eyes, something that rarely surfaced in the stoic soldier, and his words struck a chord with the unspoken connection that had grown between you during your time together. With a small sigh, you nod, giving in to his request.
“Alright. But I promise you, it’s not as bad as you think.” You gently guide him to sit on your cot, lowering yourself next to him and lifting your shirt enough to reveal the purpling bruise on your hip. It wasn’t anything serious, just a painful reminder of the close call.
Hunter’s eyes narrow as he inspects the bruise, his fingers brushing lightly over the discoloured skin. His touch is surprisingly gentle, and for a moment, there’s silence in the room, only the distant rumble of thunder and the patter of rain against the window breaking the stillness.
“I told you, it’s nothing major.” You reassure him, studying the deep furrow in his brow. “I appreciate your concern, but I can handle a few bumps and bruises. It comes with the territory.”
Hunter remains silent, his gaze fixed on the bruise as if trying to will it away. Then, without a word, he rifles through the contents of your pack that you’d dumped out, grabbing a small tube of bacta gel. Wordlessly, he begins to apply it to your bruise, his movements deliberate and tender.
“You shouldn’t have to endure this.” He mutters, almost to himself, his fingers working the gel into your skin. “You weren’t made for this, yet you willingly put yourself in harm’s way. I can’t…I can’t risk losing you again.”
His admission catches you off guard. The weight of his words hangs in the air. The bond between you has evolved, whether you intended it or not.
You place a hand over his, pausing his ministrations. “I’m here because I choose to be. I believe in what you and your brothers are fighting for. I want to help in whatever way I can. I want to protect you. You’re not the only one who would go to great lengths for someone they care about.”
Hunter meets your gaze, his expression softening. At that moment, you realize that the storm brewing outside is nothing compared to the one raging inside Hunter.
You watch as he sets aside the bacta gel, knowing you’re at a crossroads and that whatever you say or do next will tip the scales. His eyes lift to meet yours, and for a moment, the silence lingers until his gaze dips down to your lips for the briefest of seconds. 
You move on instinct. Leaning in, your hand cups his cheek, guiding his face towards yours. As your lips meet in a tender kiss, you feel him respond with relief and desperation, as if he’s afraid this moment might slip away. His hand finds its place on the small of your back, drawing you closer as he deepens the kiss.
Warmth licks through you, and you let out a small noise of surprise as Hunter pulls you carefully onto his lap, shifting you so that you can straddle him. His hand still supports your back, the other cradling the nape of your neck as his tongue presses forward, sliding between your lips to taste you.
Your soft moan is muffled by his mouth, tongue meeting his, body going pliant. Hunter’s lips are firm and confident, every fragment of his adoration for you poured into the kiss. 
He wants to drown in your scent, to block out the rest of the galaxy and focus on nothing but you – the sounds you’re making, the racing of your heart, the taste of you that he’ll never get enough of. Cautious not to jostle you, Hunter stands, cradling you to him, smiling against your lips as your arms and legs wrap around him. As you cling to him, he carries you across the room to his bunk, laying you down gently on his sheets.
Sinking into the softness of the mattress, you gaze up at Hunter as he settles above you, careful not to rest his weight on you. Soft lips return to your body, dragging down your throat as his fingers creep under your shirt, dark fabric pushed up as he traces the curves of your body, the rough pads of his fingers against smooth skin. He’s already half-hard just from kissing you, but he studiously ignores it.
You are his priority. You always have been.
He shifts, working his way down your body. Reverent kisses pressed to your exposed belly, lips lingering around your injured hip, still shiny with bacta. Endless brown eyes flit up to meet your gaze, stealing your breath. Reaching down, you cup the inked side of his face, watching as his eyes flutter shut, head tilting into your touch, lips ghosting the palm of your hand in a feather-light kiss as he reassures himself that you're okay. Tears prickle at your eyes, heart aching at the sweetness of the gesture.
Fingers reach the waistband of your pants, already sitting low to not press on your hip, and there's a silent question in his gaze as he looks up at you.
With a small nod, you encourage him, and Hunter slowly pries your pants down further, eyes flitting between yours and the expanse of skin slowly revealed to him. He sees every emotion painted on your beautiful face, like a masterpiece he’s dedicated his entire life to studying.
Your pants hit the floor, Hunter’s lips trailing a path back up your body, soft kisses and gentle nips laved across your thighs and stomach. One arm returns to supporting his weight above you while the other hand smooths across your body, committing every part of you to memory. He could spend an eternity mapping you, losing himself in every nuance of you. Your honeyed scent fills his lungs, overpowering the lingering smells in the barracks.  
It’s the sweetest torture you’ve ever experienced, the soft drag of his fingers across your body, the warmth of him so close, those eyes that have drawn you in since the very beginning. He dips down for a delicate kiss, fingers sliding across your thighs. They part without protest, and the deep rumble of approval that flees his lips sends a shiver through you.
Tentatively, he drags two fingers across the front of your damp panties as your kiss breaks. “So needy already, cyar’ika.” He croons, marvelling at the whimper you let loose. “Should probably do something about that, eh?” He adds, catching your clit with his next stroke, sending a jolt of pleasure through you.
All you can do is nod, heart racing as you look up at him, trusting he’ll take care of you.
A smile passes over Hunter’s lips, and his fingers dance under the waistband of your panties, sliding down through your slick folds. Drawing lazy circles around your entrance, he goes to press a digit into your warm heat but pulls back at the last moment. Your brows furrow, and the small whine of frustration you let out makes him chuckle. “Patience, mesh’la.” He admonishes playfully, dragging his fingers up and over your clit again, making you gasp.
It’s maddening. But at the same time, oh so delicious. One of your hands grasps at the sheets of his bunk, the other grabbing onto him, anchoring yourself as his fingers stroke across you, cataloguing each spot that makes your hips jolt or pulls a little sound from you.
The delicious torture comes to an end as he finally presses a finger into you, another sliding in beside it. A soft moan escapes you, muffled as Hunter presses his lips to yours, crooking his fingers until he finds the right spot.
Stars erupt in your vision, kiss breaking as you tilt your head back, letting out another moan as pleasure curls through you. 
“There it is.” Delight warms Hunter’s voice as he finds the spot, fingers moving, watching enraptured as you react to his touch. Leaning closer, his lips ghost over the shell of your ear. “You should see yourself, cyar’ika. So beautiful.” He whispers, revelling in the way your heart rate spikes at his words, how you squirm and cant your hips to chase the pleasure he’s giving you. “That’s it. Take what you need.” He encourages.
Eyes sliding shut, warmth builds in your belly with every brush of his fingers against that sensitive spot inside you, with every soft word he utters. You grind down against his palm, the added pressure on your clit making your head spin as his fingers slide in and out of you.
Hips rolling, you’re grateful for the bacta gel that’s numbed the earlier ache, and you whine as Hunter’s teeth graze your earlobe. Warm puffs of his breath caress your neck as he dips down, dragging the flat of his tongue from your clavicle back to your ear, making you shiver. “Keep going, sweetheart, you’re doing so well.” He murmurs, a low rasp to the smoky voice you’ve grown to love.
Breath stuttering, you cling to him, desperately rocking against his hand. Your fingers twist the sheets as the pressure builds and builds. “Please...” You whine, eyes opening to find lust-blown brown gazing right back at you.
You ask so sweetly that Hunter can’t do anything but take mercy on you. Ensuring his fingers continue pumping slowly in and out of your tight heat, his thumb makes contact with your clit, and the cry you let out is magnificent.
“Yes, yes, like that…” You babble, eyes falling shut once more as he works you into a frenzy. Lips parting on a silent gasp, you finally tip over the edge. Trembles skitter through your body as you give yourself over to it, letting yourself be swept up in the moment.
Hunter has seen a lot in his few years – sunrises on pretty planets, families reunited, millions of stars shining in distant pockets of the galaxy. Still, all of it pales compared to the sight of you falling apart beneath him.
Working you through the high, his hand only stills once your beautiful eyes open once more and, holding your gaze, he slides his fingers from you, dragging them up to his mouth. The taste of you explodes in his mouth, and he groans, lapping at his fingers as he cleans away the evidence of your release.
Ragged breaths escape you as you come down from the high, watching the way the man you adore savours the taste of you. Exhaustion starts to creep through your body, the adrenaline of the day wearing off and the intensity of your orgasm stealing what little energy you had left. “Your turn…” You mumble, hand sliding down his body towards the thick length straining against his blacks.
Hunter gently captures your wrist, guiding your hand back up before peppering your pulse point with light kisses. “Promise me that I can teach you how to defend yourself better. And that you’ll always carry my spare vibroknife.” He makes a heartfelt request.
You attempt to protest, but seriousness settles over his expression, a stark reminder of how shaken he’d been earlier. “Tomorrow morning, I’m returning the favour. Then I’ll promise you anything.” You finally conceded.
A soft chuckle escapes him. “Deal.” He agrees, sealing the pact with a gentle press of his lips to yours. Carefully, he shifts you, pulling the sheet up, cocooning you in warmth. “There’s my girl.” He coos, watching as your eyes start to droop, lids heavy.
Half-awake, you mumble. “Yours?”
“Mine.” He confirms tenderly, smoothing your hair from your face, the ache in his chest finally easing as you rest safely in his bunk.
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rorywritesjunk · 3 months
I don't blame you for being you But you can't blame me for hating it
A prank goes wrong, punishment laid out, and an accidental first kiss all in one day for Buggy.
Rating: PG Warning: Talk of first kiss, some tears, and a kiss. Buggy runs for his life at one point. Trying to remember what it was like being 13 and talking to my friends and then I remembered what I was like as a teenager and decided to just write this the way it is. A/N: A request from a lovely Anon! This took a few tries to get it right. I tried, I hope you like it!
Title comes from "A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More 'Touch Me'" by Fall Out Boy.
Part 2
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It was a dumb prank gone wrong. 
Buggy thought Shanks was going to walk into the room where the door had the bucket balanced on the top of it and against the frame. He expected it, knowing Shanks usually came back to the crew’s quarters that time of day to rest, and so it made perfect sense it would have been Shanks coming in, opening the door, and the bucket would fall on him.
Why oh why did it have to be you?
Buggy questioned that as you lifted the bucket off your head slowly, soaked to the bone by the cold water he had acquired. It wasn’t that Buggy was scared of you, no, he was just terrified of you when you were angry and he saw the look in your eyes as you focused on him, tossing the bucket aside as you took a step toward him.
“H-Hang on, this was a mistake! It was supposed to be Shanks!”
“You’re dead, Buggy!”
He wondered how you planned to do it as you lunged for him, but he was quick, splitting his body apart to avoid you before he took off running, his body rejoining together once it passed through the door frame. It was still weird and he was still getting used to his Devil Fruit powers, but it came in handy when he needed to avoid you trying to kill him. 
You were fast, chasing after him with little regard for your surroundings. You pushed through crewmen, jumped over supplies, and almost took the captain out as Buggy ran for his life, shrieking his pleas of mercy as you got closer to him. He knew what you were capable of in battle, he had seen first hand how you knock opponents over before thrusting a dagger into their neck or threatening to cut their tongue out. The three of you kids were only 13, young enough to play pranks but old enough to kill, to have seen fights you’ve only heard about in stories. 
Buggy actually feared for his life in that moment when he felt you grab him by the back of his shirt, jerking his body back to you. His arms and legs split off, still running while he shrieked about being left behind. They popped back on immediately, as though pulled back by elastic, snapping into place as he desperately tried to think of how to escape.
“Why did you do that, Buggy?!” You demanded as you pushed him up against some crates. “T-That was mean!”
“I didn’t know you would come in, I was expecting Shanks!” Buggy exclaimed as he tried to think of how he could get around you when you had him cornered. If he split apart, he ran the risk of you still grabbing one of his body parts, possibly chucking it over the side of the ship. 
“Why didn’t you just ask Shanks to come down at a certain time?!” 
“H-He always comes into the room at this time!”
“He asked me to come down and get something for him!” 
“How was I supposed to know that?!” 
You glared at him, sniffling, and it was that moment Buggy saw the tears in your eyes, your face was red, and there was a dark mark on your nose from the rim of the bucket hitting you. Wait, did the prank hurt you? It wasn’t meant to, it was just meant to get the person drenched from the water in the bucket, not actually hurt them. Buggy scratched his head, looking away from you as he hoped you wouldn’t start full-on crying in front of him. He had seen you cry a few times and it was always uncomfortable. He didn’t want to see it again.
“You’re such a jerk, Buggy!” You snapped. “Say you're sorry!”
“It's not my fault! I'm not gonna say sorry!” Buggy shot back. “It was supposed to be Shanks getting soaked with water, not you! It's not my fault it got you instead!” 
You glared at him, sniffling loudly as tears streamed down your face. This was uncomfortable for him to see. He never saw you cry like this. He scratched his head, looking away again as he considered his next words. 
“D’you… wanna help me set it back up and get Shanks this time?”
It… wasn’t Shanks who the bucket landed on. 
It was Rayleigh of all people. He had come to check on you, hearing about you and Buggy having a fight, but he didn’t expect to walk into the room and get hit with a bucket full of water. The fear he put in the two of you as he slowly removed the bucket from his head  was enough to have you both begging him for forgiveness. 
You two had to do nightwatch for a week, which sucked because your sleeping schedule was going to get messed up from it. You and Buggy begrudgingly did it, knowing that complaining would do nothing to appease the first mate; he would just assign a harsher punishment.
Buggy had brought a blanket up to the crow’s nest, knowing how cold it could get. The two of you sat huddled underneath it, keeping an eye out for possible enemy ships that could be coming for the crew. Despite how mad you were at him earlier, this was… kind of fun, just the two of you. Before when you’d have these shifts, Shanks was with you, but he got to sleep while you two poked and pinched each other to keep awake. 
Something crossed your mind as the two of you sat up there, trying to think of a conversation topic that wasn’t just about treasure. The other night you listened to the boys talk about their ‘firsts’ since hearing the older men talk about their own earlier in the day: first loves, kisses, kills, getting drunk, things like that. The boys were discussing what their own firsts were and well, being 13, there were a few things that hadn’t happened yet. It was just you and Buggy up in the crow’s nest, no one else, so you cleared your throat and looked at him.
“Buggy, have you kissed anyone yet?”
That was not the question he was expecting and he turned to stare at you in horror, mouth open in surprise as he processed those words. Why the hell did you ask him that? Where did that question even come from? His face started to turn red and he scooted away from you.
“I-I don’t - why are you - no! I mean, yes!... no, why are you asking me that?!” He sputtered, words jumbled together as he looked at you nervously, waiting for the teasing, your laughter, but you were just looking at him curiously.
“You and Shanks were talkin’ about it the other night.”
“W-Why are you asking? You can’t just ask that!” Buggy shot back, face burning as he recalled the conversation. Neither boy had their first kiss which the men had talked about being a Big Deal. They would have to wait until they got to an island for it as Buggy didn’t want it to be with Shanks. You were out of the question too, he knew you’d just threaten him to chase him and he didn’t need to deal with that. 
“I was just curious!” You told him with a shrug. “I haven’t either. I didn’t want it to be with Shanks.”
“I don’t want mine with Shanks either!”
“D’you want it before Shanks?” You asked him curiously. “‘Cause next place we stop at, he’ll probably get some cute boy or girl to kiss him. He’s good at talking to people, you know.”
Buggy’s face was still burning as he shook his head. “I don’t wanna think about Shanks kissing someone, that’s just gross and weird. Why did you bring it up?”
“I dunno, making conversation.” You shrugged. “Plus, you guys were talking about it and I was curious. I mean, I had my first kill but not my first kiss.”
“That’s a weird way to make conversation.” He mumbled, scratching his cheek as he glanced at you. “Wait, you haven’t?”
“Nope. Shanks asked yesterday and I said no.” You told him, your cheeks a little pink. “I wanted it to be with someone I liked.” You cleared your throat and glanced at him. “Can it be with you?”
Buggy’s brain paused, stuttered, and jumped back to life as he stared at you. “Didn’t you just say you wanted it to be with someone you liked?”
Right, teenagers were kind of dumb and Buggy was no exception. 
“Buggy.” You shook your head and scooted closer to him. “Even though you’re a jerk sometimes, I still like you.” 
You hesitated and glanced at him, wondering how he’d react, but you leaned forward, quickly pecking him on the cheek before scooting away from him. The cheek didn’t count, you heard the boys say, it had to be on the lips and well, you didn’t necessarily want to take that away from Buggy if he didn’t like you back. You were pretty sure he didn’t.
He turned even redder and you pulled back, scooting a few inches away from him. Buggy swallowed heavily and looked at you, eyes wide before he looked away for a moment before turning his attention back to you. If he had even thought of doing that without asking, you’d chase him around the ship and throw him overboard without hesitation.
“You can kiss me if you want.” You mumbled, looking away from him. “On the cheek, though, ‘cause… it’s only fair, I guess, since I kissed you on the cheek.”
Buggy hesitated for a moment, trying to think of a response, but if he didn’t do this now, Shanks would have done something momentous before Buggy did and well, he wasn’t okay with that. Nodding, Buggy cleared his throat and leaned over, but someone down below called your name so you turned your head, nose bumping Buggy’s, a soft honk being heard, and he accidentally kissed you and well, he was surprised he was still alive.
“... that was it?” You asked. Buggy scratched his head and shrugged.
“I didn’t mean to, but… yea.” He pulled back and pulled his end of the blanket tightly around himself. “Please don’t throw me overboard.”
“I won’t.” You promised. He glanced over at you. “Promise.”
“Can I tell Shanks?” Buggy asked.
“Yea, go for it.” You smiled a bit. “Don’t see why not.” A pause. “But make sure he doesn’t think he can get one from me, got it?”
Buggy thought of it for a moment, which was a mistake because you grabbed him by the front of his shirt suddenly, but he held his hands up, nodding. “Yea, yea! I promise, I’ll tell him but make sure he doesn’t come asking you!”
Buggy was grateful to survive the night because you had another six days with him. He just needed to hold off on the pranks for a bit, make sure no one would suspect something, and he’d try to get Shanks again. Maybe you’ll help him next time.
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Legally required to ask for Kokichi for the ask game
[For this ask game]
gosh ur so right anon. I am so sorry this got readmore levels of out-of-hand full spoilers for NDRV3 and also rated C for Current Hyperfixation.
favorite thing about them
Counter-intuitive, but I know my past self (including the era when V3 came out) would have hated Kokichi for the same reasons I like him now. Mainly:
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I really did go into V3 expecting to loathe Kokichi as a nuisance at best; I’d been spoiled on Ch. 4  before getting into DR because I thought ‘my aim sucks I won’t play it anyway’  and, loving bees and assorted bugs as I do, I figured Gonta would be my favorite. And I mean, he’s up there, but this little shit. How dare he be an engaging character.
Unsure where I said it previously, but Kokichi seems like the kind of guy who would run a How to Beat [X Movie] channel out of earnest (admit so or not) love for the thought experiment of it all, which isn’t just relatable, but a very interesting Type of Guy to have in your killing game scenario. The one constantly pushing the boundaries, but not quite meta-level aware they’re in a video game; genre-savvy and trying to Actually Accomplish Something Constructive. He also goes about it in such a way that launches a couple malatovs at every bridge he has, which, having been anxious and overly rejection-sensitive in high school, is fucking wild to me. You are going about this in the worst way you could, on purpose, and that is fascinating. Mentally I am putting him in a microscope slide because What Is Your Deal
Plus, the way he constantly has some kind of front up to a point where Saihara can’t decide who he really is by the end of Ch. 5… hmm chameleon complex? I find it quite simple, really. Unclear to me if they meant to make him Like This but doubling down on constant over-performance of social signals because communicating frustrates you and it lets you feel some small degree of control in your life is (in my experience at least) very autistic of him and as a result hearing the whole V3 cast consider him entirely indecipherable down to the bitter end… oof ouch real anxieties? 
least favorite thing about them
A) Some of the iconography they chose for his talent. Which I’m pretty sure they pretty much ditched outside promos? So B) Some of his art in the wake of Ch. 4 is… wonky, but not in a way that looks fully deliberate? It undercuts the drama for me a bit. I think Kokichi seems much more menacing when he drops pretenses entirely and just goes blank instead of trying Very Hard to act out a particular emotion (like he does pretty much all the time). Instead of the demon face, something more like this?
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favorite line
I blame this for getting "The more that you suffer, the more I enjoy it" stuck in my head, plus the combo of "Now you'll never, ever forget me for the rest of your life! [...] I stole your heart, so now I'm satisfied." The two surface Kokichis asdfghjkl
Looking for quotes though it came to my attention that in Chapter 2 he says "[...] I wanna win this killing game! So I'm not gonna run from it, I'm gonna crush it! That'll be waaaay less boring, don'tcha think?"  kicking screaming they knew exactly what they were doing
shipping and handling
tbh I less ‘ship’ and more ‘please make them interact with one another’, so grains of salt I suppose!
Kokichi + Miu. Gotta find who in the amalgamate server said ‘in any other circumstance they’d be besties’ because they are Correct.
This is a self report but like fuck it we ball Kokichi ♢/♠ Kaito
If you know the intricacies of what that means you may be entitled to—
Pretty much this vine
I guess I'm a little squicked thinking of Kokichi/Gonta in a romantic sense? See at least in TAPP they've still got a Lot to talk about before comfortably calling one another 'friend' instead of 'working on it'
random headcanon
Ah a lot of these are already sprinkled in TAPP so what’s one y’all haven’t heard before,,
He started painting his nails during the game initially to interrogate (RE: get-to-know) Rantaro, and kept doing it to discourage himself from biting his nails and cuticles all the time. There's only like one sprite where he does it, but I think it could be a nervous tick
TAPP!DICE may not be real but the tea party policy absolutely is
I've drawn him in skirts doing outfit memes, but I think for him it's less concrete than feeling like dressing femme sometimes and more that, post-game and organization-less, he has no idea who he's supposed to be anymore and is throwing pretty much everything at the wall in many facets of his life. Including but not limited to saying 'screw uniforms' and seeing how long it takes him to get in trouble with HPA for wearing different clothes every day. After long enough unchallenged he starts getting his classmates to do it too. Considering... their entire circumstances in TAPP, they get away with a lot more than the other classes 
unpopular opinion
Is it unpopular to say that some of the info from Kokichi’s FTEs should have been in the main plot? The knife game scene, besides being my favorite, seriously clues the player into what he’s like beyond the artifice without having to posthumously dump that exposition in his room, and that a lot of players confused by him are likely to miss out on characterization that would clarify things Irks Me.
song i associate with them
Oh, only one song? Too bad, 'cuz I Can’t Decide - Scissor Sisters
My other cop-out is 'Cause I’m a Liar - Mcki Robyns-P, which I’m working on a cover for in Synth V
Other than that? I haven’t built up nearly enough song-based associations with the DR cast yet somehow, but I’ll throw in Queen of Nothing - The Crane Wives which is less a Kokichi vibe than “I’m writing TAPP!Kokichi in the wake of Chapter 5” vibes. Isn’t this what you wanted? Time sure feels like it’s running out. Finish what you started, Queen of Nothing, wearing such a heavy crown.
I don’t know if this is in the spirit of the prompt but the thought did occur to me that a Trial 5 animatic to I’m Alive from Next to Normal would slap really really hard actually.
I need more peppy songs in my life, is what I’m gathering.
favorite picture of them
Let’s split it like this:
Favorite from the game? Probably this one
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The face of a man asking “what are you gonna do, shoot me?” promptly before getting shot.
Sprite? This one
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Is it genuine curiosity? Is he mocking me? Some mysterious third thing? Yes.
and a fanart that lives in my brain rent-free (the-everlasting-ash). Linking instead of reposting bc please support the original artist. There are many, many wonderful pieces of fanart out there, but this one carved a niche in my brain and stayed there (it is the cover image for DR art on my phone on account of Stunning).
Also for the uninitiated on TAPP- [Talent Acquisition Pilot Program AU Masterpost]
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dearthshine · 11 months
[love] is most mad and moonly
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hello this is yue! i use they/them pronouns.
everything will be under the cut so that i can freely edit as needed. thank you for dropping by if you do and i hope you enjoy your visit 💗
you are always free to send me asks about anything you want. anon is always on and if i receive anything i do not wish to answer i will simply delete it and move on.
title is from this ee cummings poem
before you follow
a few years back i decided to no longer use a formal byf on my blogs. so i will simply say here that i am an advocate for pretty much everything you would expect someone like me to be an advocate for, and give you this instead to keep in mind.
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writing © sarah maddux, typography © hayley welsh
[ID: white handwritten text on a black background that reads: “when you debate a person about something that affects them more than it affects you, remember that it will take a much greater emotional toll on them than on you. for you, it may feel like an academic exercise. for them, it feels like revealing their pain only to have you dismiss their experience and sometimes their humanity. the fact that you might remain more calm under these circumstances is a consequence of your privilege, not increased objectivity on your part. stay humble.”]
blog nav
i tag all dream members by first name only (haechan is tagged #haechan though i also refer to him as donghyuck or hyuck).
other neos and idols are tagged the same way unless they're from a group i don't follow, in which case i will tag the group.
a caveat to this: if a post contains two members i may only tag them as their ship name (ex. #markren) but not their names individually. this will likely not be consistent and i'm sorry.
general text posts are tagged #text, personal posts (and tag rants on reblogs) as #chatter. if a post is tagged with both then that means it's probably a reblog that i relate to a dream ship/member. i am a mentally kpop yaoi rpf writer with an ongoing fixation on nct dream and so naturally i will try to relate every single thing i see back to dream in some way. and not only will i try, i will succeed. you have been warned.
video and audio are tagged accordingly; photos and gifs are not (though non-photographic imagery such as #art will be tagged).
other: i will occasionally tag non-kpop posts with the names/ships they remind me of. posts tagged #self are a free backstage pass into the depths of my soul.
post archive
dream moodboards (ongoing)
published writing, finished and in progress
all original work is tagged #ds writes
i'm in ocean deep (markren, wip, rated e, 2 chapters) last updated 230731
misc commentary, tag rants, and the like
colfan as nohyuck
renjun: if mangoes didn’t have the stone in the middle
markren: my favorite genre of art is men laying in their woman's lap
renjun: i deserve a gold star for being so sweet and nice and not killing
markren: haha i like you. I’ll be growing on you like moss now if that’s alright
rensung: maybe we will be keychains on the same key ring in the next life
jeno: it's possible to ruin a fictional man's pussy AND do an intellectual deep dive into his character trauma and motivations
markren: your smell was never unfamiliar
renjun: no you are fucking alive do what you want
markren: slut
rensung: has a worm ever gotten struck by lightning
jaemin: behaves unintelligibly
nohyuck: his eyes were coke zero brown
nahyuck: you can drag me through hell if it meant i could hold your hand
jenren: why is it always the fancylad boy-king type whos the bottom. maybe his tough loyal knight who uses his body to protect and defend him and lives to serve him wants to get railed
jaemren/nohyuck: honey, my earth is merciful
jaemrensung: the world is a scary place when you are a small and edible thing
0 notes
reedalert · 3 years
Request: "22-give me a brush I'll fix your hair "pls with the mr data x reader
Requested by: anon
Prompt: 22. “Give me a brush. I’ll fix your hair for you.”
Word count: 690
Notes/warnings: fluff all the waaaay. Sorry for taking this long, I'm really rusty and I just want these to be good for y'all!
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Whoever said night shifts were boring and uneventful, would usually be right. Not this time, however.
You had recently been selected as the night watch command officer of the Enterprise. It was a privilege, of course, but it also meant your days were the exact reverse of most of your friends' days. As you were walking back to your quarters, exhausted, you always met your cheerful coworkers, fuelled by their morning coffee.
The only person who knew no day or night, who occasionally accompanied you on the bridge during your time there was Data, who, of course, didn't need to sleep.
It was one of those times where he sat next to you that the "boring" night shift didn't live up to its reputation. Patrolling the edge of the Neutral Zone had its fair share of dangers, however these days you managed to stay clear of them. Not this time, however.
A Romulan warbird unexpectedly showed up on the viewscreen. Sensors started beeping. Your heart-rate shot up.
"Red alert!" you shouted, standing up from your seat.
You looked at Data with concern, he glared back with a quizzical expression. If you didn't know better, you'd have said he was just as confused as you.
"Hail them!" you ordered.
The only response you got was a disruptor beam into one of your nacelles.
You avoided damage to the best of your abilities until the Captain and the senior officers reached the Bridge. A brief sense of relief flowed through you, the safety of the ship and crew was no longer in your hands.
Once the threat was dealt with, you were officially relieved from your shift and you returned to your quarters. It was then that you could stand in front of a mirror and see yourself.
You were exhausted, disheveled, both physically and mentally. The image the mirror showed you reflected just that. Your hair was all over the place, tangled, frizzed. Dark circles loomed under your eyes. You couldn't stop thinking about what happened.
The chime of the door pulled you out of you contemplative state.
"Come in." you managed to sigh.
Data stepped through the door. You watched him scan the room, searching for you, only to find you in the bathroom.
"Hello." you greeted him weakly.
"I am sorry for intruding. I came to check if you are doing well after the events today." He stated emotionlessly.
You your lips curled into a smile that was barely there.
"I appreciate it, Data. I'm doing fine."
He watched you as you touched your hair, trying to fit the stray strands back to their place.
“Give me a brush. I will fix your hair for you. With your permission.” he came closer to you.
You nodded wordlessly, picking up a hairbrush from your bathroom counter and handing it to him. You jumped up on the counter. He was still a slight bit taller than you, so he could reach you easily.
The next minutes were spent in content silence. Between you and Data, barely any words needed to be exchanged to communicate. Sure, the android wasn't the best at non-verbal signs and social cues, but he'd learned your behaviour so well, that he could predict your every move. You were also particularly fond of him, fascinated by his complexities and his desire to be human. Needless to say, you two were a peculiar duo, sharing an unspoken bond.
When he was done, he waited for you to admire his work before asking:
"Is my recreation of your signature hairstyle accurate?"
"Are you kidding me, Data? This is perfect. I couldn't have done it better myself."
"I had the chance to study the intricacies of your physical appearance while working with you on the night shift."
That sentence would've sounded crazy coming from anyone else but him. With Data, it made perfect sense. In his own way, he cared about you deeply and this gesture was meant to show the android's "emotions" towards you.
You turned your back towards the mirror and leaned in to kiss him.
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percyinpanties · 3 years
hey I'm the pipeyna anon and that's ok!!! can u do pipeyna with piper pining after hot jock Reyna which hopefully ends happy (smutty)
just a quick warm-up, i say, i won’t spend too much time on this. i really had to resist just going on and on and on with this. i miss writing this ship, damn.
anyway - this fits really well with an enemy to lovers prompt i have for jercy, so thats what im hinting at too here.
Read on Ao3
for context : i always write college aus from a UK uni perspective bc that’s all i know and i don’t care to adapt to how it might or might not work in the u.s. (sorry)
rating: teen+ (no smut in this one, but let me tell you, this TEMPTED me)
words: 2.2k 
“An actual goddess” Piper says wistfully from where she’s leaning against the wall next to Percy, taking back the cigarette she’d just bummed of him. Her eyes are glued on the field, and more precisely on Reyna, smile on her face and water bottle in her hand as she jogs over to Jason standing at the side of the field. They greet each other with a hug, even as Reyna wrinkles her face, seemingly complaining about her own sweatiness.
It’s coincidence that the end of Reyna’s soccer practice collides conveniently with Piper’s and Percy’s late seminar on Mondays. It isn’t coincidence that Percy and her have taken to sharing a cigarette on the side of the building that looks out toward the field during their break, however.
 Percy makes a non-committal noise and his eyes follow Piper’s gaze while she takes a drag of the cigarette and wrinkles her nose. She needs to quit smoking for good, she thinks, and flicks the ash to the ground. There was a brief moment in first year when Piper thought that Percy might be interested in Reyna, or she in him, but luckily, nothing ever came of that.
 “You think they’re dating?” Percy asks, arms crossed over his chest now, making no move to take the cigarette back again. He’s not even pretending not to be staring, his eyes intense where they flit between Reyna and Jason. Piper on the other hand has the common decency to at least cast her eyes away every now and again before she’s caught looking for a little too long.
At the edge of the field, Reyna and Jason are standing close together now, chatting about god knows what, smiling and laughing. They’re certainly comfortable with each other, but Piper can’t say that’s much of an indication given how she’s around Percy.
 “I hope not.” Piper mutters and Percy laughs at that, even though she knows he agrees. Percy wouldn’t admit it in a million years, but Piper would bet real money that he has a thing for Jason, too, as much as he claims to hate the guy. She’d have to be deaf and blind not to notice the tension between them.
It would make sense, though, in a way. Jason is captain of the men’s rugby team, Reyna of the women’s soccer team. Some of their practices collide and the two clubs do most of their weekly socials together, and Piper’s seen the two of them hanging out aside from that plenty as well. Reyna and her haven’t talked much about Jason, maybe because Piper hasn’t actually exchanged more than five words with him and never had much of an urge to change that, but she knows that Reyna and Jason have known each other before university.
Around Jason, Reyna seems to let her guard down, something Piper has only managed to achieve a handful of times since they met during their first year.
 Jason laughs at something Reyna says, eyes bright and head thrown back and Piper can’t deny that he’s handsome, at the very least. He’s fairly decent, too, as far as guys go, and really, Piper knows she shouldn’t be hoping that there is nothing between Reyna and him if that is what would make Reyna happy.
 “Invite her to the party.” Percy suggests then, drawing Piper’s attention back from the tangent her brain was so insistent to start on. When Piper turns her face to look at him, he’s already looking back at her, one eyebrow arched. “I was going to, anyway, but it’s different coming from you yourself.”
 He’s not teasing her, it’s an honest suggestion, and technically not even a bad one. It’s Percy’s birthday this weekend, and if nothing else, it would be a good excuse to hang out again. Percy knows a ton of people, but he usually doesn’t invite too many to his party, so with any luck, it won’t be too crowded to actually spend some time with Reyna.
More than that, though, it’s another opportunity for Piper to finally get a move on. Percy, Piper knows, thinks that Piper’s pining had reached a point where it’s almost comical halfway through last year, but even so, Piper has yet to manage to actually act on her feelings.
A party is casual enough that she can always play it off as nothing serious when it ends up blowing up in her face. Piper might finally get over herself and just ask Reyna out already – although she’s tried that a few times before only to find herself tongue tied and staring at Reyna like she hung the moon in the sky. She’s been head over heels for Reyna since maybe three weeks after they met in first year, and now that they’re starting their third and final year, Piper needs to get a move on or it’ll simply be too late. Granted, she’s scared shitless at the prospect of being turned down, but at this point, even that would be better than pining forever and never finding out if she’d even stand a chance.
 “Yeah… maybe.” Piper says finally, and manages a small smile towards Percy who bumps his shoulder against hers playfully. They should be heading back inside, so Piper sneaks a last glance toward Reyna and this time, finds her looking back.
    They don’t share any classes this year, and Piper doesn’t usually run into Reyna on campus, so on Wednesday morning, she ends up texting Reyna on her way to class. She fumbles with her phone, almost tripping over her own two feet trying to type the words out as fast as possible, and ends up having to sidestep off the path to actually send the texts.
 Hey you.
we’re having a party on Saturday, it’s Percy’s birthday.
 Piper wants to add more, but instead, she bites her lip and stuffs her phone back into the pocket of her jeans. It’s almost an open invitation like this already anyway, and Piper wants to gauge Reyna’s first reaction before deciding exactly how she’s going about asking. Technically, it would be so easy to just as Reyna to go with her, specifically, to the party, but the intention might be lost over text and anyway, wouldn’t it be simpler to just invite her generally?
Piper frets throughout the entirety of her first lecture, and most of the second one, for nothing. Reyna doesn’t answer, even though the messenger app shows Piper that she’s read both texts already, and Piper tries not to be disappointed about it. She doesn’t know what Reyna’s schedule is like today, the girl might just be busy and planned on replying later. It makes sense, much more than Piper’s second thought that Reyna is not answering because Piper is annoying and Reyna doesn’t actually want to spend any time with her. She knows that thought is stupid, knowing that however does nothing to ease the anxious knot in Piper’s stomach.
 Piper finds herself checking her phone more often than not. It would be funny if it wasn’t so ridiculous, and if the lecturer wasn’t so clearly catching on that Piper isn’t paying as much attention to the class as she is to her phone. She texts Percy as well, but she knows he’s in that seminar he shares with Jason, so chances are that she won’t be getting a reply on that end anytime soon either.  In the end, she has to force herself to put her phone away and actually focus on the lecture up front, even though by that point, she is already lost as to what they’re even talking about in the first place. It’s no good, and Piper can’t deny being relieved when the lecturer eventually dismisses the class.
 She doesn’t allow herself to check her messages until she’s across campus in the coffee shop, queuing for some much needed caffeine and fishing out her phone so she doesn’t have to make small talk with anyone while she waits in line. Reyna still hasn’t replied, but at least Percy has messaged her after his seminar.
 I’m gonna strangle him, Piper. You’ll have to bust me out of prison because they are going to arrest me for goddamn murder.
 All she’d asked was if his classes were as boring as hers today, and while she had expected Percy to go off about Jason in reply, this isn’t exactly what she’d thought to be reading today. She smiles at her phone, types out a quick reply and moves up in the queue.
 That bad? What’s he done now?
 The way Percy talks about Jason makes Piper think of a Cartoon Network villain, always plotting, provoking and scheming. The few times she’s spoken to Jason, the guy wasn’t half bad, and if Piper is honest, she doesn’t quite get the vendetta these two have with each other. She suspects though that it has something to do with how ‘infuriatingly attractive, like fucking superman or something’ Percy described Jason after their first class together.
 It’s like he thinks I’m stupid or something. Got a dumb fucking project to do together and he honestly told me that he ‘needs to pass this class so iif I’m not planning to put in the work, we might as well ask for new partners right away’
Like, excuse me, bitch? My grades are better than yours, for one thing
And for another, it’s not like good-old Dodds is gonna let us switch anyway
 Piper huffs audibly while she reads the texts. It’s clear Percy’s actually upset by this, and she figures it will only get worse if they actually have to do the work together in the coming weeks. Before she can shoot Percy a reply though, she’s next in line.
Piper orders her coffee, steps aside to wait once she’s paid, and rereads Percy’s texts before she types her reply to Percy.
 Sounds like a dick move.
 Piper’s almost inclined to defend Jason for a moment, since Percy mostly doesn’t pay much attention in class, especially in Mrs. Dodds seminars – so how is Jason meant to know how much effort Percy puts in outside of it? On the other hand, though, Piper knows how Percy is, and how personally he’s clearly taken Jason’s comment already, so trying to convince him otherwise would simply be fruitless.
Once Piper’s coffee is done, she heads back outside, finding an empty bench to enjoy the break before her next class. If nothing else, at least Percy’s ranting is distracting her from Reyna, and the party, and asking the other girl out – and in between the rapid texts Percy and her are sending back and forth Piper almost forgets about it entirely. Until she has to head back to her last class, that is, and sees that Reyna has, so far, still left her on read.
 Piper hesitates for a moment, clicking on the text field without typing anything just yet. Is she going to come off as desperate if she texts again, or should she just clarify now before it gets too late and Reyna already makes different plans for the weekend?
Piper types out a few words, deletes them again and pockets her phone only to get it back out a few seconds later to try again. She shouldn’t be walking and texting, especially given that she should be going faster to actually make it to her lecture in time, but Piper knows that if she doesn’t send this text now, she’ll spend another lecture agonising over what to say.
 So yeah, I wanted to invite you too ofc :)
 Piper cringes at her wording, but figuring it won’t get much better, she sends the text anyway and finally tucks her phone back into her pocket to actually hurry to class.
   By the time Reyna replies, it’s late and Piper is sitting on the beat-up couch in her shared flat’s living room, watching something trashy on TV without really paying much attention at all. Percy is clanking around in the kitchen, making something that smells good enough to remind Piper that she should probably be getting herself some food, too. She’s about to get up and rummage through her fridge compartment in search of something edible when her lock screen lights up with a message from Reyna, and that derails any thoughts of food immediately. Piper isn’t subtle in the way she practically lunges for her phone, but luckily, Percy can’t see and judge her from his position in the kitchen.
 Sorry, long day, reads the first text, following a few seconds later by another one.
Promised Jason to hang out but I’d love to :(
 Piper bites her lip, knowing before typing out the words that Percy won’t like what she’s doing in the slightest.
 You could bring him? Percy won’t mind.
 Except that Percy most certainly will mind, Piper thinks, and grimaces. If she hadn’t come off as desperate before, she most certainly does now – texting back within less than a minute after having been left on read all day, only to offer that Reyna can bring her friend (boyfriend?) along as well if that means she’ll be there.
There’ll be other opportunities, Piper tells herself, and scrubs a hand over her face. She needs to chill, and maybe she needs to grab a cigarette and step outside and calm down before she embarrasses herself even further.
 Piper stares at the screen. How on earth is she meant to interpret this? At this rate, she won’t make it until Saturday, dying of one crisis or another before then.
 if you’re sure? I’ll ask him.
haven’t seen you in a while, would be nice to hang out again ;)
 I’m sure.
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ljf613 · 3 years
I saw your Makorra, Masami and Korrasami post, not sure if you're still doing the ship ratings or not, but your comment on Asami made me wonder because I thought you shipped Irohsami (ignore this if I'm wrong) but out of curiosity why, if you don't really like her? Also, if you are still doing the rating thing can I ask about your opinion on Iroh II x Krew ships (Irohsami, Korroh, Makroh and Broh)? If not, it's fine, just wondering and only just saw these now.
I'm sorry if that Irohsami ask came off as rude, I am very tired and have apparently been upsetting people all day without meaning to. I realized after I hit send that dislike wasn't the word you used but rather not care for but my curiosity is still there, if you're willing to answer. Again, sorry if that seemed rude. I wasn't meaning to question you, just wanted your opinion on it. (2/2) 
Don’t worry, you’re fine, I wasn’t the slightest bit offended. I’m always happy to share my opinions on fandom, as long as it can be done in a mature way and nobody tries to take it as a personal attack. 
(Anon, btw, is refering to this post, where I just kind of tore into the Makorra/Masami/Korrasami love triangle.) 
The thing is, I don’t hate Asami. I think she had the potential to be a fantastic character, but any and all of her development got shelved in favor of making her a generically “perfect” Love Rival/Love Interest. I would have loved to see more of her independently of Mako & Korra, to see her really fleshed out as her own unique, individual person. 
But we didn’t get that. (Even her relationship with her father, and how she coped with his betrayal-- something that should have been such a crucial part of her character-- got shelved for two and a half seasons until the writers decided to bring him Back for the Dead.) 
There were a lot of ways that LOK failed to live up to what it could have been, and Asami’s character arc is one of them. 
Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get back to shipping. 
Irosami: B+ 
This is actually one of my favorite LOK rarepairs. 
(Iroh II, by the way is another character who was done such a disservice by the narrative. He was such a great character, clearly meant to be one of the major supporting players.... and the story just didn’t seem to know what to do with him, so he got shoved onto the sidelines into what basically amounted to a cameo role, generally as more of a hindrance than a help. This is a travesty.) 
I feel like Iroh and Asami would make such a good couple. They have a lot in common-- they’re both talented intellectuals in roles with significant power who take those responsibilities seriously. They’re both good listeners who try their best to see things from other people’s perspectives, which is a great foundation for a relationship. They’re also different enough to make up for each other’s weaknesses, and I feel like they’d really complement each other well. 
(I heard somewhere he was originally written to be Asami’s love interest, and while I don’t know if this is actually true, it makes a lot of sense.) 
My biggest complaint about this ship is that most of the (admittedly few) fanfics focussing on them appear to be rated M or E-- I’d love to see more sweet/fluffy/clean content with these two. 
Korroh: E+ or N/A 
I’ve never really thought about these two in a shipping context? Ever? 
My knee-jerk reaction would be no. They don’t seem compatible at all, on a variety of issues. (At a bare minium, Korra does not do well with figures of authority, and I think Iroh’s a little too straight-laced for her tastes.) I think they could have been good friends, though (if the story hadn’t butchered him). 
Makroh: E 
I have seen this one before, and I’ve got to say I just.... don’t see the appeal? They seem a little too similar. I’m not sure how to put it exactly, except that, again, I don’t really see either of them making the other one happy. (As always, this is my personal feeling, and you’re entitled to disagree.) 
Broh: E or N/A 
This is another one I’ve never once thought about. I can’t even think of a single time these two actually talk to each other, let alone interact one on one. It literally feels like pointing at two random people on the street and going “now kiss!” 
It’s just not my cup of tea.
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roseblogsxo · 5 years
wait. i looked at that post you reblogged from that j*nsa and she told you she didn't want 'posts like yours' when you look at the mjority of comments under that gif set saying 'i'm glad that b*tch dany is dead'. that has nothing to do with the gif set either and yet it's the majority of the comments. double standards i guess. wanting violence to happen to a women is okay but saying 'i didn't like this line' is 'too far'. i'm with you, that person is ridiculous.
Thank you anon! Honestly it doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that I even ship jonerys. I hated how they pinned Dany and Sansa against each other. They both went through a lot of trama and it was just dumb honestly. It was like watching two high school girls fight but 100 times worse bc two dip wads didn’t realize that wasn’t okay and rape doesn’t empower either one of them or anyone for that matter. I really dislike too how some Jonsas (not all of them) seem to always hate on Dany and not the way they written her to be in the end. A lot of us jonerys fans don’t do that. We of course aren’t fond of Sansa but you don’t see us going around saying haha that girl is gonna loose the north once they all go hungry in the winter from demanding independence and everyone starts revolting or that she’s living the rest of her days out alone bc apparently according to Sophie she’ll never marry and the rest of her family has their own lives it looks like. 😂
Dany was a hero until 8x5 she done nothing wrong, it was so much grief to the point where it was just hard to watch such an empowered woman defeated like that and die at the hands of her lover bc he thought he couldn’t be happy. That they couldn’t be happy bc that’s not what everyone else wanted. Dany isn’t a saint she had her issues burning everyone but she’s not the only one responsible. Everyone else pushed her there and took advantage of her, I don’t blame her for what she did. That would make me loose it too. Ugh breaks my heart. It even makes me mad bc Sansa deserved a better ending too, she got a crown but based on manipulating and scheming. Is that what they wanted for their fav? Doesn’t feel satisfying to me. That’s why I will always dislike her character, she turned into cersi/little finger and she will struggle when her people go hungry and that war breaks out which brings me to my next point...
In which that my ship was real and not something we just made up and Jon never forgave Sansa too he simply defelected it with a complement knowing there was no point of him arguing about what already happened. He regretted what he did and will always love dany regardless of the harsh reality that pushed them there. Dany in my eyes was rezed since her and Jon have paraellel paths (again another headcanon they wanted us to believe) and that she’d believe that breaking the wheel meant everyone should be free not just the north once a civil war broke out and Yara and such reached out to her, bc they will when all hell breaks loose with that weak government. Jon will be the one to try to get close to her and she’s not trusting him just dealing with him for the sake of everyone one else until he proves to her that he truly did love her and they live happily ever after the war is over and everyone is free the end.
There was a reason that no one liked the endding, and it was bc no one liked where Jon and Dany the two main characters ended up (along with others) but they were the main ones apart from Sansa and Tyrion. If more people liked Sansa and Bran in power it wouldn’t have gotten such a bad rating. Mic drop...
Haha I’m sorry that was a bit of a ramble but you get what I was trying to say. Cheers
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flourchildwrites · 3 years
Sigzumi anon from before. I didn't mean to sound defensive. I meant the ask to sound joking, like fake-whining. Heehee sorry. *sweating emoji* I think the fandom IS only good if you stick to your corners (which I do. pov I'm sure EdRoy is nice or whatevr but I prefer Edwin myself & mainly stick around that). Haven't been in fandom for very long so i could end up in a bad part. That's stupid people were mean to u bc u didn't agree wth their HCs. you seem cool. and nice. feel better soon <3
I’m sorry, anon.
I’m glad you sent me this to set me straight on your tone.  It didn’t come off that way when I read it, and that’s probably because I had a very rough week.  I don’t take faux negativity well when I don’t know the person it’s coming from.  Let’s call that an unfortunate side effect of being belittled by men in bars under the pretense of “flirting.”
People don’t usually dislike me for my headcanons, though the “how old are Riza and Roy” is always a spirited debate.  People usually dislike me because I’m pro-ship.  Generally speaking, I respect the chosen fictional pairings of other fans irrespective of my own feelings toward a pairing.  I am, however, passionate about reader consent, specifically tagging works thoroughly and rating works appropriately.
And when I believe fans might be interacting inappropriately with minors in fandom spaces, I don’t write a callout post or spread online gossip.  I quietly report the person and the inappropriate action to someone who can do something about it in the real world.  I’ve done that twice, and though I hated the entire situation both times, I’d do it again.
My favorite FMA ships are Royai, Hyuroi, Rizbecca and Havolina, and I don't think I post much problematic content, so my pro-ship stance surprises people.  In certain circles, I get the worst of both worlds.  I’ve befriended other pro-shippers who have told me they assumed I was an anti because I don’t comment on or post problematic content.  But rest assured, passionate antis label me appropriately.  I get shitty asks from angry people, especially when I run events.
They don’t bother me too much anymore, so I delete them without responding.  There’s nothing I could say that would change that person’s mind, and there’s nothing to be gained by courting more negativity on my tumblr.  That’s a lesson I probably should have revisited before I shot my mouth off in your last ask.
I hope you continue to have a positive experience in the FMA fandom.  I love the source material, but there might be too much water under that bridge for me.  And I dislike the fact that we must keep to our own to ensure a good experience.
Seek no friendship outside the people who think the same.  Never interact with anything or anyone who operates outside your worldview.  Stay in line, and everything will be fine.  It reminds me a little of a caste system with classes determined by favorite ships instead of birth.
I used to think it was possible to co-exist.  And then I watched an FMA fandom 20th anniversary zine implode earlier this year.  I lost a lot of faith in the fandom after that.  Shelving the project was 100% the right decision given what happened; it’s a cautionary tale on so many levels.
Sorry again, anon, and thank you for clearing this up.
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fuckyeahexofics · 6 years
PART 1) I'm the anon that asked about tips on how to be a better writer. I just wanted to say thank you. I have not started writing yet, but just reading through the tips page you linked me to, I already feel better about the concerns I have about my writing. I want to start writing because, as much as I love the EXO fics I have read, there are still things that I would like to read, but I just haven't found yet or has not been written. And if there is one person, there is bound to be many more.
PART 2) I have seen a few cross group fics, but just not with cross group pairings I’d like, pairings within the group I feel like I don’t see enough of, and storied within genres I’d like to see more of. All that being said, I have my really big ideas that, if done correctly, will be awesome. But I’d like to start a little smaller. So can you list some things that you feel or that readers feel there is not enough of? Pairings or genres?
PART 3) I’m sorry to be so annoying. But I have one more question. I like smut. I like depictions of sex in the stories I read. I like it most when the sex comes from a build up of a connection between characters and leads to something. But I cannot even begin to think about how to write a proper sex scene that actually means something to the story. Any tips? Any links to explanations on how to do that? Again, so so so sorry!
I’m so happy that you found my reply so useful and that it motivated you to start writing! That’s amazing.
Now to address some things that you didn’t ask for, but I can tell they might interest you.
This is something I struggle a lot with. You finally come to terms with your insecurities and decide to start writing and your mind is overflowing with ideas and you start writing them down, and you’re so impatient to do everything that in the end... you do nothing. My point is to take things slow. Start with a story (a small story) and devote to the story, don’t let your mind wander aimlessly to other ideas. I mean, if you suddenly have an awesome idea then, of course, write it down, but before investing all your thought on it, please give what you started a chance.
And I don’t mean to finish everything you started. If you don’t like something, if something is not working out, if it stresses you out, if you’re not happy anymore with it then, by all means, abandon it. This is meant to bring you joy. But what happens to me is that when I encounter the first obstacle in my story, when I’m stuck, my mind goes to other stories. I don’t try to fix it. I reached a point when I didn’t finish anything. That’s why I recommend writing for fests, most of my stories are written for fests because it creates a sense of responsibility. When I encounter an obstacle, I try to fix it, because... I have to present something right? But this is my personal tip, do what works for you.
And trust me, not finishing your stories will happen to you if you don’t write things you like. Asking us for things that we feel we need as a fandom community is so subjective. What I feel we are missing is completely different to what admin Ana feels or admin Ellen, or any of our followers. And most important, you. And besides, what’s wrong with writing things that are common? Start with a small and fluffy domestic story. Or a funny high school au. Write what you like. If you don’t, then your mind will always wander around the “big” projects you want to write and the rest will be like a chore. If you want to start small, find an inspiration and write something small, no matter how common of a trope/ship it is.
Also, if your awesome ideas don’t work out because it’s something you feel the ff fandom is lacking and not something that you enjoy writing, then please abandon it. E.g. what we are lacking is omega/omega stories, that is a fact. But do you like a/b/o? And if you do... do you feel inspired to write an omega/omega story? Would you enjoy it more if you read it or if you wrote it? Don’t feel obliged to write it just because there are not enough stories out there like this.
And to answer the last question (you are not annoying don’t worry), if you can’t write a sex scene... it’s okay? You don’t need smut to make your fic worthy. And because I’m not an expert on this either, I don’t usually decide if a fic is going to be rated or not when I start writing it. As you said, I have to feel that it flows naturally, so if that happens then I write it.
Actual advice that works for me is listening to white noise. But maybe that works for me because I have ADHD, I don’t know, but it really helps me with rated scenes. The noise helps me to focus only on what I write and not get flustered or embarrassed or start thinking “what the hell am I doing”. I just write and I have to come to terms with what I created when I go back to edit, haha.
Studying what you like on other author’s rated scenes goes without saying. Just study a scene you reaaaally love and try to think why. Is it the pacing? The words used? The way the characters interact?
actual resources I found for this answer are below the line.
thank you so much for your question!
A Smut How to Guide for the Struggling Author
Smut 101: The Geekfiction Guide to Getting It On...On the Page (smut advice on part two)
List of Smut Writing Guides
Genre help: Writing Smut
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mrmissmrsrandom · 7 years
I didn't word that properly! I'm so sorry! Yes, I'm that pathetic anon that sent the ask. I included the Gen 2 as FAMILY. I meant no harm, honest. I just love to imagine not only his relationship with his lover in Gen 1, but also taking care of his children in Gen 2! I'm telling you this, to get it off my chest, since I feel guilty of putting that in your mind.
Okay, thank you for clarifying on that. I apologize for misreading the intent, but I’m wary of things like that so I kind of dealt with it the way I did. I’ll get to that ask now, though most of these will not be in too much detail.
Finn/Ayra: C
Ehhhh they’re both warriors dedicated to their jobs?? (Ayra protecting Shanan and Finn later on with Leif) I feel like both of them are too serious of characters to work out. Larcei and Ulster as Finn’s kids though would be an interesting thing to explore.
Finn/Edain: C
I hold onto a headcanon that a couple of other people have that Edain taught/tutored a lot of the youngins in Gen 1, including Finn. He would admire her, but not necessarily in a romantic sense. I think Finn would get along with Lana though so, Lester more debatable.
Finn/Sylvia: B
Time liking this is solely to give Coipre two badass dads /no it’s not but partly. I think this relationship would be shaky at first but I’d be open seeing it in fic play out. Also Finn being protective of Lene in Gen 2/having her get the option to reunite/meet her father is almost too sweet to pass up.
Finn/Erinys: B
I love how they’re both dedicated people who do put duties before personal feelings. Though personally I ship them each more with Lewyn than each other. Ced going to Manster also makes a heck of a lot more sense to search for his dad and both his a Fee’s anger at his abandonment understandable on both sides. Leif and Nanna become their adoptive sibs.
Finn/Lachesis: A
It just. Works so well and this is the canon I can 100 percent get behind. They are canonically among the survivors of Sigurd’s Army and spent at least a few years together after Leonster fell. They both are idealistic people that become hardened by life experience enough to support each other but not dependent enough to let the other one off on bullshit (I assume Finn’s comforting of Lachy after Eldigan’s death and Finn’s death seeking attitude). Nanna, even if she’s not biologically, is spiritually Finn’s daughter either way and I think he would treat Duirmuid kindly/bonding on being the third wheel in a lot of events.
Finn/Briggid: A/B
Literal love at first sight options, though it takes their relationship in FE5 to sweeten both the romance and tragedy of it. I don’t know how he would get along with Patty and Febail, though maybe he’d be proud about how well they survived/thrived in the harsh world of Jugdral.
Finn/Tailtiu: A
I rate this so high because I read Mark’s “Blackout” fic and it made me love it. Another love at first sight thing but just the potential for family dynamics between Finn to Arthur and Tine make it so great. I view Arthur kind of lashing out and expressing himself in ways Finn wishes he could while Tine can have his more subdued but down-to-earth personality? Also that Miracle/Wrath combo.
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts anon and thanks for your patience in waiting for my response!
As you can see, I cut out the blogger W&S’s full “PR” post about MM that you had attached to your ask. Instead, I'm just going to address some excerpts from the post. For those who want to read W&S’s entire post, it can be found HERE.
On Q Scores
So let’s look at W&S’s false PR claim about MM related to Q Scores:
“Quite simply a Q-score is a measurement of the familiarity and appeal of a brand, celebrity, company, or entertainment product. Used to be, Q-scores were measured by a celebrity’s appearances on TV/film, talk shows and in entertainment magazines. Nowadays, the score is figured almost solely from social medial statistics. To put the score in perspective, right now Johnny Depp has the highest Q-score at 92. Trump’s Q-score is 98. Sam and Cait’s Q-scores range from 38-42 which is a very respectable range for actors in their genre. The interesting thing is that this time last year, MM had a Q-score of 18, which has risen to over 30 as of today and why? Because of Sam. Here is a girl that has chased fame since she was 12 years old and she’s finally got her hands on something that can help her achieve that. She’s going to continue to use him and us unless we do one thing.
“Ignore her.”
I have no idea where W&S got her numbers but the reality is that from everything I can tell, Sam and Cait DON’T actually have official Q scores. Ironically, MM has several Q Scores from when she was a young adult (19 to 21 years-old; between 2007-2009).
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You have to pay a fee to get the actual Q Scores, so I did not obtain MM’s actual scores, but as you can see in the above screenshots, those Q Scores exist for MM but NOT for S or C. 
And honestly, all of the above makes sense, given that Q Scores are:
“The recognized industry standard for measuring consumer appeal of performers, brand ambassadors, influencers, characters, licensed properties and brands.” [emphasis added]
Q Scores for celebrities are most useful to help companies know if their sponsorship of shows that feature those celebrities can sell products. Outlander is a cable show--it doesn’t have commercial sponsors. So businesses have no incentive to figure out how appealing S or C are to consumers. However, according to IMDb, from 2007 to 2009, MM had been on shows that involve commercial sponsors, including 224 episodes of The Bold and the Beautiful.
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I’ve done this Q score search several times over the years and it always yields the same results. If you doubt me, you can do your own HERE. 
So MM was clearly NOT trying to use the relatively unknown C-list actor S to up her Q Score, especially since S didn’t even have a Q Score. 
Furthermore, based on his IMDb profile, Billy Magnussen, the guy MM dated just before S, was about on a par with (and probably slightly more famous than) S at the time that MM was dating Billy--and during the time she was dating S. (BTW, Billy like S, also doesn’t have a Q Score. 🤷) Consequently, it made no sense for MM to drop Billy to date S (or to even “secretly continue to date Billy” while she “pretended to date S” as ES falsely claimed  🙄) because there was NO major career advantage for MM in her being linked with S rather than Billy--especially in 2016, when S hadn’t started making Hollywood films.
MM’s dating Sam did not increase her social media followers/activity enough to significantly impact her career
W&S also made an analogy to MM’s motivations in dating S by referring to a fictional character ship on the soap opera Days of Our Lives. The fictional characters “EF and Sami” were shipped by viewers as “Ejami.” Viewers waited 8 years for them to get together. which finally happened in 2013. Days fans blew up social media with their happiness.
According to W&S, in 2014, Nielsen started to include social media in their ratings of shows. So the show’s producer Ken Corday decided to break Ejami up and have EJ get blackmailed into a relationship with a younger woman. Corday did this hoping that the viewers would be outraged and light up social media. Viewers chose not to fall for his “devious plan”; instead, they “went silent.” Consequently, the social media ratings for Days tanked. W&S goes on to say:
“What’s my point in all this? My point is that MM is taking PR lessons from Corday. That picture she posted with the rainbow wasn’t some innocent thing, she KNEW using a rainbow would rile fans up. You see in Hollywood, there’s one simple and very true rule “There’s no such thing as bad publicity!” Every time you interact on MM’s Twitter or Instagram, whether to say yay or nay, whether you call her a saint or a slut -she benefits from it.  Every single time! Don’t think social media is that important? I have a friend that’s an actor – a relatively well-known soap opera actor at that - who was just turned down for a role because his social media presence wasn’t that strong. No joke! “
Hello?! First, does W&S realize she is conflating a young jobbing actress’ social media popularity with how social media can impact show ratings because of audience reaction to fictional characters and plots? We’re talking apples and oranges here. 🤷
Yes, sometimes celebrity social media makes a difference. But in the eyes of Hollywood, MM isn’t even on the radar in terms of social media. Because a social media presence in Hollywood involves MILLIONS of followers--NOT THOUSANDS.
For instance, in July 2018, a few months after MM and S broke up, MM had about 24,600 followers. 
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At the same time,  Emma Watson (an A- list film actor) had  47 MILLION IG Followers and Sophie Turner (a B+ list TV/ film actor) had 7.7 MILLION IG Followers.
I don’t remember how many IG followers MM had when she first started to date S; I think it was around 14,000 followers. So even if she increased her following by 10,000 during the time they dated, that is meaningless by Hollywood standards. And the amount of traffic on her social media that those extra 10,000 followers added would again be meaningless in Hollywood terms. 
And I’m sorry, there is such a thing as bad publicity. The hate on social media by certain Outlander fans towards MM in which they accused her of being a “beard” a “paid girlfriend” and “trashy” isn’t the kind of publicity that would boost anyone’s career in Hollywood. Because remember, as stated above, Q Scores measure “consumer appeal.” Nasty comments on social media like the ones repeatedly made towards MM by certain Outlander fans would have actually lowered--not raised--her general “consumer appeal.” 
IN CONCLUSION: MM had little to gain in dating S in terms of helping her career. If she had stayed with Billy she would have faired about the same--and maybe better because there wouldn’t have been all those awful SM comments made about her by Outlander fans. Consequently, the conspiracy theory that she left Billy to be with S (or to “pretend” to be with S) as a way of boosting her career doesn’t make sense.
BOTTOM LINE: Don’t believe the “PR experts” in Shipperville
From what I can tell, almost everyone in Shipperville who claims to have some PR background is either exaggerating their background, lying, or has PR experience that is not in the entertainment industry. This is because they consistently provide PR misinformation that comes right from the tinhat playbook passed on from fandom to fandom from the time of the faux Lord of the Rings Domlijah ship from years ago. My advice is that fans shouldn’t believe anything they say, especially if they discuss PR conspiracy theories regarding S & C. JMHO
[See more below the cut about a question the anon had about interpreting a comment left on W&S’s post and another issue raised by the anon.]
Interpreting an Old Remark
“Could you also interpret mega________’s comment from the post? I am confused because I thought she was an Anti/Truther, not a shipper, since she has made supportive posts of Sam and the women he has had relationships with like MM.”
Anon, you might want to ask  herself to explain what she meant when she wrote the comment:  “How many? Not one. Zero, zero zero. DONE!!  ❤️️ ❤️️ “
To my knowledge mega_________ is a nonshipper who was always supportive of MM. Her remark was a riff on a twitter exchange between S & C based on an Erika Jayne song. Basically, S & C were saying they don’t have any more f*cks to give about fandom drama.
I would assume, given that she has always been supportive of MM, that mega_________ was implying that MM would give “zero f*cks” about W&S’s suggestion that Outlander fans “ignore her” on social media.
But that’s just my interpretation based largely on the fact that I know she is a nonshipper. However, W&S’s post is 4 years old. It’s remotely possible mega_________ was a shipper back then, in which case, I would interpret the comment differently. (Like myself, many nonshippers started out as shippers.)   As I said, it would be better if you ask mega_________ yourself Anon. 
As to the other blogger you mentioned being “disappointed with” (whose name was one of the ones I blanked out in your ask), as far as I know she is a lovely woman who was a shipper (although she rarely posted about it). I would assume by now she has moved on from the ship and might be embarrassed by some of the things she said years ago (remember, that post was from 2017).
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