#// im just a slow mother fucker
persesphonestears · 1 year
Taskforce 141 + Los Vaqueros + König and Horangi
More shit because I remembered I have drafts :>
A/N: My Y/N's are intended to be read as if the reader/Y/N is male/Trans masc, Also Bold is actions.
!!CW!!: Sexual jokes, Swearing, blood mentions(? i think), Shepard warning! alcohol mentions(being drunk) just silly cod shenanigan's (please tell me if I've forgotten any!)
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Y/N: *sleepy* ah what's going on
Price: *also sleepy and sitting up* what the fuck man
Rudy: do you have any ice?
Y/N: no i just have freezable fruit shapes
Rudy: why..?
Y/N: just because
Y/N: hey bro what do you wanna eat
Ghosts thoughts: the souls of the innocent
Ghost: A bagel
Ghosts thoughts: NOOOO
Ghost: Two bagels
Y/N: Riley do you want the ball?
Y/N: *throws the ball*
Riley: *runs for the ball and throws himself into the wall*
Y/N: I can't find it
Ghost: what you looking for?
Y/N: my happiness
Ghost: oh shit lost mine too let me help look
Y/N: That moment when you walk into a room and forgot why
Alejandro: *angrily jumping on them*
Y/N: *falling in slow motion* oh that's right I pranked Alejandro
Lasswell: Kid I gotta tell you something..
Y/N: what is it?
Lasswell: I'm gay..
Y/N: Wha- what does that mean?
Lasswell: It means I like pus-
Y/N: do you still love dad(price)?
Lasswell: ew no
Y/N undercover: Are your parents serial killers… Cause i'm pretty sure they killed mine and IM BACK FOR REVENGE-
Soap: My favourite holiday is halloween
Gaz: So my favourite holiday is christmas what about you Y/N?
Y/N: The purge :D
Ghost: ah that's nice
Price: Ye- wait what.
Y/N: *fishing* Ugh the fish got off
Shepard: Probably cause god is angry
Y/N: About what?
Shepard: Gay marriage
Y/N: Look this is why I don't go fishing with you-
Y/N: Dude lowkey your Dad(Price) is like super hot
Gaz: Lowkey dude that's kinda weird.
Graves: Sir you can't steal in here
Y/N: Wha no i didn't steal anything?
Graves: You stole my heart
Y/N: *giggles* fuck you it's mine now. *runs off with Graves literal heart in their hand*
Y/N: That was the best sex I've ever had
Gaz: Heh nice- hey wait that's my mums(Price) room!
Y/N: and that's why they call me mother fucker
Alejandro: Hey can I get a sip of that water?
Y/N: it's not water
Alejandro: Vodka! I like your stu-
Y/N: it's vinegar.
Alejandro: what..?
Y/N: it's vinegar PUSSY-
Graves: Hey Y/N, Are you straight?
Y/N: Am i straight? mmm uhh mm no sorry I like penis
Y/N and Ghost: What's wrong with the way we dress?
Soap: Well some people say that all black make you look like an evil villain.
Soap: Not me though I think it makes you look like a sexy motorcycle vroom vroom
Y/N: *drunk* next time I open up to someone is my fucking autopsy
Gaz: I worry about you
Ghost: Get in line
Soap: here take my spot.
Price: Y/N, we talked about this..
Y/N: ask me why I love you
Ghost: Why do you love me?
Y/N: I'm glad you ask! *pulls out a 500 slide presentation*
König: *lovingly stroking Y/N’s hair* Your so cute
Y/N: *drunkly* I could beat the shit out of you
König: sure you could
Price: My god do you ever stop with the ‘I wanna die stuff’??
Y/N: I'll stop when I die, that's for sure.
Y/N: I can fit the whole world in my hands!
Alejandro: Amor that's impossible
Y/N: Yes I can *holds Alejandro’s face* See!
Alejandro: *blushes furiously* Get your hands off me, I have a reputation
Price: Where's Y/N?
Rudy: Doing stuff.
Price: Yeah i don't like the sound of that. Where's Gaz?
Rudy: Trying to stop Y/N from doing stuff.
Price: Ghost and Soap?
Rudy: Trying to stop Gaz from stopping Y/N from doing stuff.
Price: Uh Alejandro and König..?
Rudy: Watching it all.
Ghost: I wanna do bad stuff to you.
Y/N: *being interrogated* Like what 😼
Ghost: Break your legs
Ghost: Choke you to death
Ghost: Push you off a building
Y/N: Kinky
Ghost: What the fuck?
Y/N: Is that your hand on my ass?
Alejandro: It was an accident.
Y/N: Your hand is still on my ass
Alejandro: It's still an accident.
Y/N: I have an idea!
König: Maus, your last idea was unnecessary murder
*Taking Alejandro to meet your guardians/parental figures* (amab reader)
Y/N: Okay let's try again, I'm my dad okay?
Alejandro: Fine
Y/N: *lowers their voice* So why should i let you date my child?
Alejandro: Because I can't get them pregnant
Y/N: When I get murdered can you make sure my murder case stays unsolved?
König: What?
Y/N: I wanna be on buzzfeed’s unsolved murder case's
Horangi: Can we go back to you saying ‘when I get murdered’..?
Y/N: Gods give me patience.
Price: Don't you mean power?
Y/N: If the gods gave me powers they'd all be dead.
Soap: So uh I was wondering if you'd go out with me..?
Y/N: Yeah I'd love too!
Soap: You'll come arou- WAIT DID YOU JUST SAY YES?!
Soap: *runs off*
Y/N: so can I leave or..?
Soap: *running back dragging Ghost behind him*
Soap: Say it! Say it again!!
Y/N and Alejandro fighting
Rudy: What absolute idiots.
Rudy: I can't believe I fell in love with them both.
Anyway thank you for joining me in my silly lil guy shenanigans ٩(ᐛ)و
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dirtybitfic · 3 months
matt sturniolo x fem reader
contains~ smutt, violence , chasing , threatening calls
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your pov-
I was sitting on my couch watching a movie eating some chocolate covered strawberries . I was supposed to be out with friends tonight but they cancelled on me last minute. So i'm all alone in my house bored as an absolute mother fucker.
I couldn't tell you how long i've been sitting here watching movies but i'm getting tired of it so I decided to take a shower.
I made my way upstairs when I heard a loud bang from outside . I would normally be shitting my pants but its storming really hard outside so I write it off .
I grabbed my speaker and connected my phone and started my shower playlist.
I got into my hot steamy shower singing along to the songs as I washed my body . I heard another loud sound outside but again its storming so I choose to ignore it . I just started rinsing out the conditioner in my hair when my power went out.
I immediately freaked out rushing to find my towel in the dark bathroom. I have a major fear of the dark , so much that my heart is pounding and I can feel it in my throat. I finally find my towel and turn off my speaker and turn on my phone flashlight.
I make my way out of the bathroom and down to the breaker in the down stairs laundry room. I have a chilling feeling that runs up my back as I reach the end of the stairs. I look around to see if there is any movement just to be safe . I make my way down the hall to the laundry room and open the door and find the breaker on the wall .
I flip the switch for the electric and the lights come back on and my heart starts to slow down . I sigh loudly as I make my way back to the shower to finish rinsing my hair. I turn the water back on and hop in rinsing the rest of the conditioner out and stand under the hot water for a bit to calm my nerves.
I make my way back out of the bathroom in my towel and enter my bedroom . I had left my curtains open earlier but I made my way over to shut them since I was about to change.
As I was making my way to my closet for a pair of underwear and a sleep shirt my phone rang.
*you answer the phone
what's your favorite scary movie?
I start to feel a weird feeling in my gut telling me I should hang up but ... I don't
what's your favorite scary movie?
listen im not in the mood for prank calls so fuck off
no need to get hostile the deep voice says from the other line
im sorry but really im not in the mood so bye
I hang up the phone and go to my closet grabbing the clothes I need and go back to my room . My phone rings again. And my stomach drops.
Listen im gonna get pissed off in a second so stop calling me
wait don't hang up
fine what do you want
I wanna know your favorite scary movie
because I just do come on tell me
I don't know . I guess the original scream ...and this call is feeling very familiar now that I think about it
mmm interesting choice why do you like the scream movies
reasons that I will not be telling a stranger on the phone so bye
I hang up the phone again . I honestly just want to go to bed i'm tired and pissed off now . I take off my towel drying my hair then the rest of the water off my body .
my phone rings again this time I pick it up and I don't hold back.
your cute when your angry the voice on the other end says with a dark chuckle.
what ... what the fuck did you just say the line goes dead and I start to panic. My heart is racing and my breathing accelerated I quickly throw on my underwear and shirt and turn around to face the door .
I hear a small creak down the hall and I look around my room for anything I can use as a weapon only to find nothing.
I internally curse myself for not owning weapons but in what world would I ever think a man could be in my house playing tricks on me .
I hear another creak and I back up closer to the window . I decided to crack the curtains and look outside to see if I could see someone in the backyard but all I see is darkness and trees swaying from the storm.
I hear another creak this time downstairs. I stupidly decided to tip toe my way to the door and open in and slowly make my way down the hall to the stairs . I hear another creak then another and I immediately clutch my chest feeling my hart beat so fast I feel like I could drop dead any second. One thing about me is fear... excited me it's embarrassing my fear and adrenaline turn me on .
I hear foot steps get closer to the stairs and I whip around the wall so if the person looks up they won't see me .
The only thing is how did the person on the phone know how I looked pissed off. There was no-one in my room ....
I hear steps up the stairs slowly. I hold my breath .
I know you're up there sweetheart a deep voice says and my pulse quickens. The voice matches the one from the phone call .
I slowly tip toe my way back down the hall keeping watch of the stairs as I hear the stairs creek under his feet. I creep across the wall but my back hits a picture and it falls off the wall . FUCK
The person runs up the stairs and I see a man tall and thin with broad shoulders . In a ghostface mask at the top of the stairs menacingly turning his head to look at me . I hold my breathe as he tilts his head . I clench my thighs as the sight. I should be scared out of my mind right now but that fucking mask. It does things to me .
You gonna run he asks his deep voice muffled by the mask.
I immediately turn and run to my room as his steps follow close behind before I can even close the door his foot stops it and he slams in open so hard I fall back on my ass. That fucking hurt.
I look up at him as he cocks his head to the side and I can just tell hes smirking at me . fucking asshole.
He steps in and I crawl back on my hands as I push away with my feet . My breathing is so loud it’s all that can be heard inside my dark room.
this helpless victim look is really good on you he says as he walks to stand above me as my back hits the end of my bed frame.
I kick his shin and he grunts but doesn't move .
I wish I meant what I just said but every part of me wants nothing more than this masked man to stay .
ohhh but thats no fun . You never answered my question he says as he bends down right in front of my face .
yes I did I told you my favorite movie now get the fuck out
not that question ,... my follow up question
wh-what follow up question .
honestly I didn't wanna answer that question it would escalate the situation i'm in right now and I know my dumb ass would enjoy the outcome but im trying to make smart choices by keeping my answer to myself.
You know what question don't act stupid sweetheart he says deeply as he gets even closer to my face .
like I said im not telling you now.Leave before I call the cops
oh I wouldn't do that if I were you
oh yeah and why not
he pulls out a knife and glides it up my thigh causing my muscles to tense . Now im actually scared.
because id have to hurt you ... and that the last thing I want to have to do he says and the blade moves over my arm and under my chin as he tilts my chin up to look at him. I hate that the mask shows none of his face and the dark room does nothing to reveal his eyes under the mask. But I know he's making eye contact with me I can feel it.
t-then what do you want to do to me
answer my question and maybe ill answer yours he says in a deep husky tone
o-okay i... I like scream because of the masks
mmm ... and what do the masks make u feel
i... turned on . Im totally fucked but the fact he has a knife so close to my neck is the reason i'm answering honestly . Not to mention the obvious arousal soaking my thong right now.
atta girl see was that so hard to say he slowly retracts the knife and puts it behind him.
n-no .now answer my question
mmm you really wanna know
yes I say in a whisper as he moves even closer so his mask covered face is right by my ear.
i've been watching you for a while . I have cameras in your house that you'd never know where there ... my breathe hitches as I think about all the things i've done in my house that he could have watched ... embarrassing things id never want anyone to see.
the things I want to do to you are depraved , dark and rough . his hand slides up my thigh dangerously close to my soaked pussy thats clenching from the words he's said.
the worst thing is I was planning on taking you as my next victim . But something so beautiful should never be killed for the fun of it. i've groan to crave you in other ways.Your little mask kink makes this ten times better.
his hand grazes my soaked thong and a small whimper leaves my mouth.
y-you were going to...kill me I gasp as his fingers slip past the fabric and graze my bare pussy.
yes but now... I have other things in mind for you
l-like what I whine as his fingers touch my clit and rub small circles.
like this he says as his fingers plunge into my soaked pussy and I clench around them
hmm I whine as he hits a good spot with his long slender fingers.
do you want me to stop he asks in a low voice.
I shake my head N-no
you like this don't you
I nod my head yes
just a beautiful deranged little mess
I cry out as his fingers speed up and I feel myself close to orgasming. I know this is wrong.. so very wrong but i've never felt so alive in my life. It's my fantasy come to life .
f-fuck oh my I moan as I grasp his bicep.
so... so beautiful he says as his other hand traces my face.
my legs start to shake as my orgasm approaches
you gonna cum all over my fingers
y-yes god yes
give it to me I want to watch you fall apart as you cum on my fingers
his words set my skin ablaze as I cum all over his fingers as whimpers escape my mouth
oh-my god
he pulls his fingers out of me as he lifts his mask to suck his fingers clean .
I notice his nice pink lips and the light stubble on his chin and sharp jawline and the small stubble above his lip .
he drops it back down as I catch my breathe.
what's you name beautiful
I knew it would be as beautiful as I imagined
what's your name its only fair I know
he takes a second probably contemplating if he should tell me or not.
my name is matt
well matt ... what else do you want to do to me
mmm you have no idea he groans as he cups my cheeks in his large hands .
enlighten me then I say as I grow more excited with each second .
get on the bed and spread your legs wide for me
I get up and sit on the edge of the bed slipping off my thong and spreading my legs wide.
such a pretty little pussy he groans as he kneels at the end of the bed.
his large hands come up to the mask as he slowly slides it off his face and MY GOD HES BEAUTIFUL. Bright blue eyes, sculpted cheeks and rich brown hair that falls perfectly over his forehead.
wow I sigh as I take in his face .
he looks up at me with his beautiful eyes as a smirk lands on his lips.
like what you see
like is an understatement
he chuckles .
he stands up as he slips his shirt over his head reveling an arm covered in tattoos and cut collar bones and broad shoulders.
he leans over me as he smashes his lips on mine in a deep kiss that has my heart fluttering and my body melting into the bed.
I move my hands up over his stomach and over his shoulders to the back of his neck pulling him closer to me by his hair and he groans into the kiss.
he pulls away as his hands move to the bottom of my shirt sliding it up and over my head.
so beautiful he groans as he takes my nipple into his mouth .
I moan as I arch into him as he sucks and nips creating bruises on my tits.
his hands moves to my waist as he pulls me closer to him .
I can feel his large thick bulge through his jeans causing me to moan louder . He unlatches from my tits and hovers back over me .
I move my hands down his body to his belt slowly unbuckling it .
He groans as he watches my smaller hands remove his belt and unbutton his jeans. I slowly slide them down as he kicks them off completely and dear god the bulge confined by his boxers is huge I audibly gulp.
What’s the matter … scared you can’t take it he says with a smirk
I roll my eyes and pull him closer to me by his hips.
I know I can take it I testify as I move one hand to palm his dick. This is definitely gonna hurt .
Mmm we’ll see about that he says as he slides his boxers down and his dick smacks his stomach.
It’s large thick and veiny . I stare unintentionally as his large hand wraps around it strocking it a couple times.
He steps closer to me as he aligns himself with my entrance. I sigh as he rubs the tip through my wet folds .
You sure you want this he asks genuinely which I admire him getting my consent givin the circumstances.
I nod my head . yes Matt I want it I say as I look into his eyes
He groans as he slowly slides the tip in causing me to hiss from the stretch from how thick he is .
He stares down at me watching my face noticeably scrunched in discomfort.
You okay he ask as he stops pushing in .
Mhm your just … really big
I know sweetheart but you can take it he coos and the mention of the Nick name has me clenching around him.
Mmm you like when I call you that hmm
He says in a deep voice causing me to shudder.
Mmhm I whimper as he pushes in deeper
You’re almost there being such a good girl he groans causing me to moan and pulse around him.
He pushes all the way in and I gasp . I’ve never felt so full in my entire life . He stills letting me adjust to his size . I tap his arm after a little bit .
Y-you can move
He starts thrusting in and out slowly causing me to whine. The stinging stretch feeling is going away and morphing into pure pleasure.
F-fuck faster please please I whine and he immediately picks up pace causing me to moan loudly as he hits so deep in me I feel him in my guts.
Such a good girl taking me so well he groans as he keeps eyes contact with me as I writhe underneath him.
F-fuck your so deep I moan as he speeds up pace even more as my eyes shut and my head falls back onto the bed.
I feel and orgasm creeping in and my legs start to slightly shake.
Fuck your so fucking wet for me
He groans as he grips my hips harder maintaining the same pace that has my eyes rolling into the back of my head.
Fuck I’m so close mmm
I moan as I look up at him and maintain eye contact as he smirks at me .
Come on cum all over my cock like the little slut you are
The second those words leave his mouth my orgasm hits me like a train and I shake underneath him as whimpers leave my mouth.
Fu-fuck oh my god I gasp as I come down from my high and he still continues fucking into me at a fast pace.
Fuck you feel so good he groans as he grips my highs and pulls them over his shoulder as he wraps his arms around them holding my calves to his chest . He’s hitting my gspot repeatedly causing my back to arch and my legs to shake.
F-fuck harder I moan and he looks down at me .
Yeah you want me to pound this pussy
I moan at his words and nod my head.
Y-yes fuck yes please
He starts pounding into me roughly and my legs shake uncontrollably.
I can’t help but scream from how deep he is . I’ve never felt this good having sex before and I don’t want it to end.
Sound so pretty when you scream he groans as he pounds into me harder .
I feel pressure building telling me I’m going to squirt .
I grabs his thigh and whine not being able to get words out .
Let it out sweetheart
He coos as I shake under him as I squirt all over his dick .
Fuckk just like that so fucking sexy he groans as I gasp and shake under him.
JESUS CHRIST I scream as I come down and I look down at my stomach to see his dick bulging up into my stomach.
He looks down smirking as he watches the way my stomach bulges with every thrust
Feel how deep I am hmm he says pressing a hand down making me scream
FUCK FUCK OH MY - G -GOD the pleasure he’s giving me right now is beyond anything I’ve ever felt in my life.
I grab his arm tightly as I throw my head back and my mouth hangs open as I breathe so hard it sounds like I’m hyperventilating
Tell me how good I’m making you feel he rasps as his free hand grabs my throat making me look back at him
So good - s-so fucking good I whimper as I feel another orgasm approaching
Such a good girl for me you close sweetheart
He says as I clench around him.
Y-yes fuck I’m gonna cum I whine as I feel my legs shake and the pressure close to breaking.
Cum all over my cock baby come on I know you can do it
I scream out as I cum all over him and I shake uncontrollably.
That’s it doing so good He groans as he fucks me through my orgasm
I come down and I’m still shaking from overstimulation.
He stops thrusting and pulls out I whine.
Flip over on your stomach he rasps and I do just that.
My arms are in front of me gripping the comforter as his hands trace my waist to my ass.
He groans as his hand come down harshly on my ass causing me to jolt .
Such a beautiful girl he coos as I moan
He lines his tip back up to my entrance plunging in deep and hard.
I scream as he pounds into me so hard my legs lift of the bed and kick at his ass.
I scream out as I move my hands to try and push him away but he grabs them with one hand and yanks my hair back with the other causing me whine.
I thought you said you can handle me
He rasps as he thrust into me harder and I scream.
Yeah is my dirty little slut feeling good
Mmmhm I whine as my legs shake and another orgasm crashes over me out of nowhere .
Fuck keep fucking squeezing me just like that he groans as his thrust get sloppy and he lets go of my hair pulling my arms back straight and my back arches of the bed and he plows into me fast and ruff.
Fuuuck gonna let me fill you up ?
He asks as his thrust get sloppy
Mmmhm fuck please give it to me
I whine as I grab onto his arms as my legs shake uncontrollably.
Fuck god damn he groans as I feel his cum fill me up and his thrust slow down as he fucks his cum into me nice and slow.
He pulls out slowly as I whine .
He grabs my hair and there’s a camera in my face .
Such a pretty face he says as I look back at him and notice he put the mask back on I’m guessing for the picture he just took .
He takes it back off throwing it in the ground.
Come on let’s get you in a shower he says as he picks me up and takes me into the bathroom as I go pee and he turns the water on . I just showered but after everything he just did to me I’m in need of another one.
I get in as he stands behind me lathering me in body wash and letting me rinse it off .
My hair is already washed so we just stand under the hot water letting our muscles relax.
After probably 20 minutes we get out and dry off I go to my room and grab a new pair of underwear and a sweatshirt and sit back down on the bed.
He comes and sits next to me .
Can I tell you something he asks as he looks down at me
I said as I looked up at him .
I was never planning on killing you obviously I’m not a murderer I actually found this he says as he reaches down into a bag I guess he had with him.
He pulls out a note book that looks very familiar. My diary I’d been looking for for weeks.
You had left it in a coffee shop and I picked it up and read a couple pages which I’m sorry about that but I saw your number and address in the please return too page and I couldn’t help myself but find out who you were.
I just look at him in shock obviously he read specific pages which led him to what he did tonight
I read the page of your ghost face fantasy and well you know … after watching you for a couple days I decided to give it a go
Damn… I mean I don’t know what to say… is it weird to thank you for making my fantasy come true
I don’t think it’s weird at all to say that
Well I mean I got lucky to be honest your hot and definitely my type which makes it even better
Oh really you think I’m hot he asks with a smirk I shove his shoulder blushing .
Oh shut up Matt
Well … would you ever want to go on a date with me like a normal date no crazy fantasies involved
I’d love that and … you wanna stay over tonight I’m sure exhausted and I know you probably are too
Sure why not he says smiling getting up and walking to the opposite side of the bed and laying down pulling me into him.
We cuddle and drift to sleep
The end 💋
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sucker4sixx · 18 days
Nikki sixx X curvy stripper
Plot: nikki falls hard for the unexpected
Warnings: body shaming (not much) , nsfw
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The hot clammy air of the strip club sticks to your skin like a bad smell as you make your way to the pole.
You were one of the special acts, bigger than the other girls.. men really seemed to love it. You stare straight ahead as you slowly slide your body down the pole, your eyes meeting with a tall manly rockstar, his hair spiked and his eyes wild as he watches you like a child seeing a toy he cant have.
Throughout your slow and sensual dance he continues to stare like hes in a trance, his friends teasing him for liking the bigger girl as you spin around the pole. You didnt know his name but his friends kept saying “sixx” sixx? You wondered what it meant as you continued your performance, stuffing the notes into your bra.
Once you were finished you walk off stage, fixing your makeup and hair to look presentable for the main area to give men private dances. You step out and strut around, sixx standing in front of you “hey big boy, $50 for a special dance” you repeat like a robot, his cheeks going alittle red “you were really great up there ma’am” he smirks alittle, even though he was undeniably nervous around you. “Awe, thankyou honey, ive never seen anyone so mesmerised in my time here” you start walking and he follows. “Ive never seen a bigger lady, i didnt expect to like it” he admits, you glance back, he looked a similar age but he acted so innocent in his haze of curiosity.
“The bigger the better, right?” You smirk, offering another man a dance, he shoves you away, not liking the whole big girl thing “hey keep your fucking hands to yourself mother fucker!” Nikki shouts, catching the people around off gaurd.
Eventually nikki leaves. The next night while your preforming you catch his eyes as he stares in awe just like the night before, when you blow him a kiss he goes all red faced, clearing his throat. Just like the night before once you enter the disgusting main area sixx ran up to you “hey sweetheart” you smile, enjoying the company “hey big mama” he smiles, looking alittle more comfortable “big mama?!” You laugh, tonight you had to collect dirty glasses and tips, no dances.
“I thought youd like it, i never caught your name” he leans against the sticky bar as he watches you pass the glasses to the woman behind the bar “well.. guess” he smiles “layla?” “Nope” “tiffany?” “Nope” “beth??” You laugh “nope! Its penny, and your sixx?” You shake his hand, nikki looking confused as to how you know “y-yeah.. nikki sixx, how did you know?” “Your friends arent the quietest, so.. nikki, why are you here alone?” He looks alittle embarrassed “well.. i wanted to see you” “well.. sorry sixx, im not doing dances tonight” he shakes his head “no.. i just wanted to chat” “your crazy”
Two weeks pass and nikki never makes a pass at you untill one night, hes definitely on something and passes you a $50 “one private dance from my big mama please” he grins and you lead him back to the booths
“i was wondering when youd cave” you sit him down, stripping down to your underwear, hes never seen a curvy body up close but something about your belly was so gorgeous, his hand softly graze the skin “i was just scared..” he whispers, your fingers running through his hair “how much money to get you nude?” He whispers, keeping his tone low and growly “another $50 but.. make it $25” he smiles as he hears your hushed hussle, passing you the $25.
You slowly take your bra and panties off, sitting onto his lap to start grinding “jesus..” nikki whispers, his fingers tightening around your squishy waist, because of wearing no boxers under his thin latex pants he can feel your bare pussy more than he expected, his fingers flexing alittle “god.. and how about actually fucking you.. how much?” You giggle and grind alittle harder “not on the menu” causing him to whimper alittle.
The dance gets alittle heated and you knew he would cum before it was over, gripping the shitty chair tightly and grunting as you rubbed your ass against his straining erection “j-jesus.. fuck.. why am i so god damn weak” he growls out, shaking “are you gonna cum in your pants baby boy?” You giggle, nikki was definitely attractive and saying you didnt catch a wee workplace crush on him was a lie “fuck.. m-maybe.. I think i am.. yeah” you circle your hips, he fights against everything in his power not to grab me as he cums in his tight latex pants “shit.. oh shit” he pants, laying his head against your back.
You walk nikki out the door and the next night you wait for him but he didnt show up, or the next night and the three nights after that. You itch to see his gorgeous green eyes and his stupid sexy smile.
After a week of not seeing him you leave the strip club to go home, on your walk down the strip you see a familiar fluff ball sitting on the curb, head hung and a bottle of jack in his hand, you sit beside him. “Hey baby boy” he gasps back to life, smiling drunkly at you “big mama” he slurs, his eyes rolling back “shh, cmon, let me take you home” you help him up “where abouts do you stay?” You look up at him and he scratches his head “no where.. just, take me to a bus stop” he slurs heavily, picking up his bag. You decide to just take him back to yours and when you get to your front door he stumbles alittle “where are we?” He hiccups “my place, your not sleeping on the streets”
You get him cosy on the couch but quickly hes slipping into your bed “hey, is everything okay?” He nods “just.. lonley” “nikki, we arent going to fuck-“ “no.. not like that, i just wanted to.. feel someone near” he slurs, turning round to face you, his eyes heavy with sleep and alcohol. “Why did you stop coming round?” He chuckles “after jizzing in my pants? Thats embarrassing.. no way id let you see me again” you stroke his hair softly “i missed you..” his large hands wrap around your curvy figure.
“You drive me crazy”
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geronimomo-spd · 10 months
what i truly want for Crowley and Aziraphale in season 3 is this: fresh interactions of how being a couple means to them!!!
these are two aro-spec mother fuckers trying to be a couple for the first time, someone posted a while ago that they would be insuffreble when they come together, which is very true as i really support it, but before that!! i want them like, to figure out what they feel like as a couple slowely, i want Azirapahel to reach out to crowley and crowely actually leaning into him for the first time, trying to give Aziraphale what he wants, and i want Azi to be like ??? stare at him for a second, just because he is not used to this omg!! and Crowey would be like 'oh shit... he did not want that apperently' and trying to step away... just for Azi to be like NO PLEASE COME BACK and they are both smiling at each other.
I want Azirapahle to think that now they're a couple, he must hold Crowley's hand all the time and hug him in ways Azi doesn't want to do, but thinks they should because they are now a couple, and i want Crowley to think that they are a couple now so he must be overly nice to Aziraphale which would leave him all confused.
I want them to work on misgivings and expectations of human coupling until they figure out that they really don't need to change themselves to be more palatable and diffrent just because they are now "offical". they are useless, do you expect them to be completely normal and calm about being together?? they would want to show the other they are willing to take the first step! they would over try and tear themselves a new one just for now not exactly knowing how to oparate being in the same room together, just that they love each other and are also extremly happy by this equasion!
then... little by little, settle into loving each other, taking what they learned each other loved, (which im guessing would be hugs, tender face touches, the works!) and settle into being with each other!! learning that yes, they can be more affectinite to each other, just that that they don't have to be "the perfect partner" by human standers, and i do not care how long that would take, even just, two scenes like this would kill me, but it will show that these two beings need to work to figure this relationship out and would be so in character for them!!
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this is gonna sound-not wrong-but like “you shouldn't write for this” and ashduiashda whatever, i don't care, but-i think im getting...Discouraged to write for Harry :/ i love the chaotic fucker still, mans is my first legitimate crush and i sill want to write for him and at least finish all the stories i started for him. but...i don't get anything back for writing him, and i know i shouldn't write for validation or attention but-i don't get any comments, or like-anything anymore for him; im also basically-his only writer on here-and every once in a while ill get a comment, or a rare reblog, but its just...discouraging to get no response to something i wrote and fell in love with (poyw 2.0 being my most recent thing that's gotten like-nothing) i basically put rypl on semi-perm hiatus cuz i never get anything on it, i asked forever ago if anyone would want it to continue and got alot of people asking me to continue, but when i posted the next part....there was nothing
idk, i think i might take a break from Harry, i love him, and of course ill make stupid personal stuff and finish the stuff that is currently going (cant stop this feeling) but...idk, just-getting nothing in response to my writing, and ouad getting so much attention (even if its just because its one of the few fics available) just made me realize....writing for Harry isnt as....fun anymore.
which sucks, i love this mother fucker, he’s the reason i truly dove into writing, the reason ive developed my art, hes how i made so many friends on here but...idk...i just feel like im standing here alone in my corner and no one bothers to look twice. like yeah ill get likes but...it just feels nice to get a comment or whatever my works .
i guess the closest thing i could link this too would be burn out. so i guess this is kinda my announcement that, after this little harry commission im writing. im going to be taking a break from Harry, ill prob still post something of him once in a while, but most likly, encore 2.0 will be a very slow updating fic and any oneshots, or other multiparts-will be very few and far inbetween...idk.
i guess i just feel sad that i dont really get any validation for my stupid stuff, which i know, i know isnt the point of writing/art but-it still feels nice and getting noting i guess has-pulled me away from writing for Harry.
so-this is a temporary goodbye to Harry Hook, hope to see you soon dude.
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sebsxphia · 1 year
tlou ep. 6 got me f*cked up in a number of ways, one of which being hearing joel say "you squeeze the trigger like you love it. gentle, steady, nice and slow"
joel miller x inexperienced reader where he's showing you how to stroke him
just replace trigger with c*ck, sprinkle in some innocence kink, and whoops I'm pregnant 🤰
like. joel miller. you mother fucker. is that you telling us how you like to make love?? hm??? gentle, steady, nice and slow??? fucking!! fuck!!!!! me!!!!!!!
“that’s it, squeeze my cock like you love it, but you do love it, don’t you, baby?”
i don’t- i can’t- believe we got that for free i need to fucking rewatch it. thank you so much for this thot my dear anon!! 💌
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dylanmunson · 2 years
pretty boy / eddie munson
chapter 1 / story /// masterlist word count : 1.2k
Luna mood board
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It was the weekend before we go back to school, dad is at work and im sat trying to mentally prepare myself for the hell hole that is Hawkins High school. I pull my soft blonde hair into a messy bun on the top of my head before pulling on my converse, grabbing my roller skates and wondering over to the Mayfields trailer. 
Knocking on max's window and waiting for a few seconds before the red head opens it 'can i help?' she grins 'wanna go for a skate?' i grin holding up my boots, she chuckles before closing the window and coming out the front door with her board in hand. 
We walk down to the park Max is off skating while i put my boots on, watching the little red head flip off anyone in her way. I chuckle standing up and skating off, theres few other kids/teens here on this muggy sunday afternoon. We skate round for a little longer, slowing down my pace as Max is stood to the side talking some boys her age. 'hey kiddo whats up?' i skate up to her gripping her by the shoulders to stop myself. 
'nothing just theres losers trying to get me to play dnd with them' she smiles at me, 'ahhh the old dungeons and dragons' i grin sticking my tongue out. 'awh maxie are you sure you dont wanna play?' i grin teasing the girl. She rolls her eyes 'really?' she chuckles 'i dont wanna play that loser game' 'hey its not a loser game' i grin 'i mean' 'Maxine Mayfield, apologise to your friends for calling their game a loser game' i grin at her. She flips me the bird before skating off. I laugh as she goes off, before turning to the boys. 'thanks i guess' the curly haired one says rubbing his arm 'for?' i grin doing a little spin so i dont lose my balance and fall over. 'for not calling it a stupid loser game' the raven haired boy says, i grin 'but its not a stupid loser game' i raise a brow at the boys. 
'i used to play actually' i grin before turning my back to the boys 'wait what?' i smile at them over my shoulder before skating off. 'hey wait' one of them calls, i just chuckle and carry on skating, when someone pushes their skate board in front of me causing me to trip over my feet, i put my hands out in front of me to break my fall. 'shit' i groan rubbing my wrist, moving to sit on my bum. My knees all bloody and my wrist hurting like a mother fucker. 
'what happened?' Max says running over 'Max its time to go home come on' i groan at the voice 'billy you cant jus-' 'cant just what?' he grins at her, i stay sat on the floor holding my wrist. 'mhm?' he chuckles putting a cig in between his lips before lighting it. 'come on' he says before turning out, 'go its fine' i smile softly at the red head, she sighs picking up her board before following her older brother to his car. 'alright shows over' i groan, seeing a small crowd start to form. I pull myself up slowly, wobbling a little in the process. 'whoa easy' the curly haired boy from before says holding my arm, stopping me from tumbling onto my butt. 
'Dustin' he smiles holding onto my arm, helping me to the side so i can take my boots off. 'luna' i smile holding my hand out to him 'you kids not skating?' he just shakes his head 'we were just hoping max would wanna play' he chuckles, i nod groaning as i take my boots off 'you should probably get that checked' he says pointing to my wrist. 'ive had worse' i smile at him. 'but thank you' i smile at the curly haired boy in front of me. He nods 'i dont suppose you wanna join us for a game of dnd?' he chuckles taking his hat off and running a hand through his curls. 'look kid' i smile 'i bar--' 'henderson, there you are' 'steve?!' 'luna hi' he smiles. 
'You know?' 'yeah i kinda baby sit him and the other kids sometimes' he chuckles putting his arm around dustins shoulders, 'whoa hey, you good?' he chuckles looking at my knees, 'im fine' i sigh 'she isnt, she went down hard' dustin says looking up at the older boy, 'she hurt her wrist as well' he nods 'hey' steve moves closer to me taking my hand into his, i hiss in pain, he frowns down at me 'we should get that checked out' i shake my head 'like i told the kid, ive had worse' i shrug, pulling my arm away. 
'no, im not having it, come on' he says putting his arm around my shoulder and leading me away from the park. 
I open my eyes adjusting to the light as steve drops me back home after the short hospital visit. My wrist now all bandaged up and no skating for at least a month. My knees also clean from any blood, but will definitely be bruised tomorrow. 'thanks i suppose' i smile at the older boy, 'its not a problem honestly, just cant believe it took so much convincing to get you to go' he chuckles, i bite my lip looking at my lap nodding my head. 'yeah well me and hospitals arent exactly friends steve' i shrug. 
Silence filling the air, he coughs 'i uh, i actually wanted to ask you' he starts looking at me 'steve i already told you, no' i chuckle, he laughs 'no not that' he grins 'i got that message loud and clear blue' he grins 'no i was gonna ask if youd keep an eye out for henderson and the others at school, they start freshmen year tomorrow' he chuckles, i nod my head 'ahh' i grin 'of course' i smile 'keep the bullies and weirdos away' i nod saluting him, 'you know what i mean luna' he chuckles 'besides your one of the weirdos' he grins 'im wounded Harrington' i say putting my hand over my heart grinning. 'loser' he chuckles 'i'll see you around steve' i smile getting out of the car, he nods 'see ya lu' 
I pull open the door and walk into the trailer, hearing his car set off down the trailer park, i sigh throwing myself onto the sofa 'hey dad' i grin as he walks out of the bathroom 'hey kiddo' he looks up at me 'what happened this time' he chuckles sitting himself next to me, i shrug and show him my arm 'some kid was being a jerk' i smile 'fell over was all' i mumble yawning. He nods 'you gotta be more careful lu' he smiles kissing my head, i nod 'i know but it wasnt my fault' i chuckle 'get some rest lu' he smiles 'youve got big day ahead of ya tomorrow' he chuckles, i groan 'yeah dont remind me' i grin before getting up and walking to my room 'night dad, love you' i smile 'love you to lu' he smiles. 
Munsons tag list
@steves-robin + @onlydruig @tenderhornynihilist  + @itsyouimagines @witchsbitchestime @kyomiite @girl-with-an-orange-cat @flatoust11 @udontcarethisshit @chloepricerk800 @kellysimagines @caitfrogs @tinkbasically @bdpst-massacre @lagataprrr @goldenharrysworld @stephanie-lkj @get-me-to-wonderland
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oleanderblume · 1 year
So something wild happened to me yesterday.
I got punched in the face a whole bunch by some 40 yr old man with anger issue and piss poor impulse control.
I was driving (cause im a truck driver and it's my job) and i have my signal on to change into the far right lane in order to exit. There's no one close behind me and I'm going maybe 50 miles an hour right?
So I start moving over and as I'm moving, this white rig is coming up behind me in the same lane, but he's well and far away from me at this point and I have been merging pretty slowly because the road behind me is congested with standstill traffic from construction.
This white bobtailed asshole gets big mad about me merging and rolls into the right side shoulder, blaring his horn and speeding up around me to cut me off in the right lane.
Lemme repeat that. This dude deliberately drives onto the shoulder of the road to pass me. (This is because there was a truck on my left and he couldn't pass over there and was too impatient to abide the fucking law)
So he cuts me off and slams on his brakes to brake check me. And I'm going like, 47 mph right now and I'm just confused on what this fucker is trying to accomplish. We ALL had been sitting at a dead stop for like 30 minutes due to the construction, and it was a one lane road that opened into 3. So of course people are speeding up pretty slowly, and moving over to the lanes they need to be in like. What is this dudes fucking rush.
So I am trying to exit, I have my signal on, I'm slowing down specifically to exit cause there's a stoplight at that exit and I'm trying to get to the truck stop at that exit. This white bobtail takes the same exit, I'm not thinking much of it because why the fuck would I? I'm not the one pissing my pants over changing lanes.
Well I have to pull up at the light directly behind this dude because I'm trying to get to the flying j on that road. Light is red. This mother fucker jumps out of his truck, walks over to me and CLIMBS MY GOD DAMNED DOOR AND STARTS FUCKING PUNCHING ME IN THE FACE.
At the intersection.
So of course it draws attention because uh. WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT.
The trucks around me and their drivers start jumping out of their rigs to stop this dude because he's punching me and trying to pull me out of my fucking window, because I "cut him off"
And he finally stops and goes back to his rig and I'm just what the fuck.
So anyways. I got punched a bunch in the face yesterday and I have had a headache since then and my face and nose fucking hurt. 🙃
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solesommerso · 2 years
hi sammy!! im so sorry— I accidentally sent this ask to @smaoineamhsalach originally but they kindly sent me in the right direction!
your tessellate fic is gorgeous and it made me think,, what song do you think 20 squad (+ rocker) would put on in the background to… yk 😉😉??
~ the content below is 18+, if a minor or uncomfortable with sexual content please click away, I am not responsible for the media you consume or interact with
Hi love, glad you made it here!! Thank you so much, I freaking love how my tessellate fic came out so I’m glad others are enjoying it <3
Okay getting into everything, I had a tone of fun finding these and would love to hear what others think 😚😚
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Chris- I Feel Like I’m Drowning - Two Feet
- something about this screams Chris to me, I think it has to do with the slow build up and heavy bass drop. “All my friends think you’re vicious and they say you’re suspicious” that has Chris written all over it. She gives me the cub that she’d do her best to slowly kill you til you couldn’t take it anymore and just needed her
Luca- Strip That Down - Liam Payne
- I’ve definitely been over that he’s into clubbing with you and showing you off so I can see this fitting him. He’s loves the goofy and non-serious parts of your relationship and this song definitely feels like something you guys could laugh around while also being serious enough to get spicy
Tan- Silver - Nic Nim
- this song has always been my biggest headcanon for Tan and I take no arguments. Everything about it screams Tan to me, it’s soft, sensual, elegant in a way and I just know that man loves to do anything he can for you to make you feel as gorgeous as he can. “And you would acquiesce to anything I wanted” that’s the most Tan line I’ve ever heard
Street- A Little Death - The Neighborhood (we could say Tessellate but this is just such a good song I couldn’t ignore it)
- it’s such a steady beat and low feel (if that makes sense) that Street would totally be all over this song. “Make me feel like I’m breathing, feel like I am human” I think Street can definitely use sex as a way to make himself feel alive or even just to forget about all the bad that he’s had to deal with throughout the day
Hondo- Just A Lil Bit - 50 cent
- Hondo fucking to 50 cent runs rent free in my head and I know that man blares that shit. Any of 50’s songs really, just a lil bit seems like his favorite. “Clothes off, ass up, face down, come on” I’m on my kneesssssss
Deacon- Lips On You - Maroon 5
- I could’ve used so many Maroon 5 songs but this one’s my favorite for Deac. Every lyric is perfect for him, it’s about closeness and I know that an love sto kiss you any place he can reach. “Make you cry for me, when I put my lips on you, I hear your voice echoing all throughout the night for me” this kinky mother fucker would love to hear you crying all night
Rocker- PillowTalk - Zayn
- something about this song makes me think of him, I think it’s the controlling personality he gives me. He’d totally be a pleasure dom. “I love to hold you close tonight and always” he’d totally give you rough ass sex then hold you into his chest telling you how good you were for her and how he would never want anyone else
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October 5, 2023
Working on energy is the hardest thing I ever had to do because my brain keeps thinking and wanting to freestyle but you have to pay people to use a beat.
Mother fuckers will also create lies and play you so that way they can build up off the damage they give you and make you watch them give the simple care , love for another person that even put you down. Any man that lets his friends put you down hes not for you. Staying in a womans place is one thing I had to learn how to do the hardway and mind my own thoughts as well. You will be judged and men hold on to the past more instead of moving forward.
Never going to be able to understand it either because its crazy women will not waste time in their life living like that . Some women will mentally shun you out just to fuck you over.
Shit family even lies as well. I love you. BUllsshit lies. I don't know what life thinks this is or why people feel its okay to "play better ". Especially this " Cafe thats on my street . "The living room " its a Christian based place and the girl behind the counter had this fuck you atitude like it was funny because 'She was Insecure"
People will talk shit about you knowing damn well they have no room to talk or even speak and well they are just as fucking stupid as well. Even more funny when people think I am missing out on anything . "Oh shes a piece of shit". And your a cry baby bitch . A man that lets another women vent to him but you can't is not your man. Love changed alot it will never be what I saw with my grandmother and grandfather . Its crazy and funny because this is not what my daughter will tolerate.
I went through alot of shit to fix her damage not letting another man add to my pain my life my story . Talk to me "like Im stupid and slow." No you have no soul. Thats why they have second death in the gates of hell because that is evil and mean . Wish good on people . Etc. Etc. I was told read book of exodus as well and well its hard to practice and be perfect in faith when a man will project more mental anguish into you and go "ughh" like a female. And look at me like im stupid.
Brush ya teeth fool. Love is a job as well. I can see that. Women don't gain anything from it because a phone devices ruin it
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I present: trashy white girl poetry about self care and faking it till you make it
Clears throat
The, extended cut.
This is a silly poem, if it does not seem so, try a different tone
They call me fat biscuit, with gravy
Cause i've i give her that white biscuit roll baby
Given her cat a little ice cold seasoning
Aint no mild reasoning
Is it intense man, making art this stressful?
Hell yeah bro, y'all should lucky im so blessful! (Woo! Double time 'specter!)
My lessons no vector, it's an inspector
Rolling up to the crib like i alrea-dy expect her here, with a beer!
My cash is rhymes, going so fast i cant catch all my dimes, been flowing so slow i only feel stuck. Hitting that ass, like i cant cop that girl, gamer, help im stuck!. Moving so slow im stuck taking my time i cant keep with my own rhymes!
Im hitting the breaking point,
my pants nearly soiled aint ready, my fake gun's sights aint steady, im no ganster, im just a white boy.
But i know some-thing about you, heckler cock suck-ler, your face too bright in my ice, i had to cut the lights! stop my damn bike! Get off and let papers loose i aint a some true shooter loose, leash gone, hands ready liek a moose!
i aint some (imitate) true mother fucker goin out for loot! (No sir!)
Im some stuck up white kid in a rich position, too good for the money, cant carry the mission.
The coming burden is mine i'm my blowing my own damn mind (could i always?) The spectrums back, full fucking heart attack, im gonna bust my attack up your ass crack if it keeps speaking to me like that! (Oh!)
So thats my lesson, take no shit, bust a rhyme, keep ya dimes, and someday you'll get to write shit like this! Im out!
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senor-plume · 1 year
God Only Knows
liquid mellow drips like honey on my feet as I stand next to my stereo
Brian Wilson may be the only man who can turn me on
that voice
those fingers that found virgin chords on his bass guitar
I watch the candle to my left melt down a bottle of lambrussco
slow and easy
Brian Wilson
mother fucker you are something else
out there
way beyond
I could cry
I love you so
in my room
alone I listen to you and the boys
the walls stand in respect and as I close the curtains on the day
I kneel down and simply lick you up
Brian Wilson
Im riding tonight like a wave
smile smiley
God only knows just what you do for me
I pop the stars with a needle and let the dust fall in my lap
Brian Wilson
in the palm of your hand you showed me what God is
Im sleepy now
I climb into bed with a speaker
with you crooning softly
into my chest
and I fall
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wait ,. areyou a worm????? and if so. cna you crawnl around on my finger. it is a nice sensation to have worms.i like iet when ants and spiders and worms and such crawl on my hand. nut not when they mbite. this one time i was sitting on my bed and this ant. this bitchass mother fucker. it just. it crawled up and bit my leg and it rley hrut , then it left. i oculnt find it agian. i patiently await the chance to get vengeance. this other time. my sister an di were outside. and we were playing with worms. worms are cool because they are slow and they wiggle around and poop sometimes i think. i am not sure whether it was poop or just innards. it was werid becaue i stepped on a wrom and im stilnot entirelly sure what was the stuff that cam eout if it was just skin or like. worm blood or einnards. i don tot know if worms have flood. or is they ge tthe air aorund some othe rway? becaus ehumans have blood, and plants have water i think, and microbes actually diffuse air. its' really cool because microbes r so small they can just diffuse air thgouh ghte cell memberane. this isnformation will never help in real life but i learned this in science class last year. it was neat to learn . i dnot know why diffusionw orks but i think its like entropy or something with chi s a real existential can of worms that im nto giong to open. what the fuck why did i just type all that out i reeally have to slee, lol. so yeah acutally now that im thinking about it most of the stuff ppl learnin scool have more practical application sthan people think. for example. basica rithmetic saved an etnirespecies righ. becaus eaccoridng to the documented history on the Walls, ~the entire underground = one human soul, righ. so when forowy did the Thing, he absorbed six human souls plus h, where h equals the amount of monster souls he absorb. and al the osters eer have the soul poer eto
Holy shti i had tos top myself ethere i juts trealized this ask is realy long an di should go to sleep.
for bonus points, proofread this entier ething
fuck. *entire thing
Um... are you alright?
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ask-80s-rinandlen · 2 years
Like or reblog for an ask
I wanna see who is still alive here. ( vocaloid and utauloids blogs only plz)
#I really need to go on this rant and its a reall doozy and really bloodthirsty and i had the whip out my keyboard cause im so mad#so uh skip this and dont read it please because im about to go off and this is probably going to be my worst rant yet#so uh wtf is up with people just existing late at night??? like I live in the middle of nowhere but SOMEHOW i get involved with some dumbass#like i was just driving home and i was gaining spped on these two dickheads and right before i passed the one in front the one behind zoomed#ahead and cut me off like slammed on my brakes cut me off. and these two motherfuckers where speed matching FOR TEN MILES!!! WITH THEM#SLAMMING ON THEIR BRAKES. I really thought they were trying to cause and accident and i know for a fact that they were stroking their dicks#at their control. then once i escape by going on a back road and i get stuck behind some asshole going 30 UNDER. now I get going a bit slow#because deer. but 25MPH???!!!! fuuuuuuuuucccckkkk then i get to a 4 way stop and the FUCKING ASSHOLE THAT OBVIOUSLY HAS ISSUES WITH HIS SIZE#JUST COASTED ON THROUGH THE STOP SIGNS LIKE THEY DIDNT EXIST LIKE I REALLY THOUGHT ABOUT JUST LETTING MYSELF GET HIT AND SUEING THAT MOTHER#FUCKER BECAUSE IM DONE BUT I REALLY JUST WANTED TO GO HOME AND NOT BE IN A HOSPITAL SO FUCK ME I GUESS. so then im almost home hooray#until I ALMOST RUN SOMEONE OVER FUCK ME LIKE WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WALKING DURING THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE WEARING#ALL BLACK WHEN ITS BELOW FREEZING. LIKE IVE HAD IT WITH PEOPLE WALKING IN THE MIDDLE IN THE ROAD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AND NOT EVEN#ATTEMPING TO BE VISIBLE! LIKE OVER THE YEARS THAT I HAVE BEEN DRIVING I HAVE ALMOST RAN OVER MORE PEOPLE THAN I HAVE ANIMALS. BECAUSE THE#ANIMALS ARE MORE VISIBLE THAN YOUR BLACK HOODIE WEARING ASSHOLES. fuck it next time imma just run them over thats darwinism for you dickhead#but now finally home and taken a hell of a lot of melotonin and hopefully itll knock me out and i can dream of puppies and kitties.#i dont know man like i might have to pack my things and move even further into the boonies to get away from all these asshats because idk#where and why all these creeps are out in the middle of the night#i just done. all i wanted was to go home and snuggle into my warm blankie but i guess that was too much to ask for#okay rant over because i think the melotonin and finally kicking in and i pray to god that no one actually read this
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the-final-world · 5 years
After almost 2 years!! I finally managed to prove to my mum that someone comes to my window almost every night and just tries to stare into my room
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cartmankisser · 2 years
kyle giving oral (fem reader) lawl....... thank u
u didnt specify if u wanted headcanons or like a fic so im just gonna do some headcankns if thats cool 👍
this is short sorry if u want something more specific u can send in a more detailed request
also mutuals dont read this im embarrassed,,,,
and as always nsfw below the cut
i feel like he would enjoy oral a lot during foreplay!! he likes eating you out, but he doesnt want it to be the main course
still though!!! he will take a good hour if eating you out if you'd let him!! he likes sex to be slow and passionate, so he doesnt even think twice about how long hes taking as long as you're enjoying it
he sorta knows what hes doing? hes got a general idea of what hes supposed to do, but he's never trues it with his tounge before!!
i definitely see him fingering you at the same time 100%
hes the mother fucker who kisses up your thighs and along your pubic bone
hes the motherfucker who moans while sucking on your clit theres no doubt about it
very grabby!! hes always rubbing his hands along your thighs or pulling you in by your hips. he likes to massage little circles into your hips with his thumbs
overall hes decent. not a sex god by any means but he tries his best, even though hes winging it
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