#// so i might sleep before doing anythin
demonsfate · 9 months
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❝ You forgot to give gifts to your little friends again, didn't you . . . ? ❞
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❝ Yes, I forgot about Christmas again. ❞
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bkgml · 2 years
phone calls with kats !!
you’re rudely awaken by your phone going off like it’s nobody’s business.
“ugh.. fuck off.” you groan, hand tapping at your nightstand in search of your phone.
once you finally grab hold of it your eyes scrunch up from the blinding light of the screen.
you whine lightly, eyes adjusting and clicking the green ‘answer call’ button.
“hello?” you croak out.
“…hey.” you hear from the other line.
you jolt up from bed.
“katsuki?! why are you calling? did something happen? are you okay?!” your mind races a mile a minute. he wouldn’t call you at this hour unless it was important.
“i’m fine, sweets. ‘m sorry for making you worry.” he says quietly.
you pause.
“why’re you calling me kats, did something happen?” you say, now calmed from your previous panic.
you hear a sigh from the other line. it sounds tense and tight in his throat, almost painful.
you let the words come to him, knowing forming words to match his emotions isn’t one of his strong suits, yet.
“just missing you.” he sighs again, to stop tears from forming in his eyes (but he won’t tell you that part).
“i miss you too, suki. you just gotta keep working, yeah? this missions important.” you soothe.
“uh huh.” he says, voice cracking ever so slightly.
“i love you. my big strong man protecting everyone. makes me wanna give you a big kiss as thank you when you come back to me.”
“yeah? you think i’m the strongest, huh? city would be nothin without your man, right?” you hear his grin through his response.
“oh the way to a man’s heart, his ego.” you laugh lightly.
he stays silent while listening to your laugh fizzle out.
stays silent while he listens to your breathing.
stays silent as he listens to you laying back down into the comfort of your bed.
“wish i was there with my sweet girl though.”
you smile lightly, trying to keep him motivated.
“i know, baby, but it’ll feel better after catching your bad guys, more rewarding.”
he goes quiet once more as he thinks.
“i guess you’re right.” he admits begrudgingly.
“i am.” you smile.
he hears you yawn.
“i shouldn’t have woke you.” he frowns.
“i have the day off tomorrow, and even if i didn’t i’d be happy you called, i’ve been missing you too.”
“yeah?” he replies, sounding more longful than he hoped.
“course, kats. love you more than anythin. i should let you sleep though.” you say.
“wait.” he says, urgently.
you do and he sighs.
“can you stay on the phone until i fall asleep?” he grumbles.
“uh huh!” you smile.
“do you wanna facetime so i can see that handsome face?”
he doesn’t reply but you get a request to switch the call to facetime pop up on your screen.
“hi, pretty boy.” you smile.
you watch his brows furrow slightly, faking disgust.
“don’t call me that shit.” he frowns.
“shh. you’re supposed to be going to sleep.”
his frown deepens and he sighs before closing his eyes.
“only a week more. you’re gonna spend your days kicking ass and taking names kats.” you smile as you ramble on quietly.
“my man is going to protect the whole country. all my friends at work are going to be soooo jealous.”
you see him smile slightly, keeping his eyes still closed.
“and then when you’re done doing the job you love you’re going to get on a plane and come see me and all your friends. i might give you a big welcome back party with your friends from high school and your parents.”
you see him frown lightly and you can tell he’s trying his best to listen to you but he’s drifting off so fast.
“but i don’t know, i might have to be selfish and keep you all to myself your first night back. maybe i’ll cook you a nice dinner, your favourite. i could make it extra spicy just for you. or we could order takeout and cuddle up close on the couch while we watch a movie you make fun of the whole time, even though i know you’re enjoying yourself.”
you see his consciousness fade away as you ramble on about all the things you’ll do together when he gets back.
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kiwi-on-ice · 2 months
Fluffy ashe head-cannons👁️👁️(fem reader por favor)
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First date headcannons with Ashe, Kiriko, Sombra and Mercy with fem!reader
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: Just fluff really, Sombra's is a little suggestive but nothing overt. prefer boys? check here.
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Notes: was originally just going to just do Ashe first date headcannons but it got me thinking about some of the other girls.
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She's most likely the one who's asked you out. After realising that you care about her more than just physically, she'd want to prove to you how dedicated she can be. While she's very emotionally closed off, she really wants to push herself to treat you how she knows a pretty girl like you should be treated.
Don't be surprised if you find sent to your door a surprisingly large stack of cash with a note attached telling you to buy yourself something nice to wear for the date.
She's been around wealth all her life, with most of the romance she'd been told about being flashy spending. So she'll take you to a fancy high end restaurant for dinner.
She'd be a 'gentleman', pulling your chair out for you, holding doors for you, leading you with a hand on the small of your back gently.
Flirting with you comes quite easily to her, but it hides something deeper. How she's caught off guard by how much her chest feels fuzzy when you laugh at something she says, or how she almost feels lightheaded when you brush against her as you two walk. Despite how confident she appears, she's worrying about coming off as too forward physically with something as simple as holding your hand.
If you hold hers first, she'll feel the tension leave her shoulders.
Don't bother asking to split the bill, she won't let you. She's paying.
She'll take you home, giving you a kiss on the cheek at the door. She's happy to leave it there, but her self restraint disappears if you ask if she wants to come inside.
Pulling your chair out, she gives you a smile as you sit down before walking around and taking a seat herself. Her red eyes look you up and down appreciatively, the smooth rhythm of the piano player in the room setting quite the romantic atmosphere.
"Well well, don't you look like the belle of the ball, huh?" she says smoothly, reveling in your slightly flustered reaction as you glance down to look at the menu.
"Anythin' you want sugar, it's all on me." she affirms, and smirks a little when you try and protest. "I insist."
Get ready for a FUN date
She's pretty confident, so don't be surprised if she's the one who asked you out with a charming smile.
Wants a date with activities, so she'll invite you to an arcade with a bowling alley. Pretty cheesy, sure, but she's excited so that's what matters.
She's absolutely gonna beat your ass at bowling, it isn't even fair. She's also quite competitive, so she'll definitely playfully tease you about losing. Sticking her tongue out at you, whooping and cheering etc.
The arcade though...that's a different story. She's surprisingly not the best at video games, which means you have the opportunity to one up her. Still, she's just as giggly even when she's losing.
She'll ask you loads of questions, wanting to find out as much about you as possible, especially in the downtime between games.
Her way of flirting while on the date is to make up silly games for you two to play. Winner of the next arcade machine has to give the other a kiss on the cheek. Suddenly, her performance gets suspiciously worse.
Afterwards, she doesn't really want the night to end. She might offer the idea of going for drinks, or perhaps going back to her place. She makes it clear she doesn't expect anything, she'll even sleep on the sofa if you want to turn the night into a sleepover!
Comes the loud speaker as Kiriko scores another perfect ten in bowling. She jumps up and down and laughs, before turning to you with a wink.
"Think you can still beat me?" she teases, causing you to scoff playfully.
"You bet."
"Try it babe." she challenges, getting closer to you. She leans in, and your breath catches, before she reaches behind you and grabs a bowling ball. Handing it to you with a smirk, she can't wait to keep winning against you (and make you blush more in the process).
Olivia is pretty laid back, so she'll ask you out quite casually; she might even do it over text, with a few winky face emojis.
Most likely to suggest getting drinks, going to some sort of themed bar. If you don't drink, she'll make sure to look into bars that have good mocktail options for you.
Will offer to pick you up and take you, and when you go outside she'll be waiting on her motorcycle with a grin.
Was it all an excuse so she can feel your hands around her waist clinging on to her as she speeds through the city? Maybe.
While there, she's on full analyze mode. She tests your reactions to things she says/does/calls you, collecting all the data on what you seem to like and not like. But she's so smooth and easy going, you won't even realise what she's doing.
She'll ask you lots of questions about yourself, smiling and seeming interested as you speak. The truth is, she knows pretty much everything about you from hacking your various devices, but she still loves hearing it all from your lips.
Like Ashe, she'll insist on paying for your drinks. It's not like she can't afford it after all.
She's pretty touchy, but not in a pervy way. When she compliments you, she'll play with a strand of your hair or trace small circles on the back of your hand.
She'll also hack your music apps and see the type of music you like, so she can hack the speaker in the bar and occasionally play a song she knows you like.
Afterwards, she'll smoothly suggest going back to hers. She won't be offended if you say no, but she can't deny the rush it gives her if you say yes.
"That's fascinating conejita." Sombra says, having listened to you speak about your friends and family. Barely repressing a smirk, she watches your facial expression as you react to her nickname. So you like her calling you things in Spanish...that information is useful.
"So what else, any pets?" she asks, and as you speak she gently brushes her foot against your ankle. You stumble over your words a little as she smiles innocently. Oh she's going to have fun with you...
She's quite a traditional woman, so most likely she'll take you for dinner.
It might be late though, having to stay after hours at work causing her to push back the date and time. She feels awful, no matter how much you reassure her that you understand.
When she arrives at your home, she'll have a bouquet of red roses in her hands as an apology.
She's sweet the whole time, preferring to ask you questions rather than the other way round. She'd rather not talk about work, wanting to switch off and relax.
Definitely the type to order a nice bottle of wine for you both.
Also definitely the type to suggest you both share a dessert, she thinks it's very cute and intimate. Might even playfully offer a spoonful for you to bite.
Will gently hold your hand across the table, but apart from that she isn't particularly touchy that early on.
Absolutely will offer to pay, but also won't mind if you insist on splitting the bill.
Afterwards, she'll take you home but most likely won't come inside. But she will give you a kiss on the cheek that you swear you can feel linger for hours.
As the plates are taken away, Angela smiles softly before glancing at the dessert menu.
"Do you have a sweet tooth darling?" she asks, as you both look at the selection of delicacies. Her eyes trace over the choices, before another smile tugs at her features.
"How about we share one?" she offers, and the image that pops in your head of her feeding you dessert makes your head nod before your brain could even hope to catch up.
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runespoor7 · 3 months
If WWX knocked up cis girl!JC, what do you think would happen if JC didn't abort/the baby was carried to full term? How would that change things?
Two thoughts. One, “that depends when.” Two, “oh, this is bad.”
cut for length
the start:
The version that’s most different from canon is this: what I mean by “this is bad” is that if JC gets pregnant before WWX breaks away from the sect and she keeps it, she tells him. And then they get married. WWX is super duper unwell! It shows! It’s constant whiplash between WWX being all over her + whispering promises to her belly and WWX seemingly barely standing to be in the same room as her, much less look at her or sleep in her bed. Not to mention he’s still doing exactly as little as before they got married and is if possible getting even drunker. 
And then shit goes down - and there’s absolutely no way JYL and JZX got married in this timeline, not with JC marrying WWX, so here shit 100% does not involve WWX being thought not to be part of YMJ anymore. The chances of WWX getting killed in a Jin ambush because he’s made himself an issue to them are pretty high. If that happens, no way YMJ gets away from WWX’s death without at least being painted as accomplices; at best they’d have to pay reparations. Depending on how JGS makes his move, maybe YMJ gets straight up cornered with demands that they give up the Seal/the Wens WWX might have broken out, and there’s a war. Basically it’s a very bad time all around.
The least-bad possibility is the most-like-canon-one, which is that WWX and JC hooked up miserably when WWX was in the Burial Mounds, after WWX had dumped JC– I mean after WWX left Lotus Pier.
JC learns she’s pregnant only around/after Zixuan’s death, maybe even after JYL’s death! Not a good time to tell WWX about it! Ideally she only realizes she’s pregnant after WWX’s death. Denial of pregnancy doing us a solid amidst the months of trauma and getting us to the end point of JC having a kid. This is the ideal time for JC to be pregnant with WWX’s child because the outer conflict is minimal. All the conflict is internal, it’s about her feelings. 
In this scenario, she hides the pregnancy for a few months, secludes herself for a few months more - maybe she has to use her grief for her sister’s death as an excuse. I think in this case Madam Jin probably comes over to Lotus Pier with baby Jin Ling, to take care of JC. I don’t think JC can successfully hide from Madam Jin that she’s pregnant, despite her disciples and her doctors doing their best. I also think it’s *pretty damn unavoidable* that Madam Jin guesses who the father is.
JC is proud, so proud; but she’s not proud enough not to beg when the truth would ruin her sect. There’s probably JL asleep in someone’s arms. Madam Jin agrees to keep the secret.
JC won’t marry but she also cannot be having a child on her own, so her child is introduced as an orphan taken in by the sect; probably the child of a disciple killed during the Siege. YunmengJiang ends up taking in roughly half a dozen children, from newborn to children almost old enough to start training as disciples, in the aftermath, their mothers insisting the fathers were disciples of the Jiang. It might even be true. It’s not such a light cost that the sect’s budget doesn’t need to be reworked to accommodate for these new expenses, but it’s such a good cover for JC’s child that she shoulders the rumors of her soft heart gladly.
A consequence of this choice: JGY is, in fact, very well-disposed toward JC, personally. JC still faces shades of rebuke and ridicule at the first conference after she starts taking in “disciple orphans”, but she bites out that she’s honoring her disciples’ debts and making certain her disciples will be honored by their children. That gets NMJ pretty firmly looking at her with new eyes. That *is* an honorable, brave decision from Sect Leader Jiang. So the Jiang Sect is less isolated shortly after WWX’s death than in canon. 
I don’t think this changes anything to NMJ’s death, and JGY himself is careful not to seem overly close to an unmarried woman for fear of any hint of scandal, but in the longer term YMJ probably enjoys more cordial bonds with GusuLan. (LXC too looks kindly upon taking in war orphans! and he does have a brother, at home, who brought one back…)*
*(you could seamlessly weave in timeskip zhancheng through the honored means of LWJ hating on JC for daring to parade around as though she was an honorable sect leader, when she turned her back on her shixiong, and the equally honored means of bonding over children. LXC would totally be up to meddling by organizing playdates between A-Yuan and the YMJ kids. LWJ would be scaldingly angry at him once he finds out, though, so it would be up to A-Yuan to ask to see JL and the others again. LWJ would insist on being there; JC would look at LWJ as though judging him for his anger. I’m not saying they’d have to fuck but they might. Even if they don't, bonding over being left with children by WWX’s death. No way LWJ would get to know whose kid JC’s heir apparent is, though.
But I don't think I want to bring in LWJ for this one.)
the timeskip:
What I want to do is focus on JC and how complicated the situation wrt the kids would be for her. And while I'm at it, I'm tired of playing hide the gender with the kid, so let's say she has a daughter, because mdzs “male by default” stance on the juniors was really annoying to me.
JC’s daughter is almost the same age as JC’s nephew, so it makes sense for JC to single that one child out; people think it’s so the Jins won’t hope for JL to also inherit the Jiang, or that it’s so JL will have a friend among the Jiang. She lets those rumors run, as well. For once, let gossip work for her.
It's complicated, for JC, handling her daughter, in a way handling JL isn't. Her daughter isn't quite hers in the eyes of the world (JC didn't adopt her so soon, afraid someone would work the truth out). And she’s not merely hers; she’s WWX’s.
JC isn’t really more okay with WWX’s legacy than in canon because WWX orphaned JL. She’s still sharp-tongued and sharp-tempered. 
here’s a handful of facts:
She tells JL to think of JC’s foster daughter as the sister his parents would have given him. 
JC's daughter hates WWX because she knows he killed her father at the Siege. That's as hard on JC as hearing her daughter cackle WWX’s childhood laughter.
Sometimes it's hard for JC to look at her daughter.
There are scenes of heart wrenching conflict between her kid and her. “You're not even my real mother!” gets yelled once at the apex of a horrible fight, JC's face changes, the kid bursts into tears and runs to her room. The scene is only settled with JC entering the kid’s room (her daughter is hugging herself as hard as if JC had taken puppies away) and telling her stories about her parents. The kid goes from hugging herself to clinging to JC and sobbing. (JC cries when she returns to her room.)
It's also hard because as her daughter grows up sometimes JC thinks her daughter wants to leave. That she'd rather be a rogue cultivator, not the heir to the Jiang. Too much of her father on her, perhaps.
All this to say that JC isn't a perfect foster mom to her child.
the kids are very close. nobody is scared of JC in this household. JC’s daughter giggled and squealed as a baby/toddler when she heard JC shouting at other people. (Mama being shouty was very funny to the baby.) 
JC formally adopts her daughter at some point between Rusong’s birth and JL getting his sword, I’m not sure when exactly. 
JC develops a longstanding grudge against JGY for giving JL Fairy, for the following reasons: 1)like in canon, she can’t be the one giving JL a dog. 2)her daughter wants a dog. so JC is cast in the position of refusing, and she does refuse, because - when her daughter shouts and laugh, when her daughter cackles after JC’s shouted from afar at both children to be careful in the water, it’s like WWX never quite left. She can’t close that door. She can’t pretend she thinks he’s never going to return. She can’t choose not to be haunted. 
In place of a dog, she gets her daughter a pony. 
(Her daughter is prompt to decide this is much cooler than a dog. Later JC will dourly regret gifting her adventurous child the means with which to gallop all over the place. The pony’s saving grace is that you can’t put a pony on a flying sword, at least.) 
The children bicker endlessly about the merits of their respective animals. JC’s daughter calls her pony Thunder Vengeance. Everybody but her calls her Thunder for short. (because she makes a lot of comparisons to Leigong and Dianmu and her mother, and she casts herself as the little boy driving Leigong’s cart.) 
Daughter’s name contains a reference to Yanli because JC was not done feeling guilty for not being able to hate WWX even after he caused JYL’s death.
changes after WWX’s resurrection:
When WWX gets resurrected in this timeline, both kids are on Phoenix Mountain. I’m not sure how exactly close to canon WWX’s meeting with JL (and JC’s daughter) is, I want to say very close - maybe JL says “my aunt” and WWX goes “your *aunt*?” and JC’s daughter stands as tall as she can and says “yeah, my *mother*” - anyway I want JC’s daughter here and identified as soon as possible. 
This changes two things:
WWX’s brain is running blank because what JC kid. JC had a kid. JC. a CHILD??? it cannot go uninvestigated.
JC does not shout about WWX when she arrives, because her child is there and that's her other parent. She’ll be angry at herself later for trying to preserve something that isn't, but it's incredibly important for her that her child doesn't fight her father. It would be awful and wrong. JC’s lie about her daughter’s dead father was always going to have consequences but it shouldn't have this one. JL was orphaned by WWX.
So JC is more controlled, and WWX isn’t immediately convinced that he's been recognized and needs to gtfo before his ex murders him, and he very badly wants/needs to know what's up with JC and her kid.
When JC claims “MXY” must be dragged back to YMJ, he goes very willingly. This is what he wanted! He's still a bit apprehensive, but he's too curious not to go.
He chats with the kids, mostly, on the way back. JC isn't very talkative. It's enough for him to get the piece of information that JC’s daughter is her adoptive daughter, and the heir to YMJ. (It's weirdly reassuring to hear for some reason. It's JC taking a decision for the sect but there’s not, like, an entire husband and family and moving-on, it's still JC. And at the same time, he feels unmoored. JC adopted a child? Just like that. YMJ’s heir is adopted. She and JL are bickering and talking over one another and calling each other brother and sister.)
In LP, JC sends the kids swiftly to bed (there are protests), and WWX is starting to remember that oh yeah he'll have to do some quick thinking probably, when JC reveals she knows who he is. He denies. She pulls out Zidian - did you really think you could fool her, WWX? How dare you! Why did you return now? What do you want?
(I think they fuck. Or, at least: he very much feels like going to her like he once did, his hand wants to cup her cheek, he wants to smooth away the furrow on her brow.)
“Is it so hard to believe I just wanted to see more about the children?”
JC’s lips twist.
She doesn't throw him out or in a torture dungeon. Might drag him to the altars and make him apologize.
Most likely, they get to cogitate about The Plot. 
The pattern of the story is public lies and secret truths, so that's how it happens here too. WWX stays incognito in LP, and they fall into bed - like when they were younger, they have to be discreet. The vibe here is very much they're having a affair and they have to hide it.
The affair vibe includes the plot-relevant investigation. There's a little less JC and WWX travelling together than LWJ and WWX in canon, but there’s WWX sneaking back into LP in order to keep JC aware of his latest findings (and to have a fight about WWX inviting WN into LP) and Sect Leader Jiang stopping back from a night-hunt at an inn to meet an informant (WWX). 
This features things like WWX walking off the road because he’s daydreaming about the intimacy of seeing JC before bed, with a damp lock of her hair sticking to her neck and snaking down between her tits, and the ancient xianxia equivalent of a negligee that might be a little see-through. 
Also featured: WWX rolling his shoulders trying to feel the bruises she left (she still scratches but MXY’s core is only good for getting rid of those, which seems the worst of both worlds to WWX! He liked feeling the scratches a couple days down the line!!!). WWX is down bad for milf JC. (Also features JC staring at the strewn papers that fell on the ground last night when she and WWX started making out before she could put them away. She’s determinedly Not Thinking about it, especially when her daughter is raising her eyebrows at her.)
I think JC’s tempted to tell him the truth about their daughter right after Yi City/the Yi City equivalent, but she can't break the habit of keeping it a secret. And she can't know for sure if WWX will–she can't just tell WWX on a whim just because some stuck-in-the-past part of her wants to tell him!
WWX-investigating-Jinlintai this time involves WWX wondering how to infiltrate Jinlintai, and running into JC in Jinlintai. JC has good access to Jinlintai, so if he pretends to be part of her retinue it’ll hold out for all of two minutes until people recognize MXY. JC is not delighted with the idea but she likes JGY pulling shady stuff which endangers JL even less. 
The investigation does not result in WWX being uncovered in front of the entire Jianghu (Qin Su doesn't kill herself), but possibly only because JC and WWX end up pulling the oldest undercover move in the book: making out against a door. Afterwards JC is pissed because that's her reputation. WWX is a little flippant when he says that he knows how important her reputation is to her, but– do you, WWX? JC retorts. Do you?? Do you think I would have the raising of my nephew if the cultivation world didn’t think me above personal desires, above feelings and manipulation?
So the truth about the kid comes out when they confront JGY (how does that happen, given that there’s no Guanyin Temple scene? not my problem! all I know is that JGY’s gotta be the one to say it. Amidst the sea of bullshit JGY spouts as he tries to distract them/drive a wedge between them, like in canon, the one true thing he chances on is that JC’s daughter is WWX’s and she never told him. (JGY isn't an idiot. He worked it out. There was no reason for him to do anything about it, but now there is!)
I think WWX makes a run for it. WN finds him basically brooding in the dark in the cave in Yiling, and (gently) pokes him in the direction of returning to LP. At least for an explanation. WWX should get one, WN says. WWX kind of laughs hysterically. What’s JC going to explain? How babies are made? WWX knows how, he was there for it, WN!
(for maximum drama, the kids were there when JGY pulled out that tidbit, so another reason JC isn’t here herself is also because she’s busy with that.)
I’m also thinking that given WN finding WWX and convincing him to return must have taken at least a few hours, WWX finds his daughter out of LP and on her way to look for WWX (on her pony; she didn’t want to be alone for this - and she didn’t want to take JL because JL really did have both his parents dead because of WWX), so he brings her back (and saves JC a heart attack).
They work it out.
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itsmebytch001 · 1 year
hi!! i love your fics 💞
i was wondering if you could made a yandere platonic morales family fic with a reader who's been sneaking out to go on dates?
(of course you don't have to make this if you don't want to)
(Yas 100%)
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Late Friday afternoon you looked over yourself in the mirror tucked away in your room. You were proud of your look and especially proud of youre makeup, you looked good and were excited for your date with Helia he was tall, broad and sweet, and said he would pay!
You packed your bag, juts with a phone, keys, perfume and emergency charger and headed for your front door, rushing past your Dad Aaron, and your cousin Miles.
Aaron: "Ay, where you going?"
Y/n: "On a date?"
Miles: "With who?"
Y/n: "Helia, I told you"
Aaron: "I don't remember you telling me"
Y/n: "I'm certain I did" And you had, like 3 times. You showed him a picture of him, gave him Helia's number and told him where you were going and he had said yes.
Aaron: "Why you dressed like that?"
Y/n: "Its a date?"
Miles: "have I met him?"
Y/n: "No I don't think so"
Aaron: "have I met him?"
Y/n: "No but I gave you his number, and showed you pictures!"
Both Miles and Aaron raised a brow at you.
Aaron: "You can't go out with a boy I haven't met in a dress like that"
Y/n: "Are you serious ?"
Aaron: "Do I not sound serious?"
Y/n: "it is a long length body con!" You gestured to your covered legs
Miles: "How do you know he won't try something?"
Y/n: "baecuse he's not like that, he's nice"
Miles: "uh huh" He said, rasing an eye brow/
Aaron: "I don't remember buying you that dress"
Y/n: "Yeah you didn't, I did"
Aaron: "And with who's money?"
Y/n: "My money?"
Aaron: "Why you wasting your money on clothes? You already have to many"
Y/n: "I'm 17, Dad. Clothes is what you buy when you have cash"
Miles: "Where you getting money from?" He asked susbiusly as if maybe you were stealing.
Y/n: "My weekend job? The one you pick me up from beacuse your so damm paranoid!"
Miles: "I don't see anything wrong with wanting you to be safe"
Y/n: "Miles, my coworkers think youre a stalker"
Miles: "Did you tell them I'm your cousin?"
Y/n: "Yeah, that just made it worse"
Aaron: "maybe Mile's could come with you on your little date"
Y/n: "Are you serious?"
Miles: "Yeah why not?"
Y/n: "Miles, It Is A DATE, I can't have my cousin just hanging round!"
Miles: "I could vet him out, make sure he's safe"
Y/n: "Miles, not every man on the earth wants to hurt me"
Miles: "yeah but they might"
Y/n: "Helia is a good guy, I know him through Flora, he's like a passafist of something"
Aaron: "or something?"
Miles: "So you don't actually know him?"
Aaron: "ummmhmm" He hummed in agreement.
Y/n: "He's friends with Flora, you really think Flora is the type to hang out with bad men? Ive' hanged out with him before with others, Ive slept over with him at Floras house and he's never tried anythin-"
Aaron: "You sleeping at other's peoples houses behind my back?"
Y/n: "No, Its not like that, you knew where I was!"
Miles: "what do you mean you slept over with him?"
Aaron: "I didn't know there were boys over though, did I?"
Y/n: "Nothing bad! Just he'd sleep in the same room and never tried anything!"
Miles: "I still think maybe I should go aswell"
Aaron: "I agree"
Y/n: "Miles' why can't you just be a normal cousin?"
Miles: "If you act right maybe I'll consider it"
Y/n: "So you agree it's weird? That you follow me, stalk my friends, my work and socials like a mad man"
Aaron: "Y/n that's your cousin, he's just trying to look out for you"
Y/n: "And it's not even just him anymore! Auntie Rio is obsessed with my sex life, that I don't even have by the way, always trying to scare me, giving me condoms I DONT NEED or trying to dress me, going through my wardrope and throwing out clothes she dosen't like!! like a normal auntie, right?"
Aaron: "Calm down Y/n"
Y/n: "And Uncle Jeff, sending him, a POLICE OFFIECER to run after me when I'm not even doing anything wrong, searching my fucking bag an-"
Aaron: "Enough!"
Aaron rose form the couch, your father looming over you.
Aaron: "Get to you room"
Y/n: "No, I'm going out"
Now Aaron, or Miles wasn't above physically stopping you, but they wanted to see your resolve.
Aaron: "If you leave now, you won't be welcome back in"
Y/n: "what?"
Aaron: "Go on and stay at one of your little friends houses"
Miles: "Or this Helia guy"
Y/n: "Okay"
Aaron: "I'm serious Y/n"
and with out saying another word, you simply left. And once the door shut behind you, Aaron was genuinley stunnded.
Miles: "Oh my god she left"
Aaron inhaled slowley, before sitting back down on the couch and inviting Miles to do the same.
Miles: "Should...Should I go after her?"
Aaron: "nah man, let her do her thing"
Hours since then had passed, at at this point Aaron assumed that you would come back, apologise, have your phone and laptop taken away and not allowed to leave the house for a few days, but you hadn't.
It was now 23:33 And Aaron was begging to freak, pacing back on fourth calling you over and over to no avail, while Miles eletred the family chat.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Unknown to you, Miles actually had a Notes page dedicated too the names, birthdays and addresses of all your main friends.
Musa Harada, sep 11th 2005, Malcoms Road 119th street.
Tecna Petrov, Sep 17th 2005, Opens Road, 100th street.
Ayesha Layla Andros, August 9th,2005 Greenway road, 88th street.
Flora James Rosie Hernandez, Oct 9th,2005, Red Reid Road, 33rd street.
Stella Marks Solaria, July 8th, 2005, Solarian Estate, Celetail's field.
Bloom Smith Jamie, September 11th 2005, Red Reid Road, 33rd street.
You know, normal cousin things.
Meanwhile, you and Helia were having a picnic date, he had prepared a lovley spread of tiny sandwhiches and fruit, along with a bottle of wine, was it underage drinking? yes but really who cared. Certainley no one in this park.
Helia: "You look really nice by the way"
Y/n: "Thank you, you too but i'm sorry in late, My dad had a thing"
Helia: "Oh, Is everything okay?"
Y/n: "Oh yeah, totally!"
It's 1000% not. Once this date ends, what are you going to do, where are you going to go? You half exepected your stuff to be in boxes once you got back, and the front door locked, and if he did let you in, he would take your phone, your laptop, your sketch books, have your Auntie Rio go through your wardrobe to throw away all your nice clothing, put bars on your windows put a outdoor outside lock on your door and whenever you would be allowed outside, it would only ever be with Miles, leaning over you, following you round shops and choosing wether if you stopped to talk to friends.
So you began to ponder the idea of staying at a friends house for a few days, though that may just make it worse for a few days, avoiding your family for days at a time would only make them more upest.
Who would you stay at? Musa's home wasn't really safe, Ayesha's Mom wouldn't let you stay, Flora's house was ran by her loud annoying siblings that she hated, but maybe you could stay with Tecna? Her parents were nice and they had a guest bedroom.
Meanwhile, Jeff was driving over to Flora's house, and once he finally pulled up outside, he knocked on her front door to be greeted by her Mom.
Mrs Hernandez: "Oh! Hello officer, How can I help?"
He huffed in the hallway, consuming the doorway.
Jeff: "Hello Mrs Hernandez, I was wonder if your daughter, Flora was here?"
Mrs Hernandez: "FLORA, THRES A MAN HERE TO SEE YOU" She basically screamed into the house, drawing her down the stairs case to see Mr Morales.
They didn't know each other well, but initanlly the Morales side liked her as she was the only one of your friends that spoke Spanish, butt Flora knew why Mr Morales was here, posing all normal like a normal officer.
Flora: "Hey...Mr Morales"
Mrs Hernandez: "You know this man?" She whispred to her daughter.
Flora: "it's Y/n uncle"
Mrs Hernandez: "Oh..."
Jeff gestured for Flora to follow him into the living room which he welcomed himself into, sitting down on the blue crush velvet sofa, Flora sat infront of him.
Jeff: "So, Flora..."
Flora: "Yeah..?"
Jeff: "Have you heard about Y/n?"
Flora: "Uhhh, nooo?" She knew what this was, she had heard the storys of your cousin breaking into Blooms house to drag you out late into the night, or your Uncle putting out APB's just for you, or your Dad simply not letting you out the house a few days at a time.
Jeff: "She's had another break down, and ran out the house...with a boy"
Flora: "oh..." She also knew that whenever your family would band together to find you, they would tell friends you were 'having a break down' or a 'crisis of mental health'.
Flora: "I'm sorry but is this police, or you?"
Jeff: "Excuse me?"
Flora: "Are the police, or are you looking for Y/n?"
Jeff: "Listen Flora, I don't want to create problems for you or your family" He said, leaning over the table between them.
Jeff: "But I just wont to know where she's off too...with this boy Helia"
Now Flora didn't want to rat you out, but she also didn't want problems with your family...
Flora: "Helia is a good guy Mr Morales"
Jeff: "We just want to know she's safe Flora"
Flora: "He said he'd take her to the east park"
Just as she said, Jeff sweeped out the house and simply left .
getting in his crusier, he drove off to the east park to go on walk about for you, he thought about what he would say to you once he got you back in cruiser, lecturing you, maybe even the boy, Helia too in order scare him off.
Whilts he was driving in the direction of East, you were ringing Tecna.
Tecna: "hey"
Y/n: "Hey, its me, do you mind if I come over for a few nights?"
Tecna: "Can I ask why?"
Y/n: "My Dad's back on his bullhshit"
Tecna: "Ah, I see"
Y/n: "So, do you mind if I come over?"
Tecna: "I'm sorry I'm not at home right, but I'll be back tmorrow, you can come them I'm sure"
Y/n: "Ah, okay I understand"
Tecna: "I'm sorry"
Y/n: "Don't worry about it"
You hang up, what are you going to do for tonight? You can't go back, you'll he hulled to your room and trapped there if you do.
Helia: "Is everything okay?"
Y/n: "Not really, I'm a bit stuck"
Helia: "What do you mean?"
Y/n: "I can't go home tonight, I need somewhere to stay"
Helia: "What's wrong with home?"
Y/n: "My Dad's got problems, I don't really know"
Helia put his hand's round your waist.
Helia: "You could stay with me for the night?"
Y/n: "Sure"
So you And Helia began to walk out the park, on the way to his house while across the park, your Uncle Jeff was scoping the area, he called Miles:
Miles: "hey, You good?"
Jeff: "Come round The East Park, She's round here"
Miles: "M'kay, coming"
And so Miles entered The East Park from the exit, that unfortunaltley you and Helia were heading for concurrently.
Meanwhile Your Dad, Aaron was pondering on the couch what to do with you once your brought home, while Rio was making Coffee in his kitchen.
Rio: "I keep telling you Aaron, Y/n may be a clever girl but she need's more supervision, I mean she go's out the house for days at a time to sleepovers, or sneeks out for parties and come back the next day hang over!"
Aaron: "Yeah I know but...What else Can I do to watch her? Like I already go through her phone every few days or so, and her laptop but she's real sneeking now, I look under her bed, through her closet just to find nothing"
Rio: "She's just hiding it from you...I used to be a teenage girl, let me see?"
Aaron: "Be my guest" He gestured to your room, Rio swiftly entered your room, leaving the door open as she began to rummage through your stuff, after about twenty minutes she had found a diary, a bear full of cash and a book full of phone numbers.
Aaron: "oh..."
Rio: "Hasn't been that long since I was young"
Aaron: "Why the bear full of cash?"
Rio: "Probablly emergncy money for what ever she's doing when she runs out"
Aaron: "uh huh"
Rio: "You need to do something about that door"
Aaron: "what do you mean?"
Rio: "Like, maybe take it off the hinges for a few months, show her your in charge"
Aaron: "Bit much"
Rio: "No! She's sneaking out, seeing boys, drinking! You must stop this while you can!"
Maybe she was right, Aaron thought.
So he went to collect his tool kit, where he began to unscrew the door from its hinges one by one, leaving it bare.
Whilts you and Helia where beginning to approach the exit gate, you saw someone familiar in the distance, looking down at his phone while walking in your direction, not noticing you...Its Miles.
Oh shit
You grab onto Helias arm.
Y/n: "How about we go on a de tour?" You giggle nerveoulsy, pulling him out into the bushes.
Helia: "hehe, is everything okay?"
Y/n: "Oh yeah! Just want to see more of the trees" What a batter way of saying 'my family is mad and are hunting me!'
Helia: "...okay?"
And so you and Helia, poor Helia who didn't understand what the hell was happening began to walk back deep into the wooded area of the woods.
Miles called his Dad.
calling Dad.
Jeff: "Hey"
Miles: "Hey, I'm entering the park, where are you?"
Jeff: "Near the fountain, Its where most the teens hang out"
Miles:" okay, So I'll-"
Jeff: "Wait, wait hold on"
Miles: "Okay?"
Jeff had stoptted you, just for a second walking through the bushes, with a guy, tall lanky fellow with long black hair, following you.
Jeff: " I think I see them"
Miles: "Y/n?"
Jeff: "Yeah...with the guy"
Miles: "Near the fountain?"
Jeff: "Yeah...in the bushes"
Miles: "I'll be right there"
Miles said hanging up, and sprinting off into the wooded area inorder to find you.
And in the distance, he saw you in that black dress you left in, and you heard him coming, you heard his footsteps, you saw him rushing over.
Miles: "AY, Y/n!!"
Fuck Fuck Fuck
you turned to Helia.
Y/n: "Start running"
Helia: "What?"
Y/n: "Run!"
You screamed begging to take off into a sprit, not getting all that far in that damm dress, as Helia was already so far ahead of you, looking back at you trying to get you to keep up and you heard the yelling again,
Miles: "Y/N!!"
Up ahead, you heard another yell, It was Helia, having been grabbed by your Uncle, Jeff taking him down.
You felt Miles hand grab your forearm while running and pull your back into him.
Miles: "Gotcha"
Y/n: "get the hell off me!"
Miles: " Calm down, we got you"
Y/n: "GET OFF ME" You screamed as you struggled against his grip, you knew he was spiderman, you knew his strengh was something you couldn't quite shrug off.
Jeff was holding Helia by his forearm, tightly, Helia, clearly not knowing what the hell was happening began to hyperventilate.
Jeff walked Helia to you and Miles, where he looked down on you being held tight by Miles, again trapped by your family, Jeff leant over you and whispred over to Miles.
Jeff: "I'll take Y/n home, you talk to this Helai guy, M'kay?"
Miles: "Okay"
And So Miles let go of you, only for you to be immdedialy grabbed by your Uncle Jeff whom began to pull you out the park, now it was just Helia, and Miles.
Helia: "Do I know you?"
Miles: "How do you know my cousin Y/n?"
Helia: "Oh...She's your cousin I see"
Miles: "I asked you a question"
Helia: "uhhh, I'm sorry but what the fuck is happening?"
Miles: "Are you fucking deaf or something? I asked you a question, how do you know My cousin?"
Helia: "I know her through Flora, jeez"
Miles: "And How do you know Flora?"
Helia: "Uh, I know her through a class I took"
Miles: "Uh huh"
Miles approched Helia slowly.
Miles: "Listen man, I can't have you hanging round my cousin like that, m'kay?"
Helia: "I don't understa-"
Miles: "Listen, just stay the fuck away from her before I take you out, you understand?"
Helia: "...Okay"
Miles nodded at him, and simply walked off out the woods.
Meanwhile, Your Uncle Jeff was shuffling you out the park and into the police cruiser.
With Miles short behind, he followed you into the car, sitting next to you in the back with Jeff in the front, boxing you in the car.
Jeff: "Care to explain yourself?"
Y/n: "Not really, no"
Miles: "Are you serious?"
Y/n: "Did you hurt him?"
Miles: "What?"
Y/n: "Did you hurt Helia?"
Miles: "No, just gave him some words of encourment"
Y/n: "oh my fukci-"
Jeff: "Don't swear in my car"
Y/n: "Then let me out the car!"
Jeff: " Y/n, all Iv'e done today, all Miles has done today was run around trying to find you"
Y/n: "I didn't ask you too!"
Jeff: "Let me finish, We bend over backwards trying to find you when you go running round town, doing God knows what and all you do once we find you is give us flac"
Y/n:" Yeah, beacuse it's weird! You, a grown man and your son go hunting for me whenever I do anything"
Jeff: "We are trying to protect you Y/n"
Y/n: " From WHAT?"
Miles: "Y/n, You don't understand what goes through a man's head"
Jeff: "Exactly"
Y/n: "That sounds like a self report to me"
Miles: "Excuse me?"
Y/n: "You heard what I said"
About a half hour later, you pulled up outside your building where you were basically carried up to your apartment, when the door opened revelaing your Auntie Rio, and your Dad Aaron waiting for you on the couch, while your Uncle and Miles stood behind you, creating a human wall for you to get past.
Aaron: "I see you came to your sense's"
Y/n: "Not really, I was brought back here, by your Brother and his Son, again"
Rio: "Don't be rude Y/n, your just digging yourself a bigger whole"
You see your stuff laying on the table, your cash teddy, Your diary and your phone book.
Miles flicked through it, looking confused.
Miles: "Why do you have a phone book?"
Y/n: "In case Aaron takes my phone, I can call people since no one remembers phone numbers"
The room fell quite.
Aaron: "...Aaron?"
Y/n: "...is that not your name?"
You saw the colour in Miles face drain out. Rio and stood and stepped to you.
Rio: "How DARE you! GET TO YOUR ROOM!" She pointed to your doorless area of 'privacy'
Aaron: "I think you mean my door, beacuse this is my house, and you are my daughter and until you start acting right I'll be keeping my door out the frame"
Y/n: "There is a rectangluar whole in the door!"
And as you sulked over to your room, you went to slam the door,Only to remeber, it was gone, you looked back at your family staring you down as you turned the corner.
Rio: "Adios mio that girl"
251 notes · View notes
azulera · 1 year
Rashy noticing that's something has been wrong with you for the last few weeks and you just won't tell him and he's stressing trying to figure it out
Don’t Leave Me Alone
Pairing: Marcus Rashford x Black Reader
Words: 3.5k
Notes: ngl recent events have made me not even want to post but i already had this done and as i said, i do value that ppl like my writing enough to send requests. so here is this! hope u like it anon
They'd picked the summer time to move in, late May to be exact, and Marcus was sure it was the smartest decision he’d ever been a part of. The prem season was ended, Y/N was out for the semester, they both had at least five weeks free to travel and relax, and there’d be no cold for the mover’s fingers to go blue in. The transporting itself had gone smoothly, each of her things finding its place in the huge expanse of his house, and the past month and a half of eating, sleeping and waking next to each other had been as nearest to perfect as Marcus thought life might get. So he couldn’t explain what, in the last seven days, could have possibly gone wrong.
“Is everythin alright, love?” He asked over the dinner table, which was sanded wood and brought over from Y/N’s apartment, much smaller than the one he’d used before.
She looked up from her plate and blinked. “Do you mean about dinner? I think I finally got the potatoes right this time, yeah.”
“No, not the food.” The side of his mouth lifted. “You’ve just seemed a bit down, this week, I don’t know. Just wanted to ask, see if there was anythin buggin you?”
“Oh,” She passed a hand over her hair. “Just tired, I guess. It was a rough semester.”
“Yeah, it was – you smashed it, though. But,” He paused until she looked at him, and was immediately taken by her brown eyes, which, unreadable as they were, he’d always found incredibly beautiful. “If anything’s wrong, you can tell me. I’d want to help.”
“Mhm.” She replied, and flitted her eyes away, pushing up from the table. “Let’s clean up?”
He nodded, though he wasn’t convinced, and stood up to take their few dishes to the kitchen. They rinsed and loaded in a silence not as comfortable as it ought to have been, and soon finished, Y/N pausing in front of the rumbling machine. From behind, Marcus pulled her into an embrace, fitting his hands around her waist and mumbling into her neck.
“Wanna come cuddle wi’me for a bit? We can watch the next Narcos.”
He felt her take a deep breath, and then lightly pat the hand that held her.
“I’ve got a little headache, actually. Think m’gonna lay down for the night.”
Marcus frowned. “You want me to watch the next episode? Without you?”
“Yeah, go ahead – I’ll get caught up when you’re on your trip next week. I’d just really like to lay down.”
Fatigue colored her voice, and Marcus felt a little more sure that she really was just under the weather, and not anything worse.
“D’you want me to bring you tea? Water? Medicine?”
She shook her head “no”, and turned around, another sigh hitting the fabric of his t-shirt.
“S’alright, then. Hope you get feeling better, babe.” He leaned in, pressed a kiss to her forehead, and then two to the dark spirals of her hair. “I’ll be up in a bit. I love you.”
A near silent “thank you” left her lips, and she squeezed his hand once. And then Marcus was left in the kitchen alone.
After a mild pre-season session the next day, Marcus skipped showering to go straight to his car. When he’d seen her that morning, Y/N had still seemed poorly – she hadn’t left bed for tea and breakfast with him, and no silly texts or memes had come into his phone, the way they usually did during his long hours of training. Leaving now, he'd felt a strange, strong urge to get to her, like the sooner he did, the sooner things would go back to normal.
When he keyed into the house, however, her usual lounging spot – in the center of the living room sectional – was empty. As were the kitchen, bedroom, gym and laundry room that he walked to after. He found her instead on the back patio, cuddled into herself on the sunbed, with her curls spread wild and loose about her shoulders. A book was opened up and settled on her knees, and a pile of crumpled tissues sat just to her right.
“Hey, was lookin for you.”
The jitters that assailed him finally began to slow as he approached her, but didn’t fade completely.
“What’s all these for? You wasn’t crying, were you?”
“No, no, not really. It’s just this book. It’s pretty sad.” She tried to laugh at herself, but the sound came out wet and dull. “Or maybe I’m just dramatic.”
A range of emotions swept over him as he considered her pink, puffy eyes, the way she still wouldn’t hold his gaze for too long. His anxiety flared again, but he continued on with the plan he’d devised in the car, hopeful that it might still work.
“Well, I’m just about to run a bath, didn’t have time to shower after training. It could cheer you up, maybe. Did you wanna join me?”
It’s something special they do, just for them, a quiet and closeness involved that Marcus enjoyed far more than he’d ever said aloud. He hoped it would be enough to break through the wall he felt sprouting between them.
“But you’re all sweaty.” She said flatly.
He sucked his teeth, and sat alongside her on the thin mattress.
“That never stopped you before? When we were squeezed up in the one at your flat.”
“Right.” Her face fell, suddenly, as if she’d remembered something unpleasant. “But I’ve already showered, actually, a bit ago. Went out for a run.”
“That never stopped you before, either” Marcus wanted to say but didn’t, and focused instead on fixing his face to not reveal his disappointment.
“Okay.” He stalled a moment, weighing his next move. “Babe, are you sure everything is okay with you? M’a bit worried–”
“It’s fine, Marcus. It’s going to be fine, just …” She closed her eyes, and they glistened when they opened, focused seriously on his own. “I’m fine. Just stop pushing it, please.”
She gathered her book and trash and walked back into the house, which hurt him, but her last sentences hurt worse. If he wasn't meant to push, then what could he do? Sitting back and watching her pull further and further away from him was tortuous and seemed the opposite of what a good partner should do. Still, he nodded, even though she had already gone, and let his head fall into his hands.
A few hours later, in the bath, the jacuzzi jets going but alone, nothing was as it should have been. Already he missed the slide of her wet skin against his, how the brown of it went faintly pink the hotter she ran the water, which was scalding enough by Marcus’ standards. Now it felt lukewarm at best, the bubbles even less fluorescent, less bubbly than usual, without her there to scoop handfuls of them to paste on his face and chest, making herself giggle and cleaning their bodies in the process. He missed that, too, he realized, her body – it’s softness and strength, and how easily it yielded and came alive under his hands, but more concerning was her mind, which was somewhere outside its optimal state, and seemingly getting worse by the day.
He leaned his head back against the tub’s edge and sighed. It was a soft sound, quickly lost among the hum of the jets and the noise of his muscles singing and thanking him, but then he heard something else. Crying. Quiet, choked-off sobs from the other side of the en suite door, that he knew Y/N was trying to hide, but didn’t know why. The sound alone carved a hole deeper in his chest.
Before he realized it, he’d risen from the bath, shampoo still in his hair, and pushed open the door to their bedroom.
Squinting through the dark, Marcus could tell she was in the bed, asleep, or at least pretending to be. He debated whether or not to wake her – his every instinct begged him to, but the noise of tears had stopped, and he’d been specifically, harshly instructed not to “push”.
He waited several moments anyway, eyeing her sleeping form, burning up inside, but when she didn’t budge, he stepped back into the bathroom, mindful of the growing puddle he’d created on the carpet.
Under the shower head, he rinsed his hair and dried off, putting on his lotion and moisturizer in record time, all the while his mind racing, trying to settle the unease twisting up his chest and throat. When he got to the bedroom, he set his alarm and settled in under the covers behind her, as close as he dared.
Though her breaths came and went evenly, something in him, maybe something of his own creation, told him she was awake, that she could hear him. He felt free to unburden himself, and say what he wanted her to know.
“M’here for you, Y/N.” He used one arm to hold her against his chest, and the other to fix her hair scarf where it had ridden up in the back. “Hope you know that. Whatever it is, we can … fix it, talk about it, at least, together. Love you ... don’t wanna lose you.”
He knew the words were true, and could feel their sincerity aching somewhere deep in his bones. But he feared he was running out of ways to make sure Y/N believed it, too.
By the following day, Marcus decided “not pushing” was no longer a viable option. Y/N was gone from bed even before him, and he turned to his night-table to find a message saying she’d gone out for an early run again and to get coffee. It wasn’t a strange occurrence on its own, but the way the last few days had gone, weeks really, this latest change to their patterns was enough to set him on a nervous edge. All through the day, his head was gone, drifting and distracted while training, and his thoughts sprinting to the worst - Y/N wanted to move out, she wanted to break up with him – in any moment he had idle.
But when his third check-in text sent from the rain-wet bed of the physio suite went unanswered, as did the two facetime call requests, it became slightly harder for him to breathe. The PT scrunched his face, but Marcus didn’t explain, wasn’t sure he’d be able to speak if he tried, and he’d been forced through two rounds of deep breathing before he’d let him off the table.
As soon as the gaffer released them, Marcus raced home through the rain that had begun to pour, calling one more time to no avail, but trying to stay rational. He imagined her sat in her spot on the big sofa in the sitting room when he arrived, apologetic and with some perfectly logical story of what had kept her from her phone all day, and what had depressed her mood the past few weeks.
He opened the front door, however, to silence, and her car keys still gone. His stomach dropped, and an icy, despairing prickle crawled over his skin. Was he overreacting? Or should he have pushed more?
Somehow he knew the rest of the house and even the back porch would be empty, just as silent, and found himself climbing the stairs anyway. His legs stopped by the room he used as his office, and he threw himself into the desk chair. He felt more calm, serious in there, for some reason, and composed himself enough to check her location, which was inconclusive, and click her contact another time. It went to voicemail once again, and he cursed, pulling at his hair.
After one heavy, frantic beat, he picked up the phone again to dial the only other number that would be useful at a time like this. The call picked up on the second ring.
Marcus’ car had been in the driveway when you pulled up, but when you stepped into his house – your house, now – there wasn’t any trace of him. Late afternoon training usually left him in the kitchen or theater room, scarfing down whatever meals his nutritionist prepared before conking out in his-your bed for a few hours until dinner.
You checked your phone, which had been dead up until the last five minutes when you’d connected it to the car charger, and realized it was closer to dinner time than you’d thought.
Dropping off your raincoat and bag, you went in search of him. The blaring missed calls and texts deserved a response, as hard as it would be to face him in person. You didn’t want him to worry any more than he already did, even though you felt there was little, if anything, he could do.
“Marcus?” You called up the stairs, but there was only your footsteps, the patter of rain, in answer.
You began climbing anyway, sure the sounds of the house would lead you to him, and eventually heard his voice, muffled through the closed door of his office. You stopped, and leaned against the wall to listen.
“She won’t talk to me, mum, she won’t, I’ve tried everythin. She’s not physically hurt, no, but something is wrong. I know that much. It’s like she don’t even want to be around me.”
There was a pause, and an ache began in your chest. The distress in your partner’s voice was palpable.
“But I’ve gave her space. And I’ve even asked her up front what’s wrong, and still nothin. I'm leavin for my trip in a few days, and I won’t be able to fix anythin from there. Reckon she might even be gone by then.”
Each second you listened, you fell further and further into the mire of guilt, and it seemed impossible to get out. Some external force, whose name or origin you didn’t know, forced your hand onto the knob and pushed into the room.
You met his eyes, cautious, but found nothing but relief, unshed tears in them.
“Y/N. Baby.” His voice cracked around the words, and he flew to your side of the room, crushing you to his body, burying his face in your damp hair.
“Are you hurt? Are you okay? Where were you?”
You tried, but couldn't speak around the lump in your throat. All you wanted was for him to hold you again, and to apologize for everything.
“Y/N. You’ve gotta talk to me, please. M’goin mad here, I’ve been goin mad–”
“I’m okay, Marcus. I’m not hurt.” You squeezed at his hands, trying to loosen their tight grip around your back and also trying to ground him. “Went for my run and coffee like I said, and then around to visit my mates at my old flat. My phone died, and I didn’t realize. I should’ve known you would worry.”
He looked back at you with wide eyes still, nodding slow like it was taking serious effort to comprehend the words leaving your mouth.
“I’m okay, baby. I promise.”
When he finally spoke, his voice was gravelly, but much quieter, and none of the terror gone from it.
“Y/N, look, know you asked me not to push, but I can't just do nothin while–”
“Wait, Marcus – can we sit and do this? Please. And you’ve gotta get out of this jacket, babe, it’s soaked. You’ll catch a cold.”
The familiar sound of your fussing seemed to center him further, and he slid the jacket off, settling stiffly on the futon along the opposite wall. His legs were spread wide, and he raised his hands to his knees, fingers digging into them.
Hesitantly, you followed, standing between his legs, watching his eyes, which you’d missed, and his lips, which you’d possibly missed even more. You paused before lowering yourself onto his knee.
“Is this okay?”
“‘Course” He breathed out, pulling you the rest of the way down and rubbing his hands gently up and down your back. It was the first moment you’d felt at ease in the last two weeks, and you took the time to just hug him, wiping at a drop of water puddled along his hairline. Gradually, everything that had been pent-up seemed much easier to face.
“I’ve been real distant the past weeks, haven’t I.”
“It’s cause I’ve been confused.”
“Confused about what?”
The intensity of his eyes suddenly became too much, and you pressed your cheek against his shoulder. You made sure your voice still reached him clear.
“Confused about my feelings. About us, about us living together.”
His stomach had gone cold with dread again, but you took the silence as a license to continue. You knew he would stop you if and when he’d heard enough.
“It’s been great, it really has, Marcus. You’re my favorite person to be around – you know that.” His insides smiled at the mention, since the past week had convinced him of the opposite. Still, his expression remained the same.
“And you seemed so happy, having me here. But sometimes, lately, it got — I don’t know, overwhelming? Like, I had my friends in my last flat with me, and it feels like I spend so much time here alone. When you’re here, I don’t feel like that, but that don't feel fair to you either.”
He bit his lip. “I don’t understand.”
“I know, it’s confusing, but it’s like, I’m used to my roommates, us all together, a lot of noise – even when you’re alone you’re not really alone. So whenever you get here, I want to recreate that, spend every second with you, if I can. Didn’t want you to think I was clinging, though? ‘Cause I know how that feels, too.” You paused to take a breath, and Marcus rubbed your back, silent encouragement to continue.
“Thought you should be able to come home and spend your time on your own, too, if that’s what you wanted. So I was moping, but trying to give you that, for a while. Thought that if I could give you some space until your trip next week, I’d be okay. I could use that week to get myself together, stop being ungrateful. ‘Cause I am so lucky, aren’t I? To be able to live with this person I love so much. But I guess I only made it worse.”
“So it’s findin a balance, then, that was hard. Findin ... where you and I, personal time ends, and where “us” time begins.” Marcus summarized.
There was an unspoken “Why didn’t you just say so?” at the back of his statement that your partner was too kind and too patient to say. But you deserved it, so you said it yourself.
“Exactly. But I should have told you that it was eating me up. Not tried to isolate myself, or shut you out. And I’m sorry, about that. ”
Marcus let the apology ring out, and laced the fingers of one of your hands together, a quiet absolution. You felt lighter, now, after having spoken your piece, but knew that didn’t mean the conservation was over.
“Don’t think I need to say I forgive you, because,” He leaned his chin into his palm thoughtfully, before looking up at you. “Because I really get it, you know. I do. I understand that you need your own space, to feel like your own person still. And also that I’m gone, and it’s just you here, a lot, which is new for you. I get that it’s overwhelming, that findin the balance bit. But– I’ve never done this, moved in with someone before, either, have I? It’s excitin, but it’s a lot of other emotions, too. You can’t assume how m’feeling, or how I want to spend my time, just like I can’t read your mind about what's got you upset, innit?”
He paused.
“And it’s like, we’ve gotta figure it out together, don’t we?”
You nodded.
“So when -if, you’re feelin like that again, you’ll tell me? Even if you think it’ll hurt my feelings, or whatever. And if you need to go spend extra time with your mates to feel alright, we’ll sort it. And I’ll do the same. Yeah?”
"You promise?"
You promised, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, and chin against his head. With the most difficult part of the conversation over, your senses opened up enough beyond Marcus to notice that the sound of rain outside had ceased. The wet, grassy smell of his training kit finally entered your nose, and your good humor began to stretch its legs.
“So I don’t need to go pack my things?” You mumbled into his shoulder.
“No.” Marcus snorted. “Not unless you changed your mind the last 15 seconds.”
“Nah, I reckon I’ll stay. I'd miss the jacuzzi tub too much.” You sighed. “Saying no to that bath with you was the hardest thing I ever done.”
Marcus chuckled, enough air in his chest to do so now, and kissed you lightly on the lips.
“Fancy one now?” He repeated, and your “please” was fast and enthusiastic. He scooped you in his arms, and you held tight to him, murmuring quiet “I love you”s and knowing as you walked through the house –your house– that you were exactly where you were meant to be.
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mlmxreader · 1 month
Closer | Alfie Solomons x gn!reader
↳ ❝ "I want you - need you" + "Don't moan so loud, you'll wake the others" +  biting (in the trenches perhaps... maybe the My Lieutenant pairing-> I miss them, but again, doesn't have to be) ❞
: ̗̀➛ it's a sleepless night in the trenches, and when Alfie gets woken up by his favourite Lieutenant, there's only one thing he can think of to get both of them to sleep.
trigger warnings : ̗̀➛ Anal sex, anal fingering, gagging, biting, dom/sub, sex without lube, depictions of war (ww1), swearing, smoking, cum swallowing, praise kink, spanking, masturbation, blow jobs, face fucking
↳ (1) Eastern Front Chills, (2) My Lieutenant
Summer drew to a close, the last few stretches of unbearable heat flooding down constantly; even the nights were sticky and restless. Men fidgeted and stripped to keep cool, only to be chewed up by fleas and lice the moment their skin was exposed; at least the mud had dried.
No more losing boots during charges, no more having to steal from dead Jerries unless a boot was broken.
Food was scarce, but no one worried about eating; a few stale biscuits a day were enough. It was too hot to eat. Too hot to move. The smell of boiling tea had started to dwindle. "Home by December", but they never said which.
The last time you had seen a newspaper, it had been two years since the war had begun.
Two years of shit and piss coated leather boots. Two years of flea bites and lice in your hair. Two years of having to shit in a fucking pit and trying not to fall in. Two years of lugging around heavy bags and trying not to fall into the mud and die.
Two years of asking: what was it all for?
You sighed as you looked over at Alfie. The sound of mortars and shells were banging against the thin wooden walls that made up the Captain's quarters. You wondered how the fuck he could sleep in the conditions.
Cramped and squashed together. No door for privacy after it had been blown off during the last attack, nothing left but charred splinters. You swallowed thickly, wriggling your way out of the bed; you were glad he didn't stir.
Another shell dropped, shaking the ground. You nearly fell, steadying yourself against one of the coarse walls for a moment. A few seconds to make sure, and then you grabbed the cigarettes from the pile of rations, and lit one up.
You didn't bother to go outside, there wasn't a fucking door anymore. What was the point?
Alfie stirred, then, slowly pulling himself up and rubbing his face with his hands; his beard was getting long, and his age was beginning to betray him. Bits of grey amongst the brown.
"The fuck're you doin' up?" He muttered out.
You shrugged in response, tugging at the collar of your shirt. "Too hot to sleep."
For a second, he nodded. "Fancy a quickie?"
You scoffed as you flicked the cigarette ash on the floor. "That's what's on your mind?"
"Ain't like there's anythin' else," he pointed out. "Besides, sex is meant to help. Y'know, fuck you to sleep an' all that shit."
You thought about it for a moment, watching as he peeled off his sweat soaked shirt; the sweat dripped down his skin, down all the intricate tattoos on his chest.
His stomach that hung over the edge of his trousers and rolled when he bent over; you swallowed thickly, hardly able to say a thing. He was fucking wonderful to look at. A field of daffodils amongst a pile of shit.
"Think I might take you up on that offer," you mumbled, tossing the cigarette away and sitting beside him on the small bed. You let your hand rest on the waistband of his trousers and cleared your throat. "You alright if I go there?"
He nodded, helping you to undo his zipper and push his trousers and underwear down; the second your hand wrapped around his cock, he let out a long breath, closing his eyes.
Slowly, you began to stroke his cock as he moved to kiss you; he started with nibbling and biting at your bottom lip before your neck drew his attention. He bit down hard, the sound of his moans muffled by your skin as he reached for the waistband of your underwear and snapped it.
"You alright if I go there?" He grumbled against you.
You agreed, a long moan getting drawn from you when he started to touch you. You could only let out a muttered few curses, biting at the inside of your lip as he continued to bite down on your neck; he moved between spots, leaving indents with his teeth that you knew would be there in the morning. But it was difficult to care.
You picked up your pace, pulling your hand away from him for a moment; you spat on your palm, taking hold of his cock again.
You could feel his precum staining your fingertips, smearing it over his cock as you whimpered and caught him in another kiss; open mouthed and breathy, you were eager to lick his tongue before diving in again.
You picked up your pace, the soft squelch of his skin against yours, precum coating his cock; he wasn’t going to last long, it was easy to see, able to feel himself let loose as he started to pant heavily, sweat on his brow.
He was so fucking close, he couldn’t even hold back when he came on your hand, groaning softly when you pulled away and licked it from your fingertips; thick and white and glistening with your saliva.
Alfie leaned back, panting heavily and grinning at you as he raised his brows. He could only watch in awe as you moved so your mouth was nearly on his cock; your tongue dripping will drool and hitting his hot skin.
"If you start suckin' me off, I'm gonna have to get a rabbi first thing in the mornin', mind," he threatened jokingly, each word accompanied with a harsh puff of air.
You licked your lips, daring to meet his eyes for a moment. "You might wanna figure out how to get one here, then."
You leaned over, and when Alfie closed his eyes, he could feel something warm and wet around his hard cock, and did his best not to buck his hips at the sensation as it rolled over him, forcing his head back against the wall as he grunted out softly.
Fuck, he could not remember the last time he had had his cock in anyone's mouth, and fuck, he certainly remembered how much he had missed the feeling.
Your mouth was so warm and wet, taking every inch of him as much as you could and trying to suppress the gags coming from the back of your throat.
Drool slipped from your mouth, pooling down his cock as you looked up at him and smiled, humming around him and only managing to make him moan even louder.
"Alf!" You pulled away, laughing softly as you shook your head. "Don't moan so loud, you'll wake the others!"
Alfie searched for a moment, grinning when he saw your handkerchief; he grabbed it, and stuffed it into his mouth with a wink. "How's that?"
You couldn't help but to laugh at how the words were muffled, shaking your head fondly before eagerly taking his cock into your mouth again. He grabbed the back of your neck, bucking his hips and doing his best not to grunt and growl too loudly.
He wasn't going to fucking last that long.
"You take me cock so fuckin' well," he praised, eyes rolling into the back of his head as he growled.
"Swallow it all, now," he told you, the movement of his hips slowing down before he stilled; he watched as you eagerly swallowed every drop before licking his cock completely clean. "Fuck... me..."
You grinned, a little bit of cum on your bottom lip as you swiped your tongue along it. "You up for that, Alf? You seem a bit knackered, matey."
Alfie glared at you, taking the handkerchief from his mouth so he could kiss you again; doing his best not to groan at how he could taste himself on your tongue. He looked down at your groin, doing his best not to smile as he quirked a brow. "It looks like you need it, Lieutenant."
You nodded, heat coursing through your body as you swallowed thickly. "Aye, Captain."
"Stand against the wall with your back to me," he ordered, grinning at how eager you followed the order. "Strip."
You did as he said, and once you were finished, you planted your hands against the wall.
"Good," he praised, giving his wet cock a few firm strokes before he came up behind you. He held onto your hip, his fingertips digging into your skin. "You ready?"
"Hurry up, Alf," you hissed out between gritted teeth. "Please, you know I want you - need you to fuck me already."
"Alright, alright," he chuckled, quickly grabbing the handkerchief again and pressing it against your lips. "You alright to keep this in?"
You agreed, eagerly biting down on the soft fabric and quickly giving him a thumbs up; he put two fingers into your ass, stretching you as much as he could with the saliva from his cock. He swallowed thickly, lining himself up with you before slowly pushing in until he felt your body firmly against yours.
With one arm, he took hold of your chest, and with the other, he placed it against the wall to keep his balance; he bit down on the back of your neck, slowly rolling his hips until he was sure that you had adjusted to his size properly.
You slapped your hands against the wall, pushing back against him and begging for more through the fabric in your mouth; it soaked up the drool that left you, and suppressed the soft gag at the sensation whilst Alfie picked up his pace.
It was easy to hear the sound of skin slapping against skin as he fucked you; keeping his teeth buried into your skin to stifle his own moans as he muttered out a few choice praises here and there.
Egging you on and coaxing you as much as he was able to.
Sweat dripping from his forehead and splashing against your skin; it mixed with your own, the droplets racing down as quickly as they could.
You squirmed, desperate for more and more as Alfie did his best to give it to you; his grip on your chest moved so that he could grasp one of your nipples. Flicking and rolling it between his fingers just to get more of a rise out of you.
You let out a loud moan, thankfully stifled by the handkerchief. A few splatters of drool flicking against the wall in front of you. You took one hand off of it, daring to touch yourself as Alfie kept going.
He swapped hands so he could start playing with your other nipple, trying not to laugh at how you pleaded and begged for more; he was certain that it would have woken everyone up by now, had it not been for the shells outside and the handkerchief to keep your big mouth shut.
"C'mon, Lieutenant," Alfie grunted out against your skin. "You're takin' my cock so fuckin' well, think you're gonna last till I cum?"
You nodded, desperate to have him fill you and breed you; the mere thought of it only pushing you further as you wildly bucked against him, clenching around him and trying to milk his cock.
He wasn't going to last, his thrusts becoming erratic before slowing down completely as he dumped his load in your ass; he gave it a firm smack, taking a few seconds to grasp his breath before he continued.
You weren't far.
Your toes curled, eyes rolling into the back of your head as you panted and moaned against the handkerchief, body shaking as your legs slowly went weak; you could feel your cum coating your hand as you weakly called out his name.
Alfie coaxed you through it, only daring to pull out once he was sure you were finished; gently, he turned you around and removed the handkerchief, grinning breathlessly.
"You feelin' alright?"
You nodded, grabbing his arms to steady yourself. "Are you always gonna fuck me that well?"
He licked his lips as he shrugged. "Well, I'll fuckin' try."
thank you for reading!! but now I'd like to draw your attention to something important: Deyaa and his family are currently in need of funds so that they can escape Gaza and survive the genocide. just £1 would go SO FAR in ensuring that this family can continue to live, so please, if you can, consider donating. please.
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imagineanime2022 · 5 months
Don't Need Help
Dabi X Reader!Platonic
Word Count: 700
Requested: Anon
Request: Heyy I was wondering if you could do a Dabi x fem!teen! reader platonic, where Dabi comes home drunk and how would reader react to this? Also reader taking care of him. Tyy
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You didn’t actually realise how late it was until Dabi came stumbling into the house, you were sitting with your feet tucked up under your book in hand, your eyes moving over his for a second as he made his way over, falling into the chair next to you. “What are you doing awake kid?” He asked. “Waiting for you, you said you'd be back-” You glanced at the clock “3 hours ago.” “You keepin’ tabs on me now?” He asked. “No.” You answered, putting the book mark in place and closing the book, you put it on the coffee table in front of you before. “I was just worried about you, thought you might need help.” “Don’t need help.” He answered leaning his head back shuffling down slightly to lean against the back of the sofa instead of straining his neck. “No, of course not.” You muttered as you walking to the kitchen, you got him a glass of water, you put it on the coffee table in front of him “drink that.” “Don’t want it.” He muttered “Not thirsty.” “You are, you're just too drunk to notice. Drink it.” You ordered as you walked back towards the laundry room, you were sure that you had washed some of the lounge wear he had, not that there was much of it. You grabbed the clothes that you were looking for and walked back out into the living room. Dabi’s eyes were closed but the cup was empty. “D?” You asked, but he didn't answer so you assumed that he had passed out and started the meticulous task of changing him out of the clothes that he had been wearing all day. You started with his shoes, which were easy enough, getting his trouser off was easy but getting the new ones on was harder but once that was done, changing his shirt was easy. Once all of that was done you grabbed the pillows from your bedroom putting them on the sofa under his head shuffling him into a more comfortable position, the last thing was the bucket, you grabbed from the kitchen in case he woke up vomiting. “Night D.” You said softly before settling in the armchair by his head to keep an eye on him, you opened your book again, it was already 2:30am he’d be awake again in a few hours, his sleep schedule was terrible anyway.
You weren’t wrong he was up again at 6:30am exactly 4 hours later, he groaned as he looked around. “There’s some painkillers and water on the table.” You mumbled not looking up from your book. “What are you doing awake at 6:30 in the morning?” He mumbled. “Haven’t slept yet.” You answered. “What?” He asked as he looked over at you “why?” “Someone had to make sure that you didn’t choke on your own vomit.” You answered. Dabi looked at you for a second, he had never had anyone care for him that much before, at least not that he could remember, he wanted to say that someone had somewhere but nothing came to mind. “Well I’m not gonna choke now, so go to bed will you?” He asked. “Can’t.” You answered. “Why?” He asked “not like you’ve got anythin’ going on.” He pulled his arm over his eyes shielding them from the light “I need my pillows.” You answered stubbornly as he peaked out from his arm to look at you. “Why do I have your pillows?” He asked. “Well I wasn’t going to go poking around your room.” You answered, Dabi just grunted before pulling the pillows out from under his head and throwing them in your direction. “Go get some rest kid, you don’t need to be on watch anymore.” He mumbled, he could hear you moving and when you got to the door of the living room he spoke again “thanks for looking out for me.” You didn’t say anything but he didn’t expect you to, he wasn’t even sure that you would have heard him considering how low he spoke but he said it all the same, maybe there was still time to be a good older brother to someone.
Request Here!!
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emelinstriker · 10 months
Hey hi its the high dream anon again. I was curious if you put any thought into what Mei, piggy and them would be doing during esau or if they're in it, cause man, I had a dream about it and it made me cry cause angst, but I wanted to know if you had any thoughts before I shared
Okay so- I haven't really gotten to the point of expanding more on the side of the non-servants since the servants aren't even really done yet tbh- DBK and PIF would also still need some more expansion on their angst about Red Son's disappearance.
But I do have some angst in store in terms of the timeframe of Wukong bringing MK to the palace and how his friends reacted... c:
So basically, you know how MK and the others traveled to Flower Fruit Mountain to give Monkey King his staff back so he could fight the Demon Bull King? The moment where he's separated from the others and they thought he died is when MK was first fully introduced to the blue champion. Their first meeting is most definitely more different though than in the show. Sadly not as comedic fhgnfhg He also did wake up from the crash with some odd pain in his back. But it felt rather mild at first.
Anyway, after the first DBK battle and all that, the moment where Monkey King basically sealed up part of MK's powers is when he was infected. This did seal up part of his powers as planned, but not exactly like in the show. Instead, this is why ESAU!MK is such a landmine and seems to be docile, before snapping in an instant, and turning docile again. Monkey King's power only seemed to enhance MK's sudden jump in emotions, between seemingly being mentally in another world or having a sudden emotional spike aimed aimed at someone or something.
And a bit after the entire battle with the Demon Bull Family, MK just suddenly... disappeared. He already seemed a bit off during the battle, and even somewhat back when he first met the void-black eyed monkey, but then he simply went missing.
His friends got really worried and have been trying to look all over Megapolis for him, but he just seemed to have disappeared without a trace. There wasn't even a single sign of him ever having returned to his room afterwards.
It's unclear what all they've tried doing to find out where he is and most likely save him and bring him back since it felt more like he was taken away by some force. But there was indeed heartbreak, anxiety, as well as hope and a bit of lack thereof through the desperate search for the noodle delivery boy.
They didn't want to believe they've lost him just like that. They never even had any confirmation on whether or not he died, so Mei would've probably been the one to assume he got kidnapped.
And only a long while after that did they see MK again. Now as a monkey in yellow armor and void-black eyes, just like Wukong.
Mostly seeming emotionless, not remembering them. His friends.
And worst of all is that they don't know if they can even help him. Especially after he disappeared as quickly as he showed up, only having been looking for something to retrieve. Which just made them feel all the more helpless.
But he seemed to be in a form of trance with how emotionless and non-reactive he was acting while looking for something. So Tang was theorizing MK might be possessed by a monkey demon. Mei even tried grabbing him at one point to try stop him from ignoring her and he didn't seem bothered by it and just carried on with his mission he was focused on.
However, after the noodle boy disappeared, there wasn't much they could do. They didn't even know how to "bring him back to his senses" due to how they've never seen him or anyone in such a condition..
If there's typos or anythin like that- oop- but my brain is scrambled it's almost 11pm I'mma sleep now gn8 fhgnfghfnhgfg specifically only colored MK's name at the point of him already being an official servant. Same with only Wukong's name since he doesn't remember his name/title as Monkey King and therefor doesn't really associate with it.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
It’s been a minute but I’m baaaaack (: I’m feeling especially angsty today… can I request a hurt/no comfort argument with Rindou over him not helping around the house after having a baby? (: I hope you have been well, Wendy!
Heeeeeeeyyyy love bug! I WILL DELIVER THIS FOR YOU
Hurt, no comfort coming right up!
Start Over: Rindou Haitani x Fem!Reader
wc: 978
tw: pure angst, not a nice Rindou Haitani here
A sharp, hiccuping cry rises from your child's bedroom. You feel the hours of sleeplessness drag at you as you rise from the bed, leaving your sleeping husband to get his eight hours every fucking night.
"Shh, shh, shh," you urge your wailing child, bouncing them lightly to get them to go back to sleep. For a moment, you see shadows outside of the bedroom and feel a flood of relief at Rindou getting up, but then the door to your bedroom closes.
Your heart sinks.
Once you get your child to sleep, you wander back to your bedroom, feeling downtrodden and exhausted. Rindou is in bed, turned away from the door with his pillow firmly stuffed under his head. "Rin," you whisper, but your husband doesn't reply. You slink back under the covers and turn away from him, wishing in your dimming consciousness that he would just pitch in one time with the mundane chores around the house to lighten the load.
Rindou's never helped you with the baby, never helped with the laundry or cooking, never done anything to make parenthood easier. You might as well be a single parent.
When the morning comes, you're awake and helping make breakfast. Rindou is getting ready upstairs, but as you scramble his eggs, your thoughts are scrambled with them. The frying bacon represents your emotions and resentment as Rindou comes down the stairs, his eyes bleary and full of sleep.
"So tired..." he yawns, leaning on the kitchen table. Anger simmers beneath the surface as you watch him take a seat, his fingers rubbing at his face.
"Here." The plate lands in front of Rindou with a "clack" in front of him, and before he raises his fork, a scowl crawls across his face.
"What's with the attitude?" The eggs on the stove are now gone and on his plate, but your emotions are still simmering beneath the surface. When you don't answer, Rindou stands up. "Something you wanna talk about?"
"Yeah," you mutter, suddenly fully capable of conversation. "We need to talk about you and your contribution to the household."
"Excuse me?"
"You don't do shit," you gripe. "Sure, you work, but when you come home, you just put your feet up and watch me do all of the housework." Rindou frowns, standing from his seat and placing his hands in his suit pants pockets. He's listening, but you know it's only for show.
"And that's a problem because...?"
"I need help, Rin!" Rindou pushes up his glasses and crosses his arms over his chest. He leans back against the table, resting slightly on the edge. "I'm taking care of the baby, I'm cleaning the dishes, I'm cooking, I'm doing the laundry - and all you do is make deals and money and..." You smack your hand on your leg, looking around in confusion.
Rindou stares at you, his brow raised. "Are you done?"
Red clouds your vision, and you grip the handle of the frying pan as tightly as you can. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me," you grit out, and Rindou scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"If you think you're going to hit me with that pan, you're wrong."
"Get the fuck out of my house," you reply, keeping your tone low.
"Your house?" Rindou wonders, pushing himself off of the table. "With what money did you pay for this house?" You raise the dirty dish as he approaches you, preparing yourself for the onslaught of words and maybe even a blow or two. "You've got a lot of nerve complaining about what I don't do when all you've done is live off of my money in my house that my name is on."
"But you can't even keep your wife happy." You see something flash behind the round glasses on Rindou's face, but before he can raise his hands to do anything to you, he sighs and takes a few steps back. "What a fat lot of good your money does now, huh?"
"I'd like to see how well you'd live without my support," Rindou counters, pointing at you. "Your entire life is funded by what I do. And you have the audacity to say you're not happy. You should be grateful for my status. If it wasn't for me, you'd be sleeping with a fucking nobody and having his nobody-children."
Your grip on the frying pans wavers. Rindou catches the micro-movement with a sense of satisfaction.
"I'll see about hiring a maid," he offers smoothly, adjusting his tie and smoothing his purple hair back. "So you won't have to do any more work in the kitchen or in the laundry room." Your shoulders lower, but when Rindou turns around to grab his jacket, he swipes the plate onto the floor, making the porcelain shatter.
Upstairs, your baby begins to cry, and he lifts a finger, pointing to the ceiling.
"You raise the kid. You fuck me when I say so. You do what I say to do in my house. You live your life on your knees in service to me. And I'll think about forgiving this little... slip-up." Fear races down your spine as Rindou places his suit jacket on and steps over the mess of eggs and porcelain and bacon on the floor. "And you'll start by cleaning this floor. If it's not cleaned when I get home..." He turns back to you, his hand on the back door. "You won't get a maid. You won't get my money. You won't get a fucking thing from me except an eviction notice and the clothes on your back."
When Rindou shuts the door, you finally take the chance to look down at the mess on the floor. When you see the eggs and bacon scattered about, you can only do one thing: get on your hands and knees and start over.
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the-himawari · 6 months
A3! Outing Event Translation - You're my first and last love. (6/11)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Azami: It sure is hard to pin one down…
Misumi: Planning is hard.
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Hisoka: We’re going to run out of time if we don’t decide soon.
Sakyo: If we don’t have time to prepare, then we have limited options for what we can do.
Sakuya: If it’s going to take a lot of time and effort, then that’s even more reason to decide quickly…
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Masumi: …
Sakyo: Usui. Are not plannin’ on contributing today either?
Masumi: …
Sakyo: Hey.
Masumi: …Anything’s fine.
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Sakyo: You opened your mouth and that’s it? Oi, do you even wanna do this?
Masumi: …
Sakyo: You didn’t say anythin’ at our meeting yesterday either. Do you really not have any ideas?
Masumi: SHUT UP! I said I don't have any, alright!
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Sakuya: M-Masumi-kun!?
Misumi: Masumi, what’s wrong?
Masumi: It doesn’t matter. I’m done. …I don’t care about anything.
Sakyo: …S’cuse me? Don’t tell me that you’re sulkin’ cause we’re not going with your plan from before? So if you can’t do something for Director, then you don’t care anymore?
Masumi: —.
Azami: Hey, stop. Sakyo's makin' the mood worse.
Sakyo: …Usui.
Masumi: …
*runs out and slams the door*
Sakuya: Ah, Masumi-kun…!
Misumi: Masumi!
Sakyo: Leave him be. It’ll be better if he cools his head a bit.
Azami: You’re the one sayin’ that?
Hisoka: …You were also kind of at fault just now.
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Sakyo: …
Sakuya: U-Um, well… I’ll come up with a plan for Masumi-kun in his stead…!
Azami: Don’t force yourself, Sakuya-san. No matter how I think about it, it’s impossible to continue our meeting today.
Sakuya: I-I guess so…
Hisoka: We should take a break.
Sakuya: But Masumi-kun…
Azami: Did somethin’ happen?
Sakuya: Masumi-kun hasn’t been acting like himself since this morning.
Misumi: Sakuya, let’s go look for Masumi then!
Sakuya: …Okay! Let’s search together!
Azami: *Sigh*… are we really gonna be okay?
Hisoka: …Hard to say.
Sakyo: …
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Misumi: Sakuya, was Masumi over there?
Sakuya: No. He wasn’t in his room either… I asked Tsuzuru-kun, but I heard he didn’t go back there.
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Misumi: I see… Where in the world did Masumi run off to?
Sakuya: Masumi-kun…
Misumi: Here, Sakuya. I’ll give you a pretty triangle! So cheer up, okay?
Sakuya: Wow, it’s a pretty acrylic flower. Thank you, Misumi-san.
Misumi: It’s a rose petal! …Sakuya, do you have any idea what’s going on with Masumi?
Sakuya: …Actually, he looked sleepy when I went to fetch him from his room this morning. I thought he must've not gotten much sleep.
Misumi: I see…
Sakuya: I’m worried that he might have something eating away at him…
Misumi: Ah! Watch out, Sakuya!
Sakuya: Huh? Woahh! Oh… Hisoka-san!?
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Hisoka: Zzz… Hm?
Misumi: Were you taking a nap since our meeting was adjourned?
Hisoka: Yeah. The mood was bad in the rehearsal hall.
Sakuya: You might catch a cold sleeping out here though. I almost accidentally stepped on you too.
Hisoka: Have you found Masumi?
Sakuya: No, not yet…
Misumi: Maybe he left the dorm?
Hisoka: … …I might have an idea where he is.
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Sakuya: Wait! Really?
Hisoka: Yeah. Lend me your ear for a second.
Sakuya: Sure… huh?
Hisoka: —.
Sakuya: …I got it!
Hisoka: Talk to you again later then.
Misumi: What did Hisoka say?
Sakuya: So, you see—.
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mooodyblue · 2 years
lost | 70s!elvis x gn!reader
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summary: a night in elvis's room goes far more different than you had imagined.
wc: 2.3k
warnings: mentions of loneliness, small mention of sex(nothing sexual goes down in this), overuse of sleeping pills and mentions of god.
a/n: this is sad. i wrote this while i was crying over elvis. that's how sad this is. enjoy!
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there were rumors about elvis bringing people back to his hotel rooms. you didn't know much about it though. the tabloids just loved to come up with all sorts of stories when it came to him.
and to be fair, what he wants to do in his free time after shows is none of your business.
you weren't that kind of fan. the kind of fan screaming and jumping up and down in your seat begging for a kiss. you enjoyed the show, kept to yourself and took in the moment.
apparently, elvis liked that about you.
there was a moment during the show where he went off to the side and pointed at you while speaking to charlie. you didn't think much of it. maybe he was pointing at the girl behind you. things like this didn't happen to you. what would elvis presley want from you anyway? you were an ordinary person with not much to offer.
once the concert ended, your ears left ringing as you were hit with that sudden empty feeling one gets after a concert, you were stopped by the same man elvis was speaking to earlier. you panicked as he introduced himself to you and asked if you were in a rush to get home. there was no way you'd beat the traffic now and you were curious as to why he was asking you this in the first place.
"elvis would like to meet you."
you blinked a few times, taking in the words that just came out of his mouth. instead of just saying okay, the only word to escape your lips was "why?".
he was taken back by your response, usually expecting a more riled up reply. "i-i'm not sure." he stuttered out. "i believe it's personal. we're offering you a ride back to his hotel."
the car ride was slightly awkward. it was silent and you were often given a side eye through the mirrors as if he was trying to figure out why elvis would want you at his hotel and not another woman.
he brought you up to elvis's room, knocking a few times before a faint 'come in' was heard from the other side. charlie gestured for you to go in to which you thanked him and entered the cool, dimmed hotel room. you shut the door behind you and stood there awkwardly, unsure of how exactly to make your presence known.
it was a nice little room. his suits were hanging neatly in the closet, jewelry was spread out on a table as well as various pill bottles and a glass of water right beside them.
elvis wandered out of the bathroom, hair damp with his pajamas on comfortably. "oh!" he stepped back slightly. "are you-"
"um-charlie said you wanted to see me." nervousness heavy in your voice.
"right!" he snapped his fingers. "forgot for a moment. nice to meet ya. no need to be scared or anythin'" he chuckled.
you couldn't help but give him a small smile, he was so gorgeous up close. and god, he smelt wonderfully. you could have practically melted right there. you introduced yourself to him, shaking his hand as he gestured for you to take a seat on the sofa.
"sure you're wonderin' why i asked you up here." he said, opening a small bottle of pills and spilling a few in his hand. "promise it's nothin' crazy. i know them magazines say some things about me." he popped the pills in his mouth, washing it down with the glass of water. "sleeping pills, by the way. helps with my insomnia."
you nodded, minding your business as always.
he sighed, taking a seat next to you. "honestly, y-you might think it's silly." he voiced out, letting out an awkward laugh. "i-i really just wanted someone to talk to. it gets lonesome sometimes."
"lonesome?" you repeated back. it was hard to believe someone like elvis presley was lonely. he seemed to have many friends, girlfriends too. having charlie bring you back to his hotel just for the sole purpose of elvis having someone to talk to was new to you. you couldn't help but wonder if his charlie or any of his other friends knew why you were in his hotel room. "you?"
he shrugged, sitting back and throwing an arm behind you on the sofa, his hands rubbing at the leathered texture. "is it that hard to believe?" he asked.
"well...." you paused, looking over at him. "yes."
he shook his head, looking out the window. "everyone always makes me out to be someone i'm not." he muttered sadly. "you probably thought i brought ya in here for sex, right? for a quickie?"
you widened your eyes at him. he had a point, that's the reasoning you had in mind. you weren't just going to admit it obviously, that felt disrespectful. what's even crazier is you would have been open to it, but really, you were okay with just sitting down and talking to him.
elvis let out a soft laugh, waving you off. "'s fine. y'can leave if ya want. i get it." he said with a hint of sadness to his voice.
"and what if i don't leave?"
his eyes lit up, sitting up slightly. "you mean that?"
you wondered if any girls had left him for that very reason, expecting a sex filled night from the king himself but only to be hit with nothing but conversation. the idea of him having to show girls the way out for not wanting to talk stirred a few emotions within you. you almost felt bad. "of course. i'm pretty good listener, i think."
elvis began to get slowly comfortable with you over time. overtime, you understood more why he just sometimes wanted someone to talk to. he spoke to you about books, his love for gospel music and how spiritual he is. spirituality wasn't much of your thing, but you were deeply fascinated with how passionate he was about it. "god has a plan for everyone, everything happens for a reason." he said to you, taking ahold of your hands. "b-but sometimes, it's just hard. as if all i have is the lord." he let out a heavy sigh and let go of your hands. "what is my purpose?"
unsure of what to say, you sat there frozen. this wasn't the conversation you thought you'd be having with elvis. you watched as he stood up and shoved hands in his pockets, his bare feet padding to the large window showing the glowing lights from the building across the street. he stood there, staring at the city lights. "sometimes i'm tired of playin' elvis presley."
his words broke your heart. the loneliness and dread he felt must have been so heavy and you only wished you could take it away from him. "i'm just talkin' your ear off. 'm sorry. don't get to talk about things like this often."
"no-no, it's okay. really. i'm just....at a loss for words if i'm being honest." you finally spoke. "the papers really do have you all wrong."
he scoffed. "they're all trash." he muttered. "nobody ever wants to know how elvis is feelin', nobody ever wants to ask how he's doin'. been this way for the last ten years."
"i can't believe i have something in common with elvis presley." you joked.
he gave you a quick glance, chuckling softly to himself. "at least we have eachother."
"something like that." you said lowly. "do you just feel....i don't know, trapped?"
he looked at you surprised, rushing over to you and taking a seat next to you again. "that's exactly how it feels." there was a hint of excitement in his voice, as if he was happy to have someone who finally understood him. "i can't have an opinion on nothin', i didn't wanna film all those movies. i didn't wanna do this tour."
you frowned. "what do you wanna do, then?"
his lips perked up slightly. "i wanna leave the country. fly far away, take some time to myself. just to heal. i-i wanna be healthy again." he looked down at himself, letting a sad sigh. "i ain't what i used to be. tired of all the same songs i gotta sing every night, just wanna sing the songs i wanna sing."
you rested your hand on his knee, the sudden touch jolting him softly but bringing him some sort of comfort. "you really do amaze me."
he blushed slightly, looking at the floor. he couldn't remember the last time someone had said that to him. it was nice to be seen has a human being and not a rock star for once, if you'd call it that.
"look at me." elvis had suddenly gone shy, almost afraid to make eye contact with you. "i'm serious, elvis. after tonight, i gained a lot of respect for you. really. you and i are so alike....."
"what about you?" he asked. "what do you wanna do?"
you thought for a minute. "i too, would like to travel. i don't really know what i wanna do. i don't really have any dreams."
"no kids? getting married?"
you shrugged. "i gave up on that. it's just not gonna happen for me and i'm slowly just starting to accept it."
"hmm." elvis stood up and walked over to the dresser, popping a couple more pills into his mouth. "definitely feel that." he mumbled as he sat back down. you wanted to bring up the pills, asking why he took more. you did notice how the dose he took earlier hadn't kicked in as you both been sitting there talking for quite some time now.
"do you want to get married again?" you asked instead, ignoring the sudden pill usage.
he got silent, fidgeting with one of the rings on his fingers as he stared at the floor.
"sorry, i-i shouldn't have said anything. i know-um-the divorce really...."
he interrupted you. "it's fine." he muttered. "it is what it is." you both grew for a moment, knowing that lingering on that topic wasn't a good idea. "would be nice though, falling in love 'n all that. my momma always wanted me to settle down. can't even get that right."
"you know how you told me everything happens for a reason?" elvis raised a brow at you. "i'm sure there's someone out there for you, you still have a lot of life to live."
he stared at you for a minute, taking in your presence and the words that just came out of your mouth. "you deserve to heal."
the tears in his eyes said enough, he didn't know how to respond. just an hour ago you saw this same man run and jump around on stage and now here he is, vulnerable and lost. your words struck a chord with him. "nobody has ever said that to me before." he shook his head in disbelief, a slight tremble in his voice.
"but i'm here now and i mean it, you deserve the love that you give." you added.
"how am i supposed to know if someone loves me for me a-and not for elvis presley?" his voice filled with sadness.
you scooted closer to him, gently rubbing at his back. "you'll know."
he gave you a soft smile in response. the heaviness in his heart was easing away. this was something he wished he could do more often, talk to people. to vent and have people understand him. there was something special about you that he really admired, like you saw him as a human being and not as some big celebrity. "god brought you to me for a reason." he threw his head back on the couch, feeling the effects of his pills start to finally take its coarse through his body. "i like you."
"is that so?" you noticed the quick change in his body language, moving yourself to prop an elbow on top of the sofa, resting your temple on your fist.
"mhm." he closed his eyes, letting out a sigh. "easy to talk to. 't's all i wanted...jus' t' talk....nothin' more." he slurred out. "'n y'know somethin'? y' deserve to be happy too."
you gulped, trying to not let his words get to you. you stood up and held out your hand. "i think we need to get you in bed." you muttered.
"too much sadness 'n pain in this world." he continued, "someone like you doesn't deserve all that." elvis sat up slightly, looking at you with tired eyes. "y' made me v'ry happy tonigh'...."
his words continued to slur more and you just wanted to get him in bed then make your exit, if he'd let you obviously. you helped him off the couch while he continued to ramble on about you, comparing your feelings to his. he managed to get himself in bed, only having you help him get the comforter over his body.
"hol' on." he said to you as you began to gather your things. "will you stay wit' me?"
you looked at him in bewilderment, "i-i don't know if that's a good idea...."
"please?" he begged with a hint of hurt in his voice. "don' leave me here alone. jus' want a friend...'s all."
part of you wanted to stay but part of you was afraid of what would happen in the morning. would he leave you in the morning? would he forget this entire conversation? you'd grown attached to elvis in just a short amount of time, aching to be by his side at all times. perhaps he was right, god did bring you to him for a reason. hopefully a good one.
giving into your thoughts, you set your things back down and gave him a soft look. whatever happens in the morning is up to god. it's in his hands. "okay."
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pumpkinsy0 · 10 months
In honor of the THANKSGIVING DAY!!
How about headconnons....
Of the whole gang + the Shepards & Buck celebrating Thanksgiving!
I thought it would be funny and cute that their celebrating it all together 🎀❗♦♥📿🐞🌹🍒🌶🍷🚨🌡🎈🎴🪀📣☎🔖
thank u!!! im not the biggest fan of thanksgiving, my mom loves it tho and so does my family so ill just base these hcs off of em
•the shepards!!! tims in charge of food, so hes just making haitian food cause thats like the only food he knows how to rlly make
•diri jon jon, lambi, crabs, shrimp, du riz au lait, etc etc rlly a lot of rice and sea food w one dessert
•hes been up literalally all day and night cooking god bless his soul, he did take a small break tho so its all ok
•curly aint the biggest of helpers, he doesnt rlly like thanksgiving like that but tims goin through all the trouble so might as well do somethin so hes not mad later on
•angela’s actually an angel, shes helping cut the lambi and peel and cut the shrimp what a great help in the kitchen
•the shepards r a black haitian family ik they also makin mac and cheese, BAKED☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽 mac n cheese
•meanwhile darry is cooking but not rlly, hes only handling the cranberry sauce n shit
•pony n soda r in charge of baking shit cause that’s genuinely what they’re pretty good at, and i say that a bit hesitantly bc the cookies were a lil burnt, had a lil aftertaste to em, so if they hear a “WHO MADE THE COOKIES🗣️” they silent
•buck is also making some trinidadian food!! now im not too well versed of trinidadian food so it could literally just b whatever trinidadian food u can possible think of
•EVERYONE ELSE??? just bring drinks or somethin
•dally and two bit of course brought the alcohol while everyone else just like, brought apple juice or orange juice, money dont grow on trees
•at the actual celebration they actually do play music!!! mostly caribbean BUT ALSO from other places as well!! they do not care whats on the speaker as long as its good
•ppl even brought dates!!! two bit brought marcia (she invited cheery but yknow sherry didnt wanna leave her fam), dally brought sylvia (ill get to that in a sec), and curly TECHNICALLY brought pony bit not rlly cause they were already going to the celebration so
•sylvia is ALSO haitian but shes more of a baker so she brought haitian cake, kremas, some coconut centered dish and flan 😋😋
•PERHAPS curly, pony, angela, sylvia, dally, and maybe johnny go on THAT ‘walk’ and curly comes back faded before everyone even gets their food, what a loser (i love him), angela and pony got a BIT faded but theyre alright they can generally hide it well, johnny was just there bc pony was there what a great bff xoxo
•dally saw pony gettin a lil high n went “u smoke🤨🤨🤨” but didnt tell darry or soda cause hes not a snitch he already got other things to deal w
•im not even gonna lie to to there’s probably a grown up table where darry, tim, and buck hang out and theres a “indescribable but alive” things table where everyone else is
•SURPRISINGLY NOTHING CRAZY HAPPENED, they were all chattin it up, chillin, no drama no nun, just friends, how great for em!!
•two bit and marcia were dancing most of the time
•steve wasnt rlly doin much he was just secretly making plates to take right tf back home so he dont gotta worry about what hes gonna eat the next few days
•darry actually knocked right tf out after eating so things got a BIT more unhinged but not too bad cause he needs his beauty sleep bad
•pony and curly actually ALSO wasnt doin anythin, rlly they were just in a lil corner talking, they were too full and tires to b doin allat and in curlys case a lil too tipsy cause he was drinking rum, perhaps stolen kisses were shared perhaps not, but who am i to judge
•the ONLY ones who werent being fucking calm was sylvia and dally what a shocker there🙄🙄 but rlly it was only small jabs here n there and even then they werent rlly serious thats just kinda how they do affection, god bless their souls
im doin this in the midst if my family blasting music and doin god knows what so if this isnt what u wanted im srry everythings so loud</33
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testingthewatersss · 9 months
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I never lost him Trigger warnings for PTSD, mentions of war, torture,  etc. Just unapologetic cuddling and comfort ft. Steve Rodgers. Bucky Barnes x F Reader Chapter 5 3500 words fluff, angst, comfort. 18+ MDNI Post TWS Steve realises that he's not the only one looking for Sargent Barnes. Reader is Tony’s sister, a non-enhanced shield agent who recently resurfaced.
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When morning finally comes, it’s her who wakes first, stretching and yawning and running her hands through her lovers hair to soothe him when he starts to come round, too.
“Hi, handsome” she whispers, letting him nudge her jaw with his nose in greeting, “Sleep well?”
Not really, Bucky thinks grimly, fighting back against the lingering, nightmarish visions still burning behind his eyes, But I slept, so I guess that’s something.
Y/N knows what his silence means. She draws him in a fraction closer, bringing her lips to his brow.
His metal arm lets out a low moan, polished fingers furling against her hip bone.
“How do you wanna do this, doll?”
She quirks a brow, letting him move up to peer at her with tired eyes.
“Today” he clarifies, “The move”
Bucky watches curiously as she smiles at him, letting her fingers roll along his jaw, down, so that they can tickle his neck, too.
“However you want, Buck”
Her voice is like honey. It’s thick, and sweet, and he’d drown in it, if he could.
“I want it over with…” he says, harsher than he’d intended.
Y/N chuckles at that, light and airy.
“That’s fair” she allows, playing with his hair, “Want me to call Steve? or Tony, maybe… Tony could make up some excuse, get rid of him for a couple of hours?”
Bucky’s lip purses, he shuts his eyes for a minute, and considers wether or not orchestrating an event to remove his oldest friend from the building might be a step too far.
“You… You think he’d buy it?”
“I don’t think it matters-” she says, calm “-if SHEILD call him in for something, he has to go check it out”
“You didn’t mention anythin’ about SHEILD”
“My brother has some pull with head-office” she reminds him, “It’s the easiest way to clear everyone who’s not staff out of the tower”
He looks unhappy for a moment, but then his expression shifts to considerate.
Eventually, after a few deep breathes, he nods.
“Do… Do I get my own room?” he asks, voice almost jovial-
Y/N laughs, already on her mobile.
“Sure you do, Barnes” she tells him, “It’s bein’ made up as we speak, we settled on blue for the decor”
She lowers her phone, expecting to see some kind of smile on his face.
Maybe those genuine expectations are why the look of pure horror catches her so off guard.
“Hey-” she bursts, “-Hey— What’s the matter?”
The device she’d been clutching lies forgotten by her legs, as she reaches over to stroke his cheeks with both of her hands.
Silently, Bucky reaches up, so that he can bring one set of her knuckles to his lips. He presses a kiss against her thumb, and hopes she can’t feel the way his jaw is quaking.
“You want a different colour?” she presses, aiming for humorous, “Or-”
He shakes his head, drawing in a breath through his nose.
“..I… I thought we… we’d be staying together…”
There isn’t a question in his voice. He’s not asking for clarification. He’s already settled on his conclusion and that is what she thinks is the most upsetting.
“Do you really believe I’d just leave you on your own like that?”
Blue eyes widen, he clutches her hand a little tighter as he stares at her, and then he shakes his head.
“No” he confesses, voice breaking now, “No, but if-”
“You have your own room for if you want it” Y/N explains, “It’s there for you if you want your own space, but nobody— Not a single person is going to take me away from you, okay?”
She knows what he fears. He’s told her. He’s spent a long time telling her all the horrible ways he’s been kept over the years, and she’s long since realised that isolation is what scares him most.
Her assurance settles him. He nods, and kissers her hand before lowering it back to the sheets.
“Will…” Bucky makes himself ask, “…Will we be going to your room, then?”
He wants details, she realises, He wants to know exactly what’s going to happen.
That’s fair. That’s more than fair, really.
“When we have a time” she begins, tone deliberately calm, “Then we’ll get started here, Buck… We’ll grab whatever you want to bring and we’ll take my car back to the tower…”
He’s watching her, clearly hanging on her every word.
“…then…” she continues, “…then we’ll park in lower garage and take the elevator up to the main block—“
“Main block?”
The genuine intrigue in his voice makes her smile, she brings his hand to her lips this time, kissing the cool metal as she nods.
“The main block” he hears her confirm, “There are a couple of out-buildings, Buck… Trainin’ areas, workshops, guest houses, bits like that”
He’s awestruck, but he just nods, waiting for her to continue reciting their plan for the day;
“So” Y/N sighs, “Once we’re inside, we’ll head straight up to our suite”
“Our” he cuts in again, the word feeling foreign on his tongue, “Our?”
That is definitely a question.
“Well, yeah” she beams, “If we’re goin’ to share, then that makes it ours, doesn’t it?”
He lets out a disbelieving scoff, the hand he’s not clinging to hers with going up to scratch at his jaw.
“…And once we’re in there…” Y/N says, “…then we can do whatever you want, Buck… We have all the toys, and a kitchen, and a bathroom with a proper tub…”
“And Steve?”
“When he comes home?…” she checks, waiting for his nod before continuing, “…We’ll be in our room by then, won’t we?”
He nods again, watching her.
“So, I think that answer falls under ‘we can do whatever you want’-” she replies, “-As soon as we get inside our door is going to lock, the only people gettin’ in are people we let in so whatever happens is totally up to you”
He pauses then, mid breath as his brow furrows with consideration.
“Do…” he gulps, “…Do we have to tell him I’m there?”
“No” Y/N allows, “But he’s not stupid, Buck, after a couple of days he’s bound to figure it out and I think it might be a little bit kinder not to drag it out too long…“
Again, his expression shifts to something awfully thoughtful. This time, she can’t help but reach over to stroke his hair back, away from his eyes.
Her phone buzzes, but she ignores it. Relishing instead, in the way he’s pushing back against her touch.
“We… We have to tell him today”
The certainty in his tone is oddly familiar. She knows what it sounds like when he’s set on something, when his minds been made up. Trying to talk him out of whatever it is, is a waste of energy. She’s curious though, about how he’d come to his decision;
Bucky blinks at her, looking resigned.
“It’s like you said, doll…” he sighs, “…He’ll find out anyway, in a couple’of days, and then… then if he knows that I hid from him he’s only going’ to feel guilty— like I… like I don’t trust him and I—” he runs a hand through his hair, “—I do.”
That makes sense. She nods.
“If I tell him I need space, do you really think he’ll back off?”
“Do you?” she challenges, knowing that’s what really matters.
After another momentary pause, he inhales, squeezing her fingers again.
“Yeah” he whispers, “Yeah, I— I trust him.”
With an approving smile, Y/N nods again, releasing his hand so that she can grab her cell phone that has been vibrating unhappily by her knee.
Bucky watches her curiously as she unlocks it, reading whatever is on her screen. He’s about to ask when she laughs, rolling her eyes and slipping it back onto the nightstand.
“Tony already had it covered” she tells him, “He says he scheduled everyone including himself in for a full morning of charity gigs— y’know? meet and greets, photo opps with kids, that kinda thing— he, uh, thought about using his connections with SHEILD but didn’t think you’d like the idea of gettin’ them involved, so he went with this instead…”
Bucky’s jaw drops.
“Smart, really—” Y/N continues, “—Captain America can’t bail on things like that, not with press swarmin’ around”
The man is still staring at her, lamely trying to wrap his head around the idea that her brother has had the forethought to arrange something like this for him. For his benefit, for the benefit of the man that killed his parents—
“So” her calm voice drawls, “We have ‘till three to get settled. That’s plenty of time, love.”
He forces a smile, but Y/N can see that he’s not quite present.
“Do you want to get breakfast?” she presses, trying to coax him back to her, to the present, where she can kiss his cheek, “or—”
Bucky’s head shakes slowly. He tries to think of anything other than the sound of Howard Stark begging for his life.
“Can we go now?” he asks, suddenly needing to move, “Can… Can we just… go?”
“Hey…” Y/N soothes, sitting up to kiss at his cheek, “Sure we can, but, just— breathe for me, love, look at me”
He does, blue eyes blink to hers, and she watches tears fill them.
“I’m sorry” he whispers, “I’m so, so sorry”
And just like that, she knows he’s not apologising for anything he’s done recently. In her opinion, he’s not apologising for anything he has ever done.
Still, she knows that’s a pointless road to go down right now, so, she nods, and kisses him again.
“…I know…I know you are” he hears her swear, “…It’s okay…”
“I didn’t mean too” he sniffs, “I…”
“I know” she says again, “Sweetheart, I know you didn’t”
He looks so desperate, that for a second she reconsiders all of this. Maybe he’d be better off right here, with her, away from Tony, and Steve and Natasha and any other reminder of a past he should never have had to live through… But then, he blinks, ducking his head and sniffing back tears, as his free hand comes up to tug at the dog tag that he hasn’t taken off since she’d given it to him, and she knows they have to try.
“Bucky” she whispers, “I love you— I know this isn’t easy, but you’ve gotta hear me when I tell you that I wouldn’t put you in danger”
“I know” he agrees weakly, “I know, and I… I love you too, doll— I… I really do, and I trust you, I- I just, I feel so bad… like everythin’ that happened was because I wasn’t strong enough to stop it and I- I don’t want to wait too long now and freak out, I- I just want to get movin’…”
That makes a whole lot of sense, so she nods, pressing a final kiss against his cheek before straightening up a fraction and suggesting that they get started on packing.
He doesn’t want to bring much, and most of her belongings are already at the tower.
It’s sad really, how everything he owns fits into a backpack.
Y/N does try and convince him to bring any trinkets he’s grown attached too, any books or maybe some of the clothes they’ve stocked into the closets, but, he declines, confessing that he’s barely touched anything outside of the kitchen, including the wardrobe.
“I don’t need much” he says, baseball cap firmly in place, “I don’t think I’ve ever kept clutter”
She rolls her eyes, holding onto his gloved hand as they start to towards the door.
“Lucky for you I have plenty” she scoffs, “we’ll have to order you some proper clothes though, Buck, that henley is older than me.”
“I’m older than you”
She laughs at his rebuttal, and he cracks his first real smile of the morning.
He manages to keep it well into their journey. The pair chatter about nothing. About the cost of sweaters and the way her brother dresses sometimes.
It’s only when they pull up outside the towers back gates that his expression turns dower.
There’s a concerned crease between his brow, and his eyes are flicking around their new surroundings in an obvious act of surveillance.
Y/N doesn’t comment on the shift, she just holds his hand as the door to the internal garage opens, and the car slows to a crawl in it’s usual space.
“What’s your threat level, huh?”
She’d started asking him that years ago. When she’d needed to try and find a way of letting a terrified solider let her know how scared he was, without having to say it out-right.
He finds it just as comforting now, which is probably why they still use the system so often.
“6” is the answer Bucky settles on after a beat of consideration.
“Want to take a minute?” she offers, “they others are out, they won’t be back ‘till much later on.”
“Maybe?” he says, “Could… could I take a look around?”
He wants to familiarise himself with his new environment. To scan it for any threats that might’ve once been lurking in the shadows.
“Sure” she agrees, opening her own car door, “You can look wherever you want”
He doesn’t venture far. He just circles the room, stopping every few paces to examine something he’s decided might be important.
This isn’t new behaviour. He’s been this way ever since she’d first met him, and she’s long since abandoned trying to decipher how much of this overly cautious attitude was there before HYDRA trained it into him.
There must’ve been something there before. Some small spark of nervousness that has only been heightened by the trauma of his experiences.
Maybe I’ll ask Steve, she muses dryly, I’m sure he’d love to tell me all about how he was when they were younger.
“Is… is there somethin’ below us, doll?” Bucky asks growing still at Y/N’s side,
“Yeah, sweetheart” she answers, “It’s just storage— it’s full of Tony’s scraps.”
Bucky nods, seemingly satisfied.
“4” is what he says, reaching out for her hand, “Is there a security system?”
That makes her laugh, a real, untempered laugh bursting through her lips as they head towards the entrance.
“FRIDAY— This is Bucky”
His eyes narrow, with confusion, and then, they widen as a gentle glow of blue flutters across his vision.
“Nice to meet you Sargent Barnes— I am FRIDAY”
“8” he bursts, fingers tightening around her own as a sudden flush of panic tightens around his chest, “8”
“Hey” Y/N soothes, realising that this display might be more than a little bit jarring, “Hey, it’s okay— she’s the security system, she’s our AI, it’s alright”
He blinks 3 times fast, trying to keep his breathing steady.
“I’ve been informed by your brother that he is to be given full family access, is that still applicable?”
“Wh-what does she… what does she mean?”
“She means-” Y/N exhales, “-That Tony told her that you were coming”
That seems to settle him for a beat. He slips back into silence and she can’t help but lean in and press a kiss against his cheek.
“Is… Is she real?”
Her head quirks at that, a smile tugging at her lips.
“Why don’t you ask her?”
“She… she can hear me?” he asks, “All the time?”
“Not exactly, Sargent Barnes— I can only hear you when I’m listening. Daily conversations are filtered by the lower levels of my programming so that I don’t intercept private information.”
“My… My name is Bucky” he says, eyes looking up and around at the ceiling, “Are… are you a real person?”
“No, Bucky. I am a type of Artificial Intelligence programmed by the Starks to manage the various systems that are integrated throughout their homes and technology.”
“So, you’re… you’re a computer?”
“If that makes it easier for you to understand” she allows, “but not really.”
Y/N laughs again, and squeezes his hand.
“She has a personality, and independent thought. We coded her, but it’s not as simple as her just being a computer.”
“Like Vision?” he asks, trying to make sense of the bizarity of the situation, “You told me about him”
“Kind of” she agrees, “He started off as JARVIS, who handled things before FRIDAY, but he’s got a physical body, now, and a little extra kick from the stone.”
“So” Bucky exhales, “She’s runs the security?”
“She runs everything” Y/N says proudly, “We have tones of security protocols, Buck- Force fields, DNA walls, facial recognition and genetic detectors - It’d be impossible to have all of those monitored by staff 24/7, so FRIDAY oversees them, checks them for bugs or abnormalities.”
“Can I see?” he asks suddenly, “Not right now- but, but one day, I- I’d really like to see how it all works.”
Her heart swells in her chest as she sees the genuine spark of interest behind his eyes.
It’s so sweet, seeing him letting himself admit to his curiosity that she can’t help but kiss him again.
“Sure” she promises, “Sure you can, as soon as we get settled, I’ll pull up all the screens with you, give you a guided tour, okay?”
“That sounds nice” he muses, “I… I always liked tech, ever since I was a kid I… I used to think it was magic, I always said if I’d’ve been able to go to school it would’ve been for somethin’ like that”
“Look at you” she teases, “Beauty and brains.”
He scoffs, eyes rolling as she inches in towards him;
“Still at an 8?” she murmurs, lips ghosting his jaw.
“5” he alters, leaning down in an attempt to garner another kiss.
She obliges, not pulling away until she’s confident that his calm facade is almost genuine.
“Ready to head inside?” she checks, looking at the door, “It’s a straight shot up the stairs, or we can take the elevator.”
They don’t.
Bucky asks if she’d mind walking, and the way he’s still gripping her hand makes her answer real simple.
They go slow. Y/N is more than happy to let him peer out of the windows and let his free fingers graze the polished banisters.
She catches him starring at the view from the seventh floor with a strange amount of longing, and that’s when she decides to break the silence they’d been settled in.
“You can see the fields” she notes, over his shoulder, “and there—” she points, “That lake? is great for fishing”
“Steve likes it there?” he checks, “You told me he spent all weekend there last month”
“Yeah” she confirms, “He tried to put a tent together, but I asked FRIDAY and she told me that he couldn’t quite manage it”
Bucky scoffs at that, leaning into her side a little more obviously.
“How far does the forcefield go?”
“We have 3 layers” she answers, “Zone X, Y and Z— Z is the inner ring, X is the outer.”
He nods, face considerate.
“FRIDAY, can you light them up for a second, please?”
“Sure thing, boss”
“You can only really see the nearest one from here” Y/N tells him, “the other two go out too far— the furthest is a couple of miles over the gate line.”
The soft blue dome is beautiful. It’s shimmering like water as it disappears into the sky, and then, into the trees that are lining the horizon line that’s visible from the window.
“That’s incredible” he says, genuinely meaning it, “How… How does it work?”
“God” she chuckles, “I suppose me just sayin’ that it ‘just does’ isn’t goin’ to cut it, huh?”
He smiles, turning to face her properly.
“It’s energy based, sweetheart, self-fuelled by the arc reactor technology that keeps the rest of the building running”
“Energy based?” he parrots, clearly keening for more detail, “So it’s not physical?”
“It’s a meta-physical barrier” Y/N allows, “but if it deems any other energy signatures to be a problem the pro-tons knit together in whatever arrangement is needed to repel them”
“So” he starts, “It reads other types of energy and if it thinks it’s a threat then it can change itself to get rid of it?”
“Basically” she agrees, “It’s why birds don’t fry themselves by getting too close, why we could drive up and in, why Tony can take off and land and why Steve’s shield could make it out to hit a goon that wouldn’t stand a chance at touching it”
The look of awe on his face takes her off guard.
It dawns on her that maybe she’s so used to all of these impossible things that it’s easy for her to forget how unusual they are to everyone else.
“and that’s just one facet of the security systems” FRIDAY announces suddenly, “you are safe here, Sargent Barnes.”
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catierambles · 11 months
follow up to this
She was quiet as she lay in bed, her thigh open to the air so it could dry. The wound was ugly, dark furrows and pock marks where the holy water had eaten away at her flesh, the area around it deep red and angry, already shiny with plasma. She tensed every so often as the angry nerves acted up and hissed as it jostled the wound.
Taking the gun from his waistband, he checked the safety before popping the magazine, ejecting the round from the chamber and putting the bullet back into the magazine before sliding it back into the gun. He didn't chamber a round again, keeping it empty as he double checked the safety, putting it back into the holster behind the headboard. Never have a round chambered unless you're planning on shooting it in the near future, always treat a gun like it's loaded even if you know it isn't, never leave the safety off if you're not actively handling the weapon. Old habits from the service, but good ones to maintain.
He hadn't said anything as he worked, but he could feel her eyes on him. Once the pistol was secured, he sat down on the edge of the bed with a sigh, running a hand over his scalp. His hair was starting to get a bit long, might need to buzz it down again soon. Another old habit, but it was easier to take care of like this.
"Three years." He said, "Three fuckin' years, Annalisa, we've been together and you never thought to tell me?"
"I thought about it everyday when we started getting serious, when you started keeping some of your things here."
"Why didn't you?"
"I was scared."
"Of me?"
"Of how you would react." She said and he sighed again, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.
"Have I ever given you the feelin' I would hurt you? Ever? About anythin'?"
"Then why didn't you tell me?"
"I was going to."
"When?" He asked, "When it started gettin' impossible to hide? When I was old and gray and you were...exactly how you are now? Fuck, Annie."
"I'm sorry." She said and he got up, grabbing his T-shirt from the floor and putting it on, stepping into his boots without his socks and pulling the laces tight. "Where--where are you going?"
"Out for a drive." He said, "Clear my head."
"I love you." He stopped at the bedroom door but didn't say anything, leaving and closing the door behind him.
He sat in his truck for a long while, his key in the ignition but the engine quiet. He wanted to drive away, but he didn't want to take the chance of the wannabe Winchester's coming back while he wasn't there and she was injured. The sun started to rise, casting the sky in red and oranges and still he sat there. He's seen her out in the sun, he knew she had a reflection. The crucifix that had been shoved in her face hadn't seemed to do anything, but the holy water had severely burned her.
With a sigh, he got out of his truck, locking the doors and heading back into the house. He kicked off his boots in the entryway, pulling off his shirt as he walked up the stairs. His jeans were off by the time he got to the bedroom, left on the floor of the bathroom. She was laying on her side, her thigh wrapped in an ace bandage, but he could see the padding of gauze underneath. She had treated her injury herself, something he should have done for her, but he wasn't here.
Three years. He loved her, more than he's ever loved any woman he's been with. She loved him better than he's ever been loved and she was it for him. His endgame. He was even thinking about calling up his ma and asking her to send him his grandmas ring.
Sliding onto the bed, he scooted close to her and wrapped his arm around her waist, hearing her wake with a gasp.
"Shh, baby." He whispered, "It's me."
"I'm sorry."
"I know."
"I love you."
"I love you, too." Sy said, "Go back to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up. I'm not goin' anywhere."
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ateriblewriter · 2 years
Not Like This {3} (q.h)
a/n: holy balls this seems is longer. sorry bout that. but we have one last part after this. what going to happen?
Warnings: sad, sickness, and looming possible death
Part1, Part 2, Part4
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Today was not a good day for Y/N. Her coughing was constant and she could never seem to catch her breath. On days like this she could actually feel her body physically shutting down. The thought of never ending sleep sounded really nice some days. It might not be as far off as she imagined.
That’s why today was so important. One last chance to see as many friends as she could before she was laid underneath the frozen ground. It was exactly what she wanted. And Quinn was determined to make this day go as smoothly as humanly possible. Jack, Luke, Trevor and Matt were able to make it person, while others promised a video chat sometime during the day. Nothing was doing to wipe the smile off her face today as Y/N was on top of the world.
“Jack, I need to talk to you.” Y/N reached her arm out to get Jack’s attention. Exhaustion was taking over her body, so she needed to get her message across quickly before her time was done. “I need you to make sure he’s okay. I need you to-” She was cut off, unable to breathe again.
“Hey. Slow down. I’m not going anywhere.” Jack plopped himself next to his sister. Y/N was one of his closest friends, he would do anything for her. Even if it meant giving up his own life for her. He disliked the idea that he might have to say goodbye to get her one. He wished it wouldn’t be today.
“Jack.” She sighed, shaking her head at him. She was going to miss him and silliness. He never failed to make the day an adventure. “Please Jack. I need you and Luke to make sure your brother is okay when I die. He’s going to want to drink himself into oblivion.”
“Y/N. I don’t know if I’ll be able to be here, I need to go back to Jersey. I’m lucky they let me come today.” Jack knew what she was asking. He would try his best to help out, logistics may be against them in this instance. “Why don’t you talk to Brock or Elias? They’re closer.”
“He’s your brother. Theo is your nephew. They need both you and Luke. They need you.” She had already chatted with her boyfriend’s teammates. They both agreed to help as best they could. But they would only be able to be there so much. Quinn was going to need his brothers to help him through some of the worst moments of his life.
Jack understood what she needed him to do. He promised he would try and that was the best he could do at that time. She gave him a look of disappointment. He felt bad that he couldn’t promise more.
“Thank you. Thank you for being the best little brother and partner in crime a girl could ask for.” She leaned the best she could into him and Jack wrapped his arms around her pulling her in close. A little liquid fell from his eyes, knowing this might be the last time he got to hug her. This wasn’t going to be easy for anyone.
Watching her, Quinn could tell that Y/N was in need of a rest period. That was to be somewhat expected. When they made eye contact he could tell she was ready. Ever since Y/N got home from the hospital it was difficult for her to walk by herself, Quinn being the knight in shining armor that he carried her almost everywhere. He loved her so much, he didn’t mind.
“I want to say goodbye quickly.” She stopped her boyfriend right before he was about to pick her up. “I don’t know when I’ll be seeing them next.” She wheezed, a hand clutching her chest. There was not a dry eye in the building as everyone made their final farewells.
“Quinn, I have loved you from the moment I met you. Thank you. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for my baby.” She reached up to cup his face in one of her hands, pulling him closer to her lips. “Please don’t forget me and all the things we did.”
“Stop talking like you’re never going to see me again.” Quinn rested his forehead against hers, placing another kiss on her lips. He loved this woman more than anything in the world. What he wouldn’t do to take her pain away and make her well again. “You are the most unforgettable person. There is nothing in this world that would ever make me forget you.” He laid her in their bed before joining the party again.
“Dada Dada.” Theo wandered up to his father rubbing his tired eyes. The baby held his arms up indicating he wanted to be held. Quinn could never say no when his son wanted cuddles. “Mama ma me?” The little boy pointed to himself. He wanted snuggles with his mama. It had seemed like hours since Y/N disappeared and it didn’t look like she was going to be getting up anytime soon.
“Mommy’s resting now baby.” He lightly bounced back and forth holding baby Theodore close. “I think it’s time for you to take a nap yourself. Mommy should be back by then. Yeah?”
“Say goodbye to your uncles.” Quinn handed the little boy off to Luke so he could prepare a bottle. After hugs and kisses, the boys left, and Quinn brought Theo up to his bedroom. Humming the lullaby that Y/N often sang to him at sleep time, making the child fall fast asleep. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to do this by himself yet.
Quinn’s phone rang as he stood in the doorway of the master bedroom. He made quick work to shut it off not wanting to disturb the most beautiful woman in the world sleep. He always worried as when she had long periods of rest like this. Many times he wanted to wake her, just to make sure she was still with him, but he left her alone each time not wanting to disrupt her. It eased his mind when Y/N would turn over with a coughing fit.
His phone rang again shortly after he shut it off. He was about to shut it off again when he actually looked at the caller ID. For the first time that day a true smile danced around his face. This was hopefully the answer to his prayers.
“Hey Y/N? Babe?” Quinn gave a little tap to her shoulder. He wasn’t going to have any moral dilemma waking her up this time. A sinking feeling of doom crept up in him when she didn’t roll over like she normally did. No. He couldn’t be late. Tears sprang to his eyes as he feared the worst. She had to still be here. It couldn’t end like this when they were so close. She has to be here.
Please let me know what y’all think. I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, and complaints!
Tagging: @huggybear4lyfe @valerie203j @cinnamonpancakes (I hope this helps)
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