nohrslittleflower · 5 months
[ approval ] -  "i commend thee, lady elise, for your choice is as a rare gem unearthed from the depths of antiquity, a treasure that glimmers with the radiance of thy discerning soul!"
Ask Meme from Here!
Elise can’t help but immediately break out into giggles. She’s always entertained by how Odin can manage to say the simplest things in the most complicated way. It’s fun. She’s glad he still does it, even here. 
Though at this point it would probably be really weird to hear him talk normally.
“Thank you! Your selection is as… um… as astounding as the gleaming nights star, brighter than the rest in its splendor of darkness!” She nods confidently as she finishes, beaming up at her brother’s retainer. She’s a little out of practice in speaking Odin-talk ‘the dark tongue’, but she thinks she got it close enough! She’s pretty sure! She hopes! Only Odin would really know if that was true or not though.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hey, I just read that other request I made, and I absolutely loved it. Thank you so much!
I've come with another request. It's a cursed female reader x gods. I especially want Poseidon, Hades, Adamas/Adamantine, Odin, Thor and Beelzebub (if you want to put some other god in the mix, feel free to). If possible, and if you want, you could make a whole drama about it.
Reader was a fighter chosen to fight Ragnarok for Humanity. She was known as a woman and a knight with unknown face (except for the Valkyries, she usually wears a helmet/mask), and who had gained the favor of Aphrodite (also knows your face), despite being cursed. She is going to fight one of the gods above, and she's extremely skilled with her weapons (two spears, two swords or a pair of each, you decide). She and the god are trying hard to not get themselves killed, to the point that her helmet/mask falls off, revealing her face, but she doesn't notice it and the god doesn't look at it (I guess a blade to your neck is good to diverge attention). Unfortunately, fight ends in a tie, no one dying.
The god, for some reason, goes after reader (IDK, compliment her skill, ask for a rematch or something), only to discover that everyone is looking for her (Gods, Demon, Humans, Einhejar, everybody, man and woman). The god doesn't understand it and goes to look for either the Valkyries or Aphrodite to ask where reader was and why everyone is after her, and they ask if he hadn't look at her. They could ask what about her face or say they didn't care about it, so they tell god where to find her. God finds her and she tried to run away, much he doesn't allow, and god tells the reason they came after her, which surprises reader, asking if he hadn't come because of the curse. He doesn't understand it and asks why everyone was after her.
Reader explains that she received a blessing from Aphrodite after helping her with something. She couldn't find a partner in life since no man wanted a woman stronger than them, so she gave a blessing that any men or women would fall in love with her. It was meant to help, but the fiancee of her best friend and lord fell in love with her, which prompted her execution for betraying him. This remained with her after death, and it affects even gods, and Aphrodite couldn't take it away, so it would either be with her forever or until she finds a partner, which she doesn't want anymore, given all she's been through.
I want the gods' reaction for the "Search of Reader", they learning of your story and how they felt about you (more like about the whole situation). I would also want their reaction after reader and them become friends (god starts to feel something more), and their reaction to reader's showing their face to them, and maybe some comment that they would usually do mixed with a flirt? (Something like: "No wonder everyone falls in love with you.")
Reader is actually very beautiful (for humans standards), so it wasn't her beauty that got in the way of her love life, it was her "job" as a knight. She's usually quiet, speaks very little, and doesn't speak at all in combat, after her traumatizing death. She's is more relaxed when she's with her friends, talking a bit more, not using her helmet/mask (sure no one she's not close to will come up to them), showing a bit more of emotion, but is her past self with god (after they become close), talking, smiling, laughing more, and talking passionately about her interests and her stories with her knight companions in life.
Ob.: Valkyries, Aphrodite and reader's friend weren't affected because they already loved her, as a friend, so they were immune to the curse.
Sorry, for asking another one so soon, but this one poped up in my head, and wouldn't let me sleep 😅😂🤣
-You were a skilled battle maiden, skilled with set of short spears, to the point where none could fight you and give you what you wanted, a challenge.
-Many knew of your combat skills and found you to be a very respectable person, even some of the gods admired you, but there was one strange thing about you, you never exited your home without your helmet, refusing to show yourself in public.
-Many had questioned it in the past, and you always gave the same answer, “I’m not comfortable doing so.” And most were pretty understandable, but others weren’t, as your figure was stunningly gorgeous, toned and curved in all the right places, your face must be just as beautiful!
-Those who did know, the Valkyries and Aphrodite, about the real reason you hide away, weren’t affected by this curse that was ‘blessed’ upon you so long ago.
-You had helped Aphrodite, finding a group of bandits who had raided one of her temples, and when she appeared before you, asking you what you wanted as a reward, you told her how men were intimidated being with you, as you were stronger than them all, and you wanted to be able to have a man fall in love with you for who you are!
-Aphrodite was young at the time, a bit naïve, and blessed you so that any man or woman who would lay eyes upon you would instantly fall in love!
-This however, was a bad thing, when your best friend, the lord you had proclaimed your life to, had his fiancée leave him for you, prompting your execution, not willing to listen to any of your excuses, damning you as a temptress.
-Once in Valhalla, after dealing with humans and gods hunting you down for your stunning beauty, having to hide out for what felt like years, you went to Aphrodite, begging her to remove the blessing.
-Initially offended, she demanded a reason until she saw it with her own eyes, how you were being chased and hounded by men and women, desiring you for their own. She was remorseful, offering her most sincere apologies, but was unable to remove the blessing, much to your dismay.
-She went with you to see the valkyries, who weren’t affected, as they saw you as a friend, the same as Aphrodite, and they were able to help hide you away, giving you a helmet and you were allowed to live freely, mostly- due to your helmet.
-You got battle strong opponents in Valhalla, having fun, getting what you wanted besides true love, powerful opponents to get a challenge.
-This biggest challenge came in the form of Ragnarok, and Brunnhilde didn’t even hesitate to ask you to fight, and you returned with no hesitation, accepting, as you were hoping to get the biggest challenge of your life!!
-Donning pure white armor with gold features, a gift from Aphrodite as, “You need to look your best!” you entered the arena, cheers ringing out all around you and many were stunned when Aphrodite cheered for you, “Do your best Y/N!”
-Many knew you were female, and with that, you opponent, (God), was quick to underestimate you, a lesson he quickly learned to regret as you proved that you were by no means a weak maiden, you were a warrior- a knight, one with a goal to defend humanity.
-(God) was stunned with your skills, you didn’t give him any chances to think or react, not giving him an inch, and he was quick to strike back, seeing that you were indeed a worthy opponent.
-You swiped upwards, catching his weapon as it hit your helmet hard, knocking off but neither you nor him cared, you were having way too much fun as you managed to leg sweep him as you took his weapon, holding it to his chin.
-The stadium was stunned silent, seeing that you drew one of the strongest gods in Valhalla to a draw, as it was announced as a draw. You were content, as you had never had such a battle before you heard voices shouting out your name.
-You turned in horror, eyes wide as you realized you were unmasked and you quickly took off running to the backstage area, unable to grab your helmet as it had been destroyed.
-You needed to find something to hide your face and find somewhere to hide as the valkyries were quick to start running interference, along with Aphrodite who commanded to golems to make a wall of the suitors now rushing to you.
-(God) looked around, confused as to why everyone seemed to be going bonkers, approaching your valkyrie partner, Goll, “What is going on?” she was shocked that he wasn’t affected, looking a bit apprehensive, “Didn’t you see Y/N’s face?” his question was a bit confused, “Yeah she was attractive for a human, but why is everyone chasing her.”
-Goll calmed, seeing that he wasn’t affected, and she gave him the short version, that if someone was to look at your face, they would fall instantly in love with you. Aphrodite and the valkyries weren’t affected because they all respected you as a friend.
-He lifted a hand to his lips, a soft hum leaving him, “Maybe that’s why I’m not affected. I never knew a human- let alone a woman, was going to give me such a challenge. I have to respect her for that. Do you know where she might be?”
-Goll shook her head, looking a bit upset, “No- usually when this happens she will run and hide until she can sneak home and lay low there until the effects of the curse wears off.”
-He stunned Goll by thanking her, before she beamed brightly and went to help her sisters and Aphrodite. He took her example and headed off to find you, only not as enthusiastically as the others chasing after you.
-(God) surprisingly was the first to find you, finding you in a quiet room sitting on the ground beside a couch, partially hidden from view and you instantly glared over at him, “I’m not interested!”
-He grinned lightly at your bite, “I am, where did you learn to fight?” his question stunned you and blinked, which made him grin only slightly before he took a seat away from you, giving you your space, something you appreciated.
-You could tell he wasn’t affected, because there were other strong gods out there who were acting like lunatics, but (God) was different, but that didn’t mean you trusted him.
-The two of you sat and just talked for a while, he learned a bit more about the curse you had been blessed with, he learned more about your past, that your romantic life took the back seat to your duty as a knight, showing him that you were honorable and hardworking, and all you wanted was someone to love you, naturally and not like how the idiots outside were acting.
-(God) learned you were quiet about yourself, only mentioning small details, unless if it was about your time as a knight, then your eyes were sparkling and bright, talking more and showing more of your bright smile and warm personality.
-Aphrodite busted in, holding a new helmet, “Y/N?!” she initially panicked, seeing (God) there until you stood, assuring her that for some reason, he was affected. Aphrodite was a bit curious about this as well, giving you your helmet as (God) explained, “I think it’s because I respect you as a warrior, and not just a woman.”
-This made sense and Aphrodite turned to (God), “Can I entrust my friend to you to get her home safely?” he was surprised to hear this, hearing the relationship you had with the goddess of beauty, but he agreed.
-Aphrodite told the two of you that she and the valkyries have all of the suitors running around on wild goose chases, giving you a clear path away from the arena, which you thanked her for, and you headed out.
-Once far enough away you lifted the guard, showing off a bit of your face as you walked with the sea god, “Thank you for doing this for me.” he looked aloof, glancing over before smirking softly, “It’s the duty of a king to protect the fair maiden, even if she can protect herself.” You quickly closed the face guard, your face blazing red which made him actually laugh, surprising you before you smiled gently, “You look really good when you smile.” If he was surprised by your compliment he didn’t show it as the two of you talked about random things, as he wanted to know more about your fighting style. Once at your home, he took your hand, as you had removed all your armor back at the arena, kissing the back of it, “Until next time, Y/N.” you were stunned by his reaction, luckily he couldn’t see your bright red face as he walked off.
-Poseidon, Beelzebub, and Odin
-You sighed softly once away from all the crowds and he grinned, “You must be tired from being so beautiful, right?” the sound you made was inhuman, which made him roar with laughter, thinking your shy reaction was adorable while you pouted lightly, “Don’t tease me like that!” but that just made him laugh even harder. You don’t remember the last time you had been complimented about your looks sincerely, not by someone under the effect of the curse, it felt rather nice. Once at your house you removed your helmet after he asked you too and your cheeks were still a bit red from his flirt and he smiled gently, “I wonder if the curse will break the more I fall for you.” Your face flushed red again and he grinned, before telling you he would come and find you later and you waved him off, in a slight daze about his words.
            -Hades and Adamas
-For the most part, the journey home was uneventful, you returned to your conversation about using dual weapons, as you had always done so, forgoing a shield in exchange for a second spear, which you had proved you could block with. A shout was then heard, “Y/N~ don’t run from me!!” you turned and saw a mob of people who had spotted you and you went to run before he picked you up princess style and quickly took off, sprinting away. You were able to lose the crowd as you made it to your house, hiding in the backyard and you removed your helmet, a sigh leaving you. He grinned down at you, “Why so red faced?” you twiddled your fingers together shyly, looking away from him, “It’s not often that something built like me gets carried like a princess.” He boomed with laughter which made you pout up at him before he surprised you by pecking your cheek and standing, “I’ll draw them away and come back later. See ya, Y/N.” you were stunned stiff, like a statue, in complete shock that he had kissed you.
            -Thor and Hercules
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windvexer · 1 year
baby witch here! I’m just curious, bc the question has been eating me up all day, is it possible to get help from your higher self like how you’d get help from a deity? or to even worship your higher self like a deity? or is the higher self just not as powerful as gods or other spirits?
Interesting question!
Not everyone believes in, or works with, a concept of a higher self. Personally, I'm not solid on them existing, but it's not a concept I've explored very much. So this is coming from someone who doesn't necessarily believe in, and definitely doesn't work with, a higher self.
However, there is precedent for people working with important and powerful mystical/hidden aspects of themselves. Consider the hag (am I remembering the name correctly? can't for the life of me recall) and fetch-beast of Traditional Witchcraft.
In Traditional Witchcraft, the witch may seek to discover, connect with, and work with their inner shadowy opposite (the hag), or the inherent animal beast aligned with their personal power (fetch-beast).
These inner aspects constitute parts of the witch, and may be separated from the witch, but are neither the witch nor separate from the witch.
A practitioner of Traditional Witchcraft (and similar practices) may ask their fetch-beast to go out and fulfill some special task, or ask them for a blessing, or ask them for wisdom and guidance. And so forth.
These aspects can be worshiped. I mean, you can worship anything.
Are these inner/hidden aspects more or less powerful than other gods or spirits?
I think this question is based on a fallacy - the fallacy that if something has more power it may be better to work with. I understand the sentiment. People want results, and if so far a practitioner has been hard-up for results (or hasn't really tried anything, and is just looking for the best place to start), it follows that a person might want to just sort out which entities have the most power, and go after them.
I feel confident in assuring you, however, that this is not how it works.
For one, "power" can't really be measured in simple units. We can't say that some spirit - let's say, Valley Oak - has 900 units of power, and my Higher Self only has 500 units of power, so obviously Valley Oak is my top choice.
The first and most obvious difference is that on some fundamental level my Higher Self is me, and has a deeply vested interest in me, and is a personification of my, well, highestness - all my best morality and potential.
Whereas Valley Oak is a tree.
My Higher Self might want to move mountains to do anything to help my personal growth, even if that means I need to get into a sticky situation or two in order to learn a lesson.
Whereas Valley Oak almost certainly does not care about my development, but will definitely help me hex someone. Or put down an unwanted hex.
My Higher Self may be always available to me, ready to help in the ways it deems best, with any situation I ask about.
Valley Oak might tell me it's only free on waning moons and to bring some wine or shove off.
So you see what I mean? It doesn't matter if other spirits are more or less powerful; what matters is who they are to YOU, and what they are willing to show up for, and what they are interested in doing.
Odin might have, idk, 9,000,000 units of power, but if my initiating spirit tells me I'm not allowed to talk to him, then - then what's the point of all that power, exactly? And what's Odin going to do for my hexing that Valley Oak already isn't taking care of? And why would Odin want to help me, anyway?
It may be worth asking yourself that if gods have more power than spirits, why do some people who believe in both only work with spirits?
I hope I'm doing a decent job making my point. It's a little late here.
My baby friend, I'd like to encourage you to consider something that took me too long to figure out:
It may be wise to differentiate between your sorcery and your spirituality.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with seeking out powerful aspects, gods, and spirits with which to work sorcery and get help from. Witches do it all the time.
But you should double-check if you assume that spirits you ask for help are supposed to be the same ones you worship in a spiritual setting.
You don't have to worship gods and spirits to get their help with sorcery,
And you don't have to combine your spiritual pursuits with sorcerous power.
You can worship what you love and ask for favors from those you like doing business with. The two don't need to meet.
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daisydood · 1 year
I'll ask!! [[Also Thrùd is super cool idk why people dont talk about her more!!]]
HCs for being best friends with Thrùd?? All she's really had to hang out with is her nasty brothers oh GODS.
Ramblings about God of War: Thrùd addition!
A/N: HEY ANON!! you're the first person in my asks ever, so ty!!! Sorry this isn't really what you wanted, but I'll to add some hcs if I come up with anything ❤️❤️
I'm pretty bad at writing HCs/fics and stuff, but I'll definitely do a character analysis and rant abt her!!
(Coming from Someone with a bias cuz my favorite character is Thrúd💀)
In my humble opinon, Thrud got done SO dirty in Ragnorak. She lost both of her siblings, then her father, then lost someone who she thought was good; Odin, THEN she lost the entire realm she's lived in her entire life (Asgard). Which like, fair enough, all of those deaths made sense because it was Ragnorak, and, it would mean that we get some character develpment from her, with all the grief...right? RIGHT-
Nope. Not even a little. After her two brothers died (AS ANON SAID, THE ONLY PEOPLE SHE COULD TALK TO HER AGE IM SCREAMING) all we got was an introduction scene to her character briefly mentioning Modi, then she said we are better off without him. Which, fair enough, if that's what she thinks.
BUT. All we got for Thrúd after her dad dies was a secret scene of her inheriting Thors sword. Which, IS SO COOL, but it wasn't even an obvious part of the game😭 She lost her dad, her dads dad, her entire home, and we got almost nothing from her about it. Same goes with Sif. She was literally just there. Her and Thor had this entire romantic dialogue about like "this isn't you 🥺" then he dies and and Sif- I think Sif had like 2 lines after that? Nothing even mentioning it, too.
Freya's loss of Freyr was treated much better then this. It wasn't really talked about, except for the final dialogue post Ragnorak, when you go up the mountain looking for Kratos. She said stuff like ohhh I'm gonna move on it's fine blah blah blah. That is so much better than anything that happened with Thrúd and Sifs loss.
How did I start ranting about Sif. What.
ANYWAYS (completely different topic on how she wants to be validated 💕)
I think that Thrúd just wants to be validated. She tries so hard to be a Valkyrie, and it's like people don't care. Her dad doesn't care, and her mom thinks it's too dangerous. Odin just sucks, and he probably doesn't care, same with Heimdall.
I think her and Atreus freeing Garm really broke her down. As soon as she realized what she and him had done, she panics. She gets really upset/angry and immediately tries to get out of Jotunheim. THEN HEIMDALL HARRASSED HER. She was completely in her head before Heimdall came and bullied the two, so the things he said obviously made her mad, man. She tried punching him. Knowing Heimdall, it failed pretty bad. She had to feel so belittled and stupid, everything she's work for being thrown away because of the one bad decision that was made.
Thrúd is so cool. She is sooo underrated man. She has so much potential for when/if another Ragnorak game comes out. Shes THE ONLY THORDSITTER CHILD LEFTT
note: hahfhfbdhdh once again anon I'm literally so sorry this isn't what you wanted😭 and oh my god my last post got twenty notes what☝🏻😧 okay okay okay what else do I need to say
OH YEAH sorry this take so long for me to post writing these takes foreverrrrrrrvrrvrv
OH YEAH hit up my asks if u want sum written & I'll probably talk about Freya next😱
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carelessannie · 3 years
Thunderspider anon here: omegaverse, maybe Thor and Peter meet and have a sort of flirtation happening, but Thor holds back because he thinks Peter is with Tony. He finds out they are not together then... Idk
Sorry this took a minute, sweet Anon! I’ve been in love with Thunderspider the past few weeks and... alright, I hope you like this.
There also might be some more sweet Peter and Thor coming up soon...
Warnings: mmm only for Omegaverse and misunderstandings
“So, uh... where did you say you were from again?"
“New Asgard, off the Southern shore of Norway."
Peter hums in interest, “And how did you meet my Alpha?"
“Did he not tell you?"
“... mm, no. I don’t think so."
“We are work partners, and I owe Tony a great debt for assisting in the resettlement of our people."
They’re relatively close on the couch, knees touching, and Thor feels a bit uncomfortable. The boy in front of him is charming, stunning, but sadly, completely unavailable. It apparently doesn’t stop the younger man from leaning closer and resting a hand on Thor’s knee.
Peter's eyes brighten in recognition, “Oh! I didn’t realize that was your country, I’ve heard a bit about it, but I usually don’t get all the details, you know?"
Thor does know. His mother would often complain about being left out of important delegating decisions. So he just reaches down a pats the pretty Omega's hand comfortingly, holding it lightly and enjoying the slight warmth.
Peter blinks up at him and shuffles closer, squeezing Thor’s hand, “You can tell me more about it, if you’d like,” his delicate fingers rub slowly across Thor’s skin, “I’ve been told I’m a pretty good listener.”
“I wouldn’t doubt it,” Thor agrees. He already feels lost in those soulful eyes— a silent plea to give this man the world. His scent is alarmingly sweet, addictive. If Thor didn’t know better, he would think that the young Omega was in heat.
But Tony Stark would never let his Omega socialize with other Alphas if that were the case.
“So what do you think, Alpha,” Peter purrs, batting his eyelashes, “wanna take me up on it?"
This feels... wildly inappropriate and suggestive. Thor tries to slide away and avoid the Omega’s advances, but he’s quickly cornered against the arm of the couch with a lap full of Peter.
“Oh... oh, I don’t...”
“Didn’t my Alpha tell you why you’re here, Thor?"
His name sounds like sin coming from those sweet lips, and Peter shifts in a way that has Thor making a very dignified, manly squeak.
“T-to meet his Omega, while he’s away...”
Peter is still squeezing his hand, and uses his other to card a few fingers through Thor’s beard, tilting his head in admiration. “And I thought you agreed? Didn’t my dad fill you in on the details?”
“Your... no,” Thor shakes his head, trying to move the squirmy Omega off his lap, and sighing in frustration when he holds on tight, “No, I haven’t spoken to your father yet.”
“Oh.” Peter pouts, finally letting himself be moved. His perfect skin, porcelain and soft, warps into a frown, and Thor finds himself pulling the Omega closer to pet his hair. He hates seeing such a pretty Omega so sad, and rumbles comfortingly when Peter starts to sniffle. “I’m sorry then. I didn’t know that you didn’t want me.”
Thor feels so confused, but he places a light kiss on the boy’s hair anyways, “I’m sure there’s no one in the world who wouldn’t want you, darling Omega.”
“Then... does that mean you want me, Alpha?"
“It doesn’t matter what I want.”
Peter looks determined, and grabs Thor’s shoulders. “Okay. Let me get my dad, and we can iron things out.”
Oh, gods no. “I don’t think...” Thor tries to protest, but the Omega is up and off the couch in a flash, sprinting out of the room and leaving Thor in a heap of confusion.
He has no idea what Peter’s father will say, but it’s almost certain he’ll refer to the Alpha’s judgment— the judgment of Peter’s mate— before just letting Peter drape himself over another man.
Actually, on second thought, it might be best for Peter’s father to step in.
Standing to his feet, Thor’s surprised when Peter bursts back into the room, smiling timidly, with an annoyed Tony following behind him.
“Okay,” Peter chirps, coming to a stop next to Thor and motioning to Tony, “I brought my daddy. Can you two just talk it out?”
Thor stutters, “D-daddy? I... okay,” he’s definitely heard that term for a partner, but it’s still a surprise, so he turns to Tony, “I don’t... I don’t mean to overstep, Mr. Stark.”
Tony waves him off and turns to look at Peter, “Do you like him, Pete?"
“Yeah, Alpha,” Peter gives him a wink, “I like him a lot. He’s big.”
With a chuckle, Tony loops an arm around Peter, pulling him close. Are they really... are they considering...
“I didn’t think you would be apt to share, Anthony.”
“Share?” Tony and Peter exchange a look, “No, Thor. I don’t share. Was it not clear? Peter would be yours.”
“I think I need a drink.”
Thor sits back down on the couch, rubbing his head where he feels the beginning of a migraine setting in. His? Over all his years, he has never heard of an Alpha just giving away their Omega like this.
As he thinks about it, a spark of rage ignites inside his chest, “What type of Alpha are you, Stark?”
“Excuse me?” Tony’s eyes are wide, and Peter looks offended.
With an amused laugh, Thor gestures between them, “You would just give up your Omega to a random Alpha?”
“... well, not random...”
“I need to talk to his father about this. He should be aware of how careless you’re being with his son.”
There’s a pause. Tony crosses his arms, “Alright, wise ass. Tell me exactly what I should be doing with my son.”
“Dad, I don’t think...” Peter steps in, and it suddenly clicks.
By Odin’s fucking beard.
“Peter Stark.”
Peter looks to him, “Yes?”
“And your father is...”
“Me.” Tony says, frown deepening, “Who did you think he was?”
Thor sighs, scrubbing his face. “All I knew was that you wanted me to meet your Omega. I had assumed you meant your Omega mate.”
Another pause. And suddenly Peter is exhaling sharply, smiling, and then breaking down into heaving laughter, holding his stomach. Both Thor and Tony smile, enjoying the sweet Omega’s amusement.
“Oh god,” Peter wheezes, wiping tears out of his eyes, “I’m so sorry Thor, you must be so confused, poor Alpha.”
He sinks down onto the couch next to Thor, settling a hand on his shoulder and wiggling closer. Peter still scents so sweet— joyous laughter just adding to his already gentle Omega scent. Thor looks up to Tony for help, and the other Alpha just shakes his head.
“I thought you knew about Western mating procedures, but I shouldn’t have assumed that, so it’s my bad. My invitation— our invitation— was for you to court Peter and, if he chooses you, join him for his first heat.”
Peter ducks his face, hiding it in Thor’s shoulder, while his scent blooms with embarrassment. The young Omega murmurs, “Daddy says you’re the best Alpha for me, and I wanted to see for myself.” His eyes are wide as they peer, beseechingly, up into Thor’s face, “and I like you a ton, Thor. Offer’s still on the table.”
He feels confused still, but Thor’s focus is set dead ahead. He knows what his answer will be before he gives it— this Omega, with all his beauty and complications, has to be his.
“Tell me what I need to do, and it’s yours, Omega.”
At his words, Peter sways a bit, leaning on him fully as his scent shifts, this time more aroused and interested than embarrassed. It’s alluring and Thor can’t look away.
Tony clears his throat, “We were both prepared for you to take him back to New Asgard at the end of the week, if you end up choosing each other as mates. Let’s talk more later— I need to get back to the call Peter yanked me from, and I’ll leave you to... mingle.”
“Dad,” Peter whines, hiding his face again as Tony heads for the exit, leaving the two of them alone in the living room. Thor, at a loss for words, just pets the Omega’s hair, enjoying the soft weight of his body, how easily they fit together.
Peter is easily only a fraction of his size, yet their compatibility is almost flawless. Two pieces of a puzzle, stars circling in the night.
“Are you gonna mate me, Alpha?” Peter whispers. His voice is timid and unsure, and Thor gives him a soft smile, hoping his scent is reassuring as well.
He turns them both so that the Omega can lounge across his chest, making sure his hands are above the generous swell of his ass. Thor takes a deep breath and begins to rumble, coaxing Peter to join him in a steady purr.
It’s been a long time since he’s had an Omega purr for him.
“If you’d like, Peter. It would be my honor to mate you, to be your Alpha.”
“My Alpha,” Peter hums, closing his eyes and snuggling further into Thor’s arms, “I’d like that a lot.”
Thor can’t help but agree.
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fandomtrashfox · 3 years
Musical headcanons (Marvel)
Unrelated, but: Do you think Jonathan Crane plays the fiddle? I can see him being able to, though that might just be my music-centric brain talking.
But, to the marvel headcanons!:
-I headcanon Loki can play the harp and the violin. I didn't really see anyone saying harp that much either so I guess I’m just on my own here, but for some reason the harp just makes sense to me? Of course, he can play a few other instruments, like the guitar, but the harp and violin are his favorites and simultaneously the ones he can play the best. (We already know he can sing, so I don’t need to really mention that.)
-I, personally, can’t imagine Thor playing very many instruments, so I just leave it to: ‘He never learned how to play anything.’ But maybe he could be interested in learning after some time with the Avengers? idk
A headcanon that may surprise a few people: I don’t think Thor can play any instruments, but I do think Thor can sing. Basically what happened goes like this: Thor found out that Loki can sing, he liked the idea of it, so he also learned as well, effectively unintentionally turning that into a competition between them as well.
-Tony? I just imagine him being able to shred a guitar. Electric guitar or otherwise. And though we never see anything that implies this, I just can’t get the image of him having an entire guitar room out of my brain. (On the flip side he’s also pretty talented with the piano.)
As for singing, he can definitely.
-Steve and Bruce are on the same boat with Thor, not being able to play any instruments. However, Bucky and Steve can actually sing! I imagine Bucky can hit notes like the guy in this. The man has range. Steve learned how to sing from a few of those old war videos. Bucky actually learned on his own from sheer wanting to. Bruce meanwhile can’t sing. He sounds like a screeching cat when he tries. Hulk is no better, in fact, he somehow sounds worse.
Steve, I imagine, isn’t really the type to sing very often. Bucky even less so, it would take a lot to convince Bucky to sing at all in front of people. Though if you catch him in a good mood, you might just hear him singing to himself when he thinks he’s alone.
Bucky can also play the piano, but he rarely does so after becoming the winter soldier.
-Pietro? Yes, he can sing. He’s one of those people who has a natural talent for it even. Wanda can also sing. If I can get a bit sad here: I imagine these two used to sing lullabies to each other on rougher nights when the couldn’t sleep. Whether it was the anxiety or PTSD, giving them nightmares of the time they spent with the bomb, or what have you. The specific lullabies being ones their parents used to sing to them before they went to sleep as kids.
As for instruments? Wanda, for some reason, strikes me as the type who can play the flute? Pietro on the other hand can play the drums.
-Sam can sing. He can also play the guitar, he can even do both at the same time. He can also play the drums.
-Peter Parker is learning how to play the guitar. However, he’s also interested in learning the trombone. As for if he can sing or not? ...eh... He’s trying to get better, but, you have to start somewhere, right?
-Vision could sing if he tried, but he’s not the singing type. As for instruments? ...I mean, he’s a living AI with access to the internet, I’m pretty sure he can play just about anything on the first go.
-Natasha can sing. She can sing damn good too. She’s basically what’s called a triple threat. She can act, sing, and dance. As for instruments? She sadly never had the chance to learn any, so she doesn’t know how to play anything.
-Also, for some reason Odin gives me vibes that he knows how to play the lute and I don’t know why?
-Frigga knows how to play the harp and taught Loki how to play it, I take no criticism on this headcanon in particular.
-As much as I wish I could say that ‘Scott can sing with the best of them’, I genuinely don’t think so. He might be one of those people who thinks he can sing really good but sounds like nails on a chalk board. As for instruments? It’s about the same.
-Clint on the other hand??? I swear this man could’ve been a famous singer if he wasn’t a SHIELD agent first. This man could get into a sing-off with Loki and tie with him. Instruments? Piano and guitar, though he’s better with guitar than the piano.
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snarkwrites · 4 years
sprung spring | eat me | peter quill {m}
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Impulse + “Open your mouth” + in a kitchen ( on counter/table) + with food + distracting each other with sex + “you know… there wasn’t a single thing to eat in the kitchen until you walked in.”
Fun fact... Astrilde is another older MCU original character. Although until now, this very moment, she resided solely in my teeny lil brain. Idk why, but when I put this prompt set together I was like, this is perfect to test her with Starlord. And so, I did.
Second fun fact. Astrilde is to Norse mythology what Cupid is to all of us, IIRC. I could be wrong here, but I do believe I remember her being the ‘goddess’ or deity of love, something akin to Cupid. If I’m wrong, soz. That’s why I chose her name. And yes.. She is another one of Odin’s ‘spoils’ of war. Like Loki, Frigga took to her, this is why she wasn’t locked away with their other sister.
Third fun fact... I feel like the rust is finally coming off and it feels great, so... enjoy I guess?
Starlord / Peter Quill x OFC, Astrilde
Sex in a kitchen. Liiight foodplay. Oral sex. Body fluids. A cute attempt at dirty talk... Oh, unprotected sex because guess what, kids? The bitch who wrote this forgot to slip in a condom being put on, yet again.. Breeding kink if you squint ( and no, it’s NOT on Peter’s end, hehe.) 
@chasingeverybreakingwave | @micolegg | @rampagewriting | @kyleoreillysknee | @heelsamizayn​ - [ go here to be added to my multifandom tag lists. Just add yourself anywhere you’d like to be tagged. ]
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                                PETER & ASTRILDE in 
                                          EAT ME
Black Sabbath blasted from the kitchen area of their wing and Peter Quill raised a brow, making his way towards the sound. He leaned in the doorway, toying with the towel wrapped around his neck and he snickered to himself as he watched the blonde within the room dance around the kitchen gathering fruit, whipped cream and a generous sized jar of Nutella. Their snack of choice for the little movie night tradition they’d started about a month ago, when neither of them could sleep and both found themselves awake in the wee morning hours. He couldn’t help but smile to himself a little more as he watched her moving around the kitchen.
Just as Joan Jett began to play and the blonde in question began to sway her hips side to side and sing along, a throat cleared from behind Peter.
He turned and found himself body to body with Thor. Thor shook his head and folded his arms over his chest. “I see you’re watching her again. You do that a lot. And maybe, as her brother, I’m not fond of it.”
Peter swallowed hard, a glare forming. He scoffed and shook his head. Peter and Astrilde were just close friends, that was all.
Wasn’t it?
For just a second, he paused as he reasoned with himself. She was quite literally, part goddess. And despite how far he’d come, he still had a long road ahead because the pain and the memories remained. Being around her made him happy almost instantly and it kept his mind off of all the things in his past that had gone wrong. He hoped that her being around her made her happy and a lot less homesick for the place that she and her brothers hailed from.
They were just friends and yet… Thor and Loki both seemed to enjoy breathing down his neck about her.
They did it almost daily.
Not to mention, lately… Peter couldn’t deny there was something building between the two of them. The last thing he needed was her two brothers catching wind and driving a wedge into their friendship.
Her throat cleared from behind Thor, putting the standoff between the two men to a dead halt. Thor immediately thrust out his shirt to his younger half sister. “Put it on.”
“I’m an adult, Thor. And it’s hot.” Astrilde argued, pouting up at her brother. Thor gave her a dirty look, then he tried handing the shirt to her again. Astrilde gave a soft laugh as she shook her head slowly. Icewater eyes drifted from Thor to Peter Quill and pouty lips curved upward. Her hand raised, tangling in thick waves. “Starlord, hi.”
“Oh don’t start that again.” Thor grumbled, stepping from between the two and moving into the kitchen, helping himself to a few banana slices and some white grapes. He leaned against the kitchen island, watching them like a hawk.
When Loki appeared beside Thor, Astrilde’s smile turned to a pout and she muttered something to herself that Peter couldn’t quite make out.
But then, she spoke up.
“Don’t both of you have somewhere to be right now?”
Thor and Loki shared a look, eyes shifting to their youngest sibling. Loki nodded to Peter, giving him the usual dismissive nod. “I see you’re entertaining peasants again. We’ve discussed this. To use your gift on… that man.. Is to squander it, Astrilde.”
“I repeat.. Both of you have somewhere to be. Is this correct? I love you both but you have to realize that I’m no little girl anymore. You do not have to guard me every waking moment. My virtue is mine to protect… Or to squander. ” Astrilde repeated it again, more firmly. Her eyes darted from Thor to Loki and after a few seconds, she was taking hold of each of their arms, gently leading them both towards the door. “Go on, you two. I know good and well that both of you have dates tonight. It is rude to keep a woman waiting.”
“But…” Thor protested, giving Peter some serious side eye. “You do not need to be alone with the likes of him. I can call my Jane. Perhaps we can go out another night.” 
Thor got the distinct sense that his younger half sibling was up to something, she and Loki shared a certain look in their eyes whenever they were. And right now, Astrilde’s eyes were practically glowing with mischief… With something else, too. Thor didn’t even want to think about it.
“You… get whatever you came for and leave. Otherwise, you won’t enjoy the dire consequence.” Loki’s gaze flickered over Peter as he squared up. Truth be told, the writing was already there on the wall, the chips were in place and set to fall where they may. Loki enjoyed seeing his younger half sister happy. But the man was crude. And a mere mortal. His apprehension stemmed from his concern for Astrilde’s happiness. But he knew her well enough by now to know that once she made up her mind, she stopped at nothing to accomplish what she wanted.
He’d seen her bend the will of many men before.
He grumbled and under her warning gaze, he saw himself out too, catching up to Thor in the hallway.
Once they were alone in the kitchen, Astrilde took a deep breath and switched her focus. Peter was standing by the fridge now, peering into it, digging around. She slunk up behind him, pressing the icy bottled water to the back of his neck just as he straightened to full height. Peter tensed ever so slightly, a quiet hiss coming at the icy sensation against heated skin. He turned to face her, staring down as she held up the bottled water, giving him one of those mischief filled little smiles.
“I thought you’d be coming in thirsty.” Astrilde’s soft laugh filled the thickening tension and heavy silence between the two of them and Peter found himself stepping just a little closer.
Everything he’d been thinking about heavily as of late chose that exact second to flood his brain and before he could stop himself, his hand was wandering down, resting cautiously against the curve of her left hip. With his other hand, he took the bottled water, clearing his throat, brown eyes darting to the tray heaped with sliced fruit behind her on the counter and he chuckled.
“Someone was hungry.” Peter managed to get the words out while trying not to stare at her too hard. Because he was noticing all these little things about her lately… And the more he stared lately, the more he found himself drawn in deeper.
He had to stop it from happening.
But as he stood there, one thing became apparent… Did he really want to stop it, whatever this was, from happening?
No… No, he didn’t.
Astrilde shrugged mysteriously, not bothering to break his gaze when his eyes finally locked on her again. She raised a hand, toying with his chest, her other hand resting on a broad and muscular shoulder. She felt him going slack under her touch and her smile grew. “ It’s too bad that none of that is what I truly want.” she pouted at the last word.
Peter coughed, found himself stepping closer. “Oh yeah? I mean, it looks pretty good to me.” his eyes moved from the petite blonde pressed against him lightly to the tray of fruit behind her. To distract himself, he twisted the cap off the bottled water, guzzling half of it down in a hurry.
“Well, like I said. None of it is what I truly want.” her voice was this soft purr as a fingertip danced over his chest again. Peter bit his lip to stop the groan threatening to break free from his mouth. He chuckled lightly.
She had to be up to something. She was certainly in a playful mood today.
His voice took on a similar teasing tone when he stepped closer. It hit him then just how perfectly her forehead hit the center of his chest. He tried to shove that out, but it was joined with how good soft curves felt molded to his body. And he tried to shove out that thought too, but it was no use. His eyes locked on her lips, their soft almost candied apple color. He swallowed hard and took a deep breath almost immediately after. The feeling that Astrilde was up to something only grew. “Oh yeah? Well what is it you really want, hm?”
Astrilde caught on to the fact that Peter was fully unaware of exactly what she was up to, as per usual. The thought had her giggling softly, raising to tiptoe to give a playful fluff to his hair. In doing that, she made sure to mold her body almost completely against his. She heard the catching of his breath in his throat and she broke away just a shade, staring up at his mouth intently.
Did she keep going? Or did she back down?
Keep going, of course.
“Are you gonna answer me, Astrilde?” Peter tried his best to keep what he thought was a firm tone, but his voice wavered slightly, getting thicker and lower with each word as it came. He found himself pressing against her just a little more.
“Mhm. Are you sure you can’t guess first though, Peter?” she was pressing closer, reaching out behind her and grabbing a strawberry, taking a bite. The juice from the fruit trickled down the corners of her mouth and naturally, Peter’s eyes caught on it. And before he could stop himself, he was reaching out, smearing his thumb over it. And then he was raising his thumb to her lips, resting it almost casually against them.
God, they were every bit as soft as he thought. The sudden tightening of his sweats had him shuffling his feet, hoping to hell that she didn’t feel him getting hard.He opened his mouth, closing it again quickly when he realized that of course, no words were coming.
And he was never the kind of guy without something to say.
“I..” he finally managed, after a struggle. 
“Yeah?” Astrilde was on her tiptoes again, her mouth dangerously close to his. So close that when she spoke, her lips brushed right up against his. She bit back a whimper. Each and every little touch had her practically purring. And yet, left her wanting more, just like she always seemed to where Peter Quill was concerned. “Open your mouth, Peter.” she instructed after raising the hand that held the remaining half of the strawberry she’d bitten into in it. She had to do something.
She needed something to do to break the ice. Just until she figured out whether she was about to make a serious mistake.
Peter’s lips parted and Astrilde stuck the strawberry between them. Peter bit into it, groaning at the overripe sweetness. And at the way it felt when she moved just a little and wound up rubbing herself right against him.
Could she feel what she was fucking doing to him right now?
He wasn’t entirely sure.
On the one hand, her face was flushed and she kept making these soft little noises whenever she did. On the other, she didn’t seem to react other than that. And with Astrilde being as playful as she was, it was always hard for anyone to tell just what was going on in her head.
His resolve snapped after that happened. He couldn’t have taken it a second longer if he tried. Fingers dug into either one of her hips and she went from merely pressed against him to being molded against his body. If he needed any assurance that what he was thinking about doing was the right thing, the way her eyes fluttered open and closed only to open again and the little lip lick that accompanied this was going to have to be enough.
His hands roamed downward going from her hips to squeeze her ass and rub her against him even more as he slid her up his body and sat her on the counter, right next to the tray of fruit.
Her legs squeezed at his waist, her heels digging into his ass as she wrapped her arms around his neck, staring at his mouth intently. Despite having gotten this far in her little plan to finally clue him in to her true feelings… She wasn’t entirely sure how to proceed.
Lucky for her, Peter seemed to be willing to take the lead. His lips latched onto her top lip, tugging it between them and she moaned quietly, rubbing against him as she scooted forward to be closer. Her lips tugged impatiently at his lower lip and when his tongue slipped out, trailing over the outline of her mouth, she gasped and a shiver went racing down her spine.
His hands moved over her thighs, gripping and squeezing. The classic rock that he normally preferred gave way to some newer music, a guy that Natasha had Astrilde listening to lately called Somo or something. The suggestive lyrics to the song Mirror only seemed to add another layer of tension to the air around them and it was hitting him hard and fast that it was really hard to breathe. One hand left her thigh, tangling in thick blonde waves at the back of her head, pulling her mouth against his all over again, deeper. He felt her fingertips digging into his shoulder and dragging carefully over his scalp on the other hand as it came to rest on the back of his neck.
His tongue tangled with hers, the taste of wild and over ripe strawberries filling his mouth and making it water. His teeth hooked on her lower lip, tugging at it until it was swollen and starting to turn a deeper shade of red. The hand left on her thigh squeezed as he took a deep breath, prepared himself to pull away from the kiss just so they could both kind of catch their breath.
“It’s hot in here.” Astrilde couldn’t think of anything else to  say. She shook her head about it, giving a soft laugh as she wondered briefly if he’d caught on yet.
“Mhm.” Peter managed to mutter the answer to what she’d just mumbled, staring at her a few seconds. “It is. And you never answered my question.” Peter stared down at her intently, reaching out beside them to grab another strawberry. He dragged it through the little bowl of whipped cream, preparing to take a bite. Anything to distract himself at this point. To try and figure out just what to do next; how far he truly wanted to go with this.
He only knew one thing for certain. One kiss wasn’t enough. One kiss merely sparked a fire. Now that fire was lit and Peter was struggling with whether he wanted to put it out or fan the flames.
Astrilde gripped his wrist, guiding the whipped cream covered strawberry to her own mouth after Peter had taken one bite. She stared up at him a second or two. She could sense him struggling. He was worried, she picked up on it. Something about his ability to make a complete and total fucking mess out of pretty much everything. All the loss in his past. The way he felt like he’d never be enough for her.
It left her speechless and almost totally blown away. But most of all, excited. Because suddenly, this whole complicated scenario became a thousand times easier.
“There wasn’t a thing  to eat in this kitchen until you walked in. Does that answer your question?” she almost choked on the bite she’d taken of her food as the line left her mouth and she busied herself trailing her fingertips over his skin almost gingerly, barely touching him.
Because the way he tensed and his breath caught always made her smile a little. She knew it got to him whenever she did this.
Peter nearly choked on the bite he’d taken of the strawberry, using her distraction to guide it back to his mouth. He leaned in just a little as it suddenly hit him all at once.
Oh, she was up to something alright.
She was dropping some major clues here. If he really thought about it, she’d been trying to clue him in for a while now.
Knowing this, it made putting up any kind of fight; putting any kind of stop to what was happening… he didn’t want to stop and he wasn’t going to try. He was tired of trying to avoid risks that not too long ago, before the Snap and everything that happened during that… He’d never have wasted a second.
He chuckled quietly, stepping closer. Her legs wrapped around him to hold him where he stood between her legs and he reached out, dragging a fingertip through melted dark chocolate. He raised his finger, dragging it over her lips. Her lips parted and she gripped his wrist, slipping the chocolate coated digit into her mouth. Peter gave a quiet growl and as soon as she’d licked his fingertip clean of the chocolate, he was leaning in, his hand gripping her thigh harder, his other hand going to her hair again, guiding her mouth back to his and into another deep and bruising kiss. The palm resting against her thigh ghosted over it, disappearing up the hem of the shorts she was wearing. She came alive at this, rubbing against him almost frantically. “What if I told you that you taste better, hm?” Peter muttered quietly against her mouth as his tongue parted her lips, tracing over her teeth, slipping between them and tangling with her tongue.
“I’d say doubtful, Peter.” Astrilde answered breathlessly, leaning back just a little, her lower back meeting the cool marble countertop. Peter bent down with her, his mouth leaving her mouth to venture down her neck, lips latching onto skin infrequently, but leaving behind the smallest hints of marks each time he did.
Giving into impulse had gotten things this far. And it seemed like neither of them were inclined to stop things from going further. His hands slid up her abdomen, tugging up the crop top she was wearing, throwing it over her head as soon as he worked it off her. Her hand wandered down, an impatient whimper as she tugged at the waistband of his sweats, trying to pull them downward. Peter chuckled and shook his head, muttering against the swell of her breast just before latching his lips onto soft skin exposed there, “Not yet.”
“Peter, p-please.” begging was so not her area of expertise. As used to getting exactly what she wanted as she happened to be, this was all brand new to her. And Peter picked right up on it. The sound of her pleading with him had him groaning. His lips danced lower, his teeth tugging at the lace edged cup of her bra. Astrilde rose up a little, giving him room to unfasten and as soon as she did, Peter tore it away, tossing it aside with her shirt. She pouted a little, soft laughter against the shell of his ear as she purred out, “Hey, that was my favorite bra.”
“And it was in my way, princess.” Peter muttered back as his tongue circled her nipple, the circles getting smaller and smaller until her nipple stood at a rigid point. Her hand dipped down, disappearing down the front of his sweats, a soft smirk coming as soon as she realized that he went without any sort of underwear. Her hand circled his cock, pumping up and down slowly. Peter’s breath caught in his throat and he growled quietly against the skin of her stomach whilst dancing his lips over it, “You know exactly what you’re doing to me, don’t you?”
“Mhm.. I’m rather enjoying it.” Astrilde gasped out just as he leaned her back more, leaving a bite mark just above the elastic waistband of the pull on gym shorts she’d been wearing. His teeth caught in fabric, starting to tug downward as he raised his eyes, fixing them on her. Watching her squirm and the way her head fell back or the way her eyes fluttered open and shut.
Tugging down her shorts and panties, he sank down to kneel between her legs, his hands prying them apart, spreading her open wide for him. He stopped long enough to chuckle, biting his lip as he looked up at her. She gasped quietly as she felt the warmth of his tongue when he dragged it right up the inside of her thigh. The scruff of his five o’clock shadow rubbed against her skin, leaving a light burning sensation behind and she tensed, sucking in a sharp breath, her hand lowering, her fingers tangling in his hair, tugging lightly at it the higher he got up her thighs.
“And I’m going to prove it too.” Peter muttered quietly against soft and slick skin, groaning at the faintest taste of her as it filled his tongue.
“You are, hmm?” Astrilde gasped as his tongue brushed almost carelessly right over her slit before moving upward more, teasing at circling her clit. His fingers made their way up her thighs, working open dripping folds and making her moan, rock her hips upward as they buried deep inside her warmth, getting her used to being stretched.
His tongue worked its’ way around her clit, passing over the center of it, lips catching hold of the small circular bundle of nerves and sucking, sending a shiver racing through her body as his fingers worked in and out deeper. Her legs wound up over his shoulder for the time being and Peter growled at the way wetness pooled on his fingertips and his tongue. 
“-oh… oh fuck. Peter.” Astrilde moaned out, rocking her hips upward almost greedily as she sought out the fastest way to bring her orgasm on. She couldn’t take all this teasing and the build to it. She wanted him. Buried to the hilt inside her. Plowing her so hard her back bounced off the marble countertop.
“You’ve got a dirty little mouth on you, princess.” Peter chuckled, the sound sending a shockwave of pleasure ripping through her center. When he felt her fingers tugging at his hair again, he stopped to glance up at her. “You can pull harder if you want.”
That little grin and the gleam in his eye had her realizing that maybe he liked it a little on the rougher side. And she looked forward to finding out just how much rougher he could be. Because sometimes a woman just gets sick and fucking tired of being treated like she’s fragile or she’s made of glass.
His rough lips felt like heaven against her dripping cunt and she couldn’t stop the wanton moans that ripped from the back of her throat, one of her hands digging into the edge of the counter while the other continued to clutch at and card through his thick light brown hair. His tongue pushed deeper into her core, circling and swirling, making her suck in a breath and whimper even louder. She kept moaning his name, over and over. The slightest rattling of the potrack overhead had the two of them laughing quietly. Peter stopped to gaze up at her again, a lustful glow almost making brown eyes sparkle. Astrilde sat up and leaned down, her fingers curling beneath his chin, greedily pulling his mouth to her own, groaning at the way she tasted on his tongue. The act of her boldly kissing him got Peter a lot more riled up and he was breaking the kiss, pushing her back flat against the counter as he leaned down, muttered against soft lips, “I’m starving, princess.”
“Oh, I bet you are, Starlord.”
And that… that drove him right over the edge. The use of his other identity had him smirking against her dripping cunt as he settled back between her thighs. His nose bumped against her pelvic mound as his hands gripped her hips, tilting them upward, his tongue plunging back in deep, circling and swirling. Astrilde’s head fell back and her eyes fluttered open and shut. Her legs fell open wider and Peter’s tongue continued it’s merciless attack on her dripping cunt. “I told you, didn’t I? I told you  you’d be the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.” he practically growled the words as she tried to rock her hips upward to meet his mouth, only to have his hand grip at one, holding her against the counter. Holding her spread open as he slowed down, savoring the taste of her.
“Peter, please!” she managed to gasp, the sound echoing off the wall, competing with the rattling of the pot rack mounted overhead whenever it moved just a little. Her cunt was throbbing; probably worse than she had ever ached in her entire life and all she wanted to do was cum, but all Peter seemed intent on doing was driving her right to the brink and then forcing her to step back.
Like he did when he stopped and she felt his tongue lazily trailing over her folds, 2 broad stripes, one straight and one half circular to form the letter P. She moaned louder, fingers digging into his shoulders to grip. He growled quietly. By the time he got to the R in his name, she was shaking and tears of pure frustration were burning at her eyes.
“Let go, princess. C’mon. Let me taste you.” Peter muttered firmly, glancing up to meet her gaze. His cock was throbbing, literally all he wanted right now was to be buried deep inside her, fucking her slow and deep, almost driving her into the counter.
With a shudder, Astrilde felt her orgasm ripping through her. Her hips bucked against his tongue and Peter groaned at the taste of her filling his mouth even more, the way she dripped, even as he did his best to lick her clean. He rose up to a standing position, swearing and raising his hand to his head when a pan dangling caught him right in the forehead. Laughing, he lowered his mouth to hers and as soon as her legs were locked around his hips again, he was sinking inch for inch of his thick length deep into her core, staying still because he felt her tense in his arms. 
“You okay?” Peter eyed her in concern, pressing gentle kisses to her cheeks and the bridge of her nose as his hand smoothed over her hair, tucking it behind her ears.
“Yeah, just..Have to get used to you.” Astrilde muttered almost sheepishly, adding in a lower tone against his neck, “Maybe if you weren’t so fucking big… It feels so good, Peter.” she rocked her hips against him to show that she was okay and he could move a little. Peter hissed and dug his hands into her body, slamming into her slow and deep, his hands slipping down to her ass, sliding her off the counter as he continued to bury his cock deep inside.
“Oh… Oh yeah. Right…” Astrilde gasped, rocking her hips to meet his drives into her cunt, “Right there, that’s it. C’mon… Give me all of it, baby, I need it.” she begged breathlessly, Peter growling as he slammed into her deeper, speeding up just a little at her pleading whimpers against his skin. When he bottomed out, he went still, his mouth crashing against her mouth deep as his tongue parted her lips and slipped between them to find her tongue, massaging it, dominating the kiss. As soon as he felt like he could again, he was back to it, pumping every inch into her her, hips snapping against her body, the soft smack of skin against skin echoing and clashing with the rattle of pots and pans overhead and the soft smack of their mouths every single time they met.
He felt her walls clench his cock and he groaned, peppering kisses across her collarbones, a low chuckle spilling out against her soft skin. “I know you wanna cum for me again. C’mon, princess. Don’t hold back.”
As he fucked her through her orgasm, she clung to him, meeting each drive with her own thrusts, nipping at his neck and his lips, leaving bites and marks of her own behind. Her fingers tugged at his hair and raked down his back and Peter groaned into her mouth quietly, “So close, so close, fuck.”
“Don’t stop, don’t you dare.”
“Oh, I’m not plannin on it, princess. You ready for me to fill you up?” Peter muttered against her throat as his teeth tugged and nipped at her skin, leaving even more marks. Astrilde nodded, molding herself against him, letting him fuck into her hard and deep, his hips almost slamming into her hard enough to leave bruises behind. As the warmth of his seed filled her, Astrilde gripped his cheeks, pulling his mouth against hers in a kiss that didn’t break until he’d slowed to a complete stop and both of them were lightheaded for a lack of oxygen. As they pulled apart, Astrilde sat up straighter, a pot hitting her in the forehead and Peter chuckled, pulling down her head to press his lips against the spot.
“So you were flirting with me..” he smirked at her as he held out her tee shirt. Astrilde took it, slipping it over her head and she held out his sweats to him, nipping at his collarbone as she answered softly, “You didn’t know this, Peter?” and met his gaze, blushing and giving a soft giggle.
“Your brothers are not going to be thrilled with this.”
“Do I look like a girl who gives a shit? Don’t worry, I’ll watch your back.” Astrilde’s fingers trailed lazily over Peter’s jaw and he chuckled, shrugging. “Oh, I can handle those two.”
“Says the guy who nearly climbed the drapes the last time my brother Loki turned himself to a snake to spy on us during movie night.” Astrilde gave a gentle laugh as she leaned against him, trying to continue getting herself together.
“I love you.”
Peter blinked when the three words slipped out and he stood there, in a moment’s panic until Astrilde smiled and leaned forward, muttering against his mouth, “I love you too.”
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planetariumx · 5 years
A Stupid Love Story {Pt. 1/?}
Loki x reader (eventually)
Summary: After returning from a failed date, you find a certain god of mischief sitting on your couch. Oh and apparently he’s trying to play cupid. 
Warnings: um idk swearing? oops
A/N: so this is my first time posting my work on any form on social media so pls be kind (and also tips/constructive criticism would be much appreciated) idk if this is good, the idea is a little confusing but basically Loki is cupid (i know it sounds stupid im trying) anyway thanks for listening, enjoy my dudes
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You were coming home from yet another failed date. You can’t even remember his name, he was only interested in talking about his ex and by the end of the night he was calling her to see if she was available. The asshole even made you pay for the meal, he said he was going to the bathroom and then just left. 
You were so tired of this dating thing, everyone you met was either too self absorbed or completely disinterested in you. Walking up three flights of stairs to get to your apartment, the elevator was still broken, you were so tired that you didn’t even notice that the door was already unlocked and slightly open. 
Walking into your living room, your heart stopped. There on your couch, flipping through one of your books, was an infuriatingly handsome man with long black hair and striking blue-green eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness of the room. 
Slowly backing up towards the door, you kept your eyes locked on the strange man on your couch. When you were almost at the door, a bright streak of green light shot past you and the door slammed shut. Understandably terrified, you tried to scream but no sound came out. By now, the strange man had stood up from the couch and was slowly stalking towards you. You tried to move but it felt like your feet were fused to the floor. When he was right in front of you, he finally spoke.
“You are home considerably later than I was led to believe. You are probably confused as to who I am and why I am in your home at this hour. I will try to explain to the best of my ability but I do not have time to help a mere mortal try to understand the complex details and reasons for my being here.”
Moderately offended at this statement, you glared at the man. He ignored you and continued with his speech.
“My name is Loki, Prince of Asgard, rightful heir to the throne of Jotunheim. I am here because I am in danger of losing my job due to your lack of success in the romance department. You may speak now”
You remained silent, utterly confused by this information. This has to be a joke right?
“Is this some kind of joke? Who put you up to this and how the hell did you get in my apartment?” You spoke sternly, poking a finger at his chest. 
The man Loki let out a long sigh before turning around to sit back down on the couch. 
“I will repeat myself only once so it would be in your best interest to pay attention, mortal.”
“Stop calling me that.”
“What? Mortal? You are a human are you not?”
“Well yes but I don’t go around calling people ‘mortal’, it’s kinda condescending and rude. Should I call you ‘weird man who showed up on my couch at nine o'clock at night?’”
Ignoring your comment, Loki continued.
“I am from Asgard, you have heard of that yes?”
“I’m not stupid. We learned about stuff like that in school, but it’s all a bunch of stories and myths. Now tell me who you really are or I’m calling the cops.”
“That would not be wise on your part, mortal.” You scowled at his continued use of the name. “As I was saying, I am from Asgard, it is very real despite what you may have previously believed. Many of Asgard’s people have duties to fulfill to help the humans of Midgard.” Seeing your confused look, he rephrased “Earth. I have been given the duty of helping mortals find a partner when they cannot do so on their own.”
“You don’t seem like the right person for the job, full offense intended.” You muttered the last part under your breath but he seems to have heard you anyway. 
“I have not always been burdened with this trivial job, I am capable of handling much more important matters but I suppose I am being punished for past mistakes.”
“What did you do?”
“Do you not recognize me? I was sure you were at least smart enough for that.”
Looking at him now you tried to find any connection in your brain that would tell you why he would assume that you knew who he was. And then it hit you. The attack on New York! How could you have forgotten about that? To be fair, you had been doing some traveling to get away from it all after a particularly nasty breakup at the time and there wasn’t much contact to the rest of the world in some of the places you visited. 
“I wasn’t in New York at the time, but yes I know who you are now” you said quietly. 
“Good. Now that the formalities are out of the way-”
“You didn’t ask me for my name”
“I already know your name mort-”
“Then how about you actually use it instead of calling me ‘mortal’ all the time!” You snapped
“We need to discuss business now. Odin will no doubt be very angry if I cannot complete my task so I am here to make sure that you don’t ruin it for me.”
“Hey it’s not my fault that I can’t find someone, maybe you need to try harder! Everyone I’ve been on a date with has been a complete asshole!” You shouted at him.
Loki just sighed, rubbing his temples. “I am not happy with the situation either but I would appreciate if you would be quieter, your voice is incredibly annoying and it is giving me a headache.”
“Well gee thanks! You really know how to make a girl feel special!” You said sarcastically.  “Look, I’m tired from yet another stupid date, thanks to you, so I’m going to bed. You can go back to whatever non existent magical space palace you came from because I’m sure this is just a weird hallucination that my sleep deprived brain came up with. You better not be here when I wake up.” And with that you kicked off your shoes and stomped down the hallway to your room, slamming the door behind you. You were too tired to even change your clothes, opting to just crawl into bed in the dress you wore on your date. The minute your head hit the pillow, you were out.
(that’s all for this part, I’ve got 2 more done and I’m just making some edits idk when I’ll post them. Keep in mind that I’m new to this so please forgive any mistakes. Likes and reblogs/comments are much appreciated! ♥️)
Part 2
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gingerwritess · 6 years
Hi ! May I request Loki bringing reader and Elliot for the first time in Asgard ? I really love your writing !
ahh thank you!! this is such a good request omL
okay idk what time period this is, for my purposes Odin Badparent is still on the throne but lovely Frigga has died, but Loki was with you instead of in prison. idk pls be nice.
whoops i made it a lil angsty
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You still remember the first time you saw Asgard: the bifrost had dropped the two of you off at the end of the rainbow bridge and you had promptly grabbed Loki’s hand and used it to punch yourself in the face.
Needless to say, you weren’t dreaming, and the mighty Heimdall’s first impression of you would forever be tainted by Loki shrieking “WHY IN THE NAME OF ODIN DID YOU DO THAT?!”
…followed by you screaming “I FORGOT YOU’RE, LIKE, MYTHOLOGICAL OR SOME SHIT!!” right back at him.
Then you had taken off down the bridge dragging your boyfriend sputtering behind you.
You had ended up staying in Asgard for probably over two months (you kind of lost track of time) and every single day was an adventure. By the time you decided you should really go back home and get your earthly life sorted out, you’d made sure to sneak secret kisses in every tiny closet the palace provided, and every single night had been spent on the highest palace balcony, staring at the stars until you fell asleep in each other’s arms.
It’s easily the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen. Golden buildings rising in the middle of bustling streets, mountains and waterfalls and rivers and more natural beauty than you’d ever beheld, and then there’s the food. The food alone is enough to make you seriously consider leaving the entire planet earth and just becoming a full time Asgardian.
You’d taken every opportunity to go back any time you were able to escape your life on Earth, and when you had finally decided to get married, the two of you spent another extended period of time in the realm during your first few months as a newly wed couple. It has certainly become your home away from home, and even Loki has started to enjoy being there more. The smug bastard says it has something to do with a change in the political dealings of the realm, but you know it’s just because you love it so much.
Not that he’d ever tell you such a sappy, hopelessly romantic thing like that.
He suggests you go visit as often as he can, just so he can see the shock on your face when the bifrost surrounds you, so he can hear the excited squeal when you see the golden castles in the distance, and of course so that he can laugh at you when you fail to address his family and the rest of the royal court properly (you do believe you’re the one being who has ever called Odin Allfather “dude” and lived to see another day).
But after his mother’s death, the realm eternal lost every ounce of its appeal. Wonderful memories became painful, tensions rose, and any joy that had come from Asgard was forgotten. It had taken ages just to get your lover to smile again, and you knew better than to suggest returning to the realm.
It was Elliot’s birth that finally brought a sliver of light back to his life. Yes, he tried to stay positive for your sake and still tried his best to keep your spirits lifted, but you could tell that something was missing from his life, a little light had gone out and needed rekindling.
Nothing does the job quite like a baby.
Once Elliot was born, travelling across space and time into another universe became the furthest thing from your mind, so it took you by complete surprise when Loki suggested you all spend the weekend showing the three month old baby around Asgard. Of course you agreed right away, hoping this could be a chance for him to reconcile old disagreements and even possibly gain closure on a treasured but lost relationship.
Now you find yourself at the foot of the rainbow bridge for the first time in a very long time, this time with a baby tucked in one arm and Loki’s hand locked with yours. Almost as an instinct, Loki looks at you when you step into the glaring Asgard sun, waiting for your face to light up when you see the city as it always has.
Your excitement doesn’t disappoint.
It’s wonderful to be back, but this visit is bittersweet; you’re excited to explore again this time with your son, but something about Loki still seems off.
The three of you spend the day traipsing through the lower levels of the city, mingling with the commoners and enjoying the street food and everyday life of what you guess are normal Asgardians.
It’s pretty obvious that Loki is avoiding the palace.
But he reluctantly agrees to return to the palace for dinner, knowing he owes his father the chance to meet his grandson. Hopefully Thor will be there to help keep things civil at the reunion.
Once again, baby to the rescue.
At first it was extremely tense around the table, but the Allfather seemed to have a soft spot for your little boy. He kept trying to hand him drumsticks of some kind of dark meat, which you politely tried to decline and secretly pushed onto Loki’s plate. Come on, the baby isn’t even one year yet. At one point you even caught Loki smiling when Odin asked to hold Elliot; your heart twisted when Loki caught your eye with an excited gleam in his own at the thought of his adoptive father favouring his son, something of his creation.
He’ll always be searching for some kind of validation from the man who lied to him, whether he realises that or not.
You kind of lost your husband and your son after dinner.
You had taken a quick run back to your room to go get your phone (Loki and Elliot were being too cute at dinner and you had to get a picture) but when you came back, they were gone.
After asking around for a bit, a chambermaid tells you she saw Loki step outside a few minutes ago, and she points you to a winding path leading away from the palace, away from the city into a dark expanse of land.
Figures, doesn’t it? What a great, totally not-threatening place for Loki to take his three month old son.
But despite your fears, the path leads you to a little garden, beautifully well-kept and so brightly coloured that the flowers seem to glow right through the darkness of the night. Out of the corner of your eye you spot Loki, walking slowly between the trees with Elliot in his arms.
For some reason you don’t call out to him just yet, and you follow him until he comes to a stop in front of an exquisitely painted mural on a stone wall. The mural is breathtaking, it looks like it’s been painted with actual gold—wait, these are gods. It probably is.
The scene painted is of a woman, you can’t tell who from the distance you’re watching, but you can tell she is beautiful, elegant, and in every way regal, judging by the golden crown that adorns her head. She’s standing in a forest, it seems, a forest or garden of sorts that looks strangely similar to the one you’re in. Loki is staring at it, and he reaches out a hand to brush his finger over the chipping paint.
Something about this is weirdly familiar.
You silently watch as he sinks to his knees on the damp grass before the mural, Elliot cradled in one arm as the other hand brushes across the ground—a strange type of darkly petaled wildflower sprouts from the soil where his hand touched, an oddly shadowed addition to the beautiful garden you find yourself in.
You’re about to call out to him when you hear him speaking in a barely audible, noticeably pained voice.
“Hello, mother.”
Your breath catches in your throat.
“Have I…have I made you proud?”
Should you go to him? Leave him be? You don’t want to interrupt. You hear him continue speaking before you can decide what to do.
“Look, mother. After all I’ve done, every—every mistake I’ve made, I’ve still somehow been given a son.” He slightly lifts the bundle of blankets in his arms, pulling the blanket away from the baby’s face. “We’ve named him Elliot…and he is the most beautiful child ever created.”
He’s just talking quietly into the air. You’re not sure if he’s speaking to the mural or just to himself; it seems as if his words are swallowed by the wind and cast around every living thing in the lush garden. You might just be sleep deprived and going crazy, but it’s almost as if the flowers and trees are bending towards the god and his son—listening.
Elliot is waking up, slowly starting to gargle cries as he squirms in his father’s arms, and Loki quickly shifts to hug the baby to his chest, shushing him and running a soothing hand over his back.
The simple movement nearly breaks your heart. You step out from behind the tree and quietly walk over to your family, placing a gentle hand on Loki’s back as you take a seat on the grass next to him.
He looks at you in surprise when he feels you, his cheeks faintly flushed at the state you’ve found him in. He never meant for you to see him like this, so exposed, vulnerable…weak.
You put a hand on the side of his face and reach up to kiss him softly, pouring every ounce of reassurance and strength into your lips. His cheeks are slightly wet against yours and when you pull away with a comforting smile, it’s a new, fresh tear that races down his face.
“Your majesty,” you suddenly call out, an idea forming in the back of your mind. You turn to the mural and lean against Loki’s side, squeezing his hand tightly in your own. “Your son is the most incredible father.”
…it feels kind of stupid when you say it. You’re not sure if this is how it works, if just anyone can speak with deceased goddesses by talking to a painting of them, but you push your doubts aside and keep speaking. If anything, Loki is the one who needs to hear this.
“You know, he’s changed my life,” you continue, laying your head on his shoulder and reaching over to rub a hand on Elliot’s back. “The life he’s given me, our son, whatever the future holds for our weird little family…I don’t know what I did to deserve someone like him, but, um, I think I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to repay him.”
“You don’t need to lie in attempt to comfort me.” His voice is so quiet you can barely hear him. “I don’t need your false reassurance.”
If it weren’t for the sensitivity of the current situation, you would have smacked him across the face and kissed some sense into him, but that doesn’t exactly seem appropriate for right now. So you resolve to rolling your eyes and moving your hand to cover his mouth. “Shh. Just listen to me, please.”
Pulling yourself to your feet, you take Elliot out of Loki’s arms and step closer to the mural, lightly bouncing the little baby when he gives another cry and stretches out a tiny, tired arm to the painting on the wall. “You know, Loki has changed, your majesty.” You wince; this probably isn’t how you should speak to a goddess-queen. “He’s changed a lot the past few years. He’s…opened his heart. To me, to our son, even to his brother and father at times. You raised a-a god with a beautiful mind, and yeah, his heart is a little stormy most of the time, but, well…” you catch Loki’s eye and smile. “Most of the time he lets me dance in the rain.”
Loki’s behind you now, his arms around your waist and swaying the three of you gently side to side. You’re cradling Elliot to keep him warm from the chilly night breeze picking up, and Loki’s lips are pressed to your temple, not moving, just wanting to feel you.
“Thank you, my love,” he whispers, and you don’t expect him to say any more.
However, he holds out a hand, and that same dark, unnaturally ominous flower from earlier appears in his palm. There’s a handful of threatening thorns lining the stem, but Loki runs a finger down the stem and the thorns promptly fall to the ground. Thank goodness, too, because then he tucks the flower behind your ear, brushing his hand along your cheek with a small smile as he withdraws his hand.
An unusually sweet gesture from your lover, an action strangely…midgardian.
“‘He lets me dance in the rain’?” He repeats, tilting your head up to look at him. An amused smile is hinting at his lips—meaning you’ve done your job. “My dear…that was awful. So tasteless. Honestly,” he chuckles at the feigned hurt on your face. “I thought I was training you better.”
“Hey, geez, sorry for caring!” You laugh and slap him in the chest, shifting Elliot to your other side. “Sorry I’m not some ‘scholarly poet’ like you, oh exalted one…my mediocre mortal vocabulary will have to suffice.”
Laughing, he takes Elliot out of your arms and wraps the blankets tighter around the little boy, then slips an arm behind your neck to pull you closer to him. “I suppose I appreciate the sentiment.” Thankfully chipper and smiling again, he leans down to give you a quick peck on the lips. “Sentiment. Such a fickle thing.”
You slip your arms around his waist and hug him tighter than you probably should, but hey, he’s a god. He can handle it. “Yes, sentiment, idiot…good thing a mighty god such as yourself would never stoop so low as to actually share his sentiments with another being.”
He sighs and nods in agreement, trying to pry your arms from his waist while holding his son in one arm. “Your sentiments tend to be overtly physical, dear.”
“Shh. You need it, and I know you love it.”
Loki pauses and you take the opportunity to grab his face and kiss him, not letting go of your hold around his waist. Then Elliot lets out a squeal and frees a tiny arm from his cocoon of blankets, grabbing Loki’s shirt and pulling himself tighter against his father’s chest—you almost laugh.
The baby is trying to hug Loki too.
There’s absolutely no way Loki can’t smile at that, and he hoists the baby further up on his chest to press his lips to Elliot’s forehead. “You’ve broken me. Ruined me, softened me, demolished my reputation…”
He gives a dramatic sigh and finally wraps his empty arm around you.
“And I can never thank you enough for that.”
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hope you enjoyed, feel free to send me ideas!
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424 @paradisaicsam @fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas
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lokidoki-imagines · 5 years
Everything is Blue
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Pairing: Loki x Reader
Content/Warnings: Body image issues, fluff
Words: 2195
Prompt: Can you do something where the reader is half frost giant/Asgardian or human or half dark elf/Asgardian or human? They could be really self conscious about what they are or afraid like Loki is of his frost giant heritage and he could help the reader be more accepting of themselves? Idk I’ve never seen a piece where the reader isn’t Asgardian or human and I think it could be really different 🤷🏼‍♀️
Thank you to @skyrenx​ for requesting! Hope this is okay, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything!
@mrsethedreamqueen​, @asometimestroubledmind​, @undiscoveries​, @ladydork89​, @thefallenbibliophilequote​, @what-lies-within-us​, @mymourningtea​, @pixierox101​, @whatsbetterthanfantasy​, @sarcasmismysexuality​, @mrsstarkpotter​, @meunicorn​, @weasley-parker​, @constellationsolo​, @graysonmalfoy​, @mi-draws​, @also-known-as-me​, @riverdalerebel​, @shahdaryu​, @midnightsinger​,  @say-my-name-assbut​, @johnmurphys-sass​, @scribbledoctopus​, @colorcodedpeacockquills​, @iamdauntleeess​, @sunnydaisy420​, @cutie1365​, @corrin-on-the-cob​, @genie-in-disguise​, @mangolover951​, @isabelzimmer997​, @derp-a-saurus-rex​, @takenbymyfandoms​, @adayinmymeadow​, @imboredsueme​, @leanimal90​, @tanned-perceptions​, @lovermrjokerr​, @potentialproblem01​, @wishingofyouu-blog​, @zombiewerewolfqueen​, @jedionironthrone​, @hellboundblogger​, @shaunamart​, @mydashmyrule​, @shellyloid​, @slowlywithfreedom​, @mehrmonga​, @savemealoevera​, @bookgirlunicorn​, @tumultuous-love​, @podgirl84​, @thebookisbtr​, @his-paradox​, @hakuoyuki​, @blackirisposts​, @angryares​, @mydashmyrule​, @mangolover951​, @kittensupanova​, @sheridans-dynamos​, @toddhowardismydad​, @bye-moonchild​, @podgirl84​, @tumultuous-love​, @stuttering-psychopath​, @bookgirlunicorn​, @savemealoevera​, @oofwhatevenisthis​, @mischiefnevermanaged94​, @gotta-get-back-to-johnlock​, @gorls-supporting-gorls​, @internetgremlin​, @asgardianprincess21​, @leleleish​, @xfeverdreams​, @bellalaufeyson​, @90skid018​, @bishopl​, @allyboa95​, @ohdarlingsx​, @black-shad0w-w0lf​, @theladyofmanyfandomsofficial​, @strangedarkling​, @buckybarneshairpullingkink​, @dreamsarenot4sleeping​, @rjsmochii​, @venetumx​
“I’m not so sure I’m gonna go,” Tying your shoelaces you stood straight, avoiding the glaring from the women before you. “I mean I’ve never been a massive fan of the heat and I always burn in the sun anyway -”
“You’re going and that’s final young lady!” Stomping over to your drawers Darcy began to pull out various underwear and t-shirts while Jane unzipped your travel case you kept under your bed. “Even if we have to hog tie and gag you, you’re going.”
Hip bumping her out of the way you took over sorting through your underwear, tossing in a bikini or two just to make them happy. “Will you stop man handling my underwear if I agree to go?” Your hand stilling you spun to face them both, “I’m not even sure I wanna know whether you were serious or not about the threat to hog tie and gag me...I wouldn’t exactly put it past you to know how.” Quirking an eyebrow at Darcy who lifted a pair of lacy underwear from your case, you began throwing the few summer items of clothing you had at them.
You could hear the smile in Darcys voice, “Who did you wear these for?” Jane snatched them out of her hands and stuffed them back into the case. You rolled your eyes, the topic of your love and sex life was a touché subject at the best of times. “My mirror.” You replied dryly, folding the only two summer dresses you own into your bag. “There, I’m packed. Happy now?”
Your summer wardrobe really was pathetic. Your luggage consisted of a few of your nicer pairs of underwear, a bikini and swimsuit, two dresses, a pair of shorts, one skirt and a few vest tops. “You seriously need to go shopping.” Darcy sighed, zipping the bag as you grabbed a jacket from your wardrobe.
“Just think,” Jane began as you grabbed the case off Darcy, “Sun, sea, sand and most importantly...Shirtless superheroes.” Giggling along with her you had to admit that the vision was pretty convincing. “Trust us, it’ll be so worth it.”
“This is so not worth it...” You mumbled in front of your mirror. Tony had kindly paid for a team vacation to Isla Bastimentos in Panama as part of a ‘team building exercise’. Or at least, that’s how he put it on paper for taxes anyway. You were here for a week and had been fortunate enough to have been given your own room for the duration. 
Turning to get a better angle you tried to suck in your stomach and push your chest out, a fake cheery smile plastered on your face. “I’m so happy to be here!” You spoke in a fake cheery tone, slumping back into your natural stance you groaned. “Who am I kidding?” 
The thought of having to stand and socialise with women like Natasha and Darcy made you want to be sick. Natasha had the perfect body, all womanly curves and toned abs while Darcy was the perfect hourglass, round hips and even rounder breasts. You however, were more like a nice plump pear. Rubbing your thighs and hips you wished that you were as voluptuous on top. Scowling at your pale skin and ice blonde hair you grabbed the straw sunhat that Pepper had leant you and threw the white cover up over your shoulders.
“Stupid tropical climate, why couldn’t it have been a nice team holiday to the Arctic?” Everyone had congregated on the strip of private beach in front of the beach house. You slowed your pace, torn between which camp of people to visit first. The frantic waving of Darcy made your decision for you, wrapping your cover up around your frame more you gave a small smile at the group sat on the sand.
“Why are you wearing that?” Darcy sneered a little, trying to pick the cover up off your shoulders as you sat down. “Because!” Shrugging her off you pulled your hat down a little more, “I told you I burn in the sun, lobster red isn’t my colour.” 
Smiling in thanks you took the cocktail from Jane and said a quick hello to the two Asgardians sat with you. Since the remaining Asgardians had settled in ‘New Asgard’, Thor and Loki had been Avenging. The two once quarrelling brothers had now reconciled and formed a semi-normal relationship with each other. 
Eyeing up a spot in the shade, you quickly stood and joined Loki under a parasol. “You don’t like the sun either?” Stretching your pale legs out in front of you, you let your toes bathe in the sun. He chuckled from his position next to you, laying on one elbow with his eyes cast forward on the horizon. “Heat doesn’t exactly do my Jotun heritage any favours.” 
“I forgot about that,” You mumbled, “I don’t like the heat either. Doesn’t exactly agree with my powers...” You’d wondered for a while about Loki’s heritage, everyone had said how he was the disgraced prince of Asgard, the stolen frost giant baby that Odin had used as a pawn in his plans, but to you he’d always just been Loki. The sarcastic guy who listened to your venting and read books with. Trying to sneak a sideways glance at him you saw him staring at you already. 
“And what exactly are your powers? I don’t recall you mentioning them before.” His words wasn’t as harsh as you probably thought they were, but to you it just sounded as if he was calling you useless. You are useless, what good is an avenger who can’t control their powers?
You picked up your cocktail, watching as the liquid slowly began to freeze over and the glass crack as ice encased it. Handing the frozen glass to Loki you pulled your knees up to your chest as he sat forwards, studying the glass in his hand.
“You can’t control it.” He guessed, having placed the glass on the sand, the ice melting in the sun. You shook your head, “No,” you replied with sadness in your voice. “Not fully anyway, it gets hard to control it when I get emotional.” You could feel a blush creeping onto your face, “I don’t mean to, it’s just that everything seems so much sometimes and...” You cringe at your words, “And I sound pathetic.”
Rubbing your hands over your face you couldn’t believe how much you were babbling, but you and Loki had always had a strange relationship. You’d gravitated towards each other naturally out of your love of books and quiet, conversations began small and eventually grew to you seeking each other out for hour long conversations about the mundane and everyday. Conversations turned to comfortable silence and comfortable silence turned into peaceful sleep. It wasn’t unknown for the two of you to wake tangled together, apologies and blushing glances thrown between you both.
He smiled, “You do not sound pathetic Y/N.” Rolling onto your front you leant up on your elbows, your sunhat on the sand beside you. “What if I’m like you?” You blurted, his eyebrows furrowing. “What if I’m a frost giant like you?” 
His smile was tense, “Your mother is too small for a frost giant,” He began, thinking of the time he’d accompanied you to a family dinner. “Your father however...” He was curious now to say the least, his hand twitching at the thought of being able to find out with a simple touch. 
You snorted at the mention of your father, “You know I never knew who my dad was. Mum said that he came and went quicker than I was conceived.” Loki smirked, an idea having formed in his head while you were talking.
He turned to face you fully, his green eyes glinting with mischief. “Why don’t we find out?” Sitting up on your side you shifted a little closer, curiosity in your eyes. “How?”
His gaze dropped, confused you looked down. A royal blue crept along his hand, working its way up to his wrist with intricate patterns engraving itself into his skin. Your eyes met his, “Do you trust me?” 
“Always.” You replied, not even having to think. With a boyish grin he took your hand in his and watched as the same royal blue began to creep from his hand to yours. Frost giant. 
Tears brimmed in your eyes as you pulled your hand away quickly, a nervous smile on your lips. “Well...that explains a few things.” Laughing a little you felt a sense of peace overcome you, you’d waited so long to find out why you were cursed with these powers and now...now you knew.
“Loki,” You spoke, a lump forming in your throat as you threw yourself at the God next to you. Wrapping your arms around his neck you laughed a little as his wound around your waist. “Thank you.” You breathed, his hair tickling your face.
Your heart began to beat quicker as you pulled back, his arm staying secured around your waist. “It’s not as bad as I made out,” Scrunching your face up in confusion you realised quickly what he meant. “When we spoke about it before, about Jotunheim and Laufey...” His eyes softened as he searched for the right words, “It doesn’t define you, Y/N. You’re still you.”
You opened your mouth to speak when you heard a whistle from behind you, both of you turning to see Tony and the rest of the avengers walking up towards the beach house. “Hey lovebirds, lunch time.”
"Coming!” You shouted, your voice breaking a little. “You’d think he’d give it up with the ‘lovebirds’ thing by now...” You joked, a nervous blush on your cheeks.
“Hmm,” Loki hummed, “You’d think.”
If the day hadn’t been long enough from the travelling and socialising, then the night seemed to be even longer. Drinks and party games had kept everyone up until midnight, and the swirling feeling inside your head only seemed to feed your insomnia. Sitting up in a huff you knew your insomnia was a demon of your own making. Heaving a sigh of defeat, you left your room in your t shirt and panties and made your way up the flight of stairs.
“Going somewhere Y/N?” Your head snapped to see Thor exiting the bathroom, glass of water in hand. 
“I uh, I was just...Well I was-” Who were you kidding? You were desperate for some sleep and there was only one way you were going to get it. “I just need some sleep.” You admitted with a whisper, eyes dropping away in embarrassment. “I’m so tired and I can’t sleep alone anymore, it’s just not the same.”
Thor looked you over, baggy t-shirt and messy hair with bare feet he couldn’t help but think that you were the best thing that had happened to his brother in a  long time. “Well I won’t keep you,” Turning for his room you climbed the last few stairs. “Oh Y/N?” 
Turning to see his hand on the doorknob you tilted your head in question, “Try to keep the noise down, eh?” Mouth flailing open like a fish he sent you a wink before disappearing into his room. Clamping your mouth shut you turned with a shake of your head and stopped before his door, too tired to dwell on Thor.
Pushing the door open as quietly as you could, you were hoping that the room layout was similar to your own. The door closed with a soft click as your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you were half hoping that he couldn’t sleep either. That the comfort you gained from each other was mutual. Perhaps you’d gotten it wrong, paused halfway between the door and the bed you had second thoughts, you could easily sneak back out and he would be none the wiser. You’d tell Thor to keep his trap shut, and raid the wine bottles that were left downstairs to help welcome sleep.
“Are you going to stand there all night or are you going to come to bed?” His voice cut through the dark as you watched him sit up and turn the bedside lamp on, “Because I don’t know about you, but insomnia seems to have become my new best friend.”
You gave him a small smile as you toyed with the hem of your t-shirt, “And here I was thinking I was your best friend.” His face softened as you padded over to the bed, his eyes never leaving you. “And here I was thinking we were more than best friends.” 
You couldn’t hide the smile no matter how hard you tried, instead, you leant over him to turn the light off and settled beneath the sheets. Twisting to face him on your side, he mirrored you perfectly. “I guess we really are lovebirds then hmm?” Teasing him a little you leant in and pecked your lips against his before turning over, your back pressing into his chest. You felt him press a gentle kiss to your shoulder as his arm pulled you closer, “Goodnight Loki” You murmured, earning you a tired chuckle. “Goodnight Y/N.”
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Idk if youre taking requests or anything for the Bad Things Happening Bingo but like it would be amazing if you could do Hearthstone(MCGA) getting sick but he doesnt want to bother anyone(Blitz, Magnus, and Sam are all there, maybe theyre camping out or something???) so he hides and denies it until he pukes and passes out, so like... He cant deny it anymore??? Idk im whump trash lol.
Hey uhm so I really love Hearthstone and it would mean the world to me if you'd maybe write a bit for this or just acknowledge this you amazing person! So uh... Hearthstone having a panic attack? Maybe, making it more angsty, Blitz does something that unintentionally reminds Hearth of his parents and...yknow all the shit hes gone through(POOR BABEY♡) Blitz, Magnus, and Sam being there and kinda not knowing what to do to help the poor elf boi?
Prompt- Panic Attack/Vomiting
Fandom- MCGA
Requested by Anonymous and @ironsoulfreakskeleton on Tumblr
I'm kind of breaking my own rule here, but the vomiting prompt was already filled. I still really wanted to do it though, so I hope you like it! Sorry this took so long, but I guess this pandemic is good for something!
TW: Referenced past abuse; Descriptions of vomit
Stars are filled Swirls are requested
Tumblr media
There were good days and bad days for Hearthstone. On the good days, he could see his friends, have a lunch date with Blitzen, or just hang out around his and Blitz's apartment.
On the bad days, it was harder. Everything about him was heavy and the anxiety made him feel as if his entire being was vibrating at an unnatural frequency.
After Hearth had met Blitz and Magnus, the bad days hadn't been as frequent, or as bad. There were more good days, but that just made the bad days worse. Hearth never knew when they were coming.
Hearth woke up early, not uncharacteristic of him, elves were hardwired to rise with the sun. As he lay in bed next to Blitzen, Hearth stared at the ceiling and waited as the gears in his brain started to turn. As they did, an all too familiar buzz set in, a tightness in his chest that wouldn't quite let him take a deep breath. A blanket of sadness settled over him. It was going to be a bad day.
Something in the back of Hearth's mind said that he should get up and get ready for the day. Something else argued back, why bother?  So, Hearth waited around, drifting in and out of sleep, for Blitz to wake up.
'Good morning.' Blitzen mouthed when he rolled over to see Hearth's eyes open.
Hearth just smiled, feeling like there was too much and not enough energy flowing through him.
Blitz cupped Hearth's face and smiled, using his other hand to make the sign for rise and shine before turning away and getting up himself.
Hearth knew he'd have to get up eventually, he'd promised Blitz help with a new shipment at the store. Just a few more minutes. Hearth let his eyes drift shut again. When he opened them again, it was to Blitzen putting a cool hand to his forehead.
'You okay' Blitz asked slowly, giving Hearth a chance to read his lips.
Hearth nodded. How was he supposed to explain this? It was just a-a feeling. He would be okay as long as nothing bad happened. He just needed this day to be over. Hearth got up and got dressed.
Hearth kept quiet most of the morning, just trying to get the shipment done so he and Blitzen could go home. He just wanted to go home.
He was putting a few jackets on the rack when he saw Blitzen arguing with the vendor about something. Hearth tried not to pay attention. When it came to his clothes, Blitzen was very particular. However, it did catch Hearth's attention when Blitzen gestured at him, an angry look on his face. Hearthstone had done something wrong. He'd done something wrong and now he'd pay for it.
A few agonizing minutes later, Blitz walked over and stood over Hearth for a moment. Hearth looked up and saw the same angry expression from earlier. His chest felt tight, he couldn't breath. He watched the vendors back as he left, whatever Hearth'd done must have shortened the work day.
'Lunch?' Blitz signed.
Hearth nodded, not really sure he had a choice.
They ended up at some Bistro with sandwiches in front of them that Hearth felt too nauseous to touch.
'What's wrong?' Blitz signed, noticing that Hearth hadn't touched his food. He'd felt warm this morning. Was he getting sick?
'Nothing' Hearth swallowed thickly. Odin, he just wanted this to be over already.
Blitz stuck a finger up, signalling that he'd be right back, and returned a moment later with a box for Hearth's untouched sandwich.
"You ready to go home?" Blitz asked when he was sure Hearth was looking at him.
Hearth nodded solemnly. Whatever was going on, he really must not feel well.
They packed up their lunches quickly and ducked into the alley beside the restaurant for Hearth to portal them home. Blitz grabbed Hearth's hand as they stepped through, seeing how bad he was shaking.
When they stepped back into their house, Hearth immediately wiggled out of Blitz's grasp and practically ran to their bedroom. Blitzen thought he might be getting sick, but when he walked into the room, Hearth was sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to the door, shaking.
Blitz walked over and put a hand on Hearth's shoulder, causing the elf to nearly jump out of his skin.
'What's wrong?' Blitz signed, holding eye contact with Hearth.
'I did something wrong' Hearth signed with trembling hands. He couldn't breathe. Everything was too bright, too loud.
'The man. You were yelling. Yelling about me.' Hearth sobbed, nausea making him feel like he was on a particularly turbulent boat. He was going to be sick, but he was paralyzed.
Blitzen took a moment to think, then it hit him. The vendor. The vendor had been angry because he'd thought Hearthstone was one of the shop workers and, not knowing Hearth was deaf, had thought he was ignoring him. The vendor had come to Blitz yelling about hiring better help and how Hearth couldn't even be bothered to turn around, let alone answer his questions. That was as far as he'd gotten before Blitz had started yelling. He vaguely remembered something about gesturing towards Hearth.
"Hearth, honey,-" Blitz spoke and signed at the same time, but he was cut off as Hearth stood up, looking alarmed and tired at the same time and promptly vomited on the carpet in front of him.
Odin, he'd done it again. Hearth knew he should get something to cleanup his mess and take whatever punishment he deserved. He'd managed to make two messes today. Why couldn't he do anything right? He dropped to his knees and tried to breathe through the sobs as he used the end of his scarf to mop up the vomit.
Blitz was stunned into silence. He only managed to sit and stare for a moment before coming back to his senses.
"Hearth" Blitzen said, kneeling down and moving into Hearth's eye line, gently taking the soiled scarf from around the elf's neck.
"Honey, you've done nothing wrong." Blitz said with tears in his eyes, signing as best as he could with one hand, the other still gently holding Hearth's chin. "I would never punish you, even if you did do something wrong. You don't deserve any of this. No one deserves to be punished for something they can't control."
Blitz moved his hand down to put it on Hearth's chest, feeling his heartbeat.
'What's wrong?' Blitz asked, determined to get a real answer this time.
'Not yet. Can't'  Came Hearth's reply with a shaky breath.
"Go shower. I've got this" Blitz signed and spoke at the same time.
Hearth walked away to the bathroom and Blitz got to work cleaning up the vomit and trying not to become a mess. How could he have let Hearth go all day thinking he'd done something wrong. After everything he'd been through as a kid. Blitz knew better. He knew how Hearth worked.
By the time Hearth stepped out of the bathroom, skin red from the hot water and eyes bloodshot, he felt at least a little better. He didn't feel like he was about to be sick anymore, but he still had that guilt of having messed up curled around his stomach like a boa constrictor.
Hearth got dressed quietly, feeling Blitzen's eyes on him from the door way. When he was done, he sat down on the bed, on the opposite side of where he'd thrown up. He kept his eyes downcast as he felt the bed sink beside him, signalling that it was time to talk.
"Hearth," Blitz put his hand on Hearth's arm to get his attention. Once he was looking at him, he continued. "I should have told you what was happening today." Blitz signed as he spoke.
'Not your fault. Misunderstanding.' Hearth tried for a smile, but only managed a grimace.
"You're right. It was a misunderstanding, but I could have done my part to make it clear to you what was happening." Blitz sighed made a face before continuing. "However, you could have talked to me. You can always talk to me."
'I know. Scared.'
"Scared? Of me?"
'Father. Always my fault. Had to be punished.' Hearth cried.
'Not anymore. Never again.' Blitz signed, tears streaming down his face.  Blitz stopped to wipe the tears from Hearth's face before continuing. 'I love you'  he signed slowly, ensuring Hearth got the message.
'I love you, too.' Hearth signed back.
'Tired?' Blitz asked, seeing how Hearth's eyes drooped.
Hearth simply nodded, all of his energy gone.
'Nap?' Blitz signed.
Hearth nodded again, already putting his head down on the pillow. He was asleep within minutes. Blitz, on the other hand sat up watching his elf for a while longer, looking for any signs of distress. Seeing none, Blitz lay down to sleep as well, and if he held his elf a little tighter that night, neither of them seemed to mind.
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ansu-gurleht · 5 years
okay so i went through the datamined books from eso, taking notes as i went. @boethiah sent me a message this morning about it, asking what i thought. so i figured i might as well get real comprehensive about taking down notes to answer decently, or at least do it to organize my thoughts. 
before she sent me that i hadn’t heard about this, so i went into it bright-faced and intrigued. i didn’t think my notes would end up too long, so i just figured i’d send them to her when i was done, even “talking” to her in the notes (you’ll see what i mean by that). 
but uh. as all things lore-related, i got a bit carried away. stopped almost halfway thru to go to class, and by then i’d started to notice some really weird, kinda silly shit in it. and then i noticed everybody in tesblr talking about it, and finally realized, “oh. so it’s like that.” so i figure i’ll post it here publicly instead.
despite the uh. obvious nonsense in a lot of this, i think there’s a lot of interesting things hidden away. so what i’m going to do is just post my notes under the read-more. i’m too lazy to organize them into something more coherent lol. they’re basically just me commenting on certain lines and stuff. 
i won’t like, really go into why most of this is stupid, bc other people have already done so, and better than i probably could’ve. but you’ll know. somethings i quote things and just. have no idea how to even address them other than, at best, “??????” either bc it doesn’t make much sense, eludes useful analysis, or is just stupid.
anyways, here goes:
book 1:
azura: - "the Path"? am i wrong or has a "Path" never been referenced in khajiiti lore?
khenarthi: - alkosh comforts khenarthi after lorkhaj died? yeah right. - khenarthi's role as psychopomp for azurah mirrors kyne's role for shor. but azura doesn't factor into nord/atmoran mythology at all.
jone and jode: - azurah cares for jone and jode? interesting. (also, "Bright Moons"? full moons?)
lorkhaj: - lorkhaj as "White Lion?" - namiira (the Great Darkness) followed lorkhaj as his burden? - mention of a "path" again, made by lorkhaj with purpose. sounds yokudan. - "in conflict with himself" & "represents the duality of the Khajiiti soul" ... desert and jungle ... strife, hardship, and life, love ... both tainted deadly by nirni, according to ahnissi - "We honor his sacrifice by walking the Path with purpose and resisting the call of the Dark." ... the Path again ... the Dark? namiira? - (the khajiit seem to conflate namira and nocturnal. this isn't a new concept, as they both genuinely do overlap in many ways, but an interesting one.) - "the true spirit of Lorkhaj will sometimes appear" ... "by Azurah" - nerevar/ine, "or Khenarthi" - hjalti, "or by his oldest name" - ...ysmir?
magrus: - all of this magrus stuff is new, to my knowledge. - the importance of him fleeing from "Boethra and Lorkhaj" probably excites you :P - "fell into the Moonshadow" ... "too full of fear to rule a sphere" ... "tore out his other eye" (odin parallel? a "failed" odin, maybe? unless seeing "out of one eye" is metaphorical) - "Varliance Gate"???? "Aether Prism"???? they're the sun, but those names are brand new afaik. overall a strange alternative to the story of magnus and the sun - "Some sorcerers hold that Magrus left the eye willingly" - more odin stuff
book 2:
- azurah knows all the names of all the spirits, their protonyms? that's interesting. a lot of that "protonymic" lore is derived from the whole "true names have power" stuff, popular in magical circles from sources like kabbalah thru the lens of crowley. - "And Fadomai told stories of her children and her favorite aspects of each of them. When she reached Azurah, she smiled and told her favored daughter she could not decide. And Fadomai died." ;----; - "sat in the Great Darkness for timeless ages" ... sat with namiira? - seems to have carved moonshadow from the great darkness. (the great darkness seems to have dual meaning as both oblivion and namiira. then again, i think only clan mother ahnissi said the great darkness was namiira, so that (morrowind) lore might be outdated.) - this scene with lorkhaj and his empty dark heart is......interesting. - "UR DRA NA MII RA UR DRA NA MII RA UR DRA AZU RA" - you can pick out "namiira" and "azura" in this, but the meaning of "UR" and "DRA" elude me. - lorkhaj gets his heart torn out YET AGAIN. very rude azurah - the "Moon Beast" and its hunger remind me of the yokudan sep. - i think once upon the time "dro-m'Athra" referred to daedra in general, but i think eso has made them a specific type of daedra resembling khajiit. even more specifically, some kind of "dark khajiit" born from dead evil khajiit. - "lighting the fire with lanterns of love and mercy" - your vivec is showing, azurah. or i guess, the other way around. - this "ashes of Lorkhaj" bit gets me thinking about ysmir, again. but i'm not sure what to do with that.
book 3
sheggorath: - now THIS is a not shitty interpretation of sheggorath! he's not a "god of madness," but a god of mental fortitude, a god who tests convinction. - more stuff about "the Path" - "must be ... overcome before a Khajiit can visit Hermorah's library"? - "Sheggorath is dead and has been replaced by something Other" - the hero of kvatch? but if this is from eso, that hasn't happened yet? unless the mantling of sheogorath is a pretty common occurrence; i remember someone on tumblr suggested that this might happen every era.
orkha: - "Orkha ... followed Boethra back through the Many Paths" ... what does that mean? - "Lorkhaj, Khenarthi, and Boethra battled the demon in the ancient songs" - ... as trinimac? - "but Orkha could only be banished and would not die" ;) - "serve as tests along the Path" - so far these princes are being painted similarly to their house of troubles counterparts
dagon (also called merrunz.) - no reference to merrunz being the kitty cat. :( next - ...okay not really. "explore the Great Darkness rather than the Many Paths"? - molagh "tortured him until the creation of the World?" but "the wife of Molagh freed Merrunz"? who is "the wife of Molagh"?
molagh (balls) - "twelve Demon Kings"? should probably look into how they got that number - "Boethra and Molagh fought to a standstill before the lattice, but it was Azurah who shackled the Demon King with secrets only she knows." - i dont have anything to say about this really, just an interesting line i think. - "you will overcome him with the might of Boethra, the Will Against Rule." - interesting...afaik, aside from HAVING a khajiit name, boethiah never really factored into their faith that much, and wasn't ever mentioned in clan mother ahnissi. i wonder if azurah at some point attempted to unify her plans for the dunmer and the khajiit.
merid-nunda - interestingly, the khajiit seem to call her by her magna-ge name. - "False Spirit of Greed"? - magrus "loved only himself and his own creations"? idk if this seems all that congruent with the magrus from his own description - "cold spirit, born of light without love" - interesting - "blame her for orchestrating the death of might Lorkhaj"??!?!?!? what?????????? - "When Merid-Nunda dared assault the Lattice, Azurah struck her down before the Varliance Gate and dragged her away from it. She then cast Merid-Nunda into the Void and bound her there with mirrors. The nomads say she has since escaped." this whole thing is interesting
book 4
nirni: - nothing interesting on nirni.
y'ffer: - y'ffer "corrupted by the Great Darkness," (namira), who apparently killed nirni???!??! what??????? - worth noting that ahnissi doesn’t paint y’ffer as “corrupted” or evil or anything. in her words he’s kinda just a moron who doesn’t *get it* and does his own thing instead.  - don’t get the obsession with making namiira some like. crazy super evil being. feels like eso took a look at the list of princes and was like “who hasn’t tried to destroy/take over the world yet. that’s what daedric princes do right”
hircine - hircine doesn't get a funny ta'agra name, i guess. - graht-elk?
hermorah - hermorah helps azurah maintain the ja-kha'jay?
sangiin - according to what this says about sangiin, khajiit are actually NOT one of the most hedonistic races on tamriel. suuuuuuuuure, buddy.
book 5
- a look at the khajiit afterlife w/ azurah in moonshadow. - first you walk the sands, then you walk the glass, then you walk the thorns, then you have a good time, then azurah sends you back to nirn do something else (reincarnated)? but it might just be this one guy who goes off to do something ("Bring my children back"), he seems kinda special. no idea who he's supposed to be.
book 6
- all this shit about akha and alkosh and alkhan is bullshit. the fuck is akha even supposed to be? according to his name you'd assume an association with akatosh, but alkosh is akatosh, right?
akha: - this book says akha is the first cat. ahnissi says alkosh is the first cat. - "Pathfinder and the One Unmourned" - are we talking about akatosh or dagoth ur here. - "Many Paths"??? again?? what are they. knockoff walking ways? - "mated with the Winged Serpent of the East [akavir], the Dune Queen of the West [yokuda], and the Mother Mammoth of the North [atmora]. He then went to the South [pyandonea] and never returned." then alkosh shows up and says "yikes that akha guy was a little fucked huh?"
alkosh: - alkosh is "The Dragon King" and "Highmane." association with the Mane of the khajiit - "In time, the children of Akha overthrew [Alkosh] and scattered his body on the West Wind." ...??? is this a reference to the middle dawn? seems unlikely - apparently khenarthi put him back together. also seems unlikely
alkhan: - oh so the khajiit recognize alduin now too. cool.
boethra: - and boethiah i guess, why not????
mafala: - mafala has always been part of khajiit religion, tho, afaik. she is the og clan mother. - "She watches over Eight of the Many Paths, each of which a Khajiit must walk in time." ?????????? wtf are the many paths!!!!! why are there eight of them!!!!!! is this a reference to the spiral skein, or satellite realms (the spokes) of it? - forreal i think they gave up on pretense here when they started listing allies and shit. - "Her numbers are Eight and Sixteen, and these are two of her keys." this just sounds like something from the 36 lessons tbh. this doesn't sound like khajiit lore at all
book 7
lorkhaj (moon beast): - confusingly, lorkhaj as fadomai's favored son and lorkhaj as the moon beast are called by the same name, and despite this have separate entries in these books. - wonder if there's some equivalent in other myths to the moon beast. he seems pretty interesting, being "born of the dark heart of Lorkhaj" - there's UR DRA again, attached to namiira, again, who is apparently an enemy of the khajiit.
namiira: - apparently eso has rebranded namiira as like, an absolute enemy of the khajiit, with the dro-m'athra as her corrupted-khajiit minions or something? except i thought dro-m'athra originated from the moon beast? anyways, ahnissi only said that the great darkness became namiira. didn't say that was a bad thing necessarily. - also, her khajiiti ta'agra name, namiira, just so happens to be her protonym, NA MII RA.
noctra: - oh, so they do have nocturnal, as "noctra". - wait, so she's the "daughter of twilight"??? isn't twilight, idk, azura's thing???? (i feel like i've heard nocturnal be associated with twilight before, but it still makes little sense. it was probably from eso, too.) - boethra separated noctra from namiira. one could say she *stole* noctra from namiira ;) - noctra is ok by the khajiit, whereas her progenitor namiira is not. ok?
varmiina: - ok we have vaermina now too i guess. why the fuck not. - "The Lost Daughter. This spirit was not of any litter, but was born from Fadomai's fear of losing her children." - "Azurah killed this dark spirit in the Underworld" what the fuck is "the Underworld". they just be making shit up now
[?????] (no, really. that's what it says. dunno if that's a placeholder or intentional): - "[?????] A spirit of vengeance. It has no will of its own, as it was born from Azurah's grief after the death of Fadomai and Lorkhaj." ????? - "It sometimes appears in songs as a black panther, a warrior in ebony armor, or as a hidden sword." idk about "a black panther," but the "warrior in ebony armor" evokes ebonarm, who's technically still canon, and "a hidden sword" could be umbra. not sure what the connection here is.
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realityhelixcreates · 5 years
Lasabrjotr Chapter 33: The Dapper Little Men of The North
Chapters: 33/? Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Warnings: None Relationships: Loki x Reader (Someday) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Reader, Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent), There Are No Puffins In Real World Hrisey Yet, But They Are Trying So, Someday You Too May See This Wonderful Sight Summary:   Puffins! Also something about unpleasant dreams, the Realm of The Dead, and some court case verdict, Idk.
Loki gazed out over the city, triumph swelling in his breast. Everything had gone perfectly! All his enemies had fallen, one by one; a mechanical heart crushed beneath his heel, a spy murdered, a skull split, a soldier captured, a brother banished, and a monster subdued.
He stepped out onto the open balcony, watching with great satisfaction as his army wove through the city, decimating the rest of the opposing forces. They would wind throughout the nation, spreading the news of his reign. Portals would be opened all over the planet, dropping more of his soldiers, consolidating his power. He should be king within days. King Loki, Allfather of Midgard. What a lovely ring it had.
Standing beside him, Odin nodded slowly.
“I remember what this was like.” He said. “The eve of a successful conquest. The feeling is indescribable. What will you do with them now, my son?”
“I'm not-” Loki snapped. “If you fear that I will align them against you, do not. I care nothing for you or Asgard. I now have what I was promised, and I will rule them like a stern father. I will make them great, brook no insolence, and eventually, we will rise in prominence to become a galactic power.”
“Ah, yes, what was promised to you.” Odin said, unperturbed. “And what of what you promised? Those that facilitated this victory will come for their tithe. The price of your reign is half your own subjects!”
“There are billions of them” Loki snarled. “Losing billions only means that I still have billions left! And they breed so swiftly that their numbers will swell within a mere century. The Titan is a fool, and his price is a temporary setback at best!”
“Does the king consider his subjects to be mere chattel? To be traded as currency for power?”
“It's half or all. I am doing them a favor by ensuring their survival under my rule.”
“Perhaps. But you might be losing more than you understand. The true price of your reign might be as yet unforeseen.”
Loki sneered. “You use so many words, yet say nothing.”
“Then perhaps you should be shown, boy.” Odin placed his hand on Loki's arm, and they were whisked away to another place.
Loki found himself on a road, surrounded by orderly rows of tall plants that went on for miles on all sides. Before him was the edge of a town much smaller than where he had just been, its inhabitants being herded onto either side of the road, into the deep ditches that divided asphalt from field.
Yes, this was part of the plan. Every planet Thanos got involved in had to be purged-for the inhabitants own good. Even though Loki would rule, the Titan must still have his due. It didn't matter. There was no reason to care.
But there was a woman there, being shoved roughly into the ditch, facing down the death squad with all the ferocity of a wild animal. She was bruised, bloody in places, thrown back again and again as she tried to clamber back up out of the ditch. Her left hand bled especially profusely.
As his army took aim for their deadly work, she turned, the only one to notice he was here. Her eyes locked with his, filled with bewilderment and sudden curiosity, a plea for help.
He was the last thing she ever saw.
Something wrenched within Loki, a tremendous loss he couldn't place. A seething emptiness for something he hadn't known, but could have.
“There are consequences to every choice.” Odin said as the fields burned and the people died. “You must decide what it is that you really want. Not what anyone else has told you to to expect, but what is truly important to you!”
He was gone then, and the corpses were gone, and everything was gone, and he was awake in a Midgardian hotel room, and you were sitting up in the other bed, fretting slightly at the blankets.
Loki threw off his covers, flipped on a light, and crossed the few feet between your beds to kneel beside yours. He threw his arms around your middle, and lay his head down in your blanketed lap. You were shaking slightly, and didn't signal that you wanted him to stop, so he just nestled there.
“Is...is it just gonna be like that?” You asked. “Are we just gonna keep sharing dreams, whether we want to or not.”
“I hope it isn't so.” Loki mumbled. “My nightmares are frequent and awful.”
“Yeah, looks like. That was terrifying. Is that...Is that really how you were?”
Loki said nothing.
“Who was that man?”
“That was my father. It only makes sense that he would begin to appear in my nightmares.”
“Oh.” You said, absently stroking his hair. “Unresolved issues. And he's gone now, so you can only talk to him in your head. Loki, how did he die?”
“He willed himself to go. Ascended to Valhalla before my eyes.”
“Wait. Gods have an afterlife? Where...where do you go after you die?” It was clearly something you hadn't thought about before. Many humans didn't think gods could die, so why would they have an afterlife?
“Niflheim.” He said, gloomy and reverent. “The ninth realm. The realm of mystery. The land of the dead.”
“That's...a real place? Like one of the planets you showed me?”
“Yes and no.” Loki said. “It's a difficult place to pin down. We know it exists. We know where it is. But it's insanely difficult to get to, and those that go are all but guaranteed never to return. At least, not in the same form as they went. It's the only one of the realms I've never been to.” He raised his head from your lap with a slight frown.
“No, I suppose that's not true. I went there once. But I am not able to remember.”
“Because you died? And your soul went there, but it's still a real, solid place? I don't know if I'm really following here.”
“It is the realm of mystery.” Loki said simply. “There is a great deal of speculation surrounding it. But we know for certain that it is real.”
“Where is it?”
“Within a black hole.”
“I'm sorry, what?”
“It is within a black hole. Specifically, the one at the center of its galaxy.”
“But...I thought nothing survived a black hole. That's why they're so scary and compelling. That's why they show up in every space fantasy story ever written since their discovery. Because they're terrifying, inescapable destroyers.”
  “Your people have no idea what happens beyond the event horizon of a black hole.” Loki pointed out. “And neither do mine. No one does; likely not even the inhabitants of Niflheim.”
“Which is totally a real place, where dead people live.”
“Which is totally a real place where spirits reside, and sometimes they still speak to us. And sometimes we remember a time when we were there, in between being one person and being the next. Niflheim is a realm, but it doesn't necessarily need to be a planet. It is where the spirit goes after death, and comes back to be reborn.”
“How? Light can't even get out of those things, how does a spirit escape? Do they swim?”
“It is not known. Photons may not be able to escape, but there are many types of energy in the universe, many types of waves that could comprise a soul. Things do escape black holes, through quantum tunneling. There are other potential ways, but we haven't solid evidence yet, and the few of us who did dedicate themselves to the realm's study have been disrupted. But...I was there, I know I was. I just don't remember.”
“Is that where Valhalla is? Did you go there?”
Loki shook his head. “Can't remember. I didn't come back to a different life, I was reinstated into my old one. I don't see how. I wasn't the kind of person who should sit among heroes. That's not who I am.”
“Says who? The king sure seems to think so. Most everyone I talk to speaks highly of you. And you've gone out of your way to help me. As it was described to me, you saved basically everyone's life when you brought the evacuation ship. And how many people did you potentially save when you set that absurd fire giant lose on your sister? How many people do you have to save, Loki? Like, what do you have to do? You said your dad willed himself to Valhalla? How many people did he save?”
“Quite a lot, actually. He's the one who initially locked Hela away. In Niflheim. He is the only person I have ever heard of who ever managed to open paths to the realm of mystery, and even then, he did it only thrice in all the millennia that he lived. I think he was only able to do it because of the kind of Aesir that he was: one connected to war and death. That's likely the only reason Hela could survive there, the reason the Valkyries were chosen to go forth and subdue her there. All associated with death.”
With all his exploring, all the paths and portals he had found, it was one of the only places beyond his reach. It had been frustrating in his youth, but now he had little desire to go back.
“Is that what heaven really is?” You wondered. “Souls sucked into a black hole, just waiting to escape?”
“Perhaps. That's what Niflheim is, but nobody can say for sure what it's like in there. The few people who can remember do say that it's divided up into lands, like an actual place. That there is some kind of reward or retribution for who you were when you lived. Aesir who ascend to Valhalla...their bodies dissipate into motes of light, and away they go. Thor didn't mention that happening to me, but sometimes it takes a while. As far as anyone knows, I was left a cinder, out in space, in the remains of a demolished ship. I didn't save anyone, _____. I failed, and died. That is what I do. I fail people, and I die.” A rueful laugh escaped him. “And they call that redemption.”
His death had solved nothing, not once in the several times he's been thought dead, and not when he had actually died. All he had left behind him was a legacy of ruin, where he had tried to help his people, and still caused innocents to die. Even here, people were beginning to die because of things he had done.
“Loki, that's not-”
“No.” He said firmly. “No platitudes. Not right now. I need to say this, please. I'm still doing wrong by you.”
“Shh!” He pressed a long finger to your lips. “I wasn't meant to be this way. I know my reputation, and I earned it, but I didn't start out like this. I keep thinking if I can just successfully do something good...But I'm still just using you. To make me look and feel better, pushing my agenda and baggage all onto you.”
“I mean, You could have let me die. You didn't have to do any of this.”
“And what kind of choice is that?” He shot back. “Immediately leave your home and job, everything and everyone you've ever known, take nothing with you, leave your home nation, your culture, everything you love. Instead, live with people you do not know and cannot speak to, people who aren't even the same species as you, who live on timescales you cannot fathom, and manipulate powers you have no frame of reference for, tied to an evil villain who tried to conquer and enslave your people, and who murdered many of them. Or die. That is not a choice, that is coercion! That is what I have offered you. It is not some noble sacrifice on my part, the sacrifices have all been on you.”
“You're not an evil villain.” You said quietly.
“Oh, yes I am. Perhaps not actively, not at the moment. But it's still there. The things I have done, I did without remorse, without hesitation. Exactly like when I kidnapped you. There are things I've done you don't even know about, things whose consequences are still unfolding, and cannot be reversed or repaired. Dying isn't enough _____, I can never make up for what I've done. There is no retribution I can endure, no redemption I can hope for. I am truly wretched _____, and yet I keep striving for hope.”
You were quiet for a few long moments, long enough for Loki to wonder if he had said too much. You had the right to reject him, either for his past wrongs or his current pathetic whining, and he began to fear that you would.
“I'm not sure how to help you Loki.” You said, cradling his head. “I don't know what to say. I can tell you that you hide this well. But I'm tired and we just had a nightmare, so if you want you can stay next to me tonight.”
He craned his head up to gaze at you. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah. You're not gonna do anything bad. Get up here, and let's be lost together.”
Loki clambered into the bed next to you, all limbs and no grace.. He settled down next to you and, with your permission, cuddled right up.
There was something naturally comforting about the sensation of your living warmth against his body, of the occasionally discernible heartbeat, the gradually slowing breath. When you were sleeping, still and peaceful like this, he felt almost like a normal man.
The next day found you on a ferry, crossing the beautiful blue fjord to a large island situated in the middle. There wasn't any blue water in Iowa; the streams and lakes were either clear and flowing, or thick with fertile, brown silt. The ocean smelled different from the waters of home, different even than the river that surrounded Asgard.
According to Loki-who was feeling much better this morning-the island of Hrisey promised to hold an enjoyable time for you, and so you had taken Acorn and Leynarodd north out of Akureyri, to the ferry.
Though the island was mostly ringed with high cliffs, there was a low harbor, and the rest seemed to be mostly flat. Loki took you to a small, seaside restaurant, which served some of the best fish soup you had ever had. The coffee was also very good, and both warmed you up very nicely. It was a cold morning for August, and you'd needed to put on all the layers you could. Your cloak would be getting quite a bit of use this winter, if this was any indication of the upcoming temperatures.
The little restaurant reminded you a lot of the old coffee shop back home, with its simple tables and chalkboard menu-helpfully written partially in English as well as Icelandic. Loki actually looked slightly uncomfortable in his surroundings for once, towering over everything, and seeming to take up way too much space. An extraterrestrial god-prince in a small town coffee shop. It was kind of amusing, and made you want to show him around back home. Or show him off, more precisely.
Oh, hey everybody meet my immortal god-boss! He's a real Prince Charming if you work for him, but he sure will slaughter the competition! Hahah, why are the cops here?
Yeah, that wouldn't go well. You did miss home, and it wasn't quite as old-fashioned there as people might think, but there were still people who painted bible verses on the sides of their buildings, and billboards that warned about the terrors of Hell. A known murderer claiming to be an actual pagan god was not going to be popular.
Loki leafed through the pamphlet provided when you'd left the ferry, while you ordered another coffee to-go. Hrisey supported only a tiny population of permanent residents; the majority of the island was a wildlife preserve, specifically for the seabirds. Outside of the single settlement, with its lovely, colorful houses, was broad, flat wilderness dotted with ferny puffs of fluffy white flowers, and patches of short juniper trees. The soaring mountains of the fjord were visible to either side, with only the shining waters separating you from them.
Using the pamphlet as a tour guide, the two of you visited the pair of museums located on the island: one focusing on historical life on the island, and the other specifically about sharks. That one was stationed in the oldest house on the island, a house that had once belonged to a man appropriately named Shark Jorundur, and detailed the history of shark fishing in the area, a profession no longer popular, but not entirely eradicated. Apparently, a traditional Icelandic dish was prepared from the fermented flesh of Greenlandic sharks, and you had never been less interested in tasting a local food.
There were many tractors in the little village, and you spotted one especially aged model with a trailer attached, loading up with people. A wave of familiarity crashed over you.
“Is that a hayride?” You exclaimed, dashing down to the street, leaving Loki to chase after you.
“Wait, no, ______,” He protested weakly. “You cannot mean to ride in that thing. Are we vegetable sacks, so lacking in dignity?”
“What's wrong?” You teased. “Scared of getting straw on your cloak?”
“This is beneath us.” He insisted.
“Not me.” You gestured at the cart. “This is essential summer and fall activity to me. You might have dressed me up and given me a different job, but you haven't pruned the cornfields out of this peasant just yet...” The people already in the cart were staring, some checking their phones and whispering to each other, some glaring. Altogether, they projected a rather unfriendly front. “...On second thought, a hike might be nice...”
Loki took your hand and led you away from the whispers and glowering, away to the lonely hiking trails.
“Looks like they recognized us...” You muttered.
“I am a rather prominent figure, and you are growing in notoriety. I don not see why they feel entitled to dominate the hayride, however.”
“You didn't even wanna ride it!”
“No, but you did.”
There were three paths, and you decided to take them all, one by one. You had the entire day after all.
The view was like a fairy tale from practically every inch of the island, and you let the magic of it sweep you away. It really was nearly perfect; beautiful surroundings, exploration, a mostly friendly village to return to, with delicious food waiting. A fantasy prince who held your hand and walked at your pace. He really was thoughtful sometimes. Willing to ride in a tractor trailer just because you wanted to. Taking you on this little vacation to calm your nerves and keep your spirits up while you waited on a verdict.
Loki seemed to like to go overboard on certain things. Now that he knew you were troubled, he was trying to overwhelm you with beauty. It was kind of working; you hadn't thought about the trial all day, and had only been bothered once, by the stand-offish stares of the people on the hayride.
The wind was biting cold though, whipping up off the water, the flat landscape doing nothing to slow it down, and even your plush cloak wasn't enough to keep your ears and nose from burning with cold, your eyes watering from the frigid gusts.
Again Loki provided a handkerchief for your eyes; you went much easier on this one.
“It appears that we will need to have another cloak made for you. Even this is clearly not sufficient. Fur lining perhaps? Heavier clothing too. It wouldn't do to let you take a chill. Your kind are remarkably adaptable, but you still fall to such things.”
Standing at the northernmost point of the path, Loki wrapped you in his cloak, so that only your face was poking out, the warmth of his body banishing the sting of the wind. You probably should have protested: this was far too casually intimate. This was boyfriend territory, and the thought of anyone calling Loki their boyfriend was just weird. It was so mundane.
But he had already said he didn't want you getting too cold, so you probably shouldn't worry about it. It was probably nothing more than Loki being extra. He was good at that.
“Behold.” He said softly, as birds approached, dapper little tuxedo patterned creatures, waddling and squawking with large, colorful beaks.
“Oh my gosh, puffins!” You exclaimed. The adorable penguins of the north. You watched them hop and cavort over the short, wild grasses, wrapped in the safe warmth of Loki's cloaked arms, and a little bit of joy suffused you. It would be wonderful to come out and do things like this every now and then. You'd hardly seen any of your new home, but everyone knew Iceland was beautiful. And also stuffed with volcanoes, which you hoped would not become a problem later. But as long as there were puffins, surely there was happiness in the world.
“They really are appealing little beasts, aren't they?” Loki mused. “Perhaps when we have the means, we can fund a wildlife sanctuary of our own?”
“You would want to do that? Loki, that would be amazing! There are so many places that need environmental help, but I've never been able to do anything about it.”
“Perhaps you will be able to, in the future. I don't mind helping. Your animals are whimsical and strange, and I rather like some of them. Contrary to popular belief, I do not actually hate the Earth. I never did, and Asgard has a long history of environmental conservation. Of course, that was for later exploitation, but the techniques were still effective.”
“Our own wildlife preserve...Maybe back in Iowa? There's a lot of endangered plants there, because of all the corn.”
“Would you like to plant them?” Loki asked. His face was awfully close, but you turned your head to look at him anyway, finding yourself captivated by those deep, glittering eyes.
“Yeah. I would.” You mumbled. So close.
A puffin hopped up on the path, and trod on your foot. It squawked loudly.
You looked down. “Oh my gosh!” You cried. “You're so cute! You're so brave! What do you want, beautiful birdie? You want scritches?”
“Meddling creature.” Loki muttered. “No wait!” He grabbed your wrist as you reached out to pet the bold bird. “It says in the pamphlet that we mustn't touch them. Their feathers have a special coating that protects them from the water, but our touch can destroy it.”
“Oh geez! Sorry little guy, I didn't know.”
“Here.” Loki said, enfolding your fingers with his. “Nothing to rub off here, except, perhaps, my many virtues.”
“Or your bad habits.” You snorted, giving him a small shove. Regret immediately flooded you; that wasn't the kind of thing you should be doing. That was something you did with Tara, or any of your old boyfriends, or school friends, or you dad. Not a god. Not royalty. Not your boss. Your hand-holding, surprisingly cuddly boss, who princess carried you, and snuggled you after nightmares... Okay, it could definitely be said that he started it.
Why was Loki so tactile? You couldn't help but wonder, as he kept hold of your hand, and began the long, leisurely walk back to the village. Was he like that with everybody? You hadn't seen much evidence of it, but he didn't seem close with all that many people, and touching servants-even in a completely professional manner-seemed like it would be considered wildly inappropriate, even for a prince. That was something you had noticed about Asgardians: they were very proper about personal space, unless they really liked one another, in which case, they were all back claps, and arm clasps, and tackles, and hugs.
Loki didn't seem to have that with anybody. Even with his brother, he was somewhat withdrawn. He seemed to save it all up, to pour out on you.
Of course, you didn't yet know what he did, or who he was with when he was away from you. He could have plenty of friends you'd never met. He could have a whole mob of concubines...
No, that sounded wrong. Loki was very handsome, and very powerful, and had plenty of desirable traits, if anyone were to ask you. He was also a flirt, but oddly enough, he really didn't seem like a philanderer.
Still, you didn't know for sure. Not yet. Just that he seemed very comfortable with being close to you. Perhaps it was good for him, and maybe even a little for you as well.
There were whales in the water on the ferry ride back to the mainland, and Loki was particularly interested in them.
“Bigger than a bilgesnipe!” He exclaimed. “And humans used to hunt these with no more than harpoons? Preposterous!”
“We almost wiped them out. It wasn't even that long ago; some of them are still endangered.”
“It's a good thing Thor did not spend much time on this realm until recently. For certain, he would have joined in many such hunts with great gusto, and your whales would have been as much myth as we.”
“That would be terrible.” You said. “We've already caused so many extinctions. And just look at them out there. Wouldn't it be sad if they were all gone?”
“They are majestic.” Loki leaned on the railing, watching the huge animals swimming. As the ferry neared the shore, his phone rang. Whoever was on the other end of the line told him something he liked; his face stretched into a wicked, almost cruel grin.
“Well?” You demanded as he put his phone away. “What's that about? You look like a cat that just stuffed a dead bird in its owner's shoe.”
“Twenty years.” He said. “And immediate deportation upon release. Harsh, for Icelandic justice, but ultimately fair. The man did come here specifically to murder people, after all. Rejoice my dear. He shall never trouble you again.”
Relief flowed through you, lifting your stress, leaving you drifting on a kind of high all the way back to Akureyri. You floated through the entire evening like that, holding lightly on to Loki's arm while he took you out on the town, eating a lovely dinner, picking up a cellphone for you, and a little puffin charm to go with it. People followed you around, and everyone in the city must have gotten a picture of you, but none of that mattered to you for that night at least.
When you returned to your room, you actually gave him a real hug, full of solace and satisfaction. He took the opportunity to begin a slow dance with you, sweeping you effortlessly around the room until you were ready to turn in for the night.
You crawled under your blankets, looking forward to the rest of your vacation, and especially, a good night's sleep.
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wnnbdarklord · 6 years
frostiron...er, prompt? if a prompt can be 1600 words
brought to you by my disney nostalgia binge on youtube last night and Tarzan's Strangers Like Me:
 AU featuring Jotun!Tony where Loki finds out he's a Frost Giant before Thor's coronation (or maybe earlier idk) while setting everything up. Without everything on Asgard being a dumpster fire because of the Odinsleep, he manages to confide in Frigga a little bit more, who just urges him to let it go, don't make waves, the usual placatory stuff. And Loki does, for a time. Except he gets curious and maybe Thor and his friends are more insufferable than usual or maybe Odin looks at him , but doesn't see him one too many times or maybe he reads something in a really old book that implies jotnar aren't the monsters everyone says they are and so he sneaks off to Jotunheim.
It creates quite a stir on Jotunheim, but they're mostly prepared to show their lost prince (though maybe they don't even tell Loki that at first so they don't scare him off) about themselves and their society. At first, Loki absolutely refuses to let go of his Aesir appearance and clothes, still stuck in his Aesir are Better Than You™ mindset.
But everything changes when ~~the fire nation attacks~~ he meets this infuriating, but really intriguing jotun, Tony (what kind of a name is that, etc. though I just had a brainwave that maybe some jotnar spent a lot more time on Earth and some of them adopted Earth naming practices). Tony doesn't give a shit what race Loki is or his status, but is really keen on getting all the knowledge Loki has on power sources and energy. Maybe he's even a little angry that this Asgardian is treating Jotunheim like this exotic vacation when the entire realm is dying and becoming even colder and more hostile because it was *Loki's* family that took the Casket of Ancient Winters away. Tony has spent his entire life learning everything he could and building everything he could to slow down the decay and save his planet. But of course he admits none of this to Loki, so he comes off as sending a lot of mixed signals. It's both refreshing and puzzling to Loki, but they nevertheless end up spending hours together, talking and debating and scienceing.
It marks the beginning of Loki truly becoming comfortable in his skin and he becomes more open to learning more. He starts spending some time in his jotun form and exploring Jotunheim.
The first time Tony sees Loki while blue is a Moment and it dropkicks him into the worst crush ever (Loki is also crushing hard, just more in denial because Asgard and prejudices). Not only is Loki smart, he's also gorgeous. And really trying to reconnect with that part of himself, Loki is starting to *care* about Jotunheim, not just himself. And it makes Tony happy that Loki is happier and more comfortable. So of course he wants to see Loki even happier. He starts taking Loki on tours of all of Jotunheim's greatest hits, but also the worst damage from the war, still there after a 1000 years.
They get even closer and fall in love, though it's anyone's guess if they actually admit it to one another. Maybe they only *just* confess and then -
And then Loki learns that he's actually Jotunheim's prince and that he'd been wanted. Maybe Laufey isn't magically accepting, because who wouldn't be pissed at what Odin did and have complicated feelings about your kid being returned so full of self hate and loathing for your entire race, but as a baby, Loki had been wanted. And Laufey is also savvy enough to not outright reject Loki. But it's hard and complicated, especially once Loki realizes Odin *knew* who Loki was, knew he hadn't been abandoned and still stole him anyway.
Loki turns to Tony for comfort and in probably the worst case of timing ever, Tony admits he'd first approached Loki in hopes of using him to get the Casket back. Tensions and emotions are high and they have an argument and then Loki just...disappears. Tony is lovesick and pining, but also determined to find out where Loki has gone. After all, Loki never used the Bifrost to get to Jotunheim, so there had to be some way to travel between realms without it. Eventually, he finds a path to Asgard. Thing is, without magic and a mage to protect people from the space in Between, travelling them is not good for your health. But Tony's piss poor at magic and most of Jotunheim's magic and mages were decimated in the war.
So Tony goes back to doing what he does best: inventing. He manages to forge an alloy that won't shatter in the cold of Jotunheim and the Between and uses one of his power sources to create the best damn armor anyone has ever seen. The arc reactor is good, but not good enough to power the whole planet. It's a stop gap. But it's excellent as a power source for the armor. And it also helps power the glamour he had one of the mages do to make him look Aesir (he doesn't want to get killed the moment he steps into Asgard).
He finds Asgard in a sort of muted chaos. First their second prince disappears for months (or years) somewhere and then returns and then their King says he's been put under some sort of curse and needs to be kept separate for everyone's safety. It keeps thundering every few days and rumors abound of Thor and the Allfather arguing ~~and the Queen has been seen crying~~. Something is Up. There's a rumor that the prince isn't even Aesir, can you imagine?
Turns out that Loki returned to Asgard and confronted Odin about all his lies and his plan to install him as a puppet king on Jotunheim. In the throne room. In front of Thor and Frigga and all the guards and even a few nobles. Odin spun the curse story and that's kept most people quiet, even convinced Thor initially. Except Odin is now acting like he doesn't even have another son and is being Weird™ and even took away Mjolnir at one point until Thor proved Worthy™.
So Tony manages to befriend Thor and get him on side with the truth. He agrees to help Tony stage a break out for Loki, who'd been confined to his rooms. Except when they do, his rooms are empty, gathering dust. Turns out Loki's been in the dungeons and in solitary confinement the whole time.
Thor wants to confront Odin, Tony is at the point of just wanting to burn all of Asgard down. Tony wants them to go get Loki immediately and break him out, fuck Odin. Thor proposes Tony go rescue Loki while he confronts Odin. Let's say Loki's cell has wards up that would alert Odin the moment someone tried to open it. Thor doesn't know how to take them down and Frigga can't publicly act against Odin.
So Tony manages to free Loki, heartfelt but brief reunion. As Tony drags Loki to escape completely, Loki stops him and says they should also go get the Casket.
"He'll never stop hunting you if you do that, Loki."
"He has already shown what he thinks of me," Loki laughs bitterly, "I will take my chances with a world that has welcomed me and wanted me."
The question in Loki's eyes is plain. Tony answers by pulling him into a kiss, brief but intense.
"Nidhogg take Odin, let's go save our people."
Cue more breaking and entering, Tony and Loki utterly demolishing the Destroyer (Tony takes a few souvenirs). When Loki grabs the Casket, the last remnants of Odin's glamour break and fall away.
The alarms have been raised, Loki and Tony have to fight their way out of the palace. They don't want to kill anyone cause it would just make tensions worse, so they manage to lose the guards but they're herded onto the bridge, where Thor catches up with them, just before they can fight Heimdall.
"I can't let you take the Casket, Loki," Thor looks pained, "It's not yours to take."
"Isn't it?!" Loki turns to face Thor fully, trusting that Tony will keep Heimdall off him. He is fully in his jotun form, red eyes blazing.
"He stole it. Like he stole..." Loki falters at the last word, but understanding dawns in Thor's eyes. And determination.
There is an explosion in the distance.
"My prince," Heimdall says, lowering his sword from its ready position, "I cannot let you do this."
"I know," Thor says and Tony takes the cue to blast Heimdall unconscious with his repulsors.
"Go," Thor says over a piercing whistling, "Take the paths. I will buy you time, brother."
Mjolnir slams into Thor's palm and he crashes it down onto the bridge. Loki's eyes widen in realization as the bridge cracks beneath him. It takes Tony pulling him away for him to turn and run, opening a path as Thor slams Mjolnir on the Bifrost again and again. Odin's wrath can't follow them home anymore.
So Tony and Loki make it back to Jotunheim to all the fanfare and celebration and accolades. Never in their wildest dreams had they imagined that their prince would return with such fanfare after just running off like that. Most of them thought he'd abandoned them in favor of Asgard.
After the party, Tony and Loki find a quiet place to have their own proper reunion, with a proper conversation about everything. Feelings everywhere when not in a tense situation. A proper kiss and moooree. sdgkrelhg;o, I suck at smut.
~~And then the oral sex! (*said in the tone of that nun from Monty Python and the Holy Grail*)~~
this prompt's length and detail also co-sponsored by my realization that this is why I don't usually write these down
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
Hey there. So do you have a favorite M&M? >> I have a favourite kind of M&M, and that’s the crispy mint kind. But I rarely eat M&Ms in the first place, so it’s kind of moot.
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? >> Yes.
Is it easy to make you cry? >> Not unless you’re a form of media. Especially a song.
What do you think people really think about you? >> I think that whatever my brain insists people are thinking about me is likely to be erroneous. Because of a broken sense of pattern recognition thanks to trauma and neglect, I’m likely to assume people think worse of me than they probably actually do. So why would I ever trust what I think people are thinking about me?
What was the last song you listened to? >> I don’t remember.
Do you hear anything right now? What? >> Yeah, the television and me typing and the laundry machines making noise and Sparrow’s niece talking sometimes.
Have you ever shot a gun? >> No.
What’s your favorite store? >> I don’t have one.
Do you believe in love? >> *frustrated sigh* I believe it exists and I believe people feel it and I believe other people believe in it enough to risk everything including their lives for it. Is that good enough?
What flavor do you like the best? >> I don’t know.
What about scent? >> Like Lane said, these questions are way too vague.
What is the first feature you notice on people? >> That depends on the individual.
How many times have you gone to the bathroom today? >> Once.
What’s your favorite part about Thanksgiving? >> Knowing that I can finally do Christmas-related shit without everyone being fucking curmudgeonly about it. Or, rather, people will still be curmudgeonly if that’s how they are, but at least I am following the unspoken social rule of “waiting until after Thanksgiving”.
When was the last time you cried? Why? >> This morning. I miss Wednesday.
What’s your natural hair color? >> Dark brown.
Who’s your favorite football team? >> ---
Do you have any tattoos? Want any? >> Yes and yes.
Name one bad habit you have. >> I ruminate.
Where was your Myspace default picture taken? >> ---
How many best friends do you have? >> Zero.
What was the last thing you bought? >> Grubhub food (pad thai and spring rolls).
What kind of car is your favorite? >> Tesla. Also, various cars from the mid-to-late-twentieth century.
What are you wearing? >> Jeans and the names-of-Odin shirt Rez sent me.
Have you ever snuck out? >> No.
Where were you born? >> Elizabeth, New Jersey.
Do you like your house? >> The apartment is fine.
When did your most embarrassing moment occur? >> ---
When was the last time you threw up? >> I don’t remember. It’s been a long time.
What’s one movie you really want to see? >> It Chapter 2 (but it isn’t out yet).
What’s the last movie you did see? >> BlackKklansman or however it’s styled.
Who’d you watch it with? >> Myself.
Have you ever searched your name on Google? >> Yeah.
Who was the last person to comment you? >> ---
How often do you text? >> Rarely.
What’s something you want right now? >> I’m not sure. Probably nothing I can’t do without, I’m just really frustrated about the Wednesday situation and how my mind is reacting to it.
What’s one word/phrase you say way too often? >> I don’t know.
Are you single? >> No.
Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston? >> ---
Do you prefer pens or pencils? >> Pens.
Know anyone pregnant? >> No.
When was the last time you sung out loud? >> I don’t remember.
Who knows you best? >> Can Calah.
Are you forgiving? >> More or less.
What’s your favorite band? >> ---
What’s your favorite sport? >> ---
When was the last time you bought a CD? >> It’s been a long time, idk.
What was the last book you read? >> The last one I finished was Everything is Fucked by Mark Manson.
Are you going to be watching anything on TV tonight? >> I don’t know, maybe (and by TV I mean a streaming service on my computer).
Do you use smilies a lot? >> Not a lot. I use emoji a lot on Discord, though.
Which holiday is your favorite? >> Christmas.
Where are your parents right now? >> ---
When did you go to sleep last night? >> Sometime between eleven and midnight, I think.
How is your life right now? >> My life itself is fine, despite whatever bullshit my brain tries to pull.
Name the one thing you’re most thankful for. >> Can Calah.
Do you believe in karma? >> Not especially.
What’s your zodiac sign? >> Gemini Sun.
Have you ever broken the law? What’d you do? >> Yeah, I’ve shoplifted a lot.
Can you speak more than one language? >> No.
Last, if you could have any superpower, which one would it be? >> Matter manipulation.
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quxntumvandyne · 6 years
Since The Beginning (Loki x Asgardian!Reader)
Part 2 | Part 3
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: little bit of fighting at the end, two bad words ooooooo
Summary: You and Loki had been friends for as long as you can remember but recently has become overprotective and it’s getting on your nerves. However, what happens when you decide to go on a date with someone and things change between you and Loki? Will your friendship ever be the same?
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“Why of course I’ll go with you.”
Growing up, you’d never thought Loki as anything but a friend. Your best friend. You never cared much for Thor’s antics or his extremely loud and enthusiastic personality (which there was nothing wrong with), but more of Loki’s quiet yet clever ways.
You could relate more to him. Ever since childhood, you’ve been attached at the hip and many Asgardians knew it. But those were the old days, and now you two were adults. It never seemed like anything had changed for you about your relationship. You still spent a world of time together and had the best of times. You feel at home with Loki but not in that way.
You woke up early that morning, feeling rejuvenated from a long night of sleep and made yourself some breakfast in your small abode. It was a perfect size and you liked living alone; most of the time. Sometimes it grew cold and lonely but you enjoyed quiet and personal time. Loki did as well. But even more than that, you two enjoy one another’s company.
It was your birthday soon, so Loki has apparently planned a surprise for you in honor of your birthday. He always does something ridiculous but small, just the way you like it.
Not only would you be spending time with Loki but with some of your other friends as well; Aldis and Runa were coming and bringing their friends, Lambi, Groa, and Herjolf.
You loved your friends, but recently one had been acting a bit different around you.
Lambi was such a sweetheart and had a great personality, not to mention enjoyable to look at. But you’d grown somewhat awkward around each other. You liked being around him as well, but something was keeping you from getting any closer.
Ugh, men could be so confusing and overrated.
You got dressed in a gold and teal A-line dress with some simple matching gold sandals and small black studded earrings. You left most of your hair down but tied two braided small strands of hair together in the back with a small gold flower pin behind your left ear. It was now almost lunch time and you decided to walk down to the little café (a/n: do they have those in Asgard? Idk lol) to meet your friends.
“Y/N!” Runa shrieked in excitement. She and Aldis both ran up to hug you and you were so excited to see them like it had been years. It had only been a week, but for best friends like you three, it felt like years. You also gave gentler hugs to Lambi and Herjolf and lastly Loki, who you hugged a bit longer.
Loki was someone nobody could replace. You had this special bond that nobody understood but you two and you liked it that way. It was your special relationship and nothing could come in between that. At least, that’s what you thought.
“So, Y/N/N any big plans for your birthday?” Lambi asks from across the table. Before you could make a peep, Loki cut in to divert the attention from his master plan for your birthday.
“Oh, there’s a little something planned.” Loki looked over at you and winked, in his true nature, and took another sip of his tea. You knew a bunch of other girls in Asgard had a crush on the adopted son of Odin, but recently whenever he looked at you liked that, your heart would swell and this strange warm feeling in your chest appeared. It has never happened before, except recently when it was Loki’s birthday.
You and your friends (and Thor) threw Loki a big party and Loki took you out on to the dance floor by yourselves and danced together for a whole song. Everyone’s eyes in the whole place were on the two of you and the tension between the two of you had never felt more different. Your eyes were constantly locked on one another the whole song and you could feel the blush that had risen on your cheeks when the song was over. All eyes were on you and you two were attached at the hip the rest of the night.
Since that night, your relationship had felt different but nothing romantic. You didn’t like Loki like that, he was your best friend and you didn’t want to jeopardize that.
“Y/N? Hello?” Aldis said, snapping her fingers in front of your face. You snapped back to reality, feeling a bit embarrassed but also giggling at everyone’s reactions. As long as your friends were happy, you couldn’t ask for more.
You threw away your trash and walked out with your friends, behind Lambi and Herjolf but with Loki behind you.
Loki wasn’t great friends with the other two boys. He never made friends easily, but it never mattered to him because he had his few close friends and you. Loki had become a simpler person after school had ended and he had learned to love the smaller things in life more.
Lambi interrupts your train of thought, by slowing down and walking next to you, Herjolf still in front and your friends chatting away about Odin knows what; Loki was still behind you and you could almost feel him listening.
“Hi, Y/N,” Lambi said, with his hands in his pockets and face a bit pink. Was he nervous about something?
“Hi, Lambi? To what do I owe the pleasure of interrupting your conversation with Herjolf?” You replied smirking, a bit flirtatiously almost but it slipped out that way before you realized what is sounded like. Lambi’s cheeks grew redder by the second as he stumbled on his words.
“Oh you know- um- it wasn’t- we weren’t,” Lambi stuttered and you giggled.
“Lambi, I’m just joking around. What’s going on?”
He lets out a deep breath and loosened his whole body, seeming more relaxed.
“Well, you and I are not all that close, but I was wondering if maybe we could hang out sometime? You know, like just you and me?” He spoke very quickly, but once you figured out what he said, you stood straight like a board.
You were shocked at this question and stopped for a moment. Everyone kept walking until they noticed you had stopped and you must have had a strange look on your face. You could almost feel Loki’s gaze at the back of your head and the daggers he was glaring at Lambi. Everyone had stopped walking and talking, with all eyes on you now but you shook it off and caught back up with Lambi, everyone beginning to walk again. There were few things that caught you off guard, but this was completely out of the blue.
Where did that come from? I mean, going out once with him wouldn’t hurt right? Right?
“Well, it depends on what we’d be doing exactly,” you replied, with your cheeks flushing and the feeling of butterflies in your chest.
“Um, I mean maybe some dinner? Or a night at my house to watch some movies and eat junk food?” he said, seeming unsure of himself.
“We could always figure out the details later,” you said.
“Of course.”
“And this wouldn’t be too close to my birthday, right?”
“Oh no, of course not. That’s much too important to interrupt.”
“Well then, I don’t see why not?” you said.
This time it was Lambi who paused, obviously shocked at your answer to what seemed like a date.
“Really? You would spend a night with me? Wait, I didn’t mean-“
You cut him off to quiet his awkward stutters. “Lambi, yes I would love to go on a date with you.”
He clapped his hands together in excited Lambi fashion. “Fantastic.”
You and Lambi had now drifted to the back of the group, with Aldis, Runa, and Herjolf in the front, laughing and having a nice time and Loki directly in front of you. He seemed to be walking stiffer and you could tell something was up with him but decided to leave it alone until you got closer to your apartment.  
You and Lambi decided to have dinner on Friday night and then go to his house to watch a movie and he would take you home. You hadn’t quite decided why you said yes or how the date would end up going, but it wouldn’t hurt to spend some time with Lambi. Right?
Once everyone had gone home, it was just you and Loki until you reached your apartment and Loki went home. You walked in silence for a good 3 minutes before Loki spoke up.
“So, Lambi?”
You were shocked by his hostile tone and emotionless face. It wasn’t like him to act this way; almost jealous.
“Um, yes. I thought it would be nice, just the two of us and I don’t see why not?” you replied, questioningly. You’d never been out much with other before except a couple and Loki had never acted this way before because of it. It was truely unlike him.
“You do realize, my dear Y/N/N, that he is a bit of an asshole and has a reputation.”
You stopped again on the sidewalk, now upset at Loki’s statement about Lambi. What did he know about Lambi?
“Loki, you’re not even close with Lambi. How would you know that?”
“Y/N, everyone knows it. You’re obviously not paying attention if you don’t. It’s like he flaunts it. He’ll take any girl he can get.”
You audibly gasped as Loki realized what he said. He didn’t mean that, did he?
Well, he wouldn’t have said it if he didn’t believe it.
“Wait. Y/N, that’s not what I-“
“Oh no Loki, I know exactly what you meant.” You walked away, hearing Loki follow you and calling for you. You could feel the wind in your hair and your dress, walking quickly to get away from Loki before you could become more upset with him.
He managed to catch up and grabbed your arm. “Y/N, I didn’t mean it like that, I just want to protect you. I never meant to say that.”
“But you did Loki. And now you can’t take it back. Just get away from me.”
You tried to pull away but Loki’s iron grip prevented you from leaving his grasp.
“LOKI I SAID LET GO!” you screamed at him. You were now crying heavily and you were shaking from anger. Loki only looked at you with despair and regret as he let you go and you turned away and walked home, feelings his eyes on you the entire time.
You finally made it home to your apartment, slammed the door shut and slid down to your knees, hands covering your face and just sobbed.
Loki had never acted this way toward you and he had no reason to. It was just a date. You had never hated him more in a moment; mainly because he usually never gave you a reason to hate him, but you weren’t going to let him ruin your one night with Lambi. You lived your own life and didn’t need Loki to tell you what to do and what not to do.
And if Lambi did end up being an ass, then you’d deal with it yourself and move on.
Maybe from both of them.
I didn’t plan on making it a three parter but I wanted to end it here. I know on a sad note, I’m sorry! But if you want me to continue it, I will and I can make a separate taglist! Of course if you want, I can add you to my permanent one or just this one. Thank you for reading!!
permanent taglist: @magic-marvel​​ @holland-haven​​ @lokis-sunflower-anna​​ @e-ms-world​​ @minnie-marvel​​ @0captain-marvel0​​ @peter-prkers​​ @hedwigthelegend​​ @signed-potato
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