#//Not sure if I'm in the mood for socializing but lets see. First I need my coffee at least
yumichikah · 1 year
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Morning coffee time.
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dixons-sunshine · 5 months
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Soooo headcannons would be absolutely amazing (tbh i'm obsessed with this story-)
Only if your up for it of course, just letting you know that I am interested (and I'm sure i'm not alone) bc you asked :)
Thank you for writing! Your work is amazing!
(I've also lost many drafts that didn't save and it's always so so sad)
Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams AU Headcannons |Young!Daryl Dixon x Young!Fem!Reader
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*GIF isn't mine*
Word count: 840.
A/n: Ask and you shall receive! I have so many personal headcannons and I'm so excited to share it with you all. Maybe I'll incorporate some of these into oneshots one day. Who knows? But I'm really in the mood for Young!Daryl these days, so send in some requests for him if y'all wanna see more!
As always, my requests are open for any TWD requests, as well as Scud Frohmeyer requests.
★ Your ages aren't specified, but I headcannon that y'all are 17-almost 18 in this au.
★ As mentioned in Through The Good Times And The Bad, you moved to the trailer park when you were twelve. However, Daryl definitely didn't approach you first. You had to go up to him and start talking to him.
★ You were exploring the woods behind the trailer park when you stumbled upon a river. There you met Daryl, and since he was the only kid there who was your age, you wanted to strike up a friendship, although it was difficult.
★ I also feel like Daryl definitely didn't talk during the first few weeks when you went up to him. With Merle and his father constantly ruining his self-esteem, he was sure that you would recognise what a screw up he was and head for the hills.
★ However, when a month passed with you showing up at the river and keeping him company, he found himself looking forward to seeing you, and with that knowledge, he slowly started warming up to you.
★ The first time he ever spoke a word to you was when you accidentally slipped on a wet rock and fell into the river. He snorted a laugh at your predicament, and couldn't resist the urge to tease you.
★ “Careful. Heard the rocks in the river ain't exactly dry.”
★ You had laughed at him and splashed some water at him, and that was the start of your friendship.
★ Although you quickly became close friends, it took almost two years for him to start opening up about his father.
★ His father's beatings had started to become way worse and he started leaving more visible marks, resulting in questioning glances from you, though you never pressed for answers. That made him feel comfortable enough to gradually start opening up to you.
★ By the time you were both 15, you knew all about his father, Daryl's past with his mother committing suicide and his asshole of a brother.
★ This is definitely the "she fell first, he fell harder" trope.
★ You had started crushing on him when you were 14. However, Daryl only started acknowledging his own feelings for you when he was 16 and you had saved up to get him a gift for his birthday.
★ His feelings had smacked him right in the face, and the rest is history.
★ Moving away from you and Daryl for now, it's pretty clear that your mom is yours and Daryl's number one shipper.
★ She knows about Daryl's abuse, but not to the extent that you do. She only knows the "basics", so to speak.
★ She's offered to talk to social services for him, but Daryl had refused, so she offered for him to stay over whenever he needed to.
★ She totally already sees Daryl as her son-in-law. She knows for a fact that you and Daryl are meant to be together, even if you're only teenagers.
★ This might only be me, but I headcannon that your mom in this was a teen mom—she got pregnant during her senior year in highschool.
★ She's implied to be a single mom, so the dad split when he found out she was pregnant.
★ She lived with her parents to raise you until you were 6. Her parents eventually kicked the two of you out and you've been in and out of multiple crappy apartments before settling on the trailer park.
★ She's the type of mom who tries to give you the freedom you desire while still being strict. Hence the "if anything happens, be sure to use protection" jokes. She knows she can't stop you from doing that, but she can ensure that you don't make her mistakes.
★ She definitely "secretly" buys condoms for you and Daryl.
★ During the first few months of your relationship, she noticed that the box remained untouched. Knowing Daryl's shyness, she knew that it wasn't because you and him were having unprotected sex. The two of you weren't like that.
★ When she noticed after a couple of months that there was finally one gone, she couldn't help the teasing she bestowed on you when Daryl went home.
★ She has met his father a number of times. The man has hit on her more times than one, completely unaware that she knew his son. However, since she was aware of the abuse, she's told him to "fuck off" every time.
I have so many more! If y'all want a part two, let me know!
©dixons-sunshine 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified, adapted or translated to any other site or platform without evidence of my given consent.
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f1goat · 1 year
his teammate + lando norris x part five
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In which you find yourself getting closer to your brothers new teammate who's a dick.
lando norris x fem!verstappen (sister) + cursewords + eventually smutty i wrote this before, but i'm rewriting it because i missed somethings. you can comment if you want to be added to a taglist :) thanks for reading!
masterlist x playlist
“Hi! I’m here for Lando, he told me I could wait in his drivers room.”
You’re silently looking at the beautiful girl who’s suddenly standing in front of you. Where did she come from this suddenly? The race started a few minutes earlier. Everything about the girl annoys you already. The way she thinks you work here - it’s not like you’re wearing RedBull clothing -, but also everything she just said. Lando told her she could wait here for him. Pff. 
Last night you couldn’t help yourself and stalked some formula one gossip accounts on different social media platforms. You were glad to find out that it was a while ago since Lando has been spotted with a random girl. But now there’s a new girl for him standing right in front of you. Why annoys you that so much? 
Everything about her annoys you. Why isn’t she watching the race since she’s already on the track? Is she only here for Lando and his name and body? Doesn’t she care about the race? You shake off those thoughts. You remind yourself that she’s isn’t doing anything wrong. It’s Lando who you’re annoyed at. He invited her. If you only knew why it mattered this much to you. 
“I don’t work here, so I think you need to tell someone else,” you tell the girl eventually.
“Oh sorry!” She exclaims, “I’ll find someone else.”
“Try someone with a RedBull team shirt,” you say a bit sarcastically. She thanks you, maybe she didn’t notice your sarcastic undertone. 
While the girl walks away from you, you try to focus on the race again. After yesterday you decided to watch here again. Max his friends are still on his side of the garage and you’re still not in the mood to watch with them. Now that you have seen this girl, you start to regret your decision. You can only think about what Lando will do with her after his race. Fuck. 
Are you jealous of this random girl?
You watch how she’s walking towards Lando his drivers room with one of the mechanics. Why is she this beautiful? Maybe you would feel better if she wasn’t some model. You try to focus on the race again, but you don’t succeed. You can only think about this random girl and Lando, who will probably lay on top of her later this day. Fuck this day. And Lando.
For the third time, you try to focus on the race again. RedBull is having an amazing race. Lando is driving third, which is really good after starting on tenth place. Your brother is driving on his usual first place, but maybe Lando can challenge him later in the race. There’s more then enough time for that. You watch how Lando tries to overtake Lewis, but how he fails. A few laps it goes on like this, but Lando just misses out every time. You watch him try again, this time he actually succeeds at it. You clap in your hands for his move. It isn’t every day that someone can overtake Lewis from the outside. 
Then the unfortunate happens. Lewis is quick to try to overtake Lando again now he’s still in his DRS zone. He wants to fight for his position, which you get. Lando stays on his racing line in a tight turn, but Lewis misses it a bit. At least that how it seems like for you. Before you can realize it, Lando his RedBull is on the grass next to the turn and with a flat tire. He can’t come back to the pits. Every other driver overtakes him. Yellow flags are waving around. Lando gets out of his car. You can’t see his facial expressions, he keeps his helmet on. You’re sure Lando his facial expressions aren’t nice at the moment. 
You feel bad for Lando. Really bad. The mechanics around you are letting out frustrated screams. You hear how Christian is already complaining by the FIA about this move from Lewis. You get it. It takes you a lot of control to stop yourself from screaming with them. Lando worked so hard to come back from his tenth position to a podium place. Now his whole race is fucked. This is the second race of the season and also the second one he will end without any points. You let out a frustrated groan.
It doesn’t take long before Lando is back in the garage. He’s clearly not in the mood to talk with anyone at this moment. Nobody says a word to him. They all read his expressions and mood. You try to find eye contact with him, but you fail. Lando is pacing around in the garage while looking at the floor. When he looks up for a bit and watches everyone else’s reactions around him, it seems like he notices you. He’s walking closer to you. Or is your mind tricking you? You wonder what’s happening right now. Lando is almost standing in front of you. 
“Don’t ask any questions,” Lando mutters to you when he’s standing in front of you, “but hold me for a bit.” 
Hold him? What does Lando mean with that? Before you can question him, Lando comes even closer to you. He wraps his arms around your body and without thinking about it, you return the gesture. Lando his grip on you tightens. You slowly caress his back. 
Why does it feel this nice to hug with him?
“What a shit show,” Lando mutters annoyed. It’s obvious to you that he’s talking about the race. You keep your silence, but you don’t stop with caressing his back. “I deserved that podium,” he continues to say. He keeps on muttering about the race and how Lewis ruined it. Sometimes you hum a bit to him as reply. 
“I did deserve the podium, right?” Lando asks you after a bit of silence. 
You don’t have to think about your answer. “Yeah,” you state, “you were driving amazingly. You really deserved the podium.” 
Before Lando or you can say anything else, there’s someone interrupting you. 
“I figure you found the girl who was waiting for you?” A mechanic asks Lando. 
Lando looks up confused. You on the other hand know what this is about. When the mechanic notices it’s you who’s this close with Lando, he’s quick to apologize to you. 
“Sorry Y/N! I didn’t notice it was you,” he says, “but Lando that girl is probably still in your drivers room.”
You start to feel annoyed again. How could you forget about her? Why is Lando even with you right now if he can fuck out all of his frustrations with her? 
“Which girl?” Lando asks.
“The girl you told to wait for you in your drivers room,” you reply annoyed.
The mechanic is quick to feel the tension between you and Lando. He walks off. Leaving you and Lando with each other again. 
“What are you talking about?” Lando asks further. 
“Don’t act dumb,” you sigh. You walk a bit more backwards to create more space between Lando and you. 
Lando thinks about all of his movements from earlier today. He didn’t met a girl who he told to meet him later this day. He didn’t text anyone, he only made a few texts to you which he didn’t dare to send. He’s sure he invited no one. Now that he thinks about it, it’s a while ago since he did that. He doesn’t reach out for random girls anymore since he got a bit closer to you. There’s no chance that there’s a girl sitting there for him who he invited.
“I didn’t invite anyone,” Lando states.
You feel yourself getting more frustrated. Why is Lando lying to you about this? It’s not like your dumb. You talked to her yourself. 
“Don’t lie,” you say, “She’s in your room, just like you told her to do.”
“I didn’t!” Lando replies frustrated, he doesn’t understand what is happening. “It’s probably just a fan who tested her luck and got in.” 
“Great excuse,” you mutter, “just go to her already instead of wasting my time by lying.”
Lando grabs your wrist. You’re suddenly thankful that Max is still racing. You don’t even know why you’re behaving like this right now. Why do you even care about Lando and this random girl? It must be because he’s lying to you. Right? 
“You’re coming with me,” Lando groans to you, “so I can show you that I don’t know the fucking girl.” 
It doesn’t take long before Lando and you are standing in front of his drivers room. He opens the door, but doesn’t even look around. You’re quick to spot the girl again. 
“See there’s no one,” Lando states.
“Look again Lando,” you sigh annoyed.
Does he really believe that you’re this dumb? The girl is standing up from her earlier position and starts walking towards Lando. Who can’t really see past her anymore. You hear how he’s muttering some curse words. When you look at Lando you notice his surprised and confused expressions. Maybe he didn’t lie to you? Maybe he didn’t know she would be here?
“Maisie?” Lando asks confused. You realize that he does know her. You can’t say you’re surprised, but you did hope for another outcome. 
“Lando, hey!” She greets him back full enthusiasm. 
“See, you do know her,” you tell Lando annoyed, “So don’t lie to me the next time.” You’re already turning around to leave Lando and this Maisie alone with each other. When you want to walk away properly, Lando is still holding onto your wrist. 
“I didn’t know she would be here,” Lando tells you. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you mutter, “I’ll see you later Lando.”
This time he drops your wrist. You start to walk away, but you can’t help yourself from listening to what Maisie is telling Lando after you left the room. 
“So I guess this is the girl you ditched me for last night?” Maisie asks Lando.
Ditched her for? What is she talking about? You walk a bit further away, you can barely hear Lando his response. 
“What are you doing here?” Lando asks her a bit angrily. He’s annoyed that Maisie is here. This ruined a good moment he had with you. Things were finally looking good between him and you, but now is Maisie here. You’re mad at him again. Fuck. He wonders why you’re mad about it. Do you care that there’s another girl in his drivers room? Could it be that you’re a bit jealous? Lando can only hope so.
“I came to get what I missed yesterday,” Maisie says.
“We’re not fucking,” Lando is quick to say, “and I want you to fuck off. You can’t walk into her and wait for me like this.”
“I noticed,” Maisie replies, “It seems like your new girl is here.”
You can barely hear Maisie, but you’re pretty sure you have heard her right. Why would she think that you’re Lando his new girl?
“She’s not my new girl,” Lando replies annoyed. 
Maisie laughs. “You wish she is,” she tells Lando, “but if I were her, I wouldn’t want to be your girl. You can’t be trusted.”
“Fuck off Maisie.”
You almost feel bad for Lando after hearing the mean words from Maisie. Almost. You realize that Maisie is leaving his drivers room and that you’re still standing way too close. You need to get away from here quickly. You start to walk away with a fast pace. Lando his words are still on your mind in the mean time. Why does Maisie thinks Lando wants you? Why did he ditch her yesterday? Was it actually for you? This is all way too confusing. 
What you don’t know is that Maisie turns around to Lando one more time. You’re too far away to realize this or to hear anything about this.
“I pity her,” Maisie tells Lando, “Sure you can act nice for a few weeks, but Lando you’ll always stay the same awful person. Do you really think she deserves that?”
“Maisie-“ Lando starts to say.
“No Lando. Think about it and realize how right I am. Your family realizes it as well, right?”
Lando doesn’t even know what to say anymore. She’s right. Absolutely right. But he doesn’t want to tell her that. So he does the next best thing. He acts like a child and starts to scream at her.
“Oh like your an amazing girl?” He asks with a loud voice, “You’re only fucking with me for fame, you’re a fucking-“
“Shut it, I’m gone.”
She does what she says and leaves. Lando is left alone with his thoughts. The thoughts he doesn’t want to think about. He thinks about his parents. What if he had acted a bit different around that time?
He doesn’t want to think back about that time. But after Maisie her words he can’t stop thinking about everything he did wrong. Of course it wasn’t entirely his fault, but the most of it was to blame on himself. He acted wrong so many times. He was ungrateful towards his parents after everything they did for him. It’s his own fault that there’s barely any contact left between them. 
What if he’s going to treat you like that as well? It’s nice that he wants you, but is he actually willing to change for you? Lando lets out a big sigh. He decides to text his friend Max (F). Maybe his friend can help him with this mess. Thank god he invited Max for the race today, he really needs to talk to him face to face about this. Lando feels glad that Max is around here.
“You’re telling me that you like a girl? And not some random girl, but the sister of your teammate?”
Lando can’t help himself and laughs. If you hear it like this, it sounds hopeless. Maybe it actually is. It probably is.
“And you haven’t even fucked or kissed her yet?” Max continues to ask.
Lando simply nods. He knows it sounds utterly ridiculous. Especially for someone like him. Where is his normal confidence? Normally he would have flirted like crazy with you until you were in his bed. Maybe it’s the difference that he’s actually feeling something this time? 
“This is actually crazy,” Max states.
“I know,” Lando sighs, “believe me I didn’t plan this.”
“But what do you want to do with it?”
“I uh,” Lando stutters a bit before he knows how to say what’s on his mind properly. “I want to uh, to change.” 
“You want to change?” Max asks confused, “Since when?” 
Lando informs him about what happened earlier today and even before that what happened between you and him. He talks about his friend what you did for him - or better said for the team - when he was an idiot and tried to fight security members of a club. He talks about his short messages contact with you and the way he blew up both of your Instagram accounts. Then he informs Max about your awkward conversation with him yesterday in the car after dinner. But also about the way you talked back at him for being too late at a dinner reservation. He tells Max everything about today, including the words from Maisie. 
“I already figured that I needed to change before that conversation with Maisie,” Lando confesses, “but now I’m afraid it’s already too late. What if I can’t change for the better anymore? I can’t expect Y/N to fall for me if I’m like this.”
“I don’t even know what to say,” Max reacts, “When can I meet the girl who’s making you willing to change?” 
“Tonight?” Lando suggests, “There’s this big after party for Max his win, I’m invited and you can come with me. I think she’s there as well.”
“Deal!” Max reacts happily. 
“But you do need to help me,” Lando sighs, “I have no idea how I can make sure I deserve her.”
Max looks at his friend. He notices the desperate look of Lando. He sighs. Only a few people know how hard his friend can be for himself. This is one of those times. Of course he isn’t the ideal son in law at the moment, but he is willing to work for it. 
“I think that decision is up to her,” Max tells Lando, “and if she’s already spending time with you, she thinks you deserve that. So that’s a good sign, right?” 
“But she’s always talking back to me,” Lando counters.
“You don’t have to change who you are, just try to fix your manners,” Max suggests, “be a bit more polite, stop fucking every other girl, all that bullshit.”
taglist ; @whore8io & @chonkybonky & @love4lando
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satansdarlin · 1 year
can i request headcanons for the monster trio plus ace with a Fem!reader on her period?
Sure! Some of these are based off of personal experience of what my boyfriend does for me
Period headcanons (monster trio, plus ace)
Warnings: talk of blood (obv), slightly suggestive in ace's part.
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Man does not get it at first. Straight up thought you were dying.
But after some explanation from Robin, you, and Nami beating him, he finally gets it.
Still doesn't understand it in full but gets the most part
This man is now glued to you hip, even going as far as to deny playing games with usopp and chopper.
He kinda treats it like you are recovering from a injury
So obviously you need help with everything in his mind
Taking a bath? Now luffy has to sit in the bathroom and make sure you don't hurt yourself
Hungry? Omg so is he!
You wanna lay in bed all day? He's gonna cuddle you for most of it
Once he discovered the chocolate thing he made sure you had what kind you wanted.
In short luffy is the kind of boyfriend to constantly be beside you during your period if he can help it.
"Y/N can bleed for days and still be able to work! She's so cool right?!"
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Ngl man has been prepared for this day
He knows your cycle better than you do man
Like he is prepared with extra blankets
Red meats to help you recover the iron you loose
Mentally prepared for any mood swings you might have
And has stocked up on a stash of snacks just for you during this time
While he is the most attentive and loving during this he is also the absolute worst in the best way possible
He's just trying to be helpful and you know that
But he is also making you eat liver and kidneys because you need the protein and iron
Also the type to just straight up scream at anyone who bothers you during this
You are his baby. Gotta keep you safe and happy especially when you are aching
"Come on, sugar. Eat the kidneys it's good for you- LUFFY DONT YOU DARE EAT THAT"
"But she doesn't want it"
"Shut up stupid. Come on now honey eat the food I even have some chocolate chip cookies waiting after you finish this"
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Unbothered king
Straight up just doesn't care about bloody sheets or mood swings
He kinda thought you had a wound at first that you had hidden from him and freaked the fuck out
But after some explanation and him examining you just to be sure, he understood.
Makes you drink water the whole time
Does not care if you complain about being bloated. you are drinking those eight glasses a day
Naps with you during your sleepytimes
Will hold his hand on your stomach to apply pressure when you ask
But will also make jokes about you being his ketchup packet
Will go shopping for your tampons, pads, period cups. Doesn't know what any of them are so he asks Nami and robin for help
Comes back with something from every brand he could find and is now deeper in debt to Nami
Also straight up growled at someone when he could see they were annoying you???
He is now your social shield. Will tell someone where they can shove it if they don't fuck off and let you rest.
"607...608...609....610- oh. Nap time already? Alright alright I'm coming woman- did you just call me your cuddle bear? No I'm not blushing shut up"
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Ahem. Ace? More like living heating pad.
More than happy to hold you the whole time
Nice and cozy against those warm man titties 🤌
Anyway. He is absolutely one of the best about things
Completely indifferent if you snap at him. Understands that you are just easily frustrated and also sympathizes with you cause he can't imagine feeling like he wasn't in control of his own emotions
Nap time? Great! He sleeps more than you.. actually he might have a iron deficiency now that I think about it
Warm hands on belly at all times
Will knead at your belly to help soothe out any cramps
None of these men care about blood. It's just the pirate way.
Has his red wings. You know what I mean ;)
"Here, lemme warm you up. Sh sh don't cry, you aren't bothering me at all baby"
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lowkeyremi · 2 years
Haikyuu men as fathers :D
Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4
FT. Hinata, Bokuto, Suna, and Kenma. (If you guys want other characters lmk, i'm just not in the mood to do a bunch rn)
This is the first thing I've written on tumblr pls spare me...
Warnings: Indication of relationships and marriage and some angst (mentions of abortion) for a few characters (just put that there just in case) Enjoy lovelies <33
Also sorry for any typos or grammar errors. I'm too lazy to reread through it and check lol.
Hinata Shoyo:
He was quite surprised at the announcement of your pregnancy that he passed out
He was soooo excited none the less, being a father sounded pretty fun
He definitely started reading books to try to help him figure things out
He was a terrible diaper changer (like no fucking joke, I think he'd be scared to change another one), he'd seen you do it so many times but for some reason he could never avoid getting peed on
Would brag to everyone about how cute his little baby is, "My baby just got their first tooth, and they're learning how to crawl! They've also got the cutest little chubby cheeks."
If the baby looks like you he would literally talk about it all the time. "Beautiful, just like your mama."
He's had experience with babies because well... Natsu <3
He got the baby a matching jersey so you two could watch his games :)
Bokuto Kotaro:
After finding out you were pregnant he would tell EVERYBODY The two of you were walking together to get ramen and you guys walked into the restaurant and got seats. The waiter came to you two and asked what'd you like to drink. "Hey, guess what? My wife is pregnant! Isn't that amazing?! We're gonna have a baby!" You had to hide your face from embarrassment but the waiter just giggled, Bokuto is def a himbo, your himbo.
He enjoyed decorating the room for your baby
He would dead ass miss practice to go to your appointments for the baby
The first time he held your little bundle of joy he cried like a damn baby, he couldn't help it. It made him so happy that the two of you brought a life into the world.
He didn't let Kenma hold your child for awhile because he was scared he'd drop the baby :')
Very protective of your little one
He wanted the baby's first word to be "Volleyball" but it was "da da" which still made him very happy
Bo is very proud of the baby you two have created so I'm 100% sure he takes a bunch of himself with the baby to post on his social media
He was scared to change diapers but he soon got the hang of it
100% would get up in the middle of the night when the baby is crying, just to let you sleep. "The baby." You sigh loudly as you hear your little one cry over the baby monitor. "I'll go check on them. You get some rest." You turn your head to face him, "You sure?" He just smiled at you and kissed your temple. "100%"
Suna Rintaro: (ofwhuowghwoqrwq do i need to say anything else?)
He thought you were joking when you said you were pregnant (oops) "That's a good one." He turned his attention back to his phone. "Rin... I'm serious. Do you wanna see the ultrasound?"
A little more on the hesitant side. He didn't want to believe it, but you had the proof so like...
He was low key scared to fuck up, his father was not a very good father so he was scared to be the same way his father was.
He didn't even hold the baby for the first few months. "Rin, come on. You aren't your father. You have me to guide you through the process. Come hold our little one." He stalked up the stairs, "no."
After awhile you finally convinced him to have physical contact with the baby "The baby.. i-is smiling at me?" You giggle at him, "of course they're smiling at you. They love their daddy of course."
After he finally started being around the baby, you literally could not tear him away from that child.
Some days he'd take the baby to practice, to the grocery store, everywhere.
You had to pry the child from his arms most days. "Rin, give the baby here.." He looked at you like you just told him to give away his prized possession. "Hell no." You sighed. "Rin you have to go to work!" He shrugged his shoulders, "the baby can come with me, Komori enjoys taking pics of them during practice." Jeez.. this man truly is something.
Overall he was scared for nothing. He was a great father ;)
Somehow he convinced you to have another one... (weren't you the same one who didn't hold your baby for months?) he wanted to make up for the few firsts that he missed
Kozume Kenma: (oh Lord)
He asked "Are you sure it's mine?" (yeah... virtual slap rn)
He told you he wasn't ready and asked if you'd consider an abortion or adoption, it made you really sad but you realized Kenma wasn't ready
It really hurt him to hear you cry about giving up your child which made him wanna try for you
Did not know how to hold the baby for the life of him "Umm.. am I like- holding it right..?" You burst into laughter at the sight. "Ken, you gotta support their head." He looked down at his baby. "Oh..."
He decided that he needed to do research before he ventured further down the path of fatherhood.
Kenma was confused with diapers. "You... you want me to change its diaper?" You scoffed at him handing him a fresh diaper. "Our baby is not an 'it' Kenma!" He groaned as he took the diaper from you. "Why can't you change it?" You rolled your eyes as if it was obvious. "Because I won't always be there to do it myself, duh."
You were out with a friend one day which meant Kenma was on babysitting duty, he was tempted to call Kuro to come watch his child but he'd say something like, "Kenma, it's your responsibility as a father, blah blah blah.." So he and the baby just kind of sat there staring at each other. "What do you wanna do?" He asked the baby, knowing they can't talk. The baby proceeded to poke Kenma's cheek and yell out, "DA DA DA DA." Kenma thought it was cute and laughed softly. "Yep, that's me." The baby repeated saying 'da' for awhile until they tired themselves out. "You're a lot like me." That day it clicked, he finally understood what it was to be a father
He wasn't very affectionate but he tried to show his baby that he cared the best way he knew how
You saw the changes and it made you happy
You caught him cuddling the baby once, when you accused him of being affectionate he rolled his eyes half awake and said, "M'not being affectionate! Go awayyyy."
Doesn't want to admit to being soft for his baby :)
That's a wrap! If you want more characters lmk! I'd be happy to do a part two, this was fun for me :)
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guardian5tiger3 · 1 month
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Pick a group Tarot Read .
1 2
3 4
Picture one
You guys are needing some time to relax and find some peace and feel good . I'm picking up on a garden. And maybe you could listen to some calm music or some type of calming audio. You might also find it in your interest to visit some first of garden . This is especially for you if you're trying to quit or cut back on any addiction . At least for the mentality part of that, it is good when you get the mental side of a craving to find an activity that makes you feel good , of course that's the best distraction. I keep messing up on my words also and I'm not sure what it means do one of you have a crush cause I also am getting the vibe of like, school desks though .??? Maybe some of you need to mentally take it back to a time when you were younger and felt better in some way, or there might be something you find brings you nostalgia that you liked back then. Maybe some of you need to get yourself to a point where you can have a good cry. Also something about a milkshake . That does sound good if you like those there's an idea if you should make yourself feel better from something .
Picture two
Are you guys stoners or just real mellow types ?? Looks like you're running into some good luck . Y'all might find something and just like, get lucky somehow I don't know...
I think right now I can tell you guys the world is set up in some ways that you're frowned upon if you don't want to participate in things that doesn't even suite anybody and sometimes is completely immoral. Like literally money for instance as a bigger example. Or working a job. You guys might not be the types to naturally want to go with something like that at all and I think that the world is gonna say you're bad or horrible or wrong for that but I don't think you should care. I think it'll work out for you in true pot head fashion . Ride the waves my friends. But don't conform to something your soul doesn't like. I also keep thinking about Cheech and Chong and Scooby Doo ? Maybe you guys need a friend or have friends or maybe you have or are or will go through a phase of separation but you might not be separated forever though . You might also be loners and that's what you want to do then fine don't let the world tell you you have to have people around like that .
Picture three
Like half of you are in love with a person and with them half of you are in love with an activity or something you're learning or participating in somehow . Basically I'm seeing you might be being tested with random suitors or distractions but who or whatever you're in love with right now is the right and only one for you basically. Also picking up on snacks make sure you have those around especially for brain health and snacks uplift a person's mood for sure haha . One love. That's basically it .
Picture four
someone is selfish and also hates on you and wants to or has recently brought you to a place like McDonald's. DO NOT eat there . They put some awful things in their food and that's why they came out with things that are so cheap. Like waste being recycled and stuff and meat from animals you wouldn't want to eat and stuff. I'm gonna keep it real this person has a seemingly happy social life and probably family situation but you don't like them but for whatever reason are accompanying them but you might also fight or just judge them in your mind . They practice mind control and are a member of the cult going on in this world right now you know like from Hollywood to parts of the government (American) fast food and everything stuff like that also child abuse is big for them. I don't know what you want to call it illuminati or freemason's or just American cult or whatever I don't like them . Avoid watching TV instead watch YouTube or older movies . If you guys heal something for yourselves you will realize some type of lie or lies going on. You also some of you might be scared to get kicked out or be homeless . I'm also thinking of the movie the crow. The new one is disrespectful and I do not support it or condone it but the old 90's The Crow . Some of you not only are incarnated but maybe you were a popular person or considered important or well known somehow . Someone might know this about you . Probably your family or for one of you dude it's someone that is friends with your family and it's a man.
I know on my own time I'm realizing a lot about celebrity cloning and they've been doing that since at least 1969 . And basically if an influencer doesn't influence the way they want to influence they will clone them because it would be weird if everyone who did or said something new or against the government just died early asl. Anyway that's why it might be difficult for some of you to put together who you might have been . Maybe someone has told me maybe not outright maybe some fucking how but maybe there's just hints about it you know what I mean. Leave it to destiny I guess in the end though.
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ronaldothebestie · 2 months
I'm Sick | Rúben Dias
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* ˚ ✦ Summary: Tik tok trends with Rúben and Singer!Reader!
Tw: Rúben is an idiot, fluff, Reader being simp, your tik tok account calls "CanelaDiasFan", Canela being the best cute daughter ever, dialogues in negrito are in Portuguese, not 100% revised, Canela means Cinnamon.🤎
English is not my first language!!!
Beautiful people are talking
* ˚ ✦
Version 1 (the one that was never published)
"Please Ruby, let's do this? I promise I won't publish it." You beg, sitting at the kitchen counter while Rúben prepares lunch, who was more concerned with finishing the famous Bacalhau com Natas.
"Nop. The desire to appear on the neighboring social media is not incredible today."
"It's funny that you always feel like showing off your whole body on Instagram, but when it comes to recording a cute video with your girlfriend it's the biggest drama, incredible."
"First, the photos are for... Professional purposes... Second, jealousy? And third, okay, let's do this."
"Yes, I see, professional purposes... Being a naughty and fishing com- What? A-Are you going to do it!? Rúben!” You jump off the counter radiantly hugging him from behind, smiling like a child, thanking him deeply.
"But wait, the decision was very quick... What do you want, Rúben?" You just looked suspiciously into his eyes.
"What will be my reward for doing this?" He asked funny while stirring the food.
"What do you mean, prize? Isn't it enough to make a cute video with your girlfriend, aka me?"
"Um, nop, here we are going to have a win-win situation, if I participate in your video, you will participate in mine."
"Very suspicious Ruby... What kind of video?"
"We play football."
"No? So no video for either one." He laughed evilly and you just wanted to kill this man, he probably already wanted to record this video and knew perfectly well what he was doing to make it happen.
There was "no advantage" for Rúben and you to record that football video, while in your case, it was the opposite, you practically needed that video for your existence! practically drooling at the thought of Rúben's arm muscle around your neck.
"No! Wait! Alright, I'll record the video." You quickly hide behind Rúben's back, with your head down, you hated playing football, especially with a boring and arrogant football player like him and-
Rúben just turned you around very easily, using a finger to lift your chin and stuck a spoon with the food in your mouth.
"Proof." You chewed with pleasure when you realized how wonderful the food was, your sad mood changed in the blink of an eye, you noticed his hopeful eyes and you couldn't resist.
"It's really good, Ruby."
"It is, isn't it? Now, my dear Bunny, let's not get upset about me humiliating you at football, will we?"
"Your assh-!"
Another spoonful of food was shoved into his mouth.
Hours later...
"Okay, let's get started- What the hell are you doing!?" You were scared when you saw, out of nowhere, Rúben doing push-ups in the middle of your suite.
"I need to emphasize the muscle well." Rúben winked at you, smiling and simply continued.
"I'm sure people know that you have... Protruding muscles..."
"I'm not sure."
"What do you mean? And the three hundred photos on your 'insta' showing all your muscles?"
"I'm not showing... It's Art."
"Art? Só se for a arte do cara-"
The video ended with Rúben's biceps almost crushing your face.
Version 2 (the one that was published)
"Canela, unlike dad, you're not going to blackmail me, right?" You bring the kitten closer to your neck, kissing the brown fur, which purrs in approval and snuggles against you.
You quickly turn on the tik tok camera starting a revolutionary video.
"I can't go out." Cough, cough, "I'm sick." A small paw invades your face, almost sticking it into your eye, but everything ends well.
5M❤️ and 24M views:
caption: The truth about Canela😭
@EmmaVermilion (Rúben's version)
— No way she did this with Canela #saveCanela😭💀
— Girl, this is literally the perfect scenario for Ruben to appear 😭😭😭
↳ CanelaDiasFan: Ik😭 but he's a bastard/naughty who only cares about FIFA😡 (I tried, sorry girls 😔)
— Canela almost killing (reader)🤑🤑🤑
↳ CanelaDiasFan: WDYM 😭😭😭
— She is literally one of the greatest singers ever, but these videos... I can't 😭😭😭❤️
↳ CanelaDiasFan: Ik you like it😏😏🫦
more comments...
"Meow." When night came, the brown feline snuggled in your lap, purring with your affection behind the ears, while you waited for Rúben.
"Own Canela, aren't you the cutest kitten in the world?" You picked up the kitten and kissed her repeatedly, feeling the kitten snuggle even closer.
"I feel like I was the one who should have been there." Rúben, sat on the bed next to you with a pout.
"Jealous, big guy? She's our baby, I have to give her everything, right Canela?" The cat meows as affirmation, gaining even more affection, now on her belly.
"What a naughty cat."
"Looks like someone... As they say, like father, like daughter.❤️"
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I have no idea why I do this, but I realy like it at all😄.
I saw the trend and I thought it really suited Ruben, but he's a bit of a low profile at times and a naughty dog at others so.... We do 50%...
Well, it's 2am and I'm ready to... 😴
From the next line of comments I will add real @ 🥵🥵🥵.
Thanks for reading, reblogs, feedback and likes are very welcome!!!
© All this shit belongs to @ronaldothebestie on Tumblr, so don't translate, repost, copy in no social media, do not commit plagiarism, It's crime and wtf?
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Outlining has always been a major issue for me. I don't have any idea how to do it properly. It bores me and most of the time I quit halfway. I also don't find any of the outlining methods on the Internet enjoyable. Any tips?
Outlining Isn't Enjoyable
Here are a bunch of things to consider...
1 - "Outlining" Just Means "Planning" - I'm not sure what outlining methods you've seen on the internet, but the truth is, as far as writing goes, outlining really just means "planning." And if you want to plan your story in advance, you can do that via whatever means works for you. Beginning to end written summary, verbal summary in audio notes app, mind map, timeline, scene cards, scene list, chapter summaries, scene summaries, mood boards, academic outline, story structure map, method template, playlist... you could outline your story through interpretive dance if that's what works for you.
2 - Outlining Isn't a Requirement - Like pretty much anything related to process, outlining isn't a requirement. Outlines are mostly done by so-called "planners" who prefer to flesh things out before they start writing. Many writers consider themselves "pantsers" in that they like to "write by the seat of their pants" or "wing it." These writers like to let the story develop organically, as they write. They understand their first draft might be extra messy, but they know it can be cleaned up and refined in the second draft.
3 - Outlining Isn't Really Meant to be "Fun" - If you're a writer who needs to plan your story in advance, and so you need an outline of some sort before you start writing, please know that for the most part, the majority of us aren't always approaching the outlining process with glee in our hearts and ticker tape falling from the sky. I mean, outlining can be fun, but a lot of the time it's just work. It's just something that some of us have to do before we start writing, and it's not particularly grueling or mind numbing work, it's just not the most fun thing we could be doing in that moment.
4 - Is the Problem with Your Story? - If you're a writer who needs to outline your story, but you find yourself bored to ears when you outline--to the extent that you can't even finish your outline--it is worth taking a step back to consider whether the problem isn't with outlining but your story. No matter how excited you might be about elements of your story, if you're boring yourself to tears while planning it or writing it, that may be a sign that something's not working. In other words, if you're bored planning the story, there's a good chance the reader will be bored reading it.
5 - Is the Problem Something Else? - If you're a writer who needs to outline your story, and you're really excited about your story and feel that it all works very well, but you're still getting bored and frustrated with the outlining process, then something else is going on. Things to consider: are you well rested and feeling well when you sit down to outline? Are you nourished and hydrated? Do you feel like you're in a pretty good headspace? Are you in a reasonably comfortable space that's relatively free from distraction? Are there other things competing for your attention? (Social media, texts, friends hanging out in the other room, someplace else you'd rather be, something else you'd rather be doing?) Are there other important tasks you're putting off that need to be done? Is there anything about the story that is difficult for you emotionally right now? Sometimes it's just a matter of trouble-shooting what's going on in your life, your space, and your body/mind before you start working on your outline.
I hope something here clicks with you!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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mapis-putellas · 1 year
Everything’s gonna be okay (part 2)
Pairing: Scarlett x you
Words: 1429
Warnings: some swearing I think
Summary: after Scarlett’s sickness, you both sit down and talk about your relationship status.
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Three days pass before Scarlett had finally begun to get over her cold. You'd taken care of the entire time, just as you had promised, and other than the sniffles and the occasional itch in the back of her throat, she was somewhat back to her normal self.
You say somewhat, because despite the fact she was feeling better, she still wasn't quite acting like the Scarlett you knew. That reason was pretty self explanatory considering the circumstances, but you couldn't quite find it in yourself to call her out on it because that would be pretty hypocritical of you.
You were treading almost cautious circles around one another, neither one of you wanting to be the one to bring it up first. You knew you'd said you would, but it was easier said than done.
Scarlett was curled up on the couch, bundled up in a thick blanket whilst she watches whatever movie was on the tv. You had taken residence on the opposite side, your phone in your hand as you scroll aimlessly through your social media. It was obvious that neither one of you could find the words you wanted to say, and were using your chosen distractions as a suit of armour.
Your eyes, however, would often flicker over to her, just to be sure she was doing okay. And you would sometimes feel her eyes on you too, telling you your silent implication was reciprocated and that she was feeling the awkwardness too.
It was only as the movie finishes and a commercial begins do you finally find it in you to talk.
"Why'd you do it?" You murmur, locking your phone and setting it down onto your thigh. You hated how meek your voice sounded. It was almost as though you feared her yelling at you all over again.
Scarlett looks over to you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. It takes only moments for her facial expression to change into one of understanding, and you watch as she hesitates for only a second before sitting herself up and muting the tv, shifting her body around to face you and letting out a quiet sigh.
"I..." she swallows away the tightness in her throat as her hands absentmindedly twist a loose thread of the blanket around her finger. "I was angry." She could barely bring herself to look at you.
You nod, knowing this. You hadn't been able to forget the look of pure hatred on her face as she'd told you to get the fuck out. It was permanently engraved in your brain, and you were sure it would be for the rest of your life.
On that day, Scarlett had been in a bad mood from the second she'd woken up. You didn't know why, and no matter how many times you'd asked, she'd adamantly refused to tell you. It had left you walking on thin ice around her, keeping to yourself and not saying a word in fear you'd say something to make her snap.
Things weren't exactly picture perfect before this day though. For a month prior, her busy schedule had left you little to no time with each other. You went days without seeing her face, kissing her, touching her, and you guess that was the cherry on the cake that made you reach your breaking point.
"Why?" You ask, unsure eyes flickering up to meet her own. "Why'd you get so...mad at me?" You try to keep your voice as unaccusing as possible.
Scarlett bites her bottom lip softly as she lets out a heavy breath through her nose. "I wasn't mad at you," she shakes her head. It was almost as though she was trying to convince herself her as much as she was trying to convince you.
“I was never mad at you. I was mad at everything else. My job. My lack of schedule and personal life. I was mad at the world and I just needed someone to blame. You were just...there, in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was a shitty thing to do and I regretted it the second it happened. I'm so, so sorry."
You stare at her for a second before letting out a quiet sigh, your eyes flickering down to your lap. You didn't know what to say. You weren’t mad at her, at least not anymore. You’d forgiven her almost the second it had happened because deep down you knew she hadn’t meant it. She’d just been stressed and overwhelmed and you’d been the closest target.
"I went out in the rain, after you," she continues unsurely when you don't say anything. The trembling voice, however, does not go amiss, and you feel the tears swimming in your own eyes.  "I looked for you, for over an hour, but you were gone. I called too, but..."
"...but I didn't answer." You finish for her, and Scarlett lets out a quiet breath as she nods her head.
"Yeah." She murmurs hoarsely as she sniffles and clears her throat. "I'm so, so, sorry Y/n."
You knowingly nod your head. It takes you a few seconds for you to find your words.
"What we had together in those last few weeks was not at all healthy,” you start, trying your best to ignore the way you see Scarlett's bottom lip beginning to quiver in your peripheral vision. You hated seeing her upset, especially when it was you who had caused it.
"You took all of your frustrations out on me, even when it wasn't my fault and I tolerated that for a while because I knew you were upset and I didn't want to add to that. But what you should have done is talk to me, or ask me to give you space. I would gladly have done so without hesitation. We were partners, Scarlett, but you didn’t treat me like one.”
A single tear streams down her cheek, and as she wipes it away, more fall in its place, "I know. I'm sorry."
"I don't want you to cry," you murmur, scooting closer and cupping her cheek with your hand. You tenderly wipe away the tears with the pad of your thumb, "and I don't want you to be sorry. You've apologised before, and I forgave you. I just wanted to know why."
Scarlett nods as another tear steams down her cheeks. You press a soft kiss to her hairline before wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. Her body was warm against your own, and you hear yer let out a soft sniffle as her head comes to rest on your chest just beneath your chin. You cup the back your your head, the pad of your thumb grazing over the shell of her ear as her own hand tightly clutches the material or your shirt.
"In the future," you start as you lay your cheek against the top of her head, "in the future, you need to communicate with me. You need to tell me what's going on when you’re upset because I can't read your mind."
"Does that mean..." she tightens her arms around your midsection, and you nod as you press your lips against the top of her head. Before the break up, your relationship had pretty much been picture perfect. You rarely argued, communication was healthy and though you didn't get a lot of time together, it meant the time you did get was both cherished and special.
It was only in the last few weeks did that change, so you didn't see why you couldn't try again. You didn't want to waste the two amazing years together over an argument that could very much have been prevented.
That would be a stupid move on your part.
Scarlett buries her face into your neck, the tip of her nose cold against your skin. You instinctively tighten your grasp around her body, hand slipping beneath her shirt to rest against the bare skin of her back.
"I love you," you hear her murmur, and you smile tenderly. You didn't think you'd ever hear those words again.
"I love you."
Thank you guys so much for reading! ✨
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thewatcher-ofmedia · 5 months
(Can you tell that my portuguese teacher didn't come so I have 100 minutes without shit to do)
ANYWAYS, since I'm in the 4th episode I think it's a good time to see first impressions
I love him so much, like I was 10 minutes in and saying "I would die for you, I would kill for you, just ask and I'll do it"
Favourite character obviously
Wanna put him in a jar and protect him from everything bad in the world
He's brunette, has curls, is the sunshine character, has daddy issues and uses humour to cope so obviously he's also on the list of fictional crushes
Also something that I absolutely love about this show is that they pick this "stereotypical characters" and make them better.
Like, in this case the always happy character would have a ton of trauma but the show (or the characters, but that's a talk for another post) would not acknowledge this, they would show real depressed shit and then completely ignore it for the rest of the show.
Or just show it in the end of the series then kill him off.
But here they're letting people know from the beginning AND it's visible that the fact that he hides it is gonna be a major plot point in the show which makes me SO HAPPY
And in the loop scenes they made sure to focus on Charles face and reaction every. single. time.
Anways, I'm soo curious to learn more about his trauma and death and to see his character development
And he's so cute and trying so hard to make sure everyone likes him and lighten the mood and to not be a bother and to make everyone happy and I'm gonna cry
I also love him so goddamn much
He's also going in the jar, don't worry I'll protect you from everything
He's my baby (he was born more two hundred years before me and is my age BUT HE'S MY BABY)
Seriously someone needs to sit him down and say that everything is going to be ok (and get death the fuck away from him, my boy does not deserve hell, he deserves to be with his boyfriend best friend)
Also love this concept that everyone around him knows he's not straight, he knows that he's not straight but somehow he's still in the closet. Like, he never says he's straight, but he says to Niko that Mounty and him both boys, so one cannot be into the other and when Niko says that boys can like like each other he just turns the conversation around
I think they're writing that so well. It's subtle yet obvious, it's so good
Also, he's autistic, definitely in the spectrum. He obviously doesn't know because the first diagnosed case of autism was in 1943
And the dynamics that he has with everyone is SO GODDAMN GOOD
Someone give this girl an aspirin, a therapist and a bed
My girl cannot catch a break
One more in the protection jar, don't worry, I'll find your family for you, you need to rest
Overall great character, she's sassy, she's funny and she's the only emotional intelligent one
She's definitely gonna be the bridge for Edwin and Charles' romantically relationship
Like she's Miss "Edwin is acting weird because he's jeaulous of the sexual tension that we have, Charles" and Miss "Charles got stuck in the loop because he has strong feelings towards abusive fathers because he had one, Edwin"
Really love that we have someone to smack this idiots and say "You're in love with each other" because they are not gonna realise that by themselves
She's so cute, I wanna protect her from this cruel, cruel world
This means that I already have her in the jar, no one else is gonna get to her
At first I thought she was gonna be this really closed and introvert character that was gonna talk when absolutely necessary and was a bit emo. But like her hair her personality lightened up as soon as the parasites got out (she was sick it's normal that she was wuth a really depressed attutude but Bea's too focused on the story to remember how people act socially)
I really wanna hug her, I need to
Also love how eager she is to help and how she has nothing to do with the boys , she's a "cas closed" but even Edwin can't say no to her
I feel like her "almost dying" trauma is gonna be a bit underrated (although I see that they are not completely ignoring because of the 3rd episode where she felt like she couldn't deal with death since she almost met her the week before) but I want to believe the opposite because until now the show has not disappointed me in terms of traumas (or in other terms really)
I don't have much to say, I like her in the twisted "this is a fun villain" way
I'm really curious to know more about this Lilith and immortality thing
She did loose some points in my book with the whole torturing the crow thing
I am ✨️traumatised✨️
I'm so confused about his character
Like, he's a really fun character
And his outfits are great
But at the same time, get the fuck away from Edwin, in both the scenes with both of them I was so scared that he was going to the "no consent" zone
I do love that both the scenes where he's in he slays the outfit, tries to drag Edwin out the glass closet, fails, keeps him trapped so he can try to do this one more time and goes away
Like, he has one objective and one objective only and honestly, respect
My patient queen
I have not much more to say
She accidentally adopted two really weird teenagers and regrets that so much
I respect her so much
As an older sister, if she snaps, grabs a knife and kills them both out of annoyance I would support it
That's it 🫶
If you haven't understood yet I have way too many thoughts about this series
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changbinsboobs · 23 days
I only pity chan a little in the sense that he doesnt seem to do well without others being around him or him constantly needing validation through helping others. I get it can feel lonely but sometimes its better than being around fake ass ppl who only want to use him or he might end up using others. it rlly wouod be interesting to see his reputation reading tho esp around female idols
Used the 3rd Eye Tarot, hope you enjoy💗
*This reading is for entertainment purposes only and doesn't state any facts!
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Chan Reputation Reading
Ok WOW!!!! Not gonna lie to you I'm SHOKED!!!
I thought he's gonna be a casanova in this reading but surprisingly im getting none of that, quite the contrary actually.
But lets start from the beginning, so his overall reputation in a few words is social and friendly, hardworking and unexpectedly stern/cold.
He has a very approachable personality, very social, fun and open towards people whenever the moods right for it. I think people view him as someone to easily "get close to" or at least interact with.
But at the same time when it comes to work he doesn't come to play and i believe (not among idols but rather just within the industry) word is, he is difficult to work with.
Not because of bad work ethic or anything - quite the opposite - he's very meticulous, perfectionistic and likes things being done his way. If not, he's not affraid to argue, to stand his point, if you're slacking he's not affraid to call you out and even if he's in his right to do that, i believe people find, he might go overboard sometimes in his obsession in work.
People that already know him see him as a workaholic and extremely focused in his work so that even if he's easy to approach - he's not easy to be close to, as a friend, cuz he's always away working. Thats his absolute first priority.
If someone knows him outside of work, and then get to experience him in a working environment I think they get really really shocked, because they experience a completely different side if him where all of his goofiness and friendliness goes out the door and he gets this scary stern look in his eyes and his whole aura changes, even if he's still polite - his energy and vibe is just totally different.
As for his reputation with the ladies (idols/industry) its not as different. This sternness is there for sure and everyone can attest to that in one way or another.
I believe he's quite popular with the girlies, he's quite liked and many have interest in him romantically or sexually.
But just as many get met with rejection. Thats the part that really shocked me. But i actually believe he doesn't go around sleeping with idols. If he does (which i believe he does🌝😂) he does that with commoners, fans etc.
I think his main reputation among female idols is "keep away from him, you'll get hurt" but thankfully for a whole different reason than i (we) thought. They'll get hurt cuz they'll get rejected😂 as he doesn't mix work with love i believe. Maybe he has a rule like that? Idk? Or maybe he's just not attracted to them for some reason? Maybe cuz in his love affairs he wants to escape work for a short while but if he's with an idol maybe he feels like he hasn't fully escaped? Hm idk what's your thoughts on this?
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tgrailwar-zero · 12 days
(Servant Zoom) Rider, we're going to a party!! oh oh! I'm assuming Saber's got a copy of the contract she signed without reading it from Jaguar by now, can you still look into that?
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CONSTANTINE: "Our Saber just left for said party before I could ask."
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CONSTANTINE: "As for you all... well, you do deserve a break. Just take care, okay?"
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GIUSEPPE: "Well, we'll see what we can find out at the party. Let's go."
You returned the LITTLE GUY to... wherever he went when he was in your inventory, and made your way down the Megalopolis, following the instructions that GIUSEPPE had.
You recognized the building.
And then the floor number.
And then the penthouse.
This was DURYODHANA's place. You saw that it was full of people. Some of them were fighters, some of them weren't. The boss lady herself pushed through the attendees, approaching you.
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JAGUAR MAN: "Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in!"
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GIUSEPPE: "Madame Jaguar."
KUKULKAN: "Miss Jaguar!"
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JAGUAR MAN: "So, you made it. Our Samurai is already at the bar if you're lookin' for her. Listen, I'm not gonna bug ya' over Bout stuff. Not unless you really wanna talk shop, that is. Right now, this Jaguar is sitting back and enjoying herself. The first round of fights and the finals are always the toughest to set up, so I'm relaxing. And while our 'Jishnu' is in one hell of a mood--"
Before she finished, DURYODHANA sauntered over.
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DURYODHANA: "Uh-oh, my ears are burning."
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JAGUAR MAN: "Ah… haha! There's my guy! Listen, Duryodhana. You're bein' real generous, lending us your place as a venue. Gotta say, we really appreciate it."
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DURYODHANA: "Oh, I know. I know. There's no need to thank me. All are welcome here tonight. Drink and eat as you please- feast until you're full! No, even more than that! Dance, laugh, break a chair if you want! A window! Who gives a damn! I certainly don't! Ha-ha-ha!"
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DURYODHANA: "Tonight, we have fun! It's the Flaming Bout, after all! A huge congratulations to all of my fellow fighters! Wahahahaha!"
He raised his glass, as the other guests let out a whooping cheer as he pushed his way back through the party. He seemed like he was in high spirits, considering his loss. Maybe a bit rowdy, sure, but this was a large celebration.
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JAGUAR MAN: "He's spiraling."
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JAGUAR MAN: "The only thing keeping him sane is social praise. So just… ix-nay on the oss-lay, okay? Outside of that, enjoy yourselves. Mingle, chat, just don't do anything that'll turn into a PR nightmare for me, alright?"
With that, she waved and waded back into the crowd.
Well… the party seemed busy at least. You watched as KUKULKAN wandered off in one direction, and it seemed like GIUSEPPE simply vanished into the background.
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You saw where KUKULKAN wandered off to. She was making small talk with a shy, yet ominous-looking man off in the corner. From the brief clip you saw, this was the WATERSIDE REVENANT.
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IZOU and MUSASHI were making conversation by the bar.
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It didn't take much effort to clock CITT, as massive as he was in the golden armor, idly speaking to a stylish-looking man.
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You saw ORION floating by a masked man and a woman, who was idly yet irritably pushing him away with one hand.
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Even though JAGUAR MAN said she was relaxing, you saw her making the rounds. Though she was also taking breaks, she just didn't seem like the type that could sit still for very long.
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Then, of course, there was DURYODHANA. He was sequestered away from the rest of the party, idly drinking the night away.
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shiyorin · 8 months
The Imperium Shelter
Adoption Poster: Angron
Name: Angron (he refuses to answer to anything else)
Species: Primarch
Breed: World Eater
Age: Approximately 3 weeks (though he's been through a lot, so his physiology has aged faster than average.)
Background: Found this one half-starved and raging in the pits of Nuceria. Covered in scars and barking about some nonsense. Took a lot of tranquilizers just to get him home in one piece, let me tell you! His previous "owners" clearly abused him. Poor boy. Or so I suppose…
Anyway, we rescued Angron and have been rehabilitating him through positive reinforcement techniques (definitely no mood-altering neurotransmitter adjustments used, no sir!). No wonder he developed some, er, behavior issues. But with plenty of tender loving care and training, I'm sure he'll learn to curb those homicidal tendencies. I mean, normal primarch tendencies!
Personality: Angry would be an understatement. This one is pure rage walking! Snarls and lunges at anything that moves, frothing at the mouth like some rabid animals. Absolutely no social skills, nearly took my hand off just for trying to give him a treat! I'd be wary leaving small children unsupervised around him, if you catch my drift. Let's just say he takes "aggressive" to a whole new level.
But give him a chance to warm up to you, earn his trust, and I'm sure he'll calm down! Sure, he may try to bite your face off at first, but I promise once he gets used to you he'll stop seeing every interaction as a threat or challenge. Might take a few… I mean, a lot of training sessions. But he means well deep down, the poor dear just wants to be loved!
Skills: Surprisingly dexterous for one so enraged. Could probably handle advanced weaponry or driving vehicles if provoked, so keep an eye on the car keys for sure. He already knows basic commands like "attack," "kill," "Skull for the Skull Throne!" No, strike that, I have no idea where that came from! He's a quick learner regardless. Also seems preternaturally strong, literally ripped the bars off his cage on the first night! And could wrestle a grown man to the ground, break his spine with a chomp. Of course, he would never do that!
In summary, Angron is one angry boy with a lot of special needs. Strict owner only, with experience handling extreme cases. Lots of patience, training and muzzles required. Adoption not recommended for the faint of heart! But who could resist that underbite… He just needs the right home to reach his true potential as a war machine! I mean, loyal primarch. Who's a good boy?!
The Emperor
(Angron tries to bite his hand as he says that last part)
Comments from the employees:
M*******: I wouldn't recommend adopting Angron. He tried to bite my arm off during feeding time.
Big E: Nonsense Malcador, I'm sure you were provoking him. Angron just wants love, you'll do fine!
V*****: With respect sir, Angron is dangerously unstable. He killed three of our security measures. Even with sedatives he's too risky. Perhaps a more seasoned professional handler could manage him, if anyone can.
Big E: Quit scaring people Valdor, he was just playing! Weren't you boy? Angron foams rabidly See, happy as a clam. Next!
O*******: I understand the desire to rehabilitate him sir, but adopting out Angron could endanger lives. For the safety of the public and his own well-being, long term confinement and treatment seem best.
Big E: No Ollanius. Angron just wants someone to show him love. I'm sure with the right owner he'll come around, won't you boy? Angron bites his pants leg Down boy! So what do you say, is he yours?
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homelanderbutbig · 10 months
Can't Take My Eyes Off You (G/T Homelander x Reader)
1709 words. Pure fluff. Homelander is 8 feet tall. Reader is non-descriptive. Established relationship.
You share your first dance. Link to the song referenced.
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Homelander has never enjoyed the Vought galas he is forced to attend, especially when it's for some dumb charity he couldn't care less about. He sticks out like a sore thumb in this confined space, as even the tallest of the mudpeople barely reaches his chest. Having to put on a happy face and mingle with these meatsacks and their nervous hearts is something he goes back and forth on. It feels like a constant battle deciding on if he should thrive on their fear, or loathe it.
Generally, he comes to these events alone, but tonight is a special occasion. He asked you to be his 'plus one', an honour he's never bestowed on anyone else before. As much as he wants you here to show you off as his prized possession, you're really there to keep him grounded. The way you so easily calm him down when he gets overstimulated is a godsend to him.
You are running a bit late, which Homelander has taken an immense notice on. Although he smiles as he engages in pointless discussions with the guests, he is a bundle of nerves. His arms are crossed behind his back, hiding his jittery fingers tapping on his wrists as he scans the crowd for any sense of you. He is doing his best to keep his anxiety under control, but he can't stop his fears from creeping up in the back of his mind. What if you got lost? What if you never arrive? What if you're leaving him?
Just as Homelander is about to leave the gala to search the city for you, he hears your heartbeat approaching the building's front door. A wave of relief washes over him; you didn't forget him… you're here. You're really here. Without even excusing himself from the conversation he is in the middle of, he rushes over to you. He could care less that people practically have to jump out of the way as he nearly plows through them. He needs to see you.
As soon as you enter the ballroom, you see Homelander's massive form quickly walking over to you, beaming down at you as he takes up your entire vision. You can't help but return his smile, you love seeing how happy he gets by just your presence. It's almost like you're the one with the superpowers.
"I'm sorry I was running late," you apologize, running your fingers through your hair. "I just wanted to make sure I looked alright."
"You look perfect," Homelander tells you breathlessly, kneeling down to be eye-level with you. He holds his large hand over yours, combing his own fingers through your hair. "I'm just…" he hesitates, his eyes briefly closing as he regains his composure. "I'm just glad you came."
"Do you need a minute, honey?" you ask, entwining your fingers around his big hand. You've become quite entuned to his moods, and the little twitches his face makes when he gets overwhelmed. From the looks of it, he was getting pretty stressed by your tardiness.
"No, no… I'm fine," Homelander reassures you, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead before standing back up to his full height. "Let me take you to the ballroom."
As much as he is trying to put on his best 'party' face, you can still see his frayed nerves peaking through his expression. If it were up to Homelander, he'd get his comfort by carrying you around in his arms all night. However, as that would only cause more prying eyes to ogle at him, he does the next best thing and offers you his hand to hold. He adores the way your tiny hand fits so snugly in his oversized palm, and how you lightly stroke his knuckles with your thumb.
The evening drones on for what feels like an eternity. As part of his job, Homelander has to socialize with the guests to ensure their donations to the charity Vought is supporting. The high-society jargon in these chats completely flies over your head, and none of the partygoers have any interest in talking with you. Not that you have anything to say to them, but you can't help but feel invisible. Instead, you spend your time keeping an eye on Homelander, doing your best to curb his tension. Having never let go of your hand, you do what you can to let him feel your touches, occasionally tapping your fingers on his knuckles and lightly squeezing his palm.
Eventually, you breathe a sigh of relief as all of the schmoozing finally dwindles. A house band is brought into the gala to wind the night down, encouraging the guests to slow dance. While everyone else gathers in the centre of the ballroom, Homelander's grip keeps you from joining in. You look up to see him standing still like a statue, brow furrowed as he observes the happy couples dancing.
In his mind, he remembers back to the countless films he watched as a child in the lab, and all the sappy romantic scenes of two people becoming one with dance. Yet another thing he has never been allowed to experience. Even when he was with Maeve, she never danced with him. She always used the excuse of their height difference, and she refused to let him pick her up 'like his plaything'.
Seeing the way Homelander fixates so heavily on the dancing, you very effortlessly put two-and-two together of what is upsetting him. It's times like these that make you appreciate how simple he is to figure out, it makes it all the easier to make him happy.
"Can you let me go for a second?" you ask him, your words snapping him out of his frustration and pulling his attention to you. "I won't be long, there's just something I have to do quickly."
Although Homelander is thoroughly confused, he relents and releases your hand from his grasp. He watches in silent fascination as you run over to a nearby table, grabbing a stray pen and writing something on the back of a place card. Even with his super-vision, he can't make out what you have written. He nearly chases after you when he sees you sprint to the other end of the ballroom, bewildered as you hand the card over to the band's lead singer, who nods when you point over to him.
Usually his ears are filled with the sounds of everyone else's heartbeats, but right now all he can hear is his own loudly pounding through his skull. You have some sort of scheme cooked up, one that you are hiding from him.
You run back over to Homelander, giggling as you note the worry painted all over his face. He's cute when he's clueless.
"It's okay, just trust me," you promise him, spreading your arms out as a signal for him to pick you up. He swallows, unsure of your intentions, but he lets himself believe you as he delicately lifts you up to his chest. Just as he is about to ask you what you are planning, the band begins performing a new song.
"You're just too good to be true. Can't take my eyes off of you."
Homelander starts to understand what you've done, as he glances back from the band to you. Smiling, you nod at him as you place one of your arms on his shoulders, the other raised for him to hold.
"You'd be like heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much."
While he can't stop his butterflies from bubbling to the surface, he tries his best to remember what he saw from the movies, to not mess this slow dance up. Carefully, he moves one of his hands from your back to hold your own. Keeping his eyes focused on you, he begins moving his feet and swaying back and forth.
"At long last love has arrived. And I thank God I'm alive."
You mouth 'you're doing great' to him as he finally begins to relax, moving along with your body as you sway in his arm. As much of a sight it is to see Homelander dancing with such a small person in his arms, he ignores everyone else's stares as he is consumed by your praise. He leans in for a kiss, closing his eyes as he becomes one with you. For once in his life, the sounds of everyday life have quieted in his hears. Nobody else exists at this gala except for the two of you, and your song.
"You're just too good to be true. Can't take my eyes off you."
Breaking from his kiss, Homelander keeps his forehead lightly pressed onto yours. Your noses are nuzzled together as he opens his eyes, gazing into you as if you are his entire reason for living. Throughout his life, he had convinced himself he would never find someone to care for him. And now that he has found you, he can never get enough of how much you truly love him.
"Thank you," he whispers, quiet enough to ensure only you hear these words. In every part of his daily interactions, you have never heard him thank or apologize anyone else but you. Another small way that he trusts you, that you keep his hidden emotions safe from harm. Moving your arm from his shoulder to caress his cheek, he sighs deeply as he tilts his head into your palm.
"I love you too, big boy," you respond, feeling a smile creep onto his face. Homelander kisses you again, letting the outside world fade away as you take over his senses. Your pulse, your scent, your touch, your lips… he melts into you as you become his everything. The only other sound he hears is that lovely song, the one you picked out just for him. The one that will remind him of this night forever.
"I love you, baby, and if it's quite alright."
"I need you baby, to warm the lonely night."
"I love you baby, trust in me when I say."
"Oh pretty baby, don't bring me down, I pray."
"Oh pretty baby, now that I found you, stay."
"And let me love you, baby, let me love you."
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doumadono · 1 year
Hi, A while ago I used to have a very bad mental health condition, I can't say for sure what I had(i have an idea but i cannot Say they exact things), because even today I haven't gone to a psychologist to get a diagnosis about my mental health, I wanted to send this to see if you could make a request with Izuku and Kacchan with their childhood friend (Kacchan platonic and with Izuku non-platonic if it's not too much trouble) And one day they find out by accident that she went through a mild eating disorder, self-harm, social anxiety, family problems and a toxic need to be a perfect student (They find out about this already in the first year of the UA, this happened to her in the first year of middle school)I would like to read this because when I was in 7th grade I had all this on my shoulders, I felt like garbage and my family never helped, they only made things worse...Reading it would be like being able to feel that comfort that to this day I have not been able to have because although I would like to be able to talk about it with someone, I am unable to open up, I avoid those topics as much as I can.
Thank you so much! And sorry if I haven't explained myself well.
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A/N: I'm really sorry to hear that you've been going through such a challenging time with your mental health. It takes a lot of courage to acknowledge your struggles, and I truly admire your willingness to share this. When you're ready, seeking support from a psychologist or therapist can be immensely helpful
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Izuku and Katsuki walked back to the UA dormitory, their footsteps echoing in the quiet evening. The day had been filled with training and lectures, and now, as they strolled under the dimming sky, they found themselves in a contemplative mood.
Katsuki glanced over at Izuku and noticed the pensive look on his friend's face. "What's eatin' at ya, Deku?" he asked in his typical gruff manner.
Izuku hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "Kacchan, you know our childhood friend Y/N, right?"
Katsuki's eyebrows furrowed as he thought about it. "Yeah, vaguely. What's she got to do with anything?"
Izuku took a deep breath, trying to find the right way to phrase what was on his mind. "I overheard something today, something about her," he began. "It sounds like she's been through some really tough stuff, especially during her first year of middle school. Eating disorder, self-harm, social anxiety, family problems, and a toxic need to be a perfect student."
Katsuki's expression hardened, his usual tough exterior showing cracks as concern flickered in his eyes. "That's messed up, nerd."
As they approached the dormitory, they heard voices coming from the teacher's lounge, where Aizawa and Nezu were deep in conversation. The name 'Y/N' drifted into their ears, and they couldn't help but listen.
"I think we should keep an eye on Y/N," Aizawa said. "She's clearly been through a lot, and I don't want her to feel isolated or overwhelmed here at UA."
Nezu nodded in agreement. "You're right. We should find a way to support her without making her feel exposed or uncomfortable."
Katsuki clenched his fists, anger simmering beneath the surface. "I'll just go talk to her and kick all these stupid ideas off her head."
Izuku, on the other hand, was quick to respond, albeit more gently. "Kacchan, but we need to be careful. Y/N has been through a lot, and pushing her too hard could do more harm than good. We should approach this delicately."
Katsuki scowled but was willing to listen. "Okay, fine, Deku. What's your brilliant idea then?"
"I think we should let Y/N know that we're there for her, no matter what. Encourage her to talk to us when she's ready? We can offer her our support and friendship without forcing her to reveal everything all at once."
Katsuki huffed in annoyance, but he couldn't deny that Izuku's suggestion made sense. "Fine, fine, we'll do it your way then, nerd."
Later that evening, Izuku and Katsuki found themselves in a common livingroom, still contemplating how to approach the delicate situation with Y/N. Izuku sat on a couch, thoughtful, while Katsuki paced around, clearly agitated, trying to finish his English homework. "You really think this is the right way, Deku? I can't freaking focus because of that goddamn girl. Why do girls always have to be so complicated? " Katsuki asked, his frustration evident.
"I do, Kacchan. Y/N's been through a lot. She needs to know we're here for her, and when she's ready, she'll come to either of us."
Katsuki paused, his fiery demanour momentarily waning. He knew that Izuku was right; a more gentle approach was necessary. He sat down on the floor, scowling as he admitted, "Fine."
Izuku smiled, relieved that Katsuki had agreed. "Great, Kacchan."
Bakugo, catching a glimpse from the corner of his eye, noticed Mina, Kaminari, and Tsuyu observing him and Deku. Irritated, he turned to them and bellowed, "What the hell are you staring at, extras!?" His fiery personality showing no mercy, even to his friends.
The next day, they put their plan into action.
You were in the common room, looking somewhat distant as you read a book.
Izuku approached you cautiously, determined to make you feel comfortable. Kacchan watched him from a distance, pretending to be engrossed in preparing a dinner.
"Hey, Y/N," Izuku began with a warm smile, "How's your day been?"
You looked up, surprised by the sudden attention. You hesitated for a moment but then replied, "Oh, it's been okay, I guess?"
Katsuki chimed in, trying to keep his tone softer than usual. "You don't need to hide stuff, you know. We're your friends, and we're here for you."
Your eyes widened slightly, and you swallowed hard. You weren't used to opening up about your struggles, but the genuine concern made you feel a little safer. "But I'm not hiding anything…" you protested.
Bakugo grumbled from a distance. "Tsch! For crying out loud, it's obvious you're not alright, nerd. Quit with the act, you're a terrible actress, Y/N, damn it!"
Izuku continued, "I… We know that life can be tough. You don't have to go through it alone. When you're ready to talk, we'll be here to listen, without any judgment, okay?"
Katsuki nodded, showing an uncharacteristic patience. "Yeah."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you felt the sincerity of their words. You had been carrying your burdens in silence for so long, and the idea of sharing them with friends was both scary and comforting. "Thank you, boys," you whispered, your voice quivering. "I appreciate your support."
Izuku reached out and placed a hand on your shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. "You're welcome, Y/N. We care about you, and we want to help in any way we can."
Katsuki grumbled, but there was a softness in his gaze as he added, "And if anyone gives you trouble, they'll have to deal with me."
Tears welled up in your eyes, and without warning, you leaned into Izuku's comforting arms.
Izuku was a little taken aback by your sudden move, but he didn't push you away. Instead, he embraced you gently, his hand softly petting your Y/H/C hair.
As you nestled in his embrace, you finally opened up about how awful you were feeling. Your voice quivered as you spoke. "I don't know what to do… I just… I feel so lost and overwhelmed. It's like I'm drowning in my own thoughts and fears, and I can't escape."
Izuku held you a little tighter, his own heart aching for you. "I'm here for you, Y/N. You're not alone in this. We'll find a way through it, together, I promise."
You continued, your voice breaking, "I've been trying to be strong for so long, but I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. It's like I'm carrying the weight of the world, and it's crushing me."
"You don't have to carry it all by yourself. You have friends who care about you, who want to help. We'll lighten that burden, step by step. You're not alone, Y/N."
You clung to him, your sobs slowly subsiding as his comforting presence gave you solace. It was the first step in a journey of healing and support. With tears still glistening in your eyes, you raised your head and looked up at Izuku. Leaning in, you placed a tender kiss on his cheek. "Thank you for all of your support, Deku," you whispered, your gratitude evident in your eyes.
As you expressed your gratitude to both of your friends, Izuku felt his cheeks flush with a deep shade of crimson. His heart began to race, pounding in his chest like a drumbeat. The genuine warmth of the unexpected kiss on his cheek left him feeling both flustered and deeply touched. Unbeknownst to you, Izuku had been harboring a significant crush on you.
But before you could say more, a loud voice echoed across the room. Bakugo's angry shout filled the space, "Hey, I'm goddamn here as well, fucking nerd!"
You turned towards Katsuki, a grateful smile forming on your lips. "Thank you too, Kacchan," you said, addressing him. "I appreciate both of you more than I can express."
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ghostofskywalker · 9 months
hellooo! i'm really excited about your winter ficlets and wanted to request something!
what about “I don’t think either of us are qualified for this, but sure, go for it�� with tech? i'm really wondering what he wouldn't be qualified for. 🤭 and i don't mind about the reader's pronouns, you can write what you're up to!
hello! this was such an interesting and fun prompt for him, i hope you enjoy my interpretation!
words: 840
summary: omega's in a bad mood, and neither you nor your boyfriend know what to do about it.
note: the mechanics of this fic rely on the idea that when they're on Ord Mantell, the batch rent an apartment so that they're not on the ship all the time.
Not Qualified
clone troopers masterlist || request a winter ficlet
The sound of Omega’s door slamming shut echoed throughout the tiny apartment, and you could have sworn you heard some of the plates in the cabinet rattle. Not sure what to do, you looked at Tech. “Any idea what that’s about?”
Looking as confused as you felt, he shook his head. “I understand that Omega may be worried that Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo haven’t returned by now, but this behavior is far from normal for her.”
“Do you want to check on her and make sure everything is okay?”
He looked at you like you had just suggested that he wrestle a gundark with his bare hands. “What?”
“Someone should check on Omega,” you said, a confused look on your face. “She clearly needs to talk to someone right now.”
“What about you?”
Your eyes widened. “I don’t know how qualified I am for something like this. Usually bounty hunters can just kill their problems, and that’s definitely not what needs to happen here. Besides, you’re her brother.”
“Look, I don’t think either of us are qualified for this,” Tech said. “But we should still go for it.”
As you looked at his face, you could see a glimpse of something in his eyes that you didn’t quite recognize at first, until it came to you. Tech was nervous. It made sense of course, because Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo had embraced their newfound role of “big brother” a little easier than he did, because he had always been a little bit less social than the rest of the crew. Hells, it had taken you what felt like forever to finally get him to realize that you liked him, and the relationship you had with him was still just barely out of the friend zone. You knew it had to be nerve-wracking right now, to be the only one of his brothers here and having a issue that can’t necessarily be solved with cold hard facts, and you reached out to take his hand. “Come on, let’s go together.”
A gruff “come in” sounded through the door moments after you knocked, and the door opened to reveal Omega laying face down on her bed, with the plush Aiwha you had gotten for her at a market laying haphazardly on the floor (which was likely launched into the air from the momentum of her throwing herself on the bed).
You were definitely not prepared for this, but it would be much worse to just turn around and leave, so you took a few steps into the room. “I can tell that something is bothering you honey,” you said gently. “Do you want to talk about it? It may make you feel better.”
She pulled her body upwards off the bed, and you could see the way her eyes shined with tears. “When is everyone else going to come back?” she asked, and your heart broke.
Growing up where she did and being watched over exclusively by Kaminoans clearly affected her, and now that she had found something of a family it had to be hard to watch some of them leave. Even if it was simply for a mission, part of the team leaving meant that she still had to spend more time without the people she cared so deeply about. “I don’t know,” you admitted softly. “But they won’t be gone forever, I know that.”
Tech looked like he was going to open his mouth to say something, but you shot him a quick glare. Yes, you knew that every mission meant the chance of serious injury or death, and Omega probably knew that too, but technicalities were not what she needed to hear right now.
Thankfully, he seemed to get the message. “Yes, Hunter, Echo, and Wrecker will be back as soon as they can,” Tech said, and you watched as Omega ran over to him. He definitely looked a little shocked as his sister threw her arms around him, and you could see the way he looked to you for help. You mimed wrapping your arms around something to give him a little hint of what to do in this moment, and he nodded quickly.
You watched as Tech followed your hint, and you could see Omega’s tears start to stop. You knew that her heartbreak wasn’t something that could be fixed right away (or maybe at all), but with some time (and maybe a little bit of ice cream), you might be able to help make this a little less difficult for her.
It was impossible to ignore the smile that crept over your face at the sight of Omega clutching onto Tech like he was going to disappear, simply because he looked really surprised when it first happened. You had a feeling though, that he would be settling into his newfound role as big brother a little easier from now on.
And maybe, later you would get to gleefully inform him that he was wrong about neither of you being qualified to help in this particular situation.
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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