#//You know starters are my weakest link.
thexwanderingxsouls · 2 years
It had been an eventful afternoon, to say the least...the very least. Frankly, ‘eventful’ was a gross understatement of how her latest assignment had gone down. As a photojournalism grad student and general beck and call girl of her department advisor, Cassidy had spent a good chunk of her summer semester chasing the oddest assortment of events across campus to build her portfolio at a moment’s notice from her advisor. From a student-organized dining hall sit-in to protest the removal of soda fountains from the lineup and a renaming of the university’s library in honor of some old/dead/white benefactor to covering the unusual amount of crows that had covered the campus as of late, she’d reached the point where she’d seriously considered gnawing her own arm off for something juicier to sink her teeth into. Finally, near the end of the summer and after a strongly-worded meeting with the department head, going over her advisor’s head (much to the woman’s chagrin), Cass had finally managed to snatch up what seemed to be a promising assignment: The coverage of a new artifact by a professor, something the university was clearly proud of as they’d set up a press event for the professor to present his findings at. 
The real press, however, had acquired the best seats in the house, however, and Cass had been relegated to the middle of the large lecture hall. Her camera was good, but not good enough to catch the intricate details of the gilded lettering of the large, leather-bound tome the professor had uncovered. The camera’s shortcomings in long-distance focusing, however, were forgotten as she took in the book, eyes going wide as she felt the strangest tug in the pit of her stomach as if she were being drawn to the book...no, more than that. It was as if the book demanded her undivided attention. She hadn’t realized how long she’d sat there, staring, transfixed by the aura of the book until the professor closed it with a sharp snap and asked if anyone had further questions. “Shit...” she muttered to herself, scrambling to focus her forgotten camera and snap a few shots before he covered it again and had an assistant take it out of the room before the crowd was dismissed. As the others filed out, murmuring excitedly to one another, Cassidy had to take a moment to catch the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Her head felt dizzy and while the pull was duller now, she could still feel...something...calling to her, coaxing her, beckoning her as if it belonged to her.
The inexplicable draw mixed with her ‘rules are just guidelines’ approach to life in general was the combination that now had Cassidy moving through the silent, darkened building, trying to tread as quiet as a church mouse on the soft, leather soles of her boots. Even the muffled patter on the tiles sounded like a bomb going off to her cautious ears. She was willing to accept the consequences of her actions... that had always been her way as a rebellious child and now young adult, but it would still be highly inconvenient to have her efforts interrupted. At least she hadn’t had to literally break in. Being the pet project of the department head had its perks and that particular perk was the shiny silver key resting comfortably in her jeans pocket. Thankfully, she met no one on her way to the professor’s office space. She’d brought a hairpin with her, ready to pick the lock of the office should she need to, but the handle gave way easily in her hand. “So excited and yet he forgot to lock up his treasures...” Cass murmured to herself with a Cheshire Cat’s self-satisfied smirk perched on her lips as she tucked the bobby pin back into the messy bun of auburn hair atop her head. “His folly, my gain.” She adjusted her camera bag across her torso and reached for the handle of the door again. Just a few pictures, maybe a few minutes looking through the pages to try and figure out what the allure was...that was it. She’d get that done and get on her way. At least, that’s what she told herself as she slipped into the dimly lit office. There sat the book, opened as if waiting for her on a lectern. Carefully, she padded her way toward it, feeling that haunting call again in the back of her mind, like a slippery, slithering, silky voice urging her onward...  Wait...the room was lit? “Oh for fuck’s sake...” someone else had been here. Recently, she gathered, as her gaze caught on a still-steaming mug of what was likely coffee or tea sitting on the desk beside the lectern. She went to turn her back on the book and make a break for it but she couldn’t look away, couldn’t tear her eyes away from the tome. Had she even blinked in the last minute or two she’d been in there? Shaking her head to try and clear it, she backed away toward the door, feeling unease creep into her bones. She was so focused that she couldn’t stifle the yelp of surprise that tore from her lips as she backed into something...someone...distinctly not door-like. Instead of cool wood, Cass felt her back brush against a warm chest, felt a heartbeat for just a brief moment thump within before she seemed to finally break free of the book’s trance so she could spin on her heels. “Uh...hey there. I’m going to guess you won’t accept, ‘Sorry, I’m a chronic sleepwalker,’ as a viable excuse for my being here?” Caught red-handed, there wasn’t much use in trying to flee at this point. Instead, she lifted a brow at the person she’d run into, waiting to see if they’d call campus security. 
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tender1 · 26 days
it was not long ago emily herself was admitting she was not so overjoyed with alison's return into their lives - but what does joy have to do with it? what relevance could something as frivolous as joy have when emily has guilt? she does not have alison's teeth, nor her claws, and yet the steely look she gives @serendpitous is enough to sink anyone's heart like a stone. "what were you thinking?" she accuses, "how could you help alison leave?"
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trulybetty · 10 months
Sick Day
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Pairing: Marcus Pike x F!Reader (no use of Y/N) Word Count: 1,581 Warnings: Pure fluff, talk of not feeling well, cooking, caretaking, and on brand Marcus Pike. Summary: Marcus never cancels dates, and if he does it usually comes with his own brand of romantic gestures to make up for it. So when he doesn't, you know something isn't quite right. AO3: Linked
A/N: It's been a week - but this had been sitting in my WIP folder unfinished for a while and this prompted me to finish this piece of pure fluff.
Sick Day.
Marcus was not accustomed to feeling helpless. Being weak or vulnerable was not part of his persona, not part of what made Marcus Pike who he was.
His sickness had come on suddenly, a relentless fever accompanied by a deep, hacking cough. Marcus was not one to fall ill often, and when he did, he had always soldiered through, never allowing weakness to dictate his schedule. But this was different; this was not something he could ignore. His body was not cooperating, and all his attempts to carry on were futile.
The fever alone had struck with a vengeance. His body ached, his throat was on fire, and even the faintest hint of light sent his head spinning into oblivion. A normally robust Marcus was reduced to a shivering mess, tangled in sweat-soaked sheets, his mind clouded by the relentless throb of a migraine.
And yet, the real disquiet lay not in his physical discomfort but in a new and unexpected vulnerability. The one person he sought to impress, care for, and be strong for, was now seeing him at his weakest.
From the early days of your relationship, Marcus had been the one to shower you with romantic gestures, much to your chagrin at times. Breakfasts in bed, spontaneous day trips, surprise gifts — he'd done it all. It was how he'd always been, it was how past relationships had dictated how he should operate to ensure that his love interest remained enamoured, entranced and with him.
But you were different.
You didn't expect anything from him. You didn't need grand gestures or elaborate displays of affection. Your love was calm, steady, and unconditional. It was a love that sought no repayment, demanded no proof, and required no theatrics. 
And it was something Marcus had never experienced before.
He had sent you a text message that he had to skip your date night and you’d looked at your phone warily. The two of you had been together for quite some time now and this was not his usual MO. Marcus Pike didn’t just cancel dates, you had cancelled dates sure, but never Marcus without a flurry of rearranged reservations or a bouquet of flowers at your door.
So when you showed up at his doorstep on your way to work, your eyes wide with concern with a bag full of remedies, Marcus was utterly unprepared. Especially when you said you were going to call in to work and take the day off when you realized how sick he was. The truth was, no one had ever taken a day off work to care for him. No one had ever put him first in quite the same way.
Once inside Marcus's apartment, the evidence of his illness was palpable. The usually immaculate space was in mild disarray, evidence of his discomfort. Marcus was bundled on the couch, looking both vulnerable and endearing, his face flushed and his eyes glazed. 
He had tried to protest, to insist that he was fine, that you didn't need to trouble yourself. But the words had come out slurred, his voice weak and barely above a whisper.
“You look awful,” you'd said, your intention sympathetic, as you brushed a damp lock of hair from his forehead. 
Your hand had felt cool and soothing against his fevered skin and he leant into it, his eyes closed.
“It’s okay.” he tried to assure you.
You laughed at his failed attempt to convince you, “It’s not okay, for starters your voice sounds terrible.”
“Sounds worse than it is.” he gave you what he thought was an unabashed smile, but came out crooked and tired. 
You just stared at him incredulously, “You just almost coughed up a lung.”
“I’m fine.” he tried to sit up but the sudden movement caused him to double over in a fit of coughing.
You placed the back of your hand against his forehead, “Case in point. You’re not fine Marcus, you’re burning up.”
“It’s just a cold,” he insisted.
“Marcus, you need to rest,” you'd chided, your tone gentle but firm as you led him to his bedroom. “I'm here now. Let me take care of you, please.”
And so you did.
The hours turned into a day, and then another, your presence a constant. You sat at his kitchen table, replying to emails and calls between checking his fever and ensuring he took his medication. When he asked you to stay overnight that first night you’d obliged his ask in his vulnerable state. So you’d watched movies with him, choosing his favourites, even though he’d drifted in and out of sleep throughout.
It was three days longer than the original one you planned on staying when he was looking and feeling more like himself. You were both in the kitchen, you preparing dinner, while he watched on.
“So where did you learn how to make this?” Marcus asked, fatigue still lingering as he leaned on the countertop to rest his head in his hand. He watched diligently as you added ingredients to the ceramic pot atop the stovetop. The smell of the simmering food was already permeating the apartment making your mouth water.
It was one of, if not your number one comfort meal. You’d experienced it at a tiny restaurant years ago in a quiet city off the main drag of flashy restaurants and bars. The only good things to come of a past failed date, one whose name now you couldn’t recall even if you tried. While the relationship hadn’t gone anywhere you’d gone back repeatedly to the small establishment time and time again and learned how to make it yourself.
“Want a taste?” you asked him, offering a spoon laden with a sample to taste. He watched in amusement as you blew on it to cool it down, “Here you go, try.”
Marcus tentatively tasted the food and felt a sting on his tongue from the heat, but smiled at the ability to finally be able to taste something, “My taste buds may not be quite back up to par,” he said, “but this, this is delicious.”
You grinned, “Good, it means you’re getting better.”
Marcus pulled himself away from the counter and stepped up behind you. His arms wrapped around your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder.  Even now, while he was slowly recovering, this simple embrace made your heart swell with affection.
“You've really been incredible these past few days,” Marcus murmured, his voice still hoarse. “I can't even begin to express how grateful I am. I'm not used to... this, you know? Being taken care of.”
You gave him a gentle smile, as you dried your hands off with a kitchen towel and lowered the heat on the pot. 
You twisted around in his arms to face him, tucking a stray lock of hair back from his forehead.  “It was my pleasure, Marcus,” you said with a smile. 
He was silent for a moment, taking in what you said. That one sentence soothing to years of a self-imposed belief that he should always be the caretaker, the provider. “Thank you,” he spoke softly.
“Since you're feeling much better now, I’d better think about getting back to my place,” you said, puncturing the comfortable quiet of the room. You were trying to sound casual, but it was obvious that your presence wasn’t intended to be a long-term thing; Marcus understood this, yet he still felt a twinge of sadness.
“But it's Friday,” he retorted, his voice carrying the softest note of protest. “Maybe you could stay for the weekend? Now that I'm feeling better, I can find a way to thank you properly.” A mischievous glint shone in Marcus's eyes as he smiled slowly. “Since you’ve been playing nurse so well, maybe it’s time for the patient to return the favour and take care of you?” he finished, his voice dropping into a suggestive tone, making the implication all but transparent.
But before he could elaborate, his words were interrupted by a sudden coughing fit. The rough, barking sound filled the apartment, and Marcus grimaced as he cleared his throat. Covering his mouth with his forearm, he tried to suppress another cough as he failed to stop the onslaught of another fit.
You let out a loud and throaty laugh as you filled Marcus a glass of water. “Okay, maybe we'll hold off on the whole nurse-and-patient role-play for now.” 
Marcus joined in, his laughter tinged with a hint of self-deprecation once he’d finished with the water you'd poured him. “Maybe you're right. But the offer to stay the weekend still stands.”
These days, such as now, in small moments of reflection Marcus was able to step back and see his previous relationships a little more clearly. They had felt solid at the time, and had seemed like they were built on a foundation of mutual understanding and love, but looking back he could tell that the foundation was merely a house of cards. Meaning one wrong move or unmet expectation and it all would have come crashing down on unrealistic standards he’d set himself. 
But with you, it was different. 
While Marcus was off in his own world, you returned your attention to the meal cooking on the stove. “Dinner will be ready soon.  What do you think about watching a movie while we eat? You choose,” you asked..
Marcus, snapping out of his thoughts, smiled warmly. “I think that sounds perfect,” he replied.
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stelacole · 3 months
apocalypse themed starters
﹡ ❝ this new world, it bloody sucks﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ shut up, keep down, keep quiet and alerted and stay alert﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ something is out there. run. now﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ the zombies are coming. we got to go. now﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ everything is pretty darn hard right now. ❞ ﹡ ❝ the zombies feel no fear, so why are you so scared﹖ ❞ ﹡ ❝ i used to whine so much. in this new world..i just can't whine. i gotta survive. ❞ ﹡ ❝ i prefer a quieter weapon so it doesn't give the zombies our location out﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ what’s even the point of trying to survive in this new world﹖ ❞ ﹡ ❝ i'm out of ammo﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ everyone i love is gone. my whole world is gone and this- this is left﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ i really miss nutella. ❞ ﹡ ❝ when i give you the signal, you run﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ i literally lost my arm, so yeah..i know what pain is like﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ he is gone. there's nothing you can do anymore to save him. ❞ ﹡ ❝ if you think i trust what's left of the goverment after all this, you are damn crazy﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ we are trapped in here, the horde is right outside. we won't make it﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ i just..i can't do this anymore﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ i..i was bitten. i don't think i will make it. ❞ ﹡ ❝ i can't bring a damn baby into this world. i refuse to﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ always, and i mean..always, aim for the head﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ eliminate the weakest link and you will survive﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ hold on..does that bird look like it's about to attack us﹖ ❞ ﹡ ❝ i used to watch a lot of horror movies growing up so i know how to kill a zombie﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ we need to go to hunt some supplies﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ we are not safe here﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ never turn your back on a zombie﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ beware the humans, they can be worse than zombies﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ tip, always have honey as it's good nutrition and it helps with wounds and infections. ❞
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aviculor · 2 years
I put a lot of thought into Toedscruel's moveset. I'm going with Spore/Hex/Leech Seed/Giga Drain while holding a Big Root. I wanted to fit Toxic Spikes or Toxic or Venoshock into there, but Spore has helped me immensely so far and you can't poison a pokemon and put them to sleep. Besides, I run so many poison-based pokemon that this is much more novel. I mean, I literally have T spikes in Revavroom's fourth slot since I don't have a better idea.
Revavroom is holding a King's Rock but I did consider Black Sludge. Its idea is Shift Gear and then Iron Head and Poison Jab hoping for flinches and/or poisoning. As I said, Toxic Spikes is its fourth move, mainly as a leftover from the Eri fight but I don't dislike it.
Orthworm's Rocky Helmet is a match made in heaven. Or rather hell, since the opponents end up damaging themselves more than they do Orthworm. Iron Defense/Body Press/Iron Tail/Earthquake. My technique that swept the elite 4 and champions needs no finetuning. Also, it's the Titan one.
I gave Eelektross a Punching Glove since it knows Thunder Punch and Drain Punch. It also has Crunch for coverage and Coil to set up. No leet strat, I just want to use one of my favorite pokemon. If it had access to Leech Life, I would have gone with that over Drain Punch and given it...I don't know, Leftovers or something.
Rabsca wasn't going to be a permanent fixture but it grew on me and the coverage comes in handy. It's the same Rellor I caught in the beginning that was too high level to obey me. It's holding Wise Glasses to boost Psychic/Bug Buzz/Dazzling Gleam and it also has Revival Blessing. It actually has a Partner Mark, making it "the reliable partner".
Skeledirge is the weakest link, but its strength is nothing to sneeze at. I just gave it a Charcoal to boost Torch Song and Heat Wave. It also knows Shadow Ball and Hyper Voice. No huge ideas with this one, it's just my fully-evolved starter.
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pzfr · 2 years
The Mighty Crusaders (2017) Inspired RP Sentence Starters
[ As written by Ian Flynn for Archie Comics. Feel free to edit for pronouns/etc. ]
"Make me, ya little ginger mouse!"
"Your skin may be steel, but I'll still rip your guts out!"
"Did you know I'm fireproof too?"
"C'mon! Blast this thing in half."
"Throat... lungs... on fire... can't breathe... see..."
"Pretty sure I felt his windpipe crunch in my grip. Lemme put him out of his misery."
"You hit like a truck, lady..."
"Let's see how hard you hit AFTER I TEAR YOUR HEAD OFF!"
"I won't promise he'll get there in one piece!"
"Bright sun. No clouds. Makes shadow-bending impossible out in the open."
"I'll say! The cameras are rolling, people!"
"I emailed everyone today's schedules, [NAME]. we're in the middle of--"
"Fine. I still need approval on these. Could you save us both two hours and give me a 'yes'?"
"Sign off on everything but the budget. Accounting is pissing me off."
"I can't lead this team if you're going to keep changing the roster without my input."
"I'd be more sympathetic if you were leading the team."
"Instead, you've been diving head-long into every operation on your own, leaving the others scrambling to catch up."
"I'm used to running solo. Making us into a team-- a brand-- was your idea."
"A brute like that, or whatever it was, should have been handled in minutes."
"I've got one teammate getting his throat rebuilt and a last-second rescue to spin as a grand homecoming!"
"Oh, he's very respectful. And I do value his experience. Just not all the time."
"So they've got a bond I can't share."
"And now they've returned to bring their brilliance and... their unique brand of humor to a team wound tight."
"You put the team together before there was such a thing as 'super heroes.' I can't even follow your template."
"We probably spent about as much time fighting each other as we did the big bad's cronies."
"Even if we weren't all friends, we had each other's respect."
"Learn to trust your team, and teach them to trust you."
"Please! Come on in, boss-lady!"
"I went off the grid for a bit."
"Something had to give, and my anime figures were the weakest link."
"Get you a drink? I've got water on tap."
"Oh man! Fancy glasses. We didn't have these at the old place."
"That's the thing I wasn't entirely... welcoming when you showed up."
"You came out of retirement swinging, and were crucial to today's victory."
"*Sniff* The old man never said anything like that. I'm going to like working for you."
"Here's to rocky starts and fresh beginnings."
"That's the unglamorous side of super hero life."
"Nobody asks how our powers affect our hygiene."
"I... I dunno, man. I think the pressure of keeping everything in order-- the team, myself-- was like a tension bandage on my soul."
"We're all here because we want to fight the battles no one else can."
"By your logic, none of us were qualified when we started."
"Aside from that, she's powerful... and creepy."
"Then hold nothing back. Scream as you die."
"Terror adds a special power to the blood."
"I needed that. I haven't laughed like that in... um..."
"Yeah, the well-being of my friends is kinda important to me."
"She's been as subtle as a brick through a window, but she's right."
"You talk about my inexperience as a leader, but you don't give me any time to learn."
"I prefer the direct approach. So if you've got a problem, I want you to come to me. Or come AT me. Whatever. I can handle it."
"Either we talk it out or fight it out. But no more of this gossiping behind our backs."
"We're five minutes outside the drop zone. Are you ready to go?"
"Oh, man. We never did anything like this in the old days."
"The first one is always the worst. I'm sure you'll be fine, though."
"The people need to see us as much as they need us punching bad guys."
"Unbridled adoration is nice."
"*Snrk!* I'll give you some pointers."
"Thank you for gathering all in one place. It will make killing you all the more efficient."
"Seems like my life's been ruled by violence. A lot of it was from fighting for the greater good."
"I remember you bein' in the movies, y'know. You could be livin' in L.A., cashing royalty checks."
"Me? I ain't got options. This is all I know-- all I can do."
"So it's your own damn fault you die here today."
"Must be residual magnetic effects. It'll wear off in a minute."
"Hmm. Don't play the tough guy. If you're wounded, get off the battlefield and look after the civilians."
"You wake me into a nightmare. All I strove to do in my life-- wasted."
"The misbegotten human race have taken control of my world."
"Dunno what those aliens made your gear out of, but it's something ferrous!"
"I remember when they sprung us out of jail."
"I was aiming for somewhere non-vital."
"He's insulting you, dumbass. Like you needed any more reason to kill him."
"Hmph... not my most elegant work, but I have been effective today."
"You aren't strong enough to hold me. Just let me out, and I'll let this slide."
"I'd ask what you're doing to them, but I don't think I wanna know."
"It's bad, but I'm standing. Can't concentrate to fly. Just shoot. You?"
"Relived the first time I died about twenty times. Shaken."
"Maybe... Maybe I can still catch 'em if..."
"I was back! In the trenches! I could hear them! I could smell them! Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god..."
"Look... I'm lousy at this sort of thing, and you strike me as the type who prefers being more direct."
"I'm sorry. I didn't trust you. I was even a little afraid of you. But you saved our asses."
"You're right. You are lousy at this. But thanks, jerk."
"It's mostly awkward silence where I'm useless and you vent on occasion, but sure, 'talking'."
"I'm still... unpacking it, honestly. It's got me messed up and confused. It's... hard to talk about."
"Yeah, sure, be good... whatever-your-name-was."
"I've been in the hospital twice this week. I was tired of it the first time."
"Well, stop being such a badass and taking on entire supervillain teams by yourself."
"I became a liability. I'm no good to anyone like this."
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jmflowers · 1 year
Top 5 photos from 2022 please - bonus points for any goats 🐐 or you could do top 5 goat photos haha. I'll leave the decision up to you!
Haha, this one is tricky as I would normally lean right into top 5 goat photos! However, I didn't spend very much time with my little babies this year since I've been in such a transitional state and I'm not sure if I have any goat photos.
I have been working on a travel montage video, though, so I'll give you top 5 from that collection, since they're readily accessible. In no particular order...
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This was my first time getting to Algonquin Park to camp this year. We set up our tents and the skies opened up and it just started pouring. One of my dearest friends looked at me and asked, "Do you want to go for a walk?" So, we did - getting absolutely drenched in the rain and jumping at each loud clap of thunder. I waded into the water at this spot and she happened to start snapping photos of me, which I'm pretty grateful for as there aren't a lot of unprompted photos of myself. I felt very, very at peace in this moment. And you can see my super cute crocs in the bottom left of the photo!
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This was the day Kaitlyn and I arrived in Vancouver. I was completely exhausted from the flight and ended up having awful, awful jet lag for most of the trip (thanks to only just having recovered from COVID, I'm sure). But this moment was exactly what I'd gone out there seeking: trees bigger than I'd ever seen before, the ocean mere feet away, and a few days in the same place as one of my oldest online-met friends. It was spectacular and that's genuine awe on my face. Again, photo unprompted by me, so I'm very grateful it exists.
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I think this might've been the first hike of the season. I met up with a dear friend for a leisurely wander and a post-hike picnic. She's a bit like me, in that sometimes she says, "Hey, let's climb down this hole!" and I agree with those sentiments. This is about halfway through a split in the cliff that we decided to explore.
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This isn't my favourite photo of me with one of the campfires I built this summer, but the one I actually love most has other people's faces in the background and I don't share stuff like that without permission. So! Fuckboi fire builder it is. For many years, I've been the weakest link while out on camping trips, simply because I don't have the experience that all my friends do. This year, though, I worked really hard at learning how to successfully build a fire with only the bare necessities and I got good enough that I was entrusted with it a few times. Next year, my goal is to be able to build one with only flint as a starter. Fingers crossed!
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This was another first I wanted this year and literally cried (while stoned) about it when I thought I wasn't going to be able to make it happen. But I did! Kayaking at sunset with one of my dearest friends was everything I'd hoped for and more. And yes, it's definitely easier than canoeing.
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Honourable mention to this photo, which is more about career than travel. I felt so, so validated and supported on this shoot (my first one!) and I know that's entirely thanks to the (female) 2nd Camera who fought for me. I don't know what she recognized, but she convinced the 1st Camera that I needed to be given a chance to learn and it meant I was able to try/help with so many interesting things. She placed this camera on my shoulder during the lunch break and took this photo for me to remember the moment (no one else but the DOP, the 1st and 2nd Cameras, and myself touched this camera the entire day). I think I'll remember her kindness the rest of my life, and I can't wait to pay it forward through all of my time working in the film and television industry.
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muertebloom · 5 months
@valorborn said to naomi, "You're surprisingly fragile for someone who fights so fiercely."
after-action patch-up starters | accepting
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" yes, yes, i know, my skin is made of paper and my bones of the weakest porcelain. i'm not even allowed to drink anymore, for gods' sake- "
absolutely no one asked for your tone, naomi. after a second of silence passes, she sighs, giving in from her outburst. naomi almost seems to deflate, squishing down into herself ( and absolutely blocking link's access to her wounds. she'll stitch herself up, again, damn it! )
" sorry. it's just — what other use do i have? i do not know healing magic, unless you count summoning goodberries, nor are any of my other magics particularly effective aside from augmenting my weapons. if i'm to be of any use to this retinue - outside of being a surgeon - then i must be capable of extraordinary feats in battle. " you can't excise perfectionism like a tumor; it is more a part of her, like how the veins twist together to form a whole body.
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huskymaine · 2 years
Hi again!!
Probably this time my questions would seem Silly because as a Kakashi fan, you might have faced this question a million times before and if so, please link your Arguments.
My questions are
1. What do you think about people saying "Kakashi is Over-Rated in real life as well as Narutoverse"?? Like that time Naruto right after Time Skip said, "Kakashi Sensei is inept at handling Sharingan than Sasuke, Cleverer than Shikamaru, Keener sense to smell than Kiba"... Like Rikkudou Sennin complimenting Kakashi as a good sensei when in reality he did nothing for them as a Sensei in that Battle.
2. How do you argue against people who say "Kakashi is not the person who is capable of understanding anyone because everytime he says something... The opposite happens" Like that time Kakashi said "Sakura is not the person to brag about her talents" but later she proved his own words wrong. He said he could bring back Old Team 7 days but again, he ended up being wrong.
The reason I am asking this to you is because, I get a lot of Kakashi and Obito asks these days (it's a season, kind of)... While for Obito, I am very well aware of the purpose he serves to the over arching theme of this series... Probably because of too much of my time spending to debunk Uchiha apologists... And because of that, I ignored Kakashi (a person with strong moral compass). Blame my complacency.
To me, Obito is a Character who was designed to be an Harbinger of Disaster for both Naruto and Sasuke's lives whereas Kakashi became a Sensei for them.
Another purpose is, Obito as an Uchiha had every chance to become an Hokage... He was encouraged to have such dreams by his very own sensei... But he was prevented from becoming one... Due to the manipulation of his life from his very own Clan Member... And he ended up doing the same to his other clan member (Sigh). Uchiha is the best example of Big Fish eats Small Fish...
3. So, What purpose does Kakashi serves to the over arching theme of the story??
Sorry if it's too much... The reason I am asking you is because, I (as a casual viewer) might tend to miss something important which You, as a fan can always have more perspective about.
Heya! Thanks for the ask! Interestingly despite what you said, some points in your asks are things that I never think about it before. Many points that I have to give a consideration for the first time, and that’s fun. 
So, sorry for the wait and please be prepared for a veeerryyyyy long answer. 
 What do you think about people saying "Kakashi is Over-Rated in real life as well as Narutoverse"?? 
For starter, I don’t care for power scaling. Fanboys can yap about Kakashi being the weakest Hokage or this person stomps him etc for all I care and I still celebrate the fact that Kakashi is the Hokage who led Konoha toward massive technological and infrastructure developments and there are no major crisis or stain in his reign (Orochimaru is a stain for me but at least he never harmed Konoha or the world on Kakashi’s reign). In fact, I can handle Kakashi being called the weakest Hokage more than Tsunade being called the weakest Hokage. Tsunade is the gal who receive Madara’s Susanoo’s sword point blank and swung it back at him, those misogynist bunch grrr. Looks like my gender bias is stronger than my love for Kakashi haha. I wander in Reddit sometimes and always ignore when there are posts about “vs battle”, especially something ridiculous like DMS (dual mangekyou sharingan) Kakashi vs Healthy Itachi, like what the heck? First, Kakashi has both Mangekyou with him just one time and at that time Itachi is already long gone, including his Edo Tensei version. Second, till this day we don’t know what is Itachi’s illness so from where they get ”healthy Itachi” to make comparison? That’s all simply pointless discussions for me.
Anyway, since I never interested in power battle, I have no clue how overrated Kakashi among casual Naruto viewers in general. I mean, sure, I’ve seen Kakashi fans in my circle talks about his strength, but I’ve never see statement like “Kakashi will defeat Madara” or something like that. In fact, when it comes to Kakashi, most Kakashi fans don’t think much about his strength. In Chinese Naruto community however, Kakashi is called “five-to-five” means that on the screen battle regardless the strength of Kakashi’s opponents (except Zabuza and Demon Brother), Kakashi faces them evenly, neither winning nor losing badly. This puts him in such an awkward place, but by logic it makes sense. Why?
Because Kakashi is an adult character in a kid show, so his role is mostly to stall the opponent before finally they were defeated by the true MC, a.k.a his students. His canon high reputation is also used to emphasis that the enemy of the day is indeed A Big Deal so when the MC finally defeats them, it will make them looks more impressive. So just like MC is destined to win, Sensei role like Kakashi is destined unable to take down MC’s enemies. I believe that in fiction literature world, this phenomenon is called “Worf Effect.”
I am not being overly pessimistic here. Kishimoto himself already made it clear what is Kakashi’s role in his world.
[long post ahead, like supeeerrr long. My longest post probably. You have been warned]
Because he acts as a link between the other main characters of the series, Kakashi is rarely featured prominently in promotional artwork, instead appearing in the background while his students are the focus
-  Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). Uzumaki: the Art of Naruto
So yeah, Kishimoto saw him as a link between the other main characters, and in harsher word, he puts Kakashi on the background while his students (the MCs) are the focus. It’s indeed harsh to use Kakashi as a tool to uplifted MCs’ stories, but also makes total sense. All in all Naruto is a show about kids and mostly has kids as their demographic intended audiences. The 3 protagonists are being made that way to make the kids as viewers easily insert themselves into either one of protagonists. You can insert yourself in Naruto if you feel like the dumbest person among your peer but want to find hope that you were destined to do something great. You can insert yourself in Sasuke if you think that the world is unfair to you and interested on doing rebel scenario. You can insert yourself in Sakura if you are ordinary girl (I never find boys ever SI to Sakura, cmiiw) who seek romance but also has little confidence and wants to be strong. By his role design, Kakashi is not suitable to be used as self-insert at all, so developing his strength is not the priority in narrative standpoint. Heck, Kakashi doesn’t even have a dream or goal except perhaps protecting the people besides him, so he has no specific reason to “be strong”. Of course, fans are not forbidden to self-insert as Kakashi, but Kishimoto and the concept of the anime itself designed Naruto franchise with the kids are the focus.
(Humain note : I myself sees Naruto franchise in Kakashi’s P.O.V, because somehow I’ve never been fond of inserting myself in the MC. I like to see fictional worlds in neutral third party standpoint without the character’s emotion affecting my own feeling about the situations. So Kakashi character is ideal for me because he always presents on important situations but mostly he becomes an observer and there’s almost no focus on his emotion)
Although, in Kishimoto’s credit, while he gave Kakashi massive “Worf Effect” more than any other characters as the consequences of always stays and exists besides MCs, he still puts a quite effort to paint Kakashi’s strength on a bright light, plus although Pierrot is not always a good studio but I think they genuinely love to make Kakashi’s fights as cool as possible. That way audiences still can enjoy Kakashi’s fights and don’t see him as “jobber” despite his role as enemy’s punching bag before the MCs arrived. He made sure that the enemies Kakashi faced acknowledge his strength and admit that Kakashi does a good job on fighting them, from Itachi to Pain. Even Madara praised him once. It sends a message toward viewers that indeed Kakashi is losing, but he’s still a strong character. That’s why although his winning count is low, it’s totally understandable that general audiences still rate him highly. Why Kishimoto doesn’t do the same toward poor Konohamaru in Boruto, I have no idea. I only pity him so much now, he already became butt-monkey among fanboys. Well, that’s the fate of adult character especially teacher in kids show, even there are popular memes about Sasuke’s low chakra in Boruto community, ironically similar with Kishimoto’s way to nerf Kakashi. 
(Humain note : I don’t follow Boruto and I don’t read Boruto manga so I just slightly know about its storyline and community from Reddit. I don’t hate Boruto like most Naruto fans I know, but I don’t like Boruto’s art style. Art style is, uh, kinda big deal for me, I don’t follow One Piece for the same reason. Plus there’s no side character in Boruto manages to hook me into the series, and as I say I have no interest in MC. So CMIIW about any of my Boruto statements)
On the other hand, the strength of Naruto’s enemies are wildly inconsistent, resulted in Kakashi having unbalanced power scale, hence why he gets the awkward “five-to-five” nickname. Personally I think that discussion about power scale of any fictional characters is pointless, after all how strong or how weak a character depends on plot demands and author’s writing. It’s not like if you defend Naruto or Sasuke or others as the strongest being till your neck turn red you will get their power or even a glimpse of it. For me it’s better to discuss about characterization like why and how they react to different difficult situations, what is character’s philosophy and standpoint, and gained life lessons from them, something that we can actually get.
As for in Narutoverse...
Kakashi is stated outright as an elite. An experienced veteran. Not as legendary as The Sannin trio but his famous too.  it made him the only person in Narutoverse probably that was chosen to be Hokage not only by Konoha people, but by 4 Kages from different countries with their difference and disagreement.
So yeah, he was rated highly by people in Narutoverse. But since I’ve never see people in Naruto rated him high and be disappointed later, or thought that Kakashi is weaker than his reputation, I don’t think that Kakashi is overrated by Narutoverse standard. He always does his role well as Konoha defender and was mostly tasked with the strongest enemies that any other men can’t handle so dunno if Kakashi is ever getting overestimated.
Like that time Naruto right after Time Skip said, "Kakashi Sensei is inept at handling Sharingan than Sasuke, Cleverer than Shikamaru, Keener sense to smell than Kiba"...
If I remember correctly on Bell Test after Timeskip Naruto has not yet met Kiba, Shikamaru, or Sasuke in action, right? When we looked at the context, they’re in a hide and seek game to grab Kakashi’s bell, right?
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Naruto and Sakura did that conversation to find out Kakashi’s weakness on their version of tag game. With that context, personally I think that the panel are purposed to tell the audience that Kakashi is all-rounder. Most characters have a specialty in one certain aspect like Shikamaru with his intelligence but weak at taijutsu and Rock Lee with his taijutsu but weak at strategizing, Kakashi looks like he excels all of them. His ninjutsu, taijutsu, strategizing, and sensing by smell are above average, making him apparently has no weakness especially since they want to sneak at him and grab his bells. Well, except low chakra. And novel spoiler apparently.
(Humain note : Funny thing is, when I first saw that scene, I immediately thought that Naruto will use his Sexy Jutsu because, well, Kakashi is a “pervert” character and all adults around Naruto are being taken down by that technique. Perhaps because I saw that scene on anime and the segment when Konohamaru used Sexy Jutsu in front of Kakashi, Tsunade, Naruto, Sakura, and Jiraiya are changed. In anime, only Naruto, Sakura, and Jiraiya who’ve seen Konohamaru’s sexy Jutsu so the scene of Kakashi is more interested in his novel that the real NSFW content in front of him are not shown in anime. You can look at this post to see the compilation of Kakashi’s reaction toward Sexy Jutsu.) 
So yeah, in my understanding, Naruto just stated that Kakashi is “jack of all trades” while using his peers’ specialty to emphasis his point. Is it too hyperbolic of him, surely he doesn’t need to say that Kakashi is better than all of them, right? Perhaps, but in the end Naruto is Kakashi’s student and it’s not weird for a proud boy like him to say that his Sensei is better than his peers.
Is Naruto’s statement born from him putting Kakashi on a high pedestal? Most likely. 
Is Naruto the only one who does it? Not really.
Behold, genin Sasuke with all of his cute naivety. 
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“his speed is above Kakashi... Is he human...!?”
Now I understand why Kakashi said that he missed his cute students. At a certain point on their life, Team 7 genuinely believe that their sensei is the strongest ninja in existence, the innocent assumption that is of course untrue and Kakashi never ever claimed himself as that anyway. I once babysat my nephew who genuinely thought that I am the smartest human being on Earth and that’s endearing. Unlike Kakashi I shamelessly indulged his assumption.
Now he knows better and yes, I miss the time when he was still my cute duckling XD
Like Rikkudou Sennin complimenting Kakashi as a good sensei when in reality he did nothing for them as a Sensei in that Battle.
I had to look at the manga again because I don’t remember Hagoromo ever praise Kakashi to be a good Sensei, and indeed Hagoromo praised Kakashi for doing well at leading the team to seal Kaguya. 
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Which is ya know, things that legit happens in reality. Kakashi is the one who devised strategy to seal Kaguya and led Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura to their respective place in the role of sealing Kaguya. Since Naruto and Sasuke’s attempts are failed at that time, it’s not weird that Hagoromo crediting Kakashi with the plan to seal Kaguya.
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(sorry for the panel’s shitty quality, but I checked the raw and that translation is the most correct one. It still should be “Naruto and others’ teacher=Naruto-tachi no shi).
And here Hagoromo made his praise clear by pointing that although Kakashi is losing his way (mayoi, can be translated as confused, bewildered) he remains Team 7′s teacher and Obito’s friend. As Hagoromo said, that’s a big deal. Kakashi is someone who is certainly getting thrown in a fight that was way out of his league. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura surpass him on certain extend, Naruto and Sasuke overwhelmingly so. After what Obito did, forgive him is one thing but he saved his life from Kaguya’s lava and guard his body on goddess dimension. Just like Shinobi alliance when Edo Madara went rampage, he felt that the situation he faced in Kaguya dimension was overwhelmingly big for a tired un-godlike shinobi like him. Even Kakashi admitted that 
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Yet, he found his determination back after hearing Naruto’s declaration, He saw that his students and his friend are fighting so he must do his best too. That resulted in Kakashi tried to protect Sasuke from Kaguya’s Bone Ash, and then conveyed a plan to take down Kaguya just after seeing his friend’s death for a second time (and apparently receives his temporary eyes? I can’t even think straight after that bizarre event).
Kaguya’s take down is also partly happened because he didn’t lose his role as Team 7′s teacher and Obito’s friend. Yes, he passed his leadership to Sasuke and then the latter failed to seal Kaguya with Naruto, but when Kakashi said “he had a plan” all Team 7 members listened to him. Also he reconciled with Obito and was trusted by Obito to handle his Mangekyou + Rikudo power for a last time, and he used them efficiently.
That was admirable, at least for Hagoromo (and me).
How do you argue against people who say "Kakashi is not the person who is capable of understanding anyone because everytime he says something... The opposite happens" 
I made this post when people said that Kakashi is “emotionally incompetent”. Yes, Kakashi was always calm, elusive, and somewhat distant downright looks emotionless. But most of time he was the one who can say the right thing when the opponent has emotional trouble. So despite his aloof personally, I never see him having problem with understanding emotion, although it’s a somewhat popular opinion even among Kakashi fans. 
everytime he says something... The opposite happens
Ahaha now this is funny, because while misunderstanding and taking too light of serious situations is also a common trait of adult characters in kids media, that becomes hilariously bizarre when it comes from Kakashi. Why? Because looking at his whole life, that man is downright cursed XD 
For example, this scene : 
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When I see this for the first time, my reaction is “ah this is just the usual adult character doesn’t think better than to put Harry Potter’s detention on Forbidden Forest.” Because as I stated above, this is a show with kids as prominent focus, meaning that as per plot rule the kids will actually experience some crisis with adults let it happen in one way or another. At least in Naruto Kishimoto had decency to make the adults actually busy to tend the kids.
But on my re-read, I wanna shake Kakashi hard like “dude, my man, the love of my life, remember when you fought desperately because there has to be another way to save Rin? Naruto’s birth with the risk of Kyuubi getting loose? First C-rank mission turned into A rank mission? Chuunin Exam with murderous Orochimaru gang and Suna gang? Your life is compiled by THE WORST POSSIBLE SCENARIOS HAPPEN WHY THE HECK ARE YOU SO CAREFREE DON’T LET YOUR GUARD DOWN!”
Seriously! In all the clusterfuck of his life, somehow he has a weirdly positive assumption about future matters. Even McGonagall knows better and has this resigned acceptance.
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I start to think that Kakashi is in denial about how bad his luck is before finally he deduced that his hero for 18 years is the Harbinger of Disaster XD.
Like that time Kakashi said "Sakura is not the person to brag about her talents" but later she proved his own words wrong. 
Although in my opinion Kakashi is capable at understanding emotion, I am not saying that Kakashi always right in his assessment. Kakashi’s role as mouth-piece made fandom sometimes treat his word as absolute truth, but in the end he’s still an independent character who has his own mindset. That mindset can be wrong, just like normal human being who has no telepathic or premonition power. Of course, Kakashi is not an exception, neither is the only one. 
For example, let’s look at Hashirama. Unlike Itachi who knows founders era from legends, or Obito who narrates such a biased story about Madara to Sasuke, Hashirama as first-hand witness is more or less in same place as Kakashi regarding credibility of his words, at least about founders era, Konoha, and Madara. Of all Naruto character, only Hashirama who understand Madara emotionally, whereas from Tobirama to Itachi saw him as madman villain. So is that mean Hashirama never wrong about Madara? 
Sadly, no, and the poor poor Sasuke paid dearly for it.
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Our pure boy believed in Hashirama’s words and charged straight toward Madara, resulted in...
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*facepalm* Hashirama...
That doesn’t mean what Hashirama said is utterly wrong. Madara was indeed originally a kind man. Madara indeed loved his brother dearly. And Sasuke indeed has uncanny resemblance with Izuna. It’s wholly understandable that by Hashirama logic Sasuke has a chance to sway Madara’s heart. But seconds later Madara does the opposite of what Hashirama said. Does that mean Hashirama is not capable at understanding Madara? While Hashirama is the only one who take a thought on Madara at emotional level?
My point is Kakashi’s assessment is not absolute. No one is, not even Naruto’s. Kakashi is right about Chiyo who indeed still has a thing to do. He directly pointed out Sai’s emotion when the latter is unable too. But there are some situation when conditionally he’s just incapable to understand or predict, something that Kakashi himself admitted later.
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Btw, many people jokingly dubbed that scene as “Hashirama’s rose-tinted opinion of Madara led Sasuke to his death”. I am not exactly disagree with them. Many fans also think that Kakashi also has rose-tinted thought of Sakura, albeit those fans are mainly Sakura haters. I admit that Sakura is indeed Kakashi’s little princess and he adores Sakura like a teacher adores their kid student, so I will not deny that Kakashi maybe has a bias toward Sakura. But is it still count as bias when on other occasion he is “pro” toward his other students? Apparently so, since till this day we still can see opinions like “Kakashi is biased toward Sasuke, he praised Sasuke’s C rank jutsu Katon but not Naruto’s S rank jutsu Kagebunshin in bell test”, or “Kakashi is biased toward Naruto, he tolerated Naruto’s bratty tantrum everytime but immediately confined Sasuke when he rightly lashed out from trauma”. I’ve seen my fair share of Sasuke haters called Kakashi Sasuke wanker and Naruto haters called Kakashi Naruto wanker (-_-)
Well, as we can see, his assessments are either right or wrong depending on the situations (and mostly the plot). I personally think that Kakashi is right about Sakura at some conditions and is wrong about Sakura at another conditions, same case with his other students. I will not elaborate it on this post to avoid it getting longer, maybe another time.
(Humain note : another proof that Kakashi’s design is not suitable to be self insert. Of course there are so many other media MCs with kids in their care but mostly they’re low-maintenance kids who follow and sometimes downright worship the MC like little ducklings. Example, Konohamaru toward Naruto, that’s how you write kid characters for the MC. But Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura are definitely not the type of kid characters that an author wants to saddle to their self-insert character. Even as Kakashi fan who sees Naruto’s world in Kakashi P.O.V, every time I see Naruto, Sasuke, or Sakura hard fans who can just demand and critic, only see their fav’s struggle, and completely ignoring everything else, it strengthen my resolve to never ever have children. Or at least multiple children at one time. 
Oh right, just to clear my standing in case anyone wondering, I am neutral-pro about Sakura. I am also neutral-pro about Sasuke, Naruto, and characters that Kakashi cares about. Neutral period or straight don’t care with NaruHina, SaiIno and other romance in general except MinaKushi and ShikaTema. Anti Sasusaku, just thinking about them gave me headache. For me, Kakashi is a neutral character who assess both allies and enemies equally. It’s not like he is bias-free, but he seldom let his emotion affect his judgement.
Of all Naruto characters, I only hate Orochimaru, Danzo, and Kabuto in that exact particular order).
He said he could bring back Old Team 7 days but again, he ended up being wrong.
I believe he said that “soon things will go back to old days”. The “soon” he’s talking about is after Kakashi lectured Sasuke and Jiraiya did the same to Naruto. An assessment that was spoken first by Jiraiya and Kakashi agreed with him. They believed that they can fix the situation after they gave both Naruto and Sasuke a few lectures and that’s why Kakashi assured Sakura.
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Suffice to say that they both underestimate the severity of Naruto and Sasuke’s feud, something that Kakashi himself admitted later.
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I spoke about Kakashi’s possible thought about that scene in this post. Basically the summary of that post is :  
I think before Kakashi quite based Naruto and Sasuke’s rivalry with his and Obito’s rivalry in the past, and despite how dysfunctional Team Minato has become, their past selves in Naruto and Sasuke’s age never ever think of pointing deadly weapon toward their own teammates. Jiraiya based Naruto and Sasuke’s rivalry with his rivalry with Orochimaru, but even they as far as I know never go all out because of rivalry. Also, in the end Kakashi and Obito’s ceased their argument and work together when Rin is in danger, whereas Naruto and Sasuke are incapable to stop themselves even when Sakura is at the tip of their attack. Perhaps for Kakashi the possibility of himself and Obito pointed deadly attack in front their teammate and actively tried to kill each other and is unthinkable so he unconsciously held the same standard toward Naruto and Sasuke’s fight.  
The reason of that discrepancy is because the intense emotion and determination on Naruto and Sasuke’s feud is more serious than kid Kakashi vs Obito ever been, even when the latter is in the middle of 3rd Ninja War. I don’t think no one can perfectly understand them except Hashirama and Madara who are their predecessor. 
So, What purpose does Kakashi serves to the over arching theme of the story??
Kakashi’s purpose on Naruto story is :
- As a Sensei.
You are right, Kakashi’s most prominent role since his early design is as Naruto and Team 7’s sensei.
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(the order of character’s creation. The scan is blur so I can’t read the Chinese character. Perhaps someone has the clearer version?)
What is Kakashi’s role as Sensei? To teach the audience (in Naruto POV) about truth about ninja world. The gritty part, the sad part, the happy part, the fun part, Kakashi’s role was to teach and accompany MCs while they were learning all of that.
- Reasonable enabler adult
This role was shown ever since Land of Waves arc, but it truly shines in Kage Summit arc, when everything became so wild and everyone apparently lose their basic skill of self-control. 
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Minutes later he was orchestrating the whole plan so Naruto can safely meet Raikage.
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This is also shown in Part 1 when Kakashi allowed Sasuke fought while having Cursed Seal on a certain condition.
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I think that’s why although Kakashi is an adult character, he doesn’t feel like a “boomer” who disrupt the fun in fear of danger toward his kids, while still looks as a caring character who is certainly concerned about his students.
- As mouthpiece about Naruto and other connecting characters.
I don’t think I have to explain about this. From Land of Waves when he told Inari about Naruto’s condition till his last talk with Hagoromo, he spent his dialogue bubbles filled with his observation about his students. 
- Emphasis the tragedy of Obito’s downfall.
Yes, Obito is the Harbinger of Disaster in Naruto franchise, but he’s also a very nice and bright boy in the past. The best way to feel the full extent of Obito’s tragic change of heart is by looking at Kakashi’s p.o.v, because Kakashi is the only one in Naruto world who ever saw Obito at his brightest. Naruto is absolutely clueless, Gai didn’t think much about Obito, I remember Shikaku was like “So the fake Madara is Uchiha Obito that was supposed to be dead, well that was surprising. Anyway the plan is..” and Minato mostly felt sadness and regret because he was failed at protecting his student, but Kakashi.... Kakashi is downright heartbroken. In front of his own eyes his hero turned into an unrecognizable monster who brought suffering toward his students. His promise to protect Rin? He killed her with his own hand, and that brought immense suffering to Obito, resulted in the horrendous chain of event. His promise to see the future as Obito’s eye? What’s the point of that, turns out Obito is alive the whole time and tried to destroy the said future.
The poignant sense when the source of determination and life lesson that the Sensei role tried to teach the MC is actually the Big Bad brought different interesting sides of the Big Bad plus the Sensei role. At the same time, the plot was also used to develop Kakashi’s character so he finally let go of his past and lived for himself. Those all make the Tobito plot twist as one of a masterpiece in Naruto, at least for me. Now, you can say that I am biased because it gave me more exploration of Kakashi, and I am not denying it. It’s the first time I’ve seen the always calm Kakashi completely thrown out and since I see Naruto in Kakashi’s p.o.v, the sudden exposure of his intense feeling caught me out of guard and I just can’t help but to be hearbroken as well. Not just me, apparently many authors saw the beauty of that plot twist and made their own version of “Obito” to their own version of “Kakashi” character.
Example no. 1. Gintoki and Shoyo. 
(Gintama fans, Spoiler warning!)
Yes, Gintoki is an MC, but there are many similarity with Gintoki’s character with Kakashi’s character, like lazy eyes, aloof personally, in surface is a massive dork and troll, loves porn mags...
And of course, hard past.
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Just as Shoyo’s supposedly last moment is so bright in Gintoki’s eyes, turns out he was alive and becomes Big Bad.
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Resulted in Gintama fans having mixed feeling about him (I think, I haven’t pick up Gintama till the end because I was too saddened by the Shogun’s death).
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Example no. 2, Aizawa, the Sensei of Class A and his late best friend Shirakumo
(BNHA fans, Spoiler warning!)
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Well, turns out the “white cloud” (Shirakumo) turned into “black fog” (Kurogiri) although in Shirakumo’s case is by brainwashing.
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(Anyway KakaGai and ObiKaka fans can check out about BNHA rooftop gang contents, it’s kinda similar with Gai/Kakashi/Obito dynamic)
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For example no.3, I know that you watched Jujutsu Kaisen @captnjacksparrow so I will not spoiler anything other than Gojo-sensei has his own “Obito” as well.
Coincidence? Perhaps. But nice details nonetheless.
As for over-aching theme of the series for me...
Naruto part 1 theme : get stronger to protect important person
Naruto shippuden theme : Break the cycle of hatred
Naruto theme in general : mutual recognition and understanding
(This is strictly my interpretation so you guys can agree or disagree)
Those themes are things that Naruto as MC must learn through the length of anime. But adult characters like Kakashi? In surface, looks like he has learned all of them. He tried to get stronger to protect important people in his life and when his important people left him one by one he’s just stop...developing. But he still kept the lesson to protect precious comrades at all cost, something that becomes one of Naruto’s lesson in life as well.
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Kakashi’s character as veteran shinobi plus his nature to not held a grudge made him well-known and accept the hard truth of shinobi’s life, so he bore no hatred toward anyone for his misfortune, as I already discussed in this post. He  tried to break the hatred in Sasuke although didn’t succeed because of the little detail about Kakashi character that I will explain below.
For the last theme, mutual recognition and understanding...
This is when Kakashi’s getting tricky.
See, we know that mutual understanding is a big deal in Naruto. That’s how you form bond, that’s how you break the cycle of hatred, that’s how you get stronger in the process. In Pain arc, it pointed straight how can you achieve mutual understanding from this panel.
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“I am in pain, so I understand your pain, You know my pain so let me hear yours”.
This mutual understanding are supposed to happen both way. Both sides let go their defenses, bare their souls open, and show each other pain while at the same time listen to each other. In Naruto world, and even in our real world, the act of mutual understanding is often failed because each individuals are more inclined to talk about their own pain while ignoring other party’s pain, or in the worst case, when they already hear it, they pulled a Pain and said “yes you are in pain, BUT MY PAIN IS GREATER THAN YOURS!”
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(Humain note : considering my distaste toward Pain Olympic, plus the fact that scene is animated badly, I hate Pain for like a whole week and cheered for every blow he received, more than any villain I’ve ever seen. Yes, even Orochimaru) 
Iruka, with his de facto role as person who acknowledge Naruto, fulfills his role and did it perfectly) since the first chapter.
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Iruka admitted his own pain. He told Naruto about it, while making it clear how painful the loneliness is felt for Iruka himself. He empathized with Naruto, and at the same time, make Naruto can see Iruka’s pain as well and realizing that yes, he’s not alone.
Whereas Kakashi is...
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As Kakashi fans, I will say that the conversation managed to sway Sasuke’s hard determination and making him reconsider his revenge mindset. But also as Kakashi fans I had to admit that it honestly sucks compared to the talk Iruka gave to Naruto. Yes, Kakashi told Sasuke a liittlllee about his pain, but just to say that he understands the pain from losing. He doesn’t elaborate about how painful the loss of precious people for himself, and behind that awkward smile he tried to hide his pain from Sasuke.
There’s no way Sasuke can empathize with that. I found a comment in Reddit that said Kakashi should talk more with Sasuke, should explain everything and elaborate his point in the conversation, and I somewhat agree (although they said it in a not nice manner and I just wonder since when Kakashi is a therapist). Just like in Naruto’s case, empathy is important so the recipient doesn’t feel alone in the “Hurt” land and achieve mutual understanding. Kakashi is absolutely justified to keep his painful past as private matter and doesn’t talk about it to his mere kid student, but still, that’s why Kakashi’s talk no jutsu toward Sasuke is always failed, also his talk to Obito in Kamui land. Also that’s why Naruto told Sasuke about his pain because of losing Jiraiya toward Sasuke in the Land of Iron.
That’s Kakashi’s problem. When usually the failure of mutual understanding is because of the person involved just want to talk about his own pain without hearing the other, Kakashi is content to hear the other’s pain and provide support, while completely clam up about his own pain. That was sometimes enough to emotionally help others, but with that he can’t unlock the hidden rare S rank jutsu, “talk no jutsu” XD.
As far as I know, there are only 2 time in the whole 700 chapters manga when Kakashi laid bare his soul and tell the other party that, yes, “I am hurting”. And no, his “the situation went shit because of me” lament doesn’t count, because it’s his self-deprecation, not acknowledgement of his suffering.
The said 2 times are when he conversed with Sakumo and Obito, his Heroes who have the highest place in Kakashi’s heart.
First is Sakumo. In a weird way, Kakashi’s death is the kindest thing Kishimoto did to him, because that’s his chance to reconcile with his father without any interruption. Kakashi is highly secretive person, so when Sakumo said “please tell me your tale” and Kakashi agreed, I know that Kakashi will do something that he will not do in other people’s presence.
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In anime, they add a scene when Kakashi admits how painful Sakumo’s suicide to him, and it’s a nice touch. Regardless, he already told everything to Sakumo (sad that we didn’t see the storytime on screen, Kishimoto is too stingy T_T) and finally said that he understood his father just did everything he could have, just like him. And although it ended badly, he also understood the pain of already did your best but everything went to shit anyway, because he already told his tale and, considering him, complete with his failures to Sakumo. For some reason he wore mask in Purgatory, but still unlike with Sasuke he didn’t hide his emotion at all in front of Sakumo, solemnly said that he understood Sakumo and proud of him. 
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At that time, I, who saw Naruto in Kakashi’s P.O.V, felt a rare intense emotion from Kakashi for a long time after Kakashi Gaiden (damn that shit broke me good).
Then, Obito. Oh god, Obito. Not many Kakashi fans can’t handle Tobito reveal without going manic, I assure you that. Because in the dry land of Kakashi shipping so the most popular pairing is Kakashi with a guy whom he talks like 3 times in manga canon, Obito is undoubtedly a huge deal for Kakashi. And of course, his reveal managed to pull a glimpse of Kakashi’s plain emotion, something that I sadisticly appreciate XD. I love when character’s emotion affect me, but only rarely. I am weird like that.
Anyway, on their talk in Kamui land, Kakashi still tried to push the focus away from himself. Obito, you are this, Rin is this, Naruto is that. Even when Obito tried to talk about Kakashi’s guilt and suffering and how he doesn’t have to suffer anymore, he still didn’t talk about his own pain and just said that the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan can’t heal broken heart and how a heart can only be healed by people around you. And yes, saying that he was a trash is a form of self-deprecation so it doesn’t count.
Well, the talk was failed but thankfully Minato gave him a second chance. So Obito and Kakashi talk happened again with Obito started about how painful the loss of Rin for him and how bleak the world without Rin’s existence. Then, Kakashi did something that utterly surprised me.
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“It might not have been a mistake, actually”
This is certified as the most illogical statement Kakashi even said in the whole franchise. Why? Because minutes before Obito practically tried to brainwash the whole world, killed people left and right while taunting that the world has no future, and whatever other hullaballo he caused toward Shinobi world. To say that Obito’s action might be right is as insensitive as Naruto declared that Sasuke’s action is understandable when minutes before he tried to kill Kakashi and Sakura. Thanks that only Minato can hear it, he was already dead anyway and surely he doesn’t mind that Obito’s action that resulted in his death might be not wrong in Kakashi’s opinion XD
But really, I bet that Minato understand. It’s not coincidence that he compared Obito and Kakashi with Naruto and Sasuke.
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So Kakashi talks, properly this time. Kakashi opened up his soul and actually admit that, “you know, I understand your standpoint because damn, it hurts me so much so you must feel hurt like me too”. No sugar coating, no attempt to hide it with smile, Kakashi shows his plain sadness in front of Obito, to make Obito empathize with him. Thus, the mutual understanding is conveyed between Obito and Kakashi, and that’s probably one of the reason why Hagoromo praised Kakashi. Because in his attempt to stay as Obito’s friend, he got out from his comfort zone and did something that he has never done before, a.k.a, sigh, actually acknowledging his own emotion.
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You have no idea how proud I am of him at that time. That’s also perhaps why he suddenly said “I love you” to Team 7 in Kaguya dimension. Still doesn’t mean that it didn’t shock me though, and considering the meltdown happened after that chapter, I am not the only one.
Tl:dr = I firmly believed that Kakashi is the example of how to write good adult character in kids media. Yes I am biased. Yes I don’t care, my point still stand.
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beingatoaster · 2 years
okay so i know Zero things about it, but: genshin impact blorbos?
THANK YOU because this is absolutely my hyperfixation right now (also I will simply use your not-knowing as an excuse to yell more/link pictures >>)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Jean Gunnhildr, Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, a kind-but-strong blonde knight with a strong sense of duty and honor, and also, between her powerset (healer/hitter) and background lore (the Knights of Favonius are the military branch of a religious org), technically a paladin! It's as if miHoYo designed this character explicitly for me. I love her. She works way too hard and badly needs so many naps.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Razor, an abandoned child adopted by an ancient wolf-spirit and raised by wolves, with some later contributions by Jean's boss and her girlfriend the Favonius Librarian. Classic 'feral child does not speak good and has simple wisdom' but he actually has so much tragedy in his backstory and I love him a lot.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Amber, an incredibly sweet and energetic young archer who has the misfortune to be the weakest of your free starter characters and also your first tutorial explainer, but who is a very good kid and was one of the starring characters of the manga, which is how I was lured into the game in the first place, so a lot of people go "annoying starter character" but when I first met her in game I was like "a friend! a friend has appeared! :D"
...cutting below this because there are spoilers and also I got rambly
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
...aside from, uh, also Amber? Several, really, especially as the plot moves away from the Knights of Favonius which are my always faves (you know me. give me a religious-oriented knightly order and I am stuck there), but probably Cloud Retainer, who has gotten more plot-relevant recently but is still an NPC. She is a powerful bird-spirit who thinks of herself as a machinist/inventor (actual results are... mixed... *stares at the cooking pot thing*) and also adopts children at the drop of a hat.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Dottore, currently only mentioned in-game and only appearing in the manga, who runs terrible experiments on children, among many other evil deeds. He's one of the bad-guy group and absolutely the one I am most excited to see in-game, please give him to me miHoYo, I love him and I want to wreck his shit so bad.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
either Childe (another of the bad-guy group but also a friendly guy who happened to stab you in the back, loves fighting and in fact game-mechanics-wise you noncanonically fight him weekly which the fandom has a LOT of fun with) or Diluc (a rich dude who plays Batman on the regular, is your ally but also tortures enemies in front of you what the hell, honestly i think he's fascinating but also he attempted to murder his baby brother who's a second-level blorbo for me so I kind of want to dangle him over the plinko fire until he sorts out his many, many issues and admits that torture is wrong)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Ei, a.k.a. Baal, a.k.a. the Raiden Shogun (but that also appears to be how they refer to the magic robot she made to imitate her and store her consciousness while she meditates on the astral plane after having dissolved her body, and I very badly want to free the magic robot). Honestly her whole character + arc was done bad by the writers and most of my issues with her can be laid at their door, but from a Watsonian perspective, she decided to steal everyone in her nation's magic (which are supposedly solidified hopes and dreams) and sat in her mindpalace not giving a fuck while her decisions catapulted her nation into disastrous civil war.
I literally do not care how much trauma led up to that set of decisions, I cannot abide leaders who let their own bullshit fuck up their people and do not, like, at least look at the situation and acknowledge they did wrong? The narrative (again, victim of the writing, but she exists within this narrative) never even has her acknowledge she fucked up in any way. Jean Gunnhildr would not allow her own trauma to shatter the nation she cares for, and she's not even a god!
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
The Wolf was one of the first works of yours that I read. Truthfully I am open to just about all the canon pairings and rare pairings most writers use. It know it’s a little strange but I do enjoy Klaroline as much as I like Klamille. Mainly bc I saw TO first then VD. If you intend to avoid season 5 (my god the finale me cry), I have an Eve question. What she like as a teenager?
Omg, that's actually so nice that you're a Klamille shipper as well. I'm not 🤣 (sorry), but I'm all for ship and let ship and I think it's super flattering whenever I get comments from folks who loved The Originals and Klamille and still enjoy TW. :) It completely erases Klamille as a romantic pairing 🤣 But after a while I did enjoy writing them as friends a lot, especially in my headcanons.
I chose not to kill Cami (I think I wrote about that?) because I couldn't get myself to do it and I also thought it was TOO MUCH (Jackson AND Cami 🥲), so after finding herself in danger for the millionth time she makes the decision to leave in order not only to survive and stop being used as a pawn in a game she was never meant to be a part of, but also to learn how to live as a vampire. And she has goodbye scenes with everyone - Caroline, obviously, Elijah, because duh, and also Klaus. And her goodbye scene with Klaus turned out to be my favorite of the bunch! lol The irony.
Oh, teenage Eve! 🤣 I've been asked that a few times but I haven't given it a proper thought? I think she would be headstrong and determined and a bit cocky, maybe - she is Klaus and Caroline's daughter, and neither one of them is actually *easy-going* lol But I don't think she'd be like Hope at all, with that savior complex, or doing crazy things for attention. For starters, she'd never cause her mother's death. 🤣 Kidnapping her mother just to get her father's attention? Never. That whole family dynamic would be so different it's hard to even draw comparisons, tbh.
I honestly think that it *has* to be hard for a child to grow up in a family like that, no matter what. Obviously having Caroline for a mother, someone who's incredibly reasonable, down to earth and who had a good parental figure in her own life, would bring a totally different take to things, but there has to be some trauma associated with being Klaus' child and growing up as a MIkaelson, dodging danger every other day, getting threatened a million times before she turns two, etc. So I don't know, Eve would definitely need some couch time with a good therapist. Maybe she'd inherit her mother's insecurity, seeing as she's a mortal in a family of indestructible creatures and feeling like she's the weakest link? Or maybe she'd want to create a lgeacy all of her own that has nothing to do with the reign of terror the Mikaelsons had been building upon for centuries. I don't know. 🤣 POSSIBILITIES!
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rwbybutincorrect · 3 years
I have some suggestions for your RWBY pokemon AU
I think Absol makes more sense as a pokemon either for Ruby, or, what I think is more fitting, for Qrow. Absol in the pokemon world is considered a harbinger of disaster because of its ability to sense oncoming calamities, and Qrow considers himself a bad luck charm and his weapon is called Harbinger, so I can imagine it being like, his signature pokemon, and maybe Ruby, wanting to emulate her Uncle, catches one for herself.
I also think Ruby and Yang's starters make more sense swapped around, Blaziken fits more with Yang (a hot headed fighting type) rather than Incineroar (a Dark type meant to emulate Heels in wrestling I.e the bad guys). Incineroar also fits better with Ruby's v1-v3 colours, though I also don't think a fire starter would fit Ruby, I think Sceptile fits more, as it's a fast pokemon that uses its leaves on its arms as blades, which I think fits Ruby better.
I'd also pick Rosarade over Florges but that's just my purrsonal preference.
Now for Weiss, my only suggestion  would be changing Corvinkight with something else, and I'm thinking Glaceon. I love the idea that Weiss as a child finds an injured Eevee in the large family garden and secretly takes care of it, but her father finds out and forces her to take it back to the wilds, but while out there it saves Weiss from several Beowolves and in the artic climate evolves into a Glaceon which Weiss then adopts.
Blake, id replace Absol with Greninja for aesthetic, but otherwise I would change Gallade's past, Ralts' only show themselves to trainers with strong positive emotions, so I can't see Adam ever having one, but I like the idea of maybe Blake and Yang being helped during the forest exam at Beacon by two Ralts/Kirlia's who they then take (Yang saying its the sign of their new partnership), and otherwise I would change Gallade for Gardevoir for Blake and have Gallade be Yang's pokemon, since it's a pokemon with strong morals and I feel fit Yang better.
Now for Yang, and other than the previous suggestions of Blaziken and Gallade as hers, I would replace Tyrantrum with Hitmontop, storywise I'd say that, when she's recovering post Beacon and on her way back from visiting Summer's grave, she encounters a Tyrouge rushing headfirst into fighting a stronger pokemon and getting seriously hurt, so Yang saves it and takes it home to recover. Despite all its injuries it still insists on training, Tai seeing this starts encouraging Yang to train with it, hoping it'll help her out. As both Yang and the Tyrouge bond and train, learning not to rush headfirst into battles and to adopt a more balanced fighting style, it evolves into Hitmontop to symbolise Yang's recovering and training.
And thats just RWBY, I have plenty of suggestions for JNPR, Sun, Ilia, Adam, Salem's forces, STQR, the Ace-Ops, Happy Huntresses and Neo~
submitted by @ladydevoir thank you :EYES:
[for reference, this is about this post]
treating this like an ask because i assume that's why you submitted it, because of the text limit but :EYESY:EYES:EYES
my choice of absol for blake is because i knew about the lore implications of absol and thought it would be a tragic detail if an absol appeared before her trying to protect her from the travesties she's repetitively had to face. i might give one to qrow anyway because I'm not afraid of duplicates!!! i didn't think about any supporting adult pokemon teams quite yet!
i will be honest, the blaziken choice for ruby was mostly self indulgent :3 i love chickens and blaziken's aesthetic. notable moments in the anime stuck with me, like during xy's series when there was a vigilante "blaziken man" protecting luminous city - that's a big reason why i chose it for her, that kind of over the top kind of heroism i thought worked. as opposed to incenroar who fights dirty. early in rwby, yang is a very backhanded and not exactly noble kind of hero. just look at the "yellow" trailer, fucking shit up for self motivated reasons (good for her.) i thought it fit her! --- but i can absolutely see what you're saying with sceptile, that is another favorite of mine and i'd love to see her with a sceptile that could mega evolve!
roserade, yeah i can see that fitting too! i forget it exists sometimes- my bad - and i like the grass type a little bit more to some extent than the fairy type because ruby has less of an association to the balance of nature~ that fairies do
i like the glaceon idea a lot too!!! the concepts of potential and direct reflection of her cold home - not to mention it's my second favorite eeveelution :D corviknight, yeah, it's my weakest link and i wanted to add it purely on the basis i'd like the snow queen to have her knight - but i think a glaceon would be much cuter, considering she already has plenty of stand ins for her glyphs!
I'm also interested about the greninja for the aesthetic! I'm not all that attached to the kalos starters so i tend to forget about them a lot more, i leaned on the "dark" type for blake but definitely didn't consider the. actual ninja pokemon. but i also tried to hold off on giving her a proper starter because in this little hc concept of mine, starters come specifically from pre-huntsmen schools (like signal in yang and ruby's case). i liked having the narrative of some students being "othered" by lacking starters - a visual tool when displaying their teams that they didn't have the opportunity to start where others did. not to say greninja couldn't have been a wild encounter or something else - fun to think about and really fits!
i DID not know about the kirlia lore though, i thought it was pretty weak when i was coming up with it and that is so interesting to know. i enjoy the idea of a pokemon switching allegiances from adam to protect blake but with this new information, I'll probably rewrite it in a way where the bee duo's ralts evos are more exclusive to them :3 i do like your idea of switching them, though, i tried to switch them to divert expectations, right (yang being a bit more masc than yang yet having a gardevoir, blake having the more showmanshy evo) but i might switch them. or i can just say the pokemon are practically shared and will switch up who they're paired with by their own choice. gf things <333
the hitmontop concept is really interesting for yang! it really does fit her - and i never paid attention to the line because, i will be honest, it never aesthetically pleased me, but narratively it works super well. i liked tyrantrum because i loved giving yang dragons and i also thought if she restored a tyrunt herself, it would be a nice indication of yang's genuine intelligence and wisdom. i don't like people boiling her down to a bimbo, haha funny stupid lesbian, but i feel like people also fail to recognize her genuine technical and social intelligence that she's portrayed throughout the series. then again, a hitmontop could show that emotional and protective instinct and intelligence she carries. it's sweet!! I'm torn!!!
AAAAANYWAY LONG STORY SHORT thank you so much for your opinions!!! i love the feedback and second opinion. i did a little bit of brainstorming with few friends in our discord server and its nice to hear an unrelated voice's takes!
feel free to send us more ideas if you'd like!!! :D as of right now I'm working on (the original) jnrp's post, and have penny, oscar, roman, neo, emerald, mercury, and cinder's teams planned! (I'm not sure how to section them off atm so their posts are coming later!) I'm curious to hear your ideas for when i get around to these other characters
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byakugoseal · 2 years
⟶ SEMI-PLOTTED STARTER // @onusanbu​
It had been a few weeks since they had entered and survived the Chūnin Exams. There had been a single moment in which she had to stand on her own two feet in order to keep Naruto and Sasuke safe — but that still hadn't been enough; in the end, she still needed to be saved. The outcome had been weighing on her mind ever since she failed; the first week had been spent in quiet introspection. She was tired of reflecting back on all the times she needed to be saved, all the times she could do nothing. She realized that this path had started back in the land of waves when she could do nothing in their fight against Zabuza besides telling herself she was a true ninja. She wasn't, though; it was just a pretty lie she told herself over and over again. 
The time for wallowing was over. She knew the only way to get strong was to work on it and seek guidance actively — and who better to help with that than her sensei? It was by chance that she found him ❝ Sensei.....Kakashi-sensei can I — can I talk to you? ❞ She inquired after a moment, hesitation lacing her words not because she was afraid he would say no but because she was nervous about herself. She was nervous and uncertain regarding herself. Her history taught her that her mind was her greatest weapon, but she also needed to enhance her physical strength more than anyone she knew; she knew that she was the weakest link in their team. ❝ I want to grow stronger! I felt so helpless during the exam; I am always watching Naruto and Sasuke grow stronger and rely on them. ❞ She exclaimed, her hands curling into fists in front of her.
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❝ Could you please teach me some ninjutsu or anything, really? I know that I need to get stronger, and I don't want to rely on Naruto and Sasuke-kun forever. ❞ She stated with determination. Her dreams that were only spoken in giggles upon their graduation and team assignments were long since gone. They were childish dreams of a schoolyard crush. Now? Now she wanted to become stronger and make something of herself. Now she wanted to be able to keep her friends and comrades safe. After all, Ino and the others risked it all for her. That was a debt she could never payback. 
Finally, she stopped speaking; having said her piece, she would leave it up to him to decide. She figured that even if there wasn't a whole lot he could teach her as he has for Sasuke, even one thing would be better than nothing. ❝ I want to rely on my own strength from here on out. ❞
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clearnerdfire · 3 years
Lyric Starters from Better Things’ album:  Getting Worse
Getting Laid in New Hampshire
-you don’t make sense to me, but yeah, I should’ve seen past myself -I’ll never change -I don’t have shit to say to that -you know me but I don’t know you -what is patience? where should I draw my lines?
Exactly What You’d Think
-why am I talking in circles? repeating myself again -if everyone gets what they deserve, we’d all be fine -our dreams are in our sleep this time, and our nightmares are alive -everyone’s trying to tell me that I’m strong, but in all honesty I’m the weakest link in a chain of uncertainty -why does it feel like this life is over when it’s only just begun -stripped away and left for dead is not what I pictured at twenty-one
Casanova with a K
-I guess it’s just in your character to trust no one -even when you were with me you felt all alone -I tried so many times to make it better -I set your heart in my sights and thought that’s all that mattered -it’s not a lie, I’m happier now
25 Miles Per Hour Blues
-I try so hard to be heard -I’m so scared of getting stuck here -I can’t afford to take my time -if I get lost it’s only my life, and what’s most important gets left behind -I try so hard to be seen -I deserve this!
-how could I go when you’re all that I know -will I be sober when this is over -bad call, shouldn’t stand up to you -you won’t stop and my breath’s caught -help me to stay in this shit place we’ve made -it’s my fault -wanna tell you it’s over, but still need another piece of you
Named After A Kiss Song
-you’re still breathing, you’re here -I’m helping, or trying to anyway -really all I’m doing is being here -I want to help, but what can I say to erase the pain -I’ll be here as long as I can be -you’re helping me do better for myself -I’m not leaving -I am yours
I Hate You
-I’m broken and crying but you’re already over it -amazing little gift you have, this ability to move on -why do I miss you?  I don’t want to -you put me on a pedestal and I could never measure up -no, it’s fine, go away.  I’ll stay behind -gotta figure out the ‘me’ issues before I worry about the rest -I thought it was stable yet still I was not able to save myself from this habit -not sorry for being angry -I should’ve picked up the warnings
Stick That In Your Juicebox and Sip It
-at least I’m making progress.  maybe that’s enough for now -I’ll crack a smile, like there is nothing wrong -convince me that I’ll be alright -why do you think I’m standing here? do you think it’s just coincidence? -is this progress or just regression? -nothing to fear but my own reflection -I’ll be alright, I’m moving forward
Keeping It At Arms Length
-I can’t help but noticing all these little things about you -I know that you are scared -darling, I promise you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for -I’m not strong enough for you -this is really all about me, and the person I can’t stand to be -I am scared -I can’t trust your lie when you say that I’m stronger than I give myself credit for
This Particular Falling Out
-it’s not like you to care -I know plain as day you only say these things to make me go away -you made me happy -you have no integrity -what am I to say to you when I know what you’ve been through -you can never be wrong, and that’s how you’re wrong -you’re selfish and broken and you think that it’s healthy -this isn’t a shot at your grief, but living in the past won’t change history -how can you live with yourself knowing you do this just for fun
-there’s something new in the way that I draw in each breath -the first time I saw you, you were standing there breaking my heart -trust me I’ve seen better days -one day I’ll find someone stronger than you -I don’t have a burden to bear, I’m only looking for truth -I’ll say my prayers even when I don’t believe in God
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chicoriii · 4 years
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Made for @adrinetteapril​ Day 11: Video Games
Adrienette April 2020 4/8: Day 4: Hand Touches
Day 8: Hair Down
Day 10: Charm Bracelets
Day 11: Video Games
Day 12: Piano Lessons
Day 19: Rain
Day 24: Kwami Visits
Day 30: Ice Cream
I’ve changed my mind, after finishing my 6th art yesterday, I decided to do one or two more (maybe even three, but that's very unlikely) for this event, as I have few more ideas and time for that.
For people who prefer everything in one image:
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And there’s a full French version of this comic. Thanks so much @emsylcatac​ for the translation. I love you!
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There’re links for full resolution (2900x3600) in one image as I can’t upload as much big pictures on Tumblr:
English version
French version
It’s my first comic, not counting terrible Pokémon ones I have done as a kid years ago. That's my first and the best idea and the biggest project for this year Adrienette April. I knew that if Miraculous characters are going to play a video game, that's have to be my favourite series. Pokémon is a big part of my life since my childhood, it's been almost 20 years since I'm a fan (October/November 2000, I think). Although things I like in Pokémon franchise have changed over the years, it has began with the anime, now I can't stand it. And Pokémon is the reason why drawing is my hobby, I spend lots of time at drawing Pokémon and I have designed so many my own monsters (they're called Fakemon in the fandom) in childhood/teenhood, though most of them are terrible.
Characters are playing Pokémon X and Y versions, a pair of VI generation games released in October 2013 worldwide for Nintendo 3DS, they all are playing on 3DS XL, since it's the best version of this handheld available at that moment. It's the battle in early game, because I wanted to show starters in their first evolutionary stages. All in-game text is written in French of course (thanks YouTube videos and PokéPedia, French version of Bulbapedia). There're also French names of Pokémon: Marisson = Chespin Grenousse =  Froakie Feunnec = Fennekin
Froakie's moveset is: Pound Lick Bubble Quick Attack
The choice of the games is not accidental. Pokémon X & Y take place in Kalos, a region based on France. It's second non-Japanese-based region in the Pokémon universe, after V generation Unova (United States-based). Marinette is playing X version as its mascot is Xerneas, Legendary Pokémon of Life (part of Aura Trio), which is related to Creation. While Yveltal, Y version's mascot is called Legendary Pokémon of Destruction in the English version (in the original Japanese it's Death Pokémon, Americans are afraid of using words like "death" or "evil", Dark-type is known as Evil-type in Japan). This is why I have drawn Legendary Pokémon for the background, too. Reshiram and Zekrom of Tao Trio from V generation games would fit Marinette and Adrien too, since they are related to Ying and Yang, but they are not from France-based region.
The choice of starters is based on their colors, Marinette's is blue Froakie, Adrien's green Chespin. I know that Marinette is too smart to use one of the weakest Water-type move against Grass-type Chespin, but bubbles are too fun to draw. ;) Alya and Nino are here too, because I wanted to show all three Kalos starters, besides fennec fox fits the fox Miraculous user perfectly. She loves to pet her Fennekin as much as she can in Pokémon-Amie. Unfortunately, there's no fourth starter for Nino, but he's also playing Pokémon games, although his Kanto starter (which are distributed in Paris-based Lumiose City by professor Sycamore) is Water-type turtle Squirtle of course.
Earlier I also got some ideas for Pokémon x Miraculous arts, like designing Pokémon-based Kwamis or drawing Marinette and Adrien in the Pokémon world in more Pokémon-ish artstyle (and Alya with her fox), but there're always more important things to do. I'm not giving up on my ideas, I'm planning to make my Pokémon AU arts someday. At least I hope. ;)
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borisbubbles · 5 years
Eurovision 2010: 35 - 31
35. KEiiNO - “Spirit in the sky” Norway 2019
During the preshow I posited that "Spearwhil”  would be the Rasmussen but as it turned out-
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No, Tom NOT NOW!!! I’m in the middle of my sentence. 🙄 Wait your turn Anyway, it turned out that ‘the Rasmussen’ really ought to be called ‘the KEiiNO’. Observe this Michal-esque rise up the scoreboard:
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OutSzpak’ing Spzak. 😍 Let’s be honest though, it was-
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- COMPLETELY DESERVED TOO.  Fred was especially great, who delivered EPIC yoik solo that I am sure won KEiiNO the televote on the spot. 😍
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This particularly pleases me because I was worried Tom & Alexandra (who are both very good performers) would take the spotlight away from Fred, but no did the weakest link pre-show turned not only turn out to be the strongest one, but he was arguable the single strongest performer of finale night. SO PROUD OF THEM ANGELS. 😍 Let us all sing along
*cough* I said, “let us all sing along”
(k Tom, now is ur cue)
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A lot of the criticism from KEiiNO comes from your typical value-seekers who can only enjoy themselves in public if their shallow trash comes coated in a thick layer of novelty gimmicks and Deep Meaning, so they don’t have to admit to others and themselves than they tune in to have fun, like everyone else. There’s nothing wrong with novelty gimmicks & the like, but applying that standard to everything is taking it a tad too far. Sometimes, simplicity is key and that’s exactly what KEiiNO were: unpretentious, highly-addictive EDM adorned with epic yoiking. 😍 
34. Gianluca - “Tomorrow” Malta 2013
"Tomorrow” is, to use Gianluca’s own words, a curious delight: I always, always, always forget about it. Then I rewatch 2013 as I do at least once per year, and each time it’s like a Céline Dion song IT’S ALL COMING BACK TO ME and I’m in love again. 😍 “Tomorrow” is such a clever twist of the typical love song by telling the story from the THIRD PERSON PERSPECTIVE by an all-knowing narrator. It’s world’s merriest audiobook. 😍
Naturally, this works because Gianluca has TONS of charisma. He’s one of the most magnetic humans ever on a Eurovision Stage? 
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It’s hard to believe that he ages like the rest of us, I’d assume he was birthed fully formed and clothed, at age thirteen, in whatever rests at the end of a Neverlandian rainbow. 
“Tomorrow” could’ve so easily been one of those “Annoyingly Positive songs”, but because he’s so relentlessly jolly, Gianluca injects “Tomorrow” with limitless happy energy, enough to melt the polar icecaps. I am happy that I don’t revisit Gianluca between watches, as I do with others, because each time I rediscover him it’s like finding a four-leaf-clover. 🍀
33. Elitsa Todorova & Stoyan Yankoulov - “Samo shampioni” Bulgaria 2013
Let us continue with one of the most glorious trainwrecks EVER in Eurovision. 😍 Of course, this being the GOD-tier the severity of wreckage (aka the Sennek Factor) is even higher than normal. In the case of “Samo shampioni” the messiness began DURING THE PRESELECTIONS. 😍 Okay you may not remember or know this backstory, so allow me to enlighten you:
Okay, so *initially* BNT selected Elitsa & Stoyan and for some reason decided to hold an NF: They introduced: first a terrible rapbomination, second a boring ethnoballad (think Iriao + percussion) and then pulled out an experimental fusion of ethnic bagpipes, polyphonic singing and dubstep, which Elitsa openly pointed as her favourite. 😍 Obviously, the audience had to choose for the latter? NOPE The audience chose the iriao-esque ballad 😍 and in one of the most hilariously open displays of riggage, LESS THAN A DAY AFTER THE NF (and after Elitsa allegedly threw a huge backstage temper tantrum threatening to withdraw LMFAO), BNT produced a statement that was all like “well. we can’t send “Kismet”. 🤓 You see... it has come under our attention that... the songwriter from Argentina (lmao) can’t agree to the copyright terms we demanded of him 🤓but that’s fine because it means we can send “SAMO SHAMPIONI” instead 😊‘ <3333333333333333333333456789 who the fuck is Christer Björkman, fucking NOBODY that’s who. And of course, once “Samo Shampioni” finally got to Malmö it was an utter disaster. 😍 I say "disaster” in the best meaning of the word though. I LOVE when countries showcase their musical traditions, but Elitsa and Stoyan do it so aggressively, BLASTING the unassuming viewer with loud af bagpipe noises, following it up with a menuet of polyphony, a clarion of “AAAAAAAAAAAA-YUUUU” and a finale of dubstep and mayumaniacal percussion. “Samo Sampioni” was loud, abrasive, a clamour of ethnic noise but by the same token such a catchy, infectuous, delightful fucking BOP. No surprise it got jurypwned but it was well worth the effort. 😍
32. Nadav Guedj - “Golden boy” Israel 2015
Welcome to the Dicedrome, ladies and gentlemen: Introducing the man who put Israel back on the map after four straight NQs. But Nadav is more than just a Hebrew Tom Dice. 
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For starters, “Golden boy” is also the first time we were ever subjected to Doron Medalie (and also Imri Ziv but lol Imri), who is at his BEST here (apart from that moment when he brusquely shoved Cesár out of the way as if he were Krisse Salminen lmfao 😍): “Golden boy” has everything I could want in an uptempo party song: Drama, catchy rhythm, limitless fun, chanting, dancing and an absolutely ridiculous premise: sixteen year old boy gets wasted after fruitlessly flirting with all sorts of femfolk on his first night out. Yes, THIS
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is sixteen years old. 😍 But what I mostly love about “Golden boy” is the humour. Intentional humour is really hard to get right and “Golden boy” NAILS it for me. From self-deprecating one-liners, to that choreography to b-roll material like the sound effect of beer being pourn as Nadav gets further into the song, to of course the epic finale of “THREE MINUTES! BYE :selfie”. 😍
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A wild ride which, as serendipity demands, is topped off by Nadav kicking off a strong Israeli streak that indeed ENDS up with Israel winning the contest (with a worse Doron composition :-/) and him showing us around in Tel Aviv. Funny how life works sometimes, huh? 
31. Jessy Matador - “Allez ola olé” France 2010
Did you know “Matador” is Eurospeak for “SLAYER”?  😉
Speaking of EPIC party songs, I was looking “Allez Ola Olé” up for my usual ranking purposes and this song.. is one of the most successful Eurovision songs EVER? I am not surprised, because “Allez olla olé” OWNS, but at the same time random 12th placers becoming massive off-season hits <3
(yes I am aware it’s because it was the French “Waka Waka” but that’s even more hilar, actually. What on earth is it doing in Eurovision <3)
Anyway, “Allez ola olé” definitely DESERVES all praise it can get. ETERNAL THORN IN THE SIDE OF THE EUROVISION ELITISTS <3 it is of course the anti-Proud, being all rhythm and no story, literally having no purpose other than making people dance (which I LOVE doing to “Allez Ola Olé”... within the confines of my bedroom, with the curtains closed because I have the dancing skills of drunk JarJar Binks) and honestly, what a spectacle. 😍
It features, in order of ascending awesomeness, male twerking (gender equality <3)
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witty references to sex (which I don’t mind here because it’s clearly consentual, and therefore, healthy, ICKOLAS)
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“Je sens le truc monter/..😏 ALLEEEEZ 😱”. 
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A fucking HAKA????? (btw, the female backing doing a salute is also lowkey great <3)
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Actually, TWO HAKA’S????
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This song may not have relevant meaning but my weave flew all the way to French Polynesia. “Allez, ola, olé” is nothing less than fucking AWESOME. 
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In this update, we pay our final respects to Norway, Malta and France: Read more about them below:
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I don’t feel like this chart reflects my true feelings on Norway, because I like them a LOT more than what their average implies. They’re largely just dragged down by a few bad entries in the first half of the decade. Norway in the second half of this decade has shown a lot of promise and they are on my list of countries that I expect to win in the upcoming decade. 
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Malta are a very average Eurovision country imo. As you can see, they very often select songs that are not worth giving a fuck about, but conversely the few times that they do, they’re usually excellent happy-go-lucky gems. I could see them winning if they find that rare 1-in-50 entry (by one of their jesc winners preferably), but only if they keep internally selecting their entrant because lmao MES(s)C <3
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This is a really good chart for France and roughly what I expected. Not my favourite country but solidly upper tier. France really have reinvented themselves post 2016 and are reaping the rewards with generally higher results. I hope it gets topped off with another win soon. They deserve it. 
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