#//he's actually doing a good job of learning restraint these days
strawberry-barista · 2 months
What tarot card are you?
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The Devil Restriction is not so terrible a thing as you think it is. One must not always be shackled to be prudent. You could use a set of handcuffs in your life, my love. Shall I forge them for you? We could be tied together, you and I. Maybe then you would not want for so many things. Maybe if you were drip fed what you wanted, you would only focus on the next drip, instead of the wide world of things there are to want. You consume what you love, you terrify the things you want. You have chewed your way through your life and you are still hungry. The old woman holds out a key. The iron around your wrist is so very heavy.
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Curious on how the Pleiades interact with Flower of Nazarick Mc.
I've already done Entoma and Solution but here are the others! 🖤🖤🖤
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Flower of Nazarick Reader with Pleiades | Yandere Overlord
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Sebas Tian
“Master (Y/n)!”
“Oh hi Sebas…I seem to be in a predicament.”
“Master…how did you get yourself trapped in the wall?”
 I figured out I could phase through things but then I somehow just stopped…But I’ll get out eventually! I'll just be here for a while.”
“I see. Would you like anything while you wait?”
“Hmm, can I get a–”
He finds you oh-so-precious 
He just so happens to witness some of your weirdest and vulnerable moments
Internally he’s the happiest dragon butler there can be 
He absolutely lives for the times you first discover different parts of Nazarick
When you aren’t training or being babysat by Albedo you’ll be doing your own thing
Sometimes monitored by him and the Pleiades
And the way he’s bared witness to your general silliness is a blessing to him
As much as he’ll preach to Yuri about their job to ‘raise’ you right he too will sway with a bat of your eyes
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Yuri Alpha
“Come Master (Y/n). Lord Ainz summons you.”
“So early? Can’t he just wait a few more hours….”
“He’s already been waiting Master (Y/n). Please wake up”
“...Master. Master? I apologize in advance.”
Because the floor guardians tend to spoil you to bits no one’s all too keen on actually making you do anything
But with Ainz’s permission, she takes it upon herself to be some kind of disciplinarian
…a disciplinarian whose authority sways with her admiration
She’s well aware that you are a Supreme being in training 
So she regales you with tales of the supreme beings who ran Nazarick in hopes of inspiring your greatness
Any kind of decision or even a break in your casual tone with the Pleiades she’s swooning with a blush
She can’t believe her Nazarick’s flower is growing well and will one day be fit to rule alongside Ainz
She will personally take over anyone she deems too forward with you
Whether in disguise or not you happen to be way too flippant about your importance to Nazarick
So until you take the proper discretion to threaten those who disrespect you she’ll do it in the meantime 
With extreme prejudice
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Lupisregina Beta
“Ah! Master I’ve never tasted something so wonderful!”
“Gee, thanks it’s a favorite of mine back where I’m from!”
“Hmmm~Learning about my Supreme Flower is the best!”
“Ah haha, LP make sure to chew your food before you speak.”
“Ack-! A nickname I’m dying!”
One of the most fun Pleiades to hang out with 
Unless given specific instructions she’s all about fun
And she adores how you just want to have fun with her too
That often doesn’t mean being in Nazarick which means you’ll be going a little outside their perimeter
That’s where you’ll probably get to see just how little Lupusregina cares for anyone who is not you
You’ll have to stop her from turning invisible to silently slash away anyone who could take your time from her
She’s not good at filling in the blanks so you’ll have to be very specific
Otherwise, you might just find any place you visit to be a graveyard
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Narberal Gamma
“Psst Nabarel…you’re scaring everyone away. I’m supposed to blend in.”
“My apologies Master. It’s just these dirty humans dare look at you so casually I feel inclined to–”
“Right sorry.”
This whole pretending to hide among the humans thing has gotten on her nerves
To see Ainz be treated so flippantly by worthless beings no less
It doesn’t help when the prized Flower of Nazarick occasionally does the same thing
And while she might have the restraint to behave around Ainz
She slips a lot more around you
Glaring more openly at anyone who even looks at you
She won’t even let anyone put a friendly hand on your back
She’s breaking bones if they get too close
But if you bat your eyes and smile sweetly she’ll snap it back
She won’t apologize though
Not for hurting them or endangering their life
Disguise or not she refuses to accept lower-life forms even getting within your vicinity
But she can’t deny the pride and excitement when you allow her to wait on you
Taking a break from her stupid disguise to return to serving you makes it a little bit better
Though she much prefers you stay within Nazarick
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CZ2128 Delta
“Master (Y/n).”
“Yes, Delta?” 
“May I hold you?”
“Uh, sure?”
“Thank you, Master!”
She thinks you’re so so so so so so cute
She thinks she might short-circuit from cuteness
In her mind, you rival Eclair Eklair Eklare (The penguin Janitor)
If you give her permission to hold you she may never want to let go
But if it bothers you
She’ll settle by resting her head on your lap
Or holding onto any part of your person
She’s not as violent as the other Pleiades when it comes to protecting you but that doesn’t mean she won’t hurt anyone for you
If any creature divides her attention from you she’ll smite them quickly
And then try to get praise from you
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lucyandthepen · 10 months
(give me that) can't sleep love | cyj
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you’ve been managing yeonjun flawlessly for a few good years now, but there are just some things you can’t keep under control. the obvious solution? a blind date that skews towards the unexpected.
pairing: solo idol!yeonjun x reader rating: T genre: romance warnings: none! like the narrative has a swear word like idk once? word count: 3.5k 
author’s notes: yeah it’s not actually valentine’s day but we write for a completely new fandom because we simply have no restraint !! just kidding, i’ve actually been hoping to extend my writing for other groups, but i haven’t yet because i’m extremely slow and a bit fickle. this is my first time writing for anything txt, but i hope to do so a bit more in the future! 
if you like it, please consider reblogging to help spread the word!
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Maybe your mom was right. Maybe the entertainment industry just isn’t for you.
She’d actively warned you against dedicating your time to, well, anything involving the glitz and glam, but you just hadn’t listened. There had been good opportunities, great experiences you’d never get anywhere else. For the most part, your choices had helped that expectation become that reality; you’d met people not just anyone got to meet, and you’d definitely had a substantial amount of unique encounters.
Still, you were aware that the only reason you’d ever gotten the chance to taste a little bit of the high life was because you had Yeonjun on your side. Choi Yeonjun — the rising star of the idol world, with a better career trajectory than the guy who owned Apple, it seemed. His job was the access pass to everything you enjoyed. Unfortunately, your ticket to all the good things was also the key to your prolonged misery.
As his manager, you have a ton of roles to play — logistics coordinator, scheduler, alarm clock, wardrobe checker, and, on one unfortunate incident, last-minute make-up artist when the original girl had been a no-show. You were supposed to be busy at every turn, but Yeonjun on the job was something of a well-oiled machine, learning how to feed himself while you were on the phone and follow the line-up to the letter as long as he was awake enough to do it. It’s possible you could blame him for all the downtime you got that had led to the bulk of the problem.
Actually, you aren’t sure when it started or even how. Maybe it had happened somewhere in the middle of all his showcases and shows, sandwiched between the constant fever of communication and movement. Maybe it had come up in those hectic car rides where you’d spent a ton of time reminding him of what to do and what to expect. Or maybe it had grown with every time you had to wake him up in one of many lonely hotel rooms, with his head half-buried in the pillow to muffle the sleepy groans he’d use to respond to your soft voice.
Whenever it was, all you could be sure of was that you liked him. A lot. Maybe even with the time you’d come to know him, after all these years, a part of you was ready to say you loved him.
But that was the biggest barrier in the job, wasn’t it? Managers are supposed to stop their idols from dating, not want to do it with them. For the most part, you’ve been successful in holding yourself back from doing something stupid, which is technically the bare minimum for you. These days, though, you aren’t sure what it is; maybe you’re just on edge from all the work in this year’s promotional stint, and that kind of contributes to a weakened mentality, or some kind of wack explanation like that, but you find yourself more often losing your train of thought when you’re with him. Even without detailing the specifics to your friends and co-workers, they’ve noticed something was bothering you. They’d urged you to relieve yourself of your duties a little, maybe hire a co-manager to do all the menial stuff, but you know that’s not really the issue. Only one person — Sunyoung, Yeonjun’s wardrobe stylist — had managed to hit the nail on the head semi-accurately.  
“Look, I get it,” she’d said one evening, after she’d shooed Yeonjun out of the dressing room so he could strap on his in-ear piece and prepare for the stage. You were supposed to be running around like a headless chicken, making sure everything was in check, but you were just slumped on the couch in the dressing room playing some dumb shark game your nephew had downloaded onto your phone. “You’re tired. You’re lonely. You can’t even go out for a cup of coffee without worrying about Yeonjun. But he’s fine. You can relax a little.”
“I’m totally relaxed,” you’d mumbled, watching your shark devour a poor surfer on your screen. “I’m fine.”
“Then you should get out more. Leave all of this behind and meet new people. Go on a date. Listen,” she’d covered your phone with her palm, and you heard the telltale music of your game coming to a bitter end. “Do something fun. Go on a date, seriously. I can set you up. It doesn’t even have to be anything serious, ____________! Just do something not work-related for once next week, and get this toxicity or whatever out of your system.”
You didn’t have the heart to say no or the courage to admit that nothing really would happen if that date wasn’t with Yeonjun, considering how far gone you were, so you’d just agreed.
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Sunyoung had set you up for a Valentine’s Day date. Ironically, while the point was supposedly to get your mind off of Yeonjun on that day, he had a scheduled fan sign in Sinchon that you couldn’t miss out on. You had to pack an extra set of nicer clothes and a make-up bag that Yeonjun had eyed questioningly but silently as you’d entered the van.
“So how long is this fan sign?” He’d asked instead, immediately turning his attention to his phone the moment the van had started moving.
“Until six.”
“Then I don’t have another schedule, right?”
“No.” You don’t really ask why he’s curious; Yeonjun enjoys his personal time, as any celebrity does. “You’re free after. The van can take you home, or wherever else you need to be.”
He’d hummed appreciatively, fixated on his phone, and the rest of the ride is consumed in silence until you’d arrive at the venue.  
Yeonjun is whisked immediately into hair and make-up, and Sunyoung emerges from his dressing tent a few moments after he disappears inside, portable clothes steamer in hand. “Hey; did you get my text?”
You shake your head; you’d spent the car ride irresponsibly ignoring your phone, opting to gnaw on one of your nails instead.  
“I sent you the details of a reservation slot in this nice Italian place near Dongdaemun. Just drop my name and they’ll lead you to the table.”
“Look, I don’t really know if I want to do this,” you mumble sheepishly. “Blind dating isn’t my speed.”  
“Just go. It’ll be fine. If you don’t like him, you don’t like him. Just give it a shot. If all else fails, just enjoy the pasta,” she’d said with finality, bopping the nozzle of the steamer on your shoulder as she walks away.  
Yeonjun is out of the dressing room in twenty minutes, and even then, you’re not sure why it takes that long. You’ve consistently held the belief that Yeonjun doesn’t need make-up to look good, and you can hardly tell when he has it on, anyway. Still, it’s nice to see his stylist pushing his hair up into a neat, tiny quiff, and he’s changed from his standard white tee and jeans to something that resembles a casual suit. You guessed they did it for Valentine’s Day — emulating the coveted boyfriend look, and all that.  
“How do I look?” He asks you, right before you lead him onstage. His eyes follow your hand as you fix the front of his jacket quickly.  
“Great,” you reply. “As usual.”
“So until six, right?” His mouth is lifting into a grin that you can’t really understand.  
“Until six,” you confirm, now a little curious. “You got somewhere to be?”  
“Not sure,” he looks down at you enigmatically. “It’s my off time, so we’ll see what happens.”  
“Don’t do anything stupid,” you warn him, even though there’s no heat in your words. You know he’s not dumb enough to gallivant around doing things that will get him on Dispatch’s radar.  
He just laughs, giving you a small wink before he hops onstage, taking two steps at a time. The voices around you are drowned out by the screams that ensue once his fans see him.  
From then on, it’s just the same pattern for the next two hours — you, standing on one corner of the stage beside a guy from security, watching hundreds of girls in a line titter and scream and fall to their knees in front of the table where Yeonjun is seated at. They’ve all got albums in their hands, offering them to him reverently for a signature, and he takes them all good-naturedly, scrawling his name and some short, practically unreadable message somewhere around it while chatting with them about food he likes and what movies he’s into these days.  
Since it’s Valentine’s Day, a ton of girls come with romantic gifts — flowers, chocolates, goodies baskets. One girl even brings a large teddy bear, plopping it down in front of him unceremoniously and scaring Yeonjun into accidentally miswriting his signature. You and the rest of his management team aren’t really strict about prohibiting gifts, but Yeonjun refuses all of them — nicely, of course, but to the disappointment of many fans. Every time he says no, he glances at you, like he’s worried you’re going to tell him off if he says yes. You’d wondered once before if he was just trying to pin the blame on you, but you know he’s not cruel like that. Today doesn’t make a difference; he rejects people with apologetic looks as he gives their albums back, and you can see their dejection as they trod off the stage. The teddy bear girl had left the toy by the stairs in her disappointment.  
Yeonjun starts his closing ment at a quarter to six, and you tap the security guy next to you to remind him to bring him straight backstage after he’s finished before dashing off and ducking into the dressing room to change. You hear deafening cheers coupled with Yeonjun’s cute little goodbye! that signal the end of the fan sign, and you’ve just finished combing your hair back when Yeonjun walks in, idly patting his hair to see if everything is still in place.
“You look nice,” he observes casually, shrugging off his jacket. You try to avoid looking at him, even if his shoulders are so impossibly broad that you can’t really ever keep them out of your peripheral vision. “Do you have plans?”  
“As a matter of fact, I do,” you admit, unsure as to why you feel so guilty for saying so. You’re not dating, you have to remind yourself. And you’re allowed to go out after work.
“Meeting someone special?”  
“I’m not sure. Could be. I don’t know who I’m meeting, if I’m being honest.”  
His expression is unreadable; his fingers are twirling his marker in quick, hypnotizing circles.  
“Well, have fun,” he finally says, moving to hang his jacket on the back of a chair. “You should take the subway or something. Rush hour, and all that.”  
“Thanks for the tip.” His words sound pretty dismissive, but you’re not sure why you don’t just leave right away. Maybe you’re expecting him to say something, although it’s really more about what you wish he would rather than what he reasonably would, and he just continues to stare quietly, still toying with the Sharpie. “If you… need anything, just call. You know?”  
“I know,” he replies simply. “But I won’t bother you on a date. That’s just plain rude.”
“I’ll still answer. You know you’re more important than a blind date.”  
“Am I?” He looks amused. “Sounds like you take this job too seriously. Don’t worry about me. I’ll probably just go home after all. There’s a wildlife documentary I’m dying to catch.”  
You’re pretty sure you hadn’t meant the job, but you don’t correct him considering how that would out you. “Okay. See you bright and early tomorrow. Remember you’ve got a radio interview at nine, so can you please not stop by Starbucks before you go home? Please?”  
“Sure, sure,” he waves you and your nagging off, and you bolt out of the door, feeling kind of stupid and a little flushed.  
You take Yeonjun’s advice and get on the subway, except the first two trains Dongdaemun-bound are full to the brim and you have to squeeze yourself into the car of the third train by elbowing a couple of annoying teenage boys. The other problem you run into is that the train station exits are a fair way away from your destination, and you aren’t used to running in heels. You clip-clop your way down the sidewalk and hit every red light for the pedestrian crossings, much to your ire. At one point, you stop in the middle of the crossing and consider just storming back to the opposite end of the road and going home, but the subway station is too far away for that choice to make sense at that point anyway.  
By the time you get to the restaurant, you’re about fifteen minutes late and have to sit on the chairs for walk-in customers to give your feet a break. The guy at the front of the house has the decency to wait for you to catch your breath and even quietly point out that a lock of hair is stuck to your lip gloss before he asks if you have a reservation.  
You nervously pick at your dress and comb the ends of your hair as you follow him. You notice someone is already seated at the table, back to you and looking over the menu. You think about all the things that you want to say — sorry for being late, have you been waiting long?, I totally understand if you want to just leave — but there’s a weird nagging in the back of your mind that grows as you approach the table.  
Maybe Sunyoung had known you had a type, so to speak —lean, sharp, nicely dressed. Technically, that wasn’t such a difficult set of characteristics to find, but the fact that they were all rolled up into one package seated at your table, so similar to the guy you’ve pinned as ideal, was just kind of spooky. Even the fact that your blind date was laughing to himself at God knows what, alongside the fact that the way his angular shoulders moved up and down comically the way his would, isjust weird.
That, or…  
All thoughts of apologizing fly out the window once you reach the table. All you can do is stare, your ears ringing and your fingers clutching your wallet tightly. Your mind has completely disconnected from reality, and the first thing that tumbles out of your mouth is loud and a little crude.  
“Literally, what the hell?”  
All the guy at your table can do is laugh harder, clearly because he’s Lee Freaking Yeonjun, and he’s finding this situation sidesplittingly hilarious.  
“Yeonjun,” you hiss, your hand flying up and curling into a fist in an attempt to restrain yourself from grabbing him by the collar. “What are you doing here?”  
It takes him another half-minute to sober down, and he’s still chuckling a little as he answers. “Waiting for my date, obviously.”  
“Explain,” you demand, pointedly ignoring the looks couples from another table are giving you.
“Okay, but you have to sit down first,” he motions to the seat across from him. You pull it back and plop down onto it, gaze unwavering. He pauses, kind of dramatically, before continuing. “So there’s a set course meal, but I know you don’t like shellfish, so I thought—”
“I don’t want an explanation of the menu!” You shut your eyes, trying to block out the scene for a second. This can’t be happening. It makes no sense. “I want to know — wait, is this a prank?” 
“What? No, of course not.”  
“How are you here?”  
“I took the van here,” he says, once again elusive. “I actually thought you’d get here before me, but then I realized you probably had to walk a long way. Sorry.” He has the decency to look sheepish at this point.
“Why are you here?”
“I’m on a date?” He shakes his head. “What’s not clicking, ____________?”
“Don’t sass me. Please. Do me that one courtesy, if nothing else.” He watches you down your water in one go, still looking politely amused. “Did Sunyoung put you up to this?”  
“Actually, I asked her to rope you in.”
“Do I have to spell it out for you?” He looks incredulous. “Because I like you. I thought that was kind of obvious from the get-go.”
Nothing is making sense to you. Your head is starting to hurt a little, maybe from the situation, maybe from the cold water you’d drunk too fast. “How was it obvious?” You thought you had been kind of obvious, which was why you had attempted to stay distant and pretty aloof for the past few months.  
“I listen to everything you say.”
“You have to,” you point out wearily. ���That’s literally supposed to be our professional relationship.”  
“Yeah, but I wouldn’t have done it so well and so frequently if it were anyone else who were my manager,” he tries to reason, then continues when you look unconvinced. “And the gifts. I don’t take them.”  
“So, I don’t have a reason to not take them, technically. I just don’t because I don’t want you to think I’m accepting other people’s affections.”  
“That makes no sense. They’re your fans, so that has nothing to do with personal affections. You’re terrible at this.”  
“Okay, fine — but so are you!” His voice transitions into something a little accusing. “It’s not like you’ve been good at showing me you like me either.”  
He pauses, and for the first time in your life, you see something cross his face — uncertainty, maybe, or anxiety.  
“You do like me, don’t you?”  
The fire of indignant anger fueled by your initial shock dies down, and you’re left feeling a little embarrassed now. The entire walk here, you’d been torturing yourself with the fantasy that you could be somewhere else with Yeonjun on a date, but now that he’s seated across you in the flesh, you have no clue what to do or how to react properly. You toy with your napkin, but you feel his eyes burning into you.  
“Fine. I do, but,” you raise your voice a little at the conjunction; he doesn’t even take you seriously, choosing to look relieved instead. “But I’m not supposed to, Yeonjun. This is bad.”  
“Why? We’re at an old people restaurant. No one’s going to recognize us.”  
“Because I’m not supposed to go on dates with the idol I’m managing.”
“Be honest,” his bottom lip juts out. “Is that all you think of me?”  
Your lips thin out into a tight line; it’s easy to say no if you’re cheeky like him, but you’re pretty sure it’s easier to fire a manager for dating off-bounds than it is to cut off an idol’s career for the same reason.  
“Can’t we be, you know,” he points between the two of you. “Just us? Not manager and idol. Just you and me. Just for tonight. And we can see how it goes.”  
You hate that you cave so easily. You hate that you know you do because you like him so much. Your hand comes up to your face, trying to rub the ache away from your temples. A small, triumphant grin is growing on Yeonjun, like he already knows what you’re going to say. It occurs to you that after all this time you’ve come to know him well, he may have reached the same level of familiarity with you as well.
“Fine,” you mumble, and he doesn’t even contain his joy, pumping his fist into the air embarrassingly. “Fine. Just for tonight.”  
“Just for tonight,” he agrees. “Then we can see how it goes.”  
When you finally decide to meet his eye, you can’t help but laugh softly. He’s looking a little smug, and you want to smack him, or maybe just kiss him a little, but you just nudge his foot under the table. It doesn’t do anything to faze that little shit-eating expression on his face.  
“Don’t think this gets you off of waking up early,” you warn, but you never do get to threaten him effectively with just how soft your words are. “I’m still hauling you out of bed at seven.”
“As long as it’s you,” he grins. “And no one else.”  
“Shut up,” you try to bite back your smile, ducking your head instead to look at the menu when you feel it growing anyway. “Order your food.”  
You know he’s not looking at the menu even as you pretend to peruse it. Still, he falls quiet, eerily so, and you think he’s just staring until you feel something soft land on top of your hand.
Your eyes lift again to his face, and he’s still smiling, albeit a little more serenely, without that joking expression he’s practically trademarked. His hand squeezes yours tightly, and even when he loosens his hold, his palm never leaves yours.  
“You really do look beautiful tonight,” he says softly. “Happy Valentine’s Day, _______________.”  
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bonesandthebees · 2 months
Okay I'm on desktop because my mobile Tumblr is bugged and won't let me view profiles so I haven't been able to send any asks but I'm here now.
Spoilers for The Priory of The Orange Tree btw for anyone who hasn't read it yet (do it. Go in as blind as possible)
I have been reading Priory and was slowly reading a few pages at a time but because I was sick and getting used to some new meds I'm on (hurray for experimentation and diagnosis on the horizon), I found it hard to actually sit down and just read it but I did it today (yesterday? it's 2am) and holyy shit. I went from being just under 20% through the book to 51% (I track my progress with books w a Notion to motivate myself to read lol) in one day and read about 400 pages. I have just hit part 3 after Ead is exiled.
The world is so rich and the characters are so interesting and I can already feel the ideas I have for my own fantasy world and how I can improve on writing / world building from this since complete fantasy is one of my weaker points as a writer but I want to try my hand at doing one that I would maybe publish in the future.
Tane my beloved. I love Tane so much and as much as I love Ead and Loth's povs, I always found myself wanting to go back to her perspective and learn more about dragonriding and the culture of the East, especially in the earlier parts of the book. Loth is a pov I wasn't expecting but I liked more than I thought I did. Especially when he gets to the Priory it is so interesting to see the reaction of someone who believes so much in the religion of the Vitrudom. Also the Yscalin situation breaks my heart. I felt so bad for the Princess during her entire conversation with Loth.
Niclays is the only pov that I don't particularly enjoy. I like his personality and I find his backstory to be interesting but I'm just not as invested in his storyline as I am in everyone else's.
I have stopped myself from reading just to have some restraint and try to get some sleep but I am so excited to read more. Wish I had someone to talk to in person about it but none of my friends are as into books as I am or as fast at reading.
But overall I love this book so far and I am already planning on locating and devouring other books by Shannon, including Day of Fallen Night and her other series I believe the first book of which is called Bone Season? Anyway feel free to give fantasy book recs as I want more. Poppy Wars and Unwind are already on my list.
I generally like darker books but I also like romance from time to time (sapphic preferred but I am not heterophobic)
Splitting into 2 parts because this is already really long.
-Shark anon (it's me I swear)
shark hi omg you have priory talk for me I'm THRILLED
that is so much of the book to read in one day holy shit good job. usually I read for about an hour to an hour and a half every night of whatever book I'm on (although I was reading 2 hours every night with both priory and a day of fallen night bc I was so into them all I wanted to do was read them) and that's about the max my attention span for reading can handle before my brain gets tired
okay you ask for more fantasy recs at the end so I'll answer them here and then put all my priory thoughts in the read more below
She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan is less fantasy focused (although there are fantasy elements in it) but it's really interesting with the historical setting (1300s mongol-ruled China) and has incredibly fascinating themes and conversations about gender and masculinity and all that. there are both sapphic and gay relationships focused on in the book. it's definitely darker than priory with a lot more discussions around moral greyness and complicated characters. also, I actually liked the sequel to this one He Who Drowned the World more, although it was way darker than the first book and also made me cry. twice.
right now I'm reading a book called The Fifth Season by NK Jemison, and I love the worldbuilding in this one so much. the POV and narration in the book is done in a fairly unique way at certain points, but the world itself is really what's drawn me in. it's fantasy but in a darker way. the world of The Fifth Season is one that is constantly torn apart by earthquakes so it focuses on a culture that is used to the apocalypse happening basically every few centuries. it's just so interesting to explore a culture so deeply rooted in survival and doomsday prepping and there's also a very fascinating magic system at play here. there is a queer relationship featured in it (only for a part of the book), but it's not sapphic
also right now I'm reading a book called The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri. there's absolutely no reason for me not to be obsessed with this book, but I'll be honest it hasn't grabbed me quite like Priory did. I'm taking a break from it to read the Fifth Season so maybe when I go back to it I'll be more invested? but it's very good! It features incredibly rich worldbuilding with a fantasy empire inspired by Indian culture/history, with a somewhat toxic sapphic romance/dynamic blooming at the center. definitely a lot of potential for this one so we'll see how I feel after I finish it
okay now priory talk time spoilers under the cut
but yes the world is SO rich and all the characters are so interesting. the reason I wanted to read priory in the first place was bc I was trying to read a lot of royalty-centered fantasy to help me write rose, and then I just got completely sucked into the book itself. samantha shannon's worldbuilding is just so richly layered and complex but it never feels too dense to understand. like it's a Lot, but it all flows together so well
definitely agree with your opinions on the POVs. when I was reading I was mostly interested in Ead and Tane, and then Loth got way more interesting to me once he left Yscalin for the Priory. Niclays was the only POV I really struggled to connect to. I liked him a lot more towards the end but even then I still preferred the other POVs. I really like him as a character and I think Shannon does an amazing job with his arc, I just didn't click with him as much as I did the other three POVs
if you're interested in learning more about the East you'll LOVE a day of fallen night. we get to see so much more of Seiiki history with the dragonriders and the government and all that. actually adofn just gives you so much more worldbuilding in general which was incredible for me, because the world and history of the roots of chaos series is what has really roped me in. like I love all the characters so much and I'm usually a character first girlie, but I honestly would read about any characters Samantha Shannon wants to write about in whatever point of history in the roots of chaos world because I just love the world itself so much. but yeah adofn is incredible both story wise and worldbuilding wise (and tbh I think I felt more attached to the characters in adofn than the first book but that might be recency bias). you get to learn so much more about the East as a whole (not just Seiiki, but you spend time in the Empire of the Twelve Lakes AND another country not mentioned in the first book called Sepul), you get to learn about and see a ton of Hróth which is only mentioned in the first book, and you get to see a lot more of life in the Priory as well. it's just so so good you'll love it
I haven't read the bone season and I don't know if I plan to because I read the description for the series and it doesn't seem to be my type of vibe, but I'll consider it if I get through my current reading list (which is ever growing tbh)
so so glad you're enjoying priory so far I'm so happy that so many of you have taken my recommendation
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villainsandheroes · 9 months
Thank you so much for reading everyone, @cupcakes-and-pain has the first part here and we will both be making masterlists which we will link here after! Let us know if you want to be on a taglist!
CW: alcohol mention, drinking mention, innocent person hurt?, fighting, restraints, beating, a bit of actual whump in this one!
Legend was in a nasty and obnoxious mood. He had spent the whole day in a head wrenching hangover and had been causing little catastrophes all over the city to keep the heroes busy. They were sporadic and without a plan, and so far he had seen four of the heroes helping, trying to keep up and figure out what he was doing. Seeing them busy and running around helped with his headache.
After causing trouble in the park, he flew over to a small supermarket. Anger boiling under his skin as he wanted to scream at someone. He wasn’t like this often but when he was, people knew to get out of his way. He went inside, trying to figure out what he was going to destroy before deciding to demolish nearly half of the store itself. He didn’t want citizens getting in the way, doing a good job scaring them off. Soon shelves were falling from the mini explosions going off left and right. He was unaware of the young adult with headphones in not knowing what was happening.
Ox growled as they arrived at the store at last. Icicle trailed behind them, and out of the corner of their eye, they saw her preparing to use her powers. They didn’t want to bring her, but she insisted. Ox was fairly good at keeping Legend in check by themself, but no one’s perfect. They might need the help. And the kid had to learn sometime. 
The citizens seemed to be already out, and there were next to no injuries. No surprises there. Legend didn’t like hurting citizens. It wasn’t worth going inside since they could corner him once he left the building. 
Ox and Icicle were still assessing the area, however, that’s when they heard a blood-curdling scream, followed by a crash and silence. Icicle glanced at Ox, but they didn’t even think before running inside as fast as possible.
Legend was staring across the side of the store at a citizen who had been crushed under a metal shelf. He had instantly stopped the destruction and was going to check on the citizen, but when Ox came in he stopped. Suddenly becoming indifferent as to not show weakness. He took a step back to assess the situation as reporters and a cameraman tried getting into the store to find out what was going on.
Ox took in the scene, assuring it was safe to make a move, then rushed to the person’s side. They could lift the metal off easily, but they had to do it gently and slowly to make sure the citizen’s injuries wouldn’t be worsened. Once it was completely off, they threw the shelf to the side and scooped them up. The person went limp in Andi’s arms and their eyes slipped shut.
“No, no, stay with me. Stay awake.”
They rushed to the nearest exit, already calling for help and blocking out everyone else as Legend stared at them wordlessly, worrying silently. Unaware that backup was even there.
Icicle stared down Legend alone. She couldn’t even bear to look at the person, or else she’d fall into her own terrible memories. Things she tried to keep far away from her job and her life, only talking about it with fellow heroes while off-duty. “You monster.” She spat while moving forward, “You don’t even care about the lives you ruin, do you? You’re all the same.” She fired an icy blast without warning, attempting to pin Legend to the wall.
He ducked, anger bubbling back up. He rolled his eyes, grabbing a broken piece of metal. “Oh please. Like heroes are any better.“ He threw the metal at her head. “You do it all for the glory.” He stepped forward. 
They fought, but it was clear from the beginning that he was so much more advanced than her. Ducking, weaving, and dodging through her attacks, Legend was the superior fighter. Yet, something kept him from hurting her despite the fact he wanted to. When he got her in a successful pin he stared down at her in fury before shoving her to the side and spreading his wings as he flew off. 
He was slower getting home, sighing tiredly as he shut the door. He took off his mask and dropped it on the table. Taking a deep breaths before checking the news about the civilian. All he could find was information he already knew. In the hospital. Critical condition. Attacked by Legend. His hand shook as he threw his phone at the wall. Cursing lowly as he tried to calm down. Drinking again was a bad idea but it was the only thing his mind produced to get off the injured citizen.
Little did he know, Icicle was not content with how things were left. There was a score to be settled. A wrong to be righted. A villain to be stopped. She crept after him, keeping a safe distance. She slunk along the alleyways, trying to slip in unnoticed by the light, but she was able to follow him to where he resided. 
Watching through the windows, she saw him stalking towards his fridge. She slipped inside. It should be easy enough to catch him from behind, when he would be bent down, rummaging through drinks. With an icy blast, just like she had tried earlier, she pinned his legs to the floor. He wasn’t fast enough for her, and she knocked him out easily with some metal from the store. She smiled to herself. No longer would he be allowed to spread evil. And no longer would the others underestimate her, once she’d be able to show them what she’d done.
When Legend woke up, he was dazed. His head was aching, not from the familiar whiskey but something different. It reminded him of a feeling he had when he first became a villain many years before. Blunt object most likely. He didn’t want to wake up but eventually pried his eyes open, frowning heavily while inspecting his surroundings
Icicle glared at him from where she was leaning up against the wall. Straightening, she walked towards him slowly. “So, here’s what’s going to happen, Legend.” She spit out his name like a curse. “You are going to be nice for once in your life, and tell me what I want to know. After that, it’s off to prison. Behave, and I won’t be forced to hurt you.” She knew some heroes would feel conflicted over torturing someone, even if they were a villain, but she was only doing what had to be done. Legend had done worse, and he would’ve continued if she hadn’t been there to do what was right.
He raised an eyebrow. “And just how old are you? 17?” He yawned, feeling his hands in cuffs behind his back. Gently rotating his wrists as best he could. Trying to feel for any slack.
She seethed. Arrogant, vile thing. She wasn’t even thinking as she slapped him, though she smiled as she did. “I wasn’t lying, Legend.” Then she punched him in the gut, as hard as she could. “And I’m 22, thanks for asking.” She said sarcastically as he grunted while turning his head away, the same cruel smile spread across her face. It was nice to see a villain in pain for once. It was even better to be the one to cause it.
“You're welcome.” He spat at her shoe.
“Behave.” She took a breath. “Tell me, what are your plans? I’m not dumb, I know you had something up your sleeve. All those random attacks today, what did they mean?”
“Wouldn’t the pretty hero like to know.” He leaned back and closed his eyes. He looked far too comfortable for what was supposed to be a threatening interrogation. “Go ahead and hit me again, doll. You’re not getting anything from me.”
That was it. Icicle was not going to put up with this. She saw red, and before he knew it, her fists collided with his stupid face. Over and over, until she could finally calm down. His jaw was quite bruised, and she didn��t know if she could continue to interrogate him now. “Can you answer my questions? Or should I wait?” Might as well ask his input. He could lie, but soon enough this interrogation would be done, so it didn’t really matter if he refused to do it for now.
He chose not to respond at all. Wanting to cuss her out but think better of it. Not because he was afraid of any consequence, but because she was younger and she was Ox’s friend. He wouldn’t stoop to that level he knew other villains would do. He let out a quiet breath. He closed his eyes again while feeling blood drip down his face to his neck.
She interpreted his silence as either an inability to talk or a simple desire to stay silent. Either way, she was fine with it. It gave her more time to develop an actual strategy for an interrogation. “Have it your way. Oh, and by the way. I have no intentions of feeding you or anything until I get through all of the questions. So have fun down here. I’ll be back.”
Legend chuckled lightly as she left. She had zero experience. He thought it would be fun. Little did he know that she was a monster waiting to be released. 
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aces-and-angels · 4 months
Title: How Magnus Became Partner
A/N: another day in the windverse -this time with @saibug1022's blorbo, magnus bishop standing front and center. i've loved learning everything there is to know about this character and hope yall will enjoy reading their story as well 🖤 @choicesficwriterscreations
Characters: OC: Magnus Bishop (he/him), OC: Wind Velez (she/he/they), Gabe Ricci
Summary: Thea Vaughn became a household name after coming forward with allegations against her former boss, none other than Senator Austin Morris. Magnus Bishop, a head-strong, underappreciated junior associate at Jensen Legal, goes against the firm's wishes to take on her case.
Warning(s): Language
Word Count: 3.4K
read below the cut or...
AO3 link
Jensen Legal; Cincinnati, Ohio
“Angus, could you be a dear and take these files over to Debbie in finance?” 
Magnus groaned inwardly, barely suppressing an eyeroll that ached to be unleashed. Three years as an associate, yet no one remembered his name nor had the decency to delegate menial tasks like this to one of the many paralegals on staff. He took a quick breath, unclenching his fists hidden underneath his desk before taking the folders with a sickly sweet smile. “Sure thing, Magnet.” 
“Uh, it’s Margret, actually.” 
Magnus gasped, feigning shock. “Oh, my mistake. I’ll make sure to remember that for next time.” He didn’t spare her a single glance as he marched her precious files over to Debbie in fucking finance. Yet another piss-poor, sunshine-y day in Cincinnati. 
There was no doubt in his mind that he’d be swimming in cash if he got a dollar for every time he wanted to set fire to the firm. His restraint was tied exclusively to needing to make rent, not for any supposed comradery the firm’s slogan encouraged to promote. ‘Jensen Legal, where family is our priority.’ Such a priority that the founder’s son was named partner after only six months on the job. Richard Jensen, or as Magnus liked to call him, a fucking dick. 
The walk to the financial wing was short-lived, leaving only the mundane walk back to his office. A few secretaries he recognized sent him a small wave, occupied with fielding an endless stream of phone calls for their supervisors. Even if no one bothered to know his name, it was impossible for Magnus to walk the halls unnoticed. Standing at an impressive 6’4,” he easily towered over the majority of his coworkers. Warm, dark skin clashed with an endless sea of white, cold and unforgiving. Seen, but still very much alone. 
Loud chatter filtered from the break-room, stealing his attention away from his trek. “Turn it up, Craig. I can’t hear anything,” a shrill voice complained.  
“I’m trying! This damn remote– oh, I think I got it. Here-”
Magnus stood at the back of the crowd, eyes glued to the flat-screen television mounted high on the wall. ‘SOON TO SPEAK: SENATOR AUSTIN MORRIS’ lined the bottom of the broadcast with a reporter at the scene. 
“Yes- we’ve just received word that Senator Morris is scheduled to hold a press conference to address recent allegations of sexual misconduct made by Thea Vaughn. Ms. Vaughn is known to have worked for-” 
Even with his hearing aids, Magnus strained to listen to the reporter as a wave of murmurs from the room clouded his ears. 
“Do you think he actually-”
“-likely. That slut just wants-”
“-heard she got charged with a-” 
Frustrated, he pulled out his phone to search for a live stream, tapping the first link listed. The website lagged for a moment before the video began to buffer. He turned on the closed captions and watched as Senator Morris made his way to the podium. His demeanor was solemn but assured as he adjusted the mic to land right at his chin. 
“Good afternoon, Cincinnati. I stand before you today not as an elected official but as a father to two incredible children. Husband to my beautiful wife, Alison. And son to Jane and Peter Morris.”
Big fucking whoop, Magnus scoffed to himself. He watched the tell-all interview with Thea Vaughn. Anyone with a functioning brain could see that she was the wronged party. If not through her words, then from the hint of terror that marked her dusty blue eyes as she retold her story. Though perhaps it was too generous to assume such intelligence from his peers. 
“I’m sure many of you have read the awful headlines circulating online. Slanderous words printed right by my name. Cheater. Violent. Abusive. I’m here to set the record straight. Yes, Ms. Vaughn was a former employee of mine, but the allegations brought forth by her couldn’t be further from the truth,” Senator Morris spoke, putting emphasis on the word ‘truth.’
Loud whispers filled the air. 
“-so brave of him-”
“-must be awf-”
“-knew he couldn’t have-” 
Magnus pulled at the small ridge hooked behind his ear with the tip of his nail, shutting off his aids completely. The longer he watched the senator speak, the hotter his blood ran. Austin Morris, ever the devout Christian, quoted the Bible to turn Thea’s allegations on their head. 
“Love thy neighbor- and that’s what I did, folks. I opened my doors to a troubled woman. Shared a meal with her at the same table along with my wife and kids. But generosity can only go so far when dealing with someone struggling with addiction-”
Magnus’ expression crumpled with disdain. Addiction? She was charged with illegal possession of marijuana at sixteen, not found shooting up heroin in an alley.
“-my own personal funds, I am happy to donate $10,000 to rehabilitation centers located all throughout the state. I hope this money will aid those in a way I failed to do so with Thea. May she one day be guided back to the light.”
“Jesus Christ,” Magnus scoffed at his blatant display of gaslighting. Enough giving this waste of air his time, he had work to do. Shutting off his phone, he peeled out of the breakroom, ready to bury his frustrations in paperwork. 
A week passed since Austin Morris’ media junket finally came to a close. Everywhere Magnus looked, that prick was there, flashing his pearly veneers to the nation with shallow charitable gestures that surely cost him less than the price of one of his luxury Italian sports cars. The masses ate it up like candy. Senator Morris’ reputation was not only repaired, but improved. The latest polls showed a 35% increase in his approval rating. Thea Vaughn, however, was a different story.
Her interviews had been reduced to crude memes- the most popular one being a gif of her breaking down mid-interview with the hashtag ‘fake bitch’ on the bottom. Any sympathy shown online towards her was effectively silenced by an army of Morris’ fiercest supporters.
Raindrops clung to the window panes, remnants of the harsh downpour that recently settled into a light drizzle. But inside, a different storm brewed. One that involved an extra box of discovery and task sheet not meant for him, but his acting supervisor: Richard (Dick) Jensen.
“Make sure you file that subpoena by 4PM. Dad’s gonna chew me out if this shit gets delayed again.”
“Go file it yourself. My shift ends in twenty minutes,” Magnus said flatly, pushing the file back towards him. 
“Says who?”
“My schedule after you approved my early leave three weeks ago. I’ve got an appointment.” 
“Reschedule it. We’re understaffed today,” Richard explained, barely glancing up from his phone- too preoccupied with whoever he’s texting on the other line. 
“Bullshit. No one called for any temps today.”
Richard’s brow arched up. “And how do you know that? Actually- don’t answer. I’ve got a client to schmooze over beers at Jimmy’s, so get to- ah shit, not again.”
“What is it?”
“This Vaughn chick sent another request for a consultation.”
Magnus perked up slightly at the name. “Thea Vaughn?” 
“Who else?” Richard answered rudely, as if it was that obvious. Magnus brushed aside his tone, too curious about Thea’s meeting to care. 
“You met with her already? What’d you say?”
“What every other firm in the city has- her case is not worth taking.”
A flash of anger tore through Magnus. “Why the hell not?” 
“Because we’re not looking to foot the bill for some petty charity case that’s already on the losing side. Austin Morris has the media in his back pocket and the resources to bury anyone who touches him in a mountain of legal fees. Anyone with eyes can see that.” 
“Anyone with eyes can see that Morris is full of shit,” Magnus spat back. 
“He could be buried in it for all I care. Look, I don’t have time to listen to you preach on your soapbox. Just send Vaughn back out the door when she arrives. And file that subpoena,” Richard ordered, already walking towards the elevators. 
“Dick,” he swore under his breath, begrudgingly picking up the phone to move his appointment. He checked his schedule pinned on the wall. Friday the 23rd was marked as his day off. Hopefully Dr. Miller could see him then. 
He was halfway through Richard’s to-do list when the light mounted on his desk flashed red, a signal that someone was at his door. He glanced up from his work and saw Tina, one of Jensen Legal’s secretaries. She was on the older side. Mid 50s if Magnus had to guess. Streaks of gray poked through her auburn hair, smile lines creased the pale skin on her face, and she always wore the most ridiculous neon green jumpers. Out of everyone at the firm, Magnus tolerated her the most. “Sorry to bother you, Mr. Bishop.” 
“It’s alright, Tina. What is it?” 
“Thea Vaughn is in the lobby waiting for her consultation with Mr. Jensen. I already told her he’d be out of the office for the rest of the day, but she’s refusing-”
“Send her in,” Magnus interrupted her spiel. There was a rare opportunity right in front of him and he’d be damned if he let it slip through the cracks. Was it reckless? Definitely. Did he care? Not one bit.  
Tina’s eyes widened slightly. “But I was given explicit instructions by-”
“Di- I mean- Richard told me the same thing, Tina. Don’t worry, I’m just gonna make it easier for her to want to leave by entertaining a meeting,” he reassured, hoping she couldn’t sense the double meaning in his words. Fuck what Dick wanted. Magnus would do anything if it meant he got to stick it to that pompous, holier than thou politician.
“Alright… I’ll send her over to you shortly.” 
“Thank you.”
Not five minutes passed before his door opened once more, this time with Thea Vaughn at his doorstep. Seeing her in person as opposed to on the television or online forums was surreal. Magnus thought that after weeks of ridicule her demeanor would be meek, but she proved to be anything but.
“So I guess they pushed me over to you. Who are you, one of Jensen’s paralegals?” 
“Junior Associate,” Magnus corrected, brushing off her snide comment. Unlike Dick, she had a legitimate reason to be scorned. “Please have a seat, Ms. Vaughn.”
“Ooh, manners,” she praised mockingly, sliding into the seat across from his desk. With her this close, Magnus took note of the flecks of gray that swam in her eyes like tiny storm clouds. “Is this the part where you tell me to take my business elsewhere?” 
“No, it’s not. I want to take your case.”
Thea straightened in her seat, clearly surprised by his answer. “Wait- really? You’re not messing with me?”
“I want to see Morris behind bars just as much as you, Ms. Vaughn.” 
“Thea,” she said, more at ease than she had been when she first entered the room. “I’m sorry for being a bitch. After the sixth suit laughed me out of their office, I stopped trying to be nice.” 
“Believe me, I understand the urge. More than half of those idiots outside drive me up the fucking wall on a daily basis.” 
She snorted. “How do you cope?” 
“That’s fair. So, how does this whole thing go? Will you be working with Mr. Jensen?”
Magnus sucked in a breath, trying to find the right way to phrase his clear violation of Dick’s wishes. “Mr. Jensen has… delegated anything regarding your case to me. So, you’ll mainly be interacting with me throughout this process,” he answered. It wasn’t a lie. He did want Magnus to take care of it.  
“Oh- okay. Um, I’m sure he already told you that I can’t-” 
“He did. I can offer my services pro bono. You won’t have to pay anything.”
Thea let out an astonished laugh, Magnus’ words grounding her in the present. “Wow. This is… wow.”
"Haven’t heard those words from anyone else, huh?” 
“No, I haven’t,” she confirmed. “Thank you, uh-”
“Magnus.” He reached out to offer his hand.
“Thank you, Magnus. Really.” Her hand was small in his, but felt just as strong. As if a new surge of life had entered her veins. 
“Thank me after I win your case. Also- when you walk out of here, act pissed.”
Thea’s brows furrowed. “Why do I need to do that?” 
“There are certain people who know how this meeting was supposed to turn out. We need to keep up appearances,” he explained, side-stepping from the full truth of the matter. But Thea caught on to the reality of the situation.
“You were supposed to say no to me.” Her words were not accusatory, only looking to confirm what she already knew.  
“I was told to escort you out of the building, which I intend to do,” Magnus stated, rising from his seat. “You can either take your chances with me or go try to find another lawyer who is willing to give you the time of day.” 
There was a moment of silence shared between them- a beat where they each bore into the other, searching for any sign of hesitation. Finding none, Thea nodded. “Alright then. I’m in.”
Keeping Thea’s caseload under wraps proved to be more of a challenge than Magnus originally anticipated. Half his energy alone was spent on finding moments throughout the day to sneak in time to pour over her files. He couldn’t pass any grunt work on anyone else- so it was him who logged in the discovery, researched for any precedent that favored his case, and dealt with the arduous process of filing for a hearing. 
It worked for all of two weeks.
Dick stormed into his office, fury etched deep into his features. If he wasn’t as royally fucked as he was in that moment, Magnus would’ve reveled in seeing the veins bulge on Dick’s forehead. “Bishop, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” 
“Writing memos for Stanley’s case.” His unbothered attitude only enraged Dick further.
“Cut the shit, Magnus. I know you went around my direct order and took on that bitch’s case.”
Fuck. Act calm and bluff. Magnus schooled his face into a neutral expression, raising a single accusatory eyebrow at his supervisor. “Do you have proof? Because right now all you’re doing is throwing empty accusations at my face.” 
“You want proof? Fine. Here’s your fucking proof,” Richard snarled, getting right in Magnus’ face. He met his fury head on, refusing to give Dick the satisfaction of seeing him squirm. “Pack your shit. You’re fired.”
Magnus sneered. “You can’t fire me. Only managing partners have that authority.” 
A sinister grin spread on Dick’s face as he slapped something down on his desk. “Consider me their proxy.” Magnus glanced down at the document. His bravado vanished as he read what it was. A notice of termination, effective immediately. Next to it, a fountain pen. 
“What? You really thought no one would notice an uptick in your non-billables? Franklin wanted to leave you high and dry, but dad figured if word got out of your sudden… departure, it would reflect poorly on the firm. Not that I really give a shit. Now sign your severance package and get the fuck out.” With that, Dick slammed the door behind him.
Frozen, all Magnus could do was stare at the papers in front of him. He expected to be a lot of things- angry, vindictive- but numb was certainly not on his list. Maybe his mind had canceled out the whirlwind of emotions that were flooding his system- the first stages of grief coiled so tightly around his chest he no longer felt a thing. But all the denial in the world couldn’t change what was written in the fine print. 
His body moved on its own accord. An empty box slowly filled with the few belongings he kept in office: a handful of spare batteries for his hearing aids, his coffee mugs, and a framed photo of him and older sister, Vivian. Shit. He’d probably have to move in with her and her family. Figure out how to terminate his lease early- hire movers- find a new job- 
It dawned on him all at once. No more getting cast aside for promotions. No more shitty coffee from the breakroom or stupid requests from Magnet. And best of all- no more Dick and his receding hairline hidden with an equally awful side-part. 
The laugh that bursted out from Magnus’ lips was borderline hysterical. Anyone watching from the outside would think he’d gone mad. No more to-do lists, no more Dick Jensen. No more listening to generic hold music, no more Dick Jensen. No more bland chicken at company potlucks, no more Dick Jensen. No more Dick Fucking Jensen! 
Magnus scrawled his signature on the dotted line, officially marking the end of his terrible time at Jensen Legal. There was an undeniable spring in his step as he walked towards the elevators. All eyes were on him, an amalgamation of confused pity and intrigue pointed his way. And he couldn’t care less. 
The first thing Magnus did was drive to Raven’s. Hours later, he walked out with twisted locs landing just past his shoulders, its tips a vibrant shade of midnight blue. It was the first time in years where he genuinely felt like himself. With that out of the way, there was only one thing left to do- find a way to stick it to Austin Morris. 
McGraw Byrne, one month later… 
“Thank you for your time, Niel. We’ll be in touch.” Gabe shook hands with the latest person on the list of potential hires for McGraw Byrne. He maintained a poised smile until the doors shut behind him before letting out a tired exhale. The search for new partners had gone just as well as he expected. Which meant it wasn’t going well at all. Any quality candidates were most likely snatched up months ago during the summer hiring season, leaving a less than stellar pool to choose from. 
He was skimming through yet another resume when Wind bursts through the doors, newspaper in hand. “Put that file down- I think I found just the person we’re looking for.” A black and white photo of Austin Morris leaving court took up the majority of the front page. The article below detailed the Ohio-native senator’s fall from grace after being charged on multiple counts of assault, trespassing, and solicitation. 
“Is there a lawyer with an ad listed in that paper?” 
“You’re looking at ‘em.”
Gabe stared at his colleague, dumbfounded. “I’m sorry, but how is another criminal the person we’ve been looking for?” 
“He’s not- the guy who put him behind bars is. Anyone who can take out someone as powerful as Senator Morris has to be incredibly talented,” Wind explained with barely contained excitement, practically bouncing on their heels. 
“They’re also probably backed by a powerful firm. Not someone looking for a job.” 
“See- I thought the same thing at first, but then I looked closer into all the lawyers involved in Vaughn’s case. The person she hired wasn’t associated with any law firm in any of the articles I found.” 
“Don’t you think that's weird? Any respectable firm would be dying for this level of publicity.” 
Gabe’s eyes widened. “God, you’re right. So you’re saying-”
“Whoever did this was operating on their own? Yes, yes I am. And I think I just found him online.” Wind set their phone on the table, its screen on a LinkedIn profile. Gabe read through his credentials. 
 Magnus Bishop. 29 years old. Graduated summa cum laude from the Mortiz College of Law at Ohio State University. Work experience: junior associate at Jensen Legal. 
“We can’t take him.” 
Wind’s face dropped. “Why not? He’s perfect!” 
“He’s only worked as an associate. We need someone with more experience,” Gabe reasoned.
“Gabe- no one else we’ve seen today holds a candle to this guy. So what if he’s an associate? Sadie plucked me right out of a civil court hearing in Nebraska for citing tree law. Magnus Bishop took out a freaking senator. Tell me that doesn’t at least warrant a phone call to see if he’d be interested in coming to work for McGraw Byrne.”
Wind, always the one to root for the underdog, held an unwavering optimism in their gaze. Gabe sighed, having no choice but to yield to its intensity. “Alright, let’s give Mr. Bishop a call.”
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fullgrimdark · 1 year
song lyrics that are actually about father jezz ozed:
***What keeps mankind alive- Tom waits***
"You gentlemen who think you have a mission
To purge us of the seven deadly sins
Should first sort out the basic food position
Then start your preaching, that's where it begins
You lot who preach restraint and watch your waist as well
Should learn, for once, the way the world is run
However much you twist or whatever lies that you tell
Food is the first thing, morals follow on
So first make sure that those who are now starving
Get proper helpings when we all start carving
What keeps mankind alive?
What keeps mankind alive?
The fact that millions are daily tortured
Stifled, punished, silenced and oppressed
Mankind can keep alive thanks to its brilliance
In keeping its humanity repressed
And for once you must try not to shrink the facts
Mankind is kept alive by bestial acts"
***D.I.M - Enjoy***
"I won't slap the hand that feeds me
Nor will i make a ruckus
But when it comes to priorities
I just might be the toughest
Targets honed in on what i need
Thats just me being honest
Ill get there eventually
Regardless if they like it or not
[chorus]I'll be hanging around
And you can't really tell me anything
Cause I'm gonna do it myself D-I-M
Gonna do it myself
Im gonna do it myself
With a capital M
Gonna do it myself
Everyone has a lifes mission
It could blindside you at a moments notice
I don't have the budget
To make bad decisions
And I don't have the time
To forget about precision
We will all do what we must
At the end of the motherfuckin' day
Regardless of the motherfuckin' time
***Crucifire - Desert Sessions***
F-f-f-feeling high and tight as a wire
Caught out in the light
Crucifire (fire)
Put me out (fire, fire, crucifire)
I say burn, or put me out (fire, fire, fire)
Holy smoking in my bed
As we conspire
I bet she's going to my head
Crucifire (fire)
Put me out (fire, fire, crucifire)
I say burn, or put me out (fire, fire, fire)
Explosions in my chest
Strange supplier
If you got something to confess
I'm your crucifire
Put me out (fire, fire, crucifire)
I say burn, or put me out (fire, fire, fire, crucifire)
I say burn, or put me out (crucifire, crucifire, crucifire)
I say burn, or put me out (crucifire, crucifire, crucifire)
***Ritual - ghost***
"Tonight, we're summoned for a divine cause
Remembrance, no, but for their future loss
This chapel of ritual
Smells of dead human sacrifices form the altar...
Beduins and Nomads
Carried through the times
Through pestilences and famines
These ancient scrolls of rhymes
Our fallen angel vexed
Was banished from the sky
Recite now, from the text
And pray for all to die
This chapel of ritual
Smells of dead human sacrifices from the altar bed..."
***I wanna be adored - stone roses***
"I don't have to sell my soul
He's already in me
I don't need to sell my soul
He's already in me
I wanna be adored
I wanna be adored
I wanna be adored
You adore me
You adore me
You adore me
I wanna, I wanna
I wanna be adored"
***gods away on business- Tom waits***
I'd sell your heart to the junkman
Baby, for a buck, for a buck
If you're looking for someone to pull you uut of that ditch
You're out of luck, you're out of luck
Ship is sinking
The ship is sinking
The ship is sinking
There's leak, there's a leak, in the boiler room
The poor, the lame, the blind
Who are the ones that we kept in charge?
Killers, thieves, and lawyers
God's away, God's away
God's away on business
God's away, God's away
God's away on business
Digging up the dead with a shovel and a pick
It's a job, it's a job
Bloody moon rising with a plague and a flood
Join the mob, join the mob
Goddamn there's always such a big temptation
To be good, to be good
There's always free cheddar in a mousetrap, baby
It's a deal, it's a deal
God's away, God's away, God's away
On business
I narrow my eyes like a coin slot baby
Let her ring, let her ring...
(all of the altered beast/alter me series but mostly:)
***Altered beast 4- king gizzard and the lizard wizard***
You don't feel a thing in your sinuous head
No love, no pain, and no fear of dread
Your apathetic dispassion has made you distort
And your savoir faire is to kill for sport
You'd wound a small creature and watch it wiggle
And lust to feel so bad, that you'd force a giggle
So crooked and curled is your point of view
There is no other creature more malicious than you
I'm completely satisfied
My other life I will not miss
An altered beast until I die
And I will not give up on this
True, I went to hell and back
But it was so I could be this
An altered beast until the end
And I will not give up on this
I don't feel heinous
I don't feel no pain
I don't feel nothing
I don't feel anything
I don't feel heinous
I don't feel no pain
I don't feel nothing
I don't feel anything
Altered Beast protect me
I don't feel heinous
I don't feel no pain
I don't feel nothing
I don't feel anything
You're ruthless, and savage, and sadistic, and vindictive
And you find human flesh is incredibly addictive
But the longer you live, and the longer you kill
There's a void that gets harder, and harder to fill
The void that you feel within would suggest
That a canyon has opened up inside of your chest
And whatever you do, there's no turning back
You've reached the end of the cul-de-sac
Emptiness inside of me
And hollowness all around me
I cut myself to see it bleed
And now I don't feel anything
Insincere and trivial
The world is void of all meaning
And God is so less visceral
And now I don't feel anything
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Lawn Care vs Landscaping - Can You Do Both Full-time_ Live with MACK LawnCare.
 Lawn care and landscaping each have their own specialties, but can we do both? Being an expert in every area as an entrepreneur, no matter how big or small. Does it really seem possible to handle both simultaneously? 
That's why we invited Mack from MACK Landscaping & Lawn Care to share his methods with us. We'll discuss not only how he manages both fields, but also what he's learned over the years as a business owner.  If you are just starting out, he will share some tips that can be extremely useful to you. 
There is a lot to learn from this interview, so don't miss it . .
"If you talk confidently, then you can charge anything."
- Mack
  Topics Covered: 
  00:30 - “For me. Landscaping is mulch, shrub trimming, that type of stuff, the maintenance type things, and in small, like small planning type thing. So that's what we do.”
In this interview, Mack discusses how he runs his business and which area he specializes in.
3:12 - “Let's just say it's $500 $500.05 $100. Well, we just cut that $1,500 into monthly payments, and add that to the mowing price. So now if you're mowing, I don't know what that math would be. It's 32 weeks for 10 - 30 bucks. So we'd add an extra $30 On to the mowing price. And then that gets them. The shrubs touched anytime there was anything out of order. So then you never have to come and do a whole job. It's just you come to touch up the stuff. They still pay the same price if just carried out over the season. Right. So big lump sum payment.” 
He explains how they quantify maintenance, as well as how much they charge and how they schedule their work.
15:05 - “You have to be super detailed when the state is doing their investigation because every restraint or every injury or every car accident gets investigated. And you have to write it out like a police report. Basically, I ain't no cop or nothing, but I learned very well how to write out because the state will scrutinize you, then they'll bring you in, and then you'll get interviewed like real people. And there are real consequences if somebody actually got hurt or something like that.”
Keeping your business detailed is essential, Mack advises.
19:06 - “I've been telling people this for a long time because everyone wants to talk about door hangers and fucking yard signs and all of that. If you don't get on Google, you are shooting yourself in the foot. You're really killing yourself. All of my lead generations come from Google.”
Mac shares his marketing strategies for getting customers in faster and getting good ones. Visibility is key for him. You can make a video, post it on social media, and share it with the world. It will serve as a portfolio for you.
20:46 - “You have had to, in order to do all of this, you've had to watch some videos, you had to listen to something and everything like you got to get a little bit of knowledge. And then you can talk confidently.” 
Whenever you talk confidently, you have the ability to charge whatever you wish. Since the customer does not know the actual price, Mack explains that sounding confident and firm will make it more credible.
  23:52 - “When you tell them yes confidently we do this full time every single day. This is All we do, and so I can literally go tell the customer I'll be back in 15 minutes hop in the chair, can pull up my CRM, and make a well-worded highly detailed quote, like you were saying, or negotiate it verbally right on the spot. I try not to do that in a higher ticket job because you can make a mistake like you want to cross every T and dot every I, it's a little tiny thing that if you're not sure, and you're like, Oh, I'll cross that bridge when we get there. That could be $1,200 You're leaving on the table, or if cost you $500. So, confidence goes a long way. Because the customers can feel it, whether they can articulate it or not, it resonates.”
There's no way for the customer to know whether you do this on the side or once in a while. You should have the confidence to provide the customer with your best quote. You can get a big deal easily that way. Keep your head up and be confident.
27:26  - “And a good salesman will go in there. And they'll find the biggest window and only clean a portion of it, or the only clean one section of like the window that has the big thing, they'll just clean that one. And now the homeowner is sitting there looking at that, like, oh my god, now they have to do something. So they either got to clean it themselves or now you sold them, right? It's like the vacuum cleaner salesman that used to come to my grandma's house all the time, they would come and my grandma always wanted to buy this damn vacuum cleaner, because she gets to see at work, they will put this little white thing in here. And then they will use this hose and then have some black sheet on it. And she's like, look, it works.”
A person automatically places faith in you when you demonstrate your ability to do something. Mack's philosophy remains the same to this day.
34:05 - “I don't think about things very long. Like, I can't let me I don't know if I can, how I can explain this. But my attention span is sometimes in the middle of a conversation. I'll just forget what we were talking about. It happens all the time. So when someone tells me, No, I'm like, it doesn't matter. You know, that's just we're gonna get the ball back. And guess what? Because I set everything up. The ball comes in an email, like 15,16 a day. So what the hell is one “No” me you had someone you say the people dealing with confidence.”
When Mac sends proposals to clients, he sometimes forgets that people say no to him.  No matter how many rejections he receives, he keeps going.
    Key Takeaways 
“If you want to make more money in your lawn and landscape business, first you got to get customers but you got to increase the average ticket value of customers by raising your prices and knowing your worth you got to increase the frequency of transactions which is done more for them more often. How do you do that you got to have a customer follow-up and lead generation referral system in place, you got to do email marketing, you got to do voicemail blasts,s and stay on top of mine, and constantly follow and communicate up with them and turn that customer into a client into a raving fan. So that way like they're locked in and then get referrals. So you build that out by having just a little bit of strategy but being proactive and consistent in how you do it.” - Keith Kalfas
“If you show up every single week and you're consistent, you get people to give you some faster reviews and you get yourself on Google you create a website and have your estimate key right at the top so they can get it estimated immediately you get yourself a real business line, not yourself. Because you'll never know who's calling, you gotta get a real business phone. And then you gotta have your website linked to your Google when you let sign up all of these things. And then also on Facebook and Instagram, you have to be on them posted pictures of your work, them because this is your portfolio. If you don't hashtag yourself, people are not going to see your work. If they can't see your work, they can't validate that you're even good. And once they validate that you're good, you close the deal, they're going to do all of the validating that they need to do before you ever get in front of them or talk to them”. - Mack
Connect with Mack
Website: https://macklandscaping412.com/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mack_landscaping412 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063523690624 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUwROA0QmBFDxZ6DOuNQLCw?sub_confirmation=1
Connect with Keith
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keithkalfas/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thelandscapingemployeetrap Website: https://www.keithkalfas.com/resources Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@keith-kalfas
    Resouces and Websites: 
🙋♂️Get My Free Landscaping Business Startup Video Series Here👇  Here https://www.keithkalfas.com/Landscaping-Series
Landscaping Course https://keith-kalfas.mykajabi.com/store/8bFERMcs
LANDSCAPING BUSINESS  How to Guide: https://www.keithkalfas.com/16
Get Jobber: https://getjobber.com/im/ambassador-referral/?gspk=a2VpdGhrYWxmYXM4NTIx&gsxid=Rs6pwtznLDcs
Get Ballard: https://www.ballard-inc.com/
Check out this episode!
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storiesofthenight · 1 year
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I wanted to write a headcanon about Billy and I kinda got sidetracked and ended up writing a ton of stuff of which I hope it’s actually coherent even though I doubt it. Either way, read more because it got long. Proceed with caution.
Billy was good at school, he didn’t really have to do all that much for it, but he also wasn’t interested in grades. He just did his thing and got through without too much effort. The only thing he actually bothered with was PE and the basketball team as it was the only thing that actually brought him a sense of joy. 
Sports were always a perfect let out for him. It was a way to deal with the emotions roaring inside him that he didn’t know how to deal with. It was a way to feel strong, to feel untouchable and good about himself.
Quite frankly, the rest he didn’t give a damn about. Half of the people he was in class with, he didn’t even bother to learn their names because for him, Hawkins wasn’t a forever kind of place, rather a ... temporary prison he would leave as soon as he could.
It’s why he took the summer job at the pool, and why he even took some side job at the local garage to earn some money here and there so he could save up some. Hoping to try and get out of there as soon as possible, return to California where he had at least a few good memories.
But the longer he remained in Hawkins, the more he knew he was fucked. More than ever, he became responsible for Max. The responsibility put on him by his father who made it his hobby to remind Billy of it every moment he could. But Max was headstrong, much like Billy himself and didn’t let herself be controlled like that. She was the free fought spirit that Billy always tried to make himself believe he was, but knew he wasn’t. 
In a sense, it made him dislike her even more, but it also made him realise that he had to keep her safe from his dad. So he tried to do that in the only way he knew, not quite realising that it would have rather the opposite effect and only rebound on him more. 
Did he have to be a jerk to her? Of course not. But unsure of how to deal with these brotherly and protective feelings he had for her, he just pushed back instead rather than being the brother he could’ve been. Did he have to be a jerk to the gang? Of course not ... But he knew his dad, and he knew the reaction his dad would have to them, Lucas in particular. So, he again made the wrong choices, trying to keep her away from them, knowing oh so well that Neil would be far from pleasant to her or her friends if he found out.
He knew how Neil was. Having been called slurs his entire life and been on the receiving end of more than just beatings and insults (yes you know what I mean, my poor boy), he was terrified of the guy in so many levels. The last thing he ever wanted was Max to have to deal with the same shit and so he made the wrong choices in how to keep her safe and instead became a nightmare to her himself. But even then, he was relieved in a sense. Rather he than his dad ...
And then she disappears during a moment he’s supposed to look out for her. His dad gets home with Susan, asking about Max. Billy had already been edge that day, so he’d drunk. He’d drunk, taken some drugs and he’d been ready for a night out. But there is Neil ... shoving him against the wall and reminding him just of his place. Of how little he means and it breaks him again a little.
He pissed off at Max for causing him trouble, he’s terrified of his dad in case he doesn’t bring her home and so he sets up with the after effects of the alcohol and drugs still in his system. He finds out where she is and finds her in a house with other guys, guys he’d been trying to keep her away from for her own sake. And Steve, Steve Harrington that he’s been having dreams of on days he got drunk enough to take away his build in restraint. 
And Steve lies, says he hasn’t seen her. So his anger rises and he makes his way inside. He’s angry, he’s high and drunk and he isn’t entirely in control of himself. So he just does what he knows best, yell and push and make himself heard because it’s the only way he ever feels like someone might see him and listen for once.
The first punch is landed and while he’s both shook and out of his mind, he starts to laugh. Because this, this is a fight he can win. Does he want to beat up Steve? Hell no. But it’s a fight he can win, it’s like those fights against all those other people who have ever riled him up enough. And he didn’t land the first punch, so ... that gives him the right to fight back, something that he can’t back at home. He doesn’t cower in their presence and thus he goes ballistic. He starts hitting without thinking because it’s better to be strong and tough and an asshole than let out just how much he wants to cry. He loses himself in it, like he has so many times. High on drugs, alcohol and the rush of violence. 
When the needle is shoved into his neck and he’s on the brink of being knocked out, he stares at Max and he hates her for doing this. For taking away the high he was feeling, for ruining that moment of feeling like nothing could get to him. But nonetheless, whatever was in the syringe is enough to knock him out, bringing him a sense of blissful nothingness for a little while.
Realising his car is gone when he wakes is a nightmare. It’s one thing to be bested by his sister, but to have his car stolen too? It’s with fear in his heart that he makes his way home, knowing that he would be smarter to stay far far away from home. But he doesn’t, knowing that Neil will be pissed off either way. Better face it now than later, right? So, he takes the risk, anxiety building up with every step as he awaits judgement, knowing that maybe this time he won’t get through.
Billy’s forgotten most of that night, but he remembers being on the ground and wishing it’d just be over already. He remembers waking up and needing an hour to pull himself together, to get to his feet. He remember turning the doorknob and the door not opening, his heart sinking at the realisation of what’d happened.
It wasn’t the first time this happened, in California it’d happened before. Moments where his dad was pushed to his limit and would find a way to lock the door. Days he’s left to his own devices until he’s docile enough again. And he’s hoping that maybe for now it’s going to be better for a bit, maybe things will just ... get better again. 
And things do, somehow. He keeps himself on the background more, even during basketball training, he’s just not in the right mindset anymore, a little more broken and it needs time to recover from. But he’s good enough at pretending to be find since he’s done it all his life and thus, he does. He does exactly that and smiles it away, flirting with women, especially older ones. 
It feels safer, because they’re less likely to make a move, and even if they do, he can just let some steam off. Is it healthy? No, but what in his life has ever been?  So he sets up a date, and he rehearses to himself in the car, a smug smile on his face while inside he’s nervous as fuck again each time. After all, if you’re not into woman ... what’s to say that you’ll be able to do what you set out to do in the first place?
And then the car crashes at the steelworks and he’s suddenly pulled to the ground. The air knocked out of his lungs as he’s being pulled to those stairs and he tries desperately to cling to it. But he’d dragged further down and the monster takes him, leaving him even more terrified. 
On top of now dealing with an anger beyond the one he’s felt most of his life, he now has moments where he loses the control of himself. Billy knows fully well what he does during his flayed periods but he doesn’t get it. He knows the sun hurts him, heat hurts him and he’s feeling like he’s burning up all the time. He knows that there’s moments where the anger inside him goes beyond his control and he has the urge to just cause pain and he’s terrified because none of this makes sense. That voice in his head, that feeling of being trapped in his own body and mind. Seeing himself do things, knowing it’s him and also knowing that it isn’t really him. 
The more time passes the more he isn’t in control, the more it’s that other person. And he sees the kids and he knows they’re aware of it and he wants to tell them to stay away from him. To get help. To help. And he can’t because he’s not the one at the wheel. 
On the few moments he breaks free from the control, he’s left crying, begging, broken and scared not of his dad for once, but of himself, of that thing inside him. 
Starcourt Mall. The voice of El reaches through to him, reminding him of things long forgotten, a day on the beach with his mom before she’d abandoned him to the brutality of his dad. A day where he’s been a happy kid. And he breaks through again and once more he’s crying. The voice is screaming at him in the back of his head, and he steps up. For the first time ever he fights back against something that’s been causing him pain. And he screams as he uses all his strength to hold the monster back, screams out of frustration, screams at the realisation that maybe he’d had the strength to actually fight back all these years. 
His scream is cut short as the tendril pierces his chest and takes his breath away. Billy collapses as the monster dies in the background and he’s crying again. Not because he knows he’s dying. But because Max is right there, begging him not to go. And also, ... because he knows now that there’s so much he could’ve had and never knew because he’d always had the impression his dad was someone he couldn’t fight. But he’d just stood up against an actual monster, ... he was stronger than he’d always realised and he hadn’t realised until it was too late. 
All those years he’d been training, lifting weights to help himself feel stronger, to help himself feel better and more alive and good enough. And all those years, he’d already been exactly those things.
0 notes
k-dokja · 2 years
NSFW Alphabet — Daniel Park ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) —Very affectionate and cuddly, although, he often gets into a sleepy mood afterwards so whatever pillow talk you will have includes some incoherent mumblings while he fights to not fall asleep. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)  — He doesn’t really care about any body part of his in specific, whether if it’s the original or the additional body. Appreciates your chest and has a weird inclination for your shoulder and neck area. Nape though 🤩
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person) — Has no preference when it comes to coming outside but he gets more excited and intense if he gets to do it inside you. Gets extremely turned on if you swallowed after giving him head. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) — Has fantasized about taking you on the desk while daydreaming during class once before. Immediately has to slap himself out of it before anyone notices something is wrong. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) — Zero experience, never dated before and he wants to wait until he is in love with someone to do something about it. However, he learns pretty fast and he’s eager to please, which makes up for his inexperience. 
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)  — Likes missionary in general but he often tries to mix it up by throwing your legs over his shoulder. Also has a favoritism for spooning and any position where he can be in close contact with you. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) — He does have his lighthearted moments when the two of you are down for a quick romp. Tends to be able to brush off any mishaps pretty easily and laughs about it later with you. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) — Yes... all very au nature down there. He doesn’t think much about grooming but he keeps himself neat and clean. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) — He’s more on the loving and intimate side on normal days. Kisses you all over and showers you with praises at the first given chance. When he’s aggravated by something, he’s intense and focused, a bit feral if you will. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) — Once a week to relieve tension, gets more frequent after he begins to develop serious feelings for you. He does it less after the two of you get intimate though since he finds that it’s more satisfying to be with you. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) — Restraints but without actual ropes or cuffs involved, just doing it with his own hands/body. Enjoys doing it in the water... bath, pool, shower. Maybe less of the last one because he’s worried about accidents. Also if you ever offered him a boob job... who is he to deny you? 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do) — I mean... as long as there’s a comfortable surface AND privacy, he’s open to the idea. Can’t do anywhere public, however. Mostly because he’d be too worried about getting discovered that he can’t get turned on.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) — It takes little to get him going, kiss his neck, give him teasing touches. Sometimes a slip of bare skin gets him hot and bothered, he feels very juvenile about it so he often doesn’t act on it. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) — Aside from the usual unsanitary ones, he would not do anything to hurt you. Roleplaying is also pretty weird for him. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) — Is pretty good at receiving once he learned. While he prefers receiving, it’s overshadowed by literally every other aspects. He often has a hand set behind your head whenever you go down on him, tends to buck into your mouth a little whenever he’s close to coming but he tries his best to be nice.  
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) — He’s versatile, babey. Can go however you want, but has a small preference for switching up paces during the do. He likes to keep it exciting and unpredictable.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) — Doesn’t really like to do it often because he can’t take his time worshipping you. However, if you want to do it, there’s a very low chance he’d resist any of your advance... he’s weak to you. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) — Pretty receptive to experimenting with you and often recovers quickly if anything goes wrong. But once he has a set way of doing things, he prefers sticking with what he knows far more. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) — *slaps the car* This baby boy can go for so long. His original body isn’t as durable but the perk of having two bodies is that once one tapped out, the other can step in. Has amazing control later on in your relationship but he does get excited too fast early on. 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) — Doesn’t own any toys, he’s a bit shy about it + likes to think he can pleasure you without needing assistance. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) — Very generous and rarely does any teasing intentionally. He might edge you accidentally though, so that’s a thing you’ll have to deal with. 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) — This is another reason why he can’t do this in public. A lot of moans and grunts from him, he also suddenly has a religious experience in the middle of it and begins to say a lot of “Oh god” and “God, I love you.” It’s very weird. 
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) — After the first time the two of you did it together in the bath, he has this 🥺 face whenever you go to shower afterwards. If you acknowledged it, he will continue to be like 🥺👉👈 can I join? And yes, he didn’t join just to shower.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) — He’s surprisingly consistent for both bodies? Decent girth with above average length. He’s more of a grower and a shower. The only difference is his taller body has more prominent veins. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) — He’s good with at least once or twice weekly but if you’re down to clown on the daily, he doesn’t mind switching it up. 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) — Can knock out in ten minutes given the chance, but because of his two bodies, he can continue to stay up with you in the other body if you want. 
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mahalshairyballs · 2 years
Since apparently I have more likes here than on Twitter even after I was AWOL for 3 years.
I'll do my thoughts and metas here.
So Jake.
I hope we'll see Jake be more "normal", I.e not just be a killer, in later episodes. I don't want one of Marc's alters to be a "villain" for multiple reasons.
1. They've done such a good job representing DID so far and mental health, that'd kinda ruin it if it turns out one of the alters is just "the killer" and do like Split and others like that . I have faith they won't do that though.
2. Even in the comics Jake is his own person and I just want to admire even more of Oscar's acting range.
Jake might be more violent and have less moral restraints than Marc and Steven, but that's not all he is.
Marc would need to sit down and have a pretty serious conversation with Jake but I don't think he'd be the "hidden villain" as some theorized.
3. Marc can't "defeat" Jake. And he can't be "cured" from his DID (and I really hope they won't go there since it'd be very OOC and ableist) so he'd have to live with an alter he can't control who could kill every time they're fronting. That'd make the Moonknight system into not much of a hero. Which again would be OOC and ableist.
4. That'd also explain the "asking out" scene. As much as people are now retroactively trying to find 'Jake' everywhere, I think there were a few places where it was actually Jake:
a) It is indeed him who asked out Dylan (because I don't see Marc using a fake British accent just to work a day at the giftshop. And Steven had no idea).
b) first switch in the alps when Steven came back with dead bodies all around him. Marc doesn't kill like that (and there were civilians in these casualties) and we got a strong signal that it is Jake's modus operandi in episode 3.
But that's about it for us having seen Jake so far. I don't think he was there in any other significant scene. He could be the one better with women, and have a (maybe slightly different) British accent too if he's such a new alter that Marc doesn't know about him.
One theory I liked though is that Jake is called at the forefront in desperate situations. He's the "last resort" guy, he's the real protector alter. I think he killed those two guys in episode 3 because they were about to kill Marc. After knocking Marc out, the guys brought him to a secluded place to kill him and throw his body somewhere, so Jake was called to front to save them.
Another theory I've seen floating around is that it was Jake who killed Layla's father. I'm not sure how I feel about that one. I'm not too fond of it. Because again, not making an alter into a villain thanks. And in the comics Marc tried to prevent the killing of the archeologists and that's how he got killed himself. I know they'll deviate from the comics with that story but not by that much if we follow the hints we've had so far. Marc (or the system) is definitely involved in Layla's father's death, but we don't know how yet and I don't know myself how I want it to be.
I think it's even possible that Jake would be the main alter we see in episode 4. If we follow the pattern of learning to know each alter in different episode.
And lastly, why didn't Khonshu tell the system that they had another alter? Well because Jake never said "Hi I'm Jake" to Khonshu ? XD Maybe Khonshu does know and didn't tell Marc (because remember Khonshu is indeed a dick) or maybe he thought it was still Marc. Either way, Khonshu doesn't have any incentive to tell anyone since Jake seems to do what Khonshu wants way more willingly than the other two.
So that's my thoughts.
Tl; Dr
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Wanna Make Me Their Queen
Summary: Adrien was raised to fill the role of King. Gabriel spared no expense to give Adrien the best tutors his influence and wealth could buy to make sure that the Agreste, and no other, embodied the role of King to perfection.
There was only one problem: Adrien hated it.
Notes: Based on the BAMF Royalty AU post by @paperstarwriters (IDK if you know anything about these characters. Hopefully, it's still intelligible 😅. I'm just experimenting with this really.
Adrien held himself with dignified restraint, smiling blandly at the assembled citizens as he recited word for word the speech he rehearsed. Not a line of the drivel was filled with any of his own thoughts.
The applause that followed Adrien off stage filled him with no satisfaction. From the perpetual scowl on Gabriel's face the same was true of his father.
"What was that?" King Gabriel demanded. "I thought you understood what was expected of you."
Adrien held his expression in a carefully crafted mask of remorse his tutors told him made the other party feel it was actually their fault. And in this case it was. "I performed the prepared material exactly as instructed, Father. I-"
"King Gabriel!" Said King clenched his fist behind his back. "I expect you to address me accordingly."
Bowing slightly, Adrien mimicked the mannerisms of that one Baron that Gabriel couldn't stand as he held his right fist over his heart. "Of course, my King."
"The coronation is in a month! I cannot have you messing up when we are so close! I will have words with your tutors about this."
Adrien resisted reminding his father that, as Prince, his training was supposed to be personally overseen by the King himself. Not handed over to others.
"I don't have time for this. The council is expecting me so that we may discuss important matters."
Case in point, it was generally protocol for the Prince to sit in at these meetings so they could learn how to run the nation. But Adrien was never invited. Gods forbid he actually learn how to do his job.
The irony probably went over his father's head as Gabriel stalked off.
"... I think that's enough nonsense for one day," Adrien said to no one in particular. Heading over to practice the singular art of Kingship he actually enjoyed: swordplay.
Fortunately, the training hall was empty.
His body moved with a precision and intensity born from years of study. And not a little bit of frustration. The blade in his hands flowed like an extension of himself. Lunging at his fath- at his imaginary opponent.
"Are you going to join me or just stand there?" Adrien asked without stopping.
"I was admiring the view," Kagami stated by way of greeting.
Adrien was rather proud that his sword didn't go flying out of his hands as a rosy blush colored his cheeks.
Kagami stepped into position with her own sword. "What is it this time?"
Ringing their blades together the match began. Adrien knew her so well his body acted almost on instinct, dancing around her and parrying her strikes. Kagami equally knowledgeable of Adrien's movements. Able to predict his chaotic fighting style with her own.
"I was under the impression that Kings spoke their own thoughts. Not acted like someone else's mouthpiece." Adrien's annoyance seeping into his blade as it sailed through the air.
"King Gabriel isn't doing a very good job of hiding his ambitions." Kagami blocked his swing. "Mother thinks she can get the council to overturn your election to Prince."
"Get someone not under the old King's thumb," Adrien observed. "Duke Tsurugi is a wise woman."
Brow furrowing, Kagami pushed against their blades. Making Adrien stumble. "Unfortunately, your patronage of the orphanages makes the council members 'not under Gabriel's thumb' see you as an excellent candidate for King."
Catching himself Adrien was just in time to block her attack. "What was I supposed to do? Not help orphans?"
Kagami's blade hovered over Adrien's neck. A smile gracing her lips as he proved her point.
His face flushed a deeper crimson. "... Okay, so I wouldn't be terrible at it."
"If being the most powerful individual in the nation is so unappealing-"
"One of, the most powerful individuals."
"-then give it to me."
Adrien blurred past Kagami's blade and was suddenly behind her. Pinning her arms to her side he leaned into her ear. "King Kagami does have a nice ring to it."
"You'd make a fine Queen."
Adrien's heart skipped a beat as his grip loosened ever so slightly.
Kagami twisted out of his grasp and used her bodyweight to pull Adrien onto the floor. Knocking the breath out of him. Straddling his chest her smile turned amused. "Come on, Adrien, really? How long have we been together?"
"... I can't help it if I'm falling for you all over again," Adrien grinned, showing no sign of discomfort at his predicament.
Scoffing fondly, Kagami stood and sheathed her sword.
Adrien sitting up as she did. Pouting at the loss of contact which she pointedly ignored. "... Do you really think I'd make a good Queen?"
Kagami caressed the side of his face as she looked him in the eyes. "I'm not in the habit of complimenting dishonestly."
He looked down as his face heated up, shy smile beaming. "Then I have an idea..."
Adrien walked down the grand throne room. Council members and court officials packed on either side of the aisle. Even some ambassadors from other nations in attendance.
And at the very end was his Father. Face as inscrutable as ever. By his side Lady Nathalie who everyone whispered was the real mastermind behind the crown. Duke Tsurugi with Princess Kagami at her side. Queen Cheng stood behind them all in the most inconspicuous dress (for royalty) that she had.
Drawing more attention than necessary to the Queen's position was always unwise.
Adrien tried to ignore the whispers. A King choosing his flesh and blood as successor was highly unusual. Not forbidden just... Discouraged.
He suppressed a smirk. Won't they be surprised.
High Priest Bustier welcomed Adrien as he reached the throne. His heart pounding in his ears and Gabriel's gaze like ice on his skin. Only catching every other word as Bustier went through the ceremony.
"... May Creation and Destruction guide you as you guide our nation." Bustier gestured King Gabriel forward, who removed his crown and placed it on Prince Adrien's head. "Rise, King Adrien!"
The throne room was filled with the expected applause. Adrien waiting until it died down enough, ignoring the stare his Father gave him. Gabriel had prepared a speech that Adrien was "highly encouraged" to take as inspiration.
Clearing his throat, Adrien let his voice boom across the assembly. "My first decree as King! ...Is to name Tsurugi Kagami as Prince!"
"WHAT!?" Gabriel roared.
His voice lost amid the din of confusion from the crowd. Bustier slamming her staff on the ground to bring the noise to a more manageable level.
"I hereby announce my abdication as King!" Adrien felt a weight lift off his chest as the words left his lips. Even Gabriel slowly turning red as his forehead vein pulsed couldn't bring down his mood.
Kagami's mother stepped forward. "I, Duke Tsurugi Tomoe, recognize the appointment of Tsurugi Kagami as Prince."
Gabriel whirled on her. "This is an outrage! You cannot be thinking about going along with this farce! Imagine what the other kingdoms will say!"
"I have spoken, Lord Gabriel."
Gabriel fists clenched in a white knuckle grip.
"I, Duchess Bourgeois, recognize the appointment of Prince Kagami."
Adrien probably shouldn't have taken so much satisfaction in the look on Gabriel's face. Once Audrey learned that it was Gabriel who blocked her daughters' consideration for the positions of Duke or Duchess she came around quickly.
Adrien barely had to push for a majority of the council to recognize his decree. It helped that the candidate for Prince was someone already considered highly competent. 
As more members of the court, including some that simply saw which way the wind was blowing, backed Adrien's play Gabriel's expression became more and more murderous. Good thing weapons weren't allowed during a coronation.
"... The King has spoken!" Bustier stated to the crowd. "The council accepts Prince Kagami's appointment!" Her eyes turned pointedly to Gabriel. "Before the eyes of our nation and those of our neighbors it is done."
There was confused but still quite loud applause as Adrien and the other Royals were whisked away to discuss things in private.
"I can't believe you two," Queen Cheng chuckled. "Pulling one over on that self-righteous moron. Who's idea was that?"
Adrien raised his hand tentatively.
Queen Sabine smiled as she shook her head. "Oh, I should have tried harder to get you appointed to Princess. So much time to make up for."
"Wait. I was always a candidate for Queen?"
"Of course, dear. Potential Princes might be publicly announced but we keep the identities of Princesses close to the chest.
Kagami's look was a smug 'I told you so'. "I trust we can count on your support, my Queen."
"Prince Kagami, you know I can't stand the former King." Queen Cheng's eyes flicked to Adrien. "And considering how you just declared your abdication in front of the whole world we'd look even more foolish if we tried to back out of it now."
Adrien smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head. Kagami had the audacity to not look the least bit sorry.
There was a knock on the door. "Excuse me, my Royals, but Lord Gabriel is causing quite the stir," a court official called through the door.
Queen Cheng waved Adrien and Kagami back down as they rose. "I'll handle it. I've been itching to give Gabriel a piece of my mind."
"...Oh gods," Adrien sank into the well padded armchair as the tension in his body stopped holding him up altogether. "I can't believe it worked."
"Of course it did." Kagami sat in his lap with her knees over the armrest. "It was your plan."
"That's why I was so stressed out."
Kagami flicked his forehead.
"Give yourself more credit." Kagami wrapped her arms around his neck. "You convinced key members of the council to publicly turn against your father. An underhanded scheme worthy of the most venerated Queens."
"Yes, I feel so appreciated right-"
Kagami cut him off by pressing her lips against his. Adrien fighting back a grin as he sank into the kiss.
"... I feel a little more appreciated now," Adrien said when they pulled apart. Face tinted red.
"Good because I don't plan on keeping our relationship a secret," Kagami announced as she leaned her head onto his.
"A King and a Queen in a relationship? That's almost as scandalous as choosing your blood born as your successor," Adrien teased.
Kagami turned Adrien's head so she could kiss him again. "Well, they'll just have to get used to it... My Queen."
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comfortbucky · 3 years
Hey! Can i request a cold, lonely ex-hydra reader × bucky who falls in love with her. Adding some panic attacks and nightmares of the reader.
i love this idea!!! thank u for submitting🥰
𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗲 ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ 。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚ ⋆
pairing: avenger!bucky x ex-HYDRA!fem!reader
tags: enemies(?) to lovers, angst (if u squint), soft!bucky
warnings: canon level violence, description of injuries, blood is mentioned, panic attacks, anxiety, nightmares
A/N: i just came up with a random name for the HYDRA leader the reader is after🤣 so just ,,, ignore // also!!!! i tried out a different writing style than what i’m used to! hope u don’t mind🥺 just been feeling like a lot of my writing is the same and wanted to try something new!!!
word count: 3.5k (this is so long LMAO sorry 😭 literally why am i like this)
my masterlist!
completed requests!
The suit that you once considered a second skin, now felt uncomfortable and constricting, like a python squeezing the life out of you. Although, it made sense since the very organization of the uniform you were wearing did exactly that.
For so long you were just another mindless pawn to them, just doing without every actually thinking. Unlike your younger brother, Alex. They indoctrinated him as well, getting a hold of both of you from a young age, but he was there when Captain America took down S.H.I.E.L.D. and it changed his entire worldview. You found everything he said about “freedom” to be stupid, naive, and dangerous. And you would later prove yourself correct.
You pull yourself from your thoughts as a group of HYDRA soldiers walk past the shrubbery you hid behind. Quickly and quietly, you get up and join them as they march towards the HYDRA base. As soon as you get inside, you manage to slip away from the rest of the group to search for your target.
Since HYDRA took the possibility of you ever having a normal life away, as far as you were concerned, your only purpose in life was to kill the man who was at the center of it all, Viktor Cross. And after months of tracking him down, formulating the perfect plan, that’s exactly what you were going to do today.
You make your way towards one of the main lab facilities, gun in hand when you see several unconscious guards lying on the floor in front of you. Shifting your gaze up, you see that the door has been ripped open, grip marks on the sides.
This was not part of the plan.
As you squeeze through the open door and enter the lab, you come to a halt, frozen in shock. There’s your target, Viktor, shoved against the wall by none other than Captain America himself. You almost let out a chuckle in disbelief at the irony of the situation. Instead, you take a step forward, and the glass cracks beneath your feet, alerting the men of your presence.
Immediately, both sets of eyes are on you. Viktor’s lips curve into a smirk as you make your way to them.
“Agent- Miss Y/N,” he corrects himself. “What a pleasant surprise.” You ignore him and look to address Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America.
“Let him go and give him to me,” you start, Steve eyeing you cautiously. “So I can kill him,” you snarl, quickly turning to Viktor to see that his smirk had been wiped off his face.
“Aren’t you HYDRA?” He questions, nodding to your suit and eliciting a cackle from Viktor.
“Not anymore,” you mumble, before lifting a leg to kick Steve in his side. You hit him across the face with the end of your gun for good measure. He stumbles over, giving you enough time to grab Viktor’s collar, before he falls to the floor, and slam him back against the wall. His eyes are full of desperation and you felt nothing but pure, burning rage. You shove the barrel of your gun under his chin and place your hand on the trigger.
“You were such a gifted agent, Y/N. Don’t throw away such potential, come back.”
“Go to hell.”
Before you could pull the trigger, a force propels you to the ground and you feel a sharp pain in your side. Silence and then ringing fills your eyes as you squint your eyes to try and visualize the situation. Your vision is blurry, but clear enough to clouds of smoke engulf Viktor’s figure as he escapes. A muffled voice from behind you speaks, but you can’t make out any of the words they’re saying. You look down to see red. Just crimson red, staining your abdomen. Hands land on your shoulders, shaking you gently as your vision fades to black.
Viktor is in front of you, the barrel of his gun directed right at your head. He smirks as he moves his hand to the trigger.
“Hail, HYDRA.”
A gunshot goes off, forcing you to shoot up in bed, gasping for air. As you start to regain your senses, you realize you’re surrounded by a group of strangers. Well, not complete strangers, the Avengers to be exact. Part of your job required you to study their files, learn everything about them. You could recite from memory where and when they were born, their greatest strengths and weaknesses. Suddenly, your side starts to burn with pain, and you carefully lean back in bed. There’s an array of wires and tubes connected to you and you hear the rhythmic beeping of various machines. You’re in a hospital, or some sort of medical facility.
“That, is exactly why I said we should use restraints.”
You’re staring at the ceiling when you hear Iron Man, AKA Tony Stark, speak.
“Tony, she lost a liter of blood, she’s not going anywhere.”
Steve appears in your view, looking down at you.
“Hey, you’re okay. You’re safe.”
You shift your gaze away from him. The last thing you expected to come out of this mission was to meet the Avengers, let alone them save you.
Steve sighs, “We’re not gonna hurt you. We wanna find Viktor too.”
There’s nothing he could say that could get you to speak. Your hatred for HYDRA didn’t mean you suddenly liked the Avengers. If anything, they were part of the problem too, so you stay silent.
“Told you, she’s not gonna talk,” Tony quips. From your research, you had come to learn that he was an arrogant man, and his statement only proved you right. “Maybe you should get Manchurian Candidate to come down, give her an ex-HYDRA buddy,” he says sarcastically.
Upon hearing “ex-HYDRA buddy,” you furrow your brows. Maybe it was the lack of blood in your body, but it took you a second to process his words and understand who he was referring to. Your eyes dart back to look at Steve’s but he’s gone.
“I’ll be back.” His voice trails off as he exits the room.
You’re still staring at the ceiling when you hear footsteps return and then several others departing.
There’s only one other person in the room beside you. Without even looking up, you already know who it is. His breathing was slow and steady until you started to shift in bed to reposition yourself. His breath hitched for a moment, before returning back to his normal breathing pattern.
“Killing him isn’t gonna make you feel better.” His comment makes you roll your eyes as you slowly sit up to look at him. There were no logical thoughts in your head, all you could feel was pain and fury. Anger swelled within you, your emotions boiling over.
“That’s rich, coming from the Fist of HYDRA,” you spat out. As soon as the words left your mouth, you felt your stomach drop. It was an unfamiliar feeling, one you hadn’t felt in a while. What was it? Regret?
Bucky’s face fell but he kept his eyes on you. It was a look that made you feel worse, worse than the searing pain in your side.
“I’m not a killer anymore,” he said in a tone so gentle, you felt another strange, new emotion but couldn’t quite label it. You quickly shift gears to avoid addressing the uncomfortable feelings swirling around in your stomach.
“Are you keeping me hostage to lure Viktor in? Because it's not going to work." Bucky shook his head.
"We want..." he trailed off, causing you to tilt your head in curiosity. “We need your help finding him.” You scoffed.
“What do I get out of it?” Bucky’s silence gave you your answer. Shaking your head, you start to disconnect yourself from the multitude of wires attached to you and get out of bed.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself,” he started, as you threw off your blanket and sat on the edge of the bed.
Standing up quickly, the blood from your head pooled in your legs, causing you to feel dizzy. Your head spun and your arms reached out for something, anything stable to grab onto. It was a metal hand. Despite it being cool to the touch, it ignited a heat to rise to your cheeks. You look down and mumble a thank you as Bucky helps you back into bed.
Letting out a sigh, you realize with the condition you’re in, you can’t leave. Definitely not well enough to go after Viktor alone. Shutting your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose, you curse under your breath.
“Fine,” you finally speak, keeping your eyes closed. Bucky nods, even though you don’t see, and you hear him walk off.
After a couple days of rest, you were cleared by Bruce to get discharged. Viktor had gone deep in hiding, making your job to find him a lot harder. Tony had so graciously given you an extra room in the tower, right next to Bucky’s. He was probably the one person you saw the most, purely due to location, and the fact that everyone else cautiously kept their distance from you. It made sense though, since you rarely spoke to anyone and spent most of your time in the lab looking for any clues of Viktor’s location. When you weren’t searching for him, you were training in the gym. Bucky was there a lot too, both of you waking up at ungodly hours of the morning. No words were ever exchanged between the two of you, and yet, there was some level of comfort you felt being around him. Must’ve been an ex-HYDRA thing.
“What’s on your mind?” You walk over to Alex and sit on the edge of the bed next to him. He sighs.
“What if,” he starts, furrowing his brows. “What if freedom is good?” He speaks quietly, fearful of HYDRA listening in on your conversation.
It feels like you’ve got the wind knocked out of you.
“Alex,” you grab him by the shoulders. “What the hell are you talking about?” You’re searching his eyes, trying to understand what’s gotten into him.
“Captain America.” The biggest threat to HYDRA’s existence. He looks down at his hands. “He was willing to risk his life for it. It has to be worth something right?” Alex looks back up to you with a look in his eyes that you haven’t seen since you were children. Uncertainty. You sigh and pull him into your chest, stroking his hair.
“I don’t know, kiddo. Maybe.”
You wake up in a cold sweat, panting. Hot tears fall from the corners of your eyes. It’s the same dream you’ve had for the last week. Although, you wouldn’t consider it a dream necessarily, but it wasn’t a nightmare either. Just a bittersweet memory.
Bucky could tell that something was up with you for the past week. Despite having gone through a bit of therapy, Steve’s idea, the nightmares still came to him. So Bucky was already wide awake when he heard your weeping on the other side of the wall. It didn’t help that he was also a light sleeper with super-soldier hearing. He didn’t know what was causing you to be so upset, but he didn’t want to intrude and ask. Neither of you had spoken to the other since you first arrived.
But this night was different from the rest. Usually, you would flip endlessly through channels on ur TV until you eventually fell asleep, but it wasn’t working this time. There’s a tight pain in your chest and suddenly, you’re suffocating. You rip off your covers and spring out of bed, tripping on your blankets along the way. At this point, you don’t even register the pain of slamming down, face-first on the ground. Panic has taken over your body, tears now streaming down your face. You squeeze your eyes shut, hoping for relief.
He wasn’t planning on doing anything until he heard a loud thud from your room. Immediately, Bucky gets up and arrives at your door. It’s rude to just barge into someone’s room, his mom taught him that from a young age, so he settles on knocking. You don’t hear it though, the only sound you hear is the sound of your rapid breathing as you hyperventilate. Bucky hears it too and ultimately decides on inviting himself into your room.
You’re lying on your side, curled up in a fetal position with your hands covering your face, when Bucky opens the door. He quickly arrives by your side, kneeling beside you, as he examines you for any injuries.
“Are you hurt?”
You manage to shake your head in response, anxiety still flowing through your veins. Unfortunately, Bucky’s familiar with panic attacks, having had them himself. But he also knows that everyone deals with them a bit differently. Guess he did manage to learn some useful things from therapy.
“Can you try breathing with me?”
He starts to take deep breaths in and out until he sees you start to follow along with him, your hands still covering your face. There’s a part of you that feels stupid for keeping them there, but they help ground you, so you continue to shield your face. After what feels like an hour, but was probably only 10 minutes, your panic subsides. That’s when a wave of embarrassment hits you, realizing that it had been Bucky with you during your panic attack.
Slowly removing your hands from your face, you’re greeted by piercing blue eyes. You blink a couple times, realizing that Bucky had taken a spot on the ground, lying on his side to face you, his hands pressed together under his head like a pillow. He smiles and you feel warm. It’s terrifying, the new feelings that Bucky has caused you to feel and yet, you don’t mind.
“You feelin’ better?” You nod and smile back, something you haven’t genuinely done in a while.
“Thank you, Bucky.”
You stare at each other in silence, lying side by side. There’s no physical touch involved but somehow, this moment, it feels intimate. Bucky breaks the silence.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” He speaks in a voice so soft, it almost sounded like a whisper.
It might’ve been the fact that he just calmed you down from a panic attack, but as you looked into his eyes, you felt the walls you had built up for the last year slowly come crashing down.
“He killed my brother,” you reply, maintaining your eyes on Bucky. You searched his eyes for any fear or pity, but all you could find was a look of understanding. His eyes were starting to become a safe place for you.
“Alex was there when Steve took down S.H.I.E.L.D., HYDRA along with it. He wanted out, out of the organization.” Taking a deep breath, you continue. “Word got around about a “rat,” so I took the blame. Viktor was about to shoot me when Alex’s dumbass ran in front of me, sacrificing himself.” You let out a chuckle, your vision getting blurry as tears swelled in your eyes. “He was a goddamn idiot, but he also had a heart of gold.”
As you start to cry, Bucky hesitatingly extends an arm to hover over your body, trying to gauge your reaction. Physical touch was something he struggled with during the beginning of his recovery, and he didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. He’s reassured when you grab onto his shirt and pull yourself closer to him, and wraps an arm around you, his other hand softly stroking your head.
You hadn’t cried like this since Alex died, bottling up all of your emotions to focus on finding the man responsible for his death. But as you sobbed into Bucky’s chest, you realize that your love for Alex had transformed into an ugly, burning hatred for Viktor. He wouldn’t want this. You didn’t want it, at least, not anymore. The only thing you wanted was your brother back, and that was impossible.
Bucky held you in his arms until you fell asleep, listening to the sounds of your slow, rhythmic breathing, dozing off shortly after.
That night with Bucky had softened your cold, hard exterior that you initially presented yourself with. You would willingly spar with Nat in the training room and join the team for breakfast or dinner. Everyone noticed and, while at first thrown off by it, happily embraced it. Especially Bucky.
Initially, he got up to work out in the early hours of the morning as a habit. Now, he woke up to see you. His heart did flips in his chest every time he walked in the gym and saw you. Since that night, you started to acknowledge his presence, turning to smile and wave as he walked through the doors. It was something he looked forward to every day.
During the day, you were focused hard on tracking down Viktor and Bucky knew that. But he also knew he wanted to spend more time with you. He looked for reasons to enter the lab, whether it was offering snacks to you throughout the day or helping Bruce or, even Tony. Anything to see you again.
Bucky realized that there was a deeper, stronger emotion that he felt for you when he would wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. The first thing he thought about was you. Specifically, how you were the only thing that could possibly calm him down. Although he’d come in that night to help you with your panic attack, you ended up helping him as well. He hadn’t slept as soundly and peacefully as he did with you. And you hadn’t either. There were several nights when neither of you could sleep and ended up running into each other. It slowly became a routine that would begin in the kitchen, exchanging life stories, and end on the couch in the common area, entangled in each other’s arms.
Tonight you didn’t show up and Bucky panicked. He stared at the kitchen clock. It had been 20 minutes and you still hadn’t shown up. Bucky racked his brain for anything he could’ve done to scare you off, but came up with nothing. It wasn’t like you two had been officially together, Bucky had no idea what you were to each other. All he knew is that he wanted to be with you, always.
You were soundly asleep in bed, passing out as soon as your head hit the pillow. It was a particularly physically exhausting day for you, training with both Nat and Steve.
Bucky was so caught up with the thoughts racing through his head, he hadn’t noticed that his feet had taken him right to your door. He stands there for a moment, silently debating what to do. Grumbling under his breath, he musters up the courage to knock on your door. Right as he was about to turn away and shuffle off to his room, your door opens. You greet him with a yawn and a tired smile.
“Oh, hey Bucky.”
He looks at the bags under your eyes and feels instant regret wash over him, realizing that you weren’t avoiding him, but just getting some sleep.
“Sorry,” he looks down at his feet. You frown and place a hand on his cheek to lift his head up.
“Something wrong?” He avoids your gaze, partially because he’s embarrassed and partially because his cheeks were turning red because of your touch.
“No.” You cross your arms and let out a sigh.
“You’re a bad liar.” It’s his turn to sigh, as he scratches the back of his head.
“You didn’t come to the kitchen,” he lets out, in almost a whisper. It hits you. You were so tired, you had completely forgotten about your nightly tradition. “It’s stupid, sorry. I shouldn’t have woken you up," he mumbles. Bucky begins to walk off but you grab his hand. When he turns to look at you, his brows are raised at your touch.
As you start to speak, you pull him close, facing you. “It’s not stupid.” His hands move to hold your waist as yours move to wrap around his neck. You pause, an idea popping into your head. “I’m kind of tired from training today, wanna just come sleep with me?” He nods and you drag him to your bed, nestling into his arms as he holds you to his chest, his chin resting above your head. You tilt your head back to see him looking down at you. There’s a fluttering feeling in your chest and you smile.
“Just for future reference, you have an open invitation to cuddle with me, anytime.” Bucky chuckles at your offer.
“I’ll keep that in mind, doll.”
Bucky cups your face in his hand and you nuzzle your cheek in his palm. His eyes dart down to your lips before returning to your eyes.
Then, the most delicate, sweetest kiss you’ve ever received is on your lips.
You flutter your eyes open as you both pull apart. He quickly kisses your nose before pulling you back into his chest, speaking softly.
“And you have an open invitation to kiss me, anytime.”
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unpretty · 3 years
astielle chapter 30 spoiler asks~
anonymous asked:
btw the bit about "usually the taller person leads" is such a cool subtle world building detail about how normalised queerness is in this society and I loved it And leonas and karzarul both not caring about social convention and doing what they want is great and I loved that too
leland clearly has his issues but it's definitely not because he lives in a society
anonymous asked:
Ok this ask probably outs myself as Extremely Ace, but after chapter 30 all I can think about is what the Savagewings' reactions would be to seeing Leonas dip Karzarul in the last chapter (and actually the whole Dancing Scene in general).
lots of squeeing when leonas couldn't see probably
@nightshadeis asked:
Gee, Violet! How come Karzarul lets you have two cocks? (Also gee, Gemma, how come Violet lets you have six cocks?)
for definitely inexplicable reasons karzarul keeps giving himself bodies that let him theoretically penetrate two people simultaneously
violet is extremely generous (and also merciful)
@eriquin asked:
Well that was one hell of a job interview.
they were really thorough in explaining the benefits
@biot08 asked:
I would like to thank you very much for chapter 30 and its introduction of the long-awaited treatment of Astielle politics that we all very much deserve. ... is Violet actually hiring a spy with dick in lieu of payment?
imagine the retirement package
anonymous asked:
First of all: hghnnnn Second of all, I actually Really Love Gemma and Violet, they were Way Sweeter than I expected in the four monster six dick mildly dubcon gangbang
violet's big secret is he's actually a sweetie
gonna have to add "purveyor of adorable gangbangs" to my bio
anonymous asked:
not the human+monster gangbang I was expecting from this chapter but I can't say I'm complaining!!! where's MY four armed two dicked moth monster who wants to claim me
whomst among us would not like a swanmoth man of our very own
anonymous asked:
I can’t remember if we knew about the savagewing pants situation before now, but I KNEW it was two dicks, Karzarul has four hands and two dicks (also, love Rose. second-in-command of a gangbang is honestly so ideal. all the authority, none of the logistics)
we did not know (we also did not know that impyrs have the same glowy dick situation, just more lowkey) (or about the weird monster jizz) (we are learning a lot about non-karzarul monsters, such as 'their boss keeps forgetting toilets are important but they don't have that luxury')
rose is a bit more like karzarul in terms of being a bratty switch who probably shouldn't actually be given any authority
@kingfisherblues asked:
Chapter 30 Ask! I love how you started a scene-scene somewhat dubiously, but then gave us a resolution in the cooldown time after everyone had gotten their fill. (So to speak.) Like, I totally trusted that it wasn't actually dubious, but it was a nice touch. Gemma was THERE for it. Good for her.
given the choice between running away and never seeing another hunky monster, and letting hunky monsters watch her strip, she made what was probably actually a terrible decision but she got the luckiest
anonymous asked:
I love that Gemma is the embodiment of the “this better not awaken anything in me” and “by talos this can’t be happening” memes, which also describes many of your readers. kitty: professional monsterfucker recruiter. also: (1) I love how you handle (dub)consent in all your erotica, and (2) I love that the pretext for the scene blossomed into espionage & intl trade negotiations that may affect plot.
gemma has been ogling the hot demon men for days and in that regard showed remarkable restraint.
it wasn't supposed to be plot-relevant i'm so mad
@ghostly-squid asked:
Someone: We need spies, but how do we recruit people we KNOW are down with the whole monster thing and aren't secretly weirded out/full of hate and will betray us later? Violet: I have the PER~FECT solution! Also, while I'm sure it's mortifying for Karzarul to know he made a veritable army of people who (to some degree) share his kinks, I personally find it hilarious! (Also very hot, but my first reaction to Violet's "ask the big scary monster to pretty please fuck you sloppy" was to laugh because that's 1000% Karzarul's fault, and having proof he infected everyone with it made me stop reading to giggle about it.) Me: I wonder who's going to be the lucky lotto winner of the monster gang-bang- Gemma: Oh WOW you're TALL! Me: Well, that's the fastest mystery reveal of the whole story! (I love Gemma) ALSO, (last thing) the speculation/whining about Karzarul's lack of creativity with making forms with boobs and such leading to "wait until he's gotten used to eating out Minnow before trusting him to make bits that aren't so weird they're barely recognizable," made me think about Minnow (and Leonas) learning Karzarul can make new monsters just, WHENEVER, and cajoling him into using those powers for (evil) Sexy Purposes. It's a beautiful thought train I'm on and I never want to leave! (So much room for Nonsense! Sexy, Sexy, Nonsense!)
it will literally never occur to any impyr that he is being hit on unless you tell him, and karzarul is only barely more aware of the possibility. combined with karzarul's villainous tendency to say weird sexually menacing shit just as a reflex it is very frustrating for everyone, except for minnow who assumes everyone is as self-aware as she is and doing it on purpose. minnow narrowly avoided a lot of kinky ust by being such a fucking weirdo that karzarul spent like five chapters trying to stay relatively quiet and not make any sudden moves.
imagine the au where they actually have a boss fight and after like twenty minutes of banter minnow blatantly throws the fight and announces that she is extremely helpless and at his mercy. he wouldn't even know what to do with himself. i'm not even sure it would get to that point because he'd probably take one look at who showed up to the boss fight and try to lean on something. girls... pretty.
we can only speculate as to the kind of experimentation karzarul might get up to if he could turn into a ferret without immediately filling the world with monster ferrets
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Teach Me, Tease Me [Spencer Reid x fem! Reader]
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A/N - this is for my Training Square on my CM Bingo Card for @cmbingo​ at least it is if you squint hard enough. CM Bingo Masterlist can be found here.
Really had an itch that needed to be scratched here in the form of Professor Spencer and a TA in training the reader. Just utter, utter filth. AKA - You are nervous enough for your first day of teaching training, and when you meet your new mentor, the incredibly attractive Doctor Reid, it only makes the situation more tense.
Masterlist for all fics can be found here.
CW - Age gap (Spencer’s late 30’s and reader is early/mid 20’s) dom! Spencer/ sub! Reader, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, oral (male receiving), female/male masturbation (mildly) some degradation, swearing. 
WC: 3.5K
Smoothing down your skirt and taking a few deep breaths in the hopes to calm your rattled nerves, you knocked on the door. 
Dr Spencer Reid’s reputation preceded him. Not only was he supposed to be an incredible lecturer in criminal psychology but he had fifteen years on the job experience with the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit. To learn from such a legend in his field was a dream come true to you. 
Getting accepted in a TA role at Georgetown had been an incredible achievement in itself but to be Spencer Reid’s TA, to be trained by this great man left you a bag of nerves. 
Your hands were shaking as you smoothed down your skirt again. You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and then quickly untucked it again just as the door opened. 
You were met with a pair of intense hazel eyes. They belonged to a tall, slim man with messy hair as though he’d just gotten out of bed and the most sinful pair of lips you had ever laid eyes on.
You swallowed, trying to push down your attraction.
“Uhm...I’m sorry I just have the wrong office. I’m looking for Dr Reid.” You went to turn to leave because this man was far too attractive and you would no doubt end up making a fool of yourself but his voice caught you.
“You’re in the right place. I’m Dr Reid.” 
You tried to stop your jaw from hitting the floor. You had pictured Dr Reid to be a man much older than the one in front of you, either greying or balding and on the heavier side.
The Dr Reid in front of you was drop dead gorgeous. This had to be some kind of joke? How were you possibly supposed to learn when you were just getting lost in his eyes?
“You’re...you…” you stuttered, not being able to form words.
He laughed and it was such a magnificent sound you wanted to hear it every day for the rest of your life.
“You must be Y/N? My new TA?” His smile made your knees buckle and you hoped he didn't notice. 
His eyes glanced up and down your body and butterflies swarmed in your stomach. Your skirt suddenly felt too short and your shirt too tight. 
“Mmm hmm.” You mumbled, worrying if you spoke your voice would come out a high pitched squeak. 
He chuckled again and stepped back, creating a space for you to enter.
“Please come in.” He motioned for you to step inside his office. You slowly stepped inside, your legs shaking. 
This was the first step towards your dream job of lecturing at Georgetown and it was terrifying enough without your new mentor being the most attractive man you’d ever seen. 
“Take a seat.” Spencer smiled at you as he stepped behind his desk, taking his own seat. 
You chewed your lip as you made your way to the chair. His eyes never left you. You felt his eyes dance over your bare legs and up your thighs. Your palms were sweating under his intense gaze. 
You were thankful to sit down as you couldn’t be confident in your legs ability to hold you up right. 
“I’m very pleased to be here Dr Reid.” You croaked, feeling like you needed to say something, anything. 
Spencer leant his elbows on the desk, smiling across at you. 
“Please, call me Spencer.” 
“Are you ok?” He raised an eyebrow at you. “You seem...nervous.”
You were more than nervous. You were turned on. The way he was looking at you and the way he periodically licked his bottom lip was driving you crazy. 
“This is a big...opportunity for me.” Your words were punctuated with deep breaths and you knew Spencer noticed it. 
“As long as you're sure that’s all?” 
“Yes, it is.” You lied. 
“Ok good.” He smirked at you. He knew exactly what he was doing to you. He wasn’t a big headed man, but he knew attraction when he saw it. 
He saw the way your chest heaved as you breathed, heavier even when he licked his lip. He saw the way your hands couldn’t stay still and the way you pressed your thighs together every now and again. 
He could hear it in your shaky words and staggered breathing.
And honestly, Spencer loved it. 
He didn’t think he’d ever had this effect on a woman before and it was enough to make him aroused. He already knew he wanted you, needed you. It was wrong, you were his TA, but the illicit nature of it made it hotter to him.
“So,” he sat back in the chair and crossed one leg over the other. “Tell me about yourself Y/N.” He licked his lip again and watched your thighs press together once more. 
He wanted to put his head between those thighs. 
“Uhm...I’m not sure where to begin.” You breathing was heavy, breast heaving. 
He wanted those breasts in his mouth, he wanted to take your nippes between his lips and suck on them. 
You spoke but he didn’t hear your words. His head was entirely elsewhere. He had to think of a way to make you his. And he would. He was sure of it. 
He wouldn’t rest until he had you.
The next week you dressed more conservatively for work. Strictly pants and thick jackets. But it didn’t stop Dr Reid’s wandering eyes.
After the first few days you felt less nervous around him and actually you found yourself loving the effect you had on him. Today during a lecture he had dropped a pen on the floor and you’d picked it up for him, making sure to give him an eyeful of your backside. 
He’d stumbled over his words for a few minutes after that and you were left with an odd sense of pride.
After the first few weeks you started dressing less conservatively. Your pencil skirts came back out of hiding and sometimes you left an extra button on your shirt undone. 
Despite the obvious tension between the two of you, you were learning a lot from Dr Reid. He was incredibly smart and a wonderful lecturer. You found yourself hanging off his every word when he lectured and you could tell his students felt the same.
After a month of working with him, you were starting to get more friendly with one another. You would spend your free time on campus getting coffee and walking the grounds together while he told you stories of his time with the BAU. 
You were able to relax around him, make jokes and playful conversation. But there was still that underlying sexual tension that drove you both wild. 
That night Spencer had papers to grade and you offered to stay and help. 
You popped out to the campus coffee shop for some pick me ups and when you returned to his office his jacket was slung over the back of his chair, his tie undone and draped around his neck and the top few buttons of his shirt were undone. 
It was such a sight you almost dropped the coffees but managed to steady yourself in time. 
“Ah my saviour.” He smiled up at you from a stack of papers. “Bring the chair around here, we can read together and you can tell me what you think.” 
Nervously you pulled the chair around next to him but not too close. Spencer laughed. 
“I don’t bite.” He smirked at you. Unless you want me to. 
You laughed nervously and shuffled a little closer. You picked up the paper on top of the stack and started reading over it.
Spencer’s eyes were on you the whole time and it made your concentration wane. His gaze was intense and focused on your mouth and you squeezed your thighs together. 
“You do that a lot.” His voice was low and breathy. 
You looked at him like a deer in headlights.
“Do what?” You croaked.
His eyes were trained on your lips and you had never wanted someone to kiss you more in your entire life.
“Squeeze your thighs together.” He leaned closer to you and you could feel his hot breath on your face. “Is it because of me?” 
“Spencer,” you whispered looking down into your lap.
“I know, I know.” He sighed. “You're my TA. I’m a lot older than you.”
“You’re not that much older than me.” You looked back up and your eyes met his. He was chewing his lip. 
“It’s wrong that I feel this way.” He swallowed. “But goddamnit Y/N, ever since you walked into my office I can’t stop thinking about you and all the things I want to do to you. But it’s wrong. But gosh that makes it so hot.” 
A surge of confidence came over you and you pushed your chest forward, leaning even closer to him.
“So what are you going to do about it, Doctor Reid?”
He hissed at your use of his honorific. 
“You are a tease, do you know that?” He growled. “A filthy fucking tease.”
“Maybe you should do something about it then.” 
Spencer couldn’t hold back any longer. He’d shown a hell of a lot of restraint this past month but he couldn’t do it anymore.
He grasped your face and closed the small space between you. Your lips finally met with blinding passion. You moaned at the sensation you’d been dreaming of for weeks. Spencer took advantage of this and his tongue thrust into your mouth. 
He pulled you into his lap and you straddled him as he deepened the kiss. You let him control you, you’d let him do anything to you, you were sure of it. 
His hands left your face and trailed down your sides before rounding your back. His fingers pushed your skirt up and then his large hands cupped your ass, squeezing tight. 
You moaned again, your hands diving inside his shirt to feel the hot skin of his chest. You started toying with his shirt buttons but Spencer broke the kiss and glared at you.
“Nuh uh.” He shook his head. “You lost your privilege to do what you want when you insisted on teasing me in class. You’ll do what I say, and only what I say. Understood?”
Oh god that was hot, you felt weak.
“Yes who?”
“Yes Doctor Reid.” 
“That’s better.” He smirked. “Now get up.” 
You nodded, slipping off his lap and standing in front of him. 
Spencer stood from his chair, towering over you. 
“Bend over the desk.” 
You swallowed, nodding stiffly. You turned around and leant over the desk, your palms flat on the wood, sticking your ass up as high as you could.
Another hiss left Spencer’s lips. You felt him move close to you and press his body into yours. You could feel his hard dick in his pants pushing against your rear.
“You want that Y/N? Is that what you want?”
“Yes.” You croaked. “Yes please Doctor Reid.”
He laughed, his breath hitting your neck. 
“Well you’re going to have to wait.” 
You felt his hands on the backs of your thighs and his fingertips traced over your skin. He hoisted your skirt up again and hissed once more.
“Black lace panties, really Y/N?” He ran his fingers over the fabric. “This is underwear that is begging to be seen.” 
“Yes Doctor.”
“Who did you wear these for?”
“You Doctor Reid, only you.”
“Damn right.” He slapped his palm on your ass cheek, the sound of flesh on flesh filling the room. 
He leant into you again, his hands now on your stomach, making their way to your breasts.
He cupped your breasts through your shirt, palming them and applying pressure. 
“Perfect.” He groaned into your ear. “Just fucking perfect.” 
Suddenly he stood back again and you felt empty without his touch. For a few seconds the room was silent and you didn’t know what to expect. 
“Turn around.” He spoke again suddenly, startling you a little. 
You did as you were told, loving the way he was domineering you this way. 
His eyes trailed up and down your body, lingering on your chest. 
“Undo your shirt.” He growled at you. “I want to see you. That’s what you want isn’t it? My eyes all over your body. That’s why you dress this way you fucking tease.” 
His words made you so wet. He was usually so nice and so soft spoken so seeing this side of him was making your toes curl.
Once again, you did as you were told and started unbuttoning your shirt. You made sure to tackle the buttons slowly, really give Spencer a show. Once all the buttons were undone you shrugged your shirt off your shoulders.
Spencer took in the view of your breasts clad in a bra that matched your panties. He was chewing his lip so hard he could taste his own blood. 
“Jesus fucking Christ.” He hissed. “What am I going to do with you?”
“Whatever you want Doctor Reid.” 
“On your knees.” He instructed and you smirked to yourself, liking where this was heading. 
You got down on your knees in front of him, looking up at him through your lashes.
“What do you want, Doctor?” You pouted, licking your lips. 
He unbuckled his belt and popped the button on his slacks. The zipper slid down soon after and he pulled his dick free of the confines of pants and underwear. 
His was painfully hard, practically throbbing. He was big but you knew you could take him. 
You bowed your head and let your tongue lap over his swollen head making him groan in an animalistic fashion. 
“Is this what you want Doctor?” You breathed, making sure your breath hit his cock.
“You fucking know it is.” He growled. “Take me. Take all of me.”
You smirked up at him, knowing just the thought of his dick in your mouth was breaking down his tough facade. 
You took his command and wrapped your lips around his head before quickly moving down his shaft. 
He felt his dick hit the back of your throat and his hand flew to your hair, tugging hard. 
“Fucking hell.” His head fell back and his eyes closed. 
You smirked around his shaft as you started moving. You bobbed your head up and down his length but before long, Spencer started thrusting, practically fucking your mouth. And it was so hot.
He tugged your hair harder and harder as he thrust in and out of your warm, wet mouth. He forced his eyes open so he could watch his cock disappear in and out of your mouth.
“Touch yourself.” He grunted. You could taste his pre-come leaking from his head. “Now.”
You pulled your skirt up with one hand and moved your panties aside. Your finger danced on your wet clit, making you moan around Spencer. 
His eyes flicked between your mouth bobbing up and down around him and to your hand between your legs. 
It was almost too much for him but he wasn’t ready for this to be over. He startled you when he pulled back, removing his dick from your mouth. 
You stared up at him, your hand at a standstill on your core. You wanted to await Spencer’s instructions. 
“Are you wet?”
“So wet.” 
“Good.” He wrapped his hand around your wrist and pulled you up to your feet. He took your fingers in his mouth and moaned at the taste of you on his tongue.
“God you taste so fucking good.” Quickly he reached behind you and swiped his hands across the desk sending the paperwork flying. He took you by your shoulders and guided you back until your ass collided with the desk. 
He pushed you back so you were laying down and practically tore your skirt and panties off leaving you in just your bra and heels. He grabbed hold of your legs and swung them over his shoulders before he thrust into you with all his might.
You both moaned loudly as he filled you up. You were so tight and wet around him he almost blew his load then and there. 
He started his thrusts, hard and fast and frantic. With your legs on his shoulders the angle he was hitting you at was phenomenal. You arched your back and closed your eyes.
“Look at me.” He spat making your eyes shoot back open in an instant. 
He smirked, he loved how he had you wrapped around his little finger so easily. 
“Take off your bra.” He was panting now as he spoke, feeling dangerously close to the edge. He tried to steady himself, he wasn’t ready for this to be over just yet. 
You arched your back some more and reached your hand behind you to undo the clasp of your bra. It took longer than usual as Spencer was pounding into you, slamming you against the desk.
When it was unhooked you slid it off your arms and discarded it on the floor.
Spencer chewed his lip and hissed, taking you all in.
“Fucking hell.” He groaned. He let your legs slide from his shoulders to his waist so he could move closer to you. 
He bowed his head and wasted no time in taking your hard nipple in his mouth. He’d imagined sucking your tits countless times but nothing compared to the real thing.
He continued thrusting while using his teeth to really work you up. His fingers played deftly with your other nipple.
You were a complete mess beneath him, completely succumbed to him and his will. 
You moaned when his lips left your nipple but they stayed on your skin, sucking on the swell of breast. He wanted to mark you. He wanted you to remember this for days to come. 
He sucked a mark on your other breast and then moved to your neglected nipple. He was so close he knew he couldn’t last much longer and judging by your stifled moans you were close too. 
He stood back up right so he could thrust deeper inside you. 
“This is what you wanted isn’t it? You fucking…tease.” His words were punctuated with moans. “Touch yourself. Touch that pretty little clit for me.”
You were compliant and slid your hand down your body between your legs. 
Spencer’s thrusts were becoming sloppy as you watched your fingers dance over your heat. Your eyes rolled back in your head. Between your fingers and Spencer’s dick hitting you in places you’d never experienced before, you couldn’t hold out any longer.
“Doctor,” you groaned. “I’m gonna...I’m gonna…”
“Come you fucking dirty tease. Come all over my dick.” 
Your orgasm washed over you and moaned incoherently. You tightened around Spencer as you came and it pushed him to his own orgasm. 
He moaned your name as he filled you up, lazily still thrusting. His face was flushed and slick with a sheen of sweat. 
He rode out his orgasm inside you and then he pulled out. He gently took hold of your wrists and sat you up on the edge of the desk. 
He cupped your face delicately, so far from the man he’d been mere seconds before.
“Are you ok Y/N?” His eyes were riddled with concern as he looked at you.
“I’m more than ok.” You smiled at him. 
He kissed you softly but it was only brief before he pulled himself away from you.
“Good. Now be a good TA and clear up this mess.” He gestured to the papers now scattered all over the floor. 
You nodded and went to reach for your discarded clothes.
“I didn’t say anything about getting dressed.” He smirked as he sat back in his chair, now soft dick still hanging out of his pants. 
You did as you were told and dressed only in your heels you started bending down to clear up the papers, making sure to put on a show of it.
You could feel his heavy gaze on you and it didn’t take long for his dick to start hardening again at the sight of your bare ass as you bent over.
“Such a tease.” He growled, his hand finding his shaft. You looked back at him as he started slowly pumping himself. “You’re a slut aren’t you Y/N? A filthy slut.”
You felt a sense of pride over what you were able to do to this gorgeous man. Teaching training was definitely going to be an interesting experience. 
“Only for you Doctor Reid.” You smirked. “Only for you.” 
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lavendercitizen · 3 years
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Ransom Drysdale x f!reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Ransom looks simply ravishing from your place at the dining table, and you are not one for self-restraint. Not when it comes to him.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 0.9k
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Kissing, light sexual themes: 18+! Minors dni.
𝐀/𝐍: Idk what exactly it is, but this gif make me go feral.
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Mondays were always lonely days for Ransom. With you having a job and him living of his dad's money, not bothering to stoop to the lowly task of working, he was bound to be alone for a good part of the day.
Did he understand why you were so keen on your job, when he told you several times that he could take care of you? No, not at all. You'd never have to lift another finger again and yet—
"No, Ransom. You know this is important to me," you explained to him while putting the finishing touches on your hair and makeup.
A long whine dragged itself out of the sulking man next to you. He really didn't get it, because Ransom would never even think of defending this proud need to have a job. Yeah, Ransom definitely couldn't care less. But you and him come from very different backgrounds, and it showed.
What if money would be tight one day, what if something would happen? That's why you leave every day (except for the weekend), to make sure you had a backup, a source of income, something to fall back on, just in case.
Eventually his whining stopped, he knew he couldn't convince you, not when you were so hellbent on keeping that damn job that had you trudging back home so tired and spent most days.
Ransom learned to cherish the mornings especially. Sometimes it was like you didn't recognize him when he was right there making you pancakes for breakfast (one of the few things he can actually make without burning the house down) and blabbering about something he had seen on the news.
You thank him for breakfast and finish quietly, observing him: his stupidly handsome appearance, the way his light blue sweater covers his hand halfway, and his ruffled brown hair. It makes you want to do things you can't even begin to describe. So far he hasn't noticed your radio silence, and you gladly take that as an advantage.
With a few strides you reach your goal—him—gently tugging the mug out of his big hands, silencing his protests easily as you run your fingers through his silky hair.
Cerulean eyes look up at you, curious as to what you're doing. You haven't said a word yet. Standing next to his sitting form, you decide to free him from his anticipation. The hands in his hair turns into a fist, lightly grabbing the brown strands, tugging his head back a bit so he tilts it, your other hand comes up to his cheek, and with that you lean forward clashing your lips against his. Ransom groans into the kiss while you were moving to straddle his lap.
"Pretty boy," you whisper breathlessly in between kisses; he quirks an eyebrow at that, one of his typical smug smirks makes its way onto his face.
All you do is smile back. His teasing might work on everybody else, but not you, and in a way it intrigued him as much as it irritated him. Every time he thought he knew all that there is to know about you, he found out something new, adding to the mystery that is you. So as you're here, straddling him, admiring the view and not bothering to hide the possessiveness that tinged your voice and glazes over your eyes, Ransom can't help but stare at you.
Leaning forward, your fingers dig into his broad shoulders, as you murmur, "Cat got your tongue, baby?", proceeding to trail kisses along his strong jaw, nipping just once or twice. You want to frame this moment, keep it with you forever— because, god, he looks like a painting, like a work of art under your searching fingers. His brow is furrowed; with concentration? With lust? It fuels something deep inside you, makes you feel powerful, and you love it.
Then, you decide, you want to hear him. With a smug smile adorning your lips you grind down on him. He bites into the soft flesh of his lower lip.
No, that won't do.
You grind down once more, tilting his head in your direction with your hand lightly gripping his chin, gaining your own pleasure, and you can't contain the little "Oh" that leaves your mouth.
His reaction is instant; a beautiful low moan escapes him, and it's like music to your ears. Fuck, you can't keep him at distance anymore. Hungrily your lips press against his, licking his lower lip for access, which he grants you without hesitation. His large hands press against your shoulder blades, trying to push you as close as possible to his awaiting body.
In between kisses you coo words of praise, and Ransom is positive his brain is short-circuiting. Your hands are running through his brown strands, nail are scraping at his scalp, and you're pressed so close to him, it's like the two of you are melting together.
Eventually, you pull away, admiring your work. Your boyfriend is absolutely flushed, his hair is even messier than before (thanks to you) and, well, his pants are quiet strained— his bulge undeniable.
Your urge is satisfied, mission completed you could say, and you get off him. Checking the mirror once more, you fix your hair, before you leave. Throwing one last glance at Ransom, whose right hand is gripping the arm of the sofa so hard, his knuckles are turning white, you bid him a devilish goodbye, knowing that you were in for it.
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