#//i give to you a happy big boyo
lazaruspitreborn · 5 months
Give muse an item: Tim puts a book in Jason's lap as he's passing by. It's not a first edition copy but it's definitely an older printing with a very pretty cover. @arobinwithoutbatman
Jason sat up, confuse for a moment before he looked at the book and carefully examined the cover and first pages, then, gently bended it to the side to check the art on the edges of it, the images of small scenes of the book showed according to the angle he inclined the old pages, then disappeared as simple faded gold trims when the book was straight again.
This was a rarity!
Still in shock, he flipped to the backcover and double checks for the low press number on it. Thirty-one of fifty. He felt it with his fingers. A true collector's piece. A very special one.
It took a couple of seconds more, but, eventually, the sound escaped him. High-fucking-pitched and strong as only his lungs could make it be, the sound of Jason Todd's excitement as he wheezed and tried to hold back on the way his feet skipped on the floor as he brought the book all the way to his bedroom - he wasn't leaving this one to the Belfry's library, no sir! This was his!
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d. di. dillo ml <3 could i maybe perhaps get hcs for the boys and a theatre kid! s/o? <3
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A/N: I’m a stage manager so I feel qualified to answer these asks. I went down the high school theater train here because it felt the most applicable and I felt most confident writing it so…yeah. Hope you enjoy!
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This man is an absolute saint and unofficially joined your set building crew once your show started because he works in construction kinda sorta and figured what better way to help your show than to help build everything you need
The rest of the cast and crew goes absolutely wild when he shows up the first time because let’s be real folks, Darry is absolutely stunning, incredibly strong, and an absolute gentlemen
He’s wonderful at helping you with lines too, if you need some assistance with memorizing or just someone to talk through them with, Dare is more than happy to help you out
Dare’ll give up his free time for that too, like in the evenings when he wants to do is crawl into bed and catch some rest before having to work again tomorrow, he’ll sit with you in the living room and recite lines until you feel confident
Come show time, he’s sitting in the front row with his brothers, grinning up at you when you’re on stage, clapping the loudest when it’s done <3
He brings you flowers too, a nice little bouquet that he gives to you after you’re done, congratulating you on such a good performance, he’ll tell you every show you do was even better than your last, no matter what happens
Sodapop absolutely loves that you’re an actor, he thinks it’s super duper cool and is literally so in awe of your talent no matter how talented you think you actually are-
He likes to joke, that if he were still in school, he’d be up on stage with you, acting right alongside you, playing every love interest you could ever have on that big stage
The theater director, I’m sure, would have loved to have Sodapop in the plays/musicals because just look at that man’s face and I will bet you actual money that Sodapop can sing too
On those rough days, the days where you can’t remember any of your lines, can’t hit any of your notes, miss every single one of your cues, Sodapop will be there to help you through it
Those days happen, I see them all the time, but Sodapop, with the gentlest voice you’ve ever heard and the sweetest smile on his face, will offer to help you with everything
Come showtime, Sodapop is sitting in that front row, right in the center of the stage, hearts in his eyes and flowers in his hands, eager for you to perform so he can see you doing your thing <3
Guess what buds, Ponyboy Curtis a stage crew kiddo because I said so and now it’s canon in this universe in which these headcanons exist-
He does lights or something, something where he’s around the cast enough to develop a huge crush on you but still separate enough so that he has to make an effort to see you
But once you start dating, Ponyboy finds himself being dragged into the cast circles and into your friend groups more often, being brought more into the acting group of people
One time, and I swear to you it happened one time, he was working one of the spotlights for a rehearsal and was so in awe of your acting talent that he just…forgot…to spot you during your big monologue…
When he notices that he missed his cue, he apologizes like a million times once he finds you again, and when you realize why he missed the cue, please give him a million more kisses because that’s really cute
After you guys finish your show, Ponyboy takes you out to the diner or something and have a little date with you and congratulate you on your job well done!
After talking with my dearest friend, thanks a bunch @a-person-who-didnt-wanna-be-here, I finally figured out what I was gonna say about this boyo, I stared at his section for WAY too long
But anyway! If you’re dating Dallas and you’re doing high school theater, prepare yourself for him either asking a shit ton of questions about what you’re working on or absolutely not caring about anything at all
For sure, he’ll show up at your shows and give you a rinky-dink little bouquet of flowers and congratulate you on a job well done and have absolutely no clue about what show you just performed
Dallas will literally get up in the middle of the show and leave because he’s bored when you’re not on the stage and he’ll just hang out outside and smoke until he’s bored of being outside and wants to go back in
If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation where you have to kiss one of your fellow actors for a scene, you don’t have any good options regarding Dallas
Either you tell him before and have to deal with him complaining and threatening your fellow actor or you don’t tell him and run the risk of him finding out <3 good luck!
Supportive! Boyfriend! To! The! Max! Johnny is absolutely wonderful with a theater kid partner and I just know it all the way done to the marrow in my bones
He would help you run lines, hanging out at your house until the late hours of the night until you’ve got all your lines down and just help you remember them because he just likes you so much
Johnny doesn’t want to be in the plays/musicals and he doesn’t want to be involved with the stage crew either, but he hangs around rehearsals when he can because it beats going home and he likes being able to walk you back to your house when it gets late and stuff
The rest of the cast loves him though, he’s a sweetheart and a little cutie and ya know, he just, he never does anything wrong. He’s a little baby boy and I love him-
He comes to all your shows! You can always find him sitting in the audience cheering for you at curtain calls and waving when he catches your attention
Johnnykid tries to get the rest of the boys to come with him too, mostly Ponyboy, because he wants to show off how talented you are and all that good jazz!
Two-Bit is not in any of the shows. He’s never on a cast list, never in the crew, he doesn’t help with anything at all. But he’s always at rehearsals-
Why is he wasting his time at rehearsals you may ask? Why is he spending afternoons in that old theater, sitting in the uncomfortable seats and watching people practice a show he’s not even in? Oh, it’s because of you, of course!
He doesn’t do much, especially not when he’s got you sitting next to him, and a majority of his time is spent sitting with you and running his mouth about the other cast members and stuff
A large chunk of what he says are compliments on your acting and mumbled remarks into your ear about how you’re better than whoever is on stage or how the two of you could be off somewhere else, doing something else…
But everyone else thinks he’s kinda funny and he doesn’t cause too many problems when he’s around cause you keep him on enough of a leash that anything he does can be considered more funny than problematic
When opening weekend rolls around, he tells everyone he knows to come see you perform, hyping you up consistently and making sure when you come out for bows, you’ve got an audience full of people waiting there to cheer you on!
I feel like I boil Steve’s character down to a cheerleader boyfriend way too often but like- that’s just the way he is- I don’t know what else you want me to say-
But anyways, just imagine for a moment, sitting in the garage of the DX while Steve’s covered in grease, working underneath a car, while you sit pretty by the toolboxes and run lines with him
He offers to pick you up from rehearsals and drive you home for multiple reasons because a) he likes taking care of you, b) he likes hearing about your rehearsal, and c) he’d never miss an opportunity to drive you around
He drags Sodapop along to your shows because he feels weird going by himself but still really wants to show up out of the blue and surprise you by sitting in the audience with flowers
Triple bonus boyfriend points, he takes you out for dinner after your final show to congratulate you on a job well done and treat you to something while simultaneously showing you off!
While you’re rehearsing and stuff, he calls you his superstar because he’s goofy like that and will state how you’re the next rising star and compare you to all these famous actors/actresses and ask you not to forget about him once you make it to Broadway
Tim popped by your rehearsal one time because…I don’t even know why, probably cause you forgot your script at his house or something and everyone absolutely lost it cause Big Bad Tim Shepard is at a theater rehearsal
He doesn’t really talk to anyone but you, handing over that script and offering to pick you up after you’re done and take you out to dinner or something <3
Tim’s a pain in the ass to work on lines with, but he’ll help you out if you really need a hand with memorizing them-
I’m getting this visual of you sitting in the Shepard kitchen late at night, deep in thought at the kitchen table while Tim sits on the opposite side and reads from your script, feeding you lines when you need a little hint
He drops you off at the theater on opening day, way earlier than the actual showtime because call times are a thing and they absolutely suck, but he sends you off on your way with a good luck kiss
Tim doesn’t sit in the front row, doesn’t sit with your family, doesn’t bring anyone else along with him, but he’s there at your shows and always gives you a little wave when you bow, winking at you when he manages to catch your eye
Imma just be real with you, there’s a really high chance that Curly might be thrown in reform during your show run, he’s a delinquent and ya know, he has a rough time staying out of the pen sometimes
In that case ^^ he sends Tim in his stead so that Tim can tell him all about how you did so that Curly can shower you with praise once he gets out
If he’s not in the pen! Yay! He comes to all of your shows and never buys a ticket, sneaking in every time because no one’s gonna stop him from seeing you perform during your big moments
He hangs out during rehearsals, causing a ruckus when he can and loping off with a smug smirk when he gets kicked out, after blowing you a kiss of course
Curly’s not gonna bring you flowers but it’s not because he doesn’t care it’s just cause he doesn’t have the money or the memory to get you flowers so he just gives you a bunch of kisses instead!
Random to finish, but don’t ever try and get Curly to run your lines with you because he’ll end up turning it into some sort of, remember-a-line-and-you-get-a-kiss game and then y’all will just end up making out instead of working on memorizing lines sooooo……yeah
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thisispoggers · 3 days
To be fair the comics has always been way more vioent/emotional heavy than its animation counterpart for YEARS, galaxy s1 comic featured fang's backstory where his parents dies, movie 2 comic's version of the elements disappearing is just brutal (Retak'ka just grabs solar's face and the poor boi is crying); it also featured boi being more sad and coming to terms with leaving the others behind.
The comics has always been somewhat known as for teens and up. Sadly for season 2 its whole premise was given to the comic creators and not the usualy animation writers, this of course leads to a lot of changes between both (especially since there was no plan for an animated season 2 so the comic writers were allowed to go wild for it)
In full retrospect, if the animation was created before the comic version not many complaints would've been given to it (at least not as much as right now)
NAW BUT FR THO (excuse my babble below the cut lol)
My lil boyo getting that plot stick beating whenever he’s on paper lmao and honestly good on the comic writers to go ham on it cuz damn my boy went through the wringer (good lord the 2nd Movie comic bruh)
Also I have since detached comic from its animation not only for BBB but for really all types of fandom I’m in (think OPM as an example cuz One literally just lets Murata do whatever lol)
Cuz animating something from a comic, that you know is gonna be streamed on TV in a literal worldwide network, is hella tricky cuz the comic deals with heavy stuff so tryna adapt that to animation and also work out how y’all are gonna sneak this pass through network is gonna be a bit of a b so whatever “true to comic” animation scene we get im happy for it (not gonna jinx on EP 4 so imma just say that I’m curious how they’re gonna do it lmao) (also I hope they patch out plot holes in case that happens and also make Kuputeri a badass again PLS MONSTA PLS) (still big mad that our queen didn’t get to beat someone up)
Also on the thing bout if the animation is released before the comic? Honestly yeah that’s so true cuz if I were to watch the animated series, I’d be vv entertained and liking how it’s going ya kno?
My lil boy may be getting a beat down at every turn but hey atleast he still got that lil kiddy sparkle within him that lets him have fun even during a really bad situation
Bruh imagine if it actually goes that route like saying “wow the animated series is rather heavy I wonder how’s the comic doing” and then the comics get out and everyone just says a resounding “oh no” when Oboi starts farming trauma points against his will
Anyways am I kinda miffed bout the animated series? Nah not that much it’s doing fine rn (they have since won me over by providing BoEl content like they don’t need to give us RiSol and TTM moments but they did and hallelujah for that)
Is it going great? Mmmmm it’s really too early to say cuz we are only 3 episodes in also I forgot how many episodes it’s supposed to be but judging from how’s it running I think around 10 or over that so they still got some time
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rock-n-macabre · 5 months
hiii!! if you want to, what are some headcanons you have for severen💗💗
Howdy, Anon! 🖤✨ I absolutely loved this ask - thank you ! Severen is definitely an enigma of a man and it was a blast to write these HCs for him! I wanted to write him in a different light - as much as I would want lovey Sevvy because lovey Sevvy is adorbs 🖤 - I decided to play with the reckless bad boy side.
Hope this is ok!
(also y'all please don't hesitate to send more requests - I'm happy and honored to write for y'all!)
---------- .🩸✨🩸. ------------
Severen Van Sickle HC's
🩸 Hard toss up if Severen bought or made his necklace himself. A part of me wants to say Mae made it for him as a thank you for him showing her how to shoot a gun.
🩸High chance of him being besties with the likes of Johnny Ringo and the cowboys before he was turned in Tombstone,AZ.
🩸As much as i'd want to say Severen would be head over heels for someone , he probably mistakens the feeling for that of lust. Wanna be turned? Best recommendation for your 'Survive Severen' plan would be to come up with something wild.. either an action or say some wildness to catch him off guard so that you're not bled out. Boom. Turned. He may be a little cranky pants at first because he is king of one night stands, but he stays true to code and would take one under his wing as his mate.
🩸When he is yours.....look out. I feel like it's a common HC for him to be territorial as all get out, and lawd help anyone who dares to make eyes at you. Also massive sex fiend. Bathroom quickies are a must.
🩸But behind this primal man..RAWR-apex- predator- rabid -possum man... lies one of the most loyal guys that will legit go through hell and back for you. Oh, he forgot something? He'll gladly do it again and be back with bells on.
🩸As much as I want to believe he gets sentimental like anyone would be open with their partner...I feel as if the moment he begins to , he feels vulnerable and will catch himself before fully letting his walls down. Cherish the small moments .
🩸When he got hit by the 18 wheeler, he probably checked another near death experience off his bucket list. Boyo is definitely as much of a masochist as he is a sadist. He will definitely get half cooked and be like "imma do it again!".
🩸I feel as if you got to mate status he would definitely find it attractive if you go in for a neck nibble on him . He'd either a) be smitten because that's a turn on to him or b) be taken aback and full defensive mode all like stay away from uncharted grounds!
🩸He definitely would want to feed off his mate. Now....you miiiiiiight have to pull him off of you so you don't get drained too much, but he likes the closeness and territorial side of the act.
🩸Now feeding off him? He'd expect you to hunt for yourself (he would love hunting together) ..he wants you to fit in and get the seal of approval. But if you get injured badly and need some blood to help recoup quicker? He might make an exception. As noted above, he might be into it if you can reach that level of intimacy with him 🖤
🩸Would 10/10 give you his spur. That's the same as a ring to him. Would hunt Caleb back down or steal it right off his boot (if Caleb stayed with the Hooker clan and didn't pull his BS) to give to his mate. You're all his, par'ner.
🩸Even though yeah he would be a goof around his mate to always captivate their attention...and yeah he can also act aloof in public towards prey....it's a front. The dude is actually super smart. He's an apex predator.....if he blew his cover right off the bat, what fun would that be? He's calculating, devious and knows things....even before he was turned, swaying people wasnt his first rodeo. He wrote the book on it.
🩸Does he have a vampire ex out there? Probably not. Dude has a hard time drawing the line when feeding. Go all in.....go big or go home. No work goes unfinished. There's a tragic romantic part of me that has the HC of Severen might have had a love interest before he was turned. When Jesse turned him, Severen didn't know how to control this new insatiable thirst and drained his mate. Could also play into a possibility as to why he could never get close to someone again from the past trauma....he won't admit to it, but it's there.
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sungbeam · 10 months
requests, the third round
a/n: yk,, i always say im not good with requests, but sometimes, i really do just need a whole system reboot and to look at other people's ideas 💀 so this is me trying 🤸‍♀️
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some ground rules:
✶ remember that i am Not Good At Requests. if i don't end up getting to yours/give up on them, then i'm sorry. if u want a guaranteed fic, u prob shouldn't come to my inbox :')
✶ this is my mainly sfw blog; pls keep all requests pg-13, suggestive at the most. here's a sample of how far i'm willing to go for the sake of readers on this blog.
✶ i'm very much willing to write about death, grief, violence, and blood, to an extent. pls do not send a request romanticizing toxic and/or abusive relationships, bc i will delete it.
✶ i write fem reader at default, but i am very much open to gn reader too. just be sure to specify!
✶ would i write a love triangle? a love square? a love octagon??? (yes, i'm bringing this back) if u want it, and i have the energy for it, lmk LMAO
✶ ONCE YOU HAVE SENT IN A REQUEST, i will update this post below the cut with requests i've received so far. pls check there for if i've seen your ask :]
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how to request:
send a prompt(s)/au/song inspo/etc + genre(s) + desired idol boyo(s)!!
— i'll write for anyone from the EIGHT groups i have a masterlist for LOL (prob an emphasis on tbz but maybe this'll get me back to ncity, who knows)
— some prompt ideas: dialogue. question starters. fluff. hozier for vibes. from a villain. werewolf by night quotes.
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request queue!
— if u told me i don't have to use all the prompts, i still put them down just so i have all the ideas in one place ^_^
lee hyunjae x "you feel like home to me" x debut/predebut era — from anon
jung wooyoung x "i could keep you safe. they’re all afraid of me" x "there’s nothing sweeter than my baby" x fluff, suggestive — from @jaehunnyy
lee hyunjae x e2l x "i don't understand why you have to torment me every second of the day! you were a sweetheart when you left, obviously life happened and now you're a devil! what the fuck, lee jaehyun?!" x "you don't understand how i think of you everyday when we were apart" x "i'm not saying that i'm using you but could you fix me? put me back together?" — from anon
kim sunwoo x e2l x spy au x angst x "working together again, it’s just like old times." x "clean yourself up. you're getting blood all over the place." x "the only one who gets to kill you, is me." x "enemies make the best lovers, you know. " x "why is it whenever we see each other, you’re covered in blood?" — from @shakalakaboomboo
hwang intak or yoon keeho x “it’s okay, you can touch me. i won't break.” x hurt/comfort — from anon
eric sohn x bffs2l x "was that your first kiss?" x "you can kiss me, you know." — from @mosviqu
eric sohn x “i’ve never cared for anyone the way i care for you” x “promise me you’ll still be here when i wake up?” — from @ericlvr
lee sangyeon x spy au x "what are you doing out here by yourself?" x "you gonna be a good girl for me?" x "they're dangerous? well unfortunately, so am i." x suggestive/action — from @winterchimez
choose an idol boy 😋 x actors au x e2l x happy ending by svt — from 🌷 anon
idol boy selection in progress x corpse bride au x horror — from 🌷 anon
lee juyeon(?) x soc/helnik au x "i fell in love with the fire long ago." — from @hqrana
xu minghao x "when i was a child, i heard voices… some would sing and some would scream." x "i’m standing in the ashes of who i used to be." x shang-chi au x angst and/or comfort — from @tranquilpetrichor
jacob bae or ji changmin x hozier's francesca x hurt/comfort, angst x a love that endures — from @zzoguri
ji changmin x new year's day (taylor swift) x fluff, comfort — from anon
jacob bae x band au x secret muse/songwriter au x vancouver by big naughty x busking — from @hongyangi
choi chanhee x e2l x she fell first, but he fell harder trope x banter/teasing — from @richasdiary
lee hyunjae x royalty au x poor girl/servant girl x royalty/prince au — from anon
lee hyunjae x bad boy good girl trope — from anon
kevin moon x older brother's best friend x secret relationship x "good morning, sleeping beauty." x "is that my shirt?" x "you look good like this." x "are you trying to get us in trouble?" x "are you sure this is a good idea?" x fluff, suggestive — from @confuchan
lee juyeon x "we can't keep doing this" x bffs 2 lovers — from anon
choi beomgyu x heartbreak girl by 5sos x angst, uber fluffy ending — from @loveliestfelix
lee jeno x best friends 2 lovers x dress by taylor swift — from anon
eric sohn x hands by flatsound x angst with or without a happy ending — from anon
eric sohn x “is that my shirt?” x fluff/suggestive — from anon
lee hyunjae x "you can hold my hand, if you want." x zombie apocalypse au — from anon
kim sunwoo x sweet nothing by taylor swift — from anon
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little-svt · 11 months
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Wc: 257
Taglist: @pastel-princess-please @kiki-woo @fishsquishh
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Teddy Bear
• You’d had the idea of making Wonu a special gift. Something not quite the usual. He was a special boy after all
• When you finally decided on your gift, you realized you didn’t know how to make it at all.
• You weren’t the sneaky type but you had to learn if you wanted your gift to be a surprise. He was quite the clever little one
• You were thanking yourself for being a planner and starting this project weeks before after many times of having to stop mid loop and hide your handiwork from the curious kitty returning from work or even the amount of times you started over
• Hiding yarn, sore fingers and bandages was a task but finishing a few days early and being ready for the big day made it all worth it
• The two of you joined Seventeen for a birthday dinner out, everyone giving their best wishes and fooling around
• When it was finally the two of you home alone, sat on the sofa, you revealed his final gift; small hand-crocheted plush with glossy, button eyes He held it in his hands, completely silent now, his fingers carefully going over the details and before he knew it, his eyes were as glossy as his new friend’s
• Before you could panic, worry and a million emotions more, you were being squished in the biggest hug your little kitty could muster, his face hiding shyly against your neck, the tiniest “thank you” whispered in your ear
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🧸Endnote: hehe both Admin’s worked on this little headcanon for one of our favorite littles (I bet you didn’t know we hc him as a little 🤭) Wonu a soft boyo who didn’t expect something so thoughtful to be meant for him. Shyest boyo. ~ 🐶🐰🍓
Happy Wonu Day!!! He deserves everything and more because he is the bestest bestest boy 🥰💖🥰💖🥰 ~ 👑🐰💛
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johnwgrey · 1 year
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hello hello and happy wip day.
I'm not actively working on anything lately but I've had a shit day and I really, really wanted to share something today so here I am.
I still struggle with words but I'm still determined to finish my CORB fic, a twist of fates, so I'm giving this stream of consciousness kind of writing a try, which allows me to, at least, put some ideas down and get the story going.
Here's something I wrote a while ago but haven't shared yet.
On Christmas day, Fiona barges into Baz's room and sits on his bed while he's still sleeping.
She wakes him up roughly and throws a small package at him. "Merry Christmas, boyo."
Baz sits up in bed and takes the present but doesn't open it. Fiona doesn't give him time before she asks "how is it going with the chosen one?" Baz shrugs. It's going. It's going really well, actually, by Fiona's standard. [...]
"Can I open my present?" (he asks) Fiona presses her lips together and nods. "Sure."
Inside the small box is a thin piece of blue fabric. Baz takes it off the box. It's a scarf. "It was your mother's," Fiona explains. "Your father gave it to me after she died but I think you should have it. To remember her by." She raises an eyebrow. "Make her proud, boyo." Baz looks down at the scarf between his hands and nods.
When Fiona leaves, he presses it to his face. It doesn't smell like his mother anymore.
This is all one big paragraph in my draft but I spaced it out a bit for you guys.
Thank you for the tags @martsonmars @facewithoutheart @whogaveyoupermission @artsyunderstudy @ileadacharmedlife @hushed-chorus @aroace-genderfluid-sheep
I'm not sure who has posted already but no pressure tags and hellos 👋 : @bookish-bogwitch @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @fatalfangirl @messofthejess @palimpsessed @cutestkilla @tea-brigade @moodandmist @onepintobean @raenestee @urban-sith @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @shrek-gogurt @thewholelemon @confused-bi-queer @ivelovedhimthroughworse @sailorblossoms @bazzybelle and anyone who wants to play!
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doodles-dearest · 1 year
made this for my bf for valentines idk if hes read it yet but i hope whoever sees this does ((late) update: he did!! xe loves it!! im a happy boyo now with validation <3)
Steve just made the biggest mistake of his life.
Worse than giving up his carefree life to become a people pleasing king of highschool.
Worse than going to apologise to Nancy back in '83, only to get dragged into all that Upside Down bullshit.
Worse than everything he ever did.
He let his chance with Eddie Munson go, and now he's sitting in the rain, wishing he wasn't a coward.
Valentine's Day. A day of love, of cheesy cards, and the worst day of the year for Steve Harrington.
Every year in the past he told himself it'd be different, he'd have the perfect Valentine's Day; but of course that never happened. The last good one he can remember was so long ago, he was about nine or so, and a boy (girl? Person? It was so long ago and Steve's memory was so bad nowadays that he wasn't sure) had rushed up to him and shoved a heart shaped card into his chest before running away. The card was clearly homemade, obnoxious hearts everywhere, covered in glue. It was made with love though, love that not many people had ever shown him since. Now it sat tucked in the back of Steve's closet, along with his sexuality.
This year, he was giving up. He was going to treat it like any other day, to the best of his abilities. Which was difficult, considering everyone else around him seemed to have a valentine. Robin was busy with Nancy, so hanging out with either of them was out. The kids all had their various valentines– Steve tends not to get into their love lives, the complex web that it is. Argyle and Jonathan were getting high together, which Steve reckoned was their version of a date. There was Eddie, but with a face like his and a wit like that, he was most likely snuggling up to someone too. It was strange, Steve hated picturing Eddie with someone more than he did picturing the others. The idea of Eddie wrapping an arm around a girl's shoulder, offering them his jacket, glancing at their lips, sent a dark, hostile feeling creeping through Steve's chest. He tried to ignore the thought.
So, Steve just decided that once his shift was over, he'd go home and get as wasted as possible. His plans were thwarted however, when the very metalhead he was just thinking of came trotting into Family Video, his chains and rings clinking as he walked, announcing his arrival.
"Ah, Munson, here to grab a rom-com for your valentine?" Steve commented dully. It came out a little saltier than he'd intended.
Eddie pulled a face. "Someone's grumpy. Valentine's Day not your thing, King Stevie? I thought it would be considering you're an absolutely brilliant charmer." He waved his hands around dramatically, Steve just rolled his eyes.
"It's not my fault Valentine's is always the worst day of the year for me." He grumbled back. "Now, the rom-coms are in the section with all the dumb hearts and confetti and…" Steve waved his hands around vaguely. "Shit."
"Actually, my dear Stevie, I'm also without a valentine. So, I was wondering if you'd like to–"
Steve cut him off, that sour creeping feeling vanishing. "Get wasted out of our minds? Hell yes. My place or yours?"
Eddie looked a bit taken aback, almost like he was going to say something rather different. "Mine?"
"Sounds great." Steve smiled, his eyes brighter now. "I'll see you after my shift."
"Need me to pick you up, big boy?" Eddie smirked. Steve rolled his eyes again, but he couldn't help but feel a certain type of hotness under his collar due to the nickname.
"I'll be fine, thanks. See you in a bit." Steve grinned.
The metalhead gave him finger guns and imitated a southern accent. "Whatever you say, pardner." And he trotted out the store as if on a horse, leaving Steve giggling and smiling.
The rest of the day went better, thankfully. Sure there were lovey dovey couples coming in to get their movies that they'd inevitably neglect just so they could make goo goo eyes at each other, but Steve had Eddie and booze to look forward to, and that thought kept him light and airy all throughout the day. He watched as the clock ticked to 5 and he rushed out the door, flipping the open sign to closed, before jumping into his beamer and racing off to the trailer, unable to stop smiling.
At that point he wasn't sure why he was so happy, really. It was just two guys hanging out and getting drunk on Valentine's Day. That was normal.
"Normal friend stuff." He mumbled to himself as he parked. He felt a sudden pang in his stomach of… surely not– butterflies. No, not butterflies, you can't get butterflies for someone you're just friends with. He was just nervous. But why would he be nervous? He sighed and shook his head. He was being an idiot; so much of an idiot in fact that he hadn't noticed Eddie tapping on the window.
"You gonna sit out here all evening, Stevie boy?" He said with a lopsided grin. Steve rolled his eyes and got out. He did that alot with Eddie; not in a dismissive way, of course. He just felt he had to, or else he'd let something else out, something he wouldn't be able to explain away.
And he definitely came close to a reaction like that when Eddie presented a heart shaped box. "For you." His tone was more subdued, his smile suddenly less confident. Steve took them with some hesitation, wondering if it was some sort of joke.
"They're chocolates." Eddie broke the silence that Steve didn't even realise had begun. "There's a dumb card inside too, here." He took the box back, their hands brushing for a moment Steve wished lasted forever. Carefully, he opened it, and in it sat a heart shaped card, almost exactly like the one Steve had received so many years ago. It had the same type of obnoxious hearts glued on, but placed with more articulation this time. He took the card, holding it as if it were a valuable antique. Without even needing to open it to see the chicken-scratch handwriting of "To Steve", he could feel the love put in it. He hoped Eddie might've signed his name this time, so he'd remember who brightened up his Valentine's.
Eddie was looking at him intensely, studying his expression, trying to read his emotions. "It's stupid, I'm sorry." He mumbled, taking Steve's silence as a bad sign.
"Thank you." Steve practically whispered, his eyes meeting Eddie's. They stayed like that, for a moment, their brown eyes locked together for what seemed like an eternity. Steve wasn't sure if Eddie could tell how much the gift meant, but in his heart he hoped he could. In Eddie's eyes though, he could see so much hurt, so much hope. The gift meant a lot to him too, it was to test the waters, to see if perhaps, Steve might like him in a way different to friendship.
Steve felt like Eddie could see so much of him at that moment, those big brown eyes pierced his soul like a pin in a balloon. It was like he could see everything about him, and Steve felt bare and open. It unsettled him somewhat, while also giving him a feeling of belonging. Eddie understood, he got what Steve had been through. He just wasn't ready to share that part of himself with Eddie yet, and so, Steve broke the moment, looking away at the floor.
"We should head inside, it's freezing." He mumbled, slowly walking into the trailer, clutching the card to his chest. Eddie lagged behind briefly before catching him up, and then, he put his jacket around Steve's shoulders. This was all… new. This affection. He wasn't sure what to make of it, really. It stirred feelings in him, feelings he tried so hard to bury so long ago. He didn't say anything, just kept on walking.
"Wanna watch a movie or something then?" Eddie smiled, his confidence returning. This was becoming more and more like a date as it went on, Steve noted. He tried to ignore it. Just two guys watching a movie on Valentine's Day.
"Totally normal and platonic." Steve mumbled.
Eddie frowned confusedly. "What was that?"
"Nothing, uh, nothing." Steve shook his head. "We can watch a movie if you want, yeah."
Eddie smiled again, and how Steve wished he could make Eddie smile like that more. "Great, what do you want, The Wicker Man, The Dead Zone–"
Steve grimaced. Despite having seen ungodly horrors in his real life, he still couldn't handle horror movies.
Eddie rolled his eyes and smiled. "Fine, what do you suggest then?"
"That Star Wars one? You know, it's called, uh… Back to the Future?"
And so began their night of idiocy, dumbassery and intoxication.
A couple hours later, and Steve was so drunk he could barely move. Eddie, who handled his booze better, was very entertained by Steve's drunken antics.
"And so, Eds, I told her, d'you know who pauses Fast Times at fifty–" He paused to hiccup. "Fifty three minutes 'n' five seconds? People who like boobies, y'know? Boobies!" Steve flourished with his hands, waving them about so dramatically that he nearly rolled off the couch.
Eddie giggled; while yes, he could handle his alcohol, he was still drunk. "I don't like boobies."
"What? Dude, c'mon, they're boobies, you can just…" Steve made grabbing motions with his hands. "Squish squish."
Eddie sighed. "No it's not that I don't like boobies altogether, it's just… I only like 'em on men."
There was silence for a moment, as it sunk in for both of them that Eddie had just outed himself.
"Men boobies." Steve giggled.
Eddie nodded and smiled. "Men boobies."
More time passed, and soon they were fresh out of alcohol and were sobering up slowly. They were sitting in a comfortable silence, when Eddie asked the question.
"Do you like men?"
Steve didn't respond. The effects of the alcohol and his head starting to throb didn't put him in the best state to answer. He wanted to say yes, because that was the honest answer, but all his life he'd been told that he didn't. Yes he knew the people telling him that were wrong on basically every other account but when you're told something enough times, you start to believe it, no matter who's saying it.
Eddie was looking at him. "Steve?"
"I don't know." Steve sighed and brushed a hand through his hair.
"Well…" Eddie sounded hesitant. "We could find out?"
Steve looked at him, only to see him getting closer, looking at his lips, leaning in and…
That's all Steve can remember. The next thing he knew he was at Lovers Lake at quarter to four in the morning, gazing into the water, raindrops pattering down on him, he'd be shivering if it weren't for Eddie's jacket.
He ran away, and now he's sitting all alone, drunk, on Valentine's Day. He had a chance, Eddie was going to kiss him, be his valentine, love him; but he's thrown that away, and for what?
I'm a coward. He thinks to himself. A dumb little coward who can't even kiss a boy.
He wanted to. Wants to. But for some reason, in that moment he'd just ran, ran away from his friend, no, his crush. He's sure it's a crush now. What else could it be?
Then, behind him, he hears the unmistakable sound of a beaten up old van and metal music. Eddie.
He doesn't turn around, he can't face Eddie, not like this, not when he has so much shame to deal with. He could swim away, avoid the confrontation. No that's dumb. He thinks. Then, before he can think of another plan, Eddie's sitting beside him.
"Hey." Eddie whispers. "I am so, so sorry. I thought…" He sighs. "I guess I misread the signals, I thought for some dumb reason you might like me back but I–" Steves stops him talking by placing a hand on his.
"You didn't misread anything, Eds, I just panicked and ran like I always do. Feelings are just… They're confusing. I'm confused. All I know is I really, really like you." He turns to look at Eddie, to gauge his reaction, their eyes lock.
There's silence. All they can hear is the rain slowly getting more intense as they stare into each other's eyes.
Eddie drops his gaze for a second before bringing it back. "I like you too."
And so the two boys sit together in the rain, hand in hand, sitting before a heart of water as they figure out how they feel.
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virusgeist-art · 4 months
can i have some lore in the two boyos u just posted!! THEY LOOK CUTE AF
Ah omg!! Thank you!! I'm really flattered you are interested in them because they are my babies and favorite boys of all time,, 🥺
The boy with black hair is named Reed- Reed is a one man band and a great singer/guitarist. In the beginning of their story at least... cause he also is very lonely and wishes he had friends or other band members to play his tunes with.
He pretends to be assertive and look "scary" but on the inside he's super sensitive. He used to be more soft and nerdy on the outside but got his heart broken by his first girlfriend and decided to be emo, LOL. The breakup might have left him heart broken but it sparked up his ambition and determination to play guitar and go after his dreams to try to be a famous rockstar like his longtime idol Trip (another oc).
He gets invited to a popular music tournament where he meets Isaac (the boy with blonde hair in the pic who is also a guitarist of his own band). Except... Reed and Isaac REALLY didn't get along at first. Isaac picked on him the moment he layed eyes on him. (mostly because he thought he was cute) Reed thought he was an asshole from then on out though. They became rivals through most of the tournament. Making jabs and jeers at each other any chance they get.
Isaac eventually has a disagreement with his bandmates and they kick him out. First place he goes is to Reed to ask if he could stay with him for a temporary truce. Reed was hesitant at first but ultimately decided to let him stay with him... but definitely makes it clear he sleeps on the floor. Which Isaac didn't really mind.
They go through a some stuff together and over their time bonding for that time to continue participating in the music tournament together they realize maybe the other is not so bad after all. Reed maybe even LIKES his company. Isaac's bandmates wanted him back after they seen them play really well on stage and of course Isaac went back with them leaving Reed a little disappointed.
They may be a little nicer to each other but they are still musical rivals after all. Reed starts developing a big crush on Isaac and can't get him out of his head. He tends to avoid him like the plague and it was really bugging Isaac because well... he didn't get to see him anymore. Isaac goes to look for Reed himself and he finds him in his room. He starts asking him questions frantically afraid perhaps he's hit a chord or pushed him too far with his playful insults or that he just simply doesn't want to talk to him anymore. Reed just shut him up with a frantic kiss and Isaac kissed him back, easily. Though Reed freaks out and pushes him out of his room in a hurry because he's really confused emotionally, maybe even physically too... all his life he thought he was a straight guy but now he's not too sure.
Reed writes a song about all his overall feelings and plays it for the next tournament round but on his way on the stage he starts to feel really embarrassed and chicken out running towards the exit door. He happens to bump into Isaac who gives Reed a pep talk and tells him he's really talented and to not walk out on him dream.
Anyway Reed played his song and Isaac decides to invite him into his own band and Reed couldn't be happier to say yes even though he tries to play it off cool.
The rest of their story they're in a band together,, eventually meet Reed's idol, Trip, I talked about but he's perhaps not the greatest guy in the world as Reed initially thought.
BUt thank u for being interested,, makes me really happy !!
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pof203 · 9 months
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: The Family
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Here we are, dear family.
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Yes, thank you for bringing us here, Mother.
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Hey, don't forget, I helped, too.
Lupin: I know, Gramps.
You came here with Hecate, Balor, Hermes, Tezcatlipoca, and Xolotl. coming here, you feel that there can be only one thing you can call this... Family time.
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So, what shall we do here today? Perhaps go for a run around the town.
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I'm a pretty fast runner myself. But can I really out run you? I was told back in your homeworld, you were practically the god of speed.
Hermes: And I'm still am.
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Settle down, you two. This is suppose to be family time. A chance for all of use to have a nice quiet day together.
Xolotl: Sorry.
Hecate: I actually had Kurogane set up someplace for us. Come, I'll show you.
You all follow Hecate to where she was talking about.
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Balor: (a bit surprised) My, Hecate, you've out done yourself.
Hermes: It's almost like being back in Olympus. I can even sense the vibrations.
Hecate: I even had him add a lake. We can have a small picnic, go fishing, or just go for a swim.
Lupin: This is wonderful of you, Mother.
Hecate: Thank you, Lupin. Now, let's enjoy the day.
You notice Xolotl was looking a bit down.
Lupin: Is something wrong Xolotl?
Xolotl: I'm fine. It's nice that I can spend time with mi hermanos, you and Tezcatlipoca. But... (looking down again)
Lupin: You were hoping Hakumen would come along, too.
Xolotl: Believe me, she wanted to come, too, when she heard you were coming. But, something came up with our Guild that required her urgent attention.
Tezcatlipoca: Maybe next time.
Xolotl: (happy) I'm sure.
Hecate: Just as long as she behaves herself. Remember what happened last time.
Xolotl: Si, Mama Hecate.
Balor: So, how about we go for a swim? I've asked the local fairies to cook up something for lunch.
Hermes: Isn't it dangerous to eat something offered by fairies? And we know that as a World Representative, you're after Lupin.
Balor: (laughing) Hermes, dear boy, this is a virtual world, not Tir na Nog. I think you'll be safe.
Tezcatlipoca: Besides, you forget that I'm also a world Representative and is after the one you call "Lugh". But he'll always be Quetzalcoatl to us. So please, let's try to play fair.
Balor: Very well.
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That was great, Balor!
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Way to go, Gramps! Xolotl, wanna go in with me?
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S- Sure, hermano.
You and Xolotl jump into the lake.
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That was great... Now, it's my turn.
Hermes flew high in the air. When he was high enough, he dove right in and made huge splash.
Lupin: Wow! Now that was big, Papa Hermes.
Hermes: Thank you.
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(sighs, looking up from her manga) Boys will be boys. Still, I'm glad they are having fun.
Hermes: Say, let's see how long we can hold our breath under water.
Lupin: Okay, let's do it.
You, Hermes, Balor, Tezcatlipoca, and Xolotl all go under water to see how long you can stay under... Sadly, you were the first to get up. Xolotl was next. Then Balor. Then Tezcatlipoca. Hermes was the last one to get up and he won.
Hermes: I win.
Tezcatlipoca: I could have stayed under longer. But my wings kept pulling me back up.
Xolotl: Why not just go to your mini form?
Tezcatlipoca: I don't want to take a chance some big current would carry me away. Best to stay in this form.
Suddenly, a fairy comes to you and announces that lunch is served.
Back up in the ruins, you all sit around and enjoy the meal.
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(enjoy the food) My, Balor, your fairies really know how to cook.
Balor: Thank you, Hecate. That's how well they serve me. How they serve us.
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I must say, Balor, this is an excellent feast.
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Yeah. You even go John Barleycorn cake here.
Balor: (happy) I knew it was your favorite. I hope you enjoy it.
Lupin: I will. Thanks, Gramps.
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I can see why. This cake's the best. You've got to give me the recipe so I can make it for Lady Hakumen sometime.
Balor: (laughing) Sorry, boyo, but this is my special recipe for Lugh, and only Lugh.
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(whispering) Don't worry, I'll see if I can sneak into his cell and see if he wrote it down.
Balor: I heard that. Don't bother. I have all memorized up here. (taps his head)
Hermes: Oh, you'd be surprised about where I can get to.
You all laugh at how much fun you're having... You are almost on the verge of tears.
Hecate: What's the matter, Eurynome. You look like you're about to cry.
Lupin: I'm... I'm sorry. But having us all together like this. It just makes me so happy. We really are a family in this moment.
Tezcatlipoca: We're happy to hear that, Quetzalcoatl. Though some of us come from different worlds and different Guilds, we all have one thing in common... How much we love you.
Balor: I bet even Babalon and her family would be jealous.
Lupin: Let's not make fun of them. Thanks to Wakan, I remember I was once a member of their family. But when a new Game began, it was time to find a new one. I found the Summoners... And I found all of you.
Hecate: We know.
Lupin: ... I wonder if we should have invited them to come. They probably would have loved this, too. Maybe next time.
Hecate: Just as long as you keep Surtr out of the water. I don't think he would like it.
You all laugh while enjoying your time together.
Just before you knew it, it was time to leave. You all leave the beautiful setting that you and your family were just in. You all knew in your hearts that you would all return there someday.
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so at the time of writing that ask, i had just puked up my lunch because i am sick (☹️☹️☹️) and to comfort myself i created silly thoughts.
darry would be the only one who would entirely know what to do. he’d help you cool down after, bring you water, literally just do whatever he’d need to do that you feel better. bring you some light crackers or something, etc.
soda would slightly know what to do, but he’d probably feel really sad when you’re puking. he doesn’t like seeing you clearly suffering and in pain, and if you puked really bad, to the point where tears are down your face, he might pout the rest of the day. but he will bring you light crackers, like darry.
pony would hold your hair back or keep his hand on your forehead, but he will not look in the toilet until it is flushed and whatever you puked is 100% gone. if he looks, he might just be next. but he’ll bring you some water and a mint!
two-bit will make a joke that will annoy you, but once he’s done with that, he’s pretty decent. he’d probably feel very awkward in the bathroom, but he has a little sister. he’s probably helped her at least once, so he has an idea for what to do.
steve will be helping, but from a distance. just like pony, if he sees the puke, he will be next. he’ll bring you a glass of water, but that’s about it. (i literally know almost nothing about him help me.)
johnny will be doing his best to help. he’ll hold your hair back, he’ll put a cool, damp towel on your forehead if you need it, he will bring water, he will bring crackers, he’ll treat you with the care his parents never treated him with.
lastly, dally will barely help. he will stand in the doorway of the bathroom, and, when you’re done, will at most bring you water. he will stay at you from a distance for the majority—if not, the rest—of the day.
Buckle in buttercup, I have opinions- but I’m sorry you’re sick and hope you feel better soon-
Darry’s such a big brother and you’re so right, he’d know exactly what to do and help you with everything. He’d rub your back after you’re finished and give you a little forehead kiss too <3
Sodapop is so empathetic. You’re puking and his entire mood drops because you’re unhappy. You don’t feel well, he doesn’t feel well, nobody’s happy but he’s more than willing to cuddle you afterwards and try to boost both of your moods
Pony’s so thoughtful <3 but yeah! Boyo can listen to you retch with no issue but the second he physically sees the puke? He’s a goner. So you’ll be heaving your guts into the toilet or whatever and he’ll just be sort of watching a spot above your head, gently rubbing your back and muttering reassurances
TWO-BIT I LOVE YOU! He’s definitely had to help his kid sister, but he’s literally so uncomfortable with puke. He really doesn’t want to be next to you while you’re throwing up but he’s more than alright to take care of you afterwards and kiss and coddle you until you’re content. And the joke? Spot-on. He’s uncomfortable and cracks a joke and then immediately feels bad cause you’re not amused-
Yep, yep, yep, Steve’s a goner when he sees puke. Hearing you puke makes him nauseous, but he can help you out a little bit. Awkwardly pats your back and holds your hair and doesn’t really know what to do. My Steve is an only child so he’s not really used to having somebody sick, so he doesn’t really know how to help, but he’ll come back when you’re finished, brandishing a little glass of water with a shy smile
Ooo that last line. The care his parents never treated him with. Wowza. But yeah! 10/10 service, 100% would recommend to have by your side when you’re puking up your guts. He’d get you anything you need and do whatever you wanted, and he’d be so gentle with you, geez Louise, don’t even get me started about how caring he is-
Hear me out, yeah? Dally can’t look at puke, smell puke, or hear someone puke. The minute he does? He’s already gagging. So he does his best to avoid you. Hovers in the doorway awkwardly, once your finished, and asks you if he can get you anything. He’ll help you back to bed, only touching your hands, but that’s about it. He doesn’t want to touch you for the rest of the day because all he can see is you puking and he’s about this close to losing his lunch as well
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annaraebananawriter · 2 years
Shiny Pink Scales
Hello there everyone! Yet another oneshot for you--I actually posted this one yesterday/the day before but I just ever got around to posting it on here until now. But here we are!
Also, just a heads up: I will be taking a break of writing for the first week or two of October. Sicktember has really taken a toll on me, in a good way, but I just do need the break. But after that, I’ll be back to normal. 
Maybe even normal enough to do a Halloween special oneshot featuring my favorite boyos of both fandoms I’m in (i.e. two separate oneshots)??? We shall see. :)
With that, Happy reading!
Fandom: DSMP
Characters: Wilbur, Ranboo, Tommy, Philza, and Technoblade
Warnings: Mentions of a plane crash, implied animal abuse/overworking, implied mismanagement of a show, captivity of a teenager, and I think that’s it. Let me know!
Summary: “ Wilbur finds himself attending a new show in town, one that promises "something never before seen", with his dad and best friend Tommy. He also meets a guy who works at the show, who seems a little too nervous. They make their bets over what will be shown, and Tommy suggests a mermaid. Wilbur doesn't know what it's going to be, but is fairly certain it can't be a mermaid. Mermaids just don't exist, right? (Twinsduo-centric (technically), Modern AU; Technoblade is younger than Wilbur; Technoblade is also a mermaid/merman)”
Word Count: 3953
It was hot.
Wiping the sweat off of his brow, Wilbur sighs. This outdoor aquarium show thing his dad dragged him to was boring. Not for his dad, of course, as he went from tank to tank with a smile on his face, a polaroid camera around his neck like some typical Dad, which his dad definitely wasn’t. Mum was off doing some stuff for herself—and honestly? He’d give anything to be with her right now. Anything was better than this.
The only reason they were here in the first place was that an old friend of Dad’s stopped by the town, for some reason or the other—well, he guesses the reason was this. They would’ve needed to clear this with the mayor, as this was a big show and took up most of the high school field. Dad had said he noticed the friend around the store one day while grocery shopping and stopped to chat with them, and they mentioned this show they were bringing to town within the next month. They said it was something never before done; very expensive, but very well worth seeing the smile on people’s faces as they brought wonders to those that maybe couldn’t go and see them themselves often.
“And I even got something nobody’s ever seen before,” they had said with a grin the likes of which Dad had said he’d never seen before. Part happy, part something else. Something…darker, Dad reckoned. “You wouldn’t want to miss it.”
Unnerved, Dad had said something about the encounter that just struck him as odd. And after years of volunteering and working in places where he was faced with the ugliest parts of humanity often enough to recognize hints of it in those he had known his whole life, Dad always went with whatever his gut was telling him. In this case, it was telling him that the ‘never before seen attraction’ was in danger, and that was reason enough to go and check it out.
He had brought the idea up at the dinner table.
“I think whatever it is,” Dad had said, brow creased, “it needs our help.”
At this time, they hadn’t known what the show exactly was. They knew it was something like a circus or a fair, where there would be tents and games and shows, but they didn’t know what the subject was. Based on what little knowledge they had, they just assumed it was another circus/fair with people showcasing different talents—maybe someone in the show needed their help? They were injured or something, perhaps? That’s what they rolled with, anyway.
Mum had swallowed her bite of food and nodded, mirroring the concern. “Okay. You’re going then, aren’t you?” And as if struck by lightning, she perked up. “Oh, you should take Wilbur! He would love that. Wouldn’t you, Wilbur?”
Wilbur, unfortunately, had been distracted by his friends on his phone and was only half listening, something he now very much regretted. “Hm…yeah, sure, whatever.”
And now, here he is, in the middle of a hot summer in an aquatic fair type show he would’ve never chosen to go to if he had actually been paying attention to that fateful dinner conversation.
But he supposes it isn’t all bad. There were lots of fish here, some types he’d ever seen before and probably never will again. There were even a couple of dolphins in one tank and a shark in another. The whole town seems to be here, too, busy as can be with adults and kids alike. Everyone is taking pictures and talking and laughing and genuinely seems to be having a really good time. Dad got struck by the wonder of it too, seemingly forgetting what he came here for in the first place, wandering away from Wilbur to take pictures of some fish. He finds himself just wandering back and forth between the tanks, not taking any photos, and he does admit to finding some of it cool, but he mostly thought about how they even set this up.
It was a bit confusing as to how exactly this show even got around, because apparently, it’s already been around the country and gotten some pretty good reviews and made the news one time, and the size of these tanks was big. These animals needed water to survive, so it would be a struggle to move them around constantly, especially in summer. It was concerning as to how they were transporting themselves around, but then again, he wasn’t the person managing all of this.
He's just a viewer. What does he know?
Fed up with the heat, Wilbur buys a bottle of water from some guy standing next to the show. Gulping half of it down in one go, he wipes his mouth, curiously looking up at the tent. “What do you think is going to be shown in there later?” he asks the guy, nodding to the tent as if they weren’t right next to it.
The tent was meant for the big showing of the never-before-seen thing, and that didn’t happen until noon, which was—he glances at his phone to check—still an hour away. Many people stop to stare at it, whispering theories, but so far no one has a concrete answer on what it is. This mystery was probably the main reason anyone was staying here in this heat, he reckoned.
The guy jolts, as if he wasn’t expecting anyone to actually talk to him. He glances at the tent and shrugs. “I don’t know.”
Wilbur looks back at him, eyeing the box around his next full of water bottles. “Don’t you work here? How do you not know if you work here?”
“Honestly, I just took this job to have something interesting to say when I go back to school. I’m tired of just saying ‘nothing’ when the teacher asks what we did for the summer while the rest of my class says things like ‘I went to Australia’, ‘I visited my cousin in Japan’, and ‘I met Taylor Swift’.” The guy says, and Wilbur gets the feeling he looks bored under his mask and glasses. And really, can he blame him? It sounds like something he’d do if given the chance.
Wilbur shrugs. “That’s fair. Have any guesses?”
This time, the guy shifts on his feet. “Well…I maybe do have an idea.”
“What is it?”
The guy shifts again, visibly nervous. “Well, you see—”
“I reckon it’s a mermaid.”
They both turn to the new voice in the conversation, and Tommy walks up to them with a grin plastered across his face. He’s holding a book too, and Wilbur can just make out the top of a girl’s head and the bottom of her, a tail where legs usually go. His friend falls into place next to him and holds the book up for them to see. “I’ve been researching everything about them ever since I heard this show was in town.”
Wilbur snorts.
Now, he loves Tommy, loves him like a brother—and no, despite the town's claims that they were related, they weren’t actually related. Not at all. They were next-door neighbours, yes, and so they visited each other constantly, but they weren’t related. They were, however, really good friends and jokingly referred to themselves as brothers to strangers. Which, really, was probably how the rumor they were related began. And Tommy is wild most of the time, just a kid with too much energy all of the time, and as such, he came up with some pretty ridiculous ideas.
But mermaids? Really?
“Mermaids aren’t real, Tommy,” Wilbur says, rolling his eyes. “And even if they were, I doubt they’d really be in a show in the middle of fucking England.”
He doesn’t believe in mermaids. Who really did? Kids, yeah, but that was a given, and he’s never met many adults who believed mermaids actually existed.
Tommy frowns at him. “Stop being boring, Wilbur.” He turns to the other guy and starts explaining his theory anyway. “Mermaids are a myth, and they are something no one has ever seen before. If the person running this show really wants to impress people, this—” Tommy shakes the book, tapping on its cover. “—this would be the way to go.”
The guy grabs the book and flips through it, and Wilbur really believes he’s going to burst out laughing and call Tommy crazy, but he doesn’t. He actually nods, serious as can be. “This makes sense.” He hands the book back, removing the box from around his neck. “That also adds up for what I saw.”
Wilbur blinks. Tommy leans forward. “Really?”
The guy nods. He glances around and beckons them to follow him with a wave, and starts walking away to somewhere behind the tents. Wilbur exchanges a glance with Tommy, and they both follow, glancing around as they pass people with clipboards and cigarettes. It’s definitely a vibe check from the public show, where everyone is smiling and there at children laughing. The backstage area is gloomy and tense, like everyone is waiting for the next shoe to drop and something horrible to happen.
Tommy presses closer to him. “Jeez, what’s with everyone?”
The guy glances back at them. “That’s the way they’ve always been, through every show.” He pauses, pressing his fingers together. “Though it really wasn’t helped by the fact our plane almost crashed when we flew over here.” Somehow, the guy says that casually, and Wilbur does a double take at the information. Looking over at Tommy, he finds the same wide-eye stare that he knows he has. The guy doesn’t notice and just sighs. “I really should’ve just stayed in America, honestly…”
The guy leads them through the field to where some more tents are, the ones reserved for staff. It’s bordered off with a piece of rope, but the guy just steps over it and they have no choice but to follow. The tents in this area are all white, very bland considering the bright, stripped tents for the public. But all of the doorways are open just the same, the curtains clipped back. It looks very…clinical. Professional. Much more than a show like this needs. They’re led to one of the tents in the back, the one tucked away from the others.
Unlike the others, this tent is closed.
The guy gestures for them to follow as he leads them closer, near the door. “One day, the boss returned with just this grin on his face. It wasn’t like all of the other ones from him. It was more…” He seems to struggle for the right word, his hand clenching in front of him.
“Dark?” Wilbur supplies, remembering what his dad said.
The guy nods. “Yeah, that’s it. Probably. But he said he had something new for the next shows. We had already been around a few places in America, but after some…incidents with the tanks and the animals and one of the trainers quitting because they thought we were endangering the fish, we quickly lost interest.”
The guy turns to face them, pushing his sunglasses up his nose. “That’s why we came here in the first place, as a fresh start. And before we left, the boss had taken a walk around the beach and found something. The next day, he got some trainers to go with him and they apparently captured the thing, though the trainers kind of disappeared after that. We got on the flight here not too long after, and as I said, we nearly crashed. Though I remember, in the midst of all that turmoil, that the boss got out of his seat and left somewhere. I think to somewhere on the back of the plane? We were on a private jet reserved for us.”
The guy carefully takes the curtain to the tent and peeks through it with one eye, meaning for Wilbur and Tommy, they couldn’t see inside it. “And then it seemed like whatever was causing us to crash just…stopped. And we were fine after that. And the boss came back, all smug looking, and sat down like nothing was amiss.” He sighs and glances at them. “I was curious, and so I snooped around a bit before I went to sleep. I managed to catch the glimpse of something. Someone. And I—” Just as he was getting ready to show them whatever was in the tent, his gaze flicks to something behind them and he stops, completely freezing in place.
Tommy frowns. “Hey, you—”
“I thought I told you to not snoop around, Ranboo.”
Jumping, Wilbur whirls around to face the new voice. A man stands behind them, arms crossed against his chest, and he’s roughly the same height he was. But he was far more muscular, and there was a glint to his eyes that said he was willing to do whatever it took to do things. He was dressed in a suit, too, navy blue with a pink tie. Something pink was tucked into his coat pocket, but it didn’t look like a cloth of any kind; it looked…shiny.
The man’s eyes were focused on their guide—Ranboo. “I warned you last time I caught you snooping, that if I caught you again, you couldn’t get another warning. You would be fired.” Mouth turning into a smirk, the man chuckled. “But you’re lucky. I’m in a good mood. I’ll let you go with another warning. Don’t do it again.”
Ranboo steps away from the tent without another word. “Yeah, of course. Wouldn’t want to lose the first job I’ve ever had.” He walks closer to Wilbur and Tommy and lowers his voice so only they can hear. “Not like you paid me much anyway, but whatever.”
“Exactly.” The man’s gaze switched to roam over them both, far more disinterested. It was as if they were an object that held little value to him. “And show these two back to the show. They wouldn’t want to miss the big wonder uncovering soon.” The man walks past them and into the tent.
The three stand there for a bit. Then, Ranboo claps his hands and walks them back to the main area without another word. They follow in silence. Tommy seems to be tapping on his book as he thought, and Wilbur just shoves his hands into the pockets of his trousers.
The man definitely seemed like the showrunner of this place. He just had this way he stood, like he knew he was in charge of everything. But the way he came out of nowhere back there…it was almost like he specifically ran into them before they made it into the tent. Like he had something in there he didn’t want people to see. Seems really protective of whatever it was, too, he thinks, recalling how his eyes sharpened when he basically threatened Ranboo into not snooping around anymore.
Was that the friend that Dad mentioned running into? It didn’t seem like he would ever be friends with someone like that, but who really knows? He doesn’t know what his dad was like when he was younger. Either way, whether it was Dad’s friend or not, Wilbur picked up on some kind of vibe back there. A bad one at that. He agrees now that something about this show doesn’t seem right, like something about the place was tainted because he met the man who ran it. The people who worked here, Ranboo included, seemed like they all would rather be anywhere else, and what few trainers he saw, they all seemed…scared, almost. Like there was something here they wanted to help but had no way of actually doing it.
The more he talks about this, the more he sounded like he didn’t know what he was talking about. These were a lot of conclusions he was jumping to. But something does nag at him and he probably would be paying close attention to this place during the week or two it was in town. He should come back in a few days and see if he could get into that tent to see whatever it was. Well, actually, now that he thought about it…
That’s probably the never-before-seen thing that’s going to be showcased in a bit.
Which meant Wilbur would see it then.
Ranboo leaves them at the same spot they left, placing the box back around his neck and leaving to go hang out at another place. Once he’s out of sight, lost in the crowd, Tommy turns to face him, book tucked against his chest. “I think something’s up here, Wilbur.”
So, Tommy caught on as well. Not surprising.
Wilbur nods. “For once, I find myself willingly agreeing with you.”
Tommy nods as well, not registering the vague insult, and Wilbur watches the realization wash over his face with a slowly building smile. His friend's nose scrunches up and he pouts, crossing his arms. “That’s not funny. And after all of my hard work, all the research I’ve done, this is what I get?” Huffing, he turns away and starts walking, and they both catch sight of his dad. Tommy breaks into a run. “Phil…”
Wilbur laughs and runs after Tommy as he whines for his dad. “Tommy, wait—”
They catch up with his dad and spend the fifteen or so minutes remaining until the main show talking about what they’ve seen. Tommy also rambles some about his book. Apparently, mermaids had a bit of natural luck attracting quality about them, which was the main reason why so many sailors wanted to catch one or see one, so that they got blessed with some luck for future fishing bouts and that the sky stayed clear for them. Tommy seems really invested in it all, and Wilbur could only sigh.
Nothing would tell him these beings really existed unless he saw one for himself.
And once noon strikes, someone with a megaphone starts telling everyone to head to the main tent for the attraction of the day. If it was packed while people were roaming from tent to tent, then it was stuffed in this tent, which was already pretty big. There was a set of benches all around a big covered tank in the center of the tent, the stands resembling those in the auditorium when they had assemblies at school. They sit down a couple of rows from the front, squeezing their way through the crowd, so they had a good view of the tank.
Once the man they ran into before appears, everyone quiets down without being told to.
The man inhales, closing his eyes for a brief second, and then opens his arms as if about to give them all a hug. “Why, hello there! It’s wonderful to meet all of you this fine morning…well, afternoon, I suppose.” He starts walking around the tank. “As I mentioned in my flyers, I have something very exciting to share with you all today. But first…a story.” He stops. “Has any of you heard about mermaids before?”
Murmurs wove through the crowd and Tommy leans over. “I told you.” He tapped his book again for emphasis, wagging his eyebrows. Wilbur rolls his eyes and pushes him away.
“I’m going to guess that you have.” The man starts walking again. “My story starts back in America. After some unfortunate accidents on my show, for which I take full responsibility, the interest was so low that I thought I might have to disregard the show entirely and find something new. If not for what I’m about to show you, you would’ve never seen me today.” Murmurs through the crowd again. “I had taken a walk along the beach to think about what to do. And I came across the most beautiful thing.”
He stops again. “I even have the scale to prove it.” And he takes the shiny pink thing from his pocket and holds it up for everyone to see, the scale—and that’s what it was, he could say that with certainty now—practically glowed in the light. Everyone in the crowd gasps and Wilbur leans forward in interest, catching sight of Ranboo on the far end of the tent. “This thing gave me its scale once I shared the story of my failing business and told me it would give me luck.”
Tommy gives him another nudge. Wilbur ignores him.
“And the thing also asks me a favor. It shares the story of how it was wandering around the ocean looking for a safe place to belong, forced out of its home at a young age. It saw how humans looked after one another and asked me to give it a place in my show, begging me to give it a safety it couldn’t find in the ocean.” The man let that sink in as he tucks the scale back into his pocket. “And of course, I said yes. I brought him with me across the ocean and now I show him to you now.” He pauses. “Are you ready to see him?”
The crowd starts shouting. Wilbur’s dad hums beside him. He glances over in question and Dad huffs, leaning closer. “Something tells me he’s not telling the full story there.” Wilbur nods back. He was just about to say the same thing, honestly. There was just no way that was the truth. Even Tommy was frowning at that.
But everyone else seems to believe it wholeheartedly.
Grinning, the man gives a bow and signals something. “Then I shan’t leave you waiting any further. I introduce to you…” He turns to face the tank, arms open, and the covering lifts in one swift motion. “Technoblade!”
The tank is revealed and Wilbur feels his breath catch in his throat.
Because right before him…is a real-life mermaid.
Or merman, maybe that would be more accurate. Nonetheless, floating there in the middle of a bare tank is a half-human half-fish person, who stares out at them all with eyes just as wide as their own. He looks…younger, as in younger than Wilbur. There was some roundness to his face still. Pink hair floated around him, long and pale, swaying gently. He was bare-chested, of course, but his arms crossed over most of him, and there were some scales to be seen crawling up his sides and spilling down his arms in spots. Something gold glinted around his neck, almost resembling a collar.
And his tail…his tail was big and bright and the exact same shade of pink as the scale the man had in the pocket of his coat.
Just as shiny, too, as it gleams in the light all the same.
In the awestruck silence, the mermaid Technoblade shifts, tail moving slowly through the water. His eyes roam over the crowd, and Wilbur finds himself locking eyes with him by accident, caught off-guard by how…watery they looked. He shivers, chest twisting in an unpleasant way. The eyes, a bright shade of blue, seem downturned and unhappy, which were far from the eyes the man described them to be like in his story.
This was far from the face of someone who willingly joined this show.
This was the face of a captive.
From beside him, Tommy curses. His dad sighs again, strained. “Well. This complicates things.”
The man moves in front of the tank again, cutting in between Wilbur and Technoblade. He’s grinning, proud, preening in the disbelief of everyone in the crowd. “Now…any questions?”
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Convert Anon💜 here!!
I also wanna hear about what you think Malleus or Lilia would be like when you be le pregs causs we have a dragon boyo and a old vampire who might try to feed you questionable food
I do think they are more possessive and loving and watch as Ace and Deuce try to not be intimidated by them and treating you sweetly and Deuce just maybe seeing us stronger cause we in school and have a baby on the way and also maybe Grim just loves laying on our lap and being spoiled and loves seeing the baby grow and when the baby first kicks he probably is the one with you and tries to feel the baby and just has big ol eyes cause his henchman is having a henchbaby and is so excited!!
Also Grim being excited for all the babies and every single one he is so excited and cries a little when the birth happens cause we are in pain and can’t help and every single time he thinks we might die and is scared of losing us and also curls up with us and also calls our kids his lil henchmen and loves them
And of course regardless of where we go, we always will take him with and love him
Also i have some Idia brainrot and him as an awkward dad-
So, Idia brainrot below
He would probably just have a heart attack when he finds out we gonna have a kiddo(we human of course and his Persephone to his Hades(also wife))
He would be a nervous dad and while we are pregnant he would be getting us all the pillows and blankets we need and have Ortho help get our craving foods and also first year gang slightly judging our husband but also nervous and excited for a kid on the way
Also Ortho would be an excited uncle and we both keep the gender a secret from Idia until the birth and when he holds his kid for the first time, he cries and just holds them close and has to sit down and promises to keep them safe and to make sure that they’re happy ans Ortho would be the best uncle and Idia would teach them technomagic and watch Anime with them as a kid
Also i feel like maybe a son as first born and a daughter as second born, and they have Idia’s hair and eyes but my freckles and they love their uncle Ortho and me and Idia would keep them far, FAR away from Styx(chapter six spoiler reasons) and they are also shy but very friendly and take after Idia and i would try to braid their hair the best i can
Also regardless of father, Divus is always grandpa and spoils them and they’re always his little pups
Even if they are an Eel or Octopus or Lion or Dragon or Vampire or a Shroud and loves them all
And also Crowley wanting grandfather rights, but he has to meet Divus’s standards and not allowed to babysit or be unsupervised with the kids
oooh that's so cute! love it!
for me, I would probably wait until school is over to get pregnant unless, of course, we didn't take precautions one day 👀
I feel like malleus and Lilia is going to be protective and happy for when they find out prefect is pregnant. having children in fae culture is hard, so of course they are going to be extra possessive and protective and now you have the first years as your guard and the occasional Silver and malleus and lilia. they would feed you anything you want and I can see lilia joking around with sebek and silver and think he's feeding you questionable food when in fact he's feeding you normal food.
deuce for sure is calling his mom and asking for tips about pregnancy and mama zigbolt will be called to help with the pregnancy and give tips.
for idia, he's going to be so surprised when he finds out. but this gives perfect time for teaching anime and game otaku clothing. those will be so cute!
crowley needs a babysitter lmao not the baby but Corley lolol the baby is more mature than him.
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hymnblood · 1 year
Happy new year boyo! I’m glad you haven’t gotten too annoyed by my constant anons. The power of this blog has sated by Greek myth itch and gotten me a bit more comfortable with the idea of rping again!
2022 is ending say something to me.
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happy new year! and honestly if anything i'm a big greek myth nerd so any chance i can explore ideas / concepts / research on more things i will almost always take the chance to talk about it. so thank you for giving me the space and chance to talk about my ideas! it's not often i get unique questions so it definitely gets my mind going. but i'm so glad i was able to help with rping again! it's def something you should take your time with to enjoy or else it gets complicated and stressful and that is the worst.
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donttalkaboutmemes · 2 years
Peter Pan (1953) Sentence Meme
Under the cut you will find 120+ sentences from 1953 version of Peter Pan to use for your enjoyment!  
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1.      “All this has happened before and all this will happen again.”
2.      “Dear, do hurry. We mustn’t be late for the party.”
3.      “Unless I find my cuff links, we don’t go to the party. And if we don’t go to the party, I can never show my face in the office again.”
4.      “I’ll teach you to cut off my hand!”
5.      “Must we always take that nasty tonic?”
6.      “Insolent boy! I’ll slash you to ribbons!”
7.      “You’ll never leave this ship alive!”
8.      “Scuttle me bones, boyo! I’ll slit your gizzard!”
9.      “The buried treasure, where is it?”
10.   “It’s not his fault. It’s in the story.”
11.   “You look simply lovely!”
12.   “Haven’t I warned you? Stuffing the boys heads with a lot of silly stories?”
13.   “The child’s growing up. It’s high time she had a room of her own.”
14.   “Young lady, this is your last night in the nursery.”
15.   “There’ll be no more dogs for nursemaids in this house!”
16.   “Sooner or later, people have to grow up.”
17.   “Don’t judge your father too harshly. After all, he loves you very much.”
18.   “Don’t lock it. He might come back.”
19.   “I found something that belongs to him. His shadow.”
20.   “How can we expect the children to grow up and be practical when you’re as bad as they are.”
21.   “Stop playing and help me find my shadow.”
22.   “You know, you look exactly the way I thought you would. Oh, a little taller perhaps, but then…”
23.   “Come to think of it, I’ve never thought about it.”
24.   “One can’t leave his shadow lying about and not miss it sooner or later. Don’t you agree?”
25.   “Girls talk too much.”
26.   “I come to listen to the stories.”
27.   “My stories? But they’re all about you.”
28.   “I’m so glad you came back tonight. I might have never seen you.”
29.   “Tonight’s my last night in the nursery.”
30.   “You’ll never grow up there.”
31.   “Mother? What’s a mother?”
32.   “A mother is someone who loves and cares for you. And tells you stories.”
33.   “You can be our mother.”
34.   “I’m so happy I…I think I’ll give you a kiss.”
35.   “What’s a kiss?”
36.   “What’s the pixie doing?”
37.   “She says you’re a big, ugly girl.”
38.   “I should like very much to cross swords with real buccaneers.”
39.   “How do we get to Neverland?”
40.   “You think of a wonderful thought.”
41.   “I’ll think of a mermaid lagoon underneath a magic moon.”
42.   “I’ll think I’m in a pirates cave.”
43.   “All it takes it faith and trust. Oh! And something I forgot, dust. Just a little bit of pixie dust.”
44.   “There it is. Second star to the right and straight on til morning.”
45.   “Good morning shipmates!”
46.   “We ought to be tending to the business of looting ships.”
47.   “Why, I’ve almost forgotten how to slit a throat.”
48.   “Tell the captain we wants to put out to sea.”
49.   “If I could only find his hideout, I’d trap him in his lair.”
50.   “A little persuasion might be in order.”
51.   “Shooting a man in the middle of his cadenza? It ain’t good form you know.”
52.   “Good form? Blast good form!”
53.   “Cutting off your hand was only a childish prank, you might say.”
54.   “That cursed beast liked the taste of me so well he’s followed me ever since, licking his chops for the rest of me.”
55.   “I can’t stand it any longer. I tell you I can’t.”
56.   “What you need is a shave. A nice, soothing shave.”
57.   “I can’t help noticin’ you just ain’t been your usual jolly self as of late.”
58.   “Why don’t we put out to sea? Leave Neverland?”
59.   “All hands on deck!”
60.   “It’s just as I’ve always dreamed it would be!”
61.   “Are you hurted?”
62.   “Well, I’m certainly proud of you, you blockheads!”
63.   “I bring a mother to tell you stories and you shoot her down!”
64.   “You’re charged with high treason! Are you guilty or not guilty?”
65.   “Don’t you know you might have killed her?”
66.   “I hereby banish you forever! Well…for a week.”
67.   “Come on, I’ll show you the island.”
68.   “I shall try to be worthy of my post.”
69.   “Come on. I’ll show you the mermaids.”
70.   “I’m frightfully sorry, old chaps. It’s all my fault.”
71.   “Turn us loose? You mean this is only a game?”
72.   “We ain’t got your old princess!”
73.   “Just imagine, real life mermaids!”
74.   “Why did you stay away so long? Did you miss me?”
75.   “Tell us one of your adventures.”
76.   “We were only trying to drown her.”
77.   “Now, me dear princess, this is me proposition.”
78.   “Am I not a man of me word?”
79.   “You’d better talk, me dear, for soon the tide will be in and then it will be too late.”
80.   “I’ll show the old codfish. Stay here and watch the fun.”
81.   “It’s an evil spirit, captain.”
82.   “Release the princess and take her back to her people.”
83.   “When you return to the ship, tell the whole crew to help themselves to me best rum.”
84.   “Come down if you’ve a taste for cold steel.”
85.   “What a pity! I’m afraid we’ve lost the dear captain.”
86.   “Cleave him to the brisket!”
87.   “I’ll get you for this if it’s the last thing I do.”
88.   “Shh! The poor captain has a splitting headache.”
89.   “It’s nice to see you smiling again. Brings back the good old days when we was leadin’ a healthy, normal life.”
90.   “There’s trouble brewin’ on the island. Women trouble.”
91.   “This ain’t no place for a responsible pirate.”
92.   “A jealous female can be tricking into anything.”
93.   “If we impress the pixie, convince her we’re eager to help her, the wench may chart our course to a certain hiding place.”
94.   “Tomorrow I leave the island, never to return.”
95.   “But what’s this? Tears?”
96.   “The way of a man with a maid, taking the best years of her life and then casting her aside like an old glove!”
97.   “We must save the lad from himself! But how?”
98.   “You could show us the way? Why, I never thought of that.”
99.   “Is that all you have to say? Everyone else thinks I’m wonderful.”
100. “Take off that war paint and get ready for bed.”
101. “No sleep. Go for days without sleep.”
102. “Let’s stop pretending and be practical.”
103. “You need a mother. We all do.”
104.  “Surely you haven’t forgotten our real mother?”
105.  “I think I had a mother once.”
106.  “A mother, a real mother, is the most wonderful person in the world.”
107.   “She’s the angel voice that bids you goodnight, kisses your cheek, whispers sleep tight.”
108.   “I wanna see my mother.”
109.   “I promise we leave for home at once.”
110.   “I’m sure mother would be glad to have you.”
111.  “Go on! Go back and grow up! But I’m warning you, once you’re grown up, you can never come back.”
112.  “Wouldn’t it be more humane-like to slit his throat?”
113.  “I wanna be a pirate!”
114.  “He says we’ll walk the plank if we don’t!”
115.  “A thousand pardons, dear. I don’t believe you are in on our little joke.”
116.   “And so passeth a worthy opponent.”
117.   “Don’t you understand? You mean more to me than anything in the whole world!”
118.    “We will never join your crew.”
119.    “I’ll show you this ghost has blood in his veins!”
120.    “This is no mere boy! ‘Tis some fiend fighting me!”
121.    “You wouldn’t dare to fight me man-to-man! You’d fly away like a cowardly sparrow!”
122.     “Nobody calls me a coward and lives!”
123.     “I’ll fight you man-to-man, one hand behind my back.”
124.     “Could you tell me, sir, where we’re sailing to?”
125.     “You know I never mean these things.”
126.      “That’s why they went back to Neverland.”
127.      “Oh, but it was such a wonderful adventure.”
128.       “He really is wonderful, isn’t he?”
129.      “You know, I have the strangest feeling that I’ve seen that ship before, a long time ago when I was very young.”
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talesofourworlds · 10 months
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"And just who the hell are you?"
"Give me your name, and I shall give you mine!"
HAPPY TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY, TALES OF SYMPHONIA! I took some creative liberties with Lloyd's posing just so we weren't just looking at the back of his head. Boyo thinks he's incredibly cool sounding asking for Yuan's name.
Now enjoy being taken off the list of anniversary pieces until your next big milestone, Symphonia. xD
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