#//this ginger ale is too spicy
incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
ANONYMOUS: Y9u sh9uldn’t say ****
MITUNA: G1RL G1V3 M3 4 H1N7 47 L3457 
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munson-blurbs · 7 months
Hey sweetheart! You take requests at the moment? I'm currently healing from surgery (ow) and I just want some fluffy Eddie fussing over me/reader
One fluffy blurb, coming right up! I hope you get well soon 🥰
Warnings: Reader is recovering from surgery, mention of prescribed medication, mention of spicy activities, Eddie is a big ol' mush of a boyfriend
WC: 750
The sound of a handbell clanging has Eddie up from the sofa in a heartbeat. He’s learned your communication system over the last few days: one ring means you want some company, two means you’re hungry or need to use the bathroom, and three indicates an emergency. 
This was a three-ring. 
“Sweetheart?” There’s no camouflaging the alarm in his voice as he pushes into the bedroom. He finds you propped up against the pillows, book in hand. “What’s the matter? Are you dizzy again?”
You shake your head. “Could you get me a snack?” The doctor advised against taking the pain medication on an empty stomach, and you had no intention of breaking that rule. “Maybe some pretzels? Or a slice of toast with jelly?”
Eddie’s shoulders sag with relief. “You rang the bell three times,” he explains, soft irritation clipping his words. “I thought something was wrong.”
Glancing at the bell tucked against your thigh, you frown. “No, I only rang it twice. Or, wait…shit, I did ring it three times.” You exhale, sliding your bookmark between the pages and offering an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
“S’okay.” He plops down onto the bed, careful not to jostle your elevated leg. “Just…give me a sec to get my heartrate back down to normal.” Hand to his chest, he takes deep, exaggerated breaths that have you giggling. 
“I mean, I could find something urgent,” you tease. “Maybe I’ll try walking without the crutches, or I can take out my stitches…”
Eddie’s nose wrinkles in a combination of disbelief and disgust. “Bullshit,” he counters. 
“Bull. Shit.” He grins, gently poking your bicep. “You got all queasy that time you had to pull out a splinter, and you expect me to believe you can remove your own stitches?”
You let out a defeated groan. “Ugh, fine.” He knows you too well, and you love him for it. 
He gives you a triumphant kiss on the cheek and starts towards the kitchen. “Anything else the fair maiden needs while I’m up? More water? Ginger ale? Perhaps some champagne and caviar?” His eyes light up mischievously at the last suggestion. 
“I’m not supposed to drink on these meds,” you quip, playing right into his charade. 
“We’ll take a raincheck on the champagne, then.”
You shift back slightly, wincing as pain shoots through your leg. The surgery hurt more than the injury, and part of you wishes you had just muddled through and hobbled around instead of getting it fixed. 
Eddie returns a few minutes later with toast that’s just the right shade of burnt and slathered in strawberry jelly. He has a glass of water in his other hand, though you hadn’t asked for any. 
He places both on the snack table he’s set up next to the bed before reaching over and grabbing the bell. He rings it one time, loud and purposeful. 
“Can I help you?”
Nodding, he sits down. “I’m bored and need someone to talk to.” He rests his head on his pillow and pouts. “Entertain me?”
“There’s not much going on here.” You shrug, scanning the room for a conversation topic. He’s been taking care of you nonstop, and surgery recovery doesn’t exactly make for riveting discussions. Your eyes land on a magazine. “I read some interesting articles in Cosmo, I guess.”
“Oh, yeah?” Eddie waggles his brows. “Anything spicy?”
You flip to an article that provides explicit details on giving the perfect blowjob and point to the page. “This one was pretty raunchy.”
He studies it just long enough to read the headline before tossing it aside. “You don’t need any help with that. Trust me.” He smirks knowingly. “You probably could’ve written that article yourself.”
“Good to know.” Exhaling, you look over at him. “You can go hang out with the guys if you want. Or they can come over here, as long as they’re not too loud.”
You expect him to jump at the offer; anything to cure his bout of boredom, but he declines. “Nah, I’m good right here.” He snatches up the magazine once more and thumbs through it. “Besides, I need to find out what color palette matches my skin tone.”
He cuts you off with his pointer finger. “Shhh. This is life-changing stuff, Sweetheart. I mean, what if I’m…an ‘autumn,’ but I’ve been wearing ‘winter’ this whole time?” His face contorts in mock horror. “Talk about tacky.” 
“You’re ridiculous.”
“You love it.”
You absolutely do. 
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citrusickness · 1 month
A handful of burping scenarios, because I am too lazy to write an actual full story using any of them~~
* Someone accidentally cooks/orders way too much of something. But, for whatever reason, it can't be saved for later, they have nobody around to help them finish it, and they are very adamantly against wasting food, so they are left with no choice but to eat it all by themself. Their stomach protests against the large amount of food with groans and burps, but they power through the discomfort, making themself a thoroughly stuffed, burpy wreck. Damn their strong moral compass.
* A very anxious and squeamish person engages with some kind of horror media (video game, movie, book, take your pick), and they can hardly get halfway through it before they get spooked, which jostles their stomach. A belch catches them off guard, before more smaller burps force their way up, as the person tries to focus on their horror media of choice, further perpetuating the cycle. Bonus points if they're snacking on something while they do this, so they're just a lil' bit stuffed to boot.
* Someone has an upset stomach that keeps forcing burps out of them. Unfortunately, they have something to do that they can't back out of that takes place in public and lasts for the majority of the day. Not wanting to seem crass, they try to hold down every relentless burp that tries crawling up their throat, failing to do so a few times. Once they finally get home, they're eager to finally ease the ache in their stomach, and a hyperbolically ruinous belch rushes out of them as soon as they close their front door behind them, followed by countless more.
* Someone is put in a situation in which they are unable to eat all day, so naturally, once they are given the opportunity to finally eat, they greatly overestimate how much food an empty stomach actually requires. They manage to eat an absurd amount of their food before their stomach actually processes it, and begins to give them hell for it. They really don't want to waste the rest of their food, though, so they suffer through eating the rest of it, burping throughout as their stomach tries to make room for the increasing amount of food that is being stuffed into it.
* Someone feels themself getting a mildly upset, but still manageable, stomach, and decides to drink a ginger ale before their stomachache can get worse. They drink it rather fast, as well, because they have other things that they have to do afterwards. This person apparently does not understand how carbonation works, because the drink, obviously, bloats them up, ultimately making the ache in their tummy worse, and causing them to frequently burp as their belly tries to relieve itself from both the previous ache and the bubbles.
* This one's a bit spicy — Someone who has a burp kink (don't we all?) stuffs themself, but holds in their burps until they begin humping a pillow to get themself off. The movement causes their stuffed belly to rub against the pillow, which forces a belch out of them, that only adds to their pleasure. Every burp they let out trails off into a moan until they finally come. Unfortunately, their tummy hasn't been entirely emptied of the air, so they go back at it again.
* B cooks A a notably large meal, and A, being polite to a fault, feels compelled to eat every last bit of it, lest they unintentionally insult B's cooking abilities. Inevitably, A literally bites off more than they can chew, leaving them stuffed and failing to hold back burps. B notices, and feels responsible for nursing them back to health, despite A's protests, burping them until all of the air has been evacuated from their tummy, leaving their meal to digest in peace, before telling A that they don't have to eat so much next time. But also, that they made dessert as well, and it tastes best fresh.
* Somewhat similar to the last one — B has recently taken up cooking, and even though they're not overly good at it, A doesn't want to make them feel bad, so they eat the entirety of the first meal that B cooks all by themself. Not only do they end up stuffed, but something wasn't cooked properly, and valiantly disagrees with A's stomach, making them burp. B thinks that A just ate too much, until they try some of their own cooking, and immediately start caring for A's poor tummy, helping them relieve the pressure by burping them, and feeling immense guilt for making them unwell.
* A and B are sharing a bed/bedroom, when A's stomach starts acting up due to them eating too much before bed, and a rather forceful belch wakes them up. A tries to hold their burps down, not wanting to wake B up as well, causing their stomach to churn and groan. Alas, they eventually wake B up as well. B, hating to see A uncomfortable, and wanting to go back to sleep themself, helps A work up more burps until their tummy finally settles, and the pair can go back to sleep, as embarrassed as A may be.
* A and B have a date planned, but A's stomach begins to give them grief shortly before they're supposed to leave. They really want to see B, though, and don't want to flake out on them, so they go out anyway. Of course, they go somewhere to eat for their date, which only upsets A's stomach further. They try to hide their discomfort from B, but a few burps that they fail to hold back into the meal, B catches on, and takes them somewhere private (or not, if you're into that) to help them work the rest of the burps up, while chastising A for not telling them that they were feeling unwell in the first place.
* This one is very spicy, too, so be warned — A has been stuffed and is burping quite frequently. But, B previously expressed interest in A going down on them, and while B insists that A isn’t obligated to do so, especially while they're not feeling well, A still wants to make B feel good, so they proceed. During the act, A's overfull stomach being pressed and repeatedly rubbing into the surface beneath them forces a belch out of them, which catches both parties off guard. A pulls away in embarrassment, before B urges them to continue, not caring about the burp in the slightest because they were so close. A gets back to work, and more burps rumble against B's area, the vibrations bringing them closer to their climax.
Feel free to use these for inspiration if you want; credit would be greatly appreciated~~
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calp0sa · 3 months
Favorite Headcanons for airy?
i have like 10 million headcanons for him but i’ll list as many as i can from the top of my head
-hes autistic LIKE ME!!! and is specifically very autistic about music (like meee) i like to think he had a huge collection of vinyls cds cassettes etc and its all stuff from the 60s to the early 90s. no doubt he had a bunch of posters for his favorite bands and musicians too. and hes awesome on the guitar, great rhythm guitarist… its a shame he couldn’t make his talent a profession like he once dreamed of doing. oh well, at least the number 1 perk of trucking is that its peaceful and you dont really have to interact with many people! plus trucks have radios, and cd players, so airy would often bring along a few albums to listen to as he drove those long days and nights.
-hes also got a knack for aquatic creatures (LIKE ME) of course, being a literal fish monster himself (cool fact my airy design is like actually a fish monster he can breathe underwater and everything and his limbs are covered in fish scales) airy loves fish both as friends and food. hes particularly fond of freshwater fish, which makes sense considering the fact he grew up around the swamps of louisiana (yes im making him louisianan Like Me shaddap) hes also fond of those fucked up looking deep sea creatures, just so fascinating. i think airy liked to do a little fishing in his spare time. And hes awesome at cooking em but fair warning for those with a low spice tolerance… he loves spicy food btw (like meeeee)
-when airy was in the forest, he kept a log of his thoughts on the computer, in an attempt to hopefully give himself whatever clarity he could. the notes ranged from all brief, to desperate, to hopeless, to spiraling, to borderline dadaist poetry? to insanity, to denial, to whatever, really i think his mind was obviously all over the place on a daily basis. things must have been pretty loud for him, that cassette player was probably one of the only things keeping him together, before he numbed himself n all, which is around the time he ceased writing these notes as he saw no point in doing so.
-ok enough about him suffering we’ll get back to that later Airy’s favorite drink is ginger ale i mean look at that guy and tell me he doesnt fw ginger ale or dr pepper are you kidding me. he can have dr pepper as a little treat (too much soda is bad for anyone especially if youre an old feller like airy) speaking of little treats i like to think he has an insatiable sweet tooth LIKE MEEEE and his favorite treaaats are pumpkin pie, macarons and practically anything chocolate he loves chocolate (im like allergic to not projecting onto my favorite characters if you couldnt tell) maybe airy knows how to bake a little bit i mean he is an object show host after all
-this is oddly specific but airy is a chronic pain warrior #JUSTLIKEME so when he was in the forest he’d make like home made heating pads by wetting a glob of moss and putting it against his face while he had his flame on (he sometimes put it on a plank over a bonfire if he felt like it) this was a bit tricky when he broke his face but im sure he managed he always manages (kinda) (relatively speaking)
-well anyway we’re back to the forest and i just mentioned his broken face So you know how he disappeared for seven months after he did that lol well what if it was because the pain and shock from that incident evoked the long lost clarity he’d been so stubbornly avoiding in order to cling on to his meaningless, fallacious escapism which triggered him and sent him into a state of agonizing self consciousness, reminding him of his earthly death, how he used to be Someone, and how he essentially let himself rot into what is now an empty shell of who he once was. after so many years, the first reflection he saw of himself was seen in something broken; shards of glass, of which he couldn’t stand to look at… as there is nothing comparable to the pain of revelation, the burden of truth after having been so lost and festered into the stagnant waters that surround you. he felt he had no choice, he disposed of the shards into the nearby stream. those seven months were not just a matter of physically healing, but as a means to losing himself all over again.
-Aaaanyway i think airy had a cat at some point in his life i think we can all agree hes a cat person right!!! he had a tortoiseshell kitty named goose and he loved her very much. idk why he named her goose he probably just thought it was funny to name an animal after a different animal.
-OH YEAH lemme bring amelia into this listen i am such a huge fan of the theory of airy being related to amelia so i like to think hes her uncle!! when amelia was little she’d stay over at airy’s house while her parents were away and he’d teach her stuff like how to fish, how to ward off snakes, how to kayak, all that jazz cuz he was an awesome uncle. she was kinda like an actual daughter to him. and amelia was so fond of sunny weather as a child, one dayy at airy’s house she had to stay inside because it was too rainy, so she occupied herself by drawing a little picture of the way she wished earth was; always sunny, sky always blue, grass always green, huh! the way she drew that grass as individual little triangles is all too familiar is it not…
OK I HAVE SOMEWHERE 2 GO now i’ll probablt add more later But thank u so much for asking this i love love love infodumping about anything airy related i heart airy
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cloudcountry · 2 months
auburn's 3k followers bake sale!! (lasts from july 24st to august 6th)
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order a baked good, get a complementary drink & fic! menu below!
(thank you all so much for 3k!! ever since getting back into the twst fandom after a six month break, ive been reflecting on my time here a lot. i feel like the twst fandom is one of the few fandoms that i'll actually be able to look back on fondly and feel comfortable doing so. i've been connected to all of these character for about 3 years now and now 2 years with you guys. i know some of you may think i'm scary but i encourage you to take part in this event ^^ it wouldn't the same without you <3 and while im at it, thanks for 3,100 followers too!!)
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complimentary drinks
romantic content - your choice of bubble tea
platonic content - your choice of coffee
familial content - your choice of water, milk, or juice.
after making your selection, please pick a cup for your drink!!
fluff - mostro lounge™ sponsored collaboration cup
angst - special 3k event cup with cat cap
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riddle rosehearts - strawberry macarons (set of two)
trey clover - mini lavendar cream cake
cater diamond - chewy ginger cookies (set of two)
deuce spade - chocolate chip cookies (set of two)
ace trappola - apple muffin with streusel
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leona kingscholar - chocolate swirl bread slices (set of two)
ruggie bucchi - lemon poppyseed muffin
jack howl - peanut butter cookies (set of two)
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azul ashengrotto - lavender honey galette
jade leech - almond mushroom cookies (set of four)
floyd leech - stained glass cookies (set of two)
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kalim al-asim - sweet bread slice with icing (set of two)
jamil viper - slice of baklava
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vil schoenheit - bowl of blackberry crisp (optional vanilla ice cream)
rook hunt - plum macarons (set of two)
epel felmier - apple slice rose puff pastry
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idia shroud - pudding filled dirt cupcake
ortho shroud - dirt cookies (set of two)
bubble tea not available with ortho set!!
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malleus draconia - slice of dark chocolate truffle cake
lilia vanrouge - slice of tomato soup cake
silver - mixed berry crisp (optional vanilla ice cream)
sebek zigvolt - slice of dark chocolate swirl pound cake
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crowley - fudgy dark chocolate cookies w/ edible gold shine (set of two)
crewel - slice of dark chocolate & white chocolate pound cake
trein - raspberry hand pies (set of two)
vargas - high-protein blueberry oat muffin
sam - spicy chocolate truffles (set of four)
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secret menu
neige leblanche - apple dumplings (set of two)
chenya - colorful "eat me" cookies (set of three)
rollo flamme - croissants (set of two)
fellow honest - quilt cookies (set of two)
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please note any other personalization requests you would like to add to your order, such as tropes (i.e. enemies to lovers), genderbent characters (i.e. fem!riddle), and any other requests you may have!
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bellyasks · 8 months
Specific Food Stuffing Prompts
🍦 Your character is full after a meal, but their friends want to go out for ice cream. Not wanting to be left out, they come along and get something too. Maybe they order something small and it still winds up being too much, or maybe they give in to temptation and order something huge, but they know they won't be able to save any for later and try to finish the whole thing.
🥞 Your character is enjoying a nice big stack of pancakes. They wildly overestimated how much they could eat--a good-sized stack of pancakes is probably equivalent to, like, half a loaf of bread, after all--but they know the syrup-soaked pancakes won't save well and are determined to finish off as much as they can to avoid wasting their food.
🍞 Your character is making a sandwich. There are only three slices of bread left in the bag, and, knowing they won't use one lonely slice later on, they decide to add an extra layer to their sandwich. Maybe it fills their belly perfectly, or maybe it leaves them feeling a little too full.
🧋 Your character gets a big bubble tea. Between the size of it, all the heavy boba, and the amount of air they're swallowing with the big straw, it's not long before their belly starts feeling a little too snug, but they splurged on that drink and they intend to get their money's worth and finish it.
🫖 Your character is feeling bloated and queasy after a big, heavy meal. Hoping to soothe their aching tummy, they make themselves a nice cup of tea (or get some ginger ale, or whatever beverage they're most likely to turn to). The volume of the liquid winds up being a bit much for their already-stuffed belly, but it is helping their nausea, so they can't help but keep sipping it.
🥫 Your character decides to have a can of soup. It's a big can, and they start out only pouring half into their bowl, but, realizing it doesn't look like very much, they wind up making the whole thing. They were right about it being a lot; while half a can wouldn't have been enough, the whole thing is a little bit too much, and they find themselves struggling to finish.
🍕 Your character is enjoying some hot pizza, either alone or with a friend. They've eaten more than their fill, but only one slice remains. It won't be enough for another meal, and it will never be as good as it is right now, so they decide to go ahead and finish it off.
🍔 Your character gets a big burger. Such a big burger, in fact, that it's threatening to fall apart in their hands, and they can't put it down for fear of it disintegrating entirely. Not wanting to lose control of their unwieldy sandwich, they power through and finish the whole thing without putting it down, even as their stomach begins to strain against the enormous meal.
🍜 Your character is making some instant ramen and decides to jazz it up with some extra ingredients. They're starving while they're making it, and wind up adding way too much extra stuff to their bowl, making for an extremely filling meal.
🌮 Your character goes out for tacos. In their mind, tacos are a pretty light meal, but they wind up being pretty bulky, and between the size of them and any potential sides, your character realizes there's no way the last one is going to fit in their stomach. It won't save well, though, so they boldly decide to try and eat it anyway. Bonus points for a spicy topping that's a little more than your character can handle, potentially giving them hiccups or a bellyache.
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bratzforchris · 9 months
You Are In Love
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Summary: You and Luke have been through so many ups and downs and life adventures together, that he decides it's finally time to show you how much he loves you. Part 3 to the sugar daddy!Luke series (but can be read as a standalone!).
Pairing: Sugar daddy!Luke x feminine reader
Warnings: age gap relationship (college student x older male), sugar daddy/baby and dom/sub dynamics, unprotected p in v, oral (m receiving), marking, dirty talk, hooking up, fingering, overstimulation, fluffy ending (i think that's all but lmk if i missed something in the comments!)
Word Count: 7.5k
A/N: hi besties! i'm officially done with this semester of college so i finally had some time to write and finish up this story that i've been working on all month :) i hope you all love it! happy holidays you guys<3
(p.s. this is based off of "You Are In Love" by taylor swift<3)
“Luke!” You squealed, writhing under him as he tickled you. “Stop!” You gasped for air, giggling beyond belief. 
“Or what?” he asked. 
“Or we have to get up and go get those matching Burberry coats I sent you last week.” You smirked, looking up at him with soft doe eyes. 
The blond hummed, kissing your neck softly. “We can do that anyway, baby girl.”
“Luke,” You whined again. “I was kidding. I don’t need them.”
“Ah ah,” he tutted, running his pointer finger along your chin as he laid down beside you. “No pouting, honey. That’s the point of having a sugar daddy, is it not?” he asked. 
You blushed, hiding your face in his hairy chest. “Mhm. I think we should keep having snuggle time first, though.” 
“If you insist.” Luke yawned, kissing your forehead and pulling your naked body closer to his own on the silk sheets. 
You two had just finished a rather spicy scene and now you were simply content to lay in bed and cuddle on the chilly, Saturday afternoon. Luke had a way like that. You could just lay in silence with him for hours and not get bored. You laid your head on his strong chest as he pulled out his phone, scrolling through his work emails before migrating to Instagram. The blond’s whole aura was so calming, that even the most mundane things he had to do mesmerized you. 
You watched as a smile grew on Luke’s face. “What?” You asked. 
“Remember this?” he asked you, tilting the phone so you could see the post.
It was an Instagram memory from a year and a half ago. It was of you and Luke at one of Columbia’s charity balls, dressed in black tie. That night was still one of your favorite memories. Since then, you two had grown so much, both as individuals and together. You would be receiving your undergrad degree in May from Columbia and Luke was on top of the world with the current stock market. Your relationship had grown as well, moving away from the sugar daddy/baby dynamic. Your relationship was no longer transactional, and Luke absolutely loved to show you off to the world. He still spoiled you beyond belief, both with material things and with a freakishly active sex life, especially now that you were living in his humongous  penthouse apartment with him. Despite all this, you began to let your mind wander as you laid on Luke’s chest, thinking back to that night last May. 
One look, dark room, meant just for you. You gazed across the ballroom of The Plaza Hotel, watching the tall blond. His curls cascaded against his face in an almost princelike way, but you couldn’t deny that he was looking at you. You sipped your ginger ale that had been poured in a champagne flute, hoping the dimness of the room would hide your blush. Time moved too fast, and before you knew it, he was standing next to you. 
“Hey,” he hummed in a luxuriously deep voice. “Having fun?”
“Mhm!” You nodded, trying your best to appear that you were, especially since you didn’t know exactly who he was. 
“You’re better than me,” he chuckled, downing the last of his cocktail. “I hated these things when I was here.”
“Oh?” You asked, your interest piqued. 
“Luke Hemmings,” he nodded, holding his hand out for you to shake. “Columbia grad.”
“Oh,” You bit your lip, trying to hide your shock. “I know you, I think.” 
“Most people do, sweetheart.” he chuckled. 
“You’re big on Wall Street, right?”
Luke nodded brushing closer to you. The blond was clearly happy that you knew who he was, and it was evident as he pressed himself closer to you, brushing the buttons of his coat against your emerald green, silken gown. “Not nearly the biggest.” he laughed lightheartedly. 
The sound made you swell up with happiness. Luke’s laugh was unusual for a body like his, but it suited him so well. It was warm and sunshiney, just like his smile and the golden curls that engulfed him in his own personal halo. 
“So, do you have a name? Or are you just the mysterious pretty girl?” he chuckled. 
The feeling that this beautiful (not to mention wealthy) man wanted to know who you were made the butterflies in your stomach take flight. You gazed up at him, studying his stubble and his beautiful, full lashes, before you trailed your eyes down to his plump, pink lips. You knew he was older; you were still only a sophomore at the university, after all, but despite not having any proof, you had seen enough to know that Luke was looking for more than just a conversation. 
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N,” You smiled softly, brushing back against him. “You’re really nice.”
Luke chuckled, wrapping an arm around you. Instead of shrinking back like you would if any other man did that, you melted into the blond’s touch, noting how warm and soft he was. He stayed silent for a moment, before gazing down at you. “So, would you wanna get out of here?” he asked. 
“With a man I just met?” You joked. 
“It’s just a question. Up to you.” he whispered huskily into your ear. 
You nodded, a sudden streak of boldness running through you. “Y’know what? Why not?”
Luke smiled, grabbing your hand and leading you through the crowd as you dodged some of your professors, university faculty, waiters, and esteemed party goers in general. Once you made it out into the main hallway of the hotel, you breathed a sigh of relief. The lobby was nearly empty, which wasn’t surprising, seeing as it was almost midnight. The plush carpet sank under your feet as you and Luke walked up to the valet desk. The staff didn’t even need a name, they simply hurried off to retrieve the blond’s car. 
“Are you cold?” he asked, holding your hand as you walked down the grand marble steps to the sidewalks of New York City. 
“A little bit…” You admitted sheepishly, a blush dotting your cheeks for probably the fiftieth time that evening. 
Luke smiled softly, pulling off his suit jacket and wrapping it around your shoulders. “Better?”
You nodded softly, breathing in the scent of his expensive cologne. “Thank you, Luke.”
As you spoke, a sleek black car pulled up to the curb and the driver hopped out, opening the doors for you and Luke. You didn’t miss the Bentley logo on the hood as you carefully stepped in, noting the fine Italian leather. Luke stepped into the driver’s seat beside you, immediately revving the car up and pulling out into the never-ending traffic of the city. 
“What did you have in mind?” You asked your newfound partner. 
“Whatever you like,” Luke smirked. “But there is a beautiful French coffee shop near here that’s open all night?” 
“Sounds perfect.” You said graciously, smiling at him from the passenger side. 
“So,” the blond started, making small talk. “What’s your major?”
You smiled over at him. Luke’s eyes were genuine as he pulled into a parking deck near the cafe. Before you could even answer, he was parking and helping you out of the car. He was such a gentleman, it almost made you wonder why he was talking to you instead of any other girl. You held onto the blond’s arm as he helped you out, smiling up at him. 
“Journalism,” You said happily, always willing to talk about your major and passions. “I wanna be a music journalist.”
Luke smiled, holding your hand as you walked down the levels to the street. “I’ve always loved music. When I’m not working, that is. Wall Street doesn’t give a ton of time for much else…unless it’s something I really want.”
As you two walked into the cafe, you couldn’t help but to notice the chain of your necklace, reflecting in the lights of the city that never slept. Luke opened the door for you and led you into the establishment, easily ordering you both a coffee. You sat down at the table in the corner while you waited, trying not to let how giddy you were with nerves show. 
“Do you have a certain time you need to be back by?” Luke asked you, checking his golden Rolex as the waitress placed a fancy coffee in front of you both.
You shrugged, looking him up and down with a flirty look. “Not unless you’re ready to be rid of me.” You hummed, twirling a strand of your hair. 
Most people probably wouldn’t believe you unless they were your best friends, but despite your studious personality, you loved to flirt. Besides, who wouldn’t want to see what a billionaire CEO who was not lacking in looks had in mind? You could see it in Luke’s blue eyes that he was having similar thoughts as he searched your own.  You smirked at his reaction, biting your lap as he placed one of his large, ring-clad hands on your knee. 
“Finish your drink then we can get out of here.” he said, almost like a command. 
You hurriedly did as he said, enjoying the rich, French coffee that warmed you from the inside out. You could practically see Luke’s eyes clouding over with want for you, and you longed to see what his chest looked like free from the white button-down he was sporting. As soon as you had finished your last sip, he was pulling you up and out of the shop, smiling fondly at you as you wandered back to his car. 
“There are some…rules we need to follow if we’re gonna go further.” Luke hummed as you both got in the car. 
“I understand,” You said sweetly, looking at him. “Go on.”
“I’m not looking for anything serious right now. I just want to make that clear. I want someone I can fuck and spoil without having to worry about…everything else,” the blond said, looking at you honestly. “Kinda like a sugar baby.” a smirk grew on his face. 
“Oh,” You said, flushing red. “That’s okay with me.” Your voice was sultry as you spoke. 
You knew Luke. You had done research on the top investment bankers on Wall Street for one of your classes and lo and behold there he was, number one at just twenty-six years old. It wasn’t even the money that was that enticing, though. It was just Luke as a person. Ever since you had seen him on your laptop screen, you had been in awe of him. He was absolutely beautiful, in a way that made him seem unreal; almost like he belonged with the gods instead of on Earth. The fact that someone like that wanted to be around you, sexually or not, was gratifying. 
“Second of all, you’re going to have to sign an NDA, sweetheart. No one else can know you hang around me, nor can they know where any gifts you get come from. Deal?” Luke asked, a hungry expression in his blue eyes. 
“Deal.” You nodded firmly. 
The blond snaked his large hand around the nape of your neck, pulling you across the console of the car as he began to kiss you. His tongue was soft and warm and tasted like a mix of coffee and the bourbon he must’ve consumed earlier in the evening. You kissed Luke back just as fervently, moving your hands to tangle in his honey-blond curls. It didn’t matter that this man was a billionaire you had just met. He tasted like both heaven and sin, as if he could save you, and make you do awful things. The scent of Hugo Boss Bottled was absolutely intoxicating on this man, making you want to bury your nose in his chest and stay there forever. 
“So, would you like to take this back to mine?” Luke asked softly, but with lust clouding his voice. 
You nodded quickly, and Luke planted one last kiss on your already swollen lips, starting the car. He quickly pulled out into the streets, zipping in between cars as he sped towards southern Central Park. You almost didn’t believe where he was going until the supertall, luxury high rises made of glass and steel came into view. You didn’t know why you had wondered where Luke lived; of course he lived on Billionaire’s Row with all the other businessmen and mega-celebrities. 
“It’s nice, isn’t it?” Luke asked as he pulled up to the valet in the parking garage of his building. 
“It’s amazing,” You muttered, craning your head back as you observed the night sky that was aglow with the lights from all of the buildings. “It’s like something out of a movie.”
“Just wait until you see my penthouse.” Luke snuck the word that just affirmed his wealth into the sentence, kissing your cheek and placing a sneaky hand on your ass as he handed his keys to the valet. 
You leaned into his touch, looking up at him as he grinned down at you. Taking your hand, Luke led you to a slightly discreet elevator, smiling softly. “Up to mine.”
“You have your own elevator?” You didn’t know why you sounded so shocked. 
Luke chuckled. “Yes, sweetheart. I have my own elevator.”
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he led you into the fine, marble elevator. With the walls being made of glass, you could practically see the whole of New York City underneath you as you rose higher and higher. Luke’s hand hadn’t left your ass the whole time, and your heart raced at the thought of what the night held. Finally, you docked and the doors opened, allowing the blond to lead you into his penthouse apartment. 
“It’s beautiful.” You mumbled, breathlessly as you surveyed the humongous living room. 
“Sit down,” Luke nodded to the large L-shaped couch. “I’ll be right back.”
You carefully sat down on the white, plush couch tentatively, afraid of staining it or ruining it somehow because you were sure this couch cost more than you spent in three months. Your eyes darted around the apartment, noticing how everything was absolutely spotless and all white. It was a very neat apartment for a young bachelor, but then again, Luke probably had a maid. The blond returned shortly after, having ditched his suit jacket and brandishing papers and a bottle of Cabernet. 
“Would you like some?” he asked, reaching for wine glasses that were sitting on a crystal tray on the coffee table. 
“No thank you.” You blushed. 
Nevermind that you were only twenty. You were just terrified of spilling red wine on his white carpet and couch, not to mention your silk dress. Luke didn’t seem to mind, though. He just poured himself a glass and then pushed the papers and a fine, wooden pen towards you. His blue eyes held an almost soft honesty as he spoke to you, his curls that had been gelled back for the night falling loose. 
“This is an NDA. It has nothing to do with you. It’s just for my safety, and so the magazines don’t come after me or you. Understand?” he asked. 
You nodded, kissing his cheek that was much softer than you had expected. “I know what an NDA is, silly.”
Luke blushed, and you saw a hint of who he was out of the public eye. “I’m really sorry if this is awkward. I just…I think I come off more confident than I really am.”
“I understand,” You said honestly. “For what it’s worth, you’ve been so kind to me this evening.”
The blond gave you a crooked smile, pushing the papers. “Sign and then we can do something else.” he winked. 
You quickly signed the papers without a second thought and then turned to Luke. “What else were you thinking of?”
Luke grabbed you by the hips, pulling you across the couch and into his lap. Hoisting your emerald dress up your legs, you straddled him, looking down into his crystal eyes. Luke held both of his hands across your ass, pulling you closer to him as he began to softly suckle on your neck. You practically moaned at the feeling, bracing yourself against his broad shoulders. 
“Is that okay?” the blond asked, pulling back to look at you. 
“It’s better than okay.” You smiled, pecking his lips. 
Luke ran the hickeys down from behind your ear, across your collarbone, and then to your breasts. Unconsciously, you began to grind into his lap, feeling the blond’s bulge underneath you. He began to slowly bounce you on his leg, soft, erotic moans leaving his mouth as he unzipped the back of your dress. You whined at the feeling of your already-dampening panties at the way Luke ran his hands along your body and the noises that fell from his lips. 
“God, Y/N. You’re so fuckin’ hot,” he whispered huskily. “Wanna take you to my bed and fuck you until your little cunt can’t cum anymore.”
You whimpered at his dirty talk, pushing yourself into him. “Luke, please.”
He easily stood up, despite holding you, and carried you deeper inside the apartment. His bedroom was just as luxurious as the rest of the house, and the blond softly placed you on his California king bed, smiling softly at the way your silk dress fanned out on the sheets. You blushed under his gaze, well aware of the heat flaming your cheeks. Luke placed another kiss to your lips, undoing his tie. 
“So goddamn beautiful.”
You couldn’t help the little giggle that escaped you as Luke showered you with praises. He smirked softly at how cute you were, slipping his thumbs under the straps of your dress. You pushed yourself up to meet his hands, moaning softly as you arched your back. 
“May I?” he asked. 
You nodded, wrapping your arms around his back as he slid the dress off of you, smirking at your bare boobs and white thong. Luke bent, leaving a kiss on your wet underwear as he slowly pulled off your golden, strappy heels. After he tossed the shoes across the room, Luke began to unbutton his own white, dress shirt, giving what you had wanted all evening. You were practically salivating as Luke rid himself of his shirt, leaving you to revel in the glory of his chest.
He had the perfect mix of lean and slightly squishy on his body. His hairy chest mingled with the silver chain around his neck, which trailed down to his milky tummy, and then to the happy trail that snaked its way into his waistband. 
“Do you like what you see?” the blond asked you with a chuckle. 
You nodded eagerly as he climbed into bed with you in his gray, Calvin Klein boxers. “I can see why you were GQ’s Man of the Year.” You said breathlessly, still in awe of him. 
“Oh, so you’ve been looking at me before, baby?” a smirk dawned the blond’s lips as he climbed on top of you, flicking his tongue across your breasts. 
You whimpered at the feeling of him across your sensitive skin, running your nails along his back. “Show me I won’t be disappointed.” You told him. 
Luke began to softly suckle on your tits, leaving more hickeys as he trailed down from your chest to your stomach, then to the waist of your underwear. “May I?” he asked, snapping the white elastic. 
You nodded quickly, bucking your hips up to meet the boner that was growing in his boxers. “Please. Just fuck me. That’s what you wanted, right?” You asked, fluttering your lashes. 
Luke smiled, kissing your cheek softly. “You’re a fast learner, baby girl. You sure you’ve never been a fuck doll before?” the blond hooked his thumbs around your panties, slowly and teasingly smiling as he pulled them down your hips. 
You didn’t have time to respond, because Luke began to slowly rub his thumb over your clit, to which you let out a gasp. He began to speed up the rhythm, smirking as he felt your legs clench around him. You moved your hands from his back upwards, tangling them in his strawberry blond curls. Luke began to use his other hand to slowly slide in and out of you, his fingers gliding easily because of how wet you were. 
“Luke,” You moaned out, bucking your hips up closer to him. “Gonna cum soon.”
That just made the blond tease you more, glee in his blue eyes as he continued to pleasure your entire pussy. Tears were coming to your face as you held back, that white-hot feeling building up in your lower stomach. To stimulate you more, Luke began to rub his clothed dick against you slightly, enjoying the moans that fell from your lips at the friction. You were both panting and moaning until finally, Luke kissed your pubic bone. 
“Go ahead, baby,” he hummed. “Cum all over my fingers.”
You didn’t need to be told twice to do what Luke asked. You immediately clenched around his graceful fingers, whimpering as you came. Collapsing back onto the pillows, you just caught Luke sucking his fingers off, looking so sinfully beautiful. 
“You taste so fuckin’ good, Y/N,” Luke moaned, beginning to stroke his cock through his underwear. “Think you’re capable of another round?”
You nodded quickly, looking up at him. “Let me.” You said, placing your hand over his own. 
“Well, if you insist.” Luke smirked, practically ripping off his underwear. 
His dick stood tall now, throbbing as it practically begged for you to touch it. You got on your knees, looking up at the blond with a smile as you ran your tongue across his tip. You knew he would be too big to take all of him, so you slowly began to take his cock into your mouth, bobbing your head back and forth while pumping his base when you hit the back of your throat. Luke threw his head back with a moan, pushing his hips towards you. 
“Feels so good, Y/N. Oh my god…” he panted as you sucked him off. 
Luke began to grip your hair as you bobbed your head up and down. He could feel his dick twitching in your mouth, begging for him to claim you and cum all down your throat. The blue-eyed man gripped your hair, pulling you closer to him. Without warning, he released thick, white ropes of cum shooting down your throat. Luke pulled off so you could breathe easier, but he didn’t miss the slutty smirk that was decorating your face. 
“You like that?” he asked. 
You nodded eagerly, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. “Yummy.” You giggled.
Luke kissed your forehead, caressing your naked body. “You are so, so perfect. Think you can hold up for one more? I need to be inside of you.” he said, beginning to passionately kiss you. 
You moaned against his warm, plump lips as Luke massaged your breasts while kissing you. Before you knew it, you had moved to straddle his lap, moving your hips in teasingly slow circles. Luke grunted, moving to grab your ass. 
“Gonna act like a slut, gonna get treated like one.” he hummed, thrusting his dick inside your folds. 
You moaned at the feeling of suddenly being so full, bouncing on his lap to adjust. “Oh my god…” You breathed out. “So big.”
Luke smirked at that, his ego being fueled. He pinned you down to the bed, beginning to ride you. His thrusts were fast and sloppy, but they were oh-so-powerful. You could hear that sound of his headboard hitting the wall as he railed you, and you were silently thankful that Luke had the whole floor to himself. Your silence didn’t last long though, for Luke hit your G-spot, making you cry out. 
“Gonna cum.” You whimpered, tears pricking your eyes as you tried to withstand the overstimulation. 
“You can do it, baby girl,” the blond coached you. “Hang on longer, princess.”
You wrapped your legs around Luke’s hips as he continued to pound into you. Your second orgasm was always much faster than your first, and right now was no exception. You sobbed at the feeling of needing to cum so badly, but despite how your emotions appeared, you were really loving this. You gripped the silken sheets in your hands as you writhed under him, until Luke finally kissed your tear-stained, sweaty cheek. 
“Show me how good you can cum on my cock, baby.” Luke growled in your ear. 
You immediately clenched around Luke’s dick, letting go. It was the best orgasm you had ever had, and you knew Luke could tell by the way he was smirking at you. You were still panting and riding out your high when the blond’s dick twitched inside of you and he quickly pulled out, cumming on your thighs. 
“Uh uh…” You panted, staring up at him completely fucked out. “Good pull out game.” You chuckled when you caught your breath. 
Luke smiled, kissing your cheek. “What else would you take me for, baby girl?” he hummed. 
He pulled a pack of wet wipes from his nightstand, wiping both you and himself down before he gave you another heated kiss on the lips. The blond patted your ass softly, in an almost shooing motion. “Get on out of here and get some rest,” Luke cooed. “Call me tomorrow. There should be something waiting for you on the kitchen counter.”
You hurriedly pulled on your silky dress. Your heart dropped a bit as you watched Luke toy around on his phone, that is, until he looked up at you through his lashes, telling you he ordered you a private car to take you back to your residence hall. The blond gave you one last kiss as you left the room, reminding you to check the counter. As you wandered into the kitchen, you saw a rather stuffed envelope with your name on it laying on the marble countertops. 
Your jaw dropped as you opened the package to reveal an enormous stack of cash. You quickly began to count it, speaking softly to yourself. There was over a thousand dollars in that one envelope. You shot Luke a quick thank you text, hurrying out of his home and down to the idling car for you, a smile gracing your face at the thought of your newly found sugar daddy. 
“Whatcha thinking about?” Luke asked, tapping your nose. 
“Sorry,” You blushed, realizing how long you’d been zoned out for. “Just thinking about you, I guess.”
“Oh?” he asked, cocking his brow. 
“Just how much I love you.” You smiled, snuggling closer to his chest. 
“I love you,” Luke hummed, pulling you closer to him. “That night changed my life for the better.”
You smiled when you saw the softer side of Luke’s personality peeking out. You knew that below his stock market aficionado personality, Luke was still a soft, sweet little boy. You had discussed the things from his childhood before, which is why Luke had had a rather hard time staying in long-term relationships. That is, until he met you. The same effect Luke on you, you had on him. He felt that spoiling you and loving you gave him a purpose outside of work. You loved him for more than his job, status, or wealth. When you two were together, he was just Luke, and you were just Y/N. 
“I changed my mind,” You hummed as you cuddled up with Luke. “I don’t want to go get those coats now. I’d rather stay in and watch a movie.”
“Are you sure?” Luke asked, always looking for a way to spoil you. 
“I’m sure,” You nodded. “You know I’ll never turn down naked cuddles.” You winked. 
The blond chuckled, kissing your forehead. “Whatever princess wants, princess gets. Just don’t forget, we have dinner reservations tonight.”
You smiled, hugging him. “We should watch a movie.”
“Would you like to?” he asked, running a hand through his hair. 
You nodded, sitting up and wrapping your pink, silk robe around yourself.  You tugged Luke’s hand so that he would get up and do the same. Your boyfriend pulled on a pair of loose, gray sweatpants that hung low on his hips, allowing your eyes to trail from his happy trail up to his broad chest. You shook your head and grabbed Luke’s hand, tugging him to the kitchen. 
“C’mon, we gotta make coffee first.”
Luke smiled at your antics, chuckling softly. Despite the fact that you were only less than seven years apart, he felt that you kept him “young”. Having never been able to have a real childhood due to studying and watching his father’s empire grow, Luke enjoyed seeing the childlike joy spread across your face. You plugged in the espresso machine while Luke pulled two mugs down from the cabinet. You giggled when you saw the pink, Hello Kitty mug in his large hands, looking up at him softly. 
“I remember that one,” You said, standing on your tiptoes and kissing Luke’s cheek. “You bought it for the very first time I spent the night.”
“That I did,” the blond said, wrapping his arms around you from behind while you started the coffee. “For my girl.” he hummed, leaving a kiss on your neck. 
“You bought me my own mug?” You asked Luke as he pulled them down from the cabinet, filling the pink mug with coffee for you. 
“Why wouldn’t I?” he chuckled, passing the cup of warm liquid to you. 
“I dunno,” You shrugged, looking out the window down on the people of New York City to avoid Luke’s eyes. “I guess I just thought we were mostly…physical.” You blushed. 
It was Sunday morning and you were sat at Luke’s kitchen island, hair messy and in a white lace nightie. It was the first time you’d ever spent the night with him, and you had been pleasantly surprised. Luke had cared for you much more than you’d expected him to, showering you with praises and even currently puttering around the kitchen, making you breakfast. You could see the smirk decorating Luke’s face at the term physical as he turned towards the toaster. 
“Shit!” he yelped, drawing you out of your thoughts. 
“Are you okay?” You asked hurriedly, coming around the island as Luke ran his hand under cold water in the sink. 
“Burnt the toast,” the blond huffed, gesturing towards the plate that was responsible for his injury. “Goddamn it.”
Sure enough, the small, white saucer held two pieces of absolutely blackened bread that was nowhere near edible. You chuckled as you scraped the “toast” into the trash, kissing Luke’s cheek. “I’m sorry, are you okay?”
He nodded, wrapping his arms around you once he had dried his hands off. “Now that I’m holding you I am. What do you say we go out for breakfast, yeah? I know a wonderful Colombian place that we can have privately.”
You smiled, looking into Luke’s blue eyes and then down at your nightie. “I would love to, but uh, I don’t have ‘proper’ clothes to wear.”
Your clothes from last night were covered in a…variety of substances, and you didn’t deem them appropriate for going out anywhere, but especially not to a high-class restaurant with a billionaire. Luke didn’t seem to mind though, he just took your hand and drug you to his closet, throwing the doors open. Everything was organized in an absolutely immaculate way; pressed shirts hung just right, pants folded perfectly in Ikea dressers, shoes stacked neatly on shelves, and a rotating belt hanger. Before you knew it, Luke had rummaged together an outfit for you, consisting of a white button-down that would be a stylish shirt dress on you, a New York Yankees baseball cap, and some gold jewelry. 
“How many times have you done this before?” You asked somewhat seriously as you began to dress. 
“What? Take care of a woman? Plenty.” he grumbled. 
You blushed under the lustful glare in his eyes, knowing you were working him up and loving it. “I was kidding, you know.”
“I know. I just think it’s cute how you pretend to be so big and bad like you weren’t screaming my name last night, baby doll. By the way, keep the shirt.” Luke flashed you a smile that was much whiter than the average person’s was, but your tummy flared with butterflies nonetheless. 
You nodded, breathing in the scent of Hugo Boss Bottled again as you finished dressing. You had no plans of getting rid of anything he gave you. You were so attached to him that you knew it was stupid, but Luke was just so captivating. You understood now why women had been fawning over the blond for years. 
“Are you ready to go?” he asked. 
You nodded once more, and Luke took your hand, leading you down to his car. Today he had decided on driving the Range Rover, and once you were both seated comfortably (and he had made a call to arrange private dining at the restaurant), he began to speak. “You know just because you’re a sugar baby doesn’t mean I don’t value you, right?”
You looked across the console at Luke as he pulled out into the busy streets of New York City, admiring the sharp curve of his jaw and the slope of his nose as his sunglasses cast shadows onto his face. “Go on.”
“I just…I feel a connection to you, Y/N. I enjoy having you in my life, baby girl,” Luke paused for a moment, gripping the steering wheel before speaking again. “You make me feel good. Better than I have in years, actually. Both mentally and emotionally.” he looked over the bridge of his sunglasses to make sure you were listening. 
You blushed, your cheeks flaming under the brim of the baseball hat. “That’s very kind, Luke. Thank you.” You reached across the console to where his right hand rested, pressing yours on top of his own larger, ring-clad one. 
“And I have this promise to you that I want to keep. I want to make this work.” he spoke as he pulled up beside a restaurant, watching as a valet came hurrying out. 
“I think we can, Luke. I think we can.” You said, leaning over the console and pressing a passionate kiss to his plump, pink lips. 
You were absolutely ready to let go of the fears and ghosts you had and just be. Luke made you feel different. He gratified you physically, emotionally, and mentally, and that was exactly what you needed.
“Hello, earth to Y/N. You zoned out again. Coffee’s done.” Luke hummed, tapping your shoulder. 
“Sorry,” You said, ears turning pink. “I guess I’ve just been thinking a lot lately.”
“About…?” Luke questioned, taking his mug and padding to the living room. 
“I dunno. Us? How we got here?”
Luke smiled as you sat down beside him, throwing an arm around you. “We got here because I couldn’t resist the body in that pretty emerald dress and then learned about the woman wearing it.” he chuckled, flicking on the TV. 
It hadn’t meant to be sexy, but you still blushed, hiding your face in his chest. “I know, it’s just…it’s hard to believe we’re in a long-term relationship when we started with the whole sugar baby thing.”
“Well, life is surprising that way,” Luke shrugged, navigating to the rom-coms section. “All I care about is the fact that I have my beautiful girl now. Mwah!” he said, planting an exaggerated kiss on your forehead as a movie began to play. 
As you two fell deeper into the plot of the meet-cute characters, you couldn’t help but to notice the silence between you and your lover. It wasn’t uncomfortable, not in the slightest, but it was almost like you could hear something in it, telling you how much you truly loved Luke. As surprising as it may have been to others, you knew the blond was your forever man. You were in love, true love at that. 
Before you knew it, the movie had ended and Luke was picking you up off the couch and throwing you over his strong shoulder. “Time to get ready for dinner.”
You giggled, wiggling in his arms. “Put me down!”
“Nope,” he said, popping the p. “I have something for you.”
Luke led you into your master suite, setting you down on the bed. You watched curiously as he went into the closet and then returned with a dress bag and a shoe box. You blushed and giggled as you saw the designer logos that were plastered on both. No matter how long you were with Luke, you would probably never get used to such spoiling. 
“What’s this?”
“Oh, just something for you to wear this evening,” he hummed. “I’m gonna go get ready.” Luke left a kiss on your cheek before grabbing the suit he’d laid out on the dresser and puttering to the bathroom. 
You slowly pulled the plastic back from the garment to reveal a beautiful, flowy red dress. You practically gasped in awe at the rich material, quickly sliding it over your head and marveling in the body mirror over how the dress hugged you perfectly, accenting your body in all the right places. 
“Wow,” Luke said breathlessly when he re-entered the bedroom. “You look amazing, my love.”
You blushed under his gaze, looking up at him. “Thank you. I was thinking of wearing red lipstick. Both because it matches the dress…and because it looks good on your face.”
Luke smirked, leaving kisses down your neck. “Please do.”
As you did your makeup and finished getting ready, you let your mind wander. Putting on your mascara is when the thought hit you. Would Luke propose tonight? You shook your head with a small laugh, thinking about how ridiculous the thought actually was. He would give you more of a heads up than that. You knew that Luke would propose one day, but it probably wouldn’t be on a random date night. 
“You ready, darling?” he asked, checking his watch as the Rolex logo glinted in the light of your vanity. 
“Mhm,” You nodded with a smile, standing up and taking his hand. “Always.”
“I booked us a driver for tonight,” Luke informed you as you two left the apartment. “That way it can be all about us.”
You smiled, snuggling closer to his arm. “That sounds perfect. Where are we headed?” You asked as you stepped into the sleek, black car with Luke. 
“You’ll see-” he smiled softly. 
You cut Luke’s sentence off by kissing his lips softly. Sometimes, you just couldn’t believe your boyfriend was real and had to kiss him, just to make sure. Your lover looked so much like a prince right now it was almost illegal. His navy blue suit complimented his blue eyes perfectly, and his light blond curls fell to his shoulder just right. In short, Luke looked absolutely dashing. 
“Hey, this area is familiar. There’s the hotel.” You smiled, nudging Luke’s shoulder. 
Sure enough, the car had stopped outside of the hotel you and Luke had met in so long ago, to which Luke smiled at you. “We have a quick errand before dinner. C’mon.” he smirked. 
The driver opened the door of the backseat for you and Luke, allowing you to step out onto the sidewalk in the chilly, New York City air. The sun hadn’t quite gone down yet, but it was enough to be cool and you pulled your jacket tighter around yourself. Luke took your hand, smiling softly and led you up the stairs and into the warmth of the lobby. 
“What are we doing here?” You asked as he led you towards that all-too-familiar ballroom. 
“I just thought we’d stop by. It is almost Christmas, after all,” he said, nodding towards the large tree in the corner of the ballroom. “What better time to do some reminiscing?”
You blushed softly as Luke led you to the center of the grand ballroom, underneath the luxurious, diamond chandelier. “Would you like to dance, Y/N?”
You nodded softly, trying to hide your embarrassed giggles as Luke played a waltz on his phone and began to spin you around. It was quiet here, allowing you to focus on nothing but Luke. Even though you had known for so long now, you realized just how in love you were with Luke. Looking into his eyes must’ve been what true love from all those princess stories felt like. All that mattered was that you had him and he had you. As the song came to an end, Luke brought you in close and kissed you softly, taking great care not to ruin your lipstick. You had thought that you two were done, that is, until Luke pulled back and got down on one knee, making your heart stop. 
“Y/N L/N, I love you more than anything ever. I have since the day I met you. You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars. You have given me a reason to live. Will you marry me, Y/N?” Luke asked, a soft, crooked smile on his face as he opened the ring. 
“Yes!” You squealed, throwing your arms around his neck. “Yes, yes, yes!”
Luke picked you up and spun you around as a photographer stepped out from behind the tree, snapping photos. You couldn’t believe this was your life, especially when Luke slid the enormous diamond onto your finger, kissing your knuckles softly. You were so overwhelmed with love and tears that you hardly heard Luke speak to you. 
“We have one more place to go.” he whispered. “Shall we?” the blond led you to the car once again, but you stopped your lover, tugging on his arm. 
“It’s snowing!” You smiled, craning your neck up to gaze as the flurries fell on and around you. 
Luke took your hand, spinning you around in a soft dance. The light glinted off his eyes and brilliant white smile perfectly, making your new fiancé look like a real life angel. It was almost like you two were in a snowglobe, dancing round and round until you finally pulled each other into a deep kiss, ignoring the “awe”’s and snapping of photos by passing strangers. Luke quickly helped you into the car, directing the driver towards his office on Wall Street. 
“I know your job is demanding, hun, but do we really have to go into your work after we just got engaged?” You pouted and nudged the blond, knowing the effect it had on him. 
“Shhhh,” Luke hushed you with a kiss on the head. “We’re not going for work; I want to show you something.”
It wasn’t long until you had arrived at the large skyscraper and were in the ornate elevator, looking through the large, glass windows as you rose higher and higher above New York City. It was hard to believe Luke actually worked here, but you recalled the one night you had seen his checking account balance when he had left his laptop open, and it suddenly didn’t seem as crazy. Even though it was a Saturday evening, people bustled around the office shouting numbers and hurrying after their bosses. 
Luckily, Luke had a quiet, private office to which he threw the door open. “Ta-da.” he hummed softly. 
“You came here to show me your office?” You giggled. 
The blond shook his head, leading you over to the large, black desk. When you saw what he was referencing, you could’ve cried. There were several framed photos of you, all smiley and joyous that Luke had taken himself. Even on his desktop wallpaper was a photo of you when you two had gone to Turks and Caicos over the summer, plus a sticky note stuck to the monitor that said “Book Y/N’s Grad Trip”. 
You threw your arms around Luke’s neck as tears pricked your eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you more, baby girl,” he hummed, holding your ass in both hands and peppering your face with kisses. “How did I get so lucky?”
“I should be the one asking that question. I really understand now.”
“Understand what?” Luke asked, softly setting you down. 
“Why they lost their minds and fought the wars. Why people in romance novels are willing to give up everything for their lover.”
As you spoke, you could see tears brimming on Luke’s lower lash line. In all your time together, you had never seen the blond cry. You wrapped your arms around his waist, laying your head against his tall, broad shoulder. 
“We’re not going to dinner now.” Luke chuckled and sniffled, wiping his eyes with his thumb. 
“Why?” You asked curiously. 
“Because I want to fuck you until you can’t walk anymore, princess,” he smirked huskily. “I know the ring on your finger says it, but I wanna make you mine.”
“Well, if you do insist.” You giggled. 
Luke picked you up bridal style and carried you out of the office, not caring who was looking. They wouldn’t say anything to him anyway. And in that moment, you realized that you were in love. 
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destinationtrekk · 14 days
uroboros wesker. favorite flavor of jolly rancher. favorite flavor of soda pop. favorite poptart flavor. 🙏🙏🙏 feel free to get Silly
he likes the blue jolly ranchers tehe but he LOVES when you eat the cherry ones and then make out with him cause your mouth tastes so sweet and it leaves his tongue stained purple from where you kissed. he isn't a huge soda fan but he would absolutely call it pop because he's an old man (or he calls everything coke like... that's definitely an orange fanta but go off king)
when he does choose to drink soda he likes something mild like cream soda or ginger ale. the carbonation in sprite and coke is too much for him and he says it burns (heightened senses but he's also just a baby about spicy food)
he thinks poptarts are a little too sweet as weel, but he's a SUCKER for when you make him the brown sugar ones in the toaster and they're all warm and melty inside
also random but he bought a really fluffy blanket for the couch under the guise of a birthday/holiday present for you, but more often than not you find him cuddled under it shirtless napping after he showers. he is a sensory guy for sure, loves soft fabrics and clothes and tasty food and good smelling candles - he just never had a want or reason to indulge before you came along
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velarisdusk · 2 months
Shadows at Twilight
Nesta & Azriel
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word count: 2.3k
content: [ platonic nesta & azriel, modern au, mention of substance abuse (cocaine), physical altercation, strong language, emotional conflict, family tension, mental health issues, mention of abandonment, mention of smoking (marijuana), unresolved tension ]
summary: Azriel and Nesta's Thursday night smoke sessions become a lifeline. As tensions rise, the fragile balance they've been trying to maintain begins to falter.
author's note: stoner nesta came to me in a dream but of course i had to make it depressing
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The soft resonance of guitar strings filled Azriel's small apartment as the evening sun cast long shadows through the blinds. He sat on the edge of his worn couch, fingers absently plucking at the instrument while his eyes focused on the glowing screen of his laptop. With a heavy sigh, he closed the email—another rejection from a local venue.
“Thanks for your submission, but we're not looking for new acts at this time," Az muttered under his breath, mimicking the polite dismissal he'd read too many times before. He set the guitar aside and ran a hand through his dark hair, glancing at the clock on the wall. Nesta would be here soon.
He stood, stretching out the kinks in his back from hunching over his guitar for too long. As he moved to open a window, letting in the cool evening air, Azriel found himself thinking about how these Thursday nights had started — in the aftermath of Feyre, Rhysand, and Nyx's sudden disappearance. He recalled Nesta's frantic call that day, her voice strained with panic as she described the overflowing mailbox and the unanswered calls. She had demanded answers from him, but Azriel had been just as much in the dark.
The memory of that wellness check still felt surreal: entering the eerily quiet house with the police, only to find that impersonal note on the kitchen island. "We're leaving. Please don't look for us." Those words, so final and unexplained, had left a void in their lives that these smoke sessions had somehow started to fill. Az shook his head, pushing away the lingering questions. No use dwelling on it now. He was determined to keep the evening light.
The coffee table became a feast of their favorite munchies: salt and vinegar chips for Nesta, a mix of sweet and spicy nuts for himself, a couple of king-size Reese's cups they'd inevitably fight over, and some sour gummy worms for good measure. Az placed two cans of Cherry Coke next to Nesta's spot and a ginger ale by his. He knew they'd probably end up DoorDashing Taco Bell at some point—their crunchwrap cravings were pretty predictable—but it never hurt to be prepared. As Azriel pulled open the drawer beneath the table, revealing their well-used smoking paraphernalia, a knock sounded at the door.
“S’open!” he called out, quickly arranging the grinder, lighter, papers, and a small jar of pungent bud around the centerpiece.
"Hey," she said, making a beeline for the couch. "Sorry I'm late. Work was absolute chaos today. You wouldn't believe the client I had to deal with." Her hands fluttered as she spoke, the words tumbling out faster than usual. Azriel watched as she sat down, noticing the slight tension in her shoulders and her perfectly manicured nails tapping a relentless rhythm on her knee.
“No worries,” he said, tone neutral as he rolled them a joint each. “Rough day?”
Nesta shrugged, reaching for the TV remote. “Nothing I couldn’t handle. Smiling Friends?”
Azriel leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as he angled his body to catch her eye. "Hey, are you sure you're alright? You seem... off."
Nesta's shoulders stiffened slightly. "I said I'm fine, Az. Can we just watch the show?"
As she turned to face him, irritation flickering across her features, Azriel's eyes widened. Even in the dim light of the apartment, he could see her pupils were blown. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut.
"Nes," he said, his voice low and careful, setting the joint down. "What did you take?”
Her defensiveness flared instantly. "What's it to you?"
Azriel's brow furrowed, a mix of concern and dry humor in his tone. "Well, I’d like to know if I should be ordering pizza or calling poison control. Seriously, what’s going on?” His eyes narrowed as he took in Nesta’s jittery movements, the slight sheen of sweat on her forehead. With her dilated pupils, the pieces clicked into place.
"Cocaine, Nesta? Really?" He ran a hand through his hair, frustration evident in his voice. “What were you thinking?”
Nesta's posture stiffened, her eyes flashing with defiance. "Oh, that's rich coming from you. Don't act all high and mighty."
He blinked, caught off guard. "What are you talking about?"
"Please," Nesta scoffed. "You think I don't know about your little pick-me-ups before gigs? You're such a hypocrite."
Azriel's jaw tightened, his voice low. "That's... that's different. I'm not spiraling like you are."
Nesta leaned forward, her eyes blazing. "Different how? Because you're a 'tortured artist'? Give me a break." She made air quotes, her movements sharp and exaggerated.
He stood abruptly, pacing a few steps before whirling back to face her. "I'm not the one making a walk of shame to work every other day, or calling my estranged sister from borrowed phones."
Nesta shot to her feet, matching his stance. "No, you're just wasting your life playing dive bars. At least I have a real job." Her fingers drummed rapidly against her thigh.
"At least I'm not throwing away a law career I worked so hard for," he retorted, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.
Nesta's laugh was brittle as she threw herself back onto the couch. "You don't know anything about my work."
Azriel leaned against the wall, arms crossed. "I know you've been calling in sick more often. You told me yourself last week."
"So what? Everyone needs a mental health day now and then."
He remained against the wall for a moment, studying her with concern and frustration. Then, slowly, he pushed off and took a few steps toward her, closing some distance between them. His voice was low but firm as he continued. "A day, sure. But you're—"
"I'm what, Az?" Nesta interrupted, her voice rising as she crossed her arms tightly across her chest. "Enlighten me."
Azriel's eyes darkened, his voice steady but laced with frustration. "You're running from your problems. You're burying yourself in your work instead of actually facing them."
Nesta's jaw clenched. "You think I don't know that? At least I'm trying to keep it together. Unlike you, hiding behind your music and your so-called 'artistic struggles.'"
Azriel's hands clenched into fists at his sides. "Don't turn this around on me. Yeah, I’ve got shit going on, but I’m not self-destructing. I’m not jeopardizing my career and my relationships."
Nesta scoffed, her eyes flashing with defiance. "You’re one to talk about relationships. When was the last time you let anyone in? You’re just as closed off as I am."
He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "This isn’t about me. It’s about you needing help. Real help. You can’t keep running, Nes."
Her expression crumbled for a split second before she masked it with anger. "And what do you suggest I do, huh? Therapy? Rehab? You think I haven’t considered those? It’s not that simple."
His voice softened slightly. "I know it’s not simple. But I care about you, and it hurts to see you like this. You don’t have to keep punishing yourself like this.”
Tears welled up in Nesta’s eyes, but she quickly blinked them away. "I don’t need your pity."
"It’s not pity," he said, his tone earnest. "It’s concern. It's love, Nesta. You’re family, and I can’t just stand by and watch you destroy yourself."
She turned away, hugging herself tightly. The silence stretched between them, tense and heavy. Finally, in a voice barely above a whisper, she said, "I called Feyre today..."
Az's expression hardened, a mix of concern and disappointment crossing his features. He didn't need to ask how she’d done it; he knew her pattern all too well. "Nesta," he said, his voice low and controlled, "you can't keep doing this. They clearly want space." Nesta's head snapped towards him, her eyes blazing.
"You don't know what they want! None of us do!" Her voice cracked with emotion.
Azriel's jaw clenched. "Maybe not, but I know they left for a reason. Have you considered that your constant attempts to reach her might be pushing her further away?"
Nesta's eyes flashed dangerously. "Don't you dare put this on me. You're just as lost without them as I am."
"At least I'm respecting their decision," Azriel countered, his voice low but intense. "Unlike you, I'm not harassing my coworkers for their phones or showing up to work high."
"Oh, please," Nesta scoffed. "You're not some paragon of virtue, Azriel. You're just better at hiding your mess."
Azriel took a step closer, his patience wearing thin. "My 'mess' isn't a nightly habit that’s consuming my life. Wake up, Nesta.”
Nesta's face contorted with rage and pain as she shot up off the couch and turned on him. "You think I don't realize that? You think I want to be like this?" Her voice rose to a near-shout. She paced like a caged animal, her fingers raking through her hair as she glared at Azriel. "I'm doing the best I can!"
His eyes flashed with frustration. "You want to know what I think? I think Elain was right."
Nesta met his gaze, her words low and tense. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"I spoke to her last week," Azriel shot back, his voice hard. "She thinks you're the reason Feyre left. And you know what? I'm starting to agree with her."
"You don't know anything," Nesta snarled, her body coiled with tension.
Azriel stepped closer, his voice rising. "I know she was always cleaning up your messes. Always worrying about you. Elain thinks she finally got sick of it, and I can't blame her." His jaw clenched, hands curling into fists at his sides as he towered over her.
"Shut up," Nesta hissed, her hands clenching into fists. Though she had to tilt her head back to meet his gaze, the fury blazing in her eyes was no less intimidating. 
"Face it, Nesta. Your sister couldn't take it anymore.” His volume rose, each word more forceful than the last. “Your emotional walls, your recklessness, your unwillingness to change—it drove her away! And now you're doing the same thing to Elain!"
Nesta's face contorted with rage. "I said shut up!"
"Why? Because you can't handle the truth?" Azriel's words were cutting. "She told me she wishes you’d left instead; that we’d all be better off if—"
With a wordless cry of fury, Nesta lunged at him, her hands clawing towards his face.
Azriel's eyes widened in shock as he instinctively raised his arms to block her attack.
"Nesta, stop!" Azriel growled, catching her wrists. She twisted violently in his grip, her teeth bared in a snarl.
"Let go of me!" Nesta spat, trying to wrench free. Her eyes were wild, pupils still dilated from the cocaine. She kicked out, aiming for his shins.
Azriel grunted as her foot connected, but he held firm. "I'm not fighting you," he said, his voice strained but controlled. "You need to calm down."
"Calm down?" she shouted hysterically. "After the shit you just said? Fuck you!"
She threw her weight forward, attempting to headbutt him. Azriel barely dodged, releasing one of her wrists to push her back. She immediately swung at him with her free hand. "You piece of shit!" Nesta screamed, lashing out again. Azriel deflected another blow as she continued, "You don't know anything about me!"
Her attacks came in bursts, punctuated by her rage-filled words. "Fucking lowlife!" she spat, narrowly missing his jaw with a wild swing, her nails grazing his cheek.
"Damn it, Nesta!" Azriel hissed, feeling the sting. He used his greater strength to push her back against the wall, pinning her arms. "Is this what you want? To hurt me? To hurt yourself?"
Nesta writhed against his hold, her chest heaving. "You don't understand anything!" she shouted, her voice raw with emotion. "You think you're so much better than me, but you're just as fucked up!"
Azriel leaned in, his face inches from hers. His voice was low, intense. "I never said I wasn't. I’m not your enemy here, Nesta, I’m just trying to stop you from being your own.”
For a moment, they stood there, both breathing hard. Nesta's eyes darted around, like a cornered animal looking for escape. Then, abruptly, she went limp in his grasp.
"Let go," she said, her voice suddenly quiet and dull. "Just... let me go, Azriel."
Azriel hesitated, studying her face. Slowly, cautiously, he released her arms and took a step back.
"I'm leaving," she muttered, pushing past him towards the door.
"Your keys," he said firmly, extending his hand towards her. "Give them to me. You're not driving like this. Get a Lyft or something."
“What are you, my keeper?” Nesta scoffed. “Drove myself here, didn’t I…” she muttered under her breath. Her hand went to her pocket, then paused. For a second, Azriel thought she might make a run for it or lunge at him again. But then her shoulders slumped, and she pulled out her keyring, took her apartment key, turned towards him and dropped them into his palm without meeting his eyes.
She made for the door again. Azriel didn't try to stop her, but his voice followed her. "This isn't over, Nes. We need to talk about this when you're sober."
Nesta paused at the door, her hand on the knob. Without turning back, she said, "Don't count on it," and slammed the door behind her.
Azriel stood in the sudden silence of his apartment, the echo of the slamming door fading away. He ran a hand over his face, wincing as he touched the scratch on his cheek. Nesta’s keys felt heavy in his hand.
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faux-parenchyma · 6 months
May I ask for perfumes for some mcyts!
Badboy, jimmy, jaiden!
A nice trio for the soul hehe
so considering I know who this is, the one for Bad we've semi-talked about before of course hehe, we agreed that he would most definitely smell in some capacity akin to baked goods. Like, yes traditional gourmands and whatnot for his perfume, but also something a bit warm spicy, grainy and smoky. In the past i've likened it to like, a well-baked focaccia. I'm thinking rich olive oil, (especially with its spiritual use and connotation, what better for a demon?) grain and pepper and of course the lovely gourmand sweetness. For him, I'll give Ade ale Van: Soul Tattoo - outlaw's elixir
Going to put the others under the cut (plus stressmonster as an extra, I saw someone tag stress and figured I'd add that here too!)
Okay, so jimmy to me reads so very much like warmth as well, but less of a spice warmth like bad and more of an 'oats and honey' feel. I am completely biased to sheriff and rancher jimmy though so- DFGHNMJ. Like, I'm thinking sun on skin, light grass floral, with heavy hay and rich sweetness. Like he totally just got distracted with work and sure, hes got a sunburn now, but all his hard work really paid off. For him, I'm going to go with Hayloft from Pineward Perfumes
Jaiden immediately struck me as two notes: iris and metal. WEIRD COMBO I KNOW BUT HEAR ME OUT. I miss q!jaiden a lot and I think the slight tinge of metal, maybe from being in the lab, along with calming/mildly suffocating florals, it just seems right yk! The sterility of the scent would be the key, and I think mixing something like ginger to elevate it would make it feel almost... dirty-sterile? if that makes sense. For her, I'm going limited complexity, DS & Durga's Spirit Lamp
Last one for the night is Stress! I saw whomever reblogged had said florals, and mud, and of COURSE that just seems like a given. For me personally, I of course am going to hc her as a monster and so she definitely has an air of 'wrongness' to her <3 I'm thinking dewy, muddy (of course) and heavy on the grass and floral. She packs a punch and she knows it. Rose Fantome by LVNEA
RAH this was really fun actually, I want to do this more, if people want to give me more mcyts in my askbox hehe. I have some more to respond to which I'll do after work :) gonna brainstorm
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dangantums · 8 months
Middle of the Night
extremely self-indulgent fic,,, as i continue to drown in coursework,,, might post another one later though,,,,
this fic contains: burps, hiccups, SFW content (though its kinda spicy), belly kink, belly rubs, bellyache
ship: s.aimota
TLDR: s.huichi eats way too much in the middle of the night, and it wakes k.aito up.
“ Hmmmp - urrrp! “
“ Mmmmrrrrrpp… Ooh, owww… “
Kaito let out a grunt as he woke from his sleep. Blinking away the grogginess, he squinted into the darkness, trying to discern the source of the noises that woke him up. There, he saw the refrigerator's dim light that illuminated the small kitchenette, making Shuichi’s presence known. The detective was hunched over, sitting on a chair, an empty gallon of ice-cream and an empty bottle of ginger ale accompanying him.
Kaito couldn’t see it yet, but Shuichi was nursing his overworked belly. Over the past few months, he had unintentionally gained a significant amount of weight, and his once slim figure now boasted a noticeable softness, especially around his midsection. Though, to Shuichi’s surprise, Kaito had found himself appreciating Shuichi's new look. He loved the way Shuichi's belly now jiggled when he moved and how it felt pleasantly soft to the touch. Although, a long day at the office frequently left Shuichi stressed and hungry, which led to gaining even more weight.
And that night was no different. Shuichi had succumbed to his hunger in the middle of the night, eating an entire tub of chocolate ice cream. And, to no one’s surprise but Shuichi’s, that gave him quite the bellyache - so he tried to soothe his overactive gut with ginger ale. Which only made matters worse. The chubby surface was pulled taut, and his pajama shirt strained against the newfound roundness, buttons threatening to pop open with each labored breath.
"Shuichi?" Kaito called out, his voice a low murmur. "What are you doing?"
Startled, Shuichi jumped. But this only jostled his already upset belly, resulting in a moan from both the detective and his large belly. Kaito sighed, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. He forced himself to get up from the sofa-bed, circling into the kitchen with a tired saunter.
"Seriously, Shuichi? It's the middle of the night, what’s going on – … Woah.”
A sheepish expression played on Shuichi’s face as he tried to turn away from his boyfriend, hands holding his belly. Feeling the need to explain himself, Shuichi babbled,  “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up – I was just so hungry, work leaves me s-so - HIC! - so stressed, and – “
“God, you’re cute,” Kaito cut him off, not bothering to hide his glances over Shuichi’s body. The way his bloated, stretchmark-littered gut strained against the pajama shirt he had just bought a week ago sent a shiver down the aspiring-astronauts spine. “You look so stuffed… C’mon, let me help you into bed, hm?”
Shuichi’s face turned a deep shade of red, though he graciously accepted his boyfriend's offer. Kaito offered a hand to help Shuichi up from the chair, but as the detective stood, another sudden hiccup erupted from him. A pitiful whine escaped the detective, his hands quick to nurse his gut.
"Careful there, babe,” Kaito snorted, though his hand was inching towards Shuichi’s mountainous belly as well. The other hand resting on his back. Kaito guided him back to their sofa bed – the detective wincing with each step as his stomach protested the excessive indulgence. As they approached the bed, Shuichi sighed in relief when Kaito gently guided him to sit down, the soft mattress giving way to the weight of his overindulged belly.
"Alright, Shu, time to get you comfortable," Kaito announced, pulling back the covers.
Shuichi scooted himself back further into the bed, his belly protesting the movement with another hiccup. He winced, a hand still cradling his stuffed midsection. Kaito couldn't help but admire the sight: Shuichi's rounded belly straining against the confines of his pajama shirt. And then he laid back, and Kaito fell deeper in love. Kaito was unable to see his boyfriend's face behind the prominent mound of his bloated stomach – he could only observe the mountainous organ move up and down with each breath, his tummy barely being able to stay confined behind the buttons of his pajama shirt.
Kaito stood at the foot of the bed, surveying the scene with a playful smirk. "You really outdid yourself tonight, Shuichi. You should have woken me up.” Then, the aspiring-astronaut circled the soda-bed once more, taking a seat next to Shuichi, his gaze laser-focused on Shuichi's bloated belly. Though Kaito gently ran a hand over Shuichi's bloated belly, feeling the warmth beneath his touch. He began to massage Shuichi's stomach in slow, circular motions, eliciting a low, contented murmur from the detective. As Kaito's hand moved in slow circles, he felt the occasional rumble beneath his fingers, evidence of the excess gas building up in Shuichi's stomach.
A strained, sudden and unexpected burp escaped Shuichi's lips, surprising them both. It was a deep, resonant sound that echoed in the quiet room. Kaito chuckled.
"You know, Shuichi, I've been thinking," Kaito began after a moment of silence, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I really like this new you. The whole 'soft and squishy' thing you've got going on? It's pretty cute. I really like seeing you like this… not stressed, obviously, but I’m loving the weight you’ve been putting on.”
Shuichi squeaked, blushing even more. Kaito leaned over, pressing several kisses to Shuichi’s cheek and neck. “K-Kaito, please – EUURRRP! ” the detective whimpered, unable to suppress another belch.
The aspiring-astronauts lips pulled away, and another chuckle fell from his lips as he continued to gently rub Shuichi's belly “Sorry, it’s like I can’t help myself.”
Another moment of silence, as Kaito kept running both hands over Shuichi’s distended tummy. Although Shuichi’s belly still gurgled and groaned in protest, found himself becoming drowsy under the tender care of Kaito. Shuichi's eyes grew heavy, and Kaito's reassuring touch lulled him into a peaceful slumber – or a food coma. Once Kaito noticed, he smiled softly, planting a soft kiss to the side of his head.
“Goodnight, baby,” he cooed. A final gurgle erupted from Shuichi’s belly, answering the aspiring-astronaut.
And soon without realizing it, Kaito started to succumb to the soothing atmosphere. Kaito found his own eyelids drooping as he continued the gentle belly rubs. And eventually, the room fell into a quiet, restful silence as the pair slept under the gentle glow of the moonlight seeping through their apartment window.
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peachsukii · 2 months
alright after I took 10,000 years Rei I gotta know what sponserships are you and Katsuki getting in streamer au and what flavors would you have with g-fuel 👀👀
Took me 10,000 years too 🤣
I love aesthetics and everything cutesy, so my main sponsor would be for Grippys! The little thumb stick covers to decorate and help use controllers better (and somewhat help switch controllers not get drift too fast). A few designs I would collab with them for are a lemon & lime set, cat paws in pastel colors, and a limited edition peach set. 🥰
Katsuki’s main sponsor would be SteelSeries. He’s all about high quality gaming equipment - headsets, mics, keyboards, mice, everything and anything tech related. He only uses the best of the best (and in his mind that’s them!) He’d collab with them for a special headset and keyboard/mouse set, bright orange with specialty LED lights that cycle his favorite colors and not the standard RGB rainbow.
G-Fuel flavors
Mine would be the Raspberry lemonade flavor and it would be available in caffeine & caffeine free variants! Sometimes I'll add mine into a protein shake for some extra flavor, otherwise I just drink it as is (added to water). If I'm feeling crazy, I'll add the caffeine free mix to some ginger ale.
Katsuki's would be Spicy mango with pineapple, energy only. It's got a little kick to it, enough to wake you up but also subtle to allow you to taste the fruit notes of the mix. He recommends adding it into your pre-workout or using it as a mid-day pick up to get your ass in gear.
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mossymandibles · 1 year
can you tell me about gen?
Sorry this took me so long, sometimes I forget to go back and check my inbox. Here’s a somehwat ‘official’ bio for her, under the cut. It has some more random stuff about her as well.
(I can’t seem to find what I’ve already answered for her, the organization here is balls and it gives me more incentive to make a separate space for character info)
She’s a child that Kraw has taken upon himself to look after ever since he found her aboard his fishing trawler while he was making a delivery run. She was scuttling about half wasted away by sun, starvation and other mysterious means.
As far as the more mundane stuff goes; Gen enjoys doodling, tagging any surface she can get her hands on, beach visits, creepy crawlers, and spicy, pungent food. She also enjoys taking apart stuff to see how it works, she’s very much a tactile learner.
Kraw notices that she seems to have a slight case of agoraphobia.
When he first had her aboard, she would often sleep in the engine room of the boat because the cramped spaces and sounds were comforting to her, probably reminding her of the city.
She also often has stomach problems, due to nerves. Kraw usually keeps saltine crackers or ginger ale on hand for her.
She has a knack for animals too, often trying to keep pets despite Kraw’s protests. This interest helped her get used to staying with Sylvaine at times whenever Kraw had to make longer trips and wouldn’t take her along at first, since Sylvaine has plenty of interesting creatures around. Gen would rather spend time learning about them rather than on her usual homework. This interest grows when she starts helping Kraw out with fishing more, seeing all the different creatures of the ocean and all.
Despite her having rambunctious, trouble-making tendencies, she shows high intelligence and fast learning capabilities, not that she enjoys sitting and exercising that ability very often. Kraw would notice her quickly getting a good grasp on the boat engine’s inner workings whenever she has to help with such things, since he can’t really fit in the engine room. She has her own names for the parts and jstuff that she made up.
The growth taking up the right half of her face was thought to be a fungus of some sort, assuming that she was a ‘Myce’ or of a fungal fae type race. It turned out she was a newer generation of human. The growth was an inexplicable calcification that Gen said she woke up with after “seeing the eye”. Kraw and Sylvaine were able to gather that she was originally from Piranesi’s Fever; a huge, industrial type city which was built outside the citadel surrounding the impact site of the celestial body. Gen seems to have little to say, or refuses to say, much about it.
She appears to be about 7 or 8 when Kraw finds her (although sometimes I draw her around 11) but nothing is really known about the newer generations of humans born under the Ladder’s jurisdiction. They are thought to be more affected by the isolated biome created by the rotting celestial body. There’s lots of speculation about what Gen is capable of exactly. Despite Sylvaine’s burning curiosity, Kraw refuses to let her run any tests since he’s taken Gen under his wing. He doesn’t want her to feel like a science experiment and he thinks she seems to be doing fine and wants to believe the growth is just a cosmetic thing. He’s kind of in denial, even with obvious signs from Gen’s occasional strange temper outbursts.
Here’s a wip of her from a comic I got in the works. Before her eye was mangled :0
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coyoteincense · 3 months
Hello! I went to the Bronx Zoo the other day and they provided us with this incredible piece of information about tiger enrichment using scents. So, what should one wear to be the perfect tiger enrichment toy? And what about the tiger—what should it wear to the mauling?
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WHATTT THIS IS SO COOL?? i love tigers this is such a fun fact about them.....
so they like the smell of strawberries and musk-based perfumes...im sure there are a few that a tiger may enjoy sniffing :)
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this would be my #1 pick:
dhan al oudh al nokhba by rasasi
this is the perfect darker blend of musk and strawberry - a deeper, more complex fragrance with musky oud, spicy notes, and strawberry. it's pretty cheap too tbh! when i think of tigers, i think warm spicy complex scents, so this would be my first pick.
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of the wild by mancera
very strawberry-forward but with refreshing patchouli, powdery musk, and vetiver. i'd imagine a tiger would like the blend of strawberry with the musk base!
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white suede by tom ford
just entirely musky. this is a more 'white musk' which is fluffier and powdery, but i could see a tiger enjoying the amount of musk this has. sadly no strawberry but plenty of musk
scarlet kiss by alkemia would be my final choice - with wild strawberries and creamy musk and tea leaves, a distinguished tiger could very well enjoy smelling this :)
now, for what the tiger should be wearing:
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tiger by zoologist
i know, i know. it's too easy. i promise it's not my only answer, but when i close my eyes and imagine tiger, this is it. it's a beautiful mixture of smoky woody spice and rich earthiness. i love it. it's like a tiger stalking through the tall grass for its next prey
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rook by rook (creative naming guys)
this is a close second for my choice. it's smoky, warm, and has some nice spiciness from the ginger - and plenty of musky animalic oud for the base. a really good animalic, earthy fragrance. rawr
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falcon leather by matiere premiere
i associate leather, amber, and warm spicy notes with tigers so this is perfect! i think it could use some more earthiness, but the birch tar is a nice touch. maybe a choice for a tiger who isn't as wild though, it doesn't give a fierce vibe like the other two
this was actually so fun and i'm glad you thought of sending it here....i learned something new about tigers tonight <3
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|•♡•♡{Welcome pick your man!}♡•♡•|
|•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡.{Number 2}.♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•|
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Shit he'd say
{♡} reblog
- You though I was feelin you?! Your not even a fart!!
Mexican Candy
{♡} personal
- Feed him the candy. He craves it
{♡} personal
- What if and hear me out he was a racer?
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Tummy ache
{♡} personal hc
- give him ginger ale it's the only cure
Spice Lover
{♡} personal
- you want some? K, WAIT THATS SPICY OH NO-
Mexican Seth HC
{♡} personal hc
- No Sabo kid ass
{♡} personal
- save a horse ride a cowboy
Abuse cycle
{♡} personal
- breaking the cycle is hard if you doubt yourself.
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Artist Casper
{♡} requested
- Charlie with a artist? The glazing goes wild
{♡} personal hc
- cute smile with that chip tooth
{♡} personal
Grocery shopping
{♡} personal hc
- Rat goes grocery shopping?!
Yan! Casper
{♡} personal
- Yo my lover kinda crazy
{♡} personal
- We can't bake send help-
Beast boy
{♡} personal hc
- I wanna be called mama by him-
Incorrect Quotes:
Big shirts
Crush me
Gossip boy
Hey Mama~
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{♡} ask
- Auron gets freaky w the camera's?
Porn pt3
{♡} ask
- hhmmm smut idea for him
Domestic Bliss
{♡} personal
- oh shit we domesticated him
{♡} personal
- Got curious what he'd be
Grocery shopping
{♡} personal hc
- fancy man goes to food for less?!
Incorrect Quotes:
Tempted to kill
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Old phone
{♡} personal hc
- jail breaking ur old phone's hard
{♡} personal hc
- lol he forgor he had that
Food HC
{♡} personal hc
Otome rizz
{♡} personal hc
- Mr bitchless? Naw Mr. Catches bitches left n right
Incorrect Quotes:
Confession Pt2
Not going anywhere
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Sunflower has a stutter
{♡} requested
- Finn has a lover with a stutter!
Oh yeah pretty boy? (SMUT)
{♡} personal work
- He dresses up for you!
Horror Lover
{♡} personal hc
- What if he was a lover of horror movies?
{♡} personal hc
- you remind him so much of one...
Eye contact
{♡} personal hc
- OH! I'm into that-
{♡} personal hc
- please just curse
Sneaky insults
{♡} personal hc
- Southern Finn came out
Incorrect Quotes:
Go ape shit
Losing my shit
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Some HC
{♡} requested hc's
- hc's bc my eyes were opened
Girl Dinner
{♡} personal
- wdym a single grape and some chips is dinner-
{♡} personal hc
- Lucien is my shadow he follows me where ever I go
Not so scary
{♡} personal
- ur literally a Teddy bear, but still a bear
Incorrect Quotes:
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Banned baked goods
Lil evil
Done nothing
Say My Name
Bro is struggling
Fucking tree
Lore Dropping
Lore Dropping pt2
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Trans Listener
{♡} requested
- trans reader with Charlie, Finn and Faust
Yan! Listener HC
{♡} requested
- Sugarboo, Casper, Star, Rook and Angel (Sunflower has their own post)
Listener family
{♡} ask
- What if they were related?
Mexican Listeners
{♡} ask
- What if they were related and MEXICAN?
Voguing match who'd win?
{♡} poll
- Faust won again, king shit
Pirate au
{♡} personal
- idea bc I wanna kiss Pirate Auron-
Song 3
{♡} personal
- Bittersweet duo song that fits them too good FUCK
Rook and Faust bbfs
{♡} personal
- teehee haha idea bc I wanna torture Auron
Jewlery thoughts
{♡} personal hc
- All boys and ideas of what they'd have.
{♡} personal
- ask to everyone bc I wanted to see it all
Dangaronpa AU
{♡} personal
- The boys being accused? Can their listeners defend them?
Rap Battles
{♡} personal
- Epic rap battles of Academy! /ref
Tokyo drift au
{♡} personal
- idea that I didn't expand on </3
{♡} personal
- when you get here-
Porn pt2
{♡} personal
- oh there's Charlie-
Total drama slaughter island
{♡} personal
- kinda like dangeronpa au? But on a island.
Your so pretty
{♡} personal
- calling then pretty <33
Boudior photos
{♡} personal
- sexy pics for them, but perfessional!
7ft Listener
{♡} personal
- tall ass mf
{♡} personal
- nails!
{♡} personal
.•♡•♡Please consider following♡•♡•.
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bellyasks · 6 months
If you have the time prompts about accidental bloating. Eating something that doesn't agree with the character for them to end up an overinflated balloon
unintentional bloating my beloved,,,,,i coulda done more but i gotta cut it off or ill be sitting on this document for the rest of my life
Your character is at work, and it's finally time for their lunch break. Maybe they made a poor choice in packing their lunch, or maybe they go out for something quick and order the wrong thing, but by the time they get back to work, their tummy is feeling sore and swollen. Whether they're sitting at a desk or moving around on their feet, it quickly becomes clear that their belly is going to be a problem.
Your character squeezes into a nice little outfit to go to a fancy dinner event. The rich food settles poorly in your character's stomach, no doubt teaming up with their nerves to give them a killer bellyache, and their nice outfit starts feeling uncomfortably snug. If their belly isn't plainly visible, their discomfort certainly is. Hopefully their outfit at least holds itself together until they get home.
Your character has a terrible cold. Apparently some people relate to this and some don't, but your character is the type to swallow with each sniffle, as well as swallowing frequently in a vain attempt to lubricate their throat, causing their stomach to fill up with unintentionally swallowed air throughout the day.
Your character is on a dinner date, and they're feeling pretty nervous. Their belly is grumbly and agitated before they even leave. By the time they're sitting with their partner at the restaurant, they aren't hungry in the slightest, their poor anxious tummy feeling queasy and bloated. They eat their dinner anyway, though, and it leaves their belly bulging visibly. How does their date react?
Your character is already feeling a little bloated before they get on the plane--maybe they ate too much airport food, maybe they're nervous, maybe they're simply prone to a bloaty tummy--but once they take off, the altitude causes their poor belly to bloat up even more. They could try to soothe their stomach with some ginger ale, but if the bubbles fail to make them burp, they'll really be in for it.
Your character is awful about eating too quickly and talking the entire time they're doing it. They swallow a lot of air when they eat, leaving their tummy disproportionately bloated after each meal. They're notorious among their friends for it. How do said friends respond when your character winds up even more bloated than usual after a lunch out together?
Your character is enjoying some spicy food, and by "enjoying," I mean they're fighting for their life. Maybe they just have a weak tolerance, or maybe their tolerance is impressive and they've finally met their match, but their mouth--and stomach--are on fire. They're sipping their drink after nearly every bite, and between the liquid, the air they swallow while drinking, and the spicy food irritating their stomach, they're terribly bloated by the time they're finally through.
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