#//vauge mentions
radiostaticsmile · 6 months
What do you mean by narc attachment?/genq
I am a narcissist! I sure would love a link to something explaining this concept that wasn't deeply ableist but unfortunately everything is like. Top ten ways to know that someone is a narc and narc attaching to you so you can RUN AWAY because they are USING YOU!!!!!
But since we can't have nice things I will try to explain it myself.
Basically narcissists need something called narc supply to feel ok. This is most often in the form of praise and attention. You get these things mostly from other people. You need these things. People give these things to you because they like you. You therefore care about them liking you. They give you the thing you need. Therefore you like them. (They may also have traits that make them Special and Better than others which makes you like them More)
Narcs can attach very very strongly to people who give them supply because of this. We want them to be happy with us. We want them to be happy in general. We feel extremely protective of them. When I hear someone has hurt someone I have narc attachment for I feel violence in my heart.
Narcs also often feel kind of an ownership over people they attach to. This does not mean we will be weird about it or entitled about it, though I imagine that some people are. But it is just tied to the protectiveness I think. Sometimes we decide a person is our person now. Very cute thing I do with other narcs who I like where we say we both own each other a little bit, but not too much. We want to belong but we do not want to be trapped. Mutual aro narc attachment friendship very cute.
As an aromantic narc not knowing I was either I used to think that this was what love was. But when I told people I loved them they would seem to assume I meant things I did not mean. When I dated people, they would fuck up the whole relationship and expect things of me that I did not think would be expected and they all become very weird and entitled to me and my time. I did not know I was meant to do something different when I dated someone. I just thought it meant I like you a lot, I want to talk to you often. And it was a label I put on relationships where I already was doing that, and expected it just to be a marker of how much we like each other. But then people expected me to talk to them Even more often, and I am like. I am already talking to you almost every day, I need to sleep sometimes, Jeez. Or worse they expect me to base my life decisions around what they want or change myself for them. What the hell
Other narcs feel free to add more explanation for Narc attachment I know I did not cover every kind of attachment here. Feel free also to add on your own personal experiences
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the-king-of-lemons · 9 months
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read smpronpa.
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rainbowlemonslices · 4 months
I hope you learn to listen to science. I genuinely wholeheartedly hope that your experience hasn't harmed you if you truly are a system. Trauma is tough, I hope you find peace.
Endos may be scientifically impossible, and the endo community has done horrible things to the system community as a whole, but I truly do hope you are okay, regardless of being horribly misinformed.
omg our first hate ask! our blog is big enough for that, yippee! /s
violet here! okay, so normally i wouldn’t respond to this kind of thing very intensely because honestly we don’t like getting into syscourse much. however, this is a good time and place to put our stance on things, as well as answer this ask anyways. (everything is going below the cut now since it is a bit long)
okay so first of all, i wanna address the fact that you are implying that we’ve had trauma, and this isn’t really true. sure we’ve had a few scary events and whatnot from when we were younger, but we don’t really have trauma. our family is and was, for the most part, kind and caring as well, and hasn’t informed us of any traumatic events.
back when we thought we were traumagenic, as it was the only type of system we had known of at the time, we were stumped on one thing. where our trauma was. and believe me when i say we dug and dug and dug, trying to find anything that would be traumatic. it became a major life focus, made us paranoid, and made us feel horrible that we hadn’t found anything. we tried to force memories that didn’t exist. starting becoming scared of things that had never happened to us. tried to reason that fictive exomemories must be telling us something about our past trauma. and yet, we found nothing.
so, despite having no trauma whatsoever, we still felt all of these things. we were scared, and felt horribly like frauds. during therapy sessions about plurality, we shared almost nothing because we were scared that because we couldn’t find our trauma, that we couldn’t be real. we were told by both the therapist and our mom that our headmates were not real. cyan started to push us away in fear. headmates began to hide themselves away too. even our happy littles, who are the whole reason we know we’re plural, hid. the only two people near the front were cyan and purple. both of them were screaming and crying at each other. cyan told purple to go away because e “wasn’t real”. purple broke, and after months of feeling so happy together, we broke apart, feeling more empty than before.
and yet, the headmates never really left. we continued to show up, even though many of us were in denial about being real. we are still there, a long time after being told we didn’t exist. we still experience changes in who controls the body, contrasting likes and dislikes, very different personalities from each other. we were still there.
so, we eventually stumbled onto the term endogenic, and things just kind of clicked. hearing that we are a system, even though it wasn’t caused by trauma was life changing. finally, we started to feel whole, we started to feel like we understood and belonged. we realized that we are still real, and much more real than we were when we were digging for trauma that didn’t exist. that’s how we know we’re real. we know our own experiences, and one person telling us that we’re “scientifically impossible” and doing “horrible things to the system community” isn’t going to change that fact that we exist.
however, i’m not done yet. you happened to say that endos are “scientifically impossible” and doing “horrible things to the system community”, as previously mentioned. however, these claims aren’t really very true.
firstly, i would love if you could provide me some actual evidence that endogenic systems can’t exist, since you are the one making such a claim. secondly, some evidence for endos being harmful would also be great as well.
thing number one, here is an article that is commonly brought up in endo related debates that i could not leave out. i suggest you check it out and give it a good read. since it is a source that mostly speaks for itself, i will simply let you read the many pages worth of information on endogenic systems.
in addition to that, here is another article i found on my own time, and while it is not particularly about endogenic systems, i felt it was informative regardless. i would like to preface this by saying i am not exact a fan of this article, as there were some parts that i didn’t like how it was written and what not, but it is a third person perspective, neutral group, with no bias. if i am reading it correctly (which i really do hope i am, though sometimes i do fail on my reading comprehension), the article is about the ties in plurality and other identities, as well as making comparisons in traumagenic plurality versus other pluralities, tulpas and endos. primarily, the comparison section is about tulpas and traumagenic, and i am not well educated on those, so i will be leaving that part at that. what i’m primarily here to call out is the way it describes how similar the experiences and symptoms are noted from both traumagenic systems and nontraumagenic systems, as well as the segments where it states that many traumagenic systems may not meet all the criteria’s for a diagnosis. i bring this up because it seems as if some anti endos think that to be plural you MUST fit all of the diagnostic criteria AND be traumagenic, when this does not appear to be true. the DSM is NOT a holy text, and scientists discover new things quite frequently.
for you last point, i’m a bit confused on where you’re getting that the endo community has “done horrible things to the system community as a whole”. i have never seen that before, and that is an incredibly bold claim to make without presenting any evidence of this happening. since i’m not exactly sure what you are talking about, or what you mean by “horrible things”, i will just says that endos are not harming the plural community. for starters, “plural” is a term that INCLUDES endos, and i believe it was MADE for this purpose (however i currently cannot find the source for this information, i have seen it many times). so, by pushing endos away, the PLURAL community is being harmed. i since i assume you are equating traumagenic to DID/OSDD (which i believe are not the same, but i am unsure of where any sources on that are either), i would also like to inform you that i have NEVER seen an endogenic system claim to have DID or OSDD. endogenic systems are NOT inherently claiming to be a disordered system. we are NOT taking away from traumagenic systems.
that being said, i would LOVE to inform you that we ARE okay, and are doing quite well as we are becoming informed on endogenic systems. thank you for your time to anyone who read this!
also please let me know if i said anything stupid, or messed up! i have no idea if i’m doing this right at all! i’ve never really done syscourse like this before so this is a first! (and please let me know if the second source is bad, since i bet someone is much better at reading and breaking down those types of studies and articles)
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chimerahyperfix · 1 year
Birds are common sights on the island. Crows circle the broken wall, parrots flit around trees. They all gravitate towards the avians. It's nice to have feathered friends.
And then something changes. A nightmare, glowing yellow eyes, bloodstained sand. Feathers and scales and tears and blood all mixing together, an invisible foe making quick work, taking three lives. Claws, darkness, apologies, an unfinished word on wood. Two tiny corpses, a larger one, wings draped over them like blankets.
The crows react strongly. Fear, rage, the need to protect. A sudden influx of nests built along the wall, on top of a wooden house next to it. No one mentions it. The man who lives on the wall looks haunted, staring over the darkness, searching for mobs. Two children terrified, sticking closer together.
And then it happens again, the nightmares return. This time it hits the parrots, an airship the epicenter. She can't save her kid, goes down, falls out of the airship. Her frantic attempts to get to her son doesn't mean anything in the end, and the blood soaks through everything again as the bell tolls. She gets the same haunted look in her eyes he has.
The parrots move in, closer. Nests in the trees, between the roof shingles, on the patio. Maybe the bird calls can help. Somehow. Be a warning bell, or something. They just want to help, prevent it from happening again.
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vectorisheree · 3 months
what is 3laf
some kind of au, based off tags? where do i go to catch up on stuff i missed bc this is the first im hearing abt it
Hiya! 3LAF (3 Lives at Freddy's) is a FNAF themed modded minecraft server run by @toki-woki-fnaf and co! The introductory post is here if you wanna read up on it ^^
The gist is that every player is given 3 lives: green, yellow and red, each time they die they go down a colour. Only reds are able to directly kill people, shinanigans insue. Right now there's a soulmate mechanic where people are randomly allocated a partner to share a health bar with. There's a pretty relaxed roleplay aspect to it as well, I've got my guy Milk (Skulk! Moon) personally ^^
I like to belive the goal of 3laf is to overcome death and forge friendships so that we can all live laf love together!!! (Last one standing wins)
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strebcr · 3 months
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I can't believe I have to fucking say this, but if you RP as and try to blorbofy actual real life slave owners/colonizers please do not follow me 😭😭😭😭
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Idk if anyone needs to hear this but it is something I needed drilled into me when I was younger and 90% of the reason I am posting it is typing makes it more real but
Suffering does not make you a better person
You are a better person because of yourself
No anything that hurt you
Your trauma did not make you kind
Make yourself kind despite your trauma
Your trauma did not make you more creative, it did not make you a good person, it did not make you smart, it did not make you caring, it did not make you anything that benefits you
The only thing your trauma did was traumatized you
You forged yourself to be the self that survived and you are the one responsible for all of the good qualities that that person has
So much of my life people try to paint the picture of people gaining traits from suffering as if suffering is a beautiful thing that will afflict you and then leave you improved
Suffering is not beautiful it is just suffering
You don't need to cause yourself any more hurt than you already have by thinking you should be great full for things that harm you, you already have a "unique perspective" suffering only makes you suffer it doesn't get any prettier than that
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0crooked-arcade0 · 1 month
We used to have a small following on tiktok and often talked about our system experiences being introject heavy in the age of social media, occasionally I'll get inquiries as to why we stopped posting for the indefinite future, which is a valid question I've thought on many times-
But I think in my case it boils down to the fact that we can't scroll three videos down into the system tag without seeing a post that basically goes
"Reminder! If you're a fictive and you don't immediately separate from your source and change your name you're promoting an anti recovery mindset. 😘✨️Source calls are predatory😰 and being in a relationship with a sourcemate is basically grooming. I hope all fictives rot in hell and stop making real systems look bad.😍😤💫💕."
Like, bait or not, people actually buy into this shit and use it as an excuse to bully people. Like, homegirl, you are throwing stones in glass houses, m'kay? ((LOOKING AT YOU ASPENFROST))
You don't get to come over to my page and tell me that I'm not presenting having the "shitty trauma raction that put a bunch of video game characters in our head for moral support because we couldn't cope with the constant abuse and our only options were being someone else or being dead disorder" in the 'right way'.
Newsflash, you can't say shit, we hail from the same damn circus and your clown shoes gave you up from twenty yards away, were both delusional, CALM DOWN.
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((Like, did they pick you? Did throwing people who present the symptoms of their neurodivergency in a way that isn't palatable to your neo-fascist sensibilities make the 'normal people' single you out as the good one? Yikes, I hope you can learn to love yourself despite your symptoms dawg, you'll find support, just don't let those losers use you as a strawman, you diserve better than that.))
-From the desk of District Attorney Alexander Duvall. (Order in the court⚖️)
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girlboyburger · 1 year
Its-using animals club!
Alas i feel your pain, especially when someone's go-to response is "isn't using it/its dehumanizing?"
right. like. it doesn't matter if you think it's dehumanizing. it's what i want to be called, and like my name, you'll call me by it / its or we will not be having further conversation.
to me, personally, that's like. kind of a huge part of the appeal? full respect to those living in the "it can be a moment, it can be the mountains or the sunset" because, me too! but also a massive appeal to it / its is i can easily sum my gender up as some kinda boygirlthing. it/its he/she. like an animal you don't know the gender of.
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polyshowtime · 3 months
playing isat for a friend and now i need to sleep with the knowledge that they made a joke about the king and the change god kissing
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sweetshelluvaau · 8 months
I started watching Hazbin Hotel and the 1 1/2 episodes I watched were...fine? Not necessarily awful but not really amazing either. Middle of the road-ish. There were some jokes that made me laugh but a lot did fall flat for me. Voice Acting is fine for the most part with the expectation of Val wtf pick an accent my dude plus as much as I love Keith David, he really wasn't the best choice for Husk. Angel and Alastor's va's I feel were trying to intimate the pilots' VAs too much but they're fine.
Vox is def my fave character so far next to Niffy l but oddly enough l even liked Adam but less because of his character and more how Alex Brightman sells him. If you can make a line as cringe as 'im the original dick' somehow endearing, you're doing something right. I don't know what, but...it's something.
I wanted to watch the rest of the second episode but once I checked Tumblr and saw the stuff in regard to the 4th episode, screenshots and all I had to stop.
It triggered something in me and it made me lose any interest with the show itself. I won't go into it more here but I'm mostly just gonna catch up with the show's story beats though some clips and friends commentary.
I hope those who are enjoying the show are having a blast and those who are in the boat I am in are having a chill night/day.
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willemdafinky · 1 year
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We don’t know what happened to Farmworld Finn
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aventylittleshit · 4 months
My least favorite part of having HPD is that sometimes it feels like everyone is actively ignoring me. I literally just mentioned that I could've gotten killed a year ago why are you moving on so easily to talk to someone else--
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chimerahyperfix · 2 months
YAAAAYYY MORE IN CRAFT AND CAGES CONTENT!!!! YIPPEE WOOHOO!!!! Ive been meaninf 2 do one of these 4 a while (shoutout 2 the handful of drafts for these lost in the vast expanse of my Drafts) Time for The Horrors smile.
(content warnings - self harm, suicide + idealation [both simply mentioned but. It’s pretty obvious what’s going on], short but relatively graphic depiction of death/injury - this one is heavy)
There are many ways for you to end a loop. You don’t like any of your options, but you have them. The House is tall enough to jump from. Messing up crafting the bomb works, but it takes longer than you'd like it too-- and Change forbid someone finds you. The tears are nice enough, better than anything else you have access to. The King; well, the less he kills you the better.
The EASIEST option you have is in your room.
Easiest. Not the kindest- just the easiest.
It’s not hard to see how many… extremely dangerous chemicals you have. They litter your desk you should have cleaned it you should have cleaned it you should have cleaned it.and fill your closet. Spilled over and swept up and hid in all the little nooks and crannies of your shared room. Mirabelle knows not to bother using them for anything - and thank Change, because you're not sure what you'd do if you hurt her because you were careless. Yeah, you two have your little squabbles; but in the end it's all fun and games to you. You don't want to hurt her.
You don't want to hurt anyone, actually. Barring the King, of course. That was never your intention. Every now and then, your mind wonders to all those cut-off loops, and you wonder if they continued without you. It's something you've started to manually block out.
They are the fastest the quietest the lonliest an avaliable option. And it sucks, because they hurt. They hurt so, so much. But it’s the fastest way out and you don’t have to make others watch.
The first few times; they were all accidents. Back when you couldn't make the craft bomb fast, back when it took you hours to craft -- it's hard work, making a bomb from scratch! -- you'd always eventually mess up trying to take a drink of your water.
The first time was the worst. You don't remember all of it, not really, not anymore -- blotted that one out as much as you possibly can. You do remember the pain. It was basically acid, so it absolutely tore your throat up.
Everything after the realization point is blurry. You remember screaming, maybe, and blood spilling everywhere. A hand smacking your back. Choking to death. Waking back up at the very same desk with the lingering feeling of gore mashed against your mouth.
Even now, you can still taste it. Like the blood and toxins have seeped into your very being, coating your teeth and your throat. If you bit something you'd probably poison it, too, like a snake, or a scorpions tail.
It's... not that bad, now. You can hold down the sounds that scream in your chest, and simply lay down and die in a puddle of lightless, and that's fine. You've gotten the whole ''look like your sleeping at your desk'' shtick down too. It still hurts, crab does it ever, but you must've burned through all the nerves in the area recently, bevause the pain just gets further and further away. Smaller. Quieter.
Eventually, there's a possibility someone will find you. It happened the first time around. It's not a thought you'd like to entertain, but every hypothesis has a line of reasoning behind it, and eventually the variable will pop up. You very well could be running on a tightrope of when the other side will drop, or a coin flip or something. Until that actually happens, you swear off thinking about it.
For now, you close the door behind you and make your way to your little glass bottle-ridden prison. You need to loop back.
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solarlight2625 · 8 months
does the fact that cyn is a bjd in her demon form have anything to do with something she used to do/like when she was alive?
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morismentos · 3 months
Hey there! Do you have any more pictures of item entries in Have a Nice Death, plus extra thoughts on any of them? I’ve always found them so interesting :D
HI YES thank you for this ask!!!!, i have a feew entries (trimmed down for now at least because then we would be here all day lol, i also don’t have all the weapons yet </3)
starting off with the makeshift rockets, which i just think is sweet, firstly the fact that orville has a science project in the first place, and ofc stated in the entry: death and him making rockets together.
there are so many entries dedicated to saying well death cooould like things (he’s a history nerd buff, see also the twinsies weapon entry) it’s the simple stuff i like the most, the fact that he seems to just like making things, tinkering with stuff ect ect
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still talking about things death does (or perhaps did) i really like the boomerang entry, again there is always mention of deaths expertise in spell casting, it highlights the intellect of his character, he’s not just. guy who kills LOL. and he also plays fetch with his dog. and goes to random fields to do so
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this one is my personal favorite they’re all nerds!!!!!!
Master death overlord… (also if i’m Not mistaken the game orville is talking about is a final fantasy mmo I THINK)
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i’m lumping these two together because i would say the same for both but it’s in credibly funny to me he’s just grabbing these insects (i dont blame him i’m a huge bug enjoyer myself)
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i don’t have much to say about this one but can’t complain about a princess bride reference
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lastly (for now at least) , he’s a show off!! jokes aside (obviously i don’t have this entry finished alas) this is one of the feeew entry’s that mention the monotony of his life, it’s another one of those things that hammers in the point of what he’s goin through (hell even something that’s he’s thought about for a while,(sorta) see life’s entry on theee wiki, because i don’t think i will ever be able to do her fight <///3)
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on a side note there is a lot of entries with orville, by proxy of jacob, i think it’s sweet, death and jacob’s friendshiiip also this entry with orville is funny who is saying gg to a jabelin
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