#//will it be a post on the radio blog?
plulp · 1 year
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soaked-ghost · 2 months
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it's the annual infodumping post!! yahoo!! have ink when he was slightly younger. also concept for how he actually hears the creators (with a little radio)
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
Not sure if you'd seen this already, but thought that you should know.
Vivzie seems to be incapable of treating any of her employees with even basic respect
-- Radio anon
Holy shit.
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astrobei · 1 year
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tfw when you invite your boyfriend over for a sleepover but he’s a biter
(@parkitaco: as per your request. sort of.)
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tyrianludaship · 1 month
ok so asking as someone who wants to ship themselves with the mercs but is terrified of butchering their personalities... i like to imagine them having a soft spot for me but i always fear that i am making them too ooc by writing them as softer or more caring. and honestly seeing this fandom talk about mischaracterization of the characters nonstop has given me a new kind of anxiety so im kinda scared too ship myself with them now sdgdfhfghgfh
I think the mercs being softer over a person they care about wouldn't butcher their personalities at all. Seeing Soldier's interactions with Zhanna in the comics for example, is really good at conveying his personality while also having him be more caring.
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Obviously a guy like Soldier wouldn't be as well-versed in romance as someone like Spy, but he still cares about Zhanna enough to reassure her in this panel. Engineer would probably be a little casual / more genuine talking to someone he likes, where Scout is attempting to sound flirty while trying not to throw up when asking someone out. (Source: Expiration Date, Scout looked openly nervous talking about Miss Pauling to Spy and impressing her for their date)
I imagine some of the mercs would be more subtle or casual about loving someone, where others would be very open and almost dramatic. Also all of them would be touch-starved, no explanation needed.
A gentle smile could mean as much to some mercs as kissing them until they're breathless.
An actual example of butchering a merc's personality I can think of is Medic being depicted as heartless and sadistic with no redeeming qualities. When he actually does care about his team; albeit in an unconventional way. Some people write Spy like that but I don't understand due to him being in the goddamn comics and very clearly showing that he can care about people.
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sciderman · 6 months
You said you get more asks here instead of Ask-Spiderpool
Does that mean there's presently no asks? Or you have an Itty bitty backlog,,
honestly the amount of asks I get on ask-spiderpool is so, so paltry and sad at the moment that i can barely scrape together any motivation for it because there’s No inspiration coming in. which is kind of the point of an ask blog lads. conversation. it is Not a one-sided thing !!
sure, there’s a backlog but those are like, pantry items. I need fresh fruit and vegetables or I’ll die of scurvy
anyone who tells me “I want to start an ask blog” I immediately say “in this economy? don’t bother. you won’t even last a day.” I’m hanging on for grim death here .
it’s not about numbers. you’re more than numbers. you should be more than numbers, so please. act like more than numbers. please. don’t you want to be more than numbers? every time someone talks to me and I respond back they seem Shocked to find out I’m actually a human or whatever. why are you guys like that. of course I want to be talked to. any human wants to be talked to. so talk to me!! I’m as lonely and nerdy and pitiful as the rest of you. I’m here because I want friends. so please, be friends. I don’t need numbers. I need friends.
it’s so not about numbers. I still get thousands of notes or whatever,, more notes than before, even, but you’re all so passive now that it’s depressing. I miss when ask-blogging felt like a community,, and that’s Why I did started, and why I kept on for so long… sighs. I feel like everything’s been reduced to numbers. I don’t know how anyone can be happy with just numbers. numbers are so cold and unsexy. numbers do not tickle my pickle at all. (no sir)
I feel like the human element of everything I do is kind of slowly diminishing and I’m looking around at the wasteland like,, where did all the people go. not just here. everywhere. so I’ve been diving into career things again and having success with it, but I don’t want that to be my lifeline. it was my lifeline pre-covid and I don’t want it to be my lifeline again. I’m good at it, but I miss real people with real gratitude and excitement. not just people paying a pay check for my services. I never, never want what I do to just feel like an exchange of goods for like, money. or numbers. those things have No Soul. They’re not a substitute for what I actually look for when I create anything. and what I actually look for is Conversation. (which doesn’t cost you much, can you believe!)
it’s so funny how when I said I’m planning on quitting (which I don’t want to do, but I’m kind of being forced to do because I mean. how can one keep on running an ask-blog with no asks) I got a very big response here saying “noooo don’t do it” and it's sweet - it's really sweet, and appreciated, and warmed the heart but - again. no asks on the actual blog. so.
if you want ask-spiderpool to actually live on, there’s something so very simple and free (does not cost you money) that you can do! three guesses as to what that might be
I have so, so many plans and posts and scripts but I’m not writing into thin air,, man. why should I keep doing a stupid thing like that. what happened to us, that we’ve stopped communicating with creators because we’ve forgotten that wait a second ,, they share things on the internet because they want other people to interact with them. artists are the neediest guys on the internet. they need people to survive. I’m not going to keep on pretending I’m above it all and I’m cooler than that. I’m not cool, and an ask blog needs asks. you can’t expect it to keep going on without them.
so freaking . leave a kiss. leave a comment. stop just leaving a like and disappearing into that goodnight . I hate you all.
anyway. love you. kisses.
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hey, i'm noah! so, every other fandom seems to have a heritage posts blog and i thought we deserved one too :] please tag me in any posts you think are heritage post worthy! (there are pretty much no criteria, just posts that you consider Important to the fandom/the vibe fits - they can be from tv omens, book omens, radio omens, anything!) and my ask box is open :D any posts referring to season 2 will be tagged 'GO2' so if you aren't up to date you can block that tag to avoid spoilers (side note, my main is @queerestqueertoeverqueer and my normal GO sideblog is @mx-anthony-janthony-crowley)
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apocalypse-dog · 11 days
Hey there, travelers,
That summer sun is finally beginning to fade, with it bringing a fresh breeze and with it comes a feeling of change.
I've always been a believer that there is always room for change. At any given point in your life, you can choose to do what you like. That's the beauty of free will. In honor of that change, I've picked up a new hobby, and I've made a new friend. There isn't much I know of her yet, but I'm thinking that we're getting along swell.
Maybe one day we'll have a call with her and I'll introduce her to you all. Until then, let's keep striving for good change.
And now, a little music.
This is, Tomorrow Comes Today by Gorillaz!
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Greetings and Salutations!
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This is an Alastor RP blog, any black or white text you see is me (call me Mod), red text is Alastor. Feel free to ask any questions, or chat and he will respond!!
I notice how terrible humans' lives seem to be lately!
But luckily you're dear old friend is here to help!
Or I can make you chuckle with an old-timey pun~
Please do say anything you like! Dm's are also welcome! Alastor will respond since I've been teaching him how to use a laptop, convincing him it wasn't a new TV model...
Used Headcanons: Radioapple is a headcanon I use, but Alastor is in denial that he has feelings for Lucifer, or rarely acknowledges them.
credit to @temporaltourguide for reaction photos!!!!
Other RP-Ask blogs! (none are mine): @lucithekingofhell @thanksalotangel @ask-drunk-husker @the-real-dickmaster @lute-enant @vox-news
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deadlyribcage · 5 months
Hi I want night vale friends
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chaifootsteps · 17 days
I checked Vivzie's channel and none of the shorts (even the one from 4 months ago) have hit 10M views. They keep doing merch drops but I strongly suspect their audience has gotten all the merch they want and aren't interested in getting more. I used to see people posting all the time about what merch they wanted to get and showing pics of it when it arrived. Now? Crickets. The shorts were basically forgotten about within days. There's nothing new or interesting about them (with the exception of the Sallie Mae one, which was not written by Viv).
Also, I can't help but suspect that the whole Weaboo-boo short was only made so they could push the "Monster Lover Pride" merch onto an audience they think is into that stuff. It feels a little like they're pandering.
-- Radio anon
Yeah...it feels exactly like a studio that's turned to outsourcing even as the owner treats herself to luxury after luxury, and needs to keep the funding rolling by any means necessary shy of actually writing a coherent story.
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radio-frequencies · 12 days
“Where am I..?”
ANOTHER ASKBLOG. PLEASE SEDATE ME. anyways! main is @themostsanebug and you can call me mod or william or steven i DONT care.
Are asks open?
his name is boris madden!
he uses he/him pronouns and he is a trans male! he does not have top surgery nor is he on hrt. he doesnt want medically transition either!
he is 24 and 5’7!
he is pansexual and polyamorous! (he is currently dating; bubble.)
he has a TON of lore that i could explain, but, in short, this guy JUST got revived from being dead. he was killed by a god he worshipped.
on the topic of a god he worshipped, that god is named tobias. it will be referenced here a lot. (this god may be living in his head now)
tobias is also the reason he has claws and a tail. it forced his body to grow those when it used to possess him.
he sees himself as a monster! literally the entire reason he ended up being killed by tobias was because he wanted to get the radio of his head.
hes died twice in total.
he used to live in doodleland! but upon his most recent revival i have placed him in the dimension @/ask-steven-stevenson is set in.
he might be a tad rude, sorry if he is. (when he has the radiohead.)
roleplaying is heavily encouraged!
other character interactions and ocs are all welcome here!
no nsfw/heavily violent asks, ill simply delete the ask and maybe block you.
basic dni (no zoos/maps/etc.)
no venting in the askbox, i cant handle my own problems let alone someone elses!
no spamming the same ask over and over either!
i am free to delete whatever asks i please. keep that in mind.
suggestive/romantic asks are fine, but mainly because i think its funny.
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tyrianludaship · 16 days
Imagine dressing up pretty for your F/O's...
Soldier giddily clasping his hands together, with a beaming smile, as you tip the helmet slipping over your eyes up with one hand, as the other holds a rifle over your shoulder. You got the nicest army uniform, with a lovely patch of the American flag or three decorating you. You will be an anti-commie-hippie-nazi force together.
Demo's scrumpy pouring from his bottle to the floor, as he watches you, slack-jawed, in the garb of an ancient Scottish warrior, furs reminiscent of explosions, and a beautiful sword serving as little more than decoration. The thing is heavy, but as he put it, you look bloody mesmerising.
Heavy sighing wistfully, as his eyes study your dress, befitting a knyaz, or a tsar, the hefty jewellery of bullets weighing your neck, head, and hands down, as you try to stand with a straight back, the very model of a painted figure he'd admire on the pages of history books. He's already pretty quiet, but, he is utterly speechless this time.
Engineer whistling lowly, as he admires you from the cowboy hat, down to the spurs, several handsome tools in place of a gun in your holster. Caterin' just to him, that you are, with the proud combo of his spirit and his passions in your clothes. Yer spoilin' him, he says with a shy smile.
Medic gasping softly, as he watches you twirl in your nurse dress, half-laughing half-ooh'ing and aah'ing at every little detail that reminds him of home. The hat, the suspenders, the boots, it's a little silly to most, but to him, you're the best, cutest assistant he could ever ask for! ... Excuse his excitement, schatz, he's just very pleased to see you, is all.
Sniper murmuring "Holy Mother of...", looking at you above his sunglasses, and from under his hat, his face getting even longer - the hunter-esque attire is a personal attack. And the handsome rifle you apparently got as a gift for him, and presented with the rest of yourself? When you already look like Cupid himself gave you an unseen bow to strike his heart with? Crikey, he's in love...
Spy raising his brows, and giving an appreciative "Hmm!", as he nods. The béret? The classy, yet casually appropriate suit? You could approach him anywhere any day, and his focus on the façade of suave calm might dwindle just a little bit. Positively enchanting, he says, eyes fluttering just a tad too dreamily to truly hide how enamoured he is.
Miss Pauling stammering and stumbling over her words, when you catch her off-guard. You look really nice- That's what she's trying to say, yeah, because the way you did your hair, and the shoes, and the tie- Is that a gun in the hidden inner pocket of your jacket? That's, wow, she- Can she look at it? And also generally move closer to you? For no reason at all, you're just so gorgeous- ... Did she say that out loud?
- Penis Anon. (Jumpscare again.)
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seaquestions · 1 year
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they're not gonna get us
[ID: a drawing of two naruto ocs, beni (@miel-miette's oc) and asagi, lying down in a shallow pool in opposite directions, their heads facing each other - asagi is upside down in the composition. beni is wearing a red sleeveless ao dai, her eyes closed, long light pink hair splaying out beneath her. asagi is a fishperson whose appearance is based on koi fish, hair in a long pushed back mohawk, wearing an open shirt & coat. she has a large scar on her face, and her one eye is open looking at beni. End ID]
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silveredsound · 6 months
How you go from harry styles to hockey I will never understand.
I was going to make a little joke, as I do, (would have been v hilarious, best joke ever pls know this) and leave it at that. But like, it's been raining for over 24 hours, it's 2am and it might be good for me to reflect a little.. So sorry anon I am going emote all over your ask (which (the ask) sounds a bit judgey tbh but the written word is NOT a great conveyor of tone so that might be on me.)
On one hand it's just fandom. And, I think it's been pretty clear that as much as I love Henry Stars, I'm not like, a 'Harry is the be all and end all of all music creation and creativity and actions.' I like him for the good and the bad, and I don't leave critical thinking at the door. (Not saying I'm the only person to do this, just that it's hard sometimes in fan spaces and Stans definitely do..)
Which, can make it hard to participate in fandom as a lot of people are not great at irony, or accepting that someone else can say, god damn that is a terrible song - and that it's okay for that to happen. It doesn't mean that the person who expressed the neg opinion is not still a fan of the artist they were speaking about. Same with if the artist you are a fan of does something that gives you the ick.
I def learnt this when Harry went to Google Camp the first time. Like obviously I've been around 1d fandom in some way since 2012 ish I think it was - and it was my own reaction to Harry going to Camp Douchebags the first time that made me go, oh jeez Silv, you are a bit too involved in the parasocial relationship here. Like I was genuinely upset that he'd done something I thought was so dumb and wanky.
Anyway, clearly I still loved - love - him and I celebrated him and spent a fuckload of money on him and engaged in fandom and etc etc. But I just did at that point I think turn a little from heading in a very blinkers on version of fandom to one that's def more me - where you just get to have fun, make fun be creative, make friends! and have a bit of a perv depending on the silk cream vanilla ice cream outfit Harry might be wearing in Nashville.
I like RPF. I mean I like all transformative works and fandom extending and enhancing source material via creation, but I don't have an issue with RPF. I believe in 4th wall. And I clearly have written 1d fic. A lot of my good fandom mates, and real life best friend(s) are people I have met through sharing a love of writing in fandom spaces. Obviously all the best writers in 1d went to Hockey. And I stayed here. And I tried. I wanted to be where my friends where. I had fomo and I was lonely! My fandom had changed in a few ways all around the same time.
But Hockey is very confusing, (for starters as I often say to Angela or Joanna, snow is fake) and nothing clicked for me - it seemed large and I had no idea where to even start and I didn't really try.
But I think the change in some fandom fellow participants, and also anons being mean when they would get even a glimpse in their peripheral that I might have vaguely indicated that Henry did something that I thought was dumb or embarrassing, or just not that good, (it's no fun sharing a thought and feeling chatty about it, and wanting to engage with other people's thoughts if some random is going to anonymously tell you that you are a dumb c*nt and should delete etc etc so I stopped sharing any thoughts at all.) Of course Nick leaving breakfast and then R1 altogether - as well as obviously my whole life narrowing to a point that was just tend Mama- work - tend mama - work - tend mama - sleep - grow a tumour - tend mama left me not so much time for proper joyful engagement.
And then, in Jan/Feb this year, I think as I'd been looking at book reviews and as soon as you search for a book on tik tok they push book tok romance reviews into your feed and I think then that pushed an actual hockey clip (which is a really shite 4th wall issue as is the whole Kraken thing etc) and I can't even remember what it was but I know I then swiped through and watched other videos on the account and like 1d being adorable shites repeating stock answers and sitting on top of each other I was intrigued by what seemed to be very dumb and very entertaining.
But Silv, you cry, what about the emotions! You need emotions! Ah, yes, see, because I am nothing but devoted I had followed Angela and La's hockey blogs, and something La posted grabbed my attention and I followed a link and read an article and I was like. Oh, I want to read more about these kids. So I did. And after a little while I reached out to La and was like, um, I think I get it. And I posted something about the Fantilli Bros and then Max reached out and tbh I don't think anything says it better than my wide eyed enthusiasm reply. (You are probably by now thinking, Silv why is your answer to Max so short, why didn't I just get a paragraph? This is an endless essay with no conclusion or indeed a thesis statement, (that is if you have even made it down to here) & anon I can only apologise.)
I am really enjoying learning so many new things, being welcomed into a new space of connection and joy and silliness and emotional breakdowns. It's been so lovely to meet new people who are so excited to share their niche interest with you and no one minds how many questions I have and everyone searches out Primera and Important Past Instagram Posts from the archives - and of course reconnecting with people who I have always been friends with, fandom changes didn't change that, but it's delightful chatting much more often. The other day Angela and I watched an Avs game together via Tumblr chats, which was delightful, to learn about the team and to talk about random other things, and I've spent my last month of Saturdays watching umich with lovely people who La introduced me to, and having MANY EMOTIONS. (It's like hanging out all posting about a show's fits and one liners and if he's going to sing medicine but it's many pantomime gooseberrys. The performative homoeroticisim, wild hair, jokes, punching (only now during not pre show work outs ) and very goddamn impressive skill and physicality is actually pretty similar). Meghan and I have been able to chat through our very similar horrible experiences with cancer and mums with cancer and it's been so lovely and strengthening to be able to share that experience with a person who beyond gets it, and then also I've been able to announce to her that I want to write a fic about 5 ways Nolan saw god with the UMich Bible Study Group but didn't find faith. which is obviously a completely ridiculous concept but equally worthy of discussion. It's this that I love so much about fandom friendship - you share SO much because you are sharing something that gives you intimate joy, so the relationship always starts from a place of an automatic mutual understanding and empathy - and from there we make it our own.
But also, I really like the game. Like I love watching them play, all of them! It's fast (obviously - and oblig have to say - ice is slippery) and it's hard - and they make it look easy. When one of the special players (they are all special, but one of the ones who play almost with innate ability) makes a pass or a turn sometimes it's almost almost magic, like how the fuck did they see that gap between four players, and did you see how they kept the puck a moment longer so they could release it perfectly into the lane !! Hot.
The game can be all encompassing and it's SO SO SO silly. Like it's the dumbest sport. It's The Show. I'll put on ESPN and stream a match while I'm working during the day (the time difference is perfect for once) and I'm spending time cos I want to, learning the rules and the logistics and business side of it all. And of course, the differences between college hockey and the show. Idk. It just clicked on so many levels for me.
And so, I have no idea why it took me so long to transition from Henry to Hockey, but I am not surprised I did now that I have - it def wasn't something that I was bloody expecting. And Anon I will say this, the last few years of my life have been sad, hard, and tbh shitty. Now, I know what it's like to have fucked years, so I am not saying this to try to be and show off but 2024 feels a bit better. I feel clearer, I have started to lose some weight (15ish kg so far depending on the time of the month) and now I have a meeting w a PT on Tuesday as I actually don't care what I weigh but I want to get stronger and reduce my visceral fat as it will be better for hormones which is better for lessening my cancer reoccurrence %.
God knows it's (2024) not all roses, I literally had surgery again a fortnight ago and the cost of living in Sydney is giving me so much anxiety. I am still a terribly disorganised mess, my work is undergoing a complete restructure (thanks NSW gmnt) and my clean washing is NEVER folded and put away, it's always in the basket - but I feel so happy and entertained and creative - I am writing again! like it's joy. It's ye olde you are who you are at this moment but you are also the 4 year old you and the 15, 27, 34 year old you - girlhood (non gendered concept of not literal interpretation) and I love it. 💛🩵🌱
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