#/curious Bray is curious.
🐧Feathered news bulletin: Penguin chick update🐧
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 We have some exciting updates to share about our juvenile African penguin that hatched late last November. We recently found out the sex of Gerry the chick. Results are back — she’s female! 
She was named after Gerry Low-Sabado, an educator, community preservationist, and friend of the Aquarium. 
We were honored to host Gerry Low-Sabado’s family for their visit with our penguin chick. We’re so excited to watch Gerry the penguin grow up, and we bray hooray on this World Penguin Day!
Curious what it takes to raise African penguins at the Aquarium? Waddle on over to raising penguin chicks at the Aquarium!
Want to learn more about Gerry Low-Sabado? Find out more here.
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vulshokbersrker · 1 month
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Finally able to catch up on some things.
I noticed someone asked if I could reverse the colors on the Bray Tech Exo wallpapers. It got me curious as well and they turned out pretty nice looking.
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maybe a rather generic questionnaire, but I'm curious...
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makoredeyes · 2 months
Humor me- <3
I, am acquiring severely important information regarding logic in the destiny universe to make an angst filled fic, and now I'm torn between a few options and seeing as how you are quite literally one of my favorite writers, I figured why not ask?
Some guardians may or may not of bitten said dust, and I'm torn between like, leaving the ghost shard.. pieces?.. things, or having them taken back to the tower. Like the first destiny mission, except..
Do ghosts have storage? In-game, you got the inventory and vault, of course, but, what can be said for in-universe? Do they process the ability to simply transmit materials, weapons, gear, from a said Vault, or ship. Or, do they have some type of pocket in space time they can just grab things out of? Or do guardians literally just have an inventory, (almost)exactly what you'd see in game? Like a virtual backpack!
I'll admit I'm curious on what you think, cause of instances in your writing, and am also very bad at making decisions... What's your opinion on it? :)
Oh man! What an intriguing question! And not one I can say I’ve previously put much thought into..! (And what a compliment jeez wow 💕🫠)
We’ve seen our Ghosts to be quite the powerful little computers, so I think their capacity for data movement and storage is pretty high, but as far as physical material goes, my impulse is to say they probably share inventory space with their Chosen.
Breaking the fourth wall for a moment, Bungie has a pretty good knack for writing into canon actual game mechanics, so it makes sense to me that Guardian Vaults are an actual thing in-universe.
The other thing that’s long established since the Golden-Age is the Transmat Network which is what Ghosts, Guardians, and even non-Lightbearers such as Elsie Bray and more recently Eris Morn to name a few, to move themselves, each other, and their stuff at the speed of thought throughout the Sol system. This is how Ghosts can grab stuff or equip us so quickly and don’t necessarily, IMO, need to access their own personal inventory, or even much more immediate storage from Guardians* (or Risen) than pockets or a backpack, as our dear Ghost quips from time to time.
So TLDR I think the little guys probably just mooch closet space and are extra adept at accessing that storage extra smooth and quickly.
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flame-cat · 1 year
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 (you are here) / Part 7
TWS: animal death, graphic violence
Phil is home.
That is to say, he is somewhere. But for him, home is anywhere he happens to be. The world itself. Sure, he has his base at the center of the world, but that's just where he keeps all of his most important things. Artifacts and items and creatures he doesn't want to risk losing. He can be at home there or in the End or the Nether or the bottom of the ocean or the top of a mountain thousands of blocks away.
It is in his nature to explore, to search, to fly free. He'd be a poor excuse of a crow if he couldn't bring home with him wherever he wanders.
All of this to say, Phil is home, and he has found some sniffers.
Big, lumbering creatures with yellow snouts and curious appetites. They're gentle giants, slow and patient and kind. The moss on their backs is soft to the touch.
Phil brings them somewhere safe and pens them in, lights up the area, makes sure they are fed and comfortable and safe. As he is picking flowers for their enclosure, he decides on names.
Daisy. Allium. Tallulah.
Those are good names.
He watches them, cares for them. Enjoys their company.
Phil has never let another person in his home before.
He turns very slowly.
"What are you doing?"
Taking care. Keeping safe. Being a good father.
The bear points up.
There is lava cascading from the sky.
He steps back. He's surrounded. The sniffers are panicking.
He tries to bring them to the center of the enclosure, but they don't listen to him. They keep braying and crying out. The lava is closing in. The walls do nothing to stop it. He reaches for Tallulah.
His daughter.
The flower is wilting.
The lava
Phil wakes up when he lands on the floor.
He must have rolled off the rafters.
He reaches into his bag and takes out the book.
And rips
Phil is crying.
He can't stop.
He can't breathe.
He wants to go home.
He wants his kids back.
Phil looks at his kids' things for the first time.
There is a bird on Tallulah's hat.
Phil gets up.
The bird doesn't move. Is used to him by now.
That belongs to his daughter.
He grabs it and
Phil has blood on his hands.
And tiny
He has
What has he done?
What has he done?
He takes out the water bucket and dunks his hands in.
Doesn't take them out.
He can't breathe.
Can't think.
Can't take his hands out of the water to clutch his child's last remnant because there is blood on his hands and it's his fault they're gone and he fell for a stupid trap and he deserves this he deserves this no one is coming for him and he's alone and he's stupid and worthless and he doesn't know what to do.
Phil lets his hands grow cold.
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lipstickghoulie · 7 months
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💝Games of Love and Chance💘
Here’s a story that I wrote for Creative Corner’s Valentine’s Day exchange for the wonderful @carooosa! This was based on their ADHD Tav, which if you haven’t read about before, you can find them HERE! This is SFW for once so no warnings needed. Thanks for letting me walk around in your world for this one, Roo. 💌
(Astarion/gender neutral tiefling Tav, 1756 words, fluff, SFW)
Three months. Three months of what felt like near-bliss since defeating the netherbrain. Without the looming threat of ceremorphosis looming over you both, it felt like you and Astarion could finally breath. Yes, maybe you had been pressured a bit by any of the dukes still left standing into helping restore the city and help clear some of the rubble but you didn’t mind overly much (though Astarion complained grumpily about how your kind nature always led him along with you into these situations since he was your partner). This period of assisting with the rebuilding was relaxing in its own way and gave you both the opportunity to spend time together without the pressures of your adventures weighing you down.
You were already easily distracted enough on the best of days and it was nice to get to know Astarion better as you spent your nights together without the ultimate distraction of death being an ever-present shadow in your mind.
You found out that he was a lot harder to get up from his bed after a trance than he had been on the road, always grabbing at you with demanding fingers that tried to roll you underneath him like the world’s most squawking and squirming body pillow in an attempt to stop you from trying to get him out from under his massive pile of blankets.
You discovered that he was fond of embroidering whimsical designs into your clothing any time that you were apart; sprawling little cats across the collars of your shirts or fluttering moths edging the ankles of your breeches. It was true that he had stolen the thread from some oblivious merchant but you didn’t do much more about it than roll your eyes since you had no interest in changing his ways. Your love for him was true and unwavering even with his more criminal pastimes and at least he wasn’t actively stabbing someone so… you had to be grateful for small favors, at least. It was a sweet gesture on Astarion’s part all the same.
Since this was one of the few occasions that you were able to make your apologetic excuses to those temporarily running the city to get a break from the restoration efforts and have some time to yourselves, somehow you had both arrived on the idea of a nice, peaceful date at the summer street carnival. Astarion had never been able to enjoy one before since it was always a prime time where Cazador would expect his spawn to nab as many drunken victims as possible so this would be fun for him to actually experience it without any expectations, right? Maybe spend some time walking hand in hand, watch some fireworks…
Or it would have been peaceful if the vampire spawn hadn’t spotted a ramshackle display soon upon entering the block cordoned off for the event, the kobold barker perched on crates behind the counter proclaiming in a loud bray, “Come on, come on, don’t be shy, win your sweetheart a prize! Get the ball in the cup one time, couldn’t be easier, right? Three balls for a gold piece! It’s prize time, play now!”
Curious, you peered over to the display of possible rewards, a collection of stuffed animals stacked high behind the employee in a haphazard way that fortunately didn’t take away from their cuteness.
“Oh, adorable! They have one that looks like a cat!” You chirped with enthusiasm, rocking back on your heels as your eyes landed on a round, squishy ball with ears towards the front of the pile that did resemble a feline, if you squinted. Considering that it was probably constructed by the clumsy hands of the kobold running the game, you half expected Astarion to just pull you along and tell you that he’d sew you something better later on at home. But when you glanced over at him, his face was studying yours and there was something soft in his eyes before it darted away like a startled rabbit.
Astarion scoffed, rolling his eyes as he looked at you, a confident smirk stretching across his lips and showing a tip of fang that gleamed under the moonlight. His more sarcastic and airy demeanor back like someone yanking a curtain shut. “Easy. I’ll win you that toy in a few moments flat, you can shower me with praise and we can carry on with our quaint night about town.”
…Something else that you soon learned about your beloved was that he was absolutely dogshit at carnival games. You watched with a pained but encouraging smile as Astarion tried to throw the leather wrapped ball into the ceramic cup about ten feet away for about the thirtieth time, the ball bouncing cheerfully off the rim of the cup and spinning off onto the ground. The kobold wisely didn’t comment and didn’t make eye contact as Astarion hurriedly dug through his coin purse and slammed yet another gold piece down on the aged wood, snatching more balls out of the barker’s clawed grip.
“By the Nine Hells, this game is rigged,” Astarion hissed, rolling up the sleeves of his doublet in pure rage and consternation. A few silvery-white curls clung to his forehead where it shone with a damp sweat and his ear tips were pink where they poked out of his hair with both irritation and embarrassment. “I am the best rogue in the Gate, we saved the bloody world and you’re telling me that I can’t get a ball in a cup?! Impossible-“
Astarion paused in his tirade to try again to toss a ball, as if trying to catch the game off-guard in a sneak attack. It went wide and landed about a foot away from the cup, not touching it at all.
Your tail twitched behind you in secondhand embarrassment as the silence stretched on as you, Astarion and the kobold all stared at where it had landed for a few beats.
“…There is something illegal going on here and you will pay for it. I could kill a fly with an arrow with my eyes closed and I can’t make this shot with a hunk of animal skin? I don’t believe it,” Astarion threatened the carnival employee through gritted teeth, the remaining balls rubbing against each other hard enough in his vice grip that they squeaked.
Sighing, you gently put your palm on his forearm and pulled Astarion away, hopefully out of earshot of anyone else.
“I don’t care that much about the silly prize, I’d rather we just go on with our date,” You told him quietly, eyes as beseeching as could be. “I can’t stand seeing you this worked up on my account.”
“I’m not worked up, darling, it’s just…” Astarion hesitated, his tone softened and some of the irritable defensiveness leeched out of the hard set of his shoulders. “You do so much for everyone else, this whole damn city… for me. I wanted to do something for you, even if it was simply making sure that you get the world’s most hideous cat toy if you wanted it.”
Your heart felt like it might burst. Astarion always found some new way to surprise you and this was no exception. It’s not that you didn’t think he cared for you! He did show his love for you in his own way at every opportunity that he could. But rather, sometimes it was enough to make you cry that someone cared enough about what you wanted at all that they would inconvenience themselves to make sure you got it. You were so used to putting others first your whole life that any instance of someone doing the same for you was enough to nearly make you choke up to think about it.
After a few barely concealed sniffles, a thought occurred to you. Perking up, you said, “Wait, so you want me to get the prize but you don’t care how I get it, right? As long as I get what I wanted?”
Raising one of his perfectly manicured eyebrows, Astarion drawled out, “Yes, Tav, though I do think it’s a bit far away to steal without some effort.”
You shook your head at Astarion in fond exasperation, taking the balls out of his cool hands without another word. Stepping over to the counter, your hand as quick and certain as a monk’s fist in an unarmed strike, you lobbed one of the leather orbs towards the cup. It flew in without even touching the sides, as if it was guided in with divine intervention. Astarion started to sputter at your side but you still had one left to throw, landing it with the same easy precision as the first.
The kobold operating the stand let out a deafening sigh of relief, scrambling to grab two of the cat plushes and shoving them into your hands, beyond eager to get rid of you both before Astarion had another volatile outburst in his direction. The scaly creature rattled off at you, “Yes, yes, you won, two balls in cup, two prizes. Take your person out of here! Please and thank you, good bye.”
Taking the cue to leave, you grabbed your rewards cheerfully and pressed one into Astarion’s arms as you cradled your own.
“There! Now both of us should be happy! And look, they match!” You beamed at Astarion as you walked along once more, badly sewn cats in hand.
You saw his still baffled and borderline sore-loser pout still marring his lips so you nudged him playfully with your shoulder, explaining, “When I was a kid, I used to go wild at those games. I’d clear them out of their prizes to the point that they’d have posters up barring me from playing. I guess I still haven’t lost my touch.”
After a few more seconds of broody contemplation, Astarion chuckled and looked down at the plush in his grasp, his formerly bad mood breaking away under the light of your better one. “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?” He murmured as he leaned forward to land a kiss where your jaw curved towards your ear, a spot that never failed to make you shiver. Victorious in accomplishing getting a reaction out of you even if he couldn’t win at a game, Astarion was ready to continue his outing with you.
And if the stuffed cats you won were frequently seen amongst Astarion’s mountain of pillows from then on, well… you were kind enough not to tease him about it.
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txtmetonight · 1 year
I love you
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call summary⋆ ★ the book was extremely interesting. it was too good to put down and it was definitely too engrossing to have you unaware of your surroundings. luckily Kai knew exactly what he had to do to get your attention.
pairing *. * huening kai x fem! reader
genre⋆ ★ tooth-rotting fluff
warnings *. * again really sweet fluff and horrible grammar (english isn't my first language, please help if you want to be my editor because I obviously suck at it 💀)
featuring ⋆ ★ the rest of txt
call duration *. * 1.1K (drabble)
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You felt warm.
The lights were dimmed with the sun already tucked into bed. Blankets were pulled up to your chest and your eyes were hidden behind a big book, indulging in the plot that was eerily too interesting for the genre. You decided to retire to bed early, legs aching and mentally exhausted from the five-hour hike that Beomgyu forced you on, a slight dip in the lake with Kai, and dinner that ended with burning marshmallows. The faint noise of screaming and laughter vibrates through the cabin room, the boys most likely laughing at something stupid. Though even after all that racket outside, never so once did your pupils stray from the text on the paper, too invested in gulping every phrase to notice that your lovely boyfriend wasn’t even in the same room as you and his lack of physical affection towards you were more extended than comfort for him.
Yet the world goes on and you devour the book halfway, and one look at the time has you curiously peering up at the door, wondering where Kai is and if you should get up and look for him like a good girlfriend or continue your adventurous journey through the wild pages of paper. And of course, you choose the latter, sighing as you flop back onto your pillow. But you suddenly feel clingy for Kai’s hold against your body, missing the usual placement of his warm hands and rubbing your stomach gently. The door creaks open slightly, letting in a little more light that was flooding the hallway outside the room, and a curious face peers in, smiling in pure adoration at your furrowed eyebrows and bitten lip. The small space housed a bunkbed (which you were occupying the top bunk) and a small bathroom, with a plush couch that Kai absolutely adored and spent most of his time laying on it with you, rather than using the bed as its intended use. He thinks about if he wanted to bother you or not, should he leave you alone and let you enjoy your book or should he talk your ear off about Taehyun almost fighting a bear, all while flopping on you?
Actually, he has a better idea than just jumping on your stomach.
A goofy grin spreads the corner of his lips, reaching all the way to his crimson cheeks and up to his honeyed swirling eyes, trying to navigate his big body around so you don’t catch him, socked feet gliding smoothly against the amber wood. He crouches down and freezes for a second when you move around, adjusting your position, your sight still trained on the book. His hands reach the ladder, slowly using his fingers to grip the somewhat sleek rungs, and he keeps repeating the motion (which didn’t take long due to his stupidly lanky legs) until he was eye-level with the big blue blanket which was conveniently hung out of the frame of the bed. Eyes peek up at your still-concentrated face and he actually starts to get concerned about your lack of self-awareness. Nevertheless, he clutches the soft blanket, lifting it over his head.
You hate it when the covers lift, exposing your legs to the biting cold. So you frown in discomfort and in confusion (maybe fear) when the blanket suddenly raises itself but before you could investigate what was the cause of it, slick hands slither up to your thighs and a huge mass practically crawls up your body, resulting in you yelping but soon laughing at the face that peeps out like a weasel. "Surprise, do you like it?!” Kai asks sweetly, batting his eyelashes knowing that it melted your heart and turned your brain into sweet mush. 
“Not at all” yet you take his face in your palms, the book set aside, cradling his red cheeks in your hands, leaning forwards to place butterfly kisses, lips brushing ever so softly. “Come closer” you mutter, and you swear you could hear him mumble something while his face flushed more, his body dragging him so his head now laid in the crook of your neck, legs starting to tangle themselves in yours, in hopes of being getting as much as closer as he could. “Tired?” you question, quietly cooing at his yawn. “Nope” he turns to look at you, noses skimming each other, little huffs escaping his lips as his face pulls closer like a magnet, finally interlocking lips. He wriggles his fingers up your face, tracing your features with his nail, your own hand trailing up to soft fluffy hair, pushing him closer while your other palm settles at his waist, drawing tiny figures onto his skin. He pulls back for a bit though, using his strength to hover a little over your disappointed face, sad that the shared kiss ended early. “Stop, come back” you whine, seizing his sleeve, trying to tug him back down but it works in vain, instead he just forces a bigger distance, finding amusement at your struggle to chase after his lips.
“I love you”
His eyes widen in shock, a gasp leaving his slightly parted lips as he watches your face hold a lovesick beam with twinkling eyes that held the stars and above. “W-what?” he doesn’t perceive the sneaky hand that streams up his shirt. “I love you so much” you repeat before grabbing the collar of his clothing, slamming him back down towards you, capturing him into another kiss, that had his mind pop with fireworks and internal cheers of his heart that’s been rooting for him since the beginning. “That was the first time…” 
“I know, but it’s true, I do really really love you,” you whisper, pushing your head to the side to deliver more sprinkles of your lips plastering on the side of his cheekbones. “Me too, I love you more than you’ll ever know”. One thing you’ve observed about Kai, ever since his shy- self-proposed his undying love for you, was that he always stared at you like you were his whole world. With adoring eyes and a sickeningly sweet smile that had you in shambles, his words either had you losing brain cells or made you weak in the knees or both. God, you loved him so much that your heart felt full and content. The world always seemed so beautiful when he was there next to you, and you hope he feels the same about you. And you would do anything to show him that you loved him, ‘till the moon and back. 
“Wanna bet that I love you more?” A mischievous look makes its way onto your face, making Kai snicker. “We know who would win” and he flexes his biceps once more, landing his lips right onto your own, unaware of the invasive species that spied through the crack of the door, phones glinting from the glimmering lights.
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ahamkara-apologist · 1 year
you have GOT to post guardian pics I'm begging you. feed us (me?) information about your characters. I must know. it is imperative
TYSM FOR ENABLING ME ANON BC THEY ARE MY BLORBOS AND IM VIBRATING ABOUT THEM. buckle the fuck up because this is gonna be a long fucking post
Okay first up is Aeris Sharphawk- aro/ace, he/him. he's my main character, my hunter, and the Young Wolf of my timeline.
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He’s half-Awoken, half-Human (I’ll get to that in a moment, he’s actually an older oc of mine that I ported over from Bloodborne whose bastard nature needed a D2 equivalent), and the older half-brother to my solar titan, Marcelline Attenbough- one of the few little remnants from their past life that they were able to discover in a diary on Marcie’s corpse when they were rezzed together (which occurred because their ghosts are twins). He’s autistic, lawful neutral, and vastly prefers using Darkness over Light because of sensory issues; his ghost (Hoarfrost, previously Mercury) mods his helmets to drastically reduce noise, but he can’t help how Arc tingles, Solar burns, and Void numbs. Tends to spend most of his battles either hyperfocused or dissociated to deal with it. As for the lawful neutral title, that’s because he doesn’t fight for the Vanguard because of a loyalty to humanity, but exclusively for the survival of the Last City and everyone in it. This extended to House Light and the Cabal under Caital instantaneously, and would do so to Eramis if she so chose, because he really just doesn’t take most things personally. He's sometimes derogatorily called 'the Vanguard's Hound' because of this.  
He’s skilled with a bow, and is cursed with a resting haunted stare that can rival even the fiercest bird of prey- hence his title, given to him because his last name wasn’t present in the little diary that Marcie had when they were rezzed. Personality wise, he’s quiet, stoic, extremely efficient at what he does, fiercely protective of those he loves, and deeply curious about the unknown- though if you don’t know him, you’d never be able to guess it, because he struggles deeply with facial expressions and tone, giving him the appearance that he’s ruthlessly cold and unfeeling (pretty much the Guardian we see in game). Because of this, he tends to do much better with Eliksni than most of humanity- bar the Awoken, though Mara makes him deeply uncomfortable- and is thus far more comfortable with them. He’s the moon to Marcie’s sun, and helps keep her in check, for despite her cheery personality, she has a very strong sense of justice and a penchant for impulsive, temperamental behavior when she thinks that justice has been wronged. This goes both ways, however, as Aeris is the very definition of ‘curiosity killed the cat’; he voluntarily gets bit by venomous snakes at venom labs to see how immunity/allergies develops over time, and has a fascination with the Vex that got him a ‘needs watching’ report after he nearly jumped into a pool of radiolaria to see what would happen. The older-brother affection isn’t related to just Marcie, though; he’s unofficially adopted Eido as his younger sister (or kid? Because uhhh that curiosity of his has extended to fucking Misraaks once or twice), and is a mentor figure of sorts to Crow, though he’s unaware that Crow idolizes him; he only hunted Uldren down to keep Marcie out of trouble, as he didn’t like Cayde and was neutral on Uldren, so seeing Crow for the first time didn’t bother him at all. Tutored on occasion by Osiris, and thus has a very deep respect for him. 
People other than Marcie that he likes:  Zavala, Ikora, Osiris, Eido, Misraaks, Eris, and Variks, Petrichor-12 (oc), Viper-4 (oc, lightless guardian), Crow
People he dislikes: Cayde, the Spider, Clovis Bray, Savathun, Mara Sov, Petra Venj (can’t read her very well), anyone who is loud or insistent or confusing 
Primary class (Dark): Stasis
Primary class (Light): Arcstrider
Motifs: Dark, cool blue/silver, viper and hawk symbolism
Likes: Learning about things, working with the Eliksni, being good at being a hunter, bows/glaives/swords, playing with Strand, Gambit (surprisingly)
Dislikes: Crucible, loud noises, fusion rifles, snipers because of the kick (despite being very good with them), shotguns, fans and most other guardians 
Fun fact: When Hoarfrost and Solaris found them, it was in a frigid part of old Russia, with Aeris holding Marcie close to his chest with his back to the door- they had frozen to death while trying to keep each other warm, and were under a thick layer of permafrost. When they were risen, they found out their names, their relationship to each other, and the fact that their father was a cheating bastard who produced Aeris after screwing an Awoken woman for the novelty of it because Marcie had a little diary in her front pocket, which had been somewhat preserved by the cold. Both their ghosts theorize that the reason why Aeris is so drawn to Stasis and Marcie to Solar is because of how they died, though neither guardian will say anything about it. He can also speak near-fluent Eliksni.
Then there’s Marcie, younger half-sister to Aeris and the sun to his moon; she/her, Solar Titan, lesbian, lawful good. Where he is quiet and introverted, she is loud and bombastic, and where he likes to dart in and strike down his enemies from afar, she likes to punch. I just recently made her in Destiny because the character creation doesn't really match how I see her, hence why she's got Arc on here
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(closer to her actual face minus the blue eyes; this is a very old bloodborne pic)
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Unlike her half-brother, Marcie is a full human, and- according to the diary she rezzed with- was objectively her father's favorite, though the feeling was not mutual, and their relationship was strained by her taking so kindly to the bastard son he tried to send away. Compared to Aeris, she's bright, bubbly, and outgoing, but has a fierce temper, and is quick to snap if something has pushed her too far-think a jack russel's terrier of a human being. Her ghost's name is Solaris (previously Quicksilver), and she prefers the Light and Solar by far. Her preferred method of combat is to hit first, ask questions later, which can be incredibly effective or incredibly dangerous depending on who's on the opposite end of her wrath. Her and Aeris share many quests together, with me typically attributing all the seasons that I didn’t play to Marcie, given that I didn’t make a Destiny character for her for the longest time. 
She was best friends with Cayde, and was so devastated by his death that Aeris had to go instead, as she would have killed anything and everything in vengeance without a second thought. She did, however, kill Riven- something that Aeris himself was somewhat reluctant to do,given his fascination with the Ahamkara. She's stubborn as a mule, surprisingly strong despite her small stature (well, small-ish), and is an absolute massive lesbian, with her type specifically being 'big strong ladies who can kill me'- which was primarily why she wasn't allowed to fight Eramis, or other big hotties, as she has a pretty hardcore crush on her. (The second reason was that she would have stood and bickered with Eramis about the ethics of what she was doing until either one or the other yielded). Instead, she was assigned to work with Misraaks to evacuate House Light refugees, which ended up being a fortuitous partnership with the coming of the Endless Night. Now, her primary work for the Vanguard consists of aiding Eliksni refugees, along with general alien-human politics and tackling xenophobia, as well as working on being an apprentice Splicer. She is very, VERY passionate about equal rights and will drag you to the Crucible if you fight her- and good fucking luck winning against her, because she fucking loves the Crucible and will beat your ass everytime. She’s somewhat of a local celebrity in that reguard
Her deep fondness for her brother comes primarily from the fact that he is one of the few people to take her seriously without either asking her to calm down or come off as patronizing- he's also a well of stability to her excitable moods, the voice of reason to her hyperempathy. While he keeps her from biting off more than she can chew, she acts as his translator + guide, yanking him back onto the path of sanity if he starts to wander into the Deep, and helping him with dysfunction things that Hoarfrost can’t do. She also enjoys working through the data he collects, even if she has no desire to go searching for it herself, so they make a good pair- even if, like most siblings, they will argue over every little thing and sometimes drive each other up the walls with their stubbornness.
I've already mentioned that she got along with Cayde, but her other friends at the tower are Shaxx, Drifter, Saint-14, and Ada-1. Misraaks is her mentor, as well as one of the few people who can talk her down from stupid shit, with uh…questionable results. And while she couldn't stand the sight of Crow when Aeris dragged him back, she managed to befriend him reguardless, mostly because he was so different from the Uldren she remembered that she couldn’t help but accept him for who he was. She often went out drinking with him and Amanda, and was devastated when she died. 
People she likes: Cayde, Shaxx, Drifter, Saint-14, Ada-1, Misraaks, Crow, Amanda (rip), Caiatl
People she dislikes: Uldren Sov, The Osmium Siblings, The Spider, Lakshmi-2, anyone against the Eliksni or people who are rude to Aeris, Calus
Likes: Crucible, Gambit, fucking around with weapons in new and creative ways, going out to drink with friends, playfully flirting, helping with construction work around the Eliksni District, playing around with the Light, moths and other fuzzy creatures
Primary Class (Light): Solar
Primary Class (Dark): Strand
Dislikes: Fighting Eliksni, any exploding enemies that she can’t punch, bows because Aeris will always be better than her at using them, the fact that Aeris fucked Misraaks at one point for science, being alone, her inability to score a girl who isn’t a war criminal
Motif: crimson and gold, bears or lion with eagle wings
Fun fact: Her grasp on Eliksni is actually more fluent than Aeris, and she spends a good deal of her time in the Tower socializing with people while he’s off doing…whatever.
Okay, now onto Petrichor-12, who decided to nope out of being a Guardian so I deleted their slot to make Marcie before I really did anything to dazzle them up
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Petrichor-12 is a now-retired guardian that actually came from a dream I had before I even played Destiny. They/them or he/him, neutral good, Void titan, ghost is seldom-speaking and called Whisper. Neutral good. I attribute them with D1 content, so they’re the guardian that killed Crota and Oryx, though Marcie and Aeris were also there to help.
Petrichor is an older, somewhat quiet, melancholy do-gooder that's been haunted by guilt ever since they found out the memories of who they were via the Deep Stone Crypt- a bodyguard for Clovis Bray that was turned to a path of anger, abuse, and violence after agreeing to be tested on for power, and got corrupted by the Darkness. This, paired with being rezzed in the Dark Ages, means that they have a lot of trauma surrounding violence, power, and the dilemma of being made to kill when all you want to do is save people. As such, Eramis's predicament troubles them greatly, and while it was them who gunned her down in conjunction with Aeris, they often found themselves returning to her frozen body on Europa to talk to her (presumed corpse) about Darkness corruption in a sort of venting monologue-advice system, which worked both as a way of fending off their troubles as well as keep an eye on her state- though now that she’s defrosted they’ve vowed never come near her again out of embarrassment. 
While retired, they are a stalwart defender of anyone who needs it and a keeper of peace, driven partially by a genuine desire to do good and a need to prove themselves not the person that they used to be. No longer able to mingle with other guardians or humanity at large due to PTSD from what they learned, they live in the Botza district as an ambassador between the Eliksni and humanity, they like to knit + quilt in their free time, teaching whichever hatchlings will listen and getting tutored on weaving by old Wolves in return. They're also 6'3", so…lorge. Zavala and Misraaks are the two people they talk to the most outside of the Eliksni refugees, and they drop by to say hi to Eva and knit with her whenever they have the chance. The war with the Witness is threatning to bring them out of retirement, something that they are deeply unhappy with. 
People he likes: Namrask, Misraaks, Saladin, Zavala, Ikora, Osiris (recently), Marcie and Aeris, Saint-14, Eris (complicated)
People they dislike: Themselves, Osiris (formerly), Eramis (reminds them of themselves), Ghaul, Oryx, Xivu Arath, Clovis Bray, anyone who goads them to fight, Elsie and Ana Bray by association, Rasputin 
Motif: gold and sapphire blue, used to have a gryphon motif but stopped wearing it because they don’t want to be recognized as the Kingkiller
Likes: Knitting, sewing, weaving, gardening, really anything restorative they can do with their free hands that forces their mind not to wander
Class (Light): Void, sometimes Arc
Class (Dark): no.
Dislikes: War, fighting, being a guardian, everything that has to do with what they used to be, anything Braytech sciences, the cumulative trauma from the Dark Ages and seeing recordings of who they used to be in the Deep Stone Crypt, their own fear of themselves
Fun fact: Petrichor-12 can speak Eliksni fluently, having modulated their voice and hearing to be able to incorporate the subsonic clicks and chirps in their speech, and is now working on learning Ulurant despite not at all liking the Cabal empire
Ash: Another dream character of mine, and my newest Guardian (so she’s somewhat of a wip). She/her, solar + void warlock, chaotic neutral to lawful evil depending on her mood. Pansexual but bitchless. Rezzed in the tail end of the Dark Ages, just long enough for her to see how horrible everything was but not long enough to see the true extent of it. Scholar of the Light, and most recently a scholar of the Dark as well.
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Ash is a warlock with an awful temper, a moral code that changes on a whim, and a ravenous appetite for knowledge that comes at the cost of everyone else, including herself. Her ghost (an anxious and caring little lass) is called Nutmeg, and is pretty much the only indicator that she has a soft spot. Ash dedicated herself to learning how to get closer to the Light, but unlike the more conventional meditations that people usually do to, she was inspired by ancient Greek priestesses and decided for a more unconventional route- by doing hard drugs. By getting either extremely drunk or very high, she claims that she overcomes the need for meditation (or, rather, bypasses it entirely because she’s too impatient for it) and gains a deeper connection with her powers, as she’s connecting with it instinctually rather than choosing to seek it out. Nutmeg and many others are not as convinced about this method, but they also can’t deny that it doesn’t have its perks, as Ash does have a very powerful connection to her light- mainly through exploding things, or setting everything around her on fire. It’s how she used to survive the Warlords she’d steal from in the Dark Ages, and she’s known specifically for her ability to mimic a nova bomb, but with solar power, which is strong particularly for how unexpected it is. 
However, being constantly hungover and harbouring no friends doesn’t exactly have its benefits, and as a result Ash is almost always grumpy, abrasive, quick to anger, quick to turn to cruel jibes and mocking when being defensive (which is often), and is generally awful to be around. She has no friends other than Nutmeg (whose bond has become strained as of late, since Ash is now turning to substance abuse for coping with the impending threat of the Witness rather than simply using it for her studies), her apartment is an uncleaned shithole she only uses for crashing in when she’s particularly out of it, and she's constantly in a state of passive-aggressive warfare with Osiris, as she and him used to occasionally cross paths and share research; they might have had a student-teacher dynamic if they didn’t grate so abrasively, and if Ash wasn’t so much of a lone wolf. He’s tried to whip her into shape a couple of times, but to no avail- they just devolved into shouting matches. Pretty much the only people she listens to are the Drifter and Nutmeg, but whether or not she’ll actually take their advice is a toss-up. 
Despite this, she will overall always choose to do what's right and will begrudgingly trudge along with people in random strikes to ensure that important missions get done, as she fears failure more than she does judgment. And yet, to an extent she also fears judgment, for part of the reason why she’s so cruel is to keep people at arm’s length, so as to prevent them from learning her weaknesses- not even her constant complaining about being bitchless will cover up that the core reason why she makes no effort to clean herself up and be nicer is because she fears vulnerability. She’s also brilliant with the Light and cunningly adept with the Dark, which is why the Vanguard continues to ask for her help and expertise.   
People she likes: the Drifter, Hawthorne, Nutmeg, Eido, Toland, Shaxx to most everybody’s surprise
People she dislikes: Pretty much the whole Vanguard and 90% of other guardians, Saladin, the Iron Lords, Osiris, Misraaks, 
Primary class (Dark): Stasis, wants to learn Strand but has a hard time letting go
Primary class (Light): Solar, Void
Likes: Learning nuances of the Light that others don’t go into detail to, connecting with the Light, growing more powerful and shaping it into new, experimental Supers that would make Zavala have a heart attack if he saw them in action, taking leadership in Strikes and prodding around New Lights to teach them about what it is to be a Guardian (but gently), killing assholes to put them in their place, spooking people
Dislikes: Being told what to do, being reminded that she’s a mess, being reminded that she’s afraid and that her behavior is starting to turn self-detrimental, being looked down on by other Guardians, the restrictive nature of Vanguard protocol that keeps her from playing around with her experimental supers, guardians who have no respect or care about mortal lives, getting kicked from bars for fighting said guardians with no respect or care for mortal lives, being reminded that she has a soft side and cares so much for other people that it scares her
Colours/theme: black, flame-gold, and green
Fun fact: Likes the Hive aesthetic, and knows their tongue just for the hell of it. Has quite a bit of fun tormenting and taunting Hive Lightbearers, loves digging around the Osmium Siblings. Despite this, she’s not passionate about the Hive, and doesn’t care one bit if they’re wiped out or not. She also pretty much never takes off the Stag helm, as dropping a rift on death has saved her ass more than once, and tends to sleep in her robes. It’s a miracle that she doesn’t stink something awful, but smells perpetually like smoke instead.
and last but not least: Viper-4, an ex-guardian who I have almost nothing on because he tends to be a side character: he/him, trans exo, primarily black chassis with red markings, not yet settled on alignment. A friend of Aeris, he's an ex-Hunter who is now the primary caretaker for a variety of venomous snakes whose species have survived the Collapse. He collects their venom to try to recreate old Golden-Age medicines and antivenom- which he does with Aeris's help- and had his forearms modded with soft silicone so that the snakes don't hurt him if they bite him. Generally a friendly and chill guy, but has a melancholy air as most Ghostless do, and wants to learn Strand so that he has some modicum of control over the elements again, as his lack of feeling the Light was the hardest part about his Ghost's death. Much like Brya and Sagira, his ghost sacrificed her to save him, but he blames himself for her death and pretty much entirely refuses to talk about it. Used to be quite adept with Void. I note that he's trans here because it carried over into his exo body, as he was raised with synthetic top surgery scars that were then worked into beautiful engravings of flowers, swords, and snakes by Viper-1
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mjfass · 5 months
Some interesting little tidbits that have occurred in the last few weeks RE Uncle Howdy/Bo Dallas:
- At the end of the Bray doc, there was an Uncle Howdy tease.
- During the Raw and Smackdown after WrestleMania this week, the lights have gone out during commercials and an eerie song had been played (like how the white rabbit stuff started)
- There were also glitches on both TV broadcasts, the one on Raw said “hello” and the one on SD said “you forgot about us?”.
- WWEs Twitter account tweeted hello a bunch of times after Raw, but it was deleted.
- Braun Strowman was interviewed during WM weekend and confirmed he’s nearing a return.
- The word is Alexa Bliss may also be back soon after her maternity leave.
- And now several indie promotions, such as East Coast Pro Wrestling, that had Erick Redbeard booked have said he cannot make their events due to “other contractual obligations.”
Wyatt 6? My only question is who the 2 will be with Bo/Howdy, Alexa, Braun and Erick. Joe Gacy would be a good fit, but apart from that I’m stumped.
These were the hints that made it on air and on Twitter:
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I’m so genuinely curious to see where this is going. It’s so interesting! It’s lovely to see them continuing Bray’s legacy and work.
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beebo-shmeebo · 5 months
3 and 5 of the mundane guardian asks for any oc of your choosing! :3c
:DD For number three; Hades was a warlord during the dark ages but became an Iron Lord as soon as he came into contact with them, Ire is part of the hidden, and Bubblegum is a criminal currently being rehabilitated(💀) ! The Vanguard is everyone's main faction, (much to Bubblegum's chagrin) For number five; Ire often shortens Hades' name down to 'D' when they're together. Everyone calls Bubblegum 'BB', but Hades started doing it first. Pasketti-22 is called 'Pask' just for brevity's sake. Everyone in fireteam Ashtray calls Ire 'boss' in public, despite the fact Ire doesn't like it, Pask is the one who started it because the first time he met Ire, they were behind a desk in the Clovis Bray facility on Europa. Hades' ghost, Persephone, is nicknamed 'Gema', by Hades, due to the vast amounts of jewelry she hoards.
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(This is the Mundane guardian asks for those curious)
((i know i did it for more than just one oc but jdhhjdshsj))
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i-sveikata · 6 months
hey, just curious if you could rec any particular authors you love read or rec any books to read? I tend to only read fanfic and when I try to read anything out there...ugh just the storyline is predictable and the dialogue is cringe. I trust your judgment, so anything you recommend?!
appreciate you love, hope you're doing well and take care of your health 💟💟
hello anon! i mostly read fantasy/queer novels so i can defs rec some of my favourites but if you have any triggers or things you don't like to read etc id recommend a bit of research on them here for triggers or here for goodreads synopsis. But here you go in no particular order:
-iron widow series/ Xiran jay zhao (1st book out 2nd coming out this year) -the radiant emperor series/ Shelley Parker Chan -the queens thief series/ Megan Whalen turner -the graceling realm series/ Kristin cashore -mo dao zu shi series (grandmaster of demonic cultivation)- Mo xiang ton xiu -all for the game series/ Nora sakavic -the cruel prince series/ Holly black -the celestial kingdom series/ Sue lynn tan -six of crows series/ Leigh bardugo -dark rise series/ CS pacat -villains series/ VE Schwab -leviathan series/ Scott westerfeld -a great and terrible beauty series/ Libba bray -legend series/ Marie lu -anne of green gables series/ lucy maud montogomery
heres some i've read when i was younger that are a bit more y/a but still slap and i still reread them every now and again
-the lightning thief series/ rick riordan -deltora quest/ emily rodda -the missing series/1800 where are you series/ meg cabot -the mediator series/ meg cabot -a series of unfortunate events/ lemony snicket
Also just some stand alone books I’ve read and really enjoyed: -the binding/ Bridget Collins -where the crawdad sings/ Delia owens -the martian/ Andy weir -life of pi/ Yann martel -green lights/ Matthew McConaughey -song of Achilles/ Madeline miller -howls moving castle/ Diana Wynne Jones -holes/ Louis sachar -the invisible life of addie larue/ Ve Schwab -the seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo/ Taylor Jenkins Reid -the island of sea women/ Lisa see -aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe / Benjamin alire saenz -all our shimmering skies/ Trent dalton -red, white & royal blue/ Casey mcquiston -ella minnow pea/ Mark dunn
you'll probably find a few of these titles familiar already but a lot of these are favs of mine or are just really damn well executed stories. happy reading!
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ltwilliammowett · 1 year
I don't know much about sailing ships or fishing but I had a nagging thought. Was fishing commonplace among non fishing vessels? Would merchants, pirates, navy, etc fish and was it commonplace? I hear about ships running out of provisions on longer than expected journerys but couldn't they just fish? I guess it'd be a lot of men to feed. If they did fish, how'd they usually go about it? Send out smaller boats or drag big nets or something? Sorry just curious
Hi, You don't have to apologise, your question is really great. Because yes, there was fishing, but only when a ship was anchored and usually that was only enough to bring some variety to the table, because such ships, especially the navy ships, were full of people (200-800) and you had to provide them with a catch first.
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Sailors fishing off guns, by Lieutenant Gabriel Bray, HMS Pallas, 1775 (x)
They could fish from the deck or launch the boats and then fish with net traps. So it was nothing unusual to get the food themselves on the way.
I hope I could help you and wish you a nice evening.
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a family of bigfoot (sasquatches? i'm not sure what the proper term is) moved in behind my property a few months ago. for the most part they have respected my space and i have respected theirs, but about a week ago i got four baby chickens and since then they've been coming way too close to the coop (and my house) for my comfort. the young one hopped the fence for the first time last night and was moving towards the coop, but ran away as soon as the donkeys started braying.
i'm not very well versed in the supernatural and don't know if they're sapient or not. i've tried approaching them or shouting to them but they just run away.
should i be worried or are they just curious? they have been otherwise peaceful.
You shouldn't be too worried. Just keep your distance for now. Troops of Sasquatch are fairly well behaved most of the time, but with young around...do not, under any circumstances, use cameras or phones around them. The young ones' Obfuscation Field isn't fully developed and the adults are protective of them.
I don't know if we've put the number for the Esoteric Rangers on the directory, but give them a call. They'll usually relocate them.
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xx-lemon-drop-xx · 1 year
Hi, hi!! May I have some hcs for Pomefiore boys (separate) seeing their s/o with wet hair for the first time?
I thought s/o with curly hair, but you don't need to specify the reader's hair type or gender! Feel free to add/remove any character to the ask.
Good weekend! <3
I'm so so sorry this took so long to come out! I sprained my ankle and then proceeded to loose motivation for a little bit. I hope you enjoy these though!
Warnings: Sorry if any of this is wrong, I don't have curls myself, gn reader.
Request: Yes.
Words: 703
Vil Schoenheit
He had let you borrow his personal shower after a bit of an incident– Ace had ended up spilling his lunch all over you. Which Vil did see as rather distasteful though he didn’t say anything about it aside from giving Ace a look while guiding you back to Pomefiore for a shower.
Touches up on his makeup while waiting for you to get out of the shower. After all, he can’t let his appearance start to fall. That wouldn’t do for being Pomefiore’s dorm leader.
He turned when he heard the door to his bathroom open, seeing you step out with wet hair and a towel wrapped around your body.
Your natural curls were loose and fell down a bit more on your body than he was used to. It made you look even more elegant than you already were to him. He quietly observed as you pulled on a pair of panties and one of his shirts.
“I didn’t expect curls to look like that when wet.”
He piped up, arms sliding around you from behind. Vil’s hand gently grabbed onto a delicate curl, wrapping it around his finger for a moment as you leaned back against him.
“What were you expecting them to look like?”
He was silent for a moment, pondering on an answer. “I’m not sure,” He admitted. “I’ve never seen wet curls before. You’re gorgeous either way, though.”
Rook Hunt
“Oh mon dieu!”
Overdramatic and enthusiastic as can be, Rook over exaggerated every word he said. Though just like everyone else you were used to it, even more so due to the fact he was your lover. No one knew him better than you did. That was simply just the obvious, of course.
“Your curls look merveilleux mon amour.” He spoke softly, arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer to him. You paused your movements, letting the towel lower from gently rubbing and wringing the water from your lovely hair.
"Thank you?" A light laugh breezed from your lips, making him smile as he stood to his feet. Rook strolled over to you, slipping his hand under your chin and lightly grasping it, pulling your head up to meet his gaze.
"Why the face ma chérie?" A coy smile pulled at his lips, showing the small canines he had. "Do you not expect me to love and worship every beautiful piece of your body?"
By now, you probably should have expected him to swoon. He made sure to always compliment you, after all.
He sat down the rest of the time and watched you care for your hair with interest.
Epel Felmier
Looked up his homework he was completely on his bed and his brai short circuited.
Why was your hair.. So long?
It honestly took him a minute to notice your curls where wet and you'd probably just got out of the shower before heading to his room. Your curls where still perfect as could be though. Epel was quick to compliment you as you came over to him.
"(Y/n), you look nice." He'd cleared his throat, a blush bubbling up on his cheeks. "Specifically, your hair."
He didn't know they got so long when your hair was wet, but he wasn't complaining either. He did however have his questions. As any young man would.
"Does your hair hold in more water than people with straight hair?"
After answering his question it wasn't long before he'd looked up from his half completed chemistry homework to ask another one. He's just so curious.
"Does it tangle more than a person's with straight hair?"
You told him if it wasn't properly cared for then yes, it would tangle just like any other persons hair. Pretty much, Epel is just curious about your hair. After all, his is short and mostly straight. He also asked if you had to use special conditioners and shampoos.
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cellythefloshie · 1 year
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IMAGINE: Brayden Point Refuses to Make a Move Because You're Out of His League Celly’s 300 Follower Appreciation
-you had always been the smart one
-ever since you were kids your parents had seen it
-you always had your books and an abundance of trivial knowledge
-and Brayden had his athletisism
-it made you two the most unlikely of friends
-and yet you persevered 
-not just through grade school either
-you remained friends when he left home in high school and began to play in the WHL
-it was the beauty of technology and how it grew with you
-it made staying connected with him so much easier
-and you remained connected, even as you excelled in your respective fields
-he went on to the NHL where his superstar talent often went under-appreciated but you saw it shine
-and you went off the college with the aspiration of working in STEAM
-there was nothing to hold you back except yourself and the gender bias that still consumed the community
-but it in a way also helped you flourish
-it helped you attain scholarships and not only complete your bachelor's but a master's program as well
-and you hoped to complete a doctorate one day too
-but first, you had earned a little TLC and a trip down to visit Brayden
-it was the off-season, but he was there and some of his teammates too
-you had the pleasure of meeting them and quickly learned that you were “the one Brayden’s always been talking about”
-it piqued your interest
-surely, the last person the guys would want to hear about was someone they had never met
-and you intended to ask Brayden about it
-but he was quick to change the subject when you tried to ask
-it left your curious
-but if you hadn’t figured it out by now, Brayden was sure you never would
-Brayden was in love with you
-he wasn’t sure exactly when it had happened or if it had just come with time
-love was a complicated emotion for a child to know, and just had complicated as a grown man
-but he knew it to be true
-you were the only woman for him but he wasn’t dumb enough to let on to it
-in his mind, he was just a dumb jock
-and you deserved someone who could match your intellect 
-who could hold a conversation with you and further fuel your passion for STEAM
-and so he kept his feelings a secret and supported you the best ways that he could
-he sent you flowers when he could attend your graduation
-and celebrated each of your accomplishments with late-night video calls and gifts
-just as you celebrated each of his milestones in the NHL
-but now as he had you there in Florida to celebrate it all in person it was becoming increasingly difficult to stop himself from blurring the line between friendship and something more
-and it might have been simpler if one of his teammates had tried to make a move on you
-but they knew how he felt and refused
-what shocked him more was that you didn’t flirt with any of his teammates
-but in his mind that only meant one thing: you weren’t into jocks
-and therefore his chances with you were nil
-it wasn’t until you had him alone in his apartment that you were able to work coyly
-you were indirect and had Brayden working carefully to choose just the right words to say
-but you soon had him biting his tongue knowing anything he said could be the wrong thing to say
-“what aren’t you telling me Bray-”
-you were teasing with him
-kneeling beside him on the couch as you playfully shoved him
-and he was groaning your name
-his hands finding your waist to push you back carefully
-it was the closest thing to roughhousing the two of you had done since you were kids and you noticed a spark in his eyes as he touched you
-there it is, you thought, the answers you were looking for
-you continued to tease him
-your hands shoving at his chest and arms as he reached out to you but you always let his hands find you
-and you watched as his frustration only seemed to grow
-in not an angry and intimidating way
-but in a way that left his cheeks flushed, his breathing strained and his pants tight
-it was the conclusion to the hypothesis you needed
-“for fuck sake Brayden,” you groaned out, your own impatience dwindling as you pushed his hand aside one final time and climbed right into his lap
-“how long Brayden?”
-“I don’t-”
-you cut him off with a kiss, both of your hands cupping his face
-you weren’t surprised when he kissed you back, but you would feel the surprise that radiated from his actions
-he hadn’t expected you to do that
-“how long have you-”
-“loved you? Forever-”
-now you were surprised, those weren’t the words you had expected to leave his mouth
-he’s paled a bit, and so have you
-“I was going to ask how long you’ve been waiting to kiss me, but that, that’s very good to know”
-“you’ve always just been too damn smart for me-”
-and you’re shaking your head, leaning in to kiss him slowly 
-your fingers found his hair, toying with the strands at the back of his neck
-“and you too good for me-”
-“too good for you?”
-his face was contorted with confusion
-how could you possibly think that with all you had accomplished
-he raised a single hand, stroking it over your cheek slowly
-intentionally or not, he had never wanted to you feel that way
-and as long as you would let him, he would never leave you feeling that way again
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clverloom · 4 hours
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adelaide kane  &  cis woman  &  she/her     |     rhian greenbriar, the  member of squad 2  bonded with  nerys  for the past  ten years. they're  thirty, quite a contrast to  the  one hundred and eleven  of their  short horned red blade-tail. they’re known to be quite  curious, adaptable, empathetic, but on a bad day they can be kind of  anxious, impulsive, and judgmental. if separated from their dragon,  rhian  relies on a  falchion  to protect them.
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・ ◟ full intro doc here.
i. basics.
name: rhian ( REE-an ) greenbriar ( GREEN-brai-ur ). nicknames: rhi. age: thirty. gender + pronouns: cis woman + she / her. orientation: pansexual. occupation: member of squad 2. weapon: falchion.
ii. physical.
height: 168cm / 5'6". hair: brunette, dark waves usually braided down her back. eyes: dark brown. piercings: none. faceclaim: adelaide kane.
iii. familial.
father: branwen greenbriar - alive . mother: andromeda greenbriar ( née mortimer ) deceased. siblings: none. significant other: none.
iv. dragon.
name: nerys. age known: one hundred and eleven. horns: short. color: red. tail: blade. length: 135 ft. wingspan: 190 ft. resembles: meleys, but smaller ( hotd ).
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