#; ice ice baby ( sammy )
normaltothemax · 24 days
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Action, Chaos, and Drama “i'll get you out of here. i promise.” ( Benny @ Sam )
He should never have run off on his own. Sam had been desperate to prove himself, to show Dad and Dean that he could take care of himself, that he knew what he was doing, that he was a good hunter. Now he’s here, strung up by vamps in some warehouse, just waiting to either get turned or drank or dead. He screwed up really, really badly, this time, and he is scared. More scared than he thinks he’s ever been before. He wants Dad. Wants Dean. Hell, he wants his mom, and he doesn’t even remember her.
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And now this guy is here, cutting him down and promising to get him out. Sam rubs at raw, red, rope-burned wrists, tries to ignore the way his hands shake as he does so. He wasn’t even after a vampire nest, hadn’t known there was one there that he needed to watch out for. Dang it, this is what he gets for not listening when both Dad and Dean told him to stay put. “Who are you? Are you a hunter?” A regular old good Samaritan wouldn’t be able to get into the middle of a vampire nest undetected, and they wouldn’t know how to kill them if stealth wasn’t what they were after. This man has to be something. Sam just needs to know if that something is on his side or not.
@bulletsnblood (x)
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artyandink · 4 months
maine coon
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Summary: Dean initially hated your small touches. He used to feel weird with them on his skin. But now he craves them. He craves the high of feeling like a human, and you’re the best hit he’s ever had.
TW: Mentions of borderline dehumanisation (cause we hate John guys for making those two beautiful boys soldiers/mindless machines), two idiots in love, tooth rotting fluff! Thought up this little drabble :)
A/N - Maine coon because they’re a very friendly cat breed! Plus, a little comfort for Dean cause he needs it :) set in s1
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Little touches.
It started like that. Just small brushes of your hand on his shoulder and ruffling of Sam’s hair. The younger Winchester would brush you off politely, fix his hair but wear an affectionate smile anyway.
Not Dean.
Dean would grumble, pout angrily, act as if he was wiping off the invisible trail your hands left and claim that he wasn’t a baby. All at first. But slowly, like an ice lolly in the sun, slowly melting, he found himself less inclined to brush you off. He’d get jumpy and irritable if you didn’t show him that affection for too long. He even found his nightmares appearing less frequently after being lulled to sleep with his head in your lap, your fingers in his hair because he couldn’t sleep.
You slept better too, knowing he was ok and he was able to turn to you, even though it was wordless. All it took was a flash of puppy eyes and you knew what he needed. The comfort that he deserved, after working himself to the bone protecting Sammy and you like his father taught him. Like a good soldier.
He didn’t feel like that with you.
Sleep was gently coaxed out of him by the sensation of nails on his scalp, a groan muffled by his face in his pillow as he instantly recognised the cool sensation of the ring on your finger as your hand smoothed down his hair. “Wake up, Dean.” You murmured softly, your thumb tracing his ear, and he almost smiled at the sensation. Almost.
The aroma of coffee hit his lungs, and when your hand ran down to gently press against his shoulders and massaging down to his shoulder blades, he didn’t feel so inclined to sleep further. So he sat up. He wanted to see you, your gorgeous face, with the eyes that told a thousand stories and those lips that were worth a thousand dollars when they were pursed in anger. Which only came out when someone hurt him or Sam.
He didn’t feel like he had a sword and shield in his hand in moments like these. Instead, he had a warm cup of coffee and your hand briefly petting his hair, which he leaned into before it even touched his head. “Mornin’.” He rasped out, voice crackly and hoarse from the morning, smacking his lips to get the morning taste off before taking the first heavenly hit of caffeine. And relishing in the aftershocks of the second euphoric high of your touch. “S’some damn good coffee, darlin’.”
“Black, two spoons o’ sugar, and a dash of beer.” You gave him a small smile as you stood up and moved to the kitchenette of your small motel room, looking beautiful to Dean even in your oversized shirt and sleep shorts, complete with black ankle socks. You had bed head that you were yet to sort out, but Dean was dazzled by the halo he could see over your head.
His mom said angels were watching over him. Maybe this is what she meant.
“Just how you like it.” You added, working to make some breakfast. The smell of cooking eggs and frying bacon filled the space, a small smile on your face as you contently cooked food for the man who was approaching you, coffee cup raising to his lips as his eyes followed you like a lost puppy. The cup clinked as it was set down on the counter, Dean’s tongue darting out to lick his lips before biting the bottom one as he tentatively made his way over to rest his chin on your shoulder from behind, his eyes closing slowly like a cat when your hand reached behind to gently play with his hair.
“Smells nice.” He murmured, almost like a purr as he leaned into your touch.
You chuckled, your fingers rubbing over the silky, spiky strands of his morning hedgehog hair. “That’s ‘cause I’m an amazing cook.”
“I don’t deserve you.” Dean added with a contented groan, wanting so badly to tell you how he felt. So much that it was threatening to burst out of his chest.
“What did I tell you about saying that?” You chastised, piling his plate with a bit extra of everything that he liked before sliding it closer to him. “C’mon, eat.”
“Thanks.” He cupped your cheeks, leaning in.
It was meant to be a simple kiss on the forehead. That’s all it was meant to be. But by some miracle (or maybe his eternal bad luck), his lips pressed against yours. Soft, slow, sweet. He puckered up, eyebrows raising in surprise, his eyelashes fluttering but staying closed before he decided to pull himself away, but it felt like yanking. Tugging. Practically peeling himself off, cause he didn’t want to let go.
His eyes didn’t open for at least a few second. But when he did, he saw yours. Your shining eyes, with a small, amused smile on your lips. Your gorgeous lips, that he just wanted to see swollen with all the kisses and love he could give you.
“What was that for?” Came your voice, quiet and docile as you looked at him in a way that only you could. Only you.
“I don’t know.” He murmured, eyes flicking to your lips again, itching for that high again. That hit. So he let himself taste you again, let himself lose his way in the labyrinth that came with your hand on the side of his neck and his cradling your cheek. The taste of coffee, the different ways you both liked it sweetening your palettes in a beautiful mix of sweet, sour and alcohol. The smell of old leather gracing you while the scent of your lavender body wash flooded him and sent him past cloud nine.
You pulled back slowly, because you also wanted to savour him. But when you saw the look on his face, his slightly swollen lips and the way they were parted in awe, you couldn’t help but melt and thumb his bottom lip.
“I think…” You paused to kiss his cheek softly, whispering against it, “I think I know.”
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Make sure to leave feedback, everyone! I’d appreciate reblogs, likes and comments!
TAGLIST: @k-slla
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ajortga · 3 months
comfort person
pairing: sam carpenter x female reader
summary: sammy spends time with you after a long day, giving you all the love money can't buy.
word count: 1.7k+
a/n: first sam fic, just had this idea and plan on writing more of her later on. more jenna fics will be out soon:). thank you for 600 followers<3
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Sam is greeted with the sight of your figure waddling to her after school, her hands making way to her helmet that protects her head. As she takes it off and feels the cool breeze flow through her hair, she her heart strings tug when your smile widens and you walk faster to her.
“Hi, baby,” she says, kissing your forehead gently while playing with your hair. Her arms wrap around you as soon as she places her helmet against the seating of her motorcycle.
Immediately you cling onto her, burying your face into her chest because that’s the only place your head can reach. Her scent invades your senses, sweet and slightly musky from her leather jacket.
Sam peppers kisses against your hair, stroking it softly. It warms her heart (that’s meant to be tough) seeing your slightly grumpy façade melt as soon as her protective arms wrap around you. But, could you not say the same for her? Seeing the way your girlfriend’s eyes soften like ice cream on a hot summer day. Sam isn’t the closed off person that your best friends see, not your Sammy.
She’s the sweetest, making you melt into her arms whenever you have a bad day, cuddles and kisses at night, soothing tummy rubs for bad stomach aches. 
“Hi, Sammy.” You look up at her, eyes a little tired with her arms snug around your waist as she brushes a strand away from your face, studying you.
She softly smiles at you, rubbing your cheek. “Tired?” She asks, a little worried.
You nod, “Just a little. Too many tests.”
“That’s not good,” the taller girl says, voice etched with concern. “You were up studying.” She pauses for a moment, before lifting you on the motorcycle seat, behind her. “What about this? I’ll make you feel better, are you willing to go somewhere or do you want to stay home? I have a surprise.”
You murmur incoherently against her chest, a few muffled words before saying, “Mm willing to go somewhere.”
Sam kisses your forehead, “Okay, hold onto me. When we get home I’ll give you all the cuddles in the world, cook you dinner, and turn on your favorite movie. It’s Friday anyway.”
Your girlfriend turns around and places her helmet on your head, making sure that you’re safe and comfortable before taking off, a soft vroom sounding.
You drive through the buildings and city of Woodsboro, people spilling coffee, apartments into view, parties beginning to happen as you cling onto Sam’s waist.
A turn here, brake here, vroom there. Your eyes close, nuzzling into Sam’s back. It’s not long before you two come to a stop when you open your eyes. 
“Build-A-Bear?” you question, looking at your girlfriend who is grinning at you.
“You know I can’t ignore the way you keep checking on my phone if that Pochacco plush is sold out, right? My whole search history is, “Pochacco plush build a bear” or “Is Pochacco still at Build-A-Bear stores?” Don’t even get me started with, “Why is Pochacco build-a-bear stuffed animal so expensive on eBay?” So we’re going to find that stuffed animal.” Sam scrunches her nose, seeing the way you embarrassingly smile.
For some reason, Sam’s internet on her phone works better than yours, so you catch yourself desperate to see if your Build-A-Bear plush you wanted is still out of stock online.
She ties the helmet on your head against the handles of her motorcycle, extending her hand for you to hold.
You take it as you both walk into the store. “I don’t understand how your phone works faster than mine, Sammy. You barely use it!” 
Sam rolls her eyes, “Not my fault that the wifi just favorites me, mi vida. Come on, we’re gonna get you that plushie.”
Your arm clings onto hers as you place your head on her shoulder, a way for you to show your affection. It’s always sweet to Sam, seeing your clinginess whenever you’re with her. You're skipping with her, teeth shown in a toothy, happy smile.
She doesn’t understand how you do it, she’s supposed to be closed-off to everyone except for Tara. Her sister even has to tease her for it because she finds herself buying flowers for you and making a Spotify playlist for you. “It’s cute, Sam.” Tara assures her, pinching her shoulder.
Sam holds the door for you, in which you immediately cling back onto her. Cool breeze surrounded you both from the AC, the comfy atmosphere of stuffed animals and outfits. You drag her to the Sanrio section where Pochaccos were waiting for you.
Before she could even speak, you turned to her, holding an unstuffed Pochacco while wearing puppy eyes. A smile cracks onto her face as she pulls you into her chest, “Is that all you want? Shouldn’t we get him some clothes so he isn’t.. You know, unclothed?”
“Naked,” you correct, looking up when she rolls her eyes and nods. “Yes, naked. Do you have to make me say it?”
You sniff, “Yes, I do actually. Okay, help me choose the clothes, Sammy!”
As you two hold on to each other while looking at the colorful clothing, she gently circles her thumb against your palm. She reluctantly agrees when you ask her to have her speak for the voice box. You didn’t want to sleep without hearing her. But sometimes, she had to work late, and this was a cute option.
Sam goes through the clothes, pulling out a purple bikini, “What about this one?”
You stare at it, before bursting out into a laugh. “Sammy, Pochacco is a boy! He can’t wear a bikini!”
“Oh yeah? Says who, Y/N? This is a free country!” She argues while your head is buried into her chest, the scent of musk from her leather jacket filling your senses.
“Yes it’s a free country! But I was wanting Pochacco to wear something that fit his personality!”
She sighs, relenting as she puts away the bikini. “I thought our Pochacco would look very fashionable wearing a purple bikini. Oh!” She pulls out a flying ace outfit, with pilot goggles and a fluffy brown bomber jacket. “This one?”
Sam knows she made the right choice as you give her a toothy grin. A grin that makes her smile too. “Okay! Yay! That one.” You watch when she helps you carry the outfits and your bags. 
“How about we get him some overalls too? He can’t always go out wearing the same outfit, can he?”
“I guess not,” you sigh dramatically, “Overalls would be very cute.”
You two dig through the outfits before being able to find the jean overalls. “I have another idea for an outfit we should get.” 
Your girlfriend turns to you while grabbing a pair of tiny overalls, “Oh?” She tilts her head, “What would that be, mi vida?”
The tall brunette feels your hands untangle from hers before you run away, coming back 10 seconds later with your nose scrunched, holding a familiar purple bikini. Her eyes gleam, grinning at you. “Told you, fashionable.”
You roll your eyes.
By the time you two are about to checkout, you both are holding a lot of outfits. (Sam insisted as she got your stuffy shoes, hats, scarfs, hell, even a dress.) It made your cheeks burn as you had to look away from her to not let a smile break throughout your face when she was looking for a “I love Sam” or “I love Y/N” shirt. Unfortunately, she had to resort to a “I love you” shirt instead. 
Your forehead is peppered with kisses when you both are in line. You let the sweetness of Sam comfort you as you nuzzle her, burying your body against her.
“Talk about a cute couple,” the two girls say behind you, jealousy and admiration in their tone. 
You two get to a register as Sam pays. Next thing you know, the Pochacco is taken out of your hand to be stuffed. A soft whirring sound buzzes from the stuffing station, fuzz flying in the large container with a bear to decorate on top. You shiver from the AC that is starting to get a little too chilly.
Sam smiles down at you, her fingers threading through your hair. They begin to stuff your Pochacco, his body starting to inflate until it looks like a cute puppy. 
“All done!” The worker says, handing the puppy to you with a sweet smile. 
The cute face stares back at you as you hug him tight, a soft song playing when you squeeze him.
“I’ll get the custom voice box tonight, promise.” Sam says, draping her leather jacket over you, catching the way you begin to feel cold. 
“I love you,” you whisper, letting her kiss you softly. You hold Pochacco up for her to hold, the leather sleeves slightly oversized. You two leave the store and sit against a chair together.
He’s cute, Sam thinks, squishing him gently as you two begin to dress him. You start him with some overalls, black converse, and a heart headband. She notices how you look so happy. It makes her heart squeeze. 
“Come on, baby. Let’s get you some cinnamon rolls, okay? Then we can cuddle up and watch a movie when we get home.” Your arm links with hers as you both head back to the motorcycle, Sam making sure to stay on the side with the cars on them as you two walk.
The rest of the day, you spend time cuddling in bed with a fluffy blanket wrapped around you two. You don't let your stuffed animal go whatsoever. (Sam doesn't want to admit that you brought an extra chair to make the fluffy creature sit at dinner.)
"An extra meatball for him," You point at Pochacco as she sighs, pouring some spaghetti on a small plate.
Whenever Sam comes home late, she's greeted with the sight of you, hugging the plushie and squeezing the voice box like you'll die if you don't hear her.
"Hi, sweetheart. Just wanted to let you know that I love you and miss you. Hold tight, I'm always thinking about you and will give you so many cuddles when I get home, okay? I love you mi vida."
You sniff, burying your face into the plushie as you keep squeezing the arm, a different lullaby of Sam playing every time.
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tonyee · 2 years
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News just in Can you hear the little Nokia ring-ring?
very proud to show yall my first official edit(s?)!! ive been absolutely OBSESSED with aliyahcore lately like WHAT'S BETTER THAN ALIYAHCORE?? @aliyahsinterlude is amazing and deserves the world!! anyways i made these renders and i love them so much like these pngs are my babies like?? also HUGE thank you and hugs to @magbay for the simspo and the popsim psd file + resources!! ur amazing!!
deadass this edit wouldn't exist without it!! /hj
links to cc and poses used under da cut!!
Keiara's CC:
Mikaela's CC:
cover: 1&2 3&4
red: 1 2 3
magenta: 1 2 3
and as always tysm to the cc creators! *inhales*: @aharris00britney, @arethabee, @breezytrait, @cheesehair, @coupsim, @crypticsim, @daylifesims, @dream-girl, @evoxyr, @ghostputty, @hazelsnakes, @helgatisha, @hi-land, @ice-creamforbreakfast, @ikari-sims, @jius-sims, @kimoanasims, @kumikya, @lamatisse, @luumia, @madlensims, @magbay, @miikocc, @nsves, @obscurus-sims, @okruee, @pompurinsims, @roselipaofficial, @sadlydulcet, @sammi-xox, @saruin, @serenity-cc, @simandy, @simbience, @simkoos, @sloedancing, @solstice-sims, @trillyke, @twisted-cat, @uxji, @vibrantpixels
k ty for reading!! MWA!
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wandagcre · 1 year
my pumpkin | sam carpenter 🔞
(Sam Carpenter x AFAB ! reader)
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Sam wants to try something new with you.
WARNING: smut, dark dom! ghostface! sam, dark sub!reader (they're both crazy), can be interpreted as intersex!sam or cumming strap-on sam, mentions of blood and murder, knife play, possessiveness, breeding kink, slight degradation & humiliation, aftercare +18 / men & minors dni.
Words: 5.5k | [ AO3 ]
In the middle of your night routine, you hear a thud somewhere in the apartment. Deciding to investigate, you left your glass of water in the kitchen. Like on autopilot, your feet already dragged you to approach towards the living room, and your gut was right: there was a tall figure that had caught your attention and a smile made its way to your lips with ease.
There stood Sam, in your unlit living room, her dark thick robe pooling by her combat boots and she was taking off the bloody Ghostface mask. Her hair was haphazardly tied up and she's left with her wifebeater tank top and dark sweatpants — bronze skin currently dripping with sweat. Sam had a blank expression on, maybe a hint of bloodlust glint that lingered on her face, which turned you on — imagining how it must've been so good to see her in the act, especially this one.
You spot a few bruises and cuts on her upper body. You already expected this, walking away for a second to retrieve the first-aid kit and mentally taking note to ice some of her bruises later. 
Sam's hazel eyes lit up soon as she met yours, arms opening for a hug.
"Love. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?"
"You too, Sammy." You affectionately murmur and nestled deeper in the embrace and Sam tightens her grip in return. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
There you were with Sam in the small bathroom in your shared apartment. She sat quietly by the closed toilet, her arm brought up to you. Moments like this were your favorite, having to tend her cuts and bruises. There was something about Sam appearing as both vulnerable and vicious post-murder during the ungodly hours.
"Wanna tell me how it went?" You start as you wipe the remaining blood on her skin then you dab the cotton with alcohol feather light. The curiosity was eating you. 
In return, Sam smiles at how your eyes twinkled as you asked, she pulls away slightly, her hold on you moving to your waist to pull you closer in between her legs. The faint smell of peaches and cigarettes immediately filled your senses.
She sighed, "He was all talk. Pissed me off a bit with that foul mouth he got running whenever he saw a woman..." Sam’s grip by your soft waist tightens at some thought, "It made me think of how rude and disgusting he must have been to you, princess. And that angers me so much."
"But you took care of it, I know you did good." you respond with much appreciation in your tone, as if the conversation that had transpired was casually about the weather. Your hands find their way on top of Sam’s hair, your thumb gently caressing through them.
The corner of Sam’s eyes crinkled. "Anything for my baby. He squirmed like a useless pig." 
The cold room was filled with laughter. It was easy to say that the two of you were truly match made in heaven. The person in question was your boss, who thought he was being sly with his provocative comments and uncomfortable staring at you while at work. He was insufferable to say at least. Even the last interaction you had with him was you trying to play along with one of his nauseous comments because God knows given your position, he’ll always have his way.
Sadly for him, he doesn’t even know it'll be his last day to live. 
Because you didn't even have to tell Sam because she was there to witness, right outside your workplace to pick you up and his sleazy gestures unfolded in front of your waiting girlfriend. Your boss just had to outwardly say that ‘he can’t get enough of your good and shapely presence’ within Sam’s earshot.
Now? He's nothing but a fresh butchered meat fed to a bloodlust Loomis.
You left your girlfriend in the bathroom for some privacy. For a few minutes, you heard water running.  To your surprise however, as you plop down to your shared bed, Sam was across you and there was a pensive look on her face as she leans by the door frame. Her hair remains to be haphazardly tied on, her hands a bit wet.
“I wanna try something on you, baby.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “What is it?”
Sam retrieves a familiar dagger from her back – it was the one you managed to get your hands on and gave it to her as a birthday present. Back then, you didn’t know yet whether the Ghostface version of her had existed yet; but you did this anyway after she opened up about her previous encounters given by the reputation that precedes her, to provide her with some sort of an easy to carry and hide of a self-defence weapon. With her words and the dagger on her hand, you were confused to say at least.
“I need you to elaborate, Sam.” you ask, to which Sam bit her lip and sauntered towards you. 
"I’m going to mark you with it. Nothing too deep and crazy, trust me. And you can also say no! I promise I won’t be mad. It’s only a thought, baby.”
“Alright.” You exhale, sitting with crossed legs, looking up to her and see Sam visibly becoming relaxed. “But can I ask why you want to do it? I genuinely just want to know your reason behind it. And how…exactly?”
Sam’s eyes softened as her eyes were pierced onto yours, "It’s basically just carving a small thing to your body. I… I want to mark you in a way that’s personal and close to who I am. Also, I want to remember us – this being my first kill for you.”
You understand now, pulling Sam by her thighs who still stood tall in front of you for a hug. The scent of peaches and cigarettes fill your nose once again, it was oddly addicting and comforting. It was distinctively very Sam.
"So, it's about owning me... in your terms?"
“Yes.” she whispered.
You decide to lighten up the mood, “And you’re sure this is your first kill for me? Not my old friend from my hometown?”
Sam frowned, almost not getting get your joke – but soon she heartily chuckles as the realization dawns upon her. There was another case you suspected, an old friend whom Sam felt very territorial over you when you told her that they confessed when you returned home. Suspiciously, they disappeared, but you find out a year later that they only travelled on a spontaneous trip.
“No. But... maybe I almost wanted to.”
You bite your bottom lip and Sam nudges you with her finger by your shoulder, motioning for you to make space for her in the bed. Now she joins you beneath the sheets, standing on her knees, looking down as she’s still towering over you.
“That’s hot.” 
Sam shakes her head and closes the distance between you two, “Only you would say that…” She holds the dagger on her dominant hand, the sharp metal pointed away from you.
The cold night is coming to a close, barely feels like one, as the room starts to become heated. Especially with your girlfriend’s eyes unashamedly trailing over your body, like you were a delicious prey served as a five-star meal just for her.
“And that’s exactly why you love me.” You say with ease, lips now ghosting near hers, feeling her ragged breath increasing. 
"Exactly, baby. No one compares.” 
Sam tucked a stray hair behind your ear. Your face heats up at the gesture. You didn't feel any different around her, like any other day around her you remained to feel safe. Secured. Not even her retelling stories of her vivid killings can even change that. Perhaps, you were as sick as her, but you couldn’t give a single fuck about it.
With an exhale, you give her the green light. 
"Okay baby. I trust you."
A wolfish grin appeared on her lips, changing so quickly like a mere switch. With that sight, a shot of arousal started to stir on your stomach.
"Remember your colors, baby. Say red and we’ll stop immediately. How do you feel right now?" 
The dagger made its presence known as Sam dragged the pointed end on your bare right thigh with slight pressure startled you – not enough to draw blood – yet it was sharp and daunting, completely contradicting the gentleness in her tone. 
"G-green," you stuttered out. 
“Good girl.” Sam says and tilts your chin up using the dagger. “Now strip for me.”
Your breath hitches once again. The lust is heightened as you feel Sam’s piercing eyes on you, watching you wiggle off your skimpy shorts first, eyes following and so attentive to the growing damp spot on your underwear. Her dagger remained on your chin until it was time for you to strip out of her old loose shirt that you chose to wear earlier and Sam audibly groaned when she found out that you weren’t wearing any bra at all, she zones out in the sight. You feel her scoot on the sheets closer to you – to say that she was a big fan of your tits would be an understatement.
“Fucking irresistible,” Sam lets out a groan and starts to busy herself, already moved onto a different agenda – mouth and teeth getting involved as she marks and sucks all over your tits, your skin becoming thoroughly wet and littered with hickeys. For a few minutes she stayed on worshipping your upper body. While it turned you on, the ache in your cunt was also becoming an issue, making you squirm. “That’s already an appetizer and dessert for me, shit, you’re just so good…” 
Now her thighs have your almost naked body trapped,  Sam remains hovering above you as you laid down. You get a closer look of her taut muscles flexing through the wifebeater she wears as she moves, a few scars coming to light on her body. You realize that she’s about to take you while in her post-murder outfit, making you squirm your legs once again trying to find ease in your arousal. She’s still sweaty and sticky but you honestly can’t care any less. Not when you have her sculpted body ready to pounce on you at any moment.
“Aren’t you supposed to shower first?” You joke and her expression didn’t falter.
Sam only smirked. “We were going to change the sheets, anyway. I planned on having you either way for tonight.” Her hot breath was so close, tickling your exposed skin.
Your body felt warmer, opposed to her cold free hand that slightly startled you as she roughly palmed a cupful of your tits, giving it another good squeeze. 
“Fuck…” you moan, her moves to affect you were rapidly increasing.
Sam teased again by her slow hands going for a sharp tug on your nipple. “We’re getting into it, princess.” 
She lowered herself and finally met your lips for a kiss, the slow and softness of a start quickly dissipated as she grew hungry for more. Still kissing you, both hands trying to cup your face, occasionally darting her tongue on your mouth. Sam moved fast and rough, as though she was quenching her thirst and your lips were the only water left for her. You wouldn’t be surprised if your lips actually bruised. You were starting to feel breathless and lightheaded, trying to match her pace and she pulled away to tug on your bottom lip. She swiped it with her tongue for good measure. You don’t feel her close anymore and yet you still tried to chase her lips again, only to find out that she looked smug as soon as you opened your eyes.
“Just for me.” Sam murmurs to no one.
You dazedly acknowledge her, “Yes, only yours.”
“God, If you only know how you endlessly drive me mad...”
Sam had her palm pressed on the mattress, resting on the side of your head. You meet her halfway by having your elbows propped up, carrying your upper body’s weight. Yet, you don’t know how long it’ll last – not with Sam’s mouth leaving open mouthed kisses on your body; from your cheek, affectionate and soft, to your neck where her nose tickled you and mouth that met where your jugular vein rests – lingering to suck and bite. You don’t even try to conceal your moans to your girlfriend’s delight, the sounds loud enough to make her eager as ever. Your eyes roll on the back of your head, immediately lost to the sensation. With the tip of the knife pressed on your plush stomach all at once and scratching you lightly, though lifted quickly, it made your stomach twitch and you whimper.
You feel unbearably soaked, clearly wanting for more. Completely certain that you're damp enough for your Sam to smell your arousal. Your girlfriend smirks in confirmation and when she moves her hip low enough for yours to meet. When you pushed your core closer against your girlfriend's, Sam already has your ass cupped, squeezing your flesh, and it only made you grind hard enough to feel something hard — 
You feel her.
The walls of your cunt started to rapidly clench on nothing. Sam detaches her hips away from you after a little teaser and your fingers make their way to her hair, then caressing on Sam's nape and your girlfriend arches her neck, groaning in response. She moves lower, wanting to give you wet kisses placed on the soft rolls of your stomach which slightly tickled you in the process. You were about to protest, beyond needy, but it seems that Sam has already read your mind.
"Here it comes." 
You take a deep breath and feel the sharp knife moving in ragged curves as Sam draws with it. She pushes it down a few millimeters more on your stomach. You groan in each line she makes, it stings a little as she continues marking.
"Wanna know what I marked, princess?" Sam regains your attention by tilting your chin up to look at her using the knife, you open your eyes, seeing the metal now painted with red specks of blood.
"It's the first letter of my name. So every time you take a look in the mirror naked, you'll always be reminded that you're nobody else's but mine."
"Oh fu- fuck, fuck!" you whimper, although now you feel turned on more than anything. 
The knife resumes in contact with your freshly marked area again, Sam drags it as if she's tracing it for the second time on your skin. your eyes are screwed shut — you can't explain the sensation, walking in the line between pain and pleasure. It stings yet it's so addicting. You think that a huge chunk of it was maybe because it was Sam doing it with her honeyed voice and dark tunnel gaze onto you.
"You're doing so good, baby." She praises you, voice deeper than ever.
Sam crawls down lower onto you and you try your hardest to keep your eyes open, curious of her next move. The spot now feels wet as you feel your girlfriend licking your fresh wound and you let out a strangled moan in response.
“Oh god!”
When you made eye contact with your girlfriend, her eyes were heavy lidded more than ever. It’s evident even in the room that’s barely lit, only the lamp on, and you see her wet lips tugged in a smirk. The color red is slightly evident from having to sucked off the trail of blood that trickled out of your fresh wound.
Sam meant it when she said that it'll leave a scar enough for you to see even right after this session. In theory, you should be terrified of how precise your girlfriend is with the weapon, but you aren't at all. You are thrilled in reality, as you know that Sam is using a special dagger to brand you, different amongst the one she uses to kill her victims; this one was shorter and unused, not actually meant to kill. For you and only you.
After all, who doesn't like being proved to be her princess and a special exception?
The aftermath of the knife's stinging hasn't left just yet. As you reel into the sensation, you feel the mattress dip and you see Sam adjusting.
“Sit up for me.” Sam orders and you quickly scramble into position, legs folded, facing your girlfriend. “Color?”
“Still green.” you whisper, eyes becoming watery. “Can you please touch me now?”
Sam doesn’t respond. Instead, there was the dagger, the side of it being dragged across your tits down to your pelvis. Your girlfriend had set your underwear aside. You close your eyes again to flutter out the teariness, then something plunges inside of your core. The object feels foreign against your spongy walls and it's coming in fast and intrusive. It makes you moan unadulteratedly loud, heat spreading all over your body. It was the most relief your cunt has received had felt this entire session; evident in the way your wetness seeped more, yet you’re becoming slightly embarrassed of the sloshing sounds that fills the room as the thing continues to move in and out of your flesh. 
"I wish I had recorded this, princess. Look at you taking it all in..." Sam murmurs huskily and her words feel hot on your body.
Your girlfriend tilts her head, “Maybe next time,” She winks at you.
You’re a putty mess under her touch. Sam finds utmost joy seeing you unravelling into this form, unable to form coherent sentences as she has her way with you. You meet her entranced look – mouth quirked up and eyes more lust filled. As your eyes trail lower over Sam, you notice that your girlfriend’s dominant hand has the dagger’s flat base carefully held – the handle being plunged in and out of your pussy. The bed creaks more.
"Your pussy is so fucking greedy, taking my dagger so good... I can feel you pulsating in it. Maybe I'm gonna fuck you right after then cum inside of you, as a reward, huh?" she changes the angle of the dagger’s handle, pushing deeper and faster into you and you feel yourself leak even more, grasping on her hair. 
"Oh yes! yes! A-anything you want, S-Sam!"
"Knew you'd agree. My princess who's a whiny slut for me," Sam continues her ministrations, hand remaining precise, and you feel her free arm snake around your soft waist, as if she's trapping you. "you're making a mess in the bed, honey. Are you not embarrassed?"
You feel a twinge of embarrassment, realizing you were lost on riding your girlfriend’s dagger alone while she was simply thrusting the dagger’s handle in and out of you, all with ease, looking like a desperate whore while dripping and making a mess on Sam’s hand at the same time as your pussy overflowed with wetness. 
"N-No, because I love being a slut for you," you whisper truthfully, now growing desperate to chase orgasm. "I'm so so close,"
“For me only.” Sam growls in response, making her thrust it more forcefully as if she was actually stabbing. 
You let out a throaty moan and your hands moving so frenzied to alleviate the release by clawing all over Sam's back – anywhere you can reach and balance upon. Sam deliciously grunts at the action.
Like a cold bucket poured down on your then burning body, Sam dislodged the handle completely from your desperately soaked cunt. Now you’re back to clenching onto nothing, the ache between your legs becoming a real challenge for you to hold yourself for much longer.
"No, no, no! Fuck, I was about to cum, Sam..." you complain, feeling sensitive, tears running on your cheeks.
Sam comforts you, cupping your cheeks and wiping the tears away with her thumb. 
"Patience, baby." your girlfriend hushes you and you find her looking completely lost as you are, giving you comfort. She had her free hand sprawled on your lower stomach. "Suck this for me first. Then I'll let you do whatever, baby."
Sam then raises the knife that was glistening off your own wetness from earlier, making your cheeks heat up. Goodness, it’s coated ridiculously with a copious amount of wetness... which you're supposed to suck. Not that you were new to this – sucking something off for Sam – but the thought still makes you a tad shy.
You’re starting to think Sam enjoys humiliating you this much.
"All of it. C'mon, baby, get to work so we can finish you sooner." 
It's affecting Sam so much based on her raspier voice now. You comply with her order, making sure to put on a show; your free hand gripping on her shoulder and lips now on the handle of the knife, sucking all of your wetness that once coated it. You made sure to look directly at Sam's heavy lidded eyes, who was now completely hazy and her mouth open to your delight. You wanted her to lose her mind as much as you did, making sure that your cheeks were hollowed and moaning along the action, even making your tongue twirl around it. Your girlfriend exhales loudly at the sight you presented her.
“Fuck. You’re teasing me back, princess?” Sam tilts her head, questioning you. She discards the dagger, object clanking, and now somewhere on the floor. 
You were more than happy to see that it got onto her. “Just putting on a show for you…”
Sam has enough, having a taste of your arousal as she grabs you for a bruising kiss. She seems to savor it as her tongue gets involved, as though she’s eager to taste her favorite flavor. "My little slut. Still green?"
"Does it hurt?" Sam traces lightly the now marked letter S wound that resides on your lower stomach.
"No," Your girlfriend smiles at your response and you close your eyes. The ache between your legs makes itself known as you squirm over Sam’s touch. You bit your lower lip in frustration. "Want you inside of me now, please, Sammy."
“Okay. I’m going to make you choose,” She looks you straight in the eye, “Do you want to lay down or to ride me?”
A moan already escaped your throat, “W-what would you like?”
“Don’t answer me with a question, baby. I am asking you.” Her voice is deep and stern, waiting for you.
You look at her still completely dressed – unlike you, all bare for her. You start to feel a little conscious so you decide to immediately change that up.
“Want to undress you and ride you.”
You were more than ecstatic, seeing Sam nod in agreement – you absolutely waste no time in removing her wifebeater tank top, sweatpants, and boxers immediately, appreciating all of Sam’s muscular and sweaty glory. It doesn’t help that she’s got a few specks of blood still somewhere on her body, the eroticism of it all is not lost on you. Her tits were hypnotizing and to see it paired with her hard on, makes you lick your lips in anticipation. You start to understand more why your girlfriend loves body worshipping so much, because you feel just the same as her.
Sam was amused at your dazed expression, so lost that she has to snap you to reality by pressing a chaste kiss on your lips.
“Ride me now, pretty girl.” She rasps out and you quickly get on Sam’s lap. Her length is pressed against your stomach, making your breath ragged and she isn’t even inside you yet.
You align yourself onto Sam, who glides her cock first into your wet folds. Your hands were on a deathly grip, squeezing over your girlfriend’s broad shoulder, and Sam is becoming more unrestrained with you. She huffs, snakes her arm by your waist then to your hips – continuing her motions until she is satisfied with how your wetness thoroughly coated her cock. 
“Fuck, I’m going in now, baby…” Sam’s hazel eyes peer over you, searching for any sign of discomfort. She was only met with your lust filled eyes and opened mouth, easily one of her favorite sights when it comes to you. The tip teases your clit making you moan and finally, she pushes inside of you, making you both groan at the sensation. She's big and girthy, even if it’s only half of her cock that was fully in, and your walls were still adjusting to accommodate all of her. Sam understood this, hence her careful movements, afraid of hurting you by accident. 
“Tell me whenever you’re ready, princess.”
You profusely nod your head in appreciation, “Y-yes, shit, give me a minute.”
As your walls were processing her length, Sam soaks in the feeling of being inside of you. It was so warm and comfortable; both of your single nerves felt like it was throbbing and clenching, and by God, the fucking clenching — you were gripping her cock in a way that felt delicious and so par with her possessiveness — the entirety of you, soul and body, are no one’s but hers. It was a feeling that Sam would never get tired of. 
You’re now fully sinked into Sam’s entire length, eyes getting teary in pleasure.
“You can move now,” 
Sam presses a kiss on your cheek and doesn’t waste a minute to move; Both weights being unminded given the position, the bed creaks louder than ever as you ride her. Your pussy is sopping, feeling soaked as a waterfall. In comparison to your throat, it feels dry with all the screaming you’ve done for Sam, already anticipating that you'll sound hoarse later. Maybe you won’t even have a voice to speak at all.
For a split second you think about the complaints you'd get the next day.
But being sunk deep in your girlfriend's cock, the thought vanishes quickly and you’re filled with so much desperation, hips rolling along with Sam's movements — so fucking close. The burning feeling of the cock against your walls soon dissipated, evident with the faster pace, the skin to skin slapping vibrates throughout the bedroom, your sheets are definitely mixed with wetness and stickiness.
One of Sam's hands was steadying you by holding on your soft and plush sides, the other kneading roughly on your tits. When you look at Sam, you see her eyes moving down and up in appreciation, drinking in your sight. you only moan louder as the sensations in tandem were driving you dripping and insane.
"Gonna fill you to the brim and paint your walls white," Sam’s promise vibrates delectably against your neck, the skin to skin slapping resonates louder than ever and she was pulling half and pushing in the whole of her cock in a rigorous motion. You feel helpless and reduced to a piece of dumb moanings.
"Look at you now, baby. fuck I’m gonna breed you. Not a single drop is going to drip out of this pretty pussy. I bet you'll like that, huh?"
"Y-yes, yes, yes!" 
"With the sounds you're making alone, shit, ‘m gonna cum. You're driving me mad, baby,"
Sam’s fingertips were hard and rough in circle motions against your engorged clit. It was enough to drive you to be equally mad as her, you already know that you’ll be driven over the edge. She indeed filled you to the brim, your pussy welcoming all of her now. The knot in your lower stomach finally untangles – which was much deserved – you had cum hard with Sam’s relentless thrusts, and the relief immediately washed over your body. Now you're heaving on your girlfriend’s shoulder, trying to catch your breath, yet she hasn't stopped her actions still. With a few more thrusts and grunts, you feel your girlfriend finally shoot ropes of warm cum inside of you.
"Don't move just yet." Sam moans against your neck, but it's more of a command. you still feel your pussy pulsating like crazy from your high, thinking that Sam is only doing it to ride it out, squeezing all of the cum that both of you have to release. To your surprise, she only picked up the pace and started to thrust her cock onto your pussy once again. 
"F-fuck, fuck, Sam! I'm still sensitive!" You try to slightly push her away by the shoulder.
Sam won't budge, knowing you'd say your safe word if it were the case.
"Shh. I know you can do more, princess,”
Your eyes were screwed shut and your neck thrown back, lost and savoring the pleasure. You feel how Sam's completely using your body for her pleasure, as she pulls almost her entire length out, tip of her cock still in, only to sink all of her suddenly in a fast manner. Your pussy walls were clenching, afraid that you’ll actually grow another type of heartbeat, as the pressure flows deliciously into you. You seep more wetness in the process. With Sam’s unforgiving pace, you can’t even say that you didn’t like that, being responsible for such insane fueled lust, so you let her.
The cum inside of you from earlier was getting messy as it was starting to leak along with the damp of your wetness in the sheets. If Sam's goal was to actually break the bed, you fear that it'll come to fruition as your girlfriend only continues to move her cock in and out rougher and faster than ever.
"These fucking pretty tits… all for me," Sam says in stupor, licking her lips at your sweaty and red figure. She lets her thumb and forefinger roll and tug on your nipple, then meets your mouth open in pleasure to swallow all of your moans.
Your grip on her moves to her tangled hair, barely tied now, tightened and tugging on her scalp to her pleasure. Sam grunts as she meets your hips rolling, now messy and slowly becoming uncoordinated, and gives a final few thrusts. Soon again, a relief washes over you so soon and you feel so full and insanely warm — Sam had just cummed for the second time inside of you and you just released your high as well.
"I told you," Sam huffed out, lips smirking as she looked up at you. "That I was gonna fill you up like crazy. What do you say about me marking you more, with a heart beside my first name letter this time?"
The feeling of the dagger both it’s sharpness and how she plowed it inside of you flashed quickly and familiar, the sensation still fresh. Your pussy throbs at the thought.
"You're insatiable." Sam chuckles at your words, combing your sweaty mess of hair as you whine half-heartedly at the equally messy appearance of your girlfriend’s suggestion. "And so cheesy. Like, a heart? Seriously?"
Although Sam wasn't affected at the jab in the slightest. She raises an eyebrow instead.
She cups your ass closer to her pelvis, as if there remains to be a distance between the two of you. Your cunt couldn’t help it but pathetically clench around her.
"Says the one who won't get off my cock still." Sam cockily retorts at you as she feels you adjust.
You remain in that same position until Sam notices that you're startled as she brushed her thumb against the fresh S wound. 
She exhales and affectionately pats your plush thigh, "Let's get up before another round, princess. We have to clean that mark up, just in case."
You tighten the grip of your thighs now wrapped around her sweaty lower back refusing to get up.
"Don't wanna. I'm comfy in here." 
You make it a point by keeping yourself snug as she's still inside of you and you clench your walls once again on her cock. Every time you do the action, the mixed fluid inside of you gushes even more, making a squelching sound and you drip a little more not only at the sheets, but as well as Sam’s thighs. Sam moans at this, her neck arched as she reels onto the feeling.
"C'mon you little tease. Say, I'll lift you through it?"
You look at her eyes seriously, "you'll stay inside?"
"Yes, doofus."
From a distance, you hear the television. 
Man, 48, was found dead and stabbed twenty-six times, suspect remains unconfirmed but suggests the Ghostface’s brutal pattern….
“I guess no work for me tomorrow…?”
“And more time for me to ruin you. It’s totally a win-win.”
Sam laughs heartily at your joke and you find yourself joining along with her. You pay no mind, letting your girlfriend scoop you with ease as you make your way towards the sink and she takes care of you. It was safe to say it wouldn't be the last time that they'll be playing with the knife. 
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(please practice safe-sex!)
do not repost/translate on other sites. © wandagcre
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 2 months
The Naughty Nanny FINAL Chapter 8
Summary:  Bucky had a lovechild from a one night stand.  He barely even remembered it, and was surprised to find a baby on his doorstep 9 months later.  But one look at that little girl and he knew she was his and that he’d die for her.  The only problem was, he knew nothing about babies, and being an Avenger meant he couldn’t just drop everything and be a dad full time.  Then he found the perfect nanny…or so he thought.
**In this universe Steve never left, Tony never died.** **curvy reader** Warnings: talk of sexual harassment, unwanted/non-consensual touching/sexual assault, eventual smut
Previous chapter
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A few days later was Winnie’s first birthday, and Bucky’s 107th birthday.  He didn’t like to be reminded of how old he really was, so he focused solely on Winnie and making sure she had a good day, even though she would not remember it as she got older.  All the Avengers that were available were invited to Bucky’s apartment for a family dinner and celebration.  Everyone brought way too extravagant gifts for a one year old, Bucky bristling at Tony’s gift of a Redwing 2 that he named Sammy for her to electronically control, Sam laughing uncontrollably at it.  After a long night of passing her around and letting her eat cake and ice cream she was exhausted and everyone said their goodbyes.
Winnie fell asleep quickly and Y/N walked back out to the front room to find Bucky stacking her gifts into a corner.  “I have no idea what to do with all this,” he groaned.
Y/N laughed.  “Neither do I.”  She skipped over to the fridge and opened it, her arm digging deep inside and pulling out a small box.  Bucky watched her warily as she walked over to him, holding it carefully.  “I know you said no gifts, but, happy birthday, Buck,” she said and handed it to him.
Bucky narrowed his eyes at her and she chuckled.  He opened the box to find three small petit four mousse cakes from the bakery he loved downtown.  He smiled widely.  “And how exactly did you know this was my favorite?”
“I have my ways,” Y/N smiled back at him.  
Bucky pulled her in for a hug.  “Thank you,” he said quietly, kissing her hair.  She hugged him back with a squeeze, nuzzling her face into his chest.  “Have you had one of these?” he asked suddenly.
“No, actually,” Y/N said, pulling away slightly and looking at the cakes.
“Do you wanna try one?” he asked and led her back over to the kitchen.  He grabbed one and set the small tray down back inside the fridge before turning to her and holding the cake up to her.
“Sure, I love mousse,” she said.  She reached a hand out to take the cake from him but he pulled his hand away.  Y/N looked at him confusedly until she saw Bucky’s smirk and she rolled her eyes.  “Seriously?  You wanna feed me?”
Bucky nodded, his smirk only deepening, a dark look in his eyes.  Y/N sat still for a moment, giving him a playful glare.  They hadn’t done anything more than some making out since the night they came back from the club, getting wrapped up with birthday planning and taking care of Winnie, and the sexual tension was becoming unbearable.  Bucky stepped closer to her, holding out the cake that was starting to melt between his fingers.  “Come on, honey, it’s my birthday.  Be a good girl and open up,” he said lowly, his eyes piercing.
Y/N’s eyes widened at that and she seemed to drop her mouth open without a second thought.  Bucky put the cake in her mouth and she closed her lips around his fingers.  She licked off the remnants of the cake that had started melting and then chewed the cake, her eyes fluttering at the taste, a soft moan coming from her throat.  Bucky watched her intently and brought his fingers up to his mouth to lick off whatever she didn’t get.  When she finished and swallowed she smirked back at him.  “Delicious,” she replied, licking her lips.
Bucky surged forward and kissed her.  The kiss was all tongue and teeth, panted breaths exchanged between them as they gripped at each other, hands pawing at each other’s clothes.  Bucky hefted her onto the island counter, stepping between her opened legs and deftly removing her shirt and bra, then pulling her underwear and pants down and throwing them off to a corner of the kitchen.  She gasped at the cold marble against her ass and thighs.  His shirt went next as his pants and underwear fell to the floor and he stepped out of them, his lips barely leaving her mouth.  
“Been wanting you since the day I saw you,” Bucky mumbled against her lips.  He pulled her to the edge of the counter and spread her legs wide.  His fingers swiped through her lower lips and he groaned when he found her already wet, her pussy looking like it was puckering, just aching to have him fill her.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” Y/N moaned as he flicked at her clit with his metal thumb, the cool of the Vibranium making her shake beneath him.  
“Walking around here in those little shorts at night, with that ass peeking out at me,” Bucky said, then he smacked her ass, pulling another gasp from her.  “Dancing on me…that show at the club…with the hearts on these perfect tits,” he drawled as he massaged her breasts, tweaking her nipples with his fingers then leaning down to suck at one.  Y/N moaned again as his cock slotted between her thighs when he leaned in, the head of it running along her slit and rubbing against her clit.  “Driving me insane,” he growled into her chest.
“Says the hottest man alive with ocean blue eyes,” Y/N giggled.  
Bucky looked up at her, an amused smile pulling at his lips.  “Hottest man alive, huh?”
Y/N shrugged, a look of mirth on her face.  “Consider me your birthday present, sweetheart.  I’m all yours.  I’ll do whatever you want,” she sat up, pulling his head back up and kissing everywhere on his face but his lips.  “But if you don’t get inside me soon, I think I might just go insane.”
Bucky’s eyes rolled back in his head and he reached down to pump himself a few times before lining up with her entrance.  “Yes ma’am,” he whispered, before pushing forward into her.  Y/N’s legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him in as he inched forward, a deep groan coming from her chest.  Bucky gasped as it felt like her pussy was swallowing him, fluttering around him as he filled and stretched her.  “God fucking dammit,” he grunted.  
Y/N laid back against the counter, the perpendicular angle helping him be fully seated inside her.  When he couldn’t go any further she let out a long stream of air.  “Oh my god, Bucky,” she breathed.  “Fuck me…fuck me so hard I can’t think.”
Bucky couldn’t find the words to answer her, his mind giving into the immense pleasure he was feeling.  He nodded as he lifted her legs over his arms and pulled back then snapped his hips back into her.  She squealed at the rough snap, her fingers gripping the edge of the counter.  He smiled darkly at her.  “You shouldn’t have said that, honey,” he said, his voice sounding deeper than usual.  He grabbed her hips and started pummeling his hips into her.
Y/N wasn’t ready as she gasped and shrieked.  Her legs started to tremble as he lifted them up to his shoulders.  She was writhing under him, her hands grasping his arms, the counter, touching her breasts.  She was already so close to cumming, and her hand traveled down her body to flick at her clit.
Bucky smacked her hand away.  “Not yet,” he said.  He leaned forward, the angle changing just enough to make her squeal again as he reached a special spot inside her.  “There you are,” he smiled.  His hands then moved so his metal fingers were at her clit and his flesh hand skimmed up to her throat.  His metal fingers rubbed and flicked quickly at her clit, making her hips buck against him violently, as his flesh hand wrapped around her throat.  He squeezed very lightly, only making her noises slightly change to more breathy, airy sounds as she moaned.  His fingers then began flicking at her clit with an inhuman speed and her breaths became shorter, her hands gripping at each of his wrists.  “Cum for me,” Bucky commanded, his flesh hand squeezing harder around her throat as his own orgasm flitted at the edge of his brain.  “I want all of it, honey.  Cum now!”
Y/N’s body tensed as her hips shook.  She had never cum so hard before, her eyes rolling and her vision going white as her hands became like an iron grip on his wrists.  She gushed around him, her pussy squeezing him into oblivion.  Bucky shouted as he came, rutting into her as he emptied himself deep into her, her pussy walls pulsing and milking all that she could out of him.  He continued pushing his cum deep inside her, not wanting her to lose a single drop of him.  
As their breathing evened out Bucky’s knees shook.  “Fuck, got me feeling weak, honey,” he breathed.  He pulled her up and carried her against him to the couch where he plopped down on top of her, keeping himself inside of her as best as he could.  Even when he started to soften and slip out he pushed himself back in.  
“Your old man knees giving out?” Y/N asked, huffing a laugh.
“You wish,” Bucky smiled, smacking her ass.  She yelped, then moaned as he thrust into her.  “Give me a few minutes and I’ll make it so you can’t walk tomorrow.”
Y/N looked surprised at first, then narrowed her eyes at him.  “You’re gonna have me dripping you for days, aren’t you?”
“For as long as I can,” Bucky moaned into her neck.  “We can practice making Winnie a sibling.”
“Not now!” she sputtered at his audacity, laughing as she ran her fingers through his hair.  “Someday,” she sighed wistfully.  
Bucky smiled at her promise of someday and building a family with him.  “Someday,” he promised.
@angelbabyyy99 @capswife @julvrs @bellabarnes1378 @mostlymarvelgirl @mega-kittyglitter-1 @buckitostan @drdbnkl2008 @wintrsoldrluvr @danzer8705
I'm glad y'all liked this one! It was a lot of fun to write. Thank you for the likes, reblogs, comments and follows. Y'all are wonderful and I love you. :) If you have any requests or ideas you'd like me to try, let me know.
**I'm sorry about being so lazy with the taglist! I just updated all the parts of the story with the tagged people.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 4 months
If Vaggie and Charlie had to do something and left Lucifer to babysit, how would the average outing between Lucifer and Sammy go?
Hi, lulus-rubber-duck!
Get ready for the most wholesome grandpa - grandson date of all time!
Apple Seed 20: Mamas Need Sleep
Charlie: Alright, Dad, are you sure you're okay with watching Sammy for the weekend while Vaggie and I go down to Sloth for a little break? *glances at Vaggie inch-worming her way to the door*
Lucifer: *proudly puffs out his chest as he holds Sammy on his hip* Not to worry, Charlie! Your old man's got it all under control! *pulls Charlie's undone bowtie out of her mouth to save it from the goat-like wrath of becoming food and ushers Charlie and Vaggie out* Don't you girls worry about a thing. Sammy and I will be just fine.
Charlie & Vaggie: *give zombified grunts and groans as responses while heaving themselves into the limo with Razzle at the wheel*
Lucifer: *watches as the limo pulls away before turning back into the hotel and strolling leisurely up to his room with Sammy still on his hip and whistling a little tune that morphs into a lip trumpet and vocable singing*
Sammy: *giggles and squeals as Lucifer flies him up to grandpa's room and set down on the bed*
Lucifer: Sammy, my boy! Papa's about to teach you all about.... *roots around in his closet and pulls out a little baby suit that's identical to his but has a little duck around the hat and stitched on the breast pocket* FASHION!!!!
Sammy: *coos and reaches out for the suit jacket with a smile*
Lucifer: And then! ICE CREAM!!!!
Sammy: *squeals in delight*
-Later That Night-
Charlie: *rolls over in a super plush and comfy bed in a hotel suite in Sloth, the scent of aromatherapy whisps through the air as gentle music plays in the background, and grabs her phone* Should probably check on Dad......
Vaggie: Babe... sleep...
Charlie: Know.... Know.... but baby check in....
*opens her messages and gets bombarded with picture after picture of Sammy wearing a little suit, ice cream smeared all over his face, playing with ducklings in the pond, flying around while laying on Lucifer's belly, covered in marker scribbles with "Luv U Mamas" written across his forehead, and him sitting in a bathtub with a giant inflatable rubber duckie with Lucifer wearing swim trunks and sitting with him*
Vaggie: Babe.... you good?
Charlie: *teary eyed* My baby~
Vaggie: *leans over to look at Charlie's phone and tears up* Our baby~
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holylulusworld · 13 days
Designed by pain (15) FIN
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Summary: Broken hearts are hard to put back together. 8 years ago, Dean lost something he didn’t even know he had in the first place. Will he get a second chance?
Pairing: former AU!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, post break up, daddy Dean, fluff, new beginnings, hopeful ending
A/N: This was an alternative idea for the first chapter of my Bucky story: Monster-in-law masterlist. I decided to use it for a story with Dean.
Designed by pain masterlist
Designed by pain (14)
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“So, uh—how did your interview go?” Dean watches you walk back inside his home. While you had a meeting with Bobby, he was babysitting your son. “Y/N. What did Bobby say?”
“Bobby said that I could start next week. I told him that I’d need a few more days to talk to organize everything. I need to sell my house and get my shit over here,” you grumble. “Bobby offered to help me with everything. He’s got a dude for everything.”
“A dude?” Dean snorts.
“His words, not mine, Winchester,” you stick your tongue out. “So, you offered your help. I’d like to go house hunting next week.”
“Oh—sure,” he nervously plays with his phone. He points at your son, shushing you when you sit down on the couch. Michael is sleeping on Dean’s couch, cuddling his favorite plushie, and you smile. “I can ask Sammy to check on the legal stuff.”
Dean is squirming in his seat, nervously glancing at Michael sleeping soundly on his couch. “Why are you so nervous?” You watch him place his phone on the coffee table. “Dean, what did you do?”
“I did nothing,” he raises his hands. “I swear it was all his idea. That’s not my fault at all, sweetheart. Michael decided that he wants to live here with us from now on.”
“Enlighten me, Dean, lying bitch Winchester. How did my son get the idea that I’ll allow him to live here with you?” You put your hands on your hips and glare at Dean. “I’m waiting, Dean.”
“He doesn’t want to live here with me,” Dean grins now. “He wants to leave here with us. Mommy and Daddy.” That bastard dares to wink at you. You harrumph. How dare he put ideas in Michael’s head. “What do you say? Do you want the left or the right side of the bed?”
Dean enjoys the struggle on your face. You don’t know if you want to laugh about his cockiness or strangle him. Maybe both. His cocky attitude and smirk got you weak in the knees in the past.
“DEAN WINCHESTER!” You hiss under your breath. “You can’t ask me that after everything happening over the last few days. What happened in the past can’t be undone. We cannot just start over, Dean.”
“Why not?” He questions. “You are here. My son is here. We are going to work together from now on. You got your revenge on my mother, and the ring looks good on your finger. If there was ever a moment screaming second chance, it’s this one.”
“That was cheesy, Dean,” you snort. “Only because I turned my back on Ketch, my job, and my life in London doesn’t mean that we are going to get back together. It’s not that easy.”
“Why not?” Dean says again. He slowly gets up from the couch to cup your face with both hands. “I still love you, Y/N. I never stopped loving you. And, if fate doesn’t want to fuck me over again, you love me too.”
“Mommy?” Michael stirs in his sleep. He slowly wakes up and rubs his face with his plushie. “I’m tired.”
“I’m here, baby boy,” you say, shaking your head at Dean before you take care of your son. He slowly gets up and lets you guide him toward the guestroom Dean offered to your son for the time being.
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“So—what do you say, Michael?” Dean pokes your son’s side, making Michael giggle. “Can I ask your mommy out?”
“Only if you get her ice cream too!” Your son exclaims. “Mommy said a perfect date ends with ice cream.” Your son whispers the last part, conspiring with his father. “Don’t tell her I told you so. She likes vanilla.”
“Vanilla,” Dean nods. “Noted.”
“BUT NO KISSING!” Your son suddenly says. “You can’t kiss my mommy. All her kisses are only for me.” Michael pouts. “That one guy asking her out tried to kiss her.”
Dean nods thoughtfully as his son tells him he kicked the poor man’s shin. You never heard of Steven again. He ran for the hills, never looking back.
Dean grins. “You protected your mommy from other men. Well done, son. But I can kiss your mommy, right?”
Michael nods while looking at the picture of you and Dean in the photo album he found on the coffee table. After you claimed his bedroom and told Dean to sleep on the couch, he was looking at old pictures last night.
“Hmm…” Michael wrinkles his forehead, thinking about Dean’s question. “Only if I can drive your Impala.”
“Bud, you’re too young to drive a car.”
“Not now,” your son grins. “When I get my driving license, you’ll give me your car.” He purses his lips and crosses his arms over his chest.
Dean gasps. His son is the devil in disguise. “You’re a hard negotiation partner.”
“Mommy or your car!” Michael grins. “You can have one kiss if I get your car!”
“You are selling your mommy for a car, Michael?” You lean in the door frame, giving your son a stern look. “This means no ice cream for you.”
“Aww…man. Now I won’t get ice cream,” your son sighs deeply. “It was worth a try.” He grins. “One day, I’ll get his car. Right, mommy?”
“Sure, baby boy.” You smirk at Dean. “Your daddy will give you his car because you allowed him one kiss.”
“Well, in that case,” Dean gets up from the couch to stalk toward you. “I’d better get that kiss and lots of ice cream.”
“I thought you loved pie,” you chuckle.
“I love you,” he replies.
Dean steps closer and closer to cup your face. He brushes his lips over yours, ready to claim your lips in a soft kiss.
“Eeek…” Your son scrunches up his nose. “No kissing before you bought mommy ice cream.”
Dean and you start laughing and hug each other. It’s the first time that you can forget about the past and think about the future.
The End...
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pagannatural · 7 months
-Scarecrow, the one where John calls and the Winchester brothers break up for like 24 hours, spend that entire time thinking and talking about each other
-lots to unpack :)
-Meg kinda looks like Dean. Short light hair, leather jacket, listening to rock music. To look more trustworthy for Sam?
-Sam and Dean both stare at their phones and consider calling each other like this is a rom com
-“you know my brother could give you this puppy dog look and you’d just buy right into it.” Dean says this while biting his lip wistfully. I love these moments where we see how Dean views Sam, his ridiculously adorable candy-sweet sunshine baby brother who could make anyone do anything (who could make him do anything).
-they’re on the phone catching up not 12 hours after their fight. Way to hold out boys
-I’m 99% sure Dean initiated this phone call because 1) he has something he needs to say and 2) Sam immediately accepts his attempt to make amends, so Dean reaching out first was enough for Sam. Seeing Dean’s name on his caller ID probably made him so excited he almost came
-Sam grins blushingly when Dean says “I don’t have my trusty sidekick geek boy to do all the research.” This is technically the first time in the episode Dean refers to Sam as his boy.
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Sam flirts with Dean, saying “if you’re hinting you need my help,”
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Dean tells him “you were right,” “you’ve always known what you want and you go after it. You stand up to dad, you always have,” and “I’m proud of you, Sammy.”
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This is everything Sam has always needed. Dean sees him for who he is, respects and admires him, is proud of him, and won’t cut him off or ice him out for choosing to live his own life. But when Sam tells Meg that Dean said goodbye, he’s holding back tears of grief or regret.
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This is what makes Sam realize that what he really needs is not to live his own life- it’s Dean.
-Sam tries calling Dean for three hours. Has Dean never gone three hours without calling Sam back?? Sam’s reaction is grand theft auto
-they cut to Emily raising her eyebrow when Dean says “that’s my boy” regarding Sam stealing the car to get to him. Girl is tied to a tree to be sacrificed to a scarecrow that’s actually a pagan god and she’s like Damn these brothers are weird.
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-Dean, teasing: “hold me Sam”
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His smile lingers the whole time he watches Dean get into the car. Just kiss.
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literallylexa · 2 months
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Dean! Masturbating, Death, Storyline
Dr. Monster
Saving people, hunting things, it’s the family business. During one of Sam and Dean’s hunts, they come across a small town in Oregon. “Strange” non-violent encounters happen is this town frequently, until a person is murdered. What next evil treat are the Winchesters going to battle now?
“Chapter One: “Monster Town”
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Another day. Saving people, hunting things, it’s the family business for the two hunters Sam and Dean Winchester. Sometimes the boys have a break for a couple days to a week, but that’s if they’re lucky. Most of the time the end of the world has suddenly fallen upon them, but the boys admit to getting theirselves into these situations too.
“So,” Sam begins, taking a long sip of his morning iced vanilla oatmilk shaken expresso, shaking it slightly to mix the drink back together. Dean groans. Sam looks over at him with an eyebrow raised, “In a town in Oregon, lots of people have seen strange encounters.” Sam reads, “However there are no missing persons or murders. Until just recently. A girl was found dead. Heart ripped out…Could be a werwolf.” Sam looks over to Dean in confirmation.
Dean sighs and rolls over in bed, clearly feeling tired from the long drive last night. “Another case? We just finished one.” Dean whines, covering his eyes from the rays of sunshine coming in through the small holes on the dusty motel curtain.
“Just listen. So people have been seeing weird things at night. Like for example this guy wrote that he came out of a bar, and saw a full size-standing up and everything-dog eating a cheeseburger.”
“Must have been a damn good burger.” Dean mumbles, slightly peaking interest. “What’s in that burger?”
Sam laughs, “They do have one of the best burgers on record in the area.”
“Perfect. We can eat a cheeseburger while ganking a werwolf….okay yeah let’s go.” Dean immediately starts packing his things excitingly.
The boys arrive in the late evening. “Let’s get some burgers.” Dean drives into the parking spot at the diner. “Mountain Diner.” Sam reads aloud. The town was set next to the mountains, already high in elevation. Snow tipped mountains can be spotted in the distance, along with the forrest that surrounds the town. It was a breath of fresh air, something that the city could never provide. Sam and Dean always enjoyed spots like this, calm, quiet, away from the city and everything that comes with it. However, they still have a worry about what comes out of the woods at night. As long as Baby is with them, they’re safe.
The diner smelt like beer and grilled food, almost making Dean’s mouth water from the aroma. Dean skips to the bar, with Sam trailing behind. Sam liked to see Dean this happy, after everything that’s happened, after everyone they’ve lost. Sam’s mind sometimes travels to what if they weren’t hunters anymore, what if they could stay in one town and life our their lives there. Before he thinks too much, he always snaps his head back to reality, and forces a smile.
Around 9pm the diner begins to get full. People coming in large groups ordering shots and getting drunk. Lights turn low and the music genre changes. “Guess this is the bar too.” Dean laughs, “I’m already loving this town.” Sam chuckles. “One drink won’t hurt.”
“What? Sammy wants to drink?” Dean is flabbergasted. Sam never drinks while on a case. Maybe a beer with some food but never hard liquor.
“I think it’s good to have a break every now and ya know, we can’t save the world all the time.” Sam says. Sam has been reminiscing about the past. What life was for the short period of time when he was in collage, with Jess. He’s been longing to be that happy again.
“Cheers to that.” Dean smiles, handing Sam a shot. He thinks about Lisa for a short moment before quickly downing 3 shots back to back. The liquor burned down his throat.
As the night ends, Sam and Dean decide it’s time to turn in. They will work tomorrow, finding out who’s the werwolf. As the boys are heading to Baby, a loud scream rips through the air. Even with the boys being a little drunk, they immediately snap out of it and run over to the sound, guns in hand. There lies a women on the floor with a bite mark on her neck.
“Vamps.” Sam grinds his teeth.
“thought you said it was a werwolf?” Dean raises an eyebrow.
“Not anymore.”
“Fucking vampires!” Dean throws his duffle bag onto the old motel bed. The aesthetic of this motel was actually very nice compared to previous ones. Walls were wooden, almost rustic looking. Plaid curtains cover the large window facing the woods. As they walked through the motel room, the wooden floor creaks below them.
“Yeah, tell me about it.” Sam sighs, running his large hand through his soft conditioned hair. He looks through their weapons bag. Dead man’s blood, syringes, machetes, silver bullets, and silver weapons. Seems about right.
“So first a werwolf, now a vampire. What the fuck is going on?!” Dean exclaims.
Sam’s brows furrow together, creating wrinkles on his forehead. “Maybe we should talk to the locals, they’re the ones who are only seeing things at night. I mean…all the sudden two killings back to back? That makes no sense.” The Winchesters turn in for the night, a long day of head of them tomorrow.
The boys hit up the local diner to begin the morning. Seems like at all times of the day the diner was busy. “Welcome to the diner…looks like we have some new faces here. Is it your first time visiting?” The waitress asks. Dean smiles “Yes it is. We are actually just following up on a murder, happened last night.” Sam and Dean show their badges.
“Wow the FBI is here for that? I’m pretty sure the police have already taken care of it.” The waitress continues to smile. “We never have any kind of stuff like that happen here, must have been some kind of freak accident.”
“Not too sure about that since there has been two killings in the last couple days. The boss just wanted us to investigate due to the nature of this town, weird sightings and all.” Dean smiles back. “Have you seen anything yourself?”
The waitress holds her notebook to her chest, looking up at the ceiling deep in thought. “I guess now that I think of it I do remember this one encounter. It was just a couple days ago. I was walking home one night and I seen blood on the side of the road. There, I see a large, like really large dog, wolf type of thing laying there, blood all around it. Maybe got hit by a car. Could have sworn it said help me. Like a human. Actually no I’m certain it said it.”
“A large dog?” Sam questions, “Did it look like a human or like an animal?”
“An animal, obviously.” I ended up taking him to the local veterinarian. Uh… Dr. (Y/N) if I remember correctly.”
“Then what?” Dean asks intrigued.
“Don’t know, the Doctor took the dog back and helped it….listen there is a lot of weird stuff in this town. However nothings has ever hurt us. We kinda just turn a blind eye to this kind of stuff. Everyone takes care of each other here. Nobody would kill anyone. We’ve just had some back luck recently. Freak accident.” She tries to reassure the Winchesters.
“Don’t you find it weird that two of the stories we have are both of a dog or wolf, but yet it was a vamp who murdered that girl last night?” Sam asks.
“Supernatural hotspot?” Dean inquires.
The Winchesters arrive at the animal hospital. The parking lot and lobby is dead, not a car in sight besides Baby, and a ford bronco. “Must be the Dr’s car.” Dean says. A small bell rings when they enter the hospital. A sterile smell fills the air, tiles on the floor recently waxed and cleaned. Colorful pastel walls surround them. A door behind the reception area opens, revealing a woman. “Hello, how can I help you?” The woman asks. Her (long/stort) (h/c) hair frames her face perfectly, matching her beautiful (e/c) eyes, making eye contact with Dean first. Her eyes quickly move away.
She wore (f/c) scrubs that were a little tight exposing all of her curves. Dean almost let out an audible gasp, his palms being to get sweaty, his confident demeanor loosening from the godess in front of them. You must be Dr. (Y/N)?” Sam speaks up clearing his throat since Dean was wordless. It’s not often for a woman to get Dean worked up as he is right now, just talking to her. Her voice was like music to his ears. Sexy, sweet, calming. He could listen to her talk all day long about nothing. (Y/N) slightly smiles, her soft, glossed lips touching making Dean drool imagining what those lips could do to him. “Yes I am, how can I help you?” She asks again. Dean needs to snap out of it.
“Yes uh my partner here and I are part of a wildlife rehabilitation rescue program. We had heard of an injured animal?” Dean quickly responds. (Y/N) seemed shocked, however she quickly covers her expression and puts on a smile once again. “Ah yes uh, nothing too bad of an injury, just a little scratch. They are back into the wild now, all safe and healthy.” She says a little too quick as well, almost acting like she is hiding something.
“Good to hear it is doing better. Would you be able to describe the animal for us to we can put out a watch for it?” Sam asks pulling out his notepad to write it down.
“It was a wolf. Just a typical wolf you’ll see from out these woods. You guys aren’t around here I’m assuming?” (Y/N) tries to end of the conversation, nervously twirling her hair.
“Unfortunately not. Have there been any other hurt animals? Any cattle mutilations? Or anything like that?” Dean asks, savoring the look of her. His eyes darken as he looks up and down her frame, taking in the sight of this beautiful woman. He loves a woman in scrubs.
“Stuff like that doesn’t happen here.” (Y/N) says defensively. “Do you have anymore questions for me or can I get back to my job?”
“No Doctor, that is all we needed. Thank you.” Sam smiles and nods his head. Sam and Dean end out of the hospital, looking at each other with a raised eye brow. (Y/N) let’s out a deep sigh, watching the boys get into their car and drive off.
“Hunters.” (Y/N) sighs and locks the door, picking up her phone to make a call. The encounter today with the strange men made (Y/N) nervous. She knows all the fake badges, stories, false identities, as she’s ran into these type of people before. She can take care of this town by herself, she has a special kind of help.
“The doctor is definitely hiding something.” Dean states, leaning against Baby.
Sam does the same, looking deep into thought. “What do you think? Should we wait for her to leave and look around? Who knows when there is another attack.”
“That’s wait her out. Maybe follow her home and then check the hospital out as well.” Dean explains.
In the afternoon they see Dr. (Y/N) leave. She’s out of her scrubs now, in casual denim jeans and a tight long sleeve shirt. “Here, let me check out the hospital while you follow her. I’ll call if I see anything; same with you.” Sam says, getting out of Baby with a duffle bag. Dean agrees, promising to pick him up after. Dean follows her car, she leads him to the bar and grill that he went to the night prior the murder took place. Dean watches as (Y/N) gets greeted by fellow people in the bar. He decides to play it cool and slip into the bar and go on the end unnoticed. The bar tender shares a shot or two with (Y/N) and they cheer. Dean scans the room but as he looks back at the seat (Y/N) was in; she’s gone.
“Hey, you.” A gentle tap on Dean’s shoulder makes him shudder, hearing that damn voice. Dean looks behind him and it’s the doctor. Caught him. Dean decides to play it cool.
“Didn’t want to wear your scrubs to the bar?” Dean chuckles, secretly wishing that she was.
She takes a seat next to him and waves over the bar tender. “On me.” She winks, sliding him a shot over. Dean accepts, looking at her as he takes it.
“Where’s your partner?” She asks, looking around the bar for the other man.
“Past his bedtime.” Dean laughs to himself. It really was past Sam’s bedtime.
The two continue to talk for what seems like forever. Dean almost forgot that he was on a case until he gets a phone call. “Hang on.”
“How’s it going over there?” Dean asks Sam on the phone.
“I think there’s something here. You should come over and take a look. How’s it going over there?” Sam asks.
“Not really anything. No murders yet-“ Dean stops after he hears a scream. “Shit hold on-“ Dean ends the phone call. He runs out to the outside of the bar and sees a body on the floor as (Y/N) stands over it. Dean pulls out his gun and aims it; “Hands up!” Dean yells.
“Wait!” (Y/N) yells, putting her hands in front of her, “I know you’re a hunter! You need to help me!”
“With what?-“ Dean once again gets cut off by something tackling him, trying to pin him onto the floor.
“Wait!! Wait!” (Y/N) screams at the figure. Dean notices it’s a wolf. A full on wolf. Its breath smelt like iron while its teeth snarl at Dean. The wolf whimpers looking at (Y/N) and then running away into the tree line. Dean stands up going to shoot, but it’s already gone.
“Ok what the hell is going on??” Dean questions angrily.
“We need to talk in private. There can be ears.” (Y/N) hushes Dean. “Let’s drive to the hospital.”
Dean sends Sam a quick text after 10 missed calls and text messages explaining that him and (Y/N) are about to come to the hospital. They get there after short minutes, Sam standing outside trying to look busy. (Y/N) face palms; of course the other hunter is here.
They follow (Y/N) to the treatment area in the hospital, guns loaded and ready to shoot. “Mind explaining to us what is going on? Are you a hunter as well?” Sam asks.
(Y/N) laughs- “Hunter? No, no I’m not. I’m just trying to keep my life peaceful and cordial with monsters. They saved me once ya know? So I’m trying to help them out. But there’s been a change in the last week. All the sudden they are being aggressive; killing people.”
Sam and Dean are mindblow. “I’m sorry what are you some monster doctor?” Dean jokes, not being able to imagine a remotely good monster out there.
“What do you mean by there’s been a change?” Sam asks.
“Like the wolf today. He’s a lap dog really, couldn’t hurt a fly. But he just tried to kill somebody! Happened three times now; all supernatural deaths.”
“Could someone be controlling the monsters? Monsters attacking each other?” Sam asks.
“Who could do that?” (Y/N) worriedly asks.
The new found team decides to go back to the motel for the remainder of the night as it is already almost 4 A.M. (Y/N) takes one bed while Sam takes the other and Dean is on the couch. The couch faces away from the beds not being able to see on it. Dean struggles to fall asleep that night. He couldn’t stop thinking of (Y/N). The way that her clothes fit her body so perfectly, exposing every single curve on her. His sweatpants begin to tighten as his dick pulsates. Dean knows what he’s doing is wrong but he can’t help it- and hey maybe it will help him sleep too. He hears a small sleepy moan come from (Y/N), his heart races. He peaks his head over the couch, looking at the bed she is in. The sheets are halfway off the bed. She had stripped her jeans and was in just panties- naughty girl. It’s clear that her bra was also taken off. Dean makes out her nipples slightly hard underneath her tight shirt. He begins to palm his boner, eyes rolling back as he imagines it’s (Y/N) doing it. He can’t handle being confined anymore in his sweats; he takes off his sweats and underneath in one swift motion, just barely past his upper thigh. His dick pops up, feeling free. Dean moans in relief as he strokes himself faster. He cups his balls with one hand and massages them as precum begins to slick his slit getting close. He could imagine (Y/N) stroking it with her soft hands, going up and down. He could imagine her plump lips kissing his tip, and sliding his dick down her throat, choking on it. His toes begin to curl as he gets closer to his climax, his hand movements becoming sloppy. With one more pass over his tip, his cum shoots down onto himself, covering his hands and happy trail. Dean sighs in contentment- but ultimately goes to shame. He quickly runs to the bathroom and washes himself clean of his sin- returning to go back to bed.
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krethes · 1 year
Hi I've had extreme writer's block (fuck you, Prozac) but I ate half a pint of halo ice cream and wrote this almost-smutty Wolfstar short. It's the first thing I've completed in... about a month. Woof.
"Oh no you don't…" Remus groans as he's dragged back down to the couch by two firm arms around his waist. "I will literally die if I don't eat something, Padfoot!" Though his stomach is trying to eat itself, Remus can't punch enough anger or ire into his voice, not when Sirius nuzzles the back of his neck like that, not when he runs his hands up Remus's chest and to his shoulders.  "What do you mean?" Sirius asks, muffled into Remus's skin as he leaves hungry, biting kisses atop lurid bruises. "You've eaten plenty."  Remus rolls his eyes. "Arse and dick don't count." Sirius hums idly and sucks a hickey below Remus's ear. "No? What about come? Full of protein. Water…soluble. Practically health food." "Oh yes," Remus snorts, arching into Sirius's lazy but intentional palming over his not-soft cock. "New fad diet: semen smoothies." "Baby batter biscuits." "Come crumpets." "Spunk sammies." "Jizz Jaffa cakes." Sirius stills, stopping the mauling of Remus's shoulder with a suddenness that, with Sirius, could mean anything. "Too far, Moony. Jaffas are sacred." Remus barks a laugh and spins around with a fluidity he's surprised he has after their weekend of marathon shags. "You wouldn't know sacred if it crawled up your arse and sneezed." "Why don't you go check?" Sirius waggles his eyebrows, and damn him, it shouldn't be sexy, but Remus is helpless. Sirius grabs Remus's sore arse in his hands and squeezes, drinking down Remus's groan in a ravenous kiss.  Remus surfaces minutes later, panting, flushed, and hunger temporarily replaced by something stronger. "Okay, one more go and then I'm ordering takeaway and you're paying for whatever I want." Sirius laughs and guides Remus down to his waiting cock, meeting his body with a gratified groan. "Deal."
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abardnamedreginald · 3 months
im a wolf-demon-salamander-grey treefrog-katydid-cricket-luna moth-klingon-trad vampire-cat-romulan-harry potter wizard-gnome-drow-orc-wood elf-high elf-werewolf-twilight vampire-chihuahua-android-bard-druid-sorcerer-d&d wizard-lotr wizard-mind flayer-kraken-owlbear-genetically modified human-andes mint-harry potter merperson-h20 mermaid-great white shark-raven named nevermore-amontillado-sewer clown-animatronic-ink person-reality bender-ringwraith-chicken-fairy-telescreen-multibear-manic pixie dream girl-d class-horcrux-dragon-unicorn-pegasus-among us crewmate-among us imposter-game master-sharpie king size marker-dwarf-dragonborn-toothbrush-rock-paper-scissors-lizard-vulcan-politician-god-phone guy-icebreakers ice cubes pineapple-a doctor not a miracle worker-troll-ent-poodle-rabbit-Bear.-orange zombie-purple zombie-green zombie-professor plum-col. mustard-in the library-with a knife-hoola dancer-fish-villager-pelecan-defense against the dark arts professer-mafia boss-peep rabbit-peep chicken-gymnast-hairbrush-philosopher-music freak-school teacher-kidnapper-police lieutenant-farmer-trash can-dumpster out back-turtle-tribble-my little pony-kratt brother-high diver-pearl diver, dive, dive, deeper-chef-fire-earth-water-wind-wasp-bee-hornet-yellowjacket-mud dabber-grasshopper-rattlesnake-armadillo-cowboy-flashlight-starfleet science officer-harlet-elephant-gater-muppet-emo-goth-preppy-teabag-loser-sucker-mouse-rat-a puppet-a pauper-a pirate-a poet-a pawn-and a king-father albert-the pope-a nun-pastor jeff-gambler-metalhead-death rocker-the grim reaper-angel-lighthouse-paw patrol dog-hobbit-starfish-sponge-crab-squid-shrimp-jellyfish-chipmunk-hammerhead shark-nurse shark-humpback whale-blue whale-orca-sexual harrassment panda-south park character-jakoffasaurus-scrabble board-ouija board-pillow-toilet paper-period pad-tampon-baby diaper-elderly diaper-martian-touch tone telephone-starfleet operations-starfleet command-kirk-spock-bones-sulu-chekov-uhura-scotty-yeoman rand-KHAN!!!-mudd-the uss enterprise-the uss reliant-botany bay-v'ger-valeris-saavik-sybok-surak-sarek-the abbreviation 'idk'-sheldon-leonard-penny-howard-raj-amy-bernadette-mary cooper-george sr-george jr-missy cooper-meemaw-tam-dr sturgis-dr linkletter-dr jack bright-dr clef-dr gears-dr kondraki-dr mann-dr iceberg-dr crow-dr rights-dr sherman-scp 049-scp 3008-scp 4231-scp 166-scp 682-scp 2521-scp 590-O5 6-bill cipher-stanley pines-stanford pines-dipper-mabel-wendy-soos-schmebulok-gideon-mcgucket-dipper goes to taco bell-sheriff blubs-deputy durland-tad strange-andy taylor-william afton-michael afton-elizabeth afton-crying child-henry emily-charlotte emily-dave miller-jack kennedy-dee kennedy-peter kennedy-steven stevenson-aragorn-sam-frodo-merry-pippin-boromir-legolas-gimli-gandalf-faramir-denethor-sauron-elrond-thranduil-harry-hermione-ron-voldemort-pettigrew.-moony-padfoot-prongs-snape-edward-bella-alice!!-carlisle-charlie-cthulhu-greg heffley-pennywise-bendy-sammy-norman-jack-alice (susie)-allison-henry stien-joey drew-bruenor battlehammer-raskolnikov-heather-heather-heather-veronica-jd-kurt-ram-martha-kurt cobain-david bowie-freddie mercury-hozier-mitski-lemon demon-jack stauber-tally hall-hamilton-burr-jefferson-madison-washington-phillip-angelica-eliza-peggy-king george iii-king henry viii-ben franklin-catherine of aragon-anne boleyn-jane seymour-anne of cleves-katherine howard-catherine parr-dracula-𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂-evan hansen-conner murphey-john adams-raymond barron-fred randall-jane doe-ocean-noel-mischa-constance-ricky-karnak-vergil-alternate-thatcher davis-ruth-dave-cesar-mark-adam-sarah-jonah-evelyn-gabriel-trump-biden-sunny-basil-kel-aubrey-hero-mari-vanessa (the mean girl that kinda likes u)-tux the linux penguin-perry the platypus hybrid princess...dont fw me
45 notes · View notes
daisyrb-gvf · 6 months
Wet Ink and Burning Ice-DRW
d.r.w. x f!reader
Words: 9.7k
Okay, you guys. This is the reason I haven't posted chapter 4 of "Cruising Into Love." Ya girl got too feral and needed to let some stuff out....so here you go!
Summary: Your boyfriend Danny has been bulking up, and you have some new ideas for how to break in those new muscles.
Warnings: 18+ readers only!!!!
explicit sex, unprotected penetrative sex, oral sex (m and f receiving), fingering, arm riding(!), edging, orgasm denial, bondage, spanking, slight degradation, ice play, foul language, some cheesy love because I can't help myself, INSANELY HOT DANIEL WAGNER!!!! Let me know if I missed anything!
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“Alright, you two. I’m heading out,” Sam says to you and Danny, slapping his hands on his knees and pressing himself up off the oversized chair in yours and Danny’s living room. The credits from the movie you were all watching roll across the screen as Sammy slips on his Birks and heads toward the front door. 
“Bye, Sammy!” you say with a smile. 
“See you tomorrow, Sam,” Danny says, gently shifting you off of his chest and placing a pillow underneath you. 
“See you then, Daniel,” Sam calls out, closing the door behind him with a click, as your beautiful curly-headed boyfriend heads toward the kitchen. 
“Do you want another glass of wine, honey?” You hear him open the fridge and crack open a can of beer. 
“Yes, please! Thank you, baby!” you call out, sitting up on the couch. 
Danny rustles around in the pantry and pulls out an unopened bottle of wine. You and Sam had finished off the first one throughout the course of the evening, all of you laughing and enjoying another one of Sam’s amazing meals before settling down to watch a movie. You hear the cork pop off and the liquid pour into your glass before Danny makes his way back into the living room. 
“Here you go, sweetheart.” He hands you your glass with that heart-melting boyish smile that makes you weak in the knees. You wonder if you’ll ever get tired of that-if that feeling will ever fade? Definitely not you think to yourself as he leans in to kiss your forehead. No, after two years together, you still feel that same delicious heartache that you felt the moment you laid eyes on him. Gazing at him from across the bar, watching him laugh that goofy little laugh while he got drunk with his brothers, not a care in the world. His eyes met yours and locked in and that was that. Love at first sight, as cheesy as that sounds. Maybe it is, but you don’t care. You knew at that moment that he was the love of your life, and he knew it too. 
“What are you thinking about, angel?” Danny asks, sitting on the floor between your legs, his body halfway turned to face you, and his head resting against your knee. 
You caress his sweet face with your hand, tracing your forefinger along his perfectly chiseled jaw as he gazes up at you with an expression that can only be described as pure love. “The night we met,” you smile, leaning down to kiss him on his sharp, angled nose dusted with the most adorable freckles. 
He leans over and kisses your knee opposite the one he is resting on. “That was a good night,” he replies, gazing up at you again, gently stroking your calf with his free hand, the other still holding his beer. 
A laugh bubbles up out of your chest. Danny looks at you curiously, chuckling. “What’s so funny?” he smiles, sitting up straighter. 
“Just imagining how grossed out Sam would be if he were still here. You know he thinks we are the cheesiest, most nauseating couple on the planet,” you giggle again. 
Danny chuckles back, “In his defense, he’s probably right, but he’ll get it one day when he finds the right person.” 
“Oh I can’t wait to give him shit the day that happens,” you say with a smirk. 
“You and me both!” Danny laughs, leaning back again, his shoulder in between your legs leaning on the couch cushion. “You want to watch something else?” he asks, grabbing the remote off of the coffee table. 
“Yeah, sure! You pick.”
Danny scrolls through the list of movies on the screen, settling on one you’ve both seen a thousand times. 
“Caddyshack? Again?” you groan, tossing your head back and running your hand over your face. 
“Hey! You said I can pick!” he laughs, turning up the volume. 
You play with his soft, dark brown curls tickling your knee while you drink your wine, lovingly rolling your eyes at your boyfriend as he laughs at the same lines he’s heard thousands of times. You would be perfectly happy if you never watched this movie again, but you do love that goofy laugh, and the way his eyes crinkle when something really gets him belly laughing. You finish off your wine and hand the glass to him as he tips his can of beer back, swallowing the last few drops. He leans over to set the glass and can both on the coffee table, the muscles in his shoulders and arms more visible with his reach. The few glasses of wine you had already made you clench and shift slightly in your seat. Danny knows you get extra horny for him when you drink red wine, and you know that’s why he offered you another glass earlier. Not that you would have needed it. You’re fucking feral for this man stone-cold sober 24/7. He extends his arms above his head and then out to the sides, stretching with a yawn before leaning back to his previous position. Oh, for fucks sake. You’re already feeling flushed just from his stretch. You lazily run your finger across his shoulder and bicep, tracing the outline of each beautiful muscle. Ever since he started hanging out with Dave, Danny has started to bulk up. They’re “gym bros” now, as you love to call them, poking fun at your boyfriend. But you can’t deny, you are loving the results of the work he is putting in. You bite your lip, shifting in your seat again. 
“You doing okay up there?” Danny asks, turning his head slightly, but keeping his eyes on the screen. 
“Oh yeah. I am just fine,” you reply suggestively, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek as you slide your hand down the front of his white “The Thing With Feathers” band t-shirt. He cut the sleeves off the sides, exposing his arms, shoulders, and the sides of his torso. Everyone thinks he’s so sweet and humble, and yeah, sometimes he is, but he also loves to show off for all of his screaming fans, and for you, of course. You feel the ripples of his pecs and obliques under the soft touch of your fingertips and he shudders. Turning around, he looks up at you through his long, dark lashes, the sparkle of gold and green flecks in his eyes making your breath hitch. 
“Does my girl want to play?” he grins wickedly, licking his lips. 
“You know I do. And I know you do by how wine drunk you got me tonight,” you giggle. 
“What can I say? You just do it for me, baby,” he winks as you giggle again. “What are you thinking about?” 
“How I’m really glad you and Dave became friends,” you reply, your eyes exploring every inch of his upper body. 
“Interesting thought to get you all worked up, but I suppose he is pretty hot,” Danny smirks. 
God, that makes you want him even more. The way he can just openly talk about his guy friends being attractive with no weird stigma around it. He just calls it like he sees it, and he sees it for what it is: Dave Welsh is, in fact, pretty hot. 
“You’re definitely right about that,” you giggle as you lean in to kiss the shell of his ear, his head lolling off to the side, giving you better access. “But I’m referring to how bulked up you’ve gotten since you gym bros started hanging out.” Your voice is low and sultry in his ear and his eyes flutter in response. 
“Do you have to call us that?” he chuckles, his voice low and soft and his eyes still fluttering as you nip at his ear lobe. 
“What would you prefer I call you, hmm?” you ask, speaking barely above a whisper as you kiss his neck softly. 
“I don’t know…I think maybe ‘friends’ would suffice,” he chuckles, his breath hitching when you bite his neck, soothing it with a swipe of your tongue. 
You giggle and reply, “No…that just doesn’t fit quite right. See, you’re friends with Sammy and the twins, but you don’t have that special homoerotic ‘gym bro’ connection that you have with Dave. I’m sticking with gym bros.” You giggle and wrap your arms around him, feeling the strong, sinewy muscles across his chest and kissing his impossibly soft, freckle-dusted shoulder. 
“Homoerotic, huh?” he smirks, gently caressing his calloused hands over your arms. 
“Oh, yeah. Definitely,” You shift to the other side of his body, peppering kisses on his other shoulder. 
“And does my dirty girl like that? Thinking about her ‘homoerotic’ boyfriend and his ‘gym bro’ lifting weights, standing over each other to spot one another, our faces dangerously close to the others’ crotch?” he laughs. 
“You say that like a joke, but yes, in fact, your dirty girl does like that,” you giggle, running your hands down his abs before moving them back up and over his shoulders. “But right now all I can focus on are these shoulders and arms. Fuck, they are just doing something for me.” 
He chuckles, “You know you’re gonna give me a big head talking about my body so much.”
“Oh please,” you roll your eyes, pulling back to sit up straight on the edge of the couch. “You got a big head during your last tour when all of the girls started losing their damn minds over you and that hot body.” 
“Maybe so,” he smirks, “but you’re the only one who gets this ‘hot body.’ He turns around to kneel before you, running his hands slowly up your thighs. “So tell me, angel, what do you want to do to it? I’m all yours.” 
“Well, I…I have this idea,” you start as your face turns a deep shade of red. 
He looks at you concerned for a moment. “What is it, baby? You know you can tell me anything. You don’t need to be embarrassed with me.” He cups your cheek and you lean into his touch. 
“Um, it’s…well, it’s kinda different, I suppose,” you fidget with your hands. 
“Sweetheart, it’s me. You know I just want to make you feel good. I want to give you what you want, okay?” He leans in to kiss your forehead, his lips warm and soft. 
“Okay,” you start, your nerves relaxing a little, “well, you know how I love to ride your thighs, right?”
He flashes that beautiful bright white smile, “Oh, yeah I do.” 
“Do you think maybe…um, maybe I could…try to uh…ride y-your…arms?” 
He releases a sharp exhale from his nose, his body tensing, causing his muscles to flex oh so deliciously. Grabbing both sides of your face, he goes in for a deep, passionate kiss, groaning into your mouth. “I fucking love you, you know that baby?” he says as he pulls back, resting his forehead on yours. 
You’re so relieved by his response, your nervous tension immediately fades away as you drape your arms around his shoulders and pull him flush with your body. “So, is that a yes?” you giggle. 
“That’s a hell yes,” he replies with that ridiculously sexy smile, kissing you again. “I’m not completely sure how to go about it, but we will figure it out together, okay?” His eyes are so full of adoration, you wonder why you were nervous to ask him? Your heart feels like it could literally burst from how much you love this man. He pulls back from the kiss and you gaze at him, just taking in his beauty that you will never tire of. He allows this for a moment, gazing back at you and tucking a piece of hair behind your ear before he just can’t hold back anymore. He presses you back against the couch a little roughly and you bite your lip with a wicked grin, loving how eager he is for this. “You’re so fucking sexy, y/n,” he groans as he kisses and bites along your neck, licking a long strip from the base of your neck up to your ear. “Say it,” he commands. 
“I-I’m so fucking sexy,” you say, breathlessly, feeling a little silly, but already so lost in him that you don’t care. 
“Yeah, that’s my girl,” he whispers, biting your earlobe just enough to sting before gently sucking on it. You whimper at his praise and start to tug at his shirt, pulling it over his head haphazardly. Grasping his shoulders, you pull him in and kiss him deeply again, letting your hands roam all over his perfectly sculpted torso, arms, and shoulders. “Mmm you just can’t get enough can you?” He licks his bottom lip and flashes that devilish grin again. 
“You have no fucking idea, Daniel,” you moan, reaching for the fly of his pants, fumbling to undo the button and pull down the zipper. He groans when you slide your hand into his tight, skinny jeans, cupping him while sucking on his bottom lip. 
He grips your wrist and pulls your hand out, pinning it above your head. “Not yet. I’m going to take my time tonight. Make sure you get off on my arms, you filthy little slut.” You whimper and arch your back, begging for him to touch you, lick you, kiss you, bite you…anything. You just need to feel more of him. “Mmm nope. Not until you say it. What are you, y/n?” 
You turn bright red as your breathing intensifies further. “I-I’m a filthy little slut.” The way he talks to you when he gets like this sets your whole body on fire. It’s so unlike him to talk to you this way. In fact, he was uncomfortable with it at first when you told him you liked it. He didn’t like calling you names or doing anything other than adore and praise you, but once he saw how hard you got off from it, he was on board 100%. 
“Yes you are, angel. My filthy little slut.” He gives you a wet, messy kiss, so desperate to taste as much of you as possible, before moving down to lick and suck down your chest, biting your peaked nipples through your cropped tank top. You shove the straps down your arms, rolling down the top until your breasts pop out with a bounce. He looks so desperate to taste you as he dives in, biting, sucking, practically abusing your chest, leaving bite marks and hickies-marking his territory. He’s animalistic right now. Your hands grip his silky soft curls, tugging on them with each excruciating bite. Fuck, he makes the pain feel so good. Working his way down your stomach, he rips your shorts off of you roughly, exposing your completely soaked light pink cotton panties. 
Danny sighs and his eyes flutter for a moment, taking in the view. “Oh, baby…such a good fucking girl. So wet for me already.” He dives in, running his perfectly angled nose along your heat, his tongue following suit. You moan louder than expected, considering there is still fabric between you and his mouth. “Yeah? You like that, baby?” he goads, rubbing his thick middle finger in feather-light circles over your clit. 
“Yes, Danny,” you whimper, “Oh God yes,” you say louder as he increases the pressure. You thrust into his hand, but he pulls back and grips your hips, slamming you back down onto the couch cushions. Your brow furrows and you whimper pathetically, so desperate for his touch again. He leans in and bites the skin just below your belly button, causing you to cry out and wince. Yanking you by your arms back into an upright position, he stands and towers over you, gripping your chin and tugging it up so you can look him in the eyes. 
“You’re going to cum exactly four times tonight-no more, no less. Do you understand me?” He’s an angel straight from hell, bound and determined to drag you down with him, and you have absolutely no desire to fight against it. 
“Yes sir,” you reply shakily. He roughly glides his thumb across your bottom lip, dragging it down before sliding it into your mouth so far back that you gag. He grits his teeth at the sound, and you can see his cock twitch through his jeans. 
Danny moves to sit on the floor again between your legs, as you sit on the edge of the seat. Moving sideways, he positions his right shoulder in between your thighs, just inches away from your throbbing clit, practically pulsing through your panties. You sit still for a moment, waiting for direction, not sure what to do and a little nervous. 
“Well, come on, sweetheart. This is what you wanted, right? Do it,” he demands, looking up at you through his dark, long lashes, smirking and biting his lip. 
You slowly inch forward just a bit as Danny tenses and flexes his arm, glancing over and smirking. Such a show off. You take a deep, shaky breath, suddenly feeling embarrassed again. This is so weird, right? Wanting to ride your boyfriend’s arms?! He seems into it, but what if he gets freaked out? 
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“Angel,” his soft, kind voice pulls you out of your spiral. Reaching over with his left hand, he caresses your calf and looks up at you with those beautiful, sparkling hazel eyes filled with so much love . “Please don’t ever feel uncomfortable with me, okay? I love you. This isn’t weird if we don’t want it to be. Don’t think. Just feel,” he presses his shoulder in between your thighs, closing the gap. You gasp at the sensation, realizing just how badly you needed to feel any part of him between your legs. Gripping at his left arm that has moved up to your thigh, you slowly start to grind on him, right on top of his new tattoo, a symbol he created to represent the moon phase on the day he was born. It’s beautiful and unique and so…Danny. It feels incredibly intimate and almost forbidden to ride that particular part of his body. The sight of it causes your eyes to flutter as a moan escapes from your lips. Even through your panties, you can see his shoulder starting to dampen. His jaw drops as he takes in the scene before him, gripping and kneading your thigh. He fucking loves this. You roll your hips faster, your other hand gripping the silky soft curls on his head as you feel your orgasm start to build. 
“Oh my God,” you whisper in shock. “Already?” Your voice is so quiet you didn’t thank Danny could hear, but he did. 
“Oh, I knew it wouldn’t take long, sweetheart,” he smirks, looking up at you. “Come on, angel. I want to see you cum all over my shoulder. Right on this tattoo.” Glancing back down, his jaw drops again, a smile breaking through, so pleased and eager to see you fall apart around him. 
Loud whimpers and moans escape from you as your legs start to shake, just on the cusp of your orgasm. Danny moves his arm up further, digging his fingers into your hip, surely leaving bruises for you to blush at later. A reminder of this moment with him. He works your hip, urging you to roll your body faster onto him. You cry out his name, repeating it over and over mixed with a string of expletives as you fall apart around him, your nails digging into the sinewy muscle of his other arm, head falling back lazily as you come down, riding out the last few pulses of your orgasm. Leaning forward, you rest your cheek on top of his head, your breathing ragged. He runs his hand over your arm that’s resting on your knee, his right arm tracing an unknown pattern on your calf. 
“Fuck, baby. That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Why didn’t I think of this?” he chuckles. 
You giggle as your breathing starts to regulate. Sitting up, you caress his face as he looks up at you in adoration. “I’m just glad you didn’t think it was too weird.” 
“Y/n I would get much weirder than that for you,” he laughs, leaning his head against your knee. 
“Oh really? I’m going to hold you to that, Daniel.” You lean down to give him a chaste kiss. 
Pulling his arm away slowly, you get a clearer view of the mess you made on his tattoo. Seeing it glisten in the lamplight made you clench. Daniel Wagner is the only man who could make you this horny mere minutes after an orgasm. You’re dying for more already. 
He looks down to admire your work as well, in awe. “Wow. And with your panties still on? Baby, let’s see the mess you can make with them off.” He flashes that wicked grin again, turning to face you on his knees, and grasping your hips to lift you up off of the couch into a standing position in front of him. Glancing up at you through those dark, long lashes, he licks a stripe from the waistband of your panties up to your belly button, then moves to kiss and lick along your hips. You close your eyes with a soft sigh, relaxing into him, feeling him, committing every single movement of his mouth against your skin to memory, your hands roaming along his arms and shoulders again, your fingers lingering on his damp tattoo. Hooking his thumbs over the waistband of your panties, he begins to pull them down slowly, continuing to feast on every inch of you, but he stops just short of exposing you and turns you around somewhat aggressively. You gasp in shock. Thankfully, he kept a firm grip on your hips to keep you from falling. 
“Fuck, sweetheart, I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you,” he murmurs, almost like he is just talking to himself. You smile, turning your head to glance at him as you caress your hands over his, still resting on your hips. 
“That’s good because you’re stuck with me, Daniel Robert,” you reply with a wink. He glances up at you through his lashes again, but this time he has that adorable lovesick puppy expression plastered on his face. Your heart aches for him and you can’t decide what’s sexier: that look of adoration and longing, or that predatory look of hunger he switches to so quickly. 
He peppers the tenderest kisses along the small of your back, his arms dropping to caress your legs, causing goosebumps to prickle up in his wake. Switching from kisses to soft bites and licks, he then slides his big, warm hands up the sides of your thighs, hooking his fingers into the waistband of your panties again. His mouth follows the slow descent of your panties over your ass, devouring the plush skin. You feel his smooth cheek rub against the swell of your ass as he lets out a quiet groan. Switching sides, he repeats his actions on your other cheek before moving down to taste the backs of your thighs. 
Whimpering, you tip your head back and whisper, “Please, baby.” 
“Please what, angel?” he chuckles, pulling back to remove your panties from around your ankles. 
“Please, I need more. Can you give it to me? Give me more, please?” You are whimpery and pathetic, but you don’t care. All sense of pride is thrown out the window and you are putty in his hands. 
He groans and kneads his hands into the supple skin of your ass, just barely running his angular nose up your crack, ending with a kiss on the small of your back. You gasp and let out a shaky whimper as you clench. “Is my sweet girl already so eager to make a mess of my other arm?” he asks. God, how is his voice this fucking sexy? 
“Yes, baby, I need it. I need you. Please let me cum again, Daniel?” He loves it when you say his name while you beg. 
He sighs out a groan before smacking your ass and aggressively turns you around again, shoving you back down on the couch in a seated position. Sitting on his knees directly in front of the sofa, he extends his left forearm along the couch cushion with his palm up, and elbow bent a little wider than a 90 degree angle right next to where you are sitting. “Straddle my arm, y’n,” he commands. You obey and shift to the side, swinging your leg over his head with a giggle as you sit on his forearm. He tenses and flexes all the muscles in his arm to give you a show and create some friction in between your legs. “Scoot forward.” You wiggle your way toward him until your clit is pressed against his bicep, your ass all the way on the edge of the couch. The veins in his arm are popping out as he continues to flex and put on a show for you, and the feel of his forearm underneath you along with your aching clit up against bicep is so fucking delicous your eyes flutter in anticipation. Danny leans forward and grips the back of your neck with his free hand to pull you into a hot, messy, deep kiss. You moan and instinctively grind on him, but he quickly slaps your thigh, leaving behind a sharp sting. You hiss and whimper from the shock of it. He grips your throat, his thumb digging into your pulse point as he leans in, his nose barely brushing yours. “Wait,” he says barely above a whisper through gritted teeth. His dominance makes you clench and you know he felt it because of the wicked chuckle he let out afterward. Keeping his hand on your throat, he moves his thumb to your jaw, jerking your head to the side so he can bite and suck on your neck. You whimper in pain, but it feels so good. His arm underneath you starts to feel slippery and you clamp your eyes shut to focus on staying still as he moves down to aggressively devour your breasts, biting, sucking, licking all over your tits. His free hand moves down to grip your thigh, presumably to keep you steady so he doesn’t have to punish you again. Although he loves to be dominant for you, you know deep down he just craves being sweet to you. You smile for a moment thinking of how tender his action is, even if his fingers are digging so roughly into your thigh that you’re sure there will be bruises tomorrow. 
“Come on baby, please?” You whine again, this time your breathing heavy and ragged, choking back a sob. “You feel so good underneath me. Please let me do it? I promise I’ll make a mess just like you want me to. I’ve been so good, haven’t I?” 
“Fuck, baby yes. Ride me,” he groans, his jaw dropping again as he watches you immediately roll your hips on his arm at a quick pace, rubbing your clit against his flexing bicep. You dig your nails into his shoulders, feeling his muscles tense and flex with every roll of your hips as he holds himself steady for you. “Does that feel good, sweetheart? Riding my arm like the depraved little slut you are?” He licks his bottom lip and bites it, feigning a cool attitude, but you see him shift and grind his hips into the sofa. He’s aching for release too. How is he going to wait for two more orgasms? You pick up your pace, thinking about how badly he needs to cum right now, eager to get off so that you’re one step closer to getting him off. 
“Yes, Danny,” you moan, staring at his bicep as you grind on it, seeing your juices coat his skin and hearing how wet you are with each slippery roll of your hips against him. He starts to move his arm forward and back, creating more friction, and helping you chase your orgasm since your legs are already shaking. “Oh, God yes, yes yes…” you repeat over and over between whimpers and loud moans. 
“There it is, beautiful. Come on, just let it happen. I want to see my arm dripping wet by the time you’re done.” His eyes are hooded and his jaw is dropped again, taking in the sight of you, his fingers still dug deeply in your thigh. 
You beat your fist against his shoulder and throw your head back, going rigid as he continues to furiously move his arm beneath you. Your mouth opens in a silent moan, holding your breath until you reach your peak, coming down with a loud cry and whimper of Danny’s name as you flop backward onto the couch, sweaty and spent. 
“Oh, fuck,” Danny chuckles with wide eyes.
“What?” you reply, barely able to open your eyes. You twitch as he slowly slides his arm out from under you. It is completely drenched. You turn bright red at the sight of it, your eyes going wide. 
“You are a good girl, aren’t you? Doing exactly as you're told,” he leans forward to kiss you on the forehead. “Now taste it.” You blink your eyes at him confused for a moment, still trying to bring yourself back to reality. He swipes two fingers along his arm and brings them to your lips, dipping them into your mouth. “Tastes good, doesn’t it, baby?” He lifts his arm up to lick a long, langued stripe, keeping his eyes on you. Your jaw drops watching the scene. He’s so fucking sexy your head is reeling. “Come on, y/n. Lick it up.” You slowly bend down, and lick all the way from his forearm up to his bicep, tasting the salty sweetness you left behind. “Fuck,” he whispers under his breath, using his other hand to shift his painfully hard length aching to break free from those tight jeans. Kissing him deeply, you moan, tasting yourself on each others’ tongues. 
“Come on baby, please let me take care of that for you?” you beg, glancing down at his crotch. “I need it. Please, Danny?” Your whine is pathetic and you know that makes him crazy. 
He kisses you roughly, groaning into your mouth and gripping your hair before standing in front of you, your face eye level with his dick. His hands move to tenderly caress your shoulders as he gazes down at you, watching you practically pant in anticipation. 
“Well, go ahead, pretty girl. Take what you begged for,” he smirks, licking his bottom lip. God, you love it when he towers over you like this. 
Gripping the waistband of his already unbuttoned jeans, you haphazardly tug them down his legs. He kicks them off the rest of the way, helping you out. Wasting no time, you grip his length through his boxer briefs and lick from the base to the tip, dampening the fabric with your tongue. Tipping his head back slightly, he lets out a low groan, one hand resting on his stomach while the other lazily plays with your hair. He twitches when you suck on his tip, already able to taste the salty precum through the fabric. 
“Come on baby, give me more or you’ll pay for it later,” he says, already breathless. 
You pull back and start to kiss his hip bones and strong, slender thighs, licking a stripe up the inner part of his leg until you reach the hem of his underwear. 
“Oh, so my girl wants to be tortured a little tonight, does she? Okay, then. Guess we will find out later if you are going to regret this.” His voice is soft and smooth, but the threat behind it makes you shiver at his words. 
You continue your movements for a few more minutes, softly running your lips all over the skin around his underwear, but never getting near his throbbing length except for one little kitten lick over his tip. 
“That’s enough, y/n,” he growls, gripping your hair roughly and yanking your head back, causing you to yelp. “Take. Them. Off. Now.” he says through gritted teeth, his eyes dark and animalistic. 
Whimpering, you start to pull down his underwear, your hands shaking, not from fear but excitement. He’s about to get rough with you. As soon as they are off, he grips the base of his length and shoves it past your lips, hitting the back of your throat until you choke. He moans and purses his lips, nostrils flaring as he glares at you, pulling out and shoving himself into your mouth harder the second time. You cough around him and he pulls back out, giving you a moment. 
“Relax your throat, baby. I’m not going to stop,” he warns. You know that’s not actually true. With two taps of your hand on the back of his calf he would stop immediately and take care of you, but the threat of it has you wet all over again. You drop your jaw and open your throat and he thrusts back into you a bit further. This time you don’t choke, so he starts a steady rhythm, holding the back of your head, but releasing his grip. You hollow out your cheeks and suck hard, sliding your tongue along the underside of his shaft before pulling off with a pop sound. You move to take one of his balls in your mouth before he can push his way back into you. He groans as his other hand slides further down his stomach, the trail of hair beneath his belly button peeking through in between his fingers. Moving back to his dick, you add your hand, moving it in tandem with your mouth, adding a twisting motion as you swirl your tongue around the tip. He moans and tips his head back, gripping your hair as drool starts to drip out of your mouth and gather under your hand, warm and wet. After a minute or so, he grasps your wrist and rips your hand away, shoving himself deep into the back of your throat with his hand gripping the back of your head again. You choke and gag around him, but keep moving with him as he fucks your face furiously, drool dripping down your chin, tears leaking from your eyes, and snot starting to run out of your nose. You’re a fucking mess, and he loves it. Peering down at you, his eyes flutter and his jaw drops, his breathing loud and uneven in between loud moans and whimpers. 
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“Yeah, that’s it baby. Take it. I love the way it sounds when you choke on me like that,” he groans. You try to moan around him, but it’s impossible with how deeply he is fucking into the back of your throat. “You’re such a fucking mess right now. Such a good girl for me…” He trails off into more moans and whimpers for a few seconds before you feel his hips start to twitch and his rhythm falter. Thank God, you feel like you are going to pass out if he doesn’t finish soon. “Yeah, baby. Right there, oh fuck yes, right there.” The pitch of his voice gets higher with each phrase until he moans loudly and repeats your name over and over, holding himself steady in the back of your throat, the warm liquid spurting out as you feel him twitch inside of you. He chokes out one last moan as you swallow around him, slurping up every last drop when he slowly pulls out of your mouth. He pulls you close to him, his hand tangled in your hair still with a looser grip, your cheek resting on his hip bone as you move your hand up to run your fingers through the soft hair on his stomach, his skin just barely damp underneath your fingertips. 
“Oh, you did so good baby,” he praises as his breathing starts to stabilize. 
After a moment, he grins down at you and then swiftly picks you up and throws you over his shoulder, slapping your ass as he carries you down the hallway to your shared bedroom. You giggle and reach down to squeeze one of his buttcheeks that you lovingly make fun of all the time. He has the tiniest little butt, especially compared to the Kiszka twins. 
“Stop that,” he chuckles, slapping your ass again as he turns to enter your bedroom. You giggle when he throws you down on the bed. He hovers over you for a moment, swiping away the pieces of your hair that had dried and stuck to your face. He gazes at you for a moment. That heartbreaking look of love and adoration in his eyes courses through your veins and makes your breath hitch. After a minute or so, he sits up, straddling you as he takes both of your hands to move above your head. He attaches them to the velcro cuffs that have become a permanent addition to your headboard. You lift your head up and kiss his chest as he leans over, making sure the straps are secure. 
Moving back down, he tenderly kisses your forehead. “I’ll be right back, sweetheart.” He walks into the bathroom and you can hear the cabinet door open and the faucet run. He has a damp washrag in his hand as he approaches the bed, laying next to you. “Here, let’s get you cleaned up a bit.” His voice is so tender and soothing, matching the way he runs the rag over your face and chest, wiping off the dried tears, saliva, and snot. If it were anyone else you would feel embarrassed and gross, especially as he gently wipes around your nose, but…it’s Danny. “There, that’s better,” he says, running his eyes over you to make sure he didn’t miss anything. “You okay? Comfortable and everything?” he asks, setting the washrag on the nightstand. 
“Yes, baby.” Your heart is pounding as you smile up at him. Not from nervousness or excitement. No, this is from pure love. 
He sidles next to you, tracing his finger along your cheek and jaw, leaning in to give you the sweetest, softest kiss you could ever imagine. Moving his finger down to trace along the center of your chest down to your belly button, he leans in and whispers in your ear, “Are you ready for more?” 
“God, yes,” you breathe. You are so worked up from getting him off, and you are aching for more. Sweet Danny is tugging at your heartstrings, but you want dominant Danny back for just a little longer. 
He wraps his hand around your throat, pressing on your pulse point and traps you in a kiss that steals all of the breath from your lungs. You moan into his mouth, already clenching and squeezing your legs together. 
“Mmm my sweet girl is insatiable, isn’t she?” he chuckles against your lips. “So greedy,” he groans before capturing your bottom lip between his teeth, sucking away the sharp pain right afterward. 
“You are the one who told me I was going to cum four times tonight, remember? ‘No more, no less’?” you goad. 
Danny removes his hand from your throat and slides his thumb into your mouth, pressing down on your tongue. “From now on, this mouth is only going to be used to let me know how good I’m making you feel or,” he moves his lips to your ear and whispers, “how badly I’m torturing you. Understand?” You whimper and nod your head, unable to respond as his thumb is still pressed down in your mouth. He slides it out pulling down your bottom lip as he bites your earlobe, enough for it to sting and make you yelp. He pulls away and grabs the tank top that’s still bunched around your waist. “Let’s get this off.” He wiggles it down past your hips and over your legs, throwing it on the floor, leaving you completely naked and bound. “You are so fucking beautiful tied up like this for me. Just my little plaything, aren’t you?” He spreads your legs and kneels between them, smirking as he watches you squirm. “Answer me,” he commands in a stern tone. 
“Yes. Yes, Danny I’m your plaything. Please just do something? Please touch me?” you beg, clenching around nothing. 
“Pathetic little thing already this worked up? And after cumming twice already. Oh, what am I going to do with you?” His smile is so wicked, you know torture is coming your way. He makes his way back up to your face, his nose and lips mere centimeters away. You lean up to close the gap, but he grips your throat tightly and presses you down into the mattress. He chuckles evilly and leans down to tease his lips against yours, swiping his tongue across them before making his way down to your chest, releasing your throat. Soft curls tickle your skin as he leans in to taste you, but he never does. He hovers his lips so close to your body that you almost think you can feel it, but it’s just your brain tricking you. He hovers over your collarbone, neck, breast-spending extra time around your nipple. He even labors his breathing so you can’t feel the sensation of his hot breath on the sensitive buds aching to feel any part of him. Even just a brush of his stomach or something would ease the ache for a moment, but you feel nothing. You want so badly to arch up into his mouth, but you know if you do it will be so much worse. He repeats the action on your other breast and you whimper and jerk on the cuffs, begging him without words. He chuckles again and sticks his tongue out to lick your nipple, but it’s so soft and so fast you wouldn’t even be sure it happened if you weren’t looking. It’s even more infuriating than not having his mouth on you at all. 
“Please, Danny. Please,” you whine, pulsing and clenching around nothing again. 
“Keep begging, angel. I can do this all night.” He flicks his eyes up at you and grins as he moves down, continuing his movements all over your belly and hips. You do your best not to squirm, but when he hovers over your core you can’t help but roll your hips into his mouth. He immediately sits up and slaps the inside of your thigh. Hard. So hard you know you’ll see a handprint there in the morning. You cry out and whimper, your lip quivering from the sting and the denial of his lips on you where you need them most. 
“Oh, such a shame. You were so close to getting what you wanted, but you had to go and get impatient on me,” he mocks, standing up and walking out of the room. Where the fuck is he going? You know better than to ask, but you whine again and squeeze your legs together for just a tiny bit of relief. 
What is he doing?! You wonder after a few minutes of laying there naked, tied up, and alone. Wait..is he…laughing? He’s fucking laughing!
Danny is in the living room, checking his phone and laughing at a video that Sam sent to him as he leisurely drinks a beer. After about five minutes or so he moseys into the kitchen, gets a cup from the cabinet and fills it with ice cubes before heading back down the hall. His phone is still in hand as he rounds the corner and steps into the bedroom, eyes locked on the screen as he chuckles at something he is reading-completely unbothered. You look at him with the most pathetic, pouty expression, silently begging him to take mercy on you, but he won’t even look up. He just keeps on reading whatever is on that fucking phone of his. You’re almost on the verge of tears when he finally sets his phone down on the dresser and walks up to the foot of the bed, setting the glass of ice down on the floor next to him. 
“So, you think you’re ready to try again, y/n?” he asks, hands on his hips, looking down at you with that evil grin again. 
“Yes,” you breathe, doing your best to stay completely still. 
“Good girl.” He leans over to grab your hips and flips you over to your stomach. “Get on your knees.” 
You wiggle your way up to your knees as quickly as you can, staying completely still once you’re in position, your face against the mattress and your hands gripping the rail of the headboard that the cuffs are attached to. Danny pads over to the bedside table and pulls out the black, silk blindfold he keeps in the top drawer. “Turn your head,” he commands. You turn away from him, facing the other side of the room as he gently wraps the fabric around your eyes and secures it behind your head with a double knot. He makes his way back down to the foot of the bed and you hear him grab the cup of ice, the cubes too loud for him to be very secretive about what he’s going to do-hence, the blindfold. You shiver and tense, trying to prepare yourself for the icy chill that could start at any part of your body, but it’s not happening. It’s hard to gauge time in this predicament, but you know it’s been at least a couple of minutes. He’s really testing you tonight. Finally, you feel the ice press against the back of your thigh and you hiss and flinch from the sensation. He holds it in place long enough for it to melt a bit, causing a droplet of water to run down your leg and land at the back of your knee. Your head is reeling from how intense this feels. It’s overwhelming to the point that you don’t even know what your body is craving anymore. Suddenly, you feel the ice land in between your shoulder blades, another drop of water trailing toward your neck, quickly getting absorbed by the mess of hair around your shoulders. He moves to the side of your breast, another drop of water rolling down and dripping off of your nipple down onto the bed. You whimper again, unsure if you love or hate the sensation. He chuckles, then places a cube at the small of your back, dragging it down achingly slow in between your cheeks all the way until he reaches your clit. You cry out once he lands there, holding it in place. Your brain is scrambled, but you think this hurts. As soon as you register that it does, in fact, hurt, he pulls the ice away and replaces it with his mouth, wrapping his lips around your swollen clit and soothing it with his warm tongue. You choke out a sob, realizing just how badly your body was craving him. You had forgotten while you were so on edge, waiting for his next torturous move. He pulls back and you whine as you hear him pick up another ice cube. He doesn’t place it anywhere on your body, though. No, you feel it when his mouth envelopes your clit again. You scream and pull away, but he grips your hips hard, holding you onto him. The mixture of hot and cold against your most sensitive part is too much for you to handle, and you feel like you may pass out. Right when you think you can’t take it any longer, he drags the ice with his tongue back and up along your crack again, the opposite direction this time. Your legs are shaking and your arms are sore. Your entire body is screaming, begging for some relief. The silky smooth fabric against your eyes starts to dampen with your tears as Danny pulls away, soft sobs escaping from your lips. 
“Shhhh it’s okay baby,” he whispers, placing his large, warm hands around your hips, moving them up along your back and shoulders. “It’s okay, I’ve got you, sweetheart,” he assures again as he gently unties the blindfold and turns you back over. Your eyes try to adjust to the light for a moment before he captures your mouth in the most perfect, relieving kiss. His tongue is still cold from the ice, but it feels so good tangling with yours. “I love you, angel,” he whispers, pulling back to move down to your neck and chest, lovingly licking and kissing all over your skin that was actually physically aching for him. You sigh and whimper, more tears escaping your eyes, but this time from relief. Danny makes sure to take his time lovingly devouring your breasts. Sucking, licking, softly biting your nipples just how you like it. You try to take in the scene as long as you can, but it just feels too good. Your head falls back and your eyes close as he moves down, kissing along your belly and hips. 
“Oh, thank you baby,” you say with a sigh, so happy to finally be feeling his mouth all over you. You don’t think it’s ever felt this good before. 
“Don’t thank me yet, angel,” he chuckles as he moves down to kiss and lick along your inner thighs. “I’m not finished with you.” 
You whimper and your eyes flutter at the sound of his voice. So soft and velvety, not too deep, but with a deep timbre. The only sound more beautiful than his voice are the sounds he makes when he’s deep inside of you, your voices harmonizing together in a melody sweeter than any song he plays with Greta Van Fleet. You get to hear this private concert almost nightly (and sometimes daily), and you couldn’t feel luckier. 
Danny continues kissing, licking, sucking, biting all over your thighs and hips, torturing you like you did to him earlier, not putting his mouth where you need it the most. Your whines and whimpers release from you louder and more frequent the longer he keeps this up. Your arms are aching so badly from being tied up for so long and you feel like you are on the verge of tears again. 
“Baby, please. It hurts. Please just show me a little mercy?” you beg. And as much as Danny loves being in this zone, knowing how hard it makes you cum, he just can’t resist giving you what you want right now. He dives his tongue inside of you, groaning as he tastes how sweet you are, dragging your wetness up and over your clit, alternating between flicking his tongue and sucking on it so sweetly. “Oh, fuck! Shit, you do that so well, Danny. God, I need you. I need this forever. I need you forever.” He moans in appreciation, never faltering with his movements. Being the cheesy, sappy man he is, you know this urges him on more than anything else. He slides his two middle fingers inside of you, curling them, hitting that sweet spot just right as you tremble around him and cry out his name. “Yes, just like that, Danny. Just like that. Please don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop!” you beg, pathetically. His tongue on you and his fingers inside of you create the most delicious unholy sounds that send you over the edge. Your entire body goes rigid for a moment before your legs twitch and squeeze around his head. His fingers fuck into you hard and fast until you start to come down, softly whimpering and whispering his name. He smiles proudly as he crawls back up on top of you, his face almost dripping with your juices as he leans in to kiss you. 
“Taste how sweet you are, baby. I could just eat you all day and all night,” he whispers before kissing you again. 
He reaches up to release your wrists from the cuffs and you whimper with relief, immediately wrapping your arms around him, pulling him close to you, savoring the feel of his skin on your hands and against your body. You feel how hard he is again, surprisingly. He usually doesn’t cum more than once a night. Now you’re so eager to get him off, you reach down lining him up with your entrance, but he pulls your arm away, trapping it by your side. 
“Don’t let my sweetness confuse you darling. I’m still in control here.” He licks your lips and moves back down between your legs. Wrapping his arms around your thighs, he dives back in and starts aggressively eating you out, even giving the softest bite, causing you to grip his hair with both hands and pull him away. He grabs your wrists and pins them to your sides, relentlessly continuing to devour you. It hurts so badly, but feels so fucking good at the same time. You can feel your orgasm building again, but then remember you only have one left. If you cum now, you can’t fuck him, and that’s what you’re aching for the most. 
“Danny, please stop. Please, I want to feel you inside of me. I don’t want to cum yet. Please, baby, please?” Your breathing is uneven as you whine, sweat forming on your brow as your eyes squeeze shut, focusing hard on fighting off your orgasm. 
He chuckles evilly and continues his pace, adding in his fingers again, stroking you perfectly. You start to sob and shove your one free hand into his hair, trying to pull him off of you, but he’s strong, and you aren’t able to. 
“Fuck, Danny please! Please, I’m begging you! RED!” you scream at him. Your safe word. He instantly stops and crawls over you, kissing away your tears and cradling your head. 
“You okay, angel?” he asks, his expression so full of concern as he shifts his eyes back and forth quickly, searching yours. 
You sob harder, pulling him close to you. “I just need to feel you. All of you. Can you be sweet now? I just want to make love to my boyfriend, okay?” 
“Fuck, yes baby. That sounds perfect. I want that more than anything.” He kisses you more tenderly than you’ve ever felt before and rolls over, pulling you on top of him. 
You lean down and kiss softly all over his face. Each freckle on his cheeks, nose, and eyes, his forehead, his jaw and chin, his soft, swollen, plush lips, still coated with your wetness. “I love you so much, Daniel,” you whisper, resting your forehead on his, wiggling your nose on his as you both smile. 
“Oh, angel you have no idea,” he whispers back, cradling your face with his hand and kissing your forehead, tears welling in his eyes. Sam is definitely right. You two are the cheesiest couple of all time. 
You sit up and raise yourself higher on your knees so he can line himself up with you, allowing you to sink down slowly onto him. You steady yourself with your hands on his toned stomach, your head tipping back and jaw dropping with your brow furrowed and eyes shut. It’s the most beautiful sight Danny could ever imagine. His brow is raised in the middle, hands on your hips and jaw dropped, as well, moaning once you sink down onto him fully. You move on top of him slowly, wanting to make this last. Wanting to feel him inside of you as long as possible. He reaches down to rub circles on your clit, but you pull his hand away and move it up to your breast. 
“Please, not yet baby. I’m already close and I need you inside of me longer than that.” 
“Of course, angel,” he says, sitting up as you wrap your legs around him. He holds you against him, chest to chest as your arms roam all over his back and shoulders, thrusting up into you slowly. Your breathing is slower, but still labored, matching his as you gaze into each other's eyes. You have to look away to make this last, so you lean down and kiss every little freckle dusted on his shoulders. He sighs, leaning down to kiss yours as well, his hands caressing all over your back and hips. You feel his rhythm start to falter as his breathing intensifies, soft whimpers escaping from his lips. He’s getting close. “Baby, I’m trying here, but I’m so close,” he whispers in your ear. 
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“It’s okay, Daniel. I am too.” You increase your pace, rolling your hips onto him as he slides his hand down to gently press on your clit, pulsing it softly. Looking down, you see the large vein in the center of his wrist shift with each movement of his hand, the dainty silver jewelry swaying around it. The sight sends you over the edge as you grip the back of his neck, your foreheads and noses pressed together. Through shared breaths you both moan and whimper, whispering each other’s names into each other’s mouths between soft, deep kisses, riding out your orgasms together. Once you reach your peak, you let out one more loud, high-pitched whimper, sweat dripping down your brow and chest as you continue to look into his eyes, your eyelids fluttering and brow arched up in the middle. His face matches yours as you feel his hips twitch, spilling inside of you. Holding each other tightly, and as closely as possible, your chests damp from sweat, you both steady your breathing and come down together. 
“You know, as much fun as we had tonight,” Danny breaks the silence, “I think what we just did was the best time we’ve ever had.”
You kiss his nose and forehead, eyes welling up with tears from the painfully intense love you have for him. “I completely agree, Daniel. Thank you.” 
“For what, sweetheart?”
“Just for being you.”
@dazeebean @spark-my-nature @geekgirlinthegreen
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creedslove · 11 months
A bit late but imagine Joel has to take the kiddos trick or treating alone because you’re sick in bed
Feel free if boy or girl or both
I imagine he wouldn’t cut the night short for the kids’ sake but that he’d constantly send you pics and text to see how you’re doing and just be anxious to be home to take care of you
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: I changed a little bit because now Halloween is gone honey ❤️
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• your toddler Rosie and your stepdaughter Sarah spent the whole week nagging you and Joel to go to the amusement park that got in the city about a week before
• it was both cute and annoying as it was the only thing the girls could talk about and your baby boy Sammy was also super excited even if he didn't understand it exactly what was going on, he just giggled and cooed at his big sisters' excitement
• your household had made so many comments about it that you began feeling excited as well, and you four just decided to go on Friday evening, which Joel promised he would take it off and take his family to the park, and eventually, all the Millers were looking forward to Friday night
• that until Sammy woke up with a fever and a runny nose; which you didn't worry at first, medicating him just like the doctor had advised you to and carrying on with your tasks
• but through the day, Sammy didn't get better, quite the opposite, he cried and whined and sniffled and you felt so sorry for your baby because you didn't want him feeling ill
• until mid afternoon you noticed you sniffled a little too much, at the same time you felt shivers and suddenly, you were just as sick as Sammy was
• when the girls realized you were both sick, they immediately got anxious, at the same time they didn't want to pass up the opportunity to go, but they also worried about the two of you and decided to wait for Joel to get home and figure what to do
• when your husband Joel saw how sick you and your baby boy really were, he felt both disappointed and worried; he didn't want to cancel on the girls but he didn't want to leave you
"I know the girls are gonna be disappointed, but I'll buy some pizza and ice cream cake and put on their favorite movies, you know how much they love ice cream cake, don't ya? Anyway, we'll stay in to take care of you and Sammy and we can go some other day"
"no Joel.. take the girls, they've been waiting for it the whole week, Sammy and I will be fine, we just need a night in to rest and recover.. we'll both have some chicken soup, a warm bath and some snuggles and we'll be alright tomorrow"
• you insisted because you wanted your family to have fun, Sammy was too little to enjoy the park anyway, and even if Joel felt a little guilty and upset, he agreed, immediately cheering up at how happy Sarah and Rosie were
• you made you and your one-year-old some chicken and vegetables soup and you both cuddle on the couch, under some warm blankets and watched some quiet TV
• one part of Joel was having fun, while the other was just anxious to get home and take care of you; he worried about you both and kept texting you and sending you pictures of their evening
• Joel bought some popcorn, corn dogs and cotton candy to go; he wanted you to have them, knowing how you often loved those snacks
• he also made sure to win you a stuffed shark; he said it was for you, but in reality it was for Sammy, nonetheless, he knew the two of you would snuggle it as soon as you saw it
• when the three of them got home, he found you and Sammy asleep, his heart clenching with love as he couldn't explain how much he loved his family and you, because you were the one who gifted him it
• during the weekend, he was all the time all over you and Sammy, making sure you both were alright, and when you two were fully recovered by Sunday, he suggested going to the amusement park again
• the girls cheered so excitedly and nodded, as now you all went as a family; you had fun, snapped pictures and Joel even held Sammy so you could go on a few rides
• it ended up being such a lovely evening and it brought you so many good memories you were sure you'd relish for the rest of your life
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dontbesoweirdkira · 1 month
I know it was kind of covered in your how many children would they have, but I want to know how Sam, Vito and Paulie would handle taking care and raising kids. I think it would be chaotic
A/N: let’s pretend this didn’t come out months later and at 1am.🫣 didn’t add Vito because I already spoke on him being a father.
Warnings: none super fluffy
Requests: open 24/7
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I think Sam would be a rather stoic and emotionally absent dad. I’ve mentioned before that he absolutely loved his kids and would give them the world but he’s just flawed.
He’s terrified of being a bad father and his kids resenting him when he gets older so in turn he just shuts down a little bit.
I don’t think any of the mafia one characters had *great* fathers and so Sam is definitely struggling with navigating through fatherhood. Especially if he has daughters. He doesn’t know how or where to start with taking care of a little girl and he would push that more into the mother. He’d be a standard over protective dad who doubles as the walking atm.
I think with boys he’d have a bit of an easier time. At first when they are little he’s kind of stand-offish. That is an unknown territory for him and he’s never been good with babies or toddlers. He hates the crying, the diapers, the mess and all that. Getting down to their level is slightly uncomfortable for him to do aswell.
I like to think when they get older tho maybe around 7 or 8 he starts to lighten the load for his wife. Probably try to find more time away from the mob so he can actually get to know them. He’d take his kids out shooting, to sports games/races, to get ice cream and most importantly to meet the family.
I can imagine his kids being sneaky menaces. I just know one would sneak under the table during a meeting and bite Tommy’s ankle. Or steal candies from shops nearby while Sam is preoccupied.
I personally see sam as kind of like the older brother of the trio and new recruits of the mob. He’s an old soul and is rather good at teaching things. But—when the it comes down to it he can be a bit goofy and let himself go. I think he’s that way too with his boys. His dating and life advice are a bit….unconventional to say the least lol.
With time he’ll understand that it’s okay to be vulnerable with them and to show them more that he loves them. A few mess ups won’t change the undying love his boys have for him.
The fun dad that everyone absolutely wanted growing up.
Paulie isn’t a perfect father by any means and he has a lot of work he needs to do on himself but he truly is a family man at heart. That’s all he’s ever wanted in his entire life and it’s the whole reason he joined the mob is to actually have people around him that “cared”.
Now he finally gets to be and provide everything that he never had growing up. Unlike Sammy, I think Paulie loveeees when his children are babies/toddlers. He loves getting down on the floor with them and playing pretend games. He’ll gladly listen to his baby girl talk about her dollies or his son boast about his trains all day. It brings him so much joy.
He never got to really have a childhood and for him this is finally his time to experience all the wonderful bliss of being a child.
He’s actually really great at calming the children down for nap time and poopy diapers doesn’t phase this gangster in the slightest. Anything beats working for the don.
Speaking of the mob, he would flip his absolute sh*t if he found out any of his kids tried joining or dating in the mob… he wants them to have a clean and happy life. Paulie has seen far too much death and heinous abuse to ever want that for his own.
As far as being serious and able to have teaching moments, I think this is where Sam has him beat. Paulie sometimes doesn’t want to get into the nitty gritty of things, he wants his babies to stay innocent forever. He doesn’t like having to correct them or be the bad cop ever. His children being upset with him kills him. Paulie just so desperately wants to be the good dad they can brag about to all their friends, he only wants them to have good memories.
Having the kids work at the pizza shop with him is a great way for him to install discipline and good morals into them while they can still have fun together.
Speaking of the pizza shop and chaos, lord help him. They have to clean for hours after each shift because they have frequent food fights😭
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diamondzoey · 2 months
Rules of the bug army house!
Marco walks into their house: Alright bugs sorry to bother you but- *Sees a whiteboard* umm… what is that in the wall?
Korey: umm.. So that, that’s a white board
Emerald: of all the rules we have for the house
Marco: you guys made rules for yourselves?
Chester: Uhh yeah.. We realize we needed it, after a lesson a day of living with each other sooo.. have that
Raine: Yeah and as the time goes on we add to the list, sooo
Calix: it’s been growing
Marco:….Let me see that
-a few seconds later-
All of the bugs and Marco are sitting down
Marco looking at the list of rules: Rule No.1 No sparing, training, fighting, etc.. after dinner, seems fair enough
Duarte: See, it’s not that bad
Marco: Rule No. 2 Lamia and calamity are not allowed in a room together unsupervised.. also understandable..,
Jemma: see, that was made after they almost blew up the house after the first night
Lamia huffs: I said I was sorry, also he started it *While pointing at calamity*
Calamity: you little-
Marco: Rule No.3 neither Jemma nor Korey are allowed in the kitchen unsupervised…why?
Easton: Well Korey would burn the kitchen and jemma can’t cook and will burn the food she’s making into a crisp
Marco:…Okay, Rule No.4 Duarte is not allowed to babysit the baby bugs unsupervised..what?
Chester: Well when she does she teaches the baby bugs curse words
Marco shrugs his shoulders: Fair, Rule No.5 if you hear one of the bugs playing in someone’s room, leave them alone. Okay, I don’t understand this one
Malachi: basically means that they are going through it and they need to be left alone
Easton: No question asked
Marco: Rule No.6 Sunday brunch is mandatory- what are these rules!?
Emerald: Sunday brunch is necessary for team bonding, come on Marco
Azren: besides the rules get better trust me
Marco looks at the list: Rule No. 7 if any one dyes their hair red they must only do it in their bathroom
Calamity: Yes, so that was from when I dyed my hair in the kitchen, apparently I got red dye everywhere..
Victor: And it looked like a crime scene
Jemma: Sammy and some of the other bugs was traumatized for days
Marco: Oh my..Okay, Rule No.8 Jemma or Lamia needs to wear gloves every time they sleep
Vincent: yeah we found out after night 3 that they both sleep walkers
Jemma: I’m NOT a sleep walker!
Chester: Okay then explain why the couch lit on fire last night?
Jemma: I don’t know maybe you were dreaming??
Korey: it wasn’t a dream if all of us saw it
Marco: Okay moving on..Rule No.9 if anyone hurts one of the bugs or the gator boys, the bugs are allowed to beat that person up
Easton: yeah we made that rule when Jemma almost rip Sammy’s bio mom’s hair out
Jemma: 😊
Marco: Alright..Moving to rule no.10
Vincent: Oh my divines, this one is my favorite!
Marco: If someone picks up a nerf gun…? Everyone in the same room must immediately pick one up and participate in a nerf..Battle…Is that why there are so many nerf guns lying around?
Duarte: Yup and you pretty much keep going until there’s only one person left standing!
Calix: it’s very intense
Marco: oh okay.. Rule No.11 Sammy is not allowed to have weapons near him
Azren: yeah that rule was made when he accidentally fired a tranquil dart at victor and he was out for days
Marco: Okay, Rule No.12 Azren is not allowed to sleep outside when it’s winter?
Joan: yeah that was after the many times he almost turned into a human shaped ice cube many times
Azren: Hey!
Marco: Alright, Rule No.13 twister is not allowed to be played in the house, why?
Easton: that was because after few games of twister some of us got turn into a human pretzels and took hours to get unstuck
Marco:…Rule No.14 every week everyone gets to pick a activity to do that week
Amber: me and Lucy made that rule because we thought it was be a fun experience to do everyone’s activity UwU
Marco: Alright… Rule No.15 Jemma is not allowed to use her fire power in the house
Jemma: Yeah that was after I accidentally burned the kitchen because I thought if I use my fire power it would cook the food I was making faster
Duarte: it didn’t
Marco: Okay… Rule No.16 Monopoly is banned, that’s a rule?
Chester: Monopoly ruins friendships, Marco
Emerald: Basically Raine way too good at it
Malachi: there’s also been times when the board had been broken too many times
Vincent: first instance being calamity and the second time Jemma almost beat Raine in monopoly and Jemma accidentally lit the board on fire
Amber: So…
Azren: The last time we played calamity throw the board game out the window
Marco:…Okay, Final rule- Rule No.17 always remember that we’re a team/Family, Aw that’s pretty sweet
Duarte: that is correct Marco, we have to remember to work together in times like these
Marco: Times like these?, what do you-*Sees that all of the bugs have nerf guns*
Marco: Well is that a nerf gun in your hand…?
Nash: refer to rule No.10 Marco
Sammy: if someone picks up a nerf gun, everyone in the same room must pick a nerf gun and participate in a nerf gun battle
Marco: You- You’re not being serious…?
Let’s just say a nerf gun battle begin
A/n: am finally done, this took me three hours to write , also what would you add to the rules?
The bugs in this
Korey- @rozeliyawashereyall
Emerald- @aspenm00n
Chester- @not-5-rats
Raine- @willowve01
Calix- @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid
Duarte- @puffin-smoke
Jemma/Lamia- @diamondzoey
Azren/calamity- @strayharmony943
Sammy- @ccstiles
Easton- @itsargyle
Victor/Vincent- @littlesiren79
Nash- @lightdragon789
Amber- @astralbulldragon13
Malachi- @stxph-artist
Joan- @rustycopper4use
Lucy- @castbracelet240
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