#;;;theres probably gonna be two more chapters
bbasmati-rice · 1 year
Whoever that one person was that said to be pretentious about your creations and had an example of a q&a….guess who’s gonna do that with my next chapter
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rafecameronssl4t · 2 months
(for DCC!reader) Can you do something inspired by that moment in the last chapter of the documentary, where someone inappropriately touches a cheerleader? If the same thing had happened to reader, how would Rafe act? 💌
In the spotlight || nfl player!Rafe Cameron x dcc!reaader
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A/n: that ep made me so sad for Sophy :( she deserved so so much better
Warnings: mentions of SA, swearing if theres anything else lmk
Word count: 1,408
MASTERLIST (nfl!rafe x dcc!reader au masterlist)
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divider by @h-aewo
“And my phone—” Kelli starts, but Judy interrupts her, her tone urgent and filled with concern. “Somebody’s inappropriately touched Y/N, and she’s in the hallway talking to a policeman.”
Kelli freezes, absorbing the shocking news, her mind racing with a hundred thoughts. “They told me to let you know. She’s right here in the hallway,” Judy continues, her voice steady but insistent.
“Who?” Kelli asks, her heart pounding. “Y/n—” “No, who?” Kelli interrupts, her voice sharper now. “A cameraman inappropriately touched her. She’s identifying him and giving a statement to the police right here in the hallway,” Judy explains, her words rapid but clear.
Kelli immediately gets up from her seat, her legs moving before her mind fully registers the action. “Does Coach know?” she asks as they walk swiftly toward the hallway.
“Yes, he does,” Judy assures her. Kelli exhales deeply, trying to steady her nerves. As they reach the hallway, another woman approaches Kelli. “Y/n just went back out to dance,” she informs, her eyes darting toward the policeman escorting a cameraman. Kelli’s eyes narrow as she immediately assumes it was him.
“She said that while they were walking back out to start the third quarter, he touched her inappropriately. She gave her statement to the police,” the woman continues. Kelli nods, her concern for Y/N’s well-being etched on her face.
“So they’re talking to him. She asked to press charges.” “They’re what?” Kelli asks loudly, straining to hear over the loudness of the stadium. “Y/n asked the police that she wants to press charges,” the woman repeats firmly.
“She does?” “She does, so she’s back out doing her dance for the third quarter,” the woman confirms as Kelli turns to Judy, her expression troubled. “She probably shouldn’t be dancing if she’s really upset.” A policeman approaches them, looking serious. “Are we 100% sure that was him?” he asks. The woman nods. “She pointed to him and said that was him.”
“Then we need to pull her. She doesn’t need to be dancing. I’ll grab her,” Kelli says firmly, She strides out onto the field, her eyes scanning for you among the cheerleaders.
Kelli walks along the sidelines, her eyes scanning the cheerleaders until she spots you dancing. She can immediately tell from your expression that you’re visibly uncomfortable, even though you’re trying to mask it with a practiced smile. Kelli’s heart aches for you, the worry gnawing at her insides.
Kelli has always taken pride in ensuring the girls’ safety on the team, and when things like this happen, she feels as though she has failed you. Her protective instincts kick into high gear as she moves closer, watching you intently.
As the dance finishes, Kelli is quick to walk up to you, wrapping a secure arm around your shoulder. She pulls you slightly away from the other girls, her presence a comforting shield. You lean down to hear what she is saying. “I’m gonna take you inside, sweetheart. The police wanna talk to you,” Kelli’s voice is calm and steady, trying to soothe you. You nod, grateful for her support.
“Are you okay?” Kelli asks as the two of you make it inside the hallways where it is quieter. “Yeah, I’m fine. It was more that I was taken off guard, and I’m still kinda shaking from it,” you reply, a tear sliding down your cheek. Kelli wipes it away gently, her touch reassuring.
“Okay, well, I’ll grab you a jacket—” Kelli’s cut off by the sound of Coach Johnson’s voice. “Y/N!” he calls out as you turn your head to see your dad moving past people to get to you.
“Dad—” your voice is cut off as he engulfs you in a tight hug. And that was when all the tears finally came out. The overwhelming emotions you had been holding back burst forth. It was all such a blur when it happened. You were just doing what you always did, walking into formation when you felt a pair of hands wrap around your waist.
You were very shaken up; you didn’t know how you managed to continue performing without breaking down. “I heard what happened, are you okay?” your dad asks in concern as he strokes your hair, kissing the crown of your head as you let the tears roll down your face.
“Yeah, no, I’m okay, I think. I’m just so shaken up still,” you manage to say, squeezing your dad tighter as he sighs. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there—”“Don’t apologize, you’re here now,” you say, pulling back as he kisses your forehead.
“Here, here’s some water,” Kelli comes up with a water bottle as you gratefully take it from her. “The police are in there waiting for you,” she gently says as you nod, taking a deep breath as your dad tucks stray pieces of hair behind your ears before you walk back into the room.
“Coach!” Both Kelli and your dad turn their heads to see Rafe running down the hallway.
“Yo, what the fuck’s going on over there?” Chris taps Rafe on the shoulder, pointing towards you, engaged in a tense conversation with a policeman The grand arena is buzzing with game day excitement, but you look visibly shaken, your usual confident demeanor replaced by an unmistakable distress.
Rafe furrows his eyebrows, confusion and concern etched onto his face as he scans the scene. “I don’t know,” he mutters, distracted by the sound of the whistle signaling the continuation of the game.
But Rafe’s mind is not on the game at all. His eyes constantly dart towards where you stand, the unease growing within him. He watches intently as Kelli approaches you, leading you back inside the stadium corridors.
Rafe’s worry intensifies, his need to know what the fuck is going on becoming unbearable. A few minutes later, he notices Coach Johnson, your dad, rushing off the field with an urgency that confirms Rafe’s worst fears.
Determined to find out what’s happening, Rafe breaks numerous rules by swapping places with his teammate, assuring him he’ll take the blame for the unauthorized switch. Without a second thought, Rafe sprints off the field, heading towards the hallways in search of you.
“Rafe, what are you doing here?” your dad asks, his voice tinged with both surprise and concern as he sees Rafe enter the inner corridors of the stadium.
“I swapped with Justin. Where’s Y/n? Is she okay?” Rafe’s voice is laced with anxiety. Coach Johnson, momentarily overlooking the rule-breaking, focuses on the more pressing issue at hand. “She’s talking with the police right now, Rafe.” He sighs deeply as Rafe’s face falls. “What happened?”
“A cameraman touched her inappropriately out there—” “What?” Rafe’s voice rises, anger surging through him at the thought of anyone laying a hand on you. “Are you fucking serious?” He moves to charge past Coach Johnson, but is quickly restrained by both him and Kelli.
“Whoa, whoa, Rafe. Let’s think before we do anything stupid, yeah?” your dad says, his tone calm but firm, attempting to ground Rafe’s escalating fury. Rafe is breathing heavily, his eyes locked on the door to the room where you are.
“Listen, why don’t you wait here until Y/n gets out. I’m sure she’ll appreciate you being out here for her,” Kelli suggests, placing a reassuring hand on Rafe’s shoulder. He looks at her, his anger slowly giving way to concern.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll do that,” Rafe says, swallowing hard as Coach Johnson pats his back in approval. “Good man,” your dad says, his voice filled with gratitude for Rafe’s loyalty and concern. As Rafe waits anxiously, the bustling sounds of the stadium seem to fade away, his entire focus on making sure you’re okay.
As Rafe waits anxiously, the bustling sounds of the stadium seem to fade away, his entire focus on making sure you’re okay. Moments later, the door to the room where you had been giving your statement to the police opens. You step out, your eyes red and teary, your face etched with the strain of holding back emotions.
Rafe doesn’t hesitate. He strides forward and immediately engulfs you in a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around you as if to shield you from any more harm. He couldn’t care less if anyone saw the two of you and took pictures of it. You collapse into his embrace, the tears you’ve been holding back now freely flowing.
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cal-writes · 29 days
I thought about Zoro, again. And how he stays calm when all other mugivaras are in disarray. How he has to be the last pilar standing, because if not him than noone. And how some people deam him emotionless and uncaring because of that, because he keeps his cool and talk logic in hard situations. (Like whan they had to leave Vivi behind, or all this mess in inies loby). And I thought how I want someone to see it, and hug him and let him be vulnerable for a bit.
I dunno if I mean it like a prompt, or just want to cry with someone over Zoro. Maybe both. Anyway I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter in any format :')
god yes i knooooow. going insane over him tbh. like i went into this in my previous meta post about him, esp in enis lobby/water seven arc where he is so clearly affected by everything going on but can't show it. (or feels like he cant)
this reminded me of a thing i havent seen many people talk about, which is that zoro is very often 100% spot on with his predictions, gets ignored, and eats shit for it.
like zoro isnt stupid (despite what some characters and parts of the fandom think) hes incredibly perceptive and his cold read on most people will be accurate. theres several moments where he will predice something happening, rationally explains it to the crew how the best course of action is one thing and then luffy being stubborn and the protagonis does what he wants
not to say that thats a bad thing! i think its awesome to show their dynamic
like back on zou when they find out sanji left to marry big moms daughter and everyone wants to go and get him back
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zoro is harsh in his wording bc he always is but the core of the matter is this: if they go mess with big mom, while they are already anatagonizing kaido, they'll end up having to deal with two emperors. he understands that sanji knew that which is why sanji left the way he did (partially).
and we all know how that ended
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not only that i think this fight is a fantastic display of zoro's core character trait. unlike the three captains in this fight, he doesnt have an ego about it. he's not posturing or peacocking, he knows immediately shits gonna go down (killer too probably but with the mask its harder to tell what killer is thinking) and he's the one person that keeps an overview of the battlefield that includes everyone. law eventually does once he gets over his control issues
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and of course thats not the end of it in wano
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"ill suffer twice as much after" and he doesnt care, beats king, nearly dies or maybe does die and nobody knows about that whole thing
then of course in more recent chapters (spoilers for egghead below)
we have his fight against lucci which i find striking in how the other characters perceive it
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like jimbei can be excused, he doesnt know zoro all that long but the crew acts like this is a point of pride to zoro, to finish the fight. when we've seen zoro run away from fights plenty of times. and to me what he doesnt get to say is exaclty what ends up happening
if lucci isnt taken out, he will tell the elders about the plans he was privy to in eggheads lab. which of course he does when zoro is dragged away
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if the vegapunk hadn't stepped in
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zoro would have fought the elder and most likely lost
same way he knew he'd not be able to win against kuma
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he's telling everyone to stay out of it because he wants to protect them. its not an ego thing for him. he knows the second he stepped up to that fight hes probably going to lose. he's going to do his best to win but he's not delusional
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and i find it noteworthy that we are continuing this plot line of the crew not understanding zoro or not trusting him and not to mention this
lucci telling zoro he's dead weight
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and a little bit later, sanji telling him the same thing
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like, thats not their usual banter. this doesnt make zoro angry to like be able to fight off lucci better or sth. the panel of him standing there just, flinching honestly haunts me. (i eat it up oda please do somehting with it)
esp curious paired with my above example where i think zoro understands sanji quite well where i dont think sanji does in return. (another reason why i cant see them romantically im sorry itd require so much legwork for me to make that work)
i think it can definitely be read as a setup of zoro feeling apart from the crew. i think part of that is just due to the nature of his position as first mate in everything but name. like in a literal sense he is their superior the same way luffy is all of theirs. and we know from the usopp argument that he takes that a lot more seriously than the others. so i dont think - at this point in canon - zoro would open up to anyone except maybe luffy but even then thats not really the kind of relationship they have - and i dont think any of them actually see whats going on or what zoro has been doing basically the entire time.
zoro hasn't been vulnerable since his fight with mihawk
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bearbunnycheetah · 20 days
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Note: Stuffs been going wild so I posted this WAYY later than I wanted, but I hope you guys still enjoy!
Percy reaches for her keys and opens the door, turning on the lights to her apartment. They flickered to life and illuminated the space. The sisters both looked inside, it was a pretty nice looking place all things considered. 
A small living room to the left with a tv, an open kitchen to the right, and what appears to be a mini hallway leading to three doors infront of them. Percy’s home had a nice dull blue wallpaper covering mostly everything. Molly looked at a clock on the wall, 10PM. Way past her bedtime at this point.
“You two need some rest, we can discuss the layout of my apartment and other things in the morning. Are you two sureyou don’t wish to take my room for the night?”
“Sleeping in someone elses room is weird.” Lorelai said, crossing her arms as she looked around.
“Yeah, we can take the couch or the floor. We don’t really mind! I promise!” Molly smiled apologetically, Lori rolled her eyes.
Percy nods. “Alright, please go ahead and sit down. I will go ahead to get some pillows and blankets for you two.” She smiles at them, then leaves the room.
Molly waits for Percy to be completely gone, then lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. She sits down on the couch, then grabs her phone from her pocket. Molly opens the group chat she has with her friends, and starts typing.
Molly: Hi guys, anyone still awake?
Molly: Oh, hi Trixie! I’m assuming Feenie’s asleep cause it’s her bedtime?
PoPPGoD: Yeahh probably! Why are you up so late anyway? Did something happen?
Molly: Yeah, my dad got arrested.
Molly: Trixie…
PoPPGoD: Oh whoops, sorry- what happened?
Molly: The cop that interviewed me a bit ago about the museum apparently found out about my situation and took me and Lori in. Currently in her apartment right now.
PoPPGoD: I dont trust them coppers… but as long as ur OK, im OK! >:D
Molly: Thanks Trixie… I’ll see if I can go more indepth on what happened tomorrow at school. I’m getting sleepy.
PoPPGoD: Oke, sweet dreams!
Molly: Night!
Molly leans back into the sofa, then smiles. Hopefully she’ll be able to go to school tomorrow and talk to them.
“I’m back, apologies for the wait.” Percy walks in holding several pillows and blankets, all in mostly blues, yellows, and whites.
“Dibs on the couch!” Lorelai said, grabbing some pillows and immediately making herself comfortable. Her knight costume poofed out of existence in a flash of glitter into her normal outfit.
“But- aw, fine...” Molly sighed in defeat, standing up from the couch.
Oh well, the floor is probably fine. Considering it’s Percy she probably keeps it pretty clean. Theres a rug too so maybe it’s a bit comfier..? It takes a few minutes for Molly to finally get to a comfortable enough position to lay down.
“Goodnight, you two.”
“Goodnight, Percy!”
And with that, Percy turns off the lights and goes to her room. Immediately falling asleep when she lays down in bed. The noise of the city melting together into a cacophany of sounds that were oddly comforting, she’s probably gonna take a few days off from work to help the two adjust. 
Percy should wake up early tomorrow, her usual breakfast was just toast and some water but these two probably needed more food than that. Maybe something like cereal? No, far too sugary. She wasn’t even sure if she had anything like that. Toast, water, orange juice, eggs-
Wait, eggs?
There was a smell of something being cooked from the kitchen, Percy stirred and opened her eyes. Oh dear, it was morning already? She looks at her alarm clock. 5:40 AM. How peculiar, she gets up from her bed and puts on her slippers to investigate.
Percy walked into the living room, the pillows and blankets were folded neatly and placed on the coffee table. While the couch where Lorelai was sleeping had an… iridescent bubble in its place.
It clipped into the floor and couch as if it was a bugged model in a video game. She stared in utter confusion for a bit before a voice from the kitchen piped up.
“Morning Percy!” Molly said, holding a pan. Why was she making breakfast?
Percy flinched, completely forgetting that she got up to see who was awake this early. “Ah! Good morning to you too, Molly.” Percy turns to her and gestures to the bubble. “May I ask why your sister has turnt into a sphere?”
“Oh, it’s just an epithet thing.” Molly puts the pan in the sink. “Lorelai can make these things called ‘dream bubbles’ where she makes these fantasy worlds, sometimes she just sleep-inscribes.”
“I see… Why are you up so early?”
“Oh! Well… I wanted to repay you for letting us stay here so I thought I should make breakfast!” Molly points at the table. There was buttered toast and eggs, either boiled or sunnyside up. “We should probably go get groceries and stuff, there wasn’t a lot in your fridge to work with…”
“Noted. But thank you for this, Molly.” Percy goes to sit down, then picks up a boiled egg and inspects it closely. “So, about your sister…”
“Don’t worry, I can go wake her up.” Molly looks at the bubble for a second, then walks over to the couch.
Percy watches in curiosity, she knew Molly and Lorelai had epithets from their files. “DUMB” and “AUGMENT” respectively, but she’s never seen it in action. Percy watched as Molly knocked on the bubble for a few seconds, calling Lorelais name repeatedly to wake her up. After a few minutes she rolled her eyes, reaching her hand out as a small green glow appeared. 
Molly moved her hand closer to the iridescent surface and a hole appeared like a rift in the air. Slowly the gap grew bigger until it was about the size of Molly herself. She entered the bubble and the hole dissapeared along with her.
Percy decided to go and make some coffee while she waited since she still felt a bit tired from last night, more and more time passes and… POOF!
The detective turnt around, alarmed at the sudden sound. Then there stood a groggy Lorelai and a mildly upset Molly.
“Good morning, Lorelai!” Percy said, grabbing her drink without looking and returning to the small dining table. Honestly you probably couldn’t even consider it a dining table, more like a table for one that crammed three chairs.
“Yeah, morning.” Lorelai wiped away the fog from her eyes, then quietly went over to the table grabbing a plate. Molly followed.
“I decided to go ahead and work from home while you two get settled here.” Percy takes a sip of coffee. “Since you two have school I will be responsible for your education for the time being.”
“Me and Lorelai usually change between having to work and having to go to school. I attend school on odd days and she attends school on even ones so that means-” 
“You have to go to school and I get to stay here and relax!” Lorelai interrupts her and grins, Molly scowls at her.
Percy thinks for a second, she never thought the situation was this bad. Who on earth would let a child work instead of attend school!? Oh wait, Martin would. “I… suppose we can still use this system, even for just a few days as you two adjust.” She smiles. “And since I’m not very well acquainted with Miss Lorelai, then perhaps we can use this as a bonding opportunity!”
The three of them continue talking. Percy explaining the layout of the house, the chores, and potentially getting the two of them a room to share, more and more time passes till they all finish and go do their own thing.
Lorelai made another bubble in the corner of the living room, Percy did the dishes, and Molly got ready for school.
Molly already had her schoolwork in her backpack, so she had no need to go back to the emporium to retrieve her things. That was nice! She sat at the couch waiting, when Percys voice piped up.
“Are you ready for school?” Percy asked, walking up to Molly.
“Uh, yeah! Are you gonna drive me there?” 
“No need, your public school is conveniently just a short jog away from my apartment! If you count 20 minutes short, I mean.” The detective held up a metal lunchbox, it had the SJPD logo on the center, so that probably meant it belonged to Percy. “I’ve also taken the time to go ahead and make you some lunch.”
“Really..?” Molly walked up to the lunch box and grabbed it from Percys hand, staring at it. “Theres… Really no need to do that, I usually just ask my friends or buy some stuff at the cafeteria.”
“I personally do not think the cafeteria food they serve is enough for a childs daily diet.” Percy explains. “You can just think of it as a thank-you for making breakfast.” She smiled.
Molly stopped staring at the lunchbox realizing that was probably weird, then turns to Percy to smile at her too.
“Well then, I’ll go ahead and drop you off at school. I’m assuming your sister will be fine if I leave her for a few minutes?”
“She can last in bubbles for hours, she’ll be fine.” Molly explains.
And then the two of them leave the apartment. The streets here were much, much louder than Molly expected. She covers her ears as she walked, which Percy took note of. More time passes and Percy drops off Molly at school. 
Molly waved goodbye at her as she walked away when a sudden jingling bell sound grew closer and closer until-
Phoenica Fleecity and Trixie Roughhouse hugged Molly as tight as they could, which was less bone-crushing and more soft and fluffy due to Feenie. “Trixie told me everything! We’re so glad you’re okay!”
“She did?” Oh right, Molly sent a message to the group chat. 
“Really happy that dad of yours is outta the picture now!” Trixie said, grinning.
“Haha, yeah. I am too…” Molly hugged them both back, the hug lasted for a few seconds before the bell rang.
“…How about I tell you guys everything when lunch comes around?” Molly asked.
“Oh sure! Stay safe Molly!” Phoenica smiled even harder then let go of both of them, walking off to her class.
“You do too…” 
“…So did Lorelai get arrested too?” Trixie piped up.
“Trixie!” She playfully shoved them with an elbow. “Don’t be like that!”
“Yeah yeah, I know! Just checkin!”
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Note: MAKING THESE CUSTOM BACKGROUNDS WERE SO TIME CONSUMING. IT LITERALLY TOOK LONGER THAN THE ACTUAL CHAPTER ITSELF AND DELAYED IT FOR LIKE TWO WEEKS DEAR GOD. Hopefully now that this is out I can go back to answering asks for the characters and posting art too! Super proud of this one!
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thinking about the fe games w/ routes (fates and three houses specifically but probably others idfk)
i think there needs to be more tragedy there. or opportunities for it i guess? or that fire emblem has to make unique death quotes for characters in general man
death in fire emblem feels so blah for me. more of an inconvenience than in other media. like when im playing DnD and an npc i love dies it isnt "man that sucks. anyway" but even w characters i love in fire emblem its just "man do i wanna reset the chapter for this that was so lame"
make death and especially betrayal related deaths Hurt More.
lets say youre byleth. youre teaching the black eagles, yay! but you have a b support with claude. you and claude are good buddies, maybe you just like claude as a character or its accidental because of x y z does Not matter. either way you are one of claudes closest friends. then the war starts, and you choose to side with a woman claude sees as a future tyrant (or at the very least a driven warmonger who might crush the alliance underneath her boot). imagine the hurt. the absolute fucking agony for claude.
and for byleth! byleth wakes up and their friend is gone. on another side, unreachable, 5 years of emotional distance *yawning* in front of them.
and then they reunite in the midst of battle, weapons drawn. theyve both come so far and have goals they *have* to achieve.
"I don't want this."
too bad. if you roll over, you get a game over because you fuckin failed the route. or you have to make someone else kill claude because sumn sumn mechanically you have a 0% hit rate bc of that b support. you cant do it.
too bad. claude cant run away, hes the last line of defense for a place hes responsible for. if he leaves what is he? a coward? a turncoat? would he have to believe in edelgard's future? would he have to slay his own allies, friends, the people who relied on him?
he cant. you cant.
he begs you to reconsider. you cant.
as he falls he reaches out a hand. you kneel beside him as he says a few things. calls this whole battle a clever gambit, praises your cunning in using effective weaponry, etc etc. but his voice is weaker. theres no option to spare him, you couldnt spare any *other* unit, could you? couldn't spare hilda. cant spare claude.
he mentions sometimes dreaming of the monastery. the food was good, right? hope the foods good in the future you build with edelgard. hope you name a town after him, thatd be fun. dont get stupid, teach, dont join him too soon. maybe he'll even wait for ya. keep a seat warm.
(fire emblem unit death sound)
then also: units in your own army.
lets say youre playing black eagles. its nearish endgame but not too close so i dont say any spoilers, but regardless bernadetta and yuri have an A support. they might get hitched postgame man, you havent done the A support of anyone else w those two. its a rough battle, your healer is severely low on psychic uses, you sold all your fucking vulneraries because you thought dorothea was more of a beast than she is. its dire.
unexpected sniper crit. yuri is on 0 hp.
bernadetta is within 5 tiles and instead of yuri's canned death quote, bernie interjects with one of the most well voiced anguished screams youve ever fucking heard. on the next turn, bernie gets +50 hit *and* crit on that enemy, and if she kills it the rest of the scene plays.
bernie is holding yuri, one of her few friends in her hellish fucking life. hes not gonna make it, she knows that, but shes still gonna try. shes wailing and begging him to stay like she wished she had all those fucking years ago, shes babbling about all the things he'll miss if he goes, all the things shes planned for them to do now that shes brave enough to leave her bedroom. he cuts her off to laugh. now is when she gets brave and honest with her feelings? when hes dying? oh bernie come on. he wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her in for a hug, kissing her temple like an old boyfriend and not a quiet yearning crush. he murmurs that hes glad she left her bedroom. that hes glad she can see the world beyond what abuse happened to her behind closed doors. that she'll find some other person to hold in his stead, one who wont so rudely get his blood on her battle leathers. one who wont leave her time and time again like he has. she wails into his shoulder as she drops the scraps of cloth she had been trying to use to stop his bleeding and just holds her dying friend.
(fire emblem unit death sound)
if death felt like An Event and not An Inconvenience i'd play with permadeath more man. make me sad fire emblem youre so shit at it
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kaihuntrr · 4 months
The Sea Prince; Mermay 2024 (+ updates!)
shhhh what do you mean may is almost over-? i made a fun piece and everything!! well. pieces. the first one is a piece i just finished today, and the second is a piece of pearl in her prince form ;> happy mermay!
(i'll be talkin about stuff under the cut, if you just wanna see the art that's a-okay with me! happy to be drawing them again <3)
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so. uh. mermay pieces <33 i really wanted to draw some majorwood art since ive been on an art high lately (writing for a good chunk of the year so far makes illustrating/designing SO much more fun) and i think it's coming to an end soon, so might as well end it with the darlings <3
also im?? surprised??? i didnt share pearl's art????? uh. oopsies! its tooootally not a spoiler. ;)
anyway! its been a good while since ive made an update post, and i want to keep y'all up to date with how things are going!
important thing to announce; act one has been completed!
me and @mewhoismyself have worked very hard to write and edit the work respectively, and its over 100k+ words! hope y'all enjoy what we have planned, im very proud of act one (in particular those final few chapters, i love rereading them) <33
as for act two, im taking a break to do other things (college mainly, but also commission work and personal hobbies) but im probably getting back to writing soon! currently, act two is on chapter three, as ive decided to rewrite chapters 2-7 in the original doc, so theres a LOT of cut content. all for a good story! i dont really mind it :0c
finally, im opening up betas again!
theres been a LOT of inactivity from most of them and i have a bit of a schedule to keep, so im hoping that a new wave of betas could help with providing feedback and whatnot. i need clear communication! betas help greatly in letting me know how they feel with the current flow, their thoughts, and anything i need to address before publishing the chapter. id hope to get some new folk on board before my friend and i start developing act two more! <3
just send a message in the comments or shoot a dm! im more than happy to reply :D!
that should be it, so i hope you have a good day! i had a LOT of fun working on the pieces above, and im gonna have fun working on act two, you'll just have to wait and see! <33
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Made it to chapter 16 today which means Feyre and I have both had our first impressions of Rhysand's Inner Circle and ohhhhhhh boy
Its hard to pinpoint why exactly, but theres something so discomforting about watching them interact. I think the main thing is that for all their "casual-ness", theres still clearly a rigid hierarchy between them and they all seem to 'know their place' so to speak, its not at all like Lucien and Tamlin's relationship in the first book which genuinely felt like a friendship that was unburdened by their status or positions. Like, theres this one moment where Mor and Amren are like kinda bickering with each other i guess, and Feyre remarks that Mor is probably super powerful if she dares talk back against Amren (in an incredibly minor matter Im pretty sure but I already forgor ngl) and because this is the book where Feyre's perspective starts being Objectively Correct all the time, I guess that's true, I guess the only reason someone would dare voice their opinion on something to this friend group is if they were physically more powerful because otherwise you just level a fucking mountain during an argument
Anyway, Im gonna switch topics for a short moment but I promise this diversion is relavant to the point above. So, sometimes when I go into the anti-tags on here looking for criticisms or complaints of the books, I instead find anti-ship posts that are mainly just about trash-talking some ship, mostly ones relating to that whole Elucien/Elriel/Gwynriel shipwar, which I already have thoughts on but I'll save those for later. In any case, one day I stumbled upon this pretty long anti-elriel post about how the gifts Elain gives Azriel on winter solstice arent actually cute and it describes how she gave him like, herbs that help with headaches "because his friends are always giving him headaches" apparently. And then that post went on a whole rant about how insensitive that was of her and that she doesnt actually understand Azriel's dynamic with his close friends, but honestly, judging from this chapter Elain was absolutely spot on
And I usually wouldn't say this because yknow, its only one chapter and we're probably gonna get the nuances of their relationship later, but this is a book written by Sarah J Maas, her characters and their relationships are rarely particularly deep and, more importantly, her writing is incredibly unsubtle. If Azriel was in any way fond of his friends shenaningans I wouldve noticed it, because Feyre wouldve noticed it like 15 times during that whole dinner. But she didnt.
Its especially bad for Cassian and Azriel because it feels like Cassian thinks they have this great rapport but Azriel just genuinely kinda dislikes him. Not to mention that whole fucking mess with Azriel and Mor and Cassian and Mor having sex so she wouldnt get married off or whatever, good god how is every conversation between them not insanely awkward
Even beyond that, idk man, theyre all just so insufferable. I dont understand how Amren, ancient eldritch being trapped in a fae body that she is, can stand to be around them, I wouldve left them 5 centuries ago if I was her. I guess the explanation is that she finds the government position interesting but its like, youre SECOND to the most boring and annoying man on the planet only kinda ruling over a court that you dont even actually care about from everything Ive heard. Again, if I was in Amren's position I would not be hanging out in an APARTMENT in a boring ass city at the behest of a quartett of stupid bozos, I wouldve weaseled my way into being the personal advisor of Beron or some shit so I could watch the Vanserra Family Drama unfold live
There was one good thing about this discomforting dinner though, and that was how inexplicably gay Cassian was for Rhysand. He was really out there, looking at him with such love, calling him pretty twice in like two minutes being all "I knew I wanted a piece of him the moment I first saw him, the high lord's pretty son" like okay. I know what you are
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lemon-russ · 2 months
This is a new OC x Russ story I wanted to do. Very self indulgent, but a little less silly than my others. I'll still be doing reader insert fics and everything though! Just wanted something different. This one will hopefully be like a slow burn kinda story with more actual plot but there's gonna be smut eventually, as a warning. Short intro chapter for today :)
It's also 30k bc, well, Leman Russ.
(This will probably have breeding kink stuff eventually BUT I am working on a seprate breeding kink/ pregnancy one from the poll thats reader x russ)
(Thanks @squishyowl for the dividers)
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Wolf Mother (Ch. 1)
Leman Russ x Fem OC
CW (not necessarily this chapter but overall): Trauma, anxiety, PTSD, General WH40k violence, Sex, probably breeding kink stuff eventually, if there's something I miss and you want labeled let me know!!
Summary: Ex-Captain Vaille is asked a favor by her Primarch
EDIT NOTE: I wrote here that Wren was in the Astra Millitarum (Imperial Guard). I meant for her to be part of the Auxilia, since the IG did not exist pre-heresy. I have changed it to Imperialis Auxilia (Imperial army). Sorry :)
Word count: 1,118
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Sitting at her desk in her little office, Wren writes paperwork that will surely just be mindlessly handed around and stamped without being read. She wonders, if she just started writing nonsense in the middle, if anyone would ever be paying enough attention to catch it. She wonders if theres any point in writing them out at all besides the Ultramarine's love of paperwork.
A knock at her door calls her attention. “Come in.” she answers, and the door slides open.
Her eyes widen, and she stands when she sees it is the primarch himself waiting for her.
“Lord Guilliman, what do I owe the pleasure?” She says quickly, and he holds a hand up with a soft smile.
“At ease, Captain.” He says, and you try not to grimace.
“I'm not a Captain, sir.” She corrects, “But it is an honor as always. What do you require?”
He gives a small smile, “As I've yet to think of a new title for you, Captain still works as well for now.” He says, gaze momentarily falling to her bionic leg. “But, I have a request.” He continues, pulling up a chair and motioning for her to sit.
She frowns a bit. It felt wrong to have the primarch sit at her desk like a common paper pusher for a meeting, but she sits down again.
“This is a request, not an order.” He starts, making her scrunch her brow. “It is not that I don't want you here. I think you are one of my top assistants.” He says gently.
The gentleness of the delivery did not dull the blow. “Sir… have I done something…?” She asks. It was improper to speak back to a primarch, but she couldn't help it. She'd been dilligent, attentive, thorough, orderly, all the things ultramarines represent.
He frowns. “I am not firing you, Captain, please, hear me out.” He explains.
“It's about my brother, Leman Russ.” He says with a small sigh. “He is impossible to work with. It is becoming an issue for me. I never know where he is or what his Legion is doing until last minute.”
She gives him a confused look, and then her eyes widen. “Sir, you… surely you don't mean to…”
He gives a sheepish smile, a foreign thing on the face of a demi-god. “Please, Captain? No, I ask this as a friend-” he says, scooting closer to her desk. “Wren, can you please go work with my brother? Even just so I have someone, *anyone* to actually get in contact with?”
Her mouth hangs open. “Lord Guilliman, what- why me?” She stutters. He was really going to feed her to the wolves, literally. She'd never missed a deadline, yet she was being tossed to Leman Russ.
Guilliman chuckles, “Come now, Captain Vaille. I can tell this work is slow for you.” He says, taking a framed pict off her desk.
She frowned a bit as he smiled at the picture, depicting a young, newly promoted Lieutenant Vaille smiling with her squad mates. Two eyes, two legs, years of service left in her.
She frowns as he places the pict back on her desk. “What do you mean, slow? I've been thriving.” She says, reaching over and tipping the picture frame face down.
He chuckles softly. “Thriving? Please. You're bored. You are excellent at what you do, but you do it by habit. I can see you don't love having to sit behind a desk.” He says, righting the picture again. “Third youngest Captain in the Ultramar Imperialis Auxilia. That isn't a woman who rests on her laurels.” He says with a knowing smile.
She frowns harder. “And, what, trying to put a leash on Leman Russ is supposed to be more fun?” She asks incredulously.
He laughs, “It certainly would let you see more action, if nothing else.” he says it cheerfully, but his expression softens when he sees her hand twitch to unconsciously rub where her bionic leg meets her muscle. “Of course, it is a favor I ask. You are free to say no.” He adds.
She grimaces. “I… I'd have to think about it, Sir. I'm sorry.” She replies, hand kneading her thigh nervously.
He smiles again. “Well, that's better than ‘No’ at least. Thank you for considering it, Wren.” He says as he rises, the chair creaking in relief. “You know where to find me when you make up your mind.” He adds as he makes his way to the door.
She gives him a nervous smile, and he nods and leaves the room.
He wants her to go babysit the primarch of the space wolves? Because he thinks she's bored? Well, she is bored. He's not wrong. Her retirement to paper pushing was not one she chose. But that is like saying “hey, you look bored, want to go hit bees nests with a stick?”
She sighs, slinking down in her chair. Her eyes find the pict on her desk he'd been looking at. Her younger, happier, more whole self grins mockingly from the frame.
She frowns and flips it face down again. Then she looked back at her piles and piles of paperwork. Menial, pointless papers no one but her would read.
Could she manage this for another 5 years? 10 years? How much paperwork does it take to cause a baseline human to lose their sanity?
She stares at the paperwork a long while, conflicted and fighting herself, before she lets out a long, tired sigh.
Guilliman looks up and smiles when he hears the doors to his office slide open and sees Wren walking in.
“Have you considered my request, Captain?” He says, sitting up straighter.
She sits at the chair across his desk with her lips pressed to a line. “Not a Captain. Can I give it a few months? Like a trial?”
He smiles wide. “That is a very fair and logical request, not-Captain. You are doing me a huge favor with this.”
Wren bites her lip. “Just a few months. I'll give it a fair shot. But if they're too… space wolves, I'd like to be able to come back.”
He nods, pulling out paperwork. “Of course, of course. I'll start the transfer and inform Leman of the plans. Can you be ready by tomorrow?”
She sighs and nods. “Yeah, I'll go pack, I guess.” She relents.
Her hand nervously kneads at her bionic leg again, and she hopes she isn't getting in over her head.
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dattosdan · 1 year
Kris doesn't NEED to remove their soul.
So, this is a short one, something i was thinking about earlier today was, hey, kris moves a lot, even when they have the soul inside them don't they?
Let me show you a few examples of this, before i get into my reasoning.
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These are the two moments leading up to them ripping their soul out, obviously they wouldn't be able to rip it out, if they couldn't move at all before hand.
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This is kris defending susie of their own free will, implying, that they could maybe even FIGHT without us.
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This is kris backing away from spamton on their own, to be fair, frisk also does this when omega flowey appears, so this might be instinctual and not of their own volition.
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And finally, this is kris turning around AWAY from the player, perhaps to not show their face or emotions to us, theres also a scene from the weird route, where they turn around from us, and refuse to show us susie and noelle, but i'm kinda lazy so i didnt feel like grabbing that one.
The point i wanted to make here, was that kris has a LOT of autonomy, even when the soul is inside them, so why do they feel the need to rip out their soul at all? To risk DYING? They don't feel the need to rip out their soul in less dire circumstances, so why do they always do it at the end of a chapter?
I get the reason from a meta perspective, it's to show kris is doing these actions of their own volition, separate from the player, aka the soul.
But what's the in-canon reason?
I came up with a couple of my own explanations for it, if any of you have your own your more than welcome to add on.
My first explanation is as follows: This is SUPER meta but, maybe kris needs to TRIGGER a CUTSCENE in order to move around, think about it, in literally every other screenshot i showed you besides the ones where they rip out their soul, someone else had triggered a cutscene, and kris could move in it, maybe kris can ONLY move in a cutscenes as a protagonist, maybe ripping out their soul is the only way they can trigger such a thing, but like i said, this is pretty meta, so i would get if you don't believe this.
The second explanation is as follows: Maybe kris doesnt want us to SEE what they are doing, but could do it regardless of us being in them, this is the one that is least believable in my opinion, mostly because like, at the end of chapter 2, they arnt even trying to hide what they are doing from us, but i mean, they HAVE hidden stuff from us before, so it wouldn't exactly be out of character for them to do, maybe they thought we couldn't see inside the couch cushions?
The third, and final explanation i have, is as follows: Yes they can move with us in them, and has SOME degree of autonomy even while we are controlling them, but it's not enough to do what they WANT to do, this is probably the most believable, maybe they don't have FULL control over themselves when we are in them, only able to make minor movements or actions, and they NEED to rip out their soul to travel further, and do some other stuff like open dark fountains, after all, determination is ones very will, you wouldn't be able to open a dark fountain with someone ELSES will inside you, someone who doesn't WANT TO do that, could you?
Anyway, this is just a thought I had, sorry, I really thought this was gonna be shorter, but once I start typing, I can't really stop haha.
Uh, feel free to leave your own thoughts or ideas about this in comments or reblogs, sorry for not posting in so long, life has gotten... Busy, and I don't have as much free time as I used to.
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irldiancie · 6 months
All Kagehina “proof” I know of
Ok i wasnt gonna post this but ive been told by a friend to explain why some might ship Kagehina so... try me. i dont exactly ship this myself but lets just say im a pro when it comes to this topic also it's not as bad as i thought it was there are worse ships idk why i was a hater also i lowkey got some of this from shipping wiki but most of it i knew already, plus NOT ALL OF THIS IS NECESSARILY REFERENCES TO THE SHIP it kinda just adds on to it anyways lets just get into it
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ok so starting with common knowledge i think everyone knows that Hinata is the protagonist followed with Kageyama being the deuteragonist, they get the most screen time together and are pretty much paired MOST of the series, we get a lot of content with them together while also getting content of them on their own, they're known as the "freak duo," the "greatest teammates" and like 100 other names they've been called I've seen a lot of people intemperate their relationship wrong, I've seen a few say Kageyama was downright "abusive" to Hinata which I think is a little farfetched, but to each their own! They genuinely do care for each other and it shows, even at the end of the manga you can tell how far their relationship has come, even if they consider themselves rivals, they are without a doubt still friends Now a lot of people have said "well they're not gay they're just friends", while this is true, it has been referenced/implied officially in many places, including manga panels and english dubs, so while it isn't canon there is a few cute things about it which we know are official which is why I'm sharing this, I myself know it isn't canon, plus I didn't really make this to prove anything it was kinda for fun sorry if that made little to no sense but I'll start getting into more interesting stuff 1. at the tip of the iceberg we have the fact they're in so much official art together
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theres like a 1000 more of these btw theyre often put near eachother even in official arts not based off them
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I have like 1k more of these but i have more proof than this but i think you get my point some of this is probably promo art but that's also considered official art so 2. moving on i think another known one is that Ukai calls them lovebirds ONE TIME in English dub and I have no idea who approved that but I think it's funny and obviously this probably meant nothing but take it as you want video of it here 3. this is kinda randomly thrown in but the fact that they also trust eachother, they've mentioned it a couple times but I think it's nice to know 4. i dont remember when this was or what chapter or something but kageyamas grandfather said "somebody even better will come for you", which just happened to be Hinata of course 5. ALSO after that whole fight scene back in season two, Hinata says this
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he didnt really consider kageyama as a friend, but he considered him a partner which i believe is more important to hinata. teammates/partners were always something Hinata wanted, as before he went to Karasuno, he didn't feel like his friends in Junior high were necessarily teammates. Meaning he valued Kageyama more because he was his partner.
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(credits to triananero for these images) and when him and Kageyama started working together, they most definitely were perfect together, as they balanced each-other out, which made them become an unstoppable duo or whatever they called them 6. the fact that they have matching jersey numbers 9 and 10 moving on to less canon stuff, there is a light novel of Haikyuu called Haikyū!! Shōsetsuban!! which probably isnt close to canon but Furudate was a part of it even though it wasn't written by him, so it's at least somewhat official 7. anyway according to shipping wiki there is a chapter where Kageyama feels "fluttery feelings at the bottom of his stomach" when Hinata texts him, it's on volume 8 chapter 1, I REALLY WANTED TO SHOW YOU GUYS BUT I COULDNT FIND IT ANYWHERE ONLINE. i searched countless tumblr posts and websites but i could only find chapter five and chapter three so im fully convinced this is lost media LMAOOOO 8. also in Haikyū!! Shōsetsuban!! apparently there's a part where Hinata daydreams about him and Kageyama eating under cherry blossom trees i just found that cute AS MUCH AS I WANNA SHOW YOU GUYS I LITERALLY CANNOT FIND ANYTHING OF THIS LIGHT NOVEL ANYWHERE i just know it's real, if I ever get my hands on it which I doubt, I'll share proof it exists btw AND THIS IS REALLY RANDOM AND SOMEONE WANTED ME TO INCLUDE THIS BUT 9. Basically there was a ad for deodorant a couple years back, collabing with Haikyuu, where you could buy deodorants to “smell like them” or whatever, some shippers believe it’s a Kagehina reference as they also advertised Kageyama and Hinatas scents together as some like matching couple thing
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and then there's this
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And I think I've said enough, there's way more you can find out about this ship, but I hope with this post you've learned something new or whatever... I MIGHT MAKE THIS A SERIES should i do kenhina next or kuroken ANYWAYS DISCLAIMER I didnt look too much into most of these things but I can gaurentee this stuff is true also this was just for fun and not serious but i hope you liked my little post!
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hey i have a question about berserk. i read it all the way until the eclipse chapter and then maybe 1 or 2 after that. i stopped reading because i found casca’s rape so horrific and the chapters afterward seemed to discard her as broken. i was wondering what you think of the rest of the story? i’ve thought about continuing but not sure if it’s worth it / if there will be more brutal rape scenes.
its been a very long time since i read berserk in its entirety so my thoughts probably wont be as informed or articulated as i would like them to be.
i think the eclipse is as bad as it gets. not to say theres never any like sexual assault or anything after that but theres never another explicit rape scene like that. im never gonna give someone shit for disliking the sexual violence in berserk, thats a valid feeling, but it IS kind of crucial to the story and themes. to me berserk is first and foremost an examination of abuses of power and the trauma associated with that. guts, casca, and griffith were all victims of some kind of sexual violence in their childhood/young adulthood, always by someone they know with some kind of power over them. eventually griffith would become a perpetrator of sexual violence himself. the bulk of berserk is about processing trauma and learning to trust other people again and i dont think you really get to that stuff until after the golden age. i wouldnt say casca gets discarded, guts' main motivation for a lot of the story going forward is trying to help heal casca and she DOES get better but thats not until later. theres a lot to be said about her treatment in the story and i think its valid to be critical of it. personally there isnt much i would change about her place in the plot bc it would make it a much much different story. i really love the rest of the story. golden age is unparalleled for its character work but the next two arcs after it are soooo fucking cool theyre my favorite so yeah personally i would recommend continuing.
also one thing i will say about the rape scene in the manga is i do think it was unnecessarily explicit and kind of tactless. i muuuch prefer how its done in the 97 anime
i hope this answer was remotely satisfactory
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mabelstone · 1 year
matt stone x reader
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summary: part two of Professor Stone.
word count: 1435
note: god he looks so yummy here.
the start of this isnt great but bear with me.
gonna start adding some spice to this next chapter, i just dont want to chuck it in so predictably... theres a little tease here though so i hope you enjoy xx
if you haven't read part one, here it is <3
Part Two.
Professor Stone said goodbye to the class as routine, drawing out a long, irritated sigh as his phone buzzed violently on his desk. “Fuck me,” he muttered under his breath, putting the phone to his ear, pinching the upper bridge of his nose in annoyance. He answered with a blunt, “yeah?”
You tried to eavesdrop but couldn’t hear over the rest of the students leaving the theatre. He was throwing his hands around, clearly in a very heated argument with whoever was on the other line. He leaned one arm onto his desk, propping himself up, the other still holding the phone to his ear. He made eye contact with you, holding his gaze a bit too long. “Look, I’m with a student right now,” he quickly pulled the phone away as you could faintly hear a woman on the other line yelling obscenities you couldn’t quite make out. “I’ll call you later,” he interrupted, hanging up and dropping his phone on his desk, shaking his head at you. “Women.”
“Trouble in paradise?” You chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood.
He scoffed, “please, it was hardly ever paradise.” He beckoned you over with two fingers, and you obliged, dragging your chair with you. “Sorry about that.” He mumbled, shifting his things over so you had space next to him at his desk. “My wife- ex-wife, likes to burst my eardrums at the most convenient times.”
You hummed in understanding, not sure what there was to say. You wanted to prod, but thought it was best not to. Guess this explains why he’d been such an asshole recently. You looked over at his left hand, a prominent round indent on his now naked ring finger. He ran his hand through his short hair, sighing. “Anyway, what exactly was it you were struggling w-“
“Shit!” You jumped as you accidentally knocked his cup of whiteboard markers and paper clips over with your elbow. “I’m sorry, I’ll grab those.” He just shook his head, watching you scramble to the floor to fix your damage. “In my defence, who keeps paperclips in a cup on the edge of their desk?”
He watched as you got on your hands and knees, your black probably-too-short-for-uni dress riding up ever so slightly, giving your professor the perfect view of your thighs and the bottom of your ass. You felt it hiking up, reaching a hand around to pull the thin material down. “Sorry, sir,” you blushed, moving your bum away from him and continuing to pick up the paper clips.
“This your way of trying to get a good grade?” He humoured, his eyes never once straying from you.
You blushed harder, playing it off with a sarcastic, “you’re telling me it’s been this easy all along?” He smirked, something in his eyes changing. You felt hot, flustered, knowing your newly single, probably sexually frustrated professor just saw a whole lot more of you than he bargained for.
“Um, anyway,” you diverted, climbing back into your seat, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face. “Pretty much none of it makes sense, especially numerical integration.”
He nodded, surprisingly not making a snide comment about your lack of intelligence for once. He began to explain, taking your book from you and drawing a graph. You tried to focus, but the way his eyes lingered on you while he spoke did something to you. You were sitting so close that your forearms would brush occasionally, his skin warm, contrasting how cold you felt in the air-conditioned theatre. Eventually, you completely zoned out, watching the way the muscles in his arm flexed as he wrote and moved your book around, the way his slender fingers flipped the pages, his hands veiny and massive in comparison to yours.
“Is this making sense?” He snapped you out of your thoughts, his hand mere inches from yours as he looked up at you.
“Uh- yeah, yeah.” You nodded in faux understanding, readjusting yourself to sit slightly closer to him, your knee brushing his thigh as you moved in toward the paper in front of you. “I’m just not too sure where this value here came from.”
It’s like a switch in your brain tripped suddenly. Maybe it was the fact you hadn’t been laid in months, or maybe just the fact that you were so close to a male, but you suddenly realised just how attractive he was. He too pulled his chair in closer and pointed at the numbers in front of you, and this time, you understood.
“Oh! So, d is what we’re multiplying by?”
“Exactly, well done!” He shot you the most genuinely smile of his you’d seen yet, feeling your stomach drop when he lightly brushed your shoulder. “Alright, let’s move on to the next topic then.”
He began explaining the next topic as he did, this time your eyes trained on his face. His strong bone structure, his bushy eyebrows and beautiful green eyes, his face now shaven since you saw him the night before. His lips looked soft and wet, his tongue darting out occasionally as he scribbled in your book.
You found yourself completely zoned out again, imagining his large, warm hand resting on your thigh, his other hand brushing your hair behind your ear. You imagined the way he would switch his demeanour once you closed the small gap between your lips, finally shutting him up about the stupid calculus problems. You imagined how his hand would find its way to the back of your head, fingers pulling your hair with just the right amount of force. You imagined him pulling your hair harder, moving your head to the side to expose your neck where he would leave hot, open mouthed kisses, his warm tongue gliding over the freshly assaulted skin. You’d purr something so pretty, making him groan and roughly grip your hips, standing you up before running his hands up the back of your dress, his lips travelling from your collarbones to your chest. Fuck, he’d breathe, your eyes screwed tightly shut, just enjoying the way he made you feel.
You wondered how his lips felt, how he tasted, if he lingered after a kiss. If he was slow or aggressive, if he used just the right amount of tongue, or if he would bite your lip with need.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as his phone buzzed on the table yet again, probably his ex calling another time. He flipped his phone up, only to flip it back over and let out a frustrated groan, resting his head in his hands.
You didn’t know what to say. Well, what could you say? Was it inappropriate to touch him? You were just fanaticising about him shoving his tongue down your throat. You opted for gently placing your hand on his arm, lightly rubbing the area. “I’m sorry you’re dealing with this,” was all you could muster up in your softest voice, offering him a sad smile when he looked up.
“It’s fine, really,” he chuckled, yet there was no humour in his tone. “Just don’t get married. Fool around while you’re young and attractive and make sure you pick the right one someday. Or you’ll end up an old calculus professor who wants to smash his phone into a billion pieces every time it rings.”
You laughed out of pity. “You could still do that, you know.”
“What? Smash my phone into a billion pieces?”
You rolled your eyes playfully, speaking without thinking. “I meant fool around.” You readjusted in your seat, him turning his full body around to face you, eyes dark. “You know you’re good looking, plus, you’re not that old… I think.”
He laughed, looking down at your thighs and shaking his head before meeting your eyeline. “You really want that good grade, don’t you?”
“I’m just being honest,” you smiled sweetly, your voice delicate as you looked down at your dress, fiddling with the hemming.
He cleared his throat, closing your book and gathering his things. “It’s getting pretty late; we should probably head off.”
You breathed out a barely audible yeah, before putting your things away. Neither of you spoke, and the tension thickening around you. Before you had the chance to say something dumb, Professor Stone chipped in.
“Would you like to swing by tomorrow?” He asked, returning your chair for you. “We’ve still got a lot to do if you wanna improve that grade.”
You chuckled, nodding in response as you walked toward the door. “Thanks.”
He simply gave you a smile and said nothing.
“Good night, sir.”
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hearts4golbach · 6 months
The Night Shift.
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Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
Chapter 24
"we'll wait for more people to join before we start." he squinted, attempting to read the chat.
i sat next to him anxiously. we shared the cameras view. i also leaned in to read the chat.
'omg you two are so cute.'
'heyyyy johnnieee'
'Whats your nameee 😱'
i turned to johnnie, "Am i allowed to answer chats?" i whispered.
"Yeah, of course." he smiled, placing his hand on my thigh, "it's your Q and A."
"Oh, okay," i fidgeted with my fingers. "Well, my name is y/n."
"Send in more questions while we wait." johnnie added.
'that name is kinda ass tbh'
'whats your favorite movie y/n'
'is johnnie a good bf?'
'oo i love your name'
'opinion on sharks?'
'we have the same name!!'
"Hmm," i pondered for a moment, "i think my favorite movie is [favorite movie]. but I like a lot of other ones, too. yes, johnnie is a great boyfriend." i giggled, patting his back. "opinion on sharks? sharks are cool as fuck, i love them."
The chat went by fast.
'are you and jake friends?'
'whats ur fav color?'
'youre seem so sweet wtff'
"hi!" i responded, "yeah, me and jake are friends. my favorite color is [favorite color]. i seem sweet? thank you so much." i placed my hand over my mouth as i smiled.
'johnnie is red as a fuckin tomato rn bro is CRUSHINGGG HARD'
'not johnnie staring at her lolll'
'would you start your own youtube and social media thing?'
I looked towards johnnie, whos face was even more red after being exposed by his own fans. he placed a kiss on my lips, making the chat go fucking insane.
"i probably won't start my own youtube channel, but my instagram is @______." i pulled out my phone to show my instagram account.
"okay, i think we're good to start. im going to be doing my whole makeup routine on her and making her emo." he joked, emphasizing the word emo.
he turned my chair so i was facing him. "im scared. dont kill me, please." i teased.
he rolled his eyes. "Sometimes i do concealer, so we're going to use her concealer all over her face."
as he was blending out the concealer, i looked over to read the chat.
'im stroking my shit rn (im a girl)'
'Are you and tara friends?'
'favorite music artis??'
'opinion on spaghetti'
'Are you going to start recroding some videos with jake and johnnie????'
johnnie began putting black eyeshadow on my eyelid as i spoke. i closed my eyes, "me and tara are basically sisters. my favorite music artist is probably [favorite artist(s)]." i peeked at the chat again, "opinion on spaghetti? fire as fuck, to be honest."
johnnies finger dipped into dark red eyeshadow as i read through more comments.
'do u guys live togetherrr??'
'omg its looking so good!!'
'is johnnie lady gaga'
i squinted my eyes at the last comment, "uh, i dont think hes lady gaga," i turned my gaze towards johnnie. "are you lady gaga?"
"last i checked, im not." he mumbled, his full attention on the makeup.
"yeah, we live together. it was a weird situation," i admitted.
'i cant tell if i wanna be y/n or be with y/n'
'do you like mcr?'
'is there an age gap between you and johnnie? you look so young lol'
as johnnie began putting streaks of eyeliner under my eye, i answered, "well, im 25 and johnnie is 26. theres not much of a gap. also, who doesnt like my chemical romance? my mom always hated me listening to them, though."
'ur mom is weird then no offense'
'fav mcr song'
"my favorite song by them is probably cancer or to the end." i answered as johnnie patted my leg.
"look at the camera, youre done." he smiled.
i did as he said, looking towards the camera for all the viewers to see.
'y/n should be emo fr'
'omggg johnnie she looks so good'
"i know she looks good," his thumb rubbed my thigh.
i pulled out my phone to see myself before taking a photo of me and johnnie to post on my story. "oh my god, i actually love it."
his smile widened. "im so glad." he paused to admire me before turning back to the camera, "were busy the rest of the day, so i think i gotta end the stream here."
i was confused, we didnt have anything else planned for today. the only thing i had to do was work tonight. "bye, everyone!"
'pleaseeee bring y/n back sometime!!'
"yeah, ill bring her back, dont worry." he grinned and held up a peace sign, "bye, guys."
he ended the stream and immediately kissed me, one hand meeting my cheek, and the other snaked around my waist. i leaned in, deepening the kiss.
he pulled away slowly, "i dont want you to be too tired for work tonight."
"youre right." i took a makeup wipe and began to wipe my face off. "i should probably get some sleep."
i got up and crawled into our bed, making sure to save space for johnnie. he climbed in and laid next to me, pulling me close to his chest. i fell asleep to the rhythmic drum of his heart as he ran his fingers through my hair.
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oh-my-may · 6 months
I FINISHED CHAPTER 12! (Basically... PS says I have like 7% remaining and that is probably gonna be leaving the Gold Saucer again so... yeah)
Zack??? ZACK FAIR??? How dare you be the most beautiful gorgeous cute man ever. His sections always manage to have me tear up. The ending of this game is SO gonna hurt me my god.
My date was with Aerith... which i didn't mind but Cloti for the win you know. Aerith, girl, Zack is somewhere out there!
Didn't bother with any of the new minigames at the Saucer yet, since I wasn't a fan of a lot of them the first time around. Will probably only do it after finishing main story, since some of the exchangeable rewards are very nice.
Loveless was wonderful. Teared up seeing Jessie again. The song was so moving. The party acting as the main cast had me rolling tho. THE WAY YOU COULD CHOOSE BARRET AS YOUR TRUE LOVE? They're so unserious. The little game mechanics were a little confusing tho. I swear I don't have a left-right-weakness but this part had me questioning. Managed to get score A but still... wish there would havd been earlier triggers that told you what button to press... but maybe that's just me.
BUT THE COLOSSEUM HAD ME QUESTIONING EVERYTHING. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BASICALLY 6 ROUNDS OF FIGHTING BACK TO BACK AND THERES ONLY ONE OPPORTUNITY TO CHANGE YOUR EQUIPMENT. The first two rounds were easy, when they brought put the Tonberry I was having war flashbacks to the boss fight in Corel. Didn't expect a round 4, but Aerirh and Phoenix came through for me <3
THE TURKS AGAIN THO??? Listen, I'm a proclaimed Turks lover okay. I love them. My pookies. BUT YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME FIGHT THEM A THIRD TIME NOW?? Elena is always easier to handle, Rude kinda annoying still but we got through it. Wanted to take this opportunity to say how much I love Elena being such a hater. And her having the most bone chilling horror movie scream when you land a hit or pressure her. Queen.
BUT THEN RUFUS??? ALONE AS CLOUD??? I was gnawing at the bars of my enclosure bro. I hate blonde men. Had to restart several times to get his patterns down. Was very upset with my inability tp dodge, usually I play my fights pretty head-on offensive... I was shaking crying throwing up until I had Rufus down to like half his health. Kujata on Cloud really helped me idk. Darkstar was annoying, but got him down eventually after using Clouds Limit TWICE. Almost died when Rufus was only like 3% HP remaining. The way I was shaking when it was finally over... damn. Never wanna do that again but I had already heard that the Rufus fight was pretty annoying...
Cait's betrayal was nothing new to me, I did know about it. Still made me sad ofc. THE WAY YOU CAN'T PLAY WITH HIM AFTERWARDS? I'm heartbroken.
Now it's off to the Temple/The Promised Land. Very curious what the last 2 Chapters are gonna bring. Heard 13 was quite long, but I wanna try and play it all now without any more interruptions... gonna play side quests and minigames later. Maybe I'll even be able to finish this weekend, which would be nice. I'm on vacation next week and won't be home...
So that's that. Enjoy some screenshots I took during this chapter!
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eomayas · 1 year
new thing (pt. 5) • pcy
pairing: chanyeol x f!reader, established relationship
genre: angst
synopsis: reader meets chanyeols friends and family, and an unexpected guest changes the course of the night.
warnings: heavy angst. reader and chanyeol have a fight. lots of crying and mixed emotions
a/n: about 2 more chapters before i call this series good. sorry for the ending it’s kinda trash but i wanted to hurry and post thissss. thx for sticking with me 💕
series masterlist
giggling, you push chanyeols hand away from the band of your underwear and turn your body away from him. “yeolie, stop, we’re gonna be late,” you say, but it falls on deaf ears. he reaches for you again, snaking an arm around your waist and pressing your half naked body against his.
“so what?” he mutters, bending down to kiss your neck. you don’t let yourself fall for his touch, and instead pull away from him again. “baby!” he whines, drawing you back into his embrace. you let out a breath and decide to indulge in his clingy behavior, because let’s be real: you love it. you like him all over you and when he can’t stand to be anywhere else but up under you, his hands always touching you.
“i dont want to be late,” you say as he pushes you against the bathroom counter. you let him lift you up and wedge himself between you legs, his teeth gently biting your skin. “and you are not going to give me a big ass hickey before i meet your brother and friends!” you pinch his side and he pulls back with a groan, frowning at you. showing up to meet his friends and family with a giant bruise on your neck was a sure way to leave a lasting impression that you weren’t ready for.
he pouts at you and you can’t help but smile. “don’t mock me,” chanyeol says, resting his large hands on your thighs. you quickly intertwine his fingers with yours so he doesn’t get any ideas and try to delay your leaving. “i’ll be quick.” he tries to reason, and you just raise your eyebrows.
“sure you will,” you roll your eyes and he shakes your intertwined hands.
“just the tip, then,” chanyeol says and you can’t help it when you burst out laughing.
“oh my god! how old are you?” now chanyeol rolls his eyes, though it was a childish suggestion that he’s too grown for. “you’re so horny today.” you tease and he sighs loudly, making you smile.
“you’re mine later,” chanyeol states, big doe eyes looking down at you. you kiss the back of his hand and nod.
“always,” you say and his eyes soften as he practically melts in your grasp. chanyeols cheeks flush pink and you hold back the teasing you want to dish out for the sake of the moment. the words sit on the tip of your tongue, itching to be spoken into existence. but, of course, you hold back, your pride getting in the way. you just can’t handle the thought of him not reciprocating your feelings and not saying it back. if only you knew, though, that he definitely would say it back, would probably scream it and then put it in writing, would maybe, probably, write a song about it to really prove it to you. if only you knew, though.
a nervous smile is plastered on your face as you shake hands with his brother and cousin, sehun and jongin—who told you to call him ‘kai’—respectively. chanyeol is much different than these two, much more relaxed and not as rambunctious as them though there’s only a three year age gap between him and them. you want to joke about it, maybe call him old, but your nerves are in the way and won’t let you get comfortable.
“oh! theres kyungsoo!” sehun says, standing up and waving his arms over to chanyeols college roommate. you take a sip of your water and stand up to shake his head when he gets over to the table.
you introduce yourself to his friend and he gives you a kind smile. you learn quickly that he’s on the quieter side, but sehun gets him talking just as fast. the three of you get lost in a conversation, but you don’t miss when jongin leans behind you to whisper something to chanyeol, and you definitely don’t miss chanyeols reaction: furrowed eyebrows and wide eyes that dart to you momentarily before darting back to his cousin. the two of them excuse themselves from the table for a couple of minutes, and you almost ask him what’s going on but you don’t get the chance.
“i’m sorry, what?” you say, blinking yourself back into the moment when your name is called.
“no worries, i just asked where you went to school,” kyungsoo says with a small smile.
“oh, im still in school in the city—i graduate in the fall,” you say and you see the realization come across his face. his eyes go wide and his mouth forms a small ‘o’. kyungsoo doesn’t say anything, just glances at sehun before changing the subject.
and there goes that feeling again, the one you get where chanyeol introduces you to a new part of his world, the one you get when he calls you childish when you argue, the one that reminds you that you’re still young, not even 22 yet but are involved with a man nearly 11 years older than you. that him and his friends have fully experienced what you’ve just began to understand. that there is still a part of him that you haven’t had a full deep dive into, that you have yet to fully crack him open though you show him every piece of you.
you’re barely listening to what sehun and kyungsoo are saying, your brain elsewhere. you want chanyeol back, for him to look over at you and be able to read you from top to bottom, to see that no, you’re not enjoying yourself, not without him next to you.
sehun starts laughing next to you, and you glance over at him. he’s looking behind your head so you turn to see chanyeol, kai, and two women following them. chanyeol looks stressed out and he keeps wiping around his mouth. you don’t know what to think, until sehun says, “this should be interesting.”
your stomach drops as chanyeol only gets closer, his avoidant gaze finally falling on you and guilt overtaking his features. you manage to control your face and stand up to greet the two women. “y/n, uh, this is minji and… yunhee,” at her name your out stretched hand falters and you feel like a ridiculous prank has been pulled on you. he invited his ex wife?
somehow, you manage to choke out a curt “hello” before sitting back down. you find it hard to look away from yunhee; for starters, she’s beautiful. she has short, dark hair and eyes like chanyeol. her face is mature and slim where you still have that youthful look. she wears a wristwatch, like an adult; you wear bracelets, your left wrist void of a watch. she has a large designer purse; you left yours at home. she looks like she works a real job, at an office, and calls all the shots; you’re still trying to make it through undergrad. you can see exactly where her and chanyeol make more sense. optically, they’re perfect on paper. you and chanyeol just look ridiculous.
you’re not going to sulk in front of the entire table, so you force yourself to start asking everybody questions. minji and chanyeol know each other from undergrad because they were in the same music class. minji and yunhee are sisters. yunhee works in advertisement. you mentally take all of it down. you even see minji and kai giving each other looks that you feel like means something. but above all, you pay attention to how yunhee and chanyeol interact, and when. she’ll tell a joke, and you catch her eyes sliding over to him to see if he’s laughing. you catch her staring at him long after he’s finished talking. you even catch her glance at his left hand—ring finger empty—and your stomach roils when you look at her own left hand and see that her ring finger definitely has a band around it.
you excuse yourself abruptly, knocking into chanyeol as you get up. he looks up at you with concern, as you’ve barely said anything to him since he sat down, and didn’t grab his hand when he put it on your leg. “just going to the bathroom,” you say to him, quickly beelining to the restrooms.
once you get inside, you immediately pull your phone from your pocket and dial seulgi. you have no idea if she’s busy or not, but you’re praying for the latter as the phone rings. you can’t sit at that table for another minute. you’re uncomfortable and feel blindsided, like everybody knew she was going to be there except you.
“hello?” you sigh a breath of relief at your friends voice.
“oh my god, seulgi. are you busy?” you ask, leaning against the counter.
“no, whats up? how is the dinner going?” she asks. you don’t hold back, the words tumbling out of you quicker than you can keep track of. she listens, gasping when you tell her how his ex showed up how you feel like it was a set up. if only it were, so you could proudly go off on everybody sitting outside. “holy shit!”
“so can you please come get me? like, i’m literally about to crawl out of the bathroom window to get out of here,” you say. seulgi scoffs out a laugh and says ‘of course’, and that she’ll be there as soon as possible, before the two of you hang up.
letting out a breath, you slip your phone back into your pocket and start washing your hands though you didn’t use the restroom. the door to the restroom opens and you glance over, you spine going rigid when yunhee steps through. she looks at you through the mirror and you downcast your eyes to your hands, quickly rinsing them off and snatching paper towels out of the dispenser. “hey…” she says awkwardly, folding her hands in front of herself.
you only look at her through the mirror, stone faced. “look, i didn’t know you were going to be here either, if i’m being honest,” she says with a sigh, dropping her hands against her legs. you furrow your eyebrows, not truly grasping the weight of what she’s saying. “minji… she just said chanyeol was throwing a dinner. she begged me to go, so i did. i didn’t know you were going to be here until we got here and i saw him outside with his cousin.” yunhee admits, and you feel like throwing up. minji wanted something to happen between you and yunhee, between you and chanyeol, because there was no reason for her to lie to her own sister about her ex husbands whereabouts. she doesn’t think your relationship with chanyeol is legit—hell, none of them probably think it’s going to last. you’re just a stop along the way for him, until he goes back to her.
you swallow the lump in your throat and nod, tossing the soiled paper towels in the trash. “i can leave, if you want. i’m not the kind of person who would just… show up like that. i’m not going to lie and say i still love him, because i do, but i’m not in love with him. he’s a really good guy—he didn’t know i was coming either,” you wish she would just stop talking, but she keeps going on like it’s word vomit. you tune her out after hearing that she still loves him, your vision blurring for a second before you blink back tears.
“please, just stop,” you say, framing your face with your hands and pushing your hair back tightly enough for it to pull your skin back. you let go and let your hands fall, feeling tired and over the night. “you can stay because i’m leaving, i really don’t care what the rest of you all do tonight.” yunhee presses her lips together and you take one last look at yourself in the mirror before leaving her alone in the bathroom.
to you misfortune, you have to pass by your table in order to get out of the restaurant. there’s no way for you to sneak out without being noticed, so you pick up your last shred of dignity and march over to the table. you place a hand on chanyeols shoulder, startling him with a flinch of his shoulders. he relaxes once he sees it’s you though it doesn’t last long when he sees the look on your face. “can i talk to you real quick?” you ask quietly. he nods and stands up, grabbing your hand and letting you lead him out of the restaurant. “i’m gonna head home.” you say honestly.
chanyeols face falls. “why? what’s going on?” he asks, grabbing your other hand and tugging you close to him. you let out a breath and avoid his eyes because you feel like crying and know that you probably will if you look at him for a second too long.
“i’m just… this is not what i was expecting and it’ll just be better for me to go home,” you say, trying to pull your hands out of his grasp but chanyeol only tugs you back towards him, determined to get you to stay and work it out.
“y/n, ple- no, i’m going home,” you say sternly, cutting him off mid sentence. he sets his jaw and lets your hands fall, folding his arms across his chest.
“fine. but we’re gonna talk about this later,” he doesn’t give you much room to disagree, and you just nod. he stares down at you, trying to figure you out. “how are you getting home?” he asks.
“seulgi,” you answer. he nods and runs a hand through his hair.
“i’ll wait with you,” he says. you don’t try to argue with him and tell him that you’re fine and can stand out here alone, that you’re a grown woman. instead, you wrap your arms around your midsection to keep warm, your sweater not doing much to keep you warm.
wordlessly, chanyeol slips his jacket off and drapes it over your shoulders. you slip your arms in and revel at its warmth, mumbling a ‘thank you’ to your boyfriend.
a handful of silent minutes later, seulgis car pulls up to the curb. you unzip chanyeols jacket and hand it back to him before turning on the balls of your feet. “hey,” he says softly, reaching for your forearm. you look at him over your shoulder and let yourself be pulled when he tugs you towards him. chanyeol places a soft kiss against your lips as if to remind you that he’s not nearly as mad as you probably think he is. “i’ll see you later.” he says after he pulls away. you nod and quickly get into seulgis car, not looking back at him as she peels out of the parking lot.
you’re in your pajamas when chanyeol comes over less than an hour later. you let him in and soundlessly make your way into your bedroom, sitting on your bed while he takes your desk chair. “what happened?” chanyeol asks, getting right to the point.
“why didn’t you tell me she was coming?” you counter. he frowns at you and lightly shakes her head.
“i didnt know she was coming. by that time, it was too late.”
now it’s your turn to frown at him. “you could have told her to leave.”
“minji is her sister, and also my friend. i wasn’t going to tell her to leave when she’d already shown up. i’m sorry that she shows up unannounced, but we’re in the same boat,” you stare at him, not even what to think of what he’s saying. “what? you don’t believe me?”
“i dont know know! she told me she still loves you, so i don’t even know what to think right now,” you huff, trying to keep your voice lower so you don’t disturb seulgi.
chanyeols frown deepens. “when did she say that?”
“does it even matter?” you ask. he opens his mouth and closes it, looking down at the floor. “what, do you still love her?” it’s a stupid question with an answer you’re not sure you actually to hear, no matter what it is. you don’t know if you’re ready for it.
“y/n,” he says it like a warning, but his eyes give him away. you feel gutted, like somebody ripped out your insides and stopped all over them. tears spring to your eyes and you press the back of your hands into them to keep the tears from falling. “y/n.” he says again.
“it’s fine, chanyeol,” you sniff, pulling your hands away when you feel you’ve got your emotions under control. “it’s fine. you both feel the same, it’s whatever.” you sniff again and curse when your eyes well up for the third time tonight.
“what are you saying, y/n?” you stare at a random spot on your floor while his eyes bore holes into you. you dont like where this conversation is going, and you’ve said too much to take back.
poking the inside of your cheek with your tongue, you wipe at a stray tear that falls. “everybody thinks i’m just a stop along the way before you go back to her,” your voice cracks and opens up a dam of tears that blur your vision. “we don’t make sense compared to you and her. i’m not somebody you marry. i’m still in school, trying to figure out my life, and you already know what the world has to offer. we don’t make sense.” you’re full on crying now, folding yourself over and burying your face in your hands.
chanyeol just stares at you, heavily confused at where this is all coming from. you’ve never expressed anything like this, but if he finds out that you’ve been holding this back for months, he’s going to be pissed. “y/n, stop. why are you saying all of this?”
“because! i’m too young for you! you deserve somebody your own age—everybody thinks that!”
“i think i’ll be the judge of my own life, but alright,” he scoffs, shaking his head. chanyeol hates to see you cry, but he thinks you’re being overlydramatic. “and i don’t care what they think.” he adds.
“you fucking should, because they’re the people closest to you. and i don’t know if i can put up with being the youngest in the room every time i’m with your friends. i can literally feel the years between us.” you roughly wipe at your eyes finally look up at him. his expression is hard, one you’ve only seen a few times. you’ve finally pissed him off.
this is it, you think. this is the part where he sees where he should’ve kept you at a distance. where he sees how juvenile you really are, and where there’s truth in your words.
chanyeol digs the heels of his palms into his eyes frustratedly and drags his hands over his face. “so what do you really want, y/n? what do you want from me?” your heart rate speeds up at his tone of voice. what you really want is to restart this entire night, and for him to call you ‘baby’, or anything other than your first name.
“i dont know,” you whisper pitifully. an oh my god emits from his lips and he shakes his head. chanyeol runs his hands through his hair and tugs at the roots.
“i cant fix anything if you don’t tell me what you want,” he says, looking at your pointedly. “if all you want is for us to be closer in age, then you’re really out of luck.” you’re silent, because now that you’ve said your piece, all you’ve discovered is that you truly just needed to vent to somebody other than seulgi. and maybe doing that to your boyfriend on a particularly tense night wasn’t the smartest idea.
“i dont know,” you say again, more tears coming to your eyes and streaming down your cheeks. the room is quiet except for your sniffling and quiet whimpers. you just want him to hold you, but you’re not going to ask for that, not when you’re the cause of your own misery.
“i think… i think we should take a break, y/n. just for a little while,” all the air is sucked out of your lungs and you nearly choke at his words. between the two of you, you didn’t expect him to be the one to say that he wants to break up. “i don’t know what’s been going on, but i just want us to get back to where we were. i dont know how to help you, but maybe some time apart will be good for us.”
you feel your insides melting and your world being flipped upside down. you could be set on fire right now, and nothing would hurt you the way his words are. there’s a knife in your stomach that keeps getting twisted the more he talks, and yours mere moments away from screaming at him to stop.
you barely register him stand up and coming over to you until you’re pushing him away from you with too much force. it doesn’t do much to him, but he does feel his heart crack in half, and then into fourths and so on. he winces when you tell him to get out, but he obliges and leaves quietly.
the worst of it all was that you didn’t even get the chance to tell him how you really feel; that you love him more than you thought a human was truly capable. that he’s probably the only person you’ve ever felt this way about, and that you knew it was real when he was the first person you thought of in the morning and the last person you thought of before you went to bed. because now he’s gone, all because of you, and you’re not sure you’ll ever get the chance to tell him the truth.
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mirandapriestlyswife · 5 months
Mirandy fanfic- Apocalypse Au; Chapter 4
Hi everyone! Sorry this took so long Ive been busy :) this is mostly just fluffy filler, im hoping to make the next few chapters more angsty. Enjoy!
Prologue- https://www.tumblr.com/mirandapriestlyswife/747204446805704704/mirandy-fanfic-apocalypse-au-prologue
Chapter 1 https://www.tumblr.com/mirandapriestlyswife/747303362291286016/mirandy-apocalypse-fic-chapter-1
Chapter 2 https://www.tumblr.com/mirandapriestlyswife/747419492186996736/mirandy-fanfic-apocalypse-au-chapter-2
Chapter 3 https://www.tumblr.com/mirandapriestlyswife/747593307288403968/mirandy-fanfic-apocalypse-au-chapter-3
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Waking up with your old bosses head snuggled tight in the crook of your neck is a nice feeling, but an odd one at that. It’s what Andy has been dealing with the last 6 weeks. After that first night Miranda was quick to move all of her things to the studio apartment she resided in. The floor was practically shaking under the pressure of the dozens of suitcases Miranda had brought with her. Eventually, as she assumed, Miranda got sick of the pull out couch. Its what she expected. What she didn’t expect was for Miranda to insist they inhabit a place that required less stairs to climb.
“Maybe a nice first floor hotel room?” Andy suggested
“No room on the first floor is nice.”
“Maybe we could go to queens? See if theres any abandoned places there?”
Miranda snorted, “Queens.. Be serious, Andrea.”
“Maybe we could take a trip like I suggested?”
Miranda let out a deep sigh and a grunt, “Maybe.”
Maybe was good enough for Andy!
Over the weeks they had finally decided on a beautiful brownstone, probably abandoned by some rich upper class losers who had ditched the city to go hide in one of those bunkers upstate.. At least thats what shes assuming since Miranda made her look through every room, under every duvet cover, in every bathtub, for any corpses but none were to be found. It took the two of them what felt like hours to haul Mirandas suitcases inside (with Andy doing most of the work).
Now the two sat, with Miranda sitting at the kitchen island reading some old magazine as Andy prepared “lunch” (a combination of canned green beans, spam, and canned corn), she didn’t bother telling Miranda its spam so she’d actually eat.
“Whatcha reading?”
“Really? I never would’ve guessed.” She smiled and slid Miranda her plate which Miranda looked at with only mild disgust rather than her usual “oh my God I used to have a private chef, now look at me” face. She sat down next to the editor and took a bite of the salty green beans. It was weird, having this almost domestic relationship with Miranda of all people.. I mean- they slept in the same bed for Gods sake. Andy couldn’t tell what she felt for the older woman anymore, something between love and slight fear, alike before the outbreak, but maybe with a bit less fear after sleeping in the same bed as her for nearly a month. They haven’t spotted another living person in all of New York City, it felt as Miranda said, “A waste of time” to keep looking.
“Sooo.. Anything new in Runway?”
Miranda let out a displeased grunt.
“Can you at least eat?“
Miranda visibly rolled her eyes and shut her magazine before poking at the meal.
“You slept in late today.” The editor noted aloud.
“Yeah.. Guess I was tired-“
“I was worried you died.”
Andy snorted and took a bite of her spam when she saw Miranda staring at her with her piercing blue eyes, somehow scarier in the afternoon light. “Im serious.”
Andy paused, unsure how to act. “Mira- what-?? Im not gonna just die on you!” She awkwardly sputtered out.
“Well.. Good.” The editor stared at the other woman’s facial features for a minute before turning back to her plate and continuing to poke at the food.
“Can you actually eat something? Im tired of watching you poke at your food like some snooty house cat.” She watched closely as Miranda rolled her eyes and finally took a bite of the corn with a displeased look.
“Its fine.”
Andy chuckled, “Thanks.. I worked all day on it.” Miranda was not amused by her attempt at humor.
The two ate in silence until Andy spoke up. “I think im gonna head out today.. Look for some more food or something.. You want anything special?” The editor rolled her eyes
“A ribeye would be lovely.”
“Sure ill add it to the list next to the lobster dinner.”
Miranda grumbled and took a bite of meat which she visibly cringed at. She sighed woefully as they ate in silence.
“I like your shoes.”
“They’re last seasons.”
“Im sure no one will notice.”
Miranda smiled. Andy found it rewarding to see the editor smile. It felt as if she was playing a constant game of try not to laugh and she was always losing, but sometimes she had a small victory.
“We should go to MoMa soon.” Miranda suggested as she pushed her half eaten food away and stood up.
“We could go today?”
“I thought you would be searching for more cans of vomit to serve us.”
Andy frowned, “Hey! Its good. You’re just too privileged to appreciate the effort that goes into-“
“Into opening a can?” Miranda smirked, she always got that smug look of satisfaction when she was right, it made Andys heart flutter.
“I don’t just ‘open a can’, I have to go search for things I’ll hope you’ll eat, touch dusty crates in the back of bodegas, its gross.” Miranda simply scoffed and turned on her heels, setting the magazine she had been reading on the slightly dusty table that displayed photos of the twins Miranda had taken with her along with two urns.
Andy never asked about the twins. She was sure Miranda didn’t want to talk about them. She sighed and scratched at her arm awkwardly as she leaned on the kitchen island.
“Well. If you must.. Scavenge, then go ahead. But I would like you back before dark.”
One thing new shed learned about Miranda Priestly was that the woman was absolutely petrified of the dark. Whenever the two went to bed the room had to be illuminated by battery powered candles just for the editor to sleep through the night. Andy might’ve found it endearing if it didn’t always put a time limit on all of her out of the house activities. She had to be home at 5:00 due to the shortened December days. Oh how she missed summer.
“Yeah. I’ll be back before dark.” She walked over to Miranda and grabbed a few of the massive grocery bags stored under the table. “Any requests before I head out?”
“Fruit. But get water with it. I dont like the sugary concoction that slathers the stuff.”
“Canned fruit, got it.” Andy sighed and to her own surprise leaned over and gave Miranda a kiss on the cheek goodbye.
Miranda froze, not looking displeased but a bit surprised as did Andy. She smiled and awkwardly said, “I’ll be back in two hours tops, okay?”
Miranda made a noise of approval and as Andrea was leaving the older woman piped up.
“Hm?” She turned on her heels to face Miranda.
“Be safe. I love you.”
Andy stared at Miranda in disbelief, “..I love you too.” She finally sputtered, the editor smiled and nodded before turning down the hall, most likely to go nap.
Andy was shocked, Miranda loved her?? Miranda Priestly loved her?! Maybe she was looking too much into it.. She might mean it as platonic love.. But still, the words made Andys heart skip a beat.
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I hope you enjoyed! Again, sorry for the wait
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