#;;there's a strange man in my bedroom ( the doctor - nine )
fallenrocket · 10 days
I feel a little apprehensive putting this into words. I guess I'll just start by saying that this is 100% IMHO. I know a lot of people are celebrating "Rogue" and really love the Doctor/Rogue dynamic--I'm not contradicting them or trying to downplay the significance of seeing the Doctor in a same-sex romance, especially after the show seemed to hold back with the Doctor and Yaz. I get that this episode is a big ol' "happy Pride to us!" moment for a lot of fans, and they have every right to feel that way. I just want to talk about why I, an aroace who views the Doctor as aspec, had a hard time fully embracing it.
From the moment I heard chatter that Fifteen was going to be drawn more to men than women, I was fine with it. As I've said before, one of the fun things about Doctor Who aspec headcanons is that each regeneration feels ace in different ways. Most of the new Who Doctors are some flavor of romantic, and plenty of them have been neutral or receptive to men flirting with them. It's all good. I just hoped that an m/m-leaning Doctor still felt ace to me, the way that m/f- and f/f-leaning Doctors have. I was hoping not to get, "The Doctor is gay now, and he's DTF!"
In my view, when the Doctor is drawn to someone, it's always primarily about who they are and what they do, not what they look like. The Doctor does use words like "beautiful," "gorgeous," and "sexy," but they're far more likely to use them in reference to a machine/creature/constellation than to a person. The Doctor forges deep soul connections in their romances while also giving just as much weight and respect to their platonic connections (love you forever, Fifteen and Ruby!) The Doctor's version of "flirting" is usually just being themselves, which people can't help falling in love with, and they're often slow to realize other people are flirting with them. Different Doctors have different reactions to kissing, but 1) they're often the one being kissed, not the other way around, and 2) they often find themselves surprised by kisses. When it comes to sexual references/propositions, their responses usually range from uncomfortable to confused to "does not register at all that there is something sexual here."
Nine when Jackie gives him the old "there's a strange man in my bedroom, anything could happen": ...No.
Ten when Lilith tries to seduce him: Now, that’s one form of magic that’s definitely not going to work on me.
Eleven when Craig says to give him a shout if he needs privacy with a girlfriend or boyfriend: Oh, I will! I’ll shout. Yes, something like, “I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS!!”
Twelve when River points out that he has no idea whether or not she looks "amazing": Well, you, you’ve moved your hair about, haven’t you?
Thirteen when Yaz's mum asks if they're dating: ...I don’t think so. Are we?
Now, I get that the show doesn't owe me an aspec Doctor, but what it's given me so far has pretty much always fit into that headcanon nicely. I love that this show is led by a brilliant, imaginative, compassionate hero who has boundless love for their friends and doesn't really care about sex.
That's the energy I was hoping for with Fifteen, and "Rogue" doesn't really deliver it for me. I'm not saying that an aspec person can't respond to Rogue the way the Doctor does, but to me, it just feels off compared to how the Doctor usually is in romantic situations.
When Rogue invites him for a walk outside and the Doctor remarks, "Fast mover," before following him--would any other Doctor take that as a proposition?
Just generally leading with the physical--handsome strangers, commenting on how good Rogue looks in his jacket, "you're hot" on the psychic paper. Again, I've seen the Doctor fall for people based on their bravery, their kindness, their intelligence, their skill in a crisis, etc. They usually are hot, in the way that most people on TV are, but that's not why the Doctor likes them. And with Rogue, that seems to be the very first thing the Doctor notices about him. What qualities of his is the Doctor drawn to?
The Doctor taking more of a lead when it comes to overt flirtation--given that Rogue is kind of a brusque, prickly loner, he likely wasn't going to start it off, but it feels weird to me to see the Doctor take the reins on a romance that isn't some kind of pretense (a la Ten proposing to Queen Elizabeth because he's trying to prove she's really a Zygon.)
I'm not about to say this episode is blatantly sexualized or "think of the children!" or anything like that. And honestly, Fifteen's portrayal here isn't drastically far off from previous characterizations of the Doctor. But there are just lots of little things that, if I was writing it, I'd have nudged slightly to put the Doctor's reactions to Rogue more in line with how they reacted to Rose/Reinette/River/etc.
I'd open with the Doctor curious about Rogue as someone who clearly isn't from that time/place, drawn more to the mystery than anything else. When Rogue is dour in response, the Doctor teases him--he's at a party, he's in a playful mood, and he wants the guy to lighten up.
They go outside--maybe together, maybe separately--but they both come across the duchess's shoe, shortly followed by the duchess herself. Rogue makes a clever observation or asks an Excellent Question that piques the Doctor's interest, but then he's disappointed when Rogue pulls the gun on him. Something along the lines of, "Bounty hunter? Just when I thought I met someone interesting," or, "I thought you were clever! How can you find so much evidence and follow it to exactly the wrong conclusion?"
Still, the Doctor's annoyed, not worried. He's confident that he can either convince Rogue he's wrong or get away, so he keeps up the teasing. But when Rogue takes him back to his ship, the Doctor quickly picks up on the fact that it's made to be flown with two. He's becoming slightly more worried about his own predicament, but he also wonders what pain Rogue is trying to conceal, and the little surprising touches around the ship--the DnD dice, the music--are piquing his interest again.
The Doctor uses the scanner to prove he's not a Childur, and Rogue realizes he only wants to capture the right person. The Doctor starts to think maybe there's hope for this guy yet. They go to the TARDIS and have basically the same conversation: "Pure Imagination," the pitch to travel with the Doctor (with added emphasis on there being better possibilities out there than bounty hunting,) and the two of them opening up about continuing on after loss. It's in this scene that Rogue really starts to feel drawn to the Doctor. He considers a kiss, but the Doctor is distracted by reprogramming the triform and misses signals that are visible from space.
Back at the ball, the Doctor and Ruby reconnect and catch each other up. Somewhere in there, they have a brief side exchange about Rogue. Ruby makes a comment about his good looks, and the Doctor says something like, "Is he? Now I know he's a bounty hunter, but he wants to do the right thing here. And no one who listens to Kylie could be all bad!" He spitballs a few "scandalous" ideas before realizing that him and Rogue dancing would be the juiciest. Fewer pregnant pauses and smoldering looks here, maybe some awkwardness like, "We could--I mean, if you wanted to--just to draw her out, mind..."
It's during the dance that the Doctor really starts to twig that he might be catching feelings, even as he stays focused on the task at hand. And it's not until Rogue pulls the proposal move that it occurs to the Doctor that Rogue might possibly be catching feelings for him too.
Climax mostly plays out the same way. Again, less of a pregnant pause with the kiss. Lean into the Doctor's distress over Ruby--maybe Rogue says something like, "Shh, it's okay," before going in for the kiss. The Doctor's face registers surprise, then he kind of melts into it, then before he knows it, Rogue has swapped places with Ruby and is telling the Doctor to find him. And then he's gone.
And this has nothing to do with ace stuff, but I'd set the last scene between the Doctor and Ruby in the TARDIS, with Ruby walking in to find the Doctor aggravated that he's tried numerous options and can't lock onto a way to track Rogue. He tries to play it off--"It was always a longshot, endless dimensions out there. Where to next, huh?"--and Ruby shuts him up and encourages him to let himself feel this loss.
But I dunno. Equality doesn't equal equity. Maybe if the Doctor's romance with Rogue had a similarly light touch as some of their m/f connections, people would be arguing that it wasn't really a romance. That the Doctor "clearly" wasn't into Rogue like Rogue was into him, or that the show was pulling its punches with a "sanitized" m/m romance. I can't speak to that experience, and maybe my version wouldn't come off well for reasons I can't see.
And like I said, if you love the Doctor/Rogue, that's great. I'm glad that you got an episode like this during Pride, and I know I can't blame a show for not following my headcanon. I went into "Rogue" apprehensive but hoping I'd love it, and these are just my thoughts and reactions to the episode.
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The guest PT 11
An: okay I was going to wait to upload this one but I got too excited. It also shorter than my normal chapters. Enjoy my darlings!
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You wake, lying in your large soft bed, the pink sheets drawn up to your shoulders. Sighing you turn over and look at the ceiling. Wait... That isn't the canopy you have been sleeping under recently.
"I guess it was a dream." You say to yourself and sit up, dropping your legs over the side of the bed. You are once more in your own bedroom, sun shining in through the window. You slip your fluffy slippers on and step over to it, looking out at the city. Your car sat at the side of the road alongside many others.
"strange, I don't normally park there." You shrug and make your way out to the living room, the TV playing in the corner. There is noise in the kitchen that draws your attention.
"Hello?" You call out and a man peeps his head around the corner a smile drawn across his slim face.
"Good morning sleepyhead. Here I have made you some tea." Sneed came bouncing over to you. His body was clad in a simple t-shirt and Jeans. It looked out of place on him. He hands you the mug and presses a kiss to the side of your face.
"You were out like a log last night. I'll be glad when you finally quit that job." He grins at you and leads you over to the sofa.
"Well when the baby is born we'll need you at home." He says, placing his hand on your stomach.
"Baby?" You breathe out.
"Gosh that really was a good night's sleep. I know we only found out yesterday but you can't have forgotten already." He kisses the side.of your head and goes back to the kitchen.
"what?" You say to yourself. Standing up you Look around you know this is your apartment but something is off. Like the edges aren't in focus. The TV catches your attention and you look at it. It felt like you were looking through broken glass at the scene of two men standing atop a cliff. Someone counting.
"This isn't right." You say out loud.
"It's okay, Rainsford comes back to you, taking your shoulders in his hands, "this is just another one of your episodes. You're okay, this is real. Just breathe."
"No, this isn't." You break away from him and dart across the room.
Sneed's smile drops and he sighs.
"okay enough." He pulls a pistol from his pocket pointing it at you and firing.
"Excuse me, aren't you missing y/l/n?" A man asks you, his fingers tapping your shoulder. Your eyes fly open.
"Flashbang?" You sit up and your vision spins.
"Be careful, Miss you've got a bit of a bump there." He says helping you stand up. You bring your head up to your head and feel the blood there.
"The duel, Flashbang have they fought it yet?" You ask.
"No, I think they're off that way now."
"Do you know where? How to get there?"
He nods and rushes off, so you follow him. As you get closer to the cliffside you hear the men talking. No not talking counting.
" six, seven, eight,"
"No, we won't make it!" You cry out as you round the top of the hill and see Fagin taking his steps, flintlock.pistol in hand.
"nine, ten! Fire!" The priest shouted and both Fagin and Smales fired. You see Sneed drop to the ground crying out in pain at the wound on his leg. Jack runs to Fagin, checking him over as the women run to Sneed. You rush down to them. Jack seeing you and coming to your side.
"Y/n, where have you been?" He asked. You turn to look at him and he finally sees the trail of blood on your face, "What happened?"
"I'm okay, help Rainsford." You say to him. Reluctantly Jack moves over to the other doctor and checks his leg.
"We need to get you back to the hospital." He says, "Help me get him up!"
Edmund helps to carry Sneed to his carriage and they sling him into the foot well.
"keep pressure on the wound, here!" You call out to Jack handing him a piece of your shirt that you had ripped off, "Tie it around the top."
"Yes thank you." Jack replies already halfway through tying the tornequet. You all climb into the carriage, squeezing around the two doctors.
"What happened to you? We've been looking for you all day?" Belle asks you.
"I tripped." You said nothing more on the matter.
Once in the hospital Sneed was wheeled into the operating theatre and placed on the table. A crowd of men gathered in the gallery, all excited to see the operation. The professor walked in.
Feeling dizzy you reach out for nurse Hetty.
Reluctant to leave the room she takes.your weight slightly and leads you out to a bed. She begins to clean the blood from your forehead.
"this looks nasty." She comments.
"Yes. I suppose it does hurt a fair bit." You agree.
Hetty smiles down at you shaking her head.
"You are either the clumsiest person I know or you're just like my cousin Lulu." She voices her thoughts.
"Your cousin?"
"Yes, she was, well my mother called her a foreteller. She was a bit like you, had no history, my uncle adopted her from the orphanage. It was strange like Lulu always knew what was going to happen. The amount of times she would knock me out of the way of an accident. Always bumped and bruised in some way. You seem to be like that." She pressed the cloth to your wound and you flinched at the pain.
"You'll need a stitch in that. I'll have Jack come see you when he is with Sneed." She gave you a curt nod and walked back to the operating room, just in time to see Jack and Belle kiss.
I LIVE for you thoughts so please do comment. 💜
@fandomfan-102 @deanstolemydragon @mydeputyghostwagon
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btsficsandsuch · 9 months
Okay love how An Ungodly Dream started!!!
Thank you for taking my request into consideration, I love it, of course I would like a little more angsty part, you can take as much time as you like, I'm in no hurry and neither should you💜💜
Here’s part 2! This one gets pretty angsty. Warning: Mentions of demons/demon activity, Death, Also gets suggestive. PART 1 HERE
An Ungodly Dream
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Even if you had 1,000 chances to guess how you’d be spending a Thursday night you never would’ve guessed sitting in your living room talking to a demon but here you are. “Soooo Yoongi, were you born a demon or how did this happen?”, you asked unsure if that was even okay to ask but you weren’t sure about boundaries when it came to demons. He chuckled, “It’s kind of a long story but no I wasn’t born a demon. I actually signed a contract with this guy and in exchange for him doing something for me I agreed to become one his servants.” You nodded unsure of what your next question should be.
Yoongi could tell that you had a lot more on your mind. He began, “Look Y/N there’s a lot about this you’ll never understand but I’ll try to make it as simple as I can. About six years ago I was really in love with this girl. She was my everything. One day she passed out at home and after they ran some tests in the emergency room they told us she had incurable brain cancer and was given three months to live. I was devastated and I knew I’d do anything to not loose her.” He ran his hands over his face and sighed. This story was clearly hard for him to tell but he continued anyways, “One night shortly after that, I went to a bar to try and drink away the pain. While there I met a man who told me his name was Jin. He said he could take away any pain in the world in exchange for something small. He had my attention so I followed him to a back room. He pulled out a piece of paper that I didn’t really understand but at the time I didn’t really care. He basically said he would heal my girlfriend so that she’d be cancer free and all I had to do was agree to work for him. In my drunken grieving state I didn’t even ask any questions, not even how he knew about the cancer when I never even told him that. I signed the paper and before I could say anything else he was gone. Well a week goes by and I assume it must’ve just been a drunken dream because nothing has happened. Then we go to my girlfriends appointment and there are like nine doctors from all over the world. One of them pulls up her brain scan from the day before and tells us how the cancer is completely gone. They’ve never seen anything like it before and it’s a medical miracle that she was cancer free. I was ecstatic. The love of my life was healed and no longer weeks from death. I didn’t even think about the contract that I signed. So a couple weeks go by and I come home from work and hear a strange sound coming from the bedroom. I gently pushed opened the door and saw my girlfriend in bed with another guy. When I confronted them she told me that she had a new lease on life or some bullshit like that and didn’t want to be tied down to one person any more. So I packed a bag and went back to the bar to drink away the heartbreak. That’s when I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Jin standing there. He told me how he had held up his end of the contract and now it was my turn. So I’ve spent the last six years doing his bidding all for a girl who in the end didn’t even love me and I have no way out of it.”
You were speechless. Yoongi’s eyes didn’t move from the the coffee cup on the table in front of him. After some time you reached out and grabbed his hand, “I’m really sorry that happened to you Yoongi. I really am.” He gave you a small smile. “Any other questions?”, he asked trying to change the subject. “Um yeah a ton but I don’t even really know where to begin. What kind of things do you normally do for this Jin guy? Is there anyway for you to break the contract? Maybe a lawyer or something?” Yoongi chuckled at that, “Do you really think there are lawyers that specialize in demon contracts? No there’s no way out. Either fulfill the contract or cease to exist basically. As far as what I do. I do a little bit of everything. I’m a master of all trades.” There was that cockiness again that you hated but also kind of found attractive. He continued, “It depends on why I was summoned or what Jin had planned for me. Sometimes I’ll make deals with people and have them sign contracts to lure them in. Sometimes I’ll be an incubus if that’s what is requested of me.” You cleared your throat unsure if you want to ask your next question or if you’re just scared of the answer. You forgot that he can read minds but he answers before you can even ask. “I only physically hurt people if I’m commanded to by Jin. He’s like my boss. It’s rare for that to happen though. He mostly only cares about getting people to sign away their lives. The more contracts he has the more powerful he is.”
You nodded in acceptance of his answer feeling a little better. You had so many more questions but decided that it was late and he had opened up enough for the night. “So do you sleep or how does this work?”, you asked unsure of yourself. Yoongi smiled, “I can sleep. I don’t have to but sometimes it’s nice to just relax and pretend to be fully human again.” You awkwardly chuckled being reminded that this beautiful man in front of you was not actually human any more. “Go to sleep Y/N. I’ll be alright out here. We still have a lot to discuss tomorrow.”, he smiled over at you. You nodded and began walking back to your bedroom before turning around, “Goodnight Yoongi.” He smiled back at you, “Goodnight Y/N.”
Somehow you managed to fall asleep for a few hours before your alarm went off signaling you it was time to get ready for work. You quickly showered and changed eager to find out what your new demon roommate was up to. You weren’t expecting to walk into the kitchen and find a large breakfast prepared for you including pancakes, blueberry muffins, an omelette, and fresh squeezed orange juice and hot coffee. “Morning sleepyhead”, Yoongi smiled before handing you a mug. “I didn’t know you could cook.”, you said happily taking some coffee. “I used to be human or did you forget already.”, he laughed. You rolled your eyes, “No I didn’t forget. I just didn’t ever expect demons to be this nice. You know, usually they’re more demon-ish.” Yoongi smirked as he sat down next to you taking a bite of a muffin. “Not all demons are like that. Of course there are ‘bad’ demons but a lot of them are like me. We’re just trying to survive after making the choices that we did.”, he said taking a sip of juice. You nodded and silently ate your breakfast.
Yoongi told you to leave the dishes as he’d do them later since he had nothing else to do. You reluctantly agreed before grabbing your purse. “When I get back from work we can talk some more.”, you told him. He nodded before walking you to the door. “Oh and there might be some chicken in the fridge. You know in case you wanted to whip up something for dinner later.”, you said and he chuckled taking your hint. “Yes Dear. Anything else?”, he asked. You shook your head before saying a quick goodbye and closing the door behind you.
The day went by surprisingly quick. It probably had to do with the fact that you couldn’t wait to get home to see Yoongi. Somehow you found yourself actually kind of missing him. So once 5:00pm hit you found yourself rushing home quickly kicking off your shoes by the door and walking into the kitchen greeting Yoongi who was hard at work putting the finishing touches on dinner. “I hope you like it. It’s been a while since I cooked like this.”, he said shyly. “It looks amazing plus anything is better than what I would’ve been able to make.”, you chuckled. Taking a bite of the food you smiled. “It’s so good Yoongi. You’d really make a good husband one day.”, you said not noticing his shoulders drop at the compliment. The two of you ate in silence and then you washed the dishes with Yoongi’s help because he insisted. After you changed into some comfy clothes you met Yoongi who was already sitting on the couch mindlessly watching something on the tv. When he saw you walk in he shut it off, “I’m guessing you want to talk about some things.”
You nodded, “Yeah we probably should.” There was a long silence until you spoke, “How do I release you back since I summoned you on accident?” He bit his lip, “Well there are three ways to do that. The first being that I complete a task for you, it would be the reason you summoned me to begin with. The second is to have you sign a contract and you basically become one of us. The third is we have to wait for the next full moon and on that day we would follow the guidelines in that book you were reading. Looking at our options we’ll probably have to go with the third one.” You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt, “I mean we could look at the other options. I know I didn’t intend to summon you but my boss has been a real jerk lately so maybe I can have you go mess with him a little. You know slam some doors. Open all of his kitchen cabinets in the middle of the night.” He laughed, “Y/N I’m a demon. Not a poltergeist. You’ve said it yourself that you didn’t mean to summon me. And there’s no way I’m letting you sign any contract so our only option is number three.”
Nodding in agreement you got up and retrieved the book from your room turning to the chapter on demons. Yoongi helped you flip through the pages before finding what he was looking for, “There that’s it.” You began reading through the pages wanting to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all but at this point nothing shocks you anymore. You checked your phone, “Okay the next full moon is in three weeks.”, you said. “Okay then I guess we’re gonna get to know each other.”, Yoongi smiled. You wanted to say something sarcastic but deep down you felt your heart flutter at the thought.
The two of you spent the following week acting like an old married couple. You’d bicker about minor things only to return back to normal shortly after. He cooked you breakfast and dinner every day and even packed your lunch a couple days. The two of you ended up cuddling on the couch one night after falling asleep leading to you both waking up feeling awkward and confused.
Thankfully it was the weekend so you were able to get to spend more time with each other. It was Saturday evening and the two of you had decided to go out to dinner. Admittedly you maybe put a little more effort into your outfit than you needed to but it was worth it when you walked out and saw Yoongi checking you out. “You look very nice this evening.”, he said offering you his arm to hold onto. “Thank you. You clean up nice yourself.”, you responded. Since the weather was so nice and the restaurant wasn’t too far the two of you decided to walk. As you passed a group of guys standing against a wall Yoongi protectively put himself between you and the men while keeping his arm left arm around your waist. Just as you walked by them Yoongi suddenly stopped and whipped his head around to glare at one of the men wearing a blue baseball cap. “Weren’t you ever taught to respect women asshole? She’s not a toy for you to use as you please.”, he spat. Yoongi grabbed your hand and quickly pulled you away from the men before you could even question him but you assumed the guy had thought something provocatively about you and Yoongi heard his thoughts. You felt a smile creep up at the thought that he felt the need to defend you like that.
Dinner was one of the best nights you’d ever had. Yoongi had lots of stories about things he had done and seen. You listened very closely taking it all in. After dinner the two of you made your way back to your apartment and once inside you let your feelings overtake your brain. The alcohol from dinner probably didn’t help but you instinctively wrapped your hands around Yoongi’s neck pulling him closer to you and placing a kiss on his lips. You waited to see if he’d push you away. When he didn’t you pulled him in again and deepened the kiss. Then you moved to his dress shirt and you started unbuttoning it one by one as Yoongi removed the sweater you were wearing over your strapless dress.
The two of you made your way to your bedroom where Yoongi pushed you down onto your bed before going in for another kiss. The kisses went back and forth moving from your lips to various parts of your body. In-between kisses you managed a whispered, “Yoongi.” Not stopping he mumbled something which you took him as acknowledging you. You placed another kiss to his lips before speaking, “I think I’m falling in love with you.”
You weren’t sure what you expected. Hopefully for him reciprocate the feelings. At the worst just ignore you and pretend he didn’t hear you. What you didn’t expect was for him to jump back like something had just bit him. “Yoongi what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”, you asked concerned. “We can’t do this Y/N. There can’t be anything between us. We’re not the same and I’m not going to risk you being dragged down with me.”, he said quickly buttoning back up his shirt. “Yoongi I don’t understand. Everything has been so good between us. We can figure something out.”, you said reaching for him. He shook his head taking a step back from you, “No Y/N. It’s not like a long distance relationship or something. This is serious. There are things you just don’t understand. I ruined my life and I have to pay that price. I won’t let that also hurt you.” “Yoongi please. Help me understand. I’ll do what it takes to be with you.”, you cried. You watched at Yoongi opened your bedroom door. He turned around to look at you, “No Y/N. I won’t let you do that. I’m gonna stay in the spare room until the full moon is here and we can follow the protocol to release me. Just stay away from me until then. It’s for your own good.”
With that he walked out and shut the door behind him. You heard the faint click of the door to the spare room shut next to you. Sitting on the bed you began to sob into your pillow. You knew he was right. He was a demon after all and you seemed to forget that little detail. But even after you reminded yourself of that you still couldn’t help but feel your heart breaking at the fact that the man you loved was in the room next to yours but you were never going to be able to have him. Unless maybe you signed a contract of your own…
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beansandsprouts · 11 months
Chapter 4
Dean winchester x fem reader
Chapter 1
Previous chapter
Summary: A case takes you to your hometown where you have the displeasure of running into a very shitty ex boyfriend. Dean doesn't seem to take this too well.
Warnings: cursing, violence, suggestions of domestic violence, suggestions of sexual assault
You were in your room reading a book when Dean knocked on your door and peaked his head in.
"We got a case."
"I'll start packing." You grinned.
You still mostly did cases on your own, but every now and again you and Dean would team up. You enjoyed spending time with him, he was funny and charming, though he could be a tad immature at times. And he was an excellent hunter, you two seemed to read each other's minds, working together seamlessly.
You'd been on the road for half an hour before you asked Dean the details of the case.
"Definitely a werewolf. Three people dead, all missing their hearts."
"Pretty cut and dry. Where exactly are we going?"
"Greer, Arizona."
You felt yourself tense. If you'd known that's where the case was you'd have never agreed to go.
Dean glanced at you, "Whats the deal?"
You bit your lip, it was a small town so there was no way you wouldn't run into people you knew. You could only hope he had moved on.
"That's uh-thats my hometown. So people will recognize me."
"That may make things a little more complicated but we can handle it. You might need a new badge though." He frowned.
"Not to worry, I have one with my real name on it. You never know when you'd need it."
"Smart girl."
You grinned. Dean had gotten more comfortable with you the last few months, hed even started using pet names with you. Itd been a little strange at first, but you didnt mind it. Actually, it seemed they'd all started to accept you as part of the family. It made you feel good, to have people who cared.
The two of you talked for awhile during the drive, you made the mistake of asking about that doctor TV show he loved so much. He went on and on about Dr. Sexy.
Soon enough you'd reached Greer, you looked out the window, familiar sights passing you. The memories were coming back.
Sneaking out into the woods at night with your friends, seeing who'd get scared first. Spending your Friday nights at the diner. You tried to push away the bad memories that kept trying to pop up, but it was hard to forget the things he'd done.
You pulled into the parking lot of one of the local cabin places. The town didn't really have a motel, so you'd have to rent a cabin. Dean approached the man at the front desk and you turned to browse some pamphlets by the front door.
"Checking in?" He asked, offering a smile.
"Ah no, we wanted to ask if there was a cabin we could have for a couple days." Dean answered.
"Oh I'm sorry we don't really do last minute reservations. Maybe try another place?"
You recognized that voice, you turned around.
"Holy shit, y/n. Is that really you?"
"Uh yeah. Wow it's been forever."
"No kidding. What? Eight, nine years now?"
"Yeah, how are you?"
"Its been...mixed. Mom's letting me run this place now. But uh, Des, Minnie, and Robin. Well...they were killed."
"Wait the deaths are them? Oh my god. Me and my partner are working that case right now. I had no idea."
"Partner? Case? You a fed now?"
"Yeah. FBI."
"Thats...wild. I knew you'd wind up doing something cool. You weren't suited to staying here in this tiny town."
You smiled, "It's mostly paperwork honestly. But I enjoy it."
"Well it's good to see you. Let me see what I can do for you."
"You're a lifesaver Jay."
"The only one available is a one bedroom. Everything is booked up, you know how it is this time of year."
"That's fine. We'll figure it out. Seriously, thank you."
"No problem. Let me know if I can help with anything. Oh, and Liz is working at the police station now so she'll probably be the one to talk to for the case."
"Sounds good. I'll see you later."
"Sure thing." He said, handing you to the key.
"You know where the Eagle Cabin is right?"
"Good luck then."
You and Dean made your way out to the car and back to the cabin, "Guess I'm glad I took you and not one of the others."
You chuckled, "Guess so."
The two of you made your way into the cabin, dropping your things on the kitchen table and then taking out your suits.
"Dibs on the bathroom!" You called behind you as you rushed into the bedroom and then into the bathroom.
"You little minx!" He shouted, but you could hear the grin in his voice.
A few minutes later the two of you were ready to go, on your way to the police station.
"Desmond Jones, Minnie Smith, and Robin Elward. All of them found dead, with their hearts ripped out."
Liz gave you a list of where the crime scenes were, as well as the addresses of the families and of the victims.
You and Dean interviewed the families, as well as Robin's roommate. None of them could really give you anything of use, except for Robin's roommate, Alyssa. She said something about them all falling out with Jessie, but she didn't know why.
"So, you think it's this Jessie guy?" Dean asked.
"I want to say no, he was such a sweet guy when we were younger. Kind and considerate. But being turned changes you, it's entirely possible he's a completely different person now."
You bit your lip, "It's getting late. Why don't we get some food and pick it up in the morning. We can interrogate Jessie and his girlfriend."
"Sounds like a plan."
The two of you returned to your cabin and changed back into your everyday clothes before heading to the diner.
At the diner you were recognized by a few of the staff and other patrons, chatting with them before sitting down at a booth.
"I remember their burgers being pretty good. Their country fried steak ain't too bad either."
"Both sound pretty good. I think I might get-"
"Hey y/n."
The voice made your stomach drop. You looked up, and there he was. Evan. The boyfriend you'd left behind when you'd ditched this town.
"I see you're back. You didn't come see me." His voice was cold, his eyes were blank.
"I uhm-"
"It was pretty bitchy of you to leave like you did."
"My parents had just died-"
"Do I look like I give a shit?"
You swallowed and stared down at your hands in your lap. Suddenly you were back to your 20 year old self, terrified and submissive.
Dean looked between the two of you.
"Who the hell are you?" He asked.
"I could ask you the same question. Are you her new boyfriend? You know she's not worth shit right?"
Dean's jaw clenched, "I think you need to walk away now."
"Or what?" Evan sneered.
Dean stood, getting right up into Evans personal space, "Or I'll take you outside and kick your ass so hard you'll wish you were dead."
Evan stared at him for a second before backing down, he turned to you.
"Watch yourself y/n. Wouldn't want something to happen to you." He hissed.
Once Evan was out the door Dean say back down and looked at you.
"Y/n who the hell was that?"
"My um-he was my boyfriend back when I still lived here."
"What'd he do to you?" His tone was hard.
"Nothing." You answered quickly. Too quickly.
"Bullshit it was nothing. You're shaking and I've never seen you so...scared. You can talk to me sweetheart."
He was right, you were shaking. Your anxiety had risen astronomically since Evan had shown up.
You looked about at Dean, you could see the concern in his eyes as he looked at you. You took a deep breath.
"He um. He got kind of physical when we fought or if I did something wrong. And...and he was um touchy."
"I'll kill him." Dean stood, ready to stalk out the door after Evan. You stood and grabbed his arm.
"No! Don't. Please. It was a long time ago."
"He still did it. And he should be punished."
"Dean." You pleaded, he turned to look at you, "Please."
He frowned, "Fine. But if he shows up again I'm beating his ass."
You sighed in relief as you both sat back down. Soon enough your waitress came by and you ordered.
You were fiddling with your straw wrapper while you waited, carefully avoiding eye contact with the man across from you. You were ashamed and embarrassed. You didn't want him to think of you as weak.
"Hey." Dean cleared his throat.
"I know you can take care of yourself, but if something like that ever happens again you tell me alright? I'll handle it."
You gave him a half-hearted smile and nodded. That seemed to be enough for him as he nodded and sat back in his seat.
When your food came you two were quiet at first, until Dean asked you about that movie you'd tried to get him to watch the other night.
It quickly pulled you out of your funk, telling him about the characters and how well written it was and how much you loved the costumes the actors wore.
Dean was relieved to see you smiling again, to see your eyes lit up. The you he'd seen when Evan approached you was a you he never wanted to see again.
If you want to be tagged when I update let me know!
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the-mcu-files · 1 year
IronDad End of Year Rec List 2022
Hey everyone, I hope you had a good Christmas and New Year here’s a list of 22 IronDad fics I read in 2022!
And I promise I’m trying (21k) by bluesweatshirt
5 times Peter missed having a dad (and 1 time he realized he kind of still had one)
A Little Hiccup (101k) by Crazysnakelover
While Peter was out patrolling as Spiderman, an incident occurs, and something happens to him. Now he must go to Tony for help, and their relationship will never be the same.
Perfect Timing (60k) by PeterParkerSimp3000
Nothing makes life worth living anymore. Which is why, today is the day. The day Peter Parker is going to kill himself. He hopes in his next life he isn't such a failure.
Peter Parker ended up in the care of one Skip Westcott after his aunt died 8 months ago. Skip abuses him and after 7 months of abuse at the hands of who is supposed to be his caretaker, he's ready to end his life. Now, Tony Stark is known for being fashionably late, but in this case, however, he's got perfect timing.
(He offers Peter an internship!)
[N] Rescue (31k) by Zeronay
A few years after seeking the Sorcerer Supreme's help after the Ultron-fiasco, Tony is sure he loves Doctor Stephen Strange. Maybe it's even mutual, he's sure he would've found out if it weren't for Thanos and his lackeys invading earth in search of the Infinity Stones. After eradicating half the universe, including Stephen, Tony does everything in his might to bring everybody back. Because a world without Stephen Strange and Peter Parker might not be worth living in.
IronDad and SpiderMom (60k) by juliette_1004
He's supposed to be the normal nerd kid Parker but he's not. His Mother is a spy and he lives with a secret identity. His real name is Peter Aldrik Romanoff, and he is Natasha's miracle baby. She had thought she'll never have children but one faithful night with a man who is known by everybody. She played along. Wanted to rebel. Wanting to just forget everything.
Peter's mother, Black Widow herself woke up in none other than Tony Stark's bedroom. She left before the man could even wake up. Leaving one note with a red kiss mark.
i. you are my sunshine (19k) by peterstank
Stark men don’t quit. Stark men brush off their knees as they get back up and fix their mistakes. Tony’s not stupid; he knows he’s made plenty of them. He has a ledger full, a laundry list.
But somehow, this doesn’t feel like one of them.
or: the one where Tony finds out he’s going to have a kid and he thinks maybe, just maybe, he could try giving the whole ‘dad’ thing a go.
Iron Dad (96k) by Barelyfunctioning97
Since the very first day Tony had met Peter, he had wormed himself into Tony's heart. Now that damn kid has Tony wrapped around his little finger and quite honestly, to tell you the truth. Tony couldn't care less. Peter Parker is an amazing kid that Tony feels he doesn't really deserve to know, let alone share such a close bond with, but he’d be damned if he didn’t earn it.
Unexpected (Everything I never knew I wanted) (100k) by moonchild2593
Tony Stark was a lot of things- a father wasn't one of them. He had never wanted to be one, either. He didn't even like kids with their constant need for attention and the way they screamed and cried and did nothing but slobber. One day he stumbles across the nine-year-old orphaned son of one of his past lovers and something about that kid makes him reevaluate everything he's ever thought he'd wanted.
The Future Comes (147k) by orphan_account
"You're the Mandarin. You're the ones who killed my mother."
I was just trying to have a normal sophomore year. (Okay, not really, I was trying to find and destroy the Mandarin after they kidnapped me. But the same thing, hey? And it was fair: I was trying to avenge one parent, just after almost losing the other.) However, life had other plans for me. Such as being kidnapped, supervillains destroying Manhattan, and growing closer to Peter Parker. I turned up on my father's doorstep aged five, and somehow this was the most exciting year yet.
evergreen (24k) by OnlyForward @multifandomforthemostpart
the story of how Tony Stark is Scrooge reincarnated and how Peter Parker is determined to change that. ft. civil war angst, tony being lonely, fun Christmas activities and a nice happy ending perfect for the holiday season.
The Barely Functioning Stark Family (40k. Incomplete) by Minikoala
Peter never had a mother. She died giving birth to him. Tony raised him and cared for him. Peter had never known anything different, but he knew he wouldn't change it for the world.
Harley had a mother. She died in a car accident when he was twelve. And it introduced a whole new part of his life that he never knew existed.
heart made of glass, my mind of stone (54k) by princessironspider
Tony hasn't spoken since Siberia. If he doesn't talk, he can't get close to people, and they can't hurt him again...right?
Long Story Short (It Was A Bad Time) Or AIs Don't Forget (77k) by peacockgirl
Turns out magic doesn't affect AIs. Karen is Peter's only link to his old life, and helps him hold on when he gets low.
Meanwhile, in Upstate New York, Tony struggles with the inexplicable certainty that he's lost a kid.
Until Peter gets hurt, and Karen tells FRIDAY ...
Set in that wonderful AU world where Tony survives Endgame, and our boy (eventually) gets all the hugs he needs and deserves.
phoenix (39k) by OnlyForward @multifandomforthemostpart
tony stark comes back to life after everyone’s memory of peter parker disappears in the battle at the statue of liberty. he’s the only one who remembers peter, is decidedly not happy about the fact he’s the only one, and promptly vows to fix it
If We Have Each Other, Then We'll Both Be Fine (30k) by Iplaypiano36
Peter Parker and his little sister, Presley, have been mostly on their own since Uncle Ben dead. Their Aunt hasn't been the same, and Peter has sworn both himself and Presley into secrecy about their home life. Everything goes downhill from there, but by some miracle, Parker luck lost for a day, and Peter won an internship with Tony Stark. Peter was able to worm his way into Tony's heart, but what happens when Tony starts to notice all is not so bright and happy at the Parker's residence.
Aunt May is abusive. Tony and Pepper come to the rescue.
When Trauma Comes Knocking  (155k) by Kevy_Grayce
“He’s my best friend,” Ned chokes out in a watery voice. “I, I have to be there. He’s my best friend! He’s my-” He cuts himself off by crying into Tony’s shoulder. Tony shakes his head, not at them but at the universe.
“Don’t you dare,” he whispers furiously with clenched teeth. “Don’t you dare take him from us. He doesn’t deserve this. He’s a good kid. We need him so you better fix this.” He isn’t talking to anything, but he’s lost control of everything around him. He can’t do anything.
“Why isn’t it working?!” Ned shouts his demand, but it’s muffled by Tony’s suit jacket.
“I swear, Parker,” MJ forces out in a low voice as she sniffs. “You get up or I’ll never forgive you.” Her angry façade almost immediately shatters and her chin wobbles. “Please don’t go. Come back. Please, please, please.” She squeezes her eyes shut, causing more tears to fall.
The Other Timeline (153k) by Stellophia
When Thanos of the Alternate 2014 finds Nebula from the future, learns about the Avengers’ attempt to retrieve the stones from the past, travels to the future to put a stop to their plans, and is destroyed by Tony Stark’s ultimate sacrifice, he accidentally creates a divergent timeline where he simply doesn’t exist after 2014. A timeline where the events of Infinity War and Endgame never happen.
The world kept you like a secret, but I kept you like an oath (55k) by for_the_night
At 23:37 Doctor Strange casts a spell to make the universe forget Peter Parker.
At 23:36 Tony Stark’s heart stops for three minutes. When he comes to, no one remembers his kid, but you best believe he’s going to do everything he can figure out why. He isn’t going to lose his Spider-ling again.
Reality Rewritten (75k) by Booklivesmatter
To save the universe after events turn apocalyptic when a rift opens above the statue of liberty, Doctor Strange sends Peter Parker’s consciousness back in time to the year 2016.
Now in a time where Tony Stark is still alive and the Avengers are split up, Peter is the only person with the knowledge of what is to come. He must juggle the idea that he might be the kidnapped son of his mentor and the instructions that Doctor Strange had given him: Change things.
Peter and Morgan's 40-Year-Long-Day (26k) by thisMarvelousLife
Morgan is far too clever for her own good. She knows that the infinity stones can do anything, so surely they'd let her see her dad again.
Peter never planned on using the stones, he just wanted to keep Morgan out of trouble.
Finding Their Way Home (58k) by ElliahRose
Peter Benjamin-Edward Stark went missing on a Tuesday. For months the entirety of the New York police department, as well as anyone else the Starks could convince to join, searched for the tot. He was only three when he was taken and for four months, two weeks, and four days, Tony Stark and Pepper Stark (nee Potts) worried and fretted over their beloved child.
Peter Benjamin-Edward Stark was murdered on a Friday. A ransom call gone wrong spelt the end of the child’s life. The world grieved as the kidnappers gleefully told the devastated parents they’d find his body in the morning.
They never did.
Twelve years passed and the family was still grieving, and Tony Stark worked tirelessly to find his only child’s killer and gain justice for his son.
Meanwhile, Peter Parker was having literally the worst day ever. He just wanted to help make the world a better place, but instead, he got stabbed. That’s just his luck, isn’t it?
Making A Wish For You. (65k) by The_Mishamigo
Pepper and Tony are suffering from infertility. Tony, as much as he didn’t believe in magic, wishes for a kid as a last resort. The next thing he knows, he walks into Peter Parker. Now he can’t seem to get rid of the kid.
If you know the writer's URL please let me know so I can mention them. I hope everyone has an awesome 2023! Enjoy reading and don't forget to leave comments and Kudos!
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duskwoodgirl4life · 1 year
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Chapter 9
A few weeks had passed and the new shop was coming along really well, everything had now been gutted; it was like a blank canvas for Jake and MC to remodel. Jake explained what he had in mind and MC drew up the plans. Once they had finished they were ready to hand over to the workmen to start work.
It felt like a long six months but it was totally worth it, there were still some little jobs to finish but everything was looking amazing. While Jake was busy with the workmen MC was working on the new website adding a lot more stock and repair options for customers.
While trying to work MC had been feeling sick she just put it down tomsometbing she had eaten. As the days went on she was feeling more and more sick so she decided to go to the doctor's. She hadn't told Jake where she was going otherwise he would have wanted to go with her.
At the doctor's they asked her all kinds of questions, one being was she pregnant but MC just dismissed the idea. So to make sure she gave them a urine sample and it was sent off to be tested. It was a long couple of days wait when she got the results back MC was indeed pregnant.
How am I going to tell Jake that I'm pregnant? We haven't been together that long and now this is happening. We haven't even spoken about the future yet we haven't even talked about marriage. He's not going to want to be with me now, not when he's just opened up a new shop for the business.
I'm going to have to find myself somewhere to live, where do I even start. I've got nine months to get all this figured out what the hell am I going to do.
MC started to pace up and down with a panicked look on her face, Jake had just gotten back home when he saw what MC was doing. He put his stuff down and walked over to her putting his hand on her shoulder causing her to jump.
Jake: Hey, are you okay? You look worried
MC: Oh, erm yeah…
Jake: MC you're acting strange what's wrong?
MC: Okay, here goes Jake there is something I need to tell you, I'm pregnant
MC: I know this is something we never talked about and you are probably not ready for all this. I get it I'll just figure out somewhere else to love you don't need to be in the baby's life
MC went to walk towards the bedroom when Jake grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. He kissed her softly on the lips and she moaned into his mouth as his hands cupped her face.
Jake: MC I am over the moon that you are pregnant, I'm sorry I didn't say anything my brain was thinking about how I get to be a dad and you a mum.
MC: You really mean that Jake?
Jake: of course, I love you MC your my world
MC: I love you to Jake
Jake: You know we should look for a new place to live
MC: You think so? What's wrong with the apartment?
Jake: Well for one it doesn't have a garden for our bundle of joy to play in
MC couldn't help but smile at all the things Jake was saying, she started to wonder just how lucky she had been. Finding Jake was the best day of her life. She loved him so much and now she gets to have his baby they both get to be parents.
A couple of weeks had passed and the shop was now open and was doing better than ever Jake was busier than ever. It seemed that people outside of duskwood would travel from Colville just to have Jake repair their computers, laptops, phones, anything tech Jake knew how to fix.
In-between answering customers requests on the website MC was looking for a new place to live. There weren't many options in duskwood and she was about to give up when she found the perfect place. It was a 3 bedroom house with a white picket fence with a medium sized front garden. At the back the back garden was massive, plenty of space for a baby to play.
MC went to check if Jake was with a customer before she showed him the house, he was just finishing up when MC came from the back of the shop.
Jake: Hey beautiful, someone looks happy
MC: I am very, specially with the man of my dreams
Jake: And who would that be?
MC: You of course silly, before we get distracted I've found a place for us.
MC showed Jake the place on her laptop Jake loves everything about it, Jake said they should call the estate agent and request a viewing. MC pulled her phone out and contacted the agent right away; she arranged for a viewing later today after the shop had closed.
After the shop had closed MC and Jake walked to the house it wasn't far from the shop. While walking they could hear someone shouting MCs name when they turned round it was Hannah.
Jake: don't worry MC I'll deal with her
MC: why doesn't she just get the message
Hannah: Oh hey, glad I caught you guys I just wanted to say no hard feelings after what happened
MC: What is it you don't get? Don't your ears work? Or are you really that stupid? Maybe it's just both leave us alone
Hannah: I just want to be friends with you both
MC: come on Jake we need to get going
MC grabbed Jake's hand and they both walked off leaving Hannah standing there shouting at them.
Hannah: fine if that's how you want to be I'm going to tell the others about this and they will all be on my side.
An hour later MC and Jake had finished viewing the house, it was everything they had wanted. The agent left them alone for a moment while they talked it over.
MC: Jake, as much as I love this house can we really afford it?
Jake: don't worry about that MC I've got more than enough money tucked away
MC: You have? Why have you never told me?
Jake; I'm sorry if I didn't, that wasn't my intention
MC: So how much do you have?
Jake: well with everything we did to the shop £5.3 million
MC: WHAT!! you have…..
Jake: It was money my grandparents left me when I was little. I just left it in the bank and let it work for me. I made a few investments and they paid off.
MC: wow! I can't believe it
Jake: I am sorry I never told you
MC: it's okay, I'm glad you told me now
After a few more minutes of talking the agent came back over and Jake made an offer on the house. The agent contacted the owner and they accepted the offer all MC and Jake needed to do was sign the paperwork. After everything was signed they were given a move in date. On the way back to the apartment they saw Cleo and Richy walking towards them.
Cleo: hey you two haven't seen you in ages how are you?
MC: Hey, we are both good. How's things with you?
Richy: can't complain the garage is doing so much better now thanks to you MC
MC: Don't mention it, i was happy to help with the revamp
Cleo: we spoke with Hannah awhile ago
Jake: I guess you are taking her side in all of this
Cleo: No, what she did was wrong I can't be on her side not after what she did to MC
Richy: Cleo is right, the way she's been acting is wrong I can't take her side either
MC: What about the others?
Cleo: you know what a sucker for baby's Jessy is, Lilly will always be on her side, Dan hates what she's done too.
Richy: He said he's going to stick by her tho for the baby's sake..
The four continued to talk. They told them about the baby and the new house, they were so happy for them they said if they needed any help on moving day to let them know. They arranged to meet up at the weeknd and catch up some more.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 1
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It begins
Man, not to bring my hero academia immediately into my viewing of supernatural, but is Dean proof that even if Touya had been able to follow in his dad’s footsteps, he still would never feel like he was enough??
“I swore I was done with hunting for good” oh. Oh, Sammy. You poor naive young man. You’ve got fifteen years of this ahead of you
(I’m literally not going to be able to watch this as NOT a todobros au, huh. Haven’t decided if I’m mad about it, though. The whole exchange about 9yo Sam telling their dad he was afraid of the dark? So John gave him a 45? Tell me that’s not a “he’s already 5, he can take it”)
Dude, the guy this ghost lady picked up is a total ass, but can you imagine deciding to cheat on your girlfriend and the girl you wanna cheat with takes you to a CLEARLY long abandoned house?? Power fucking mood
Ok I did right by myself deciding to watch Doctor Who second because I fucking hate jumpscares and we’re in the VERY monster of the week era
I will say the tension of “kid who did once know, however briefly, a happy family life” vs “kid who’s trying to get out from their constantly, almost since birth, family life” is really good in this episode.
Also that Dean just FULLY threw himself off that bridge? It’s…it sure is something compared to Sam hanging on to the ledge for dear life. It says something
(There’s these guitar licks that play every once in a while that make me think I’m gonna be watching a Home Depot commercial or one of those fake large truck commercials tiktokers sometimes do…..which is fitting but it’s still really funny)
Girlie, I don’t think you can call Sam unfaithful in his relationship if you force yourself on him…play by your own rules, love.
Ghost kids are creepy af, aaaaaaaand the VERY 2005 special effects. Brilliant. Love it.
Oh poor Jessica’s about to get got…but also how did Dean know to come back? He drove away?!
All in all, aside from fridging two women in the pilot, it’s a solid episode
That post about old new who having such realistic settings for the companion’s home is so real…Rose’s room is EXTREMELY 2005
Nah, because why are they preparing me for a jumpscare too???? Y’all I’m so easily scared lmaooo
But now nine is here telling her to run so all is good in the world
Nine didn’t get enough appreciation in his time. I know we all love him now but…I definitely was more meh 10 years ago
Jackie Tyler is an icon. And BRUTAL. She really just told her daughter there’s no point in getting up today due to Rose’s job being burnt to the ground
And her flirting with the doctor I caaaannooooot she’s amazing “I’m in my dressing gown” “yep” “there’s a strange man in my bedroom” “yep” “well….anything could happen” “no!” You KNOW Jackie’s read all the cheap and twisty romance novels she could get her hands on
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Rose gets a Shigaraki moment
Ok it’s 2005, what is in Mickey’s emails that he’s worried about?? I mean, could just be a general privacy thing but still
How come there aren’t more people like Clive in this show? If I remember correctly, later on people are just like “ah yes, our favorite time traveling alien, The Doctor. This is normal”
The makeup job they did on plastic Mickey is just the right amount of creepy
I forgot how much running through the back halls and rooms of shops and whatnot there was
I’m also loving the tension of The Doctor loves humanity but constantly forgets Mickey’s existence so much so that Rose has to call him out on it. The greater good vs very real human people aspect is a good tension for The Doctor and their companion to have. It’s part of what also made Ten and Donna so good, especially in episodes like The Fires of Pompeii
Oh the warm fuzzy feeling of seeing Nine smile and say “Fantastic!”
Clive didn’t deserve that, man!!
(Watching Jackie get almost attacked by the bridal mannequins, I’m also thinking about how Donna been somehow oblivious to this)
Mickey’s fears and suspicions about The Doctor are completely understandable, rational, and valid given all he went through in this episode. Man was kidnapped and copied by another alien who wanted to devour his entire planet, basically. And I hate how he gets treated by the narrative. That said, watching Rose run toward the TARDIS at the end is everything
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pentriarch · 6 years
@oncomingstvrm — continued from (x)
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“ Right, okay, yeah I can — I’ll get you if anything comes up, “ the teen started, before his brow furrowed a bit. “ But, uh. Seriously, that had to be a pretty rough hit there, do you need some ice or something? Maybe see if you have a concussion? “
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tomtenadia · 3 years
A Little Braver - Chapter 15
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It’s Monday and as promised the new chapter of the adventures of east station is here. This one is angsty. Our Aelin is dealing with the aftermath of her nearly death at the airport fire. She tries to be brave but fails.
Oh, yeah, Dorian is a cinnamon roll.
CW: PTSD, panic attacks and language.
The gif as a header is silly. it was just to lighten the mood before the chapter. it was desk job and fire and the scene in the IT CROWD where Moss deals with a fire on his desk is hilarious.
Hope you will enjoy.
The following morning Aelin was, for once, the first one to wake up and she felt giddy. The doctors had given her the all clear to go back to work. It was desk for duty only and had recommended to take it easy for the first week back. She was excited at the idea of wearing her uniform once more and be back with the rest of her squad. She had missed them all. Their banter, their company.
She looked at Rowan still asleep and giggled. It was so unusual for her to wake up before him. Had it been his day off, she would have let him sleep but he had to go to work as well so she had decided to wake him up in a special way. She got off the bed, walked to his side, then took a step backward and finally jumped and landed on him.
“What the heck?” he roared, grabbed her and turned in a very swift motion caging her in between his arms with his body towering on her.
“I am your new alarm clock,” she smiled looking up at him.
“Worst alarm ever.” His legs trapped hers as well so that Aelin was fully blocked under him.
“What if I was am naked? Still a bad alarm?”
His hands sneaked down her body and Aelin was getting ready for them to make her a happy and satisfied woman, but they stilled and a moment later he started tickling her.
She whimpered and tried to wiggle free from his grasp but Rowan was relentless and she was now screaming for him to stop and shaking her head wildly, blond hair flowing everywhere.
“Rowan, please.” She shouted when she reached a point in which she could not take it anymore.
He finally stopped, realising he had punished her enough but never moved away from her.
“Enjoying the view, captain?” She mused at his strange expression.
“You are stunning,” he whispered dropping a kiss on her lips “you have no idea, but when you smile you can seriously give a man a heart attack.” His voice now gruff with lust.
She looked down at his strained briefs and grinned “not just that apparently.”
Aelin pulled up on her elbows and begged for a kiss “we can have some morning fun in bed, or we can use the shower and save some time.”
A second later she was airborne and Rowan was carrying her to the bathroom “I love the way you think, captain.”
The shower took much, much longer than they had planned. Both of them were now running around the bedroom grabbing pieces of clothing to get ready to go to work.
“Totally worth it.” She told him while pulling up her jeans.
He leaned over while tying his tie and kissed her “so, so worth it.”
“How do you feel?”
“Giddy, to be honest.” She confessed ignoring the pang of nervousness that she had been feeling since the day before. She wanted to go back, but deep down a part of her was panicking at the idea, but she had not mentioned that to Rowan. He would fuss unnecessarily and she was done staying at home and be a patient.
She took a deep breath and wore her hoodie.
“Are you going to finish as normal tonight?” Rowan turned to her, while wearing his jacket.
“Yes, I will be doing a normal nine till five for now. Aedion knows. A part from paperwork I am useless.”
He heard the pang of sadness in her voice and walked to her to hug her “you will go back. You just need to be patient, Fireheart.”
She sighed and her arms went around his waist to steady her “Yeah.”
“Do you want me to drive you?”
“No,” replied Aelin shaking her head “no, I will be fine,” but from the tone Rowan knew she was not. Something was nagging at her and he feared she was putting a mask on. He sighed and blamed it on his crazy need to fuss about her.
Together they left the house and he accompanied to her car. And that alarm bell rang again in his head when he noticed the smallest hesitation in her.
“Text me, call me if you need anything.” He kissed her, cupping her face in his hands “I love you, captain.”
“Of course, who wouldn’t?” She gave him a tight smile and kissed him back “I will see you tonight.”
Aelin had been driving for a good ten minutes when she pulled over and got out of the car and on the pavement very quickly, feeling sick. Leaning against the car door, she felt her heart racing madly in her chest and she felt like she could not breathe.
“Are you okay, miss?” Asked a passerby noting her distress.
“I am okay.” She managed breathlessly “thank you.” 
Slowly she moved back in the car and sat back at the wheel but did not move. Just closed her eyes and waited for the queasiness to pass. One long deep breath after the other and she started regaining a bit of sanity and eventually started the car and drove to work.
She left her car along the pavement as usual then got out and took a step onto the apparatus floor. Both engine and truck and the ambulance were still there. She took another step then froze and noticed her hands shaking. What was wrong with her?
The yard was empty but she knew the crew was going to be on shift, they were probably all having breakfast together as they were used to do when they started a shift in the morning.
She looked at the trucks and almost fell sick again. A part of her wanted to turn around and run and she almost did it if it hadn’t been for Brullo’s cheery voice “cap,” he shouted, walked to her and crushed her in a bear hug.”You are back, we missed you so much.” He let her go and grabbed her hand “come on, we are all in the kitchen having breakfast. This is going to be an amazing surprise.” Aelin nodded and followed him. Her heart racing in her chest so much it hurt.
Once in the kitchen the noise that erupted as soon as she stepped in was deafening,
Everyone ran to her for a hug or to ask her questions, Ress gave her back her captain hard hat and she tried very hard to smile, to look happy while instead the emotions were too much for her to bear. She pulled away joking that she needed to breath and for some reason she had to fight tears from falling. 
“Hi guys.” She did her best to sound as steady as possible.
Aedion got to her side and ruffled her hair and her mind remembered that he was the one who found her almost dead in the inferno that had been the airport crash.
She felt sick again. This was all too much.
“I am back,” she said, giving them a tight smile her.
Aedion seemed to notice her distress and pulled her closer in a hug “finish your breakfast everyone, then you know your duties for the morning. It’s Aelin’s first day back. Let the woman breathe.”
Aelin kissed Aedion on the cheek “thank you, I missed you all, but that was a lot.”
“We have plenty of breakfast, would you like some?”
She nodded. She and Rowan had been too busy having fun that it had been too late for him to make breakfast, something he had complained about quite loudly. He was very strict with her meals and always made sure she ate. He had been incredible and since he had started living with her she had fallen for him even more. They had even stopped fighting. They bickered, but that was fun. She thought about him and in that instant she realised that his arms around her would be the only way to calm the panic rising in her. He grounded her.
Aedion passed her a plate with some breakfast and she took a bite, ignoring the protests of her stomach.
Once it was just the two of them Aedion finally took the courage to speak to her “are you okay?”
She knew she would struggle to lie to him “you know you can talk to me, right?”
Aelin stood “I have a lot to catch up to,” and walked away, ignoring Aedion completely.
Once in her office she slammed the door shut and walked to her desk. It was covered in mail and few notes from Aedion. He had been acting captain while she had been off. She turned on the pc and spent a good hour going through all her emails.
Marcus had sent her a few articles about the incident at the airport and had highlighted the parts about her. One of the articles had an aerial picture of the disaster and as she saw it, she stood and moved away from her desk. Her breath became laboured and dizziness and nausea came back. She went to the sofa and sat down, taking her head in her hands. In that instant she heard someone knocking at the door and stood quickly “come in,” she said trying to sound herself.
Lysandra’s head popped in “hi, you. Can I come in? Are you busy?”
Aelin motioned to join her on the sofa.
“How does it feel to be back?”
Terrifying. Aelin wanted to say “a bit overwhelmed, there is so much I have to catch up that I don’t know where to start so I am just sitting on the sofa and hope work will complete itself.” Good, let’s put her usual swagger on. 
“Aedion tried to keep everything as you left it and did as much as he could. He hated it. He kept saying that the place behind that desk was not his. We all missed you so much, but he is the one who missed you the most and not just because of the acting captain thing.”
“I missed you all as well.” At least she didn’t have to lie about that.
“How is it going with the captain? Is he still living at your place?”
Aelin nodded “yes, we are fine. We even stopped fighting. He is wonderful and he helped me a lot.”
Lysandra smiled “so you two are shacking up officially?”
“We haven’t discussed the matter, to be honest.”
“But you are happy with him.” Asked Lys tenderly, who was very happy to see her friend letting her fears aside.
“Good.” Lysandra clapped her hands “don’t forget to invite me to the wedding.”
Aelin rolled her eyes “too early for that, don’t you think?”
Lys was about to reply but dispatch alarm went off calling for the ambulance “that’s my clue to go.”
The woman stood and disappeared through the door and Aelin sighed heavily then ran to the bathroom and was sick. She sat on the cold floor for a good ten minutes, her head against the stall’s wall. Then she heard voices, left the stall, washed her face and tried to act normal to avoid suspicion. 
“Hello, captain” Ansel’s cheery voice reached her.
“How are you doing?”
“Amazing. I am due to go and help Luca with training in a moment. The kiddo has his exam in two weeks.”
She felt a smile reach her lips “that is wonderful news.”
“The whole squad has been taking turns helping him with training. We are positive he will crush it. He got really good.”
“Good, just… look after him once out there.”
Ansel patted her shoulder “always. We always look after each other.” And the woman winked at her and walked away leaving Aelin alone once again.
Aelin splashed her face with cold water and walked back to her office determined to get some work done. 
She was in the middle of finishing some report when someone else knocked at the door and Dorian appeared “hi, you.”
Aedion had told her how broken he had been when they thought she was a goner. 
Her hands started trembling again but she hid them under the desk.
“Good morning, chief. I was not expecting you.”
“I just wanted to pop in and see how you were.”
“Your emails and reports are what’s gonna kill me.”
For a moment she noticed a flicker of pain flash in his eyes “just ignore them.”
Aelin shook her head “emails and reports are the reason I am at work today. That’s all I can do for the foreseeable future.”
“You know why.” He said softly.
“I know chief,” she said in a harsher tone than what she wanted “it doesn’t cancel the fact that at the moment I am useless as a firefighter and replying to emails and finalise million of reports is all I can do. Guess they don’t teach you that at the academy.”
He moved a step to her “Aelin, I know how you feel just now. I have been there myself and I hated every minute of it.”
Aelin sighed and calmed down. During his time as captain at west he got badly injured and after he got back to work he had been assigned on desk duty for three months. She was still a candidate at his station but remembered how miserable the man had been.
“How are you? Mentally. We do have support if you are struggling.”
Aelin run a hand through her hair. She knew. The counsellor had already been in touch with her. It was protocol for them to go through counselling and help in case of a traumatic incident.
“I am fine.”
“Aelin, you almost died.” He said through gritted teeth.
She stood “I know. I was there. The roof collapsed on me. I was the one who almost asphyxiated in that bloody inferno. I know.” She snarled at him.
“Have you spoken to the counsellor?”
“Not yet.”
Dorian sat down in front of her and Aelin was annoyed at the fact that he was going stay longer than she hoped.
“Aelin— ”
“Don’t” she stopped him “don’t use that patronising tone with me, chief. I know the rules. I will make an appointment with him.”
“So,” he continued, enjoying himself “how is it going with your captain?”
“Fine.” She replied, leaning back in her chair and twinning her hands under her chin.
He smirked “are you friends already?”
Aelin rolled her eyes “as if you don’t know that we are more than that.”
He raised his hands in a yielding gesture “just checking. You and Aedion did a good job with the airforce. I had Commodore Salvaterre singing the praises of the two of you.”
Aelin’s mouth fell open “Lorcan. That Lorcan actually praised us.”
Dorian nodded.
Aelin texted Rowan very quickly. His reply came back within seconds: are we talking about the same man?
She showed Dorian Rowan’s reply “see? Rowan can’t believe it either.”
“Well, he did.”
Aelin shrugged “fine, I’ll believe you.”
“Good,” he finally stood “I’ll leave you to your emails. Just please talk to the counsellor, okay?”
“Yes, chief.”
Dorian smiled at her and left and Aelin let out a very long breath. She was finally alone again and hoped no one would go in her office again. She loved them all, deeply and she missed them but she felt so out of sorts that even interacting with them was getting difficult.
The dispatch alarm went off again and this time it was for engine and truck. She stood and quickly went to where they were parked and from a corner looked at her team go away without her. Once they were gone she leaned against the wall and sobbed so hard that she ended up sitting on the floor for a moment. Then she stood and slowly walked away. She reached the room where they kept all their gear and walked in, finding it empty as the guys were on a call and her gear was the only one present.
With one hand she touched her new jacket. Her old one had been damaged in the fire. It smelled wrong. That was the first thing she noticed and it was pristine, with no marks, and she hated it. With her fingers she brushed the letters at the bottom saying captain Galathynius. She sat in a corner and hugged her legs to her chest and hid in the empty room for a while. Then all of a sudden she stood and ran back to her office, grabbed all of her belongings, switched off the computer and all the lights and ran back to her car.
Fifteen minutes later she was back home, very quickly she got to the closet she shared with Rowan, grabbed her blue duffel bag and started shoving clothes in it. Then grabbed a few other items from the room and ran outside back to her car.
A moment later she started driving north, not having an idea where she was going. She just aimed for the mountains. She needed to be away from everything. She had tried to be brave and go back to work, and ignored the truth in front of her. She was not ready. She had been stubborn and convinced herself and probably the doctors as well that she was, but the whole morning had been the proof that she had gone back too early. In reality she had been terrified since the moment she had left the house. The station had reminded her of what happened at the airport. Reminded that hers had almost been the next funeral. That the bell had almost rang for her.
Tears began flowing and eventually she had to pull over, the tears not allowing her to see the road properly. She was not okay and she felt lost. Her heart pounded in her chest and she felt like she was going insane.
Eventually, Aelin went back to driving and remembered that Lys had once mentioned holiday cottages in the mountains. She pulled over again and took out her phone to search for the place. Once she got it she set her sat nav and went back to driving. She arrived half an hour later and was impressed by the location of the place. It was in the heart of the Staghorns mountains and it felt like the most peaceful place on Earth. Once she was better she definitely had to take Rowan there.
She parked the car at the guest car park and got inside the reception, got herself a cottage for a week and drove to her allocated house. It was perfect.
She parked the car, grabbed her bag from the trunk and walked in.
The cottage was all in wood and was gorgeous. She noticed the fireplace and flinched at the massive fire hazard. Her bag landed on the floor and she then curled on the bed. The next thing she did was to switch off her phone.
Aedion and the squad got back to the station over an hour later and the first sign he had that something was wrong was that all the lights were off. Aelin was supposed to be there. He jumped off the truck, gave some orders to the two teams and walked to Aelin’s office. Once in he noticed it was empty “Aelin?” He called.
“Why all the light were off?” Asked Lysandra joining him. 
“Aelin is not here.” He replied quietly.
“I thought she was staying until five.” Added the woman. 
Aedion kept walking around the station as if in search of a clue of her whereabouts. He went to check the captain’s private quarters but they were empty.
“No sign of her anywhere,” said Lysandra joining him again.
Aedion took out his phone and tried to call her. He looked at Lysandra and shook his head.
“What if something happened?” Lys whispered. They were keeping the news to themselves for now. Let the other think she had gone home early.
“Ae, she was not okay. I spoke to her and she pretended to be fine but I saw the mask. She was just putting her usual bravado for us.”
Aedion sighed heavily “I know. She avoided talking to me and Dorian told me the same thing. She is not well and the fact that she is gone worries me immensely.”
“You are her cousin, dammit, you should have pushed her.” Lysandra said through gritted teeth.
“You know better than me that it doesn’t work with her.”
Lysandra groaned in frustration “call the captain. Call him and see if she is there.”
Aedion pulled his phone out of his pocket once again and called Rowan.
“Hello  Lieutenant.”
“Captain…” he took a deep breath “I was wondering if Aelin is there at the base with you.”
“No, why would she? She told me she was going to work.” Rowan’s panic rose a notch.
“She was here this morning, but when we came back from a call, she was gone. I thought she came to see you.”
“Are you telling me that you have no idea of where she is?”
“Yes, captain.”
Rowan swore “I will be there in fifteen.” And he hang up.
Aedion looked at Lysandra “he was not happy.”
Rowan marched into the fire station not long after. Aedion directed him to a quiet area of the station and Lysandra followed. 
“Where is she?” Asked Rowan as soon as they were away from everyone. 
“We don’t know. She is not here, but she was when we left.” 
Rowan started pacing back and forth nervously “was she okay while she was here?”
Aedion shook his head “She didn’t tell me but I know she was not well. I tried to talk but I had no luck.”
Rowan leaned against the table, hands on the wooden surface “She is not. She has been suffering from nightmares and panic attacks. She is not sleeping well either.” He explained “I suggested plenty of times to talk to someone, you guys have counsellors, right?”
Aedion nodded.
“I told her to delay her return to work by a week. She was giddy this morning, but I could feel there was something wrong, it bugged me the whole morning.” He ran a hand through his hair “I should have told her to stay at home. I just believed her.”
Aedion placed a hand on his shoulder “She does that. She did the same after Sam died. She put up a wall and pretended she was fine. Fooled us all until she just broke down completely.”
“Well, I would like to avoid for her to break down this time if possible.” Rowan growled back. All the signs were there and like an idiot he had believed her. He felt like the worst boyfriend in the universe.
“Any idea of where she could have gone? Any friends anywhere else?”
Aedion shook his head.
Rowan grabbed his phone and tried to call her and desperation hit him when it did not connect “Aelin it’s me. Pleas call me when you hear this. I beg you. Where are you? Everyone is worried. I love you.”
“I’ll go home and see if she is there or if there are any clues of where she could have gone.”
“We are still on shift until tomorrow morning, keep me updated, please.” Said Aedion with a broken voice.
“I will. And you will let me know if you have any luck or think of any places she might be?”
“We will,” said Lysandra, grabbing Aedion’s arm.
Rowan nodded and disappeared.
Twenty minutes later he was at their place, but the house was empty. He walked around the house but it looked exactly like they had left it in the morning.
“Where are you?” He whispered.
He opened their closet and in an instant he noticed something missing: her blue duffel bag.
“Shit.” Some of her clothes had gone as well.
He grabbed his phone.
“I think she is gone.” Rowan’s voice was filled with deep panic.
“I thought we established that.”
“No, Aedion. She left. Her duffel bag is missing and some of her clothes are gone too. She must have come home and packed because they were here this morning.”
“What do we do?”
Rowan sat on the bed, his head in his hand, while with the other he held the phone “I have no idea.” He felt useless and in utter fear.
“I think it’s bad. She did not flee after she lost Sam. She was broken but never left. Whatever it is, we need to find her soon.”
“How?” Roared Rowan “How the fuck am I supposed to find her if we don’t have any idea?”
“I don’t think we can until she wants to be found.”
Rowan wanted to scream. 
He was going insane.
It was four days later and Aelin was sitting on the cold floor of the bathroom sobbing loudly. She just had four days from hell. The nightmares had been relentless and she was now so scared of falling asleep that she had stopped sleeping altogether. She had started surviving on coffee but that had the horrible side effect of increasing her panic attacks. 
Slowly she tried to stand, she washed her face and made her way back in bed. The last panic attack had left her a wreck and she felt like she was losing her mind. 
Her stomach growled but she could not eat. She had bought some meals to heat up in the microwave, but she was struggling to keep food down.
She ignored the pangs of hunger and curled under the blankets, shaking like a leaf.
She woke up an hour later with a terrible scream leaving her lungs. She sat in bed and patted her body, realising she was not on fire. That was the recurring nightmare. Her body on fire, the flames engulfing her as the ceiling collapsed on her over and over again and the horrifying smell of her skin burning. And then the feeling of suffocation. She would always wake up gasping for air.
Slowly she calmed herself down and her breathing went back to normal. She was drenched in sweat so she stood and went to the bathroom to take a shower. 
Once under the jets she let herself relax and think of happy memories. Of happier showers she had shared with Rowan. And then guilt hit her. She had left. She had just disappeared. No notes, nothing.
He must be going insane. It had been four days and she could picture him mad with grief.
She should have never left. She should have accepted his help. 
Gods, she missed him so much. The tears came back in force and leaned her head against the wall. She felt so, so lost.
Aelin sat down in the shower floor and pulled her legs to her chest and cried until she felt spent and exhausted and had no tears left to shed. Eventually she found the strength to leave the shower wear  clean clothes and sit back in bed. 
With trembling hands she grabbed her phone and switched it on. A barrage of notifications hit the device. She read all the texts from Rowan. There was no fury from him, just love and support and a plea to come back to him. Her chest felt tight in pain. She had let him down so much. How could she face him again? After all his support since she woke up in a hospital bed how could she flee from him instead of begging for his help? A help she clearly needed. She had lied to herself. She was fine, she had told herself over and over again. But she was not. Not even remotely close to it.
She listened to her voicemails from Rowan and Aedion and her cousin sounded far more furious than Rowan.
She started typing a message to Rowan but stopped and started a few times. What could she tell him? I am a mess, why bother with me? She shook her head and deleted the message again.
Then she had her answer.
I am sorry.
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pillowfluffs · 4 years
Pregnancy | Jung Jaehyun
Pairing: Jaehyun X Reader (female) 
Genre: fluffy, domestic! 
Author’s Note: v long! Also, thank you @dreamyclown​ aka @sunboikyo00​ for helping me write this ah ha ha 
Warnings: pregnancy! Child birth! 
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This was it
You were going to be a mother with the man you loved and married, Jung Jaehyun
It all felt so exciting and you felt closer than ever to him knowing you were going to be bringing a life into this world as a symbol of your and Jaehyun’s love
It made you really nervous thinking about starting a family, but there was nothing to big or small he wasn’t able to soothe or help walk you through
God he loved you so much
You two were entering a new chapter in your lives and it was going to be nine to ten months long
And he told you he was going to be by your side the best he could
A bit after you two had spent a long night together, making sweet love, you waited to see if your period would appear or not
To your avail, it didn’t but to be extra sure, you went to the doctors a little more than a week after your period was supposed to end
He knew you would be going to the doctor’s at one point instead of using a pregnancy test and he hoped to go with you, but you wanted it to be a surprise. But you didn’t tell him you were going, only telling him you were running errands while he was at work
Soon, you were happily able to leave the doctor’s office with confirmation of your successful pregnancy and now you could surprise Jaehyun
To start, you prepared dinner with his favorite foods but only a few dishes so it wasn’t obvious that you had good news
You went to the grocery store to pick up a few crabs so you could make crab meat fried rice, one of his favorite dishes as well as the things you needed to prepare takoyaki
When he came home was a challenge for you since you couldn’t contain your excitement to see how he would react
Jaehyun had asked you about having kids before and he expressed how he would love to start a family one day with you
There was no one else he could ask for in life and no one else he would start a family with
You welcomed him home with your usual voice, restricting yourself from throwing your arms around him
He came from behind while you were cooking one of the few last dishes, pressing a kiss to your cheek as you cooked, complimenting how delicious everything looked
With that said, he took a shower as you finished the final meals so when he came down, he had his feast awaiting for him
It was so hard to keep it in and you so desperately had to tell someone so you messaged your best friend about news you had. You couldn’t contain the smile on your face as you texted, you didn’t even notice Jaehyun as he leaned in the entranceway of the kitchen
When you looked up, he was already looking at you, admiring your smile, the one he fell in love with many moons ago and he still loved every time he saw it
“What is it?” He asked with his dimple on his cheek as he sat across from you in the kitchen
“Uh, I’ll tell you about it later,” you composed yourself as the two of you began to eat. “How was work?” You changed the subject
“It was pretty okay. Pretty normal as usual. How was your day? Did you finish your errands?” He asked as he shoved one of your mouth watering takoyaki into his mouth, savoring the flavors you were able to create while cooking
“I finished my errands,” you smiled, bubblier and a smile never leaving your face which made Jaehyun suspect something was up but he didn’t know what
He listened intently while the two of you spoke about your days and just talking about things in general and the thought of something being up with you soon drifted out of his mind, getting lost in the sound of your voice and words
After dinner, the two of you did the dishes together, settling into the living room to relax for the rest of the night
“Hey, Jae,” you peered to him as he relaxed against the back of the couch, turning his eyes down to you
He had his arm around your shoulder as you leaned onto his body, your head on his shoulder, your hands holding his
“I love you,” your heart racing and your entire being, elated
And there it was again, his sweet dimple on his cheek as he smiled as he leaned down, pressing a kiss to your forehead
“I love you too,” he mumbled with his lips to your skin, his arm rubbing your shoulder, giving you a brief squeeze
“I’ll be right back,” you said as you stood from your comfy spot to which he nodded and latched his eyes to the screen
You went upstairs to the bedroom and pulled out the little gift you picked up from a store after your errands and brought the wrapped gift back down to him
Sitting beside him, he saw the simple, well wrapped gift, curious what it was and what was happening
“For you,” you said, simply handing the gift in his lap. He sat straighter, confused as what this could be. It wasn’t his birthday nor was it your anniversary anytime soon since it had passed last month
“What is it?” He asked holding the strange object in his lap
“Just open it,” you smiled. He did as you were told and unwrapped the wrapping paper, revealing the cover to his favorite childhood story. He had told you once about how he wished to find a copy but it unfortunately was hard to find and expensive for one to be in good condition
“Oh my god, where did you find this?” He asked as he looked at the front and back, his mind not believing he was finally seeing this book again after so many years and in decent condition too
his childhood memories of his father or mother reading this to him flooding his mind, nostalgia filling him
“I have my ways, but there’s one more thing. Open the cover,” you said as you but your lip, unable to contain anything, feeling your heart pounding in your chest
He flipped open the front cover finding your handwriting on a note you had attacked to the slightly worn cover
“To Jae. You can reminisce in your childhood and read this to our...” his voice died off as he read the remaining in his mind, unable to process, looking up to you with his eyes wide, his hand covering his mouth
“Read it!” Your eyes sparkled
“To our future child,” his voice shook as it felt like his world was suddenly stopping and suddenly accelerating
“Are you serious?” His heart beginning to race faster in his chest, the tiredness he felt from work suddenly gone
“Yes,” you nodded, finally letting all the happiness out. Jaehyun suddenly went stiff from his spot, and took you into his arms when you stood as well. He took you into his embrace and spun you around the spacious living room, his thoughts so sporadic, he was unable to formulate any sentences
“When did you find out?” He asked as he held your hands, finally able to speak properly with his eyes watering, his hand shaking just the slightest bit from all the exhilaration he was feeling in his body
“Today,” you laughed as you reached your thumb up to wipe a tear that escaped from his eyes. “I went to the doctors to check on my errand trip.”
The night was spent in high spirits. Jaehyun let his emotions show as he held you closely all night, pressing kisses to you every now and then
On his day off on Thursday, two days since you had told him you were pregnant, he took you to your parents’ place and then his own, spreading the joyous news. Both parents were ecstatic and overjoyed, finally knowing they’ll have a grandchild. the day filled with being smothered in kisses and hugs, delicious foods, and love
Throughout the day, Jaehyun’s hand found yours, holding it dearly beneath the table, while he drove and he just couldn’t keep his hands off of you. Your family was growing, starting in your belly and his dream was now beginning to come true
You began to feel more tired and nauseous at night than usual and feeling more bloated as weeks went by, especially after eating any meal even though you still looked the same physically
Some mornings, however, you woke with morning sickness making you stumble out of bed to the bathroom. A few mornings, however, were very bad
Jaehyun did his best when he could if he hadn’t left for work yet. He got out of bed and squatted down behind you, holding your hair back and rubbing your back knowing this was the process you would be having to go through throughout childbirth but that process would be changing through the months to come
But it wasn’t anything you couldn’t handle
He brought home snacks you liked hoping it would lift your mood, which it did, distracting you from the sickness you were feeling. holding you close when the two of you slept with his hands resting on your stomach as usual
He began to come home a bit earlier from work so the two of you could make dinner so it wasn’t just you. He took the doctor’s words seriously and he really hoped nothing would happen to you or the baby
His love for you was amplified. He wished he could stay home with you and just spend time with you with nothing to worry about or nothing on his mind but you, but work was a must
If he worked hard now, this meant in the future things would be easier financially and life would just be simpler  
Some nights when he came home early enough and dinner wasn’t too long, the two of you went out on walks under the sky as it changed colors right above your heads
He took pictures of you when you weren’t looking, keeping the memories to see you before your bump was to show
But most of the nights, he came home late
He worked longer and ahead, sure to call you when he could and let you know if he wouldn’t make it for dinner
Exhaustion began to take its toll on Jaehyun as well, going to sleep earlier, waking up but a bit earlier so he could maximize how much work he was getting done throughout the day
Mornings, he left before the sun was peeking over the horizon to avoid traffic and anything that could slow him down
So far since you found out when you were pregnant, the two of you made a trip to the doctors to check on the growth of the baby, which went by smoothly with nothing wrong so far but the doctor warned to not tire yourself too much
Now that you were within your fifth to sixth week, it was time for your first ultrasound even though you hadn’t even begun showing yet but it was scheduled by your doctor
You were laid on the cool leathery chair, leaned back at an angle with Jaehyun sitting beside you, the two of you talking about random things, how you were feeling. His hand never left yours
Everything went smoothly and the two of you finally got to see your baby in you even though it was the size of a bean
Weeks began to fly by as if they were nothing. Your symptoms were normal, you began to sleep more, eating smaller meals but more frequently since it felt like there was a hunger that was never going away
One morning, as you looked in the mirror, you stood in front of the mirror, looking at your stomach. You saw a tiny noticeable difference in the size of your stomach but you couldn’t tell if it was from weight gain or if you were finally beginning to show
But it was also roughly around your 16th week so there was a possibility
“Breakfast is ready,” Jaehyun peeked his head into the bathroom as you stood facing him, looking at your side in the mirror. “Is something wrong?” He asked stepping in, trying to read your face as you held your stomach
“No, I was just looking at myself,” you said, eyes still on your stomach
“You look beautiful,” he said as he stood behind you, now looking at you through the mirror. “My lovely wife,” his voice deep and rich in your ears with the faintest smell of coffee in his breath
“I mean,” you smiled. “I don’t know If this little bump is me staring to show or if it’s just the weight I gained from eating,” you said as you placed your hands on your stomach
“I guess we’ll find out in few time,” he said, his lips ghosting over your skin as the sun shined warmly through the skylight of the bathroom
But as jaehyun said, as time passed, you got your answer- you really began to show. You could see the faintest of marks appearing at the bottom of your stomach as your bump grew
During dinner, whenever you found yourself focusing on something whether it be reading or watching something, you found your hand on your own stomach though it wasn’t too big of a bump
Around your eighteenth week, you went back to the doctors with Jaehyun for your checkup, the first one before you would be returning back next month
The doctor spread the lubricant on your stomach before bringing the ultrasound transducer to your stomach and there it was
Your child was already about five inches long in your tummy
“Would you like to know the gender of your baby?” The doctor asked
“You can already tell?” You asked, surprised since the abby was only so small in your tummy
“Yep, and if you see here,” she pointed to something you couldn’t make out since it was a strange shape. “These are its ears so at this point, if you would like, you could talk to it. By doing so, they will help your newborn feel comforted and recognize your voice after delivery.”
“Oh, wow,” you said. You had heard of this before from your mother. She told you to talk to the baby as soon as you could but you honestly never thought it would work
Especially since the baby was inside of you
“So would you like the gender?” The doctor asked once again, making the two of you look at each other but you two had already discussed this
“Could we get it in an envelope?”
The two of you left together with an envelope that had the gender of your unborn child that was to be given to your best friend for they were to set up a gender reveal party
Your families were all eager to find out the gender themselves as soon as you guys found out so they could prepare their gifts and welcome the newest member of the family
After dropping off the invitation, the three of you sat down and planned to all meet two weeks from now on Sunday.  He gathering was close friends and family and a barbecue dinner for the main event
For the rest of the time and week, Jaehyun spent all his time with you, taking a few days off to spend some time with you
He brought you to a park for a picnic, making the two of you feel like you two were sweethearts still dating
He packed delicious meals he prepared without your knowing and brought you to one of the first places he took you after the two of you got together
He brought you to the park where he fell in love with who you were, where he fell in love with your soul and how easy you made it feel like he was floating on clouds being with you
His mind strayed to you, the way your eyes looked into his, how soft some of your features were, how strong others were. He wanted to see them again, to see you again
He wanted to feel the fresh air in his lungs when you were in his arms, how steady you could calm the storms of his life
Laid in his arms as the two of you looked up to the vast blue sky, a comfy silence fell upon the two of you
A breeze blew by, blowing through the branches of the trees, shaking their branches. All you could feel was Jaehyun and his fingers dancing along your skin
“Why do you want a daughter?” You asked. The two of you wandered about the topic about genders briefly but it soon strayed to other topics like how to decorate the nursery and items the two of you needed to shop for soon
“‘Cause, she’ll hopefully get her lovely mother’s features and personality,” he smiled down at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “And then I would have my girl and my little girl,” he voice fruity in your ear
Jaehyun’s list of reasons were endless. He hoped the baby would be like you and he could smother it with all his love he felt for you and hopefully her
“How about you? Why do you want a son?” He asked, nudging your shoulder with the hand he wrapped around your shoulders
“Like your reasons, I hope he’d have your dimples,” you smiled lovingly into his gaze as you reached up and poked his dimple. “And he’d have your soft locks. And also like you said, I would have my boys.” He pressed another kiss to your forehead
But all in all, the two of you didn’t care what gender the baby would come out as. It was the fact that you two were bringing a new life into this world that was your biggest care
For the rest of this day, the two of you did whatever you two wished, going with the flow of life and then came to bed after a calm day together
Jaehyun reminisced in his feelings for you, remembering how he fell for you, why he fell for you, and everything in between and beyond as if it was yesterday
With the moon high in the sky, you lay awake on your side waiting for your usual sleep to overcome you, your mind calm, mind pleasantly filled with thoughts about the future. Jaehyun’s hand was draped loosely over your waist as he slept fast asleep
But then you felt it
“Oh my god,” you instantly sat up, suddenly wide awake with your hand over your stomach
“What, what is it?” Jaehyun suddenly woke from his sleep at your exclamation, worried you were hurt or something happened. “Are you hurt?’
“No, I’m sorry,” you said with a smile on your face with no signs of hurt or worry. “I just felt the baby move, Jae,” you said, unable to contain the smile on your face despite it being nearly pitch black in the bedroom
You covered your hand over his, bringing it over your small belly. The two of you sat still, waiting, hoping it would move again until it did, right under the palm of his hand
For the rest of the night, you slept with your face buried in his chest, legs tangled beneath the blanket, his soft breath on your head while yours tickled his chest
Over the next two weeks, it was finally time for the reveal. The house was filled with friends and family all congratulating you more, spreading hugs, making small talk
Everyone was having a good time while coming in and out of the house, enjoying food until it was finally time. Jaehyun and you gathered in front of everyone who were anticipating the great reveal. Your best friend handed the two of you a large black balloon that contained confetti that you finally reveal your gender
As everyone counted down, recording from all angles you could imagine, the two of you simultaneously popped the large balloon, with pink confetti showering down over the two of you
Everyone was overjoyed that a daughter was being brought into your family. Jaehyun was ecstatic as he enveloped you in his arms, spinning you in circles
You spoke softly to your tummy as if you were conversing with yourself but it was really to your soon to be daughter
Jaehyun adored it whenever he came home late, finding you laid in bed talking to your unborn daughter about anything- the day, the things you wanted to do, the trips you wanted to go on in the future, everything as a family
His heart swelled hearing how excited you were when you spoke in a hushed tone as if you were sharing a secret. He was determined to make these wishes come true no matter what- even if it meant working even longer and harder
Your second trimester rolled by, bump getting bigger but so did your cravings and your emotions felt like they were being amplified. Fortunately, your cravings weren’t for things too out of the ordinary- nothing gross
One night it was cheese pizza, another night it was pasta. Jaehyun and you switched back and forth around this time between buying delivery and also taking the time to make things
He was happy to comply with your needs with ease, not letting you worry too much about anything. He was patient through your mood swings, cravings, and also your urge to use the bathroom ever so frequently at night, shifting the bed whenever you got up and back in
But he knew it was only natural. It was all part in the process in having a baby
Your wardrobe began to change, wearing more of your baggier clothes as normal clothes but you knew soon that you would have to go shopping for maternity clothes
You made your trips to the doctor as usual every four weeks with Jaehyun, spending the time together more and more
At the end of your second trimester, your bump was significantly different compared to the beginning. To help with your emotions, you opted to wear Jaehyun’s oversized shirts which looked like a mini dress with your bump barely peeking
With your baby girl growing inside of you and your stomach growing even larger, Jaehyun’s hands always rested on your stomach whenever you two slept, his hand able to feel the subtle movements she made as the space in your womb got smaller while she grew bigger
She was almost here and it was affecting your body. Your back began to ache but this was only the beginning cause you knew the soreness you would feel in your third trimester would be on a completely different level
Jaehyun’s mother came to visit, spending time with you, taking care of you and cooking meals for you knowing you were home alone while Jaehyun diligently worked. She talked about how overjoyed she was about her granddaughter coming soon
You couldn’t wait either since it meant Jaehyun’ and your dream was that much closer to coming true
Whenever you were alone, you found yourself talking a lot easier to your future daughter about anything, humming to her, singing to her, tearing up as excitement welled up inside of you, excited to meet her
Stepping through the door, he was met with the dark house, assuming you were already asleep. He let out a sigh kicking off his shoes, finally being in the comfort of home and knowing he would soon be able to feel you by his side
As he went upstairs, he heard the faint sound of your voice coming from the new nursery you two, mostly he, were in the middle of renovating
Peeking his head around the corner, he looked through the open doorway finding you sitting in the rocking chair in the corner of the white room beside a little bookshelf, the crib still in the unopened box
He leaned against the open door soundlessly as you were focused on reading the fairy tale picture book in your lap. It was when you got to the end did you finally notice him and a soft look on his features, the corners of his lips pulled upwards
You set the book back and rocked in the chair when you finished, reaching your hand out to him to which he happily took, kneeling down beside you
“You didn’t read her the book you got me?” He asked pressing a kiss to your knuckles, rubbing his thumb over your fingers
“I figured you would want to read it to her,” you said. “It was your childhood book, after all.”  
“I can read it to the two of you,” he said as he stood, his hand still holding yours. “I’ll read it after I take a quick shower,” he said quietly, the house still as the night as he grabbed the book from the shelf and led you back to the bedroom
You laid comfortably in bed beside him, the warmth of his body seeping into yours along with the smell of his aftershave fresh in your nose. With the lights on the headboard behind you two being the only source of light in the room, you laid on your side hugging his arm, your leg tangled with his
You listened to the story as he read it, his voice low yet also filled with exhaustion. You began to notice the bags slowly forming under his eyes getting bigger, telling him to take things easier only for him to insist he was fine
You had only heard the story a few times growing up, faintly remembering it but you began to realize why he loved it so much. It reminded him of his childhood and it was able to make you feel as if you were a child once again. It was filled with magic and adventure though it was short and sweet
It was able to make any child have imaginative dreams, letting their mind wonder what happened beyond the end
He rubbed slow circles over your tummy, feeling the occasional movement of your daughter. As he read on, you could feel yourself getting sleepier listening to his voice, your imagination filled with various images and creatures you’ve never seen before
By the time he got to the end, he looked over to find you asleep against his shoulder. Setting the book down on the stand beside him, he pressed a kiss to your temple, joining you in sleep
Entering your third trimester, Jaehyun’s oversized shirts were unable to fit without it being too roomy. Your back began to ache more, your hormones crazier than when you were on your period, and your cravings a bit wackier
Walking through the mall hand in hand, you noticed eyes of strangers on you, mostly smiling while others just glanced which felt weird since you weren’t so used to such attention
After trying on multiple maternity clothes, you opted to simply buy oversized mens clothes instead which also meant for Jaehyun to buy some new things for himself as well
You found yourself out of breath faster, discomfort in your body as the baby moved about, walking a bit slower, using the bathroom a lot more but jaehyun didn’t mind too much
Every now and then, he paused from his walking or purposefully walked even slower to catch more pictures of you but he noticed another thing about you he absolutely adored: your pregnancy waddle
He couldn’t control the smile spreading on his face as he looked at you. It reminded him of when he was first falling for you- you made his head spin with how you were able to make him feel so bubbly inside
While at the grocery store, you picked out the things you wanted but like the mall, you noticed eyes on you, making you feel a little nervous as well as people moving out of the way so they don’t bump into you
You weren’t too shy but having all these eyes on you especially when you felt so big made you feel insecure. Your hand found the bottom of Jaehyun’s shirt and you held onto it, following him around the store like a child
You couldn’t wait to go home and just wear one of the new shirts you got
At night, you began to sleep with a pillow in between your legs but sleep also began to become a hassle as your daughter relentlessly kicked or elbowed, making you hiss in sharp pain
Instead of seeing the doctor every four weeks, you began to see the doctor every two weeks but Jaehyun was unable to accompany you to each one so your mother or his mother accompanied you instead
You weren’t going to lie. As you frequented the doctor more often without feelingJaehyun’s touch lingering on your body or hands as he sat beside you or as he left for work and stayed even longer, you grew lonely
You were only able to feel him at night at times where you were already fast asleep or when you woke up in pain, he would be fast asleep
Time felt like it wasn’t slowing down at all. You were already in your third trimester. Your daughter’s movements were occurring more frequently, pain in your abdomen pretty common now but this also made you emotional since you couldn’t do much except go through it all
The worst part was being alone
As low rumbles of thunder sounded outside your home, you laid in bed in the darkness buried beneath all the pillows and blankets
Your phone died long ago but you had no will to recharge it and no matter what you ate, your emotions got the best of you
When one tear fell, another one followed in suit and the cycle repeated until you were crying in bed, letting your thoughts getting the best of you
You knew it was pregnancy that made your body this big but you couldn’t help the feeling on insecurity flooding you from the inside out
The eyes on you whenever the two of you went on walks or out to run errands got to you. You didn’t like being watched but the thought of after giving birth scared you
What if you didn’t lose the weight you gained? What if you remained this big? What if this made Jaehyun lose his love for you?
“You’re not the same anymore… I can’t love you anymore…” You could hear his voice, hearing these words falling from his lips as he walks away from you, out of your life too easily
It made you whimper sadly into the sheets as rain bounced off the roof of the house
Then another horrible thought appeared in your mind
What if Jaehyun was getting tired of you? What if he was tired of working? What if he changed his mind about having a family with you and he thought it was all a mistake?
You never wanted to be a burden to anyone, especially to Jaehyun
It made you feel sick
You didn’t want to burden Jaehyun being pregnant which made him work even harder than he had to
Guilt flooded you as you thought back to how annoying you must’ve been to him these past months. How clingy you were, calling him when he was working so hard when he probably didn’t want to in the first place
But it was all the opposite. Jaehyun loved you unconditionally and there was nothing to change that
As he rushed home a bit earlier than he had to, he called and messaged your number repeatedly only for his calls to go straight to voicemail
Panic began to flood him
He felt disconnected and it didn’t sit well with him that he couldn’t reach you, especially when you were a couple of weeks away before your daughter was predicted to be born
His mind went to the worst case scenarios
What if she came earlier than expected? What if you were in pain and he couldn’t help you? What if something happened to you?
He couldn’t bear the thoughts and tried his best to suppress them as he drove through the storm
Your pillow had a wet spot from how many tears you shed, your sobs muffled into the pillow beneath the blanket, unable to contain anything anymore
He attempted to call you repeatedly throughout the entire trip back home, only for nothing to go through. Everything went straight to voicemail and the panic was intensifying
He rushed out of the car in the pouring rain as soon as he parked it outside the house, frantically getting his keys out and calling for your name
“Y/N? Are you here?” He called out, hearing nothing in the dark house
“Y/N?” He called louder as he rushed upstairs, skipping them
He opened the door with his heart beating rapidly in worry in his chest
His heart dropped and a chill ran down his spine hearing your cries from the bed
“Y/N, what’s wrong? Are you hurt? Is the baby coming?” Concern was plastered all over his features as he removed the blanket to find you crying into your pillows
Seeing him, you tried to sat up as fast as you could, only for you to feel his grasp on your shoulders, slowing you down and also helping you up
“Are you okay?” He asked once more, trying to get through to you but all you could do was weep from all the emotions that was being released
“I’m sorry, Jae, please don’t leave me,” you sobbed into his shoulder, your voice cracking as you wrapped your arms around him the best you could with your stomach and all in between
You didn’t even care or feel how cold his suit was from the downpour outside
“Y/N, wait. You need to tell me: Are you hurt? Is the baby coming?” He asked holding your shoulders
“No and the baby isn’t due yet,” your lip quivered as you spoke through the hard lump growing in your throat. You reached back for his form and he let you, taking you in his arms as well as relief washed over him like a cold bucket of water on a hot summer day
“Why are you crying?” He asked as he stroked your back. “And what do you mean leave you?”
“I’ve been annoying you so much lately with everything and you work so hard. You leave so early in the mornings and come home so late because of me and you always seem so tired. I’m sorry, Jae,” you bawled. “And I’m scared you won’t love me anymore if I don’t lose the weight I’ve gained. Please don’t leave,” you pleaded
A warmness spread in Jaehyun’s chest, a smile tickling his lips
“Silly~” he chimed. He held your face in his hands. Yours wrapped over his immediately, finding comfort in his hands as his thumbs brushed your tears away
“Don’t cry~” he cooed. “I’m working so hard for our family in the future, Y/N. You’re not forcing me to do anything and you’re not annoying me, okay?” He asked, his voice light and playful even
“And there’s nothing that could happen to your body that would change how I feel for you, alright?” He bent his head down meeting yours when they fell to your lap
“We got married and I vowed to be with you in sickness and in health, til death do we part, but even then, I’ll never leave you. You’re my best friend and wife, so don’t cry, it only makes me sad,” he gave you a kind smile
“Let’s take a bath, hm?” He asked. He was home early and he had the rest of the weekend off. He was going to smother you in his love so all your doubts and insecurities would feel like a distant memory
Dimming the lights, Jaehyun adjusted the water to the perfect temperature- not too cold but on the warm side. Bubbles covered the surface and he held your hand, careful as you sat in between his spread legs
He pulled you back into his chest, your head resting on his shoulder with his cheek squished a little on your head with his hands resting on your stomach. You covered his hands with your own, listening to the sound bouncing off the skylight
“You really won’t leave me?” You asked, still a bit emotional
“I couldn’t and wouldn’t even if I had to. You’re my other half, Y/N,” he pressed a long kiss to your temple
The two of you took this moment to forget about the world beyond the door: all there was in this time, in this world right now was the three of you and nothing could change that
Nothing could change the fact that you were Jaehyun’s world, his everything
In the later half of your trimester, Jaehyun took off from work on early maternity leave so he could take care of you, spending as much time as he could with you so you wouldn’t be alone, suffering through the pain your body was going through
The two of you went on small walks, cooked and made things together, watched movies
He insisted on taking pictures of you, the urge to capture you in the moment being irresistible. His photo gallery was filled with you and how ethereal you looked when the sun hit you through the bedroom window
His favorite was when he was able to capture the look on your face as you laughed holding your belly after he drew a smiley face on your tummy one night (with a vegan marker, safe for skin)
The two of you worked on the nursery, finishing it with the help of his father while your mother and you sat on the side, watching while upbeat music played softly from the side
Though you also felt heartburns every now and then, the usual hard jab of your daughter wiggling about inside of you, the urge to use the bathroom almost constant at this point
In your final weeks, headaches and backaches became the norm and you were ready for it to all be over as soon as she was born. Jaehyun massaged your scalp when he could which was quite often when you laid your head in his lap after dinner
Before he had his hand resting on your stomach but now it was almost always attached to your lower back as you waddled when you walked. He was cautious behind you when you walked up stairs and in front of you when you walked down, taking things slow
One night, laying in bed, you felt a sharp pain in your lower abdomen that started in your back, making you yelp
Jaehyun was quick to turn on the lights, asking if it was finally happening on instinct
It felt like something was tightening and slowly loosening up every now and then, making you unable to fall back asleep. You recalled what the doctor had said at your last visit of what would occur when you’re going to go into labor soon: contractions
You took deep breaths through it, sitting up on the edge of the bed, breathing through the things your body was going through
But it couldn’t have been time yet, so for now, you waited it out as Jaehyun sat beside you on the phone with a nurse at the hospital nearby
He began to time your contractions but so far, the only one that came was the initial one. It slowly felt like as your lower abdomen was relaxing, it was going away
To be safe and relax even more, the nurse suggested light exercise. You didn’t want to feel stuffed up in the house so the two of you went out on a walk
The night was cool and to be sure not to go too far, he slowly walked with you around the block, phone and car keys in hand, the hospital bag you were advised to pack already in the back seat
After a successful walk together in the cool night, Jaehyun and you returned home. You laid on your side after Jaehyun grabbed some of your pillows from upstairs as you slept on his lap
Throughout the night, Jaehyun slept lightly. His hand constantly massaged your scalp and played with your hair as you slept. In case anything were to happen, he would be ready
But as it got later and later, he eased into sleep when nothing seemed to be happening
The two of you slept in the living room, filling the spacious room with your slow deep breaths, his touch never leaving you
However, just as the sun was about to rise, the sharp pain returned, waking the two of you. The words from the nurse came back to Jaehyun’s mind as he timed between each one, holding your hand
You breathed deeper but the pain felt sharper this time and surely after one, another one came a couple of minutes later
He kept track of it, one after the other until it was a lot for you to take. It hurt a lot before the contraction relaxed back down, only to start again with the time in between each of them decreasing
He walked you to the car and strapped you in and drove off in the dark early morning, the roads still empty
He drove carefully with one hand while you gripped his other hand wearing nothing but your oversized shirt. You two were halfway there when you water broke
But you almost didn’t notice it over the pain of the contraction
Arriving at the hospital, Jaehyun ran in to call nurses and others who came out, carrying you out of the car and into a wheelchair
They hooked you up to things to check the baby’s heart rate and everything passed by in a blur. After checking, they confirmed that you were going into labor. They changed you into a hospital gown and you couldn’t remember much. All you could do was feel your contractions and the pain of them
Suddenly in a new moment, you did as the doctor instructed and pushed, your body being drained of your energy at a rapid pace, squeezing Jaehyun’s hand as he stood beside you, giving you words of encouragement to ignore your crushing grip
Your hair stuck to your sweaty forehead, feeling so tired but everyone kept urging you. It was all so much all around you
“Just a little more, Y/N, you can do it,” Jaehyun’s voice was calm like the sun shining through a hurricane. “You’re almost there,” he encouraged, looking into your teary eyes. “She’s almost here.”
You mustered up all the energy you had left and pushed as hard as you could, not giving a care to the tears falling from your eyes, how you filled the room with the sound of your voice
“Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Jung. It’s a baby girl,” the doctor announced to the two of you, holding her up as the nurses cut the umbilical cord and took her away
“You did it,” Jaehyun smiled, tears escaping his own eyes as he pressed a kiss to your temple
A different level of exhaustion took over you. You slept like a log as soon as you could, Jaehyun sat by your side the entire time with his hands holding yours, occasionally pressing a kiss to your knuckles
You woke to a strange sound from beside you, waking up to the dimmed lighting in the room, the sky painted various colors as the sun set beyond the horizon
Eyes still heavy and filled with sleep, you looked to your side to see Jaehyun cradling your newborn in his arms, his smile never leaving his lips as he looked down to her with such adoration in his eyes
“Is that her?” you broke the silence feeling tears well up in your eyes once again. Overfilled with joy, Jaehyun handed her to you gently, weeping himself, his heart swelled with the love he felt for the both of you  
“She’s so precious,” he whispered, wiping his own tears away with the back of his hand
“She’s ours, Jae,” you looked up to him sobbing. You couldn’t control your cries, finally holding her after carrying her for nine months. She was finally here
“Hi, baby,” you cooed, your lips trembling as you spoke so quietly, feeling her chubby cheeks gently with your knuckle. “You’re so small, but we’re your parents,” your voice waved as you rested your head on Jaehyun’s shoulder
“You’ll be able to meet your grandparents soon, too,” Jaehyun added
“They’re coming?” You asked, looking up to him, your heart skipping a beat in excitement
“Of course, I called them while you were asleep to tell them. They should be here soon,” he said as he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear
There was something different about Jaehyun’s eyes as he looked into yours. You couldn’t tell if it was because you were tired or not but you could feel the love radiating from his persona, oozing into the room
It felt like the first breath of air after being stuck inside for so long. It made everything feel light and nice when you felt quite the opposite laying in your hospital gown
It felt like he was on cloud nine
There were now two things Jaehyun loved unconditionally in this world and it was you and your daughter. His little family and nothing could change that. No amount of work he would have to do, no matter how much sleep he lost could change these feelings
He felt like he had found a complimentary puzzle piece when the two of you fell in love but now he truly understood what it meant to feel to have a complete picture now that he had the two of you
He couldn’t have asked for a better life than the one he was spending with you. Even in the next life, he wanted to always find you and be connected
“Thank you,” he spoke into your head. “For being the best dream that came true.”
~~~~~ Masterlist for more! Thank you for reading! Do not repost anywhere else!
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lady-hammerlock · 3 years
A Second Chance - Chapter 4/6 (Spider-Man PS4, Otto x Peter)
AN: This chapter has my favourite scene in it. It involves pancakes. This chapter also features a scene with MJ, some feels, some important conversations and some cute silliness. I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. As always, the full story is under the cut.
“And here’s the kitchen, and down the hall here we have the bath room, and the uh… well, I actually haven’t made up my mind what I’m going to do with this room just yet. Aunt May used to use it as a craft room, and then when she started working with F.E.A.S.T. it was kind of just used as extra storage for supplies and fundraising stuff.”
Peter had half-expected that he would feel nervous as he showed Doctor Octavius around his home, or at least that he would feel a little weird or uncomfortable in some way, but instead he didn’t find himself feeling any of that. Showing his old-boss-turned-enemy-turned-new-mechanical-arm-wielding-ally around his old family home felt strangely right, and Peter didn’t know what it said about how weird his life had gotten that something like this felt perfectly normal.
“The master bedroom is back here,” Peter continued as they moved upstairs. “Which is where I’m currently sleeping. I’m still getting used to that part. And I guess you’ll be staying here.”
Peter opened up the door to the second bedroom, and he finally felt a little bit of the weirdness that he had been expecting.
“It’s where I used to sleep when I lived here with Aunt May and Uncle Ben,” Peter said. “But I uh… I guess it’s yours now, at least for the time being?”
“And you’re absolutely sure that it’s fine for me to stay here?” Doctor Octavius asked, and Peter wondered whether it was that obvious that he had started to feel a little weird about the whole thing.
“Yeah,” Peter said, trying to wave the matter away. “I mean, no-one’s been using it for years. I had it set up as a guest room, but I haven’t had any guests lately, so… Yeah, you might as well use it.”
Doctor Octavius didn’t say anything in reply. Instead he put the small bag of belongings that he had gathered from their laboratory gently down onto the centre of the bed, before glancing around the rest of the room.
“Anyway, light switch is just here, bathroom is right across the room,” Peter said, resorting to his habit of trying to fill the silence when he was at all nervous. “I’m just down the hall if you need anything. Feel free to grab snacks or use the bath or shower or whatever… Oh shit… Fresh towels. Just give me a second and I’ll grab you a towel.”
“Peter,” Doctor Octavius called out, stopping Peter from immediately rushing out of the room to try and find Doctor Octavius a towel that wasn’t too old and didn’t urgently need washing.
“Yeah?” Peter said, stopped in Doctor Octavius’s hallway.
“Thank you for this,” Doctor Octavius told him. “I mean it. Really. You didn’t need to.”
Peter was surprised to find that the older man’s simple words calmed him down quite a bit.
“Hey, no problem,” Peter said.
Peter woke up to the sound of someone moving around downstairs. He almost jumped up and out of bed right away, ready for a fight, until he remembered that he had invited Doctor Octavius to stay with him the night before.
He sat up in bed, gently massaging his forehead and trying to force himself to relax, when the smell of something absolutely delicious reached his nose.
Peter checked the time and discovered that it was a little after nine, which meant is was probably past time that he got up anyway. He quickly threw on an old shirt and a pair of jeans so that he was at least vaguely respectable, and then made his way downstairs.
What he saw in the kitchen made him immediately stop short.
Doctor Octavius was standing right there in his kitchen, wearing nothing but a pair of pyjama pants and a robe. His mechanical arms were a flurry of activity, which was already enough to deal with, but Peter could also see Doctor Octavius’s bare chest, and that was too much for him to deal with when it was first thing in the morning and he hadn’t fully woken up yet, and Doctor Octavius was standing there shirtless in Peter’s kitchen and cooking something that smelled absolutely amazing, and Peter had absolutely no idea how he was supposed to react.
“Oh, good morning Peter!” Doctor Octavius greeted him, sounding far too perky and awake for Peter’s liking.
“Good morning,” Peter replied, yawning around the words.
Peter blinked a few times as he tried to make sense of the scene in front of him. Doctor Octavius was using his mechanical arms to help him cook. One of them was gently stirring a bowl of batter that sat on the kitchen bench next to him while another expertly moved the frying pan, causing the pancake within to flip into the air and land perfectly back into the frying pan.
Pancakes. Doctor Octavius was making pancakes.
The part of Peter’s mind that was still half-asleep and struggling to make sense of the scene in front of him was quickly overruled by his olfactory sensors as he caught another whiff of the freshly cooked, buttery pancakes.
“Hmm, smells good,” he commented as he slowly approached Doctor Octavius.
“Feel free to dig in,” Otto said. “I’m making more than enough for both of us.”
“Thanks Doc,” Peter said, his eyes widening as they roamed over the rest of the room. “Wait a second. Did you clean up the kitchen?”
“I might have,” Doctor Octavius said. “You know how it is your first night sleeping in a new place. I woke up a little early this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I figured I might as well do something productive. Sorry if I put anything back in the wrong place.”
Peter wasn’t entirely sure that he had been organized enough for any of his kitchenware to have actually had a right place before Doctor Octavius had gotten to it, let alone a wrong one. Mostly he had just grabbed whatever he needed when he needed it, and cleaned it if he had time to. Suddenly he felt a little embarrassed that he hadn’t thought to clean up at least a little before inviting Doctor Octavius to stay.
“Oh my god Doc,” Peter said, grabbing a clean cup from the drying rack and heading straight for the coffee maker. “You really, really didn’t need to do that.”
His mind was suddenly assaulted by a mental image of Doctor Octavius standing in his kitchen shirtless and cleaning the mess that had been living in Peter’s kitchen sink up until that moment, and Peter decided that it wasn’t definitely too early in the morning to be thinking about such things.
He especially didn’t want to think about the fact that his imagination had chosen to completely leave out the robe that Doctor Octavius was currently wearing, and instead tried as hard as he could to focus on making coffee.
“I finished the repairs on my arm too,” Doctor Octavius said, as he continued to make pancakes. “Although I would appreciate it if you’d give it a look over later and make sure that I haven’t missed anything.”
“Sure thing Doc,” Peter replied, trying to watch the arm in question as it zipped around the kitchen, before giving up any sort of inspection of the thing as a lost cause while it was moving around so quickly, especially before he had even had coffee or food.
Soon enough he had made his coffee, and a couple of sips of it left him feeling at least a little more awake.
“Do you need any help?” Peter asked, not even sure how he could help. Doctor Octavius’s arms seemed to be doing everything flawlessly, and Peter couldn’t help but feel that he would just be in the way if he tried to help out.
“No thank you Peter,” Doctor Octavius replied. “I’ve got everything under control here.”
Peter grabbed his coffee and made his way over to the kitchen table, which for once was perfectly organized and not covered in plates and takeaway containers.
He sat down at his usual seat, feeling incredibly strange as he did so, and watched as Doctor Octavius finished the last couple of pancakes, before walking over to the table, carrying a large stack of pancakes along with all the tableware and cutlery that they needed in his mechanical arms.
Peter sat there and just watched as Doctor Octavius set their places and then served up a couple of pancakes for the both of them, feeling more than a little out of his depth.
“This is… weird,” Peter said, his eyes fixed on the admittedly delicious looking pancakes in front of him.
“What is?” Otto asked, alerting Peter to the fact that he had unintentionally voiced the thought out loud. “My making breakfast for you? If it’s the pancakes then I’ll make sure to cook something else next time.”
“No, it’s not the breakfast,” Peter said, finding himself glaring at the poor, innocent, perfectly fluffy pancakes. “I mean, it is, but…”
He stumbled over his words as he tried to sort through his own thoughts and make them come out in a way that made sense.
Everything was so domestic and peaceful, and Doctor Octavius was being so nice to him, when Peter had spent so long debating whether or not he should allow the older man to stay with him.
Guilt. It was guilt that he was feeling, along with a possibly unfounded suspicion that he didn’t deserve any of this. It had been so long since someone had done something sweet and simple like this for him, and so long since he had experienced a morning as peaceful as this. Oh, there had been a couple of mornings with MJ, but more often than not whatever peace they had managed to scrape together was interrupted by Peter’s police alert system, and neither of them had ever really had the time for making pancakes.
Peter found himself angrily stabbing the pile of pancakes with his fork. He shouldn’t be feeling guilty. Doctor Octavius was the one that had turned evil and made everything so difficult. None of that had been Peter’s fault, and if he still hadn’t quite forgiven Doctor Octavius for everything the older man had done then that was Otto’s fault as well.
Except he knew that it had been his fault, even if he hadn’t been directly responsible for Doctor Octavius’s downfall. If he had just paid more attention to Doctor Octavius, if he had just spent more time at the lab, then surely he would have been able to see how much his friend had been struggling. And somehow that had all led to this; to Doctor Octavius making pancakes in the house that Peter had grown up in.
“When did our lives get so complicated?” Peter asked, not really expecting to get an answer.
“I’ve been asking myself that question for over a year,” Otto said, as he took a seat on the opposite side of the table to Peter.
“Any conclusions that I might find enlightening?” Peter asked.
“Not particularly,” Doctor Octavius replied, before adding a liberal serving of maple syrup to his pancakes. “Mostly just regrets, and a lot of wishing that I could undo my mistakes.”
Peter forced himself to smile at the other man.
“That’s definitely a feeling I can relate to,” Peter said, before shoving some pancakes in his mouth and trying to concentrate on how delicious they were, and not the tangled mess of feelings that were settling in his stomach.
“How much…?” Peter paused, knowing that he was about to open a can of worms, and not sure whether a pancake breakfast was the appropriate time to do so.
“Go on,” Otto prompted him.
“How much of all the terrible stuff that you did was you, and how much of it was because of the neural implant?”
Otto put down his fork and took a deep breath.
“I don’t think my answer is going to be what you’re hoping for,” he said, catching Peter’s gaze and keeping it.
“I think I still want to hear it,” Peter said, trying to force another smile. “Or need to hear it. One of those at any rate.”
Doctor Octavius pushed his plate and the pancakes on it a little further away so that he could lean on the table with both of his human arms. It was a while before he spoke, and he took another deep breath before he did so.
“Most of what I did was already somewhere in the back of my mind before I installed the neural implant,” Otto began. “They were just the darker, more selfish thoughts that everyone spends most of their lives suppressing and never actually considers acting upon, or at least not seriously. The initial version of the neural implant that we created just set them free, and allowed me to act upon them without inconvenient thoughts of things like morality or the consequences of my actions getting in the way.”
“Most of it?” Peter prompted.
“You said most of what you did was already in the back of your mind,” Peter said, knowing that he was desperately trying to find at least a sliver of hope in what Otto had said. “So what wasn’t?”
Again it felt like a very long time before Otto replied.
“Hurting you,” he finally said, and Peter found himself staring down at his pancakes, no longer able to meet Otto’s eyes. “I never would have even thought about hurting you if it wasn’t for the implant Peter. The rest of the city perhaps, but you…”
Otto’s voice broke and then trailed off, and Peter looked up again to find that there were tears in the older man’s eyes.
“I’m sorry,” Otto said, his voice giving away his emotional state even more than the tears that had gathered in the corner of his eyes.
“Me too,” Peter said, hearing his own voice break on those two simple words as well. “I ruined a perfectly good pancake breakfast by asking, didn’t I?”
“Nonsense,” Otto said, a genuine smile appearing on his face despite everything else. “The pancakes are still perfectly fine. Or at least I assume they are. It is my first time working in a new kitchen after all.”
“The pancakes are delicious,” Peter said, picking up another piece on his fork. “Thanks Doc.”
“Any time,” Otto replied.
After that something changed. Peter wasn’t entirely sure what it was. Maybe he had just been waiting for Otto to apologise directly for hurting him, or maybe the pancakes were just that good, but whatever it was, Peter found himself relaxing around the older man more than he had been able to in a long time.
Days passed, and then weeks, and before Peter knew it he had grown used to seeing Otto Octavius in his old family home, as though the other man belonged there and wasn’t intruding at all. Initially he had thought that he would just be putting Doctor Octavius up for a couple of weeks, just until the older man was back on his feet or found somewhere else, but as the days passed and he grew more and more used to having Otto around the house, the idea of Doctor Octavius eventually moving out and moving on became less something that Peter wanted and more something which he actively wanted to avoid.
Doctor Octavius still spent some time in the lab, and he accompanied Peter on a lot of his patrols, but he spent more time at home than Peter, which meant he was able to keep the house more clean and tidy than Peter was able to by himself, with of course the exception of the garage.
Neither Peter nor Otto owned a car, instead choosing to get around with their webs or mechanical arms, which meant that the garage was quickly turned into a workshop-slash-secondary lab that was every bit as disorganized and chaotic as their lab on the other side of the city had always been. Peter found that it was nice to have a space specifically for working on his gear, and he often found Otto working away in there too when Peter came home late at night.
It was all horribly domestic, and Peter was surprised one day when he stopped and realised how happy it all made him.
“I don’t know Doc,” Peter said. “If we increase the pressure that much than we’ll have to reinforce the mechanical components and the storage chamber.”
Peter was sitting on one of the desks in their garage, leaning over Doctor Octavius’s work as the older man fiddled with his latest invention. Peter had found Otto working on it when he had stopped by the house after his teaching internship was done for the day. He had initially intended to go out on patrol, but Miles was already on it, and the last couple of days had been fairly quiet to boot. Instead Peter found himself spending a couple of hours with Otto as the two of them worked on the new gadget together.
Otto was trying to design a long range web shooter that functioned as something between a cannon and a sniper rifle. In theory it was the logical follow-up to the impact web gadget that he had designed for Peter to use before Otto’s debut as Doctor Octopus, but with a longer effective range and greater accuracy.
It was proving to be a challenge though. The extra firing force that was required to make the web travel as far as it needed to and still maintain enough velocity to be effective was difficult to contain in a gadget without it becoming overly bulky. Otto was clearly determined to make it happen however, and Peter had soon found himself caught up in thinking over the problem as well.
“Reinforcing the storage chamber shouldn’t be too difficult,” Doctor Octavius said. “We could try using some of the alloy that we used on the surface of my arms.”
“It would certainly be strong enough, but are you sure we have enough of it left over that we can afford to use it on a prototype like this? Shouldn’t we be saving it for any repairs we need to make on your arms?”
“I’m sure I’ve still got at least a couple of sheets of it left over at the lab,” Otto replied as two of his mechanical arms busied themselves with assembling the mechanism in front of him. “I can always swing by tomorrow and check.”
“Oh, hang on,” Peter said. “I just thought of a way that we might be able to make it more efficient. Can you email me the specs that you’ve been working with so far? If we rewire the… Hold on. MJ’s calling.”
Peter jumped down off the bench and walked a couple of steps away from Doctor Octavius before he answered MJ’s call.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Oh, nothing much,” MJ replied. “Just checking in. It feels like forever since we last talked, so I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner tonight. We could go to Leo’s, or if you’re feeling particularly adventurous then maybe you could even cook?”
Peter found himself chuckling at the memory of the last couple of disastrous attempts he had made at cooking for MJ. He had tried cooking for Otto a couple of times to pay him back for the amount of cooking the older man had been doing of late, and those times had gone slightly better, but he wasn’t sure he was ready to go messing around with MJ’s stove again any time soon.
“Yeah, I’m going to vote for me not cooking,” Peter said. “But getting dinner sounds great. I don’t really have much on, so I could definitely make time.”
Doctor Octavius looked up from where he was still working at the bench, giving Peter an inquisitive look. Peter waved his hand at Otto in a gesture that was meant to be vaguely positive, and to indicate that Doctor Octavius shouldn’t worry. The older man clearly understood what Peter meant by the vague gesture, and went back to what he was working on.
“Okay cool,” MJ said. “Where do you want to meet? I can’t hear the sound of wind rushing past or gunfire, so I’m assuming you aren’t out on patrol right now?”
“No, I’m at home,” Peter replied, as he hopped back up onto the bench next to where Doctor Octavius was working, and leaned over to get a better look at what the older man was doing. “What with Miles being able to hold his own now I’m able to take things a bit more easily.”
“Oh, that’s really good news,” MJ said, sounding genuinely excited for Peter. “You’ve been needing to take a bit more time for yourself for a long time Pete.”
MJ continued on for a little bit, but Peter found himself not entirely listening, instead leaning over to point something out to Doctor Octavius, trying to silently mouth his recommendations for how they should proceed without making it obvious that he had been distracted and hadn’t been paying attention to MJ for several seconds.
“Is that okay?” he caught MJ saying as he returned his attention to the phone, and immediately knew that he had missed something important.
“Sorry, what was that?” Peter asked, knowing that he had just accidentally given away his own lack of attention.
“I’m sorry,” MJ said, a hint of teasing laughter in her voice as she spoke. “Am I distracting you from something Peter?”
“Oh you know,” Peter said, hopping down from his seat on the bench. “Just working on some tech. You know how it is.”
“Yeah,” MJ said. “I know how you are when you’re working on one of your science projects. Don’t worry, I won’t keep you from whatever you’re working on for much longer. I’ll be at your place to pick you up after I finish work, okay? Probably around six o’clock?”
“I’ll try not to lose track of time,” Peter said, knowing his own track record when it came to not getting distracted by this sort of thing. He would try, but he wasn’t entirely sure that he would succeed.
“Sure you will,” MJ said, that teasing giggle infecting her voice once more. “I’ll see you in a couple of hours Pete.”
“See you then MJ,” Peter said, before they both hung up.
“Are we expecting someone?” Doctor Octavius asked.
“Just my friend MJ,” Peter said. “She invited me out for dinner.”
“Dinner?” Doctor Octavius asked, the insinuation rather obvious. He had, after all, known Peter during several of the periods when he and MJ had been dating, and knew that they had a history together.
“Not like that,” Peter was quick to correct him. “Not like dinner dinner. Just, you know... Normal dinner. Two friends going out and having dinner together.”
“Right,” Doctor Octavius said, waving casually at Peter and returning to the web gadget he had been working on. “Of course. My mistake.”
Peter didn’t miss the grin on the older man’s face or the teasing tone of his voice.
“Just dinner!” Peter insisted. “Oh my god, Doc!”
Otto’s smile was infectious however, and Peter found himself smiling alongside him, despite the fact that Otto had obviously been teasing him a moment earlier.
“Don’t you get any ideas about the two of us either,” Peter said, picking up one of the panels that Doctor Octavius had been working on and inspecting it closely. “That ship sailed a while back, and for good reason. MJ and I are better off as friends. Hey, do you mind if I grab this for a bit? I’m pretty sure I can tweak the design of the wiring.”
“Be my guest,” Doctor Octavius said.
And with that the topic of Mary Jane and any possibility of her and Peter dating again at any time in the near future was promptly forgotten, as Peter lost himself in the project in front of him, and absolutely, one hundred percent, lost track of time.
“All right Doc,” Peter said. “Let’s see if this works.”
“Did you reinforce the pressure chamber correctly?” Doctor Octavius asked.
“I’m pretty sure I did, yeah,” Peter said. “But I’m not sure whether it’ll be enough to…”
He had just been putting what he had hoped were the final touches on the new web cannon, as he and Doctor Octavius had taken to calling it. He had not intended to accidentally bump the trigger a few seconds too early, and he certainly hadn’t expected for the chamber containing the pressurized web fluid to explode, spraying web fluid all over himself and Doctor Octavius, who had been standing right beside Peter when the trigger had accidentally gone off.
For a moment the garage was almost totally silent, as Peter and Doctor Octavius tried to process what had happened, and then Peter found himself giggling as he realized that he was covered in his own web fluid, and that Doctor Octavius was as well.
After a moment Doctor Octavius’s laughter joined in as well, until the two of them were both laughing almost hysterically. Luckily the web fluid had not been fired through anything to concentrate or direct it, so while it was incredibly sticky, and had managed to get all over the both of them, and all over half the garage to boot, it wasn’t particularly dangerous, and wasn’t restricting too much of Peter’s ability to move. It looked like a couple of Doctor Octavius’s mechanical arms had gotten webbed up by the explosion, but other than that there didn’t seem to be too much in the way of damage.
“You’re not hurt, are you?” Peter asked, when he could finally stop laughing and speak coherently once more.
“No, thankfully,” Doctor Octavius said. “You?”
“No, I’m…”
Peter wasn’t able to finish his sentence, because as he had started to speak, Doctor Octavius had made an attempt to remove the goggles that he usually wore while working in their little makeshift lab, only to discover that they had been webbed to his face, which prompted another round of laughter from Peter.
“Here Doc,” Peter said. “Let… Let me get that for you.”
Getting any part of them unstuck and unwebbed did not prove easy, as the two of them were soon to learn. There was webbing on so many parts of them, and it was so damned sticky after being freshly exploded from a hot and pressurized container, that often any attempt to remove any part of the webbing just resulted in their hands getting stuck to whatever part of themselves or each other that they were attempting to clean.
After the first couple of sticky mistakes Peter was extra careful to make sure that his own lower body didn’t end up anywhere near the older man’s.
Because it would be extremely embarrassing and very awkward if those parts of them were to get stuck together, of course. That was all. The situation was already difficult enough without making it super embarrassing on top of everything else.
Peter had only had time to remove the worst of the webbing from himself and from around Doctor Octavius’s mechanical arms when he heard the doorbell ring.
“Oh shit! Is it that time already?” Peter cursed, slipping and accidently getting his hand and the webbing stuck on it caught to Doctor Octavius’s lab coat for the third time in the last ten minutes. It didn’t help that his mistake caused another round of childish giggling from them both.
“Hold still,” Peter said softly, before calling out. “Come on in MJ! The door should be unlocked. We’ll uh… we’ll just be a minute.”
“Damn it Peter,” MJ said lightly as she opened the door and entered the house. “Why are you leaving your front door unlocked? Just because you’re living in the suburbs now doesn’t mean you’re not still living in New York. Where are you?”
“I’m in the garage,” Peter said. “Just uh… Just give me a moment.”
“So what’s the plan with the unlocked front door?” MJ continued to tease him as the sound of her footsteps grew closer. “You lure any would-be burglars in with a false sense of security, and then grab them with your unexpectedly amazing combat skills? Or is it just the fact that you don’t have anything worth…”
Peter had been trying to remove a large piece of webbing that was still stuck to Doctor Octavius’s shoulder, but he found himself pausing as MJ entered the garage and immediately froze in her tracks.
“Oh my god,” MJ whispered, her shock and horror clear in the expression that appeared on her face.
Peter thought back, and realized that he hadn’t really spoken to MJ about Doctor Octavius after that first conversation, when he had still been scared and unsure of everything that was going on. There was no way for MJ to have known how far the two of them had progressed, and there was certainly no way for her to have guessed that the two of them might now be living together.
“Peter,” MJ said, slowly backing away from the two of them. “What are you…? Oh my god.”
She was looking backwards and forwards between the two of them, and she didn’t look any less worried when she looked at Peter than when she looked at Doctor Octavius.
Peter knew that the grin had disappeared from his own face when he had seen the shock on MJ’s, but he was pretty sure that she had caught at least a second or two of the two of them grinning like idiots as they struggled with the webbing.
“Don’t worry MJ,” Peter said, deliberately trying to lighten things up a bit. “I know this looks bad, but just give me the chance to tidy up a bit and grab a shower, and I promise all of this will wash right off.”
He approached MJ with a smile on his face, but the look of concern on MJ’s didn’t seem as though it was going to change any time soon, no matter how many jokes Peter made.
“Peter, If I had known that Doctor Octavius was living in your garage…” MJ said.
“He’s not,” Peter said, knowing as soon as he opened his mouth that it was the wrong thing to say. “He’s living in my old bedroom, but…”
“Peter!” MJ yelled. “That is not the point here!”
“I know,” Peter said, also knowing that somehow he had already managed to anger MJ even more, despite the fact that he had been hoping to do the opposite.
“If you had known that Doctor Octavius was here then you wouldn’t have come here,” Peter guessed, before sighing. “Is that about right?”
MJ didn’t confirm Peter’s guess, or at least not with words. The way she frowned at Peter and folded her arms in front of her chest was answer enough.
“You’re right,” Peter confessed. “I should have told you MJ. But you don’t need to worry. Even if Doc did try something then I would make sure that he couldn’t hurt you.”
“I’m not worried about myself!” MJ yelled.
He glanced back over at the workbench, where Otto was quite pointedly busying himself with cleaning up the remains of their failed experiment. Otto glanced over his shoulder for a moment, his eyes meeting Peter’s for a split second before they both turned away, Otto returning his attention to the mess in front of him and Peter returning his attention to MJ.
“Come on,” Peter said, gently guiding MJ out of the garage and into the kitchen, getting a feeling that whatever MJ had to say, it was probably best said where Otto wouldn’t be able to hear them.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you MJ,” Peter said. “I should have kept you updated, but things just got away from me and well… I mean, surely you’ve noticed that the two of us have been working together right? Doctor Octavius is helping Spider-Man catch criminals these days.”
“I know there’s been rumours,” MJ said, “but it’s not as if Spider-Man or Doctor Octopus are in the habit of giving interviews to the press, and no-one’s been able to get very good photos of either of them since a certain Peter Parker stopped working for the Daily Bugle.”
“Doctor Octavius has been trying really hard,” Peter said. “Really. I think he genuinely wants to be better. He’s been helping me protect New York, and we’ve been working together on gadgets, and well…”
He drifted off, suddenly realizing how badly he had failed at keeping MJ updated in regards to what had been happening between himself and Doctor Octavius.
“I’m sorry for not telling you,” he finally concluded.
“I don’t want you to be sorry Pete. I want you to be careful,” MJ said as she took a seat on the couch. “I’m worried about you. I don’t want you to be hurt again. Don’t you remember what happened with him last time?”
“It’s kinda hard to forget,” Peter said, chuckling and trying hard not to think on his memories of that final night as he took a seat next to MJ.
“Are you sure that you’re not letting him in too much?” MJ continued. “I mean, you know what he’s capable of better than I do, but I’m just worried that you’re letting your feelings for him blind you.”
“Come on,” Peter laughed, rolling his eyes. “My feelings for him? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Don’t play dumb with me Peter Parker,” MJ said, poking him gently in the chest. “I remember when you were sixteen and had a giant, embarrassing crush on him, even if you don’t. And even if you grew out of that, which, oh my god, please tell me you grew out of that, I know that the two of you became friends while you were working for him. Or something like friends anyway. I’m not even going to pretend to understand it. All I know is that whenever you used to talk about him you would just… I don’t know… glow.”
Peter didn’t know how he was supposed to tell MJ that rather than his crush disappearing, getting to know Otto Octavius and work alongside him had turned that crush into something a lot more real; something that was a lot further away from the innocent, embarrassing crush of his teenage years and was instead a lot closer to real love.
“Listen,” he tried to argue. “It’s not… I’m not…”
Peter didn’t even know what he was going to say, but it didn’t matter, because MJ interrupted him before he could get his words in order.
“Look, I’m not judging, but whatever Doctor Octavius is to you, he clearly means a lot if you’re willing to let him this close after everything he’s done,” she continued. “All I’m trying to say Pete, is that you need to be careful, all right? Don’t turn your back on him. Don’t let him blindside you again.”
Mary Jane leaned forward and picked out a strand of webbing from Peter’s hair with more success than either Peter or Otto had had, before giving him a very pointed look up and down his body.
“I’m sorry,” Peter said again. “We’re not grabbing dinner together anymore, are we?”
“Not today,” MJ said, gently folding her hands in her lap, and giving Peter a look that he knew meant he hadn’t heard the end of this particular discussion. “I think that you and your new partner have some cleaning up to do, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” Peter said, hoping as he did that he hadn’t accidentally tracked too much of the webbing into the lounge room and all over the couch. “I guess we do.”
MJ got to her feet and smiled at Peter, before running her fingers down the side of his face.
“Goodbye Pete,” she said. “And be careful, okay?”
“I will,” Peter said, waving gently at MJ as she headed for the door.
MJ gave him a wave and a smile in return.
“And for god’s sake, make sure you lock your damn door!” she said, right before shutting the door behind her.
It was only after MJ had left and Peter had locked the door behind her that he wondered if Doctor Octavius had heard any of what he and MJ had been discussing. He hoped not, but they hadn’t exactly been whispering. None of it was exactly the sort of the thing that Peter wanted Doctor Octavius overhearing, but he would have been particularly horrified to discover that Doctor Octavius now knew about Peter’s teenage crush on him.
Peter felt extremely nervous as he stepped back into the garage.
“Well,” Peter began, trying to act as casual as possible. “MJ’s gone.”
“Ah,” Otto said with a slow nod. “Am I correct in assuming that the two of you are no longer going to be getting dinner together?”
“Yeah Doc,” Peter replied. “You assume correctly.”
Peter looked around the garage, taking in all of the mess that they still needed to clean up after the web canister explosion, and wondering where he should even start. He and Otto still had a fair bit stuck to them, so finishing cleaning Otto’s mechanical arms was probably as good a place as any to start. They might even be able to make the rest of the work a little easier.
“You know, she still cares about you Peter,” Otto said.
Perhaps it was just Peter’s imagination, but Otto almost sounded a little sad as he said that.
Peter waved Otto’s comment aside.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he lied.
He had a feeling that he and MJ would always retain at least a little love for one another. They had been through so much together after all, and it was hard to just forget all of that. But every time they had broken up there had been a reason for it, and usually it had been a good one.
“Besides,” Peter said, reaching over to remove the piece of webbing from Doctor Octavius’s shoulder that he had been trying to remove when MJ had walked first walked in. “We’re no good for each other. The two of us have at least worked that much out by now.”
Peter continued to remove the clump of webbing, following it down Otto’s back and to the base of the other man’s mechanical arms.
“You’re lucky the web fluid didn’t gunk up your arms too much,” Peter said.
Peter pulled back a little, realizing as he did exactly how close he was standing to Doctor Octavius. He found himself thinking on what MJ had said before, about the crush on Doctor Octavius that he had nursed on and off for what had been years. Was he letting his feelings for Doctor Octavius effect the way that he treated the older man? He couldn’t even tell anymore.
They were still standing so close. Peter’s hand was resting on Doctor Octavius’s shoulder as well. It would be so easy for Peter to lean up and press his lips to Otto’s own. He found his eyes dancing over the older man’s lips, and for just a moment he contemplated giving in and closing the distance between them.
“Peter?” Doctor Octavius asked, his voice no more than a whisper.
Peter blinked a couple of times and realized that he had been staring at the older man’s lips. Doctor Octavius was staring down at him with a slightly worried look on his face, and Peter realized that he must have been just standing there and staring at Doctor Octavius for an inappropriately long amount of time.
“Sorry Doc,” Peter said, careful to keep his tone light and cheery. There was no way that he could admit the direction that his thoughts had taken him, or that for a moment he had seriously considered kissing the older man.
“I was just getting some more of this webbing off of you,” Peter continued, holding up his web tangled fingers as though they were evidence. “There. All done.”
He took a step back from Doctor Octavius, and forced himself to think about anything at all that wasn’t kissing Doctor Octavius, or how close he had come to kissing Doctor Octavius. Peter would have thought that after Doctor Octavius had attacked the city and killed so many people that his feelings for the older man would have disappeared completely, never to return, but he was starting to think that perhaps that wasn’t the case.
Peter took a look around the garage and forced himself to focus on how much cleaning up they still had to do. The webbing would lose a lot of stickiness and start to dissolve after a few hours, so Peter was tempted to just leave the garage alone and covered in webs for the time being.
“Well Doc,” Peter said, “I don’t know about you, but considering its past six, and it doesn’t look like I’m getting dinner with MJ anymore, I’d say it’s about time that we break for a few moments and order something to eat.”
“That sounds like an excellent idea Peter.”
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elisaphoenix13 · 3 years
Once Upon A Summer (Ch. 5)
"Well...I did say it would wear off over time." Stephen says as he looks Peter over.
Once Tony got Peter's clean bill of health and assurance that there was nothing to be concerned about, he asked Friday to put in an order for things a two year old would need. Such as bigger clothes, possibly bigger diapers, and oh god...potty training. Was it really worth doing? At the rate Peter was growing back to his teenage body, it was likely Tony would pull his hair out over nothing. He'd much rather change diapers than try the pointless endeavor of getting Peter to use the toilet when he would know what to do when he got bigger. So both he and Stephen decided they wouldn't bother.
"I really hope Pete doesn't live up to the terrible twos I've heard about." Tony sighs.
"I'm surprised you've heard of it." Stephen jests and gets an eye roll from Tony.
"Haha. Very funny. Just for that you get to change his next diaper."
"Daddy up!" Peter says as he holds up his arms.
That was another thing Tony was still trying to wrap his head around. Daddy. It threw him for a loop, but he would be lying if he said he hated it. He actually kind of liked it. Peter was his kid and it made Tony wonder if Toddler Peter was just voicing how Teenage Peter had felt all this time. Did Peter actually see him as a father figure and was too worried Tony might shut him down if he said anything? Knowing him, it was a possibility. Peter was a people pleaser. Almost to a fault. But he was a good kid who always tried to do the right thing, even if sometimes he went about it the wrong way.
That train of thought brought Tony back to his earlier conversation with Stephen. He brushed the sorcerer off when he pointed out the similarities between them, but now he was just as curious. He did say he would take the paternity test to see if there was a match, and maybe now was the best time to do it. Before Peter grew even more and was more aware of what was going on.
"Hey...about that test…" Tony starts and Stephen raises an eyebrow.
"What about it?"
"We should do it now, I think. Get it over with you know? Bruce can do it and I can trust him to keep it to himself." Tony rambles.
"If you'd like. Should we pack up?" Stephen asks.
"No. We'll pop over then come back. I'm sure Peter would enjoy the beach now." Tony says.
Stephen merely nods and leaves the master bedroom after muttering something about a sling ring. Tony then finally gave in to Peter's request to be picked up, made sure his diaper was clean, and waited for the sorcerer to return so they could make a quick trip back to the tower. Tony knew he was always dressed to the nines wherever he went, but at the moment, he didn't feel the need to uphold his image. He was comfortable in his t-shirt and sleep pants and he was on vacation. Sort of.
He was taking a few much needed days off at least. Most people wouldn't even consider that a vacation.
"Are you going like that?" Stephen asks when he returns to the room.
"Are you?" Tony counters, eyeing the similar getup Stephen was wearing.
It was nice to see Stephen could relax in some clothes that didn't require twenty belts. Nineteen of which Tony was positive were just for show...and to keep unwanted hands away. That was a hell of a way to stay abstinent.
"Touché." Stephen chuckles and makes a gateway to the Med-bay in the tower. "I'm too lazy to change. Especially if we're coming back."
"Me too." Tony steps through the gateway, and actually finds himself already face to face with Bruce who looked very confused.
"How did you…?" Bruce starts and then looks past Tony as Stephen follows through the gateway before it closes. "Oh."
Then Bruce's attention was drawn to Peter and the confusion that had gone away just milliseconds ago was back in full force. Tony was pretty sure he could actually hear the cogs turning in his head.
"Who's the kid?"
"Long story short, Pete was hit by a spell that turned him into a baby while he was out on patrol. Strange and I are vacationing until he's back to normal." Tony says.
"I think I prefer this over an actual visit because of an injury." Bruce says. "Especially since you're not coming to me with questions."
"No...just…" Tony hesitates. "Can you do a paternity test?" He finally asks with a mumble.
Bruce's eyebrows shoot up. "What brought this on?"
"A nosey sorcerer."
There was a scoff behind him.
Bruce had Tony sit down and go first in the hopes that when it came to Peter's turn, the toddler wouldn't fuss and make a two second finger prick turn into a five minute ordeal. Peter watched with curious eyes as Bruce drew some blood from the billionaire, and once he got that put away, he turned to the boy standing next to Tony's chair. He waited until Tony got up and helped Peter into the chair, and then held his hand out.
"Can I see your hand Peter?" Bruce asks softly.
Peter looks down at his hands and then offers one of them to Bruce with eyes still filled with curiosity, and watches as the man disinfects it. Everything after that was so quick, Peter didn't even realize Bruce had pricked his finger until he was collecting the blood. To his credit, he didn't scream, but there were certainly tears welling up in his eyes. Tony felt a little bad for putting the kid through this just for the sake of curiosity, but he would make it up to him. Ice cream always makes things better right?
"Sorry Peter. It's already over." Bruce tells him as he wraps a band-aid around his finger.
"Come on kiddo." Tony says as he reaches out for the boy, only to be given a look of utter betrayal.
"No!" Tony blinks in surprise as Peter hops off the chair, pushes by him, and runs over to hug Stephen's leg. "Want Mama! You mean!"
Two things immediately crossed Tony's mind at that moment. One, he felt awful when Peter gave him that look of betrayal. But then the second thought trumped the first and he tried to hold back the laughter that was bubbling in his chest. It wasn't easy when he saw the expression on Stephen's face. A mixture between mortified, exasperated, and maybe some pity for the toddler. What the sorcerer said next broke the dam of Tony's laughter though.
"Why am I Mom?"
"Well you do coo to him in the mornings." Tony says through his cackling and earns a miffed huff.
"I do not!"
"I have video evidence." Tony laughs some more when Stephen sputters. "Come on Doc. We'll head back so you can bury yourself in the sand."
That was all Stephen needed to turn and reopen the gateway back to the Malibu mansion, and he even picked up Peter before walking through. Tony in the meantime took a few moments to calm down and turn back to Bruce.
"You'll call me?"
"Yeah. I should have the results by tonight. Only because I don't have much I'm working on right now." Bruce says.
"I'm assuming I don't need to tell you to keep this between us?" Tony asks and the other man shakes his head. "Thank you."
Tony turns and steps through the gateway that he was a little surprised Stephen left open for him, and once he was through and it closed behind him, he looked around when he didn't see the two right away. It didn't take much looking to find them in the kitchen and discovering that Stephen had the same idea he had. The man was currently scooping out some chocolate ice cream into a small bowl for Peter, who was looking up at him in excitement. Almost like Stephen hung the sun just for him.
"Hey, I was going to give him ice cream!" Tony complains.
"Well I'm clearly the nice parent so I need to live up to my role." Stephen says. "You're the bad parent that has to get his own ice cream."
Tony sighs. "Ouch. I'm supposed to be the favorite."
He walks over to scoop out his own ice cream as Stephen leads Peter over to the table and helps him into a chair. Even the sorcerer had his own bowl of ice cream and managed to eat it while keeping an eye on Peter so the toddler didn't make too much of a mess. After Tony put away the carton of ice cream, he sat across from Stephen with his own bowl and immediately stuck a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. Even he had to admit it was a nice treat after being poked at.
"You know I don't remember ordering ice cream." Tony says eventually.
"That's because I did." Stephen tells him. "You did say I could get whatever I wanted or needed."
The tone in Stephen's voice made Tony nod immediately. It was like he wasn't sure what Tony had said was genuine or something and Tony didn't want him to think that. He wanted Stephen to be comfortable. Get what he wanted without having to worry about money. To enjoy himself.
That's what part of this getaway was about after all.
"I did...and that's still true. I honestly expected you to ask me if it was okay first. You usually do that."
"I figured you wouldn't notice ice cream on your bill." Stephen says dryly.
"I didn't. If Mom needs his chocolate--hey! Ow!" Tony winces when Stephen kicks his shin under the table. "Come on! It's cute!"
"Only when Peter does it." Stephen huffs. "He calls me that out of care. You call me that to tease me."
"Oh believe me. If I wanted to tease you, I could think of much more adult ways to do it that we would both enjoy."
That got him another kick to his shins but Tony decided it was worth it. Stephen blushed so prettily and it made him wonder if he was actually getting to the doctor. All of Stephen's attention was turned to his own ice cream or at Peter after that, but Tony was content to stare at the blush on the younger's face and had to smile when it took it's time to go away. It probably didn't help that he was staring in the first place. Tony was being obviously blatant about it and, him being him, unashamed.
"All done!" Peter exclaims a few minutes later and holds up his hands as if to prove his point.
Stephen chuckles and grabs a napkin to help him clean his hands. "You sure are. Would you like to go to the beach?"
"Beach?" Peter questions and Tony was thankful the boy didn't mispronounce it. "Yeah."
"Maybe I'll make lunch for us to have while we're there." Stephen says and Peter nods. "What kind of sandwich would you like?"
Peter seemed to struggle with deciding so Stephen helped him down from his chair and led him back into the kitchen to look in the fridge. While he listed off the options to the toddler, Tony watched and listened as he absently ate the rest of his ice cream. It was a surprise to see Stephen doing so well with Peter and it was attractive if he was honest. The other Avengers liked Peter well enough, even cared about him, but Stephen took it to a parenting level like Tony did. Peter certainly viewed the younger man in that light.
"Daddy gets tuna." Peter says and Tony chuckles. Teenage Peter was definitely in there somewhere and remembered Tony's favorite kind of sandwich.
Tony gets up with his empty bowl and spoon and takes it to the kitchen to rinse off in the sink so he can put it in the dishwasher. Once that's finished, he turns to look at Peter and Stephen and then crouches in front of the toddler.
"Hey Pete. How about we go get you ready for the beach and leave Mom to make lunch?" He suggests.
Stephen didn't protest "Mom" being used this time. Maybe because Tony was only using it because that was how Peter saw the sorcerer.
"How?" Peter asks.
"Well, for one thing, we gotta get you in some swim trunks. Bet Friday ordered some for you." Tony says.
"I also took the liberty of ordering some sunblock." The AI says and Tony raises an eyebrow at Peter.
"See? Even Friday knows what you need better than I do."
Peter seemed to study Tony and what he did next took the older man by surprise. He wrapped his little arms around Tony's neck and squeezed as hard as he could. Peter was giving him a hug.
Wait. That shouldn't have been surprising at all. Peter was a touchy-feely kind of person and Tony...wasn't. He already denied Peter that hug after coming back from Germany, but he would be damned if he did it again. Maybe it was what Peter said that was surprising to Tony.
"You good daddy." Peter says into his shoulder.
Tony swallows back the lump in his throat. "I thought I was mean."
Peter moves away and pouts at him after holding up his finger. "No more boo-boos."
"No more boo-boos." Tony confirms with a chuckle and even kisses the bandaged finger. "Not because of me."
Stephen snorts. "Now it's just a matter of if he can keep himself from getting boo-boos."
Tony huffs and gets up with Peter in his arms. He really didn't need the reminder that his kid was, in fact, a web slinging vigilante. So he pinched Stephen's ass when he wasn't paying attention as his rebuttal. The sorcerer's jolt and deep blush just before his confused sputtering sent Tony into a laughing fit as he took Peter to the front door where the packages were waiting.
"Stark, I swear on the Vishanti--"
"Don't try to deny that you liked it. Your blush speaks for you. Nice ass by the way." Tony states nonchalantly and gets another fit of sputtering from Stephen.
Peter, having been looking over Tony's shoulder as the engineer walked away, giggles. "Mama red."
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concussed-to-pieces · 3 years
The Mettle Of A Man; Part Twenty
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Fandom: Fallout (4)
Pairing: Paladin Danse/Female Sole Survivor
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Welcome to the end of our tale, everyone! Thank you so much for reading and enjoying over the years. I love you so much and appreciate you more than words can say. Here's to 2021, my friends! Ad Victoriam, and stay safe! Tagging @anonymouscosmos​, @culturalrebel, @wrestlingfae​, @toxiicpop​,  @mercy-and-malice, @deepkittycollecto, @nelba, @mechanicalism, @commandershepardshtole, @valkyriejack and @kovu-the-mythical-being. Enjoy!
Part One: ArcJet
Part Two: The Prydwen
Part Three: Orders
Part Four: Finding Brandis
Part Five: Weston Water And Oberland
Part Six: Meeting Preston And Matthew
Part Seven: Radstag And Radstorm
Part Eight: The Return To Sanctuary Hills
Part Nine: Domestic Ruminations
Part Ten: Institutionalized
Part Eleven: Two Weeks, Three Days
Part Twelve: Haylen’s Warning And The Glowing Sea
Part Thirteen: Under Fire
Part Fourteen: Dichotomy
Part Fifteen: The Litany Trial
Part Sixteen: Nice Try
Part Seventeen: Preparations
Part Eighteen: Divide And Conquer
Part Nineteen: Lucky
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains holiday celebrations, brief emotional distress and unprotected sex. Stay safe!]
Time seemed to pass both too fast and not fast enough. 
  Synths were accommodated, reprogrammed at their wishes or helped to adjust to their new lives. Doctor Amari and the rest of the Railroad had no shortage of work, and Desdemona eventually tapped MacCready and Cait to oversee their caravan logistics back to the Capital Wasteland. 
  "And the people of the Commonwealth slept soundly, for the greatest monster was gone." Nick had remarked, touching the brim of his fedora in a half-salute. The old detective quickly appointed himself as head of first impressions in Diamond City, making certain that no trouble befell any wayward synth that accidentally wandered in. There was still a lot of work to be done to repair the Broken Mask incident, after all.
  New settlements sprang up overnight and while there may not have been total harmony, there was the sensation of the whole Commonwealth heaving a sigh of relief. Recruits flocked to the Minutemen and Brotherhood in droves as Piper's Publick Occurrences spread the word of their successful campaign against the Institute. 
  Commonwealth boogeyman decimated by combination effort: Brotherhood Of Steel and Minutemen join forces to save Boston from bodysnatchers!
  Deacon had effortlessly deflected Piper every time she asked for an interview, the mysterious man more than content to keep the Railroad shadowy. The less everyone knew, the less they could tell, and that suited him just fine. "You did real good, Icebox. Helped a lot of people."
  Elder Brandis sought approval to establish a permanent outpost at the Boston airport ruins, the former paladin keen to send the Prydwen back to the Capital Wasteland. "Oh the Prydwen's a fine ship, but put me in the field any day!" The airship, once a proud symbol of the Maxson reign, now served little purpose aside from blocking the sun on occasion. Scribes laughed and played in the massive shadow, kicking up dust until the circle where the litany trial had taken place was nothing but a memory.
  X6-88 had floundered for several weeks, the courser falling into a depressive slump that not even Curie could rouse him from. Oddly enough, it was Preston who ended up being able to haul him out of the darkness, the lieutenant making a point to visit the courser to drag him from his room for target practice and other low-effort patrol duties. "Sometimes all folks need is a hand, General." 
  The courser went on to reluctantly take the role of defective defector, working as a consultant to the Minutemen to help ward off any future attacks by desperate coursers or Institute scientists. Preston found his input invaluable, and the duo could often be found in the lieutenant's quarters poring over threadbare maps and trading tactical information. Preston also seemed to have a calming effect on the synth hunter, helping to blunt some of the cold steel edge that X6 had honed his entire life. Add on to that the constant caring presence of Curie, and they made a strange but surprisingly effective trio. 
  With the new supply line firmly established between the verdant utopia of Starlight Drive-In and Oberland Station, the strain of the prior lean months finally eased a bit. Faces grew less pinched even with the increased burden of the synths, and many settlers began to tentatively plan for a small celebration in the beginning of the winter. 
  "'The Holidays' is what they been callin' it, real simple and succinct. Some freaky hodgepodge of everyone's traditions. I guess a lot of folks on that fancy director's board also celebrated around this time of year. Not that the synths would know, naturally." Hancock had muttered, his expression sour. "Poor bastards always workin', and they ain't got fuckall to show for it. Seems like a shit deal."
  Elder Brandis granted Danse an extended leave of absence after the toppling of the Institute without the paladin even requesting it, the large man dumbfounded for a moment upon receiving the news.
  "If you're up for it, I could use a hand back at Sanctuary." Vega had grinned up at him, her eyes squinting a little under the force of her smile. "A lot of prep work goes into a holiday, after all."
  Danse had taken it upon himself to retreat from Shaun's previous bedroom when he accompanied Vega and her son back to Sanctuary. He debated heavily on returning to the airport; after all, there was no real reason for him to stay in Sanctuary Hills, at least none that he dared to dwell upon. The few small projects that Vega had to manage were easily accomplished and he was left a bit lost in the wake of the excess of his leave.
  Vega, however, had begun framing in what was once the carpark for her house. Sturges helped of course, and once Danse caught on he was touched by the gesture. 
  "I don't want you to feel like there isn't room for you just because Shaun is back." Elizabeth had said, lugging a chunk of scrap metal from the wreckage of her car. 
  The paladin had to take a moment, claiming sawdust in his eye as the culprit.
  Now Danse lived in the area she had partitioned off for him, uncertain if he still believed he was intruding. Those thoughts were troubling, because if he could get comfortable…
  What if Vega eventually decided that Shaun needed a father and what if...what if she chose a real man? Really real, not a sham like Danse was. And if she did, what man would permit Danse to stay? What real man would permit a synth that was currently entangled by these...human emotions to remain on their property, even if Danse proved he wasn't a threat?
  What man would believe him if he claimed to have no interest in Vega? Hell, Danse didn't even believe himself. 
  But he didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay. He wanted to tell Elizabeth...well, there were a lot of things he wanted to tell her.
  His silence was more of a burden each day, and Danse knew he must seem sullen. It gnawed at him; it felt like lying every time he choked the words back down because it wasn't the right time or he just didn't know what to say, and he didn't trust himself not to say something foolish.
  He decided he would wait until after the holiday gathering. Whatever the verdict was, it shouldn't take away from the joy she was clearly feeling over the festivities. So Danse threw himself into helping Sturges, Mama Murphy and the Longs around Sanctuary.
  Secretly making a toy truck for Shaun had been a painstaking process fraught with peril. Mainly because Danse was somewhat indelicate and carving tiny wheels had never been his area of expertise. Oh certainly, he could build a survival camp with nothing but a combat knife and time, but a toy...
  The paladin had spent countless hours creating prototypes in his cobbled-together room as he pondered the path he should take, sometimes working into the wan light of the morning. He eventually showed the truck to Jun, immensely fearful that Shaun might not enjoy the toy. Danse couldn't recall his own interests when he had been Shaun's age, and thus fell back on the other man's expertise. 
  "It looks good! Sand the wheels a little more, maybe give it a coat or two of paint." Jun praised the pensive paladin, turning the vehicle over in his hands to examine it. "Kyle loved these kinds of things y'know, trucks and trains and little toy boats." His gaze grew distant for a moment, the rough plaything stilling in his grasp. "Marcy thinks she's pregnant." He said abruptly.
  "Pregnant?" Danse repeated without meaning to, his eyebrows shooting up to his hairline.
  Jun nodded jerkily. "It's been three months now. She's scared, Mr. Danse, real scared. Thinks something bad will happen."
  "What can we do?" The paladin asked sharply. 
  Jun gawked up at him, seeming confused. "We?"
  "I am unfamiliar with this process. What needs to be done?"
  "I...I don't follow, Mr. Danse."
  "To simplify the duration! What precautions can I-"
  "Whoa, hang on." Jun protested. "We aren't sure if the general will even let us stay here with an extra mouth to feed. I've been trying to figure out how to bring up the subject." He admitted. 
  "You haven't even told General Vega yet?!" Danse squawked. 
  "W-Well, no! I figured maybe we would...we'd see how the winter went and play it by ear." Jun mumbled, seeming defensive. 
  Danse seized the other man's arm, heedless of his protests as he hauled him across the front lawn to Vega's abode. Today was the day that Vega had planned to sort through decorations; there were many left over from the fall holiday the Commonwealth had been preparing to celebrate before...well, time had stopped for most when the bombs fell, it was understandable that faded pumpkins and skeletons would still grace crumbling walls with their orangey-cream presence.
  Vega looked up from the veritable pile of brittle, salvaged decor in confusion when Danse barged into their...her home, the paladin immediately halting and offering a sharp salute. "Danse! I...uh, what's wrong?"
  "Mr. Long has something he needs to discuss with you immediately." Danse informed her, tugging the other man forward. 
  "I-I...er, General, you…" Jun struggled to speak, twiddling his fingers wildly. "M-Marcy--"
  "What's wrong, Jun? Is she okay?" Vega asked, getting to her feet and shooting Danse a worried look. "Did something happen?"
  "B-Baby." Jun squeaked. "Pregnant."Backhand went still, her freckles stark against the fresh pallor of her face. "I'm sorry, General, I know we haven't discussed it beforehand a-and I know food's been better as of late...I-I guess she got enough nutrients and got healthy enough for...er, well, you know." Mr. Long looked like he wanted to disappear into the ground. "We should have spoke to you sooner; I don't know if she can leave with the weather being--"
  "Wh-Where are you going? Why leave, what?" Vega stammered, "Jun, you can't travel now, if something goes wrong-!"
  "We weren't sure if you'd let us stay!" The thin man interrupted her frantically. "This is your base, after all, and you didn't sign on for an extra person to worry about."
  Vega inhaled deeply. "Danse, could you give me a minute with Mr. Long?" She requested, her voice suspiciously even.
  Danse obeyed, closing the front door gently and meandering a pointed distance down the main thoroughfare so as not to eavesdrop. He had a relatively good idea of how the conversation would go, despite Jun's misgivings. So he wandered down to the huge tree at the end of the cul-de-sac, fiddling with the truck in his pocket absently as he stared upwards at the barren branches. 
  "Y'know kid," Mama Murphy piped up from her customary chair on her porch and the paladin turned to face her, giving the elderly woman his full attention. "When I had the Sight, I saw this place. Sanctuary." She nodded in the direction of the river, then gestured upwards. "The bridge, and this tree. Massive and old, worn out from all those years." She cocked her head, giving Danse an appraising look. "The tree though, it was...covered in lights. Like what you see in the pre-war mags. The Holidays, shinin' like a beacon of hope at the end of the tunnel." 
  Danse hummed, the vaguest beginnings of an idea taking root in his mind. He couldn't bring Vega's old life back, but maybe...maybe he could bring something from it back to her. Like what you see in the pre-war mags.
  "I think you're pickin' up what I'm puttin' down, kid." Mama Murphy's smile was knowing, the old woman reaching over to pet Dogmeat. The dog seemed to materialize out of thin air sometimes! "Now get to it."
  Backhand was already scurrying around the kitchen when Danse rose on the morning of the Holiday celebration, the paladin pausing only momentarily to yawn in the doorway before sleepily offering his assistance. "Is there something I can help with, Vega?"
  "Uh, Sturges, he said something about you and stuff from Goodneighbor, I think?" Elizabeth replied, obviously preoccupied with whatever she had in the semi-functional oven. Danse nodded, trudging across the kitchen to tug on his boots by the door. 
  Shaun bounded out of the bathroom, his face still damp from his morning wash. "Oh, can I help too? Please Mom, let me help Mister Danse and Mister Sturges!" He begged.
  "You'd better stay right where Danse and Sturges can see you." Backhand instructed him sternly, one oven-mitted hand gesturing to indicate the gravity of the situation. "Otherwise you're coming straight back inside. Go put on your warm coat."
  Shaun cheered in delight, racing back to his room.
  "It's okay that he's with you two, right? I know he's not your responsibility." Backhand continued in an undertone to the paladin.
  Danse's throat tightened and it took him a moment to respond, "I don't mind at all. He's a very well-behaved child." 
  "Let me know if he's an issue and I'll bring him back inside. I just need to get this done and the oven is being all-" 
  Danse stood up and placed his hands on her shoulders, deliberately schooling his expression into something more stern. "General, you're doing a fine job. Stop worrying."
  "Am I? Shit, I really hope so." Elizabeth mumbled, tipping her forehead until it rested against his chest. Danse prayed she couldn't hear his heart, hammering merely from her proximity. God, his body was nothing but an embarrassment waiting to happen. "I've never really done this crap. Not sure if I'm cut out for it."
  The momentary respite was broken when Shaun reappeared in his oversized flannel and oilcloth jacket, the child bolting past the two adults to put on his boots. Danse reluctantly released Backhand, noting how flushed her face was but not really daring to dwell on it. "I'll...I'll watch him." The paladin said, his voice a bit stilted. "I promise."
  "Thank you." Backhand mumbled, wiping her eyes and then returning to coddle…whatever it was in the oven.
  "Ready, Shaun?" Danse asked the boy, who nodded rapidly and extended a hand. 
  The snow outside was still fresh from the night before and Danse took a moment to appreciate the view of the Commonwealth covered in a thin layer of white. Off in the distance, the towering crimson insignia of the Red Rocket gasoline station stood stark against the backdrop of the gray sky. Even further down the road slumbered the empty shell of Concord, the tallest of the town's dilapidated buildings only just visible from the paladin's position. 
  Shaun tugged at his hand, pulling his attention back to the present. "Mister Danse, Mister Sturges is waiting for us!" The child announced, waving up at the engineer who was currently settled into a crook of the brittle branches that graced the tree on the cul-de-sac island. "Hi Mister Sturges!"
  "Howdy fellas! Come to give me a helpin' hand?" Sturges called, grinning down at the two of them. 
  "What assistance can we offer?" Danse queried, wary that the other man might suggest Shaun climb up to him. His fears were quickly allayed when Sturges instead asked Shaun and Danse to begin untangling the long strands of old lights. 
  Hancock and his ilk had arrived from Goodneighbor, bearing the gifts of dubious treats and many, many mangled strings of lights. Goodneighbor had always been drenched in neon, after all, so Danse had assumed the ghoul mayor would be the best person to call upon for aid. It would appear that Hancock had delivered in spectacular fashion.
  "With your help, we'll have this place lookin' pretty as a picture in no time!"
  Maybe she had bitten off slightly more than she could chew, trying to cook a traditional dinner. Backhand sighed, glumly poking at the cold poultry with a wooden spoon. Her cooking skills had never been much to write home about in the first place, and this only served to solidify that fact. 
  "Oh Mum, I'm so sorry. The old oven just isn't how it used to be." Codsworth commented, his mechanical voice tinged with melancholy. 
  "It's not a big deal, Codsworth. I hate to waste the food, that's all." Backhand muttered, assuring herself that she wasn't fighting back frustrated tears, her eyes were just tired. "Damn thing didn't even get to the warm phase."
  "Mum, if I might suggest…?" The robot started hesitantly, carrying on when she nodded. "Perhaps it can be salvaged. After all, we make bread in that same pan by tucking it beneath the hot coals out front. What do you say, shall we give it a go?"
  "Got nothing to lose, right?" 
  "It will be just fine, Mum! You're an adaptive sort." Codsworth remarked, drifting out the front door to stoke the usual cooking fire to life once more. "Indeed, just fine!" He called. 
  Vega shook her head ruefully. "Oh I'm sure." The woman grumbled. "Can't cook and comes with baggage. What a catch ol' Vega is." At least the bread had come out well, in spite of the brisk weather. She could thank whoever for that small favor.
  Once Codsworth had coaxed the embers to life in the fire pit, Elizabeth bundled up and brought the still-cold cast-iron pot outside. Maybe it had been wishful thinking to believe that the oven portion of her stove would still work. Or even heat at all. It had been promising earlier in the week, but this might be a blessing in disguise. If the whole house had gone up due to a cooking malfunction...well, the holidays wouldn't be too happy then, would they?
  "Please cook." She begged under her breath, troweling hot coals onto the battered dutch oven lid. "I need this, y'know? Just a little victory, that's all I'm asking for here." 
  "Shall I get started on the tatoes, Miss Vega?" 
  Elizabeth nodded, only half-listening to Codsworth. She knew she would have a good forty five minutes to an hour to wait, and it wasn't as if it was colder outside than it was inside. The joys of semi-functional heating! 
  Vega shook her head at herself after a second, since when did she dwell on everything that Sanctuary wasn't? At the end of the day, it was her home. She wouldn't trade it for the world, and she knew she had much more than most people.
  At that thought, her gaze wandered to where Danse and Shaun were. The larger man had Shaun on his shoulders while he patiently unwound a massive bundle of flickering string lights. Shaun, for his part, was passing the untangled lights up to Sturges. The engineer slid down the ladder so he could reach the child, looping the lights over his arm before climbing back up and painstakingly placing them in the gnarled grasp of the tree's limbs.
  The manufactured cheer that the lights had given off pre-war was still somewhat there, though the radiant colors were washed out to pastel and the warm whites had gone dingy gray. Instead of it being a melancholy reminder that her life had changed irreparably, Backhand was overcome with gratitude. For her son's safe return, regardless of his synthetic makeup, and for the man who was currently carrying Shaun on his shoulders. For her home, for her family.
  A family. 
  Perhaps she was getting a little ahead of herself. After all, Danse was still adjusting to life in ordinary time. It would be selfish of her to voice her feelings to him while he was coming to terms with everything that had happened. For better or for worse, their lives were different now. 
  It ought to be enough that he was in her life at all. She should be content. His presence alone was a miracle; for all intents and purposes he should be dead. Yet there he was, mere feet away, helping to brighten up the holiday celebration.
  Tonight there would be a multitude of visitors. God only knew how many would arrive from settlements near and far, to say nothing of Goodneighbor, Diamond City, the Prydwen and the Castle! It would be an incredibly busy evening for certain. Hancock had arrived early with a posse of ragtag drifters from Goodneighbor, all of them offering gifts of food or scavenged ornaments to decorate. Hence the massive mound of lights that was currently being diligently sorted through.
  The aforementioned ghoul appeared to have delegated the task of quality checking the lights, as his form currently leaned against the faded blue siding of her house. With cigarette smoke wafting from his mouth and nasal cavity in equal amounts, he seemed content to just watch the chaos unfold. 
  "Aren't you a little chilly?" Backhand queried, raising an eyebrow. The mayor was still clad in his usual garb of...for lack of a better term, repurposed period dress. Granted it wasn't seasonably cold out, at least not like how she remembered it being before the bombs dropped.
  "Nah, we ghouls run pretty warm. Ham's like a portable space heater." Hancock answered, giving her a lazy grin. "Cute of you to worry, though. I must be growin' on ya'."
  "Whoa there, let's not get too crazy."
  "Whatcha' think, General?" Sturges shouted from his perch, waving to get her attention.
  Danse turned in place, appearing to realize that she was watching as his hands flew up and grabbed Shaun's legs, stabilizing the small boy on his shoulders. 
  Backhand couldn't keep from smiling when she called back, "it looks wonderful! Keep up the great work!"
  "That ain't the only thing that looks wonderful, right Sunshine?" Hancock snickered, rolling his eyes at the now-sputtering woman. "You better give the Brave Little Toaster the ride of his life, that's all I gotta' say."
  "Hancock!" Vega hissed, making a half-hearted swipe at the mayor. "You fuckin'--"
  "Ah ah, little pitchers!" Hancock scolded, tilting his head to the side to draw Vega's attention to the rapidly-approaching form of Duncan, MacCready's son. "Gotta' watch that mouth of yours, Sunshine."
  "This ain't over, ya' raisin-lookin' bastard." Backhand snarled under her breath, pasting on a friendly smile for Duncan while Hancock wheezed with laughter. "Hey bud, how's things?" She greeted the child, who grimaced. 
  "Dad's kissin' Miss Cait again. S'gross." The little boy announced, wrinkling his nose in disgust. 
  "That does sound pretty gross." Hancock piped up before Backhand could reply. "But you like seein' your old man happy, right? The lady makes him happy. Simple as that."
  "Yeah, I guess. Can I play with Shaun?" Duncan asked Vega, eyes wide as he seemed to take in the tree covered with lights. 
  "Go ahead, kiddo! Just be careful and stay away from Sturges' ladder." Elizabeth warned, grinning when the little boy took off with a whoop. 
  Cait and MacCready strode up after a moment, both of them red-faced. MacCready bent double, his hands on his knees. "I'm not built for these bullsh--awful conditions." He panted. "I don't know how the kid does it. He was nearly dead a few months ago and now he's out here kicking the snow in the a--er, butt."
  Backhand glanced around, and then snorted. "You call this snow? It's a dusting. Back before-"
  "Ah ah, easy now Mumsicle, we ain't got time for yer trip down memory lane." Cait teased. "Work to be done, aye? C'mon then, General, shape up. What you doin' on the ground anyway, all crouched like a mother hen broodin'?"
  "I'm cooking." Vega replied tersely. 
  "Oh aye? Looks like yer shirkin' t' me, love. Codsy can manage that mess, c'mon." Cait seized her elbow, levering her up out of the snowy grass. "Now, what needs doin'?"
  The day was a whirlwind of arrivals, preparations and well wishers. Elder Brandis even stopped by briefly, taking precious time away from his all-consuming duties to distribute some useful supplies and catch up on the gossip. 
  The Diamond City trio graced Sanctuary with their presence shortly before noon, Nat scurrying off to play with Duncan and Shaun while Piper made a beeline for Hancock's merry band. Nick was more keen to meander around the outskirts of the groups forming, amber eyes taking in his surroundings.
  Preston appeared midafternoon with X6, Curie and the entire O'Brian clan in tow, later than expected but apparently they had stopped to help out a settlement along the way. 
  The cul-de-sac soon rang with the laughter of the rambunctious children; even little Siusan was permitted to briefly toddle about in the trampled snow under the watchful gaze of Eamon. The weather was chilly but the sun had broken through the clouds throughout the day, sending momentary waves of brilliance across the Commonwealth. 
  Every table and chair that could be salvaged had been assembled on the old foundation at the end of the cul-de-sac, and it was there that the adults began to gather as the sun set. Metal drums loaded with wood were lit, providing heat and illumination to the many guests of the Commonwealth's first official potluck dinner. 
  "Or rather," Piper amended, clearing her throat with a touch of self-importance as she tapped her notepad, "the first documented official potluck dinner."
  The large tree twinkled and shone in the fast-approaching darkness, the occasional flicker or broken bulb doing little to diminish the cheer it provided. The food was distributed, Backhand's roast chicken disappearing without a hitch. The young woman couldn't help doing a mental dance of victory, delighted that Codsworth's quick thinking had saved that particular endeavor.
  Vega found a place to sit somewhere in the middle of one of the many long tables, red from the praise of her companions and the persistent chill in the air. She got even redder when Preston loudly proclaimed a toast, to the General!, her lieutenant tipping his bottle and everyone else following suit. 
  "I remember when I first met the general, she was half-dead on her feet." Preston began the story, his smile fond. "Sturges couldn't even believe our luck. Hell, none of us could. When freedom called, our general answered!"
  Backhand, who had lived the story and knew all the ins and outs, found her attention wandering to Danse while Preston regaled the crowd with his tale. The paladin seemed to be listening closely, his meal forgotten. Deacon even began to thieve bits of chicken and tato out from beneath his nose, the Railroad agent shooting Vega a sly wink over his sunglasses. 
  Backhand shook her head at the other man's antics, then focused her attention on Preston. "...'Lurk queen, a huge, mean seabug, taken out by landmines! The Castle was ours once again, and we all had General Vega to thank for it." The lieutenant stated firmly. "The one who can get things done in the Commonwealth, the one who gave folks hope when it was in mighty short supply. We uh, we owe you a lot, ma'am." He raised his bottle once more. "To General Vega, leader of the Minutemen!"
  "To Elizabeth!" Hancock yelled, echoed by half the damn populace as Vega tried to wave it off, the young woman laughing awkwardly. "To our Sunshine, the hero of the Commonwealth!" 
  "Synth savior, a regular knight in shining armor." Deacon teased.
  "Well done, General Vega." Danse said warmly, "I can't know for certain whether the Brotherhood itself would be proud, but I certainly am." His praise for whatever reason made Vega's blush feel like it would scorch her skin. 
  Oh she knew damn well why, she was just being willfully oblivious at this point.
  "Speech! Speech! Is that not zee norm for zis sort of occasion?" Curie called, the diminutive synth currently sharing X6-88's coat as well as his plate of food. X6 didn't seem to have any reservations about the matter, his arm slung around her shoulders without a care in the world.
  Much to Vega's chagrin, the majority appeared to be in favor of such a vocal endeavor. She attempted to laugh off the suggestion to no avail, and finally got to her feet. "Alright, alright, settle down. I'll say a few words if it'll get you all off my damn back." She grumbled, her body thoroughly warm now with a combination of embarrassment and gratitude. "I uh…" 
  Vega trailed off as she looked out over the ragtag gang of expectant faces staring back at her. So many friends and neighbors, finally getting the chance to breathe. The chance to celebrate the fruits of their labor...it was sobering.
  "I can't thank you all enough for...well, for everything that you've done. You all sacrificed so much for this peace, stuff I could never imagine doing even before the bombs dropped." She cleared her throat. "My mentor, Sergeant Shaun Cathan, was a great man, and he often had some very succinct or choice words which I'm not about to repeat in polite company."
  "Aw c'mon-!" Zeke began to protest loudly, his voice fading as he noticed the small gaggle of children still gawking at his power armor.
  Backhand continued, her jaw set firmly, "but one thing I can say that he told me is this: a leader who permits their pride to impede their decisions is doomed to failure. Pride built the Institute, and that same pride rotted it to the core. Pride built the Brotherhood of Steel, the Minutemen, and we've seen the both of them nearly toppled." Vega clenched her fist. "Pride brought nuclear fire down on Boston, but people hauled themselves outta' the ashes of that fire. Good people, tough people. Folks I knew. Folks I cared for, even if some of 'em did spend a little too much time on the Cape. If pride can do so much effin' harm, I expect simple compassion and decency to do just as much good. Hell, more than that. Humanity's built itself back up after the cluster that was armageddon, and we ain't through yet." 
  She tipped the jar she had been drinking out of towards the crowd, sternly studying the collection of scavengers, families both new and familiar.
  "So here's to you, my friends. To all that you've done, and to all that you will do." 
  Vega's salute was rigid, pre-war. Like her helmet on the table beside her, scraped and covered in faded sigils. The mixture of candlelight and the lights on the tree reflected off the worn lenses of her glasses, shielding her eyes from view. Danse wished desperately that he could see her eyes; more than anything he wished to stand up and flat-out state what she had done for him to every soul there, display his...admiration. 
  Was that even the right word? Admiration, adoration, affection--
  His face was strangely warm all of a sudden. Danse flinched, staring down at his mug of coffee with single-minded intent as the buzz of conversation around him picked back up. His mind raced, pieces falling into place in a nigh-unstoppable rush.
  Affection. Like...what he had felt for Cutler? Almost. A little to the left of that. Brighter. 
  Not perfect, nothing could ever be perfect. But...
  "Elizabeth Vega?" A male ghoul's voice barely penetrated the paladin's consciousness, his words not really registering until, "Beth, it really is you!" The ghoul exclaimed. "I thought I was crazy! It's me, Beth. It's Nate."
  Danse's head whipped up so fast his neck popped in warning, the paladin having been only tangentially aware of the conversation happening mere feet away from his position. But at that particular nickname his entire being snapped to attention, eyes darting sidelong from where he had been intently studying his mug of coffee. 
  The ghoul man that Vega was currently speaking to was an inch or two taller than her, with a single tuft of dark hair that still remained over his left ear. He appeared absolutely delighted, but Vega seemed...wary.
  "Beth," Danse heard him say once more, and he watched Backhand visibly tense. "I never thought I would see you again! After the bombs dropped--I mean how the hell did...is that Shaun? God, he got so big!"
  "Nate, is there something I can do for you?"
  Danse's breath caught in his throat and his mouth went dry. Nate? Nate her ex-husband from before the war? Nate, the man who had divorced her once he found out she was pregnant with his child? 
  Somehow he had managed to survive? 
  Oh, what an incredibly bitter thing to think! Danse was somewhat startled by his own dark path of reasoning. But it wasn't untrue; his mind railed at the unfairness of it all. 
  The paladin stood up, his mug of coffee forgotten. He wasn't exactly certain what he was about to do, but he also wasn't going to do nothing. He cast around wildly for a plan as he approached Elizabeth from behind around the table, and Danse latched onto what was probably the least intelligent course of action that he could have conjured up.
  "Elizabeth," the paladin called, loud enough to be heard over the general hubbub. She turned and Danse briefly spied a look of intense relief on her face before he enveloped her in his arms. "You appeared cold, figured I could warm you up a bit." He reasoned aloud, smiling benignly over her head at Nate. "Who's this?"
  Vega began to introduce him even with her face still comically buried in Danse's chest, "Nate, I'd like you to meet-"
  "Paladin Logan Danse, Northeastern chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel." Danse interrupted her smoothly, extending a hand to Nate. "I've heard a great deal about you, Nate. It's a privilege to meet you, and a welcome surprise to see that you endured the radiation."
  "Uh, is it? Well I-I guess it is." Nate looked flummoxed and crestfallen all at once, glumly shaking Danse's hand. "I suppose you two are, er..."
  "Vega is my partner, yes. For over a year now." Danse replied once the other man had trailed off, his tone saccharine-sweet. He heard Vega gasp against his chest. "She is a truly incredible woman. I'm immensely lucky."
  "Yeah, I...yeah. Uh, I have to go...talk to--I'll see you later, Beth." Nate squeaked, sidestepping away from the two of them and making a beeline for the road.
  "I can't even believe it." Backhand's voice grated with tangible irritation. "I cannot even fuckin' fathom--I...dammit, why him?!" She seethed into Danse's jacket, clenching her fists on his hips. "Phew, boy, I sort of thought I'd already dealt with all that resentment." The woman admitted unhappily.
  "You do things in your own time." Danse replied quietly. "Are you alright?"
  Vega went still for a second. Danse felt her unclench her fists, hands going slack on his body. Had he misspoken-?
  "In my own time, huh?" Vega muttered, almost like she was thinking out loud. "I...I'll be back in a little while, Danse."
  I'm not panicking. Definitely not panicking. One hundred percent not panicking, totally fine.
  Backhand scurried away from the paladin, trying to hide the tell-tale redness of her face. She needed to find either Mrs. O'Brian or MacCready, fast. 
  As luck would have it, MacCready found her. The former merc tapped on her shoulder as she bounced up on her tiptoes to search for Mrs. O'Brian. "Hey boss, Shaun wanted me to ask you if he could sleep over with Duncan tonight." The man began after she whirled around to face him.
  "Yes." Vega replied, perhaps a little too quick and definitely too enthusiastic. "Mac you're a lifesaver, I was just about to ask-"
  "-for me and Cait to watch your kid so you and the tin can can get some alone time?" MacCready smirked, giving her a wink. "Dang General, I don't think I've ever seen you so red! Don't worry, your secret's safe with me."
  "Shut up, Mac, you're so exasperating." Backhand jabbed a teasing finger into the center of his chest. "You talk, Mayor, and I'll know." The threat was toothless; the both of them grinned at each other after their fierce staring contest. "Thanks for everything."
  "Don't mention it. I figure getting you some Brotherhood...uh, Steel, heh, is a pretty decent way to make up for the fact that I didn't bring you a present." Mac shrugged, fiddling with the bill of his hat. "I have beef with the Capital Brotherhood, but these guys...I mean, they don't seem all bad." He allowed grudgingly, giving Vega a gentle nudge with his shoulder. "Go on."
  A bracing shot of whiskey shored up her tenuous spark of confidence and Vega marched back to Danse, the large man now engaged in conversation with X6 while Shaun, Duncan, Bridget, Nat and Matthew swirled around their ankles. 
  Danse was saying, "--collateral ramifications would be inadvisable, I suggest a soft breach. With adequate preparation-" 
  "Adequate preparation on your part borders on over-caution." X6 interrupted him dismissively. "However, I will take it into account and speak with Preston on the matter. He seems to share your morality. A pity."
  "Play at the unfeeling machine all you want, X6." Danse retorted. "It does you no favors. You have people who care about you now, and you would not have asked for my input if you believed the endeavour would be futile."
  "True enough, Paladin." The vaguest hint of a smile tugged at X6's mouth. "You are capable."
  "I suppose that is the best that I can hope for."
  "Hey, Danse? Can I uh, have a little chat?" Backhand asked, stifling a hysterical giggle when Danse immediately looked guilty. The paladin nodded, bidding X6 farewell and attempting to sidestep around the children who were currently playing tag in an ever-tightening circle. "Not um, here though. Let's go to my house, okay? Shaun, you're all set to stay overnight with Duncan, Mac and Cait, right?"
  "Yeah!" Shaun replied breathlessly, pausing in his chase to give his mother a massive grin. "Already brought my blankets over and everything. Mister MacCready said Duncan and I could sleep in their wagon, and that he'd tell us Grognak stories!"
  Danse's brow furrowed. "We are leaving the gathering, then?" He asked, looking a bit distressed when Elizabeth nodded. "A moment, please." He turned back to the children, calling for Shaun. 
  The boy bolted away from the group, skidding in the muddy slush. "Yeah, Mister Danse?" He asked, his impatience plain.
  "I, er. I...happy holidays." The paladin mumbled, extracting a small bundle from his jacket pocket and giving it to the child. 
  "Whoa, for me?!" Shaun practically crowed, tearing through the old newspaper to reveal the gift.
  It was a sturdy carved vehicle, its edges sleek and smooth. The wood was coated in shiny green paint, giving the little truck a distinct air of newness in this post-apocalyptic world. Danse swallowed audibly as Shaun stared down at the toy without saying a word. 
  Backhand closed her eyes, hoping and praying that the kid remembered his manners. She hadn't even known Danse had planned on giving him something. Did he make the truck himself? It was wood, not the usual plastic or aluminum of pre-war children's toys. When had he found the time to make a toy? She suddenly remembered his uncharacteristically wide yawn that morning and her eyes flew open, darting to look at Danse. He had been staying up, hadn't he?
  "I love it, Mister Danse!" Shaun interrupted her mental panic with his enthusiastic eruption, smiling wide and bolting forward to hug Danse around the waist. Danse's own relief was evident, the large man patting the child on the back with an awkward chuckle.
  Oh Jesus, I'm not going to cry, Vega insisted, taking a deep breath. Nope, won't do it.
  "Mom look, look what Mister Danse gave me!" Shaun exclaimed, as if she hadn't been standing right there the whole time. 
  "It's really cool, right?" Backhand grinned, rumpling his hair and then giving him a kiss on the forehead. "Make sure you wash your face and brush your teeth before bed, okay? I hope you and Duncan have fun. I love you." 
  "I love you too, Mom, I will. Thank you again, Mister Danse!" Shaun rushed to say, clearly eager to return to his friends. 
  "Alright, go on." Vega tapped the end of his nose, "go have fun." She watched him scramble through the slush, nearly tripping again. "Jesus, he's a bull in a china shop," she sighed, making Danse snort. "Shall we, Paladin?"
  He fell into step beside her, his hands tucked into the pockets of his jacket and his back ramrod straight. He was silent until they were actually in Elizabeth's living room, the young woman barely able to shut the front door before he started babbling, "if I offended you earlier, if I-I overstepped my bounds, I apologize. I just recalled what you had said about the name he used for you and I'm afraid I started moving before I could reconsider-"
  "Danse, do you remember how we started all of this?" Vega cut off what promised to be a downright incredible justification, cocking her head to the side. "How we met, and what happened?"
  "You came to our aid at the Cambridge police station. Then you carried on assisting me with our mission. You helped acquire the deep range transmitter. You greased my armor." Danse paused, fidgeting. "You...said it was alright if I wanted to kiss you."
  “It’s alright if you want to kiss me, you know.” Her smile was gentle. “I wouldn’t mind.”
  Vega nodded, smiling once more. "The offer still stands, naturally."
  "I...things are different now. I'm different. You still...even now, after everything that you know about me?"
  "Of course."
  "I didn't want to believe you felt that strongly about our...about us." Danse was smiling, actually smiling! "I'd given up hope a long time ago that I would ever be enough for anyone. I was never...enough. Smart enough, or strong enough or...well, just enough, I suppose." He shrugged, his smile fading. "With what happened between Maxson and I, and previously with Cutler…" The large man trailed off.
  Vega took a deep breath, nodding furiously. "I do feel strongly for you. Danse, I know that this is a lot, b-but I...uh, I think I love you." She gestured up and down at the speechless paladin, feeling the heat that bloomed fresh on her cheeks. "Not just the wrapping, y'know, but uh. The whole package. You."
  His look of shock and confusion slowly dissolved into something unreadable, and he broke eye contact for a moment to stare down at his boots. 
  "Uh, it's okay if you don't reciprocate! O-Or even if you can't reciprocate, I'm not going to be offended!" Elizabeth rushed to add, waving her hands nervously. "I know that this is a lot to dump on you all at once, I-I'm sorry. I don't want you feeling pressured to give me an affirmative answer just because you don't want to hurt my feelings or whatever."
  "I...I can't say that I haven't thought about it." He admitted softly. "But Shaun, he needs--Vega, I'm not really human." 
  "Neither is Shaun, but I don't love him any less." Elizabeth replied. "Shaun is my son. For all intents and purposes, he is my real son, Danse."
  "It's one thing to overlook it for a child, Vega. But I'm...what if something goes wrong with me? What if there's some sort of fault in my programming, and that's why I'm like this? What if-"
  "It's alright if you don't want me, or even if this is too much right now. I know, it's a lot." Vega interrupted him, her heart sinking but determined to make damn sure he didn't feel pressured.
  "Christ, that's not what I meant. I just want to make certain you know exactly what it is that you're agreeing to." Danse cut her off, his shoulders rigid like he was bracing for impact. 
  "I understand, Danse. I've understood for a while now." Elizabeth dared to rest her hand on his arm. "I want to be with you. I know that nothing in this shitshow of a future is guaranteed and I want to have something good in my life before my inevitable demise at the hands of some overconfident mole rat."
  Danse nodded stiffly, and then grabbed her by the lapels of her canvas coat. Vega found herself abruptly pinned against the wall, Danse's mouth hungrily seeking her own. "You mean that?" He panted.
  The brush of the stubble on his face reminded her of their first kiss in the Cambridge station and drove home the differences between he and Nate for the hundredth time. Nate was always clean-shaven, favored pecks on the cheek and lived saturated with cologne. But Danse was grizzled, earnest, reeking of the outdoors and power armor grease. Nate had been eloquent, while Danse was taciturn or tripped over his words. Nate was cold and calculating, and Danse…
  Danse was fiery and raw, more vulnerable now than she could ever recall him being before. His knee nudged against her thigh and without conscious input, Elizabeth parted her legs for it and threw her arms around his neck to try to urge him even closer. "Yes, Danse," she gasped. "Oh, Jesus, yes, fuck-ing shit--"
  She ground herself down against his leg, relieved that everything seemed to be functioning normally and somewhat impressed by her body's ability to mount such a rapid response after a two hundred-plus year dry spell! 
  "Language," Danse rumbled in reply, his hands tugging her heavy coat off of her shoulders. "Too fast?"
  "No, hell no!" Backhand protested, "not fast enough."
  "Shh," Danse rested his hands on her hips, shoving up her shirt slightly so he could touch bare skin. "I have you, Vega." Vega pushed herself excitedly into his grip, grinding on his thigh and arching her back. The way his breath hitched sent shockwaves to her core; the way he watched her...
  "Danse we should...we should-" Vega's voice wavered as Danse laved her throat with tender kisses. "-should--bedroom, bed."
  "Yes." The paladin growled, making no move to actually follow the direction. That is, until he hoisted her up to rest on his hips. 
  Backhand yelped, her thighs gripping his sides tightly. "H-Hey!"
  Danse pressed his forehead to her own, brown eyes attempting to read her soul. "Elizabeth…" he sighed, his expression gone hopelessly soft. "I should warn you, if we...if you do this, I...listen, I can be a little--a little wordy, sometimes. If I am speaking too much-"
  "Hey, no, you talk as much as you'd like, okay? Doesn't bug me at all." Vega assured him, slightly curious about what this might mean. Wordy? 
  "Elizabeth, you are everything that I never knew I was looking for." Danse murmured. "When I lost Cutler, I didn't think I deserved to be happy again. I assumed that my failure would continue to darken any future triumph, and when the majority of Gladius was...I feared that I was unfit for my rank. How could anyone have faith in my skills after such a catastrophic loss of life?"
  "It's hard being the one making the choices. You have to be able to bear the burden of responsibility and also the burden of guilt." Vega reasoned, sympathizing with his plight.
  "You had faith in me, though. You didn't even know me, but you didn't judge me for my inadequacy and you allowed me some damn peace. I'm just sorry you had to go through that abuse at Maxson's whim for my sake." Danse cupped her hand in his own, pressing kisses to her scarred knuckles. "You've already done so much for me, Vega. Let me undo you?" He offered seriously, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
  "Well, I uh, I-I can't say I've ever been propositioned quite like that!" Backhand stuttered, certain that her flush covered her entire body at this point. 
  His laughter, heard so rarely, washed over her like a tidal wave. "Forgive me."
  "Only if you keep asking me to have sex like that." Vega shifted her hand in his grip, intertwining their fingers. "C'mon, bedroom."
  "It's not just that." Danse tried to protest, shaking his head. "I care about you. About your wellbeing. I want to make you happy."
  "You do. So happy. I'm so glad that you're here with me still." Vega turned in the doorway of her room when he set her down, seizing Danse by the collar of his worn t-shirt and tugging him into her arms. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Danse."
  "You don't know how much it means to me to hear you say that." 
  "It's the truth, though!" She insisted.
  Danse surged forward, his kisses still rough and demanding as he fought to claim her affection. But she gave it freely, all he could ever want and more.
  He stripped her of her shirt and dragged his own off over his head, chuckling at the way she greedily drank in the bare skin he presented. "See something you like, General?" 
  He was hairier than she was used to, but Backhand decided it suited him. Nate, after all, had been absolutely adamant that body hair was grotesque, and now look at him. He'd likely never have to worry about that again.
  Thinking of Nate yet again put a frown on her face and Danse paused, giving her a quizzical look. "Is something amiss?"
  "Oh! No, I'm sorry. I was just remembering. Nate was all…" Elizabeth gestured vaguely at Danse's chest. "He shaved everything. I'm not used to all...well, seeing so much."
  "Is it off-putting? I assure you it's within the Brotherhood's hygiene guidelines, but if you don't like it I-"
  "No, I love it. It's new. I've seen your arms, after all, I knew what I was getting into." Vega teased, grinning to ease his worry. "If you can accept all my stretch marks and leftovers, I can definitely handle your chest pelt."
  "I'm planning on doing far more than accepting." Danse cradled her breasts in his palms, the paladin lowering his head to draw his tongue over one of her nipples. "I don't care." He soothed when Elizabeth tried to stammer out something else in regard to her stretch marks. "I don't care. It doesn't make you any less desirable to me, Elizabeth."
  Vega squeezed her eyes shut, kissing his forehead as he continued to cautiously rouse her peaks until they were stiff and aching for more. Then his thumbs took over, stroking in slow, firm circles that made her quiver from head to toe. "You...you're really good at that." Elizabeth said faintly.
  "I'm pleased you think so." Danse grunted when her fingers found his belt buckle. "It has been a significant amount of time for me as well, I...my excitement may be a bit obvious." He admitted, his smile sheepish. 
  Vega's breath caught in her throat, her hands trembling as she struggled to draw down the worn zipper of his jeans. The underside of his cock throbbed against her palm when she dared to slip her hand into his briefs, his skin searing and smooth. 
  Danse huffed out a breath, crumpling a little at her tentative touch. "Elizabeth," he groaned, hiding his face in her neck as he rolled his hips eagerly into her hand. 
  "Keep saying my name like that." She ordered, laughing when the paladin nodded rapidly into her shoulder. "I love you, Danse."
  Danse rumbled again, words failing him while Elizabeth's fingers wrapped around his cock. This seemed like a dream, another one of his fantasies brought into being. He couldn't seem to do anything aside from stare down at her hand. 
  "Hey, Danse?"
  He jerked to attention, eyes flying up to meet her own guiltily. "Y-Yes, Vega?" He stuttered.
  "Do you...uh, y'know." Backhand fumbled to undo the button on her jeans. "You can, if you'd like." She finished awkwardly.
  No sooner had she given him permission than Danse was pulling her hand out of his pants, urging her backwards onto her bed even as he kissed her battered knuckles again. "Yes." He grated out, kneeling to untie her boots so he could get her pants off. "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes."
  "A for enthusiasm, big guy." Elizabeth teased, lazily fingercombing his short hair back. Her veneer of composure was shattered when the paladin eased her underwear down her legs, the young woman covering her face as if she was embarrassed. "Listen, just uh, go easy on me. It's been over two hundred years, after all." She reasoned weakly.
  Danse swallowed hard. Cutler had always praised his dirty talk, the calculated way he could take apart a person with his words and touch alone. Maxson hadn't appreciated his speech, granted, but perhaps…
  "You're saying you don't want me to bury my fingers in you, Elizabeth? You don't want me to open you up, work my way into that beautiful, flushed little cunt of yours?" Danse rasped, two fingers tracing lightly on her pubic mound. Her cesarean scar was faintly visible, and he felt a brief flare of concern before recalling that was indeed where the scar was from.
  "Oh, Jesus. Okay." Vega gasped, blue eyes wide in what Danse could only assume was shock. "Keep that up and you won't have to worry about using anything else. Fuck, Danse, have some pity here." She pleaded, burying her hands in her hair. 
  "Language. Do you deserve my pity? How would you earn it?" The paladin queried, the heel of his hand applying steady pressure to her mound now. 
  "I can be good, Paladin! I can be really good. So good." Her breathless use of his title had Danse's cock pounding, though he tried not to make it obvious. "Please Danse, please touch me…"
  Danse climbed up onto the bed alongside her, gently parting her labia with his fingers. "You'll be good for me, Elizabeth?" He asked, propping himself up with an elbow.
  "Yes, please."
  She had wonderful manners. Danse grazed her clit and her breath stuttered, the paladin spreading the liberal lubrication that she had already created with deft, slow strokes of his index. "Please, what?"
  He cautiously eased one finger into her, exhaling raggedly when her hand sought out his cock. "Vega-"
  "Shh, let me." Elizabeth hushed him, her smile a little dreamy as Danse crooked his finger and rubbed in just the right spot. "Oh, f-uck, Paladin, you--"
  "Language, Vega. Can't have you being a bad example while I'm knuckle deep in your cunt." Danse admonished, groaning when she whimpered. "You're so tight, this could take ages. We'll need to come up with some stretches to cope with this." He teased gruffly, sliding in another finger and spreading her open. "Mm, Elizabeth, you need to relax. Relax." He murmured, latching onto her breast.
  He felt her pussy clench down around his fingers and he took a greedy suckle from her breast, making Vega cry out his name, "Danse!" She twitched and writhed under his deft attack, her thighs quivering even as she tried to spread them wider for him. Her hand fell still on his cock, not that Danse minded. It had always been more about his partner, he couldn't care less if nothing was done for him. Watching someone else fall apart because of him...now that was its own reward.
  "What do I need to do to get you there, hmm?" Danse taunted playfully, tonguing sloppily over the peak of her breast. "What will it take, Elizabeth?"
  She arched her back in response, pressing her breast firmly against his mouth, and Danse gently nibbled on the sensitive area she had offered up. Elizabeth sobbed out, shoving one hand down to her cunt to spread herself even wider for his plundering fingers. "More, Danse! Please please please-" she begged, her moan when he pressed a third finger into her absolutely enough to have Danse hurrying to talk himself down. "Yes, Danse." She was practically growling, her arousal something primal and untamed. 
  If Danse had his way, it would stay like that forever. 
  "What is it that you want, Vega?" His inquiry was almost lazy, three fingers stroking in and out with much less resistance now. "Hmm, I wonder if you're wet enough to take me."
  "You can't just-" Vega made a noise of dismay. "That's not fair, Danse, that's not fair, you know it's not. Please, please fuck me." 
  Jesus. Danse almost choked on his own breath, letting his fingers slip out of her cunt. "How do you want me?" His voice broke noticeably. It felt like a lifetime since he had been desired, wanted in such a blatant and strangely pure fashion. She loved him. She wanted him inside her. Wanted him to make love to her. Wanted him.
  The speed at which she flung herself up a little higher on the bed made Danse want to laugh, but then she was arching her back and looking over her shoulder at him and he suddenly forgot how to breathe for a moment. "This okay?" She panted, brown hair all tumbled around her face as she took off her glasses and pitched them in the general direction of her bedside table.
  Danse nodded hurriedly, kicking his pants off. "If you need me to stop, just grab my hand." He instructed.
  "This isn't exactly my first time getting fucked, Danse-"
  "Language," the paladin reprimanded her with a chuckle, greedily fondling her rear as he mounted up behind her. "You have such a beautiful form, Vega." He murmured, leaning over to press a kiss between her shoulder blades. "An absolute vision."
  "I do have nice tits." 
  Danse rolled his eyes, slipping his hands down to grope said breasts. She gasped out, rocking back against him as he agreed, "yes you do, that can't be denied. Soft, the perfect size, they fit in my hands so well, and so sensitive." He found himself laughing when she whimpered again. "Don't offer up all your weak spots unless you want them taken advantage of, Vega."
  "The only thing I want to take advantage of right now is the raging hard-on I can feel." Elizabeth wriggled and Danse grunted, shuddering. "Pl-ease Danse, please put it in me."
  The paladin slipped his cock between her labia, the hot, slick flesh pressing against him mercilessly as he teased her. He suddenly felt her fingers on his cock and then-
  "Fuck." The paladin grated out the uncharacteristic curse through his teeth, his fists meeting the bedding on either side of her body as he fought the urge to thrust himself home in one breath.
  Elizabeth half-collapsed while he slowly, slowly rutted into her, the woman panting and clawing at the blankets. "Mmmgod, Danse-" she slurred, sighing loudly. "So good, fuck, Danse…"
  Danse toyed with her nipples, stupidly snarling "language," as she keened in reply. "I'll take care of you, Elizabeth. Be good for me." He pressed a kiss to her temple, smirking at the way her body quaked when he finally bottomed out in her. "That's it, look at you, taking all of me so well," he praised. "Now, how can I make you come?"
  "Fu--Please use your big cock to get me off, oh please Danse!" She begged and Danse fondled her breasts yet again.
  "You don't want me to touch you here, just like this?" He asked, stroking over her nipples and lingering to tease the area. "They're so hard, though, begging for my attention."
  Backhand made a noise of despair, burying her face in her pillow. 
  "I think you need me to play with them, don't you? You like when I touch them like this." Danse muttered, thinking out loud and coming to that realization even as the words left his mouth. "What is it about it that you like?"
  "S-Sensitive." Vega whimpered, "feels good."
  Danse rumbled again, bending over to press his chest to her back so he could whisper in her ear, "does it feel good when I'm inside you, Elizabeth? Can you feel how hard I am for you? Feel how badly I need you?" 
  Elizabeth gifted him this pitiful sound, canting her hips and clenching down around his cock so tightly it took Danse's breath away. "Yes, I love it. I need you too, Danse." She murmured, shifting back and forth ever so slightly.
  "Good. I'm glad." Danse took hold of her hips, seating his cock as deeply as he could in her cunt. Elizabeth whined, burying her face in her pillow again as he slowly began to make love to her. 
  Paladin Logan Danse, pride of the Brotherhood of Steel, had never been a man who took sex lightly. It was too important. Even after everything that had happened with Maxson, Danse still held to that belief. The display of vulnerability, the offer of power in exchange for pleasurable release, the brief moments of tenderness in an existence that was soul-crushingly difficult…
  It was serious. It always was. 
  Vega's arms gave out and she slumped onto the bed, but Danse followed her down. Covering her with his body, the paladin thrust into her again and again, her soft whimpers and cries of his name music to his ears. "What do you need, sweetheart?" He asked raggedly when she began to squirm and arch back against him. "What can I give you, Elizabeth?"
  "Fuck me, Danse!" She pleaded, turning her head to the side so she could see him. 
  "Language," Danse smiled, kissing her temple again. "But understood, ma'am."
  For the first time since she'd awoken to an irradiated hellscape, Vega was wholly content to just lay down and be taken care of. 
  Danse was huge, proportionate to his already overgrown size, and he made the most incredible sounds when she inadvertently squeezed down on him. Groans burring in his chest like some untamed animal; he seemed content to just slowly fuck her into oblivion. Which was honestly more than she thought she would ever get. 
  Her fantasies, much as she'd believed they were wrong or silly at the time, didn't hold a candle to the reality of having Danse on top of her. She had gotten off more than once to this exact idea, being dominated and pinned by the massive paladin. This was a dream come true.
  Elizabeth whined when he bottomed out in her again and just rutted himself back and forth slightly, making her feel every inch of his cock. The underside of his dick throbbed against the spot that made her see stars and then, the bastard, he slid his cock out of her cunt to press the head to her clit for a second. "Turn over for me?" He requested, punctuated by a gentle smack to her ass.
  Vega rushed to obey, eager to have him back inside her as quickly as possible. The woman spread her legs wide so Danse could settle in between them and when the paladin did, he shifted upwards to kiss her tenderly. 
  "I've wanted this for so long." He admitted quietly.
  "So have I!" Elizabeth replied in delight, her grin beaming. She was sure she looked like a mess, her hair stuck to her forehead with sweat and her face all flushed. But the way Danse was smiling at her…
  She found she didn't really care about her appearance at this point in time.
  "I love you." Danse murmured as he slid back inside her. 
  "I l-love you, Danse." Vega stuttered, the natural curvature of his cock applying steady pressure to her g-spot. "Make me feel so good, fuck."
  "Language." He growled, making her laugh and then moan. 
  "Feels too good, brain can't cope." She gasped, wrapping her arms around his neck and tugging him closer until all he could do was grind down into her in a merciless manner. The motion flung her towards her peak, disconnecting her mouth even further from her brain and making her ramble into his ear, "God, I love you so much, make me feel so good--"
  "I love you too, Elizabeth." He panted into the hollow of her throat, "you feel incredible. Outstanding."
  Elizabeth wasn't sure how she could feel both so aroused she thought she might die and so annoyed that she wanted to explode. "Danse, did you just call my pussy outstanding?"
  "It's not an incorrect statement, from my perspective. It's perfect. Wet and tight and hot." The paladin praised her freely, a hand lowering to apply gentle pressure over the scar on her lower stomach. "Beautiful."
  I am not going to cry, Vega told herself sternly as she hid her face in Danse's neck. Definitely not going to cry, not going to.
  A sob somehow escaped her as she came and Danse froze, his whole body flinching when her cunt clenched down on his dick. "V...Vega?" He asked tentatively.
  "I'm fine! I'm fine, I promise, m'not hurt or anything. My brain is just dumb." Elizabeth hiccupped, rubbing her eyes. "I'm okay, Danse, I'm fine."
  The paladin seemed uncertain and she couldn't blame him, she didn't seem fine even if she felt a thousand times better than she had in literal months. 
  "I swear I'm okay, that was just...it was really intense, y'know?" She mumbled awkwardly, unable to make eye contact anymore. 
  She felt Danse shift his weight and then he settled down on top of her, holding her close and tight. "You're sure?" He murmured, "if you're overwhelmed, that's entirely acceptable. I'm not hurting you, am I?"
  "No, shit no, you feel incredible. I'm not going to be able to walk after this." Vega huffed, giggling a little when he rolled his eyes. "Keep going, okay? It feels fantastic."
  "If you're certain." Danse acquiesced, kissing a hot trail down her neck when she nodded. "Let me know if you need me to stop." 
  Watching his forearms cord with muscle as he propped himself back up again, Vega's mouth went dry. "I have to say, this might be the best night of my life." 
  Danse pressed a sweet kiss to her forehead, the tenderness of the action a wonderful contrast to the needy way he sheathed his cock in her body once more. "I've thought about this." He confessed again, punctuated by a roll of his hips. "What you'd sound like, look like beneath me. You put my imagination to shame." 
  "What did I do in your dreams?" Backhand asked, unable to keep from breathlessly laughing when Danse hid his face in her neck. "So shy, Paladin! Even with that huge cock in me?"
  "It's lewd, Elizabeth, I-I'm not proud of it." He mumbled. "Shouldn't have thought of you that way." He spread her legs wider, one hand on the back of each knee to urge her to bend. 
  "Mm, you thought about fucking me? Nice to know I'm not the only one with dirty thoughts." 
  "I did not." He protested staunchly. His cock slid back and forth between her pussy lips in a purposeful teasing motion. "I thought about how...I thought about how good it would feel to make love to you." He continued, his voice wavering slightly as his dick brushed her entrance and he plunged deep yet again. "Thought about how good I could make you feel."
  Now it was Vega's turn to be shy, the woman looking away from him and flushing.
  "It was still inappropriate at the...time, but I assure you it was never about that. I am not-" Danse struggled for a moment to find the words, before he sighed and rested his forehead against her own. "This already isn't simple, and I know I make it miles less so. Forgive me."
  "I feel like it's pretty simple." Vega gasped, twitching as his fingers landed on her clit. "I f--fuck, Danse--I feel like it's real simple. You like me. Love me, yeah?"
  "It's more than that, dammit." Danse growled, rubbing her clit in merciless circles. "What you did for me...how can I ever be worth your affection? Hell, your time?"
  Elizabeth threw her head back, arching her entire body up into his chest. "Whatever good I give to you," she moaned, almost exasperated that they were even having this discussion, "you deserve it. Take it." 
  Danse's hands latched down on her hips, thumbs stroking back and forth over her pronounced stretch marks as he fucked into her so fiercely that Vega swore she saw stars. His pelvis ground against her own, body hair providing a delicious new sensation that had Vega grasping at the blankets in an effort to keep herself grounded. "I'm going to come, Elizabeth." Danse panted. "Where do you-"
  "Inside." Backhand implored him, "come inside me, Paladin, please come inside me-" Her voice broke as she begged and Danse groaned loud, the sound incredulous.
  "You...inside? Are you sure?" He asked through gritted teeth, dark brown eyes conveying his uncertainty. In reply, Vega dug the heels of her feet in beneath his rear, effectively locking him in place. 
  She caught a handful of his hair, gently tugging it until he leaned down again so she could seethe in his ear, "yes."
  "Oh, dammit." With that wonderfully characteristic swear, Danse shoved his mouth against hers gracelessly. The heat in her belly spilled over from the onslaught of his enthusiastic thrusts and Backhand cried out, fingernails digging into his back when she came a second time. 
  Danse, either spurred on by her sounds or by the way her pussy gripped his dick (maybe a combination? Backhand mused) found his release seconds after, his voice breaking and dropping into a lower tone as he moaned her name. Her real name.
  Vega cupped the nape of his neck, guiding his face into the hollow of her shoulder. "Lay down, sweetheart, you're shaking." She murmured, stroking over his quivering back.
  "Don't want to flatten you." Danse rasped, his dick still throbbing inside her.
  "Lay down. It's okay." Elizabeth flexed her bicep. "I'm strong, I can handle it." Danse laughed wearily, almost immediately going limp on top of her. She wrapped her arms back around him, fingers digging into the knots that she found to ease out the tension. "There, isn't that better?"
  "Mmmmuch." Danse slurred into her neck, sounding exhausted. "Love you."
  "I love you. Sleep, okay? We'll get cleaned up later. Right now though you seem like you could use a nap."
  Danse nodded, the tangled mess of his hair mashed flat against her cheek in the process. "Want...to be a good parent." He mumbled several minutes later, just as Vega had thought he was dozing off. Danse propped himself up with one arm, cradling Vega's cheek in his palm. His thumb absently traced the cryo burn marks from the stasis as he continued, "a true partner for you. I don't know if you...if you even want me in that capacity, I--I don't know whether you would prefer that Shaun thinks of me as simply your friend, but I-"
  "Danse," Elizabeth interrupted him sternly, raising an eyebrow. "Someone who's simply a friend wouldn't be balls deep in me."
  Danse sputtered, his blush spreading down his neck to his chest. Despite his proclivity for dirty talk in the moment, he was endearingly embarrassed by her blunt words. Vega felt her heart pound as he floundered to collect himself, the large man looking away. 
  He's really nothing at all like Nate.
  "Danse." Her voice was gentler this time, unmistakable affection bleeding through. "I would have to ask Shaun, of course, and I'd like to have an adjustment period before I do so that he can get comfortable with the idea on his own, but…" The young woman swallowed hard. Why was she so nervous all of a sudden? Oh sure, she could handle the vulnerability of being naked and fucked with absolute abandon but this? This was where her brain drew the line? Unbelievable, Backhand grumbled at herself. "I think the odds are in your favor." She concluded with a grin.
  "You...even though I'm not-?"
  "He's probably the last person to care about that kinda' stuff, Danse. C'mon." Vega chided, running her fingers through his sweaty hair. "Now. We are...absolutely disgusting. We need a bath big time."
  "I...you're right, of course." Danse agreed absently, still seeming shocked at the whole scenario. "I should...w-we should bathe. Er, at the same time. To save water." He didn't meet her eyes, his attention focused somewhere by her left shoulder. 
  Elizabeth laughed, bumping their foreheads together before carefully scooting up the bed. His cock slipped out of her and she couldn't help her sigh, the noise echoed by the paladin who tilted his chin to catch her with a kiss.
  "You are amazing." He breathed when they parted, his smile small but sincere. "I'm...I'll be hard-pressed to keep my hands off you, Elizabeth."
  "Why bother?" Vega asked, chuckling as he ducked back in for another kiss. 
  Hours later, Danse laid awake while Elizabeth slept peacefully on his chest. The paladin stared up at the ceiling, his mind running rampant.
  The future.
  He hadn't really dared to think about it since discovering his true identity. Hadn't felt like it was something he deserved. After all, if he was just a machine, it hardly mattered. But Elizabeth…
  She thought it mattered. She wanted him. Wanted him to stay with her. Wanted him to act as a father. Pending Shaun's approval, of course. 
  It was surreal how much his life had changed, how far they had come in such a short amount of time. Danse was a little overwhelmed by it all, if he was being honest. Scared, yet hopeful at the same time. And, he thought as he wrapped his arm around Elizabeth, incredibly, immensely grateful.
  This new world was unforgiving, the universe coldly testing the mettle of a man time and again. But Danse had finally come out the other side, and he liked to think he had changed for the better. 
  Whatever the future held, they would face it together. 
  Ad Victoriam, General Vega. Thank you for having faith in me.
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duskwoodgirl4life · 1 year
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Chapter 9
A few weeks had passed and the new shop was coming along really well, everything had now been gutted; it was like a blank canvas for Jake and MC to remodel. Jake explained what he had in mind and MC drew up the plans. Once they had finished they were ready to hand over to the workmen to start work.
It felt like a long six months but it was totally worth it, there were still some little jobs to finish but everything was looking amazing. While Jake was busy with the workmen MC was working on the new website adding a lot more stock and repair options for customers.
While trying to work MC had been feeling sick she just put it down tomsometbing she had eaten. As the days went on she was feeling more and more sick so she decided to go to the doctor's. She hadn't told Jake where she was going otherwise he would have wanted to go with her.
At the doctor's they asked her all kinds of questions, one being was she pregnant but MC just dismissed the idea. So to make sure she gave them a urine sample and it was sent off to be tested. It was a long couple of days wait when she got the results back MC was indeed pregnant.
How am I going to tell Jake that I'm pregnant? We haven't been together that long and now this is happening. We haven't even spoken about the future yet we haven't even talked about marriage. He's not going to want to be with me now, not when he's just opened up a new shop for the business.
I'm going to have to find myself somewhere to live, where do I even start. I've got nine months to get all this figured out what the hell am I going to do.
MC started to pace up and down with a panicked look on her face, Jake had just gotten back home when he saw what MC was doing. He put his stuff down and walked over to her putting his hand on her shoulder causing her to jump.
Jake: Hey, are you okay? You look worried
MC: Oh, erm yeah…
Jake: MC you're acting strange what's wrong?
MC: Okay, here goes Jake there is something I need to tell you, I'm pregnant
MC: I know this is something we never talked about and you are probably not ready for all this. I get it I'll just figure out somewhere else to love you don't need to be in the baby's life
MC went to walk towards the bedroom when Jake grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. He kissed her softly on the lips and she moaned into his mouth as his hands cupped her face.
Jake: MC I am over the moon that you are pregnant, I'm sorry I didn't say anything my brain was thinking about how I get to be a dad and you a mum.
MC: You really mean that Jake?
Jake: of course, I love you MC your my world
MC: I love you to Jake
Jake: You know we should look for a new place to live
MC: You think so? What's wrong with the apartment?
Jake: Well for one it doesn't have a garden for our bundle of joy to play in
MC couldn't help but smile at all the things Jake was saying, she started to wonder just how lucky she had been. Finding Jake was the best day of her life. She loved him so much and now she gets to have his baby they both get to be parents.
A couple of weeks had passed and the shop was now open and was doing better than ever Jake was busier than ever. It seemed that people outside of duskwood would travel from Colville just to have Jake repair their computers, laptops, phones, anything tech Jake knew how to fix.
In-between answering customers requests on the website MC was looking for a new place to live. There weren't many options in duskwood and she was about to give up when she found the perfect place. It was a 3 bedroom house with a white picket fence with a medium sized front garden. At the back the back garden was massive, plenty of space for a baby to play.
MC went to check if Jake was with a customer before she showed him the house, he was just finishing up when MC came from the back of the shop.
Jake: Hey beautiful, someone looks happy
MC: I am very, specially with the man of my dreams
Jake: And who would that be?
MC: You of course silly, before we get distracted I've found a place for us.
MC showed Jake the place on her laptop Jake loves everything about it, Jake said they should call the estate agent and request a viewing. MC pulled her phone out and contacted the agent right away; she arranged for a viewing later today after the shop had closed.
After the shop had closed MC and Jake walked to the house it wasn't far from the shop. While walking they could hear someone shouting MCs name when they turned round it was Hannah.
Jake: don't worry MC I'll deal with her
MC: why doesn't she just get the message
Hannah: Oh hey, glad I caught you guys I just wanted to say no hard feelings after what happened
MC: What is it you don't get? Don't your ears work? Or are you really that stupid? Maybe it's just both leave us alone
Hannah: I just want to be friends with you both
MC: come on Jake we need to get going
MC grabbed Jake's hand and they both walked off leaving Hannah standing there shouting at them.
Hannah: fine if that's how you want to be I'm going to tell the others about this and they will all be on my side.
An hour later MC and Jake had finished viewing the house, it was everything they had wanted. The agent left them alone for a moment while they talked it over.
MC: Jake, as much as I love this house can we really afford it?
Jake: don't worry about that MC I've got more than enough money tucked away
MC: You have? Why have you never told me?
Jake; I'm sorry if I didn't, that wasn't my intention
MC: So how much do you have?
Jake: well with everything we did to the shop £5.3 million
MC: WHAT!! you have…..
Jake: It was money my grandparents left me when I was little. I just left it in the bank and let it work for me. I made a few investments and they paid off.
MC: wow! I can't believe it
Jake: I am sorry I never told you
MC: it's okay, I'm glad you told me now
After a few more minutes of talking the agent came back over and Jake made an offer on the house. The agent contacted the owner and they accepted the offer all MC and Jake needed to do was sign the paperwork. After everything was signed they were given a move in date. On the way back to the apartment they saw Cleo and Richy walking towards them.
Cleo: hey you two haven't seen you in ages how are you?
MC: Hey, we are both good. How's things with you?
Richy: can't complain the garage is doing so much better now thanks to you MC
MC: Don't mention it, i was happy to help with the revamp
Cleo: we spoke with Hannah awhile ago
Jake: I guess you are taking her side in all of this
Cleo: No, what she did was wrong I can't be on her side not after what she did to MC
Richy: Cleo is right, the way she's been acting is wrong I can't take her side either
MC: What about the others?
Cleo: you know what a sucker for baby's Jessy is, Lilly will always be on her side, Dan hates what she's done too.
Richy: He said he's going to stick by her tho for the baby's sake..
The four continued to talk. They told them about the baby and the new house, they were so happy for them they said if they needed any help on moving day to let them know. They arranged to meet up at the weeknd and catch up some more.
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samwrights · 4 years
I Found You
I have no excuses for this one except I’m a dirty dirty Overhaul fucker.
On the real though, this one was very loosely inspired from Yagami Yato’s plot lines for Dabi and Overhaul. These routes inspired the Underground and Dabi and Kai’s occupations, otherwise everything else was just me being a simp.
⤞ Pairing: tattooed!Reader x Former Villain!Chisaki Kai
⤞ Word Count: 16,850. Yes you read that right.
⤞ Warnings: language, arson, awkward questions, reader smokes, I shafted Dabi again and made him the best friend...again, slightly vivid gore, mentions of death, male masturbation, daddy kink, age difference, breeding kink (ish), dirty talk, dom!Kai, 
I’m sorry this is so long. Just kidding, no I’m not. I love writing really long fics. Honestly, I’m trying to see how much I can push the boundaries of my writing and how long I can keep one idea conhesive and consistent and how much I can flesh out. Eventually these longer oneshots will be cross-posted to my AO3, I just really need to do my paper. Also Tropium Tattoos is pronounced as Tro-Pie-Um.
The color of fire always burns in accordance to temperature as well as the material that it’s burning. Watching the local Underground clinic slash orphanage burn not only red, but an almost ethereal green from the copper couplings and details of the building felt like an early Christmas warning—like the Underground was a target and the rest of the hidden city would soon follow by the holiday. That warning was only followed by disgust at the thought of someone feeling the need to go after a free clinic and orphanage in a city built out of a hollow sewer full of exiles for whatever fucking reason. 
Your heart is an amalgam of aching and sorrow and anger as you watch the flames burst through the windows of the shoddy building from a safe distance. From where you stood outside of your tattoo parlor only two blocks down, you see a crowd beginning together. Much to your surprise, most of them were only kids with one adult herding them—a man you recognized to be the owner of the building currently meeting its demise. 
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The doctor of the clinic is as calm as ever, or rather trying to be, quietly attempting to do a headcount of his children. It seemed that concentration was alluding him, given the situation, because he swears up and down that he knows he has nine kids. Yet, he seemed to be unable to count past eight. He’s trying not to panic, but one of the kids speaks his greatest fear into fruition. “Daddy, Eri’s not here!” Golden eyes widen until the sclerae are fully round, pupils constricting in fear. This ‘Eri’ was special, you realize as you observe from a short distance away. The doctor is looking back at his children who are all in some form of tears and shambles then back at the burning building like a ferocious game of ping pong. Chisaki Kai can’t just leave his kids out here—not when he is almost certain that this attack was premeditated. But his daughter, his eldest daughter at that, was still inside potentially being engulfed by flames. 
Back and forth. 
Back and forth. 
Your body moves without a second thought. 
Your body moves, ignoring the screams from other bystanders for you not to go inside the burning clinic as you burst past the dilapidated red door. Upon entering, copper decor and steel support beams had fallen from the ceiling, sparking flames that were separating you from the stairwell that led up to the orphanage. There was no way you would be able to find this Eri person through the wreckage—not alone at least. Maybe your dumb quirk was good for something. 
You didn’t even realize you had a quirk until the age of twenty when you had gotten your first tattoo. It wasn’t anything crazy—a traditional-style three-eyed wolf’s head on your arm—only to wake up the following morning with no soreness, no tenderness, and no ink on your body. The wolf laid beside you, curled up in your bed, somehow manifesting into real life. At first it was terrifying, of course, but after learning how to return the creature back to your body you realize it might not have been a total waste of money. Your quirk, something you jokingly called the Magic Pencil quirk in reference to a Spongebob Squarepants episode from your childhood, was officially registered through the government on the Surface as Life Canvas. Again, it was a pretty dumb quirk unless you knew just what to utilize. Now your body was littered with dozens of creatures, weapons, hell even a telephone just in case you might need it. But the wolf was your favorite, as it was your first, and he was just the one to call for in this situation. Activating your quirk, you pinch at the ink on your forearm until it begins to peel off before setting it down on the ground. The line work stands on its own before the ink fills out into a three-dimensional mass and a now recognizable creature. 
“There’s a child somewhere here. Help me find them,” you implored your creation, cautiously climbing around the shambles while it did the same, though much nimbler than you. Fragments of the stairs were missing, some of railings were in flames—it was hard for you to get anywhere at the moment. A scream rips through the walls, a young girl you realize. She’s probably now seeing your large and somewhat creepy three-eyed wolf. Maneuvering carefully, you find spots that have yet to burn until you see a little girl cowering away from flames in her bedroom and away from your quirk. “Take my hand!” You try to scream, but the way building was going down was deafening. Instead, you cross a patch of fire to scoop the frail child in your arms and trapping the both of you behind a brazen wall of flames. Patting the wolf on the head, as if deflating it with your magical hands, it flattens back into a two dimensional drawing and returns to your body to grant you the ability to switch out to a manifestation that would prove to be more useful in this situation. You repeat the process, this time with a Phoenix from under your bosom that emerges just outside the window closest to the two of you. “Hold on tight,” you tell her as you pull her flush against your own body before smashing through glass to land the back of the Phoenix, covering her head to make sure the shards didn’t mar her skin. With a gentle descent, you place her feet first on the concrete with her family. 
“Eri!” The doctor of the clinic calls out in relief, arms wrapping around his daughter tightly. Your lips purse in a small, tight smile before you’re off on your way again, riding off into the horizon on the back of your strange creature. And for a moment, Chisaki Kai is torn between going after you to thank you while Overhaul wants nothing more than cleanse his children and you for touching his precious daughter with a vile quirk. He settles on the former, golden eyes watching your back disappear into the dark cavern of the Underground city. 
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Weeks had passed since the fire burned down the orphanage clinic. Tabloids were published trying to figure out who the mysterious hero was, though most of the articles feared that an actual Hero was among the residents of the Underground. The Underground welcomes Heroes like the human body welcomes the plague—they tried to be eradicated and killed off. Not to say that quirks themselves weren’t welcome, no. It’s just that most of the residents were quirkless and those that did have one were all registered in a public database, separate from the government mandated one up on the Surface, so that quirk wielders were no secret. 
All but you, anyway. 
One of these well-known resident holders was Chisaki Kai. Quirk: Overhaul. Local doctor and caretaker of the orphaned, quirkless kids. Though, whether their powers had yet to manifest or he had removed them himself due to his vile distaste for the genetic mutation was unknown to the public. 
Another was the leader of the Underground: Dabi. The Cremation user who was presently lounging in one of your dingy, beat up sofas of your tattoo shop. “You know, most of the people just want to know who you are,” he supplies, flipping through the most recent news article. Instantly, he knew it was you that had rescued the little girl from the burning building, knowing full well of your quirk regardless of how rarely you used it. 
“And half of them want my head because they think I’m a Hero,” you spit the last word out as you finish tidying up your workspace. Your last client of the evening had just left, leaving you to close up shop while Dabi came to bother you as you did so. Not that you complained considering he had been a close friend for a long time. “Like I would ever be a Hero.” Heroes were the reason you and many others here in the Underground existed in this hidden sewer metropolis. Whether the Heroes had destroyed their livelihoods, their families or, in your case, accidentally killed your parents while you were still a teenager and you had nowhere to go, they were at fault for the creation of this cozy, dingy city. 
“Says here that Eri wishes to personally thank you,” Dabi adds, turquoise eyes flickering in your direction as you stop at the mention of her name. “We could hold some little rally, get you a medal—“
“Dabi, no.”
“—or you could just stop by town hall with me. Overhaul and the kids have been staying there while the clinic gets rebuilt.” You mull his words over in your head while capping all your ink bottles and putting them away in their respective drawers. Dabi takes your silence as a gesture of you thinking, even more so as you aggressively sanitize your client chair. “Come on, [ name ], she’s just a kid.”
“Yeah, but I hate kids.”
“Then stop acting like one.” With that, the leader leaves your shop, bells tolling as he exits. You weren’t being childish, you internally bite, silently and stubbornly. It wasn’t your fault that you didn’t want to just announce that the lone tattoo artist of the Underground had a quirk that the public didn’t know about. It wasn’t your fault that your body moved without thinking. And it certainly wasn’t your fault that you rescued the daughter of the most notorious quirk hater in the city. 
Chisaki Kai was not quiet when it came for his distaste of quirks despite having one himself. Rumors floated all around the Underground that all of the children in his care had their quirks removed by his own hand, Eri included. What kind of monster did that? To his own child, no less. The thought made you sick to your stomach, only reaffirming your initial decision to not meet with Eri. 
But thinking of her brings great sadness to you. She was merely a child—a child who probably didn’t understand her father’s distaste. A kid who just wanted to thank the woman who saved her and nothing else. A sigh passes your lips as you head up the stairs from your shop to your attached apartment, turning off the lights to Tropium Tattoos. It’s not fair to deny her, you think. 
Maybe you’ll just sleep on it for now. 
 The following morning was quiet, as it was every morning in a city built out of a sewer. But eerily...too quiet. The sound of chirping nature and wildlife was a foreign concept now, especially years later. But there were no sound of bikes or clunky old cars passing by or arguing neighbors—if noise was present at all, it was in the form of faint crackling and crinkling of papier-mâché but somehow on a grander scale. It was new. There’s a grotesque smell in the air; a cross between a stale bonfire and rotting wood and warm smoke. 
Oh no. 
Oh fuck.
Panic fills your veins, throwing your nearly bare body out from under the covers. Ripping open your bedroom door and flying out the narrow entryway that led to the stairwell, you’re met with orange flames burning the wood of your staircase leading down to your shop. There’s no time for you to think about anything other than retreating back to your living room, to where the flames had yet to enter the threshold. Glancing out the large bay window behind your couch, you debate how steep of a drop it is from your second story down onto the cold pavement without sparing a second thought to how you could break your own fall. Contemplation wears down at your time to escape, you realize, as the fire is now entering your living space and burning brightly like a firework and catches onto the wooden console table in your entryway as well as the walls. Without another moment’s hesitation, you throw yourself through the window, bracing for impact from both the glass and the inevitable shattering of at least one bone. 
“[ name ]?!” You hear Dabi yelling over the sound of collapsing support beams from the inside of the building. All that’s on your mind is pain—throbbing pain and an ear-splitting cry as you try to cradle your probably broken arm from the back alley of your shop. Dabi calls out your name again, running over towards you while still trying to be somewhat mindful of all the shards of glass in fear of accidentally kicking more in your direction. Between rapid breaths, a few heavy coughs escape your lungs, no doubt from smoke inhalation. “I got you,” he murmurs as he picks you up gingerly. Another groan leaves your lips—your whole body hurts and were you more coherent and not in shock, you probably would have realized sooner that you’d broken more than just your arm. “Find who did this and bring them to me,” Dabi snarls at the small squadron behind him attempting to put out the fire that was destroying your livelihood as he makes his way back to town hall. 
It takes everything in Dabi’s body to not stamp his entire way back into his living quarters and the only reason he isn’t is because he’s carrying your busted body. This is the fourth fire in two weeks with no discernible pattern. All he knows is that it started with Overhaul’s clinic and now has somehow reached your quaint and quiet tattoo shop. As a leader, it makes Dabi want to tear his hair out. As a friend, he’s just pissed off. 
He’s thankful you’ve passed out just so he doesn’t have to deal with you bitching about how gruff he’s being. Though, it certainly dawned on him that you had probably fallen unconscious from the sheer agonizing pain of breaking multiple bones simultaneously. He sets you down, far from gently, in the residential living room upstairs of the Town Hall building. “Overhaul!” He bellows out, not even caring if the children heard his angry tone right now. 
“I told you to stop calling me that,” the doctor appears from around the corner, a clearly agitated look on his face, even beneath a simple black mask. The irony isn’t lost on Dabi despite his composure—he remembers once upon a time when Kai only went by the name of his quirk. Funny how years go by. “Her again?” Overhaul all but sneers, looking at your limp body that was covered only in a thin tee shirt and a pair of panties. Ignoring that little fact of seeing so much painted flesh, he notices the distinct smell of burnt wood and swelling under the skin where the breaks were. “What happened to her?”
“Someone set [ name ]’s tattoo shop and apartment on fire. She jumped out of a window to get out.” Dabi is absolutely seething, little sparks of blue flames leaving his nostrils as he lets out tufts of air. “Idiot had no idea how to break her fall and busted her shit. Can you help her?” 
“I suppose that would make us even.” The doctor snarks back thoughtlessly, but he can’t help but wonder why you didn’t use your little quirk to save yourself as you had with Eri. 
“Good. I’m gonna go find this fucker.” With that, Dabi storms out of the living room and out of the town hall building, leaving Kai with the woman that saved his daughter’s life. At least maybe now, Eri could say thank you like she had been asking to do. He could say thank you. 
Chisaki adjusts you on the couch so that you’re entirely flat on the cushions, mindful of the glass that’s embedded in your skin. If anything, he should probably remove those first. With gloved hands, he picks out all the shards he can see with his golden eyes while his mind wanders as he looks at the lines and colors of the tattoos that covered your body. From neck to toe, there was ink on nearly every inch—even the one dragon-snake hybrid on your face that wrapped around your temple and cheekbone. Despite your [ hair color ] locks matting your skin, Overhaul found all of your tattoos rather intriguing to look at; almost as if it weren’t flesh because the contact wasn’t causing him to break out in hives. Like your body told a story without you even needing to speak. 
After getting all the glass cleared up, Kai gently pushed on your arms and legs, checking for any signs of bones out of place from where they should be or cushioning and swelling to protect the damaged areas, outside of the very obvious ones that nearly looked like softballs. Two breaks in your femur, four in your ulna from what he could feel—nothing that Overhaul couldn’t fix. Though, he had to make sure that everything had set the way it was supposed to and that you were able to use your limbs after he did the repair. That meant he would actually have to speak to you, and he comes to the realization the two of you never actually had the chance to speak to each other before. Maybe he shouldn’t be as judgmental of the fact that you had a defect—maybe you were like him and abhorrent at the fact that you had a mutation to begin with. 
After using his own quirk, Overhaul checks for a pulse on your neck with two fingers, making sure you at least had a heartbeat before patiently waiting for you to regain consciousness. In the meantime, he continues picking out the fragments of glass that escaped his initial sweep—a task made slightly easier when the shards caught the light contrasted the dark lines embedded in your dermis. For a brief second, you stir against his touch before your eyes snap open. “Holy fuck, what happened?” You all but howl when you come to. You let out a deep gasp for breath, suddenly aware of the dull throbbing in your arm and leg as you attempt to make sense of your surroundings. 
“Can you tell me if this hurts?” The doctor to your left says evenly, emotionless even, as he holds your wrist between his thumb and middle finger, moving your arm in all sorts of ways. A sharp inhalation sucks in between your teeth as it twists in ways you weren’t sure it could before. A grimace touches his lips underneath is plain, black cloth mask—maybe he didn’t set the bones correctly? Overhaul lays your arm flat, ready to make his adjustments, but as his gloved fingers padded closer, you found yourself retreating further into the depths of the couch cushions. 
“I-I’m good,” your words come rushing out, desperate to dodge his touch. Why did you wake up with Overhaul over you? Did he take your quirk away? You’d have to investigate further when you were alone, test it out in private. Ignoring the dull hums of pain coming from your arms and legs, you manage to sit up, slumping over your knees before you realized where you were. “Town hall?”
“Yes. Do you remember anything?” You shake your head—you remember waking up to smelling the smoke in your apartment. You remember the fire creeping up the stairwell and the way orange painted your once tan walls. You remember jumping out the window, but everything else after is met with a blank slate. “You broke your arm and legs in a few places—I reset them with my quirk.”
“Oh,” is all you have to say. “Uh, thank you.”
“Speaking of thank you,” Overhaul palms his knees before pushing off of them from the wooden stool he’s sitting on, standing at his full height and smoothing out his black dress shirt and slightly creased slacks. “My daughter would like to thank you for rescuing her a few weeks back.” 
It wasn’t like you could just say no to Eri’s father when it was only the two of you—that would just make you look like an asshole or worse; he could just kill you and say you died in the fire. It was even more difficult to decline considering the young, silver-haired girl was peeking her head from behind a partition, wide-eyed when her dad mentioned her. With your own eyes softening at the sudden contact, you offer an awkward smile that you pray comes off as welcoming. Overhaul beckons her to come closer, holding one hand open until the young girl is tucked underneath his hip. 
“U-Um, t-thank you for saving me,” a squeak spills past her dry lips before she runs out of the room as quickly as she came. You didn’t blame her. Even if Overhaul is her father, he gave off an intimidating air that surely would frighten any child. It made you wonder how such a man ran an orphanage. But to your surprise, Eri returned, though this time not alone. A flock of children was accompanying her, each of them with bright eyes and big smiles adorning their unique appearances. 
“Thank you for saving our sister!” They chime in unison. The sight made your heart swell and soften, even if only slightly. Eri steps forward cautiously, pushing through her own trepidation as she stands before you and throws herself at you, hugging you tightly with arms around your neck in gratitude. As if triggering a domino effect, a few of the other children felt the need to express the same sentiment. An uncomfortable laugh bubbles past your lips as you awkwardly wrap your arms around the gaggle of kids—you may not like them, but you weren’t that much of an asshole to deny them a hug. 
Kai’s typically hard, cold expression mellows at the sight. It’s heartwarming, he gave it that, but a part of him cannot stave off the tiny bubble of envy he feels seeing his children so ready to embrace you when they initially had such a hard time adjusting to life with him. He loved these kids—and it was quite clear you felt the opposite—so why hadn’t they gravitated towards him like they did you? Underneath his mask, he grimaced before internally shaking his head. They were his children, they loved Kai regardless and he knew that. “Alright kids, why don’t you go play and let [ name ] rest? It’s been a rough morning for her.” The use of your name shouldn’t have shocked you, or maybe it was fear that crawled up your spine at the doctor’s endearing tone. You weren’t aware that he knew who you were. The kids let out a collective groan before listening to their father and exiting the living room. As soon as each of their little, youthful heads is out of sight, you breathe out a sigh of relief. 
“S-sorry,” you mumble out, suddenly reminding yourself that it was probably rude of you to make a sound as such and you wanted to make sure you did nothing to insult Overhaul to his face. A huge part of you felt that one wrong word out of your mouth meant the end of your quirk or your life. 
“It’s alright, I know they can be a handful. Though, they seem to be quite taken with you.” His tone is still rather polite, you notice, and his voice is entirely different than what you’d thought it would be in a one on one interaction. You thought it would be deeper, as whispers and rumors of Chisaki Kai being an incredibly cruel, bitter man painted a different picture in your head. But the man standing before you looked every bit as broken as you felt on the inside—as if a part of him had an empty chasm residing in his chest that could not be filled by the nine children in his care. 
“I can’t imagine why,” you reply. 
“Neither can I,” he says without skipping a beat, his tone still airy and light. Before you can rebuttal with your quick wit, Dabi storms in with his eyes locked on to your now conscious body. Gesturing with his head, over exaggerating the folds of his damaged skin, he encourages you to follow him downstairs to the mayoral study. Silently, you sauntered off behind him, leaving Overhaul alone in the living room, while you could feel the internal flames burning within Dabi. Pissed didn’t even begin to describe the look on his face.
In the office, photographs of burnt down buildings, rubble, and the skeletal framework of Underground businesses were littered across the large, maple desk. All the while, the leader of the Underground was grumbling to himself repeatedly while tugging at his raven locks in frustration. Not only had someone burned down local businesses in the city, let alone a close friend’s business, but it seemed that someone was attacking his city from the inside. “I wasn’t able to save Tropium.” You offer no response, mostly because there isn’t one to have. You felt anguish over losing your home, sure, but knowing how hard Dabi worked to protect the Underground, you can’t quite imagine how he’s feeling.
Instead, you respond with, “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“I should be asking you that. Your home is gone, [ name ].” He had a valid point. Perhaps you could find a few local contractors and give them some work—it wasn’t like you didn’t have the money to spare. But that would probably take some time considering, from photo evidence, the place—all of them—was going to need to be built from the ashes. “Stay here while you figure it out. It’s the least I can do.”
“Don’t you already have Overhaul and the kids staying here?” Maybe Dabi didn’t notice the way your voice trembled as you spoke his name, even more so after having woken up to him by your side. But the thought of you, a quirk wielder that kept that little fact hidden from the public, temporarily boarding with a man who was vehemently against the abomination of quirks gave you severe anxiety. Additionally, there was the nine little children that also were a factor and the thought of one of them waking up in your temporary residence and intruding on what little privacy you would have—
“And?” Dabi asks, pulling you from your reverie. “[ name ], I know I don’t say this enough, but you’re one of my closest friends. I don’t feel right not giving you a place to sleep.” His quirk may be Cremation, but Dabi was a master manipulator when it came to pulling at your heartstrings whether or not he was aware of that. You let out a sigh of conceding, knowing you wouldn’t be able to argue your way out of this one. 
“One condition, bud,” you hold up a single index finger, the black quill feather tattooed there standing erect, “find me some contractors to help rebuild all the buildings that were burned dow.”
“That’s gonna cost ya,” Dabi hums, as if contemplating. And he was, but rather in estimated cost as opposed to the proposal itself. Physical currency was a rarity in the Underground, as the city ran on a merit and bartering system. Real Surface money was only used for certain occupations. Realistically speaking, he knew money was no object to you considering the wealth, or rather hush money, you acquired from your parents’ death, so there had to be another reason. Knowing you as well as he did, it was probably the fact that the faster your homes were rebuilt, the less time you would have to spend sharing walls with Overhaul. Very smart, the leader mused. “You got a deal, doll.”
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 You lost count of the days that had gone by since you took over the project of rebuilding the structures that had gone down. While the orphanage project had already begun, you had hired two additional bodies to help the progress go faster so that Dabi could return to his duties without the addition of eleven more mouths to feed. Simultaneously, you had been at your own construction lot from metaphorical sunup to sundown, helping contribute and manage the two men that were hired for your location. 
You weren’t avoiding Overhaul, you told Dabi repeatedly when he asked where you’d been all day. 
This project was an opportunity for you to set up shop in a reimagined way—to be able to design both your studio space and your living space exactly to your tastes. It had sort of become your baby and you wanted to be as hands on as possible. 
You weren’t avoiding Overhaul, you kept telling yourself. 
Tropium’s new store front was stunning, albeit a bit ill-fitting with its new modern style in contrast to the Underground’s more rustic, steampunk look. But the charcoal grey stone walls with chunky white trim filled your heart with a sense of pride that your business would hopefully rise from the ashes much like that of the Phoenix tattooed under your bosom. 
Currently, you were upstairs with the tiny team of contractors while going over the floor plan of your currently bare apartment. Given the space of the empty building, you managed to enlarge your rooms at the cost of downsizing your entryway and living room. It still felt homey and, with the addition of a small office that served as a spare bedroom, you figured on nights that Dabi hung out and didn’t feel like going home, he had a space too. After laying out the floor plan and going over schematics with the team, you ventured back downstairs to continue sanding down the counters for your studio space. 
“So, this is where you’ve been spending your time?” Oxygen freezes in your throat as you’re met with Overhaul’s golden eyes and black mask. Albeit he wasn’t in his normal dress shirt and tie for once, but rather sporting an oversized hoodie and tight denim jeans. 
“W-what are you doing here?” Is all you can say back. You aren’t sure if you’re moving or even breathing at this point. The pressure you feel from a man whose face is half-covered is terrifying—liquid gold was dull in comparison to the intimidating eyes of Chisaki Kai. 
“Dabi told me about your little deal,” his voice rolls like honey straight from the dripper as he makes small flits toward you that subconsciously leave you retreating back up the stairs one step at time. A deep groan rumbles in his chest when he sees your reaction—not that he blames you in the slightest. Overhaul is more than aware of his notorious reputation both in the real world and in the Underground and is accepting of strangers’ reluctance to be around him. He knows he’s partially to blame for not trying to quell the stigma around him by formally introducing himself prior. maybe not being such a condescending jackass when he first officially met you would have helped as well. 
But he can’t squash the little bouts of jealousy that filled him seeing his children flock to you like dragonflies in search of water that almost make him bask in your trepidation. 
“Take a walk with me,” Overhaul adds, torn between offering you a gloved hand as a metaphorical olive branch or simply turning around to see if you follow. He opts for the latter merely for the fact that you’re covered in dust and paint from your days’ work. Bounding after him, you stuff your hands into the pockets of your loose overalls as you try to catch up while bearing in mind to keep a short distance between the two of you. The two-block walk is brief and silent as you end up at the construction site of the clinic. Perhaps your memory of the building you never visited beforehand was skewed, but it you were certain it was much larger now. “Feel free to look around. After all, you’re paying for this.” There’s a twinge of malice that paints his invitation that isn’t lost on you, but you decide to forego the welcoming regardless. 
Passing through the threshold cautiously, you’re greeted with what looks to be a regular, two story home. The skeletal structure foreshadowed a kitchen, dining room, living space, and a hallway leading to two rooms. One staircase that lead to a basement, one that lead upstairs—it was strange to see the clinic become more of a home than anything else. “Where are you putting the clinic?” You ask meekly, careful not to touch. Just because Overhaul invited you to check out the specs, doesn’t mean he wanted your lingering fingerprints ingrained in his space. 
“Basement. I figured it would be better for the children to have majority of the space.” A pregnant pause takes over the conversation once again, leaving you to roam around the new space in appreciation. A part of you was pleased with the work the contractors did for this family, a large part even, but there was a small nagging voice in your head that was still telling you to retreat back to your own project. “Why did you do it?” 
“Do what?” A brief chuckle that is muffled by his mask dances on his lips. He’s not sure which of his theories he wants to start unraveling first. So he starts with the one he believes to be most ludicrous—the conspiracy that you or somebody you worked for was trying to take this children away, or Eri at the very least. If people on the Surface knew about her and her quirk, Kai doesn’t doubt a bounty would be on her head. But truth be told, he knew this seemed unlikely. You had never bothered to even engage with him or anyone else in his family until recently, despite having come to the Underground shortly after its establishment. 
“Rescue my daughter, for starters.” Of course he starts with the question you don’t have an answer for. To which you can only respond with the truth—your body moved on your own when you saw the panic in his eyes. Also knowing he had to watch his eight other children and ensure their safety prompted your body to act automatically. “You used your quirk to save Eri, but not yourself. Why?” Your eyes narrow slightly in both suspicion and out of confusion. It was strange that Overhaul kept demanding answers and logic and reason for things you did as a knee jerk reaction. Considering you’d only discovered your quirk just before going to the Underground, it wasn’t exactly what you would call a natural reaction. Plus, weaving through danger for someone else wasn’t as simple as just running in and out of the building as it was to jump out your bay window. Judging by his silence, it seemed he accepted that answer.  “And the contractors?”
“I just want all of our lives to go back to normal, including Dabi.” It wasn’t exactly a lie—rather just a short omission of the truth—and it wasn’t like you could tell him that you couldn’t stand living in such close proximity with him due to fear. But Overhaul had a knack for pinpointing a fib like a honeybee in search of something sweet. 
“You’re lying,” he bites. You shake your head almost violently, as if the movement will deter your mouth from telling him the truth in its entirety. There was no way you could admit the fear he instilled in your bones or the anxiety you felt standing close enough for him to touch you. Sure, you may have felt that your quirk was less than impressive but that didn’t mean you wanted him to take it away or worse, your life. Knowing that he knew about it too, while the public didn’t which was a requirement for living in the Underground, only reaffirmed your worries. “Do you fear me?” Overhaul asks, making note of the way your fingers were trembling and way your eyes constantly averted his. 
“Yes,” your voice comes out as a mere whisper, barely rising above the hammering and drilling of the construction workers. A part of you wished that your admission made you feel better—like it felt like a weight lifting off of your shoulder rather than making it feel like you were denying some greater truth—a part of you just wanted to run and hide and pretend this interaction wasn’t happening. 
It shouldn’t have hurt Kai as much as it did to hear you say it out loud, considering you were nothing but a stranger. But you were a stranger that his children were so utterly enamored with and all he wanted was to understand. Yet, the feeling of disappointment is a dull thrum in his chest, long forgotten with a wide array of other emotions and coming only second to his envy. “I’m sorry,” he says finally, though the monotone voice almost sounds insincere. 
Perhaps, his jealousy is misplaced, he thinks. His children may be drawn to you, but at least they didn’t tremble or wrack their bones with trepidation the way you do when you see him. If anything, his jealousy is replaced with empathy. Despite your clear distaste for youth, you got along swimmingly with his kids and they clearly wanted to be present with you. It must have been difficult for you to be near them, even more so considering you trembled in their father’s presence. The two of you stand in silence with you looking away pretending to soak in your surroundings of the plastered walls. Overhaul is observing your nervous ticks—the way your twitching fingers are exaggerated by the ink in your skin or the way your knee bounces impatiently along the hardwood. 
“Daddy, daddy, daddy, come look at my roo—oh! [ name ] is here too!” Bounding down the unfinished staircase was one of the orphans in Overhaul’s care; Shura, if you remembered correctly. 
“Just stopped by to see how the place was coming,” you offer in addition to a sheepish wave. Before you know it, Shura is grasping one of your hands with both of his while guiding you up the stairs. 
“Come see our rooms, [ name ]!” Overhaul watches with curious eyes at the way one of his sons is so overzealous to include you in their little world. The appeal makes no sense to him—you were just a stranger with skin like a Monet painting that had made little to no effort for these children outside of rescuing Eri and allowing them to shower you in their affection. 
Why did acknowledging that their enthusiasm to include you hurt Kai even more so, knowing you were afraid of him?
Trudging behind, Overhaul peers through the open doors upstairs to see each of his kids decorating their freshly painted walls. In Shura’s room, you were sitting on the floor with your arms wrapped around your knees while the little boy explained to you that he wanted his room to be decorated with narwhals. The excitement he had, and the knowledge of even knowing such a creature existed, was quite charming. “[ name ], are you gonna join us for dinner this time? Dabi says you’re always working, but daddy always makes you a plate just in case!” Your eyes glance over to Overhaul and his leisurely pose as he rests one arm on the door jamb. For a moment, your mouth open and closes repeatedly as you try to stutter out some semblance of an answer. 
“Just in case,” the doctor adds, as if to add more pressure to his son’s convenient question. The golden orbs you normally deterred from swirled with an intensity that, much to your surprise, didn’t wrack your nerves like they normally did. It was as if they were filled with remorse rather their typical bitterness, maybe sympathy even, imploring you to consider Shura’s inquiry. 
“I should go finish my work for today then so I can be home for dinner,” pushing yourself off of the freshly carpeted floor to stand. At some point while Shura was giving you the grand tour of his room, your legs had fallen asleep, causing your first step to hobble and throw you off balance and trip. 
“Careful,” Overhaul chimes, bemused at the way you flail to recover from your stumble. To your surprise, he’s pushed himself off the door jamb, crossed through the threshold of Shura’s room, and has his arms locked underneath yours to keep you steady. “Drink some water before going back to work.”  
“R-right,” you stutter out, hyper aware that his hands are touching you. He feels the way your tendons bunch together in your arms at the contact, even more so when your pupils lock into his. It untangles one more thread in his theories, one he figures he’ll push on later because it’s a theory just as farfetched as his last one. “I’ll, um, see you at dinner,” the last syllable rises in intonation as you squeak, flitting away and ignoring your numbed legs and blood burned cheeks. Meanwhile, Overhaul chuckles as he watches you scurry away, the blush painting your cheeks burning into his mind just as well. The way you moved was reminiscent of when he had reset your bones and the way you recoiled thereafter. But through thorough observation, he knew that reaction wasn’t fear this time around, no. Fear made you quiet, not nervous or jittery or force your pupils to dilate. 
This was something else entirely.
Something else entirely to the point where Chisaki Kai is unsure if he even wants to entertain the possible theory that maybe, maybe, you’re the slightest bit infatuated with him. 
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“How nice of you to join us,” Dabi sneers teasingly when you set foot into the private entryway of town hall’s attached home. The makeshift family of ten is already seated at the extended dining table, an empty seat awaiting you on Dabi’s left with Overhaul on his right. Each of the children that you had come to be familiar with over the last few weeks had lit up like your presence was a treat—a strange feeling, considering you’d done the most to avoid being in the temporary residence. 
“Go wash up, we’ll wait for you,” you had never seen Chisaki Kai without his mask, let alone heard his voice so clear. The angelic lilt rivaled expert fingers rimming crystal glasses, hypnotizing you to do as he said without so much as a fight. Entering your room, you immediately discard your dirty work clothes and shower hastily, scrubbing off flecks of dried paint and dust. In seven minutes and nineteen seconds, you’re out of your en suite bathroom and shucking on leggings and a long sleeve tee before joining everyone else at the dinner table. 
To your surprise it felt quite...normal. Was this how families had dinner together? You were unsure, considering your parents had never been one to have the three of you gather together for a meal—they were always too busy working until the day they were killed nearly a decade ago. 
It surprised you how natural the flow of conversation was, even with nine children ranging from ages four to seven. Even more to your shock, Dabi was more than willing to indulge the kids in their stories. But the creme de la creme was seeing maskless Overhaul smiling and laughing and attempting to get his kids to eat their vegetables. Was this the real Overhaul? Had his notoriety preceded him so greatly that you feared him for no reason at all? Your intuition tells you no and, perhaps, to some degree it’s right. There was still a dangerous air that encapsulated Chisaki Kai, but it wasn’t one that made you instantly retreat like touching a cake pan you’d recently pulled from the oven with a bare hand. If anything, it was alluring as opposed to intimidating. 
The kids were so happy you finally joined them all at dinner. Rapid fire questions from any one or even two of them made you hesitate to answer but you did your best to keep your face even and amused. Children may not have been your favorite, but however the heck Overhaul was raising these ones, especially all nine of them, was truly wonderful. Throughout conversation, Shura and even shy little Eri had scrambled into your lap with each one of them taking a leg while the three of you ate. Initially, Kai had scolded them both, saying they were being rude to which you only shook your head and allowed them to stay, much to his surprise. 
After dinner, the children cleared the table. Those that were able of the younger ones brought stacks of dishes to Eri and Shura whom were in the kitchen washing plates and silverware—their duties as the eldest of the nine. Dabi has pardoned himself after thanking the family for the meal to hole himself up in his office. According to the leader of the Underground, the investigative team was still working around the clock to unearth who was responsible for the fires. You had found yourself in the garden of Town Hall, tablet and digital pen in one hand with a cigarette in the other. Drawing was the only leisurely activity you indulged in when not working on rebuilding Tropium. 
Typically, Dabi would join on you on these evenings with stacks of papers and a cigar between his lips as he bounced ideas off of you to figure out potential perpetrators. Needless to say, it surprised you when Overhaul enters the makeshift garden that was really just a manmade pond with lily pads and rose bushes aligning the sinkhole. “Hi,” you offer meekly, averting his gaze by keeping your own glued to your tablet screen. 
“Hi,” he returns, twisting up a shapely brow at the cigarette between your index and middle finger. For a moment, he’s torn between asking what you’re working on or if you had any ideas to who burned down both of your homes or even how the rebuilding of Tropium was coming along. But he can tell by the way the filter of the cigarette squeezes between your fingers that you’re tense, that you can sense there’s a reason for his presence and decides to forego small talk. “I don’t want you to be afraid of me,” his voice is small and unsure and drastically different from the Overhaul you were used to. Nonetheless, his statement catches your attention and pulls it away from the screen of your tablet. 
“I’m more afraid of what you can do,” you admit quietly, “I don’t want people knowing about my quirk. Dabi was the only one who knew and now your entire family knows and—“ you pause for second, hesitating on whether or not you should continue. But Overhaul was brave enough to tell you had what been bothering him, even if only a minuscule issue, you figure you owe him the same. “And I don’t want you to take it away.” The broken syllables leave your lips bare above a whisper, reaffirming at least one of the theories the doctor had about you. Of all the conspiracies, it made sense that this one was the most likely to explain your reactions to his presence, no matter how much he had hoped it to be some strange, magnetic attraction. 
You had bought into the whispers of the Underground that said Chisaki Kai’s life mission was to overhaul the population and remove quirks. 
Dejection fills his chest as he lets out a sigh. Maybe this was being too honest, his inner voice argues as it debates on his next words cautiously, but he feels the need to burn clean. “[ name ], what do you know about me?” 
“That you were a Yakuza leader and you think quirks are a plague that need to be eradicated.” Overhaul closes his eyes languidly, peeling them back open at a snail’s pace while the warm, golden orbs stare off into the never-ending tunnels of the Underground. 
“I became the leader of the Shie Hassaikai when I married my wife at twenty-three and took over for her ill father. It was a quirk marriage, but a happy one, nonetheless. At twenty five, my wife had Eri and while most children’s genetic code didn’t activate the gene for a quirk until a few years later, Eri was born with her quirk activated,” you listen deeply, soaking in every word leaving Overhaul’s maskless lips. His eyes drop down to stare at his gloved hands before burying his face in them for a moment to swallow his guilt quietly. “Eri can rewind time on living things and the first person she used it on—“
“—was her mother,” your voice barely vibrated past your lips as you made the connection. Bile rose in your throat, threatening to spill the contents of your gut not out of disgust, but rather an overwhelming surge of sorrow. 
“I lost my wife when I was twenty-five. The rate that she was being rewound at was too much for her body to handle and I had to overhaul my own daughter at birth just to get her quirk to deactivate so she didn’t destroy everyone she touched,” had Chisaki Kai not come to terms with the truth a long time ago, he would have shed at least a single tear recounting these memories he had buried. Either that, or almost hurled recalling the way his wife’s body had imploded until chunks of skin and muscle tissue and blood ended up spewing all over his chest and face. There was a reason he constantly wore gloves and a mask—the smell of cooking carcass and burning meat never left him and the exaggerated mask stuffed with lavender was the only scent that eased him. “I was angry at the world for a long time.”
“I am so sorry, Over—“
“Kai,” he interrupts, “or Chisaki, at the very least. I don’t go by that name anymore.” After a bout of silence, Chisaki continues further. Eri never grew up with a mother or siblings and after things had gone south on the surface, he wanted to raise Eri in a place where people didn’t know the truth about her or the mother she never had the opportunity to meet. So he fled to the Underground with Dabi; he started helping tend to the ill and taking in quirkless children who had lost their parents on the Surface to Heroes. 
In a moment of vulnerability, you felt the need to offer the olive branch and share your own story with this man after he bared his soul to you. And so, you tell him about the accident. How, while in pursuit of a villain, the small mom and pop diner that your parents frequented on Friday afternoons was accidentally set on fire by Endeavor and trapped and killed of the patrons inside. You were in your first year of high school at the time—fourteen and preparing for university until you realized you would need to work full time in order to continue paying the bills until the settlement from Endeavor came. University was down the drain. It took years for the dividends to be decided and the lawyer managed to get you a considerably high amount thanks to emotional damages, but riches and wealth would never quell the resentment you held towards the then number two pro Hero for being so reckless. That was nine years ago. Somewhere along the way, you’d met Dabi and he granted you a home and space to continue to hone the craft of tattoo artistry that you had picked up from working part time in a parlor, as recompense for his father killing yours. Though, you’d left that last little tidbit out, unsure if Kai knew of Dabi’s lineage. “I’ve been in the Underground for the last three years, give or take.”
You had always been rather indifferent to the concept of heroism until that day. Even more so when you had met Dabi—a man who was wanted and was supposed to be a villain. Yet he extended warmth and welcoming to you, offering you refuge in a new city he had created for the exiled and wandering. 
The grey areas only widen with this conversation with Chisaki Kai. A notorious man, an infamous man, known for causing utter chaos on the Surface both as the leader of the Shie Hassaikai and as a super villain, was sitting across from you and sharing the most intimate moments of his life. 
Maybe the concept of heroism was skewed to begin with, you think to yourself as you put out the cigarette in the ashtray in front of you. Maybe Dabi and Overhaul weren’t the real villains—only designed that way because of the way some omniscient creature in the stars that you couldn’t see. 
“I remember when you first opened Tropium,” Chisaki hums bemusedly, “the children said you looked like a coloring book.” The only fitting response you have is laughter. Neither of you thought laughter would be something the two of you would indulge in together. But the way your cheeks cinch together at the corner of your eyes or the tufts of air leaving your nostrils in a short snort and the somehow smooth staccato of your chuckle sounds like holiday bells after the first snowfall. It was a peace that Chisaki Kai hadn’t known for some time now. It was a peace he didn’t know he needed, and it makes him wish that his magnetic attraction theory had some truth to it. “Your secret is safe with me,” he says finally after the laughter had died off. 
“Thank you, Chisaki,” 
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 You started coming home for dinner every night, figuring the two contractors didn’t need you there to micromanage them, until you stopped dropping into the worksite all together. With a full house, Dabi was out more frequently, preferring to be in the field to investigate the fires as much as he could. This left you with Chisaki and the kids more often than not. On occasion, you would run to the local market with Eri and Shura or had even done arts and crafts with some of the younger ones. As a sort of inside joke, you had bought each of the nine coloring books. 
Currently, the kids were playing volleyball in the makeshift garden while you and Chisaki supervised. It was no longer tense between the two of you, a sort of bond forming since that one night. You should have seen the inevitable question coming. Though you more so imagined it would come from Dabi in the form of some snide comment with sexual implications regarding how close you and Overhaul had become. Never did you anticipate his oldest son asking, “[ name ], are you going to be adopting us? Are you going to be our new mom?” 
“I-I—“ you were a deer in headlights and the question was a freight truck gunning in at ninety. Looking over at Chisaki for help, who seemed almost unwilling or at the very least unsure on how to, you shake your head before staring back at Shura’s big blue eyes. These children had begun carving a special place in your heart due to how they came to be in Chisaki’s care, sure, but you still had your reservations about kids in general. Not that the doctor blamed you—maternal instincts didn’t necessarily apply to every female. “I-I don’t wanna take you away from daddy, he works so hard to take care of you all and he does such a good job,” for a second, Shura’s expression becomes crestfallen. 
“But we all like having you around, [ name ],”
“I’m not going anywhere, buddy, I promise,” the seven-year-old boy promptly wraps his arms around your neck, squeezing tightly as if you were going to dissipate into the air in front of his very eyes. Without hesitation, you hug back briefly before telling him his siblings were waiting for him to start the next set of volleyball. “Was that okay?” You ask quietly, looking over to the doctor. From underneath his mask, you can see the twists of pain coloring the dusty gold hues of his irises and the way his jaw tenses. When he remains quiet, you anxiously reach for an e-cigarette—a fruity one that wouldn’t alert the kids or burn Chisaki’s nostrils from the scent—and pull the tip to your lips. Maybe you shouldn’t have said that to Shura, you think as you exhale a large cloud of smoke. 
But Overhaul’s stomach is twisting and churning, and he crosses his legs over the knee to squeeze his legs together tightly. He’s thankful for the black cloth mask that covers majority of his facial features as he bites his lip and his nostrils flair while he tries to control his breathing. Think of anything else, his mind snarls. Think of the days in the Shie Hassaikai, think of the children, think of literally anything but the way you called him “daddy” and how the blood rushed from his brain and straight to his dick at an alarming rate. It was so innocent—there was no reason Kai should even be thinking of it in any other way—but primal instincts were taking over, twisting into a delusion in his brain into hearing you repeatedly call him daddy while he fucked you from behind. 
“Can you watch the kids?” Chisaki chokes out, standing up abruptly and fleeing inside the temporary home. He doesn’t even have the chance to hear you ask if he’s alright as he’s rushing upstairs to his en suite bathroom. Entering his room, he rips off every shred of fabric covering his body before turning on the shower to the coldest temperature he could tolerate. But there wasn’t enough cold water in the Underground or gruesome thoughts of his wife’s sudden death that could stave off the erection he was currently sporting. “Fuck!” He snarls out viciously, mind running rampant with salacious daydreams. Out of sheer need, Overhaul wraps one hand around his cock, the other bracing himself on the shower wall while the cold water runs down his spine. 
Chisaki Kai is livid—raging over the fact that he is reduced to such actions over a simple word that he hears multiple times on a daily basis. It wasn’t that he was abhorrent at the thought of masturbation in the slightest—he was a human with natural human needs, after all—but this desperation that filled his gut and fueled his hard on was less than desirable. But he can’t stop the aching he feels to hold onto that blip of memory of you calling him daddy. He savors it like the first bite of a meal and indulges it in the same way he’s trying to coerce his own orgasm. 
Throaty groans and grumbles wrack in Overhaul’s throat as he fists his angry, weeping cock, twisting and turning it as he prays for reprieve. It’s not enough; it’s not your mouth or any other oriface he would rather be shoving into, but the friction rubbing against his veins would have to be enough. He’s far from gracious at this point. Cupping and massaging his balls with one hand while thrusting into his enclosed other at ferocious speeds was all in the name of merely getting off. “Fuck,” he hisses out once again as he feels the very start of his orgasm. As much as his natural instinct is just telling him to sit back and enjoy the ride, his common sense tells him otherwise, tells him that he’s filthy for doing this and he doesn’t deserve to indulge in these thoughts. 
But he needs that extra push to satiate his natural instinct. 
Succumbing to his deeper, carnal desires, his imagination wanders back to you. With golden eyes screwed shut, he pretends it’s you he thrusting into, that it’s you stringing together languid profanities between your lips; that it’s you begging for daddy to fuck you harder. 
That it’s you begging daddy to fill you up and make you into a mother. 
“Oh, shit,” Chisaki is gasping for breath as he cums on the shower walls—the last thought to flood his mind serving to break the dam. He licks his lips and swallows hard, his skin becoming dry despite standing in the cold shower. After his ragged, uneven breathing returns to some semblance of normal, he peels his heavy lids open and stares at the fluid coating the shower wall. For a moment, shame washes over him because he feels pathetic and small. But the moment is brief before it was replaced with a dull burn of hunger that may never be quelled. 
Pathetic, Kai thinks again as he scrubs his body clean, before exiting the arctic shower. Never before had he been in such a state, even at the ripe age of thirty-two, to masturbate to the mere thought of another person. Perhaps he was that touch-starved, all things considered. 
He can’t bring himself to gaze at his reflection as he gets dressed. Adorning grey joggers and a red zip up hoodie, in addition to his usual mask and gloves, he maneuvers his way back to the makeshift garden where the children are still playing with together. But rather than you sitting alone at the patio table as you were, Dabi had joined you in the seat directly across from you. 
Both of you were sporting matching cigarettes in your respective hands with matching distressed looks on your faces. 
“We’ve been waiting for you,” you say in an almost indifferent tone, a departure from the way Kai had heard you in his mind seconds ago. It was a sentence typically accompanied with some sass, but your eyes were devoid of emotion at the moment. Cautiously, Chisaki took a seat beside you at the patio table, propping an elbow on the armrest closest to you before resting his temple on the same closed fist he had just used to beat himself off. You pay it no mind, how close he is to you, but rather put out your cigarette on the ashtray on the table as a courtesy to him. “Dabi,” your tone is thoughtful as you say your best friend’s name, making a hand gesture that signifies him to speak. 
The leader of the Underground opens the manilla folder that was harboring the photos of both of your burnt down homes as well as the two other destroyed businesses. “It’s been a challenging investigation, but after eyewitness accounts and working with local law enforcement from the Surface, I’m pretty sure my bastard brother was behind this shit,” Dabi grits out. 
“Brother?” Kai asks, confirming your suspicions of him being unaware of Dabi’s genealogy and family tree. To this, the leader pulls out a mug shot of Todoroki Shouto. The face wasn’t entirely familiar to Kai, save for the small resemblances to Dabi. Same jaw shape, same blue eye with the same dead look. 
“Why us?” You ask, flipping the photo over. While it had been awhile since you had resided let alone visited the Surface, you knew that there was some rumors in the air about the start of a war, but what possible reason did Todoroki have for going after the Underground when everyone kept to themselves? For Chisaki, who ran a free clinic, and his children? What about you—why go after you?
Outside of Dabi, hadn’t the Todoroki family tortured you enough?
The city leader takes a deep breath, exhaling smoke as he extinguishes the dead cigarette on the ashtray. According to the patchwork man, Todoroki had confessed that he was selected for a covert mission from the Hero Association. The primary goal was to eradicate any and all quirk wielders within the Underground so they didn’t procreate further, so no overpowered quirks would mutate in the next generation of Underground born children. Overhaul lets out a scoff at the explanation—leave it to the Heroes to act so recklessly and selfishly. 
If quirk mutation was the concern, only him and Eri would have been targeted, maybe Dabi as well. Probably Dabi as well. But they burned down Tropium Tattoos, the home of you whom had the legally registered quirk Life Canvas up on the Surface. They burned down a farm whose owner had a quirk that could manipulate light and sunshine—whose farm fed the patrons of the Underground. They burned down the house of the guy who had a weird magnet quirk. It sounds more useless than he actually is—Dabi ended up capitalizing on his manipulation of magnets to create magnetic elevators up to the surface for supply runs and other necessities. 
This was about population control. 
It was a form of genocide that Overhaul himself was all too familiar with. 
“Well that’s fucked,” you sneer, reaching for one more cigarette, “the fuck is wrong with your family, dude, and why are they all trying to kill me and my family?” Chisaki turns his head in curiosity, no longer resting on his knuckles. The only time you had brought up your family, around him at least, was when Endeavor killed your parents—
He pretends he doesn’t feel disappointment when he realizes you weren’t implying he and the children were your family. 
“Why the hell do you think I left, [ name ]?” Chisaki almost feels as if he shouldn’t be present for this conversation; like it was meant to be private between the two of you. But he can’t bring himself to leave your side, not with the way anger is crinkling in the form of crow’s feet at the corner of your eyes. Dabi excuses himself after a long bout of silence, leaving you to stew in your bitterness while Overhaul directs the kids to wash up for dinner. You don’t realize all nine of them had left the garden until the doctor is standing over you, despite the small wisps of smoke billowing from your cigarette with a hand extended towards you to pull you from the patio chair. You’re sure to extinguish the stick, knowing how the smell often offended him before taking it. 
“Why don’t you go rest inside for a minute and wash up while I make dinner?” He offers quietly as he pulls you to your feet. The entire time, Chisaki maintains eye contact, his golden orbs unwilling to break their trance with your form. But thanks to the distress and the rapid pace that your brain is moving, you aren’t even aware of your surroundings or the way Chisaki is just standing in front of you until you’re running into his broad chest. Instinctually, you recoil away from him. Not out of disgust or fear like before, but rather respect, knowing how he is about touch and physical contact. 
“Sorry—“ his arms are nestling at your waist to keep you in close proximity and you’re suddenly reminded of the time your legs fell asleep at the orphanage and you had stumbled trying to walk. Chisaki had been there then too, holding you steady much like he was now. There was something drastically different to the scenario now compared to back then. The doctor didn’t shy away from the contact anymore, didn’t draw his hands back like he touched a freshly stoked lump of coal or break out into itchy hives. If anything, his gloved hands lingered just a little bit longer—too long even for Chisaki—before gingerly patting your head and retreating inside the home. 
And maybe if you weren’t trying to process the fact that the Surface was attempting to start a war with the Underground, you would have dwelled more on the warmth and security coming from Kai. The poise he held coupled with the fire and desire in his eye would have been enough to reassure that everything was going to be alright.
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Dabi never came back that night. Rather than leaving his head seat at the dining table empty, Chisaki sat to your left with his daughter filling his space temporarily. You sat directly across from Eri, the girl who was once too timid to thank you now smiled brightly every time you looked at her. Other than your best friend’s absence, dinner was relatively average. Conversation went on as normal, sharing laughter and smiles between all of you—it was a nice delusion that for a moment, you were all a complete family and you weren’t so enrapt with the heartbreak of knowing these ten humans were targets to the surface. 
The children cleared the table as they always did, but rather than having the two oldest do the dishes, you offered to clean up instead. “Why don’t you kids gather up in the living room and have daddy put on a movie for you?” Clearly excited from the reprieve of duty, the orphans all head off, touting something along the lines of Frozen versus Tangled. But your back is already turned away from the family, getting started on putting away leftovers and scraping away scraps on plates and entirely missing the way Kai’s eyes drain from gold to a murky mustard. It misses the way his jaw clenches tightly as he settles the debate for his children, turning on Tangled—the clearly more superior film—before he returns to the kitchen. 
The sleeves of your ragline tee are pushed above your elbows as you hum an unknown hymn, unaware of Kai stepping cautiously toward you. Despite having just eaten, the doctor is filled with a renewed hunger entirely as his grip finds limp purchase on your hips much like they had before dinner. “You know, I think we need to have a talk about you calling me ‘daddy’ in front of the children,” he murmurs hotly against the shell of your ear, causing the hair on the back of your neck to stand up. Your blood is torn between running cold from the predatory drawl in his words and boiling from the sudden close contact. 
“I-I’m sorry, should I stop?” Kai licks his lips before running his teeth behind your ear and down your neck, suckling on the flesh as he mumbles a response. 
“Do you want to?” You contemplate his question in full, though it proves to be a challenge with the way he’s pressing warm, open mouth kisses to your neck and shoulder and the way his hands are kneading at your hips. “Are you afraid of me, sweetheart?” He asks again, his voice a low grumble yet somehow is louder than thunder as it isn’t hidden behind a mask. Had this been months ago when he had asked you an identical question when you were perusing the reconstruction of the orphanage, you would have said yes again. But this wasn’t fear—fear wasn’t a word you associated with Chisaki Kai anymore. 
Warmth. Strength. Dedication. Resolve. 
Those were the words you associated with him now. 
“No,” you finally respond, shutting off the water before turning to face him. It was a rare, momentous occasion when you got to gaze upon his bare face outside of having meals together. His golden eyes swirl with elation, even more so as your painted fingers brush stray locks that fallen just over his brows. Despite a rather simple appearance, especially in comparison to yours, there’s something elegantly charming about Chisaki Kai that had never gotten the full appreciation he deserved. 
Tentatively, you nudge him closer to you from the back of his neck until your lips are pressed against his. For you, it’s an experiment just to feel him in such a manner. For Kai, it’s torture in every sense of the word because it’s a tease after all of the salacious thoughts that have marred his imagination. Taking a leap of faith, his arms tighten around your waist, pulling your body flush against his because right now there isn’t enough contact in the world that would satisfy him. 
The once delicate, experimental kiss becomes hungrier at his hand as he’s exploring your mouth with tongue, groaning as he does so. The scent of smoke and fresh cotton wafts into his nostrils between his sharp intakes of breath as he refuses to break contact. It’s as if he’s trying to commit the moment to memory, to burn it into his brain. 
As if this was never going to happen ever again. 
“Kai,” you whimper out his name, his true name, between pants of breathlessness for the first time. Just as gingerly as before, your fingers are cradling the man before you by the temples. You’re gazing at him fully, unabashedly, as you run a thumb just below his distinct lower lashes. Chisaki’s head dips a bit further into your brief touch before you skip away from him. 
“Wait, where do you think you’re going?”
“Come on, let’s go watch the movie with the kids,” you chime, holding a hand out to him as if he didn’t just have you all but pinned to the kitchen sink. 
“I was serious when I said we needed to have a talk.” Despite his verbal protest, he takes your hand in his, trailing behind as you saunter off towards the living room where the children are fully invested in the film. Plopping down on an empty space on the couch, you bring Kai with you until he’s nearly resting on top of you. For a moment, he releases your hand, opting to wrap an arm around you to pull you closer. “Back to avoiding me, angel?” The doctor grumbles into your ear, low enough so as not to alert the little ones. 
“Figured it would be better to not risk being interrupted,” you whisper back, smirk twisting your lips. Chisaki’s licks his own dry plains, tugging you even closer so that you’re sitting on one of his thighs instead. That predatory miasma that surrounds him on a day to day basis is seeping out of him tenfold, but intimidation when it came to Kai was now a foreign concept to you. It brought back that same seductively dangerous feeling you’d felt the first time you had dinner with the family or, thinking back further, to when you went to scope out the renovations. A part of you wonders if that fear you once had was displaced as soon as you knew he was going to keep your quirk a secret. Displaced with an attraction to him that was easily confused with fear. 
A part of you wonders if you ever really did fear him at all. 
Maybe you didn’t. 
Your mindless thoughts wander to anything other than the screen, casually leaning back so that your head settled on Kai’s clavicle. The doctor looks down at you with a curiosity that is replaced with a warmth that temporarily quelled his lust. As much as he had been fighting his day dreams of fucking you, having you in his arms surrounded by his kids stoked a different fire inside him. 
He didn’t want this domestic moment to end. 
He hopes that desire translates into the simple gesture of his lips pressing into your hair. 
Chisaki Kai was finally caving into his wants and being honest with himself. He doesn’t want this makeshift family to go back to normal when you finally returned to Tropium or when his family returns to the Underground clinic. There isn’t a single cell in his body that believes having you in his lap and curled into his chest feels anything other than right. He’s overwhelmed with the idea, the fantasy, of you moving in and being with the family. Your family—in the collective sense—with Kai by your side with your nine orphans. 
During the lantern scene of the film, he presses another kiss where the roots of your hair meet your forehead, lips lingering a little longer than normal. In response, you look up at him curiously to find his muted golden eyes staring right at you. There was a plethora of different things that Chisaki wanted to say to you, especially with the way you look so heavenly in his arms. But he settles with the murmur of, “I don’t want things to go back to normal.” 
“Neither do I,” you whisper, gracefully accepting the way Kai’s lips mould over yours almost lovingly. In a sense, it’s your way of finally admitting to yourself the feelings that worked and wriggled their way into your chest. The thought of returning to your lonely little two-bedroom apartment by yourself just seemed daunting now, despite the initial rush to get to work on the remodel. No more waking up to bright eyes at the table for breakfast or coloring with the kids; no more having Kai cook a delectable meal or having him accompany you in the garden for a smoke. It broke your heart just thinking about all you would be missing out on when life returned to somewhat normal, war aside. 
The doctor sucks gingerly on your lower lip, nipping slightly with his canines as his tongue wholeheartedly dances with yours. The kiss is full of longing and desire and it made his brain go fuzzy with strange thoughts. A part of him can’t remember ever feeling this recurring surge of wanton lust and infatuation when Kai would kiss his wife and, in regular circumstances, he would have felt guilt over it. But this warm, wet entanglement of your tongues is more loving than he was accustomed to and it excited him. Than you were even accustomed to. 
“So stay with me, sweetheart,” the nickname he’s given you sounds almost patronizing. But the admiration that seems to be laced in with it sends a shiver down your spine and leaves the hairs on your arms standing at full attention as the film comes to an end. “Time for bed, children. We’ll be by in a little bit to check on you,” Chisaki calls out to his protesting kids, though making no motion to move from his planted position on the sofa. When he’s certain that all nine of them are out of earshot, he adjusts you in his lap so that both of your legs are draped over his thighs. You call out his name, pulling him from his thoughts that take him far away from the present. 
“You said you wanted to talk,” you remind him. A part of you is afraid to start conversation because you aren’t sure what direction he wants to take this. Chisaki could have an entirely different meaning of returning to normal than you, but for you...
You didn’t want to wake up every morning without him being nearby. In the rawest form, that was the only way you could piece it together into a coherent thought. But even more than that, you felt as if there was so much more you wanted to see from Chisaki Kai. He was becoming more open with touch, no longer breaking out into hives when he touched others and even going so far as to hold you, albeit very languidly as he was now. Another part of you wanted to know if he would be beside you when it came to the impending war with the Surface. 
Mostly, you just wanted to know if he wanted to be by your side too, even if logic wanted to tell you this was a bad idea. 
“Will you stay? With me?” Kai implores quietly. His eyes are locked with yours, the gold shining brighter than ever. 
“You say this after I renovate our homes?” A short, lighthearted scoff leaves his lung in lieu of laughter at your attempt of a joke. Because, despite him echoing your own deeper, innermost thoughts, a part of you refused to believe this was reality. As if reality was actually playing a prank on you. 
Of course he had thought of that little fact. It was the longing desire he felt in his bones to have your presence that he hadn’t taken into account, but that need burning at the pit of his stomach had outweighed any semblance of logic that urged him to keep his thoughts to himself.
“The kids will grow up eventually and need their own space away from the orphanage. We could always save it for them.”
Answers you were expecting from Chisaki Kai: not that. 
Had he invested that much into the idea? To the point where he planned on you still being a part of the orphan’s lives until they were adults?
“‘We’?” You ask. “And what if “we” don’t work, have you considered that?”
“No,” Kai’s voice is clear and calm as ever, exuding the very confidence that once made you tremble, “I want you in every sense of the word. I’ve already said my vows and had my shot at forever. I want that sort of permanence with you and I know that some part of you wants me too.” At a loss for words, you opt to brush the backs of your nails along his cheeks endearingly, trailing them down until your hands find purchase around his neck to bring him close enough that you can feel his lashes tickle your cheekbones. The silence between the two of you was deafening and damning, yet welcoming as it’s broken with him pressing his lips fully against yours. 
For a moment, it feels as if the hunger stirring within his gut is satiated—satisfied with the even the tender, loving gesture of pulling you closer still until you’re straddling his lap. As if you were trying to fuse your bodies together because there was no such thing as too much physical contact right now. Kai encircles your waist with his arms, hoisting you up as he motions to stand and causing you to wrap your legs around his midsection. You don’t ask where you’re going; partially because your tongue is too busy just indulging in a private dance with his, partially because it doesn’t matter where he takes you. You’d go with him anywhere, no questions asked. 
It’s a challenge and a half maneuvering up the stairs with you anchored around him so tightly—even more so that with every step he took ended up grinding your pelvis along his ever-growing erection. Kai felt liberated this time around, shamelessly rubbing against you this time rather than scurrying off for a cold shower and a five-minute session with his hand. Your eyes open as he unceremoniously tosses you onto the plush blanket of your borrowed bed. Immediately, you’re greeted with the sight of Chisaki Kai hastily shredding off his tee shirt and lounge pants, leaving the doctor in strained boxer briefs. 
Briefly, you’re blown away by the sheer beauty of him—like a statue of Adonis come to fruition before your eyes. Even with the uncomfortable twinge in his golden orbs from your unnerving gaze. It was different, to say the least, to have you gawking at him with such adoration when he felt he was the only one doing so. “C’mere,” your voice comes out as a near broken whimper, a call to which Kai heeds graciously. The bed dips as he kneels at the edge, crawling closer until he’s hovering above you. Gingerly, your fingers trace over the smooth skin of his cheeks, tracing down his lips and neck until they ghost over his collarbones. 
“Sweetheart,” Kai groans out, snatching your hand in his as it continues to trail further down his bare skin. “As much as I want to bask in the romance of all of this, you called me ‘daddy’ earlier, and I think it’s time you suffer the consequences.”
“Yeah?” You sneer sardonically, pushing into your elbows until you’re both touching nose to nose. “Like it when I call you that?” His breath is hot as it fans over your features, the wanton lust tangled within the golden hues of his irises becoming overwhelmed with feral desire. Kai’s hand that isn’t supporting him over you grips tightly at your baggy tee, pulling harshly to tear at the fabric keeping your bare body from him. For a moment, his breath becomes caged in his chest upon seeing your semi-nude form for the first time. But the moment is flitting as he’s reminded of his aching, hard cock twitching underneath his undergarments. 
“Hands and knees, baby,” the slow, torturous movement you give in reply grates at Kai’s nerves, prompting a resounding smack to the ass of your joggers the moment your bottom is visible to him. “Daddy’s already impatient, dear,”
“And what’s Daddy going to do about that?” 
Similar to the treatment he gave your shirt earlier, Kai dug his fingers into the waistband of your joggers. Though he did not have nearly as much luck tearing off the thicker material, the gruff motion is enough to expose you, leaving your bare, pulsing core in plain sight while the cloth gathered at your knees. His chest presses against your back, his skin searing hotter than hellfire, as he places languid kisses along your shoulder. “I promise, I’ll spoil you with attention later. But right now, I need you,” his voice is something reminiscent of begging, only amplified by his suddenly bare cock dancing along your slit and smearing pre-cum along it before cautiously slipping the head in. 
Throaty groans leave both of your lungs simultaneously. Kai swears up and down that this was heaven manifested into reality. Part of him thinks this is all a dream, the way your walls are squeezing him to tightly as he pushes in centimeter by centimeter. “K-Kai,” you whimper. The calling of his name awakens something gutturally primal within him. 
“Uh uh,” the doctor tuts, ceasing his movements. “What’s my name, baby?” In lieu of a response, only pants of shortened breath escape your slackened jaw. There was no way Chisaki Kai was human, you decided. Not with the way his words sent every cell in your body into overdrive or the way his fat girth stretched you so deliciously without even entirely plunging his engorged cock. Not with how, despite his notoriety once proceeding him, he was often blatantly honest with you and certainly not with how utterly enamored he was with you and vice versa. “Say my name, baby, and I’ll give you a reward,”
“D-daddy, please,” you whisper in between breaths. Abiding by his word, Kai works his thick length into you, albeit still slowly, until your bones presses into his pubis and his whole cock carefully bottoms out inside you. His right hand trails up your tummy and dances along the skin of your sternum until his fingers encase your throat gingerly. Keeping still within you, the doctor tugs at your throat until you’re only resting on your spread knees as his lips ghost along the outer shell of your ear while he gives slow, deep, steady thrusts.  
“You like having daddy’s fat fucking cock in you, angel? Feel so fucking good around me, yes you do,”
A real poet, Kai was. 
Turning your head to face him, your fingers lace themselves in his messy locks and pull his lips to yours in a kiss that is entirely devoid of lust. He can bring the heat all he wants—it was your mission to make sure he understood that you wanted him in more than just sex. Even if the slow torturous withdrawing of his cock was absolutely divine. 
And he felt it too. Even with his hand delicately cupping your throat or the way his pelvis greets your plump ass with every thrust or the way your wet walls clench on him as if trying to expel his cock from inside of you. Kai can feel it in the way your nails are digging into the flesh of his arms or in the tufts of breath that leaves your nostrils because he leaves you absolutely breathless. He feels the love, and he wants to bask in it. 
Now that he’d quelled his hunger slightly, Chisaki pulls away from your endearing lip lock while simultaneously withdrawing his length from you. A small whimper leaves your lips at the loss before Kai turns you over, pressing your back against the mattress and sliding home once again. The passion and intimacy he feels is overwhelming, boiling his skin through every pore as he bears weight on one arm while the other caresses your cheek. “I meant it, you know,” the murmur dances like air along your own lips, warm breath inviting. “I want you in every possible way. I want to wake up next to you in the morning, experience every season that doesn’t pass for us in the Underground with you.” 
“Kai...” in return, you seal you mouth along his, wrapping your arms around him to pull him closer and coaxing him to move. Slow and steady, he withdraws himself from within you before snapping his hips once again until he’s fully sheathed. Each thrust feels like thunder. “M-more,” you choke out, breaking apart your kiss momentarily to beg. His focus shifts down to where you’re connected—where each vein of his throbbing erection greets and becomes acclimated for every crevice within your cavern. Angling his hips along with your own with the assistance of his hand, he manages to welcome that spongy weakness that makes your knees buckle and regurgitate a scream in response. 
“Right there, princess?”
“P-please!” The hand under the small of your back moves to hook around your knee, it’s twin mimicking the gesture and leaving you entirely at the mercy of Overhaul whose mission at the moment is to rearrange your insides in an entirely different sense. Pinning your knees to the bed, Kai is at the perfect angle to ram into your g-spot over and over at a rapid, even pace until you’re clenching around him deliciously, silently coercing his orgasm. “Oh my fucking god,”
“Mm, you’re so tight, baby. Ya gonna cum? Gonna cum nice and hard for me? Cum for daddy,” his words are almost enough—almost. And it was as if he knew the filthy, slopping sound of his cock reaming you wasn’t enough. Though whether enough for you or him remained a mystery, his thrusts are becoming erratic as he’s panting and grunting an unabashedly as he chases his release and oxygen. “I love you,” Kai’s voice is broken, “love you so much, just wanna fill you up over and over until your body only knows the taste of me.” And you aren’t sure if it’s his nasty, vile words or the way he is utterly knocking away at your g-spot that is causing you to convulse around him—that brings you over the final hurdle and over the dam. Screams rip past your lungs as your back arches as much as it can from it’s confines while your fingers twitch out of necessity to grip something—anything. 
You’re granted no reprieve in that regard, but it matters not with the way Kai is still smacking his hips into yours, dragging out your orgasm even longer while in pursuit for his own. There is no amount of physical contact in this moment that is enough for him, even as he slats his lips over yours and slides his tongue inside your mouth to greet yours. Hips beginning to stutter, Kai is fighting every fiber in his soul—torn between the dichotomy of wanting to cum and stave off his orgasm because he wants to feel the welcoming, convulsing walls of your pussy forever. And though you’d already came at least once, the pressure was building again rapidly from the stimulation of the uneven rhythm of Kai’s hips. Part of you is thankful his tongue is hungrily dancing with yours to keep your screams muted so as not to wake the children down the hall. But the rumbling in his chest from his own throaty groans become overwhelming, forcing him to break away to and let his grunts and slew of curses fly from his mouth freely. 
“I love you, Kai,” the moans are just as bad coming from you, but those four words coming from your lips are what do the aforementioned man in. And he can tell there is no lie dripping from a silver tongue here—you mean every ounce of these four little words. For everything that is Chisaki Kai—the former Yakuza leader, the former villain, the doctor, the father—you loved the man before you. 
“Fuck! Fuckfuckfuckfuck, ‘m gonna cum,” he wails, the rhythm of his cock head tamping against your womb matching the pacing of his broken speech, “daddy’s gonna cum so fucking deep in you, gonna make you mine forever, angel.” Another hissed out string of profanities pass through as his dick twitches almost violently, shooting out ropes of seed and painting your walls white. You can tell he meant what he said, even in his lustful spew, by the way he leaves his softening erection inside of your spasming cunt and sealing his emission inside until he was almost certain his claim held permanence. 
“I meant it too,” you mumble into Kai’s sweaty neck as he collapses on top of you. Though he’s boneless at the moment, having spent all of his energy, you feel the breath of his questioning grunt beside your ear before his face is attempting to look at you while half buried in your pillow. Gingerly, he removes his now flaccid member from you, adjusting himself so that his form molds around you and wraps his arm securely around your stomach. 
“You know,” Kai starts off slowly. The rich timber of his voice is thick with exhaust but is warm and welcoming all the same. “I was jealous before.”
“Jealous? Of what?” 
“My children love you—a woman who was nothing but a stranger who doesn’t even like kids. They warmed up to you so easily, much easier than they did with me,” there’s a brief pause between his statements, causing you to adjust under his grasp until you’re touching nose to nose with the doctor. His eyes are closed for a moment, his long and feathery lashes greeting the tops of his delicate cheekbones. “So I tried to understand. Tried to figure just why they gravitated towards you.”
“And what did you find?” Peeling back his eyelids, Kai’s rich amber eyes bore into your own. Irises swirling with admiration before the view is flooded with a sudden closeness and the press of his plush lips against yours in the most loving fashion.
Truth be told, he wasn’t sure how to answer. 
He had found determination and independence, qualities of a strong woman that his daughters looked up to. Free and proud and brave, he thinks, are the reasons his sons admired you. But there’s something more. There’s a love and warmth that you bring to the family, yet a sternness that doesn’t allow them to run rampant (not that they would under Overhaul’s upbringings) that spoke so motherly to each of his nine children. And somewhere along the way for the last six months that the Clinic had been under remodel, Kai found himself gravitating to all of those exact qualities in you, the envy transforming into an admiration of his own. It was an error in his initial magnetic attraction conspiracy theory; he thought that your fear had changed to attraction when it was his all along. 
But Kai’s not always the greatest with words, and the thought of spilling his deepest thoughts of you seems a daunting task that he’d rather replace with kissing you instead. Considering you asked a question, however, he did feel the need to respond with something—anything. 
“I found you.”
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 “Honey, I can still help, you know,” you whine for the umpteenth time, folding your arms over your chest as you stand in the mayoral office of Dabi with your partner. It’s been a year since Todoroki Shouto had burned down Tropium Tattoos and the Underground Clinic and tonight was finally the night that the Underground had planned on mobilizing their forces. It had taken a full year of investigating, planning, building alliances with those on the Surface, and patience for the citizens to finally strike back. 
Enough was enough. 
All of you had been exiled at one point or another, but now the Surface was trying to exterminate all of you. 
“Angel, no,” Kai chides sternly, igniting the twitch on the leader’s face. Granted it had been six months since you and Kai had first declared this little relationship of yours and, as your best friend, Dabi was still slightly hesitant on the idea. Not that his opinion had much weight considering—
“Kai, I am only three months along. I can still fight!”
“Hell no,”
“Absolutely not,” both men snark simultaneously. Best friend or not, personal opinion aside, there was no way in the ninth circle of hell that Dabi was going to let you go to war while you were pregnant. And with Kai being the father, the chances of you getting your way in this moment with him were even slimmer. The doctor pinches the bridge of his nose underneath his black cloth mask with his thumb and middle finger before letting out an annoyed rift of air. “Dabi, I’m gonna take [ name ] home before we go over invasion plans. Do you mind?” 
“Nah,” the leader waves his purple and nude hands in dismissal, “besides, we should wait for Hawks to get here before we start all that.” With that, Kai grabs your wrist with his gloved hand and drags you away from the office. He knows you want to fight, and he knows you want to protect your family—all eleven with himself and the embryo included. But as a father with another—biological—one on the way, Chisaki Kai just can’t bring himself to allow you to put yourself in harm’s way. 
“Sweetheart,” he calls out, stopping just outside of the currently closed Tropium. The grey and white building looked crisp and clean and everything you wanted it to be but you often found yourself closing up shop early and coming in late to spend more time with your nine children at home. At the very least, you were grateful that your parlor was only a block or two away from the clinic. “I need you here where you can keep our children safe in case anyone slips through the cracks.” Even with his mask on, you can tell that Kai is trembling ever so slightly. The thought of someone making their way into his home and hurting his kids, hurting you, was enough to unleash the beast within. 
“I know,” you respond quietly. Using his grip on you to your advantage, you pull the doctor towards you until he’s towering over you and looking down directly into your eyes. “But you know me, always ready to jump headfirst into the fire,” his amber eyes soften, thinking back to a year ago when you had saved Eri from the burning clinic. To think that a year later, you would be living with him and carrying his child and occupying nearly every cell in his brain. 
“It’s your turn to watch the kids,” he jokes pulling down his mask below his chin to slat his lips over yours lovingly. It’s only half a joke—he knows better than anyone you would do anything to protect them. He’s known that since day one. 
“You better come back to us,” your demand is quiet and breathless and laced more with concern than it is with threat. The thought of Kai dying while on the Surface has plagued you for the last six months, even more so when you found out you were pregnant. He knew it too, knew how much worry and panic had disturbed your sleep when the realization that war was an option had settled in. Despite the knowledge that he carried about different afflictions and ailments; Kai had been at a loss for how to quell your anxiety. He hopes that circumstances aside, him reaching into the right-side pocket of his heavy, army green coat and pulling out the small black velvet box is the correct move. Gingerly holding up said box until it’s in your line of sight, he takes a step back before peeling back the lid to showcase a single, solitaire diamond set in a simple gold band. 
“I promise you I will come back. And when this is all over, we can finally enjoy our life in peace, so long as you’ll have me.”
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adrenaline-roulette · 3 years
Four Eighths
Pairing: Four x Eight (Reader) Word Count: 8K+ (She’s a doozy!) Warnings: Language, angst, very basic medical procedures *Disclaimer: Hey again guys, so sorry about the delay with this chapter. But I’ll admit, I actually got this posted a lot sooner than I thought I would! So kudos to me I guess? I just want to say a huge thank you to all of those who have been with this story since the beginning, and those who have joined us along the way. This isn’t the end of this story, but I just want to let you all know how much you all mean to me.  And please remember, if you read this story and you like it, give it a like, a comment and maybe even a reblog if you think your followers may like it? I know there isn’t much happening in the 6 Underground fandom these days, but the only way to keep it alive, is if people keep reading and writing for the characters!
All my love my dudes ❤❤❤
Probably best if you check out the other chapters first..... One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
Chapter Eleven: Don’t let me fall, at least not alone
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“Four? Can you hear me?” Billy felt weak, and highly disoriented. His head was spinning, as if he actually was fighting a migraine, unlike the one he was supposed to be faking…. Faking, why was he faking a migraine again? “Four, stay with us!” The voice continued calling out, though why was this person yelling out a number? A name sure, he could understand that. But calling out random numbers? That just served to confuse him more.
“Four, god dammit! Keep your fucking eyes open!” This was a new voice now, one which sounded just as Billy’s eyes had slowly drifted closed against the harsh fluorescent lights above him. How strange, surely these people weren’t addressing him were they?
“Four, please just stay with us a little longer! Five, how are you going with those injections?” The same voice from before was firing orders, her voice holding an edge of fear and concern. Suddenly a shadow appeared above his closed eyes, and carefully he peeled them open, relieved to not be greeted with bright lights, and instead by a shadowed figure. “Billy, please just keep your eyes open for me. You’re going to be fine, I swear.” She was whispering to him, or at least that’s what it sounded like. Though it was hard to be sure, especially as he struggled to keep his eyes from falling shut once more.
How had things turned out like this? The last thing he could recall, was speaking with a woman dressed in white at a reception desk. Then it had all gone blank for him.
You paced around the small living room of the house you had all been calling base for the past few weeks, sucking in deep breath after deep breath, all the while clutching your arms around yourself in a tight embrace. “Nope, I can’t do it. I cannot do this guys!”
Two looked up at you from her gossip magazine, having taken great pleasure in the abundance of French reading material. She was the only one of you in the group to have settled into your temporary accommodation, and was fitting in with the locals perfectly. Rolling her eyes at your outburst, she returned to her reading. It wasn’t that she was being unsupportive, far from it actually. It was just that she had reached her limit of words of support, forty odd minutes ago, at the beginning of your breakdown.
“Yes, you can. You know you can! We’ve been over the plan hundreds of times now, everything is in place. Weapons are stored in the hospital, the Lushnick’s are there, we’ve seen them! Everything is working out according to plan. Four will be on his way to Emergency within a few hours, then it’s all up to us. We can’t leave him.” It was One’s turn to play reassurer this time around, and he was the first to raise Four as if knowing it would get a rise out of you.
You whirl on the spot, eyes growing wide and pupils blown. “I never suggested we leave Four! I ju– I just don’t know if this mission is a good idea is all?”
One sighed, squaring his shoulders before smoothing his hands down his turquoise scrubs. “Eight, if you had one shot, or one opportunity. To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment, would capture it? Or just let it slip?”
You stare at One, blinking slowly as silence fills the room. “Is – Was that Eminem?” You stammer, shaking your head gently, as if to clear the fog which had settled there. Surely you were mistaken, One couldn’t be quoting Lose yourself, right?....
“Does it make it any better or worse knowing this isn’t the first time he’s used that as a motivational speech?” Seven grins, winking at you impishly.
“I think what makes it worse is knowing that no matter what reaction he got last time, he still decided to try it again!”
“Touché, and dude, get yourself a better speech already!” Seven smirks, patting One on the shoulder as he walks by and towards the kitchen. His uniform shirt half buttoned as he goes.
“Why does everyone know that song straight away?” One groans, looking genuinely confused.
“Because it’s the bloody 2020’s! And not to hate on Slim or anything, but for the love of god, replace your ipod shuffle, and listen to some new music. Please!” You plead, as the startling thought of One thinking lose yourself was a new song creeped its way into your mind, causing you to shudder.
Five steps out of the bathroom, a cloud of steam billowing out behind her. Looking like the absolute goddess she is, with her hair wrapped in a fluffy towel, and a robe concealing her, she fixes you with a strong look. “Eight. You are ready for this. Upon our first mission, we were all terrified. But we pulled through, one way or another we did what needed to be done, and look where we are now. I know what you’re feeling, we all do. We’ve all been there, trust me. But the only way this will work, the only way we will be able to get to the Lushnick’s, is if we stick together and work this mission just as we’ve planned. That means all of us. We can’t be a member short, not this time.” Without waiting for your response, Five walks away, closing a bedroom door behind her.
You have no response, no witty retort. Nothing. Not that it would matter, Five wasn’t there to hear it anyway. Chewing on your bottom lip, you turn back to One, who still looked somewhat put out by your ipod comment. “Has anyone seen my uniform?”
Just after 11am, Billy made his way to the hospital and into the Emergency department, cradling his head between his palms, and groaning in mock agony. His earpiece was safely tucked in his ear, providing him contact with his team. Contact which he had been severely missing these past few weeks. At first it had been bearable, what with your secret texts on your burner phone. But when One had arrived at the safe house, it had been harder to sneak messages, until finally they had ceased all together. But hearing your voice now, ringing through his ears, he felt like he was home. Despite walking into a hospital.
“Genevieve Lushnick is on the move. Last seen leaving Ward 11A.” You advise everyone.
“She finished her rounds in Paediatrics much earlier, not sure where she’s headed now.” Five recalls, the sounds of crying infants in the background of her voice.
“Usually her roster would have her checking on Geriatrics in Ward 7B next. But She’s already been there. That was her second visit of the day.” Seven advises, though he sounds confused. To be fair, so does everyone else. Genevieve was changing up her routine, something she hadn’t done at all during their surveillance of her. So why now?
“Hold on, let me see if I can track her down through the live camera feeds.” You suggest, the sounds of your fingers flying across a keyboard breaking the silence which followed.
Billy’s concentration on the conversation happening in his ear is cut off by a woman dressed in white sat at the Emergency reception desk. A nurse from the looks of her. “Bonjour, comment puis-je vous aider?” She blinks wide amber eyes up at Billy, who stares back confusedly.
“Uh, En-English?” A part of him wants to chastise himself for not learning French for this mission. But knowing he was playing the part of a tourist he allowed himself some leeway in the preparation department.
The nurse smiles further, though the more teeth she shows the more forced it looks. “Of course. How may I help you today sir?”
“I just flew in a few days ago, and I have an awful headache. I’ve never experienced anything like it before. All lights are too bright, I feel weak, my head is pounding, and I feel nauseas.”
“Has this just begun, or is this an ongoing issue?”
“No, it just started this morning. I took a couple of paracetamol to help when I woke up, but they’ve done nothing.”
The nurse nods her head, looking down at her computer, as Billy adds in a groan for effect. Just as the nurse asks for personal details, One appears from the behind the desk. “Goodness, what’s wrong with this man? He looks like death on two legs!”
Billy repeats what he had just told the nurse, with One nodding along, and playing every part the good doctor. “You need to be seated immediately. Someone, bring me a wheelchair!” One calls in the direction of the wardsmen who are stood around the waiting room. “Jennifer, you need to be more familiar with signs of a migraine. This young man, what was your name sir?”
“James.” Billy moans, falling back into the wheelchair once it appears behind him, laying his head back for added effect.
“Yes, James could have collapsed at any moment. Please be more mindful next time.” One warns, a harsh glare in his eyes directed at the young nurse.
“O-of course Doctor Cleavers. It won’t happen again.”
Billy can barley contain his smirk at the sound of One’s alias, covering his attempted chuckle with a well-timed groan.
“Does anyone have eyes on Gregory?” Two whispers harshly into her earpiece, causing Billy to flinch slightly, just as one does the same. Christ, Two needs to keep her tone down!
It’s Three’s turn to respond first now, who sounds quite proud of himself as he speaks. “He’s up in theatres, doing God knows what to God knows who.” The sound of a trolley filled with rattling dishes being pushed, barely making his mumbled voice audible.
One moves around behind Billy, kicking up the brake on the wheelchair, and pushing him towards the swipe pass activated doors, leading to the Emergency treatment area. The deafening silence flowing through both his and Billy’s earpieces cause the two men to glance at each other nervously.
“How long ago did you see Gregory heading to theatres?” You ask, an edge of worry hinting at your tone.
Yet another long pause, until. “During breakfast rounds… I suppose two hours ago, maybe?” Three no longer sounds sure of himself, which sets in a sinking feeling in all those on the team.
“He was scheduled to finish surgery one hour ago. Has anyone seen him this past hour?” You snap back, perhaps more of a bite in your words than you had intended.
“Negative.” Replies One in a quiet voice, while smiling at fellow doctors as he pushed Billy.
“No.” That was Two.
“Nope.” Five now, who had been awfully quiet so far.
“Neither.” Three mumbles, likely feeling as dejected as he sounded.
“Well you know I haven’t.” Billy smirks. It was a risk him speaking to the group like this, but currently with his head tilted back, and staring up at the ceiling as he was being wheeled down a corridor, no one really paid any attention to him.
“I’ve only seen Genevieve. The two haven’t been together all morning sorry.” Seven whispers.
“Fuck me…” You breathe out, slamming your fists down on the desk. “I can’t see either of them on the live feeds!”
Carefully, Billy lifts his head once again, turning over his shoulder to peer up at One, who was frowning and staring dead ahead.  “Is there a problem Doctor Cleavers?” He mumbles, keeping the act up for anyone who may pass.
“There very well may be.” One mutters, only glancing down at Billy for a brief moment.
The two continue down the corridor for another few minutes, the bright clinical lights beginning to bring on a genuine headache for Billy now. Finally, they come to a stop in a large treatment room, multiple beds lining the walls, all encircled by blue curtains. Some had been drawn for patient’s privacy, while others remained opened. In the centre of the room was a large desk where Nurses and Doctors hurried to and from, collecting and depositing various prescriptions and clinical orders. “James, are you able to stand to bring yourself over to the bed?” One asks, raising his voice enough to somewhat put on a show for those nearby.
The temptation to ask One to pick him up is almost too great to pass up, but knowing that somehow it would come back to haunt him, Billy opts for standing himself. “I think I can manage, thank you Doc.” Standing slowly, Billy pivots on the spot, and shuffles over to the bed, hoisting himself up and laying back.
“We’ll need to bring your fluids up, I’m worried about you becoming dehydrated. We’ll need to cannulate you. Have you ever had a cannula before?”  One asks, waving for a nurse to come and assist him.
“No, I don’t think I have.”  
“Not to worry, it’s relatively quick and painless.”
The nurse hurries over, and listens as One fires orders at him, orders which he had picked up from watching medical shows, mostly scrubs…. “We need James on a drip ASAP, get that started now!”
“Right away Doctor Cleavers.” The nurse agrees, before moving off to grab the necessary equipment.
Billy turns his attention to One, raising his eyebrows in concern. “Are you seriously going to stick a needle in me?” He hisses, emerald eyes flashing in fear.
One shrugs lightly, turning away from Billy to keep an eye out for the nurse. “Well, I’m not going to be injecting you. Can’t say the same for the nurse though.”
Billy wants to scream, at no stage during the briefings had there been any mention of him having a needle jabbed into him! Hell, if there had been any discussions of such a thing, he likely would’ve backed out! Perhaps that was why there was no mention? The nurse reappears, and preps his work station, all the while One, or Doctor Cleavers stays around to supervise the proceedings, occasionally chiming in with his theories as to what the cause for his sudden pain could be.
“Four! One! They’re coming!” Your voice breaks through the stinging sensation of the needle, panic flying through Billy’s veins. “The Lushnick’s! I finally found them on the cameras, they’re headed straight for-” Your voice is broken by puffing breaths, and the sound of your feet pounding on the tiles as you sprint from somewhere else in the hospital.
“Emergency.” Billy finishes, as the two people who he had been staring at photographs of for months now, strut into the treatment room, patients and doctors alike parting like the red sea as the couple head towards Billy and One. Four sets of eyes meet, and no member of either team is willing to break concentration.
“We’ve been expecting you.” Genevieve grins, her canine teeth almost too pointed, like fangs brushing against her ruby painted lips.
“Thank you, Eric, you’ve done a wonderful job here.” Gregory turns to the nurse and nods his head, the nurse returning the gesture and leaving the group.
“Eight for Four, come in Four!” Your voice shouts in his ear, causing Billy to flinch away.
“Ah, that must be the rest of your team I take it? Not to worry, we have our people taking care of them as we speak.” Genevieve shrugs, before turning to One. “Seeing as you’re so good at playing Doctor, you’ll be pushing your friend. He won’t be awake much longer. I would hate for him to collapse.”
At these words, Billy shoots up on the bed, his head spinning as he does so. “What the fuck does that mean?”
Genevieve waves him off, her nails painted the same shimmering ruby as her lips. “Surely you don’t expect me to give away our secrets? That’s not how people like us work.”
One steps behind Billy’s bed, and begins driving it forwards, following behind the Lushnick’s with a scowl. Billy could see the wheels in his mind turning, as he tried to formulate a plan of escape, though from every way he looked at it, they were pretty well fucked. He could feel his body growing tired, and his mind becoming clouded and dazed, whatever they had given him, it was taking over his body quickly, and any minute now he would be useless to the team.
Fuck! The entire team had lost the Lushnick’s! How did that even happen? Seven was supposed to be trailing them, he had been doing so every other day perfectly, but what the fuck had gone wrong today? Your fingers fly across the keyboard, frantically switching between all the cameras in the hospital. Some provided a live feed, while others only offered playback, but at this point in time you would take what you could get. Window after window pops open on your monitor, squinting at the slightly pixelated images to try and identify who was being filmed.
“There!” You practically scream, causing one of the guards walking past your office to jump, turning a concerned look your way. “Sorry, just uh – finally got a fly that’s been harassing me all morning.” You blurt out, though with a shrug, the guard walks on, either having bought the lie or not caring enough to question it further. You gaze back at the image on your screen, it was from one of the playback cameras. Both Gregory and Genevieve were spotted seven minutes ago in one of the staff only corridors, leading between the imaging department and emergency. “Seven minutes…. How long does it take to get there?”
“Three! Come in Three!”
“Bloody hell, no need to yell Eight. What is it?”
“On your delivery route, how long does it usually take to get between X-ray and Emergency?”
Three pauses to think, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he does so. “Roughly twenty minutes.”
“We’re fucked.”
“What? What does that mean?!”
You ignore the frantic questions streaming from Three, the others shortly joining in with their own confusion. But you didn’t have time to address their concerns, right now there was only one thing on your mind. Beating the Lushnick’s to the Emergency room. With your heart hammering in your chest, and breathing coming out in desperate gasps you turn back to your computer, snaking your way into the hospital power grid.
You know how to do this, it’s just like what you did for your museum heist way back when you had met One. But for some reason, your brain can’t seem to summon the image of what you need to do. You could try a keyboard smash now that you’re in the controls, but that could seriously damage literally everything… “Come on, just think dammit.” You snarl at yourself, clasping your hands into fists, and pressing them against your temples.
Eyes springing open, you fix a harsh glare at the blinking screen before you, asking for a password. “Y’all Lushnick’s are fucked.” The password it simple to guess, trust the Lushnick’s to use their fucking last name as a password. They may be smart in what they do, but they sure as hell know nothing about internet security. The screen turns black, with a 3D model of the hospital slowly building itself on your screen. With each scroll of your mouse, the model shifts, and enlarges to a new section of the hospital.  A blinking blue bar in the top left of the screen offers a text space, and going on a hunch, you type in ‘Geriatrics’ and press enter. The model disintegrates into tiny pixels, before rebuilding just the section you had searched. “Brilliant…” You whisper to yourself.
The geriatrics ward of the hospital consisted of one main power source, with a backup which would boot up and provide energy to the most necessary equipment and lights in the event of the main grid failing. “Five for Eight, come in?”
“Eight here, what’s going on?”
“I’m being followed. There’s security blocking off just about every exit on this floor, and no matter where I go, there’s someone behind me, or waiting for me.”
“Has anyone else got this issue?” You call out, eagerly awaiting replies. There’s a resounding yes in response, with the only discrepancy coming from Seven.
“A couple of guards caught up to me in 11B, they’ve brought me along to help catch the infiltrators.”
“So they don’t know you’re a part of this?”
“Seems like it. And from what I gather, they aren’t onto you either…”
“Perfect, Seven stay with your team. There’s about to be a Code Blue in geriatrics. I’ll put the call through to all security to get to the ward, that should give the rest of you time to escape. Rendezvous in Staff corridor D.”
You don’t wait to hear the replies from your team, once again your body working quicker than your mind. Your hands already working on shutting down the power to the Geriatrics ward. You should feel worse than you do, you were putting innocent people’s lives at risk. But the one thing which had been drilled into you from the begging was, the team comes first wherever possible. It was Seven who insisted on this. But who were you to argue with him?
Your eyes are glued to your screen as you watch a warning light appear over the 3D model you had been working with. ‘WARNING! Main power grid will be turned off. WARNING!’ It was rather polite of the system to warn you of the damage you were about to inflict, however the flashing red image did little to stop you. With one final mouse click, a new pop up appeared on your screen. This one somehow even more urgent, despite no red flashing lights. ‘WARNING! Main power grid for geriatrics has now been turned off. Back up system now operating.’ An alarm was blaring throughout your office, warning you and all security who remained nearby of a system failure. “All units. Repeat, all units to Geriatric ward immediately. Power failure. All units report.” You instruct through the P/A system.” Instantly, you watch as two security guards’ race past your office, down the hall and towards the stairwell.
“Five, have they gone? Can you get out?” You ask carefully, keeping your voice low in case of any security stragglers.
“Yeah, they’ve all gone now. Jesus Eight, what kind of a system failure did you make?” You can hear her laughing now, though you know the doctor side of her is genuinely concerned as to what chaos you had caused.
“Nothing that should cause any real harm, but it’s done the trick.” You smirk, locking your computer and stepping out of the office.
You knew the security alert wouldn’t deter the Lushnick’s, hell even if the building was on fire, you doubt they would stray from their current target. But if your calculations were correct, you still had at least five minutes to warn One and Four of their impending arrival. Your heavy combat boots pound against the tiles, sprinting your way towards corridor D, praying the others would already be there, or at least arriving soon. Pressing your index finger against your earpiece, your voice sounding frantic even to you. “Four! One! They’re coming!”. They had time, they had to have time….. But with no response from either, you try again. “The Lushnick’s! I finally found them on the cameras, they’re headed straight for Emergency!”
Nothing, not a single word from Four or One. This wasn’t right, they were supposed to have time still, plenty of time to get out of Emergency and meet you and the team. But as you round the corner to Staff corridor D, there’s no One, and sure as hell no Billy. “Thank God you got here alright!” Five gasps, running over to you and wrapping her arms around you. You had never known her to be much of a hugger, but you suppose high stakes situations like this could change a person. Checking over her shoulder you spot Three, Seven, and Two all talking amongst themselves. “Where’re Four and One?” You ask timidly, stepping away from Five’s embrace slowly, and looking between her and the rest of the team.
No one seems inclined to answer you, which only serves to send a deep chill down your spine, and for a solid mass to feel as if it had been lodged in your throat. Pressing on your earpiece again, you try calling for the two again. “Eight for Four and One, come in both of you.”
There’s again no reply, and your heart feels like it’s being strangled. “I heard some of the guards talking. There was talk of a couple of intruders being found…” Seven begins, his dark eyes meeting yours, with a look which could only be described as true sympathy.
Sharp, electric static echoes through your teams ears, all earpieces but yours going haywire for five seconds, before silence once more. “What the fuck was that?” Three snarls, ripping the piece out and glaring at it between his large fingers.
An all too familiar voice speaks slowly now in your ear, but as you look around you realise this voice was only speaking to you. No one else could hear her. “Well, who do we have here. You’re not the Doctor, I would recognise her voice anywhere. And you’re obviously not the French one, unless you’ve managed to disguise your accent, which I truly doubt. So who are you…”
“I’m not playing any of your sick little games Genevieve. Where is the rest of my team?” You hiss, causing the others to look up and over to you.
“Eight? What’s going on?” Two asks carefully, stepping towards you slowly.
“Who are you talking to? Three asks, lifting his brows up.
“Ah, see. There’s the French one! I knew you had to be someone else! Eight was it? Oh how interesting. So what, did another one of your team die? Is that why you’re here?”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about! I’m not someone’s replacement.”
“Oh aren’t you? Well that just makes this even more special then doesn’t it? Tell me, which one of these charming young men is Four who you seem so concerned about? Is it this ruggishly handsome tall fellow who keeps glaring at me? Or is it the pretty blonde, with the gorgeous green eyes, who’s having a hard time staying awake right now?” It’s an involuntary reaction, but at the mention of Four, your breath catches in your throat, causing a small gasp to escape your lips. “Ah, the blonde it is..”
“What have you done to him? What can’t he stay awake?”
“My my, so many questions! If you didn’t want anything to happen to him, then maybe you shouldn’t have used him a bait silly little girl!”
“Where the fuck is he?”
“I suppose I could tell you, it would be rather enjoyable to see the look on your face as we operate on him, while there’s nothing you can do about it…”
You don’t wait to hear anymore, ripping the earpiece out and throwing it as far down the corridor as possible. “Theatres. The Lushnick’s have Four and One. They’re about to do something to Four.” You gasp out, barely able to catch your breath, as tears prick the backs of your eyes.
“Shhh, Eight it’s going to be fine, I promise.” Five offers, soothing her palm down your back gently.
“Don’t you dare make empty promises.” You growl, shaking her off and racing down the hall, towards the stairwell.
“What have you given him?” One growls, glaring between both the Lushnick’s and Four who lay on an operating table, barely moving and occasionally groaning. He rattled his arm against the handcuffs which kept him bound to a side railing. He was completely useless, both to himself and to his teammate.
Genevieve turned to him now, regarding him with a cold stare. “I hardly see why that matters now? You can’t do anything to help him, especially not in your current predicament.” She chuckles darkly, before turning her attention back to Gregory. The man barely spoke a word, but the sick sadistic smile which had been growing across his lips these past few minutes, was enough for One to get a better sense of his character.
“At least tell me what you’re going to do to him!” One tries again. He was running out of questions, and by the looks of things, time too. He had hoped he would be able to keep the Lushnick’s occupied long enough for you and the rest of the team to get here, but ever since Genevieve finished her conversation with you, she seemed all the more eager to get this started.
“Well that’s the fun part. Greg doesn’t know yet! Here’s how this works. Greg cuts the patient open, has a bit of a poke and prod around. Takes out what he wants, and then stitches ‘em back up! You never know what will be taken!” Genevieve grins, pressing a red kiss to Gregory’s cheek, who only grins broader.
One has to fight back to urge to both vomit, and throw punches, instead opting to glare at the duo. “You’re both sick, and you’re going to rot in hell once we’re through with you!”
Genevieve waves him off, turning her attention to Four, who was more unconscious than conscious now. Though he occasionally made a slight jolt, or mumbled a quiet sentence. “Should we wait until he is a bit more under before beginning the procedure?”
Gregory turned to her, lifting a brow in curiosity. “And risk the others getting here, before it’s too late for them to rescue him?”
Just as his words die off, a loud crash against the operating theatre door causes both Doctor’s to glance towards the sound. The crash was quickly followed by another, before a gunshot can be heard echoing throughout the circular room, the sound of a heavy body hitting the ground following. “Greg…..” Genevieve whispers, turning to the Doctor, as the double doors slam open. The metallic hingers screeching under the sudden movement.
“Where the fuck is my boyfriend?” You scream, pistol raised, and aimed directly at Genevieve Lushnick.  Seven and Three stand beside you, each holding a gun of their own, with Three aimed at the nurses in the theatre, and Seven poised to fire upon Gregory. Two and Five stand either side of them, aiming at the guards behind them who were writhing on the ground, though they both remained vigilant for any further arrivals.
Gregory lifts a scalpel and hovers it directly above Four’s abdomen, poised and ready to cut. “Ah, you must be Eight.” Genevieve grins, taking a careful step towards you, as Gregory lowers the scalpel closer to Four’s bare skin.
Seven aims at the wall just above where Gregory stands, the bullet ripping a hole in the sterile room, causing Gregory to jump back almost an entire foot. “Don’t even think about trying that again.” Seven hisses, fixing the Doctor with a glare.
“Now now, there will be no need for violence.” Genevieve begins, before taking a look at the guards who were slowly bleeding out in the entry way. “At least, no more violence that is.” She steps forwards again, fixing you with an interested eye. “My goodness you look familiar. Have we met before?”
“I’m positive I would recall meeting someone as wicked and vile as you.” You spit, keeping your pistol trained on your target, your eyes following her every step.
“Hm, yes I suppose so.” You were now engaged in an odd type of dance, Genevieve was slowly circling around you, and you followed her every move, moving in a circle on the spot. “This is where the negotiations begin, I imagine.”
“There will be no negotiations. You tell us what you gave Four, you let him go, and we take you to the authorities who will make sure you both rot in a prison cell for the rest of your sorry lives.”
Genevieve shakes her head no, still walking in her slow circle around you. From an outside perspective, it was that of a lion circling its prey, though to your perspective, you had the upper hand. Or at least, you had the weapon. “No, you see that doesn’t work for us.”
“Fine. You tell us what you gave Four, you let him go, and we kill you both right here, right now.”
Genevieve shakes her head again, looking over to Gregory who was clutching the scalpel for dear life. “Eight, something’s wrong…” One calls, looking over to Four. The young man was beginning to convulse on the operating table. His skin was flushed in tiny pinprick sized red dots, and his chest was rising and falling in rapid laboured breaths.
You chance a glance over to Four, and your heart stops. Something was horrendously wrong. “Five, go check on him!” You screech, turning your full attention back on Genevieve as Five races past you. In a split second, you pocket your gun in the back of your jeans, and lurch forwards, fists griping into the collar of Genevieve’s shirt. You hold the fabric with such ferocity the seams popping in her shirt is almost audible, but your blood is pumping too loudly in your ears for you to hear. “Tell me what you gave him!” You’re practically screaming now, directly in her face, yet Genevieve doesn’t seem phased at all. She was used to outbursts such as this, granted they were typically from a grieving mother or father, and not someone threatening her life, but none the less, it felt like just another day in the office.
“Not until we strike a deal!”
There’s only one thing running through your mind as your eyes lock onto Genevieve’s, the training fight you had had with Three all those months ago. Only this time, there was no one fighting back, you had the power. Your leg steps behind Genevieve’s left, and you sweep out with your entire weight, releasing her collar just as her knees gives way and buckle beneath her weight, and she crumbles to the ground bellow you, her back smacking the hard tiled floor with a crack. Instantly, you’re on top of her, kneeling down against her stomach and pinning her to the ground.
“You bitch!” She shrieks, coughing as she attempts to regain the breath you had knocked out of her, though with almost your entire weight leaning into her now, it was unlikely she would.
“I’m terribly sorry. I guess I lost my footing.” You smirk, pressing your knee harder against her. Causing Genevieve to cry out in pain.
Gregory races forwards, his scalpel dropping to the ground in his haste. “Get off of her!” He calls, wrapping her palms over your shoulders and attempting to tear you away.
Three steps in, shoulder barging him in the stomach and sending the Doctor crashing to the ground beside his wife.
“Guys! I think Four’s having a severe allergic reaction to whatever concoction he was pumped full of!” Five yells, a stethoscope looped around her neck, as her frantic eyes meet yours. “Is he allergic to anything you know of?”
You stare back at Five, your mind going completely blank, you feel like a deer caught in headlights. Surely Four would’ve told you if he had any allergies, right? And perhaps he had done just that, but standing here now, with all hope resting on your shoulders, you couldn’t think of a single thing which may be useful in this situation. Shaking your head, a growing sense of dread filling you, as the rest of the team remain silent. “I- I don’t know….”
“I can give him an Epipen, but I need to know what he’s either had, or what he’s allergic to so I can get him the proper antidote!”
Tearing your eyes away from Five, you look over to One, who not only felt but looked entirely useless, chained to a handrail on the opposite side of the room. Your eyes searching his for an answer. Your mission was to capture the Lushnick’s, and right now, that was exactly what you had done. But if you kept them as they were now, as prisoners, Four could die….. Was that a sacrifice you were willing to make?
All One could offer was a gentle half smile, shrugging his shoulders slightly in his compromising position. He couldn’t offer you an answer, hell you couldn’t even offer yourself an answer….
Carefully, you release some of the pressure from Genevieve’s stomach, just enough for her to look up at you in surprise, blinking wide eyes up at you. “Tell me what you gave him, and we’ll let you both go.” You mutter, fighting back the urge to swallow back your own words.
A wicked smirk unravels over Genevieve’s lips. The kind of smirk which one would associate with a wicked stepmother, or evil queen from a Disney film. “Deal.” You release more pressure from your hold on her, until she can breathe properly once more, and Three steps away from Gregory, giving the man a swift boot to the hip just to make his point. “We gave him a combination of penicillin, general anaesthetic, codeine…” Genevieve stands, as does Gregory, both stepping backwards towards the door. Your team moving out of their way upon looking at you for clarification. No one wanted to move, that much was obvious in the frantic looks the others were throwing your way. But at the same time, they all knew the price they would have to pay if they kept the Lushnick’s as they were now. A price no one was prepared for.
“There was some paracetamol mixed in too….” Genevieve continues. They were at the doorway now, hand in hand, gazing behind themselves to make sure the way was clear. “Hm, what else?”
“Gosh, I just can’t recall.” Gregory shrugs, an evil smirk crawling its way over his lips. His eyes glowing with malice. “I simply have no idea what ese they’re may have been!” He calls with enthusiasm, before both pivot on the spot, racing from the theatre.
“I’ll fucking kill you!” You shriek, your sight going red as you sprint after them down the corridor, pulling your gun out as you give chase. Genevieve looks at you over her shoulder as they reach the stairwell, regarding you with a look of familiarity.
“Eight! Eight, it’s not worth it!” Two yells from the doorway, watching you with a deep concern. She knew what you were capable of, your whole team did, but not the Lushnick’s. And from the looks of things, they didn’t care either. You stop halfway down the corridor, releasing the safety on your pistol and firing three shots at the door Gregory hand his hand pressed against. He jumps backwards in shock, glaring back at you, pure fury masking his features.
“Yes Eight, listen to your friend. She seems to be the brains of this group. We wouldn’t want you getting hurt now would we?” Genevieve snarls, baring too many teeth to be considered even remotely friendly.
Aiming the pistol once more, you line up your sights, finger hovering over the trigger. One shot, that’s all it would take. A bullet to the middle of Genevieve’s forehead would kill her instantly, and Gregory would have no choice but to surrender. “Are you going to kill me? Shall I say hello to Kellie when I see her?”
You stare at Genevieve, her words ringing through your ears, and sending a jolt of shockwaves straight down your spine. In that moment of hesitation, the Lushnick’s push through the stairwell door, and flee.
You’re paralysed on the spot, staring after where the Lushnick’s had stood moments ago. They recognised you. They knew who you were and why you wanted revenge. But how? It had been years since you last saw them, you had been a child! Surely you looked different now from back then? But they knew you! They remembered Kellie… A gun shot rings down the corridor, the sound of metal clanging to the tiled floor following directly after.
“Eight! What happened?” One yells, now free of his handcuffs, and jogging down the corridor to meet you. You hadn’t moved. Still stood with your arms raised, and gun pointed to where Genevieve had stood.
“They – They knew me.” You gulp, putting the pistol away with shaking hands, and turning to look up at One. Tears were brimming in your eyes, though you refused to let them fall. At least not yet.
“What? But how?”
“I don’t know! That’s the fucking problem.” You hiss, storming away from One back towards the theatre. Once back, chaos surrounded Four, with everyone racing around him handing various different equipment and medications to Five, as she prepped some kind of antidote perhaps. “How’s he doing?”
Five looks up at you, regarding you with a careful mix of sympathy and hope. “The EpiPen gave him enough adrenaline to wake up again, though he’s extraordinarily groggy. Now I’m just tyring to figure out exactly what to give him to counteract the other shit that’s pumping through him.”
You nod your head in thanks, knowing you would find the time to thank Five properly once all of this was over. “What can I do to help?”
“We need to try and keep him awake, he keeps coming in and out of consciousness.” Three replies, as he passes Five a vile of clear liquid.
“Four? Can you hear me?” You ask carefully, stepping over to him and squeezing his hand tightly. His warm fingers curl around yours in reply, before falling limp against your palm.
“He’s out again! Wake him up!” Five yells to those in the room.
“Four, stay with us!” You plead, pressing a soft kiss against his knuckles. To hell with anyone seeing the act of intimacy, if One wanted to give you shit for it, he could do so when you were all in the clear. Though checking the room, you can’t find One or Two for that matter, they must still be in the corridor where you had left them?
Slowly, Four blinked his eyes open, frantic emerald flickering around the room and searching for something, or someone. Just as his eyes landed on yours, they fell shut again, and his body spasmed once more.
“Four, god dammit! Keep your fucking eyes open!” It was Seven yelling this time, his voice booming above all other noises in the vast room.
“Four, please just stay with us a little longer! Five, how are you going with those injections?” You can hear the tears in your voice as you beg for him to open his eyes again, but they remain closed. Turning to look at Five, she looks frazzled. Her hair which had started in a neat, slicked back bun, was now hanging loose down her back, and was wild with frizz. She looks up at you, not quite in a glare, but with enough ferocity behind the look that you know better than to bother her anymore.
Leaning down, you card your fingers through Four’s blonde curls, brushing away a few stray locks which were plastered to his forehead with sweat. Barely more than a slit, his eyes open and stare directly up at you. “Billy, please just keep your eyes open for me. You’re going to be fine, I swear.”
Three looks over at you, his ears perking up at the use of his teammates real name. It was one thing to use names in privacy back home. But during a mission, however failed that mission may be, now that was new. Shaking his head, he spots One and Two heading over, but with grim looks on their faces. “What’s the plan?” Two asks, her eyes locking with Three’s.
“There isn’t one, not really. We just need to keep him awake.” Five sighs. “I think I know what to give him to help, but I want him awake when I administer it. If it works correctly then it should knock him out for a bit. If he’s already unconscious when I give it to him, then I won’t know if it’s doing more harm than good.”
One turns his attention over to you now, lifting one brow as you meet his gaze. “Any idea what will keep him awake?”
You pause, clutching Four’s hand tightly, and staring blankly at One. “Trivia. He loves random trivia facts!” You blurt out after a beat of pause. All eyes turn to you in surprise, no one quite knowing how to respond to this information. You shrug lightly, averting your gaze from One’s. “We play a lot of trivial pursuit back at base.”
Seven is the first to break the silence, though not to mock you as you had thought would be the case. Instead, he looks down at Four. “Hey mate, did you know high heels were originally invented for men. Imagine Three chasing down the Lushnick’s in stilettos.” He laughs, which causes Four to stir slightly, his eyes opening just a tad.
“Fuck, you’re right. That did work.” One blinks in surprise, running a hand through his short hair.
“Of course it did. I know Four, I know what works on him.” You mutter quietly.
Without looking up, Five smirks to herself. “You sure do kid.”
There’s no fighting the embarrassment which claws within you. Perhaps now wasn’t the time to be making suggestive comments… “Alright, keep ‘em coming guys!”
“Um okay…. Uh, Canada has more lakes than anywhere in the world.” Seven offers unsurely.
“Those greedy fucks….” Four moans, causing everyone to pause, before laughing quietly. Good, his sense of humour was still intact, that’s surely a good sign!
Two steps closer, and looks down at Four in deep concentration, before leaning back slightly. “David Bowie, he did not in fact have two different coloured eyes. One of his pupils was permanently dilated after he was punched in the eye during an argument over a girl.”
“Bugger me, really?” Five pipes up, both brows raised in surprise. “I always thought he had one blue and one brown eye.” She shrugs, priming a syringe carefully.
Slowly, Four was waking up. Granted he wasn’t exactly moving very much, but his eyes were opening, and he was grinning somewhat at the facts that were being thrown at him.
Staring down at Billy, something pops into your mind, a fact which you had learnt years ago at school but never shared with anyone else. “Okay, here’s one for you. Madonna’s like a prayer, is actually not about praying, it’s about giving someone a blowjob!”
Silence follows, and you swear you could hear crickets chirping. “Why the fuck is that something you know?” Four groans quietly, his eyes searching all over your face, before finally meeting your own.
“Shit, I don’t know… I also didn’t think that would be the fact that would wake you up the most! I was hoping someone else would say something after me!” You grumble through a grin.
“Nothing could possibly beat that fact.” Four chuckles weakly, squeezing your hand as tightly as he could muster.
Five turns around, holding a full syringe in her right hand, and a sterile swab in the other. “Glad you’re awake. What I’m about to give you however, is going to send you right back to sleep. Sorry about that. But I assure you, next time you wake up, you’re going to feel amazing.” She grins, ripping open the swab, and swiping it over the inside of his elbow.
For the second time that day, Four winces in pain as a needle plunges through his skin. Squeezing his eyes shut against both the sight of the injection, and the stinging pain. Whatever Five had given him was fast acting, and soon enough Four finds it nearly impossible to reopen his eyes now that he’s closed them.
“Move him into the wheelchair there, it’ll be easier than carrying him out of here.” You suggest, pointing to the blue cushioned wheelchair in the corner of the room.
One, Three and Seven all nod their agreement, and move around the operating table, getting into position to lift Four. “Count of three…. One, two, three.” Three instructs, as the men lift Four who simply groans in protest. You watch his limp body be carried across the room, your heart aching at the sight. ‘It could be worse… He’s just asleep.’ You repeat to yourself, once again fighting back the tears which had remained ever present at the corners of your eyes.
Three pushes the wheelchair as you all follow in a daze. Your mind felt as if it were a million miles away from the current situation. For the briefest of moments, you had genuinely considered murdering Genevieve. Never once had you thought yourself capable of doing such a thing. But yet, there you had been. Gun poised, and trigger finger rearing to go. If it hadn’t of been for her words, then she would be dead…
The escape route was an easy one, especially with security still trying to figure out what had gone wrong on the geriatrics ward still. Swiping the keys to an ambulance at the docking bay, you load Four inside the back with Five to monitor him. One drives, Three and Two sitting beside him up the front. While you and Seven sit quietly in the back. Occasionally your focus returns to Four, but mostly you stare out of the back windows, watching as traffic zips around you. You nearly killed someone today… What sort of a person were you becoming? And did you even like the person you were turning into?
Four Eighths taglist (If you would like to be added, please let me know!) @sj-thefan  @not-the-cleavers  @jinxfirebolt18902  @softnorris  @dear-vista  @mixer2b  @rintheemolion  @shane-isa-shame  @keithseabrook27  @tammykelly  @himarisolace​  @buckingpeterparker​  @cailin-lefantasy​  @riddikuluslysirius​  @vivalakatee​  @pxroxide-prinxcesss​
My Masterlist for all my other nonsense! 
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