#;Kendo Rappa
myheromedia · 11 months
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The faces of the Shie Hassaikai (excluding Overhaul and Chronostasis)
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delawaredetroit · 1 month
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"Well, this might be weird for a hero to ask, but...Rappa...why're you running with this smalltime gang?"
I can't tell whether Fatgum is asking Rappa why he is a villain with a power like that or if he's asking why isn't Rappa working with more high profile villains with that kind of power.
Either way, it's notable that Fatgum, a friendly neighborhood hero, believes it is unsuitable for a hero to ask a villain why they are a villain/how they ended up where they are in life. It shows the extent of how their society enforces such black and white thinking that even asking for an explanation rather than just suppressing the enemy feels taboo.
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schlechtenhunde · 2 months
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POV: Rappa was tricked into allowing Overhaul's "angel" and their two friends (who are also Kurono and Rappa's "partners") to escape, but he managed to catch all three just in time before Overhaul realized.
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luxthestrange · 2 months
BNHA Incorrect quotes#33 He found your address-
Early in the morning it's your day off and you are enjoying the peace of it, Keigo is still in bed after last night...when you hear the doorbell on your door
KFC!Y/n*Humming a tune opening the door*...
Kendo*Is hunched down to your door frame, finger guns you*Hi~It was really-
KFC!Y/n*Slams the door on his face and walks off but comes back when the doorbell rings*...
Kendo: Baby it's Kendo, Don't you recognize me?
Kendo: HA!-Still the jokester huh baby
KFC!Y/n*Crosses arms and smiles with venom dripping out every word you say*Speaking of "Jokes", Still working for that idiot boy?
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Part 7 of:
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epickiya722 · 1 month
The time All Might arrived late on the scene.
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Rumi - Bro, you're late... he's gone now.
The first time (possibly) she meets All Might and it's this! 😆
Rappa - HE WENT POOF!!
I love how O'Clock is just thinking about what happened and ignoring everything else.
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quirkwizard · 3 months
Ideas for Quirk training for the yakuza guys? Maybe throw in Gentle and La Brava?
I'll stick with the Yakuza since I have more then enough ideas for them. Plus, I really like the idea of this being part of the Hero Haul AU and this is Kai taking his gang on a retreat in order to "build team work"
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Hojo, Tabe, and Toya: Hojo would be making his crystals while Toya would be trying to pull them off of his body. In between them, Tabe would be trying to eat the flying crystals before Toya can catch them. This would train Hojo's production speed and durability of his crystals, increase Toya's range and pulling power, and improve Tabe's ability to catch and eat moving targets.
Rikiya and Deidoro: This two have a special job. They are two go around to where any one else is training and start harassing them, with Deidoro making them lose balance and Rikyia draining their energy. This not only helps train everyone else by add extra difficulty, but could help improve their own powers as well, like increasing Rikiya's drain rate and Deidoro's range.
Tengai: Since Tengai already has enough defensive power and can use his shields reactively, he doesn't really need to train those parts. What he could do is try to get better and forming moving the shields. Things like trying to slowly inch it forward to a certain point or trying to form the shield around other objects as a way to trap them within the barrier, improving his ability to control and deny an area.
Joi: Considering the only known limit of his power is the size limit of his power, he could try and take over larger objects and make them move around. He could try to take over small parts of larger objects. It be like what he did in the hideout, but on a smaller scale. Barring that, he could simply try to get better at shaping and controlling the objects, like trying to solve a puzzle box while he is the box.
Hari: Since Hari can't really train his power on other people without ruining a whole afternoon of training, the best choice for him would be to simply practice on dummies. Namely ones that are constantly moving around. This could help increase the speed and accuracy of his arrows, making the condition easier to inflict, Heck, it could even help grow the Quirk to the point where it can start working on objects as well as people.
Shin: While I do like the idea of Shin going around and asking people uncomfortable questions all day, I think his time would be served better elsewhere. Since so much of his power is based around questions, it'd be good for him to try and figure out better ways to phrase his words. He could also try and learn psychological tactics to try and dig for what would be the best questions to ask someone and how to best exploit their secrets.
Rappa: While I figure Rappa's training would involve him punching stuff, that's not the route I'm going to take. His training would involve him using his hands for literally anything else. Look, I've said that Rappa has been wasting his power and this would be a good chance. Things like rapidly doing tasks with his hands or using them to practice throwing's things. I don't care if I have to duct tape tools to his hands, he's going to do something other then punch things.
Kai: Overhaul was easily the hardest to come up with anything for. How can you go up any further from one of the strongest Quirks in the series. The only thing I could think of was the fusion aspect of his power. For all of his power, Kai's fusions seems very incomplete. Less perfection combination and more heinous hybrid. So maybe he could try practicing on some non-living objects, like trying to turn a bunch of metals into an alloy by trying to piece them together or something like that.
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badcaninecemetery · 21 days
there's a guy making you uncomfortable, so you snap your fingers and the shie hassaikai pull up to the scene.
setsuno, tabe, and hojo are tight. these three share a deep and powerful bond and friendship, as well as a deep devotion to the shie hassaikai. but most importantly they share unbreakable respect and gratitude for overhaul. so they would do anything for overhaul and the shie hassaikai. if someone's upsetting you, those three are the first to pounce forward and take care of the problem.
sakaki's all for being reckless and fun, but he'll get angry if someone's not playing along right. if you nod towards the guy and make a cutthroat motion, sakaki's getting pissed and charging forward.
mimic would take this as not only an insult to you and overhaul, but to the yakuza. he'd be instantly angry, unable to keep his cool. that guy might not last long because mimic's buff arm is flinging out and snatching the guy up by the throat— "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO OUR GIRL?"
katsukame's relationship with overhaul is that of a loyal friend and younger brother figure, so he'd do whatever necessary to protect you. he'd be very sly and snarky to the guy before he's stomping forward and taking this guy out.
rappa would be so enraged, it's not even funny. he would think it's unchivalrous and insulting to prey on someone who could be misconstrued as "weaker," making the entire situation an "unfair fight." he'd call the guy pathetic, wouldn't even waste his time. he'd just swoop you up and carry you away from him.
tengai expresses a strong loyalty to overhaul (addressing him as master overhaul and scolding rappa whenever he doesn't take overhaul seriously). his loyalty would extend to you as well, so the idea of someone disrespecting you would irritate tengai. he would simply stand before this guy, slowly shaking his head and crossing his arms. "how pathetic you are to not take no for an answer, especially to someone infinitely better than you could ever achieve."
nemoto also falls under that complete and total devotion to overhaul. someone making you uncomfortable is the same as someone making overhaul uncomfortable, which would infuriate nemoto to unspeakable levels. he'd embarrass and humiliate this man with his quirk, and he'd do it to whatever extent you desire.
kurono has the strongest bond and deepest care for overhaul. he clearly wants overhaul's success, happiness, or whatever you want to call overhaul's dream. if you're injured or upset, it could trickle down to overhaul, and he doesn't want that. he'd do whatever overhaul needed, and that would also include protecting your wellbeing.
overhaul, ultimately, wouldn't say a word to this man. he'd stretch his arm out, glove off, and meld him into something—perhaps a well? a fence? something that he could easily rearrange his body around to keep him alive but forever trapped. and, of course, he'd make sure to break those vocal cords so that no one knows what happened to him. hives line his arm and face when he turns to face you, but he stiffly links arms and walks you away, muttering. "how filthy. i can't believe he even thought he had a chance."
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Could I request letter yarrow or zinnia of the yandere flower thing for Rappa? Though he seems more like a 'babe' and not 'darling' type akdjfsk -
Also lily for Overhaul would be SO fitting if you're interested in one for him 👀 thank you!!
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cw: Yandere Themes, Mentions / Allusions to Violence / Past Violence, Injury / Injury Imagery, Possessive Behavior, Isolation / Allusions to Isolation, Hinted Kidnapping, Unhealthy Relationships, Uncomfortable Scenarios, General Dark Themes not Suitable for Immature Audiences, Gender-Neutral Reader — Read at your own discretion! 18+ Only!
author's note: This is my first request! I hope that you enjoy. It was fun attempting to write Rappa—I enjoyed it! I also did your request for Overhaul, but I will post that fic in a separate post. This was a prompt from "Yandere Prompts Flower Language" and can be found here . REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN—READ TAGS! I do not condone unhealthy behavior in any sense! This is strictly fiction! Do not force yourself to read if you're uncomfortable.
PROMPT: Yarrow (Healing): "Let me heal your wounds, darling."
word count: Approximately 1k.
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His stare burns into you.
Even though that floppy mask covers his face, drenches his eyes, it’s like they’re present, ever watching. You’ve always kind of felt like that everlasting gaze would just follow you everywhere you go. It would lurk in the backdrop, golden eyes a syrupy mess that was too thick to swim through. But they’re hidden, so you’ll never be able to see what emotions are dancing around before him. All you can do is bare yourself to him, arms outstretched and turned upside down. The flat of your forearms seem to glisten with sweat, with tears, and you have to curl your bottom lip in to bite down.
“What’d ya do to yourself, doll?”
You don’t want to answer him. The truth will get you in trouble, but a lie will get you even more in trouble. There’s not an option that sounds nice, and you swear you see his knuckles turn white. They squint, brighter and brighter, rich diamonds that offer zero security. You wonder how long it’ll take for those diamonds to encrust the wall, to stud strange patterns with each thrust.
He’s waiting for an answer, but his patience isn’t safe.
“I—I… I fell down the stairs.”
That wasn’t a lie but it wasn’t the truth. No. What had happened was you managed to slip through the guards posted around this underground base. You had meticulously studied every little twist and all of the alcoves this place offered, tucked it away, and stewed on a plan to escape. Months, it had taken months, and you had finally concocted something that you believed would work. It would have. It would have, but that damn freak in the white lab coat had unlocked that hidden doorway to descend the stairs at the very same time you had begun to ascend. Panic had eaten you alive, electricity that had no ending, and you slipped. Crashing and falling, each right angle had cut into you in ways you’d never known before, rattling your bones, knocking your organs from the inside out. And you know he noticed you, but he hadn’t said a word at the time. But there’s an inkling inside of you that your tumble didn’t stay secret for long.
Kendou doesn’t like your answer.
His fists, clenched, begin to unfurl until they’re long tentacles, stretching, thick, and you’re afraid they’re going to wrap around your throat to snap your neck. He’s never truly hit you. He’s too chivalrous for that—but everyone has a threshold. Everyone has a specific amount of chemicals that can be tossed on the neurons of their brain, birthing through axons and receptors, clicking and clicking before they snap.
“That it? Ya ain’t got nothing else to tell me?”
That lab coat freak snitched on you. There’s fury and rage burning behind your teeth, but you can’t do anything. You can’t even grit your teeth, nothing, but it doesn’t stop the broiling. Why did that freak tell Kendou? The two of them never talk! You’ve never seen them interact. The only people you have ever seen Kendou interact with is that Tengai or the boss of this whole underground lair. You must be shaking, that’s why your vision starts tunneling. There’s no other explanation. You’re spinning, everything is, and you’re trying hard to make sure your feet don’t stumble and sway out from underneath you.
You shakily hum.
“N-No. Nothing at all.”
He’s going to ask why you were so close to the exit, that you know. There’s no excuse in the world that you could conjure that would explain that. Kendou knows that you know that. And now that you’ve failed, forever and ever, you’re sure things are never going to be the same. Whatever little freedoms and trust you’d garnered evaporated, completely gone, and there’s no rewinding that. Kendou is never letting you leave this room again—after all of your hard work. Frustration isn’t even a word that can fully encompass all of the vibrations in your muscles, brewing your marrow, making you so very conscious of your state of being. You’re alive, you can feel it, and you can feel all of the times Kendou’s palms have traced over your flesh, have brought you closer to him, have twisted the locks to your chains. This is it. You’re through.
Kendou exhales, and it’s almost a laugh.
“Right. ‘M not even gonna attempt to argue with you on this. Sit on the bed now, and get rid of all’a the clothes covering where you’re hurt.”
Even though you want to kick and scream, even though you want to throw yourself onto the floor and never move again, even though there are tears threatening to rain in your eyes—you acquiesce. Your legs are trembling whenever you take a step back, and you feel like you’re going to faint whenever you clumsily pivot around. Each thud of your bare foot is a gong in your heart, it makes you shake, makes you ripple like skipping stones in a pond, and you feel like you’re walking straight into your grave. How long will you have to live here? How long will this take? When will you be free? Will you ever be able to climb that stairwell to sanctity? Is there even a sanctity?
The bed takes you well whenever your body fumbles and collapses into an awkward sitting position. You stay there, and your whole body is quaking, and you wonder what Kendou’s going to do. Your hands can barely function, frozen stiff, arthritis a vying snake, but you do what you’re told. Each article of clothing weighs a million, but Kendou’s words weigh a billion.
Kendou’s gone and back in a flash, and he’s carrying what looks like a first aid kit. His fingers ensnare that little box, and you’re so very aware of how big and powerful he really is at this very moment. He sighs, and it’s pissed off, but he doesn’t do anything except speak through a low tone, whispering, hissing,
“Let me heal your wounds, babe. And once I’ve got ya all patched up, I’m going to remind you where you belong.”
An everlasting gaze, and you’re trapped right within its clutches.
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dustyskies747 · 3 months
With bnha ending in like 5 chapters I’d like to put my delusional request out there, come here horikoshi
-pat pat-
I want to see the hassaikai again
I am a hassaiaki LOVER but not defender it is on SIGHT for you 11 mother fuckers but I miss said 11 mother fuckers (okay except Mimic, Tabe and Rikiya you three can STAY gone.)
Just simple stuff, like just one little panel during some narration show me like chrono and nemoto playing shogi in prison (I think chrono, nemoto and mimic are in one prison, Hojo, Setsuno and Tabe in another??don’t quote me some of them are still together though it’s in the analysis book), show me deidoro making toilet wine, show me Rappa teaching the other prisoners how to fight, show me Tengai meditating with the other prisoners, just show me overhaul period. I just MISS THEM.
I also have just a lot of questions about a LOT of the Hassaikai I won’t get answered (What made Nemoto go from being a con man to valuing truth above all else? What kind of cons did he run? Does he wear his glasses under his mask? What made tengai stop being a monk? I still FIRMLY believe pops and chrono are related. Also in the analysis book it says Rikiya started out as Overhaul’s younger brother like figure like EXCUSE ME??? WHY WASNT THIS ELABORATED ON??) I’ve accepted that but I just wanna see their pretty little faces again. Also chrono was ranked 28 in the latest popularity poll show HIM TO ME.
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fanofflames · 3 months
Headcanoning that Rappa and Kurono pranked Chisaki with one of those Shrek bath bombs (which contains real mud, twigs/moss). Rappa secures the bath bomb while Kurono gives it to Chisaki one day…
Chisaki, unfamiliar with the bath bomb, uses it… the whole Hassaikai heard the bloodcurdling scream that followed.
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gradelstuff · 11 months
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Chibi Villains from the Monster Strike game collaboration pt.2
Chibi part 1 here
Big ver. (01/02)
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spinji · 11 months
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My top 20 from the MHA Sorter!
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delawaredetroit · 1 month
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Once again, read Vigilantes for a deeper dive on Rappa's backstory which is also somehow Mirko's backstory. And All for One was also there for some reason.
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thotsforvillainrights · 8 months
Hi! I'd like to request headcanons for how Spinner and Rappa would react to his s/o admiring/complimenting his musculature/physique (this ask inspired by Spinner's arms, hubba hubba)
(Shuichi "Guns" Iguchi I like to call him, because woof😍)
~Spinner/Rappa's S/O Complimenting Their Muscle~
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-(Yes it's overdone and very cliché'. Yes I've taken one scene from the anime and ran with it. However, I don't care! I'll die on the blushing Spinner hill) Discrimination due to the way his quirk makes him look has been no surprise to hear him open up about back when you first started dating. Whether he admits it or not, he's affected by this when it comes to his own self confidence. Everywhere he goes, all he's ever heard about was his appearance. Lizard was possibly the most annoying thing to hear. Why would anyone be attracted to someone that looked like him when there were normal attractive people out there?
-Along came you. Now at first he was in denial because look at you! To him, you were quite possibly the most attractive person he could've laid his eyes on. What's even crazier is the way you overlooked anyone else in the room just for the chance to talk to him of all people! He was confused and at the end of it he still feels like this might be one big dream. However, he pinches himself and never seems to wake up.
-You compliment him all the time. You always make time to bring up how attractive you think he is. It's mind blowing to say the least. You especially find yourself making note of his muscles to him. The way you look at him when you compliment his arms has him thinking he's going to melt away at any minute. Don't let me get started on the way he softens when you hold him to admire him. He's completely and totally weakened for you. These things aren't said just because you hope he'll see himself as worthy one day, but because you honestly feel this way about him. Just slow it down. Any more attention today and he'll end up passing out from the lightheadedness of your words combined with your sweet butterfly kisses and smile!
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-He's only ever really doubted himself once or twice in the past. Other than that, he's convinced himself he's hot shit. Rappa isn't the insecure type a lot of times. He's so sure of himself and that confidence rings throughout whatever he does. You can imagine how much cockier he becomes every single time you compliment him. You can only laugh when you kiss his cheek and call him handsome, he stands and shouts 'hell yeah' so proudly lol.
-When he thinks about it, you've always been there to cheer him on as his biggest fan. You never really missed a chance to remind him how awesome he was, so of course he'd never have a moment to think otherwise. He loves the way you pump his head up. When you compliment him, he feels his heart running a million miles an hour. He values your opinion more highly than you think. If you ever think otherwise then just remember all times he's gotten too rowdy with someone and you were able to wrangle him back down to reality! Without you, he'd probably be locked up by now.
-When he finally has a singular moment of small doubt creeping up then you notice his small change in energy. He's much quieter and thinking for longer than usual. You ask him what's wrong and he looks you directly in the eyes. "You serious? I mean about all that shit you said?" He asks you, searching for any discrepancies in your eyes. You only smile widely back at him before laying a big smooch on the side of his head. You wrap your arms around him and nuzzle yourself into the crook of his neck. "I wouldn't lie about it because I've got nothing to gain from doing so. I meant every single word. You're handsome and those muscles are to die for." He nods and a large smile etches its way across his face. "Haha, yeah I know."
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proxissima · 1 year
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Tokoyami's interactions with the LoV vs with the Shie Hassaikai (all scenarios)
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[My Hero One's Justice 2 - Arcade Mode]
Part [1], [2], [3] - [General Overview]
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epickiya722 · 3 months
I want everyone to be aware of Betten Court's vision of Rumi, Rappa and Iwao had they been a hero team.
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