#;ooc: I won't answer ones I just don't think suit my character
2, 7, 8, 12, 16, 20, 23, 25, 27, and 29 for Ace
2. When I think I truly started to like them
It was pretty much love at first sight, when he saved Keiwa and Neon and decided to be a Bisexual Problem about it. He barged straight into my heart because he's sooo, soooo my type. And it just grew with every episode
7. A quote of them that you remember
"Become the Tycoon I know" is probably one that like. Not that Impactful(tm), but I was thinking about it so much, even outside of shipping perspectives. Like. Probably part of him was testing the DGP, whether they would let Keiwa back, yes. But also. The Tycoon I Know. They only spent ONE round together. For someone who is all not-attached-not-at-all, he is really bad at it
8. Your favorite outfit of them
Magnum really looks good on him, anyway if we don't count the sengoku outfit (that long hair...), and my wifi is struggling so I can't go screenshot it but I really like... he had those outfits recently, in a reddish/burgundy suit. I like that one a lot.
12. Sexuality hc!
Lmao I already answered it, Bisexual Problem Ukiyo Ace
16. A childhood headcanon
WHICH CHILDHOOD?! I do think that the Ukiyo parents weren't... great. I do think there were lives of his where it was somewhat more conflicting to look for Mitsume, because he had nice families, so he was conflicted about "looking for my original mother, when I have a perfectly nice mother right here". I don't think the Ukiyo parents made him conflicted. I don't think they were Terrible (he probably had worse), but for the guilt he felt, he told himself "at least they won't remember me" when he made that wish to make Girori and Tsumuri his family.
20. A weird headcanon
I don't know what counts as weird. I think he always had a fox motif in his past lives, and honestly, I think he always preferred Magnum. That Fox Always Had A Gun
23. Future headcanon
*cocks shotgun* He will be happy, he will find peace, he will be with his polycule, and hopefully he will even be granted to forget during his future lives.
25. When do you think they acted the most ooc
OOC as in "it doesn't line up with his previous characterization"? I can't think of anything like that. OOC as in "out of his usual attitude because Shit Gets Too Real or something like that", then definitely at the end of the Heaven or Hell game. That boy is Breaking
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
I need him to meet Emu and Parad, because if someone could outgame Ace, it'd be Emu and Parad, but those two also share a braincell, so I'd be curious about how it goes. Also Kiriya, because I think it would be FUNNY
29. How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?)
Hmmm I'm trying to imagine a polycule child for this, because of course I am, and hmmmm. I think he is good with kids. He's the more Fun Parent out of the four of them. And probably... well he had kids in some of his previous lives. And it's possible sometimes it... didn't go well. So he is often worried, and pretends to not be worried. And he doesn't talk about it easily, communicating about his worries never comes that easily for him
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chibiwritesstuff · 3 years
I've been thinking about how we ended up in twisted wonderland with only the clothes on our back. Could I ask for MC after realising they really need more clothing (at the very least more socks and underwear) but they don't really know this world or where to go, not to mention not enough money, so they ask Vil for help?
So I might have a bias on how each character acts so if this is OOC I am so sorry! Also, sorry for taking so long on answering this.
A quick reminder that I answer requests at my own pace. I don't have a set schedule on when as the last time I did that I ended up burning out myself. Anyways...
Now, let's enter this twisted wonderland~
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I honestly cannot picture Vil just readily helping you without berating your appearance first.
He would look at you from head to toe and begin reprimanding you about your appearance and how you should improve it.
It can be a jab in the confidence but you just really want to get some spare clothes.
You know that if you went to Riddle, he’ll scream at you and most likely embarrass you in the entire Heartslabyul which will give Ace a good blackmail material.
Leona doesn’t really care that much about you.
Azul is a businessman before a classmate so you know you won't be getting any help from him without a big consequence.
Asking Idia is also out of the question since he might end up just making you a robot suit and that’s not exactly what you need.
Despite being friends with the people of Diasomnia you have a bad feeling about owing favors in a dorm full of faes.
Maybe you should have just asked Kalim…
If you’re weak-willed, I hope you managed to snag some napkins from the cafeteria ahead of time.
This man will not pull back punches about criticism even if it’s for your own good.
If you’re strong-willed, you’ll talk back and yell that that’s why you’re here in the first place.
Either way, he’ll pull you inside the dorm and will find you spare clothes that he used to own or even make one on the spot.
He wants the best in people but he wants people to know first what’s the problem.
You can't solve an issue without knowing the problem first after all.
He’ll tell you to come in the dorms every set day at an exact time and next thing you know, you and Epel are having etiquette classes together.
His words sting but his actions means well.
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I wondered because our Voldemort mentioned finding a new toy every year or so, and that's not how I imagine him. Now if your (head)canon is that (your) Voldemort would never take a woman more than once, except Bella, why would he not tire of flirting anon already and would consider having them again? Next, does that mean this blog is between what you as an individual/fan consider canon and fanon, and headcanon no matter it is something firmly stated and emphasized throughout the books Voldemort would never do (OC you ship him with. I can never imagine them being in a room together without him trying to kill them, not to mention be vulnerable like that in front of someone who doesn’t have magical blood in them)? This is definitely not a negative criticism, I'm just really curious to see how you balance and switch between canon and headcanon and fanon and give us such a realistic portrayal. I won't bother you anymore. I love and agree mostly with everything you've written so far on this blog. I like the way you write Voldemort, I forget this isn't him.
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[ooc: these are all good questions!!.
Some of these choices are purely logistical. Flirting anon is an excellent writer and super fun to collaborate with. If Voldemort stayed true to character I wouldn't be able to write with her again, and that would make us sad.
I make a lot of these logical choices when I answer advice asks as well. Suspension of disbelief that Voldemort has a blog and answers questions aside, staying in character while giving advice can be challenging. Would Voldemort say some of the things I've had him say? Probably not. Definitely not, in some cases. He'd recommend some courses of action, esp re: handling conflict, that would be manipulative and even abusive or illegal, haha. So I have to make some choices and let my own self bleed through a lot more.
This is true in some other non shit post scenarios where someone sets a scene and my first reaction is that if I stayed entirely true to character he either would not care/not engage, remove himself from the situation (I do let him do this sometimes), or kill the person. But that ends the interaction and defeats the entire point of a writing blog. So in some cases I use the improv rule of "don't let your character say no." No ends the scene. "Maybe," or "let's do it this way," or even "I would, but" convey reluctance but also move the scene forward.
As for my soft spot for certain OC's - haha one of the main ones I was thinking of was actually my own pure blood death eater OC. But yeah, eagle would in theory be completely out of the question typically, right? But luckily the interactions on this blog (where he couldn't have killed her to sight because that would have ended the story before it began - luckily he was curious about her so he asked her some questions) led to his decision to keep an eye on her, which evolved to their present dynamic of respected colleagues in the dark arts, perhaps even "friends."
Still, I assume if the choice were to save the life of either eagle or flirting anon, he'd choose his marked death eater even though he personally enjoys the company of eagle perhaps a bit more. So I purposely had him interpret the question to be just a question of personality preference so I could choose her, lmao. You got me there.
I probably/absolutely have done this with other ambiguous questions before - interpreting them the way which suits my own preference, haha.
Finally, I don't have any hard and fast rule on where the line is. I go by gut feeling. Sometimes I'll write something and be like no he'd*never* and rewrite. I'm not sure how I make that distinction- I just feel it in my soul, haha. I wish i was more able to explain it for you!?
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
I haven't written in a while and this is literally my first fic writing for Twisted Wonderland, so it's a bit dry and boring but after playing one of @malleusthorns 's click and drag game i just had to write something with my result lmao.
Lilia is a character I've yet to get to know so forgive me if he's a bit ooc here (╯︵╰,) anyways hope this isn't So bad since I'm planning to write a bunch of others •́ ‿ ,•̀
Thanks again to malleusthorn for this spark of inspo (probably ruined by my horrible writing)
* * * *
Things happened so fast, I didn't think I got any of it at all until I was blinded by darkness. Shoved into a closet with someone I've only ever met once, all the while the people I call my friends snickered behind the door that separates us.
I shifted in the closet, a habit whenever I got nervous.
Lilia shifted as well but I couldn't see him until a small green light appeared and his face was illuminated by it.
He had a small smile on his lips, his features ethereal and youthful resembling a porcelain doll made with precise skills. Really, I might be exaggerating, but Lilia had an eternal feel to his demeanor, as if his beauty came from countless lifetimes.
He tilted his head then, the ball of green light in his palm glistening. I realized then he had said something and I was just staring at him.
"Uh,sorry, did you say something, Lilia-senpai?", I tried my best not to sound flustered but given our situation, I'm pretty sure half of the school would know I was losing composure.
Damn that Ace and Grimm, next time Azul gives you anemones, I'd let Floyd squeeze you dry before helping again.
"Hmm, you seem troubled", he said slightly airy yet thoughtful. "You know usually whenever I'm troubled with something I sing a song to help me think, would you like me to teach you a song to sing?"
His eyes were wide and genuine then, like a clear crystal filled with thoughts brimming with eccentricity. Lilia at the moment, kinda reminded me of a kid rather than a senior.
"Ah! You're smiling!" He leaned in closer as his lips curled into a smile as well.
"Hey, your smile is a wonderful thing to see! If that was the case, you should smile more often!"
"Ahahaha...even when I'm forced to do things I don't really want to do at first but I can't really refuse cause Principal Crowley would use my freeloading existence here as blackmail?" I closed my eyes and crossed my arms, feigning a thinking gesture. "I'll give it a try"
Lilia laughed then,so full and warm it took me by surprise. His hands came to hold my shoulders,giving it a friendly shake.
"Hahahaha! That's the spirit! You have a good sense of humour too!"
"...Huh, anyways, Lilia-senpai, are you okay with this?" He looked at me, eyes shifting from enthusiastic to curious. His smile didn't fade when he spoke.
"With what?"
"Um, this seven minutes in heaven thing. I know I'm kinda the last person you'd wanna hang with for seven minutes of your life"
"Hmm,is that so?" Something in his gaze shifted then,a mist of thought I couldn't catch in time. It wasn't unsettling,though I felt a chill ran up my spine anyway.
"And why would you say that,little lantern?"
"L-Little lantern..?"
"Ahahaha! It suits you doesn't it? Your smile just now reminded me of a lantern I saw long ago"
"Well... It's cute, I guess"
His eyes closed, that same warm chirp of a laugh coming from him again. "Say, why wouldn't I want to spend seven minutes of my time with you?" He asked, pretty close to me, maybe a bit too close. I let out a dry laugh, and gestured dismissively with my hand.
"Well,for a start I'm not really the most interesting person in this school."
"I think I can beg to differ,little lantern. You're someone without magic, a child of man, and yet the black carriage carried you here to this school and for months now you've been able to make due with whatever is thrown your way,despite what has been thrown your way, and you do it with a clear conscience too." He tilted his head again, eyes glistening like the light he held so gracefully In the palm of his hands. At that moment, I thought I was looking at something very ancient.
"O-Oh...I didn't really see it that way.." I shuffled back, attempting to create distance, but my back collided against the door.
"Ah,sorry I was taking up a lot of space, wasn't I?" Lilia laughed but his gaze fixated on me as if searching for something before it didn't and we were back to staring at each other, not really knowing what to say.
'Man,and I thought those leech twins were hard to read..'
"Say, wouldn't you like to know how to use magic?"
"You really like spacing out don't you? Little lantern if you don't keep your guard up something might happen with the little time we have now"
"...What exactly could happen?"
"Hmm, I wonder what could happen"
"That's why I asked—"
Lilia took hold of my hand then, bringing up to his face.
"We have a few minutes left, you wanna try your luck?"
"I don't know. Are you gonna turn me into a toad or something"
"Eh? You're a funny one indeed, little lantern. Here,first I'll do this" Lilia placed his hand underneath mine, holding it so my palm was open, then he let his gaze bore into it before a warm sensation began pooling on my hand. A faint sense of power enveloping it.
"Wha... Lilia-senpai—"
"Eh,what a nice reaction. There, try it!"
He let his grasp turn loose and I pulled my hand away, inspecting it like it wasn't even my own hand. Somehow,it felt different...
Lilia kept his eyes on me, a smile in both his gaze and on his lips. I looked back at my hand, sighed.
"Yolo,right?" I smiled back at him.
"Ah, nevermind. What should I do by the way? I'm kinda clueless here..."
"Hmm,maybe try floating something, that's a basic skill I'm sure you'll get right off the bat!"
My gaze searched around the room then,all the while I was wondering how I got into this situation in the first place. Why was there even a party at this hour? Ugh, this school will be the death of me, I swear.
I sighed again, and at that moment I felt something crawl up onto my leg.
I locked eyes with Lilia who was still staring at me, his hand was still holding the green light.
Ah,so it's not him?
I stiffened.
"Hm,is something the matter, Little lantern?"
My lips parted, and the crawling came again. Goosebumps greeted my whole body.
"Little Lantern,are you okay?"
I clenched my teeth. "I think there's something climbing on my leg...!" The words came out in a hurry and had Lilia widening his gaze before he looked down and seemed like he wanted to crouch with the light to see better but I grabbed at his hand, sweating.
"Don't move! What if you make it crawl faster?"
"Then how am I supposed to help you?"
"Use your magic!"
He chuckled,his free hand coming up to slightly cover his mouth. "Isn't the light I'm using now part of my magic?"
Then he really did crouch down, the light illuminating my lower half. I closed my eyes before it had a chance to trail down, but once silence stilled in the room. I desperately wanted to scream.
"Don't move." His voice lost it's friendliness. A brusque shift from light to authoritive in mere seconds. I shut my eyes even harder, skin crawling with goosebumps. Lilia didn't answer, instead straightening his body before he looked me in the eyes.
"Everything's okay, just don't move. I'll get rid of that thing on your leg"
"What thing?" I asked,panic lacing my words. I wanted to cringe so bad but the fear of not knowing what was latching onto me had me frozen in place.
"Nothing I can't handle"
"That's not really comforting..."
"I'm your senior aren't I?" He said then, smiling gently at me again with the same warmth from before. "Even if we're from different dorms, I wouldn't hurt someone under my care"
I nodded my head,flustered once more. "Okay"
I expected some monster to be illuminated by Lilia's light and him destroying it with his magic students from other dorms talk about with astonishment.
What I didn't expect was for him to suddenly let out a yelp and the room going dark once more as I felt his body tumble ontop of me and the door to the closet opening, causing both of us to stumble out with a loud thud as we fell to the ground.
The light seemed to burn my eyes, but my chest and back held more pain from the fall.
Ace's voice reached me first.
"Wowie, someone got excited,huh?"
"Kantokusei! Are you alright?" Came Deuce's voice next and a couple of other murmurs.
The weight from Lilia was gone and as I sat up to answer both Ace and Deuce, from the darkened closet something flew out and smacked me right in the face.
Ace and Deuce let out panicked screams while I fell onto my back again, my face throbbing.
"Ara Ara, it seems like I missed" It was Lilia, and he was already on his feet, looming over my fallen figure. He was smiling but his eyes held worry in them as he reached out a hand for me to grab.
"The door opened so suddenly, if it didn't, I doubt the flip flop would've hit you, Little lantern"
"What the hell just happened?" Ace said aloud, his eyes wide as he stared at us both. Deuce had helped me up along with Lilia and actually had Grim run off to get me a drink, but my gaze went to Lilia first who was repeating apologies with his eyes.
"Kantokusei,are you okay? That flip flop really went and smack you..."
I smiled, a sudden amusement bubbling in my throat. I stared at Lilia who seemed to glow with hidden laughter as well and nodded my head. Slightly laughing when the words leave my mouth.
"The next round,we're shoving Ace in the closet alone"
"Eh? Why?" Deuce looked concerned, his face scrunched up with confusion. Lilia laughed, tilting his head to the side.
"It's alright, he won't be alone in there,right, Little Lantern?"
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