#;thread: memory is all we are
[CN] Li Zeyan’s Candlelight Date (Eng Translation)
⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 烛火之约, that is yet to be released on the global server! ♡
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[Translation Under the Cut]
【Subbed Video】
【Chapter 1】 
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After being stuck in traffic for over forty minutes on the way to the airport, I slam on the brakes once again, staring in despair at the unmoving stream of cars ahead. 
The weather outside is gloomy, the sky overcast with heavy dark clouds, and the wind howls through the crevices of the car windows. 
Even though the evening has barely fallen, the sky is already darkened completely. 
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MC: Feels like it’s gonna be pouring hard... 
MC: I don’t know if Li Zeyan’s flight has been affected. 
Just as I am about to look up the flight information, his call comes in. 
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LZY: I’ve arrived. 
MC: That’s great! It looks like there’s gonna be a heavy downpour outside, so thank goodness you landed on time. 
MC: On the downside, though, I’m stuck in traffic... 
LZY: Given the weather, I could guess that already. 
LZY: Don’t rush, safety first. Turn on your headlights and take your time. 
MC: Don’t worry, I promise to follow the traffic rules~ So, I must apologize to CEO Li and ask him to wait for me a little longer~ 
LZY: No worries, I’ll just take this time to think about what to make for Pudding. 
The day Li Zeyan is returning from his business trip also happens to be Pudding’s birthday, and we’ve planned to have a small celebration at home. 
As I picture Li Zeyan making a birthday cake for the little kitten, the corners of my lips involuntarily curl upwards. 
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MC: Pudding’s parents are so thoughtful! The little birthday boy is blessed with the luck of tasty treats today. 
MC: Rest assured, I’ll definitely get you to Pudding safely and in one piece. 
LZY: With a certain someone “braving the wind and waves” to come pick me up, I’m already luckier than those who can’t get a cab. 
MC: Hehe, this time it’s my turn to be the prince who cuts their way through thorns and thistles to rescue the sleeping princess! 
LZY: Well, it seems like I’ll have to wait a hundred years then.
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MC: ...you just told me to take my time. 
A soft chuckle transmits from the other end of the phone, and carried by the car’s stereo, it spreads through the entire space, giving me the illusion as if he is right next to me. 
LZY: It’s not contradictory. 
LZY: Even if it takes you a hundred years, I’ll still wait.
[Tidbits]:  This conversation here is a reference to one of Li Zeyan’s earliest ASMRs, “Sleeping Beauty,” where LZY said in response to MC’s question that if he were the prince, he wouldn’t let the girl he loves wait a hundred years. Whereas, in the reverse scenario here, he tells you that if he were the sleeping princess and you the prince, he would gladly wait a hundred years (இдஇ; ) though, for a man who literally did wait 17+10000(*n) years for you— a hundred years is, well, still unbearable to think about ahah (ノಥ益ಥ) 
【Chapter 2】
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I park the car near the exit, and as soon as I look up, I see Li Zeyan walking towards me, dragging his suitcase. 
I immediately push open the car door and run up to him, throwing myself into his arms as hard as I can. Both his hands are occupied by luggage, and I collide against him so hard that he staggers back a few steps. 
His familiar scent wraps around me securely, instantly dispelling all the tension and fatigue from the road. I nuzzle against his chest contentedly, earning a soft chuckle from above my head. 
LZY: Why the lack of courtesy right off the bat?
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MC: I haven’t seen you for days, and I’ve made our big busy person wait so long. I can’t afford to be polite anymore. 
Li Zeyan smiles, lets go of the luggage, and draws me into his arms, lowering himself to rest his head on my shoulder. 
A soft sigh sounds next to my ear, and I sense how exhausted he is. I put aside my playful thoughts and stroke the back of his head. 
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MC: I hoped you could get some rest after getting off the plane, but I didn’t expect this weather… 
MC: I’ll head out earlier next time! 
LZY: You already got here much faster than I expected. 
LZY: Let’s go, there’s a birthday boy waiting at home. It’s raining hard outside; I’ll drive on the way back. 
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As we head home, rain begins pouring down in torrents. Even with the wipers operating at their highest speed, the visibility only clears for a fleeting moment. 
Through the impenetrable curtain of rain, the emergency lights of nearby vehicles flicker faintly. The water pooling on the ground reflects the surroundings like mirrors, and the streets have transformed into an utterly bizarre kaleidoscopic labyrinth. 
I hold up my phone to record the scene outside the window when suddenly, a blinding flash of lightning splits the sky not far away, followed by a rolling thunder approaching from the distance, pressing closer and closer. 
I can’t help but shrink my neck and set my phone down. 
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MC: This weather is just ridiculous… I’m sure today’s Moments posts are gonna be flooded with candid shots of the rainstorm. 
LZY: A certain someone has made significant strides. 
LZY: A few years back, you would get so nervous in this kind of weather that you’d grab onto other people’s clothes. Now, you'd just make a fuss about it on Moments. 
MC: Huh? When did I grab onto your clothes? 
I turn my head to look at him with a puzzled expression. Li Zeyan glances at me, and before he can even speak, a smile creeps onto the corners of his lips. 
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LZY: That time when you asked me if I dared to like you. 
I freeze for a second, the familiar feeling of nervousness and anticipation surging to the forefront of my mind. 
Memories flood back along with the warmth of my cheeks, as I’m reminded of a similar night in the past mirroring this raging storm. 
The pitch-black darkness that descended after the power outage was so thick that one wouldn’t even be able to make out their own hand in front of them. I felt like danger, and the unknown would swallow me whole at any moment. But he was there with me, accompanying me for what felt like an eternity on that apocalyptic night. 
Back then, I felt like I couldn’t handle it on my own, so I wanted to cling to a straw, to hold onto this steady and exceptionally gentle person beside me. 
Snapping out of the reminiscence, I clear my throat to dispel my embarrassment. 
MC: Y-You don’t need to remember such things so clearly! 
MC: But come to think of it, ever since I met you, I don’t seem to have gotten rained on much. 
MC: Even if I forget my umbrella or can’t catch a ride, you always manage to “scoop” me up right on time. 
LZY: So, as a result, a certain someone has developed the bad habit of not checking the weather forecast before going out? 
MC: …It clearly taught me the good habit of how to “scoop” people up in crucial moments! 
The car stops at the intersection, waiting for the traffic light. Li Zeyan casts a glance my way, his lips curving into a smile as he strokes my head. 
LZY: Given that the person “scooping” me up is also the one I want to see, it does feel pretty good. 
His warm palm rests on my head for a moment before sliding down to my cheek with yearning. A small sense of satisfaction leaps in my heart, and I smile, poking his cheek. 
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MC: I think I can understand why the prince braves countless perils to reach the princess.
MC: For this moment right now, I’m willing to endure any hardship~
[Tidbits]:  The call-back of the apocalyptic night is from one of Li Zeyan’s earliest dates, “Doomsday Date,” where MC asks him if he’d dare to like her and if he’d dare to be by her side even if doomsday arrived – and the rest, as they say, is history, quite literally in this case ahah~ (இдஇ; ) 
【Chapter 3】
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As I step through the doorway and flip the switch for the pendant lamp, to my surprise, the light flickers and then abruptly goes out. 
The inside of the house is instantly taken over by the dimness from outside the windows. Pudding, who was originally crouching at the door to welcome us, lets out a yelp and scurries under the table. 
My mind automatically starts concocting a horror movie scenario, and I immediately step back a few paces. 
MC: What did the power suddenly go out? It was perfectly fine before I left... 
My words are barely out of my mouth when a series of extremely bright streaks of lightning flash outside the window. 
The howling gale rattles the window frames, while the water pipes exposed to the downpour on the side of the building, pelted by large raindrops, are making peculiar noises. 
The continuous flashes of lightning project the wildly swaying shadows of the trees onto the floor, making the storm outside seem even more terrifying. 
Li Zeyan sighs and steps forward, taking hold of my hand that is frozen in mid-air. 
LZY: Are there any spare lights or flashlights in the house? 
MC: Yes, there are, in my room... 
While saying this, I clutch Li Zeyan’s arm and carefully start walking towards my room. A hand reaches out and pulls me into a familiar embrace. 
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LZY: Wasn’t a certain someone “scooping people up” pretty amazingly just now? Why are you so nervous now that we’re home? 
MC: ...I guess I’ve been overdoing it with the horror movies lately, and the after-effects are still a bit strong. 
I laugh awkwardly and, relying on the dim light of the flashlight, dig out a large, bulging bag from the storage box. 
MC: Rechargeable desk lamps, some decorative fairy lights, and lanterns. 
MC: They should work if we plug them into the power bank. 
LZY: ...That’s it? 
MC: They can provide light and serve as tools to set the ambiance. Isn’t that wonderful? 
Li Zeyan turns on a palm-sized rechargeable desk lamp and releases a small sigh. 
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LZY: In that case, the gift I brought you can also be included to make up the difference. 
MC: Huh? What gift? 
Li Zeyan rummages through his suitcase, takes out an exquisitely wrapped box, and gestures for me to open it. 
I lean in closer and find a very charming candle holder with a glass cover nestled inside. 
MC: It’s so beautiful! As expected, CEO Li’s eye for things can never go wrong. 
LZY: Simultaneously doing the job of adding flowers to the brocade and delivering charcoal in snowy weather一 it definitely seems to be maximizing its value.  
LZY: Come on, let’s go and light up all the lamps that we can use first. 
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With me “lending a hand” by holding the flashlight through the entire process, dinner and Pudding’s salmon cake are soon prepared. 
Pudding, who had been hiding in the corner this entire time, also forgets his fear under the temptation of delectable food and begins prancing around again. 
After eating and drinking to our fill, I sit on the carpet with another small blanket, light a scented candle, and carefully set it in the candle holder Li Zeyan gifted me. 
Li Zeyan then casually plops down at the foot of the bed where I’m leaning, naturally stretching out his arm for me to use as a pillow. 
I look at Pudding grooming his fur not far away and can’t help but sigh with emotion. 
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MC: Time sure flies! Pudding has grown another year older. I wonder what progress he’ll make this year. 
LZY: He wasn’t very brave when he was younger, but now he, too, looks after the house on his own and appears to be fairly calm and composed. 
MC: Why did you use “too“? I suspect you’re insinuating something about someone else. 
LZY: Just stating facts. 
LZY: The way a certain someone acted when she walked into the house earlier didn’t exactly resemble the “prince“ who came to pick me up. 
I glance again at the flashes of lightning and thunder rolling outside again, scratching my cheek awkwardly. 
MC: The house just went dark all of a sudden; I wasn’t mentally prepared. 
LZY: What about now? 
LZY: Are you still scared? 
I turned sideways to watch him. The dancing candlelight paints his side profile in a warm glow, and the subtle fragrance of the scented candle melds into his calm gaze, making me gradually relax. 
I hug his arm and pull him into my arms, beaming a wide smile at him. 
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MC: I have my “fragrant princess“ in my arms now, and I fear neither getting swept by wind nor being battered by rain any longer. [3]
LZY: Are we sure about who’s in whose arms? 
MC: Does it really make a difference who’s in whose arms? 
Li Zeyan gives me a look that says “whatever you say,” and I smile victoriously at having my way before turning to glance at the pitch-black darkness outside the window.  
The small lights in the room are mirrored on the glass, reminiscent of stars, blurring into a cluster of halos by the unrelenting rain. 
Serenity and turmoil are separated by only a wall. I grasp his wrist and tilt my head, pillowing into his palm and nuzzling against it. 
MC: Luckily, you came back today. Otherwise, I would have definitely dragged you into “simmering a pot of telephone congee” with me all night long. [4]
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LZY: That wouldn’t have been too bad either. 
MC: Well, that’s true, but it would have made me seem like I haven’t grown at all... 
I raise my head and look into his slightly puzzled gaze, feeling a little embarrassed as I lower my voice. 
MC: I’m clearly not a child anymore, and many of the things I used to fear shouldn’t be a big deal now. 
MC: Yet when running into situations where I’m not entirely confident, I can’t help feeling a little afraid. 
MC: For instance, a pitch-dark empty house, not being able to find the kitten, and a thunderstorm that I don’t know when will end. 
MC: I still can’t seem to be like you, to be able to keep myself from thinking the worst regardless of the kind of situation I’m confronted with... 
I soliloquize in a whispered tone, and the palm I’m resting my head on suddenly moves. I look up, and my fingers are immediately swept up in a reassuring warmth.
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Li Zeyan is pillowing himself on my bolster, covered by a blanket that is clearly not big enough for him, creating for a rather comical scene. Yet, I find myself solely captivated by his extraordinarily serious gaze. 
He quietly watches me like this for some time before finally opening his mouth to respond. 
LZY: Then just be afraid. 
MC: ...Huh? 
LZY: Building courage doesn’t mean you should be absolutely fearless. 
LZY: If you have no reaction to the unknown and uncontrollable, that, on the contrary, is dangerous. 
LZY: For a dummy, knowing how to dodge in the right direction at a critical moment is also progress. 
He strokes the back of my hand meaningfully, and I clasp his fingers even more tightly in tacit understanding. 
In moments of fear and anxiety, I always want to hold onto something, to reassure myself that I’m not facing it alone. 
And this man in front of me, as fortune would have it, always happens to be within my reach, catching my insecurities and leading me along slowly. 
I think back to the first time I “grabbed onto” him, the gentleness in his tone that I had rarely seen, and I can’t help but laugh. 
MC: Well then, it seems I’ve been making progress since the first time I grabbed onto your clothes. 
LZY: Mm-hmm, it hasn’t been easy. 
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MC: But I can only advance a little bit at a time. I’ve kept you waiting for so long. 
The corners of his lips curl up slightly, and his eyes, sparkling with a smile, gently embrace me. 
LZY: This isn’t work; nobody is asking anything from you. 
LZY: If you’re afraid, just light up a lamp.
[3] LI ZEYAN WRITERS!!! CRIES AT THE SACRIFICE I HAD TO MAKE AND HOW THE BEAUTY OF THE WORDPLAY JUST GETS LOST IN TRANSLATION HERE 😭 anywho, as you might’ve already noticed, “rescuing the sleeping princess“ theme and the “seeming“ role reversal has been one of the running themes of this date. The term used here is 软香 (lit. meaning soft fragrance), which is usually used to refer to the delicate scent of a woman or a woman in general and, in the context of the times, a palace beauty. The full term MC uses here is 软香在怀 (lit. meaning having ‘soft fragrance’ in one’s arms), which also conveys a deep emotional closeness, a sense of security and comfort as scent is something very sensitive. What the writing does here is kill three birds with one stone— (i) conveying MC’s “prince and princess role reversal“ quip, while also delivering the emotions of the candlelight monologue two sentences prior, i.e., (ii) the fragrance melding into his calm gaze, the vivid imagery of her sensitivity to his presence itself, (iii) the reassuring effect of his being. 
[4] I’m gonna cry; this is such an adorable expression haha 😭 the term MC uses here is “煲电话粥,” which really does mean “simmering telephone congee.” The idea of it is to have a marathon phone call with sb, but it’s more intimate— similar to how simmering sth can take a long time and porridge essentially is a comfort food 😂 
【Chapter 4】
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The night is dark, and the rain seems to have weakened a bit. I hug the blanket and squeeze onto the small bed with Li Zeyan. No matter in which position we lay down, most of our bodies are pressed against each other. 
I watch the person beside me becoming a part of the scene I’ve been familiar with since my childhood days, and for a long time, I find myself unwilling to close my eyes. 
MC: It feels so surreal to have you and Pudding together at my place. 
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MC: It’s like having guests at home, but at the same time, it feels like welcoming new members to the family. 
LZY: So, which one do you hope I am? 
MC: I’ve long regarded you as the latter in my heart, obviously. 
MC: However, this situation makes me seem like I’m not being a gracious host... 
MC: Having to deal with the bad weather is one thing, but who knew the electricity in the house would be unstable at a critical moment, and now my bed isn’t big enough either. 
I look up at the small pink pillow under Li Zeyan’s head and sigh softly. Li Zeyan, however, just smiles calmly and brushes aside the hair falling over my face. 
MC: Be careful when you roll over. If you’re afraid of falling off, just hug me a little tighter~ 
LZY: [i’m cRY at how he just plays along with you haha] It’s certainly something to be afraid of. 
Li Zeyan says this as he gets up to turn off the lights, and the room is plunged into darkness once again. 
I reach out my arms towards him and am immediately swept back into his arms. 
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MC: Thank you, CEO Li~ How about I repay you with a goodnight kiss? 
LZY: That’s it? 
MC: Then what else do you want? 
I blink my eyes at him, and suddenly, he lifts his hand to cover my sight. 
A soft warmth captures my lips, swallowing my confusion. 
He holds me too tightly in the square of his arms, and his broad palm accidentally presses on my nose, causing my already erratic breathing to become even more difficult to maintain. 
I punch him indignantly, and Li Zeyan finally moves his hand away, his fingers cradling my face. 
LZY: Didn’t you say you wanted to repay me? 
MC: T-This isn’t what I had in mind! 
LZY: Is this not good? 
His warm finger pads caress the side of my face in a back-and-forth motion, leaving me with no refuge to escape but to gaze into his smiling eyes. 
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LZY: Instead of letting your imagination run wild every time you’re scared, why not think about something that can put your mind at ease?  
LZY: For example, me. 
LZY: So, consider this as collecting a tip in advance to cover your memories.  
A soft chuckle drifts from above me, and he lifts my face again. With the last hint of light also overlaid, I close my eyes, welcoming this novel memory pertaining to the night’s darkness. 
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The next morning, the sky finally clears up. 
The entire city looks as if it has taken a bath. Under the early morning sunlight, there are glittering lights refracted by water droplets everywhere. 
I summon every bit of my self-control and more to extract myself from Li Zeyan’s warm embrace and rise early to make breakfast. 
Originally, I planned to have him take the day off and recover from jet lag, but as soon as he gets out of bed, he receives a call from LFG, saying there is an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with in person. 
I watch as a certain someone at the dining table finishes his breakfast with a sullen look on his face and can’t help but burst into laughter. 
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MC: Who knew even CEO Li could show such a “rebellious” expression about having to work overtime. 
LZY: ...It’s just that I haven’t gotten over the jet lag yet.  
MC: Who told you not to sleep obediently last night? 
I stand up with a laugh before he can glare at me and push his suitcase to the door for him. Li Zeyan dons his coat, seems to hesitate for a moment, and then turns back to look at me. 
MC: What’s wrong? 
LZY: Nothing. 
MC: It doesn’t seem like you’ve left anything behind, have you? 
I look around to check while speaking, but I realize that Li Zeyan has kept his gaze trained on me, with no intention of searching for anything. 
I blink my eyes, and an adorable guess bubbles up in my heart. 
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MC: Could it be that... CEO Li is unwilling to leave? 
Li Zeyan grips the handle of the suitcase, averts his eyes, and smiles. 
LZY: Let Pudding stay at your place for one more day. 
MC: No worries, we’ll get along perfectly. 
He doesn’t give a direct answer to my question, so I take it as his tacit assent and continue along with his words. 
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LZY: He ate quite a lot last night, so feed him less cat food today. 
MC: Understood~ 
LZY: Be careful with the electricity today, and if you run into any issues, reach out to me right away. 
MC: Uh-huh, anything else you want to remind me of? 
I stare at him, smiling giddily. Li Zeyan opens his mouth, but in the end, he just displays a helpless expression and says nothing. 
The rare instance of not being able to find the words to say, the rare moments of being dumbstruck and not knowing how to reply, the rare scenario of dragging his feet about going to work... 
All of this shows that he is really unwilling to leave. 
I smile even happier and tiptoe up to lock my arms around his neck.  
Li Zeyan seems a bit puzzled, but he promptly supports my waist and arches an eyebrow, waiting for me to continue. 
MC: Hehe, consider this as a tip you’re paying in advance. 
MC: This way, whenever you feel overwhelmed in the future, you will think of only me. 
I mimic his words from last night, and even reach up to muss his hair. 
LZY: Little copycat. 
Li Zeyan seems to want to resist this “childish” act subconsciously, but his arms betray his honest feelings and draw me in even tighter. 
He looks at me with a silly smile on my face, about to say something when I suddenly feel a tickle on my ankle, as if something furry is rubbing against it. 
Just as I’m about to look down, my face is pinched by someone. 
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I’m compelled to raise my head and see the sunlight falling on Li Zeyan. 
The locks of hair hanging over his forehead and eyelashes are all bathed in dazzling, golden-bright luster. He reminds one of a big cat who has just woken up, making people irresistibly want to get closer to him. 
And he does exactly as I wished, taking the initiative to bring this warmth to me. 
The distance between us is reduced to zero, and I naturally close my eyes, welcoming this kiss infused with the warmth of the sunlight. 
Even if a person grows accustomed to the humidity of this city, they will still rejoice when the sky clears and the sunshine beams down. 
Even for those who can see the person they love every day and kiss them whenever they want, they will still find that any small separation feels too long. 
The meow of the kitten rises from our feet, as if it also wants to participate in this wordless goodbye. I gently bite Li Zeyan’s lips, and he, rather reluctantly, pulls back just a bit. 
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MC: Mr. Customer, you’re being too generous with your tip. 
With his eyes cast down, he continues to gaze at me, his breath still lingering at the edge of my lips. 
LZY: Because I’ve already fulfilled the conditions you set. 
LZY: Now that I’ve paid double the tip, I’m asking for an upgrade on the terms. 
He raises an eyebrow, as if he is genuinely negotiating with me. 
At such proximity, my mind is already a muddled mess, yet I still manage to capture the answer he desires from the look of yearning in his eyes. 
I strive to muster my willpower, rise on tiptoe, and kiss his lips again.
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MC: Then you must work diligently and clock out early... 
MC: And who knows, perhaps I’ll suddenly appear when you’re missing me?
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clarasghosts · 3 months
I know a lot of people are really hoping to see more of the daniel/armand backstory, to see if their 70s/80s relationship in the show was like it was for their book counterparts, but a take I haven't seen yet is that it all really comes down to pacing. and that pacing is tied to their emotional states in the 2020s storyline (not to mention how louis' story takes precedent, of course).
in season one, daniel's dream memory of armand at the bar didn't happen until after he was already suspicious of rashid - louis catching his thought about rashid's weight was a big sign of his suspicion (which he later voiced, pointing out that rashid didn't exhibit any weakness due to the blood loss). rashid revealing himself as armand only, of course, increased those suspicions hundredfold, since now daniel knew armand had something to hide. that combined with armand's increasing anxiety stemming from louis' lack of control over the interview are the sources of tension and hostility between them in the first couple episodes of season two, which leads to daniel's further glimpses of memory leaking through. and then that's what leads to the episode five discovery. with the emotional pacing of the show, that episode could really only show the hostile beginning.
my guess is, if there is more to their relationship in the past, we won't actually see any of it until they grow closer in the 2020s storyline. everything that happened to all these characters in the past is already done, the story is driven by their present selves - how their present selves affect their perception of the past, and how that ever-evolving perception affects their present.
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isa-ah · 2 months
yall ever end up thinking back on periods of ur life and ur like. bro what
#so i dropped out of school at like 13/14 to be home fulltime to take care of my grandparents yeah yeah whtever#whats insane is remembering that when i was 15 my mom tried to arrange a marriage for me with some guy who was in his early 20s#he was the deacons EXTREMELY autistic son and we had spoken like. 3 times. it had been fine like he was pretty cool#but like. she talked me into tentatively agreeing with her. she went to talk to the deacon and everything about it#fucking hello? hello? taps the mic isaiah southern baptist child bride real?#that always pulls the same thread in my brain of how my grandparents died only a month or so apart#so the pastor had just finished doing my grandmas memorial service when we asked him to do the funeral service to bury them both together#and the first thing out of his fucking mouth was 'hah wow didnt expect to see all of you again so soon!'#and that pavilion was SILENT. besides like someone sniffling#awkward fuckhead piece of shit that guy sucked#yk he once threw away what he had written all his notes to preach on bc a gay couple had just moved to the area and wanted to try our churc#so he spent the whole time ranting about how gay people go to hell instead and they left in the middle of it crying#hell on earth.#my mom convinced him to start a school thru the church and i dont think ANY of their teachers went to college besides literally 1#bc she had just retired from the local middle school and had the free time to participate#but then i guess it all just comes back around#my brother graduated from there and became a ta when he was 18 and started dating a 14/15yo so#genuinely so glad i got the fuck outta there#what a nightmare that town was. christ
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monards · 7 months
What do you think of those rhinealice fics by purplesan?
only multishots in the entire fandom 😭😭
Assuming you’ve already read them cause who hasn’t scrolled through ever rhinealice fic on ao3 😭😭
banana. you know me too well. if you saw the amount of times my ao3 account has recorded me visiting both of them you'd audibly sigh. the rhinealice community tradition is actually just rereading the fics about them religiously to the point they memorize the plots.
I am, but a sad, sad lesbian who wants to see the two old women happy. And honestly.. out of any and all content about them; im pretty sure purplesan is one of the only people to let them be unadulteratedly happy together more than once. Which is incredibly funny when you think about it LMAO I always realllyyyy love how there's so many different approaches to rhinealice's dynamic (since. we know like 2 things about them. LMAO) but I like seeing how soft they are in 'attachment' & 'we will meet again' ,,,, call me old fashion but is it truly a crime to just want to see the two absent mother figures kiss. Is it. Attachment is suchhh a cute little ficc.. aughhh..... purplesan has such a wonderful style and reading it feels so human it makes me want to run around my room crying.!! It's such a cute short-fic,, and it's so inherently unserious that its just such a sweet read; especially in the morning when i have nothing do to except stare at my wall for an hourLMAO / Will we meet again is definitely more heavy,, (and has made me cry. thrice. for the counter) but it does suchhh a sweet job at making them both so human. call me insane but I think I'm just so weak to fics where they're soooo human and soft compared to the way they're normally characterized in game (or. alternatively. when its the complete opposite and theyre beat with a stick until they cant even be considered human. i love both sides of the spectrum.) and its nice to see a story that portrays as so much more caring and soft with each other then you'd expect (considering who they. y'know. are. LMAO) plus. we also see Alice's husband get dogged on. so I'm a fan.
TLDR; crepe is a sucker for rhinealice being allowed happiness. as a treat.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 9 months
Today’s Joe Iconis Christmas Extravaganza clip is the devastatingly French Thérèse Neige-Noire (played by @hellojacks ) singing a depressed rendition of “Hard Candy Christmas” featuring Mr. Macabee (played by @juliamat) and our Hot Candy dancers in costumes by @bren_bash. The most extravagant cure for the holiday blues? Cellophane and legs and appropriately prescribed anti-depressants!
#lose it at the devastatingly french accent & not ready for the fuckin concertina or w/e to kick in like oh my god lmfaooo#getting an abs workout by partway through the first refrain as per usual and i've only just noticed the way she's holding 4 cigarettes dlsj#was wondering ''how do we transition from hard candy to hot candy?'' like this is the extravaganza cmon you say it & do it; is how!!!#the range of the hard candy christmas sequence....afaik Plotwise at least for; say; this half of the history of now 13 xmas shows; the#thread is [after the terrible memory of xmas past flashback; mister macabee is introduced; the song is to cheer joe up]#but like this year we have hot candy; last year we have the audience members passed out real hard candies to unwrap together when prompted#during an Especially Quiet Moment Of The Song; think that went for the 11th show too b/c will/melvin had damp paper towels & hard candies#in his duane reade bag. & looks like perhaps that year the krampus was part or all of the [fellow singers along w/mister macabee]#you've had the delights of it being sung by cindy lou who ft. the belly button puppeteers. go further back there's [cue the one video like#hell yeah look it's the source of that one photo of will as officer rossi the christmas burglar along seth eliser] lol & the choreo....#meanwhile also as much video julia mattison mister macabee as one's had yet!!#joe iconis christmas extravaganza#mister macabee#love the eyeholes. the shading on that hot werther's original label
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fellhellion · 9 months
The Durge Vel thoughts got me acting unwise
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pochapal · 2 years
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the fact that kinzo's formal character introduction breaks form by happening in a separate narrative moment and not when battler meets/observes him for the first time in the story and the fact that kinzo is the only character for whom this is the case is. hm. weird to say the least.
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phoenixspirits · 11 months
The sights and sounds of a medbay are extremely familiar to Airiam. As is waking up without a clear memory of how she got here. ( She's glad that she doesn't remember the accident that killed Stephen. Nothing but pain could come from a memory like that. ) The hospital she'd woken up in back then had practically become home to her, at one point. But that was years ago. But that was years ago.
Last she remembers she was on Discovery. The upgraded probe had been attacking their systems, while the Captain and Tyler had been stuck in a shuttlecraft in time-distorted space. The memory ends abruptly --- no obvious corruption or apparent loss of consciousness, which usually leaves a hazy feeling; there's a clean and sudden end, as if externally manipulated.
No explanation as to why she's in a medbay.
She sits up; no obvious pain or discomfort, at least, nothing out of the ordinary. She feels fine, physically. Just confused. Unsettled. A feeling she can't put her finger on.
That feeling gets worse as she realises that this is not Discovery's medbay. In fact, she thinks, as the natural light from a half-shielded window catches her eye, she's not even in space any longer. Are they back on Earth? How long has she been unconscious?
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The door slides open and her gaze falls on a familiar head of red curls. It's so GOOD to see Tilly that she smiles instantly, embraces the feeling of relief that settles her nerves somewhat.
"Tilly!" she greets. "What happened?"
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philialdevotion · 1 year
phila was a strange sight. not for sore eyes, no, she did not strike him as one for sympathy. no matter their non-existent interaction, libra at the very least knew of her existence. those who praised the exalt, those who were willing to put their lives on the line in the name of her safety . . . yes, they were synonymous in that much.
but, she was dead, wasn't she? it was wrong to gawk, and so he refrains. the clergy enjoyed simplicity, lavish things were beneath their grasp -- exercising humility was a critical aspect of the faithful. and so he simply holds nothing more than a grouping of yellow tulips, strewn together by white ribbon. it was a gesture of goodwill and gratefulness, but a late tribute to her existence. there was no corpse to pay blessings, and so this would be it for now, presented to her living and breathing form.
though . . . now it was not a tribute to mourning, or the sake of reminiscing. phila's blood remained within her body, her bones were not pushed through flesh and muscle in a bloodied heap against the ground. this was simply . . . a gift. he had said his prayers for fell souls, but now one stood before him.
"my name is libra, nothing more than a ylissean clergyman devoted to her grace," is what he starts with, holding the flowers within his grasp. "please accept these flowers as a token of our gratefulness to your devotion to the exalt. it has been long since due, and yet, i have only since had the time to deliver them to you."
libra sets them down on the table before her, before taking a short few steps back. "might i ask that you accept me saying hello in cordelias stead?" though she hadn't asked, and maybe it was rude, he figured it would be pleasing for cordelia to hear . . . back home. "you and i are strangers, that i'm aware, but she speaks highly of you and her station to all that she knows. i am certain it would bring her happiness to see you well."
Between bouts of drilling safety procedures, and marking theory tests, Phila was finding that any disposable time to hand today was fodder for ever increasing predicaments.
Sat at her desk, her work accompanied by the shriek and babble of student’s enjoying the warmth of Spring, she relishes the feeling of exhaustation that renders her arms and legs utterly leaden. Even as she sinks into her chair a little, her eyes remain alert. Ready to be snatched up by something essential that demands her attention immediately. A stray pegasi somehow getting loose from the stables, a stray arrow hitting a student in the leg: things generally at the moment seemed to be going astray. Wandering here and there, and generally just wherever Phila least needed them. 
Whilst this would no doubt have been an endless source of frustration to a teacher who valued their own time more, Phila was very happy to submit to the rush of things to do. It made the hours pass easily, like a stream flowing through a brook, like water under a bridge. And she found it pleasant, floating along the silvery back of things that needed solving. 
She was all too eager then, to anticipate whatever problem the monk currently approaching was experiencing. An oxymoronic look of disbelief that seems to muffle the monk’s features, though, holds her back from immediately demanding he demand something of her. There’s a flicker to his green eyes, like sunlight illuminating foliage. It leave her feeling measured. As if he were a judge, ready and waiting to read the innermost sections of her heart.
This confusion is so brief that it could be attributed to the interplay of light and shadow, and Phila is happy to allow it to be so. She doesn’t want to understand why a holy man’s gaze seems to pierce straight through her, to remind her of things that she had tried to surrender to this day’s task juggling. 
The moment she hears Ylisse, however, she immediately raises her eyes, which had been examining a corner of her office in need of a sweep; meets his gaze which is soft, reminiscent of grass presed down by sleeping bodies on a summer’s day. A store of comfort, of respite. His features are delicate: framed by braided hair like gold foil around a portrait. Her eyes fill her thoughts, her hair imposes itself over all else. She hears devotion, and smiles. Her Grace, absent as she is, continues to guide her, bring her home. 
She takes the offered flowers, bulbs of bright yellow that gleam like flames against her dusky armour, and holds them close to her chest. Just over her heart. The natural resting place of things that are dear to her. If Phila is dead, and her body is little more than a tomb, let it be a place where such beautiful things can flourish. ‘Thank you. This is one of the kindest gifts I’ve recieved in a long time.’ Casting her eye around for some water, she fills a cup and carefully fans out their stems inside. The thought that this gift, this tie between them, forged of course, by the Exalt, could wither makes her sadder than she’d like to admit. ‘Though, please. There is no need to praise duty. I was merely aiding Her Grace’s vision.’ 
Cordelia’s name, once so integral a part of her life, always on the lips of her older knight-sisters, floats from Libra like a cloud. ‘Cordelia said that?’ She asks, a slightly teasing lilt to her voice. ‘She has clearly forgotten the drills I used to train her in.’ The levity dances for but a moment.
Memories of a young girl, frantic and sobbing out the loss of her sisters crinkle the edges. She had failed her, failed them all in so many ways.
But, Cordelia had lived. Survived to speak her name. That eased the weight over her chest a little. ‘I would love dearly to see her someday, to return to Ylisse… she always showed exceptional talent, incredible promise.’ 
She stands, offers her hand to the monk before her. ‘Thank you. For bringing me home, even for a moment.’ Phila’s smile rarely reaches her eyes nowadays, but in this moment she can feel the old lines, echoes of her grin, pressing themselves anew into the corners of her face. ‘You must allow me to repay these wonderful gifts. If there is anything I can do for you, I will be by your side immediately.’ 
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curiouscompanions · 2 years
Sorry about such a long delay with threads! Had to deal with mental glitches stuff x stress irl. Since the weather at my place is finally stable again, I gonna try to get back on the track.
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hazemsuhail · 1 month
Emergency: Help my family survive and start a new life
Hello everyone, I hope you take a minute to read our story.
I’m Hazem Shawish, trying to save my family from the war
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We’re a family of 8 members, me, my mother, and I have 4 brothers and two sisters. And their kids
Islam (30) years old ( @eslamsuhail )
Samer (29)
Hashem (31)
Mohammad (35)
Nisreen (37) ( @nisreensuhail )
Noor (36).
Amal (12)
Kenzy (17) ( @kenzish )
Zoheer (19)
TikTok video link
In the shadow of conflict, our family has faced unimaginable hardships. The passing of my father, a victim to the cruel grasp of hunger and inadequate healthcare, left a void in our lives, underscoring the fragility of our existence here. My brother, Samer, battles bipolar disorder, a condition exacerbated by the ongoing war and the severe shortage of essential medications. Without access to the necessary treatment, his life is at risk, and we live in constant fear for his well-being amidst the chaos that surrounds us. These personal tragedies have deepened the urgency of our situation.
My brother Samer
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Every day is a struggle for survival, and each night is filled with prayers for a brighter tomorrow. Yet, amidst the darkness, we hold onto hope, seeking solace in the belief that one day, the clouds of war will dissipate, and we will find the peace and stability we so desperately crave. Until then, we endure, clinging to the threads of our resilience, and nurturing dreams of a safer, healthier future for us all.
Our home, once a sanctuary of love and warmth, was destroyed, displacing us into a life of uncertainty and fear. The laughter of my children and my sister's daughters, once the music of our home, is now silenced by the echoes of conflict. They deserve a future where education and happiness are not just dreams but realities.
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Our entire neighborhood In Gaza Before and after
we had a supermarket that helped as to live and earn money, but it was bombed and we have nothing now, pic of our supermarket
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But our challenges are not just physical; they are emotional and psychological. The loss of my father and the imminent threat to my brother's life weigh heavily on us. My mother, who has endured so much, faces the unimaginable fear of losing another child. For her, for my brother, for my children, and for the future of our family, we seek a new beginning.
We dream of a place far from the sounds of war we want to be safe with my family we dream to move to Egypt to save ourselves
This journey is more than a physical relocation; it is a quest for dignity, for normalcy, for the very essence of what makes life worth living. We seek to restore what conflict has stripped from us: our home, our health, and our hope.
We turn to you, not just as donors, but as fellow humans who understand the power of compassion and community. Your support, in any form, is a beacon of hope in our darkest times. It represents solidarity and a shared belief in the sanctity of life and the right to a safe and peaceful existence.
Our dream is simple yet seems a world away:
to escape to Egypt .
for children to pursue education and a life unshaded by conflict, and for us to honor my father's memory in a land of peace.
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However, this dream bears a significant cost, one that is beyond our reach. For each of us to make this journey, to cross borders towards a life of safety and dignity, we estimate the need for at least $5,000 per person. This sum covers the complex tapestry of legal, travel, and initial resettlement expenses.
All of our important links are here
Thank you for hearing our story, for your empathy, and for considering standing with us as we embark on this journey to a new life.🇵🇸🍉❤️‍🩹🙏
With heartfelt gratitude,
Hazem Shawish
vetted by :
@dlxxv-vetted-donations (vetted)
@gazavetters , my number verified on the list is (#75)
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duunswitch · 2 months
[text] hey you better be alive in there
>i was and then you texted me so i died entirely out of spite
>you can come in though, i have that paperwork you asked for on the desk. just don't step on me
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lookingforcactus · 3 months
Because I'm feeling whimsical,
What the fuck do you mean that's a quilt??? Round 2
All quilts are contest winners from the quilt show Road to California, 2022. You can see these quilts and the other winners from that year here.
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Best of Show Quilt
Title: Harlequinade Maker: Rebecca Prior Quilter: Jackie Brown Design Basis: Maker's Original Design "Harlequinade" is a theatrical quilt filled with visual clues guiding viewers to discover a hidden story. Inspired by Venetian Carnival masks and commedia del'arte characters, the quilt features the antics of Harlequin, the trickster, who has his own ideas about freedom and fun!
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Director's Choice
Title: Welcome Home Maker: David Taylor Quilter: David Taylor Design Basis: Original image by Margo Clabo, used with permission I first saw this image from friend Margo Clabo more than a decade ago. It took years to convince her to let me adapt her photo into a quilt. The image it depicts is especially sentimental for her. The challenge for myself was to create a pieced pictorial background and recreate a traditionally pieced quilt by using my hand appliqué technique. The project size was overwhelming, but I'm thrilled with the finished quilt. So is Margo. Time to exhale.
Note: To be clear, that is not a photo with a quilt in it, that WHOLE THING is a quilt.
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Best Machine Stationary Quilting
Title: Emerald labyrinth Maker: Kumiko Frydl Quilter: Kumiko Frydl Design Basis: Maker's Original Design As a starting point I used an image from the entrance to the EL Barkookeyeh Mosque in Cairo. Thinking of an elegant and intricate garden I added bursts of natural color and filled the area between the large elements of the design with finer ornament inspired by butterflies and plants. I set the circular image in a rectangular frame with a subdued complimentary design of rippled reflective pools.
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1st Place: Animal
Title: Woodland Wilds Maker: Ann Horton Quilter: Ann Horton Design Basis: Maker's Original Design My morning hikes in the woodland hills of our northern California home inspired this quilt. The rabbits are always alert for danger. This machine appliqued, thread painted and embroidered view through a window is surrounded by wild flowers on hand dyed silk and again surrounded by other wild birds and animals. I love my wilds things in the woods!
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1st Place: Human Image
Title: The Memories That Remain Maker: Lynn Czaban Quilter: Lynn Czaban Design Basis: Library of Congress Photos - LC-USF33-006183MI and LC-USF33-0061 I am fascinated by the human face and our ability to communicate without uttering a single word. The Portuguese word 'saudade' meaning a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for something or someone that one cares for and loves. Moreover, it often carries a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never be had again.
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1st Place: Naturescape
Title: Desert In Spring Maker: Andrea Brokenshire Quilter: Andrea Brokenshire Design Basis: Maker's Original Design My Mom and I embarked on an epic travel trip we named our "Thelma and Louise Adventure" In Palm Springs, CA we visited the Living Desert Botanical Garden. This quilt is inspired by one of the photographs I took that spring day of a Prickly Pear Cactus in full bloom. I loved the leathery texture of the cactus leaves (paddles) and the almost translucent citron yellow blossoms.
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2nd Place: Animal
itle: Not Today Maker: Kestrel Michaud Quilter: Kestrel Michaud Design Basis: Maker's Original Design The chase is on! The Roadrunner is after his next meal, chasing a Common Collared Lizard through a steampunk junkyard. The desert is a favored dumping ground for the detritus of progress, even in a fantasy world. A steam-powered industrial revolution creates iron refuse and pieces of broken machinery have been left to decay in dry desert air. That doesn’t bother these critters. To them, this is home. Will that lizard wind up as dinner? Not today!
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2nd Place: Human Image
Title: Declaration of Independence - Voices of Freedom Maker: Nancy Prince Quilter: Terri Taylor Design Basis: Reproduction of John Trumbull's Painting The quilt is a reproduction of John Trumbull's painting which depicts the moment in history when the first draft of the Declaration of Independence was presented to the Second Continental Congress on June 28, 1776. The quilt front and back were created in Photoshop and custom printed on fabric. Four thousand hours over 4 years was necessary to create the quilt. The back captures the story of the Declaration and its signers.
Note: I'm not at all patriotic. But credit where credit is due. That's a fucking quilt.
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3rd Place: Animal
Title: Midnight Flight Maker: Joanne Baeth Quilter: Joanne Baeth Design Basis: Maker's Original Design Several years ago we had an injured Great Horned Owl roosting in our willow tree during the day. I took several pictures and was inspired to create him in fabric. The background features a painted sky, old buildings, melting snow and a rabbit on the run The foreground is the swooping owl which was constructed by painting and inking each feather and thread painting over fabrics and needle punched wool rovings
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3rd Place: Naturescape
Title: Day Into Night Maker: Deb Deaton Quilter: Deb Deaton Design Basis: Maker's Original Design Inspired from photo by Robert Murray with his permission. When the Arizona sun begins to set, the sky comes alive. I saw this photo and knew the splendor of this landscape needed to be captured with fiber! Sky is hand painted. Raw edge applique. Mixed media used: oil pastels, color pencils, inks to enhance the fabrics and create more dimension. Cheesecloth: painted to create spikes of cactus. Tulle used to capture the sunrays. Machine quilted.
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bittwitchy · 7 months
sometimes i forget that i have to physically look at my tag
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rcdiostcrs · 1 year
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presenting: eleven elaine skellington.
so, obviously eleven is the adopted daughter of jack & sally, as well as sister to my oc seven & gamecn’s oc thirteen.
she’s twenty-three years old.
rachel sennott fc.
polyamorous, biromantic, & bisexual.
basically, eleven has a lot of love to give, but you have to earn it to receive it.
alrighty, here’s the dealio, eleven is like her mother: a living doll (though eleven is porcelain, not rag). no one knows who created her. doctor finkelstein refutes the claim that he is responsible and no evidence as been found to make one disbelieve him.
see, eleven wasn’t found in halloweentown. she was found in valentine village (what i hc the town behind the heart door is called). it was a very confusing time for all of the valentine folks to see this obviously halloween kid in their town. no one has figured out how she got there.
but she is very welcomed in the valentine community, even so much as having close friends & visiting the place constantly.
she was brought to halloweentown on september eleventh (11.11) the year before auradon was established. at just a year old, she could already walk and say full words. jack & sally were smitten by this little girl made of cloth, pulling her into the family as their child. as her creation date is unknown, sep 11 is her honorary bday.
this date is also where she got her name from.
speaking of her name, she goes by the full “eleven,” but some people call her “ellie” if they think a number is a silly name.
like how seven sometimes goes by “sev.”
she has a golden doodle named “four hundred forty four.” yes, this is a long name. why such a long name? eleven enjoys numerology—especially angel numbers. sequences of fours symbolize stability. if one sees fours in a sequence, then they are putting down roots or grounding themself. she knows that if she’s ever feeling doubt about her place in life, she can look at her dog & feel sure in herself once more.
plus, seven had already claimed “two” for his cat.
two & 444 don’t like each other. zero & 444 are besties, tho.
speaking of numerology, eleven is a number about being at one with the universe & one’s self / inner wisdom.
even if her name didn’t come from this meaning, she’s delighted with it anyways for the same reason she likes 444′s name—she can look at herself & feel sure because she’s always going to have her own wisdom & the universe on her side.
eleven wants to be an electrician. she is currently under apprenticeship for this work.
since she’s a doll, she can remove her limbs. each part of her body can come apart & be put back on. this is good for her since she can just send an arm or a hand to do a thing that’s too far for her.
she is glued at each limb & her neck. se also has minor glue spots where she has chipped before.
she has a whole lot of tattoos. they cover up the glue lines holding her together. her favorite is the barbed wire around her throat.
eleven absolutely adores her family. especially her brothers.
she jokes that she’s the odd one out—only one to not have a previous life, only one to not be twenty, only one to be a girl—but she doesn’t ever feel left out.
while she wouldn’t kill for her family, she would make anyone who hurts them have a miserable rest of their life. no one touches a skellington & gets away with it. not if eleven has anything to say about it.
i’ve mentioned before that i think the skellingtons would be kind of ostracized in royal auradon circles for being figurehead royals. eleven, as crown princess (only in name as jack will never die & therefore never leave his throne), is far too aware of this. it’s always her name on the invitations to royal functions. it’s always her name in the mouths of snobby royals.
it’s the same with those of halloweentown who have conflicted feelings. they feel that if their king will never die, what is the purpose of calling his kids “prince(ss)?” why even have children in the first place? they aren’t even royal by blood, only adoption.
she tries to not let it get to her, but it’s hard sometimes.
when she’s off the clock, she & seven dress a lot alike. comfy & oversized sweaters, dark colors, lots of layers. the main difference is that eleven uses blues, reds, & blacks while seven uses oranges, blacks, & neutral tones.
however, she has a secondary aesthetic of “goth, but make it fusion.” if you’ve ever heard of hawiian goth or cowgoth—that’s what i’m talking about.
freckles!! they aren’t natural, but eleven takes the time to put a brown eyeliner to her face & a toothbrush w/ brown eyeshadow to her cheeks every morning.
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joelsgu4tar · 5 months
⇾ 18+ minors DNI, read at your own risk! ⇽
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an appreciation to all my favourite writers out there you deserve all the love <3
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— Something To Fight For by @auteurdelabre | After a disastrous blind date you decide to stay away from the miserable Joel Miller forever...
— I Know Who You Are by @punkshort | A fall on patrol causes you to lose your long-term memory, forgetting the identities of your friends and loved ones. You have to learn all over again how to survive in a post-apocalyptic world, and you learn things about yourself along the way.
— The One You Need by @loliwrites | When you move into town hellbent on keeping everyone at arm’s length, your neighbour Joel finds his way into your life.
— By The Grit Of Sandpaper by @penvisions | An offhand comment from you inspires Joel to branch out and create helpful kitchen wares. And it seems everyone has been gifted one from him, except for you. It makes you rethink the casual friendship you had developed...
— I Wanna Be Your Lover by @shellshocklove | Miserable after losing your job, your friend drags you out to a club to dance away your sadness. on the dancefloor, you meet a handsome stranger, who then whisks you away into his fantasy world as his assistant for his porn career. what happens when the lines get blurred?
— If The Door Wasn't Shut by @heartpascal | months of travelling with Joel and Ellie come crashing down on you, the fear is suffocating.
— Stay In Bed by @psychedelic-ink | After your grandfather’s passing, you find yourself moving into his home in Texas. You meet the Millers; Tommy, his older brother Joel and his daughter Sarah. With time, you and Tommy become close friends and Sarah visits you often. But Joel…Joel keeps his distance.
— That's A Real Fucking Legacy by @wyn-n-tonic | When Tommy disappears in search of a better life with a promise to come back for you, his years of absence and the grief it leaves behind drives you and his brother closer together until the man you're sharing a bed and starting a family with is Joel Miller and not the one you always thought it would be.
— No Time To Die by @davosmymaster | The main difficulty of being Joel’s closest friend is not falling in love with him, but you still do. Those feelings are buried until you join him on a mission to trade supplies with Bill and Frank. With your life now hanging by a thread, Joel is determined to get you to safety, but the clock is ticking faster than he can run.
— White Lies by @poeticpascal | Joel would do anything for you. He does anything for you. And he makes sure you don't know a thing.
— Saying Thanks by @vivwritescrappythings | Joel is your grumpy patrol partner who doesn’t even talk to you in the streets of Jackson. But one night a man grabs your arm at the Tipsy Bison, and Joel’s decided he doesn’t like it.
— Soft & Sweet by @cavillscurls | You share your first kiss with the last man you ever expected: your older, grouchy, overly protective patrol partner, Joel Miller.
— Who We Are by @gracieheartspedro | Being stuck on the road with an older guy you've been crushing on for ages won't be so bad, right? wrong. because he's been pining after you, too. and one of you will have to give in eventually.
— Warm Me Up by @tightjeansjavi | While on patrol, you and Joel find yourselves caught in a treacherous snowstorm.
— Love In the Time Of Cordyceps by @sameheart-sameblood | When the world ends, you promise you'll never love again. Joel Miller makes that rule hard to stick to.
— Puppy Love by @absurdthirst | You always follow Joel Miller around, you've got his back. You're in love with him. Putting up with Tess's nickname of puppy dog, you don't realize that Joel feels for you until the end.
— Light The Flame by @yeollie-plz | Your mom moves the two of you back to Texas and attempts to reignite an old flame. What will happen when she learns his candle now burns for you?
— Best I Ever Had by @endlessthxxghts | Someone tries to hit on you on your night out with Joel, insulting your man in the process, and oh you don't like that. You blow off some steam in more ways than one.
— Make A Move On Me by @freelancearsonist | You've been teasing Joel every day since he started remodelling construction on your house. He finally works up the courage to do something about it - but not in the way you expect him to.
— Fire Walk by @motherofagony | A chance encounter at a motel has you crossing paths with a stranger in a blue t-shirt.
— Cry Baby by @psychedelic-ink | bodies have been dropping left and right in the most brutal ways in Jackson. As the relentless wave of deaths continues, your mind becomes increasingly restless. however, you find a sense of comfort and solace in the presence of Joel. who might be hiding secrets of his own.
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