#< anyway
m1d-45 · 1 year
Okayokayokay uh. Listen, hear me out. So what if (big what if here but uh) what if. The imposter is a god, too? Because I may be a new player (I only just finished the liyue archon quest), but from what I've noticed, identity loss and pairs of two tend to be a big thing in Genshin. What if these two gods started everything, but one made the other choose between them or Teyvat (literally every other thing they've ever loved) so the one sibling left. But of course, the first sibling injured the other, so they have to leave Teyvat to rest, only to come back hella later. When they arrive, the first sibling is still bitter over being abandoned and orders the characters to search for their sibling (without mentioning that they are siblings). GASP, what if the characters just assume the returned sibling is a fake, and the current god never actually said anything like that? Ooooo so many ideas
ooo that’s a great idea!
maybe the imposter sees how listless teyvat is without a god and steps in, maybe intending for it to be temporary but maybe just wanting the power since theyre a lesser god. it’ll probably take longer to pin down their lie since they’ll still be a god, but the most devoted know the difference between gods and the divine…
going off the sibling idea, that’s also really cool! maybe the original god’s first creation was an equal, a friend, somebody to accompany them through lands and time since immortality gets so lonely after enough time… after they practice enough, and make teyvat, they spend less time with their sibling, more so than would be expected, and they confront them about it.
“we’re supposed to be equals, aren’t we?! so why do you hold a mere planet above me?”
in the hesitation after their ultimatum, they lash out, divine clashing against the divine. it’s not enough to kill—they’re not that angry, and even if they were they could never kill the one that made them—but it does dissipate their soul/energy, forcing them into one of their test planets (earth) to recover…. teyvat suffers without a god, and the sibling (who semi-regrets their actions) steps in, seeing what all the fuss is about.
the worship quickly gets addicting.
they understand why they did this, now, the feeling of being relied upon and prayed to us a heady one, and they end up making the decision to descend to teyvat right as the original creator’s soul is done healing. they transport themself to teyvat with the dredges of their divinity, which has only barely begun to restore, desperate to reach their one place of comfort. their labor of love, their perfect creation, the one place wholly for them.
is it?
(if….. if ur feelin quirky…. you could bring the travelers into this…………. the false god aligns with the traveler above ground, making themselves more appealing, while the true creator is forced to go to the abyss for help….. or maybe the opposite, the fake growing suspicious of the wary glances the traveller sends them, so they arrange for meetings with the abyss under the guise of diplomatic relations and increasing the general safety…. ough..)
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macdenlover · 19 days
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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tariah23 · 4 months
Oh…. Well, it’s over for Crunchyroll I guess
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tainbocuailnge · 4 months
honestly christianity really hit the jackpot with "jesus christ" rolling off the tongue as an expletive so well. the number one problem with fantasy settings is that whatever names you come up with to take in vain will never hit as well as "jesus christ"
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james-p-sullivan · 5 months
the older i get and the closer i am to reaching 30, the more the people around me try to deny me my age. it’s a constant ‘oh you’re just turning 29 again teehee 🤭’ or ‘dont tell your SO that, he’ll leave you for a younger model 😉’ and i just???? hate it?????????
i spent my entire teenaged years fighting for my life. i crawled through the deepest pits of my depression to cling to the promise of a life beyond that pain. i was so convinced that i was going to die young, that i would never see the grace of my age starting with a 2, let alone 3.
so im going to turn 30, and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do to stop me from loving it.
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aaronstveit · 5 months
"if i was orpheus i would simply not turn around" yes you would. if you were orpheus and you loved eurydice, you would. to love someone is to turn around. to love someone is to look at them. whichever version of the myth — he hears her stumble, he can't hear her at all, he thinks he's been tricked — he turns around because he loves her. that's why it's a tragedy. because he loves her enough to save her. because he loves her so much he can't save her. because he will always, always turn around. "if i was orpheus i would simply —" you wouldn't be orpheus. you wouldn't be brave enough to walk into the underworld and save the person you love. be serious
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vamprisms · 5 months
adhd will have you fighting for your life to do beloved hobbies that bring you nothing but joy
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fattylime · 1 year
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a study i did because i realized idk how to draw environments at all LMAO
a few people have asked, so this is a now a print <3
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riacte · 6 months
not romantic not platonic but a secret third thing [what would happen between earth and the moon if the earth stopped spinning as illustrated by xkcd randall munroe]
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m1d-45 · 1 year
Hey I love your writing!!!!!! whenever I see it on my dash I always get ready to read another banger!!!! Btw idk if you have any opinions on Xiao but DID YOU SEE HIS RECENT TEASER??? THE ANGST THE SADNESS!!! SO GOOD any thoughts? Spare thoughts? 🥺
i haven’t seen the trailer but i watched it rn for this ask and oh my GOD
ranting under the readmore bc i am having EMOTIONS
(oh and thanks for the compliment!! lovely to know i’ve created something you enjoyed <33)
i have an ask i’m 100% gonna use as an excuse to do a character study on him because he’s… he’s so…. ough…
‘an instant of negligence, and it will turn me into one of the monsters i swore to purge’
aisdnekdfn i have NO IDEA what this trailer is abt bc i am not a xiao haver (started genshin mid his last banner, by the time i knew what i was doing it ended) but he…. ough…. he’s so afraid of himself just because he does his job i- ‘you became the very thing you swore to destroy’ type beat but this time it’s sad and tragic because he truly believes himself to be something dark and prone to shattering, cutting through the ones closest to him, not the typical ‘i’m better than i was then’ mentality that usually comes with this trope!! he treats himself like a live bomb and he’s so terrified that the weapon he uses to defend will turn on those he loves-
i can GUARANTEE he left bubu pharmacy because he didn’t want baizhu / qiqi to ‘waste’ medicine on him because he probably feels a sense of obligation about it, it’s his burden to bear and not one they should shoulder for him (it isn’t he deserves a moment of peace and a break from his never ending duties xiao pls be kind to yourself)
‘it’s good to take the mask off once in a while, even just for one night’
i have NO IDEA why venti’s here but he is so right. also related but venti and xiao need to be friends. i don’t know about their canon relationship bc i have neither of them but… ugh…
venti clearly has issues for a variety of reasons, notably being afraid of being a tyrant, and his near need to not be overbearing meshes so well with xiaos fear of poisoning those around him… they both cope in horrendous ways but like…. god… emotions in the club tonight…
like…. the two of them, sitting on the roof of the inn, watching the sun rise. venti has a bottle of dandelion wine and xiao has a lukewarm, untouched plate of almond tofu besides him—verr goldet brought it to him but he hasn’t brought himself to have it yet. he’d sat himself up there around midnight, venti joining him not an hour later, but only a few words have been exchanged. venti said hello, xiao asked why he was here. he had shrugged, popping the cork on his wine easily, settling down with a slightly exaggerated sigh, “same as you, i suppose. caught up in a memory that won’t leave.”
xiao winces, slightly, almost embarrassed he was seen through so easily, but venti doesn’t press it. he knows the feeling, the oppressive weight of failure weighing on him just as strongly as it does on him. he feels bad that somebody so (comparatively) young has to experience so much tragedy and loss, but…
he glances at his vision, the glass reflecting the moon.
the two sit for what most would consider far too long in silence, only the occasional slosh of wine passing between them. memories weigh heavy on nights like these, and neither is quite ready to address it yet.
venti starts, his voice far dimmer than usual. a long-forgotten name falls from his wine-soaked lips, wrapped gently in eons of affection. he’s repeated the story of the ‘nameless bard’ a thousand times, always on quiet nights like these ones, with only the stars as his witness, but… surely an audience of one doesn’t hurt.
besides, he thinks bitterly, the sweet wine not doing much to take the edge off his mood, it’s not as if anybody else remembers.
the silence once again stretches, but it’s only a few moments before xiao speaks up, his voice uncharacteristically soft. he does the same, repeating the names of the ones he’d lost, and the wind picks up slightly, as if carrying some of the weight for him. he glances at venti, but he’s looking at the roof tiles, allowing him the moment—the memory—to himself.
he feels odd, telling stories of bloodshed and broken bones after such a soft friendship, but whenever he pauses for a moment too long, a soft breeze brings him the smell of cecelias, and the words he was looking for are found.
he feels lighter, slightly, for having shared, a small chip of his self-imposed burden lifting. normally, he’d probably feel guilty for dumping this out in the open, but the night is warm and he doesn’t find himself minding the company all that much.
the night passes, spent in a comfortable, nostalgic quiet. xiao’s plate is clean, now, and though the texture of the dessert is off and his lip curls, it’s still as sweet as usual. venti’s bottle is similarly empty, hardly a drop left inside the stained glass. the cork is lost, having fallen somewhere, and even in the growing light of dawn, neither can see it. if they do, they don’t reach for it.
venti sighs, not one of contempt or regret, but of sorrow. sometimes he wishes there were more hours to the night.
xiao watches him stand, with little intention of following. he should probably get up as well, stretch so his arms aren’t too sore when he goes out later to clear out demons…
barbatos offers his hand. after a moment, the last yaksha takes it.
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ithappensoffstage · 3 months
I am genuinely so worried for all the young horny dykes going into adulthood thinking there's something "problematic" / "wrong" with them for being horny because fucking tiktok lesbians think any horny dyke content is "male gaze fetishitic"
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isawiitch · 11 months
ok NOW we can all freak out marvel vfx workers voted to unionize thank god
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article here
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carouselcometh · 7 months
Devastating! Art museum gift shop doesn’t sell prints of specific and unpopular painting that struck a cord with you!
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mosshroomish · 1 day
can i please see a fat woman wearing it. yes, i know your sizes go all the way up to 5x. but can i please see a fat woman wearing it. yes, i heard you're woman-owned. can i please see a fat woman wearing it though. yes, i understand you donate 50% of proceeds to this charity. i still do not see a fat woman wearing it. can i please see a fat woman wearing it.
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zmpl · 4 months
also what is with people tossing out support for nonbinary people when the nonbinary person is a celebrity. as soon as demi lovato changed their pronouns from they/them to they/she everyone, including supposed allies of the community, IMMEDIATELY dropped the “they” part of “they/she” and started referring to them as a woman again. then when “unholy” by sam smith and kim petras won a grammy people talked about how kim petras (just her) made trans history by being the first trans person to win a grammy. and yes this is something to be celebrated, but is sam smith not also trans by virtue of being nonbinary? did they not also make history? or do you not see them as nonbinary because they’re amab and not feminine enough to cross the man threshold for you? and yes nonbinary celebrities are not going to see you referring to them as if they were cis but your trans acquaintances sure as fuck are
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doccywhomst · 6 months
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