#<- Which is why half of my family doesn't even SAY 'Happy birthday!' to me let alone get me anything.
iero · 2 years
Okay question for you guys: Do you guys find it “childish” to buy YOURSELF a birthday gift especially if you’re, like, 25+ years old? 
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rev3nanttt · 23 days
Closer- Part 1 of ???
Steve Raglan X Female Reader
(this is my first fnanfic on tumblr so let me know if you want more!!)
lord help me
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You knew it was a stupid decision, but you walked into it.
And there's no way in hell you're gonna leave now.
"One large pepperoni on table 4!" you hear from behind you, and a steaming dish of pizza comes sliding towards you. You scoop it up and turn around quickly, maneuvering around others working behind the counter. It's lunchtime at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, and you're stuck on kitchen shift. In a hurry, you step over little kids playing with miniature animatronic figurines, and almost break your ankle a couple dozen times getting to the table, but you at last make it to the large family celebrating their son's birthday. Placing the pizza on the table, you holler, "Happy birthday! We hope your day is as good as gold!" and you hand the little boy a small foxy plush. To your delight, he scoops the plushie up in his arms and shyly smiles at you. "Happy birthday buddy," you grin, patting him on the head before heading back to the kitchen for yet another order. You exhale sharply, running a hand through your hair, trying to get your wispy hairs to lay flat. You step over some more kids, some old pizza crust that's been discarded on the floor, gotta pick that up later.....and some weird stain that you don't even want to know where it came from appeared before your eyes as you made your way back into the kitchen.
Through the noise of the children, the loud, garish animatronic songs, and the awful disco lights on the dance floor, you make hear a small whistle to your right. You look around for a few seconds before you realise where that's coming from. Or who it's coming from. You turn around back to where you were originally standing, and you lock eyes with your boss, Mr. Steve Raglan, who's standing a few feet away from you. You smile warmly at him, waving. He nods back and beckons you over to him with a curling finger. Steve's out...you think to yourself. He never cones out of his office when its THIS busy. Huh. weird.
Steve typically doesn't come out of his office too often during the lunch rush. You've noticed after working at Freddy's for well over a year now, he's only come out on lunch once, when a kid climbed the animatronic stage and fell off, hitting his head on the ground. Other than real emergencies, he doesn't really leave the office during this time. Steve tends to walk around the pizzeria silently when the place is a little slower, giving the occasional handshake or friendly 'hello' to a parent thanking him for the "amazing party" or something along those lines, but he never makes the full effort to woo someone or to brag about his success. He always uses the same line when they leave, too. "Always come back, we'd be happy to host you again."
He's charming.
Steve is pretty reserved but incredibly polite during these interactions with his customers, you've noticed, and he tends to only come out when it's not very busy. You've also grown to notice some other things about him, some you probably shouldn't have noticed; he's much older than you, but to your dismay, you've found that charm to be intriguing, and a little...well...attractive. You couldn't lie to yourself and say he wasn't attractive, because he is, at least to you. There's something about him that drew you in, and you have no fucking clue what it is. Maybe its his eyes, adorned with gold framed aviator glasses, or maybe it's his half crooked smile you get to see when he laughs, which is even rarer. Nevertheless, he wants to talk to you, and you have no idea why.
You head past some tables to the corner of the pizzeria, where his office is located behind a wall in the diner. There's a long hall of rented party rooms the establishment offers, and Steve's office is the very last door in the stretch of hallway. Today Steve is wearing a simple button up and a dark purple tie with dark grey slacks. Pretty typical business-casual clothes for him. Stepping in front of him, you feel a little jolt of nervousness flicker through your body. It's always a little exhilarating to be near him, his greyish blue eyes always seem to be observing every little move you do.
"Hey Steve," you say, greeting him with a small smile. He nods at you. "Hey, sorry I pulled you away from your post." Steve says, pushing his glasses higher up his nose to get a better look at you. He smiles a crooked half-smile, teeth barely showing. "I promise I won't keep you away for too long." His eyes gleam with a mischievous hint of humor, and maybe something else, and you can't help but bite your lip when he turns around to lead you to his office. "Follow me," he beckons, leading you to his door. He pulls a large ring of many keys from his pocket and fumbles with the lock for a few seconds before opening the door. It swings open with a loud creak, and Steve holds it open for you. "After you," he insists, holding it open with one arm, watching you step inside. You can feel his eyes burning into you as you step by. As you walk past him into his office, you get a whiff of his cologne. Bourbon, hints of coffee and maybe old cigarette smoke? Fuck. He shuts the door behind you and leans against it, eyes observing every movement.
Steve paces the room for a moment, shuffling with files before settling on brewing himself a cup of coffee. "Coffee?" He questions, glancing at you briefly before rolling up his sleeves and pouring himself a steaming cup. You can't help but watch his large, veiny hands run up his forearms. He's very fit for his age, and you try not to make it obvious you're staring.
You just can't help it...he could have you pinned to the desk in an instant if he wanted to....
"You alright sweetheart?"
You snap out of it and whip around to see Steve staring at you with a little smirk. Your cheeks instantly heated up
"I just wanted you to know that you've been a valuable employee, and you should be rewarded for your work here at Freddy's." Steve smiles at you and hands you a small envelope. It's written to you in all capital letters, and you can't help but stifle a small laugh. His writing is AWFUL. You'd expect a big businessman to write well, but apparently not all. The envelope is heavy, and you are curious to what is inside. "You can open it." Steve prompts, sitting down at his desk and opening up a file absentmindedly. "Here, use this," says Steve, sliding you over a sharp letter-opener. You step closer to his desk to grab it out of his hands, and for a second, just a split of a second, your hands brush his, sending sparks up your body. You inhale sharply and quickly snatch the letter-opener from him, trying to act like you aren't losing your shit. Steve picked up on it, and he chuckles. "Don't worry sweetheart, I don't bite," he purrs, eyes burning into yours as you open the envelope with slightly trembling hands. Sliding the sharp blade under the lip of the envelope, you open the envelope in one fast tear. You pull the paper back and your eyes widen. It's a fat stack of cash. "What? You don't think you weren't gonna get a raise?" Steve says, smiling at you. "You deserve it."
You feel your cheeks heat up, and you tuck some of your hair that had fallen into your face behind your ear. "I....wow. Thank you Steve." You gush, giving him a sheepish smile. "I feel kind of spoiled..." you admit, looking at him across the desk. He raises an eyebrow and smirks. "You are being spoiled, sweetheart. Take it. Get something nice for yourself." He grins, eyes raking over your figure. You blush as his eyes travel to your cleavage. "Maybe get a new bra or something." He teases, raising an eyebrow at you. You feel your cheeks heat up and you look away from his piercing stare. You know that what he said was perverted, but....you liked it. Really liked it. Steve breaks the silence. "Alright, I've kept you here for long enough. You have pizzas to serve." You nod and quickly say goodbye to Steve. "Hey. One more thing." Steve purrs, not looking up from the document he began to flip through quickly as you leave the room. "Tell me what you get with some of that money, sweetheart. I'd love to see." His eyes rake to your cleavage, obviously checking you out. You decide to be bold before leaving the room. "Alright, Steve. Maybe you will." You grin, leaving.
The second the door shut behind you, separating his gaze from you, you sink to the ground, heart pounding. Fuuuuuckkkk....you bury your head in your hands, a blushing mess. You did NOT just do that. "Fuckfuckfuck..... that was hot." But you DID, and what was going on in that office as you continued your shift would never be known to you.
The second you left, that file left his hands, and he groaned, pushing one hand on the bridge of his nose, adjusting his glasses, and the other on the throbbing tent in his pants. Fuck. The things I'd do to her if she just let me a little closer. Touching the now growing mass in his pants, he groaned again, leaning into his palm, wishing that instead of his hands, it was your plump lips, or even better, your throbbing pussy, begging for someone like him to take advantage of it. He wondered if you'd been treated well by the men your age, and with a sigh, imagined just how much better he'd be for you. He'd make you scream. The thought of him filling your tight pussy with his throbbing member and fucking you hard over his desk made him drawl out a garbled moan. Steve covered his mouth with his other hand to keep anyone from hearing anything from outside. You're intoxicating to him....every little part of you. The way you stare at him with those big bunny eyes...what would they look like if he pinned you against the wall? Grabbed your throat? How pathetic and useable you'd be to him if he just got a little closer....
Steve's hips pushed harder against his palm, and he threw his head back, sighing loudly. If only you knew what you really did to him. You were like a drug he couldn't get away from. As wrong and weird as it was for him to be addicted to you, he couldn't stop. Everything about you drew him closer, and he didn't know why. But who needs to know? He didn't. The way your hips moved as you walked, the small smiles you'd give him as you'd pass, the melodic chime of your laugh echoing across the restaurant into his office. Or the times he'd sneak a peek at your ass, the way it fit so perfectly into your jeans. He could only imagine what it looked like free from those pants, or how it would sound smacking loudly against his hips if he fucked you from the back.
Steve could only fantisize about what those eyes would look like drunk on his cock, rolling back into your head from the pounding of his cock. Just imagining your lips grazing the tip of his dick, or how you'd react if he could just grab a fistful of that hair and shove his cock down your throat, causing you to gag and choke on it. What would you do? Those big eyes of yours, tears pricking the corners, begging for him to fuck you again and again. He'd make you cry. He could already imagine the things he'd do to you; some over his desk, some in his car, some back at his place. The contraptions he'd build just for you to torture your little pussy with, and how hard he'd fuck you in the back rooms during work. He could get away with it too. Your eyes were begging for him, begging for his cock, his mouth. Begging to be abused by him.
Steve couldn't take it anymore. Unzipping his dress pants, he let his cock spring free, the tip red and throbbing, precum dripping out of the tip.
If you only knew sweetheart...
Spitting on his hand he ran a thumb over the tip of his sensitive member, causing him to inhale sharply, but he continued rubbing until he wrapped his entire hand around his thick cock and began to pump it slowly. The sensations of his hand were nothing compared to what he could imagine yours felt like. He could teach you everything you needed to know about sex, and how to please him. He would leave the office smelling like your sweet perfume, and only he would know why. Your smell was a drug, he always knew where you were because of that iconic scent. If he could, he'd follow you like a dog just to smell it again and be close to you. He'd make you wear one of his old t-shirts to bed so when you left to go home, his bed and undershirt would smell like you, and he'd wear it to work as a reminder of what he did to you that night. God. He would teach you what you wanted to know, and would please you so, so well. He'd be the best teacher ever. You'd be fucked by a real man, and not those sorry excuses for a man that are in your generation.
"Those boys know nothing about pleasing a woman..." Steve hisses, jerking himself harder, breath getting shallower.
You deserved to be treated right, like his little princess. All his, anytime, anywhere.
"I could teach you so much better than those boys your age..."
Steve whispered, pumping faster and harder on his cock, it twitching wildly in his hand. He could feel the release coming soon, and he gave in.
He could only think about the risk of getting caught. What a sin....fucking your boss right after a paycheck that came out of his own pocket money? What a dirty little slut you could be....horny for an older man like him? Pathetic. He'd make you his someday...he just knew it.
With a loud groan, Steve came loudly on his hand and on his desk, cum spilling on the file you gave him. Coming down from his high, he wiped his hands clean with some wipes in a drawer, throwing them away in the trash. He looked closer at the file and chuckled softly. It was your file. What cruel fucking irony. Your own boss fucking himself dry and cumming all over the file of the woman he just can't get away from?
I wonder if she remembered what I said about showing me what she bought with that money....
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wanda-little-baby · 1 year
Twin Surprises - Wanda Maximoff x romanoff!Reader
Summary (pt. 2) : The second half of a particular day, you have a party to prepare and probably perhaps you will succeed
Warnings: very light swearing, culinary messes, alcohol and what follows, maybe there's more?
A/N: There you go, it took me longer than expected, because among other things a week ago my laptop died and this moron that I am was unable to access the account, so here it is with some delay <3
Words: <6K
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Honestly, the only reason why you took today as a day off is because today is Wanda's birthday, also Pietro's, calculating that they are twins, but in any case she doesn't know that you know this vital information and until tonight you would prefer her to stay Like this.
In fact, if you hadn't seen the date on the files at the time of Ultron, and then subsequently asked Pietro for confirmation, most likely you wouldn't even know when your girlfriend and her brother was born.
The curious case of the strange family bartender never seen who probably (surely, by now a fact) could have super speed now no longer pushes the strings of your curiosity, you could ask advice from Vision later for a guess you would have made, but still Wanda's birthday is more important.
You have start with your little group of friends, Pietro would have had to keep Wanda away from the compound for at least two hours, just long enough to put the decorations, the cake and everything else, and you and Kate would have taken care of that everything else plus decorations and cake. Exceptional case you did it with Natasha, you texted her in her absence about everything you were putting together and luckily she's back just in time.
Trembling with excitement you had a hard time masking your incoherent happiness which suddenly appeared out of nowhere, especially when dealing with a telepathic girlfriend, but still you made it, finally Pietro and Wanda are officially away from home for the next two hours (hopefully). Now all you need is your team.
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You and Kate walked around the compound, abruptly interrupted everyone from what they were doing and as if nothing was there you both dragged everyone into the kitchen/lounge.
In addition to the thousand questions, which both you and the archer will rightly answer in right time, time plays his part. "So, you're all wondering why Kate and I dragged you here..." with dangling hands, you push to get to where you want them
"Nah I'm more terrified of that crazy smile Kate has"
"I might have an idea" Vision as always, try to express, an idea about everything could almost say. "No Vis trust me you don't have it" absolutely certain, Kate denies any idea, the secret information for weeks only you, Kate and Pietro knew.
"thus... we gathered you here because... it's the birthday of the twins" in the end you blurt out the fact. "and we are planning a surprise party!!!" with so much enthusiasm, much more than you, Kate almost bursts with happiness.
"We need your help, basically only you are not involved, yet" you ask very kindly, gesturing as usual in a very hurried way.
Through shared looks, brief moments of non-verbal (not even mental) communication, you could say that if these here don't accept, Kate would most likely make them accept so much that she trembles to organize this party.
"they are setting us up" silently, not quite, Sam whispers to the poor synthezoid next to him. "it's called team spirit!!!" Kate, which unfortunately overheard, exclaims indignantly.
"I think it could be a bonding activity, it wouldn't hurt to try" so as not to miss, this time in your favor (yeah <3), from its crammed corner in the kitchen, the ai in an almost indestructible body makes one of his comments. "thanks Vis" happy, you thank him.
Thank god, as a good gentleman of the 40's Steve is always available to help where possible. "so what should we do?"
Following another nod of glances between you and the archer you begin to give the tasks. "Okay. Cap, you take care of the decorations, you are a super soldier use these powers" you turn to Steve, explaining to him in detail what he has to do.
Once you're done with the super soldier, you move on to the person who at the same time knows how to be the most annoying and supportive in this huge building, better known as Sam Wilson. "Second, Birdman, you have the drinks, no booze, I don't want it to end like most of Tony's parties, it's a party birthday" you communicate passing over the grimace that comes to you at the mere sound of the word 'Birdman', obviously from the birdman himself.
And third but not third, you pass to the dear synthezoid willing to understand human emotions. "Lastly, Vis, I need some help in the kitchen, you'll be my assistant cook. All clear?" you conclude, looking for further doubts, mostly clarifications because you were very specific.
"And what is the archer up to here?" very pretentious, almost as if he wanted to insinuate something, Sam beckoned to the brunette across the room, a sigh escaped your lips. "Kate will take care of the music, in short, general entertainment, we don't want it to be a funeral home, and if you have any doubts, ask her, she's in charge while I'm in the kitchen" you reiterate, also pointing to the friend in question right next to you, a succession of looks and confirmations between you and her, while you overlook the 'little' puff you heard.
Full of charged emotions as well as tasks to do, you are ready to start this operation, or rather to finish it because it started already weeks ago. "Good. Avengers, let's start the birthday party operation in less than two hours" with folded hands you finish your speech, thrilled by the final result.
"It's terrible name" and "Shut up Sam!" it could be the phrases that followed the name of the operation, and you might even have rolled your eyes at the bickering between Kate and Sam, but surely in the end you know that everything will work out.
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"Vision, how much do you know about Sokovian cooking?" taking quite a few ingredients out of the fridge and various pantries, ask more for general knowledge, to the synthezoid in the role of assistant chef.
"In the Sokovian cuisine as in most of the Slavic peoples there is an abundant use of spices" following you like a dog with its master from one end of the kitchen to the other, it provides data that one cannot fail to notice its robotic nature.
You nod and as you get some bowls and a whisk and the eggs, you mumble. "Hmm it's useless anyway, we need the sweet side of the kitchen. Sokovian pastry that's what we'll do today" placing the objects from your clumsy hands on the island in the center of the room, you begin the plan for the next two intense hours of preparation.
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Meanwhile in evening New York
Convincing Wanda to go out on her birthday was complicated enough even for her twin. The fact that no one, or at least Wanda believed so, knew that today was in fact the birthday of the Maximoff twins, especially the girlfriend of a certain green-eyed brunette, only gave her more weight, and now it was never too late to say something like "Hey it's my birthday today, sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I didn't want to rehash all my destroyed childhood", but really Wanda wants nothing more than to be not intrusive.
The more or less complex key was getting a short loan of Lucky, the golden retriever that Kate had found on the street during a cold December night, before meeting all your merry gang. Of course, Kate loves Wanda very much but his pride put a lot of pressure on the speedster, but in the end Pietro gave in and took courage, after all she is his sister.
Having a dog running around in a billion dollar facility is (probably) not a good thing but hey at least Lucky is quiet, plus he likes pizza and that's a big plus. That's why under the guise of a walk with the literal Avengers mascot, just to de-stress, there were now twins and a dog on the loose on the streets of New York.
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There have been many attempts, really many. So many cakes and various desserts that came out wrong, it would be the fourth time you'd be trying to redo the dough.
You were throwing in the trash with a funeral face when you turned to see an atrocity in progress (yet another of the day). "No no no. Stop!" quickly you run trying to stop the massacre, yet another almost failed attempt, then you remember that you have powers and forcibly remove the spatula from the hands of the cake-killer synthezoid.
"Want to tell me what the hell you were going to do?!" taking the bowl out of your hands, and removing this still undamaged dough as far as possible, you scold Vision for the umpteenth time. "At this point the recipe called for mixing and I was doing it" he replies confused, if the recipe calls for this why are you angry? Human emotions are still a partial mystery to him.
You sigh at his statement, indeed it's true, he had to mix, only that's exactly what he did the other three wrong times, so maybe that's where the mistake is. "You're right. But what do you say if we put a little more flour and maybe this time I'll check if we put sugar instead of salt?" you propose exhausted, placing the bowl on the counter again, with your hands on your hips and already all covered in flour on your arms and bits of your face. "It is a mistake not to be repeated, perhaps adding some more flour could give the required result" comments the red robot thoughtfully, surely inside his mind full of vibranium circuits and the strange gem he has set on his forehead he will be calculating the variable billions possible from this choice, he always does.
"You flour, I sugar. Do you think you can do it?" handing him the bowl, you nod questioningly. "I can try," he replies, optimistic as a human would say, given his previous failures.
While you make sure you have taken the sugar and not the salt, not like the first cake which was practically perfect, just one small detail, it is salty to die for, you hear a thud and then a kind of poof, and when you turn around what you see is exhilarating.
Vision covered head to toe in flour, green and yellow clothes, red skin and everything else completely whitened, only the luminous gem stands out among all the rest. Such a show gives you what out of three failed attempts in the kitchen you deserve, a good laugh. The fact that Vision then looks at you curious as to why you're bursting with laughter only adds to the hilarity of the moment.
"I-if… if you're going to say 'do I have something on my face?' I swear I may never stop laughing" holding back more laughter just so I can talk, you warn him, you really may not stop laughing. Just at this moment, between laughter and another, your best archer enters the chaotic kitchen, who is also amazed by the condition of the synthezoid.
"Oh my god Vision! Did you by any chance give the body a whitewash?" jokingly, Kate makes fun of the white condition covering a Vision quite confused by your reactions. "No no it snowed a few seconds ago!" you join the line of jokes, really in need of this kind of rest. "Miss Bishop, Miss Romanoff, I don't understand the reason for these laughs" naked and raw, as only he knows how to be, in his confusion, still covered in flour to make him look like a vibranium Everest, the synthezoid observes. "It doesn't matter Vis, i-it was fun anyway" still recovering, between a few muffled giggles you wipe some flour off the robot's shoulders.
"Alright, I didn't come here to laugh but anyway... there's a problem there" Kate too with a roll of eyes tries to go on, underlining the problem. As if you felt a ghost pierce your body you turn and your eyes go wide, not ready to know what went wrong.
"I found my favorite pair of 'missing' shoes all gnawed away in the recesses of my closet" pulling the pair of shoes now only to be trashed from behind her back, she says again bewildered that she has been betrayed by her furry pizza-loving dog. "And then, and this is the worst part, from there I think Sam really didn't respect the no alcohol fact and Steve doesn't seem to understand that he has to do the exact opposite of what he's doing" with an air of just exhausted, Kate puts her hand to her forehead, this party hasn't even started and it's already a catastrophe.
You dramatically bangs her head on Vision's chest several times, desperate from the situation, the kitchen sucks, ditto over there... it would take a miracle.
"News from Clint? Tony? Someone, tell me at least something is going according to plan" you complain, continuing to bang your head on Vision's vibranium chest, some lumps of flour fall on you. Kate sighs "Clint is out, the little one is sick, and the whole family is basically in quarantine. Rhodey, as I was telling you he is still on a mission... while, yes Stark he is actually coming soon, nay he should be here considering you know 'him' " one by one she fills you with bad news, the air gets more and more depressing with everything in pieces, but at least there is still Tony left... yeah Tony, you aren't thrilled with what might happen as they're not yet in good shape relationships, but hope dies last.
"Ура! Could you please go over there and fix it, Katie?" almost pleading-eyed, amidst the mess in the kitchen, you speak to your friend. "I would have already gone to lend a hand but, anyway, if you don't mind I need Vision, could you lend it to me?" coquettishly, approaching your position, from the entrance, she puts her arm in arm with the synthezoid looking between you two and with a brief exchange of glances absolutely without even thinking about it you mutter a 'yeah, no problem at all'.
Surely it's not that he really needs Vision, she needs him to stay away from you that's all, the kitchen is an example and Vision really doesn't know how to cook, it's not his fault it's just that he's a robot and has literally never cooked nor eaten before, and then surely to keep him busy it won't hurt them to listen to human relationships, after all he wants to understand us.
As Kate literally drags Vision away from the battlefield that has become the poor kitchen, you lip a 'thanks' directed at her so she can get the message. Now with the free kitchen, you literally have to do it all over again in much less time and you probably also have to write to Pietro to keep Wanda away a little longer, even if she might get suspicious.
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With a flick of the wrist you change your clothes to some less floury ones, tie a quick knot in the apron around your waist and roll up the sleeves. Give your floury hair a good clean with a few shakes, and style it into a bun so it doesn't get in front of your face, and you're ready to go.
Not knowing literally how much or what specifically should be consumed at a birthday party, and with time running out, you improvise.
From what you have understood in recent years, anything, whatever power you have, is greatly influenced by emotions, the stronger they are and the greater the power they release, in short, you have had examples of it.
With a huge din, with a flick of the wrists, all the pots, ladles, spoons, loads of other objects come out of their closets and in an orderly dance on a reddish river they float through the kitchen. One by one, commanded by the co-pilot, they are set aside in sections, various pastries being prepared at the same time, while only the cake remains for you, the fifth one this time to be made again.
As you predicted, or as Kate had told you, Tony arrived shortly after your accelerated preparation starts and almost gave you a heart attack, causing a culinary catastrophe, so you dismissed him with a red-eyed gaze that could rival those of an angry Natasha.
Speaking of the redhead, your mother didn't fail to arrive quite later, but this time it will have been for feeling or because you are practically almost coded to hear even the smallest detail that makes you feel the presence of her you were prepared.
She'd asked you if you'd like a hand in the kitchen, seeing four different groups of reddish flying things plus you all sweaty and busy, but you literally begged her to go check the living room and how the party preparations were because you weren't going to make Natasha "I can burn even water" Romanoff cook for no one reason at all, especially not now.
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Finally, after about an hour and three quarters, according to someone *cough* Vision *cough*, you were done.
Three trays of pastries, various sweets and all particular stuff, mixed from international and Sokovian cuisine. Your greatest pride is the cake, this time it's a masterpiece, finely decorated with the symbolic colors of the celebrated, a typical Sokovia recipe was the background.
It's also true that you trashed your initial project and took something else but you still have the corpses of past havoc laid on the counter, there were four deaths on this day, all newborns died, and sooner or later you'll have to get rid of them unfortunately.
You've just finished taking everything out of the stove and you should go to the living room to see how to place the food, before coming back and plating everything, and the anxiety is a lot.
You were ready for something, definitely not what you found when you came out of the kitchen and went looking for the rest of the team. The living room is breathtaking, all lit up, streamers hang from the lights, the sofas moved to make room for some tables with paper plates and cutlery on them in a row and plastic cups next to them, there are also chips and various crap, things that absolutely they had slipped your mind, the decorations scattered throughout the room that recall a little sokovia everything is great and you are... you are simply speechless.
It didn't take long for y'all to put the finishing touches, sure, you don't know who did the magic but flush wire you did it. Throwing a party may not have been one of the skills you would have expected to have to get the job done, but when you're dealing with someone like Tony Stark, you see a lot of parties and you know what to do and what not to do to avoid inconvenience (yes, you know about that party at Malibu :-| ). As luck would have it, just shortly after you've just finished everything, the robotic female voice of FRIDAY warns you of the imminent arrival of the twins, this was the time to disappear.
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In a deep silence, the lights at least not too much "help something abnormal is going on", dimmed to preserve the surprise effect. Seven of the mightiest heroes on earth have hidden themselves in the most disparate places in one of the relax room which has officially become (under your "acute observation") the living room of the compound, shortly waiting for the speedster and his beautiful sister, the celebrated.
"- yes anyway I don't believe you, surely you're plotting something" in the lobby of the floor, just outside the lift, the two Sokovians argue. "Сестра (Sestra) I would never allow myself" with his hand on his chest, as if offended, Pietro teases his sister.
A small meteorite, wearing some rings, hits the shoulder of the speedster, apparently not too fast to dodge his sister's punches. "Глупо" she murmurs at the same time as the blow, followed by a not at all serious ouch, in practice it's always the same Pietro, with his usual behavior.
Crossing the hallway, the atmosphere absolutely still if it weren't for the few lights deliberately left on, Wanda is starting to believe that something has happened, it's never so silent in here. And most of all she misses her nocturnal koala, it was a crappy day for her and she just wants to be with her favorite person, maybe this birthday mess of hers can fix it next year.
"Wait Lucky!" Wanda exclaims suddenly when the golden retriever she was holding on her leash snaps and escapes from her hands running towards the dark living room. "Why is this room so dark..." the girl gropes into the open space, looking for the light switch, the pitch dark doesn't help with the fact that Pietro suddenly seems to have disappeared, when only a few seconds ago Wanda was sure he was behind her.
All the lights in the room come on revealing the magnificent sight. "Surprise!" all the voices of the team, even Pietro, exclaim together, surrounding Wanda.
Quickly her eyes become bright with emotion. Seeing the room decorated, this group of people, with some of her she bonded more than others, all this they organized for her and her brother's birthday, she just didn't expect it.
It's pure madness that you've somehow managed to keep someone you've been plotting for so long on the back burner, considering you literally live together, but it has to be a testament that someone up there loves you.
The disbelief she feels when she finishes looking around the room and she stops right in front of you is such that even with her mouth closed in her hands she can't concentrate and speak. "Would you like to say something, Wands?" you look into her eyes that she tries to hide with her hands. In order not to show her, seized with shame, she closes the short distance between you two and hides her face against your chest.
"How did you know that?" she mumbles against your chest, sheltered a little from the outer ears.
I may have had some tips
You look towards Pietro and Wanda also follows your gaze up to her brother, several unsaid speeches you exchange. "Happy Birthday девушка из ситкома" you kiss her hairline, the last part elicits a few giggles from a certain redheaded russian, and an awww from someone corny and a close friend of yours when your mom told her what were you saying. "Well how about we start this party? Or get a room because we don't want to see this all night" pointing between you two, Tony broke that bubble you had created. And so it was that an elbow hit the side of the genius, all for a little joke about her daughter.
ᗢ⧗── ・ 。゚⧗: *.ᗢ.* :⧗. ───⧗ᗢ
Before long, the party was in full swing. If there's anything we're good at besides saving the world, most of the time, it's rocking a party. As you predicted, the polite no-alcohol request, completely trampled upon. Did you expect it? Of course. If there is Tony Stark at a party it's impossible that there isn't alcohol.
Between various chats, light music in the background and Lucky wandering from one person to another, a good part of the evening is already passing. It's right here that between a talk about uranium decomposition (I don't have a clue how we got to this) and how fast Tony's armor can go just to keep up with Pietro that Kate brings an avalanche of board games and stuff like that.
After the umpteenth game of scrabble, interrupted because you really can't play against a living dictionary, Sam's words, you have given fruit to your improvisation skills with the game of mimes.
To say it was exhilarating is an understatement, you had to guess among other things which team member one of you was imitating. Obviously there were the classics, the robot for Vision, the slightly more creative one, the right hand to the chest as if to sing the national anthem, obviously for Steve. Couldn't miss a bird, it was hilarious, it always is when it's dealing with Sam, tying the shoes is a clear tip for the team sprinter according to Steve, yet he had to give another hint.
Sam played it hard miming Natasha, he got on his knees and stayed that way until y'all understood and burst into laughter, well at least not all of you. Then it was your turn, or at least someone had to imitate you. She took revenge, your mother took revenge for laughter by imitating when you sit down you take a book in your hand and absolutely angry you start leafing through it without even reading and lightning with deadly looks anyone who approaches you even by mistake, needless to say that among all those laughing you were a little ashamed.
Wanda had a classic from her twin, the usual hand gestures and go, Tony too did it quite well of course only people who are quite night owls remember his lightning naps. Vision's imitation of Kate in one word: "pure gold". Okay maybe there are two but this is the gist, robots don't know how to mimic people and when they do it's too funny.
ᗢ⧗── ・ 。゚⧗: *.ᗢ.* :⧗. ───⧗ᗢ
In a brief moment of pause, you went to the kitchen to get more glasses and napkins, and Wanda followed. When she saw the mess in the kitchen her heart melted, she lingered on the savory pie, you had decorated it out of depression, she was almost successful and since it was salty you just put a "who cares?" because nobody would care about the pie. Instead she put her foot down and wanted you to take a picture of her holding the cake.
"Seriously?! Do you want a photo with this cake... this cake here?" amazed you look at Wanda holding the plate of cake in her hand.
The girl sighs, she will have to fight for this maybe. "Come on, it's a very good cake even if it's salty! Take this picture come on..." with two big sweet eyes, plate held in front of her, she want to bribe you with sweetness.
You raise your eyebrows, you know too well what she's doing, and she's winning... as always. "Like always, we end up doing what you want" you raise your hands theatrically along with your eyes.
Initially she doesn't seem to react to your answer but when you pick up your early 2000s instant camera and snap the picture she raises an eyebrow and satisfied, after the shoot she sticks her tongue out.
"Thank you that you're pretty" you make a fake face, when the photo is developed you shake it and look at the result.
Cute even when you make faces, or make fun of me
As a teenager, Wanda blushes from cheeks to ears, and as you look at the photo she takes your arm. "Come on cakes girl let's go enjoy the amazing party you threw for me"
ᗢ⧗── ・ 。゚⧗: *.ᗢ.* :⧗. ───⧗ᗢ
Head back to the party, Lucky nearly knocked you over as hard as he lunged at you. "Hey puppy, you almost showed me the stars" you scratch him behind the ear, he wags his tail happily.
Having a pet isn't something you've ever done, but since Lucky's been here you've become a dog lover in a snap of your fingers. Although the first time, he peed on Vision's leg.
"Oh girls, we've been waiting for you" sitting on one of the sofas, Steve greets us. Well yes, in the few fifteen minutes perhaps, Pietro had decided to do karaoke, he had arbitrarily taken and brought a microphone with all the rest of the equipment in a flash, and there was a discussion between him and Sam about who should start.
"OH MY GOD. Like OH MY GOD. Where did you get this from!" when you turn around and see all the equipment in plain sight and Pietro handling it, you're too excited.
"Apparently someone here is full of surprises" Tony refers to the boy, surprised you might say.
After the whole Sokovia incident, even before, he feels responsible for everything that happened to the twins, if only he had realized sooner. Relationships are almost always electric between those three, he tries, you try, but it's simply too early; they spent their whole lives hating the big bad Tony Stark for killing their parents, some things are not easy to forget forgive and move on.
ᗢ⧗── ・ 。゚⧗: *.ᗢ.* :⧗. ───⧗ᗢ
After a couple of minutes you decided who started first and unfortunately few participate.
"You can't stay there and let just humiliate the four of us..." you complain talking to the four sitting on sofas, more with the three humans, for Vision it can be enough with ridiculous acts to do. "five!" Sam corrects you, he's the only one besides the four of you who wants to sing.
"Yeah, though... that's not right!" you huff angrily, if you have to fall at least they have to fall with you. "Life isn't fair" Tony retorts loudly, now you can only glare at him.
"Well I haven't sung since 1944, I wouldn't mind trying" a little joy ignites at Steve's words, even if Kate's stifled giggle makes you think it's going to end badly, but anyway you thank him. "Thanks Steve"
In a last ditch effort, you cast a questioning glance at the billionaire, so much is the question in the air. "I pay for the house, food, water, electricity and all the technological gadgets, basically I'm more of a mother than this one, isn't that enough for you?" giving a futile future to your efforts, he liquidates you by putting your mother in the middle as well.
It's normal that you pay for everything here! Who among us is a billionaire?! Literally, I don't know which of us has income in our bank accounts! Then we've got a robot, one guy that's supposed to be old and death, and a lot of other people that I don't think people would want to hire. Paying is your job
"Ты была бы очень плохой матерью в этом случае, так как мы справляемся сами" arms crossed, you grumble sulkily, he doesn't understand you anyway, so he has no reason to hear. "Ты же знаешь, что он подумает, что мы плохо о нем говорим?" Natasha answers your words with curiosity, mostly with amusement.
"Вот почему я учу языки, мама" you smirk, and slowly knowing you've got everyone's full attention basically, you spell out. Your mother rolls her eyes, gives you a smile and slowly shakes her head, she could be your accomplice "Ах да, верно, Тони Старк - негодяй" finally she says, only to alarm the interested party's ears
During the short conversation in Russian, a matter of less than a minute, you had everyone's eyes on you. And when you're done, Tony's face is almost indecipherable.
"I have no idea what you said thus in advance I feel deeply offended, so I will stay here, enjoy this delicious cocktail and your performance" obviously finding an excuse, he settles down on the sofa and sips from the glass. You give him one last look and then roll your eyes
A cough gets your attention. "Can we start?" Pietro nods to you, and you shrug.
"Kate, the stage is yours" you sit down and Kate scrolls through the song list.
ᗢ⧗── ・ 。゚⧗: *.ᗢ.* :⧗. ───⧗ᗢ
If Kate hadn't thrown herself into sports, technically into being a superhero but sport was a means, yes, however, she could devote herself to singing. Of course, the song she chose was completely wrong, but the voice is there, at least you hope.
Running away from the stage of shame, you relieved her, and after a bit of searching you found the perfect song. You dedicated it to Wanda, after all it's her birthday, and you might have gone a little too far with the saccharine stuff because you made her cry, in fact, after your performance, complete with applause, you reached her and you probably won't move from there because Wanda has no intention of letting you go from her arms.
The performance plus, something, is that of Pietro, with his behavior you could not expect otherwise, at least he made the atmosphere even lighter.
Strangely Sam's went well, no one laughed, everything perfectly. In your nerdy searches you may have found old footage from WWII, and some may even have been on Steve (*cough*A Star Spangled Man with a Plan *cough*) , but you were definitely not expecting what you got, an excellent performance.
You: Wow this went better than I expected. Hmm... Wanda?
Wanda: Yes?
You: You know it's your turn right?
Wanda: I don't want to go... come on you know I'm shy about these things. Isn't it better if I'm here with you?
You: Come on!!! At least if you don't want to make a random song take your guitar and play something with it... please?
Wanda: Don't even talk about it! I have no intention of playing... and... and then who was it that said we always do what I want?
You: I warn you, your guitar is arriving in your hands in a few seconds
Wanda: Now I hate loving you
While your girlfriend muttered to herself, and sincerely even when she pouts you want to kiss her nose, you still announce her entrance.
"Guys, you will never believe it, but now Wanda will delight us with a sweet melody played by her" absolutely convinced you announce, Wanda would like to sink into the sofa in a while and not re-emerge so as not to do it.
Wanda: Ugh... God... please bury me now
ᗢ⧗── ・ 。゚⧗: *.ᗢ.* :⧗. ───⧗ᗢ
In the end, between grimaces and some not very serious threats, you managed to get Wanda to stand up, the guitar in your hand, and lots of love (also teasing) in her eyes.
Well if she sings like the first time I heard her then... wow
You are walking quietly in the hallway, thought you were going to the library, or maybe you were walking down to go to training, when a sweet melody caught the attention of your ears, it was Wanda. You stood for a couple of minutes at the door jamb, enchanted by the way Wanda was singing, almost angelic.
Lying on her back, on the edge of the bed, when she looked up and saw your shape, a wave of shame and embarrassment hit her.
She almost threw a pillow at your face if you didn't dodge, and then you might have apologized for scaring her.
The fact is that in the end while Wanda was singing you were there for her. And at the end of the performance, there were whistle and applause, you basically cheered Wanda.
ᗢ⧗── ・ 。゚⧗: *.ᗢ.* :⧗. ───⧗ᗢ
There was the cake after, candles and all, and the compliments you might have gotten might have boosted your foodie ego even more, but hey if you're making the cake for your girlfriend birthday it makes sense you put all your effort into it yourself.
But now, from that precise moment on, your memories are fuzzy, it must surely have been the alcohol you ingested and it didn't help the challenge between you and Pietro to see who gets the most shots; and you already a little tipsy you overlooked the fact that his accelerated metabolism makes it literally impossible for him to get drunk, obliviously like a dumbass that you are you accepted.
For some reason you're shooting yourself a shot one moment, then you go dancing for some weird reason with *hazy mist*, but you think it's Wanda, and then you don't know how but you're watching a dance competition and your mom and Steve are dancing great, and for some reason you're rooting for them.
On top of that you believe, in the drunken haze you've blown a hole in someone's foot with Kate's arrows, and you definitely need to check that tomorrow, if you ever get over that giant hangover.
After the memory of dragging each other, perhaps in threes, with Wanda, between giggles and drunken conversations, down a hallway, you hope that of the bedrooms, you have a gigantic scary darkness, the most scary thing after a party... the day after.
ᗢ⧗── ・ 。゚⧗: *.ᗢ.* :⧗. ───⧗ᗢ
The blinding light from the window, that thing so painful it hurts your ears. The head that feels like it's about to explode, and you probably don't think you can get out of bed, maybe you wouldn't even be able to raise a hand let alone all of yourself.
Too much light, too loud, too drunk
At sloth speed, you turn face down in bed, and with what little energy you have you close the curtain with a few red threads.
You don't feel like moving, or doing anything else, especially talking or seeing, you could fall into depression if you do.
Screams suffocated in the pillow, even if there is very little to suffocate, you complain.
"I will never drink again"
A bad hangover awaits you to deal with today
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maxfandoms · 6 months
Sooo about Night & Day relationship
(this might get a little rambling so I'm sorry)
I wasn't going to talk about Night and Day yet because I wanted to first have more information on their relationship but I got tired of just screaming at my room about them so let's enjoy this awkward car ride
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What exactly we, the audience, know?
First, we know that Night is trying and cares about his brother that basically a fact, the biggest example is the scene where Mhok tickles Day and Night looks so happy knowing that his brother is happy
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That something we can't denied. I will circle back to that in a minute so Night cares about Day. What about Day?
Day is furious with Night
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I could have go on why do I think that but LOOK AT THE CHANGE IN DAY'S EXPRESSION this is when Night enters the scene and say ONE SETENCE. I rest my case but we get in the question that on everyone's mind and THE THEORY *TAN TAN TAN*
Why is Day so furious? WHAT DID NIGHT DO?
The biggest theory is that Night had something to do with Day's accident, that's a theory that I agree with it, especially when I heard Day's angry tirade in the car on Ep 8 when it feel like behind every single word that was a "and it was your fault/on you" in Day's line
That told me that Day felt like the accident was Night's fault, not saying that I believe Night did it on purpose (on that even Day's believe that) but whatever happened in that situation had something to do with Night, even the smallest amount.
What did Night do is such a good mystery that keep everyone, include me, hook on but the reality is that
It doesn't matter what Night did
Before you start yelling at the screen and close the thing, let me make a quick list of stuff that I'm not saying:
Night doesn't actually love and cares for Day (He does, it was the first thing I make sure to point it out)
The mystery doesn't need to be solved/it's a moot point focusing on it (No, I believe the we will get answers by the end of the show and I will keep asking every week WHAT DID NIGHT DO, P'AOF?)
Day's is 100% right in treating the Night the way that he does (While I will talk about that more, Day can be a d*ck to Night and takes Night's words in the worst way possible which is not a good move)
Now that I covers most of my bases, I think let's move on to:
What the f*ck do I mean by that
I understand that seeing Night trying so hard and getting nothing or just anger from Day, the normal instinct would be the to say is to be like "Please be a little gentler, Day. Don't you know that Night is trying?"
The truth is that family relationship are so f*cking complicated and one thing that we don't realize is just how much they can hurt us without even realizing
Am I speaking from personal experience? Yes, and let me just say all my holidays/family's birthdays are basically a hour and half of that car ride without the fight at the end because I need to be gentler even thought they aren't motherf*cking trying
So assuming that Night had nothing to do with the accident, Day is still furious at Night for something AND he is allowed to be it and continue to ignore Night and makes faces at him
Night loves Day but maybe right now that's not enough. Because their relationship is broken, doesn't mean it can't be fixed but maybe it's a little bit like doing a tattoo: It's going to hurt and when it start healing it will start looking different that would expected but it will still look cool
By that, I mean, that Day and Night have a long, weird and hurtful way to start healing that relationship and by the end, it look so different from what both of them were expecting
But at the end, this is just a post by someone who couldn't help but put their own lent's on a show
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alicentsultana · 8 days
hehehe thank uuuu, I'm very much a sucker for modern aus 🤭 I did make one up for one of my asoiaf ocs (if you want to hear about it I'd be happy to share) I don't think I can write it all out by myself honestly but I could co-author/come up with ideas if you or anyone ever wants.
Random Lore that's all over the place so please bear with me:
I feel like the Targaryen business is like something in steal? (Valyrian steal lol) And they have heavy political influence? Are somewhat fallen royalty? Kinda hc that basically every asoiaf region is modern au is independent and not conquered, individually used to have royal families then revolutions happened, now there are elections and vice-presidents for ever region, rather than absolute monarchy. (The latest VP for the crownlands is Lyonel Strong)
Old grandpa Jaehaerys was a raging misogynist, and he didn't want Rhaenys to become the new head of the fam so he gave Viserys 80% of company shares, 10% for Daemon and gave Rhaenys the remaining 10% percent. The Velaryon's own a shipping business and the Arryns have an airport business.
Between managing the company, being sick and playing with his legos Viserys doesn't have a lot of time overall. He neglected bby Rhaenyra, as in didn't spend much time with her and mostly left things to Aemma because she's the woman and that's her job (fuck u Viserys) then Aemma dies and he sorta overindulges Rhaenyra as in let's her do whatever she wants and gives into any demands she has, and trys to spend some time with her because he's guilty af about Aemma.
After marrying Alicent he basically dose what he did before Aemma died, leaving everything the childrearing to Alicent because she's a woman sooo 🤡 stars neglecting Rhaenyra and just doing whatever he did, this is also a reason why Rhaenyra comes to mislike Alicent, since belives that it's all the evil stepmoms fault that her dad is ignoring her again, this if fuled by Daemion too who hates Otto and Alicent's guts since a new wife means there could be boys and he's gonna get even less of the company shares.
Alicent dose try to be a good Stepmom (In my head Alicent's mom Clarice Florent, and she died a year after Gwayne was born so Alicent was about 8 herself when it all happened, she understands what Rhaenyra is going through and doesn't hold it against her) Alicent shows up/ plans every important event in Rhaenyra's life (school events, dance competitions, plans birthdays...) and eventually Rhaenyra somewhat warms up to Alicent and her half-siblings, but I feel like there would still be a somewhat resentment because watching Alicent give birth to baby boys something that her own mom had died for ... Yea Rhaenyra is complicated but I love her.
Meanwhile Daemon is being Daemon lol he's the cool uncle to Rhaenyra who's travelling the world and pops by occasionally to cause a ruckus then bounce off (I hc modern!daemon being a racer/nepo baby who gets into scandals left, right and centre) also him and Rhea Royce had an old money/arranged sorta marriage and then divorced after Jaehaerys dies.
Okay so I picture Alicent as someone who's been sheltered to an extent especially in regards to her sexualities, gets taught the standard things (a woman's greatest joy in life is being a mom, a woman must save herself for her marriage, a woman must be obedient towards her husband...) and Otto especially encourages all of that. collage stars at? Idk we don't have college in our education system it's straight to uni after highschool lol. Either way picture Alicent is a first year in university at 18, she's so excited to make friends and do new things, Otto somewhat indulges that and let's her be.
Then Viserys comes along, Alicent who's not yet finished her first year catches his attention at sunday church. He goes to Otto and basically asks for Alicent's hand in marriage to which Otto says yes, because this is a great opportunity for the family to social climb.
I feel like Alicent has mixed feelings about it when Otto tells her, on one hand she has to leave her studies, and barely realized dreams to marry a man years her senior, on another hand isn't this what woman have to do? Isn't this all that her father and religion have taught her? Her own parents got married straight out of highschool so it's the right thing to do isn't it? But what about bet dreams? Is she even ready to be a mom? What dose it mean to be a wife? Will her new husband be kind to her?
And her mixed feelings about it all makes it easy for Otto to push her forward in the direction he wants, he also moves to KL with Alicent after her marriage just to ... Help her fit into the new role of wife and mother (he just wants to control her and social climb lol)
Years later when Alicent is planning for her divorce:
Otto: he's a good man Alicent!
Alicent: why didn't you marry him then!
Otto: ...
I think Viserys genuinely wouldn't care all that much what happens to his kids with Alicent... Plus I feel like at that point he's also dealing with his sickness too and seeing as Alicent is so determined to get a divorce he just goes along with things. As for company shares he gives majority to Rhaenyra (basically made a will after Aemma dies that almost everything will go to Rhaenyra) after marrying Alicent he gave her 5% shares as a wedding gift of sorts, as for their four kids... He gave them 20% to divide between eachother equally. So Rhaenyra still has 55% which wins her majority, this is also Alicent's motivation for divorce she thinks it's absolutely unfair for her kids to each get 5% shares and Rhaenyra to get 55%.
Picture Alicent finding Viserys's will in the safe and going crazy lmaooo she's like wtf I've spent years in this hell and now this... then she argued with Viserys and tell him either he changes the will or they're getting a divorce.
I love Alicole too! (the knight and his queen can't get anymore romantic than that tbh) I actually picture Criston getting fired by Rhaenyra, something about how she asks him to sleep with her on her 18th birthday and he says no, but paparazzi take weird photos of them and that pissed Viserys off so he fires Criston. I think Alicent would be against it she's known Criston for years and he doesn't seem the type to be unprofessional so she vouched for him but Viserys didn't listen.
But yea getting fired by the Targaryen's left a bad stain of Criston's flawless record and he couldn't get hired as a bodyguard anymore 😔 Alicent heard about it and arranged a job for him at Oldtown as a security guard in the Hightower University. This boosted Criston's good impression of Alicent, since she helped him in his hour of need. But I don't think anything happened between them during Alicent's marriage (she's too much of a religious girly to cheat no matter how miserable her life is) it's only after she divorced and moves to Oldtown that she truly gets to know Criston and they bond, he also helps her with the kids and overall everything becomes a constant in her/the kids lives.
Throwing in uncle Gwayne in here because I feel like he'd be so sad for his sister, nephews and niece. And then sees Criston around and gets all protective because one man already fucked up Alicent's life he's not about to let another one do the same, but then ends up getting to know Criston and becomes best buddies with him lol. Also picture Gwayne who's a teen being the only one who didn't want Alicent to marry Viserys and leave Oldtown, since she's more of a mother to him in all honesty given how he was barley a year old when Clarice dies.
Rip this got so long lol I'm sorry.
Please share you md about your oc, I would love to hear about it!
Gosh I really might invite you to write it with me, I'm seriously considering it! Loved this entire au.
The targ background is on point, it makes sense being a steal company + political presence, power and royal roots. Very consistent.
Jaehaerys would 100% do this, I didn't even bat an eye. Daemon as nepobaby doing rich people sport is so him, I can see him racing and raging if he ever loses, his divorce was the fastest ever, it happened two days after grandpa's demise.
The Targs and the other families going Samsung Circle* is so real, I loved it. "Fly Today With Arryn Airlines 🦅✈"
Daemon would 100% undermine nyra's relationship with alicent, it's a very him thing.
I too picture Ali as sheltered, her mother's death played part on it too. We don't have college here either, so straight to uni! Her uneasiness would be used by Otto, he has a chance in a lot of money (wait until he discovers about it).
I like to think that at some point between Aegon being around six, and before Daeron pops out Alicent start to become more smart inside her household like well no one is actually paying much attention to me, might as well snoop around. Maybe after her father says or points something out about the children's inheritance/their future and she grows suspicious about what is really to their name - she have a vague idea about it. Alicent have her four, Rhaenyra turn eighteen and has her first scandal that Alicent tries to cover with the best of her abilities, Nyra tells her off as if it was her fault and Criston loses his job and Alicent helps him under the wraps after he tells her what really happened.
Aegon turns nine and Alicent has enough proof of having wasted her life, not much to fight for, already traumatized and rather lonely depressed children. Bad family examples, bad family relationships, is RVDR playing family and them in the corner as a separate thing, she has had enough. I like to think she goes around the red mansion opening financial book after book, vault after vault and boom, she calls 0-800-10-Larys Strong, provides paper after paper, including the recently diagnosis of her husband, and when everything is practically ready she goes to Viserys, if he splits everything equally to the children good, if not, he can rot in hell.
I pictured she looked at her children and said "Let's see what they are made off" and just put the baby in her hip, placed them in a car and left. "Mom where are we going?" "Somewhere we will be happy."
Aegon probably understood it better than his siblings who wanted to go home, because this new house is smaller and where are the servants? Though it probably took a toll on his mental health, he only started therapy in late teen years, after his uncle and criston realize he's alcoholic. He helped his mother raise the children at first but it made his relationship with her very fragile and distant, I believe he likes Criston because he's good with his siblings and mother.
Aemond and Helaena probably learned to accept it, but turned out a little better than Aegon, a lot of therapy for them too. They liked the guy that picked them after school.
Daeron was a baby, this is the life he knew since 1 yo. He was the one who turned out mostly okay. He doesn't know who Viserys is.
I wonder what Alicent does for a living, I doubt Viserys would pay her anything beyond two cents for food.
There's also something I would love to see: Rhaenyra's eventual visit. I think Aegon goes what is she doing here? And Alicent just drive them away while they talk. But what would they talk about? Rhaenyra have her convictions but those are her half-siblings, Viserys is going old and sicker, he never asked to see any of them, she thought Alicent placed a restriction, but she discovered that wasn't the case.
Uncle Gwayne would 100% be team no new in-law, Criston would have a lot to prove.
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pyjamas for the soft prompts <3
I don`t know how it happened, but here 1784 words👉👈
Thank you for the prompt dear, I hope you will love it 💜💜💜💜💜
We are family (let`s buy pajamas to prove it)
A week. Eddie tried to find the perfect way to ask Buck to marry him for a week. It should be something cute and romantic, but also something only for them.Big romantic gestures are amazing, but Eddie feels like he needs it to be something quiet and domestic.  
So while Buck has a shift without him, he searches for the best idea on the Internet. But the last two hours gave him nothing except anxiety.
“Dad!” Chris` scream near his ear scares him, and he almost drops his laptop. Chris smiles at it. “I called you five times. What are you doing?” the boy sits near him and tries to look at his screen.
His son looks at him and Eddie sees what people mean when they say he has Eddie`s expressive face and sassiness. Chris looks at him like he's an idiot and he is tired of him.
“I - i`m looking for ideas for a surprise for Buck, bud,” Chris' face changes to confused.
“But there are no holidays soon. Why do you need such a special surprise that you missed five times I called you to ask if you want tea or not?” his son talks with him like he's a child, and Eddie feels worse than before. But maybe Chris will help him. Eddie wants it to be domestic, and Chris should be a part of it.
“I`m preparing a surprise for Buck because I want to ask him to marry me,” Eddie sees how Chris` mouth opens wild and starts to regret his choice to buy a ring before this talk. And maybe he should have prepared Chris better. “But If you have problems with it…,” Eddie doesn't have time to end it because his son hugs him tight.
“I want it, dad. God, I`ve been waiting years for you two to get together and I actually couldn't wait for your wedding anymore. I was this close,” he shows Eddie almost connected forefinger and thumb, “to buy a ring for Buck myself and ask him. Or find adoption papers and make him sign it,” Chris laughs and Eddie joins him. But Eddie feels like his son actually could do it. 
“So, you support me,” it means a world to Eddie. Chris and Buck two half of his heart and the way they create their own connection always make Eddie melt into a puddle of love to them. 
“Yes dad. I want you to be happy. I want Buck to be happy. We are family and I really want it to be official too. And I want a wedding. Maddie and Chim`s wedding was cool. I liked it.”
Eddie laughs at it.
“Well, I hope our wedding with Buck you will like more. Especially because you are going to be my best man,” another tight hug surprises Eddie again, but he is always ready to accept affection from his teenage son. God knows Chris is “too cool” for affection now and Eddie cherishes every moment he can take.
“Thank you, dad,” Chris pulls away from him. “Ok, I think I have an idea. I saw it when I was looking for a present for Buck`s birthday,” boy opens the site of the shop. “We can buy those two pajamas for Buck and ask him to marry you and adopt me tomorrow,” Chris shows him two pajamas. One with “best husband ever” on it, and the other one with “ Best. Dad. Ever!”  
“We can pick it up at the store in the morning, buy a takeaway breakfast at Buck's favorite cafe and ask Buck after breakfast. What do you think?” Chris looks at him and Eddie looks back with a huge smile. His son created the perfect proposal.
“I think you just made a perfect idea which I tried to find for hours. Let's buy pajamas now,” they do it and go to make tea and watch something on TV. 
Chris sits a little closer to him on the couch than usual, and Eddie enjoys a quiet family evening, but can't resist contacting the missing person. He takes a selfie of him and Chris and sends it to Buck.
Miss you tonight :( 
We are going to buy takeout from your favorite cafe in the morning <3
Buck doesn't answer and Eddie thinks he is on a call. Half an hour later Chris starts to fall asleep so they both go to beds.
Miss you two too :( 
Sorry for not answering soon
We were at big fire till 2am  
Can`t wait for breakfast with my family <3
Eddie sees the answer in the morning and smiles brightly. Buck is going to be home soon and Eddie and Chris will ask him to become their family officially.
Eddie and Chris take pajamas and buy breakfast. When they come back they can see Buck`s jeep and both smiles bright.
“We are home,” they both say after entering the house. They go to the living room and leave their present on the coffee table. Eddie then takes their breakfast to the kitchen and comes back to see how Buck comes from the bedroom in sweatpants and a T-shirt with a sleepy smile and a little bit wet hair with curls already forming. Eddie thinks he looks so beautiful.
“Hey you two,” Buck runs his hand through Chris's curls to which the teenager lets out an offended scream and the men laugh. He kisses Eddie next. “Missed you two so much,” he says, hugging Eddie around the waist tight, and Eddie copies his action.
“We missed you, too,” Eddie says and kisses Buck`s birthmark. Chris makes gagging noises in the background. “Yes, we know you hate how affectionate we are, young man, go wash your hands and let's eat.”
Chris just goes to the bathroom leaving them together. Buck and Eddie still hold each other and don't want to let go. They spend a minute like that and then Buck breaks the silence.
“What have you two bought?” he nods to the coffee table.
“We will show you after breakfast. Now let`s go. I'm starving,” Eddie takes Buck by the hand and leads him to the kitchen.
The breakfast is wonderful. They talk and joke. When breakfast is done and Eddie cleaned the kitchen he decides it`s the time.
“Ok, we have presents for you, so let's go open them.”
They go to the living room and Chris and Buck sit on the couch while Eddie in front of them on the coffee table.
“Did I forget about any holiday?” Buck asks with a smile, but Eddie can see little nervousness in his eyes. 
Eddie puts his hand on Buck`s knee and smiles at his boyfriend, “No, you didn't forget anything. Chris and I just wanted to ask you something and bought you little presents.” 
Buck nods at his words. 
Chris takes one box and gives it to Buck with a smile. Buck opens it and freezes for a second then he carefully runs his finger over the letters on the T-shirt and turns to Chris then to Eddie. He shifts his gaze between the two of them and the T-shirt for a minute, but then turns his body so that he can see them both.
“Is- is that what I think it is?” Buck says quietly, with so much hope in his voice and Eddie can see tears in his eyes. Eddie just nods, but not saying anything. It's Chris` question.
“Yes, Buck. You have been my dad for many years. You make me and dad happy. You are our family and I want you to be my dad officially,” Chris smiles tricky. “Evan Buckley, will you adopt me?” 
Eddie makes a laugh at the way his son asked it, but then he feels tears in his eyes when Buck hugs their son tight and repeats “yes” in his hair. Buck pulls back and smiles at the two of them.
“Yes, Chris. I will adopt you,” Buck says to Chris, but then turns to Eddie and Eddie can see so much love in his eyes. “Thank you. You two make me happy too. I really love our little family.”
“You don't have to thank us for this. And we love you too, Buck,” Eddie says and passes him the next box. “I have a present, too.” 
Buck opens it and now he is really crying. He looks at Eddie, but Eddie is already on his knee and a box with a ring in his hand. He smiles at Buck.
“Evan Buck Buckley, you make me the happiest man every day. You came to my life and made it brighter and easier. You saw me struggling and came in to help me. You let me do the same for you. You`re my partner in everything, my best friend and love of my life. I love everything about you. Even the things you hate. I love the way you love Chris. We have been a family longer than we both know and now I want it to be official. Will you marry me?” 
Eddie barely can end his question when he feels Buck kisses him.
“Yes. Eddie, yes,” Buck pulls away from his lips for a second, but then kisses him again. “I love you two so much,” Buck cries and hugs Eddie`s shoulders. Eddie hugs him tight too. 
Eddie pulls away and takes Buck with him. They sit on the couch and Eddie puts the ring on Buck`s finger.
“Perfect,” Eddie says with a smile and kisses Buck`s finger.
Next day Eddie comes to the bedroom from the shower and stops for a second. Buck has new pajamas.
“Is that the way you ask about taking my last name?” Eddie approaches the bed with a big smile forming on his lips reading “So I'm stealing his last name” on Buck's T-shirt again and again.
“Yes. I figured it's the way we do it in our family,” Buck smiles. “I want to be just Mr. Diaz, not Buckley-Diaz, if you are ok with it.” 
“I am. I want it too,” Eddie can't wait to make him Evan Diaz. Partly because of the Buckleys and his opinion about them, but partly because imagining Buck calls himself Mr. Diaz and other people do it, well, it makes Eddie feel fire in his body. He can't wait to see Diaz on Buck`s uniform. 
“Can I kiss you future Mr. Diaz?” Eddie makes an emphasis in the last part and sees fire in Buck`s eyes. 
It looks like he is not the only one who loves it so much. Good thing Chris is on a sleepover.
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heedeungiiee · 2 years
𝘼𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙥𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 - - - 𝙎𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙞
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Wrote this story like three days before Mingi's birthday. So, I am going to keep my message to him briefly. Wishing Mingi a happy birthday. I cannot wait to see him grow as a better artist and as a better person. I wish that he would get all the things that he deserve in life ^^.
So, I hope y'all enjoy this Au and I hope this one will send butterflies in your tummy ^^
“It’s negative!”
Y/n exclaimed as she showed to her husband, Mingi the pregnancy result. “Again,” she sighed and she felt her eyes welling up with tears. She tried holding it in because she is sick and tired of crying just because she could not bear a child.
Mingi read the expression on y/n’s face and being the caring spouse that he is, gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. Mingi knows that he can do more than that but he just doesn't know how to express it; afraid that he will hurt your feelings even more.
“If you want to cry, then cry. It is okay. Don’t keep everything in, honey.” Mingi patted y/n’s hair as he brought her tighter to his embrace. Mingi felt tiny vibrations on y/n’s body and soft yet full of sadness sobs were coming out of her mouth. Mingi was hurt also. He knew that once they finally settled down about two years of their marriage that he and y/n would have children already because they were both ready physically and financially ready to have another member of the family. Tears started rolling down his face because he was also desperate to have little Mingis and y/n’s running down the house, he too was getting impatient to when the right time was coming.
“It’s been eight months, love.” Y/n managed to say in between her sobs. “I am getting tired of this already. Maybe,” y/n pause and sighed because of frustration. “We are not meant to have kids of our own. Getting pregnant is so much harder than what I expect it to be. I think we should give at this point, Mingi.”
Mingi was alerted and felt even more hurt by what y/n said.”Y/n, baby. Please don’t say that. We will have little Mingis and y/ns soon. I promise. We just need to wait for the right time.” Mingi cupped her face and gave her a brief kiss on the lips before wiping the tears on her face.
“Right time? When will that time come? We’re not getting any younger, Mingi. Yes, we have the money and all but we still need our youth and energy to care for our children, if we will have one.”  Y/n was a bit upset because they’ve been talking about this matter for about forever already. 
Y/n sighed and put Mingi’s hands on either side of her waist, “I am tired, Mingi. Can you please leave me alone for a moment? I need to lay down, my head hurts.” Y/n managed to give  a smile to Mingi.
Mingi just nodded and  guided her to their bed and tucked her in before kissing her on the lips.  
Y/n doesn’t want that this talk would be another cause of their fight again. Y/n doesn’t want to talk about what she fears the most, which is falling out of love and eventually that would lead to divorce. 
“Just call me when you need anything, okay love?” Mingi caressed y/n’s hair and smiled. 
“I will, don’t worry.”
When Mingi left the room, Y/n started crying, putting one hand on her mouth so her sobs won’t be heard by her spouse. She just feels useless as a wife because she cannot bear a child. 
“I feel envious of ladies who have babies,” she whispered to herself. “When is my turn?”
“I am so sorry, man.” Yunho patted Mingi’s shoulder. 
Yunho, Mingi’s closest friend was with him in the local pub near to where Mingi and y/n’s house. The two of them were here for about an hour and a half now. Mingi called Yunho over because he was his human diary and he feels comfortable ranting and sharing his problems with him because he listens well to him and sometimes gives him the best advice.
“Do you think I am a terrible person? Why can’t I just be a dad when we finally decide to settle down?” Mingi sighed and wiped the tears that were falling from his eyes. “I feel like I was making y/n so tired both physically and mentally  because we just wanted to have a baby.” Mingi paused and looked at Yunho.
“I think it is time for us to stop,” said Mingi, which surprised Yunho. Yunho knows that Mingi does not give up easily, especially when he is so determined to reach a goal. 
“Give up?” Yunho scoffed at Mingi. “That is not the Mingi that I know. Mingi, getting pregnant is much harder than you thought. Just give y/n and yourself a bit more time, okay? The doctors also said that both of you are healthy and there is no sign that one of you is infertile. You still have some chance, Mingi. Trust in yourself and never give up.” Yunho looked at his friend who was a mess at this point.  
“And please, stop saying you are a bad person and don’t deserve to be a father. I know you will be a great dad someday, Mingi. I promise you.” Yunho gave Mingi a reassuring smile. Yunho looked at his watch.
“Time for us to get home, Mingi. We have wives waiting in our house,” Yunho chuckled and lifted his phone to show that his wife was already  video calling him. 
Yunho accepted the call and it showed his six-year-old twins, Seoyun and Seojun. 
Mingi felt a little envious because of it. I wish I could experience that too. He thought to himself. 
“Oh! My two little babies!” Why did you call?”
“Eomma said come home already or else she would shave your hair off.” Seoyun said, which surprises Yunho. Yunho takes pride in his hair and heis afraid of losing it. Mingi who was in front of him was laughing because of what the kid said. 
“I will, I just need to finish talking to your uncle,” Yunho turned his phone to Mingi so his kids could see him. Mingi smiled  and waved warmly at them. The twins were saying hello nonstop to their favorite uncle. 
“Uncle, when will you visit us again with auntie?”  Seojun asked. 
“If your appa got his hair shaved off by your eomma,” Mingi smiled at the children. Yunho glared at him and touched his hair. He rolled his eyes at him and Mingi let out a little chuckle. 
“Kids, can you tell your uncle Mingi that he should not give up?” Yunho asked his kids. Yunho gave a smile at him and Mingi felt warm all over because of his friends and his children’s sweetness. 
“On the count of three, Seoyun. We should say it together okay?” The eldest among the twins, Seojun said. 
“Okay, but appa will count for us,” Seoyun suggested. “Is that okay, appa?” he asked.
“Yes, of course,” Yunho answered.
“Don’t ever give up Uncle Mingi! We love you!” The twins both said at the same time they even gave their uncle Mingi some finger hearts.
Mingi was so delighted and giddy about the kids' actions. “Thank you so much Seojun and Seoyun. Uncle won’t give up, I promise you both,” Mingi smiled, controlling his tears. Yunho felt satisfied that at least he made his friend feel much better.
Yunho turned his back to him. “I need to end the call now, kiddos. Tell your eomma I am on my way home,” Yunho told his kids. Yunho was about to press the end button when Seoyun said, “Appa, bring home some ice cream, please!” he said cutely so his dad won’t say no.
Yunho chuckled, “Of course, I will. I really need to go now. Bye guys, see you at home,” he waved at his kids before putting his phone down.
Yunho looked at his friend who was now smiling at him with admiration. 
“I always like your family, Yunho.” Mingi smiled. “I wish y/n and I could form a family like you,” Mingi sighed so that his tears wouldn't fall down.
Yunho chuckled and tapped his back. “Don’t worry, man. You will have kids soon. I promise. Don’t stress yourself and y/n out, okay?” Yunho smiled.
“Thanks, for your time, Yunho. If you also have problems just come to me anytime too.”
“No prob, bro. I am just doing my best as a friend.” He looked at his phone and there was one message from his wife which made him nervous. 
“I think we should really go now,” Yunho was touching his head, checking if his hair was still there. Mingi laughed because he found his friend funny. 
“I agree with you or else your wife will shave your hair off.”
“Ready to go?” Mingi asked y/n who was still inside their bedroom, fixing her makeup palettes  and brushes. 
Y/n was so gloomy for the past two weeks ever since the negative result of her pregnancy. She was not also productive the whole two weeks on her business which is a cosmetic brand and a salon. This made Mingi worry so much so he decided to take y/n to the beach to cheer her up. This was also Mingi’s little parting away gift from y/n because he will be leaving Korea tomorrow because he was going to work on a big music project in London with his favorite artists for four months. This was always his dream ever since he started having passion for producing music. He is sad to leave y/n on her own but he doesn’t want to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity.
“Just a little bit, love. I just need to put this necklace on,” she waved the jewelry on her hand.
“Let me do it,” Mingi went to y/n’s vanity where she was seated  and grabbed the necklace.
“There,” Mingi put his hands on her shoulder and smiled brightly. “My wife looks so gorgeous,” he gently caresses her cheek, making y/n giggle.
“Stop it, hon.” Y/n covered her face with her hands. 
“Why are you hiding your face? Are you being shy to your husband again because he complimented you?” Mingi smirked and put y/n’s arms around his waist. Y/n hid her face against his chest, making Mingi chuckle because he finds his wife’s action funny.
“If you don’t want to show your face to me right now, y/n, I will cancel our plans for today and,” he paused. “We will have fun in our bedroom the whole day, nonstop.” Mingi chuckled because he just felt y/n froze\ for a moment. Y/n peeked to see Mingi’s face a bit. Mingi caught a glimpse of her and winked at her. She again hid her face against his chest. One of his hands started to roam around y/n’s back. 
“You know what I mean by that,right?” Mingi smirked. “If you want to walk for the next few days, let me see your face.” Mingi demanded. Y/n did not respond to what he said. 
“Fine, you really want to have fun in our bedroom, eh.” Mingi started to pull y/n’s coat down. Y/n looked up at Mingi and pulled her coat back up.
“Stop it right there, you pervert,” she puts a hand up to keep a distance between the two of them. Mingi laughed because of how flustered his wife is.
She grabbed her purse and started exiting the bedroom in a hurry. “I will be waiting inside the car!” Y/n shouted through the hallways. 
“Wake up, sleepy head. We’re at the beach already.” Mingi whispered to y/n’s ear while lightly caressing her cheek. Y/n’s eyebrows furrowed and let out a small grunt as a response. She turned her head away from Mingi so that her annoying husband would stop bothering him. 
Mingi let out a sigh of frustration. He has been trying to wake y/n up for the past ten minutes and she would not even open her eyes. He noticed last week that y/n take naps more often but he let that slide because maybe she was just tired from work. 
“Fine, if you are being stubborn, so be it.” Mingi got out of the car and walked to the passenger side of the car and opened the door. He pulled down the recliner of the car a little bit violently, but y/n was still sleeping like a baby. He went on top of her before closing the door of the car. Mingi looked at her quizzically and was a bit confused. Y/n was not that of a heavy sleeper so he was confused as to why won’t she wake up with that force he did. 
Mingi lowered himself down and started pouring rain of kisses on her face all the way down to her neck and shoulders. His hands were wandering around her body in that way at least she could wake up. Y/n started to wake up when Mingi playfully bit her lower lip and squeezed her breast. Mingi stopped what he was doing leaving a y/n with a frowning face. 
“Finally, someone decided to wake up,” he smirked at his wife.
“Why did you stop?” Y/n whined. “I was enjoying it,” she glared at Mingi.
Mingi raised an eyebrow and clicked his tongue. “So you were waiting for that to happen?” he chuckled. “You are being too naughty, honey.” Mingi smirked at her.
“Hate to ruin the fun, but you need to step out of the car and enjoy the spring breeze that the beach has to offer us,” Mingi kissed y/n on the lips. “I will make it up to you once we get home.”
“Don’t run too fast y/n!”
Mingi was chasing around y/n at the beach. They were playing tag for about an hour now like little kids. Good thing there weren’t a lot of people on the beach that day –  since it was still spring and the water is not yet that warm – or else they would get a lot of weird stares.
“Catch me if you can!” Y/n yelled at Mingi who came into halt because he was tired as hell. He has his hands on his knees and panting like there is no tomorrow. He does not have much more energy to run but he needed to catch y/n nonetheless because he never won’t let it slide to lose in a game of tag to y/n.
He got up and started running like crazy towards y/n. Y/n started dashing off as well. They were running in circles while laughing at their silly faces. Unfortunately, y/n tripped over her untied shoelaces. Mingi laughed at her and started to run towards her.
“Fuck, I should have doubled tied my shoelaces,” y/n cursed at herself. She was about to tie them but Mingi was so close so she had no choice but to run – without tying her shoelaces – or else he would have caught her. 
She tried running fast again but this time she was cautious not to step on her laces. She was running like this for about a minute until Mingi wrapped his arms around her waist, making her let out a scream. The both of them missed their footing, so they ended up falling down to the sand. 
“I finally caught you,” Mingi managed to say in between his breaths. 
“That was unfair. My laces were untied,” y/n complained.
“Well, that is not my problem and I am not at fault with that,” Mingi stood up and lended a hand to y/n so that she would get up as well. She was frowning as if she lost a quiz bee. 
“Don’t be silly, love. It is just a game.” Mingi pulled y/n close to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Mingi kissed the top of her head. Y/n looked up at him and went on her tippy toes to give Mingi a soft kiss on the lips. Mingi parted his lips, welcoming the warmth that y/n has to offer him. They keep the kiss very brief before parting away from each other. Mingi pulled her closer and tighter to his embrace. 
“I hate to leave you tomorrow,” Mingi faked a cry before planting a kiss on top of y/n’s head.
“I know, but you’ve been waiting for that project for a long time now. You need to grab that rare opportunity, Mingi; or else you would regret it.” Y/n lifted her head to give Mingi a warm smile before giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Don’t worry about me too. I can manage on my own and I will call and update you everyday.”
Mingi smiled the whole time his wife was speaking. 
“You sure? I will be gone for four months,”
Y/n nodded, “Yup. If I ever miss you I can just book the first flight ticket to London and go looking for you.”
Mingi laughed at his wife's statement and pinched her cheek.
“Aigoo~ You are so cute!” Mingi kissed her again on the lips.
“I hope that when you come back home in Korea after four months, we will already conceive a baby.” Y/n looked up at him with hopeful eyes.
“We will, honey. We will,” Mingi smiled from ear to ear while caressing y/n’s cheek. 
They watched the sun as it started to set down. They enjoyed watching the different hues mix together as if the sky was a big canvas. They enjoy the saltiness of the air and the calm crashing sounds of the ocean waves. The soft squawking of the seagulls was like music to their ears.  The coolness and the freshness of the spring breeze that hits their faces refreshes them and makes their problems and worries in life  melt away like a block of ice under a hot sun during summer. This symbolizes new beginnings for them as a married couple. No matter what trials they may face, they should not be giving up; even if that means being away from each other. 
Looking at the sunset with amusement and hope in their eyes, they prayed to God that they would finally form the family that they always wanted.
***four months later***
“The plane just landed, baby. Can’t wait to see you!” Mingi was feeling butterflies flying around his stomach because finally he was back home. He misses y/n so much and he was dying to kiss her and he just wanted y/n to just be in his arms.
“Mee too, love. I couldn't even sleep last night because of excitement,” y/n giggled. “I  also just wanted to wish a happy birthday to my loving husband. Can’t wait to show you your gift!” Y/n was smiling from ear to ear and was pacing around the airport. 
“Really? What is it?”
“You have to see it to believe it. I know you would love my present.” 
“Okay I am getting a little bit scared and nervous about your gift. I hope it is something that I like”
“I told you, you would definitely love it. You’ve been dying to have this for a year now!”
“Okay whatever it is, I am ready for it.  I need to pass the immigrations now y/n. I need to put the phone down now. See you in a bit. I love you!” 
“I love you too!” Y/n was the one who ended the call.
Y/n looked  at her parents and her parents-in-law who were sitting down on a bench with a smile on her face before sitting down on the available seat. 
“I hope Mingi would love my gift,” Y/n looked down on her growing womb before rubbing it. “Baby~ you will finally meet your daddy,” y/n giggled while she was talking to her baby.
“Of course! Mingi would love it. The two of you were trying to get pregnant for a long time now,” her dad chuckled and touched the hand of y/n. “Don’t get too nervous, okay? Mingi would definitely love this birthday gift that you will give.” Said Mingi’s dad who is her father-in-law.
Y/n is now four months pregnant with their baby. She found out that she was pregnant a month after Mingi left the country. She went to the doctors to see if she really is pregnant and it was positive; she is bearing a child for a month now. No words can explain how delighted y/n about this news. After about almost a year of trying, they finally conceived a baby!  She wanted to tell Mingi right away but decided to keep it a secret until he came back home to Korea, which was on his birthday. She told the good news to her parents and in-laws first and of course they were excited and happy about it because they will finally have a grandkid. Y/n told them to keep this a secret first to Mingi and they were all in for that plan.
Whenever y/n and Mingi video call each other and y/n would feel like throwing up and feeling nauseous, she would tell Mingi that she had a terrible hangover or that she probably ate something wrong and was not aware of it. Whenever Mingi asked for a photo, she would only take selcas and not a full body photo. Y/n made a lot of excuses just to keep the secret and to make the plan successful, of course she had her parents and in-laws who were helping her do all of these excuses.
Y/n felt her phone vibrate, so she lifted up her phone and saw that Mingi is already out of immigration and is on his way to where she is. She announced it to her parents and in-laws and they too were feeling the same way as y/n; they were all excited and anxious. Y/n was wearing a long baggy coat to hide the bump. 
She already saw Mingi and waved her hands up in the air so that he would notice her. It did not take long for Mingi to notice that and went rushing towards y/n.
“Y/n! Honey!” Mingi hugged y/n. Y/n was keeping a little distance from her womb so he wouldn't feel it and get a clue of it. He kissed your lips passionately, tasting and savoring you because he misses you being around him. He just keeps it brief because he knew that your parents and his parents were watching.
After you two parted, Mingi bowed to both of your parents to give respect towards them before engaging in a conversation.
“Y/n, the gift. Show it now,” y/n’s mom told her excitedly. Y/n’s mother-in-law was jumping up and down because of excitement. Mr. Song had to calm her down because people were staring at her.
“Oh right,” Y/n smiled from ear to ear to Mingi. Mingi is just there standing clueless.
“Hon, could you please undo the buttons of my coat so you can see your gift?” Y/n asked.
Mingi, being clueless yet excited about his gift,  just did what y/n said. Mingi’s jaw immediately drop to the floor when he saw little bump underneath y/n’s dress when Mingi undoed the buttons.
“You’re….” Mingi could not seem to find the right words to say. His expression was unreadable and y/n was anxious; so are the parents.
“Yes, I am pregnant and you are the dad. I am so sorry if I upset you by not telling you right away. I wanted it to be a surprise for you,” Y/n nervously explained. Still, no response from Mingi, his eyes were focused on the baby bump. 
Fat tears started rolling down his face and a smile crept up to his lips. “Oh y/n! I am not upset. I thought I was just jet lagged from my flight and I am seeing things. I really love your surprise gift, I think it is really sweet of you and our parents to plan this as a surprise for me. I just cannot believe I am gonna be a dad,” Mingi cried and the only thing that y/n do is give him a hug.
“I cannot believe I am gonna be a dad!” Mingi repeated. Mingi was the one who let go of the hug and kneeled down to talk to the  growing baby inside y/n’ body.
“Hello baby. Daddy is finally home. It is nice to see you. I promise to take care of you and mommy. Daddy loves you so much.” Mingi gave the bump a kiss before standing up. 
“Since when did you learn that you were pregnant?” Mingi asked.
“A month after you left.”
“It must be really hard to be pregnant without me on your side for five months. You must have had a hard time, didn't you? I will make it up for you, I promise.” Mingi kissed y/n on the lips.
“Not really, our parents stayed at our house for the whole four months just to make sure I won’t have a hard time.” Y/n gestured at their parents who are now a crying mess because of the happiness that they feel. 
Mingi walked towards them and gave them lots of bows to show how grateful he was.
“Just please take good care of y/n and your baby. And your your future babies as well. Be the best father, Mingi for your family,” Mingi’s dad advise him.
“I will dad. I won’t let you down.” Mingi tapped his dad’s shoulder giving it a light squeeze.
The parents were congratulating them both, y/n felt something in her tummy. She touched the bump and she fell frozen for a second. Tears started escaping her eyes.
“Honey, what’s wrong? Does anything hurt?” Mingi asked with full concern.
Y/n cannot speak because of shock so she took Mingi’s hands and put it on her womb. Mingi felt the same reaction as to what y/n was feeling.
“The. baby. Is. moving.” Mingi said slowly and looked at y/n straight in the eye before smiling.
“That’s because the baby heard the voice of their dad,” Y/n managed to say.
“The bay is moving,” Mingi keeps on repeating while jumping up and down; clicking his heels from time to time. Good thing not a lot of people were passing by that part of the airport.
Mingi pulled y/n in an embrace. “I love my birthday gift, darling. This is the best birthday gift ever! I love you y/n!” Mingi showered y/n with kisses while rubbing the womb from time to time. 
“Of course, I love you too, little one.” Mingi kneeled down and started kissing the bump, feeling little movements that the baby makes.
Mingi stood up and kissed y/n again on the lips before smiling widely at her.
“Happy birthday, Mingi. I am glad you love and cherish your gift. Which is our little one.”
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jfleamont · 2 years
@jilytoberfest's 31 prompts
Prompt 7 - Sirius meddles with Jily
Do You Want To Know A Secret?
Read the full fic under the cut or on AO3
“I knew it. It was bound to happen.”
Lily sat down in the booth - Sirius had chosen the one in the corner, right next to the window - with very little grace, almost spilling the cold butterbeers as she set them on the table. The Three Broomsticks weren't particularly crowded that Tuesday afternoon. Everyone preferred Diagon Alley on summer days like this one, where they could get ice cream and go shopping for new clothes.
(The fact that they wore uniforms nearly 80% of the time didn't stop her classmates, especially now that they were about to start their last year at Hogwarts).
Which is precisely why Lily was here instead. She had asked Mary to hang out, but she deemed Hogsmeade too quaint, too provincial for her... So she had opted for Sirius, who was more at ease in a place like this, away from London and at a safe enough distance from his estranged family.
“What?” he said, before chugging nearly half of his drink in one go.
She hadn't told him he was her second choice— it would have been too cruel. Besides, even if he had been keeping her secret for a while, she wasn't willing to test his limits.
“Running into one of James' old flames. Sometimes I forget how small the wizarding world is.”
Cornelia Kettleburn was sitting on a stool, all long hair and even longer legs, sipping elegantly on a drink Lily didn't recognise.
Sirius' eyes travelled across the room with curiosity. “Who are you talking about— oh, her.”
His eyes narrowed imperceptibly - Lily didn't bother asking why, the less she knew about her, the better - and spoke. “At least it's one of his recent ones.”
“Recent ones?” Lily frowned. She had last seen them together at Remus' birthday party in the common room, and they were now well into July.
“... Yes?” He said, one eyebrow raised, looking every bit the aristocrat that he was. “Evans, James hasn't seen anyone since— well, in ages.”
Lily knew that, and it was James himself who had told her. He wasn't looking for serious relationships, he had confessed one day while Slughorn explained the effects of Amortentia. “Sirius wouldn't be too happy if I cheated on him, anyway”, he had joked. She also knew that Quidditch and NEWTs were keeping him very busy, so she hadn't questioned him further on the matter. She hadn't done so for another reason: her growing feelings - of which she wasn't aware of at the time - had prevented her from asking questions she wouldn't have liked the answer to.
“I know he doesn't date, Sirius.”
He rolled his eyes, as if she were a little child and he was holding onto of his last bit of patience. “No, I mean— fine, he hasn't shagged anyone since March.”
“Since March?”
“Since March.”
Lily shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “Mmh.”
“You wanna ask me why.”
Was he a Legilimens as well as an Animagus? How dare he know her so well?
“No. I mean, yeah. But that's none of my business.”
Sirius tapped his glass, and it was once again full. “Actually, I'd argue that it is very much your business”, he paused, looking at her poignantly, “but I'm still not going to say anything.”
“Out of loyalty”, she said matter-of-factly.
“I mean, not no, but...”, at this, Lily snorted and relaxed a little bit. “You're my friend, too, Red. And you should ask him directly. It's exhausting to hear you two complain to me all the time. I'm not built for this.”
“First of all, I don't complain all the time—”
“Prongs does.”
Lily sighed, but didn't hide her amusement. “And secondly, you love it. You're a right gossip, Black. Rita Skeeter doesn't hold a candle to you.”
Sirius pulled a face, cringing at her comparison. “I offer my services freely and this is the treatment I get? What an ungrateful woman you are. I shall warn my brother about you.”
Lily knew he was only joking, but she knew her new, tentative friendship with James hadn't erased their past. “James knows better than anyone how awful I can be.”
Sirius considered her words, and for once there was no hint of malice in his expression. “That's true. I'd even go so far as saying that he enjoys that side of you more than the nice one.”
“What, he likes it when I'm mean? Did he tell you that?” She added jokingly, trying to sound casual and not at all desperate for something to hold onto, a sign, a reason to keep hoping for something more.
His eyes, that had - up till then - been fixed on her, were suddenly drawn to a spot behind her, and a slow smile spread across his face.
“No. But you can ask him yourself... He just walked in.”
Lily paled and slowly turned her head and there he was, wiping his glasses on his muggle t-shirt as he squinted at the menu. What an idiot, she thought, he's blind as a bat. She was equal parts endeared and terrified... And perhaps a little turned on, as she was now staring at his exposed stomach. She wasn't worried about being caught by him - he still hadn't put on his glasses, so she was safe - but when she heard Sirius' snicker, she looked back at him and fixed him with a death stare.
“Traitor”, she hissed.
Sirius simply grinned.
“You, Sirius Black, are a dead man.”
“Aw, you sound like mother dearest.”
Lily ignored his remark. “You will pay for this.”
“Empty threats, Mrs. Potter, empty threats.”
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Meet a sister, catch a girl
Meet Cute Monday Bonus (so that it's 52 on AO3)
Meet cute Monday Masterlist
For @boldlyanxious Happy belated Birthday and the first MCM was for you, it's seems natural that the last (planned) MCM is for you too.
I've done it!! 🎉🥂 52 (+1) MCMs!! Now that is a wrap and I can panic about other works instead.
Kon stared at the building nervously. He knew logically that meeting her changed nothing. That all this was just more a formality than anything else but to him his whole world was changing. This was groundbreaking. Even more so than heroes coming back from the 'dead'. Rising from the dead was old hat now. Finding out Lex has had other partners (other than his creepy obsession with Clark) was mind blowing and then to find out you have a half sister… that was… it is… ok, Kon was terrified, but he refused to show it.
"Arewejustgoingtojuststandhereorcanwegoinnow? I'm hungry!"
Rousing from his musing, Kon turned to his moral support, his chosen family, to find Bart bouncing on his feet. His eyes darted about the place as he watched Parisians rush about doing civilian stuff. Tim just raised an eyebrow at Kon as the tired teen leaned against Cassie.
"Yeah Kon. Why are we here?"
Cassie smirked back at Kon, the pair reading him all too clearly. Deciding to take back control and not let these so-called friends bully him, Kon steeled himself.
"One, Bart we will. In a minute. I'm just… just hang on a moment. Two. Rob, Tim, /you/ need a break, a holiday after like everything. This is what you need, an escape from the grime of Gotham to the city of lights, which still has Gothic architecture so your not completely not at home."
"A place that I trained with Shiva and only last year almost got blown up and killed in. Good choice of a getaway, Kon."
"Uhhhh, ok, you know the place and /we're/ here too. So it is a break. And Three, Cassie is here as we're the core four. We can't exclude her."
"Nope, you can't exclude me. That doesn't say why you're not going in though, Kon. You scared?"
"What!? No!! Maybe… this is life changing for me and as my family, I want you here with me."
Ignoring his friends' chuckles, Kon pouted. They were right about him being scared and all, and if he didn't move soon he'd be late. Drawing on the courage he usually used to take on aliens and villainous masterminds Kon took a step forward out into the busy Parisian street traffic to collide with another teen.
Admittedly he hardly felt anything but the girl bounced off him and onto the floor with an oof. Staring down, cornflower blue eyes blink back up at him in surprise. Cherry blush lips are sucked together before being bitten as the cutie winces as she moves to stand grasping her iced coffee tight. An 'Eeeeps' escapes her as Kon feels his friends leaning over his shoulder to stare down at her.
Shrugging them off, Kon extended a hand to the bruised teen whose callused fingers accepted. What felt like electricity passed between them, eyes widening in shock as they continued to take each other in. Kon felt hypnotised by the cornfield eyes, in a good way - not in a bad guy going to take over. His heart sped up as he swallowed. He offered the girl an apologetic smile and opened his mouth to speak when she beat him to it.
"Zut alors!!! You're built like a brick. That was like running into a wall. Baguettes!! I'm late!! Bonjour, thank you! Sorry!! Au Revoir!!"
Sending him an awkward grin, the teen let go of his hand and dashed off towards the building he had been working his way up to entering, downing her drink at an impressive rate.
"Dark hair, blue eyes match. Skin tones are different though. It is a possibility."
"She doesn't have to take after Lex either. Kon looks more like Clark anyway so definitely a chance. And she went into the location that Kons agreed to meet his sister."
"Gods! I hope she isn't."
"What?" "What!" "Judgement much!!"
Kon pulled his hand down his face and groaned. Damnit, he she seemed… nice, even if a tad chaotic and he would adore getting to know her more… but they had a moment and it didn't feel like a sibling moment.
"No, I, errrr… let's just go get this over with."
The quartet entered the Le Grand Paris Hotel to witness the fallen teen dart into an elevator. Resisting the urge to follow the dark-haired girl, Kon stuffed his hands into his leather jacket and walked up to the hotel's reception desk.
"Hi, I'm here to meet Chloe Bourgeois. I think I have an appointment."
Kon was met with a hugely judgemental look which only increases when his friends get closer. They tip tapped away on the keyboard while looking at the computer screen. With a scrunched up frown they seemed to be appeased by whatever they were searching for.
"Miss Bourgeois is on the top floor by the pool. You can't miss her. The top floor is reserved for our most honoured guests, so please do not disturb them with whatever you require from the young heiress."
"Err… ok. Yeah, sure."
The core four piled into the elevator and rode it up to the roof. Meeting them at the top was a red headed girl who escorted them to Chloe. Kon was dumbfounded as Chloe was blonde. His friends also seemed surprised as this wasn't who they expected. The harsh icy blue eyes were a spitting image of Lex, and her harsh tongue to both the redhead and his friends was frustratingly similar. Clenching his fists, he ignore the irritation and sat down as his friends waved him off and wished him luck as they went off with Sabrina to let Kon and Chloe get to know each other.
Trying to connect with Lex's daughter was… painful. If he was the son of Clark with a sprinkling of Lex, Chloe was the daughter of Lex with a sprinkling of her mother, but at the same time what she gave way about her mother made it sound like she was just as bad. Her drivel was sucking out his soul. The nervous and excited energy he once was being crushed.
What didn't help him, as Kon tried to focus on what his half sister was saying, was across the way was the petite teen who'd crashed into him earlier talking animatedly with the Jagged Stone! He could hear her with her light giggle. He could see her with her tongue pointing out her mouth as she concentrated and putting something down in her note book.the way the sun hit her, lot her up sonit was like she glowed. It was cute. It was adorable. It was attractive. It was very very distracting.
Chloe said something meaningless to Kon, and he replied still keeping an eye on the semi mysterious girl on the other side of the roof. The conversation had somehow drifted to Lex and his hair, or lack of it as Chloe bemoaned her fears of inheriting that gene. Kon could admit he had that fear too and joined in moaning about their joint parent, all the while sending glancing looks across the water.
Suddenly he jumped up, startling Chloe, as he witnessed a CROCODILE appear and start biting the girl. She screamed in surprise as the other teen started to wrestle with the beast. Kon went to help when Chloe grabbed his arm.
"What the hell Conner!!"
"There's a guest being mauled by a crocodile!! We need to help!!"
"What? Where?"
"Over there!!!!"
Kon shot his half sister an incredulous look. Was she blind. Why wasn't she let him go, he didn't want to hurt her, but, this was serious.
"*Huff* oh my god! This is ridiculous! Utterly utterly ridiculous. Sabrina!! SABRINA!"
Frowning, Kon swiftly but carefully removed Chloe's grip from his arm and rushed towards the incident. He found he was met by his friends who had rushed to help to observe the 'injured' teen tickling and baby talking to the giant reptile.
"Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? Fangs a good boy, the cutest. Who wants all the attention. Was Jagged taking up all my attention Fang? He was, wasn't he."
Kon was confused. This was not what he was expecting. Ok maybe he had been hoping he'd come in to save the day and get a hero's kiss from the girl (if she wasn't too badly hurt obviously!). Finding her playing and treating the monster as if it was a puppy was… unexpected. He turned to the other Young Justice members who were just as bemused as he was.
Bart's enthusiastic question followed by peering over the girl's shoulder spooked the fellow teen who let out a loud squeak of surprise. She tipped back to look up and see everyone but by doing so shifted her weight so that she fell.
Into the pool with a loud splash!
Without thinking, Kon shucked off his leather jacket and dived in seamlessly as the dark haired beauty floundered in the water by the unexpected dip. With grace Kon swam to her and pulled her to the side of the pool where his friends helped pull her out.
Pushing himself out he joined the growing gathering to gently rub the back of the now spluttering teen.
"Dupain-Cheng you are a disaster. A major clutz! Sabby, Darling get the riff raff a towel… and one for Luthor-Kent. I suppose he needs one too. And keep the water away from my hair!!"!
"C-c-c-cheers Chloe. L-l-l-ovely feedback. I'll file it-t-t-t with the rest of yo-ur crit-t-ti-ques."
Impervious to Kon's discontent with how the conversation was going as he tried to soothe the partially drown victim, Chloe continued.
"As you should do. Mummy thinks you have potential and you need to aspire to improve to avoid disappointment."
Dupain-Cheng rolled her eyes as she coughed more and shivering. Kon wrapped her closer trying to warm her up with his Kryptonian 'warmer than normal' body. He grab the towels off Sabrina as she returned and started to wrap Dupain-Cheng up in one before draping one around himself
"Chloe… that's… what the hell!?"
"Oh g-g-g-ods! S-s-sabrina, s-save me! Jag-g-g-ged is go-i-ing t-t-to go nuts-s-s-s!"
"Marinette I'll… I'll try but this is."
Before the redhead could finish her sentence, the over dramatic rockstar appeared with his manager in tow. He pulled Marinette from Kon's grasp, who pouted, and started fussing over her trying to bark orders about, with his manager shutting them down as quickly as he came up with them.
Chloe whistled a piercing sound as she glowered at everyone who turned to face her.
"Ms Rolling, take Mr Stone and his pet to his room. He is upsetting other guests and you know what Daddy's terms are about him staying here. Sabby, go to my room and get Dupain-Cheng some dry clothes. Last seasons and not the nice stuff either…. and see if the spa had anything that may fit Luthor-Kent. The rest of you sit!!"
Cassie looked like she wanted to say something but Chloe's glare shut it down. Slowly everyone moved to following the instructions in a cautious manner.
"Th-thank you."
The soft whisper of a voice caught Kon's attention.
"For s-s-saving me, that is. A-a-and f-f-for helping m-me warm up-p"
"No problem Cuteness. It's all in the hero's job."
The arched eyebrow caused Kon to pause and blush as he watched her bluebell eyes sparkle in the light and processed what he said.
"S-s-uppose you are m-my hero t-today."
Kon grinned at the comment, warmth rushed through him as at least some of what he had hoped for happened. Lifting an arm around her shoulder, Kon pulled her closer, rubbing it a little more to try and dry Marinette off and warm her up more.
"Yurgh! Gross. Now this is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous."
Kon and Marinette blinked up at Chloe.
"You are not going to play cutsy with my brother Dupain-Cheng!"
As Marinette tried to lean away, Kon held her close and narrowed his eyes at his half sister.
"Yes. Half, thankful. Did you see what he considered fashionable? Disgraceful."
"I… I was-sn't aware Audrey had other child, other than Z-z-zoe."
Chloe sniffed in disgust.
"Mummy doesn't. Father does."
"Mr Bourgeois?!"
Marinette's exclamation was louder than expected causing Kon to wince at the volume change.
"Not Daddy!! Father."
The bitter tone was clear to see and Kon marvelled as the girl in his arms softened at Chloe's poorly hidden feelings. Despite Chloe brashness towards her Marinette seemed to still care about her. It reminded Kon of Tim and his ever bleeding heart with his family. His 'wrap them up in bubble wrap' senses started to tingle as the girls eyed each other with caution.
"Oh. OOooh, I'm sorry Chlo."
"Whatever! Stop playing cutesy with Conner. I don't know if either of you are up to standards for each other. And his puppy eyes are just infuriating."
Chloe looked up and huffed.
"Sabrina's here. Take the clothes and sort yourselves out."
Reluctantly, Kon let the shivering Marinette out of his arms to go collect clothes and change. He looked up to find a pensive expression on Chloe's face as she scrutinised him.
"You like her?"
"Maybe. I don't really know her, but I'd like to."
"Hmmm." Chloe eyed him critically for what felt eternity, "Dupain-Cheng has been through a lot of grief over the years. We may be blood, but I will hurt you if you hurt her. She is a… chosen distant relative that you want to hide. I will protect her from you Luthor."
Kon searched deeply at Chloe's expression before his lips twitched on a fond amusement. She may act as cold as Lex, and detached as Audrey and as callus as Marinette's fingers, but that's what it was. An act. The blustering earlier, she was sussing him out, playing the spoilt rich brat card. Behaving as Luthor would expect from her. Standing, Kon wrapped Chloe up in a hug and cackled as she screeched about her hair and tried to escape his damp grasp.
"I'll be careful Chloe, promise."
Looking over to his friends, Kon smirked as he watched them chatter amongst themselves judging him. Letting go of his sister, Kon grabbed the outfit Sabrina offered him with a swagger sort of grace and walked off.
"You best do, Kent-Luthor! I've got my eye on you!"
Laughter escaped Kon's lips as he went to change. This meeting hadn't been too bad. He had a girl to go get to know. He even sort of, maybe, connected slightly with his sister.
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forbidding-souda · 1 year
Hey hey mod Souda! How are you today? I hope you have a good day!
I always thought about doing this request, oh the day finally has come!
Also, may I say that I took a long fucking time to get used to my gender... And now people are constantly asking my pronouns-- I'm not used to it--- 😭 where am I, I'm scared mom come pick me up😭😭
Anyways! For the request! Could you do Teruteru × Genderfluid reader? 😳
Also also... Happy valentines!
Bye bye!
— 🐭🌙
Teruteru Hanamura with a genderfluid S/O
Why the hell did this take me so long to do hello. Hello my love this one goes out to you. I miss you dearly. Mwah mwah
currently listening: love like blood by killing joke
-Mod Souda
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❤ Ever since the two of you first met, you found yourself wondering his opinion on things. Not in the sense of apples vs. oranges, but more in relation to open-mindedness. He doesn't seem too bigoted. Maybe that sexualness he portrudes has no weight on his idea of sexuality and gender.
❤ Which, your theory was only proven the more you stuck around him in class. He was obviously very queer and god did it satisfy you.
❤ You liked him a lot, and the thought of being with somebody who would only label themselves attracted to one side of you is not a preferable situation. So, he seems like your match.
❤ It would be hypocritical if he was anti-gender-fluidity since he partook in multiple 'feminine' things (hair care, eyeliner, basic skincare whenever his sister is around for his birthday with those expensive little passive-aggresive gifts).
❤ He was attracted to you no matter what clothes you wore.
❤ He has always thought you were HELLA attractive.
❤ Other than bluntly flirting with you, he also tried to make you notice that you were different from his interactions with everyone else by trying to loosen his perverted nature towards other people whenever you were around. He didn't want you to think that you don't have his attention.
❤ You have his full attention and all of the time.
❤ Gives you cute little pet-names (some of which have the capability of annoying you) while pinching your cheeks.
❤ No one second guesses him being with somebody genderfluid because, in general, he can appear to be a fluid person as well.
❤ All of his friends will automatically be your friends so you don't have to worry about being unaccepted. His friends are generally very welcoming.
❤ If you do makeup, he will always request you do some on him.
❤ ^ He'll go on basking about it.
❤ He likes keeping multi-colored things in the house. He'll use a pink bathrobe else wear a cute pink apron (kiss the cook?) now that he fully understands that he is with somebody who can welcome the idea.
❤ He has always wanted his nails painted.
❤ And heart pancakes every morning ofc. Unless you don't like pancakes then wowww how dare you.
❤ Genderfluidity is something that he can adapt to easily. If you are still figuring things out then that's perfectly fine, it won't bother him or do anything negative in that sense at all.
❤ And ofc he'll refer to you as whatever you want to be called.
❤ Likes calling you sugar either way.
❤ When the two of you cuddle he loves moving around in his sleep and just claiming certain snuggle positions.
❤ ^ Snuggle is such an embarrassing word I am so sorry.
❤ If you kiss his forehead while he's sleeping he'll let out a cute little half-awake whine.
❤ I'll just say that you can not even explain the concept of genderfluidity to him and he'd just get it.
❤ ^ Like someone would ask him your gender and he'd be like "you know what... I never asked".
❤ Hey man if you're the type of person who likes buying their S/O clothing just know that he'll wear literally whatever you buy him.
❤ Omg cute couple matching onesies or something.
❤ I think he'd absolutely love matching jewelery.
❤ I'm 100% his immediate family would like you too. His mama will love you no matter WHAT and I am so sure his siblings would at the very least respect you and comprehend your identity.
❤ If he ever is in the situation where he has to describe your identity to people he will do so in the most I-am-in-love-with-them-oh-my-god-why-are-they-so-perfect voice and the most dramatical facial expressions and a blush over his cheeks at the mere thought of you.
❤ "Omg I get to talk about them omg omg" ^
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autismserenity · 4 months
i don't post about autistic parenting enough
I kind of figured, when our kid was born almost seven years ago, that I would post MASSIVE amounts here. Because that's what I did with my first kid, only on Livejournal. I didn't want to bore my (universally childless, we were 20) friends with constantly going on and on about the smol child I was coparenting, so I infodumped on LJ whenever I felt the need to.
But it was RIGHT in the peak of the ace discourse. (Happy uhhhh seventh anniversary of the shitstorm, everybody!!!)
And I was very terrified that if I even mentioned that we were about to have a baby, someone would doxx me and make false reports to CPS. Or threaten to, or claim they had.
Or even that they'd just screenshot and make a huge deal about it; that there would be hundreds of people on here gleefully faux-raging and faux-bemoaning me having a child because I was one of the people they'd targeted with the Fake Ace/Aro/Inclusionist Blocklist In Which Everyone's Accused Of Being Pedophiles.
Ok you know what, this is not a fun post to share a fun kid story on. I'm just gonna let this one be about the garbage dumpster fire that was 2017, and make an autistic parenting post separately.
In which case, I can go ahead and put back the story about why I remember that it's the seventh anniversary of the shitstorm! (Or was, three days ago.)
It started on Feb 18, 2017, for me.
I mainly remember this because it was my abusive dad's birthday. And his godawful stepdaughter-in-law chose that day to tell him that I was telling people, aka his stepchildren who had kids, not to let their kids sleep over because he was an abuser.
God almighty, she's a piece of work. This was AFTER she insisted on interrogating me, over the phone, about why I was saying he had sexually abused me, whether I really remembered it, what I remembered, et cetera. Because she had been "falsely accused" of sexually abusing a kid she babysat for, as a teenager.
Her story about it does not hang together very well - as you might imagine. It didn't make a lot of sense to me at the time, and I wasn't about to try to have a real conversation with her about it. I barely knew her.
Essentially, as I recall it, the kid had made some claims to his parents about her doing something to him, one night, that she swore never happened, and -- according to her -- the police talked to him and could immediately see that nothing had happened, yet somehow also, this made the news and was a big deal and ruined her life and her family had to move.
Given that my dad swears he never abused me, yet also does not understand sexual boundaries with others even as an adult and doesn't have the concept that he can harm people by violating those boundaries, I am skeptical of her tale. I think that it is absolutely and entirely possible for someone in that specific state to harm a child without thinking that what they're doing is wrong.
For anyone who's reading this in a cold sweat, terrified that they could abuse a child without meaning to: see, the thing is that you care. My dad, ultimately, does not care.
He doesn't WANT to hurt a child. But you know what's even more important to him than not behaving in a way that might harm the kiddies? Not having to accept that anything he does could ever be harmful.
You do not have that problem. The fact that you are even worrying about this proves that. My dad, in contrast, puts all his energies not into worrying about it, but into pretending it's not there.
But I made all the supportive noises, tried to reassure her that I was not trying to ruin my dad's life or something, and that I was describing things in good faith. And tried desperately to get out of the conversation I did not want to have, with the half-stepsister-in-law I barely knew, who had just had her second kid. While also giving her many ways she could protect her kids without, like, having to even believe me, and certainly without having to talk to him about it.
hahahaha yeah that didn't work.
Where my dad is motivated by denial, Amy is motivated by spite. So she told him, on his birthday. And my dad, the pure fool, texted me and accused me of having ruined his birthday.
Like bro. I'm just chilling at home. AMY ruined your birthday.
And iirc, it was that same day that someone jumped in my face claiming i was a """"pedophile"""" """"apologist.""""" the 2017 version of "groomer" i guess. honestly it's kinda impressive or something -- at the time I was like, "why are they reviving the 1980s arguments of the religious right??" but IN FACT THEY WERE JUST A COUPLE YEARS AHEAD OF THE CURVE!
makes me wonder if we could predict other far-right moves by watching these dynamics, or whether it was just a flash in the pan.
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ladysolitaire · 9 months
I'm rewatching the LOST S4 finale because I'm writing something. And I've noticed a few new things.
The scene at the beginning of 4x12 where Kate pointed out Jack's tell when he's lying made me think of this scene in 3x15:
KATE: Did he say that to you? JULIET: Sorry? KATE: That I broke his heart. JULIET: He didn't have to. KATE: You don't know anything about him. JULIET: I know where he was born. I know what his parents did for a living. I know that he was married. And who he was married to. I know why he got a divorce. I know how his father died. I know his height, his weight, his birthday, and his blood type. What do you know about him, Kate? KATE: [Pauses] Let's go.
Source: Lostpedia
I need a full series rewatch but, from what I remember, most of what Kate knows about Jack are things she's observed or things he told her as opposed to Juliet knowing the above about him from his file. So much has happened between 3x15 and 4x12 and Jack has probably told Juliet things about himself that Kate doesn't know or Juliet has probably observed more things about him by this point. But it makes my shipper heart happy that Kate knows him so well and that she could point out that he's lying and he'd just laugh it off. Because he was so obviously lying his ass off here.
2. When the Oceanic Six arrived in Honolulu and they were welcomed by their families, Kate and Aaron were standing by themselves as Diane was likely too sick to travel to Honolulu (and would likely question if Aaron was really her son). I like to think that Jack introduced Kate and Aaron to his mom offscreen. Also, Hurley would have also introduced her to his parents, like he did with Sayid, because that's how he is. I don't like the idea that Kate and Aaron were completely alone and she didn't talk to anyone until the press conference.
3. When Carole talked to Jack after Christian's memorial service, Jack must have been so discombobulated and guilty. Not only did he get definitive proof that his father cheated on his mother, he found out that Claire was his half-sister. On the Island, when Sawyer told them that Claire had disappeared, Jack was visibly distressed and concerned, but he didn't have the bandwidth to look for her because of the larger and more immediate threat to the survivors. But I like to think that he's felt guilty that he didn't look for her (among other stuff he feels guilty about) since then and, in the back of his mind, wonders if he should've done more to find her. Then he finds out that she's his half-sister? I believe his guilt increased tenfold, which is why he couldn't see Aaron.
4. In 4x13, when the A-Team reunited at the helicopter, both Jack and Sawyer were happy to see Kate. Despite some mild flirting though, Kate went to Jack to check his bleeding wound. (I always notice this when I rewatch this episode and I'm always happy to point this out.)
5. The Disney+ version now has closed captions for the last part of what Sawyer whispered to Kate before he kissed her and jumped off the chopper:
I want you to find her, tell her I'm sorry.
(The trivia section of the episode on Lostpedia has the full version.)
Anyhoo, the look on Jack's face as he watched them hurts every time I watch this episode.
6. Sayid's longer hair in 4x14 is hot as hell.
7. Yunjin Kim's performance on the chopper when the freighter blew up should've earned her all the nominations and awards.
8. After Ben moved the Island (including Hydra Island) and Lapidus told them to put their life jackets on, Jack helped Kate put on her life jacket first. He didn't even get to put his on before the chopper landed in the ocean.
9. I love that Jack's tell is 100% relevant to the Oceanic Six narrative.
10. The Penmond reunion is still one of the best things this show gave us.
11. That little Jate moment after they were "rescued" always warms my heart.
12. I'll never understand why Jack owns such an ugly car. He could've bought a nicer car with his settlement money from Oceanic Airlines.
Anyhoo, I'm off to finish the fic. I have to polish it and post it by the end of the week!
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wizardpink · 2 years
Hey if anyone wants to read my long rambling WWDITS / Nandermo thoughts have at it.
Been thinking a lot about the state of nandermo after today's episode because:
I do not see what Guillermo is doing to his boyfriend to be anywhere as obviously wrong as what Nandor is doing. I don't buy into the idea that he is "emotionally cheating" by ignoring his bf for work stuff. Every moment he isn't doing familiar/ bodyguard stuff he is on the phone. And I don't think he is more emotionally invested in Nandor right now than his boyfriend.
Because Nandor absolutely is doing all those things with Marwa. He is faking being in love with her SO HARD. I think Nandor's arc is leading him in two directions right now: the first, having to realize that a relationship is not the cure for his depression, and the second, realizing he is down bad for Guillermo. Which yes, are conflicting struggles, but that's what makes his journey compelling. It insures conflict and plotlines for a loooong time. That's great.
And I think what they are trying to show us is that Nandor and Guillermo have passed each other like ships in the night, essentially flip flopping with each other on how they feel. Nandor has to come to terms with not only being hot for his familiar, but his familiar that has moved on without him. He's not gonna take that well.
But anyway back to Guillermo. I've been thinking of how this season (or maybe into next season) is gonna shake out for him. And I've been thinking-- Guillermo is getting off pretty easy in the public opinion department this season. Even though he has always been the nicest of the main characters and easiest to love, he is STILL a serial accomplice to murder. But even more important to the writing of this show, Guillermo's constant misfortune is the backbone of like half the comedy of WWDITS.
What I'm saying is, he is not getting his happy ending just yet.
Which has led me to the personal theory that his boyfriend has no idea that Guillermo is a vampire familiar / slayer / bodyguard.
It isn't just because of the low hanging fruit of hijinx ensuing while he tries to hide his life from his love interest, and the inevitable fallout. But also because we need to be reminded that Guillermo can be an asshole too. Guillermo, who alienated all his friends and family to chase this dream of being a blood sucking vampire, who has missed his mother's birthday three years in a row and only tried to save Jeremy at the very last second.
We need to see Guillermo do something to warrant all the shit he is subjected to, because ending his torment just isn't an option right now.
At this point though him doing something shitty to any of the main cast isn't enough, because THEY deserve it too. Guillermo needs to hurt someone who doesn't deserve it.
Now he could do that by cheating on his new boyfriend but I don't see that for him, and I really don't think Nandermo as an explored concept is there yet, nor will they be in the next six episodes. I believe Guillermo when he says he's not jealous and when he smiles at his phone. He loves this guy! He wants to be with him! So how else can he hurt him? With his past, and with the truth. And it's totally within Guillermo's character to be afraid to tell someone he loves all this vampire shit (and honestly can you blame him...).
So I think this is going to end badly for Guillermo and I have a million and one thoughts on that, from a jealous Nandor outing Guillermo, to the boyfriend getting accidentally killed but it looking like Nandor did it on purpose (ESPECIALLY if Nandor has confessed just before the guy is killed), to Guillermo feeling guilty about lying to this sweet innocent guy only for it to turn out the guy is also a vampire slayer and playing him to get to Nadja and the Supreme Vampiric Council so Guillermo has to kill him himself (I AM REALLY HOPING FOR THIS ONE).
Anyway the point of all this babbling is that if Nandermo are endgame in this series I think we have a long way to go. I think they have an enemies to lovers arc in their future and they aren't even at the enemies stage yet. And even if they aren't, Guillermo AND Nandor have some more shit to wade through personally and plot wise before either of them has a happy resolution or a healthy relationship.
And also I hope Marwa gets all of Nandor's treasure in the divorce and runs off with the Djinn because he is hot.
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nathank77 · 15 days
3:32 a.m
I've been sober all day. Didn't touch it and guess what? I've been doing everything in silence and it's ridiculous. I might as well be smoking weed. It talks all fucking day except all I hear is happy birthday and my deadname basically. It's a broken record.
I'm going to kill myself soon. This isn't getting better. When I say I've been hallucinating all day you have no concept. It never stops. There is no pause button. Idk if weed made it worse or if this is just how it always is cause I drown it out all the time. I mean you don't understand not being able to smoke weed and seeing the chaotic state my brain is in is like why not go out with a bang? I can clean my room.. and organize my stuff but it doesn't stop it no matter how focused I am and not to mention my room hardly ever looks different.
I thought about having a draw for my shorts and jeans bc I remember a time when I had space and I almost cried. I can't imagine not living out of boxes. I can't imagine my life changing.
I can game and hallucinate all day and yea it ruins the fucking game, it ruins my entire experience. I can go out. Go shopping. Whatever it ruins everything.
When I met with Erin today I didn't smoke and yea- it didn't talk much nothing like last night with Mike after I smoked....
I mean why not go out with a bang? I even get to die high and happy. For all I know they won't even take my report against Kristen seriously bc I'm "psychotic," what I am is fucking traumatized.
I am the same person drowning in a Neverending ocean of shit. But I'm strong. I'm intelligent. I'm the same person I'm just struggling more than I ever struggled before. And this label... this fucked up label. For all I know I'm just having ptsd hallucinations at this point. I doubt it but it's a good point. I am traumatized and the hallucination does not stop which further traumatizes me.
I have no one. I have nothing. What am I waiting for? A person to show up and change my life.
Hey I'm trying to change my life but you come from poverty. You come from trauma. You come from a toxic family. You come from never ending mental illnesses. Keep fighting you see nothing changes around you. You can't change it without a hand.
There will never be a hand to reach for me in this ocean. I've been barely breathing but I'm trying. I can't get out. It's only going to get worse.
My mother will die from drinking or lung cancer. My sister won't let me live here. I'll be homeless. And then what? That's what I see happening to me. I ain't gonna find a girl. I'm not going to find my people.
I just want to go out with a bang and die high and happy and I think that's what I'm going to do before this shit storm turns to Dihherea. Cause once my mom dies, I'm getting put in a half way house or an institution. Let's be real. Sure I may have 10 years, 10 more years of shit. Just for an even bigger shit sandwich.
This world wasn't made for me. I hope my words help people when I'm gone cause this is all I can leave behind, the words of a mentally ill guy fighting nonstop and when I look around and ask myself why? I can't give you an answer.
My siblings? They'll love their dead brother who killed himself from psychosis a lot more than their alive brother who couldn't be there bc he was too mentally ill.
They are my only reason and I've been apart from them most of their lives. They can cope with my death and they'll love me more once they find out why I killed myself.
Way more than- my absent brother never spent time with me and now I resent him for it.
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lettersfromandie · 3 years
2020 Highlights
I guess it'd be an understatement to say that 2020 was a really awful year, given the devastating effects of the global pandemic and the innumerable disasters and issues happening in our country. I think we got jinxed with our "2020, please be good to me" posts 🙍
We all started that year still not knowing about the presence of COVID-19, and from then on, it all went pretty downhill after that. From everything that has happened in my life and others', I can frankly say that 2020 was actually the worst 😠 However, while reflecting on it, I can also count some bright days. I guess it wouldn't hurt to kind of celebrate the good ones during that horrible year, eh?
I fully acknowledge that so many lives were (and still are) at stake and just trying to get through that year wasn't easy for us -- even much more for others. I also know that terrible things can still happen regardless if there's a pandemic or not. But I too still acknowledge that despite the horrible year, there were actually bits in my life, however small or big they seem, that remind me to keep moving forward and get through the day no matter how mentally and emotionally challenging 2020 had been.
So I just want to share some of the good highlights I had that kept me sane during that dreadful year, without seeming tone-deaf or tactless:
HK & Macau Trip
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Litrato mula sa sandaling bago mag sakuna??  Wow pre-COVID days na we were still not stuck in our homes? and still be able to travel?? Gosh I miss those days  😞 
Anyway, this was my first time in Macau and second time in Hong Kong! We went back a year after our first HK trip because our fam loves it there. What I most especially like in HK is its easy-peasy convenient public transportation system -- which, I reckon, is a huge factor why we wanted to visit again since it's less hassle to go to many different places. Macau though, has one of the most beautiful and extravagant-looking architecture and interiors (we only visited a whole day because too laysho for my layf LOL). 
With High Honors
I don't have a photo to share for this highlight (well I actually have a few but for privacy reasons I wish not to nalang) but I'm really so happy to know that my hard-earned efforts led to the expected performance and reward! I remember back in JHS I made a deal to myself that if I ever belong in the Top 10, I'll treat myself with a large Sbarro lasagna! HAHAHAH grabe noh kana ra jud haha it's been long since I last ate one (gi dibdib jud ang deal ba) and I actually haven't treated myself one after the recognition program. When everything starts to settle down I hope to get myself one!! hihi (I can only imagine how the food tastes better after not eating it for years!)
Happy Birthday to me!
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I turned 19 on May 19th! Ew, I am growing old. Just the thought of me turning 20 this year makes me puke 😖 chz. But this is obviously worth celebrating because I am blessed with the gift of life and the time to celebrate it with my family <3 
Passed UPCAT
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MOM, I PASSED UPCAT! AAAAHHHHH Well this is unexpected as someone who just skrrrt-ed my way through the Math part and didn't even finish half of it! Luck doesn't always favor me but I'm happy that I got lucky in this 😊 I feel like I don't deserve it but still, thank you so much, Lord!
The Weeb Life
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If there's one thing to describe what I did the whole time while I was just at home, I would say... BINGING ANIME! My fave anime characters are my fave fictional companions during quarantine huhu I'm so glad I started watching anime (and reading manga) this year. Honestly at first it wasn't really my cup of tea after watching some anime recommendations but then I tried watching one episode of Attack on Titan and after that MY LIFE STARTED TO CHANGE (HAHAHA OA kaayo noh).
There were actually days and moments I did not include in my highlights that gave me a sense of strength and purpose while coping everything that had happened that year. But I wish to just keep it to myself for these are my little personal winning moments hihi. 
Albeit this "wasted" year of mostly spending my days within four-cornered walls, 2020 was actually a year of learning and growth for me. I just hope this year everything will eventually get better for all of us and we'll no longer have to get by with those community quarantine classifications 🙏
Love, Andie
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brxken-arrxw · 2 years
//Just some personal thoughts on my family...
I'm kind of coming to the conclusion that I have been out casted from my own family. After losing my mom and step father over ten years ago, things have not been the same. I lived briefly with my dad and step mother, who constantly insisted on me calling her mom. I couldn't, but I settled for 'mama', which still felt wrong to me. No matter how hard I tried, everything I did in her eyes was wrong. And, according to her, I was constantly hurting my dad's feelings on multiple occasions.
After she drove me out of the house one day, after I spent a good deal of it at my deceased mom's house cleaning it out. I had enough after that and moved out.
I tried to make an honest effort to keep relationships going with my parents. However, anytime I tried to call, it was always met with a huffy voice and a hint of inconvenience. After a while, I just stopped. It wasn't worth the disappointment and anxiety.
Ever since, I've only really spoken to them on some holidays and birthdays. Even then, it was only a short phone call.
Not only did I deal with her constant guilt trips and my dad's lack of... Well, handling things himself, so to speak, but I also had maintain college hours and a job. Before I moved out, they started charging me rent. And bear in mind, this was less than a year after losing my mom. I did not have a very well paying job at the time either. I did, however, have a bit of money I inherited from my mom. They took this as, "Oh, she has money now! Perfect!" Needless to say, I ended up using some of that money to move out.
Throughout all of this, I remained kind and loyal. I helped my step sister and loaned her money to pay for a house that she no longer has... And me being a naive and nice person, probably an idiot, I said don't worry about paying me back...
Said step sister, is of course, step mom's only daughter. They are close. Talk to each other all the time. Constantly there for each other. She and my dad have even taken in her and her husband when they lost their house. They have also helped her get at least two vehicles... Why am I mentioning this? Because when I was first looking for a vehicle when I was younger, neither parent (including my mom who was alive at the time) would help me co-sign or anything. I had little to no credit. So it was very difficult. I barely managed to get a loan through my bank.
I find it just a little odd that my step sister, who is older than I am and had three children, who are now grown and on their own, was assisted more than I ever was.
I do not speak with with my dad or anyone else in that family on a regular basis. Yet, I'm constantly thrown reminders on Facebook of just how much I'm really thought of. They constantly have gatherings and birthday parties. Go out to dinner and post happy family pics. Including my dad, who is on dialysis and has a prosthetic leg. He somehow finds time to go out to be with them. And all I get is a brief phone call on birthdays. Never invited to any of these gatherings unless it's Christmas or something.
I have offered to do things with them, but it was always just kind of pushed aside and forgotten.
I don't know... Maybe I'm just jealous? I don't have any kids. Don't plan on having any. I look nothing like any of them. My husband and I are a little more well off than they are financially. I do not call my step mom ''mom" or "mama" any longer. And I don't share their political or religious beliefs anymore. Oh, and I'm half Native thanks to my mom, which step mom has totally been racist towards me for that before. I half wonder if they resent me for all that.
Bottom line is, my dad obviously prioritizes his newfound family. He has grandchildren through them and everything and he couldn't be happier.
I'm starting to accept that that's just how it is. Doesn't make it any easier, though.
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