#<- i say this but shes literally not one anymore because shes my oc now
liveactionlover · 2 years
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they will never meet but if they did i think they could be friends who hate each other. in other news apparently the one time someone stepped in and told penders he couldnt do something was when he wanted to give js a sawed off shotgun which wouldve been his one good writing decision. but they told him no because its illegal
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stinkrascal · 2 years
even though it was buried in the tags of my last text post, that text post was the first time ive ever admitted to any of my ocs having The Diagnosis which is also My Diagnosis which means ive just somewhat admitting to having The Diagnosis which is My Diagnosis and wow that was extremely nerve wracking but it also felt nice to get it out there. this is my coming out post i guess
#definitely gonna delete this later i just wanted to ramble for a minute#idk why but this specific diagnosis was the most difficult thing to come to terms with#being diagnosed with adhd and bpd that was nothing but THIS ONE? it ruined my life for at least a few months#which is so silly bc when other people have this diagnosis i think nothing of it#but when its Me it just brings out this horrible complex inside of my heart#so having an explanation for that kinda stung you know. but hey its there now#a lot of this journey has just been me trying 2 unlearn the harmful stereotypes abt myself as far as The Diagnosis is concerned#and learning to treat myself kindly in spite of my insecurities which at times feel like a direct byproduct of my diagnosis. its a lot#but yeah. Yeah. idek what im trying to say anymore#shoutout to my homies who felt like aliens their entire childhoods only to be diagnosed later in life we are so strong and whatever#kisses you on the forehead#also tbh it feels good to project it onto my ocs. it makes me feel better about myself#making brie autistic as shit makes me feel more normal because in my head im like well shes living her best life. why cant i#and all the straud kids too. theyre still living their best lives and theyre totally confident w themselves and they accept their diagnosis#and they accept its just a part of them you know!! nothing to be ashamed of. so why cant i#THIS IS SO LONG IM SORRY im very emotional right now. ik this is kinda weird but i really want to find the confidence#to talk about this without feeling embarrassed about myself. autism rocks !#this is literally the autism website idk why im nervous right now you are all literally autistic why am i so nervous LOL
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riniworld · 7 months
fulfil my wish
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yandere!emperor oc x general!f!reader
warnings// obsession,yandere theme,mention of killing and blood,breaking bones,not proofread, let me know if i missed anything!
refrence// you,my love,flower,your majesty-honor, she/her
a/n//i don't actually know if all of this make sense-
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it's been months since you've got married to taron,and you hated every second of it.
your place is in the field with a sword or in a war not in this luxurious life full of lazeness,but he prevented you from using the sword again saying it's too dangerous for an empress to go to the war.
in the start you didn't mind because you don't want to hold the sword against your home,but you can't handle it anymore when you couldn't even go out the castle.
your life start to become plain and boring,you literally had read the entire library.
whenever you open the topic with taron he close it immediately.
You've gave up on getting out from there and didn't argue about it more untill...
You have a younger sister who got married early to one of the soldiers who was under your wing, but he died in one of the battles so you took her and her children responsibilitys on you,You found a job for her to support herself and her children, and you visited them every month but after what happen you forget about her.
you were on your way to taron to give him some papers he had told you to bring because he forgot them in the room when you stumble on one of his correspondents telling him news about the empire and he mentioned something about your sister losing her job.
you had alot of questions first is that how does taron know about her? second Why does he receive her news? She doesn't even live here,but all those questions faded away when you realize you should go visit her.
You were jolted out of your thoughts when the door opened,the correspondent bow in respect and go.
taron smiled softly when he saw you "ah did you bring them already?"
you put the papers on his desk "what did the correspondent told you?" you asked like you didn't hear anything,maybe he'll told you what happen to your sister in details.
"Don't bother yourself with it, it's just normal news about the state of the empire"
you nod in acknowledge "I'll go now then,i need to do something"
"do you now? why don't we drink some tea together,We don't usually sit together" he took your hand and kissed the back of it
you pull your hand quickly "no thanks" then you left.
but then you stopped in your track,Why don't you get closer to him? Maybe he'll let you out the castle then? this idea hit you as you made your way back to him.
you opened the door aggressively "you know what let's drink tea together i don't have anything to do"
taron was confused as much as he was happy,did you finally decided to give him a chance?.
"sure,of course come sit" he said and pull the chair for you to sit on.
when you sat down he demanded the servants to bring two cups of tea in a rush
you sip from your cup in tense,since he sit down he kept just looking at you.
"your tea will get cold" you point out.
"hm?....ah yes,yeah right" he shake his head like he just come to his sense.
you roll your eyes when he wasn't looking.
he sip from his cup befor he speak "What is the reason for the sudden change in behavior,hm?....it's not like i'm complaining of course"
you pause thinking of a reason "...nothing really....I'm-just bored."
He raised his eyebrows in surprise "you're bored? Did the servants fail to bring you anything? do you need anything? should i punish someone?"
"whao there,it's nothing like that i just.....it's boring being here all the time"
he sigh "i don't like where this going to."
"why so? all i ask is a little walk in the cit-"
"no." he shuts you up immediately. "we've talked about that before,if you need anything I'll send someone to bring it to you."
"it's totally different! i need some fresh air"
"the garden is big enough"
"but it's annoying to be in the same place over and over again."
"look.." he say as he made his way to you taking your hands in his "it's all for your safety,we don't know what will happen if you set your foot outside the gates."
"i belive I'm more than capable of myself." you say in annoyance.
taron chuckle slightly "yes,i trust you can of course, let's just say i don't want anyone to see your beauty as well...If I didn't have to, I wouldn't let the servants see you at all"
"that's bullshit" you mutter under yout breath.
"i know you're not the type to stay in one place,but you'll get used to it"
you glare at him in anger and pull your hands from his.
taron sigh in frustration and ran his hand through his hair.
"is boredom the only reason that you want to go out?"
you stayed silent for a moment, "no...i want to visit my sister."
"...oh..you have a sister?"
what a liar,it taking everything in you to not punch him, "i do" you say between gritting teeth.
"don't worry about her,just tell me where is she and I'll take care of her." he smiled at you.
"no need, just let me visit her." you say in desperate.
"I'll think about it" he goes back to his side of the table "i would love to spend some more time with you but i have duties to attend" he say in an apologising tone.
you left the room without saying anything,knowing that it's just lies and he won't let you go.
you're laying down on the bed,you couldn't sleep last night thinking of ways to visit your sister.
Even if you can avoid the servants, you will not be able to avoid the guards outside.
you sigh and gets up to change,you'll think better in the fresh air.
When you open the door to leave, you're stopped by a guard standing at the door.
"please forgive me,your majesty,But it's orders you can't leave your room."
you scoff and get inside,that happened alot when taron get guests.
you sit beside the window looking out at the garden lost in thought,you heard rambling outside the door,that most be the servants busy providing hospitality,poor people.
but that when an idea crossed your mind,everyone busy with the guests,no one will notice you snaking out,And if you use a little of your power as an empress, you can leave, and no one will tell taron immediately.
you open the door again and cut the guard before he say anything "i need to use the lavatory."
the guard look between you and taron's guest room,you clear your throat to get his attention again "I'm sure taron wouldn't mind,in fact he might even get angry if he knew you didn't let me go." you feel a little guilty to use his fear against him but you know you had to,for your sister.
the guard stood in front of you in tense "as you wish,your majesty,but let me escort you."
you had no choice but to accept,now you're here in the toilet thinking about how to get rid of him.
You use one of the moves you had learned as a general,
You pull him in quickly as you apply enough pressure to the carotid arteries,while you cut off the blood flow to his brain, render him unconscious.
you mutter "sorry" and left,walking slowly to the outside gates you've bumped on one or two of the servants who questions you if you need anything or telling you that taron don't want you to go out now,but you brush it off by some excuses as he the one who told you to bring him something or you want something personal from a room.
You have successfully reached the outdoor garden, you made your way to the gates and the guards stopped you "sorry your honor but you are forbidden from leaving, it is the Emperor's orders"
you expected this to happen "I've been given permission to leave"
the guards look at each other and then one of them speak "excuse us but we have to ask his majesty about this"
"are you calling me a liar?" you say sternly.
the guard started to get tense and bow his head "i would never your honor!"
"it's-it's just for safety,your honor,so his majesty won't get upset" the other guard says shakly
"there's no need to disturb him right now,i belive my word is enough to go by,isn't it?"
the guards opened the way to you and shouted "yes of course your honor!"
it would be strange for you to go walking in this clothes in public so you take a trolley to escort you.
your eyes land on a clothes shop,it sells ordinary clothes just the thing you need so you told the trolley driver to stop by it, when you enter everyone star at you,not that they recognize you thank to taron's possessiveness, but because you look more like a royalty to buy something from a store like that.
you ignore the stars and whispers in your way looking for something more comfortable you can run in it if needed...or fight.
when you find what you want and wear it you head to pay but then realize that you didn't bring with you any money,cursing under your breath as you think of something you can pay by, your eyes landed on your ring,your wedding ring,it's not like you loved it anyway so you give it to the seller who look at you with shock but eventually take it of course even if it was too much for the price.
as you walk out the store,you tries to hide your face as much as you can so the trolley driver won't recognize you,when you get far enough you start to walk casually but fast trying to reach your sister as fast as you can before taron knows about your disappear and make a huge deal of it.
it's been two hour when those shame of royalties has been here,taron grew annoyed,What they say is all bullshit to him,he could kick them out easily and for no reason but he doesn't want to deal with the drama that will happen... not now at least not when you finally softened up to him a little bit,his mood ease a little when he thought of you.
he wonder if you're asleep right now,and hope you're not, he want to spend some time with you again.
oh finally they're gone!,taron bid them farewell coldly and fast he didn't even escort them to the gates but can they complain? they're lucky enough he even accepted to meet them and didn't kick them out by 5 min.
taron head to your room and got angry when no one stand at the door,didn't he set a guard here?.
he opens the door to your room slowly so he won't wake you up if you were sleeping,But all his annoyance changed to shock when he did not see anyone in the room he made sure to not let you out didn't he?!
taron shouted for the servants to come and by seconds three servants bowing on their hands before him,no one dared to left their head up not when their emperor is angry.
"i belive I've made myself clear to not let y/n left the room,haven't i?,so where is she now?" his tone is terrifyingly filled with coldness.
"We-we were s-s-so busy hosting that we didn't notice anyone leaving,your-your Majesty" one of them say shakly with terror.
"you useless insects!" he shouted "I'll deal with you later,go and prepare my horse and let some of those guards prepare themselves too...quickly!" he demanded.
the servants hurried to do what they had been told.
taron knew exactly where are you going to,if you only waited for some days, he was going to take you there of course he was, why would he prevents you from visiting your sister?? he was just going to make it a surprise but you had to break his words and now you ruined everything, he has to make you learn how to obey him even if he have to use power.
day later
it wasn't easy to left the empire the guards was everywhere, you even had to hide somewhere for like three hours.
but eventually you're out know and close to your sister's house it only take an hour walking.
you finally here after alot of trouble,you knock on the door and your sister opened the door real quick.
"ah-y/n! what-what got you here?"
you didn't answer instead you throw yourself at her and hug here tight,she return the hug but there was something strange about her, she sutter and seems like really anxious,you shrug this feeling off maybe she's still brokendown.
she guster you inside "I've heard about what happened" you say while sitting down.
"o-oh really? it's not a big deal...and i-i heard about your marriage" she brings some tea and biscuit to a table in front of you.
"ugh don't talk about that now,it's miserable..that sham of a man thinks he have the right to control my life or something"
"y-y/n ac-actually he's-"
"but it's true my love, i do have the right to control your life" someone cut your sister off, you recognize that voice, taron
you stand up in a defensive pose quickly wich lead to knock the tray off "what are you doing here?!"
"what? am i not allowed to visit my beloved wife sister?" he said with innocent tone.
you look at your sister with a questioning look,but what got you angry more is how your sister shiver in fear, what did he do to her?!.
"i swear to god taron if you've hurt her!" you warning.
taron only chuckle slightly "I've never heard you say my name,it's like honey when you say it"
you didn't replay don't want to go further with his playing.
taron's expression suddenly turned serious "now let's go back to the castle,and you're going to come with me obediently" he say coldly
you wanted to argue but your sister life is on the line,before you even replay he grabbed your arm and dragged you to his horse behind the house, he ride the horse at first and demand "ride" as you ride hesitantly.
The road to the castle was quiet and full of tension, you knew full well that there would be consequences when you return, but at least your sister was safe.
as soon as you reached your destination, taron took you by your arm forcefully and then threw you on the floor of the room.
you fall on your back hard but you swallow your groan,Before you lift yourself off the ground taron place his foot on your neck It chokes you a little.
"you broke my words,flower. i have to make sure you won't do it again." he say strangely calm as he tuck down and take one of your arms
the next thing you hear is a cracking noise,fuck he broke your arm.
you bite your lips to not scream and sound weak,All thanks to your training as a general,but you eventually let a little groan escape as he force more wight on it.
"you broke my heart,flower. The least i can do is break your arm,and this still not as much pain as I felt" with every word come out his mouth he twists your arm more "be thankful i didn't kill your sister."
with that he left you alone,you lift yourself up and embrace your arm letting out a few tears,it of course doesn't hurt like the battles injuries But this is the first time someone has broken your pride, and who did it? The person you hate most!.
you swear you'll get your revenge someday.
someone knock on the door,you gave permission to enter, the castle's doctor entered,she respectfully told you to sit on the bed so she cast your broken arm. (i guess it's like that?)
When she finished, she wished you a speedy recovery and left.
taron entered as soon as the doctor left,he looked at your arm for some minute before he exhale and sit down beside you.
"you lost that" He takes your good hand and place your wedding ring in your finger,a blood-stained ring,did he kill the clothes seller?!.
"you of course hadn't gave it willingly,so i brought it back to you, don't mind the blood it'll go easly with some soap" he was smiling, how can he smile when he just killed an innocent person!.
maybe the blood on the ring will remind you what taron can do without guilt, if you hadn't listen to him this would've been you sister blood.
he's terrifying.
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hope you like it :)!
have a nice day/night♡
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makeyoumine69 · 3 months
My Lovely Detective VI
— PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Fem!Detective!OC
— CO-WRITER: @iron-flavored-lipgloss
— CONTAINS: Dub-con smut, accidental voyeurism, fingering, choking, blow jobs, manhandling, degradation, dirty talk, pet names.
— WORDS: 2.4k
— A/N: Hello dear readers, here's a new chapter! We hope you enjoy it and please feel free to share your opinions with us! Big hugs
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Loosing Myself
Nothing had ever stopped Patrick from getting exactly what he wanted; the little boy who had always owned every new shiny toy and whose pets had disappeared under mysterious circumstances had long since become a man who now bathed in the shallow pleasures of endless luxury, drugs, sex...
It was true that most women only slept with him for the power of money, a purely transactional affair, or in the hope of siphoning off his wealth and status. 'Although that's not to say that these sharp features and the size of my cock don't help in attracting these whores,' Bateman mused briefly, his hand running down his flat stomach and stroking his hardening length in self-indulgent fascination.
"No" doesn't exist in his world, because "yes" is usually just a matter of payment, and so he finds a certain satisfaction in taking what wasn't even part of the deal. Those materialistic sluts screaming underneath him, realizing that they made a miscalculation, that he will rip and rape their bodies, because nothing is worth anything to him anymore, and death is the real price of a night with him. No woman has ever come close enough (or lived long enough) to know the real Patrick Bateman. But Andrea, who he kidnapped and brutalized, and who was now begging him to fuck her...
'Is she losing it? Are there now two lunatics living on the 11th floor of the American Gardens building?'
"You're a stupid fucking bitch," Patrick groaned, confused and yet aroused by the desperation in her voice, her body writhing and shaking with what seemed to be a serious need for him. "I guess I already fucked your brain out, Detective," he muttered, emphasizing her profession with a certain mockery as his hand wandered between her legs. She was so wet that his fingers slid effortlessly into her this time and Patrick couldn't help but laugh in disbelief.
"You really are a dirty, filthy whore to me," he realized as Andrea took one finger after another inside her, more than ready for him, but now of all times he was dragging things out. All this in spite of the fact that Patrick was aching for her at this very moment, rubbing his erection against the silk sheets to take the edge off. 
He was creating a special kind of torture for both of them with the way his thumb kept teasing her clit, his mouth instead attacking the sensitive area around her inner thighs, leaving bruising kisses on the plump flesh. Andrea's skin was so warm to his touch, a heat that radiated not only from her body but also from the look in her eyes as she met Patrick's gaze. 
"Not satisfied with my fingers, huh? Then I need you to be more specific. I need you to tell me exactly how you want me to fuck you."
No, that was not her, it was simply not possible. Andrea, she always knew, wouldn't act like a fucking whore in heat, but... but what if that Andrea was already gone? Lost in the chaos of pain, filth and depravity?
"Ah," the woman gasped as Bateman pulled her hips toward his groin, the leaking head of his cock slipping teasingly between her pussy lips, now so swollen they literally blossomed with arousal. "I want...I want to feel you deep inside me...all of you-aahhh!"
The moment Patrick began to thrust his hips against her rear, all of her insides were already on fire, it was like a fucking torture to be stuck in the middle between being so empty and so full. 
Whimpering, Andrea wanted to bite the blanket to stop herself from crying. Although her pathetic condition could be seen in the mirror on the other side of the bedroom. "Please, just, take me," the woman turned to face him, his prominent eyebrows knitted together as the man was so focused on the process before his hazel eyes; the sight of Andrea's moist, tight cunt enveloping his veiny dick with such eagerness. "Patrick, mmm-Patrick!"
Did she just moan his name? Did she? Or was that not her?
Trapped in her own internal conflict, the Detective fell limp on the sheets under the weight of Bateman's muscles, and that one move gave him the perfect opportunity to bury himself as deep as he could until his balls began to slap her curvy butt.
A low, almost animalistic grunt erupted from the man's chest as he thrust into her, then again and again. Each time was harder and more savage, Andrea had to push the fabric of the covers into her mouth, using it as a gag, her pussy struggling to take him all in, even though it was quite difficult.
"Mmhm," she murmured, almost screaming, while her hands raked around the bed, not knowing what to grab on to, but the next second Patrick fixated them in front of her face and lowered himself even closer to her, so that now his hot breath fanned around her neck, scorching her tender skin. "Big...so big, a-awww." Andrea convulsed several times as the man grabbed her hair with no mercy, forcing her to look up at him.
Those dark eyes, they were the eyes of the devil, nothing more, nothing less. 
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It had been days since Detective Donald Kimball had last heard from his assistant, and considering her last assignment had been the interrogation of Patrick Bateman, it was obvious what must have happened.
Now Kimball had to admit it to himself—letting her go alone had been a miscalculation. He had simply assumed that Bateman would be more rational. 
Because even though the serial killer had taken the trouble to cover his tracks this time, Kimball knew where to look first. 
He had been skulking around the American Garden building for days, fully expecting not to be greeted with a single sign of life from Miss Moore. He was ready to expose Bateman for what seemed to have cost his colleague his life - until he saw Andrea Moore through the window. 
Very compromising, not well, but obviously alive. 
For some reason, Bateman must have taken a liking to her, because why else hadn't he killed the woman who was sitting next to him like a ticking time bomb?
Was this man just waiting for his luck to run out? Was he longing for Kimball's punishment?
Which he could have given to Bateman. 
He should have called for backup to storm the apartment immediately. 
But after 20 years of service, he was motivated by more than honor and a handshake. The government paycheck didn't reflect his excellent work, Kimball had decided.
Just as Kimball was about to leave this place, tired of wasting his time just looking at the motionless female body on Bateman's big bed, an owner of that luxury apartment appeared in the detective's vision. Patrick, naked in all his glory, moved slowly toward Andrea, who was still lying on the bed, probably unconscious. And only then did Kimball understand what all this could mean—Bateman had finally found his perfect little doll, or rather, a helpless slave.
For a moment, the man put down his binoculars, wondering if he really wanted to know what was about to happen. With a sigh, Kimball let curiosity take over, and now he was back to watching the couple, who were completely unaware of a sudden onlooker. But even if Bateman knew, he would probably enjoy it. Why had Kimball thought of this? Maybe because of the big camera that was right in front of the king-size bed, the sheets of which were so white that it was painful to look at them.
As in the pornographic movies that were quite popular these days, Patrick positioned himself over the dark-haired woman and gripped her neck hard enough to bruise, Donald could swear he could hear her shaky gasping next to him. Was he going to kill her afterwards? At some point, the detective couldn't believe that his assistant had been here all this time. The train of thought distracted him for a moment, but when he returned to the lewd performance, the man almost dropped the binoculars from the way Andrea was sucking Bateman's huge cock as if her life depended on it. But maybe it was? 
Too many questions and no answers. Too much depravity and literally no shame in their movements, it all looked like they had done it so many times before. Patrick's tight grip on the back of her head, urging her to go faster, to take him deeper, until she felt the scratch in her throat, until his cum dripped from her luscious lips and down her chin.
There was something about the way Bateman bent her neck so their lips could meet, oblivious to the taste of his own release, perhaps even turned on by it. About Andrea pressing her soft body so willingly against Bateman's defined abdomen. And if Bateman had ever harbored violent urges toward Miss Moore, now was clearly not the time to convince her; they both sank back onto the white sheets, his broad shoulders almost completely blocking the view of her smaller frame to the voyeuristic eye of Detective Donald Kimball. 
Andrea's legs wrapped around Bateman's surprisingly slender waist, clinging to him as if he might disappear forever if she didn't. Their bodies turned, and if this was a fight, it had to be a very passionate one...
Bateman's hand all over her, on her face, her waist, her backside.
Kimball couldn't help but make an embarrassing noise, fortunately only audible to his own ears, and he gripped the binoculars tighter in response. 
He would never have expected this from a woman who dressed so conservatively every day. What surprised him even more was how a man like Bateman could be so enraptured by a single tantalizing, if not a little trashy, tattoo. 
Massaging the inked skin and kissing his way lower between her legs...
Kimball couldn't say he fully understood what was going on between them, at least psychologically, because the physical attraction was clear to him even from this distance. It was evident in the way Bateman buried his head deeper between her legs, grinding against the sheets, and Andrea's body convulsed and shook with undisguised pleasure.
And Kimball felt relief of a different kind wash over him - for now there was a way for his depraved mind to justify the next step: A private offer Mr. Bateman couldn't refuse.
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How many days have passed? Andrea could never know, since she was imprisoned in a golden cage on the 11th floor of the American Gardens Building. The apathy seemed to reach its limits, and the woman even began to refuse to eat, shower, or even leave Bateman's bedroom, hiding under the covers like a frightened animal. Such an attitude only made Patrick more cruel and brutal, Andrea's skin was like a canvas for his marks, such as bruises, scratches or even bites, which he left each time they fucked, but he always took care of them meticulously, applying some balm and bandage.
Why couldn't he just let her die? Why did he keep dragging her out of bed day after day to give her a bath, as if she were his dear pet that he loved to take care of? Well, maybe she really was? The meals Patrick gave her were extremely nutritious and healthy, they were deliciously cooked, but Andrea could never really enjoy their taste. Colors seemed to leave her current life as well as her former self. She was like an empty, broken phial, and all of Bateman's attempts to fill it up were unsuccessful, to say the least; the fact that he was possessively pumping her with his seed didn't count. Though, it was a fucking miracle that the woman hadn't gotten pregnant yet. 
'If I'm really stuck here forever, there's only one way out,' Andrea thought to herself as she watched Bateman cutting an apple for her in the kitchen, the knife so sharp that Patrick didn't even have to use any pressure to cut the fruit. 'I should try to kill him,' she jerked away as the man appeared in front of the kitchen island and offered her a slice of apple with a wicked glint in his hazel eyes. 
"I'm not hungry," Andrea muttered, turning away and crossing her arms. The only thing she could think about now, besides the constant plotting of her possible escape, was the upcoming party Bateman was going to take her to. Even though she still couldn't believe that he was actually going to let her go out with him. It was so weird. "Am I really going with you? Or it's just another evil joke?"
There was an undisguised challenge in Andrea's voice that only fueled Bateman's interest in her. This woman was like an unruly element, a force he wanted to tame so badly, and he knew that one day he would eventually do it.
"No jokes, honey," Patrick sneered, leaning against the kitchen counter, the apple slice still in his hand. "But," the man suddenly straightened up and walked around the corner to get even closer to Andrea. "This is not an ordinary party, this is a special one."
Smirking haughtily, the man stopped right next to her, his one hand already finding a place on her shoulder, kneading it in a relaxing way, but it only made her more nervous. "Yes, it's hosted by one of my friends from Wall Street," his soft baritone echoed off the walls, creating a strangely hypnotic vibe. "I'm sure you'll like it."
With a devilish grin, Patrick quickly popped the apple slice into his mouth before drawing close to Andrea's face and in the next second, their lips collided in a sweet but possessive kiss. The fruit was so tasty and soft that its juice spilled out and ran down the woman's chin and neck. Holding her in place with his strong arm, Bateman pulled away only to catch the small drops of sugary fluid running down her soft skin, causing Andrea to shiver, but she managed to stifle a moan.
"Does your friend know what you've done?" She asked quietly, her head tilted to the side, and even though his touch was pleasurable, there was no way she was going to show it to him. 
"And what have I done?" He replied, locking his tantalizing gaze with hers. "I just claimed what was mine, don't you think?"
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P.S. Thank you for reading until the end! You can follow my side blog @makeyoumineagain and my amazing co-writer @iron-flavored-lipgloss and turn on notifications to know when we update!
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transmascaraa · 2 months
random but yes my final thoughts on all the new natlan chars with a conclusion in the end lmao
mualani .
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i love her she's so cute help i knew i would love her ever since her first appearance i literally can't wait for her drip marketing tmrw
the tattoo typa things on her skin help?!????!??!? beautiful?!!?!!?!??
hydro women>>
kachina .
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i love all the genshin children sm they're so precious i swear even dori /p
i love her hair a lot tho
kinich .
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I WILL REFRAIN FROM SAYING TOO MUCH BUT BASICALLY I LOVE HIM. (and ajaw lmfao that little thing about to become like boothill)
citlali .
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she's so cute i love her
something about her reminds me about hsr fu xuan but either way she's probably the cutest char from the trailer imo^^
xilonen .
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help me i can't do this anymore the women are literally top tier(offtopic but she's almost identical to one of my ocs which i won't rant about rn lmao)
SHE'S THE DEFINITION OF SMTHN LIKE "in war rn but at least i gotta look hot" AND IT'S TRUE
iansan .
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somebody help why did we only get like 0,6sec of her😭
still i'm very excited for her
for the design at least since i truly have no idea of her personality lol
chasca .
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i love this woman already
also the mole she has on her shoulder bro i have the one on the same place
cowboy vibes from her btw??
capitano . and ororon(olorun?) .
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about capitano; first, i'm very excited, and second, i wish he said more than just "hmph."
about ororon(olorun?); heard that he turned out very bad based on who he references and even his name is very messed up i'm pretty sure?? basically the same situation that happened with candace/kandake EITHER WAY i'm excited to see him more and like will he be the first tall male anemo help lol i like his design
can't wait for them although i have other preferences for now
~ ~
mavuika .
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i absolutely love her design and everything sm about her literally please don't die and yeah she's now my third favorite archon along with furina and nahida
also despite the outfit not being revealing and all and literally a 10/10, i have a feeling she's gonna get very sexualized because of that zipper😭
in conclusion, i absolutely love the characters.
the only problem is that there's not really many dark skinned characters aside from iansan and kinda tanned mualani and xilonen ig
here's a link to a petition to try and stop hoyo from making the skin colors as light as they always do😭 i personally didn't look into it too much at first because of which countries the nations were based off of, but now this is supposed to be africa/south america and there's not really much skin representation
yeah, sure there's representation, but not of skin color other than iansan(and mualani and xilonen too)
finally, i think that all the designs are truly 10/10 it's just the skin colors bothering me aka hoyo's typa racism due to them being a chinese company. again, don't get me wrong, shitty company and i hate racism(as a white person) but the characters are great in all honesty and all the other types of representation are great^^
(good thing i personally don't play the game because of my phone storage and i'm just in the fandom from it's release bro and i love the lore so that's how i know the characters and story in the first place)
my honest thoughts on the drip marketing(no pictures)
(is it just me but do they look like they all have the same skincolor on their drip marketings???? like are kinich and kachina a bit darker OR is mualani lighter than she looks???)
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nokonomi · 7 days
CreepyPasta OC. Yes guys I know I know I know I KNOW ANOTHER ONE WHY?!
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So uh, meet Louise/Luise, and SHE IS NOT EMO GUYS TRUST ME! (She is emo lol)
Okay so Uhm she basically grew up in a part of a rich neighborhood honestly to say, spoiled kid, but she didn’t like the attention she was receiving. Her parents always abused her to be “pretty” her mother had said to her that “beauty matters, nothing else!”
I So she was basically ripped of her childhood and instead forced to be a child diva which she didn’t want to be. What did she want to be? All she wanted to be was a lawyer or medical surgeon. Her father passed away and it was just her and her mother, which her mother was very abusive and always despised her, shrugging off that her supposed “depressive state” is caused by her lack of confidence and beauty.
is beauty all that matters though? She doesn’t know. Know hated and bullied, she constantly roams through the hallways of her school, being shoved for who she is now. She had to take pills at the age of 13 for some disorders she had before (which I will name later) when her mother found out she had disorders, her mother basically said she was a nobody. Instead of listening to her, Luise fought back and tackled her mom, got spanked a few times, and showed her the pain she grew up with being pressured to be pretty. She doesn’t care about being pretty. All she wanted was to have loving parents who could eventually tell her that they loved her for who she is. But she never got that. Murdered her mom and escaped the house into the woods, leaving a trail of her mom’s blood. There she met the strange faceless figure of the man who had been haunting her. The Operator/The Slenderman.
“Louise. You do not have to live in constant pain of being pressured to be pretty. Come and live with us, and you shall be free.”
Louise was horrified, but had the horrible decision to either go back or stay with this monster. She obviously panicked and over thought, and ended up passing out. Slenderman took that as a yes and took her in to the mansion, where she met the rest of the residents. From 17 to 23 now. Been at the mansion for 5 years. Now a proxy that works for Slenderman.
now for some facts! who does she target? well she targets cruel and abusive parents who force their kids to be pretty. She calls it “freedom”
why did she do this? To escape the torture of being pressured and abused to be pretty. When she had pimples, her mom basically tried giving her surgery by her own hand. Which meant she gave her surgery without any doctors or anything. It didn’t disfigure her skin but it did leave a gash she hides on her left eye.
what’s one of her disorders? PTSD, and Dissociative Amnesia Disorder. She cannot remember her past anymore, but for some reason when someone calls her “pretty” it causes her to go into a panicked state. Maybe because of her ruined childhood, that is. So avoid calling her pretty. so she won’t suffer.
is she Emo? YES SHE IS EMO. well she’s planning on dying her to hair to a more 2000s style but I LITERALLY CANNOT FIND A HAIR COLOR TO GO WITH BLACK RAAA. BE FAIR GREEN OR PURPLE? what an Emo girl. so Kawaii.
who does she get along with most? Honestly she gets along with people who make sure to give her a safe distance. She doesn’t really talk to anybody except for Liam/Cody (X-Virus) She warms up to the guy. (HE’s MY FAVORITE) Cody and her talk about trauma they had, so they both traumadump onto each other. For right now she is not ready for a relationship until further notice, but she still has a little (BIG) crush on him. Toby? He’s fine. Jeff? she doesn’t like him. but she still talks to him. just doesn’t like his behavior or anything at all. hates whenever he tries to bring up “OMG YOU ARE SO PRETTY!”
sexuality? she’s dated a few girls and boys back to back in Highschool, maybe if they weren’t such bitches she wouldn’t have ended up like this in the first place. Considering dating Liam/Cody maybe? but her sexuality is bisexual/straight. she had a little crush on Nina but realized she was probably taken by Kate so yeah no.
Ooooo! she looks up to Liu as a father figure since he is much older than her. he’s like the father she’s never had before. begs for him to make her cereal in the morning but her lazy ass is too lazy.
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ghouloflove · 1 year
when worlds collide.
in other words, the only female member of the biggest korean band in the world goes to formula 1 race in monaco with a friend; only to meet a certain ferrari driver.
pairing: charles leclerc x oc/fc (reader is an idol)
authors note: hello hello, this is me simply trying my attempt at sm aus! lately been fixated on f1, even trying to learn more about:) ofc a tiktok popped up abt charles then opps down the rabbit hole 🕳️ n recently found out that Wi (squid game actor) was at monaco this year so obviously I was like…..somethings cooking. then the 10th anniversary came for bts then again….something is being made. anyways hope you all like! (trying my best on remembering on certain ascents of the kpop social media goes cuz i'm not thatttt deep into it anymore!)
ps. soyeon is the actual name of the fc, i simply changed it to kim soyeon. check her and group out, G-IDLE! annndd her signature emoji is 🐻‍❄️! ALSO Monaco Grand Prix takes place three races into the 2023 season, for the sake of appropriate posts 🥴 this little sm au has its own race schedule for special purposes because lord knows I don't do well with dates so !!! but Im pretty sure all the race dates are the same, just the races switch spots :) and of course, google translated korean, french and italian will appear.
part two. part three.
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liked by rkive, wi_wi_wi, soye0nssloot and 4,589,890 others
s0ye0nnn monaco 🇲🇨 f1 race weekend with wi ! met some cool people and had some great laughs. first time but definitely not my last kekee
view all 1,673,890 comments
wi_wi_wi why not redbull though!?
rkive we must go to one together!
view 53,389 replies
s0ye0nnn 🙌
luvusoye0n wowoww wishing u hadn’t gone on charles curse home race 🥲 he’s great tho!
tomholland2013 wonderful seeing you again! glad you had fun!
scuderiaferrari it was an absolute pleasure having you visit and chat with us at the padlock! 😎 team Ferrari, yes?
view 12,456 replies
s0yeonsluvr shes got incredible taste, as always 😌
charleslec01 idk who she is, except shes in a band but i like her already lol
mysticalyeon holdupholdup….chat? with who👀
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letsgossip_kpop [ ASIDE FROM GOSSIP, LET’S UPDATE ⬆️: Kim Soyeon, the only female member of BTS (an international sensation group), has recently attended the Formula 1’s Monaco Grand Prix over the weekend. With Wi Ha-Jun, star of Squid Games, she was spotted chatting with her previous co-star from the animated film Onward, Tom Holland and others such as Actor James Marsden (who she has been rumored to be featuring in a film with as his on-screen lover). It seems her most talked about conversation even by her close friend, Wi Ha-Jun—was with the Ferrari team and drivers, Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz. There are no sources on what the conversation contained but her friend Wi Ha-Jun comment on her recent instagram post suggests her team is now Ferrari, “Why not redbull though?!” Perhaps there will be more to be said once she and fellow member, Kim Namjoon, attend a Grand Prix together as shown in her comments. Will this remain just an update or turn into gossip? Stay tuned! - from your admin 🌱]
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charlecssss sooo….shes the only female in BTS? i remember seeing her around them all time pictures or videos of them came up but like…???
f0rmulatypee1 nice to see someone like her status get familiar with the sport, but hopefully she’ll turn team Redbull 🙏 the winners 🏆
k.f1.pop i was literally just saying what if F1 drivers had photocards 👹
letsgossip_kpop UPDATE ⬆️: Charles Leclerc, and Carlos Sainz have followed Kim Soyeon’s social media (Instagram and Twitter). Other drivers such as Lewis Hamiliton, Lando Norris and Zhou Guanyu have followed her before her recent introduction to Formula 1. (Admin 👾: my worlds have collided!)
maxverssstp fuck outtaa here, cirnge 🤢
lalaaland noooo this was the only place away from the freaks in kpop🥴
s0yeonnnbby idk y ppl r hating like…shes like everyone else, trying have a good time n yet ppl r mad that drivers r starting (AND BEEN) following her????🤠
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liked by rkive, thv, wi_wi_wi, 101ofkims, charles_leclerc and 4,890,487 others
s0ye0nnn 10 years of pain. of comfort. of love. of heartbreak. of the highest of highs, to the scum of the earth lows. of questions, “can you do this?”, “is this the end?”, “can you handle this?”.
this group went from strangers to friends to family. i was the odd one out, most definitely. i was a girl in a group with seven boys. i was originally meant to leave the company but the man who believed we could become something pushed me into the group. it was strange—then it wasn’t.
year after year, we slowly formed a family. with one thing in common: we loved music. music has always been in my blood, even in my blood family. my found family has created melodies , poetry hidden in symbolic instrumentals and videos descriptive of what is and what is not.
within that, we found others like us. others that may not be in musical industry but found their place and home in our music—that is you, ARMY.
당신의 삶을 우리와 공유해 주셔서 감사합니다. 여전히 우리와 함께 걸어주셔서 감사합니다. 모두가 돌아올 때까지 기다려 주셔서 감사합니다. 💜 ( translation: Thank you for sharing your life with us. Thank you for still walking with us. Thanks for waiting for everyone to come back. )
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rkive beautiful words, 작은 곰 🐻‍❄️🤍
view 12,467 replies
s0ye0nnn 최고에게 배웠다 ! 🐨🤍 ( translation: learned from the best! )
b0anggtans enough to amke a grown woman 😢
thv 🐻‍❄️❤️
biassssjk the last photonnnn!!!!! idk y but thats so cute 🥹
purpuryouuu 10 yearsssss 😅 been here for 5💜💜💜
charles_leclerc Just began listening to your discography! Can’t wait for your future projects, solo and group! ❤️ Happy 10 years 😆
view 1,098 replies
s0ye0nnn come visit korea! some behind the scenes? 👀
cl16lucyyy aaARIAN WHAT U DOH G HERRE!?! 💀😭
f14liferrrr no charles!!! stay Way from kpoppiess! 🚫
tagged rkive
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liked by rkive, wi_wi_wi, charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, and 5,098,450 others
s0ye0nnn Australian Grand Prix 🇦🇺 with joonie! 🐨 was very fun, nice views and such great company (on and off track?) !
view all 1,098,762 comments
rkive mercedes....🐻‍❄️
view 15,098 replies
s0ye0nnn hushhhhh k.f1.pop RM knows whatsup
scuderiaferrari It was an absolute pleasure having you with us! You must come again, lucky charm!
danielricciardo Despite opposite teams, it was so cool to meet and chat for awhile! Good laughs 😁
s0yoyoens slayed everyone, ate, left no crumbs, walk me like a dog!!!!!!
charles_leclerc I think your words helped a bit, haha 😉 Coming to next one?
view 5,647 replies
s0ye0nnn noooo, your talent! and of course, this is my new obsession! 😍 s0yeonmyluv SHUT UO NOW omfgggg WHAT WORDS?// KET ME INNNNN formula1n1mv charlesssss....you're approaching new and scary territory !!!
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authors final note:
i really hope you all enjoy this! this is sorta one of the social media au where it's a somewhat slow build because lets be honest, just meeting once and dating right after aint happening, plus who doesn't love the subtle growth of a friendship ;) oh and this universe of kpop are actually treated like humans by their company and can date but of course, haters are going hate plus Kim Soyeon is THAT bitch. ofc you are be her, that is essentially the purpose but i kinda dislike "y/n" idk just kinda makes it hard for me to make everything look good but dw just close ur eyes and imagineeeee, soyeon is just a fc for the posts keke. if you want to be tagged in the next part, comment and i'll do it! PART TWO IS ALREADY IN THE MAKING, LITERALLY ALMOST DONE WITH IT.
guide: i am always open to constructive criticism. i'm always down to learn how to better and try to implement them.
--and that world is yours, until next time.
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melswifeasf · 2 years
Find my way back to you pt 3
previous chapter || next chapter || series page
Pairing: Samantha Carpenter x Fem!OC
Summary: Sam comes back after five years.
Warnings: none.
notes: are you guys enjoying this series? should i keep writing?
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the beeping sound of Tara’s heart monitor could be heard throughout the room. it had been a day since the incident and Tara was out of surgery. she had already made her statement an hour ago and ended up falling asleep again with all the drugs they were pumping her with. Estelle hadn’t gotten the chance to speak to her, she had been making her own statement and Judy had forced her to go home so she could take a shower and take off her uniform seeing as she hadn’t left the hospital since Tara was admitted.
honestly, Estelle didn’t have the energy to go home and do quite literally anything but Judy left her with no choice.
she didn’t take long, just took a quick shower and took an hour nap. it’s not like she could sleep, every time she closed her eyes she could only see that stupid mask.
Estelle had a redbull in hand as she walked into the room. she had her hair down, slight waves tumbling down her shoulders. she was out of uniform for the first time in hours, wearing a simple black shirt that was tucked into her blue jeans and a black bomber jacket on top. funny how Estelle would never wear such a thing in her teen years and yet now it’s most of what her wardrobe consisted of. it’s not like she had much time to have a life outside of work, not because she was forced to work extreme hours but because she had no idea how to live anymore.
pathetic how one single person can change an entire persons whole universe. even more pathetic considering they were only high school loves, the ones people always say don’t last. they were right.
at the sound of the door opening Tara looked toward it. her eyes landed on Estelle who had her drink in one hand and a bag of chips in another, a slight almost sad smile on her lips.
“i got your favorite” Estelle said as she held up the bag of sour cream and onion chips. Tara smiles softly in appreciation.
“thanks” she said lowly. Estelle approached her and handed her the chips which the teen girl gladly accepted.
there’s a beat of silence as Estelle takes a seat on the empty chair beside Tara’s bed. the younger girl placed the bag of chips on the table beside her whilst Estelle watched her intently. that night she hadnt realized all the injuries the girl was left with. she only remembers having seen the gash on her stomach and her leg being broken. now she knew about the hand and the many stabs that were spread around her body.
the idea alone made Estelle’s mouth run dry and tears begin to prick at her eyes but she quickly blinked them away.
“how’re you feeling? like, physically?” Estelle asked already knowing how the girl must be feeling emotionally, asking would be a waste of words.
Tara shrugged with a ghost of a smile on her lips, “i’m on all kind of drugs so i can’t really feel anything” she said honestly making Estelle chuckle.
“figures” she mutters as Tara breathes out a laugh. they fall silent once more as Estelle looks down at her fidgeting hands.
“i-..” she clears her throat softly, “i’m so sorry Tara” she said lowly her eyes not leaving her hands as tears burn in her eyes. she didn’t want to be the one crying, she had no right to, not after what Tara went through and yet here she was, not able to contain the burning tears beginning to fall.
Tara’s own eyes began to shine as she shook her head, “no” she whispered, “it’s not your fault”
“i should’ve been there sooner” Estelle said finally meeting her eyes, “i should’ve been closer. i should’ve installed a better security system. fuck, i should’ve shot them right through their fucking head” she shook her head and sniffled softly.
Tara held her healthy hand out making Estelle look at it, it took her a second before she placed her left hand on top of it. “it’s not your fault” Tara said firmly even with the tears in her eyes, “you never could’ve known this was going to happen. you did everything you could and i’m so thankful you were there” the young girl cried.
Estelle stood up from the chair and sat on the bed, wrapping her arms around Tara carefully so she wouldn’t accidentally hurt her.
Sam left five years ago, taking Estelle’s heart in the process but she left behind the girl who needed her most. the girl who had to learn how to make her own food, to get over her fear of the dark and learn how to make it seem like she wasn’t home alone practically everyday.
Estelle vowed to protect Tara like she wasn’t able to protect Elias.
Estelle had texted Amber per Tara’s requests to let her and the rest of her friends know that she was awake. Amber was the first to arrive followed by Wes then the twins. they all began to rant about how they couldn’t believe it was really happening and how glad they were Tara was okay as soon as they stepped into the room which cause Estelle to look at them in slight amusement.
she never really understood how they were all friends, they were all extremely different. she knew Amber and Tara were practically best friends - although Estelle always had her suspicions when it came to the two. Amber was always very possessive toward Tara and Tara never really seemed to mind that. but when it came to Wes and the twins, she didn’t really understand that part. she liked them all, maybe Wes a little less because he was just.. weird.
an hour later, after the group of friends got comfortable in their seats and did their best in trying to reassure the tara she was going to be fine, the door to their room opened, and Tara's sister appeared on the other side.
Estelles eyes snapped toward her as she leaned against the wall. her posture stiffened immediately and she pushed herself off of it slowly, her smile leaving her lips in a millisecond and instead is morphed into an emotionless expression.
her heart skipped, stopped and almost as if she had been revived it started hammering in her chest rapidly. she could feel her ears pulse and her hands begin to sweat as an extreme heat overtook her body. she could feel eyes on her but she didn’t look at anyone except the girl that just walked in.
she was hesitant to come in, only taking small steps as she looked around at the teens she used to take care of. her eyes stopped on Estelle longer than they had the rest but she tried to cover it up as her eyes locked with her sisters, the shyness went away and she crouched down beside her, softly setting her hand on Tara's shoulder and asking, "how are you feeling?"
if the sight of her pale sister who looked like she was in a state between life and death didn't hurt her enough, the words she threw at her were heart wrenching because of the doubtfulness in her voice, "you came."
Sam's escape from Woodsboro had lasted so long that it left her sister doubting she would even show up after she had been hurt, and the realization of that hurt Sam a lot because she never meant for the strand between her sister and herself to get to a point of no return.
"of course I came." Sam spoke softly, trying to lessen any doubts Tara might be feeling of how much she loved her. "this is my boyfriend, Richie." she said and as she turned to face her boyfriend her eyes met Estelle’s no longer than a second before she faced her boyfriend and stood up.
the man wasted no second in jumping into the conversation, “It's so nice to meet you. I'm so sorry if I'm intruding."
Tara too looked at Estelle before she ran her eyes across the man she had no intention of ever meeting, but knowing he was supposedly Sam's boyfriend, she decided to give him a polite smile and said, "nice to meet you, too."
everyone else in the room was looking between the exes and the tension was beginning to suffocate Estelle. every single muscle in her body felt like a rock and there was a huge knot in her throat that made it hard to swallow and the weight on her chest wasn’t helping her breathing either.
she wouldn’t left already if she knew it wouldn’t get everyone’s attention but she knew it would and Sam was near the door.
for the first time since the two had met, Estelle felt like an outsider in Sams life. hell, she felt like an outside in the room. she knew she didn’t belong and yet there she was.
Sam looked different, her hair had blonde highlights and she looked more mature. her face had defined itself and her body looked more mature now.
this wasn’t Sam Carpenter, the girl Estelle fell in love with. this was someone else and it felt like a fucking bullet to Estelle’s heart.
Sam had met every single one of the teens in the room a long time ago when she needed a few extra bucks and decided to babysit a few of them, so she went around the room and gave them a hug as she greeted them. she stayed near Wes longer than the others, softly thanking him for calling her and telling her about Tara's condition.
it was funny how Sam was trying her damn hardest to not meet Estelle’s eye or to not let her eyes even glance in her direction.
Estelle almost scoffed but keep it in, for Tara. she didn’t deserve her making a scene. neither did Sam. both for different reasons completely.
she moved back to where her boyfriend was standing and introduced them to him, "these are Chad and Mindy, the twins, and Wes. I used to babysit them all."
Wes was slightly embarrassed at that comment, or more so confused as to why she needed to add that last sentence in. "which is always how I like to be introduced." Wes pitched in sarcastically.
Amber chuckled which got Sam’s attention. she turned toward her, finally noticing her for the rust time and an uncomfortable smile formed on her lips. “and Amber, hey”
Amber nodded toward her, a matching smile on her lips “hi, nice to see you."
Richie turned to Amber and introduced himself,
"hi, I'm Richie."
Estelle coughed awkwardly leaving Sam no choice but to meet her eye. Estelle felt her breathing labor as their eyes met. she expected to see a reflection of who Sam was once but she didn’t that, she couldn’t see the adoration, the love, the affection. it was as if Sam was looking at a stranger, a wannabe that had nothing to do in her life.
“Estelle. hey” she said making Richies head turn in her direction so fast it was as if he had been pinched.
“Sam” Estelle said simply. “well, i have to go. ill be outside Tara” the girl said looking at her. Tara sent her a smile along with a nod.
without another word toward either of the sisters Estelle began to walk toward the door where she looked at him with a slight scowl.
he didn’t say anything but Estelle didn’t need him to, she already knew what he was thinking. she laughed quietly with a shake of her head as she walked out of the room.
fuck them both.
there was an awkward beat of silence once Estelle left and the heavy weigh of her absence was lingering amongst them which Sam feel uncomfortable as she began to speak quickly hoping she’d fill the silence, "where's mom?
"she's stuck at a conference in London. she called me earlier." Tara filled her sister in, and it just seemed like she was trying to justify her mother for not being there.
"yeah, for all of ten minutes" Amber mumbled dryly but they all heard.
Tara's mother wasn't always occupied with her work, but after her divorce, she latched onto her job as a sense of security. at first it was minor, sometimes just a weekend or a couple of days but then it had gotten to the point where she left Tara home alone every few days for a long duration.
Tara didnt say anything and she looked sorrowful and Amber quickly said, "look, guys, Tara's really tired. maybe we should just give her some space."
it only took one glance at Tara for them to agree with Amber's statement. they each said their goodbye's and exited the room silently. Sam trailed behind them, thinking her sister might want the room to herself while she sleeps, but it turns out she was wrong.
"not you, Sam." Tara called after her. "I want you to stay."
a smile made its way on Sam's lips, and she nodded as she walked back towards her sister.
"if it's okay with you, I could sleep here tonight."
Tara didn't have to think at all about the request, "I'd really like that."
Amber reached down to touch Tara’s arm “do you have your extra inhaler?”
“yeah i’ll be fine”
“okay.” Amber nodded and grabbed her things before leaving the room.
Richie took that as his time to leave, and he gave Sam a look to let her know he'd be outside.
once they were alone Tara began to break down, finally being alone with the person she loved most, her walls crumbled completely.
Sam hugged her sister tightly until her tears died down and the only thing that could be heard was the chatter outside of the room.
“why was Estelle here?” Sam spoke for the first time in almost an hour. she knew how close Tara and Estelle were before she left, Estelle was practically at their house everyday when they were together and she figured they would maybe keep in touch, it was a small town after all but she didn’t not expect her to be in her sisters hospital room when she walked in.
“she’s my friend?” Tara said although it sounded more like a question than it did a statement.
“yeah” Tara shrugged. “plus she was the one who got there when..” she trailed off not able to finish her sentence but Sam quickly shook her head.
“i get it” she assured her quickly, not wanting her sister to finish her sentence.
eight years ago..
the parking lot was filled with students that friday afternoon, some of them were killing time before practice whilst others were trying to figure out who would be throwing the best party that night.
Estelle leaned against the hood of her brothers car with his friends. thankfully their girlfriends had already left to get ready for whatever party they would be going to. Estelle didn’t think she could deal with them and their stupid comments.
she was included in some of the conversation as Elias and the two guys talked about the newest rumor being spread around school. she wasn’t that interested though, she had gotten a ride from her girlfriend earlier but they got into an argument meaning she had to catch a ride back home with her brother.
she sighed in boredom as she scrolled through her phone carelessly. until footsteps getting near her made the dark haired girl look up from the small screen.
she squinted, the sun bright on that particular October afternoon. as soon as her eyes adjusted she was met with Sam Carpenter who sported a shy smile.
“hey” she said first making the conversation between the boys die down completely and turn to look at her.
“hey” Estelle responded.
Sam glanced at the guys for a quick second, “i just wanted to thank you for taking me home the other day. i was really fucked up” she admitted a bit sheepishly.
Estelle chuckled, “you were extremely fucked up but it’s all good. you’d do the same for me” she shrugged.
Sam nodded. there was a split second in which her eyes glanced down at Estelle’s slightly exposed chest, her shirt not covering as much as it should.
Estelle bit back a smile at the action and as soon as Sams eyes met her own, the taller girl had a matching expression. Sams checks turned a bit rosy as she realized she had been caught.
she cleared her throat, “i’ll see you around”
Estelle nodded, “yeah”
without another word Sam turned and began to take her leave when Estelle’s voice stopped her. “just make sure to stick with weed this time” she called out. Sam didn’t respond verbally but Estelle still heard the laugh escape the tall girls lips.
Estelle watched the girl walk away, in awe at how her hips moved with every step that she took. she never really noticed other people, the only attractive person in the whole school was the girl Estelle was already dating but now seeing Sam up close, god she was so wrong.
“the fuck was that” Elias laughed snapping Estelle’s eyes away from Sams body quickly and turn to look at him.
the boy had an amused yet questioning look in his eye, “nothing” she quickly responded. “she just got high off her ass with the pills you sold to her and i had to take her home” she shrugged.
she didn’t get a response causing her to meet his eye once more. Elias only chuckled with a slight shake of his head.
“uh huh”
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nochukoo97 · 2 years
brother’s best friend
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Pairing: Jungkook x OC
Summary/Warnings: Jk and oc’s older brother are childhood bestfriends, but they both move away for college, oc experiences a breakup, oc fights with parents, running away from home, this will be a series so first chapt is just an intro :)), but oc meets jk here, a little cliffhanger??
Word count: 0.7k
next chapter
You knew of Jungkook, the two of you were close even, but that was many many years back, when you were just finishing middle school and Jungkook and your brother were in highschool. Jungkook had been your brother’s wingman, bro-for-life, ride or die friend ever since kindergarten, and your parents and his parents became good friends. When your brother moved away with Jungkook for college, of course they went to the same one, you never saw him again, only rarely when your brother would come home and Jungkook would pay a visit. However, you were also busy away in college, but you had settled on a college closer to home, since you did not plan on moving out of your parent’s house anytime soon.
It’s been almost a year since you’ve seen both Jungkook and your brother, both of them occupied with the heavy load of work and other activities, and you will admit, you miss the both of them a lot, and constantly wonder what they’re up to.
However, that was not something you could think about now, not when your parents were currently screaming their heads off of your poor grade in chemistry, as well as the fact that they had found out you have a boyfriend, or well, had, after you had found him cheating on you with another girl at a bar.
“What are you thinking huh? You not only have such a horrible grade on your recent test, and I find out you secretly have a boyfriend?” Your mum is yelling at you as she throws the pen she was holding on the coffee table in front of the couch as you stand in front of her with your head hanging low. “You’re a disappointment, what makes you think you can mess around with boys if you aren’t even scoring straight As HUH?” You couldn’t take it anymore, and ran up to your room, slamming the door shut as tears of frustration and pent up anger spilled out of your eyes.
You don’t bother with your mother screaming from behind your locked door, because in ten minutes, you’ve packed a luggage full of your toiletries and clothes, opening the door and brushing past your mum.
“Just where do you think you’re going?” She continues to yell as she chases after you, “Okay fine! Go ahead! Run away from my house, and you will be back tonight because you finally realise that I am the one who provides your life for you! Maybe you will learn to be more grateful!” She screams over your cries as you slam the front door, running with your luggage, not sure where, but you just keep walking.
As you slow down your pace after a few minutes, you turn on your phone, dialling your college best friend, Chaeyoung. “Hello?” She answers after three rings, “Chae, do you think I could crash at your place for a few nights? I just fought with my parents and there is no way I am going back after what Mum said to me,” You said between pants as you continued walking with no sense of direction. “Babe, I’m so so sorry but my cousins are over and I have no space in my home, maybe try calling Yeji?” You just hummed and hung up after saying bye, you knew Yeji was out of town so she wasn’t even an option at this point.
You continue to walk, mind empty, until you see a dark alleyway next to a bar. You look at the street sign, and you realise that you had literally walked so far you were currently in the same area as where your brother’s shared apartment was, and you stood still for a while, considering asking him, but you came to a conclusion that if your parents had tried to look for you, they would definitely ask your brother.
“I guess I will just settle with this…” you mumble to yourself as you turn the corner of the alleyway, hoping to find maybe another homeless soul who has turned to the sketchy place for a home.
“Y/N?” You hear a familiar voice call out your name as you walk head down into the alleyway. You look up in surprise, only to see Jungkook standing there, a beer in his hand as he stares at you with confusion.
note: hello! i know this chapter is really short but i promise the rest of the chapters wont be after i write what happens after the cliffhanger LOL also im like having a block rn, i cant think of anything to write at the moment so i will just focus on this 😆
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I always said I'd never post anything like this when I was actually active on this blog as I didn't want to start drama but you know what, screw it, I'm not here anymore and I'm tired of staying silent on this.
The way some of the fandom treats Yui is absolutely nuts.
And no, I'm not talking about people who call Yui "weak" or who get jealous over her situation (that's a whole other can of worms), I am talking about the other obsessive fans.
I'll start off by saying I am not saying all Yui fans are bad (some are delightful) but I swear she also manages to attract some of the most unhinged people I've encountered on the internet.
I can't even begin to name all the posts I've seen defending her and arguing against anyone who would call her weak or criticise her in any way etc. And while I know there certainly are people who call her weak or fanfictions where she acts as a love rival for one of the boys versus an OC or reader character, I've actually seen far less of those posts than ones defending her, to an almost problematic degree. Like I literally once saw a post where someone was genuinely telling people to kill themselves because they were treating Yui badly in fanfiction and like what the actual fuck?
I personally have no gripes with Yui as a character. She's written to be exactly what the story needed, and if you like kind cinnamon roll characters, she definitely falls into that category, but people don't have to like characters just because they're good people.
In the same way, the diaboys are all terrible to some extent and if they were real people, you wouldn't want anything to do with them. However, I would argue all of them are well-thought out characters with interesting backstories that clearly tie into who they are by the time the series starts. An immoral character =/= a badly written character in the same way a moral character =/= a well written character.
Now I'm not trying to say Yui is a badly written character, as I mentioned above, I think she fits the role she needed to in DL perfectly, but I do think people need to stop treating her like literal perfection at the expense of actual real human beings. I'll admit, I have seen people dislike Yui for immature reasons, but you can't have a go at people for not liking a fictional character.
I know, and have seen, some people argue that your attitude towards Yui reflects your attitude towards rl abuse survivors and just no. That's not how that works. If someone is reading an account of actual abuse and starts victim blaming that's one thing but DL is NOT REAL and it was never meant to be an allegory about abuse or abusive relationships, it's made for people who are horny about vampires. That's it. There is no deeper meaning. I cannot emphasise this enough.
I think if there's any real point here, it's that if some of these fans genuinely value morality and goodness as much as they claim, they would take a good look in the mirror at how they treat real people. If you love Yui so much, use her an example (i.e. being nice), not some icon to beat people over the head with. And people liking and enjoying the darker aspects of DL doesn't make them bad people in the same way watching a horror film doesn't make you a future serial killer.
Anyway thank you for coming to my TED talk. Again, I am not talking about all Yui fans, just the worst ones I've seen. And to be fair a lot of the points I've made here are true for rabid diaboy fans as well. At the end of the day, it's how you treat other people, not fictional characters, that matters.
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ilikekidsshows · 2 months
About you being harassed by Marinette fans. I don't know if me doing this is weird, but you being open bout that makes me want to open up more too. I've send you 4 anons by now (u probably could already tell they were from one person) because I don't have a miraculous Blog anymore since the hiatus before Destruction because Marinette fans found one of my posts criticizing Marinette's treatment of Cat Noir and her leadership and they went after me for i think almost an entire week. I ended up deleting my blog in panic and fear of it getting worse the more traffic it got amongst Mari stans.
I followed the show and Fandom til now from afar to see if any of my Marinette problems were getting the fixes everyone screamed about season 5 would deliver but I can't say that happened. I wholeheartedly agree that with alot of other people that it only got worse with the doubling down and her gettin less heroic underneath the surface.
So I'm still here and upset that I was bullied out of this fandom for things I was apparently right about to degrees I didn't even knew back then how right I'd end up being....
I found a couple of blogs to follow that share my opinions and you guys have been interwoven alot now so I thought sending anons to dip my toe back into being part of the discourse is a good idea. I hope I didn't cause any Mari stans getting angry at you for it, I've been worried bout that ngl.
I would like to ask bout one of the topics Marinette fans cyberbullied me for but I still think I'm right for questioning:
How much value does Marinette see in being friends with her love interests?
Oc im not doubting that she sees at least some worth in it, but it feels very shallow. Fandom is working the lion's share to take what little canon gives and run with it til they think their fanon is real.
Marinette values friendship, sure, but Zoe is the only love interest of hers for whom that feels right to say
Marinette in Canon has said many times that for her being friends with the one she loves is the worst thing she could possibly imagine. E. g. Psycomedian. And she was rewarded with Adrien being her devoted and desperate prince for her doing probably the most friendship related thing she did in all season 4. She had a basic little convo with him about understanding to have problems and that's where it ended. Where did Marinette ever even try to be rlly Adrien's friend? She said 500x that she's finally gonna put her romance feelings aside for a bit to focus on her job (which I hoped would mean she'd work on her weaknesses in the platonic Ladynoir team dynamic too... Silly me... )
But that never goes anywhere? Weren't Adrien and Kagami the ones literally having been created out of the feeling love or to love someone in particular and even THEY could overwrite their senti programming better than Marinette ever could get over her normal ass feelings for a week? Adrien and Kagami value the friendship with the one they love deeply, is that the difference? That Marinette can't ever move one from loving someone because friendship feels like an awful downgrade and torture to her so she stays the same? What does that say bout her?
Or that Luka and Cat Noir never caused her stalker paranoia to break out that Derision claims she does to protect herself. Why does it only apply to Adrien? And not even Cat Noir, too? In my other anons I brought up how awful I think it is that Marinette seemingly has no interest in leaning anything rlly about the boy underneath Cat Noir's mask, now she barely acts like she remembers that he's real and that they'll one day reveal where he'll then find out how many times she deliberately deceived him with her civilian identity in very hurtful ways.
How does that correspond to her being in love and more important for my question, what does that level of refusal to treat someone like a real person say about her willingness to be Cat's friend? Cause I can't see friendship in Ladynoir anymore. Marinette was the one who killed that in season 4 and then season 5 didn't improve her in much. Friends don't treat each other the way Marinette so easily uses, hurts ignores, silences and deceives Cat Noir without batting an eye.
The only effort she really made was before Kwamis choice. When she thought he was still in love with her and expected that s4 magically caused no damage to his feelings for her. she seemingly thought she could just allow him to dedicate himself to her for an overall easy way to sweep everything under the rug and make him "happy" again without her ever having to really try and do better herself because that was the comfort she was seeking at that time (shoutout to Familyagrestefanblog and erisluna35. I've been paraphrasing them alot and wanted mention that too. Didn't get to write out my own opinion in a while and I agree with them x})
This refusal to face her hurtful actions of s4 quickly developed into her craving for him to give her his easy love and not wanting to take anything less than precisely the endless devotion she wanted from him now. No matter what the price. No matter how much it put him too in danger (what even meant Cat Blanc?), and yet, still no interest in him as a person.
Once she had to take the no, she left and then she never again made a genuine effort in Ladynoir. Any effort to better herself was romance related. Determination may have been the episode where she rlly noticed her changed feelings for him, but she did try earlier than that. But it fully stopped with his no as did her changed feelings vanish as quickly as they showed up. So what does that say about her and how she views their "friendship"?
Season 4 has her already show that she doesn't want Ladynoir to be an actual friendship since she treats him barely better than a magical pet she rarely ever thinks about, which caught her off guard over and over that she isn't being the kindest and adoring person of all time to him. She treats him so much worse than her actual friends and in s5 she isn't trying to build a real connection beyond wanting him to shower her in his devotion and love.
What season 5 shows bout Marinette's view of the Ladynoir friendship is in my most generous reading her not getting to hide behind any romantic feelings from either side that she doesn't know how to be his friend, after she had to learn in season 4 that she was a really really bad one. But even with that generous reading, it would still mean that Marinette then went on prioritizing not having to feel any further discomfort or having to owe up for her actual mistakes in their bond over her finally being the friend she SHOULD think Cat Noir deserves. A friend he desperately needed but never got cause she called it a day with her personal needs being met my having her best friend Alya with her.
Friends don't do that. Marinette denied him any genuine friendship he obviously truly needed as Cat Noir because she personally didn't need it from him anymore cause of Alya. And he rejected her desire to now be adored by him so there was no purpose left anymore for him to fulfill in her life besides the easy partner she made clear cant ask shit from her.
That is so unbelievably selfish... How on earth is that supposed to be FRIENDSHIP?
Srry, for this being long. Last point.
Luka of course needs to be mentioned too. Sure, the show says they are friends. But are they really? Their friendship is built on him being her platonic therapist back-up boyfriend who doesn't ask shit of her either. This is still the same pattern as with Catrien. Luka does all the emotional labor and Marinette just takes and takes and that's what makes her so comfortable around him but she isn't interested in him either beyond what she sees day to day in front of her.
That doesn't count as friendship in my book. For Adrigami you can still feel their friendship after their breakup. But Lukanette is Luka being a platonic therapist boyfriend and Marinette being just as disinterested in him as with Cat Noir while being just as comfortable getting showered in emotional labor that she's unwilling to work on giving back the way she should.
How is that friendship? What value has friendship for Marinette once any romantic feelings are involved from either side and it isn't Zoé (feels like a homophobic backhanded compliment lmao)
That was very long, I apologize. But thanks to writing in anon I started becoming more comfortable with the idea of joining the Fandom discourse again. I've got alot I wanna say after all that time in silence but I'm not sure yet if I should put myself out there again with a blog. With how season 5 ended Marinette stans are gonna be vicious beasts to any criticism they come across and I don't want that to happen again :(
I hope this isn't a case of speak of the devil and he shall appear but lately things have been really quiet on the Marinette stan front. The worst I’ve gotten was this really unhinged one, but they were so unpleasant they didn't have any friends so the harassment was very one-note and stopped pretty quickly since they had to run it alone. It could be that now that season 5 confirmed that season 4 wasn't an outlier, that the show’s writing has gotten incredibly sloppy and nasty, the critical side of the fandom has become unified and we add to each other’s posts and kind of back each other up. It's harder for Marinette stans to target us one by one, and their preferred tactic is dogpiling a single blog. A lot of the Marinette stans protesting my posts now shut up right quick when they see more people agreeing with me adding to the reblog chain.
As for the question, I agree with your assessment. It really does appear that Marinette hates the idea of being friends with a love interest. She whined about Adrien seeing her as just a friend all the way back in Riposte. Adrien sung her praises to Kagami, while she spied on them, and she had the gall to whine that the boy she “loves” thinks so highly of her because it wasn't the kind of thinking she wanted.
There was this one thing I said in a previous post that I think is accurate: Marinette part-times being Cat Noir's friend. Even the part of time she acts as his friend, she ignores his feelings, insults him, pushes him away, refuses to give him emotional support in any way and lies to him about anything she possibly can. She only approaches him as Marinette when she wants to complain about Adrien not coming to the date he didn't know was a date, when she thinks she can score a date with him or so that she can practice confessing to Adrien on him. Marinette's “friendship” with Cat Noir is all take with no give when she isn't outright ignoring his existence.
She also ignores boys who have feelings for her in her civilian life. Nathaniel is very suspicious of her in Reverser, having to be convinced that she wasn't planning to humiliate him, implying he isn't part of her friend group since he doesn't know her well enough to know she only humiliates people when they're in her way of getting at Adrien. (Alix makes it sound like she wouldn't do that period, but we know the truth by now.) She also refused to come to Juleka and Luka's shared birthday party if Luka was present after they broke up. I bet if you tried to tell Marinette, or her writers, that your romantic partner should also be your best friend to make a healthy relationship, they just wouldn't compute. 
I don't want to say Marinette doesn't hold friendship in high regard period, because the amount of exceptions she makes for Alya shows that she at least values Alya’s friendship. I think she just doesn't value friendship with boys. I feel like Marinette is the kind of person who doesn't think boys and girls can really be friends, which would explain why she thinks Adrien considering her a friend is worse than anything else. If boys can't really be friends with girls, Adrien using the word “friends” means they aren't even that.
Consider this: how often does Marinette hang out with her guy classmates when it isn't 1) a whole-class outing or 2) more likely that Marinette just wanted to hang out with his girlfriend? Like, in Animan, Marinette had no idea Nino had a crush on her, but she still acted like an outing with him at the zoo was the worst thing ever. I get that she was disappointed Adrien wasn't there, but Nino is one of Marinette’s oldest classmates, yet she doesn't want to spend time with him, unless she's planning to use him to get closer to Adrien, since he's Adrien’s best friend.
Of course, she doesn't really value the time with her other friends for its own sake outside of Alya either. It seems like the only times they hang out together is to plot or participate in her get Adrien quick schemes. The only times the girls do something not Marinette related is when Marinette hasn't called them together, like when they were going to the pool in Gorizilla, something Marinette completely forgot until Alya called her. Marinette has poor memory but, despite her knowing she has poor memory, she apparently gave herself no reminder to hang out with her friends. You bet I write down every occasion I’ve agreed to see my friends specifically because I have bad memory as well.
It seems like, unless you're Alya, Marinette only cares about you for how able and willing you are to help her catch Adrien's attention. I keep saying Marinette treats her Adrien romancing problems as the most important thing going on at any given moment, and it's true for all areas of her life. Maybe that's the reason we didn't see Socqueline for four seasons despite her supposedly being such an important friend to Marinette, and why she never joined the friend group proper; Socqueline couldn't help her get with Adrien so she wasn't worth Marinette’s time.
This is a yet another thing where Miraculous is actually pretty sexist; girls and boys can't ever just be friends and girls care more about getting guys than they do about their friends. Another thing of course is this idea that boys just don't have as in-depth feelings as girls or should bury their feelings and never ask for emotional support, which is why all of Marinette's love interests are her emotional support dispensers whose opinions on anything don’t matter when their job is to simply mindlessly worship Marinette while their feelings are devalued by the narrative every time they dare to try to ask Marinette for some support back. Luka gets Akumatized which convinces him to break up with Marinette when he had emotional needs she wasn't willing to fulfill. Meanwhile Adrien goes through the travesty that is Kuro Neko
“Power of love always so strong” but only when it's Marinette's toxic idea of love and when it isn't platonic love. Unless you're Alya, I guess.
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I promised, promised myself that I wouldn’t read the Roman König x Fee fic until it was completed because I knew i would get absolutely drawn in, wrapped up in your exquisite prose, then get addicted and suffer from withdrawals. Unneeded to say I broke said promise and welp here I am 🤡
Thing that surprised me was how quickly he endeared himself to me? A cock swinging village massacring brute that I was FULLY prepared to hate had me sighing by then end of chapter 3 with the “you care about my head?” ✋😩 YES I worry for your stupid head you adorable monster.
It’s uncanny how similarly Fee and I felt as the plot progressed. I know this is a self insert and though I made an OC for fee, you were able to capture the feeling of hate to curiousity to distrust to budding emotions on the readers side so beautifully and in only three chapters?? What sorcery is this?? I could go on and on about how I’m just… in awe of your writing skills.
It’s the small things too. The effort he went through to understand Fee, learning her language like he desperately wants to be a part of her. It’s just his delight in the simple things like having a woman and buying her pretty things. I AM GOING TO GNAW OFF MY ARM THIS IS SO GOOD!! I don’t know if you’ve watched HBOs Rome, but they remind me of Pullo and Eirene so much! Like you can’t tell me König doesn’t fit that goofy brawdy soldier who’s only hobbies are drinking and fucking and fighting to a T!
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Then it got me thinking…. If König is Pullo then Simon is Vorenus. He has that straight laced, no bs aura about him. Now I’m imagining them both in this universe and please excuse me while I melt in a puddle 🫠
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This is perhaps the best piece of fiction I’ve read in a while. I can’t wait for part 4, I have no doubt it will be wonderful as usual. Please accept my maladaptive daydream interpretation of Fee (first she was supposed to be a wood nymph, then the earth goddess then a fairy queen?? I’m not sure anymore. There was so much great imagery couldn’t settle on one. Your honor, we lost the plot.)
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Oh my goodness OH MY GOODNESS ❤️❤️❤️
You shower me with praise and I’m over here like aaahh... for me? 🥺❤️
And yes I’ve watched Rome like four times at least! Every time I watch it just gets better, the producers and crew really outdid themselves with all the details in that series. I consider it one of the best TV shows ever made and excuse me but you opened a Pandora’s box here, I'm just so pleased you brought this up...
It took so much time for Pullo to grow on me, I was so frustrated with his character but when he killed Eirene’s man because he was so in love with her and was just like: “Oh there's something in the way of our love? Oh well. *there*, solved.” Gosh I was IN LOVE. I’m sorry, I’m a horrible person, but I fell in love with Pullo right that second. And yeah König is kinda like Pullo in that sense! Eirene wails at the corpse of her ex-lover and Pullo is just like “Um, yeah nasty business but… why are you crying? Oh, oh yeah, oops. But hey, we could be together? Oh, you don’t want me? Damn. How come?” I wanted to shake and kiss him for being so dumb and adorable.
And Ghost is Vorenus YES, you get it 100 %! And the tragic love story of Vorenus & Niobe, oh god, took me about a month to get over it. And Vorenus being under the protection of Mars first and then literally becoming Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld… The mythology nerd in me is swooning over here. The only thing about Vorenus that's slightly König coded to me was when Pullo had to explain to him what a clitoris is, and Vorenus is like “How do you know this about my wife?!?!” and almost kills him :D That’s so so Roman!König.
But AHHH let me squeal about your maladaptive daydream adaption next: she’s the most gorgeous Fee ever, so lovely and feminine and yet, strong and possessing that earthly power in her. I love the color of her dress too!! There’s a lot of earth & water elements linked to Fee so that color (green to turquoise?) is the most perfect combination of earth and sea, while König is more like fire & air, coming from the mountains and slow to anger but when the fire rises, no one is safe...
This was so lovely, thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the rest of the story 🩷💋
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no-name-blu · 4 months
A thought. John turning evil by some entity promising him a way to protect his friends and Melissa. But he’s just doing the right thing g but the wrong way
When they used to be Welcome Home OCs, that's literally John's plot in my AU, Gameshow Host! Wally XD
But it's more of a fun side plot that can be taken out/ignored. This plot shows more on what the real world is like, how the cult fans of the show are formed, and also shows what happens to the winners of the gameshow. Because according to Wally, they usually turn into a threat to Humanity.
Here's an old comic that I never finished, glad it gets to see the light of day now :D
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You can get their lore explanation down here!
I figured to reveal it since they're not Welcome Home OCs anymore and I'm not gonna draw all of this
Melissa, John, Briella (My OCs) and Sunny (that bird character), are a friend group together. Briella was the very first contestant of the show and dies, making Melissa wanting to investigate it and she's been non stop working about it.
And then, maybe 3-6 months later? idk, John got picked to be the contestant and won, so he asked his prize to have the ability to help Melissa. So Home gave John this opportunity to have a tour in the studio with Wally. So the day that happened, Wally showed him around, the problem with foreign objects going to the studio, it starts to deteriorate, especially for one's sanity. John eventually runs off Wally's tour and try to find more secrets in the studio just to accidentally found the void where Home resides in. His brain did not recover from seeing Home, he doesn't remember what happens after that. But John got Home's powers now YIPEEEE
Also his mind is in shambles in a way it's like an "enlightenment" to him. He sees it like the show is actually a good thing, weeding out the evil in the world. And he wanted to help more than anything.
John finds more people to see this show the way he sees it. He somehow got Melissa convinced too (old idea was that he can do hypnotism) When he tried to convince Sunny, he disagreed, leading to John to think he's evil and such, ended up killing him. Both the idiotic and crazy couple basically going on a killing spree to form a cult fan club of the show :D Honestly, imagine JD and Veronica from Heathers, but they're both JD. They're what killed the dinosaurs, they're the asteroids that's overdue /lyr
Eventuallyyy Melissa starts to snaps out of it, telling John she doesn't want to do this anymore, noticed Home has been watching them and she wants to make a deal with him. Home says something like "make one big sacrifice, and I'll give you what you wish for" Not very helpful but still she took the deal. Then the comic above is what's next. After that, they fought.
John was about to kill her but held back and gave Melissa a chance to fight back, so she starts punching, beats him up until the marionette puppet stops being alive.
Somehow the result of this made Home gave Melissa her own powers with the glowing eyes and Home's pupils too. Basically saying, now she serves for Home and that she's also gonna go crazy, like what had happened to John.
But Melissa didn't take over the cult, that'll be someone else. What she did is help Wally find a suitable contestant for the episode.
This plot probably got some holes and not that fleshed out since I stopped writing into it. It was fun tho :D
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If you wanna know the other nickel, it's their Reboot AU lore. John was also cray cray for a different reason.
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myfairkatiecat · 6 months
Okay okay okay. My KOTLC oc’s from when I was 11, all recently recovered from my notes app.
Edit: upon reading it again i think the vibes are telling me I was actually 13. Still. These are old OC’s and I’m surprised by how much I adore them
These were all created when nightfall was the latest book so… do with that what you will.
But I’m falling back in love with them 🥹
@swans-chirping-in-the-distance @sophieswundergarten @thesmartpaladin @autistic-daydreamer (since you guys asked about them :D)
Names (in order):
Avana Crane
Kaslyn Crane
Timon Kester
Haylyn Zuni
Danisa Madella
Bios are below the cut!
Avana Crane
- works for the Neverseen as a double agent for the Black Swan. Works for the Black Swan as a double agent for the Neverseen. Both organizations think they are on their side. Only she knows what side she is on… and even then, she’s not really sure. She just wants change and knows one way or another, one of these groups will eventually succeed.
- she hides the fact that she ever manifested an ability so no one can prepare for what she can do. She uses the fact that she is “talentless” as her reason for distrusting the council to get both the neverseen and black swan to feel sympathetic for her. (She is a mesmer. Her chaos capabilities with this being a secret are impossible to match.) I headcanon that neither organization ever had a real reason to probe her mind, but if anything about it comes up in her memories when someone looks through her mind, she blushes and says she always daydreams about having this super powerful special ability since she never got one, and since she’s seventeen and there’s no reason for them to assume she’d hide an amazing ability during a time of her life when she should want to be accepted, everyone just goes with it.
- Never really works close to Sophie and her friends in the black swan, but gets to know Keefe while he’s with the neverseen. He’s really bad at pretending he doesn’t care about the Moonlark, but as someone who is playing both sides expertly, Avana can’t judge him… she does MAJORLY ship Sokeefe though.
- Mr. Forkle absolutely knows she has loyalties all over the place. He also knows she has a special ability. He shares this information with no one because he is very impressed with how effective she is at making things happen and doesn’t want to jeopardize that—and she clearly meant it when she said “I will do everything in my power to help my world” when swearing fealty. He is the ONLY one who knows. Nobody with the neverseen has a clue.
Kaslyn Crane
@kaslynspeaks I literally named this character when I was eleven, but now that I look at her name again all I can think of is you lol
- Avana’s little sister (fourteen years old)
- Beguiler & Polyglot
- mainly exists to give Avana a reason to burst into tears and play the “I just want the future to be better for my sister” card with both rebel groups (despite the fact that her sister is… three years younger than her) and to be Timon Kester’s eventual love interest!
- has an impossible crush on Keefe Sencen. Avana has heard his name multiple times out of the mouth of her little sister by the time she meets him with the neverseen, which is part of why she’s so quick to trust him. However, Kaslyn is more than aware that he’ll never love anyone but Sophie… she just deludes herself sometimes!
Timon Kester
- Timon was adopted by his aunt and uncle after his parents decided they didn’t want him anymore. He manifested as a polyglot at age 13, and his parents said this was an essentially useless ability on its own. Timon didn’t want to stay with them anyway. They were the worst
- Timon and Kaslyn are good friends and talk to each other in other languages just to mess with their friends. Timon likes Kaslyn a LOT, but Kaslyn is, as previously mentioned, hopelessly in love with Keefe Sencen (who barely knows she exists). Timon wonders if he should start acting out bc of home troubles… maybe that would get Kaslyn’s attention…
- Timon sorta wants to join the Black Swan after hearing little stuff about it since it’s become sorta mainstream to know about it by nightfall. He’s like hey that’s cool, I like what they seem to stand for… however the ticket in at this point seems to be having a shared traumatic experience with Sophie Foster and Timon has zero idea how to get one of those
- Timon thinks Kaslyn’s older sister is REALLY sketchy, but he can’t say that because he’s afraid of seeming prejudiced against talentless people. Avana gives him weird vibes though.
Haylyn Zuni
- Haylyn is a hydrokinetic in level one at foxfire that Linh has taken under her wing
- She is eleven and also is VERY young to manifest. Linh recognizes herself in Haylyn and bonds with her quickly, helping her control her powers
- Haylyn asks Linh about joining the black swan exactly once. Linh says it involves a lot of almost-dying and Haylyn goes back on this, saying she’s happy to support the black swan but definitely doesn’t need in on the almost-dying thing.
- Haylyn thinks Marella is AWESOME. Since Linh and Marella hang out a lot, Haylyn sees Marella around quite a bit. One time, Haylyn tells Marella how cool pyrokinesis, and how part of her wishes she got to be a pyrokinetic. Marella is absolutely shellshocked and realizes that the prejudice against her ability isn’t being taught as strongly in school as it used to be, and that real progress is being made. Haylyn tells Linh that she’s glad she’s a hydrokinetic though because it means she gets to play water with her. Haylyn is ADORABLE.
**side note: I characterized eleven-year-old Haylyn as VERY juvenile for someone who was currently eleven at the time. I am… sort of thrown off by this??? Like I LOVE Haylyn, but come on Little Katie, you were literally her age…**
Danisa Madella
- Danisa is Haylyn’s friend her age!!
- she hasn’t manifested an ability yet but when she does, she’ll be a shade—which will throw everyone way off because she’s the most bright, sparkly person ever
- she’s super optimistic and fun and upbeat. She loves swimming with Haylyn because Haylyn makes a bunch of pretty shapes in the water
- Elvin vsco girl energy **STOP I FORGOT THAT WAS A THING**
- Danisa looks up to Sophie Foster a LOT. She’s her role model. She daydreams about finding out she’s actually going to manifest five abilities so Sophie can have a Moonlark friend, and that one day the black swan will tell her she is special and invite her to come risk her life for their cause!
- Danisa and Haylyn are friends with Galin Kester (also not yet manifested but will be a telepath, maybe I’ll make a bio for him if he becomes more relevant in my headcanon) who is Timon’s cousin (but since Timon lives with his aunt and uncle, they’re like brothers) so Danisa sees Timon a lot and has him teach her languages. She doesn’t tell him why she wants to know as many languages as possible, but secretly, she really wants to impress Sophie one day if she joins the black swan.
The Groups
- The Danisa-Haylyn-Galin friend group makes elaborate plans about how they’ll casually insert themselves into enough conversations to worm their way over to sitting with the Black Swan affiliated elves at foxfire. They never execute these plans.
- The Kaslyn-Timon-Shanla friend group consists of many of Shanla’s schemes to set Timon and Kaslyn up together. (Shanla is a guster and has even resorted to literally having the wind knock Kaslyn off her feet before. Timon forgot to catch her so the whole thing failed)
- Kaslyn and Avana used to be closer, but now that Avana graduated from Foxfire, they don’t see each other as often. (This is possibly because Avana is busy with her extreme quadruple agent scheme)
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cowboyfromh3ll · 1 year
Hi!! Your writing is always so wonderful and i was wondering if you’d be up to write something if you still take requests!
I have this whole long and detailed storyline in my head with an oc. I’ll write a short summary about her and if you’d like I would be head over heels if you come up with some sort of scenario!
Basically she’s very masculine presenting, often mistaken for a young man/boy because of it. Hot headed and pretty reckless at times. She’s around Abigail’s age but joined the gang a year or so before. She’s not the brightest in general but every now and then has some surprisingly smart things to say. In general personality wise a mix of Mushy and Rowdy from Rawhide, if you’ve watched the show. I think she’d get along with Sean the most because of her personality. But she’s secretly got the hots for Arthur, she’s pretty decent at hiding it however. Loyal like a dog to him specially, however the feelings she harbours for him will forever be onesided.
IDK IF THIS IS TOO LONG TO READ OR TO DUMB TO COME UP WITH A SCENARIO. BUT LIKE??? Do whatever you want with all this, if it’s even interesting at all. THANKS EITHER WAY🤞🏽😝
My Love Is Not Mine, All Mine
(Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader Angst)
Reader is masc presenting in this, you read the req. Also angst. No comfort lol. Creative freedom is a blessing.
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What do you do with a loving feeling if a loving feeling makes you feel all alone. Your heart squeezes. Your stomach tries to cave in on itself. Your body becomes shamefully frail; muscles taut and sore, a perpetual ache plaguing your body. You’d take on the brunt of the day, and feel it collapse on you at night. Your weary knees would carry you through it all, and you could squash a week into a day. You become addicted to the loneliness and desperation, because you do not know what else to do with yourself. It is the most familiar feeling you know, and you have convinced yourself it is your destiny.
But when you wake up Arthur in the morning, and when you wait for him at night, and when you wait for his beck and call so often that you do not have your own freedom, it is comparable to having a dog. You would do anything for him, and he for you, but the passion is interrupted. You were his literal and metaphorical partner in crime, and when one of you would ride, so came along the other to accompany them.
Spending so much time with Arthur reminded you of what it was like to be fulfilled. You were hungry for love, and you longed for Arthur to feed you so full until you could not take it anymore. You wanted to know what it was like. He would fill your bowl, but not lift the spoon to your lips.
You awoke from your dream softly, turning over and away from the light casting down on your face. You wished you could keep dreaming, but when you saw Arthur’s figure standing a few feet away where the stew cooked, you were given a million reasons to stay awake. You hoisted your aching body up onto your elbows, your joints groaning and creaking as a reminder that the previous night had not been kind to you. You’d change out of your chemise into dusty jeans and a cotton button up, shoving your feet into a pair of pointed black boots. They had been your continual choice of foot wear for the past few years. A good pair of boots could be your companion forever. Oh, how you longed for a companion. Soon, the soles would crack and the leather would crease in a thousand more places, but you’d keep wearing them out anyways. You were loyal.
You paced over towards the fire, leaning down to pour yourself a cup of coffee. You’d utter a tired “Morning” to Arthur, flickering your eyes towards him before staring back down at the liquid in your mug. He’d return the gesture as he served himself a stew; it reminded you of how hungry you were. But you could not bring yourself to eat, the butterflies in your stomach would not allow you.
Before long, you’d find yourself naturally gravitating towards Sean (though you were ready to abandon him the moment Arthur called for you).
“How’s my favorite lad—I mean lass doing this fine morning?” Sean’s energy would leave others jaded, but you would come at him with the same level of enthusiasm. He always had a way with his words that kept your spirits high.
“I’m doing just fine! Thank you.” You groaned as you sat, stretching your back and hearing a satisfying crack.
“Sheesh, someone didn’t have a good night’s rest did they?” He would comment mockingly, chuckling to himself when you flipped him off.
“Yeah actually, had another one of those weird, recurring dreams.” You waved your hand dismissively, opting to not want to talk about the topic. But Sean was persistent, and he’d take any bit of entertainment he could get, even from you.
“Well, there’s definitely a cure to your predicament.” He looked at you slyly, bringing his coffee to his lips. You rolled your eyes. You hated the thought of it. Some part inside of you cringed at the thought. Of tearing yourself open in all your glory and allowing Arthur to look inside you, allowing him a chance to try and understand your most tender and sentimental facets. Lord knew he would not allow you the chance, his walls were so thick you were convinced not even he could tear them down.
You looked at your boots in defeat.
“Not happening.” You sighed in frustration.
“Come on! What’s the point of living if ya don’t take risks every now and then?”
Sean did not understand that you did not fear risk, rather, you feared loss of companionship. And you clung to it more dearly than your own life.
“It’s too early to be talking about this!” You spat, an unpredictable aggressiveness in your tone.
“Y’know, for one of the most reckless and straightforward people I know, you sure are shy when it comes to this crush business.” Sean teased you in return, egging on your aggressiveness.
You shushed Sean, condemning him for being so loud. You didn’t want anyone else around camp to know about your feelings for Arthur. Not that you had ever willingly told Sean about them; he more or less figured it out on his own and teased you about it. You allowed Sean to, because you got some sort of satisfaction out of someone acknowledging your feelings. Sean allowed you to blush and giggle about your crush with the likeness of a schoolgirl, and he did not shut you down once. You did not want to hear about how high Arthur’s walls were, or how unavailable he was, or how he preferred ladies as opposed to you. He did not give you any of that, rather, he provided you with encouragement, told you to go for what you wanted. Most importantly, he didn’t turn your business into gossip.
You appreciated the gestures, but you could not find it in you to go for it. You were a great gunslinger, you did amazing in heists, you had an affinity for sniffing out leads, you ran into things headfirst; action first and think later you told yourself. But when it came to this, you second guessed everything you did. You never made your feelings obvious, you hid them well. But in terms of your loyalty to Arthur, that said everything for you.
Eventually, Arthur approached you, asked you to ride with him. Naturally, you followed suit, bidding Sean goodbye as he playfully raised his brows at you.
“Where we headed?”
“Into town, I got a letter from someone asking for help.” His explanation was brief, but you knew perhaps what this meant. Your stomach tied up into knots and squeezed, and you suddenly felt your body become heavy with each of your movements.
“I see, but why do you want me to go along…?” There was a tinge of hope in your voice; what you were hoping, you did not know.
“Just in case something happens and I might need you.”
You nodded.
“And, we always ride together anyways.” He added.
You did not expect that, but you felt your chest swell with pride, and you turned your head to hide the inescapable smile. You nodded in acknowledgement, the words echoing in your head.
Your ride towards Saint Denis was quiet. Which was unusual. You would usually talk up a storm, and Arthur would happily entertain it. But this ride was different. The only sounds accompanying your ride was the drumming of hooves on red earth, as well as the metallic gallop of a far off train. You noticed Arthur was rigid, stiff, yet fidgety. You almost felt bad for being in a good mood from his words, but the heaviness between you spread when you remembered where you were heading.
Eventually drumming turned into clopping, as dirt roads turned into stone paved streets. The unwelcoming miasma of Saint Denis had you wheezing, fanning the air ahead of you. It felt as though even in open air, you could not suck in a deep breath. As the two of you approached your destination, Arthur seemed restless. You noticed the way he would tighten and then untighten his fists, and as the two of you dismounted your horses, he kept fiddling with his collar and hair.
“Need help there?” You offered, giggling at his particularness.
“Yes, I would appreciate that very much.” He laughed dryly, his attempts at calming his nerves with humor were in vain. You stepped forward and adjusted his collar, and even if brief, you felt his heart hammering at his chest. You bit the inside of your cheek to sustain another smile (you wondered if you had to do something with it?). You took his hat off his head, fixing his hair for him. A few passer bys looked on at the vaguely intimate scene with prying eyes, perhaps they found it strange how a “man” was so close to and helping another man. Yet perhaps, you were more man than woman. You dressed like a man, carried yourself like one, did things that only men could do, you drank like one, talked like one—.
“How do I look?” He asked, before curling his lips in a nearby window, checking his reflection. You giggled.
“Lovely.” You commented. You scratched at the skin on your arm, letting your nails dig in a little deeper.
“Thank you.” He looked back at you, a wavering confidence in him. Wordlessly, he motioned for you to follow him, and you did, walking by his side. Arthur studied the buildings, trying to find the location to which he was summoned to.
“Arthur! Up here!” A voice called out.
The two of you looked up, and upon seeing Mary Linton, your suspicions were confirmed. You had to will away the pressure that built up in your face, your throat becoming unbearably dry.
Arthur smiled and nodded at her.
“You came! And you brought your…” Mary looked at you, studying your face as if she would find an answer there. “Friend!” She finished.
You nodded at Mary, hands behind your back.
“Pleasure to meet you Miss, I’m (Name.)” The pitch in your voice gave her the answer she sought.
The prospect of Arthur having never told Mary about you stung. Perhaps something you’d bring up later.
“Hold on a minute, I’ll be down!” She called out, before disappearing into the hotel. Moments later, she appeared before the both of you. She and Arthur seemed to devolve into hushed conversation, to which you had no choice but to awkwardly stand there. Arthur had shared more intimate details of his life with you before, but to be witnessing one had you rigid. You did not know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or to sob out in fear when Arthur politely asked you for a moment of privacy with Mary.
Perhaps you should’ve said no to coming along as soon as Arthur told you what this was about. You pondered this as you walked down the wet stone sidewalk, looking up at the sky rather than at the floor. You stopped eventually, and stared.
You thought back to the time you had gotten into a bar fight with a man in Rhodes, and Arthur practically had to peel you off the poor bastard as you beat his face blue. You remembered the lecture he gave you for acting so reckless and impulsively. You told him the man deserved it for shoulder checking you, which only made Arthur chastise you more.
The truth was, he’d made a sly remark about Arthur.
You were pulled out of your train of thought when you heard hasty footsteps behind you. Normally you would’ve prepared for the worst, but you knew those footsteps well. They were Arthur’s, of course.
You turned around in excitement, ready to greet him, ask him how things went. But your face dropped, your eyes nearly popping out your skull when you saw his forlorn expression. Was he— blinking away tears?
“Uhm… You okay?” You asked hesitantly. You reached out a shaky hand to his shoulder, stuttering in your movements out of uncertainty, before you set it down fully. He allowed the touch. Arthur cleared his throat, bringing his fingers together to pinch his bridge, but not before wiping the seams of his eyes with his finger and thumb.
“Yes, sweetheart, I’m fine.”
The way he called you sweetheart was bittersweet; it stung so good. You could almost taste it; you licked your lips.
“What happened?” You asked, moving forward to try and look him in the eyes. You placed both your hands on his shoulders now. You swore you saw more tears well up in his eyes when you asked, which he blinked away.
“Mary asked me for help, again.”
“Oh.” That was all you could say.
“I turned her down.”
“It’s fine though, it’s just…I didn't think I should, after all that’s happened.”
You nodded in understanding. He looked deeply hurt by his decision, and it was one you were not sure you could help comfort him over without hurting yourself. The two of you stood there silently for a moment.
"I'm a bad man, aren't I, (Name)." His voice wavered. He looked up at you with sadness in his eyes, and it felt like barbed wires were being tightened over your throat and heart when he said that. It stung to see Arthur speak so lowly of himself.
"No Arthur, of course not… you're one of the best men I know…"
He chuckled sadly. "Thank you, but I'm a no good fool, who doesn't know what he wants."
You took notice of the people who walked around your heartfelt moment, like a river parting for a rock. You knew of Arthur's issues with self esteem, and you knew that no matter what you said, he would not take it to heart.
Another moment of silence— until Arthur walked past you towards where your horses were waiting. In a moment of impulsivity, you gripped his forearm, stopping him in his tracks.
He looked at you in surprise, first at where you grabbed him, then at you.
"I… I..."
You began, but the words did not seem to come out. Your grip on his arm was tight, tightening slightly when you became keenly aware of the rising tension. But he did not look at you with impatience, never. Rather, concern. As the seconds passed, you tried to find the right words to say, but it did not happen.
"I'm sorry…" You felt the familiar feeling of your throat tightening up and running dry. He managed a half hearted smile before patting your hand. You felt his palm smooth over your knuckles, before you both let go.
"It's okay, let's go get a drink somewhere. I think we both need it."
'I think we both need it' You would ponder his choice of words. You felt your body become heavy, and any movement felt like you were dragging your limbs across the stone floor. Wearily and wordlessly, you followed.
You did not know what to do with all the love you had for him. You did not know where to put it.
My Love Mine All Mine - Mitski
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Did you ever see that trailer for that SWTOR expansion Legacy of the Sith? It was one of the most anti-Jedi things I have ever seen in my life and painted them as being no better than then Sith, and that made me so mad!
No, I haven't seen it and---at this point---I'm going with the "canon is what I decide, fuck you Disney" way of consuming any new Star Wars media.
George Lucas created Star Wars and the Jedi, and he was very fucking clear that the Jedi were the good guys---so I know that, above all else, I'm right when I say that the Jedi were good. I know that, whatever anyone else says, the Jedi were moral and good and they were doing their best in a shitty situation where they just could not win.
Which means that all of the other stuff that's coming out where people are leaning into the edgy "everyone's actually evil, and there's no good in the world, and good guys can never actually be good because who would actually ever be selfless and kind????" narrative that's, for some reason, gotten so popular nowadays---I'm either ignoring it or taking it with copious amounts of salt.
That Legacy of the Sith expansion? Ignoring it.
Acolyte? I might just watch it so I can hate on it, but honestly I'll probably just ignore it.
The Ahsoka show? I'll watch it, but my expectations are very low.
Etc. Etc.
People can say whatever they want about my doing this, but honestly---thanks to Disney handing over a vast amount of creative control to people who don't actually give a fuck about Star Wars and people like Filoni, who's now just pulling shit out of his ass to lift up his OCs--- with the newer stories and timelines and shit, you almost have to make up your own reasons for why things are happening/why certain characters are doing/saying things.
Take Bo-Katan for example and how the writers are portraying her in the Mandalorian.
They're completely ignoring the fact that she was a member of Death Watch (a violent terrorist organization), that she had a hand in her sister's death (since she did help Maul alongside Visla, even though she was vocal about not wanting to/thinking it was a bad idea), or that she even fucking had a sister.
So now, since all of that is happening, you have to figure out for yourself why, in-universe, Bo-Katan is ignoring all of that---and that's obviously going to be colored by whether you like her or not.
Is she ignoring that she was a member of Death Watch because she thinks it doesn't matter/wasn't a big deal/wasn't bad? Or is she doing it because she can't face the guilt she feels over having been apart of it?
Is she ignoring that she had a hand in her sister's death because she doesn't really think she was responsible, since she vocally didn't support helping Maul? Or, again, is it out of guilt?
Is she not mentioning Satine because she wants to erase the fact that Mandalore was successfully peaceful for decades under Satine's rule until she [Bo-Katan] fucked it up and basically kicked off the whole "Mandalore basically dying/hanging on by a thread" thing, so she doesn't want anyone to know that? Or is it because she's still filled with so much grief and guilt that mentioning Satine is literally painful for her?
You have to make those assumptions and those decisions, because the writers just don't give a fuck anymore.
So, with that in mind, everything that George Lucas didn't have a hand in, especially regarding the Jedi? I'm taking it as a suggestion, and a suggestion only.
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