#<- is a known masked character enjoyer
t4t-scout · 10 months
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this was supposed to be a warm up but i gave up on drawing after finishing this
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ssivinee · 1 year
✧Wounded Heart✧
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Part 1 | Part 2
BEBE! Bada Lee x F Reader: You've always been known as the smartest student in school, while Bada was known as the campus heartthrob and player. She decides to take advantage of her situation, but puts your heart on the line along with her passing grade.
Word Count: 9.2k
TW: Slight self harm
Note: This is the longest fic I've written so far😮‍💨. I felt so evil writing this, but I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY THE ANGST😈. ALSO, please check out my new rule. If not, it just warns blogs with no pfps and reblogs. I have a high chance of soft-blocking you, as I may get shadowbanned bc Tumblr can't defer you from bots.
Character Vision Board
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You were never one to gain any attention from anyone. Frankly, you liked it that way.
Known as the most reserved yet nerdiest student in school, you were never called by your name. How could anyone put a name to your face when no one knew what it was. People had only given you the title of top student in university.
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Most people knew of your existence, but by always wearing your oversized hoodie over your head, glasses, and mask, you kept your identity a secret amongst your peers. You survived high school like this, so being in your final year of university and still being able to maintain it was a breeze.
It was a regular Monday morning, and you sat in the library before classes, trying to freshen up on your Physics lesson yesterday. You woke up at 6 a.m. to get ready, showered, and ate breakfast with an energy drink before heading out to the library. That was your daily routine, the loner lifestyle, if you will.
As you typed away on your computer, the buzz of other students started coming in waves at 9 a.m., hitting the clock. That meant it was time to head to your first class. After multiple hours of classes, hand-cramping notes, and sitting in the back of every subject, you headed to your favorite class, computer science. For some reason, your brain was highly advanced in this area, making it enjoyable.
30 minutes go by, and just sitting in the back of the class, a tall, nonchalant figure walks in. You visibly see your teacher's face contort as she rolls her eyes at the student. The notorious Bada Lee came in late once again. You believed she began to do it on purpose at this point, as she stopped giving excuses for her tardiness by the second week.
The thought certainly loitered in the back of your mind. You never understood why Bada was the way she was. This was one of the few classes with several options, so if you wanted to avoid taking it, you had multiple other choices. Yet, even being late every day, she showed up and did the work.
Maybe not to the best of her abilities, but she still did it.
There were a few things to note about Bada. She was captain of the school's basketball team and had a distasting reputation. The campus player and heartbreaker. It felt as though, every week, there was new drama surrounding a girl whose heart got broken by the tall student, and it always made you want to roll your eyes every single time. Never understanding why these girls chased and chased, even when knowing their situationships wouldn't be the way it was from their fantasies.
Nearing the end of the class, everyone was getting ready to leave, but the Professor stopped anyone from going further. "Before you leave, I want to discuss the upcoming midterm project."
She pulls up the presentation on the board and explains, "This project requires you to make an updated website for the school. The requirements will be posted online by the end of the day, and I will assign you a partner for this. The highest grade will have their website be used as the new official website for our school. This will be due a month from now."
Everyone becomes surprised and happy at the prize for their upcoming trials. Your professor begins to list the names, and she gets to you, "Baek Y/n... and Bada Lee." Your heart sank instantly at those words.
You grumble with your head down. Out of all the people in the class, you got stuck with the one who'd rather mess with a girl at any chance she had. 
Bada sits in her seat, brows furrowed. Who the fuck was Baek Y/n?
Bada knew almost everyone, but she'd never heard of that name. That's when the Professor lets everyone go, and she sees a girl walk up to the teacher. You wore the gigantic hoodie, and Bada couldn't see your face, but with all the gestures you gave your teacher, you seemed like you weren't pleased about something. When she hears you huff in annoyance, and your eyes meet hers while leaving, she sees anger bubbling behind them. 
Bada gets up, confused, and heads over to the teacher. "Professor Min, who was that?"
"That was your partner Baek Y/n. You've heard of the top student before, right?" Her eyes double at the older man's words, and her face becomes extremely happy. She would undoubtedly be using this to her advantage.
"Now, don't think of trying to get the girl to do all the work, Bada. I'm allowing you to bring up your grade with this project." She nods furiously before heading out to tell her friends the news.
She sees them over at their school's common room, and her friends, Aiki, Noze, Lee Jung, and Emma, give her weird looks like Bada grew three heads. "Now, why is she cheesing now?" Aiki asks, and the taller girl replies with a smack to her arm.
"You guys won't believe who my partner is for my computer science project."
The four girls looked at each other and began naming several popular girls. Bada rolls her eyes at her friend's antics. "Well, you wanna tell us? We named like half the girls already." Noze says.
"Baek Y/n."
"Baek, who now?" Lee Jung looks at her in amusement, but your title shocks them, "Top Student." Their eyes grow wide. The group looked around the room to see if they could find you. "Her name is Baek Y/n?" Emma confirms, "She's in my class, so I'm pretty sure that's her name."
"Well, if you don't ace that project, she must hate you." Lee Jung jokes, making Bada think, "Truth be told, she didn't seem too happy about being my partner either."
"We wouldn't be happy either." "Can't blame her."
They kid around, but Aiki tells the girl, "You better stay on her good side. I'm sure if you don't do the work, she'll find a way to ensure you don't have a shared grade." "True, she's always been partnered with smarter kids, so she's never had an issue, but knowing you? You’re gonna need to play nice girl this time, Bada."
Bada scoffs at Emma's words, "She'll do the work by herself whether she likes it or not. Besides, I'm on everyone's good side." She shows a cocky grin, but Emma and Lee Jung specifically can't help but doubt her. "I don't know about this one. Doesn't seem like an easy girl to get through."
"Nah, have some faith in our girl," Noze says, patting Bada's hip. "Wanna bet on it?" Bada says, with pure confidence backing her up. "I get her to fall for me, and you owe me a month of doing all my assignments." Lee Jung smirks at the girl, "Deal."
"So when are you gonna start?" Noze asks as she eats her chips. "Not sure. Definitely not tonight, though. I'm seeing Redy after practice." All her friends roll their eyes at the girl's name, finding her ignorance ever so bothersome.
The next morning, you find yourself in the same spot as usual and have begun the project already. Bada finds herself looking for you on campus and figures, where do all nerds hang out? 
The library.
She makes her way over, and as she enters, she automatically finds you in the corner of the large hall. "Hey there, partner," She greets, and you look at her dead in the eyes, "What are you doing here?" Your tone ached in annoyance.
"Come on, don't be like that. I want actually to try on this project."
"Fine. Let me ask you this first. Why are you even in computer science?" You were straightforward, your serious demeanor never fading. Bada is surprised by your daring question but never trembles, "I just thought it would be interesting." An irked scoff is heard from behind your mask, "Yeah, right," was said with an eye roll. Well, this is gonna be harder than she thought.
"I'm being serious. I wanna earn the grade as well." She whines slightly, and your eyes cry disgust. "Give me your number, and we can work on the project at my house after basketball practice." You grumble and slouch in your chair, and Bada, unconsciously,  finds the position adorable as your oversized hoodie collapses on your body, "Sure," is all you mumble, not wanting any more trouble than there already was.
Bada grins as you write your information down on a purple post-it note and shows her excitement when you hand it over to her. You sat there as she left the library, wondering what she had planned for you. It wasn't like Bada to talk to nobodies to "do work." Yet the sooner you had this project done, the better you took her words with a grain of salt, hoping she was being at least a little truthful with her words.
You weren’t one to trust many people’s words, particularly from individuals like Bada, but you knew it had to be done for the sake of your grade. A hefty sigh leaves your body, and you try to go about your day without going too deep into it. During your last period, you feel your phone buzz and read an unexpected message.
Bada Meet me after practice at 5 PM at the gym. I’ll give you a ride so we can work on the project.
The recurring disdain takes over your face again as you read. You hate that you even had contact with the girl, so you just leave her on read as you remind yourself about the meeting. You would just have to wait for her, deciding to go to the school's garden as you let time pass. On the other end of campus, Bada stares at her phone in dismay, “Did she just leave me on read?” She mumbles to herself, and her fellow co-captain hears the uncommon words from the latter’s mouth. “Someone leaving the queen Bada on read? You don’t hear that every day,” Haechi tells the girl, and Bada sneers at the comment. “She’s just playing hard to get for now. Trust, she’ll fall for me by the end of the week.”
“Who is it anyways?” Haechi questions. “Baek Y/n,” she simply states, and the other’s eyes widen. “Like top student Baek Y/n?” Bada looks at her in confusion, “You know her?”
The latter shrugs, “We went to the same high school. She’s a sweet girl,” she adds, and Bada’s curiosity grows. “Sweet? Do you even know what she looks like?” “Nope, but if you care about your grades, she’ll notice and help you, even if you're struggling.” 
Haechi was one of the few popular students in university who focused on her grades, so her statement wasn’t so out of the blue. “Know anything else about her?” Haechi briefly considers the inquiry, “She really likes energy drinks, from what I remember. She always drank the blue Monster cans.” But there was a slight hesitation in the co-captin’s voice.
“I know how you are, Bada, so I’m aware I can’t stop you from your plans, but try not to do too much damage to the girl. She’s too precious to be broken by someone like you,” Haechi tells her, and despite the brutal words, Bada doesn’t take it to heart, almost shoving it out of her mind.
“Don’t worry. I won’t.”
The practice continues for hours before Bada notices your small figure sitting on the bleachers, waiting for the little time left. She jogs her way over to you with a bashful smile, “Hey, let me just change, and we can head out.” You just nod, wanting to get out fast, but Haechi’s familiar face has your eyes smiling. “Y/n-nie! Long time no see,” she opens her arms, and you gladly hop down to hug her. Bada watched the interaction, not knowing how to react to this side of you. You looked overjoyed to see the girl, and she may not be able to see your face, but the new energy made her feel a sense of loss.
She didn’t understand why you favored Haechi but not her. They were both tall, popular basketball team captains and had similar recognition in school. The only thing Haechi had over Bada was her straight A’s in classes. Was that the thing that would get you to like her? Bada grumbled at the concept. She wasn’t failing or anything, or else she couldn’t play on the team, but ALL her grades were not close to par with Haechi’s, not even a little bit. When her attention returns to the two of you, she sees you handing a new water bottle to Heachi, who thanks you. “You two seem close,” she tells them, and her co-captain looks at you almost with cherishing eyes. “Y/n’s the best man. Helped me a lot throughout high school,” you wave your hands in denial. “Heachi, you did your best in high school with or without my help. You’re hard-working,” your voice appears in a softer tone. Bada wanted to roll her eyes hard, but she left you two to change.
Bada wasn’t jealous, but maybe being narked was the better way to express her feelings. The girl was the type of person to feel better and superior to everyone else, so the fact that Haechi was already on your good side had her deep in her cycling thoughts. She needed to work hard to get this version of you, and not just with the project.
When she finishes, she tells you to go with her, and you hug Haechi before leaving the court and going to the parking lot with Bada. As she drove, she tried to make some conversation. “You started the project, right?” “Yeah.”
“You might have to teach me a few things so I can actually help.” “Sure.”
“You like computer science?” “Yup.”
That. That was the substance you gave Bada after every question. It made her want to jump out of the moving car, her ego bruised by your one-word replies. She stops trying after 10 minutes, letting the silence overwhelm you two, and you couldn’t have been any happier with the lack of sound. The car pulls up to this large mansion, and you try to hide your awe. This house was huge. Probably being able to hold the capacity of 200 students. “Come on in,” she invites with the large open door. 
When you entered, your eyes marveled at the marble architecture, the classical aesthetic being the prominent feature of the house. Bada then leads you to the living room, where you sit timidly on her couch. “Do you want anything to drink?” She asks you as your eyes still wander the house. “Um, I’m ok.”
“Well, let me just change before we start,” you nod, taking out your laptop and notebook, trying to get a bit comfortable for your peace of mind. You pull up the empty website domain with only your school's colors and a sleek banner that takes up a decent amount of the screen. After 10 minutes, Bada returns with gray basketball shorts and a tight wife beater as her top. Your eyes go up and down her figure before focusing on the monitor.
You were honest, and as much as you didn’t understand Bada’s playgirl mentality, you did understand her appeal to the female population in school. Her tall figure, the varieties of colors she’d use on her long hair that cascaded all the way down to her waist, and the hats she wore to hold a sense of mystery were the perfect formula for the way to a girl’s heart.
“So what should I do?” Bada says, sitting beside you, which had you scoot in the opposite direction. “We can split the parts. Professor Min already put up the criteria for the website. I can do the harder stuff like navigation, school history, subjects, majors, and minors.” You tell her as you view the recent handout your professor had put up. “That’s too much, no? All I’d have left is the decorating, department information, and help desk information. Why don’t I help you with the major and minors?” You look at her with bewildered eyes, “You sure? A lot of coding and linking goes into that?” The taller one nods confidently, “You just have to teach me, and I’m sure I’ll be able to do it.” You nod with some hesitation.
“How about we start brainstorming the website's theme, and we can start with the project next week?”
“Sure, but why next week? My practices always end at 5-6 PM, so we should have time.” You shake your head, “it’s not because of you. I'm just gonna be busy with the school council this week.” And Bada looks at you in surprise, “Your part of the school council?”
“Yeah, but I’m just the secretary. Since the sports events are around the corner, I have to oversee everybody and their work,” you explain. Bada feels the admiration brewing inside her. She was aware of your hardworking nature, well, everyone was. You were the top student for a reason, but this put you on a different playing field. On top of your multiple studies, you did your due diligence as a prominent figure on their school council.
“Well, why aren’t you the president?” You scoffed, following a pity laugh, “Bada, I can’t lead anyone to save my life.” She stares at you, not understanding your point, and you take notice. “I might be smart, but that doesn’t mean I have leadership skills.”
“Maybe I can help you,” the tall girl shrugs. She thought she was a good captain for her team, so with that credit, she could give you pointers. “It’s fine. I like my position. I get to help everyone.” The two of you let the time pass as you continued to work on the project before ending the night.
The next few days, you had a lot on your plate. You were running around the school, ensuring all the projects and events were being set up properly, writing reports, and then reporting to the president and vice president about overseeing.
During this time, Bada rarely saw you in class, and she thought about how busy you’d be. You weren’t lying, huh.
But on a Thursday afternoon, you watched the gym setup and saw Bada’s little group chilling on the bleachers. Another student, Doyoung, walks in with papers stacked in his hands. It was all the papers you needed to sign and read through, but a basketball flew in his direction before he could reach you. His head throbs as he drops the papers, and you see Bada’s groupies laughing as Bada yells, “Sorry, Do-ah, the ball slipped out my hands,” she says as she collects the ball and returns to the bleachers. You ran over to the boy, helping him get the papers and helping him up. “Doyoung? Are you okay?” You help the boy up, and he stares at you, dizziness coating his face. You glare at Bada, who catches a glimpse of your raging eyes, and she realizes her fuck up in an instant.
“Come on, let me take you to the nurse,” you say as you grab his arm, wrapping it around your shoulders. “Shit,” Bada says as she watches the two of you leave, you having the stacks of heavy paper sticking out of your bag. “Looks like your timing is off this time,” Noze teases, and Bada thinks she has to make it up to you. She ran out of the gym, trying to catch up to you. She found you settling Doyoung on the nurse's bench as you explained what happened, and to avoid punishment, she waited for you to leave the office before she could talk to you.
Walking out, you make eye contact with the basketball player and scoff at the sight. You tried to walk past her, but she stopped you, pulling your arm, “Y/n, wait.” You rip your arm away, feeling grossed out by her touch. “Did you feel cool?” You bluntly ask, and Bada is taken aback at your tone. “No, that’s not it-”
“Then what is it, Bada? It doesn’t take much to be nice, but it sure does take a lot of energy to be as rude as you.” The disappointment felt like knives to Bada’s heart. It felt like the same judgment she got from her parents, and now you were saying it to her? It made her want to suffocate six feet under. “I just wanted to be funny. I didn’t mean to hurt him. I’m sorry,” she mumbles as her head hangs low. “That apology shouldn’t be for me, asshole. Apologize to Doyoung,” you tell her, leaving her where she stands as you are still much to do. “Doyoung-ah, just text me later when you get home,” the younger boy nods, and you return to your busy day.
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“Dude, I apologized to Doyoung yesterday, and she still hasn’t texted me anything about the project,” Bada tells her friends as she paced back and forth. “I don’t see what the big deal is,” Aiki says, and Bada looks at her in distress. “It’s a big deal 'cause I need that A to play in that prelims.”
“Maybe give her something to make it up to her?” Lee Jung suggests that Bada’s eyes grow at her words, remembering Haechi’s words. “The blue Monster,” she gasps, and her friends look at her weirdly as she runs off campus. Bada went to the convenience store, buying a can of Monster energy drink, some cookies, and an egg sandwich. It was early morning, so she knew she’d find you in the library at your usual spot.
Instead of being on your laptop this time, your eyes never left the papers you read and signed. Not even noticing her presence, Bada drops the bag lightly on the desk and pushes it in your direction. You look up, see the girl’s sorry face, and check the inside of the bag. “What’s this?”
“My apology to you for being a dick. I also apologized to Doyoung yesterday, so I’m in the clear.” You roll your eyes and sigh heavily, “Why are you like this, Bada?” Now she was confused, “What do you mean?”
“You're capable of being nice to people like me, so why can’t you do it to others?” Because other people won't help my grade, Bada thought. “I’m not sure,” Bada acts, trying to look ashamed. “But I know I’ll try my best to change,” she says, that confident smile taking place on her face again. 
So, during the next few weeks, you worked with Bada. She did her best to show you the better version of herself. Yes, she was acting initially, but as time passed, she got comfortable with the routines. She attended classes earlier, paid attention, participated, and even studied. The week after the altercation, Bada had asked you to tutor her in certain subjects, and you gladly accepted, liking the direction of her change.
So, the two of you sat in her home on a Friday afternoon after school, and you were working on your chemistry assignments. You had become comfortable in the setting after working at her home a few times. “Y/n-ah, help me with this long-ass formula. It's confusing.” You giggle at the pout on her lips and check the screen. “The prefix is hepta- and check out the periodic table for the names.” You point to the table of chemical symbols, and Bada begins to understand the list of prefixes on the coffee table.
You continued your work and studied the current topic you guys were on. Bada looked at you, wondering, “I hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable, but why do you always wear a mask?” You pause, not expecting the surprise question. “It just makes school go by faster. Drama-free too,” you express, and Bada rolls her eyes. “But it’s just you and I here.”
“Doesn’t change the fact that it makes my life easy,” you state. “Look, tomorrow, when you come over for the project, come without the mask, please?” You look at her in confusion, wondering why she was pressing on so much. But seeing her giving you puppy eyes, you reluctantly agreed, “Fine.”
“Great! Now help me with this question, please?” You laugh at her struggle.
The next day, you woke up to prepare for the long day. You took a shower, did your everyday skincare, and ensured you looked presentable. You were much more alert about your looks when you didn't wear the mask. You wanted to feel confident and ensured you did when applying the lip oil and putting your hair in a high ponytail.
You took an Uber to Bada’s place and rang the doorbell. When Bada opens the door, she takes in your appearance. You were out of your uniform for once, and the hairstyle displayed your small face clearly. Bada looks at you fondly, not expecting such a pretty girl to hide behind the mask daily. Even with the glasses on, your eyes looked large, and your heart-shaped lips colored bright pink. The tall girl couldn’t pull her eyes away from your lips. They looked too juicy not to kiss.
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“Are you gonna let me in, or should I just stay out here?” Bada shakes her thoughts away and moves to the side. “So you were hiding this the entire time?” She asks as she pats your head, and you swat her hand away. “You practically begged for this.”
“And I’m not complaining,” She continues, staring at you, “go to school like this man.” “Okay, it was one thing asking me to come to your house like this, but school? Never happening.” You tell her, settling your bag down on the couch. “Wait, we should work in my room today. My parents are gonna be home today.” 
She leads you into her room, the cool gray walls blinding your eyes. You observe your surroundings, surprised to see the clean room. She puts your bag on the office chair and lets you sit on her bed. You began to talk about what you’ve done on the project, but as you talked, Bada wasn’t even concerned about your words, focusing on your body more. Your outfit made Bada want to have you moaning underneath her, chest rising up and down as you begged for more.
“Bada?” You check on her worryingly. “Yes?” She whispers, still not staring at your face. “Have you done the majors and minors?” “I finished the majors, but I’m still working on the minors,” she tells you, clearly still entranced. “Can you show me?”
“Oh, um, yeah,” She shakes her head and takes her laptop out, showing the work she had completed, and you were visibly pleased with the progress. “This is actually really good. Nice job,” your validation had her heart swelling as your grin held a tint of pride. “Maybe you can finish up the minors today? Just so your work goes by faster.” She nods and checks out all the work you’ve done as well. “You finished all of these? That fast?” She stares at the screen, astonished by the amount of stuff you did the past two weeks. “Anything that needs to be done on a computer, I can do in a quick flash,” you joke, but it holds some sincerity. “I’m trying to be like you, girl,” She comments, and you laugh.
“Let’s do this so we don’t have much left to do next week.” With those words, the two of you worked the entire day. By the next time you checked the time, you realized the hours passed quickly. “Damn, it’s already 4 PM?” This also makes Bada check her phone, “Oh, your right. You want something to eat?” “I wouldn’t mind that actually.”
The two of you enter her kitchen, and Bada heated up some leftover Chinese food she had left in the fridge. Once you guys were eating, Bada tried to get to know you more, finding your presence comforting. “So, Y/n, why do you work so hard in school?” Your mind malfunctions at the question, unsure if you should be honest with the girl. “Um~,” you start, slowly picking at your food. “It’s mainly for my mom. My dad left us for his other family when I was five, and she raised me all by herself. This is the only way to give her a good life after everything she has gone through.” Your voice said with a hint of sadness, and Bada watched your pretty face fall. You wiped away the slight tears that formed. “You’re a good person, Y/n. Never forget that,” She tells you, and you find your heart racing at the words. Bada never had this effect on you, but her words of encouragement made your day.
She was about to continue the conversation, but another tall, more mature woman walked in the room, eyes looking cautiously at the sight of you. “Bada,” she called your partner's name, and you look surprised at Bada’s figure. She straightened herself up, fixing her appearance slightly. “Mother.”
“Who is this?” The older woman’s hand points over in your direction, and before Bada can answer, you decide to try and please the stern woman. “My name is Baek Y/n mam. I’m Bada’s partner for our computer science project. It’s nice to meet you.” You bow at the woman, and her eyebrows raise at your politeness. “Good manners, proper style, pretty face, excellent speaker,” her mom states, as her gaze moves around your body. “You should be more like this, Bada.”
“Mom, not in front of her, please,” Bada’s voice goes small, and you regret speaking up. “What? It’s true. Instead of basketball, you should be a model student. I should thank your teacher for partnering you up with this young woman.”
“I don’t know how we failed to raise you. This is how you should’ve turned out,” The older woman goes to your side, using her two hands to present you as if you were a presentation. Bada’s feelings were in a whirlwind. She wasn’t sure if she could be mad at you, her mom, or just the world. Her mom wasn’t even wrong. You were perfect in every way, and she was the disappointment. Two different worlds were crossing paths, and she was beginning to wish she was partnered with another individual instead of you.
Your eyes grow at her mother’s harsh words, and you shake your head, moving away from the woman. She wasn’t even aware of Bada’s new changes and efforts the last few days, but she belittled her daughter.  “Madam, with all due respect-”
“Y/n. Don’t,” The tall girl tells you, with a stern voice, her breathing going shaky. “You right, mother. I’ll do better,” Bada says, head hanging low as she walks past the two of you. “What a dramatic girl,” You hear her mom telling herself, and you do your best not to ridicule the woman. “I’ll go check up on her,” you bow and run up to Bada’s room, finding the door shut. When entering, her back was turned to you as she sat on the edge of her bed. You were about to reach out on her shoulder but halted when you heard the sniffles as they gradually grew heart-wrenching. You rush to Bada’s side without any reluctance, pulling her into a hug. The warmth engulfing Bada had her break down instantly, never having anyone hold her as you did. Your eyes teared up at the sounds of her hyperventilating, her grip on your shoulder becoming tighter. 
You then thought this was such a common occurrence for Bada. She put up this facade in school, wanting the attention of other women, and finally understood where it all stemmed from. Bada just wanted to feel loved and longed for, but with a household like this, it felt so hard to even ask for. She shouldn’t even have to ask. It was her mother, after all.
“Bada, you’re doing your best. Don’t let your mom’s words take that away from you.” You whisper as you rub her back, “If you ever want to talk, you can always talk to me.”
Bada begins to calm down at your words, the shakiness in her voice fading away. “Thank you, Y/n-ah.” She whispers, leaving her head on your shoulders. She wavers and asks, “Can you come to my game on Friday?” 
“Of course. I’ll be your personal cheerleader,” you quip, in a shot to make her feel better, which works when a cheesing smile forms on her face. “You’d only cheer for me?” “Maybe for Haechi as well,” you tease, and she hits your arm with a pout. “Okay, ouch. I’ll cheer for you only, damn. No need to get violent on me.” Bada laughs at your words. 
You try to stray from the topic, but you can’t help but ask, “Does she talk to you that way all the time?” Bada sighs, “Yeah, basically every time she’s home.” The lightbulb in your head flickers when she says, “My house may not be as extravagant as yours, but how about we work on the project on my house on Tuesday? I’ll send you my address, and you can come over after practice,” Bada’s eyes shined at the proposal. “I’d be honored.”
So the following Tuesday, you come home and relax on your bed before deciding to take a shower, feeling the stickiness of your sweat getting to you. You changed into a large baby pink shirt and some pajama shorts. Deciding to get a head start, you started your other assignments before Bada could get there. You worked on your easy English paper as you waited for the time to pass and heard the doorbell. Your eyes checked the time, and seeing 6 PM, you already knew who it was. You open the door to find Bada changed into gray sweatpants, an oversized hoodie, and one of her iconic hats covering her head. “Well, Miss Bada, welcome to my humble abode,” you say, welcoming her in. Bada’s eyes roam around, taking in the simplicity of the house, finding it shocking as she took a liking to it. “It feels… homey,” She mumbles, and you pat her shoulder. “I have more space in my room. Let’s work there.”
Bada’s eyes wander to your exposed thighs when going up the stairs. They looked so thick and plump. Bada, never realizing the build of your body, wanted to grip your thighs until they were turning red. Once you let her into your sacred space, Bada sees the tiny potted plants you kept, shelves full of books, your desk looking organized, and your twin-sized bed and pillows wrapped in a light purple set. 
“So I have the navigation and research of the school's history. I might leave that research for next week to work on other subjects today.” Bada nods, settling on your bed and opening her laptop, “What other assignments do you have to do?”
“I’m trying to finish my English paper and then study for next week’s Chemistry exam.” “CHEM EXAM?” Bada yells, startling you into a jump. “Yes, Bada, chemistry exam.” Bada rubs the back of her neck, “Can you help me study?” You smile at her, “Of course.” The two of you finished the topics you agreed to do today, and Bada explained that she only had the decorating left. “Y/n?” You hear a voice coming from downstairs, and you smile, “Yes, mom?”
“Did you and your friend eat yet?” Bada is bewildered at the foreign voice. Your mom knew she was here? “We haven’t yet!” You voice out as you put your hair up in a messy bun. “Come down and eat. I made some mandu and kimchi jiigae,” Bada’s eyes brightened at the names of the food. You giggle at her face and pull her into the kitchen with you. Bada makes eye contact with your mom, and the woman gasps. “Y/n, you didn’t tell me how beautiful your friend was.”
“Mom, stop~,” you whine as you give her a welcoming hug. Bada smiles at your relationship with your mom. It is the exact opposite of what she was used to. “Let me help you with setting up the table?” Your mom handed you the plates and utensils, “get comfortable, Bada. You’re about to eat some of the best food ever,” You tell the tall girl, trying to tease your mom, who laughs at your comment. “Come on, sweaty, sit down,” Your mom tells the basketball player as she puts both dishes at the center of your table.
“How was school you two?” Bada almost chokes on her first bite of food as your mom asks, not used to the motherly love. “Oh dear, here, have some water, darling,” Your mom pours a glass as you pat Bada’s back. “I’m sorry. Um, school was alright, thank you for asking,” Bada says, mumbling, and you smile pityingly at your mom. “Same mom, nothing new.”
“That’s good!” She finishes, letting you all eat in peace. “Have you rested this past week, Y/n?” You grin at your mom’s question, “You know I try and stop doing work an hour before I go to bed, Mom.” “That doesn’t count.”
You sigh, “Don’t worry. I plan to go to Bada’s game on Friday, so I’ll take a break then.” Your mom gets excited, “Really? Good luck with your game. I hope you guys win!” Your mom was joyful, even with what had happened in the past, which made her your hero. “I hope we win too, Ms. Baek,” Bada gives an appreciating smile. “Oh, please call me mom. Any friend of Y/n can call me Mom. She rarely has any friends, so,” Your mom whispers her ending statement, and you roll your eyes at her. “Can we not expose Y/n? Thanks,” You say, pointing to yourself. The two smile at your gesture, and Bada teases you, “She’s not wrong.”
“Look at what you started, Mom!” 
After you ate and studied with Bada, it was already 9 PM as you walked her out of your house. “You’re mom is the sweetest person on Earth,” Bada says, a sense of peace taking over her as she held the bag of food your mom had packed for her. “I know,” you giggle, knowing how your mom was. She accepted everyone and anyone as long as they treated you and her kindly.
“Thank you, Y/n. You’ve been helping me so much recently, and I don’t know how to pay you back,” she says, bringing you into the tightest hug. Your chest pounded, feeling a new overwhelming feeling of emotions. You knew that you and Bada had become closer in the past few weeks, but now you blushed at her touch, making you nervous.
There was no way you were starting to like her, right? You believed Bada was changing for the better. She had stopped flirting with so many girls, focused more on school, and acted as a more proper captain for her team. That’s what you thought, at least.
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It was Thursday morning, before Bada’s game, and she was chilling on her hour break with the rest of her friends. “How has the project been going?” Emma asks with genuine interest. “It’s actually really good,” She simply states, and her friends stare at each other, unsure of how to go about her answer. “You remember our deal, right?” Lee Jung asks the taller, reminding her of her words two weeks ago. “Of course, I do,” Bada’s words felt like a harsh smack to the face. Her statement simmered in her mind like she was lying to herself.
Bada knew she was changing, and whether she would like to admit it or not, the thought scared her. It was because of you and only you. She was never meant to go this deep or even this far with your friendship. She couldn’t help herself, though. She shared tears with you, personal issues her friends didn’t even know about, and even bonding with your own mother. Feeling like a brand new person, Bada felt liberated and accomplished. Lately, she thought she could stick up to her parents, defending herself from their judgmental words. Last night, during their family dinner, Bada’s mother and father had some words for her again. “Bada, your grades better be good this semester, or you’ll be sent to military school.” Her father tells her in an eerie, monotone voice. Bada looks at them, sensing betrayal. “Do you guys even love me?” “What kind of question is that?” Her mom gazes at the girl, the cold look never leaving her gaze. “You haven’t even noticed the effort I’ve been putting in the last few days. Everything I do is never enough for the both of you.” Bada’s parents were taken aback at their daughter's sudden outburst. “Maybe if you were putting this much energy before, we wouldn’t have to say anything to you,” her father points out. “It’s because of that Y/n girl. I should thank her for you.” Bada grumbles at the authority, not wanting to hear the same crap repeatedly. “I understand I may not have been the best child. Trust me, I know. But maybe if you two showed even the tiniest bit of compassion and love, I wouldn’t have turned out this way.” That statement had both her parents shut up, letting her words brew in their minds.
“Bada,” she hears your voice, pulling her out of her thoughts, and everyone looks at you. Your eyes looked at them weirdly as they looked surprised at your presence. “Are you free on Sunday? I have things to do on Saturday, but we can probably finish the project by the end of this week.” She smiles at you, “No problem, we only have a little to go anyways. It shouldn’t take that long.” 
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow then,” you wave off, and Bada’s friends sat there, frozen at the exchange. “That might be the first time I’ve ever heard her voice,” Aiki says, hypnotized by your sweet voice. “I might have to snatch her up from you, Bada.” Noze kids, but Bada looks at her with stone-cold eyes, “No.”
Her friends sit there, unknowingly triggering something inside the tall girl. “It was just a joke, Bada, chill.” Lee Jung tells her as she shakes her head.
Emma looks at her, eyes growing at the assumption, “Are you falling for the girl?” Bada instantly looks at her like she’s crazy, “I just want to finish this project before you guys try anything,” she says, saving herself. 
Being oblivious to Bada’s words, you were excited about her game tomorrow. Your outfit was planned. You had snacks and a Gatorade for Bada to drink during her match. Since Tuesday night, Bada had been running on your mind constantly, and you weren’t sure how to handle your feelings. It was the first time you were hardcore crushing on someone, and this project made it challenging to contain your emotions. Her presence, attention, and beauty had you fixated. Since this was a first for you, you wanted to slow it down, trying to navigate it as you went.
So when game day finally came, you wore your hair up in a sleek ponytail and wore an extra jersey that Bada had given you with the number 22. You paired it with some simple Air Forces and ripped baggy jeans. Keep up the mysterious facade. You had your black mask covering the lower half of your face. Everyone stared at you as you sat on the court, wondering what your relationship was with their school’s basketball captain. You only kept your eyes down, not enjoying the amount of attention you were getting. 
Bada comes out from the locker room in full uniform and her eyes find your body, and an unconscious smile takes over her face. You looked adorable in the oversized jersey, and Bada just wanted to run up and hug you, but the game was starting soon, and the team had to warm up. 
You space out, but the loud blaring of the alarm shocks you out of it. As a book-believing student, you weren’t familiar with the rules or how the sport worked, but Bada made it worthwhile. Bada was noticeably agile and had a massive amount of stamina compared to everyone on the court. As you watched and cheered after her every shot, a blonde girl noticed your attire. A scowl and a look of disgust replaced her cheers. You weren’t even aware of her, focusing on the tall girl the entire time.
When half-time took place, you handed Bada the drink you had prepared for her. Smiling at your gesture, she thanked you and sipped as their coach spoke to them. 
The game started again, and as the timer was hitting the last few seconds, the score stood at 86-87, the score slim to the tee. Your heart beats anxiously as you watch Bada maneuver through the court. Haechi had passed the ball to her co-captain, and at 5 seconds, Bada had taken her chance at a three-pointer, and everyone held their breath as the ball spun around the rim. So when the ball fell in at the last second, all your school's students jumped and cheered at the epic finale. Bada looks over at you again, seeing your proud eyes on her. She blew a kiss at you, and you giggled as she celebrated with her team.
“Hey,” you hear her voice and turn around to see her sweaty figure, as her cheesing grin never leaves her face. “Wait for me at the parking lot? I’ll give you a ride home.” She offers, and you nod, pulling down your mask, not wanting to hide your thrilled face. “You were amazing out there, Bada.” The sincerity of your voice made Bada weak to her knees, and she felt giddy inside. “Thanks. I’ll see you in a bit, okay?” You nod, leaving the gym to the parking lot, where you wait, sitting on a bench. When Bada watches you go, she feels the butterflies in her stomach and stands there terrified. The girl started falling for you, the feelings piling up since your first study session. This couldn’t be happening. Bada’s pride wouldn’t let it happen, so she had to do something about it fast.
20 minutes had passed, and Bada still hadn’t come out. Worrying began to fill your mind. You kept checking your phone every minute, and the same anxiety overtook you. You decided to look for her, which honestly didn’t take long. You turned the corner of your school's building. You saw two figures holding each other tightly as they enthusiastically made out with each other.
Due to the darkness of the night, you squinted at the sight, but as it became clear, your heart broke into a million pieces, feeling like it was now dust. It was Bada and another girl. They pull away from each other, breathing heavily, and you hide behind the corner you turned from. “What about that other girl?” The unfamiliar voice asks. “What other girl?” “The girl wearing your jersey?” You swallowed lightly, your chest becoming heavy in your current position. “She’s no one, baby. Don’t worry about it. She was just a little bet.” You hear her, and you sob in silence, walking away from the detrimental scene that just occurred right in front of you.
You sit at the curb, staring at the stars, and laugh at yourself, “You’re so stupid, Y/n. So stupid,” you mumble, the tears getting harder to contain as Bada’s words repeat in your mind. Of course, you were just a bet for her. You were just another girl added to her collection, and it made you fall into despair. She cried to you and opened up, yet you were just another girl. You hit your head lightly in frustration with yourself. “Y/n?”
You jolt up from your spot, wiping your staining tears away, and turn around to find Haechi, who looks at you worried. “You okay?” You nod with a deep breath and huff, “Yeah, just feeling down right now. No biggy,” you try saving yourself, but the cracks in your voice tell the girl otherwise. “What are you still doing here-” She was about to ask but realized what may have happened since she saw Bada walking out with some blonde student from her Physics class. Haechi’s face was now painted sorrowfully, engulfing you in a hug. Her touch had triggered the waterworks again, and you were now crying again, breaths getting weaker when each tear dropped. “I’m so fucking stupid, Haechi. I hate her. I hate her so much,” the tall girl rubs your back, letting you release your anger and sadness. “Don’t say that Y/n-nie, you’re the smartest girl in school. Bada is just… ruthless.” Haechi states, some rage hiding under her voice. She had warned Bada, and the captain still went against her word. “I’m like every other girl, Haechi.”
The tall girl pulls away, shaking her head furiously, “No. No, you’re not. Come on, let me take you home.” You nod, too tired to say anything and sit in Haechi’s car, taking a nap on the way home as you wasted so much energy.
Bada was now trying to look for you everywhere, not noticing how long she took, keeping you waiting.
Bada Y/n? Where are you?
She waited for a response, but it never came. She began to worry but let the win of her game control her mind. An hour later, she was home, and you just got back to her.
Y/n-ah😚 My mom wanted me to go home early. Sorry.
Bada sighed in relief. At least you were safe at home. She was about to respond, but you texted her again.
Y/n-ah😚 About the project, don’t worry about it. I’m finishing it tonight and sending it to Professor Min tomorrow morning.
The tall girl furrows her brows.
Bada Are you okay?
Y/n-ah😚 Splendid.
Safe to say, Bada was terrified at your one-word answers. She felt back at square one, but little did she know she wasn’t even close. Not anymore.
The next time Bada saw you, you were both in school, and she approached you with your favorite drink. “My payment for last week,” she says, handing the drink to you, and you dismiss the interaction instantly. “I’m good,” you tell her and just walk away. Bada stares at you in confusion and is about to go after you but sees you standing at Haechi’s locker. From afar, her co-captain seemingly handed you a blue Monster can, and you hug the girl, thankfully. The interaction had Bada bothered and angry. You took Haechi’s drink but not hers?
She would talk to you about it one way or another, but she couldn’t find you the entire day. The fact that you didn’t have computer science today didn’t help the matter. So Bada decided to talk to you at your house. The rain began to pour, but it wasn’t stopping her from finding out what was wrong. She rang the bell at your gate, unsure if you were home, but when you opened the door, a glimmer of hope sparked until you spoke. “Go home, Bada.”
“What?” “I said go home,” your monotone voice made her want to hide. “Y/n, talk to me, please?” “Why should I?” She looks at you in shock. “What happened?”
“You wanna know so bad?” You walk up to the gate, anger fueling your eyes. Not even caring about the pouring weather. “Somehow, me being the smartest girl in school means nothing when it comes to you.”
Bada didn’t say a word, not knowing where this conversation was going. “Congrats, Bada, you made the top student in school look like the most mindless person in the world.” Bada’s eyes widen, “what do you mean-”
“Oh, don’t act stupid.” You groan and look at her with eyes of disgust. Bada sunk into the thought. She was back to square one. “I seriously don’t understand-” “You don’t understand sucking off another girl’s face while I waited for you in the parking lot? God, when I thought there was progress in your thought process these past few weeks, but I guess I was wrong.”
That’s what froze Bada, her heart dropping at the statement. You saw and heard everything. Bada only wanted to beg for forgiveness right then and there, but she knew she had no right to. It's not like you were gonna accept it anyway. “Y/n I-”
“Just save it, Bada. You don’t have to explain yourself. I get it. I’m just another girl, right? Or what was it you told blondie? A bet?” Bada had no words to save herself, wanting the ground to swallow her whole in shame. “Forget about it, Bada, forget we were ever friends.” You left the conversation at that, slamming the front door behind you. That’s when you broke down. The crying just couldn’t stop, kneeling on the floor of your home as the dreadful silence filled your ears as you heard the heavy rain and thunder pouring outside the windows. For once, you hated the silence. 
The next day, Bada wanted to try and apologize again. She looked and looked, not finding you anywhere on campus. She then looks for her second-best bet and sees her standing with her friends. “Haechi!” Bada runs up to the girl as she waves her friends off. Her co-captains eyes held frustration, and it told Bada she also knew the situation. “Do you know where Y/n is?” “Why? So you can break her even more?” Bada knew to expect this, but she wasn’t expecting to be cornered by the girl who shoved her into the lockers.
“I fucking told you, Bada, but what Bada wants, Bada gets, right?” Haechi’s pointer finger drilled into her chest, and the captain winced in pain. “I-I wanna make it right.” “Too fucking late.”
Bada’s body ignores the pain at her words, “What do you mean?” Haechi looks at the girl whose eyes began to water slightly. “She’s leaving for the States. The school gave her an internship for 5 months.” Bada’s world crumbles, and she takes out her phone, sending you multiple messages.
Bada Y/n, I’m sorry. Please don’t go. It was a mistake. I was stupid. I was falling for you, and I was scared. Y/n?
Bada’s tears were uncontrollable as they fell, reading how her messages weren’t sending. “Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.” Bada was now beating herself up in the middle of the hallway. She was hitting her head hard with her fist, pulling her hair harshly, and everyone who saw looked at her in worry. Haechi was shocked at the girl’s actions, seeing how bad she genuinely felt. She did her best to pull Bada’s arms away, and Bada slid down to the floor, blubbering as Haechi did her best to stop the girl from hurting herself. “I’m so fucking stupid, Haechi.” Her teammate didn’t know how to respond, just holding Bada’s arms down as she cried her pain away.
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Tag list: @chipswsauce @nimixe @yooqui @eeeetaetterswife @efyyylee @froufrousnowman @amararosesblog
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okay i know i dont make a lot of star wars posts because i'm terrified of the fandom. but i like to analyze my favorite characters to improve my writing and i came across something that i haven't heard anyone mention before and its so obvious that i'm losing my mind
(DISCLAIMER: I HAVE NOT READ THE ASCENDANCY SERIES (CANNOT AFFORD IT ATM), I AM NOT A PART OF THE FANDOM, I AM JUST A CASUAL ENJOYER WHO LIKES TO YAP. i have a basic idea of the plot but idk the specifics, im just going off of what i've seen in the base canon trilogy)
has anyone else noticed that Thrawn is actually insane. i mean that, for all intents and purposes Thrawn is mentally fucked up even before he joined the empire. it's just so well written because of how he acts and how he's not like Kylo or Anakin because he's not emotionally charged
okay so we meet Thrawn for the first time, yeah. we get some basic need-to-know stuff: cold, calculating, emotionally reserved, wicked smart, probably autistic, extremely patient. you get that he knows exactly what he's doing and how to do it, and over the course of the books you find out what it is.
which is where it starts. his only goal in life, what he literally says is the sole reason for his existence, is to protect the Ascendancy. but they have made it very clear that they do not want that because the shit he does goes against what they stand for, yet he still continues to do it. he even says that he doesn't expect their gratitude or permission. he fully intends to keep doing what he's doing even if they actively reject him. why? because it's his home, the only one that he's ever known. and he's completely unwilling to go and learn another one. because he is fucking insane
i love how Thrawn's mental state is written so much because it's not what you typically expect from insane characters and it's not even like he's trying to hide it under a facade. how he acts isn't a mask, that's just how he truly is, and his unhinged motives are just seamlessly connected to it with nothing to hide behind. its such a great and unique way to write a character and i think i should point that out (sorry to the people who followed for legend of zelda stuff lmao. my house)
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voraciouspangolin · 2 months
Abnormal butch goes spearfishing, catches pink fish
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[ID: A digital drawing of the character Pyro from team fortress two. They are waving one hand to the viewer, and triumphantly holding up a fish in the other, as though posing for a camera. They are wearing swimming trunks, flippers, and their gas mask. The gas mask has a snorkle screwed into it. The fish they are holding up has a spear sticking out of its side. They are topless, and vague scars and tattoos mark their right arm and torso. The drawing is vastly drawn in pink, with many different colours making up the lineart and shadows. End ID]
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I'm still on my roadtrip so I drew to pass the long time driving. Which also happens to be when the road became the bumpiest path known to man. Got flung out of my seat a few times and my phone also crashed bc of the amount of layers but we stay drawing 💪💪
Love is stored in the love handles btw. Sorry to my thick pyro enjoyers, this Pyro has no ass or thighs. Its all in the love handles baby
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sapphirestones09 · 1 month
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AAAAAAA FINALLY! I'm done playing @oneknightstand-if. As part of the celebration, here is Rosie's colored sketch (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Lol, this looks like an anime title card And thus! The Stats!
Blobbed: Yep (We are what now?)
Bold : 205 (Is this high lol?) Sweet : 46 Sassy : 159 Optimist : 76
Health : 85 Mark Status : Healed Merlin Healing : 2 Merlin Forced Healing : 0
Caution : 9 Will : 7 Cloudcuckoolanderness : 42 (Not enough, we gotta go full cray cray) Silent : 7 Curse Level : 4 Fear Level : 6 Corruption : -5 (Is this low enough?) Mute : false Mindcontrol : false
Downtime : Had Breakfast | Snarfed Sweets | Shower Accident |
Route : Went into Store & Fought | (What I gotta use the hunting knives as soon as possible in some way right?)
New Inventory : Hairdryer | Sweets | Shower Mat | Everclear Alcohol (Molotov! Molotov! Molotov!) They Know : false | It Sees : Masked | You Replied False Some stats are missing when I scroll from the past posts in the forum. Such as Crazy Theory, Crazy Theory Level, Pottymouth, Serenades, Interpretative Dance, and a deep dive into the Adrian and Merlin's relationship stats (I WANT TO SEE HOW MANY TIMES I FLIRTED GODAMMIT!). I wonder if I can access it (╥ω╥) About Rosie!
You are currently known as Rosaline (Rosie) Bane a seemingly normal female wildlife biologist. You have red eyes, very long flowing icy blond hair, and a short and petite figure clad in a red cape with an amaranth face mask. People tend to take particular notice of your hair. At first glance, people tend to find you not very intimidating.
You excel at sword fighting, gardening, and having a magnetic personality. Meanwhile, you've got a weakness for prescription medications and enclosed spaces, as well as having anger management issues.
You have an ear piercing. You also have a couple of scars along your neck and wrist.
A tragic accident that claimed your whole family lies in your past and the fate of your future remains murky with the apocalypse ever looming in the background. At least no one has suspected that you are actually a serial killer.
Your final words were "And now for a final word from our sponsor—"
Note! I didnt know I could play something as chaotic and as fun as this game provided me. Its super fun and enjoyable and yet amidst the chaos I loved the characters that was shown and grown to get attached to them to a degree. Both Merlin and Adrian are mysterious and enigmatic in their own ways that makes me look forward to the story and how it progresses towards their character. Also seeing Adrian being exasperated over Cloudcuckolander MC's antics tickles my funny bones more than I can admit. I admit I was reluctant to get into the game seeing as its such a huge one, but after playing all I can say is MOAR! I NEED MOAARRRR! AND PLEASE AUTHOR TELL ME HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY PASS THE STAT CHECK FOR MOONWALKING ON THE FENCING ROUTE! I NEED TO MOONWALK! I NEED THESE PEOPLE TO CLAP FOR ME! And please can we apologize to Adrian for punching him? (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ I know in the grand scheme of things, Adrian forgives us already but we still wanna apologize (ಡ‸ಡ) And oh boy, I think Im gonna draw lots and lots of fanarts now... Skill Stats!
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Personality Stats!
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Can we still claim to be a newbie after Merlin's extensive lore dump on us? Relationship Stats!
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Your ultimate weapon is unknown.
You are currently armed with... nothing, at least as far as you know.
Cold Steel SRK survival knife
You also have on hand...
E-phone 7XL
several small bottles of prescription medications
photo of your family
Killer McKiller Face's favorite stuffed animal (Rip our micro pig (ಥ﹏ಥ))
well-worn Bible (To ward off evil of course!)
mystical Magic 8-Ball (Another holy item! I sure hope it does not contain anything otherworldly that will potentially endanger us and others ha.ha.ha (→_→)
small herb garden of eclectic plants including a mutant Venus Flytrap (The only queen Rosie will ever potentially bow to!)
collection of various survival & hunting knives
small bag of iridescent pearls
bottle of 95% alcohol Everclear (Molotov! Molotov! Molotov ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝)
slightly squished pastry (I KNOW MY PRIORITIES! AND ITS SWEETS!)
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trashytoastboi · 4 months
Day of Eternity - Solomon
~SFW Alphabet~
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
🔮 He’s a mix between being teasing and intimate with his affection. At first you thought he was just trying to see your reaction every time he would pull you into a sudden hug, or steal a little kiss and smile at how adorable you’d be when you’re all flustered from it. Other times it’s more intentional, gentle and intimate. He’s soft and loving about it. He’d interlock his fingers with yours, hold you, or sometimes offer his arm like a gentleman when you walk side by side. Solomon can say some of the sweetest things and just likes being near you in general. 
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
🔮 He’s the type of best friend that’s always there for you, the kind who is first on your mind if you know you need help and want someone reliable there for you. He goes above and beyond for you with no complaint. He’s made all the bad decisions before so you don’t have to and will impart all his knowledge and lessons on you to prevent any mistakes. Some activities you can expect to do together include misadventures, sightseeing, experimenting with magic and studying, sneaking off to the human world for a little food and maybe arcade games. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle) 
🔮 Deemed himself a non-enjoyer of cuddles, you managed to change his mind. He didn’t desire that level of intimacy from casual partners and it became the norm. Solomon just assumed it had something to do with him and that’s why he didn’t like it. Until the two of you started dating, he found he is really appreciative of the closeness it brings and how peaceful it feels in your arms. Doesn’t mind being the little spoon, he just wants to be close and laying with you can ease a lot of his day to day stress. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) 
🔮 -3/10 for the love of gods, demons, and cthulhu do not let this man near the kitchen. Not unless you’ve got a death wish or want to be accused of aiding in domestic terrorism with those deadly weapons he calls meals. Honestly you don’t understand how he can’t cook… he’s had ample time to learn, and his potions always taste delicious. He can even flavour them to mask the questionable ingredients but he’s utterly hopeless with food. Cleaning is easy since Solomon just cheats it and uses magic to do it for him. As for settling down, Solomon desired that before immortality, but now his desire to settle down with you is accompanied by a fear of losing you to time. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
🔮 Sombre…Solomon is straight to the point about the break up, he articulates his point gently enough that it doesn't come across as callous or uncaring. He’s hurt, and regretting that things didn’t work out. It hurts deeply for him when he’s opened up enough to trust you so intimately when he believed he was beyond the point of being able to. Solomon thinks he’s good at hiding his feelings but they’re written all over his face and you can see how hurt he is. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married.)
🔮 Solomon is wholly committed to you as it is, and he does possess a desire to make it official. He’s got his concerns, namely being immortal. He’s closed himself off as a result because loss was inevitable, and he didn’t want that. To put himself through that kind of hurt. You have a different view on things though and rather look at the good than the bad, to embrace the wonder instead of the fear. So yes, in the end he does hold the wish to get married to you. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they? Both physically and emotionally.)
🔮 Solomon can be known as quite the devious character depending on who you ask, and even a thoughtless person with no concern for anyone else. You can’t believe that though because he’s always been kind and courteous to you even when you were strangers, and steadily evolved to friendship and then eventually partners. Solomon treats you preciously, always has. The only time he’s hurt you…is with his cooking 😔 it wasn’t intentional but you were convinced you were gonna die. Solomon was right by your side taking care of you though. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) 
🔮 Solomon’s hugs are always different and indicative of his mood. If he’s happy he’d give you one of those squeezing glomps, might pick you up and twirl you around if he wanted. When he’s sad he’ll kind of slump on you, keeping his arms wrapped around you without saying a word and nuzzling into your neck like a very sad koala. If he’s in a more flirtatious mood, he’ll wrap his arms around your waist and hold you close. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-Word) 
🔮 Would say it jokingly, you’d do something nice for him and he’d respond with a “You know I love you right?” or saying something like “This is why I love you.” It was cute, still made your heartbeat a little faster but it felt like it lacked a certain depth to it. Solomon got used to concealing himself under false smiles and pretty words. You never rushed him, even when you would tell him you love him and he’d smile in response without replying, you knew it stemmed from his own hesitation and you didn’t force it…and when he was sure you had fallen asleep, he’d kiss your forehead and whisper his love for you. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?) 
🔮 Sulky type of jealous, he does get jealous but it’s not wrathful or nasty. He’ll pout, sulk and outright tell you that he’s jealous for whatever reason. He tells you because you usually give him a little bit of pampering afterwards. He thinks he should get jealous more often (or pretend to be). If it’s the case of someone hitting on you, trying to get your number or something. Solomon is so quick to just walk up to, kiss you on the cheek and ask what business that person has with his partner. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
🔮 In public Solomon gives you little smooches and pecks. Your forehead, your hand, your lips, cheek. All popular smooch places, Solomon even uses them whenever he greets you, and sometimes when he randomly wants to show his affection for his precious partner. In more private settings is where Solomon gets a little more daring, his kisses last longer and are a bit more passionate. They’re intense and slow, and he’ll smile into the kiss a lot when he feels you kissing him back. 
L = Little Ones (How are they around children?)
🔮 He’s good at hiding his feelings, so you honestly don’t know if he likes them or not. He’s all smiles when he interacts with his kids, he’s patient and even if they’re trying to upset Solomon he’ll laugh it off and appear unaffected. The only thing you have noticed is that it’s a bit draining for him. It exhausts him quickly (you can only recognise the signs because you know him so well.) As for others he appears pretty much the same. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
🔮 He struggles to get up and has to set some pretty insistent alarms to get him up for the day. He’s a little bit of a grump and not a real ray of sunshine, if he sees your face his face will light up a bit. Wants to laze around in bed with you for just a little longer. Should you deny his plea for snuggles, he'll be grumpy the whole day. Once he’s fully awake then he’s quick to get ready and he’ll insist on making you breakfast- thank god Simeon and Luke usually take breakfast duty. You and Solomon will set the table and do the dishes together afterwards. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
🔮 Solomon likes quiet nights, he’ll spend time studying or researching. Maybe working on a new magic item or potion- there’s always more to learn, and revisit what he’s forgotten. If he’s not busy with that then he’s teaching you more about magic, he’s your master in the pursuit of the magic arts after all. Solomon is a good teacher, and you appreciate his constant patience. Some nights Solomon would just want to relax and he’ll convince you to laze around with him while talking about random things. You love hearing him recount historical events and learning about what details were covered up, changed or lost to history. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while and reveal things slowly?)
🔮 He’s an onion, he’s got layers. Things that he had no problem sharing. Common knowledge that everyone knows. Those layers act as diversions to conceal the things beneath them. You took the time to carefully unravel the layers, without intruding and without scaring Solomon. You waited for him to reciprocate and feel comfortable with you until he entrusted you with his innermost thoughts, fears and the things that he feels he’s forgotten about himself.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) 
🔮 He’s had many years to learn the art of anger management and patience. In most situations he doesn’t get angry, annoyed at most but even then he won’t act on it. He’ll get over it. His real anger comes when people try to hurt you. No matter who it is, he’s willing to erase them from existence and when it comes to you he just doesn’t get angry. In the height of the most heated argument he doesn’t get angered, he’ll get annoyed if he feels you’re being stubborn on a point that could result in you endangering yourself. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or they kind of or forget everything?) 
🔮 Solomon does a good job of remembering everything about you. The things you say- he’s a little paranoid that he’ll forget things and he journals a lot. Living a long time means he’s bound to forget eventually. The passage of time is unforgiving like that but he writes the important things about you, the little things, everything. So he can always remember. 
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
🔮 Call him a little menace but it’s probably the moment the two of you announce your relationship to your close friends. Some people already knew and weren’t surprised but he wanted to laugh when seeing the shocked expressions of those who didn’t pick up on it. Most importantly Solomon just liked being able to be there with you, holding your hand while getting the blessings from your closest people (even though some were given a bit begrudgingly). Solomon hid his nervousness and you picked up on it, while no one else knew you were soothing him and he thought that was so endearing. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
🔮 Solomon is very protective and he’s not lowkey about it. He’d make you a ring- a protective talisman, here’s a necklace, and a charm to put on your D.D.D or your bag. Just have it on you at all times. With your permission of course, you’ve allowed Solomon to place magic circles on your body for just that added layer of protection; the Devildom can be unpredictable at the best of times. Sometimes you’d call him overprotective but he’s never restricted you from what you want to do.  
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
🔮 Always puts effort into everything for the two of you, but mostly you. Solomon always wants to surprise you with a nice home cooked meal, or a breakfast in bed (You love him but food poisoning is not the way), his gifts are unique, nearly always handmade and something meaningful that will have a deeper meaning to you. Solomon remembers anniversaries and he does do a lot of impromptu dates at home. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
🔮 Secretive. He’s secretive and won’t say anything if he’s struggling or going through something. He’ll go out of his way to make you think everything is fine, you know Solomon well enough to see it as a dead giveaway. It’s hard to get him to talk to you when he’s in this phase and he isolates himself emotionally and won’t feel present. You understand and give him his space but are there to support and comfort him. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) 
🔮 He’s not very vain, his appearance hasn’t changed much in years and he feels that he’s memorized it at this point. His vanity can rather be considered as curiosity because Solomon does often ask you how he would look if he was to dye his hair, maybe get piercings or tattoos. If he doesn’t like them he could just remove them. Maybe a wardrobe change? Sometimes goes through full style overhauls just to experiment. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
🔮 He’d feel empty and lost, a concept he thought he had gotten used to. He explains how after many years one begins to feel hollow, but you’ve stopped that feeling. You make him feel pleasure for everyday and the time spent with you is valuable beyond words. If you weren’t around he’d revert back to what he calls a meaningless and aimlessly drifting existence.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
🔮 Takes a lot of pictures and videos of you two (mostly you), he commemorates the memories. Scrapbooking has become quite a fun little hobby for him where he keeps all his important and favorite pictures of all the time spent with precious people, friendly acquaintances, some places he’s traveled. He writes a lot, detailing the date, place and his thoughts when he visited that place the first time. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
🔮 Total reluctance to try anything new - Life is short (for most) and Solomon can understand trepidation and restriction, but people with the means to do things and choose never to try anything new, see a new place, or try a new food. He doesn’t understand it, he’s eager to explore and learn, and experience new things. It might kill his enthusiasm a little if his partner restricted him and stopped him from doing so because they refuse to try anything new. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) 
🔮 Kicks the blankets off all the time and will wake himself up when he’s cold. He’s a restless sleeper and it can explain why he’s always kicking things off. You’ve gotten used to his tossing and turning. Solomon thinks he’s a peaceful sleeper, in spite of you telling him otherwise. He’s trying to work on it. 
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @roninfromtheops
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night-dark-woods · 5 months
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ID. A screenshot of a dunmeshi panel. Marcille stands in front of the corpse of the red dragon, which has a hole cut in its belly and its organs scattered around in pools of blood. Marcille is covered in blood and looking deeply serious as she says, "We've got all the fresh meat we could ever need, right here." End ID.
reading dunmeshi so i can watch the show and i was pretty ambivalent on marcille until this fucking mask drop. i was like oh okay the high-strung prissy elf phd student whose school smarts don't really apply to real life, known character type, got it, not my thing but a predictable and enjoyable archetype. and THEN. and THEN. the instant cessation of that whole persona for this. she is dead fucking serious she did her thesis in necromancy she is going to bring her girlfriend back from bones with liquefied dragon flesh and nothing is going to fucking stop her. im obsessed with her. adding her to my list of fucked up autistic lesbians who mask very well.
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viilpstick · 5 months
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Beneath her cold, commanding exterior lies a heart veiled by the shadows of insecurity and hidden fears. She resides within the gilded walls of a prestigious academy, an enigmatic figure who keeps others at a distance with her biting words and bold demeanor. But there is more to her story than meets the eye.
𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔: Anneliese Trahine, Twisted Wonderland oc
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: OC X CANON!!!! i think this is it
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OFFICIAL INTRODUCTION: "Well, it's your fault! You are always so careless… Just be careful, please."
Anneliese Trahine is the oldest Trahine sister who residents in Pomefiore, the dorm in Night Raven College; do not think highly of her tough exterior, is all an façade.
Her strong personality is merely a facade meant to hide her sensitive nature.
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As the older sibling, Anneliese could say she saw it coming. Throughout her life, her mother fostered a rivalry between Anneliese and her sister, particularly by comparing Anneliese as the "ugly older sister" meanwhile her younger sibling, whom she deemed to be the "pretty one."
Anneliese grew up feeling very insecure about her appearance, and as a result, she often projected her issues onto others. Before attending NRC, Anneliese was known as a bully in her school, where she often picked on many girls, she did this largely because her mother had set the example and she felt the need to assert her superiority.
She did this largely because her mother had set the example and she felt the need to assert her superiority. This behavior allowed her to mask her own insecurities and maintain a sense of control over her surroundings.
Anneliese's behavior can come across as rude to some, and her tastes can be perceived as extravagant. She does take criticism seriously and uses it as a stepping stone for growth, though she can be a bit bratty when attempting to improve herself, often becoming defensive or stubborn in the process. Nonetheless, her determination to better herself is evident, even if it takes a unique form.
Although she may present a tough exterior, Anneliese is actually a gentle soul who struggles to reveal that side of herself to others. Beneath her strong facade, she possesses a sensitive nature that she keeps guarded, making her a bit reserved when it comes to showing vulnerability; Anneliese struggles with image issues, causing her significant distress about her appearance. This deep-seated problem affects her confidence and self-esteem, making it difficult for her to see herself in a positive light, leading her to sometimes not knowing how to be friendly with girls who are "better looking" then her.
Riddle Rosehearts: Much like Ace, Anneliese has a talent for getting under Riddle's skin with remarkable ease. Their stubborn personalities make it challenging for them to have a civil conversation without Riddle exclaiming, "Off with your head!" in frustration.
Trey Clover: Trey and Anneliese are baking pals who enjoy each other's company in the kitchen. As Anneliese bakes bread, Trey focuses on crafting delightful sweets. They often engage in lighthearted conversations while they work. Their shared passion for baking creates a warm and friendly atmosphere, making their time together both productive and enjoyable.
Vil Schoenheit: Anneliese is a devoted fan of Vil's work and holds him in high regard, and is very proud to have him as housewander. However, Vil himself doesn't have a clear or established opinion on her character, remaining neutral and detached in his assessment of her, the only thing Vil knows about Anneliese is the affection Rook have for her, which he finds rather endearing.
Grace Chatte: Both Anneliese and Grace are working to create their own fairytales in life, prince charming, being rescue... You name it. And they share a close friendship that is often the subject of school gossip when they are together. Grace enjoys Anneliese's company, and the two are like a pair of classic "old ladies" friends, often laughing and sharing stories as they go about their day with a cup of tea and biscuits.
Damali Khepri (oc owned by @midnightmah07): Anneliese's insecurity may challenge her relationship with Damali, who is known for her beauty and grace. Anneliese could feel overshadowed, leading to jealousy or resentment. However, Damali's calm demeanor might offer stability and perspective to Anneliese. Anneliese's blunt honesty could comfort Damali's trust issues, Anneliese provides Damali with a friend who values her for herself. Additionally, Damali could help Anneliese recognize her worth beyond appearances.
Ruggie Bucchi & Daisy (oc owned by @midnightmah07): Anneliese might have seemed quite rude to Daisy in the past, so Ruggie "gently nudged" Anneliese to apologize to the girl, (he may or may not threaten Anneliese along side Leona). After some time, Anneliese began to grow closer to Daisy, forming a sisterly bond. Anneliese became more open and vulnerable about her insecurities, and Daisy reciprocated. Anneliese is still a bit apprehensive around Ruggie and hopes he doesn't hold any grudges.
Rook tends to be a natural romantic, but have you ever seen a romantic in love? His mission then becomes not to give up on his loved one. For three years now, Rook hasn't given up on Anneliese for even a single day. Anneliese has her own way of testing Rook. Due to her insecurity about her appearance, she worries that Rook is just mocking her behind her back, or perhaps it's all just to make fun of her.
Despite what you might think, Anneliese is very determined not to give Rook what he wants. However, she does have her weaknesses, and sometimes she even flirts back with the hunter—just don't tell anyone.
In the end, Anneliese tries to act indifferent or as if she doesn't like Rook. In reality, though, the true is opposite for other's eyes.
Anneliese is twisted from Anastasia Tremaine
Anneliese means “Graced with God's bounty”, Trahine is a mix of "Trahison" that means "Betrayal" and the end of Anastasia original last name "Tramaine"
Anneliese's height is 170cm
18 years old, born in April 26th
Anneliese's dominant hand is left
Anneliese has a crooked nose.
Fav. drink + food: Lemonade, Grilled chicken.
Least fav. drink + food: Plain coffee, pumpkin.
Hobbies: Doing make-up, baking, gossiping
Pet peeves: People who like rodents
Likes: Creative works
Talent: Perfect diction when speaking in public
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astarionposting · 8 months
yesssss another ascendant astarion tragedy enjoyer, the whole situation is so juicy narratively imo. i think both endings are really important to understanding the character as a whole (true of every character in bg3, rly).
like. the theme of trust is so compelling in astarion’s romance arc, and the fact that the two routes handle his fear of weakness and being known in completely disparate ways is. so yummy. spawn astarion comes to a point where he understands that love does mean that someone will see the tender, raw parts of you and you have to trust them with that, the same way they’ll trust you with theirs. ascendant astarion veers in the opposite direction—the only way he “trusts” his lover is to have complete control over them. he assumes a role again, a mask that only slips in anger or frustration. he may never be open or vulnerable again. ascending seals away that part of astarion for the sake of “safety”, trading chains for a gilded cage of his own making.
like, that’s fascinating?? so sad that discourse has made the whole spawn/ascension thing a landmine 😭😭
EXACTLY! I love your analysis of it!
Honestly I feel like it is almost a disrespect when 'fans' say you cannot enjoy the 'evil' endings for any of the companions. Like obviously I don't actually want to see them suffer, but the WRITING is something to praise. There was SO MUCH hard work and passion put into writing these stories and characters, and we should be able to discuss it/appreciate it without worrying so much about being called 'morally bad' for doing something in a VIDEO GAME.
Not every story is going to be sunshine and rainbows, not everyone is going to get a happy ending, and that is what makes it fun! Evil characters can be fun! Tragic endings can be FUN (just look at CP2077, there is no 'good ending' for anyone in Night City, but it is still SO FUN).
You can appreciate it without condoning the behaviour in real life, which, like I said, I think a lot of people struggle with that separation, especially when they get really attached to a character.
What isn't fun is judging or claiming someone is a bad person because of a choice they made in a video game... like yeah in fallout 4 I nuked the entire institute and everyone inside, including my own son... but like obviously i'm not going to do that in real life?? LOL
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quillsinkwell · 7 months
some thoughts on digital circus while I was eating a fudge pop
So Pomni's reaction to being trapped within the Digital Circus is used as a form of comedy. Which makes sense, considering she's a jester, a performer meant to make people laugh.
But it's also intriguing, considering the role of a jester was to point out the flaws of the monarch in a comedic fashion, being part of the performing class, who could get away with such. And who is the monarch/leader of the Circus? Caine.
A general consensus online is that Caine isn't intentionally causing the poor mental conditions for the people trapped in the Digital Circus, his A.I simply doesn't understand the way the human brain works.
It's also interesting considering that Caine had to fix Ragatha's glitching by seeing her condition and snapping his fingers. He didn't know about Pomni's glitching, but she was still fixed.
Considering Pomni's role as the main character, I wonder if the series is going to lean into her being special from the other prisoners of the Circus, and her being the one to point out the flawed way Caine runs the circus, like a jester typically does.
additional thoughts
- It wasn't only jesters that could poke fun of the nobles; bards and posts could do so as well. Gangle, being themed after theater masks, might also play a part of showing Caine the flawed way he's running things.
She might also be paired with Pomni in the series, since while this is a circus, the only ones with entertainment themes are herself, Pomni, and Caine
- Jax and Pomni might also be a duo, but more subtle. He's like a jester, poking fun at others and causing general mayhem, but he doesn't seem to be interested in improving things, simply making fun of people for his own enjoyment.
Maybe the series will draw parallels between the two and Pomni will have to show him that contributing to the crappy conditions of the circus doesn't help anyone, including himself.
- Kinger is what you probably thought of when I mentioned the term monarch, and considering the fact that he has knowledge of the digital world that seems to not be as well known by the others (as shown by Jax being surprised at Kinger being an expert) along with the mystery of Queenie, maybe Pomni and Kinger will be at odds with each other to contribute to the 'jester and royal court' motif.
Kinger was the first to bring up Kaufmo's insanity, and the first to suggest Pomni might be insane as well. That, alongside the possibility of him and Queenie being close and Queenie having abstracted, he might be put off by Pomni's rebellion and try to quell it.
then again, they could be doing something entirely different, and I'm here for it. I'm excited to see what this show brings.
IDK man I was rewatching the pilot and was brainrotting.
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musical-chan · 3 months
You Make Sure I Always See The Daylight
A Legend of Zelda AU gift fic for @lunarisdeus
(Lunaris Deus, I hope you enjoy this fic! I tried very hard to write a Fierce Deity that is like yours. It's not meant to be canon to your RP experiences or anything but I tried my hardest to make the characters like something that would fit into your personal AU. From one FD enjoyer to another, it was a pleasure and an honour to write him for you.)
This is but a fragment of what the Fierce Deity can be, a moment in time amongst many. For a being older than the stars and born of the void, there are many possibilities to be seen.
Link was conflicted. 
For as long as he'd been the Hero of Time, he had known that it was his duty, his calling, to help people. He had used whatever he could to do that, any item or magical ability he could obtain. The Master Sword, the spells from the Great Fairies, the masks. The ocarina. He used them and he learned to fight and he had saved everyone twice before he was even twelve years old, then he wandered into the wilds of Hyrule to save people some more. 
He turned the Fierce Deity mask over and over in his long fingers.
He was older now, more than twice as old as he was back then.  He had used the mask as a child and had enjoyed the power and abilities it gave him.  But as he got older, more wary, something about it had given him pause.  It made him uncomfortable with the vague whispers and feelings he sensed while wearing it and so he had packed it away, put it somewhere safe, decided to fight on his own and be the hero he should be. 
The voice had whispered to him regardless.
Now he held the mask again, cradled it in his long fingers much the way he had with the ocarina of time. It whispered, sang, murmured of the battles they could fight and the foes they would defeat together. He closed his eyes, clenched the wood tightly in his hands and tried not to remember the feeling of being tall and strong and powerful. Of commanding the power of the Goddesses.  Of enemies fleeing before him at a mere glance. 
He couldn't stop himself from those thoughts. 
He didn't want to. 
Link stood suddenly, kicking at the chest he had dug up, and shoved the mask into his bag without a second thought. He was no longer a child. He could handle the power, the vague sense of ancient hunger that lingered around the mask.  In some ways, the hunger matched his own.  He would use it and help people and it would be fine. Because he was the Hero and that's what heroes did. 
The whispers were louder with every use of the mask. Before, they had never sounded much like words but rather the gentle susurrus of voices in the wind or the sound that speaks your name the moment before you fall asleep.  Now, he could hear words, a bit of praise for a well done strike or a disappointed mutter when he failed to get a killing blow. Before he had used the power all on his own but he could swear it was trying to guide him now, to help him become better than he was.
He listened to it. 
And those moments when he was a god, when he held the Goddesses' power in his hands, were when he felt the most alive. He could protect Hyrule like this. He could be the hero he had been with Ganondorf, though no one alive but him remembered that it ever happened.  He could be strong and powerful. He didn't need the Master Sword anymore!
Zelda was worried about him but he didn't think much of her opinions these days anyway. She had sent him back in time, to him losing Navi and falling into Termina and the only one who actually got their childhood back was her. He tried to tell her about the mask many years ago and she didn't listen.  Maybe she thought it was a toy, a bit of imagination. Maybe she didn't understand the concept of a devouring hunger in an ancient power that he pulled over himself like a shield against the world. Maybe he hadn't understood it either but they were children. How could they? And now, now that he was using it again and people were talking? Now she was interested. Now she wanted to know.
"Zelda, why do you care what I use to defend the Kingdom?"  It had been months since he dug it back up, since he began using it again. Only now did the princess summon him to the castle, a call he had been trying to avoid but could no longer do so.
"I've seen reports, Link. About some terrifying, white-eyed man decimating moblins and camps of bandits."
"Well gee Zelda, that doesn't sound at all like me. Why do you assume it's me?" 
"You told me about the mask, when we were kids." 
Ah, so she had been paying attention after all. Link was stoney-faced as he stared at the woman. She waited, hoping he would have more to add but when the silence stretched on into the realm of the uncomfortable, Zelda continued, her lips pursed in agitation. 
"Why are you using something so dangerous?" 
"It's not dangerous."
"Link, it's an unknown item that apparently has the power of some dark god inside it." 
"It's the power of the Goddesses." 
"And who told you that? How can you know?"  The man was mute once again and Zelda pinched the bridge of her nose.  "May I see it?" 
He wanted to say no. He didn't want the mask out of his possession for one moment but he knew she would grow more suspicious if he clung to it too tightly, was too jealous.  So he handed it to her, as casually as he could, and watched with careful eyes as she turned it over in her hands.
"There is so much power in this, Link.  It feels…"
"I am not ignorant of the power in things, Princess."  His voice was cooly formal, indifferent and yet annoyed that she thought he went into this unknowing.  Of course he knew.  He was the Hero of Time, wasn't he?  "I choose to use it.  I control it."
Didn't he?
"I'm not sure it's a good idea, that's all.  What if it takes over? What if you lose control of it?"
"Then you'll just have to kill me, won't you?"  He said it so casually, laughter in his voice; the most ridiculous idea to ever be thought, wasn't it? Of course he wouldn't lose control.  Of course she wouldn't have to kill him.  None of those things would ever happen.
With nervous laughter, Zelda handed the mask back to the blond-haired man and he casually, specifically with no hurry at all, put it back in his bags with everything else he had collected over the years.  He carried all his things upon him, as he didn't have much and never needed a lot to begin with.  It was enough and the mask made it easier.  For a moment, he just stood, waiting for her to dismiss him but the princess said nothing, staring at him with wide, watery eyes.
"Link…what happened?  Why is it like this between us?"
"I don't know what you mean."
"When we were children, you would come to me.  I gave you…I gave you the ocarina to help you along your way but when you returned later you were different.  What happened?  You could have stayed here, in Castle Town.  Or wherever. You could have stayed but you kept leaving.  Why?"
He couldn't think of a way to answer without baring his heart, his entire existence before her.  He had worked so hard to save her from Ganondorf. He had done every temple and killed every boss and had fought atop the tallest tower to free her from her crystal prison.  Of course, she hadn't been trapped the entire time, had she? She had been Sheik, enigmatic and helpful, the mysterious man that had given him all those songs and guided Link on the right path.  Even that had been a lie though.  Sheik had been Zelda and then he had saved her and she…
She threw him away.
Sent him back to a childhood he no longer fit into.  Pushed him away from the victory he had fought so hard to obtain.  Forced to deal with her younger self and try to save them all from Ganondorf anyway.
That's what had happened to them.  She had cast him off and wondered why he couldn't stand to be around her once his duty to the kingdom was done.  He knew that this girl, this woman, was not the one who had done that but he couldn't forget it.
"Nothing, Zelda. We grew up.  That's all."  And he turned to go, not waiting for her to dismiss him, not wanting to see the look on her face.  He turned and he walked away and no one stopped him as he left the castle, maybe for the last time or maybe not.  He didn't know.  He wasn't sure he would come back if she summoned him again.
That night, around a lonely fire in a quiet forest, he sighed, reconsidering what happened.  He had been so melancholy recently;  certainly he didn't want to alienate the princess.  Maybe he was just lonely; he had never had a chance to form any real connections in Hyrule after he came back from Termina. It had just felt awkward.  Why make friends and find a place to settle down if you're just going to get dragged away from it all over and over again?  Maybe he should have stayed in Termina instead.  Maybe he should have trusted that the three days would be over and he could have become friends with any of the people he had helped.  Maybe he should go back to Zelda and–
"My, you certainly are in a mood tonight."
Link jumped to his feet, startled by the voice.  He could see nothing, had heard no one walk up.  He had excellent hearing and was always ready when something came crunching through the dead leaves or the whispering grass.  He could always hear something and there was nothing. No one. Just a voice.  A voice that laughed suddenly, deep and powerful and somehow musical at the same time.
Goddesses, but he hadn't played music in such a long time.
But there was no one here! No one at all.  His reflexes and instincts were not that bad to completely miss something in the empty clearing and the voice had been so close. It sounded like it had been coming from…his bag.  Tentatively, he stepped towards it, reached out a hand slowly. Nothing spoke, nothing moved.  He reached down and flipped the bag open.  The mask stared at him from the depths, somehow in stark contrast despite the shadows.  The empty eyes gazed at him and he looked back.   It was still just a mask.  It didn't move, didn't speak. Just a mask.
"Certainly, you know that is not true."
Link jerked his gaze up.  Just beyond his firelight stood something, someone, a figure that was both brilliant and shadows all at the same time.  Was it solid?  Was it a ghost?  It was tall, taller than he, but Link could make out no detail.
"Who are you? What are you doing here? I'm armed!"
"Of course you are.  Though I believe you consider me part of that."  The figure stepped forward and Link took a single, shocked step back.  It was the face on the mask, given form, though perhaps not as solid as it could be.   White haired, white eyes, blue and red marks on his face.  The silver armor shone in the firelight, reflecting back into Link's eyes and he squinted.  It was his hat, his tunic, his face on the Deity and his mind tumbled into confused thoughts.  He had never seen the Fierce Deity face to face, had only ever been the god while fighting.  The size and power that was presented was awe inspiring and Link had a moment of bitter jealousy;  would that he could be like that, instead of just the Hero of Time.  Forgotten, unwanted, no longer needed now that the Kingdom was safe.
"How?"  Words failed Link momentarily as he stared up into the deity's eyes.  "How are you…"
"I can make myself known, when I wish."
"Such language for a Hero of Hyrule."
"If you could show yourself, why didn't you do it before!?"
"Ah, well, perhaps that is more complicated.  When you first obtained the mask, you were merely a child.  Perhaps it wasn't the right time.  And then you stowed me away so I continued to sit quietly in my prison until someone picked me up.  Turns out it was you once again.  You're quite a bit older than the last time."
The whispers, the feelings from wearing the mask. They all started to come together in Link's mind as he stared mutely at the tall man in front of him.  Slowly he reached down and pulled out the mask, looking between it and the deity.  The god grew more solid looking by the minute.  "Why are you here now?"
"It seemed like you could use the company."
"Company is the last thing I want or need."
"Ah, now, I don't believe that for a minute."
"What do you know? You're just a mask!"
The Fierce Deity laughed long and loud and Link's skin twitched with the sound, the power that rolled off the being in front of him.  He knew why the deity laughed.  He knew very well that the mask was more than just a mask, much more than any of the others he had gotten in Termina. Only Majora's mask had felt even remotely similar.  This was an ancient power, part Goddess divine and part something else.  He was honestly surprised Zelda hadn't been more worried about it when she held it in her hands.
"Ah, yes. Well, the Princess didn't have to know what I didn't want her to know."
"Will you stop that!?"
"Perhaps if you didn't think quite so loud, I wouldn't hear it so well."
With an annoyed sigh, Link dropped down onto the ground again, still holding the mask in his hands.  It shouldn't surprise him that the being he had worn so blithely could hear his every thought but it felt like an invasion of his privacy in a way that also felt very hypocritical.  After all, wasn't he the one invading the deity's privacy?  But he had never really thought of it as its own person before, had he?  Just a power that he could hold and use.  "Okay, so."
"Hmm?"  The Deity was laughing at him with his eyes, a startling occurrence.  Link had never considered what was in the blank whiteness before. Blank was exactly what they weren't.
"So, what are you? What should I call you?  Are…are you trapped? Should I get you out?"
"While admirable, you are completely unable to free me and nor should you try.  You may call me whatever you wish.  And you know what I am."
"Not particularly, no! Just…a god. A power."
"That's close enough to the truth for the rest not to matter."
"Okay, well.  Are you going to just hang around me like this forever now?  How solid are you?  Is it going to be weird when I have to wear the mask?"
"You worry too much, Link.  Nothing has changed except I have shown myself to you now."
"Great, well."  Suddenly Link was exhausted and he shoved the mask back into his bag, frowning into the fire.  "Right, I'm going to bed then."
"No more questions? No more indignant muttering?"
"Well I'm not getting rid of the mask so I guess there will be plenty of time for that later."  And with that, the Hero of Time turned over, facing away from the apparition, and closed his eyes, ears twitching with the night sounds around him.  He didn't know what happened to the Deity, never turned to check, but he supposed the god must have faded into invisibility once again and when his eyes finally closed, he knew nothing more until morning. 
They became regular occurrences, the visits from the Fierce Deity. Sometimes around the fire, sometimes riding through a forest from one distant place to another. And still Link used the mask, killed bandits and monsters alike, doling out justice like it was his job. Maybe it was. He was the Hero after all.  The Deity no longer whispered to him but engaged in casual conversation mixed in with anecdotes of battles long past. It was fascinating…and useful.  He began to think of using the mask less as an item and more as a partnership. 
Link also began to look forward to his talks with Fierce, as he started to call him.  He still wasn't sure what to make of the god but at least he was companionship.  It was always a little unsettling being stared at by those eyes but sometimes he forgot as the two chatted around the fire at night.  He talked about his life, the heroing he had done as a child, the lack of belonging anywhere. Fierce spoke briefly of his role under the Goddesses, of being an instrument of divine justice for the universe. It was hard to tell but Link thought that perhaps the god was not entirely happy with the role he had been given. He understood that though; destiny had not been kind to the ten year old he had been back then. It felt like they had something in common and the hero felt a deeper companionship. Friendship almost. 
"What was it between you and Majora, anyway?" Link poked at the embers of the fire as he and Fierce sat together. The god seemed very solid at times like this. 
"Why does it matter?" 
"It doesn't. I was just a kid when it happened and was curious."
"I would not be able to explain in a way that makes sense to mortals. Perhaps it's best to say that the Goddesses wish him gone and it was my job to take care of that."
"Well, I guess we did manage to do that, right?" 
"To part of him, yes." 
Link stared into the flames, considering the words and what they might mean.  Fierce always did say incomprehensible things like that. He didn't doubt the god anymore but he also knew there were things that were never going to be explained. 
Days later, Link was walking to a town and thinking about the things Fierce almost, but not quite, told him. Someday he'd ask him for real what was going on, try to understand exactly what he was putting on his face to fight evil with.  Someday he wouldn't be afraid of the answers. Or be afraid of what the mask might be doing to him.  Someday… 
It was his own fault, he supposed. His fault that he wasn't paying attention, that his bag was on Epona's saddle, that he had stopped carrying his regular sword within easy reach. He didn't hear anyone approaching him or see them before it was too late to stop someone from grabbing him.
An immediate scuffle. Thrashing out at anyone he could reach, Link grabbed at an arm and swung the body it was attached to around as hard as he could. Gasps and shouts sounded loud in his ears and something hard slammed into his head. He staggered forward, lights flashing in front of his eyes as something cold and sharp punctured his side. He stumbled and hands reached for him again as he resisted the urge to curl around the bleeding wound.
Yes, he was injured and surrounded but it would take more than that to bring him down. 
With a wild yell, Link yanked out the dagger embedded in his side and slashed it at a masked man in front of him. Though his vision swam, he could make out dark clothes and hidden faces. They weren't monsters then and they didn't want him knowing who they were.  Perhaps a planned assault on him specifically.  He fought with the rage of an injured animal, spinning to attack another masked opponent. Another kicked him in the back of the knees and he bit back a cry of pain. A fist connected with his cheek and he dodged backwards to lessen the blow but the attacks were coming too close, too fast to avoid everything.  If he could just get to his things… Something large and solid slammed into his head from behind, a tree branch perhaps, and he fell forward, coughing out blood. Someone grabbed his hair and yanked him backwards and up, holding a blade to his neck as another person kicked his stolen dagger out of his hand. 
"If you know what's good for you, you'll stop struggling."
"Never have, really."  Twisting suddenly, Link slammed his head into his masked opponent.  He took a shallow slash to the back of his neck and quite a few strands of his hair were ripped out but it was good enough to duck out of the hands of the man holding him.  It didn't, unfortunately, keep him from being kicked in the wounded side from another attacker and he staggered again.  Outnumbered and surprised, this wasn't good news for him.  Where was his bag? Where was Epona?  The ringing in his ears from repeated hits to the head made it hard to hear and his vision was blurry as another set of hands grabbed hold of him, then spun him and threw him hard into a tree.
Rubbing his mouth with the back of his hand, Link stared outwards at the bandits or whatever they were attacking him.  How many were there?  He was having trouble focusing.  An arrow flew at him from a direction he couldn't place and embedded in his left shoulder; the strangled gurgle that escaped his lips was impossible to hold back.  He put his hand up to the shaft, blue eyes narrowed at his opponents.  Someone had Epona's reins and he could hear her neighing in panic.  They weren't going to hurt Epona, were they? Like hell he'd let them do that!  Yanking the arrow out of his shoulder with a cry of pain, he rushed towards the nearest masked opponent before they realised what he was doing.  He managed to slash it across their face, ripping a large rent into the fabric of the cloth mask and drawing blood on the man's skin, before taking a dagger in the back of his right shoulder from one of the others.  Then another thick tree branch slammed into him from the other side. Bleeding from several places now, he finally fell to his knees and did not get back up. If only had had his sword. If only he had the mask. 
If only… 
Someone stomped on his hand and he could hear something snap inside his skin as he screamed. His ears twitched as voices spoke above his head, someone yelling that they were not to kill, not to hurt him badly. Derisive laughter above his head mocked the first voice as a boot slammed into his head and he crashed into the ground, darkness engulfing him at last. 
When Link came to, he was in a ruined shack somewhere.  The sounds of murmurs and the crackle of a fire told him where his attackers were but his face was pressed into the dirt and his arms were tied behind his back so he had no real way of confirming aside from the tiny patch of earth he could see.  His legs too were bound and he contemplated how much more thorough these bandits were compared to the Gerudo who captured him all those years ago.
He was not in good shape and he knew it.  His attackers hadn't really tried to heal him and even in this strange position he was in, he could tell he was woozy from blood loss.  His head ached and his left fingers were strangely numb.  Was there a fairy nearby that he could get to for healing?  He didn't know. He wasn't sure he'd make it that far.  Where was Epona? And his stuff?  He shuffled a little then groaned in pain. At least one of those hits did something not very nice to his ribs and it hurt to breathe in too much.  With a sigh that pushed a small cloud of dust into his face, he slumped and closed his eyes, wondering what their plans for him were.
"You're not looking too good."
Link's eyes opened and he saw Fierce's boots in front of him.  "I'm not good, thanks for asking."
The god's hands reached down and, feeling more solid than they had any right to do, gently moved Link onto his side.  He winced again as several of his injuries protested the move but it did at least feel better not laying on his nose.  "You need medical help."
"Yeah." Link laughed a little, then coughed painfully.  "Yeah, probably. Doubt they're going to get me a fairy or anything though.  I think they want me alive but not healthy enough to escape."
One of the men, no longer wearing a mask, walked by the door and stopped in front of it, peering in. Link closed his eyes quickly but no one called the alarm at the sight of the white-haired, over seven-foot tall god that was in the small building with him.  When he opened his eyes again, Fierce was sitting next to him and the man was gone.  "That was weird."
"Not many can see me.  Unless someone is wearing the Mask."
"I don't suppose you can knock them out or anything either, huh?"
"It would be difficult."
"Ah well, worth a shot."  The pair fell silent again and Link glanced out the door.  He thought he could see his bag out by the fire, next to one of his kidnappers.  If he strained his ears, he was sure he could hear Epona making annoyed noises so at least she was all right.  He wasn't even sure what they wanted from him.  For a moment, he just let himself slump wearily on the ground. There were dark reddish-brown patches where he had been laying just a moment before and he had a sinking suspicion it was his blood.  Had he been hurt too much?  Would the bandits know if he was bleeding out slowly?  His eyes drifted shut while he concentrated on breathing without pain for a few moments; it was not successful.
"You need help."
"I'll be back to help you. Just be patient."
He muttered something that might have been yes but didn't open his eyes again.  As he lay on the ground, he could hear the men outside talking amongst themselves, complaining about the fight and arguing over what percentage of the fee they all deserved.  It almost felt like a dream as one of the men began arguing adamantly.
"Well, I think we deserve more than what we were promised after that fight!  He slashed my face up real good with that arrow! How'd he pull that out of his shoulder anyway!?  What the hell is he made of?"
"I dunno, but I'm not touchin' him until we absolutely have to."
A third voice laughed.  "If you'd brought more people like they suggested, it wouldn't have been that hard."
The second voice sounded petulant in response.  "It's one man!  Six should have been enough! The more we bring, the lower our share each!  Maybe he has something we could take.  Rupees or something."  There were sounds of rustling material and Link could imagine one of them pulling his bag over and opening it.  A sluggish part of his brain wondered if that was a good idea.  He had things in there he didn't want people to find.  Important things.  Powerful things.
"Hey, we're not supposed to be manhandling his things."  The third voice sounded worried.  "Did you guys not listen at all to what they said?"
"Pfffft, what they don't know won't hurt them."  There were more sounds; the faint rustling of the bag being moved, the clink of items being knocked into each other.  "Wow, this thing is bigger than it looks.  Hmm, some weird hook thing, a strange glass item.  Man, this weirdo really likes his masks though.  There's several."
"Look, just put the stuff down and leave it be, man."
"No way!  Hey, look at this mask! It's like some creepy guy with marks on his face!"
Link's eyes snapped open and he immediately regretted it.  His vision swam and he had to push down the immediate urge to throw up.  The mask.  They had found the mask.  They couldn't…
"Hey! What are you doing?"
"Calm down, it's just a mask.  It's not even scary looking.  Look!  I'm a scary hero-man and I'm going to–AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGG!"
Link tried his hardest to push himself up, to fight the waves of dizziness and nausea that ate at him.  They had gotten the mask.  They were going to– No, he couldn't let them get that!  It was dangerous! No one else could be allowed to wear it!
It was too late.  Link managed to push himself to his knees, swaying ominously as he did so.  The sounds outside his ruined prison were not good.  He caught flashes of something white and deadly going by the empty doorway, heard screams of agony, the hum of a large sword as it swung through the air quite near the building he was in.  There was a loud thud and the building shook dangerously.  It wasn't long before silence settled around him again, the only sound that of the fire crackling merrily outside.
He swayed slightly, realising there was still a sluggish trickle of blood leaking from his side.  Groaning, he started to tip forward again when a strong pair of hands grabbed him. He hadn't even noticed anyone come inside.
"We need to find you some assistance.  I would give you the Mask to put on again but I think it will be more useful for me to carry you."
Link looked up into the white eyes of Fierce, his vision going in and out as he did.  He…felt very solid. More solid than he had before.  If he squint, could he see the mask?  No, it looked like the god except…  "Why are you so…"  The words slurred in his mouth and he leaned forward into Fierce, eyes closing.
"The man put the Mask on.  Not very smart, honestly.  No one will mourn his loss."
"Whadda ya–"
"Shush, I will find the nearest fairy fountain and you will be fine."  The strong arms of the god scooped up the battered hero easily and carried him outside.  Link considered the notion of him being fine and found it was probably true.  For now anyway.  He murmured something and leaned up against the armor, not even carrying that the metal was not in any way comfortable.  It was at least vaguely cool and it felt good against his aching head.
"Sorry…couldn't fight better."
"You did well.  With me to help you, you will do even better."
"Thanks."  With a sigh, the Hero of Time closed his eyes and let the strange being carry him away into the night.  He'd have to ask about the solidity thing later but for now…for now he would rest and let himself be tended to.  As the two moved through the forest, he slept knowing, at least this time, he would wake up to see another day.
The god moved easily in this new vessel, holding the one he had shared a fragment of himself with. Link would perhaps not agree with his methods of gaining a body but it mattered little. He was able to save the man who already meant so much to him.  No one would hurt the Hero of Time while he was here to keep an eye on him. 
After all, he was the Fierce Deity. And should anyone cross him, they would find out exactly what that meant.
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primal-con · 1 year
Mkay my brain is working a bit better today so thoughts on Mirage! Namely his inclusion in the movie instead of Jazz and his change in personality
Rise of the Beasts spoilers below the cut✌️
Now like a lot of folks, when I first saw the trailer I was insanely pumped because I thought Mirage was Jazz. I think we all kinda saw the silver Porsche and lost our minds, and of course, I'm still bummed that we didn't get Jazz because I love him dearly and miss him more than words can express. But! Having seen the movie and had time to chew it over, here're my thoughts on Mirage's character in RotB.
So a lot of initial thoughts regarding the choice to include Mirage, and a very different Mirage at that, rather than Jazz, were of course very valid. But I think ultimately while I would've loved for Jazz to have been there, I understand why they didn't go with him. Cause tbh if everything about the movie had been the same except they called Mirage Jazz, I wouldn't have been happy.
While yes, on the surface RotB Mirage seems really similar to G1 Jazz, they're actually really different in the ways that count. Jazz is bright, sociable, charismatic, and more in tune with Earth culture than most bots. RotB Mirage is also a lot of those things! But the key difference is that for Jazz, that personality is a facade. He's an incredibly grim, ruthless person who's seen a lot and is capable of a lot of terrible things, and he uses that trustworthy persona to mask that and make people more comfortable around him.
Mirage comes off as much more genuine in his naivete. He seems legitimately young, impulsive, and vying for adventure. He does things cause they sound fun, not because he thinks it's a smart idea in the long run. The sad things hiding underneath his bright personality don't come from brutal experience and calculated manipulation, they come from a genuine loneliness and desire to explore the world around him. In a lot of ways he plays a similar role to Bumblebee in most other TF media, the naive young optimist who wants to see the best in people and be a hero. Which narratively makes sense considering Bee was out of commission for most of the movie. He's not necessarily stupid, he's just not wise, and that comes from a lack of experience compared to his so-called "hardass" peers. He sees the other bots as boring and overly serious which contributes to his desire to keep Noah on the team. He wants Someone who he can relate to, someone who's a little closer to him personality-wise, and he doesn't feel like his older and more grim teammates can fill that role.
Which I think also contributes to his likability! Because like I said, Mirage is so genuine. He doesn't usually think things through so everything he says is so honest and unfiltered. I love Jazz because of his complexity and how compelling that facade is to his character, but I ended up loving Mirage because he doesn't feel the need for a mask at all.
I think generally the choice to change Mirage's personality from his G1 characterization was because the writers didn't want too many serious characters? At least that's how it felt watching the movie. I mean even Bumblebee comes off as older and more mature than Mirage. And Transformers is very fond of its goofy, unserious kid-appeal characters who are closest to the token humans. I'm cool with it mainly because big changes between generations are pretty common and this wouldn't be the first or even the wildest change of pace from one appearance to the next. As for why Mirage and not another character, who really knows. Probably the fact that he hasn't had much of an established personality in any of his rare TV appearances. And using a known name is usually easier than making a whole new character, just fan-attachment-wise.
Anyways, sum total thoughts: I liked him! And the movie's enjoyable if you don't go taking it too seriously, though that could be said about most things. It's also better with a friend! It's no ground-breaking cinema, it's an action franchise movie and exactly what you'd expect from one. But the characters have chemistry and personality and that's usually what matters to me. So yeah, all nitpicks aside it's a net positive from me!
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OC intro - Akash Singh
Time to give my guy his turn to shine! Feel free to ask any questions about Akash!
Cis boy he/him
At the start of the series, Akash is 14
Akash has short, thick, and messy black hair that he tries his best to tame but cannot. He has dark brown eyes, brown skin, and is about 5’7.
I don't have a specific sexual/romantic orientation for for Akash.
Akash can fly pretty well and has decent control.
For all intents and purposes, Akash is human, he just has powers, and was born in India though does not remember it. He grew up in suburban Texas in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
Akash is very friendly and social, though socially a bit awkward. He's super sweet and kind though worries a lot about how he's seen by others and the impressions that he makes. He goes out of his way to make sure he looks nice, and ends up being pretty self-conscious about things outside of his control.
Akash's interests include reading, music, and art, though that art is usually just a sketch, he's pretty good at it. He likes discussing books a lot and will also watch some TV with Robbie for fun. A lot of media consumption for him is more enjoyable if someone else is doing it with him. He also loves watching sports, especially baseball and soccer, and will make sure Robbie sits down with him for every game.
Akash's extra curriculars at school are art and choir. Akash will enjoy art more if when he gets to make or draw something he's excited about, but prefers choir whenever he has to make or draw something he isn't excited about.
Akash is usually very time-conscious, wearing a watch all the time, though he has been known to occasionally get distracted by something, which in turn causes him to freak out that he missed something. Alarms are quite common.
Other Notable Things
Since he cares about his appearance, Akash will normally wear khakis or nice jeans with button-down shirts that he cannot survive in if they're not tucked in.
Akash is paraplegic, and names all of his wheelchairs after Disney Princesses. When he first got to Alium and discovered he could fly, he at first got scared of the harassment he'd received in the past, so attempted to mask and "fit in," which just makes him more stressed out all the time.
The person Akash is closest to is Robbie. They met in preschool and have been inseparable ever since. Their relationship can best be described as queerplatonic or platonic soulmates.
Tag Games for More Akash!
OC in three
OC in fifteen
Two Truths and a Lie
Fun Facts
Questionnaire One
Questionnaire Two
Questionnaire Three
Deep Dive
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lackablazeical · 9 months
🩵🌙Usagi Miyamoto🌙🩵
Tumblr media
Specific trigger warnings -
Abusive/toxic relationship, codependency, self harm, depression, suicidal thoughts/ideation, child abuse, disassociation, paranoia/delusional thoughts, major character death
Specific boundaries w/ this character -
Do not victim blame Usagi. (I.e, "I bet Usagi likes the attention", "why doesn't he just tell people", etc)
Do not ship Usagi with anyone.
General info -
Usagi's birthday is March 4th. He is a Pisces ♓️
Usagi's love language is Acts of Service.
Usagi is demisexual with exclusive attraction to non-women.
Usagi has PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
Usagi has MDD (Major Depressive Disorder).
Usagi has Agoraphobia.
Personality traits -
Usagi is quiet, withdrawn, shy, self-sacrificing, depressed, logical, responsible, pessimistic, and routine oriented.
Usagi is very quiet and withdrawn. Many of his co-workers assumed he was mute because of this. He never attends social gatherings and prefers to stay home.
Usagi is self-sacrificing, and will do anything for those he loves, even if it means sacrificing his own life or happiness.
Usagi has depression, and often feels completely empty or numb. He is not very 'active' in terms of his depression, and would rather just stay in dull routine.
Usagi is logical, able to critically think about problems and find solutions on the fly.
Usagi is incredibly responsible, wanting to fawn everyone around him and fix their problems and mistakes.
Usagi is pessimistic, never expecting the best. This can make him a bit of a pain to be around sometimes.
Important details -
His beliefs -
Usagi's element is water.
He feels connected to any type of water, but specifically rain, ponds, lakes, oceans, and puddles.
Usagi does not flavor his drinking water because of this. He also does not drink out of straws.
Usagi loves sitting in rain, and he loves being able to relax by bodies of water.
Usagi will prefer baths to showers, so he can soak in water.
Usagi prays over the first water he drinks of the day. He manages to stay well hydrated.
His dynamic with Leo -
Usagi is a victim of Leo's abuse.
Usagi hates Leo, but has been manipulated into being dependent on him. Usagi feels like he is nothing without Leo.
Usagi was originally extremely against ever being around Leo, but as time progressed, started feeling the opposite way. Usagi often doesn't know what to do with himself when Leo is not around.
Usagi often screams at, kicks, and punches Leo, often in an attempt to get him to stop what he is doing and leave Usagi alone.
Usagi needs Leo's permission for everything he does, and is terrified of somehow making Leo mad.
Usagi would never leave Leo, as he knows that would never work, and likely risk the safety of his family.
Usagi barters affection or makes up 'games' in order to get Leo to do what he wants. It's often in a desperate attempt to get Leo to actually listen to him. This only works about half the time.
When around Usagi's family, Usagi will put on a mask and fake interest (and even enjoyment) of Leo's actions as to not concern his family and risk them finding out about Leo's abuse.
Usagi will often just listen to what Leo tells him to do, as the fight is often worse. Sometimes, though, he may press back, and he gets swiftly reminded of why that is a bad idea.
His life in the Hidden City -
Usagi often worked many odd jobs at once, sometimes working up to 70-80 hour weeks. He would lie about his age to be hired, and often worked below or just barely at minimum wage.
Usagi ran into debt multiple times, because he wasn't aware of how loan sharks (or American currency) functioned. He was often tracked down because of this, but always managed to weasel out of it or evade then.
Usagi had no friends, and was known as very anti-social to anyone that even knew of his existence.
Usagi had lived in one cheap, dingy apartment the whole five years he lived there. He couldn't afford to move.
Fun facts -
Usagi's favorite food is any type of produce with salt, and his favorite drink is plain water.
Usagi self-harms, and started soon after he met Leo.
Usagi prefers having long sleeves he can roll up, to having short sleeves.
Usagi hates being pinned on his stomach.
Usagi likes music, only if it's played on a record player.
Usagi is a ritual cleaner, and deep cleans everything he owns fairly often.
Usagi is a good cook, and enjoys it thoroughly.
Usagi hates all sweet foods, but mooncakes.
Usagi hates being touched.
Voice claim [Steven Yeun] -
Tags including Usagi -
#addams! Usagi, #addams! Leosagi, #addams! Miyamotos
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bucketkicked · 5 months
the longest yeah boi irene headcanon ever:
it is with my honor that I bestow upon irene one of the most prestigious character traits I have given other OCs before, that being autism.
Jokes aside, I genuinely have autism and have a general interest in psychology as I am psych major. I'm not a professional or expert, but I've done research and have personal experience, like I've said. I often portray my characters as being neurotypical in some way, anyways, due to it being something I know how to portray. Irene is an interesting case, and I debated about it for a bit, but I do think she’d fall somewhere on the spectrum. Either way, men and women do present autistic symptoms differently, at least for many cases.
Below I’ve compiled a few symptoms / behaviors that Irene has that make me give her this new label.
One of the most well-known symptoms of autism is having restricted interests (also known as special interests). This can include many, many unique things. For Irene, I’ve went with rock music being one, as made obvious for her overwhelming enjoyment of it as shown in her biography. She also enjoys movies a lot and tends to reference them often, perhaps a bit too much so.
A behavior that is often found in autistic women is how much they mask and how (for lack of better words) good they are at it. Some draw reference from movies and shows on how to appear socially acceptable/“normal”. This is the case for Irene. She learned how to socialize better, or so she thought, from consuming so much media. For her, however, she tended to cling to the male or more masculine characters/actors for her behaviors and speech patterns.
Another symptom is having a strange or unusual tone/melody/pattern/volume with your voice. Irene, without masking, would sound more monotone than anything. However, she tends to copy how other people speak, whether it’s people in real life or on the screen. It's how she learns slang and other things.
Another behavior is having expressions that don't quite match what you're saying /how you feel/match the situation. Irene tends to be neutral in expression, having a really good poker face. However, she tends to come off as cold or unfeeling because she doesn't smile often, even if happy. She often has to remind herself to make expressions to come off as normal and show that she's listening. Even then, her smiles may look strange, or her expression may be strange for what is being said.
There're many others, of course, but these are a few of the most prominent behaviors and such that she displays. I didn't want to make things too long, but I can definitely make a part 2 or something if wanted/needed.
Something else I wanted to say, though, was that she varies in personality so much as a reaper from her alive self because she doesn't feel the need to mask anymore. For lack of better words, she's being her true self, now that she doesn't have to present as "super normal" to fit in anymore.
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pyroreadscomics · 3 months
What are your thoughts about Howard's Catwoman run?
The run being really gay doesn't save the writing from being really mediocre.
(More nuance below the cut)
Well that was snappy, unfortunately my thoughts are many and complicated and probably won't be entirely ironed out until a few months after she leaves the book or I reread the run again, or both. That phrase was something I said while reading through the series for the first time a some months ago that I still mostly stand by, but now feel the need to caveat and add nuance.
(Also, it feels weird that, because I put off answering this for months, the end of Howard’s run is just a few months away now, but I’m just going to assume the ending is neither so good it retroactively makes everything better or so bad it tanks the run with guilt by association)
When I say mediocre, I very specifically don't mean bad. I'm using mediocre to mean it's average, ordinary, of moderate quality. Not bad enough to hate, or even particularly dislike, but not good enough for me to shed a tear if it was suddenly canceled (which… seeing as it’s end is now on the horizon… I’m actually filled with anticipation as to what comes next.)
And like many multi-year runs, Howard's Catwoman has had it's ups and downs while it's low points are i think widely known: Her dialogue tends towards what i can only describe as AO3 generic, the plotting itself is sub-par, Gotham War disappointing even though there was no way to go into it with high expectations (joint effort i know, but even taking only half blame for it Tini Howard doesn't come out of that event looking remotely well), and I have an entire rant ready for how I dislike how Black Mask is used in that series.
1. The reintroduction of Eiko
But, that said, at this moment I do feel like calling out some highlights of Howard's run (or at least, the bits of it I really liked.)
Also yes, alot of this could be considered fanservice, but I’m at least acknowledging that things that make me happy don’t inherently make a run good. (but at least more enjoyable to slog through than Tom King’s batman or most of her New 52 stuff)
Okay, let me be clear, Eiko in this run is a shadow of her debut in Valentine's run but Selina's supporting cast has a worrying tendency to disappear without a trace after one, max two runs, so damn if it wasn't nice to see Eiko suddenly reappear in a major role in the Catwoman run after a 6 year absence and not have her confined to the dustbin of comic history alongside other Catwoman supporting cast members such as Gwen, Alice, Zee, Clutterbuck, Wilder, Arizona, and Cassandra Cartland (If you knew every single person i mentioned without having to check, I like you, and you like me also know too much about Catwoman)
If nothing else, if Eiko's appearances in this comic, and her guest appearances in other current Gotham stories (like Punchline: Gotham Game or Ram V's excellent Gotham Nocturne) manage to cement her as a persistent part of Catwoman's cast, this run will have done enough for me to earn a passing grade.
Also I like Eiko's new catsuit and not just because it makes it easier to tell her apart from Selina
2. Catwoman #43 & #44 (The Harley Quinn two parter)
Judging by the mood in the room, If anything gets me an angry response it's going to be this.
It's fun, it was a fun two parter, and honestly there are times when I wish more writers would stop trying to do the high drama stories they're kinda bad and instead write fun inconsequential side stories.
Also yes I do ship it. What of it?
Actually speaking of
3. The queerness.
It’s not a lot, but for a character who’s been out as bi since 2015 Selina is never written that way (at least in the main comics, I understand the HQ show and the recent movies have either explicitly or implicitly had bi Selina). Like it’s so bad Selina doesn’t even get pride tie in stuff, no appearances in the pride anthologies or even pride variant cover. JFC Nightwing gets one every year and last time i checked he was still canonical cishet. And… a bit like Eiko, but less important, it’s nice to have another run where Catwoman is canonically queer. Selina acknowledging Eiko as an ex, flirting with other women, that Selina and Harley sharing a bed scene. It’s just nice to have that part of Selina’s character acknowledged.
Also it’s so minor but the gay bar called Conroy’s got me just a bit.
4. Knight Terrors
On balance, despite me having criticisms of it, I did like it as a version of “What does Selina’s worst nightmares look like”. It’s not quite as good as Devin Grayson’s take on the matter (and ain’t that a sentence) but I’m a big fan of Selina’s mind dark fears conjuring force a lot of catholic imagery and doing something actually interesting with the Sister Zero concept. (It’s really just a shame that this story is clearly setting something up for Gotham War that never actually gets paid off, which is wild considering that was literally the month after Knight Terrors)
5. Valmont
Look, I really liked Valmont for two reasons, one of which is superficial, one of which actually had thought put into it.
Superficially: Selina deserves a whipped subby bisexual twink, as treat. Sure he's a cocky asshole, sure he looks like pirate au ghostmaker, sure he's ready to murder anyone who looks like a threat to his dom love (and honestly anyone in general), but honestly that's all part of the charm.
Because Bruce, as the whole wedding thing shows, is big on these concrete declarations of affection, even as he’s really bad at actually expressing his affection in more casual ways. And Eiko, as she says, is “comfortable with these declarations, names. Things like titles and vows.” So in dating either of them Selina would be consenting being put into a box and labeled, even if it's a box as unconstrained as “dating” and a label as loose as “girlfriend”.
But, putting a bit of thought into things, Valmont has this really interesting role in the story. He's the obviously incorrect choice in a love triangle, but also the one who Selina would pick anyway.
Like, the issue before he dies the story teases a bit of romance with Bruce and Selina, and earlier there were some teases (or.. maybe acknowledgement is the right word?) between Selina and Eiko. There's two existing love interests for Selina, Bruce, who's the moral and safe choice, the wedding bells and gaggle of step kids choice. And there's Eiko, who's a major crime lord, one who's conducting business with some of the worst in Gotham. If it was just the two of them (especially if Eiko was closer to her Valentine personality), it'd be a pretty classic "the good boy and the bad boy girl" love triangle but Valmont is here, and he adds an interesting angle onto that love triangle(?) (is it still a triangle when there's three potential lover interests?).
(A reversal on Eiko and Selina’s very undefined relationship in Valentine’s run, which could be seen as divergence for the character but also kinda makes sense. With Eiko ending that run by shedding Catwoman (and identity that embodied personal freedom and also rebellion against her father) to become the head of the Hagisawa family (an identity marked by responsibility to the family and her place as her father’s heir) that going forward she’d be a lot less likely to engage in a nebulous undefined relationship when her life is now, by choice, very defined. It’s still however one of those things that assumes a non-zero amount of character development happened off screen.)
But Valmont? Valmont doesn’t ask anything *of* Selina.
Sure he does initially, “hey here’s this cat, I know where you live, join my thieves guild”. But this tactic gets him shot down by Selina and at best relegated to “untrusted ally” status (and more likely “useful but dangerous”). But after this, and after a brief break during the CatQuinn two-parter, Valmont’s back with a new tactic called “I’ll do literally anything you ask of me, including stopping killing people, and ask for nothing in return.” Which… with Selina being somewhat adverse to long term commitment (or commitment in general depending on the writer) this works.
Valmont’s hardly a healthier romantic option (he might not be the worst person Selina’s ever dated, but he’s still at the end of the day an arrogant invasive assassin) but he puts a spin on himself that makes Selina let her guard down around him and they do eventually become some vaguely undefined item.
And then in his final issue, Bruce accuses him of still being loyal to the league of assassins and of manipulating Selina. Then he kills again in the process of undoing a problem he caused, and gets in a big fight with Bruce about it. And when Valmont goes to kill Bruce, she kills Valmont which… It’s a weird moment for Selina, she’s normally very reserved about killing people and while yes needing to save Bruce could theoretically push her far enough. But also, it’s the best thing this run could do with Valmont.
Because Bruce’s accusations (along with Valmont’s general sketchiness) lead to this question with Valmont: does he genuinely love Selina, or is he using her for some unknown end? Because he know what he’s naturally like (down with murder) and we know he’s changed his behavior, but we don’t know whether it was because he wanted to be with Selina enough to change himself for that chance (which… understandable) or, if he was on some deep cover mission to manipulate Selina towards and he changed behavior in order to further his own covert ends. And… imo the possibility of it being one or the other is more interesting than any story you could get out of committing one way or the other.
And by killing Valmont, the run gets out of having to answer this question, which, again imo, is the most intelligent narrative decision this run made aside from bringing back Eiko.
That said, If in the last two issues Howard answers the question of “what really was up with Valmont” I’m retroactively taking back all of this praise and will be downgrading this run to "of poor quality but at least Eiko's here"
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