#<- my new tag for random nonsense that will be being posted on this blog
is it over now? (was it over then?)
part six
part seven: i slept all alone
Steve had been getting into the rhythm of a new set and being without Robin for the first couple of weeks of production. He wasn't as deer in the headlights as he had expected but he did feel somewhat distant from the rest of the cast who all had connections dating back years. Steve took his time getting to know everyone and by the end of the second week he felt less like a pity invite to going out in the small Italian town and more like one of the group. He still respectfully declined the invite so he wouldn't miss out on his approximately one hour of social media time he allowed himself to keep to the general spirit of the director's rules.
Steve didn't mind being generally unplugged but he did really like to keep up with what his kids were doing and he felt like he was at least a little obligated to see how Robin and Nancy were getting on without him present for cover. The kids kept their whatsapp group chat to a relatively manageable level during the week leaving a few tidbits here and there for Steve to catch up on and after Steve felt mostly caught up he'd provide a short little update of what his week was like. Usually no one got back to him super quickly as it was mid-day in the states and most of the kids were at work or busy and Robin and Nancy were usually a bit tied up in each other if they didn't have any other obligations. Steve didn't mind though because next week like clockwork he'd have several follow up questions and encouraging notes about his update before the group chat chatter turned to whatever else had happened.
Once Steve had caught up with whatsapp he started scrolling through instagram and noticed he had a few tagged posts. Some were just the usual gossip sites taking random paparazzi photos to add to a weekly roundup of where famous people were summering or similar nonsense but he saw a photo of Robin and Nancy he most certainly was not expecting to see come up on his feed.
buckley guess the cat's out of the bag. srry i'm not cool and romantic like my new partner (!!!) but it's pretty great not to have anxiety attacks that i didn't actually turn on close-friends or worry that some waiter read into nance and i's behavior too much. thnx steve-o for keeping this under wraps for way longer than you had to and for being the best scene partner / rumored lover a girl could ask for. hurry back from italy so you can third wheel us in public, dingus.
Steve double checked the time in the US and called up Robin. She had some explaining to do.
part eight
***super short update because i am sick but i wanted to keep the story moving! just wanted to show a quick glimpse of Steve seeing Robin's post. depending on how the story is going the next part might be Steve and Robin's phone call or back to Eddie trying to get his shit together***
@lololol-1234 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @zombiethingy @grtwdsmwhr @dreamercec @anne-bennett-cosplayer @strawberryyyenthusiast @mensch-anthropos-human @kal-ology @ttyrussss @kristmkris @starman-jpg @wonderland-girl143-blog @child-of-cthulhu @legalmenace87 @adealwithher @practicallybegging @lunaraquaenby @stripey82 @lexyvey @goodolefashionedloverboi @mothmamhasyourlocation @mugloversonly @sherrylyn0628 @steddieinthesun @wonderland-girl143-blog
(if you wanna be tagged in future parts feel free to comment! happy to add people)
131 notes · View notes
acourtofquestions · 3 months
Empire of Storms Part 1 thoughts, theories & a VERY VERY long post of rambling:
(+ this title as a spoiler warning; heads up to my fellow fans & first time readers (esp. those semi-tagged in this post), I address a lot of Part 1 & possibly up to Chapter 52 of EoS;-) I am ALSO on my first read just finishing said 52 so no spoilers for me past that as I go through Fireheart as well plz, & thx!
I will also be posting a far shorter better edited version of this post next :-)
Oh good gods this book is going to destroy me in the best way possible😅😅🤦‍♀️😭😁😬😆🤣🙃❤️‍🔥🖤🫶
Long writing/reading (I HAVE LOTS OF THOUGHTS & FEELINGS & NEED TO SCREAM IN WIVERN FANGIRL NONSENSE! So, this post will probably jump around quite a bit between chapters, thoughts, theories, reactions, & randomness; read/skim at your own rambling risk😅 also in advance for missed autocorrects I TRIED😂) “round up” for Part 1 of EoS. & yes I have been reading a LOT (whilst VERY busy😂😭), so this blog’s posts are in desperate need of a catch up & will probably only grow more hectic as alas, my library & brain demand to know what happens next NOW😂. You have been warned this post & blog is about to be more incoherent than usual! — And as I said this post is LONG (If your thinking I’m kidding; legit I think this is 20 something pages long; consider it here for historical purposes… & I had a VERY long drive with no books😂)
— NOW —
The organization of parts is interesting, we go from Nightfall, to The Fire-Bringer, to Fireheart. It feels like a full circle from night to day; from learning to being, and showing Aelin’s claim (not from Elena, not from her powers, but from her). The heart of Terrasen, the fire for the world (esp. against the Valg). … It’s also scaring the heck out of me with her self-sacrificial tendencies & the VERY intense vibe (from the first few chapters this story advances into a “final chapter vibe” yet it’s only the first few; it’s reminding me of Deathly Hallows almost? — which is esp. confusing CAUSE I STILL HAVE 3 BOOKS LEFT… and we’re already this intense😬😅soooo MAAS PLEASE DON’T YOUR DARE HURT A HAIR ON ANY OF THEM!!) P.S. for this note; it’s also making my shipping fuel go from 180 to infinity cause she’s his Fireheart🥹 (If only “worried over liking the ship” HoF first read me could see me now😂 @ goddess-aelin 🫶YOU WERE SO RIGHT👏). And generally it’s just been cool to see how the entire story & series has shifted so much (yet kept its heart ;-) !
So, Generally speaking: I’ve loved the first half of Nightfall & The Fire-Bringer (As I’ve loved the series). From the pace & many perspectives, to the plot twists & Easter egg style hints, and the writing with straight-up foreshadowing & full-circle series arcs (many of which have had big moments interwoven & reaching peak within this book). There has been some great character development (many beautiful lines/moments) a lot of raw emotion (crying, laughing, and all of the above), & entertaining interactions as my favorite piece of this book has been all these stories finally crossing paths (& within that developing relationships, friendships, families, courts, enemies, allies, etc.) for the “New World” that’s coming.
“Elena sent up a final prayer on a pillar of smoke rising from the valley floor that the unborn, faraway scions of this night, heirs to a burden that would doom or save Erilea, would forgive her for what she was about to do.”
Elena I don’t know if I can forgive you for what you’re about to do😅😅 the plan here is long coming, as Lysandras “theory” further confirms:
"The more it seems like this was all planned, laid out long ago. Erawan had decades before Aelin was born to strike decades during which no one with her powers, or Dorian's powers, existed to challenge him. Yet, as fate or fortune would have it, he moves now. At a time when a Fire-Bringer walks the earth." It was all horrifying, impossible, but—so much of their lives defied logic or normalcy. The shifter next to him proved that. "Morath is unleashing its horrors," Lysandra said. "Maeve stirs across the sea. Two goddesses walk hand in hand with Aelin. More than that, Mala and Deanna have watched over her the entirety of her life. But perhaps it wasn't watching. Perhaps it was ... shaping. So they might one day unleash her, too. And I wonder if the gods have weighed the costs of that storm. And deemed the casualties worth it."
& previous lines on “all the players in the unfinished game” (I’m getting S&B Ruin & Rising vibes (for those of you Grishaverse fans; which btw one of these days I need a whole post about parallels & these two series, cause just the stag and lord of the north alone. I AM INTRIGUED & do love both fandoms ;-) + I think the crows would fit so well & it would be wonderfully & utterly chaotic🤣).
So, my general concern is this theory & warning everyone keeps giving Aelin about “the price”; from Rolfe’s tattoo map & warning question: “"That was the price of my power. What shall yours be, Aelin Galathynius?" She didn't reply to him before storming out. Though Deanna's voice had echoed in her mind. The Queen Who Was Promised.” To clever Elide’s question: “Was that the price for the humans they'd once been-magic that was somehow immune to what flowed naturally in this world? Or had the choice been taken from them, as surely as their souls had been stolen, too?” to crucial warnings like Brannon: “We burn not just within our magic, but also in our very souls. For better or worse.” & the danger continuing to grow like that of the FULL Deanna scene:
“And she said to him, in a voice that was deep and hollow, young and old, "Every key has a lock. Tell the Queen Who Was Promised to retrieve it soon, for all the allies in the world shall make no difference if she does not wield the Lock, if she does not put those keys back with it. Tell her flame and iron, together bound.”
She is the one, she has to get the lock, and she will have to pay the price for both (her ancestors & the darkness created in centuries of Erawan); one that will be heavy (one Elena failed to do; and I somewhat worry is because while she did sacrifice herself, her friends, her people, her kingdom, even letting Brannon fall to ruin (Brannon; the only one who ever successfully sealed it, because he sacrificed her mother, his love, “My mother died to forge that Lock!”) she did not let Gavriel “that which she most loved” fall; she tried to do it alone & was left with no option but to leave it to someone else; another era, another heir); now Aelin carries every thread, plot, battle aligning; the power she wields & sheer force of it, the weight of her crown & every choice it comes with, the price it will demand (the one she has spent a lifetime running from; “my crown is just another set of shackles”; the one Mala may have been shaping her to be able to make even through experiencing tragedy & turbulence in decisions over & over again). The warning in every choice; including the person she loves most (Rowan’s fear of “The people you love are just weapons used against you.”) “This thing between them, the force of it, could devour the world.” Her terror in that; struggling to allow them to go for the front lines while she survives, no longer alone & no longer able to take it all on, but struggling to let them in on the “master plan”. Struggling because even as she does, it weighs on them too: “Aelin was trembling, a hand on her friend-face so white and drawn that any harsh words he'd reserved for her were unnecessary. His queen knew the cost. It had taken her so damn long to trust any of them to do anything. If Aedion roared at her now, even if he still yearned to ... Aelin might never delegate again. Because if Lysandra hadn't been in the water when things had gone so, so badly…” And they do see it; the on-growing burden on Aelin’s shoulders & how she’s carrying the weight of it; both as a queen (despite her current lack of crown) another long-coming plot; as spoken by Chaol: “There she was, that queen looking out at him, a hint of the ruler she was becoming. And it knocked the breath out of him, because it made him feel so strangely young-when she now seemed so old.” And turning her desperate & weary; heavier slowly: “Since Rowan had gone, since word of Rifthold's fall had arrived, Aelin had been half present. Distant.” line after line “She'd grown quieter the farther north they'd traveled. Perhaps weeks on the road had sapped her.” They fear for her “And he wondered if Aelin was somehow watching the archipelago, and the seas, and the skies, as if she might never see them again.” for the price of such powers “We have yet to see the full extent of Erowan’s darkness. And I think we have yet to see the full extent of Aelin’s fire.” & They try to help “After tonight, depending on what the lords reported he'd try to find her a quiet place to rest for a day or two before they made the last leg of the trek to Orynth.” desperate to stop it “"She's not some unwitting pawn." He'd defy the gods, find a way to slaughter them, if they threatened Aelin, if they deemed these lands a worthy sacrifice to defeat the Dark King.” to protect her “Rowan at her right, Aedion at her left, Lysandra at her back; nothing and no one would get to their queen.” all the while they know they cannot as Rowan’s line painfully says: “This was war. These lands would endure far worse in the coming days and months. His queen, no matter how he tried to shield her, would endure far worse.” (Also the key word endure, frequently used for the “lost children of Terrasen” as I call their grouping). To even Aelin’s own words “She was a liar, and a murderer, and a thief, and Aelin had a feeling she'd be called much worse by the end of this war.”
This is where I fear Nightfall will come to rise in Fire-Heart:
I say all of this to say I get concerned when Maas feels the need to start a book with such warning; in both the price, and person paying it… Aelin is too much like Elena… Celaena has lost too much to lose anyone else (“And she would not add another name of her beloved dead to her flesh.” — “"We'll get her back, Aelin." "I can't bury another friend." "You won't."”)… and carrying it so heavily I worry she may overpay her share on their behalf’s. And between that & the many conflicting & star aligning forces of Rowaelin I worry the conflicts may grow; originally it was him not feeling “enough” for her because he’s a Prince not a King, he has no money no land no army (thankfully we are done with that piece because he can give her everything🥹 of his heart and that’s all she needs). We have the inevitable Maeve’s vendetta. We have my growing fear with the Carranam bond getting drained; like it almost did with Deanna. And the quotes all warning that their world may lead to another being destroyed, one or the other; “This thing between them, the force of it, could devour the world. And if they picked it, picked them, it might very well cause the end of it.”
… and though this isn’t due to Nightfall I am just concerned (I try to avoid spoilers (and continue to do so); but I already know it’s got a cliffhanger) and I have read enough Maas books (and just fandoms in general) to fear the 1-2 punch of “THEY’RE ALL GONNA DIE😱 — PSYCH😜 THEY ARE ALL FINE😅 — JUST KIDDING EVERYONE YOU LOVE IS DEAD!☠️” + the amount of possible brainwashing between Valg, Wyrdstones, and now gods… I’m just nervous (& still not 100% sure someone isn’t already secretly possessed).
MY DO NOT KILL LIST IS GETTING TOO LONG: From ASTERIN (scared me half to death SARAH) & Manon + 13 (obvi💁‍♀️), Abraxos & Fleetfoot & Evangeline (had to break my “no Google” rule to assure the latter twos safety *phew*), Aelin & Rowan (DON’T YOU EVEN DARE), Lysandra, Aedion, Dorian (HE’S BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH; STOP HURTING HIM), Elide (just let her be happy & home & make Marion proud dammit), Chaol (he’s not even here & I’m still a little mad BUT STILL) & Yrene (she hasn’t even fully come in yet & I don’t care I love her already) + Nesryn who babe, you know I love you, but I need more history & perspective to trust you fully (you seem cool, but I’m worried the lack of knowledge about you means your gonna lie or die, & it’s just too soon after Sorscha), Emrys (your safe in Mistward; STAY THERE), Sam (beloved, you’re still on this list; even though I know how it ended, & really do LOVE Rowaelin, I just still miss you; & want a Multiverse of happy endings for EVERYONE).
I hope Fire-Heart will bring:
More Manorian; and let’s be honest ALL the ships (+ it could get realll literal with the set-up right now😂 the ships are LITERALLY sailing🤣) of course I CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH ROWAELIN (though Fire-Bringer was great 🥵 THEY FINALLY SAID I LOVE YOU🥹👏) & I am SO HERE FOR Lysandra & Aedion! … also what’s up with Elide & Lorcan? (Her last name + his first name TOO SIMILAR😂)
More interactions in general between all the characters from ships, to friendships, to even enemies (who often also become friends😂) honestly might be my fav part about this book so far; seeing it all line up & crossover; (from aforementioned Elide & Lorcan), (to previous & hopefully again soon) Manon & Aelin, the FULL team with THE THIRTEEN (Asterin & our crew would be absolute chaos & I would love every second of it), Sorrel too! AND VESTA! Petrah Blueblood (I find her VERY interesting as a character), Elide & the “lost children of Terrassen” finally meeting; maybe some more Ren & Bane updates (cause I wonder about them & what their up to) to Abraxos & Fleetfoot (PLEASE I NEED THIS… just don’t eat eachother😅😂) & yes I do STILL miss Evangeline & Fleetfoot; though I am happy they are safe; while the fire trick was cool it was SO not sustainable, & I do trust Murtaugh… and these full circles; Ansel’s (presumed) reintroduction & the TAB throw-backs/crossovers (plus NOW Crochans?). —
Exploring things of the sort; what is the other side of the “Crochan’s tale”, what is Elide’s true bloodline, how does the new Mala knowledge effect Aelin & Dorian?
Who are the Cadre (& learning more of their history; both with Aedion & Gavriel (that blood oath better not pass to children), Lorcan (Elide is already helping there thankfully) the other twin because I already stan Fenrys, and really Rowan because who are they really? Despite the “blood oath” reasoning they spent centuries together there has to be more to it). I want to get to know the twins & their whole Yin & Yang balance; also what is Fenrys power? (why does Rowan let him go after Aelin in the water instead, he must be pretty dang powerful & more so than Rowan to be her best option in his eyes)! What other histories does Rowan have (are the “witches” one of them)? What else is Maeve (I will never trust her) hiding?
Why is Erowan this way (who really killed Aelin’s parents)? Are we POSITIVE the Ilken aren’t the creatures Elide saw in the basement (wow that sounds extra ominous😂)?
Will Chaol show up (how is his team & the southern allies coming along)?
What is the limitation to Lysandra’s powers (can they find a way to trick the Terrasen flower into “blooming”)?
Is their further crossover between these series (ACOTAR & CC)?
Explain further how certain things work such as mates (Rowan has two? Celaena/Aelin too maybe? & what that means for others)… And just a lil’ fluff (Rowan & Fleetfoot, the team all together, shenanigans & some side plots for funsies) maybe?…
I theorize Fire-Heart will:
Confirm Rowaelin as mates (they practically have already but I want to hear the words). Plus plenty more of them just being them (their every moment is so detailed & precious). Maybe even some more moments with Prince of Doranelle vibes ;-)
Show that there are multiple Carranams (possibly a dyad between Aelin & Dorian. Rowan & Aelin being the mates balance; making Aelin & Dorian the “friendship / rulers / fates” balance). & Without a limit to their power; the danger of over-draining others (Deanna causing Rowan to feel “thunder steal his magic” is CONCERNING & Dorian’s magic is hungry for it).
Confirm that Aelin can use shadowfire, moonfire, & power without limit. Explore her other gifts such as water & healing. Possibly introduce her as a powerful enough wielder to use all the forms (as briefly referenced as a possibility among others before).
Confirm Lysandra & Aedion as mates or at least a couple. (Also use it to explore Aedion’s history & introduce the Bane or at least their set-up).
Bring back the Mycenians since Lysandra & Aelin’s masterplan worked (THE DRAGON THEORY WAS RIGHT)!
Set sail on Manorian in a way that is explanatory/foreshadowing. (Possibly tap into Dorian’s immortality? & power exploration explanations. And go into Manon’s ability to forge a new alliance of peace between MANY groups; not because I’m suggesting the sexist “get married” nonsense so many are giving Aelin, literally just that she could speak on behalf of many groups & since Darrow has brought diplomatic debates into this war it could be an asset).
Introduce Ansel, and perhaps loop back to the Red Desert (unless the Silent Assassins have disappeared). Showing all of Celaena as we see all of Aelin (letting Rowan know even more of her, healing those wounds as he & her family fully accept her; hopefully doing the same thing for them; going through more history). & Similarly with Rowan; possibly saving the Cadre’s lives through it (or at least stopping Lorcans “execution”).
Tie in the spider silk, between Abraxos’s wings (Manon’s “stealing”), & Aelin’s Red Desert history deals. If not in this book than KoA.
Explain Maeve’s obsession with Aelin & vendetta against the family.
Aelin reclaiming her crown by having the heart of her people (we’ve seen “the future”, there is a woman with hair like moonlight; I think this is Manon. The people chant for her, she is their Queen and that is her court; including the witch).
I think Aelin (like Manon & the other golden eyed 13) are Valg proof. She has the golden eye ring of the Ashryver eyes… in that case maybe Aedion too?? (Hopefully🥺… I mean why else would history write a poem about it?) … While I’m at it let’s make Lysandra’s shifting immune too (protect all my bb’s)!😂
Reveal the Wyrdstone Elide carries as THE Lock (between her last name having the word lock😂 or “loch” I guess, the magic not being immediately recognized as a Wyrdkey by Lorcan, & Kaltain’s promise/importance with an explanation for the “living gate” term). Then when she reaches them so does the thread of fate (once again).
Go to Ellywe & both heal/break my soul (all this travel has made it inevitable; though it is cool to see more of the continents of this fictional world etc.)!🙃
Not something I truly believe but one I wonder on; is there a relation between either Rowan & Manon (history or hair color related😂) or Aelin & Manon (some sort of blood relation; the gold eyes & power levels?).
Not theories but things I think need to happen ASAP: STOP WEARING THE WYRDKEY as a necklace AELIN I DON’T care if it’s a “family heirloom” IT’S A BAD IDEA (have you not seen Harry Potter? — sry for another reference, but seriously DON’T WEAR HORCRUX LOCKETS folks)! Tell Elide the full truth; Celaena = Aelin (at least Lorcan is getting close). Commit to immortality (I’m looking at you Aelin & Aedion; esp. Aelin… ROWAN NEEDS THIS; the only time I will ever encourage a woman to “settle”😂)! Address the very long list of “things for later/back burner” because I can’t keep track😂 & they are all WAY too important😅, dangerous😬, and THE LIST IS LONG SO HURRY UP Y’ALL😁!!!
The Fire-Bringer:
A lot of reactions have random posts; per usual many of the opinions change with hindsight, but I like being able to look back & enjoy it for the first time so (while I do try to give an update) I’ll probably leave the posts up :-) hoping to get a few lil (by that I mean pages jk sry not sry lol I warned you) notes I’m pondering on in here though…
I love the Little Folk’s little but magical role:😊 when (not if; I’m gonna will it into reality with terminology) this gets an adaptation I can’t wait to see them! — I really love the fan art & its many different takes for what they may be all the way from fairy’s, to wisps, to “baby-Groot”-like characters! … I also wonder if they could help out with that “rulers flower thing” possibly, same as pondered for Lysandra (I think these “little things” will be keys to helping Aelin with “dum-dum Darrow” (as I’ve dubbed him; cause I’m angry! & it may be only a 1st read impression as of right now, but he’s also given me 0 reason to like him).
The Oakwald forest: EVERYONE IS SO CLOSE yet SO FAR! (At least Manon has finally made it to the team… well kinda… she better actually MAKE IT past the ship drop-off… if you can call it that?😅 this is why I need to type fast & go read!) If Tower of Dawn manages to match this pace of “just-missed, kinda-crossover” I see why the tandem read would work! It’s quite fun (& semi-irritating/anxiety-inducing but in a good way😂).
Speaking (writing?😂) of Manon: TALK ABOUT IMMEDIATE CHAOS, each of her chapters have been SO intense. I might have cried with her the most so far; I legitimately almost lost it over Asterin’s almost execution & The Thirteen (I AM VERY GLAD THEY FINALLY LEFT THE MATRON & got out so they can please be safe now; or at least they already are in my mind; though last we saw them it was all chaos, they were running (a win) & the shadows seemed to confirm them getting out (another good sign) while Asterin being dragged off screaming isn’t great I think she was shouting for Manon because she didn’t want to leave her… & I refuse to accept any other answer) only problem is Manon is not with them; & she really needs to be😅😅😭 instead of half-dead in the woods, hunted by a banshee-hound-thing? Abraxos honey, thank you for taking care of mother🥹😂 at least she is with the team on the same-ish side now. So, hopefully Abraxos will go grab the rest of The Thirteen while he drops Manon off? I NEED THE WHOLE GANG; I mean Erawan & Maeve are screwed in that case. Esp. since most of them are Valg proof golden eyed; & also have you seen these gals fight? … Honestly, I think they are one of the great shows of good writing in these books; because these characters could easily be read as villains & psychopaths to be hated, yet they manage to be a compelling, interesting, group of female badassery & sisterhood, that really captures your heart (pun intended). HOWEVER, I say all of this Spoiler-free while not oblivious; I have 2 &1/2 books left (wow that’s numbers too small I’m gonna get sad😅😂) I know people say this ending is a hard, & a book of cliffhangers… So, if this is “just” the beginning it can only get crazier😅 (I just don’t want to know; I want to think this will be like ACOTAR with no deaths as long as I can believe it) & even with the Matron’s probable on-it’s-way “dispatch”, they managed to hide Asterin for years. My main concern is Sorrel & Vesta as they’ve been given enough time to love them, yet not enough time for a full arc, I can’t have any red shirts & I’m a little worried for them (but I just wanna love them as long as I can🥹).
I’m so glad I was right; from day ONE I’ve been wondering about Aedion & Lysandra cause *coughs* I mean their first scene together ever… she’s changing his shirt… and now the whole “wandering off to give Rowaelin time” which while a fair-ish excuse it is also a little ;-) ;-) … and now that he’s said he’s gonna marry her “Because I am going to marry you," he promised her. "One day. I am going to marry you.”… I’m counting it (why is it giving New Girl CeCe & Schmidt?😂)
But in all seriousness ship-ness aside I appreciate their friendship; the understanding of each-other with a healthier trauma bond (for all they cannot say, yet carry so heavily; all the shame & fear Aedion is wrestling with; & the steady acceptance Lysandra gives) I loved them both as is, but together is something precious & nice to see develop (while staying slow, taking time, surety of respectful). While at times it feels fast, it makes complete sense (esp. as we don’t get their perspectives as frequently, & with the knowledge that mates can be pretty immediate; even if it’s not “said”; it tracks).
Though it hurt (& was also kinda healthily valid) to hear Aedion be angry with Aelin, it also says a lot about how much he cares for Lysandra (as Aelin often can “do no wrong in his eyes”) to be angry in the first place “And for the first time, he hated his cousin. He hated Aelin for asking this of Lysandra, both to defend them and to secure the Mycenians to fight for Terrasen. Hated the people who had left such scars on the shifter that Lysandra was so willing to throw her life away. Hated ... hated himself for being stuck in this useless tower.” While also knowing it’s not her fault, it is her choice, but it also had to be (he at least knows that & does cut her slack). “He was shaking now, that rage indeed taking over. But Rowan snarled at him, low and vicious, "Save it for later." Aedion growled right back at him. Rowan gave him a cold, steady look that said if he so much as began to hint at what their queen carried, he'd rip out his tongue. Literally. Aedion shoved down the anger. "We can't carry her, and she's too weak to shift." "Then we wait here until she can," Aelin said. But her eyes drifted to the bay, and to the city beyond, still cheering. victory—but very nearly a loss. The remnants of the Mycenians, saved by one of their long-lost sea dragons. Aelin and Lysandra had woven ancient prophecies into tangible fact. "I'll stay," Aedion said. "You deal with Rolfe." "Fine," he said. Aelin groaned, getting to her feet, but stared down at him before she took Rowan's extended hand. She said softly, "I'm sorry." Aedion knew she meant it. He still didn't bother replying.” & knows (because Lysandra makes him better; as she already reminds him with her knowing compassion): “"That man has endured enough, Aedion. A little kindness wouldn't kill you." "He stabbed Aelin. If you knew him as I have, you wouldn't be so willing to fawn over. "No one expects you to fawn over him. But a kind word, some respect-" He rolled his eyes. "Keep your voice down." She did- but went on, "He was violated, and even if you cannot draw up forgiveness for stabbing Aelin against his own will, then try to have some compassion for that." — Aedion snarled at her. Lysandra snarled right back and held his stare with the face not trained or built for bedrooms, but the true one beneath—wild and unbroken and indomitable. No matter what body she wore, she was the Staghorns given form, the heart of Oakwald Aedion said hoarsely, "I'll try." "Try harder. Try better."”)
& Then moments like him asking her to come with him to meet Gavriel, & she simply does. Or that she trusts him to carry her home, vulnerable & tired. I think they give a lot of what the other needs while growing to be who they are themselves. Plus Lysandra deserves to be a leopard princess, sister-in-law(ish) to Aelin. “Princess Lysandra Ashryver sounds nice, doesn't it?” YES IT DOES!
Speaking of Lysandra (who is seriously one of my all time favorites; I relate, I adore her, and really it just doesn’t get better then all of these characters) I WAS RIGHT ABOUT LYSANDRA BEING A DRAGON!!! GENIUS!! And also LYSANDRA WAS A DRAGON!!!!!! I love her & Aelin’s plotting (which also gets kinda Kaz Brekker vibes sometimes; she is so brilliant, & the fact Lysandra just piles into the shenanigans; I love them). TALK ABOUT POWER! Also what fun genius for mythology… winning the people’s hearts… etc. …if only she could turn into a flower… and making that moment the first perspective we have from her in this book was so fun! Shoutout to @ asexualzucchini for fandoming about this with me (heads up again cause I know your on a first read too; THIS POST HAS SPOILERS for Pt. 1 ;-)
ELIDE & LORCAN; a team-up I was NOT expecting, yet find SO intriguing. From highlighting Elide (which is well deserved) esp. in her truest strength; smarts (her & Annabeth Chase would’ve been besties) and as something even Lorcan sees & values greatly, extra fun as in combo to his physical strength it’s a pretty perfect team (& a helpful combo for storytelling because you see his perspective which is of course very different then spoken threats from Rowaelin perspectives ONLY; & of course once again while I’m curious to learn more on the Cadre; esp. since Lorcan often to me just seems angry to have “lost” his friend). And I do love the boundaries they respect (even as an unknown dare I say “anti-hero”? Lorcan still has some clear moral lines (& I generally appreciate that in the Maasverse that everyone except the worst of the worst can agree where those are) he also keeps his word a VERY intriguing piece of his character), also the representation they give (go team disability represent!) + small girlies hanging out w big brooding boys (there’s my “kitty” style reference for you Aelin lol). Also funny cause eventually they’re gonna end up in the same place😂 P.S. him calling her MARION (gut-wrenching), Crochan history (very curious), etc. IT’S JUST ALL SO INTRIGUING! … Now if we could only have an empowering crossover so she can go talk to Feyre & realize she’s already intelligent, powerful, & capable, & not being able to read has no effect on that!! (while we’re at it & I’m on a crow comparison kick; go hug Wylan please).
Another team up I didn’t expect but surprisingly loved most was Dorian & Rowan’s roadtrip through Rifthold (new movie adaptation idea?😂):
Dorian, Dorian, Dorian where do I begin? — I love him. I think he might be the most morally grounded character (odd as that sounds for someone that was recently possessed). He would be a good king, because most important he’s just a good man. My heart breaks for him, he’s seen a lot without time or space to deal with it (it’s just adding up; “The latter, Dorian realized, usually happened when even the heat and sun couldn't drive away the shadows of the past few months—when he awoke with his sweat feeling like Sorscha's blood, when he couldn't abide even the brush of his tunic against his neck.”); yet he still gives everything he can to his friends, his people, his country (& Rowan gives & takes care of him too (another Aelin paralell/foreshadowing; “"You're not going to believe me," Aelin went on. "What l've just said, you're not going to believe me. I know it--and that's fine. I don't expect you to. When you're ready, I'll be here.”) ; “He wasn't sure whether to thank the Fae Prince for noticing or to hate him for the kindness.” — Because Rowan knows; “"You're going to hate the world, Dorian. You are going to hate yourself. You will hate your magic, and you will hate any moment of peace or happiness. But I had the luxury of a kingdom at peace and no one depending upon me. You do not."”); and somehow Dorian just remains good and kind even when the world is not. He may carry more, but it is never an excuse for him; he sets aside his pride, humbled, un-selfish, caring, and really trying. (remarkable enough that even Rowan notices & takes note; “I have known many kings in my life, Dorian Havilliard. And it was a rare man indeed who asked for help when he needed it, who would put aside pride.”) And I also appreciate that he is cared for in this, seen for who he is; respected in it (FINALLY said quite well in: “Rowan knew most underestimated the sharp intelligence under that disarming smile. Knew that Dorian's value wasn't his godlike magic, but his mind”)
And getting the friends & care he deserves, like Aelin who kept her word “I came back for you. "You both came back,"” (he is her friend, she does care for him) as it’s shown because she went so far as to send Rowan (someone she would NEVER risk; “"I will save him," he murmured. "I wouldn't ask this of you unless it was ... Dorian is vital. Lose him, and we lose any support in Adarlan." And one of the few magic-wielders who could stand against Morath. Rowan's nod was grim. "I serve you, Aelin. Do not apologize for putting me to use." Because only Rowan, riding the winds with his magic, could reach Rifthold in time. Even now, he might be too late. Aelin swallowed hard, fighting the feeling that the world was being ripped from under her feet.” (When she says “losing support” she pauses; because really it’s about losing Dorian her friend, remember she’s always coming from the mindset of “she will not write another name on her scars” almost to the level of her “I will not be afraid mantra” fading in from QoS in this first EoS quarter) so she wouldn’t risk him even in leaving her side (which props to Maas for breaking a typical VERY possessive YA trait; even at the cost of a promise-ish from the last book; “Next time we need to save the world, we do it together. Deal.”). & keeps keeping that promise to save him; not only to keep her word, but keep her friend. Along the way he so easily becomes Rowan’s friend, thawing the ice by just being a decent guy (that says a lot for a centuries old Prince of stoic brooding). I love the genuine respect they have for each other; the time they take (even short as it is) to have a mini-boat therapy session because they needed it; it says a lot about the two of them as good men; the way they help each-other, plan & train together (Dorian even has time to understand Aelin’s time away with a new compassion😅😅 “Honestly, Dorian had no idea how Aelin had survived months of this--let alone fallen in love with the warrior while she did. Though he supposed both the queen and prince possessed a sadistic streak that made them compatible” & even see Rowan get a taste of the Celaena Sardothien world & find he has similar sass). vice-versa you also see someone valuing Rowan’s strength, strategy, personality beyond warrior or prince, without any of this “male pride chest-puffing instinct”. And the way despite the change in new healthier friendships you also have the original ones growing with them “"And will keep changing," she said, squeezing his arm once. "But... There are things that won't change. I will always be your friend." His throat bobbed. "I wish I could see her, just one last time. To tell her... to say what was in my heart." "She knows," Aelin said, blinking against the burning in her eyes. "I'll miss you," Dorian said. "Though I doubt the next time we meet will be in such …civilized circumstances." She tried not to think about it. He gestured over her shoulder to her court. "Don't make them too miserable. They're only trying to help you."” It helps both him and them; like the team they need to be & are finding a way in: “"We'll figure it out." She loosed a breath. "But your being king is the first step of it."” Like the Queens & Kings they have been becoming for a world slowly building; starting with the fact he is one of the good men that do exist (like Nehemia & Celaena said) and as already shown: “Ten years later, and they were all sitting together at a table again--no longer children, but rulers of their own territories. Ten years later, and here they were, friends despite the forces that had shattered and destroyed them. Aelin looked at the kernel of hope glowing in that dining room and lifted her glass. "To a new world," the Queen of Terrasen said. The King of Adarlan lifted his glass, such endless shadows dancing in his eyes, but--there. A glimmer of life. "To freedom."” esp. as he helps raise up women in positions of power to do so as well! (We love a King ally)
Much like Aelin growing into a queen you see the shift as Dorian becomes a King. “Never again. Never again would he be weak and useless and frightened.” (From a quote I appreciated and found Nesta paralells in). “To her surprise, a king smiled back.” And I just hope somewhere along the way Dorian also finds his happy ending much like our queen is slowly finding a way too (like Rowan said; “You will find your way, too, Dorian. You'll find your way out.”); I think Manon is promising, I think he finally has a real family, & he’s learning his power which is good; his already Kingly skills also come in handy, they needed a diplomat. And for two characters I love so much, a genre that rarely shows good friendships between so many characters and guys having emotions and bonding beyond a love interest trope… I just loved it! p.s. thanks again @ mysterylilycheeta for fandoming about this one with me (and many others :-)
Now speaking of Dorian quotes (plus I needed a transition lol) much like Dorian I do sometimes miss Chaol; “"You know," he said, "sometimes I wish Chaol were here to help me. And then sometimes I'm glad he's not, so he wouldn't be at risk again. I'm glad he's in Antica with Nesryn.”while also being glad he’s off somewhere else… not just ‘cause of the injury (I actually hope they don’t make that THE “problem”, at least in the sense of making him “useless”. While healing in a magical realm is a useful skill, representation of disabled characters in the read world is also really important & still super kick-ass & powerful)… So, I’m glad he’s gone not for that but for the fact I think his mentality would conflict right now (& while Aelin isn’t always right; & does sometimes need a check as Aedion aforementioned & does this at least better thank Chaol in timing & how) + most of the time ya kinda need to just “keep calm & trust the process” because while “the gods may have some “masterplan” & only Aelin can outsmart & outplan them (you just have to let her go for it)… and hopefully Elide will be there to help soon!
Now speaking of good friends, & the rest of this post from “threads of fate”, to really loving characters, friendships, relationships (even most of my favorite quotes) it’s time to address THE SHIP because there is ROWAELIN. TRULY WHERE DO I START? I love them. They are perfect. Nothing can break them (Nothing better try). I love the peace & hope they hold for the other (they want more together, for each other; to live.). The balance they carry; especially when one is down, the other lifts them up (even rapidly flipping; I’m a few Chapters into Part 2 (spoiler sentence)🚨 & there’s the moment where it goes from her being on fire & him waking her from her nightmares, to him so panicked to save her he’s freezing the room & she’s soothing him). The way they are so alike, & shown even more so (as I’ve briefly mentioned) in this book (Rowan having some Celaena moments, her taking on a leader & diplomatic role, learning to control water & him teaching her to heal, exploring each others histories & a growing team of friends for & with them) & VERY different (they are the balance even in what they do share; for instance a scene I think on frequently: when Rowan leaves to go get Dorian, and Aelin cannot let him go. Right there she uses very specific words; she does not ask him to stay instead she says she cannot let him go; because she knows asking him to stay (like Lyria had begged) would kill him or telling him “he’s leaving her” would utterly destroy them both. And he does the same; he distracts her (knows what she needs) takes a moment for them (stops the clock) kisses her and then leaves before she opens her eyes in a flash, so she does not have to watch him leave (again), or (be the one to) walk away from him (he knows she already used all of her will to even have him go in the first place, she cannot ask anything more or she will not ask at all), or run again. They both are feeling the same thing, while understanding the differences they have experienced, they take the notice to love the other the way they need & the only way they can). Part of it stems from something I’ve adressed on the blog before, the honesty they share; and desperately needed. Or have discussed with other fans in beyond that the fact they trust, they can have it all on the table, and respect what has to be kept. Part is the fact they are the others soulmate (waiting for those words: “mate” to “officially” & finally seal what we ALL know by now😂). Another being the threads of fate every character keeps seeing; they are VERY tightly bound beyond separation; for better or worse a tangled knot that can not be undone.
The way in that they would fight by the others side, live & die together, for each-other. They would save the world for each-other (like Rowan jumping in front of the moonfire because he knew her fiery soul; “"No!" The word was a roar, a plea, and silver and green flashed in her vision. A name. A name clanged through her as he hurled himself in the path of that fist, that moonfire, not just to save those innocents in the city, but to spare her soul from the agony if she destroyed them all-Rowan.” — “"If you had destroyed that city, it would have destroyed you, and any sort of hope at an alliance."”) It goes beyond taking a bullet for the other, it goes to taking a bullet from the other (you see that side a lot in HoF). They would save the other for the world (like he says, the world needs alliances; because he knows it needs her, his queen). Or the other from the world; “And as his face became clear, his tattoo stark in the sun, as that fist full of unimaginable power now opened toward his heart-There was no force in any world that could keep her contained.” Together, to whatever end. They would even destroy it for the other; “But if it was death separating us … I would find you. I don’t care how many rules it would break. Even if I had to get all three keys myself and open a gate, I would find you again. Always.” They deserve something that’s an always, known, world & gods defying. And while I appreciate the way they defend each other, I also appreciate the way they defend their friends together; it may be them to whatever end, but it’s also not just them against the world (more so for the world?) they may be capable of destroying the world for each other, still they choose to give everything to save it. They choose each other, they continue to do so, to accept, to be honest. “Even if this thing between them ... even if he knew it was not mere lust, or even just love. This thing between them, the force of it, could devour the world. And if they picked it, picked them, it might very well cause the end of it.” they have a powerful love (one that is quite literally more powerful together). I love that scene too, the carranam; the way he steadies her (he knows why the manacles scare her, knows how to help her breathe despite it; “she is not afraid”), trusts her (she could kill them both, but he believes in her, always has, even before she believed in herself) gives her his power (talk about a feminist ally😂 he literally uses his power to give her more power), and she blazes the world (better & worse); she trusts him enough for the irons (something she may have killed someone else for), she trusts his trust in her (it empowers her metaphorically too), trusts him to save her from herself; trusts him which as this line shows; “"You trust nothing. She met his eyes. "I trust you."” is almost a miracle in itself. I love the easy rhythm they fall into like breathing, simple domesticity (even among war), natural understanding (soulmates), gentle unconditional stubborn & unchanging love that simply is. & is accepted as such. Learning more of their history in parallels & new perspectives, tales & legends, chaos & opposites (especially opposed in power) FIRE & ICE and remains the “meant to be” Carranam; though one of a kind it also understands itself in being love among grief, giving it the ability to see & soothe the unhealthy internal monologues… in a way that’s honestly kinda healing to read; I love their quotes, I love their scenes, I love their characters, I just love them.
It’s been fun to see more Aelin as Aelin, (and I’m not meaning “The one in green smiled, but for all its delight, all its wicked mischief ... It was a softer smile, made with a mouth that was perhaps less used to snarling and teeth-baring and getting away with saying hideous, swaggering things. Lysandra, then. The two queens faced Rolfe.” Lysandra twin-swap scene 😂) the way Celaena is now recognized as a part to play; “You met Aelin when she was still pretending to be Celaena” — “Because it was Celaena who sat here-for whatever purpose, it was Celaena Sardothien in this room.” from the way Rowan helped & accepted her all along. Rowan has always been her protector, her guard, her best champion, fiercest warrior & love, her dearest friend, her everything. It’s the one that saw all & loved anyways “to have one person who knew the absolute truth about her--and didn't hate her for it.” — “I see you, I see every part of you. And I am not afraid.” he is not afraid of her; the first time she’s ever had that… Something she desperately needs as someone so fear-based… She went from being a child who was never not afraid; she was taught to fear her power, fear the secret coming free, because she would be persecuted; because her people would not love her for what she was; she was protected against it and taught her powers weren’t to be trusted. She spent so long burying herself… Arobynn taught her that; created a world of only that for her to exist in, only to survive never to live. And as I’ve said before I LOVE SAM, I truly think he would have accepted her without flinching (I love & believe in the many soulmates for many lives theories; he was Celaena’s) but over & over again the saddest four words of almost they never had time. Thinking someone would love you “even if” is different that getting to experience it, she was still afraid he would turn her in or turn away, he would judge her as she judged herself, or didn’t know “how dark she could go”; like he was too good and she would drag him down. And here is Rowan: the one person who could stop her (the dark comfort she takes in knowing he could save the world if she endangered it; “That is how I was able to stand before the King of Adarlan, how I was able to befriend his son and his captain, how I was able to live in that palace. Because I did not give that rage, those memories, one inch. And right now I am looking for the tools that might destroy my enemy, and I cannot let out the monster, because it will make me use those tools against the king, not put them back as I should--and I might very well destroy the world for spite. So that is why l must be Celaena, not Aelin--because being Aelin means facing those things, and unleashing that monster. Do you understand?”) and doesn’t think that of her; “For whatever it's worth, I don't think you would destroy the world from spite.”
To the moment on the beach that strikes me again & again; Aelin in her rawest state (inner child & traumatized immortal), sobbing, unclothed (a very important detail not because of the rest of Chapter 38 spice but because of the psychological component; she is stripped down to her core at her worst, most vulnerable, visibly terrified uncomfortable state; it’s more like a nightmare of giving a speech & realizing your the only one without clothes), on fire (no hidden power or sense of control), unleashing an entire storm (after almost destroying the world; her world; even against her will); because she is Aelin Ashryver Galathynius “the rightful heir of fire” and Queen of Terrasen; she has been “Adarlans Assassin” & a “King’s Champion” Lillian, Elentiya, Celaena… all of these names… and yet, she is still afraid. And she cannot stop it; she is trying & failing, feeling every step backwards for every step she takes, she is running to nowhere, she is lost. And then there is Rowan. Rowan, who walked to the creak to see her, and went loudly so she would know & not be afraid. Rowan who knows when she needs to let off steam (literally) & has been burned & still does not turn away from her. Rowan who now is “silent as death” because he knows her mind is already screaming enough for the both of them. Rowan who follows her; over & over, unflinching, returning, staying, seeing, & still believing in her (even before she believed in herself; even when she cannot). She is begging for anyone that listens to take the job & all its “blessings & burdens of power”, wishing for a bottom to the endless abyss of her power, drowning in it; helpless in her own strength, because she does not trust herself (how can she when she can’t even be herself; not just Celaena; but Deanna), trying to run from herself. And Rowan who sees, hears, knows; and only cares about her. Choosing her. Loving her. Telling her those words. Arguing against the voices in her head for her; making her feel for a moment that maybe somehow she’s worth it (or at least too lucky to care even if she’s not). Because he has every reason to go; he knows what he could lose (even as they stand there; he is still shaken & terrified; he just saw a god steal the woman he loves from her own mind; he has no idea how to fight that & bring her back) He has lost that; felt it for centuries The world may be the price, they may be the price, they are in the middle of a war waged & waiting for hundreds of years; and he does not care. He only cares about her; better & worse. And she is not alone; never again. Reminding her that she can be both, staying on the road. As he says (a quote that made me cry): “You and I will learn to manage your power together. You do not face this alone; you do not decide that you are unlovable because you have powers that can save and destroy. If you start to resent that power… I don’t know where we go on that road.” And when she voices it, that fear (that brought me to tears); you’re just crazy for loving me.“"Because I'm the only one arrogant and insane enough to ask Mala Fire-Bringer to let me stay with the woman I love. Her flames turned to pure gold at the words-at that word. But she said, "Perhaps you're just the only one arrogant and insane enough to love me."” He simply, firmly, undoubtably, says no. … And when the times comes; when he creates a snow storm of his own (& destroys half a forrest😂) she just laughs, holds him closer, kisses him again. As she says; “who would not look at those flames with any ounce of fear.” as anyone else would have. They aren’t afraid of each other, they aren’t afraid, not together. “But Rowan had caught her each time she had fallen-first, when she had plummeted into that abyss of despair and grief; second, when that castle had shattered and she had plunged to the earth. And now this time, this third time ... She was not afraid.”
And because they are equal, because they will go to whatever end, because they pull each other back over & over whenever/wherever they drift. (And while I love Lyria, I believe she was one of his soulmates) I don’t think anyone ever understood him so well in return… Rowan loved Lyria. Lyria wanted him to stay for good reason, but he was not able to tire to rest to settle; she did not understand the warrior; just as he couldn’t understand enough not to be. Where peace was never quite had, the warrior that could not rest; there is Aelin. Who just goes to war with him, for him, for them. She is his hope, his queen, his love, his world, his fireheart🥹, & his everything (& thankfully NOT because of the blood-oath; “"How does she do it?" Aelin asked baldly. "With Rowan, it's not ... Every order I give him, even casual ones, are his to decide what to do with. Only when I actively pull on the bond can I get him to ... yield. And even then it's more of a suggestion." "It is different with her," Gavriel said softly. "Dependent on the ruler it is sworn to. You two took the oath to each other with love in your hearts. You had no desire to own or rule him." Aelin tried not to flinch at the truth of that word—love. That day ... when Rowan had looked into her eyes as he drank her blood ... she'd started to realize what it was. That the feeling that passed between them, so powerful there was no language to describe it ... It was not mere friendship, but something born of and strengthened by it.” glad they clarified that to give consent). I’ve said this about them before and I’ll say it again there is something healing in how wholly they accept and understand each other (to the point you would think they are reading minds), how evenly matched and equal they are. They are two of the best matched characters I know of; at times even to a fault (but even that is taken in stride). Aelin and Rowan are everything they have ever been with the other. This isn’t a comparison, there’s something beautiful to each of them (I’ll even still say that to Dorian & Aelin, the way their friendship came to be, and re-reads what might have been) there is just the fact that this is different and I think it’s a special kind of something. And the fact in the matching for the other they can go to the ends of the earth together; whether it be as Queen and Prince (though he would make a good king ;-) or assassins, gentle souls trying to rest, never at rest but trying for peace, fae and shifters fire and ice, warriors, martyrs, saviors, villains, Kings Champion & Maeve’s Cadre, friends, mates, whatever it may be “to whatever end”.
I especially love them in the little things… all these moments that show everything I’ve said and more.
The detail in Rowan knowing the other side to Aelin keeping him at the beach, and it not taking away from the moment. He knows, he accepts it. They know the layers, they don’t pretend otherwise, they don’t run or fight it, they just sit with it. The way he held her & grounded her during the sea battle, believing in her even as she lost her balance in power, the way she came back from Deanna for him, the way she held on to him through the storm. She reminds him what he is; that he is everything she needs, she doesn’t take the bullshit, she doesn’t give up; she lends a hand, or lets him follow, or defends him. And they finally said it; I love you. — Actually better than that, worlds best quote award of: “I love you. There is no limit to what I can give to you, no time I need. Even when this world is a forgotten whisper of dust between the stars, I will love you.”They finally chose this, them; and the world needed it (I will go down with the ship of them as queen and king). … So, my shippers heart is happy, I want more, I’m happy they’re happy, I want them to stay happy. They are the best brightest threads of fate & for a book I’ve loved to see tie together, the Rowaelin ship has been pretty perfect.
And some random notes I keep wondering on:
The color green in this series… From Lysandra’s eyes (the one marker she keeps in each form; funny as it’s also Terrasen (her future Courts) color, to Rowan’s pine green (& often “home” like Terrasen descriptions (once again)) to the green roofing of Rifthold, or tiling of the desert, the stolen wax stamp rings, Terrasen’s color, etc. … it’s just used to tell a lot of story & I find it a fun note!
On the subject of these “fun notes” I’d also like to Mention Maasverse “deals” in wording; I find it so interesting how carefully phrased (like a genie) things need to be, yet kept to their word they are. I feel like there’s some loopholes within some plots right now using that clause (if only there was Mort to prove it!)… I miss Mort…
There’s all of Lysandra’s shapeshifting, the character in that, her character all together. And then moments like Rowan reaching her to fly, to have her own wings. And introducing more powers outside of fae.
Fenyrs possible… winnowing? Whatever reason it was that Rowan sent him to save Aelin instead of himself (obviously meaning he was more capable because Rowan would save her any means necessary).
And these aforementioned threads of fate are pretty brilliantly done, I look forward to continuing to enjoy them. From Oakwald to 10 years ago to the detail of plans (Aelin going to the temple, for Brannon & the Dragon, & her territory claim… etc.)… SO MANY!!!
Especially because of YOU!..
— Final, biggest most important book/fandom thought yet: —
THANK YOU to the Maasverse!
As someone who doesn’t know anyone reading these —one of my favorite things to do is talk about them with other fans— I’m thankful to still have that; I’m thankful that tumblr has that; and thankful that y’all are so welcoming, kind, talented, & lovely! (Limiting full tags as this post is ridiculously long and no one should “have” to read it😂)
There’s a long list of you, to name a few (others please know you are still on the list, loved & appreciated)!! @ archerons-elain @ highladyelenna @ iwantavaldezinator @ romantasyreader28 @ antvwinderbaum @ shadowhunters77 @ chaos-on-stand-bi @ theauroragalaxy @ impossibelle @ aelin-fire-heart @ autumnbabylon @ headboymalfoy @ somebooksbelonginthesinbin @ idfendyr @ winged-artistic-wolf @ batter-upp @ cheap-spirits @ just tsteffs50cts @ xxvalkyriesxx @ captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @ lynnsthoughts @ maevecrom @ stingy-swann @ mothlvrtothemoon @ wannaberachelgrxxn @ sweetokami @ avymiir
& so if I missed any, like I said just know you are so appreciated🫶 … and sorry I get confused sometimes (as this is technically a secondary blog to @lavendarneverlands lol😂). It’s always me though🤣
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luxaofhesperides · 8 months
decided to make an actually useful pinned post so here we go:
i have a newsletter that goes out every so often with my thoughts on things, what i'm reading, and occasionally a look at my original wips. it's totally free bc this is just a little thing i do for fun. subscribe if u want! here's the link
all of my writing can be found under the 'my writing' tag. edits, usually book edits, are under 'my edit'.
my ao3 is aryelee and every fic i post in here is also posted over there so if youre having trouble finding something, that's where you should go!
all my random thoughts are tagged as 'rambles' and when i live blog the comics im reading, i use 'comic read' so block either of those if you don't want me clogging ur dash.
below the cut is a look at all of my wips at the tags i use for them
this darkness swallows us whole ; the very first wip i ever started when i first began writing. it's a hot mess with too many uncompleted first drafts, but i love it so much. demons, gray morality, and one mute girl ready to start throwing hands. - #camellia
every other face ; superhero wip! with a villain taking in a child and trying to live a normal life despite the hero, her main nemesis, constantly popping in to make sure the kid is safe and she hasn't decided to cause trouble. - #caerleon community
past the pages ; isekai wip focusing on the characters trying to figure out what went wrong when the 'villainess' goes missing, ruining the happy ending the protagonist was expecting
- no tag yet! will update once i post about the wip on here.
these aren't wings, they're futures ; in which tim and damian travel back in time to when jason was robin, and try to make this new timeline better while avoiding being caught by the bats for the illegal things they're doing as very young children. - ao3 link - #these arent wings
medium!tim verse ; in which tim is a medium who helps ghosts. three timelines planned: canon, polaris, and civilian. - ao3 link - #medium tim verse
manako ; my dc oc, a very tired, no nonsense baker in gotham who doesn't want to deal with bats begging for snacks in the middle of the night. ocs everywhere, and a look into the community of gotham and the life of civilians. - ao3 link (to be made) - #manako
ghostlights requests (dc x dp) ; fics made for danny fenton/duke thomas prompts sent in to me. currently not accepting prompts. - ao3 link - #prompt fill
those who serve (dc x dp) ; danny is taken in by alfred and works as his apprentice in wayne manor. - ao3 link - #alfred's apprentice au
the harmless series (dc x dp) ; danny is reincarnated as damian's older brother + the fallout of remembering - masterpost of all parts - #the harmless series
my askbox is always open if you want to know more about any of these!
(last edited: 7.21.24)
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aephalen · 8 months
Hii im Aeph! Never made a pinned post before so hopefully im doing this right but heres a few important things about this blog!
Please ask before using my art! i usually dont mind its just good manners you know :)
if you urgently need me contact me on insta!
 still new to this whole tumblr thing, please bear with me 😭
 i sometimes forget to respond to comments, its not intentional im just very forgetful, sorry! :(
Carrd // Insta // Toyhouse
Art Tag → My art
Fnaf Tag → Fnaf
Asks Tag → Asks
Jester and the gang → Cotd
A lot of people ask me about him so here's his ref and some random info! My blog is pretty much decorated with him so why not :)
Ill probably be tossing random fun facts and updates down here so if youre interested feel free to read the nonsense below
I have a couple projects going on involving him, one of them being a site for him and the rest of his crew!
He started as a simple daycare oc but ive kinda separated him from sb completely and he now has his own location which is slightly connected to sister location, i need to redesign most of the other animatronics tho :(
I commissioned a fully rigged 3d model of him by hidiwimae! thats where my header comes from :)
He somehow kinda ended up representing me online on most platforms lmao
If i hear one more Fizzarolli comparison im gonna strangle someone, yes robot jester with sharp teeth i get it thank you
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26 notes · View notes
of course I've been following you for a while, and I think i asked something along these lines before, but maybe not to this extent? unsure, as I can't find the previous ask I sent.
I was raised within the Xtian culture (I'm agnostic, but still practice the Xtian cultures and traditions; namely Xmas and the January New Year) and follow a few Jewish tumblrs, but I never know - when you or they post in reference to or in celebration of Judaism - if I can reblog things as a form of "goyim support"? Because I always want to share posts from the people I follow, but I never want to inadvertently claim an identity, religion and/or culture as my own to people who don't know me (i.e. random people who follow me.)
Does this make any sense? No clue, sorry if it's mostly nonsense. Like, I know that tagging posts with something along the lines of "I'm not Jewish but [...]" can detract from the actual topic of the post and then I'm making my act of reblogging something about myself as opposed to actually being supportive? But then! I'm hesitant because during my internal debate I think "if I don't clarify that I am not Jewish, I will be inadvertently appropriating the identity of Jewish people."
I don't want to pretend to "be Jewish" without actually being Jewish, is I guess what I'm trying to communicate. (Am I? I don't very well know.) And to expect or request "Okay for goyim to reblog!" on anything/everything would be absolutely ridiculous, so I won't.
How I got from "I want to share this cool post about Judaism from a blog I follow" to fear of appropriation on my part is beyond me, but alas. ("It's not that serious" they call from the peanut gallery.)
Any advice on how one such as myself might tread these waters? If you don't want to or can't answer for any reason, I understand. This isn't the be-all and end-all of situations, just a question from one stranger on the internet to another. I just hope I've been able to convey this rambling comes from a place of respect and well-meaning curiousity.
Hi there!
I appreciate your sensitivity to this and desire to balance things - that tells me you are kind and want to be respectful. So, thank you for asking; it's a good question! Tumblr is kind of a weird format with the reblogs structured as they are.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I always lock reblogs on things I don't want reblogged and tag things as "goyim DNI" or similar if it is too much of a sensitive intra-Jewish issue or whatever. For positivity, I typically don't assume that everyone reblogging it is Jewish, and honestly appreciate when people who aren't Jewish want to spread positivity about us. That said, if you want to make a clear distinction, I think tagging it something like "reblog of support" would do the job without derailing.
Obviously two Jews, three opinions, but that's what I'd say for me at least. 😊
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xarrixii · 6 months
to those of inquiry,
my introduction
hello, fellow traveler of the hellscape that is this website (or app, if you happen to be on your phone using such)
my name is @xarrixii, and i am better known as "arri"
i have a separate blog from this one designed for reblogging other peoples' work. if that's something you're more interested in (my taste in writing), then i suggest you visit @the-arrikive
masterlists a long way under the divider
i have come from a land not so far away (planet earth) to share the nonsensical nonsense of my brain (my writing).
i write both longer, novel-like stories and responses to writing prompts when i'm feeling it (feel free to send me one, if you'd like). my brain is random, though, so i can't guarantee i'll get something out right away.
i am irregular. do not expect something like weekly uploads. you get a story when i remember to post one and have one available. i shall not rush the accidentally filled plotholes genius i breed.
sometimes i make edits. i've made a lot of edits recently, like layout/ease of access and also wording on some of the earlier chapters. (already read chapter one of cinder? i changed the beginning because i hated it and i personally would put down the book immediately if i'd found it in the library)
i still hate the first sentence but honestly, the noggin can't think of anything better so we'll cry about it later
also, grammarly hates me because i don't like its grammar rules and i don't capitalize my "i"s when i'm casually speaking. i hate grammarly because some of its suggestions are stupid. i just don't want to turn it back on every time i eventually end up needing it.
less important: i am cisgender. i identify with she/her, but i could really care less (not quite sure that counts as any). i am pansexual. (frying pans don't have enough personality, don't ask about them)
what i like reading:
i love, love love love love love love love it when a book focuses on its characters. there's nothing wrong with taking in the fantasy world they built for the people to live in, i'm all for that as well. it's just a trend i see that the more a book focuses on following its plot, the less it focuses on the people riding out that plot.
i'm a firm believer in characters "building a plot" based around their actions, even if that means an author built a plot and then designed the perfect character for enacting it.
also, i grew up a gacha kid (gacha studio/life/club). that means i'm familiar with cliches and love it when people throw them on their heel. it's also (unfortunately) made me enjoy love stories less (which makes things difficult since books that focus on characters almost always have some love plot that works out).
i'll read a hero x villain, sure. but sometimes i might think up the ending where they don't love each other (platonic and rival)
ask me any time about what i enjoy reading if i've confused you (it happens a lot).
what i like writing:
this one's a lot simpler, i like writing what i like reading. because if i wouldn't read it later, why would anyone else?
due to me being cringe once upon a time, i spent several years writing out roleplays (yes, i was the edgy roblox kid too) with some friends, so anything super long i write for a very long time from now will be my personal adaptation of something that's already existed before
writing prompts are the truest test of my creative abilities, though. making up new characters, a new environment, and a new plot based on the whims of a few sentences from time to time is what keeps my rewrites from being copy-pastes.
that also just keeps it fun for the friends who wrote it with me once and will read it from my fingers typing it again
also to note, i'm not afraid of writing about blood, gore, violence, and the like, and i'm also insensitive to what all needs to be tagged, so any help with that goes a long way
most of my writing prompts will be written with non-binary characters
if you find me fucking up pronouns please notify me where i diddled it up thank you!!
so about being a gacha kid
i suck at drawing. the physical descriptions of my characters are laid out in gacha apps, and yes i am mildly embarrassed about it. but putting their designs down somewhere means i have something reliable to refer to while writing.
thou shalt not judge me for it.
writing. i guess a bit obviously. i also still enjoy playing video games and listening to music. i like watching horror games, but can't bring myself to play them. i also make a lot of jokes about violence. i mean a lot. but i know when to take something seriously.
favorite roblox games including: entry point, scp: site roleplay, funky friday, robeats, 3008
i also play genshin impact occasionally, and no i'm not elaborating.
if you couldn't tell by now, i talk too much. moving on:
hey, me! i know you're reading this, because i know you're the most likely suspect for looking for these links all the time.
"Cinder" Masterlist writing prompts
looking for more? ask me! send me prompts! FILL MY INBOX!!!
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chrismerle · 1 year
Well hello there
Hey, hi, hello. I'm Elspeth. Elsa or Els work, too. Or Chrismerle if you just wanna stick with usernames. There have been a few iterations of my pinned post, but I figured it was about time to put together a new one.
I'm in my 30s. Greyromantic asexual. Nonbinary. I prefer they/them but honestly I'll take whatever pronouns you lob at me. I crochet. I make jewelry. I do tarot readings. I write (mostly ghostwriting lately, but sometimes I have time to write something I can actually share on tumblr). I edit. I do a bunch of things.
This blog is mostly a mishmash of fandom stuff, art stuff, some political stuff, and cute animals. I don't try to stick to any one theme in particular. Theoretically, I'm a writeblr blog, and I'm open to tag games or answering questions about my WIPs, but I'm very inactive as a writeblr because of work. My queue spits out 30 posts a day and is generally loaded for at least 10 to 15 days out, and I also periodically reblog random shit on the spot.
My WIPs:
#wip: threshold: Portal fantasy of mixed/indeterminate subgenre, wherein a bunch of young adults from the regular world get lured through a portal and stranded, and need to be guided back home. Complications occur. (Smells a bit like Fallen London.)
#wip: brothers: Short story exploring what it means to find your own identity when you've only ever been part of a package deal before.
#wip: eigengrau: Vaguely European low(-ish) fantasy dealing with gods and fae being fickle, zombies, cults, and a zombie cult.
#wip: ties that bind: Honestly I don't even fucking know. I've started it over twice and haven't liked it either time. It's vaguely about people finally getting to tell their own story after the world has silenced them and made up a story for them, but the story itself keeps falling to shit.
#series: rags 'n' addy: It's an oddball series of one shots primarily following the characters Ragnarok and Adam. Sort of horror, sort of fantasy, sort of rustic sci-fi. Happy to accept one shot prompts if you want to give one.
Most of my original, non-reblogged posts:
#actual journaling: Mostly me yammering on about my day or my pets.
#elsa liveblogs nonsense: My running commentary on whatever I am watching, playing, or reading at the moment.
#writeblr: All of my original fiction writing stuff, including my WIPs and some things that otherwise weren't tagged.
#jewelry drop: Stuff I've made for my Etsy shop. Not all of it is actually jewelry, but I didn't want too many tags just for the shop.
Support me:
Writing commissions
Editing commissions
Crochet commissions
Tarot readings
Etsy shop
Venmo: @Taylor-Williams-1105
Or tip this post!
Other places to find me:
AO3 (currently locked to members only; I have extra invites if you need one)
Discord (DM me first)
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jyndor · 2 years
Re your tags on my post about Wobani building Death Star parts, I absolutely agree that Death Star parts were being built in all imperial factory prisons. When the cruelty is the point rather than the efficient extraction and processing of resources, some random beuracrat will be less likely to notice that they all the products seem to be going into a money pit. But I also think retroactively those same lines from Rebel Rising also establish that prison labor is being used to make parts for the Exegol fleet. We know from the Darth Vader comics that the surprise Star Destroyers had already been started in 4ABY. That's just what the line in RR that it felt like Wobani had made enough Star Destroyer panels for a whole new fleet made me think of. This isn't really related to Andor, I just know you're someone who can understand a Rebel Rising theory.
Also I really like the content of your blog.
yep i think you're right about how cruelty being the point can lend itself to officers/imps in the field not really knowing/caring/thinking about what the fuck they are working on (and also by the time they would find out, they'd be so brainwashed into accepting the premise of the empire being for security and order that it wouldn't even occur to most of them that it's horrible).
although i hate exegol i hate the sequels i hate 'somehow palpatine returned' (and i hated it in legends too btw its ridiculous) and i very much refuse to include any of that nonsense in my rogue one thoughts XD
omg thanks so much <333 your post was great!
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browneyes-issac · 2 years
Ok so I came up with an idea. Definitely can tell I'm still trying to figure out a good flow for me with getting my reading done since I've been working, cause I'm all over the damn place still... 😆🙈
I'm gonna tag all my people that I read their work on a regular basis. So you guys know too, why I'm only using tags and not reblogging normal, and using my wonky account I made.. 😆 ( I'll tag at the end of my ramble. Also, if you'd like updates with me but don't necessarily wanna follow, I have a tag " lil life updates 💞 " I put the 💞 so it could just be my posts, and won't get mixed in with other peoples posts, lol. 😊)
So I'm gonna use my account thats linked up with this one.. Since it's just sitting there, lol.
I'm gonna use it as kind of a bookmark blog. Yes I know I could do it on here, I see lots of people do it. 💞 but since I made that account, I figured I'd use it for something instead of leaving it alone. And since I post/reblog random stuff on here.. Kinda give me some santy of what I need to read.. 🤣
And of course to help boost you're guy's work double time.. Not just me reblogging normal on here. 💞
I'll bookmark the ones I get tagged in too, not just the non ones... Cause I wanna show love still and my goofiness.. Because ya know I'm gonna end up being a dork... 😆😆 And just to say heyyy I see you sharing a masterpiece!! 👀🤗
I will make a master post of what each tag I use means in the next few days. Example-- tbr, currently reading, new find.. Stuff like that.
I think I'll start doing this tonight or tomorrow... I have not decided yet. I got some tagged things I need to read that I'm super excited aboutttt.. Then I'm gonna start tackling the non ones.. Probably will go through everyone's page after I get the tagged ones out of the way, so I can have an idea of what everyone has beautifully created. 🤗💞
I love you guyssss so much!! I apologize for being all over the place and rambling on so much about what I wanna do... But it gives me ease sharing my ideas with the people I care about and interact with. And I know I'm not the only one that has a job and a huge tbr list.. But before I got a job I was highlyyy active on everything, and I've just fallen off the face of the earth pretty much.. 😆
Anyway!! After my rambleeee about nonsense... 🤣 I hope you all are doing well. Always sending infinite love your way. 😘 And be aware for my attacking of reblogging for my bookmarks.. 😆💞 And reading in general, cause I can't waitttt!!
And I feel like it's nice to give updates for the reason I'm gone cause I care about all the people on here I interact with ( I call you all my friends/family) on here and when y'all give updates it makes me smile seeing ya after being away for whatever you need. The mom in me always wants to come check in but I know I'm not super duper close with a lot of you, so I don't wanna bother ya. So getting updates is always nice. And always always take you're time when you need it, having breaks from doing things is so so important.💞 ( and not pressuring you guys into doing them.. Just making a comment that it's nice.. Never have to do them if ya don't want to. 💞😘 )
How this idea even same about was I was scrolling through my feed on here.. Yes I had time to read, but I was not in a quiet enough place to do so... So my longgg list of my tagged tbr was just sitting there.. So I figured I'd do this so ya guys know I'm not ignoring you and such. 💞
Taglist that I was talking about:
( don't have to interact with this at all or my other account.. Completely up to you if ya want to. 💞 )
@guess-my-next-obsession @supernaturalgirl20 @grogusmum @stxrrylunatic @prolix-yuy @astroboots @mandoblowmybackout @ezrasbirdie @fuckyeahdindjarin @light-yaers @icanbeyourjedi-writes @kteague
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frostywisp · 2 years
i'm frostywisp but just call me frost.
this blog is mostly sfw but sometimes i do tend to fall into the more... spicy side of reblogging. (not posts tho)
i figured i shd probably put some sort of bio somewhr lol
random tags go brr:
#daily frost noises - just random stuff i post (not reblogs)
#frost learns how to use tumblr - i made that tag when i just started actively using tumblr, there's prooobably some useful tips or smt for new tumblr fledglings. enjoy :)
#frost plays fgo - idk just fate/grand order stuff related to the game. probably will end up being summaries of my (rare, cos i save) f2p gacha pulls
#frost art doodles - my art stuff. its mostly pen/pencil&paper, and the paper is likely jus my school notebook paper lol (its lined lmao, i shd get a similar-sized notebook w thicker pgs at sm pt for more drawing)
#frost ans - ama!! all da asks!!
#frost eloquence - my poetic/literary nonsense. or jus creative ramblings in general. actual stories/fanfic might come once in a blue moon.
#frost book(remind me to link this) - my book reviews! i have like a rly long booklist of books i plan on borrowing frm the library. some of them come from tumblr, some of them come from YouTube, some of them come from IRL close friends. idk how much i'll use this tag, but i want to get more into the practice of writing out my thoughts.
i'm also WispyFrost on Ao3.
dont expect much from there thoo hahaha
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immrbrightsideeee · 2 years
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I posted 12,266 times in 2022
297 posts created (2%)
11,969 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 562 of my posts in 2022
#delete later - 44 posts
#asks - 24 posts
#random rambles - 15 posts
#nickapocalypse - 9 posts
#cagepocalypse - 8 posts
#maneskin - 8 posts
#nick cage - 7 posts
#our flag means death - 5 posts
#goncharov - 5 posts
#umbrella academy - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#this is a really interesting thing for me (christian) to read cause like these are some solid points? that really makes sense? i'm confused
My Top Posts in 2022:
nick, where's the treasure?
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Oh, please. I am the national treasure
62 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Are you open for a tiny request, Love? It's cool if you're not but in case you are (and that's entirely too many words there lol), could you do something fluffy with Remington? Like a movie night with lots of cuddles and fun and comfort? I need a hug lol
I also wouldn't say no to some smut but that's your decision
Anyway, you're amazing <3
Love you
OK I'm sorry it took so long!!! Anyway there might be a fluffy smutty part 2 idk :)
Movie Night
Remington Leith x reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: none, just fluff.
Summary: Remington and Y/N have a fun movie night
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It had been a week. A long week. The kind of long, endless week that had you lying face down on the couch groaning the moment you got home. You wanted your snuggliest PJs, your best friends, boyfriend, movies and some pizza. But people were busy. And there was work to do. And cleaning. And a tonne of other responsibilities falling down onto your shoulders, and you were exhausted.
When your cat came up to give you an affectionate headbutt, you couldn't help but think why couldn't life for humans be as simple as a house cat? You get fed, loved, you play all day and night and do what you want? It was while you were pondering philosophies and cats that you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket. You frowned. Please don't be anyone important, please don't be stressful, please don't...
Oh. It was your boyfriend, Remington. You shuffled yourself around on the couch, rolling over and barely avoiding tumbling off as you answered the phone.
“Hey Y/N, how are you doing?” Remington's voice was a comforting sound on the other end of the phone.
“I'm good, you??” You shot back immediately, so quick that Remington got suspicious.
“..Riiight, I don't believe that but I'm not gonna push you right now. I'm actually not doing so good,” he said, slowly, “Today has just been shitty, and anyway I was wondering if you're free?”
“Ah, yeah, when?”
“Um, now? It's OK if not, I get that there's a lot going on it's just that, I dunno, I miss you.” His voice was so soft and sweet and you could almost picture him scrunching up his face a little and rubbing the back of his neck. The image melted your heart. How was he so impossibly cute all the time?
“I'm free, and I miss you too, trust me.”
It had been a few weeks since the two of you had seen each other, Remington was busy writing and recording his and his brother's new album, and you were busy with work and family responsibilities. There wasn't much time to see each other, and it was breaking both of your hearts. But you tried not to think about it, you talked every day anyway. But seeing him tonight would definitely revive you.
“So, got any ideas?” you asked, changing the mood to something lighter.
“Would it be OK if I come over? I just feel like staying in, but I also can't stand being away from you any longer, and I really can't handle another hour alone with my brothers.” Remington laughed a little and you smiled without meaning to, only able to imagine the nonsense the boys had gotten up to that day, let alone week.
“'Course! Just, um, give me a few, OK? I'm a bit of a mess at the moment.” You thought of the pile of clothes all around your room and the stack of dishes.
“Aw baby, you know I don't care about any of that, but if it makes you feel better would half an hour be good?”
“Yeah, it should be.” There was silence as the conversation started to end, then you spoke. “Oh! Wait, would it be annoying if I ask you to bring some dinner? I don't have it in me to cook.”
“Sure! What do you feel like?”
“Ah, surprise me, I trust you.” You smiled into the phone and could just about feel him smiling back. He let out a slight laugh of delight and you both said your good byes and got ready.
See the full post
77 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
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this has the same vibes as this
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112 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
nick caged
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129 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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139 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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yewshade · 2 years
This sideblog of mine (my main is @wakefulmemory) focuses on all things Warriors/Warrior Cats which interest me. Such as looking at/reblogging art and ideas, my own AUs, my possibly upcoming The New Prophecy Rewrite (throwing ideas around for that on here soon) and also my thoughts on the (upcoming) books and characters as well as the newest, still ongoing, A Starless Clan arc.
I'm not really big on analysis or anything but might make some (failed) attempts here and there which will then probably be tagged with #Battle Cat Analysis.
Please note that English is not my first language.
In terms of specific tags, my theories and ideas will just be tagged with #Finsterfall Theories and #Finsterfall Ideas as well as any of my AUs being tagged with #Finsterfall AU(s) and my TNP Rewrite (if I ever get to it) will be taggedd with #Finsterfall Rewrite on any post of mine where it gets mentioned or I write about specific things for it (such as different ship and storyline ideas). Any sort of posts being about random stuff regarding the series on my part will have the tag #noisy nonsense.
As for spoilers, they will be tagged with either #ASC Spoilers or #A Starless Clan Spoilers (as well as including the title of whichever book just got spoilers).
Feel free to ask me stuff about the battle cat series, I don't bite (and hope to not get bitten either).
Before choosing to interact with me or my blog, here's just a few "fun facts" about me:
I am on the wcrpforums
I love Squirrelflight and also Bramblestar as individual characters not the BrambleSquirrel ship (liking a character ≠ excusing their more controversial/problematic actions or behaviours)
I like Sparkpelt and also Nightheart (can kinda even relate to both of them on a personal level for various reasons)
I have no idea what I'm doing
If any of these points are making someone reading this uncomfortable or anything of the sort, please feel free to either block me or just dni.
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just-a-gl1tch · 2 years
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I posted 226 times in 2022
That's 191 more posts than 2021!
83 posts created (37%)
143 posts reblogged (63%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 181 of my posts in 2022
Only 20% of my posts had no tags
#samuel (he/they) - 73 posts
#reblog - 44 posts
#aikatsu - 25 posts
#mixed origin system - 21 posts
#anti endos dni - 21 posts
#endogenic system - 20 posts
#plurality - 15 posts
#multiplicity - 14 posts
#alterhuman - 10 posts
#otherkin - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#i’m literally a fictionkin from an undertale au and i’m not all all surprised that i chose to make my own original au lmao
My Top Posts in 2022:
Greetings and welcome to my blog!
My name is Samuel/Arson, I'm a minor and professionally diagnosed as autistic. Im Transmasc, Biromantic and polyamorous. and last but not least i am the Host of a Mixed Origin system.
This is a general blog for alterhuman experiences, art, and other randomness, nothing is ever set in stone here.
(PS. I am also alterhuman and My kintypes consist of Being an Error Sans & Bob Velseb fictionkin, A chantilly-Tiffany therian and a Chaos ConceptKin, be respectful ^^)
support or are Pedophiles/zoophiles (Support as in: allowing and abetting not as supporting their recovery)
Trump supporters (please just don’t)
Fakeclaimers of any sort
System carrd:
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See the full post
10 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Failed Error drawings (warning: creepy looking)
I attempted, and i failed, i will try again next time lol. enjoy this jumbled up nonsense ^^
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12 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
New cat ears!!!
Okay so, Today My grandma Gigi allowed me to go to Hot Topic (which the other part of my family kinda is not a fan of) but anyways me and my lil sis were able to buy anything we wanted. and i found a bunch of cat ears! the one i choose looks pretty close to my theriotype and I am so happy! it even has little tiny bells on em!
Cute photo of my cat ears!!
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The best part is that i can adjust the ear pieces! like oh ma gawd ^^
I could literally have such pleasant mental shifts with these! although i do think i could get some other accessories to go with these, i dunno but these will be perfect for now!
28 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
Error!Sans Fanart
I put too much effort in this
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28 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
question for the alterhuman community
For a long time I have been wanting to write about my conceptkin part of my alterhuman identity since barely anyone made short stories or literally anything related to that kind of topic due to how little the conceptkin community might be.
I’m hesitant on doing so, I’m not the best writer and I feel might be judged and preyed opon for writing down my experiences and wants on tumblr (or really any online place)
so, what do you think? Should I? Should I write about my conceptkin experences and make art related to that or is that too taboo? I do not want to offend or hurt the alterhuman community at all! I just want to express my thoughts.
i would be grateful if I could get at least once response, either by comment, Dm, or reblog, I do not really care, whichever method Of communication would be fine and helpful.
- Samuel (He/They)
47 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fatuous-frog · 5 months
╰─ - ̗̀✎ Introduction!
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Heyooo, the name's Sae (Not my real name, just an alias)! My pronouns are He/They. I'm a transmale and very gay. That being said, this space is safe and open to LGBTQ+ people. I'm an artist (traditional) and poet, so I might post my art here! But this blog is mostly about my own mlm yearning.
Feel free to give any critism or advice! I'd really appreciate it.
My PMs and Asks are open, so feel free to slide in! (plsplspls send asks or messages plsplsplsplspls-) This is an Anon friendly blog! I don't mind as I like making new friends who have the same interests as I do. And I'm bored most of the time... hehe. Just as long as it is appropriate.
Tags: #Sae's silly poems (my poems) #Sae's nonsense (for my nonsensical rambles)
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Random Facts about Me!!
Not sure if anyone cares but oh well.
Note: My interests are really random... so...
I'm from Southeast Asia!
I'm 15 years of age currently!
My favorite colors are black and blue
My current aesthetic now is dark academia/goth
I enjoy literature, music, skateboarding and arting in any form.
(I need book and music recommendations)
I'm open to any music genre as my own music taste is a mix from everything right now, and I can switch from one genre to the other depending on my mood.
I am an INFP!
I'm a huge psychology/true crime fan!
I'm an animal and wildlife enthusiast and a wormbook (as my friend says)
My favorite animals are cats, dogs, frogs, Komodos, snakes and spiders!
I'm a huge fan of anime, donghua, and any dramas (mainly East Asia dramas though), cartoons, comics/manga/manhua/manhwa and more.
HMU if you have any of these interests and we can be mutuals!
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Basic DNI criteria (Pedos, proshippers, etc)
Homophobes, transphobes, etc. (We're people with feelings as well, mind your words.)
NSFW Accs are fine but if you post NSFW please don't interact
I don't have that much to say about this. Just don't be a weirdo.
No strict age restrictions as I can be mutuals/friends with anyone older than me. Though I prefer anyone between 14-19 as I am still a minor.
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╰─ - ̗̀✎Thank you for dropping by!! Intro might be updated in the future.
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I posted 552 times in 2022
That's 488 more posts than 2021!
106 posts created (19%)
446 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 173 of my posts in 2022
#castles - 10 posts
#danny phantom - 10 posts
#avatar the last airbender - 9 posts
#avatar atla - 8 posts
#atla - 8 posts
#bioshock - 8 posts
#ao3 - 7 posts
#danny fenton - 7 posts
#adhd - 6 posts
#bioshock 2 - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#the idea that wallflowers are wallflowers because they're too shy to talk to/approach anyone and will therefore gladly accept their company
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ghost Chat ship stuff
Because I’ve never seen a Miraculous Phantom crossover were it’s Adrien x Danny, and not Adrien x Marinette, or Marinette x Danny. Even though those two boys are kind of a little bit perfect for each other.
Let me explain.
Danny and Adrien both love stupid puns, so they’d almost certainly be friends even if they didn’t end up together. The only way I don’t see them as ending up as at least good friends is if they both think the other is their enemy. Like Adrien thinks Danny is an akuma, and Danny thinks Chat Noir is some type of ghost.
Danny and Adrien both have to deal with super rich father figures trying to control their lives, even though Vlad isn’t actually related to Danny. Both have to deal with superhero double life. Both have the justifiable fear/trauma of being mind controlled. Both have ended the world in an alternate timeline. [Lots of things in common, these boys. Even if they don’t know it themselves.]
Danny would 110% fight Gabriel, or at the very least prank the absolute crap out of him and leave no evidence behind. Mostly due to how he treats Adrien, but also just a little because he gives off the same vibes as Vlad, and Danny’s a bit pavlov’d into hating anyone who gives off that vibe. I could totally see Adrien at least wanting to do the same with Vlad (and maybe Danny’s actual parents depending on how they are in this AU). At least after he found out how much Vlad’s done to Danny. I don’t know if Adrien would be able to recognize the more subtle mistreatment from Vlad towards Danny, just because Adrien’s own father is abusive but Adrien himself hasn’t recognized that yet.
Adrien’s powers come with a built in space suit. Which Danny would be ecstatic about, because he’s got no one who wants to go casually explore the moon on random week nights with him. Adrien’s a disney princess who desperately wants excitement and adventure in the great wide somewhere. Danny could most certainly give him that. Danny travels all over due to ghost nonsense, including outer space and the Ghost Zone. And also sometimes through time. You can’t tell me Adrien wouldn’t be hyped to tag along.
Black cats and their association with death also makes the pairing thematically appropriate. Which is pretty fun.
Things get even more fun when you add different AUs into the mix. Danny being the prince/king of the ghost zone adds in some fun Hades/Persephone parallels into the relationship. Though who’s Hades and who’s Persephone is up in the air. Which is always more fun than it being obvious.
107 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
Halfa Jazz AU
Except it’s not 16 year old Jazz. No. It’s 14 year old Jazz who gets shocked by the portal.
You see the day after their parents failed to make the portal work, and left 14 year old Jazz to look after 12 year old Danny (and the two friends he’d invited over). Jazz got shocked by the portal and turned into a half-ghost. With Danny, Sam and Tucker as witnesses.
How’d this happen?
Easy. Sam wanted to see the creepy ghost lab she’d heard Tucker talk about at school when talking about going to Danny’s house. She thinks Tucker is exaggerating about how scary it is. Danny, wanting to impress the new friend he’d only had for a bit longer than a month, agrees to sneak her and Tucker down into the basement too look around when his parents were out of the house.
So after the Fenton parents are gone, and Jazz goes to her room to do her homework leaving Danny, Sam, and Tucker alone in the living room to watch cartoons (or so she thought). The three 12 year olds sneak down into the lab to start poking around, as nosy 12 year olds without supervision are wont to do.
While at first the two non-Fenton kids were enthralled by the strange inventions and mysterious substances in tubes, they eventually got bored and less careful. And started messing around. Sam fishes a hacky sack out of her backpack, and starts doing tricks, Tucker makes a bet he can do more tricks than her.
Which escalates to a said hacky sack ending up at the back of the non-functional Fenton portal. And Jazz coming down to check on them and to get a snack, see they’re not in the living room, search the rest of the house, and walk into the basement to see Danny start putting on his hazmat suit to go and fetch a hacky sack.
Which Jazz puts a stop to immediately. Danny is far too young to be climbing around inside their parents’ dangerous inventions, even if they seemingly don’t work. Jazz also knows she can’t leave the hacky sack in the portal because more likely than not her parents will get home, return to their obsession with the portal, try to turn it on, and the hacky sack will catch fire and burn the house down. [Can you tell she’s catastophizing? Cause she is. She lives in the Fenton house, this is her normal setting, and it tends to work out pretty well for her 90% of the time. Things that can go wrong tend to in that house.]
She can’t leave the hacky sack in there, it will inevitably end with them being homeless due to a house fire. She can’t trust her parents to fish it out before they try to start tinkering with the portal again, she knows them too well, so the end result is the same. So the only option is to go in and get it out herself, and then give Danny and his friends a stern talking to about messing around in the lab, and even bringing his friends into the lab in the first place in Danny’s case.
So she puts on her hazmat suit, firmly telling Danny and his friends to stay well away from the portal. And well...
Jazz Fenton was just 14 when she’d entered her parent’s very strange machine and unintentionally opened the door to a world unseen.
Jazz’s ghost hero name is Psyche. Jazz doesn’t intend to become a ghostly superhero, but finds she can’t sit back and do nothing, when the news comes on to tell her that her little brother’s middle school is getting attacked by a giant meat monster.
Psyche has different relationships to the ghostly rogues than Canon!Phantom does.
She’s got a bitter nemesis-ship with Spectra for example. Jazz might have called the ghost psychiatrist an “Unethical Hack” who “Was licenced in the 1800s” and “Thinks the lobotomy is the pinnacle of psychiatric treatment”.
Nocturne is her Ancient/ghostly guardian (in place of how a lot of the phandom sees Clockwork as that for Danny) correlation, due to the connection between dreams and psychology.
Psyche vs Plasmius is truly wild. Because after getting his offer of fatherhood/evil mentor is rejected too many times, Vlad doesn’t try to clone Jazz. No, he kidnaps Danny and attempts to turn him into a halfa.
With the idea being that due to Danny being younger, he’d be more easily influenced. Along with the fact that if Vlad was the first strongest presence Danny’s newly formed ghost core sensed, if Vlad played his cards right, there’s a serious chance Danny’s newly formed child ghost core would imprint on Vlad’s ghostly signature like a baby duckling. Making Vlad his ghostly parent, and giving him significant influence over Danny’s mental state.
I haven’t decided if Jazz manages to stop Vlad in time and rescue Danny. At least, not quick enough to leave him completely human that is.
110 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
BNHA x DP crossover
Why do I feel like in every BNHA/DP crossover fic that I’ve read no one seems to be inclined to give Danny a believable cover story for his powers, when a really easy one popped into my head the first time I ever thought of it.
Quirk: Archetypal Ghost
This Quirk gives the individual the potential to develop any ability that is/was correlated to Ghosts in mythology, folklore, and pop culture (with in the human collective conscious).
Why can Danny produce ice? Because ghosts cause cold spots everyone knows that. Why can Danny affect radio waves and cause tech to glitch out? Because ghosts can affect radio waves and cause tech to glitch out. Why can Danny be invisible, intangible, and fly? Because ghosts do those things.
And just on and on for every single one of his powers.
There’s not a single one of of his innumerable abilities that doesn’t fall under the category of “It happened at one point in mythology/folklore/pop culture and has since been adopted as a Ghost thing by the collective conscious”.
Even his more unique and obscure powers like Ghostly Wail, Dream Walking, and Entering forms of media, fall under this explanation. Because Banshees, the idea of spirits of the dead communicating via dream, and the movie The Ring, are all ideas that have existed for more than 200 years by the time BNHA starts, and are firmly entrenched in the collective conscious by the time the story starts.
So yeah, don’t know if writers are intentionally going with “Danny doesn’t know how to explain how all of his many superpowers are just one highly versatile super power (even though the boy is the most generic ghost to ever ghost when it comes to powers)” on purpose. Or if they just don’t want to come up with a proper Quirk name and description for Danny’s halfa status.
Using this method you could even write a fully blown “Danny was Reincarnated into the BNHA world, and his Quirk ended up just being his powers from his previous life in the form of a Quirk” story. Instead of just, “Danny ends up in BNHA world due to Ghost Zone shenanigans and/or ghostly meddling of some sort, but ends up going back to his original world at the end” type of stories.
Danny would actually have to stay in BNHA world and deal with their form of crazy. Instead of just getting mentored for a while, getting to build a support structure of adults who somewhat understand what he’s going through, and then dip before the absolutely mental shit starts to happen.
Also in the Reincarnation stories, at least there’d be a reason as to why and how Quirk-effecting-Quirks would work on Danny’s ghost powers. Because it doesn’t make any sense at all in cross-dimension Danny stories for Aizawa’s Eraser Quirk, or Monoma’s Copy Quirk to work on Danny’s powers at all.
He doesn’t have a Quirk in those types of stories, so there shouldn’t be anything for Aizawa to erase, or for Monoma to copy. He’s half ghost in those stories. No Quirk/quirk factor for them to interface with.
Aizawa and Monoma (and AFO) being able to mess with Danny’s powers when he’s from another dimension and doesn’t have a Quirk, is like if Superman was dumped into BNHA and they were able to affect his powers. Really lazy writing.
And when fic writers make Aizawa/Monoma/AFO able to mess with Danny’s powers, they don’t even bother to try and make it make sense. They don’t make Quirks be caused by this entire dimension having a much higher concentration of ectoplasm and the result of extremely high numbers of human/animal liminality. Which would be an extremely easy way to make it make sense, and it’s right there.
Also in reincarnated Danny fics, you could actually just make Danny AFO’s literal son, instead of just being mistaken for his son by the people who know about AFO. Which would be hilarious. Because Danny’s got an entire past life of dunking on villains who think they have the right to be his father due to power set similarity.
117 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
Sometimes I get really confused when people don’t know Legoshi from Beastars is neurodivergent coded, and I just have to be like:
“The guy’s favorite things are anything to do with insects, and watching weather reports.
He eats the exact same thing everyday for lunch, egg sandwiches, and is so familiar with them that he can tell that they switched which day the egg shipment came in.
He’s obviously intelligent, but has an odd way of thinking compared to others, and struggles in school in spite of said clear intelligence.
He struggles with social interaction and thinks that getting into drag in order to fight on equal footing with a woman is a completely logical conclusion. He’s noted as being weirdly quiet/reserved for a canine.”
What’s not clicking here? The only way it could have been more obvious is if he actually got diagnosed in canon.
Which would never happen because any of his neurodivergent behaviors would more likely than not be brushed off as “consequence for his hybrid heritage” and not Legoshi actually being neurodivergent.
198 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
An A:TLA story idea I’ve never seen written
A story where Azulon is so pissed by Ozai asking for Iroh’s birthright that he goes out of his way to make Ozai and Ozai alone miserable.
Like I have seen stories where he gives Zuko to Iroh to raise and make his heir, it’s how most of them go, with the rest of Zuko’s non-Iroh and Azulon family members on the chopping block to various degrees.
But those stories don’t take it far enough in my opinion. I want Ozai to be truly miserable at his own father’s behest, like how Zuko was in canon.
I want Azulon to annul Ozai’s marriage to Ursa. I want him to put both Zuko and Azula into Iroh’s custody (or Azula into Li and Lo’s custody if they’re royal family in the story, either as Azulon’s sisters or nieces). I want him to send Ozai off on a tiny no-name ship with a bare bones crew to search for the Avatar. For the glory of the Fire Nation.
People go hard in the stories where Azulon gives Zuko to Iroh, but in my opinion they go hard in the wrong way. They kill off Ursa and Azula along with Ozai, even though even in most of these stories Ursa is also an abuse victim and Azula is a literal 9 year old.
I want a story where good granddad Azulon mourning the loss of his oldest grandchild hones in on Ozai like heat seeking missile for having the audacity to try and overtake his own brother in the race for the throne when they’d just lost a family member. Like one part is genuine anger that Ozai would dare attempt to steal Iroh’s birthright at all, but another is just grief fueled rage that Ozai would have the guts to do it when Iroh (and Azulon even if he doesn’t show it as much) are still actively mourning Lu Ten.
Also I know canon!Azulon is a bastard, don’t bother putting any comments/replies about that. I’m not talking about him. I just want a story where Ozai is put into canon!Zuko’s position of a hopeless quest in the hopes of someday going home and becoming Fire Lord.
902 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
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star--anon · 2 years
okay but has anybody ever considered a slightly modified world where Wilbur (c!Wilbur, to be exact) speaks in a very poetic and roundabout way during serious moments to hide what he's feeling by twisting his words more than tree roots and losing everyone else with his silver tongue because vulnerability, especially to his opponents, is something he despises.
Also he and Tommyinnit get along so well because Tommy couldn't give two fucks about formal speak, and he'll bluntly tell you to your face that you look like the p#rn parody of yourself and you need to take a fucking shower
So you get Wilbur trying to hide himself behind his words, and Tommy who eases him out by blatantly stating how much he loves him and how brotherly he views their relationship
It is night and I have a severe case of stupidity and random headcanons
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