#<- tag for proof and parallels because I just KNOW this is going to get out of hand
indigovigilance · 6 months
Bullet Theory
Thesis: Crowley passed Aziraphale a bullet during the Final Fifteen kiss. This bullet contains his memories. He tucked it under his tongue, then began to access the memories during the ride up the elevator.
Edit: debunked by God himself, in response to this post. As a reminder, please don’t send fan theories to NG.
Glint in the mouth
Inspo credit to this post by @somehow-a-human
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Yeah so we were already paying way too much attention to that very special four-letter word we thought Aziraphale was going to say, but it so happens that during that cut-off phoneme is the only time you can see this shiny object in his mouth. (catching this on the right frame was emotionally painful and I’m sending Gavin Finney my therapy bills (actually no I’m not I love you very much sir)).
So that’s the basis of this theory. Crowley passed Aziraphale a bullet that he then tucks under his tongue.
Add’l Evidence Post-Kiss
Aziraphale works his jaw after raising his fingers to his lips: [gif]
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Then when the Metatron comes in, he turns his back on the Metatron and raises his hand. I originally thought he was wiping his eyes. Now I think he’s raising his hand to his mouth, maybe to spit out the bullet, maybe to make sure it’s secured under his tongue.
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Credits Scene
Aziraphale has the craziest fucking look on his face through the credits, we can all agree. But towards the end, his eyes flicker back and forth, as if he is watching or reading something. Then he smiles. I hypothesize that he is still accessing his memories during this time, and getting the information he needs to [redacted].
Thematic Justification: The Bullet Catch
Aziraphale having a bullet in his mouth as part of a two-man act of deception is not a fresh concept by the time we get to The Final Fifteen.
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Additionally, the use of surreptitious modes of communication, where messages are passed from person to person inaudabily, is introduced in this same magic trick. 
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NB1: I wish I could credit the person who I first saw point this out (relatively recently). It wasn’t even tagged as meta, I don’t think. But the gist was there’s some parallelism between “aim for my mouth but shoot past my ear” and the “pin the lips on the lips” move that Crowley pulls in the Final Fifteen. If I find it I will properly cite.
NB2: One hypothesis that has circulated around, I think creditable to @sendarya, is that Aziraphale mouths “trust me” to Crowley just before he gets on the elevator. This isn’t necessary to the Bullet Theory but it would be thematically consistent.
Small objects carry memories
Why a bullet? Well, it’s a small object that has meaningful significance between the pair of people involved, much like:
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Beelzebub introduces us to the idea that a small object like a fly can be used as a storage container for memories. We also see that the object entering the body of the person is a viable way for the memories to be delivered.
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(btw Jon Hamm if you’re reading this, you have very pretty eyes)
“I keep a derringer in a hollowed out book”
K, so it’s not like Crowley is just carrying a bullet loaded with Aziraphale’s memories around with him at all times, is it? (I mean, it could be, but probably not. I’ll just point you to this meta for my theories on why, if Crowley had anything that needed to be kept safe, he would keep it in the bookshop.)
We learn in S2E4 that Aziraphale keeps a gun in a hollowed out book somewhere in the shop. A gun wouldn’t be any good without bullets, right? This may not be the reason the derringer was left as a Chekhov’s Gun for S3, but it’s a possibility. If Crowley wasn’t already in possession of a bullet, he knew that he could find one in the shop. Even more likely, the exact bullet used in the 1941 magic trick is a precious keepsake being kept somewhere in the bookshop, and Crowley chose to use that exact bullet because of the memories already directly attached to the object.
Why Aziraphale even has memories to be returned to him
We know that Aziraphale could have had his mind wiped because Heaven has done it before. Certainly once. Probably twice. We know this because when Metatron is announcing that Gabriel, alongside having his memories erased, is being demoted to 38th class, Muriel pipes up and reminds us that they are 37th class:
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So this wasn’t a “just Gabriel” thing. Mind-wiping is a routine form of personnel management in Heaven. There is NO reason for us to believe that it didn’t happen to Aziraphale. But in case you need a reason to believe it, here goes:
We know from our interactions with Jim that the person whose memories are missing (1) doesn’t necessarily know and (2) isn’t necessarily distressed by that fact, even if they do. Muriel also fits this “cheerful empty shell” archetype. You know who else does? Ding ding ding. The one and only A. Z. “wiggles with delight” Fell.
I can already hear your very valid counter-argument. This guy is actually terrified out of his mind on any given day that his romance with a demon will be discovered. Yes. Because he’s involved in a romance with a demon. The other two angels we’ve met don’t have this issue. Beyond that, though, these three characters share more in common with each other disposition-wise than any of them do with the other angels we’ve met (Uriel, Michael, Sandolphon, etc.).
We also know that Aziraphale has been [demoted] at some point from Cherub to Principality. This is book canon: 
"Technically Aziraphale was a Principality, but people made jokes about that these days."
This has also been confirmed (insofar as Neil Gaiman ever confirms anything) by Word of God:
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(marketing video screengrab clipped for brevity)
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We don’t know for sure it was a demotion, but I think we have enough evidence to infer that with a high degree of confidence.
Summary: Aziraphale is a cheerful angel who was demoted and has a name that is not biblical canon. This evidence indicates that was probably mind-wiped. This is not the first time I’m proposing this. It won’t be the last.
How Crowley Did It
My meta on Continuity Errors gives the complete proof for why I believe that Crowley is able to stop time without Aziraphale knowing, and I propose in that meta that the kiss was a cover-up for the exertion of effort necessary to pull that off. I further proposed that during the pause, he retrieved something from the bookshop. At the time of writing, I didn’t know what. Now, I have an inkling that it was a bullet.
If you need a refresher on Clock Theory, here’s one. The idea is that the clock behind Aziraphale shifts by fifteen minutes from before the kiss to after the kiss. This is consistent with a theory that Crowley paused time (but the clock kept running) in order to retrieve the bullet, dump Aziraphale’s memories into it if he hadn’t already, and then return to transfer the bullet to Aziraphale.
Why Crowley Kept the Secret So Long
As with Continuity Errors, I am ending this meta with a very unsatisfactory “I don’t know.” The motivation for Crowley to keep Aziraphale’s memories from him until the very moment he’s about to leave must have been a strong one. I think it has something to do with why Crowley was so insistent on trying to get Aziraphale to run away with him, instead of dealing with whatever’s coming. But as with Continuity Errors, I suspect that the good omens meta hivemind (and the vast collection of people who are posting clues, you have no idea how important you are) will assemble yet more breadcrumbs that we can follow to some sort of hypothesis.
Until then,
(here's my meta index if you would like to read more stuff like this)
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theyellowhedgehog · 23 days
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This is a reverse robin AU! Or more like a parallel of the AU.
The thing is I have never finished writing a story to publish, or chicken out before publishing so I thought this would be perfect. I will write this in the form of exploring the relationship between Damian and Tim.
Read along and tell me what you think? And If anyone want to make this into a fanfic, feel free to do so, and tag me so I can see it!
How Damian join the Wayne
Damian arrived to his father doorstep at the age of 12 after being deemed a failed experiment by his grandfather. Because Talia has got attached to her first project, she lied to her father and secretly sent her son away to stay with his dad, Bruce.
How Damian got his junior hero mantle
Damian at 12 years old was as you expected the same as his cannon character. Bruce and him has plenty of fights, no one want to give way for the other. So against his father will, he dressed up in a kevlar armor he made on his own to fight bad guys.
At his first appearance, people didn't know who he was associated with. Then after seeing him together with Batman more often, the public give him a deared title, "Batboy"
Damian at 12 years old felt he finally prove something to Gotham. But then he grew out of that phrase.
How Damian and Tim meet
Tim Drake is the only child of Jack and Janet Drake. When he was ten, he overheard his mother and father talking about the illegitimate wayne brat.
Tim, himself, is a piece of work. He is never quiet, he is loud as a ten years old can be. Mom and Dad let him get away with many things and this made him an arrogant brat.
One gala day, he went up to Damian Wayne when the older boy was trying sneak a sip at the adult drink. "You can't drink that, you know?" Tim said with that annoying childish voice. Damian didn't care and chuck the whiskey all in one go and smirked at Tim.
But unknown to Damian, Tim is a tattle-tale.
"Mr.Wayne!! You son just drink a WHOLE glass of whiskey!!" Scream the ten years old from across the hall.
Their unlikely friendship started when twelve years old Damian tried to silence ten years old Tim by covering his mouth, which the younger one bit and in anger older threw him across food table.
It's safe to say that gala was an unforgettable one for Damian and Tim.
From there one, whether at the Prestigious Gotham Academy or at the Wayne manor, when you hear a high pitched wail and angry shushes, you don't even have to check twice to know its Damian and Tim.
Does Tim still love photography?
Yes, Tim has a love for photography since young, but he also has love for (wheels) Bruce Wayne's vintage cars.
Mom and Dad's rusty vase or priceless goblet? He didn't care.
Bruce's (vintage race car)? That was the love of his life. So as annoying and inquisitive brat, he crawl through a hole he dug and befriended himself with Alfred Pennyworth, then Bruce Wayne. Just after six months of his effort in befriending the owners, Damian arrived. Now he came to the Wayne manor with the excuse of playing with Damian.(But he just want to see the cars and photograph them to add to his scrapbooks.)
This went on for about six months. The first two months Alfred has to accompany them in fear that Damian might tick off and murder the young Drake. After observing them for two months, Alfred deems Damian to be Tim Drake proof.
Yellow Hedgehog, you said Damian behave the same as cannon, then why is he telorating Tim?
You need to remember that Damian is the first project that failed. On spending a little time at the League ( probs about 2 years?) and was sent away quickly after. Why was he sent away? Well, if you put the mind of a baby in a 10 years old, it cannot be called a successful project. And when the project throw temper tantrum like a human, is it consider a failure? Because Ra's goal for this project is not a heir, but to create a perfect clone of Bruce Wayne while he was at the league.(Do you guys know what I'm talking about?) I might come back to rewrite this...
So children get along with children most. In Damian's view Bruce was another person that restrict his freedom and constantly fight him to prove himself right. Which Alfred said, he acted just like Bruce when he was 10 years old.
Tim is constantly on his tail, and you have to be honest, having Tim around mean entertainment and interesting things happen, to a person who know nothing but cold hugs of Talia and a lab test tube. So with Tim, Damian behaved more like a child.
And Tim have this weird knack for turning the situation into his favor? Like when his enemies become his friend?
How Damian almost got his first dog
Damian is now 13 and Tim is 11.
As always when Saturday came, tiny footsteps running on soft padded carpet sounds as it stops in front of Damian door. But Damian didn't care and burrow deeper into the blankets.
The door swung open softly and soft footsteps got closer to his bed and stops. "Damian~~" Tim calls out in a sing song voice, "Let's take a tour to (vintage racecar) today !" and try to pull away the blanket.
Damian just groans, "It's Saturday, why can't you sleep like a normal child?" as if he was normal.
Tim nopes his ways, and hops on the bed and shakes the older boy. "Come on! You promise you would show me!!"
Damian holds on tighter to the blanket, "Can't you go by yourself? You already know this house like the back of your hand."
"Nope," Tim pauses and thinks, "That's not polite."
The blanket got stiff and gives out a dry laugh, "Yeah, right"
Tim pauses and looks at the lump of a blanket, "It's true, mom got me an etiquette teacher last week because I was being-" He imitates his mother nagging, "you are almost eleven now,Timothy. I will not have my kid act like an uncivil wild coyote on the table!" as he puffs out his chest and waves his pointer finger like his mother told him off.
Tim then falls silent because no noise was coming from the lump of blankets. And he wonders for a moment, "Bruce didn't let you get a dog?"
That when 13 years old Damian jumps out with still red eyes and a whine,"He thinks I would not be a responsible owner to a dog! Seriously!!"
Tim looks at Damian's red eyes, "Didn't you fake cry?"
This make Damian blushes and avoids Tim's eyes in embarrassment, "Of course not! That's embarrassing and humiliating!"
"Why?"Tim tilted his head in confusion, "It works with mine." he paused, "Well, until last month. They think a racecar is an unreasonable gift for an eleven years old."
"He said I can't take care of a dog because I'm too young!" Damian burrows into the blankets again.
"Then why don't I help? You just need to show him you are responsible!" Tim suggests. Damian narrows his eyes at his suggestion. "What do you want, I can see you brain scheming."
Tim grin, "Just told your dad to take us out on a ride with the racecar."
One week after convincing Alfred and Bruce to get Damian a goldfish so he can show that he is responsible pet owner, they agreed.
Tim comes to a visit on Wednesday( sometimes after getting the pet), and his eyes bulges when he sees the goldfish floating upside down. He had no time to tell Damian as he ran to the store and replaced it with another goldfish. Tim quietly went back home that day.
Another three week or so, Tim comes to the manor to see the goldfish in Damian's room floating upside down again!
Frustrated, Tim ran to a different pet store to get another goldfish. This time he did not leave and wait for Damian to see what the heck he does for two whole goldfish to die!
Damian and he talks and he SAW Damian putting a hand full of fish feed into the tank!
Tim was so angry that he fishes out the goldfish into a bowl and ran back to his manor screaming, "You don't deserve to have any pets!"
How did Tim find out their secret identity?Since there is no Flying Grayson yet, how did he figure it out?
That I will probably write later, if I stay motivated. This is great! This might be the most I have written in one sitting! There might /is grammar errors, tried my best. Don't come at me for my grammar.😎
Questions are welcome! But do not be mean in the comments.
PART 2 is now out!
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ronnieratsdoodles · 3 months
also credit to some sources!
byler proof:
1. Will’s sexuality has been an aspect since episode 1
if it wasn’t a major point, the duffer’s wouldn’t have any reason to subtly and continuously remind the GA throughout the entire show. they never were bold about it until season 4, because of foreshadowing, which they do a lot throughout the show; with many relationships.
season 5 is when build up finally reaches its peak.
2. “i’m not gonna fall in love scene.” coming from Will Byers, breakfast scene, joyce and Will Byers conversation. season: three. episode: chapter 1: susie, do you copy?
one tiny thing they added into the scene was Will pouring syrup on his eggs, which Mike also done, meaning they likely introduced each other to it. just tiny fact.
ultimately, this scene had to have significance, it couldn’t have been written without a point, why else would they make a traumatized boy have built up longing for his best friend? to end in heartbreak? that would just be a waste of writing, planning, foreshadowing, and most importantly their frequency of slow burning. they knew what they were doing.
3.smalltown boy being the first song on Mike’s official playlist:
spotify used to have a official character playlist up for each character, before being took down (if i’m right) either that they liked or that represented their character! (what creators felt was correlated)
(taken down 2023)
small town boy is by a artist named bronski beat, that is about a young gay man bullied, deciding to run away from home. we don’t even know exactly the reason why Mike is bullied, other than his supposed ‘frog face’
5. couples being paired up on the last episode of season four, while El stood alone. many reasons why this could have happened, but it was no mistake, lay outs always have a reason film wise. 
6. multiple parallels to stancy:
again, not much to say about it, BUT stancy was a unsuccessful relationship, and Nancy ended up going with a byers, wheeler + byers. the hospital scene with the two second shoulder lean. (stancy parallel!)
7.byler funko, not mileven funko. hmm super suspicious 🤨
8.”i need you mike, and i always will” - Will Byers, van scene, stranger things four. Will is not going to fall for anyone else. he always needed Mike. while El was shown more to needing Mike, she never did as much as Will. there’s nothing satisfying about Will being with another boy, not to the audience or Will. 
9.stranger things writer quote from twitter “let’s start a new party, you and me.”
10.mikes encounters with Will being focused/zoomed in on is for a REASON.
11. at the season four reunion, why did Mike not kiss El? their foreheads touched, they were inches apart, yet he looked back at Will. that would have been a perfect scene for a kiss, so why would the creators not include it?
12. Mike and Will had the first meaningful one-on-one conversation in stranger things.
13.in both arguments, the rink-o-mania they were wearing blue and yellow. their colors. when blue meets yellow in the west. they met in california. the west. 
14. “Karen, where’s our son?!” Ted yells, in season 2. 
“Will’s!” karen yelled back, holding a blue and yellow pen. totally on accident.
15. Crazy together being one of the most romantic scenes in the entire show.
16. the multiple scenes of Mike saying “boys only” and getting kicked out by girls. and his grossed out expression in season four, episode 1, the hellfire club, by a sign in the background saying women. 
17. i love you is either platonic or lies in strangers things so far, we haven’t gotten a single i love you that wasn’t either. Will’s i am not gonna fall in love implying an actual process, it’s happening in season 5.
18.when mileven tag duffers to complain about byler, they never respond, only to byler shippers, even if it’s just a small wave emoji.
19. lighting, the creators confirmed that the lighting in each scene has a meaning. the lighting either means that it could be a way of symbolizing mikes deep care and empathy for Will in the next season, (them being on a upside down couch also empathizes/foreshadows something)
20. the creators once again were planning since the first season. season four was written in a way to begin the root Will and for byler. so, when their endgame, we will know why.
21.mileven is star crossed, (not endgame)in march, millie talked about being unhappy with El’s ending, it doesn’t show that byler is endgame, but it does show mike and El are not. in one of the season 3 scripts they referred to mileven as ‘star crossed’ in the field scene. 
if any of this doesn’t make sense i apologize, it was written for my best friend<3333
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tedious-waffle · 4 months
Tumblr is being mean to me and made the post I was replying to Disappear 😢 Someone asked about ideas for a bucktommy Mutants!AU and these were my thoughts:
I mean Tommy has Such Cyclops vibes. Like idk man Cyclops’s terribly destructive potential and having to wear glasses to avoid hurting people like hmmm its got the fanon headcanon vibes of tommy bot wanting to intimidate/scare pol because of his large stature +hiding the obvi closeted parallels. or we can just through some Angel-style wings on that pilot sksks. That’d be a fun and easily hideable mutation thats got lots if angst potential while tommys in the 118 under gerard.
As for Buck? Hmm I mean with the number of injuries that boy gets super healing would not go amiss. Ooo esp if tommy is cyclops coded you could have buck be like Wolverine, and like oof idk the being experimented on/having amnesia, has some owie wowwie parallel potential with the marrow transplant thing with daniel. Like maybe part of why it Doesnt work is bc of his healing factor/+his healing factor is the triggered into coming online bc of the physical trauma of the transplant. There’s also someone like Darwin, whos power is literally to be able to survive anything, but he has no control of How that manfests. Like maybe he grows gils to avoid drowning or gets supertrength to survive a building collapse, but also he might like randomly teleport away when danger comes at him to avoid injury. Same kind of potential for the bone marrow transplant going wrong, like his skin automatically becoming like knife-proof or smthn.
If anyone knows the post I’m talking about or who op was plz link/tag them
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strangefellows · 6 months
I'm sorry I'm running on not much sleep I was up til 3:30am and i still haven't beat the final boss but I needed to post this because I feel like I've been validated and i'm still screaming about it
So you know my theory? My controversial ass Limbus theory? The one about Dante? (if you look at the tags of this post you'll know lmao) WELL BOY DID THIS FUCKING CHAPTER DO ME A SOLID.
First of all, the fact that they go "hey wait, can't I also slow down or speed up time too" when I've been yelling about how similar their powers are to the TT Protocol in Lobcorp as part of my Evidence is. A lot to cope with.
And then they activate it. And then it shows this fucking screen.
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and i was like hold on was that--
and then it goes into the fight and we get the HEY, DANTE HAS A NEW ABILITY NOW, and I'm going fucking feral so I click on the tab to look, because obviously I'm going to, and what do I FUCKING SEE
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Now, in case it's too blurry to read -- and I'm still unsure of what the top bit says (aside from da'at, I CAN SURE SEE THAT) -- but I CAN SURE FUCKING AS HELL READ THE NAME HOKMA
a clearer image:
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roughly 'eitz ha da'at tov vernah' -- so i googled that and it's a bit misspelled a transliteration BUT!!!!
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and two things to point out here: one....the logo?
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LITERALLY EXACTLY the lor hokma symbol
and two? the way the branches branch out to and around the symbol? let me give you a little illustration
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or rather...
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so i'm putting my FUCKING MONEY on all of dante's future skills forming a sephirot tree and representing all of the sephirah with their symbols and everything
and also, like. circling back to my theory.
brb going insane. i mean it's not conclusive, i won't be arrogant and say i'm 100% confirmed right yet, i won't do that until we have like actual onscreen Proof like a flashback or something like that, but this is pretty heavily leaning towards my theory....
we'll just have to see i guess~!
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acourtofthought · 7 months
It genuinely made me laugh out loud! “Shadows disappearing is confirmed good by HOFAS!” I was confused at first thinking when tf did that happen.. and then had a chuckle when I realized they were talking about Ruhn.
I typically stay out of the subreddit, and have their tags blocked on here, but I was curious to see what theories or hints they gathered from HOFAS. Seems like the bulk of it is:
- ruhnlidia “parallel” confirms mate language for e/riel from the bonus (or something like that, I’ve forgotten which precise passage they warped).
- stone mother song is about elain (vast stretch, seems punitive to focus on the song and not everything else that happened in that scene). And is so fucking interesting because that’s a bonus chapter and they’re still claiming BC aren’t canon/down voting when you point out they are. Can’t seem to make up their minds !
- today show article & interview about fans expecting the story to be Az & Elain, and SJM saying there’s a lot to explore in a rejected bond. The first is whatever imo, and the second they seem convinced is about them but I’m more convinced it’ll be Eris & Mor. Admittedly, Helion & LoA is another possibility more likely than e/riel, but their story breaks my heart already and I desperately want them to have HEA
Are there any other arguments you’ve seen/heard of? I’m curious what you think of these three as well!
The Stone Mother argument being about E/riel is just bonkers to me. First off, we have no idea if the song itself is actually based off Native American legend or whether SJM just liked the name. But to take a Paiute legend and claim it about a white women's love story is very cringe to me. I agree with you, I think the rejected bond is going to be Eris and Mor and the effects of an unaccepted bond will be Helion and the LoA. I could see them eventually getting together but for the last however many centuries, they do seem to be an example of a "rejected" bond. And you're right, they have selected very specific lines from the interviews and articles while ignoring the rest. First SJM said she only asks herself those same questions when writing. Is there choice? Is it destiny? What if it's wrong? But she's already written that into the series, where the characters wonder how it happens, is there choice, etc. And every time, the characters have said that it doesn't matter because at the end of the day they still chose one another. Bryce confirms that it didn't matter where her bond with Hunt came from or who it was determined by because it's what she wanted. Nesta struggled with the mating bond because it meant giving up her humanity but in the end she decided she wanted Cassian as her mate. They take that to mean SJM is proving to the reader that she's definitely going to write a rejected bond for two main characters when all she's saying is she makes sure to have the characters ask themselves the important questions so in the end they know without a doubt it's what they wanted and not just something decided by fate. But they ignore SJM saying that characters end up with who they need to be with for the most growth. How her MMC cheer on the FMC and encourage her. These things clearly go against the E/riel narrative but they conveniently leave those quotes out of their arguments. The one big argument I heard going around during the release was how the Cauldron was corrupted therefore Elucien's bond is. So basically.....an event that happened 15,000 years ago and in all that time the ONLY corrupted bond to come out of it was Elucien's? That's quite convenient, don't you think? There is also zero proof that the Cauldron or the Daglan were responsible for mating bonds. So yeah, I imagine all these theories will end up in the graveyard of E/riel theories along with Bread and Roses meaning that E/riel are living together and pregnant in CC3.
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sciencelings-writes · 11 months
My tLoZ and LU Masterlist
UPDATED 11/19/2023
Of Dubious Sophistication: 6/? posted chapters, Wild meets the chain on a day when he has to act like an important person and decides to fuck with their initial misconceptions of him. Mostly formatted to give each of the Links to come to their own conclusions about Wild, a Compilation of oneshots with a vague overarching plot.
Another Second Chance: 2/? classic Wild gets pulled into the AOC timeline and is tasked to help prevent the calamity. But he looks different enough from his counterpart that he doesn’t reveal his true identity. He accidentally parallels Astor in the whole mysterious sorcerer/ seer vibes as he both knows the future and popped out of nowhere in a dramatic cape and ancient technology. Lots of interaction between Wild and the champions and there is both angst and hijinks. There’s also stuff about the new champions as most of it follows the plot of AOC. Also Wolfie is there because I thought it would be funny for him to bop around the baby egg guardian.
The Silence of the Knight: BOTW pre-calamity fic that’s mostly an introspective fic about why Link went silent and how everyone around him reacts to his lack of outward emotions. I just saw the concept of people seeing him as not quite human because of his refusal to show any emotions and wanting to catch a glimpse of how/ if he reacts when tragedy strikes, just to see if he has the ability to feel anything at all.
Heavy in Your Arms: Wild hated getting his memories back. They could be triggered by seemingly anything, they forced the entire group to stop or have someone stay with him until he got over it, which mostly ended up being Twilight, and he tended to end up feeling terrible. Even the good ones were bittersweet, when he saw glimpses of a family that was long gone or a fleeting moment when his life wasn’t destined to be a nightmare, only to open his eyes a century later having lost everything.He knew it was starting to become a hindrance on their quest and the last thing he wanted to be was a burden. (part of a series focused on the Wolf Trio)
I’ve Seen Hell (But This is a Bit More My Style): BOTW Fem!Link fic focused on how being the first female incarnation of the Heroes Spirit would be treated with a little bit of Zelink as a forbidden relationship. Link is angry and all of her past lives are just as pissed as she is. She’s seen as a harbinger of the calamity rather than the hero sent to stop it. And she’s seen as a mistake of the goddess and proof that the 10,000 years of peace was now at an end. General woman problems you know? (Sequel incorporating LU in progress) also please mind the tags.
Swordcrossed Lovers: Fluffy oneshot of the above au, Link and Zelda go to Gerudo Town and flirt while sword fighting. Zelink Week 2022 prompt: Sparring. 
Champions Possessing Wild Oneshot Collection: The champions possess Wild sometimes, it leads to some shenanigans 
The Unironic Magical Properties of True Love: totk role swap, Zelda find where Link has been hiding since being stuck in the past.
*NEW* Forever Changed: post totk zelink, where they both come back a little differently and have to deal with the immediate aftermath of... everything.
Requests/ short oneshots:
The Idiots of the Wind: Wind makes friends with the spirit of Revali and they team up to mess with Wild, mildly traumatizing him in the process. 
A Waste of Pretty Faces: Wild and Warriors bond over something they didn’t expect (mind the warnings and tags)
To Kill What’s Already Dead: Set after sunset pt.7, Wild deals with not being allowed to see Twilight and with the very real possibility that his mentor is dying.
A Mosaic of Broken Glass: Link has a lot of scars, they don’t like them very much. Zelda is determined to help them work on loving themself. Non-Binary BOTW Link and I accidentally made Zelda asexual.
On Top Of The World: Day 1 prompt for Zelink week 2022- One Last Look, Link and Zelda reunite after the final battle with the calamity. Idk what to say it’s just pure fluff. 
Frightful & Delightful: Wintery LU fic that is Hyrule-centric for a secret santa. Hurt/comfort, but mostly fluff. 
3 Sentence Fics: Lots of short fics in one place, including LU, botw Zelink, and my own AUs!
The Many Duties of the Princesses Appointed Knight: Fluffy pre-calamity zelink hair braiding, not me basing a whole fic off of a vague idea... 
The Caretaker of Holy Things: OC fic made for a zelda creators collab, the Priestess of the Temple of Time remains at the great plateau while the calamity rages around her, unfortunately, she’s due to have visitors. 
Whumptober 2022:
Prompt 2: Nowhere to Run: Aryll from my priestesses AU meets the Fierce Deity for the first time.
Prompt 5: Hypothermia: Link and Zelda from my Golden Priestesses AU journey up to the Temple of Nayru to the spring of wisdom.
Prompt 9: Caught in the Storm: Zelda spends one hundred years fighting the calamity, even though he’s slumbering in the shrine of resurrection, Link still finds a way to help her keep her head above water.
Prompt 10: Whipping: Wild from my Fem!Wild AU has to reveal some things about her past after having a panic attack post-battle. Kind of a rewrite of part of the comic where Wild throws himself in front of Wind during a fight, you know the one. 
Prompt 15: Emotional Damage/ New Scars: Wild visits the forgotten temple after the events of LU, he mourns. 
Zelink Week 2023: 
Day 1: Yearning: All In Good Time: Fem! Zelink AU during the events of LU, Wild misses her Princess. 
Day 2: Forbidden: The Ballad of Frost and Flames: Fem!Zelink AU, pre-calamity while Link is still in hiding, they meet at a masquerade ball. 
Day 4: Hand in Hand: The Fable of the Dragon and the Phoenix: MAJOR TOTK SPOILERS, Zelda makes and eternal choice and Link learns to rise from the ashes.
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ruinedsam · 4 months
I have so many thoughts concerning a supernatural where Hallucifer was actually part of Lucifer, so I’ll do multiple asks to prevent an essay in your inbox. There’s even more potential angst of Hallucifer also being a bit of Lucifer tagging along with Sam out of the Cage when we get to season 11. Most of the seasons proceeded as in canon, except Lucifer has been there the whole time for Sam because Castiel was unable to fully remove Lucifer’s grace because weakened or not, Lucifer’s an archangel and there’s a bond between Lucifer and his true vessel that Castiel can’t fully break. Castiel and Sam had a fairly tense dynamic for a while because Sam understandably had issues here over Castiel nearly breaking his mind, knowing what was at stake because Castiel was one of the people warning Dean over the possible consequences. But they eventually reach what they do in canon and consider each other friends, and we get to the point when Sam enters the cage. Lucifer has been aware of everything topside, because part of his Grace has been with Sam the whole time, and we see just how well Lucifer and Sam have grown to know one another over the years. I think we should have seen some kind of bond exist between angel and true vessel, so yeah, there’s this weird sense of “I know you because you are me” and Sam occasionally gets flickers of Lucifer’s thoughts because Lucifer has been a part of Sam this whole time; Sam has explicitly linked it to the demon blood at some point in a parallel of “I can’t ever rip it out or scrub it clean.” Demon blood vs angelic possession but this angel is considered the father of demons and Sam was only fed the demon blood so Lucifer could rise. But vessel shenanigans are going on and over time, we’ve seen Sam gradually adopt some of Lucifer’s mannerisms. Dean sees him one day and just can’t shake this feeling of dread crawling up his spine but he doesn’t know why, Sam’s actions are at once terrifyingly familiar and jarringly strange; he goes to his room and we see a flashback of Lucifer!Sam in “The End,” with current!Sam’s behavior being something Dean saw Lucifer do then. Anyways, Sam still heads to the Cage and says no, but Castiel says yes as in canon. It needs to be that Sam and Cas have only recently gotten to a stable place in which Sam actually trusts him, so that right when they’ve recovered from Cas breaking his wall, Castiel chooses to let Lucifer in; he is the one who didn’t notice Lucifer was there with Sam when he got Sam’s body out of the Cage, he is the one who broke Sam’s mind to neutralize Dean and Bobby, and now he is the guy who almost let Lucifer around Sam unknowingly. But I also think that due to having spent years with Lucifer, Sam knows Lucifer, better than anyone, so when Lucifer!Castiel shows up the first time, Sam immediately knows who it is and calls him out. And far from being upset or angry that his disguise was blown, Lucifer is thrilled because here is the undeniable proof that Sam knows Lucifer, Sam will never be able to ignore this now because Dean was fooled yet Sam knew within a minute. 1/4
Oooh this is delicous 🥰That there is some inextrincable bond between an angel and their vessel would make so much sense! I really like the way this dooms Sam. He's Lucifer's true vessel and there's no way to escape that. Lucifer will always be with him in some way. And of course Castiel wouldn't be able to break (or necessarily even recognize) this bond, he's just a regular angel.
Oh man I would have so loved to see this on screen! Jared is so good with subtle but noticeable mannerisms that distinguish the different characters, it would be amazing to see this over the course of some time, obviously not all viewers would catch it but for those who'd do the payoff of the reveal would be so good!
I find it really interesting to think about how Sam would perceive these things, especially when he has these flickers of thought from Lucifer. I like the idea of him not being aware of it at all, he and Lucifer are so enmeshed it doesn't register that thought didn't come from himself. But I also like the idea of Sam being aware of it and interpreting it as a trauma response and being like help I'm so fucked up I'm starting to think like Lucifer. Or he could be aware that he's receiving thoughts from the actual Lucifer, having to face that he and Lucifer are still linked, he may be out of the cage but that doesn't mean he's escaped from Lucifer...
Castiel letting Lucifer free behind Sam and Dean's back just after he and Sam started to have a good relationship is evil, so obviously I love it. And yeah Sam should notice it's Lucifer and Lucifer should be so pleased it about it!!! Sam and Lucifer knowing each other in ways no one else does is so close to my heart <333
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hughungrybear · 6 months
Get to Know Me Tag :)
I was tagged by @telomeke in their post here. Thanks for the tag! 🥰
do you make your bed?
Yes. To be fair though, I am not a messy sleeper 😅. Let's just say that, in less than a minute, I can make the bed I slept in look like it hadn't been slept in lol 🤣🤣🤣
what's your favourite number?
I was born on the 9th day of the 9th month. Imagine how obnoxious I was back in '99 lol. 😁
what is your job?
Let's just say I'm fortunate enough to have an occupation that lets me do experiments, mix nefarious things, obtain spectacular (fail) results, and get paid while I'm at it 😅
if you could go back to school, would you?
I often describe myself as an infinite learner. So, while it's true that I can learn things outside of uni, there are still some things that I want to comprehend in an academic setting. I mean, how else can I get my hands on a Scanning Electron Microscope, spectrophotometer, and the like?? 😅
can you parallel park?
Yes. Curiously, my parallel park is better than my reverse parking lol.
a job you had that would surprise people?
Not a job, but most people are surprised when I tell them that I used to be a competitive cheerleader/dancer 😅😅😅 Apparently, I don't look "perky" enough lol. Another thing that also surprises other people is when I tell them I used to do theatre and even played the Virgin Mary in a school play back in high school. Again, my resting bitch face is working against me 🤣🤣🤣
do you think aliens are real?
I'll believe when there is definitive proof that there are. And before I get dragged into the mud, the same goes with religious stuff. I might have played the role of the Virgin Mary in a school theatre, but I am agnostic, at best lol.
can you drive a manual car?
Yes. I actually prefer driving manual cars to automatic because I tend to get bored easily and shifting gears helps me focus lol.
what's your guilty pleasure?
I usually drink unlimited amounts of long black coffee during the day and drink beer mixed with vodka before bedtime. But I will prolly live happily ever after if somebody gives me unlimited access to some tasty chicken nuggets lol
I would want some but I don't like needles lol
favorite color?
I like reds, yellows, and blues.
favorite type of music?
Depends on my mood. There are times I like heavy metal. Other times I would prefer classical music. However, I do like The Beatles so their music is always somewhere in my Spotify playlists.
do you like puzzles?
Yes. I used to do cryptograms and logic puzzles while commuting to my uni.
any phobias?
Does fear itself count? 😅 No, the worst that I feel is anxiety. However, I could always convince myself to face whatever it is that is giving me anxiety. For example, I might not like needles, but I can still get my vaccination with little fuss lol.
favorite childhood sport?
Running. I just like getting from one place to another as fast as my legs could carry.
do you talk to yourself?
If I am alone, yes. I even address myself in the third person 😅
what movies do you adore?
I listed some of my faves in a different tag game here.
coffee or tea?
Definitely coffee but my GP is on my ass for having low blood pressure so I am slowly migrating to green tea 😅 😅 😅
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
Pretty sure I wanted to be a librarian because (1) I'll be surrounded by books, (2) I will be able to hear myself think since libraries are quiet, and (3) it's almost guaranteed that I will be (mostly) left alone 😅 😅 😅
Whew. Tagging @dribs-and-drabbles, @lost-my-sanity1, @imlivingformyselfdontmindme, @waitmyturtles and everybody who sees this and wants to play this game 😊
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izzysillyhandsy · 9 months
Look what I found at my parent's house over Christmas! Proof I was always into pirates 🏴‍☠️.
This little book is from approximately 1990, with real photos and everything! I was about 12 back then and my sister 7.
My sister's bed is the pirate ship here, with an all-female crew. Teresa in the blue dress is captain, and Peggy in the green skirt is 1st mate.
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"The following photos are from the play PIRATES!" "Anne on the way to Teresa's pirate ship. Let the adventure begin!"
As far as I remember, Anne was from a workhouse and really poor. This was her last chance.
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"Everyday life on the pirate ship."
Look at the detail! Tara's the scribe, there's cooking, cleaning, treasure, provisions and a large comfy bed in the background. I've always loved the pan because it looks so used and realistic. Teresa's blue dress was specifically bought because it looks so piratey. The rest of the crew is dressed according to their status/back story.
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"Hostile pirates under the command of Captain Jim enter Teresa's ship! Peggy comes down from the crows nest and knocks Tom to the ground with her feet. Tara falls to the floor screaming."
I think we didn't really like Tara. And Peggy is a perfect 1st mate, strangling the attacker with her skirt.
"Jim threatens Teresa with a club but Anne rescues her with the pan. And Jeany counters Ken's attack with a casual Judo grip."
Finally, it's Anne's moment to shine! And Jeany was always effortlessly cool.
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"Teresa's crew has won. Slowly, the girls are starting to make friends with the hostages." "Here we see a romance under the moonlight. Ken and Jeany ❤!"
Yeah, of course there has to be romance in the end 😅. You might have noticed that male crew members have no shirts. It's the pirate way.
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"Teresa and Jim have also fallen in love. But the next excitement is already waiting! Thanks to a treasure map, men and women have to search for the treasure together... and they finally find it in the form of gold and jewels!!! THE END"
What's going on in that last picture? Where are the men? We'll never know. Love the little spotlight on the map though!
I really hope this was interesting for someone, to me it feels like a historic document - almost 35 years old!
My sister and I were so thrilled to find this again... and I remembered how long it took us to get everything just right for the photos - our pirates kept falling over. And then the 1 week wait for developing...
Also, I'm tagging this OFMD - there are some parallels, I swear!
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will80sbyers · 1 year
I like how gay mike truthers claim bi mike truthers have 'no evidence' when the majority of their evidences are coming from reaches like mike forcing himself to kiss el while imagining will's painting on the wall, mike supposedly only loving el whenever she is 'bald' even though he was mesmerized by her when she was feminine, mike supposedly not giving a fuck about el at all when they first met even though he insisted on protecting her and they formed a quick connection from the start, pointing out that conan poster supposedly proves mike is gay while ignoring the woman on the poster collectively because it doesn't suit the intended take that mike also might be attracted to women, etc. and do not get me started on all the 'closets' thing and minuscule details like shades of the sun shining on mike's shoulder that points to him being gay which do not even point to a specific sexuality info even if they are taken as non-hetero mike evidence.
but apparently thinking mike might be into girls and loving el/being attracted to her is a reach even though the show uses explicit scenes to prove that they had/have genuine feelings each other both in the scripts and on the screen, them being promoted as a couple for years in an outside the show with explicit scenes that show their attraction. not to mention how mike's positioned in the love triangle which is already a BISEXUAL love triangle in itself and the love triangle thing is what can point to mike being attracted to both el and will but ultimately going with will because they are more fit for each other. and people collectively ignoring the evidence that mike is paralleled to the other canonically bisexual character in the show aka Vickie because it doesnt count as a 'proof' apparently is honestly astounding.
Sorry not sorry for saying this but gay mike truthers need to get a grip and bi mike truthers have the right to speak up against biphobia and ridiculous takes in the fandom because it is getting tiring and annoying af.
Luckily not all gay Mike truthers are like that, there are many that acknowledged those things and still consider bi mike a possibility and those are the people I personally want around
but yeah that's not a valid argument because it's just not true, I think everyone should be allowed to make all the reaches they want personally I am the first that enjoys and does that sometimes, but at least don't say we "have no proof" ... I think we just think the gay Mike proof is not convincing enough for us and the bi mike is more convincing because we have a different point of view on Mike's character... That's it, a different interpretation.
And I mean... We even have literally a script that pretty much explicitly states that Mike liked El romantically in s2... so it's a really weird take to say bi mike truthers don't have any reason to think he's bi... It's confusing to me how people can seriously believe that tbh
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And as I said many many many times you can even not believe the script or think they changed stuff if you want, that's not a problem for me because nothing is confirmed yet and who knows, maybe they did decide to make Mike gay after s2... I have no idea because I'm not the writers!
I just would like for people to stop being randomly biphobic in the tag because that does trigger me and makes me feel like I can't enjoy byler in peace without feeling like I have to defend my whole identity when I'm reading the tag
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aroceu · 6 months
memes i've been tagged in
thank you @telomeke for tagging me in a couple of these! i'm gonna answer them all in one post since i don't do these very often but i do like talking about myself :)
get to know me
do you make your bed?
no-ish. sometimes i do if i wake up early enough but uh. usually i wake up late. on the weekends i try to, with varying results.
what’s your favourite number?
17 but it's not that serious to me
what is your job?
generally speaking, data entry
if you could go back to school, would you?
can you parallel park?
yes, it was mandatory for my driving test.
a job you had that would surprise people?
i think i've been pretty upfront about the jobs i've had so i don't think they're really that surprising? i also think they are very me-core. except maybe the last one (receptionist at a pet place) but that's how i met duke :)
do you think aliens are real?
my belief system does not include whether or not i think things that we have no definitive proof of but can theoretically exist are real
can you drive a manual car?
what’s your guilty pleasure?
telling people on reddit that they're wrong
yes! i have two - a stick n poke, and one i got on my birthday a couple of years ago. i'm also looking to get another one for my birthday this year :)
favorite color?
a slate grey-ish light blue. but when it comes to personal customization related things (such as fashion) i also like pink and reds because they stand out more than blues
favorite type of music?
any kind of pop! my music taste is vast but generally the closer to pop a song is, the more i will like it
do you like puzzles?
any phobias?
favorite childhood sport?
basketball (yes i am short)
do you talk to yourself?
yes, a lot of times i record voice memos in my car just to talk to myself (even though i usually don't listen to them back). otherwise i'm just muttering to myself
what movies do you adore?
kimi no na wa, the iron giant, and wreck-it ralph
coffee or tea?
tea because i can drink it more regularly, but i do love the taste of coffee as well
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
an actor, even though i was never into even the idea of acting, it was just the first career i knew that was associated with being famous (i no longer want to be famous). however i do think this contributes to me being surrounded by theatre kids my whole life
get to know me (better)
3 ships:
pat/pran from bad buddy
wangxian from mdzs
[insert one of my shameless rpf ships here]
first ship: gonna be real i started off being really into self-insert stuff and harry potter (neither of which i really want to detail here) so uhhhhhhhhhhh sasuke/naruto
last song: alligator tears by beyonce
currently reading: don't worry about it
last movie: i should watch movies again. pretty sure it was glass onion
currently craving: nothing
not tagging anyone but if anyone is interested in any of these please feel free to pretend i tagged you :3
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reikurusu · 4 months
Ask Meme
I got tagged by the lovely @jalapenobee!! Thank you!! <3
Do you make your bed?
I neatly fold the cover open during the day so it can air out a bit? xD But when I go to bed, I always pull the mattress cover (whatever that's called in English) neatly because it often crumples up. But I don't daily make my bed, no.
What's your favorite number?
Not really.
What is your job?
I've worked at a local library for a little over a year now! It's really fun to do! I have to take care of the adult non-fiction section, which is more fun than I would've thought, as well as admin and helping people during opening hours. Right now, a colleague has been absent for 6+ months, so I've been taking on her section as well, which is youth (fiction and non-fiction) and comics. So quite a lot at the moment. But it's a really fun job!!
If you could go back to school, would you?
I'm not sure... I didn't hate going to school and it was actually a lot less stressful than adult life. I think I'd mainly go back to be my younger self again and maybe do things differently?
Or are we talking about going back to school at this age? If school was the only thing I'd have to focus on, and money and all didn't matter, I think so, yeah! Probably something creative or art history or something.
Can you parallel park?
I can.... But it's either perfect on the first try or I have to retry like 5 times. And if there's a car waiting while I'm failing... Yeah, we're going around the block again and try again afterwards.
A job you had that would surprise people?
I think my previous job. I worked in retail as a Saturday job during college. After graduation, I worked at a company for two years but I quit because it wasn't my thing and was lucky that the store I used to work at was looking for someone. I really liked working there and there was a lot of varied work (admin, window dressing, helping clients,...). But I feel like people at my current job (library) are surprised when I tell them I worked retail? I don't get it, though.
Do you think aliens are real?
Hmmmm... I don't think aliens like the stereotypical aliens exist, but there's no way the universe is this gigantic and Earth is the only place with life.
Can you drive a manual car?
It's the only kind I know how to drive. I've never driven an automatic car. I actually love shifting gears. It gives me something to do while driving, if that makes sense xD
What's your guilty pleasure?
Uhm... I don't think I have one? At least not something that no one else does? Nothing special comes to mind atm...
None. I just have no idea what I'd want to have permanently on my body. So I doubt I'll ever get one.
Favorite Color?
Blue! All kinds of blue! But I really like a minty-blue, like this.
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But lately, I've come to love yellow as well. I'm not sure why, but it's been making me happy for some reason.
Favorite type of music?
In general I either like a song or I don't like it. And because of this, my taste in music can vary a lot. I can like certain songs by a certain artist, yet despise the rest of their music.
As for favourite artists, I love Taylor Swift, The Script and Niall Horan. I think those are my top three artists (she says without any actual proof of it).
Do you like puzzles?
Like, riddles or jigsaws? If it's jigsaws, I haven't made one in years! I'd love to, with some music or tv show in the background, but I don't have the time for it. If it's riddles, yeah, I love riddles! Doesn't mean I'm good at them but I played my fair share of Professor Layton growing up!
Any phobias?
None that I know of. Like, I'm not a fan of creepy bugs and heights and blood and all those typical things, but I wouldn't call them phobias. Like, I'm not a fan of spiders, but I'd never kill one and just put it in a jar and take it outside. So nothing I'm insanely scared of.
Favorite childhood sport?
I don't think I had a favourite sport growing up? I'm not really the most athletic person. But I do know that I was decent at shooting basketballs into the hoop, even for being short lol
Do you talk to yourself?
... Do people not do this? I do this all the time??
What movie(s) do you adore?
I'm not sure if I have an actual favourite movie, but I love Tangled and The Lion King!! I also really love Back To The Future. *looks at dvds* OH! The Holiday and Love, Rosie as well!! I think these are all films I'm always down to watch.
Coffee or tea?
I'm definitely more of a tea person. I most often drink black tea with milk (like, at breakfast, in the evening and when I'm not at work, in the afternoon as well).
I also drink coffee but when I do, I have to have it with milk and sugar and often with some sort of syrup (vanilla, hazelnut or caramel). Or iced! Iced coffee!!
First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
I think I wanted to become a farmer? At least that's what my mum told me. I can't imagine being a farmer now, I think kid me thought it would be fun to have a bunch of animals and be outside all day. Grown up me knows it's very different from that. And very often not that nice for the animals...
Also a veterinarian! But.... Y'know, blood and cutting into animals... Pass.
I'm going to tag a couple of mutuals and followers I very often see in my notes, but obviously anyone who wants to do this, can!
And don't feel obligated to do this just because I tagged you! <3
@silversoulstardust @actually-the-devil @in-a-faith-forgottenn-land @keeeegs @aflockofravens @heytheredeann
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mhaccunoval · 6 months
tagged by @jaybirdsdelight in this get to know me!!
do you make your bed?
i try to at least smooth out my blanket whenever i'm going to be up and out for a while... make it a Little neater despite the chaos that is my bed...
what's your favorite number?
8 and 46!!
what is your job?
i work on campus as a lab research assistant in our zooarchaeology lab :-)
if you could go back to school, would you?
i mean i'm still IN school right now because i'm nearing the end of my third year of college. but i want to go for my masters and a PhD after i graduate (<- too ambitious for his own good)
can you parallel park?
if i tried hard enough? i think i've only tried it once or twice so i'd probably have to be coaxed and have someone spot for me
a job you had that would surprise people?
this is my first job but by proxy is always surprises people when they found out i'm majoring in anthropology and somewhat that i work in our zooarch lab so
do you think aliens are real?
i'm alien agnostic... i don't believe in any of the ""proof"" people have already come up with but we live in a complex universe where it would be hard for there Not to be other life out there.... though i also enjoy aliens exist by blink-182 so ;P
can you drive a manual car?
not in the slightest... i'm willing to learn but. i don't currently know, no
what's your guilty pleasure?
i feel guilty liking most of the things i like. including learning about niche topics (<- said because he flexed radium girl knowledge in class earlier)
the sluttiest thing a man can do is have a thigh tattoo (i have a 10,000 days eye logo on the top of my thigh surrounding by 'little things' + tool lyrics in my mom's handwriting)
favorite color?
green and purple...
favorite type of music?
i always say rock (particularly alternative) but. i AM listening to beastie boys as i type this so. what's the truth
do you like puzzles?
photo puzzles are alright but i prefer cognitive puzzles. and i say that my lab work is a puzzle since it takes a lot of thinking and trial & error
any phobias?
roaches are a big one. for no fucking reason (that's a lie. i'm born and bred floridian so i've had one too many run-ins)
favorite childhood sport?
i didn't really do sports... all i did was taekwando... but i did enjoy horseback riding
do you talk to yourself?
frequently... mostly when i'm alone and thinking aloud / ridiculing myself. though i also mouth/mumble lyrics to myself a lot
what movie(s) do you adore?
coffee or tea?
i'm picky about both but i have to say coffee... i drink it more often and like it a little bit more than the teas i know i like
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
paleontologist 👍 i mean technically there was probably a thing or two before that but. i just think it's funny to mention six year old me coming out the gate with this one
[spiritually tagging my other mutuals!!!]
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visualtaehyun · 9 months
2023 in review 🏳‍🌈
Tagged by the lovely @btwinlines (here) and @chickenstrangers (here) ✨ Thank you 🙏
>> Post your most popular and/or favorite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
This took a while to assemble because I first needed to track down all my original posts which are strewn across several personal tags because I didn't know at the time I established them that I'd be shitposting, getting back into giffing?? etc.
Still lurking but I took to commenting on Thai BLs on YT a lot. The thoughts needed to go somewhere but I wasn't back on tumblr yet cause I'd been mostly using it for Kpop for several years at that point. My first Thai QL related reblogs are from January 2023 though.
Fun fact: I watched Theory of Love in 2019 after stumbling across OffGun and promptly watching their entire back catalogue lol I even watched a good portion of 3 Will Be Free as it aired but fell off of Thai series entirely and I don't recall why! My only guess is that I was too into Kpop and learning Korean, nerdy proof from vocational training below lol I got back into BL in late summer 2022 via Semantic Error and from there I fell quickly!
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popular: I only posted twice that month! Be My Favorite was one of the reasons I un-lurked and this breakdown of the pronoun talk in ep. 10 was me deciding to start sharing my vibrating-in-my-seat-about-Thai-language energy lol
honorable mentions: Wedding Plan's YiwaMarine were the original reason I stopped lurking because I wanted to make some noise for Thai GL and for this show - hence this ramble of a post was created!
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popular: this Only Friends meme? shitpost? about Cheum being a textbook U-Haul lesbian
honorable mention: this Wedding Plan parallel edit of YiwaMarine / LomNuea / Yiwa&Lom <3 and this post about the food, tongue twister, language in Hidden Agenda ep. 5 because it exemplifies how/what I learn from Thai series and because it's the third show I ever posted about
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popular: an analysis of how the two main couples or two sets of best friends in Naughty Babe (and Cutie Pie) talk to each other
honorable mention: this rant about how the Korean remake of Why R U?, specifically their Fighter, Tutor and Hwa adaptation, frustrated me because it makes no sense if you don't already know the Thai original and this Naughty Babe post about pronouns and names between the two families
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popular: unsurprisingly it's this Only Friends SandRay post aka Phi Bug and Nong Rabbit
honorable mention: this was the month I finally watched La Pluie so there's a few posts where I'm basically talking to myself lol about some subbing choices, among other things. This was also when GMMTV's press con for the upcoming year happened and I got too interested in all the wordplay in the Only Boo! trailer.
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popular: I still haven't started watching Cooking Crush (too bitter about the uncut situation tbh) but I did write up an explanation of a pun in ep. 1. And because this is the month that I almost exclusively posted about Thai GL - this Love Senior ep. 1 post with various language observations.
honorable mention: This was also the month I suddenly got back into gifmaking, something I had dabbled in throughout several past fandoms (don't- just- don't go looking lmao). Basically no one's watching Wednesday Club? -> a gifset of May as played by Piploy. There's barely a ZeeNuNew fandom to speak of on tumblr? -> a badly thought out ZNN gifset lmao. The video in question doesn't have English subs? -> Love Senior cast and director shenanigans giffed! I haven't made a single gif since btw djsjdhsj
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popular: Pronoun changes, my beloved! Because of course the switch to พี่/น้อง /phi, nong/ in ep. 5 would get me to start rambling posting about Last Twilight lol
honorable mention: I expanded on that when I went back through ep. 1-6 to examine the entire evolution of how MorkDay speak to each other. Also wanna mention this very random post about a meme and Thai song (that I've played endlessly) and that time I hijacked @zimmbzon's doc Jim post to reply to their tags :D
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A very busy year with lots of shows watched, lots of new acquaintances made on here, and a steadily growing understanding of Thai! If the utter devastation I seem to already have caused with that Rung/rainbow Last Twilight post from the other day is any indication of the year ahead, then it sure is gonna be a fun one lmao
I'm honestly not sure who has been tagged yet and who even wants to do this but some no-pressure tags: @ueasking @thegalwhorants @pharawee and, of course, if you read this and wanna play the tag too, feel free to tag me! If any mutuals have already done this, please point me towards your posts too~
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wutbju · 1 year
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Well, WutBJU has gotten a lot more readers in recent weeks, so a big welcome to all of you. It’s gratifying to know that so many people are interested in the proven facts around Bob Jones University and its alumni. Sunshine is the best disinfectant, MIRITE?
Back to the series on enrollment numbers. Since many of you are new, let me repeat that I get these numbers from two sources. First of all, I use the self-reported numbers from the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education. This is public data. You can get it too. Or you can just look at my visualization of the data here. See down in the tags below where I have #SC CHE? You can click on that and see all the SC CHE posts under that tag (or click here). I *try* to be consistent, but I do make mistakes (quelle surprise). Readers often correct my mistakes, and I always appreciate that.
Secondly, I get data from the Vintage publications. I just count. This, too, is public data. You can go look yourself. These numbers don’t always match up with the SC CHE, but the trend lines are usually parallel. The reason for the differences is in just the collection. BJU is self-reporting the CHE numbers in the Fall, and the Vintage numbers are in the Spring. That’s one difference. It used to be that the Fall numbers are higher because BJU didn’t put the students who dropped before February in the yearbook. Now they include all the people everywhere.
But this number up above is tracking the BJU’s self-reported numbers to the State. They report how many full-time undergraduate students they have and how many part-time undergraduate students they have. I have collected these numbers going back to 2003-04. And I tracked the percentage of full-time undergraduates within the whole number of undergraduate students.
Yes, I’m being a bit pedantic, but people often ask and transparency is good.
That curious dip in the percentage of full-timers in 2018-19 is because BJU joined at the University Center at the old McAlister Square. The proof for that is that I have the faculty meeting minutes from 2018 when they announced it. You can see the quotation in this old post.
So when you’re looking at trend lines and you have that an outlier, sometimes the best practice is to ignore it. It looked odd in comparison to the 2019-20 numbers.
But now in 2023? It seems that the 2019-20 numbers are the outlier. Fewer and fewer people are enrolled at BJU full-time.
And that’s a problem for BJU’s bottom line.
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