#<-- technically an object oc question
theboxfort · 10 months
Random OSC question!
Let's say humans exist along side objects or something. How big would the objects be in comparison to humans?
Are they super tiny? Or more like half-sized? Or maybe they are as tall as a human? Or even taller? Or are they roughly the same size as the object they're based on?
(Edit: By half as tall, I meant like, around 2-4 feet tall, give or take. Anywhere from (human) child height to barely reaching the chins/shoulders of a human adult)
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aqua-the-smiter · 2 months
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✦•······················•✦•······················•✦୨୧✦•······················•✦•······················•✦ ℑ𝔯𝔬𝔫 ℌ𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔰 Ferrus Manus x female oc (Argena Seeva) Other parts in the reblogs Ferrus, in a bid to one up his pain-in-the-ass brother Fulgrim, takes up drawing. Gets some reference help from his long suffering friend and senechal, Argena. Part of my AU I have cleverly called the Primarch Wife AU. Happy endings, the boys get the help they need, Big E is a good dad and, most importantly, everybody gets a wife. Because big husband and small wife makes brain go brr
Sexual content/NSFW after the cut - Very lewd-but-not-lewd touching, Ferrus jacking off to his future wife while trying to get work done, idiots in love. @thevoidscreams @pringles-plaguehaus ✦•······················•✦•······················•✦୨୧✦•······················•✦•······················•✦
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊ “Gena?” Ferrus asked, sounding uncharacteristically nervous. “I have a…strange favor to ask of you.” Argena put down the loop of silver she’d been polishing and turned around on her stool to face him as she heard him out. Throne, he even looked uncomfortable, and she wondered what exactly he needed that he was looking so hot under the collar. Ferrus Manus was many things, but wavering was not one of them. Actually he was kind of cute like that. She mentally slapped herself almost as soon as the thought crossed her mind. HE. IS. YOUR. BOSS. She’d been with him for over a year and half at this point. It felt like it should have been longer. Falling into the role of his senechal had been so easy after a while. Especially after they’d started spending more time simply enjoying each other’s company. He was a surprisingly layered man once he opened up enough to show it. And, she heavily suspected, a lonely one too. So they’d gotten close more easily than she would have first thought. It even showed in the way he addressed her. Gena, a more tender nickname than her given. “Does it have anything to do with your ongoing attempts to one up your brother?” He rubbed the back of his neck. “It does, yes. Look, I can’t help it. Fulgrim has been driving me mad recently, so I want to pay him back in kind.” “I know, I know. And if you pull it off you’ll make him absolutely seethe.” “It” in question was Ferrus putting a serious effort into learning how to draw. He could already, but it was an entirely different kind. Technical drawings, machine blueprints, weapon schematics. Nothing really artistic, although it could be counted as a form of art in its own right if you asked her. Watching him work was hypnotic, the movement of the pencil or stylus in his metal hands impossibly graceful. Elegant even. But most people didn’t see it that way. Resident artsy fuck, Fulgrim, certainly didn’t. Constantly making little jabs and jokes at his best friend’s inability to produce anything else than purely practical drawings. Finally, Ferrus had enough and announced to her in private that he was going to produce a piece of actual art better than anything Fulgrim could do (and he wasn’t as good as everyone thought he was, including himself) out of pure brotherly spite. The early results were rough, but promising. Argena herself had quite a bit of skill, picked up from her goldsmithing hobby, and he’d come to her with practice sketches, rudimentary shapes and simple three dimensional objects. It took him a while, but he was definitely getting it. His talent for technical drawings was beginning to shine through with the clean linework. In short, it seemed he might actually do it. “That is the goal.” He said, just a little smug. “So what do you need me for, pray tell my lord?” She prompted. The Primarch seemed to steel himself for a moment. “Well…I feel I’m ready to move on to…organic materials now. I can only draw my own tools so much before I cease to learn any more from the exercise. I was going to ask if I could study you. Your anatomy, I mean.” And it already sounded like that would involve less clothes than she started with that day. “...Study my anatomy? How so? Moreover, why?”
“Feel up your body. Your muscles, skeletal structure, general build. How everything connects and moves together. I find that I learn best when I am up to the elbows in it so to speak, so being able to touch it would be the best thing. You are the only person I feel comfortable coming to with this. It is, ultimately, quite a petty thing I’m after. You have been very understanding of me. More than I thought would be possible.” Ferrus paused for a moment, wondering if what he had to say next was even a good idea before deciding he’d take that chance. “Also, you are objectively a very beautiful woman. Whatever someone’s personal tastes may be, nobody could look at you and deny it. And subjectively, I think you are a beautiful woman. For those reasons you’d make the best subject for what I’m trying to accomplish. If the goal of art is to create something pleasing to the eye, something that captures the beauty of the world and the enthusiasm of the creator in a still image, you would be a perfect basis. Not like the mess of colors and lines Fulgrim throws on his canvases.” He spoke so frankly. Ferrus was always a very no-nonsense type of person, but to have that direct, blunt nature used in such a glowing description of her was something else entirely. Because you knew for a fact when he said something, he meant it. It made her feel very warm inside. “And this is purely for research, right?” She asked tentatively. “Purely objective.” He swore. “And I won’t go any farther than you want or touch you anywhere you don’t want to be touched. I’ll fill in any gaps in my knowledge with an anatomy book. Just tell me where to stop, and I will.” Somehow a Primarch who’d grown up in the wilderness eating sand had a better concept of boundaries than many people. “Well...I trust you, so I suppose it wouldn’t hurt.” She said after a moment, rubbing her upper arm. “I’m willing. Let’s do it.” He gave her one of his rare smiles (that seemed to be becoming less rare nowadays come to think of it), genuinely grateful. It made her feel more at ease with the agreement. Who knows, it might even be fun. ₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
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pixelchills · 8 months
I just wanted to ask it you're still doing the Animutant thing, I'm getting back into it now and I had a few questions
First was if me and a friend were allowed to make an OC for it, and I just wanted to ask permission, and second was what kinds of jobs could they get?
Yes, I have two slow-process on-going fics of the FNAF Animutant AU (A Not so Sunny World & My Dear Daffodil). And then I have my original Animutant story "Dreamflower" slowly in the works too, hoping to post a couple of the first chapters before the year ends!
Both, the original story and the FNAF AU are open for people's OCs! Just be mindful of the universe when designing your OCs. The universal rules for the original and FNAF version are a bit different.
If you want to make an OC to the FNAF AUs, here's a quick recap of the basic concept of Animutants:
Animutants are always created in laboratories. All Animutants are adults (with very rare exceptions).
Animutants come in 3 sentience levels: 1 is the lowest, close to a plant sentience, level 2 is like a trained animal sentience, and level 3 is human sentience.
Animutants are a mixture of different DNAs; mutated alien DNA is their base, some human DNA and various animal and plant DNAs are used to create individual-looking mutants.
Animutants don't get ill with human illnesses, and they live 10 times longer.
Animutants can work almost any job, as long as their owner is a human, or a company.
Animutants come in all mixtures of animals or creatures. All animutants are about 5'10-10' tall, but some exceptions exist (like DJMM).
Level 3 animutants have fake reproductive systems, but none of them are fertile. Female mutants have periods and wombs, but the womb is used only for surrogate pregnancies. Female mutants are more expensive to make.
Non-animal animutants are called celestials, and they're always intersex.
Animutants are treated like "robots", so technically as objects you can own and sell. Sometimes the world is very cruel to them.
If you want to make an OC for the Dreamflower original story, I'd suggest checking my other blog @pixel-chills where I answer questions relating to it. These Animutants differ from the FNAF Animutants a lot:
Animutants are mutated humans. They act and look more human-like, but might have some animal or plant genes mixed in their system, thus giving them ears, horns, tails, or weird skins.
Animutants are a small minority of humans. A person might mutate if they die, if they happen to carry the mutant gene. Most animutants are early embryos who died in the womb, but mutated and were born as an animutant.
Animutants work very similarly to humans bodily, they can get pregnant, get ill, have chromosome-based genitalia etc.
...uh, just ask if you have any other questions :D OCs are welcome!
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saline-coelacanth · 7 months
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New OC that I briefly mentioned a couple of days ago! Anyway, this is Leo and he's the master of Color! He got his powers after the merge and didn't even realize they were elemental powers until Lloyd showed up to tell him, "Hey, yeah, you're an elemental master now."
I drew some extra doodles to show off a bit of how his powers work:
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He mainly uses paint or other ink-like substances when using his powers and the way he controls it is similar to hydrokinesis. In fact, he tends to keep tubes of paint with him to use but also uses the color from things around him. He basically drains the color out of nearby objects, but he usually puts it back when he's done (He's probably forgotten to do that a couple of times) Also no, his powers do not work on living creatures.
Also, Leo cannot control anything on the Black and White spectrum since technically, black, white and gray are not colors, they're shades. Also the less vibrant a color is, the harder it can be for him to control it.
But yeah, I haven't fully figured out this guy's story yet. All I know is I wanna make him join the team and I'm probably gonna have him join sometime between season 1 and 2 (so after they deal with Beatrix). Feel free to ask me questions about him if you want, I love talking about ocs :3
Mini Bonus:
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zaptrap · 5 months
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(part 2)
redesigns of some old ocs! still kinda WIP but i like the direction they're heading. i don't really have in-depth lore/backstories yet but here's what ive got so far:
The Group:
A bunch of Serpentine who -through means unknown at this time- can shapeshift into humans... mostly. There's still some snake features but they can blend in well enough.
Each left or were banished from their respective tribes for one reason or another. Depending on timelines, the Merge may have further disconnected them from their tribes.
"Found family" but the family they found is a bunch of lunatics.
They all fall under that category of "is hundreds of years old, but look in their 20s" lmfao.
Dunno what they're up to in their day to day life besides eating and sleeping and avoiding arrest.
Likes to toy with people, and LOVES messing with her friends but they're used to it for the most part.
Conveniently, uh, wasn't eaten by Pythor lmao. Maybe she was banished from the tribe before they were entombed.
Likes to hunt and eat people, but hates when it's called cannibalism cuz she's "technically a snake, sooo 😒"
Can turn invisible, which is very useful for the aforementioned hunting.
Not really into "normal" food can still consume it if necessary.
Most likely to get arrested, or would be if she couldn't turn invisible.
Bek (Honorable Mention):
Whatever species the Great Devourer was lmfao.
Peak emo boy vibes except he's legit insane. Was never part of a tribe.
Besties with Xyla. Might be besties with benefits, either way they're really close.
They're both wanted in at least 4 realms for an assortment of crimes (kidnapping people and eating them).
More of strict carnivore, gets sick if he has to eat non-meat too often.
2nd Most likely to get arrested.
Not as openly antagonistic as Xyla, but can be a bitch when she wants to be.
Basically a vampire-idol LARPer, has an umbrella whenever the sun is out and can sing fairly well.
Is kinda frail/sickly. Not in the best physical condition. Likely abandoned by the other Fangpyre due to this.
Can turn people/objects into snakes via bite. Likes to threaten people with this to scare 'em off.
Likes ordering Goro around lmao, though it's usually simple stuff like errands or chores. They're best friends but...... complicated.
Picky eater, but likes candy and finger foods.
Least likely to get arrested 'cause she can just turn the cops into snakes lmfao.
Left the tribe to be with Arabella. She helped him when they were kids and he latched onto her.
He's a little bit... extremely obsessed with everything about her in every way. They're inseparable (they should be separated).
Big puppy vibes but also rabid dog in certain scenarios (if something bad happened to Arabella). Clingly/Simpy/Spineless/you get the idea.
Would be shy/introverted otherwise.
Can burrow or constrict people.
Can and will eat trash, he doesn't give a shit.
Hasn't been arrested..... yet.
But yeah that's what I've got so far, lemme know what u think or if u have any questions !! There's a couple others a haven't really designed yet, but I'm still trying to figure out what I wanna do with 'em lmao.
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virgo-mess · 8 months
Silver Thread
A little almost Terry Silver enemies to lovers oc drabble I've been working on. I'd like some feedback wondering if it's something anyone would be interested in? I don't have many followers on here so if you see this post give it a a read?
Silver Thread- Terry Silver x OC
Terry Silver sat quietly seething at his desk one morning, chin propped up in the palm of his hand like a little schoolgirl, as he watched her. It was all he seemed to do most days since she started interning at Dynatox Industries a few months ago. He watched her small hands weed through paperwork, doing calculations at expert speed. The she in question was Veda Noelle LaRusso. Terry couldn’t remember exactly what day he hired her; he hadn’t paid much attention when Margaret mentioned her and handed him the file.
“Just hire the one with the best scores, Margaret.” He said hastily, he skimmed a few lines to humor her. He saw that whomever the file was about had graduated from high school a bit early, was accepted into California Technical Institute on a full ride scholarship, after doing great work in their Gifted Young Minds Program. Terry found their resume quite impressive but hadn’t bothered to look at the name.
“He sounds great hire him” He said and ushered Margaret away before she could speak.
Had he glanced at the paper for more than a moment he would’ve figured out the mathematical genius he hired was actually a young woman. A gorgeous young woman at that. He watched her run a hand through the thick black waves on her head, he could even make out that she was nibbling on that plump lip of hers. Terry Silver thought about nibbling on her lip himself quite often, they looked so soft. Lips like that deserved to be kissed, but only by him. The thought of another’s lips grazing hers made his blood boil, but it was soothed by the prospect that no one else had been inside her. Terry fantasized about being the first one to enter and taint such a beautiful pure creature, at being the only one because no one else deserved to be in something so pretty, something so tight, not even him. The thought of Terry Silver not deserving something left him feeling a great deal of rage. Veda had become the object of his obsession, his desires, his rage, and his heart the moment she stepped into his office. He would never, nor could he ever allow anyone else to have her. She was his whether she was willing to accept it yet or not. She deserved it for making him feel this way, for never leaving his mind, for haunting his dreams, and rebuffing his affections.
Terry remembered the day she had shown up in his office in one of her tight little outfits. A rust colored short and blazer outfit, with a tight black top underneath, those damn knee socks, and an adorable beret sat atop her pretty little head. Terry found himself biting his lip at the memory, he’d memorized every curve of that perfect body of hers by now. He dreamt of it almost every night, it was slowly driving him insane. She would waltz in his office like she knew she owned everything in it, including him. Running her fingers through her like he wanted to, crossing her arms over her perfect breasts when he longed to put one in his mouth, staying just out of his reach when he wanted nothing more than to hold her. All while wearing the tightest, most teasing outfits she could find. She’d turn to leave in a huff about something he said that plump ass of hers bouncing tauntingly at him. Terry would be left sat at his desk breath ragged his cock hard as a rock and his heart aching as he glared at her retreating form. As if she didn’t know the hold, she had on him.
At first the dreams were just raw passionate dirty affairs he often had her bent over his desk or spread out on top of it with lust in those big brown eyes as she begged him to take her in every way. Terry would happily oblige because doing the most impure things to something so pure made his heart race in excitement.  Over time the dreams steered to more intimate sensual affairs, he’d be in bed caressing every part her perfect little body gently, possessively holding her hand as he rutted into her pretty little pussy slowly, cooing her with praise and encouragement if she tensed up beneath him, telling her how happy he was to be with her and how much he wanted her to be happy, that she felt so good, that she was such a good girl for taking something so big her first time peppering her face with kisses. Veda would reward him by melting into him, cooing him with affections, moaning his name repeatedly as she peppered him with kisses of her own. And then she’d come for him.  Terry would awake in a furious state of need and want, immediately needing to finish himself off, imagining those brown eyes filled with need for him was enough to have him coming hard in seconds moaning out her name with the word ‘My’ at the front of it as he finished in his hand.  How dare she do this to him.
The shift from rough hot sex to gentle love making terrified him as he had never felt that way for any of the other women he had tricked into bed. Terry was always a very selfish partner with his conquests, making them come was only something he did to get what he wanted from them which was nothing more than a hard fuck when and where he wanted it. He had no real desire to make the encounters good for anyone but himself, they were purely transactional. Though still mildly selfish and transactional in sentiment, those new dreams about Veda had him prioritizing her pleasure and her comfort for her because her being in a state of contentment pleased him. Being the one to fulfill her needs and desires made him happy in a way he had never been before. He didn’t just want to fuck her hard over his desk. He wanted all of her, he wanted her heart because she took his. Stole it, left it on the floor carelessly stomping on it as she left his office that day. How could she?
 Didn’t she know the thought of him being the center of her world was something Terry wanted so deeply he was willing to do whatever it took to have her in his forever.  That his little game of tormenting her and reeling her back in was a twisted declaration of his devotion towards her. That he only tormented her because she tormented him by not allowing to have her. By not allowing him to love her. Did she really think he would allow just anyone to have that level of power over him? He cared about her as much as he hated her for leaving him with no desire to be with or inside anyone but her. He wanted her to feel that level of devotion, to want him as bad as he wanted her, to need him as bad as he needed her. For that reason alone, Terry despised her. How dare she make him want her so badly and not return the sentiment. Terry remembered looking down into those big brown innocent eyes for the first time. Looking back on it now that day would’ve been perfect if he had only read her file. They got off on the wrong foot quite quickly, and for some reason Terry wished he could redo it all. This constant game of cat and mouse between them, was exhausting. She seemed so uninterested in him, normally Terry wouldn’t let that stop him. He was a man who prided himself in taking what he wanted without thinking of who was hurt in the process. Terry hated that he didn’t really want to hurt Veda, he might if his hand was forced but he wouldn’t find joy in doing so, he would only relish in her tears if they were for him. If they sprang from her eyes as he took her roughly over his desk that would
delight him in a way, of course sweet words of affirmation and soothing touches would follow, and Terry hated that he now craved to prioritize aftercare but only with her, only for her.  If the tears were caused by sadness, discontentment, or pain at his hands or another he wouldn’t tolerate it. He couldn’t tolerate it and it was all her fault.  He remembered the overwhelming guilt he felt when tears welled in her eyes the first day they met. He hated being the one who caused them, but he also hated feeling things that he thought he had buried so long ago. He didn’t know he was still capable of such a thing. He never wanted to know he was still capable of such a thing, and he hated Veda for making them resurface. This was all her fault.
Terry heard a small knock on his office door.
“Come in” he said lazily. He didn’t bother looking up “What is it?” he said impatiently.
“I’m the new intern, the girl at the desk told to report to you” the voice was delicate and something about it caught his attention. Terry looked up from his paperwork, letting his eyes roam all over the figure before him. ‘Wow’ he thought, very few women left him in awe. He let a smirk tug on his lips.
“I’m afraid you’re in the wrong building doll face. All the fashion magazines are further down the block” he said mockingly. Models often stumbled into their building by mistake, Terry would be lying if he said he hadn’t pulled quite a few of them. He let his eyes travel to her nicely sized chest, he wondered how she got those in that tiny top. He finally met her doe-like eyes, they were big brown and rather cold at the present moment as she glared at him. He bit back a snide chuckle, something about the stunning thing with those doe-like eyes left him feeling rather animalistic. Terry felt a deep desire brew within him as he stared at her, he could overpower her without a doubt, but stalking prey was the most exciting thing for him.
“It’s alright baby doll, I can walk you over.” He said standing up.
“That won’t be needed, Mr. Silver. I work for you, though I’m very much reconsidering it now” Terry caught the snarky twinge in her voice and smirked. The petite ones were always so fiery and the most fun in bed in his experience. He watched her nice little body stiffen as he stalked over towards her slowly.
“Didn’t mean to upset you, baby doll. I’m afraid it is just a misunderstanding. You see, I hired a mathematical genius who’s studying at CalTech. Not a model, I’m sure I could find a desk job for you if you really want. You see I have it all in this file” Terry said in a teasing tone holding it up. She scoffed glaring daggers at him, if looks could kill he was certain he’d be six feet under by now but for some reason Terry found her expression quite adorable. He was mildly excited to have caused such a look to cross such an angelic face and thought about what lust would look like on it.
“Oh really? What’s his name?” she asked mockingly, narrowing her big eyes at him as if challenging him. Terry bit his lip amused, usually he’d use this as an opportunity to put someone in their place. He never let anyone get away with speaking to him like that or looking at him like that. Terry for some reason was willing to let her get away with such things and found her returning his antics without a second thought alluring. He liked it in a strange way.
“God, you’re beautiful. What do you need a job for anyway? You get with a man like me you’ll never have to lift a pretty finger a day in your life. I’d love to spoil you, doll.” He proposed, getting unnecessarily close to her inhaling her scent. She smelled like vanilla, so sweet, so delicious. He let his free hand stroke her cheek gently, her brown eyes became glossy, she looked up at him with an almost hurt expression, like he had just slapped her and for a moment Terry felt a small twinge of remorse. Letting his hand fall quickly from her cheek feeling almost wounded himself, he assured himself it was just because he didn’t want her to file a sexual harassment suit against him. But deep-down Terry knew it was because she didn’t seem to like his touch, and he wanted her to like his touch to some degree though he would never admit such a thing.
“You’re a pig” she hissed, yanking the file out of his other hand with a surprising amount of force. Terry saw great karate potential in the feisty little thing, the thought of sparring with her left him feeling hot all over. Imagining her, flushed and glistening, spread out on a mat while gazing up at him was a beautiful picture indeed. Terry bit his lip looking down at her as she opened the file to one of the pages Terry skipped those weeks ago. She looked up at him with sharp eyes, Terry felt naked under her intense gaze as she looked at him disgusted and unimpressed.
“Tell me, Mr. Silver, how many men do you know with the name Veda Noelle LaRusso. Oh, look they even put a picture of me in here for you. Rather kind of Margaret, seen as you clearly can’t read.” Veda’s eyes had grown cold again and her words taunting and dripping with sarcasm. She held the picture up practically shoving it in his face. Terry felt his smile falter, feeling wounded at the harsh tone her sweet voice had taken as he looked at the photo. Terry had to admit she was truly very beautiful, and he wondered why she chose not to capitalize on it. The thought of other men ogling at her in a magazine left Terry feeling jealous, no one really deserved to look at her that way, not even him. It was this sentiment that triggered his growing obsession, Terry always prided himself in getting everything he wanted. Seeing Veda as a shiny trophy or toy to play with as he thought fit left him feeling giddy. He ignored the twinge of guilt he felt in his chest when he thought of breaking her as payback. How dare she be more than he deserved, who did she think she was walking in here and looking at him like that? As if he was beneath her, as if she didn’t need him, as if she didn’t want him. As if he wasn’t worth wanting…
Terry’s face hardened as he glared down at her. He would simply have to show her what she was missing. Maybe she deserved to be knocked down a peg. He contemplated a fitting response to make her feel the way she had just made him feel. Naked under his gaze. “Sorry, doll. You can’t expect to walk into any man’s office dressed like you belong on a corner and expect them not to make a pass at you. Dress how you want to be treated.” he said tauntingly. He watched as her face fell slightly as she looked down at her outfit, she quickly
buttoned up her blazer and crossed her arms over her chest, becoming visibly uncomfortable. Though his words had the intended effect, Terry found himself resisting the urge to apologize when she finally met his gaze, face red and tears briming her big eyes. He reassured himself this was merely the consequence of her sharp tongue towards him, even if he had earned it. Terry straightened himself up as he walked away from her towards the large stack of boxes that sat in the corner of his office. They contained over a years’ worth of company transactions, hundreds of files that needed to be balanced out. Their last accountant quit abruptly. Terry felt a smirk tug on his face, as the vindictive idea popped into his head.
“I find your lack of professionalism rather grating Miss. LaRusso.” Terry spoke dryly, turning to look at her. Veda was stiff, her eyes focused on the floor biting her lip to keep from sobbing in the presence of her new boss on her first day.
“I’m sorry, sir. It won’t happen again” she said, the mocking tone had disappeared from her voice and instead replaced with a slight whimper. Terry bit back a groan, he’d love to hear that sound from her over and over again. But he didn’t miss that his heart wanted to hear it in a much different context. He managed to keep his composure.
“You look people in the eye when you speak to them Miss. LaRusso” Terry barked, making her jump slightly. Veda forced herself to look at him, though she really couldn’t see him that well as the tears blurred her vision threatening to spill over. Terry leered down at her stone faced. “Not only do you lack professionalism, but you also lack common courtesy. Don’t parents teach manners anymore. Perhaps you’re not a good fit for this company Miss. LaRusso” Terry said allowing the taunting tone to return back to his voice as he reentered her personal space. This time as a means of intimidation he assured himself, not because he wanted stroke her cheek again. Veda looked up at him, her bottom lip now trembling.
“Please Mr. Silver, I need this internship for college credit” She whispered, her whole body now shaking. Terry resisted the urge to comfort her as he looked down into her deep watery brown eyes. Terry felt a scowl come across his face at the thought. What about her made him feel this way, he wondered.
“Maybe you should’ve thought of that before giving the man that employs you cheek, huh? I am willing to let you learn from this misstep Miss. LaRusso, I don’t want to be the reason one of CalTech’s most promising students fails before the school year has even started. Your first lesson in the adult work force is that actions have consequences. Your consequence will be to balance every file in every single one of these boxes before tomorrow” Terry said motioning to the boxes behind him. He watched her eyes travel to the boxes expecting a look of exasperation to cross her face. Instead, she met his eye again, lips still trembling. Terry considered kissing her to make it stop, maybe it would keep the tears from falling from her eyes as well. Maybe it would subside the annoying aching in his chest.
“Understood Mr. Silver” her voice sounded defeated as she swiftly walked past him to pile boxes in her little arms. Terry found he wasn’t satisfied when she turned around and the tears were flowing down her pink cheeks at a rapid pace. She said nothing and avoided eye contact as she left his office.
Terry grew increasingly annoyed with himself every time she came back in to grab a new box. She was going through them at an impressive speed; Terry didn’t know what he had expected from the girl who had won the International Mathematical Olympiad four years in a row. She had stopped crying by the fourth time she came to take another box, but it was still very clear she had been crying. Her pretty eyes remained red and puffy and soft sniffles could be heard faintly from her desk. Terry couldn’t figure out why watching her cry made him feel so bad. He’s made so many women cry, and he never once felt the way he felt watching Veda weep. It was almost painful, and he disgustingly still wanted to comfort her, hold her, and apologize for being an asshole for once in his life. He assured himself it was just because he thought the chances of having her naked beneath him were slim now. That his cock was just pissed off at him denying it the pleasure of being inside something so beautiful. Terry pondered giving himself what he wanted even if she didn’t want it. He was sure he could just pay her off for letting him have his way with her once. Would once be enough?
Terry watched as his other employees jumped to comfort her when they passed her desk, he felt a growl rumble in his chest when he saw one of his male employees rub her back softly. What right did he have to touch her that Terry didn’t? He stood from his desk in a jealous rage.
“Go back to your desk, now!” he boomed when he got to his office door; he was satisfied when the man all but fell on the floor. Veda looked down at the guy and had the nerve to ask if he was okay. She hadn’t asked if he was okay when she all but made him hate himself in the matter of a few hours had she? When she looked down on him like a pest. Terry glared at her when she offered the guy her hand as if he was more deserving of holding it than he was. Terry felt an urgency to not let the guy touch her again. To not let anyone touch her that wasn’t him.
“You can finish your work in my office LaRusso” he said through gritted teeth. Veda could tell from the tone it wasn’t a suggestion but an order. Terry watched satisfied when she pulled her hand away before the guy had chance to take it. She scrambled to pick up the file she was working on and scurried back into his office. A smile tugged on his face at how quickly he had gotten her to move for him. Terry followed behind her and made sure to slam his office door shut. Her back was to him, but he heard another sweet whimper flow from her body, and he felt himself twitch against his leg. He would consider rewarding her for gifting him with such an innocent sound.
“Veda, how are the books and numbers treating you?” Terry asked. Veda looked up at him with confused, his tone was soft almost soothing when he spoke to her this time. Terry kept his face relatively blank as he sat back in his chair even though being the center of her attention right now made his heart flutter.
“Uh, not that well, there appears to be a large sum of money missing. Who was your last accountant?” Veda asked nervously, her pretty face looked very serious. Terry didn’t like it suddenly needing to see her smile like she was in the picture from her file.
“Joe Owens, I believe he’s vacationing in Aruba right now. You ever been there?” Terry asked with a smug smile. Veda resisted the need to roll her eyes, the way Terry could flip from vindictive, to charming, to almost sweet was giving her a headache.
“I suspect he went there with the 900,000 dollars he stole from Dynatox” she said dryly pushing her calculations toward him. Terry sighed he couldn’t decide which side of her he liked best. He could acknowledge he found that fiery side incredibly hot until he got burned. He supposed he could make a game out of riling her up before sweeping in with a punishment to soften her up again. He smirked at the thought of having her both ways knowing that it would all be for him in the end.
“Check the numbers again doll” he said mockingly, seemingly unbothered. Veda scowled at him. “The way you scrunch your nose is so cute” Terry said softly, satisfied that she had done exactly what he wanted her to without realizing it. Veda blushed at the compliment, Terry was giving her whiplash right now and she had a feeling he was doing it on purpose. Terry watched her amused as the blush spread down to her neck. Yes, he quite liked this. He could maintain a delicate balance of ‘insulting’ her (he knew he would never mean any of them) then praising her for quite some time. He was giddy at the thought of making her as confused and conflicted as she had made him in the last couple of hours.
“I don’t need to check the numbers, I’m a mathematical genius. My calculations are accurate, sir” there was a slight sneer in her voice, and he knew she was growing upset with him quickly. Terry grew annoyed with himself as he felt the sudden urge to comfort her once more. How was she doing that? He held her gaze momentarily, deciding to stick with the idea of keeping her on her toes. Pushing her away and reeling her back in would get tiresome for her. She would relent and give herself to him because he deserved her, he assured himself. Terry would never admit this was more so to convince himself that he, an objectively bad person, could deserve someone like her.
“Veda” he coos huskily, beckoning her to his side of the desk with his long finger. Watching that slight blush creep up on her face once more, she stiffened as she rose and made her way to his side of the desk. Terry liked her blushing for him, and he genuinely smiled as he stood up towering over her small body. Finally letting his hands run up and down her small arms in the comforting way he had been craving to do all morning. Her skin was so soft, as he gently guiding her to sit on his desk. Terry clapped gleefully sitting back down in his chair, they were almost eye level with each other now. Veda watched him closely; her nose was still adorably scrunched up.
“Let’s just forget about the files and start over, ok baby girl?” He said making his tone gentle as he looked at her. “Why don’t you just sit here looking pretty for me while I finish this paperwork, hm? I’ll find someone else to balance the books and we can go grab lunch” Terry proposed, letting his thumb draw soothing patterns on her soft legs. Veda stiffened again at his touch almost flinching which left Terry feeling annoyingly crestfallen as he gritted his teeth. Veda practically growled as she swatted his large hands away from her legs. Terry took a deep shaky breath to compose himself, losing his temper now would ruin this for him. Worse than he already had.
“Come on baby girl, don’t be like that. I’m not going to hurt you. I just want you to feel the way you make me feel. I want you to feel good nothing would make me happier” Terry whispered, why was he still comforting her? Why was he being so honest? He reached to rub her leg again acknowledging that he liked the way he felt when he touched her. It was something beyond lust. Veda let out a dissatisfied grunt and stood up seething at him, Terry flinched despite himself. Watching as frustrated tears flowed from her big eyes for the second time today. This time acknowledging to himself he didn’t like making her cry, that seeing her cry hurt him disgustingly so to some degree.
“Veda, I’m sorry. Please don’t cry” Terry stuttered out reaching for her hand, but she pulled away from him sharply.
“Don’t ever touch me again, you disgust me” she spat; Terry flinched again at her words. Veda grabbed the freshly poured cup of coffee Margaret had given him moments ago. Today was the first time since the war that Terry felt small in the presence of another.
“Veda, baby” Terry said, breath shaking, he felt an unpleasant lump form in his throat as he stared at her. The tears kept flowing from her eyes, Terry reached out wanting to cradle her, to hold her, to touch her again. He didn’t know if it was to comfort her or himself, all he knew was that it would work for one of them. He thought there was no feasible way she couldn’t feel the same pull he felt. “I’m so sorry, Plea- “Terry was cut off by the feeling of warm coffee washing over his pulled back hair, trickling down his very expensive suit. Not even Terry could deny he deserved every bit of the verbal lashing, and he sat back down at his desk defeated. He didn’t look up as he heard her fast footsteps stomp out of his office. He couldn’t watch her leave.
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Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6a Part 6b Part 6c Part 6d Part 7 Part 8a
Part 8b Part9a Part9b Part10
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OC interview
Thanks @mysticstarlightduck here!
Rules: answer the questions in the POV of an OC!
This time, I'm feeling Liam!
Are you named after anyone?
“Yes, I am. I made sure of it. Liam is an extremely common name, see, I've met a million of them. Liam could be referring to any number of Liams, and you would never know which one. Besides, now in certain situations I must be called Beaumont, which I just think sounds cool.”
When was the last time you cried?
“Pfft. I don't cry often. Sure, there's, like, a psychological reason for why doing it is healthy, but I just find myself in situations that don't call for it. When you need a good pathos, sure, being able to cry on the spot is an extremely good skill that I have. Crying isn't something I usually do when I'm upset. I try to stay focused on the facts to craft my argument. So the last time I cried was for my AV club. We were filming a commercial. It had puppies.”
Do you have kids?
“Oh, absolutely not. There are a million reasons, seemingly, why. First: I'm barely eighteen. Second: I'm not quite sure I want any of my own to begin with. Many different personal reasons I would much rather not get into right now. Third: not only the last two, but I'm going off to college next fall. Do you think I'm gonna have time to raise a kid? Nah. If it's to be, I'm going to wait until after graduation. Then I'll reassess where I am in life.”
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
“It depends on who I am talking to. I love sarcasm. Use it when I can. However, I've found that being blunt works better for others. Saying what you mean has a more effective, direct approach that clears up any potential misunderstanding. On the other hand, sarcasm is an effective tool to use as humor or to throw an opponent or challenger off-guard. It can be a gotcha moment. It can piss people off, ruffle some feathers, if you will. You understand my point, I assume. Sarcasm is a tool that must only be used when appropriate and should never go to waste.”
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
“... I notice everything about them. Their posture, where their eyes are, hands are, everything I can, I analyze. Why? It makes talking to them a lot easier. I bet Wade said 'general vibe', and I'd have to say that is a correct assessment of what there is to notice first. I need to know how to talk to people. How to approach this conversation.”
What’s your eye colour?
“Green. Objectively the best choice for myself. I have a very...eh, Sam would call it a 'naturalistic aesthetic.' What she means is that my color palette consists of colors associated with nature. Brown hair and green eyes help that, I presume. It fits with my 'vibe' so to speak. I would love to argue that assigning aesthetics is a little ridiculous, I do enjoy general color theory.”
Scary movies or happy endings?
“Who the hell decided these were opposites? Aliens is horror and it has a technically happy ending with four characters alive and well. I'm ignoring the next movie. This is absolutely ridiculous. I'm sorry, as a film student--or someone on track to be--this is stupid. Who wrote this question? Tragic endings or happy endings. Scary movies or feel-good movies. Technically, one could be both. Die Hard, for example, is pretty intense but gives the 'warm fuzzies' at the end. Nothing is binary except computer code. This is ridiculous. I consider myself to be a highly opinionated person, but I'm not sure I could debate either side of this. My opinion is this question is stupid, and I uncharacteristically refuse to answer.”
Any special talents?
“I can edit. Very well. Would like to edit YouTubers' vids. Generally good at cinematography and vision. Apparently I can also turn anything into an argument. Speaking of which, what defines a special talent? What makes you special? Everyone is 'special in different ways' but what is special? Some may consider my argumentative streak to be a special talent, but some may just think it's an annoying personality trait or psychological issue that I need to seek help to treat. Or is it actually healthy? I argue it's both. And what is a talent? Something we are natural at, or something that we became good at? A mix of both?”
Where were you born?
“Bit invasive. Earth. Narrowed it down to Alium or Ceteri. Which Earth? You decide.”
Do you have any pets?
“I have a cat named Beans and a dog named Macie.”
What sort of sports do you play?
“Unless arguing or debate is a sport, I do not play any. I say debate counts. It requires a good offense and a good defense. Strategy. Approach, follow through, anticipating movements. You get it.”
How tall are you?
“About 170 centimeters or 5'7. Some call me short but on Alium I'm neither short nor tall. Next to Sam I feel tiny but then I'm next to someone like Tyler and I feel much better about myself.”
What was your favourite subject in school?
“Uh, debate. I would debate you on that, but I think you get the point. Other than that, film classes and computer science are the best classes I have ever taken.”
What is your dream job?
“I want to be a filmmaker so bad. I want to direct and boss people around. I want to be a cinematographer or an editor. I want someone to use my movie as a good, ideal example in film school. I want to write my own script. See my film premiere on the red carpet. Cast all-stars, nepo babies, and fresh blood. I want it all. Call me ambitious, but I could rock this industry.”
Other Liam: questionnaire
Other interviews: Wade, Jazlyn, Gwen, Lexi, Carla, Carmen, Maddie
Tagging @somethingclevermahogony @badluck990 @theprissythumbelina @talesofsorrowandofruin @loopyhoopywrites
Blanks below the cut!
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What’s the first thing you notice about people? What’s your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
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lamaenthel · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank you for tagging me @ahsokathegray !!<3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
231k lmaoooo when did that happen I feel like I've been in a fugue state since February
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars (and technically, TECHNICALLY The Matrix but it's a Star Wars AU fusion lmao)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Porg Eyes, Princess For A Year, Ram'ser'ika, Better Than Nothing, The Contingency
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes every single one omfg I love everyone
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, Soft Dark Nothing is Ahsoka and Rex on the moon right after The Tribunal crashed so by default it's gotta be her (rip Jesse my beloved)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Not Bad ends up with Snips n Skyguy going to Biscuit Baron lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet but I live in fear every day especially since I'm dipping my toe in the Republic Commandos pond and I know the girlies are passionate
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do and it's ridiculously graphic HAHAHA no but there's a reason I haven't posted any Rexsoka smut. Makin y'all wait for it until they COMMIT, gotta keep that tension in there somewhere uwu. But wlw, mlw, mlm, aliens and cyborgs gonna work their way in there eventually (?) I have Not Out Loud, which is an mlm fic with Boba tying up Cal and facefucking him (Kesett nation rise)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Go Ask Ahsoka is the Matrix crossover that I wrote for AU August which I will eventually update lmfao
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No but I would cry
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not like… technically but Erika is my beta and my bestie and she comes up with amazing ideas and lets me play with her OCs so honestly she counts (ilu)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Rexsoka 💙🧡, closely followed by Anidala (burning down the galaxy for a single person is objectively WRONG but also hot)
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Well Do Not Go Gentle is a huge fucking project that I HOPE I finish one day
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at action. I enjoy it which helps lmao
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I get really ahead of myself laying out hints and red herrings which I then forget about (Princess For A Year especially is the worst about this, I am so sorry for all of those hints about Sylen being a pretend Mandalorian I fucked up so bad with that one but I'm going to rewrite it eventually to bring back a bunch of my dropped subplots)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I enjoy it and do so regularly. Mando'a nuhur'shya ni ru'kar'tayli. And it makes my brain work in unexpected ways, it's like a puzzle trying to figure out the wacky ass baby's-first-conlang grammar that is Karen's creation (what the fuck kind of language doesn't have a passive voice)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
OKAY OKAY TECHNICALLY, TECHNICALLY????? It was the Lion King. I was in first grade and we had to write a little storybook and illustrate the pages they gave us with crayons and my story was How Simba Lost His Mane lmfaoooo
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
I have poured my whole heart, soul, brain, and pussy into Tivaevae pls read it it's longer than The Hobbit
no pressure tags: @soliloquy-of-nemo, @tangledlichen, @ink-in-books, @hannah-schooler
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rubsjuice · 10 hours
I could use a little bit more income to pay for bus fares and emergencies, as I currently am pretty much living paycheck to paycheck, so I figured I should open writing commissions :)
dm me if you're interested!
rate = $0.07/word
500 word drabbles = $20
after the first 500 words, the 7 cent/word rate will be applied for the rest of the words
editing work = $20/chapter or short story
I'm good at character studies, short blurb descriptions (such as character profiles, blurbs when interacting with objects in adventure games and rpgs), dialogues and technical/academic writing. I can also do PT-BR//ENG translations.
As for editing, I am good at spellchecking, checking the flow and pacing of a story, and I have an eye for being pedantic and asking the questions that help locate plot holes and other things that make people say mean things to you.
You can see some of my (fandom) work [here] and [here].
Check READ MORE for do's and don'ts, and payment information :)
any of my current fandoms.
sci-fi, fantasy, horror, historical, speculative biology or anthropology, and anything to do with worldbuilding.
shipping, including canon/oc and self-insert/your meow meow.
porn! (*some kinks may make me uncomfortable, so I won't be able to write for them)
RPF, no exceptions.
some kinks (please ask me when commissioning).
action-heavy and superhero stories (i'm not good enough to promise quality work).
fanfic for works I am not familiar enough. Please ask when commissioning.
paypal, a signal corresponding to half the expected value before I send you your work for first revision, and the rest after the final work is sent, adjusted for any extra rate
[IF FROM BRAZIL] pix, 20% discount, direct conversion of the final USD total, same half-and-half as paypal.
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youredreamingofroo · 2 months
- - oc deep dive questionnaire
a set of 20 questions to get to know your oc! thank you @elderwisp for the tag!! 🫶🫂 (THIS IS SO LATE BUT THANK YOU AGAIN)
Roo Norman
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- under the cut -
what uncommon/common fear do they have?
[ I answered this here , but just to shoot em out: Driving (not being driven, but actually being behind the wheel), "apeirophobia"/"megalophobia" (excessive fear of infinity, eternity, and the uncountable / fear of large objects), being stared at (despite liking eye contact, we love an indecisive king)
do they have any pet peeves?
[ Motherfuckers who can't communicate LMFAO
what are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
[ His phone, clutter (IKKK its not a single item but like in general he just has a LOT of clutter), and a photo of his dad
what do they notice first in a person?
[ Their hair,,, He just can't help it, he'll always notice their hair and usually compliment them, but if he doesn't FW their hair, he doesn't say anything LMAOO
from a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
[ 3-5, pussy shit
do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
[ ~ flight ~ He's kinda like a stray cat,,,
do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
[ Roo technically comes from a big family (4 siblings, and 2 step-fathers) but didn't grow up in a big family, and I would not consider Roo a family person LMAO everyone in his family was pretty distant when he was growing up so :/
what animal represents them best?
[ idk why but Giraffe, like that just came to mind while doing this, but usually I'd say something like a cat represents him best 🤷‍♂️
what is a smell that they dislike?
[ Lavender... (me and him 🤝 hating the fuck outta lavender cuz it gives us migraines)
have they broken any bones? if so, how?
[ Nopeeee, still broken-bone free
how would a stranger likely describe them?
[ "Eccentric..." LMAO no but fr, they'd probably say He's a little weird and looks pretty reserved, but is surprisingly open
what is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
[ He does NOT like Pistachio and he absolutely loves Mango
do they have any hobbies?
[ Nope 💀💀 His pastime is obsessing over Leo as of late
boom, surprise birthday party! how do they react to surprises?
[ His ass would (jokingly) walk out, come back and then cry
do they like to wear jewelry? if so, what is their favorite piece?
[ Roo loves wearing jewelry but his sensory issues say fuck that </3 He loves to wear rings tho (when his sensory issues let him)
do they have neat or messy handwriting?
[ messy 😭
what are two emotions they feel the most?
[ Nervousness and Confusion (just like me fr)
do they have a favorite fabric?
[ No? 😭 I don't even know what my fav fabric is... I guess he likes anything that isn't microfiber?
what kind of accent do they have?
[ This has been said soo many times, but he has an english (american) accent with a swedish sort of twang
- -
Not tagging anyone cuz I'm like... a week or two late... 😭 But if you'd like to do this, feel free to do it and tag me <:P
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fire-but-ashes-too · 11 months
get to know my oc!
thank you so so so much @flock-from-the-void for the tag <3
im so excited to do this, finally all the unnecessary traits I gave her will be useddd so so happy
gently tagging: @leisoree @rmgrey-author @digital-chance @maewrites13 @briannaswords @tea-and-mercury @anonymousfoz and anyone else who'd like to join :)
this is my forever beloved (and one of my first ocs that managed to not get tossed away) Giada from Flowers and Homicide (before it was murderous roses)
As I step in the lab, a rotting smell fills my nostrils. I'm seriously tempted to drop this crazy interview and go back home, but then I think of my boss.
And so I keep on walking through hell, knowing that the previously cited boss's rage would be even worse.
There's some guy cleaning a syringe near what I presume is a corpse (don't vomit, don't vomit, dont' vomit) and so I approach him and ask him if he knows where a girl named Giada could be.
After a couple seconds, he sends me off in direction of a room with glass panels, through them I catch sight of a dark, curly mass of hair and knock on the door.
"Hello, are you by any chance Giada?" the foreign name is still new on my tongue, I hope I didn't pronounce it wrong.
"Yes, that's me! What can I help you with?" she answers smiling brightly at me.
"I'm from Tumblr-News," I explain "I was hoping you'd have time for a couple of questions..."
"Oh! Sure! I'm on my break right now, so we have a good 20 minutes for talking"
Are you named after anyone?
Huh, interesting question. No, I wasn't named after a person, but an object. A gemstone. See, my family's half Italian and Giada, in Italian, means jade, also my grandmother's favourite stone.
I think she said something about a ring and a proposal.... doesn't matter though.
When was the last time you cried?
Ha haa... Is this really necessary? Yeah? Ok..Yesterday. I just'd just gotten my period and ice cream fell on my shirt. Don't judge, it makes me really emotional.
The period. Not the ice-cream.
Do you have kids?
Do I really look that old? Damn. And no, I don't have kids and don't plan on them.
Do you use sarcasm?
I believe sarcasm should be a love language. Yes I do, anytime I can, I love it, it's half of my personality.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Well, I'm a med student, so probably the overall appereance, if they're sleeping enough, if they're eating enough, stuff like that.
Also if they look like a murderer. Or like a person who killed someone.
Guilty, in general.
What's your eye colour?
They're jade, like my name. Just kidding, I'd love to have green eyes but I don't have them.
She leans closer to me and opens her eyes more than I thought was humanly possible.
I don't know if you can see through the glasses, but there is a bit of mud green in the brown, so technically my eyes are a bit green.
Mostly brown though.
Scary movies or happy endings?
I'm literally standing in a lab full of cadavers. What do you think?
Any special talents?
Oh oh I know this! I can lick my nose! Want to see?
she brings her tongue to her nose and makes a muffled scream while pointing to it.
I also have an apparently worrying knowledge about poisons and death, but I'm studying forensic, can you blame me?
Where were you born?
In an hospital? Duh. It was in San Francisco if you care to know.
What are your hobbies?
I've already said poisons but I'll say it again, they are super interesting, did you know we exist just because some ancient monkeys got high? many times, and those chemicals extended their brain cells and so they got smarter. It's amazing!
I also love magic, I've thought about joining a cult or something, but those people are mad. Worse than me. I've been to a session, and they were all dressed up strange, candles everywhere, there was the star on the ground, you know that star in the circle? That one.
But I firmly believe in faeries, coincidences do not exist, it's them meddling with our lives. You can't change my mind.
Do you have any pets?
I've always wanted a lizard or something like that, maybe a snake even if I'm low-key scared of them. They're absolutely stunning, but what if one bites me? They are super venomous.
But when I was little I had a goldfish, his name was Alastair, it was my favourite character from a book, can't remember which. It died after month.
It's buried in my parents' backyard. Poor little thing.
Any sport that you play/played?
I think you can tell that I'm not the sportiest person ever, but I was on the track team.
I absolutely sucked, but I was in it.
Oh and in winter I always went skiing with my family so also that.
How tall are you?
I'm 5.3 and I hate it. At least I can wear heels. But I usually don't cause they hurt my feet, apart from a pair of boots, those are my salvation. Sometimes I even wear them here, not today tho.. sorry I'm blabbering.
What's your favourite subject?
Oh, it's the first year I'm taking it but it's super interesting, it's called anesteti- anast- anesthesiology... Yeah anesthesiology. Hate the name love the subject. I think I like it because most anesthetics are also poisons.
But yeah, right now it's my favourite subject.
And finally, what's your dream job?
Coroner. Or working in the forensic squad.
Right now I'm in an internship, but if it goes well they might keep me around even next year.
"And that's it, thank you so much or answering, I'll leave you to... whatever you'll be doing" I smile uncomfortably and hug her quickly.
"Just in time, by break's over so I better get working"
She sets down her cup and shrugs on a white lab coat, quickly waves at me and just like that she's gone.
I walk as fast as I can, anxious to get rid of this disgusting smell.
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auslanderka · 11 months
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fandom: Daiya no ace
ship: Kuramochi Youichi x f!reader
note : At first it was „x oc” but I changed it to „x reader” before sharing here on Tumblr. It’s just a snippet from my silly notes on my phone written at 3 in the morning, nothing special.
TW : it is in general sweet and silly, but contains a long-distance relationship
— contains eng grammar problems and mistakes as well —
He was lying on bed with headphones in ears, hands placed under his head. The phone with turned on discord was next to his head on the pillow and the screen showed your name with small snowman emoji. A laughing girl with big eyes waved at him from the profile picture. Kuramochi Youichi, stared thoughtfully at the wooden beams of the bed above him, listening to what you, on the other side of the call, had to say to him. There was something in your voice, subtle and soothing as always, that Kuramochi was attracted to from the first time he heard it.
Three years ago you met at a baseball competition in your hometown. At the time, he didn't think this relationship would ever be anything deeper than just friends. He smiled slightly, recalling the fear in your eyes when you inadvertently bumped into him in the hallway where the toilets were located.
Did he really look that scary? Youichi had always been a problem child which he couldn’t and didn’t deny. He didn't really remember his reaction but you said that he looked down at you with murder in his eyes.
He twisted to the side and slid one hand under the pillow yawning slightly. Fortunately for him, Sawamura and Asada still hadn't returned to the room from their evening training.
“Mochi, are you listening to me?”
“Yes, yes. All the time.” He assured wiping with sleeve his eyes in which tears had gathered.
“I bore you...”
“You don't bore me. I'm just a little tired, because the coach today tired us more than usual.” He sighed, trying to revive himself somehow. He didn't want to sound as exhausted as he felt.
“Kataoka-san hasn't changed in these three years," you laughed lightly. There was silence on the other side for a moment. “Will you miss him when you graduate?” your question sounded more like a statement.
He sighed quietly. Only two months remain until the end of their high school days.
“of course I will.” he muttered while cuddling tighter into the pillow trying to imagine that the soft object was actually you.
He missed you.
He missed you so much and evenings like this were probably the worst.
Three years ago he didn't believe in long-distance relationships. He remembered that one of his cousins was engaged to an American. A big love that ended after less than two years, because the feeling between the two disappeared. And distance was to blame. Distance kills relationships, it was his belief until he bumped into you - this cheerful girl from Sapporo, nearly 800km away.
His eyelids were heavy. He tried to force himself to open them and focus on what you were saying, but sleep was stronger. He felt himself drifting off, your voice in his headphones began to slowly dissolve and his body heaved.
“Mochi? Mochi?” You asked, finally tearing your gaze away from your hand. You looked at the phone that lay next to you on the desk. The call wasn’t interrupted for technical reasons. You laughed lightly as you heard quiet snoring in your headphones.
“and I told him that if he wanted to sleep he should just tell me.” You sighed reaching for the phone and ending the call.
You lifted your head and looked at the board hanging above your desk where a calendar sheet was attached. In some boxes were written the matches that Seido will play in the near future. You rose from your chair and crossed out another day with a black marker.
Another day closer to your meeting.
© auslanderka, july 2023
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crimeronan · 10 months
slight expansion because there's too short a character limit for context:
sol, devin, and ruby all help the same basic groups of people -- not just poor people but generally disenfranchised groups, refugees, people with language barriers, exploited workers, disabled people, and so on. the question isn't about WHO they help but how they do it.
sol's methodology involves owning and controlling the system itself; she is militantly anti-trafficking and has spent years playing political lobbyist games to enact worker & human rights protections in the govt.
devin has a smaller scope of influence but is able to provide certain political protections to people due to personal status. she employs these frequently to protect vulnerable groups even though she is Technically not supposed to and could catch hell for it.
ruby is an advocate who takes on bureaucracy at the individual level; when bureaucracy can't help, she uses her legal and political knowledge to do things like forge papers, cause problems, exploit loopholes, etc, to get people the help they need.
the three of them work together; there's some overlap in What They Do, but this is their main shit.
nova does not particularly give a fuck about any of this, her priorities lie elsewhere. she is, however, expected to operate As The System Itself. she wields the power to make literally all of this collapse in the blink of an eye, and she's aware that it's happening. she has not done anything about it and is purposefully avoiding knowing too much.
obviously given that this is largely a horror story, there's a lot more awfulness and ugliness and sickness and rot to all four of them than this. but these are the Good things about them. so!
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anxiescape · 11 months
Hello! Hope you are having a good day!
I'd like to ask how you came up with Space Macaque in your Stargaze fic?
I am having a good day, thank you! 😊
As for how I came up with Space Macaque... I have been waiting for someone to ask this question. 😈 (this is a long explanation, so buckle in.)
There are two main reasons that I came up with the idea.
1: The Shadowplay episode (obviously). He refers to himself as the moon, and I was like "OwO? I can work with this :3"
2: Specifically, this scene from the first Macaque episode.
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I noticed how the little bits of debris were floating around him (even after the initial explosion he caused), and I was like, "huh, kinda like asteroids and moons around a planet, due to the planet's gravitational pull. Interesting." And then I noticed that he's just, like, really at ease and in his element just floating in the air while he mocks MK, all the while blatantly ignoring the laws of gravity.
I wondered if floating was one of his powers (since it doesn't really show up again in the show), and then I was like, "what if it is one of his powers?"
Being the big space nerd that I am (I actually have quite a few space-themed OCs), I set to work designing Moon!Macaque. I actually incorporated a lot of his canonical design into his powers and found ways to tie them into space-related things. I also gave him some extra little powers, such as the random fact that he always knows what phase the moon is in, regardless of the fact it's daytime or cloudy, and he can "see" anything that is within the moon's light (that's a hard one to explain, but if you're confused lemme know and I'll try to). Another random tidbit about him is he is stronger at night, and especially during a full moon.
His umbrakinesis (shadow manipulation) comes from the the fact that the moon is covered in shadows (y'know, the dark side of the moon). Since he hatched from a meteorite that originated on the moon (I decided since Wukong hatched from a rock, it would be neat for them to be born in similar ways—who knows how celestial monkeys are created?), it makes sense he'd have some sort of control over things pertaining to said moon. That's also why he can float, like one can on the moon due to its low gravity. He can also make small objects around him float if he focuses.
As for his super hearing, I dunno. I just think it's kind of funny that a creature from space, where there is no sound (okay there's technically sound in space but uggh that's a long explanation), has such sensitive hearing.
And then there's the physical aspects of his design. Black fur = the night sky. So I added stars to his fur because I could and they're cute. :3 His red mask is tied to the blood moon, which is when the moon falls within the darkest part of the Earth's shadow during a lunar eclipse, thus causing it to appear with a red tint. Gold eyes = stars. They glow in the dark as well, like stars do. His ears glow white like the moon (though I do like the idea of him having multi-colored ears).
Another random fact about him is that he smells like raspberries, due to the presence of ethyl formate in deep space. Ethyl formate gives raspberries their flavor, thus making him smell like raspberries.
(Also, his blood tastes like raspberries, and has some very interesting attributes, but that will be brought up later in Stargaze. It causes... issues, to say the least. 😬)
And, last but not least... I wanted to interpret the term "celestial monkey" a little more literally. Instead of celestial as in "relating or belonging to Heaven", I chose the definition of celestial as in "positioned in or relating to the sky, or outer space as observed in astronomy." And so, Moon!Macaque was born. :)
Aaannd I hope I covered everything (that I can share at this point in time, anyway). I have been working on a character reference sheet for Moon!Macaque, but it won't be coming out for a bit because my computer keeps trying to overheat and I can only work on digital art a little bit at a time. 😩
In the meantime (and if you made it this far), enjoy this cute little sneak peek of Liu'er in his moon-themed hanfu that Wukong had specially made for him (and Ma, in her adorable pink hanfu—you get a cookie if you recognize it 🙃 (hint: it's in one of my other Stargaze-related drawings on my page)).
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Tell us about Number 2 - your OC fic 💜
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Again putting both asks in one, hope thats fine <3 @nogenrealldrama
And again thank you both for the questions <333
You ask me about the plot and my mind kinda goes blank xD This is my third time in ten years trying to (re)write it with a coherent plot and characterisation that makes sense. This is truly a long fic, especially for me. And it is *for me* bc Im not writing it in English and I dont think I will translate it (or ask/allow anyone). Maybe I will try to rewrite in English *some parts* that I like and edit out the OCs but thats for later.
I do have some things I can share :D I made a sideblog @oc-spoilers for incorrect quotes (pls pls pls check it out on desktop - the theme is so pretty and you can check out characters' profiles :D) There are also links to spotify and pinterest for each individual fic :D
Maybe I should introduce the main OC: Nadia Goldstein
If I had to describe Nadia's vibe I guess I would say Luna Lovegood, if Luna Lovegood was into physics instead of magical creatures and was doing crack. She is a Ravenclaw but the type that sets things on fire and pushes objects from great heights to see them bounce - its completely fine if she calculates it beforehand and writes down the results. Curious (orange) cat energy. I think.
She is there to have a good time and study dangerous experimental types of magic but unfortunately gets involed in teenage (dating) drama.
She is one of the few people studying astronomy after OWLs and thats because she has fallen in love with the stars. They are absolutely fascinating - shining so brightly - so far away, untouchable - but she will burn her fingers if she gets too close. If you catch my drift.
And she has a playlist :D
Now, the plot.
The fic technically has two parts. First part is canon-compliant-ish and covers The Marauders' time at Hogwarts through years 5-7 and is in my OC's pov. They are friends - at least she considers them her friends - until they fall out as a result of the werewolf prank.
Second part is sequel and a canon-divergence AU. Takes time in 1979/80 so after Hogwarts and during the war, and has actual plot :D (gang goes camping Horcrux Hunting).
main fic: pinterest aes board fic theme playlist
sequel fic: pinterest aes board fic theme playlist
Thanks again for the ask <3
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phoneyotc · 2 months
Genuine question, what is fat vs. chubby vs. plus sized? At least from your perspective? I've seen a lot people argue over which characters/OCs count as "actually" fat, or "just" chubby, or "just" big-boned or whatever. I feel like there is an honest difference, but I see a lot of people argue over it one way or another. Sometimes it gets confuzing, sorry.
From how I view it, plus size just means generally larger than the average person. Whether that means fat, extra tall, extra wide, etc. I use chubby in the sense that someone is a bit pudgy and has a bit more fat than the average person, but wouldn't be considered to be actually fat. Fat to me is past that.
These terms are all technically subjective to a point, so I don't think my perspective is objectively correct but that's just how I use these terms to describe my own HCs and such
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