#<font style=><font style=>film </font></font>
lasbrumas · 2 years
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“misery loves company”
SYMPATHY (2023) dir. darren aronofsky ↳WTW SECRET SANTA for @sympathyhouse​
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this-doesnt-endd · 6 months
I need to actually like start working on writing scripts and stories and stuff again cause thats the only way its gonna happen like i have to write stuff soI can direct so i can make movies so i can create a reel and get jobs yaknow its all crushingly intertwined and the biggest block i have is allowing people to read things i write and part of it is that im so embarassed by it all everything i write despite its subject is like me handing you my diary to read i feel too open but also anothet part of it is that ive had many people say my stuff like writing and photography and the few shorts ive made are incredibly reminiscent of jim jarmusch and i havent seen any of his stuff and idk if i wanna know if thats true or not
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happywebdesign · 8 months
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tangerinesayswhat · 1 year
One of the most important parts of this film is the design of each individual character. Due to the sheer number of characters introduced in this film, the way each character is presented visually provides development and world building that would otherwise be glossed over for the sake of time. By incorporating the Sex Pistols font, lace code (blue meaning killed a cop), bold colors, and other symbols representative of the 70s English Punk scene into Hobie's character design, a backstory is given to an otherwise enigmatic character. Including watercolor-style backgrounds that changed along with the mood of the scene Into Gwen's world, emotions could be conveyed without the use of dialogue which contributed to the complexity of the character. Interestingly, Miguel's design was very discordant. While his suit was futuristic, electronic to the point of glitching out and staticing when Miles overloaded it with energy, his face noticeably still had its sketch lines, giving him rough and unfinished feel. I believe this is a stylistic choice that plays into the ongoing theme that Miguel is not quite where he is supposed to be, as seen in Peters joke about how he is the only unfunny Spiderman or the fact that he's seemingly using synthesized venom to act as Spiderman. Ultimately the best design character was the Spot. I am astonished that the writers and directors of this movie developed a villain that was only in a handful of TV show episodes and comics, never being taken seriously, into a genuinely frightening character with a serious vendetta. Much of this is done through the development that the Spot's design has throughout the movie. As the characters style shifts from that of Miles' own Earth to 2D schizophrenic crayon drawing, it demonstrates that the character has developed from the typical bad-guy-of-the-week to a serious threat, without having to take too much time actually focusing on the character. The character jarringly pops out against the otherwise bright and three-dimensional animations in the rest of the film. I am excited to see the 2D version in action in the third film.
i’m so incredibly unwell about this movie this is actually insane.
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robin-buckely · 5 months
hello! I love your edits and I wanted to know, for the "Steve Robin and Nancy" Gif you posted.. How would I go about doing something like that? More specificly, the bottom two where it says "Height Difference" and where it labels them as "Princess, Jock and Loser"
Thank you! Sorry this took a while to answer. I finally had time to sit down and write this. Link to original post.
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Quick notes: I'm using Photoshop 2021 on Mac and working in video timeline. Must have basic gifmaking skills and know how to use layer masks. This is primarily a gif layout and text tutorial.
Fonts used in first gif:
Pea Wolfe Tracks — link here
King & Queen — link here
Fonts used in second gif:
Kiera — link here
Post — link here
Ellianarelle's Path — link here
Heina's hurry — link here
I used a light leaks/film texture, ripped paper textures, folded paper textures, and transparent pngs (arrows + post-it notes + smiley face).
We'll start with this gif.
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Make your gif! The gif here is 540x600px. I color and sharpen it to my liking. Go to image > canvas size > change height from 600 to 770px. I left the anchor in the middle, though it doesn't really matter.
I drag and drop my folded paper texture and change the layer order so it's under my gif. Then I change the blending mode on my gif to Screen so the texture shows through the gif, but I keep the texture at 100% Opacity and Fill.
Now I move my gif around and add my ripped paper textures. I wanted to give it a sort of poster-like feel to it, so I made more room on the bottom for my main text and ended up with something like this. Blending mode is set to Lighten for the ripped paper textures.
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I then use layer masks to hide what I don't want shown and add my light leaks/film texture. Blending mode on light leaks/film texture set to Pin Light, Opacity: 50%, Fill: 70%.
I use Levels and Brightness/Contrast adjustment layers to darken the gif up a bit more, then I add a patterned paper texture. Blending mode for patterned paper texture set to Lighten, Opacity: 100%, Fill: 75%. Result:
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Now on to the text!
I'm going to be honest here, a lot of this was clicking around until I settled on something I liked. There's three layers to create this text effect. The font used here is King & Queen.
For the first text layer, the font color is set to black (#000000), font size: 87 pt, leading: 80 pt, tracking: 25.
Layer styles used here are stroke and drop shadow.
Text Layer 1
Stroke settings:
Size: 1px
Position: Outside
Blend Mode: Hard Light
Opacity: 40%
Overprint: unchecked
Fill Type: Color
Color: #5911ed
Drop Shadow settings:
Blend Mode: Difference
Color: #2d5ba8
Opacity: 85%
Angle: 70°
Use Global Light: checked
Distance: 7px
Spread: 0%
Size: 6px
Contour: Cone - Inverted
Anti-aliased: unchecked
Noise: 0%
Layer Knocks Out Drop Shadow: checked
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Blending mode for text layer set to Overlay, Opacity: 100%, Fill: 85%.
Warp text settings:
Style: Wave
Horizontal: checked
Bend: +60%
Horizontal Distortion: +10%
Vertical Distortion: 0%
With all those settings applied, the first text layer looks like this:
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Duplicate the layer, clear all layer styles, and change the color for the second text layer to white (#ffffff). All other text settings (including warp settings) should stay the same. The only layer style then applied to this text layer is stroke.
Text Layer 2
Stroke settings:
Size: 1px
Position: Outside
Blend Mode: Difference
Opacity: 100%
Overprint: unchecked
Fill Type: Color
Color: #d48f16
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Blending mode for the second text layer is set to Difference, Opacity: 90%, Fill: 100%. Nudge the second text layer a bit so the first text layer is a little more visible or move to your liking.
With both those layers active, it looks like this:
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Duplicate the second text layer, clear layer styles, and change the color of this third text layer to a dark grey (#1a1919). Again, all other text (and warp) settings should stay the same.
Layer styles applied to this layer are stroke and gradient overlay.
Text Layer 3
Stroke settings:
Size: 1px
Position: Outside
Blend Mode: Difference
Opacity: 100%
Overprint: unchecked
Fill Type: Color
Color: #d48f16
Gradient Overlay settings:
Blend Mode: Difference
Dither: unchecked
Opacity: 100%
Gradient: #cd3f00 > #ffdb5d
Reverse: unchecked
Style: Reflected
Align with Layer: checked
Angle: 90°
Scale: 100%
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Blending mode for the third text layer set to Exclusion, Opacity: 100%, Fill: 100%. I also moved the third text layer around, down and to the right a few pixels to give it that 3-D Word Art effect.
With all three text layers active:
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Next are the arrows.
Take your transparent pngs and place them to your liking. Blending mode for these is set to Difference, Opacity: 100%, Fill: 100%.
Command + click on an arrow thumbnail to select all the pixels in that layer. This is why the image must be transparent!
With that selection made and on a new blank layer, right click the selection and click on stroke. Settings for that are width: 2px, color: white, location: center. Move that a couple of pixels over.
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Do this for all arrows for a total of 6 layers for arrows. I group them together to keep my workspace clean, then I duplicate my arrows group with no further changes made to the second group to get what you see in the final gif.
Next is the smaller text. It's three separate text layers for each word, so I can move each of them around to my liking.
Font used is Pea Wolfe Tracks, font color: white (#ffffff), font size: 24 pt, leading: 6 pt, tracking: 25. Bold and italic options checked. I set the blending mode to Difference, Opacity: 100%, Fill: 100%.
And that's it! That concludes the tutorial for this gif!
Now on to this gif.
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We'll start with the background gif. There are three separate gifs. You could make them one gif, but I wanted the option to order them differently if I needed to.
All gifs in the background are the size of the canvas: 540x770px. Color and sharpen to your liking, but keep them all black and white. To get the blurry effect go to filter > blur > guassian blur. Set radius to 7.0 pixels. Add this to all three gifs.
Then I add two folded paper textures. Blending mode for one set to Lighten, Opacity: 60%, Fill: 100%. The other set to Screen, Opacity: 70%, Fill: 90%.
I found this tutorial a while back for a halftone effect. They include links to the halftone pattern used here as well as textures and gradient maps not used here.
I'm only using the halftone pattern here.
Pattern fill settings:
Angle: 66°
Scale: 8%
Link with Layer: checked
I also added a gradient overlay layer style to the halftone pattern which gives the gifs the color you see above.
Gradient Overlay settings:
Blend Mode: Overlay
Dither: unchecked
Opacity: 100%
Gradient: #0059ac > #a33600 > #e6b801
Reverse: unchecked
Style: Linear
Align with Layer: checked
Angle: -100°
Scale: 100%
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Now on to the square shapes with rounded corners. In the interest of keeping this tutorial short(er), I found this tutorial on youtube that explains how to make squares with rounded corners.
I set my stroke size to 6px, stroke color to white (#ffffff), and fill to no color. I don't use the stroke layer style to make the borders of the shape like in the video! I'm only linking the video to show how to curve corners with square shapes.
Note: Be sure you know how big or small you want these to be and how they're going to fit on your canvas in order to make all the shapes and edit them. It can be tedious to change the settings.
Duplicate and resize to your liking.
In this instance, I wanted to make three squares total, so I had to duplicate twice and resize until I had something I liked.
Settings for the shapes used here are:
Innermost shape: W: 200px, H: 280px, corners: 50px
Middle shape: W: 220px, H: 300px, corners: 60px
Outer shape: W: 240px, H: 320px, corners: 70px
Once I have the size I want for all three shapes, I group them together to make a set and duplicate that group twice, then adjust each set on the canvas for my layout.
What the sets look like all together:
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Colors used: orange #e47100, blue #0062d1, yellow #ecac00
To add color to the shapes, either change the color of the shape itself or use layer styles. I used layer styles.
Note: I didn't add the colors until the end after I knew what gifs went where and what color scheme I wanted, but I don't want to add more images than I need to here.
To keep this short, I found this tutorial on youtube that explains how to wrap text around a shape. However, I wanted the text to align on the outside where the white line is and not the green line (left image):
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So I created another shape just inside the innermost square and used that as a path for my text (right image). Adjust the text to your liking until you have your text where you want it. Refer to the video tutorial if you need help moving the text along the path!
You don't need the shape path once you have your text where you want it, so use the layer visibility tool to hide it. You can hide your other shapes too so you can work with your text.
Do not delete your shape path!
I duplicate it once I start working with my "jock" text since all the sets are the same size. The "loser" text has to be worked a little differently, but we'll get to that later.
For the princess, jock, and loser text, there are two text layers to create the overall effect. For both layers, font used is Kiera, font color set to white (#ffffff), font size: 60 pt, blending mode set to Normal.
I added a gradient overlay layer style to the first text layer which I'll call the base layer. Opacity for this layer is 100%, Fill: 100%.
Base Layer
Gradient Overlay settings:
Blend Mode: Normal
Dither: unchecked
Opacity: 100%
Gradient: #f0b002 > #e7f0fd
Reverse: checked
Style: Diamond
Align with Layer: checked
Angle: 90°
Scale: 100%
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The second text layer is your stroke and drop shadow layer. For this layer, opacity is set to 100%, Fill: 0%.
Stroke and Drop Shadow Layer
Stroke settings:
Size: 2px
Position: Outside
Blend Mode: Linear Light
Opacity: 100%
Overprint: unchecked
Fill Type: Color
Color: #0064cb
Drop Shadow settings:
Blend Mode: Difference
Color: #fb7c00
Opacity: 100%
Angle: 30°
Use Global Light: checked
Distance: 5px
Spread: 0%
Size: 0px
Contour: Linear
Anti-aliased: unchecked
Noise: 0%
Layer Knocks Out Drop Shadow: checked
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End result looks like this:
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When I make my shapes visible again (minus the one I used as a path), I get this:
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The shapes are clearly in the way of the text, whether they're above my shapes layer or under it. I use layer masks to hide what I want, so the text is legible. It looks cleaner this way and I wanted the text to be a part of the shape itself. I do that for each rounded square.
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Now on to my smaller gifs. I like to crop, resize, sharpen, and color separately because my laptop and Photoshop would kill me if I tried to do it all on one canvas. I use the size of the middle shape for my gifs (220x300px), so I can have a little wiggle room when adjusting. I then use a layer mask to hide the parts of the gif that are outside of the shape.
A quick way to do this is to command + click on the thumbnail of the innermost square. With that selection made, I got to my gif layer and add a layer mask. Sometimes you need to invert it. Use command + i with the layer mask selected (not the gif) to invert the layer mask.
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I repeat this process with my Steve and Robin gifs. I have to go back and forth with all the layer masks to hide parts of the gif/shapes I don't want for each set. It's kind of a long process, but not all that difficult. I label and group my layers together as I work to keep things clean and it helps me keep track of what I edited and what needs to be edited when it comes to things like this.
The picture below shows where I hid the bottom right corner of Nancy as well as the shapes that make up her set using layer masks. I also did this with the Steve and Robin sets, hiding the bottom left corner of Steve.
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Similar text settings used for jock. The gradient overlay layer style for this base layer is different than that of princess because of the positioning of the text. Again, same as princess, two text layers are used here. Blending mode, opacity, and fill for both are the same as the princess text layers as mentioned before.
Base Layer
Gradient Overlay settings:
Blend Mode: Normal
Dither: unchecked
Opacity: 100%
Gradient: #007aec > move bottom middle dot to 80% > #e7f0fd
Reverse: checked
Style: Diamond
Align with Layer: checked
Angle: -140°
Scale: 100%
Stroke and Drop Shadow Layer
Stroke settings:
Size: 2px
Position: Outside
Blend Mode: Linear Light
Opacity: 100%
Overprint: unchecked
Fill Type: Color
Color: #a05700
Drop Shadow settings:
Blend Mode: Difference
Color: #ffba00
Opacity: 100%
Angle: 30°
Use Global Light: checked
Distance: 5px
Spread: 0%
Size: 0px
Contour: Linear
Anti-aliased: unchecked
Noise: 0%
Layer Knocks Out Drop Shadow: checked
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Image 1: We start with Robin.
Image 2: To make the loser text, I had to create a new path.
Image 3: I make it so the text is on the inside of the path instead of the outside. (Hint: Refer to video tutorial if you don't know how to do that.) I then adjusted the tracking between the letters in the word "loser" so they didn't look so squished together.
Image 4: Then I use layer masks to hide the parts of the shape I don't want shown.
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You can then hide the path or delete it. You only need it if you want to adjust the placement of the text. I keep it (hidden) just in case.
Text settings for loser are just like those for princess. Blending mode, opacity, and fill are also the same.
Base Layer
Gradient Overlay settings:
Blend Mode: Normal
Dither: unchecked
Opacity: 100%
Gradient: #eb6400 > #e7f0fd
Reverse: checked
Style: Diamond
Align with Layer: checked
Angle: 90°
Scale: 100%
Stroke and Drop Shadow Layer
Stroke settings:
Size: 2px
Position: Outside
Blend Mode: Linear Light
Opacity: 100%
Overprint: unchecked
Fill Type: Color
Color: #e1a900
Drop Shadow settings:
Blend Mode: Difference
Color: #0068de
Opacity: 100%
Angle: 30°
Use Global Light: checked
Distance: 5px
Spread: 0%
Size: 0px
Contour: Linear
Anti-aliased: unchecked
Noise: 0%
Layer Knocks Out Drop Shadow: checked
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Next are the post-it notes! This is probably the easiest part of making this gif. You just have to repeat this process for however many post-it notes you're making.
Image 1: To start, place your transparent post-it note where you want it. You can also rotate it if you'd like.
Image 2: Then create a text layer and write what you want. Font used here is Post. I wanted this text underlined to give emphasis, so I click on the underline option. I also adjusted the leading because I wanted more space between the word and the line. Rotate the text so it looks like it's written on the post-it note. Note: It looks better if you choose a font that looks handwritten.
Image 3: I wanted another line to give emphasis to the "Dingus!!" text and make it seem more handwritten. I use the line tool to create another line.
Image 4: Then I adjust that line to my liking.
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Fonts used for notes: Post, Ellianarelle's Path, and Heina's hurry
Repeat this process for all post-it notes!
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That finishes the tutorial! (And I hit the 30 image limit lol.) I hope this helps. If you have any further questions, feel free to send an ask or IM and I'll try to answer to the best of my ability.
Happy photoshopping!
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fuzzkaizer · 3 months
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BREÑA FX - Совтек T-7
"... is my take on the V7C Bubble Font Big Muff, made at the Sovtek factory circa 1995. This variant is almost identical to the V7 Civil War Muff, known for being more dynamic with less compression, emphasized mid-range and big low end. The name Совтек is Russian Cyrillic script and translates to Sovtek.
What sets this Muff apart from the rest is a newly redesigned original turret layout. My goal was to create a new turret design that would fit inside a standard size 1590BB style enclosure.
At the heart of the Совтек T-7 are the original Soviet, KT3102E (green/white dot) transistors, and KD522B clipping diodes. I only had enough of these mojo parts for a small run, so when they're gone, they're gone.
Other features include a switchable tone stack with two sets of toggle switches (SW1 and SW2) located at the top of the enclosure. This feature independently changes the filter capacitors that determine the cut or boost of mid frequencies when turning the tone knob, giving you up to four different flavors of tone.
All switches down - classic scooped mids All switches up - boosted mids centered at ~1kHz SW1 up / SW2 down - flat e.q. with no mid scoop or boost SW1 down / SW2 up - slight low/mid boost centered at ~700Hz
Features Include:
- Original design turret board - NOS KT3102E silicon transistors - NOS KD522B silicon clipping diodes - NOS tropical fish, film, monolithic, and polystyrene capacitors ... - GØRVA design S90 enclosure in military green - Vintage aluminum Hi-Fi knobs (med/large - asymmetrical knob layout) "
cred: brenafx.com/
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slutburn · 10 months
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siantmiller: FELIX played by Jacob Elordi in Emerald Fennell's Saltburn
Earth shatteringly beautiful, wearing a moth eaten jumper, clean shaven, tattooed with the family crest star. An easy smile.
This was my starting point for hair and make-up design; Felix is a superstar on arrival - it's always been that way, handed to him on a plate- but he's not cool.
Felix needed to have undone, tousled hair; a just- rolled-out-of-bed-looking-gorgeous kind of vibe. Nothing contrived and certainly nothing that smacked of a haircut anytime recently.
Fortunately, Jacob had been growing his hair, and in my first fitting with him, I cut in a structure to support the shape I wanted to create, but without it looking like it had just been done in any way, with period accurate long sideburns. A few weeks ahead of filming, this provided us time for the shape to settle in.
Contriving the uncontrived in this job is often one of the trickiest of things to achieve, and daily preparation of this style with product and diffusion was required to create the tousled shape, whilst looking as if Jacob hadn't been anywhere near the hair and makeup trailer!
For the tattoo design, images were created in-house and processed for printing using ProCreate. We tested traditional tattoo colours, tones and sizes for the right look.
Emerald requested 'carpe diem' on Felix's inner arm, and for this I extracted the font from the family crest.
The single star from the family crest was tested with different configurations of multiple stars, finally settling on matching clusters seen on Felix and Venetia's hands.
The singular, torso positioned, angel wing, serves as a rather ironic mirror to later events.
The eyebrow piercing; two cut ends taken from a fake nose ring, were applied with Telesis.
Tattoo cover airbrushed on with MaqPro Creamy Air.
Makeup was super-natural looking for a clean, fresh and handsome look.
Hair cut by me
Hair & make-up perfectly styled and applied, during filming, by Nabeel Hussain and @simoneidalondon
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frndly-nbh-enbee · 18 days
so i’m probably late to the party because the movie was just released here, but i really loved “i saw the tv glow” and thought it would be fun to write down some of the buffy coded stuff in it. so there’s the obvious “female lead supernatural teen drama with a monster of the week format that deals with adolescence and destiny etc etc etc” stuff but here’s a list of some of the other similarities/references i spotted:
List of Buffy References/Similarities I Found in “I Saw the TV Glow”
♡the opening credits of “the pink opaque” uses the same font as buffy
♡doublelunch = a reference to “doublemeat palace”
♡amber benson cameo (duh!)
♡a character named “tara” (bonus points because maddie/tara is a lesbian)
♡”the pink opaque” is cancelled at season 5 and buffy was meant to end at the 5th season
♡buffy season 6 starts with buffy having to claw herself out of her own grave after being brought back from the afterlife and (presumably) season 6 of “the pink opaque” would begin with isabel & tara also doing the same - we know maddie/tara does this obviously, but it’s left ambitious whether owen/isabel will but it’s implied that season 6 can’t properly start til owen/isabel does…
♡having actual irl musicians perform at a club just reminded me of when irl bands performed at “the bronze” (and also like in “p3” in “charmed” and other shows of that era) …not so much a reference but i thought that was neat
♡so “snail mail” did a cover of “tonight, tonight” for the film and on the cover of the single she’s holding a buffy style scythe
♡the plot kinda reminded me of “normal again” where due to demonic stuff buffy starts to believe her sunnydale life was just fantasy/delusion and that she’s just a regular girl in a mental institution in la
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zagreuses-art · 1 year
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Woodcut & riso Cover/poster for Moving pictures I made in my printing class
[ID: a mixed media black and white print illustration. The illustration has a border of movie film. At the top is the text "Moving Pictures" in the style of the Hollywood sign. Below is a scene of two alchemists demonstrating a movie projector. The alchemists are in the style of medieval woodcuts,one has glasses and a goatee and is pointing at the movie screen. the other has a robe covered in alchemical symbols, and is inspecting the photorealistic film being fed into the photorealistic old fashioned movie projector, which is sitting on a table between them. The screen looks a bit like a old mantlepeice, with carved skulls at the corners, on the screen is a frame of a black and white movie depicting a woman in the pose of the Whore of Babylon, wearing a 20's style dress and half-circle headpiece, on top of a beast with six heads. In the foreground three other alchemists are watching the two giving the presentation from a set of movie seats, one has glasses, another is bald, the third is eating popcorn. In the black space created by the seats is the name Terry Pratchett, in white. End ID]
Easter Eggs:
- the film image in the center is from the movie Metropolis, because it's my favorite silent movie and I thought it fit thematically with the Hollywood Eldritch abomination aspect of the boom.
- the projector is an Edison design I found a photo of, as is the pose of the alchemist holding the film next to it, I edited out Edison's name on it because fuck that guy
- the name text is silent movie subtitles card font and the title is Hollywood sign font, both hand carved
- the seats are meant to look a bit like the MST3K silhouettes
- this has risograph printed and woodblock printed elements, the wood had a very definite grain that made it hard to do horizontal lines
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chaosandstardust · 7 months
so there's a lot, A LOT, I could say about James Somerton's apology, such as his avoiding discussing things like misinformation and his misogyny, his insane justification for his plagiarism (as a person who makes history content I often copy-paste things over into a word doc because I get tired of switching between tabs, and I have NEVER mistaken something for mine because the FONT is often different but also, even if the font is the same, I know my own writing style well enough to know when something isn't mine), the mentioning of his poor family background ("my dad is illiterate because he had to drop out when he was 7...you know, which is usually around the time that kids have already been taught how to read, RIGHT! I'M GOING WITH THAT!"), etc, etc, etc.
The thing I do want to talk about is his "filmmaking dreams". Mostly because as another Canadian filmmaker, his excuses are bullshit. If James Somerton actually wanted to be a filmmaker, to just make movies, he already would've made at least several shorts. And yes, it is completely possible. It would be difficult, and they probably wouldn't have been masterpieces, but it is absolutely possible. If his support system was as good as he says it was in Nova Scotia, if he had as many other creative minds around him, he would've been out shooting stuff. Hell, I've spent the last few months mapping out a new script, that I'm literally starting to shoot NEXT WEEK. If he wanted to make something, HE WOULD.
And even so, his justifications for continuing to change projects are also batshit. Let's say that I write a script in November, and I want to shoot in June, which is apparently the situation that he found himself in. That is about 7 - 8 months. That is plenty, PLENTY, of time to finish a script, find a crew, nail down some locations, secure some more funding, and cast. Plenty. This idea that he had to change because his film required a summer element and he had to change because of the weather is crazy to me.
Not only that, but there are plenty of film support groups in Canada, focused on producing Canadian content. For example, there's Telefilm, which will give you money, even match your crowdfunding up to a certain number, as well as plenty of other groups. If he had actually wanted to make movies, he would've been asking them for money. You know, groups who will LEGALLY hold you accountable if a film isn't made.
All of this to say is that James Somerton doesn't want to make movies. I doubt he gets any actual joy out of the process of creation at all. He wants to be admired. He wants the glitz and glam of being a filmmaker without doing any of the hard work. He's a lazy creator at the end of the day, and he will find any justification, ANY, to not do the work, whether it's stealing from other creators to "raise their voice" or switching projects again and again and again in an attempt to justify keeping the money that his fans gave him.
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pyrotechnicarus · 2 months
What program do you write your scripts in?
Google Docs, haha. It's definitely not the preferred or industry-standard way of doing it; it gives older writers at my program hives when I drop a Docs link in the homework folder. But I was raised on it and it's a great collaboration tool, so I haven't made the switch yet (and maybe never will? Actually probably will once Google inevitably starts charging money for it. But not quite yet!).
Through my school I have a free Final Draft license, so I use that for screenwriting (which has a lot more pesky formatting rules and things), but I'm not planning on buying it once my license expires because A. I don't write films that much and B. I can probably hard-code it into Google Docs for free.
If you're insane like I am and wanna use Google Docs for scriptwriting, here's some formatting tips under the cut:
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We're gonna be using a page of the Ghost Story script to demonstrate!
I use Times New Roman because Deborah Brevoort recommended it as a more readable (and slightly more condensed) font than Courier. Your font should adapt to your style; I tend to write short, snappy lines with a lot of back-and-forth, so I use Times which is a common font style for comedy writers (despite not writing comedies.) If you write a lot of long monologues, Courier New might give you a better sense of how your script flows on the page. Basically, you want to space your writing so it comes out to 1 minute of performance time = 1 page of writing.
Scene headings are centered and in bold.
Stage directions that start a scene are left-aligned and in italics; in NAMT-standard style, these are center-margin aligned, like this:
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But it's kind of your personal preference.
4. All names are centered and underlined
5. Any stage directions that take place during a scene and cue a line of dialogue are centered, in italics, and in parenthesis. If they can start eating whenever while they're talking, I'd put They start eating left-aligned between two lines of dialogue. However, it is important to me that Hao and Józef start eating before Hao says his next line, so I put it center-aligned.
6. When you get to a song it looks like this:
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Basically, songs should be numbered and come after a stage direction (even something basic, like "He stands up.") The enter after the stage directions isn't kosher, it's a Google Docs thing I'll get into later. Then you close the parenthesis on the stage direction and put a page break. Songs should always start on a new page. This is because when you integrate the book and score, you can just take those lyric sheets out and put sheets of music in. Nifty!
7. Lyrics are always capitalized. When two people sing the same thing at the same time, you can put both their names over it:
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But if they're singing something different, I usually put it in two columns (there is some debate among musical theater writers on what the proper notation for this kind of thing is. But columns are easy on Google Docs, so I use those. When I have four or more people singing different things on top of one another, I use a 1x4 table and make the lines between the cells invisible, haha.)
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Google Docs Specific Formatting Stuff
Ok, so, if you're lazy like me and don't want to be hitting 800 buttons while you're writing to format everything correctly (and please, god, format while you're writing -- going back and doing it later sucks) you can use the Google Docs headings to format your writing! And it will even make a nice little outline for you!
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So, the default of these settings (on the left) is useless and ugly. But mine looks like this (on the right!)
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If you want yours to look beautiful and be useful like mine, you can format some kind of text the way you want it to (for example, I want all my names in 12 pt Times New Roman, centered and underlined.)
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Then I go to some random heading and I hit "Update heading to match"
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Now, anytime I type a name, I can go back to this menu and hit "Apply Heading 5"... and it will automatically make it centered, underlined, and 12 pt Times New Roman! I make one of these for all my categories of text: stage directions, song titles, scene headers, etc.
But, ok, you still have to open all those menus while you're writing. Well! See this thing?
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All of these have keyboard shortcuts (the Windows ones will show up on a Windows computer). You can really easily hit them after each name/stage direction you type instead of fiddling around with font settings. You're a formatting machine!
And here's the bonus: If you do all this correctly, you can get a really nice outline like this one embedded in your document on the left (this is where the song titles on a new line come in; I make a heading style for them so they show up on the outline, but headings only show the start of the phrase that they are part of in the outline. Ignore the numbers being wrong, lol. There's a secret song 3 that we haven't released yet.)
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And it's clickable, too-- like I can jump right to Your Face from the outline without having to scroll down 20 pages.
Is this all needlessly complicated and doing manually something Final Draft will do for you? Yes. But I'm set in my ways, and it's free, so maybe it'll be helpful to another Musical Theater writer out there working with someone else on Google Docs.
That's it! Thanks for the question.
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tuesday again 7/30/2023
this post half brought to you by viewers like you! thank you!
all my brain wants is charli xcx's apple on repeat. i understand there's a very popular dance with it but it's not H-O-T T-O G-O so i don't know anything about that. extremely effective song to have on loop while writing. peppy but very even and easy to just sort of bop along to in the background. looking forward to this being my #1 most listened song on spotify this year after the (DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT) number of hours last night working on yeehawgust.
thank you to my real-life sister for 1) teaching me about brat summer after i sent her a pic of the neon green pool outside and 2) telling me i would like this album. i do!
i saw a photo on here several weeks ago of Balfour Tower, a brutalist residential building in London where all the mechanics are in the little tower on the right and said to myself "what the FUCK is that. how does it WORK."
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someone else who said "what the FUCK is that. how does it WORK." was JG Ballard, previous tuesdaypost feature. there are only two books i reread most years, Jane Eyre in the fall and Ballard's The Drowned World in the summer (one of the nicest vintage hardcovers i own, from @morrak ).
let's yoink the description off wikipedia bc it's the most succinct:
The story describes the disintegration of a luxury high-rise building as its affluent residents gradually descend into violent chaos. As with Ballard's previous novels Crash (1973) and Concrete Island (1974), High-Rise inquires into the ways in which modern social and technological landscapes could alter the human psyche in provocative and hitherto unexplored ways.
it's less "the building is evil" and more "by incentivizing residents to not leave the building by providing everything they need, including a liquor store, the building is a petri dish for fucked up british social interaction".
Ballard is extremely good, on a very technical sentence level, of creating an immersive cocoon of dreamlike unreality in the middle of an otherwise functioning world. this is Not good for my brain when i am having a particularly prolonged bout of The Morbs. High-Rise was extremely effective in creating its particular pocket of fucked-up happenings in the middle of the "real world" but was EXTREMELY not the book i needed at this particular moment.
The Burglars (1971, dir. Verneuil). this is a french heist film but i'm just going to drop my letterboxd review here.
do you want to see an all-in-one safecracking kit in a beautiful imitation leather suitcase straight from the catalog? with a computer to make a punchcard for the key cutting device also in the suitcase? do you feel strongly about emeralds? do you want to see a fuckin lupin iii style real life car chase where they run a little red fiat ragged? a man dumped out the back of a dump truck to fall down a slope half a mile long? do you want to see tits? do you want to see omar sharif get grain entrapped? this movie may be for you!
i would do anything for omar sharif and his big brown eyes.
the title sequence and a remarkably spare morricone soundtrack go SO hard. graphic design IS my passion!!!
how'd i find this: needed to use up some credits on kanopy. the gadgetry in the actual heist part of this film... mwah. a very poorly paced movie, but by god does it Look.
thank you VERY much @sybilius for gifting me Pentiment! i would describe this as a point-and-click/visual novel murder mystery rpg?
it's endlessly charming. it is dense with medieval sociopolitical factions. i would expect nothing less from je sawyer. i loooove the different fonts: the printer in town has a custom font for his dialogue, other characters' dialogue changes fonts as you learn more about them (a noble's font changes from scrabbly handwriting to fine lettering after we learn he's got some education under his belt).
much like High-Rise, but for visual novel pace reasons and not content/atmosphere, this is not quite the right game for my brain at this time, but i am very excited to loop back around to it when better brain weather rolls in!
yeehawgust prep! i manage to do one prompt every other year but we'll see how this one goes
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
bjyx in the eyes of passer-by is really good. ❤️💚
i’ve been wanting to share this since the weekend but it’s too long and i needed more time. lol. none of this is new but this can be taken as some convincing arguments about the cp and why it could be real. allegedly from non-fans who casually observes the fandom and what we are up to.
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transcript screenshots taken from 泡沫爱恋的晴空 ; I have added commentary and links to some points to better explain. enjoy. 🍵
First of all, I think it is true for the following reasons:
1. Timeline. Since filming in 2018, various fake materials have emerged one after another. We don’t care whether the fake material is genuine or not, but I think the hammer can be connected, which is good. The false information about the incident came out, and then things fell into place, which I think is amazing It’s a strange thing, and some things that happened in 18 and 19 years have now been hammered. Of course you can call it a coincidence if you like.
*** This pertains to the 49 fakes that turned out to mostly be true. Also the fake contributions of their conversations & incidents on set that we all thought weren’t true until the unofficial videos came out. If this was a boy-girl pairing, a single unverified rumor will blow up but with bjyx you have tons and some people are still meh. Lol.
2. Same Style. The two of them share too many styles. First of all, the clothes, from big brands to small ones. Various brands, from clothes to pants to shoes to accessories, there are countless similar styles. The second time was the shooting scene between the staff and some of the staff who had worked together overlapped. Yes, it can be seen from the post-production period that there is also an advertisement for both of them. It was shot in the same place, which is also very magical, in the entertainment industry. It's such a big deal. Do you think there's such a thing as matching clothes, teams and locations? There must be, but I don’t dare to say whether it happens as often as the two of them do. Yes, this is a coincidence.
*** we have an extensive matching clothes collection but i guess the biggest is XZ’s personal style change since he met WYB. Also the overlapping staff/people related work— I talked about an instance of that here.
3. Interaction in the studio. The publicity and distribution of the studios of both parties always meet perfectly. Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo have so many endorsements, so it’s amazing that there are so many works and programs that I haven’t encountered before, and the way they talk, the way they edits the video, the fonts they use… Some similarities can be seen in these pictures, which is a coincidence and very disturbing.
*** i don’t think this needs further explanation. A lot of us notice this. even how their projects don’t (very rarely ) coincide.
4. Some inexplicable stuck points and dynamics between the two sides. This is very magical, the 24-hour rule of Boxiao Circle means that no matter what the reason, one party after posting the news, there will always be another news posted by the other party.
5. Some specific examples. One is Wang Yibo’s Himalaya account. The case of Ru Meng and Beiyang corpse recovery, first of all, it is definitely not Wang Yibo himself. Listen, that's for sure. It can also be determined that Xiao Zhan is interested in Rumeng and Beiyang. There is also the easter egg of Wang Yibo and YBO’s video. We won’t say that he’s not like Wang Yibo, but he really looks like Xiao Zhan. The jawbone is simply amazing. Of course you can also say it’s a coincidence.
There is another one who beats me. It’s the one where the rehearsal time is hidden. Behind Wang Yibo is Xiao Zhan’s rehearsal. Above there is only Wang Yibo's name. Everyone scolded Wang Yibo for acting like a big name. He didn’t respond and we didn’t know it was Xiao Zhan until that night. I just want to say that if Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan are fake, the organizer will change the time. this rehearsal time must be negotiated with the artist. Yes, there is no need for him to get involved, he should stay far away at this time. I don't think this is a coincidence.
*** these are very popular CPN so I think alot of us know this. Especially Himalaya/Ximalaya ( I talked about this in detail ; Parts 1-4 / Part 5 ) && WYB hiding XZ’s schedule is very real but both their fans refuse to acknowledge.
6. This is about Bojun Yixiao Rice Circle. Bojun YixiaoCircle and Chen Qing Ling frequently becomes a hotly searched event. Today is April 16, 2022, today the fourth anniversary of Chen Qing Ling was on the hot search, and the names of Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo were also on the list . Let’s not talk about anything else, just take the current situation of Brother Zhan and Yibo. We wouldn’t say it’s particularly popular, but it’s still quite popular. At this time, there is no need for two people to tie up and search together. Behind these two people, they all have professional teams, and now Fanfan is linked to Bojun Yixiao and Aling has become a hot search topic. No matter what fans think, in the eyes of passers-by, if the names of Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo are linked together, the team should be able to remove the host search. The last hot search is equivalent to reminding Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo once again, but judging from the frequency of related hot searches this year, the two parties are together and their team is laissez-faire. This will definitely consolidate CP fans, and I feel that both parties have no intention of wanting to be untied. Judging from their current popularity, I feel like this is a disadvantage. So is it possible that it’s just in case something happens? It will not be made public, but if it is discovered one day, there will be some people who are willing to be with them, at least they feel clear about it and have nothing to hide or cheat them.
To sum up, I think it is true. Of course this is all my personal opinion.
PS: Of course there are many more points, more than this.
**** OP’s sample for hs is 2022, but even this year 2023, they had a couple of hs with their names together and not taken down.
Just believe it. Strictly speaking, I am not a CP fan of the two. A more appropriate positioning is for passers-by CP fans, who mainly see the candy of two people is good to drink. When I got high, I calmed down and analyzed objectively.
For a moment, I feel that all kinds of hammers can only point to two possibilities:
1. The two of them are real.
2. The team is still bundled for hype. I don’t quite agree with one party’s deliberate attempts. The other party is interested in this term. After all, if one of the parties is unwilling, we will not let all kinds of public opinions ferment online.
Let’s talk about the first possibility first: true. In fact, there is no need to pass this possibility No need to go into details, there are too many different kinds of hammers. Some people find it far-fetched, such as stuck points. Put it aside, I think the previous little prince and the ideal life drawing , the heart print on wyb’s palm, and the ear clip that xz wears recently, Teacher Lin Hai’s Peppa Pig, etc.,If you take it out one by one, it can be said to be a coincidence. Put them together, I think it’s hard to call it as a coincidence.
Under this possibility, I think their behavior is understandable. I will do my best to acknowledge you in front of everyone, without being blatant so I secretly poked and sprinkled sugar. And after 2020, , it was obvious that they didn’t want to define themselves as cql’s CP position. In this case, it is possible to interact in various ways across the air. I think it is a real possibility. It's indeed bigger.
1. Why are they attracted to each other?
Wang Xiaobao, it is estimated that children lack the company and isolation of their parents during childhood. Due to modern education and upbringing, or perhaps due to innate personality, the child is somewhat autistic. He also likes to talk to himself alone. He leaves home as a young man and lives in a high-intensity confinement under closed training, there is almost no rebellious period of youth and the self-conception of society and parents.
The process of growing up was full of doubts and conflicts, so he retained the childishness and innocence in himself. The instinctive and intuitive side forms what I consider to be a dull yet sensitive and spontaneous person. The current appearance of someone who is trusting but has low self-esteem, is covered in armor but has a soft heart. No matter how others laugh at the "typos", Jiuluoyu "got fat and lost weight" I scoff at this kind of thing! I like this kid’s thoughts to be pure and true. I hope Wang Xiaobao doesn’t have to care about that at all and can go his own way.
Let others talk! I hope this child will improve as he grows older and more experienced. Cultivate a strong heart and face the world more and more calmly without malice and harm.
Xiao Zhan, complete systematic education, complete social animal experience. I predict this kid had a very high emotional intelligence when he was in school, and he was the kind of person who had the best interpersonal relationships in the class. He played the role of a very docile and obedient student in the teacher’s mind, but I personally feel that this meekness and obedience is actually due to long-term family education and school. The "last resort and pretense" under the suppression of education are actually independent at heart. Do, doubt and despise authority (bringing the fierce gene of Chongqing people):
Because with the EQ and IQ he is showing now, he should actually be,,At that time, he could get into a school that was much better than the one he got into! (Don’t ask why. What, this is a topic of educational psychology, a few thousand words are omitted here)
Of course, if that were the case, there would be no actor fees as we see now. Yes, haha. In fact, it is precisely this character background that can support him. At the age of 24, he actually moved to the entertainment industry and survived 227! Just focus on these two points, I admire him very much! There is something about him that is both otherworldly and full of human smoke. The breath of fire has the smell of randomly switching between being born in this world and entering this world. What I saw was not an interesting soul, but a smooth, sophisticated and naive heart. Romantic, wild and unrestrained yet clear and pure soul!
Therefore, my personal feeling is: the mutual attraction between them is two. The approach of the unruly soul, the wild growth of two hearts, the pure nature of souls that have found a completely peaceful and peaceful destination in each other;
This kind of luck is unfathomable and unexpected.
The commercial value of CPF.
1. Number of fans. I have observed the ch data from mid-September to October 7th, Extract gg, dd, bjyx, and popular male stars at the same time node A, Data analysis of popular male star B. Both A and B are currently on the air. It is a popular drama and is recognized for its good reputation and excellent acting skills. The data are gg>dd>bjyx>A>B, where bjyx=4~5A(B),gg~ 3bjyx, dd~2bjyx, it can be seen that bjyx’s live powder data can indeed be beaten. On the 5th, Wyb's Xiaoxiang's top 1 and 2 hot reviews were both cpf, and bjyx's daily list averaged 1- 2 can reflect the data situation from the side. The number of active fans of bjyx is indeed not high.
2. Economic chain. Needless to say, Boxiao Cotton Doll is very popular in the circle. Various offline exhibitions, pbs, and outputs, including Bilibili and short videos to support. How many blog owners, video accounts, and marketing accounts do you have? Stand up for every charity event and such generous support as charity can reflect the actual benefits. It’s impressive. For GG’s birthday on the 5th, a single charity donation from a single website has 6 number of digits, last year more than 20 Hope Primary Schools were built.
The most important thing is that there is a secret love between the two. The words seem to be more topical when put openly, unless their team are smart enough to assess the public's psychology in advance, and feel that he can design a secret poke of candies that are easier to eat and can increase fans more deliberately. In this kind of clever grouping, If you are deceived during team operation, you can only admit defeat. There were two other people participating in the event. This kind of things is often used. Some people say that this is a script. I admit it. They can act, so the real point of my addiction is not this, but the two of them. Watching the other person interact with other people makes him look bad. A dark-faced reaction is more likely to be reflect inner unhappiness, I think everyone can relate to this. Recalling the dark moments in my life, I found it difficult to act and control myself. If this is really a performance, then I think the two of them deserve two Oscars, so natural.
No matter what, people in the entertainment industry must be surfing experts. I don’t believe them that they don’t know that CP consumption is becoming popular online, but now we are deliberately adding insult to injury. I can only think of the above two possibilities, and comparing the two, I prefer the first.
Why are they holding on to such a large CP?
Don't tell me that it's a one-sided affair or a scam, as long as anyone has a brain, no one would say that! Two years ago from 227 to now, between the two of them — how much has the number of cp followers increased in Weibo’s super chat alone? If someone did research can be done with statistics.
I’ve read a lot of Zhihu “papers” analyzing the pros and cons of maintaining CP.
I just want to discuss their purpose of doing this.
In fact, since they are out of business, they can openly share their fans and public opinions. In the direction of socialist brotherhood, this is the easiest and most important thing to do. A lucky path, or simply do nothing. After a few years, they can become naturally quiet. But they don't. So far, they still have to use hammers from time to time. I feel like they didn't just smash it with a hammer.I'm holding an axe and cutting through the thorns.
Maintaining such a large CPF is tantamount to carrying a nuclear bomb on its back.
Okay, what is their motivation and purpose for doing this? Everyone has a purpose in doing things!
Is it possible that the traffic is generated just to maintain the dispute between the three fans? It’s possible, because I’ve never been afraid to speculate on capital with the worst possible intentions. After all, they are in the entertainment industry and have to discuss business.
Or do you want to get everyone’s blessing?
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theclockinthesky · 11 days
Monkees Headcannons Master Doc
Here is a horrible collection of Monkees Headcannons created by myself and @rock--lobster
They are categorized so if there is a particular Monkee/other you would like to learn our headcannons of, please look at your own discretion. Enjoy!
The guys
The Torker
Daddy issues Nesmith
Gayvy Jones
Monkee wives/girlfriends/the 400/etc.
Friends (?)
The Guys
They hide their drugs inside Mr. Schneider
The guys had to invent new days of the week after Mike developed an irrational fear of Fridays
They have a framed poster or print or whatever in the apartment that says “smoke it, snort it, shoot it, screw it: you’ve got one body you’ve got to use it” in the style of a live laugh love sign complete with flowers and cursive font
There is a body hidden under the floor of the rainbow room
After the salad incident, the Monkees were banned from eating in public as a group. This is because they fully traumatized several people around them
The apartment is haunted but so much weird shit goes on there anyway that no one notices
The Monkeemen do not have powers, they are a shared delusion caused by drugs and mental illness
When they are bored backstage or in the Meat Locker, they will recreate entire episodes of Gilligan’s Island
To make more money, the guys rent out the Monkeemobile as a getaway car. Sometimes they make Peter hide in the back, naked, to make sure the car is returned
They thought the pad had a rat problem, but the alleged rat was revealed to be Davy when they found him stuck in a glue trap
33 1/3 was an elaborate ploy to hypnotize all its viewers into still liking the Monkees through its seizure inducing visuals, but this did not work because no one watched it
Whenever the guys go out for food, Davy always has to pretend to be the child to eat free. This usually works, except one time when Davy was smoking and the waitress was creeped out by him hitting on her
The Torker
Peter became allergic to bees after Mike decided he wanted to become a beekeeper and 45 bees ended up stinging Peter’s face
Peter once bought a singular gun because he thought that by doing that it would end gun violence. Davy murdered three people the next day
Peter hides under the Monkeemobile when it rains because Micky told him that the “rain monsters” will come and get him if he doesn’t
Peter’s cooking has given everyone food poisoning at least once but they all refuse to cook instead of him because “a man’s place is not the kitchen”
Peter punched Davy that time because he (Peter) had been wearing clothes for too long and the sensory issues were causing him to act up
None of Peter’s socks match because he does not buy them, he just keeps the ones he finds at his house after his parties
One time Peter was drinking ice water or something and an ice cube slid down his throat and he started choking and he didn’t tell anyone he stood there not being able to breathe pretending to be on fire until the ice cube melted enough that it could slide down his gullet. He does not drink ice water anymore
After the “Mascara Incident” Peter wasn’t allowed within 20ft of Jimi Hendrix
Peter brought 3 girls back to the pad every night for a year before the guys noticed. Micky was proud of Peter and bought him the “orgy organizer” pin as a treat
Peter believed in the easter bunny until Micky served rabbit for dinner on Easter, surrounded by Easter eggs and chocolate
Peter is not allowed near candles while unsupervised because once he semi-successfully tried to eat one (it was lit) because it smelled good
Peter cries so easily because his tear ducts are underdeveloped. This is his greatest shame
Sometimes they put Peter on a leash they call “the Peter leash” so he doesn’t run away to buy harps or plan orgies or whatever
Peter once ran away to join the circus but got lost and ended up in Massachusetts, naked, with no recollection of how he got there
When not filming, Peter would go sit in the Meat Locker, naked, until one day one of the guys walked in on him there and “wanted to rip out his eyes”
Peter once found Micky’s secret (?) acid stash and sold it on the street for $25. When Micky found out, he locked Peter in the Meat Locker until Micky had the chance to consume an equal amount of acid to make up for the loss of his beloved stash
Peter once ordered so much brown rice from a sketchy booth on the side of the road that his entire orgy mansion was filled so he had to invite Micky over for brown rice but forgot to tell him that he (Peter) would be naked the whole time
Peter entered a Peter Tork lookalike contest and lost to Stephen Stills
Peter does not like doing drag because the wigs remind him of his impending receding hairline, and because when he’s in drag and he looks in the mirror he sees one of the 400
Peter has an irrational fear of ducks and has panic attacks when near them, so to keep him in line, everyone on set carried rubber ducks they can take out and torment him with
During his time living in a dumpster, Peter befriended several rats and has trained them to roll joints for him. He is planning to get one of them under Mike’s hat to see if he can get a ratatouille situation going
Peter is in charge of making lemonade for the guys. One problem: he does not know what a lemon is
Peter has to be fed via IV because he yapped too much about Eastern philosophy at the dinner table and the guys got sick of it and now tape his mouth shut every meal
Peter can’t go down the spiral staircase in the pad because he is scared of swirls, so Mike built him a pulley system baby carrier thing so he can still go up and downstairs
Peter cries when houseguests have to leave. Because of this, everyone who visits cannot leave
When the Monkees went to Paris, Peter got stuck on top of the Eiffel Tower and a crane had to get him down. He now has a severe fear of anything with a point
Peter can do a really good impression of Donald Duck having a temper tantrum because that is what he spent his entire time in jail learning how to do
Peter collects buttons, as an offering to “the button man,” a 7ft tall humanoid figure who may or may not be made of buttons, that Peter is convinced exists
Peter is a professional nudist
Peter cannot comprehend the existence of pink lemonade because “there aren’t any pink lemons”
Peter gets weird childhood flashbacks when he hears ice-cream truck music. The last time he heard it, he had to be locked in a fridge for 3 days until he stopped shaking
Peter keeps a collection of used condoms under his bed
Peter once wrote and recorded a song about his never-ending drug-fueled orgies but the others did not let him release it because it was “suicide-fuel”
Peter has a side hustle painting pictures of doors. He’s only sold one and it was used as kindling but he is convinced his career will take off
Peter has an obsession with naked mole rats because they, like him, are always nude
Peter grows daffodils to hide the fact that he is also growing weed. It doubles as a bioweapon because he collects pollen from the flowers and launches it at people who have severe pollen allergies
Peter does not know how to use a toaster so he microwaves bread instead
The Peter Tork Orgy Mansion should be classified as a biohazard or national monument. Probably both
Peter can only fall asleep when the time is a palindrome, gives off purple vibes, or is exactly 4:20
Peter is not allowed to use chopsticks after he nearly poked his eyes out the last time
Peter started a nudist colony at the pad and had the state of California declare that the beach behind the pad is a nude beach
Peter goes dumpster diving to look for wigs to hide his receding hairline
Peter can swallow swords. This talent comes in handy sometimes (he topped) ™️
Peter is banned form Some Little Out of the Way Place That Nobody Goes Northside, Eastside, and Westside brances because his clothing was giving him sensory issues and he had to remove them immediately, in public, in the dining room of the restaurants. Three mothers screamed and 7 children passed out
When the power goes out, one might expect Peter to be afraid but in fact he loves it because he can sit naked in the living room of the pad and none of the others will know
Peter can’t count. This sucks when he is trying to figure out how many women he has slept with
Peter is incapable of opening child proof lids and often resorts to tearing the bottles open with his teeth
Peter has at least one extra toe on his left foot, he named it Dweezil II and it was so disturbing that Micky tried to DIY amputate it. He was unsuccessful, but luckily during his homeless era, while passed out drunk, it was chewed off by David Crosby’s dog
Sunset Sam in the Cruisin music video was supposed to be played by peter (hence the red speedo) but Peter was too busy teaching/being homeless so tragically Sam was recast
Peter has fallen into the fish tank at the bass pro shop pyramid at least once
Peter occasionally has to be shackled into bed at night (or alternatively duct taped into his pyjamas) because he will try and sleep nude, which the others find problematic when they have to share a room/bed with him
Peter can actually sing really good, he just chooses not to
Peter writes philosophical essays every night before going to bed, just after creating his insane orgy guest lists
Daddy Issues Nesmith
Mike doesn’t fuck with sand
Mike tried to start a second band but he couldn’t find anyone to join it because he cheated on Phyllis with all their partners
Mike attempted to learn karate but dislocated his hip when karate chopping a cinder block
Mike was severely verbally abused by his 1st grade PE teacher for being skinny and now cannot look at running shoes the same way
Mike is secretly coquette. He actually wears a little pink bow under his green hat but vehemently denies it to anyone who asks him. It’s his prized possession (the bow, not the hat)
Mike contracted leprosy from eating armadillo in Texas
Mike saw Brokeback Mountain in theaters and cried so hard he threw up on the person sitting in front of him
Mike has his dogs trained to attack Peter and Don Kirshner on sight
Mike likes to go snowboarding but only when there is no snow
Mike thought Davy was 7ft tall for 3 years until he realized that Davy was actually short and not just on his knees the whole time
Mike crashed the Monkeemobile because he wasn’t paying attention to the road and instead was looking at a billboard for Campbell’s soup
Mike is unable to make spaghetti because the uncooked noodles remind him of how skinny he is, and he gets too self-conscious to cook them properly
Mike calls his grandparents something really weird like beepo and meemaw and gets bullied severely for it
In 1970, Mike tried to take up taxidermy to make some extra money but the results were so horrifying no one would buy it, and he was haunted by the ghosts of the animals he taxidermied
Mike will sometimes catch flies out of midair and eat them as a snack. He calls this going “toad mode.” Phyllis hates when he does this
Mike cannot say “rubber chicken” after a traumatic experience with a clown car
Mike spent way too much money on motorcycles to the point where he had to sell all of Christian’s toy because “toys are temporary, the bike life is forever”
When Mike spots ingrown hairs (like on arms or whatever) he will rip them out with his teeth. This is fine when he’s doing it to himself, but once he did it to John Lennon and that was kind of weird
Mike hides drugs under his hat and knows no one will look under there because its never been washed and people don’t want to touch all that
One of the reasons cited on Mike’s divorce papers was “he won’t stop busting it down sexual style with other women and possibly Peter”
Mike sings to pasta to make it boil faster. He has found that the song “Little Girls” by Oingo Boingo makes the noodles cook the fastest
Mike died for like 3 minutes back when he had tonsil surgery and Peter made a gravestone out of plaster to commemorate his death. They celebrate on that day every year.
Mike likes to visit mental hospitals to visit “his people.” He goes so often that the people who work there think he is a patient and just let him do his thing
Mike attempted to join a bike gang but they beat him up violently. He didn’t leave the house for 3 weeks in fear of them
Mike confuses Stephen Stills and Peter Tork because of his severe blindness in his right eye
Mike likes to bully the skinny kids at the playground to give them the same trauma he had as a kid
Mike once brought home a srtay kitten becayse he felt bad for it but soon realuzed it was actually a possum
At his wedding, instead of saying “till death do us part” Mike said “till shit do us fart, I ain’t taking that much responsibility”
If left unattended around them, Mike will consune a dangerous amount of pretzels. His body cannot deal with theamount of sodium he will ingest in one sitting and start shutting dowm. One time he hate too many and Davy had to drive him to the vet (they cannot afford a human doctor)
Mike has been planning to murder his mom since the day she invented Liquid Paper just so he can have her money
Mike is so American that he thinks all other countries are conspiracy theories made up by Big ‘Merica
Mike has one of those front facing baby carriers that go over the chest for Nelson (the stuffed koala). He has never once carried one of his actual children in it
Mike regularly wears the Princess Gwen outfit around the house and on set. He will refuse to do what is asked of him while wearing it and claim “royalty is above such trivial tasks”. Bob Rafelson burns the wig and dress in 1968 and after profusely sobbing, Mike rolls the ashes into a noint (nez joint) and smoked it
If it is too windy, Mike has to be tied down becaue too strong a gust of wind could easily blow him away. Phyllis would sometimes lock him out of the house and hope he would get swept away forever
Mike quit the band for 3 days, claiming that “seeing Peter naked in the Meat Locker was enough to make a grown man cry”. He rejoined after Peter hosted an apology orgy in his name
Mike once went to the zoo and got locked in the giraffe cage when the zookeeper mistook him for one
Mike drank gasoline thinking it was expired wine
Mike can yodel and does so to get the others attention
Mike force-feeds Davy when he goes on “hunger strikes” because the food isn’t British enough. Because of this, Davy ended up eating a spoon when Mike got angry and just shoved it down his throat
Mike is addicted to gambling. He once bet Peter in a game of blackjack and lost him to Stephen Stills
Mike is sexually attracted to cars
Mike was cast in David Cronenberg’s Crash (1996), but his sexual attraction to the cars was too aggressive and creepy, even by Cronenberg standards, so he had to be edited out
Any time Peter is unable to cook (due to being kidnapped or catatonically stoned or predisposed at an orgy etc.) Mike has to do it, and the only things he is able to make are those horrible 1950s housewife recipes that somehow involve a whole ham and lime jello
Mike tries to go fishing in the ocean but he does not have a fishing rod, only a really long piece of grass with a fork tied onto it and carrots as bait
Mike does not have a drivers lisence and just decides to drive and hope he doesn’t get caught despite going 40 km/h over every limit
Micky once tried to build his own space station to contact a new alien race but ended up contacting his neighbors and selling them acid
Micky lost his virginity in a Detroit crack house
Micky once had an out of body experience with an alien from the planet Greezeg but the guys didn’t believe him because of his severe schizophrenia
Micky’s wives keep leaving him because he will not stop doing his James Cagney impression in bed
Micky is actually short for Michard
Once Micky got really high and wanted to see if the skilletface thing was true and put a raw egg on his face and laid out in the sun to see if it would cook. He got salmonella poisoning
Micky dresses up as an old lady to get free food at a retirement home. The staff know he is lying but feel bad for him and let him get away with it because they think he has facial paralysis
Micky gets botox every month to keep his chin in place
Micky had to be really careful when running around because his legs are too skinny and could easily snap, and Mike has told him that if that happens, he will personally put him down like a horse
If Micky was alive in the right era he would have been one of those warrior cat kids that roleplayed hyper realistic violence cat death during recess
At least half of Micky’s wardrobe consists of tear away pants “just in case”
Micky went to Woodstock and claimed to be Janis Joplin’s brother to get VIP entry. A security guard caught them together and said he “had a feeling he [Micky] was incestuous”
Micky believes that he is a long lost son of an alien god and had been trying for years to try and prove it. He got close once but was stopped by the guys when he ended up in a walk in freezer, screaming “I NEED TO BURN THE PISS COUCH”
In 1967, while tripping on acid and drunk out of his mind, Micky got a BBL and has been hiding it from the public ever since because he knows it is too powerful
Micky likes bird watching but the birds like watching Micky more
Micky was forcibly given a rabies shot after doing his werewolf impression one too any times
Micky has a habit of running full speed into glass doors because he cannot see that they are there if he forgets to put contacts in
Micky visits cemetaries in his free time because he likes to “connect with the deceased”
Micky wears the Mrs. Arcadian outfit when the guys are not at the pad. This is fine but one time Davy walked in on him having a tea party by himself and never let him down for it
Micky is digging an underground tunnel system under the pad that only he is allowed to use
Micky tried to buy the state of California so he could legally drop acid everywhere. He was put on the FBI watchlist (again) immediately after
Micky has gloves with claws on them (bought by Davy) so it isn’t as weird when he tries to scratch up the furniture in the pad
Micky drinks red 40 straight from the bottle
Micky can recite the entirety of cats the musical from memory, as well as do all the choreography. Sometimes he does this after a show as an encore. No one wants him to though
Sometime Micky would get really high and wander onto film sets, and people were too scared of him to ask him to leave. This is how he ended up in Night of the Strangler. He thought it was just a really intense episode of the Monkees
Micky preformed an experimental brain surgery on Peter to try and stop him from thinking. It failed
Micky had to have an exorcism after he ate Mike’s wool hat and then promptly threw it up onto Davy’s head
Micky might have a tapeworm but we cannot know for sure
Scientists and doctors around the world are stumped as to how Micky is still alive after the amount of drugs and alcohol he consumed in the 60s-70s
Micky wrote Goin’ Down about the time he and Ringo Starr almost drowned in the Tork Pool
Micky bites
Micky attempted to build a robot but just ended up making a giant metal ball that he ended up throwing at the others. Davy needed surgery after a piece fell off the ball and impaled him
Micky one ate a butterfly to see if it tasted like butter. It did not
Micky only eats the cores of apples to “always keep ‘em guessing”
Micky was arrested for narcotics possession and spent 1 month in jail when the others realized he was missing and not just sleeping it off the whole time
Micky was once kidnapped by a drug cartel for failing to pay for all his acid. He was returned after he wouldn’t stop yapping the lyrics to “Goin’ Down”
Micky sleeps on his head kind of like doing a headstand and it freak out the others so much that they moved his bed in front of the door at the pad so if robbers come in they will be scared away
Micky once sprayed a whole can of Febreze in his mouth because he thought it was a new way to drink juice
Micky’s baldness was caused by the amount of non body safe glitter he had stashed up there during his glam rock era. It just deteriorated every strand up there over the course of several years
Micky once thought he was communicating with aliens, and had invented an entire alien language, but in reality he was suffering the effects of a gas leak in his home
Micky once jumped from the upstairs of the pad to see if his new “flying potion” (acid) would work. It didn’t and he needed severe surgery afterwards
Micky has a weird addiction to candle wax and cannot be left in the same room as candles because he will start eating it
Micky has a dependency on acid to the point where he had to get a tattoo of the word so he can “always be near his one true love”
Gayvy Jones
Davy is scared of the colour purple after Peter forced him to eat a homemade “grimace shake” which was just a purple pillow, some iced tea, and 3 purple carrots
Davy dies after eating soup that was spiked with cyanide by Stephen Stills. David Crosby flies the Monkees’ plane at his “fly in funeral” (Micky’s request) until he gives up because he “doesn’t fuck with these bitches (the birds)”
Davy was the one who started the fire at the Montreux Casino in 1971 but wanted to remain anonymous because he was there to meet an underage girl
Davy went to jail for 3 days when he was 18 for “failing to stop at a red light” even though he didn’t have a car
Davy has killed several people and takes their teeth so they cannot be identified via dental records. He keeps the teeth in his maracas
Davy once saw an ad for “height improvement surgery” and went to get it but it was botched and that’s why he looks like that
Davy once tried to be a ballerina but tripped and fell into a sewer on the day of the audition
Davy once tried to break up a fight between Micky and a tree. He failed and the tree won
Davy started a pile file with the guys beds in middle of the pad because he was cold one day. The fire continued for 5 weeks until the others realized they had no beds and had been sleeping on the ground the whole time
Davy has a water beetle hair infestation
Davy is missing at least one toe because of a horse related incident (bitten off ??)
Davy once dislocated his entire jaw eating one of those really big jaw breaker candies and no one helped him until hours later. They all thought his mouth was open because he was really excited
Davy dated Princess Gwen for one month before realizing she was Mike in drag
The sparkles Davy gets in his eyes is actually his astigmatism acting up
Davy was mistaken for a child the first time he went to a grocery store in America and now refuses to join the other when they go shopping
Davy does not own a single shirt. He seals from the other guy’s because he like to “let his moobs breathe”
Davy was nearly carried off by a bat the last time he went camping
Davy accidentally ordered 35 flats of canned beans through the mail. For the next 3 months all they ate were beans
Davy strictly dates girls over 6 ft. All other women he is spotted with are actually 6ft but they don’t like him so they walk on their knees
Davy uses entire bottles of Febreeze brand air freshener as cologne. Everyone hates it but he continues to do it because he thinks women like it. They do not.
Davy wears high heels not because he is insecure about being short, but because he is convinced being short is a sin because “the shorter you are the closer your heart is to the devil”
Davy has ringworm
Davy really has an Australian accent but hides it because he doesn’t want the others to know that he comes from a family of criminals
Davy can make really realistic horse birthing noises and no one has asked him why or how because they are afraid to know the answer
While filming the war scene in Head (1968), Davy got trench foot and now has panic attacks anytime he sees feet
Along with Zilch, Davy owns a company that sells glove/sock combination footwear called “glocks”
Davy is actually a chupacapra
Davy recites the entirety of Hamlet’s “to be or not to be” soliloquoy every morning during breakfast to “get him into the right mindset”
Davy has to be locked in the pad when he “smells girls nearby” because the guys cannot afford to help him pay more child support
Davy actually had his dick cast by Cynthia Plaster Caster but was ashamed of its size and had her swear an oath to never reveal that it happened
Davy somersaults down the spiral staircase in the pad
As a “new growth method” developed by Micky, Davy has to be forcibly held under water for 5 minuted each day. This treatment has not worked yet, but Micky is hopeful; Davy on the other hand is not
Davy sometimes wishes he was a horse
Davy has an emotional support horse named neighbelline. All the emotional support he gets comes from taking out his angry by verbally abusing it. He often threatens to send it to the glue factory
Davy is obsessed with Japanese clown jazz and one day hopes to record an entire album of it
Monkee wives / girlfriends/ The 400 / Etc.
Phyllis and Nurit once both showed up to a part Mike was at and he faked a heart attack so he could leave and they wouldn’t interact
Susan Pike is not a real person, but an elaborate publicity stunt set up by Davy’s PR team gone horribly wrong
Mike invited Phyllis to live with the guys at the pad. She refused because Davy gave off creepy uncle vibes and refused to wear clothes
Davy recites the entirety of Repo! The Genetic Opera when he is bored and forces Peter to put raw pizza dough on his face to recreate the character of Pavi so Davy can “get in the right mood”
Friends (?)
The guys invited Frank Zappa over for a sleepover after he came to visit them one day. Frank let traumatized by Davy’s collection of shower drain hair
Mr. Babbit increases the boy’s rent each month by $25 because of “suspected homosexual activities” but they don’t realize until it hits $1 million a month
Mr. Babbit can “always smell when a queer is near” and wants to drive the Monkees out of the neighborhood because he doesn’t want them sullying his reputation as a landlord
Cynthia cut her hand on purpose to get out of fully plaster casting Peter because he would not stop yapping about philosophy throughout the entire process and she could not think of an excuse to leave
Stephen Stills sleeps in the closet in the pad when he comes over. He once spent 3 weeks locked in there getting a slice of pizza each day when Micky was conducting a “science experiment”
Danny Elfman, of Oingo Boingo fame, wrote the song Little Girls when he found out how old Phyllis was
Rob Roy Fingerhead was killed by an oncoming 18 wheeler that swerved into his lane, he failed to notice because he was texting and driving
Every member of CSNY was present for the birth of Hallie Luia, which took place in David Crosby’s basement. Stephen delivered the baby
Coco is secretly the leader of an underground rooster fighting ring. She has a prized fighting rooster named Gustavo that has never lost a fight, and has taken at least one human life
Bob Rafelson has threatened to kill the Monkees several times if they don’t get their shit together, but this does not work because they do not fear death, they welcome its warm embrace over the hell that is the set they are working on
Frank Zappa wrote the song Valley Girl about Micky Dolenz
Frank Zappa was kept in Micky’s secret tunnels under the pad for 2 days while Mike went around as him, trying to start a demonstration because of “the treatment of crazy minded Texans in Californian society”
Mr. Babbit hosts an illegal fight club in the boys apartment while they are away on their wacky adventures. One day they came back early and he made them participate
John Lennon invited Mike to the threesome he had with Yoko and Andy Warhol but tragically Mike did not attend because he “draws the line at cheating on his wife with British men” and he was concerned there would not be any milk for him to drink while there
Stephen Stills cried after Peter had his teeth fixed because “they couldn’t be teeth twins anymore :(“
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art--harridan · 11 months
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[Image description: A digital drawing based on the film Jeepers Creepers. It depicts Darry Jenner, laying unconcious with his arms splayed out by his sides. He's drawn in black and coloured with yellow. Behind this, there's a drawing of him, in a more realistic style, with his eyes carved out. This is duplicated in a dark mauve, though a lot more transparent. There's a red outline around the first drawing of Darry, and this colour is used to draw a few simple eye shapes around the piece. Around this drawings there's the words "jeepers creepers", the first word is written in a fancy font while the second word is written in a wiggly font. The background is a dark yellow.]
Inktober - Day 26 (Remove)
Film - Jeepers Creepers (Victor Salva, 2001)
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boomboom-tanjiro2019 · 7 months
This is gonna be based off the KDRAMA "Our Beloved Summer" I haven't finished it so keep that in mind. Idk if this is gonna be continued but this is the concept. Use of They/Them for Ivankov. I'm a Mrs. Kook defender. Not much was changed here but I will be altering to fit with the characters personalities a bit. Some original "Our Beloved Summer" characters might be split into two depending on the scene. The formatting is super weird so might not make sense, I really reccomend the show! Basically the different font is when the two are being interviewed and the flashbacks in between are describing the events of their meeting. As it goes on it will make more sense. Obv this is not my original storyline though some parts are changed 100% reccomend the show.
May, 2011
Interview, Ace sits in chair shuffling awkwardly. Portgas D. Ace, High School Senior, 17: Oh… start? Uh- My name is Portgas D. Ace.
A teacher talks at the front of the classroom as Ace knocks out in a fit of narcolepsy. Camera crew recording to the right of him near a window, miniature camera facing him on his desk, another camera facing the girl next to him.
His eyes flutter open and immediately direct to the camera crew next to him, comfortability snatched away from him.
“Don’t look at the camera” Dragon whispers over.
Ace slowly lifts his head, “It’s too big for me to miss…”
Dragon sighs, “Just… pretend there’s nothing over here”
“How am I supposed to do that? It’s right in front of me??”
“Ignore it-“
“Idiot. Face forward.” The girl in the chair next to Ace whisper shouts over the teacher. Ace furrows his eyebrows and looks at her as she stares down at him from his hunched over position, “…Why are you looking at me? Look at the board.”
‘Bitch.’ Ace thinks.
“Class is dismissed! Do whatever you want.” The teacher, Dracule Mihawk sighs and whispers under his breath, “Fuck these kids.”
He packs up his things as the camera crew stays fixated on him.
“You’re leaving?” she asks, sitting in the same spot.
“None of your business what I’m doing.” Ace messily shoves his things in his bag, papers everywhere crumpled together.
The girl takes a deep breath, “Sir, can we stop recording?” Her head slowly turns to glare at the back of Ace’s head, “It’s really hard to work with such an idiot.”
Ace turns on the heel of his sneakers “Huh? You call me an idi-“
“We have been filming for DAYS. The whole time you’ve been moving around like you’re insane. I can’t focus at ALL because you were so restless.”
“The camera is- RIGHT. THERE. What the hell do you want me to do?”
“Focus on class? Maybe?! You can’t even do that?”
“Then ignore me and focus on yourself.”
“Fine. You don’t care about getting good grades, totally get it. But I refuse for you to end up bringing me down to your level.”
Ace turns to the camera in a “The Office” style fourth wall break, “You heard that right?” He turns back, “I’m SOOO happy for you. Your social skills couldn’t get lower.”
The girl scoffs and murmurs “why did I even agree to this?”
“I KNOW right?” Ace smiles and puts his hands on his hips with a sarcastically confused expression, “Why DID you agree to this?” With that, he storms off.
Interview Y/N L/N, High School Senior, 17:  My name is Y/N L/N. I think I first saw Ace around the tenth grade.
Flashback to when Y/N is describing, October 17, 2009 
Y/N approaches the library desk, peaking over at the top Bookworms list.
Portgas D Ace
“Excuse me, Mrs.?” Y/N asks as the librarian looks up. “Who is…um…” she reads the name one more time “ Ace?”
“Oh? Ace? He’s over there actually.” She points to a guy over in the corner of the library.
Y/N L/N, High School Senior, 17: I met him in a weird spot.
“Hey.” She stands near the boy, “My name is Y/N. What’s your school rank?”
Ace looks at her, taken aback and kind of bashfully , “Erm… 267.”
She freezes, “But… we only have-“
“267 students.”
Y/N L/N, High School Senior, 17:  At that moment, I thought he was a super weird kid. Portgas D. Ace, High School Senior, 17:  UM- No. That was the 2nd time we met. The first time was during the entrance ceremony.
Flashback to their freshman year, first day of school.
A multitude of students stand in separate lines at a school gym as school officials sit in chairs on a decorated front stage.
“The student entering into their first year with the best grades from middle school is Y/N L/N!” A principle shouts over the chatter.
Portgas D. Ace, High School Senior, 17:  I watched her walk because she looked like a soldier marching into war or something.
Y/N grabs her award with a small and serious smile and swiftly going back to her spot in line.
Ace’s deep chocolate eyes meet her piercing and intoxicating ones, he smiles softly at her.
Portgas D. Ace, High School Senior, 17:  In my own defense here, I was just trying to be nice to her the first time our eyes met.
“Hey.” She tilts her head up in his direction. 
Ace gasps slightly, cursing himself for doing it right after. His eyes widen and he waits for another word intently
“Turn around.” She narrows her eyes at him.
He looks as if he was pretending not to die slowly, his eyes staying in the same position as only his head slowly rotates forward like a depressed owl.
Portgas D. Ace, High School Senior, 17:  That’s when I realized she was pretty weird. Y/N L/N, High School Senior, 17:  …ANYWAY- I never thought I would have gotten involved with a kid as weird as HIM.
Senior Year, February, 2011
Ace rolls around in a chair, restlessly holding a bag over his head with his nose scrunched and bopping his head to non-existent music like the Wii soundtrack was the only thing that was in his head. Which wouldn’t be an unreasonable assumption. The teachers’ room is packed with desks and computers.
“So- what do you think?” Ivankov smiles in an overexcited manner, “The director is a SUPER close confidant of mine and he PROMISED not to get in your way. Awesome right?” They wink, “You can always refuse of course.”
“…Am I the only one being filmed?” She asks.
“No, there will be another, they’ll record the best student and worst student for a month and see how you two will interact. Like a documentary. That’s where Ace-boy over there comes in.”
Y/N’s eyes pan over to Ace getting slapped with a rolled up piece of paperwork by a female teacher, wincing at the contact and putting on the expression of a hurt puppy… or a spoiled toddler. “Ouch- sorry-“ he whispers.
‘…right.” She thinks.
“Anyway- just keep the offer in mind, alright?” Ivankov smiles.
“Okay I will.” She smiles, “Thank you- wait… sorry- say I do agree to it, do I get paid for it?”
“Of course! You’ll be paid well.”
Ace’s bag stays over his head and his eyes stare directly at her as she’s leaving, catching her off guard. She freezes and looks him up and down before jogging off.
Y/N L/N, High School Senior, 17:  To me, it seemed like he was my total opposite. I thought about saying no. Portgas D. Ace, High School Senior, 17:  Yeah, well I had already said no when Iva asked me, but turned out I had no choice in the matter anyway.
“ACE!” Dadan calls out to her “not son” and drags him over to the bench the other two are still sitting at, “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US ABOUT THE DOCUMENTARY?!”
“OW OW- why would I?! I’m not doing it.” Ace shouts while getting thrown over to sit on the bench.
Garp laughs and hits Ace way too hard on the back, “What are you TALKING ABOUT? Of course you are! Dragon came all this way to ask. Even though he owes me thousands in child support.”
Dadan mumbles, “You mean he owes ME.”
“I DON’T WANT TO!” Ace shouts, temper rising.
Garp’s grin fades, “Why the HELL not kid? How can you refuse?!”
“Strangers are gonna know my face!” He puts his arms up in defense.
Dadan scoffs, “as if you care about that.”
“I’m a senior! This will affect my academics.” Ace crosses his arms and closes his eyes as if that was a valid argument.
Dadan and Garp burst out laughing.
Dadan can barely get the words out and shouts, “WELL THEY CAN’T GET ANY WORSE KID!”
Garp is still smiling but his laughter fades out, “I mean… they could be to Luffy’s level.”
“…Don’t even go there, he’s lucky he’s only a freshman so they can’t ask him to be in the documentary. He’s the only one Ace is beating right now.” Dadan completely stops smiling at the reminder of the horror that is Luffy’s academic life. No one is even sure he can read. “Besides, you’ll be studying with the TOP STUDENT! You should be GRATEFUL!!”
Going back to the interview room with the two at least two feet a part glancing at each other tiredly Y/N L/N, High School Senior, 17:  Yeah. That’s it- that’s about how this whole thing started. And it became way more bothersome than I thought.
Ace sits down in the classroom he switched to, pulling out an array of unnecessary items.
Y/N sighs, “it’s always the worst students who cause the most ruckus.”
Ace looks confusedly over to her, “You talking to me?”
“Keep your stuff off of my desk.”
Ace sassily scoots his colors over to the complete other side of his desk and slowly scoots the overlapping pages of Y/N’s book to her side.”
Portgas D. Ace, 17:  She was way more annoying than I could have ever imagined.
The two documentary stars sit at a lunch table alone with cameras between them documenting their every move.
Portgas D. Ace, 17: At first I tried to be friends with her.
“Hey um….” Ace awkwardly smiles before trying to talk, not being able to think of a conversation starter. He slowly puts his head back down, fiddling with his spoon and food, but a piece goes flying and lands right on Y/N’s white shirt getting sauce stains on it. 
She looks down slowly and coldly, and in Ace’s personal opinion, seems like she is going to beat the living shit out of him. She looks back up and focuses her eyes away from Ace.
Ace’s eyes widen and he stiffens immediately, “Oh- um- sorry…” he cringes at himself.
She ignores his apology and takes a napkin to try to wipe off the stain, she finally looks back up at him and glares, grabbing a sauce packet and slowly opening it.
Oblivious to the action, Ace turns and points at her sheepishly while facing the camera, trying to explain. “I didn’t mean-“ A spray of sauce goes flying at Ace’s shirt as he gasps and faces her defensively. “I said I was sorry!”
“Good for you. I’m not.” 
Y/N L/N, 17:  What was I gonna do? We are just too different.
Y/N and Ace were forced to be recorded attending a gym class, normally Ace’s forte. However, Y/N was set on using him as a human shield instead of playing normally.
She moved him while trying to avoid the ball, causing Ace to get hit and very uncharacteristically fall to the ground. Y/N taking this opportunity to tilt his head the direction of the ball and get him hit in the face instead of the side of his head had he just stayed there.
She stands up again and Ace pulls away facing her in anger, “HEY WHAT THE F-“
Y/N quickly turns him around to the direction of the ball, still unnecessary given he would have still blocked it with the back of his head, Ace realizes and quickly ducks down.
The ball approaches quickly while Y/N is still in that same spot.
The ball smacks her right smack dab in the middle of the face, knocking her down not from momentum of the throw, but the shock and late reflexes making her fall back much easier than normal.
Ace flips his head around, realizing late, “PFFT- uh- you alright there?” He smiles and lends a hand while Y/N grabs his arm and digs her nails into his wrist in cold blood.
Y/N L/N, 17: He acts like a child.
Ace lies down on a bench looking up at trees that have light partially peeking through. Like a glimpse of heaven or an artwork showing how nature can work in harmony to form a single piece.
He talks to the camera crew facing a camera up at him from above, “One of the things I love doing the most is lying in the shade, with the sun peeking down on me through the trees.”
“You’re ridiculous.” Y/N interrupts Ace’s filming standing up over him, “Finish that book so you can return it.”
Ace smiles and examines the book, reaching out with it to give to her, as she reaches for it snatching it away with a shit eating grin to put it under his head as a pillow and sighs, “Wow… this is great.”
Y/N fumes and snatches both of the books from under Ace and lets his head hit the hard wood of the bench.
Y/N L/N, 17:  To top it off he’s lazy.
Students sit in an eerily quiet classroom, pencils marking away at workbooks, the only sound being Ace’s giggling at his phone out texting some of his friends from Whitebeard’s Resort where he works for the summer.
The students glare over at Ace, not one saying a word, settling for silent annoyance. Y/N grows tired and snatches the phone right out of his hand and shoves it in her backpack.
Ace stands up in shock and disbelief, the sound of the clanking chair alarming Mr. Mihawk.
“What was that?” He enters back into the classroom from the conversation he was having with Shanks, probably escaping it honestly, “ACE! You AGAIN?! I thought I told you all to be quiet.” He sighs and rubs his temples.
Ace glares over at Y/N who gives him a fake confused look and innocently smiles.
Portgas D. Ace, 17:  Things are already exhausting and she has a knack for making them even worse. Y/N L/N, 17:  To sum it up, Portgas D. Ace is pathetic.
"Sorry, what was that last question?" Ace asks Dragon in an isolated room, Y/N sitting two feet to his right.
"How about why can't you pay attention?" She crosses her arms and shoots him a pointed glare.
"Right..." Dragon sighs, "I'm gonna restart the recording now, if we can just get this segment done."
Portgas D Ace: Things I hate? *He smiles* Y/N L/N. She’s some weird girl I know.
Y/N L/N: *Facing him* I hate pathetic things. I despise people who are hopelessly pathetic the most. Portgas D. Ace: *Inconspicuously pointing at her* And being selfish! I hate selfish people who only-
Y/N L/N:  People who cause trouble for others! If you want to fail, fail on your own. Why do the rest of us have to go with you? Portgas D. Ace:  People who are super harsh, and speak without thinking. To me those people are super rude. Y/N L/N:  Look at who is talking. He needs to look in a mirror because he doesn’t think at all.
Portgas D. Ace:  He?! Me??? Y/N L/N:  You started it by bitching at me first! Portgas D. Ace: Ugh. Are you done talking? Y/N: Not yet because I’m obviously still talking. Ace: Why did you guys want me to film this again? Y/N: Because it’s a documentary filming the best student helping the worst. Correct? Ace: Ohhhhh… I see… you’re seeing how long normal people can endure anti-social ones. Experiments like this are just unethical. Y/N: Oh I’m sorry… from the title BEST and WORST student who would you think is more antisocial?
Ace: People like her exhaust everyone around them as soon as they enter society. Y/N: Someone like you wouldn’t even be able to enter society so how would you know that? Dragon: Alright… um… here’s a DIFFERENT question: what do you think you’ll both be doing after ten years?
*Silence* Ace: Let’s see… I’ll be 27 by then… Y/N: Whatever it is, I’m hopeful and pretty sure that I will be good at whatever it is I’m doing. Ace:  Ummmmm… I guess I wanna live an adventurous life without being too tied down. Y/N: I’ll lead groups of people in my company and have an active and fulfilling life, a successful one. Ace: I want a free and open life Ace and Y/N: With one thing for sure- Y/N:  I’ll have nothing to do with the pathetic person next to me. Ace: *Scoff*  That’s how I feel.
Dragon shuts off his camera and exits the room with Ivankov waiting outside, "Maybe I've gotten myself into more trouble than it's worth."
"Oh it'll be fine... They'll learn something and become better people by the end of it." They smile.
"I suppose you'r-" He's interrupted by the sound of clanking chairs and incoherent yelling.
"Or maybe they'll kill each other before filming is over and this will be for nothing" Ivankov pats Dragon on the back and take off.
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