#<my interest shifts PFFFF
saltpepperbeard · 1 year
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chalterdh22 · 11 months
Day 16: Javi and Steve in Unusual Spot
Lee: Javier Pena
Ler: Steve Murphy
Summary:  While working out, Javi pulls a muscle.  Steve tries to help make it better but discovers an interesting spot on Javi, one that is too tempting not to mess with.
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, so if that’s not your thing, don’t read.  Some swearing as well.
Steve and Javi, unlike their mostly unhealthy lifestyle, knew they had to stay in decent shape, so they both go to their dinky little gym they have at their precinct.  Mostly, they would life a few weights, sit around, smoke and chat.  It was more about having some down time then anything, which they sorely needed, constantly going after Escobar.  On one particular day, Javi was spotting Steve’s bench press, giving him crap about being weaker than him, and not really spotting at all, since the weight wasn’t super heavy yet.
Cigarette hanging from Pena’s lips, at the head of the bench, he looked down at his partner who was having no difficulty with the weight, doing one press after another.  “Ya know, your wife can lift more than this!  Put some actual weight on this thing!”
Steve re-racked his barbell, looking up at his smug partner, “I don’t see you over hear lifting!”
“Pffff, I can about double what you lift!  Move over!”  As Steve started to get up, Pena started putting on not just a few weights, but a lot more than his partner.
“Um, that’s a big increase.”
“Nah, just spot me!”  He put his cigarette down, and laid on the bench.  He lifted it up, and slowly started getting a few reps in when he yelled.  This startled Steve, who, grabbed the bar and racked it for his partner.  Pena held his elbow in pain and sat up slowly, shaking his head.
“Told ya!  Idiot!”  Pena mumbled something in Spanish under his breath as he sat there holding the outside.  Steve, who no had his own cigarette in his mount, sat next to him on his hurt side.  “Lemme see!”  Pena released his elbow, and he definitely did something, as it was already starting to turn color.  “Damn, you popped something!  Told ya not to increase so quickly!”  Steve yelled at his partner, who was sitting their sweating with an angry glare towards him.
Steve pointed to the swollen area of his elbow, touching is gently.  “This looks bad.  Go see the doc.”
“Nah, I’m fine.  Just need some ice.”  Steve rolled his eyes as they both still stood there looking straight ahead.
“It actually feels more like a pinched nerve, shooting into my shoulder blade.” Pena pointed out, trying to grab his shoulder with his other hand, but not finding the right spot. 
“Here,” Steve said as he took his hand to find the spot for his struggling partner.  He dug his thumb into a soft spot where he though Javi was trying to reach, just below his blade.  As he did this though, Javi seemed to jump straight up and leaned away from him like he’d been shocked.  “Whoa, sorry!  Did that hurt?”
Javi sat there, beet red, staring at his partner who was just trying to help.  “Uh, yeah, a bit.”
“Sorry, here, I won’t push as hard.”  Steve reached quickly over again before Pena could argue or move and pushed gently again, but this time, took his other hand and held his shoulder still.  It was so quick he didn’t have time to move away, and gasped this time.  He tried to shift but Steve had a good hold on his shoulder.  “What the hell, man?  What’s your problem?  If it hurts this bad, go see………!”  Steve’s voice trailed off as he noticed a small smirk on Javi’s face that he quickly tried to hide.
“It’s just sore, and you keep poking at it!  That’s all!”
Steve just eyed him now, not able to keep a straight face anymore.  “You didn’t look like that was painful, Javi, when I pushed.  Are you seriously ticklish right there?”  Steve asked as his cigarette was almost out, still hanging from his lips that had a hug smile on them.
“No, no!  Just sensitive because the nerve is connected to my elbow!” He barely got out the last word when Steve grabbed his hurt arm and started digging into the spot just below his shoulder blade, sending his partner almost falling back off the bench.  Steve had such a good grip though, he didn’t let him fall backward, but rather caught him, now pushing in the other side, at the same spot, still holding onto the hurt arm.
“Ahhh, no-noooo.  St-stooop iitttt!”  Steve had no reply other than still pushing into the sensitive spot as Pena was trying to turn himself away without hurting his elbow.
Steve was laughing and finally let go after a few seconds, scared he might actually hurt his real injury.  He threw out the cigarette and still had the same huge grin on his face, and Javi’s was still flushed from laughter and embarrassment. 
“This is great!  Who on earth is ticklish there?”  Pena was started to get his breath back, and staring at Steve like he would kill him.
Sticking a finger in his face, turning towards his partner with the newfound information, “Don’t you dare bring this up again!  Hear me?”  It was a threatening growl sound leaving his lips.  Steve put his arms up in the surrender position.
“Hey, no worries partner.  This will be between you and me!”  He stood up to walk away, stopped and looked back at his partner, who now regained his composure.  “You still might wanna go get that looked at, just leave out the detail about your shoulder.”  He said walking away, shoulders moving slightly up and down as he laughed to himself. 
Pena just sat there in defeat.  He’ll just go grab some ice instead, he thought to himself.
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celosiiaa · 4 years
Late Night Dates || Miya Osamu
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So writing is a thing now I guess! This was inspired by a conversation I had with @nikki--han at like 4 am. Don’t question the sleep schedule please! And my requests are open, if you liked this, please come leave me some suggestions for some head cannons! :)
p.s. THANK YOU @sanso​ FOR READING OVER THIS, ily micchi!!!
p.p.s. the header image is a from the manga! I found it on pinterest 👉🏼👈🏼
Alright so, if you haven’t seen time skip Osamu yet, I’m sorry but I’m somewhat basing this off of his future career at Onigiri Miya
But during this date, y’all are still in high school, during the summer before your 3rd year
You’re fast asleep when all of a sudden you’re awoken by your phone that is going off like crazy
You look at it and see Osamu has been blowing up your phone for the past hour
The messages vary from ‘babes, you’ll never guess what Atsumu did at practice today ‘ to ‘do you have the answers to the math homework?’
But the most recent one was ‘oi, get your ass outside, now!’
You had received it 3 minutes ago, but as you were scrolling through the messages your phone starts ringing, it’s Osamu, what a shocker
“Oi babes, are you headin out yet.” 
“ ‘samu, what are you talking about?”
“Just grab a coat and meet me outside your house, ok?”
He hangs up after saying that, not letting you get another word in
Letting out a huge sigh, you got up from underneath your comfy bed sheets, head to your closest, and grab your big fluffy hoodie, which you definitely stole from Osamu
As you go to leave your room and head outside, you make sure your parents are still asleep
They’re fast asleep, as you wish you could be
But you love Osamu, and if he wants you to go outside, you’re gonna do it
When you exit your house and look for him, you see him sitting in the driver’s seat of his vintage truck
His eyes light up when he sees you come outside, he excitedly motions for you to come sit in the truck
As you approach the truck, you notice what looks like a wooden box and a shopping bag in the pickup’s bed, but you don’t pay much attention to it
You sit down in the passenger seat and as soon as the door closes behind you, he shifts the car into drive and just guns it down the street
You look at him like he’s crazy, and he just turns to you, grins, and says “trust me, babes”
You drive down the road for about 10 minutes, the truck slowing to a stop on a hill that overlooks part of the town, the area surrounding it clear
During the drive, you had started to doze off and were woken up by Osamu coming over and opening your door. 
“You falling asleep there y/n?”
“Ngh, no, I was just- just- resting my eyes! Yeah… resting my eyes…”
“Pffff, sure you were babes. Now come on, I got something to show you that I think you’ll enjoy.”
As you exit the truck, Osamu leads you around to the pickup bed, where you saw the box and bag earlier
But now, there’s a picnic blanket spread out in the back, with the wooden box open on top of it. And as you look inside you see a bunch of what looks like homemade onigiri
“ ‘Samu, did you make these?”
“Uh, yeah. I hope you like them” 
Your heart nearly bursts with the amount of love you have for him
He then tells you he brought you here to stargaze together, as you had expressed interest in doing so earlier in the week
As you lay there together, you shift closer to Osamu so that way you’re tucked into his side
You start pointing out the different constellations and telling Osamu some background information on them
While you do this you don’t notice him staring at you, not the stars and then you hear him softly speak, almost as if he didn’t mean for you to hear it
“God, I’m so in love with you y/n…”
You couldn’t believe your ears, he loved you? The two of you hadn’t said those words yet, and here he was proclaiming his love after bringing you on the perfect date
You had to do something to show him that you loved him too
“I love you too ‘Samu, to the moon and back a hundred times over.”
His head turns to face you, and you look back up at him, the love you feel for each other prominent in your eyes
He kisses your forehead and he holds you tight, his chin on the top of your head
While he does this, you feel your eyelids start to droop, and you let out a yawn, starting to fall asleep in his embrace
The last thing you hear before you fall asleep is Osamu saying
“Go to sleep babes, don’t worry I got you”
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years
Pffff everybody just sense it and leaves to go play in the pool or something but are all smirking at you guys when they leave.
I’m sorry but this is to much of an opportunity to not chirp you . Kesh is just chilling in the kitchen watching Kirby shirtless in the sun playing w the boys.
Lmao respective couches. Yes things are getting. 🥵 with Brigid and co lol . But Brigid is like it’s all good I’m enjoying this hehe. Ok what movie would be watching I’m curious before sexy stuff is happening?. Lmao I lost interest because I’m silently laughing which makes me shake a lot. Hehe him looking immediately at the ceiling !! Ya I’m gonna put up a fight cuz this is a great opportunity. “Why do wanna watch that Lexi” he would probably have to pick me up lol. He does not wanna witness that today, his mind is still pure , but like would you wanna see your teammates hooking up hehe? I do have my ideas but maybe quinner is just trying to get to calm down from my laughing and it goes from there 😏 he gotta take charge sometimes ;)
Kesh is confused, like the house is weirdly empty?
So she starts looking around but the walks into the room w Brigid and co and runs out lol. Lmao please no babies on my watch
Where are Quinner and Lexi? But who cares, she’s gonna go tan w Kirby outside!😏
ok folks, again you know the drill. this one’s actually not quite as long as the others but anyways
ok yes so eveyone just feels the mood shift in the room so they just leave bc they’re like yeah i don’t really want to watch this. so then they’re all leaving to go to the pool or something but they’re smirking at us as they go, and ik they’re gonna chirp us the next day. and kesh is just chilling in the kitchen oblivious to everything going on. but anyways quinner somehow hasn’t noticed and you want to stay to chirp me, so you guys are still there on the other couch
and then things are getting heated with me dyl and jamie 🥵 and i’m just like i’m down if you are lol. so like things are getting very spicy and you’re just getting ready to chirp me lol. hmmm what movie would we be watching, maybe ocean’s eleven, idk if you’ve seen it but i love that movie (also twelve and thirteen but imo eleven is the best). but then obvi me and my boys have lost interest and so have you but quinner hasn’t yet. but then he feels you shaking and he’s like huh, but then he realizes you’re laughing and he realizes why and he just immediately looks up at the ceiling. and then he literally has to drag you out of the room bc you do not want to leave and he’s like lexi, why tf would you ever want to watch that? that’s my one of our best friends and my teammates, that’s weird. and eventually he just picks you up and carries you out bc dragging is getting him nowhere. and thennnnn you’re trying to go back in and he needs a way to distract you so he pulls you into an empty room and it goes from there 😏
and then kesh is so confused, like why is the house so quiet? where is everyone? and she goes looking and finds me and the guys and is just like nope absolutely not and walks right back out. and then she decides to go find kirby outside and on her way out she happens to pass quinner and lexi too lol. so then right before she lets the door close she’s just like use protection guys! i don’t need any babies on my watch! lmaooooo
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salamanderskin · 4 years
Sunshine (a M0llym4uk sickfic)
This is something of a gift for @just-a-nervous-bean for their wonderful artwork of Mollymauk, which can be found here and here Spellings stolen from the ever-talented @dodecahedral ‘s fic here because I couldn’t get them out of my head.
Modern AU where Molly is in the circus and Caleb is researching at the University, they are in a new-ish relationship together. No need to know the chars really. They’re soft boyfriends and Molly is miserable when he’s sick. That’s all. 
Mollymauk is, predictably, late. 
Caleb Widogast expects this. That’s why he planned a date for the cafe in the museum where he is working anyway, a place he is always happy to sit and read. The cafe is a pleasant break after the dusty hush of the archives; huge windows let in what is left of the wintery daylight from outside, illuminating the white walls and low, modern furniture. There is space for Caleb’s laptop and a stack of books beside his coffee cup. If he had his boyfriend and his cat here, the scene would be perfect-
That’s when Mollymauk arrives. The museum attracts members of enough different species that his being a tiefling with curled horns is not unusual. What draws attention is his artistic attire; He is wearing that ridiculous coat which doesn’t fasten high enough, a shirt cut in a deep v-neck to show tattooed flesh and a roguish grin. Flurries of snow have settled in his hair and he shakes his head like a dog before coming to sit beside Caleb.
“Hallo, looks like you got caught in the snow.” Caleb rises to hug his boyfriend and kiss him on his cheek.The tiefling’s lavender skin is ice-cold under his lips.
“Little bit.” Mollymauk sniffs and shivers as he sheds his coat, prompting Caleb to pass him a handful of napkins which he uses to first dry his face and then blow his nose. As he does so, Caleb gathers up his papers into his backpack and readies himself for a jaunt around the museum before closing time. 
It is lovely just to spend time together, to talk and question and wonder about the exhibits. This thing between them is still so new; he is still learning Molly’s tastes and interests and delightfully surprised by the tiefling’s breadth of knowledge. Caleb enjoys hearing Molly name plants and animals or the types of dye used in textiles, notices Molly light up for a particular colour or design. He also notices Molly sounds sniffly. 
If any other person in the world was sniffling like that around Caleb, he would be shooting them a look fierce enough to kill a man while wishing to die himself. When it’s Molly, he doesn’t like it, but it doesn’t make him want to crawl out of his skin. This must be love.
He watches Molly from the other end of the gallery. The tiefling is more colourful and appealing than the oil paintings he stands in front of. Not just his flamboyantly colourful trousers or the glitter of jewellery on his horns and the tattoos on his skin, but the lithe grace of his movements. Mollymauk tilts his head like a peacock to examine a detail, his slender fingers clenching with desire for the rough surface he has been firmly told not to touch. Framed by dun-coloured still-lifes, Molly is vibrantly animated, enchantingly alive; never more so than when he sneezes so suddenly that it causes him to stumble. 
The sound is sharp enough to spark aggressive echoes from the high ceiling and make several patrons, including Caleb himself, jump and turn their heads. 
“Sorry!” Molly stage-whispers and swipes a thumb under his nose with another wet sniffle. 
Caleb feels a burst of amusement at how each sneeze makes Molly’s tail lash wildly, putting a few fragile exhibits in danger. It happens a few times while they are hidden in the low light of the illuminated manuscripts that hold particular interest for Caleb, and again between the cases of iridescent butterflies whose colours make Molly clutch his heart and plan a dozen more tattoos. Caleb is resting against Molly’s arm for that last one, so he feels the tiefling yank himself away and stagger double. His hands don’t quite make it to his face and so clench helplessly in the air. He looks quite undone by the force of it and it takes him a minute to sniffle himself back to composure. 
“Gesundheit!” Caleb tucks a hand round Molly’s waist for an affectionate squeeze. “You sound like you’re catching a cold?”  
“Pffff.” Molly spreads his hands in a shrug,seeming to take in his lavender skin, his extravagant clothing and the sheer assuredness of his stance, as if he is too fabulous to possibly get sick. 
So Caleb puts it out of his mind. 
Caleb’s phone buzzes him awake on Saturday morning. 
It’s the weekend, no archive for him today and no shifts at the University Library either. A rare free day. Caleb stretches his legs and hears a questioning -mrrp- from the cat at the end of his bed. He needs coffee and he needs to pee, but he could pretend he doesn’t and stay under the covers for at least another half an hour. That sounds really good.  
His phone buzzes again.
M.T -- You free today? Come over?
Caleb -- Thought you had rehearsal?
In fact Caleb was certain. He has an infallible memory for details like this, even more so when they concern his access to a delightfully attractive partner like Mollymauk.
M.T-- Cancelled. Yasha is away all wknd im lonely :(:(
Cancelling is unusual but stranger things have happened. This is a lovely surprise. He takes a moment to recalibrate his idea of the day and then rises from bed. Frumpkin follows, winding dangerously between his ankles. A glance out of the window reveals more flurrying snow but it will be no match for his old overcoat, his heaviest boots and thick scarf. His own roommate, Nott, is out at work, but he leaves the heating on for Frumpkin and heads out into the wilds. 
“Hello darling!” Molly gives him a big smile when he opens the door, but doesn’t swoop in and kiss him, which is unusual. 
The heating is cranked up high, which is unusual too.
He follows Molly up the stairs to their first floor apartment. This is still relatively new territory to Caleb, but welcoming. His boyfriend’s housemate Yasha, often absent, has filled all available window sills with houseplants to which Molly has added candles, crystals and new-age nicknacks of all stripes. It smells faintly of weed, sage and cooking. Molly ushers him into the living room where there is one unusual addition- what he knows to be Molly’s duvet is draped over the sofa in front of an open laptop showing a paused TV show. 
“Can I get you a glass of water, tea, gin, milk, prosecco or anything else?” Molly suggests. His voice sounds wrecked and thick. 
“Whatever you’re having. Molly are--” Caleb tries to get a closer look at him but he darts to the kitchen and putters almost aggressively with the kettle.
“Schatz,you sound-” He tries again.
“Tea, then. Lemon-ginger, redbush, green, green with passionfruit, chai or normal?”
“No preference.” Caleb actually has to put a hand on the tiefling’s back to calm his businesslike cheerfulness. “Come here-” He manages to get a grip on Molly’s shoulder and through leverage more than strength is able to turn the tiefling to face him. Molly is a good two inches taller, not counting his horns, but he slouches obligingly against the counter to put them face to face. Locks of his silken hair fall over his down-turned brow and Caleb pushes them behind his ear with a practiced, tender touch. 
“What’s the matter, hm? You’re being a little… erratic.”
“And I’m usually so predictable. Boring, even.” His boyfriend laughs, showing sharp white eyeteeth.
There it is again, though, that rasp on his voice. It sounds like it hurts him to talk. And something else, too. Thick violet lashes flutter and his ruby eyes squint closed as Molly shifts to soft, panting breaths through his mouth. Caleb is caught as off-guard when the tiefling shoves him gently to one side and sneezes hard. 
It knocks him double, hands cringing weakly towards his face but not reaching in time to make any kind of cover. Before Caleb can comment, Molly takes a shaky step back and sneezes again and then a third time, retreating away towards the back wall and punctuating each with a heartfelt, “Fuck.” “Gesundheit.” Caleb offers. Molly straightens and gives him a cringing, apologetic look. His eyes are watering something fierce and Caleb thinks he can see how ticklish his nose is, even from five feet away. The poor thing is blushed to a deep violet and he can see his nostrils flaring uncertainty. Molly hovers his hands tentatively in front of his face for a moment… lowers them… raises them quickly and draws a ragged “aaah-”  before - “YZSSHH-iew!! Fuck.”
Caleb doesn’t quite know how to react and defaults to standing still, hands clenched uselessly at his side and desperately wishing he had his cat to keep them busy. “Hold on... “ Molly groans and scrambles out of the room with his hands still cupped guiltily over his face. Caleb tracks the sound of feet along the corridor of the bathroom. A door slam, toilet paper yanked from the roll and a thick nose blow followed by running water. Little husking coughs and soft thumps like Molly tapping is on his chest with a fist to ease it. So that explains the weirdness. Mollymauk sounds miserably sick. That’s all. That’s good, on the scale of things. That Caleb can deal with. 
He finishes preparing the tea as he waits for his boyfriend to return, carries both cups to the sofa and makes himself comfortable. 
When Mollymauk returns he has added a hoodie over his outfit and is carrying a half-empty toilet roll in one hand. 
“You did catch a cold.” Caleb manages to make it a comfort and a question and an accusation all in one. 
Under the force of his voice, Molly raises his hands in defeat and retreats to sit on the sofa beside Caleb, then collapses into a full-body slump with his head tilted against the cushions and his eyes closed, as though if he can’t see his boyfriend then he can’t be seen either. 
“I’m sorry, darling.” He mumbles. 
“Whatever for?”
The tiefling rolls his face away and buries his face into the sofa cushions with a pitiful little cough. “Not warning you I was sick before you came over. And I kissed you yesterday even though my throat was getting sore. I just- really wanted to see you today, so I thought I could just not tell you. You can go now.”
Caleb actually laughs. Molly can be so melodramatic when he wants to be. He scoots closer to the miserable hunch of tiefling and places an affectionate hand on his shoulder, rubbing soothing circles through the thick sweater. Molly begins to uncurl, uncertainly, an exotic flower inching towards the warmth of the human’s gaze.
“What makes you think I wouldn’t want to come over?” Caleb queries.
Molly shrugs. “I’m disgusting. And you’re-” A handwave at Caleb’s physical form,
“I am a fragile waif of a wizard who could be knocked over by a stiff breeze. What is your point?”
“If I get you sick you’ll get behind on your research paper. I know you can’t afford not to work right now and I-” he swallows in exaggerated dread as he reaches the crux of argument.  “-aaaand Nott will kill me.” 
They both share a moment to imagine Caleb’s roommate and best friend coming after Molly like a feral whirlwind. 
“Okay, so that is a fair point.” Caleb concedes. “Nott doesn’t have to know. The rest, however, is nonsense. Now look at me, schatz, and let me see how you’re doing.”
He dips a hand to Molly’s chin and tilts his head to get a better view. Molly does look pale, which given his exotic lavender colouring means that his cheeks are more of a washed-out lilac, in contrast to a darker blush where he has been scrubbing at his poor nose. There is a general, unwell cast to his features and a thick, congested sound to his breathing. Caleb doesn’t find it disgusting at all, if anything it makes him feel soft and fond. He plants a kiss to the tiefling’s forehead and reaches to the side of his neck to feel for his glands.
“Owww…” Mollymauk whines, predictably, and tries to duck away.
“Sore, then?” Caleb notes. “How’s your throat?”
“Sore as well.” Molly snuffles thickly then turns and blows his nose into some more toilet tissue. 
“Poor sweetheart, you got it bad, didn’t you?” 
“Maybe.” He says meekly. 
A soft, pathetic snuffle and Mollymauk finally gives up on keeping any space between them. He snuggles up into Caleb’s arms and lays his head shamelessly against his boyfriend’s shoulder, nestling in for warmth. His tail slips between their nested calves, anchoring them. 
“Have you had any medicine?” Caleb asks. 
Molly nods. “I had some, but it didn’t seem to be working so I had some more…” He shrugs in the direction of a bottle and a sticky teaspoon on the sideboard. 
“Okay, that’s good. No wonder you were a little loopy when I came in. Why don’t you drink your tea while it’s hot?”
They both sip tea in silence for a few minutes. Molly draws his duvet up over them both and tugs it up to his chin. The moment is interrupted by a few quick panting breaths and a chaotic- “ --aah'YZSSHH-iew!” of a sneeze that thrusts him forward, whole body shuddering.
He straightens groggily, as though it took a lot of him. “So no romantic outing today?”
“Absolutely not. Only romantic couch cuddles and possibly you having a nap. Do you think you could sleep for a bit?”
“Not if I keep- keep  --'YZZSSChieww! Fuck.”
Molly keeps his head down and groans.
“So. Sleep, yes?” Caleb tries to be businesslike, which is difficult with a ridiculously purple and obviously miserable tiefling moping beside him. “Do you feel like going back to bed or staying here on the couch?”
Molly considers, head tilted. “I can’t just go to bed in the middle of the day?” 
“Of course you can, you do it all the time. You are the queen of naps.” 
Molly wavers, sniff-sniffing damply and shivering where he sits.
Caleb stands and offers both hands to haul him to his feet, as if his slight frame could be any actual assistance to his more athletic partner.
“Come, schatz, let me take you to bed. You can have a nap or watch TV and I will sit beside you and read, then make you something nice and hot for lunch. Yes?”
Molly accepts the symbolic gesture and follows him meekly up the stairs. He pauses on the threshold with a look of sudden dread-
“My room is-” 
Too late, Caleb has opened the door. Molly’s room looks as though the wardrobe department of his entire circus troupe has exploded out of the closet, where it is mixed with empty cans, bags, shoes and new-age nonsense. Caleb, who has never had enough possessions to cover the floor of a room, just rolls his eyes, more impressed than offended. The overall effect is not unwelcoming; the air is scented with musky nagchampa and the light through the fabric and fairy-lights pinned over the window is diffuse and gentle. Endearingly, there is a distinct, Mollymauk sized dip in the centre of the mattress. Extra blankets and pillows are arranged to make a nest. 
“I don’t mind. It smells nice.” 
“Thagks. I feel so accepted.” Molly jokes but his partner just nods.
“You should. I told you I do not mind if you are a little messy around the edges. Everyone is, if you look close enough. Now, lie down.” 
In a few moments they have retrieved the duvet from downstairs and settled beside each other on the bed with Molly’s horned head cradled carefully in his human’s lap. They have enough practice at this that Caleb can pet his back with one hand while reading his book with the other. It’s not as easy as it could be, however, because Molly keeps shifting and sniffling and scrubbing his nose itchily against Caleb’s upper thigh. 
“That is a little distracting, love, is that the effect you intended?” Caleb can’t keep the warmth out of his voice. 
Disappointingly, Molly shakes his head. “Not really, sorry. Ugh, I feel s- -s-ohh- fuck- ” his voice cracks and wavers up the octave. He clearly needs to sneeze again, badly. His expression is congested and miserable, too overwhelmed by the sensation to talk. 
“Sneezy?” Caleb suggests.
Molly nods, shakes his head like a dog with water in it’s ears, gives an unhappy little groan. The irritation is obvious in the hazy cast of his eyes, the uncertain waver to the corner of his lip. 
“So sneezy.” Caleb teases, fondly. “Look like you caught this cold right in your nose.” 
He reaches to give the offending organ a gentle pet, fingertips tweaking the fine purple tip. Molly responds with an almost comically deep inhale and a wounded look before executing a declarative sneeze over the side of the bed. 
"... --aah'YZSSHH-iew!
Caleb’s book is long abandoned by this point. His attention is fully commanded by his beloved tiefling who is trapped in a seemingly unbreakable cycle of chest-swelling gasp-- head tilt back-- hard punctuating sneeze into his steepled hands-- swear- -gasp again. 
It does wind down eventually, following a few particularly vicious, three-syllable- 
“ahh- IIZSSCHH-iEW!” 
“Fuck… tired…” He finishes.
“Impressive. Poor liebling.” Caleb sighs and hands him a pack of tissues from his own pocket. “I’ve never seen you like this..”
Mollymauk shugs. “I don’t often get sick, it’s the-” a gesture that takes in all his inhuman glory. “Thank fuck. Guess I’m making up for it. I feel like balls.”
“I am not surprised.” Caleb waits until Molly has blown his nose to the best of his ability, then scoots closer again. “Now, what can I do for you?”
“Nothing… I’m just going to have a crappy weekend…” Molly sighs dramatically, running his hands through his hair. “When I said practice was cancelled, I cancelled on them cause I felt too rough. I’m going to get so behind on learning my new act…”
“Stop whining, it doesn’t suit you.” Caleb shakes his head, reaching to settle the teifling’s curls back into place where he has mussed them up. “Shan’t.” Oh yes, he’d forgotten that Molly is a brat. 
“Then maybe I should go and leave you to your misery?” Caleb makes as though to rise, but predictably as clockwork his partner gives a whimper of loss and reaches for him.
“No- stay with me-?” His ruby eyes are big and pleading, tears actually beginning to rise. Gods, Molly feels completely pathetic right now. Luckily, Caleb cannot resist him even like this and gives in at once, his point made.
“Ah, very well, but I will have no more whimpering. I know you feel very poorly, schatz, but just let me help you.” “Okay.” Molly snuffles into his sleeve and nods.
“First I think you could have some more tea, and we could even put a shot of whiskey in it. Then I really want you to try and sleep. What if I don’t even read? You could have my full attention, yes?” He sweetens the command with a tender hand rubbing over his boyfriend’s temples and down the sides of his nose. Molly softens at once, practically purring.
In no time at all they are rearranged on the bed with a steaming cup of tea. Caleb leans up against the headboard and spreads his legs, tapping his chest to indicate that Molly should settle between them. It takes a little shuffling to settle the tiefing’s horned head against his chest, but he feels Molly relax into the embrace at once. 
His partner is a soothing weight, anchoring him in the present as Molly always does. 
He finds he does not mind the snuffly breaths and little coughs smothered against his chest; the intimacy of the moment is more than worth it. 
“This is nice.” 
“See, if your head is elevated, you won’t have so much congestion when you sleep.” He explains.
“That’s really smart,” the tiefling murmurs sleepily. “I always said you were a genius.”
A moment of calm. The winter sun comes out from behind the clouds and a ray of light slips through a gap in the hangings to drape over the bed. The crystals on the windowsill dance with minute rainbows. He feels Molly smile. “Sunshine.” He says sleepily.
“That’s me.” Caleb agrees. “Just rest, Mollymauk. I’ve got you.” 
And he does, he does. Even with Molly like this, it’s better than books and museum dates and circus shows. It is better than anything Caleb can think of. 
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moonmoon2102 · 4 years
An Alpha’s daughter [Call of the Moon; Werewolf AU]
So... this one is obviously a bit more advanced in the story since Jinah (Yongsun and Byulyi’s daughter) is a teenager here.
Also, if anyone’s interested: Here’s a really short audio clip which does belong to this story post: https://moonmoon2102.tumblr.com/post/621017109788606464/alphasdaughteraudio
Not much left to say about this aside from: Happy reading :)
"I don't know man… I think that's a bad idea," the man said to this companion as he stared at an unconcious Jinah.
 "Why are you such a pussy?! The boss promised us a huge amount if we bring her to him! We'll be living the sweet life, dude! Money, alcohol, babes! We'll be the next big thing in our neighborhood!"
  His words didn't do much to calm his companion down, the bad feeling he had after they had abducted the teenager lingered inside of him. He moved from one foot to the other, eyes fixed onto the young woman.
  "She's pretty, isn't she?" his accomplice noted, brushing strands of hair out of Jinah's face, "I wonder why the boss is so interested in her… actually… I don't care"
 "And I still think it's a bad decision we made."
 "Oh come on! Spare me with your nonsense! Think of the money!"
 "That's what I mean… for a simple girl that's… a lot of money. Like… why? What's so special about her?" "I repeat… I don't care!"
  The slightly smaller, more nervous man stepped closer, examining Jinah's petite frame. His eyes wandered from her face, over her neck, down to the v-neck of her t-shirt where he caught a glimpse of a darker patch of skin. The lowered his head and rubbed his eyes, making sure he was not imagining things. A thought flashed up in his mind which he quickly pushed away as dirty fingers moved to push the collar of her shirt aside.
  As if he got burnt, he stumbled backwards until his back was pressed up against one of the many columns of the warehouse, muttering multiple curses under his breath.
  "The fuck is wrong with you?!" his mate asked, watching him extend his arm to point at the young woman.
 "S-she… she… fuck!! This is bad!! Really bad!!" "Oi, you idiot! Relax, what's your problem?"
  The scared man grabbed his accomplice's collar, dragging him closer. "Fucking look at that!" he exclaimed, pulling down the neck of Jinah's shirt, revealing a birthmark just below her left collarbone, shaped like a perfect crescent moon.
  "This is what freaks you out?! It's a fucking birthmark!"
 "Do you even know what that means?!"
"No and I don't care! It's a birthmark!"
"Shaped like a crescent moon!"
"I see that! So what?!" The smaller man sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose before he looked at his companion.
"She's a fucking Alpha's daughter!"
 His accomplice broke into a laugh.
 "Pffff, an Alpha's daughter… yeah right!"
 "I swear, dude! I just recently read about that! The birthmark proves she's an Alpha's daughter! Someone who was born an Alpha, the strongest and most dangerous type of werewolf there is!" he explained, running his hands through his hair in an soupcon of panic, "fuck man!! Fuck!! I'm sure the Alpha is looking for her! We'll be dead if that beast finds us!"
  "Stop being such a scaredy cat! We'll be fine! If what you say is true, I doubt the Alpha knows where we are."
  As if to prove him wrong, a bone-chilling howl echoed through the warehouse, startling both men. They frantically looked around, trying to make out where it came from. The dim light in the warehouse didn't prove to be much of a help as most parts were engulfed in darkness.
  "See?! I told you the Alpha would be looking for her!! Fuck!! L-let's just… let's just set her free! Maybe the Alpha will spare us!"
 "Are you stupid?! I'm not gonna let the opportunity to get rich slip just because you got scared by… nothing."
 "Nothing?! You heard the howl!"
 "It was… probably just… a dog or something." "A dog?! Howling like that?! Are you out of your mind?!"
  A metallic clank made them both jump and turn around, this time sure of the direction it came from. The abductors strained their necks, eyes frantically darting through the wide open space. As they couldn't make out anything, they somewhat relaxed, chalking it up to their nerves getting the better of them.
  "See? I told you there's nothing!"
  Right as the last word has left his mouth, a low growl rumbled through the air. Both of the men turned to their right with their hearts racing, gulping as they laid eyes upon the two glowing, crimson orbs staring back at them from the dark.
 With slow steps the werewolf, albeit still in its human form, moved closer towards them, baring fangs as she growled, claws extracting in a threatening manner, scratching along metal sheets that were leaning against the wall to her right side, sending sparks flying as she dragged them along the rusted surface.
 The taller man shifted his gaze towards Jinah, the slight twitch in his legs not gone unnoticed by the Alpha. Byulyi's eyebrows knit together, her eyes flickered with sheer anger as she snarled at him. Throwing all caution to the wind, the man sprinted towards the teenager. Before he could even reach her, his eyes grew wide as he felt a hand around his neck, feet losing touch with the ground, realizing that Byulyi had leaped in front of her daughter to protect her. The kidnapper floundered with his feet in a desperate attempt to make contact with the ground again, his eyes wide in shock at the immense strength the seemingly petite woman had. His hands came up to pry at Byulyi's single one but no matter how hard he tried, the werewolf kept the iron grip around his neck.
 His companion watched in horror, frantically looking around to find anything to attack the werewolf with, though he knew he would stand little to no chance against her but he had to at least try. He found a metal pipe, gripping it tightly in his hands as he charged at the werewolf. He swung the metal rod like a mad man, screaming from the top of his lungs. Lifting the makeshift weapon high above his head to land a hit into the werewolf's head, the man's eyes grew wide as Byulyi caught the pipe with her free hand, bending it as if it was made out of rubber.
With an energetic jolt Byulyi ripped the pipe out of his hand, throwing it into a corner. A bloodcurdling roar filled the warehouse, followed by a dull thump as the Alpha flung the other man towards his accomplice, knocking both to the ground in the process.
 Byulyi's breathing was heavy, keeping her eyes fixed on the two men who dared to lay hand onto her daughter. Neither of them moved, the force they've been thrown at each other with had knocked the wind as well as their conciousness out of them.
Knowing they'd be out cold for a good while, her fangs and claws retracted, eyes turning back to their natural color. A soft whimper caught Byulyi's attention. She spun around to see Jinah stir, slowly pushing herself up from the ground, groaning as one hand shot up to her head.
 The teenager hissed, feeling as if a truck had run her over. Her head pounded and her limbs were sore, her vision blurry. She blinked a few times to adjust her eyes to the dim light and regain her vision, a soupcon of sheer panic took her over as she frantically looked around, not recognizing her surroundings. Her breathing began to pick up, heart thumping against her chest as she could feel tears welling up in her eyes.
  The Alpha's daughter whipped her head around, relief washed over her in an instant as she laid eyes upon the familiar face.
  Byulyi dropped onto her knees, pulling the teenager into her arms while Jinah instantly circled hers around her mother's waist. Both, mother and daughter held each other in a tight, yet comforting embrace as tears streamed down their cheeks.
  "Mom… I was," Jinah hiccuped, "I was… so scared…"
  "I know, baby girl… I know… I was scared too!" Byulyi stated, her voice thick with tears, disengaging herself from Jinah, hands on her daughter's cheeks, "are you okay? Are you hurt?"
  "I… I think I'm fine."
  A barely visible yet proud smile tugged at the corners of Byulyi's lips, despite her fear and everything she had went through the past hours, Jinah was a fighter.
  "We should leave. Can you walk?"
  Jinah nodded, eyes following the werewolf as she rose back to her feet, gladly accepting the extended hand her mother offered to her.
 The teenager's gaze fell upon the two men who had abducted her, causing Jinah to step closer to her mom in fear, hands tightly gripping her arm.
 "Don't worry," Byulyi assured as she noticed Jinah staring at them, "they won't do anything to you anymore."
  "A-are they---"
  Byulyi shook her head. "They're just unconcious. I'm not a monster, Jinah. People like them on the other hand," Byulyi said, turning her head towards the kidnappers, "it's people like them who are the real monsters in this world."
  Jinah silently agreed to her mom's wise words as it couldn't be more true.
  "Let's go home. Your mommy is waiting for us."
  Just as Byulyi was about to turn, Jinah flung herself into her mother's arms again, hugging her tight, head resting on her chest.
  "Thank you, mom…" she whispered, "for saving me."
  Byulyi smiled and kissed the top of her daughter's head. "You know I'd give my life to keep you and mommy safe."
 Jinah hugged her even tighter upon hearing these words.
  "Let's go, kiddo."
  The Alpha's daughter stuck close to her mother as they walked past the abductors. While being glad Jinah seemed and looked to be fine physically, Byulyi was well aware of the deep, emotional wound her daughter would have to deal with. Yet she felt somewhat at ease, knowing her and Yongsun would do everything they could to support their child, helping her to tend to the wound this traumatic event had caused. Byulyi swore that to herself as they stepped out of the warehouse into the cool night air.
Sorry for the weird spacing; it looks fine in the editor but once posted it’s all over the place. Anyway, to whoever stopped by and took the time to read: Thank you very much :)
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kodabodaa · 5 years
tagged by @serendipityunho ty lovely xx
~ appearance ~
i am over 5’5 // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing over tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear makeup // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball caps backwards
~ hobbies and interests ~
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with my friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
~ relationships ~
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have hooked up with my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have/had a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
~ aesthetics ~
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
~ miscellaneous ~
i can fall asleep in moving vehicles // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote(s) // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least 3 dogs
i,,,don’t got shit goin for me pffff but I’ll tag @uwooyu @gentlejooheon @chocojaehyun and @sweetheart--sannie
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andaleduardo · 6 years
Rooftop N.7
Ao3  N.6  N.8
Tumblr media
 Tuesday 18.05.1993
“I'm gonna fuckin get ya, four-eyes!”
That’s the third time Henry spats those same exact words behind their backs, Eddie thinks to himself as he hears Richie throwing some lost response in shallow breaths.
“How’s that working-  fuck!  How’s that working for you, dude?”
To feel their sweaty hands intertwined, tight enough to stop blood circulation, would have been great if they were not trying to stop Henry Bowers from catching them and start throwing punches. They had been running for a bit now, and false respiratory complications aside, Richie knew that Eddie could go for longer than him, so he really hoped their chaser would have given up by the time he fell in utter exhaustion.
Running with a backpack is the weirdest fucking thing to do, Richie notices. And if he wasn't about to puke out a lung at the moment, he would have joked around, telling Eddie how ridiculous they must look. Like the backpack was doing them from behind or something.
Nah, he scratches off that option. That's way too bad, even for me.
So, he settles on running, because that's all he can do at the moment. Not even breathing. No, he doesn't think he can breathe, automatic mode at its best.
His clammy hand grasps tighter onto Eddie's to pull him forward along. Since his legs are smaller, it leaves him behind some steps, long enough to keep their arms stretched between them. Just as Richie was about to allow his body to pass out, a frustrated grunt was heard from behind them. A small reminder that they were still being chased.
See, things were going pretty regular today, at least for Eddie. As for Richie… well, let’s just say he had a few plans.
This morning, when they woke up to the sound of Eddie’s alarm an hour earlier than normal so as to avoid Sonia discovering the bedroom’s door locked, Eddie expected everything to be worse. And by worse he means more awkward. More tense between them than what it had been the day after the quarry, more distant from each other in opposition from last night’s events. But Richie woke up and threw his body on top of Eddie’s, and he had to turn on his ‘totally annoyed mode’ in order to keep things on the regular track.
After pushing Richie out of bed and onto the floor, he waited until the (apparently energetic in the morning) boy got dressed and left through the window. Then, in the room all by himself, Eddie unlocked the door carefully, attempting to keep the noise down, and got dressed and ready for school.
His mother, unsuspicious as ever, sat with him in the kitchen table to watch him eat breakfast and complain about life in general. Luckily, she didn’t come in time to see Eddie shove two plastic-wrapped peanut butter sandwiches on the outer pocket of his school bag.
When asked why he was leaving earlier than usual, Eddie answered with a simple
“I want to talk to the teacher about my work project before class starts.”
And off he went, mocking her naivety.
Richie was sitting on the sidewalk some houses away, just enough to be hidden from the Kaspbrak’s living room window. When Eddie approached him, bike by his side, he tossed the two sandwiches to his face, startling him out of his existence when one collided with his ear.
“Ouch, Eds! You sure know how to woo a guy.” Eddie watched as thankfulness made its way on Richie’s eyes as he grabbed the two sandwiches, now on his lap, and stuffed one in the pocket of his jacket.
Their ride to school was comfortingly quiet, the town was still waking up. They could see stores opening up, adults leaving their houses and entering their cars. There were no kids around, yet. And there wouldn’t be many until half an hour later, when they’d start their path to school. The morning air was vaguely chill, the rain from last night gave the asphalt a glossy touch and the sidewalks were slippery, along with the small patches of dirt and front backyards that looked alive and muddy.
Derry. What else could they say about a town that is heavily rained upon in the beginning of summer. Just Derry.
It wasn’t until they were stuck going around the school building to pass the 30 minutes left until their friends would arrive, that the awkwardness seemed to settle.
Eddie could easily say he was feeling terrified of what he allowed his body to do some hours prior. Did it happen? He couldn’t wrap is head around the reality of it, couldn’t distinguish if it was a dream or not. He wished it was.  Did it really happen? He thinks again.
Did I make things harder for us? If he weren’t so preoccupied, he would have laughed out loud for the innuendo of his question.
Oh God. He thinks. Fuck, no. This is so wrong on so many levels. There’s definitely nothing funny about the double meanings of that.
Embarrassed was an understatement for how he felt. Eddie was ready to turn around right now and leave Richie walking alone. He would run in any other direction, as long as it didn’t have Richie standing at the end of those.
Wrong paths they would have been.
On the other hand, Richie was sure it had been a dream. Pffff, yeah sure. Eddie gets a boner rutting against me?
Yowza! That’s the funniest joke I’ve heard since diapers.
But that didn’t explain why his cheeks felt warm, or why Eddie’s looked pink. That didn’t explain why Richie could feel his skin prickle where he can faintly remake the images of being in touch with another body.
 By the time their whole group was present by the bike rack, Beverly got the pleasure to announce, as she opened the zipper of her bag and shoved a hand inside it, that their party was still on. And then, as if it was the world’s most natural gesture, she took out a thick stack of purple … paper sheets?
“What’s that?” Ben had asked while leaning over Bev’s figure to read the words on the top paper.
Overexcited, Richie removed the whole stack from Bev’s hands and shook his arms in the middle of the group while grasping the papers. “These? There are flyers, baby!”   Bev’s aunt works in a stationary store, it was easy for her to print a hundred of them while working one of her single shifts.
Stan rolled his eyes and turned around to start walking towards the building, everyone subconsciously started following along.
“Flyers? Are you serious right now?” Eddie asked no one in particular. Bill, who was by his side, agreed to his surprised tone.
“Isn’t that a buh-bit ex-exss-” He struggled with the word, frustrated momentarily while the group kept walking but waiting for him to succeed. “-Excessive...?” He spoke carefully.
“No sir, no sir!” Richie took one of the flyers from his arms and stuck it in Bill’s face. Eddie peered over to see it for himself, too.
It was a fairly small piece of purple paper, with big blocky yellow letters announcing “PARTY”. Creative. Above that was some information like the date, which Eddie noticed was next Friday, the address to Mike’s barn, and, surrounded by musical notes’ doodles standing in a stupidly flashy neon font:
“Live music?” Bill must have been reading the same part along with Eddie, because they both asked the same thing together, stuttering tossed aside.
Eddie and Bill shared a glance, then looked straight to the party organizers. Eddie mocked them. “Who’d you get to play there? Some shitty group with low percussion skills?”
Richie flashes him a grin. “That’s up to you to find out ain’t it?”
With a scoff, Eddie tore his eyes away to instead look around the school halls as if they were any interesting. “Yeah, right.”
“You promised!” Richie shrieked, surprised.
“I promised my ass, Richie!” He retorted back.
“I’ll take that, too, then.”
Bev rolled her eyes and bumped Richie’s elbow, he smiled sheepishly at her.
Trying to ignore the burning sensation on most of his skin, Eddie tore the flyer from Bill’s grip to read it over better while the others started handing out the rest of them throughout students.
That’s when he read it.
 everyone invited except Mullet Bowers and Greta-st Face Disaster
Oh man.
 And here they are, unwillingly skipping last period because it took Henry that long to understand why he was being laughed at in class. Nonetheless, he found out. Eddie had been walking to his chemistry lab along with Ben and Richie when the bull came out of nowhere, fumbling with rage (was it even necessary?).  By the time Richie spotted Henry at the end of the hall, he had grabbed Eddie’s hand and started off in the opposite direction.
Ben stood there, confused, and Eddie stumbled to try to keep up. He fell as soon as Richie began running, which took him three seconds, but their hands had been clasped together which meant Richie was pushed towards the floor, too.
That’s when Henry screams reached them. (seriously is it really necessary?) But Eddie’s thoughts were pushed out of his head when both of them stumbled to their feet, fingers still intertwined, and resumed properly running this time, still with a long advantage over the older bully.
Here they are now, long left school ground. Bowers was still after them and Eddie was trying to overlook past his burning muscles to think ‘Why did you drag me along, Richie?’ But maybe Eddie should be asking himself why he had let Richie drag him in the first place.
“Holy fuck…” Richie’s lungs were on fire. “No way- ugh! I need to-”
Eddie kept throwing glances behind his back, snapping his neck in weird angles. He couldn’t find any trace of Henry. He was about to warn Richie about it when suddenly he collided into the latter’s backpack. With a surprised grunt and an aching nose, Eddie let go of Richie’s hand and clasped both of his on his face. You could have warned me, dickhead! Eddie thought, but he was too busy panting to find enough oxygen to speak at the moment. He turned around once again just to make sure they were free of danger and lowered one of his hands to grab his backpack straps, an old habit he has.
They stared at each other in the middle of the street. Panting and harsh breathing. Aching legs and nose. They laughed. They laughed so much it started to hurt. They were slowly becoming two bundles of pain. Maybe they could merge together and become a single one. That sounded nice.
There wasn’t a coherent conversation after they stood there like panting idiots. Something along the lines of:
“Should we…?” Richie heaved through his words while pointing a thumb in the direction of which they had come. Should we go back to school? That’s what he meant to ask.
“No.” Eddie said. “Should we…?” He panted heavily, pointing to the other end of the road. Should we go home?
Richie nodded and planted both hands on his knees, curving his body so that he could bend his back in different angles. Man, running with a backpack is harder than it should be.  He straightened himself out again. “Yours or-”
“Mine.” Eddie answered.
It was a silent agreement that they were meant to spend the rest of the day together.
They walked together, there wasn’t one moment that Eddie worried about his lungs. Running felt great, freeing, perhaps. So, when they were approaching the street where his house stood, he did something un-Eddie like. He shoved Richie with his elbow, he might have used more strength than needed. He blamed the adrenaline still running through him. Funny, the adrenaline runs too.  With Richie’s suspicious attention on him, Eddie grinned, but didn’t bother to look in his direction. “I’ll race you to the front door.” And then proceeded to take off, the burning in his legs returning, but that wasn’t going to stop him.
He heard Richie complain behind him, but Eddie knew he had started running too by the sounds of his sneakers hitting the ground.
Eddie rounded the fence of the house next to his and crossed the grass that his mother called “front yard”.  His mother. Eddie’s throat tightened and he stopped abruptly. For what felt like the twentieth time today, Richie and Eddie collapsed against each other. Richie tried to stop, he did, but he was almost catching up to Eddie, and the grass was still wet, still muddy. His feet slipped against Eddie’s and he fell on his butt into the cold surface, something inside the backpack pressed into his ribs.
“Fuck, Eddie!” He groaned on, hands digging into the dirt. “What the hell was that for?”
But Eddie didn’t turn around, he just gaped at the front door and whispered. “My mom, Richie. I can’t be home before school ends.” With that, he faced the boy on the ground, his worried frown deepened at the sight. “Can’t you even stay on your feet for one minute? You’re all dirty!” His whispers were staged, just in case Sonia was in ear-range.
Frustrated, and helplessly mad (although he didn’t want to be) Richie laughed ironically, way too loud for Eddie’s liking. “Excuse me, will you? You stopped out of fucking nowhere, Eds!” He scrambled to his feet, already feeling his pants glued to his legs where the wetness installed itself.
“Lower your voice-”
“Your mom’s not home.” He shrugged while adjusting his clothes into place. Eddie stared with furrowed eyebrows.
“And how do you know that?”
“Her car’s missing.”
Gaping slightly, Eddie snapped his neck to stare at the spot where his mother parks the car, it wasn’t, in fact, there.
Richie passed through Eddie while flicking his forehead. “Dummie. Lend me your shower.” Eddie followed him with his eyes, noticing pieces of grass stuck to Richie’s hair, and his soaked clothes, the backpack too.
“Don’t you dare step a foot in my house!”
After the bathroom door closed, Eddie allowed himself to sit on his bed and capture every sound that made its way to him. Richie's barefoot steps on the tiles, the ruffling of clothes against skin, the squeaks that his faucet does every time someone turns it on, the water hitting the bottom of the tub. His mind goes back in time, years ago when both of them had enough innocence (yes, even Richie) to take showers together.
11-year olds would be playing outside, usually with Stan and Bill, and they'd get dirty. Well, Eddie couldn't, or his mother would be upset. She always sounded angry and sad after Eddie came home with stains and messy hair. Eddie didn't want to make her feel that way so, most times, he came home sweaty.
One time, Richie and him went over to his place and played on the streets until his parents allowed. Back when they cared.  Then they had stumbled inside in a fit of giggles, knees and hands dirty, clothes slightly smudged in greys and browns. Eddie didn't care about it.  Richie had asked his mother if Eddie could bath in his house and stay for dinner. Maggie had smiled at the boys and ush them upstairs.
Maybe she didn't realize that Richie would be joining the said shower, Eddie thinks so, years later.
But the boys didn't think too much at the time, they just struggled out of their clothes in chuckles and pushes and got under the water. If memory doesn't fail him, Richie had joked about 'Eddie's pickle', saying it was smaller, but that it was okay because Eddie was small all over and Richie liked him like that.
Remembering this now, while Richie was in next room showering, made Eddie's cheeks crimson and his heart stammer.
He recalls, among those years of innocence, that both of them had asked the same to Sonia one time. Eddie doesn't know if he ever saw his mom freak out like that ever before. At the moment, neither of them could grasp her reasons, they just stood there, mouths gaping like fishes and ears red from being scowled, while she threatened to call Richie's parents.  Now things were different. He supposed that if he went to join Richie right now, something ought to go wrong, even if he recognised a subtle wish to do just so. But then there’s an image on his head of all those solo times Eddie has in his shower, the exact same place where Richie is now, and he groans. Rubbing his face to shake away those images, he feels embarrassed. What is it about Richie that everything involving him leaves Eddie embarrassing himself?
To use his time better, Eddie tidied up the room and searched for the clothes Richie sometimes forgets. He ended up finding some in the back of his closet. He placed them neatly on top of his bed, the footprint was still there.
The kitchen sink was a mess of pilled up dishes from breakfast and his mother’s lunch, so he settled on taking care of that and arranging something for both of them to eat.  Mid way from getting two glasses of orange juice on the table, Richie burst through the kitchen entry, already dressed, with a towel on his hand. Eddie didn’t hear him coming down the stairs, so when Richie asked: “Hey, where’d you want me to leave this?” - he almost spilled one glass on the floor, but managed to salvage it.
Before Eddie could say anything at all, he heard a voice that wasn’t Richie’s.
“I knew it.”
 He faintly recognized his mother’s way of spatting out words in disapproval. Not even settling the glasses down, he turned to lock eyes with Richie, who was torn between glaring at Eddie with huge eyes, and looking at Sonia, who was out of Eddie’s view but certainly not out of his. The way Richie’s throat moved while he dry swallowed didn’t went unnoticed.
“Mrs. Kaspbrak!” He exclaimed, faking amusement. “Long time no see!”
Eddie’s heartbeat was everywhere, in his hands holding the cups for dear life, in his ears, in the back of his head and the sides of his neck.
Almost like a barrier between Eddie and his own mother, stood Richie. The kitchen entry occupied by his body, Sonia by the front door. Richie watched as the woman’s eyes studied his face, maybe his damp hair, then lowered down to the towel in both his hands. In a slow-motion-like movement, Richie watched Mrs. Kaspbrak’s expression turn into one of recognition.
“Did you just shower in my house?!”
Eddie’s breathing stopped for a second, still haven’t laid an eye on her.  He could see Richie’s fists grasp the towel harder and his smile twitch. Suddenly, he feared what may happen in the next seconds.
There was anger in his movements as Richie moved one hand to his own hip and cocked an eyebrow at the woman in front of him. “Ridiculous idea, ma’am!” He pressed down the R’s. “Eddie licked my hair nice and wet-”
She didn’t give him time to finish, horror in her face as she grabbed Richie by the ear, obliging the boy to bent down so as to not get any body part ripped out of him.  Eddie’s eyes widened, finally seeing his mom there to make things real. Richie dropped the towel and grabbed her wrist, hissing in pain and squeezing his eyes.
“Mom, cut it out!” They made eye contact, then, but she didn’t let go.
“We have a lot to discuss, Eddie.” Before he could talk again, Richie was barking out a laugh, a very sarcastic and angry one.
“Listen, lady, I’m trying my best to not lose my shit right now. So, would you kindly let go of my fucking ear?”
“Mom, let him go.” Even Eddie himself was surprised at the bravery in his tone. Mrs. Kaspbrak lifted her head to look at her son in disbelief, nonetheless, she let Richie’s ear alone but pushed him to enter the kitchen properly, following him inside. Richie stumbled with the push but managed to get a grip on the towel before making his way to Eddie’s side.
“So, dryer?” He lifted an eyebrow while pointing, with the soft fabric, to the machine under the kitchen counter.
“Not right now, Richie.”  Richie’s intentions were certainly not comical, Eddie knew it was his coping mechanism but he couldn’t help and turn him down. He stared at his mom again, who was standing in front of him with an unreadable expression. “What do we have to talk about?”
He tried so hard to keep it together, hell, he did. But as soon as a paper bag was pushed to his hands, Eddie knew it was only a matter of seconds for him to lose it. Carefully, and finally, placing the full glasses on the table, Eddie grabbed the bag shakily. He peered inside.
A wave of shock ran his spine when he saw Richie’s lighter inside, along with a pharmaceutic box he too well recognised.
“Mom?” he whimpered. There were tears fogging up his vision. “Care to explain?” Behind him, he could hear Richie walking in circles and trying not to peer over and see for himself.
“Explain it, Eddie?” Aggressively, she tore the paper bag from her son’s hands and turned it upside down, letting its contents fall on the kitchen table. Richie was there in a minute. My lighter. He thought. And then he remembered the sound that took them both by surprise last night.
“You went looking through Eddie’s bedroom?” He spat those words to her, on the corner of his eye, he saw Eddie’s shoulders slump. Neither of them answered him, so he scoffed and started pacing again, not even noticing the other half of the bag’s contents.
Eddie stared at the box until he couldn’t restrain himself from blinking any longer. When he opened his eyes again, it was still there.
“If you give me reasons, Eddie, I will do what I have to. Think I haven’t noticed you coughing around and trying to cover it up? And then what do I find, Eddie?” He didn’t answer, eyes on the ground. “If you think it’s funny to go smoking behind my back, I hope you find this funny too-
“Smoking? Are you serious?” He finally looked up at her in disbelief, voice strained and cheeks stained. “Do you think I’d go around smoking?!”
“I don’t care, Eddie!” Her voice echoed. Eddie sniffled, feeling helpless and ashamed that Richie had to be here while this argument happened. “You’re going to carry your inhaler around again-”
Richie’s mouth fell opened at those words, watching Eddie shake his head frantically from side to side. He was choking up on his tears while trying to speak. “N-no! D-don’t make me!”
But she answered him by shoving the white and blue carton box in his chest, and Eddie took it sheepishly. That’s when Richie snapped.
“Mrs. Kaspbrak,” He approached her carefully. “I don’t think this is reasonable, Eddie doesn’t need it and besides, the lighter is mine not his-”
“Great, then he’ll stop being around you, too. You can start by leaving.”  Then she made her way to the fridge, like nothing had happened, and started taking out various things needed to prepare dinner.  Eddie stood there, listening as Richie’s politeness left his body in a second and started hitting her with words and curses. He stood there, getting angrier and angrier every time his mother had the audacity to attack Richie back, like she was some kind of superior being who had the right to do so.  She’s not, Eddie realises.
She doesn’t have the right to be doing this.
“You’re a worthless prick, woman. I bet you were waiting for your chance to get Eddie under your thumb again!”
“Congrats, boy!” She tossed the tub of butter she took out of the fridge onto the counter. “You’ve got me all figured, a shame you can’t seem to understand your own mother as well.”
With all the strength he could find, although Eddie doesn’t know where it came from, maybe from the adrenaline, he screamed for them to stop while tossing the box onto the wall in front of him. There was a snapping sound once it fell to the floor, and since Eddie wasn’t so sure if it broke, he walked over and stepped on it forcefully while his throat squeezed out grunts of frustration.
Sonia spoke carefully to him, nonetheless threateningly. “Edward-
“I am not asthmatic, and I do not smoke.” He wasn’t lying, but there was still a pang of guilt living in his chest. He sniffled once more, and locked eyes with Richie, who was looking at him like he’d found his hero. “And I won’t certainly stop seeing Richie.”
On his way out of the kitchen, Richie bumped shoulders with Sonia, a childish act, yeah, but damn it if he didn’t want to push her more.  For the next hour, Eddie expected his mom to burst through his bedroom door and make Richie leave, but strangely, she didn’t even make her presence noticeable while Eddie tried to stop crying and Richie apologized for what felt like the millionth time.
“It’s okay.” Eddie told him. “I think she needed a second reminder, you know?”
Richie knew, but that didn’t stop him from feeling guilty.
By dinner time, Richie had to leave and Eddie went downstairs with him to carry him to the door. Once it was closed, his mother walked closer to him.
“Dinner is ready.”
And when Eddie followed her to the kitchen, ice cold quietness, he took a glance at the spot where his inhaler stood moments ago, it wasn’t laying there anymore. The silence in which they ate felt different this time, as if, somehow, Eddie finally let his mother know who he truly was.
 He hoped that she could take it better this time.
rooftop taglist:   @richietoaster   @rainydayriots   @reddieloves    @thetrashmouthclub   @lemonboi03 @noodleboyshane    @pillsandglasses   @studpuffin      @dandelion-stan     @reddiesetrichie     @squishynonbinarytwink      @itschunky      @burymestanding     @duderrific    @its-rye @salty-kaspbrak  @youtubequeens   @reddieseggrolls   @addimagination   @pastelstozier @sleepysirenprincess @constantreaderfool   @mrs-vh @eds-trashmouth
perma taglist:  @constantreaderfool   @mrs-vh  @eds-trashmouth @girasol-eddie
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dovakhiindrabbles · 7 years
Heyyyyy! My fave skyrim author, I hope your requests are open, because I've recently had an idea. I kinda want to write a Vilkas fic, a very angsty one, so I was wondering if you could hit me up with some headcanons about Vilkas and a captured Silver Hand falling for one another? Thank you! Xx
Aw, thank you so much!! Requests are typically open and I always get excited about them!! Especially the headcanon sort since I haven’t had much opportunity to do them yet, so I’d be happy to do this!!
An angsty Vilkas and Silver Hand sounds really interesting too!!
- They’d probably argue, like a lot in the beginning of course, almost like shouting matches about the ethics of werewolves and werewolf hunters and no progress would really be made until they both drive themselves into a corner. 
- After a while, maybe really late at night when no one else is around (Because Farkas would actually flip out) They both resign to see the other’s points and ideas (It already took enough to just keep his brother from wiping them out)
- Vilkas might not just entirely drop the food on the ground for the Silver Hand and instead give it to them, sneaking small desserts and treats to them.
Definitely not lingering to just hold their hand for a little bit nope, not at all
- The Silver Hand might start rambling about their life in bits and pieces (Maybe a werewolf did something to make them become a Silver Hand that’d be an interesting dynamic!) 
- They start not entirely minding waking up nowadays, with Vilkas always around not that he’s cute or anything pffff
- Seeing Vilkas shift into a werewolf for the first time since they’ve gotten to know each other is entirely different than it was before, and that frightens them knowing there’s a person beneath all of that and by that point, someone they truly care about
- Vilkas falling asleep keeping guard, and the Silver Hand falling against him on the other side of the bars, maybe braiding his hair 
- Both of them are in total denial about their feelings at first but by the time they’ve accepted it they both don’t even need to say it to know how they feel about each other.
- Slipping each other little notes, usually of soft encouragement or affection. Vilkas takes them with him everywhere he goes
I hope this is sort of what you wanted! I’m still kinda just getting the hands of headcanon requests but I really enjoyed doing it!! Thank you so much!! I can’t wait to see the story you create with this idea, it sounds fantastic!!!
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cozymochi · 7 years
▼ - childhood headcanon Yamcha
OH BOY.  How do I condense this without literally going into an entire story pffff (cuz oh man. I think about this a lot and reaaally had more time to do so now.)
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It was, for lack of a better word, happy. He was a carefree little kid (a little mischievous every now and then) and full of energy. He liked running around outside and watching kung-fu movies (which jumpstarted his interest in martial arts; he got into that pretty early). He was an only child so he was the center of his parents attention. Basically, at first he had a happy childhood. Probably his happiest moments. Things were easy and very warm. …During the early years anyway. 
But, Yamcha doesn’t recall much of his childhood before age 6, let alone much of any of the above. It just faded away over time…. or at least, it doesn’t feel like it actually happened. 
I ACTUALLY HAVE WAY MORE and I could go on but imma stop before I go overboard 😂 BUT I DID DRAW MORE ANYWAY. (granted its kinda old, but i never posted it till now 👉🏽👉🏽 cuz finally an excuse)
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Clearly there was a shift at some point. 
(I knew I thought about this long ago and the art itself was a bit different lol But my thoughts are constantly shifting so that older stuff is a bit outdated X,D)
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
Woo boy this is going to be a long one, and I mean, A LONG ONE LMAO. And, of course, all in good fun; i simply just Have To Scream and Incessantly Ramble. So, if you'd like to scream along with me, and read through an ESSAY OF THOUGHTS HERE SHDKJSDHS-
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I just have to start things off with my babygirl. With the babygirlest of babygirls. LOOK at that pining. INSANE levels of pining. "When will my husband return from the war" levels of it, quite frankly PFFF. And with the hair back and the slut strands out too like???
I will say, it's very interesting to see him pining like this out in the open. I very much expected him to say locked away in his cabin most of the time, and stay entirely masked whenever he's out. But it seems like he makes STEPS towards healing rather early into the season, as the Kraken Getup seems to drop pretty quick. So, I'm very interested to know how that'll play into his dynamic with other characters (Fang, for example, seems to take notice, based on the comment he makes in the next screenie).
regardless, babygirl you're so strong and beautiful and i'm wrapping you in a blanket, kissing you on the forehead, and express shipping your man RIGHT into your arms. it'll get better, i promise.
but no really i'm going insane because like...just when edward teach couldn't get anymore beautiful, he really decides to pull up with a MESSY BUN???
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I don't talk about Fang nearly as much as I should because I love him so much. I think getting a hug from him would Heal Me, actually. Like please hsdjkss he's so sweet- "I've never seen Blackbeard like this 🥺." CAN I GET HIM A PUPPY? I'M GETTING HIM A PUPPY.
Also please are they eating cake hsdksjks. ARE THEY EATING WEDDING CAKE. Imagine your raid is to crash a wedding, steal cake toppers, and then eat what's left of the wedding cake jskdhsdjkls. DREAM JOB???
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when i tell y'all i am Foaming At The Mouth over this. Like, it obviously guts me to see Stede crying, but it makes me SO intrigued to know what made him come to the more stark realization, what made him flip from optimistic and bitchy to more somber and pained.
There SEEMS to be some sort of shift sometime around when he sees Ed's wanted poster, because there's that shot of him looking melancholic in the rain. But it doesn't quite seem as stark as THIS.
It makes me wonder if it's a gradual assembly of puzzle pieces, ie finding out about the marooning, then Lucius, then Ed's scourge across the Caribbean, etc etc. And it slooooowly dawns on him that his decision to leave in order to keep Ed happy ended up doing EXACTLY the opposite.
OR, I wonder if this is following the reunion—a PAINFUL one at that. Like, maybe he still was going into it a bit idyllic, and was holding onto the hope that it would still be alright...only for Ed to react poorly/in a way he never anticipated to see. He went into it maybe with a bit of anxiety, but ultimately leaned on the denial...only to have all the fears confirmed.
Or maybe it's a mixture of both. But either way, it's SO so interesting to see him have to SIT with it all. And even though it hurts to see HIM hurt, I'm actually very glad they addressed this and made him feel the heavier weight.
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...Only to transition right into silliness here with this shot dHJKSDKLS. ed babe listen i get it. i Get It. i'm right there with you, babe.
BUT ALSO, makes me wonder what he was smoking in his pipe beforehand. Or maybe it was the transition from pipe to a straight BLUNT that got him shdjksd. Or MAYBE it was just ~*~the sapphic kush~*~ that took him out PFFFF. wlw on mlm violence idk.
SPEAKING of which...
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here we go, lesbians. here we go, lesbians, come on. oH MY GOD, LESBIANS,,,
do you think anne and mary want me
With that whole shot where it looks like Anne just kissed Stede, and the way they're both 👀👀 at Ed and Stede having their tense little interaction, I have to wonder if their gaydars go off and one or both subsequently decide to stir shit up PFFFF. Like, causing chaos by making Ed/Stede jealous type deal. And maybe Anne kissing Stede is what makes Ed choke on the blunt sdhkshdks WHO KNOWS.
Regardless, very excited to see the pairs interact. WHO KNOWS WHAT SORT OF MLM WLW SHENANIGANS WILL HAPPEN SDKJS.
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And ALSO in relation to that scene, I just have to shdjksdhljksdkls over the editing because it took me out. Ed being like "And more importantly, no more Stede >:)" only to show his little wedding topper doll with Stede's subsequent "HULLOOO, IDWAD."
Killed me. KILLED ME DEAD. And also, a neat little way of editing call Ed out on his bullshit REAL FAST HSDJKSL. like, honey, you can try, but you know full and damn well that silly little guy has burrowed into the deepest chambers of your heart. he has your heart and you have his, WHOOPS.
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Ricky, right? This is Ricky??
So okay, a nose prosthesis is metal as hell, but that means we ALLLLLL know who he got tangled with PFFF. And I believe we see him in the Republic of Pirates talking to Stede and Co??? So I'm very VERY interested to see how that all devolves, and how he goes from vibing to wanting to throw hands.
Unless he was like, on some sort of reconnaissance mission for the British in the first place.
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...The way I missed this SEVERAL times over, and didn't even see it until someone else pointed it out in another post.
But that also has me like 👁️👁️ for SO many different reasons. How did he lose a good portion of his leg? Was Stede the one to offer up the unicorn leg as a pegleg?
My running theory is still that like...Izzy wanted a very specific version of Blackbeard. Izzy wanted someone who no longer exists, or maybe never existed to begin with. And so Izzy thought he was doing right by taking Stede out of the picture and nudging Ed back into a more viscous type of pirating...
Only for that to COMPLETELY backfire, and for Ed to get far more unstable. And like, something something Izzy was already complaining about Ed's "erratic moods" and "questionable decisions" BEFORE Stede came into the picture, so I doubt he's going to be content with Ed's turmoil and all the impulsivity that'll likely come with it.
So maybe, MAYBE, I'm thinking he'll have a bit of growth by realizing that Ed and Stede need each other, or maybe that Ed was way happier when things were smoother between him and Stede, at least. And knowing him and his characterization lol, it might not even be a selfless realization/decision. Maybe he'll only be doing it because he wants a less emotional version of Ed, and thinks that having Stede around and being cordial with him will allow that to happen.
And maybe it leads to even MORE growth when he gets roped into training Stede/the crew idk.
Regardless, REGARDLESS, they are one of the last pairs I ever expected to team up, because they were ACTIVELY bitching at each other all through last season HSDJKS.
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I'm not 100% certain, but it SEEMS like this is at Jackie's, or at least in the Republic of Pirates somewhere. And based on Ricky's injury, and also other little tidbits of footage, it SEEMS like something goes down there. Maybe some sort of scuffle between the Navy and our guys or something equivalent that snowballs into even ~*~Larger Problems~*~
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And it's so wild because I definitely see Olu (with the CROCS OFC LMAO) and Pete, and then I THINK I see Lucius and Izzy in that mix too??? So like,,,
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Oh this hurts lol. This one hurts. This one hurts a LOT. Stede Bonnet stop breaking my heart Challenge: impossible.
Because that's his home. That's his soul placed into a ship. That's the conglomeration of his hope, and heart, and adventure, and family,,,
And it's in RUINS.
Fresh off the "you defile beautiful things/you're a monster/you're a failure/you ruin everything you touch" train, and he comes back to this. And if this is after he reunites with Ed and realizes things are bad, then man, that'll be even WORSE.
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BUT, off we go cartwheeling from that footage to a VERY interesting bit of dialogue from Stede:
"The entire escape relies on this."
Escape?? ESCAPE???
Here I was thinking they enlisted they help of the Red Flag Fleet and/or Susan to try and catch up with the Revenge. So, ESCAPE???????
Did they get captured? Snatched up from the Republic of Pirates or something equivalent? Does someone have beef with Ed and holds Stede and Co hostage because they're trying to aid him?
OR, are they voluntarily on that ship to hide/lay low from the Navy or something, but their cover has been blown, and they have to quickly flee back onto the Revenge?
Very very inch resting whatever the case.
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like, you're telling me ed is going to see him like this and isn't going to IMMEDIATELY drop and start tying his hair into a ponytail? mmmMMKAY
BUT OKAY—ACTUALLY, that joke sort of brings me to a more angsty theory, because of course it does lol. I have to wonder if Stede is dressing like this because he legitimately wants to, OR, if it's because he feels like he has to.
Like, something something he's trying to do everything he can to win respect and establish himself and ALSO win back his man. And, something something he is ONCE AGAIN doing what HE thinks Ed wants, as opposed to what Ed might ACTUALLY want. Like, "Oh, he's a notorious pirate. He'll like me again if I have a little more gruff and backbone, right? That's what pirates like, right???"
*grumbling* even though it's a very VERY good look on him, so i hope it's more on his own volition.
I just want him to feel comfortable as HIMSELF, and feel like he doesn't have to perform/conform to anything. And I think there's something very deeply queer about him and Ed BOTH going through that. They're BOTH trying to figure themselves out and what they're comfortable with and who they want to be. And I hope that, IF this is his look, it's something that HE wants entirely.
((Which makes me raise my eyebrows a bit more because of the Cunty Red Jacket. Because he's CUNT. And also his curls are more pronounced when he wears that too. SooOOOoooOOO?????? VERY interested to see what he wants, and where he comfortably settles))
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So, we've seen that shot of someone falling into the water like 80 million times at this point. And this trailer ALSO showed an additional shot of said person SINKING into the gloom. At least, I THINK it was the same person/connected. Again, could be a total misdirect lol.
And then we've seen all the blue-tinted shots of Ed off on his own somewhere, fight someone/something all the while being accompanied by some unknown figure.
And BECAUSE of the tinting/consistent lighting, and BECAUSE of the figure accompanying him, I have to also wonder like others similarly are...
Is this a DREAM???
Is this some sort of unconscious sequence where Ed works through trauma/hurt/demons? Is that person with him the ghost of Hornigold or another significant figure from his past? And does said sequence end with him jumping from the cliff and allowing the Kraken to disappear back to the gloom???
But something that makes that whole theory SUS is the shots we've gotten of someone, presumably Ed, coming up out of the ocean. And it's not tinted blue like all of these other shots are.
So it's just hsdjkhsdjksdhskjdhsjksfs??????
Regardless, REGARDLESS, I think all of this points to Ed going on some sort of journey, some sort of bout of self-discovery and self-acceptance. I think he's going to heal parts of himself, or at least SETTLE with parts of himself, no matter the circumstances. And that would be so good because I want that so badly for him. I want him to be able to do that for himself.
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but omfg this is yet another case of my brain not being able to piece together timelines. because ed babe where ARE you. "BABYGIRL WHERE ARE YEEEWW..."
He looks so soft, and also has on a different ring??? An emerald/cyan looking ring??? AND THE KRAKEN RING THAT TAIKA ALWAYS WEARS HSDKJS.
So I just hsdjkhdjklsdhdjklshsjkls. "jodi you'e literally going to find out in like less than a month" I KNOW I KNOW OKAY BUT THAT DOESN'T PREVENT ME FROM GNAWING ON MY DESK FOR 18-ISH MORE DAYS HSDKJLS.
Also, as an aside, I SO very hope this leads to Fangy getting a puppy. I SO very hope that the "pets befouling the ship" clause is scratched from the rulebook PFFFF.
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also hi hello is that archie. dO YOU THINK ARCHIE WANTS M-(GUNSHOTS)
i'll just be in the corner sobbing over being attracted to so many of these damn pirates. like, it's an Issue
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I've seen people theorize it's a stab wound, a bullet wound, or some sort of wound that was burned/cauterized. Either way, EITHER WAY, OUCH??? CAN MY DARLING PLEASE KNOW PEACE HSDJKSDKL
Also again, this all plays back into my theory that they're having a party, only to get crashed by some sort of navy personal or another pirate bounty hunter of some variety. And Stede gets captured/tortured.
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Same shirt, but has his EARRING. And is BATTLING A SHIT TON OF PEOPLE. So I would assume this comes AFTER the party fiasco, but also jsjshdjkshlJKHDKLS????
Also the CONCERN on his face is so striking. It makes me wonder if he's looking at Ed. ESPECIALLY because—
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But two things about this shot. Well, three, if you count me absolutely FOAMING at the mouth at getting to see Ed battle because hsdjhsjkhsdjkls bARK,,,
One, his sword is bloody. Love that for him. King shit. Slicing and dicing.
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oh hi izzy lmao the way i did not expect the hardest line in the trailer to come from him.
"You don't know the first thing about piracy. It's not about glory, it's about belonging to something."
God. GOD. I really feel like he's going to end up surprising me so much this season lmao.
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oh god y'all lmao. want to see how loud i can scream. because, i missed this my first few watches, and didn't even notice until it was later pointed out in people's posts, but,,,
Listen, I was like 99.9999999999999999% sure he was alive okay lol. Because NARRATIVELY, he had to be. NARRATIVELY, I think his death would have sent things into irreparable places. Also, silly little pirate rom/com; Y'ALL CAN'T KILL OFF ONE OF THE MOST BELOVED CHARACTERS LMAO LIKE NO WAY.
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Annnnnnd Obligatory Tealoranges mention/shoutout because goodness, look at them. LOOK at them. LOOK HOW SOFT JIM LOOKS. LOOK HOW SWEET THEY ARE. I'M EATING MY ARM!!!
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*Baywatch Theme starts playing*
But okay okay what are we thinking:
Training montage/sequence? Or romantic moment?
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and also snorting at ed's eyes because, just when i think they can't get any bigger,,, just when i think he can't possibly get even More Eyes than usual,,,
But okay hi hello WOWZERS this sequence. This one REALLY has my brain churning.
And I'm subsequently in the camp of thinking that this is very very soon after their reunion, if not their REUNION PROPER. I'm sort of leaning more towards the former, because something tells me they'd want to keep their reunion proper a secret/save it, since it'll likely be a very pivotal moment.
Because Ed is DEFINITELY injured. Blood on the side of his head, various cuts and bruises across his face, etc etc. And Stede looks very Concerned when he calls his name. So I'm just 👀
Not to mention also, Ed seems VERY out of it. His eyes are wide/glazed-looking in all of the subsequent shots. And his first reaction is to headbutt Stede away shdkjshdkjs.
So again, the theory that it's right around their reunion seems very plausible, based upon reactions and outfits and the like. BUT WHO KNOWS.
also, for the record, still sobbing at how stede keeps his arm protectively draped over ed during these shots,,,
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,,,and maybe also *wipes tears away* because he just looks so SERENE. he looks so CALM. i have to wonder if this is after a pivotal moment in his healing, be it from his own realizations, an intimate conversation with stede, or both.
i just hope he's legitimately feeling better right here because i want that for him. i want that SO bad for him. I WANT THE WORLD FOR HIM!!!
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Annnnnnnd ending it off with this shot because omfg. Three things.
Two, Ed trying something "different" has me sobbing and throwing up. He just wants to be comfortable. He just wants to be HIMSELF. He just wants to stop PERFORMING AND MASKING.
anyway, if you made it this far, then bless you and your resilience LMAO. but also if you made it this far, you're probably just as excited as i am. like, after this trailer, after seeing all of our darlings and seeing the silliness and seeing the interactions...
idk, i'm just feeling THAT much happier. i'm feeling THAT much more confident in our showrunners/cast/crew. and i cannot WAIT to continue feeling happy with all of y'all <3
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mymagnificentself · 7 years
get to know me thing
@mrbronzeskull tagged me in a thing and ill add my own questions because i can do what i want to so here we go
name first of all: Magnus but you can call me Mags
relationship status: single pringle and i dont like to mingle
favorite colors: well black, and dark red, like from cherry to mahogany and everything that sparkles catches my eye
pets: none :c
favourite animals: CATS. last song i listened to: shiny from the moana soundtrack
favorite tv show(s): mmmhh When We Rise was goood, oh i fell in love with Goblin that kdrama show, Friends of course is a classic, i loved the fifth season of Parks And Recs a lot, and i have seen many many other shows i probably very much liked too but i cant think of any others. but aCTUaLLy i recently started watching will and grace with my mum and its AmZiMG
first fandom: proobably The Mortal Instruments
hobbies: DoiNg aRTs anD CraFty ThiNGS(!!! like all the time, i usually always have some kind of project going on) (check out my tag #mags art if youre interested) watching tv shows, listening to audio books & music, getting obsessed over app games
favorite book: oh pffff oHOH The City of Dreaming Books by Walter Moers, or as its called in german Die Stadt Der Träumenden Bücher
worst thing I’ve ever eaten: eeehhhh i dont remember
favourite food: my uncle is a chef and has his own restaurant in south germany and he makes like a noodle thing in morel sauce and its soO GoOd 😍
favorite place: My roooommm i guesssss
whats my bed like: its an AMAziNG comfortable big bed and it can turn into a sOFa, i have three blankets a giant down one, a normal sized down one and a soft christmassy blanket, a special foamy pillow thats supposed to be good for your neck plus a bunch always on the side, i have a giant stuffed worm thing to wrao my legs around and i always sleep with my teddy bear that ive had since i was born
if i had three wishes: being able to shape shift, being able to speak and understand all languages annd…. .. i had a last one but i forgottt illl save that one up for emergencies
thing that always makes me happy: GLiTTer. and CaTS.
things i am obsessed with: CRaFTiNG SUPPLiES. I AM LIKE A DRAGON AND THIS IS MY HOARD. also MATH. i LoVe math 😍😍
languages i know/speak: German native speaker, English fluent, rough Spanish, several years of Latin (not spoken obviously)
siblings?: two younger sisters
early bird or night owl?: night owl definitely
birthday: december 28th ‘99 so im legit like one of the last nineties kids
im tagging the following people: @thedivergentcoconut @completelystraightgay @empire-of-dirt @beautius @bitchjensen @isaacvolker @k-awaiivy @hailthebread @myssunderstoodredhead @pins-in-the-map @ragingteenagemutiny i already know some of you guys and some of you guys i only just followed, but in any case id like to get to know some more things about you, i hope theyre gonna be kinda fun to answer at least but if you dont want to do them thats alright too.
have a nice day everyone🌹
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verdigrisprowl · 8 years
Jan 25 Blurr’s Horror Stream - A Series of Unfortunate Events 2-3
Prowl’s really liking this show.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. Shockbox changed their nickname to Shockwave. Shockwave: *He is here.* Shockwave: *Early to the party, after not having attended the last one.* B l u r r: / drags self in. Today is a thermal wrap day. He has come directly from bed. To become a couch potato / Shockwave: *the mun sympathizes greatly.* Airachnid: [peeks in] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave's left the bunch at home today. They're picking up the shift he would've had to make up for him taking theirs Monday night.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Over to his couch he goes.* FakeProwl: *Hm. There's a Shockwave today. On the other hand, it looks like the couch is going to be atypically barren today, what with no deployers.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Except for Ravage, who did his shift Monday and can be here. But he's going over to Blurr.* B l u r r: / He's slowly become a blob of thermal / Airachnid: [going to take a seat in the corner] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage spies thermals. He leaps onto them and settles himself.* B l u r r: / There is a foot sticking out somewhere. He is a blurrito. / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nods Prowl hello* Shockwave: (( a guy gets up to grab some water and popcorn, and the chat explodes.)) B l u r r: / oh my god. Makes a noise. A little mfff. / ... Hello, Ravage. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage rumbles a hello to Blurr and Airachnid both. Yes good.* FakeProwl: *nods back. supposes he'll sit with Soundwave today. One Shockwave is manageable. and this one's smaller.* Shockwave: *He's just chilling out on his usual spot.* Shockwave: *Nothing malicious here.* Airachnid: [waves at Ravage] B l u r r: / finds freedom for his claw. Pats Ravage a little / B l u r r: / tucks arm back in. Muffled noise / B l u r r: [[ i guess just lemme know when yall are ready. ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ready whenever)) Shockwave: (( ditto)) Airachnid: same)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ah, good. A seatmate. He did so enjoy it last week.* Shockwave: @Soundwave: I am aware that this is a series, the beginning of which having been played last week. Shockwave: @Soundwave: Did I miss much? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockwave: [[A trio of human spawn's Creators perished in a fire. They were given to an unworthy guardian who is after their financial future.]] Shockwave: *He pings a thanks for the summary and gets settled.* Drift: *it's a Drift! heads over to— wait. where's blurr?* B l u r r: / in this pile / Drift: *... are those tarps blurr?? sits next to.* Hey. B l u r r: / there is a ravage here somewhere / B l u r r: / pokes claws out. Small wiggle. / B l u r r: [[ are yall ready? ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ye)) Shockwave: ((aye)) Drift: ((ye)) Drift: *wiggles fingers back. ... can blurr see him?* Airachnid: ye)) Drift: *takes claw-tips and shakes them. hi.* B l u r r: / shake shake / Drift: ((are we finishing episode 1? ... also is that NPH singing)) B l u r r: [[ yes it is and... I can if you want ]] B l u r r: [[ i think netflix moved me ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage slooooooowly reaches out to try to mock-swipe at Drift's pointy helm bits.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Like https://i.makeagif.com/media/7-30-2015/WbHuq4.gif  * B l u r r: [[ do you uys wanna go back to the end of episode one? ]] Shockwave: *oh, the intro summarizes the plot anyways.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((can we? just the last couple of minutes?)) Drift: ((that'd be nice)) B l u r r: [[ there you go. ]] Drift: *immediately dodges the swipe. well then. tries to mock-swipe Ravage's pointy bits with a fingertip.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *LOOKS SO OFFENDED* Drift: ... Sorry. Thought it was a mutual thing. B l u r r: / reaches out to pat Ravage / ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It is. He's toying with you.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage allows this pat* Drift: Oh. Pff. Drift: *another fingertip-swipe for the deception.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *grab grab. sorry blurr. you are a good perch though* B l u r r: / mmfff/ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[This reminds him. He researched snails.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They are most known for being slow. ... He does not know what this had to do with what the Count said.]] Shockwave: (( i can't look at count olaf without thinking of starscream thanks to tumblr. )) B l u r r: / moves claws out to help keep Ravage stable on him / Don't fall. B l u r r: / Wiggles helm so the thermal falls down a little. He can see better / FakeProwl: ((good)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Grateful grunt* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They believed that?]] B l u r r: / vents and twitches claws. What happens if he tickles Ravage / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Try.* B l u r r: / wiggle claws a little. Tickle. / ItsyBitsySpyers: *ZOOM Ravage is gone in a split second* B l u r r: / ??? / Drift: *is blurr's head free* B l u r r: / yes / Drift: *good. pats blurr's head.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *It is. Ravage dislikes being tickled. He's hiding... somewhere. Some corner. For now.* B l u r r: / flicks finials ? / B l u r r: / looking around. Aw. Poor Ravage. / B l u r r: / slouches in his thermals. Rubs face/ He has no hair to even cut... Airachnid: The humans might be better off in the streets. At least they would be free to do whatever. Drift: maybe he cuts it a lot to keep it that short. B l u r r: Mm... maybe. B l u r r: ...... Oh. I get the joke. B l u r r: / flicks a gear out from the thermals and pulls legs up. Blurrito/ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Why the thermals?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *It is not cold in here. He would know.* B l u r r: / flicks finials / They're comfortable. B l u r r: And I came here directly from my room. B l u r r: [[ god i love nph ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Hm.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((marcia marcia marci--EW)) FakeProwl: *... can see where this is going.* B l u r r: And it is a little cold, honestly. Shockwave: (( is lemony snicket played by kronk's voice actor?)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i think so)) B l u r r: yeh ]] FakeProwl: ((thought so)) FakeProwl: *snorts* B l u r r: [[ gdi she plays Jessie. That's where I know her from ]] B l u r r: i knew her voice sounded familiar ]] FakeProwl: *is greatly enjoying the dialogue* FakeProwl: ... They're not being subtle, are they? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Not in the slightest.]] Airachnid: [she does not like the Count Olaf human] B l u r r: ... Wow. Humans really are stupid. /mumbles/ Airachnid: Indeed. FakeProwl: ... He knows who Lemony Snicket is. The narrator is a character? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He did say he'd been investigating.]] FakeProwl: I thought it was a... framing device. He's clearly more involved than he appeared at the start. Whirl: *pokes head in* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((It was a test, which you all... passed.)) Airachnid: [she sees a Whirl] Whirl: *bobs his head and slinks on up to his hammock* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A wretched abuse of power.]] B l u r r: Eugh. I wouldn't marry anyone like that. Whirl: Marry him, and then murder him. Whirl: That way YOU get HIS assets, too. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[-What- assets.]] Airachnid: Yes. Marry and THEN murder. B l u r r: He doesn't have anything Airachnid: His body I'm sure has some use. Whirl: H's got that house. Drift: The honor of burning down his house. B l u r r: That house is nice, thouh... Drift: That's an asset. B l u r r: *though ItsyBitsySpyers: =Could do any time.= ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage finally makes himself visible again, hopping onto the opposite side of the sofa.* Whirl: Marry him, murder him, then use part of the outrageous fortune to renovate his estate. Whirl: Live like kings i the place he used to call his own. THAT is fantastic revenge B l u r r: / waves claw at Ravage slowly / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Eyes the claw* B l u r r: / twitches digits/ FakeProwl: *really enjoying the dialogue. it's so straightforward.* ItsyBitsySpyers: =Poison food. Escape.= FakeProwl: *is going to keep enjoying the dialogue, he's sure.* Airachnid: If younger humans could inherit the money, that could work. Whirl: *tilts head, interested* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave glances to Prowl.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): What action recommended for Violet human? Airachnid: It looks hideous on him. Get rid of it. B l u r r: Get rid of all of it, honestly. /tugs thermals back up a little / FakeProwl: ... This is a good start. Whirl: Nice. Airachnid: Clever human. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Perk. Clever.* FakeProwl: Also, they appear to be unmonitored at night. She could run to the judge and clearly explain Count Olaf's exact plan. Shockwave: *Respects her ingenuity.* Whirl: She's good with machines. FakeProwl: They didn't adequately explain what happened before they left. She would have difficulty brushing off a thorough explanation. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Supposes that's possible. Nods.* FakeProwl: Especially if they could supply legal documentation. B l u r r: Marriageis so complicated... FakeProwl: ... And waking her up in the middle of the--pffff. *sorry. henchperson-in-law.* FakeProwl: Waking her up in the middle of the night would properly convey the severity of the situation, I think. ItsyBitsySpyers: =Rip hand off.= Airachnid: Why stop at the hand? Whirl: ((PFF)) B l u r r: All of that looks like junk food, honestly. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They will need him alive to prove their claim.]] Whirl: These monologues are pretty all right. FakeProwl: All they'll need is the script and the proper legal documentation. Whirl: Is this based on a book? *looks to Blurr* B l u r r: / lowers thermal/ Hm? FakeProwl: ... And I'm not advocating murder, but if he's not alive, they'll have no claim they need to prove. Drift: I think they're pacifists. They're not even thinking about ways to kill him. B l u r r: Ah. Yes. It's based on a book series. Airachnid: They should. Drift: Oh, nevermind. They're making bombs. Whirl: *SNICKERS* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Prowl may not be advocating murder but Soundwave is amused anyway* Whirl: Prowl, that's precious. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((for a second i was like "prowl stop breaking the 4th wall they can't take the episode script")) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((and then i realized you meant the play. pffft)) FakeProwl: ((Prowl: "punch through the walls of reality and steal the script from god")) Whirl: And--you can kinda tell, Blurr. B l u r r: Mm? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Tell her. -Tell her-.]] Whirl: That this was a book. There's something... *waves a claw* About the monologues. B l u r r: Ah. Yes. Whirl: *for the record, whirl was amused that prowl would claim not to advocate murder. We all know u would Prowl* B l u r r: I don't have the books. Didn't get a chance to really look on Earth. B l u r r: I'm sure I could find them. FakeProwl: *he prefers arresting criminals.* Whirl: If you wanna read 'em, sure! I'm good though. Whirl: *SNICKERS... this time at the show* B l u r r: I'm sure I could just download them. FakeProwl: *murdering is a last resort scenario. you've just got to take a lot of last resorts in a war.* Whirl: That baby... is awesome. Whirl: Also--this is totally a play Starscream would write for himself. Airachnid: Very true. B l u r r: Incorrect. Starscream would marry himself. B l u r r: No one in their right mind would agree to that Whirl: And now, he can. Drift: Not /willingly./ B l u r r: Mmm... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Stab the count with the pen.* FakeProwl: ... They explain all the idioms and phrases in this show. I wonder why they didn't explain the snail. ItsyBitsySpyers: *He can't talk if his throat is destroyed* Airachnid: Strangle him with the flower crown. B l u r r: /reaches out to pat Ravage / Whirl: *snickers* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage tentatively stretches his helm out* B l u r r: /pet pets helm / ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He researched the snail. He believes it was an example of the Count human misusing words again.]] Shockwave: *You would have thought that the law would have made some sort of fail-safe for incestuous pedophilia.* Airachnid: It was child's play, and that's pathetic. Whirl: That baby is my FAVORITE. FakeProwl: ... They can probably take this to court. It may be legally binding but there are quite a few... *hold on a second, what are they up to* Whirl: I'm sure there'd be some kind of clause preventing this sort of arrangement from being completed under durress. Whirl: And they have solid evidence--hundreds of witnessess--that it WAS done under duress. FakeProwl: ... They're taking it to court right now. Excellent. Airachnid: Finally. Someone intelligent. FakeProwl: Yes, that was what I was going to say, it was coerced. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Disappointed. He wanted to hear the whole thing.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Amused by all the figuratively/literally business* B l u r r: [[ do you guys need a small break? ]] FakeProwl: ((it would be nice ye)) Whirl: ((I'm ducking out for now)) FakeProwl: ((byye)) Airachnid: bye!)) Shockwave: (( i'm probably not going to stick around for another episode either. )) Whirl: ((have a good night u guys)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((bye to those leaving)) Shockwave: (( you too. )) Whirl: *streetches and flops out of his hammock* Thanks for the movie--er, show? Teach. B l u r r: [[ k small beak then ]] Whirl: Gonna turn in early. *taps his helm* Headache. B l u r r: / wiggles claws from thermal / Shockwave: *He sighs deeply.* B l u r r: See you next time. /flickers optic/ Feel better. Shockwave: I'm afraid that was all the time my schedule will allow. I shall depart. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell.]] B l u r r: / waves claw / ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He will return in a moment.]] Whirl: I'm fine, it's just the same old same old. Whirl: *trots out into the hallway and is gone* Shockwave: *nodding* Another time. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave stands and heads into the hall for a snack* Whirl: ((this is a good show but i cannot watch these eps right now, GIGHT)) Shockwave: *now the room is completely devoid of cyclopian cybertronians* Shockwave: (( yeah, g'night. )) B l u r r: / flicks another gear and shifts a leg out. / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage immediately sprawls across the leg* ItsyBitsySpyers: *This is his spot now. Cross front paws.* B l u r r: / his leg has been compromised / B l u r r: / pat Ravage / Airachnid: [she kinda wants to get into Whirl's hammock] B l u r r: / do it / B l u r r: [[ brb ]] Airachnid: [she's gonna do it and get on the hammock and lay down] Airachnid: [much better] B l u r r: [[ kay back. ]] B l u r r: [[ leme know when yall are ready ]] Airachnid: I'm ready)) B l u r r: [[ i shall wait for the others ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((okay i stretched my legy i'm good)) B l u r r: [[ legy stretch is good ] B l u r r: / mumbling. Lifts rust stick. Makes a face. Holds it out for Ravage / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave trudges back in and takes his seat next to Prowl. With a sated tank and so few mechs around, he's also content to try getting comfortable up against his couch companion* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage cracks an optic and tracks the rust stick. He's not fetching that, if that's what you think* Drift: ((sorry, i got sidetracked by hilarity on duolingo) B l u r r: / it's for eating! / Drift: ((gimme another minute please)) B l u r r: [[ mhm ]] B l u r r: / he's offering ravage a snack / Drift: ((for reference http://ckret2.tumblr.com/post/156385732097 this. this is what distracted me.)) B l u r r: / He's not eating them, obviously / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage grabs the hand with both front paws and pulls the rust stick close that way. Nom nom* B l u r r: / vent. Letting Ravage chew / Airachnid: [still laying in the hammock. She kinda wants to get food, but she kinda doesn't want to get up] B l u r r: / use ur spider webs / Airachnid: [true..] Airachnid: [gonna look around for food to snatch] B l u r r: / the snack table isn't as supplied, but it has some / Airachnid: [is just gonna snatch some of those snacks] Airachnid: something about hammocks turns her into a lazy cat)) B l u r r: heee ]] Drift: ((ok im ready thank you)) Drift: ((i have learned me some spanish for the day)) B l u r r: [[ lol ]] Drift: ((and i am never going to forget what el jefe means)) B l u r r: [[ haha ]] B l u r r: [[ golden . ]] FakeProwl: ((SNEKS)) B l u r r: /pats Ravage and pulls his thermal down a little bit more to settle / FakeProwl: ((snek snek snek)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage licks his chops and stares at Blurr.* ItsyBitsySpyers: =Your servo reeks. Tyran spark smell.= ItsyBitsySpyers: *Settles back in place* B l u r r: ... /flickers optic/ Does it? Drift: ... Do sparks smell? B l u r r: / frowns and smells his thermals and his claw/ ItsyBitsySpyers: =Yes.= B l u r r: I don't smell anything. Drift: ............ *leans over and sniffs* Airachnid: I would imagine they give of some scent. ItsyBitsySpyers: =-I- smell them.= Airachnid: [is not going to smell Blurr's hand servos] B l u r r: It just smells like... /makes a face/ Well, I guess it does smell a little like the weapon residue... B l u r r: / smelling thermals. Shoves faceplate in them/ Drift: That's all I smell. B l u r r: / keeps face there / Drift: *that, and the ever-present stench of Death* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It's so... green.]] Airachnid: It's much better than the other place. FakeProwl: Physically. B l u r r: / peeks up from the thermal. Has a very odd expression/ Mmm... ItsyBitsySpyers: =Weak biped noses.= Haughty chin lift. B l u r r: I don't smell anything... out of... the ordinary. FakeProwl: ... I like him so far. FakeProwl: He's going to die. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Agreed.]] Airachnid: I need a clock like that. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[On both counts.]] Airachnid: I was going to make the very same guess. B l u r r: /settles in the thermals and sinks next to Drift / B l u r r: / burying himself / B l u r r: / there is one red optic glowing in his self made tent / ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Why were they locked in the instrument?]] FakeProwl: Perhaps they liked escape rooms. FakeProwl: Or predicament bondage. FakeProwl: *scientific collection? sits forward* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...Is vaguely curious why Prowl would pick those, but will keep that to himself for now* FakeProwl: *because they were the first options he could think of* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A tiny Predacon?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He likes this human.]] Airachnid: He is interesting. FakeProwl: *nods* FakeProwl: Too bad about the imminent death. B l u r r: ... I like that room. /flicks finials. muffled speaking / FakeProwl: ... A fire-proof canoe. FakeProwl: Hmm. B l u r r: ... Ah. /tugs thermal from his helm/ What a nice knife... ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Are there many fires on bodies of water?]] Drift: Kick him down the stairs! ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[Do you mind. This is hardly the time for noisy laughter.]] B l u r r: / flicks finials/ Hn? FakeProwl: Not typically, no. Water tends to be rather fireproof. B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: I'm not laughing. Yet. :: Airachnid: [cackles] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[You were. He heard your thoughts.]] B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: ... Ah. That's not... me. :: FakeProwl: Plus, he says that a fireproof canoe is among the objects he likes to keep around. So he expects to have to deal with fire on water. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave eyes the screen* FakeProwl: ... In the first episode, Lemony mentioned a volunteer fire department. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He will not have to deal with it for much longer.]] Airachnid: Humans really are dim. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The department will be one short soon.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[Are you feeling well...?]] B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: I am... not. :: B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: But, it's just lack of recharge. :: ItsyBitsySpyers: *Suspicious, but will let that stand* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[If you insist.]] B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: I'm afraid Velocity is loud... do you hear him? :: ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[Evidently.]] FakeProwl: And that eye motif is also present on the telescopes the two... agents? Agents had in the last episode. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Perhaps the judge will tell us who they are. She did have a book of organizations.]] FakeProwl: Indeed. B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: He says he doesn't like you... :: B l u r r: / groans and scrubs face. / FakeProwl: ((that fvcking eye contact)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soft huff of laughter* B l u r r: [[ yES ]] B l u r r: [[ me lmfao ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[What Velocity thinks is of little importance to him. -Your- health concerns him.]] B l u r r: /drags claws down face/ ItsyBitsySpyers: =Laserbeak.= B l u r r: @soundwave: :: He's just being obnoxious today and I haven't been sleeping well. :: ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[...Perhaps you should rest after this.]] B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: No... no that won't work. I have things to do. :: ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Mouth sores...?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[Such as?]] B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: That stupid key... the treasure was gone. We have to find the mech who took it. I refuse to lose it. :: ItsyBitsySpyers: *Zombies? In the snow? This is like Soundwave's worst nightmare.* Airachnid: [likewise] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave is certain he's never seen a device like this before* FakeProwl: Theory: Olaf is a traitor of the same organization that uses that eye motif. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[He sees. Then he wishes you success.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A reasonable assumption.]] B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: Think I could borrow Frenzy? :: ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[...You understand the responsibility this would lay on your shoulders.]] B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: You'll get him back. In one piece. Unharmed and with many treasures. :: ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[Very well. He will call Frenzy when the night is over.]] B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: ... thanks. :: B l u r r: /hisses steam from pauldrons / ItsyBitsySpyers: ((is that. what's his name. from arrested development and the news anchor guy in the tmnt bay films?)) B l u r r: [[ iiiii have no idea ]] B l u r r: [[ i think it is the guy from arrested development ]] FakeProwl: ... Why would somebody put a tunnel...? Airachnid: I don't think you should think about it very much. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Ugh. Sno--the villagers in Citizen Kane are never eaten.]] FakeProwl: ... So close. And yet... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave extrudes a feeler and looks at it in amusement* ItsyBitsySpyers: [][][]Slithering beauty.[][][] Airachnid: [chuckkling] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[But he has never been to Peru.]]  *Withdraws it* B l u r r: [[ mmmm do you guys wanna do one more? ]] B l u r r: [[ sorry, had to run off the comp for a second ]] B l u r r: [[ Gram is sick . e.e ]] Drift: ((i've gotta head to bed about now)) Airachnid: yeah same)) B l u r r: [[ mkay we save for later. ]] B l u r r: Hnh... / vents heavily/ Airachnid: [reluctantly, gets out of the hammock] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave pings Frenzy a request to gather what he needs for self-protection and come to the ship.* B l u r r: I should get to... work. /throws another gear from under the thermal / B l u r r: ... Or maybe just go back to bed. Airachnid: Well, I have work to do unfortunately. ItsyBitsySpyers: =Stop that.= B l u r r: / grumbles at Ravage / B l u r r: / B( / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage gets up to swat the gear back to Blurr* B l u r r: / kicks it away/ It's not the right kind of gear. It didn't fit. / 8/ / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Swats it back harder* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Then give it to the medic.]] Airachnid: [watches the two for a moment] Anyway, I'll get going. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell, Airachnid.]] Airachnid: Until next time. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage slinks over to Soundwave's couch to blink Prowl a hello/goodbye before docking on Soundwave's middle as he sits up* Airachnid: [sneaks off] B l u r r: / grumbles and scoops himself into one big heap  of thermals/ ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HEARD I GOT INVITED TO A STAYOVER?\\ Frenzy pokes his helm around the door and grins. B l u r r: // wiggles claws at / Mhm. FakeProwl: *nods to ravage* B l u r r: Oh... /nudges Drift with a pede/ Drift: *.... looks at gear* Drift: *looks at blurr* Drift: ... unwrap a minute, would you. B l u r r: / u can't see me  i am a blanket / B l u r r: ... I'm cold. Drift: Blurr. B l u r r: / IM A GHOST / B l u r r: Drift. Drift: What are you doing to yourself under there. B l u r r: /reaches out a claw to poke his helm / Nothing. Drift: ... Blurrrr. Show me. :T Drift: *drift will wrestle you out, don't test him* B l u r r: It's nothing... really. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HE PICKIN' AT HISSELF AGAIN?\\ B l u r r: / oh my god / B l u r r: / Wrestling / Drift: You tossed a gear out, that's not nothing. B l u r r: How do you know I'm not saving parts of a bot to eat under here like hiding lunch? Drift: C'mon. Show me. *starts searching for the edge of the tarp.* B l u r r: / yikes. swats at / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy skates over to Drift and waits to see what happens* Drift: *swats back. keeps searching.* B l u r r: Okay, FINE! B l u r r: / grumbles and tugs tarp and thermal down a bit/ B l u r r: See? /motions to self. He's got a lot of dents and open seams/ See? It's all from a raid. /spins around / B l u r r: We attacked a cargo ship. Drift: Primus. You're a mess. Why aren't you getting fixed? Drift: And why are you pulling things out of yourself again? B l u r r: ... /shrugs/ It's not important right now. Drift: It's very important! Look at you! B l u r r: That stupid mech has my treasure and I intend to get it back! B l u r r: / looks at Frenzy/And you're helping me! B l u r r: Imagine my surprise when I get there. And there's. NO. TREASURE! /kicks his table over / ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YEAH I'MMA HELP YA. I'MMA HELP YA RIGHT INTO A *FRAGGIN MEDIBAY*\\ B l u r r: ... ew. B l u r r: Don't be ridiculous. I've had worse. Drift: Why didn't you get fixed after that?! ItsyBitsySpyers: \\...Y'KNOW WHAT I MEANT.\\ B l u r r: / pulling at a wire / I don't know. Didn't feel like it. B l u r r: I just... came home and went to bed, honestly. B l u r r: I've got bigger problems B l u r r: /reaches out to poke Drift/ :: but yours are gone. That's great news, right? :: Drift: *pokes blurr back* Get fixed. Your bigger problems can wait until after you're in one piece B l u r r: ... He really can't. B l u r r: He keeps coming over. /scrubs faceplate / Drift: @Blurr «Are they? Already? Thank you, Blurr.» B l u r r: @Drift: :: Mhm... Sure. :: B l u r r: @ Drift: :: Anytime. :: Drift: *pulls blurr into a tight hug.* ... Tell him to wait outside the damn medibay until you're patched up. B l u r r: / vents and settles. Wiggles claws at Frenzy. He's not going to no medbay / B l u r r: I don't think he wants to wait. /mumbles/ I have a problem. Drift: Well, too bad for him. ItsyBitsySpyers: *That's what you think.* B l u r r: / he's not gonna! / B l u r r: ... /looks at Drift. Makes a face. Twitches finial and looks behind him. Vents. / ... Nevermind. It's nothing. B l u r r: Really, I'm fine. Drift: *oh, NOW Drift's worried.* ... What? B l u r r: ... I said I'm fine. B l u r r: / pats his shoulder and smirks/ We're okay. Drift: *face wavers between worried and annoyed* ... Dammit, Blurr. B l u r r: ... what? Drift: YOU tell me what. Drift: *aggravated sigh* I've gotta get back to the ship. I can't... But I'll comm you, okay? Tomorrow. Drift: And I'm not getting off the line until you tell me what's wrong. B l u r r: Nothing's wrong. B l u r r: / points at/ I am fine. I'm just.. I have a lot on my mind. And they don't like it. Drift: *points back at* Then when I comm, tell me what's on your mind. B l u r r: / vents and just tugs his tarp up / Don't be mad at me. B l u r r: / pokes said pointing digit/ Drift: ... That bad? B l u r r: No... it's not bad. B l u r r: It's... it's actually a good thing. I think. B l u r r: /tilts helm and shrugs/ I don't know what it is. But, it's not a big deal. Mediocre. I need to focus on finding Thundertron. Drift: ... *small nod* I'll try not to be mad. B l u r r: / leans over and hugs onto. Tight tight / B l u r r: / one of them bestie hugs that lingers and is super tight / Drift: *hugs tight tight back* Drift: ... Is Thundertron the guy that stole your treasure? B l u r r: / nudges helm and pokes his cheek/ Yes. Drift: Get fixed before you go after him again. B l u r r: The stupid mech made a copy of the key. B l u r r: Mm... Yes, I suppose that would make sense. B l u r r: / looks at self/ I need to look  perfectly monstous when I kill him. B l u r r: / looks at Frenzy/ And you... you will be with me. B l u r r: And I will keep you safe. /nods/ B l u r r: Anyway... /tugs thermals up/ I'm going back to bed. I left my pillow there. B l u r r: / his pillow is not a pillow / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy's gonna find and call the medic down as soon as he has roaming privilege* ItsyBitsySpyers: *If Blurr doesn't go himself* B l u r r: / waves at frenzy. Follow follow / Drift: ... Why don't you just go slee in the medibay? You can get fixed while you're asleep. B l u r r: ... Because my pillow isn't in the medbay. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Follow follows* Drift: So get your pillow and go to the medibay with it. B l u r r: ... well, I guess. If it agrees. B l u r r: / wiggles claws/ Bye, Drift. Drift: ... Your pillow's still alive? B l u r r: / motions to Frenzy./ I'll show you where you can sleep. B l u r r: ... Well, yes. I didn't kill it. B l u r r: He's comfortable and disgustingly so. /vents and makes a hood from his thermal / Drift: ... Oh. Huh. Drift: ... Is it JT? *because if it's JT, he can NOT cross paths with Rumble* B l u r r: ... / oh god don't do that. Makes a slight noise / B l u r r: No. No, that's uh... that's a negative, ghost rider. B l u r r: / finger guns at. ayyye / Drift: *well, no problem then* All right. Drift: *... ghost rider??* B l u r r: Nope. But, he's comfortable, so I'm tempted to go curl back up. B l u r r: I SUPPOSE I can see Axis first. Drift: Take him to the medibay with you. Drift: Or—tell the medibay to send a doctor to your room. Whichever. B l u r r: ... That second one sounds better. /continues walking/ I'll see you next time. Drift: Yeah. Next time. Drift: And I'm still comming you tomorroe! Drift: *w B l u r r: ... /waves claaaaaaaw / B l u r r: If you want to! Drift: I do!! Drift: *all right. he'd better head home.*
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