#?? idk how else to tag
maria-ruta · 6 months
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Buttons and Meg sketches for @galoogamelady <3
me trying to figure out the guy:
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also silly bonus:
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the little thing he found by the shore can talk and is grumpy
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ween-kitchens · 3 months
on the last day of pride month i'd like to remind people that people are ALLOWED to be repulsed by sex. no theyre not puritans, no theyre not saying no one should have sex, no theyre not claiming that all sex is evil and wrong. please properly tag posts about sexual topics (yes even if theyre just jokes. not everyone wants to see that) and stop assuming that EVERYONE who dislikes sex is either a prude or overly santised
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a-reb · 5 months
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huaixgyi · 5 months
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tiny sashisu
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notsquid · 8 months
Giant robot (and as well giant woman) !!!
Hehe belongs to @brown-sugar-89 ^^
In three versions!
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clownprince · 1 year
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places these images down and waves my hands around in the air gesturing vaguely but emphatically
( cool about it boygenius // batman: the man who laughs // batman #682 // batman #683 )
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wrennnies · 4 months
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jinxed-ninjago · 2 years
Okay, analyzing why the ninja have the weapons they have because why not
So firstly the ninja all have a fairly common theme in their weapons throughout the series. Kai prefers bladed weapons, specifically katanas (the Sword of Fire is an exception to this, as it doesn't really definitionally qualify as a katana), Jay prefers chained weapons, Cole prefers polearms (basically a stick that has something on the end), Zane prefers ranged weapons, Lloyd prefers swords, and Nya prefers bladed weapons in general. The lists I'm going to give here of each ninja's weapon history only include weapons I remember them using, I'll be completely honest lol.
Kai's weapons have included the Sword of Fire, twin katanas, his golden katana, and his Prime Empire weapon, which was a katana.
Jay's weapons have included the Nunchucks of Lightning, a set of regular nunchucks, his golden kusarigama, and his Prime Empire controller, which was a kusarigama.
Zane's weapons have included the Shurikens of Ice, regular shurikens, his golden shurikens, a bow, and a crossbow.
Cole's weapons have included the Scythe of Quakes, a regular scythe, a regular hammer, his golden hammer, and his Prime Empire controller, which was a scythe.
Lloyd's weapons have included a katana, a golden katana, a golden sword, his dao (a type of Chinese sword), and his Prime Empire controller, which was a sword.
Nya's weapons have included a spear, her golden spear, a Munce spear, and her Prime Empire controller, which was a scythe like Cole's.
So Kai prefers swords generally, but also seems to have a specific preference for katanas (which are technically a type of sword). Jay prefers chained weapons. Zane prefers ranged weapons (basically weapons he can use at a distance). Cole's weapons have been polearms, or weapons that are a stick with weight on one end. Lloyd's have been swords. Nya's have mostly consisted of spears (although it's worth noting that she used a katana before season 8 and briefly used the Scythe of Quakes).
With Cole specifically, I feel like his weapon preference could relate to his ability to channel his element and strength into his weapons, which is significantly easier to do with hammers and scythes. Kai's could reference the fact that he's a blacksmith, and used to mainly forge swords. I'm not really sure about the other four, although for Zane and Jay it might just be that they're used to specific weapon types (which, considering they started with the Shurikens of Ice and Nunchucks of Lightning respectively, seems likely) but I'm not really sure on Lloyd and Nya.
Feel free to reblog or reply with your thoughts :D
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camo1000le · 1 year
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The cat man
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maria-ruta · 9 months
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funny game fanart, i drew while still being sick...
I wanted to try something new, based on arts that inspire me. cant say im prefectly satisfied with result, but i think the process and getting out of the comfort zone is whats important, also i did learn somethin i think, yay!
💖Best wishes in new year, everybody!🎉
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hollys-fairy-hell · 1 month
Dev finds out why Peri doesn’t use a human disguise
Got an outline idea for it under the cut. Didn’t mean for it to get quite as lengthy but im tired so I kept typing. Feel free to use my prompts but please tag me or send me a link cause I would love to see what you do. This should be in my bio not this post
Imagine with me now. Dev still has Peri pre final. And sees Wanda and Cosmo in human form a lot but never once Peri? Hazel has something je doesn’t and that can’t stand. Not wanting to embarrass himself in front of Hazel (i imagine this kid cares a lot about his image) he waits to confront Peri about it later.
“Peri why don’t you ever go into a human form? Or body? Or mode? Or whatever! Hazel gets to flaunt her fairies to everyone while you always hide!”
Peri in his usual fashion gets rather nervous and refuses to make eye contact with Dev. “Well Dev you see I uhh” his hands fidgeting with his wand. It’s not that he doesn’t know how or no human form picked out. “It’s just um that it’s.” Dev cuts off before he can even figure out what hes gonna say next “whats the hold up? Come on do it!” Imagine Dev doing a little stop with his foot. Peri winces and then turns to Dev with a forced smile “I don’t really think it’s-“ Only to be cut off by Dev with a loud annoyed groan “why am I even bothering with this “I wish you would turn into your human form! or whatever it is, human disguise!” At this Peri winces, gives a soft sign as he raises his wand there was a spider trying to crawl onto my face while writing this and with a poof of smoke presents him self as human.
Insert you idea of human Peri
With a little thunk of his shoes hitting the floor Peri stands there. Eyes blink a few times as he turns to look down on Dev “taadaa” he unenthusiasticly waves his arms over himself as if sarcastic. “There you go kid. My human form. Satisfied?” Dev gave him a look up and down. Peri shuffling a bit on the spot. Switching his weight. Dev began to walk around Peri as if inspecting like a new product searching him for a flaw “I don’t know what I expected. You just as lame as always but taller. He finished circling Peri, and with a final look he starts walking to the door.
Only to stop when he noticed Peri wasn’t following “well?” He turns back and looks at Peri. He sees Peri turn back into a fairy and start to float towards Dev. “No not like that! As a human!” A slight shocked look comes iver Peris face and is quickly replaced with defeat as he lifts his want to turn back into his disguise. Dev then waves his hand for Peri to follow. Peri Who is standing on the spot fidgeting with his hands a bit “listen Kid, my human disguise isnt really something I like walking around in. Or being in at all for a matter of a fact cause it’s rather pai-“ Dev once again cutting him off “it’s not even hard! Arent you supposed to be helping me? Can’t even do this one simple thing on your own?? It’s like I have to do everything by myself!” He huffs. Peri starts to respond but Dev speaks up first “I w~ish you would walk over here already!”
With a deep breath Peri uses his wand as a cane and leans on it heavily as he slowly trudges to where Dev is waiting. A slight wince in each step but he makes it there. Dev of course is unimpressed with this display “What was that? It’s just walking! It’s like the easiest thing in the world to do!” Another deep breath ‘following in your parent’s footsteps you got this.’ Peri tries to look Dev in the eye, though the sunglasses don’t help. “You know how easy it is for you use your tablet? A lot of kids or even adults struggle with technology on the level that you do everyday. But for me when it comes to walking, even though it’s easy and natural for a lot of people, it’s different. Imagine if every time you took a step your shoes are two sizes smaller. Or you have a very heave backpack on. Thats kinda what it’s like for me.” Trying his best to hopefully get Dev to understand. But the kid scoffed and crossed his arms “my shoes are always the right size and I don’t have to carry anything ever.” Thinking about it Peri had to agree “yeah I guess you are right. I don’t think I have seen you really carry much…. But thats not the point. The point that I am trying to make is walking in my human disguise, or even just as a fairy, is rather different for me. Theres no need for the details but what I described earlier is sorta how it is for me all the time. Without my cane I probably could walk at all, even with it is painful enough I don’t even wanna think about it without.” He shuddered at the thought of it. “Great now im thinking about it”
Tbh idk how to end this. I was gonna have Dev either not notice Peri wincing with each step. Have him meet up with Hazel and get scolded by wanda or cosmo (probably Hazel) about the state Peri is in. But that would require Peri to shut up and go with whatever his godkid wants. I think Peri is a bit hmmm he has some self worth to him I guess. Idk the word im tired lol.
Anyway sorry if this sucks I wrote it like three days apart and after work so im brain dead at this point.
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cheerfullycatholic · 4 months
We were at the cemetery today and someone had planted flowers in an urn that were bone dry and wilting which made my mom want to water them while I felt wrong doing so because they weren't ours so now I wanna know
While I lean towards yes, it's wrong, I'm conflicted. On one hand, someone went through the trouble to pick them out and plant them. I'm sure they wouldn't want them to die, and who knows? Maybe they are unable to take care of them as often as they should. Maybe they would appreciate someone looking out for them. I personally wouldn't mind someone watering my grandma's flowers
On the other hand, they're not my flowers, I'm not related to the person buried there, and it may be very important to the owner to do it themselves, even if they're not watering them as much as they should, and it's not my business if they die or not
It could be seen as caring for your parish community (or just your community if you're not religious), those alive and those dead, but it could also be seen as very disrespectful and an overstepping of boundaries. Or maybe it's not a big deal and I'm worried stressing and conflicted about nothing. What are your thoughts?
*discussion and disagreements are okay but don't be mean or get into any arguments because I'll cry
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thlayyli · 1 year
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MAG 187 - Checking Out animated [WIP]
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nyaskitten · 9 months
recently found out a lot of people apparently were never taught that the holocaust killed way more than just 6 million jewish people, and killed an additional group of several million other non-jewish people, like gays, disabled, romani people, etc ... the education system truly does fail society
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emeraldsummers · 10 months
Uhh just a little reminder that Q&As are supposed to be mostly light and fun and are NOT the time to discuss potentially distressing headcanons.
Because that fan at the SPN Nashville Creation Con asking Jensen (and Jared) in front of a room full of people about Dean possibly being involved in underage sex work is such a MASSIVE massive overstep and J2 were obviously SO uncomfortable and confused by that.
Not only is nowhere near being canon but maybe that's not the place for a conversation as serious and nuanced and triggering as underage survival sex work????
And no, Jensen making an offhand joke 15 years ago about Dean's mystery funds maybe being linked to his promiscuity does NOT mean it can be brought up whenever. I guarantee he doesn't remember that comment.
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kafus · 4 months
the circumstances in which i was outed to my mom and then the rest of my family were so fucked. it was the same day i was forcibly admitted to the psych ward when i was 12 because of serious suicide threats/self harm. i got admitted to the hospital because i couldn’t take it anymore one day during school and i just blew up in the counselor’s office and told her everything, including the fact that i had an online GF at the time, and i guess she considered that a safety concern and she told my mom, which inadvertently revealed that i liked girls. but we never even sat down and talked about me being gay or anything bc my mom was way more focused on crying and begging me to stop threatening to jump out of the car on the highway and kill myself on the road on the way to the hospital. even after i got out we never. talked about it. from then on it was just Known. i guess she told my dad at some point and my siblings just kinda… found out eventually. Idk.
life was such a massive whirlwind in 2012 that frankly i don’t think i thought much of it at the time other than being massively relieved my mom wasn’t a massive homophobe or something. but now that i’m older and time has passed i am more self aware of how fucked it was that my school counselor shared that with my mom and how dangerous that could have been if my mom WERE homophobic. and it stripped me of any sort of formative “coming out” experience that i could have had, which sometimes i am wistful about for some reason. i suppose my own repression has made my lesbianism feel trapped within myself for a long time but i don’t have a way to truly “break the ice” on it bc everyone already knows. everyone knows i’m gay but somehow i feel like i’m learning that about myself for the first time again. but i can’t repeat coming out…
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