#?? that works
Loki: If I don't make it back I--
Mobius: he'll make it back
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puppytism · 5 months
mutuals are allowed to inspect my wires and my circuitry. if they want to ^_^
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battiegutz · 4 months
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hi. do u see my vision
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ashwii · 1 year
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A friend sent me the original image with "this is so lance" AND IT'S SO LANCE
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“Papa when is daddy coming home?” /im thinking baby Elizabeth and moody teen Emile and Courf is abroad maybe
“In just a few more days, baby girl,” Ferre scooped her up in his arms and kissed her head softly. “And maybe just maybe we can FaceTime him before bedtime.”
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wastelandhell · 11 months
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it's a hot one out there ☀️
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twis-world · 4 months
Reader is not specifically mentioned but they’re there, they are there yall. HEAVILY insinuated that the couple of the hour got together during the war. Reader is a fae as well. Is that all? I’m sure it is…
War is a cruel, harsh, and despicable reality.
It has no favorites, it has no boundaries, it grants no mercy for any of its players nor those unfortunate enough to be dragged into its deadly grip.
It guarantees nothing. No small victory could determine the upper hand against the enemy in a cruel game that could take days, weeks, months, years to conclude. Every second counts no matter what.
General Lilia Vanrouge witnessed first hand the cruelty that such devastation could bring. Hundreds, thousands of lives taken in a blink of an eye, both ones he had once foolishly promised would live on beyond such darkness…and ones he promised to drag and seal into it. Both sides suffered grave consequences, unspeakable tragedies, crippling loss beyond mere imagination…
Was it selfish of him to want to find a light in such wickedness?
Looking back at such a time he would say yes, absolutely.
To form such emotional attachments that ran deeper than any other was beyond selfish of him, especially during such a time where promises made under the untouched brilliance of the moonlight could be broken at any given time. Vows of adoration, of trust, of vulnerability were not to be taken lightly, and there they were throwing them carelessly into the night before testing fates hand in such oaths come morning. The fragile string their very lives depended on, tested through hours of blood, sweat, and tears.
However, would he ever dare say he regretted such an ill guided decision. One made after enduring years of dire loneliness, a decision he made to protect not just himself but anyone else who would suffer the unfortunate fate of ever becoming associated with such a plague known as him?
Never in the hundreds of years he lived.
Never in the centuries of utter bliss he had experienced since then and will continue to do so until his final breath.
As long as he continued to wake up to the sight of his beloved, his other half, his very soul, he would never regret such a decision.
As long as he was free to cherish, to adore, to utterly love, he would never regret such a decision.
As long as he would end each blessed day with the sweet taste of saccharin against his lips, the gentle caresses that screamed of his returned affection, the promises of another day to come where every second would be spent alongside the other’s existence, he would never regret such a decision.
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gayhoediaz · 1 month
Buck's 'be safe' is still ringing in my head and now I'm thinking about how Tommy said he was jealous of how the 118 was an easy family and he wants to belong so much. Here's Buck constantly inviting him into the softest spaces and being sweet and saying 'be safe' and pressing his face to Tommy's as they hug. Easy affection from the most affectionate person and now Tommy gets the full force of that *screams*
no anon you don’t understand this makes me so soft because. this go-around we have only really seen tommy through buck’s eyes, right? so tommy is this big, beefy, confident, smooth man that makes buck weak in the knees (rightfully so girl me too) but. we know that there is more. from lou’s comments, and yes from the comments about being jealous about how the 118 is a family, and from what we know from season two - there is so much more.
tommy is confident. tommy is smooth. tommy is comfortable with his life and who he is. but there is also more.
he is also this guy who has probably never felt as if he belongs anywhere. i’m sure he has friends (as in let’s grab a beer, let’s catch up kind of friends) but he doesn’t have a family (or at least didn’t for a long time) i think he’s very lonely - and i don’t think he’s the kind of person who sits around feeling sorry for himself, absolutely not, but he’s lonely nonetheless.
and now, here is this kid who looks at him like he hung the moon and he’s telling him to be safe and tommy likes him so so so much and he’s trying his hardest to get back to the wedding in time and he doesn’t quite make it so he comes rushing in, covered in soot and yeah he probably doesn’t think that buck is going to be angry by any means, but maybe disappointed? but he’s not. he’s just so happy to see him and he calls him a beast and he shuts him up with a kiss and
tommy just. suddenly has everything he has ever wanted. it makes me so emotional.
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yea-baiyi · 1 year
hi i rly like fengqing and i want to Yell
do you think they planned the nan feng and fu yao thing together, or both just separately showed up and were like "........"
hi yes it is Yelling About Fengqing Hours
the funniest version of events is them showing up completely separate—that feng xin and mu qing both independently thought of the exact same idea, and show up literally within a few minutes of each other. and obviously they see through each other immediately because the plan was nonsense to begin with. so they are are dying to call each other out. except they can’t because they would reveal themselves so they are just seething. half of them yelling is out of frustration because they can’t acknowledge the massive elephant in the room
can u imagine. u haven’t had a civil conversation with your best friend in 700 years and turns out you guys still think the same way. and you can’t even acknowledge it out loud or you’ll ruin the plan (the same plan. the exact same, identical, shitty plan.)
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meriyart · 11 months
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"We found him warting around in the grass, and the professor conjured us a jar."
[Love and other Historical Accidents by @pacific-rimbaud]
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eldritch-apawmination · 10 months
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made a little darrell out of clay ::]
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leavingautumn13 · 1 year
HOW do you draw Nick's hat so well i'm going to lose my mind trying
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how to draw nick's hat: a mini-tutorial
keep in mind i'm a self-taught artist, so this is just the method that makes most sense to me. it's easiest for me to break things down into simple shapes, turning the hat into an oval and a sorta-cylinder, which itself is basically two ovals. i can draw ovals. hats? idk.
also, don't be afraid to use references! take screenshots and trace over them. look at a photo while you draw. get a fedora and pose in the mirror. whatever helps you visualize best.
also also, i know everybody hates hearing this but it's true: practice. draw a bunch of nick-less hats. they don't have to be super detailed--for me, a bunch of quick, messy sketches help more than spending a bunch of time perfecting one clean sketch.
idk if this is completely coherent because again, i'm self taught and not a teacher, so please let me know if there's anything about this that doesn't make sense and/or that you'd like elaborated on. i'm happy to help as much as i can!
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cabozers · 9 months
I wish more people were able to get into 17776 there's just not much else like it so people don't understand as much as they would if it was a TV show or movie or video game. I wish I could get others into it easier I gotta just shoot em with my mind rays
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cheatingexploitation · 11 months
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hi. play bambi civilization. also other art i guess
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beesinaskirt · 4 months
Pics of Kai and Jay doing s1 kinda stuff
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tsartistry · 5 months
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More from that idea of Percy and Set being forced to share a body for a while.
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