#@ everyone else thank you for being patient 💚
risustravelogue · 2 years
Your overprotective best friend wants to see how your crush treats you with his own eyes.
Best Friend!Tighnari, Alhaitham
*chants* Fluff! Fluff! Fluff! Fluff! … with a hint of angst :)
Updated note:
This was originally posted on December 25, 2022, thus the Merry Christmas note. I am not sorry for tagging you again, my awesome brainrot pal Rin and lovely cuz nire 💚 I'm aware of the recent case with Tighnari's EN VA. I want to say that I play Genshin using the JP dub and thus Tighnari's personality in this fic and in my mind is based on that interpretation (if that helps). I would like to extend my sincere well-wishes to the victims and hope this will get resolved soon. Original post here.
Original note:
Merry Christmas!! This fic was written for the Elemental Supercharge collab hosted by @zhongrin. My entry: dendro + dendro = overgrowth. Thank you so much to @nire-the-mithridatist for the beta! Love you cuz 💚 Enjoy~! :)
🔗 AO3 | masterlist 🔗
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To say Tighnari is your good friend is an understatement.
You first met him in the House of Daena when you were still teenagers, his ears twitching behind the thick encyclopedia he was reading up for an upcoming exam. You’d seen him a couple of times at the same spot by then—and you, who’d never seen a fennec fox hybrid before in your life, were intrigued. Extremely intrigued. So you did what every curious teenager would do when they met one of his kind: reach out to touch his ears.
“I can hear you, you know,” he said.
You yelped, startled. “Hear me? But I don’t—how did you hear my hand?”
“Aha, so you were reaching for my ears,” he said, looking up from his encyclopedia. A proud smirk was plastered on his lips. “My hearing is very good, you know. I could hear your clothes rustling over the books.”
“With those ears? Yeah, of course,” you blurted out. Tighnari’s eyes narrowed in a questioning look. You fidgeted nervously. “Oh, uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.”
After a few moments of silence, Tighnari burst into a giggle.
“You’re very straightforward. I like you,” he said. “Everyone else tiptoes around me when it comes to my ears and tail—but not you.” He stood up and offered his right hand to you. His tail swished from side to side in excitement.
“My name’s Tighnari. What’s your name?”
You accepted his hand and told him your name with a sheepish smile on your lips. “Nice to meet you, Tighnari.”
From then on, the two of you have been almost inseparable. He’s a good listener, and not just because of his fox ears. He listens to you when you need to rant—every time. More importantly, he knows when to give advice and when to just give you a pat on the back. When you had a bad breakup with your ex a few years ago, he dragged you to Gandharva Ville for a week-long getaway. He tended to you like one of his patients, but instead of herbal brews, he brought you light novels, chocolate, and your favorite comfort foods: cheese and his mushroom hodgepodge.
You feel truly blessed for having him as your best friend.
Alhaitham was your classmate in the course on ancient puzzles that you took as a Haravatat student.
He was known as a top student, and he was very popular with the teachers. Even so, nobody wanted to team up with him for group assignments, because one, he preferred to work alone, and two, he never failed to irritate others with his refusal to pretty up his words. But you had always found him intriguing. He didn’t talk or interact much with other people—partly because they tried to avoid being at the receiving end of his sharp tongue—yet he always managed to figure out how they think after spending only a short time with them. You came up with two possibilities: either he had very strong observation skills, or he had a network of spies in the Akademiya.
You decided that the first explanation seemed more plausible.
So when your teacher told the class to pair up for your final project, you naturally went to him. After all, someone with strong observation skills would be invaluable in solving ancient puzzles.
You walked up to his seat at the end of the class. You noticed that he was reading a book—and archons know you hated it when someone interrupted your reading time—but this was important.
“Hi, Alhaitham,” you greeted.
A pair of eyes with colors like red roses floating in water full of fluorescent moss looked up at you in annoyance. “Yes? What do you want?”
You fidgeted visibly in front of him, trying to appeal to his softer side. “I’d like to team up with you for the final project. The class has an even number of students, as you well know. Do you mind?”
After thinking for a second, he answered with a curt “No,” then reverted his gaze to the book he was reading. You smiled and sat beside him.
Thus began your collaboration with Alhaitham. For the months you worked with him on your project, you never found him to be irritating. He was just always honest when asked about his opinion. He was blunt, yes, but he never did it to annoy you on purpose, which was a good thing in your book. You also found him easier to understand than most people, as his thoughts and actions were always governed by logic. His actions might be unacceptable for most people sometimes, but he always appreciated your feedback on what he said or did.
On the last day of the course, the teacher praised the project both of you have worked so hard on. You nearly jumped out of your seat, but Alhaitham—now familiar with your antics when excited—wordlessly put his hand over yours and squeezed your fingers, stopping you from doing that in the middle of the classroom. You blushed. He’d never done that before—he would usually tap on your arm instead. That was the first time you felt his hand directly on your skin—he was warm, his palms rough and calloused due to handling swords, and his grip on your fingers was both gentle and strong at the same time. His touch lingered for a few moments before he pulled away, leaving you staring at his profile, questions about his intentions rushing one after another through your mind. You had to shake your head violently to refocus yourself.
That evening, you celebrated by having dinner at Lambad’s together. After some small talk, you braved yourself to tell him that you’d still like to meet up with him.
“Do you mind if I come to find you in the library sometimes?” you asked.
A tender smile bloomed on his lips. Your heart skipped a beat.
Since when is he so beautiful?
“Sure,” he said. “I would like that very much.”
It was at that moment you realized you had a crush on him. You found yourself trying to spend more time with him—in the library, in the café, wherever you could find him—and you even attended his thesis defense in a show of support.
However, your feelings for him never bore fruit—you lost touch with him after he graduated, two years before you did. He became busier each day and didn't have the time to hang out in the library anymore. You tried to not pay too much attention to it—it was a fleeting feeling anyway, you thought. You eventually got a very sweet boyfriend in your thesis buddy, but he cruelly broke up with you right after your thesis was completed. You were used, then discarded like a broken toy. Your heart was in a million pieces, and you thought you’d never recover if Tighnari had never intervened. With a heart full of scars, you never thought you’d ever fall in love again.
But then you joined a book club—Alhaitham’s book club. Overjoyed at reuniting with your old friend, you told him your latest updates, including your bad breakup with your ex. He listened intently, then said, “I’m sorry,” while squeezing your hands to comfort you. You found his touch to still be the same—gentle, yet strong. After that heart-to-heart, you can’t help but notice that for someone who claimed he didn’t like to be touched, he touches you a lot. A light tap on your shoulder, a pull on your wrist or arm to steady you when you were being clumsy with your steps, and his fingertips lingering on your skin—you’d never seen him be so physical with others, and sometimes you wondered if he did that on purpose.
As someone whose primary love language is physical touch, falling in love with him again because of those little touches was inevitable.
“I think I love him.”
Tighnari nearly falls out of his chair.
“You what?”
“Love,” you repeat, “I love Alhaitham.” Tighnari gives you the questioning look. “Well, I do. And I think he likes me, too,” you continue.
He lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Look, my dear friend. I love you and all, but I have to say this. Being in the same book club with him is one thing. Falling in love with him and thinking that he likes you, however…” He shakes his head. “I get that you once had a crush on him, but how did you even arrive at that conclusion?“
You think for a while.
“Well,” you say, “I find myself thinking about him every day—I dare say even every minute. And there are the lingering touches—”
Tighnari’s ears twitch in curiosity. “I thought you said he doesn’t like to be touched?“
“He doesn’t,” you say. “That’s why I think he thinks of me differently.”
Tighnari sighs again.
“It does sound like you’re in love with him, and that he likes you more than he likes other people,” he says. “You’re hopeless. But I’m afraid that you’ll only get hurt.”
Tighnari clicks his tongue. “He’s a purely rational person. And love is irrational.”
“Then why does he always listen to me when I’m whining about—about anything?”
“Maybe he’s just being nice.”
“Maybe, but from what information I’ve gathered, he doesn’t do that with other girls. Hell, even with people. You know how he takes no bullshit from Kaveh.”
Tighnari’s mouth goes agape. “I don’t even want to know how you ‘gathered information’ about him.”
“I have my ways.”
He throws up his hands in the air, a defeated look on his face.
“Fine!” he says, his tone rising, his ears flat against his head. A shaky breath escapes him. “I just don’t want you to get brokenhearted again. It pained me a lot to see you crying silently every day.”
Taken aback at his words, you consider your response carefully—you really want him to see how Alhaitham treats you differently. Almost immediately, an idea appears in your mind.
“How about you join tomorrow’s book club meet-up?” you propose. His ears quickly stand back to attention.
“What? Why?”
“So you can observe him yourself,” you say, a smile growing on your lips. “Then you can judge if he likes me or not.“
“That’s… a good idea,” he ponders. “Okay. What time tomorrow?”
You come to the meet-up with Tighnari in tow. He stands beside you as you knock on Alhaitham’s door. The homeowner himself answers it.
“Oh, hello. You’re early. And… well, well.” The scribe’s eyes turn towards your best friend. “I didn’t expect to see the Forest Watcher here,” he quips.
Tighnari scoffs, his tail swirling protectively around your waist.
“I’m here to accompany my best friend,” he says. You chuckle nervously.
Alhaitham smirks, clearly amused with Tighnari’s protectiveness. “Come in.”
You and Tighnari walk into the house and sit on the living room sofa. Alhaitham fetches coffee for you and water for Tighnari. A few minutes later, the other book club members come, and the discussion starts.
Again, you can’t help but notice that Alhaitham touches you a lot. He sits beside you for the whole two hours of heated discussion, his hand lingering at the bottom of your elbow, sometimes moving away but eventually finding its way back to your skin. You feel his fingertips sink deeper into your flesh every time Tighnari speaks—is he… jealous?
Meanwhile, Tighnari, who sits opposite you, has his eyes peeled between your face and Alhaitham’s hand. He notices how you keep looking at Alhaitham every few seconds, sees every blush you have every time Alhaitham touches you, and hears how your breathing hitches every time he speaks and Alhaitham’s fingers, in turn, sink deeper into your skin.
After two hours of observation, Tighnari has had enough.
He waits until Alhaitham is back from escorting the other club members out, then he stands up to face the taller man.
“Thank you for letting me join today’s meet-up,” Tighnari says, then turns to you. “Now—I think you have something to tell our host, buddy.”
You nearly choke on your coffee in shock. “Nari, this wasn’t—”
Tighnari shoots you a threatening look. “Tell him. Or I will.”
“What’s this about?” Alhaitham asks, confusion visible in his usually-stoic face.
You sigh. “Well,” you start, fidgeting. You try to meet his gaze. “I think I’m in love with you.”
Alhaitham freezes so visibly, you feel obliged to mouth “sorry” for suddenly springing a love confession on him.
Tighnari’s ears are now flat against his head and his tail is bristling. You feel the blood draining from your face. This is not good.
“Tell us. Do you—” he points at Alhaitham’s chest, then to you— “like her, or not?”
The scribe clears his throat and folds his arms in defense. “Of course I do. I wouldn’t have let her into my house otherwise.”
Tighnari hisses. “Don’t play coy. You know what I mean.”
Alhaitham raises his eyebrows. “That’s rather private, don’t you think?”
Tighnari backs off, but his tail is swishing side to side in annoyance. “I would normally agree. But she was badly hurt in the past, and I—” he chokes. “I don’t want that to happen again. Ever.”
Alhaitham steals a glance at you—who is nervously fidgeting, whispering “sorry, I’m sorry, please don’t punch him” rapidly—then focuses back on Tighnari.
“I’d rather her get hurt sooner than later. Before she overthinks about how you behave around her,” Tighnari continues.
On that, you stop whispering and shoot your best friend a protesting look. He turns his gaze to you. “Oh, shut up. You know you’re going to. You do that every time you have a crush.”
You blush. He focuses his gaze back on Alhaitham. “So yes, if that means intruding into your private life, that’s a small sacrifice I’m willing to make.”
Alhaitham stares at you for a few seconds. He lets out a sigh upon seeing you melt under his intense gaze.
“I see,” he muses and turns to Tighnari. “I suppose I should thank you.”
The Forest Watcher tilts his head. “What for?”
Alhaitham chuckles. “For making me realize that I should’ve done this sooner.”
Before you can react, he’s already sitting beside you. His left arm circles around your waist, pulling you towards him, and his right hand is on your left ear, his thumb caressing your skin like it’s the most precious thing in this world. You squeak in surprise when he pecks your nose. When he pulls away, he has a teasing smirk on his lips.
“Hmm. I don’t think that’s the right place. Excuse me.”
He dips in to kiss you in earnest. It’s a gentle act, him pressing his soft, warm lips against yours—a gentleness you wouldn’t normally associate with the highly rational man who is oftentimes described as “cold.”
Then again, you’re not exactly normal in his eyes, are you?
“I love you,” he declares softly, a tender smile on his lips—the smile that made you fall in love with him back then. “I’ve been in love with you since we were classmates.”
You feel tears start welling up in your eyes. “That long? Why didn’t you tell me?” you ask. You feel his arm tighten around your waist.
“You already had a boyfriend when I realized my feelings for you,” he says. “Had I known he was just using you, I would’ve risked getting punched in the gut for telling you about how I feel anyway.” He shakes his head. “I’m sorry. I should’ve investigated more instead of just giving up and staying away.”
You lean forward to place a light kiss on his lips. He pulls back in surprise.
You chuckle at his reaction. “It’s okay. Thank you.”
With a small smile, he gathers you into his arms and turns to Tighnari.
“I believe this satisfies your curiosity, Mr. Forest Watcher?” he asks while playing with your hair.
Tighnari gives a huff of approval. “Yes,” he smiles. He walks to the front door and looks back at the two of you, affection abundant in his eyes.
“Congratulations, you two.”
You wave your best friend goodbye and lay your head back onto your now-boyfriend’s chest. He hums as he rocks you back and forth in his arms, both of you relieved to finally know how you feel toward each other. With the newfound love you have in Alhaitham and the enduring friendship you have in Tighnari, you feel secure—like an overgrowth of sturdy trees is watching over you.
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Original end note:
I've always wanted Tighnari as my (fluffy!) best friend. I feel like he'd be very protective (bordering overprotective, even) of the people he truly cares about.
As for Haitham, well, he's a lot of fun to write. I feel like I understand how he thinks and behaves quite easily. And he's my husband, and I'm selfshipping, soooooo there's that.
Hope you enjoyed reading the fic as much as I enjoyed writing it! 💚
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© @risustravelogue 2023 • no to reposting, yes to reblogging. feel free to send an ask to suggest, chat, etc. :)
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textsfromthetva · 3 months
Hopefully the last Mobius update for the foreseeable future 🐈
It would seem that everyone got it wrong?
I tried the Chinese meds exactly once, but he was so affected that I didn't dare continue treatment with it. Like he got so stoned, I was genuinely afraid that he would stop breathing during the night. It took him 14 hours to get back to normal.
But he kept improving on antibiotics alone, which raised some serious questions about the initial diagnosis. So instead of adding new medication, we took him back to the vet for new blood samples and a check over, and guess fucking what? The vet doesn't think there's anything wrong with him.
He's eating (a lot, cause it's wet food still, and he looooves wet food), his digestive system is carrying on as normal, he is lively and sociable, he no longer has a fever (!!), he's not dehydrated, there's literally nothing wrong with him in behavioural terms. His blood sample also contained good news, things that had been off where no longer off. Except one number, the ratio one, but even that had improved! That means antibiotics helped, and they wouldn't have helped if it was FIP.
So yeah, combined with all the visible indicators, the vet is quite confident that he's going to be fine. Obviously I should keep an eye on him, but you should always do that.
Funny (?) thing is, while everybody else is thrilled, I've gone numb. I don't feel relief or joy, I feel weird and empty. My sponsor says that's an adrenaline crash at the end of a long buildup of physical and mental exhaustion. Basically I've been so freaked out and focused on Mobius and his illness for two weeks, once the threat has been removed, I don't know what to do with myself. My entire life revolved around Mobius being sick, so now what?
I'm trying to give myself time to process, being patient with myself, not judging myself for feeling the "wrong" emotions, but I want to be ecstatic, goddammit!
Anyway, I thought you should know he's happy and healthy once more, and I also want to thank all of the people who sent kind messages during this period, I'm really grateful for that 💚
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cat3ch1sm · 1 year
Hi! Can I please request a Prince Soma and Agni head canon on what would they do if their S/o is on her period and then she’s starting to become moody or having bad cramps or what would they do if she accidently stained herself like are they gonna help her, make her feel comfortable or something like that? I know this sounds weird and kinda gross when you think about it but it would be sweet and adorable if these two boys take care their S/o when she is really moody and crampy on that time of her month.
If this request weird you out or you don’t feel comfortable answering it, it’s alright you don’t have to ask that.
P.S I really love your Headcanons especially about Prince Soma and Agni, please keep up the good work!😊👍
🌲~ hello!! im glad you like my black butler headcanons <33 thanks for your request! this is such a cute idea, and it’s not weird or gross at all. periods r totally natural n i stain my shit ALL the time 😭😭 i hope u like it 💚
♡ ̆̈ಇ.-`💚´-ಇ afab!reader
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𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐢 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬/𝐨 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝- 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐚
when you’re moody
at first, he won’t understand that you’re moody because you’re on your period. soma will be super confused and panicked when you burst into tears because you accidentally stepped on an ant or when you tell him off for breathing too loudly. it’s Agni who tips him off, and soma is totally embarrassed that he didn’t realize. wanting to make up for his blunder, he will be as understanding and patient as possible with you on your period. he will still lose his patience every so often, but it’s brief because whenever soma starts to get impatient with you he remembers that it’s not you talking, it’s the hormones and stress.
the first time you have your period when you’re dating soma, agni’s basically taking him through the whole thing of making sure you’re happy and healthy. but after a few more periods soma will get it down. not without a mistake or two, of course, but soma just wants to keep you happy. despite agni’s orders, he often strays from the healthy diet agni has him on because he’s a seventeen-year-old kid, so soma has no issue at all bringing you whatever cravings you have. admittedly, it’s a little hard for him to take care of you on your period- not because of you, but because he’s spoiled and used to being the one taken care of. more than once he asks Agni to simply take over for him, but agni flatly refuses. soma is going to learn to take care of you on your period if it kills him
when you stain your clothes
soma sees blood on your pants and literally just goes into panic mode. it does not instantly register that it’s because of your period and he just automatically thinks that you’ve hurt yourself or you’ve got some illness. so he may or may not make a scene and embarrass you greatly, in which case agni will have no choice but to step in and then reprimand him severely about it later. but once he gets the hang of it, soma will simply stand awkwardly behind you, or if you’re at home, sheepishly bring you clothes to change into. agni has to help him wash the clothes or anything else you might have stained because, let’s be honest, soma probably will think it’s a little gross (although it definitely isn’t and staining things happens to everyone with a period).
“Agni, I know it’s natural, but I can’t help it! What if I get sick if I accidentally touch it?!”
“…Prince Soma.”
when you’re sore
soma thought he had this part of periods down pat. he’s had plenty of massages and stuff from Agni, so therefore he should be an expert at giving them, too, right? wrong. when soma sees that you’re cramping and decides that he’ll try and massage you to relieve your pain, he literally just makes it worse by getting all the wrong muscles and the whole thing is just very awkward. soma will get it, though… eventually. but for the time being, it’s agni to the rescue again…😭
when you’re moody
agni would instantly know when you aren’t feeling well. he just subconsciously knows all your behaviors and is naturally good at detecting when someone’s energy is off. so when you snap at him for literally nothing or when you get really emotional over something small, agni already saw it coming, and just wants to know what’s wrong so that he can help you. he knows you don’t act like this in general, so he knows something has to be bothering you enough for you to get emotional or lash out.
when you’re feeling like this, you normally aren’t in the mood to hang out with other people a lot, so if you had plans or he had plans with you agni will absolutely reschedule them for you. he’ll do whatever chores you have (even though he doesn’t let you do a whole lot of work anyway) to let you have some time to relax. agni will also do your best to accommodate any cravings you might have- usually he likes for you to eat healthy, which you’re fine with, but when you want sweet or salty stuff on your period agni doesn’t make any comments on it and just brings you what you want to ease your discomfort. he’ll still try and offer you natural foods, just for your sake, but whatever food you want he’ll bring to you regardless.
“Perhaps you will feel a bit better if you have some homemade vegetable curry- it is nutritious and also flavorful. I-“
“Ah, right. My apologies. I will get you a dark chocolate bar from the kitchen. Dark chocolate has health benefits as well!”
“…thank you, Agni.”
on your period your hormones are more in control of your mood than you are a lot of the time, and you get a lot of mood swings- one second you’re happy, the next you’re crying, and picking fights over insignificant stuff. i think agni would probably keep track of your cycle without you knowing so that he’s prepared to be more patient with you. he just doesn’t engage when you pick an argument, usually simply agreeing with you for the moment. however, agni doesn’t let you just yell and push him around. if you get too rough with him he’ll gently put you in your place.
“My love, I know that you are feeling unwell- but please refrain from using language with me.”
when you stain your clothes
if you’re standing and out in public when this happens, agni will quickly come up behind you and wrap a garment from his own outfit around your waist. you’ll be a little confused, but he won’t want to embarrass you by telling you that you have a stain when you’re with other people. until he can get you alone he remains directly behind you, usually with his hands wrapped around your waist.
if you’ve been laying down and stained your clothes, agni will escort you to the bathroom and bring you clothes and underwear to change into. he won’t make a big thing of it; he’ll just hand you your clothes and wait until you come out the bathroom to bring you back to your bed. if you’ve stained anything else, like sheets or cushions, he’ll change and wash them himself when you’re not there on his own volition. agni doesn’t want you to feel embarrassed at all. he’s a man that understands periods are periods and they’re not going to be neat or pretty. the last thing he would want is for you to be ashamed of a natural process.
when you’re sore
agni is the perfect guy to have around when you’re cramping or dealing with soreness during your period. prince soma has complained of pain plenty of times, and agni has always managed to simply massage the pain away. he does the same with you. he asks you where it hurts and then goes from there. agni will also make you tea or light a few scented candles to soothe you. when you really feel sick and are in need of comfort, he lets you curl up against him and lay on his lap. he makes sure you have a nice, heavy blanket and runs you hot baths when your cramps are especially bad. agni hates to see you in pain. his whole job as a butler is to make sure his master is happy and healthy, and as his partner, that’s his job with you too.
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bi-bats · 1 year
"'n this is gonna have to go into my jaytimroy fic" LISTEN. listen, okay. jaytimroy is one of my fav poly relationships to read. i will eat this fic uppppp whenever you post it [zero pressure just to be clear!!! write at your own pace babes i'm rooting for it in the meantime]. with that said though, anything you're willing to share abt the wip?
also if you've written anything for that pairing, or just a fic including roy in general in the past??? shamelessly asking you to share a link.
AKLSJFLKSD thank you!!! Writing is definitely not happening the way it usually does for me (and this weekend has been Very Stressful, my cat is really sick and things aren't looking so good, he's not keeping food down at all and hasn't been for about three days and also it's my one year anniversary with my gf today and this has put a bit of a damper on it)
Anyways!! I really just have the plot for it 😂 basic rundown is Bruce finds out about the league bases and gets into a huge argument with Tim which results in the outlaws taking him in during the fallout. JayRoy have been hooking up but they don't know how to address the whole having feelings for each other thing because they both think it's one-sided. Then, of course, Tim comes in and throws a wrench into everything because he starts hooking up with Roy, and then if I say anything else we're wandering into spoilery territory!
I actually haven't written anything for that pairing yet/at all BUT my girlfriend has been begging for it (literally even was like 'you can give it to me as a birthday or a hannukah gift!! 😂) BUT I have written fics with Roy in them! I'm starting to get more comfortable writing him now.
Here's what he's in!
Roy is in Rooftops & Bookshops, but not very much. He's pretty much only in a short scene in chapters 9 and 12 each, other than a few background mentions along the way.
He's also in Pieces of Me (Pieces of You), and he's in two of the three chapters and plays a significant role in the plot
He's in Non-Refundable Plans, but he really only has a few lines (it's a one shot anyways), this is the one he's in the least by far
BUT he is in Know Yourself a significant amount! Every chapter, plenty of lines, scenes alone with Jason, scenes alone with Tim! This fic is ongoing but is NOT abandoned!! I'm struggling with it a bit right now but I am actively working on it. If you want to see how I write Roy or want to read something I wrote that has Roy in it, this is definitely my top recommendation for that!
And thank you for being clear that you aren't applying pressure!! I really appreciate how kind and patient and understanding everyone always is with me here!!! this fandom is the absolute best fr 💚💖💚
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Hey Astra-San! Now that the request box is open, I can request a scenario where Sabo has a recently made public relationship with the female reader who is also a revolutionary, and having advantages as second to Dragon does a lot of favoritism to the reader! Making her skip classes, lessons or workouts, even missions to be with her, and bragging about everything she can do in an absurd way! (not that the nob reader is any good, but Sabo exaggerates,lol), and a whole bunch of other things a normal recruit couldn't do at all! And then, although the reader always tells Sabo to be more discreet, he enjoys leaving marks where he is more visible, and because of this series of reasons, the reader other than Sabo really has no way of interacting with others because he is excluded given its advantages, and is also laughed at. Essentially this and maybe a NSFW part with a happy ending? I hope it's not too much!! It's great to have you back all the best, kisses and hugs take care of yourself!!❤💛💙💜💚
Warnings: suggestive but SFW, preferential treatment
Word Count: 1250
Hey! I'm sorry this took so long and thank you for being so patient with me. I kept it SFW for the sake of word count, but feel free to ask for a NSFW part 2 so I don't forget to write it (if you want to, that is)
     Sabo damn near skipped through the halls of the RA headquarters, a huge grin on his face. Everyone knew why the boy was so happy; he was in love. You’d finally agreed to make your relationship public, meaning the young man was finally able to do more than just seemingly friendly gestures that could be waved off. No more friendly head pats, no more ‘just friends’ excuses, no more holding back! He could finally treat you like the angel you were and as second in command, he wasn’t limited by his rank… Well, mostly. If Dragon stepped in, he’d have no choice but to listen, but no one else could wave him away or tell him no if he said he ‘needed you’.
     Looking at Sabo, Hack sighed, rubbing his temples.
     “And why do you need Y/n this time? She needs proper training.” the fishman asked. This was the 3rd time this week that the boy had interrupted your training to pull you away.
     “I know, I know, and I promise to help her make up for it later, but I need help with some paperwork and she’s the only one who can help me.” Sabo half lied. He did need help with some paperwork and he would help you make up the training later, but you weren’t technically the only person who could help him.
     “And why can’t you get someone like Koala to help you?” Hack asked, seeing through Sabo’s thin excuses.
     “Because I don’t listen to Koala. I need someone who will make sure I get it done, but Y/n and Dragon are the only ones I’ll listen to.” Sabo said with a shrug. The yellow fishman sighed, knowing it was true. Sabo never listened to people unless he wanted to or unless they had authority over him, and even that had been ignored in the past. But you were different, you could get him to do things because he’d do anything for you. 
     “She really needs to learn the basics, Sabo. Your training was rather unorthodox, how are you going to ensure she receives proper training if you keep pulling her away?” Hack asked, pushing to keep you here. 
     “I know the basics, don’t worry. I’m teaching her everything she needs to know. I’m even teaching her advanced stuff. She’s gotten really good, I swear!” Sabo said, still grinning. To the side, you and the other recruits watched the exchange, your cheeks bright pink and growing redder with each passing moment. Half from embarrassment, half from Sabo’s flattery. He hadn’t just pulled you away from training, meaning you knew he wasn’t just pulling you away to help him with paperwork. You might end up helping him with that so he could keep using it as an excuse, but it was far from the only thing you’d be doing and he was mostly doing it to spend more time with you. 
     “Fine! Take her, but I expect to see what she’s capable of later!” Hack said, making you swallow hard. It was true that you were fairly good, but were you good enough to meet the fishman’s expectations? Were you good enough that Hack wouldn’t complain to Dragon? You loved spending time with your boyfriend, but you didn’t want to get either of you in trouble because he was treating you differently. Sabo quickly grabbed your hand and ran off with you before Hack could say anything else, halfway across HQ before he stopped running. As soon as he had you in his office, he was pushing you up against the door, caging you in as he gave you a seductive look.
     “Sabo, you can’t keep pulling me away like that.” you protested as he began to attack your neck, biting and kissing as he loosened his cravat.
     “Sure I can, so long as you’re still learning what you need to know, who’s gonna stop me?” Sabo asked huskily, shedding his coat and vest before pulling your shirt off. You let out a small hum of enjoyment as you tilted your head, allowing him better access to your neck.
     “The other recruits are starting to treat me differently though and how am I going to, mmm, keep up with Hack’s expectations?” you asked as Sabo sucked on your neck, leaving a bright purple hickey, “and you keep leaving marks! It’s not helping.” you said, continuing your ‘protests’. 
     “You’re better than the other recruits, I promise. Hack won’t be able to say shit and if the others become a problem, just tell me, if anyone touches you or makes you feel bad, I’ll deal with it.” he said, sucking yet another hickey on the other side of your neck, “And how’s everyone going to know you’re mine if I don’t leave at least this many marks?” he asked once he’d left no less than 3 marks on your neck. After a moment, you put your hands on his shoulders, pushing him back a little and giving him a serious look.
     “Sabo, the recruits aren’t the only ones treating me differently. On more than one occasion I’ve heard other RA members laughing about me behind my back. You and Koala are really the only ones I can talk to.” you said, making the blond sigh as he rested his forehead against the door, his eyes closed. He knew you weren’t lying, he’d heard some of the others doing the same thing, meaning they weren’t isolated incidents. But he didn’t want to stop, he wanted to shower you in love and attention, he wanted you by his side 24/7, he didn’t want to let you go for anything. 
     “I… I know, but I just… we kept the relationship quiet for so long, I want to show you and everyone else how much I love you.” Sabo half whined, one of his hands clenching into a fist next to your head as he held you tightly.
     “I think they know how much you love me, and I’ve known for a while how much you love me, Sabo. How about a compromise?” you suggested, the young man nodding, at least willing to listen. 
     “You let me train and attend classes normally, you stop bragging about me as much as you possibly can and in exchange, I’ll move into your room, whenever I’m not busy I’ll spend time with you, and I’ll work hard to become skilled enough to earn my position next to you.” you suggested, “I’ll even leave my own marks on you so that everyone knows you’re mine as much as I’m yours.” you whispered into his ear, giving his shoulder a rough bite. A groan left Sabo’s lips as he pulled you closer.
     “Fine, on the condition that I’m still allowed to leave as many marks as I want and I reserve no less than 2 days a week that you’re mine! Nobody else gets you or your attention that day. We can schedule that, can’t we?” he asked, his hands roaming up and down your body once more.
     “We can schedule that.” you said with a nod before starting to unbutton his shirt. Now that you’d worked things out, you’d admit that you wanted him right now too, “now I believe I was going to… ‘help’ you with some things.” you said seductively as you pulled him into a passionate kiss. Just because you wanted him to stop treating you so specially didn’t mean you didn’t crave him like he craved you.
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
twirling my hair around my finger, heyyyyyy. so how can i bribe you into sharing all the thought and comments you say you have about meta?
i don't really have any specific questions because ideally i'd want to open up your brain like a book and browse through absolutely everything, so i'm not sure where i should 'aim' so to speak?
is there smg in particular you'd like to share about? an area you want to expand on, because there's more than that's on the page that you'd like to explicitly discuss or just because it's your favorite to talk about?
i'm chin hands, and would be thrilled at every crumb you felt like sending our way queen
oh my GOD the can of worms here you don't know what you're doing I want to talk about METAMORPHOSES all the time always 😭
it's the fic I'm proudest for having said exactly what I wanted it to say without going on tangents the way my other longfic did and it's the fic I'm proudest for having completed both at all and the way I did narratively and I just!!
thanks for humoring me I know my rambling about this fic can get longwinded and annoying but it means the world to get to ramble at all tbh I am also twirling my hair kicking my feet etc super grateful for you, anon 💚💚💚
I've been sitting with this ask all day thinking about what little thing I could go on a self-indulgence about, but instead I just keep adding to the list of topics and giving you nothing so! if you would be so patient as to indulge me, a list in no particular order of things I worked hard on in the writing of that story:
(under the cut because, surprise surprise, I got longwinded again)
a motorcycle as a symbol of independence, meaning it's the thing that carries him to acts of joy but also acts of self-destruction, but also ultimately being something he gets to keep in the long run because relearning he does not have to earn independence and freedom by being good is kind of his whole deal during his healing process. he's human and he's allowed to fuck up and that doesn't mean he gets stripped of the right to potentially fuck up again in the future!
ourboros and cycles and the destruction/recreation-isms of recovery in the way Eddie has to rebuild all but from scratch post-Kas, and that when he relapses and falters the cycle starts over, only this time "from scratch" has a slightly stronger foundation
El. Just El in general and the reasons what she does in this fic is the most in-character thing I've ever written for her I LOVE HER SO MUCH AND I LOVED WRITING HER IN THIS FIC
the collective theme of our young adults as people who don't "turn out" the way they're expected to, who end up following paths that make sense entirely even if they don't look like they do on the surface, particularly for both Steve and Nancy who shirk careers that everyone on the outside perceives as being perfect for them in favor of ones that feel right, even accomplish the same things but in a way that's more natural to them (and also the way this aligns with Eddie's own journey of not being what he looks like on the surface)
MEDUSA. just. yeah. seeing being seen the danger in both the necessity of both the difference between a gift and punishment and so on and so forth
control over one's own physical appearance as grappling with control over literally anything else for both Eddie and El, and the ways they both go from that as a desperate sort of coping mechanism to a calmer and more joyful one
honestly just the formatting of the openings to each chapter and whose voices get bolded versus italicized (specifically later on in the fic) and why because it does change and it is on purpose fjadskl
Steve's pov of when Eddie runs away!!! I almost wrote a whole chapter of this but knew it would fuck up the pacing too much so I held myself back, but I think about his utter panic all the time when he realizes that Eddie is just gone and the last thing Steve did was say something bitchy and slam the door on his way out
Nancy and Eddie's dance lessons as a goofy bit of light-heartedness but also so much more than that
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hyenafu · 1 year
When do you think you’ll be having another “Book-ification” project on Kickstarter?
If all goes well, then hopefully I'll be able to launch a campaign sometime this year! It's hard to find time to work on it consistently, but I'm doing the best I can. Thanks for being patient, you and everyone else! 💚
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siriuslysatorusimping · 8 months
I’m thinking of you. Please know we love you and we can be as patient as you need. We love this little corner of the internet. Please take care of yourself and know that you have friends on the web that want the absolute best for you 💚
I appreciate you 💕
Thank you so much for being part of this lil corner. This space has been one of the few things keeping me going throughout all of this and I truly love it here. So thank you, and to everyone else who makes up our wonderful corner of the internet 🥹💕
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acacia-may · 2 years
Many thanks again to everyone who has sent in asks and requests! I am still working on all of them and they will all be answered; however there may be a bit of a delay due to some health issues on my end. Thank you for being patient and for all of the encouragement and support! 💚💙
There is one more slot left for my limited edition romance writing request event! Please see rules and details here if interested. 💕 I suppose I could always just claim it for myself as an opportunity to write about my guilty pleasure ship that hasn’t been requested yet… 😁 But I would much rather give the spot up to someone else, so please feel free to request what you’d like from the list—and as always feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have! 💗
Wishing you all well! Please take care! Cheers!! 🥰
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psychics4unet · 1 month
Hi, I am ANP. I am here for psychic reading.
Fav. Colour - Blue and Green.
My question is, Does NIV love me?
Thank you.
Have a great day.
Free Psychic Reading – Crystal Ball Gazing
Hey there! I looked into my crystal ball 🔮✨ to get a sense of whether this person has feelings for you. The energy I’m picking up suggests there’s a strong connection and some affection 🌟💚. However, it seems there might be some uncertainty or mixed feelings on their part 🤔💙. They might be taking their time to fully understand their emotions or how to express them. Keep being patient and open, as this connection appears to be important, and their feelings could become clearer over time 🌈💫.
Got questions or need some insight into your life? I'm here to help with personal psychic readings! For just $7, you can get answers to up to 7 questions! More info at:
In case anyone else here on tumblr would like a free psychic reading (crystal ball gazing), Click the link and follow the instructions (I answer only to those who follow the instructions, thank you):
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archcacao · 2 years
Tumblr media
Homeopathy works.✅✅✅ But I didn't know it until I met this fantastic lady, Sheelagh Behan.🤍💚🤍 6 years ago when I was desperate to find some natural but effective support for my then 4-year-old, non-verbal son who also had big tantrums, and other 'concerning' behaviours at that time, the universe led me to Sheelagh; a wise, experienced, understanding, amazing homeopath, who opened her door to us and listened. Didn't judge. Didn't lecture. Didn't criticise. 'Just' listened. ...and asked if we were ready to allow at least 6-month for our work. I didn't have a choice. Noone else offered anything else to us. I had to say 'yes'. It was the biggest 'YES' in my whole life!!! She was our lifeline. I say 'our', as she didn't 'just' help my son, but also supported me as a mother and then as a patient, and now, as a student. It's been over 6 years and there isn't one single day without me praising her name and being grateful for what she has made possible for my son, myself and the rest of our family, (not to mention my very own, growing clientele), through her wisdom, guidance, leadership and teaching.💞 🤎🌱 This week I had a priviledge to spend 3 hours with her in-person, to learn more about homeopathy while enjoying a cup of ceremonial cacao. 🌟 She is my saviour, my role model, my supervisor, my HOMEOPATH. 🌟 🙏 Thank you Sheelagh for opening your door (& heart) to us and giving a brand new, happier and healthier life not just for Adrian and me, but for all many-many other people I've been able to help and hopefully, will be able to help in future too. 🌷 ➡️ Since I'm now 4th year student in Irish School of Homeopathy, I'm seeing patients in my own clinic either in-person in Dublin 17, or Worldwide, on Zoom. ➡️ If you, or anyone you know, would like to explore how homeopathy could support your well-being in a gentle, non-invasive, non-toxic, side-effect-free way, to be at your best possible shape possible, don't hesitate to contact me. Sheelagh is my #1 homeopathic supervisor, so you will benefit from her invaluable knowledge and experience, through me too. Happy holistic healing everyone! 🌟 With lots of love, care and kisses, Andi #homeopathyworks (at Dublin, Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkUHCWis9Sr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
I have something to say to Build Me Up, Break Me Down Loki real quick. -enters protective mode- I don’t care if you are a god or not. You told her I won’t start a relationship with a mortal and look what you are doing with Penny! Norns! You legit replaced her and then asked her to wait in the bathroom while you had sex with Penny and paraded around and now that she is starting to move on and has accepted that you don’t want Y/N, now that she is slowly getting her life back you want her around all the time?! After ignoring her for Penny and if Y/N goes back with you then what?! What is she to you then?! You have hurt her more than anyone! Are you actually going to try instead of being a coward?! Or are you going to keep hiding her in the bathroom while you have sex with Penny or Norns know who else similar to her exes?! No you are too confused and you had EVERY SINGLE OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE Y/N IN YOUR LIFE. I hope for the best for both of you but if you actually want her like you claim why replace her? Why parade around with Penny knowing exactly how she felt about you? Why do this? You don’t get the best of all worlds. I have NEVER been more disappointed. -exits protective mode awaiting an answer as patiently as possible and turns to lokisprettygirl- I have never read ANYTHING that makes me so interested, heartbroken, or emotional before. You have an AMAZING gift! Keep writing! You are so cool!!!!!!
Loki isn't here to answer this because he's busy doing something else (you'll see in next chapter 🤣) but I truly love the support our girl have from everyone, she deserves it and more. And ofcourse he fucked up and it took him a long time to realise that, in his mind he was thinking that he was hurting her but he was protecting her from the pain and heartbreak that would come with a mortal being with a god. With Penny he thinks he would be fine and she would be fine once they break up, but with y/n and her past he's scared that he'd hurt her greatly and make her life worse. That being said he absolutely went about it in the worst possible way, he was acting like an asshole and he's going to realise that and more.
And thank you so much my dear, your words means the world to me i swear it's only things like this that keeps me going and motivates me to create more 💚
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 2 years
Announcements and Updates
Please note the following has not come easy or without long thoughts and anxiety filled nights along with it.
Be patient and bare with me as there are moments of rambling, heartache and discouragement below the cut.
Thank you for taking the time to read the following and I hope to see you all on the other side. 💚
First and foremost thank you. Thank you for being patient. Thank you for understanding that life has had its ups and downs the last year or so. That writing motivation and inspiration have drastically plummeted while lack of posting has skyrocketed with a few drops in between.
I initially wanted to give you two weeks of fics this month to determine if it was worth staying here. To determine if I could handle the heartbreak of leaving this site and taking my fics elsewhere after an amazing 3 years of posting fics. But in all reality wasnt fair to myself to give myself a deadline to stay or go. An ultimatum that made it so easy to say forget it and I wont write at all.
But I couldnt do that. I couldn't force myself to go through an ultimatum and make it so I wouldn't write anything else and that's what it was leading to. That's what it was becoming and I never thought itd be me discouraging myself not to write and end my blog posting here.
Yes I could stop posting here and write elsewhere. Yes I could continue the series I love so much on other platforms. But how could I move on and essentially start over?
So I'm going back to the basics instead. We're going back to the 2018 Dom that was nervous about starting a blog. Where she wrote what she loved when it wanted to be written instead of forcing it out and burning myself out in the process.
There are fics that I've been dying to write but have put on the back burner for so long. Mostly because I have a sea of requests that I feel guilty not getting to so why should I wrote what I want to? But there will be no more of that.
Any and all requests that do not currently have over 500 words written will be purged completely. A clean slate to focus on what I would like to write. This doesn’t mean that I won’t open them in the future. It just means for the time being I will be focusing on what I want and love and not what others want. 
In a way I am putting myself first and that is what is important, after all. 
Next, the following fics will be discontinued as of today. * Indicates the fics that will be continued to be posted on other platforms as they were posted there first and there have been no real interest here at all. 
Untold Future*
These Violent Delights 
The following Fic has been moved to @xxwrittenafterdarkxx for darker themes that are no longer considered ‘for everyone’. 
What the Future Holds
The following Fics will be finished on a posting schedule that is TBD starting in August. 
A Life With You
Sweet Family of Mine
Bound to Break
Chemical Reaction
Once Upon a December
The following fics currently have over 500 words and will be posted sometime in the future at my own decision and discretion. 
Enchanted (Elijah Mikaelson x Reader)
I Had You (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Marked for Death (Klaus Mikaelson x Reader)
Eyes On Me (Druig x Reader)
Forgiveness (Tony Stark x Reader)
Lethal Bite (Salvatore Sister)
Ghost of You (Enzo St. John x Reader) 
With that being said, there will be no new fics or posts until August (Maybe. We’ll see). I will be randomly reblogging things until my fandom heart is content. However nothing new from me will be posted until August. 
But Dom, I was really looking forward to _Insert fic title here_. Will you be posting it?
That depends. If I’ve given a preview it will at some point get posted since it was over 500 words that were written in order for you to get a preview of it. If it was simply a hey, here’s what I am planning to post in the near future, but nothing has been written yet, then no. It wont be posted and will more than likely be purged with the rest of the requests on my very long 10+ page to do list.
But wait! Why are you stopping these fics but continuing others?
Motivation and creative decisions. These Violent Delights was an idea that I absolutely loved and wanted to write out. But I have no desire to finish it. I have lost all thought on where I wanted that fic to go or how it would get to the ending. While I had an outline and an ending scene, it was the middle that I no longer have a desire to write. When it comes to the others, I still have that desire. I still have that desire to get to point B,C,D, E all the way to Y before we get to the destination of the ending at Z for the others. And the point of this is that I wont force myself to write something that I have no interest in.  
But what will you be posting if its not those requests that you’re purging?
Drabbles, oneshots and head canons that I want to write. Prompt inspirations that I saw and decided that I’d write in that instant because I wanted to. 
Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you didn’t that’s on you when I laugh at the random ask saying wait this or that is missing? Or wait you’re not doing this? 
So hopefully you’ve read this and this wasn’t for nothing. Have a good rest of your day/Night. And thank you for being here ♥
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elmundodeflor · 2 years
Holà Flor !
I'm slowly recovering after all the tears your fic "Margaritas" drew from me !!! 😭😭😭😭OMG I started to cry from "Las margaritas, senor" on until the end & more & more as the story unfolded & cried again after the reading was over 😭😭😭😭 Your words are pure poetry and I felt so connected with Levi & his grief all along. These scenes are so beautiful they broke my heart 💔💔💔💔 Levi's sorrow & his love for Hanji are so vivid I feel them in my own heart and soul... I just want to hug him tight & tell him all's gonna be OK & he'll find Hanji & they will love each other forever 💜💚❤️❤️ He suffered so much all his life long, he lost everyone he loved, it's so tragic 😭😭 But knowing that Gaby & Falco took care of him & loved him until the end just warms & softens my heart 🤗 You are very talented to make your reader feel so many emotions, so keep on writing more & more about LeviHan, please 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️THANK YOU FLOR FOR THIS STORY, IT'S PURE GOLD ❤️❤️
Hasta luego, Flor ! Abrazos desde Francia !!
AAAAAAA THIS MESSAGE MADE MY NIGHT AND ENTIRE WEEK❤️❤️❤️❤️ you're so so so sweet! thank you from the bottom of my heart for such kind wordss🥺 they mean a lottt! ❤️❤️❤️
now, let me just say i can't believe somebody from france is reading my stories, let alone using them as a way to practice spanish😭 it's always such an HONOR when people tell me thatt! to me, there's a special beauty in spanish as a language (and yes, maybe i'm biased, idk😂), so it's always super nice when somebody else appreciates thatt! ❤️
also, thank you for saying that you connected with levi's grief😥 writing him has literally helped me deal with my own feelings towards death and loss, and it has always been therapeutic. in this oneshot, i wanted to (sort of) make a special study/emphasis on grief and all the different sides that there's to it (because grief is never a linear process, but rather a flawed and imperfect one, you know?). so, you have levi, who subconsciously forgets about the people he's lost (because remembering is too hurtful), while on the other hand there's gaby, who's willing to remember even when it hurts. it's two sides of the same coin, and i'm glad you liked how i expressed the both of them overall🥺❤️
obviously not a fan of making people cry lmao😂, but i do like it indeed when people tell me i've struck a chord with them or that i've been able to awaken some kind of emotion in them. as a writer, that's really all i strive for. so it for sure is super fulfilling knowing that you've been able to feel through my words. thank you for giving me that chance❤️
and yes, lastly but not least, levi and hanji deserved all the love and happiness in the world. i'll make sure to keep writing for them in many, many lives and spaces and universes where they meet again and get to fall in love❤️ as long as y'all allow me to.
again, thank you so so so much! ❤️ for these super nice words that mean more than you could ever imagine, for the constant love and support, for being patient with me and just for being there overall❤️❤️❤️
if any of you wants to read my fic, here's a link to it:
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lacunafiction · 3 years
From the emotional section "Being strong doesn't mean never asking for help or admitting you're in pain" With J 👀 (I went for the throat-)
Hi Anon,
First, thank you so much for the prompt!
If I was on mobile, I would add the knife emoji because you really did go for the throat, lol. >.> I like it.
Still in the crushing stage, but lbr most everyone ships it and are like: 'wyd???' at this point, so later crushing stage.
- - - Angst/Emotional. 35. J.
“Being strong doesn’t mean never asking for help or admitting you’re in pain.”
The sound of the ceramic mug shattering breaks the stifling silence of J's office in the worse possible way. It is an abrupt, echoing kind of disruption that redirects all the attention in the room, concentrating it to a point so the source can be stared at and possibly judged. You would never judge J.
The apology is breathed out alongside a heavy sigh, though you barely notice it compared to the loud squeak of the office chair as J dives behind their desk to start the clean up process.
S left, R left, and B left as the night has dragged on, but you remain in the upholstered chair you dragged from the lobby of the Fernweh police station, keeping a silent vigil, but more importantly keeping the town's overworked detective company. J is too hard on themself. Faint pops are felt in your joints when you rise from your seat, heading over to assist. J's shoulders stiffen when you round the desk as if your presence is making them more self-conscious about the mistake. "It happens," you reassure, voice taking on a soft tone to try and soothe.
J nods, a quick bobbing motion that is stiff, though they don't look up from the mess of the black coffee and shards of the comically bright yellow mug. Their sibling gave them the cup as a joke with how monochromatic their office is decorated; it was meant to be a bright spot, and J broke broke it. They messed it up...
You brows knit when you realize that J isn't picking up the pieces with as much care, now their fingers wrap around each jagged section to efficiently toss them in the trash bin rather than carefully grasp each piece. A cut or a gash is inevitable if this continues. Kneeling down next to them gets their hurried actions to stop. J's eyes remain trained on the dark puddle on the linoleum as if the coffee is acting as a black hole sucking in their focus, but you can see that they are upset from how tightly their jaw is locked.
The long hours, sleepless nights, close encounters, unanswered questions, and everything else is made worse by how hard J pushes themself.
They won't stop because they don't feel that they can.
“Being strong doesn’t mean never asking for help or admitting you’re in pain," you offer the advice gently, reaching for the hand that rests on J's knee to uncurl their bunched fingers. The tension to their hand flees at your touch; you don't care that coffee now stains your palm. "We're here for you. I'm here for you." Their intense green eyes jump to you and you can see that there is a wetness to them that causes your breath to catch. What is bothering them so much? "Ja-?"
You don't get to finish saying their name because they move forward to hug you, tucking you close in a ginger embrace as if holding you any tighter will cause you to break like that mug.
_ _ _
I'll likely do these when taking a break from editing/writing on the main story. Please be patient with me since I want them to be the best they can be. :D
[ 💚 The masterpost with the 81k word demo: HERE. Reblogs of the masterpost are greatly appreciated. <3 💚 ]
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I know you said your ask box is closed at the moment but…would you be able to do a Christmas or New Years head canon with Yuzhi and Yuelou since it’s the season and 2022 might be a better year *fingers crossed*?
💚happy holidays and weekend to everyone btw💚
Happy Holidays anon!
During the days leading up to Christmas, Chen Yuzhi was working incredibly hard, not just with his patients but also in his personal time to make this Christmas one of the best Christmas Keying ever had
You see, this was the first Christmas that Keying and Chen Yuzhi would be spending together without their parents so Chen Yuzhi wanted to make it perfect
So over the next couple of days, Chen Yuzhi bought presents as well as a Christmas tree and decorations and while Keying slept, he wrapped presents and placed them under the tree so that Keying would have sometime to open on Christmas
Like everyone else, Chen Yuzhi was stressed, mainly because this was his first Christmas alone with Keying and he wasn't even sure if he was doing that right
Thankfully he had Jiang Yuelou to calm his nerves and assure him that he was doing just fine, which he was incredibly grateful for
When he asked Jiang Yuelou what he was doing on Christmas, Jiang Yuelou just laughed and stated that he would probably be working. When he heard that, Chen Yuzhi looked at him with wide eyes
"But it's Christmas!"
Jiang Yuelou just laughed
"Crime never takes a holiday, my dear Yuzhi"
Chen Yuzhi frowned but he knew that Jiang Yuelou was right; crime never stopped, not even on Christmas
"Well...you're more than welcome to spend Christmas with us whenever you're free"
Jiang Yuelou smiled
"Thank you, Yuzhi"
Chen Yuzhi nodded and smiled slightly, both men looking at each other softly before Jiang Yuelou turned and headed out of the clinic, leaving Chen Yuzhi alone
On the 24th, Chen Yuzhi still had to work, of course, but he only worked half day so that he could spend the rest of it with Keying making cookies for Santa, as he had learned the Western traditions of celebrating Christmas from his friends whenever he studied abroad (and while he was a man of science and didn't believe in things like Santa, Keying was still at the age where she believed so he thought it would be a good tradition to share with her)
He actually received many presents from his patients, which he wasn't expecting, but he was incredibly grateful for each one he received, mainly peace apples, as that was a traditional gift that Chinese people gave each other on Christmas
On Christmas Eve, as Chen Yuzhi and Keying sat on the couch, sipping hot cocoa and staring at the beautifully Christmas tree, Chen Yuzhi looked over at Keying
"What are you hoping Santa brings you for Christmas?"
Keying hummed before she looked back at him
"Jiang Yuelou gege"
Chen Yuzhi frowned
"How come you want him for Christmas?"
Keying shook her head
"I don't want him for me, I want him for you!"
Chen Yuzhi's eyes widened and he blushed as Keying sighed
"I just want us to spend time together...the three of us"
Chen Yuzhi smiled softly before he laughed
"Well, that's a pretty big wish list...I don't know if Santa can do that..."
Keying looked over at him with big eyes
"But I thought Santa brings us what we want if we're good!"
Chen Yuzhi's eyes widened before he quickly nodded
"He does, he does. And since you've been a very good girl, I'm sure Santa will bring you what you want"
Keying looked at him hopefully
Chen Yuzhi looked at her before he smiled
"Yes baby"
Keying grinned happily as she snuggled against Chen Yuzhi, Chen Yuzhi smiling at her fondly as he wrapped an arm around her before he frowned to himself. It would take a god damn miracle to get Jiang Yuelou to spend time with them, especially since Jiang Yuelou told him that he was going to have to work
On Christmas Day, Chen Yuzhi was fast asleep when suddenly he was being shaken away by a very excited Keying, begging him to get up since Santa had come
Chen Yuzhi then groggily got up and put on his dressing gown before he allowed Keying to drag him to the living room, where he then sat down on the couch and watched with a fond smile as she tore open the presents that he bought her, laughing as she squealed with delight for some of them
After Keying had opened all of her presents (and Chen Yuzhi had opened his), Keying looked around before she pouted, causing Chen Yuzhi to frown
"What's wrong?"
Keying looked over at him, still pouting
"Santa didn't bring us Jiang Yuelou gege"
Chen Yuzhi blinked before he cleared his throat
Just then, there was a knock on the gate, making Chen Yuzhi and Keying look up in surprise before Chen Yuzhi stood up and walked over to the gate, pulling it open, eyes widening in surprise to see Jiang Yuelou standing there, Xiao Bai in his arms with a ribbon around his neck
"Jiang Yuelou"
Jiang Yuelou smiled and held up Xiao Bai
"I brought Keying a Christmas present"
Chen Yuzhi laughed before he shook his head
"What are you doing here?"
Jiang Yuelou shrugged
"I'm the damn police commissioner, aren't I? I gave my men the day off and since you offered that I could spend Christmas with you...here I am"
Chen Yuzhi smiled fondly before he motioned inside
"Come, come"
Jiang Yuelou smiled and stepped inside, Chen Yuzhi following after him
As soon as they stepped into the frame out of house, Keying held up a hand
Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou froze and looked at her with wide eyes as she pointed upwards, causing Chen Yuzhi to look up to see a small sprig of mistletoe hanging above them
His eyes widened before he looked at Keying, who was smiling mischeviously
"Chen Keying!"
Jiang Yuelou looked over at him and raised an eyebrow
"What is this?"
Chen Yuzhi looked back at him and blushed
"It's called a mistletoe. There's a western tradition of where if two people are standing under it, they have to kiss"
Jiang Yuelou raised an eyebrow before he smirked
"Oh really?"
Chen Yuzhi sighed and nodded as he looked over at Keying
"I don't know how she learned about it--"
Before he could say anything else, his face was suddenly grabbed and turned as lips crashed onto his own. His eyes widened and he let out a noise of surprise as Jiang Yuelou pulled away, smirking
"Is that what we're supposed to do?"
Chen Yuzhi blinked before he blushed and dipped his head, nodding
Jiang Yuelou smiled as Keying, who was on the couch petting Xiao Bai, made a face and silently gagged (but deep down she was secretly happy that her wish came true). She then looked out the window and gasped
"Gege, look!"
Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi looked at her as she pointed to outside, making both men turn to see that it was snowing outside
Keying then placed Xiao Bai down as she ran over to Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi, looking at them with big eyes
"Can I go play, gege?"
Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou laughed and nodded, Keying grinning before she ran out into the falling snow, lifting her head to try and catch the snowflakes on her touch
Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi watched her play in the snow for a moment before Jiang Yuelou turned to look at Chen Yuzhi
"Merry Christmas, Yuzhi"
Chen Yuzhi looked back at him and smiled fondly
"Merry Christmas Yuelou"
Jiang Yuelou then leaned forward and captured Chen Yuzhi's lips again, both men smiling into the kiss before they pulled away, smiling fondly at each other again
Jiang Yuelou then leaned against the frame of the house as Chen Yuzhi leaned against him, both men smiling fondly at their little girl
What a wonderful Christmas morning
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