#@ work please don't call me in the morning so i can do my laundry before my actual shift
syddsatyrn · 8 months
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⛧Devotion is Love with Wings⛧ Chapter One: A Sleepless Sovereign
Ch1 / Ch2 / Ch3 / Ch4
⛧Pairing: - Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
⛧Warnings: Alcohol, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, king x servant, panic attack, heartbreak, happy ending.
⛧Words: 3.3k
⛧Summary: As Lucifer's advisor you are required to assist him with a number of things. That includes his schedule, many chores, and the occasional middle of the night panic attack.
⛧Notes: This is my first Hazbin Hotel fic! I hope you all like it because Alastor is my next victim. I just want to give poor Luci some love, he is such a cutie and he's been through enough! My beta reader is @hellfiremunsonn and we love her for that.
The sun rises and a soft glow illuminates the kitchen. Faint streaks of dawn get brighter as time goes by, the sky is painted with hues of pink and gold. Every day you wake before him and make his coffee. It was a morning ritual you’ve come to enjoy. The silence allowed you time to think and plan your day. As you fill a cup full of coffee, the smell permeates the air.
You carefully take the cup upstairs on a tray and down a long hallway. The air hummed with a faint scent of luxury. It's grandiose and extravagant manor, with gold trim in the hallway. Apples and angelic wings decorate the molding. Your footsteps echo against the marble floors until you stop at the large double doors. You open the right side of the door quietly. The room is dark, some light peeked through the window, but the long velvet curtains block out most of it.
He's so peaceful, lying there, the silk sheets covering his midsection leave little to the imagination. His messy blonde hair and soft face has always made your heart skip a beat. Soft snores escape his lips, you almost feel bad for waking him up while he’s in such a state.  
“Your majesty?” You finally speak. The King stirs and covers his face with his hands. He lets out a small groan in response.
*It's time to get up, sir.” You say as Lucifer slowly and reluctantly sits up. You hand him his coffee with a smile, he looks up at you with drowsy eyes. 
“Thank you, y/n.” He replied, taking a sip of the warm and bitter drink.  
You start to stroll around his room, picking up clothes that have been tossed and putting them in the laundry basket. Lucifer watches as you pick up his messy room, sipping his coffee occasionally. 
“You don't have to do all that y’know.” Lucifer says, feeling a little guilty about his disorganization. 
“Oh but I do, sir.” You said with a straight face. 
“Y/N, I don't know what I would do without you.” He admits with a soft chuckle. 
You smile, your face turns a little pink but it's hard to tell with the lights off. You walk over to the curtains and draw them open. Lucifer doesn't look too pleased with how bright it is. You walk over to his wardrobe and shuffle through the many different articles of clothing until you find his white suit with red accents. 
“Your daughter called, there are documents you need to look over and you have a meeting this afternoon.” You remind him as you place his clothes on the corner of his large bed.
“Can I just go back to sleep?” Lucifer pleads with you and you let out a small sigh.
“Every day you ask me the same question and every day I tell you the same answer…”
“So that's a no…?” He chuckles softly.
That is correct, your majesty.” You roll your eyes as you leave him to get dressed for the day. 
The relationship between you two has always been a little strange. You were hired many years ago as a maid for his estate. But after a small while grew to be his right hand, now you’re titled as his “advisor”. You take your job very seriously, everyday you make his coffee, bring him his meals, complete household chores, chauffeur him around, you even attend his meetings for him occasionally. Your entire life is devoted to your King, you felt it was a respectable title. You've worked hard to get to this point, and recognize the power that comes with that. After many years of proving yourself, Hell sees you as an extension of the royal family.
Lucifer had quite a soft spot for you, he offered you a room in his home so you can do your job without the bothersome commute. He pays you well and allows you access to many of his personal assets. The free room and board, along with never having to cook for yourself made it all worth it.
After some time you developed some feelings for him, but you would never admit that. You’re not up to that societal standard. You’ve always told yourself he could have anyone he wanted, which is true. The King of Hell was dashing and charming, but also extremely powerful. Despite all that he doesn't seem to fraternize with anyone, ever since Lilith left, it’s like he's lost that part of himself.
It was time for you to get yourself a cup of coffee and bring his breakfast to the dining hall. After finishing your task you sit down at the dining table and enjoy your coffee. Not long after, Lucifer emerges, dressed, but still looking rather fatigued.
“Did you not sleep well, sir?” You ask and bring your cup to your lips.
“No, I was tossing and turning all night.” He grumbles, the dark bags under his eyes are a dead giveaway.
“Hmm…you’ve been doing that quite a bit more often than usual.” You remark.
“I know! What is up with that? It's ridiculous.” The king says with a huff.
“Ridiculous indeed, sir.”
Lucifer called Charlie on his cellphone, and talked about the Hotel she was running. Charlie says he is due for a visit so you make a mental note to schedule that later. Your mind wanders as he talks on the phone while eating various fruits. The last time Lucifer wasn’t sleeping well he was having nightmares. You remember one awful night in particular, you were up late finishing some paperwork for him when suddenly you hear a scream coming from his room. You rush in and he's curled up in a ball, sobbing. You immediately crawl into his bed to comfort him, he laid his head in your lap and you played with his blonde hair until he fell back to sleep.  
“Y/N…?” Lucifer says and tilts his head slightly. Looks like he finished his phone call while you were lost in thought. You shake yourself from your memories, a pink tint spreads across your face.
“Something on your mind, my dear?” He asks with a look of concern on his face. 
“No sir, it's nothing.” You assure him. Neither of you have spoken of that night since.
You continue to drink your coffee, Lucifer gives you a skeptical look and continues his breakfast. The day was a very average day. After breakfast Lucifer went to his study to read over some documents and sign a few things. You took his almost empty plate and cup to the kitchen and placed it in the sink for the staff to deal with. You text Charlie with a list of dates to choose from to schedule a visit, reassuring her that you’ll make it happen.
Next is time to clean Lucifer’s room. It's not disgusting by any means, more like cluttered. He tosses stuff on the floor absentmindedly and you always end up tidying the place at some point. Besides, you are the only one allowed in his room, who else is going to do it?
You collect all the empty liquor glasses and place them on a silver tray along with the empty decanter. Making his bed was rather difficult due to it being so large, but you manage like you always do. You tidy up his bathroom, finding more clothes tossed on the floor, you put them in the laundry hamper as well. You leave his room with the silver tray and take it to the kitchen. The staff fill the decanter and give you clean crystal glasses. You return to his room and set the tray on his desk. After that, you take the basket of clothes to the laundry room.
Before you know it, the clock strikes one and you make your way to Lucifer's study. You open the door softly and enter, you set down a small tray with a cup of tea and a plate of cookies on his desk. He picks up the cup and takes a sip, the tea is exactly how he likes it.
“Are you here to tell me I have to attend another one of those annoying meetings?” Lucifer asks in a slightly irritable tone. He spins the chair around to face you, his yellow eyes fixate on yours.
“I’m afraid so, your majesty.” You reply. Lucifer groans and slumps back in his chair. Sometimes he can be a little childish, you cover your mouth to stifle a giggle.
“Y/N, I can’t sit through another one of those meetings. I will literally wilt away into nothing.” Lucifer says, he turns to face you and takes your hand in his. He softly squeezes it, your face turns a little pink as you look down and meet his begging eyes with yours.
“Can you go instead? Pretty please?” You can never resist those eyes and he knows it. Your face softens and you squeeze his hand back.
“Okay, but don't make this a habit.” You say you let go of his hand. Still trying to retain some sort of professionalism.
“Thanks doll, I owe you one.” He says with a warm smile, the same smile that makes your heart skip a beat every single time. You bow and leave him to his work, once you get behind closed doors you let out a long sigh, you truly don't want to attend this meeting either. But it can’t be helped, the show must go on.
You grab your overcoat, cellphone, keys, and meet the driver out front. It didn't take long to arrive at Carmilla’s manor. You have been asked to attend a meeting with the overlords and report back to Lucifer. The guards led you through the manor to a large meeting room, you open the door and it seems everyone is in attendance.
The V’s, Zestial, Alastor, Rosie, Zeezi and Ms Carmilla Carmine herself. You take the empty seat next to Zestial.
“My my, I didn't think Lucifer would send his pet, but Miss Carmine, I thought there was a No Dogs Allowed sign out front?” Alastor immediately starts with the catty behavior. You don't have time for any of this, you need to be home soon to serve supper.
"Your words are like a bad song on repeat. Spare us." You retort with your arms folded. The Radio Demon gives you a sinister stare and you roll your eyes at his half baked attempt at scaring you.
“Please, can we start this stupid meeting? I have somewhere to be.” Velvet says looking at her phone, not paying much attention to anything else. Vox agrees with her and Carmilla begins to speak on various topics.
The meeting felt like it ran longer than expected, it was concerning how we move forward now that exterminations are no longer an issue. They spoke of which towns were hit the hardest by the attack, what kind of ongoing plans they have and how to proceed with caution, for we do not trust the Angels and their hidden intentions. After a while, the conversations started to devolve into personal ones.
“Lucifer will be assisting the Pride Ring as best he can, any requests for aid on his part can go through me for approval. Trust that they will be hand delivered to him in person. The King wants nothing more to provide relief for his people.” Was the last thing you said before getting up and excusing yourself from the meeting, politely.
When you make it back to the car, you let out a sigh of relief. It's finally over, time to head back to the manor. When you returned it was already late into the afternoon. You hang up your coat and head to the kitchen, you pour Lucifer a small glass full of whiskey and ice. Before you put the bottle back in its place you take a quick swig, that meeting was just agonizing. You needed something to take the edge off.
You walk to the study with the glass on a silver tray, as you open the door, she sees Lucifer in his chair, reading.
“Good afternoon, your majesty.” You greet him with a smile and a short bow.
“Ah good, you’re back. How was the meeting?” He asks, genuinely curious. 
“It was…interesting, to say the least.” You reply while handing him the glass. “I can see why you did not want to attend.”
“They are so insufferable, right?” He says and takes a sip. 
“Indeed, sir.” You don't wish to mention Alastor’s comment from earlier, the last thing you need to do is give him something to be cross about.
“Dinner will be ready soon. Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?” You ask politely.
“Oh no, you always do so much. Thank you Y/N.” Lucifer takes another sip of his whiskey.
You dismiss yourself and head down to the kitchen to help prepare dinner for yourself and Lucifer.
Lucifer spins around in his chair and takes a sip of the drink you left him with. He’s trying to hide it but he’s absolutely exhausted. Lately when he’s tried to sleep, memories flood his mind like ghosts of the past. The absence of warmth beside him was a void he could not fill. When he will be free from the torment, he is unsure. But every day he wakes up and there you are, right beside him as always. He knows you try to put off a cold exterior, you’re the king's guard dog after all. You were always one to never indulge your secrets but he knew a few things about you that no one else did.
The night you held him in your lap it looked as though he had fallen asleep. While you carded your fingers through his hair you whispered “I wish you knew how remarkable I think you are.” He heard you loud and clear. The King always had a space in his heart dedicated to you, but you’re his advisor, consultant, and au pair. How would the world see you both as a couple? It was certainly something that would be looked down upon by most. A bell rings and pulls him from his thoughts, dinner is ready.
He sits in his usual spot and you always sit on his right side. Dinner was a mix of high grade meats and vegetables. You cut into your food and display proper table manners, Lucifer sneaks glances at you when he thinks you’re not looking.
“I scheduled a time for you to visit your daughter's hotel this Thursday.” You remark and Lucifer nods with food in his mouth.
“Good, I’ve been meaning to visit, I’ve just been so tired lately, and If I’m not tired I’m busy.”
“You need some proper rest, sir.” You state the obvious. You wish there was something else you could do to assist him with this.
“Trust me, if I had the choice I’d be asleep right now, my dear.” He takes another bite, his face looks a little forlorn. Usually you would keep to yourself unless Lucifer would outright say something is wrong, but this is different.
“Is there something wrong, sir?”
“No, it's nothing, Y/N. I’m just tired, I swear.” He says, trying to brush off any depressive feelings. You give him a bit of side eye but decide to let it go. But deep down you knew something was troubling him. It was just a matter of if and when he will tell you. You both continue eating, he tells you about the book he's reading in hopes to clear the melancholy vibe in the room. You sit and listen to him ramble on like any other normal day.
It was getting late, Lucifer was in his room, drink in hand. Outside, the world slumbered beneath a blanket of stars, oblivious to his pain. With the window open he seeks solace in the cold night air. But the chill only served to remind him of the emptiness inside. He downs the rest of his drinks and sets it on the nightstand. He crawls under the covers and closes his eyes and wraps his arms around himself as he tries to get some rest.
But all he could see is her, walking away, leaving him heartbroken and devastated. A single tear falls down his cheek. He buries his face in the pillow and tries to forget these memories, good and bad. The minutes pass like fleeting shadows, and Lucifer finally starts to fall asleep. But not long after he wakes up in a cold sweat with a scream. His chest heaves and he feels like he can’t breathe, he looks down at his shaking hands.
You were doing your rounds in your silk pajamas, locking doors and shutting windows. You said goodnight to the kitchen staff and headed upstairs. Then suddenly you hear a loud scream come from Lucifer's bedroom, you immediately rush up the stairs to the door and open it.
He’s sitting upright in his bed, knees against his chest, holding his face in his hands. Tears streaming down his cheeks as he recalls the haunting memories. You don't say anything, you quickly sit beside him and place your hand on his back. He immediately pulls you in for a hug, you’re surprised at first but you hug him back. He buries his face in your shoulder, letting out soft muffled sobs. 
“Shhhh…it's going to be okay…I’m here…I’ve got you.” You whisper soft words of reassurance in his ear, he just hugs you tighter.
“I’m so sorry…” He says between sniffles and you start to gently rub his back. You wished there was a way to stop him from feeling so miserable, but all you can do is sit and comfort him for as long as he needs. In the safety of your arms, the remnants of the dream began to dissipate. Your familiar voice and smell provided a soothing counterpoint to the chaos of his mind.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, my dear.” You say as you pet the back of his head, his face finally emerges from your shoulder and meets your gaze. You gently wipe away any stray tears with your thumb and give him a soft smile. “Tough times don’t last, tough people do, and you’re one of the strongest people I know.” You say just barely above a whisper. 
A small smile appears on his face and you brush away a few stray hairs, glad that your king is feeling a little better. “Is there anything else I can do to make you feel more at ease?”
“I do have one request…But I’m not sure how you’re gonna feel about it.” He says, while looking away, he’s definitely embarrassed by his own question.
“Try me.” You reply, it can’t be that bad, he’s never asked you to do anything you’re not okay with.
“I would really appreciate it if I didn't have to sleep alone tonight…” He finally asks, he blushes a little, unsure if that's even okay to ask. You can't help but also turn a little red, this is absolutely not allowed, but maybe the rules have exceptions in times of crisis.
“Yeah…I can do that.” You agree.
Lucifer’s golden eyes widen and he perks up a bit. “R-Really?”
“Yes, really.” You chuckle softly.
Lucifer crawls back under the covers and opens his arms for you to join him. You crawl over to him and settle in, his arms wrap around you and you lace your fingers with his hand, allowing him to spoon you. His body heat and the chill night air was the perfect combination to lull you to sleep.
“Goodnight Luci~” You say before sleep starts to drag you away from this world. A nickname you lovingly use very rarely. He nuzzles your shoulder and drifts off rather quickly with nothing but a content smile on his face. When you two will admit your feelings for each other is a mystery, but for now, you’re happy just to be his biggest support system. If there's one thing you’ve learned living with Lucifer, it's that devotion in any form, is love with wings.
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strayrockette · 23 days
My Sunshine Girl: Family Dinner
Summary: two weeks after inviting Benny into your bed, you begin to question the status of your relationship. You eat dinner at your uncles house.
Previous Chapter
Warning: implications of family violence/DV, cursing, angst feels, and, brief mentions of religion (a theme that will pop up occasionally, if you don’t like it don’t read it)
A/N: Please excuse grammar mistakes. My tired eyes can only catch so much 😂 I’m gonna be diving into some heavy topics now. Though I’ll try my best to keep the lighthearted fluff and fun from the beginning.
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You aren’t sure what the status of your relationship is. If you asked anyone in the Club they’d all laugh and say “You Benny’s girl, Sunshine, why’d you ask a stupid question like that”
If you asked Kathy she’d just snort and look you up and down, “Oh Sunny, you’re hopeless, I mean really? Ain’t it obvious by now”
Your response to both cases would be to sigh. Lots and lots of sighing.
It’s been two weeks of Benny showin’ up to your uncle's diner to pick you up from your late night shifts and whisk you to the bar.
Two weeks of you and Benny curling up on your bed in the early morning, eyes fluttering shut as you listen to his heart thump.
Two weeks of nothing.
And it's driving you mad.
He doesn’t verbalize what you are to him. Every time you think about asking your tongue freezes. Muscles tensing as your brain struggles to put your thoughts into words.
You squeeze the wet cloth in your hand, mind warring with itself. With a grunt you presume your cleaning activity for the night. You’d scrub all the empty tables raw. Your knuckles and wrists aching.
Your uncle Harold let you work the late shift at your request. He’d been reluctant to let you work the dead shift for safety concerns but after a long discussion of action plans in case of an emergency, he’d conceded.
The diner is quiet, the low hum of the overhead light flickers and you make a note to remind your uncle to get it fixed. You take a 5th glance out the window hoping to find Benny’s motorcycle parked out front, but he isn't there. You frown and turn away again, you know you would have heard him before you saw him, but he’s an hour late and it feels unusual not to see him waiting for you.
“Lookin’ for your man?” Jerry croaks from the bar counter hunched over a cappuccino, his white beard ruffled from insistent scratching. He comes in every Saturday night at 11:30 and stays just past midnight.
You throw the wet rag into a bucket, “I guess I am, Mr. Spore”
You continue your thoughts allowed, “I don’t even know what we are”
You grab the bucket with your cleaning supplies and lug it to the kitchen. You open the storage room to your left and place the dirty rags into the laundry bin-another task for you to remind your uncle to do. You busy yourself with cleaning the bucket in the storage room sink, a quirk of your lips as you hear Jerry chide you in the background , “Jerry, I beg you, I’m tired of formalities”
You can hear him pick up his cup, sipping his hot cappuccino. It would be the last one he drank before he would place money on the counter and wish you a good and safe night. “I’ve seen the way that boy looks at ya.”
You hum idly. Completely aware of how Benny looks at you. It’s almost suffocating and endearing.
You take a quick glance at the kitchen sink, half the dishes have been washed. You call out for Cole, the dish boy, noticing that the back door is open you walk up and peer outside.
He’s leaning up against the wall, taking slow drags from his cigarette. He turns his head and nods at you, “Is Jerry still here?”
“Yeah, he’s almost done,” Cole nods at your statement, “alright, give me another 20 and I’ll finish washing up”
You respond with a nod and turn away. Leaving him to his break. You pop open the kitchen door and enter back into the dining section, “I don't know Mr.-Jerry, we haven’t made anything finale?” you end it as a question, unsure of what words to describe your relationship with Benny.
You slide onto a stool next to Jerry, “It just feels weird, not knowing.”
You turn to look at him, resting your head on your palms.
Jerry waves his hand in the air, discarding your confusion. He gives you a dry huff, “He’s a man, it's not the words you should look at but his actions”
His grey eyes look at you with fatherly affection, you recognize it as the same look your uncle gives you whenever he sees you come into his view. You swallow thickly and smile appreciatively, “I’ll keep that in mind, Jerry”
Jerry moves to dig into his jacket pocket, his stiff aching joints slow him down but he doesn’t seem to be in a rush, “I’ve lived a long time”
He pulls out some change and dollars, he places them down one by one, “No man would sit patiently outside or inside a diner for hours for some lady who means nothin’, he’s your man alright”
He gives you a soft pat on the shoulder and then ruffles the top of your head, “Don’t overthink what hasn’t been said and start thinking about what’s been done”
He slips out of the barstool, and makes his way to the exit. He mummers a good night and tells you to be safe before stepping into the night.
He has left you with more wisdom than you thought you’d get. You shake your head and drag your hand over your face.
Benny is nowhere in sight when you lock up the diner. He must be busy or somethin’, you think.
You take to sitting on the steps leading to the diner doors and you wait, He has to come at some point. You’ve wrapped your arms around your legs, head resting on your forearms when you hear a rumble.
You look up, heart leaping and a smile on your face, and-
Your uncles old truck had pulled up to the diner, he waves at you from the drivers seat beckoning you to walk over. It takes you a couple minutes of looking past your uncles truck, peering into the night hoping for any sign that Benny would be there. But he never comes. Giving up on waiting, you get up and walk towards your uncle.
He steps out once you’re close enough, opening his arms for a hug. It doesn’t take much for you to accept his offer and you jump into it. You mumble a hi.
Your uncle pats your back, “Gina and I were wondering if you’d like to eat dinner with us”
You pull away and look up at him with surprised brows, “it’s 1:30 in the morning.”
He laughs and shrugs his shoulders, “the ole lady insisted on putting off dinner till you got off work”
You can’t help the smile on your face, “Well, if the ole lady insists then we should not disappoint “
Your uncle pulls up to a washed out 2 story brick house. You can see a feminine figure waiting out on the porch.
You hop out of the truck to run up to Gina, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, “I hear I’m being summoned for dinner”
She hums, “I miss having a gal to talk to over a meal, this lump is no good at conversation”
She jerks her chin at your uncle, you can hear him scoff and mumble about how he has no interest in knowing the difference of a macron and macaroon. A heated discussion for sure, you think with amusement.
He herds the two of you inside the house his large looming figure barely fitting through the door. He stands at a whopping 6’4, his large shoulders and fit build look out of place in the tiny two story home his wife had inherited from her parents. Despite looking out of place, he melded into the environment with ease. Traces of his masculine personality being scattered through the home with his baseball card collections and hunting gear that he uses during winter camping trips with his buddies.
The atmosphere is different from your ma’s home. There is a lightness in the air and a buzzing feeling in your chest. You think it’s the feeling of love and care that your uncle and aunt have put into the home. You wonder if you’d ever be able to replicate that in your own home.
You pull out a chair once in the dining room, and sink into the dark wood, a vibrant red cushion softening the seat. Gina has set the table with your favorites, homemade mashed potatoes, buttered corn on a cob, and pork chops.
You smile gratefully at your aunt, her dark hair is slowly graying but she looks more youthful with how her eyes gleam lovingly at you. “I appreciate the thought you put into this, Gigi”
She gives you her best smile reminding you that she’d always take care of you if you ever let her. You shake your head at her, fondly remembering how she’d often jump at the chance to provide you with your wants and needs as a teen. You used to think she did it because of your special circumstances but no, that’s just Gina’s loving heart. Bleeding out for anybody who needs it.
Your uncle sits at the end of the table, he’s holding his hand out and looks at you, “Under this roof, we give thanks to the LORD”.
He reminds you gently, softly prodding to see if you’ll accept and join. You glance at his palm, the rough calluses stand out against the soft white lace table cloth, his other hand is occupied with Gina’s much smaller hand and you notice that she too is holding up her hand to you, she encourages you softly with a tilt of her head.
You slowly slip your hand into theirs. You close your eyes and bow your head. There’s a moment of silence before Gina kicks Harold who coughs with a start. He begins with his list of things he is grateful for. You are the first thing on his list. Your heart warms and everything else slips away. You had forgotten what it had felt like to be a part of a family. And you almost want to chide yourself for taking everything for granted as a teenager.
A gentle tug pulls you from your thoughts, “What about you?” he asks.
You look up and find both of them staring at you, “Oh I don’t know..”
You trail off in thought. Your aunt gives you an encouraging smile and lifts one finger, “Just name one thing you are most thankful for”
Your shoulders slump and you think, “I guess I’m thankful to be back, thankful for the amazing birthday I had last Saturday and I’m thankful for meeting…some new people..”
You’ve met a lot of new people these last two weeks. But there’s only one person you’re thinking about. You feel your cheeks heating as you think of his blue eyes peering into your soul.
Your aunt nods excitedly, “There ya go, there’s always somethin’ to give thanks for.”
Your uncle is quiet but he’s got a smile on his bearded lips, “Now we dig in”
As dinner progresses conversation picks up, you give them updates on the garden your ma used to tend to. You tell them that you’ve gotten better at keeping plants alive. Gina laughs because she remembers how heartbroken you used to get when every plant your ma would let you take care of; died.
Your uncle jokes that maybe you’re having a honeymoon period with the plants and it’ll be over before you know it. You shake your hands in the air to try and dispel the curse he just put on you. “No, it can never be over! They will all survive,” you laugh.
By the time dinner ends you offer to help clean up but Gina waves you off. Telling you to sit and enjoy dessert. She brings out her banana cream cookies. Gina tells you that she’s finally perfected the recipe after many failed attempts. Your uncle huffs and points to himself, “at my expense”
She hushes him, “you insisted”
Playful conversation continues. You’re slowly making your way through your first cookie, enjoying the company and the new updates they give you.
You’re on your third cookie when Gina slaps Harold’s arm and sends him a look. You watch the silent showdown that your uncle is losing.
She hesitates, “We-uh..we noticed you been staying at your mom's house more often”
Her voice is gentle, her light brown eyes search your face.
You give her a nod not sure where the conversation is going. “We” She paused, her eyes flickering to your uncle, “have…some concerns”
You laugh, “What kind of concerns?”
You aren’t sure why they’d be concerned, it was your uncle who had encouraged you to start thinking about making your ma’s old home yours. He had been taking care of it for you until you were ready to take on the responsibility. Gina has helped maintain the flower bed out front- a mix of colored roses, daisies, and lilies- and the garden at the back of the property.
While you were away they had even renovated the house to have new appliances and updated the wallpapers and flooring.
You propped your arms on the table, leaning forward to look at them, “I promise I'm doing fine, still unpacking but I’m gettin’ around to gettin’ settled”
You try to reassure them but it doesn’t seem to work. You can tell Gina is getting uncomfortable the longer the conversation goes on. Your eyes travel to your uncle to see him slowly chewing on a cookie. He’s avoiding eye contact and his hulking figure is trying to sink into the seat.
“Wh-Why-What’s goin’ on with you two?” You blurt out.
Your uncle clears his throat, picking up a napkin and wiping his beard and lips, “Someone brought it to m-our attention that a fella has been walking in and out the house”
You aren’t sure if your heart has stopped or if it’s beating too fast, “This about Benny?”
Gina leans forward, her light blue dress ruffles as she clears the table. Glasses clink as she stacks plates and slowly exits from what is sure to be a disaster.
Your uncle’s face is unsure, “Yes and no”
You lean back in your seat, dessert forgotten. A heavy weight has dropped to the pit of your stomach, “Then what is it about?”
It’s silent for a minute. The only sounds being your aunt cleaning dishes. The soft glow of the dining room light feels too bright and oppressive.
“Look, I’ll keep this short; that boy ain’t good for yah” He’s placed his hands over the table, his palms facing the white lace table cloth, “It’s bad enough, you refuse to talk about your time away and now ya got a vandal in your ma’s home, it-”
You cut him off, “You don’t know him and you promised me I didn’t have to talk if I didn’t want to”
Your uncle's voice is calm and he tries to clean up the can of worms he’s opened up, “I know enough about his type, your ma-”
“Don’t,” you warn, “Don’t say it”
“I’m just lookin’ out for you, peanut,” He sighs in resignation, your childhood nickname slipping from his lips, “You been through too much to end up with-”
“With what? Scum?? Ain’t that what Gina’s pops said about you?” You bark back, “You know nothin’ ‘bout Benny”
He ignores your statement, his heart aching.
“I know enough,” he speaks over your loud scoff, “Boy’s got a temper worse than a bull, you don-”
His implication squeezes your heart, “He’s not him”
“Your ma was so sure of your pa, look how that ended up” your uncle asserts, he remains seated, his brown eyes urging you to listen, “I’m just tryin’ to protect ya”
Before anything happens to ya goes unsaid.
His comment stabs you in the heart. You push the echos of distant screaming. It doesn’t belong in the light, you blink rapidly warding away the memories.
He continues as you keep silent, “I already told him to stop comin'-”
“You did what?” Your frustration starts to build, “It’s not your place to go around tellin’ people they can’t be around me”
Your uncle looks away, his fingers fidgeting with the tablecloth, “He’s no good, you met him once and you already got him in ya bed-” Your uncle shakes his head not wanting to go down that road, “I’m just sayin’ you don’t know enough about him.”
You shake your head, refusing to let the idea of Benny ever gettin’ violent with you be a possibility. “He isn’t, he wouldn’t..”
The doubt is sinking in and you hate it. You hate not knowing if you’ve really met a good man. Or if you’re simply blinded.
“You gotta understand peanut, you take off one day and don’t talk to us for 4 years, 4 years,” He repeats the last bit, his eyes sunken in, worries and stress embedded into his face, “then you show up outta the blue, no warning, bruised up with tears in your eyes, you refuse to talk about why you left and why you came back or what happened, and now you got a damn Vandal at your hip…”
His mouth opens and closes, he’s got no words other than, “We have a right to be concerned ‘bout ya”
He fidgets in his seat, “I think it’s best you focus on healin, seein’ a doctor or somethin’ you know, talk to us, we’re alway-”
“No” You bite out. “I’m fine.”
Your uncle laughs, “Fine? Are you really fine? Peanut, you’re spiraling out of control, we-”
His voice drops and he hangs his head, “I promised your ma, I’d take care of ya, if I say you can’t see this boy-”
“9 years,” you whisper. Your mouth is dry, “I’ve been spiraling for the last 9 years and you’re just now noticing”
His mouth opens and closes, he’s losing control of the situation but then again what else did he expect, “Peanut, plea-”
You shake your head, tears swelling, “It takes you 9 FUCKING YEARS,” Your voice rises, the little girl in you screaming at the top of her lungs, “9 YEARS OF MASKING MY PAIN AND BEING A GOOD GIRL, 9 YEARS OF HIDING BEHIND OBEDIENCE AND YOU CHOOSE NOW?? NOW TO NOTICE I’M SPIRALING”
Now, when you’ve started to feel like a normal girl. With normal concerns and normal friends and a normal…boyfriend?
Your uncle tries to reach over and grab your hand but you pull away, “All because what?? I’ve got a man in my bed??”
You choke on your laughter, “I’ll have you know all we do is sleep. WE FUCKING SLEEP AND HE HOLDS ME”
Your voice quivers, “He just holds me…and you’re tryin’ to take that away from me?”
Your hands grip your head, fingers curling around the base of your scalp, there’s too much going on inside you and all you want is peace.
“I-I” You squeeze your eyes shut, “I can’t do this”
You push away from the table and rush to leave. Your shoulder bumps into the wall knocking over a picture, you race out of the house stumbling as you grab your bag and sweater from the couch.
Your uncle is left staring at the space you once occupied a sad terrible feeling in his chest. He sits in his seat, shoulders deflated.
Gina slowly walks into the dining room, her soft hands rubbing his shoulder, moving to wrap around him in a hug, “Too far?” he asks.
Gina hums. The quiet of the night chilling his bones. Did I ruin everything, he wonders somberly.
The night air shrouds you in a heaviness you haven’t felt in a while. It’s quiet, so terribly quiet and you hate it. Your fingers press into your eyes, forcing the tears to return, forcing the memories to die.
Your mouth quivers as memories are thrust to the forefront of your mind,
“It’s alright baby, just hide in here and everything will be okay” Her fingers trembled as she pushed you down into a sitting position. Wiping away the tears staining your face, she begs you to keep quiet. “Shhhh, momma’s gonna take care of everything”
You block the rest of it out. You quicken your pace. You’re running through the street, tears falling despite your desperation to bury it. Bury more memories, more terrible, dreadful thoughts, it’s too much.
It isn’t until you bump into a figure, stumbling to a forceful stop; that you take in your surroundings.
Between the swell of tears, you see Gail’s face with furrowed brows and red lips pursed in concern. The glowing sign of the Vandal Bar shines brightly behind her. You can hear the hustle and bustle of men hollering and cheering on the inside.
You blink and struggle to speak. Your chest tightens and unwanted sobs leave your mouth.
Someone steps out of the bar, It’s Corky, “oh shit, what-?”
“Wh-wh-w-?” You struggle to speak a full sentence so you push out a name, “Benny”
Corky sensing the urgency runs back inside. Gail guides you to sit on the sidewalk. Her arms wrap around your shoulders.
“You’ll be alright sunny,” She whispers, her fingers tucking a wild strand of hair behind your ear. She stays with you until Benny races out the club doors.
His eyes roam the street till he lands on your sobbing shoulders and bent head, your hands are wiping away furious tears that won’t stop. Gail isn’t sure what to do to calm you down, but she figures the only person who could is Benny, so she slips away, leaving you alone in the silence of the night with Benny’s concerned eyes watching over you.
You feel him sit next to you. His shoulders and thighs brushing against you. You suck in a breath, “I waited for you”
You sniffle, the sound awfully loud in the silence.
He rubs the back of his neck, “I didn’t know not showin would lead you to ballin your eyes out, baby”
You don’t glance at him nor do you acknowledge what he’s said. He’s clasped his hands over his bent knees, his eyes staring up at the night sky.
“You listened to him.” You don’t mention who him was exactly but you know that Benny understands. Because he sighs, “He said I’d ruin you.”
He says it quietly, his voice a deep sorrowful rasp. “You’re too good for me…”
You angle your head to look at him, your tears have stopped but you can still feel the wet trail they left behind, “do you want me?”
It’s a bold question, but something you’ve been dying to ask. He fidgets with his rings, his head slowly turns to you his brows furrowed, he bites his lip and he nods. His blue eyes are clear and attentive to your facial expressions.
You’re glaring at him and he finds this amusing, “Then why didn’t you show up”
Benny wants to say something but doesn’t know what. He looks away and stares at his hands, he clasps one over his wrists, “he’s right”
The admission scares him. You’re too good for him. Too pure and innocent. It’s been two weeks of bliss for Benny. You’re the quiet in the storm. The peace in the chaos. He didn’t know life could feel more fulfilling with a lady by his side. But he has you now and he’s never felt so…light. Riding gives him freedom. But being with you gives him peace.
He struggles to find the words to tell you how he feels. To tell you what he thinks but he finds himself remaining silent. Offering the bare minimum of an explanation. None of it explains his heart.
“I’m already ruined,” you bite out. “But..you make me feel… less…broken”
Benny glances at you. He watches as you turn and bite your lip, your eyes flickering away tears. A stark contrast to the happy fun girl he’s witnessed the last two weeks. He recognizes a weight on your shoulders. A weight that he’s carried himself.
“Forgive me,” it’s all he can say as he watches you turn in on yourself. Sinking deeper into your thoughts. He wants to see you smile again. To hear your laugh and watch you dance around carelessly. He wants you to be free of burdens but he doesn’t know how to help.
You shift, adjusting your position on the cold hard sidewalk, you flicker a look in his direction. He’s staring at you with sad eyes, “You have to pick me up every night now. For the rest of your life.”
He blinks not expecting such a simple request for forgiveness, he gives you a smile, “that all?”
“No. You have to give me a ride whenever I want to wherever I want and…”
You try to think of something else, “You have to make me yours.”
You like the way he smirks at you, his left hand reaches out cupping your chin, his thumb brushes your bottom lip which is now bruised from all your biting, “Baby, you were mine the moment you got on my bike”
Taglist: @storiesfromafan , @aleemendoza2425-blog , @preciouslilmonster
166 notes · View notes
heeseung-min · 6 months
hii your writing is so good. hehehe do you mind if I request like. y/n had an amnesia and found out everything. that his husband wasn’t actually his real husband. (you can choose between enha member hehe)
"Good morning, sweetheart."
You smiled and felt your husband was hugging your body from behind. You were cooking fried rice kimchi as meal for breakfast. Usually Jay would be doing all of that since he always in charge of preparing the foods but you wanted to do it today. You let Jay snuggled and left some kisses on your shoulders before finally turn off the stove and serve the rice.
"I will be late today. Need to finish some assignments. Don't wait for me, okay?"
"Okay. I just left some dinner for you later."
"Sure. What are you planning to do today?"
"Uhm, I don't know. Maybe just watch some movies and cleaning the house."
Both of you continue talking while enjoying the breakfast. It's like a routine that you guys would do before Jay will go to work. After you and him shared goodbye kisses, you started to do the chores from doing the laundry until cleaning every rooms.
When you reached Jay' small office, you were a bit curious why this whole time he didn't let you to clean the room but today he gave you permission when you asked him. You didn't think too much and just open the door and looked around the room. It was a little bit dusty and messy with bunch of papers from his work. Maybe that's why he didn't let you clean the room.
You separated the papers from important to unimportant documents and discarded the unimportant one and sweep the dust on the table and the book shelves. You opened the window to ventilate the room and sat on his chair to rest yourself for few minutes. Your eyes caught the photo album that was on the table and slide off the pages watching pictures of you and Jay going to some places. Until you reached the last page where it was unfamiliar photo that you never see before but it has you in it. You were standing with a man but the face has been crossed with red pen made it difficult to detect the person.
"Why I never know about this picture?"
You decided to keep the picture and ask Jay when he's back from work. You continue to clean the room until you stumbled to a box and made it the things inside it fell to the floor.
"Ah shit. Erghh, I just clean it."
You quickly took all the papers and documents and put it back inside the box but your attention suddenly attracted to the specific paper that contains your own picture.
You read the detail on the paper. This was three years ago before you married Jay. What was happening actually? You didn't have any clue about it. You started rummaging the boxes to find more clue and dumbfounded when you saw a marriage picture of you and someone else but not Jay. You suspected this was the same guy that you saw on the picture that has been crossed on his face.
Is the guy your real husband?
What about Jay?
"What are you doing there, sweetheart?"
You startled at the voice. He shouldn't be back at this time. Your hands started to shake when the nervous feeling hit you. Jay walked closer when you didn't respond to him. You felt scared when you finally connected the dots.
"Let's go out, sweetheart. My shift done early today."
"Who are you?"
Jay tilted his head and staring confusedly at you. He thought you were joking so he wanted to pull you closer to hug you but you stepped back instead.
"What are you playing right now, baby?"
"Answer me! Why I found my wedding picture with someone else?! What did you do to me three years ago??!!!"
Jay sighed and rolled his eyes. He cursed to himself for not throwing the box out.
"You aren't supposed to know about that, y/n."
You didn't have enough time to react when you felt Jay hit your head from the side and made your head collided harshly to the table. The last thing you saw was Jay's face and you felt he was gently carressing your hair.
"I did this for you."
When you woke up, you were at the hospital with Jay sleeping beside you while holding your hand. He jolted when he felt you were moving.
"Baby, are you okay?"
He asked as he caressed your hair and let you leaned closer. You didn't remember anything that caused you to be in here and you felt hurt when you tried it so you just shake your head.
"I'm good but how can I be at here?"
"The doctor said you fainted due to the stress. I'm sorry for not taking care of you."
"No no no you are doing good enough already."
Jay smiled when you hugged his body. He adjusted his body so both of you can fit on the bed. He pat your back until you finally sleep again on his arms.
And the cycle will repeat again.
You will live as the wife of Jay.
And this time Jay will burn every single thing that related to your past.
Man that was hard😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😦 yall better enjoy it or i will haunt you guys down
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @obsessed1with1straykids @huggyuvita @rowretro @eeunoia @soireegurl
203 notes · View notes
2baabbies · 8 months
🖤 Obsessed (Hyunjin x Reader) 🖤
Pairings: established relationship hyunjin x reader
Words: 3800
Summary: Hyunjin’s jealous streak ends with you finding him in a compromising position. AKA: in your bed, masturbating while wearing your shirt.
(somewhat inspired by Olivia Rodrigo’s song by the same name; quote at the beginning also from this song)
Fluff + Smut + Humour
afab + fem!reader
CWs: jealousy (but make it cute and silly), reader is trying to make hyunjin jealous but only because it makes them both horny (and he’s a drama queen), he’s only a bit insecure, the point of contention is a big shirt but reader’s weight is not described (aka this fic is not limited to any one body size), reader and hyunjin have exes, reader lets hyunjin make assumptions that she teases him about later
Smut Tags: lots of teasing!!, (subtle) subby!hyune x dom!reader, intercourse (peanits in vagina), safe sex/use of condom, a bit of rough sex/uncomfortable position, reader has a kink for hyunjin’s desperation, begging, hair pulling, overstim, slight dumbification of reader, slightly pervy!hyune (smelling your clothes), hyunjin masturbates in your shirt (described in detail), little bit of voyeurism, bit of cum eating
Reposting this fic to other platforms, including as a translation, is expressly prohibited. Do not copy, alter, or claim this fic as your own. Absolutely no permission is given to anyone to post my works, even with credit, and this fic should only appear on Ao3 or Tumblr under my accounts. Reposting is not only plagiarism, but a direct violation of my wishes as the original writer and owner. Please respect writers and don’t steal!
Likes, reblogs, asks and comments are very welcome and appreciated <3
‘And I know you love me, and I know it's crazy
But every time you call my name, I think you mistake me for her
You both have moved on, you don't even talk
But I can't help it, I got issues, I can't help it, baby’
It takes Hyunjin’s brain a second to register that something is wrong, and a second after that to actually take a look at himself and attempt to decipher what feels so off. He is still buffering when you return to your bedroom. You giggle at his bedhead and the cute expression on his face as he grabs the hem of his shirt and holds it up. He thought he had grabbed his white tshirt off the floor, and in his morning daze he had actually grabbed one of yours that you were too lazy to throw in the morning laundry. The graphic tee is far too big on him, even hanging off his shoulder, but you get a good look at the boxers he pulled on seconds before thanks to his hands lifting it up above his stomach. He drops the material and it falls down over his lap, unfortunately covering his soft tummy and pale thighs. He looks up then blinks away his sleep as you enter with a basket of clean laundry. You hold up his shirt and you giggle again at his sleepy smile.
“Looking for this?”
He nods and watches you drop the basket on the bed. You pull each freshly washed garment out for him and he shuffles over to loop his arms around your waist from behind.
“You let me sleep in…”
“You wouldn’t get up, sleeping beauty.”
He huffs and pecks the nape of your neck.
“You didn’t try hard enough…”
“Mhm, sure. You look cute in that.”
You admire him over your shoulder as he leans back and plucks the baggy fabric between his fingers.
“It doesn’t fit me…”
“I think that’s where the cuteness comes in.”
“I’m always cute…”
“That… I don’t disagree with that.”
He chuckles and turns you around so he can properly embrace you. You smile at him and nudge your noses together with a fond smile. He hums and nuzzles back gently, drawing your body tight to his with a content sigh.
“It’s so cozy… How come I hardly see you wearing it?”
You fail to realize at first that he is back to talking about the shirt, and take a moment of silence to contemplate his question.
“I wear it all the time. I think it’s just always dirty, I try to put something cleaner on when I know you’re coming over.”
You both laugh at your honesty.
“It’s really soft.”
“Well, I’d offer to buy you one but I don’t know where it came from.”
“What do you mean?”
“Someone left it over a while ago…”
You do not regret the words when they leave your mouth, but you can do little to fight your smirk as Hyunjin’s lips draw into a tight line. He then purses his lips and puffs his cheeks in a dramatic pout.
“Don’t be jealous.”
“I’m not jealous. Tell me who.”
You roll your eyes. Hyunjin was privy to the history of all your exes, situationships, and sexual escapades. You knew about his too. It had been relieving to be able to talk so candidly about your experiences with him, and it definitely allowed the two of you to become close early on in your relationship. There was something therapeutic about snuggling with your lover and bitching about the ones that let you down.
It did not, however, curb Hyunjin’s jealousy in the slightest. He knew their names, how long you were together, if you still talked, he even knew where some of them lived and worked. It would be alarming if you had not both offered all that information to each other willingly. And you knew, ultimately, Hyunjin would never restrict you from having a friendship with any of the exes you still talked to. Although you would never admit it, you treated his jealousy as a testament of his love. He only cared so much because he cared about you. Besides, it was a natural emotion, and the fact that he was willing to  be so emotionally available did more for you than anything your exes ever did.
“We don’t even talk anymore, Hyune. I don’t think she’s even in this country.”
“She. She. Oh god, I know who it is.”
“No, you don’t-”
He falls out of your arms and to the bed with a heavy thud, wailing incoherently as you observe his theatrics.
“She’s the worst!”
“Well, that’s why we’re not friends anymore…”
He suddenly thrashes and tears the shirt off with an animalistic grunt. You cock your eyebrow up and watch him roll around in vain when it gets stuck on his chin. He manages to pull it off and whips it at the floor, breathless after his performance.
“Are you okay?” You ask.
“I can’t believe you let me wear her shirt.”
You scoff.
“Firstly, you’re the one that put it on. Secondly, it’s my shirt. She left it. Finders keepers.”
“I feel dirty.”
“You’re fine. And overreacting.”
You kneel on the edge of the bed and crawl up so you are sitting in his lap. He huffs and looks at you with a miserable expression.
“Why did you keep her shirt?”
“Because it’s a nice shirt, and I like it.”
“Get rid of it.”
“I will not. But, I’ll wear it less if that makes you feel better.”
“No. It doesn’t.”
You giggle.
“You’re being silly, Hyune.”
He looks away pointedly and you guide him back to face you by gripping his jaw. He swallows thickly as you, slowly, lean in to hover your face over his. You feel his shuddery breath on your lips, and bite down seductively to muffle the satisfied hum you release when you feel him hardening beneath you. He glares and scrunches his face with faux distaste as you dance your fingers up his stomach, then graze your thumb over one of his nipples. He shivers and finally lets the act drop, his annoyance melting into arousal as you peck shyly at his lips.
“Hyune,” You purr, “It’s okay if you’re jealous.”
“I-I know…”
You reward his cooperation with a teasing lick into his mouth, and carefully circle his nipple with light pressure. He whines and bucks up against you.
“You know how special you are to me. I love you, baby.”
“I love you, too,” He whimpers.
You respond with a sultry chuckle and begin stripping off your clothes.
There was a part of you that adored Hyunjin’s jealousy. It made him whiny, and needier for your affection. You would deny it vehemently if he ever called you out on it, but his desperation for your validation could have you dripping in seconds. So, it was a bit of a game between you. For the majority of the following week, Hyunjin would pretend he was unbothered when he saw you wearing that shirt. In turn, you would pretend that you were accidentally choosing it over all your other pajama options. While it may have been a bit unfair- or even mean- on your part to watch him squirm and stifle his complaints each time you pulled it on, it did not weigh on your conscience. You love each other; you trust he will let you know when his limit has been met.
And he does.
“Take it off.”
“Ha-ah,” Your eyes roll as you mumble back, “Hn?”
Your mind is fuzzy. Hyunjin has your ankles hooked over his shoulders and his cock pressed deep inside you. Your arms are limp above your head, fists clenching in the pillow supporting you. You tilt your head back with a moan as his hips rock against the back of your thighs in a steady rhythm.
“Baby, take it off, please.”
His fingers are curled in the hem of the white shirt, lifting it up as he ruts himself into your warmth. You huff out a laugh and tilt your head back to face him. You moan as you take in his heady groans and pleading eyes. His plump lips are parted to exhale a whine and his cheeks are impossibly flushed. You clench when he makes another pathetic noise and shoves his face into your neck. You smirk as your shirt gets rucked up to your breasts.
“I-I’m cold, Hyune.”
“Please. Please, please, please.”
He draws back and now you whine as his movements falter. 
He raises his head and pouts, eyes teary as he looks at you. You shudder, feeling your heat gush at the sight. You are teetering on the edge of an orgasm, and your mind is scrambled with the intent to chase that high. You roll your hips and he gives a shaky thrust in return.
“Don’t make me beg, darling. I can’t take it anymore.”
“Mhm! M’okay, take it- take it off, Hyune.”
His touch is deft as you lift your arms and he slips the shirt over your head. He throws it behind him, then draws a gasp from you when he repositions himself above you. Your mouth is agape in pleasure when he starts thrusting again, legs folded to your chest as he plows you into the mattress. You are thankful for the pillow, otherwise your head would be banging against the headboard. His tip almost kisses your cervix and you let out a breathless wail as humps into you, following each precise thrust with steadily rising groans. You reach up to thread your fingers in his hair and bring him in for a kiss. Your toes curl as his body melts into yours, and you finally reach your climax. You share more consuming kisses as he fucks you through your orgasm.
Hyunjin is soon following you, getting sloppier in his movements as his pleasure increases. He leans away, just enough to let you catch your breath. Your legs are trembling from the strain, and now from the overstimulation of his cock filling your fluttering cunt. He shakes his head when stray hairs stick to his skin and fall into his eyes, and you lovingly tuck each one out of the way.
“Mhm,” You nod and quiver, “M’good. Can’t think.”
He laughs and leans down to peck your lips. For a moment it looks like he has a quip lined up, but he just snuggles his head into your chest and lets out a ruined moan. You giggle as his thrusts stutter, then he lazily rolls his hips into you with a relieved hum. You let him ride out his release, kissing the crown of his head and playing with his hair as he lets out little moans and sighs of pleasure. When he finally stills, you reach between your bodies and gently push on his chest.
“Hyune, you’re squishing me.”
“Hah, sorry.”
He groggily rises and lets your legs fall out of their tense position. You help him slip off the condom and discard it in the trash bin beside your bed. Your legs are numb, and you are a little shuddery all over from the lingering overstimulation. Hyunjin helps you get comfortable then melts into your waiting arms. You resume kissing and caressing him slowly as he tucks the two of you under the blanket and settles on top of you. He rubs his dumpling cheek over your heart and smiles when you giggle at him.
“I love you,” He murmurs, “You okay?”
You nod.
“I’m good, baby. I love you, too. You always make me feel so good.”
“Mhm, I’m sorry I was rough.”
Hyunjin massages your hips and gently squeezes your thighs. You hum and brush your fingers through his hair, tidying his mussed locks and ridding it of tangles.
“You don’t have to be sorry, babe. I loved it. You were perfect.”
“You’re perfect.”
He leans up to share a sweet kiss, stroking your cheek as your lips meld together. When you part, he pecks your chin then lets his lips trail down your neck. Your eyes flutter and you exhale peacefully as exhaustion overtakes you. Still, you stay awake when he brushes his lips over your ear and whispers to you.
“Thank you, for taking it off.”
“Mhm. Jealous baby.”
He whines at your teasing tone.
“You’re so mean.”
“And you’re ridiculous,” You murmur as you drift off, “But I still love you. You’re my favourite boy. My one and only.”
He nods and pecks your cheek. “I know. You’re my one and only, too, baby.”
The morning arrives peacefully. You wake up before your alarm, and enjoy a few minutes of admiring Hyunjin’s sleeping visage before you slip out of bed to get ready for the day. He is still sleeping after you finish your routine, completely undisturbed as you get dressed and check your phone. You still have some time before you have to go, so you sit beside him on the bed and card your fingers through his hair as you scroll through your phone. He stirs and looks up at you blearily when you run your thumb down the bridge of his nose.
“Good morning, baby,” You peck his forehead, “I have to go out. I have a couple errands to run. I won’t be long, okay?”
You tuck him in and kiss his temple as he nuzzles his face into a pillow. You giggle and leave with a fond smile.
Hyunjin wakes later, before you return, and pats the empty space beside him until he realizes you are not there. He rolls onto his back to look around and swipes a hand over his face as he fights his disorientation. Eventually, he vaguely remembers you kissing him goodbye earlier when he was somewhere between sleep and wakefulness. Unfortunately for him, he has no clue when that was or how much longer it will be until you get home. He lets out a frustrated sigh for no one but himself and eases himself out of bed. He pulls on his boxers, finding them among the pile of other clothes hastily discarded when the two of you fell into bed the night before, and shuffles to the bathroom.
He is a bit more awake when he returns to your bedroom, and pauses as it registers in his vision. White fabric, carelessly casted to the floor, sitting atop your panties and his hoodie. He scoffs at it, so it will know how he disapproves of it gracing his presence, and crosses the room to pick it up off the floor. He had not cared to look at the white tee any more closely once the idea of you wearing someone else’s clothes crossed his mine, but he is drawn to dissecting it now. He does not recognize the print on the front, some band or characters you never mentioned, but he does admire it a bit now. Ultimately, he understands why you kept the shirt on an objective level. It is nice, albeit a little worn, and there is nothing aesthetic-wise that he dislikes about it.
Hesitantly, he toys with it before bringing it to his nose. He gives a tentative sniff as he recalls your words from a week ago. I wear it all the time. I think it’s just always dirty. The shirt definitely did not smell like fresh laundry, or whatever he was expecting it to smell like. It smells like you. He cannot place it, there is a mix of familiar smells invading his senses; the remnants of your body wash, a hint of the candle you light after stressful days, the trace of your hot scent that drives him crazy during your intimate moments. His eyelids flutter and he groans, pressing the fabric to his nose and inhaling deeper. He recalls how comfortable the shirt was to wear before he learned of its origins, and begrudgingly pulls it on before crawling back in bed.
Missing you is torture for him during the rare moments he wakes up alone in your bed, but wearing your shirt settles his loneliness for a bit. That is, until he gets restless again. He could go find his phone, wherever he abandoned it when you two started getting handsy the night before, but he is already so comfortable under the covers. The only thing missing is you. He pulls the collar up over his nose and breathes in, momentarily subdued by the illusion of being enveloped by you. Then he remembers the vision of you from last night, wearing this same shirt and taking him so dutifully in this same bed. He groans and curses himself, reaching down to palm over his growing erection. The shirt, still too big for him, adds an extra obstacle between him and relief as he strokes himself leisurely. He shucks his boxers off under the blanket and reaches under the shirt to grasp his cock firmly. He groans and gives himself a rough squeeze before jerking himself slowly.
One hand holds the shirt up over his nose while the other roams over his length. He wishes it was you. He bucks his hips up at the thought of you touching him and puffs sharply into the shirt. He squirms, the tip of his cock rubs against the inside of the shirt with every stroke and creates a delicious amount of friction. It is so soft, gliding against him without any discomfort and very little resistance. His hips jump again and he has to clutch the base of his cock to stop himself from climaxing too quickly. He discovers that he can taste your scent stronger if he inhales through his mouth, and before too long is panting desperately as he thrusts into his fist. He is too hot now, and kicks off the blanket before resuming the rhythm of sucking in deep breaths while fucking into his own hand.
He is almost there now, possibly on the verge of cumming faster than any other time he has touched himself. He watches his cock strain under the shirt through his eyelashes, and whines when his precum begins wetting a spot in the white fabric. It sticks to him now, turning a bit translucent where his arousal beads through the material. His eyes pinch shut and he controls himself again. He does not want to finish so quickly. This feeling of pleasure is new to him, being smothered in your scent and comfort with the perfect sensation helping him get off. The only thing that might compare is actually getting to fuck you, but this is so different.
He cannot edge himself any longer, the pleasure that has been pooling has become too much. He begins jerking himself faster, ignoring the dry scrape of his unlubed palm on his shaft. He collects some of his precum and uses that to ease his motions. It helps just enough and allows him to reach his climax without further hesitation. He cries out and pants out a series of whimpering moans as his cum shoots out in thick spurts.
You lean in the doorway, watching his release soak through the fabric and further dampen the spot over his cock. You had been watching since he kicked the blanket away. In fact, you knew what he was doing when you entered the apartment and heard his soft moans ringing out in the silence. What you had not expected was walking in on the scene before you- but you were far from disappointed. You let Hyunjin recover a bit before speaking up. He tugs down the collar of the shirt and heaves in a much needed breath.
“I thought you didn’t like that shirt?”
He jumps and throws his palm over his face.
You laugh as his other hand slips guiltily out from under the shirt and falls limp on the bed, a bit of his cum sticking between his fingers. You saunter over to the bed, leaning in to run your hand up the inside of his leg as you walk up alongside him. He shivers and peeks at you through his fingers, chest rising and falling quickly in anticipation. Your hand takes his wrist from where it lies on the bed, you hold him firmly as you ease down to straddle his lap. You hold up his messy fingers, almost in admiration, and meet his gaze as you suck them into your mouth. He groans and lets his other hand drop so he can watch you lap each one clean. Your lip twitches as you guide his fingers over your lips, smearing your spit as you lead him to cup your cheek.
“Huh? Oh, the shirt, right,” You giggle and silently urge him to reply, “I-It’s alright. I still don’t like it.”
“Really? You seem to like it, at least a little bit.”
You pry the shirt up from where it has begun to stick to his cock and he hisses. You tilt your head and run your thumb over the patch of soiled fabric thoughtfully.
“O-Only because it smells like you.”
“Oh? Is that it? Are you still jealous?”
Hyunjin sets his jaw and avoids your gaze for a moment as he licks his lips nervously.
“I don’t know…”
“Be honest, Hyune.”
His eyes flick shyly to yours.
“It’s not easy just to… not be jealous. You know that.”
You move up his lap, not caring when you settle onto the dirty patch or his oversensitive cock. He watches with a worried frown as you brace your hands on either side of his head and lean over him.
“Wanna know a secret?”
“Yes,” He breathes, looking up at you expectantly.
“You’re jealous over someone who I never had feelings for, and who never got to touch me.”
His eyes widen then narrow.
“But, y-you said your ex left it!”
“Ah-ah- I said ‘someone’ left it behind. You were the one who assumed I was ever into that person.”
He puffs his cheeks and glares softly.
“You lied to me.”
“I didn’t lie, I just didn’t correct you. You shouldn’t have assumed you knew who forgot it.”
“You set me up.”
You laugh.
“I set you up? For what? To catch you jerking off in my shirt?”
Your laughter intensifies and Hyunjin fights his smile. He looks embarrassed, face still flushed, but the twinkle in his eye as you become breathless above him seems to signify his ease with the circumstances. You sigh happily and lean down to reward him with a deep kiss, which he eagerly returns.
“How about we get you clean, hm?”
“Sounds good to me.”
You giggle and tug at the shirt playfully.
“And I’ll get our shirt washed up.”
“Yeah, you let it go too long. It’s way too dirty to wear now.”
You snort.
“Okay, actually, you can wash your own messes.”
He grins.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Hyune.”
208 notes · View notes
kookslastbutton · 1 year
Too Late To Dream ༓ jjk (m) I Ch. VIII (final)
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✑ Summary: You did it. You married your college professor. You even bought a house together. Against all odds, everything had fallen into place. But after two years of marriage, you begin feeling something was missing. You want a baby but your husband can’t say the same.
Pairing: economics professor!jungkook x fem!artist!reader
AU/Genre: angst, smut, fluff, marriage au, age gap, series
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 8,618
Warnings: 8-year age gap, mentions of professor-student relationship (oc was a Masters student), first kiss, painting date, taehyung makes oc a busi proposal, jk goes back to teaching at uni, cute note, therapy with therapist!hoseok, talk of absent parents, insecurities, fear of fatherhood, jk working through personal struggles and gets clarity, jk being good hubby to oc, sexual content
sexually explicit warnings: switch!jungkook, switch!reader, f*ngering, oral (f. receiving), unprotected sex (be safe everyone!), cussing d*rty talk, penetration, b**b sucking, biting, multiple org*sms, m*ssionary;legs on shoulder, body worshipping, praise kink, impreg kink, slight lactation kink, making out in the kitchen, suggestive morning shower s*x, Kook just wanna please oc really 🥺
Now Playing: Make It Right, Tryna Be, Infinity, It Will Rain, Heaven+
A/N: This is now the most I have ever written....ngl the therapy section will be DENSE( but i tried not to make it TOO long) 😪 anyway, we have come to the end folks 😭 thank you to all of you who have stayed with me through this whole series. It's close to my heart and always will be. I'm happy to be able to share this with you all 💞
<< ch. VII ༓┃series masterlist
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Kissing you is his favorite pastime. On the lips, on your cheeks, neck–everywhere and anywhere you'll let him. He loves how squeamish it makes you. Out of all the times Jungkook's kissed you, his favorite will always be the first time in that tiny art studio of yours at your old apartment.
You didn't have much living space but you made do with what you had. And what you had was one extra room near the laundry machines.
He'll always remember how gentle your lips were against his that night. Warm as well, yet reserved. You made his whole body come to life in the most unexplainable ways.
4 years ago–
Jungkook slouches on the stool with a pout on his face and a paintbrush spinning between his fingers. This is the third time he's called you over in the last ten minutes. You've told him repeatedly that painting takes patience but it doesn't seem to make him feel any better about his artwork.
"Can you come look at this __? I don't think this is coming out the way it's supposed to be."
"Here," you set your drawing pencils on your own art desk and circle around to him, "let me see."
Jungkook scootches his stool to the side, allowing you to peer over his shoulder.
"To start, you’re using too much water if your paper is peeling and curling this much. I'd give it a few minutes before doing anything more on it. Secondly, you have water bubbles."
You reach for the blue painting sponge next to him and hold it up as if showcasing it off.
"This is going to be your best friend. It absorbs liquid so if you gently dab areas with excess water, it'll take all that water away." You demonstrate for him then hand the sponge to him. "Give it a try."
"Okay…" He takes it from you and mirrors your movements. "Isn't this called watercolor painting though? How can I be using too much water?"
You shrug. "Because it's like anything. You need to find the right balance between the paint and water or else it'll make your strokes messy. Control the need to soak your brush."
"But I like soaking my brush," he says, tongue in cheek.
"I'm going to ignore that you said that."
"You said it first."
"Not like you meant it, I didn't."
Jungkook smiles and continues dabbing his painting.
"You're pressing a little too hard Kook. The paint's smudging," you warn as he attempts to clean up the extra water spillage.
"Hm?" He doesn't seem to understand what you mean.
"It's like this," you say, carefully closing a hand over his knuckles. Jungkook's hand goes limp in yours as you guide his movements across the water bubbles. "See, the water's gone now."
When you gaze down at him, he's not paying attention to the artwork at all but to you instead.
"Someone I'm hoping to call my girlfriend soon," he mumbles back and you release your hold from his hand.
"Jungkook?" He feels you tense under his stare, eyes restlessly shifting back and forth. "What are you looking at?"
"Oh, well, um—" your mind races with what to respond. Up until now, you’ve been seeing each other for a month but no labels have been placed on your relationship yet.
"I'd really like to know what it'd be like to kiss you too.” He sets the sponge on the table and slowly leans forward to rise from his seat.
Naturally, you step backward but forget about the second art table set up directly behind you. Your hands grip the edges at the sudden contact on your backside.
"I'm sorry," he says. "I don't mean to make you feel pressured." His fingers reach out to lightly rest on your trembling hands. “I’ve just been having the best time getting to know you this past month and I’d like it if we could keep going out…as a couple.”
“I’d like that too.” You swallow thickly. “I think you caught me off guard but yeah, let’s make this official. And also, if you want, we can—kiss."
"Are you sure?" He needs to know he heard right, careful not to jump the gun. “Really sure?”
"Yes. Please kiss me.”
With your consent, Jungkook grips your hands tighter and closes his mouth over your lips. They're sweet and taste a bit like peppermint from the candy you ate earlier. He moves slowly at first, tongue swiping across the seam of your lips every now and then until you let him in.
"Jung–" you breathe a small moan yet it's only when you break apart that you're able to finish saying his name. “–Kook.”
"I liked that," he says, a smile on his face. "Any chance we can do it again?"
You nod and lean forward to kiss him again. This time firmer, holding back nothing.
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"Honey, you should go back to bed for a bit. Get some more sleep." You watch your husband button up his navy blue dress shirt in the mirror. Today's the day he has to return to the university for the new academic year and he needs to be out the door within the next ten minutes.
"I have to get used to you leaving before me," you yawn. "I'll miss you."
Jungkook runs his fingers through his damp hair, fluffing it up some before striding over to your lounged position on the bed.
"Me too. I'm going to be thinking of you all day." He bends down to peck your lips. When he does, you take in the scent of his aftershave–Old Spice. "I'll see you when we get home, okay?"
You nod. "You home at 4 tonight?"
"Plus traffic so 4:30 at the latest.”
"Okay, I should get home at 5:15. Mondays are a bit hectic so it might be later. I'll text you."
He gives you another kiss, longer than the last, and you moan lazily.
"Sounds good," he stands up straight and snatches his phone from the nightstand. "I need to head out now but I'll see you later. Love you!"
Jungkook opens your bedroom door and you shut your eyes to get more sleep before having to start the daily grind yourself.
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With about thirty minutes to spare Jungkook rushes to his office with his leather satchel. He doesn't remember the room being as bare as it is when he tosses the door open–only his desk, PhD, and some books left on the shelf. He hasn't been here since the end of June so granted, I'd be pretty dead in the room.
But there's not even one photo of you.
That's going to be the first thing to change, he mentally
notes. Right now, however, he needs to prep for his lecture that’s in—he checks his watch—shit.
Twenty-eight minutes.
Jungkook shoves his satchel on the bulky mahogany desk and swivels into his office chair. "Damn," he curses and re-adjusts in his seat. "Since when was my chair this uncomfortable to sit in?'
He shakes it off and pulls out his notes. A tiny blue sticky note falls out as he sorts the mix.
'Deep breaths today Dr. Jeon ;)! It's your first day again and I know you're always so hard on yourself :( But your new students will love you I'm sure. So keep yourself in good spirits and remember I'm only a phone call away. I love you and I can't wait to hear about your day when you get home tonight! <3'
He reads the message again, then again, and one last time for good measure.
Jungkook sticks the note on the surface of his desk, next to his computer where he can view it easily. He then goes back to reviewing his notes for his lecture, feeling a giggle creep up his throat; he really fricken' loves you.
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Well, his first class of the day was a complete disaster. The first twenty minutes consisted of him having to troubleshoot technical errors between his laptop and the projector. His students weren’t chipper either, preferring silence when he tried striking up a conversation. And the worst part? They didn’t laugh at his jokes! Like at all. Usually, he’d at least get one or two chuckles, even if they were merely out of politeness.
It was when he ended the class half an hour early that he earned a few brownie points. Thankfully he’s not a lecture on the first day kind of professor. Still, with any luck, the semester will get better and the remainder of his sections today will be smoother.
"Dr. Jeon," a low voice rumbles down the hallway as Jungkook returns to his office. He whips his head to his left to see Taehyung taking long strides towards him.
"Dr. Kim," Jungkook responds to the greeting. "What are you doing in the School of Business?"
"Just wanted to stop and say hi. I got a studio art class to teach soon but thought I'd check in with my favorite economist first.” Taehyung stuffs his hands in the pockets of his silk trousers and follows Jungkook into his office.
"My wife isn't here Tae," Jungkook teases.
“Isn’t it about time you drop that? Yes, we had a thing back in—"
"It wasn't a thing okay?" Jungkook is eager to correct. Being reminded that his wife and best friend used to hit it off a little too well back in the day makes him queasy. "It was you who kept being obsessed with her. Well, she's mine now. Understand?"
Taehyung laughs. "You need to chill Jungkook. I see the wedding ring loud and clear. Besides, I didn't come here for her alright?" He pauses and wets his lips. "Well actually…there is something I'd like to bring up to you that may involve her."
"Oh, what?" Jungkook's ears are on high alert. What could Taehyung possibly need from you?
"How often is __ painting these days?" Taehyung takes a seat in one of the spare chairs in the room.
"She doesn't have as much time these days due to work, but I know she's got a couple of art projects in the process."
"She's got a pretty big collection though, doesn’t she? Has she ever considered showcasing them off at galleries or selling to collectors?”
“Yeah, I’d say she has roughly eighty finished pieces between drawings and paintings. But she's tried the gallery route before and they've all rejected her work from being showcased. I don't think she wants to pursue it anymore. And as far as selling? Don't think so."
"Hmm." Taehyung taps his fingers on the armrest. "What if it were to be my art gallery? Over the summer I managed to form a minor partnership with that local gallery downtown. Remember, the one I displayed work at years ago when __ was in postgrad? Took a visit down there weeks ago and found out the owner is running low on funds. He's had my art displayed for a while now and I've always wanted to own a gallery. I've no shortage of assets either so I'm taking the plunge to keep it open.”
Jungkook quirks his head to the side with an open mouth and eyes wide as saucers. “You're really part owner of that gallery now? Wow, Tae. I always knew you were a free spirit but damn that's an investment."
"I guess, but hey now that you know. We're looking to expand our collection so how would your cute wife like to show her work? __ is a phenomenal artist and it’s a shame she hasn’t had the opportunity to have it publicly admired. I’d see that her work be approved immediately, of course."
“You're joking,” Jungkook sputters in disbelief. He can't speak for you but he's pretty darn sure you’re going to be absolutely tickled about this.
"I'm being completely serious. Talk to __ about it and see what she thinks." Taehyung checks the time on his phone and stands up from his chair. "Hate to cut this short but I got that class in ten. Let me know what she decides though."
"Yeah, I'll ask her. I—thank you Taehyung. I'm not sure what else to say."
“You don’t have to say anything. I’m happy to do this for her. For you both actually.” Taehyung leaves with a tight-lipped smile, a pep in his step.
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Bzzz. Bzzz.
Hobi: Hey, sorry for the late reply. Had a couple of last-minute patients to see. I’m happy to hear from you though! If you want to come in for a session I have a slot free late Thursday evening. Other than that we may need to do it next week since I have a pretty full schedule this week.
Oh, that’s right. Jungkook reads over the text. He messaged Hoseok about possibly coming in for a therapy session last night. After telling you about both his apprehension and interest in starting a family, he thinks it is best to get some professional input. And what better person to ask than one of his long-time friends?
JK: I’d really like to meet before I get loaded with papers and tests to grade, if possible. How late on Thursday? I get out of work at 4.
Hobi: I understand. Can you come right after work? Sessions last around forty minutes to an hour.
JK: Sure, I don’t think I have anything to do after that. __ will still be at work. She knows I’m seeing you too, so it’s fine. I’ll see you at 4:15-ish. Your practice isn’t far from here last I remember.
Hobi: Yup, short drive. I’ll put you on the calendar for Thursday afternoon. I’m glad you reached out, Jungkook. I’ve been thinking about you and __ lately. Heard you babysat Yoongi’s twins.
JK: We did.
Hobi: And how was that?
JK: Not bad. I’ll tell you tomorrow though. I’m prepping for another class right now.
Hobi: Got it, I’ll let you go. I’ll see you on Thursday.
JK: Thanks, man!
Jungkook sends a thumbs-up emoji and sets the phone flat on his desk. Well, he sighs, looks like you got yourself an appointment with a shrink.
He doesn’t know what to expect. But what he does know is that he needs to go in with an open mindset. Previous conversations with Hoseok have led him to conclude that it matters what you put into it.
“Therapy isn’t an answer to all your problems,” he recalls Hoseok explain years ago. “Its purpose is to create a space for you to process struggles in your life; triggers even. The goal is for you to better understand the root of those triggers and to find new tools that help you navigate through them. Whenever you are posed with said challenge, you can be better equipped to confront them so you can come out stronger on the other side.”
Jungkook takes a swig of water from his water bottle. He thinks of you as he does–he’s doing this for both of you in hopes that something beautiful might come from it.
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At 3:15 Jungkook has his last class. His afternoon students ended up being far more engaging than his morning students. They talked to him casually, asked good questions, and gosh darn it they laughed at his jokes too. They were a great bunch of kids, Jungkook hums. He’s looking forward to walking alongside them this semester.
Before calling it a day and leaving the university, Jungkook decides a brief stroll around campus would be nice. One, it gets fresh air in his lungs and two, he’d really like to stretch his legs before sitting back down in his car.
As he walks through the middle of campus, he smiles at the groups of students rushing with their book bags. It’s a good mix between undergrads and grads. Seeing all of them rush around takes him back to his days of late-night studying at the library and partying with friends on the weekends. He tried not to party too rough but well, he might have been a little too eager to finally be on his own the first year.
He dated around a little too. The chicks at his undergrad were cute and he went out with a few of them. His longest relationship lasted a year but she broke it off with him the last year–she married an architect a year and a half later. No matter though, Sana was a sweet girl and nothing drastic ever happened between them. Hearing that she was getting married made him more happy than sad because she deserved to be with someone great. Plus, if he stayed with her, he would never have met you.
Jungkook stops in his tracks when he spots two students from his 12:15 class standing behind a small outdoor table. They appear to be selling something he can’t quite make out due to the distance.
“Dr. Jeon!” The girl waves when she catches her professor looking in their direction.
Jungkook walks up to the table with a smile. “Mi-suk, Doyun,” he greets each individually. It’s at this point that he’s able to see a dozen frames of sea glass art spread across the table. “Did you guys make these?”
The pair nod in unison. “We went to the beach this summer and found a lot of glass so we decided to do something with it.” Doyun, Mi-suk’s boyfriend, holds up one of the framed pieces that are decorated with green and blue sea glass. “This one is about lovebirds. See the heart that connects them?”
The birds that he refers to are easily seen from the sea glass’s sharp edges and carefully selected clustering. The heart is also made out of sea glass and lays between both birds. It’s a simplistic yet meaningful design.
“We wanted the heart to be interpreted in all kinds of ways from love to new beginnings like–“
“A child.” Jungkook takes the words out of Mi-suk, in a low whisper. “How much?” He digs out his wallet from his back pocket.
“33000 won. ($25 USD).” Doyun responds. “Do you have a child on the way?” Mi-suk jabs her boyfriend in the side at this.
“You don’t have to tell us Dr. Jeon. We don’t want to be nosy.” She laughs it out but Jungkook shakes his head at her.
“It’s no big deal. I’m married but we don’t have a kid at the moment. My wife loves art and she loves sea glass so, I’d like to hang one of these in our home.” He hands over the cash and takes the artwork from Doyun.
“Thank you, Dr. Jeon,” Doyun remains polite and puts the money in the cash box.
“Do you have a picture of her?” Mi-suk asks to which her boyfriend says “Now who’s being nosy?”, earning him another jab to his side.
Jungkook pulls out a small, lightly crinkled photo of you from his wallet. “This is her.” He shows it to them with a proud expression–he enjoys showing you off every chance he gets.
“She’s so beautiful Dr. Jeon! You both look so good together wow.”
“She makes us look good together.” Jungkook chuckles and slides the photo back into his wallet.
“Aww, why don’t you ever say things like that?” Mi-suk turns to her boyfriend who only shrugs.
“Why do I have to be the one to say it? Why can’t you say it?” Doyun moves to fold his arms but Jungkook gives a grimace, hinting him not to follow through. “Sorry babe, I’ll do it more often.”
Young love, Jungkook thinks. “I have to get going now, making dinner before she gets home. But thanks for the sea glass art. I’ll see you both in class on Wednesday.” He waves goodbye and heads for his car.
“He makes dinner for her too…” Mi-suk watches as her professor leaves. “You’ve never made dinner for me.” She shifts her eyes to her boyfriend who’s too busy counting the money they’ve earned so far to see her distraught face.
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“Where did you get that?” You point at the new art piece hanging from the wall with your chopsticks. “It’s lovely. Are those birds?”
“Yeah, they’re love birds. A couple of my students were selling seaglass art in the middle of campus. I thought one would look nice on our wall and you like this type of art right?” Your husband takes a bite of the roasted chicken he’s made.
“I do,” you say. “Thank you for bringing one home. How was your first day back at the university?”
“Fine, my morning class is struggling but I’m hoping the energy will pick up as the semester progresses. The afternoon class is good, they seem like a fun bunch. Looking forward to the year. What about you? How was work?”
“Oh, nothing much to tell. I had a meeting with one of our business partners. Went over a series of analytical reports with him, and made suggestions on what they could do to make better-informed business decisions.”
“Yeah? Did they sound like they’d take them?” You giggle when some of the sauce from the chicken smears the corner of his mouth. “What?” he looks at you for an answer.
“Wipe your mouth. There’s sauce all over it.” You hand him a napkin and he cleans himself off. “But back to your question, they seemed receptive to my advice. We’ll see what happens in the next three months though, time will tell if they listened or not.”
“Well,” he swallows down his bite before continuing. “If they have any sense they’ll follow your suggestions. Still, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.”
You nod in agreement. “So, did anything else happen for you today? I really don’t have much else to share other than that. It was a fairly normal day.”
Jungkook sets his chopsticks on his plate and takes a drink of his beer. “There’s a few things I need to talk to you about. Oh, also,” he interrupts his own line of thought, “the note you left me was sweet. I have it on my desk by my computer.”
“I thought maybe you could use some encouragement on your first day so you’re welcome. What do you need to talk to me about?”
“First on the agenda is Taehyung. He stopped by my office and told me that he’s got a partnership with that gallery downtown. The one he displayed his work at years ago when you were in postgrad. Turns out the owner needs financial support so he’s decided to help them out as a part-owner.”
Jungkook sees that you’re just as surprised as he was when he first heard the news. “So he owns that gallery now? That man gets around well. You know that’s something about Taehyung, he’s a good networker. Never have to worry about if he knows someone or not.”
“It’s one of his strengths for sure. Taehyung’s asked me to ask you if you’d be interested in showcasing some of your artwork. He says they’re looking for more artists for their gallery and that he’d like to have your work displayed. What do you think?”
“I–what?” Getting to showcase your art has been one of your biggest dreams since a teenager. But after countless failed attempts to take your art beyond the studio, you’ve nearly given up hope that any galley would accept your pieces. “Are you shitting me Jungkook?”
“I know it’s shocking. Taehyung literally just dropped the bomb on me today and this is 100% real. If you want to get your art out there, Taehyung can pull the right strings to make that happen. Now that I think of it, he didn’t tell me when to get back to him. Probably will need to text him whenever you make your decision I guess.”
“I think I’d love to be able to do that. I don’t even know which ones to show though, I have so many to choose from.”
“I’m sure if you take a week to think it over you’ll be able to narrow down your options. And besides, this doesn’t have tp be the only set of paintings you show off. You can always switch them out from time to time. Taehyung will see that it happens.”
“Damn,” you say. “Kim Taehyung really has the whole world in the palm of his hand huh?” That man has more power in his little toe than all the world’s leaders combined.
“Taehyung is…one of a kind.” Jungkook leans his body forward, arms crossed on the dining table. “There’s a second topic I’d like to talk about too if it’s alright?”
“I have a therapy session with Hoseok on Thursday after work. I should be able to get back before 5 p.m. but we might want to order out for dinner that night.” There’s a trace of nervousness as he tells you so you reach out to sneak a hand into one of his.
“That’s fine, I can pick something up on my way home from work. I’m glad he was able to get you in this week.”
Jungkook flickers his eyes down at your hand in his, then back up to your face.“It probably goes without saying but I’m not sure what’ll come from this session. And even if it does go well, I can’t promise that we can start a baby right away. I mean maybe we can, I’m not saying we can’t but–”
“It’s okay Kookie,” you say gently. “This isn’t only about us having a baby or not you know? You’ve had a lot of challenges with your parents that I think Hoseok can help you talk through. I want you to be able to have clarity in those areas of your life too.”
“Thank you __. I love you so much.” He brings your hand to his lips and kisses it.
“I’m glad you wiped your mouth off before you did that,” you tease, playfully. Jungkook immediately lets go of your hand and gets up to walk to your side of the table.
“Come here smart ass,” he orders, grabbing your face to pepper several kisses on your cheeks.
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That’s the one word that comes to Jungkook’s mind if he were to sum up the rest of the week. He enjoys teaching at the university but four days in he’s already feeling the stress kinks in his neck.
“Mm.” Jungkook rolls his shoulders back to stretch the tense muscles–it’s a good thing he’s seeing Hoseok today. After getting a good stretch out, he puts his car key in the ignition and heads for the practice downtown.
"Come in, come in," Hoseok greets Jungkook with a beaming smile once he arrives at his office no short of ten minutes later. His room is on the smaller side but it has a harmonious energy with the way the sun peaks through the blinds. "How's your week been?"
Jungkook takes a seat in the large, cozy chair angled across Hoseok. He leans against the back lazily and lets out a long sigh. "It's alright, tiring, but it's to be expected. You?"
"Roughly the same.” Hoseok shuts the door and takes a seat in the chair diagonal to Jungkook. “I’ve had more patients this week than usual which has made me short on time lately. But I'm happy to make time for them."
"Thank you for seeing me this week. I was surprised when you said you could given how full your schedule gets.”
Hoseok waves his hand in dismissal. “Oh, of course, it’s no problem,” he reassures. “I had an opening so that’s why I offered. You and __ are also good friends of mind; I’m more than willing to meet with you today Jungkook. So…why don’t we get started? How was taking care of Yoongi’s rambunctious twins? You’ve taken care of them before right?”
At this, Jungkook sits straight up in his seat, his shoulders back and eyes directly trained on Hoseok. He appears stiff like the tin man from The Wizard of Oz. “Feel free to sit back,” Hoseok lightly suggests. “This isn’t a test or anything so you can relax and get comfortable if you’d like.”
“Okay.” Jungkook follows his friend’s suggestion and sinks into the back of the chair. His hands relax on his spread-out thighs. “So yeah, we’ve taken care of Yoongi’s girl before. Ari and Eun-ji have no shortage of attitude that’s for sure.” He chuckles, then continues. “They’re sweet though. I had this warm, positive energy throughout that whole night. Usually, I never have a strong feeling towards being around kids. It’s always been ‘ah they’re cute but not for me’ or ‘yes hyung, I’ll be fine to take them for a day’ but it wouldn’t go any further. I told __ about it and I think she’s holding onto hope that it means I’m changing my mind about kids.”
“And are you changing your mind? Sometimes those strong emotions will come at specific moments and they can give a false narrative. You and __ have been thinking about a baby recently which may influence these new feelings. But we have to be careful that they don’t blur what you actually want.” Hoseok pauses a second to let Jungkook maul over his words.
“It’s like this,” he continues. “You want to have a baby with her because you love her but last time we met, you said you weren’t sure if you could want it naturally for yourself. Now that you know what the other wants, and you’ve had a picture of what having kids may look like with the twins, you are more welcoming of the idea of starting a family. ‘Maybe it won’t be so bad’, your mind will tell you–‘Maybe this can really happen and I’ll be okay with it’. Meanwhile, your subconscious will say the complete opposite–that you’re pressuring yourself to feel a certain way to get that ideal outcome of giving your wife a baby. Which in turn, makes her happy and gives you security in your marriage and in yourself. I’m not saying this is exactly what’s going on but it’s a possibility to consider. Does this make sense?”
“I get what you’re saying.” Jungkook gives a brief nod. “I’m trying to be careful not to go by my feelings alone or say yes to a child out of pure tolerance of it or a willingness to please my wife. I’ve had some minor hiccups with saying we can have a baby at random times to __ . It’s caused her confusion so I’m more careful to not do stuff like that so casually. But I really am thinking about potentially starting a family so I think my mind really is changing. It’s like I’m 60% there but 40% not there.”
“60% there and 40% not there,” Hoseok repeats. “Could you break those down for me? How did you come to those percentages?”
“Well, I’m 60% because after giving it a lot of thought, I don’t dislike kids so I’m open to having them, any children I’ve been around recently have oddly uplifted my spirits, and I love my wife so if there’s anyone I could have a family with, it’d be with her. I’m 40% not there because I’m afraid I’ll revert back to my previous mindset if said child were to come. I don’t know if I can trust myself.”
“There seems to be a small pattern forming–you being uplifted around children,” Hoseok replies. “Patterns of behavior can be a measurement of progress or lack thereof. If you’ve been repeatedly uplifted around kids that’s something to think about as you sort through the matter of starting a family with __. You can trust yourself more in the conclusions you come to when there is repeated behavior and action to support them. Now as far as you being afraid you’ll revert back to your old self, why did that old Jungkook not want children? Was it a lack of interest in itself or were there external influences?”
“Uh, I guess I wanted to live a life focused on my career. My parents have done the same, but I wanted to do it separately from them. Growing up was always about meeting goals, whether they were academically or socially based. My parents were pretty absent from my life outside those frames. I couldn’t know them up close, like a healthy parent-child relationship. So when I grew up the thought of having children disinterested me. I’m happy for people who have kids but I didn’t see myself in a parenting role myself. I wasn’t fit for it either, so why have a child that I can’t properly take care of? I’d do better focusing on my career and maybe having a partner when the time came. That was my mindset.”
“It starts as disinterest and shifts to inadequacy,” Hoseok thinks a moment as he processes the explanation. The wheels turn in his head as he sorts through the information disclosed to him. “Jungkook,” he slowly starts. “Do you see yourself as naturally insecure? It seems like this different life you are describing works well for you and you’re comfortable with it, partly due to how you were raised. So the thought of something new coming into your life, like a baby, risks flipping your life upside down. You’re in turn, left vulnerable and scrabbling for what the proper course of action is. This leads to my next question–do you have a fear of becoming like your parents?”
“I suppose I do, but I never put that much weight into it before because I always thought I’d do better than them. And for the most part, I have. When it comes to raising a child though, the potential of following their lead still frightens me.”
“Given the environment you grew up in, that's completely understandable. Unfortunately, your parents didn’t raise you as a child but more of an employee or predecessor that only adds to their self-value. If it’s any encouragement, you being aware that they raised you poorly and successfully becoming a person that doesn’t embody their harmful traits means you will likely not end up like them. So you can be at ease, Jungkook. You’ll raise your children with a healthy mindset–separate from your parents.”
“Just to clarify, hyun–Dr. Jung, you’re saying that I've been against having a child because I’m worried I’ll lose my comfortable lifestyle; my security in other words. And because I’m scared to become my parents which shouldn’t be a fear because I know what they did was wrong?” Jungkook struggles to wrap his mind around the logic.
“It’s alright that you still have that apprehension Jungkook, the fear of following in your parent’s footsteps. I’m suggesting that it won’t happen because you’ve become a person who actively repulses those poor choices that they’ve made. So if you were to have a child, the chances of them being raised as you were is significantly low. Also, you wouldn’t be raising the child alone. __ will be there with you every step of the way and all of us who have been your friends for ages will be more than willing to help you too. Yoongi and Seokjin been fathers for years so they’ll be the first ones to offer a proper hand.”
“So wait, does this mean I’m ready to be a parent then? Because I see your point and it’s starting to make sense. I think I am leaning towards being one but I'm unsure if I can have a child right away. __ won’t say it but I think she’ll want to get pregnant fairly soon if I agree to having a baby. I don’t want to disappoint her.”
“It’s still up to you to decide if you’re ready or not, Jungkook.” Hosoek clears his throat, leaning forward in his chair. “Here’s what I’m saying. Your aversion to having kids doesn’t seem like a mere disinterest in kids. It’s more of an insecurity in yourself that you can work through with some help. Plus, part of you wants a child because you’ve had positive experiences with them recently. I believe, with all the factors we've discussed, you will be able to better understand the source of your hesitation and openness toward starting a family. This will help you make a clearer decision on the matter instead of holding yourself back from one based on previous misconceptions–”
“So that’s it then,” Jungkook interrupts as if enlightened. “I actually do want a baby, generally speaking. I’ve just been looking at the whole issue the wrong way, holding myself back and such.”
“Uh okay, slow down there,” Hoseok eases. “You don’t have to make the decision to have a baby right away. I’m glad you’re beginning to understand your situation more but for now, let’s talk more about this subject okay?”
Jungkook nods in agreement and continues his session with Hoseok for another half hour. He feels good by the end, so good that he schedules another meeting with him next week.
And yeah, he thinks he really does want that baby. When he gets home he’s going to wrap you in his arms and tell you all about it.
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Jungkook finds you on the living room couch when he gets home. Your legs are tucked underneath you as you scroll on your phone. You're out of your work clothes and have a plain t-shirt and shorts on instead.
"Hey," you greet your husband. "How was it?"
Your husband rushes to sit beside you, the cushion bouncing due to his eagerness. He proceeds to tell you everything that Hoseok said, from his inner struggles with his parents to his own insecurities with fatherhood. By the end of his spiel, you're delighted that your husband's gotten helpful insight but are in utter shock as well.
"I–wow I'm blown away at how good seeing Hosoek was for you. I knew he'd help you a ton being who he is but I wasn't expecting you to be this enthusiastic to talk about babies." You let out a nervous laugh. "Sorry, nothing's funny. I need a minute to process everything, that's all."
You head to the kitchen for a glass of water. Jungkook follows behind you.
"You know...we met at a time that a child wasn't really in the cards, but now we're at a place that I think it could work," he says. "Hoseok helped me understand my hesitation and openness towards starting a family. And by the end, the thought of having a baby excited me more than scared me because we'll be doing it together."
"Are you–Junkook, are you really serious about all this?" You lean against the kitchen counter with a glass in your hand. "This a big step for us and I don't want you to have to make a quick decision. I know it was me who brought up having a family first, so it's no problem if we need to take more time to–"
"I want to do this with you __." Jungkook walks over to you and takes the cup from your hand to set it on the countertop. He then folds his hands over yours. "Nothing would make me happier than having a baby together. You still want to, don't you?"
"I do," you swallow hard and stare into his loving eyes. A small smile creeps on your face when the reality of the situation hits you–you're actually going through with this; you're going to start a family.
"So..." Jungkook drawls, inching his body closer to you.
"So, what?"
"So don't take your birth control tomorrow if you don't want to." He drops your hands at that in favor of cupping your cheeks instead, bringing you into a passionate kiss. You moan when the kiss deepens and you feel his muscular body press you further against the counter.
"Not in the kitchen," you mumble between kisses.
"Could be fun though," Jungkook smirks and brings his hands around your waist, lifting you up on the surface. Experience tells you to wrap your arms and legs around him so you do. And when he goes back for another kiss, he makes sure to bite on your bottom lip so he can slip his tongue in your mouth.
"Mhph–" you moan when his hands slip underneath your shirt, dragging it up until you lift your arms for him to take it off. He moves to your neck next, placing several open-mouth kisses on the delicate skin that is sure to turn into bluish-purple hickeys in the morning. "Jungkook," you tug his hair roughly.
Your husband grunts at the gesture and traces his fingers along your bare skin until they find the delicate band of your bra. He unclasps the material in seconds, leaving your nipples pebbling from the cool air.
"Is it too soon for me to say I can't wait until these are lactating?" He cups the swell of your breasts and circles his thumbs over your hardened buds. You mewl at the touch, arousal already collecting between your thighs.
"They'll be for the baby," you reply. "Not you."
Jungkook growls immediately and brings his mouth over a breast. The relentless sucking and licking makes you throw your head back in pleasure. He moves to your other breast after his teeth tug at your nipple a few times, repeating the process all over again. "Fuck–" you yelp when one of his tugs gets a little too harsh.
"Shit, I'm sorry baby." He draws his teeth back and starts licking the bud soothingly. "Feel better?"
"Mm," you whine. "Need more, please."
Jungkook knows exactly what you're asking for so he gives your nipples one last lick each, then pecks your lips. His sturdy arms lift you off the counter next and carries you into the bedroom where he lays you on the bed.
"Just a second," he says. You nod and watch him yank his shirt over his head, revealing his toned body. It's always sexy to see him taking his clothes off like this, you think to yourself. He removes his pants; leaving his briefs on, then climbs on the bed with you. "You're so effortlessly beautiful you know that? I'm gonna make you feel good tonight baby," he promises and plants gentle kisses down your abdomen.
You raise your butt a little when he starts peeling your shorts and underwear off. "Fuck, I didn't know you could get this wet," he comments, spreading your thighs apart so he can comfortably sit between them. A single finger drags up your slit, a moment after and you buck your hips at the suddenness. "How many fingers do you want? Or do you want to skip to my tongue eating you out? I'll do whatever you tell me, baby."
You moan hearing the last part. Jungkook is always quick to please. "Both, please. Your fingers and mouth," you say, gripping the sheets in preparation.
At your word, Jungkook slowly pushes a finger into your wet pussy. The initial squelch gives both of you pleasure; a shiver runs down your spine and Jungkook's underwear tightens.
"Oh god," you moan when a second finger slides next to the first one, both curling inside you just right. "One more, need one more." Jungkook pumps his fingers into you two more times, then adds a third.
"Like it?" he asks, fingers moving faster in you. "Feeling good?"
"Yes, fuck–keep going Kook."
Jungkook continues pumping his finger inside you, carefully watching you bite your lip as he does. He loves seeing you like this–getting so fucked out over his fingers. "Shit–" he grunts and leans his head between your thighs when he sees some of your pearly white liquid drip down your thighs and onto the bed sheets.
"Fuckfuckfuck," you repeat, nearly breathless as your husband starts licking a long stripe across your sex. He removes his fingers before doing it again, allowing him to dip the tip of his tongue into your folds ever so slightly. "I think I'm about to come," you warn and claw at his luscious hair with one hand.
Jungkook takes this as the perfect time to start sucking your clit, biting it teasingly until you finally have your first orgasm of the night. When he lifts his head from your pussy, his mouth and chin are both glistening with your cum. "I love eating you out," he says, using his arm to wipe his mouth and chin, "You always taste like fucking candy. And you have no idea how turns on it makes me to see you enjoying it just as much."
"I'm pretty sure I can take a good guess," you reply, eyeing his obvious erection. "Want me to suck you off?" You move to slide the band of his briefs down but he stops the movement.
"Not tonight baby," he says. "I really just want to fuck you now."
"You sure?" you ask again but he only gets off the bed and removes his underwear. His hard cock smacks against his abdomen when he does, making your pussy clench around nothing.
"Missionary?" Jungkook crawls back on the bed and guides you on your back before throwing your legs over his shoulder. "Heard this angle is good for making babies." He winks and you laugh at his sudden playfulness.
"Kook, you know it'll be a few months before I'll be able to get pregnant right? Since I've been on birth control for years?"
"Well, I guess we're getting a head start then." Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows at you flirtatiously then slowly sinks the tips of his length into your pussy until bottoming out.
"Oh fuck," you both moan in unison at the familiar stretch. You and Jungkook have had a lot of sex over the years but not like this; this is a whole new experience.
"You're gonna make such a pretty mama," he coos, slowly thrusting his cock in and out of you. You feel the pressure in your core start to build at the simple comment. "You want me to make you round with our child don't you?"
"Yes–please, I want it so bad."
"My poor baby." Jungkook quickens his pace, pulling his cock out before slamming back in. Every thrust is rougher than the last, leaving you in a moaning mess as your body bounces up and down on the mattresses. "Gonna give you as many as you want now okay? Gonna fill this pussy up so good."
"Kook!" You scream and clench uncontrollably around him as he continues fucking you at what you can only call an animalistic pace. His hair is messy, body sweating, and his teeth are clamped together in sheer pleasure.
"Fuck!" He lets out another loud groan, his tatted hand clinging onto your legs while the other presses down on your stomach. "Look at you taking me so well," he praises. "Always so good for me or do you really want a baby that bad hm? Talk to me baby, tell me how it feels having your guts rearranged."
"It–" you can barely speak as his cock beats into you messily, his balls slapping against your asscheeks as he does. "It feels so good, shit! Don't stop!" You claw the sheets, desperate to cling onto something.
"Yeah? You want me to keep fucking you like this?" He pushes down on your stomach a little more. The added pressure makes it so you can feel his cock even more.
"Oh god, oh god fuck–" your eyes roll to the back of your head as your pussy starts spasming from all the thrusting. "So close, I'm so close Jungkook..."
"I can tell baby," he grunts. "You're squeezing me so tight but you're also so fucking wet. Come whenever you're ready okay? I'm going get us both there."
The next thirty seconds to a minute consists of Jungkook snapping his hips and several of your broken moans echoing off the walls of your bedroom. Finally, after a series of long, hard thrusts, you both reach your peak and have your release.
"I love you so much," Jungkook lets go of your legs and moves to straddle you. His elbows come up on either side of your head as he leans in for a kiss.
"I love you too," you mumble and card your fingers through his hair. "You're going to make a wonderful father Kook."
"Only because of you," he whispers before capturing your lips in simultaneously the most fiery and sweet kiss you've ever shared.
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"What time is it?" You lazily throw an arm around your husband but to your dissatisfaction, it slips off him and hits the mattress instead. He's getting up for work–crap.
"It's 5:30 a.m," Jungkook replies and stands up from the bed, back muscles flexing as he does. He's still naked from last night and so are you now that you think about it. "I need to hop in the shower for work."
You reach forward to catch his wrist before he can move any further. "Let me join you."
Jungkook smiles. You're so beautiful with the way the soft sheets wrap around your bare skin. And your grip on his wrist makes him wish he could crawl back in bed with you.
"As wonderful as that sounds, we both know what'll happen if you jump in the shower with me. And we don't have enough time for that today. Sleep instead, okay?" He gives you a quick kiss and heads for the bathroom.
"Kook–" You kick the covers off your body and follow him.
"What are you doing?" he turns his head in your direction when he feels a cool breeze coming from the door.
"I need to shower too," you say and step behind him in the tub.
"Alright," he narrows his eyes at you. "I'll allow it but behave." When he turns on the hot water you grab your bodywash from the shelf.
"Mhm," you hum. "I definitely will."
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You definitely did not. Which is why your husband is about to be late to his lecture with potential hickeys on his neck. You tried to be careful not to put them anywhere visible though—the kids don't need to see that.
"I gotta leave honey," he kisses you by the front door, keys jingling in his hand. "Bye," another kiss. "Yup bye…okay I love you but if I can't get fired by not showing up to class."
You give him one last smooch before reluctantly letting him go. "Oh wait, your collar." You smooth the fabric down for him when you see the crinkles. Jungkook likes it when you groom him like this, it's cute.
"Thanks," he says. "Love you!"
Once he's out of sight you shut the door behind him and walk back to your bedroom.
oh god.
You immediately stand still when you feel a sudden throbbing in your head. You place a hand over your stomach and close your eyes in hopes it'll pass.
"I think I need some water," you say. "I'm so nauseous. This has to be a dizzy spell. No way I'm pregnant after one night of being off my birth control." You dismiss the idea at the mere thought. "It's too soon."
Despite your protests, you decide to pick up a pregnancy test on your way home from work—just to be sure.
"Negative," you read the results of the test later that night. Outside the bathroom, you hear your husband rustling about in the bedroom. "Well, we'll just keep trying."
You smile, anticipating the start of your new life with Jungkook.
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A/N: What do you think of the ending? I know oc is negative for pregnancy but she just got off bc so it'll take a few months. Still, they will keep trying ;) stayed tuned for an epilogue and hit me up with drabble ideas, as I will be writing more myself haha. Love You!! 😘
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no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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mrsjobarnes · 2 years
Bob did what?
A/N ~ Hey yall! I’m always so nervous to post because I don’t have anyone to proofread it. I also threw the last paragraph together. Lol Anyways enjoy
Like and comments welcome! 
Please do not steal my work! 
Bob x reader 
Warnings - Fluff, Pregnancy, Injuries & Anxiety 
Word count: 912
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It was a regular day. 
 When you woke up this morning, you went straight to the kitchen to make Bob breakfast. 2 fried eggs, toast with raspberry jelly, with a cup of coffee to go. He walked in and wrapped his arm around you and kissed your cheek and then your 7-month belly. “Well don't you look gorgeous, sweetpea” he said as you broke into a blush. Even Though you have been married for 3 years he still has that effect on you. Right as you finished making his breakfast, the baby monitor went off. “I got it, honey,” Bob said, getting up. 
“No honey, I got it. Eat your breakfast before it gets cold.” You waddle into Brooks’s room and turn off his fan then walk to the crib. “What's up, big man! You ready to go eat breakfast with dad!” you said picking him up. He was getting so big but so were you. Setting the 2 and a-half-year-old down you both walk/waddle hand in hand to the kitchen. 
“Hey, buddy! How did you sleep last night” Bob asked, pulling Brooks into his arms. 
“I had dweams about planes and puppies,” he said while rubbing his eyes, clearly not fully awake yet. You place a bowl of cheerios and fruit in front of him. You start to move back to the stove. 
“That's a cool dream buddy,” he said, rubbing brook’s hair out of his face. “Hey whoa, whoa, sit down. I'll get you breakfast and your meds” he said springing up. He quickly moved around the kitchen. As you talked with Brooks about what you were going to do today, Bob put a plate full of toast and fruit in front of you along with prenatal meds. You lean up and kiss him. You were so grateful to have a wonderful husband. “Okay, I have to go now. The group wants to go out for drinks, but if you need to tap out let me know,” he said, kissing Brooks head. 
You guys had a busy morning of cleaning and laundry, for a 2-year-old he was very helpful. Right as he was going down for his nap, your phone rang. You slowly get up to get it, except you don’t remember where it is but you hear it. “Hey buddy, let’s play a game called find mamma’s phone,” you said with a silly face. He giggled and took off after it as you slowly got up to chase after him. Once you get to him you see that you have 5 missed calls from Fanboy, 7 from Rooster, and 3 from maverick. Your stomach dropped, and your blood ran cold. You quickly called Rooster and as you listened to it ring you started rubbing your belly to calm down. 
“Y/n thank god you called me back. I’m sending Jake to come to pick you up to bring you to the base.  There was an accident during a training exercise today. Phoenix and Bob had to eject, it wasn’t a smooth landing. He broke his leg when he landed, they are setting it in surgery. I’ll keep you updated” he informed you. Once he was sure that you were okay he hung up. You start panicking and rushing around the house to get Brooks’s thing 
“Brooks” you yelled “We need to go to the doctor on base to see daddy,” you said as calmly as possible. Not even 2 minutes later you hear the doorbell ring. You waddle as quickly as can be to the door. You are met with a calm Jake. You don’t know how these pilots do it. 
“Hey Y/n breath for me,” he said, wrapping you in a hug. “Last thing I heard he was doing good,” he said, pulling back to look you in the eyes. You hear a loud crash and quickly turn around to be met with your son dressed up in his dinosaur costume with his doctor kit in his hand. You appreciate how caring your son was. 
“I'm ready to help with daddy momma,” he said walking out to the car. 
“Alrighty follow the little man” Jake laughed. You were a nervous mess the entire car ride. When you arrived on base you rushed, well more like waddled at a fast pace to his hospital room with Jake and Brooks hot on your trail. When you enter the room you are met with the sight of your husband's leg in a cast and a bashful smile. 
“Hey Sweetpea” he said. You look at him and waddle over wrapping him in a hug. “Hey, hey, hey I’m okay.” He said pushing the hair out of your face. Planting a kiss on your temple. Brooks walks up to the bed and attempts to crawl up but fails. You bend over and pick him up so he can see Bob. He crawls into Bob's lap.
“Dadda, why is mommy crying?” he asked. 
“Momma was just sad because Dadda  got hurt”  
“It’s otay momma, dad just a bobo” he said causing everyone in the room to chuckle. You give him a kiss on the head. They decide it is okay for bob to be discharged as long as one of the other pilots helps you with him. They all agree and set up a system on who is assigned to help. You were glad you had a support team and that baby Floyd wouldn’t make their entrance for another 10 weeks.
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Words we didn't mean (Lewis Hamilton)
There are some words exchanged that you didn't mean and Lewis feels bad when Angela told him you had called her for help
Note: english is not my first language
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated, and while I'm not actively taking requests, I am writing some blurbs when I can (usually at nighttime when I can) so if you have any ideas or concepts that can be written in a small amount of sentences and you want to share, feel free to do so!
Tw: reader accidentally cuts herself while cooking (mentions hospital, blood, medication)
"Lew, please, we need to see about this", you said for what felt like the umpteenth time as you watched your boyfriend pack his laptop and the last minute things on his backpack, "I don't have time right now, and I told you already how I feel about it", he replied rather harshly for his usual tone and before you could even react, he did the zipper and grabbed his coat, "You're not leaving like this, are you?", you asked, the nervousness installing itself on your chest, "what do you want me to do? It's not like either of us are going to bend on this, is it?", he said and that stung. While it wasn't common for you and Lewis to disagree on things, whenever it happened, you two talked it out, hearing the other's ideas and finding a way to make it work for both of you, but it seemed today he wasn't drawn to take that time, especially when his ride to the factory meeting is nearly at the door, "I'll be home later", he said dryly before heading out of the door. Roscoe must have sensed something wrong, his paws the only noise you heard in the house as he came to stand by you, his paw tapping your leg slightly as he asked for scratches, "Daddy is a bit off today, I guess", you said as you compiled with his request.
After tidying the bedroom up, you put the clothes and sheets in the laundry basket and then into the washing machine, taking the opportunity to dry them quickly as the sun was shining brightly outside. Roscoe followed you like the little shadow he always is, and while you were making lunch for you you fed him a little bit of what you were preparing when the knife slipped from your hand and made you cut your other hand, the slit already bloody when you looked at it, "shoot, shoot, shoot", you said as you looked for a clean kitchen towell to wrap around it, next looking for you phone as you thought of how to proceed, "call Angela", you said outloud, never more thankful about these new technologies, watching the call begin on the screen, "Morning, beautiful! How are you?", her usually cheery voice cam through, "hii, how are you? I have a bit of a situation", you gulped, "I have cut myself whilst making lunch, It's in my hand, seems deep too, and while I can still move it" you hissed, "I don't think it is a good idea to change the gears or to turn the steering wheel, I'm afraid I'll open up the wound even more", you said as you tried to squeeze the fabric around your hand, "you're right, dear. I'll be at your place in 5 minutest take you to the hospital, okay?", Angela said before she hang up. While you waited for her, you got your documents to bring to the ER and a small crossbody bag to put all your belongings in just in time for the car to beep outside, "No, no, don't push too much", said Angela as she saw you try to close the front door on your own, helping you while looking at your hand, "that is indeed a nasty cut, let's see what they can do to it. You'll be good as new", she conforted.
While you were in the waiting room, you sensed that Angela had a question she wanted to ask, "instead of wondering, just ask it, please", you said gently while you kept applying pressure on the cut like the doctor who did your triage told you to do, "I haven't seen you call or text Lewis any updates, nor did you even mention him, is everything alright?", she mused, "we had a fight, I guess. We were discussing how I was going to attend a few more races next year and I have a new project at work that will maybe keep me from going and it all spiralled from there, I said things I didn't mean, he did the same. And then it was time for him to leave and we didn't get any conclusion. And he doesn't need anymore on his plate, especially something like this", you mumbled before your name was called. The doctor did what he had to do, suturing the skin, wrapping it safely and ultimately deciding to play it safe and prescribe some medication to fight off any infections as well as to promote a better healing process, also scheduling with you the days where you would come to change the bandages.
Angela drove you home after the hectic day, "thank you so much again, and I apologise for calling you like that and ruining your day", you said as she set the bag of medications on the counter, "No need for that, I'm glad I could be of help. Do you need anything else from me? Anything I can help with?", she wondered and you caved in, seeing as you were alone in the house, "can you heat me the leftovers that are in the fridge, please? I need to eat to take my medication", you said as you watched comply, bringing you the tray of food, water and meds to the bedroom where you managed to put your pyjamas on by yourself, "are you sure you don't need anything else?", Angela asked before she left after your negative answer, letting you rest as all the different medications were keeping you a bit drowsy and sleepy.
Lewis was leaving the Mercedes AMG F1 HQ with the same thoughts in his mind, how you two had handled things. How he had handled it and not let you talk it out like usual, grabbing his phone to see a text from Angela, "Y/N had to pop to the ER today and I took her. She's at home resting now, the cut on her hand should heal soon and her meds and food have been taken care of. She didn't ask me to send you this but I love you both too much to see you two like this. Whatever it is, I'm sure you can sort it out".
ER? Cut on your hand? Medications? What had happened in the span of time he was gone? Dialing Angela's number, Lewis entered the car that had brought him in the morning, greeting the driver briefly as his trainer picked up, "what happened, Angela? And why am I only finding out about this now?", he asked, the stress evident on his voice, "Y/N was making lunch and the knife slipped from her grasp, but doctor said she would be good as new soon", she explained, "I took her there because she called me. And she didn't tell you anything because... Well, I don't know why, she just said that you had a rough morning", she said, knowing that those details mattered the least to him at that moment, "Why didn't she call me? I would've gone straight home", he said as his voice tone started trailing away, realising ad he spoke that given how the morning went, he too wouldn't be calling himself after you got injured, "nevermind, thank you again. For helping Y/N today and for calling me, will speak soon!", he said before he hang up, his finger going straight to dial your number before he refrained from doing so, nor actually knowing how to approach the situation. You had and accident in the kitchen and injured yourself, and didn't think to call him or tell him about it to not bother him maybe. He had made you believe something like this was not worthy to tell him to come and help you or at least that he wouldn't want to hear about it, and that was not acceptable. Thanking his driver again, he retrieved his keys from the pocket and entered your shared home, no sign of Roscoe, who would usually greet him at the door, making him drop all his belongings on the office as he made his way into the bedroom to see you asleep on the bed, Roscoe by your feet that, sensing someone else, woke up and greeted Lewis, him leaving his spot making you move in your sleep as you turned to face your boyfriend, who didn't miss the wrapped hand as he watched you, "Hey, sorry, I didn't hear you come in", you said as you adjusted your position as best as you could, your boyfriend helping you sit up before he carefully took your injured hand in his, inspecting it, "Why didn't you tell me? I could have come to help", he said gently, not wanting to belittle you in any way, "I thought you'd be busy and, well, this morning wasn't the best either", you began, "we don't usually leave things like that. We always talk it through and, and I thought I'd just let you cool down from it all", you explained, "I'm sorry if I made you feel like you couldn't count on me, darling. We should have talked about it in the morning", he said before kissing your knuckles that were in show, "I love having you there for races, it motivates me to go harder and be better and I enjoy your company there. Yes, it upset me that you're not going to be there as much, especially this year, but I understand that you have your things too. I should have never said what I said", he gulped as you could see the guilt in his eyes, "I would love for you to join me, but I'm also so fucking proud of you, of your achievements and dedication. I'm so sorry for how I reacted", he stressed again. Smiling slightly, you cradled his face on your hand, "I'm sorry too, said things I didn't mean and they only set out to aggravate what we were doing. I'll see what I can do about it, maybe remotely I can do things too. Just, promise we'll be better at this, okay?", you said as you both nodded, Lewis opening his arms for you to rest against him, "how is this?", he pointed to your hand, "doctor said it should heal well, have the meds there too. Just a silly accident, really, I have to be careful with how I take care of it", you said before he kissed your forehead, "I'm here now, I'll take care of you".
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siriusleee · 1 year
adamantine chains | part 7 & 8
"Amor et melle et felle est fecundissimus." "What does that mean?" "Love is rich with both honey and venom." "I suppose that is true." Or which in König finds you broken in the mountains. A (brief) retelling of Cupid and Psyche. König | Reader tags: pregnancy, unwanted/unplanned pregnancy, just vibing here a/n: have you ever written a story that has such an incredibly contrived plot because you didn't do enough planning at the beginning, but you can't stop until it's over. that's this story. but i'm just vibing with it. there are 2 more chapters (which i may post as one big one like i did this one). if you enjoy, subscribe to my ko-fi where i will be posting my writing updates, or donate to help me recuperate after buying so many damn school supplies. i also don't know how to do math, so my weeks are probably so off in this previous chapter | part one
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For the first month König's gone, you throw yourself into helping Oma. The biting wind of winter threatens at the beginning of October, and everything needs to be cut back, dug up, covered in a thick canvas cloth to wait for next spring to reemerge. The dirt clings beneath your nails and at your knees - but it gives you something to do. 
Your camera sits on the bedside table in your room - you spend every night wrapped up in König's bed, breathing in the scent of him until it's nearly gone from the blankets. One day, folding laundry and putting it away you find his cologne tucked away in one of his drawers. You renew the house with the scent of him. 
Oma calls you the next day - the sound of the phone ringing wakes you from the nest of König's clothes you slept in. 
"Ja, Oma?"
"Bist du wach?"
"Ja, I awake. Are you alright?"
"Ich möchte, dass du vorbeikommst, wenn du Feierabend hast."
"Wie bitte? After work what do you need?"
On the other end of the line, Oma sighs - you know your slow grasp of the language frustrates her each day.
"After work, come over, please. I am cooking dinner."
"Ja, gnädige Frau. I will."
She doesn't say goodbye - a custom for her. You listen to the dial tone on the other end for a moment before letting the phone back down onto its hook. Your eyes are heavy and thick as you pad silently through the house, the cold floor making you shiver. Outside it's still dark - the sunrise only a hint on the horizon. 
Of course, Oma is awake. 
"It must be an old lady thing," you mutter to yourself, knowing that you'd never say it to her face. Your arms are covered in gooseflesh from the chill in the air - you rub yourself to try to keep warm. You're half in and half out of the hallway when you see why it's so cold - the front door is open and swaying in the early morning breeze.
You slam the door shut and flick the lock but it sticks halfway in and out. It must not have latched completely last night and the wind blew it open - you think for a moment that you need to tell König to see if he can fix it. With a sigh, you shove the door harder. You'll have to fix it yourself. It takes a bit of strength, but you're able to get the lock into the right position - you won't be able to use it until it's fixed, but the backdoor will be fine. 
You think about going back to bed until it's time to wake up, but you know if you do, you'll just lay there for hours until it's time to get up. Instead you busy yourself cleaning, washing clothes that have piled up at the end of your bed, knowing that if König comes home and sees it, his nose will wrinkle - you've never met someone so obsessed with keeping their house spotless. 
 by the time you get ready for work, you're already worn out and tired, but you make sure to lock the backdoor behind you. 
"What is that smell?" You mutter to yourself, tying your apron around your waist. 
You look over at your co-worker, a sweet girl named Valentina, who smiles at you across the bar.
"You dont smell that?" You ask her; the air is filled with something that smells sickly sweet - reminiscent of rotting wood and dirt. Valentina shakes her head at you.
"It might be someone's," she mimes spraying herself, "Parfüm."
It's your turn to do the cleaning - you do it without complaint, thankful of something to do, something to get you out of the house and away from the thought's of König and how upset he'd been at you about his mask. 
It's nearly noon and you're halfway through rubbing the chairs down with a disinfectant when Valentina calls you from the counter.
"Someone is asking about one of your photos."
A man with disheveled blonde hair stands at the counter, a print of yours in his hand. He looks not like he just rolled out of bed, but that he picked everything out to intentionally look like he just rolled out of bed. 
As you get closer you realize it's a print of König's shadow, rippling across a brick wall in the evening. The background is the town, lit up for night - nearly pastoral. 
"How much?" His accent is Western Europeanan, soft and lilting. 
"Oh -" You were expecting to have to try to figure out what to tell him in German, and his English catches you off guard. "Just however much you think it's worth. It's a pay what you think kind of thing."
You don't like the way he grins at you, sharp teeth almost predatory, but when he pushes a bill into your hands you take it from him. His hand lingers in yours, almost to warm before he pulls away.
"Thank you."
You watch the door swing shut behind him before looking down at the bill in your hands. A hundred euros. 
You raise it up at Valentina, who's eyebrows shoot up.
"Why would he give me this?"
"Maybe he thought you were cute."
"Gusch Valentina."
At the end of your shift you wave goodbye at Valentina. You're exhausted, much more than you usually are, and there's a dull ache at the bottom of your right foot; you want to call Oma and ask if you can reschedule, but you know she's got dinner waiting on you and you can't disappoint. 
On the ride it starts to sprinkle, and by the time you make it to her house, it's pouring outside, hard enough that you can barely see the road infront of you, but you make it, albeit slowly. You try to cover your head with your jacket as you run inside, rainwater filling your shoes.
"Oma; I'm here!"
The sound of silence and rain on the roof greets you. 
"Komm mal her!"
You follow her voice to the kitchen, where there's already something boiling on the stove. Oma kisses you on each cheek, barking at you to sit down.
"Oma wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?"
"I do not need your help - just sit, you have been working all day."
You feel useless as she putters around, stirring whatever smells amazing on the stove, pulling bread out of the oven, filling a pitcher with water. 
She slides your plate across the table at you before taking a seat across from you. 
"Have you heard from König?"
You shake your head at her, ripping a piece of bread off.
"Nein. Not since he left."
"How long has it been?"
"Eight weeks, nine weeks. Something like that."
The two of you finish eating in silence - you're busy washing the dishes up for Oma when she speaks again.
"I have some friends who need help around their house. Old ladies who can't get things done like they used to. I told them about you - that you might want to earn some extra money and be out of the house while König is gone. It is not good for you to be alone all the time."
You dry the tines of the forks, your eyes trained on the rain falling roughly outside. 
"That would be nice, Oma. Thank you."
"Ja. I will let them know when you can."
"Danke, Oma."
You kiss her on the cheek good-bye and dash to the car, getting soaked for the second time that evening. 
Her figure, waving good-bye at you in the headlights, makes you want to run inside, ask her if you can stay the night. But you turn the key over in the ignition and drive home.
Oma's friends work you like a dog on your days off, barking at you in gentle German, pressing food into your hands whenever you leave. You have to start giving some of it to Valentina whenever you can, your work shirts getting a little tighter than you usually like. 
One of the women has you sorting seed packets when your cell rings; you hope for a second that it's König, calling to tell you he's home, but it's Oma. 
"You need to come to my house. Tonight. As soon as you can."
"Are you alright Oma?"
Her tone worries you - frantic and worried.
"Ja. You need to come. Do not forget."
She hangs up on you, leaving you staring at the screen. God, you wished König would come home, or even have given you an address to write him at - something. But he didn't; it worries you at night his silence, the fact that he's been gone longer than he had before and you've heard nothing. You reason with yourself that if something bad had happened someone would have called you.
Oma waits for you at the dinner table - the stove is empty and her expression is grim. Fear grips you for a moment: something has happened, and Oma was the one contacted. His body was dumped somewhere - this is happening to you again - this-
"You are pregnant."
Her words hit you viscerally, pulling you out of the dark the thoughts that whirled around you.
"Oma what the fuck!"
"Pass auf, was du sagst! Frau Müller said you threw up when she was cooking fish."
"It smelt horrific Oma, I'm not."
"You are going to argue with me? You have had no kids and I have had many."
You want to roll your eyes at her, but you fear her aim with a wooden spoon.
"Oma I think I would know."
"You would not because you have been to worried about König you haven't payed attention to anything. But I have - I know."
A new sort of panic sets in, a worry that she's right. 
"I will take you to the doctor tomorrow early. Do not go to work. Say you are sick."
"Oma you don't drive-"
"I know that - you will drive me."
You don't see a way out of this argument, out of this predicament. So you agree and walk out of the house in a daze. Halfway home, you have to pull of to throw up from worry.
You're frozen in the cold doctor's seat as he pulls the blood from the crook in your arm. You half catch the words that tumble between him and Oma; nod along at his clipped English, but you don't really pay any attention to him. 
His fingers are warm when he touches your shoulder, pulling you from the state you'd lost yourself in. 
"Three days."
Three days.
It had been nearly three months since König had left, and all you wished as you drove Oma back home was that you had a number to call him, some way to beg him to come home and take care of you. 
You don't even really know him.
The thought had bounced around your head since the night before, chasing away whatever sleep you'd been able to grasp. König's smell had already been washed away from the bedsheets, and it had just felt lonely in a way you hadn't felt in months. 
The entire thing was eating at you - you'd let a strange man sweep you into a fantasy and now there was a chance that he had you trapped with no alternative. Despite how good König had treated you, you still felt stupid for the entire thing.
But that didn't stop the elation you felt when you spotted the white envelope tucked into the doorjamb. Shuffling your purse and keys, you yank the folded up sheet of paper from the inside out. Smoothing it out as you step into the house, you slam the door shut with your foot and let your purse fall heavily to the floor.
König's heavy scrawl - like he's putting his entire weight behind the pen - covers the paper in chicken scratch.
I miss you. I will be home soon. Be good Taube.
You can feel the panic rising inside of you; you'll have to tell him when he gets home. What if he's angry? Panic starts to constrict in your chest; you crumple König's letter up and shove it in your pocket. 
You can't think of this right now - the worry between wondering when König will come home and what the doctor might say is too much for you to handle right now.
You do your best not to think as you haul dusty cleaning supplies out from underneath the kitchen sink. The house had never been dirty; König was abnormally clean for a man his age and size. But there was nothing else to do - you had called off work for the doctor's appointment and you weren't sure if you could handle walking the shops.
So you immerse yourself in the process of cleaning. Beneath your fingers, a shine develops across the house that you hadn't seen before. Your back is cramping as you scrub the bathtub with a bristle brush; sweat pools in the small of your back. 
You even scrub the floor on your hands and knees, washing away the dirt that accumulated between the cracks in the tile. 
You throw yourself into cleaning until you fall into bed exhausted and for the first night in weeks you aren't plagued with dreams of your grandfather or König. But the restless panic starts again the moment you wake up, and you arrive at work three hours early.
Valentina looks at you with confusion across her face, but she doesn't say anything as you shake your head at her. Throwing your apron over your head, you speak without looking at her. 
"I'm going to organize the stockroom - I'll be out in a few hours."
It's different here - in the hot stock room with boxes stacked two deep and multiple highs. The panic is worse here, where the familiarity of the house isn't an innate comfort. But it's enough to keep you from checking your phone every five minutes to see if the doctor had called. 
You're not sure how long you're there before Valentina is calling your name.
"Are you going to keep working back there or are you going to come work the front with me?"
You trace your fingers across the sticker of an imported bag of coffee beans; you want to stay back here and hide away. You're worried that anyone will see it written across your face - the same way that Oma did. But you can't leave Valentina at the front alone for the rest of the shift.
"I'm coming!"
Wiping the sweat from your forehead, you duck out of the store room. It's cold up front - the air that had started to chill outside creeping in every time someone walked in. It's packed up front; you take over the line still not comfortable enough with your German to try to work the register. 
When the line starts to lull, you can see Valentina peering at you from the corner of her eye. You can see it bursting inside of her: the urge to ask you what's wrong. She's never been the type of person to keep herself from prying, but this time she manages to keep it to herself.
"I'm having a party this weekend if you want to come," she finally says, wiping the register down during a slow moment. "There won't be a lot of people there."
You force yourself to smile over at her, fingers paused in the act of scratching dried milk off of the counter. 
"That sounds fun."
"Would your - would König be coming?"
You keep your eyes trained on the dried milk, not looking over at her prying eyes. 
"I'm not sure. He should be home soon."
"How soon is soon?"
"Not sure."
After the two women who'd been in here bad mouthing König, you'd never bothered to ask him if anyone else in town knew what he did for a living - if anyone knew about his work in the military. He wouldn't have answered the question; but you could tell from how everyone said his name, how everyone looked at him when the two of you walked alongside each other, that they knew he did something they didn't want to know about.
You can hear it in the way Valentina speaks his name. She's being polite because she likes you, but she doesn't want König to show up.
You close the shop for the night, an hour after waving good-bye to Valentina as she disappeared around the corner. It's eerily silent as you count the change down, readying the drawer for the openers. You try to drag the last tasks as long as possible: sweeping behind the counter, putting new bags in the trash cans, but you can only drag it out for so long.
Your brain spirals again on the prospect of being pregnant - of having to explain to König what had happened. You try to script out the conversation in your head; a thousand different scenarios occupy your thoughts as you drive home. Each one ends in König storming out of the house, of you being forced to be alone.
You don't move for a moment as you park the car, the lights illuminating the glass in the window. You're halfway out the door, when a twitch at the window catches your attention- behind the curtain you can just make out the outline of someone waiting there. Your heart leaps, for just a moment you expect König to come bounding out the door.
But when the shadow moves towards the front door the overwhelming feeling that something is wrong washes over you. It's too small - too short to be your König. One foot is still poised in the car as you freeze. You scan the grass, looking for any sign that the giant truck that usually drops König off had cut through the grass earlier, but it's still pristine in the darkness. 
And König would have met you at work; he never let you drive at night when he was home. He'd never not come to meet you the moment he was home. 
The door cracks open - you don't know if it's a trick of your imagination or if whoever is in there is really coming out. In a blind panic you throw yourself back in the car, finger fumbling for the key to try to turn it on. Without looking back up at the door - scared of who you might see, you keep your eye focused on the steering wheel as the car comes to life beneath you and you slam the car into a turn.
As you straighten the wheel, you glance in the rearview mirror - a shadowed figure, just illuminated by your tail lights, peers at you from behind the front door.
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loosesodamarble · 5 months
Hi I am in love with your work!
I would like to ask for Nacht just being with his partner like doing anything. You can write it however you want and do whatever. Please and thank you.
Thank you for your patience on this request~! And I hope you don't mind that I made it a part of my Nacht birthday post surge.
Nacht Faust x Reader Daily Life
You and Nacht were dating, simple as that. His position as vice captain didn't matter to you same as how Nacht didn't care what job you had as long as you felt fulfilled doing it.
After a long time dating, Nacht asked if you wanted to move into a shared home.
You asked if he just wanted to get out of living with the Black Bulls. Nacht did admit that it was part of his reason for asking, but he genuinely did want even more time with you.
With a laugh, you agreed to move in. From there, you and Nacht slowly developed a shared routine.
Your day would begin with you and Nacht waking up in bed together.
Some mornings, you two were cuddled up close. Or at least you would be clinging to Nacht. Other days, you'd wake up nearly half off the bed while Nacht was perfectly centered on his half of the bed, unmoved like a corpse.
Both of you were late risers. Nacht because he often worked late into the night. You because your circadian rhythm was never functioning apparently.
Nacht was the one to lay out clothes for the both of you and toss your rumpled sleepwear in separate hampers.
"C'mon Nacht, I can do our laundries together," you said once only for him to hide his dirty clothes from you for two weeks. Guess you needed to date a little longer before you were allowed to wash his undergarments.
If either of you had troubles brushing out your hair, you helped each other.
You were in charge of prepping the morning coffee. You'd tried Nacht's roast once and swore it left you unable to taste anything but bitterness for two days.
If Nacht had a day off or simply stayed for more of the morning, you two made breakfast together.
"What're you putting in the eggs?" Walgner asked while perched on your shoulder one morning.
"They're called spices," you stated before elaborating. "They make food taste even better by giving the flavor more depth."
"So are they all spicy like the 'hot sauce' stuff that Master doesn't like?" the devil questioned.
"Not at all! Some have a kick of spice but others are earthy. And others have a sour flavor."
"What's that one there?" Walgner pointed to the bottle in your hand.
Before you could answer, Nacht plucked Walgner off your shoulder. "That's enough, little one. Let them cook in peace."
Walgner let out a shrill sound like a hiss mixed with a bird's warble. Which, while you didn't really understand devils, felt appropriate. Nacht began to scold Walgner more which made you clap a hand over your mouth. You, like most people, thought devils to be incarnations of evil. But there Nacht was, chiding the devil who was small enough to fit in his palm as though the creature were a mischievous child.
On days where the two of you had work, you and Nacht parted with a gentle "see you later" or "take care."
Goodbye kisses felt like too much, even after all the time you'd spent together and the kisses you'd already had. So you two settled with parting words.
While you were at work, you'd sometimes see the head of one of devils poke out from your shadow. They were checking up on you and you'd silently wave to them as to not get distracted at the workplace.
The Black Bulls knew of your existence. You'd even been invited to a party with them a few times before. But Nacht still didn't speak about you too much with them.
"I'd hate to flaunt my successful relationship in front of you folks," Nacht would taunt. That or he'd say "I can't share too much or else you'll try to steal them away from me."
It wasn't malicious by any means but the Bulls were a little annoyed that Nacht resisted every attempt they made to make him talk and bring out the sweet boyfriend side that you claimed Nacht had.
You also kept the relationship on the down low. After all, talking too much about Nacht could arouse unease with people who didn't understand the Black Bulls or devils.
Even so, your co-workers knew you had a sweetheart and complimented you on finding a good partner.
After the work day concluded, you and Nacht tended to meet either at a park or the marketplace near your home.
If you met at the park, you two would unwind with a stroll and discuss your days. You envied Nacht and all the adventures he went on. But you weren't the type to be a Knight so you were content to live vicariously through his retellings.
If the market was the meeting place, you two would shop for any necessities like groceries, cleaning supplies, or perhaps new home decor.
"We don't need to worry about your, uh, pets...?" You cringed and felt yourself heat up, unsure of how you came off with the term.
"Yes, let's go with that while we're in public," Nacht whispered back to you. "And what about them?"
"If we get carpet or curtains..." You were eyeing a curtain set with a charming vine pattern but weren't confident enough to buy it. "We don't need to worry about them chewing or scratching up anything, right?"
"Snrk! Ah ha..." Nacht threw his head back. "Ahahahahahaa!"
You reeled back and gazed wide-eyed at Nacht. Even months in the relationship, more than a year even, you'd yet to hear Nacht make a sound like that. Sure he laughed, but it had always been one of those controlled, gentlemanly chuckles. His smile, too, was brand new to you.
"N-Nacht?" Now you were burning up. But not in embarrassment. Rather, you were blushing from awe. Your normally handsome but icy boyfriend was looking radiant like a full, silver moon. "Are you-?"
"Ah ha!" Nacht suddenly doubled over and wiped the corner of his eyes. "Oh dear, no worries! It's fine!" He held your shoulder, beaming at you like a fairy tale prince. "It's... They're house trained." He exhaled heavily and blinked a few times before his face showed confusion. "What?"
Shaking your head, you looked away. "Nothing!"
You two would return and dinner would be prepped.
Cooking with Nacht was a pain sometimes because half the time, he forgot to let you know when he moved an ingredient or tool for him to make use of. And so you'd flail for a bit looking for a bottle of oil or the edge of the cutting board only for Nacht to pass it to you using his magic.
But you preferred working together over cooking alone or simply watching him cook. Doing it by yourself was overwhelming at times, even though cooking for two wasn't that bad. And watching Nacht cook was... He couldn't innovate in the kitchen at all and so watching him glance between a recipe card and the actual food gave you secondhand embarrassment.
Ever since you two moved in together, Nacht insisted on doing dishes on his own. Or rather, to leave the job to him and the devils. Apparently all their time together in Spade (and before) taught them at least how to do some chores together as a unit.
You peeked at them during the task once and it was the cutest thing you'd laid eyes on.
Nacht always had a mug of tea before bed, a bit of a ritual for himself. And while he sipped tea, you'd be soaking in the tub to ease your body in preparation for sleep.
Nacht did have to save you from drowning a couple of times. But that was because work had been especially tough those days so you were really out of it.
You two got into your pajamas and then settled down in bed together. Nacht typically brought a book or packet of paperwork with him, keeping himself occupied until the end.
Your favorite nights were when Nacht didn't have anything with him and you could reach your hand out to hold his. Although his skin was always cold to the touch, you felt comforted when your fingers intertwined with his at night.
Days where both of you had off from work didn't occur too often but when they did, you and Nacht took advantage of that time.
Usually, you two would use Nacht's Shadow Magic to whisk you off to another town to enjoy the sights, sounds, and flavors of a new place.
Nacht happily took advantage of his magic that way. You'd spent your whole life in one city and now he was letting you explore the kingdom.
"Maybe one day I can take you to another kingdom," Nacht suggested.
"Wouldn't that be a big strain on your magic though?" As much as you appreciated Nacht's effort, you didn't want him to do that much for you. "Besides... I'm starting to feel bad that I can't do anything as grand for you so..."
Nacht sighed before saying your name. You looked up at him with tears in your eyes.
"I'd really prefer it if you didn't do anything grand for me. Besides, my teleporting ability isn't something remarkable to me. It's just something else that I can do to make you happy, like cooking together or brushing your hair."
Nacht then leaned over and pressed a kiss to your cheek.
"Maybe what I can do with my magic feels like a blessing to you. And similarly, being with you is a miracle for me. So just continue to love me and continue letting me love you."
You and Nacht locked eyes. His gaze was gentle, enough to make the tears in your eyes finally fall, though with a feeling different from what made them initially form.
"I love you..." You whispered suddenly. You didn't know why but the words came to you and you had to speak them.
"I love you too..." Nacht’s voice was full of love.
Slowly, you two leaned in for a kiss. A shy, tender kiss that silently repeated the emotion you two had just spoken. It was a reconfirmation of what you both knew and wanted. To love and be loved. By each other.
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NCT Spooky Season [Day 4]
Messages in Red
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TW: Ghosts Genre: Romance, Comedy Pairing: Nakamoto Yuta x Reader YN Pronouns: Not specified Word Count: 0.6K Prompt: “The ghost draws dicks with my lipstick"
[NCT Masterlist] | [NCT Spooky Season Masterlist] | [Yesterday] | [Tomorrow] [Ao3 Link] | [Wattpad Link]
Notes: Lowk not the one I thought would end up with this prompt but I do like me a challenge Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading!
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"Isn't it scary, (Y/N)?" Your friend asks you one day.
"What?" You drank your coffee.
"Your apartment is haunted, I'd be terrified to open my eyes in the dark!"
"Oh... him? He's harmless," you shrugged.
"How do you know for sure? What if he... what if he tries to possess you, or something?"
"Trust, he won't."
"Doesn't he leave, like, scary messages on your mirror?" She shivers. You thought back, sure, Yuta did leave a few messages for you but they were never really threatening.
"I mean... yeah, but I wouldn't call them scary," you shook your head. "Anyway, I should get going now, I want to be home before the sunset, you know? Recently more dangerous ghosts have been hanging around the streets," you stood up first and your friend followed.
"Okay, (Y/N), but be safe!"
"And if that ghost causes you problems you call an exterminator right away!"
Little did she know, the only nuisance was this.
"Are you serious?" You were tired, burnt out, and annoyed. You could hear Yuta laughing behind you and when you opened your prior-squeezed shut eyes you saw him losing his shit behind you. "That lipstick was Anastasia, I'll have you know. That's more expensive than your life's savings."
"But look at it, it's beautiful," Yuta laughs.
"It's a dick. You drew a penis on my mirror with my Anastasia red lipstick."
"Please, that color didn't suit you anyway. It does suit the meticulously placed veins on my dick drawing, though."
"Maybe I should call an exterminator so I won't have to deal with dicks first thing in the morning again," you sighed, grabbing a towel and makeup remover to clean it up. "I don't know what's worse, cleaning one giant dick or many smaller ones."
"I am a genius, (Y/N), you have to admit that," Yuta grabs the stray towel and helps you clean it up. "You know, in life I wanted to be an artist."
"And you're wasting your talent on hyper-realistic lipstick penises?"
"For now. I'm in a slump," Yuta explains. "But, once I get hit with true inspiration then you are welcome to claim my work as your own and get filthy rich," he says.
"Sure, right," you tossed the towel in the laundry bin. "Wait outside."
"So I can change!"
"Oh! Right, sorry," Yuta eyes the outfit in your hands and floats through the door. After a while, you walked out and Yuta followed close behind.
"What do you think I should draw?"
"With my $60 lipsticks? At least something worthwhile," you rolled your eyes.
"So this is permission then?"
"Don't get too ahead of yourself," you pointed at him and grabbed your bag.
"Whoa, where are you off to?" He floats in front of you, but you easily walk around him.
"Out with friends, watch the apartment while I'm gone," you slipped your shoes on.
"Like I have anything else to do," Yuta sighs. "Be careful, it's late."
"I will, see you!" And you were gone. Yuta floats back into the bathroom.
Something worthwhile, hmm?
You returned to your apartment, near blacked out and stumbling left and right. Your shoes were in one hand and your keys in the other while you kicked the door shut and struggled to lock the door. You hiccuped loudly, laughed to yourself, and tumbled into the bathroom to wash your face and, when you looked into the mirror, you were pleasantly surprised.
Instead of a hyper-realistic dick pic, you saw an intricate rose drawn from your lipstick.
"Now that's art," your smile softened and, right as you were about to stumble forward, Yuta kicks the pile of laundry onto the part of the floor you would've collapsed on.
"Thanks, maybe I did have some motivation after all," Yuta grins.
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General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic 
NCT Tag List: @cherrylovr @minjiville 
If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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c-themoon · 1 year
I plan to do a series of one shots of Kyle, Stan and even Kenny too. These all will be part of a bigger fanfic I have yet to post here, hopefully it will make sense in the future but for now I think they are okay to read whitout context. Yura is one of my OC's. I will write Style too eventually, maybe even open some requests for other shipps but for now I will only write the one shots that will be a part of my main fanfic. English is not mt first language and It's mt first time writing smut, I'm open to your criticism, just be respectful please.
Warnings: NSFW, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Unprotected Sex Cock Warming.
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It was a rainy sunday afternoon. Kyle, Stan and Yura were roomates. They shared an apartament in NY thanks to college and today was an unusual day. Stan was called in his part time job to cover for a co-worker who couldn't attend that specif sunday, Kyle and Yura had to study for their respective tests that were coming and most important, they needed to clean the apartament since sunday was the only day of the week they had to keep the place in order.
So the three of them woke up early in the morning, Stan quickly left for work and Kyle and Yura sat down in the kitchen table and organized a list of chores each one of them would do to get rid of the cleaning as soon as possible so they could study after.
"Okay, so you do the dishes, laundry and take out the trash. I will sweep the house and clean the bathroons, then we both clean our rooms, and when everything else is done we can fold the clothes that were already clean in the dryer, okay?" Kyle said in a calm tone, tapping the table with the tip of his finger while looking at her and waiting for her confirmation.
"Sure, that works for me." She replied with a sweet tone and small smile that always managed to melt his heart a little.
He smirked at her answer and then proceeded to get up. "Okay, let's start then" Kyle offered her his hand and she gladly accepeted it. They quickly started to do their designed tasks and about 2 hours after they were finished.
Yura had a few strings of hair falling of her bun, Kyle was sweating a little and they were certainly tired but the apartament was now nice and clean. She dropped herself in the couch and let out a sigh.
"I can't believe we still have to study after that. God please send help, one of your strongest soldiers is falling apart." She said dramatically, making kyle chuckle as he sat next to her. "C'mon, don't be so dramatic Yura" He rolled his eyes and playfullly patted her head. "Let's eat something first, that will lift you up." he got up and started to walk towards the kitchen. "Come" he said one last time and she slowly got up and obeyed him, walking towards the kitchen.
Some time passed, they ate some leftovers from the day before, cleaned their mess and went to study. Yura was a good student, even if she didn't always got 10's, but Kyle was an overachiever mf. He wanted the best grades and he liked to be the best. So, when they sat down their asses in the table, Kyle's face shifted to a focused and serious expression, he put his earphones in, opened his notebook and started to take notes. Yura did the same but she knew she would't last as many hours as him. After 2 hours of endless pages, articles read and words written, she just thought "I'm fucking done with this, I will have more time during the week". So she turned off her Ipad, closed her notebook filled with notes and got up carefully to not disturb Kyle. "manace to society" she thought to herself seeing his focused frawn. Unfortunatly, she couldn't deny that he was hot. It should be a crime to be this handsome while doing something so silly as studying taxes or whatever he had to study in law major. He was almost too hot like that for his own good, but, knowing him very well, she would't disturb him during his study time since he would be bothered if interrupted. So, when Yura walked by him she just kissed his cheek to say a sort of "goodbye" and went to grab water in the kitchen. As Kyle felt her loving kiss in his cheek he looked at her and removed his earphones "where are you going?"
"I'm done for today, good luck with the rest of your studies!" she waved at him as she filled her previously empty bottle with water.
Kyle was not gonna lie to himself, he enjoyed having her company while studying, just her presence alone made this boring assignment more endurable so he was a little bummed at her soon departure.
"Okay, don't be loud then."
"I won't "sir", don't worry" she jokingly said and went to sit on the couch in the living room. Yura didn't even turned on the tv, she was just scrolling down her twitter.
He smirked at her and let out a slight chuckle. Calling him sir... interesting, he thought.
One hour and a half later, he was feeling confident about his notes so he thinks it's a good time to stop, he didn't want to overdo it anyway. The red haired boy starts to strech his arms and neck and then he lays his eyes on Yura. She was using an oversized t shirt, he could tell it was not hers, it was probably his due to the large size. Kyle was very tall and had nice muscles, he was once part of the basktball team during high school afterall. So, she was wearing that green shirt of his, a tiny shorts that didn't cover shit of her beautiful tighs and the woman was just... there, being casually too beautiful doing absolutely nothing. Earlier she had called him "sir"... and she spent all day obeying everything he said. The chores, lunch, study... and Kyle wasn't blind, he could feel her gaze sometimes during their time together at that table, he knew she was checking him out, and he enjoyed that. All the signs were there... he decided to test something.
“Hey Yura, come over here for a second.” Kyle said in a commanding tone, in hopes of teasing her. The girl, as soon as she heard his voice, turned her head to him with a curious expression. "What?" She asked while getting up and walking towards him.
When she got near she just stood there, waiting for his reply.
“Sit.” Kyle commands once more, grinning.
She was slightly confused about his sudden...requests... but she obeyed him and sat next to him in the other chair at the table next to him.
"Okay, now will you explain why you're being so weird?" She asked him with a slightly frawn forming in her face.
Kyle tried to keep the serious facade but he failed. He starts laughing a bit, covering his mouth with one of his hands.
“Yura, I wanted to try giving you an order to see if you would obey again, since, strangely, you have been a very... obedient girl today..." he said finally being able to stop giggling but he still had a smirk on his face. "And... well.. you did what I told you to do. Again..." He said with that stupid cocky smile of his getting bigger.
As she heard him, her face was gradually getting more flustered. "You're such an idiot, I can't belive you!" She said embarressed at herself for having actually followed his stupid order. Yura gave his shoulder a tiny punch. "I-It's just that you're a very pragmatic person and since we had a lot of things to do I thought you would know how to do things quicker!!" She says trying to justify herself, which of course, wasn't a lie completely. Her cheeks were burning red at this point.
"You seem to have a thing for following orders...", he said with a provocative tone, getting up and standing in front of her. "Don't you?" He proceeds to lean towards her, getting at her level at the chair and bringing her face close to him with his hand that very calmly grabbed her chin.
"And why do you care?" She said looking into his eyes with a defying tone, yet, a needy one. Almost as if she wanted to give in.
"Oh, princess, because I love the ideia that you would obey any order I give you."
Their faces are close, they can almost feel each other's breath. Tension and lust filled the air. Yura was still blushing, but now, she could not deny that she was turned on by his words, by him.
"Then... command me to do something more..." she said with desire coming from her voice a and flirty and slightly nervous tone as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“I want you to kiss me, yura.” he says calmly while giving her a very slight pull towards him for her to get up while having a sly smirk.
She lets out a quick smile and kisses him. His lips feel so soft. They savor this kiss, feeling each other's tongue's and taste. Kyle hands soon go to her waist, squeezing her with just the amount of force he knew she loved, that made her go weak. Kyle bites her lower lip before they finally pull away from one another, making Yura moan in a lower whisper.
"Shall I order you to do something else?" He asks with a provocative tone yet again. His fingers were now brushing her hair while his eyes were focused on her beautiful flushed face. "I would't mind that..." she says, drunk with the pleasure his touch can give her. He smirked, then leaned over to kiss her once again, a slow, passionate kiss that made her whole body melt and burst into flames. Then, without breaking eye contact he said
“I want you to get on your knees for me”.
A slight smirk formed un yura's lip's. She kissed his neck and gave him a small bite in the area, just to tease him, and then she whispered seductively in his ear "Of course, Kyle..." and then she got on her knees and looked at him with that provocative expression and that smirk filled with lust. Her gaze was a perfect mixture of innocence and lust, revealing just how much she wanted him in the moment, in need of his touch.
He chuckled at the feeling of her lips on his neck. He was already hard. It was difficult for him to control himself and not just fuck her right away. “If you don’t stop giving me that look, I might get a little too carried away.” He then starts caressing her face with his hands. "I will ruin that pretty mouth of yours." She looked at him so eagerly, so needy, so wet. She proceeds to lean her head further into his touch, feeling pleasure and confort in it. His thumb is playing with her lips, getting inside her mouth. She starts using her tongue and feels his thumb. The sight of yura on her knees, sucking his finger while giving him that sinful look... it was driving kyle crazy.
With his free hand he started to lower his sweatpants, reaveling his big bulge in his boxers. "Take it off" he said in a low voice, poiting at his black boxers. Yura obeyed immediatly and slowly started to take off his underwear. When his throbbing dick was entirely out, she gently grabbed with her hands and looked at him, rubbing a little, going up and down.
"Suck it." It was an order, and that made Yura even more aroused. She then proceeded to lick the tip, tasting the pre cum that was already dripping. Slowly, she started to move her mouth, feeling his large hardness deep in her throat, doing movements with her head, going up and down.
Kyle tilted his head back, feeling lost in the pleasure of her lips and mouth. He puts his hand in the back of her head, guiding her movements.
"You're such a good girl aren't you? Taking me so well...ngh..."
She continued using her mouth and hands, sucking as much as she could trying not to choke, her hands were on his thighs, sometimes she would move them to the base of his cock to masturbate it before swallowing it again. Soon Kyle felt his orgasm coming, he shoved his dick down her throat while the most sinful and delicious moans came out of his mouth.
Yura swallowed everything, or at least she tried. Some cum dripped on the area of her boobs. When he was done he softned his grip on her and let her go. She let out a heavy breath and had to clean the corner of her mouth, her eyes were watering a little.
God, that vision was so hot for Kyle.
She looked at him, with those submissive eyes.
"Did I do well?"
He stayed silent, feeling hard yet again, watching her messy hair and flushed face while asking so desesperately for his approval.
"Very well, princess" he helped her get up and cupped her face, caressing her cheek with his thumb.
She smiled and again let her face sunk in his warm hand.
"Should I be rewarded then?" She playfully asked.
He just smiled and kissed her. A slow and sensual kiss.
"Of course, you were such a good girl afterall, weren't you? He picked her up in a quick move and carried her im bridal style to his room to place her in his bed.
"Lift your arms for me, yura" she gladly did and felt her shirt being removed. Her big breasts were now completely exposed. She let out a devious smile and placed her hands inside his shirt, feeling his abs and toned torso. "I want to see you too" Yura said while scratching him slightly with her nails to tease him. The feeling of her nails was so exciting for Kyle, he felt shivers.
"Oh I know" he said and finally removed his shirt, reaveling the muscles beneath it.
She brushed his body with the tip of her nails, smiling provocatively while admiring her boyfriend's physique. He grabbed her hand.
"I didn't say you could touch me yet..." he grinned mischiviously and pinned her in the couch, pressing his torso and hardness against her.
"Oh, so I need permission to do so?" She chuckled a little, bringing his face closer to hers with her hands. "So impatiant now, aren't we?" He moved his hand right in between her thighs, her tiny shorts were long gone at this point, then he shoved one finger inside her, making her bold attitude and expression disappear, being now replaced by a needy response.
"S-stop teasing me like that" she moaned, barely being able to contain her body from the immediate response to his touch. She was soaking wet. "Oh but you seem to be enjoying this a lot princess" he moved his finger deeper in her wet cunt, she was moaning loudly.
"Aaahn... Kyle... please... I want... I need you now..."
"You need what? Be clear with your words" he asked inserting one more finger inside her.
"I need you to fuck me, please..." she begged, her eyes even watering a bit.
Hearing her beg sent his self control to space.
He kissed her once more and started to remove his sweatpants and boxers once again. He shoved his dick inside her wet cunt, making her moan loudly with the sudden penetration.
"Ngh... Kyle..."
"Fuck, you're so good for me..."
He began the moving in an intense pace, making sure she could feel every inche of his hard cock. Due to his size, it was not uncommon for her to feel some kind of pain without some preparation, but gods, that pain was so quickly turned into pleasure with him.
She digged her nails into the skin of his muscular back, how she loved to mark him there. The pain he felt with her scratching was also a turn on for him. Her face and beautiful voice, moaning his name like she belonged to him, that was his heaven. They kissed once more, sharing their taste with each other. He bit her lips with force before breaking the kiss.
Her moanings became more eratic, she was almost there and he could feel her walls tightening around him, her legs were quivering at this point.
They reached the climax almost at the same, feeling numb after and collapsing together in the bed.
"You take me so well every single time, Yura..." he said still inside of her, looking at her eyes and flushed expression. One of his fingers brushed her messy hair off her face gently.
"It's because it's you, Kyle." she said smiling at him and chuckling a bit.
He smiled and kissed her again, her taste was addicting, like a drug.
"Now, will you stay like that forever or?" She said in a playful tone poiting at his dick, still inside her.
"Oh, you seemed to be liking so much" he said in the same sarcastic tone and removed his member off her. That made her moan in response, feeling empty all of sudden.
"If you don’t stop moaning like that I don't know if I'll have the strenght to get up this bed princess" he layed down next to her and hugged her waist, bringing her closer to him.
"Shut up!" She said laughing and slapping his chest playfully. "Let's just cuddle a bit"
"I think you're getting too spoiled" he said carressing her hair while she buried her face in his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin.
"And whose fault is that?"
"Mine I suppose." He said laughing with her.
"Were you able to finish your studies earlier?" She asked, lifting her head a little bit to face him. "Yeah, I think I'm good for today, why?"
"Then let's just stay like this, I'm tired, you fucked the shit out of me" she said and snuggled against him.
He laughed out loud this time. "Hahaha, well, next time don't be so eager to follow my orders".
And they stayed cuddling and teasing each other for the rest of the day. Well, until Stan arrived tired of the shift he had to cover, then they decided maybe someone else should he spoiled for the rest of the day.
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
No Room For Worries
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Pairing: Joaquin Torres x gn! reader (no other specifications)
Word Count: 563 words
Outline: Filled with worry at Joaquin's absence until he finally texts you.
Author’s Note: Requested by the delightful @happypopcornprincess. She also writes for all Danny Ramirez characters so if you don't know her already you should definitely check her out! Baby, I hope you like this and thank you so much for your kind words!
P.S: dividers by @firefly-graphics ​//​ banners by @maysdigitalarts​
Main Masterlist ・❥・Joaquin Torres Masterlist
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It wasn't easy dating Joaquin Torres. He was gorgeous, the kindest man you ever met, and an absolute sweetheart but his work both in the military and by Captain America's side as the Falcon left you filled with worry every single time he left. 
You had gotten used to him, leaving you in the middle of the night or really in the middle of anything to go and join Sam wherever he needed to, and even though you had met him and all the team involved, you still couldn't help yourself. 
All you do is pace back and forth inside your small apartment dressed in his favorite green hoodie and his grey sweatpants. You got music on and you're trying to calm yourself down even though it's been more than thirty hours since Joaquin has last called you. 
Suddenly a beep is heard. You jump to the couch to grab your phone and excitedly gaze at his name on the screen. A simple "I miss you, I'll be home, soon" followed by a smiley face. You suddenly felt calmer and happily danced around the room on your own. 
Two hours later you were doing laundry. You had just put one wash in and were putting the clothes in the drying rack. The tv was on loud in the other room so you could still hear the re-run of the show you were watching. 
The distinct sound of a motorcycle engine was heard and momentarily you thought how similar to your boyfriend's Harley it sounded. You chuckle at the thought as you place the last shirt on the rack and move to close the door and return to the living room. 
Then the doorbell rang. Confused at how late at night it was, almost 11 pm, you try to quietly go to the door eyehole. Only to be greeted with the sight of your tall boyfriend with his hair all loose and wet, dressed in a black leather jacket and holding his helmet around his elbow. 
Excitedly you open the door and hug him immediately. You are wrapping your hands around his back, not caring at all about getting wet. 
"Carino, tranquilla. I missed you, too. Let's get inside. " You protest, squeezing him tighter. All he can do is laugh at your reaction. "I got food in my backpack. I wanna make sure it hasn't got soaking wet." 
"What happened? Why are you wet?" You stare at him, patting his shoulders and arms with your hands before trying to remove his backpack. 
"Rain caught me about fifty miles from here and then I couldn't do anything else than keep driving. We were in San Francisco and I wanted to get these amazing sandwiches from a local chain." 
“Oh baby, you’re so sweet.”
“And drenching wet.”
"You should take a shower and put on fresh clothes because I don't want you to catch a cold. " 
You take him by the hand leading him inside the room and carefully help him off his clothes, You took the shower together amongst many giggling and kisses. The worry in your heart had settled now into the rhythm of love.
The sandwiches were thankfully okay, the backpack had many layers so they stayed safe but unfortunately the next morning Joaquin woke up with a cough. 
Not that you minded at all. You would nurse him right back into health. 
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If you want to be notified about my future stories please follow my library blog @fluffyprettykittylibrary and turn on notifications!
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warmaidensrevenge · 1 year
Love and pinball
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Pairings: Eddie x Chrissy x Fem! Plus size reader
A/N: Look at me buuuuudddies! Another part. I've been writing so much when I can. You guys can expect some spiciness coming up on existing fics. Ones that I haven't touched in a while. But boy oh boy am I excited. Okay...okay I'll shut up now. As always thanks for reading and feedback is greatly appreciated. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts. No pressure though. Kay love ya byeeee.
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators.
Word count: 5,000+
Warnings: 18+ No minors, thank you. Angst, slow burn, language, sexual situations/implications, oral(m receiving), hurt/comfort and not proof read.
Summary: Eddie's trying to build a friendship. But quickly wants more.
Part 2: No doubt about it.
The next morning he woke up in a good mood. He turned around and Chrissy wasn't there.
" Hey Chris? Where are you?" He called down the hall.
" In the kitchen."
He smiled and jogged over. He went to her and tried to kiss her.
" N-no Ed." She pushed him away. "You'll mess up my lipstick."
"Oh common Chris. I miss you. And you look so pretty today."
She gave him a thin lip smile and kissed his cheek. " I gotta go."
He looked at his watch. " This early? Where are-"
" I have a breakfast date. Then I'm going to work."
Eddie watched her grab her purse and head towards the door. 
" Don't wait up." She said right before she closed the door.
He sighed. Where was the girl who loved to be in his arms? The one who couldn't get enough of his lips? 
Deep down he knew that the relationship was over. But he refused to accept that. He still loved her. And he wanted to make things work. He just didn't know how.
Later that day he wanted to see you. Fortunately for him, he didn't have the right part for your car so he had to drop you off last night. Your house was small. But nice. And seeing in at night made it look kinda haunted. Well to him that is. But when he pulled up that afternoon, he saw that it was actually painted a charcoal gray. With a black door. It looked nothing like how your colorful self was. But surprisingly it was more like him. He liked it. Actually loved it. The front yard was big and had a tire swing. The wrap around porch was incredibly nice. He could picture you sitting out there, drinking lemonade and reading or listening to music. The thought made him smile. And secretly wished he could sit next to you. Holding your hand. 
He quickly shook off the thought and jumped out of his van. He walked towards your garage that was wide open. That's when you came up from the basement. Holding a laundry basket on your hip. You looked amazing. Sure you were in black tights and a gray shirt with the sleeves cut off. With your hair in a crazy messy bun. Nothing fancy. Just comfy. You looked great though.
" Hey bud. Uhhh whatcha doing here?"
" H-hey sweetheart. Umm I uhh." He scratched the back of his head and nervously laughed. "Wanted to see if you wanna grab lunch… with me?"
You pressed your lips together and gave him a 'no' look, that made him feel so stupid and a bit bummed.
" That sounds great. I would love to."
He raised his brows and was surprised.
" But…"
Of course there's a but.
" It's cool. Sorry I-I shouldn't have come." He turned around to leave.
" Eddie?" You softly said.
He stopped. His name never sounded so good coming out of someone's mouth before.
"I was going to say I would like to. I'm kinda babysitting right now…my niece is here. She's actually napping right now. But she will be up soon."
He turned around. " Oh. I'm sorry. I hope I wasn't being too loud."
You laughed. " Please. That girl can sleep through a marching band in her room."
He grinned. " So can I."
" Awe. then you two would get along just fine."
You guys stood there quiet again. But it was nice. Like the silence didn't need to be filled with nonsense. 
" So umm if you're okay with Mac and cheese and dino nuggets. We could still have lunch." You offered.
He licked his lips. Trying so hard to not show you how excited he was to say yes.
" That sounds amazing actually. Do you have juice boxes?"
You nodded. " Those are for my niece though…However, I do have my own personal stash of Capri sun's that I may or may not be willing to share."
He laughed and looked at the ground. 
" Common bud."
He glanced at you and you nodded towards the door.
Doing a slight bow, he held out his arm. "After you."
He followed you up the 4 steps and was immediately hit with the smell of cookies. His mouth instantly watered. 
" Jesus. It smells so good in here."
You put the laundry basket in the next room and came back. 
" Thanks. Just making some cookies for later."
Eddie looked around the kitchen and smiled at all the cow decor. It was very cute. 
" Uhh yeah." You said when you noticed him looking. " I have a thing for cows."
He clicked his tongue. " I see."
You tilted your head and narrowed your eyes at him. " Are you judging me?"
He smirked at you and held up his hands. " No. Not at all. Cows are cool."
" Uh-huh."
He chuckled to himself and watched you pull out stuff for lunch. 
" Do-do you need help?"
You looked over your shoulder. " No thanks bud. I-"
A little voice cut you off.
" Tee, I'm hungry."
Eddie looked over and saw a little girl with messy brown hair rubbing her eyes. 
" Hi sleepyhead. Good afternoon baby."
Eddie watched your face light up when you went to her. You picked her up and put her on your hip. 
" I'm getting lunch ready right now baby. I'll be done in a few minutes."
She nodded and pointed at him.
" You want to say hi?" You asked.
Eddie smiled and waved at her while you put her down. Holding her hand.
" This is my friend Eddie. Eddie, this is my niece Natalie."
He looked at you before he squatted and held out his hand for her.
" It's nice to meet you princess."
His heart melted right away when she grabbed his hand with both of her tiny ones and flipped it around. Her eyes got so big when she saw his rings. She then met his gaze and reached for his hair.
" Your hair is pretty."
" Aww thank you princess. I like your hair too."
Natalie giggled and gave him a hug. He looked up at you to silently ask if it was ok that he hugged her back.
" It's okay. She doesn't bite. Just really friendly."
He gave her a hug. " Is that right? Just like your aunt huh?" 
Natalie pulled away and ran to another room. She came back with a handful of toys. 
" Want to play dolls?" She asked.
" Oh baby. Eddie doesn't-"
" I would love to." He gave you a big ass smile before grabbing her hand and leading her to the living room.
As he played with Natalie. He kept stealing glances at you. When you would catch him you would make him blush from the look of joy on your face.
After lunch all of you watched a movie. 
" Is Bud gonna take us to the park now?"
Eddie turned his head towards you. 
" Oh no baby. I told you we can't go today because I don't have my car."
"What park?" He asked.
" Umm, just one on the other side of Hawkins. Near Forest Hills. They have-"
" Water fountains."
" Yeah." You furrowed your brow. " How-"
" I used to live out there…if you want, I can take you guys."
Natalie jumped up. " Yes! Please, please! Tee please!"
" I-." You grabbed her and placed her on your lap. " Bud, you don't have to. I can take her another time."
Without thinking he grabbed your hand. " Let me take you guys for ice cream and then we can work off the sugar there."
You looked down at his hand and then at Natalie. She was giving you a pout.
" Okay. Let's go."
Eddie had never felt this way before. Sitting there watching you and Natalie sharing an ice cream. Laughing and making random noises. It was something he wanted all the time. You were sweet with her. So loving and happy. It was a side of you he was falling for. Though he knew he shouldn't. He did. And he didn't want to fight it. 
When he took you guys to the park he raced Natalie to the water. But before they took off Natalie started to count."One…twooooo…..five."
He looked at you and grinned.
That's where you got it from.
The laughter you made from him figuring it out made his heart skip.
Once you put down the stuff, you came and picked up Natalie. Spinning her around and wetting her a bit. 
She squealed and you put her down. She then quickly ran and hid behind him. 
" Help me bud." She pleaded.
He put his hand on her head. " Don't worry princess. I'll protect you."
When you came towards them he grabbed your hand and started pulling you towards the water. Your's and Natalie's giggles sounded angelic to him. The sun was envious of how brightly you smiled. 
" Oh my God!" You yelped as he held you over a fountain. 
Getting you and him completely soaked. Both uncontrollably laughing. After a minute there was this moment where you looked at him and he looked at you. Without a word being said he knew you wanted what he wanted. More days like this. With each other. 
As you guys went back to the house, you offered to dry his clothes for him while you gave Natalie a bath. He of course agreed. Not wanting one of the best days of his life to be over just yet. 
When Natalie was squeaky clean, you took a quick shower too. After, you asked if he would like to join you guys for dinner. Which he did. Before he knew it, it was almost 9. Natalie was in bed and he was sitting with you on the couch. 
" You're really good with her."
You took a sip of water and nodded. " Yeah. I guess you can say I love her."
He grinned. " I hope so."
You let out a small nose laugh.
" So uhh. Tee?"
You grinned putting your cup on the coffee table. " Yeah. She had trouble saying auntie. So she's called me Tee since she could talk."
" That's cute. But do you ever get a day off?" He asked.
" What do you mean?"
He looked at his lap. " I just mean. You have 3 jobs and you babysit. Don't you ever just get a day to relax?"
You put your legs on the couch and covered them with a blanket. Turning your body towards him. " This is how I spend my days off. This or spend a few hours at the lake with friends. But whenever I can, I try to spend time with Natalie…she umm…she lost her mom when she was one. I try to be that womanly figure in her life. And well she's really fun to be around. So I would take a day with her than have a day all alone. "
" That's sweet."
" I try."
Eddie and you grinned at each other. A few seconds passed by when you grabbed his hand. 
" Thanks Eddie. You made Natalie's day. I haven't seen her that happy in a really long time."
His grin turned into a soft smile. " It was a pleasure. Honestly, I haven't had that much fun in a while too."
You gasped and pulled your hand away. " What about the lake? I thought we had a great time." 
He shook his head. " No. That was a good day too. Just today was better."
You beamed at him. " I guess you can say I'm pretty awesome."
" I could. But I won't." He joked 
You gasped again. " Alright. Break a lady's heart." 
It happened again. That moment. But this time it felt like you wanted him to kiss you. Should he? Would you be okay with it?
He cleared his throat and got up. " I uhh better head out. I want to make sure your part comes in tomorrow."
The look on your face broke his heart. It was fast but he saw what looked a lot like disappointment. But within a blink of an eye. You were smiling again. 
While walking him to the door, he thanked you for lunch and dinner. 
Before he left you called out his name.
" Yeah sweetheart?"
" Umm do you want to hang out sometime?"
His heart jumped. " Yeah. Definitely."
" How about next Saturday?"
He wanted to say yes. More than anything in the world. But he had plans. With Chrissy.
" Umm could you maybe do Sunday?" He asked. Praying you would say yes.
You hummed and crossed your arms. " Yeah. I think I can do that. We could go to this thing I heard about. It's called Age of Horror. The theater shows all the horror/slasher films all day."
Eddie could have ran and hugged you. He always wanted to go to that. But he didn't want to go alone. And Chrissy hated scary movies. 
" Absolutely! I love horror movies."
" Cool. I'll see you then bud."
"Looking forward to it...Goodnight y/n."
When he got home he threw himself on the bed and smiled at the ceiling. He closed his eyes and saw you. He replayed the whole day over again. Wishing he could do it again tomorrow.
Why did he feel like this so fast? Why were you just so…perfect and beautiful? How was it he didn't meet you sooner? 
Why couldn't I've met you before-
He opened his eyes and shook the thought away. No way should he want to have met you before Chrissy. But he wanted to. He really wanted to.
Having enough of his selfishness he hopped in the shower. 
" Ed?"
" Chris?"
He took a couple of steps back as Chrissy climbed in the shower with him. 
" Hi Ed…I'm so sorry about yesterday."
He gave her a thin lip. 
" I canceled my date to make it up to you."
Gee thanks. 
"It's fine Chris. I'm kinda tired."
He watched her get down on her knees and grab him. Putting his flaccid cock in her mouth. He wanted to push her away. He wanted to get out. But he just closed his eyes and thought of you. It was wrong. And he felt real shitty for doing it. But he did it anyway. His thoughts weren't sexual at first. It was just you laughing and looking at him. 
" Mmm that's it Ed." Chrissy said cupping his balls.
He ignored her and kept thinking about you. Only this time he thought of the first time he saw you. The way you had your tongue out. The way your tits bounced. Then at the lake. Stand there in your tight red bathing suit. Sweat dripping down your skin. Then when he was holding you under the fountain. How your soft body molded to his. The smell of strawberry shampoo filled his nostrils. 
Before he knew it, his body filled with goosebumps and his toes curled. 
He opened his eyes and saw Chrissy spit out his cum and smiled up at him. 
" That was fast Ed."
He swallowed and tried to smile. Catching his breath. " S-sorry." 
When he got out he laid in bed with her. She was fast asleep. With his eyes fixed on the ceiling tears fell. 
I'm so sorry Chris.
After Eddie left, you went to check on Natalie. Once you knew she was okay you went to bed. Looking up at the ceiling you were lost in thought. The day at the lake was nice. And you liked all your new friends. Especially Eddie. You were lying when you said he wasn't your type. He was most definitely the type of guy you would fall head over heels for. Only saying  he wasn't to save yourself from the hurt of rejection. Then the whole car thing happened and now today. Today was amazing in every sense of the word. It's been so long since you felt comfortable with someone. Ever since your college relationship ended 2 years ago, you haven't felt like you needed anyone. You had enjoyed being alone. Being free to do whatever you want. You had dropped out of college when the break up happened and decided to travel until you missed your family. This labeling you as the troublesome one. So a few months ago you wanted to finally settle down in a little town. Be closer to your loved ones. It took a bit to find a good paying job and with help from your brother. You bought your first house. And boy did you love your little house and the silence that came with it. You wanted this to be your forever home. So you worked other jobs to pay your mortgage off faster. A relationship wasn't something you had time for and was the furthest from your mind.
But today hit you differently. All day you kept repeating to yourself that Eddie in fact had a girlfriend. To stop looking at him like you wanted him. Because…you did. He was beautiful and funny. And he made the best faces. Most importantly he was really good with Natalie. You actually loved seeing him with her. It honestly made your heart melt when he called her princess.  Still, he was unavailable. So you cursed yourself for basically asking him out on a date. Not that you would ever actually consider it a date. But he also didn't say no. Even though he maybe should have. 
You sighed heavily while turning to your side. 
I want to get to know you on a deeper level…Maybe we could-
" Tee?"
You rolled over and saw Natalie in your doorway.
" Yeah baby?"
" Can I sleep with you?"
You softly smiled and sat up. Pulling the blanket back. She ran over and you picked her up. Once she was comfy you laid down. 
" I like bud, Tee."
You laughed a little and moved her hair behind her ear. 
" Me too baby."
The week dragged on for an eternity . Eddie looked forward to Sunday. He only saw you once during the week. When you picked up your car. You didn't stay long. But the few minutes he got with you got him through the week. 
On Saturday, Chrissy tried and failed making dinner. Like always. But hey at least she still tried. The date night was quiet. The night consisted of pizza and a movie. He sat there watching one of her favorites while she cuddled up next to him. 
He should be here. He should be enjoying the time he has with her. And for the most part, it was a good night. However he kept thinking about tomorrow. Should he pay for the "date"? Could he put his arm around you? Does he offer a shoulder for you to hide in when you were scared? 
All the unanswered questions came to a halt when Chrissy started kissing his neck. Everything got pretty heated. Before he knew it, he was taking her from behind. He tried not to think about you. He was trying to focus on her. What he did last Sunday wasn't right. He shouldn't have been thinking about you when he was with her.
About 30 or so minutes later he finally came. He laid there while Chrissy went to shower. A few minutes later he heard her moaning. When he went to check he saw her pleasuring herself with the shower head. 
He went back to the room and sulked. Now he couldn't even make his girlfriend cum. His mind went to the other guys. We're they bigger than him? Did they make her cum? Was he bad tonight? How often did she do that? Was it after every time they had sex? 
Then his questions went to you. Could he get you there? Would you accept his size? Would he even be able to fit because of how big you were?
The second after he thought that, he felt like a shallow piece of shit. He didn't think you were fat or anything like that. Sure you were definitely bigger than him. But you were beautiful. Inside and out. He knew that because even though he only hung out with you twice, those two times was all it took to see the real you. 
The goofy and sweet, competitive and strong willed, outgoing and loving you. And though tomorrow wasn't a date. He was going to treat it like it was. 
Chrissy finally came to bed and she gave him a kiss on the cheek. When she turned around he cleared his throat.
" I uhh have a date…tomorrow."
Chrissy smiled. " That's good. Have fun. Good night Ed."
He wanted her to be upset. To hear her say something other than have fun. But when he heard her steady breathing he knew that she didn't care.
When he agreed to meet you at the theater, he wanted to pick you up. But, you said you had to do stuff before. So when he got there he was expecting to see you alone. He was wrong. Somehow instead of a night with you two, Steve, Gareth, Robin, Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Mike were there. His heart sank. You didn't mention this to him. 
You locked eyes with him and smiled. So happy that he came. He looked a little upset at first. But that faded when he saw you. Sure tonight was supposed to be just you two. And you really wanted that. However, you didn't know if it was the best idea. As much as you wanted more time alone with him. The thought of his girlfriend changed your mind. So you invited everyone. Hoping that he wouldn't be upset that you didn't tell him.
Tickets were bought, and snacks were in an abundance. Now it was time to find a row to sit in. Dustin picked the perfect seats right in the middle of the theater. When everyone was about to sit, Eddie was hoping to sit next to you. But his luck just ran out. To your right was Robin and Steve. To your left was Gareth. When you looked at him, he could see that you were apologizing with your eyes. So he forgave you for whatever you thought you should be sorry for and grinned at you. Taking the seat next to his best friend. 
Everyone was getting settled in, passing around popcorn and chit chatting. The lights flickered and the audience cheered. Once the lights were off the opening scene to Suspiria played. That's when the exit door opened up and a couple came in. 
When he saw her, he sank into the seat. 
What the hell?! What the fuck Chris?! You said you hated scary movies.
Then he saw her date and was pissed.
Jason fucking Carver! You've got to be shitting me!
If it were anyone else, anyone who didn't give him hell in highschool. He would have been okay with it. Well, as okay as he could be. But it was fucking Carver. Chrissy knew how badly he was bullied. And she was out with the prick. Like this situation wasn't bad enough. Now she was fucking him too.
Eddie took a couple of deep breaths to calm down. His eyes followed them to their seats. He was disgusted. Then out of nowhere he felt a hand on his thigh.
You were sad that you couldn't be close to him. God you wanted your thigh to touch his. You wanted to be overwhelmed by the scent of his body wash and faint cigarette smoke. You wanted those glances. Silently telling each other they rather look at one another, instead of the movie. But Gareth hopped in the seat before Eddie even got the chance. And Robin didn't want anyone else to sit next to you. So she slipped into the chair on the other side. 
Slightly annoyed with both of them you accepted that it was probably for the best. Sitting there, doing those things would only aid the feelings that were growing. 
When the movie started you looked over at the cute blonde couple that came in. In the darkness you could still see Eddie's face. The look he had scared you. Then you saw his fist clenched and jaw flexed looking at the couple. 
" Hey Gare." You whispered.
Gareth looked at you and smiled. " Yeah?"
" Switch with me, yeah?"
His smile turned down. " You want to sit next to Eddie?"
You nodded and leaned in to kiss his cheek. " Yes please. There's something wrong."
He turned to Eddie and followed his glare. " S-shit! Umm." Gareth looked back at you and got up.
When you sat down Eddie's eyes were still fixed on the couple. So you reached over and put a hand on his thigh. When he looked at you, his eyes softened. His jaw slacked and his fist loosened.
" You okay bud?" You asked just above a whisper.
You saw his Adam's apple bob.
" Y-yeah. I-I'm good."
But you didn't believe that. " Who are they?"
Eddie looked away from you. He was embarrassed. He would be so humiliated if you met her this way. He didn't even want you to meet her. He could lie and say the shit about Carver. But he didn't want to lie to you. He wanted to be utterly and completely transparent. 
" Uhh." He sighed. " That's uhhh Chrissy."
"Chrissy...Your Chrissy?"
He nodded.
You were quiet until he saw you turn your gaze onto Chrissy. You sucked on your teeth when you saw what he saw. Chrissy was kissing Jason. You didn't say a word. You just got up and started down the row. Gareth must have known what you were planning because he was just a few steps behind you. Right when he passed Eddie, he gave him a look.
" She's gonna fight." 
Eddie's eyes nearly popped out. He quickly got up and went after you. Pulling Gareth back.
" HEY! CHRISSY!" You shouted. 
She looked right at you. " Uhh yeah?"
Eddie saw you smile. But it was anything but happy. Then you laughed sarcastically. 
Chrissy stood up." Do I-"
You then raised your fist and mid swing Eddie grabbed your arm.
" ED! WHAT THE-" Chrissy screamed.
" LET ME GO EDDIE! YOU CAN'T HIT HER. BUT I SURE AS HELL CAN!" You yelled trying to get out of his arms.
Next thing he knew Jason got up and pushed him. Gareth jumped in and threw a punch. 
While holding the very tenacious you back, all his friends came to help. People were throwing popcorn and ushers came. 
Finally everyone who was involved got thrown out. 
Eddie had to pick you up and carry you outside. While you cursed at Chrissy the whole time. When he put you down he cupped your face and made you look at him. All the while thinking how incredibly sexy you were for doing that. 
" Y/n please. Calm down."
" No Eddie! How are you not pissed?! She is such a dick for cheating on you."
You tried to push his hands away but he then decided to give you a full on bear hug. It only took a couple of seconds before you hugged him back. 
" I-I'm so sorry bud."
" Don't be. I-"
" Oh my God! You totally were gonna kill her!"
Eddie didn't want to let you go. But Mike interrupted the moment. When you guys pulled apart everyone was staring at you two. 
The young ones that didn't know the situation praised you for what you did. The others that knew looked at Eddie. Clearly understand that he hasn't mentioned a word of this to you. 
Eddie turned his focus on Chrissy who was standing behind Gareth.
" You have a lot of nerve you-" you started to say but Robin jumped in front of you and grabbed your arm. With Steve grabbing your other arm. Pulling you away.
Eddie quickly looked at you. " It's ok sweetheart."
You shut your mouth and nodded.
He then went to walk with Chrissy. 
" What the hell was that?!" She said, smacking his arm.
He sighed. " I'm sorry. She doesn't know about our arrangement. But... what the hell are you doing with Jason? And here?"
Chrissy looked like she was gonna cry. " Look Ed, he's changed. And I was going to tell you. But I barely see you."
He scoffed. "And who's fault is that? I'm home every night."
She looked away and wiped a tear away. " Ed, okay I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But he's different now. And I want to get to know him."
He should've been mad. He should have argued more. But he glanced at you and he knew he didn't really care to. He just wanted to be with you.
" Chris. It's fine. Have a good date."
She smiled weakly and nodded. He was just about to join his friends again when Chrissy grabbed his hand.
" Though she tried to kick my ass, I like her…you like her too. So you need to be honest with her…I'm not gonna be home tonight. So maybe bring her back?"
That's breaking a rule.
He didn't say anything and watched her walk away. When he came back you looked apologetic. 
" Alright, so now that the movie's out of the question-"
" I think we're banned now." Steve interrupted Robin.
She rolled her eyes. " Yeah whatever. So what're we gonna do?"
" We could go to The Palace?" Max suggested.
" Or the Hideout?" Gareth offered.
Steve scoffed." The kiddos can't go there yet." 
" I kinda just want to go home." Eddie said.
" Me too." You said
He looked at you and you still looked sad.
" I umm rode with Gareth…could you take me home instead?" You asked him.
You rode with Gareth?
" Y-yeah. Of course."
Once the goodbyes were said, Eddie held open the door to his van for you and offered his hand to help you up. 
" Such a fine gentleman."
" Ehh I try."
Both of you smiled a little. 
The drive was silent. Well, except for the sound of him tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. When he pulled up to the house you sat there for a minute. He kept telling himself to say something. To stop being so weird. But nothing was coming to mind. Then you shifted and turned your body towards him.
" Eddie, I am so sorry you had to see me like that. And I'm really really sorry about Chrissy. You don't deserve to be cheated on…no one does." You reached out and put a hand on his knee. " Everything's going to be okay. You're a great guy. I'm sure you'll find someone who treats you and thinks you're with the shits."
He grinned.
" Y/n, I have to tell you something."
When he was done, you sat straight forward. Eyes fixed towards the dash.
" Uhhh wow. Okay I'm a dick."
He laughed a little. " What? No you're not."
" No seriously. I'm an asshole. I should have minded my own damn business."
" Sweetheart, it was very cool that you stuck up for me. People don't normally do that. And it was badass."
You tilted your head and widened your eyes a little." Well I don't feel like a badass."
He put his hand on your head rest. " You are."
The second you looked at him with those beautiful eyes of yours, he wanted you then and there. Unfortunately, he didn't know if you would be okay with having a relationship with him.
Now that it's out. Might as well.
"S-so does it bother you that I am..I guess you could say polyamorous?"
" What? No." You shook your head and averted your gaze. " Not at all. To each their own."
He withdrew his hand when you seemed to not pick up what he was putting down. Still, he needed to know. Needed to ask questions.
" Have you ever been in a relationship like this before?"
He tilted his head. He was just about to ask you that. " Uhh no. Chris is the only girl I've been with."
You gave him a little smile. " Aww that's cute."
You're cute.
You looked back at him. " Bud?"
" Yeah sweetheart?"
"As much as I love sitting in your van. Cuz I do…like more than life."
He chuckled.
" But I need a drink. And my belt is digging into me like it's trying to become a part of me."
He laughed again. Then you hoped out. Just before you closed the door you gave him an amazing smile.
" Coming curls?"
@marsmunson86 @browneyes528 @themultiverseofmars
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cinemastyles-blog · 1 year
Private Affair [h.s] | 1.
Warnings: there really isn’t for this chapter, other than flirting while married, possible sexual innuendos
Word count: 5.4k
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You roll over and extend your arm out, only to find that you're the only one in bed.
You let out a sigh, remembering that you and your husband, Alex, are probably still dealing with the aftermath of last nights argument.
Alex came home, slightly drunk and let's just say that drunk minds speak sober thoughts, and he was screaming his.
You kick the blankets off and swing your legs over the edge as you sit up.
You grab your sweater and put it on as you make your way to the kitchen, "Morning." You mumble lowly to Alex, who is leaning against the counter with a an open magazine.
It's silent as you get your coffee made up. It's almost that awkward silence where you don't know what to do or say to break it.
"I'm sorry." He says with a sigh and you look over at him, "Why are you sorry?"
He sets his cup down and turns towards you, "I shouldn't have yelled at you like that last night. I came home after having a few beers in the parking lot with the guys after work and the boss just gave us all a pay cut and I just had a moment and I'm sorry."
You purse your lips together and nod, "I appreciate your apology. I just asked you for one thing and you exploded on me, I didn't know what to say."
He reaches out and gently drags his hand up your back, "I understand. It's okay, but do you?"
You nod, "I do, just please.. don't ever drink and drive or yell at me like that again." You glance over at him.
He nods, "I promise." He looks down at his watch, "Oh shit. I gotta go." He steps towards you and presses his lips to your temple.
"It's nine already?" You look at the stove clock and raise your eyebrows.
"Hey." He leans in and smiles, "They'll be stupid not to hire you." You smile and nod, pursing your lips for him to kiss you.
"I'm banking on having a celebration dinner tonight.." he walks over to grab his bag, "I love you."
You smile, "I love you, have a good day, sweetie." He smiles and nods, "You too."
You smile and wave as he leaves your shared apartment, leaving you alone for your worries to eat you alive.
You applied for a position at Alluring Mag, which is one of your all time favorite magazine companies.
They're all about pleasure and what is considered 'in season' for bedroom wear and so much other stuff, and you and every other woman that that you know, eat it up every month it comes out.
You walk over and plop down on the couch, sighing as you stare at your phone's dark screen as it lays beside you.
"No, I'm not going to stress." You tell yourself and turn the tv on. You click through the options and glance back over at your phone.
You let out a sigh and get up, starting to do things to keep yourself from going crazy.
You start to clean. Wiping down the counter tops, sweeping the floors, laundry. You try to vacuum, but you were afraid you wouldn't hear your phone ring, even though it was in your hand.
You look at the clock and frown as it's only eleven thirty.
Just before you really start to drive yourself insane, you decide to go for a shower and  as you walk in to turn the shower on,
You hear your ringtone start to play.
You sprint out of the bathroom and go to your phone, picking it up to see that it's a number that isn't saved.
You take a deep breath before answering with a calm, hopeful, "Hello?"
"Is y/n y/l/n there?"
"This is she." You nod to yourself, "How can I help?"
"Well y/n. My name is Charlene and I am calling from Alluring Mag in regards to getting you in for an interview."
Your mouth opens and you close your eyes, trying your best to stay cool, "Yes, yes of course. What days are available?"
She hums and you can hear pages being flipped around in the back, "One moment, please."
"Of course." You put the phone on speaker and mute yourself, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck yes!" You cheer to yourself before taking a calming breathe, "Okay."
You unmute yourself just as she starts talking, "So, y/n, you are coming in for a different position. My boss, aka, the company's CEO, went through and picked out some applicants who he thought would be a good fit for a specific position." She pauses, "His assistant."
Your lips part and you honestly don't know what to say, "Um. Yes. That's perfectly fine."
"Great. So he wants to meet with all three of you as soon as possible, so if you can meet to-"
"Tomorrow is great." You cut her off, "Oh, I'm so sorry." You lay a hand on your forehead as the embarrassment settles in.
She chuckles, "It's okay, dear. Is two in the afternoon good for you?"
"Two is good for me, yes. Thank you so much." You bite your lip and smile.
"Not a problem, see you tomorrow." She hangs up and you stand there in shock, "Oh my god."
You quickly dial your husbands number, "Pick up. Pick up." You whisper as you listen to each ring.
"Yeah, baby?"
"Alex. Hey. I just got off the phone with Alluring Mag and they want me to come in tomorrow for an interview."
"I told you!" He says, "That's great, y/n!"
"To potentially be the CEO's assistant." You bite your lip, waiting for him to speak.
"The CEO? baby. That's.. that's freakin' amazing!" He sighs, "I'm so proud of you. I knew we were having that dinner tonight."
"You definitely called it, that's for sure." You pace back and fourth, unable to contain your excitement, "I'm so excited."
"You deserve this, baby. You will do amazing tomorrow and I will remind you of that until you get there." You can tell Alex is smiling on the other end of the phone.
"I might call up Sage, see what she's doing. I need to get an outfit, so maybe we'll go shopping." You put him on speaker and text her,
You: Are you busy? I got some news! Need to go shopping today!!
"Alright, honey. That's fine. I'll be home probably around four but take your time."
You hear talking in the back and it doesn't sound good, "I'll let you go. I love you, see you later."
"I love you." Alex says before hanging up.
You see if Sage texted you back,
Sage: I'll be ready in twenty.
── •✧• ──
You beep the car horn as you pull into the driveway, putting it in park while you wait.
Soon enough, you see Sage run down her porch steps and towards your car. She gets in and looks at you as the door shuts, "What's happening?"
"Alluring Mag called and I have an interview to potentially be the CEO's assistant." You bite your lip and raise your eyebrows.
Sage's mouth drops and her head tilts down, "Shut. Up." She covers her mouth, "No way!"
"I know!" You shrug, "I can't believe it either."
"Y/n, have you ever seen what the CEO looks like?" She tilts her head sideways, "He is such a fine human being." She smirks as she pulls her phone up from her lap.
"You know." You shake your head, "As obsessed as I am with that magazine, I don't think I know what their CEO looks like, I do know his name is Harry, though."
"Harry. Styles." She says as she turns her phone towards you.
You look at the screen and your lips part slightly, "Oh shit." You take her phone and zoom in on the picture, "You're right."
You start to feel a tingling sensation between your legs and you tilt your head, weirdly enough, you don't feel bad at the thought of another man making your pussy throb just by looking at them.
"He's fucking hot. You might be the one that gets close and personal with that." Sage points and shakes her head, "Fuck, I am so jealous of you."
"Maybe this is a bad idea." You admit to Sage, "I just got turned on just by looking at him, Jade." You admit this to her because there is no shame between you guys, no judgment.
She sighs, "It's normal to look and feel attracted. It'll only be bad if you act upon those thoughts."
You hand her phone back and nod, "You are right., I just have to remind myself that I'm not the girl that sleeps with their boss to get higher up in the company, you work for it yourself."
"You go girl." Your friend laughs, "No you're right, now let's go get you some business clothing. I'm thinking tight skirt, open blouse, and a blazer."
You start driving to the mall and shake your head, "You are a bad influence, encouraging this behavior."
But it didn't feel so bad at the time.
── •✧• ──
Later on that day, you arrive back home and haul your bags inside.
"Hey." You greet Alex who's sitting on the couch, "How was work?" You walk in and close the door, setting your bags down on the island.
He stands up and walks over, raising his eyebrows as he sees your bags, "It was good, what's all this?" He waves his finger back and fourth at the bags and you smile, "I may have went a little overboard, but something tells me I needed all of these outfits."
He tilts his head and nods, "I'm only agreeing because we've been on the ball today about going with our gut feeling, so.. okay."
He walks around and leans in, pulling the bags open to look inside.
As he's inspecting your purchases, you walk over and pour yourself a glass of wine, "If not I can return them."
He looks at you and nods, "Mm, where do you want to go for dinner, baby?" He leans against the counter and watches as you being the glass up to your lips.
You take a sip and tilt your head, smiling slightly, "Italian? We can go to Nonna's?"
He smiles and nods, "Anything for you. Now go get ready."
You grab your glass and walk to Alex, giving him a kiss before heading to your room to get around.
You walk out a little while later and do a little spin to show off your outfit, "How do I look?"
His eyes move up and down your body, "You look amazing." He walks over to you, "Shall we head to dinner?"
You nod, "Let's."
You and Alex head to dinner, talking about the possible jobs you might have to do for Harry and that feeling between your legs returns.
"I just hope that this job gets a major pay raise." You laugh slightly, but in all reality, you would work for Harry for absolutely free, and you know there isn't a doubt about it.
"I'm sure, the CEO? Babe. Come on, if there isn't, then that's some absolute bullshit." Alex goes on but you cut him off, continuing to talk about Harry is only making you feel worse.
"Oh there's a parking spot right there!" You point out quickly changing the subject.
"Oh, yeah. Hey thanks." He whips the car in, putting it in park and looking over at you as he takes his seatbelt off.
You unbuckle and look over at him as you slowly let the seatbelt retract back, "What?"
He shakes his head, "Nothing, you're just pretty, is all."
You can feel the blush rise on your cheeks and you smile, "Let's go, I'm starving." You open the door and get out, walking around to meet him behind the car.
Your hand takes his and your fingers interlock as you walk with him into Nonna's.
── •✧• ──
"Thank you for dinner, Alex. This truly was the best way I can celebrate getting a job in a company I've dreamed of working at."
He smiles and opens the car door for you, "You deserved it." He waits for you to get in the seat and buckle up before he leans in and kisses you, "I love you."
You smile, "I love you."
He shuts the car door and walks around to get in. You rest your head back and smile as he lays his hand on your thigh, "Home?"
"Home." You respond with a sigh, "I am ready to go to bed before my anxiety about tomorrow kicks in and keeps me up all night."
He laughs and squeezes your leg, "You know what you're doing babe. You probably have a good resume if they picked you to be an option for this."
"I think she said there's two other people besides me, so." You look over at him and he looks at you, "See, out  probably tons of other applicants you got picked."
You nod as you remember what the lady on the phone said, "Yeah, the lady on the phone said that he picked them out himself, so he must be very specific if there's only three because like you said, there is probably tons of other applicants."
"That's what I'm saying, babe. You got this. You deserve this."
You smile and lay your hand on his, looking out the window as you think about Harry. You're anxious to be around him because you're very awkward when you're nervous to meet someone.
Especially someone you find attractive in any way.
You finally make it home and you let out a yawn. You're kind of over exaggerating how tired you are, but you really just want to go to bed so you find out stuff about Harry. 
Your husband yawns, "Good lord, y/n. Stop that."
You laugh, "Sorry." You get out of the car and walk up to the door, "I think I'm going to go for a shower."
Alex nods and kicks the door open, "Alright, I'm probably going to change and watch some tv for a little."
You nod and walk to your room, take off those heels that are starting to make your feet hurt. You grab clothes and head to the bathroom.
You shut the door and turn the shower on, grabbing your phone and going to google as the water heats up.
You type in the search bar HARRY STYLES CEO ALLURING MAGAZINE and your breathe hitches as his picture pops up.
You click on images and the pictures of Harry that show up make your stomach fall out of your ass.
There is just something about Harry that you can't describe, but you don't even want to think about it, it doesn't feel right, but at the same time.
It feels so good.
You notice that the bathroom has filled with steam so you set you phone down and finally get in and complete your full shower routine.
You wrap a towel around your body and open the door right away because you were going to pass out from how hot it was in there.
You grab your phone and dirty clothes to take them to the bedroom, but you stop when you notice Alex asleep on the couch.
You shake your head and walk in to your bedroom, drying off and slipping on your pajamas before you walk out to Alex. You tap him on the shoulder and lean down, "Hey, come to bed."
He mumbles and shifts around and you repeat what you just did, "Hey, come to bed." His eyes flutter open and he looks up at you, "M'sorry."
You smile, "It's okay. Come on."
You walk with him to the bedroom and you manage to successfully get a kiss before he fell back asleep. You smile and shake your head, laying back as you reach over to turn the light off.
── •✧• ──
After having a good nights sleep, you wake up feeling great. As you lay there, thinking about the details of the day, Alex comes in to say goodbye for work.
"You will do amazing today." He says walking over to sit on the edge of the bed. Your body move towards his slightly as the mattress sinks down, "Thank you."
You smile up at him and rest a hand on his cheek as he leans in. He presses his lips against your and moves to kiss your cheek a few times, "You got this, y/n. I'm serious."
"I will call you after."
"Directly after! I want to know everything!" He stands up and points to you, "Good luck. I love you."
"I love you." You say with a smile, "Have a good day."
Alex leaves for work and you lean over to grab your phone, calling Sage.
"Hello?" She mumbles after a few rings, "It's early."
"I know, I'm sorry. I need help picking out an outfit." You sigh as you sit up, "I was fine until just now. I'm freaking out."
You hear Sage laugh as you put her on speaker and toss the bags on the bed, "Sage!" You groan, "Please. Help me."
She sighs, "Wear the skirt that has the open square print with black heels and that long sleeve black blouse thing."
You pull the clothing from the bag and sigh, "Thank you. You can go back to sleep now."
"Uh huh." The line beeps and you laugh slightly, laying out the clothes on the bed.
You go to your closet and sit down, looking at your pile of shoes already feeling defeated. You lean forward, pulling out the first option of heels.
You study them for a few seconds, humming to yourself as you inspect them, turning them slowly before setting them down to move on to the next.
You repeat that process with about five pairs before you come across your velvet heels with the ankle strap.
"Perfect." You grab the other one and get up, walking over to lay them down beside your outfit. You look at the time and seeing as it's only nine fourth five, you go make yourself some breakfast.
You stared at the bowl of cereal in front of you, not really wanting to eat as your anxiety slowly work on taking over your whole body.
You take a few bites before calling it quits. You reach over and lay your hand on your phone, sliding it over to you.
You stare at it for a few moments, debating on whether or not you should look up Harry more. You shake your head and get up to clean your cereal bowl.
── •✧• ──
You managed to keep yourself busy, get ready and give yourself one last look in the mirror by one. You didn't realize you were shaking until you reached for your keys on the stand.
You take a deep breathe and grab them before making your way out of the door.
Your phone buzzes as you get into your car and you smile because it's most likely your hourly supportive text from Alex.
You start the car, get the air going and grab your phone, smiling as you read the text from Alex,
Alex: You got this. I know you're probably nervous but don't be. You are going to rock this interview and be the CEO's assistant.
Your bottom lip slips between your teeth and you take a deep breathe. The thought of Harry drives you insane. You don't know what it is, but ever since yesterday you cannot stop thinking about this man.
A part of you hopes you don't get the job so you can stop all of this delusional day dreaming, but an even bigger part of you wants you to be the one to get the job and see what happens.
You send him back two hearts and start your drive to what could possibly be the best or worst day of your life.
You can feel your stomach drop as you pull into the empty spot out front. You don't want to move, but you force yourself to grab your purse and get out.
You pop some coins into the meter and lock your car before throwing your keys into your purse. You walk inside, wiping your palm on your skirt before pulling the glass door open.
You can't help but to look around, aweing at the building that you've dreamed of being in one day. You were so caught up in, pretty much having a fan girl moment, that you don't hear the receptionist calling for you.
"Miss? Hello."
You turn and blink, "Oh.." you laugh slightly and hover your fingers over your mouth, "I am so sorry."
She smiles and sits back down, "It's a very beautiful building, I know." She shuffles some papers around before looking back up at you, "Are you Y/N Y/L/N?"
You rest your hands on the counter and nod, "Yes I am."
"Do you have your I.D?" She pretends to hold a card between her fingers and you nod, "Yes." You open your purse and pull out your wallet, slipping out the plastic card from the holder, "Here you go."
She smiles and takes it, "Thank you, with being a big company you never know who wants to try anything."
You raise your eyebrows, "Oh no. I understand."
She types in your information and scans your I.D before handing it back to you, "Thank you." She leans in and looks at her computer, "You're here for the interview with Mr. Styles, right?"
Your body goes cold and you nod, forcing a smile that covers up your nervousness, "Yes, I am."
She nods, "Just giving you a warning, he can be a little.." she tilts her head, "Mm, hard to deal with sometimes, but you're pretty so just smile and agree with him."
You jerk your head back slightly at her comments, "Um, alright." You pull your purse straps up onto your shoulder and watch as she dials a number.
It rings on speaker a few times before a man picks up "Mr. Styles' office, Jake speaking, how can I help you?"
"Hello, Jake. It's Jamie from the front, I have y/n here for the two o'clock interview with Mr. Styles." Jamie looks up at you and smiles.
"He's still in with the other one, but go ahead and send her up. She can wait out with me."
Your stomach does a flip and you feel like you could throw up, "You're going to head to the tenth floor and it's the second to last door on your right."
You nod and swallow, "Thank you." You start to walk to the elevator, your heels clicking against the white flooring.
You press the button and the doors open. You step on, pressed the button labeled with a fancy looking '10'.
You were amazed, you never seen a mirror in an elevator before. You bite your lip, smirking as you quickly dig your phone out of your purse. You swipe over to the camera and snap a quick mirror selfie before the elevator dings.
You spin around fast and drop your phone back into your bag as you look up and giving the woman a small smile, "Hi." She smiles, "Good afternoon."
She gets off on the next floor but more people get on and then off and it feels like you have been on the elevator, stewing in your anxiety for what feels like an eternity.
You let out a slightly loud sigh, "Finally." You step off and walk down the hall. You stop when you make your way to the door Jamie said to go to and you take a slow, shaky deep breath and breathe it out before opening it.
"Y/n?" Who you assume, Jake says standing up.
"Yes, that's me."
"Great. So if you just want to have a seat, relax for a few minutes, he should be wrapping up with this person shortly." Jake smiles and motions to a mini fridge, "Water? Anything to drink?"
You shake your head as you walk over and sit down, "No thank you. I'm okay."
He nods and goes back to his desk. He picks up the phone and holds it as he dials, "Mr. Styles, your last interview is here whenever you're ready."
Your eyes flick up to Jake then over to the door you entered in. You don't know how you missed it, but it has Harry Styles in bold letters and even reading his name gives you a flutter.
Maybe it's because he's an important person in the company you much the working for? You try to talk yourself down, all while trying to stay alert for your cue to go in.
After about twenty minutes of waiting, Jake's phone rings. You sit up straight, clutching onto your purse as you anticipate him telling you to go.
"Yes sir, one second." He hangs up the phone and stands up, "I'll be right back." He walks back the hall and you can hear a door open.
It's silent for a few moments before you hear a voice enter the hall way. It sounds deep and angry, and the accent kind of threw you off.
You hear footsteps in the hall and your heart starts to race. Jake and another guy are walking out and Jake is whispering things to him.
You make eye contact with the guy being walked out and he points behind him, "Don't even waste your time with that fucking douche bag."
"Stop or I will call security." Jake says as he opens the door, "Y/N, you can go back."
"O-oh." You stand up slowly, "Okay, thank you." You look at the hall and slowly walk back.
"Did you get him out of here, Jake? I swear to god if this last one is just as fuckin' stupid as the others I-"
Harry's talking stops abruptly as his eyes land on you, "Shit. I'm so sorry."
You suddenly feel this burst of confidence take over your body and you tilt your head, "Having a little trouble finding an assistant?"
He chuckles slightly and looks down as he nods, "Yeah, I am, believe it or not." He looks up and motions for you to sit down, "Please, come in. Have a seat."
You walk in as Harry walks around his desk to close the door. You sit down and look up at him as he walks to sit back at his desk, "I'm sorry." He turns towards you and rests his hands on his desk.
You knew he was apologizing, but once you glanced down, you couldn't stop thinking about his hands, the rings, the painted nails, fuck.
"It's fine." You smile at him, "Really! That guy seemed like a real asshole anyway."
He smirks and nods as he leans back, "He didn't want to accept no as an answer, so I had to explain why and that took over an hour."
"Oh god. I'm so sorry." You nod, "I wouldn't want to have to do that for over an hour either."
He squints as he stares at you, "I like you."
His words scare the shit out of you, "what?" You laugh slightly embarrassed.
"I said." He leans forward and folds his arms on the desk, "I like you."
You can feel a pathetic blush rising on your cheeks and you can't help but smile, "Thank you." You look up at him and he smirks, "Tell me about yourself, darling."
"We'll, I graduated with a bachelor's degree in English and I studied communications, journalism and photography as well."
He chuckles and shakes his head, "No, no." He leans back and waves his hand, "I already know all of that, I mean about you."
You smile and lean forward, tugging your skirt down as you switch your legs around, "Oh, um. Well.."
Suddenly you can't think of anything about you and you blank.
"Are you married?"
His question snaps you out of trying to think real quick, "Huh?" He points and you look down ay hour hand, lifting it slightly as you show off your ring, "Yes, I am."
You look back up at him and he presses his lips together, nodding as his eyes study your ring, "That's nice."
"Are you?" You ask without thinking.
You start to panic, thinking it might be a touching subject for him or just not a good topic so you shake your head, "Sorry, that was-"
"No, no. I asked first." He laughs and look at you, blindly slowly as he shakes his head slightly, "I am not married. Single, actually."
There's a twinge in your gut that tells you to get away from this topic.
"I just haven't found the right person yet, you know?"
You nod, "I totally get that, I got married a lot younger than I planned, I love Alex, but sometimes I can't help but to think.. you know maybe.." you trail off and look at him.
He has a slight smile rested on his lips and you sigh, "This isn't a therapy session. I apologize." You lay a hand on your forehead and rub your temples with your thumb and middle finger.
You curse yourself internally and wish you would magically poof home, under the covers to hide from everything happening right now.
"You're fine, love. I promise. If you weren't, you wouldn't be in my office this long." He smiles and gives you a quick wink.
You smile slightly and tilt your head, "Can I ask you something?" He nods, "Of course."
You smile slightly, "Please, don't take this the wrong way, I don't know if this is weird but where are you from?"
He chuckles and shakes his head, "No, no you're fine. I get that a lot but I'll break it down for you." He glances up at you as he smiles, "So I was born in Redditch, then when I was seven, my parents divorced and I grew up in Holmes Chapel with my mom. That was a really weird time for me."
You are kind of shocked that Harry just gave you part of his life story in a matter of minutes of meeting him.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that." You shake your head, "My parents divorced, too, but I had to live with my dad. My mom moved three hours away with some guy she met on line."
He shakes his head, "That's not fair to you. I'm sorry, darling."
You feel weirdly comfortable with him, like you could tell him your deepest darkest secret and it will always be safe with him.
"It's okay. I managed. Look where I'm at now." You laugh slightly and motion around you.
Harry nods and smiles at you, "Mhm, Alluring Mag's newest assistant to me."
"What?" You cover your mouth, "Are you serious?" He nods and smiles, “So when do you want to start?"
"I'll start whenever you want me to." You tried to not sound too eager but you indeed, fail.
"Do you need to let another employer know or?"
You shake your head, "Nope. If tomorrow works for you, it works for me."
He nods, "See you tomorrow then." He stands up and holds his hand out and you take his hand with yours, "I get here about eight, so if you just wanted to get here at seven thirty to settle in, Jake can let you into my office."
You nod and smile, "Thank you so much, Mr. Styles."
He squeezes you hand and leans in, "Please, when it's us, Harry is just fine." You smile, "Thank you so much, Harry."
"I'm excited to have you with me." He winks at you before letting go of your hand, "See you tomorrow."
You grab your bag and walk out of his office. You could feel his eyes burn into the back of you as you walks towards the door.
You glance back and his eyes quickly move up from your ass to your face and he smirks.
"Have a good day, Mr. Styles."
He smirks and shakes his head, "Have a good day, y/n."
And with that, you open the door and leave his office, ready to inform everybody that you are in fact newest assistant to the CEO of Alluring Mag.
── •✧• ──
Hello everyone, just a quick little authors note here.
I want you guys to tell me your thoughts about this! Every detail matters! I want to make this fanfiction the best that I can for you guys! If you have any ideas, you can message or comment anything and I will take it all into consideration!
Thank you for reading Secret Affairs.
Chapter 2 | Masterlist
Tag list: @larrystuff28
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starlightcevans · 2 years
Your Ghost - A Ransom Drysdale story
Hello everyone! I have written stories on Wattpad, but I have decided to share the stories on Tumblr too. I have written two full stories based on Ransom Drysdale. I am currently busy on the third story. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing the story.
A lot of thought and work was put into this story.
Warning: This story contains mature content: Strong language, and smut. I'd recommend 18+ to read this story, but viewer discretion is advised. Please be aware that this fan fiction will contain strong language, explicit scenes that may not be suitable for younger viewers, and scenes of alcohol. There is mature content in this fan fiction.
Please note that this is purely fiction writing. I do not own any of the characters, this is purely for fiction.
Feedback is always welcome. Please let me know if you like this story or not.
If you find any grammar errors, please let me know.
Link to the Wattpad story: https://www.wattpad.com/story/230456351-your-ghost
Tumblr media
I rummage through my cupboard to see what food I have left in my apartment. I am running late already and I have errands to run today.
My phone buzzes and I see who it is.
"Hello H -Mr. Thrombey." I answer on the first ring.
"Evelyn darling! Can you pop through to my place today? I would like us to discuss your book." Harlan kindly asks.
I look at my wall clock. "Of cause I can. I just need to run a few errands before I can see you. Would that be okay?"
"That sounds perfect. Fran will meet you at the door. I have given Marta the day off because she has family business to attend to. And call me Harlan dear." Harlan warmly says and hangs up the phone.
I smile to myself. I was taught as I grew up to respect my elders. When I first met Harlan, I called him "Mr. Thrombey.", but he tells me to call him by his first name. I did seem to have certain faces glaring at me every time I called him "Harlan".
I look at the wall clock and curse. It is nearly the afternoon and I have slept for most of the morning. The shops will close soon. Thank you Sundays!
I finish packing my lunchbox for the day because I really don't have to make breakfast. I know I am going to be on the road for most of the time, so I need to pack some food for the road. This time I remembered to actually pack myself some healthy food - well if you consider a packet of salted chips, crackers, mixed nuts and a soda a healthy snack.
I climb into my car and my phone buzzes. It's a text from him. I don't bother reading the text because I have more important tasks to do today. I throw my phone on the seat next to me and I jolt when I see myself in the rear view mirror. My hair is still in an untidy bun from when I woke up and my face looks pale. I grab what makeup I have in my bag and try to make myself look good - at least presentable. I look down to see that I am wearing normal clothing and not my pajamas.
I start the engine and pull out of my driveway. I first drive to the hardware store. Before I enter the store, I reach for my phone to view what I need to purchase.
Light bulbs X2
Electrical Cable X1
20L Lilac paint X2
20L Undercoat paint X1
I was fortunate enough to have one of the staff members carry the paint tins to my car.
"Thanks Larry." I look at the tall, lanky man's name tag.
"Anytime Ma'am. Don't forget that we do offer a service where our selected staff members will come out and paint whatever you need painted." He smiles at me. I thank him and tell him that I will think about it. My father has offered to help me paint the interior of my apartment.
The next stop I drive to is the grocery store. I take a look at my grocery list on my phone as I grab hold of a trolley and start to scratch out what I am picking up:
Chamomile tea - For Harlan
Avocado - Ripe and ready
1 Bag Apples
1 Pack Grapefruit
2L Milk X2
Sweet Potatoes
Can of baked beans X3
Pet food X1
Spaghetti pasta
Spaghetti Sauce
Loaf of Bread
Chocolate bars
Garbage bags
Laundry Detergent
Body soap
Once I am done collecting the fruit and vegetables, I walk down the hot beverage section when all of a sudden, I accidentally ram right into someone.
"I am so sorry! I -" I stop talking when I realize who I rammed into.
"Linda!" I seem to sound surprised. This is a grocery store close to where she lives.
"I mean Mrs. Drysdale." I correct myself.
"Hello Evelyn. Long time and no see." She smiles, but her tone sounds condescending.
"I have been very busy lately. Work has been getting busier and I am also trying to renovate my apartment." I tell her in a calm voice.
Linda eyes my trolley while sticking her nose in the air. "Clearly." She blatantly says.
I clench my hands into fists, but immediately unclench them before Linda notices. She will know that she is getting in my head.
I look at my watch. "Anyway I have to get going. I need to finish my shopping." I plaster a smile on my face and pull my trolley forward, literally flying past her.
"When you are done with your shopping...say hello to my dad from me will you?" She says with a snarky attitude.
I halt in my tracks and in the process nearly knock someone else who was about to walk down the aisle. "Excuse me?" I am surprised that my tone is neutral.
Linda walks over to my trolley - in the elegant way that she does - and picks up the box of chamomile tea and raises it in the air. "My dad drinks this specific tea. I know you don't like this tea. If I recall last time you drank this tea, you said it tastes like dirt."
Damn it! I hate that she knows I dislike that tea.
I spout the first thought that enters my mind. "Sometimes trying something new is good."
I shut my mouth. Damn it! Why didn't I think before saying those words!
Linda raises a brow. "Sure...just like being with someone new is sometimes better than -"
"I have to go." I cut her off and immediately turn around. "Bye Li - I mean Mrs. Drysdale."
I walk as fast as my feet can take me until Linda is out of my sight.
I rush to collect the rest of my groceries and once I am in the queue, I look at my watch.
"Shit!" I say out loud and one mother gasps and covers her child's ears.
I apologize and look in the opposite direction. I need to get to Harlan's place. I don't like to keep him waiting. He is a busy man - even at 84 years old. I take out my phone and dial Harlan's home number. Harlan does not believe in having a cellphone. He says that cellphones brainwash young minds with all their fancy apps.
Harlan doesn't answer, so I leave a voice message stating that I am on my way to him soon.
I spot Linda leaving the store. I sigh. I think back to what she told me. She was right. Harlan loves chamomile tea, especially this makes one.
Once I am back in my car, I drive west to Natick to Harlan's house. As I pull up in front of the gothic revival house, I notice that there are no visitors - this time. I sigh in relief.
I am welcomed by Fran, the housekeeper, who looks at me up and down in the way she always does. I know I wasn't her biggest fan whenever I visit Harlan, but I can understand why so I don't blame her. I just made sure that I was kind to her.
"Hello Fran. How ar -"
"Mr. Thrombey is in his study. Would you like any assistance with anything?" Fran cuts me off and smiles at me as she speaks, but I know it is not sincere.
I smile warmly and look at my car. "I have some groceries which need to go into the fridge while I visit. Would that be alright? I mean I can -"
Fran storms past me, rolling her eyes no doubt, and waits by me car. I stand frozen for a couple of seconds, but I shake my head and walk to my car to open the boot and tell Fran what need to go into the fridge. She nods and does not speak to me again.
Once the groceries are in the fridge that needs to be there, I walk to Harlan's study. I open the door.
"Hello Ha - I mean Mr. Thrombey. I am sorry I ran late." I speak quietly.
"Come in child." Harlan softly speaks, closing a book he seemed to be writing in.
I close the door and walk into the cozy red study which has a low, curved ceiling. I sit on one of the two comfortable armchairs.
To this day I still feel slightly uneasy being in Harlan's study. It could be because of...I shake the thought out of my mind; I am here to speak to Harlan.
"You wanted to see me." I tell Harlan.
He looks up at me and takes off his glasses. He clasps his hands together. "Yes I did Evelyn. And for goodness sake! Call me Harlan. You are practically family." He smiles.
I shyly smile back.
Harlan continues. "How is your novel coming along?" He asks.
"It's going great." I lie.
Harlan frowns and smiles. "You can tell me if you are struggling with the story line."
I open my mouth to speak, but Harlan starts to talk. "Last time we were discussing your novel, you stated that you were worried where your story was heading."
I hold up my finger to interject, but decide against it.
Harlan chuckles. "I may be 83, but my memory is still strong. Well...most of the time."
We both start laughing.
I take out my notepad and pen and sit opposite Harlan to discuss a scene from my novel that I am struggling with.
I decided to write a mystery novel about a year ago and at first I did not want help with my story, but eventually my story was not making sense. So I eventually decided to speak to Harlan, who is a mystery novelist.
Fran made tea for the both of us. One chamomile tea for Harlan who hugged me because I found the brand he loves. The tea I drank was flavored, which I didn't mind.
Once we have spent an hour on my novel, we end up changing the subject to baseball for some reason. We discuss how we used to attend baseball matches and there was one time we went and Harlan caught the baseball. He picks the ball up from his desk and throws it to me and we both end up laughing.
Just then the door opens. I look to see who is at the door. "Fran. Is -"
I stop speaking and my laughter fades quickly.
"Hello Eve."
Wearing a white sweater under a brown trench coat, I stare at the man who once made me feel weak to my knees. Ransom.
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So yeah...it's November...
We have not been given time to process the freak-ass crazy shit that happened in October, and a lotta freak-ass crazy shit went on.
Not sure why, just feelin' the need to report/vent while I sip coffee out here on the tumblr front porch with all the other old tumblr geezers.
Phase 2 of "Octember" has begun in a mix of good/weird/painful shit to work through. A lotta ghosts. Felt both Char and Kyle intensely the last few weeks: my two Gemini Ghosts. They're here but they're not here, and part of you wants them to stay and part of you wants them to leave you alone.
And yeah, money is still front and center in that assortment of emotional intensity. Much gratitude and thanks for the help that has gotten the rent and electric bill paid for yet another 30 days (you know who you are!).
My calculations this month were just a tiny (and ironic) amount off. After the dust settling, thinking I'd gotten it all considered, I ran through the numbers this morning before I left for the credit union, and saw I'd shaved it a little too close and after all was said and done, I was gonna be (drum roll please) $1.16 overdrawn. lulz.
No worries, I thought, being the resourceful hobbit I am I remembered I had a roll of quarters in the murse (what I call my patagonia shoulder bag) for laundry. Peeling off $1.25's worth of quarters, and laughing valiantly with the teller, I asked her to put that in with the roomie's half of the rent and bills.
Total came to a "lucky number" in her culture, and so I didn't think anything of it and got my rent check printed out and came home. Thought I'd (just to be sure) re-check the acct, much to my chagrin I'd mis-read the amt it was gonna be OD'd and hadn't put in quite enough quarters. So I'll head back over there tomorrow and deposit another quarter and laugh with the teller again. I don't wanna be overdrawn by ELEVEN CENTS. Handy dandy visual aid:
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Yeah, I laughed, but goddamnit I am so fuckin' tired of the stress of this. The self-inflicted big lady ringing the bell paradin' yer ass around screaming "SHAME! SHAME!"
And then you just shut up and figure out what to make for dinner with what you have left on the eve before you go to the store.
October this year was a hard month on the planet. Lots of thin-veil coincidence/hoo-do shit, lots of miscommunicated things with roomies, with people while out, communication was hard, still is, but it seems to have lightened up some. Almost like gravity is getting stronger and pulling on us all more. Collective angst, personal angst, community angst, all of it just rushing up and saying hello at once.
One big angst for me has always been my fucking TEETH. My parents both had notoriously bad choppers, I know mine have been in need of workin'-on for awhile. I hadn't been to the dentist (before this round of visits) in well over 10 years. I had no insurance for most of my adult life, so I just never thought about it, unless something broke. Had several "It's cheaper to pull than fix" decisions about 20-25 years ago, and lost several back-teeth along with root canals and crowns on what was left. In short, a hot mess.
I have had Medi-Cal since I got into a wreck 3 months after i moved here (7 1/2 years ago), and just never thought that it might cover dental, since no other "insurance" I ever had in Texas ever coverd it. So once I figured out I can get my mouth looked at and worked on for nothing, I started the appointments a few weeks ago.
All of this leading up to this past Monday the 30th, when I got both the updated Covid jab and the current-season's flu-shot, and then went and got my mouth wrenched on and drilled and vacuumed and what-notted for a solid hour. Things have definitely progressed even in the last ten years. I thought I was looking at another surgical molar removal, but no!
They were basically able to use some kind of polymer that they put on and then the assistant pulls the trigger on a UV light-pen to "cure" it, and they do that several times, and completely rebuilt a broken tooth, and frankly, I'm amazed. It feels like the original tooth before it went south, and very little to no pain. And they numbed me up better for that than the last fucking oral surgeon who cut out my lower right back molar back in Texas did.
So a mix of crazy up/down shit, and then trying so goddamn hard to get the money thing right, and then still fucking it up, but comically inept. New-old tooth rocks, they want me back in April to do something else, and I'm fine. They told me to use a "hydropick" and I just looked doc and assistant in the eye and said "there's no money for things like that, I'm "I-brush-with-baking-soda-poor", and the assistant left and came back with a toothbrush, some floss, small bottle of mouthwash, and a little plastic syringe to use with warm salt water to flush the spaces under/between the crowns.
So mouth happy but goddamn, I have been sore for the last few days. Jab site almost done hurting, tooth as well, but muscles not quite recouped from the "Dentist Chair Death Grip"...I put my whole body into it and basically seize up and close my eyes and let them have their way with my mouth.
"Just lie back and think of California, dear!"
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