nyx22-blogs · 1 year
I've never actually seen someone do this before but I wanted to celebrate the first five followers I have so yay-!
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toboldlygohome · 3 months
"I'm Right Here"
Mark Watney X Reader
Summary: You are awakened by a terrible nightmare. Luckily, Mark is there to bring you back down to Earth.
Character(s): Mark Watney
Warning(s): nightmares, mentions of death, reader isn't taking care of themself.
A/N: This is a special request from @jolovesfandoms. I hope you enjoy!
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You couldn't remember the last time you had a good night's sleep. It all started when Mark left for Mars. It was nearly impossible to get any rest without him beside you. The bed was cold, and your heart was heavy with the knowledge that you wouldn't be seeing him for over a year.
When he left for quarantine, he kissed you hard and told you he'd be back before you knew it. He promised he'd be safe and you believed him.
Then the unthinkable happened...
Mark Watney died.
You wouldn't eat, couldn't sleep. You were plagued with nightmares. Ones where you were so close, yet so far from saving him. These terrible visions tormented not only your sleep, but every waking moment of your life. You just couldn't seem to quit crying. You'd sob and scream until your throat was raw and you could do little more than whimper.
When you learned he was alive, you were ecstatic at first. Then reality set in. He was all alone and there was nothing you could do to save him. You could only sit there, wait, and hope for the best.
You'd have to wait for over four years.
You watched the news and counted down the hours. He'd either make it home like he promised, or you'd have to relive his death all over again. The nightmares somehow got worse. You often woke up in tears. The dreams all seemed so real. It was always the same type of dream: you got a phone-call from Venkat Kapoor, who informed you that there had been some terrible accident. You always stood there and listened while he told you in terrible detail how the love of your life met his untimely end. The Hab ripped open while he was asleep, he was crushed by debris in a storm, he starved to death, the MAV exploded...
You thought they would go away when he came home. You hoped seeing Mark safe and alive would stifle the crippling anxiety that had been growing inside of you from the moment he left.
But it didn't.
It had been two months since he came back home and your nightmares had gone nowhere. During the day everything was perfect. He had been given an extended paid leave from work and you both intended to use it well. You went out for hikes, indulged in the greasiest food, and avoided disco like the plague. You couldn't be happier to have him back home!
At night however, you reverted back to those same lingering fears. You were afraid you'd wake up and find it was all just a dream. He was still on Mars, fighting to stay alive. Or that he had been dead all along...
Tonight was no different. You were in the kitchen, laboring to finish your cup ramen. You needed to eat, but the food tasted like mud in your mouth. Your stomach was churning and your eyes burned as you swallowed another bite. The television was tuned in to the news, where CNN was talking about the latest updates on the "Watney situation" as they often called it. Apparently satellite images showed the rover had tipped. No one knew if the Martian was still alive.
You watched the screen unblinkingly, chewing slowly. You jumped as the phone started ringing. The sound echoed through the house, filling you with dread. Every call was like this, they were all the same... But you couldn't keep your hand from reaching for it. You grasped the phone unsteadily and brought it to your ear.
"Is this Y/N Y/L/N?" Venkat Kapoor asked.
"Yes..." you said, eyes already welling with tears.
"I... I have some unfortunate news."
You listened, blurry gaze still fixed on the television in front of you.
"There's been an accident. Mark Watney is dead... I'm sorr-"
You hung up the phone and covered your eyes with your hands. Your head pounded painfully and your throat tightened.
No, it's not true. He's not dead. He promised he'd come home.
The phone started ringing again.
You didn't answer. You didn't want to hear it. They thought he was dead before and they were wrong. How could he be dead? He had so much life still left in him. He had so many plans for the future, he wouldn't leave those unfinished!
You sank to the floor, struggling to take a breath. Your legs couldn't support your weight. It was like gravity had multiplied by 5.
The headline flashed onto the screen.
Mark Watney: Dead in a Rover Accident.
You sobbed and shook your head, "No, please... No, you can't be gone! It's not true! Y-you... Please no...."
"Y/N," you heard your name like a whisper. An echo.
You wiped the tears from your eyes and searched for the voice. He said he'd come home. He said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you! His parents and his friends all needed him! He's coming home! No more funerals, no more memorials!
"Baby... Baby it's okay..." His voice came from nowhere. So close, yet so far away.
"M-Mark Please!" you cried.
"Wake up baby! Please wake up!"
The phone rang again.
You threw it against the wall and screamed. Just as the screen shattered, your eyes shot open. Mark's worried face filled your vision. His gentle blue eyes scanned over you frantically and his strong hands gripped your shoulders.
"Y/N? Honey? Are you with me?" He asked in a breathless voice.
"M-Mark?" you choked out.
"That's right, I'm right here." He whispered, pulling you into his chest. "I'm right here..."
"Y-you... y-you were..." You tried to speak, but your couldn't form a sentence.
"It's okay baby, it was just a bad dream. It's over now." He murmured against your temple.
You buried your face in his chest and cried. You couldn't keep it in anymore. You'd been without him for over two years. Two years of nightmare after nightmare. Sleepless night after sleepless night. You wanted to be strong for him, to be his shoulder to lean on when he woke up still thinking he was on Mars. He needed you right now and here you were, being so selfish. 'You think you have it bad Y/N? Try walking a mile in his shoes. He was all alone on a whole planet and here you are crying like a baby!' You berated yourself in your head.
"I-I'm sorry," you pulled back and wiped your eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."
"Don't apologize for this, it's not your fault." Mark grabbed your face and brushed away the tears that just kept flowing. He softly kissed your forehead and pulled you in for another tight hug. "Everything's okay now... just breathe."
You took a deep breath. He smelled just like... trees. Trees and grass and a little hint of mint. You sighed and clung to his shirt for dear life.
"Good... Good, just like that." Mark whispered, pressing his cheek to your head. You were getting his shirt wet, but he didn't seem to mind. He just whispered sweet things in your ear and rubbed soothing circles into your back. Once you calmed down a little, he spoke again. "Do you want to tell me about it?"
"W-what?" you asked.
"I think it would help if we talked about it... please," he looked at you with those precious blue eyes and you were completely at his mercy. Mark was the smartest person you had ever met, nothing got past him.
"I... I don't want you to worry about me Mark. It's just a silly nightmare! What you went through-"
"No. Sweetheart, listen to me very carefully. I love you, we're a team. That means we support each other through good times, and in bad. You've done a damn good job of supporting me Y/N... now it's my turn to do the same. I don't want you to think you can't come to me when you're having a hard time." He swallowed hard. "Please talk to me, I've been worried about you. Lean on me, please..." Mark cupped your cheek.
Your eyes welled up again and you released a shaky breath. "Y-you keep dying... Over and over and over again," You said shakily. Mark's lip quivered. "Every night it's a repeat of the same thing. I was watching the news when they called me. When they told me you were..." You couldn't look him in the eye. "We had a funeral for you, I watched them bury an empty casket... Then months later they call again and tell me you're alive and all that mourning we went through could just be... tossed aside. Every day since I've been so... scared I'll get another call and you'll be dead all over again-" You covered your eyes and tried to keep from crying again, but it was all in vain.
"I couldn't do anything to help you, I could only sit here and watch!" You sobbed, "You were millions of miles away and they'd call me with every little update, and every call was just-" you choked and wiped at the never ending stream of tears, "I never wanted to answer because... what if my nightmares were real this time? What if all of this is some cruel dream? What if I wake up and you never made it home?"
"Look at me..." Mark pleaded lovingly.
You turned your puffy eyes back to his.
"I'm so sorry you've been going through this alone... I can't even begin to imagine how..." he sniffled, his own eyes welling. "God, if our roles were switched I don't know how I would do it..." He closed his eyes and gathered himself. You had been so strong, taking care of his family in his absence. He was lonely on Mars without you, but at least he knew you were safe. He had you, his parents, his friends, and a multitude of therapists and psychologists to talk to about his problems. You had been keeping yours close to your chest. Out of sight out of mind.
He wished he had asked sooner. Mark noticed something was off the moment he saw you when he got off the ship. You looked thinner, more tired, and you came up with endless excuses to stay up late. You never wanted to sleep. It took a lot of coaxing to get you in bed. Dammit, why didn't he say anything?!
You needed him. Mark would be damned before he let you slip through the cracks.
Mark gently grabbed your hands and pulled them close to his chest. "I'm right here... I'm not going anywhere. Those calls aren't going to come. This isn't a dream..." He brought your hands to his lips. "I missed you so much Y/N... I was gone for a long, long time, but I made it back and I'm staying."
"Forever?" you asked softly.
"Till the end of time... I'm right here... you're stuck with me sweetheart," he smirked. You chuckled softly and pressed your forehead to his.
"Is that supposed to be a threat Watney?" You whispered.
"Not so much a threat as it is a promise," he grinned. "I haven't broken one yet, have I?"
"No... no you haven't," you heaved a sigh.
"That's right..." he leaned in and gently kissed your lips. "Now I need you to promise me something."
"What's that?"
"That you'll talk to me... It's not good for you to keep all of this in. Ever since I got back, you've been my greatest form of support. You listen when I need to talk, you help me through every nightmare, you don't baby me like my parents, you've been so patient... I want to be that for you too. Promise me..." Mark pleaded.
"I-" You stammered.
"Please baby..."
Dammit, who were you to say no when he gave you the puppy eyes? "I promise..." You looked down at your hands.
"Thank you," Mark grinned and leaned down so you had to look at him again. "Do you want to try and go back to sleep?"
You grimaced at the thought.
"Got it, no sleep... How about I just hold you then?" he asked hopefully.
You nodded sheepishly before you were suddenly pulled into his strong arms. Mark laid back slowly and cradled you against his side, making sure your head was in that comfy crook between his shoulder and his chest. His legs weaved themselves between yours.
"Mmm," he hummed and slipped a callused hand under your shirt, where he lovingly traced his fingertips up and down your side.
You smiled and wrapped an arm around his waist.
"I love you, Mark," you said.
"I love you too, Y/N," he replied with a kiss to the top of your head. "So much..."
You breathed him in and exhaled slowly. You could feel the fear slowly melting away. It would take some time for it to disappear completely, maybe it never would. But for the first time, you were sure you weren't dreaming. Mark was real. Mark was alive, he was right here.
And he wasn't going anywhere.
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Young & Beautiful
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Pairing: 60s Elvis Presley x Reader
Word Count: 1,001 words
Warnings: Crying, Priscilla is mentioned, Reader feels insecure (this is a hurt/comfort story
Author’s Note: This is my first time doing a request. Thank you to @jolovesfandoms for the request! I hope you enjoy it!!
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Elvis was beside you sleeping soundly. You on the other hand, were wide awake. He looked so beautiful sleeping, even with his jet black hair a mess. You didn’t want to disturb him from his slumber, so you gently crawled out of bed. You walked down the stairs of Graceland to living room and sat down in front of the fireplace, which was still slowly burning out.
You had a million thoughts swirling in your head and the anxiety was creeping in. You wondered if you were truly good enough for Elvis. His career was taking off at high speeds like you had never seen since before he left for the Army two years prior. You worried that you would get left behind in the dust. You saw the articles about Priscilla, the girl he left behind. She was younger than you, her face was flawless. She was everything you wasn’t. The fear of everything was slowly beginning to creep in on you, so much so that you were unaware of your surroundings. You didn’t realize that Elvis reached out for you in bed, to find that you weren’t there. He got up from bed to fetch his robe and try to figure out where you were. You weren’t anywhere to be found upstairs, so he went downstairs.
The tears were beginning to fall down your face. You were so much engrossed in your thoughts that you didn’t hear Elvis’ footsteps as he walked down the staircase. He found you curled up in a ball on the carpet floor with your face hidden. He knew something was wrong, but he didn’t want to scare you. By the time Elvis got to the bottom of the staircase, sobs were escaping your lungs. Elvis walked over you and sat down close to you.
“Satnin, what’s bothering you?
“It’s nothing Elvis.”
“I call bullshit (Y/N). Look at me.” You looked up at him. Your (Y/E/C) were bloodshot. The tears were still pouring from your eyes. “Baby doll, your eyes are bloodshot. Please tell me what is wrong.”
You wanted to tell him. You needed to him. You just didn’t know how to do it. “Babe I-i-I’m scared.”
“What are you scared of baby? The dark? Please just tell me so I can fix it.”
“I’m scared of you leaving again, Elvis.”
“Satnin I’m done with the army. They don’t need..”
“That’s not what I’m talking about and you know it. I see the articles in the papers. The girl he left behind. It’s obvious you want her. I saw the way you talked about her. If you want her, that’s fine, I’ll leave.”
Elvis was in shock. He didn’t know the rumors had this much of an effect on you. “(Y/N) look at me.”
You didn’t want to, but you were scared about what would happen if you didn’t. You slowly lifted your head to meet his icy blue eyes. You could see his face was riddled with concern and heartache. Elvis hated to see you like this.
“Satnin, you know you’re my best girl. I don’t want Priscilla or any other girl in this world. I just want you baby doll.” Elvis got closer to you and pulled you into his lap so he could hold you closer. “I love you more than life it self (Y/N). When I look at you, I see hope. I see my future wife and mother to my children.” He gently kissed your forehead, your nose and then your lips. This is the Elvis you missed while he was away in Germany. The sweet, tender Elvis that tended to your emotional needs. He knew you were hurting in this moment, pouring your heart and soul out to him. Although the sobs had been quiet, the tears were still pouring down your face.
“Elvis, I-I-I love you so much. I want to believe what you’re saying. But look at me. I’m not a supermodel, I’m not pretty.”
“Satnin quit telling lies about yourself. You are so beautiful and yet you can’t see it.” Elvis lovely looked at your face as he gently rubbed his thumb over your jawline. He knew the only that could make you feel better at this point was him singing so that’s what he decided to do: sing.
You’re so young and beautiful, and I love you so.
Your lips so red, your eyes that shine, shame the stars that glow.
So fill these lonely arms of mine and kiss me tenderly.
Then you’ll be forever young and beautiful to me.
The tears began to dry up. His voice was as smooth as the finest velvet. You were getting lost in the words he was singing.
You’re so young and beautiful.
You’re everything I love.
Your angel smile, your gentle touch all are I’m dreaming of.
You could feel your eyelids begin to get heavier and heavier as Elvis kept singing. His thumb kept rubbing your cheeks while he rocked you back and forth in his arms.
Oh, take this heart I offer you and never set me free.
Then you’ll be forever young and beautiful to me.
Elvis looked to find you fighting sleep, but also clinging on to him like a child clings to their favorite blanket. “You look you’re about to fall asleep on me baby doll. Let’s get you up to bed (Y/N).” He gently helped you get up and as soon as he got himself up, he scooped you back into his arms. He carried you up the stairs to the California king sized bed that the two of you shared. Elvis carefully laid you down onto the bed and tucked you in with him. He pulled you close to him and whispered sweet nothings in your ear until you fell asleep. Shortly after he fell asleep with his arm around you tight, making sure you knew that he wasn’t letting you go anywhere and he wasn’t going anywhere.
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floralcyanide · 1 year
At the Bottom
Austin Butler x Reader
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angst prompt #2: “It’s my fault, I didn’t listen to everyone saying this would be a mistake!” by @jolovesfandoms
warnings: angst, unrequited love
summary: You're getting married to the love of your life, but will that all come crashing down because of a confession?
word count: 1112
author’s note:hiii thanks again for 2k followers! here is the first request! I hope everyone enjoys it even though it's angsty lol
masterlist | add yourself to the taglist here | 2k celebration prompts here | request a prompt here or in my asks.
“I watched you throw out your bouquet, now I think about you every day. I’m alone now in my bed.”
Today, you’re getting married. It’s supposed to be the most magical and amazing day of your life. But so far, it’s been really stressful and nerve-wracking. Your photographer is running late, rain clouds are beginning to form on the horizon, and your best friend has decided to confess his undying love for you.
You don’t know that yet, though. Currently, you’re standing in the courtyard of the venue as rain begins to fall softly, and you cringe as it hits your skin. Austin needed to talk to you about something, and he’s nowhere to be found as the rain starts falling faster. Shielding your face from the rain, you look around and finally spot Austin jogging over to you.
“Should we go inside now?” you ask as he approaches.
“What I need to tell you isn’t something I want others to hear,” Austin grimaces.
You furrow your eyebrows, “What do you mean?”
Taking a deep breath before slowly exhaling, Austin runs a hand through his hair, “I’m in love with you.”
Your blood runs cold, numbing your body as you search for the words to respond with. His words play over and over in your head. I’m in love with you. You can’t decipher if you’re angry because you gave up on your feelings for Austin long ago when you realized it would never be mutual, or because he decided to return those feelings today of all days. Either way, anger and grief have gathered up in your eyes and begun to spill down your cheeks.
“No,” you say, lip trembling, “You’re lying. Don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not lying,” Austin reaches his hands out to grab yours, but you yank them away from his grasp.
“I loved you for so damn long, Austin,” you whisper, shaking your head at him, “I loved you for so long, but you never saw it. You never saw me.”
“I’ve always seen you-”
Austin pauses as one of your other close friends runs up to you, “Are you okay? Is everything alright over here?”
“Everything is fine. I was just about to come inside,” you lie, gently tapping at the corners of your eyes, trying not to make your face blotchy and swollen.
Your friend eyes Austin carefully before turning to you, “Let’s get you inside. We need to hurry and fix you up.”
What are you supposed to do now? Thinking about marrying your partner after knowing the person you were deeply in love with loves you back seems very difficult. You don’t say a single word or answer anyone’s questions as you pass by friends and family on your way to the wardrobe room. Everyone begins whispering about the obvious tears in your eyes. Soon enough, word gets to your fiance that you’re upset. You’re holed up in the wardrobe room of the venue, face in your hands, when they knock on the door.
“Is everything alright, sweetheart?” 
You sniff, uncovering your face, so your voice is clear, “Everything is fine.”
“You can tell me anything, you know,” your fiance says through the door.
“Yeah, I do,” you frown.
You’ve been thinking about how to bring up the situation with them, but only two options come up. One, you tell them you don’t know who to choose, and you cancel the wedding. Two, you tell them Austin has feelings for you, pretend you don’t reciprocate them, and get married to your fiance. Either way, you’re going to lose someone you love today. So, you decide just to tell them Austin confessed and see how they answer,
“Then tell me what’s going on, love.”
You stand up from the chair you were sitting in and begin pacing the room, your teeth worrying at your bottom lip.
“Austin told me he is in love with me,” you blurt out.
“Oh,” your fiance says plainly. A brief moment of silence follows until they clear their throat, “I kind of know that already. I think everyone does.”
Your eyes widen in shock and then squint in anger, “Am I seriously the last one to find out?”
“It appears that way,” your fiance chuckles.
“I wish I could find it funny, but I don’t. I loved him- I don’t know what to think, I don’t know what to do,” you stutter, gliding your hands into your hair and pulling at it in distress.
“It’s okay. Just think about it and decide what you think is right.”
A minute passes before you speak up, “Okay.”
And you do think about it. About an hour passes before you finally decide to continue with the wedding. As much as it hurts you and as much as it’s going to hurt Austin, you really love and care about your fiance. And you aren’t about to call off your wedding because Austin waited too late to say how he felt, much less waited until the day you were getting married. Not to mention now that this has happened, along with the photographer never showing up, the wedding has to be rescheduled.
You finally unlock the door and head downstairs to the courtyard, where Austin has remained this whole time. His forearms are resting upon his knees with his head hanging in embarrassment.
“Hi,” you say as you quietly approach Austin.
He looks up, “Hi.”
You take a deep breath, “You can leave, we’re doing this another day.”
“The wedding? I didn’t ruin it did I?” Austin frowns.
You purse your lips together, “It isn’t completely your fault, Aus.”
He sighs, “It is my fault, I didn’t listen to everyone saying this would be a mistake.”
“I’m sorry,” you look down at your feet as tears well in your eyes, “You’re just too late.”
“I understand,” Austin mutters. 
You pull him into a hug, and after a moment of not returning it, he finally wraps his arms around you.
“I’m sorry I was too late. If I had told you before, how would you have felt?”
“I love you,” you say sadly, pulling away from the embrace, “But waiting until the day I’m marrying someone else is not acceptable. I wish you would’ve said something sooner. I’m sorry.”
Austin nods, shoving his hands in his pockets, “I guess I’ll head out, then.”
“Alright. I’ll see you around?” you ask.
“Sure,” Austin smiles solemnly.
The two of you remain friends after that, but it isn’t the same. You end up marrying your fiance a few weeks later without issue. To this day, you still think about Austin and wonder how different things would have been had he told you sooner. But, you don’t dwell on it. You’re happy with your partner, and that’s what matters.
@anangelwhodidntfall @butlersluvbot @austinbutler17 @misspygmypie @mamaspresley @mirandastuckinthe80s @sodonebruh @lizzymizzy-blogg @defnotreadingfanfics12 @izzvoid @homebodybirkin2003 @thatonemoviefan @sarachacha @kittenlittle24 @tubble-wubble @kaycinema @annamarie16 @adoreyouusugar @amiets2 @mrs-butler @ari-nicole @austin-butlers-gf @feral4austinbutler @inlovewithchrisevans @shynovelist @mommy-maia @karamelcoveredolicity @thtguyovrthere @starry-night-20 @coldonexx @hangmanswhorey @mavericksicybabe @bobthefishiesworld @myguiltypleasures21 @rainydayz101 @finelineskies @cryingabtab @kaitaesupremacy @ash-omalley @latenighttalking13 @tom-whore-dleston @every-dayiwakeup @butlerslut @rosepresley @fangirl125reader @dre6ming @butlerettes @inthegardensofourminds @edgeofrealitys-blog
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serendipminie-writes · 7 months
Tag Game!
I was tagged by someone (not sure who lol)
Do this UQuiz to see what the fandom would think of you if you were a fictional character
Do this Picrew to design your look!
Tag others
Here goes!
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I will tag @dancinginsepia, @bassguitarinablackt-shirt, @imslowlydisintegrating, @shadow-of-tea-and-tea, @worldsfromhoney, @awleeofficial, @unmellowyellowfellow, @halleyuhm, @a-had-matter, @ko0l-k1dd0, @lordcatwich, @jolovesfandoms, @clearcloudlesssky, @briannaswords, @isabellebissonrouthier, @holdmyteaplease and anybody else who sees this and would like to do it!!!!
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variety-fangirl · 2 years
Seeing You Again / Jimmy Keene x fem!reader (Black Bird)
Request by @jolovesfandoms
Part 2 here
Summary: "Ok. Maybe Jim and the reader could see each other for the first time since his arrest. The reader could also be a sobbing mess as she thought she would never see him again"
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI Partial spoilers for those who wanting to watch the series, prison and talk of prison life, mentions of blood and cuts, swearing, angst, lmk if I missed anything.
Author's note: Thank you so much for requesting beautiful!! Made me so happy 😁🥰 I hope that it came out how you wanted! Feel free to send in any requests you have guys! Liking, reblogging, and commenting really help me out. Thank for you reading and enjoy my loves! 😘
(I am aware that in the first prison they only talk through the glass and phones but for the purpose of the story just go with them being able to sit at a table and touch, ok? It is fiction after all! :D)
Word count: 1.5k
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Jimmy being arrested was a complete shock, something none of you had expected. He tried to be as careful and cautious as possible, so the police raiding his home wasn't something that you thought would happen. Hearing the verdict in court as you sat next to his father broke you, it felt like your whole world had come crashing down on you. His father had assured you he wouldn't get any more than five years if he plead guilty, although the thought of him being behind bars for five years was already a daunting thought. So, hearing the ten-year sentence crushed you further.
You gasped, tears immediately falling down your face as you watched Jimmy being dragged away as he thrashed and yelled. You couldn't even say goodbye to him or kiss him one last time before he was taken away. You sobbed, your hands covering your mouth as you stood. His father grabbed you, pulling you into him. Loud sobs racked through you as he rubbed your back soothingly, trying to calm you down the best he could. You were all in shock, still not fully believing what you'd heard.
It had been 3 months of not seeing Jimmy, he had refused for you to come and visit him. He didn't want you to see him in prison but you had had enough and wanted to see him finally. So, you told Jimmy's father to say he would be coming to visit him that week, so Jimmy couldn't avoid you any further. His father let you know that Jim wouldn't be happy with your plan but that he would do it, he knew how much you missed his son and craved seeing him. When the day came, you were extremely nervous. You felt nauseous, biting at the skin of your lip and playing with the edge of your t-shirt.
You were aware that Jimmy would be unhappy that you went behind his back, using his dad no less to do so but you didn't care. You just had to see him, you couldn't take another 3 months of not seeing him. Sure, you got to talk on the phone but it was never for long and definitely wasn't the same as physically being in front of him. You wondered what he looked like, if he was okay, if he was taking care of himself, if he was eating enough, etc... You worried about him terribly since he got arrested.
Your left leg bounces repeatedly under the relatively clean prison table as you kept looking around for any sign of Jim. The feeling as if you were being stared at made your skin crawl and an uncomfortable anxiety set in your stomach, you close your eyes and take a deep breath to calm your nerves. Seeing him finally would be worth every second of feeling uncomfortable, something you didn't think would happen. The uneasy feeling of never seeing Jimmy again had run through your mind many times over the past months, the thought made your chest tight every time.
Finally, after twenty agonising minutes of waiting, you hear the silver metal door creak open to announce the arrival of someone. Your head shoots up, tears brimming your vision as he comes into view. His handcuffs are removed and he's locked in the room with you and one other couple. Jimmy's eyes look around the room confused, obviously not spotting his father. They finally settle upon you, his eyes widening in shock and displeasure. You knew he was happy to see you but annoyed that you went against his word that you wouldn't come.
"Jimmy." The words come out breathless, almost not believing he's stood in front of you. Despite being unhappy with your defiance, he comes toward you quickly with such speed you didn't think was possible. As soon as his arms wrap around you, the tears fall. The feeling of warmth and love overwhelms you all at once, pulling a sob from you. You return the hug, hands gripping the back of his clothes with force. Jimmy pulls you as close as he possibly can, his hand holding the back of your head as his trembling lips press to your forehead. He was trying his hardest not to cry, wanting to be strong for you. He allowed himself this small moment of weakness, a single tear falling as he closed his eyes. His breathing was shaky as he pulled his lips away from your head.
You had managed to calm your breathing down enough for the tears to be silent, not wanting to spend the whole time crying. You both reluctantly pull apart, opting to sit opposite each other at the table instead. "I didn't think I was going to see you again, I've been so worried about you." you whimper, tears not stopping as Jimmy grabs your hand to comfort you. Rough dried bloody scabs catch your attention, both of Jimmy's knuckles covered in cuts. The itch to grab both of his hands and kiss each cut delicately pulls at you but you decide against the idea, not wanting to be too intimate or touchy.
"I thought the same, been worried about you too now that I'm not there to look after you." he frowns, obviously not liking the idea of you being alone out there. You smile, wiping your cheeks with your free hand, not daring to move your other one from holding his hand. "I told you not to come though, this isn't exactly a safe place I want you to visit," he complains, his thumb subtly rubbing against your skin soothingly. "I know Jim, but I couldn't go another three fucking months without seeing you. And I'll be coming from now on, I need to be able to see you so that I don't go insane." Jimmy sighs, nodding in agreement.
"Okay, I agree. I can't believe you roped my fucking dad into covering for you." he snorts, a grin appearing. You smile, happy that he wasn't too mad at you for lying. Being able to see him finally was fully worth it in your opinion, you couldn't bare anymore of sitting in your shared house staring out the window hoping he would come home, that this was all just a bad dream. Going to bed every night and waking up every morning without him left you in a permanent state of sadness, hating not having him there. The thought of having to do this for the next few years just broke your heart further, you just wanted him back with you.
"How are you doing?" you question with a sad smile, not being able to imagine how awful it must be or what he had seen already. He shook his head, putting on one of his typical fake 'I'm fine' smiles, "everything's fine. I'm coping." he states simply, shrugging his shoulders. But you could see right through it, knowing him well enough to tell when he was lying. "C'mon, Jimmy. Don't lie to me. How are you really doing?" you frown, knowing he didn't like to open up often. He tended to keep everything in and express his emotions in private, away from peering eyes. If you were alone, he would be inclined to open up properly to you.
His shoulders slacked a little, realising he'd been busted. "It's hard, a big adjustment. But, I'm making due the best I can. It's not as bad as it could be and that's what keeps me going. Plus, the photo I have of you in my cell." you giggle lightly, squeezing his hand. "I can't imagine the things you've had to adjust to and see while in here. I worry about your safety, all the time. I can't stand the thought of something terrible happening..." you close your eyes as images of a hurt Jimmy passes through your mind, tears pricking your vision once again.
You feel Jimmy place his spare hand on your face, his palm surprisingly warm. "Hey, don't think of that. I'm fine, I'm here. Nothing's going to happen to me baby, I'm being careful." he whispers, leaning closer to you. He wipes away the tears that escape, hating to see you upset because of him. Even though it was unintentional. You open your eyes and nod, leaning further into his touch. Any intimacy or closeness you could get from him, you would take. "I know, I just love you and am naturally going to worry about you. With time I'm sure it'll get easier." Jimmy nods, agreeing with your concern.
"I love you too, I do appreciate you caring about my safety and loving me enough to stick by me through this," he admits truthfully, a rare moment of softness and vulnerability from him. You place your hand on top of his that lays on your face, enjoying his touch. "Of course, I would, I didn't even need to think about it. You are the person I want to spend my life with Jim, I will be here every step of the way." you place a kiss on the inside of his palm, and Jimmy smiles at your words. Never for a second had you doubted your love for each other and knew when he got arrested that you would stick by his side, through thick and thin.
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geo-winchester · 2 years
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Summary: Jimmy met you at a bar and try to get your attention, on one of your visit things got a little out of control.
A/N: hi lovelies, I finally manage to finish this story, I know I been absent a little but I been pretty busy lately, I have to study for an exam and I been a little down because of that anyway thank you to @jolovesfandoms for this idea I hope this is what you want it, if anyone have any other request please let me know I’ll work as fast as I can to write it!
Warnings: smut, 18+, mature content, please don’t read it unless your +18.
Jimmy wasn’t the kind of man who went to places like this, he felt like an older guy as he just watch how people dance, he try to lose his tie to be more comfortable but it didn’t work, he was about to give up and go home until he saw you, he couldn’t help but smile when he notice you waiting at the bar as you try to get the bartender attentions, he excuse himself with his friends and walk to you, he got your attention immediately, after he sing to the dance floor the two of you danced together for hours, after you go to the bar again, he smirk at you and try to talk to you but you couldn’t heard anything, he took one of the napkins and wrote something, he handle to you “wanna go somewhere else?”, you thought for a moment but when you finally nod, he took your hand and guide you outside, you had a small chat in the car.
-Hi- he finally said when you were finally at his place.
-Hi, what did you say back there?- you asked him.
-It doesn’t matter, love, it was a stupid thing.
-So I we left the bar for a stupid thing?
-I can make you a drink, I have everything you can imagine, what do you want?- he look at you for a second -maybe a martini?- you shook your head with a smile.
-I’ll have a beer.
-Then two beers it is- he said as he took them for the fridge -here you go, love.
-Thank you- you said when he gave it to you the bottle -you know, this is the first time I do something like this- you said.
-Drink with a stranger?- he asked you.
-Drink with a stranger away from my friends, it’s a risk to do that from where I come.
-You just move out?- you nod.
-Then consider this as a welcome gift- you nod.
-In that case, I should order Champaign- he laugh, you took that moment to look at him, he was handsome and that suit fit him pretty good, you blush when he notice you checking him out -I never met someone who wear a vest before, I thought it was just for CEO or a mob, so what are you?
-Is that important?- he said with a smirk.
-Maybe, am I in danger?- You asked as you approached him.
-Not with me darling- he said -I’ll protect you for anything- he said as he approached you and brushed your cheek, you closed your eyes at his touch -Can I kiss you?
-You’re taking a lot of time to do it- you said making him smirk, he didn’t take a lot of time to kiss you, he was tender but at the same time rough, you put your arms around his neck making him get closer to you.
-Wait- you said before you continue -I need you to know something- you said -I don’t really care what you do but there’s something in you that makes me feel safe, but at least I need to know your name- he smiled.
-Jimmy- he said before he kissed you again and led you to the sofa.
You thought about that day as you made your way through the jail, it was a different path as the one you been used from months, when the guard open the door you saw him, he was sitting on the bed as he was look at his hands, when he look at the door, his face light up when he saw you, you run into his arms and he hug you tight, you look in to his eyes before you kiss him.
-Wait- he said as he broke the kiss -I have something to tell you.
-I know and we’ll talk about it later but right now I need you…- he looks at you -please- you whisper, after a few seconds he gives you a cocky look.
-I can’t say no to my lady- he said making you smile, he kiss you again, your arms flew around his neck making the kiss got deep -it's a lovely shirt darling but I going to need you take it off- he said sitting on the bed as you did what he said, you could see the desire in his eyes as he watch you getting undress -wait- he said stopping you before you could take off your underwear -come here- you do as he told and sit on his lap, you smile when you felt his hard cock, he groan when you move your hips trying to get more friction.
-This is unfair- you said -you’re still dress-he smile and make the two of you rolled, you lay on the bed as he took his shirt off, you bit your lip when he was finally naked in front of you -shit- you whisper -I forgot how big you were- he smirk and lay between your legs and kiss your neck, you gasp when you feel a little bit between those kisses.
-Let’s them be free- you couldn’t help but giggle when he take off your bra, your back arc when his mouth took one of your nipples as his hand took care of the other -perfect as always- he grin -tell me darling do you miss me?- you nod -do you used this pretty fingers when you thought about me?- you moan when you feel one of his hands make his way down to your core -Or maybe- he takes off your panties as he gets down on you, you smile when he kisses your inner thighs -just maybe you used one of your toys.
-Jimmy- you said as you arch your back when you feel his tongue on your clit, another moan escapes from your lips when you feel one of his fingers in you.
-Are you going to tell me or I need to stop- you shook your head.
-I… sometimes use my fingers and pretend they're yours- you moan when he adds another finger -but sometimes it wasn’t enough… so I used your special gift as I fuck me… shit Jimmy I can’t…- he stop with a grin -why…- before you could finish your question he push himself in you, he groan when he felt your nails press on his back and kiss you, you could still taste yourself on that kiss -Please jimmy…
-You want me to move darling?- he asked you, you got close to him and kissed his jaw.
-I want you to fuck me like that first night in your apartment- you said, he just gave you a look before he get out of you and flip you, he massage your ass, you almost scream you feel him inside you in one thrust.
-That’s it darling, let everyone know how good I make you feel- he said as he increase his pace, you moan every time he thrust you, making you feel like a porn movie, his hand press your hip as he groan, one of his hand push your back to the mattress giving you a better angle.
-Right there Jimmy- you said as you look at Him, you smiled when his face was full of pleasure -I’m going…- without notice the knot on your belly exploded making your legs shake, Jimmy turned you again and kissed you as he slowly pushed himself in you, still sensitive.
-Do you want me to stop- you shook your head -that’s my good girl- he wink making you smile, you start to moan his name as he move again at first slowly, giving you small kisses in your jaw, his pace start to increase making the two of you moan, your legs were around his hips giving him more access to you, he start to play with one of your nipples on his mouth making you moan -fuck darling, you feel really good…. I can feel you close… do it baby, let me see how you come- it wasn’t long when you came around him, his pace slowed a little letting you know that he was close too, after a few more thrust you feel the warm seed inside you making you smile, none of you move for a moment.
-I missed you- you said with a smile, as you cuddled next to him.
-Miss you too darling- you kiss his shoulder and look at him, you notice how he was trying to find the right words.
-You want to talk about it, don’t you?- he nods -You accept the deal, right?- he nods again.
-I need to do this…
-But what if something happens to you, what if…
-What if he gets free and keep killing or you walk in to him?- he asked -Beside I can walk free when this is over, we can start over where ever you want… and we can have a family- you look at him a little shock -I don’t want to ask you to marry me here, I’ll have that planned but the only thing that I’ll ask you today is to wait for me- he said looking at you.
-On one condition- you said -please be careful there- he nodded before he kissed you -and by the way I would say yes here.
-I know but I want to pop the question somewhere else.
-Are you going to tell me your plan- he shook his head.
-It’s a surprise darling.
-Can I know if I kiss you?
-You can try- he said, you kiss him and smile.
-I’m not going to tell you, but that kiss just confirms how much I love you- you smile.
-I love you too, Jimmy- he smile
-I’m glad that you decided to come with me when we first met- he said.
-It was that vest.
-I’ll have to thank my tailor when I see him.
-Hell can be your best man- he laughs.
-So you’ll say yes?- he asked you seriously after a while.
-Yes, I wasn’t kidding when I said that I love you.
-I love you too darling- he said kissing you again.
-By the way I want to know what you tried to tell me when we met- he kissed the top of your head.
-I’ll tell you when I asked you to marry me- you rolled your eyes but keep by each other side trying to freeze time.
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why-what-no · 2 years
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Pairing: Elvis (Movie) x Reader
Warnings: Panic attack (although idk how well I did at representing having one)
Notes: Requested by @jolovesfandoms
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(Y/N) was curled up at the foot of their bed, one hand grabbing onto the sheets with a deadly grip. The feeling had hit them so hard, so fast. All the stress from their life jumping them in a single moment.
Tears rolled down their face as their body shuddered and their hands shook. Everything felt wrong and too much. The room felt like it was too small and breathing was. Just. So. Hard. Trying to force air into their body seemed impossible.
They flinched as they could hear footsteps coming towards their room, footsteps they could automatically tell we’re Elvis’s. (Y/N) was suddenly terrified for him to see them like this, shame taking over them. But they couldn’t force themself to move, to fix their appearance as to not worry their lover.
“Darlin’, I need…” He opened the door, spotting his partner. “Darlin’?” He looked so concerned, stepping forward and kneeling beside (Y/N). “Darlin’, what’s wrong, what can I do?” He didn’t look ashamed, (Y/N) observed with a touch of relief, but couldn’t make themself tell him that they were fine.
He raised his hand to touch them, but stopped when they flinched away once again. The concept of touch filled them with revulsion.
“I…” (Y/N) tried to speak. “I can’t…” They tried so hard to communicate, crying slightly with the effort to speak without air.
“Okay.” He told them, realizing that he needed to do something. “It’s okay. Just breath for me, alright? Like me…” He took deep breaths, encouraging them to copy him.
The gasps they let out broke Elvis’s heart a little, hating to see his love in pain. But eventually they started to breath properly, the tear tracks lined on their face.
“There we go.” His expression turned proud as (Y/N) looked at him. Their hand had let go from the bedsheets at some point and was now grasping Elvis’s shirt, the feeling of the silk soothing them.
“Thank you.” (Y/N)‘s voice was small, but the stuttering had faded away.
“Don’t thank me, baby.” He didn’t need their gratitude, he was just glad that they seemed to be doing a bit better. “Can I hold you now?”
When they nodded, he shifted closer. Wrapping his arms around them, he smiled just a little when he could feel them pulling him closer. “That’s it, sweet thing. You’re alright.” He gently spoke into their ear. “You let me know if this happens again, will you? I wanna help you.”
They nodded, pressing their face into his shirt. “Okay.”
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obbsessedfan · 8 months
Create an Aesthetic Board that Represents You! Then Tag the Amount of People as Your Tumblr Name!
I wanted to do one of these! 🩵💙
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NPT: @1look-at-how-my-tears-ricochet1 @saturntonads @f4iry-bell @mochamvgz @strawberry1406 @bookish-phile @lovelylima (it wouldn’t let me tag you) @jolovesfandoms @novas2cool4u @herondalesbooklover @cailitwhatyouwant @elliedafish
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toribookworm22 · 1 year
Rose Delivery
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I was tagged by @minutiaewriter & @axl-ul! Thank you both, lovelies! ❤️❤��❤️
@elizaellwrites @honeysoiair @writing-and-trying @eli-writes-sometimes @thatndginger @hyuccubus @master-of-the-pigeon-religion @lividdreamz @ashen-crest @saphoblin @akiwitch @the-orangeauthor @brianamorganbooks @bluejay-in-flight @elijahrichardwrites @apocalypsewriters @bookmarks-reviews @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @rsdan @jlilycorbie @porchswingstories @j-1173 @regalserpent @likegemstone @bi-karibe-chick @creatrackers @midnight-clover @friggjarson @risingshards @ishipgenfics @late-to-the-fandom @primroseprime2019 @larrysballetslippers @ddbirb @kayedium-writes @pluttskutt @sergeantnarwhalwrites @boldnightmarishreverbs @mschvs @jolovesfandoms @frankensteinshimbo @chargeaznable @ace-of-rabbits @writersandpoetsunited @royal1asset-if @writeintrees & anyone who just needs a rose.
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shelbgrey · 15 days
The luck of a dog(Linus Caldwell)
Paring: Linus Caldwell x Ryan!Reader
Summary: Linus and the reader find and lost puppy. Linus names him Lucky not realizing how lucky the dog actually is to have around.
Request: @jolovesfandomes
MasterList ML2
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We were yet on another case, Danny gave us the lowdown and his ‘sold’ plan just like he did when we robbed the Bellagio casino. After me and my brother Rusty met up with Linus and Danny we split up to get a few things. Lunis was supposed to go with me and steal some documents for the heist. Linus was a total sweetheart and the complete opposite of most of the guys on our team, but damn he gets distracted easily. I looked down for one second and he’s gone.
I caught him getting distracted by a stray puppy. I head to admit, it was kinda cute to watch it all go down. Linus was across the street, knelt down on one knee in front of this blond Dachshund puppy. The puppy put his front paws on the knee that was on the ground and craned his neck up to sniff Linus’ hand. I smiled at how gentle and loving Linus was to this puppy he just met.
I chuckled from afar, approaching him. God knows he'll get in trouble if either Danny or Rusty finds out he got distracted so easily
“You get distracted so easily” I said kindly and knelt down next to him and petted the puppy too. He was a very unique looking puppy, probably a mutt. He had those big black dachshund eyes and body, but had the same shade of fur as a golden retriever. I've only seen these types of mixes in fancy pet stores and dog shows on tv. He must have ran away, but he didn’t have a collar and looked like he hadn’t eaten in a while. It broke my heart to think about him possibly being abandoned.
Linus looked up at me with those big blue eyes, they almost held just as much innocents as the puppy’s eyes did. It was unusual in a good way that his personality was so different. He was just gentle and kind unlike my sarcastic brother and Danny with his twisted and sometimes misunderstood humor. Linus laughed before looking down at the puppy again. He flashes me a smile as he looks back up at me.
“I know, I know... But who can blame me?” Linus gestures to the puppy as if it were obvious why he was distracted in the first place. Linus gently scooped the puppy up in his arms and held him to his chest protectively.
“You're adorable, you know that?” I smiled softly, not confirming if I was talking about him or the puppy. I gently rubbed the puppy behind the ear as Linus held him. The puppy sniffed my hand, letting me love on him.
Linus raised an eyebrow in confusion, turning pink as he looked up at me. It was rare for me to make a guy blush, I was just as shy as he was at times. But I guess I just felt comfortable with him and the team, I guess I'm what they call an ambivert.
Linus looked between me and the puppy, bushing “Me? Or…” He nods over to the puppy, clearly not certain that I meant him or the puppy.
“Wouldn't you like to know…” I looked up at him with a smirk, but it was very affectionate. I stroked the puppy behind the ear. The puppy was small, but he looked even smaller when Linus held him.
“Hah” Linus let out a bit of a scoff at my answer. He rolled his eyes, a small smile forming at the corners of his lips. “That's not fair, ya know?” He said with a chuckle and looked back down at the puppy, gently stroking his fur.
“Eh, you're smart…you’ll figure out who i'm talking about soon enough” I shrugged playfully and let the puppy lick my hand.
Linus laughed gently, rolling his eyes as he tried to mask the red tint in his face and the pounding in his chest. He continued gently stroking the puppy's soft fur, but looked down at his watch. He quickly glances back down at the puppy again and lets out a dejected sigh. “I guess we should get back?” He said, though he seemed as if he didn't want to go back immediately.
“We should take him with us…” I looked up at him with puppy eyes, begging him to go along with my plan. “we can't just leave him out here alone”
Linus raised an eyebrow at me before looking down at the puppy again. He couldn't help but let out a small amused snort. “You realize that you're giving me the same puppy eyes look that this puppy is, right?”
I smiled up at him. “You do the same thing to me all the time”
“Touche” Linus let out a bit of an amused scoff. He turns his attention back to the puppy, gently stroking him before letting out a fake defeated sigh. “Fine then, we'll take him with us. But we may have to hide him from Rusty and Danny if we have to”
I chuckled softly at the mention of Danny and my brother. “They'll be fine” especially if i'm behind it. Have both Rusty and Danny wrapped around my finger. Rusty refuses to yell at me because doesn't want to be like our dad and Danny knows he'll get hit by Rusty or Tess if he’s mean to me. Usually if they have an attitude I don't like I'll pull a prank or refuse to hack into anything for a heist.
“Will they?” It was mostly a rhetorical question, but Linus' tone was a tad serious. He held the puppy close to his chest, as if he was protecting it. He looked down at the puppy smiling, but looked concerned. “...We're going to need to feed him too. He looks skinny.”
“If Rusty didn't already eat it all there should be some leftover fried chicken in the fridge” I said petting the puppy. I smiled, thinking about what Danny and Rusty would say. “and who could say no to this face... Danny's too much of a softly deep down to tell us to get rid of him”
Linus let out a soft sigh, knowing that I was correct. He gently held the puppy closer to his chest and gently scratched behind the puppy's ear. He let out a small chuckle. We both knew the puppy really was cute..
“Damn it…” Linus muttered under his breath, though he didn't seem angry. He looked down at the puppy with a small, warm smile. The puppy looked up at him and craned his neck up, he sniffed Linus' face and licked his chin.
I smiled, stroking the golden fur on the puppy’s back. “Good boy,” I said softly.
Linus chuckled as the puppy licked his chin, closing his eyes in amusement. “Hey there, boy” He said gently in a playful, tender tone. He gently scratched and patted the puppy on the head and underneath his chin, to which the puppy gently barked and wagged his tail happily.
“Please... Who knows how long he's been wandering the streets” I said softly.
Linus was still occupied by the puppy, scratching behind his ears and patting him on his head. He was quiet for several moments before letting out a small chuckle and a sigh. “I suppose you're right…”
My smile widened and I looked up at him, Linus gave back a small amused grin. “Guess this is our puppy now, huh?”
It made my heart flutter when he said 'our puppy.' I've loved him for so long, I just didn't know how to tell him and didn't want to mess up our strong friendship. Owing something this important and innocent together was the best feeling I had in a long time. I could only dream that he felt the same way. “I guess so…” Is all I said.
I didn’t know Linus has had feelings for me for quite some time. However, I was worried about messing up the strong friendship we built since the day we met. He continued to gently pat and scratch behind the puppy's ears, who was clearly loving the attention. “Do you mind if I name him...? I thought of one that actually suits him?”
“What did you have in mind?”
“How do you feel about calling him Lucky?” Linus said in response, smiling softly at the puppy. It was quite the fitting name after all... Lucky was a true miracle to be born like the way he was. A rare, unique puppy. Linus truly believes that the puppy is a miracle in itself, and wanted to remind the dog of it by naming him Lucky.
“Lucky is a cute name” I smiled and stroked his golden fur. “well... It’s lucky we found him”
“Yeah.” Linus agreed. He watched as I pet the puppy, though I felt his gaze focused on me instead of the puppy. He smiled warmly as he watched me with those beautiful blue eyes, his eyes filled with admiration as he watched my tender touches with Lucky.
I smiled at the puppy as he craned his neck towards me and licked my cheek. I laughed softly. Moving closer to the puppy as Linus held him. I petted his head with one hand and stroked his chin with the other.
The puppy was clearly loving all the attention from both of us, his tail wagging happily and his tongue was out slightly. Linus continued to watch me and Lucky closely, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. I couldn't help but find it adorable to see Linus so focused on the puppy, holding him so protectively. I had to resist the urge to move myself closer and gently press my lips against his. “Let's get him to the hotel…”
“Yeah... The others are probably starting to get worried.” Linus gently held the puppy close to his chest as he nodded in agreement. He didn't let go of Lucky as he looked back up at me with a small smile, before gesturing for me to come along. “Onwards
We took him to the hotel room then set him down. He sniffed around a bit, getting used to the place. His tail was wagging and his nose led him right to Rusty. He looked down from where he was sitting at the counter, he looked down surprised. “where did the dog come from?” Rusty asked as the puppy stood on his hind legs, begging for the food Rusty had.
“Uh... We found him in the streets. Left all alone” Linus explained as he looked over at Rusty. He couldn't help but smirk, knowing that the puppy was going to try and steal the food Rusty was currently eating.
Rusty sighed, but not completely against it. “Guys..”
I ignored Rusty as he dragged out the word and stole a chicken strip off Rusty's plate then knelt down in front of Lucky, giving him a piece.
Linus chuckled. It was obvious Rusty was reluctant to let the puppy have any of his food, but he didn't protest for the time being. Linus continued to watch me feed Lucky, a smirk still on his face as the puppy happily wolfed down the chicken piece given to him.
“Come on, he was on the street. What were we supposed to do?” I asked rusty as I filled a bowl of water up for the puppy
Rusty was silent, as he knew I had a point. Even though he was annoyed, he didn't protest or say anything. He let out a deep sigh and looked over at me and Lucky in defeat.
“Fine... He can stay for now, alright?”
Rusty shrugged as he spoke. He looked over at the puppy, his eyes showing that he didn't want to admit it but he was softening to the dog. He took another bite of his food and spoke again. “Look, the dog has to prove himself first. Then I'll make my judgment”
Linus and I both knew Rusty was just trying to save face. But he knew deep down that Rusty already had a soft spot for Lucky. The puppy let out a quick small bark at Rusty.
Rusty looked over at the puppy and couldn't help but let out a small scoff of amusement at the loud bark. He rolled his eyes and took another bite of his food as he muttered. “Smart ass…”
Danny walked into the room a couple of minutes later and raised an eyebrow at the sight of Lucky. “Why's there a dog here?”
“me and Linus found him…”
Danny was silent for several moments as he took in this information. He looked over at Lucky, who was now sitting at your feet. The expression on Danny’s face was clearly a mixture of irritation and disappointment.
“Please tell me you two aren’t keeping the dog…”
“Please, Danny. He was all alone... Someone abandoned him”
Danny lets out a loud sigh in annoyance. He looked over at you and at Lucky, who was looking up at him with wide, pleading eyes. “Damn it. I hate cute things” He muttered to himself under his breath before looking back over at me and Linus. “You better make sure that goddamn dog doesn’t cause any trouble, got it?”
I immediately hugged Danny. “Thank you!”
“Yeah, yeah” Danny said, playfully rolling his eyes. “You guys are such children sometimes”
Linus chuckled as he watched Danny roll his eyes at the hug. Linus knew Danny would soften up eventually and end up approving of having the puppy with them in the hotel room. He crossed his arms and smirked. “Yeah, yeah. We’re such children. But you secretly love us really”
“Yeah, we're a joy to be around” I added.
Danny rolled his eyes in annoyance again, though it was clear from the affectionate tone in his voice that he was only teasing me and Linus. “Yeah… More like, a right pain in the ass…”
Lucky walked right up to Danny and sat at his feet. The puppy looked up at him and let out a small yelp, pawing at his pant leg gently. Danny raised an eyebrow in annoyance as Lucky sat at his feet. However, when the puppy let out a small yelp, it softened his irritation just a bit. But he refused to show it immediately as he looked down at the puppy and scoffed. “What do you want, mutt?”
Lucky tilted his head and wagged his tail. Danny continued to look down at Lucky, but his expression softened when the puppy tilted his head and wagged his tail in response. He tried his absolute hardest to hide the fact that he was softening to Lucky, but ultimately failed miserably. He let out a small grumble under his breath. “Stop looking at me like that, will ya?”
“aw, he likes you” I smirked.
Danny sighed, but the expression on his face quickly softened. He couldn’t help but give into the puppy’s cuteness, and secretly admitted to himself that the puppy was adorable as it sat there wagging its tail. “Ugh…. Cute bastard” Danny sighed, making me laugh.
Danny gave me an annoyed look again, clearly not happy to have had his secret admission of how adorable he found the puppy. Even Rusty chuckled at that
“Shut up… You two are even worse than the mutt” he told me and Linus.
“He does have a name ya know... You don't have to keep calling him mutt”
Danny looked back down at Lucky and raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, yeah… So what’s the mutt’s name then?”
“Lucky” me and Linus responded at the same time.
Danny looked at Lucky for several moments before raising an eyebrow at me and Linus. “Lucky, huh?” He smirked, clearly secretly finding it a bit ironic that we’d give the dog that particular name. “How cliché…”
“Fuck you” I said in a fake offended tone.
“Hey, don’t hate me cause it’s true” Danny shot me and Linus a smirk as he said that, to which Rusty snickered from where he was sitting.
I rolled my eyes. Danny chuckled, clearly amused. He continued to look down at Lucky, before crossing his arms. “Hey, Mutt. Gimme your paw”
Lucky held his paw out for him. Danny was a bit surprised but impressed when Lucky held his paw out for him, as if it was asking for him to shake it’s paw. He raised an eyebrow, but the smirk never left his face. He knelt down and held onto Lucky’s paw with the tips of his fingers and gently shook it. “Huh… Smart little bastard”
I smiled and playfully nudged Linus, looking smug that we had a smart pup. Linus chuckled, smiling back as he playfully nudged me back. I looked at him and couldn't control the slight blush that dusted my cheeks. My heart fluttered at the reminder that Lucky was our puppy. I just wished I had the courage to tell him how I felt, that his friendship meant everything to me, but I loved him more than just that. We may have Been lucky to have found... Lucky, but there hasn't been a day that's gone buy that I didn't feel lucky to have Linus in my life.
I cleared my throat, trying to distract from my flustered expression. “Okay, but Lucky is sleeping with me tonight” I said, picking up the weiner dog mix and holding him to my chest.
“Lucky gets to sleep with you on the first night with us? Damn… Seems a little unfair, don’t ya think?”
“It's very fair” I smirked as Lucky licked my face. But I would be lying if I said I didn't think about the three of us all cuddling together and safe in bed. Lucky curled up between us and Linus' arm around me as we slept. I cuddled my face into Lucky's back as I held him so I could hide the blush those thoughts brought.
“Lucky's a really Lucky dog, huh?” Linus spoke in a joking tone, making me chuckle softly.
Before he could control the impulse, he spoke almost subconsciously. “God, you're so beautiful, you know that?”
My heart skipped a beat, I looked up at him with wide eyes as my cheeks turned red, I quickly played it off, afraid this could go bad. “M-me or... The pup?”
Linus’ lips twitched in amusement as I tried to play off his compliment. He had a small smirk on his face as he chuckled. “Oh, absolutely the pup….” He said sarcastically, his tone clearly teasing. But he quickly spoke again with a more serious, yet still slightly teasing tone.“You know damn well I’m talking about you”
“T-thank you... Y-you too” I mentally cursed myself, that was such an embarrassing response. I couldn't understand how I could have these loving or sometimes dirty thoughts about me and him and when there's a sliver of hope I chicken out. I held Lucky closer and hid my embarrassment in the golden fur of his back.
“Yeah… Your welcome” he mumbled almost awkwardly.
“So... Umm” I looked up shyly to change the subject. “tomorrow... Do you wanna go to the pet store together and get Lucky a collar and some other supplies?”
A faint smile appeared on Linus’ face as I asked him, secretly grateful we changed the subject. He chuckled softly and nodded. “That sounds like a great plan. We can go to the pet store tomorrow and get Lucky his supplies”
He paused for a moment, secretly wondering whether or not he should use this as a chance to take a risk and subtly confirm if I had any feelings for him… He took a deep breath and quietly added.
“Just the two of us?”
“Well, lucky will be with us,” I joked with a smile.
Linus chuckled at my response. Despite the pang of disappointment you could see running through his body, he smiled back. “You know what I’m trying to ask, you smartass. Just us two without Rusty or Danny tagging along”
“Of course” I chuckled. Me and Linus were paired up to do a lot of stuff when it came to heists anyways, that's how we became such close friends. The more time I spent with him, the harder I fell for him.
“Great! It'll be just the two of us, sounds good”
“Yep” I smiled, my cheeks turning red when my eyes met his blue ones. “So... Umm” I looked down at Lucky in my arms, the puppy let out a yawn then shook his head. “I Should probably get to bed…”
“R-right, yeah… Get some sleep” Linus said as I held Lucky out to him so he could say good night.
Linus smiled as I held Lucky out towards him for him to say goodnight. My heart couldn’t help but flutter when I thought about how the puppy now technically belonged to the both of us. He took Lucky into his arms and chuckled.
“Goodnight, Lucky. Behave, alright?” He jokingly warned Lucky, before passing the puppy back to me.
--------(3rd pov)--------
Y/n’s hotel room was right across the hallway from the one Linus, Danny, and Rusty were staying in. It was about 1 Am, y/n was fast asleep with Lucky curled up beside her. Lucky's ears perked up suddenly when he heard her whimper and shift in bed. Lucky stood up, alerted now when she twitched. Lucky nudged her arm with his cold nose trying to wake her up from the nightmare, she wouldn't open her eyes. Lucky let out a yelp but I didn't work.
Lucky jumped from the bed and ran as fast as his stubby legs could take him. He went to the front door of the hotel room and looked up. The Handel was too high, he sniffed under the door then saw there was a side table next to the door, he jumped up on it then pawed at the door handle. He eventually pushed down, almost falling off the table in the process. Once he was out in the hallway he ran to the hotel room where he tracked Linus' scent. To the puppy's luck, Rusty forgot to close the door. He slipped into the room and went to where Linus was sleeping on the couch. He jumped on to his chest and let out a yelp.
The sudden feeling of something small and soft landing on his chest brought Linus out of his deep sleep. He immediately sprung up, instantly on guard as he wondered what had just landed on him. However, his confusion was quickly replaced with surprise when he saw it was Lucky. He blinked, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness around him.
“Lucky? What the hell…” He muttered under his breath. Despite his surprise and slight annoyance at being woken up in the middle of the night, he still gently petted the puppy’s head.
Lucky barked again and Linus quietly shushed him, not wanting to wake up Rusty and Danny who were sleeping in the room.
“Hey, hey… Keep your voice down, alright Buddy? You’re gonna wake up the others”
Then he immediately realized something. He got a bad feeling in his gut. “Wait a second… How did you even get in here?” He whispered.
Lucky jumped down to the floor and tugged at Linus' pant leg. He watched as Lucky pulled on his pant leg, feeling incredibly confused by the dog's actions. He didn’t understand why Lucky was trying to pull him out of the hotel room. “Hey- What do you want me to follow you or something?” He quietly asked the puppy, before he decided to stop wasting time with questions and get up to follow Lucky instead.
Linus quietly followed Lucky to the door, his mind running a mile a minute as he tried to figure out why Lucky had randomly come to his room and tried to get him out. He looked back at Rusty and Danny, making sure they hadn’t been woken up by all the racket before tip-toeing out of the room and gently closing the door behind him.
“Okay… I’m out. Where are we going?”
Lucky led him to y/n's room and to the bed she was sleeping on. Lucky jumped up on the bed, whimpering as She continued to have a nightmare she couldn't wake up from.
Linus’ eyes widened in panic when they finally entered the room and he saw her tossing and turning in the bed. Seeing y/n have a nightmare was a horrible sight for him, and he immediately crossed the room and knelt beside the bed, his concern growing as Lucky whimpered and nudged her arm.
“Hey, y/n. wake up” He whispered, gently placing a hand on her shoulder, trying to gently shake her awake.
Y/n immediately shot up, her heart racing. Lucky jumped in her lap and licked her chin and nuzzled himself closer. Linus’ heart skipped as he gently held her shoulders as he tried to soothe her, wanting to calm her down and make sure she felt safe again from whatever horrible dream that was. Linus’ eyes never left hers.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay… You’re okay. I’m here” He whispered softly, gently rubbing her upper arm with his thumb in an attempt to comfort, while also subconsciously savoring the feeling of touching her.
Y/n's breathing was heavy and she wrapped her arms around Linus' neck, holding on to him. Lucky jumped off her lap and went to them empty side of the bed so Linus could get closer to her
Linus’ heart was pounding against his chest, his mind went blank for a moment. He had secretly dreamed of her hugging him like this so many times… But he could also feel how scared she was. He could feel her trembling in his arms... So he gently wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.
“Shhh… It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you. You’re okay”
Y/n buried her face into his chest, making his heart flutter. He held her a little tighter, rubbing her back soothingly while resting his chin on the top of her head. He swallowed hard, his heart racing as he gently stroked her hair. He tried to ignore the hammering in his chest and the butterflies he felt in his stomach when he held her like this.
“I thought I lost you” she cried. “Everything went so wrong…” She mumbled, as her nightmare flashed in her mind over and over.
“No, No” Linus felt his heart ache for y/n as he heard her cry. His arms instinctively held her tighter when she cried and he gently shushed her, rocking her slightly in his arms. “No, I’m right here. I’m right here with you, Baby. I’m safe… I promise”
He gently tilted y/n’s head up so he could look at her face. He gently placed his hand on her cheek, gently wiping away the tears as they fell with his thumb.
She nuzzled into his touch, trembling. Linus’ heart ached as he continued to wipe away the tears and saw her tremble in his arms. The need to comfort and protect y/n overwhelmed him, his heart feeling like it was going to burst as he gently kept his hand on her cheek. He carefully shifted closer to her, bringing his other arm around her. He gently pulled her closer, resting her against his chest.
His mind was racing as he held y/n, both trying to distract himself from the intense closeness between her and thinking about what her nightmare could have been about. Just the feel of her in his arms, her body against his, her head resting on his chest as he held her. It had his heart racing and his stomach filled with butterflies.
“I didn't mean to wake you up... I'm sorry” She mumbled.
Linus gently tilted y/n's chin up again so she was looking at him. He gently wiped a tear off her face again, his heart aching as he saw the fear behind her eyes.
“Hey, don’t worry about that. I don’t care about losing out on some sleep. You don’t need to be sorry” He gently cupped her face in both his hands. He felt his breath hitch and his heart race as he stared into her eyes, his thumb gently stroking your jawline. She melted into his touch, feeling nothing but love and safety.
Linus stared back into y/n's eyes, his breath hitching as he looked at her like this. He was mesmerized at the sight of her up close. He loved her eyes, the way they shined and how loving they were, how he could get lost in them for hours and never want to leave. He loved having her this close to him. He gently cupped her face in his hands, leaning in closer until his face was just an inch away from hers. He gently stroked her face with his thumbs.
“Can I ask you something?”
Her breath hitched, she didn't shy away from him and let him get closer. Her heart fluttered at how close they were. “What is it?”
Linus’ heart raced at her soft voice and the fact that she didn’t move away from him. He took that as a good sign, a sign that she was perhaps comfortable with him being this close. He swallowed hard as he looked into her eyes. And then he took a risk, his voice barely louder than a whisper. “Can I… do something?”
“Yes” she whispered.
He slowly but carefully shifted a bit closer to y/n, his body almost flush against hers and his face close enough that he could feel her soft breaths.
“Close your eyes.” he said softly, her eyes fluttering closed.
Linus took a deep shaky breath as soon as y/n's eyes closed. He could feel himself trembling slightly as he carefully moved closer to her. He wanted this moment to be perfect so badly… He gently pulled her body flush against his, wrapping his arms around her waist and gently holding her close to his chest. He slowly leaned in, his heart racing in his chest and his head buzzing as he slowly and gently pressed his lips to hers. Y/n’s breath hitched as his lips met her's. She melted into the kiss, placing her hand on his cheek.
He gently pulled her closer, wanting to savor every second of this moment. He gently cupped her face, kissing her. His heart was racing and butterflies filled his stomach. Y/n tasted like heaven, she felt like heaven, and he could already feel himself getting addicted to the feeling of her lips on his.
Linus reluctantly and gently broke the kiss for y/n to catch her breath. He felt a little breathless as well as he felt y/n rest her forehead against his.He couldn’t stop the feeling of warmth that spread through his body when he held her like this. His heart was still racing, and he couldn’t help but to admire her face so close to his. “Jesus… you have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that”
“me too”
Linus let out a soft, slightly shaky sigh of pure happiness as he heard y/n’s response. He gently pulled her closer, holding her tight against his body, his arms securely wrapped around her. “Then… does this mean you have… you know, feelings for me?” He asked softly, his heartbeat quickening.
“I've had feelings for you since the day we met,” she said softly.
“You… have?” Linus once again was stunned. He wasn’t expecting y/n to admit that she had feelings for him this whole time. He couldn’t help the way he practically melted at the admission. “why didn’t you say anything?” He gently asked, his eyes never leaving hers.
“I was afraid of ruining our friendship, you mean everything to me” she said softly, there was a hint of vulnerability in her voice.
“You mean everything to me too, baby” Linus gently lifted his hand from y/n’s back to cup her face, gently stroking your check with his thumb. His heart still felt like it was racing a million miles per hour, he took a deep shaky breath before he continued to speak.
“You could never ruin our friendship, darling… because I’ve been completely in love with you for months”
“R-really?” Her breath hitched and she stared up at him with doe eyes.
Linus chuckled at her cute little doe eyes, his fingers gently stroking her skin as he stared into her eyes. “Yes, really… You have no idea how much I love you. I’ve been in love with you for monts”
“I love you too” She whispered, nuzzling her nose against his.
Linus practically melted at hearing her say that. It sent a wave of happiness and excitement through his body, and the feeling of having her nuzzling against him only made his heart race faster. He gently cupped her face in his hands and softly nuzzled his nose against hers, a soft smile on his face as he spoke. “Jesus, I’ve wanted to hear that from you for months”
“Sorry it took so long,” she said softly.
“no, don't apologize… You have nothing to be sorry for”
Linus gently pulled y/n a bit closer, wanting to savor the feeling of having her in his arms and as close to his body as he could. His hands on her waist gently moved to her hips, still holding her securely against his body. He softly nuzzled his face against the top of her head, taking in the scent of her hair and enjoying the sensation of their body pressed against each other. He felt like he was in Heaven.
Y/n eventually fell asleep, making Lucky want to be closer to them. Linus gently chuckled at the feeling of Lucky cuddled up next to him. He continued gently stroking y/n's hair with one hand, the other gently moving to stroke the top Lucky’s head. He looked down at Lucky next to him, smiling slightly at the way he was staring up at him with cute puppy eyes.
“You really are a lucky mutt…”
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panbelle · 2 months
Tagged by @babygirltouya to list my favorite color, animal, and ice cream flavor! Love you bestie.
⭐️ color: purple
⭐️ animal: cats
⭐️ ice cream flavor: mint chocolate chip
No Pressure Tagging: @a-todd-illustration @ibrithir-was-here @jolovesfandoms @kabishkat19 @nuriaabajo @onedayillknow @puertoricanbelle @zinnabon
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letsplayitcool · 2 months
~ Get to know you better game! Answer the questions and tag some people! ~
thank you for tagging me @sasanka-27 <3333
Currently watching: physical: 100
Last song I listened to: five - let's dance. i miss them so much oof
Obsessed with: peach iced tea
Tagging some people, its not mandatory do it only if you want to!
@choicesthot, @honeyimissjoo, @theflyingfeeling, @klizzie93, @jolovesfandoms
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floralcyanide · 2 years
Steve Binder Dating Elvis' Ex Headcanons
as requested here!
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>> it's the way I got this anon this morning and got distracted from doing my classwork to just get these down in a doc. this was such a fun headcanon prompt! also this is the first time in a while that I've posted multiple times in a week lmaoo. also I've been replacing gifs/ photos with headers like this one in all of my fics. still working on some but yeah!
masterlist || add yourself to the taglist HERE!
ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ʀᴇᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀs ᴏɴ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ, ᴀᴏ3, ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴡᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ɪɴ ᴀɪ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀs ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʀᴛɪғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴄᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ᴛᴏ sᴇʟʟ ғᴏʀ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
❁ meeting the guy who would later direct your ex-boyfriend’s comeback was the biggest coincidence ever
❁ you had dated Elvis for a while after he came back from overseas
❁ but he was basically having an identity crisis towards the tail-end of his acting career and didn’t want to subject you to that
❁ your relationship was wonderful while it lasted, and there are no hard feelings from either of you
❁ you and Steve met when your friend who works for NBC set you two up on a blind date
❁ you knew nothing about Steve and had no idea what he looked like going into the date
❁ but when you spotted him sitting at the reserved table, your breath was taken away
❁ his eyes were piercing, and his smile, which you learned was rare to see, was the most heart-thumping thing you’ve seen.
❁ you have a lot in common and sometimes clash because of your similarities 
❁ but you and Steve are attached at the hip 
❁ so when you got the news that Steve was going to direct Elvis' comeback special, you were scrambling
❁ Steve had no idea you dated Elvis because, for one thing, he’s super famous, and people would automatically think different of you, and another thing, you didn’t think it was important to mention Elvis because your relationship with him didn’t cause irreversible damage
❁ unlike some of your exes, but that’s another story
❁ you decide to tell Steve because he very badly wanted you to meet Elvis and tag along for this ambitious project
❁ Steve is surprised, but he isn’t really affected by it like you thought he’d be
❁ thankfully, he was delighted you already knew each other and understood why you never thought to mention your past relationship 
❁ however, it feels incredibly awkward when you finally do talk to Elvis and explain to him why you’re here at NBC
❁ Elvis looks a little disappointed you’re with someone else, but only for a moment
❁ he honestly thought about what he’d say if he ever saw you again a lot
❁ he was planning to ask to maybe reconnect, but that’s out of the question now
❁ Elvis saw how your eyes lit up when Steve came into the room and decided it was for the best if he just stayed your friend. If you allowed it, at least
❁ you do remain friends with Elvis, and he and Steve become close
❁ however, what you didn’t know, was the Colonel had been forwarding your and Steve’s calls to Graceland for a long time
❁ you and Steve didn’t get to speak to Elvis much in his last years
❁ but you were glad to have been his friend, even for a little while, and you were grateful for the good times in your romantic relationship with him
❁ you and Steve still live contently, now married for quite some time, with grandkids running around your California home every weekend
taglist: @cozacorner @onxlymnsn @anangelwhodidntfall @butlersluvbot @jolovesfandoms @austinbutler17 @slutforblueeyes @misspygmypie @mamaspresley @mirandastuckinthe80s @bobbykennedyfan @sodonebruh @lizzymizzy-blogg @defnotreadingfanfics12 @izzvoid @homebodybirkin2003 @thatonemoviefan @sarachacha @kittenlittle24 @alltheflowerstomav @tubble-wubble @kaycinema @annamarie16 @adoreyouusugar @csmt-m @apparently-sunshine-deactivated @amiets2 @emchickynuggies @mrs-butler @mesbouquins @ari-nicole @xmusse @austin-butlers-gf @feral4austinbutler @inlovewithchrisevans @shynovelist @mommy-maia @jessieeisenburg @karamelcoveredolicity @thtguyovrthere @starry-night-20 @coldonexx @hangmanswhorey @shelbysbitchh @mavericksicybabe @coco-bitch @bobthefishiesworld @emmymaehereeeeee @myguiltypleasures21 @rainydayz101 @finelineskies @thella @sassy-ahsoka-tano
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pinkchaosstories · 3 months
WIP List Tag
Oh hey guys, I'm not actually dead! Crazy. Except that, for all intense porpoises, I actually am very dead. but @scifimagpie tagged me in the game, so I thought I'd actually play this time (I'm deeply sorry to everyone I have ignored. I did see it. I've been in hell. Please don't stop tagging me.)
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I refuse. omg. That would be a HUGE ASS LIST. You're getting the WIPs that have a chance of getting finished one day wtf. (Grouped by colour depending on what universe they're from. Because I'm a crazy person, I have 3 sets that these characters run around in, only one of which is likely to see the light of the internet so... yeah.)
Blood and Thorns: Restructure
Blood and Thorns: Missing
Holiday weekend
It's you
Mercury and Venus
Week 5
Untitled B&T High School AU (Sorry that's as good as that one gets)
Also I'm not tagging 13 people. But I do tag:
@mama-ivy @pb-dot @at-thezenith @holdmyteaplease @mjjune @darkromanceclh and @jolovesfandoms - Go forth and air your WIP dirty laundry <3
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spidereticas · 9 months
a lil tag game!
tagged by @redgitanako, thank you so much! <3
favorite color: big fan of deep greens and lilac
currently reading: actively reading Vittorio the Vampire by Anne Rice, but I’ve also been carting around The Vampire Lestat (also by Anne Rice) for months and making absolutely zero progress with it. Please note tho, that I do not actually recommend either of these books unless you really know what you're getting yourself into lol
last series: finished series 1 of the Newsreader earlier this year and now watching series 2!
sweet, savory or spicy: spicy!
currently working on: a lil follow-up to the punkflower fic. Also planning out a quick Gwen/Pav/Gayatri one-shot set in the same universe, because someone needs to write about my unexpected spiderverse OT3 lol. I’m really hoping to get both of these done before the end of the month, but we’ll see how it goes!
✦ tagging: @multifairyus @jolovesfandoms (no pressure!) + ANYONE else who wants to join :)
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